#I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: he was made in a lab specifically for me.
shmothman · 1 year
I saw that screenshot of Friede's head being in the clouds and that clicked for me. When I watched the episodes, it felt like a running gag that he apparently forgot to tell stuff to Liko, and his crew gives this 'really? again?' reaction, which gives me the impression that this has happened multiple times.
He seemed distracted, forgetful but having his head in the clouds is a better way to explain it thematic wise. He gives me Ash vibes in that sense; whenever Ash gets super into something, that's all he'll think about and he'll just do it. He also has that Ash recklessness, which his crew also appeared to be used to. Yet he's got a protective streak, stepping in to fight Amethio multiple times. It's refreshing to see an adult character stepping in to fight battles for the teenage protagonist instead of the protagonist fighting the battles themselves. Makes it feel like he's at heart a dependable person to rely on.
Apologies for rambling like this but I love thinking about his potential character from his screentime thus far! I just want to see more interactions between him and the people around him.
Like yes, from a doylist perspective his forgetting to tell people things is a funny running joke—but it implies interesting things about his character! It clearly isn’t that he doesn’t care enough to tell people things—he clearly cares about liko (beyond just that he’s getting paid to be her bodyguard) and the rest of his crew, too; like Liko said, the crew put her emotions and Sprigatito’s safety above just getting her home with the pendant—and I don’t even think it’s that he’s a particularly forgetful person with most things. He couldn’t be both a professor and a ship captain (or… first mate? considering pikachu is the captain? 🤣) if he was truly just… very forgetful. There’s a lot of things to pay attention to on a ship. I think that the joke of him not telling people things has to stem from his mind just sort of… being elsewhere. He’s thinking about other things. (Cough, adhd. He’s just like me fr fr) Not that he’s completely distracted and ungrounded; he doesn’t usually act like that, and he’s demonstrably practical (holding Liko back from charging in to face Amethio and coming up with a plan for the two of them, being honest about the fact that yeah, they can’t go adventuring without money) most of the time. But the bit that gets me is his speech about the Volteccer’s goals: to solve the mysteries of pokemon, to solve the mysteries of the world. It’s lofty. He’s clearly a dreamer. I feel like the sort of person who can casually say “oh, me and my team? Yeah we’re trying to solve all the mysteries of the world!” necessarily has their head in the clouds—and quite literally for the crew of an airship.
Then of course, there’s the fact that he was introduced by the pokemon company as professor friede, though the only indication we have of anything like that so far in the show is the pokemon seminar bits—he doesn’t introduce himself as a professor, and no one on the ship refers to him that way. We’ve seen very little so far, of course, but we haven’t seen him do lab work the way every other professor in the series does. He’s not tied down to a place of research, and his goals are much broader than most of the professors we’ve met in the past 25 years. He doesn’t say he’s researching the mysteries of pokemon, he says he wants to solve them. All this to say, to be a professor and the (sort-of) captain of a traveling airship makes me imagine that he was originally a researcher, but became tired of being… well, on the ground. (I’ve said it before, but a researcher myself, 100% I’d leave it all behind to go on a grand airship adventure and solve all the mysteries of the world—so this part is a little bit… projection.) I mean, hopefully we’ll at least get some information about his past, and how the crew came together and everything… but I wanna know nowwwwww 🤣
As for recklessness and traits that he shares with Ash—I honestly (so far, with the limited information we have) wouldn’t call him very reckless. A bit cocky, yes. Dramatic, absolutely. Mouthy, for sure. And I even think he would fancy himself a little bit reckless; but everything even slightly dangerous that he’s done so far has still been… well thought-out. He clearly doesn’t rush in without a plan in place (and I’d bet a couple of backup plans, but that’s speculation again) and he definitely doesn’t do anything to put anyone else in danger. His heroic entrances, his battling style, his dramatic-ass backwards fall off the building and onto Charizard’s back—everything he does seems less like recklessness and more like a concerted effort to bring the attention onto him. I mean, so far, most of his tactical advantages have come from taunting Amethio, not risky maneuvers to beat him. He doesn’t risk himself, his pokemon, or his crew in order to achieve his goals. (Whereas Ash will very much risk himself immediately, ie all the times he’s jumped off of a cliff or building without a plan on how he’s going to land.)
As for dependability—yes, absolutely. His crew obviously trusts and looks up to him (literally; the way he was sitting up above everyone else in the scene where Liko tells them she’s decided to trust them) and he’s demonstrated so far that he’d do a lot to keep them all safe and happy. He’s good at making plans and using his opponents weak points to his advantage (realizing immediately that he can get a rise out of Amethio by taunting him and questioning his skills). He seems to be a good captain, a good trainer, and a good person overall. And hopefully he has some more hidden sides that we’ll get to see later 👀👀
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minty364 · 8 months
DPXDC Prompt #61 Part 5
There were two new arrivals to the dining room. Both with black hair but one of them had an odd white stripe, the stripe reminded him of his hair in ghost form. 
The one without the stripe sat next to Tim and the other one sat next to Danny. 
“You weren’t kidding when you said they looked identical,” the guy without the stripe said, “Names Richard Greyson, but you can call me Dick”
Dick had a bright smile on his face, it was clear he was a morning person. 
Damian made another ‘Tt’ noise at his introduction. 
The guy with the stripe in his hair grunted in agreement before holding out a coffee mug for Alfred, who was already standing next to him ready to pour. He took a swig before speaking, “Names Jason, you may look alike but seeing Damian eat meat, even from an alternate universe is weird.”
Danny took a bite of his bacon and swallowed like he was making a point before speaking, “I go by Danny, I faked my death years ago, as far as I’m concerned we were all strangers in my world.” He started, he took a moment to think about exactly how’d he explain everything. He knew it wasn’t exactly a pretty story but he also knew from the stories Talia told him when he was younger that Bruce was all about planning ahead, so keeping information from  him might not be the best way to go about all of this. 
He took another bite and swallowed before speaking again, “My foster family is fine though, I have a roof over my head and food. They spend most of their time in their lab working. They study Ectology, or the study of ghosts.” Jason raised an eyebrow at this but didn’t say anything. Danny continued, “They actually succeeded in building a portal to their realm, the realm of ghosts, or Infinite Realm as we call it.”
“We? You say that like you're one of the ghosts” Tim asked laughing a little bit.
He quickly got silent when Danny wasn’t laughing with him.
Damian made another ‘Tt’ noise before speaking, “Clearly this imposter has lost it, ghosts don’t exist and all of this nonsense is just that nonsense.” He glared at Danny.
Danny smiled at him and it caused Damian to falter a little before he glared at Danny again.
“Yes, Ghosts are real,” Danny sighed before continuing, “Trust me, it sounds crazy but I’ve seen some crazy things in my world. Although now I’m wondering if just showing you guys would be easier… Alright I’ll show you all but know that no one except my sister knows. Secret identity and all.”
“Wait,” Dick interrupted, “Does Robin not exist in your world?”
“Robin existed but there hasn’t been a Robin since Joker murdered the last one.” Danny answered. 
Everyone fell silent at that and the atmosphere got heavy. Everyone, especially Jason was giving each other knowing glances.
Danny cleared his throat before continuing, “Anyways, yes ghosts exist, unfortunately the portal in this world probably doesn’t work like my own world. It’s been about a year since I turned it on and since I was here in Gotham when they tried it in this world there’s no telling what they did after it didn’t work. Actually now that I think about it, I wonder if they exist here,” he thought about the GIW in his world and it occurred to him. If ghosts weren’t running rampant in Amity Park, they probably didn’t exist here.
He brought out his phone from his pocket and looked it up. His eyes lit up a bit at the information he found. Or more accurately the information he didn’t find. Searching GIW in this world brought zero results, so great he wouldn’t be hunted for existing here. 
He let out a sigh of relief at this. He turned to everyone and they were watching him closely. He gave them a small smile, “It’s been a while since I had a moment where I didn’t have to worry about being hunted for existing.” He explained. He figured he might as well get the conversation out of the way no matter how difficult it was. 
Everyone at the table was silent as they waited for him to continue. The tension was thick in the air however, you could tell that even though Danny had just arrived everyone was ready to jump to defend him, even if he wasn’t their Damian he was still part of the family even if he had just arrived into their lives. It cemented Danny’s determination to tell them the truth.
He took a deep breath and then spoke again, “The portal didn’t work at first when they tried it, I of course wanted to help so when they were away I went in to see if I could figure out the problem… Long story short, it helps to build the on switch on the outside of the portal. I’m not proud to admit that even with all of my training, there were just too many cords that even I tripped.” He didn’t have to say much else about that as their faces told him they understood what happened. He gave a dark chuckle and continued, “Yeah hurt like hell but I don’t have to worry about losing anything anymore.” He then took his phone and phased it into his chest.
The room went silent again for a moment, but it was broken by Jason who started cackling. 
He wheezed for a moment before he got out, “I’m sorry, I wasn’t ready for not Damian to make a fucking pun!”
Meanwhile everyone else was still too stunned to speak. Finally Damian surprisingly spoke, “What else can you do?”
Danny smiled, this was going to be fun.
Master Post:
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eddies-ashtray · 1 year
Okay but: Eddie and fem!reader. Maybe they’re lab partners or friends or something, and Eddie has had a crush on reader FOREVER, so long that he’s just about given up on it being reciprocated. Like “I’ve come to terms with it, I’ll just pine from afar forever.” But one day reader just flat out says she likes him, or like “are you ever going to ask me out or????” and he is just absolutely floored.
Thank you for the request, anon! I hope you like what I came up with!
(Content: Lots of oblivious Eddie, a splash of oblivious reader, childhood bullying, pining Eddie, vague references to biology shit I know nothing about (sincerely, a humanities major), & a completely unnecessary backstory).
WC: 2.2k
Eddie hadn’t always lived in Hawkins, Indiana with uncle Wayne. For his first few years, he lived with his mother and father in the city of Indianapolis. Then, when his mother passed away when Eddie was seven, and his father could no longer afford to live where they had always lived, they moved back to his fathers hometown of Hawkins. 
Eddie knew right away he disliked being the new kid at Hawkins Elementary. He knew no one and no one knew him, but they all knew each other. He felt like a zoo animal; something foreign and strange for the other kids to gawk at from a safe distance, but never someone to approach, never someone to play with at recess. He was ignored and simultaneously singled out and picked on constantly. 
One chilly October morning at first recess when the leaves had just begun to turn, Eddie perched on the swing in the playground, once again alone. As he stared into the damp sand beneath him, the grating sound of a familiar voice shouting took him off guard.
Instinctively, he looked up, small hands clutching the cool chain links of the swing and watched as Andy approached. He felt his stomach drop like it had when his mom took him to the fair and let him ride the kiddie coaster when he was five. 
“Get off the swing, it’s my turn now,” demanded Andy when he stopped in front of Eddie on the swing. 
“But…there are other swings,” Eddie said meekly, pointing to the other three swings to his left, gently swaying in the breeze. 
“Yeah, but you’re on my swing!” Andy argued. 
Eddie felt something else bubbling up inside him, different from the usual humiliation he felt when confronted with Andy or any of the others who saw him as an easy target. Something that quickened his breath and made his fists tighten on the chains.
“It’s not your swing!” Eddie argued back. This was the first time he had ever done so in his weeks at his new school. 
As soon as he’d said it, as soon as he’d let the anger bubble over, he regretted it. Because Andy took two steps forward and before Eddie could even process what was happening, Andy shoved Eddie off the swing. 
He fell into the sand with a thud, a dull ache immediately throbbing on his tailbone. And though he’d had worse injuries and the soft sand helped to break his fall, he still felt hot tears brim in his eyes and his bottom lip wobble as Andy cackled cruelly and took his seat on his swing. 
But before the tears could spill over and cause him further humiliation, a small hand came into view, one outstretched to him where he lay in the sand. The hand was attached to an arm, a body, a face which he had never seen before. This girl was not in his class, though she looked to be about his age.
Eddie didn’t trust the hand, worried this was going to be another cruel joke. So he continued to lay in the sand, unmoving. 
“C’mon, let’s go play over there,” she said, looking back at the play structure with the rusted monkey bars and silver metal slide. 
And because she just seemed like she wanted someone to play with, Eddie decided to trust her. So, he took her hand and she helped him up, both of them grunting with the effort of it.
“I’m Y/N, what’s your name?” The girl said as they walked away from the swings. 
“Eddie,” He sniffled. 
And, so, ever since you had shown him that small kindness, Eddie had been quite enamoured with you. Though you had not become close friends after that day, Eddie remained grateful for what you had done for him. You had shown him that he wasn’t alone and that people could be kind. 
Eventually, he found his people, but you always had a special place in his heart. 
About a decade later, Eddie finally, miraculously, gets paired with you in biology. After all these years of admiring from afar and (as much as he hates to admit it) pining after you, he finally had an excuse to talk to you, to get to know the very first person in Hawkins to ever show him kindness. 
“Hey, did you want to come over after school so we can finish filling out this worksheet? I know it’s not due until the end of next week, but if we get this done today, we can get to work on the final assignment,” You say, absentmindedly shuffling through weeks of notes and worksheets. 
But Eddie doesn’t hear what you’re saying despite the fact that his eyes are on you. That’s the problem, really. Of course, he loves the sound of your voice, is eager to listen to anything you have to say, thinks he could listen to you talk about all the different shades of white in the colour spectrum or the different types of bricks that there are for hours on end. 
But today, you wore a new lip gloss that made it nearly impossible for Eddie to focus on anything but the shiny pout of your lips. 
Finally, you look up from your assorted papers, your pretty eyes (God, you have such pretty eyes) connecting with his. 
“Eddie? You okay?” 
“Hm? Yeah, yeah. Totally…What were you saying?” He asks, head dipping lower so he can hear you over the din of the busy classroom. 
You lean in slightly, unconsciously, before you repeat yourself, and he can feel your soft breath on his skin. Eddie forces himself to suppress a shiver as goosebumps raise on his forearms. 
Yes, yes, he knows he’s pathetic; nearly sighing in satisfaction at the feeling of your breath on his skin. But inevitably, his feelings for you have only grown stronger since you became lab partners at the start of the term. But he doesn’t want to screw this up. And he has to admit, he feels silly for pining after you all these years, so he doesn’t want to confess his feelings, especially when he can’t be sure that you feel the same. He couldn’t face that all too familiar feeling of humiliation if you rejected him–which, in all honesty, he feels is fairly likely; you’re his polar opposite, you would look ridiculous together. 
So, he’s trying to convince himself he’s okay with just being friends. 
“Yeah, sounds good,” Eddie agrees to your plans. 
He inhales the scent of your strawberry shampoo as you shift away and neatly stack your papers together. 
Clearly, he is not. 
Somehow, Eddie has the great misfortune (and pleasure) of ending up doing your shared homework in your bedroom. He must be in hell. More to his true feelings though, he must be in heaven. 
He had assumed you would sit down at the kitchen table and get to work, but when Eddie began wandering in the direction of your kitchen, you called out to him.
“Where are you going?” 
“Oh,” Eddie says, turning to see you halfway up the shag carpet stairs. “I just thought we’d be working in the kitchen.” 
“My bedroom is better. C’mon,” You say, turning and continuing your trek up the stairs. And what can he do but follow?
But Eddie can’t imagine what you’d meant when you said your bedroom was ‘better’. Is sitting on your bed, your bare right thigh grazing his denim clad left one, better than sitting on separate chairs in your kitchen? In some ways (in fact, in many ways), this is definitely better. But it is definitely not better for his concentration. Or his sanity.  
“So, this one here,” You say, your shoulders brushing as you lean over his lap to point at the diagram on his worksheet. “Is the superior articular process, and this one is the inferior articular process.”
Eddie might pass out. 
He watches you as you scribble the words onto your worksheet in small print and proceeds to inscribe the same words onto his worksheet in the same place. 
He suffers through the afternoon, surrounded by artifacts of your life, dying to pick up every last trinket on your dresser and request a detailed history of the object, dying to unpin the photographs from your cork board and examine every last square inch of the image. He resists the urge to lean even further into you or to rest his head on your shoulder when he gets bored. He stops himself from staring as you pick out a cassette and begin swaying to the music as it croons from your cassette player. 
After all that suppressing and resisting, you finally conclude, “Alright, I guess we’re done.”
And Eddie swears that despite your chipper tone, your satisfaction with finishing the homework, there’s a hint of something else. Something akin to disappointment. But he couldn’t imagine why. 
He ignores it as he packs up his things, shoves his pens and his doodle-cluttered papers into his backpack. He ignores it as you walk down the stairs together. He ignores it as he laces his boots up. He ignores it as you open the door for him. And he ignores it as he says goodbye to you and walks out your front door. 
He only gets halfway down your driveway before he stops in his tracks at the sound of your voice. 
“Oh, for God’s sake, Eddie!” You shout. You don’t quite sound angry, more fondly exasperated than anything. 
This, he cannot ignore.
He spins around on his heels.
You’re strolling down your driveway towards him with determination.
You’re stopping in front of him, looking up at him, hands on your hips like you're about to admonish him for tracking mud in the house. 
He blinks. Once. Twice. Still not getting it as you stand in front of him in your frilly white socks without shoes. 
