#I'll probs have more to say when I'm actually writing again but for now my energy to write is low
amethystfairy1 · 9 months
hello internet stranger,
i am in love. you've infected both me and my sister with your brainrot and captivating fics, we've talked about it non-stop the past few days, so naturally we have some questions.
But first, i want to ask what your boundaries are w/ fanart and writing. i've already drawn a couple pieces, are you alright with me posting them, and what should i tag them with? Also, i'm feeling very inspired to write more zed and tango for the travelling thieves au, is that alright if i take your ideas and just yoink them? Im not planning to post whatever i write at this point :P
anyways, moving on, i have a few world-building questions for you, starting w/ traveling thieves:
how does the mercenary guild and hits system work? Can anyone put a hit out on anyone, or do they have to be a wanted criminal? also, how does gem choose her targets? i like to believe she has some sort of moral compass in picking, but knowing the world they live in, i can't be certain
this is less of a question, but i don't see how the world can be resolved. For ttsbc, the obvious solution to the undercity folk living freely is that they overthrow the overcity government or just remove the laws keeping them banned. Sure, it'd be difficult, but from what we've seen, most people don't actually have strong prejudices against the undercity, they just vaguely believe they're evil, which can be very easily disproved. For traveling thieves, it's completely different, because not only is the discrimination in the government, it's in the people themselves; merely changing the laws would not change how people see hybrids, so how can that be fixed? My best solution to them all getting a happy ending is that they run away and found their own civilization where all hybrids can be free, but it doesnt seem like a likely scenario
again, not really a question, but I'm so so so happy in the latest fh piece that they looted the bodies of their attackers. the first time i read it through, i was practically screaming at the screen, telling them to grab the loot and weapons before they continued
next, ttsbc:
4. how do the mobs work? do they act like any normal animal, in that they just kinda exist and happen to be very hostile, or do they follow minecraft mob mechanics and spawn into existence from nothing when the conditions are right? could they theoretically all be exterminated? do all of them dislike light, like the zombies in the cleo bdubs fic? if they do, why are they making their way to the overcity?
5. how did the undercity become a thing? Was it just always there, or was it manmade? did hybrids and mutants always live underground? are the pits really bottomless? and if so, is the world a globe, or is it flat? i understand you might not have thought very deeply about these things before jumping in, but my sister and i were theorizing about different answers. i figured the undercity isnt manmade just like the grand canyon isnt manmade, it just came about through natural processes, and mutants and hybrids just evolved(?) seperately from humans, underground, which is a whole other can of worms with the science behind that. an idea about the "bottomless" pits has to do with physics. at the center of the earth (if it were hollow), you wouldn't feel gravity because it would pull on you equally in all directions. so maybe the bottomless pit really just leads to the center of the earth, and you're not really falling forever, you're just suspended in the center forever lol. not falling, but not hitting the bottom, either
anyways, this was a really long ask (i hope thats ok), and i still have more to say, but i'll leave it there for now. again, i love the angst, and have a wonderful day. im gonna try to get some work done, but it probs wont happen with all the brainrot XD
Hello hello! ✨
I'm so honored that you and your sister are enjoying my AUs and fics so much! That you've been talking about them and theorizing over them is so awesome to hear! Knowing that they've become something fueling discussion is super cool!
I LOVE IT ALL! Fanart/fanworks/fanfic I wanna see all of it! I would absolutely love it if you would post your fanart! Please use either the (#traveling thieves au) or (#through the sky blue cracks) depending on which AU it is for and mention me in the post (@amethystfairy1) so I can see it! And of course you are welcome to write fics based in my AU or using my characterizations, in fact I'd love it if you did! It's the best thing to hear that my writing has inspired someone else to get creative! I know you said you had no intentions of posting it, but if you ever do, please use the same hashtags here if on tumblr, or if you use A03 list the appropriate fic/series as inspiration and please credit me in the notes if you don't mind! I'm looking forward to seeing anything either fanart/fanfic related that you've created!
The mercenary guild is basically like the underground/illegal version of the adventurer guild, and they'll take any jobs that the adventurer guild won't. Blackmail, assassination, smuggling, you name it. Gem has something of a moral compass, but it isn't exactly the strictest thing in the world. We learn when she meets Mumbo in Grian's wing preening fic that she is on her way to assassinate a noblemans son, and while that is a bit of a wink wink nudge nudge if you can figure out who that son is, exactly, it's still Gem agreeing to kill a teenager who is guilty of little more than pissing off the wrong person. Cruel world and all.
Perhaps that's exactly point? 😌 With Traveling Thieves, I did not set out to make a world that could be resolved or escaped from...the whole point is that it is cruel and inescapable, and the best you can do is continue to protect yourself and those you care about...and even then, you might fail to do that. You might be set up to fail in a sick system that would never give you a chance in the first place. And the best you can do is try to put the pieces back together in the aftermath. I don't want Traveling Thieves to resolve in any traditional sense of the word...for where that'll lead all our various characters, well, you'll have to wait and see. 🤔
Loot that body LOOT THAT BODY NOW 💃
They're like your typical minecraft mobs, they spawn in places with low light levels! We've also got some homebrew monsters that I've come up with, such as the bird-men, that we will be meeting as time goes on. Certain monsters such as zombies do avoid light, but there are plenty of monsters will go above bedrock just like certain monsters in minecraft can survive in the sun, like creepers and endermen. No, they can never be exterminated because of how they spawn!
The pits aren't bottomless, we've seen the bottom after all, where Pearl, Jimmy, and Grian were in the Depths! It is a natural chasm beneath the bedrock, and the various caves and tunnels stretch are incredibly huge and diverse, so while everything connects back to the main cavern of the under-city that's so huge, there are also other caves and tunnels where other groups live that we will be learning about eventually, such as the blaze-born pyres or where Cub is from in the Deep Dark!
It is completely totally 100% ok! I love getting long asks like this that give me the chance to develop and worldbuild the AUs and mention some details that might never really show up within the fics themselves! So by all means send more questions and thoughts! And I'd also love to see the fanarts you mentioned if you still are up to posting them, I can't draw so anything anyone draws that has anything to do with my AUs makes me incredibly happy! 😆
Thanks so much for coming by! 💖
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youremyheaven · 5 months
okay so i'm so the anon who brought up how freaky solar men are up & i thought abt how i wanted to go abt this like i was orig. going to continue my spiel and outline every single kink i saw as a pattern but ... i just want to be concise + this is an astro blog i don't want to get too graphic on here so here's me wrapping it up (sorry this one is anti-climatic):
so at the root of it solar men go into sex - honestly any situation in their lives - asking themselves 2 things.
how can i have fun here? & how can i maximize on said fun?
how & will this feed into my ego?
it's an oversimplification of solar men but i think thats the gist of what drives them in any situation. so you can use that logic to apply to whether you'd think a solar man would be into smth sexually or not. like for e.x. solar dom men tend not to be munches in the bedroom (sorry girlsss 😭). but it makes sense as to why when you apply the logic of them being ego & pursuit of happiness driven. and if you do meet a solar man who does like eating their girl out ask them their reasoning for it and i swear their reasoning will somehow fall into this logic too (e.x. "it's fun for me" or "it makes me feel like im the man")
anyway with that being said there's only one other kink they rly lean into that i do want to elaborate on bc it's fun! it's roleplaying. they're so fun in this regard they like to play up certain scenarios (typically a power imbalance dynamic at play in it too) and they rly like it when you dress up for them; again there's also this air of unserious fun to it too like they just don't take themselves too srsly. like my fav memory w my latest sun dom ex was the time when the mid-autumn festival rolled around (he's chinese) and i asked him how he wanted to celebrate since his family was back home so it would just be him & i so he came up w the idea that i dressed like a bunny and delivered him his "mooncake". this is context for those who don't know (how he explained it to me so if this is botched i'm sorry omg): for chinese ppl there is an association b/w rabbits and mooncake during mid-autumn festival; jade rabbits often delivering them. anyways to make a long story short, i ended up picking up a box of mooncake for him and when i showed up to his place he had a whole bunny lingerie ensemble laid out for me so you can put two and two tg and figure out how that went 😂
now with that wrapped up i acc wanted to touch on the last ask you answered: hearing your type now i do not recommend a sun dom man for you actually. sun men def play it cool and i'll be honest they're the type to bully/tease as flirting and i find that the kind of women that best respond to the super cocky, kind of a bully style of flirting from solar dom men are saturn dom women (who dish it right back to them) and lunar dom women (extremely receptive & thrives in passivity). just as claire put it. your type acc sounds more along the lines of a venus dom man (they're simps & tend to worship - they just don't have that external tough guy thing going on imo) combined w smth else. i remember you saying you had a mercury dk do you mind sharing the nak/sign it's in? that could probs help w figuring out whats best for you
oh my last thing do you think solar dom men tend to be drawn to working as commercial pilots? if so why do you think that may be? bc as i was writing this i realized all of my exes were either commercial pilots or up in the corporate ladder. working corporate for them makes sense i feel like i've seen that somewhere but it's the pilot thing i'm curious abt
damn 😳😳😳
Yeah I def can't stand Saturnian men (mainly Anuradhas) and idk any Solar men but while they sound 🥵🥵 they're not for me as you said
I swear my type is a Venusian man who will worship me 🤤😤😩😭 I think I really like the idea of a big serious tough guy that others are intimidated by but who is a complete sweetie with me. Having a partner that is socially respected and taken seriously is vvv important to me (probably bc I have Venus in 10h) I do see the effect of my Mercury DK bc I love to flirt and tease and I love the smooth talking type of guy, I really value emotional & literal intelligence in men but beyond that Mercurial men are horny little rabbits and that kind of puts me off. I want a Venusian man who will be more refined about that sort of thing??? My old friend is with a Bharani Moon guy and honestly I want what they have. He puts the shoes on her feet, carries her bags and feeds her even?? Like that guy loves to give and is a complete simp (idk anything else about their relationship so idk what the downside of all this Venusian affection is)
When you said commercial pilot I stopped breathing 😳😳😭😭 because I only know one person who is a pilot and he's Krittika Sun 😩😩😩 I think Sun dominant people both men and women are drawn to the top of the hierarchy, they need to be the best at what they do, they won't settle for anything less than that and all the Sun dominant people I know are extremely ambitious and hardworking. With flying, they're literally on top of the world and in the air, that's as Sun dominant as it gets. Maybe that's a simplistic take but I think they're drawn to the high life and doing something that only a few get to do. I think all benefic planets kind of create a sense of elitism and exclusivity in its natives (I know Sun isn't widely considered to be a benefic but it's ...The Sun...) our solar system revolves around the Sun, life on earth centres the Sun. The natural most comfortable place for a Solar person is at the top of the ladder, they don't feel like they "belong" anywhere else. The Sun is used to being needed but the Sun doesn't need anybody or anything, if ykwim?? Probably why Sun natives dgaf about anyone or anything lol
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andrea-lyn · 7 months
thank you @smilebackwards for the tag in this one, bc I always love a ramble
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 474, with a lot of them being imported from the LiveJournal days (...and worse, a LOT that never made it because I don't want them under my current pseud).
