#I’ve been following Richard (the guy in the last slide) for a year or two now
russilton · 1 year
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Good to see Merc actually doing more than just stickers and flags. Racing pride are a good organisation for them to work with
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spencersawkward · 4 years
switchblade faith // spencer reid - chapter 2
summary: one month after joining the BAU, Clea is still settling in. between solving murders and getting acclimated to DC, the only comfortable thing in her life is her friendship with Dr. Spencer Reid.
word count: 3.5k
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Richard Slessman's bedroom looks like something straight out of a serial killer documentary. floral wallpaper taunts Morgan and I as we walk inside. a model airplane hangs above his bed; cheap medals-- the kind kids get for participation-- decorate the area above his desk, which is littered with books about forensics. there's a carousel of CDs, too.
"whoa." is my brilliant analysis.
"we should have Garcia check out this guy's laptop." Morgan starts to wander around the room, trying to piece together Slessman's head just by examining his things. a group of cops are already huddled at the table with the laptop open, and I realize too late what they're doing.
"log in password." one of them plucks a post-it off the screen, starts to type it in.
"wait, wait--" Morgan and I nearly lunge toward them, but the crackling sound of a fizzing motherboard tells me we're too late. the screen goes black.
"it's not turning back on." Genius #1 observes. Morgan sighs and squeezes his eyes shut in frustration.
"yeah, and it won't. it's a false password."
the cops stare up at us blankly.
"it triggers a complete shut down of his system." I clarify. they share a look, deservedly feeling stupid. I want to roll my eyes, but Morgan's told me that the police on these cases get defensive most of the time; they don't like us on their turf. one glance from my partner, though, and those guys flee the room without another word.
I pull out my phone and dial Garcia's number in the hopes that she can salvage whatever's left of this asshole's computer. we arrested him an hour ago and we can only hold him with probable cause because we don't have any charges yet. this house search could be our only chance to get him in custody.
"well hello, my fresh-faced beauty queen." Penelope answers on the second ring. a slight smile turns up the corners of my mouth.
"hi, Penelope." I watch Derek plugging something into the laptop, then opening another monitor next to it. "listen, Morgan's trying to set up Richard Slessman's computer and I was wondering if you'd be able to hack into it."
"oh, kitten," she sighs contentedly. "that's my bread and butter."
"great. I'm putting you on speaker." I press a button and wait for Morgan to talk. he's typing furiously until a tab pops up with the words "Deadbolt Defense" in bold above a box for a password.
"what's the six at the bottom of the screen mean?" I ask.
"remaining password attempts until it wipes the hard drive." Morgan replies. shit.
"Penelope, there might be a journal or document or something that tells us where Heather is." I inform her.
"what system are we talking?" she asks.
"Deadbolt Defense?"
"Deadbolt is the number one crack-resistant software out there, hon. you're gonna need to get inside this guy's head for the password."
my heart sinks. when my colleague double takes, it makes me think that this is a rare occurrence.
"babygirl, are you serious?" Morgan complains. my shoulders droop. Penelope has been nothing short of genius since I got here. slicing through sealed files and unfurling secret criminal records is always ridiculously easy for her.
"sorry, handsome."
"thanks anyway." I hang up and shove my phone into my back pocket. "so... what now?"
"now," Morgan takes another look around the room. "we get creative."
somehow, I wind up in the attic. I don't really know how this happens, seeing as I started by flipping through discs in Slessman's weird quasi-childlike bedroom, but it's certainly an interesting space. Christmas lights are strung about, along with some shawl-like material that drapes raw ceiling.
the laptop sits in front of me, password cursor blinking mockingly while I sit in the chair. my head is aching. despite having the unit go through every single one of the CDs in search of the most-played one (hoping it'll crack the password), there's been nothing.
at least there have been other successes since we got here: we know that Slessman isn't operating on his own. he's the submissive in a partnership with Timothy Vogel, a prison guard where he was incarcerated a while back. the problem is that Vogel was onto us and fled to the kidnapping site, which we can't find. I feel useless sitting here with nothing to offer.
I consider going back downstairs and perusing the room again when I hear footsteps on the stairs. Reid's head pops into the room, spinning a bent paper clip between his fingers.
"hey." I greet curiously.
"I've been thinking about the CDs." he responds, walking over to me. I rub the heels of my hands against my eyes.
"we tried it, Reid. there's nothing there," I slam my back to the cushions with an exasperated groan. "if we don't find something, this girl is dead."
instead of replying, Reid bends down next to the laptop in front of me, squinting at the DVD slot in the side. he pokes the end of his bent paper clip into the small opening.
"I think we may have missed the obvious." he murmurs, working diligently. I scowl.
"what do you--?" in response to my question, the DVD slot pops open and out slides a copy of a Metallica CD. Reid and I look at each other with wide eyes before I snatch the disc out of of the computer and stare at it. "what made you think of this?"
"it was the only empty case." he shrugs. I grin at him.
"okay, okay," we still don't have the password. I read the cover of the case he hands me. "I'm an insomniac who listens to Metallica to fall asleep. what song would make me do that?"
Spencer frowns, grabs the thing back from my hands, and scans the track list within the span of a second.
"'Enter Sandman'." he says. I watch the puzzle pieces fall into place in his brain, those lips parting with a slight smile playing at the edges. his eyes gleam with satisfaction.
"you are a national treasure." I type like the wind, unlocking the screen and immediately digging into his files. Spencer peers over my shoulder as we search for any indication of Heather's location.
"fucking bingo." I mutter when a video feed pops up. it's black-and-white, showing a crate in the corner of the room with a light hanging above it. Heather's inside, eyes duct taped and hands tied in front of her.
Spencer is already dialing Hotch's number. the blood drains from my face as I watch her trying to breathe through the gag in her mouth.
nothing in the feed is helpful in terms of finding out where she is. it's a nondescript room with wooden floors, mostly shrouded in darkness except for the light hanging overhead.
"wait a minute." I pause what I'm doing.
"hm?" Reid asks. I hit a few keys, trying something.
"I'm lining up the last twelve images." I explain as he watches me work. the photos sit in a grid on the screen, causing my heart to stop in my chest when I notice what I've been meaning to find. "look at the light."
"it's shifting positions like it's swaying," he notices. "like the earth is tilting."
"the ocean." I nod. we share another glance, both of our hearts hammering. we're so close to solving this, I can feel it in my chest. "we need to tell Hotch. find out if there are any piers or docks near here. there's no way he could get the webcam image from the middle of the ocean."
Reid nods, runs downstairs as fast as he possibly can. when he goes, I notice the board in the corner of the room: Go, mid-game. I've never learned how to play.
by the time I get back to my apartment that night, my limbs feel like jello. I collapse into the chair by my door and rub my eyes again. my head is still pounding now that the adrenaline rush has subsided. we ended up finding Vogel at the docks; Heather is safe. Hotch was shot in the arm, but he'll be fine. and I'm still a little in shock.
I hate the rumble of my stomach as I realize I haven't eaten since this morning. my head was too full of other thoughts to even consider food and after such a long day, I can barely fathom getting up to change into pajamas.
my phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out to see that Garcia texted me.
what are you up to? followed by a series of emojis that make me smile. I sink deeper into the seat before replying.
nothing why?
can I bring over takeout?
I stare at the message for a second with surprise. Garcia is fun and we've had drinks as a team, but I've never hung out with her one-on-one before. I'm curious.
sure. what genre of food should I expect?
Thai. send me your order!
that sounds so good right now, I almost order it myself. part of me is nervous about hanging out with a team member by myself, except she's been so friendly to me. Penelope was the first person to make me feel at home, aside from Prentiss.
I wait patiently for her to arrive, watching some TV and working my way through some leftover paperwork. my thoughts are everywhere right now, but when she tells me she's downstairs, I try to put it all out of my mind.
"hey!" I open the door to see Garcia with an armful of plastic bags.
"I have your curry, and I got chicken satay and spring rolls and fried rice in case you're still hungry." she beams at me. her bracelets make a pleasant clinking noise as she waves the goodies around.
"a woman after my own heart." I smile, stepping aside to let her in. we head upstairs and before long, we're settled on my couch with a full display of food on the coffee table. I heap my plate while she looks around my space.
"this place is so cute!" she says through a bite of spring roll.
"thanks. I've had it for about two years now. that window over there was really the selling point." I point to the enormous view of downtown DC, which is sparkling right now. there's another chair set in front of it, where I sometimes read or nap in my free time.
as we eat, Penelope and I gossip about work and the city and everything else. she's really easy to talk to. when I ask about her life, she doesn't seem guarded at all; unlike a lot of FBI agents I've met, she wears her experiences on her sleeve.
"how are you liking the team so far?" she asks a similar question as I received this morning. I smile to myself before answering truthfully.
"everyone is great. Hotch is kind of terrifying, but I've worked with people like him before." I shrug. he reminds me of one of my old professors: perpetually stoic to the point where he doesn't even seem like a real person. she laughs.
"he's super nice once you get to know him."
"really?" I look up.
"definitely. he's just always got that scowl on his face. don't let it put you off." she pats my hand reassuringly. I sigh, finish chewing my bite. there's been something prodding me since visiting Garcia's tech lair for the first time, when she showed me her collection of puppy calendars and fuzzy pens.
"can I ask you a question?"
"anything, my love." she smiles warmly. I hesitate, hoping I don't ruin the moment somehow.
"how did you get involved in the FBI? you just don't seem very..." my sentence trails off.
"government oriented?" she laughs. "I used to do a lot of hacking in my free time, and I got into some stuff that the government didn't like. and, um-- you know that saying, 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'?"
I nod.
"it was like that, except they hired me. and I love it." she finishes the last spring roll. I think on this, imagining Penelope doing something so serious that the American government hired her on the spot for her skills. it's interesting.
"so you don't profile at all." I state.
"technically no, but I've picked up a couple things." she smirks.
"oh, yeah? like what?"
"well, it's obvious that you're never home, based on the lack of decoration here." she refers to the mostly blank walls of my apartment. aside from a couple photos of my friends and family, there's not much unique to me. "and you've obviously got a candle addiction." she points to the various spots around the living room, where half-burned pots of wax sit patiently awaiting their next light.
"that's definitely true." I laugh. she gets up and starts to smell the various candles.
"I like this one a lot." she sets down my chai vanilla one. I let her go through my things, despite the fact that Garcia is incredibly reserved about people touching her own little office trinkets. she picks up stray books and memorabilia, occasionally making a comment.
while she does, I finish my curry. I'm way too tired to resist her search, anyway. I'll be curling up in bed soon and praying that tomorrow is a paperwork day. eventually, she settles onto the cushions again.
"you seem tired," she says when she glimpses the dark circles beneath my eyes. "I'll get out of your hair."
"what? oh, I'm sorry." I draw myself up a little more. "this last case just took a lot out of me."
"they all do." she gives me a soft expression, then pats my knee as she stands.
"Penelope." I say as she gathers up her coat and purse.
"yes, darling?"
"thanks. for the food and for coming over." I smile gratefully at her. the tech analyst stands at my door with a look on her face that makes me think we're going to be good friends.
"anytime." she heads out, leaving me on the couch. I stare at the mess of empty takeout boxes that I told her to leave. now that I've eaten, getting up to clean the space is even more difficult. I trudge about the apartment, wash some dishes, and head off to bed.
my body is too exhausted to remember the dreams.
"oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I practically sprint into the conference room, swinging my bag down by my feet as I grab the last open chair. JJ is standing at the front of the room with a new case on the screen. everyone stares at me as I settle in. "my train was super delayed."
"everyone is allowed to be late," Hotch barely glances up from the case file. "once."
a chill runs down my spine and my face flushes an embarrassing red as JJ passes me the remaining file. keeping my head down, she notices my discomfort and clears her throat.
"okay, you guys are heading to Arizona today." she clicks a button. some pictures pop up for us to see. "Bradshaw College in Tempe has had six fires in seven months."
it's a video recording of a building from the outside, and two students talking about a fire inside. the camera shifts to show them in their own dorm, examining a strange wet spot leaking into their room. and then one of them catches on fire.
he burns to death on tape. it's jarring, the shrieking noises he lets out as the flames engulf his body. they travel up his legs alarmingly fast, so much so that it's obviously chemical.
"the first fire was in March, the second in May. the third didn't happen until September." JJ explains once the clip is over. "and then two weeks later, there were three that happened in one night."
"he's speeding up." Prentiss observes from her spot next to me.
"82% of arsonists are white males between seventeen and twenty-seven. female arsonists are far less common, with motives usually limited to revenge." Reid sits across the table, adjusting his watch.
I raise my eyebrows at his fact and look more at the crime scene photos. burned flesh is definitely an uncomfortable sight, one that makes my stomach churn.
"sounds like he's a student." Morgan taps his pen against his fingertip and leans back in his chair.
"I wouldn't be so sure," Hotch continues to read the document. "we don't want to rely too much on precedent."
at this, I press my knuckles to my chin and try to think of other suspects. he's obviously doing these during the school year, but that doesn't necessitate that he's a student. he could be working on campus-- a professor, even.
"there's a rapid escalation. he's gone from the damage to a building to something far more satisfying." Morgan closes the file and we all look to Hotch.
"wheels up in thirty." he says. I get up to grab my go-bag and gather some things from my desk, my cheeks burning at the memory of being late again. I've never done that before, but I don't want to start now. maybe it's best if I start coming in early, just in case my train gets delayed again. I can't risk losing this job, or being moved to a different department. it was enough of a hassle switching from sex crimes to the BAU. I really want to settle into this position, and that includes having the unit chief not hate me.
"hey." Prentiss catches my wrist just as I'm hurrying out of the room. I turn to her.
"a little birdy told me that you and Reid pretty much single-handedly solved that case yesterday." she smiles.
"oh, no. it wasn't just us." I shake my head.
"quit being modest. nice job." she nudges my shoulder as we walk down the steps to the bullpen. "also, I brought a couple of those horticulture magazines that I told you about. we should read them on the jet."
"no way!" I pause at my desk, grinning.
"one of them has a whole section on caring for orchids."
"orchids?" Morgan overhears her from his desk. he appears deeply concerned with our discussion.
"if you have to ask, you wouldn't understand." she smirks. he turns his attention to me in hopes of a clearer answer.
"it's plant care." my explanation seems to be enough to bore him, however, because he just shrugs and returns to packing his bag up. Emily waves the stack of magazines at me before I head over to her desk.
she doesn't really seem like the type of person to be into it, but when Emily caught sight of the air plants I've got scattered on my desk my first week, we got wrapped up in a conversation about them. there's a special magazine subscription as well that has a bunch of helpful tips about where to buy and how to keep them healthy.
I'm flipping through one of the copies on the way to the elevator, my nose buried in a section about how much to water Hoyas, when Reid and JJ pop in next to me. the blonde is on the phone with someone, presumably the Tempe police. I haven't seen much of her recently-- she's been staying behind for most cases-- but she sends me a sweet smile before returning to her call.
"what are you reading?" Spencer's eyes hungrily run over the paper, as if seeing something he hasn't already absorbed in that big brain is unbearable. his hair is slicked back as usual, and his tie is sort of crooked; he's not aware of it. I hold the material between us so he can take a peek.
"a magazine about plants that Prentiss and I like."
"fascinating. can I see?" he grabs it before I can answer, although I don't think he means to. his fingertip runs down the page quickly, and then he's flipping them like mad, staring at the pictures. my eyes widen at how eager he is; I guess his curiosity is enough to override any awkwardness.
"did you know that owning indoor plants is actually correlated to overall mood improvements?" he asks me once he finishes reading, attention still focused on the back cover. the elevator door to the main level slides open.
"no, but I'm proof of it," I take back the reading material and put it in my bag. we walk out into the lobby. his long legs mean that my pace has to quicken a bit in order to keep up. "something about taking care of them is quite nice. they don't need as much attention as a pet, but they still rely on you."
"interesting." he nods.
"I like to think so."
"maybe I'll get one." he muses more to himself than anyone else. I smile at his open-mindedness, keep my eyes on the tiles we're walking over. maybe he, Prentiss, and I can have our own affinity club. he would become more knowledgeable than both of us combined within the span of a week.
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drmarc · 4 years
one last dance
a jolex au oneshot inspired by one last dance by us the duo
so i am currently obsessed with us the duo’s song ‘one last dance’ and i had this idea that i wanted to write and i hurt myself again by writing this
 it’s a really beautiful and painful song, and i suggest that you listen to it while you read this, God knows how much i cried (on the inside and the outside) while writing this
this is a small playlist i made with the songs i listened to while writing this and some of the songs that are mentioned in it
anyways, i hope you guys like it!
Hundreds of eyes in the room but yours found mine
I asked you to dance and by chance our hands intertwined
“Alex, just go ask her out please. It’s physically hurting me to see you pine over her like this, just go please.” Meredith pleads to her friend, sitting beside her. They’re at the reception for Miranda Bailey and Ben Warren’s wedding and the group of newly transferred residents are sitting two tables down from them, and one particular resident caught Alex’s eye the minute she walked in the hospital. 
“I can’t, Mer! I told you, I’ve tried but I just, I don’t know what to say or do when I’m actually in front of her.” Alex sighs in frustration. It’s true, he gets all tongue-tied whenever he tries to ask her out and he just doesn’t know why. Cristina and Meredith share a look before turning their attention back to their sulking friend.
“Wow, Evil Spawn is having actual normal girl problems.” Cristina says, and Meredith laughs at her comment while Alex just glares at her before taking a swig of his beer. The two continue to tease Alex for a while before he gets up to order another beer.
“Another round for me.” He says and leans against the bar next to Richard Webber and Catherine Avery, who were also leaning against the bar. They stand up and start to go and mingle with others when Richard turns back around to face Alex and says,
“Just ask her to dance, Karev. You might just sweep her off her feet with that.” Richard nods at him with a smile on his face and turns back around to follow his wife. Alex stares at his back for a second before turning back around to sit on the stool next to him while his eyes immediately go to the brunette who’s currently laughing her ass off at something her friend said. He sighs and nods a thank you to the bartender after he places a glass of beer in front of him.
He tunes everything out and just stares off to nothing as he drinks his beer, he almost didn’t hear her ask the bartender for another round of whatever she and her friends are having. He turns his head to the side to look at her and stares for a minute. He thanks God she doesn’t notice him staring that close. He looks at his drink and chugs it all down before wiping his mouth and hands on a napkin, and turning around to face Jo Wilson.
Jo notices him standing next to her and turns her head to smile at him. Alex attempts what looks like a smile as holds his hand out and asks, “Would you like to dance?”
Jo looks at him, her eyes gleaming as she glances down at his outstretched palm. She looks back up at him with a soft and somewhat teasing smile on her face as she says, “I would love to.”
What lasted for minutes seemed like eternity
I had no clue this one dance would lead you to me
“Alex, where are we?” Jo giggles as she tries not to stumble with Alex leading her up some steps. It’s their first anniversary and Alex said he had a surprise for her, one that he said he’s been wanting to do ever since we danced at Ben and Bailey’s wedding, which is why she’s currently trying not to fall over after he blindfolded her before he brought her to the car and to wherever they are at the moment. She also has a surprise for him, one she’s not sure of what his reaction will be.
“We’re almost there, baby, just two more steps and… Ha! We’re here!” Alex exclaims enthusiastically. Jo puts her arms out and tries to feel out for anything that could give her a clue on where she is but she doesn’t come into contact with anything.
“Okay, so I’m going to take your blindfold off, okay?” Jo nods, and Alex continues, ”I’m gonna take it off, BUT you can’t open your eyes just yet. You can open them when the song ends.” Jo furrows her eyebrows in confusion but agrees to it anyway. Alex slowly undoes the blindfold on her head and as promised, Jo keeps her eyes closed. Alex steps away from her for a moment before music fills the silence around them and Jo smiles at the familiar tune.
She feels Alex slip his hands around her waist and Jo wraps hers around his neck. They start to sway comfortably as Jo tucks her head in the crook of his neck, softly singing along to the song.
“Mmm, so this is love, so this is what makes life divine.” Alex takes her hand and spins her. He takes her back in his arms and softly hums along. They stay in that position, swaying, for the remaining minutes of the song before Jo slowly opens her eyes. She’s in the middle of a living room of a house, a newly built and furnished one at that, and in a picture frame in front of her is a picture that the couple took as a joke for their friends. 
In the photo, Alex is down on his knee with a faux ring in hand and Jo’s hands are on her mouth, feigning shock and surprise. Jo feels Alex’s arm slip around her figure and looks down to see Alex’s hand holding open a small, velvet box with a princess shaped diamond on a ring shining at her. She stares at it in awe, with tears in her eyes, as Alex whispers in her ear, “Will you marry me, Jo?”
Jo grabs the hand that’s holding the small box and spins around to face Alex. She leans in to kiss him and right before their lips touch, she whispers a soft “yes” before closing the gap between them.
They kiss softly before Jo pulls back and rests her forehead against his as her hands hold his face. “I also have a surprise.” Jo says, smiling softly with her eyes closed. She takes one of his hands that was resting on her waist, and slowly slides it to her stomach which was carrying the tiniest bump. It was tiny, very tiny, but it was there, and it makes Alex suck in a breath.
Hundreds of friends in the room and you’re dressed in white
You walk down the aisle and I smile to know that you’re mine
Alex stares at the woman walking down the aisle towards him and he feels like he can’t breathe. He can’t breathe and when Jo grins at him, he can breathe. It’s cheesy he knows, but it was like the girl was his oxygen. Her and the little life she was carrying inside her.
Link, who asked Jo personally if he could give her away, pats Alex’s shoulder and gives him a manly hug once they reach the end of the aisle to where Alex was standing. Jo gives Link a kiss on the cheek after he gives her away to Alex before he goes to his seat.
“We are here today to…” Alex drowns Meredith out and stares at Jo, who feels him staring at her and turns to look at him lovingly. He sees that she’s teary-eyed and he chuckles lightly at that. Jo seems to realize what he’s laughing about and wipes a tear that escapes from the corner of her eyes as she mouths, “Hormones.”
Their stares and actions go unnoticed for a while as they forget where they are before Meredith catches their attention by clearing her throat. “I think this is the part where you guys say I do.” She says quietly to the two in front of her.
“I do? Oh yes, I do!”
“Yeah, I do.”
Jo and Alex stumble over their answers simultaneously and make their small crowd of friends and family laugh. Meredith smiles at the two who join hands and look at each other lovingly, Alex putting his hand on Jo’s 5-month bump, caressing it softly, before holding Jo’s hands again.
We cheers our champagne and wait for our song to begin
The band starts to play and you ask me to dance once again
Jo is sitting and chatting with Helen and Bailey while Alex does the same with their other guests. Helen and Bailey smile at her while Helen puts her hand on top of Jo’s, which was softly caressing her bump. “How are you feeling?” She asks her.
Jo smiles softly as her eyes scan the room, looking for his husband, seeing him laughing and talking with Meredith, Cristina, and Jackson. She looks back at Helen and answers, “I feel wonderful.” 
They continue talking for a while before she feels someone caress her arm. She turns her head around and sees her gorgeous husband standing in front of her, with his hand stretched out to her. She’s taken back to the first time they danced and she smiles giddily at her husband. Her husband, it still feels surreal to her that he is her husband. 
“Would you like to dance?” Alex repeats the words he said to her the night they fell in love and Jo swears she felt like she was falling all over again.
Jo puts her hand in his and stands up as she says, “I would love to.” They head to the middle of the dance floor and they vaguely see the crowd that was dancing in the middle slowly disperse for the couple’s first dance as husband and wife.
Fifty-nine years have gone by since you said yes
Even now in your hospital bed you still look your best
“Hey, ma, you feeling okay?” Caroline, Alex and Jo’s oldest grandchild, says as she walks into Jo’s hospital room and sits by the foot of her bed. Alex is sitting in a recliner chair that their kids brought for him from the house next to Jo’s bed.
Jo smiles at her granddaughter before answering, “As comfortable as I can be, honey.” Jo had a mild stroke the day before and it caused her to also have a mild heart attack which resulted in her ending up in the hospital. Alex almost had a heart attack because of it but their kids, who are also doctors, were able to calm him down.
“What about you, pa? Your blood pressure down?” Alex rolls his eyes after her question and Jo slaps his arm for it. Caroline just laughs at their actions and raises her eyebrow at his grandfather.
“Yes, yes, it’s down.” He smiles softly at her, laughing lightly. They hear a knock on the door and see Jo’s doctor with a look on his face that both Jo and Alex know too well, and Alex wishes he doesn’t know it at all.
“You’re discharged, Mrs. Karev. You can go home and rest now.” Her words are soft and warm, but the meaning behind it is not. Alex and Jo share a look and Jo takes Alex’s hand in hers, softly caressing it with her thumb, as Alex leans forward on her bed and brings their joined hands to his mouth, kissing it softly as a tear makes its way down his face. Jo puts her hand on his cheek and wipes the tear with her thumb as she softly whispers, “Take me home.” Alex nods at her, a few more tears escaping from his eyes as he places a few more kisses on her hand and leans forward to kiss her on the lips before he stands up.
We might be old but there’s still one thing we can do
Put on a song, let’s pretend to dance ‘round the room
“Ly, can you help us with something?” Alex calls down the stairs for his youngest daughter. He hears her say something and soon sees her figure walking up the stairs.
“What do you need, dad?” Elizabeth says whilst she pats her hands dry on her pants. Alex leads her to him and his mother’s bedroom and points to the mini speaker he placed on the bedside table.
“Could you set that up and play your father and I’s song?” Jo says from the bed, grinning slightly at her daughter. Elizabeth agrees with a smile and sets it up while Alex helps Jo up from their bed and sturdies her by hugging her figure to his. Jo puts her arms around his neck as Alex puts his around her waist and Elizabeth plays the song from her father’s phone on the speaker.
