#I'll post the whole thing to tumblr with a master post and all as soon as... I manage to
overdevelopedglasses · 11 months
Uh... wow.
When October started, I was nervous. This was my first time sharing my writing like this.
Sure, I had shared my writing before, a long time ago when this was just a silly hobby. Not when writing was a big part of my career goal. And definitely not about a franchise that's pretty near to my heart. I made some great work, and I have something positive I like from everything, whether for the fun ideas, the challenge it presented, or both!
However... the highlight of the month, by far, was you.
All of you were so god damn nice and kind throughout this whole month. You guys absolutely broke me out of my timid little shell, and this little corner of Tumblr has now become a space I feel welcome in.
Special shouts to @colonel-chicken for organizing Tojoctober with some fun prompts, @darydark @rainbowtie25 and @meadowmines for being great fellow participants all through the month, @fire-tempers-steel and @carbonatedcalcium for prompting me to share and create new stuff every week (keep doing that BTW! I've been loving it!) and everyone who liked, reblogged, replied to, or simply read my works. This was an absolute blast, and I'm so glad I chose to participate.
So.... what's next?
Well, I'll definitely keep writing. Not at the speed of Tojoctober, that's for sure, but I'll keep working on both RGG and non-RGG stuff to share. They'll probably be a lot more edited than what was posted for Tojoctober, haha.
Gaiden is coming out really soon, and I have it pre-ordered, so there will at least be some RGG rambles here.
I'm also currently organizing a Tojoctober Master Post so everything is linked in one place, which means 2 things for those posts:
-slight edits to everything to make sure it's all up-to-standard. Nothing that'll change the stories in any significant way, but just make them easier on the eyes, or paint a more accurate picture in the mind.
-secondary titles for the stories that'll debut once that post is made (they're all song lyrics, I'm not sorry)
But one thing's for sure....
I'm definitely sticking around. Seems like I found a new Internet home.
Thank you all for making Tojoctober 2023 so god damn memorable.
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pffbts · 9 months
a goodbye letter.
hello everyone, it's been a long time, isn't it?
i haven't written anything in months and tbh even if i wanted to further give life to all my wips, i wish i had even a drop of motivation and energy to do so. some of you might have as well forgotten about my little blog, which had its own humble beginnings. and tbh i don't mind at all. it's been, i don't know almost 5+ years that i've had this blog. i started it out during the last two years of my high school, when i was struggling very much to cope with all the pressure and anxiety. this little corner of the internet became my comfort space. i could pour my heart out into snippets of letters and the love that i received from all of you who were there from the beginning only fueled my passion to write more and of course, helped me immensely in escaping the cruelty of my reality.
since then, i have graduated school. my reality is still harsh but i'm surviving. i have also graduated from my college with two degrees that i was doing simultaneously. currently, i'm preparing to sit down for my master's 1st-year exam coming months and job surfing at the same time. tbh i wish i had enough energy and positivity to motivate myself to pen down something. but it seems like we have to finally pull the curtains down on this blog.
yes, there is a lot of stuff that's still pending to be completed as you will know if you care to check my masterlist. but i'm not going to give you any false hope by saying that someday i will magically come back and finish and place them all in front of you. it would be too selfish of me to keep you on your toes like that.
i know i've let down a lot of you. many have told me me how much, especially my letters have helped you guys during hard times. even though i know i shouldn't even bother to think like this considering i know none of you in-person. still, it's the crippling humanity in me. honestly, i feel sad for myself. my life took so many things away from me. even the capacity to keep this comfort space alive for myself. some of you have left a long time ago. probably life has happened to you all too. i have also met some of you during the latter part of my journey here and i'm very glad that you all loved my work even with all my incompetency in keeping up with the schedules. you guys were too kind to me.
this actually came too suddenly - this realization that something needs to end. i don't think there will come any other time in the future when i'll read fanfics or write them myself. but it's a bit too much to delete the whole blog considering the reblogs will still exist in the tumblr algorithm. therefore, the letters will still be up along with the fics.
although i don't think i will stop writing. i have my substack where i will experiment with my creative writing but that's just my way of growing up as a writer. these days i'm too busy both in my head and physically, i wish i can overcome becoming a moss. my produce is sparse but my want is bigger than that. although for fanfics, there's no want anymore. i've had my fill and i'm sad to say, this is where we part.
pffbts is thus archived. all my posts will remain. if you send in any mundane sweet ask, i will answer them as soon as possible. kindly please don't send in any requests for fics (i've had to delete a couple of them from my ask box and it felt terrible.) i'm not completely going away. as a person, i will stay. it's just the fanfic writing part of me that will take a permanent leave. i'm almost 24 and it's been almost 10 years that i've started out in creating fanfics. i think it's enough, nah? plus writing this post for you all has strangely made me feel calm, as a certain baggage has been let down from my shoulders.
thank you to you all from the past & the present. i hope you all stay well and healthy. it has been truly a good time to have you all with me.
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effypcfc · 11 months
Hooty Commits Kidnapping, Sort of...
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I've written this short fanfiction inspired by this piece made by @juatoo, which depicts Amity Blight playing with figures of her and Luz Noceda, possibly imagining a romantic scenario between them.
Made it into its own separate Tumblr post because I fear it's not getting any engagement as I hoped because it was written as a reblog. Also made some minor changes to it as well, hopefully, to flesh out the characters' thoughts and feelings better.
References to episodes and moments in The Owl House S2, so spoiler alert, I guess, if that counts.
Anyhoot, I hope y'all enjoy it!
Amity Blight is sitting alone in her room, trying her hardest to concentrate on her studies, but unable to do so. Constantly bothered by her growing feelings for Luz Noceda, her human friend, who she has recently graced with a kiss to the cheek when they last met, she does the one thing she can think of to process the whole thing.
Checking the adjacent hallway outside her room to see that neither Edric nor Emira, her older siblings who have a knack for teasing and playing pranks on her, are close by, seeing that neither is nearby, she then closes her door, grabs a vial of abomination goo, casts a spell circle, and shapes two small blobs of the purple viscous liquid into solid and fully-detailed likenesses of herself and Luz. She then tries her best to imitate Luz's voice, making both figures talk to each other.
"Oh, Amity, your hair's different!"
"Yeah, I thought I could use a change," She says, alternating between her usual speaking voice and her mock-Luz voice.
"It suits you. Makes you look prettier." Coyly, Amity then says "Aww, thanks," brushing her own hair behind her ear. "Listen, thank you for getting me my job at the library back. It means so much to me that you did, and I hope you got the information you need from that echo mouse."
"And thank you for saving my life the other night. I can't stop thinking about it. I can't stop thinking about you being my hero. Guess you could say you've swept me off my feet. I'll never forget you once I return home, Amity." She then makes Luz's figure kiss her figure on the cheek, imagining what could have been if things played out differently if Luz reciprocated her feelings and kissed her first. She was thinking back to when she lost all inhibition that moment. That evening, she is moved after realizing that Luz really genuinely cares for her and wants to make up for getting her fired from the library, after getting caught by Malphas, the master librarian, her boss, as they were sneaking into the Forbidden Stacks.
Amity also couldn't help but worry that she might never get the chance to be with Luz again, for good. She herself has helped Luz find a way to travel back to the Human Realm, after all.
"I'll miss you, Luz. You reckless, wonderful ray of light, you. My fearless champion," Amity sighs, then lays her head on the desk where both figures are, defeated by this realization, wishing she could soon talk to Luz about what transpired that evening. Wishing Luz felt the same way about her as she does.
"'Farewell forever'? What were you thinking?! Nah, you weren't thinking! Now it's about to come true! You blew it, Amity!" she chastises herself under her breath, burying her head under her arms.
Emira sneakily walks into Amity's room, noticing her face-down on her bedside desk, teasingly greets "HEY MITTENS!!!"
Amity shrieks in surprise and embarrassment, blushing furiously.
"So, Luz, huh?"
Amity groans in resignation, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, and what about it?," she snaps. She knows she cannot lie about it anymore. Emira has caught her red-handed (or should I say, red-faced.) She must have also overheard Amity's poor impression of Luz's voice on the way in, so there's no coming back from that now.
Emira then tells her "I remember just a couple months ago, you were being so mean to her, and now look at the two of you, the best of friends, and now, you're head over heels for this human girl. You even kissed her! My little sister, all grown up and in love!"
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GIF by weirdo-with-no-beardo
Amity, flustered, says "You saw that?!," sighs deeply in annoyance, then tells her sister "I can't help it, okay! I like Luz! I can't stop thinking about her without catching myself smiling like an idiot." She then dissolves both figures of her and Luz back into goo and directs it all back into the vial.
"She can be so stupid. She has a thing for getting in trouble again and again. Despite that, she's… genuinely nice. Nice to me, Willow, and Gus too. She's always there for them, for me, which is sweet. Genuinely nice, unlike the other girls I'm friends with at school. Unlike Boscha. I can't stop thinking about the next time we hang out together again. I can't stop thinking about wanting to hug her tightly. I've never felt this way about anyone, ever!"
Amity pauses to compose herself, then declares "I'm Amity Blight, top student at Hexside... or, at least, I was. I shouldn't be freaking out over this. I've faced a slitherbeast and lived. I've fought off Grom, and even Mom and Dad's stupid robots, without breaking a sweat! So why does talking about my feelings for Luz feel this scary?"
"I thought it's adorable though, even Edric agrees," Emira answers. "I've never seen you happy in a long time, and I could tell you've been happier since being friends with Luz. I feel you, though. Love is definitely scary. It's scary, especially if it's your first time feeling this way about someone, but you know what? You should still do it! Tell her how you feel. Just think, she will eventually have to go back home. You might not get another chance to see her again, so you might as well do it now," Em says in reply, hoping to offer some encouragement to her lovestruck younger sister.
"I know that," said Amity. "I know she'll have to go back home, and I will tell her about it, in time, right before she leaves. I just gotta build up my courage first. Play it carefully, plan it out, like I always do, you know…"
"I understand. Sometimes though, things like this don't need too much planning. You just let this girl know. You walk up to her, preferably on a good day for both of you, and tell her 'Hey, Luz! I like you, I like hanging out with you, and I think we should go out together, for real, this time. Do you wanna be my girlfriend?'" says Emira, giving Amity ideas, at the same time, flustering her even more at the thought of being Luz's girlfriend. "Then, just hope for the best!" she adds.
Both girls have not noticed the open balcony door in Amity's room. Hooty, the house demon with the physiology of an owl, who watches over Eda Clawthorne, King, and Luz, shoots up from the ground and enthusiastically calls out to Emira. "HI-YA, BLIGHT SISTER!," he says in his signature high-pitched, shrill yet jovial voice, as if a cartoon animal from the 1930s has been fed a gratuitous amount of candy and spun around inside a dryer.
Hooty has the uncanny ability to stretch and retract his body over long distances and open his mouth wide, similar to a snake. This explains how he was able to reach Blight Manor from the door he's attached to, unless he has detached himself from his door and connected himself somewhere else, an act which has disgusted and disturbed his housemates.
In one swift motion, Hooty then opens up his mouth, darting straight for Amity before she has a moment to respond, and swallows her whole. Amity struggles visibly, yelling "Ugh, HOOTY!!!" muffled, and after a few seconds, stops moving within Hooty's belly, Emira shrieking in horror and disbelief, hoping and praying to the Titan that her sister isn't truly dead yet.
Belching loudly, Hooty then tells Emira "Mind if I borrow Amity for a bit? She'll be alright. In fact, she'll be better when this works out, I promise." Em nods in agreement, hands covering her mouth, too horrified to speak, unaware of Hooty's ability to regurgitate anything it swallows, living or dead.
Hooty then slithers backward towards the owl house, with a noticeable bulge in his serpentine midsection where Amity is, currently.
This has gotta work. I've failed King and Eda. I can't let Luz down as well, Hooty thinks to himself on his way back. Little does he know, things turned out better than expected for both parties mentioned.
All within the span of less than an hour, Hooty makes his way to the house's basement, then regurgitates a sizeable owl pellet large enough to envelop Amity's entire unconscious body. He then hocks up a typewriter and several small sheets of paper. He places one of them on the machine, then types, pecking each key with his beak:
As we stumble through life, gloom knows no bounds. You'll only find love when you're in the ground.
Hooty pauses, realizing how morbid that sounds. He flips the note over, then adds:
P.S. I mean the basement! Love, HOOTY
He types one more note, then speeds up to Luz's bedroom, leaves the first note on the floor, and knocks on her door, overhearing Luz gush about her desire to ask Amity out while fearing possible rejection, worrying she might find her too cheesy. He then disappears back into the basement, adding the finishing touches to his grand scheme to get the two lovebirds together…
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earth-93 · 1 year
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Hello, all.