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 3,447,393. I'm a wordy bitch when I want to be. I was just saying that I've somehow gotten into this habit of thinking every fic I write has to be a minimum of 8k, even though my next fic that will go live will prob be 5kish (...and then something that will prob be around 12k).
3. What fandoms do you write for? Right now, Ted Lasso, Zukka, Raven Cycle (though I'm out of ideas, but may grab one of my miscellaneous for that), Old Guard, Roswell New Mexico (I'm coming back, bitches).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? ready for my close up, mr. dameron (poe/finn) how to fall in love with a fairytale (poe/finn) what a tale my thoughts could tell (joe/nicky) Your Hand In Mine (poe/finn) hallelujah, you're still mine (joe/nicky) (very sad my highest kudos'ed steve/danny h50 one was top 7 and not top 5)
5. Do you respond to comments? Always. No matter what. It's a habit I got into and there's a bit of social anxiety I have around it, but I will always do it.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably The Time Traveling Pilot (Poe/Finn), which has some lovely bookmarks like, Fuck I'm crying, im absolutley fucking sobbing and my fave, I'll never be brave enough to read this fic again, but I'm so glad I read it once. And honestly? Fair. I sobbed a lot writing it.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Basically, 90% of my stuff? My habit tends to be super happy/fluffy stuff and then 10% of my stuff is meant to be angst that will destroy you (...there's a Zukka coming up that will reinforce that pattern)
8. Do you get hate on fics? I started to get a lot of it on Roswell fics for some really unfortunate reasons, and it actually pushed me to make my RNM fics AO3 users only :/
9. Do you write smut? Rarely these days, but only because the story doesn't feel like it needs it. I'll still write smut scenes if it feels right, but I've been living in more rom-com territory lately.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written? I don't do it as often, but I've done a couple! I did a Leverage x Hustle one, a Star Trek x Dead Like Me, and two whole stories for House MD x Doctor Who. I do it less often these days, but more because the ideas aren't there.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of? So, maybe? I haven't seen it though!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I've been super lucky to have a bunch of my fics translated!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? YES, and it's my FAVE THING, okay. Cowriters, come at me, I love it. I want more of it.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? My preferences are fleeting like the wind and my faves come and go and then resolidify, but I will say, lately it's starting to seem like Pynch might be the steadiest 'ship I've had in a while.
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? ...at this point, the Joe/Nicky Outlander Time Traveller's Old Guard, if only because it's a beast of a thing.
16. What are your writing strengths? I really like threading in the little bits of canon and getting as close to the voice and tone as possible. I'd say I've been most successful in some of my Ted Lasso stuff, but I like to be a mimic.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Prose. I'm not great at setting the scene and often my world-building is more characters and relationships than settings or scenarios. I've kind of let that atrophy over the years too.
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics? I used to do this a lot, if only because I speak enough French & Italian to get by, but in recent years, I've started just writing the phrase in English, italicizing, and indicating in the narrative that they're speaking another language, if only to get away from the footnotes or hovering.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Charmed, I think? Piper/Leo was def baby's first OTP.
20. Favorite fic you have written? I usually say Love Like The Sea (my Webgott), but today I'm going with Baby, I'm Howling For You, my Steve/Danny supernatural fic (and series) because it has the best worldbuilding I think I've ever done and I really enjoy the rules I set around that 'verse.
Tagging @earnmysong, @el-gilliath, @hazel-athena, and anyone else who wants to ramble!
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floral-comet-whump · 14 days
context: this post
reacting to current results and thoughts and allat
it's been like 2 and a half days so I'm gonna check. me b4 checking writing this and saving it as draft uhhh
I'm guessing maybe walenty being whumped yearly since I mentioned lore
or how they became an interrogator since also lore
show results is probs gonna be the most popular tbh... will be pressing it
if it didn't win I'll also likely write walenty not even speaking to the captive they're literally torturing because I like writing them just going through the motions. very icy gaze. have I ever mentioned they have quite cold eyes? no I have not, this is a new blog and I've barely talked about that wannabe kicked puppy
ok saving as draft now!! I will return shortly
I'm back. ANYWAYS NOT MY FAVOURITE GETTING ZERO VOTES??? oh well I'm writing it alongside the others anyway it's my blog
hm hm. stepping out the chamber TM is the most popular by now so it's definitely gonna get written! it's gonna be mainly emotional whump and just. stress. guilt. desperate self-justification. they are not doing well! maybe I'll make someone approach them after if I feel like it
whumpering via isolation is in second place and it mixes with the walking out prompt so I guess I'll do that one too... usually, walenty sensory deprivates captives to end the first session early and ensure a more shaken subject in the next, so there's not as much of the distress they have from literally torturing someone for a prolonged period when they step out
sooooo... maybe they're questioning someone who HAS somewhat cooperated, albeit with attitude. the session started with one question walenty answers for one question the captive answers and that's noticeably been thinning out, so the prisoner calls them out, walenty says the cliche not getting to decide things when they're in a cell thing, prisoner is uncooperative yet again, physical torture just makes them angrier.
maybe they threaten to just leave whumpee(prisoner will be named eventually </3) and it actually works but the scare it had eventually fades too, maybe it doesn't work and they go through with it right away
they get the same result of showcasing one of walenty's questioning styles and getting them out while still in the interrogator mindset either way sooooo
demonstration of healing magic is tied with the other second place so it might be written! I realize that my wording there didn't specify who's being the subject of demonstration bjdbidbid. originally I envisioned an actual magic class at daffodil academy cause like. still a school setting!
hoooowever I now realize it can be taken at a different angle where either walenty gets healed in a "lesson" or they heal someone. eh I'm less naturally inclined toward it compared to the other prompts so if it gets enough votes to win by the end of the week I'll decide via wheel
uhhhh yeah that's it!! yippie
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(Hi! It's me again)
Do you have any thoughts on deltarune college mates friskriel?
(Okay, I am very sorry, there is a looot of questions rolled into one here, and you don't have to answer all of them or even any of them, it's just...that since I heard you also like the headcanon, I wondered if you had any specifics? or....well, wanted to think of some? so I kinda made a list of things to just...think about? if you hadn't already?) (I am also aware that college Friskriel may carry more novelty for me, who normally thinks of flowey and frisk in their pre-teen and early teen stages, than you who made two whole fanfics with them as older teens and young adults)
what they both study?
who are Frisk's parents/guardians here? are they currently happy with their family situation?
how (and when) did they meet? (since Az's coming back for Christmas (it's probs autumn right now cause orange leaves) for the first time since leaving, that means he's spent one term at college so far)
are they room-mates?
Any uni clubs or societes they both go to?
Do they attend college parties?
Or shitty part time jobs they both have to work at? (gotta be ready to pay off that student debt, ugh)
are they dating in the background at this point (chapter 2)?
will they be by the end of the game? (in like in the background, in your version, it's not gonna be canon obvs)
Are they still doing a secret relationship here?
How's Frisk's relationship with Kris and the other Dreemurrs? (and the Holidays? since they're close enough to be considered family, honestly)
Would Kris tease them both? (Kris seems like the type)
Can they go on a date to QC's?
