#and thanks for giving me opportunity to ramble—
shmothman · 1 year
I saw that screenshot of Friede's head being in the clouds and that clicked for me. When I watched the episodes, it felt like a running gag that he apparently forgot to tell stuff to Liko, and his crew gives this 'really? again?' reaction, which gives me the impression that this has happened multiple times.
He seemed distracted, forgetful but having his head in the clouds is a better way to explain it thematic wise. He gives me Ash vibes in that sense; whenever Ash gets super into something, that's all he'll think about and he'll just do it. He also has that Ash recklessness, which his crew also appeared to be used to. Yet he's got a protective streak, stepping in to fight Amethio multiple times. It's refreshing to see an adult character stepping in to fight battles for the teenage protagonist instead of the protagonist fighting the battles themselves. Makes it feel like he's at heart a dependable person to rely on.
Apologies for rambling like this but I love thinking about his potential character from his screentime thus far! I just want to see more interactions between him and the people around him.
Like yes, from a doylist perspective his forgetting to tell people things is a funny running joke—but it implies interesting things about his character! It clearly isn’t that he doesn’t care enough to tell people things—he clearly cares about liko (beyond just that he’s getting paid to be her bodyguard) and the rest of his crew, too; like Liko said, the crew put her emotions and Sprigatito’s safety above just getting her home with the pendant—and I don’t even think it’s that he’s a particularly forgetful person with most things. He couldn’t be both a professor and a ship captain (or… first mate? considering pikachu is the captain? 🤣) if he was truly just… very forgetful. There’s a lot of things to pay attention to on a ship. I think that the joke of him not telling people things has to stem from his mind just sort of… being elsewhere. He’s thinking about other things. (Cough, adhd. He’s just like me fr fr) Not that he’s completely distracted and ungrounded; he doesn’t usually act like that, and he’s demonstrably practical (holding Liko back from charging in to face Amethio and coming up with a plan for the two of them, being honest about the fact that yeah, they can’t go adventuring without money) most of the time. But the bit that gets me is his speech about the Volteccer’s goals: to solve the mysteries of pokemon, to solve the mysteries of the world. It’s lofty. He’s clearly a dreamer. I feel like the sort of person who can casually say “oh, me and my team? Yeah we’re trying to solve all the mysteries of the world!” necessarily has their head in the clouds—and quite literally for the crew of an airship.
Then of course, there’s the fact that he was introduced by the pokemon company as professor friede, though the only indication we have of anything like that so far in the show is the pokemon seminar bits—he doesn’t introduce himself as a professor, and no one on the ship refers to him that way. We’ve seen very little so far, of course, but we haven’t seen him do lab work the way every other professor in the series does. He’s not tied down to a place of research, and his goals are much broader than most of the professors we’ve met in the past 25 years. He doesn’t say he’s researching the mysteries of pokemon, he says he wants to solve them. All this to say, to be a professor and the (sort-of) captain of a traveling airship makes me imagine that he was originally a researcher, but became tired of being… well, on the ground. (I’ve said it before, but a researcher myself, 100% I’d leave it all behind to go on a grand airship adventure and solve all the mysteries of the world—so this part is a little bit… projection.) I mean, hopefully we’ll at least get some information about his past, and how the crew came together and everything… but I wanna know nowwwwww 🤣
As for recklessness and traits that he shares with Ash—I honestly (so far, with the limited information we have) wouldn’t call him very reckless. A bit cocky, yes. Dramatic, absolutely. Mouthy, for sure. And I even think he would fancy himself a little bit reckless; but everything even slightly dangerous that he’s done so far has still been… well thought-out. He clearly doesn’t rush in without a plan in place (and I’d bet a couple of backup plans, but that’s speculation again) and he definitely doesn’t do anything to put anyone else in danger. His heroic entrances, his battling style, his dramatic-ass backwards fall off the building and onto Charizard’s back—everything he does seems less like recklessness and more like a concerted effort to bring the attention onto him. I mean, so far, most of his tactical advantages have come from taunting Amethio, not risky maneuvers to beat him. He doesn’t risk himself, his pokemon, or his crew in order to achieve his goals. (Whereas Ash will very much risk himself immediately, ie all the times he’s jumped off of a cliff or building without a plan on how he’s going to land.)
As for dependability—yes, absolutely. His crew obviously trusts and looks up to him (literally; the way he was sitting up above everyone else in the scene where Liko tells them she’s decided to trust them) and he’s demonstrated so far that he’d do a lot to keep them all safe and happy. He’s good at making plans and using his opponents weak points to his advantage (realizing immediately that he can get a rise out of Amethio by taunting him and questioning his skills). He seems to be a good captain, a good trainer, and a good person overall. And hopefully he has some more hidden sides that we’ll get to see later 👀👀
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I'm not dead, hello!! Life's been chaotic and a certain lil discord server has been keeping me extremly distracted (affectionally) But art has been happening slowly!
