#I’ve been trying to be better at making and keeping plans since moving past the you can’t see anyone ever part of the pandemic
mischiefmaker615 · 20 days
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Summary/Inspiration: "Señorita" by Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes
Rating: R *warning!*
Requester: @MeenuKumari7 (wattpad)
Note: i TRIED to make this cute!! i really did!! but sometimes the darkness has it's way of showing up and taking over the story.. sorry! 
The setting couldn’t be any more perfect..
As much as I hate having to be dragged along with the idiotic heroes the world thinks they need, opportunities tend to rise here and there where the ‘community service’ doesn’t seem to bad.
The plan was simple.. we were placed upon some luxurious- as far as what Midgardians think luxury is- hotel where we were to remain undercover with our eyes out for a particular being set to meet at any place, any time.
Honestly, these humans pick the most tedious enemies. I have faced bloodshed, giants and things the human mind couldn’t even fathom. These mere humans who stand under a cursed society is what they consider dangerous? They are but a mere handful of cockroaches compared to what I’ve had to dispose of realms away from this pathetic one.
So I remained ‘undercover’ and to their unknown knowledge, couldn’t care less at trying to find this mysterious being. Still, the pool side wasn’t the worse place to remain during the day time, especially since the last few days I have had a particular Midgardian catch my eye and yet we haven’t uttered a single word to each other.
I have literally been in the presence of goddesses and yet the still couldn’t compare to this mysterious woman. I was quite surprised that a Midgardian was even capable to capturing my attentions as she tended to walk past me ever now and again on a daily from my chosen spot under a canopy by the pool. This seemed to happen for three days now.
It could be that ironically, she was set to vacation the same amount of time of us being here. The first day I saw her, I caught her scent immediately and my body refused to forget it. Now I find myself inhaling just to reignite it when she would walk past my chair, barely sending me a glance with a gentle look before she would continue on her way. On the second day, I could see her grazing amongst my chest. The attire for this setting was to be shirtless if one wished to swim. I never did, but chose the attire not only to blend in but now to also resee the lustful look in her eyes I would barely catch before she would keep walking.
Today was the third day. She had walked past me and each time her eyes would linger perhaps a second longer. By the grace of the gods by the fourth time of her passing- for reasons I was not to sure on but my complains would foreign, a waiter with a tray of drinks was coming along about the same time.
A perfect opportunity.
This time when she got about two steps away in front of my chair, glancing to what it seemed like she was interested in what book I held in my lap, the waiter turned to pass by her closest to the pool side. As my hand moved to close my book, I pointed a finger towards him at the same time, blending in the action to appear uninvolved but just enough to send a flick of magic to his tray.
When the tray is hit, sheer panic fills his eyes in which he jerks his body to try to rebalance the tray, his body bumping right into hers where she loses her balance as well. What becomes of the waiter doesn’t even scratch the surface of my attentions when I have something much better falling into my lap.
With a light grunt, she falls down and lands above me, knees on either side of my legs with her dainty hands catching herself on either side of my forearms. Her face is almost two inches away from mine, eyes wide where I could practically memorize ever detail of their wonderful color and her gentle breath brushes my face with her hair resting against my chest that falls over her shoulders.
I keep my hands at my book in my lap, though my fingers clutch at it subconsciously with the need to feel her skin instead while I smirk up at her.
‘’hello darling, I don’t believe we’ve been properly introduced considering how often we find ourselves amongst the common grounds.’’
‘’s-sorry-‘’ she says nervously with a sheepish smile, a redness to her cheeks that clearly indicates how bashful she is at falling practically in my lap. She gives a small shiver but her face doesn’t show any sign of discomfort but her skin is covered in light goosebumps.
My eyes rise and I notice a few clouds have settled in, making a grin tug at my lips as I look back at her. ‘’perhaps we should bring this introduction elsewhere? Unless of course you find yourself comfortable here..’’
Her eyes widen as she glances down, almost as if she had just noticed where she was and linger at my chest, her eyes giving a brief scan before she pulls herself away to stand while I follow her up. ‘’t-that might be a good idea, Mr.?..’’
‘’Laufeyson. I’m here on a bit of business with the companies around the area and tend to just stay around until things are finalized.’’ I fib about business before I indicate to her. ‘’and might I ask,’’
‘’Y/N,’’ she gives a gentle smile and I instantly want to hear it on my tongue as I repeat her name, instantly loving the sound of it.
‘’beautiful’’ I breath, wishing I could repeat it a few more times if the action wouldn’t be seen as strange. I then nod my head over to the bar inside the hotel, feeling light rain drops beginning to fall down while I watch them spot over her chest shamelessly that is merely covered by a simple, fitting bikini. ‘’care for a drink?”
‘’I would like that.’’ She smiles, seeing very subtly how she straightens herself that helped puff out her chest even more, seeming like she would hope that I would keep staring while I pull my eyes back up and join at her side.
‘’my lady,’’ I grin, a hand offering for her to walk ahead first. The gentleman in my wished it was because a lady goes first, but the other side of me merely just wished for the perfect view of her well-shaped ass. The mere sight of it as she walked, while her hips swayed was enough for me to feel a bit of pressure at my groin, making me have to shift a bit so it wouldn’t be to distracting as time would go by, but something told me it was going to be a repeated action throughout the night.
It was interesting that Midgardians would allow each other to walk about in skimpy swim wear practically anywhere as long as there was a swim area around to indicate the excuse. I wasn’t quite used to walking about shirtless amongst the indoors if it wasn’t in my chambers but I resisted the urge to use magic while I remained undercover. If the heroes caught me in the presence of this woman, I was fully prepared on using her as a suspected witness so they could go about their business. After three days, my chance to be around her will not we squandered merely because of a tedious job that may not even have the individual in the building.
 “two tequila sunrises’’
The words got my attention as she slid onto a bar stool in front of the bartender, bringing my brow up in interest that someone would actually take initiative on getting me a drink.
“I am quite flattered darling, though I am interested to see just what tastes you have if this is the drink you are selecting for me.’’ I chuckle and slide onto my own bar stool beside her while the bartender begins making the drinks. I already have my card sliding forward while she shakes her head.
‘’I figure you might want to try something strong since human alcohol might be harder for you to feel.’’
I raise my brow while my body turns itself more towards her. ‘’you know of me?”
‘’you were all over the news several months ago, who doesn’t know of you’’ she laughed and rested her chin on her palm, looking at me as if something she were to study with her gentle eyes.
“I appreciate that you offer me your time then with no fear behind those beautiful eyes.’’ I smirk, my eyes studying her features while they threaten to dip down to her chest and I get that same urge in my palms to reach out.
‘’let me know if I could get anything else for you guys.’’ The bartender chimes in and sets down a drink for each of us where I take hold of the glass and raise it to her.
‘’to old friends.’’ I smirk.
‘’..what do you mean?” she asks and with small hesitation, clinks her glass amongst mine before I let her simmer with that information while I take a long sip.
To my pleasure, the drink it quite strong, even for me. Not enough to have me stumbling, but I do worry for the Midgardian before me and its strength in contents. ‘’the more I look at you, the more and more familiar you seem to get.’’ I offer her more pieces, squinting my eyes dramatically that has her smile and almost laugh.
‘’it’s a small world surprisingly, and we did pass each other quite a bit these past few days-‘’ she started, raising the glass to her lips while I shake my head.
‘’no darling, you passed me for the past few days. I am quite pleased you’ve noticed just as I have, but you’re getting sloppy if you wish to remain under cover.’’
She pulled her drink back and hesitated. ‘’..i don’t know what your-‘’
‘’I know a set up when I see one darling, and Hydra seems to have that familiar smell of betrayal and lust. Or at least.. you do..’’ I purr, a small shiver running over my body at the mere memory of her scent that has me leaning in my chair for more, causing her to lean back as she shakes her head and takes a casual sip, trying to play it off.
‘’I have no idea what-‘’
‘’no? do you really think lying to the very god of lies is a good idea?” I challenge, almost humored as I take a sip of my own drink with the same casual tone.
‘’I’m not ly-‘’
‘’how about this, the truth will come out whether you like it or not’’ I chuckle and notice her light sways. ‘’I’m quite impressed you dared to drug me darling, but I’ve tipped the bartender long before you even moved to put on that alluring bikini..’’ my voice gets noticeably deeper as I get distracted by my own thoughts where I allow my eyes to finally travel down to her pillowed breasts. ‘’which is why he had swapped our drips. I’m quite enjoying mine, how about you?”
As I flick my eyes up briefly to hers, panic has merely filled hers as her hand grips the bar’s edge to keep her balance on the bar stool. Her senses were getting effected quite, probably with the large dose she had chosen to try to affect a god, I could only imagine how it could affect a human as she jumps at the sound of me setting my glass down.
‘’easy darling, I’ve got you. You just have a few things I need to find out.’’ I keep my voice calm, hoping it would at least calm her panic as I take her glass from her hands and set it down before she could possible think on dropping it.
‘’you.. you don’t know what you’ve-‘’
‘’done? Well I do believe I’ve helped the other’s out without merely trying, let alone caring in the long run. Yet I do believe I do deserve a reward for my efforts, don’t you think?” I ask, standing up casually as I notice her body beginning to shake and tense. ‘’yet I know they will just put it on my tab for shorting my community service, so you will have to do..’’
Her beautiful lips part in questions, trying to will her body to move faster that it wants and I could only imagine how things seem to be in slow motion for her. Whether she could hear me or not, I’m not to sure either. But I do hope to get her to a safer spot if I am to get this interrogation over with, which is why I move myself behind her and finally.. finally rest my hands on her bare hips that had her skimpy bikini bottoms just below her hip bones.
Her body didn’t even tense, most likely because she was beginning to feel numb to where my hands felt like they were ghosting across her flesh. My nose pressed into her hair, her scent causing my eyes to flutter in intoxication far more than the drink was as I noted my mild buzz.
‘’the way you were going back and forth.. back and forth before me these past few days, one could only guess you were keeping an eye on your biggest threat?” I didn’t so much ask but I did feel honored as my thumbs began to rub her skin while her hands now clutched the bar top’s edge. Interesting.. so she doesn’t seem completely numb.. ‘’I would hope my comrades have been busy seeking out the rest of you while you and I have been growing our relationship.’’
As I felt her inhale to reply, I pulled her backward, her legs having to spread so the bar stool could pass from under her before she landed on her feet with her back against my chest. My hands kept a firm hold on her hips still as her dainty hands moved to clutch at my wrist and fingers, feeble attempts to pry me off as I also helped her to remain standing.
Her body fits perfectly in my hands, it’s incredible how she’s made me feel this way even before I received her name. what a gem this realm had hidden, and how lucky I am to have this mission be all mine, in every possible way going right as the gentle fall of summer rain aided to mask any form of sound that might happen tonight. Even the bartender has elected to depart and very few people that sat and scattered amongst the room waved us off as a mere couple wanting to dance to the faint background music. What a fine idea..
‘’I won’t tell you anything..’’ she murmured, almost sounding as if her tongue had swelled up but she was merely incapable of formulating words.
The poor thing..
‘’ahh so Y/N finally admits she is who I’ve claimed to be.’’ I smirk in triumph, a hand running up her front until I have cupped her throat perfectly with my hand, her head being encouraged to fall back upon my shoulder while my other arm wraps around her waist.
‘’you already kne-‘’
‘’verbal confirmation my darling, I can guess and claim all I wish. But apparently in your Midgardian customs, you need a verbal answer for it to be true.’’ I correct, being reminded just how silly the concepts are here. If a man is shown obvious proof with all facts pointing to him, why further complicate things?
The thoughts didn’t peak my interest very long once I’ve noticed our new position had her perfect ass pressing up against my straining erection. It’s a cruel torture but I enjoy where she is all the same as I begin to sway us both to the music, noticing how she had to slightly widen her stance to keep her balance a bit more, causing me a chuckle.
‘’fear not darling, I will not drop you.’’
‘’let me go..’’ she whispered, finding the ability to speak only in that volume while her head rotated amongst my shoulder, showing how dizziness was overtaking her.
‘’you and I both know that is not how it works. Unless of course.. you tell me everything I need to know, then I might consider offering you a quick escape while I turn my back.’’ I smirk, though I knew there was enough cameras to catch everything that might turn things against me instead. I thought about removing them with magic, but I figure to save my strength if those idiots fail on their part and I have to deal with the Hydra nuisances.
‘’why would I risk with a might?” she snapped, a hand grasping my wrist where my hand grasped her perfect throat with a weak attempt to pry it off.
‘’what other choice do you have? You don’t possibly expect to escape from me.’’ I chuckle, highly doubting she had any form of backup plan but the thought did pry at my mind as I sway her more not so much to the music but so I can merely feel her more against my body that screamed for some relief. Call it selfish, but Midgardians do have their fair share of flesh that even a god could crave.
‘’we are trained to give our very lives instead of choosing betrayal-‘’
I could practically feel the growl in her voice vibrating against my hand. My mind quite imagined how’d she sound with her lips around my cock and it hand both my hands move back to her hips to bring her even closer against me as we continued to sway.
‘’quite the happy couple’’ a bystander winked while tipping his hat towards me, paying no mind of the true situation as she dug her nails into my hands.
‘’we’re just friends.’’ I smirked, quite liking how uncomfortable I could turn someone as his expression fell while he hurried along with a faster pace. My eyes slowly drew back to her, studying the top of her head as I leaned myself forward, pressing my chest against her back more so I could whisper in her ear ‘’of course darling.. friends don’t know how you taste..’’ to make my point, I ran my tongue right against her earlobe, savoring her taste as I felt her shiver against me.
‘’you might as well kill me, you’re just wasting your time.’’ She snapped, withdrawing her claws that I paid no mind to.
‘’and waste such perfection this world actually managed to snare? I must tell you, you are far mistaken if you think that is what my intentions are.’’ I clarify, shock slightly coating my voice at the mere suggestion she had throw me.
‘’and what is your intentions?” she slurred, almost having to repeat her question by how the drug seemed to be affecting her and I begin to feel her legs give as I quickly spin her around to face me, almost perfectly with the music, which eased my tension of other’s catching on while she automatically wrapped her arms around my neck to support herself.
‘’if I could have you like this a bit longer, I’m sure you could figure it out..’’ I smirk before i feel my body tense up, a sharp and intense pain in my groin draws my attention to look down to find her knee had made contact.
By the gods even with her mortal strength, it was enough for me to lose words and crumble just a tad where I feel her arms tighten a bit around my neck, seeing her realization that she could have lost her only support beam as I regain my footing with my hands gripping her hips.
‘’now that was uncalled for..’’ I grind out with a warning in my eyes that had her sober up for a mere second until I hear the faint commotion behind me that grew louder.
With my saved energy, I use a bit of my reserved magic to fade away the pain she bestowed on me while I snatch up her wrists, pushing her backwards into the wall where she stumbled back and found herself pinned. By the time I had a hand pinning her wrists above her head, I could hear the Solider enter, along with other of those fellow agents of his follow behind and surround the room.
‘’I’ve got it from here Rogers.’’ I warn, not even bothering to face him as I keep my eyes glued to hers that seemed to daze in and out by the quick movement I forced her to perform. Her eye lids fluttered, feeling how her weight pulled at her wrists but I forced my other hand to remain at my side- no matter how much I wished to help suppose her up.
‘’everything else is handled, I’m glad you managed to catch the last one. Nat’s pulling up the jet upstairs.’’ Steve reports, his irritating voice telling two of the agents to come over so they could take her from me.
My body tenses.
As I hear them near, I raise her soft chin gently with a single finger, tilting her head up enough so she could look at me- or at least try while I lean forward so only she could hear.
‘’consider yourself lucky I’ve claimed your interrogation. Don’t think I will forget what you just did darling, I do believe you Midgardians have a saying that you’ll..’’ with a smirk, I couldn’t resist leaning in a bit closer to where my lips barely.. barely brush up against hers..
‘’kiss it better..’’
Tag List: @foxherder  @asgards-princess-of-mischief @fire-in-her-veinz
DM a song for your own Loki's Musical Mischief One Shot! :D
*While We're on the Subject..*
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harry-on-broadway · 1 year
Italian Sun
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A/N: Felt inspired after yesterday’s pictures so here’s some unedited rambling. Enjoy!
It had only been a week, but you were already grappling with your new reality.
The reality of Harry being at home, at last.
Home, for now, was the Italian villa you all often decamped to when you had a few weeks off. He’d been making plans for the end of tour since the holidays and while specifics had changed, one thing had remained consistent: he wanted to spend time in Italy, relaxing and catching up with all of his family and friends he’d neglected for the past two years.
“Neglected? Don’t you think that’s a little dramatic?” you teased when he first brought up the idea. “We’re literally driving home from your mother’s house.”
“You know what I mean,” he’d said, his face scrunching the way it did when he felt like his words were being misconstrued. “I’m just never around and when I am I feel like I’m so behind. Like…like I’m watching the season finale of a show I’ve never seen before. Everything’s different when I come back.”
“I’m not.”
“That’s what you think.”
“It’s the little things. You cut your hair. You found a new coffee you like. You started listening to a new podcast. And I’ve missed it all.”
When he put it that way, your heart broke. He rarely complained, knowing that the life he was living was envied by many. But you felt for him, hearing how hard this was on him. “Well, start putting together a guest list. I guess we’re all going to Italy in July.”
Which is how you found yourself rooming with Harry’s closest friends and family in the week following the final show of Love on Tour, sharing meals, memories, and adventures with everyone. The extra glow coming off of Harry didn’t go unnoticed by you and you could feel happiness and contentment radiating off of him when he snuggled in close to you each night.
Today was the last day that everyone would be all together before the group started to head out, leaving you and Harry alone. He’d wanted the final day to be the best yet and had planned an itinerary filled with boating and sunbathing and, according to him, the best Italian dinner yet.
You had to give him credit. It was the best day yet. Games were played, naps were taken, and the picnic basket of cheeses, breads, and meats that Harry himself had packed was delicious. But the day also came with an added perk for you.
While almost everyone had donned swimwear for the occasion, displaying all sorts of skin, Harry took it to another level. His shirt was hanging precariously on his body, a single button keeping it from being blown away, and his swim trunks had been rolled up and pulled low on his hips (to avoid tan lines, he explained).
And the hat.
The fucking hat. A bright pink bucket cap, with the word ‘Daddy’ written across the front, that someone had thrown onstage in Australia. He’d said he picked it up as a joke, but the fact that he’d held onto it across countries and time zones, made you think otherwise. You saw how he carried himself with an extra hint of swagger when he wore it, and you hated to admit it, but something stirred inside of you when you caught a glance of him, hat and all, driving the boat with all of the ease of a seasoned pro. You prayed no one could tell how that scene affected you.
Now, with dinner on the horizon, you were trying to put those steamy thoughts out of your head and focus on what you should wear. You’d narrowed it down to two brightly colored dresses, when you felt two hands cover your eyes.
“Guess who?”
“Hmmmmm,” you pondered. “Could it be my boyfriend? You know, the guy who organized this magnificent trip after breaking records worldwide for the past couple of years?”
“He sounds like a catch.”
“He’s not that bad. He’s easy on the eyes.”
“Easy on the eyes, huh?” Harry moved his hands down to your hips and spun you around so you were facing him.
“Yeah, and he looks even better when he’s half-naked, driving a boat.”
“Mmmm.” Harry’s hands moved lower so that they were resting on the cleft of your ass. “Must have been pretty hot.”
“Oh, yeah, super sexy. I wish I could have jumped him right there. Especially in that hat.”
“Wait, what,” Harry laughed, breaking whatever character he’d been playing. “Are you serious?”