They start swaying slightly and slowly to the music as Elizabeth makes a move to leave. She stays by the doorway for a moment, staring at her parents who were still as in love as they were when they were younger. She’s tired and emotional, having spent the day with everyone in their family and eating dinner with her mother while she was still here. She decides to retire for the night and quietly closes the door to her parents’ room. The sound of the song playing loudly in the quiet house, loud enough for everyone in the house to hear.
“You’d think their songs were made for us.” Jo says, laughing lightly as they sway to the song of their favorite duo. Alex chuckles at her comment and holds her tighter, burying his face in her hair. “Maybe they are.” He says, which makes her giggle.
“It’s their wedding vows, and it’s our life.” Jo says quietly. 
Alex wants to cry, but he doesn’t. He wants to, but he doesn’t feel like he has to. His wife is dying. She could die now, in his arms, or she could die later, beside him, and he knows in himself that he will go wherever she does.
They sway lightly, basking in the music and silence, as they whisper the song in each other’s ears. “No matter where you are, I’ll be there.”
Thirty-five hours have gone by since your last breath
Memories of dancing with you are all I have left
“Dad, will you be alright here?” Mason, his eldest, asks him. They just got home from the funeral home, where a wake for Jo will be held in a few days. 
She died just the night before, after their last dance, they went to sleep, only Jo never woke up. Alex did, and once he saw her, he knew immediately. He held her for a while, but he didn’t cry, he quietly sang to her and whispered his vows to the silent air. Their kids found them less than an hour later. They cried, their father comforted them, and they pulled themselves together to do what needed to be done.
“I’ll be okay, bee.” He tells him. His eyes wander the room for a while before it settles on the picture frame sitting on their bedside table. Alex sits down and takes the frame in his hands while Mason stays by the door. “I’ll be alright, I just wanna lay down for a while. I’m tired.” He gives his son a crooked smile, to which he mirrors. Mason nods at his father and makes a move to leave, but before he could close the door, Alex calls out to him. “Mason,” He says,
“Take care of our family. I love you.” Mason feels a wave of dread and realization wash over him. He stays in his place for a while before he decides to walk over to his father and give him a hug. Alex rubs his back as he takes a few breaths. Mason gulps, trying to push down the feeling of wanting to cry, “I love you, too.” He walks out and closes the door. 
Alex sighs and lies down on his side of the bed. He turns to his side and stares at the picture framed in his hands, tracing the outline of Jo’s face. He smiles as he sighs and closes his eyes, picturing Jo waiting for him with her hand outstretched, asking him for a dance.
Just a few seconds 
before it’s my time to go
Hello my God and my love, 
at last I am home
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cxmetery-gates · 4 years
SUMMARY: Lynn meets the attractive English teacher, Mr. Tom Hiddleston. WORD COUNT: 3.1k NOTE: it’s 3:00 am but I don’t have a sleep schedule. Enjoy! WARNINGS: dark!tom hiddleston, teacher!tom hiddleston
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For some idiotic reason, most students somehow forget what classes they signed up for three months ago or lost their schedules (I still wonder how that happens) and thus, the front office is a mess of students asking for theirs, the lines bleeding out into the hall. Given this, getting around to head to the commons will be a mission in and of itself. I'm not hating on all of them. As a freshman I was in the same place, my shaky hands and nervously stuttering voice mirroring the kids that smell brand new. Hopefully, to avoid this debacle again, they'll write the classes down. I guarantee the already exhausted looking receptionists would agree.
I almost want to tell the small, thin girl who wrings her hands 'good luck' but I guarantee she'd faint by the time I open my mouth. Instead, Ellie and I keep walking past the crowd. Poor souls.
It takes a minute or so to reach the commons, the booming echoes of chatting teenagers on their first day back is a sound like no other. The voices create a paved path any newcomer could easily follow. It dawns on me now that this will be the last time I'll hear this sound. I solemnly smile.
"I'm telling you, Dunmer is the better race."
"Only an idiot would spew such ignorant bullshit! Everyone knows Khajiit are the superior race!"
"Says the guy who could pass as a furry."
My eyebrows raise once the familiar voices are heard. Of course, they sit alone and look as normal as ever. My heart dips into my stomach when one of the two glances up and bashfully raises a hand to wave. In his awkward state, his hand barely moves.
Ellie is the first to speak. "What are you guys fighting about now?"
The boy with the long black hair speaks first. "Dumbass over here thinks Dark Elves are the best characters in Skyrim." Gabriel Ahoka is one of the oldest friends I have and if there's anything I've learned from him, it's that he's right the majority of the time. Oh, and he has beautiful hair.
"Because I'm right!" I take a seat next to the self-proclaimed judge. His name is River Adams, and I think I've been in love with him since he told me I reminded him of Hermione Granger back in the fourth grade. I smile in his direction then tuck some hair behind my ear. A nervous twitch that doesn't get past Ellie's ever watchful eyes. I refuse to acknowledge her small smirk. Instead, we both join in on the two dorks' conversation.
Ellie rolls her big brown eyes at them. "I don't see what the fuss is about. You guys take your games too seriously."
Both River and Gabriel audibly gasp at her comment.
"Fine," Gabriel huffs looking in my direction. "What about you, Lynn-ykinz?"
I don't visibly react to his nickname. It's something I've been called for years now. Though I'd like to agree with River, it's something I can't do. "Dunmers—"
"— are for pussies."
"Ha!" This laugh comes from the boy sitting across from me. Beside me, River makes a small "oh" and lowers his raised fists, his hooray coming to a short and final end. I chuckle at his reaction as I pass Gabriel a solid high five.
"What are your guys' schedules?" River asks a tiny bit of gloom and annoyance coating his words.
Fortunately, most of us are in similar classes and only have to be here for a little over half the day. Due to all of us sticking to the scheduling plan, we all were able to get almost all our required course and electives done. Instead of having seven classes in one day, we all have five. By the time lunch rolls around, we're free the rest of the afternoon, meaning much longer DND matches with the nerds and more gossip and jam times with the only other female in our group.
"So meet up at the library for lunch?" I confirm once more as the morning bell rings, signally to all the student and staff that the first day is about to begin. The three people around me reply in agreement, and we head out. For the first hour of the day as well as the last, we're in different places. I'm not sure where the others are going, but I begin my journey to the library, one of my all-time favorite places.
I walk through the doors and slide over the counter, careful not to be seen but not careful enough. I plop in my seat at the front desk as someone walks up behind me.
"I don't know how many times I have to tell you to go through the gate. It's literally five feet away, Lynn!" I send a humored smile to the woman walking behind me, a rather large stack of books in her arms.
I stand up and begin taking ones off the top. "Five feet of unnecessary effort, in my opinion."
"And playing parkour in the library is?" Mrs. Gibbons says, deadpanning.
"To each their own."
She sighs but then laughs. "How was your summer, kid?"
"Pretty decent." I now have half the stack in my arms, and I follow behind her. "My mom and I went to Arizona for a few days and then Seattle for a week. We didn't have much time, but we drove through somewhere in Canada on the way back just because."
Mrs. Gibbons sets the books down on a cart where there are a couple of rows on the bottom already filled. Taking her lead, I lower my stack to the opposite side and begin placing them side by side. I presume these are outdated and to be sold or given away. "What's in Arizona and Seattle?"
A smile hits my face immediately. "There's a college in Flagstaff with a great writing program. I went on a day trip around the campus. And Seattle is just someplace we wanted to visit."
"That's so good to hear, hon! Are you considering?"
I lean back against the counter right behind me as my mentor continues to shelve books. "It's a little far."
Turning to face me, Mrs. Gibbons send me a confused stare. "I thought you wanted to get away from this god-forsaken state?"
She's right. All I've wanted since my father left was to get out of Missouri (or Misery, if anyone's asking). My mom and I left Maine a long time ago go escape unimaginable horrors, but I wasn't expecting those nightmares to follow me here. The move was negligent in getting us away from memories a selfish prick poisoned and to start new somewhere far away, where no one knows me as the girl with a deadbeat dad. In this small town, everyone knows everything. I'd like to escape, to be a complete stranger to everyone.
But Arizona is a couple of thousand miles away from the place I grew up in, my home. I feel incredibly guilty about considering a college so far away from the woman who has taken care of me on her own since I entered elementary school, who has taught me that voicing my opinion and being honest is valued more than timidity and who told me that no man should ever keep a thumb on me. The other influencers in my life are also staying around here. Ellie has been accepted in a very pretentious private school for the Fine Arts a couple of cities over while River and Gabe are thinking about community college before making the jump into university. While solitude and adventures are what I crave, everyone who keeps my sanity in control is here.
I sigh, crossing my arms. "I do, but... I'm just not sure what I really want. Like, I would kill to get out of here, but what if everywhere is worse?"
"Trust me; there's nowhere worse than southwest Missouri, hon."
Again, she has a point.
I hum in response. There a brief moment of silence as we shelve old, dusty books. "So how was your summer?"
Mrs. Gibbons smile kindly, fawning over memories I doubt. "Richie took two weeks off, and we went Fiji. It was so beautiful. The water is clear, the people are wonderful, and the food– oh my God, the food." I secretly have a small thing for Richard Gibbons, or, as his wife calls him, Richie. This "thing" isn't a crush or infatuation by any means, but when he walks into the library on random occasions, he has a natural gift to swoon anyone he encounters. I've unfortunately fallen victim to his charisma a few times. He's an image of the wealthy 1930's businessman with modern values and beliefs weaved in his fine suits. Mr. Gibbons might be my mother's age, or possibly older, but I have to say, Mrs. Gibbons is quite the lucky woman.
I chuckle at her. "I'm sometimes surprised you haven't filed for early retirement."
"Richie makes quite the cash, but how and I supposed to entertain myself when he's gone ten hours a day and then for weeks on end?" Mrs. Gibbons pauses and looks around her library, then back to me. The growing crows feet wrinkle into a smile. "And besides, I can't leave my favorite kids behind, now can I?"
"I guess you can't," I reply.
Ten minutes later, I'm back at my desk. Well, technically mine, Mrs. Gibbons, and the other kid who helps out during school hours. I've never met them, so I'm not sure who exactly they are. Anyway, the "desk" is a long bar that has a foot-high wall that stretches all the way down to the ends, creating a divider between my computer and a student or faculty member. The top of this divider is flat, forming a plane in which books or arms can be set on. Most of the time, books scatter the top, but since it's the first day, the library is not only spotlessly clean but deadly empty.
That is until someone catches my attention. Sitting at the far side of the desk, I'm able to see who is coming a mile before he steps through the open library doors. This time was no different.
With long, lean legs and a towering height walks in none other than Mr. Tom Hiddleston.
Easily being the hottest teacher of all time, I feel a blush beginning to creep up my cheeks just at the mere sight of him. Apart from his 6'2 figure, he sports tame yet still curly reddish-brown hair, divine enough for the gods, if he isn't one already. Mr. Hiddleston's cheekbones and jawline remind me of razors, which I would feel honored to be cut by. However, his eyes are a color I can't pick out. Because I've never been in close proximity, my guess, from my distance, is green, or maybe blue. The ambiguity makes him all the more interesting. I wonder if he has some long-distance vibe because as soon as I look up to see him, Mrs. Gibbons is right out front— and missing her cardigan. I raise my brows at her from the swivel chair, but her eyes are focused down and away from me. Elbowing her slightly, I nod once, doing a run over of her exposed arms and a little cleavage. Jokingly, she swats my arms and blushes scarlet. I begin to laugh, somehow holding most in when Mr. Hiddleston walks in.
"Hello, Ruby," he smiles softly. As if he wasn't attractive enough, the man has a damn British accent. It's almost as if he's trying to stick out among the hicks. "It's good to see you. How was your summer, darling?"
If her fingers weren't wrapped around the edge of the desk, I guarantee she would have fallen over. Honestly, I would have done the same. "Absolutely marvelous! Fiji is a beautiful place. I imagine you would like it there."
I make the snarky note that she left her husband out of the conversation. Thinking about it, I try to glance over at her left hand to check if anything is missing.
Zoning out the best I could, I file through the library's emails and begin writing down books teachers are requesting. Like usual, the freshmen English teachers ask for The Great Gatsby, and the sophomore teachers need 1984. Due to being taught-in-class books, I scoot back in my chair to make a beeline to the back room and take the note with me, the sticky top staying attached to my fingertips.
"Oh, Lynn?" I hear Mrs. Gibbons call out.
I just entered the back room, so I comically poked my head out. "You called?"
I seem to humor both parties, a smile etched on their face. "Could you get the copies of Of Mice and Men?" My vision glances over to the teacher behind the desk for a short moment. His tall frame leans on the counter, arms crossed on the platform, apparently indicating familiarity and comfort in the room. I catch his stare. I realize now his eyes are in fact blue.
Nodding, I duck back into the room, setting my sticky note to the side. During the time I have to gather the fifteen or so books, I allow my reddening cheeks to cool off by taking long breaths. "Don't be weird, Lynn," I whisper to myself, extending my arms out towards the collection of novels. "He's just a hot teacher. Calm yourself."
Finishing the stack, I wrap my arms around the tower, huffing as I do. I carefully whisk myself towards the open door, making a mental note to go back to my list.
Mrs. Gibbons and Mr. Hiddleston chat among themselves not too far from where I left. Now sitting in her swivel chair, typing away feverishly on her computer, and keeping a conversation going, the librarian doesn't notice my return, though the man across does. He nods in my direction. The simplest gesture is somehow insanely attractive. Mrs. Gibbons looks over her shoulder, sending me a smirk. "Oh, there you are! Thought I lost you."
I fake a small laugh. "I'm surprised I didn't; it's quite the mess back there," I tease, waddling over to the counter. "Where would you like 'em, boss?" I'm not sure who I would refer to, glancing once at Mr. Hiddleston, to Mrs. Gibbons, then back to the stack in my arms.
"Would you mind escorting me to my classroom? I tend to be clumsy at times." With a warm smile, Mr. Hiddleston glances down to Mrs. Gibbons, awaiting her approval.
At that moment, I'm not sure if I would love or hate to go. On the one hand, I get to spend time with Mr. Hiddleston, every horny teenager's dream. On the other, I'm alone with Mr. Hiddleston, someone I've never had a conversation with let alone a 'hello' until minutes ago. Knowing my luck, I will somehow embarrass myself in front of him. It wouldn't be the end of the world since I don't have any of his classes nor do I have classes near his, but God I would feel like a fool for the rest of my life.
But, hey, he's something pretty to look at.
"Yeah, I don't mind. Is that okay, Mrs. Gibbons? I promise I won't bail on you," I say.
The librarian nods her head, fixing her glasses. "Of course, go right ahead! There isn't much to do now anyway. Just make sure you're back before the bell rings."
"Don't worry, Ruby. I won't keep her long," Mr. Hiddleston reassures.
I wouldn't be opposed if you did, I think to myself. The comment makes me blush, even going to my ears. Some reasons how I could be kept late quickly flash by and I find myself wishing I had not taken Mr. Hiddleston's offer. With my skin still burning, I make my way around the front desk as he follows me on the other side. The gate is shut, and due to my arms being preoccupied, I realized I might have to swing it using my hip, nothing too abnormal. I helped out Mrs. Gibbons last year and would do the same thing when my arms were full. However, Mr. Hiddleston was not accustomed to my way of opening the gate. Just as I go to butt it, Mr. Hiddleston reaches out. In an awkward exchange, Mr. Hiddleston's hand, which was aiming to wrap around the gate, collides on my hip instead.
It's nothing terribly exciting but enough to get a gasp and a jealous exchange from Ellie, and damn right I'll take that.
He pauses barely a second before quickly retracting his arm to his side. A blush of the same shade of scarlet cover our cheeks, an awkward laugh bubbling out.
"I'm sorry," I shyly push out.
Shaking his head, now making sure his hand is on the gate, Mr. Hiddleston bashfully looks down and opens up the exit for me. "Don't be, love. It was my fault."
"If you want to be the culprit, be my guest," I reply sassily. I don't want to see if my comment amused him or caused a cringe, so I don't look up. Instead, I look around for something to make our trip easier. "Did you want me to get a cart instead of carrying them up? It's up to you."
Shrugging, Mr. Hiddleston begins taking books from the stack, leaving me with less than half. "I don't mind walking if you don't mind. I missed my morning jog, so I'm trying to compromise the best I can."
I nod and kindly smile, even though my insides and my weak muscles are upset I took on the mission. "Walking it is then. Lead the way!"
Mr. Hiddleston turns on his heel, passing a smile to Mrs. Gibbons. "Thank you for letting me steal your little helper."
"Just return her the way she's leaving," Mrs. Gibbons retorts.
"We'll see," he replies, sending me a smirk and a wink. If the man wanted to turn my knees into jelly, he already succeeded from the first introduction. Now he's just teasing my flustered heart. "Just this way, love," Mr. Hiddleston tells me. I'm too afraid to speak, so I nod, smile, and follow beside him up the staircase.
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vxlkyrieee · 5 years
ignorance is bliss [part 2]
Dick Grayson x female reader
Word Count: 2253
Part 1
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"(y/n)? Watcha doin' up here? This place is usually reserved for Bruce's brooding time." He grins, and you try to do the same, only to end up giving him a pathetic excuse of a smile. "Hey. You okay?" He starts, leaning closer into you, so that he could rub his palm between your shoulder blades. His fingers are soothing, and his voice strains with worry. You continue to look over the balcony of the staircase, and you sigh. "If one of the guys down there tried to do anyth-"
"No one tried anything funny, Dick." you snapped, although you didn't mean to. You observed the expression on his face, alter from worried to hurt, his eyebrows angled a little more upwards. Then he remembers that you danced with Bruce earlier on. He didn't have anything in particular against his adoptive father, but well, Bruce could be dark sometimes. "Was it Bruce? I swear, sometimes that old man's too grumpy for his own good."
"No, Dick. It's okay. Nothing's wrong." He huffs out a sort of amused laugh through his nose. He quirks his eyebrow and his lips curl into a knowing smirk. That idiot. Always knows everything.
"Don't try that with me, Sweetheart. That's not gonna work. I know that look. I know something's not right."
"I'm fine." you say, just about on the verge of tears. Though you push them back, determined to look at Dick without absolutely falling apart. "Alright... But I'm gonna have to ask you to come with me." his smirk turns mischievous, and his eyes are sly, in that way where he knew he would get what he wanted. "What? Where?"
"To my old room. Obviously." he states with a playful eye roll. He straightens his jacket and gestures for you to follow him. "Dick,-"
"Uh-uh. No excuses. I know it makes you feel better where we're alone and it's quiet." It had been a while since you were back at the manor, so at the mention of his old room, the remnants of nostalgia quickly pieced themselves together in your mind. They formed the memories of you and Dick together, doing nothing but making bad puns and talking alone, as your laughter filled the room. It almost feels like he grew up in the blink of an eye; handsome, charismatic and not yours anymore.
You give him a sad, but satisfied smile. He takes your hand and whisks you away towards the inner rooms of the manor, much to the disappointment of the other girls, judging by the dirty looks aimed your way. "You look beautiful tonight, by the way. That colour looks spectacular on you. I've gotta thank Alfie for getting you that dress." He compliments, whilst twirling you around, getting a good look at your figure from all angles. You blush deeply and put your head down, rubbing your arm.
"Oh, come on. No need to get shy. C'mere." He pulls you into a hug. You revel in the warmth his body brings, while he comforts you. He slips his arm around your waist, leans in close and whispers, "Watch this."
He turns to the girls he was previously with and sends them a suggestive wink, adding a two fingered salute and that seductive smirk. He pulls you closer to him, the fabric of your gown squeezed tightly against his tux. You turn your head to follow his gaze. Some of the girls look like they could faint, and the rest looked like they wanted to murder you. Dick only leads you further into the manor, his deep, hysterical laughter filling the emptiness of the shadowed hallways. "Did you see their faces!? They were so jealous of you!"
Wow. That boy plays the heartstrings of those girls like the cords on a guitar. And he knows exactly which notes to play.
"Alright, Dick. Your ego's lookin' a bit bloated don't you think?" He clears his throat and blinks a few times.
Entering his room, it looked the same as it always has. There was that selfie of the two of you in your Batgirl and Robin uniforms, poking your tongues out. It was framed and fastened to the wall. You were so young then.
The little Justice League figurines still stood on his dresser, albeit with gathered dust sprinkled over the top of them. He had always made sure that the Batman, Robin and Batgirl miniatures were standing at the front, with Superman not too far behind. The grin on Mini-Robin's face was nowhere near as bright as Dick's real smile, but did manage to look just as boyish.
You walked over to the action figures, brushed a finger over the tiny Batarang in Batman's hand, then picked up the Robin action figure. You giggled slightly while examining it. "What?" asked the former Boy Wonder, snapping his head to face you.
"I still can't believe you let Batman drag you around on rooftops, in a pair of short shorts."
"Those were the good old days though, eh? You, me and Bruce. Not a worry in the world. Except for secret identities of course." You smile when you remember the years that seemed so long ago, then frowned again when you compared them to now.
You were Richard's then. Exclusively. He would give you all his time and attention, often sneaking out late as Batgirl and Robin. Now, there were always girls prettier, or more interesting than you. After you retired your vigilante mantle as one of the Dark Knight's young sidekicks, Dick had moved on too. He took on the role of Nightwing and moved out of Gotham.
He noticed your solemn expression, and all but flew to your side. He took your hand and asked, "What's wrong, (y/n)? Please, I hate to see you like this."
If you manage to see me at all, you thought. Though you kept your mouth clamped shut. "I think I know what might cheer you up." He rummages through drawers, and you peer over his shoulder, trying to get a glimpse at what he was looking for. He takes out a smooth, uncreased manila folder. He opens it ever so carefully, and reveals an all too familiar poster. His eyebrows furrow in concentration when he reads the printed words on the Haly's Circus poster, and his fingers stroke the smooth, glossy paper as he admires it with a reminiscent smile. "Do you remember that day?" he asks smiling.
"Of course I remember. How could I forget? It was the first time I met you."
You reminisce back to sitting in the crowd with both your parents, kicking your legs in anticipation and shoving handfuls of popcorn in your mouth. Your eight-year-old self had been waiting to see Haly's Circus for what seemed like forever. And the Flying Graysons were the best part. You watched the acrobatic performance relentlessly, each flip and swing filling your childish excitement. You watched on in awe, as two acrobats in particular - Mr and Mrs Grayson - accomplished death defying stunts without the aid of a net. But at the sight of one boy, your eyes could not leave his form. You were mesmerised by the fact that someone as young as you, would be capable of such amazing skill.
After the show, your curiosity got the best of you, wandering backstage, still eating the buttery popcorn. That same boy with the wide grin, greeted you and introduced himself. Soon the inquisitiveness of two children, grew into close friendship. Even as Dick was taken in by Bruce, the two of you were inseparable, basically connected at the hip.
You smiled a little when Dick hands you the deep blue poster. As he does so, his fingers brush gently along yours, creeping to slowly take your hand in his own. You interlock fingers just as you did when you first befriended each other. A warm blush appears on your cheeks when you look up to find him studying your features. That detective gaze, scanning your face like he would scan clues on patrol.
When he speaks your name, his voice becomes laced with endearment, deep and husky, but soft and gentle. For a second, you could pretend he was in love with you too.
"Tell me what's bothering you. Please." he pleads, eyes like a hungry puppy's; begging and desperate. You sigh, finally ready to let your emotions flow from within you, hoping that Dick would understand. "Richard, I want to tell you something that I've been holding back for a while."
My full first name. Shit, this is serious, he thought. He nodded and gulped.
"It's just," You took a deep breath. "I know that you have a certain reputation to uphold. The whole playboy thing keeps up a persona that combats the rumours about Nightwing, but the attention that you give the other girls... I can't help but feel like you've forgotten about me. I know it's selfish, and I shouldn't be complaining, but I'd just like a little more time with you. Please."
It wasn't about your love being returned anymore. It was about spending the time you had together, as best friends. Like the old days.
"Oh God. That's what you've been upset about this whole night? How could I have been so blind?" Dick lets his head fall into his hands, and cards his fingers through his glossy locks. The midnight curls separate between his fingers as his hands slide downwards to cover his face. You take his hands away from his face, and sweep his hair out of his gorgeous eyes. You couldn't look into those eyes without turning away.
"Look, (y/n)."
He sounds serious. Hopeless, even. That tone of voice is nowhere near the loveable, nonchalant Dick Grayson you know. For that reason, you sense he is about to push you away again. Though this time, you fear it will be the last time. Tears sting your eyes, threatening to spill over your mascara-covered lashes. You look down and attempt to blink them away.
"Please, look at me."
You give him your attention, your worried eyes faced with his own. He looks quavery and unkempt. Quite the opposite to his usual confident demeanour. His eyes stare into you, establishing a deep connection between your two souls. You feel a tug from somewhere deep and fathomless within you.
"I never meant to neglect you. I care about you, you know that, right?" he asks, almost frantic. He takes a long, well-needed breath, and composes himself. There. There's that confident smile. But it's nervous too, if you look close enough, stare long enough.
He clenches his jaw when he is desperate for an answer. Just as he does now. The muscles in his cheek contracting in kind of the gesture, as his teeth greets his lips in a nervous manner.
"I- I'm in love with you, (y/n)."
His jaw clenched and unclenched over and over, his teeth biting at his bottom lip. The muscle in his cheek continued to jump. He was nervous. Terrified on the inside. Afraid he wouldn't get the answer he desired.
It was like he was on the trapeze for the first time again. He was excited. His five-year-old self grinned eagerly at the idea of flying through the air, somersaulting and trying to make his parents proud.
But it was scary. What if he didn't make his mother and father pleased? What if he slipped and fell, with no net to catch him?
What if you didn't feel the same? What if you turned him down? What if his heart broke? But through all those cracks, the light of one possibility came shining through. What if you do love him back? The shy, shaky sound of your "I love you too" shook him to the core, and chased away all his doubts.
He took your face in his hands, and cradled your jaw, urging you forward into a slow kiss. It turned more passionate with each passing second, and shone through the darkness of your previous doubts.