I go by the handle "TheMysticSpyral" or just Mystic here on the interwebs, and I've been hashing out a fan project I call "Earth-93" for a few years now. Earth-93 is a simple but sprawling undertaking on my part, an attempt to revise the greater Marvel canon on a fixed, linear timeline. Though I bend this guideline here and there, on the whole I try to adhere to the 4:1 ratio of Marvel Time (Four years of IRL publication time to one year of in-universe continuity) in order to map out how I want events and arcs to develop, and when characters debut or become prominent.
As an example, here's a rough outline I have in mind for "Season 1" of Earth-93, roughly adapting the original 1960's run of comics:
November, 2002 - The Fantastic Four publicly debut.
December, 2002 - Janet Van Dyne is nearly killed in an act of sabotage. Her boyfriend Hank Pym flushes out the bugs within his family's company.
January, 2003 - Project: Gamma goes horribly wrong. Bruce Banner goes on the run. Donald Blake takes a vacation in Norway. He does not return the same man.
March, 2003 - Tony Stark is found in Afghanistan, after being presumed dead three months prior. The X-Men overthrow the Brotherhood of Mutants and their occupation of the nation of Santo Marco.
April, 2003 - Dr. Steven Strange returns from his extended sabbatical in Asia, purchases a townhouse in Greenwich Village as his new residency.
June, 2003 - Matt Murdock begins practicing law. Peter Parker is bitten by a spider during a college campus tour in Empire State University.
September, 2003 - After repeated delays, Reed Richards and Susan Storm hold a Fantastic Wedding in New York City. The Vault prison facility loses power, a Breakout ensues. Five mighty heroes find themselves united against a common threat.
October, 2003 - Captain America appears during a battle in Central Park, having been unearthed from ice deep below the English Channel a month prior.
February, 2004- The newly-crowned King T'Challa hosts a diplomatic visit of his nation of Wakanda.
May, 2004 - Mar-Vell makes his debut as Captain Marvel.
September, 2005- Galactus menaces Earth, but is narrowly repelled by its heroes.
From there, it's a little less squared away, though I absolutely have plans so don't hesitate to ask. In the meantime, I'll say that as a bridge between seasons one and two, I have plans to implement one of many crossover franchises into my Marvel canon, so stay tuned for that.
At the risk of jinxing things, I feel that I've reached a point in life in terms of writing ability, personal scheduling and mental health that I can produce and upload content far more consistently than before, and since I have been intending to branch out to other platforms aside from my starting place of DeviantArt, I may as well use this momentum to do a "soft reboot" of sorts. None of your content I have previously shared on dA will suddenly become non-canon (Though I definitely need to go back and update several details), nor will I stop uploading on dA altogether.
All content uploaded here on Tumblr will be the most official and updated, however, and for the time being will most certainly become my priority, since unlike dA and even Twitter, Tumblr's fate isn't exactly dangling above a bottomless pit at the moment. I will most definitely be posting separate fanworks and pitches down the line, but Earth-93 will very much remain the majority of my content. If "Earth-93" is not in the headline or in the tags, it's its own thing.
Fantastic Four
Invisible Woman
Mister Fantastic
Human Torch (Coming Soon!)
The Thing (Coming Soon!)
Iron Man (Coming Soon!)
Thor (Coming Soon!)
Rick Jones
Professor X
Marvel Girl
Unus the Untouchable
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alottanothing · 10 months
✏ 20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @word-wytch! 🥰 Since I don't post on AO3 currently, I'm gonna sorta tweak this to what I have posted here on tumblr.
1) How many works do you have on AO3? - 4
2) What’s your total AO3 word count? - about 196k I cannot write short things. 😅
3) What fandoms do you write for? - everything I currently have posted is from my time in the Rami Malek fandom, so I've written for the Night at the Museum fandom, the Mr. Robot fandom, and The Pacific fandom. Now I find myself writing in the Stranger Things fandom, more specifically the Eddie Munson fandom, and soon I'll also be writing for the Red Dead Redemption 2 fandom. I just haven’t posted anything yet.
4) What are your top five fics by kudos? - well since I only have 4 posted...Left to Ruin has the most like as a whole.
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? - I absolutely do. Or try my hardest to reply to them all. My writing thrives on validation, so I always want to thank those kind enough to take the time to feed that part of me. 😅
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? - Definitely Left to Ruin. But everyone should've known that was gonna have a rough ending from the start considering the narrative.
7) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? - Well, considering my Beautiful Stranger series in an indefinite hiatus, and Left to Ruin was real fucking sad, I guess Black Friday had the happiest ending?
8) Do you get hate on fics? - I haven't yet. And I hope I don't. Not sure my anxiety could take that.
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kinds? - Oooh yes. 😏😏😏 And it depends on my mood and the mood of the chapter/part I'm writing. Also the characters play a part in the kind of smut I'm writing.
10) Do you write crossovers? I did a long time ago. I think it's still on FF.net. lol
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen? - Uh, not that I know of.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated? - Nope
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before? - Yes, it's on my master list.
14) What’s your all time favorite ship? - Uhhhh whoever I'm hyper fixated on with an OC my brain thinks up.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? - Probably my Beautiful Stranger series. I have so much outlined but my brain is not focused enough to go back to that right now. 🤷🏻‍♀️
16) What are your writing strengths? - ummm. I work really hard on characterization and dialogue. Backstories too.
17) What are your writing weaknesses? - definitely spelling. 😅
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? - Like using Google Translate?? 🤔
19) First fandom you wrote for? - Twilight...i was a freshman in high school. 😅
20) Favorite fic you’ve written? - Definitely Left to Ruin.
Tagging @twola, @margowritesthings and anyone else who'd like to do this...I don't have a whole lot of writer friends on here. 🥲
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in like august or something i sent lorel a very rambly ask about blogverse. well im doing it again because it was such a big thing in my life and i loved it so much.
it is i, roleplayer of bv!shandy/shando, bv!digi/mercury, and the very first lorelcest ship kid; oleander. There's more, but those were the ones i remember clearly. to this day i regret deactivating those blogs, mostly due to all the lost memories. it brought me so much joy. looking back, it was definitely my hyperfixation at the time.
the summer of 2020 (holy shit almost 3 years ago) and i think early into the start of online school, i watched from the sidelines as blogverse grew. every day i watched my little people in the screen. I wasnt much younger but i was still a cringe little tumblr kid having a shit time in school. and then i realized that i could just join. i didnt need permission or anything, i could just make a blog from the get-go and become one of them.
and thats how blogverse shandy was born. my very first tumblr blog, and the one that made me stay. (actually, idk which of them was the first)
i'm still pissed at myself for clearing out my google drive because i used to still have the shitty pictures i drew on my computer of them, due to the fact my ipad was broken at the time. those shitty little pictures were what kept me interested in art (they didnt make me better, i was trash through and through, but they're what sparked my interest and led me to get better). i treasure the old fanart i find in their tags when i go through the ruins of blogverse.
They didn't really have a fleshed out personality or backstory. they were "weird and quirky" one moment, then straight up violent the next. this was mostly because i had no prior experience at actually fleshing out characters. though, i think their "wild card"ness somehow became their personality in the end. i was still some cringe little kid who thought i was a genius at writing because i had this little guy in my computer who lived in a void and had a cat and atattchment issues.
but holy shit i loved them. i used to think about them like a real flesh and blood person. i'd spend long nights roleplaying with others and long days talking to myself about my plans for them and then totally abandoning them moments later. i drew them poorly and decided i was a master of character design. they felt like a part of me.
i had no idea how tumblr worked but it was so much fun. bv digi, bv shandy, and oleander were 3 separate blogs because i didn't even know side blogs were a thing. bv shandy was deactivated several times due to minor issues that could've been fixed with the press of a button.
then came oleander, who i kind of had an idea for. they were a snotty little motherfricker who i absolutely adored being. it started as a joke and then it wasnt a joke anymore and they were a fully fledged character. i got bored quick though, and their blog went inactive soon. i hate their design to this day, and in the morning i'll probably redraw them.
there was also bv digi, whose entire personality was being a little weirdo who kidnapped ship kids at random just be-fucking-cause. they might've actually been the first blog i dont remember. anyway, they had the normalest design and the least art. i loved them with my whole fucking soul.
they made no sense and were generally shitty but that was the best thing to ever happen to me i think. bv introduced me to tumblr where i'd meet so many amazing people and see so many hilarious and sometimes eye-opening posts. it got me into art, writing, and roleplay, my 3 biggest hobbies to this day. it was a hyperfixation i leaned on to cope with the mild distress that just came with being alive and a dumb kid in 2020. my very first 'real' blog was made after bv's fall, and i met one of my longest mutuals bc she wrote a lorelcest fic.
I think back on it as the good old days, nostalgic even. Blogverse was my pride and joy, what i'd go do after a day of suffering in school or do when i retreated to my room. When it died so did my hyperfixation, but now looking back it meant so fucking much to me and was arguably my strongest interest and maybe even coping mechanism.
sure, it deprived me of sleep and sometimes food because i was so caught up with it, but it made me happy. all's well that ends well, right?
and i still am a dumb kid (Older Edition, yay), but even when i'm a dumb adult i'll never forget blogverse. BV was my pride and joy that summer. Thank you for being its accidental ringleader, and i know its wacky to say, but without bv i would be a different person.
I'm so surprised yet happy that there's still at least one person that remembers BV! It was a lot of work to run so many blogs but I'm happy to know that it was worth it. BV means a lot to me aswell :)
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Fall 2023 Anime Watch List Update
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Hello hello again!
Now that fall season has officially started, I thought I'd give a little update on my finalized watch list for the season.
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In our master watchlist post, I made a couple of weeks ago I stated that these 4 anime had yet to be picked up by a streaming service. Well, we're in luck everyone because all 4 of these shows will be on Crunchyroll this season!
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Now, apparently, I must hate myself because I've added 3 more shows to my list. All of these shows will be streaming on Crunchyroll. One of which I was on the fence about but have decided to give it a go. One of which didn't have a streaming service yet, but now it does, and I was interested, so why not! And the last I didn't even know about until I was scrolling on Crunchyroll's Simulcast tab.
BullBuster - Mecha ▪︎ Sci-fi: Now I don't generally like Macha anime, but I do love a good Kaijuu anime. I don't know, the synopsis gave us NGE vibes, so I'll give it at least 3 episodes.
Kawagoe Boys Sing - Comedy ▪︎ Music ▪︎ School: I enjoy these types of shows, but when it didn't have a streaming platform yet, I kinda pushed it way to the side. Now that it does, I figured I might as well add it to my list.
Let Me Check the Walkthrough First - Comedy ▪︎ Fantasy: So, this is an interesting case. After doing a bit of research, I learned that this show actually aired in Spring 2022 season. However, Crunchyroll is streaming it as a "new" show this season. With this show being a Chinese production, I'm assuming that Crunchyroll just received the rights to it, but instead of just putting the entire show up, they are going to do weekly episodes????
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Idk makes no sense to me, but whatever, I guess. I'm just going to go ahead and watch/review it for this season because my Anime Wheel Challenge wheel is already so full.
Speaking of the AWC!
I have an update post about that coming in the next couple of days. It's mostly just a post going over what's already been watched and reviewed, how making video versions is going, and the challenge series as a whole is going to operate in the meantime. So yeah, look out for that post soon because I'm still going to be doing that while also keeping up with this Fall Season.
An Update about Summer 2023 Season Reviews
I'm also still working away on my reviews for Summer 2023 season. I plan on doing like a very slimmed down TLDR master post version as well as individual reviews of each show, but they're just taking a bit of time to write. I'll be posting the individual reviews first and the master post last because of Tumblr blog scrolling aesthetics. The first individual review will be coming out so as well, so get excited for that too!
Anyway, I have a bunch of shows I'll be watching this season, so wish me luck because so far, our Executive Disfunction has been winning. We're almost done setting up our basic office setup just to get us started on a few things, so hopefully, that will help our productivity!
So yeah, that's all 34 shows (if you count the 2 rollovers, and the 1 out of place show) that we'll be watching this season.
Happy Seasonal Watching Ya'll!
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m0ther-of-p3arl · 1 year
Hey I think your Robert Aeor High master post is broken. I also can’t find part 7, it might just be my iPad but you may want to check. Every time I clicked on one of the link things that are meant to take you straight to previous parts it came up with the tumbler no page thing. It’s really good and I want to read it in its entirety!
huh, that's really strange!! i'll have to look into that later. you can also find it all on ao3 which might be easier,, it's called "tales of robert aeor high" and my ao3 user is @/feliximooo.
also, tumblr tags glitch on my blog sometimes, and things don't show up even when you look it up. looking up "robert aeor high au" in the main search bar should also bring up the whole fic, albeit out of order.
part seven is here, that link should work for ya.
i'll defo work on this, and honestly it's probs time i make like a proper masterpost. so, thank you so much for this ackkk!! i'll try to fix it as soon as i get home!
oh, and thank you for the kind words on my fic! it's very nearly done, and i hope you enjoy the final product :D
AHH WAIT I KNOW WHY IT IS!!! i changed my user so it's taking you to a blog called feliximo-bellisimo which no longer exists!! i'll get straight on that lol.