Here is some color pallete studies (soaproach edition, cus they are... plaguing my mind) I did some days(?) ago!! Most of these were requested (as you can see by the amount of... soap's (truly a fan favorite))
Part 1 (this one) - Part 2 - Part 3
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splitster · 1 year
after seeing the drawing of pom with yonny and dingo I'm curious. What is pom's relationship with all the crew members of the rescue Corp? Friends, Enemies, Aquantinces, in love, etc?
HELL YEAH an opportunity to ramble, i'm gonna answer this in the perspective of my pom wraith au lol
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Pom and Shepherd are on good terms! They connect well over being mutual dog lovers (since Pom very quickly becomes a dog lover after spending time with Oatchi). Pom works well when she's receiving clear direction on what to do, and thus appreciates Shepherd's command over the mission. Shepherd's very slightly miffed that the new recruit mastered working with Oatchi so quickly, but she's much more happy that they get along so swimmingly.
keep reading for the rest of the crew!! ↓↓
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Pom and Collin are also on good terms. Pom isn't used to having someone who worries over her, so she's not always sure how to interact with him. Ultimately though, she thinks he's sweet and she's happy to help with anything he'd request of her. Collin meanwhile finds himself more worried than not over the new recruit. She's clearly very capable, but she's quite impulsive on the field and often getting into danger... Not to mention, she seems to runs on very little sleep and food.
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These two have a tense relationship. Initially, Pom was very open and curious about what the doctor was doing, but eventually Yonny started to look at her differently and it scared her. She's aware of how sharp Yonny is, and she's beyond concerned he's going to discover her secret (especially given the fact he's the doctor, and any thorough medical examination of her would reveal what she is). Yonny is incredibly hard to read, so it's difficult to tell what he really thinks of the new blood.
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Pom and Dingo are friends? Maybe? Pom is a little confused by him. He'll give her unwarranted advice on how to perform well on the field, but he doesn't come out to help her, despite being the self proclaimed number one. And then he claims he's the one responsible for her success. He's kind of annoying... Meanwhile, Dingo is consistently surprised by how well the rookie performs. And maybe he's a little jealous of how easily she seems to be succeeding. He wouldn't admit it, but she's impressive... and maybe just a bit cute.
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Pom and Russ are on completely neutral terms. Pom doesn't completely understand everything he talks about despite her best efforts, and it doesn't help that she tends to avoid using his creations anyways. Russ meanwhile basically just views the new recruit as an opportunity to test his new inventions.
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Pom and Bernard are on decent terms. Pom is always trying to analyze the people around her, and she's surprised that Bernard is kinda hard to read. He seems impossibly supportive and kind -- Enough so that she's uncertain of his intentions, so she's still reserved around him. Bernard meanwhile is just legitimately very supportive. He thinks the newbie is made of something special and is a WONDERFUL addition to their SUPERB crew.
It also goes without saying that Pom and Oatchi are besties. They become close very quickly with their work together on the field, and they trust one another. Who could ask for a better rescue dog!!
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kwillow · 5 months
What does Theopolis like to be called? Baron North? Mr. North, or maybe his middle name? I suppose the diminutive - Theo is only for his closest, eee… "friends?" Sure, if I'd called him like that, he probably would have me executed, right?
And how does he address other poeople typically? Does he use first names, surnames, or nothig?
It varies! A safe bet for your average acquaintance would be his last name and an honorific - Mr. North, Lord North or Baron North.
He wouldn't care for most people calling him by his first name - though he might accept someone he's on friendly terms with doing so. His mother called him "Theopolis" (as well as a catalogue of pet names), so it's not like he dislikes it, just considers it very presumptuous for someone not in his close circle. For example, Hyden calls him "North," but Theo wouldn't mind if Hyden addressed him on a first-name basis.
Despite his obsession with decorum and his nobility, he isn't as much of a stickler for being called "Baron" or "Lord" as one might imagine. He only inherited the title after his mother's passing, and he went into years of isolation and mourning immediately after. Because of his hermitage, he hasn't been able to exercise the right to be called Lord North or Baron North much with other people; the words feel strange and unfamiliar to him to hear referring to him compared to "Mister" or "Master." He feels that his mother is the one with the real right to the title, even after her death. That said, he WILL insist upon being called "his lordship" if he wants to exercise what limited authority he has. (It's another matter whether or not someone actually complies.)
Funnily enough, none of the current cast of characters refers to Theo as just "Theo." He's never used the nickname before. Nobody's liked him enough to give him one. (Well, his mother liked him, but she wasn't one for butchering her beloved son's perfect name by shortening it.)