When you pulled away, you giggled. Then you both laughed and wrapped each other in a loving embrace. "Bet those girls will really be crying now, huh?" You laughed and playfully punched his arm. He smoothed your hair over, and kissed your forehead.
"Wanna give 'em something to be jealous about?" You smirked mischievously with a glint in your eyes, then grinned at him playfully. "Well, Batgirl, may I have a dance with you?" he extended his hand and winked, one of his ocean eyes disappearing for a split second. "It would be my absolute pleasure, Boy Wonder." You gave him your hand, and let him lead you back to the lively gala.
The chandelier seemed to sparkle a little brighter this time, and the colours of gowns just a little more vivid. Your requited love placed a filtered layer over the night, fuelling the child-like giddiness of your steps. On the dance floor, Dick takes your waist, beginning to sway you from side to side to the melody of the orchestra. When the other stunning women stole a glance at the two of you, Dick had the courage to kiss your neck, pull you closer, and whisper little secrets to make you laugh.
That evening was no longer the night you wished Dick noticed you, but that was the night that he kissed you. The night he danced with you until the moon lost its glow. That was the night Richard Grayson loved you.
Taglist: (names with strikethrough means I couldn’t tag)
 @bookish-and-shy @avengingnatasha
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rocketmanmadden · 5 years
Richard x Taron x Reader Smut
Requested by- not requested, just me being a hoe
Warnings- ALL SMUT, Dom!Taron and Richard, threesome (Taron and Richard w reader, not eachother), orgasm denial/control/edging, all the fun stuff
A/N- I don’t normally put my word count on here but I can’t believe I wrote 2830 words of smut- like holy shit that’s the most I’ve ever written let alone it all be sex. Also didn’t have a title so figured that sums it up.
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It had been 2 weeks since Richard last let you cum, that’s right, 2 whole weeks. Maybe that doesn’t sound like a long time to some, but he was teasing you every. single. day. Brought you to the edge and when you’re about to cum he pulls away.
Today when Richard told you he had something in mind, it made you excited and terrified. You immediately had the thoughts of “what if he’s gonna let me cum!” But they quickly turned to “what if he’s gonna tease and torture me and not let me hit my orgasm” like he had many times the past weeks.
Richard went out to do some errands, or so he claimed, before sending you the text
“Be home in 5 minutes. I want your legs spread out for me on the bed in just your bra and panties when I get there, I have a surprise”
You quickly comply with what he tells you, running to your shared bedroom and putting on the smallest lacy thong and bra set you could find before laying on the bed with your legs wide open, just as he wished.
Moments later you hear your front door open, and footsteps beginning to walk up the stairs. Richard slowly opens the door to your bedroom, walking in and smirking. “God you look so sexy, you listened like such a good girl for me. I brought someone along love, your surprise.” He says as Taron follows him into the room, the two of them standing at the foot of the bed.
“What in the fuck is Taron doing here” you exclaim, quickly closing your legs tightly. “Spread your legs open again baby” Richard walks around to the side of you and uses his hands to pull your legs apart a bit. “Taron isn’t gonna bite”
“Or will I?” Taron cocks an eyebrow. “Guess you’ll just have to be a good girl and find out” he chuckles.
“Why are you acting all shy princess?” Richard asks. “Don’t you remember how you talked about Taron fucking you the other day when you were being a bad girl?” He says tracing a finger up along your thigh as you can feel yourself growing wet from everything going on around you.
It’s true, you did tell Richard you wanted Taron to fuck you, you mostly were being a tease and trying to get to Richard, but Richard was smarter than that, and he knew this was a way to get back at you. Richard also knew you would love to have Taron join you guys one day and would fuck him if given the chance, so he knew this wasn’t gonna be something to upset you.
“No- I just meant-“ you try to find your words but weren’t quick enough, so Richard speaks over you. “You said if I wouldn’t make you cum you bet Taron would. You told me that babygirl” he looks you in the eyes.
“Did you say that Y/N?” Taron says, making your face blush, walking over next to Richard and running a hand over your stomach up to your chest. “Come on pretty girl, use your words” Taron tells you as he moves his hand up to your face, turning your head so you’re forced to look at him.
“Yes I did” you finally tell Taron. “Do you want me to make you feel good with Richard?” He asks, running his thumb along your cheek, as you look at Richard for approval and he nods. “Yes please” You whimper. “You better behave then” Taron tells you. “I can be just as tough on you as Richard is, all depends on your behavior so I suggest you don’t be a brat”
“I won’t I promise!” You whine. “Please” you beg. “Please what?” Richard cocks an eyebrow knowing exactly what you want. “Please start please” you beg them, feeling your excitement build up inside you, not knowing how much longer you could wait to be touched. “What do you want us to do?” Taron asks and just as you say “I want”, Richard cuts you off and laughs.
“You’re funny babygirl. Did you really think you were getting to choose? Because you’re not. Taron can you take her panties off please while I get out our toy? Her bra too while you’re at it” He says walking over to the drawer as Taron comes closer to you, touching the hem of your underwear and your immediate nervous reaction being to close your legs.
“It’s okay, just relax. I got you” Taron looks you in the eye as you open your legs again allowing him to slowly pull the cloth down your legs and off your body, putting yourself on full display. “You’re such a good girl Y/N” Taron coos, moving his hands up to unhook your bra and throwing it to the ground as Richard returns to your other side with his things and places them on the bed.
You’d never in a million years think you’d be in this position, naked and spread out for the two of them, Richard on your left side sitting next to you on the bed, and Taron doing the same on your right.
“Here’s how this is going to work” Richard says looking you in the eyes, running a hand over your breasts. “I brought a vibrating wand and some rope. If you can keep your hands to yourself like the good girl you are, which I hope you can because so far you’re being good and you’re making me proud, I won’t tie you up. If you can’t, Taron’s bounding your wrists together.” He sternly says.
“And I rather not have to do that princess” Taron leans down from where he’s sitting and whispers in your ear before biting and kissing your lobe.
“So we’re gonna start with the wand. No matter what, you can’t cum until your told. If your told I should say. If you cum, you’re in trouble- and you don’t want to know what’s gonna happen if you’re in trouble. Especially now that there’s two of us here. Understand?” He says picking the wand up off the bed.
“I understand, please don’t make me wait any longer! Please!” You cry out. “You’re a needy girl aren’t you Y/N?” Taron asks, tracing his finger on your inner thigh teasing you. “Very needy! Please please start!” You whine.
With that being said, Richard chuckles and turns on the wand, not starting as easy as you had hoped, putting it on a higher speed and placing it straight on your clit making you cry out in pleasure.
“What pretty noises you make” Taron says bringing a hand under the wand Richard’s controlling and gliding a finger along your slit, collecting your wetness. “Isn’t she a beauty?” Richard says, never taking his eyes off you. “She is, very much so, and she’s being so good for us right now” Taron states, sliding his middle finger inside of you.
“Oh fuck!” You cry out at everything you’re feeling, especially now with Taron going to finger you, it’s all slowly catching up to you. “She’s being good now, but she’s so easy. Before you know it she’ll be begging to cum like the naughty girl she is”
You start getting more vocal as Taron picks up his pace, slamming his fingers inside of you as Richard presses the vibrating toy against you. You feel your legs slightly shake as you as you accidentally clench around Taron’s fingers- to which he quickly pulls them out, and you whine, trying to grab his hand and place it where is was.
“Hey!” Taron smacks your hand away. “What did we say before about letting you have your hands free?”
You knew you needed to answer this question, but you just couldn’t find your words. You were to busy on holding yourself back from your orgasm to even speak, all you could do is moan out a whimper.
“Guess you just have to tie her up T” Richard smirks and throws him the rope with his free hand. “P-please no, please don’t! I’m sorry!” You cry out as Taron hovers over you and pins your hands above your head. “To late” he smirks wrapping the rope around your wrists and placing a rough kiss to your lips before sitting back down in his spot
“Please, please use your fingers again” you beg. “Why? So you can cum? You aren’t doing that yet, and you started clenching around me. You don’t deserve my fingers” Taron sternly says.
“Were you going to try and cum princess? Maybe I should turn this off then” Richard cocks an eyebrow and asks. “No I promise! Please don’t please!” You exclaim. “I somehow don’t think I should believe you” and just like that Richard turns off the vibrator and begins teasing again, lightly rubbing a finger over your clit sending a chill through your body.
“Please” You whimper as a tear forms in the corner of your eye. “It’s aches, please let me cum” you nicely beg but they just laugh. “It aches?” Richard asks. “I thought you were stronger than that baby girl, I should’ve known, you’re so fucking easy it’s pathetic” he begins saying softly but growls out the ending. “But I guess since Taron’s here we’ll make you feel good a while longer” he places the vibrator back on your clit.
Minutes go by and you feel the knot in your stomach begin to build up, wanting to let go but knows it can’t. Your legs tremor a bit and your moans become louder and more heard.
“You wanna cum babygirl? It sure seems like it” Taron says playing with your nipple in one hand, chuckling at how desperate you are.
“Please let me cum, I need to cum, it hurts, please please let me cum” you beg as a tear escapes your eye and runs down your cheek. “Is that a tear?” Richard asks. “Crying doesn’t get you everything you want darling, weren’t you taught that as a child?” He remarks. “Don’t you dare cum” he sternly says. “But i’m so close, I feel like I’m gonna explode! You whine. “I need to let go, please, I need to!”
Richard always knows what he’s going to do ahead of time, he knows from the moment he gets your pants off if he’s letting you cum or not, what he’s doing to you, what position he’s taking you in, he has it all planned out. You damn well know that he doesn’t need to think right now about letting you cum, he already had everything figured out, and Taron probably is let in on everything too, you just hope Taron being here works to your advantage.
“Well I don’t think you need to” Richard states before immediately shutting off and pulling away the vibrating wand before standing up off the bed, Taron joining him.
“Wait please don’t go! Don’t leave me again, please let me cum please!” You beg as more tears run down your face at the aching feeling, but all Taron and Richard can do is laugh. “Relax yourself baby, I’m gonna let you cum today, just calm down” Richard tells you. “You already got through the teasing which is the toughest part princess, the rest is easy” Taron smiles as he walks around and unties you, setting your hands free.
“Y-you are? You’re going to let me?” Your eyes light up as a feeling of relief washes over you. “ I am, but you better thank Taron, if he wasn’t here I don’t know if I’d let you, or at least not this soon. This is a treat” he says, making sure you understand. ”I agree fully with you! This is a treat! Thank you Taron, thank you so much!” You smile and he smiles back before looking at Richard, knowing what is to come next.
“Get on with it” Richard tells Taron sitting back in the chair in your bedroom. “Do what we talked about in the car Taron” he says and a look of confusion grows on your face. “W-What did you talk about in the car?” You ask.
“I’m gonna fuck you love” Taron states pulling his shirt off. “W-What?” You barely get out after being at a loss of words seeing Taron shirtless and unbuttoning his jeans. “Are you that worked up you can’t process what he said? Taron is going to fuck you” Richard repeats. “But about you?” You ask. “Such a sweet girl you are, always thinking of me. I’m gonna sit back and watch- and take care of this” he says pointing down to his erection, standing back up again to pull his pants and underwear down, then sits again.
Taron stands at the end of the bed, giving you full view of when he finally pulls down his pants and underwear, exposing his very hard cock. You try to close your legs before it happens but you quickly grow wet, gushing at the sight and immediately closing you legs, hoping Taron wouldn’t notice as it ran down your thigh.
“Open your legs back up” he says as he strokes his cock a few times, you listening and spreading wide for him again. “I thought we got past the shyness princess. Don’t you know how fucking hot it is when you do that?” He whispers in your ear as he gets on top of you and hovers over you, his tip accidentally teasing your entrance. “Please” is all you have to say before Taron begins pushing himself into you, making you moan out at his thickness, Richard immediately beginning to touch himself.
“Fuck you sound so hot” Richard whimpers as he rubs himself up and down. Taron begins thrusting into you, biting on your neck and shoulder as you dig your nails into his back.
All the sexual tension is in the room finally getting released, everything that everyone had built up going away, getting fucked out off all three of you.
“Taron” You whimper as he out as continues slamming into you. “I know, you’ve waited so long for this. Just wait a bit longer until we’re all closer” he pants before bringing a hand down to rub your clit. “Taron fuck!” You cry at the rubbing sensation. “Not gonna last” you pant. “If you do that too”
“T-Taron, when you’re close, let’r cum” Richard heavily breathes out. “Could explode any minute” he pants, fastly jerking himself off at the sight of his best friend fucking his girlfriend.
You begin clenching around Taron and finally he breaks, “fucking cum for me angel, cum all over my cock” he pants before you let everything you’ve had built up for weeks finally let go. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” You cry as your whole body begins shaking, your vision blurs, and your throat yells moans at how hard your orgasm hit you, leaving you a whimpering mess.
“Oh my god, fuck!” Richard yells out, throwing his head back and bucking his hips into his hand and cumming all over his hand and down onto his leg, Taron letting you get all you can out of your orgasm before pulling out and finally getting his own release, stroking himself a few times and then cumming all over your stomach.
“T-thank you” You pant. “Thank you so so much” you smile at them, feeling the best you’ve felt in a while now that everything inside you has broke free. “You’re welcome” Taron smiles back. “Hopefully I can join you guys again sometime soon” he winks. “You good Rich?” Taron asks before getting up and looking at Richard, who seemed to make a mess of his own.
“Looks like we have many messes we need to clean up Y/N/N” Taron chuckles, and you do too, as you sit up to look at Richard who still hasn’t fully regained his breath after watching you two go at it.
“Fuck off and get me a towel T, you’d be like this if you were in my situation too” he rolls his eyes before noticing the cum all down your stomach. “Looks like I’m not the only one covered” He smirks
Taron goes and gets two warm wash clothes, throwing one to Richard to clean up his own mess, and gently wiping your stomach down before you all put your clothes back on, trying to look somewhat like you didn’t just get your brains fucked out, Taron later heading home to give you and Richard time to relax.
“What did you think of that love? Nice surprise?” Richard asks as the two of you cuddle in bed later. “I think Taron should have sex with us all the time, atleast he doesn’t make me wait 2 weeks” You smile up at him and tease. “You better watch your mouth or next time I’ll make you wait a month” he chuckles, but deep down you know he isn’t joking.
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #209: The Resurrection Stone
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July, 1981
“The Resurrection Stone: will it save the universe -- or destroy it?”
Well, the universe hasn’t been destroyed, at least circa the comics I read this morning. But it hasn’t really been saved either.
Still, pretty intriguing tagline. Pretty intriguing cover.
And written by J.M. DeMatteis. One of the Kraven’s Last Hunt guys. He doesn’t seem to do a lot of Avengers.
Let’s see how he do Earth’s Mightiest Team of Specifically This Four On the Cover.
We start with some silent intriguing intrigue as an alien ship crashes into Nevada and an alien crawls from the alien wreckage. Instead of distributing rings to people, he gets shot by a green guy who likes purple. I sure can’t think of several people that this applies to.
The shooter checks some possibly alien PDA but then beams up as the ship explodes.
How baffling.
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Ok, J.M. DeMatteis. You have my interest.
So we start chapter one-
Chapter one? What is it with fill-ins and putting chapters in Avengers books. That three dooms one from a while back also did this.
Anyway, chapter one of this normal length Avengers adventure: “Love... and Death!”
So on specifically April 10th, 1981 2:17 PM (a fact which we must firmly ignore in these sliding timescale days), Beast has brought an old flame to Avengers Mansion to meet Wonder Man, Vision, and Scarlet Witch.
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Presumably all of the other Avengers couldn’t make it. Or Beast didn’t want them meeting Vera.
Oh, and she’s not a new old flame.
Vera Cantor goes back to X-Men #19 in 1966. She knew him before he blue it! And she was the one who got away because mutant biz kept getting in the way.
But they had a chance meeting in a Soho bar and they’re giving it another shot!
I guess Beast is finally settling down from his wild party dating multiple women at a time days.
And y’know what? He and Vera are cute together.
Beast is exuberantly in love with her. He’s apparently been talking about nothing else for weeks.
Scarlet Witch: “Vision -- just look at the Beast’s eyes -- I’ve never seen them sparkle so. He must be in love.”
Beast is so excited he’s bouncing on the couch and jumping all over the place and bumping into Jarvis. Knocking the tea tray out of the butler’s hands.
Beast, pls. Reign in.
He does manage to catch the tray in his feet though. No spilling.
Its a bit weird that Jarvis is here to be bumped into. He’s supposed to have one of his days off to visit his mom and get some of that “near-mythical Yorkshire pudding.”
But he brushes off the question with concern over the bad impression all of this is giving the guest.
Vera doesn’t mind though. She’s used to his obstreperous (“noisy and difficult to control”) nature and finds how energetic he is to be part of why he’s so cute.
The blue fuzz surely does not hurt!
Oh. And then Vera takes a sip of the tea Jarvis brought and immediately keels over dead.
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The butler did it??
Jarvis. You made it too strong!
No, no. Surely not. Jarvis would never make such an error or miss out on Yorkshire pudding.
“Jarvis” is actually... A SKRULL!
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Beast wastes no time slamming the Skrull into the wall but said Skrull says ‘hey you want the woman to live again maybe keep your hands to yourself.’
And Beast backs off, sensing some truth in the Skrull’s tone.
The Skrull: “Ah -- that’s a bit more like it. Even in this vile atmosphere, I do so value my ability to breathe!”
By the by the by, this guy goes unnamed until 2008 in a Secret Invasion infobook but I’m not about that. His name is Jaddak.
Jaddak channels his inner-Darkseid and sits in the comfiest chair provocatively and begins on THE TALE OF THE RESURRECTION STONE!
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Seems that millennia ago there was a space civilization in space that merged high science and high sorcery to bring an epoch of peace and plenitude to all then known worlds.
The epoch of peace and plentitude looks a lot like someone jammed Medieval knights and castles into rocket times.
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Which I guess fits the whole union of science and magic thing.
And then the greatest scientist-wizard, Tus'Au, invented the Resurrection Stone and ruined everything.
The stone, as the name implied, could bring life back to the dead. And while that doesn’t seem too impressive by today’s standards where plot devices to resurrect the dead are so numerous (including just teleporting out of heaven) that it doesn’t bear counting, remember that this was an earlier, more innocent time. A filler time.
Everyone wanted this Resurrection Stone and a great war ignited that eventually ruined a thousand, thousand planets.
Amidst that nonsense, the stone itself was lost forever.
Until an Anthigorite archeologist named Krru, like, did some serious research. Around about 5,000 years worth of research. And thanks to all his book learning, he eventually found the stone.
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Which was unfortunate because Jaddak had been stalking him this whole time, sure that he’d eventually find it.
He chased Krru over twelve solar systems, finally blasting him out of the sky over Earth. But when Jaddak searched Krru’s ship and checked the recorder-log, as we saw in the opening two pages, he learned that Krru had decided that the Resurrection Stone was inherently corruptive and should have remained lost.
You know an ancient magical stone is bad news when an archeologist goes ‘actually you don’t belong in a museum.’
So when Krru was shot down, as a last ditch effort, he broke the stone in two and sent both halves into Earth’s past so they’d be lost forever.
I have so many questions.
If they were sent to the past then they’d be in the present now unless destroyed in the past. That’s how time works.
Two, dick move, Krru. You think this thing is inherently corruptive and you drop it into Earth’s past, possibly altering the timeline? Fuck you.
But with the stones in the past forever inaccessible clearly, Jaddak decided, hey this should be the Avengers’ problem and not mine.
Jaddak: “I knew then that I needed... pawns. Powerful pawns.”
Wonder Man: “Pawns... as in -- Avengers. And that’s why you struck down an innocent woman?!”
Jaddak: “It seemed a splendid idea at the time!”
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Ok, I know. I know. This is a terrible situation in-universe but also out of universe because they brought back Vera only to immediately stuff her into the fridge.
But this skrull going ‘look it seemed like a good idea at the time’ cracks me up.
Seemed like a good idea doesn’t cut the mustard with Wonder Man who just hauls off and punches Jaddak into the bookcase.
Vision even verbally pats him on the back for it.
Vision: “Well played, Simon. -- There was no need to listen to this madman's rantings any longer.”
But as the Avengers congregate to stomp on Jaddak’s head a few times, I presume, Beast stops them.
Cradling Vera’s body he says he’ll do anything to bring her back.
And that brings us to chapter two: “DOOM in the DARK AGES!”
Let me just get ahead of any hypothetical questions I wouldn’t even be able to hear until after the fact anyway. Tragically Doctor Doom does not show up.
Whoof, a lot of exposition at the beginning of chapter 2. Because a lot of stuff happened off-panel, between pages.
Real Jarvis had been contacted to make sure he’s okay. The four Avengers took a Quinjet to the Fantastic Four and told Reed Richards what’s going on. Reed went ‘sure I’ll lend you Doctor Doom’s time machine and send you to the coordinates a SKRULL gave you.’ And Jaddak went to go wait in his spaceship with Vera’s body.
So now the Avengers are in September 16, 1348, England. Prompting Vision to start giving a lecture on the bubonic plague.
Scarlet Witch: “Darling, please. Not now.”
Save it for the bedroom, Vizh.
The locals respond, understandably enough, with hostility to the people that just appeared in thin air dressed like clowns. They call the Avengers demons and unholy creatures and tell them to tell a wizard Devlunn to fuck off and that he can’t have any more of their dead.
Wanda decides that explaining time travel and superheroes from the FUTURE is more trouble than its worth. Instead, she plays along.
Scarlet Witch: “Devlunn? We are far greater than that upstart! He is a mere wind -- we are the storm!”
And then she fires off some of her bolts to cow the villagers so she can ask if anyone wants to take her to “this weakling Devlunn.”
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See Wanda figured out based on the one comment that someone toying with the dead might be linked to the half of the Resurrection Stone they’re here to find. Or one would hope someone toying with the dead has a dumb magic reason for it!
One of the villagers does volunteer to take Wanda to Devlunn.
Villager: “I pray you four are as powerful as you appear -- for it will take great magicks indeed to best this lunatic child.”
Because, yup, Devlunn is a ten-year old child.
And yup, he has half of the Resurrection Stone.
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He also has a big crowd of locals begging him to return their dead since they did promise to follow him and give him all that they own. Really, that’s a fair trade for some moldy old corpses, right?
Devlunn: “Why should I listen to you? When this talisman fell from the sky and whispered to me -- I knew then it could make me a god! And gods do as they please!”
Beast: “No one should play god, Devlunn. -- Least of all obnoxious little boys! C’mon guys -- let’s get this over with!”
And Wonder Man punches the tower Devlunn is standing on and Vision SOLAR BEAMs it and a ten year old child falls off a tower.
And then he just stops in midair and floats.
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Not sure why the Resurrection Stone also has flying powers. That seems beyond the scope of what it was designed to do.
That’s like if you had a scroll of fireball that also did your taxes.
Yes, that would be amazing. But the two things aren’t related things.
Anyway, Devlunn takes these four weirdos in stride.
Devlunn: “Ah -- so I’ve impressed you with my little trick! Good! For, you see, I know who you are! You are spirits from heaven to test me to see if I’m worthy of godhood -- to see if my talisman can do more than merely hold me on high like some wingless bird! You wish a show of strength -- a little play! And what you wish -- Devlunn-the-god shall grant!”
And then he sicks a horde of zombies on the fearless foursome.
The four realize the truth of Devlunn’s half of the Resurrection Stone. Because this is a cool magic artifact that conceptually splits in half instead of just physically or in terms of output or whatever.
Devlunn’s half gives life to the dead but only life without the spark of the soul. Aka, zombies.
Also, not very impressive zombies. They’re more pitiable than formidable. And Devlunn isn’t much of a necromancer.
The Avengers fight them. Well, except for Vision. Vision just lets them flail against him ineffectually.
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Beast rushes through the pack of zombies, even grabbing one with his thighs to toss out of the way?, towards Devlunn and then takes the 1/2 Resurrection Stone like candy from a baby.
Revealing Devlunn to not be a great and powerful wizard but rather a very sad child.
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Devlunn: “My stone give it to me! Give it back, I say! I was... nothing until it came to me! My family -- my friends -- all died! But the stone made me important! It gave me control over death! It made me safe! Please give it back! Please -- I want to be a god! I have to be a god!”
And then he collapses to the ground and starts crying while the Avengers are whisked away into the future by Reed.
So, that’s sad.
And I don’t imagine chapter three (“Rosenblatt’s Dance!”) is going to be any cheerier.
It’s now April 13, 1945. Dachau.
So. Yeah.
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The Avengers blink into existence right in the middle of some Allied troops chasing some Nazis. And not being ones to miss a chance to go ape shit on some Nazis, Wonder Man goes ape shit on some Nazis.
Unlike the dark ages peeps, the Allied soldiers see some random people with superpowers wearing bright clothes and go ‘ah, superheroes’ and ask if they’re with the Invaders or the Liberty Legion.
Wonder Man: “Right. I’m... uh... Captain America.”
Phew. Timeline secure.
Anyway, they’re glad to see some superheroes because they’ve got a messy situation at Dachau. And its nothing that punching Nazis can fix.
So, yeah this is set at a concentration camp so its not going to be particularly happy.
The one who has the other half of the Resurrection Stone is a man named Rosenblatt. And this half of the stone also has half the power of the full stone. But in this case it returns the soul to a lifeless husk.
And Rosenblatt has used it to revive his dead wife and daughters and he’s joyfully dancing with their lifeless bodies while they beg him to let them go and free them of this existence.
It’d be really messed up if the usual superhero methods had to be applied here but thankfully the less employed but still common superhero empathy is in the quiver.
Beast approaches the guy and just talks to him.
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Beast: “You have to set their souls free.”
Rosenblatt: “Are you the devil, come to take them? Well -- they’ve been in hell long enough. They’ll never be yours!”