“Were you ever going to ask me?” You wonder genuinely, eyes searching his for answers he isn’t giving you. 
“Ask you what?” Eddie replies, genuinely perplexed. 
A soft smile creeps onto your face, like a reassuring realization is coming to you. 
“You really don’t know?” You ask softly. 
Eddie shakes his head. You look down at your socks for a moment before meeting his eyes again. 
“I wanted you to ask me out. Y’know…on a date?” You explain, swaying nervously, hands held sweetly behind your back.
Eddie’s lips part gently in shock, all his synapses firing at once. He cannot comprehend that his childhood crush–this girl who he’s been absolutely smitten with since he was seven–has just confirmed that she feels about him the same way he feels about her. 
“Eddie? You alright?” You ask, reaching out to place your hand on his bicep. He hadn’t known he needed steadying until your hand met his skin. 
With that touch, a sudden surge of confidence rises within him. 
His dimples pop into his cheeks as he grins. It’s not self-satisfied or cocky. How could it be? He never would have thought she would want to go out with him. 
His heart pounds against his chest as he says sincerely, “Just give me a time and place and I’ll be there.”
“What?” Now it’s your turn to be oblivious. 
“For our date,” Eddie replies simply, like he isn’t about to pass out asking the prettiest girl he’s ever seen on a date. 
For a moment, your eyes light up and then an embarrassed smile spreads across your face before you bury your face in your hands. Then they slide around to frame your face and you look up at him, clearly embarrassed about your lack of understanding. 
Nonetheless, you reply, “Friday, 7PM? Pick me up here? I don’t really care what we do, I-”
But you don’t complete the sentence. Instead, you glance at your socks again.
“You what?” Eddie wonders, dying to hear what you have to say. 
You meet his gaze again. “I just wanna see you.” 
Butterflies erupt in his belly. But he tries his best to keep his cool, to not squeal like a schoolgirl right now. That, he can save for later when you’re not standing in front of him, eyes shining in the setting sunlight. 
For now, Eddie gasps in faux flattery (though he really is quite flattered) and proceeds to fan himself with his hand, like a demure princess. “Well!” 
“Oh, shut up,” You say, lightly shoving his shoulder. “I had us doing homework in my bed and you still didn’t get it!” 
Eddie laughs softly at your willingness to tease him back and his face flushes at the reminder of his obliviousness. 
“In my defence, that’s pretty damn subtle,” Eddie quips and you roll your eyes fondly. 
“Just pick me up on Friday, you idiot!” You shout as you begin making your way back towards your house. 
“See you Friday,” Eddie confirms, shouldering his backpack as he watches you walk back inside and he starts slowly walking backwards down your driveway. He’s still watching before you shut the door, nearly in disbelief that any of this actually just happened, that you’re even real. 
You wave as he reaches the end of your driveway. He waves back. 
Eddie starts planning your date on his walk home and by the time he gets back to the trailer, he knows exactly what you’re going to do this Friday. 
Thank you so much for reading, please reblog if you enjoyed!
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sodamnradd · 7 months
“Heya, mate. Is Hermione Granger around?”
Draco leaned over the counter, giving the pathetic, gap-toothed wanker sporting a Flourish & Blotts t-shirt a bored look. “Hermione Granger?” he intoned as if he had never heard that name before.
Gap-Tooth shuffled uneasily. “Yeah. She works here. Doesn’t she?”
“Does she?” Draco inspected his nails.
Gap-Tooth wandered off awkwardly, pretending to scan the shelves.
Draco’s eyes narrowed when he paused at the Love Potions, kept under strict lock and key.
Gap-Tooth asked, “Erm are you able to—?”
“No,” said Draco, point-blank.
Something about Draco’s expression made him pale, and he was out the door less than ten seconds later.
When Gap-Tooth was gone, Draco glanced down and said, “You’re all clear.”
Dusting off her trousers, Granger rose to her feet and picked up the inventory scroll again. “I’ve told him I’m not interested,” she said, purposely avoiding Draco’s eye.
“You didn’t drive the point. He probably thinks he’s being cute stalking you everywhere.”
“It’s fine.”
“You don’t even visit Flourish and Blotts anymore.”
“Ordering books in the mail is more efficient.”
He might have believed her if it weren’t for the countless times she’d returned late from her lunch break, carrying teetering piles of new books. But ever since Gap-Tooth started working there, lunchtimes were reduced to eating soggy sandwiches in the lab.
Gap-Tooth returned two days later.
Granger didn’t see him coming through the shopfront window and he caught her unaware, shelving cloud-shaped vials of Dreamless Sleep. His voice made her jump, a couple of bottles flying out of her hands and shattering.
Draco groaned, enchanting the mop and pail to clean up the mess but keeping his distance while Granger attempted to dodge Gap-Tooth’s advances.
Gap-Tooth: Something, something “…thought you worked here but…” gesturing to Draco.
Granger, giggling awkwardly: “Did he? Draco’s such a…” Something.
Draco raised a brow, wondering what she’d called him because it almost sounded affectionate.
Gap-Tooth: Mumble, mumble “…go out sometime?”
Granger more awkward giggling, cheeks pink: “…so busy… not really dating… you’re nice but…”
Gap-Tooth, realising he was losing his chance: “…just one date… promise I…” Stepping closer.
Granger, nearly tripping over the oscillating mop in her retreat: “…it’s just that I’m not… I don’t…”
Gap-Tooth, even closer, grinning impishly, hideous teeth on full display: Something, something “…casual? You look like you could use some fun.”
Draco bristled. The audacity of this wanker.
Having had enough, he rounded the counter and stepped in between Gap-Tooth and Granger. “Did you ask her out?”
Gap-Tooth frowned, looking a little afraid. “Yeah, so?”
“Did she say yes?”
“She was just about to—”
Draco turned to Granger. “Were you about to say yes?”
“No,” she mumbled, dropping her gaze. She was too bloody nice for her own good.
Lucky for her, Draco wasn’t.
“There’s your answer,” said Draco, shooing Gap-Tooth towards the door. “Stop harassing her.”
Gap-Tooth looked at Granger, but she refused to look back. Disheartened, he made his way to the door.
Draco called out, “Oh, and if you bother her at Flourish and Blotts again, I’ll turn you into a rat and dump you in our lab cage.”
“Malfoy!” Hermione swatted Draco’s arm once Gap-Tooth was gone, but her eyes were bright with laughter. “That was so unkind.”
“Yes. And?” He waited.
She sighed as if it physically pained her to say, “Thank you.”
He grinned, pleased. Then tugged at a curl that had come loose from her clip. “And?”
She stepped closer, looking up at him with large brown eyes. “And you were right.”
“And?” Draco’s stomach fluttered. He was usually so composed, but nothing about Granger made him feel ordinary.
“And…” She rose to her tiptoes and locked her hands behind his neck, parting her lips in anticipation as they met halfway. “…maybe we should start telling people about us.”
(638 words, prompt: Yes. And? from Twitter)
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daughterofcain-67 · 8 months
𝙾𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝙾𝚞𝚛 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 (𝚙𝚝 3)
(Soldier Boy x Female Reader)
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : When Ben comes across Crimson Countess he also runs into the man that released him from the vault back in Russia. He proposes a deal which Ben has to think about, but Butcher has some information that peeks his interest. Your whereabouts.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : spoilers to the show (Ben’s encounter with Crimson Countess), a little bit of a steamy moment. I think that’s it?
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After his encounter with The Legend, Ben knew that his first stop would have to be Crimson Countess. But there was one more piece of information he needed to gather.
He needed to know where you were and he needed to figure out how the Hell he was going to get to you. You were his top priority and he had a feeling Countess would know where to look. He didn’t know if that feeling was right, but it had to be worth some sort of shot.
Soon enough, Ben made it to the shitty little trailer that Countess lived in, but before he could make an advance on the little building, he was confronted. He saw this man’s face before, but from where. But then it clicked and he recognized him.
“You’re the asshole from the lab.”
“That’s right. I’m the one that managed to get you out. If you don’t mind, I’d like to have a word.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. I know you want Countess dead. Don’t worry, Mate, I’m not here to stop ya. She’s right in the trailer for the taking. It can sort of be considered a uh.. a gesture of good faith.” The man said. Ben lifted a brow.
This man meant to tell Ben that he allowed Countess to live just so he could kill her? What the hell was this man trying to get him wrapped up into?
“Good faith for what?”
“Well, I was thinking that you and I could come up to what one would call a… well a team up of sorts.”
“You want me? To team up with you?”
The burly looking man smirked before he reached into his pocket before pulling out a little piece of paper, “We know Countess isn’t the end goal for you.”
Ben didn’t like the sound of this. But he wasn’t about to stand by and take orders from some rookie that thinks he can be won over by Countess’ life being saved.
“Oh yeah, and what do you think my end goal is supposed to be, hmm?”
“A certain retired supe named Quake.” Ben’s jaw tightened for a moment and was about ready to tear this stranger limb from limb if he dared to make a threat against you.
“Now don’t get the wrong idea, Mate. I’m not here to make any threats against you or your little Harlot. This is just another gesture of mine after you take down Countess in there.”
Ben looked at the sheet the man was holding in his hand and he started to think before he spoke again, “I’ve got my own mission, Buddy.”
“Oh we understand. The details can be discussed a bit later, but we need a um… a favor I suppose you could say.”
“Let me handle Countess before I take any favors from the likes of you. If I want that address badly enough, I have my own ways of getting it without having to owe anyone any damned favors.” The man walked over to him anyway before he just handed the paper over.
“Just take the damned paper, Mate. Make your life a little easier. Go in there, do what you need to do, and I’ll even give you a ride to Quake myself.”
Ben thought about it before he reluctantly took the piece of paper from the man he would later learn was named Butcher. He put it into the pocket he had in his uniform pants before he started walking up to Countess’ door.
He has waited so long for this little ‘reunion’ of sorts.
When he walked in, he noticed that his ex girlfriend was bound to a chair. So that was what the man meant by a gesture. They did all the hard work and she sat there so helplessly for him. They were really trying to suck up to him for this little favor they wanted, huh?
“Ben? Is that you?”
Ugh, even her voice made his stomach churn with so many regrets. At one point he even hated to say that he loved her before you came into the picture.
As he stepped further into the light she spoke again, “You look so young.”
“Yeah well.. you don’t.”
Ben could see the fear in the woman’s eyes and oddly enough, it was exhilarating to know that she was fully aware of her mistake. She genuinely thought the Russians could have killed him, “I’m so, so sorry..”
Ben tilted his head as he watched her practically tremble with fear in her seat, “This wasn’t my idea. You have to believe me.”
“How much did the Russians pay you, Sweetheart? Hmm?” The moment she looked away and revealed that they didn’t pay her was crushing oddly enough.
“They didn’t pay you anything? At all?” Still, no eye contact was made as Ben continued to stare at her.
“To think.. at some point I loved you.” He began.
“I know you and I had our ups and downs, but I still held onto the hope that while they tortured me, burned me, injected poison into me that somehow you would be the one that would come and find me again. You were the one I trusted most on the team.”
Then, Countess finally looked back up at Ben and she had this spiteful look in her gaze.
“Love? I didn’t love you. I hated you.” She seethed, leaning forward into her chair,
“Every last one of us hated you. What kind of a woman would love a monster like you?”
The hand that wasn’t holding Ben’s shield tightened into a fist. So that was the true feelings Countess had. There wasn’t even a sibling sort of love or any sense of camaraderie to give them a bond over the years? Everything they had truly meant nothing?
Ben’s eyes darkened and he felt that familiar burning in his chest once more. It was a little less intense then before, but he watched Countess’ eyes widen and she leaned back into the chair as she tried to brace herself. But he was sure nothing could have braced her for a death quite like this.
He released the energy that was building up within him and a blast escaped his chest. Several seconds went by and the light from the energy blast finally dissipated. When he looked in the spot where his former girlfriend sat, he saw nothing but a burnt skeleton in her place. Her home was completely destroyed in the process but of course, it didn’t exactly matter to him.
When he stepped off the remnants of the trailer, he saw some blonde chick staring at him and her eyes started glowing yellow before some lanky looking kid stepped in front of her. He could tell they were starting to have a discussion, and since it didn’t involve him Ben decided to walk away and start his own journey.
As Ben walked, he pulled out the sheet of paper and saw your address. Apparently it’s changed since the last time he saw you. All he knew was that he was one step closer to seeing you again.
“So, Mate. What do you say about that team up?” The man with the accent said and he turned around and stared at him.
“You take me to this address so I know this is really where she is. Then I’ll think about that little favor of yours as far as putting it on my agenda.” Ben said, and luckily for him the two men that were deciding to follow him around for whatever reason knew that this wasn’t up for a negotiation.
Whatever they wanted, they must’ve needed him pretty badly to make sure whatever they were going after gets accomplished.
“Of course. We’ll take you there now. It’s a couple of hours from here though so you’ll be in a cramped car for a while.” The lanky one finally spoke. What did this little kid have anything to do with this?
After a few hours, they pulled up several yards away from some sort of cabin. So this was where you decided to stay? Some cabin in the woods? He supposed it was private enough after all.
While Ben looked out of the window towards the building, he heard Butcher turning in his seat. Ben glanced over and saw that Butcher was handing him yet another sheet of paper. this time it had a phone number on it.
“Take the night to think on it, catch up with that little friend of yours now that you know she’s inside, and call us in the morning.” Ben lifted a brow and took the sheet of paper before he got out of the car. Butcher and Hughie - evidently that was the name of the scrawny kid - backed out and drove off, leaving Ben there.
He started to walk up to your cabin, his heart pounding in his chest and he could even hear it. This felt so surreal and he wasn’t even sure he could knock on the door incase it was just some kind of dream.
As he got closer, Ben realized that you didn’t have any lights on in the house. He carefully walked up to a window and took a look inside. When he did, he caught a glimpse of your little office area. You had a library, he supposed reading could be a good pastime for retirement even if he wasn’t a big reader himself. But what caught his attention was a chest that was sitting beneath your desk.
He could see the top of the chest was open and there were a shit ton of envelopes inside. Who the hell were you supposed to be pen pals with all of this time and who had the time to write like that? He couldn’t be more curious if he tried.
Ben bit his lip as the wheels started turning in his mind as he tried to think of a way to sneak into this room. He reached into his boot and picked up a pocket knife and started to slide it into the window, his attempt to unlock it and let himself in that way. To his surprise, Ben was successful and he opened up the window before proceeding to let himself in. Then he shut the window quietly once more.
When he walked over to the desk and pulled out the chest and set it on top of the desk, he got a closer look at the names on the envelopes. He turned on the lamp on your desk so he could see a bit better and he noticed that every last one of them had his name on them.
“She wrote letters?” He asked himself, mostly in a hushed tone. Then he noticed the fact that each envelope had been dated from 1984 to just this morning.
He took one of the letters and noticed the date as September 19, 2001. One of his birthdays over the years. As he opened it up, he saw your beautiful handwriting and he smiled to himself as he began to read.
Happy birthday my Ben!
Today would be your 82nd birthday. I know I’m not that far behind you. We’re both a couple of oldies, huh? It’s crazy how much times have changed here and I wish I could hear your thoughts on it.
I know for sure you would be opinionated on the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon couple of days ago. I know you would want to be one of the first ones there to set the terrorists straight. Honestly I think you would hate what this world has come to anyway. You missed out on the Y2K movement at the turn of the millennium. Technology is really advancing and it’s honestly really scary. And we thought Vought’s tech was getting out of hand. People even have little computers they can take into their homes now, phones aren’t attached to the walls anymore like what we had growing up. People can carry their phones in their pockets now. That’s crazy to me!
I miss you so much, Ben. It never gets easier celebrating your birthday since everyone thinks your dead. I know that I should to, but I can’t for whatever reason. There’s a lot of conspiracy theorists that think you’re alive but those are few and far between. Unfortunately not a lot of them know who you are anymore. We have a new generation of supe fans and the old school supes are either dying off or they’re retiring and getting forgotten. The only supe you may recognize that’s active on the field would probably be Black Noir.
But anyway.. Not much is really happening. I’m watching a couple of your old movies today before I might go grocery shopping. Maybe I’ll pick up a few more envelopes. I’m running low on some supplies for these silly letters.
I love you, Ben. You’ll always have my heart.
Your Y/N.
Ben couldn’t help but feel this warmth in his heart, and it wasn’t one of those energy blasts getting ready. He folded up the piece of paper and put it back into the envelope and looked through some more of the envelopes.
Then he pulled another one out, this one was dated for January 19, 2020.
Well, Ben, I think human society will be coming to an end soon.
No it’s not the reason one would think. Apparently this virus called Covid has hit the country and everyone is supposed to be quarantined. It’s not that big of a deal for me because I’m alone anyways. But I was doing some online shopping to stock up on some things and I found out that stores are selling out of toilet paper of all things!
People get too hysterical. But maybe I shouldn’t talk too much about that since I’m a supe and don’t have the luxury of suffering from a virus like that. The people without our abilities and immune systems are suffering a lot though. It’s kind of hard to see the decline of everything.
It’s moments like this where I’m sort of glad that you’re not here to witness this madness. I really hope things will get better though. I don’t know if it will. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.