In previous incarnations of his character, he's first called Theo by one of my other characters, Jack - a guy who doesn't respect fancy titles but likes Theo anyway. Theo grouses about the diminutive but grows to accept it. I have vague plans for an incarnation of Jack to exist in Amaranthine's universe, but nothing solid yet - but when he does appear, he'll probably be the one to call Theo "Theo." :)
When it comes to referring to others, Theo tends to use an honorific and their last name - "Mr. So-and-So," "Mrs. Smith," so on. He will respect noble titles if they have them - so he calls Hyden "His Grace" and "Duke," even though no one is enforcing it. He very rarely addresses people with their first names; it feels too informal for him. If he really wants to show displeasure, he will often drop the honorific and just use their last name. If he's really pissed, he breaks out the nouns, and people become their occupation - Soldier, Ambassador, Butler - instead of a name, more of a role or object than a person.
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k4pp4-8 · 4 months
Is there anything you wished the Show Ok. Ko Lets Be Heroes focused more on? Whether it be a character, relationship, arc, villain ect?
1. FIRST OF ALL I REALLY wish they had more time to focus on the big reveal because I waited since season for them to talk about the whole POINT situation and when they finally DO reveal laserblast's identity it's completely rushed. This is such an emotional plot line for MULTIPLE characters yet we only see a fraction of it! LIKE PLEEAAAAASE I WANT TO SEE MORE OF HOW THIS AFFECTED CAROL!!! What she went through is so tragic, she lost her love, her dream, her friends, AND she had to raise the child of her dead lover alone. And yet she stayed strong through all of it and became the best mom ever. (Carol I love you plz marry me)
ALSO I WILL NEVER GET OVER THE FACT THAT WE DON'T SEE GAR'S REACTION TO THE REVEAL!! He literally blamed himself for laserblast's death, who was his teammate, his best friend's lover AND K.O's father. Just imagine how he felt like knowing K.O looked up to him as a father figure while thinking it's his fault K.O doesn't have a dad???
And also every other POINT member's lives were immensly affected by laserblast's death, like Rippy roo who dedicated years of her life trying to find a way to bring him back or Greyman trying to make a hero people could look up to or Foxtail still holding a grudge against Gar for what happened. I reaaally wanna know how they would react to knowing not only their friend is alive but he is also a successful villain.
2. Another thing I REALLY wanted to see was Rad and Dendy's relationship actually being explored! I used to think her "obsession" with Rad was nothing more than a gag but I saw that there was supposed to be an episode explaining that "she looked up to Rad because he's unashamed of who he is even though he comes from he considered as unusual family background." AND IT JUST MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!!!! I think that would've been an amazing way to explore both of their characters.
Also it's pretty ironic because Rad IS ashamed of who he is! Since day one he's been hiding things he loves and acting like a jerk to cover up his insecurities. I think Dendy telling him she looks up to him would've encouraged him to change the way he acts just like in the "Radical rescue" episode, when he tells K.O he doesn't want him to imitate his bad behavior.
I REALLYYY wish we had more moments of vulnerabilty with them. Pretty much every single one of their scene is comedic and, while I do ADORE the comedy, I still wish they were taken more seriously. Like their whole situation is really tragic in many ways yet it's completely ignored. I know it's a mostly light hearted show but the boxbots are never given a genuine moment that felt like their feelings were taken seriously. It's probably just me who's wayyyy too attached to them but my favorite moments are when we get to see the more "human" side of them. Like when they act like an actual family, playing board games, having dinner together, hanging out, or bickering like siblings
I wish they explored how being robots affects them and the way everyone treats them. It's like robots are not considered like "real people" to some degree. We already know that in the okko universe being a certain species will change the way people perceive you and treat you (ie aliens and kappas) and it's shown to be a bad thing when it happens to Rad and Dendy, but when the bots are treated badly it's always seen as a joke and brushed bc you know , they're robots so who cares. There's like an implication that all robots are inherently bad because they're robots, K.O even said Mr.logic was "one of the good ones" implying he's just an exception (also it's crazy that he actually said that sentence and no one batted an eye)
And finally the ONE thing I really REEAALLYYY wanted to see more of is *drum rolls* LORD COWBOY DARRELL (who could've seen that coming)
LISTEN THERE WAS SOOOOOOOOO MUCH POTENTIAL THERE IT ACTUALLY MAKES ME CRAZY JUST THINKING ABOUT IT I WISH I WAS EXAGGERATING!!! Like for the first time we actually see boxman suffer the consequences of his actions, his kids FINALLY stand up to him after being treated like crap 24/7 and then he's forgiven in episode two??? And we don't even see how this affects the other bots!! Like Raymond and Shannon also loved boxman but they seemingly didn't hesitate to side with Darrell over him. I wish they explored how they chose their brother over their father who they were absolutely devoted to since birth.