Beast: “Look at them, my friend -- they will never be yours either. Not the way you knew them. The way you cherished them. Give me the jewel. P-please...”
And his words get through to the man who hands the half Resurrection Stone off to Beast.
And as before, the instant they have the stone, Reed yanks them forward in time.
Y’know. This only occurred to me on my second read. Maybe if Reed hadn’t instantly pulled them out of that time, it would have occurred to Beast ‘hey wait I have both halves now, I could combine them and bring this guy’s family back to life for real and not in some cursed half existence.’
Doesn’t really work with how the book goes, but it’s a thought.
And now for the thrilling conclusion: Chapter 4 The Cost!
April 10th, 1981, SPACE.
So we’re back in the then present.
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A Quinjet flies into space, as Quinjets can apparently do, to meet with Jaddak’s spaceship. Jaddak contacts them over the space Zoom and tells Beast that he’ll have to teleport over alone with the Resurrection Stone.
The other Avengers think this is reeeeeaaally fishy and don’t really like the idea of letting Jaddak get the Resurrection Stone but they can’t tell Beast what to do. This is his weird fill-in issue quest and it has to be his decision.
So Beast teleports over alone. And finds himself in a chamber with a video screen. Skrull ain’t taking any chances.
He’s hidden behind an unbreachable wall. Through the video screen he tells Beast to deposit the stone in a portal which will send it over to the skrull who will test it for authenticity.
Then, he’ll use it to revive Vera. Swearsies.
Beast: “And why should I trust you?”
Jaddak: “Because I am a Skrull. Treacherous and savage as my people are -- we value honor more than life.”
Beast pauses to consider the power of the Resurrection Stone. Thinks about Devlunn and his zombies and Rosenblatt’s dance.
Beast: “Vera... I’m sorry. But this power is too much for any man to hold. I hope you can forgive me for what I’m about to do -- and I hope I can forgive myself!”
And then Beast slams the two halves of the Resurrection Stone together, KRUNCHing them into dust.
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Jaddak: “Y-you crushed it! But that is... impossible! My plan was perfection! The vagaries of human love should have assured me victory!”
Wonder Man: “There are higher forms of love, Skrull -- but don’t strain your brain trying to figure out what they are!”
Because, yes, Wonder Man, Scarlet Witch, and Vision are also here now.
Vision intangibled onto the ship while Jaddak was distracted and used Jaddak’s own teleporters to bring the other two aboard.
As for that unbreachable wall?
Nah. Totally breachable. Wonder Man peels it open like nothing.
Jaddak tries to use Vera’s dead body as a hostage but Scarlet Witch blasts the gun apart in his hands with a SQUAKK.
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So there may be a bird that used to be a gun loose on the ship.
And that just leaves one thing to take care of.
Beast jumps at Jaddak and starts slamming him around.
Scarlet Witch protests that Beast is going to kill Jaddak but Wonder Man tells her that Beast has to left off some steam.
Wonder Man: “He has to vent some steam or he’ll really snap! Besides you know Hank as well as I do -- that Skrull will get some much-needed lumps -- but that’s all!”
Beast: “Yeah. That’s our Beastie. A hero to the end. Can’t even bring myself to play the old ‘eye for an eye’ game. Not that it would do me one stinking bit of good. I’ve lost her -- forever.”
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AND THEN AN EPILOGUE. Later that day at the Baxter Building.
Reed has been involved between panels this whole story and now he gets exposition exposited to him to fill in the gaps and in return he’s going to exposit too.
Wonder Man explains that he, Wanda, and Vision always intended to destroy the Resurrection Stone if Beast went through with the deal with Jaddak. Not that they thought he would. Knowing Hank McCoy and all.
But its a subversion of the ‘this is something he must do himself’ trope. Where they left the decision in Beast’s hands but also planned to go over his head if he made the wrong decision and put the scary power of phoenix down in the hands of the Skrulls.
Gotta keep your friends honest or something.
So now Reed has news. Weird news about Vera.
The poison that Jaddak used was super rare, so rare that Jaddak didn’t even know how it worked. He just had to be a murder hipster and goofed up.
Its actually a slow-acting poison that takes days to fully kill someone so Vera is technically only mostly dead. She could theoretically be cured one day.
So Reed has thrown her into a suspended animation tube and hopes to come up with an antidote eventually (which he doesn’t but Vera ends up cured anyway in Defenders #105 about a year later in another story by J.M. DeMatteis).
What is it about weird filler stories and having someone end up in a freezer tube to be maybe cured later?
Reed Richards: I know it’s not much of a chance, Beast -- but at least there’s hope.”
Beast: “There’s hope -- !”
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Follow @essential-avengers​ because one day I’ll be up to date on that blog and it’ll have Essential Avengers stuff and no miscellaneous reblogs of other stuff. Wouldn’t that be nice? Maybe? Also like and reblog if you like to reblog.
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taste-thewaste · 5 years
Trick-or-treating (Madderton fic)
A lovely anon prompted me with halloween prompt #15, “Dad!AU (take the kids trick-or-treating, etc”, with Richard specifically in mind. Thank you! This is long as hell, ~1800 words, and so fluffy. Tbh I never pictured myself writing the boys as Dads, but this was really fun and I kind of loved doing it lol, so if you like it I’d be totally willing to do it again. Thanks for reading!
The text from Taron came through at 2:45, while Richard was in the middle of a meeting and trying to stop his mind from wandering to what he wanted to eat. 
Gonna be a long day, love. Can you get the kids ready tonight on your own? I’ll be home before you leave, promise.
I don’t know what they’re supposed to look like, T. That was all you.
It’s foolproof, Dickie, I promise. Costume on, a little glitter on her cheeks and she’s good to go. Even easier with Jude. Stick him in the pumpkin costume and zip it up. What are you, afraid? ;) 
Not afraid, just don’t want to screw it up. I’ve got it, no problem...we’ll see you tonight, love. 
You could never screw anything up. Love you. x
Richard smiled a little. Taron was making it sound much less complicated than he knew it would be, and trying to give Richard a boost of confidence. He knew that whatever T had going on at work, it had to be huge, because he would never miss an opportunity to get Zoey and Jude ready to go trick-or-treating. 
He had always assumed that Taron would be a Christmas kind of guy. The lights, the snow, the presents, it had Taron written all over it. So Richard was shocked to find out along the way that Taron liked Christmas just fine, but he loved Halloween. 
Before the kids, it had been all about spider webs and fake witches, apple cider all month long and couples costumes that made Richard die a little inside. Halloween was when Taron could be as outlandish as he wanted, and he always dragged Richard along for the ride, introverted as he was. 
After the kids were born, he focused most of his Halloween energy on them, finding their costumes, perfecting them, taking them all to every Halloween-themed event he could find throughout the month of October. It was darling, really, and it made Richard love him that much more. 
And it made him nervous to try to get their kids ready for that evening. 
He supposed Taron was right, Jude’s costume was self-explanatory. Jude was almost two, and stubborn, and had insisted on picking out his own costume, something that drove Taron nuts. He’d picked out the simplest costume on the rack, a smiling round pumpkin costume that required no makeup, glitter or additional wiring. Just a zipper. Richard had watched Taron’s face fall when Jude had insisted on the pumpkin. 
“Don’t you want something like this?” Taron had asked, holding up a pirate costume. Richard had been able to see the cogs twisting in his mind, figuring out some way to turn it into an intricately designed zombie pirate or something. 
“No, this!” Jude had been emphatic. Taron had sighed with resign.
Zoey, on the other hand, was four, dramatic, and very into fairies. Richard had watched for weeks as the two of them had bent their heads together, designing the perfect fairy costume down to the last detail. They’d then spent the better part of a week deciding what kind of makeup would go best with her outfit, trying different shades and glitter. They’d only just declared everything perfect the weekend prior, and as Richard remembered the grin on both his daughter’s face and his husband’s, he was terrified that he’d mess it up.
Still, he had to try. 
When Richard came home, the nanny smiled at him and dumped Jude into his arms. “Zoey’s coloring in the playroom. They’ve both had dinner. Have fun tonight!” He nodded at her as she left, and looked down at his son, who had snuggled into him instinctively, and headed into the playroom. 
Zoey was parked at their coloring table, scribbling ferociously on a pad of paper. Her dark brown curls tumbled down to her shoulders, and he marveled at the light in her blue eyes. Their night would be chaotic, he knew: he had to pull a miracle out of his arse in the next twenty minutes with regards to Zoey’s costume; Taron was likely to come home in the next hour like a madman and start critiquing everything he’d done; by 7:45 his children would both be full of sugar and far, far from their normal bedtime. Yes, he knew their night would be chaotic, but for the moment, he could watch his daughter color, hold his son, and soak up the miracle that was his life. 
He kissed the crown of Jude’s head, into the same soft brown fluff that belonged to Taron when he let his hair grow out, and rocked him back and forth. Zoey looked up and saw him there, and before he knew it, she was crashing into his legs with a hug. 
“Hiya, princess,” he said, setting Jude down so he could briefly gather both of his children into his arms. “Did you have a good day?” 
“Yes, we--”
Jude stepped in front of his sister and stared deep into Richard’s eyes. “Candy.” 
Richard laughed and Zoey tossed him a glare. “Yes, buddy, we’re going to get candy tonight, I promise.” 
“Candy now, Daddy,” Jude said, a serious look on his face. 
“Soon. First we have to get you two ready!” Richard said brightly, standing up. 
“We have to wait for Daddy,” Zoey said. “He has to do my makeup.” 
Richard bit his lip slightly and looked at his daughter. “He has to work a little late tonight, angel, so I’m going to get you ready, but he’ll be here before we go trick-or-treating, I promise.” 
Zoey’s jaw dropped. “You can’t do it! You don’t know what to do!” 
“I can do it, honey, I promise.” 
Zoey sighed dramatically, and in the back of Richard’s mind he feared for her teenage years, not for the first time. 
“No, Daddy, what are you doing?” 
Richard sighed. Well, Taron had been right about one thing: getting Jude ready was a cinch. His son was running around the living room, bouncing off the walls in his pumpkin costume, screaming in the distance about candy. He had no concept of his increased circumference, and had so far knocked over (and broken) an ashtray and a vase. It didn’t matter to Richard, though; he was ready to go. He’d stuck the kid in, zipped him up, and sent him on his way. 
Zoey, however, had been testing him since the moment they’d started getting ready. He’d gotten a run in two pairs of shimmery green tights, and put her skirt on backwards. He’d cursed Taron over and over again as he’d struggled to wrestle his daughter into the costume, all while she wailed like a wet cat when he did anything wrong. The costume had 12,000 pieces, it seemed like, which would have been all well and good if Taron had been putting her into it, as he’d originally planned. The skirt was made of dark green tulle and the bodice was a lighter green. It had the most ornate and intricate flower crown that Richard could remember seeing (which he’d jammed onto her head backwards, by the way) and completely impractical ballet slippers. 
She was darling, his girl, but he was out of his element. 
He was now holding the makeup pallet she’d shoved into his hands, his fingers pinched tightly around the eyeshadow brush as he tried to smear the right color onto her eyelids. It was dark, and heavy, and she looked like a tiny clown. He’d tried to put the glitter on subtly as she’d instructed him- “Just a little, Daddy, no, not that much!”-and failed miserably. He’d put far too much blush on her cheeks. 
“I...I think that’s it,” he said nervously, and she pranced over to the mirror with a smile on her face. He watched as it dropped off, however, when she looked at herself. 
“I know, angel, I’m sorry, I tried my best,” he said earnestly. They were interrupted by the sound of the front door slamming, and Zoey raced off. Richard followed sheepishly. 
“Oh, my days, would you look at you!” he heard Taron say. Richard stood in the doorway and watched, Zoey gathered up in Taron’s arms. He couldn’t help but smile. 
“Daddy did my makeup and he didn’t do it right!” she said. 
“Oh, he certainly...tried, though, didn’t he? It’s a look, eh?” Taron kissed her cheek, then looked up and smiled at Richard, who ambled over. “You’ve got to blend the eyeshadow, love, or else she just looks like a...well, like this,” Taron said, setting Zoey back on the floor.  
“I have no idea what that means, and no desire to. You’re a bloody saidst for forcing me to do this. Hello,” he said, kissing him briefly. 
“I know, I’m sorry,” Taron said, the sheepish smile that Richard couldn’t resist playing on his lips. “And would you look at this! We’ve got a little pumpkin destroying the living room!” Taron said, scooping up Jude and kissing him all over his face. 
“Alright, let’s go!” Richard said, gathering up the bags they’d bought for the kids to hold their loot in. 
“Candy!” Jude yelled, holding tightly onto Taron’s hand, Zoey onto Richard’s as they made their way out the door.
By the time they’d gotten the kids home, gotten them out of their costumes and into pajamas, wiped the clown makeup from Zoey’s face, and wrestled two sugar-laced children into their beds a hundred times, both Taron and Richard were beat. Richard padded into their bedroom where Taron was laying in bed, wearing nothing but his boxers and scrolling through his phone. 
“I know you love this holiday, but by God I’m glad it only comes once a year,” Richard said, throwing himself into bed beside Taron and curling up next to him. “What are ya looking at?” 
Taron started laughing, giggles coming from his belly as he stared at his phone. “Look at her!” he said, turning his phone to Richard and showing him one of the many photos he’d taken of Jude and Zoey that evening. Her blush practically glowed in the dark. 
“Hey!” Richard said, fake-annoyed. “You let me go in blind, love, I had no idea what to do.” 
“I know, I know. You did a wonderful job.” Taron kissed Richard, sliding his hand around the back of Richard’s neck and pressing his forehead to his. “You’re amazing.”
Richard sighed contentedly, burrowing closer to Taron, soaking in his body heat. “Listen. I love you, I love our kids, I love this life more than anything.”
“Mmm,” Taron said sleepily, closing his eyes. 
“But I swear, if you ever leave me in charge of Halloween again, I’m out of here,” Richard said, a teasing grin on his face as he joined Taron in closing his eyes.
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mst3kproject · 5 years
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Miami Connection
 From the title you have probably already guessed that this is an 80’s drug movie, and you are mostly right, but Miami Connection is so much more. The director was Woo-Sang ‘Richard’ Park, a South Korean film-maker who wanted to break into the Western market despite not speaking any English.  Those of us who know anything about bad movies are already going oh no, because that’s how Troll 2 happened.  Park’s American buddy who was gonna help him do it was Young-Kun Kim, a taekwondo-instructor-slash-motivational-speaker who decided to write, produce, and star in the movie himself because hey, he’d seen movies and it didn’t look that hard.  Oh no, that’s what Hal Warren thought when he set out to make Manos!  And since these guys couldn’t afford actual actors or stuntmen, they cast a bunch of Kim’s taekwondo students, who thought the movie would be great publicity for their band!  Oh no!
The movie opens with a drug deal in a junkyard being interrupted by biker ninjas, who kill everybody, steal the cocaine, and run. Just a Tuesday night in 80’s Miami, really.  Having thus introduced the villains, we now meet the heroes, a fantastically talentless 80’s rock band called Dragon Sound.  Their newest member is Jane, the new girlfriend of lead guitarist John.  Jane’s overprotective brother Jeff does not approve of John, and he hangs out with the coke-stealing ninja bikers from the opening, so he could easily make good on his threats… what he doesn’t know is that the members of Dragon Sound are all training together in taekwondo, and they’re more than ready to take on him, the entire dojo, and a rival band!
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Miami Connection is the Starcrash of martial arts movies.  It is completely, irredeemably terrible and yet it never stops being entertaining. The ‘plot’ is mainly a series of ass-kickings, strung together with dialogue scenes that discuss the consequences of the previous fight and set up the motivations for the next one.  I am in no position to judge anybody’s skill at taekwondo, since I can’t tell Karate from Kung-Fu (of course, neither could the people who made the Karate Kid remake), but very nearly everything else in the film is absolutely awful and funny as hell.  I could list hilarious moments for several pages.
The dialogue is stunningly banal, especially when it’s expository.  Both Jane and keyboardist Jim narrate their own tragic backstories and both are bad but in very different ways: Jane doesn’t sound like she particularly cares about the deaths of her parents or her brother’s gang involvement, while Jim weeps like a baby while he whimpers about his mother telling him to find her lost husband.  Later when Jeff is killed in a brawl, Jane doesn’t sound too cut-up about that, either. She’s certainly not nearly as upset as Ninja Biker Dojo Master Yoshida, who gets a flashback that makes it look like Jeff might have been his boyfriend.  My favourite line in the whole movie is when another member of the band, Jack, complains about Jeff and “his darn gang, selling their stupid cocaine!” like a six-year-old who wants his turn on the X Box.
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Because nobody can emote, the ‘acting’ in the movie mainly consists of a lot of yelling, and their favourite thing to yell is “son of a bitch!”  They don’t use it as an exclamation the way Reb Brown did in Space Mutiny, it just seems to be the only insult the writers could think of. It gets funnier every time you hear it.
Costumes seem to consist of whatever everybody wore to set that day, with the exception of the black ninja pajamas (ridiculous-looking as always) and the t-shirts Dragon Sound wear when they perform.  The latter feature the name of the band in ‘Vote for Pedro’ font, and nothing else.  I own one of these.  You can buy them at teepublic.
The plot is an absolute mess.  Why does Yoshida think eliminating Dragon Sound is the key to controlling the drug trade in that area?  They haven’t done any vigilante stuff at that point – they just react when Jeff attacks them.  I get why the rival band, who were fired from the nightclub so Dragon Sound could play instead, would want them out of the picture, but the ninja bikers seem to have no reason to care.  Meanwhile, said rival band just kind of falls out of the movie and is never seen again.
I don’t know who the main character is supposed to be.  The story starts out being about John and Jane’s star-crossed relationship, which could have had a Romeo and Juliet angle with Jeff’s death but doesn’t. Then they slide out of the way as we focus on Jim’s search for his missing father, which keeps us busy a while, but then the final showdown is between Mark and Yoshida, who have so far been secondary characters.  Jane isn’t even present at the ending, although Jim’s father does show up to recite some more utterly terrible dialogue as he reconciles with his son.
Jim, John, Jack, Jane, and Jeff.  Did Kim just think all American names start with J?
I’m not sure how old Y. K. Kim’s character Mark is supposed to be.  He and the other bandmembers are room-mates, and he dresses like them and rides around in their convertible with his feet up on the dashboard.  He talks and acts like them and tells people that his bandmates are ‘like brothers’.  But whereas they’re all in their twenties, Kim was forty-one when this movie was made and there is no attempt to hide that.  Is he just supposed to be hip with the younger generations?  Or did they actually expect us to believe he was fifteen years younger than he looks?
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           There are long sequences in which nothing happens. We see the band play a whole song at the club, twice, and then one of those songs is re-used for a montage sequence of characters at the beach.  The latter does not further the plot but it does show us a lot of women’s butts with wet bathing suits clinging to them, as well as the world’s best-dressed nudist. There’s a sequence of taekwondo training that runs several minutes, and which does nothing but set up a single finishing move that will recur at the climax.  There’s a biker company picnic like the one in The Hellcats but without the interesting parts.
Literally everybody in this movie practices some kind of martial art, including the nightclub owner and the drug dealers… but I figure that was just the 80’s.  Also, this movie taught me that men in the 80’s took their sunglasses off as a sign of respect, much like removing the hat in earlier decades.
What the fuck is up with the dancing crop-top dude?  Even the guy who’s about to fight him looks confused by him.  He was so weird I thought he’d be a good stinger, until we arrived at Miami Connection’s ultimate stinger moment – a car turns a corner, revealing a bunch of motorcycles on a collision course with it, and John, in the driver’s seat, says, “ugh, ninjas.”
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On a slightly more serious note, the movie does have an ostensible message, which is spelled out between the last shot and the closing credits: only through the elimination of violence can we achieve world peace.  This is kind of a silly statement because, yeah, that’s what peace is, but also because we’ve just spent this entire movie watching people beat the shit out of each other with hands, feet, and whatever they can grab.  The script is aware of this contradiction, though, and stops at several points to remind us that taekwondo and other martial arts are not merely fighting techniques but ways of life that promote discipline of the body and mind and strong bonds between people.  This is the side of taekwondo that Dragon Sound plans to promote during their world peace tour, and the message seems heartfelt enough even if the delivery is lacking.
In that light its interesting to note that this disciplined martial arts lifestyle seems very much at odds with the hedonistic biker one that Yoshida and his followers also participate in.  The two stereotypes conflict on every possible level, right down to ninjas being quiet while motorcycles are loud.  I think this might be an attempt to paint the baddies as hypocrites, but I honestly don’t know.  It’s equally possible that ‘biker ninjas’ were just the coolest-sounding thing Kim could think of.
After that list of suckage, I do have to say that there are two or three things Miami Connection does astonishingly well.  Both the night shots and the gore effects are pretty good – especially the night shots.  You can always see enough to tell what’s going on, but it’s not so bright that you don’t believe it’s night-time.  I’ve seen way worse in movies with way higher budgets.  The fight choreography is also shockingly effective sometimes. It never turns taekwondo or any of its other martial arts into some kind of artsy dance performance.  The fight scenes are brutal, and you believe that the people in them are fighting for their lives.  Maybe not the best thing for their message that taekwondo is the key to world peace, but pretty effective if you’re just here to enjoy the chop-socky.
Being so terrible and yet so much fun, it’s no surprise that Miami Connection showed up on Rifftrax Live in 2015. Y. K. Kim was a pretty good sport about it, too – apparently he’s happy his film has finally found an audience, even an ironic one.  That puts him much higher on the dignity ladder than Joe Don Baker or Sandy Frank, and even if he seems like a bit of a huckster I have to hand it to him for that.
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diyunho · 5 years
The Joker x Reader - “Freaks” Part 1
Y/N is a metahuman with several peculiarities, but one could say the weirdest is her heart: it is gated by four locks that make it impossible for the woman to fall in love. Also one could say she’s manipulative, cunning and ruthless. Sounds familiar? Maybe that’s why The Joker is the perfect candidate to help her finally get something she always desired: a one of a kind heir.
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“Yoooo-hoooooooooo, Mister Jooo-kkkeeerrr!!!!” Bane skips along the poorly lit corridor since it’s almost 11 at night and the Arkham inmates are supposed to be asleep. Yet they’re not: the ruckus woke them all up and now they are standing by the glass walls facing the hallway, wondering what the heck is going on.
The real Bane sighs, completely unappreciative of you borrowing his physical appearance.  
“Hey, cut it out!” he admonishes as Y/N passes by and she decides to stop for a moment.
“Hello there handsome,” you swing your hips while walking towards him and The Riddler snorts, entertained: his cell is right across so it’s not like he can miss the show.
“If you’re going to mimic me, don’t do stuff like that!” Bane hisses through his mask, irritated.
“Apologies honey,” you wink and continue. “Far from me to purposely chop your masculinity to pieces,” but seductively sway on the tip of the heavy boots, taunting more because... who’s going to stop you?
“Seriously?!” Bane growls and you cut him some slack, transforming into The Joker for a few seconds.
“Jeez, don’t get worked up,” you smirk and blow the green hair off your face. “I’m looking for this guy, I know he’s here too.”
“Why are you looking for him?” Killer Croc punches his fists together, hoping he can twist your presence in his favor.
“I need him for breeding purposes,” you serenely admit as The Clown Prince of Crime rolls his eyes three padded rooms up from your present location.
“I told you before I can help with that,” Harvey Dent flips his coin in the air, not understanding why his offer was rejected numerous times.
“Me too!” The Riddler grins. “You should forget about the man that repeatedly refuses your advances and pick one of us,” the mastermind gestures at the cells containing prisoners willing to take on the task.
“I want him,” you revert to your human form, Mr. Freeze gasping with admiration: he’s been a fan for the past two years. “He’s the only male I’m compatible with for procreation on this continent and nobody else will do.”
“How do you know?” Deadshot addresses the burning question.
“I just know, ok?” you pout not wishing to get into details. “That’s why I’m here to bail him out. I helped his men clear the area so we can rescue the father of my future baby.”
“Ugghhhh,” a displeased and very loud protest is heard from The Joker’s cell.
“There you are,” you light up with the happiest smile and abandon the captives held in pretty boxes lined up on the south side of Arkham Asylum.
“Hey Y/N,” Jonathan Crane smacks his lips, “if you get me out of here also I’ll give you two millions.”
“I’ll give you double!” The Penguin shouts and Bane promises:
“I’ll give you three!”
The offers keep on pouring in and the shapeshifter is not a person to say no to easy money.
“Might as well,” you press the yellow buttons outside everyone’s incarceration chambers, leaving the best for last.
“Hiiii Mister Jooooker,” you drag the words and he grumbles, squeezing past you as soon as the glass slides enough for him to emerge from the cell.
“Shut up!” he barks and you couldn’t care less about his crabbiness.
“Your crew is waiting outside,” you giggle and turn into Frost, escorting the grouchy Clown in the direction of the exit you know it’s safe to take.
“Would you look at that?” The Shark teases, not being able to contain his laughter.
“Holy shit!” Panda tries to keep it together yet it’s impossible: the real Frost gives them a dismissing glare, annoyed Y/N is lovingly holding The Joker’s arm as they come down the stairs, definitely engaged in some sort of argument.
“That’s obviously not me!” Jonny mutters and there are more disrespectful remarks from the henchmen patiently waiting for their boss.
“It’s still funny as hell!” Richard underlines and swallows his sentence when Y/N posing as Frost kisses The Joker’s cheek.
“One more sound out of you jerks and I’ll bash your brains in!” Jonny threatens because he’s sick and tired of Y/N playing charades at his expense.
Thankfully you switch to your old self immediately after but the team is glad they’ll have something to tease Frost with in the weeks to come. Although it can be overdone: under the apparent calmness he has quite a wretched temper.
“Delivered as agreed,” you cheerfully announce to his gang and follow J even if he’s not thrilled about it.
“Get lost!” he angrily stomps, pushing you away when you grab his hand again.