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ghostielj · 2 years
Nintendo Direct Thoughts! Part 4 The Best Part
Where do I even start with this? I am going to try my best to sound coherent in this post but just as a warning there may be a lot of screaming like this AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
This isn't in any particular order but it kinda is lol. Save the best for last.
Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
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Okay so I am a horrible Kirby fan, but in my defense I am more of a casual player compared to others. I love me some Kirby, mmmmm. My favorite form is I guess the Link form with his Link hat and master sword just destroying enemies. And man talk about his sucking abilities and blowing too. Can I say that on here?? Eh it is tumblr after all lol. I think I am going to pick this up for sure, maybe not right away because you know I am broke and all but eventually I will. I still need to download the demo...I'll do that right now actually. It's downloading...alright good to go! My understanding is that this is a remake of the Wii game. It's not a remaster because there are additional things added. Overall the graphics look great and Kirby is always a good time so I don't think people will be disappointed.
Metroid Prime Remastered
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I really wish I was more into the Metroid series. Alien monsters and space, what more could you want. I still haven’t made my way through Metroid Dread I am ashamed to say. It has been sitting on my shelf just staring at me, judging. Maybe some day, maybe some day. But this looks amazing and it’s been long awaited so I’m happy it’s finally come out and looking forward to seeing what lies ahead for this IP.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
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I mean what’s there to say? It’s fucking Zelda!!! My mouth hung open the entire time and it felt like I was in a trance and when the teaser trailer ended I just wanted more. Now Breath of the Wild was incredible. I still remember playing for the first time. I was a little late to game, I bought my first switch two years after it had already come out and the first game I purchased with it was Breath of the Wild. I was so nervous to boot up the game because I had already seen plenty of game play and saw how so many of the enemies could be a little difficult to beat along with learning a whole other control system. Loved every minute of it and I’m sure this will be no different. This game is going to be on a whole other level and I can’t wait. Only a few more months to wait. Now I’ve heard a lot about people not too happy with the price. It’s going to be a $70 game. I am a little surprised it’s that much, but also not surprised at the same time. Like I said earlier “it’s fucking Zelda,” and you and I both know people are going to pay whatever Daddy Nintendo wants. I have yet to pre order it and I know I should soon. But overall this is my most anticipated game of the year, but obviously behind Pokémon. That is if a new game comes out holiday 2023. Maybe a let’s go johto perhaps?
Fantasy Life: The Girl Who Steals Time
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I own a new 3DS (Pokémon Edition) and I love that thing to death. The 3DS catalog was fantastic, so many hidden gems. FANTASY LIFE was one of them. So much so I bought that game twice. The first time I bought it was a physical copy from Gamestop. Now I can’t remember if I bought it brand new or used, nonetheless I was able to find it after failing to find it anywhere else. I stumbled upon a random YouTube review video and knew I had to get it. Now how would I describe it? It’s an rpg but so much more than that. This is why I know the gaming company Level-5. It’s this tiny open world fantasy game filled with dragons and knights and magic. You can customize your own character and you chose what life you want to live. Anything from being a chef to being a paladin. You fight monsters and dragons and it’s just fantastic! There is so much to do and the best part is that you can master all 12 of the life paths available to you. So maybe you want to take a break from being a magician well how about trying your hands at being an angler. You can be known as a legend in each path and there is a dlc where you can basically become a god. Now the second time I bought it was me being foolish. I didn’t care for it the first time I played. And I ended up selling it back to GameStop. A few months later I saw another review about it and thought “I’m stupid, I need to really give this a chance.” And from that moment I couldn’t put it down and I completed every life and every task possible. I loved this game so much and when they announced that a fantasy life 2 was coming I was ecstatic. But it was too good to be true. It was going to be a mobile game and only being released in Japan. So almost 10 years later, they’re finally releasing a new game. Now I’m still trying to come to terms with this game being it’s own thing. From the direct trailer it looks a lot different from the original and maybe not being the open world game I was hoping for. I am still going to give it a chance and hopefully it’ll live up to his predecessor. *fingers crossed*
Game Boy and Game Boy Advance NS Online
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I cried, I literally cried on my way to work and screamed in the car. So much was leading up to this and I’m so happy it’s finally true. Now I won’t go into each game announced for the launch, but I do want to talk about the games I’m excited for.
So first some honorable mentions
Super Mario Land 2- 6 Golden Coins
So I love its predecessor. Played it over 100 times. This game maybe once or twice, but looking forward to really sinking my teeth into it.
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
I have played this maybe once but never got too far. I love the remake and if you haven’t already checked it out, you should.
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare
Never heard of it, but looks interesting. Will have to check it out eventually.
Wario Land 3
This game pissed me off so much as a kid, so enough said.
Kirby’s Dream Land
We love a queen who loves food.
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The game that started it all for me. I am a Nintendo handheld fan boy through and through. I own the og Game boy, the game boy that my dad gifted me when I was like 6 or 7. And with that game boy came Tetris. I could entertain myself for hours, trying to get that top score. And the music, oh the music. Nothing like it now. I’m looking forward to wasting time away playing this like I’m 6 all over again.
Pokémon Trading Card Game
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Yes! Only played it twice and failed hard so I want to give it another go. Too bad we have to wait some time.
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
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I lost my absolute shit when they announced it. This is by far my favorite Zelda game of all time. I don’t know, there’s just something about it. The art style, the vibrant colors, the story and just the overall creativity is AMAZING! I got emotional when I booted it up for the first time and I don't know I may just cry again as I go further along in my journey. I’ve never had the opportunity to own this game in physical form so this will have to do for now. The cartridge alone is going for like $100. But I will get it…grrrr.
So there we go, my thoughts on the last Nintendo Direct. Took 4 separate posts lol. Maybe next time I’ll just comment on the things I liked. Oh well. This was a nice little challenge for me because I’ve never really done anything like this. It feels good. Whether people read this or not, still enjoyable. Feel free to share your thoughts by messaging me.
0 notes
medeafive · 4 years
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov Characters: Natasha Romanov (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Nick Fury, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Sharon Carter (Marvel) Additional Tags: Vampires, I only write AUs now don't ask, Vampire Hunters, Going for dark and gritty here, Set in Prague because I love it, Suicide mentions, Late 90s Summary:
She's good. Really good. She's done this longer than almost anyone else and no one tracks vampires down better than her. That's the only thing that matters. Hunt and kill. He has white eyes and a black cloak. He's either an impostor or, judging by the color of his eyes, the most dangerous vampire she's ever met. And he's not going to leave her alone.
He's in and out. She got him to the place, his place, not much different than one of her apartments, but he hasn't opened his eyes since. She pulled all the curtains already, before the sun even comes up, and now she's sitting at the bedside, staring at the gray skin of his face dissolving.
No, she has to. She takes the knife and cuts her finger, holding it over his mouth. He twitches when the first drop of blood hits his lips. The second drop and his tongue darts out, licking it up. She presses out more. "James? You hear me?"
He groans, licking up more. "Blood."
She lowers her finger so he can lick it, then puts it into his mouth. His tongue darts over the cut again and again. "I can give you more," she whispers. "Just say it."
He nods weakly, sucking on her finger. She breathes in and takes the blade to her palm. Stings. He laps it up eagerly. His skin still looks awful, red blisters, open wounds, gray colour.
He's careful not to suck too much but she can tell he's hungry. They sit there until the sun goes up, until the cut in her palm starts closing. His head drops back, eyes closed. She should tell the others where she is, before they get worried. She texts Clint that she's fine but she won't be back soon.
He really looks bad. She's worried. She grabs a water bottle, finds she's thirsty herself and drinks before nudging his head up to do the same. Spills a lot but they work it out. "Better?" she asks quietly. "Do you want more blood?"
He groans, head dropping back, swallowing. "Don't wanna- don't wanna hurt you."
"I'm fine," she assures him. "I've got enough blood."
His nostrils flare. She takes the knife again, cutting her other palm. He laps it up greedily, tongue sliding over the wound again and again. His skin is not getting any better. Damn, she should stop worrying. When he's done, she gives him more water. He closes his eyes, head resting on the pillow, slurring his words. "I'll sleep. Don't- don't worry."
He's out so quick. She goes to the bathroom, drinks more water. No food in the apartment. She drops the blinds on the window where the sun is indirectly streaming in. She's hungry but also sick with worry. He's totally asleep, not even breathing. The skin comes off in big chunks. She dials.
"Hey?" Bruce asks. "Natasha?"
She sighs, walking over to the kitchen and closing the door behind her. "Hey. It's me."
"Are you okay?" he asks.
"Yeah, yeah." She rubs her eyes. "Me, yeah. But he- he got hit with a UV light and his skin is literally falling off and I don't know what to do."
"Is he dying?" Bruce asks.
She groans. "I don't know. Do you- do you have any idea what I could do? To help him?"
"I don't know anything about vampire medicine," Bruce replies hesitantly. "Do you have- could you do a blood transfusion? With vampire blood?"
She has some left, but that's hidden in her room in the tower. "No. I gave him some of my blood. And water."
"Be really fucking careful with that," Bruce advises. "Your health comes first. Are you at his place?"
"Yes," she replies, not thinking about the implications of whether it's really his place.
"Check whether he has any specific chemicals around," Bruce orders. "He'd probably know. Formaldehyde has been a theory of mine."
She digs around. There are some syringes in the fridge. Checks the label. "Yeah. Formaldehyde solution."
"You could try injecting him that," Bruce suggests. "Maybe ask him first. Is he awake?"
"Not really," she mutters, closing the fridge. "Okay, I'll try. Thank you, really."
"No problem, Natasha," Bruce replies.
She hangs up and walks over into the bedroom. His eyes open. "Oh. Found it."
She sits down on the bedside again, careful with the syringe. "Does this help?"
"Yeah," he rasps. "But I'll be fine anyway."
She snorts, staring at the skin peeling off. "You don't look fine."
"If you could-" He closes his eyes. "That would be great. Neck."
He turns his neck carefully, where the skin looks less bad. She breathes in, leaning over him. Puts her hand on first, to warm him up. He hisses slightly when the needle punctures his skin.
She caresses his hair. Her stomach's still churning. He closes his eyes. "Mhm. I'll sleep again. Don't worry, really."
He's fast asleep almost immediately. She pulls all the blinds, flooding the room in darkness, and returns to the kitchen, putting the empty syringe back. She's really hungry but she can't go out like this. Fighting suit. Vampire blood on it. She locks herself in the bathroom, dousing the suit down, then climbs under the shower herself. Tired. She's tired. Low battery. Stays under the shower really long.
She slips into the dark bedroom, trying to find a stash of clothes of some kind. Doesn't have night vision, though. She bumps into something that drops to the ground noisefully. Fuck. The bedsheets rustle. "Mhm. Hey."
"Hey," she replies. "I'm looking for clothes."
"Left," he says. "Lower. Yeah, in there."
She pulls out something that feels like a shirt and something that feels like tactical pants. "Got it. I'll head out to get something to eat. Are you going to be okay here?"
"Yeah," he replies. "Thanks. Don't worry."
"You keep saying that, it's not really reassuring," she remarks, making her way through the darkness back to the door. "Should I get you anything? Not food but… anything?"
"No, don't think so," he states. "Maybe water, but not really."
"You still got almost a dozen bottles," she agrees. "Okay. Sleep, I'll be back soon."
The shirt is too big, which was not really a problem but looked kinda weird, and she rolled the pant legs up and tied them around the waist with her garotte. The woman in the bakery looked very suspicious of her but when she ordered with a nice fangless smile, it was okay. Kids these days. She wonders whether she looks young still.
She eats two rohlíky before she's even back, and it feels great. The bedroom is still dark. She opens the door, indirect light streaming in. He's asleep. She grabs another rohlík and sits down on the bedside. His eyelids flutter. "Mhm. Oh. You're really back."
"Where else would I be?" she asks, chewing. The skin is still coming off in gray flaps the size of her thumb, which is not very appetizing, but she's hungry. "You don't look better."
"It's better," he insists, pulling one of the skin flaps off, the new skin beneath still rosy and thin but intact. "Just have to shed the dead skin first."
"Urgh." She shudders. "I could swear I was hungry just a few seconds ago."
"Sorry." He sits up slightly. "I should let you eat. Uh, one thing though."
"I'll go over into the kitchen," she says. "Yeah?"
"When you came over, before you went out," he starts. "Did you not think I would wake up or did you just not care that I can see in the dark?"
She shrugs. "Didn't care."
"Okay." He leans back again. "Feel free to go eat. I'll… I'll deal with this."
"Thanks for reminding me," she chastises, getting to her feet. "Just what I wanted to hear before my meal."
She eats two koláčes, too, and drinks an entire bottle of juice. The cuts in her palms have formed scabs. She hears him go to the bathroom at one point but doesn't pay attention to that. The sun goes down again. He's back in bed when she returns, most of the gray gone from his skin, though it's still open at some points, crusting with dark blood. "You're really tired, aren't you."