I was actually disappointed to see Darrell forgive him SO easily and all the character development he could've had was thrown out the window in two seconds!!!! We actually get a glimpse of Darrell's potential but it's all forgotten as soon as Boxman becomes the boss again
I loved seeing Darrell actually fight back for once because he is one of the characters who gets mistreated the MOST by the whole cast. Half of his scenes are just him getting beat up and insulted, he's always treated like an idiot or a joke character so it was incredibly satisfying to see him actually stand up for himself and take charge. Like yeah he is goofy as hell and very immature and I love that about him! But when he became Lord Cowboy Darrell we actually got to see a whole new side of him. He was cunning and smart and resourceful and it KILLS me that we never got see that side of him again. I wish people aknowledged how competent and mature he can be instead of treating him like an actual child. I actually hate how infantilized he is sometimes
Anyway I could go on and on and on forever about the boxbots but that's just a few things i wish the show focused more on, there's probably more but I can't remember them rn
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krotiation · 5 months
13 + 22 for Rhys tee hee
13. What's a character/ship you haven't written/drawn yet but would like to some day?
TANNIS she's one of my absolute favorites in the series but I'm having a hard time coming up with things to draw for her 😔 mainly bc I don't ship her with anyone (yet at least) cause like 80% of what I draw is ship art. Other than her I would also like to draw Zane, Steele, Clay, Angel // Jathena, Clane, Athena/Fiona, Zane/Rhys and Sasha/August
22. Give us headcanons for Rhys
Rhys can't swim cause aside from living in space for a good chunk of his life, his cybernetics also aren't fully waterproof
The Jack hero worship started when he evacuated everyone on helios after dahl invaded, including Rhys
7+ years later, Rhys sometimes still hallucinates Jack and when he gets self-depricating thoughts he hears them in Jack's voice
He gets unbearably lonely a lot after leaving for Promethea and in some ways he was thankful when Katagawa started bugging him cause it distracted him from his loneliness, at least until it entered stalking territory
On what little free time Rhys has after becoming CEO, he nerds out by tinkering with robots and other gadgets, whether it be adding silly upgrades like disco lights or in hopes of having a eureka moment with atlas' designs
He finds it easier to befriend robots as they're not likely to stab you in the back like people on helios and won't suddenly leave like Fiona and Sasha did. His ability to socialize has also taken a turn for the worst since becoming CEO and robots are less likely to judge
When designing his new arm he's made sure that it's easily detachable in case he needs to get it off quickly for... trauma reasons
One of Rhys' inspirations to grow a mustache was because all the other male CEOs have facial hair and he wanted to look the part
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wayfinderships · 4 months
Oh boy! :D I can't wait to look through my f/os tag!
-1 HP
-1 HP
-1 HP
-1 HP
-1 HP
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ihavezeno · 4 months
Previous anon: Thank you! I was assuming there was a story or a thread set after one of the endings, as Fuyu wanting to kill him for revenge and his mess of feelings about everything that happened was already there in the game, but I was curious about if there was content on Aki's side of it. I didn't know about Marutoku tweets on it, though I thought it would make sense if Fuyu really tried to kill him (while Aki has his memories), he'd let him, given his sense of guilt over everything...
What's really interesting about ZENO is we actually don't get very much of Aki's perspective in general outside of a few short stories and ZENO NOVEL! ZENO Remake is at it's core Tsugino's story, with Ushirono part being added to make sure that Fuyu had a satisfying ending too... You see more about how Tsugino and Fuyu feel about Aki than how he feels about them, and I feel like it contributes a lot to how people tend to water down his character in the fandom (though that's an entirely separate rant haha)
Aki would absolutely let Fuyu kill him if he tried to, in my opinion. He would see it as a kind of penance he deserves to pay for what he did to Natsu... Which is exactly why Fuyu ultimately doesn't give him that satisfaction, no matter how much he wants to. Aki has to live in order to truly atone, he isn't allowed to take the easy way out. He's the kind of character that thinks so little of himself that he's willing to sacrifice himself over and over and over for those he cares about-- you see it in the base game, you see it in Daily Life, and you see it in ZENO NOVEL.
If you want to see more of Aki's thought process and perspective, ZENO NOVEL is the april fools game centered around him, and the aquarium short story with tsugino pretty clearly shows how he feels about him.
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mjtheartist04 · 5 months
This but make it GenRika👀⁉️
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I can now ramble a tiny bit about the little thought that has been on my mind FOR MONTHS👏👏👏
Rika has a tiny garden of bonsai trees…each are gifted by her one and only💜 all sorts of shapes and colors, beautifully decorating their estate🥺…Genya even teaches her how to properly take care of them!😭💜💜💜
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qcomicsy · 2 years
About the nicetimeline!au I'm excited to hear about Dick in the future!
me too lol
okay. okay. I'm joking
I've been planning a lot around the Nicefuture!au. Given how I stopped posting as much as in the beginig.