There was even a virus? How bad was that? From what you said in your letter, it sounded like a national problem, maybe even global. Times really had changed a lot and he couldn’t believe just how much he had missed. All of this information just from reading two of your letters.
Honestly, he was glad you wrote these letters. It gave him something he could use to catch up on a lot of things that have happened over these past few decades. What made it even better was that it was from your own point of view. And if he could, Ben would spend all night reading each one of your letters.
It was so thoughtful to know that you did this. That you didn’t give up hope on him and that you would write to him as if he were still there able to read every word.
Just as Ben was about to grab another letter to read, he heard footsteps coming down from the hall and then there was the sound of a switch. When he looked over he saw that there was a hall light on and saw the most beautiful woman in the world standing in the doorway.
You looked just as beautiful as the day he left you for Nicaragua. It was like you hadn’t aged a single day either.
You were standing there in your grey ish silk robe that reached down to the floor. Around your neck he recognized the chain of the necklace he gave you all those years ago. He was amazed that you still wore it around your beautiful little neck. Your hair framed your face perfectly, as if you hadn’t even gone to sleep just yet.
He could see the disbelief in your eyes as he carefully took a step forward towards you.
You stood there completely stunned. You thought you had heard a noise a few minutes ago as you were getting ready to try and sleep but the feeling was too unsettling. You were glad you had gotten out of bed and walked down the hall because when you noticed the light in your office was turned on, you were shocked at who was in front of you.
You swore that your eyes were deceiving you. This had to be some sort of dream. But you don’t remember actually being able to fall asleep that night. But what you believed you were seeing was Ben, alive and well and in his uniform. He looked like he hadn’t aged a day, much like you hadn’t aged.
“Ben? Is… Is that you?” You breathed out as he started to walk towards you.
“It’s really me, Sweetheart.”
Hearing his voice again made your eyes well up with tears. After so many years you never knew when you would possibly be able to hear his voice or even see him again, but Ben was really there standing in front of you! You could hardly believe it!
You ran into his arms and he lifted you up effortlessly and spun you around. Your arms were wrapped around his neck and you buried your face in his neck. His hands were beneath your thighs as he wrapped your legs around his waist to keep you steady but he was able to use one hand to cradle the back of your head. You must’ve been trembling since he started to mutter sweet nothings in your ear.
“It’s really me, Love. I’m not leaving like that ever again. Not for Vought, not for anyone.” He reassured you, but you didn’t really care about that right now. You were too caught up in enjoying his embrace.
You slowly pulled away from his neck so you could get a better look at him. Gently moving a strand of hair away from his face, you admired every little feature of his face. You thought you would never be able to see him again or be this close to him again. As you moved one of your arms to place a hand on his bearded face, you leaned in and gently smashed your lips against his. You hadn’t realized just how many emotions you were holding in at the moment as you felt warm tears streaming down your cheeks. Tears of joy, happiness, so much relief, confusion, and other emotions that you couldn’t exactly describe in that moment.
Ben kissed you back instantly and he could feel one of your hands going to the back of his neck and your fingernails found the bottom of his scalp, the gentle scratch as you ran your fingers through his hair caused a chill shoot through his spine as the kiss started to grow more heated and passionate. He’s longed for this closeness for so long, even before he was shipped out of the country. He’s missed you and everything about you.
The moment your lips parted, Ben instantly wanted more of your kisses but you started to speak again.
“Where’ve you been all this time? How did you make it back?” You asked breathlessly as Ben lifted a hand to wipe the tears from your face.
“I’ll tell you all about it later. I had some business to take care of before I was able to see you.”
“What business was that?”
“Countess…” He trailed off, making you lift a brow. “Originally when I was supposed to come back with the others I was going to break things off with her. Granted it’s several years later but I still needed to have a conversation with her.”
The expression on your face told Ben you must’ve been a little skeptical about the ‘how’ everything transpired and maybe she speculated he had more than just a conversation to end things. But he could always tell you later.
“I promise… I’ll answer any questions you have later. The important thing is, I’m back and I’m here with you again and Countess is permanently out of the picture.” That beautiful smile you had returned on your face and Ben leaned down to kiss you again but you pulled away, confusing Soldier Boy.
“Set me down.” You whispered and got out of his grasp. Then you took his hand, intertwining your fingers with his before Ben realized he was following you through the house and he made it to your bedroom.
Once he was in the room you shut the door and Ben looked down at you. The next thing he knew, Ben was sitting down on the edge of your mattress and he watched you took off your robe. You were wearing just a regular set of pajamas, a loose fitting black silk tank top and some matching shorts to go with it but you were still so unbelievably gorgeous.
He took your hand he gently pulled you close and you sat down, straddling his lap. He could feel your delicate hands on his chest and he lifted a hand to touch your sweet face, letting his thumb gently caress your bottom lip. He could feel how warm your cheeks got at such a simple action, and he lied the way you seemed to react to his touch. Then, Ben leaned in to kiss you once more.
The warmth of his lips sent a fire inside of you as Ben continued to deepen the kiss. You could feel his tongue over your mouth and you parted your lips for him. An involuntary little noise escaped you from his kiss. You started to feel a little light headed with the way he seemed to consume you in the moment.
But the moment Ben parted your lips, he lifted you up and turned the both of you around so you were on your back. The actions caused you to let out a giggle. You didn’t know why you laughed, maybe it was because both of you were eager, maybe it was still the fact that everything was still so surreal for you. Ben didn’t seem to mind the laughter because he was smiling at you when you looked up at him.
You reached up and pulled him down for another kiss and he placed a soft kiss on your lips before he started letting his lips work their way down your neck. You could feel his beard tickling your sensitive skin but you didn’t mind. You closed your eyes and relished in the feeling of his touch as you let your hand go to the back of his head, fingers getting tangled in his hair.
Ben smiled against your skin when he felt your hands in his hair again. He reached down and moved one of your thighs and you instinctively hooked it around his waist as he settled between your legs. Then he let his hand run up your thighs, loving how soft your skin felt beneath his fingertips. He could feel the way your body seemed to grow hot with his touch and he loved it.
But just as things were starting to get good, things were interrupted.
Both you and Ben could hear some sort of ruckus outside and Ben lifted his head from your neck, “Son of a bitch, what the hell is that?”
You were definitely frustrated that you were interrupted too, but you wondered more about what could be outside. How were you found? You had a feeling that whatever was outside couldn’t exactly be good news.
You and Ben both got out of bed and started making your way to the living room and you walked towards one of the windows and you saw Black Noir standing with Queen Maeve. You could faintly hear Queen Maeve talking about something.
“I still don’t get why Homelander wants us to check this out. Is he really that paranoid about Starlight? They’re supposed to be the world’s number one couple aren’t they?” You could hear Maeve say, but not to anyone’s surprise Noir didn’t answer.
Still, it was enough for your eyes to widen. Homelander and the Seven knew where you were now? Why the hell did they come to your door? How did you get wrapped up this mess? Just by some sort of minor association with that Butcher fellow and his little group?
“Noir…” You heard Ben speak.
When you looked over at him, you could tell he was angry. What the hell happened in Nicaragua? You turned to him and put a hand on his chest.
“They can’t possibly know you’re alive. They want me because of some group that stopped by a few days ago. Just stay here before you get yourself in trouble again.” You pleaded.
“You don’t understand. Noir was a part of it some how. I need to go out there and-“
“Ben, I don’t know what you’re planning. I don’t know how you plan on doing it. But you need to do things right and right now that means listening to me before you wind up somewhere that you don’t need to be. I’m not losing you for another several decades.”
Ben’s jaw tightened and he hated when you got stubborn like this. But you were right. He supposed the logical thing to do at the moment was lie low before he found out where the rest of his former teammates resided. And Butcher… maybe he knew more than he was leading on.
Before Ben knew it, you were walking out your front door to confront the two supes.
“Hi there. Is there something the two of you need this late at night?” You asked, not really that scared to face them head on. If it was just a conversation, you could handle it.
“O-Oh. Quake. We didn’t realize that you were still awake.” Queen Maeve said, almost like a teen who’s plans to sneak out got foiled.
“Yeah, you both are interrupting a good book I was reading before I was alerted you were out here. Now what do you want?”
“Noir and I just wanted to know if you were visited by a man named William Butcher and his friends, and if you happened to know anything about Soldier Boy.”
“Soldier Boy’s dead, remember? You know just about as much as I do.” You said, crossing your arms.
“Quake, we know Starlight found your address. There was an explosion where Crimson Countess lived and when servailence was checked, it caused us to have the belief that Soldier Boy is alive. We have reason to believe he may be here and we just want to talk to him.” Queen Maeve said and your eyes darkened.
You knew Starlight was sweet and all when she sent you that photo of Ben, but you should have known she was naive and she’d get caught eventually.
“I told you, I don’t know anything. Now I think you should leave.” You said, your tone growing more stern.
“We just need to see if Soldier Boy is here then we’ll get out of your hair.”
You rolled your eyes, knowing that both of them were unwilling to listen, then you raised your hand forward. The earth beneath you began to shake and then, from the ground, rose a wall of rock and dirt. You made a pushing motion with your hand and the wall went forward, pushing Queen Maeve and Black Noir back until they hit a couple of trees in the woods.
You were just glad you had plenty of acreage with nothing on it so you could use the ground as much as you needed to for self defense.
Anyway, you raised your hands again and took the patch of ground that Black Noir and Queen Maeve were on, lifting both of them up on their own personal island before you practically flung them several miles back from where they came from.
After all, they’re supers. They’ve survived worse. You just wanted them away from your home, not dead.
You shut the door behind you and walked past Ben who must’ve seen the whole thing through the window.
“Why’d you through them across all creation like that?” He asked, trying to joke with you, but you weren’t exactly in the joking mood anymore.
“What the hell did you do to Countess? They said there was some kind of explosions? They want to know where you are and now they may want to kill you.” You said as you started looking for your suitcases.
Ben sighed for a moment before he started telling you everything from his point of view.
“Countess and my team members stabbed me in the back. They tried to get me killed and the Russians took me. They were trying to figure out what could kill me and somehow in the process, I got new abilities that results in these energy blasts like the explosion at Countess’ place. She’s dead.”
“Holy-fucking-Hell, Ben! You can’t just go and blow people up like that! Do you realize that there’s cameras practically all over the place? No wonder they found you!” You exclaimed as you started packing up your things.
“Look, I’m still new to this whole technology-is-everywhere concept, alright? She lived in a damned trailer, I didn’t think it would get that much attention.” He told you and you sighed.
“Why are you packing up everything?” Ben asked you as he watched you moving about.
“Because my house is known to Vought now? And since I was uncooperative with those two supes, it’s only a matter of time before Homelander tries to take a shot at me and I don’t feel like dealing with his bullshit. I’ve got to figure out some other place to go. Not to mention the fact that I helped out Grace whenever I retired. She doesn’t have a good reputation with them either. They know William Butcher and his friends came to my house asking some questions because I think they want to take down Homelander once and for all, naturally Vought’s not going to like that. I’ll have to go into hiding all over again until I figure out where to go.”
Ben frowned at the way you were rambling but he supposed he could understand where you’re coming from. He watched you head to your office to grab something before he reached out and took your arm to get you to stop moving around so frantically.
“Hey, it’ll be okay. Haven’t I always made sure you were safe from Vought after your little endeavors in retirement?” He reminded you and you let out a sigh as he pulled you into his embrace. He laid his head on top of yours, hating that you were suddenly stressed out about this mess.
“You did…”
“And what makes you think I won’t help you now? That William Butcher guy, he came to me wanting my help. He was the one that basically put Countess on a silver platter for me and he lead me to you. He probably wants the same things you do.” He said.
“Let me call Butcher. If he’s really as much trouble as this Homelander guy as you say he is, and he still hasn’t gotten caught? Maybe I can do that little favor he needs me to and we’ll figure out a plan from there.” He insisted.
“I don’t know.. what if the supes take you again or if someone double crosses you?”
“I’ll just have to kill them before they can try.”
“That’s really not comforting…”
Ben smiled a little before he placed a kiss on the top of your head, “Nothing’s going to happen to me. Once we get everything we need to settles, you and I can find some place to go. Hell we can travel out of the country if we wanted to and find some nice place to spend the rest of our lives.”
“That’s… a little bit better I guess. Gives me something positive to think about.”
“That’s better… now, why don’t I make a call to Butcher then we can get whatever you need all packed.” He insisted and you nodded against his chest.
“Yes, Sweetheart?”
“I’ve missed you. Really missed you.”
Ben lifted his head from the hop of yours and he looked down at you. He could see so much worry on your face after everything that’s just happened. It was such a contrast from how happy you were moments ago and he hated how quickly things seemed to change.
“I’ve missed you too, Sweetheart. I promise, I won’t let anything happen to you.”
You smiled softly before you carefully pulled him down by the neck and planted a soft little kiss on his lips before pulling away from his embrace.
“Give Butcher a call. We may not have that much time.”
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Thank you all so much for reading! I hope you all enjoyed part three of this story! There will be more to come soon 🥰
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183 notes · View notes
dancingdonatello · 2 years
donatello x gn reader
“So… what did we learn today?”
Perched on the edge of his table, you glared at Donnie. Your entire forehead was wrapped with bandages plus your left ankle and right wrist and lower arm.
Unfortunately Donnie was the only one who was available to patch you up. Your day had been horrible, clearly, and now all he wanted to do was rub your embarrassment deeper into your wounded ego.
“That next time I should aim to decapitate my head when I fall—”
“Uh buh uh uh!” Donnie interrupted you, wiggling his finger at you. It send a heat of anger down your stomach but you didn’t dare say anything. This guy could and would skin you alive in a heart beat for ‘research.’ “What was that?”
“…That I should look up from my phone for more than just 2 seconds and thank you, Donatello Hamato, for patching me up and making sure I didn’t drown in raw sewage after falling down a manhole.” This speech had been rehearsed several times and Donnie would not accept it if it was not word for word.
“Mhm. That’s what I thought you said.” Donatello smirked, standing up straight from his relaxed posture. “Anywho! I’ve got everything to go, and everywhere to do, so have fun…! Do NOT touch the bright glowing button. Bye!” He walked out. Suspicious. But not too suspicious in your mind.
Your arms were crossed over your chest so you drummed your fingers against your forearm, sitting there politely and obediently. They usually didn’t like you leaving after being injured.
After a few moments when he didn’t return, you made your move to get up. You were totally gonna press that button.
You snuck up to it and briefly looked around the lab for cameras before you gingerly pressed a finger to it.
A large cannon emerged from the ceiling, making the whole room shake and tremble. You fell right onto your ass and stared at it, frozen. You should not have pressed the button.
The cannon glowed red briefly and shot a bunch of cut up, multi colored paper at you. It hit you with such speed and force that it knocked you out. Again.
“So, what did we learn today?”
Your blinked open and squinted wearily at the ceiling, flinching at a flashlight beaming directly into your eyes. “Hmmmmm…” You groaned out and turned away from the bright light.
“Well, I’ll tell you what I learned today instead. Today, I learned that confetti can be dangerous if shot with enough force,” Donnie said and started to peel your bandages off your forehead. “And that silly people like you will always do what they are warned not to do. Luckily, you don’t have brain damage from what I can tell. Yet.”
“Silly?” You were offended. Out of all words, “Silly?”
“Repeating words, lack of comprehension, seems like you do have brain damage.”
“I do not have brain damage! No concussion or anything,” you sighed out harshly, sick of this topic. Donnie only smirked, amused.
“Looks like I did a great job in fixing you up then, huh?”
“Yet, I am still in pain.”
“I think I know something that will help.” He leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead. You froze as he walked away, seemingly unaffected except for him literally shaking.
He disappeared from sight. You touched your head, suddenly feeling like you were going to pass out. “Donnie! Come back! I’m hallucinating! Or did you hit your head?!”
1K notes · View notes
Pairings: Wandanat x R, Pepper x R (platonic)
Word count: 1.1k
Summary: R has been having trouble sleeping, can her girls figure out why?
TW: implied insomnia, nightmares, night sweats, anxiety, mentions of loss and death, trauma discussion (hydra),
A/n something a bit different. Plus I added in some pepper content because I think she’s cool :)
For the fourth time this week you woke up in a cold sweat. Your pjs sticking to you uncomfortably. Nat and wanda were away on a mission for the week and despite being reluctant to leave you they had to. Director fury’s orders.
It was almost becoming normal for you to spend hours tossing and turning trying to sleep only to wake up in the morning even more tired and feeling gross in the damp sheets and clothes.
With a sigh you pulled back the covers knowing you had to change the sheets again so the room didn’t smell bad. Trudging into the bathroom you peeled off your clothes dumping them in the wash and making a mental note to wash them and the other three pairs of pjs you had soaked through. With am exhausted sigh you stepped into the shower melting at the feeling of the warm water washing off the remnants of an awful sleep.
After a shower, you had changed the sheets before going off in search of breakfast.
Shocked to see pepper standing in the kitchen tapping away on her tablet.
“Pep?” You asked.
“Oh hi y/n/n long time no see huh?” She said looking up. “I had to come remind Tony about the meeting and thought I’d stick around a bit. He was ignoring my calls thinking it would get him out of his work.”