"Yeah." He shakes his head. "You know, you really don't have to stay. I'll be fine."
"Come on," she replies, pulling the blinds up. "Like I'd be super busy otherwise."
"I should probably sleep some more," he states.
"Yeah." She walks back to the bed, sitting down. "You look better, though."
"You were really worried, weren't you?" he asks.
She snorts. "Yeah. Of course. You idiot."
"Prime chance to get rid of me," he remarks. "And you missed it."
"Didn't just miss it," she specifies. "Hit it on the head with a hammer. Smashed its skull in. Tore its heart out."
He grins, fangs peeking out. "You got him, right? The second one."
"Put a silver bullet in his skull," she says. "That usually works."
"Yeah," he agrees, head dropping back on the pillow. "Usually."
The skin is still coming off in places. She doesn't want to tear on it, though. His eyes are red and swollen. She strokes over his hair, which is remarkably soft. "You really had me worried there," she mutters. "Don't die on me. I've already lost too many."
"Won't," he whispers, pressing against her hand. "Promise."
She leans over and kisses him softly, lips cold at first but warming up quickly. Strokes his face. His fingers come to tangle in her hair, she feels the claws. She bites his lip carefully, making him groan. She swings a leg over, his hands come to her hips, she presses her entire body against him to turn the cold block of stone into a living, breathing human. It becomes hot very quickly. She likes how his body responds to her touch, how he comes alive, it arouses her. She kisses him heatedly.
He pulls her in, strong, against him, arms wrapping around her. She feels the cold metal parts. That and the fangs. Everything else is human. She rocks against him, open-mouthed kisses, he groans again, rumbling in his throat, breathing her in constantly. His fingers dig into her back, release before the claws come into play. She pushes up slightly, catching her breath, looking down at his face. "You're not going back to Schmidt," she whispers, caressing his cheek. "You can't go back to him."
He groans, pressing her hips down against him. "I don't wanna go back. Ever."
"Come with me," she purrs, pressing little kisses to his jaw. "Join us. We'll figure it out together."
"Figure what out?" he asks. "They'll only try to kill me."
"They won't," she replies. "I promise. Please. We could get rid of Schmidt."
"He's too strong," he says. "They are too many. We'll all get killed."
She sits up. "I'd rather die than watch you go back to him."
He sighs, rubbing his eyes. "I can't ask that of you."
"You don't have to," she replies. "I'm a hunter. I already signed up for hunting vampires until I die."
He snorts. "Right. Great."
"They're better than you think," she says. "And if there's a chance we can get Schmidt… Everyone in their right mind would take it."
He closes his eyes. "I'm too tired for this."
"Sure, sleep," she agrees, moving off of him. "I should maybe go home, before they really start worrying. That is, if you don't need anything."
"I'm good, really," he replies. "Go home. I can take care of myself."
She pecks his lips again. "Get well soon. I'll see you."
"We're going for a run," Pepper announces. "Do you want to join us?"
She's no good at running. "Yeah. Sure. Just a second, I'll change."
Running in the evening has to be well-planned in order not to go over sundown so most people run in the morning, especially in summer when the sun comes up around four or five a.m. Still not many people, though. You can do without a lot of things when they're risky.
Sharon and Pepper look way more professional when she comes down onto the street, stretching and talking. "Oh hey," Sharon says, ponytail whipping around. "There you are. Is by the river fine?"
"Sure." She shakes her hair out, tying it together, ignoring the nervousness.
"I have to say, I quite like Prague," Sharon remarks, running off. "Everything I've seen so far."
"It's pretty run-down, though," Pepper objects. "Not like Munich, I imagine."
"I mean, it would be even nicer if they renovated some houses and the plaster wasn't peeling off everywhere," Sharon acknowledges. "But still, it has flair. History. Just the powder tower, I really like that sort of thing."
"Then it's good that you're here," Pepper concludes. "So, Nat. Bruce said you had to play nurse."
She hates running and talking. "Oh. Yeah."
"The UV lights are getting more and more common," Pepper remarks. "Especially in the wealthier neighborhoods. Maybe that will turn the tide in the long run."
"He looked burnt," Natasha breathes.
"Oh yeah," Sharon agrees solemnly. "Those UV beams are really effective. You have some in your suit, Pepper, right?"
"Yes," Pepper confirms. "Though they are a little too slow for a fight. There are many around the tower, though."
"Traps," Natasha remarks.
"I mean, I'm sure it's not great for him," Sharon relents. "Do you have a name for him, by the way?"
"Winter Soldier," Pepper supplies. "But nobody actually calls him that."
"James," Natasha feels compelled to whisper.
"James," Pepper repeats. "And I understand if you take his side on the UV lights but we just have to keep us safe."
"I'm not taking his side!" Natasha protests.
"Yes, you are," Sharon says in the most friendly annihilating tone. "And that's okay. As long as it's not endangering us."
Natasha groans, slowing to a walk. "Could we- just slow down a bit?"
They drop in line with her, hardly increased breathing. Oh, this is worse. "You clearly have a special relationship," Sharon points out. "Unheard of. And that's very useful, potentially."
She really doesn't like this. "But your safety is still more important," Pepper stresses. "All of our safety. Don't take this the wrong way, but in the end, he's… still a vampire."
Natasha comes to an abrupt halt. "You know what, I'm going back. Not feeling well."
They exchange a knowing look, which is the worst. "Are you sure?" Pepper asks.
"Yes," Natasha returns, turning on her heel. "Don't mind me. Enjoy your run."
She doesn't react to the first knock. The second knock either. "Are you okay?" Clint's voice asks.
She groans loudly, staring at the ceiling. "Can I come in?" Clint asks.
"Just a second," she calls, blinking as if that would help. "Okay. Come in."
The door opens. Clint leans in. "So."
She groans again, sitting up, rubbing through her hair. It's a mess. It's all a mess. "You think you're making a mistake," Clint observes.
As if it were that easy. "Maybe. I don't know. Just- I think I care too much. I shouldn't. I really shouldn't."
"Yeah, well," Clint remarks. "Can't exactly turn that off."
She scoffs, pulling the sleeves over her palms, hugging her knees into her chest. He walks in, pulling the door closed. "You cut yourself, didn't you."
"He was dying," she hisses. "Well, maybe he wasn't, but he pretty much looked like it."
"And now you're defensive about it," Clint points out.
She groans again. If only he were wrong. "What about it?"
"Look, this job is merciless," he says. "And this world is merciless. So when it gives you something nice for a change, no matter how twisted… maybe you should just take it. Carefully, but take it."
"I had nice things," she remarks. "They all died."
He snorts. "Let me tell you, life is too short to let nice things pass you by. Too short not to get attached. Learned that the hard way."
"I'm sorry about Bobbi," she states.
"Don't be," he says. "I fucked that one up. Thoroughly. Not getting another chance. So don't fuck yours up, too. You don't want to end like me."
"Great advice," she remarks sarcastically. "Was there anything you wanted, other than moping?"
"We're having a strategy meeting," Clint explains. "I mean, if you wanna. It's just the fate of the city. If you'd rather mope."
She groans for the last time, swinging her legs off the bed. "Coming, coming. Gimme a second."
"Oh, yeah," Clint remarks. "You should take a second to fix your hair, too."
"Wilson and Stark spotted a hunting party around the Rieger park," Fury states, pointing on the map. "Here. Three vampires, all male. There must be a hiding place somewhere."
"Yeah," Tony interrupts, drawing a circle around. "Somewhere in this area."
"We should run recon," Pepper remarks, twisting her earlobe in concentration. "Before we engage. If we engage."
"Obviously," Fury states. "Three trained killer vampires is a big deal. We're not moving in before we've shined a light up their asses from all directions."
"The television tower is here," Clint points out. "Here's the School of Economics. Train station."
"It's really close," Sam remarks, rubbing his neck. "It bothers me we didn't spot them earlier."
"Maybe they moved," Sharon suggests. "Hunting parties do that every once in a while, to draw less attention."
"Romanoff," Fury demands. "Are you up for it?"
She doesn't feel up for it. "Yeah. Sure."
"Take Carter with you," Fury orders. "And either Barton or Wilson. You'll stake out there every night until you know their habits in and out. Don't engage. Hide your scents-"
A door slams closed somewhere above.
Everyone tenses up. There's steps, almost silent. They're hardly armed, though. The steps come closer. The black cloak sweeps down the stairs, slowly, carefully.
His skin looks better, though still crusted and red in places. He stops after the stairs. Nobody moves. His eyes hitch on her briefly, then move on around.
"Hello," he says. "I'm afraid I need your help."
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acciocriativity · 4 years
Spark of Happiness II ||Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
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Summary: You already went through a lot in your life, but while dating Draco the world you knew has changed dramatically and it seems like it couldn’t get any worse...
Word Count: 2,7k
A/N: I just discovered that tumblr has a limit of words per post, that’s why I had to make a part two of this when it wasn’t supposed to be that way but I hope you’ll like it anyway.
Part I
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I found myself in a sort of tunnel between nothing and everything, my body was molded several times like a play dough but in the hands of the universe, the only solid thing I had was Draco's cold hand, which I held tighter to help me through the pain. I also lost my sense of time, it seemed like an eternity in there, it never had an end.
Until the moment I felt my feet touch the ground again and my legs gave out, if it wasn't for Draco I would have fallen. I could hear his voice but could not make out any sound coming out of his mouth for a few seconds.
"Draco, I'm fine...just a little dizzy”, I clutched the sleeve of his shirt and I could see the concern in his eyes.
Every corner meticulously tidied and cleaned, worthy of a family like the Malfoy's, the room was particularly dark and cold, as if no one really spent time there, the only thing that decoration passed to me was anguish.
His arms still firmly around my waist, his face analyzing mine carefully.
"Are you sure you're alright?", he asked softly and I just nodded my head slightly and leaned on his shoulder, closing my eyes a little.
I hadn't realized that we were still in the presence of his parents, who watched the scene with sharp eyes but soon disappeared inside the house.
We were silent until a loud noise next to us made me lift my head and moved away from Draco, it was just a house elf carrying our bags upstairs.
"We can pick it up later, let's at least get some breakfast. It's still early”, he held my hand and I understood the meaning in his words.
"If you're sure, that's fine by me", I didn't have the guts to speak in a normal tone, as if the house was being watched constantly.
He called out to the elf, who came running downstairs eager to please his master and immediately followed the order to prepare breakfast for us. I couldn't relax even if his presence helped me, I was wondering if we could escape so easily, if they would just leave us alone.
Throughout breakfast I was tense in my chair, we both were and it would only end when we got out of there at once and for all.
We left the dining room to get our things a minute after we finished breakfast, since neither Narcisa nor Lucius had shown up again, with luck we could leave without either of them noticing for quite some time.
"Narcisa, we need to ... oh Draco and ...who is that?", I took a deep breath having to contain my startle when caught in the act.
The woman didn't seem impressed and walked over to us with a strange smile on her face. I had a few seconds to absorb her features but it was possible to feel a bad aura coming from her.
"Aren't you going to answer me? I'd forgotten, has your age of bringing girls home already came?", the cynical, amused smile didn't leave her lips.
"It is none of your business Bellatrix, as you see, my mother is not here", his direct and even rude tone caught me off guard, I had never seen him talk like that before.
"Oh, how cute, you're showing your claws to defend your girlfriend but only because you're Narcisa's son, don't ever think you can speak in that tone with me."
Before she could say anything else, other voices erupted out of nowhere, more people began to appear, paying less attention to our presence as the room became more crowded.
"Ah, it's time.You have to leave little girl, my lord doesn't like intruders", she said lord with a glint in her eyes that made me sick.
"Come on, I'll take you outside...", he saw the opportunity and immediately took my hand so we could get out of there.
"This girl looks so much like you Avery", a male voice spoke and in a few seconds all eyes were on me, analyzing me from head to toe.
It didn't take me long to recognize this Avery guy, he had the most shocked expression among all the people there.
The same color hair was the most I could tell from the distance, we all stood in silence not knowing what to say.
"Did you really have a daughter, you bastard?", another man said before punching him lightly on the shoulder.
"It's impossible, my parents don't have that last name and neither do I. Excuse me...I shouldn't be here", I squeezed Draco's hand tighter and made my way through the death eaters.
My heart was beating so fast that I was afraid they would be able to hear but no one stopped us from leaving since we really shouldn't be there, or at least, not me.
How long would we have before you-know-who arrived? I couldn't think about it, as soon as we reached the door we started to run, and run and run some more until our feet hurt. There was no time to breathe, to think, to stop.
We needed to get to the city, we needed a fireplace, we needed to get to my house but how? No one around would be kind enough to help us, so we walked a long way until we were far enough to the point that no one would recognize Draco.
We end up in a simple part of town, the houses were smaller and further apart from each other and all were on the side of the road. Obviously we were exposed there and there was nowhere else to go, so we had to take our chance.