“Stop being so rude!” you remodel your body after his and he takes a deep breath, staring back at another fabulous J courtesy of Y/N.
“Stop mimicking me!!!” he sneers and Panda comments in a low tone, convinced he’s far behind to safely say it:
“Two Jokers. God Forbids!”
A couple of goons nearby snicker and the amusement abruptly halts when you raise your voice:
“I heard that!!!”
“Huh?” J inquires.
You just lift your shoulders up, not wanting to distract him from what he has to focus on: making sure he fulfils your demand.
The First Lock  
“You’re still here?!” The King of Gotham comes out of the bathroom, intensely drying his wet hair with a towel. “I thought that by the time I’m out of the shower you’ll be gone.”
You gaze at his naked body, reckoning it’s a nice coincidence to be compatible with such a beautiful specimen. Could be much worse.
“Why don’t you want to help me?” you ask and The Joker is aware what you’re referring to. “I’ve been begging you for a year; I must emphasize I’m losing hope and I will probably have to move to another continent in order to find a new prototype that could give me an heir.”
“Not my problem. Why do you want a kid?” he tosses the towel on the floor and digs around in the closet for a pair of boxers.
“So I won’t be alone,” the disarming reply makes him tilt his head to analyze the stubborn metahuman that pesters him on a regular basis about crap he doesn’t give a damn about. “The storm is coming,” you shift the subject when the lighting strikes the dark skies in the distance at 1:23 in the morning.
J gulps, uneasy: he saw the 6 feet creature for a split second and it certainly startled him.
“Apologies, Mister Joker,” you try to fix the mistake because it’s evident his reaction is below excitement standards. “The fire bolt must have projected my true nature. You only tolerate the pretty side, don’t you?” the sadness in your demeanor confuses J. “They all do…” Y/N whispers to herself. “Is this better?” you transform into Poison Ivy, then Cat Woman, then a random blonde girl with big boobs; by the seventh option The Joker had enough.
“Cut it out!” he finally finds his favorite underwear and you stand by the bed, opting out to be your human self for his sake.
“Can you please help me?” a disappointed woman pleads since he’s getting ready to go to sleep.
“Why would I help you?” The Joker snaps, hoping you’ll disappear from the premises and let him rest at the mansion he found refuge at after breaking out of Arkham.
Your eyes get teary and he never saw you show any type of weakness before; it’s sort of uncomfortable even for him.
“Because us freaks have to stick together.”
“Speak for yourself!” J gets mad at your affirmation and doesn’t know how to react to the tears rolling down your cheeks. “Mmmmm,” he debates, deep in thought: the insane Clown was captive for almost three months and a half and they surely don’t allow any conjugal visits in that shithole. Not that he has anybody in particular that would come to tend to his urges.
“If I help you,” the sudden switch in mood makes you pay attention, “will you quit bothering me?”
“Y-yes, of course! I swear!” you wipe your eyes, full of hope for once. “Since we’re a match it will only take one time! I’ll make it worth your while, I promise.”
You watch J take off his boxers and don’t blink when he yanks you in his arms, afraid he might change his mind: he’s not the most well balanced individual on the planet.
“No kissing,” you dodge his lips. “I only need the technical stuff.”
He gives you a cold stare, fed up with the infernal plague:
“You don’t get to make any other requests!” The Joker pulls you into a passionate kiss that unexpectedly shatters the first lock of your heart.
“Wait, wait…” you part from his soft lips, kind of drunk on the intimacy. “Did you hear that?!”
“Hear what?” he shoves Y/N on the bed and slowly crawls on top of her.
“That deafening noise.”
“Nope,” J purrs while carefully listening anyway. A strong thunder shakes the ground and he grins: “I heard it.”
“Not that, it was something else,” you attempt to explain and he buries his face in your cleavage, protesting the unwanted dialogue: 
“After chewing my ears for months, less yapping would be nice!”
You smile, delighted to have tricked The Joker with your fake tears; you sure counted on him being trapped inside the Asylum without any feminine presence to grace his existence and it payed off in the end. Making yourself available when nobody else is around brought the desired outcome: Y/N always gets what she wants.  
The Joker moans in his dream, unhappy with your wiggling.
“What is it?” he cuddles up to your body and it feels soft.
“I’m pregnant,” you yawn and he puffs in disbelief.
“Already?... We had sex a couple of hours ago.”
“U-hum,” you say and let him caress your skin, unaware your true essence peeked from behind the human shell. “It shouldn’t take too long. By morning I will have my heir.”
“That fast?” J opens his eyes since the pillow talk is actually interesting.
“Don’t tell me you didn’t notice I’m different,” you hum with your eyes closed, exhausted from the energy you have to channel into the tiny life growing inside your womb. The soon to be mother is so impatient she won’t skip accelerating the process at the expense of her own vitality.
“No kidding,” The King of Gotham mumbles, smitten with the apparition peacefully dozing off in his arms. The storm outside is wreaking havoc and each time lightning illuminates the blackness J can inspect the delicate feathers covering your body: when he touches you they change colors, red butterflies flying out of the pressed skin. He curiously pokes one and the illusion shatters into glowing dust resembling small fireworks.
The Joker has no clue that he is the first soul to ever see you like this; earlier he didn’t have the opportunity to comprehend what he saw, but he’s sure taking advantage of the situation now to understand what he’s looking at.
“Oh,” he touches your tummy that seems to expand with each passing moment: something is moving and he foolishly smirks without realizing.
Whatever is developing inside Y/N he helped create and strangely enough he can’t wait to see the result.
The Second Lock
J drags his feet on the wet grass, watching you admire the sunrise. He woke up and the bed was empty: made him wonder if you vanished without a trace. Yet there you are, waiting for him in the backyard since you figured you owe him this much.
“Mister Joker,” you chuckle, holding something wrapped up in a blanket. “I’m off to my house: thank you for participating in this project,” the indifferent metahuman blurs out: it’s the only speech she prepared. “I requested that everyone owing me money from last night should send it here,” you gesture at the huge duffel bag at your feet. “There’s 35 million dollars in here, all yours as a thank you for helping me.”
“Hm?” he crinkles his nose, insulted at the gift. “Do I look like a prostitute?!”
Why is he getting angry?... That’s a lot of money for a one night stand.
“They get paid for sex, don’t they?” he enlightens the puzzled Y/N. “What’s that?” J nods at the bundle you gently rock.
“My baby.”
“You gave birth?!” he forgets his hurt pride, not believing it’s already done.
“Yes, about 45 minutes ago,” you kiss your daughter’s forehead and her innocence makes your chest tightly constrict before the second lock of your heart is broken to pieces. “Did you hear that?” you interrogate the man you don’t need anymore.
“Hear what?” The Joker rushes to glimpse at the newborn as you step back, discontent he’s trying to take her.
“That horrifying bang! How can you not hear it?!”
“I have no idea what you’re rambling about,” he forcefully snatches the baby from Y/N’s embrace, grunting at her resistance. “Gimme, I wanna check out what I made!”
He parts the blanket aside and…
“Waaaaah,” the mesmerized parent holds his breath:
The sweet angel has wings embedded with neon green feathers, the same shade as J’s crazy hair.
“Are you done?” you attempt to reacquire your treasure and he slaps your arm.
“Little bird…” J runs his fingers along her wings and the mini-metahuman fusses a bit, already establishing a connection with her dad.
That’s exactly what you’re trying to avoid before it’s too late.
“Mister Joker, I have to go, ok??!!” you seek to remove the baby from her father.
“Stop bothering me!” he sucks on his teeth and begins striding towards the mansion while the panicked Y/N runs behind him.
“What are you doing? Give her back!”
“What should we name her?” The Joker ignores your outburst, totally struck with this overwhelming emotion washing over him.
Oh no, she’s already getting under his skin!
“WE?!” you shout, exasperated. “This is MY descendant!”
“You said I participated in the project so she’s half mine!” The Clown implies the obvious.“I think we should name her Emma, I always liked that name,” he adds to Y/N’s dismay. “Pretty bird…” J shuts you down as soon as you open your mouth to protest, stroking his daughter’s feathers.
He’s already addicted and this is a complete disaster!
“I’ll tell my boys to get baby supplies,” he decides without taking into consideration any opinions you might have about his plan.
“Why?!” you cringe at the proposal simply because The Joker is not part of the equation; but your daughter is already bonding with him and that’s something mommy can’t break: she has her own will and set of abilities enabling her to already make choices. You’re not sure why she’s making him believe he could be included into a two party family; there’s no space for a third, otherwise it would be a three party family and that won’t work.
“Don’t you need supplies for her?” he enters the master bedroom where the infant was conceived only hours ago.
You’re still on the patio, fuming at his absurdities.
“No, I have to go home! I’ll take care of it! Listen Mister Joker, I’m not expecting anything from you! ” you underline the truth and his witty response baffles Y/N:
“I was sure expected though to get naked and have sex right after escaping Arkham, huh?!” and The Joker protectively covers his daughter’s ears, his messed up brain figuring out she shouldn’t hear that. “Where’s home anyway, huh?” the tirade continues.
“That’s none of your business!” you shriek and he repositions Emma in his arms, preparing to lecture her mother when he gets distracted by the growth spur.
“Did she just get…bigger??!!!”
“Yes,” you join him in the middle of the room, explaining things you shouldn’t because frankly you should be at your residence by now. “She’s using capabilities inherited from me in order to speed up her evolution and then take a break to recharge around one year old landmark.”
“Fascinating,” J gushes while placing Emma on the couch: the baby is napping, not bothered by the quarrel anymore. “Wait here; I’ll go instruct my men on what we need.”
This is the limit to make you lose your marbles.
“There. Is. No. WE!” you thud on the wood floor and The Joker watches you get taller and taller until you can barely fit under the vaulted ceiling, electing to show him what he’s messing with. The metahuman transforms into the nightmare she really is: dark and sinister, covered in black feathers with sharp, long claws and fangs ready to tear apart the human trespassing a fine line.
That’s not what The Clown saw last night: you keep the beast caged but now IT needs to come out, otherwise he won’t understand the seriousness of his circumstances.
“You are not needed!” your heavy steps make the ground shake. “You are not wanted!” you corner The Joker between the table and the couch Emma is resting on. “Don’t stay in my way or you’ll regret it!!!! I’m taking my daughter and we’ll go: don’t try to stop me or I’ll kill you!!!” and you bend over to snarl in his face, prepared to shred him to pieces.
Eerie silence while J is gathering all his strength to put up with the fucked up events leading to this moment.  
“You two can’t go,” he straightness his back, so stiff one could think he swallowed a broomstick.
“Why not?” you smell his skin, antagonized.
The Joker tries to look as imposing as possible but he’s still half your size; nothing else in his mind besides some words of wisdom he’s about to repeat:
“Because us freaks have to stick together.”
You unravel your tusks, displeased with his strategy:
“Speak for yourself!”
That went down the drain fast, J thinks while the hideous mug a few inches away from his face doesn’t bulge. His eyes wander off to the sofa and he gasps:
“Where’s the baby?!”
A sharp claw points towards the ceiling and he looks up only to notice Emma snuggling in her blanket.
“Oh my God!” his eyes get big. “What is she doing there?!”
“She’s gonna fall!” The Joker circles around you, worried about the angel.
“She’s not going to fall; she’s comfortable,” you huff and reach to caress her.
“Where are the wings?!” J glares at the gigantic mother tending to her peculiar offspring.
How many people have witnessed such bizarre sight? NONE. And yet The Clown is asking questions without a trace of disgust or judgement; only pure curiosity.
“They’ll come and go, she can’t fully control them yet.”
“Can you…can you turn into your usual self?” he suggests. “You’re very ugly like this and it’s spooking me out.”
“Do you know you’re interested in us because she’s making you?” the monster bites without using her fangs. “You’re useless, yet she wants you around.”
“Oh yeah?” The Joker’s attitude escalates despite the sticky context. “You’re useless also since you chased me until I slept with you; she exists thanks to my help! You should be ecstatic!!”
“Money is not enough?!” you gradually switch to the Y/N he’s familiar with even if you’re still mad.
“I have money,” The King of Gotham pretends not to be relieved by the welcomed transmutation.
“Then what do you want?” you attempt to compromise for your daughter’s sake.
“My birds,” he calmly admits.
You debate on his stupid reply: is J deaf and didn’t catch the memo?! He might be because he keeps on telling you he didn’t discern the odd, loud noises you heard twice so far.
You are not aware it would be such a blessing to hear those sounds again: it could mean the unconventional family Emma is trying to keep together might actually work.    
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hornsbeforehalos · 5 years
Forever, Sweetheart: Part 2
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Pairing: Rob Benedict x OFC, past Norman Reedus x OFC
Warning: Smut, Language, RPF, mentions of violence and sexual assault, mentions of miscarriage, recreational drug use (weed), drinking, Rated E for EXPLICT A/N: TRIGGER WARNING: Mingus and Ky talk about the baby in this chapter. If you have triggers regarding subjects such as infant loss, please be cautious. 
As per usual I mean no harm or offense to anyone referenced or mentioned. this is a work of FICTION and no all your favorite people will be your favorite people in this. They’re characters.
Please do not read this if you are under the age of 18. Please do not copy or steal this and put it somewhere else. I will find you.
I do not own anything related to Supernatural or The Walking Dead or any other shows mentioned in this work of fiction. I am not affiliated with AMC or CW in any way.
Tags: @coffee-obsessed-writer @sandlee44 @wildefiction @sorenmarie87 @through-thesilver-lining @runekisses @pink1031 @zelda2248 @kazzieglove @journeyrose @his-paradox @docharleythegeekqueen @beffyblueeyes  Please let me know if you want to be added to the list!
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My eyes drifted open the next morning as my senses kicked in, the strong scent of coffee wafting through the small hotel room. I could hear Rob in the shower, the sound of him singing while washing himself coming from the bathroom and making me smile.
I let out a groan as my body stretched itself out, the stiffness in my shoulders making me roll my neck back and forth for a moment before I climbed out of bed. Walking past the mirror on the wall, I let out another groan, this time as I observed the giant rat’s nest that resided itself on my head from falling asleep with it wet.
Lovely way to start out the morning.
I heard the shower shut off and the curtain be pulled back as I sifted through my clothes for the weekend while sipping on the cup of coffee Robbie had set out for me, selecting a Gishwhes t-shirt from the pile as well as a pair of shorts. I was pulling my pajamas off as I heard Rob open the bathroom door, my butt bent over in his direction as I stepped into my denim shorts.  
A low whistle sounded as he pressed his denim-covered groin against my ass as I straightened myself, earning him a giggle from me as his fingers dug themselves into my waist when I turned around in his arms.
“Don’t even say a thing,” I grunted as I watched his eyes widen as he took in the state of my hair, “Not a God damned thing, Benedict.”
Rob chuckled but made the gesture of zipping his mouth, patting my butt before shaking his head as he released me to select a shirt for himself. I made my way into the bathroom after getting the rest of my clothes on, sighing deeply as I stared at the heap on my head.
It took twenty minutes and Rob’s help to get the shit to cooperate, and I was grateful when I was finally able to get it tied into braided pig-tails. I was just done pressing the false last eyelash to my lid when the Richard’s unmistakable rap sounded at the door.
I exited the bathroom as Rob pulled the door ajar to let Rich inside, the poor man already looking flustered.
“Kay, Mish is looking for you. He’s on the war path already.” Rich warned, raking his hand through his hair as he turned to Rob, “Me and you gotta skedaddle, buddy, Daniella is having issues with the sound check guy.”
“Jesus, okay,” Rob sighed, shaking his head again as he pulled a flannel over shirt on. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug before kissing me, “I guess duty calls, my love. I’ll come find you later?”
I nodded before giving him another kiss, waving to Rich as I watched them leave.
It took about thirty seconds before my phone’s ringtone blared. I slide the answer button across Misha’s face, putting it on speaker as I pulled on my converse.
“Whaaaat? I’m on my way, damn. Let me get my fuckin’ shoes on.”
“Hurry your ass, woman! Did you know Marvel people are here too?” Misha asked excitedly. I could tell he had already made his way downstairs to the green room from the noises in the background, Bri’s unmistakable laughter sounding through the phone, “Sebastian fucking Stan even!”
Giggling, I strapped my laptop bag around my shoulder and grabbed my phone, taking it off speaker and pressing it to my ear as I made sure I had everything, “You’re such a nerd. I’m on my way.”
Misha hung up the phone without a good bye, and I placed it in my back pocket as I headed down to the convention.
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The majority of the day had been hectic yet uneventful, and it was easy to slip back into the routine of convention life. As I had expected, I didn’t get to see Rob for most of the day, save for a couple of seconds here and there in between dragging Misha from one area of the hotel to another. I had hoped to at least be able to have a moment to go to his panel with Rich and Matt, but Misha wanted me to make sure the Random Acts information desk had everything they needed. I was talking to one of the past Gish contestants when Mingus approached with a couple of his friends.
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“Hey Ming!” I beamed at him after the girl left, rounding the corner of the table I was behind to wrap my arms around him, “Glad you could come.”
“This shit is so cool, Ky,” He smiled, folding his lanky limbs across my shoulders as I pulled away to look up at him, “I’ve never been able to actually walk around one of these types of conventions before.”
“It has his moments of being cool,” I chuckled, turning to see two the two guys that came with him staring at me. They both looked familiar, and I remembered seeing them from the time when Ming had stayed with me.
“You guys remember my step mom, Ky, right?” Ming introduced with a wide grin.
Rolling my eyes, I smacked him in the chest with the back of my hand, “I’m like 7 years older than you, dude, don’t call me that.”
“Whatever,” He chuckled, “This is Matt and Kyle. You got time to go with us to get some food?”
I pulled my phone out and checked the time, noting that Rob’s panel was going to be ending soon and he’d texted that he wanted to meet in the green room afterwards.
“I can’t really leave, but ya’ll can come to the back with me if you want, they’ve got hella food piled up back there for everyone.” I replied, placing my phone back in my pocket, “Jensen and Jared should be headed there soon, too.”
“Yeah, that sounds good,” Mingus nodded, watching as I gathered all my things before following me.
I pushed the door to the green room open so the four of us could enter, my eyes instantly finding Robbie perched on the side of the couch with my brother’s guitar, strumming the chords as Jensen hummed. He looked up to me as he felt my approach, his grin faltering slightly as he saw Mingus behind me.
“Mingus! Dude! What’s up?” Jensen said joyfully as he stood up to hug the kid, Jared following suit before moving so everyone could sit down.
I turned to face Rob as Mingus spoke with the others, not missing the glint in his eye as I slotted myself between his legs in front of the guitar. His eyes moved back to the instrument, and he thumbed a few chords before returning his attention to me.
“How was the panel?” I asked sweetly, running my fingers through the thick curls on top of his head. Rob stopped playing and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of the scratch of my fingertips against his scalp.
“Mmmm, it was okay. Couple people asked about you.” He answered, his eyes opening and shifting up to look at me as I stopped my ministrations.
“Anything interesting?” I wondered out loud, watching as Jared and Jensen lead Ming and his friends over to the food table. I pulled the guitar from Rob’s grasp as I sat on the couch beside him, my fingers finding the frets effortlessly.
“Nah, just asking if you were going to start doing conventions again, how you were doing, stuff like that.” Rob replied, a smile on his face as he looked down at me playing, “If you were gonna sing with me tomorrow.”
I looked up at him knowingly, my lips pursed together in a straight line as I rolled my eyes at him and sighed through my nose, “Maybeeee.”
“Maybe means yes.” Rob snorted, his grin splitting his face into a  full blown smile, “What song are we gonna do?”
Shrugging, I looked down at the strings of the guitar, “I don’t know, probably just one ya’ll always do or something.”
“I’ll figure out the details and let you know, ‘kay?” He promised, his hand curling around my shoulders as he leaned down to kiss the top of my head. Glancing at his watch, he stood up, “I gotta get back out there, but I’ll see you in a little bit.”
“Kay,” I replied, looking up at him as he leaned down again to kiss my lips, his hand cradling my head and stroking my cheek, “Love you, Rob.”
“Love you too, babe.” he replied before waving to the others, Jared and Mingus rejoining me with his friends as Rob and Rich left the room.
“Mingus said he could join us for dinner after karaoke,” Jared announced as him and Jensen squished themselves onto the couch next to me, tossing a wrapped sandwich my way, “We’re going to that one place we went last year.”
“Cool,” I smiled, letting Jensen take the guitar from me as I unwrapped the sandwich, my stomach growling loudly, “I’m glad you get to hang out, dude.”
“I’ve got the photo shoot tomorrow and I’ll be busy for the rest of the weekend, so I wanna see you as much as I can. We never get to hang out anymore.” Mingus stated, a sad tone to his voice as he took a sip of his drink, “I miss my super awesome cool step mom.”
“Stop calling me that!” I groaned, rolling my head back and huffing as everyone chuckled, “I’m not your step mom!”
“Anymore!” Ming contested before taking a bite of food, playful grin on his face.
“Not never!” I huffed, tossing a piece of lettuce at him, “So weird, dude.”
“I wish my step mom was as cool as you,” Kyle snorted from beside his friend, “Mine’s a cunt.”
“She’s not as cool as you think, kid,” Jensen chimed in, his hands instantly rising up to defend him against a flying piece of food.
Everyone laughed, and I shook my head at Mingus, “Doesn’t he have a new girlfriend or something anyway?”
“Eh. I mean not really I guess. I’ve seen him hang out with that chick Keagan a few times, and he was dating this one chick for a while, but I don’t know what happened to her.”
Nodding my head, the mention of Keagan’s name brought a flood of memories to the forefront of my mind. She’d been my friend, but had let Jeffrey manipulate her into being the reason for Norman and I’s separation. I had no ill will towards her, though, I was extremely over Norman and extremely happy with Rob, but I still wondered from time to time if things would have been different with the baby if she hadn’t done what she did.
Sensing the change in mood, Mingus pulled the subject away from his father, “We need to hang out when we get back to the states. I’m going to be spending the summer in LA with Matt.”
“I’m down dude, I just work all the time so you gotta let me know.”
“I’m sure we will get it all figured out,” Mingus grinned as the door to the room opened, Misha entering, looking rather stressed.
“Kylin! There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you!” He urged, throwing his hands up into the air, “You gotta come to autos with me.”
“Uhhh, why?” I asked, quirking an eyebrow at him and tilting my head curiously, “There’s no reason for me to be there.”
“Because I said so,” Misha stated, his own eyebrow lifting itself, “Now come on.”
Sighing as I wrapped the uneaten portion of my sandwich back up, I turned to Mingus and the guys, “Sorry, my boss is a dick.”
Chuckling, Ming responded,” It’s fine, we gotta go meet my dad anyway for something with Ride, I’ll text you later for the dinner details.”
After telling them bye and showing them the quickest way to get to the exit, I followed Misha down a different hallway towards the autograph room.
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“You know I wanted you to come with me so I could spend some time with you, right? You’ve been so busy, I’ve barely seen you.” Misha complained as he threw his arm around my shoulders.
“You’re the one that asked me for the help, dude,” I rasped as I wrapped my arm around his waist, “Runnin’ me ragged.”
“I know, I’m despicable” Misha chuckled, squeezing me close for a moment before releasing me as we neared the area, “I’ll give you a raise.”
“Ha. I doubt it.” I snorted, rolling my eyes and jabbing him in the gut with my finer as he held the door open for me.
I took my seat behind him as he got situated, pulling out my phone to scroll through social media while we waited for the fans to be allowed through. I had been tagged in numerous things on twitter and Instagram, and I ignored most of them as I usually did until one from Mingus caught my eye. He’d taken a selfie with him and his friends and Jared, with the caption ‘Supernatural in Rome, thanks step-mom!’ Followed by a winking emoji.
Stop fucking calling me that! I typed back in a comment quickly, adding a few laughing emojis myself as the room started to fill up. I pocketed my phone again and stood up, moving beside Misha to help the handlers take the tickets.
“Um, Kylin? Would you mind signing this too?” A woman asked shyly, about fifteen minutes into the session.
“Um, sure, I guess. What’s your name?” I replied, startled.
I gave her a smile and signed the board she’d placed in front of us before handing the metallic marker back to her, “Here you go, Megan.”
“Thank you so much. It really means a lot. I’m sorry about what happened to you.” Megan smiled sadly at me, her eyes kind and gentle, “I lost a pregnancy myself not too long ago. I don’t know your whole story, but it was devastating for me.”
I could feel the crack in my chest try to reopen again as I gave her a small smile back, looking down at my hands before over at Misha, who wrapped his arm around me and kissed the crown of my head.
“Thank you, and I’m sorry for your loss as well. I don’t know where I’d be without my family.” I replied, my voice low in attempt to conceal the emotions threatening to bubble over. The girl got her hug from Misha and moved on, not realizing she’d broached a tender subject.
“You okay?” Misha asked as he watched me sit back down in the chair behind him, my arms crossing over my chest protectively.
“Yeah, I should’ve been expecting someone to talk about it.” I exhaled deeply, “I think I’m gonna go get a cigarette, okay?”
“Sounds good, after I’m done here I’ll meet you upstairs to figure out dinner plans before you leave for karaoke, yeah? I might just go with Ruth and Briana, Jensen and I are arguing today.”
“Just let me know, I’ll kick him in the nuts for you” I snorted, grabbing my purse and double checking I had everything I needed, “Grab my bag when you leave, please.”
“Got ya.” Misha replied with a wink, throwing a thumbs up in my direction as another fan approached and demanded his attention.
I found the side exit quickly, happy to be able to finally get some nicotine into my system. I exhaled the strong smoke as I scrolled through my phone again, trying to forget about the woman’s words. I jumped as the door I’d just came out of opened, but smiled upon seeing Rob crook his head around it, like he’d been looking for me.
“There you are,” He smirked, verifying my suspicions as he let the door close behind him. “You okay? Misha texted me that a fan had upset you.”
Letting one side of my mouth fall, I shrugged, “Not really, just threw me off guard I guess. I should have been expecting it though. It’s why I haven’t been coming to conventions.”