You laughed slightly, their dynamic was adorable. Pepper was motherly to all the avengers and worried a little too much sometimes. On top of the stress of running stark industries you often made her take breaks.
“Honey you look tired, are you feeling ok sweets?” She asked coming and laying a hand on your forehead.
“Im fine, just haven’t slept well lately.” You shrugged as she removed her hand and frowned.
“Well, I know a but about not sleeping from Tony’s late night adventures in the lab. And i know how important it is to sleep. As well as how stressful it can be for your partner to be risking their life somewhere off grid.” She smiled softly.
“Yeah, it’s tough. But I’m doing ok.” You said.
“Well the bags under your beautiful eyes say otherwise.” She smiled, pepper had always been a flirt, it was her way at getting back at tony for his earlier days as a playboy. Of course you and pepper were just friends but it was fun to get under Tony’s skin. He was very protective of pepper and probably always will be. “i think wanda and Natasha might be getting back early as well. I’ve had Jarvis keeping tabs on them for you and he says their work was almost done around lunch time yesterday.”
“We got back last night actually.” A voice came from the doorway and you turned launching yourself into Nat’s arms. “Hello my love.” She said placing a kiss on the top of your head. “Now whats this about not sleeping?” She asked tilting your head up to face her.
“Its nothing.” You said and before she could reply you felt a tap on your shoulder. Spinning around you launched yourself at wanda, wrapping you legs around her waist. She chuckled and stabilised herself against the wall.
“Sweets you look tired. And i know you missed us and probably haven’t eaten breakfast.” She said studying your face.
“Why don’t you and natty take a nap in our bed and I’ll make breakfast for the three of us and pepper. Because we all know she hasn’t eaten.” She said shooting pepper a look returned with a sheepish smile. The only one who more of a mother than pepper was wanda despite being one the youngest of the team. She just had a natural caring instinct.
“Alright. Sounds good to me.” Nat said as wanda passed you to her. You laid your head onto her shoulder and closed your eyes. Wanda cooed at your sleepy form.
“Go take our baby to get some sleep and I’ll call you down a bit later.” Wanda said.
“And you.” She turned to pepper. “Are going to drink a glass of water and not just coffee and take a shower while i get breakfast ready. God knows you could use one to relax a bit.” She said and pepper saluted and walked off to her part time room in the compound chuckling to herself softly and still tapping away on her tablet.
You didn’t remember falling asleep but you woke up to a hand on your shoulder and a familiar wetness on your clothes.
“Baby are you ok?” Nat’s worried voice came
“Yeah ‘s normal.” You said slurring slightly
“Baby how long has this been going on.”
“Four five nights.” You said sitting up and getting up to change again.
After another shower and Nat had changed the sheets you walked back down to see how wanda was doing with breakfast.
“Hello sleepyhead, just in time.” She smiled and you saw pepper sitting at the table with damp hair freshly showered and beaming at you and the promise of real food and not just coffee.
After the four of you had eaten and wanda began to clean up you were sat chatting to pepper as wanda and Natasha were in the kitchen.
“Y/n/ns been having trouble sleeping. She’s exhausted and when i woke her up she was covered in sweat.” Nat said to wanda frowning.
“Oh poor girl, i forgot this time of year is always hard for her. But she’s been doing so well lately it completely slipped my mind.”
“Why is this time of year hard?” Nat asked drying off a plate with a towel.
“Its the time of year that hydra killed her brother. I held her for days in that cell until she couldn’t cry anymore tears.” Wanda said with a sigh. “Its been five years but i think us being away only intensified her anxieties about loosing loved ones, she’s most likely been having nightmares and hence the sweating.” “Aww our sweet girl.” Nat said shaking her head.
After the kitchen was clean wanda and nat led you back to your shared room. Promising they would never leave you in this time of the year again. You had teared up, thanking them and as you fell asleep in their arms that night you didn’t have nightmares for once. Knowing your girls were safe in your bed.
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jeepersbxch · 1 year
choices, 𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐓
summary. just a quick shortie where ratchet gets tired of you not listening to him.
warnings.there’s a little bit of smut?, just some touching (f receiving), fem human reader, reader has vagina, bayverse or prime ratchet it’s not specified
authors note. not doing a part two, but maybe i’ll do a different plot with the same idea. sorry for any mistakes.
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“R-Ratchet, please-” You try to say, but you’re only cut off by your own throat betraying you as it lets out a loud whimper.
“What have I told you about messing with things you’re not supposed to?” Ratchet grumbles, the tip of his digit hovering over the softness of your clit.
His eyes reach yours, waiting for an answer, but as he expected, he receives nothing but your stubbornness. Your hips roll all on their own, desperate to feel more of Ratchet’s touch; but your attempts are useless. No matter how much you raise your hips, or whine, or beg, Ratchet keeps his digit where he wants it. But, it was your own doing that resulted such actions.
“I’ve explicitly told you, time and time again, to stay away from most of the things in my lab; and yet you still disobey.” Ratchet explains leisurely, taking his time with his words, carrying them on just like he’s doing with his digit against your stiff nub. It made him sound condescending, which had you blooming with irritation and arousal.
“Now, I’m going to give you a chance to finally make a smart choice. Will you listen? Or continue to be a spoiled brat?” The medic asks, his finger coming to a complete stop to ensure you that he will not continue until you give him the answer he’s looking for.
You don’t know what set you off; him implying that your past decisions were stupid when they very much were not (to you, at least), or calling you a spoiled brat (which you wouldn’t admit had sent tingles up your spine), but before you could comprehend an actual rational decision, your sharp tongue slips on it’s own.
“Fuck you.” You spat.
Ratchet growls before flipping your body over, your tummy landing against the cold steel of one of his lab tables while he places his hands underneath your hips to raise your ass in the air. Though his body was mass displaced to fit against your own, he was still much larger than that of a human. His shadow casted over your arched body, making you writhe in excitement.
“You always have to make things harder than it needs to be.” He huffs, but a deep chuckle escapes not long after.
“But I would be lying if I said I didn’t like it.”
— 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑
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Who Do You Love?
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Part 8 of Little Soldier
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It was approaching Christmas, and Bucky was both excited and nervous. He had been doing a lot more with Dom since the two of you sat with him at that pizza parlor. Things had been going really well between you and Bucky, as well. He wanted to get you something nice, but would likely give that to you alone. As far as he knew, no one in the tower even guessed that the two of you were back together, and had been for a few months. He’d gone Christmas shopping with Steve for Dom the week before, and was now eager to give his son his presents. Which was comical and endearing.
Bucky was currently watching a movie in your room with Dom while you went to see Tony. He had JARVIS to ask you to meet him in his lab, but not why. You honestly couldn’t begin to think of what the eccentric inventor wanted. Licking your lips, you let yourself in. “You wanted to see me?” You asked
Looking over, he beamed at you. “So, I know Christmas isn’t for another week and a half, but I wanted to give you your present now.” He got up. 
“Tony, you can wait.” You chuckled at how excited he looked. “Waiting will not kill you.” You teased him gently. “Why don’t you want to give it to me when we all exchange presents on Christmas morning?” Knowing him it could be anything. 
“Because I’m me, and you know I’ll blurt it out even if you tell me not to.” He said easily, shrugging. “So! Who do you love?” He smirked, amusing you. 
You shook your head, smiling. “If you’re so insistent, just give me the present.” You poked him. 
He put his arm around your shoulders and motioned to a nearby screen. “Okay, JARVIS. Show us.” He told his AI. A moment later, a cute little house was on the screen. “I found a house in Brooklyn. Three bedrooms, a nice little yard, and he can stay in the school he’s in.” He explained. “In the spring I’m getting his soccer stuff all set up for him. Figured you guys can start moving in after the New Year.” He looked so proud that this was your Christmas present. “Plus, I want to get the inside painted to how you’d like to have it.” He went on. “I want you guys to have the home you deserve. I know you didn’t want to go back to the old house, and I don’t like the idea of moving you guys to Maine.” Tony made a face, amusing you. “Too far. So, I’ve been looking at houses over the past six months.” 
Without saying anything, you pulled him into a hug, tearing up. Despite what you were sure many people thought, Tony Stark was one of the most thoughtful people you had ever met. He looked out for those he cared about, and went above and beyond. “Thank you.” You sniffed, feeling emotional. “I had fully intended to raise Dom here, with our family, but the thought of him getting to play in a yard again…” You sighed. 
“Yeah, thought this would be better than me putting a soccer field on the roof…” He joked, making you laugh. “I was thinking we could bring Dom tomorrow? Show you two the house, and you guys can pick out some paint colors?” He offered as you pulled back. “Get some lunch, too?” He looked hopeful about getting some time with you and Dom. 
You nodded. “I think we can swing that.” You chuckled. “I won’t tell him about the house, though. I know you’d love to see his face when he realizes that it’s ours.” 
“Yeah, I will. But, that’s it.” He shrugged. “I’m just working on some tech for the house to get put in, too. JARVIS will be there, you’re getting these windows I was reading about. Saw a video of a dude trying to break it with a sledge hammer. Didn’t even crack. So, I bought one.” He pointed to where one was leaning against the wall. “Gave it a go. Seems pretty strong. Which I know will give us both great comfort.” He knew you were likely thinking of all the things that could go wrong. “Now, I was trying to find a way to get one of my suits to fly out to your house if an alarm sounded. Like a warning type deal while the rest of us get there. However, that’s got some bugs I can’t seem to work out.” He muttered, looking annoyed. “I’m working on it.” 
“I can tell you’re very excited about the tech in the new house.” You teased. “Are you gonna sleep over the first night and tinker if something goes wrong?” 
He smirked. “I just might.” He countered, making you laugh. “Alright, go on. I’m gonna get back to what I was doing. Tell Dom it’s his choice for lunch tomorrow.” 
“I will. Thanks, Tony. For everything.” You said as you made your way to the door. You were nervous after what had happened at the old house, but you were also very excited. Especially for Dom! 
Both Bucky and Dom looked over when you walked in. “Everything okay?” He asked, never knowing what Tony would want. 
You nodded. “I’ll explain more later, but I will say that Tony wants to take me and Dom out tomorrow for a treat.” You chuckled at how Dom perked up. “And you get to choose where we get lunch.” You sat on the other side of your son. “So, I think you should make sure to choose the yummiest food you can think of. Okay?” 
Dom nodded excitedly. “Yeah!” He agreed. “I’ll pick the perfect place.” He promised you. 
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Bucky did Dom’s bedtime that night, eager to have the seven year old read to him. He’d learned so much in school, and with Steve, that he barely needed much help. It was the highlight of his days. Once he drifted off, Bucky put the book away, tucked him in, and watched him for a moment before going to find you. You were finishing up the last few dishes, your hair up in a loose bun. He walked up behind you, kissing your neck as he wrapped his arms around you. “So, how about we get some ice cream, go watch a movie, and curl up together?” He grinned. 
You smiled at that. “I think I can agree with that. Want to know what Tony wanted first?” You asked, knowing this would affect him, too. Part of you was worried about how he would react. At the moment, the two of you could see each other easily, and he could do bedtime any day of the week. This would change that entire dynamic. 
“Of course.” He agreed easily, moving to get a couple bowls. “What’s going on?” 
Drying your hands, you turned to lean on the counter, your eyes watching him as he moved around. He seemed so at ease. “He gave me my Christmas present.” You started, making him chuckle. “A house.” You licked your lips as he paused, the freezer door open. “In Brooklynn.” You went on. 
Bucky was quiet as he pulled out the ice cream carton. “He bought you a house?” He asked. 
“Yeah. It’s a three bedroom with a little yard, and Dom can stay in his current school. He’s replacing all the windows with these super strong ones, some other security measures, and something about his suits? I dunno, that’s not working at the moment.” You shrugged. “He’s taking us to look at the house and pick out paints tomorrow before lunch.” 
He sagged, knowing that would make it a tad more difficult to see you and Dom. “When do you move?” He asked, glancing at you for a moment. 
“We start after New Year’s.” You hoped he wasn’t upset. “And then in the spring he’s gonna put some soccer stuff in the back for him. Apparently he didn’t like the idea of giving me his Maine house because we’d be too far.” You chuckled lightly. 
Bucky stopped serving and came over to wrap his arms around you. “I don’t want you to leave.” He half whined as he buried his face in your neck. You hugged him back, surprised at him whining. “You’ll be so far.” He huffed. “And I can’t just come hold you, and spend time with Dom.” You rubbed his back as he kept you as close as he could. “I don’t like that.” 
You felt for him, but honestly hadn’t expected this reaction. “We won’t be hours away, babe.” You said gently. “We’re still gonna be pretty close.” You reminded him. “You can come visit.” 
“Not the same.” His voice was muffled by your neck, amusing you. “I can’t just come climb into your bed when Dom’s having a sleepover with Stevie.” Which he did have a habit of doing. “And yeah, I can say I’m going to visit Dom, but I have a feeling Nat’s gonna get suspicious after awhile.” He sighed as he pulled away, pouting. 
Cupping his cheek, you gave him a small smile before pecking his lips. “Maybe we can start to let the others know about...us?” You said shyly. “Start with Steve and Tony?” You suggested. You felt that things were going really well, and those two people would honestly be the most accepting. “Then work on telling the others before we move?” 
Blinking, he stared at you. “We as in we ?” He motioned between the two of you. “Or do you mean ‘we’ as in you and Dom. Because I can’t tell with the way you said it.” He said quickly, the cutest look on his face. 
You giggled. “Well, we as in we , if you’d like that.” You were nervous as hell, of course you were! “Or even part time to begin with? Like, you coming to stay on the weekends, or you staying here on the weekends? Split your time? I know you still have your job with the Avengers.” You bit your lip. It wasn’t like his very important job was going to go away or anything. 
He slowly smiled at that. “Yeah?” He said playfully. “You want me to tag along? Oh, are we gonna play house?” He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows. 
Laughing, you slapped his arm playfully. “Dork.” You wrapped your arms around his neck. “So, we’re gonna tell Tony and Steve soon, and plan for you to move with me at least part time?” You asked. 
“I like the sound of that.” He pecked your lips. “Let’s eat our ice cream, watch a movie, and then go curl up together?” He suggested, honestly looking forward to being able to hold your hand whenever he wanted once the whole team knew you were back together. 
“Sounds like a good night to me.” You grinned. You had butterflies in your stomach. “First, do you want me to tell Tony tomorrow while we’re out, or do you want to tell him together?” 
He thought for a minute. “How about you tell him tomorrow, and I’ll drag Stevie out for lunch and tell him? Then have Stevie over for dinner tomorrow night? I’d say Tony, too, but half the time he eats in his lab, or forgets until after dinner’s over.” He chuckled, shaking his head. Not that he’d change the man for anything. No matter how annoying he got at times, he was also a decent guy. 
“Deal.” You agreed. 
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Dom watched the city go by as Tony drove the three of you to the house. He had been very excited to see that there wouldn’t be a driver that day. He’d rarely seen Tony drive before. “Almost there, buddy.” Tony told him, glancing in the rear view mirror. “Maybe after lunch we’ll stop at the park?” 
“Please!” Dom grinned. “Can we get cheeseburgers for lunch?” He asked. “Not McDonald’s. Those other ones you brought home? With those big fries?” 
Tony chuckled. “I know the ones you’re talking about. Yeah, we can do that.” He agreed easily. “Good choice. I look forward to it.” 
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Dom ran around the house, excited. “I love this house!” He said as he passed you and Tony, making the two of you laugh. You were thankful that he was taking to this so well. You’d explained that you wouldn’t be moving right away, but he liked that. He wanted to have more sleepovers with Steve beforehand. Then asked you if he could have Steve over for a sleepover the first night in the new house. Of course you had agreed. 
“So, getting any color ideas?” He inquired. 
Dom was currently upstairs at the moment, so you decided to slightly mention the Bucky thing. “Actually, I think I’d like to talk to Bucky about it.” You told him, making him smirk at you. “I’ll explain more while he plays at the park.” 
He nodded. “I have a feeling I know what you’re going to say, but works for me.” 
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@ilovetaquitosmmmm @vicmc624 @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @sebastians-love @differenttyphoonwerewolf
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Oxytocin (ii)
Pairing: Egon Spengler x F!Reader
Summary: While looking for a new research assistant Egon finds you, a parapsychologist whose always wanted to be a Ghostbuster. Little did you both know that there would be a lot more than research and ghostbusting that would bring the two of you together.
Warnings: Some suspense. Mostly fluff. 
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The following weeks seemed to pass quickly and slowly all at once. Everything was such a whirlwind of excitement that time seemed to speed however you also found a way to enjoy every single moment, making it easier to savor your time on the Ghostbusters crew. Each and every team member had a special relationship with you. It was better than you could have dreamt it, exceeding your expectations. 
With Winston, you two were the best of pals. You were always cracking jokes with each other and he was very protective over you. He was like your big brother. Peter warmed up to you pretty quickly and his flirting decreased the longer you were around. It wasn’t long before he had faith in your every word, considering you a colleague and a friend. Ray was like the best friend you never had. He was always such a beam of sunshine in your life. He was so encouraging and really helped to nurture your research. Despite your position as a research assistant, you had become inseparable from the group. 