It started as this cute joke I thought in the beginig, this very fun concept of "What if Damian and Tim was just ended up very fond of each other over the years in the future and present Tim had to confront that?" and "What if the future was just so fucking nice that if they ever had time traveling shenanigans everyone would just start losing their minds about it?".
But I've grew very fondly of it as I was writing it and I've also grew very fondly of Damian as I was writing it (who would even though?), so I've been putting much more though on it then I previously planned lmao. I'm still working on how the future presents itself and trying to make it justice for the characters in a way that makes me satisfied.
I'm going to be very honest with y'all. I'm a casual reader, I initiate and put on hold comic runs and generally just read what seems interesting to me at the moment. Nicefuture!Au it's a mix of what I've read from the cannon and what are the best outcomes I could imagine from each character in a way that just brings me the most amount of joy. I'm still working around the edges, and what would that it mean for each character, what does a nice future holds for them?
And the best part? I don't know any of it! It's a great and entertaining work in progress.
So yeah! I'm also very excited about what future!Dick is up to. What person he became? What does he do with his life? What shenanigans he got himself in? It's all very blur yet in my mind but I'm getting there.
Also I'm going to take this ask as an opportunity to give y'all little updates. As I said I've been planning around and making little projects in this mean time that might or might not see the light of the day, so it could get a little radio silence from there but not promises!, I've got a little ideas for Tim, Terry and Jason but the others might be given me a little of work (god there's so many people in this fucking family lololol it's stressing but in the best way possible).
But as soon as I get to conclusions that makes me satisfied I will be updating in my blog and bringing more shenanigans to y'all.
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alongtidesoflight · 4 months
hi hello may I have some cyberpunk!maddox lore 🥺
of course!! (thanks for the ask btw and i'm sorry i only got around to answering it today!)
he's baiano and only made it to night city because his dad dragged them halfway across the continent in pursuit of money (that he ultimately earned off maddox's back).
because of that he knows his way around gangs and fixers, and he's just as handy with a gun as he is with a wrench. he also worked as a joytoy for a while. on the side he picked up an interest in netrunning, although he didn't really have the means or the time to do much with it at that point.
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he ended up doing a gig for a nomad called murdoc, and upon its completion, he was invited to join the bakker clan, where murdoc helped him sober up and started to teach him about netrunning. after the clan fell apart and merged with the snake nation, they split up, but still remain in contact.
the relic set him back a bit, but he's hellbent on surviving whatever soulkiller has in store for him and after running with the nomads for so long he might just end up pulling it off, ya know? he's resourceful like that. and once arasaka's dealt with, there might also be the founding of a schaeffer clan on the horizon. 👀
his primary love interest is takemura, but also this outtake doesn't just exist for the fun of it (i'll talk more about this soon, for now i just have to get the feral brainworms out so i can form coherent sentences)
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sonic-adventure-3 · 1 year
wait, there are different types of skates??? what are the different types?
yeah there’s a ton of different kinds!
the first major distinction when talking about skates is of course ice skates vs wheeled skates. i presume you’re asking about wheeled skates, so i’ll jump right into the second major distinction, quad skates vs inline skates.
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quad skates are more commonly known as roller skates. inline skates are also technically a kind of roller skate, but culturally they’re rather different, and quad skates are what you think of when you hear the term. quad skates have four wheels on each skate, paired in two sets of two creating a rectangular arrangement, like a car, or most things that have four wheels lol.
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inline skates are also known as rollerblades, but rollerblade is actually just the most well-known company that produces inline skates. inline skates can have anywhere from 2-4 wheels per skate (even as many as 5, or in rare cases, 6, though the most common you’ll see have 4), arranged in a straight line underneath the boot.
i’m an inline skate geek so those are what i like talking about, and what i know significantly more about, so i’ll continue talking about all the various types of inline skates under the cut!
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first off: recreational skates. they’re also called beginner skates or hobby skates or sometimes fitness skates, but along with “recreational skates” those are more so terms used by people who use other kinds of more specialized skates. often just called inline skates in most storefronts, the only thing that really defines rec skates is that they aren’t any kind of other skate. as such, they vary widely in design but generally have softer wheels that provide a smoother ride but wear down faster, and a brake that attaches to the heel of your dominant foot skate. they’re your ordinary, basic, more beginner friendly skate meant for general, non-intensive use.
one common distinction among them is soft boot vs hard boot. soft boots are where the boot part of the skate is soft and flexible, making them significantly more comfortable, however they don’t offer as much support and can wear down quickly with any intensive use. hard boots are where the boot part of the skate is a hard shell, which are less comfortable and take time to break in, but are more supportive and last a longer time. the two images above of inline skates are soft boot and hard boot respectively.