“I’m sure seeing Mingus doesn’t help either, huh?” Rob asked, leaning up against the wall next to me as I took another drag.
Shrugging again, I exhaled, “I mean he doesn’t really bother me, besides with the stupid step mom shit, but I don’t know. This woman decided it would be a good time to share her story with me, and... like I said, I don’t know.”
"I get it,” Rob nodded, reaching over to grasp my free hand, “I’ve had fans do that stupid shit too.”
He leaned his head over and onto my shoulder, chuckling as he said, “That step-mom stuff is definitely pretty weird.”
“Right?” I snorted, a smile breaking across my face that turned into a full blown laugh, “Kid is out of there, man. I’m so glad Calvin and Audrey aren’t like that.”
“That’s because they hate me.” Rob replied, the tone in his voice instantly shifting as he pushed himself off the wall to stand directly in front of me, our hands still entwined.
“They don’t hate you, Rob,” I argued, looking at him before taking another hit from the cigarette, exhaling quickly, “They’re going through a lot right now.”
“Feels like they hate me,” He mumbled, looking down at his feet and kicking at an imaginary rock, “They barely ever call me anymore.”
The kids had taken the divorce a lot worse than Rob had expected them to. Worse then I think they even expected to. They always knew the divorce was eminent, but their mom had them moved all the way to San Diego before the papers were even filed, making them leave behind everything they’d ever known. In their anger they blamed Rob, his inability to work things out with Mollie uprooting and destroying their whole lives.
“Hey,” I said, tugging on his arm to get his attention and make him look at me,  “They’ll come around, alright? Give it some time.”
He smiled weakly, pulling me to him to kiss my lips. I pulled away for a second to flick the butt of the cigarette into the parking lot before turning back to him and pressing my mouth against his.
Curling both my hands around Rob’s neck, I parted my lips to taste his tongue with mine, a soft encouraging noise coming from his throat as he tightened his grip on me. We kissed for a few moments, my skin growing heated under his touch as I moaned into his mouth before he pushed me back into the wall, the brick biting into the back of my thighs as he ground himself into me.
Panting when he finally pulled away, he rasped, “I love you, Sweetheart.”
“I love you too, babe.” I replied, small smile playing on my lips as I gazed up at him lovingly. “Forever.”
“Forever, Sweetheart.” He grinned before kissing me again.
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After karaoke, Rob and I met up with the boys and Mingus, his friends having something else planned for that evening. Jensen and Misha were still arguing apparently, something Jensen ‘didn’t wanna talk about’, so he’d gone with Ruth and Bri and the rest of the band. 
We got a ride to the quiet restaurant the boys had been to the year before, the lighting low and music soft as we sat in the back corner and conversed between ourselves. Mingus was taking full advantage of the nonexistent drinking age, knocking back shots in between beers at a pace that would rival even his father’s.
“Mingus, you need some water or something?” Jared asked, concern lacing his voice as the boy finally started to sway back and forth.
“I’mmm...okay.” Mingus sighed, leaning his temple against my shoulder as he sat next to me.
“You sure?” I whispered, tilting my head to peer down at him. There was a sad look on his face, and I brushed a piece of his hair off of his forehead as his eyes met mine for a moment. There was definitely an emptiness there, and my heart broke for him. Poor kid was probably still in the grieving process himself.
“Mind if I bum a cigarette from you?” He asked lowly, up-righting himself on the seat, “I think I need some air.”
“Yeah, I’ll come with you.” I replied gently, giving him a small smile as I watched him stand up. He steadied himself by gripping the table, a goofy grin on his face suddenly as the alcohol started moving through his body again.
Shaking my head with a small chuckle, I turned to Robbie on the other side of me and excused myself, kissing him on the cheek and reassuring him I’d be okay. I looped my arm into Mingus’ elbow, my own slight intoxication making me lightheaded. We exited the building and turned down the narrow alleyway beside it, finding the small private smoking area dimmly lit by a street lamp down the way. Leaning against the cool brick, I passed Mingus a cigarette from my pack before placing my own between my lips and lighting it.
“You alright?” I drawled cautiously, my eyes scanning him as he looked down at his feet.
He stayed silent for a few moments, his eyes never leaving the ground before a silent tear rolled down his cheek, barely visible in the lighting.
“Hey, sweetie, you’re okay,” I instantly soothed, reaching my hand out for his and pulling him to me. His long limbs encased my shoulders, a muffled sob retching through him as he pushed his face into my hair.
“Shhhh, Ming, it’s alright,” I cooed, rubbing his back with my free hand as I flicked the accumulated ashes with the other, “Come on, let’s sit.”
I pulled away from him and tugged him towards a nearby bench, making him sit beside me as I helped him wipe his tears away while his breathing slowed.
“Sorry, Ky,” Mingus rasped, his voice still cracking with emotion, “It’s just…this year has sucked so fuckin’ much for me.”
Nodding my head as I exhaled smoke from the drag I’d finally taken, I placed my hand in his, “I know, babe. It’s been hard for everyone.”
“I have dreams about him, you know? Nax. I see him.” He mumbled, his words slightly slurred.
“I do too. Except I won’t ever know for sure if it’s really him I see.” I replied, my own voice shaking as I fought back the tears that were threatening to spring forth.
“What do you mean?” Ming asked, his brows furrowing in confusion. “Dad didn’t show you a picture?”
Shaking my head, I brought the cigarette to my lips for the last time before tossing it, “He never talked to me after the day I woke up. There were no pictures taken of him that I know of.”
“What a dick, are you fuckin’ serious?” Mingus cursed, swaying to the side slightly as he shifted to pull his phone out. Before unlocking the screen, he looked up at me, his eyes meeting mine, “Do you want to see?”
Nervousness pin pricked throughout my bloodstream, stinging my skin as my stomach dropped. I couldn’t stop the moisture from rolling down my cheeks, a sob gasping from me as I nodded my head.
It had been over a year, and I never once had seen a picture of my son.
Exhaling sharply, Ming sniffled before wiping his nose. He unlocked the phone and scrolled for a second. Finding what he was looking for brought a small smile to his face, his watery eyes looking up at me before asking, “You sure?”
Nodding again, I held my breathe, closing my eyes for a second while he turned the phone around. When I opened them again, I was peering into the most beautiful blue eyes of the most beautiful baby I’d ever seen.
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My chest cracked open as a sob wracked through me again, but it was accompanied by a smile spreading across my lips as I took the phone from him. Lucian’s perfect face was was right there, looking up at me. I noted the nasal tube that curled around his cheek, the only thing besides his obvious size that made him appear any form of weak. My shaking fingertips drifted over the screen, tracing the lines of his little nose and lips. I felt strong arms wrap themselves around me from behind, the scent of my brother encasing me instantly. I’d been too absorbed in staring at my son that I hadn’t even heard him and the others approach.
“He was beautiful, sissy,” Jensen croaked, eyelids blinking back tears as I turned around to look up at him, “Just like you.”
Sniffling as I attempted to compose myself, I handed the phone back to Mingus, prying my eyes away from the little thing on the screen.
“Thank you, Ming. Can you please send it to me?” I sniffled, exhaling the tension from me as foot steps could be heard approaching.
I turned my head to see Norman’s silhouette, the looming figure unmistakable.
“You alright, kiddo?” He rasped, his voice husky as he took in the sullen expressions on our faces.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Mingus snapped, pulling hisself unsteadily to his feet.
“I sent him a text when ya’ll hadn’t come inside for a bit. Figured you needed a ride,” Jared spoke, clearing his throat uncomfortably.
“I’m fine.” Mingus spat, glaring at his father, “I’m so fucking pissed at you, dude.”
“What the hell did I do?” Norman questioned, confusion twisting his face.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Dad, huh? You were so wrapped up in your own asshole that you couldn’t even let her have a fuckin’ picture of her child!?” The boy’s towering figure stepped into Normans personal space, his chest puffed out in fury, “Not only did you fucking blame her, you couldn’t even give her closure for that? And you never fucking told me?”
Mingus shoved his father back, Norman stumbling before catching himself before he could fall. Jared instantly shot his hand out to Mingus’ chest as the boy attempted to advance again, rage flicking in Mingus’ pupils and encasing his irises.
“Enough, Ming,” I begged, my hand wrapping around his wrist and pulling as Jared and Jensen placed a barrier between the son and the father. I could see Rob helping Norman to his feet over their shoulders, hushed words with a sharp tone being spoken between the two.
“Fuck you, Dad, seriously. I hate you!” Mingus continued, fighting against the bodies surrounding him, “I fucking hate you.”
“Ming, you don’t mean that.” I argued, continuing to tug on his arm until he looked at me, “Come on, I’ll get you back to your mom’s hotel.”
I turned to lead him towards the parking lot, when I heard Norman’s voice call out to me.
“Just know I’m sorry, Whiskey.”
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One Shot: Crossing Lines
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With Tumblr holding my original writing blog @beccaheartschrisevans captive (aka flagged as explicit), I have made a secondary writing blog and may end up closing the other all together. In the meantime, I am reposting all of my stories on my new blog.
Title: Crossing Lines
Pairing: Chris x reader
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: language, descriptive sex scenes
Summary: Chris’s best friend comes over to his place following an awful, ended early, first date
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
18+ Disclaimer: This work contains sexual material that is for those over the age of 18. By clicking the keep reading link below, you are agreeing that you are over the age of 18 and are not offended by sexual content.
This story can also be read on AO3
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You’re bored out of your mind as you sit across the table from another awful date; this time with a guy you met on a dating site. You’d found him funny online, but there is nothing funny about the cocky asshole now.
“Excuse me,” you say, standing up, suddenly. “I need to visit the lady’s.”
You tuck your wallet purse under your arm and make your way across the restaurant to where the restrooms are. That’s when you run into her; a woman dressed in all black and wearing large black sunglasses the hide her eyes.
“You should leave,” she says, stepping in front of you. “That man you’re with is my husband.”
“What?” You’re taken aback by her words, but then you realize it gives you an out from the worst date of them all. “Sorry, he didn’t say anything. Consider me gone.”
You pass her and go into the kitchen, hoping the fact that the owner’s cousin is one of your best friends will allow you to slip out through the alley. You bypass the dish pit and are almost to the alley door when the owner of the restaurant calls your name.
Turning around, you expect him to be mad, but instead he is holding a pizza in a to go box. “You looked miserable out there,” he says, holding out the pizza box. “I don’t blame you for ditching him.”
“Thanks,” you reply, not wanting to reveal the real reason you’re sneaking out through the kitchen. Judging by the loud voices and a sudden sound of breaking dishes from the dining room, he’ll figure it all out soon enough.
While he leaves to find out what’s going on, you exit the restaurant and walk around the block to your car, very glad you hadn’t taken the asshole up on his offer to pick you up for your date.
After getting into the car and starting it, you tell Siri to call Chris.
“Hello?” his voice greets you seconds later.
“You busy tonight?” you ask, thankful once again for the Bluetooth enabled stereo he’d given you for Christmas last year.
“I thought you had a date.”
“Ugh, I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Just tell me,” he says. “You went to my cousin’s place, right? I’ll hear about it anyway.”
“I’m certain you will,” you reply with a sigh. “Fine. The short version is his wife showed up.”
“What the fuck! That bastard was married!”
“And boring as hell,” you reply. “I left the table to go to the bathroom and his wife met me in the hallway to tell me to get lost.”
“Fuck,” he says again. “This is why you shouldn’t go on those stupid dating sites.”
“How the hell do you suggest I meet guys then?” you ask. “The guys in Boston won’t date me, my dad, my brother and my grandfather are all cops.”
“Maybe you should add that to your profile then.”
You choose to ignore his suggestion and return to your original question, “So, are you busy tonight?”
“Nope. Just hanging out in my apartment.”
“Can I come over? Your cousin gave me a pizza.”
“I’ve got a fridge full of beer and other stuff.”
“I’ll be there in five,” you reply then hit the ‘end call’ button.
A few minutes later, you arrive at his building and take the parking spot of someone leaving. You grab the pizza box and then head up to his apartment, where he is waiting for you in the doorway.
“You look hot tonight,” he says not even trying to hide the fact he is checking you out.
“You’re looking pretty good yourself,” you reply, taking in his relaxed look of a black t-shirt and a pair of dark wash jeans.
He takes the pizza box from you and then leads you into the large, loft apartment that he owns even though he usually spends his time in Boston at his mom’s house.
“So how did I get lucky and find you here tonight?” you ask as you kick off the heels you’d worn.
“My oldest nephew is having a sleepover,” he replies. “I was there earlier, but it was just too much for me and I told my mom I was staying here tonight.”
“Just wait until your niece is old enough to have sleepovers,” you tease.
“I grew up with sisters, I plan to be far, far, far away when that happens,” he states as he puts the pizza box on a kitchen counter. “I have no interest in being tied to a chair so girls can give me a makeover. Been there, done that, don’t need to do it again.”
“Your mom would have pictures of that hidden away somewhere, wouldn’t she?” you ask innocently as you open the box and grab a slice of pizza.
“Probably, but she won’t share them,” he says giving you a ‘don’t even think about it’ glare before opening the fridge and grabbing two beers.
“Maybe not with a stranger, but I’ve been your best friend for -”
You stop talking when you find yourself pressed into the counter by his hard body. Your lick your lips and swallow as your eyes move up his chest and to his handsome face.
“We’ve crossed certain lines in our twenty-five year friendship,” he says, his voice lowering in tone. “But there are still others that shouldn’t be crossed.”
“You’re right,” you say, trying hard to ignore the hardness that is pressed against your lower belly.
He remains pressed against you for another second before he backs off and grabs the pizza box.
You follow him over to the black leather couch and take a seat. He puts the pizza box on the coffee table then drops into the spot next to you. He grabs the bottle opener off the coffee table and pulls the lids off both beers then holds one out to you.
You finish your first slice of pizza and grab a second as he turns on his TV and quickly navigates through different menus. You don’t pay much attention until you see him hit play on “Pretty Woman”, one of your favorite movies.
“We can watch something else,” you tell him.
“You’ve had a shitty night,” he replies as he leans forward and grabs two slices of pizza then stacks them on top of each other.
Having had your fill of pizza, you lean against him and smile when he wraps one of his arms around you. You stay interested in the movie until the scene where Julia Roberts’ character goes down on Richard Gere’s character. It is then that you feel the heat of Chris behind you, feel the way his body feels against yours and remember the hardiness you felt in the kitchen.
“Are you dating or almost dating anyone?” you ask, turning your head to look at him.
His eyes meet yours and he shakes his head then verbally answers, “No. No one.”
That’s all the invitation you need since you two had decided last Christmas that you could handle being friends who occasionally fucked. No longer interested in the movie, you turn your body towards him and bite your lower lip before leaning in to him.
His mouth meets yours halfway and he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into his lap. You love kissing him, because he treats it as an artform; one in which he is well-skilled, or rather, well-practiced because, if you’re being honest, the first kiss the pair of you shared at age 12 was a sloppy mess.
You feel his large hands slide down your back to grab hold of your ass and you allow him to guide the slow, rocking movements of your lower body into his. Then his fingers grab the bottom hem of your dress and pull it up so you’re panty covered sex is pressed directly into the rough denim covering his hard cock.
Pulling away from him, you lean back and locked your eyes to his as you take control of the movements of your hips. He smiles back at you with dilated pupils before shifting without any warning.
You find yourself on your back and staring up at him as he pulls his t-shirt over his head, exposing his sculpted torso to your hungry eyes. You can’t help but reach out to touch him, but quickly find your hands being guided, by his, down to the fastenings of his jeans. You quickly undo them then watch as he pulls them down, freeing his hard cock in the process.
As he stands up to remove his jeans, you hurriedly take off your dress and drop it onto the floor, leaving yourself in a black push-up bra and lacy black panties. Your eyes meet his as he lowers himself onto the couch and you bite your lower lip as you undo the front clasp on your bra. His eyes drop to your breasts as you unveil them to him. He licks his lips and then leans down over you.
You arch your back, offering your breasts to him as his mouth finds one and his large hand finds the other. The little hairs of his beard tickle your sensitive skin and his velvety tongue quickly soothes the occasional irritation. He proves his mouth and tongue are skilled in more than just kissing as he makes his way from one breast to the other, showering the skin of your chest and torso with the same attention he does your nipples and breasts.
Heat pools between your legs as he continues his journey down your body and you ache to feel him buried inside of you, but you know he’s going to make you wait. You jump as his fingers touch your through the fabric of your panties and you press your body against him. You glare at him as he smirks back at you while teasing your through the lacy material.
Finally, you feel his fingers on the waistband of your panties and you lift your hips to allow him to remove them. Your eyes follow his hand as he drops the offending fabric on to the floor and then you cock your eyebrow as he grabs the edge of the coffee table and pulls it your direction. Then he places one of your feet on the table, effectively opening your most intimate parts for his viewing.
And view he does. His eyes study your folds and you blush. He licks his lips and then bounces his eyes up to yours to wink at you. Then he begins with delicate, irritatingly deliberate touches to your inner thighs, teasing you.
“Chrisssssss,” you whine.
He teases a little longer before those long, slender fingers finally touch you where you need it the most. Your eyes close as he works you over, slipping his digits through your folds and you arch you back as one of his fingers, slickened by your juices, slides into your sex. Your hips naturally rise and fall in sync with the movements of his hands and you cry out in disbelief when he pulls out.
Then his mouth is on you and your grab hold of his strong, muscular shoulder as his tongue becomes intimate with your sex. Your cries fill the loft as he brings you to the edge of your release and then over the edge, leaving you panting and jello-limbed.
You open you eyes and see him smiling cockily at you as he licks his lips. He’s leaning back on his knees and palming his hard cock, his intentions clear. He gives you another minute to regain your composure before he moves his pointer finger in a circle motion, signalling for you to roll over.
Smiling, you lower your leg from the table and then sit up. You slide your bra off your shoulders, dropping it onto the floor and then you turn around, positioning your knees on the edge of the couch and facing the back of the couch.
You feel one of his hands grab your waist as his other guides his cock into your folds in a single thrust. He gives you a moment to adjust to his girth before his other hand grabs your waist. Your hands cling to the back of the couch as he slides in and out of you, each thrust increasing with speed.
At some point his hands end up on your ass, clinging to your soft cheeks as he slams into you repeatedly. His grunts mingle with your cries and you find yourself biting the throw blanket that is draped over the back of the couch as another orgasm tears through your body. You feel him stiffen behind you and his body jerk as he cums inside of you.
Weak kneed, he pulls out of you and collapses on to the couch, pulling you into his arms in the process.
You wake up sometime later and find yourself enveloped in his arms. The TV has long since turned itself off and at some point Chris has covered you both with the blanket. You snuggle yourself into his chest and breath in his scent that both turns you on and makes you feel at peace and, most importantly, at home.
With your ear pressed against his chest, you can feel his heartbeat and you can’t help but wish that the two of you couldn’t change your “friends with benefits” status into a boyfriend/girlfriend one. You’re not sure when it happened, but you’ve fallen in love with your best friend.
“You think too loud.” His low tone sends vibrations through your body. “Go back to sleep, we’ll talk in the morning.”
You’re not sure you can go back to sleep and then you feel it, his hand on the small of your back. You feel one of his fingers drawing something, but you can’t tell what it is at first. Then he repeats it.
He draws a horizontal line then a vertical line and followed by a second horizontal line.
The letter “I”, you realize.
Your heart pounds as he redraws the second object and you quickly recognize as a heart.
Then he draws a horse shoe like shape that you interpret as the letter “U”.
Then he draws on final thing, two vertical lines in rapid succession. It takes you a minute and then you realize he’s drawn the Roman numeral for the number 2.
“I love you, too,” you whisper.
You pull your head away from his chest and look up at him. He stares back at you and then winks at you before closing his eyes. You resettle yourself against his chest, doubting that sleep will come, but you find yourself drifting off as you listen to his breathing slow.
Want to find me off tumblr? I’m @beccatheycallme on twitter. I also post my stories on AO3.
My tag list is always open, just let me know if you’d like to be added!
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scornedlove · 5 years
Chapter Twenty-Four
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“Shit!” I exclaimed jolting awake. The sunlight shining on my face pulled me from my deep slumber. I sat up and my head immediately began to pound. Where the fuck am I? I wondered as bits and pieces of last night came back. Then I noticed the mirror covering the wall in front of the bed and my jaw dropped. I was at Aundre’s, naked in his bed. I looked around and noticed an envelope on his bed stand with a note scribbled on it.
Went to work. Call me when you wake up. -Dre.
“What the fuck is wrong with me?” I groaned falling back into the plush comforters. I couldn’t remember how I got here and wanted to slap myself for being so stupid and bringing Dre into my mess. Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through my abdomen and my full bladder began to get weak. I jumped up so fast, I stumbled my toe into the corner of his nightstand as I ran to the bathroom. I made it to the toilet in time, but the moment I flushed it, a wave of nausea rushed over me. I tried to make it to the sink, but threw up all over his marble floors instead.
By the time I’d finished cleaning his bathroom, making his bed, and finding my shoes, it was almost one o’clock. Of course, it would be the day I had a hair appointment. I didn’t care how vain I came across as, I refused to miss my hair appointment. Ursie was booked solid and had a six to eight week waiting period. I needed it done last week and I haven’t had anyone else in my head in years. The last stylist I had left bleach on too long and damaged my hair tremendously. It cost me a lot of time, money, and tears. I couldn’t afford to go through that again.
I searched high and low, but couldn’t find my clothes or phone anywhere. After wasting half an hour, I gave up and called John from the house phone, picked one of Dre’s shirts that could pass as a dress, then took a quick shower. By the time I finished dressing, John was out front smoking a cigarrette. “How’s my favorite island gyal today?” he inquired with a lopsided grin after putting his smoke out on the ground. “Hungover” I grunted, smoothing out my shirt before getting in the backseat. “I told you to simmer down last night” he laughed as he closed the door. I had no idea what he was talking about so the moment he got in the driver seat, I began interrogating him. “What did I do? Did you bring me here? Why didn’t you talk some sense into me?” I quizzed, tossing questions left and right. “Ms. Robyn, it’s my job to mind my business, and I did that while you were smoking a blunt and drinking Moscato from the bottle in my back seat.” he pressed his lips together and took a deep breath through his nose. “But when you started taking shots of whiskey back there, I tried to tell you to simmer down, and you went left on me. You told me to mind my fucking business before you throw that bottle at the back of my head.”
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I hope you know I didn’t mean that and I would never do something so horrible!”
“I hope not!” he laughed. “I know you’re going through a lot, but getting drunk is not the answer”
“I know and that won’t happen again. I promise to compensate you for your trouble.” I added as my face burned with embarrassment. I had no cash on me, but definitely felt the need to give him a bonus or something. He didn’t have to deal with that and he still came back for me.
“That’s unnecessary. You’re my favorite client by far, so I’ll let the first one slide” he teased. “Besides, that was nothing. Compared to some of the crazy things I’ve seen, you’re a breath of fresh air.”
“Well, thanks for putting up with me and still getting me to my destination safely. I owe you one” I replied gratefully. I don’t know what I would do without John. He always got me where I needed to be in record time, and today was no different. I arrived at the salon a few minutes early, just as Ursie was collecting payment from the lady before me.
“What are we doing today?” she asked, once I was settled in her chair.
“I don’t know, but I need a drastic change. My life is so full of shit I need something easy and low maintenance. Do whatever, I trust you.” I shrugged.  My head was pounding so hard, that I didn’t care. I knew whatever she did would look great anyway, so I put the ball in her court.
“I can do anything?”
“Yep. Nothing is off limits.”
“See that’s why I love you. You challenge my artistry” she smiled pulling out her clippers.
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Why does shit have to be so fucking complicated. I thought to myself as I blew smoke from my mouth. After hearing Robyn’s true feelings yesterday, I felt like shit. I tried calling her multiple times once I made it home, but she never answered. I didn’t know what to say anyway. My heart was heavy and I just wanted to make sure she was okay.
I was worried all night, so I didn’t get any sleep. As much as I still love Robyn, I didn’t have it in me to walk away from Tae. I guess I was being selfish and didn’t even realize the effect it was having on Robyn. I never imagined having to choose between the two, so I couldn’t. It hurt like hell watching her leave my life for good, but her mind was made up.  
On top of that, Mama announced that she was moving to Florida with Richard next month. That’s what the gathering was for. She wanted to spend time with everyone before she moved. The thought of my mom picking up and moving across the country for Richard made my heart skip a beat. Yes, he’s a good guy, but the thought of not having my mom a few minutes away gave me anxiety. 
“You sure you’re okay” Tae asked for the umpteenth time since she woke up an hour ago. Her flight wasn’t until one this afternoon so I took the morning off to spend a little more time with her before she left. After that fiasco with Robyn yesterday, I was a little frustrated. Not with her or Tae, but the circumstances. I wasn’t trying to be the bad guy, but here I was yet again.
“I’m good. Just a little stressed about this art battle coming up” I lied. I did decide to join an art battle this weekend, but that was the least of my worries. I loved a challenge and always had fun with them, but I couldn’t tell her why I was really upset. Especially after we just reconciled.
“You sure it’s not about Mama J moving” she countered with a side eye.
“I won’t front. That shit hit me hard too.”
“So, that’s why you’re on your third blunt this morning. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smoke so much, especially by yourself.”
“Oh, that ain’t nothing. I used to smoke almost an ounce a day”
“Why would you smoke that much every day?” she asked turning her nose up.
“I was going through a lot of shit”
“What were you going through to make you smoke that much?”
“I lost my scholarship senior year over some bullshit. I thought I told you about that.”  
“You didn’t tell me what happened exactly”  
“It’s a long story”
“I’m listening” she replied, sitting next to me on the couch. She snuggled as close as she could then pulled my arm around her neck, forcing me to put the blunt out and cuddle her. Diamond followed suit, laying her head in Tae’s lap. I’m sure it was because she’s constantly sneaking her snacks, but any time Tae is here, Diamond is attached to her hip. I love how close they are.