Then there was Egon. That relationship was something entirely different. It was almost impossible to deny the fact that your attraction to Egon had increased since you had started working there. Despite his outwardly awkward appearance he had quite a way with words. He always knew just what to say to make you smile or blush, whether he knew that part or not. No matter what was going on in the lab, he always had your back. If you wanted to test a theory, he would be all for it. If he needed anything at all, you were his go to person. It was all you could to try not to fall head over heels for him. Seeing him doing what he loved, sharing so much passion for science with you, it was more and more difficult by the day. 
However, you knew the feelings were unrequited. Egon viewed you as a research assistant and only a research assistant. You didn’t dare push your luck on that. It was amazing enough that you got to spend nearly every day with him. You didn’t wanna risk jeopardizing that. Therefore all those thoughts of romance would stay in your mind. 
“Y/N?” Egon’s voice brought you out of your daydreaming. “The PKE meter?” He asked again, pointing to the tool in front of you. 
Snapping out of it you reached for the meter and passed it over to him. “Right, here you go. Sorry about that.” You said shyly. 
“That’s alright.” After another moment of silence he shared a glance with you. “Are you feeling okay? You seem distracted today.” 
“I feel fine, Egon.” You assured him. 
“You know, if I’m working you too hard you can tell me. I know we’ve been going at this research pretty hot and heavy recently. If it’s too much, I can give you more time off. It’s not a problem at all.” Egon said, his concern for you very heartfelt and evident. 
“I appreciate that but I’m fine. I’ve just got something on my mind, that’s all. Nothing big. Just ... life things, you know?” Egon swallowed thickly, knowing that you were getting into feelings territory. Usually during your time in the lab together you discussed science almost exclusively. There wasn’t much time for other topics of discussion with so much to get done. However, he wanted you to feel at ease with him. He couldn’t quite explain it but there was this overwhelming sense to make sure that you were okay at all times. The thought of you in any upset or pain made him feel horrible. 
“You know, if you need to ... talk about anything ... you can talk to me. I want you to consider me ... a friend.” That was all he could manage to which you nodded. Somehow the word friend stung like a sharp slap. You knew you were being silly so you ignored your thoughts. 
“Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.” You continued your work for a moment, not looking up at him. “Same for you.” 
“What?” Egon prompted, not hearing you as he worked. 
“You can talk to me too. If you ever ... need to.” You felt just as awkward as he did but you still meant every word that you said. 
“Thank you, Y/N. I-- well, thank you.” You could tell that your statement had taken him completely aback. From there you both decided it was best to just continue your work. It was business as usual that day. He conducted experiments while you observed and took notes for him. When he was done with one study he would look over your notes, praising you on your work as he always did. 
“This is really wonderful work.” He uttered as he looked over your handwriting. “Just wonderful.” He continued. 
“Well, thank you Dr. Spengler.” With that, he gives you a look. 
“I’m glad you have respect for my title but you know you can call me Egon.” As he said this he didn’t look up from the vat of slime. 
“Yes, I know.” You couldn’t admit to him that the whole reason you called him that in the first place was because just saying it excited you. The fact that he was so highly educated, that he had earned that title. It just made you all the more attracted to him. It was a personal little indulgence. “It’s like you said, I just respect your title.” 
“Well I appreciate that. But you can also respect me as a friend and call me by my name.” At this he turned to crook an eyebrow at you. This was his way of joking with you. Dry and sarcastic. You loved it. 
“I can do that then. Egon.” You said pointedly. 
As you looked over at the clock on the edge on the wall you could see that it was almost the end of business hours which meant he was about to send you home for the day. Not only that but tomorrow was Saturday so you wouldn’t be coming in. The weekends were the worst. You were always so ready to continue working that when you had to stop it was like torture, especially for two whole days. 
As if by clockwork, Egon stretches and gives you a sideways glance. “Well, I think that just about wraps it up for today.” 
“Right. Well, I’ll see you Monday.” Gathering up your bags, you head for the door. Before you can Egon clears his throat. 
“Y/N ... have a good weekend. Try to get some rest.” You nod with a small smile before leaving for the night. Hailing a cab you make your way down to your apartment building, ready for a good night’s sleep. 
“Y/N? Can you hear me?” When you had picked up the phone you hadn’t bothered to check who it was, too tired to do so. 
“What? Yeah, I can hear you. Who is this?” 
“It’s Egon! I need you to get over here right away. I’ve just made an incredible discovery and I need you in on this.” When you finally turned over to look at the clock you realized that it was 3am. 
“Okay. I’ll meet you at the lab in 20 minutes.”
“Good. I’ll see you then.” He hangs up right after that, leaving you to gather up your things and throw on a change of clothes. 
When you finally arrived at the Firehouse it was almost completely black inside. You felt your way towards the lab, stepping into the lit room and letting your eyes adjust. You were sure you looked a mess but it had sounded like the matter was urgent so you weren’t too worried about that. Egon was standing in front of a door on the far side of the room, beckoning you over. He looked like he hadn’t even gone to bed yet and knowing him, he probably hadn’t. 
Once you had jogged over to where he stood, he escorted you inside the tiny room. It was a darkroom, flooded with red light. Inside you could see that there were a number of pictures clipped up. They were all of the same subject. Vigo the Carpathian. It was a painting at the museum which exhibited high levels of supernatural activity. Egon was fully convinced that this painting was directly connected to the river of slime under the city. You just weren’t sure how yet. You and the others had visited the museum a few weeks back and had taken these pictures while you were there. It looked like Egon was done developing them. You had to admit, that Vigo was one ugly dude. 
“I’m so glad you’re here. Take a look at this.” He steps inside after you, closing the door behind him. He points to the furthest picture and walks you down the line. As you go, the pictures get more and more distorted. Until finally you arrive at the final picture. Vigo’s face was completely different than the original painting and behind him there appears to be a river of the pink ooze that you had discovered. 
“Is that--” You point to the slime and Egon nods enthusiastically. 
“I imagine if we get Ray in on this, he’ll tell us that’s the river of slime he saw under the city.” You study it carefully, pulling out a notepad to begin writing down notes. When Egon sees this, he beams happily. 
“Well this is great! What a discovery. Who knows what this could mean but it feels like we’re just one step closer to the truth.” 
“Exactly!” He exclaims. The two of you turn to one another, all smiles and excitement. Something in the pit of your stomach prompted you to hug him but you decided not to give in to the impulse. As excellent a discovery as this was, you weren’t at the finish line quite yet. 
Extending an arm towards the door, Egon follows you towards the exit. Just then something strange happens. The door doesn’t open. You immediately turn towards him, a concerned look painting your face. You pull on the doorknob again but it still doesn’t budge. 
“Did you lock the door, Egon?” 
“No. It locks from ... the outside.” That’s when both of you come to the same terrifying realization. Putting your shoulder into it you try to force the door open but nothing is happening. Just as you’re about to give up, you both take a whiff of the air. Something was ... burning. Turning around quickly you see that all of the photos have burst into flames. Your eyes widen and you begin shouldering the door again, hoping that some amount of effort will get it to open. As you do so Egon calls out for Ray as loud as he can. You join him, hollering for one of the other Ghostbusters that are in the building. The man beside you takes your arms, rushing you back into the far corner as far away from the fire as possible. He covers your body with his own, protecting you from the growing flames as he holds you close. Fear seizes your mind as you contemplate that this might be the end for the both of you. Something in you tells you to speak up since this may be your last chance to tell him your real feelings. 
“Egon!” You holler over the roaring fire. He looks down at you, fear residing in his eyes as well. You’d never seen him like this before. “I--” Before you can begin to gather your thoughts there is a slamming sound from the other side of the door. You both turn to look, seeing a crack form in the door. Suddenly, just when you think it’s over for you both, the door comes flying off the hinges. Ray is standing on the other side, extending an arm to help you out of the room. Egon pushes you towards the door first, wanting to make sure you get to safety as soon as possible. Once you’re both clear, Ray uses the fire extinguisher he had busted the door open with to douse the fire.
Looking back into the room which was filled with white foam you felt yourself beginning to get choked up. You knew that this would potentially be a dangerous gig, seeing as the whole thing involved catching ghosts for a living. However, you didn’t expect to almost be burned alive. Turning back to the other two, they could tell how shaken you were. You opened your mouth as if to speak but couldn’t. 
“Are you okay?” Egon asked, arms clasping your shoulders. 
“I’m--” You couldn’t hardly gather your thoughts. He knew what was going through your mind since he had just shared the same experience. Pulling you in, Egon nestled you against his chest. Hugging you tightly, he realized that he never wanted to let you go. 
Recognizing the severity of the situation, Ray joined in. Snuggling in on the other side of you, he hugged you tightly as well. The way they both enveloped you eased your mind considerably. It was enough to help you swallow your tears before they could leave your eyes. 
“I’m okay, boys. Thank you, I’m okay.” They back off as you say this, still staying close by in case you should need them. 
“I’m sorry. I had no idea. I never would have brought you here if--” 
“Egon.” You place a hand on his arm, rubbing his bicep with your thumb. “It’s okay. Trust me. We’ll call it an ... occupational hazard.” 
He searches your eyes for some sign of anger but finds nothing. Unable to contain himself he pulls you into him again, hugging you even tighter than before. God, he was so scared. He couldn’t admit to you how truly shaken he was but the thought of losing you had scared him more than anything in his life ever had. “I’m just glad you’re okay.” He mutters against your shoulder.
After a moment he finally pulled away, giving you one last longing look. “Ray, I’d like to scan this room with the PKE meter. I just wanna see if there’s still a spike in activity.” The other man nods, going to fetch the tool. As he does so, Egon escorts you over to the couch. You follow him willingly, not complaining about the ability to take a seat after your ordeal. Once you’re sat down he pulls a small drawer out from under the couch, pulling out a blanket and wrapping it around your shoulders. You gladly accept the gesture. Once he knows you’re safe and comfortable he joins Ray in the darkroom.
You sit there for a few minutes watching the two men talk and scan the room. When they come back out they both share a knowing look. “Y/N.” Ray begins. “I think, if you’re up for it, we’d like to keep you here for observation tonight. Just to play it safe.” 
“Observation?” You inquire. 
“Nothing scary.” Egon adds on. “We just want to make sure you’re safe. We’ve got plenty of room upstairs. Not to mention it’s pretty late. Finding a cab at this hour would be a nightmare. Will you stay with us? Just for tonight?” If you hadn’t known any better, you’d think the man was almost desperate to have you stay. Surely not though. He just wanted to make sure his friend didn’t get in harms way.
“Um.” You contemplated for a moment. After all, this was Egon Spengler literally begging you to stay the night with him. How could you pass this opportunity up? “Sure, Egon. Whatever you think.”  
“Good, good.” He says, helping you up. Ray, Egon, and you all made your way out of the lab, shutting the doors and turning off the lights behind you. They lead you up the stairs to the sleeping quarters on the second floor. Peter wasn’t there, staying at his own apartment with Dana. However, with so much work to be done, Egon and Ray had been staying the Firehouse. That meant there was an extra bed for you. The room was bare, only filled with the three beds. All three were already made and you were grateful, nearly ready to pass out. 
“You’ll sleep here.” Egon gestures to the furthest bed. You follow his hand, plopping down on the edge of the bed. The man sits on the bed next closest to you, facing you as his hands rest on his thighs. 
“You know, I’m really okay.” You reassure him, sensing his unease. 
“I just feel so bad. I blame myself.” He replies. You reach out for him, resting a hand on his knee as you scoot closer. 
“Don’t. It’s really alright. I promise it wasn’t your fault.” Egon nods, still not convinced. “Let’s just get some rest, huh?” 
“Alright. I honestly need it.” 
“Me too.” You chuckle. With that you turn over in the bed, laying down. The bed is almost too soft and too comfortable. 
It doesn’t take long for you to fall asleep. However, your rest would not be peaceful. Within an hour of passing out, you were plagued with horrible nightmares. You weren’t sure if it was some residual supernatural presence leftover from your little ordeal back to haunt you or if it was just the fear you felt. Whatever it was though had you tossing and turning, nearly in tears with the terror you felt. When you were finally able to wake yourself up, you bolted upright in bed. You were unable to stop the tears from streaming down your face. Rubbing your eyes, you looked around the dark room. You were hardly able to see anything but the one thing you could see was Egon’s outline beside you. For a moment you hesitated. However the fright won out over your silly thoughts of embarrassing yourself. You simply couldn’t sleep like this. Pushing yourself off the edge of the bed you slunk down to the floor, crawling over to Egon’s bed. Placing a hand on his arm, you whispered his name. “Egon. Egon!” 
“Y/N?” He inquired, rousing from his sleep. “Is something wrong?” As soon as he realized it was you he jumped immediately to concern. 
“Yes. I mean, no. I just ... I had a nightmare.” You say, stumbling over your words. “I was wondering--” You cut yourself off, suddenly afraid to ask for what you needed. Noticing your hesitation he sits up in bed, reaching out to grab your forearm in an attempt at comfort. 
“It’s okay. What do you need?” He always knew just what to say.
“Can I lay with you?” You finally ask. His hand tenses lightly on your forearm. Not much but enough that you notice the difference.
“Yes. Of course. Whatever will help you sleep.” You nod in gratitude. Egon begins to scoot over in the bed, making room for you. It was a particularly small bed so you knew it would be a tight fit. You weren’t even sure if it would be worth it but at this point, you had to try. 
Once he’s moved far enough over to make room for you, you stand just long enough to lower yourself down into his bed. You are immediately very aware of his warmth beside you. Stretching out onto your side, you position yourself just right so that your back is pressed against his chest. You expect to feel his hand drape over your side but when you turn to look back at him you see it pinned tightly to his side. With a gentle hand you guide his arm over your waist.
“It’s okay, Egon. I want you to be comfortable.” 
“Are you sure? I don’t want to touch you in a way you don’t want.” Little did he know just how much you wanted him to touch you. 
“I promise. I don’t mind.” That was all you wanted to say, afraid to give yourself away to him. You both laid there in stiffness for a moment, unsure of how to proceed. Should you say good night? Did he want to talk? Or should you just go to sleep? You didn’t know the etiquette for this. Just as you were about to close your eyes, he whispered your name. You turned your head to face him. 
“In the darkroom, when the fire started ... you said my name. You said my name like you wanted to tell me something but Ray busted in before you got a chance to finish. What were you going to tell me?” 
God, of course he’d have to ask you that. “I was just going to thank you for being so kind to me. You’ve always been so wonderful and I’m very grateful. I didn’t want us to ... die ... without getting a chance to tell you.” Hopefully that sounded convincing enough to him.
“It’s the least I can do.” He begins. “And frankly, you’re very easy to be kind to.” The two of you lay there in silence but you can practically hear the wheels turning in Egon’s head. There’s something else he wants to say and you would wait forever if you had to. “You’re ... not like anyone I’ve ever met before. From that first interview, I knew I wanted to keep you around. Oh god. That makes it sound like you’re my pet.” You swallow hard at the thought, not sure where he was going with this. “I don’t mean it like that, I just mean I thought you’d make a good addition to the team. I’m very glad that I was right. You’ve been invaluable to me. I don’t know what I’ll do with myself once this is all over.” He admits. You’re speechless. His tone sounded almost like he was confessing something to you. You knew he couldn’t mean it like that but you wished he did. He had just found a faithful friend in you. Nothing more. You knew that. 
However, something he had said did stick out in your mind. ‘When this is all over.’ You hadn’t even begun to think about that. Once your research was complete, what would happen to you? Was he going to let you go? You didn’t even remotely want to think about that possibility so you pushed the thought away from your mind. 
“Thank you, Egon. It’s nice to hear you say that.” You tell him. As you do so you suddenly notice that your hand has found its place resting gently on top of his. You’re so close that you could intertwine your fingers with his. However, you don’t. You just wait there, hoping that he hasn’t noticed. Or if he has, that it doesn’t bother him. It’s silent for a few more moments, the air heavy with your lack of sleep. 
“Good night, Y/N.” He mutters sleepily. 
“Good night, Egon.” You say back before letting your eyes shut, drifting off into a nearly dreamless sleep, much more at peace now. 
Light streams in through the window on the far wall of the bedroom. When you wake, you realize you’ve changed positions in the night. Your chest is now pressed against Egon’s, his arms wrapped around your body as he sleeps soundly. In the peace of the morning hours, you can’t help but smile as you rest calmly in his arms. In this moment, there’s nothing wrong in the world. No slime. No Vigo the Carpathian. No near death experiences in sight. Just you and Egon. In bed. Together. You thought you might still be dreaming. 
After an hour, Egon’s eyes started to blink open. It took him a minute to realize what was going on but once he did you couldn’t help but notice the blush that rose to his cheeks. He let go of you, straightening his arms by his side. However, neither of you moved to get out of the bed. Not yet. Just a few more minutes of bliss. 
“Good morning.” You uttered, voice still hoarse with sleep.
“Good morning.” God, Egon’s morning voice was certainly a sound you could get used to. “How did you end up sleeping?” 
“Like a baby.” You say with a smile. “And you?” 
“Best sleep I’ve had in a long time.” He admits. The two of you look into each other’s eyes, getting lost for just a moment. “We probably should get up. I’m sure you’d like to get back home.” Egon says, clearing his throat briefly. You push yourself onto your elbows.