And will they be back for the festival? (since that's apparently something you take a date to)
Would they go on the real light world ferris wheel? (like Kris and Noelle went on as kids)
Any chance for post-canon darkworld adventures? (though they might be all be closed by the end) (tag team fights and acts, drinking each other's tea, reactions to each other's cool dark world outfits, Frisk seeing Az's fire magic for the first time, defending each other, item shenanigans (for example, like Susie remarking Noelle's ring smells like her or Ralsei's blushy reactions should you give him the ribbons (poor Kris...), stuff like that!))
Any parallels to other ships such as Suselle?
Or actual popular Azzy ships like Dessriel? What do you think of Dessriel? Any chance for angst or drama there?
Anything related to the original timeline (like Azzy's final boss form he made or...strange dreams from another world?)
What is the status on monsters outside hometown? are they common? Or is Azzy the first monster Frisk has seen?
Again, I am sorry for so very many questions I asked. Do not feel compelled to answer!
It's absolutely fine, no need to apologize, I'm honestly kind of impressed? If AU surveys exist, I would classify this as one!
I have one issue that I'm very guilty of, I have only played chapter 1 of Deltarune, once, and right after it was released, I was in the middle of writing the Growing Pains series when both chapters came out and I was concerned it would throw off my focus, and many other silly reasons, so, I never got into Deltarune- BUT, I am interested in some of the characters.
(I also don't ship Asriel/Flowey with anyone else but Frisk (I've gotten too comfortable with my own AU's and my brain just won't let me think of him being with anyone else at this point, I think it's broken, lol) so I have no idea what Dessriel is.)
Because I still like the idea of the AU, and because Growing Pains 2 had a short college arc, I already have something I can work with, I'm happy to say I can answer a good chunk of your questions.
I'll start simple!
Asriel is studying to become a doctor, but really wants to be an astronomer, he goes to a co-ed college, his roommate ends up being a three eyed, purple slime monster named Grreth (but prefers to go by J.J.) (if you've read Growing Pains 2, you already know who he is, I just couldn't help but add him in because him and Flowey becomes such good friends :p)
Frisk is also studying to become a doctor, they really love to help people, but quickly discover that it's a bit difficult for them and they're considering leaving to switch to something more art-based, maybe they'll become an art teacher instead? But after meeting Asriel and discovering that he's actually their dorm neighbor, and are guilt-tripped by their aunt, they decide to stick to it.
They have a roommate who's a human, who's name is Alice, Frisk has a crush on her at first- until Alice reveals that she's already dating someone and then is rarely seen much after that due to becoming busy with classes and other things, leaving Frisk to have the dorm room all to themselves, it's pretty lonely until they become good friends with both Asriel and J.J.
My Frisk's story is that they're nonbinary (AFAB), Filipino, and lost their parents in a car accident at the age of nine, so they were raised by their aunt (Ligaya) and cousin (Andres) (who is like an older brother to them).
Fortunately, their family is okay with monsters, but kind of clueless about them due to the fact that they live in an all-human neighborhood, so when Frisk goes to college and meets Asriel and all these other monsters, they're very starstruck and amazed, and by the looks of it, Kris seems to be the only human Asriel knows, so he's also starstruck and amazed by Frisk as well, they hit things off very fast.
Frisk's family isn't as well off as Asriel's is, so they work two jobs to help pay off their college debt; one at an adorable bakery (which Asriel comes by often as an excuse to see them, usually bringing J.J. along at first and then later, alone) Frisk's second job is at the college's library, which, Asriel also loves to visit them at, they steal loving glances at each other while he's trying to study.
After they start dating, Asriel starts stressing out because he runs out of allowance money because he keeps wanting to buy Frisk's gifts and take them to nice places on their dates, so he takes up a job as a florist, and because both of his parents are gardeners and he has an eye for making things look good-he's ends up being very good at his job.
Because Frisk's family is cool with monsters in my AU, I can't see any reason why they would keep the relationship secret... although, they'd probably be apprehensive about voicing the relationship or showing any PDA in the beginning because there are groups on both sides that very highly disapprove/hate monster/human relationships, and Asriel and Frisk don't want either to get hurt.
-Fun stuff!-
Asriel admits his feelings first by writing a love letter and sticking it under Frisk's dorm room door, they get it immediately and write him one back and stick it under his door, he then urgently runs out of his dorm to theirs and they practically tackle each other with an embrace, a week after that they have their first kiss.
After getting deeper into their romantic relationship, Frisk thinks Asriel is gorgeous and likes to jokingly flirt about practicing their art by drawing/painting him in the nude (insert Titanic joke here), he always blushes and laughs and the moment goes on, but one day he goes "but who will be the nude one, me or you?"
They go to a few parties, both as a couple and as a trio with J.J., most of them go well, but there are few instances where Asriel nearly gets in a fight with a guy who is coming on too strong toward Frisk, and nearly gets another fight when J.J. gets bullied- and if things go wrong, the three of them leave to go have their own fun.
One day J.J. comes back to the dorm room with pot brownies and shares them with Asriel and Frisk, it ensues a very funny adventure between the three of them, and after that, they use pot brownies to celebrate big accomplishments instead of alcohol after Asriel suffers from the worst hangover ever that ended with him hospitalized.
Things get a little awkward when J.J. admits that he has a bit of a crush on both Asriel and Frisk, but they both let him down gently and they manage to continue being best friends, however, by the end of that month, J.J. meets a dorky cute trans girl and they slowly fall in love.
Asriel and Frisk are both very supportive of each other and help each other with school work, they're even supportive of each other's wishes and desires to do other things, even if it means they'd end up going to different colleges in the future... but they also like the idea of opening up a small health clinic together as a married couple, treating and healing both humans and monsters alike.
-Bringing Frisk to his home-
Asriel brings Frisk home, first introducing them as his best friend but realizes how serious he feels for them and quickly reintroduces them as his romantic partner.
Kris is jealous in the beginning, because here they were waiting all this time to spend time with their older brother, but nooo, he has no time for them due to practically being attached to Frisk at the hip- but being the good brother he is, he catches this before it's too late and makes time for them and Frisk ends up bonding with Toriel and Asgore, they remind them of their parents.
When Frisk finds out that Kris was jealous, and as a person with an older brother figure, they understand and make a point to hang out with them, telling them if they had met earlier before they started dating Asriel, they would have asked for Kris's blessing first- it's a funny thing to say, but Frisk is so serious and sincere about it that Kris can't help but start to like them.
Once they warm up to Frisk and the idea of the relationship, Kris definitely begins teasing them about everything, it embarrasses Asriel but Frisk finds a lot of funny and takes most of the teasing in stride.
Asriel then introduces Frisk to his neighborhood friends and takes them on a few dates around town in the process, it doesn't take long for Frisk to fit into the family and town.
Frisk becomes like an older sibling to Kris, and even if Kris wants to be a monster, they find comfort in bonding with them over human-related things.
-Bringing Asriel to Frisk's home-
Frisk's aunt Ligaya is very charmed by Asriel and treats him like a son, however Andres, who is protective over Frisk, grills Asriel with a hundred questions, by the end of it, Andres is annoyed that he's charmed by Asriel too.
Asriel gets introduced to Filipino food! He ends up really liking it, and on a much later visit, he helps Ligaya cook and sneakily learns how to cook Frisk's favorite foods.
Ligaya doesn't let them sleep in the same bed at her house until they're much later married (she doesn't care if they've tangoed or not, it's not happening!) So, he sleeps in Andre's room (he has a bunk bed), where he is further grilled by Andres, Asriel comically does not sleep well.
Anyways, here's a quick funny doodle I did, a gift for reading my ramblings and wanting to know my thoughts.
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POV, you're an administrator and you're doing dorm room checks and notice that this room smells suspiciously like....... brownies.
However, the three college students- who are definitely hiding something, are also very welcoming and nice that you decide to dismiss any of those suspicions.
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demonsfate · 4 months
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munday topics ! // accepting // anonymous asked . . . 23. another RPC you’re no longer part of (Luna) 🐰
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geeeee... is it embarrassing to admit that i've been in SO MANY RPCs? (i've been rping on tumblr for 10 years now!!) i wouldn't even know where to begin. i guess i'll talk about one that i've been thinking about! but... i don't know if it can even be CONSIDERED an RPC, because like... my muse was from something so "niche" - that there were NO other RPers for it. and like, i'm not even talking about "oh it's a dead fandom" - like i legit believed there was no other RPers for it EVER. at least, i couldn't find any evidence of it existing. and hell, it only got a few RPers 'cos i managed to get people into it. MOST ppl legit believed this muse was an OC before following LOL.
but i wanna say before revealing what i'm talking about is that i wrote him back in 2018-2019, and liiike oddly enough now it's gained traction. i dunno if it's 'cos smiling friends is so popular and ppl are checking out other [adult swim] content but yeah!! i now notice on twitter, exceptional fanart or posts tend to get 1k likes. and then i notice MORE fanart popping up on tumblr! i even see fanart of mah favorite ship with my former muse! and even my old posts are getting regular notes now! and it's like whaaa?! where were y'all back when i was in the fandom?! like i swear - there were SOME fans, but barely any. i couldn't find ANY fanart to reblog at all. it's frickin wild!
anyway, i wrote bill dickey (and later, who i headcanoned as his twin brother, aaron winkleman) from the eltingville club! which was a comic book making fun of toxic nerd culture in the 90s. many also know it as welcome to eltingville, as sadly, it has a pilot from the early 2000s for [adult swim] that never picked up!