“Well as you know, my dad died in the line of duty when I was eleven.” I began after a deep sigh. “When that happened, I went from being the class clown to the quiet kid. I was beyond depressed and there wasn’t a pill I didn’t try to fix it. Trey and I were best friends then, but I even distanced myself from him. 
Fast forward to freshman year, I met this girl named Michele. She was beautiful, smart, and funny. She was the first person to get a real laugh from me in years. She became my best friend; I was closer to her than Trey. We were tight until she started to hang with the wrong crowds and experimenting with drugs. Long story short, her boyfriend cheated on her, so she cheated on him with me. He beat the crap out of her and to keep him out of trouble, she told the police it was me. I’ve never put my hands on a woman before, but after losing everything that was important to me, I don’t know what I would do if I saw her now.”
“Wow, that’s some crazy shit. I want to beat her ass for you. Did she ever apologize or admit her wrongdoing?” she quizzed as her forehead creased.
“Hell nah. She had been blackmailing mama for money without my knowledge. When she didn’t get what she wanted, she showed up the night before I was supposed to get married, and told the same lie to Robyn. She showed her the newspaper articles and everything. I never told Rob about my past and we were already on rocky grounds, that shit killed what little hope she had in us and she left me. I just don’t get it though; I was always the perfect gentlemen to Michele. I guess it’s true; that shit doesn’t matter when people are strung out.”
“That’s so fucked up. Where is Michele now?”
“Shit, that’s a mystery to all of us. She up and disappeared again, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she just relocated and is using someone else. She’s not a good person and it sucks that I had to find that out the hard way”
“Well, let that bitch pop up again, imma give her a taste of her own medicine. You’re mine now, and I don’t play when it comes to mines”
“I don’t play when it comes to mine either. I know you’re all the way in Dallas, but it ain’t nothing for me to hop on a plane when you need me. Matter of fact, that brings up another conversation. Have you considered moving out here?”
“As crazy as it sounds, I never really gave that much thought. We’re serious, but relocating for a relationship is a big step.”
“I agree, but if you’re serious enough about me, I’m ready to step it up. Which means I need to get some shit off my chest.” I announced. If being with Tae cost me my relationship with Robyn, it was time she knew everything. I couldn’t make the same mistake twice.
“Oh shit. Here comes bad news”
“Not necessarily, it’s just a lot to take in.” I explained, shaking my nerves off. I was no longer worried. If she accepted me that’s great and if she doesn’t that’s okay too. “I invited my ex to Mama’s party yesterd-”
“What?! I don’t remember you introducing us” she blurted, scaring Diamond. She seemed to sense the mood shift and quickly jumped down and jetted out of sight.
“She didn’t stay long, and she told me she’d already met you. She designed Lala’s dresses.”
“What!? That Robyn is your ex? I was trying to hook her up with my brother the whole time we were working together.” she revealed, her eyes widened with shock. “I wonder why she never said anything, she must’ve felt awkward as hell. But why would you invite her to your mom’s barbecue? How long have ya’ll been in contact?”
“Not long. I invited her because they have their own relationship. I knew how happy mama would be to catch up with her.”
“Then what are you getting off your chest? Did you fuck her?” she inquired, putting some distance between us so she could look me in the eye.
“No, I’m not fucking her. There’s just a lot of emotional baggage still there. We lost our first-born last year and it was my fault” I admitted in shame. It was the first time I confessed my blame out loud and as soon as the words escaped my lips, tears started to fall.  
“What? How was it your fault?” she asked, immediately pulling me closer.
“I wasn’t there for her when I should’ve been. Her doctor recommended she stayed from behind the wheel, so I was supposed to take her to her appointment. I got caught up with Kate-”
“The girl you cheated with, right?” she interrupted, putting two and two together. This topic always had me on edge. I didn’t want her associating that Chris with the person I am today, but I needed to know how real this was.
“Yeah, I thought she was pregnant by me too, but it turned out to be someone else’s. Anyway, we thought her baby was coming, but it was a false alarm. I spent so long at the hospital with Kate that I ended up running late for Robyn’s appointment. She decided to drive herself and someone ran a light, smashing her side of the car. She was in a coma for a few days, but we lost our son. He died two days before my birthday.”
“That is so sad. Damn, you’ve been through some horrible things. Ya’ll both have been through a lot, but how can you blame yourself for an accident someone else caused?” She asked, wiping my cheeks with her palm.
“I should’ve been the one in the driver seat. The impact wouldn’t have been as bad and she could’ve made it to full term with him.” I sighed, standing up to dry my face with my shirt.
“I know it may seem that way, but everything happens for a reason. God decided he needed him more. You can’t hold that over yourself. We all make mistakes, but I know you’re a good person.” she responded, standing to hug me. Her touch was calming. I was relieved that instead of agreeing with me, she was showing me so much compassion. “I’m sorry things turned out the way they did, but you got to forgive yourself.”
“I’ve tried, I just don’t know how.” I confessed, releasing her and picking the blunt back up.
“That won’t help. You need to see a psychiatrist.” she ordered, taking the blunt from my hand and holding it behind her back. “When Brandon died, I couldn’t get through a single day without crying for a whole year. The last time we spoke, we had an argument over something so silly, I don’t even remember what it was. My psychiatrist helped me open up and let it out. Also, it feels better talking to someone who isn’t biased about the situation. You obviously blame yourself, but has Robyn ever blamed you.”
“Not once. At least not to my face. Knowing all the pain I caused is a hard pill to swallow. She’s never blamed me out loud, but I’ve never asked. You’re a woman, put yourself in her shoes. Would you blame me?”
“No. I’m a firm believer in everything happens for a reason. The healing process would hurt like hell, but it’s not like you meant for that to happen, so I couldn’t blame you for it.”
“You have a good soul and I really don’t deserve you either. I know I deserve to feel pain and heartache every day. Look, I would understand if hearing all of this makes you want to back out of this relationship.”
“Not at all. You’re right, it is a lot to take in, but I meant it when I said I love you. I’m not going to leave you for something you did in your past to someone else. Our mistakes make us human. I don’t expect you to be perfect. Hell, I’m not perfect either”
“You’re pretty damn close.”
“Not really. I’ve been holding back too. I ha-”
“AARRGHHH” Anthony screamed at the top of his lungs interrupting us. Seconds later, I heard some glass break and a female voice screaming in Spanish. Tae and I jumped up and darted towards his room just as he was coming out. He must’ve been startled from his sleep because he was still in his drawers and had dried saliva on the corners of his mouth.  
“That crazy bitch cut me!” he yelled, grasping his right thigh with both of his hands. The moment he let go, blood started to leak down his leg.
“You fucked me knowing you have chlamydia!” a girl in her bra and panties screamed at the top of her lungs. She was tiny with a loud screechy voice and big, wild curls falling in every direction. She threw his phone at his head with all her might. He dodged it, then bent down to pick it up, but fell instead. “Fuck!” he yelled out in pain as Tae took off the scarf that was on her head and tied it around his wound. “I don’t have no fucking STD!”
“Liar! I saw everything! Whoever the fuck Ashley is said she had it and you didn’t even respond to her text or answer her calls. It’s because you’re the one that gave it to her!” She accused, still holding the pocket knife she used to cut him with as she slipped her dress on.
“This ain’t the place for this shit. Ya’ll gotta go” I shouted, staying in between them as they bickered back and forth.  
“She didn’t get shit from me and I know I don’t have anything! I can’t believe you cut me!” he whined, fighting the pain.
“Be glad I didn’t kill you!” She exclaimed grabbing her purse, storming past us, and pausing at the front door. “You better pray my test results come up clean mother fucker!” she threatened before letting herself out.
“That’s what yo ass get for breaking the one rule you had. Get up so I can take yo stupid ass to the hospital” I ordered, stepping over him to go get my car keys. That was the last straw. I was tired of feeling like I had a child. From dealing with his passive aggressive attitude to his poor choices, I was over it. It was time for Anthony to go.
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New Receptionist Pt. 1
Alice: Yep. Today is my first day. The ad was very basic, very professional… I got here and my first thought was “Wow, this place is boring” But I am a college graduate with enormous student debt in need of a job, and they needed a receptionist.
“Dunder Mifflin, this is Alice,” I greet, catching Jim looking at me as I work at my desk.
He awkwardly smiles and goes back to work.
It’s my understanding that his fiancee had this job for years, so I get that he’s not used to seeing anyone else at her desk. And… From what I’ve heard she left to go work with their old boss? Who left to start his own paper company? I don’t know all the details…
“Dwight, can I see you in my office?” Charles asks, gesturing towards the inside of his office.
Oh, and, uh, Charles asked Dwight to help get me situated, so here’s hoping that goes well. In one of his routine trips to my desk, Jim warned me that Dwight has his own way of doing things…
“Hello, Alice,” Dwight offers his hand to shake. “Dwight Schrute, Assistant Regional Manager, Top Salesman, Beet Farmer, and, for today, Tour Guide.”
Jim: Dwight never includes all of his many titles in a simple introduction, I wonder what his deal is…
I shake Dwight’s hand, impressed by his many accolades. He grins, walking around me to lead me through the office. We pass the sales department, briefly stop at accounting, and go through the kitchen and break room to get to the annex.
Dwight: What do I think of the new receptionist? Well, not much, she’s merely Pam’s replacement. But I have to say, she could do well here. She’s already organized everything Pam left behind and she’s rather good at transferring calls for her first day.
Angela: I don’t see what the big deal is, she’s just a receptionist. I’m the head of accounting– which is a much harder job than filling a candy bowl and answering phones– but you don’t see me flaunting myself around the office…
Kevin: The new receptionist is hot. Way hotter than Pam.
“So, Assistant Regional Manager, what might a girl like myself do on a Friday night? I’ve never been to Scranton till I moved here-”
“How should I know? I’m not a young girl, I’m a man.” Dwight rolls his eyes at me.
“Right, you’re right. Sorry, maybe I’ll ask Kelly.”
Dwight scoffs.
“Don’t ask Kelly, she’ll suggest going to the mall and chasing after a lame temp who won’t return her calls. You don’t need to waste your time doing that. You might only be a receptionist, but have some self-worth.”
“Oh… Kay…” I start to walk away, back out to my desk.
“If I was a young woman new to Scranton, I might like Poor Richards, I guess.” Dwight offers as I leave the room.
Alice (slowly smiling): I don’t know what Jim was on about, Dwight is plenty nice, and a very straight-forward, honest person…
“So, Alice, I expect that Dwight showed you around the office, helped you get familiar with the place?” Charles asks.
I nod, “Uh, yeah,”
“Of course I did, Charles.” Dwight assures.
“Uh, you might not want to hear from me, but I believe Dwight still has more to show Alice?” Jim suggests.
“Oh, yeah, Jim, like what?” Dwight scoffs.
“The hidden jewels of Scranton?”
“Oh, no, that’s not-” I protest.
“Well, maybe that is a good idea. You do know Dwight best after all.” Charles agrees.
Dwight: Stupid Jim, wasting up my personal hours. Though, I suppose it wouldn’t be too bad to take an attractive young woman out for drinks…
Jim: Why’d I do it? Well, let’s just say I’m well versed in first day infatuations.
Alice: Dwight’s taking me out for drinks after work. I’m not complaining, he seems like a very interesting guy. This could be fun…
At the end of the day, I grab my coat and wait for Dwight, per his instructions.
“Follow me,” he instructs, walking out of the office without waiting for me to follow. 
I catch the elevator right before it closes and we ride down in silence. Dwight walks to his car without a word, and I cautiously follow behind him. I catch Angela shooting daggers my way as she walks to her car. I quickly get into the passenger’s side while Dwight gets into the driver’s side and starts his car.
“What’s the deal with Angela? She gave me a dirty look earlier…”
“She’s jealous. She had a chance with me and squandered it, and now doesn’t like the sight of me out with a beautiful, much taller woman.”
My cheeks heat up after hearing him call me beautiful. I say nothing the rest of the way to Poor Richards.
Once we get to the bar, Dwight leads me inside, and I instantly take in the Celtic vibes in the decor of the place. It’s plenty loud for a Friday night, with many groups of people throughout the bar.
Dwight walks up to the bar, not waiting for me to follow behind him again. I quickly walk behind him, trying to keep up. Holding two beers, he nods his head in the direction of a free booth for us to sit. He sits, sliding one of the beers across to me.
“Thanks, Dwight.” I say, taking the beer in my hands.
“This is Poor Richards. Nothing special. I hope you like beer, I didn’t bother ordering you a lame fruity drink with a straw.”
I can’t hold back a smile.
“No, yeah, beer is good. A drink with a straw would be bad for the environment, so…” I take a sip of the beer, tasting to see if I’ll like it. “This is actually really good, thanks!”
“You’re welcome,” Dwight nods, taking a gulp from his own beer. “Right over there, behind the bar,” Dwight adds, pointing. “Pam’s ex-fiancee Roy smashed this really well-crafted stained glass. He got angry after she admitted to kissing Jim. It turned into a whole big thing. I had to defend Jim with mace.”
“What?” I reply in disbelief.
“It’s a shame, that stained glass was a nice addition to this bar.” Dwight shrugs off the other details, drinking more of his beer.
Halfway through my beer, I decide to be brave.
“What happened with Angela? You said she ruined her chance with you–”
“Yes, she was sleeping with me while engaged to Andy. There was a duel, but in the end we left her to regret her decisions and became somewhat friends.”
“Wow,” I breathe. “I guess you have to entertain yourselves somehow in such a small town, huh?”
Dwight scoffs, offering to get me another beer. He returns with two more beers, sliding me a full glass.
“I’m sorry she did that to you... But why were you sleeping with her in the first place if she was engaged?”
“She loved me. She was engaged to Andy as a slight to me, to get back at me for euthanizing her very sick cat.”
I can’t help laughing.
“You have some crazy stories there, Dwight.”
“They’re all factual events–” I continue laughing.
“But Andy? That guy’s a lunatic, and I only met him for five minutes!”  
“You’re correct. He’s dim and has anger issues. He’s a very simple man with no life plan. And a terrible salesman.”
“Y’know, Dwight?” I say, starting on my third beer in the last hour. “You’re a really funny guy.”
“Oh, ha-ha, did Jim make jokes about me back at the office?”
“No, shhhh–” I reach across the booth, placing my finger against his mouth. “You’re a really cool, funny, honest dude… And you think I’m beauty-ful,” giggle, leaning back into the booth.
“Oh, well, yes. You are, you’re an exceptionally beautiful young woman. I’d be foolish to not acknowledge you as such. You’re also a lightweight.”
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notstars-doors · 6 years
Take Me Back To The Start
Ch. 3: The Few Things
A morning-after turns into more that Dick and Wally had bargained for. Not that they're complaining.
The smell of coffee and cinnamon drifting into the bedroom is what finally rouses him from slumber. The scent trickles through the open door, the quiet sizzles and pops of something frying prodding at his mind until he cracks open a bleary eye. Dick rolls onto his stomach and smiles goofily into his pillow. There’s comfort in knowing that when he gets out of bed, he won’t have to look far for that familiar mop of red hair he loves so much.
Dick shivers when he throws off the duvet, tip-toeing over cold hardwood to his dresser and pulling on a thick sweater and socks. His apartment is always cold this time of year, especially in the morning, and at this point he’s given up on figuring out what the hell is wrong with his thermostat. He shuffles quietly through the living room, snagging the throw off the back of the couch as he goes and wrapping it around his shoulders.
“It’s fucking freezing in here.”
Wally doesn’t even turn around to face him as he flips something in the frying pan, but Dick can hear him snickering. “Good morning to you too, sunshine.”
Dick doesn’t know how Wally can be standing in his frigid kitchen in just a pair of boxer-briefs, but he’s not complaining as he molds himself against Wally’s warm back, resting his chin on his shoulder. He peeks down at the stove in front of them. “When did you learn how to make french toast?”
Wally shrugs. “Around the time I had kids and discovered that sugar is the best way to get them to eat in the morning.”
“That can’t be healthy.”
“Coming from the guy with four boxes of Lucky Charms in his cupboard and nothing else.”
Dick pulls away, smacking Wally’s ass in retribution as he walks past him to the coffee machine. “They’re magically delicious!”
Wally scoffs. “They’re gonna give you diabetes.”
“If colourful marshmallows are how I go, then that’s how I go, Walls.”
“That’s the most ‘Dick Grayson’ thing I’ve ever heard you say.”
Dick smiles into his steaming cup of coffee, sipping gingerly. “I’ve gotten some practice at being me in the past few years.”
Wally rolls his eyes, laughing despite himself. He turns the heat on the stove down to low and places a lid over the pan, leaning against the counter. “How’d you sleep?”
“Okay. Better than I have in a while, to be honest.” He places his mug on the counter beside him and hops up to sit on the cold marble surface, grateful that he’d kept his sweatpants on through the night. “I think I actually got a full five hours.”
“Five hours?” Wally asks. He closes the few feet of distance between them. “We didn’t even stay up that late and you still only slept five hours?”
Dick smiles and leans his forearms on Wally’s shoulders, linking his fingers together behind his head. “You forget how hard it is for my body to relax.”
“I dunno…” He weasels his way between Dick’s knees, leaning in and nuzzling gently at the crook of his neck. “I think I’m pretty re-acquainted with your body by now.”
Dick hums in appreciation. He tilts his head lazily to the side, closing his eyes at the sensation. “You’re not wrong… But I think you’re still a little rusty.”
“Rusty?” Wally nips at Dick’s earlobe, trailing his lips along his jawline so lightly it almost tickles. “I take offense to that.”
Dick laughs and runs his fingers through Wally’s soft curls. “You just need more practice, that’s all.”
Wally pulls back abruptly, giving Dick a skeptical look. “ Practice? ”
“Yeah.” He grins. It’s so easy to rile Wally up sometimes. “What, afraid you’re that bad?”
“Then what’s the harm in a little warm up?”
Wally scoffs. “Alright, you wanna practice-”
Before Dick can take another breath, it gets knocked out of him. He finds himself pressed into leather couch cushions, hands pinned over his head.
“-let’s practice .”
Dick gasps, laughing as his mind tries to catch up. After a few seconds, he eyes come into focus and Wally’s smug smile is hovering inches above him. “Did you take a second to turn the stove off?”
“Like, half a second.”
“Safety first.”
Dick wriggles his hands free, throwing his arms around Wally’s neck to pull him in for a kiss that goes from eager to desperate in less time than it took to get there. Wally’s hands trail fire across his skin as he pushes up the woolen sweater Dick’s wearing, searching for more contact. He’s everywhere, taking over all of his senses, and Dick gets lost in the warmth and weight of Wally’s body on his. He doesn’t have much work to do himself, his own clothes and Wally’s boxer-briefs the only things between them, and he thinks Wally has the situation handled pretty well.
Wally’s just found that sweet spot under his jaw, after throwing Dick’s sweater across the room, when something starts to invade the fog of desire that’s clouding Dick’s mind. It’s a sound - a loud sound. Dick’s grimaces, finally tuning in and realizing that the buzzer is going off by his front door.
“Expecting company today?” Wally murmurs, mouthing down the column of Dick’s neck to his collarbone.
“I don’t… think so…” Dick says breathily, wracking his brain to remember why someone would be here. “What day is it?”
“Uh… Friday?”
“Friday…” It takes him maybe five seconds longer than it should have before he’s sitting up so abruptly that he knocks Wally onto the other side of the couch. “It’s Friday!? ”
Wally catches himself before he topples over completely, looking a little wild with his hair disheveled and pupils blown. “Yeah, why?”
“Shit!” Dick groans and launches himself over the back of the couch. He slips a little, his fluffy socks gaining no traction on the hardwood floor as he hurries to the front door, hitting the button on the buzzer with a little more force than necessary. “Hello?”
“Hi sweetie!” Dick turns back to the living room to see Wally bolt upright, eyes wide. “Hey Kori. You guys come on up!”
“Thank you, Dick,” A sweet, familiar voice crackles through the speaker, interrupting the childish babbling in the background. “See you in a minute!”
Dick takes his finger off the button and whirls around, sliding back across the room to grab his sweater from where it had been tossed haphazardly on the floor. “ Shit! I completely forgot, it’s my weekend with Mar’i!”
Wally runs a hand through his wild curls. “Should I… uh…”
“Put some pants on!” Dick grabs him by the arm and shoves him towards the bedroom. “My kid is gonna be here in like two minutes.”
“Oh!” It takes Wally less time to change than it does for Dick to even get to the bathroom and try to wrangle his sweaty bed-head into something less incriminating. He zips over to stand in the doorway, watching Dick struggle in the mirror. “So… you want me to stay?”
Dick turns around, giving up on the bird’s nest on top of his head and looking at Wally fondly. “I mean, it’s been a month. You were gonna have to meet her soon, anyway.”
Wally’s put on one of Dick’s BPD t-shirts and a loose pair of sweats, leaning awkwardly against the doorframe. He looks sheepish and a little nervous. Dick cups his cheek, and Wally leans into his touch automatically. “You sure it’s okay?”
“I want you to be here.”
Before Wally can respond with anything more than a grateful smile, the front door opens with a bang, followed by the loud cry of an excited two year old.
“Daaaddy! Daddy?”
“Hey kiddo!” Dick calls out, giving Wally a ‘too late to back out now’ look before stepping around him and out of the bathroom.
“ Daddy! ” Mar’i shouts when she sees her father, long black curls bouncing as she jumps up and down with her arms in the air.
Dick slides across the floor, purposefully this time, and scoops his daughter up when she starts to float on her last jump. He spins her around a few times, big smiles on both their faces when he brings her in for a cuddle.
“You would think I kidnapped her for a month with how excited she’s been to see you.” Kori’s teasing lilt brings a bigger smile to Dick’s lips, and when he opens his free arm for a hug, she steps into it gladly.
“Yeah I can tell, did she break my lock?” He laughs, giving Kori a squeeze before letting her go.
“Just the chain, not the bolt. You didn’t come to the door fast enough, apparently.” She raises both eyebrows in concern. “Is everything alright?”
Dick laughs a little sheepishly. “Yeah, all good! Sorry, I just have some company today.”
“Oh?” Kori blinks in surprise. Her expression is almost confused, and she opens her mouth to say something but looks past him suddenly instead. “Oh. Hello Wally.”
When Dick turns around, Wally’s leaning against the back of the couch. He gives Kori a wave that’s only a little awkward, one hand shoved in his pocket. “Hey Kori. How’s it goin’?”
“Very well, thank you. Yourself?”
“Great! Yeah.” Wally glances at Dick, who just shrugs and tries to smother the grin that’s threatening to spread across his face. Wally’s scrambling for words and Dick is thoroughly enjoying it. “Uh. So, you’re dropping the little one off today?”
“Yes, it’s Richard’s weekend with her.”
At that, Dick remembers that he’s got a toddler squirming in his arms and smacking his cheek, vying for his attention. “What’s up, sweet pea?”
Mar’i’s big green eyes are furious and wondrous all at once, and she throws her arm out to point at Wally in accusatory fashion. “Who?”
Dick snags her tiny finger and wiggles it around a little, which makes her laugh. “Well, first of all, little missy, it’s not nice to point. Okay?”
“ Who?”
He smiles. “Good girl. This is Wally, he’s a friend of mine.”
“Hi Mar’i.” Wally finally gets up from his weird half-lean against the couch, walking over to stand next to Dick and waving at the little girl in his arms. “It’s nice to finally meet you!”
Mar’i looks at her parents for approval, and when they both nod, she gives Wally a big smile and waves enthusiastically. “Hi!”
“You guys are just in time, Wally’s making french toast for breakfast!” Dick doesn’t miss Kori’s glance between himself and Wally, nor does he miss Wally purposefully not looking in Kori’s direction. “Did you wanna stick around for a bit, Kor?”
“I would, but I’ve got a few errands to run this morning and then I’m meeting up with the Teen Titans for a quick training session this afternoon.” Kori declines, dropping the baby bag she’s been carrying to the floor. “But thank you! Perhaps another time?”
“We’d love that.” Dick says earnestly, bouncing Mar’i into a more secure position on his hip.
“So would I.” Kori smiles, pressing a gentle kiss to Mar’i’s cheek. “I’ll be heading out now. You’re going to be a good girl for your daddy this weekend, right Starshine?”
“Right!” Mar’i wriggles in Dick’s arms, leaning towards her mother.
Kori takes her from him easily and gives her a big squeeze. “Alright, you guys have fun!” She puts Mar’i down on the floor instead of handing her back to her father. “Dick, would you mind walking me out?”
“Sure.” Dick nods. “Mar’i, do you want to help Wally finish up breakfast?”
Mar’i looks up curiously at Dick, then Wally, who smiles. She looks at her mom one last time, and getting another nod of approval, she reaches up and takes hold of Wally’s index finger. “Okay!”
“Good girl!” Dick grins, watching Wally’s heart melt right then and there when Mar’i gives him a toothy smile. “I’ll be right back, don’t eat all that food without me.”
“No promises!”
Dick has no concerns about the two as he and Kori walk to the front door, but the Tamaranian herself doesn’t seem as sure. She glances towards the kitchen several times on their way. Dick notices the broken chain dangling from the lock, making a mental note to replace it with something a little sturdier next time. Though, not much could hold up against his daughter’s super-strength if she really put her mind to it.
“Everything okay?” Dick asks as they come up to the door.
Kori sighs, shifting her purse into a more secure position on her shoulder and stepping out into the hallway. “Dick…”
He frowns. “What’s wrong?”
“I know we aren’t together anymore, and that is for the best. I have no qualms about how you spend your free time, or who you spend it with…”
“...where’s this going, Kori?”
“We have a child together, and while I have no reason to question your private life… well,” She pauses, looking up at the ceiling as if trying to find her thoughts there. “I know your history with Wally.”
Dick cocks an eyebrow. “And…?”
“And it didn’t end well last time.”