"Let's knock on one of the doors, we can't walk all the way to London", I said standing in front of a little white house with a large and well-kept garden. "Someone who takes such good care of plants can't be bad, right?"
"Let's hope we don't pick the only bad HufflePuff in history", he said and I might have laughed if my worry wasn't so real.
We walked side by side, taking our last steps before our legs gave out from exhaustion. "Be at home, please be home...", I crossed my fingers as soon as he knocked on the door.
The door was opened by a little blonde girl, she just stuck her head out the door to see who was there, she gave a little scream and closed the door hard as soon as she saw us. We looked at each other without understanding what the hell had happened until another voice was heard inside the house, this time a lady opened the door and held it open.
"I'm sorry, do you guys need help?", she didn't have to look us up and down to guess that, we were soaked.
"Yes we do, we need to get to my house but it is too far, perhaps you have a flu net in your house, Mrs?", I spoke up as Draco was making too much effort even to stand upright.
"Yes I do, come on in, you guys can sit for a bit too. You look like you ran a marathon", she made room and we could see inside the house.
The furniture made of wood was modest but beautiful, the living room was well decorated and the wallpapers went in shades of yellow and blue. Draco seemed more impressed than I was since I'm used to this style, but contrary to what anyone would imagine the expression on his face was not bad at any time.
"Your house is beautiful Mrs., we don't want to trespass on your kindness but could we get a glass of water?", his voice even huskier than usual rang through the walls of the house and I was truly surprised and somewhat proud of his attitude.
"Sure, I'll get it, you can sit on the couch. You guys need it", I didn't wait a second to sit down and for Merlin's sake, I could spend the rest of eternity there.
"Forget about everything, I never want to get up from here again", he said almost crying with happiness and I had to laugh, I laughed a lot.
"Sorry love but it's really funny, you have to admit", I said, still laughing softly when the lady came back with two glasses full of water.
We drank as if we had spent 40 days in the desert and my feeling was not so different from that.
"I can bring you another glass if you like. I just don't understand how two teenagers could have ended up in this condition...", she looked genuinely concerned, we were very lucky.
"We had a problem, a huge problem and we need to get home as soon as possible", he said with certainty in his voice but made no effort to actually get up.
"Thank you very much, ma'am, we can’t thank you enough for helping us", I said with a smile right after I stood up, even though my whole body contested this decision.
"It was a pleasure dear, I hope you get home well. The flu powder is by the fireplace, go ahead", she smiled gently and took a step to the side.
I went ahead while Draco still seemed to muster the courage to stand up. The stone fireplace was small, there was no way we could both go at once.
"Draco, do you remember the address I told you about?", I turned back to look at him and he was still in the same position but now massaging his own foot, "Draco? Will you hurry up? I'll guarantee you a massage from an expert after we're home," and as if they were the magic words, he was at my side ready to leave in a flash.
I took a deep breath and we could hear a giggle coming from behind the couch, only the girl's big, bright eyes were in view but as soon as she realized she was caught she went back into hiding.
"Goodbye madam and goodbye little one,"I took a handful of the powder and walked into the fireplace. "Don't forget the correct pronunciation", I said to the blonde before throwing the powder on the floor and speaking my address out loud.
The last thing I saw were two pairs of blue eyes staring at me before I disappeared and the first thing I saw when I got home were my clothes covered with scoot and the angry voices of my parents came soon enough.
"What's all this racket! Y/N, you should be at Hogwarts right now. Now you're breaking school rules?", my mother said as soon as she arrived in the living room.
She was wearing an apron over the comfortable clothes she wore indoors, then I noticed the delicious smell coming from the kitchen, it was already lunchtime.
Before I could reply, I was pushed forward and almost lost my balance and fell on the small coffee table.
"Honey, what's happening here? Y/n? Draco? Get out of there right now, why did you come home early?", my dad was more confused than angry and I was even more relieved that they were both okay.
Even though I had a lot of explaining to do, I could only run to hug them without caring that I was getting them or even the floor of the room dirty.
Too many emotions consumed me, I had put too many people I cared about in danger and now no one would be truly safe there.
"Don't worry about it, Dumbledore let us leave early for Christmas but so much has happened, I'm so sorry, we're not safe here", my tears flowed without me realizing it, slowly the despair and fear that I had held all this time was consuming me.
"Love, come sit down, we are all fine and whatever has happened, we will work it out. Draco, sit here too.You both look so pale", the woman's angry voice turned to a honey-sweet tone but if I had looked into her eyes, I could have seen the concern in them.
"I'll get some tea, you need to calm down and rest, then we'll talk about whatever happened on the way here", my father got up and hurried out of the room after my favorite tea.
My mom kept hugging me from the right side, her presence was always enough to bring me comfort. Draco had sat down on my left side and the first thing I did was to intertwine his hand in mine and squeeze it lightly, he did it back to reassure me.
The conversation was postponed until after lunch, since we were too hungry to wait and too dirty, according to my mother.
We both took a shower and Draco wore some of my father's clothes as they would fit perfectly, then we went to eat and afterwards, in a calmer mood, we explained what had happened.
The look of horror on my parents' faces had broken my heart, I never told them anything about this dark side of the Wizarding World, especially when I was so close to it all. I wanted to protect them but now I had no other choice.
"I'm sorry I got you into this situation Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, I can stay somewhere else, I can think of a plan and fix it", he said this several times but neither I nor my parents agreed.
"This is absurd, no matter what happens. You're here as part of the family, we'll figure it out if we have to move out of here", my father interrupted for the second time my boyfriend tried to apologize, even though it wasn't his fault.
The conversation didn't last long because we soon came to the conclusion that the best idea would be to send a letter to Dumbledore, explain what happened and ask for help because no other wizard in the world could be better.
"Rest for a while now, as soon as we get an answer we will call you", my mother said from the kitchen. I tried to help with the dishes but she insisted that we deserved a longer rest.
Then I took Draco to my room, I left the door open because it would be better not to leave room for complaints from my father.
The decoration of the room was in several shades of blue, which was always my favorite color, blue from the walls to my closet.
"Let's get some sleep, I'm sure from now on our life won't be easy but it will be better than it was before", I said and lay down on the bed, leaving enough room.
His body snuggled up next to me in silence but I could almost hear the amount of negative thoughts going through his head.
"Hey, you can stop that. We deserve to be a little hopeful and even more so, rest. So you can tell your little head to think about other things, okay?", I put my arm around him and felt him do the same to me, until we were face to face.
"How could you possibly know what I'm thinking? You're horrible with silent spells", he said with a sly smile that opened into a satisfied grin at the sight of my angry expression.
"First of all, I know you very well so of course I know about your pessimism and second, I'm going to have a lot of time to learn and it's not like you're great so shut up", I replied as he laughed but soon, I was the one laughing after he fell off the bed, "Oops, sorry, it was just a little accident”.
That was the first night that he had more than 5 hours of sleep because we were truly safe with Dumbledore's protection. Until Christmas we stayed at my house and we had more truly happy moments in a span of 3 days than in the whole year and all I wished for was more of that forever.
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Harry Potter Masterlist
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hopeymchope · 3 years
hey, sorry to barge into your inbox despite being a total stranger (and feel free to respond to this privately if you want) but i came across some of your s/n/k critical posts and i just wanted to say i agree SO much. and i wanted to thank you for vocalizing this opinion because i know both i and some others agree with you. i've personally felt that everything after chapter 80 was a mistake (because i thought the whole serum fight over erwin vs armin was pretty fuckin stupid too) and it's kinda funny (i guess) to see the ending 100% validate my opinion completely. i can't believe every character was done this dirty for the sake of a very poorly constructed "both sides are bad" scenario that was also in VERY poor taste considering the explicit allegories to n*zi germany and a literal race war. like what's up with the jews - sorry, the "eldians" - once ruling the entire world via a bloodthirsty empire and also being inhuman creatures? gee, that sure doesn't sound like every antisemitic conspiracy theory i've ever heard. and way to rationalize oppression, too. the entire point of an oppression narrative is supposed to be "hey, the oppressor's prejudices have no rational basis and are literally mistreating this oppressed group due to their own selfishness and cruelty," not "oh btw marley's fear/hatred of eldians kinda makes sense considering eldians once enslaved the entire planet and can turn into giant man-eating monsters." is*yama SERIOUSLY should've just stuck to writing glorified vore lmao.
and while all the characters were either killed, turned into plot devices, or both, it hurts that EMA and the main protag himself suffered this treatment as well. i still think pre-timeskip eren is utterly irreconciliable with post-timeskip eren and the fact that both fans and the author himself try to make it seem like "hey he was ALWAYS a batshit crazy psychopath from the start!" is sort of pathetic to watch. like yeah, lemme just ignore the first 80 chapters of character development for this guy. or lemme pretend that the author didn't spend the significant majority of the decade making eren the most empathetic character in the entire series. or let me also pretend that eren killing those human traffickers to save a 9 year old girl from being a child sex slave is somehow evidence/foreshadowing/etc of him eventually growing up to destroy 80% of the planet. like, what? not to mention he even rebuked himself for recklessly killing those two men like that in chapter 17...so am i supposed to ignore that too?? and don't even get me started on the "eren went insane and accidentally caused his mom's death." bro. BRO. i've watched the entirety of game of thrones yet i STILL have never seen this level of "edgy plot twist for shock value with no benefit or relevance to the story whatsoever" in any media to exist.
well anyway...sorry for ranting in your inbox like this LMAO i really just wanted to tell you that i agree with your opinions about both the series ending and the series as a whole. i doubt i'll ever engage with this cursed manga ever again but at least pre-chapter 80 s/n/k will always be a thing and i can pretend they all got reincarnated into a modern AU where eren and mikasa are happily married and living with their bff armin in a nice condo or something. they alternate between visiting carla and grisha or mikasa's family on weekends. yeah that sounds pretty good. if you made it this far then kudos to you and thank you for reading lol
Thanks a ton for the kind words of commiseration. It feels like there’s a plurality of people who are unhappy, sure... but it comes off as still being a minority, and even among that minority, it seems like most people are still fine with most of the timeskip so long as they stuck the landing. But I think they were much too far off-course pretty fast after the Timeskip started to really correct it very well. It was possible, but the writing was on the wall. The intentions were already clear pretty early on after the skip. 
That said, I try to keep this Tumblr mostly positive and DR-focused, yet I still absolutely had to rant about SNK 139. The more I thought about it, the more I disliked it... and this comes from someone who was already unhappy for a while, obviously, so. Yeah. Of course I was gonna dislike it on some level, but I thought it’d at least provide closure to the Timeskip arc, even if I do think the Timeskip arc feels at odds with everything else the series was for 3/4 of its run.
And HOLY SHIT I literally forgot about the Eldians’ history of apparently being horrible, vicious rulers of a sinister empire. You know why? Because I NEVER BELIEVED IT. I was so 100% certain that it was going to be outed as bullshit propaganda from Marley that I never once thought it was plausible, so I just... pushed it out of my mind as soon as I read it. After all, all that kind of talk about the arch-conspiracy of Jews has always been total bullshit from anti-semetic monsters, so why would I put any stock in this kind of talk being applied to the Jewish race of Attack on Titan? 
But now, at the end of the story... yup, I guess he never DID go back on that! So it was fucking true?! The Jewish people in this WWII analogy were apparently an evil master race at one point?! Oh. OHHHHH. Go fuck yourself with a shovel for that one, Isayama. 
And yeah, Eren... god, what a sad story. He becomes unrecognizable as the same character thanks to the Timeskip, the new characterization is never explained or justified retroactively - it’s just opposite day now, forever - and he dies accomplishing nothing. I don’t know what to say, except I do know how much I loved that character and this series before things went south. I didn’t even mind the backstory for the Titans and the horrible story of Eldians in Marley... because it seemed so obvious that it was setting up a battle against a hateful, technologically advanced foe that was beyond the darkness of anything they’d fought before, y’know? Marley, as it was set up in the flashbacks before the Timeskip, is Nazi Germany if the Nazis had tech and scientific horrors and numbers far beyond what the Allies had. And nobody EVER feels bad for killing Nazis, so this was obviously going to be a final battle to destroy the Marleyan military, with Zeke likely to serve as a Final Boss who has totally 100% bought the propaganda and who hated everything Eren stood for. It was all RIGHT THERE. Maybe it was just too easy to tell that story, because instead, Zeke is suddenly supposed to be a gray character (very hard to accept given his backstory), and we end with the “uwu both sides were bad bc war is hell” message that is really pretty fucked up, as you already correctly pointed out.
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boredliondisorder · 4 years
Let's say you knew all about BPD before going to therapy, and you were diagnosed already. Would you still have gone to therapy, do you believe it was worth it for you? I don't know if it's worth going for me, I know I'll never be able to get that attachment, love and trust that I need anyways, might as well just pretend to be an NT until I can die. It's a life full of pain for sure but we'll have that anyways, won't we? Why therapy? Was hoping you could share the benefits you got from it.