USUALLY when i write muses from unpopular fandoms, i STRUGGLE to get interactions like y'all won't believe. usually it ends with me giving up because i just can't get any mutuals at all. but bill was a special case! ppl ended up LOVING bill despite not knowing about his source material, and i ended up getting a lotta great interactions! i guess because bill is such an entertaining character, it's easy to like him despite how horrible he is! lol! plus as i said, many ppl thought he was my oc at first. XD i did get like 10 people reading it!
because the fandom was gaining traction again... i had CONSIDERED going back to the blog (since i actually still have it up!) buuuut... i also know i am VERY bad at managing more than one (or two) rp blogs at most. so...
like jin & devil, i'd also often write bill & aaron shenanigan posts, they went about the same, too... except probs even louder.
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and in this case, there is no "good" one. both bill & aaron were horrible, horrible ppl lmao. (and yes, this is referring to the "area 51" raid if y'all remember that LMAO)
aah just talking about it makes me nostalgic. :') funny enough, this series also screwed over bill because i can't escape bad media that screws over my favorites DUNNO WHY SDFDSNJ. except in this case, it was the ending. hooo boy. i went on long rants about the ending like i would on this blog. like that may make me sound like a hater - but the ending was so BAD, they legit forget a character's name. they legit call one of the MAIN CHARACTERS by a different name. that's how bad & inconsistent it was. (tho it's also worth noting the ending happened after a 10+ hiatus, the creator was clearly done with it and didn't want to bring it back, but only did due to wanting to make a commentary on something that was happening at the time)
now i'm starting to get a lil nostalgic for these guys talkin' about 'em again. :')
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1emontar7 · 6 months
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Next set of drawings, these r pencil only sketches bc I ran out of time to properly finish them off, once again these r also going in the finish off later pile :'-)
Each sketch gets a little description bellow,,
1st Is a girl I drew but her eyes where too high up, challenge included not using an eraser, like literally keeping it as limited as possible so we live with our mistakes 🙏
2nd I drew them with my left hand bc what if I break my right hand and can't draw, we always gotta stay prepared. Maybe I'll train to become ambidextrous one day , handwriting would have to be improved for both hands tho (could do cursive with one and print with another mayb)
3rd Sheep girl, she never gets a name so I just call her lamby at this point, i actually think if I alter a few things it would look ok so that's a start
4th Sad rich lady, idk y that sounds so funny to me lmao
5th 2 of my oc's I've yet to give a proper intro to online so I'll leave it out till I post their proper thing, i got my hands on a lot of air drying clay so I've been planning to make a bjd out of clay!!!!! Those where the plans for my 2 characters, I love watching custom doll videos so I'd rlly love to make 1 myself, more exposition once again when I finish off other projects.
6th side portrait, mixed feelings bc I wanna get proportions right but then they end up looking too uncanny, so I go for a more anime style but I don't wanna draw them with a snout like some shows do, will figure it out at some point probs
Once again id like a diploma in yappology bc I'm getting rlly into the writing unlawfully huge amounts of stuff ab absolutely nothing, even saying this has created the ideal Yap (I think that word is rlly funny rn idk y) ((pro yapper can't compete)) (((I promise it's done now)))
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mattohonbung · 1 year
kulan cafe
🇸🇴 somali
📍 skyline aka build america plaza in bailey's crossroads, falls church, virginia
📅 dinner; July 2023. 1st time
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😋 overall: I literally have no metric for somali food but since it's the only one of its kind in the area, I hope it sticks around. I love getting surprise sides, and they know how to season their damn meat!!!! I'd come back in a heartbeat.
more food pix + detailed review under the cut!
🍵 not pictured is the tea we ordered, 1 cup each. it came out PIPING HOT so we had to wait a bit, but it was so wonderfully spiced (cardamom?). sweet too, but a little too sweet that it got a little cloying once it cooled down. at room temp, all the spices made it taste a little medicinal; reminded me of a natural cough syrup or something. I'd order it again but drink it while it's still hot.
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🍚🐔 rice w/ chicken suqar - this was my fav dish! the chicken was soooo tender and well-spiced (not much else you can say about it when you can't identify spices that well lmfao all I know is that i loved every bite). the rice took up half the plate and then some! I loved that it came with raisins; it reminds me of afghan pulao.
I would SO get this again!!!!!!
🥗 didn't take a separate photo of the salad that came with this dish but it was pretty good. I liked taking bites of it in between these heavier meat dishes. the vinaigrette helped lift it! I'd get it again.
it reminds me of the side of salad that kabob places usually include. I wonder if salads are a western influence and what kinds of vegetables are native to Somalia.
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🫓🐑 sabaya w/ lamb - it's always a gamble getting lamb or goat from restaurants but I'm so glad I did cos this lamb wasn't dry whatsoever and I loooved the spice rub on it. there were some chewy parts that I had to spit out but it was prob tendon so that's to be expected.
also I was drooling the moment I saw them bring out this plate cos the flatbread looked sooo flaky BUT it ended up being chewy and dry af 😔 it was difficult to pull apart 😢😢😢 I'm genuinely so sad about this cos it prevented this whole meal from being a solid 10
I wouldn't get a dish with sabaya again. I'd have a dish with lamb again tho! maybe I'll try their pasta next time.
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🥘 unknown side that has potatoes, peas, and ??? - lol right after the cashier/server brought out the sabaya w/ lamb, he was like "I'm not done!!!" and brought out THIS DISH. and then he was like "NOW the dish is complete." thank god he did cos that sabaya needed moisture... badly
didn't even know that the dish even had sides so i'm not sure how to get it again... but I definitely want it again. I love tasting a delicious spice combination for the first time 🥰
they brought this out a little late into the meal but they also gave us a bowl of their house-made hot sauce, which was made of jalapenos. it wasn't that spicy (tbf the server told us that as he put it down) but its freshness helped lift some items.
💲 price - $17-$20 for each plate, which I think is fair given the generous portion sizes. definitely stuffed 2 people, with some food left over (mostly carbs haha)
🗒️ other notes - it didn't taste salty or anything while I was eating but once I got home, i was SO THIRSTY i downed half my water bottle like a whale. 🐋
anyway the cashier/server was really friendly to us. after he asked us to rate the food, he made a point to tell us that everyone cooking this food is family and actually from somalia, not like "other restaurants" (who most likely have latino people working in the back).
this plaza feels like the ethiopian version of eden center. hoping i'm not cursing the place as I write this but I wonder when fairfax county will start drooling over the land as ripe for redevelopment and ethiopians will have to organise for anti-gentrification like viet folks are rn (if you're reading this, follow viet place collective)
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edenwolfie · 2 years
🥺,🛒,❌,💲,👀,🧠(Hua Cheng, Xie Lian),🎉,✅ for the writing meme!!!
Hoooo boy! Thank you and hello! Let's gooo
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels? A good old passionate smooch! as someone who irl hates kisses, oh boy the concept of them? mmmm yess, very good. Also just, casual touching, love that shit. Folks crying on each other or an emotional confession??? wrecks me.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc. I love,,,soft. Found family gets in there a lot. Adding women into settings where there's not many of them in canon (ie. compass and tangled by the night). I think all my fics have a getting together component. A little angst, h/c, etc always gets in there cause 👌👌👌.
❌ What's a trope you will never write? Write? oh man...less of a trope, more of a genre, different setting AUs are not it for me, ie. modern AUs, historial AUs, I always like the settings of whatever it is I'm writing of and that's the world I want to play around in, and even when I'm reading fic, those are the fics I only really read when I'm desperate for something. Tropes wise I could probs see myself writing any if it suited me?
💲 Would you ever open commissions? Probably not, mainly because if I do not have a clear plan of the overall structure of a fic, it will not get finished. I am however defo open to suggestions of fic ideas, they may or may not take me anywhere, but they also might! I had so much fun with my artist partner angie-s-g when working on 'let our walls cave in' for the mdzs rbb22 as that was a very collaborative process in laying out the story beats together which I then went running with. All my other fics v much get written p much in a vaccuum without outside eyes (which, not the greatest i will say, and, one of the reasons i started posting compass before it was done was so i could get a little feedback as we went, but it is what it is). I think i got off topic here....whoops
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please! Oh, hm...let me check the wip doc...hmmm, of these I have no idea if any will get finished or even shared...I've been working on Compass for like, a year and a half now and I only really dip into these when I get stuck but want to keep the writing habit going and oh man there a lot of very shameless smut/abo/nonsense in here . So short answer is, no idea what the next actual project is, maybe one of these, maybe a new idea!
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. For the both of them, its the ace-spectrum headcanons, because lets be real, its barely a headcanon and as an ace person, I fuckin love that shit.
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success? Anyone else reads the thing! Honestly, in classic writer form, all my fics have been written very self indulgently for me, that anyone else likes them is awesome. That a few have become p well loved is legit mind blowing to me as someone who does not have a huge amount of confidence in their writing!
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to? My own little kinks always slip in there rip 🫣
ask game :)
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diznam · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
Oh! Thank you for such a great and difficult question!
A looong text awaits heh (and I could certainly write even more!!)