“I don’t think any relationship ends well , does it?”
“You know what I mean.”
“Do I?”
Kori gives Dick a frustrated look that he knows well. He knows he’s being a little difficult, but he’s not entirely sure why she’s bringing this up. “Mar’i is at a very delicate stage in her life right now. She needs consistency, and with parents who are no longer together, that’s not an easy thing to find.”
“I’m well aware of that, thanks.” Dick doesn’t want to sound annoyed, but he doesn’t appreciate the way Kori’s grilling him right now.
“Dick… are you and Wally seriously involved?” Kori murmurs, stepping closer and keeping her voice low.
It takes him a second to swallow the lump that rises in his throat at that question. When he finally answers, his tone is more sure than he was expecting. “Yes.”
Kori’s intense green eyes flicker as they search his for any sign of doubt. Dick holds her gaze, determined to end the conversation somewhere concrete. Seeming satisfied by his answer, she nods and steps back. “Okay. Just be careful, then. You know I trust you, but I do not want Mar’i getting attached to someone who won’t be a permanent figure in her life.”
“This isn’t a sudden thing, Kori. We’re…” Dick sighs, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. “We’re making it work this time.”
The smile is slow to form on her lips, but it does, and Dick finds himself smiling back before he realizes it. “I’m glad to hear that. He has always been a good man. I just hope he’s good to you.”
“He is.”
“He better be.”
They laugh together at that. Dick knows that Kori would defend his honour the same way he would hers, neither of them needing to say it aloud. When he extends both arms for another hug, Kori squeezes him almost tight enough to crack a rib. No matter what their relationship was, the two of them would always love each other and Dick knows that will never change.
“You have fun this weekend, okay?” Kori says, pulling away for the last time.
“Ever any doubt?” Dick grins. He leans against the doorframe and watches her head down the hall.
“I’ll see you on Monday then, dear.”
“‘til we meet again.”
They grin at each other one last time as Kori steps into the elevator. Dick shuts the door, grimacing as a doorknob-shaped hole reveals itself in the drywall. He makes another mental note to fix that too. He’s really gotta babyproof this place.
Well, Mar’i proof it. Now that she’s mobile and starting to fly , he’s really gotta collaborate with Kori on exactly how to… handle that.
Dick is a little lost in thought about how on earth he’s going to handle parenting a super-strong, half-alien teenager someday, when he hears an hysterical squeal burst from the other room. Turning the corner, he comes into the kitchen to find Mar’i sitting up on the counter, much like he had been doing earlier. She’s clapping excitedly as Wally flips a slice of french toast high in the air, catching it in the frying pan with practiced ease. Dick has a moment of panic at the idea of Mar’i sitting on the edge like that, but then he remembers that Wally would catch her in an instant if she fell. Wally’s been a dad longer than he has. Dick trusts that he’s got as much instinct as he does speed.
The rest of the morning goes by in a blur. Wally decides to stick around for the afternoon, playing tag with Mar’i as Dick does the dishes, who had insisted. It was only fair, since Wally had made breakfast. Mar’i takes to Wally almost instantly, giggling and running around the apartment in her little pink socks. Wally pretends he can’t keep up, collapsing in the middle of the living room and complaining loudly that Mar’i is simply too fast for the Fastest Man Alive.
Dick opens his mouth to insist that Barry Allen isn’t here, but manages to catch himself at the very last moment.
Barry isn’t here anymore.
He’d died six years ago. Wally really is the Fastest Man Alive now.
Dick leans back against the edge of the sink, drying his hands on a dish towel and watching his daughter jump on Wally’s stomach like it’s a bouncy castle. Wally just takes it, his exaggerated groan making Mar’i laugh even harder.
Wally probably has more experience with kids than he’d thought, Dick realizes. When Barry had died, the twins Don and Dawn had already been born. Wally probably spent a lot of time with them and his aunt back then, watching the kids as Iris grieved.
A pang of regret shoots through Dick’s chest. He’d found out about Barry’s death from Bruce. He remembers his conflict over contacting Wally, his finger hovering over the ‘call’ button too many times but never following through. He’d convinced himself that Wally wouldn’t want to hear from his ex while he was grieving. Dick didn’t want to make things any more complicated than they’d needed to be.
Now, Dick watches his… boyfriend. He’s playing with Dick’s daughter in the middle of his apartment, six years older, careful and caring but always fun, and Dick wants to kick himself for all their lost time. Who knows where they would be now if they’d just… figured things out.
But then, he thinks, that little girl squealing in Wally’s arms wouldn’t exist, and Dick simply can’t bear the thought. So he smiles, bittersweet, at the scene before him, and decides he’s okay with what they have.
When a tuckered out Mar’i finally dozes off on Dick’s chest, they’ve all migrated to the couch. Mar’i had decided that they were watching Moana and nothing else, and neither adult wanted to argue with a tired toddler at that point. Wally grabs the remote and turns down the volume, letting ‘You’re Welcome’ go on quietly in the background.
Dick plays with the perfect ringlets of black hair falling on his chest, watching his daughter’s back rise and fall steadily with every breath. Mar’i might have Kori’s eyes, and the curls might be hers too, but that midnight dark colour is all Grayson. He’s kind of glad some part of him shows through, with how much she still resembles Kori. He wonders sometimes who she’s going to take after more when she gets older. It’s still too early to tell at this point, but he knows she’s got enough spirit from the both of them to take on the world.
“She’s got your nose.”
Dick looks up to find Wally smiling affectionately, watching them from his spot at the other end of the couch. His legs are stretched out beside Dick, who’s got his toes tucked under Wally’s thighs for warmth. Dick had placed a blanket over all three of them at the beginning of the movie but Wally had thrown it off himself after about ten minutes. Now, he sits up and wraps it more securely around Mar’i’s sleeping form.
“She does?”
Wally nods, smiling down at the toddler. “Yeah. I noticed it earlier. It does the little scrunchie thing when she laughs, like yours does.”
“Little scrunchie thing?” Dick fights the urge to look cross-eyed at his own nose.
“I didn’t know I did that.”
“Well, you do.” Wally says. He rests his elbow on the back of the couch, leaning his cheek into his palm. “You were right, by the way.”
“Of course I was.” Dick rolls his eyes. “About what?”
Wally laughs quietly, as to not wake Mar’i. “She’s a little firecracker.”
“Oh.” Dick smiles. He tucks a stray lock of hair behind her ear, his smile growing a little wider when Mar’i grumbles in her sleep and curls herself further into the crook of his arm. “Yeah, she is, isn’t she?”
“It’s a good thing I don’t get tired easily, she would’ve wiped the floor with me otherwise.”
“She’s worn me out a few times, I’ll admit. I don’t know where she gets the energy from.”
Dick cocks an eyebrow. “Me?”
“Yeah.” Wally says. “Bruce used to tell Barry that he was lucky he got super-speed before he got a nephew and not the other way around, or he’d never keep up.”
“Bruce never told me that.”
“He said the same thing to me when I had the twins. Said the the only time he ever got a good night’s sleep was when you were a kid. You tired him out by the end of every day.”
Dick swallows the lump that threatens to rise in his throat, getting a little sentimental. He never knew that. He supposes Bruce didn’t want him to know, for whatever convoluted reason. It doesn’t surprise him. Still, he decides that Bruce has to deal with a two-minute hug the next time he stops by for a visit.
“I’m sure it’s got something to do with the Tamaranian in her too,” Wally continues, “but I think that Flying Grayson acrobat energy is genetically impossible to override.”
Dick can’t help but laugh. “Won’t argue with that.”
Wally nods and chuckles under his breath. They both go quiet for a while after that, their attention shifting to the movie. Mar’i sleeps soundly through it all. It’s only when they get to the part when Gramma Tala’s spirit comes to Moana that Wally finally speaks again.
“So, what did Kori want to talk about, earlier?”
Dick turns to him, tearing his eyes from the screen. It takes a second for the question to register.
“Uh.” Dick sighs, not sure how to answer. He leans his head back against the arm of the couch and stares up at the ceiling. “Us.”
“You and me.”
“I gathered, thanks.” Dick can feel Wally rolling his eyes at him. “What do you mean?”
“She… she wanted to know if we were… serious, I guess.”
“Oh. Are we?”
Dick blinks, then lifts his head to look at Wally warily. “I told her we were. Are we not-?”
“No! I-” Wally clamps a hand over his mouth at his outburst, both of them staring down at Mar’i to see if she would wake. She doesn’t, and after a minute Wally continues in a softer tone. “Yes, we are. I mean, I am. I just wasn’t sure if that’s what you wanted.”
“It is.”
It takes a second of staring at each other in mild apprehension and awkwardness before they’re both bursting into quiet laughter. It’s easy to let the tension slip away.
Wally shakes his head, pressing the back of his hand to his mouth in an attempt to suppress his giggles. “I think we keep forgetting that we’ve done this before.”
“I don’t think we’ve ever done this before.” Dick gestures between them. “The last time we dated we were kids. Now we have kids.”
“True.” Wally shrugs. “I don’t think it’s all that different, though.”
“How come?”
He shrugs again. “I dunno. Things are… easy with you. Always have been.”
“You know that’s not true.”
They go silent again, and Dick wants to kick himself for saying that. They both know well enough that things aren’t always easy. Wally was just trying to be sweet.
“Hey.” Wally grabs his ankle suddenly, bringing Dick out of his head. “Don’t brood.”
“Don’t. Brood.” Wally’s poking his calf now. “It’s fine.”
Dick grimaces. “I didn’t mean to-”
“ Babe .” The nickname shuts him up as fast Wally had probably intended. Wally shifts his hand, squeezing Dick’s knee. “Shit happened. A long time ago. We don’t have to linger on it, okay?”
Wally’s nonchalance towards the whole thing - the break up, the distance, the years between then and now - has Dick releasing the tension he didn’t realize he was holding in his shoulders. He sighs, leaning his head to the side and resting it against the couch cushions, watching Wally’s expression. He’s sweet, but stern in his desire for them to move past all their shit. All their complications. All their fuck-ups.
Dick wonders if they should go through it all. Talk about it. Wally doesn’t seem to want to, and right now probably isn’t the best time to do it. Dick certainly doesn’t want to, but he already has enough of an issue with ignoring his problems.
Wally squeezes his knee again, and Dick finds himself smiling despite his internal struggle.
They’ll talk about it another time.
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lizartgurl · 6 years
Suited Up (Young Justice Outsiders, OCs)
Willow Lance returns to high society, now with her girlfriend, and tries to get her parents to talk to each other. Bruce Wayne, however, may throw a huge damper on her night.
Word Count: 3132 
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“Miss Lance. Welcome back,” The ex-navy seal-turned-bodyguard for Queen Industries smiled warmly as he opened the door, holding it wide open as I stepped out of the backseat, and then as I helped Serene out of the car.
For a moment, the cameras stopped flashing as the paparazzi scrambled to recognize either of us. They returned in full force, screaming my way. With Serene’s arm in mine, I ignored them, making my stride quick and purposeful as I led her into the venue.
The glass geometric dome was bordered with gardens, plants cleverly hiding the speakers for music and raffle announcements. On the far side of the room were tables, piled high with every rich delicacy you could think of, next to the bar, which led to the kitchen (and bathrooms).
The entrance, where we stood, was a grand staircase, which led down to the dance floor that made up the majority of the venue.
Much like the paparazzi outside, many people stopped what they were doing, eyes on us in silent wonder.
I could feel Serene’s grip on my arm tightening.
“You ready?” I asked her.
“So long as you are,” She laughed lightly.
By the time we’d reached the floor, the live orchestra had started back up again, and all the donors had gone back to their own business, except for the two middle-aged blondes who hurried to greet us.
“Willow,” Dinah gasped, hugging me tightly.
“You look stunning,” I told her. Dinah’s hair was pulled back in a sleek ponytail, and her slim, midnight-blue dress sparkled with a thousand glittery stars.
She smiled, wiping something from the corner of her eye with care not to smudge her eyeliner. “You too.”
“Hey chickadee,” Oliver hugged me too, “Glad you could make it.”
He glanced at Serene, “That you both could.”
I smiled at my girlfriend, sliding my arm around her. “Mom, Dad, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Serene. Serene, my parents, Dinah and Oliver.”
Dinah grasped Serene’s hands. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Serene.”
“You as well, Mrs. Lance.”
“Call me Dinah,” She insisted.
“How’s Olivia?” I asked.
“With Will and Lian for the evening,” Oliver grinned, “Why? Were you hoping to get away with babysitting duties? After that entrance?”
“Maybe,” I teased right back.
I could see it in their blue eyes, in their aching smiles. They had millions of questions pressing at their polite appearance, but I couldn’t get away with explaining everything now. It would have to wait for a quieter time, where we weren’t surrounded by the well-to-do of society.
“If you’ll excuse us for a moment,” I led Serene over to Emma, watching me with a huge smile to go with her brother’s trollish grin.
“Wow,” Emma couldn’t stop smiling, looking me up and down, “Just...Wow!”
“You like it?” Serene lifted my arm to give me a spin.
“I think you rock a suit better than any guy,” Emma shook her head.
“Even me?” Rick begged.
“Especially you, Mister Fashion Disaster,” Emma hummed in satisfaction.
“Why, if it isn’t Little Miss Willow!”
I winced, vaguely recognizing the creaky voices of Gretchen “Granny” Goode, of Goode World Studios, the same studios that produced the Logan twins’ show, and once upon a time, M’gann’s ancient favorite: “Hello Megan!”
“Good to see you, Mrs. Goode.”
She gave a hoot of laughter, “As if I haven’t heard that one before. And call me Granny, Willow. And that goes for all of you as well,” She pointedly eyed Richard, Emma, and Serene. Funny, I don’t recall giving her permission to call me by my first name.
“How’s the fundraising going, Granny?” Emma asked, handing Granny a glass from a passing waiter’s tray.
“Oh just wonderful! I only wish Bruce could be here, he always brings in such a haul,” Granny sighed melodramatically.
“He’ll be here. You know Bruce, fashionably late as always,” Rick promised her.
“As if any entrance he made could top Willow’s!” Granny held out her arms, as if she expected a hug from me.
“Thank you,” I nodded awkwardly, holding out my hand to Serene instead.
“Would you care to dance, my love?”
She smiled softly, eyes glittering and reflecting the lights, the bubbles from the champagne, everything in the room all at once. It felt like the whole world was contained in her eyes.
“I would love to.”
I swept her up with the swell of the music, both of us floating across the floor, lost in each other’s arms. And that’s how most of the evening was spent, dancing with my girlfriend to avoid awkward rich people who tried to claim some sort of connection with me in an effort to rebound off the attention I received from entering with Serene. We finally managed to catch Emma and Rick by the appetizer buffet after they’d successfully ditched Miss Goode, loudly laughing at inside jokes to drive away any intruders.
“Bruce is gonna kill me for being so rude,” Emma snorted into her small plate of shrimp.
“Nah, he’ll think it’s hilarious,” Rick said, now on the lookout for anyone making a beeline for our table.
“Dinah’ll be mad, but she won’t go as far as grounding.”
Serene shrugged, “My dad would be the one hiding from everybody.”
We all fell into laughter again, and I waved over the waiter for another flute of champagne.
“This is definitely the most fun I’ve ever had at a gala,” Emma sighed happily.
“Even more than when Mara, Livvy, and Stephanie stole all the cream puffs?”
“I was panicking for half the evening wondering where they were before we found them. Under the bar of all things.”
Richard shrugged. “Miss Serene, would you mind to terribly if I asked you to dance?”
“Oo, watch out, Will, Rick’s gonna steal your girl.”
“As long as you understand that I am taken,” Mister Richard,” Serene giggled, taking his offered hand.
Emma shrugged, the two of us alone at the table with four empty plates, and Carmine Falcone heading straight for us.
“Wanna dance?”
“Thought you’d never ask.” We ducked into the crowd, leaving Falcone scratching his head in our wake so that we were almost laughing too hard to joined in the foxtrot they were playing.
“You look so much happier nowadays,” Emma observed.
I nodded, “Serene says I’m even better now that I’ve started talking to you guys again.”
Emma tilted her head back and forth, “Well that, and you look so much better in a suit than you ever did in a dress.”
I snorted softly, “You sure?”
“Well, it could be a combination of that and you don’t look nearly half as awkward dancing with Serene as you did with Kaldur.
“That was seven years ago! And he was your boyfriend!” Emma giggled as I spun her.
“Are you happy with him?” My tone serious as Emma came back to land in my arms again.
Her face serious, but with a smile slowly etching into the corners of her mouth, Emma nodded. “I love him, Willow. And he loves me too. I see it every day.
“We’re thinking of getting married.”
“Married?” My voice squeaked, too late to stop us from running into six-foot-four Bruce Wayne, immovable and unfazed.
“Bruce,” Emma gave him a quick hug, “How is everything?”
“It’s all well, Emma, Barbara has things well in hand.”
His gaze looked up from his adopted daughter, focusing in on me now. “Miss Lance.”
“Mr. Wayne,” I folded my arms across my chest, as if he were Superman with the x-ray vision and could see right through me.
“I’m sorry to interrupt your dance, Emma, but I need to speak to Willow.”
“Alright,” I shrugged, and leaned back on my right leg.
“Alone, if you wouldn’t mind.”
“I do,” I growled, following him back by the bar. I glanced back over my shoulder, seeing Richard and Serene stopped by Emma, watching me retreat after Bruce.
“Two bourbons, please,” Bruce asked the bartender, taking a seat at the end of the bar, away from the gossiping drunks. A Batman-esque glare was enough to drive anyone else away.
My drink came, but I refused to drink it, watching Bruce drink his first.
“What do you want, Wayne?” I asked.
Bruce downed the last of his glass, but when he went to put it down, he winced and nursed an area by his ribs momentarily.
“Where have you been, Willow?” He asked with a grunt, struggling to breathe evenly.
“STAR Detroit. I’m surprised you don’t know that.” I huffed.
“When you left, you said you needed space. I decided to give you that, so long as you didn’t go crazy and burn down Lexcorp headquarters in Metropolis.”
I was surprised that he’d actually managed to stay in his own business for two years, but annoyed that he thought so little of me. Then again, my tantrums over the teams first few years didn’t give him much reason to.
“So, still in STAR Detroit. I assume with Doctor Silas Stone?”
I glared at him.
“He is the leading expert on alien technology, two fields you are uniquely familiar with. And after all, you are here with his daughter.”
“I thought you said you stayed out of my business.”
“I did, but I make it a point to background check anyone who the league trusts with alien technology such as a Father Box.”
I froze, hand around my glass.
“It was only decided last night. When Jeff returned from deep space after what happened on Rann over the summer, he brought with him a Box Diana and her team had captured from a fleet of parademons they’d fought.”
He held up his phone, showing me security footage one of the Leaguer’s off in space had recorded of a dark Father Box healing a parademon’s half-missing limb and repair the staff he was holding. I felt a surge of pride in my chest noting Doctor Adam Strange in the background, having master his jetpack and his laser gun as he fought alongside Alanna, daughter of his scientist friend.
Bruce only played the clip once, on silent, before hiding it back in his pocket. “When Steel and the Lanterns couldn’t figure out how to make it work, Kaldur decreed that it would go to STAR to be studied. Of course, with Strange in space and Dorado now managing the metahuman youth center, that leaves Doctor Stone. And you, as his brilliant underpaid internist.”
I sighed. “What do you want, Bruce?” I emphasized again. “How do you even know all this? Emma says you quit the League, and so did Ollie.”
“I had a hand in creating every piece of technology that the League uses. I modified everything on the Watchtower myself.
“But this isn’t just for me, Willow, it’s for the League, for Richard and Emma’s team, for all of us still trying to make the world a better place. We don’t know Stone like we know Strange, and we know he’s a little...irrational at times. Rationalizes too much, loses himself in his work. We need you to keep him on track, to keep him from using the Father Box in the wrong way, or at all.”
“What do you think I’ve been trying to do since I became his intern?” I snapped suddenly.
“Excuse me-” I spun about to tell whoever was interrupting us to buzz off, when I saw Ollie smiling at me.
“I’m sure you won’t begrudge me the opportunity to dance with my own daughter, Bruce. Would you?”
Bruce sighed heavily. “Think about it, Willow.” Without gracing Ollie with an answer, he left a sizable tip for the barkeep and disappeared into the crowd.
“What was that all about?” Oliver asked, offering his arm.
“Just Bruce being Bruce,” I sighed.
Oliver chuckled, bringing us into dance position for a waltz, “Figures.”
“Anyone else I should be worried about running into?” I asked, trying to remember the lady’s steps instead of the gentleman’s this time around.
“Well, Granny insisted on inviting Luthor, but he declined, insisting that his focus was needed on the UN’s efforts to eradicate meta-human trafficking.”
The short bark of laughter that painfully tore itself from my chest drew the attention of several other dancing couples for a second.
“You look happy, Willow.”
“I am happy.” I told him.
“I’m glad,” He smiled beneath his dopey goatee, eyes crinkled sadly.
“What about you? Are you and Dinah happy?” I asked.
“That...” He sighed, spinning me around. “That’s a tough question to answer, Willow.”
“Why’d you leave?” I asked, a sudden edge to my voice, “I could’ve told you and Bruce years ago that Luthor was going to make things harder for the League. The people love him too much, you’ve seen it.”
He nodded stoically. “But that doesn’t mean we stop trying, chickadee. When we told you and the team to stay behind in the cave, did you guys listen?”
“No,” I said. I stared down at my feet to make sure I was putting them in the right spots.
He smiled again. “You have a heart for good, and a smart head on your shoulders. You’re going to do whatever you need to make sure that people get the help that they need, in whatever way that may be.
“With the League, we were able to keep reaching people on a wider range, at least for a while. That tsunami in Rhelasia was the last straw for me, personally, and when Bruce offered a way to keep reaching those people, I had to take it.”
“So why didn’t you tell Mom?” I begged, “Olivia called me the night you left the League. She saw Dinah drinking, and she’s terrified that you two are going to get a divorce.”
Oliver’s face was slightly pale in the already white lightning of the dome.
“I’m not sure, chickadee,” Ollie sighed. “I love your mother, I always have. I don’t want to leave her, but she cares about you guys so much, I couldn’t ask her to betray Kaldur. At least until it was too late.”
I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Bruce seems to think you’re still working with the League,” I glared over at the bar, my face hot.
Oliver chuckled, “Bruce thinks a lot of things, not all of them true.”
I sighed, resting my head on his chest.
“What are you thinking now, chickadee?”
I pressed my lips together. “I’m just glad to have a dad again.”
The dance ended, and Oliver kissed my forehead. “I’d love another dance with you, but I think your gal pal is a little anxious to talk to you.” He attempted to grin, and gave me a little push toward Serene, who waited at a table with a glass of champagne and one solitary cream puff.
“May I?” I asked.
She slid the plate towards me with a giggle.
“I spoke with your mom, you know,” She nodded over my shoulder, and saw that Ollie had headed in Dinah’s direction. She stood on the edge of the dance floor, surveying everything while swirling her glass, which had a potent lipstick stain on the rim.
“Did she interrogate you or anything?” I asked.
Serene chuckled, “No, no, she was very nice. In fact, she told me a very fun story?”
“Oh?” I raised my eyebrow at her.
She nodded, smiling slyly. “It had Emma in it too, I think, about the time that she got sick and you tried to make her a pot of soup to make her feel better?”
I shoved the cream puff back her way, hungry no longer. “She swore she would never tell that story.”
Emma and Richard, having a drop too much to drink, danced past us, twirling elegantly. “She comes bearing soup!” Emma laughed.
“You’re all awful and you know I can cook much better now.”
“Yes, but can you make soup?” Richard wiggled his eyebrows before dancing off with his sister again.
Serene giggled, “Is that why you never make soup?”
“Come on,” I took her hand, “Let’s dance over there, there’s more room.” Serene laughed as I led her across the dance floor, and sure enough Emma and Richard followed us, but fortunately for me, not another word was spoken of soup for the rest of the evening.
“She’s very happy,” Oliver said as he approached Dinah.
“I can tell,” Dinah said stiffly.
Oliver gently lifted the glass from her hand, letting a waiter take it away, before bringing his wife onto the dance floor. Though she didn’t resist, she seemed determined to stare at the floor, at the ceiling, at the bar, anywhere but at his face.
“I spoke to Serene. She’s a brilliant woman, and she loves Willow very much.”
“Dinah, we’ve been married for almost ten years now. When are we going to talk to each other?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” Dinah quipped.
“Dinah,” his hand left her back, coming up to hold her cheek, “I couldn’t ask you to leave the kids.”
“You could have told me what you were planning.”
“I could have, and I should have.”
“Then why didn’t you?”
It was Ollie’s turn to look away. Across the room, Willow and Serene were spinning around, and emma was probably recording it on her phone.
“It was Bruce’s idea, of course.”
“Since when do you listen to Bruce?” Dinah huffed.
“He had some pretty good reasons. He was asking each of his potential recruits one on one, and he didn’t want them to join just because of peer pressure. And he never said it outright, but I don’t think he wanted Kaldur to get wind of it either.”
“Why not? We don’t have the power to keep people from leaving the League.”
Oliver shrugged. “And this one’s more personal, but I didn’t want you knowing that I was leaving to drive us apart so soon.”
“Some good that did,” Oliver spun Dinah around, bringing her back around to land in his arms.
They stopped dancing.
Dinah gripped his lapels. “I...I know that you look out for the little guy. You always have. That’s why I fell for you in the first place.”
She held up one finger to keep him from interrupting, “I can’t leave the League. You’re right. I won’t abandon Kaldur when so much has already gone south for us.”
She glanced over at Willow and the others, “And second, you need to talk to me. No matter what, if we really love each other, we can’t be keeping things like this from each other.”
“Deal. Anything else you’d like to get off your chest, Pretty Bird?”
A wicked grin etched itself into Dinah’s mouth. “Oh, I can think of a few things, Mr. Green.”
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