You shrugged. “What can I say, there’s something about that whole scene that really turned me on. And, sex on a boat sounds kind of fun. Shame we couldn’t try that out.” Harry swallowed, his throat bobbing as he processed what you said. “Harry?” you asked after a moment. “Are you still with me?”
“Yeah, I’m just trying to think why the fuck I thought it would be a good idea to invite everyone on this trip. I could’ve been having sex on a boat.”
“It’s not a boat but we can still have some fun,” you whispered, fingers delicately trailing down the exposed skin of his chest.
You nodded and Harry darted across the room to shut the door to your suite, trying to tear his shirt off at the same time. “Slow down, baby,” you said. “We’ve got time.”
Harry took a deep breath, calming himself as he nodded and opened his arms for you. His hands skated over your body, much of your skin already exposed thanks to your swimsuit, before they landed on your jaw, tipping your head back to bring your lips to his.
You felt heat course through your body at his slightest touch and were amazed that he was still able to elicit this reaction from you. You felt your nipples stiffen through the flimsy material of your swimsuit when Harry’s already sizable erection brushed against your thigh and you couldn’t stop thinking about feeling him inside of you.
“Bed, now,” Harry panted when he broke away from the kiss, and you backed up until you could feel the mattress behind your knees.
You fell backwards, bouncing slightly when you landed, and when you raised yourself up onto your elbows to find Harry, he had already dropped to the ground, his hands nimbly shimmying your swim bottoms down your legs. The garment discarded somewhere in the room, you felt Harry’s lips on your ankle, then up your calf, then at the inside of your knee. You knew what this was building too, but that didn’t stop you from letting out a gasp of surprise when his lips finally found your center.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned, voice barely above a whisper for fear of alerting the rest of your party to what you were up to. You threw your head to the side, trying to muffle the sound of your pleasure with the pillow.
Theoretically, the two of you were due downstairs for dinner in roughly a half hour, but Harry showed no urgency as he slowly licked at your core, speeding up, then slowing down right as you were about to topple over the edge. It was hard to focus on anything but the feel of him between your legs. You reached down, hand moving blindly until your hands found purchase in his hair. The sensation of his soft curls between your fingers grounded you as you bucked up against his lips, wanting even more than he was already giving you.
“Is this good?” he asked.
All you could manage was a breathless moan as his fingers slid inside, easily undoing you. You opened your eyes and tried to catch your breath as Harry appeared over top of you licking his fingers clean with a satisfying pop. “That really turns me on,” you finally wheezed out.
“What? That?”
“No, the fact that you remember what works for me. It’s just something about the way you care for me. You always act like you don’t remember anything and you have no clue what’s happening, but that’s not true H. You always remember what matters.”
You could see something burning in Harry’s eyes as you said that, not quite desire, but something close. “I’m always going to care about you,” he said, the words laced with emotion. “Nothing is ever going to change that.”
“Show me,” you said.
He rolled on top of you in one easy motion, and you opened your legs, giving him space to settle in. He kissed you, furiously, but nowhere near enough. You needed to feel him all over you, every inch. Skin on skin, nothing between you.
“What the hell are these shorts still doing on you?” you whined, fingers digging into the fabric of his tiny trunks.
“I could say the same about this,” he all but grunted, struggling to undo the tie of your bathing suit top.
Free of obstructions, you all were able to lay together and take in the moment. You weren’t surprised when Harry buried his nose in the crook of your neck, inhaling and savoring the moment. It was something he’d made a habit of doing in recent months, after noticing that you’d changed body wash in his absence. He was upset at first, saddened by yet another detail he’d missed, but after that, he’d started to take more time to observe and remember every little thing about you.
After a few seconds, you felt his lips on your neck as he kissed his way to your mouth, and you could feel him smile into the kiss.
“Got time for one more?” he asked with a cheeky grin.
“Why stop there?”
“I think you might be overestimating my abilities, love.”
You pressed a kiss of your own to the spot right under his ear that you knew got him going. “You’ve never let me down, H.”
Without warning, he was inside you. He often paused upon entering you, giving you a moment to adjust and a moment for him to center himself. But today, he did no such thing, rocking back and forth in a steady rhythm. You made no effort to stop him either, tilting your hips up and pressing your heels into the small of his back to drive him further inside. The room was nearly silent, just the sound of your bodies moving in time broken by occasional panting, or the soft moans Harry stifled against your chest.
You glanced at him as he continued to drive into you. His eyes were shut tight and his forehead was wrinkled in concentration. It was the look he often wore when he was focused on not coming undone prematurely. Always the gentleman, he made every effort to ensure you were taken care of before he handled his own needs, but the rare occasions when he fell apart first drove you wild.
There was something so attractive about watching a man who was always in control, always looking out for others, come undone, something you’d once told him, earning an eye roll. You could tell he was nearing the edge as his thrusts became more frenzied and less rhythmic, while the wrinkles in his brow deepened.
You brought your lips to the shell of his ear, nipping at the skin, before soothing the bite with a kiss. “Let go,” you whispered in his ear. “For me.” You could feel his hesitation, so you played the ace you had been holding this whole time.
His whole body shuddered as he emptied inside of you, your orgasm following close behind. He collapsed, his entire body weight resting on top of you.
“Give me a sec,” he said. “I just—fuck.”
You chuckled lightly. “That good, baby?”
Harry shook his head in disbelief, as he lifted off the bed and padded to the bathroom, returning with a damp cloth. “Fucking amazing,” he muttered, as he moved to help you clean up. “Didn’t know that was uh, something you were into. You know, the daddy thing,” he added, trying to sound casual.
“Can’t say I am, but something about that hat just really got to me. Maybe something to think about in the future though?”
“For sure,” Harry said. “I mean, I’ve scheduled plenty of sex for us as part of this break.”
“So when do you leave again?” you teased.
Harry pinched your thigh lightly. “Not soon enough apparently.”
You leaned forward, grabbing him for a kiss. “It’s always too soon. But I’m happy to have you while I can.” You looked at the clock on the bedside table. “And I think all of your friends want to see you too, which means, we have to get ready. Now.”
“I’ll start the shower.”
“What? It’s a time saver and a water saver.”
You rolled your eyes. “Remember, your friends will let us have it if we’re late.”
“Yeah, yeah. They’re getting a free vacation so they’ll keep quiet if they know what’s best for them.”
“Oooh, tough guy.” You grabbed your towel and headed to the bathroom, hearing Harry say something behind you. “What did you say?” you asked, turning around to find him standing there holding his hat from earlier in the day.
“I said I have to remember to send a thank you note,” he added quietly.
“To who?”
“Whoever threw that fucking hat on the stage. Never imagined it would get me laid.”
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
jack hughes x fem!reader
summary: in which y/n is struggling to grasp the fact that she and jack have grown apart amongst his newfound nhl stardom
warnings: angst, neglectful jack, dying relationship, long intro (so sorry), alcohol
specific lyrics: “remember lookin' at this room, we loved it 'cause of the light. now, i just sit in the dark and wonder if it's time” and “how can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin'?” and “how long could we be a sad song 'til we were too far gone to bring back to life? i gave you all my best me's, my endless empathy and all i did was bleed as i tried to be the bravest soldier. fighting in only your army, frontlines, don't you ignore me. i'm the best thing at this party (you're losin' me). and i wouldn't marry me either; a pathological people pleaser who only wanted you to see her. and I'm fadin', thinkin' "do something, babe, say something" "lose something, babe, risk something" "choose something, babe, i got nothing" (i got nothing) "to believe, unless you're choosin' me"”
notes: idk how i feel about this. it’s been awhile since i’ve written an actual fic so i think my writing is a little rusty. there will be no part 2 to this one! i know y’all love when i make part 2’s to my angsty fics, but some fics i just wanna keep as angst and this is one of them <3
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maybe we were naïve. young and innocent in thinking our love would last forever. that we could withstand everything the universe had to throw at us.
i could give us this; we did last past Jack’s rookie year. but maybe that’s when things started breaking. i couldn’t tell you for certain.
when we moved to New Jersey, we were going on three years into our relationship. we thought that milestone of three years meant we would be together forever.
we went apartment hunting, i opted to go into online schooling rather than on campus classes, late night whispers consisted of marriage and future children.
now, the last time i even brought up marriage, he told me he wasn’t ready for that. that he was at the peak of his career and didn’t want to spend time that could be used bettering his skills, to plan a wedding.
i spend most nights in an empty bed, the cold sheets serving as a harsh reminder that my boyfriend would rather go out with his teammates than spend time with me.
rather than the past early mornings of soft loving stares and cuddling on his bare chest, i now spend my mornings glaring towards my boyfriends sleeping figure; trying to calculate when he may have gotten home after i had already fallen asleep.
seven years. one-third of my life, spent with Jack.
no one ever said love would be easy; but no one ever told me it would be this hard either.
the mug in my hands is at risk of breaking from my grip, the coffee inside having gone cold. a cruel euphemism to how our relationship has cooled. the burning fire that it once was, now fizzling to dying sparks. but i still hold onto what’s left, because i’m not sure i know how to live a life without him anymore.
i sit curled up on the sofa, staring out the floor-to-ceiling windows at the New Jersey skyline. i still remember the day that Jack and i decided on this apartment, this room was a deciding factor. we loved the lighting, the way the sun shone through the windows and cast a golden haze over the rest of the apartment.
now i sit in the darkness nearly every night, wondering if this was the end of our relationship; if it’s time.
the worst part is that we keep going on. keep playing house. pretending that our relationship is still as happy as it once was.
‘i love you’s never became a rarity, still uttered past our lips multiple times a day. but i know his words only hold an empty promise now.
how can he say he loves me when he can’t tell that this relationship is killing me?
that this dynamic of our relationship becoming a chore has slowly broken me down?
our life is robotic now. we wake up, he leaves for practice, i stay home, i do school, he comes home for a pre-game nap, he leaves for a game, i still stay home, i go to bed, he comes home, repeat.
even worse when he’s away. what once started as facetime calls whenever he was free on a roadie, slowly died until it’s nothing but a few measly unsubstantial texts.
at first i thought maybe we were just going through a rough patch, that we would get through this, but now i fear we won’t.
my eyes track my boyfriend at the crowded rooftop bar as i nod my head, only half paying attention to what Ryleigh says.
Nico’s surprise party has been a success. for Nico, at least.
i, selfishly, thought i would use this party as an opportunity to grasp Jack’s attention. i wore the dress that he used to say was his favorite, but not once did he mention it. i curled my hair because i knew how much he loved it, but he didn’t compliment it how he usually does. i dolled myself up in hopes that it would glue him to my side. maybe even spark that possessiveness he used to hold for me.
but instead, all i got was a measly and empty ‘hey babe, you look nice.’ when i arrived, before he chased Dawson down to discuss some new bar he wanted to check out after their next win.
i spent the next hour following him around like a lost puppy, standing by his side as he spoke to his teammates. if he hadn’t had his hand resting on my lower back, i would’ve thought he forgot i was there. but somehow being forgotten would’ve felt better than being ignored.
i’m the best thing at this party, or at least i should be to him, and he barely spared me a second glance.
eventually, i saltily left to find the other wives and girlfriends. for the past three hours now, i sit with Ryleigh and Darya. Ryleigh is currently recounting she and Dawson’s date night last night.
the party has been dwindling down, our group of people among the bar slowly dispersing, giving their final birthday wishes to Nico and going home.
“what about you and Jack?”
“hmm?” i perk up at the mention of my boyfriend, dragging my line of sight away from said boy and back towards my friends.
“i asked about you and Jack. when was your guys’ last date night? how was it?” Ryleigh is only trying to be polite, i know that. but she’s only reminded me that Jack and i haven’t gone on a date in what has to be at least six months.
“honestly? i couldn’t tell you.” i confess. “i don’t even remember the last time we went on a date.”
“well, that’s not right! we should do a double date soon! i’ll have Dawson set it up.” she smiles. “ooh triple date! you and Yegor should come!”
“we’d love that!” Darya chimes in. i let out a polite smile, but i know it won’t happen. i’ve tried too many times to set up a date night and nothing ever comes from it.
“hey, baby. you ready to go?” Dawson saunters over, planting a kiss to his girlfriend’s cheek. Ryleigh nods, bidding Darya and i goodbye.
“hey, y/n? i think Jack was looking for you.” Yegor tells me as he comes over next, gathering his wife to leave for the night.
“he was?” my voice is filled with a pathetic hope, an excitement over even the thought of my boyfriend seeking me out. but when i look back to where i last saw him, he still stands next to his captain, laughing over something one of them said. “thanks, Shara.”
he smiles, the both of them now saying their goodbyes. and then there was one.
i sit by myself, lazily chewing the straw in my drink as i watch my boyfriend and his friend.
i quickly lose track of how long i sit there, ordering drink after drink. eventually, i stop watching Jack, opting for mindlessly scrolling through instagram instead.
“hey.” my head snaps up at Jack’s voice, watching as he finally joins me. my heart thumps in my chest, like i’m a teenager again, at the thought of spending time with him. “i think i’m ready to head home.”
my mood deflates, my shoulders slumping, but i nod, gathering my purse as Jack sets some cash on the bar top to cover my drinks from the night.
i wobble slightly as i stand, Jack’s hand coming up to hold onto my arm, making sure i don’t fall. heat spreads from the site of the touch, shivers racking my body.
“you okay, babe?” he chuckles, pulling me into his side as we walk to the elevator, pressing the down button and waiting for it to arrive. “how much did you drink?”
“i don’t know. maybe three? i lost count after the first hour alone.” i shrug, my words are slurred, a product of my tipsy state. “i started off with sprite, but i switched to gin and tonics once Darya left.”
Jack is silent as we get into the elevator, his brows furrowed and him seemingly in deep thought. the whole ride home is quiet, the air charged. i spend the whole drive with my head turned to look out the window. but as soon as we reach the parking deck of our apartment, getting out of his Range Rover, he speaks up again.
“you could’ve come and found me? i was just with Nico.” i’m silent for a moment, picking up my pace to try and reach apartment faster.
“i didn’t feel like being ignored again.” i shrug as we step through the door, the alcohol giving me obvious courage that i never had before.
“what do you mean ‘again’? i haven’t ignored you.” Jack follows behind me into our bedroom, his eyes tracking me as i sit on the bed and begin unfastening my heels.
“stop.” i sigh.
“stop what? y/n/n, when have i ignored you?” his genuine obliviousness hurts more than i thought it could. the fact that he didn’t even realize he was ignoring me; that it was just a subconscious reaction for him to push me aside.
“every day.” i tell him. my eyes start stinging with tears, finally ready to have the fight that i’ve so desperately been avoiding. but it’s obvious that Jack doesn’t feel the same.
“i’m sorry you felt that way.” he tells me, barely sparing another glance my way before he starts grabbing pajamas out of the dresser.
“you’re losing me.” my words are choked out in a whisper, but i know he hears them because i watch as he stiffens, slowly turning around.
“Jack, this doesn’t feel like a relationship anymore. it feels like a job. a chore.” i confess. “it doesn’t feel like you love me anymore and i need you to just say it. because i love you too much to keep going on like this.”
“we barely talk, Jack.” i cut him off. “when we do, we’re struggling through empty small talk. you’re barely home, and when you are, you don’t try and spend time with me. i sit in this house, alone, even when you’re here.”
“what are you talking about? y/n, we’ve been together for almost seven years. we’ve been through so much together.” his words are harsh, defensive.
“exactly! i gave you all my best me’s- i gave you my teenage years, i gave you all of my best years! i gave you all my empathy when you were being called a bust. when you were struggling in your rookie year and at your lowest. i sat here and comforted you after every loss! i stayed here and cried and tried to be brave every time you were gone. i defended you to everyone!”
tears roll freely down my cheeks, my nose becoming stuffy and my throat tightening. i’ve risen from the bed now, still keeping my distance from him though.
“and what do i have to show for it? an empty apartment? an empty relationship? we used to spend hours talking about marriage and our future. now, the last time i tried to bring that up, you all but told me you didn’t want to marry me.” i scoff. “and i can’t blame you, i wouldn’t marry me either; a pathological people pleaser.”
“don’t say that, please.” he whispers.
“but all i wanted was for you to see me, Jack! i’m here! i have feelings! i know it’s hard to believe, but i’m a person too! i need love! not whatever this has been.” my words fade off at the end, breaking off into sobs.
Jack’s eyes are red, tears of his own slowly descending as we stand in silence.
“do something, please. say something.” i plead, furiously wiping at my tears. i swallow a lump in the throat as he finally takes a step forward.
“i’m sorry.” his voice is shaky, breaking midst sentence. “i’m so sorry i didn’t know you were feeling this way. i’ve been so wrapped up in hockey and the team that i haven’t been here. not fully, at least.
“i took you for granted. i guess you’ve been this dependable force in my life for so long that eventually i forgot that you need more than just my presence.
“i do love you, y/n. i can’t imagine my life without you. i’ll be better, i promise. just, please, don’t leave.” he begs.
Jack steps forward, closing the distance between us and taking my face in his hands.
“i need you. i’ll always choose you.” his hands shake on my cheeks as he pulls me into a kiss. he pulls away, heaving out a broken mix between a sigh and a sob. “i’m so so sorry.”
“we can fix us. i believe that. but please, don’t put me through this again.” i beg, laying my forehead against his.
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empressdede · 4 months
Me, U & Jealousy - Chapter 3
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Previous chapter
This story is written in both present and past. Italics is the past and regular font is written in the present.
"So, you’ll be able to go?" Jada asked, excitement seeping through her voice.
Sorai rolled her eyes. She was kind of regretting the terms and conditions that came with her going to this party. Especially since Sefa kept trying to tease her about her ‘schoolgirl crush’ as he would call it.
“Yeah. I can go but Joseph’s going to be there.” She explained and Jada’s excitement dimmed just a bit.
“How do you know he’s going to be there?” She asked and Sorai let out a sigh.
“He heard us talking a couple days ago about me wanting to sleepover at yours. I’ve been trying to get him to change for the past three days but he’s not budging.”
“Well…. At least he’s not as bad as his older brothers. Like, that could be way worse. Plus, if he goes that means Monica will be there and Monica is going to distract him for majority of the night.”
Sorai rolled her eyes again. Monica. She couldn’t fuckin’ stand her. But Jada was right, if Monica was there, Joseph would keep his attention on his girlfriend instead of her.
“You’re right; She’ll probably do what she does best and open her legs and keep him preoccupied for majority of the night.” Sorai agreed with a nod of her head but that caused Jada to burst out laughing.
“Girl, no way you just called Joseph’s girlfriend a hoe.”
“Only thing that ever comes out of her damn mouth is ‘He beat my shit up. Girl, when I tell you he sat me down and tore my shit up. Who knew Joseph could eat pussy like that.‘
Sorai mocked in a high pitched tone to mimic the girl she didn’t like, letting out a huff of annoyance when she was done. “I wish she would shut the fuck up sometimes, don’t nobody wanna hear that.”
“Sounds like someone’s jealous.” A teasing voice came from behind her. Sorai let out a sigh before she turned around to face the person. Joseph.
There he was with a smirk on his face as he stared at her. She wanted to smack it off of his face.
“Jealous of what?”
“All the experience she gets to have, that you’re dying to gain yourself.” He easily replied.
“Joseph don’t do that. Cause who knows, maybe Cameron will finally put the moves on her -“ Jada started but Sorai slapped her shoulder to shut her up.
But it was too late, the playfulness got wiped off his face as he stared at both girls.
“If I find out that he puts his hands on you, it’s over for the both of you.” Joseph stated, warning tone in his voice.
