#I’m not the fucking police
xinnamoon · 5 months
Controversial take: Jake Long x Rose is a better enemy to lover than Zutara.
They are both voiced by the same VAs
They had more chemistry and more at risk for being in love
I just personally think they are cuter
If you ship Zutara, awesome! But have you considered Jake Long x Rose? Have you?
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leafatlaw · 1 year
Nimona (2023) really said protect trans youth, fuck the police, and question all authority. And it was the best movie of the year
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cyarskaren52 · 8 months
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disteal · 8 months
There is an astonishingly bad habit in our online demographic for laymen to offer unsolicited, incorrect advice on how to do activism with complete confidence and authority despite it clearly being some made-up shit they thought sounded right.
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osachiyo · 6 months
You adults need to grow the fuck up. I am a writer myself and i think minors should be allowed to read and interact with smut. I don’t understand what the issue is?? What’re y’all adults even “protecting”? Minors from smut? LMFAO please, I know you all watched/read porn when you were a teen, so why are WE the problem when it comes to interacting with nsfw??
i was not expecting this kind of ask today but 🤡
listen child, your first mistake was assuming that i want to protect you from porn/smut on the internet because i don’t ! i don’t know who the hell you are and it sure as hell isn’t my responsibility to protect you from these things — that’s your parents job. i could not care less about you, you are a random stranger in the internet to me as i am to you so let’s just get that out of the way 💀
secondly, you assumed that i watched porn as a teenager to which my response is absolutely not. i grew up in a very religious and strict house and wasn’t even allowed to have my own phone until i was 16 so that’s that. and i didn’t even LIKE porn, and i still don’t to this day. seeing naked women and men is not my thing, that’s why i READ it ! and honestly, you should not be proud to watch/read porn at a young age, that is not anything to boast about. especially if you have a porn addiction.
when i was a teen, i thought fanfics were cringe and nerdy as fuck, that’s why i didn’t read them 💀 and my mindset has definitely changed since then !! i didn’t start reading fanfics till i was 17 and my go-to was wattpad :) i was reading haikyuu fluff and heavy angst series’s because i wasn’t interested in lemon/smut.
thirdly, you think you’re so mature but you can’t even comprehend that people have boundaries, and you should follow those boundaries. not letting minors follow me is my boundary and im sticking to it. i couldn’t give a shit if you feel attacked or left out because of a simple boundary that a random ass stranger on the internet has ! and wanna know the funny thing? you could always read the fic and not interact with it so you don’t get blocked 🤯 shocking, isn’t it? now go and do your damn homework 💀
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corpsentry · 3 months
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edited my pants
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Hot take of today
This goes out to both sides, but considering a certain side has more of a problem with this *antis*
Invalidating others for their trauma, shared views or not is never fucking ok
It’s especially not fucking ok under ANY circumstances to tell someone that they should
KYS or much less don’t fucking say someone deserves or deserved to be SA’d , it’s not fucking cool it ain’t fucking cute and it’s especially not “morally correct” you don’t get a pass just cause you believe to be of higher standing than them
It goes without saying that internet drama should never be reason enough to tell a survivor that their trauma was deserved proship or not
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fuckyeah-bears · 1 year
I had the fucking funniest dream last night y’all. In my dream some dickhead police officer gave me a $300 parking ticket and I was not fucking having it. So I was cussing him out in the most Karen ass voice you can imagine and I literally said “you’re really gonna give me a $300 parking ticket?! In this economy?!??” and my alarm went off immediately after and I woke up simultaneously outraged at the nerve of the fucker and literally dying because it was so fucking funny
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ironunderstands · 1 month
Ngl 90% of hsr discourse could be solved if people just accept that they don’t like particular characters/things and move on rather than everyone shitting on each other for the crime of enjoying something they dont like
Like oh wow you think X character is mid and people making content about them are just desperately trying to make them interesting? do you want a cookie? A prize? Literally who the fuck cares just scroll 😭
Some of yall have so little to say about your favs that you attack other people for actually making content about their own preferences because forming a coherent thought is harder than going “you guys will gag at anything”
So many bitches complaining and barely anyone actually creating god this community is doomed
Also if the person bitching is a fan of an unpopular character I’m sorry but that makes me happy because yeah fuck you I’m glad you have nothing in terms of fan content if this is how you treat it
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loz-the-noob · 9 months
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Out of context Lana Skye doodle dump!!!!