“Yeah. Sounds good.” You finally fling your legs over the edge of the bed, standing to your full height and stretching. Egon does the same. You take in the sight of him as he does, noticing that he slept in his day clothes. You chuckled lightly, wondering what kind of pajamas he wore under normal circumstances. Once you were both good and awake, you headed downstairs. On the way out the door you saw that Ray wasn’t in bed. That must have meant he saw you and Egon when he had woken up. That was surely going to be a pleasant point of discussion this morning. You winced at the thought alone. 
“Would you like some breakfast?” He asks over his shoulder. 
“Breakfast would be great.” You say with a smile. Once you’ve made it into the kitchen area you can see Ray standing at the counter, making himself a bowl of cereal. Here it comes, you think. 
“Good morning, you two. Sleep well?” Ray asks in a seemingly innocent tone. You’re immediately suspicious of him.
“Yeah. Slept really well.” Egon replies, pulling two bowls down from the cabinet. You exchange a glance between the two men. 
“Yeah. I slept well too.” You add. 
“Oh good.” Ray says with a tone of finality before sitting down next to you, bowl still in hand. Huh. Guess he wasn’t going to bring it up. You certainly weren’t complaining. Egon works in the kitchen for a moment and you suddenly remember your manners. 
“Do you need my help with that, Egon?” 
“Oh no, don’t worry. I’ve got it.” Soon enough he’s handing you a bowl of cereal, sitting down on your other side. As he does his knee brushes up against yours and you try not to blush. The three of you eat in silence, enjoying the peaceful moment. After you’ve finished Ray takes your bowl along with his own, piling them in the sink. 
“Thank you.” You say in earnest. 
“Of course.” He says, a bright smile on his face. 
“Well.” Egon begins, wiping off his mouth. “You probably want to get headed home. You’ve had a long night.” You nod. 
“A long night indeed. I think a shower sounds like heaven right about now.” You admit, gathering up your bag and throwing it over your shoulder. The two men escort you towards the main door. When you step outside it is blindingly bright. You shield your eyes with a hand, turning back to thank them. “Well, I appreciate everything you two have done for me. Thanks for keeping me safe. I’ll see you on Monday.” Egon stops you as you start to walk off. 
“Why don’t you take Monday off. I’m afraid I’ve put too much strain on you recently. Especially after last night, you should take a break.” He says. With a smile you step forward and pat his arm. 
“Egon. I will see you on Monday.” With that, you turn around and head for the curb to hail a cab. The man simply stands there and watches you, taking in the sight of you in the morning light. 
“Spengs? Come talk to me.” Ray says, tugging him inside by his shirt sleeve. The two close the doors behind them and you give the Firehouse one last look as you get into your cab. That was the scariest and most exciting night of your life. You could do without the near death experience but it was honestly worth it to sleep in the same bed as Egon. You hoped for more nights like it in the future.
Tags: @localsimpmigraine​ @theespookybitch​ @twinkie-buttercream​ @fizzyfazzy420​ @boneless07​ @holewithinahole​ @spengler-in-a-jar​ @the-hidden-pages​ @the-mechanical-angel​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @egonscalculator​ @sporesmoldsfungus​ @tedesquire​ @killerheelsonadiscodancefloor​ @emeraldborealis​ @bisexual-thoughtss​ @notquitecanon​ @finniestoncrane​ @lonelyridesinecto-one​ ​​@tinyvesselhearts
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zeebreezin · 4 months
🎲 maybe Bev could give Josie a kiss 🤔
Oh, to finally find friendship in someone else in your field, but find yourself on opposite sides of a conflict you could never truly grasp the scale of…
#39 - A Hesitant Kiss
The tales of London most Sequencers had heard growing up painted the fallen city as a dismal. Cold, and dark, and full of purposeless people struggling to find meaning. The dreary cobblestone streets were filled with disorganized souls pushing this way and that, with misery around every corner. Everything was drowning in chaos, in expression, in colours the young engineer couldn’t see. Nothing like the warm, bright, efficient life on the Geode, where everything ran in time with everything else.
No, nothing at all like home.
Professor Ashwood’s lab wasn’t quite as chaotic as the streets outside, far from it. Everything had its proper place - though some of it relied on a color coding system Beverley couldn’t quite grasp - and when the professor was at the helm, the laboratory ran with an efficiency any of his superiors would’ve been proud of. Not like they would ever know, of course. Beverley had tried his best to keep his hours in Professor Ashwood’s laboratory out of his reports to his superiors - after all, they knew that part of his posting here was to study. There wasn’t anything of note about that. He was there to learn. The soft comfort that came from finally donning the protective gear and entering the laboratory proper, wearing a smile that almost felt his own, well, that was clearly only the passion for his studies. The place was familiar, and calming, but that was all. Nothing of note. Certainly nothing outside his expected role here. He’d learned so much from the professor, after all.
That’s what made this difficult.
Beverley wasn’t exactly a hard figure to miss, parting the small crowd of fellow students as he walked towards Professor Ashwood’s office. The hustle and bustle of the crowd still set him on edge, with chaotic threads slicing through his vision at every turn. So much talking, so many different warps and shifts - it was enough to make Beverley’s head pound, if not for the dark lenses buffering out the worst of it. He didn’t wish the crowd could’ve stalled him for longer, that someone might’ve called out to him and delayed his journey. No, of course not. He had work to do.
He couldn’t help but hesitate before knocking on her door, though. Beverley’s hands shook, slightly, old scars prickling with half-forgotten pain. The script he’d written looped in his mind, over and over again.
Please excuse the disturbance Professor, I just wanted to let you know I’ve been assigned a short task on the Admirality’s orders, and I’ll be gone for some time.
Simple, polite, and to the point. There wasn’t anything to be worried about. Beverley knocked on the door, trying to suppress the hope that she simply wasn’t in.
“Please, come in.” Josephine’s voice, calm and professional as always.
Beverley’s pale form had to stoop a touch to enter her office, a bright smile on his face as always. Golden thread twisted elegant knots in his stomach. “Professor Ashwood! I hope you’re well- could you spare me a moment, perhaps?” He said, fighting to keep his voice light.
Please excuse the disturbance Professor, I just wanted to let you know I’ve been assigned a task on my superior's personal orders. I’ll be gone for some time. I don’t know when I’ll be back. It’s a simple, nothing to worry about.
“Can I help you with anything, Mr. Beverley?” Josephine’s voice cut through his thoughts. She stood in front of him. He knew exactly what to say. He’d had it in mind all day.
“I, ah, well…” Beverley swallowed dryly. “I’m… I’m going to be absent, for some time. Admiralty business, I’ve talked it over with the deans of course, I merely wanted to say my goodbyes in person.”
He could see the gears turning in her head - why would he be called out on business as a student sponsored by the admiralty? Why would such business take him out of classes? Beverley continued speaking, rushing to fill the air - he couldn’t answer her questions without risking something far worse.
“You’ve been a wonder to learn from, Professor- I truly mean that, you’ve…” Complicated everything. “Aided me greatly, in so much.”
Please excuse the disturbance Professor, I just wanted to let you know I’ve been assigned to build and detonate several explosives on campus for the purposes of killing your colleagues. This is what I was made to do, you know. Don’t worry - I won’t be back.
She had to be talking at this point. Consciously, Beverley knew that Josephine had to be speaking to him, and that he was responding. It was all a blur, though. He was thankful she couldn’t see his eyes behind the glasses. Gold crackled lightly in his gaze, trying desperately to keep the honey-gold grip on his mind intact.
Beverley reached out to shake her hand. And then he was holding her hand. And then.
“Thank you so much. I can’t say it enough, Professor. And I…” Fear was bleeding into his tone. The handshake had gone on for too long. A headache was blooming in the corner of his temple. Then all of a sudden, Beverley raised Josephine’s hand to his lips, barely a kiss. The tremble in his voice was even clearer. “Something glorious is coming, Professor, I’m sorry. For your sake, I hope you never see me again.”
Then, with more fear in his heart than he’d ever admit, Beverley ran.
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watcheraurora · 4 months
@viriv I’m a lil socially awkward with new people but I wanted to send a little love and appreciation because you are amazing
And, for the record, I did not just freehand the pose. IbisPaint has poses in it for tracing and this would have taken me three hours or more just to get the pose right (and it still would have been all sorts of wrong) because I am a writer who doodles sometimes. Same with the background because I really could not be bothered. I just picked something with squares because Minecraft… yeah
Tumblr media
Although I did color pick everything from your icon/pfp so it would look somewhat correct 😁 I did my best
And, to be extra special, a little extra compensation for me giving you brainrot in the form of a little snippet of a flashback from the untitled Ice Walls sequel:
Tango braced his hands against the table and leaned heavily on them, closing his eyes. A headache was throbbing behind them and he felt wiped.
“Again,” Doc remarked, not looking up from the project he was working on. Some robot for automation that looked completely custom-made.
“What do you mean, ‘again’?” Tango demanded around haggard breathing. “I’ve been doing this for hours. My powers have limits, you know!” A slight sheen of frost crept away from his hands where they were on the table.
Doc finally looked up, his cybernetic red eye glowing. His face impassive. “Oh? Is that what you’re going to say when Lore has your former friends corner you? When you’re backed up against a wall after a long fight and feel like you have nothing left to give. You’re just going to tell them to give you a free pass to get away because your powers are exhausted and you can’t fight back?” Doc stood. “Do you even know what the full limits of your powers are? Have you tried to use them until nothing but a single snowflake comes from your hand? Or have you been a coward and stopped before you truly reached your limit? Have you dug deep into yourself and dredged up the full iceberg?”
“Stop it,” Tango muttered. “Rhetoricals get us nowhere.”
“These aren’t rhetorical, Tango.”
That caught his attention. Doc never called him Tango. It was always Deepfrost, even here. In the Perimeter. Where Tango had shed Deepfrost’s coat for months to get away from that life for a while.
“Have you plumbed into the depths of your powers completely?”
Tango remembered his darkness flickering out while Arctic Fox pinned him to the mat by the throat in training, almost five years ago. The ice dying off his hands. “Once,” he said. “I’d rather not do it again.”
Doc tsked. He flung his cybernetic, prosthetic arm.
The robot’s arm lashed, striking Tango across the chest and throwing him backward. He crashed into the wall and fell to the floor. “What the hell, Doc?” He picked himself back to his feet. “What was that for?”
“Again. And if you don’t want to do it on your own, maybe some outside stimulus will be enough for you to draw on what’s left of your power.”
Tango cocked one arm back and thrust it forward, sending a spray of frozen shards toward Doc.
Who lifted his cybernetic arm to block his face—an energy shield of red light springing into existence from it. He chuckled. “Not bad, as a last-ditch effort,” he remarked, his accent not quite as thick for a moment.
“I’ll show you last-ditch,” Tango spat. He held both arms out and hurled an icicle the size of a human at that energy shield.
The point shattered—but also broke the shield. The rest of the icicle barreled into Doc, sending him staggering back. Tango didn’t stop. His eyes ached as the sclera swam to black and a bubble of darkness exploded out of him with an echo of his heartbeat. Doc’s eye had thermal vision and could pierce the darkness, but Tango dropped to the ground around lab equipment and cooled himself off so that his body heat wouldn’t be seen.
Given his powers, he already ran several degrees colder than normal. His skin was always frigid to the touch. But he was still warm enough to register on a thermal view. He was still human. Just… a human with ice powers.
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thanx-files · 5 days
Season 3 Wrap-Up
Let’s skip the boring part. We know the routine by now, and I have a lotttt to say this time around. Thoughts on Talitha Cumi and S3 below the cut.
Talitha Cumi
My least favorite season finale so far, if I’m honest. It’s not that the stakes weren’t high enough, it’s that I was confused for a lot of this episode. I, like Mulder, have precious little patience for Cancer Man and his musings, and there were a LOT of musings in this episode. I’m going to have to read the Wikipedia plot summary for this one. Also, not enough Scully.
Season 3
My favorite season so far. I know, I know “Thanx, you’ve said that every season!” If you’ll recall, I was on the fence about season 2 being better than season 1 (Pilot my beloved) because I feared recency bias. But I feel very strongly that S3 beats out both S1 and S2 pretty handily, recency notwithstanding. Why? Because it’s fun, in a way. The first handful of episodes are less so, but as the season finds a rhythm, there are these brilliant little character moments. Skinner gains a lot of depth this season, for example, but he also has some killer one-liners that tell us he is playing this game for better or for worse.
And as for Mulder and Scully? If there is one thing these two will do, it’s talk on the phone. Those were some of my favorite details this season. The classic “it’s me,” but also the way they can’t stay off the phone in Coprophages. The way Mulder knows Scully will stay on the line to eavesdrop in Avatar. Mulder, our “ticking time-bomb of insanity” starts to show his Captain Ahab side more (hello, Grotesque???). And Scully gets to call him on it! More importantly, the moment I’ve been waiting for: they finally let Scully be so so Catholic.
This season just went crazy, I don’t know what to tell you. There are some seriously unhinged episode progressions — and I’m not even talking about the two-parters. Coprophages to Syzygy to Grotesque (just two eps before Pusher)? Quagmire to Wetwired? Stop it.
5 fave eps (now with more musing!):
Revelations - I told y’all I wanted more Catholic Scully, and this episode really delivered. I love that our skeptic is religious, however remotely. I love Scully. I love that there is this part of her which the X-Files never seem to touch — until they do.
War of the Coprophages - The way they can’t stay off the phone with each other. The way Fox Mulder just HAPPENS to be in the cockroach town during the cockroach uprising. The bug that crawls across the screen. The way Mulder is eating chocolate cake while writing his report about how he narrowly escaped an exploding shit lab. The inexplicably exotic bug he squishes without hesitation.
Pusher - Fuck all the way off. The paper that just says “Pass.” “Smile, Scully.” Russian roulette. Russian roulette!!! I don’t need to tell you all about this. You already know. Plus, there’s this deeply unwell post I already made.
Jose Chung from Outer Space - I also already posted about this one, but the TL;DR is that this sitcom fanatic loves a frame story and a series of Events Which Probably Didn’t Happen Like That.
Quagmire - I KNOW I KNOW it was between this and Wetwired. But when it comes down to it, the Captain Ahab conversation is just too fucking good. Also, I feel I should honor the memory of Queequeg, who deserved better.
5 least fave eps:
The Blessing Way - It’s not that it’s a bad ep, it’s just not for me. I’ve never been much for the metaphysical “between life and death” thing where you talk to your dead dad and he tells you to keep living. This is because my heart is made of rocks.
The List - I’ve come to the conclusion that I just don’t like prison eps.
Piper Maru & Apocrypha - I just got lost. Glad to see Krycek again tho!
Talitha Cumi - See above.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to buckle my seatbelt for the [REDACTED] [REDACTED] arc. Maybe I’ll also rewatch the pilot just for kicks.
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secrets-of-everwich · 2 months
11-3 Rin’s Final Statement
[Electronic hum underlies recording]
Hello, and welcome to this episode of Secrets of Everwich. I’m here with Rin again, to get her full statement of the case.
Can you start at the beginning, and tell me everything that happened up until now?
Okay, I guess. Start of the month, Emilia didn’t come into school. We had a chemistry test that day, and I knew something was up, because I’ll be damned if Em’s ever missed a chem test. She loves chemistry. I think I called her? I don’t remember at this point, to be honest. Either way, I remember being really worried because she didn’t really talk to me that much that day.
The next day was my birthday. Ash surprised me by calling me over to his house, I thought they needed help with something, but then Xavier and Em were there too, and they’d set up a surprise party for me. It was nice. But Em didn’t really talk to me, or anyone else. We then went round to this place-
For the record, we are currently in Everwich Manor. Sorry, continue.
Yeah. Everwich Manor. We went round to Everwich Manor, to see the show tour, because… I don’t really know why Ash wanted to bring me to it, to be honest.
We were in the queue, and Em really didn’t say anything, didn’t look at us. I noted that she was looking pale, and she just kind of shrugged and said- Oh what did she say? Something like ‘It’s nothing’, or something. I dunno, whatever she said it felt different.
X and Ash walked off, so it was just me and Em. I have to say, it was… Kinda awkward. She didn’t say anything, barely responded to me. I was getting really worried to be honest. It was interesting- You know, you’re really good at the tours.
Oh… Thank you! Continue, continue!
We got to the end of the tour, and we stood around looking for Ash and X, and Ash appeared from somewhere else. I knew something was up. He’s my best friend, I’ve known them since we were kids, I know when something’s up. But he shrugged, and X appeared, and we left to go back to Ash’s place. Well, just me and Ash. Em just kind of disappeared, and X said he had to do a tour.
The next week or so- Few weeks? I don’t remember at this point. This whole month has been… Weird, to be honest. But, I kept seeing Em acting weird. As I said before, she was in the girl’s bathroom a lot working on some kind of experiment. This one girl, Abby, came up to me and that Em was doing some kinda weird chem experiment in the bathroom. I remember running to see what it was, cause I’d been looking for her anyway. She hadn’t been sat with me, Ash and X. If she’s not sat with me and the others, she’s in the chem lab, or the library. But she wasn’t.