“Joseph, you can’t keep te-“
“I can.” He interrupted, the glare in his eyes showing he wasn’t playing with her. “The twins don’t got no plans as far as I know, so Cameron better be on his Ps and Qs if he knows what’s good for ‘em.” And with that he walked away.
She turned to glare at Jada. She knew how much those boys were overprotective over her, and here she go pushing that imagine in his head.
He was already skeptical about letting her go is and she didn’t need another to give him another reason to change his mind.
“Don’t worry about it sis. You know Joseph is the only one who takes it easier on you. He won’t ruin this night for you, he just wants you to be careful.” Jade assured and all Sorai could do is hope she was right.
Joseph had convinced his older brother to let him borrow his car to go out, and since he had already promised to pick Sorai up at Jada’s house that’s exactly what he did.
The two girls sat in the backseat of Joshua’s car doing last minute check ups on each other’s outfits that was all planned by Jada. She wanted to make sure that Sorai looked good tonight. She knows how much her best friend liked Cameron and she was going to make sure this was a good night for her…even with Joseph tagging along with them.
The ride to Aaliyah’s house wasn’t eventful; in fact Sorai kinda wished she rode with anybody else because no matter Joseph promised her, Monica always seemed to be stuck to his side at every event.
“Babe we’ll be able to enjoy ourselves right? I don’t feel like watching kids tonight.” Monica pouted and Sorai rolled her eyes.
She hated being around her, but she had to play nice tonight. Especially if she wanted Joseph to take it easy on Cameron.
“Don’t worry babe, you’ll still be able to enjoy yourself.”
Jada’s eyes locked with Sorai’s and they both fought to keep a straight face. Sorai decided to keep her comments to herself because she wanted to be on Joseph’s good side tonight.
She really wanted to get away and be with Cameron tonight.
“Aye man, I can’t believe you’re here. Its been forever. How you been?” Josh asked once Sorai got settled in a little corner as far as she could be away from these guys.
She shrugged at the question, “Graduated College and I’ve been dabbling in journalism for a couple years now. The only reason why I’m here is cause of Jada.”
Jon nods his head at her, “Yeah, we don’t really see her much since she’s with the NXT roster majority of the time, helping out with talent creation. Any time we ask her about you, she act like she too busy to talk."
"I’m sure if it was that important to you, you would’ve found a way to reach out." Sorai stated simply with a shrug. At that, all the boys smacked their teeth.
"That’s not true, we’ve tried to reach out but it was never successful. We only knew how you been through our parents." Jonathan states.
"And even then, you blocked us… or me anyway - so it made reaching out to you that much harder." Sefa finally speaks up. The sound of his voice made Sorai inwardly roll her eyes. Damn, hearing him irritated her the most.
"I changed my number like a month after you guys left, but it’s okay. I know how much you guys wanted this, especially since the beginning years of college. Following in your dad’s footsteps must mean so much to you guys. Plus, being a superstar means you’re busy so I understand. I’m happy for you guys." Sorai spoke from the heart, even though their departure hurt her, she was happy they were getting to live out their dreams.
Joe sat on the opposite side of the room of Sorai and was analyzing her body language. Something was off with her, he’s noticed it the first time in the hallway with Kayla. He was getting the feeling that not hearing from them probably hurt her feelings. "We appreciate that Rai, thank you. Just remember, if you need anything you can let us know and we gotchu’ you know that right?"
She nodded at him; "Thank you Joe. So…. What’s it like running the locker room?"
"Nah, let’s get into something else." Jonathan stated, walking towards her. "Earlier, when we said you didn’t have time for heartbreak and you said it was a lil too late for that… you let some bum break yo heart?" He asked, tilting his head at her. How ironic, one of the people who helped break her heart was asking who was responsible for the damage.
Sorai let out a tired sigh, she didn’t want to get into this, especially right now. "Guys, we haven’t seen each other in five years. A lot has happened within that time."
"We know that, but that doesn’t mean we don’t care. A couple years may have gone by but that doesn’t change anything, you still our lil sis, and I hope you know that a couple years didn’t mean you stopped being our family." Josh spoke up this time.
Sorai’s heart felt heavy at the statement because at a point and time she really called these boys her family. Her brothers. Damn, she remembers when she didn’t like calling them that, she loathed it. But now, her heart crumbles at the memories. Fuck she missed them - just when she thought she was over the situation. Being around them did nothing to stop the hurt she still feels even five years later.
"Rai?" Joshua questioned after a pregnant pause took over the room. Sorai’s head snapped up to face Josh, but her eyes scanned the room quickly. All of them were staring at her with concern. "You okay?" Josh tries again.
Sorai hopped out of her seat, sending her most convincing smile towards the group. "Perfect. And I still care too so hopefully during my time here we could rebuild that relationship." She states.
But before any of the guys could reply, Sorai continues. "I actually have to get going. Maybe we can catch up when we have some free time okay?"
Without giving them a chance to respond, she bolted out of the locker room. The boys looked around at each other in confusion. Each and every one of them having one thought running through their minds: what the hell just happened?
Sorai couldn’t do it, all these years and she thought she had healed from this but seeing them… seeing him made her realize that she’s not over what happened.
Back in the locker room, he wanted to know exactly what happened to Sorai since they’ve left. Did she meet someone who took her time, is that why she didn’t reach out? Did this person hurt her to the point where she was embarrassed and didn’t want to bring it up to them, to him in specific.
He needed to find Jada because something happened to Sorai and he was hell bent on figuring out what it was.
How we feeling, be honest? 😭😭 The next chapter is where everything falls into place 😭 I hope I’ve done a good job otherwise. Btw Idk if I made it Known but I made the twins 2-3 years older than Sefa instead of a whole 8 soo the story could make sense😂😂
Tagging the lovelies: @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @skyesthebomb @christinabae @leighla3 @whatdoeseverybodywant @harmshake @yana3sworld @angiedawn02 @theninthwonder
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moonstruckme · 1 year
On Thin Ice
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
When your usual figure skating partner Regulus is injured, you're forced to prepare the most romantic routine you've ever done with Sirius Black. You've known Sirius since you were little and have always found him irritating, but as you spend more and more time together, your feelings towards him start to change
Figure Skater!Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 4.1k words
You breathe into the stretch, pushing past the resistance and trying to relax the muscles in your leg as you bend over it on the ballet bar. You hadn’t been entirely stringent in staying off it over the last few days (you needed to eat and get from room to room, were you supposed to crawl the entire time?) but your knee is feeling significantly better than it had when you’d first hurt it. You’d decided to keep the wrap on for today, your first practice after your couple of days off, but that’s more out of an overabundance of caution than anything. You feel good, the satisfying stretch of your muscles almost as nice as the light fizzing in your stomach as you anticipate Sirius’ arrival. 
The door to the training room opens, and speak of the devil. “Funny seeing you here. Does it hurt or help to stretch it?” Sirius asks, sitting down at a mat beside you and beginning to rotate his ankles. 
“It doesn’t hurt,” you say, though you’re not sure if the strain is necessarily good for your knee. Your plan is to make like the other day never happened, and hope you can catch up quickly enough to give a good show at competition. “It’s a little sore, but they said that’s normal. I can skate on it.” 
“Glad to hear it.” Sirius’ grin has become like a call to yours, and you feel your mouth curving unbidden. You fall into an easy silence as you rotate your knee this way and that, testing how far you can go without pain before setting it down to stretch your other leg. Sirius stands with one foot held behind him, stretching his quads, and you try your best not to look at how the muscles in his thigh shift with the movement. 
“Are you making eyes at me?” Apparently you didn’t try hard enough. 
“No,” you scoff. “But it’s just like you to assume I was.” 
“Awfully defensive,” Sirius taunts. “Looked like you were.” 
“Well, I wasn’t.” 
“I wasn’t.” 
“And I believe you.” Quick as lightning, he moves for you, taking your hand in his. You startle, but don’t pull away. Sirius hums, and there’s a look in his eyes like teeth in a wolf’s mouth. “Your heart’s beating awfully fast though, shortcake. Any reason for that?”
You snatch your hand away, nearly kicking him as you take your leg off the bar. 
“Hey, wait,” he says, the amusement leaching from his voice as you grab your bag. “Are you actually pissed off? I was joking.” 
“I know,” you reply, heading out the door. “I’m gonna get on the ice before it gets crowded.” 
☆ ☆ ☆
Despite your recovery, practice doesn’t go well. It should; both you and Sirius have mastered the choreography, and Coach even has you skipping some of your jumps for the day, just to be sure your knee doesn’t flare up and take you out of the competition. 
Once again, the problem is you. 
“Y/N, where’s your head at?” Coach gestures helplessly. “You’re too stiff. Where’s that smoothness I was seeing the other day?” 
You nod. It feels mechanical by now. “Sorry, I’ll try harder.” 
“I’m not done,” he says, and looks almost apologetic. You’ve never had as many troubles with him as you have since Regulus got hurt. You always listened well, took to suggestions easily. He’d praised how quick you were to implement feedback, but lately he’s had to repeat himself over and over. You probably seem inflexible to him. “Your facials are all over the place,” he says. “You’re supposed to be looking at your partner, not at the audience. You can do this, I know you can. I’ve seen you.” 
Yeah, you think, with Regulus. 
You know what this routine is about. It’s about being in love, being absolutely enamored with your partner. You and Sirius flow around each other the entire time. Every time one of you casts the other off, you glide back almost immediately. With the exception of when you’re in the air, you’re supposed to be looking at Sirius the entire time. Suddenly, you find that’s become significantly more difficult. 
Facials have never been an issue for you. You’re a decent actress, and up until today, you’d been able to make yourself appear as infatuated with Sirius as the routine demands. But after what happened in the training room this morning, you’re not sure how much of it would be acting. You’ve begun to enjoy being around him, too much. You’d missed him when you had to stay home from practice. You found yourself wanting to go to Regulus’ house just to see him, invent excuses to call him and ask him to come over, pretend you needed to sit in on his practice for some reason or another. You’re not sure how your annoyance with Sirius turned into this…warmth, but there’s no denying your physical reaction when he enters a room. As he’d so considerately pointed out this morning. 
To look at Sirius the way you’re expected to for the routine, you feel like you’d be laying yourself bare, even if your expression appears the same as it did a few days ago. And worse, he might know. Even if he’d only been messing around earlier, your reaction had to have piqued his curiosity, and he might well have figured you out already. If you’d just been able to keep it together…
“Hey,” Coach says, pulling you from your thoughts. “You can do this. Got it?”
You nod, skating back to your starting position. 
☆ ☆ ☆
You change as quickly as you can after practice, worried that Sirius will wait up for you and hoping to beat him outside, but when you come all but bursting out the doors, he’s already there. 
“Wow.” He laughs, a puff of air in front of his face. “In a hurry?”
“How did you do that?” You throw up your hands, zipping your bag up the rest of the way. “I couldn’t have been in there more than five minutes.” 
Sirius shrugs, grinning at you bemusedly. “Less clothes, I guess. Were you trying to run out on me?”
You purse your lips. It was probably obvious, but you’re about to deny it anyway when Sirius nods. He doesn’t look angry. 
“Yeah, fair enough,” he says, and when he reaches up to take his hair out of its knot, the movement seems almost sheepish. “Listen, I’m really sorry about earlier. I know it’s been hard for you to get used to being touched, and I shouldn’t have grabbed you like that.” 
For a moment, you’re silent. Then it’s all you can do not to sigh, nearly dizzy with relief. “It’s okay,” you say, smiling at him a bit dazedly. “I’m sorry I stormed out like that. I just felt…awkward about it.” Not a lie, though of course not the whole truth. 
Sirius returns your smile (his eyelashes pinch in the corners when he means it, you’ve realized, and they do so now), a tension you hadn’t noticed in his stance relaxing. “Well, I don’t want you to feel awkward around me. If I’m doing something that makes you uncomfortable, you can tell me, you know? I promise I’ll stop.” 
You feel your smile waver, doing your best to keep it in place. This is the problem. You wish, sometimes, that he’d just act like the rude, conceited boy you’d thought he was. The kindness he shows you so often now, even through jokes and teasing, is what’s making everything so difficult. 
“Got it,” you reply. “Thanks.” 
The eyelash pinch again. You’re growing unsettlingly fond of it. “Anytime, shortcake.” 
You try to scoff, but it comes out as more of a laugh. “You’ve got to stop calling me that.”
“Alright,” he says, and you feel your eyebrows come together at his lack of resistance. No protests, not even a taunting remark? Sirius is fond of his pet names, you wouldn’t expect him to give them up so easily.
☆ ☆ ☆
As it turns out, he doesn’t. “Shortcake” drops out of his vocabulary, but it’s replaced by “angel,” “gorgeous,” “sweetheart,” “dollface,” “lovely,” and a slew of others that make your face go red and your knees go wobbly. 
“Slower, dollface,” he murmurs as you skate alongside him, and it’s all you can do to keep your balance, slowing your pace just slightly before twirling in front of Sirius. His hands find their home around your waist, tossing you into the air, where you spin for a thrilling moment of dizzy weightlessness before your blades hit the ice and you pivot into arabesque. 
“Yes!” Coach shouts, and you beam at Sirius as he picks up his pace, coming up alongside you and touching your fingertips to his. “Yes, that’s it! Facials, Y/N, facials!” You straighten your neck, widening your eyes and giving Sirius your most adoring look. His lips twitch rewardingly. 
By the time you’ve finished, stopped hand-in-hand in the middle of the rink, your coach is all but bouncing on the edge of the ice. “That was great, you guys! Not to jinx anything, but—” his grin rivals both yours and Sirius’. “—I think you’ve got a pretty solid shot at medaling tomorrow if you can do that again.” 
Sirius looks at you, the both of you breathing heavily, before setting a hand on your shoulder. He squeezes lightly. “I feel ready. You?”
A laugh bubbles out of you, giddy from both the praise and his touch. “Yeah, I think so.” 
Coach must be feeling the same, because he doesn’t give you any notes before you go, only reminding you both to stretch and telling you to make sure to ice your leg tonight, just in case. There’ll be no mishaps or flare ups on the ice tomorrow if any of you can help it. 
☆ ☆ ☆
You need to sleep, but you really, really can’t. The way your body is humming with adrenaline, you’d think you were competing in five minutes instead of twelve hours. 
But twelve hours. 
In twelve hours, you’re going to be performing the most objectively demanding and emotionally draining routine of your life so far. It’s no small thing. Almost unconsciously, your mind keeps running over the mechanics of your spins, the muscles that need to be activated when you jump, how you’re supposed to look straight ahead when Sirius lifts you. There’s so much that could go wrong. But if it goes right, it could be one of the biggest moments of your skating career. 
Your phone rings, the noise jolting you out of your reverie. It’s Sirius, and your thoughts plummet to the worst possible conclusions. He’s sick, he’s hurt, he doesn’t want to do this anymore.
“Hey.” His voice is characteristically jovial, and you relax. “You sound freaked, is everything okay?”
“Yeah, fine,” you say, blowing out an anxious breath. “I’m just…on edge, I guess.”
“Me too,” he admits, and you raise your eyebrows teasingly as if he can see. Sirius Black, nervous? Someone should alert the press. “Actually, that’s why I called. I know we told Coach we’d turn in early and rest for tomorrow, but I couldn’t sleep. I’m guessing you can’t either, since you picked up.” You’re silent, and when he continues you swear you can feel the knowing smile in his voice. “So if you want to join, I’m at the rink.”
You guffaw. “Wait, seriously? This late?”
“They don’t close for another hour,” he says. “I was gonna practice my jumps and stuff, but if you were here, we could run through the whole thing…” 
You grin at your ceiling. “You are a terrible influence, you know that?” 
“That’s what they tell me,” he replies, and you can picture him in the rink, a shit-eating grin paired with a shrug. “So how quickly can you get here?” 
☆ ☆ ☆
You ditch your duffel bag on the bleachers by the door, skating out to meet Sirius. One good run, you tell yourself. One good run of the routine is all you need to reassure yourself tomorrow will go well, and then you’ll be able to relax until the competition. 
“Hi there, sunshine,” Sirius greets you as you skid to a stop in front of him. “Don’t you look excited?”
You roll your eyes at his teasing, but you’re smiling. “I’m excited for anything that’ll help me get to sleep tonight.” 
“Same page.” Sirius winks. “Wanna go through it from the top?” 
You think you execute the routine nearly perfectly. You start to wobble during one of the lifts, but Sirius steadies you, and you’re not sure anything less than an expert judge would even have noticed. Other than that, it’s seamless. You land all of your jumps, you’re perfectly in sync, and by the time you finish, you’re feeling as sunny as Sirius had accused you of being.
“Yes!” you all but squeal, pivoting to slap Sirius’ palm in celebration. “That was great!” Sirius grins at you, but the corners of his eyelashes don’t pinch. “What?” 
He blinks. “Nothing.”
“No, come on.” You look at him bemusedly. “What is it?” 
Sirius shakes his head, surprise giving way to resignation. “I just, I know my turns aren’t as tight as yours. I don’t want to get us docked for not being synchronized enough.”
“I didn’t notice,” you say truthfully. “I mean, I feel like I would have, if it were that bad. And anyway, I’m twice as likely to get us docked as you are, so I wouldn’t worry about that if I were you.” 
He gives you a look of halfhearted remonstrance. “Come on, we both know you’ve got much better control than I do. I just…” he pauses, seeming to steady himself. “Look, I know there’s no changing partners before tomorrow, but I want you to know that I’m sorry you got stuck with me, especially if I mess this up for you.” 
“Sirius.” It comes out more breath than word, a puff of freezing air in the space between you. “You’re a beautiful skater. I can’t believe…I’m so sorry I let you think that I got stuck with you.” Sirius looks like he wants to interrupt, but you push on before he gets the chance. “I know I was sad when I found out I couldn’t skate with Reg, and I still am, but only because we’re so used to each other. It’s easy, I don’t have to think about it. But I’ve loved skating with you. I don’t want Reg to be hurt, obviously, but I wouldn’t trade you out if I got the chance.” 
Sirius shakes his head at you. “Dollface, I appreciate it, but you don’t have to say that.”
“But I mean it.” You take his hand, and you sound nearly angry now, but good, because it’s getting his attention. Sirius’ face looks wide open, his eyes bemused and lips just slightly parted in surprise. “Being your partner, it’s been amazing, really. You’re fantastic on the ice, and you’re great at giving me advice, and you’re nicer than I thought, and I just really like being around you.” You flush. You’ve gotten a bit carried away, and try to reel yourself back in. “I just don’t want you to think that you’re bringing me down, because you’ve made…this routine a lot better. You’re a great partner to have, Sirius.” 
Sirius’ hand is warm in yours, and he doesn’t try to smile as he says, so softly you might not hear him if you weren’t standing this close, “Thanks, sweetheart.” 
Something feels abruptly different in the air between you, but you don’t shy away from it. “I mean it,” you say again, ardent. 
“I don’t know if I’ve said it,” he says, all but whispering, “but I really like having you as a partner too.” 
“Yeah?” you breathe, and you’re not sure who pulls the other first, but all it takes is one little tug for your skates to comply, and then his lips are on yours. Despite the shift you’ve witnessed tonight, his kiss is everything you know Sirius to be. Confident, unhurried, giving and taking in equal measure. Warmth seeps from your lips all the way to your fingers and toes, and it’s a good thing you’re so close to the wall, because the muscles in your legs feel suddenly useless. You bring a hand into his hair, and he takes it for the invitation it is, gripping your waist to pull you closer to him. You’re eager to let him. In fact, you wish you weren’t wearing these damn skates so you could climb him like you want to. You settle for placing both hands on the sides of his face, pulling him closer to you, and Sirius groans as you suck his lip into your mouth, grip tightening on you even as he pulls away. 