Oh this might be a long one. OK.
I was actually diagnosed over ten years ago in 2008, iirc. At that point, I was in the hospital and was told that I either had to see a therapist of the doctor’s choosing, or I’d stay in the hospital for an indeterminate length of time. Staying in the hospital would cause me to lose my job, etc, So I agreed to see a therapist.
It took them quite a while to find someone who would treat a person with a diagnosis of BPD. Back then, BPD was seen as incurable and dangerous. No one wanted to risk their career or their life treating someone with BPD. Even though it turned out that people with BPD (those who legitimately suffered from it and weren’t just abusive) are not dangerous, and their outbursts are based around fear. Many thanks to Dr. Linehan for her work in that area.
Anyway, to make that long story short, the therapist tried to convince me I didn’t have BPD. It was a nightmare all around, and I left as soon as I could.
So I lived with that diagnosis for eleven years, not truly understanding it, warning people about it, both attaching myself to people and HATING that attachment to people, going through minor ups and downs, until a medical problem caused the anti-psychotics I was on to stop working.
Then I actually had to face the diagnosis. It started to get bad. But it was such a slow process that I didn’t realize it. Eventually, I hurt the people who mattered to me most, which is what BPD tends to lead to over and over and over, and I realized that if it happened again, I wouldn’t be able to take it. I’d rather kill myself than live through that again. I had to break the cycle.
I really did want to live. I wanted to live to finish my book, to see my nephews grow up, to achieve my dream of getting venomous snake certification and working with my favorite elapid, the king cobra. I couldn’t do all that if I was dead.
At the time I decided to go back to therapy, I knew SO MUCH about BPD. I was sure it would be useless for me for the same reasons you do: that I was doomed to repeat this pattern for the rest of my (possibly short) life, working at trust for weeks and months, then losing it because of a disease that refuses to disappear. A lot of this is in my previous posts, so I won’t go into it all in detail again, but my mind finally got to a point where it refused to accept friendship. I didn’t talk to anyone except my parents, my sister, and my best friend for weeks.
I found a therapist who specialized in BPD. And that’s important, because she helped me discover where my BPD came from--where it started and the reasons for it--as well as learning to question the fears that often led to the stereotypical “borderline rage.” She taught me how to take a step back and re-evaluate. To leave a situation alone for a while until I had a legitimate answer. To actually have discussions with people instead of accusing.
I’ve already been able to use these new skills when it comes to very slowly forming bonds with people. That’s another thing I learned--how to not go from 0 to 60 in a new friendship, but develop it slowly. To not saddle new friends with my problems, but to get to know them first. And sometimes it turns out--as I’ve found a couple times already--that those friends aren’t right for hearing my issues, and I would have hurt myself by rushing into an unsustainable friendship.
And this took... so much time. I am still learning. And I think I always will have to continue learning, because BPD isn’t curable. The things most people know when it comes to emotion and relationships aren’t things that come to us naturally. You can recover from BPD, but the skills you learn are hard-fought and difficult to master. In a lot of ways, a person with BPD who has recovered is always going to have to “fake it” in the simplest of terms.
But that’s okay. To paraphrase the saying, if you can’t naturally form healthy emotional attachments, therapy-learned is okay, too.
In your ask, you said “might as well just pretend to be an NT until I can die.” And honestly, that’s... The whole point of therapy. Therapy’s going to help you pretend, and over time, pretending will become easier. Almost natural. And there will be days when you want to backtrack. When you want to say “why don’t you love me?” to your very best friends. But you’ll have the tools to Not Do That, which is more than you might have now.
It’s unfortunate that NTs refuse to truly accommodate those with BPD, but they really can’t understand it because they don’t grasp the intensity of the emotions we suffer. They don’t understand why we’re asking them to help us in a certain way, or fuck, to just pick up a book and read about the disorder. NTs on tumblr have also been told over and over that they’re justified for “leaving abusive people, even if they’re mentally ill,” and that’s where the mindset remains. So many people equate the symptoms of BPD with actual abuse, so much so that when you tell a neurotypical person that you have BPD, the response I’ve always gotten without fail is “but you don’t seem like that type of person.”
I’m working to change that. I don’t think I could do that without therapy. It’s an uphill battle, but I think I’ve gotten through to some people already. I’m going to continue to try.
In summary, it’s okay to use therapy as a way to learn how to pretend. And in pretending, you’ll learn to feel better, because you won’t be destroying your friendships at every turn. When the low part of your cycle starts its upswing, you’ll still have friends there to help you. Try not to resent them too much for their ignorance.
There is light at the end of the tunnel, even if it’s a lot of work. But I guarantee that if you find a therapist you like who specializes in BPD, you’ll eventually start to see improvement. Seriously. I think we’re all naturally suspicious and we’re so sure that therapy can’t help us, but it really can. I’ve been right where you are, and I’m glad I decided to go.
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bleucolor · 5 years
Last time I tried to post a giyushino fanfic and since i navigate myself through Tumblr like a boomer, I accidentally deleted my story. I felt like a whole ass clown but I'm feeling hopeful and I'm back with another prompt using the moon. This takes place in a modern AU where both Giyuu and Shinobu are teenagers. A random drabble for Giyushino which was inspired by being quarantined at home. Hope y'all enjoy and please do send some love 🥺👉👈
Moonlight and Sunrise
Giyuu and Shinobu were friends, however this fact was quite shocking to others due to their Light and Day personas. Tomioka Giyuu was a loner, he had like maybe 2 solid friends being Sabito and Makomo and the others were at max labeled as acquaintances. Shinobu wasn't the most popular one at their highschool but she was well known. She would always be seen alongside her two best friends, Sanemi the oversized delinquent who'd actually bite your head clear off and Uzui the player; who'd get girls left and right. With attention at both sides of the bay it'd be obvious that Shinobu would be well known around their school, being head of the pharmaceutical research club and still being an avid member of the fishing club and the flower arranging club gave Kochou quite the recognition around Kimestu Academy.
Giyuu happened to be in a different class than Sabito and Makomo to his demise thus forcing him to be the lonesome sheep he is. His classmates didn't bother much about him either and nor did he. To him, Kyojurou was too loud, Sanemi was too reckless and Iguro was too emo. He once even referred to Mitsuri as a horse girl to Sabito, but he later concluded that Kanroji was just a rare hybrid of a Taki girl or a hot cheeto girl and Himejima was that one person who believed in horoscopes too seriously, sometimes he'd do tarot readings for his other classmates which Giyuu honestly found quite cool. Whereas Shinobu was someone Giyuu would've honestly never associated in the first place and truthfully speaking their duo wouldn't even exist if Shinobu hadn't approached him first. Shinobu was more of a bully to Giyuu primarily but later Giyuu had opened up to her about how he thought of her as a close friend and that softened Shinobu's heart and strengthed their bond. Although Kyojurou was the smartest kid in the class; even securing his title as class president; Ubuyashiki sensei always made sure to pair up Shinobu and Giyuu together during class projects thus leading to frequent study sessions together. Towards the end of the year, Shinobu became the third person in the entirety of Kimetsu Academy to be close to Giyuu, the 1st and 2nd being Sabito and Makomo and 4th being a special freshman called Tanjiro.
Even though his classmates were rather annoying, Giyuu never did hate any of them. In fact it was hard for Giyuu to genuinely hate anybody in the first place but then there was this one person and that person was Shinobu's oh so charming boyfriend, Douma. Giyuu saw through his pretty boy personality when she first introduced him. He ranted about it to Sabito the very night, complaining about how he's all fake and it's all just a matter of time before that facade comes of. Sabito didn't miss a beat and told Giyuu to suggest a suitable partner for Shinobu instead, to which Giyuu had no answer to. And as per said prophecy it didn't take long for Shinobu to see Douma's true intentions and she decided a queen like her deserved better than this.
It was finally summer break and Giyuu and Shinobu had finally completed 12 painstaken years of schooling along with the others of course. Shinobu decided to host a little get together and hang out with the people she cared about one last time before they drifted apart into adulthood.
Giyuu reached the mall at about 8 pm and walked straight to the food court since Shinobu informed him that's where they would be. To his horror, Shinobu had invited a great deal of people, including those who didn't like him, example being his whole class. As always his presence was ignored by his classmates but thankfully amidst the groups of people, Giyuu noticed a particular red head named Sabito, aka his best friend. Sabito and Makomo were both invited too. Giyuu and Shinobu's friendship caused Shinobu to become good friends with Sabito as well, both of them developed a special bond while they both took turns into bullying poor Tomioka. Shinobu was sitting next to Kimetsu Academy's mascot boy, Inosuke, who looked way too soft for his harsh demeanor. Shinobu had a soft spot for this freshman. She had told Tomioka of how he filled the gap of her need of a younger brother. Unlike Tomioka, Shinobu had a lot of sisters; Kanae who was the eldest, Aoi was a year younger than Shinobu and then came Kanao who was 2 years younger than Shinobu, and lastly were the triplets, Naho, Sumi and Kiyo who were just middle schoolers. Inosuke was a bratty kid who'd frequently get into trouble for having a foul mouth but he was close to Tanjiro and weirdly Kochou's little sister, Kanao's best friend. The butterfly sisters loved having brutes as best friends for some reason, it didn't make sense but somehow worked out for them.
"Inosuke, promise you'll leave that nasty reputation behind."
"I ain't making any promises till you promise you'll send me 3 boxes of foreign chocolate every month." he crossed his arm and looked the other side.
Shinobu softly smiled at him, she was definitely going to miss this kid alot. "Alright Inosuke, I'll make sure to send you the latest ps4 games as well."
Inosuke's eyes lit up as he shook hands with Shinobu to confirm the deal. A subtle smile tugged at the corner of Giyuu's lips.
Giyuu went over to the table Sabito and Makomo were seated at and took a seat opposite to Sabito. It didn't take long for Shinobu to note his presence and she went over to their table and took a seat next to Giyuu. "Aww Tomioka-san, look this is a good farewell party for you, all your friends are here right Infront of you." she snorted.
Giyuu sent her a painful expression. Must she do this even on the day when he supposedly bids her farewell? "Tanjiro's not here though."
"So Kochou, did you get your acceptance letter?" Sabito tried desperately to break the awkward silence.
"oh yes I did, luckily I got into the university I wanted to. I'll be shifting to Canada a few months from now."
"That's so cool. Congrats!" Sabito sent her a beaming smile.
Giyuu was quiet, he was silently studying Shinobu, maybe this was the last time he was going to see her. She was wearing a Yellow ruffle top that was paired up with skinny ripped jeans and her 5 pound white filas, her hair was tied into a half ponytail; she looked cute. Alot of people would've assumed Giyuu's sense of fashion was probably as bland as his personality but surprisingly the guy had drip. He wore a plain black shirt paired up with dark denim jeans and chains to accessorise. Giyuu was an eboy. His sense of fashion honestly made him look quite intimidating but it added a spice to his laid back bland persona, maybe that's why Shinobu had taken an interest to him in the first place.
And almost too soon the party had came to an end as the clock struck 11 PM. Shinobu was probably tired of getting squeezed everytime she got hugged goodbye. One by one, everyone started to leave and before they knew it, a very ominous pair was left behind, and that pair being Giyuu and Shinobu.
"Sabito-kun is a very nice lad. You have great friends Tomioka-san." Shinobu complimented.
"He's nice because he walked Makomo home at 11pm?"
"Well yes, that's rather a very gentlemanly behavior. Don't you think so?"
"You know I've been doing that to you in every single one of our study dates right?" Giyuu raised an eyebrow, right now he seemed like a puppy wagging his tail to receive pats from its master.
Shinobu's cheeks flushed a pale shade of pink when Giyuu had referred to their study session as study dates mistakenly. It was just a slip of a tongue that's all. "My Tomioka-san, are you waiting for me to compliment you?"
"It's nice to hear you say something good about me once in a while Kochou." he pouted like a child.
"If that's what you want...then alright. Walk me home one last time Tomioka san."
"No." he blurted almost too bluntly causing Shinobu to frown almost too evidently. "I'll take you home on my bike instead, this time."
Shinobu was quite taken aback to his sudden kind gesture. Her stomach swelled up with a weird feeling. A mix of happiness with sadness that this was the first and last time she'd get to ride behind his bike.
Giyuu had disappeared for a split second into the parking lot leaving a timid Shinobu pondering. He did mention he really liked bikes. Weirdly as a highschooler, Shinobu always wanted to cruise behind a boy's motorcycle at least once during her high school years and well this was her chance. In 3 minutes Giyuu showed up in a Ducati xdiavel Infront of Shinobu. He patted on the seat next to him gesturing her to come take a seat behind him and so she did after admiring Giyuu and his totally hot ride. Not gonna lie his attire went really well with his bike, she almost felt like she was starring in some music video as they cruised into the dark streets.