I think I'll limit myself to only one character per fictional universe, and I'll only choose from internationally famous works to make it easier. I will surely forget someone and I will never be able to choose if I think it over for too long... So, without contemplating too much, and in no particular order (except for the first one), i'll go with this:
1. Dustfinger from Inkheart -- This man was probs my first fictional crush ever and my forever nostalgic number one. He's a morally gray character, deeply troubled, kind, selfish, painfully human, but also gorgeously magical. Oh, and fire loves him. Can’t beat it. Even though for children, Cornelia Funke writes and illustrates beautifully. If you haven’t read any books of hers, you should try one!
2. Fred and George Weasley (yes i'm sorry but I will write them as one unit) from Harry Potter -- Need I say more than that they make everyone laugh in times of darkness? As the youngest, and only daughter among numerous siblings, I relate a lot to Ginny, and really love these two - the ultimate big brothers.
3. Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece -- The perfect paradoxical mix of incredibly selfish but with a huge heart. Luffy just lifts everyones spirits, and he's so stupid, ambitious, and wholesome that you can’t not love him. As someone who has a hard time being impulsive and living in the now, I find him so terrific and almost inspiring.
4. Sokka from Avatar the Last Airbender -- Underrated character. I would've never claimed him as my favourite when I was little (especially since i was mad for Katara), but as an adult I’ve come to see just how fuckin awesome he really is. Like, he's funny, kind, relatable, smart, strong, brave and just an all around realistic character. Love. Also, I think I just automatically love all the kind big brothers that remind me of my own ones (♡)
5. Jace Herondale from The Mortal Instruments -- Could have just as well written Will Herondale here, but I’m not going to write two Herondales on the list (especially since they are VERY similar. Will is a book nerd tho, which is like the ultimate perk). Anyways, so, after Dustfinger, my second fictional love was Jace I think. Attractive, strong, sarcastic, troubled, kind, LOVING, and with such character development and ambition. Ya. Just so so good. I think I mostly focused on his hotness as a 13 y.o tho -.-
6. Peeta Mellark from The Hunger Games -- Honestly, I just love him because he shows how truly important and helpful kindness is. Loyalty, kindness and bravery - this man has them all. Plus he's a friggin baker and an artist. Like, come on, how lovely can you get??
7. John Watson from BBC's Sherlock -- Another example of a profoundly realistic character. I thought first about writing Sherlock's name, but I think I might actually love John more. He’s just so complex, but at the same time real simple. And surprisingly funny. Much, I attribute to Martin Freeman's amazing acting skills, but yeah, John's awesome.
8. Katsuki Bakugou from Boku no hero academia -- Honestly, I'm questioning myself putting him on this list, but I think he deserves a spot simply for the fact that his character development is So. Fucking. Good. Almost as good as Zuko's from atla. And he deserves a spot purely because surely the amount of fanfics I've read starring him must be telling me something.
9. Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood -- Ah, okay, so once again an older sibling who is funny, strong, kind, brave, energetic, troubled, and who loves so painstakingly strongly (I'm starting to see a pattern here...). Idk, but I just really like him. And I felt like I had to include someone from Fmab because the show slaps.
10. Victoria Spring from Solitaire (and the Osemanverse in general) -- Honestly, Tori is just such a great character, because in all her melancholy, depression and numbness, you can still find so much to love about her when reading from her perspective. Also, shes an older sibling who adores and takes great care of her little siblings. I've struggled a lot with mental illness, and I can teally relate to both Tori and Charlie's problems. So finding that I can love these two characters so much despite all their issues, makes me realise that maybe I can like myself a little bit more too
THAT WAS TEN! I could easily write more, but I’m gonna stop myself now. Sorry if this was a lot longer than you expected, but I really liked this question.
Thank you for asking it! Hope you got what you wanted. Have a great day/night wherever you are :) <3
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nathank77 · 1 month
1:00 p.m
Mike asked me if I'm experiencing any hypomanic symptoms. Of course I was offended cause like IM NOT MANIAC. He was like well you're taking 3000mg of white mulberries despite the LD50.
And I explained what's the difference between me taking 3000mg of white mulberries that are actually significantly improving my life and yes there is risk but at the same time, the short term benefits outweighs the risks.
The golden rule question of medicine is, do the benefits outweigh the risks? Like does taking Methimazole make sense to treat your thyroid versus not taking it, when Methimazole can actually kill you? There is a rare side effect it causing severe liver damage which is why I get my liver levels pulled every months. It can actually kill you if you're one of the unlucky few and your Dr doesn't do level as much as they should.
He asked if I was having racing thoughts and doing risky behaviors. No I'm not. The most Risky thing I've done is increase white mulberries. I don't spend money unless I essentially do a spread sheet and plan my monthly finances for a couple months to make sure I can afford it. I don't have sex with strangers. I don't idk, do drugs for fun.
Racing thoughts I mean they have actually decreased since taking xanax funny enough. Tbh I don't have racing thoughts at all. My thoughts are truly careful and slow and articulated.
I think he thinks that taking white mulberries at 3000mg is a risky behavior. But how is it any different than deciding to develop a movementdisorder from antipsychotics? Short term reward (less hallucinations) but long term life altering side effects...
The only difference is we don't know what will happen from long term use at this dose or any dose at that rate bc the research doesn't exist.
What do we know about white mulberries:
1) they help gum disease per a number of clinical research studies
2) they lower blood sugar per a number of clinical research studies
3) they lower cholesterol per a number of clinical research studies
4) they reduce hallucinations per a number of clinical research studies
5) they can be used as a treatment for Parkinson disease
6) in conjunction with antipsychotic caused tardive dsykinesia and other movement disorder they caused less symptoms of tardive dsykinesia.
I wish he didn't ask cause then he went into the LD50 and it's like, man I just want silence. 90% of the time I've been writing this it's been silent with an ear worm...
I may not live long but all I want is to hear the birds chirp and to sit in the woods and never hear the voice again.
I don't need anxiety about the white mulberries everything I read about antipsychotics are bad. I mean people on them for 3 or more years and they have all sorts of movement disorder and they STILL HEAR THE VOICE. HOW IS THE RISK WORTH THE BENEFIT?
I have a reduction in my hallucination. A significant reduction in it. Enough to say the risk is worth the benefit. Yet I'm suffering no ill effect from it.
I just didn't need the anxiety. I'm the furtherest thing from manic.
Last night when I was struggling to sleep my facial muscles twitched... prob metopolol leaving my body. Maybe the statin side effects still leaving.
Sure it could be white mulberries but now I have more anxiety. I didn't even tell him about the facial twitch cause I didn't need him making me more anxious about it.
Christ it could be from xanax!
Either way I heard a cricket chirping last night and it was the most beautiful sound I've heard in months. Pure silence. Just the chirps.
If I developed a movement disorder from white mulberries I'll kill myself. I don't think they cause it.
For all I know it could be xanax. For all I know it could be the statin. For all I know it could be a the metopolol leaving. It could also be ANXIETY!
I remember before I started taking white mulberries or anything, I would randomly have twitches sometimes facial twitches and I'd just be like it happens move on and not worry but I wasn't taking a mystery supplement at a high dose.
And now I'm anxious. Imma tell my doctor I take White mulberries.
I just was already anxious about my insomnia, my thyroid nodule and my heart. And now I keep thinking about that facial twitch and white mulberries and now I'm scared.
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1d1195 · 7 months
Hi Sam!! How are you doing my love?!? I’ve missed you😭 this week has been slightly better, still very busy and lowkey feeling a bit burnt out :( but I think I may be getting out of my depressive episode so that’s good at least HAHA
Anywaysssss I read the time extra and omg it was so heartbreaking but in such a beautiful way! I feel SO much for this Harry like SO much! Like my heart hurts for him but I really appreciate their story! I just wanted to go shout out at him how loved he is by everyone especially the MC! And ugh my heart hurt so much that he thought she would not want to marry him at all😭 and the proposal in their little kitchen was just so adorable?!?!!! It’s so very them and I loved it!! So well done Sam, you never fail to amaze me❤️ and I don’t ever feel bad for not posting anything, you are consistently doing WAY more than enough for us honestly that you deserve to go at a pace where you’ll still be able to enjoy what you do! We will all still be here now matter what!
ILY bestie hope that you are well and are having such lovely days!!!-💜
Oh I'm so glad to hear you're feeling a little better! Even if a bit burnt out. I relate to the burnt out feeling immensely. I hope you find some time to yourself and time to rest. Do you have spring break soon? Any fun plans? Whenever people ask me what I'm doing over break I always say nothing which is EXACTLY what I want to do over break. I don't want to do anything or have any obligations. Also I cannot afford trips and such so it's not really much of a choice. Anyways, I've missed you and I'm glad you're on the mend 💕 just reading what your message you sound better than the last couple times you chatted with me. I hope that's encouraging, too!
I was very grateful to get the idea from one of my sweet anons about this piece, but I was very stressed about it hahahahaha I had essentially 'written' the little series while I was commuting to work over the course of like two or three years as crazy as that sounds. Then when I started writing again I finally got it into actual typed font. But I was in a pretty bad place when I was thinking about it. So it was really nice to write something fluffy and light for this little couple but it was a little hard to get back into the mindset of Harry feeling a bit lost (which I guess is a positive sign for my mental health). I think it was really cute to see their private proposal. I imagine they did the whole dinner thing with their friends and families but I think Harry was a lot calmer knowing the answer ahead of time (even if he's ridiculous for thinking she'd say no).