“Fuck, you’re so…” he pants, a little chuckle escaping him. “Well, you’re a lot of things, gorgeous.” 
You take his laughter as a good sign, but your voice is still tentative when you say, “I hope that’s a good thing.” 
Sirius gives you a fond look, swooping in for a quick peck. “It’s a good thing.”
You flush, grinning at him. “This isn’t what I was expecting when I came here tonight.” 
“Me neither.” He nods, blowing out a breath. “I mean, I wasn’t planning on it, but I’m not sorry. Are you?”
You shake your head quickly. “No. I just hope this doesn’t affect our performance.” 
Sirius laughs, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and guiding you off the ice. “Sweetheart, after your little speech, I don’t think anything could ruin us. We’re untouchable.” 
☆ ☆ ☆
“Don’t think you’re untouchable,” Coach lectures in the bleachers the next day. “I know that face, Sirius. Stop it. Be…well, be more serious.” 
You snort, and Coach fixes you with a look. “You too.” 
You smother your grin, giving him your most solemn nod as Sirius’ eyes shine with laughter beside you. 
Despite your worries that you wouldn’t be able to sleep at all after what had happened with Sirius, you’d crashed as soon as you’d gotten home last night. 
“Listen, you two did great yesterday,” Coach says. “I want to see that same energy on the ice today. If you don’t mess around, keep everything tight and do it just like we practiced, I could see you placing third or fourth.” 
You beam. At a competition like this, getting on the podium would be an absolute dream. You’re doing your best not to let your hopes get too high, but Coach and Sirius are both radiating a confidence that makes that difficult.
“Alright.” He claps you both on the shoulder. “Go get changed.”  
You’re barely starting to contemplate letting your fingers brush Sirius’ as you walk away, but as always, he’s bolder than you could ever hope to be, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. 
“How’re you feeling, sunshine?” he asks. “Good?”
“Great.” You mean it. “Ready, I think. You?”
“Ready, I know,” he counters, jostling you affectionately. 
“I think we’re gonna do good,” you say, blowing out a breath. The adrenaline is starting already. You feel like you could run a lap around the building. “We had a great run last night.” 
Sirius smirks at you. “I thought so.” 
“In more than one way,” you allow, face warming slightly. “And it’s like Coach said. As long as we do it like that, we’ll be good.” You stop outside the women’s locker room, turning to him. “Just don’t drop me, okay?”
“I won’t drop you,” he repeats, mimicking your playful tone. He slides his arm from around your shoulders, leaning down to peck you on the lips. “Meet you by the entrance?” 
Your entire face is buzzing from the brief contact. “Yeah,” you say, sounding somewhat dazed and probably looking it too. It’s unsettling how little it would take for Sirius to kiss you completely stupid. “See you there.” 
You ignore the knowing quirk of his eyebrow, turning the corner into the locker room. You try to refocus on the competition, shaking your head as if to rid yourself of the extra stuff. Spins, jumps, landings. That’s what needs to be going through your mind today. Any thoughts of Sirius’ touch, the warmth of being pressed up against him, how sturdy his shoulders feel under your hands…any thoughts of all that need to be strictly relevant to the routine. 
You do wonder what he’ll think of your costume, though. That’s relevant to the routine, isn’t it? He’s never seen it, and you haven’t tried it on yourself since the fitting with Regulus months ago. It was clearly selected for a routine about passion, a sleek, black bodice that fades smoothly into a blood red skirt that flutters around your thighs. It’s simple, meant to accentuate the romance of the routine without distracting at all from the routine itself. Regulus’ outfit had been all black, equally simple, but you don’t know if they’ve had to change anything for Sirius. The brothers are hardly the same size, so you wouldn’t be surprised if he’d gotten a different costume altogether. 
You know that at least your makeup is the same, a simple slash of black eyeshadow across both eyes. He’d told you the other night that he’d practiced it to make sure it would look good. You’re positive it did. Knowing Sirius, his eye makeup will probably look better than yours. 
You shake some of the nerves out of your limbs after lacing up your skates, and head for the rink. 
☆ ☆ ☆
Everything before your slot is a buzz of adrenaline. Warming up in the training room, standing at the entrance, your coach gripping you and Sirius’ shoulders in one hand each. Knock 'em dead. The sound of your names over the loudspeaker, and Sirius’ hand warming yours as you skate out into the middle of the ice. 
Sirius looks like he’s been drawn into the scene. He is indeed in the same costume Regulus had picked out, so he’s all inky black hair and eye makeup and clothes against the gleaming white of the ice. Even his gaze looks darker, the contours of his face more defined, and his poised expression is slightly unnerving, but then he drops a wink, lightning quick, and he’s just Sirius again. It takes all of your self-control not to smile, but you turn from him, easing into your starting pose. 
It’s an endless wait for the music to start, but then it does, and you’re off. The movements flow easily from that repository of muscle memory where you keep them stored. You barely have to think, but you make yourself focus, conscious of each muscle as it’s activated, each signal Sirius sends through his touch, each change in the tempo of the music. You jump, and you land it, spinning right into Sirius’ hold. He throws you, and you land it again. And land it, and land it, and land it. Sirius is even better, the natural artistry of his movements melding with the results of tireless practice. He’s gliding seamlessly from one move to the next, making it look easy. Part of you wishes you could step back and watch him, but there’s nowhere you’d rather be but here, looking into his eyes like you’re supposed to as he takes your hand, pulling you closer to him before letting you spin away again. 
Your chests are heaving when you finish, smiles far from performative and palms slippery with sweat where you’re pressing them together. 
It’s hard to tell whether the applause that erupts from the audience is genuine or merely polite. The judges are impassive, but Regulus isn’t, a rare smile on his face as he claps. You blow him a kiss as you skate to the edge of the rink, knowing he’ll hate it but needing to express the sentiment anyway. You’re sorry he couldn’t perform today, you’re happy he’s here, you love him. He rolls his eyes, and you know he gets it. 
As soon as Sirius steps off the ice, he grabs for you. You squeal as he spins you, pressing your face into his shoulder. 
“We did it,” he says breathlessly into your hair. “You were amazing out there.” 
“So were you,” you say, feeling it more sincerely than your voice can convey. 
He sets you down as your coach comes over, telling you much the same thing. You listen to him, but you can’t stop looking at Sirius. You’re like a flower tilting towards the sun, pivoting towards him almost unconsciously as his face shines with unchecked joy, his smile huge and brilliant. Pinched eyelashes and all. You hardly care how you place; it’s inconceivable that you could get any happier than this. 
He glances down at you with a knowing look, but you know him well enough by now to see the softness in it. As you walk towards the kiss and cry, Sirius takes your hand, or maybe you take his. It doesn’t matter which.
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happy74827 · 6 months
Can you do a Marty McFly x Reader, where the reader and him traveled back to 1955 together. Marty and the reader aren’t exactly together but they two idiots in love. But basically Lorraine doesn’t get the hint that these two are interested in each other so the reader is jealous but then some boy in 1955 flirts with the reader and Marty ends up jealous 😭. THANK YOU!!!!
Dance With Me
Tumblr media
[Marty Mcfly x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Despite how rare it seems, don’t forget that jealously is often a two-way street.
WC: 1758
Category: Fluff
Oh my god… i’m so sorry this took so long. I’ve been so caught up. But, I finally finished it so hopefully you like it!! (this is probably my favorite Marty fic I’ve written so far tbh).
It was stupid. You knew it was. The entire scenario was ridiculous, and you felt stupid for letting it bother you so much.
Yet, the entire day, you couldn’t get the thought out of your head. Even now, as the dance played on around you, you couldn’t keep the thought of how Lorraine Baines could be so oblivious.
Sure, she was with George… now. But before Marty fixed up the past, she was all over her son as if he were the best thing since sliced bread. It wasn’t even the fact that it was her son that was bothering you, although that certainly did play a part in it, no. It was the fact that it was Marty.
It wasn’t like the two of you were together or anything, but you knew there was something. A spark, if you would, and it was a spark that made you want to pull him away from her and just tell him what was on your mind.
You weren't really sure when the infatuation had begun. It was as though a light had just flickered on one day, and suddenly, everything was different. Everything was Marty, your lazy lab partner.
Your eyes flickered to the man across the room. He was standing alone (for once) by the punch bowl, watching the dancers with a soft smile. Even now, Lorraine was still obvious to your connection. Though, it didn’t really matter since everything was fixed now. Her obsession moved on, and so should yours.
Still, your eyes drifted down to your shoes as your mind flashed back to the night before. You remembered the feeling of her fingers wrapped around his wrist and the way she pulled him closer to her, practically begging him to ask her to the dance. And he had, though only because it was the plan to begin with.
Your lips twisted down into a scowl, and you had half a mind to take her to the side and give her a piece of your mind. But why should you? What did it matter? It was over now, and there was nothing left to do but wait until the past was the past.
God, you couldn’t wait to leave.
You sighed and leaned against the wall, arms crossed over your chest.
You wanted to go home. You wanted to see Doc alive, Doc, and not worry about this crap anymore. You just wanted to be home.
You closed your eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. The music seemed to swell around you, and you could hear the shuffle of feet as people danced around. It was almost overwhelming, and you wished you had a place to escape to.
When you opened your eyes, however, a face greeted yours, and a hand reached out toward you.
You blinked, looking up at the boy who was grinning brightly down at you.
"May I have this dance?" he asked, his smile bright.
It shocked you. In 1985, you were never asked to dance unless it was by a friend in an attempt to make you feel better. And while the boy standing in front of you wasn’t exactly the definition of tall, dark, and handsome, he was trying.
Your gaze shifted across the room, looking at the others. George and Lorraine were dancing, his hand low on her waist. Your parents were also dancing, as well as most of the students. And then there was Marty, standing alone, watching his parents dance.
It really was just you caring, wasn't it?
Your gaze shifted back to the boy, who was still watching you expectantly.
A sigh fell from your lips, and a small smile curled on your lips. "I would love to."
His smile brightened as he took your hand, pulling you into the middle of the dance floor. You glanced at the people around you, seeing their confused expressions and the whispers.
You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks, but the boy was quick to spin you around.
His hands found your hips, and yours settled on his shoulders.
The music slowed, but the song wasn’t as familiar. Your feet followed the rhythm, and the boy led the way.
"So," he started, a smile curling on his lips, "you don’t seem like the rest of the girls."
A smile tugged at the corners of your lips. "I get that a lot."
"Are you new to school?" he asked, his smile never wavering. “I’m sort of new too, just moved in the last year. I haven't seen you around."
"Oh, uh, yeah," you nodded, not wanting to explain the details of your situation. "I’m just visiting, though. Leaving tonight, actually."
"Tonight?" He looked surprised and maybe even a little disappointed.
"Yeah," you said. "But I think I'll be back soon."
"I hope you do," he smiled, and his voice sounded genuine. Now you wished that you could stay longer, but you knew that it wasn’t possible. "What was your name, by the way?"
“Can I bud in for the next dance?" a voice asked a familiar voice, a voice you would know anywhere.
Your body froze, the boy stopped, and the music halted.
Both of your gazes shifted over to see Marty standing in front of you with a small smile. One that held something more than just a friendly offer.
The boy glanced at you, his gaze questioning. Boldness was not his strong suit, and it wasn’t yours either, but you were a little less timid than he was.
"Yeah," you nodded, "of course."
Marty's grin brightened, and he quickly grabbed your hand, disregarding the “next dance” statement completely, forcing you to ditch the poor boy.
You felt a bit bad about the abrupt switch, but the feeling vanished when he pulled you against his chest, his hands on your hips, and yours around his neck.
"What was that about?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at him. “I was kind of in the middle of something."
"Yeah," he nodded, "But remember what Doc said to us? He said that we shouldn't change anything. We don't know how this could affect our future."
"Or affect his," you pointed out, but he shook his head.
"He’ll forget about it," Marty waved it off. “Trust me, the guy's got enough on his mind right now; what's one more thing?"
“Would you?” Your words were quiet, and you didn’t really think that he would hear them. But he did, and his gaze met yours.
"Would I what?"
"Would you forget about it? It seemed as though you couldn’t handle the fact that I wasn’t dancing with you," you explained, a smirk tugging on the corners of your lips.
"No, I-" he sighed, shaking his head. "Doc said that we shouldn’t change anything. I’m just following the rules."
You rolled your eyes, a scoff falling from your lips. "Since when have you ever listened to rules?"
"Hey, I listen to rules!" he defended, but his tone was playful, and the smile on his face betrayed his words. “And you're changing the subject."
"Am I?" you smirked, quirking an eyebrow. "What subject would that be, McFly?"
His hands were on your waist, pulling you closer. Your eyes widened, and you could feel your heart beating rapidly.
"How quick you were to dance with me," he grinned, his voice quiet, but you could hear the teasing undertone. “instead of the boy you were with."
"I don’t know what you're talking about," you scoffed, looking away from him, but the grin was still playing on your lips.
"No? Is my mother still on your mind, then?" he asked, his voice teasing.
"That makes me sound creepy," you said, scrunching up your nose in distaste. “Do you always have to word things so weird?"
"Do you always have to avoid the question?"
You were silent for a moment, trying to find a good response. "Yes."
His eyes brightened, a smile lighting up his face. "You are, aren’t you? You're still jealous of my mother."
"No," you groaned, shaking your head. "No, I'm not. I'm sorry, Marty, but I'm not obsessed with you like she is. Or was, or whatever. She isn't obsessed anymore, is she?"
"Not really," he shrugged, but his grip was still firm around your waist. "She sees me like a brother now, I think.”
“How’d that happen?" you asked, thinking about the dramatic change of direction, but you noticed how his smile faltered for a moment, a distant look clouding his features.
"Let’s… not talk about it," he shook his head, the smile returning to his lips. Something about that ordeal told you it was better left unsaid, so you didn't push it any further.
"Okay," you nodded, smiling. "I'm sorry, though, I guess. For being weird and all."
"No," he shook his head, pulling you in so close that your nose nearly brushed against his. Your eyes widened, and you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks. You were suddenly aware of his every movement and his closeness. His hands were warm against your skin, his thumb rubbing against the fabric of your dress.
"Save the apologies for when we get out of this nightmare," he didn’t elaborate on his words, but the thought of seeing Doc alive again, as if nothing had ever happened, made the smile grow on your lips.
You leaned forward, resting your forehead against his. Your hands moved from his shoulders, and your arms wrapped around his neck. He tightened his grip on your waist, pulling you flush against his chest.
You could feel his breath fanning against your lips, and yours ghosted across his. Your heart was beating rapidly, and your palms began to sweat, but the feeling wasn’t uncomfortable. It was nice. It was a reminder that you were there, dancing with the boy you loved.
And even though it was the 1950s, and neither of you would admit your feelings for one another, there was that awkward truth that lingered in the air. That spark, the one that pulled you together and ignited something that you were too afraid to admit.
You both were jealous of someone, a simple fact that would make the two of you laugh if only you both had the guts to admit it. But it was okay because this was the start.
You didn’t have to say anything. The music, the moment, was saying everything for you.
So you didn't say a word. Instead, you moved closer and let the jealousy fade along with the song.
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scoobydoodean · 21 days
i’d like you to know you’ve made me much more of a bitter deangirl when it comes to the trap. like i still love the idea of it, of them reconnecting in purgatory of all places, and i still like the idea of lots of what dean says re: should’ve asked cas to stay and i forgive you and talking *about* his anger, but… dean had a right to be angry, including at cas. and yeah it’s good that dean apologized, for the sake of healthy communication cause that’s what you do when you’ve said hurtful things in an argument regardless of who’s “right”, but cas also should’ve apologized again. in fact, i can’t remember so i could be completely misremembering, but does cas ever actually apologize to dean beyond expressing the sentiment of feeling bad that mary died?
and i’m also thinking about the conversation they have before being separated. i like the angst of cas’s line re: i left but you didn’t stop me, but again, dean was not the only one in that argument. to leave was very much cas’s choice, and it feels kinda unfair to put that on dean, regardless of whether dean saying smth would’ve actually gotten cas to stay (which, to dean, probably would’ve seemed unlikely given cas’s past habits). and also, cas saying dean couldn’t move on, that’s actually fucking heartbreaking and almost… cruel. iirc it’d been at most a couple weeks since his mom (his mom!) had been killed!! plus dean never got to say goodbye, again!! of course he couldn’t just move on!
idk idk… anyway i believe i’ve sent an ask about your opinions on the trap before lol, and sorry about this long ass message, but i recently saw a gifset about that conversation (before being attacked) and all the notes were like ‘yes cas you tell him!’ ‘dean needed to hear that!’ ‘finally got dean’s head out of his ass!’ and it kinda made me annoyed for dean which. brainrot. but whatever. bitter deangirls unite, dean deserves the support 😭😭
LMAO sorry for my tumblr arc culminating in me turning full bitter deangirl ig and taking some of you down with me (I'm not sorry actually I'm having a ball in this bitch).
Cas's attempts at apologies are cataloged here. So he does try to apologize. But how many times has Cas been "sorry" only to do the thing he apologized for again? I mean the fact that he keeps "apologizing" for lack of communication and unilateral decisions over things that impact other people besides him and secret deals that blow up in all of their faces over and over and over and over shows that he is... not actually that sorry? Because if you're actually sorry, you actually change your behavior. Except Cas thinks "getting a win" (while actively digging a deeper hole in his relationship with Dean) is the way to "apologize" and make everything better instead of just... changing his behavior. And whatever his latest big plan to fix everything is never works and instead actively makes his relationships and his own self esteem worse. From the outside perspective, what Cas is doing (apologizing then doing the thing he just apologized for again) is just kind of... the ultimate way of telling a person you claim to love that their feelings actually have very little value to you. I mean Cas would be horrified by the idea that he doesn't actually value Dean's feelings, but what conclusion is Dean supposed to come to? Is it any wonder that Dean is perpetually confused about what exactly Cas thinks of their relationship? Is it any wonder that he reached a point where he couldn't stand to hear one more of Cas's meaningless apologies? To maintain any semblance of a relationship with Cas, Dean has to focus on what he feels about Cas's intentions (intentions Dean has always had faith in being good) but that faith and care increasingly forces him to ignore aspects of their relationship that are deeply hurtful because Cas refuses to do his part in addressing their issues in any meaningful way. It's just a vicious cycle of Dean trying to communicate that their lack of communication is upsetting and Cas pretending to listen and apologizing but clearly not actually listening or understanding the gravity of the situation and how it is slowly building a rift between them over years (with perhaps the most striking and hurtful example being The Future) until the secret over soulless Jack becomes "the straw that broke the camel's back" and Dean absolutely explodes at the end of season 14... and then... still... Cas's secrets remain—to the bitter fucking end.
Also yeah tbh Cas's "I left but you didn't stop me" makes my eyes roll so hard. Painfully stupid dialogue with unpleasant (though likely unintentional) implications (as linked in thread above).
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ikatella · 9 months
To Fold
Dabi x reader
Dubcon/noncon, breeding, Stockholm syndrome, obsessive Dabi
2.6k words
An alternate ending chapter to The Cards We're Dealt in which reader stays
Dabi’s breath stutters as he realizes the door is slightly ajar. He didn’t leave it like this, very clearly remembering the loud thud of the door slamming closed hours ago when he left the apartment.
He furrows his brows as he realizes you must have opened the door. Flames begin to dance at the nape of his neck as he throws the door open. You better still be inside, for your own sake.