Shinobu shrieked almost losing her grip as Giyuu hit a speed bump.
"Kochou." he called out to her, getting her attention.
"Hold onto me, or you'll fall." his words left Shinobu all flustered and hot but she was quick to oblige, she didn't want any broken bones right before her flight. She also silently thanked the gods that it was too dark for Giyuu to make out her flushed red cheeks.
"Tomioka-san? When did you get this sweet thing?"
"It was a gift from my dad."
"But what if you have to move away for uni? What will happen to it then?"
"I'll take it with me, I haven't gotten a number plate for it yet so I'll just ship it using a ferry or something."
Shinobu wrapped her arms around his waist tightly. She wondered if she was the first girl to sit on his bike. She also wondered about the other girls who would eventually later sit on his bike.
"Kochou, are you in a hurry to go home?" Giyuu suddenly asked.
"Not really, mom and dad are staying at my grandparents' place in the country side and Nee-san just wants me to spend my last few days as free spirited teenager."
"Spend this night with me." he suddenly blurted.
"What?" she choked on her words. Giyuu had become way to daring these days, saying whatever he wanted and bruising poor Shinobu's heart with his choice of words.
"Come on, I wanna show you something." he reassured her in a soothing tone.
"Alright Tomioka-san, as long as you don't get us into trouble I'm good."
He soon parked into a quiet neighborhood. Jesus, this placed seemed abandoned for God's sake, what did he have to show her here? the grudge or babadook?
"Tomioka-san are you sure about this place." Shinobu sent him a nervous look as she tugged at the hem of his shirt.
Giyuu looked into her eyes as he held his hand out to her,"Trust me Kochou." and so she did. They now walked into this dark neighborhood, her tiny hand still enclasped with his large ones. Giyuu knew Shinobu wasn't a big fan of places like these. Places that screamed paranormal activity but the fact the she obliged quite quickly did make him realize how much she trusted him and deep down it made Tomioka Giyuu happy.
"isn't this place restricted or anything? Are we allowed to come here?" Shinobu asked almost too loudly.
Giyuu quickly covered her mouth with his large hands and pulled her into a dark alleyway. Shinobu was quite confused at his sudden antics. She sent him a raised eyebrow as he pinned her against a stone wall, his hand still covering her mouth and almost immediately a Patrol guard walked right past them on the streets. He quickly let go of her and pressed his index finger against his lips gesturing her to stay quiet. "it's alright as long as you don't get caught." he whispered to which she rolled her eyes. He held her hand once again and walked to the biggest house in the area, the house was 4 stories high and Giyuu seemed to have a weird tactic of slipping by the backdoor without getting noticed every time.
"So Tomioka-san, you wanted to show me an abandoned house. Very funny."
"They're not abandoned, they're on sale." He replied walking towards the kitchen.
Shinobu followed him precautiously, "And you're treating it like you own it."
"Only for a while." he replied as he took out 2 bottles of flavored milk. He handed Shinobu the strawberry flavored one knowing that was her favorite and kept the melon flavored one for himself.
"Tomioka-san what's the meaning of this?" she asked one last time, quite getting tired of his shit, really.
Giyuu didn't reply but held her hand as walked upstairs, practically forcing her to follow behind him. They soon reached the attic.
Shinobu was a little taken aback seeing all the clutter of furnite up there. Giyuu pulled up the glass window revealing a beautiful full moon night, how come Shinobu didn't notice that before? And then Tomioka started doing something stupid, which was climbing out of the attic window. Shinobu quickly grabbed his arm as a result of an involuntary reflex, "Are you stupid, do you want to die?"
Giyu was now standing on the roof of a 4 story house with a nerve wrecked Shinobu holding his arm. "Trust me Kochou." he spoke holding out his hand to her.
She shifted her gaze from his moonlit eyes to his hand. Did she trust him with her life? Yes, yes she did. She placed her hand on his and he carefully helped her outside. "Tomioka-san I don't see any point in all of thi-" Shinobu was cut off with the picturesque view of the moon and its bright stars right Infront of her.
Giyuu took a seat next to her, observing the view alongside her. He slowly sipped his melon drink while Shinobu quietly enjoyed her strawberry drink. His gaze shifted from the scenic beauty Infront of him to the other scenic beauty next to him (im a little gay for Shinobu sorry) and there she was Kochou Shinobu, the stars reflected in her eyes as she absent-mindedly stared into the sky being lost in her own void and Giyuu just watched her, she looked even cuter now.
It didn't take long for Shinobu to catch him staring which almost made him choke his drink.
"Are you okay?" she asked him.
"Yeah." he replied after his coughing fits died down. He decided to lay down and enjoy the beauty the night had to offer and Shinobu copied him, laying down next to him. Giyuu had quickly slid his arm towards Shinobu, allowing her to rest her huge head on his arm.
"Tomioka-san." she called out to him making his gaze lock with hers.
"Thank you. I needed this."
He sent her a soft smile as he tucked behind a strand of her hair behind her ear, "You're welcome."
"You know Tomioka-san, since you've been craving compliments I guess I'll finally give you one." Giyuu softly observed her, wondering what she'd say. "If i were to describe you to a person Tomioka-san. This scenery would suffice."
"Hm?" he raised an eyebrow, "How so?"
"It kinda matches with your personality you know, It's as quiet and mysterious as the night but nevertheless if you observe closely it has all this beauty to offer." she smiled at him, and this time it hurt him. It made him feel weird. It didn't take long for Giyuu's cheeks to be flushed red under the silver moonlight. Giyuu couldn't reply to this, heck he couldn't even force any words through his mouth. Shinobu smiled and gazed back at the stars once again. She was hit a wave of familiarity, this was her and Giyuu's relationship, it was a bit complicated but it was a bit too beautiful to lose. She started to feel her stomach coil in sadness realising this was the last possible memory she'd spend with Giyuu or maybe they could meet up during the holiday seasons and have remakes of adventurous nights like these.
"Tomioka-san, did you get your acceptance letter?"
"Yeah I did."
"Where are you going?" she wasn't facing him, she didn't want him to see her sad expression.
"Same place you are." Giyuu tried his best not to smile while he said that.
Shinobu quickly turned to him in surprise, "That's a horrible joke, Tomioka-san."
"I'm not." he said, pulling out his phone from his pocket and scrolling through his email to show her his proof. And to Shinobu's surprise there it was, and it was legit. Shinobu was quiet, this was what she wanted but in was a bit too much for her to take in all at once.
"Thank God, now I don't have to worry about you not having friends and getting left alone." she snapped back almost too quickly,
"Shut up."
The air was light and heavy at the same time, Shinobu was a bit too happy to be falling asleep but it didn't take her long to doze off in Giyuu's arms, or on Giyuu's arms. Ouch.
He mentally cursed himself for suddenly exhibiting simp behavior, but today was Shinobu's day and he just had to oblige even though he had to sacrifice his arm.
It didn't take long for Giyuu to doze off alongside Shinobu. Falling asleep under a star-filled sky did have a romantic touch to it.
Giyuu was the first to wake up as the sun slowly started to rise amongst the clouds, creating a magnificent hue of purple and orange. Thankfully Shinobu had shifted from laying on his arm to laying on his chest instead which was definitely more comfortable, but surely Shinobu wouldn't be able to sleep long against his chest with his heart pounding like that.
Giyuu took a moment to appreciate a sleepy Shinobu alongside the beautiful sunrise. Her sun-kissed face was just art in its own form. If Giyuu was anywhere as skilled as Sabito in art, he'd use this masterpiece lying beside him as a prompt and then that's when it hit him. Shinobu basked in the golden rays of sunlight, Shinobu was the golden sunrise in early mornings and if Giyuu were to describe her to someone he'd say something along the lines of; "Shinobu you're the morning sunrise. You're annoying but your presence brings warmth." he whispered softly patting her head. And as most cliché scenes this was no different, much to Giyuu's ill fate, Shinobu was seemingly awake the whole time, and she heard every bit of that.
"That's quite harsh Tomioka-san, but I'll take it." she replied causing a frantic Giyuu's heart rate to sky rocket.
With the sun out, Giyuu and Shinobu realised they better be getting home now since they both had guardians to explain their whereabouts to. It didn't take long for them to pack up and reach Shinobu's house. They shared a small hug on Shinobu's front porch along with Shinobu thanking him for giving her an unforgettable journey. This was a nice end to her highschool life. With a wide grin plastered over her face Shinobu walked into her house to 5 very amused and interested sisters.
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voidlitmoon · 5 years
Dragon Up Some Memories
truly, I was PSYCHED to write this for you @sugarglider9603
So a while ago I came up with a theory of how Espeon! Virgil evolved and asked if I could write it, which is actually why I started this whole project anyways
Note I went up and looked at a LOT of typing and such, and I know psychic is 4x strong against poison/fighting, but I didn't want Thomas poisoned, as well as I wanted the dragon type to be in there for.. theory reasons..
Also note, I am posting this EARLY for Tumblr (hence why there is no Ao3 link)
Ao3 link
Ao3 series link
Part 8 Part 10
Master post
Words: 1,305
Summery: ' "What a weakling, trainers are supposed to be strong, a challenge, but your just weak. Truly, a disgrace."
The memories of.. her crashed to a halt. That line.. was it..?
He wanted to ignore it, like he had done with the other ones, but the memory swarmed his vision. '
When trouble arrives, Virgil must realizes that family is stronger than his horrible past, and to save them, he needs to fight a past fear
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Virgil actually was thankful for being frozen stiff from fear, otherwise with the terror he felt, his shaking would have dropped leaves from the bush he was under for sure. A small opening through the branches showed the losing battle outside, eevees and eeveelutions fighting a large, familiar Kommo-o as they protected Thomas and Patton.
The team had been wandering through a forest for the last several days, exhaustion taking over the joy of camping. Even with Patton's attempt to make it cheerful, the Sylveon's attempts only worked the first few times. There had been many intense battles as well, wild pokemon attacking them when found within territory, case in point with the current fight.
The difference? Patton, who would have had the fairy type advantage against a dragon/fighting, had fainted not an hour earlier. Even with Thomas's over stocking himself on potions and revives for the long forest journey, wild Oran and Sitrus Berries had become their only source of HP restorers after so many battles.
The human and Slyveon had in fact meant to hide with Virgil (who froze the moment he saw the Kommo-o) but where dragged out in the middle of the field. Now Roman, Logan, Janus, and Remus stood fighting. But fire, dark, and normal type moves could only do so much, especially with this Kommo-o being extremely quick and powerful.
The dark furred Eevee could only stare. This scene, it was familiar, too familiar, so much it hurt. Looking at the battle reminding himself of memories of getting hurt. He couldn't even shake his head, eyes plastered to the ongoing battle as attack after attack dragged his mind farther back, all the way-
The Kommo-o, done and angered by someone trespassing on its territory, twisted in a circle dragging its shining tail near the ground, knocking the remaining four back to Thomas by a powerful Dragon Tail. It advanced on Thomas, terror taking his trainer's eyes, his friend's face. His family laid around the boy, too weak to stand and fight back.
"You dare trespass" the Kommo-o hissed as though Thomas could understand, sunlight bathing its scales "and then are to weak to even get away. Pathetic human and human pets" it stomped right front Thomas, claw raised, ready to give a viscous slash, Thomas was going to die-
"What a weakling, trainers are supposed to be strong, a challenge, but your just weak. Truly, a disgrace."
The memories of.. her crashed to a halt. That line.. was it..?
He wanted to ignore it, like he had done with the other ones, but the memory swarmed his vision.
Eevee stood facing his foe, grass and happy flowers petting his dark fur. The two pokemon's trainer stood in the middle, screeching directions. His teammate Jangmo-o stood opposite field, definitely not as terrified as Eevee was.
Eevee wished he had a name, it would make it much easier to self deprecate on how bad of a battler he was. Thankfully, their trainer did the work for him.
"So slow, you need to be quick if your going to actually hit your target for once!"
"Are you a Caterpie with that strength?! No, there are probably Metapods that could beat you in battle!"
"Why do I keep you, waist of a party slot"
Eevee was brought out of this trance by being knocked back, Jangmo-o standing where he once was.
"For Arceus sakes! Pay attention you useless pokemon!" His trainer stormed over, grabbing the shaking Eevee hard by his scruff "What a weakling, pokemon are supposed to be strong, a challenge, but your just weak. Truly, a disgrace" she spat, throwing his shakey form back to the ground.
Walking back she turned to Jangmo-o, who was cowering themself "I wont have you be a weakling either, I just need Eevee to level up and evolve into a dragon type already" she growled like a Charizard "we will continue training now."
She turned back to Eevee, who was struggling but slowly getting back to his feet, and wickedly smiled
"Now Jangmo-o, use Dragon Tail."
Now named Virgil, the Eevee couldn't stop staring. No wonder the pokemon looked so familiar, no wonder it hated trainers, especially weak ones
no wonder Virgil was so terrified of it. Of Him.