Thank you so much for your endless kindness towards me and my posting schedule. I'm genuinely considering calling in sick one day this week because I'm simply struggling. I've been feeling very overwhelmed and stretched thin. I don't know if this is a normal amount of things that every other adult has to do or if I'm just being a whiny brat. I never feel like I have time to myself and I feel behind in every aspect of my life. I'm behind at work, I'm behind in my personal health, I'm behind with my chores, need to see my family, and should probs spend some more quality time with my bf. But it's a lot and idk how people do all this all the time. But calling in sick as a teacher just usually means more work for myself in the end so it's probs not worth it and I'll get caught up eventually.
ANYWAYS. Honestly, I'm doing fine. It could be worse, lol I hope you're having a good weekend and really it was the best to see your message and hear you're doing better! I was hoping you would message me soon--I think our brains lined up because I thought about it most of yesterday and then saw your message right before i went to bed 💕💕
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 9 months
By p5 you mean in terms of plot and themes or in terms of salt? (Go off either way I'm always down to hear riffing on Wish)
It's the plot/themes tbh. In terms of salt...... I didn't mind the film but it def gave "undercook chicken vibes" TT0TT (I could probs bitch about Raya more, but I guess I can muster up some grievances with this film klasjfdlkj;af but before that P5). (edit of me from the future after getting to the end of this ask: while writing this I went from "eh" on Wish, to "I hold this new hc rewrite very dear to me for some reason" I dunno if y'all wanna hear a outline rewrite of Wish but I'd be down for it kasfdjklf):
Before the bitching about Wish's issues, let's address the P5 (well more P5R/P5S with the whole stealing OTHER people's wishes-I mean desires, and then also granting said wishes) parallels first. So I DID NOT know it was going to be.....technically a heist film (without the fun heist tropes ;w; and technically also only for a small duration ;w;) Suddenly it was "You can't take people's desires-I mean wishes", and "I'll take them back! They don't belong to you!" and the villain crushing the desire-I mean wish harms the original person (as well as it being taken seems to affect them too??? Or was that just Sleep-I mean Simon? Or was there even a connection? It's not really explored well! :'D) And then the team uses a star to take down a wish granting god, AND the masses of the people take down the controlling god as well-....you have a rag tag team of people to help rebel against the authority, as well as someone from that same group who betrays them and is controlled by the godly being ("controlled" in Goro's case, Wish did a better job exploring that than P5 imo >_> by that I mean literal bare minimum) and also has a knight motif (I think black mask, along with Mako's outfit, have a knight motif)
There's a lot of similarities. aklfjdlksajf I was NOT expecting it.
Ok now for just.......salt. Diet salt? Frustrations but w/o the hate? *shrugs*
So the pacing was a thing. I was wondering how they'd get from one point to the next, and then realized they were just gonna barrel and quirk their way through. TT0TT
I REALLY hated Asha's character when she was *~quirky~*. That only worked for Tangled/Frozen, `1) it wasn't overplayed (Tangled literally started it, so by Frozen it was like 2 instances by this point only), 2) It made sense for those chars (locked away during a critical part of their life, yeah no wonder they weren't well adjusted), 3) they looked similar and the cameo just kinda fueled the theory they are (distant) cousins (aka so maybe hereditary personality trait).
Everyone else has been......not original and it's just......boring/annoying. (Raya I think was the closest we got away from it, but she's kinda just a Korra clone, cool but with dorky moments.......sigh I'll take it).
I physically cringed in the theater during her interview bc of the dorkiness. TT0TT I cringed so much that....I think I might've missed the reason why the king even bothered to show Asha the wishes???? He trusted her? She interested him??? That's the vibe I got but like.....WHY?????? (again was cringing and she was like 'oh I'm bombing" and he's like "no you have my attention" and I'm like "oh this dialogue is so bad TT0TT Get me outttttt!!!!") Before moving onto the next point, when she's not *~quirky~* she's......there. Fine. I prefer her at her basic just don't give me her worst, I can't handle her at her worst. TT0TT
This whole thing could've/would've/should've been avoided if the King didn't let her see the wishes! Or explain in detail! Like you're smarter than this aren't you my dude? This seems like something you keep hidden only for the MC to find out later and THAT causes a big stir. Not "let's show the MC I'm sure nothing wrong will surely come from it!" Like????? I need a better reasoning!!!
Now the actual act of the villain. Not saying what he was doing was right or good. The guy is a dick, a narcissistic dick. But.......everyone seemed relatively happy? TT0TT Like not even in a mind control way. And he wasn't doing anything bad to the wishes (not doing a lot in general but at least he wasn't hurting them??????). Like I know it's technically using it as a means to keep people there (dangling a carrot in front of their face, manipulation) but....I just feel like we aren't given enough information and they spend so much time on people being so chill it's like???? Is it really an issue??? TT0TT Like we have the dialogue about Simon losing his spark or some BS but like.....no one else seems to have the same issue TT0TT
I dunno, his whole "using it for control" and lack of doing anything evil with them to begin with is kinda.........not well developed. :') Like on the surface, yeah he's bad, but digging deeper ...well it's just not that deep. All the shit he does afterwards is bc Asha challenged him and accidentally wished a star down. (tldr; his "control" on everyone doesn't really feel well defined)
Basically, if they were doing a grey->evil pipeline, they didn't do a good job. Either he needed more fleshing out, or just start him off as pretty not great and then going full blown sorcerer at the end.
While I'm still on the king, I was REALLY BOTHERED by how much they kept leaning into his sad backstory. Once? Ok. But like they ref it like 2-4 times so I'm like "????? Did HE cause the tragedy???? WHAT was the tragedy????" Like I kept expecting more of a twist with it (like the king was actually the reason for it) and for them to go into detail but no it's just dropped. TT0TT ????? Was it really just there to make him grey/justified in his actions??? Well it'd help if I KNEW MORE OF WHAT HAPPENED!
I also kept expecting more from Asha's dad. Like they kept bringing up that mfers back on that gd tree but...nope nothing!
Ok moving onto songs. Wow only 6 songs? I'm surprised. Tho one felt like it went on for WAY too long.
"I'm a star" was a song....that when it showed up I was like "Oh geez.....why???" It just brought the pacing to a halt. TT0TT I don't want to hear people bitch about Fixer Upper ever again, at least that progressed SOMETHING. (both are still better from A Guy Like You from the looks of it......and F1's "In Summer" but not cause In Summer was bad, but because the point could've been summed up in a line or three/was summed up already.......those mfers almost cut Do you want to build a snowman but were gonna keep THAT??? I would've rioted fsakljdlkfja TT0TT....oh right Fixer upper vs I'm a star)
Ok ok, so both have something that's important to the plot. Ngl I was wondering what IAS was doing until.....the climax where I was like "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ok, ok I....alright." (aka where everyone uses "the star power within them to defeat the evil). So the meaning behind it I don't mind, it's the.....execution.
So with Fixer Upper, it's a similar thing. FU (haha) contains something important to the plot that'll help the heroes out later (or explain a key part of the story). FU is basically stating/reminding the audience (and Anna) "Elsa is scared and stressed, but if you keep showing your Love to her, Anna, you'll break through to her. Love brings out the best in people!" It's the point of F1. It's the point of The Snow Queen. It's what's been going on this entire film. It also helps develop Anna/Kristoff as well. Because of this it doesn't derail the plot.
I know it DOES feel similar to A Guy Like you, where they put some comedy right in between more serious moments. The difference is Paris is on literal fire, and Anna....due to dramatic irony, isn't aware of shit hitting the fan just yet (or that she's about to die). So she's in a position of just one last moment of brevity unlike Hunchback (from what I remember of Hunchback, gotta rewatch tbh but I know people HATE A guy like you so TT0TT)
Now FU is towards the end of the film and.....F1 is paced fairly well imo. Stuff's happening, nothing feels wasted. Back to Wish.....I'm a Star....doesn't. It has answers for later, but it felt like it brought the pacing to a screeching halt to give me a weird and very eh version of Be Our Guest.
I know in musicals "when talking isn't enough, you sing. When singing isn't enough, you dance."
I do not get the....well...NEED for the scene to be like this. Just talking could've done it justice, and esp saved time (a handful of seconds vs minutes TT0TT)
Like for the climax a scene with THIS SONG needed to happen. But how it comes about is just......it's not it. It's not paced well. Be Our Guest works because Belle knew ALL these chars for a bit. FU worked because the AUDIENCE still recognized these chars from the beginning (and at least KRISTOFF knew who they were). I'm a Star is mostly with random animals and plants that just....happens. TT0TT "Just go with it" no I don't think I want to little rabbit (I feel like a plant/animal said that line but I don't remember which, maybe it was Bambi)
I dunno the set up isn't....great. Wait, it's really just "I have a dream" but.......shittier, like not as well executed. But I have a dream doesn't come outta nowhere, it's set up by Flynn and then executed. The Star just sprinkles some magic dust and it's like "well I guess this is happening."
Tldr; I'm a star isn't well executed even tho it's important to the plot. It needs to be paced better.