Striding in quickly, he calls your name, but no response. The apartment is quiet and you’re nowhere to be seen in the living room or kitchen. The anger is rising in him now, threatening to spill over as his skin begins to prickle and heat up. He’s trying to keep his rage in check, hoping you’re still here. He stalks to the bedroom, slamming the door open.
The anger in him quickly quells when he sees your head peeking out from underneath the blankets on the bed, only your hair visible. Breathing a sigh of relief, the blinding anger and all-encompassing heat simmer down to simple annoyance as he approaches your sleeping form, sliding his boots off nimbly. He climbs into bed next to you, looking down as the blanket rises and falls slowly with each breath of yours. He’s beyond relieved you’re still here, but suspicious now as well.
Pulling the covers down, he pokes your cheek roughly. “Hey, wake up. Get up.” His voice is stern and you begin to stir.
Opening your blearily, you see Dabi leaning over you, his expression unreadable. “You’re back.” is all you can say, still half asleep.
“The door was opened when I got home. I know I didn’t leave it open when I left.” His voice is pointed but not cruel. It’s as if he’s waiting to see how you respond, to see if you’ll deny or argue against what he’s insinuating.
You gulp, swallowing thickly as you consider your next words. You decide against lying to him, knowing he’ll see right through any excuse you make, and you’ll only risk pissing him off.
“You didn’t leave the door open…but you did forget to lock it. I didn’t hear the door lock earlier when you left…so I went to check.” You say, trying to keep your tone casual. “I must’ve not closed the door back all the way.”
He holds your gaze for a long moment, his expression something intense, his mouth pressed into a thin line. He continues to lean over you in the bed, his presence as heated and intimidating as always. You make no move to sit up or change position.
“Is that all?” He asks after a minute of tense silence. You hesitate and nod in response.
His warm and rough hand grabs your chin, not too harshly, but enough to keep you in place as he speaks yet again. “You didn’t think about leaving? You didn’t step out of the apartment?” He questions again, and again you know better than lying boldly to his face, but you know you shouldn’t say the whole truth to him.
“I- I did step out of the apartment for a moment. I didn’t leave past the doorstep.” This part is true, you couldn’t even bring yourself to take more than a few feet outside. “I just wanted fresh air...it’s been so long since I’ve been outside. I wasn’t planning on leaving at all.” You speak in a hurry, trying to not sound panicked. This part is less true, you were thinking about leaving, trying to make yourself leave. For some reason though, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
Instead, when presented with the opportunity of freedom, you tucked your tail and ran back inside, too frightened about trying to run away. You cried yourself to sleep in bed earlier, not sure why you couldn’t bring yourself to leave. Even now you wonder what’s wrong with you, and if you made the right choice.
He holds your face tightly as he looks into your eyes, searching for any sign of betrayal. “I told you not to leave the apartment.” He says firmly, but he sounds less angry than you thought he’d be. He drops his grip on your chin, and lays down beside you, pulling you close against him as his arms form a steel cage around your body.
The grasp of his arms around you is unbreakable, and heat rolls off of his body in a way that feels sweltering with the blanket still covering you.
His face buries into the junction of your neck and he inhales deeply. "You knew not to try and run." It's not a question, but you nod in reply regardless, choosing not to respond verbally. "I don't want you leaving this apartment again without me." He adds on, his hair tickling the side of your cheek as he holds you against him.
"Does that mean I can leave with you? Will you start taking me outside?" You question, trying not to sound like you're too eager.
Dabi snorts but it's a humorless sound. "Don't test me. Maybe, if you continue to behave. But if ya want fresh air you can just open the windows." You think about mentioning the fact that most of the windows are nailed shut, but you don't, instead holding onto the small hope that he will start letting you outside some.
Warm fingers grip into your side as he presses his lips against your pulse point, open-mouth kisses that make you dizzy.
"You're mine, you'll always be mine. That's why you didn't leave. Because no matter where you go, you won't be able to change that." His voice is low and throaty now as he presses a warm line of kisses up your neck, and you shiver at the sensation. Another hand snakes around your midriff, dipping under your shirt teasingly.
A deep feeling of shame coils in your gut, knowing you had the chance to escape and you didn't take it, and now instead you're in your captor's arms as he touches you and kisses you as he pleases.
Moving your hair out of the way, he continues to suck and nibble on the skin of your neck as he groans deeply into your ear. The hand around your waist trails up underneath the cotton shirt, as he begins to fondle your tits, pinching and rolling your sensitive nipples as you gasp and goosebumps begin to rise on your skin.
"You're so good for me, so sweet and obedient, huh?" He murmurs, his voice causing a sense of heat to stir inside you. You hate how he can do whatever he wants to you, have his way with you whenever he wants. You hate how you have no power, no say, and you hate how you missed your opportunity to run. Most of all though, you hate how you're beginning to like this.
As if reading your mind, he nips gently at the spot under your ear before speaking again. "You like this, don't you? I can feel how you shiver and gasp when I touch you. You're like putty in my hands." His other hand slides across your navel, down to the button of your shorts. "You can try and deny it but you can't fool me."
"Dabi.." Your voice sounds breathless and flustered and it's all you can manage to say his name. You want to deny his words, you want to fight back, but you can't. Your limbs are trembling and the urge to just give in is getting stronger and stronger.
He groans throatily at the sound of his name on your tongue, and his fingers pull clumsily on your shorts until the button comes undone. His hand slips down under the fabric of your pants, under your panties, quickly as he begins to rub your clit in small tight motions.
You gasp out and throw your head back, your hands going to grip his strong arms wrapped around you tightly as if holding on for dear life.
"You like this, baby? Does it feel good, having a villain like me touching you like this?" He cooes, his own words starting to get him going even more.
Heat pulls in your gut and you can feel wetness beginning to form in between your legs, and you have no doubt he can feel it too. His fingers are warm and rough and he knows how to tease your clit just right. Two fingers press against your cunt, dipping in as he begins to move his fingers in and out of you.
You bite your lip so hard you can taste the iron tinge of blood, trying to hold back your desperate moans.
"Let it out baby, let me hear you." He bites down harder than before on your shoulder, undoubtedly leaving a mark, and you can't stop the high-pitched keening noise that escapes.
The way he's moving his fingers has sparks of electricity shooting up your spine, and you feel that if he keeps this up, it won't be long until you come. You can't help but move yourself against him, fucking yourself on his hand, and each backswing of your hips has your ass pressing against the tent in his pants. He groans at the sensation and begins rocking his clothed erection against you slowly.
"So eager for me, doll. It's like you were made for me, made to be fucked by me." He says in a tone barely above a whisper, as he pulls his hand away abruptly.
You whine at the loss before remembering you're not supposed to like this. But as you watch, he brings his hand still coated with your slick up to his mouth, licking his fingers clean and you can't help the shiver that goes to your spine at the sight.
"I can't get enough of you. You really were made to be mine. I was destined to find you." His lips press against your neck, your jaw, your shoulders over and over fervently. His hand goes back down to your hips, pulling your shorts roughly down as best as he can with one hand. "Gonna breed this cunt. Gonna get you pregnant."
This isn't the first time he's talked about knocking you up while fucking you, but he hasn't had such a tone of finality, of seriousness, before. It makes your stomach twist in something other than your previous arousal.
"We'd make such perfect babies, with my quirk and yours. Stronger, better." His voice has an edge to it now, sounding almost dangerous, like he really means it.
"Dabi wait a minute-" you try to protest, not liking this pregnancy talk. He doesn't give any heed to your anxious words though, as he undoes his belt, shoving his own pants down just enough to free his cock. His hand holds your hip tightly, keeping you in place as he presses against the cleft of your ass. He's fully hard now as he ruts against you.
"This is why you're perfect for me, why you were made for me. You'd look so good carrying my kids." He's losing himself in his own talk.
You try to protest some more but it falls on deaf ears, there's simply nothing you can do now to dissuade him. His hand is lifting your leg up and you can feel him lining up with your hole, the swollen head of his cock rubbing against your silky folds.
"Dabi wait-" You whine, but he silences you with another nip to your neck.
"Why wait? You feel so good right now, come on, we'd have some pretty babies. I don't think I'm gonna let you say no to this." He's pressing into you slowly while he murmurs about violating you in such a calm way. The tip is stretching out the tight passage your cunt has granted him, as he makes rocking motions back and forth.
Each movement of his hips has him rubbing against your inner walls in a way that has you twitching as you whine. He keeps his motions steady as he slowly works you open, inch by inch, slowly filling you up. His hand keeps your leg in place, his other arm keeps you pressed against him.
"I'm serious Dabi-" you try to start again, but it's hard to speak with how breathless he's making you feel, gasping as he humps into your tight heat.
"I don't care." Is the reply you get, his voice still calm, but unwavering. His hips are rolling against you now, moving inside you fully. You pant against the pillow, fingers gripping the blankets until your knuckles turn white as every smooth motion has those barbells pressing against your most sensitive spot. He keeps his pace slow and sensual, not wanting to finish too quickly, as he keeps the head of his cock pressed against your cervix.
"I'll breed you good, put a Todoroki in you." He seems to speaking more to himself now but you're too far gone to even pay much attention to what he's saying, drool running down your chin as your mouth hangs agape, moaning loudly as his close contact thrusts jolt you in place, his cock thumping against your womb, rolling against the entrance every time he grinds in deep.
His hands still hold you tightly, keeping you in the position he wants you, his mouth ravishes your neck, sure to leave you covered in bruises and bite marks. He's moaning your name into your ear as his pace becomes more erratic. You think you're moaning his name as well, but you can't tell as you begin to lose yourself.
Tears run down your face, your gut twisting in both equal parts pleasure, shame, and disgust. His hand that isn't keeping your leg hiked up goes to your clit and presses against it clumsily and quickly.
"Come on, come my cock, baby. You're so good for me, so pretty and sweet." His voice is low and intense in your ear, and as much as you hate it, his words send you over the edge quickly. You can stop the high whining noise you let out as you reach your climax.
He curses as you clench down around him. "Fuck, fuck, just like that." He thrusts into you roughly and shallowly, overstimulating you as you cry out. "I'm gonna come inside you, I'm gonna come." He groans into your ear, his warm breath against your neck.
You try to squirm away, begging him to pull out. "Not inside! Please Dabi, not inside." But he just grips your hip tightly, keeping you pressed firmly to him as he thrusts one, two more times and comes deep inside you. His grip is unrelenting, keeping your hips pinned to his as you feel each thick spurt of his hot cum fill you up. Distantly you wonder if it would feel hotter if it weren't for your quirk.
Tears run down your cheeks, but Dabi pays no mind, kissing and mouthing at your neck still as he keeps you on his cock for the next several minutes. He keeps murmuring lowly but you can't make out much of what he's saying.
One thing sticks out clearer than the rest though. "You'll make such a good parent, you'd take such good care of our brats, wouldn't you?" His words send a feeling of dread down your spine, and you can feel his cock slowly starting to harden again as if he's getting a second wind already.
He pulls away before roughly turning you onto your back, climbing on top of you, and you know it's going to be a long night.
A/N: I posted this on my AO3 forever ago and forgot to also post here sorrry
This is an alt timeline fic, and I don't really plan to expand on this timeline anymore this honestly was mostly just an excuse to write some smut
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aloekat · 6 months
giving pokemon teams to d20 characters!
The Bad Kids / Fantasy High!
pt 1/?
part 1 || part 2
hello chat and welcome to aloe shoves their hyperfixation onto everything they enjoy! making pokemon teams for fictional characters has always been a fun past time for me that i enjoy greatly so i wanted to apply that to dimension 20! i plan on doing every season once i’ve watched it, starting with all the intrepid hero seasons before moving on to side quest seasons
(also i finally decided to post these after @jadelion made posts sharing their team picks, so go check those posts out as there are some great choices! i also wouldnt be inspired to finally post these without him doing so first! i made my list completely independent of hers so if there's the same pokemon its purely coincidental lol)
first i want to talk about some guidelines i’ve given myself for this, which will apply to future posts as well:
only 4 pokemon per team - this keeps things more easy and makes them feel closer to mid-game trainers rather than fully stacked end-game ones. or feel like gym leaders maybe? it also helps with rule 2…
try to have no repeat pokemon - this just keeps things unique between seasons but sometimes a pokemon is a perfect fit for more than one person but for the most part everyone gets unqiue pokemon and there are almost no doubles
low to no legendaries on teams unless for a good reason - same goes for shinies but im more lenient on the shiny rule lol
i made a lot of these these like 3 months ago as of posting this - some choices may be outdated or the character has changed enough that a choice may not fit as well but i didnt want to change it lol (this is solely for the fantasy high kids tbh)
thats all for the rules! finally it’s time to get into the teams!
Lycanroc - representing Tracker, again i made these before junior year so trackerbees was still a thing but i imagine it can count for cassandra also since it’s a night themed pokemon. don't know which form of lycanroc she would have though Solrock - she was given solrock during her time with Helio, and while i know sunflora exists i think solrock makes a little more sense, since she was a chosen of Helio she would be at an elevated status and therefor have a better pokemon if that makes sense? it also pairs with... Lunatone - representing her change to Cassandra, a goddess of night. there's like cool symbolism with her pokemon now wow isn't that so cool and awesome!! Unown ("?") - a question mark unown to represent Yes? (and the other Yes forms) along with her cool question mark staff! can also ALSO symbolize doubt with cassandra
Toxitricity (Low Key) - low key form gives the vibes of a bass and Fig plays the bass! toxitricity would help fig practice her instrument and come up with music. also literally called “the punk pokemon”
Obstagoon - similar reasoning, obstagoon has The Vibes that fit along with also being a sort of rock n roll pokemon
Moltres - representing Ayda, i imagine Ayda gifted it to her once they became girlfriends :)
Mimikyu - a pokemon known for its imitation of another pokemon, very much fits into Fig’s actor feat and her high deception and her not wanting to be her real self sometimes
Dhelmise - big connection to his father and being a pirate, his father probably gifted it to him as his first pokemon
Marowak (Alolan) - fun idea i had for this is he originally just had a cubone with him during freshman year, but once he went to Fallinel and learned about the power of dance it evolved into an alolan marowak! it's a fire dance pokemon of course he would have it lol
Sirfetch'd - representing his mother and also his general fencing/fighter style that he works with
Tentacruel - just a cool ass water pokemon i feel he would have, also vaguely pirate-y with big kraken vibes
Pikachu - detective pikachu go brrrrr i imagine he would have gotten a pichu when very young, and it's evolved over time! it would wear a tiny detective hat as well because um i said so
Inteleon - super spy/gun pokemon also go brrrr, very much a reference to his father and just the general super spy-ness of Riz and Pok in junior year especially
Togekiss - ok this one feels very out of place and i forgot why it was here originally BUT i think it's to represent like a guardian angel sort of? again another reference to Pok because i love Pok and think he's very cool
Voltorb - he's the ball. this is a pokeball pokemon. are we starting to connect the dots
Politoad - representing Boggy of course, nothing much else to say
Espeon - a very psychic pokemon representing her oracle powers, it would be fun to think that she had an eevee that simply evolved into an espeon once Adaine realized that she in fact was the elven oracle!
Delphox - another powerful psychic pokemon, again this is just vibes and it's a cool pokemon and adaine is a very cool character lol
Audino - these pokemon are known for being able to hear super well and know how their trainers are feeling from listening to their heartbeat. a gift given by Jawbone to help with Adaine's anxiety but still a good member of her team regardless
Archen - "i'm Cloaca, i suck!"
Gogoat - a grassy pokemon which can sorta represent the tree he lives in but also intended to represent Zelda in some ways (again i wrote these before junior year came out). it would help him carry around a lot of scraps for tinkering
Rotom - found in the village near the Nightmare King's forest, this rotom had gotten lost in the forest and, with no tech from solace nearby, couldn't find a way home. gorgug rescued it and lets it inhabit the Hangvan a lot
Rillaboom - another grassy pokemon but this one is also a drummer! can we take a wild guess as to why i picked this one. for it's drumming ability. because. because gorgug is a drummer.
whew ok that's the first season done! i'll probably do unsleeping city next, which will be linked to this post once it's done!
have a better option that would fit a PC better? please tell me i would love to hear everyone's takes on this!
ok that's it that's the post everyone go home now (once again go look at @jadelion for their pokemon team picks!)
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Fragmented Glass
Chapter 10
Pairing: Kim Namjoon x reader
Warnings: This story deals with a miscarriage. Eventual Smut. Mentions of death. Dubious consent (not in this chapter)
Word Count: 3,572
Genre: Angst, Smut, Enemies to Lovers.
Summary: You had the choice of an arranged marriage, upon meeting Namjoon he acted as if he actually cared for you but as time passed you realize that this would not be a fairy tale.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading, if any of the topics above make you uncomfortable please don’t read.
A/N2: I’ve neglected this story for so long that it makes me sad. I definitely do not want to leave this unfinished, I realize it has been over a year since the last time I updated and with life being hectic it just has been extra hard to update but this story has not been left to die.
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Whatever the plans had been they had quickly changed after Olivia’s phone call. You stared at your phone, unable to move. You rushed to the hospital to see your father. Olivia mentioned he had taken a turn for the worse over night. She had urged you to stay calm as the stress would not be good for the baby. 
You felt panic set in as you tried to remember what Taehyung had said the last time you saw your father. You wanted to rush to the hospital and Yoongi made sure to take you. He tried reassuring you, and asking for you to calm down but you couldn’t. 
As you arrived at the hospital it didn’t take long for you to find Olivia. She tried stopping you but you kept trying to make your way towards his room.  
“You can’t see him right now. I tried explaining Y/N.” Olivia rushed to pull on your arm gently.  
“How is he?” you couldn't look at Olivia. 
“These things happen, go to the cafeteria, get something to drink and I’ll be there shortly.” She suggested directing her words to Yoongi. 
You were looking towards the long hallway before finally giving in and allowing Yoongi to lead you to the cafeteria where you both sat for what seemed forever. 
“Stop it.” Yoongi placed his hand on top of yours. “Stop picking your nails.” he clarified. 
“I can’t.. I keep abandoning my dad and whenever things like this happen, I just…. I realize I don’t spend as much time with him as I should.” you stared at the cup of water in your hands. 
“Hey, don’t say that.” he hesitated for a moment. “You can’t control how his body reacts to his medication. It’s a miracle he has made it this long.”
“It’s true. And still I always run away. I was gone for months. Before that I was gone for a month and before that months.. It’s like two years I wasted being selfish and weak.” tears finally began spilling freely the time you had left with him was borrowed and you kept taking it for granted. 
“Stop, you needed that time. There was nothing you could have done. This is in the hands of the doctors and how well he responds to the treatment.” he pulled on your hand until you finally faced him. “This isn’t your fault.”
“Hey guys.” Olivia took a seat across from you. “I called you because there was a change, because I always want to be honest. But you need to calm down. It’s not good for your pregnancy.” She looked at Yoongi. “It’s not a high risk pregnancy, but because of her past history we need to be careful.” 
“Because of the misscarriage?” you asked not looking at her. You felt ashamed. 
“It’s better to be safe than sorry. Try not to stress too much. You have a couple of months left. Enjoy them. Right now we changed the medication on your father and he seems to be stabilizing. I just called you because…” she stopped and looked away unable to finish her sentence.  
“Because?” Yoongi inquired, when there was no response it was you who answered. 
“Because he might die.” you finished for her. 
“She doesn’t mean that.” Yoongi looked at you, but when Olivia didn’t answer again he looked at her. “You don’t mean that right?” 