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what’s probably the next most common kind of skate: city skates. also known as urban skates or freeskates, but that last one can be confusing. these skates are designed to be ridden at fast speeds through varied city environments, and as such are more durable, faster, more manoeuverable, and provide more support than recreational skates. they’re built to survive some jumps and stair-bashes and nasty falls. the skates above have a three wheel setup, but both four and three wheels are very common. four wheels are more manoeuvrable, but three wheels are faster and can traverse rougher surfaces, generally.
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slalom skates are confusing. they’re also called freestyle skates, as well as freeskates or city skates, because slalom skates are sometimes just city skates with different wheels, or are sometimes fully a different thing.
slalom skates that are specifically designed for freestyle slaloming, the sport of manoeuvring between closely set small cones with figure skating-esque spins and jumps, are less durable than city skates and are more flexible, giving less support but more agility. they have smaller softer wheels arranged with a rockered frame that raises the very front and back wheels, which give more traction and agility in the usually indoor or very even outdoor pavement skating areas.
they’re quite niche, have few companies dedicated to making them, and are generally quite expensive though, so regular city skates or city skates outfitted with similar wheel setups are also common, often more common than specialty slalom skates. hence why the distinction between freeskates and freestyle skates can be very confusing.
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aggressive skates blissfully don’t have any other names, they’re (almost.) always known as aggressive skates. they’re designed for various tricks, jumps, and crucially, grinds. they’re significantly heavier and bulkier than other skates in order to protect the wearer, and the bottom of the skates are flat and outfitted with a soul plate that allows for creative grinds. the frames also have a groove in the center to allow for even more kinds of grinds.
aggressive skates always have either 2 or 4 wheels. the one above has four wheels, but there are also setups that replace the inner two wheels with anti-rocker wheels, small plastic wheels that don’t touch the ground, and freestyle frames that have nothing between the front and back wheel at all in various styles, most commonly a sort of triangular groove. both are designed to reduce or completely remove wheel bite found in flat (four wheel) setups, which is when wheels get in the way of grinding and kill your momentum or stop you from sliding. as such, anti-rocker and freestyle setups are significantly easier to grind with, but struggle a lot in doing anything else, notably general handling, wheel durability, and speed. whereas flat setups have a significantly more difficult time grinding, but perform completely fine in almost all other areas. anti-rocker setups are by far the most popular of them all.
i’d say that recreational skates, city skates, and aggressive skates are the most common kinds of inline skate, but there are other even nicher kinds as well.
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there are speed skates, designed for going as fast as possible. they have no ankle support whatsoever to allow for maximum agility, and huge wheels and wheel bases for going fast. there are marathon skates, very similar to speed skates except with far more ankle support so you don’t hurt yourself as readily traversing long distances fast.
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there are inline figure skates and hockey skates. which fully and genuinely are just their respective kind of ice skate with wheels. they’re mainly used by ice skaters in the off-season, though they do have some support as separate sports, particularly inline hockey.
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and finally, there are off-road skates. these bad boys look absolutely stupid with their huge TIRES. not even normal wheels but TIRES. they come in various styles including some that are powered and attach to your normal shoes. they’re absolutely wild all around and i love them.
that’s just about all the kinds of inline skates that i know of, but there may be kinds that i missed or further subcategories or distinctions i’m unaware of. also requisite disclaimer: i am not an expert, i don’t have too much experience actually skating, i just like skates a lot and read about them sometimes. thus, please take my words with a grain of salt.
thanks for reading!
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serpentinespider · 2 months
kit 14, 43, D!
guy 13, 4, 35, 3!
been thinking about these fellas a lot recently!! thank you questionnaire this is the perfect time!!
WOO WOO YEAH I took awhile to answer these because they got my brain going so hard I had to think about them for hours before I could articulate any responses AAH /pos You always pick the best questions for each character!!
this got so long I’m putting it under a readmore actually heheh
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art by StudioScheppen!!
14. What animal do they fear most? DOGS, forever and always. Kit’s been super anxious since he was a little kid; he’s never been fond of any animals really, but dogs specifically were one of the first things that would consistently set him off. Mouth full of sharp teeth, unpredictable loud barks, usually big enough to bowl him over without much effort… he can tolerate them more these days, but he still can’t really go over to his buddy Larry’s house for fear of his family’s golden retrievers. Being attacked by one messed him up REAL bad mentally, even setting aside all the turning-into-a-beast stuff lol
43. If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so? Depends pretty much entirely who is asking and when. It took him quite awhile to come to terms with liking men, but once he did he pretty much leaned into it 100%. Towards strangers, he has a pretty flippant “I’m a homo, go fuck yourself if you have a problem with that,” attitude… but towards his friends and family he fumbles with the subject. “Welll uhh I don’t know… I guess I’m not straight maybe… I don’t think about labels too much…” (he does, he’s just scared of being shunned.)
D. Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look? First of all, I like the phrasing of this question, usually I think of design tweaks as a ‘want,’ but ‘having’ to do so actually more accurate describes Kit’s evolution I think! I’m going to go slightly off the topic of the question for this one because it requires some elaboration (and because I can do what I want! /silly)
Most of my characters gradually change over time as my style changes and I just become interested in different design traits, but Kit has def had the most frequent and rapid design changes over the two-ish years I’ve called him my OC. I genuinely can’t remember where or how frequently I was posting about it at the time (outside of my old defunct tumblr blog), but I was deeply hyperfixated on Captain Underpants in 2022, specifically book 11 which is my favorite :] That book takes place in the past, and the antagonist is Kipper Krupp, Mr Krupp’s 12 year old nephew. He’s very goofy and his writing is standout enough that most of my fixation was focused on him. Like, it was so shockingly intense I cannot describe it. I’m not ashamed of liking CU but the extent to which I blorboified this one-off character is really something. Anyways, after a couple months of this I began to become embarrassed about how many headcanons and ideas I had for him, so I just took him and his friends, changed their names a little bit, aged them up and made them my OCs! As I’ve become more Normal about Kipper himself I’ve distanced Kit from him more and more— making him a werewolf was my main big effort to separate him from Captain Underpants tropes-wise if that makes sense! I mean I still love Kipper dearly, but not as much as I love Kit :3c
Canonically he’s still the same guy I guess, just in a super derivative AU lol. His dad is still named Jasper and his uncle is still Benny, buuut since I changed his surname to Parker I’m guessing most people are going to think that’s a Spider-Man reference haha
my gooby 🐺
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I like how the antagonists wiki classifies wedgies as ‘torture’ lmao
moving on to Guy!!
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13. What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color? She gravitates towards dark gray a lot, and I think it can flatter her, but it def is more of a dysphoria thing than a fashion thing. As for what looks best, I’m certainly no fashion expert (all her ratty gray outfits are based on what I wear HAHA) but I have a soft spot for him in white <3
4. How easy is it to earn their trust? Very easy. Maybe too easy? He doesn’t make an effort to connect with people, but if you do show any interest in him he’ll pretty much be willing to put his life in your hands. He might be shy, but he loves making friends!! This does mean he’s pretty likely to volunteer personal information to acquaintances too soon, either putting them off or giving them ammo to potentially harm him in the future :< [picks up Adam like a naughty kitten and stares at him really hard]
35. How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive? Guy doesn’t really react to things appropriately in real-time— tell him you’re getting married to the love of your life, he’ll monotonously go “oh, okay,” go silent, then a week later he’ll run up to you crying happy tears congratulating you!! He is very supportive, just has a hard time with the emotion part.
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?) — cw marijuana mention! — Pre-Daniel: Thinking… or more accurately overthinking. Nighttime anxiety is a big problem for her— she’s tried a variety of things to distract herself and alleviate it to varying degrees of success: journaling, reading, herbal teas… it’s hard to stick with anything, though. Weed is been the most consistently helpful for her, but her family has a history of addiction that makes her scared to commit to it. Post-Daniel: Snuggles!! It’s hard to worry about much when you’ve got a warm snakey creature wrapped around you so so happily, Dan’s purrs make her mind go wonderfully quiet. It’s like having a weighted blanket that’s in love with you
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driftingvoid-155 · 4 months
About the funny supernatural AU:
How did Sammy get Wolf??
*grins largely bc this AU has been in my head for days and I love talking about it*
So in this AU, Henry sort of figures out about the supernatural, like the fact it exists & just more general knowledge on it, after his daughter’s death. He spends years researching it and then teaches Sammy, who’s a bit older now, about it and they spend the next few years sort of hunting it down and ‘taking care of it’ bc Henry sees anything supernatural as cursed and needing to be disposed of (remnant was the reason after all his daughter was killed and he lost his best friend). Like sure Charlie might be a ghost now but he doesn’t see her as his daughter, just an echo of her that’s now trapped on this earth and needs a way to be set free. Henrys introduction into the supernatural world was a bad one and bc of that, he really doesn’t allow into his mind the possibility that not all supernatural are automatically evil.
Anyways, it’s on one of these ‘hunts’ that Sammy gets bit and turned. At this point though, he’s old enough that he lives by himself and only talks to his dad mainly to get info and hunts from, so the first thing he does after being turned is take himself home and NOT tell his dad. He patches himself up and considers ‘taking care of’ himself but in the end doesn’t and learns what he can about what he is now while keeping it a secret. He does get it under control and in the end, continues on with hunting and minimally talking with his dad, even less so now bc he’s worried Henry will put two and two together and try to kill him. He considers cutting Henry off but he’s really the only person Sammy has at the moment as he himself never really got over his sisters death and sort of shut everyone out after that. After being turned into a werewolf, he sort of struggles with the fact of what he is after years of Henry calling it evil but at the same time, it opens up his mind a bit to the fact that not everything they hunt actually needs hunting so when he does finally get around to meeting Mike and Jeremy, he’s open to the possibility that what he knows might be wrong and that he actually does have a right to exist just as they do.