I then went to see my grandfather. Well, my dad and Jamie’s mum made me, and my siblings. Jamie was showing off- What was she showing off? Some awful singing or something, and Grandpa took me to the side to show me his old journal. It wasn’t until he said that he knew something was wrong with the town that I started listening. I had a flick through and got to the page about his friends acting weird. I was really shocked, to be honest. It was the same as how Em had been acting.
So, I called Ash and they said that he would get bored, but to tell you, so, you did, and… Well, you’ve got it on tape how that went. I thought everything was fine. Em was acting normal again. I… I thought it was okay.
Then Ash came running, crying. Saying Em and X were going out. They’d been spending a bit more time together than normal, but… It was weird. Normally it’s me coming to Ash in a moment of crisis. I’d never seen him like that. They were… Really upset. I dunno, even I felt annoyed that Em and X were together. Maybe it’s cause they didn’t tell me. So, I told Ash that I’d always be on his side. It was scary, to be honest. The thought our friend group would split that much so close to our exams.
Ash eventually went home, and I woke up to a phone call.
[Rin’s voice sounds like it’s trembling]
Em had…
It’s okay, I know. You don’t need to say.
No, I- I know she’s okay now. [Sniffing] She’d tried to kill the spider. It had got back on her. I don’t even know how. I thought we’d gotten rid of it. I didn’t know it was the spider though.
I dunno, I don’t remember much of what happened next. I just felt so numb. I couldn’t think properly. Jamie’s mum told me to take her to school, but I didn’t even get as far as the playground. I just left her there. It was like my body was moving without me meaning to.
And then Ash was there, and he grounded me. Told me everything was okay. Told me Em was alive. Told me it was the spider again. God, I don’t know where I’d be without Ash. He told me everyone was in Everwich Manor, and that Jamie was in the playpark, she’d been there all day. I felt awful for just leaving her. And then we came back here.
Thank you for telling me this. It’s really useful, getting a full picture of the ‘case’. If there’s anything else, just let me know, but in the meantime can you go and get X?
Hey, I like your new hair! It really suits you that short.
Oh. Thanks. It was… An accident. I need to get Ash to help me even it out. God, Jamie’s mum’s gonna have a field day telling me about how I’ve ruined my hair again.
It looks nice.
[A pause]
[Door opening]
[Door closing]
I hope Emilia wakes up soon. I’d like to get a statement from her. I hope she’s okay. In the meantime, I’m going to get a statement from X.
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thecomfortable · 1 year
Sleepover [Part 1]
A TMNT 2012 fanfic
Word Count: 3453
Warnings: Brief descriptions of blood/wounds
Ships: Leo x April
(Part 2 is now available!)
“A sleepover? Guys, that’s all we’ve been having since my dad was captured that one time.” April chuckled, typing away at her laptop. This was the third time they had asked her to stay over since Shredder had been defeated. Casey was adamant and said that his family needed his support. April, on the other hand, just wasn’t bothered half the time. “Besides I’ve got stuff to do.”
“Stuff we could easily help with.” Donatello interjected, smiling down at the girl. “If it’s homework I can provide assistance.” 
“If you can stand the voice of a dweeb longer than an hour.” Raph snickered before Donnie smacked the back of his head, and the two began to bicker.
“I dunno…” April looked away from her laptop to glance around the group, her gaze landing on Leo. “What do you think?” Leo, taken fairly off-guard by this, chuckled sheepishly.
“Well, I wasn’t really invested in this plan to begin with. You’ve got stuff to do and we’ve got stuff to do. But…" Leo looked away from both April and his brothers. “If you haven’t got anything next weekend… I wouldn’t mind if you stayed over, you don’t have to of course—”
“Alright,” April responded. The group stared at her in surprise. “Well, what the leader says, goes. Isn’t that the saying?” Leo shrugged, grinning a bit. Raph threw his hands up in the air.
“That’s all it took? Leo’s blessing?” Raph said in exasperation, to which April raised a brow in response.
“Better than yours. I’d be worried for my safety if you gave me any type of blessing.” April retorted, a slight smirk on her face.
“Wow, you guys went all out, huh?” April stared wide-eyed at the dojo. Futons were covering the floor, with Mikey already lying on one and playing games on his T-Phone. “You didn’t have to.”
“Oh, we know that,” Raph grumbled, squeezing past her as he went to sit down on his futon. “It was Mikey’s idea.” Mikey’s giggles could be heard quietly in the background. April heaved her bag over to the futon next to Mikey and plopped it down. She only vaguely registered that Leo’s comics were neatly stacked on the futon beside hers.
“Oh good, you’re here!” Donnie chimed, walking into the dojo and grinning at the redhead. “Sorry, I was busy in my lab. Did you bring your homework?” April nodded, removing her laptop from its case and opening it. The lanky turtle sat beside her, and they began chatting.
Leo entered the dojo a short time later. He gave April a warm smile - which she happily returned - and sat down on her other side before picking up one of the comics and quietly reading. Time passed as usual, with Raph and Mikey leaving to watch the Slugman Marathon. At the same time, Donnie and - at some points - Leo stayed to help April with her homework.
“Pizza time~!” Mikey called out from the lair’s entrance, to which both Donnie and Leo looked up and furrowed their brows. “I also paid for it!” They relaxed, looking back over April’s shoulders to see her screen.
“Did you guys discuss what pizzas you were getting with Mikey or—”
“He probably bought one of each.” April looked mortified, and Donnie quickly rephrased his sentence. “What I mean is— He probably bought the basic pizzas. Marguerite, meat-lovers, pineapple… that sort of thing.” The girl nodded, still slightly concerned with the decision to leave Mikey in control of ordering dinner. Seeing her expression, Donnie stood up and grinned at the pair still on the ground. “Don’t worry. I’ll see if he bought too much.”
Feeling reassured, Leo and April watched the other leave before once again resuming April’s studies. There was brief silence until April scooched closer to Leo to make it easier for him to see. Only this move completely derailed the turtle’s train of thought. They’d been close before, but not like this. The fuzzy feeling made him worry. There was space around them to sit, but April chose to sit there.
April, who, for the most part, had been entirely focused on the Russian Revolution, sensed a change in Leo’s emotional state. She glanced around the room for a reason to which she found none. She soon found herself staring up at the turtle, who seemed not to notice as he was too busy staring at his feet.
“Leo.” The turtle jolted harshly and hastily looked over at April. 
“I-I’m here! What’s up? Need help with something?” He asked, noticing that April had leaned even closer to inspect him. “Is it something to do with the Russian Oligarchy?”
“If that’s what you’re so stressed about then sure. Let’s talk about the Russian Oligarchy.” April responded flatly. Leo began staring at his feet again. The girl leaned forward, determined to meet his eye. Leo turned his head. “Hey, don’t think you can avoid talking to someone sitting right next to you.” 
Donnie walked back into the room; he looked slightly abashed. “Mikey ordered all the basic— What are you two doing?” He had cocked his head to one side and stared at his older brother and then at April. April shrugged; she also wanted to know what was up with Leo but had gotten no helpful answers. Standing up, the girl slid her laptop back into its case and followed Donnie out of the dojo.
Leo put a hand to his cheek and grimaced.
“What are you doing, Mikey!” Raph yelled in exasperation as he watched his younger brother dump jelly beans on his slice of pizza. Mikey just grinned before shoving the piece into his mouth. 
Everyone disliked that. 
Regardless, the group had sat down in front of the small - somewhat busted TV - and discussed what to watch before Mikey had decided to gross everyone out. April, Leo and Raph were sitting on the steps (in that order), and the two younger turtles were sitting at their feet.
Donnie decided to get the conversation back on track. “We could watch a horror movie—” 
“Our life is a horror movie.” Raph grumbled, watching Mikey as he crammed another slice into his mouth. Leo chuckled and gave Raph a slight nod in agreement. “And I don’t need to be reminded.” April perked up.
“We could watch The Babadook. Apparently, that one’s quite good.” April suggested. The two older turtles looked curiously over at the girl. Mikey happily gave April a thumbs up - his mouth was full of jelly bean pizza which Raph was oh so aware of. “How ’bout it, guys?”
Leo shrugged. He had no idea what the movie was about, but the name sounded funky. 
“Sounds better than what the nerd had picked.” Raph snickered, flipping the page of his comic. Donnie shot him a glare. He had suggested they watch 2001: A Space Odyssey, which Mikey and Raph immediately shot down. 
“Eh why not.” Donnie sighed. “I’ll set up the hard drive.” 
The group watched as Donnie sauntered over to the TV to mess around with its wiring before focusing on Mikey’s pizza.
“How can you eat that without gagging?” April asked, genuinely curious - though inherently disgusted. 
“I ask that question everyday.” Raph said flatly. “Never gotten a sane response.” 
“That’s because there isn’t one.” Leo mused, peering at the comic over Raph’s shoulder, who quickly moved it out of view. “What– Oh, I get it. You’re reading something embarrassing aren’t you?”
“My bet is on a romance manga.” Mikey grinned, nudging Raph’s knee with his elbow. The red-clad ninja looked slightly offended and kicked his brother’s arm away.
“I thought Donnie was into those?” April gave the turtle hunched by the TV a smirk. 
“Says the girl who played a dating sim when she was supposed to be studying.” Donnie retorted, shooting a grin at April, who flinched and looked away. Suddenly she was the central focus of the group. Mikey looked utterly shocked; Leo and Raph were mildly surprised. But they were all staring… except Donnie, who had gone back to rewiring the TV.
“A dating sim?” Leo said, trying and failing to hold back his laughter. April pouted and glanced at the three sitting alongside her. They were all giggling now, much to April’s embarrassment.
“It was one time!” She insisted, to which Donnie barked out a harsh laugh. 
“Uh-huh, is that what you told Kirby when you failed Trig?” He chimed, connecting the little wifi device to the back of the TV.
“I’ll have you know that I didn’t fail!” April snapped.
“Really? Was Senpai proud of you?” At that comment, the girl flushed pink and angrily crossed her arms. He stood up and strode back to the group to sit by April’s legs. “Bet he said something really cute too.”
“What’s her type?” Raph asked, looking up from his comic to smile vaguely across at April. “Bet it’s the ‘bad boy’ who’s also a complete idiot.”
“Hm, from what I gathered she was always smiling when the ‘School Prefect’ had any dialogue.” Donnie explained. “Y’know, the teacher’s pet archetype-...” Suddenly all eyes were on Leo- or his brother’s eyes, at least. Now it was the leader’s turn to look away with a slightly irritated expression in his case.
“Knock it off, Donnie.” That was all Leo said, though his brothers started grinning maliciously. “Aren’t we going to watch the movie April picked out?”
“I dunno Leo, this is also pretty fun to watch.” Mikey snickered, turning his head to watch April, who was currently hiding her face. A well-aimed kick to the younger’s side put a stop to the embarrassing situation.
“My movie’s still on the table.” A well-aimed glare from two unimpressed siblings also put a stop to Donnie’s suggestion. “Alright! Alright… Good thing we’re sleeping in the same room I guess. Mikey won’t need to wake anyone up.”
“I don’t do that anymore!” Mikey snapped, looking extremely offended. 
“Yeah, cause we haven’t watched a Horror movie in over a month, moron. You don’t have a reason to.” Raph put down his comic and grabbed the controller out of Donnie’s hands. “Now, let’s see what this movie’s about.”
April had quite enjoyed the movie for a few reasons: The story was well-written, the characters were authentic, the scares had great timing, and she could sense exactly what her friends were feeling during the movie. Good thing, too; knowing that your friends are somewhat more scared than you is a pretty pleasant feeling.
Mikey had gone into a fear-induced trance and was currently stuffing his face with ice cream. Raph had remained marginally calm throughout the movie and therefore wasn’t too bothered after it had ended, whilst both Donnie and Leo were still slightly on edge. 
Deciding to have fun with this situation, April tapped Leo’s shoulder and watched him jolt. Then she tapped Donnie’s. Same reaction. Ooh, this might be fun.
“What? Is something up, April?” Donnie asked, peering up at the girl. She grinned and raised a brow. “What are you-... Oh haha, I jumped. So funny.” Raph was laughing alongside April, who had begun giggling herself.
Leo frowned at her before turning to Raph and glaring. “You’re rubbing off on her.” He said, shoving Raph’s shoulder. The younger turtle grinned. He had nothing to feel guilty about when they were both so ‘jumpy’. Why wouldn’t April want to mess around with them? Leo went to further scold the other when he felt something breathe on his neck. 
He yelped. Loudly.
April, Donnie and Raph burst out into loud cackles. They sounded akin to a pack of hyenas; even Mikey was laughing despite his prior state of uncontrolled fear. April had been the one to blow air on the back of his neck, and she looked so smug, despite the fact she was laughing hysterically. 
“Why would you do that!” Leo snapped, his face a brilliant shade of red that clashed horribly with his green scales. April was vividly reminded of Christmas at her Aunt’s house. She also thought it was rather cute. Ignoring the second thought, she pressed a finger into Leo’s chest.
“Because,” she grinned, face full of malicious pride. “It was funny.”
Leo pushed her hand away, still marginally red in the face. She looked really confident and sounded even more so. The fuzzy feeling was back.
Then their eyes locked, and April’s grin faltered. He looked adorable. The fuzzy feeling in her chest made her worry.
It made them both worry.
“Dudes, do we have to sleep in the dark?” Mikey complained as Donnie turned off the lights in the dojo. There came a resounding ‘yes’ from the rest of the group in response, and Mikey groaned dramatically. “You won’t even know if I’m gone!”
After a few rounds of Monopoly - all of which were won by Donnie, who was then hunted down by Raph and Mikey and tickled mercilessly in the middle of the dojo - the group finally decided to go to bed. And by ‘go to bed’, that meant getting comfortable just in case anyone passed out. No one wanted to wake up with cramps.
Currently, only Raph, Leo and Mikey were lying on their futons. Donnie was busy clearing up around the doorway so that no one tripped over in the dark while April was getting dressed in another room.
“We can tell when you get a midnight snack, Mikey.” Donnie said incredulously. “I think we’ll notice if something bad is happening to you.”
“That’s what you think!”
“I told you he wouldn’t sleep.” Raph grumbled to Leo, who nodded vaguely, too focused on his comics to fully register the conversation. Just then, April walked into the dojo wearing a nice pair of pyjamas. For once, Leo lost focus on his comics in favour of something else.
This reaction didn’t go unnoticed. Donnie had done a sweeping glance of the room to find any trip hazards and had gotten a good look at his brother’s flushed face. He looked at where Leo was staring, noticed it was April, and then stared at Raph.
His eyes were wide. 
Raph had the distinct feeling that someone was staring at him. He glanced around and quickly noticed Donnie’s wide eyes, which looked incredibly unnerving when dimly illuminated by some sparsely lit candles. Cringing, he shot Donnie a questioning expression. The lanky turtle nodded towards Leo, to which Raph turned his attention.
Leo was currently watching April as she discussed sleeping methods with Mikey. Raph’s eyes widened, and he mouthed the words ‘he’s blushing’ to Donnie, who mouthed the words ‘I know’ back at him. 
Raph tapped his brother’s shoulder, who snapped out of his affectionate gaze to look questioningly at the other. “What’s with you?” He asked, noticing Leo’s face had gone slightly redder due to his nerves.
“What do you mean?” Leo whispered, and Raph started explaining himself, only for April to laugh at something Mikey said. Her laugh temporarily transfixed the leader, and Donnie had to clear his throat. The leader hunched his shoulders, bracing for a bombardment of insults after ignoring Raph’s answer. But nothing came; Donnie repeated what he had been too distracted to hear.
“You like her. Don’t you?”
Leo froze. The statement threw him so severely that he remained dead silent, staring at Donnie with his brows raised.
He swallowed. 
The fuzzy feeling was back from before, but it was so much worse this time. Leo had started imagining what people did when they were in love. Then he imagined himself and April in those situations, and it was like someone lit his face on fire.
Leo decided not to answer, and Donnie chose not to pry. Surprisingly, Raph didn’t attempt to pry either though that didn’t stop him from smirking broadly at the blue-clad leader.
Again April felt a change in Leo’s emotional state. She turned and saw that he was gazing at her with a slightly guilty expression. Their eyes met. Even at this moment - when the fuzzy feeling was so prominent April could practically feel it emanating off the turtle next to her - all she noticed was his guilt. A quick glance around the room. Raph was busy reading Leo’s comics, Donnie was still checking for hazards, and Mikey was complaining about the lights.
April stood up.
“I’m going to get some water.” She said before glancing at the leader. “Wanna come with me?” The two gazed awkwardly at each other for a brief moment.
Oh god, this was awkward. The tap slowly filled up the glass April had retrieved from the cupboard. The pair stood in silence. Tense silence. She turned the tap off and took a large swig of water. Leo watched her. Their eyes met for the third time. 
“Are you alright Leo?” 
The question broke through the empty silence, and Leo shuffled his feet. Eye contact now broken, he stared fixedly at the glass clutched in April’s hand and gave her a nod.
“I can tell when you’re lying, y’know.” April commented loftily. “How many times have you used me as a lie detector now? Like 8– maybe 9 times?” Leo’s face was flushed, and he was now staring intently at the floor. “Leo…?”