“Unfortunately, we are not sure. He could be stable and then take a dive. For now like I said he is stable. But I will keep you updated.” she got up from her seat and looked at you both. “I think you should go home. At least for now. You being here stressed out of your mind doesn’t help him or you.I will let you know of any changes but I strongly suggest for you to go home.” 
For some reason that rubbed you the wrong way. 
“Why because I've already neglected him?” you didn’t mean to raise your voice. It just happened. “Because I am never here regardless so why would now be any different?!” your voice just continued to rise. 
She looked affronted by your questions. 
“Not at all Y/N.” she responded quietly, doing her best not to trigger you further. “I can only imagine how difficult this must be. The last thing I want is something happening to your baby.” 
But you were not letting it go. 
You rose from your seat suddenly, almost knocking the chair out in the process. Yoongi reacted instantly, getting up almost as quickly as you.
“Say it!, I am a bad daughter! That’s what you meant!” By now tears were running like a river. 
“Y/N no, I swear I just meant there is no need for you to be here if your father’s health depends upon the medication.” she stuttered trying her best to explain that whatever happened it would be no one’s fault. “This has nothing to do with you. Even if right now you were not here the changes would have happened the same.” 
“Liar!, you are a liar!” At this point you seemed hysterical. 
Yoongi grabbed your face with his hands as gently as possible. 
“Y/N!” he yelled trying to catch your attention. “Y/N! Look at me!” Finally your eyes focused on his. “She wasn’t saying that. She is going to keep an eye on your father. And if anything happens she will let us know. Do you understand?” Finally after what seemed like forever you nodded still crying. 
Yoongi looked at Olivia and then back at you.
“Uh.. can you let me know of any new developments please?,” he requested softly. 
“Yeah, of course.” 
“Me. Not her.” you seemed as if you were going to protest but he just smiled softly. “Let’s go, I’m taking you home.” Yoongi walked out of the cafeteria with you. 
Olivia stared as you let Yoongi guide you through the double set of doors. She turned to go back and check on your father when she spotted Namjoon.
“Did you …” she trailed off looking back to the doors you had just walked through. 
“Yeah, bad news?” he had seen how you had lost any sense at the mention of something happening to your father. 
“Yeah, he is in really bad shape. She just lost it.” Olivia mumbled. “Did you have a chance to talk to her?” she started walking towards the exit of the cafeteria. 
When no response came from Namjoon she turned to search for him. He was still standing on the same spot. 
“Namjoon?” she called out. 
“I heard you say she needed to be careful.” he was staring at the double doors you had just walked through. 
“Well yeah, I mean stress and anxiety is bad enough on anyone. And she is pregnant.” Olivia was confused. “Namjoon she is okay, the pregnancy is okay she just needs to be careful.” Suddenly something dawned on her. “No, you HAVE to tell her.” She reached out to him but he moved away. “Namjoon!” 
“Don’t you see?, she is already stressed as it is. I will not add to her stress by asking her to choose between Jimin and me.” He looked away sad all of a sudden. 
“Namjoon you don’t have to do this. Are you scared? Is that what this is?” 
“No, I’m putting her well being before anything.” he started walking away. 
“Namjoon ! you have to tell her.” he didn’t stop walking as Olivia got increasingly more annoyed. “Namjoon!” but he was already gone. 
He drove towards Yoongi’s apartment as if in a daze. His brain was on autopilot. He realized then he had never truly given up on you until that particular moment. He felt like something inside him was being torn apart. But he had to be grateful. By some miracle you had conceived a child. He realized then that even if he couldn’t have you as his wife, he could see his child grow. He would be tied forever to you regardless of anything. He would get to see you happy, even if it wasn't with him. 
He knocked on the door and Yoongi answered with a roll of his eyes. This he expected. Yoongi wasn’t a fan of his. 
“Look, can you come back some other time, she is not feeling great.” he blocked the door already sounding annoyed. 
No, he needed to talk to you. Or he might take it back. If he left without telling you what he had made his mind up to do Olivia or Seokjin would try and talk him out of it. 
“It will just take a second,” he pleaded. 
Yoongi looked behind him and then ever so slowly opened the door just enough to let him in. 
“If I hear any garbage you leave and never come back.” he threatened in a whisper. 
Namjoon walked further into the apartment to find you in the living room. Your eyes were swollen, your body shook slightly as you clutched a blanket to you. He finally stopped directly in front of you. Your eyes looked up and finally settled on his face. He sat in front of you on Yoongi’s center table. 
“I heard about your dad.” a tear rolled down your cheek and he felt his heart breaking for you. 
“Yeah, I’m not…. I don’t….” you couldn’t seem to form a sentence. 
“I know we had a pending conversation. All I wanted to say was…” he loved you and he wanted to be the one to make you happy. The one to be with you always. “We are adults, you said it yourself. My private life is my private life and you have yours. I will respect it and ask for you to do the same. You can always call me for anything, and I will be here for our child for everything. I don’t want you to stress about anything else. I know the situation with your father is a bit touch and go but I will be here for anything that you need. You are the mother of my child and you will always be able to count on me.” 
You stared at him as he finished. He wasn’t looking at you but at your hands. You tried meeting his eyes but he looked away. 
“Is there anything you want to say?” His tone was soft, but his words felt harsh. 
“No,” you whispered. “You’re right. Thank you.” tears spilled again but you weren’t sure if they were for your dad or the finality of the situation. 
He looked at Yoongi then, “If she needs anything let me know. I’ll pick you up for your next doctor appointment.” he rose to his feet but stayed for a few seconds, before leaning in and kissing your cheek softly, lingering just a few seconds before fully walking away. 
He managed to make it to the elevator before the tears finally drenched his cheeks. 
❁ ≖≖✿❁ ≖≖✿❁ ≖≖✿❁ ≖≖ ❁
“He didn’t say that.” Yoongi said as he handed you a warm tea. 
“He basically did. He said his private life is his. What else can it mean?” you sipped slowly still sitting down on the couch. 
You were bothered. Namjoon continued to hide Nari from you. Or maybe she had asked to not know anything about you. This was about avoiding stress on her. Maybe she was just so trustful of Namjoon she knew nothing would ever happen that would be deemed improper. She was that sure of his love. 
“He loves her so much.” your voice broke. 
Yoongi groaned. “I hate how that bastard still makes you feel like that. He somehow still manages to get a rise out of you.” 
“I can’t do this to Jimin.” you mumbled softly. You turned your gaze to Yoongi who wasn’t looking at you.
“I know.” he sighed and walked to the kitchen. He came back with a beer bottle. “I thought all you needed was to be around him, let him pamper you and you’d get over Namdouche, but… I was wrong.” 
“He deserves someone who loves him and is not hung up on her ex. I need to just get rid of the choice. I don’t want it. I don’t deserve it.” you broke again and Yoongi hugged you tightly to him. 
You asked to talk to Jimin a couple of days afterwards. Somehow, Jimin sensed the topic of conversation. Everything had become far too complicated, he knew you had never gotten over Namjoon. And with a child on the way your feelings could only grow stronger. 
Despite Namjoon having another family. 
Despite Namjoon not loving you. 
You still did. 
The conversation had been pleasant as most things with Jimin were, it was a tragedy you could not fall in love with him. But you couldn’t ask for him to wait indefinitely for something that might not even happen. Jimin wanted to be close to you still. No matter what he still cared for you even if you only allowed for a friendship he would take it. 
Namjoon kept checking up on you. But contact had been limited to doctors appointments and polite check up texts. As time kept passing your grudge began to grow causing you to become bitter and resentful. 
Yoongi had driven you to your latest doctor appointment. Namjoon was out on business but had vowed to return quickly. This would be the first appointment since your arrival he would not be attending to. And it bothered you more than you cared to admit.
Yoongi remained quiet as you walked silently towards your check up. He sensed something bothering you but opted not to say anything until you decided to bring it up. 
“Very strong heartbeat,” Olivia commented almost to herself as she spread the gel around your belly. 
“That’s good right?” Yoongi asked from where he stood with his arms crossed. 
Olivia looked away from the screen to look for the voice and smiled. 
“Oh yeah absolutely. Having a healthy heartbeat is definitely what we want.” She grabbed a paper towel and began cleaning your belly. 
“What is Namjoon having?” You asked. 
Olivia looked at you surprised. 
“I thought you wanted it to be a surprise.” 
She had insisted on telling you the gender but you had opted for a surprise instead. Namjoon had respected your wishes and decided to wait for the birth as well. 
“No, what are Namjoon and Nari having?” Your voice sounded harsh, almost broken. 
Olivia sighed loudly. “Y/N I’ve told -”
“No!” You interrupted. “You guys treat her like she is this precious treasure and will not tell me anything about her. I know Namjoon must be so happy he finally married the love of his life! But if we are to have a semblance of a family shouldn’t I know about her pregnancy too? I mean I’m sure you all tell her about mine!” 
You were slightly out of breath, and you hated how bitter you sounded. Somehow you couldn’t move on from Namjoon but he had started a new family with the woman he had loved his entire life and even if you sounded like a ridiculous petty bitch you wanted for them to know you were hurting. 
“I can’t tell you. And I’m sure you don’t want any details that could upset you.” She tried reasoning. 
But you were past that point. 
“Olivia..” your voice came out in a warning but you stopped at the feeling of Yoongi pulling on your arm.
“She is right, let's just go Y/N.” He tried pulling on your arm but you pulled back. 
“He is a fucking asshole. He destroyed my life and all this time I thought that I was okay..” tears were finally filling your eyes. “I can’t be okay knowing that this baby might have the same fate I had and I can’t stop thinking about it. I can’t let him hurt my baby in the same way he has hurt me.” Tears finally streamed down your cheeks. 
“Y/N what are you talking about?” Olivia’s voice came out almost in a whisper. She was trying not to upset you but you were letting out all your pent up feelings. 
Granted you should have let them out to Namjoon but he wasn’t there. 
“I’m leaving.” You turned to leave but she rushed to stand before you. 
“Hey move!” Yoongi tried to move her but she pushed him. 
“Think about what you are saying, okay?, you are upset at this whole ordeal but all you need to do is have a fucking honest conversation with my brother to see his side of this.” Finally Olivia’s voice came out much harder than it should. 
“I’ve always been honest with him!” 
“Oh have you?!, after your miscarriage you disappeared! After you came back and were supposedly happy with my brother you disappeared again! You always fucking disappear and make it seem like it’s okay to dish out whatever the hell you want at Namjoon! You know what? He is not perfect but neither are you!” She pointed her finger at you. 
You all stood in silence staring at each other. 
“We are leaving.” Yoongi declared pulling you to the exit.
You were left speechless and you didn’t know how to respond. She was right. You always ran away to protect yourself, but also you never believed it had any type of impact on Namjoon. 
Namjoon never showed any type of love or any type of hurt whenever you left or disappeared. On the contrary it felt like you were doing him a favor. The last time you left you’d left him to do his own thing with his family which is what you assumed is what he wanted. To make a family with Nari. 
“I tried.” You mumbled at Yoongi as he walked ahead of you. He made no to acknowledge what you said, you stopped walking then and raised your voice. “I said I tried!” You repeated. 
Finally he stopped walking, his hands went to his hips as he sighed loudly and looked up at the sky as if searching for an answer. 
“I heard you the first time.” He turned to face you. “You tried to protect yourself and that’s completely fine.” He reasoned, but you could tell he was just trying to sugar coat it.
“I’m selfish, just say it.” You folded your arms as you felt a chill go through you. “Just tell me how I fucked everything up.” You were already tearing up, your voice cracked as you said it.
“I am not saying that, look, it takes two to break up a marriage. I just feel like you have never taken responsibility for things.” The tone in his voice was soft as if he was trying to cushion the blow. 
“What are you talking about?” 
“Let’s just go home and we will talk there okay?, this isn’t the place.” He reached out for you but you recoiled. 
“Just fucking say it!” 
“When Nari told you she was pregnant, why did you believe her? Why did you just leave without fighting for Namjoon if you loved him so much?” This cut through you like a knife.
“You supported me!, you sent Jimin my way to help me escape and now you are asking me why I didn’t hang back and what? Investigate?” You were openly crying now. 
“Yes, I did. I never liked him! Your relationship was always toxic and when this happened I thought it would finally be the last blow for you to let go of him and be happy! But things are worse now!You are worse! You are bitter and resentful, do you think I haven’t noticed you crying at night? At you always wondering out loud about Namjoon? You didn’t even try with Jimin because you still love Namjoon for whatever fucking reason he is in you like a fucking disease and I thought throwing you with someone who was the complete opposite was the cure but it wasn’t! Now I wonder why on earth I didn’t push you to fucking stay back and try to figure it out!” 
You reeled back at his rant. He was right as usual. 
You tried thinking back to when everything had first happened and you couldn’t remember having hope at all. All you could think about was how when you learned of Nari’s pregnancy all you could see was an in for Namjoon to be happy. 
“I didn’t know I was pregnant!” You yelled back. 
Yoongi’s face contorted into confusion. 
“If I’d known I was pregnant I wouldn’t have left like that!, but I thought I was in the way of his happiness. He never denied having feelings for Nari, he never made me feel like I was important to him and that is what made me leave and not look back.” 
“You said things were different, after Paris. You said you were happy, that things had changed. That HE had changed.” 
“Yes, but I would never be Nari would I?” You cleaned your tears and finally Yoongi wrapped his arms around you. 
“Maybe you should just talk to him, like you talk to me.” He mumbled against your hair. 
“I can’t do that I’d -” you felt something at your feet. 
You looked down and started. 
“Did…” Yoongi trailed off.
“Did my water break all over your shoes?” You were breathing hard. “Yes I fucking think it did.” 
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abbyslev · 2 years
A/N: hello! sorry this is so sloppy, i’ve been cleaning my room and redecorating but i wanted to post something. my wifi is out and i can’t use my fucking laptop and it 4 am so PLEASE excuse any bad grammar or anything!! sorry for ranting i just love you guys sm 🙁 anyway i hope you guys truly enjoy this!!
WARNINGS: forbidden shit trope thing, spit, mutual masturbation, commander! hange and section commander reader, fingering. lightly proofread (i’m tired pls give me a break🙏🏼) any feedback is appreciated!!
It was past 7, you were in the showers, washing off the dirt from training.
Training cadets wasn't as easy as it looked, especially when you had idiots like Jean and Connie. The hot water burned against your skin, soap running down your bare body. You breathe softly, shutting off the water. You took your time getting ready, slipping on your sleeping pants and soft shirt.
You carried your little basket full of toiletries back to your room, soft shoes padding against the hard floor. You enter your office, looking up at Levi and Hange. “Hey guys.” You waved. “We were planning something, and we needed your opinion.” Levi leaned against your desk. “So you welcomed yourself into my office?” You sighed. Levi dangled your spare keys in your face. You sighed in defeat, shrugging.
“That shit needs to be cleaned.” He eyed the paper work on your table. “I’d rather shower first than sit in my own stench and do work.” You shot back at your brother, and approached the pair. “For our next expedition, we need you to lead the second wave, since your cadets are better than mine. I’ll be right behind you, is that okay?” Their long fingers trailed down the map, eyes tranced on your face.
“Y-yeah.” You nod your head, suddenly feeling nervous under their watch. “Okay, that’s settled. I’ll take this up to Erwin.” Levi grabbed the map. “You owe me, by the way. Finished some of your reports.” You push back your damp hair, your gray eyes meeting his identical ones.
“Whatever.” He closed the door behind himself. “So, how was your shower?” Hange sat on your desk, legs spread a bit, hand resting on their thigh, the other pushing their glasses up. “It was good, got that stiffness out of my body.” You say in your chair, rolling between Hange’s legs.
“You work too much, you’re just like your brother.” Hange tsked, hands meeting your shoulders. “He works overtime, I do my work and call it a day. I actually value my sleep.” You joke, arms tingling where Hange ran their hands over.
“Relax.” They whisper in your ear, stepping behind your chair. You felt your heart stop, breath hitching. Oh my god. “You deserve a break…” Hange ran their hands down your shoulders, fingers scratching your back slightly. You sighed, back arching a bit.
“Too much work to worry ‘bout.” You lean your head down, eyes focused on your lap. “Yeah?” Hange came back around the chair, leaning on your desk. Their eye watched your face as the blood rushed to your face, hands playing with each other. “Let me help you relax, then.” Hange hooked their foot around your chair, rolling you forward.
You look up, mouth slightly open. Hange placed their hands on your waist, pulling you towards them. You stumbled forward, lips almost touching. “So stiff.” They shook their head, lips pouting. They ran their hands up and down your back, before slipping their hands up the soft material of your shirt,
“Gonna make you feel so much better after this.” They pressed their lips against your ear, lips tracing around your jaw before finally kissing your lips. Their hands squeeze your breast, fingers tracing over your hardened nipples. You whimper against their lips, trying to pull back. Hange bit your bottom lip, keeping you from moving. “Relax.” Their nose traced against your face, hands working you.
This was wrong. All of it. You were literally about to fuck your Commander, your brothers best friend. Your higher up. How would Levi feel if he knew about this? This wasn’t right. You had reports to do, which sat, abandoned under Hange. Though you knew it was wrong, forbidden even, you whined for more.
“We shouldn’t be doing this.” You press yourself up against their thigh, hips fighting to grind on them. “Do you want to do this?” Hange’s brows furrowed, hands now rubbing up and down your hips. You blush, nodding. “Then it’s not wrong.” Hange kissed you harder, tongue exploring your mouth.
Your hands find their way into the loose hairs on the back of their head, tangling themselves there, slightly pulling them. “Fuck.” Hange groaned, pushing you against the bookshelf behind you. “So pretty.” Hange kissed your neck, moving your damp hair out of the way.
One hand slipped inside your pants. Hange pulled back, smiling. You close your eyes, humiliated. “All for me?” They smirk, fingers ghosting over your clothed clit. “Answer.” They press down a finger. You hiss, nodding. “Y-yes, god.” You try to close your legs. “So quick?” They got a kick out of you being embarrassed.
“Just fuck me already.” You lean your head into their shoulder, teeth sinking into your bottom lip. Their fingers pushed your wet panties aside, fingers running through your wet folds. “Ohmygod.” You rush out, hands gripping their arms. Their knee nudged your legs apart, fingers teasing your entrance.
“Relax.” They drag out the word, lips kissing yours softly. Their middle finger slipped inside you. Your shoulders drop, head leaning back. “Fuck.” You whisper, hips bucking as they add a second finger, speeding up their pace. “Is it wrong to feel like this?” Hange breathed against your neck.
“N-no.” You shake your head, digging your nails into their arms. “Breathe.” They remind you, slipping out their fingers to circle your clit. “Hangeeee.” You moan, moving your hips against their fingers. Their tongue traced your ear, your jaw, down to your collarbone.
Their fingers were suddenly shoved into your mouth. You open your eyes, frowning at the sudden loss of contact. You suck on Hange’s fingers, eye contact strong. “Good.” Hange placed their fingers into their mouth, smiling. They got down on their knees, shirt slightly unbuttoned, giving you a good view.
Hange’s fingers hooked around your pants, pulling them down. You stared at them, head tilting. “Finish yourself.” They smile, eyes staring at your wet cunt. You bring down your hand, finger circling around your swollen clit,
Your hips jerk forward, mind racing. Hange was staring at you, and you felt humiliated, vulnerable and shy. Their fingertips raked your thigh, their other hand playing with themselves. You move your finger faster, inserting a finger inside yourself.
You pant, chest heaving up and down. Hange watched as your pussy clenched around your finger, your arousal dripped down your soft thighs. They opened their mouth, sticking their tongue out. You let your fingers slip out of you, releasing in their mouth.