(In this AU, werewolves don’t kill people. They need a lot of red meats & blood to survive but they only get out of control/ violent if they starve themselves and with modern day supermarkets, it’s pretty easy for Sammy to get what he needs along with just dealing with the fact that once a month he’ll unwillingly transform into a wolf but he mostly just makes sure he’s in a forested area and then just spends the nights exploring and hunting small animals. His mind is a little foggy in the morning after full moons about what exactly he all did but it’s not like he’s out of control/ eager to attack anyone).
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DO TO ME WHAT YOUR PROFILE SAYS AT ONCE!!! Please ramble to me about Vincent Price..... 👉👈
Let's see here. He is 6'4 inches tall (I've also heard 6'5" - so let's just say 6'4.5" and be done with it) one of his nicknames is "Big Daddy".... And...um, yes.
He was and is the epitome of anything and everything awesome and wonderful. He was married three times and had two beautiful children (a boy and a girl), and was bisexual.
He's had multiple sexual encounters with men throughout his life (yes, this makes me all giddy). Scotty Bowers once said that he and Vinny (he called him that) slept together quite a few times and that especially in the 70s and 80s, he was sleeping with VP, although they met in 1950 and had a few sexual encounters in the 50s and 60s. He said that sex with him was "Pleasant, unhurried, and gentle." And also, "it was tantalizing, erotic, and fulfilling. High class stuff all the way. He was into it all, giving and receiving." And that their encounters were "buddy-buddy."
Lucky lucky man.
He was into art. He and his second wife, Mary collected art and he was also a wonderful chef. Mary and Vincent created a huge cookbook that, if you haven't seen it, you MUST! Its delightful! He was a man of all trades, and was extremely talented both on and off screen.
He was against racism in the 1940s and 50s when racism was (unfortunately) at it's peak. He stood up for what he believed in, even if it risked him his job (he was grey-listed) He later mentioned that he was happy that he was grey-listed because it set the tone for his horror future and for him becoming the master of horror.
He was the voice/laugh at the end of Michael Jackson's Thriller. Vincent did the Thriller rap, and he did it perfectly. I can't imagine anyone else doing it, to be honest..
I do love him dearly. And It's not just because he's a wonderful human being, a kind soul, an animal lover, a wonderful actor, a gorgeous and sexy man (although it sweetens the pot), or a campy, adorable bisexual. It's because he is who he is, and doesn't care to change for anyone. I admire him and his strength.
That's why I made this blog. To keep his spirit alive each and every day with random posts and everything Vincent. And for those of you who choose to chill here every day and look at my content, I am grateful for you. 🖤
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papakhan · 4 months
no problem! to be fair i guess its kind of on me for being on anon, ahah. i dont know if being off anon wouldve made it any better, considering we dont really interact and i was just intrigued by your posts, but...
i fully understand your frustration, i mean i myself am a booneliker (with caveats; i appreciate that he represents an extremely bleak story, and i like to think about the "so what's next?" part) and the vast majority of boone related content is unbearable to look at for me, with how people approach this whole thing. which, it's their prerogative i guess, everyone gets the fun they want out of the work of fiction and i dont wanna assume whats in peoples heads, but damn... what's even the appeal i wonder, of just giving him absolution and a new gf and acting like everything's fine and dandy... dont even get me started on how on the very rare occasion anyone points out the fact he's easily read as being developmentally disabled, it's to be like, yay neurodivergent rep! and not to look at how utterly bleak that is, and how depressing it is that ultimately it doesnt matter, it doesnt materially change the outcome of anything to consider whether that wouldve made him more vulnerable to indoctrination or more mentally detached from what he was doing in the moment. he was given a gun and was told to shoot and shoot he did. every soldier has some reason to be where they are and whatever it is changes absolutely nothing for the victims of their atrocities. the only right way forward is to dismantle the systems that cause and enable this.
i also like the great khans a lot and bemoan the way they're handled in the game. the in-game great khan faction quest, where youre likely going to be breaking their alliance with the caesars legion (at best!)... i mean it feels bizarre, because on one hand of course theyd have compelling reasons to look at the biggest opponent of the ncr, but everything about how that was written feels so flimsy... ack, i could be here all day complaining. oh well. even with treatment they got from the writers i still like to hang out with them :) and to consider what it could all be like if fnv had gotten a Real independent ending, where the khans and the followers play a real major role. i wonder if getting more people to defect from the ncr wouldve been an option. but i'm rambling again!
anyway! thank you for responding, you gave me a lot to think about. and thank you for giving manny vargas some love, he's so underrated!
No worries and yeah I completely understand <3 a fully fleshed out independent end with stuff for all the companions and factions would have been the dream but alas we must use our imagination and write our own
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