“It’s nothing.” He insisted, making the trek back over to the dojo. April quickly followed suit, although she latched onto his sash and pulled him back. “April—” but something stopped him. April was close to his face, examining his expression in the darkened lair. “H-Hey–!”
“You’re red again.”
“D-Do you not realise how close you are to my face?”
April stared into his eyes for a moment, then let go of his sash. “I need to wash the glass. Meet you back in the—”
“I’m coming back with you.” Leo said abruptly, now making the trek back over to the sink. April looked dumbfounded.
“But you were the one who—” Leo waved a hand. 
The tap was back on again, as was the silence between the pair, though the tension was slightly different. The glass kept slipping out of April’s hands whenever she looked at the turtle, whilst Leo’s breath quickened when he did the same. Both teens were somewhat flushed. 
What was happening? 
“Listen—” They said in unison. Then stared at each other in surprise. April dropped the glass again. 
“You go first.” April insisted, picking up the glass to towel dry it. Leo hesitated, rubbing the back of his neck before sucking in a deep breath of air.
“I think I like you.” 
The glass shattered as it hit the floor. April moved back in reflex but slipped on the excess water. Lunging forward, the leader caught her before she could hit the back of her head on the table. This, unfortunately, led to a shard of glass getting embedded into the bottom of Leo’s foot. 
“Quick! Move away from where it smashed!” April looked frankly shocked at almost everything that had just occurred. Leo gingerly fell down beside the table and hissed with pain. “Gosh, I’m sorry Leo I-I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s fine April, I was the one who caused thaAAH!” April had carefully lifted the turtle’s foot to examine the wound when she had accidentally pressed into the shard, causing Leo to yelp in pain. Again, April apologised profusely. “Nono, I’m alright.” The girl quickly turned on her phone’s flashlight and made her way over to the light switch. 
“Oh god.” April breathed, staring down at the blood-stained floor. Leo felt slightly unwell as he stared at his foot. It looked like a deep wound. “H-Hold on, I’ll get Donnie.”
Leo watched her run back to the dojo with a grim expression. He was too forward. Way too forward. 
“What?” The lanky turtle rushed out of the dojo, followed closely by April and his brothers. Leo cringed at Donnie’s look of utter exasperation and opted to examine his injury further. “I heard a smash, but I didn’t expect you—”
“Nice going Chief.” Raph mused though he was clearly concerned.
“It looks like a scene from a horror movie!” Mikey commented loudly, excitement overpowering his concern. Raph smacked his shoulder. “Sorry, it’s just– look at all that blood!” 
“You don’t need to point it out, Mikey.” Leo mumbled, actively paling at the sight. It was pooling around his foot at this point. Gross. Donnie rushed over to Leo’s side and gave him a shoulder to lean on as he stood up. The minute he turned Leo away from the shards of glass, the leader came face-to-face with a worried girl.
He went red.
“Come on bro.” Donnie sighed, “Mikey, I trust you and Raph can handle the mess—”
“I’ll handle it.” April insisted, “It’s my mess. It’s the least I can do.”
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sephirthoughts · 5 months
Father: Verb
Summary: 11 year-old WMD Sephiroth is assigned a new handler/bodyguard, named Vincent Valentine.
(prev chapter linked at bottom)
Chapter 4: Birthday Cake
“Vincent, what’s a birthday?”
Vincent’s oil cloth stopped on the barrel of his gun, and he stared across the workbench at the child who had just cheerfully gutted him. “A birthday is the anniversary of the day of a person’s birth.”
“Well, yes, I had deduced that much,” Sephiroth replied, continuing to polish his katana’s long blade. “But on several occasions, I’ve overheard people saying ‘happy birthday’ to one another. Why should they wish another person happiness on the day of their birth? Why would they even know what day that person was born?”
Vincent felt a headache coming on. “Sephiroth, have you never celebrated your birthday?”
“No. Why should I?” the boy asked, curiously.
“It’s just…it’s a thing people do. Paying special attention to someone on their birthday is a way of showing them that we appreciate and care about them.”
The boy thought about this for a moment. “Do most people know what day they were born?”
“Do you not?”
“Then, how do you know how old you are?”
“By the calendar. When the year changes over, I’m a year older. Isn’t that how everyone does it?”
“In some places, it is, but usually, people count themselves a year older on their birthday, not on the new year.”
“Oh. When is your birthday?”
“October thirteenth.”
“Then I want that to be my birthday, too, so we can celebrate them together,” Sephiroth announced. “Only, I don’t know how, so you have to tell me what to do.”
“October thirteenth is in five days. You sure you’re ready to turn thirteen, in less than a week?”
“It’s not as if I’ll really be older. Besides, you’ll be forty-one. Thirteen doesn’t seem very significant, comparatively.”
“Thanks for pointing out my age, brat,” Vincent said, tossing a wadded up polishing rag at him, which Sephiroth caught.
“It’s not my fault you’re old, old man,” he retorted, throwing the rag back. “So, how do we celebrate our birthdays? I’ve never had one before, so we have to make sure we do everything right.”
“Let’s see. My family always made longevity noodles, for birthdays, so we should do that. We should also have a birthday party. That’s where we exchange gifts, all wrapped up with paper and ribbons, and there are balloons, and most importantly, a birthday cake.”
“What are longevity noodles? Also, what’s a birthday cake?”
Vincent scratched his head. “Um…you know the udon you liked? Longevity noodles are a bit like that, except the whole bowl is filled with one long noodle, that you make by hand. I think the tradition came from my mother’s side of the family. Birthday cake…I don’t think you’ve had anything to compare it to. We’ll go to a bakery in town, tomorrow, and I’ll show you.”
When he stepped off the lift, the next morning, Vincent was greeted by the sound of screaming, and a troop of helmeted Shinra guards dashing by. He looked down the hall, in the direction they were going, just in time to see a man in a white lab coat come flying out of a pair of double doors and slam into the wall with a heavy thud.
He crumpled to the floor like a ragdoll, and didn’t move again. Vincent vanished in a whirl of crimson and reappeared at the scene, well ahead of that troop of guards. The scientist’s neck was broken, but it was difficult to tell if it was the impact that killed him, or the pair of scissors jammed into his trachea.
Just then, there was another scream and a loud crash in the room, and a young boy’s voice shouted, “Get away! Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me!”
Vincent stopped the guards, with a raised hand, as they came jogging up. “Secure the area and stand by. Let no one through. I’ll handle the asset.”
“Yes, sir!” the guards saluted, and hurried to carry out his orders, extremely relieved not to have to confront the little monster themselves.
Vincent pushed open the door, and stepped cautiously into the room. Steel trays and various medical instruments had been flung all over the place, the bed was overturned, and a couple of unconscious guards were lying about on the floor.
Sitting against the wall on the left, was a woman in a lab coat, with a very obviously broken leg, and a man, also in a lab coat, clutching one arm to his chest, with one lens of his spectacles shattered, and blood all over his face.
Several guards were aiming air-powered rifles at Sephiroth, who was standing at bay, in a pastel green hospital gown, with tranquilizer darts sticking out of his body in various places.
“Sephiroth,” Vincent said, ignoring everyone else. “Why are you so upset? What happened?”
The boy turned sluggishly and looked at him, with hazy, dilated pupils, which was apparently the extent of the effect on him, of tranquilizers sufficient to take down several elephants.
“Vincent! Th—they tried to cut my hair!” he cried out, piteously. “I begged them not to, but they wouldn’t listen! That woman put something in my IV that made me dizzy. The other one, he had scissors. I told him I don’t like having my head touched! He grabbed my head anyway, and I—I panicked.”
“He was supposed to be sedated!” the man in the lab coat said indignantly, from where he and the woman were huddled. “He just lost it all the sudden and started attacking us! He killed Dr. Irvington!”
“Why the hell were you idiots trying to cut his hair?” Vincent returned. “This was supposed to be a routine physical.”
“It—it’s policy, sir,” the woman explained, apologetically. “All subjects are required to receive hygienic grooming, at the time of their annual health evaluation.”
Vincent’s crimson cloak billowed up behind him, like nightmare wings, as he stepped menacingly toward the two scientists. His eyes flashed gold, and his voice took on a rasping, demonic timbre. “Does he look like he is in need of hygienic grooming? Does he look like an animal in a cage, to you!”
The two had already been trembling and cowering, and now they were also shielding their heads with their arms. “No, sir! We’re so sorry! We made a mistake! We made a mistake! We’ll never do it again!”
“Sephiroth is not your subject,” Vincent growled. “If he tells you not to cut his hair, you do not cut his fucking hair. Guards! Get them out of here!”
The guards stowed their tranq rifles and rushed to assist the injured scientists out the door (and a few even had the wherewithal to drag away the unconscious among their own ranks). When the room was clear, Vincent knelt in front of Sephiroth and plucked out the tranquilizer darts, which he flung away.
Then he took the boy in his arms and hugged him tightly. “That must’ve been frightening, for you. I’m so sorry. I’ll never let them do that to you, again.”
“You’re…not mad at me?” Sephiroth asked, in a weak, slurring voice. “I made a mess and I…I killed that man.”
“Of course I’m not mad at you. This was not your fault, it was theirs. They made a conscious choice to mistreat you, and these are the consequences.”
“Conscious choice…to mistreat me,” Sephiroth murmured, as if he was practicing saying unfamiliar words.
“How’re the sedatives? Wearing off yet?”
“Mm-mm. Still woozy,” he pouted, dropping his head onto Vincent’s shoulder.
Vincent scooped the boy up like a princess, to carry him over to the sink. From the cabinet, he dug out a sleeve of paper cups, one of which he filled with water, and helped Sephiroth drink it, slowly. When his eyes looked clearer and more alert, he set the boy down again.
“Uh. So. I pet your hair a lot, when we’re playing around, but…I didn’t know you didn’t like having your head touched,” Vincent said awkwardly. “I won’t do it anymore, if it bothers you.”
“It’s ok when you do it. I like it,” Sephiroth assured him. Then his expression hardened. “But not other people. No one is allowed to touch me, but you.”
Now that he was sure the boy was alright, Vincent collected Sephiroth’s clothing and boots, from the locker that had been knocked over in the fray, and helped him get dressed.
“I don’t know how good a job I’d do, but if you want, I could try to help cut your hair,” he offered.
Sephiroth shook his head. “I don’t want it cut. I want to grow it long, like yours.”
Vincent definitely almost smiled, at that. “If you’re all better, let’s get out of here. We’re going to the bakery, to order our birthday cake, remember?”
“How could I forget?”
When they exited the examination room, the coroner was present, and the dead scientist was being zipped into a navy-blue bodybag. The unconscious guards and the two injured scientists were nearby, being loaded onto gurneys, by paramedics.
Behind Vincent’s back, Sephiroth shot the man and woman a look of icy contempt, causing them to nearly faint with terror, before he tossed his head and followed Vincent away down the hall.
Later that day, the office of Professor Hojo, head of Shinra’s Science and Research Division, sent out a memo regarding the unfortunate accident in the exam room, this morning, regretting the loss of their colleague, Dr. Irvington, and admonishing the staff to exercise proper caution when operating dangerous laboratory equipment.
No mention was made of Sephiroth’s involvement, but the message was loud and clear: the little silver-haired prince could literally get away with murder. There wasn’t a damn thing anyone was going to do about it.
“Birthday cakes happen to be our specialty!” the pretty blonde woman behind the counter enthused. “Made to order, in whatever flavors you like. Oh, and we have a catalogue to choose from, in case you’re not sure what you want. Let me grab that for you.”
While she went in the back, to retrieve it, Vincent continued to stand there looking dour and out of place, and Sephiroth went to examine the glass case, which was packed with muffins, cookies, breads, and rolls, and a number of other fascinating confections that he’d never seen before.
“Berry tart,” he read aloud. “That looks good. Chocolate croissants…cinnamon buns…profiteroles. Vincent, what are profiteroles?”
“I have no idea,” Vincent said, coming over to squint at the items in the case. “They look like…little bread balls. But they’re covered in chocolate.”
“What’s inside them? Butter?”
“Don’t tell me you two have never tried profiteroles!” the blonde woman chimed, as she reappeared with the catalogue. “Well, we can’t have that. Take a sample, on the house.”
Before they had a chance to agree or object, she’d already skewered two of the golden-brown, cream-filled treats, on toothpicks, and handed them over. Vincent held one stiffly, while Sephiroth bit into the other. His blue-green eyes went wide and he quickly stuffed the whole thing into his mouth.
“That was delicious!” he beamed, when he was finished. “Thank you very much, ma’am!”
“Anything for the handsome little gentleman,” she tittered, glancing sidelong at Vincent. “Such good manners, too. Your mother must’ve taught you well.”
“I don’t have a mother,” Sephiroth replied blithely, as he devoured Vincent’s profiterole. “She died shortly after I was born, and I never met her.”
The young woman laid a hand on her ample bosom and made her very best sympathetic face. “Oh, how dreadful! So, it’s just…you and your father, now?”
“Yes. We’re having a birthday party, for the two of us, since we don’t know anyone else.”
“That is so sweet,” she intoned. “But it’s such a pity to let this fine boy grow up without a mother. Why haven’t you remarried?”
“I haven’t remarried because I was never married, in the first place,” Vincent answered, to the young woman’s discomfiture. “I’d rather not talk about it. Seph, come look at the catalogue and help me choose a cake.”
In the end, Sephiroth chose something called white velvet cake, with strawberry filling, fluffy, white, buttercream frosting, and a ring of glossy, red strawberries on top. Their full names would be quite a challenge to fit on even a much larger cake, so he chose the inscription, ‘Happy Birthday V and S’ to be written in scarlet icing.
The cake was ordered to be picked up on the twelfth, and the two departed directly, much to the disappointment of the flirtatious clerk.
Neither she nor Vincent observed the venomous glance, from a pair of serpentine eyes, that was cast on her, before the beautiful boy followed the handsome man out the door.
“Vincent, why did you call me that?” Sephiroth asked, as they walked down the street.
Vincent had no idea what he was talking about. “Call you what?”
“When we were in the bakery, just now, you called me Seph.”
“Oh. I’m sorry. Parents sometimes refer to their children by shortened versions of their names. It seemed appropriate.”
“Will you…call me that, more?”
Vincent paused and turned around. Sephiroth had stopped dead in his tracks, and was looking up at him, imploringly. His eyes were pink rimmed and his lower lip was trembling.
“It’s just. I don’t have anyone to shorten my name. I don’t have anyone but you. So, if you called me Seph, sometimes, maybe it would feel like I had a f—a father.”
“Of course I will. Anything you want,” Vincent said, pulling the boy into a hug (as he’d been doing far too often, lately).
Sephiroth had grown like a weed, even in the short year they’d been together, and his head was already up to Vincent’s collarbone. That was her height, and as her son’s head rested on Vincent’s chest, memory washed over him like a tidal wave.
He found himself submerged in that one moment, all those years ago, when he embraced her, just like this, and she laid her head on his chest. The first and last time he’d ever touched her.
Sephiroth stiffened suddenly and jerked away, drawing Vincent abruptly from his ruminations. The boy’s blue-green eyes were glaring up at him, with a half-accusing, half-wounded expression.
“Who is Lucrecia?”
“Who…what?” Vincent asked, confused. “Where did you hear that name?”
“You said it, just now,” Sephiroth fired back, with swiftly rising agitation. “You were hugging me and petting my hair, and you said ‘Lucrecia.’ Is she…is she your woman?”
“It’s not what it—”
“You said you didn’t want a woman! You said you would never care about anyone, more than me! You promised!”
“Sephiroth, calm down and listen to me. She is not my woman, ok?”
“Then who is she?” Sephiroth demanded, sounding anything but calm. “Why would you say her name, all soft and sad, like that?”
Vincent sighed. “She was…a friend, a long time ago. That’s all.”
Sephiroth was breathing hard and blinking rapidly, like he had dust in his eyes. Vincent watched his hands warily, for any signs of fire flaring up, but to his surprise, the boy managed to pull out of the tailspin, on his own.
He shook himself and took a deep breath, then looked at Vincent again. “Ok. I’m ok, now. I’m sorry I overreacted. Everyone lies to me, all the time, and I hate it. Everyone except you. You’re the only person I trust, and if I found out you were lying to me, too…there would be nothing true in the world. Nothing I could believe in. So, when I thought you had lied to me, I got a little upset. I apologize.”
Vincent’s soul-crushing guilt very nearly broke him, right there in the street. Only by his literally superhuman will, did he keep a straight face, and force himself to carry on with this hellish charade. “It’s alright. It was just a misunderstanding. We still have to buy the rest of the things for our birthday party. Are you ready?”
“Mm. Ready,” Sephiroth nodded.
Vincent took his hand, and they continued down the street, as if nothing was wrong. But Sephiroth quietly engraved that name on his consciousness.
There was more to this mysterious woman, than Vincent was letting on, and he was going to find out what.
i know masamune is an odachi, but little sephiroth has a katana
longevity noodles are a chinese tradition and yes i hc vincent half chinese or whatever the final fantasy equivalent is no one can prove he’s not
vincent: sephiroth my poor innocent baby what did these mean people do to you are you alright you must have been so scared
dead scientist, two severely injured scientists, and any number of unconscious guards: ...
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