Ok other songs (tbh I was eh on the songs but I'm not really liking At all Costs and This Wish).....Welcome to Rosas reminded me a LOT of Encanto's opening and dancing (only thing I was positive towards that movie on). But that dancing is....never brought back? Ok. The framing of the intro song is similar. Exposition through song is ok. (I didn't like F2's Some thing never change but it does catch us up). It's fine.
This is the thanks I get: I liked it when I heard it. Kinda laughable, because of how evil he just....turned into. The king is a real let down ngl, but I already kinda went into my issues with him earlier. I think it's nice he doesn't make them pay rent like wtf let me live there. u_u
At all costs. I........really like this song ngl. It sounds like a love song. The demo even more so (to the point people wondered if it was originally for the King/Queen and/or Asha/Star). Part of me likes the K/Q and Asha/Star duality, but I also........really just like the twisted-ness of King/Asha just singing their own mindset. I dunno I find the idea hauntingly beautiful and is a better villain song for King. Why couldn't King be more evil earlier? It would've been SOOOO GOOD HERE! TT0TT
This Wish: I like it. Was looking forward to this song ngl. Not my most fav song in the world or disney verse, but I like it. I also like the reprise version, they stuck the landing the best they could with that imo. (it's only held back by the other issues of the film). I think I read on TV tropes this song was written first and then a plot made around it? TT0TT I dunno.
The Revolution song I literally forgot of: Probs the most forgettable, like ok sure whatever. At least it wasn't cringy like I'm a star but 8U
Also I JUST found out (after typing most of this) that apparently the song writers were......mostly known for pop songs????? And not musical theater???? Which...ok that makes sense with the whole "when talking isn't enough, you sing. When singing isn't enough, you dance" combined with the thing I read on TV tropes and This Wish..... There wasn't a lot of synergy with how/why some of those song scenes are happening. TT0TT
I mean I'm a basic bitch who likes pop songs don't get me wrong, I'm over here vibbing to This Wish (OG and Reprise) and At All Costs. But Disney did not let those two live up to their full potential ;w; And I believe it's because they......forgot it was a musical and to do more musical theater choices. TT0TT
Thoughts on characters. I don't care for the grandpa/mom ngl. I don't hate them but I don't care. Not a fan of Asha's dad, just.....such a nothing char. Her 7 friends are ok (too many perhaps, put some on the chopping block jalkfdjska). I wish the goat didn't speak (or just sounded cute), or if he did speak in that voice he didn't appear in ALMOST EVERY SCENE (I think Asha/Star duo would've been best). Queen ok, should've been evil. King is ok, should've put him in the over longer tho (and made him more evil from the start).
What could've been: Queen was also suppose to be evil (she should've). Star was gonna be a tumblr Jack Frost esque twink. Disney dropped the ball on that u_u Did he HAVE to exist? Depends on the story (twink or cute star creature, either work it just depends on what the focus is and how you go about it). But the Queen should've been evil.
Oh my thoughts on the meta ending........I.....don't.....it .....didn't make sense? I know people are saying 'oh Disney's just saying it's references! They're backtracking on the extended universe!" and.....like it feels more like references tbh. Like Peter Pan, the guy iirc was an adult (wait of course he has to be an adult, you give your wish away at 18!), he wants to make a plane with the lady. He just looks like Peter Pan. I don't think they are the same Peter. Same with Bambi, OG Bambi isn't a surfer stoner. I think it's just a reference. I think the movie is just too full of references.
"Asha changes race and becomes the fairy god mother to Cindy!" I..dunno.....maybe? She said she'd be ROSAS' fairy god mother....I don't think Cindy takes place anywhere near that. No seaside from that movie iirc. (I mean she can travel but......I dunno)
The only thing I'd buy is Star maybe connecting with Pinocchio or something from across the milkyway. And the sky is the cinematic universe, because I just....can't buy the other refs being part of something greater. So if it's just the sky part.....then 1) it's kinda just pointless tbh cause it doesn't really matter. 2) they wanna be Kingdom Hearts so bad TT0TT I hope KH4 has Wish in it, I'd love to see how that mess will roll. (they can't make it any worse :'D it can only go up from here....esp compared to KH3's Frozen world *sobs* I'll never forgive you KH3 *sobs harder* A game about hearts......and a plot device of a FROZEN HEART YOU COULD'VE EXPANDED YOUR LORE! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *ugly cries* *coughs* I can see them doing something with your "inner star" and KH hearts tbh >_>)
Anyway I do think it's more references than cinematic universe.
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goldenkid · 3 years
haha so tomorrow I find out which uni I'm going to
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needsmorewlw · 2 years
Again I'm so late to this tag train but I'M HERE NOW
Ty for the mentions everyone! alot of em got lost in my feed but ily. if you said I was your fave writer because of my hcs just know I DID cry about it. Y'all are adorable. I can't write for shit. I use "like" as a conjuntion. But I love you.
Favourite and least favourite counselor and why:
No one is surprised my fave counselors are Dylan and Kaitlyn. They can do no wrong they will live in my head forever.
Least fave?? Ehh... honestly this is one of those things where when I replay the actual game, there are characters who annoy me but when I'm interacting with the fandom I love those same characters and they're my beautiful babies.
So I guess if I had to pick some it would be Jacob and Laura. Don't get me wrong I love them in the fandom but like I said, when I replay the game I find myself getting irked by their writing. Y'all fanfic writers are too good tbh. Giving me unrealistic expectations.
Favourite and least favourite chapter and why:
CHAPTER NINE and yes entirely for the scrapyard scene. Best sequence of the whole game hands down.
Least fave would probs be chapter 7. Like it was obviously an exposition chapter but it definitely coulda been more interesting. Laura and Max escaping and making their plan woulda been fun to play instead of it ending as soon as it got interesting 😭 the Laura/Ryan/Travis scene at the end of chapter 10 also sucked ass. I've made my peace with the ending being Garbo but I'll still say it.
Favourite ship:
Just like everyone else, Radioheads and blygbank. Absolute babes. Can't get enough of them. I need to eat the content.
Biggest counselor crush:
This may come as a surprise but it's Emma. Idk if it's because of Halston Sage but I know that if I met Emma irl I would be intimated by and attracted to her just like all my past gfs
How would you survive in The Quarry?:
My instinct is to say I wouldn't but let me give myself the benefit of the doubt here.
I would have been right there with Dylan overthinking and bringing up stuff from horror movies Ive seen and comparing it to the situation I'm in.
And I'd also befriend Kaitlyn and hide behind her so I think she'd do all the work keeping me safe tbh. Although I do have a really good aim not to brag 💅 I clean up at those shooting games at fair and carnivals and I can throw axes with accuracy so maybe I'd be fine 😌🤌
Favourite fic writers and fanartists:
Writers: @drylan @five-rat-lore @mothamcity  @dylan-lenivy-appreciation-day @lowonmelatonin @chipper9906 there's undoubtedly more but just off the top of my head <<
Artists: @divomria (you breathe air right into my lungs. I hope you're safe and well x) @denkicide @korianderbandit @garbage--chan @somecleverartname05 @lenillusion again there's probably more but just off the top of my head y'all are incredibly talented.
Some friends you've made in the fandom:
I've been wildly busy and bad at making friends as of late I'm sorry, but I'll just shout out all my mutuals and people I keep seeing in my activity feed. @lowonmelatonin @wlwmages @amberpriceenthusiast @drylan @stressedanime @blygbank @goodpointsandbadpoints @faeremis @116t98 @ggh0stb0yy @alwaysher @bisexualmultifandommess and everyone else who I tagged earlier and everyone who's all up in my notes interacting with my posts you've made this fandom so fun 💕 You're all so fun and sweet and I consider us friends 😌🤌
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ballorawan740 · 3 years
SCP Scenarios: SCP x Fem!Child!Hybrid!Reader
Main Masterlist | SCP Scenarios Masterlist | My Works Masterlist | Rules | Request | Socials | My Original Post
Requested by: @nightfoxyycats
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I'm so sorry this took longer than expected T_T
(Yes Ik it's longer than the others I do, and that's cuz I usually end up mixing the headcanons into drabbles/one-shots, but this time, I kept it as bullet points and I got carried away. Oops. And yes, it's easier to write headcanons this way but it'll end up being long af)
When Cain first met you, he overheard and was curious about this new SCP during a test, so he decided to come and watch, from afar of course.
When Cain first met you, he overheard and was curious about this new SCP during a test, so he decided to come and watch, from afar of course.
Anyways, the little test was just a plain and boring one and little (Y/N) was taken back to her containment cell after 10 minutes. Cain had requested to see you as he remembered seeing in your file that you can breathe fire and cry lava among other things due to your dragon abilities.
It's not like he didn't believe them since he's been in the foundation for many years, but he was just curious about a hybrid child like you and wanted to see if you were doing well. You being a shy child was quiet at first and when Cain went to visit you every so often, you both became close and he was a father figure to you, even though you were abandoned by your father since birth and your mother died not long later.
He took good care of you and made sure you were well fed. You were rather polite to the guards and staff so Cain wouldn't need to worry too much about you intentionally killing them. But only for a short period of time as who knows what you'll be like when you're older.
Luckily for Cain, you were also carnivorous, so he didn't have to worry about you eating your 5 a day (not that you wanted to anyways you ungrateful meat-eating child).