Hange toyed with your sensitive clit, lapping at your soaked cunt. “So good.” They kiss your bud and up your thighs. They come back up, pressing their lips against yours. “Feel better?” “So much better.”
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pearl-blue-musings · 1 year
Me and Oliver aiku are exes to lovers, he was unfaithful in the past but really steps up and fixes his shit so we can work. It takes him losing almost everything to do it but now he’s more than happy to fall into my arms so I can take care of him.
It’s been a while since you did a wine night hope it helps makes this a good start to the weekend
Oh Cal
Oh honeyyyyyyy
I’ve got just the thing and yes it has been too long but now that school is done I can let my mind relax and soar!!!
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Oliver had a rough day of practice, that was more than obvious. His texts to you after practice had you pouting and scheming a plan to help him relax. In the time it takes for him to get home, you slip into his favorite lingerie set and wait for him in the bedroom. You hear the door slam and his bag thud on the floor. He grunts in frustration as he mumbles about how terrible the coach had lashed out at him.
“Hey babe? I know you got my text and I really just-“
His jaw drops and he immediately gives you his infamous smirk as he leans in the doorway. His eyes trail up and down your body and you can’t help but giggle confidently. You motion your finger for him to come hither and he growls possessively as he quickly strips. “Damn, how’d you know I wanted this?”
“Lucky guess,” your snicker turns into a quick gasp of pleasure as his lips suck at your neck. His hands are gripping and rubbing everywhere, his fingers gently playing with the fabric. The eagerness and need to release his pent up energy is obvious as he bucks his hips up into yours, his tip already leaking onto the delicate fabric.
“You’re getting my panties dirty.”
“Then you’re doing a damn,” he emphasizes my spanking and gripping your ass, “good job.” With a free hand, Oliver slides your panties to the side and lines his cock with your hole, moving it back and forth to tease you just a little bit. You groan and bite your lip in pleasure as he finally, finally, slides into you. He sets a brutal and impatient pace, his tongue sneaking out of his lips as he focuses on you and releasing his stress. His fingers grip your hips tightly as your legs wrap around his waist. He wasted no time in getting you on your back and pressing your legs to your shoulders.
Your cries of pleasure spurn him on as he fucks you into the mattress. With your legs around him, he grips the headboard and hikes up a leg to get better leverage. He bites into your neck to try and silence his own needy moans. Your nails dig into his back as he keeps hitting the right spot inside you. Your back arches off the mattress as he whispers and commands for you to cum, cum, cum hard on his cock. Both of you are left panting, your foreheads resting together as you peck his lips over and over.
He chuckles into your ear, “now let’s do it without the lingerie on. I’m still pissed from practice.”
Elle’s Wine Night!
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ladypiscesmoon · 1 year
Hello everybody, hope you are all well on this Monday! We’ve got rain over here so Summer is far away at the moment. Ever since I saw the film Call me by your name, I’ve been reading for Timothée Chalamet and Armie Hammer. Their bond is very strong an special. It’s no surprise my first reading here will be a reading for Armie, ft. Timmy. You can say I’m a Charmie, so any hate for the boys will not be tolerated on my page. Remember, all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only. The reading was done on 24 July
Reading Armie, 24 July 2023
Tarot cards:
King of cups (devoted, balanced, intuitive, compassionate, supportive, empath) Someone very devoted to Armie is keeping him balanced. A very supportive male has his back, I think this is Timmy
9 of pentacles (abundance, luxury, self-sufficiency, self-worth) His finances are looking better, with that his self-worth will increase, he wants to do something independent, something useful
King of swords ambitious, fast-thinking, success driven, assertive, focused) He’s impatient, ready for action, ready to focus on work and something useful. Feeling restless (hence the head shaving, maybe?) Sitting around is not good for him.
The chariot (action, success, movement, forwards, control, willpower, determination opposing forces, working towards a goal) Again: wants to move forwards, wants to be working towards a goal. Also something together with Tim I hear, so maybe a project together of some kind
Deck: Kipper
Healthy man(13) (a younger man, good news, also with money matters) Better times are coming for him, also financially. A good period for their relationship, and also jobs wise. All in all better than before.
Great fortune(26) (good luck, new opportunities, in jobs, improvement in relationship) I also pick up Tim doing something for Armie, or doing something with him. Again I hear: together.
Courtship (4) (getting together, seducing) They’re going away together like a weekend or a short trip, they want to meet up, make plans, lots of cuddles - and more -
Main male(1) (important male in Armie’s life) the most important male in Armie’s life is Timmy (aside from his son)
Deck: Fairytale Lenormand
House: with house I feel there is a new house on the horizon for Armiebig enough for the children also now he’s got partial custody. I also pick up he and Tim will try to have a place together but how that will play out with the children is something they have to think about
Birds: minor hiccups, little fights, discussions, but they will figure it out. Plus they like banter and teasing that’s just the way they are together
Stork: something new beginning. In a way Armie starts over again.
Bouquet: lots of happiness. I feel this will be an easier period for Armie although he gets restless. He wants to move things along. He still has lots to figure out.
Deck: Chakra wisdom oracle cards:
Service (sacral chakra) For me: he’s someone always helping, serving, taking care of someone and being there for other people. He’s got to learn to do things for himself too, and learn that he can enjoy that
Destiny (crown chakra) What do yóu want? Take a risk form your own destiny. Now that you have found true love, go for it, together you’re stronger. It’s complicated but so much worth it.
Perception(heart chakra) The heart knows what the eyes can not see. The past is the past, let it be. Upwards and onwards. Allow yourself to feel good. He feels a bit sad at times, but only he can do something about it. Transformation is in the heart. What needs ending in your life? Focus on that. The experience will be richer if you allow it.
Impasse(sacral chakra) he’s a bit blocked, he doesn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. He’s got to allow himself to heal and to feel loved. Refocus, change direction if necessary. It will be okay in the end.
How are Armie and Timmy doing together (small check-in)
Deck: True love oracle
Connection: working on their connection, relationship
Inner peace: loving yourself benefits your relationship
Sexuality: sexuality blossoms in an atmosphere of trust and intimacy
Yin and Yang: love and friendship. Strive for harmony and balance, through change, reflection and growth.
Maturity: be responsible for your own happiness
Reparenting yourself: free yourself from the past, you are more able to give and receive love in the present
Theirs is still a new relationship (I think they’ve been together in the past, but it wasn’t exclusive until recently. So, they still have to figure out a lot and learn a lot about how to be a couple. Sometimes that’s still a challenge with everything happening around them. But they’re getting better at it.
Deck: love oracle deck
Heart with a key: opening their heart, welcoming love. ‘The one’ realising what he’s got.
Paradise: finding a paradise like situation, happiness, joy, playfulness, enjoying what they have together. After a more difficult time (being apart physically was really hard for Tim) moving forward and being playful with each other/ happy, ‘we against the world.
Stabbed in the back: they had their challenges and difficulties while Armie was away (Caymans, holiday) Tim felt betrayed and blindsided by the pictures with Lisa although he had absolute no right after the PR sham with Kylie, but still he was hurt.
Passion: Insane chemistry, having fun, liking each other equally, sexual thoughts, I think they have plans to meet up soon ( just after the reading Timmy left NY and headed to LA)
How does Timmy feel about Armie
Same deck: love oracle
Passion: see what I wrote above ☺️
Healing heart: healing from heartbreak. He’s slowly letting go, wants to go back to what they had before Armie went on his extended trip, because that was really good. It happened, let it go.
Cassette: replaying events over in his head, he’s got to let go of the past and also still has a little trouble of trusting Armie completely, but he gets better at it and it will be okay in the end.
Stabbed in the back: he really felt betrayed, but was a bit harsh, knowing what he himself has to do for his work and his reputation, so it wasn’t really fair to Armie.
He’ll find the way back, he always does. I feel him being a bit anxious again, also about work. He very much wants to be with Armie and cuddle. Find some peace and some rest. The arguments they have are meaningless and petty if you look at their story together, but like I said I think they like the banter too.
Here ends the reading, I hope you enjoyed and please don’t hesitate to ask me any question about it!
*Alleged For Entertainment Purposes Only
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chipjrwibignaturals · 9 months
I will say— i haven’t gotten to it yet, because im bad at this, but— i want to state my surface level thoughts when it comes to chip Dying
bc like to me chip has always been a cockroach. no matter what he goes through, it won’t kill him. in some ways as a cruel cosmic joke, a cyclic tragedy, he’s destined to forever exist. he’s been given an impossible task, to find arlin, and he’s not allowed to stop. he’ll just keep going and wallowing in it aimlessly forever, he’s not allowed even the decency of death. in the same way he breaths air, chip jrwi keeps on living — it’s just what he does, how he is.
and it felt extra validated with when he considered quitting while Gill was gone. he felt like his own presence was bringing down the people around him, that it was his fault gillion was gone— so he was going to leave to save them from himself and just… sail. he knows leaving means giving up his only real tangible lead to find arlin, what he wants, but he also can’t risk them so he’ll just take a boat and… wander listlessly. Hope for maybe something good to stumble upon. god has cursed him and his work is never finished, etc etc.
so when i first heard abt Chip’s situation i was admittedly… not super into it? definitely contributed to why i got so far behind tbh, i wasn’t looking forward to it. it crashed hard against my perception of chip’s character & his narrative. hes destined to be a tragedy and that tragedy is because he’s alive
and I’ll be the first to say depending on handling i still may dislike the choice BUT I’ve made my own way around to enjoying the choice (even if it wouldn’t be my first choice)
first off, in some ways i feel like chip was also of the belief that he would just… keep living. no matter what happened to him. he’d “have a plan” and find some way to slip out, then restart and try again. he knows the universe seems to love to watch him suffer, so he just…. doesnt really think he can die. at least not like that.
it’s the very violation of the expectations I established, experienced in and out of character. it feels abrupt, wrong. that’s not what was set up for him! …until you realize that he changed first.
since the black rose, chip was seated with the fate of forever searching and trying to capture a past he can’t have. but it’s only through his experiences with jay and gillion and his OWN crew that he… grows past that. he makes peace with what he’s lost, or at least starts to, and allows for new growth in that spot. he’s regained a family to rely on, he’s growing comfortable and moving on. he’s losing the tragedy-angle of his own life— so he dies. his fate is absolute and it is black, it is a tragedy no matter what. this is the narrative retaliating against him for trying for better than he was allotted.
it’s worse too because he’s so close to finding arlin, to being able to finally put all this behind him and get closure. it’s all salt in the wound. leading him on, letting him regain his hope, giving him peace… only to snatch it all away. what a cruel, cruel joke.
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withlovewriting · 2 years
You’re On Your Own, Kid
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Summary: You and Steve were best friends, until one hot Indiana summer, that didn’t seem enough.
Characters: Steve Harrington x Non-descriptive F!Reader.
Words: 3,556
Warnings: Angst. A kind of happy ending but not in the way you’ll want. Very brief implied mentions of sexual situations. Not so much Toxic!Steve, but he’s defo on that King!Steve shit. I am absolutely ignoring the entire story line of Strangers things, as am I ignoring the timeline of college applications etc. The story just fits better this way so i am uprooting everything anyone knows about american university. My bad. No use of y/n.
I also have really bad writers block, so I’m hoping this will help me pull through it.
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Summer went away, Still the yearning stays, I play it cool with the best of them, I wait patiently, He's gonna notice me, It's okay, we're the best of friends
This years heatwave felt like no other. Indiana Summers were always hot, but this year it felt unbearable. Wiping the back of your hand across your forehead, trying in vain to stop the beads of sweat from dripping down your face you knocked loudly on the double, red doors.
"Alright, alright. Keep your hair on."
As soon as the door opened, you pushed yourself past your friend, making a beeline for the kitchen, grabbing a large glass of water and gulping at it.
"You were only out there for a couple of minutes." He smirked, watching you from the door frame that he leaned against.
Rolling your eyes, you placed the now empty glass into the sink and sent him a sarcastic grin, "So glad to know you can count, Harrington. Are the others here?"
Before he could reply, you heard Carol's loud screech, causing your head to jolt around and peer out of the window just in time to see Tommy throw Carol into the Harrington's pool.
Making your way outside, you placed your tote by a deckchair that hadn't already been claimed, laying out your towel and pulling off your loose fitted t-shirt and shuffling out of your shorts.
A loud wolf whistle came from Tommy, resulting in you sending him a finger as Carol's swift elbow to his ribs shut him up.
Relaxing back onto the deckchair, you could finally enjoy the sun's burning rays.
"Got you a beer."
A eye opened, watching as your best friend placed the opened can down by your deckchair, another in his own grip as he sat on the chair next to yours, "You know it's really not safe to lay out in the sun like that. Bet you haven't even got lotion on."
Sending a glare, your retort was quickly cut off when he pulled his own shirt over his head, revealing his lean torso, the tuft of hair on his chest thicker than you'd imagined.
Considering you'd known the boy since you were both in diapers, you could attest: Puberty had hit Steve Harrington hard.
His time as captain of the swim team and his previous summer of being a life-guard down at the community pool had done wonders, helping him grow into his gangling limbs. His position on the basketball team didn't hurt, either.
"You good?" His voice pulled you out of your own head, for once thankful of the absurd Indiana heat as you watched a single bead of sweat trail down his stomach, disappearing when it hit the band on his swim trunks.
Shaking your head a little, you sent him a tight-lipped smile before taking your beer, downing a few large mouthfuls to try and cool yourself down, "Totally. Just, hot, you know?"
"You know, I've heard a really, really good way to cool down in the hot weather."
His devilish smirk sent chills down your spine as he stood, moving closer to you. Your own playful smile tugged at your lips, knowing damn well what he was planning, "Don't even think about it, Harrington. I will kill you-"
His large hands heaved you into his arms bridal style as he made a sudden run for the pool, leaving you to tighten your grip around his neck, your own screeching that resembled Carol's from earlier falling from your mouth as your friends hollered and cheered Steve on as he leapt into the pool.
When you emerged, his arm now around your waist, you shoved at his chest a few times, spluttering as the chlorine filled water dripped from your nose, "Harrington!"
One of his hands left your side, helping to wipe the water from your face and out of your eyes before pushing his own hair back from his forehead. Between the humid weather and the pool activities, he had no point of styling it today anyway.
As he held you in his arms, you realized for the first time, you were crushing hard on your best friend.
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I hear it in your voice, You're smoking with your boys, I touch my phone as if it's your face, I didn't choose this town, I dream of getting out, There's just one who could make me stay, All my days.
As the hot temperatures fell with the browned leaves of the trees, something had changed between yourself and Steve.
Twisting the phone cord, you could barely keep the gentle upturn of your lips as bay, "You really didn't have to call tonight, Steve. I know you're busy, really. I don't mind."
"I just missed your voice," he sighed softly down the phone, his altered state of mind made his lips a little loose.
"Are you high right now, Harrington?"
"Only a little," he sighed.
A few moments of silence passed between you both, his deep sighs showing that he was close to falling asleep. Deciding that maybe his his good mood might soften the blow of your news, you swallowed hard before softly saying his name,
"I, uh… I got an acceptance letter this morning."
"Awesome, Indianapolis?" You could almost see the grin that would stretch at his face, eyes full of pride, all to be shattered in your next sentence.
"UCLA," you whispered, almost hoping he didn't hear you, but your news seemed to sober him up.
After a few seconds of shuffling, you heard him much clearer, "Wait, what? I know you mentioned it but… I didn't think you were serious."
"Well, I didn't think I had a shot. But the letter came this morning and so long as I get my predicted grades, I'm in."
"Are you gonna accept?"
You remained silent for a moment, swallowing the lump that had crawled its way up your throat, "Would you be mad if I did?"
A small scoff fell from the boy's chest, but his words remained steady, "Mad? No way. Sad, though? I mean… You're my best friend. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Please, Harrington. We all know you'd do just fine without me."
"You know what? Give me 10 minutes, I'm coming over."
"Steve, you've been smoking and-"
"I'm fine, trust me. I didn't smoke that much, I can still drive."
True to his word, just under 15 minutes later, Steve Harrington came barreling through your open window as he sneaker caught on the frame.
"Holy shit, be quiet, my parents are asleep."
"I just, I needed to see you. You can't just drop a bomb like that over the phone."
You took a seat at the end of your bed, fiddling with your hands as they sat in your lap, "I applied to a few places. I'm still waiting for the letters back… California isn't set in stone."
Steve was pacing in front of you, hands threading through his hair as he tried to get his thoughts in order, "I know, I just… I thought the plan was to stay close to home. Close to me."
Grabbing the sleeve of his sweater as he passed you, you gently dragged him toward you. Taking a seat next to you, he finally seemed to settle a little.
"You know that me leaving Hawkins doesn't equate to me leaving you, right? You're always gonna be my best friend. No amount of miles will change that."
Steve placed his hand over yours, still cold from the autumn air, "That's not true, and you know it. You'll go off to sunny California, and some hot guy from your class will teach you how to surf, and you'll join a sorority and… Once you're gone, you'll never look back. I'll just be some guy from your hometown who's name you don't remember."
"Steve," you whispered softly, as if he were some cornered animal ready to bolt at any moment, "you know that's not true. I could never forget you."
The boy watched you for a moment in the low-light of your room, his eyes growing softer with each moment that passed. You knew that Steve – no matter how much he'd reject your opinion – had abandonment issues that stemmed from his childhood.
His father, a chronic cheater, would constantly be off on business trips, his shoes barely hitting the welcome mat before he was packing another weekend bag.
His wife, eventually found out about one of his out-of-town trysts, and Steve thought that would be the end of it. He expected a blow out fight, his mother to send her father packing, but it just never happened. Instead, his mother – despite being a respect woman of affluence around town – feigned ignorance and continued her role as housewife with only one exception. She now joined his father on every business trip.
Whilst it did mean his father couldn't continue his rendezvous as easily, it had a domino effect on the way he treated his son.
From a childhood of broken promises of camping and fishing weekends, to a back hand whenever Steve might dare toe the line of respect, Mr Harrington always seemed displeased. With his life, his wife, his son… You couldn't tell.
And still, his mother just sat by, putting the blame on her child, telling him not to provoke his father.
If Steve was honest, he thinks he preferred it when they weren't in town. At least that way he could be left to his own devices without someone scoffing at him over a newspaper during breakfast.
"Steve," you cupped his face, his downcast eyes glancing over your own, "I'd never leave you behind."
Before you could take another breath, the boys lips were pressed against your own, hard and demanding as though he was scared you'd vanish into thin air.
You'd be waiting for something like this, ever since the summer. Your friendship had changed along with the seasons, and you felt there was no going back now. You'd both crossed a line that couldn't be redrawn.
And as Steve's body pressed you down onto your mattress, his lips caressing your neck, small, soothing pecks after sharp nips, you realized that maybe you didn't have to leave. Maybe you had everything you'd ever need, right here in Hawkins.
Pulling his face into your hands and making him look at you, you whispered, "Ask me to stay. Ask me to stay, and I will."
His lips crashed back into yours, the passion exploding like fireworks on the fourth of July, the intensity of your words acting as an igniter.
And although he never muttered those words, you knew after that night, leaving just wouldn't be an option anymore.
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From Sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes, I waited ages to see you there, I search the party of better bodies, Just to learn that you never cared
The Christmas lights hung around the Harrington household were Mrs. Harrington's parting gift before she left for a Christmas cruise with her husband, not planning on being back until after New Years.
You watched as they twinkled, the soft glow of reds, greens, yellows and blues illuminating the living room in a warm haze, just like the alcohol that swam through your veins did.