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pspsps the 3 Lana fans on tumblr
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anarcho-puppy · 2 months
you ever think how fucking stupid it is that every 4 years this whole empire erupts into a psychological battlefield? that year after year we are forced to pick harm reduction over “throwing away our vote”?
the amount of pressure from democrats to not only “vote blue no matter who,” but to also shut the fuck up about all the imperialist, genocidal, fucked up shit the dem candidate has done is fucking insane.
“vote like democracy depends on it because it does” you think voting for someone you don’t want as president because if you choose someone who would actually change things, or god forbid, fuck with the system is democracy?
y’all act like with the power of our ballot we’ll be able to “vote away fascism”. bitch, fascism is already here.
you want us to have hope because you want us to vote dem instead of giving up and not voting but we can’t have too much hope because then we’ll recognize how fucked up the system is and try to dismantle/destroy it. we have to be discontent enough to vote blue but content enough to turn a blind eye and continue to barely survive (if you’re privileged and lucky) within the system.
we are stuck in a dystopian dance with no way out and i am fucking sick of it.
but nooooo, we can’t give up yet! the democrats still need our vote because otherwise you’re voting for the bad genocidal fascist instead of our genocidal fascist! /s
i encourage y’all to have hope. have more hope then the dems want you to have; recognize that we can do better and that things can change if we agree that voting is the bare minimum. don’t just vote blue and then sit back and say, “whelp i did the best i could do with what i was given”. don’t be satisfied with the stagnancy the two-party system is providing us. you are not going to be able to vote away the system. if i’ve learned anything over these past 4 years it’s that if we want things to change, we have to fucking make them change.
so do the stupid harm reduction thing and then organize your community. join an org of fucking create one. life is too short to take what you are given. help out your neighbors, fund mutual aid campaigns, start a community garden, i don’t care!
you need to fucking organize because when you need gender affirming care or an abortion that you can’t get in your state, you’re gonna need someone to cover for you and keep up your digital schedule while you book it across state lines. when the pigs come knocking at your neighbors’ doors because you threw a brick at a cop car or shut down a nazi rally you’re gonna need people who won’t rat you out. you’re gonna need someone who can hide you or get you out of the country when you burn down a gov building with your friends.
when the system is built to oppress you and keep you from changing anything, you need a strong community behind you. the system and the people who enforce it are out to get you and when things get bad they are not going to help you, no matter how privileged and cooperative you are.
who keeps us safe? we keep us safe.
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thisgingerhasnosoul · 9 months
There’s this crappy fanfic I always read whenever I want to feel better about my own writing, and it’s funny, because I used to feel really bad about it, for obvious reasons. But I just found out that the writer of the crappy fanfic is:
1) German
2) has a blog
3) is using that blog to be a Jew-hater (they literally reblogged a post that boiled down to “any Jew asking people not to be antisemitic is centering themselves and killing arabs.” In October. Not to mention their holocaust inversion posts.).
So needless to say I don’t feel bad anymore about taking a shit on their awful writing.
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britishdisasters · 11 days
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Oh get over yourself
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trans-axolotl · 2 months
the cops pepper sprayed a literal baby today like a one year old infant I’m so fucking pissed
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ghostlyboysstories · 2 months
I should also probably mention, to those of you who know about my ocs and the novel I’m writing about them, that I’m also working on four different novels right now…and writing an album…and learning how to draw…and learning how to edit…
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mistergreatbones · 5 months
I prefer “Mary and John were normal people” so so so SO much more, however,
Time traveling Dick Grayson: I kinda… don’t join the family business? I mean I still use everything you taught me! Just for vigilantism instead?
Mary: I’m… not sure I’m surprised or not
Dick: really?
Mary: well… you always did love Robin Hood. I should have known you would try your hand at the whole “steal from the rich, give to the poor thing.” I mean, you are my son after all.
Dick: um.
Mary: you stick it to the man. Right, Dick?
Dick: uhh well you see-
John: it’s okay sweetheart, we support you as long as you’re happy, right dear?
Mary: oh of course I am! I would still love you even if you became… oh I don’t know what, John help me out
John: a walking corpse enslaved to the bourgeoisie whom’s every emotion and individuality has been torn away leaving nothing but a shell who knows only violence and obedience
Mary: right- what?
Dick: yeah I’ve been meaning to ask-
John: -about Aunt Harriet? Because I’ve been wanting to ask about what Aunt Harriet’s been up to!
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