Jangmo-o was Virgil's constant battle partner with her, and Jangmo-o never held back. They were both too scared. After his old trainer found Eevees had no dragon evolution, she threw Virgil away, Remus not noticing when he found Virgil in the dumpster, but his old pokeball snapped in half next to him.
Fury suddenly raged in Virgil's mind. After all that, of Kommo-o probably being thrown away too, he still couldn't see why he hated humans. Hated Thomas. They weren't all bad.
And then Kommo-o slashed his claws.
It only caught Thomas' cheek, but blood started to pour. The boy looked white as snow, and Virgil saw red.
That. Was Thomas. That was his team laying weak and battle fainted around them
Virgil took a step out of the bushes, not a single paw trembling
Kommo-o knew the evil of humans, but he'd also seen the good
he felt as though each step left singed grass, as though Roman had used flamethrower on the earth
That. Was. His. Thomas.
Kommo-o turned from the other side of the field, eyes flashing in surprise as this small dark furred Eevee walked out, somehow.. familiar
That. Was. His. Team.
Recognition flashed in his eyes "well Eevee, we meet again weakling" Kommo-o snapped the air, the others weakly lifting their heads in confusion, pure fear filling their sight as they saw Virgil stalking slowly closer, the light bouncing of his fur as though sunlight and shadows where fighting
Those. Where. His. FRIENDS.
"Hello little Jangmo-o, she throw you out too?" He growled
The pokemon growled "she threw me out, I wasn't 'strong enough'. Humans are ALL the same, and I'll teach everyone I meet. They're all weak"
Virgil's fur seem to glow more, eyes narrowed to slits as anger pulsed through him. Not just anger, power. It urged him to take it, to save. To save them
"Weaklings, all of them" Kommo-o grinned "just. Like. You."
The sun yearned for him. Take it, take it! Save! Save! Save! Save! Save! Virgil accepted its power.
Its drummed threw him, his blood felt like fire as he snapped forwards, bolting to the other pokemon. The light the light the light-
"THAT" Virgil screeched "IS MY FAMILY"
Bright light encased him as he slammed into Kommo-o. The pokemon staggered backwards, surprised by the force but stood back up.
Or he would have, if the ground was under his feet.
Because instead of a glowing white Eevee, something much slimmer stood in his place.
His family gaped as a soft lavender paw lightly stepped forwards, a tail that split into two half way down swished as rage filled eyes glowed bright blue alongside a gem centered on his forehead. The surprised calls of pokemon caused the team to look around to see that the Kommo-o.. wasn't the only thing floating.
Trees seemed to be so still, they might as well be photograph. Leafs, sticks, even entire fallen branches lifted into the air around the small clearing the battle had taken place, and even more beyond. Several pokemon outside their battle zone floated too, pure terror of the sudden harsh hold. The Espeon in front of them blinked, before calmly, almost sweetly tilted his head.
The Kommo-o slammed straight into the ground.
Virgil turned to Thomas and the others, blinking away the blue from his eyes as everything else calmly settled to the ground, pokemon running off as soon as the touched earth.
The others were stunned before
"You.. look amazing Virgil" the Espeon grinned back as Thomas smiled.
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b00bconnoisseur · 6 years
60 questions for @not-my-brain
1. selfie.......Ugghhhh ok. Imma take one rn
Ok here u go (yes thats a bmth shirt)
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2. what would you name your future kids?.....Ooo hmmm well when i was a kid i really liked the names disney, and mesiah. I didn't know at the time that mesiah was another name for god i think lol. I liked it cause of handlers mesiah. I still do. Ooo and maybe Tj too
3. do you miss anyone?......Yeah. My friends on Pinterest from a year ago. My friend lucas. Stan lee. Bob ross. My cousin who died from cancer some years ago. Snape. Sirius. Lupin. Tonks. Dobby. *continues to name every unfortunate death in hp*
4. what are you looking forward to?.......SE-YA next month!! Its the south eastern young adult festival at this college. You can have meet n greets with authors and alot of stuff its the besstttt
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?......DEFINATELY. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @sammchenry my friend lucas and @septembersbloom. ^^
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?..... What like...romantically? Or like a death? If romantically uhhh idk it took over a couple weeks but im ok now. Ive never had another relationship so idk. If death oof yeah idk maybe. Ig it depends on how much i knew them idk. Like when my nanny (great grandma) died i was sad for days (is that alot?)
7. what was your life like last year?.....Sucky af. Still is. But the highlights of my life last year was getting and making friends on tumblr, going to the tøp concert and going to warped tour, volunteering at the library, going to seya and meeting some of my favorite authors, reading, changing and improving my art, listening to all the bands i listen to now, getting into more fandoms, going to a friends house for the first time
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?.......Yes lol. Some years ago when i couldn't find smtn id be so annoyed and pissed id start crying. I dont now but still lol
9. who did you last see in person?.......Hm ig family doesn't count....? Wait do u mean a friend? If so uhh my friends rebekah, anika, and Judah at a TAB meeting at the library sometime last month.
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?......I think so? Like i mean I can hide whenever i get my....time of the month from my mom (talking abt stuff like that with her makes me uncomfortable) and i hid a breakup. And other p big stuff too. So imma say yeah
11. are you listening to music right now?........*pops on earbuds after reading this* yee im listening to bitch lasagna by pewdiepie xD (do i have the best spotify playlist or what?)
12. what is something you want right now?.......To hug @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye but SOMEONE has to live so far away
13. how do you feel right now?........Happy that my earbud still works cause they got washed in the wash yesterday....oops. Its not my fault. I told my dad to remind me to take it out of my jacket pocket before they threw it in but noooooo he forgot
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?.......Uhhhhh fuck idk it was probably from my lil 4 yr old bro sometime last week. Other than him (hes my favorite sibling) i dont let them hug me too much
15. personality description.......Nerdy. Fangirl. "Emo". Tomboy. Hotsause obsessed. Book lover. Music lover. Black. Blue. Harry potter. Introvert. Fall. Sports. Values friendship. Loyal. Uhhhh i cant think of much lol
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?.......*sigh* yes. Yes yes yes. Theres some things abt me, or my life really, that i havent told anyone on here or my irl friends that i sooooo want to so bad but i haven't cause i feel like they'd feel bad and pity me and i don't want that
17. opinion on insecurities........I dont really understand this one. Everyones insecure abt something. Is this askin like if i think its ok or not? I say its ok. Im insecure about literally everything about me. My face. My personality. My socialness. My art. What i do. What i say. Basically my whole body. The things i feel good abt are my books, music taste, and my friends (ily fuckers)
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?.........Hmm this time around a year ago....idk its sorta the same but all the stuff i mentioned abt my year from last year didn't happen yet so nah tho my life sucks rn its better than this time last year
19. have you ever been to New York?........Nooo but i want too soo baddd i wanna visit @septembersbloom !! Im coming for ya soon gramps *does the eye watching thing* my dads been to nyc before tho cause he does construction and he had a concrete job to do there. It was a 23 hr drive for him
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?........Uhhh idk!!! So hard! Maybe.....the whole thats the spirit album by bmth ;)
21. age and birthday?.....15 yrs of age and September 27th 2003 (whats yours brainy? I'll put it on my calendar)
22. description of crush......Its weird idk im not sure if its a genuine crush or not but uh....They like hp :).Thats all u get
23. fear(s).......Losing my best friend @dirtysocke and my other friends. Death. Failure. Momo chasing after me then killing me slowly keeping my eyes open to look her dead in the eyes while i die
24. height......5'6 call me short and I'll fuck u up with THIS *pulls out trusty potato peeler named now steve* dont test me boi
25. role model......Hhhhhhhh so many! But uh gosh one of them is @superraedizzle (youtuberrrr) and vexx and bob ross and da vinci and aaaaaaa so many
26. idol(s)......First person that immediately comes to mind is @sammchenry cause he's super cool and he's really nice and his art's reallyyy good (if u havent seen it w-w-what are u even doin with your life?) And he has a great sense of humor and *continues to ramble about why samms the best*
27. things i hate.......Dabs. Transphobes. Homophobic ppl. Basically any hate on the lgbtq+ community. Bullies. The ship starker. Umbridge. Snape haters
28. i’ll love you if….....U you'll eat pizza, draw, and rp harry potter with mee
29. favourite film(s)......Fantastic beasts. Every hp film. Twilight. The maze runner 1-2. The hunger games. Spiderman homecoming. Kingsman: secret service. Into the spideyverse tho i havent seen it yet
30. favourite tv show(s)......Inkmasterrrrr. B99. The mick. The middle. Uhhh idk mostly ink master xD
31. 3 random facts........Ive never had shrimp. I had a beta fish for over a year once. Im eating pizza crust rn
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?.......G i r l s. I have all girl friends irl and one boy. And on tumblr it seems like i just meet girls? Likei agree with @cristal-kyd1280 its like alot more gals then dudes here. But i do have some guy friends on here too. But mostly girls
33. something you want to learn.......TO DRAW ANATOMY DAMMIT
34. most embarrassing moment........Every moment of my lifes an embarrassing moment. Idk of i can pick a "most" embarrassing one. But one time i i sent my crush (now ex bf) a hey fuckface and like some hearts or whatever for an ask game that meant like "i have a crush on u" "youre adorable" etc and said Hewo but i did it all anonymously. But he confronted me askin if i sent it cause im the only person he knows that actually says hewo lol. Then later on i finally admitted i really liked him and well y'all know the story after i think. Unless you're new
35. favourite subject.......A R TTTT OFC
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?........meet my friends on tumblr. Get into mtsu (college i wanna go to) and study art. And go skydiving
37. favourite actor/actress........favorite actor uhhhhhh probably thomas brodie sangster or tom felton and my favorite actress? Hmmm idk maybe evanna lynch (luna lovegood)
38. favourite comedian(s).......probably kevin hart lol he's p funny
39. favourite sport(s)........basketballllllll and football
40. favourite memory........uhhhhh idk?? One oh my favorite memories was when we went to see tøp in concert
41. relationship status.....single as a pringle
42. favourite book(s)......harry potter and the order of the pheonix. Harry potter and the half blood prince. Simon vs the homo sapiens agenda. Divergent. Maze runner. Twilight. Fangirl. Fallen. Red queen
43. favourite song ever.......TOO HARD DONT MAKE ME CHOOSEEEEEE
44. age you get mistaken for.........16 and 17 sometimes lol
45. how you found out about your idol........i was watching someone on yt and superraedizzle always poped up in my feed and my mom turned on one of her vids cause she always saw her vids too now ive seen most of em i love her. Id heard of vexx but never watched him and i was watching a collab from anthony miller art and shrimpy and i checked out shrimpys channel and was lookin at comments and alot of ppl said his art is like vexxs so i checked out vexx. At first i was like eh ok. Now i cant click fast enough when he posts a vid. And i actually fpund out about bob ross from my grandpa on jan 20 2017 when trump was getting sworn in or whatever. We turned on pbs and my grampa told me to look and bob ross was on and i was IN. I loved it. I even started watching full episodes on YouTube of the joy of painting after that. Wonderful man. My first painting i ever did i think was when i followed one of his tutorials xD (i didnt know it was popular at the time)
46. what my last text message says......."ok your turn"
47. turn ons.....uhh nerds ig idk um book lovers, music lovers, art lovers, potterheads, idk and nice ppl
48. turn offs......jerks. Homophobia. Idk ig whatever i said in things i hate
49. where i want to be right now......uhhhh idk wait didn't i already answer this? Ok this ones different ig so uhh with my friend lucas
50. favourite picture of your idol.....oh shit...favorite? Idk xD i have a fave of vexx but not of rae or bob. But heres pics of them any way
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51. starsign......a libraaaaa boiii
52. something i’m talented at......drawing and speed reading. Thats about it lol. Oh and procrastina
53. 5 things that make me happy.......ooooo art, my friends here on tumblr, books, harry potter, and music ^^
54. something thats worrying me at the moment.....if my friend thinks im being annoying
55. tumblr friends......hhhhh so manyyyyyy. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @chinesewaffles2 @kingantlion @queen-baelin @sammchenry @septembersbloom and more
56. favourite food(s)......green beans, pepperoni pizza, and vanilla madelines
57. favourite animal(s).......basically any reptile. Puppies. Cats. Any animal really but my #1 are snakes
58. description of my best friend.....well she's a tiny bean (5 feet) and she has dark hair, she wears glasses, she doesnt take shit, she's in love with Josh dun, she's awesome, funny, nice (YES youre nice jackie) and shes the best friend ive ever had. Oh. And she has a weird obsession with spaghetti
59. why i joined tumblr.......well i heard abt it on Pinterest over a year ago but didnt want it. Then @mrfastbass-deactivated20181231 on DeviantArt said he got tumblr so i made one then followed him and figured id just post art and that's it cause i thought tumblr was boring as hell when i first got it. Now im p much obsessed with it
60. ask me anything you want.......go ahead brainy shoot. Give me smtn good
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