Neither of you had brought up the evening you'd spent together a few months ago, but it seemed you had settled into a softer relationship. You would hang out after school as usual, trying to force him to at least attempt his homework before giving up and munching on popcorn as you lazed around watching whatever film he'd picked up from Family Video that evening.
The conversation of your future didn't always come up, but even the slightest mention of California seemed to send Steve into a frenzy, barely giving you time to pull off your underwear before he was gently easing into you.
Soft words and even softer touches would remain for hours after, he'd keep you tight in his arms, but never allow himself to fall asleep. By the time you'd awaken the next morning, his side of the bed would be cold.
But your father knew of Steve's reputation around town as a ladies man – as did most of the parents in Hawkins – so you couldn't blame him for making a quick exit.
Taking another sip from the red solo cup you'd been refilling almost as quickly as you'd been draining it, you peered around the party, hoping to spot the host.
Steve was always busy at his own parties. Between the swim team and the basketball team, he remained on a tight loop of schmoozing, just like his mother had taught him. You'd lost sight of him about an hour ago, and as the minutes ticked down before you'd have to leave for curfew, you decided your best option was to just go find him and tell him the good news.
The acceptance letter from Indianapolis burned in your back pocket, and although you wanted to keep the secret until Christmas day, you knew the words would fall out of your mouth the moment you saw him.
You were going to accept Indianapolis. You were going to turn down UCLA. You were going to stay here, with him.
You'd no longer have to send small, knowing glances followed by fleeting smiles across the lunch table, and once you'd moved, he could come with you. You weren't overly optimistic about sharing an apartment with three other girls, anyway.
He'd no longer have to sneak out before he'd be noticed, and you could continue your nightly activities long into the morning if you so wished. You could finally be together, away from the gossip and reputations of the town.
Placing your cup on the small end table, you began to push your way through the room, the crowds of bodies dispersing just enough for you to squeeze by as they continued dancing the night away.
Tommy and Carol were off in the corner sucking face, and you'd seen a few of the basketball team grinding against the cheerleaders in the living room, and decided to head out toward the pool, where Steve would most likely be upside down, cementing his crown as Hawkins High's very own Keg King. A title you couldn't help roll you eyes at.
Sure, he had set a pretty impressive record, but Steve Harrington was not a boy who could handle his drink, which granted, most teenagers couldn't, either.
Thankfully, nobody was stupid enough to go for a winter's night swim, despite the heated pool, but it did mean that there were a lot more people hovering around outside, blocking your view.
"Hey, you seen Harrington anywhere?" you asked one of the cheerleaders from your Math class. She simply shrugged before returning to the drinking game she was playing.
With only two options left, and 10 minutes on the clock before you definitely had to leave, you decided to head up to Steve's bedroom, where he was most likely already face-down on his mattress, snoring the night away.
Few people hovered on the large staircase, chatting over the music as you pushed by. Taking a left at the long hallway, you knocked softly on the door, as if that would prepare you for what you were about to witness.
Steve was, in fact, face-down on his bed. Unfortunately, however, another body happened to be under him.
Sure, they were seemingly both clothed, the only item of clothing that had been removed was his yellow sweater that was crumpled up in a pile at the end of the bed, but the site still caused your heart to plummet.
"God, can't a man have some privacy in his own- oh. Shit, sorry."
Steve looked between you and the flushed girl, as if he genuinely didn't know what to do. A deer caught in headlights, or a fly caught in the spider's web.
The girl grumbled your name, an annoyed scoff falling from her plump lips, "God, get out!"
Despite all of the oxygen leaving your lungs, you quickly hurried back down the hallway, taking the steps two at a time.
You could hear Steve's calls from behind you as he tripped over his own feet, trying to tug on his sweater and ignore the staring eyes of the students he passed by. He didn't managed to catch up with you until you were half-way down the drive.
Panting, Steve grabbed your arm, forcing you to turn toward him. Letting your palm fly, you struck him against the cheek, guilt still somehow crawling up your spine when the red mark bloomed on his skin almost imminently.
You both remained silent for a moment, your chest heaving as you tried fruitlessly to catch your breath. Taking advantage of his few seconds of shock, you turned once more, marching away from the boy, the acceptance letter burning a hole in your back pocket.
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You're on your own, kid, Yeah, you can face this
Packing up the last of your bags, you released a deep sigh before heaving them down the stairs of your family home. Sure, it wasn't necessarily a permanent move, but something about leaving felt so… final.
Of course, you would be back during the holidays whenever you could, but you weren't made of money, and it was a long car ride for just for a few days of home comforts.
Your father placed your last suitcase into the trunk, slamming it shut before wiggling the handle. The last thing you needed was to lose most of your packed clothes on the I-70.
You felt like you had been preparing for this day longer than you realized. A bittersweet feeling, dipping your toes into adulthood, even if you did still have the security of falling back on your parents if you needed to. But after everything that had happened, everything you had lost, you refused to allow college to be one of them. Especially when you'd already almost lost it once.
The screeching of tires caused you all to halt your actions, a loud huff from your father when Steve Harrington almost fell from his maroon BMW, tripping over his white sneakers to get to you.
His hair was a mess -- something that was unbelievably unlike Steve -- and his eyes were shining with what could only be guilt.
He had tried to speak to you after his Christmas party, but you'd managed to escape any interaction with him so far. You hadn't outright told your parents what had gone on between the two of you -- you weren't looking to get the boy killed, and yourself grounded for life -- but it was evident something had transpired between you both, causing the rift.
"Can I speak with you?" his eyes darted toward the direction of your parents, suddenly seeming a little meeker "Alone?"
Despite the delay his sudden arrival would have on your travel time, you agreed, waiting until your family made their way back inside.
"What do you want, Harrington?"
"I just... I needed to come see you, before you left. Carol told me about UCLA and I... It just didn't feel right to let you go without seeing you first."
Rolling your eyes, you opened the driver's side, throwing your back onto the passenger seat, "Well, don't worry, Steve. Now your conscience is cleared. Have a nice life."
His hand caught the car door before you could settle yourself into the seat, blocking you from entering the car, "Please, I didn't mean that. I just... You told me, that night. You told me that if I asked you to stay, that you would."
It felt like such a long time ago, yet his weak and wobbly voice still tugged at your heartstrings. you knew what he was getting at before he'd even began to say it. Steve Harrington knew that with one word, he could change the whole trajectory of your life.
"Stay, please. Stay here with me."
And if this had been Summer, or Fall you. Then you would've. In a heartbeat, without hesitation. It was hard to think about what your life could be. A small, one bedroom flat with Steve, the new friends you'd make at the University of Indianapolis would fawn over your love story. Boy meets girl. Girl falls in love with boy on hot summer. Boy asks girl to stay. And she does.
Except this time, she didn't.
Steve watched from his car as your own vehicle pulled off the drive, bags all packed, goodbyes said, and promise of calling as soon as you arrived at your first stop in your cross-country road trip.
You took a moment as you passed him, sending him a small wave, the ghost of a peaceful smile tugging at your lips when his downcast eyes met yours, hand raising to return to wave regardless.
Winding down the window as you made your way throughout the small town of Hawkins, passing by the 'Thank you for visiting Hawkins, Indiana. Drive safe' you released a deep breath that you were certain you'd been holding in all of your life.
Hawkins wasn't the end of your story, and Steve Harrington wasn't the be-all and end-all.
California was only the beginning.
You're on your own, kid, You always have been
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jinxquickfoot · 1 year
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@badthingshappenbingo prompt: "You said you would let them go" Find the fic on Ao3
"You said you would let him go.”
Peter squeezes his eyes shut—the only part of his body he can move—at the sound of Tony’s voice. He’s lost track of how long it’s been since he’d woken strapped to this table, the scents of chemicals and ocean heavy in the air.
“That’s when I thought I was ransoming an intern,” Osborn replies, running a finger down the side of Peter’s cheek. Peter manages to glare at him—the most he can do when he’s unable to pull away. “But he’s more than that, isn’t he, Stark?”
“Whatever narrative you’re trying to spin to wring more cash out of me, save it. You have the money you asked for. Now let him go, or I’m going to stop being civil about this.”
“Civil?” Osborn muses. Even from this end, Peter can hear the distortion from the tech Osborn is using to disguise his voice. “Civil would be returning what’s yours, Stark. Which was the plan before I realized that you stole this specimen first.”
“He’s a high-schooler. Only thing he’s been stolen from is gym class.”
Osborn bends his finger, causing the nail to catch on Peter’s skin. “A high-schooler, yet you gave him access to your personal labs. He must be very special.”
“Rumours, and half-baked ones at that. Get better sources.”
“Don’t lie to me, Stark. It wasn’t hard to run some blood work. This kid isn’t human, not by a long shot, so the price just tripled. Have the money in the same account by midnight, or I’m putting him on the black market in pieces.”
“Or,” Tony counters. “I figure out who you are, come pick the kid up myself, and you can face me head on. How does that sound?”
“Is that an UN-approved mission, Stark? Heard you’re on a tight leash these days. Good luck getting a rescue mission signed off in time to save the kid.” Osborn grins down at Peter, the expression all teeth. “Either way, I get paid for him. How much pain he goes through during the interim is entirely up to you.”
“Listen, you do not want to—”
But Osborn has already hung up. “So, Peter. Looks like we have a few more hours together. How do you want to spend them, huh? Shall we have a little more fun while your dashing hero decides if you’re worth paying for?”
Not being able to throw quips at bad guys sucks. Peter tries to move his tongue, but it’s as immovable as the rest of him. When he’d first woken up, he’d been terrified that the paralysis might be permanent. But he regains feeling every couple of hours or so, just enough to strain his limbs against the restraints, which is exactly when Osborn gives him another dose of whatever drug is keeping him immobilized.
“I’ve got all the blood I need,” Osborn is saying, moving over to the table that Peter is trying very hard not to look at. “But if we have time, why don’t we go a little deeper?”
If he could move, Peter would flinch at the sudden whir of what sounds horribly like a bone saw starting up. He might not be able to move his body, but the past few hours have certainly proved that he can feel it.
“Aw,” Osborn coos at him, the sound of the saw growing closer. “Don’t be scared, kiddo. You heal quickly enough. And after all, I’m only taking back what was mine in the first place—” He breaks off, turning to a bank of monitors that Peter can just see out of the corner of his eye. There’s a green dot traveling towards them at breakneck speed. “Well, would you look at that? I guess Stark isn’t as stupid as that goatee makes him look.”
A breath punches out of Peter as the saw switches off, hoping Osborn’s words mean the one thing he’s been praying for since he first woke up here. Tony’s coming.
Osborn sweeps Peter’s hair off his forehead in a mock gentle gesture. “Looks like I’m about to have an unexpected visitor, which means I’m going to have to put you away for a while.”
Peter narrows his eyes at him, trying to look as intimidating as possible while unable to move on a surgical table.
Osborn just laughs. “I see. You think he’s going to find you. Ah, Peter—where I’m about to put you? No one will even think to look.”
Somehow, getting cut open with a bone saw might have been preferable to this.
It’s freezing. If Peter’s body was cooperating, he knows he’d be shivering violently right about now. It’s pitch black, the oppressive darkness making him want to scream. And none of that compares to the overwhelming claustrophobia of being chained to an anchor deep, deep underwater.
Peter’s not sure a normal human would have survived the plunge into the ocean’s depths, even with the diving suit Osborn had stuffed him into. He can breathe, at least, but he’d caught a glimpse of the oxygen tank before Osborn had tipped him overboard. It had already been half-empty.
He’s tried to slow his breathing, to make whatever air he has last, fighting the instinct to panic and attempt to strain against the chains. Logically, he knows it’s no use. He’s still paralyzed. Even if the drug wears off, he’s not going to be strong enough to swim to the surface. He’s down here until Osborn pulls him up or until Tony finds him. If Tony finds him.
“Wow,” Osborn’s voice crackles in his ear. The earbud had been jammed in before Osborn had secured the diving mask purely, Peter knows, so that Osborn could keep taunting him. “He got here fast, little spider. Guess he really cares about you. Too bad he’s not going to find you, though.”
Peter closes his eyes, even though it doesn’t make the slightest bit of difference to what he can see. If anyone can figure out where Osborn’s hidden him, it’s Tony Stark.
It’s the thought he holds onto as he hears the distant roar of thrusters, right before Osborn whispers over the comms, “Show time.”
A stomp of boots and the crack of a door being kicked open. “Where is he?”
“Stark. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Don’t bullshit me, Osborn. That line about a stolen specimen? I know you have him.”
“I’m afraid I have no idea what you’re talking about. And I’ll have you know that there are security cameras all over this boat. It would be a shame if the UN saw the Accords’ greatest defender attacking without so much as a warrant.”
“I don’t need a warrant if I have probable cause of harm.”
A surprised laugh. “Probable cause of harm? I am merely out here alone, enjoying a little me time.”
“Uh-huh. So you won’t mind if I search your toy boat, then?”
“Go ahead.” Osborn is all confidence. “Search away.”
More sounds—footsteps, mostly. The sounds of doors opening. The noise of a search.
Please, Peter sends up to the boat, as though if he projects through sheer force of will Tony’ll hear him. Please think to look down here, Tony. Please.
“I have to say,” Osborn speaks up, and Peter wants to punch him for the undisguised glee in his voice. “You must have lost something very important to go to all this trouble.”
“Don’t play the ignorant card, Osborn. It’s not a cute look on you.”
“Simply making an observation.”
“And you know what I observe? The room you have hidden below the ship.”
Peter’s heart skips. That has to be the room he had woken up in, where the surgical equipment, where Peter’s blood is.
“Not hidden,” Osborn corrects him. “The door is simply an aesthetic design, I assure you. I’d be more than happy for you to take a look.”
A sudden ocean current sweeps past Peter, knocking him hard against the anchor. It steals the wind from him, and there are a few terrifying moments where he can’t catch his breath, he can’t breathe, he can’t—
“Interesting space you’ve got in here. Very… clean.”
Peter latches onto the sound of Tony’s voice, using it as a much kinder anchor than the one he’s bound to. He doesn’t know how much oxygen he just wasted. He doesn’t know how much he has left, either. It belatedly occurs to him that if Tony can’t find him, then the more time his mentor spends searching, the longer Peter’s going to be stuck down here.
“I hardly use this space,” Osborn says. “The previous owners used it for fishing equipment, so I had it scrubbed to get rid of the smell and have barely touched it since. And I believe you’ve now seen the whole boat. Satisfied?”
I’m not on the boat, Peter thinks desperately. I’m below the boat.
“Not really,” Tony answers. “So, he’s not here. You’ve got him somewhere else.”
No, no, no, I’m here, come on Tony, please figure this out.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Stark.”
There's an ugly pause before Tony says, “Don’t make me make you tell me, Osborn. You won’t enjoy that.”
“Go ahead,” Osborn challenges him. “Threaten an innocent man on camera. Let’s see how that holds up under the Sokovia Accords.”
Peter’s breath catches. At first, he thinks it’s just the tension burrowing its way under his skin from the dark, the cold, the oppressive weight of the water. Then he takes another slow breath. And another.
He’s not imagining it. The air feels a little lighter than before. As though he’s already scraping the bottom of the oxygen tank.
“I paid what you asked for,” Tony snaps at him. “Tell me where he is, Osborn. Now.”
Peter slows his breathing, trying desperately to make whatever is left in the tank last as long as possible.
“How many times do I have to say it? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I’m not leaving here until you tell me. I’ve got all night.”
Barely an hour ago, those words would have been music to Peter’s ears. Now, they’re a death sentence.
“All night, huh?” Amusement radiates from Osborn’s words. “Sure, I’m not busy. Can I offer you a drink?”
“I’m taking a second look around the ship.”
“Please, be my guest. Take all the time you need.”
Peter’s next breath rattles in his lungs. He’s definitely on dregs, and it’s not as though Osborn can pull him up while Tony’s still there. Osborn doesn’t need him alive, either. He’s made it clear that Peter’s body parts will sell just fine.
Peter listens helplessly as Tony continues to search, refusing to leave without answers that Osborn isn’t giving him. This is it. Peter’s going to die down here.
“Sure I can’t get you that drink, Stark? You did come all this way.”
Even over the comms, Peter can pick up Tony’s frustrated sigh. “This isn’t done with, Osborn.”
No, be done with it, Peter pleads with him. Go, Tony. Please just leave.
“I’m not sure what this even is,” Osborn replies, his tone all congeniality. “Of course, you did just invade my private property, which I will have to report. We all have to do our bit to keep the community safe.”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” Another sound of frustration, and then Peter hears the joyous sound of an Iron Man suit starting up. Tony’s going to leave. Osborn is going to pull him up.
And then cut him to pieces and sell him.
Peter barely has time to register that last thought before he tries to take his next breath, and finds that he can’t.
“Goodbye, Stark,” Osborn is saying. “Hope you find what you’re looking for.”
Peter forces himself not to panic—to preserve the last molecules of oxygen he has left.
“Oh believe me, Norman. I will.”
Just go just go just go just go just go—
There’s silence for far too long before Peter hears Osborn speak again. “Just making sure he’s out of sight, kiddo. Can’t take any chances.”
Peter’s lungs are on fire. Instinct finally kicks in and he jerks in the chains, the paralytic drug wearing off far too late. A very different kind of darkness from the undersea depths is creeping in around him, and he can’t hear Osborn anymore, and the anchor isn’t moving, he’s going to die down here and he doesn’t want to die he doesn’t—
The last thing Peter’s aware of before he passes are strong arms on his, and the sensation of rising, rising, rising…
“Peter? Come on, kid, don’t do this to me.”
When Peter’s eyes open, he doesn’t see darkness. He’s not strapped to a table either. He experimentally shifts his arms and legs, breathing a sigh of relief as they move, only to realize that they’re shaking beyond his control.
“That’s it, Pete. Hey, look at me. Peter.”
The blurry shapes around him finally coalesce into the face of one very worried-looking Tony. “Oh, hey Mr Stark.”
“I need to stop pulling you out of freezing waters, kid.”
“S-sorry.” Peter can hear his teeth chattering, trying to wrap his arms around himself, only to realize that they’re oddly heavy. He peers down at himself, realizing he’s encased in red and gold metal. “Woah, that’s so cool.”
“Don’t get too excited, the suit’s a loan. Just getting you warm.”
Peter frowns. “Don’t feel warm.”
Tony’s brow creases. “We’ll get there. Don’t want to shoot your temperature up too quickly with your funky thermoregulation. Once you’re good I’ll fly us home.”
“Home sounds good. Away from…” Peter suddenly tries to sit bolt upright. It’s more of a half-sit-up before he collapses back with a groan.
“Woah, kid, take it easy.”
“Osborn, he’s here, he’s—”
“I got him. You’re safe, kid. I promise.”
Peter stills. “Really?”
“Really really.” Tony places a hand on Peter’s forehead, and Peter sighs at the warmth. “Sorry, kid. This one’s on me.”
“But you found me.”
“Yeah, that was one of my better brainwaves. Still, I don’t need villains kidnapping my intern because they think it’s an easy payday. We’ll work on it.”
Peter’s beginning to feel something other than completely frozen, the violent shivers abating a little. He pulls in a full breath, savoring it. “Yeah, that sucked.”
“Agreed.” Tony checks his forehead again. “I think we’re okay to turn it up a bit, FRIDAY.”
Heat suddenly bursts from the Iron Man suit’s interior, and Peter sighs in relief. “Thanks.”
“Any time, kid.” Tony lays his hand on Peter’s arm, finally seeming to relax as Peter’s temperature climbs. “Any time.”
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