Whenever there's a containment breach, the first thing he does is to look for you
Aside from some side effects, he isn't worried too much as he wouldn't receive any wounds anyways so hell just charge towards anyone who looks/sound like you
He's basically your new dad ok?
SCP 076 (Abel)
Abel first came into contact with you during a containment breach
He just saw you casually flying around and occasionally lending the guards a hand by breathing fire just to burn some holes for easier access (how professional)
He saw you again moments later when you were alone and you decided to approach this hulk of a man to ask for some help, thinking he worked there. Abel had abandoned you (like your hopes and dreams left you a millennium years ago) but you insisted on going with him so he took you in
Later his rage in the facility had vanished as he had cared for you for the short period of time he had met you and handed you over to the guards, much to their surprise
He then ran away as he's not totally scared of kids or anything and hid in his box
You insisted on visiting 076-2 and so the researchers did, realising much later that you both had bonded. Abel was a parental figure to you.
A very overbearing protective guardian I must say.
Even more so when there's a containment breach
Like imagine 610 and 682 mashed up together to form an extremely hostile entity and that's Abel for you
But that's only if you were hurt, if you weren't or fit was just a normal containment breach, had be extremely worried
SCP 049 (Plague Doctor) (Guy's pls don't be mistaken, I don't have any beef with 049 ok? XD If I make any characters a little OC then 049 will gladly rid the pestilence from you without consent)
This sassy MF so-called doctor right here met you when for some reason, the doctors had decided to put you both into a testing room (no, it wasn't Bright's idea).
049 was just doing his thing as you just sat on a really high chair (cuz you do be short so ofc you wouldn't be sitting on a lower chair which is lower than your taste in men/women) and watched curiously. The doctor thought it was somewhat cute and laughed slightly from your curiosity.
Sensing that you didn't have the pestilence, he allowed you to scooch closer just to see. After the test was done, the guards took you back out with slight aggression, but you, for some reason, were still polite to the guards despite their aggression which made 049's heart swell due to your pureness.
You yawned slightly and accidentally blew out fire from your mouth which almost caused a containment breach if it weren't for 049's quick thinking
Later on, the researchers had decided to put you both in the testing room again, and you both began to bond as 049 requested you to burn the bodies he performed surgery on
Needless to say, you both had a great time and the researchers were mildly amused
If you somehow knew another friend (*ahem* 035), he'd probs ask him/her to care/loof for you if there were a containment breach
Or he would just sigh and look after you himself if you were closer to 035 and he asked so nicely
SCP 035 (Possessive Mask) (Right about 049 being sassy.... I'll take that back, 035 is the sassiest, right next to a certain sculpture in the foundation)
Anyhow, 035 was actually the reason you were stuck in the foundation anyways
God knows how, but you met this guy wearing this theatre mask and you ended up here in the foundation
Now everyone thought you were either a Keter or Euclid
I mean, you were so close to being put into the Euclid class but ended up in safe since you were so polite to the researchers as well as shy and relatively easy to contain... For now
Whenever they used you in a test, you were rewarded with whatever you wanted, within reason ofc, whenever you behaved well which was like 98% of the time minus minor accidents since you weren't entirely in control of your powers
Sometimes instead of a reward, you'd request to see 035 as he would perform to you and that was only granted when its safe to do so and when that hideous mask would do as he/she/it is told
035 would be that somewhat overprotective yet goofy uncle that everyone loved and he was totally wrapped around your fingers unless you were hurt or if he urgently needed something or someone
If there was a containment breach, he'd look for you, if not he'll call out his 'friend' to look out for you (*cough* 049 *cough*)
When 035 finds you, he'd most likely ask you to fly around to see the nearest exit or he'd just carry you when there's someone chasing you
If 035 were to kill anyone, you'd cry and tell him no to which did end up in burning the floor but oh wells, they're rich enough to contain him so why not use the extra money to rebuild the floor right?
Anyways, 035 loves you no matter what and he'd do anything to make sure you're doing well
SCP 999 (Tickle Monster)
Ok so, when you and 999 first met each other, you were kind of just wandering around the facility minding your own business
999 just casually slithered up to your leg and offered you some sweets and a hug since you looked upset and so you accepted it
You both found a place to sit and just talk bout stuff and what life was like before you were captured
But you were cheery just like 999 and rarely attacked anyone, and if you ever did, it was either that you were hella pissed or you accidentally breathed fire/teared up some lava which burnt some stuff
The researchers would secretly take in some notes bout your interactions and just continued on with their day and left you both alone, but would sometimes keep a stern eye on you
They say it's for everyone's safety, and that's true to an extent, but the main reason they do it is to monitor your progress of you controlling your powers
Anyways, sometimes when it gets busy in the cafe or down the hallway, you just fly across the room, and sometimes, you'll be extra cheeky and play hide and seek with the researchers
999 would occasionally join in but he's more like a worried older brother to you
During containment breaches, 999 would run around looking for you and when he did, he would check if you had any injuries
When you say you didn't, he was relieved but not for long since you mentioned bout making new SCP friends and he just died right there and then (not really)
SCP 682 (Hard to Destroy Reptile)
Similarly to Able, he'd be wary of you at first
Like, he can sense that you weren't just an ordinary child when you just appeared behind him
He was somewhat irritated when you followed him around, but you reminded him of 053, so he just let it slide and let you show some affection towards him
It's not like he didn't like it, he was just embarrassed
Anyhow, the researchers wanted to test how 682 would bond with you, so they made you meet up with him again but in his cell
You were both chatting like father and daughter and soon, everyone had found out that not only could you fly, you could also cry lava, which yes did burn a small hole on the ground and you could somehow breathe fire
You were also immune to the fire and lava so they decided to have a full-on body check and discovered that you were built similar to the komodo dragon with a side of 682 (XD Don't ask)
682 was left stunned, but luckily he didn't feel the need to run up the wall like that bunny
Like who tf invented a self-eating bunny?
Anyways, research shows that just like Abel, the giant lizard was very protective of you
The theory has it that you were somehow related to the lizard, perhaps he laid an egg before containment and some guy took it in and froze it then decided to hatch the egg
During containment breaches, he would basically rampage around the facility, killing anyone and everyone until he found you
And when he did, he would check on you like the amazing father he is and then carry on killing but was then stopped by you
So he would just carry you around until you fell asleep
SCP 105 (Iris)
I think Iris would be a good mother/sister figure when it comes to kids
It kinda came from the fact that Iris hangs out with Abel and Cain a lot, so it kinda just rubs off her
Her motherly/sisterly instinct just heightened when she first found you on a mission and she just took you in
It took a while to bribe the foundation that she kinda had custody
Not exactly custody, but she had a say when it came to your safety, especially the fact that you weren't exactly human and your appearance would cause a disturbance to others
I feel like Iris would be a stern yet kind guardian towards you, leaning towards the stern part since you're a child SCP and has fire breath and lava tears
Iris wouldn't be entirely bothered by you flying around, but she had to bribe the researchers and some SCPs to help you fly better
She would murder anyone who had to cry because they made you cry and cleaning up after your tears is such a mess considering that you have little control over them
Your fire breath on the other hand is slightly more controllable, but if you were hella happy or mad you'd breathe the fire and burn anyone/anything
Most of the time, its unintentional and you're usually sweet and kind towards anyone, so manners aren't a big thing for Iris to teach you
She'd even teach you some of the stuff she learnt/discovered and you'd just sit there being nosy and curious about everything
Like that one time, you almost caused a breach cus you were so curious and friendly that 682 was about to snap off your head and rampage out of the foundation
And don't even get me started with the brothers and 096, OML
Other than that, you both were like a family you never had :,) (You're welcome!!!)
During containment breaches, Iris would literally pick you up and run
Unless you weren't with her for whatever reason (Yes, you're attached to each other's hips... Don't lie, you love it!), she'd do anything to find you
If you were hurt, shed tend to your injuries immediately and lecture you about safety
If you weren't hurt, shed still give you a lecture, then pick you up and run
If you made friends on the way, she may or may not approve and bite of anyone head
And the foundation wouldn't want an Angry!Iris around
SCP 106 (Old Man)
This old man here is basically the definition of a cool uncle/granddad
Without a doubt, he'd go into his pocket dimension and comes back with a teddy bear or some sweets
He'd spoil you a lot and the foundation had enough of this cuz by the time you become an adult, you wouldn't be independent enough
Anyways, 106 would let you go into his dimension and practice your abilities there for the safety of others
The researchers would occasionally ask you to carry a camera with you just so they know what it's like in his pocket dimension
106 rarely gets mad, and even if he was, it'll be about someone trying to hurt you since you're too kind and shy to make him mad
You're even kind to the researchers and guards which is worrying to 106 as they might take advantage of your kindness (which may be true for some, but most of them are just glad you're kind since it makes their jobs so much easier)
Sometimes, you'd make things levitate which was a shock to anyone who walked by and witnessed this
But only for a few seconds though, so it's not much
106 would encourage you to use your telekineses and he'd attempt to train you
Which didn't work so well, so that sucks
During containment breaches, he'd use his pocket dimension to his advantage
He'd hide you in there just so you don't have to get hurt
If you weren't there with him, he'd kill and hunt down anyone who might know where you are
He'd make sure you weren't hurt otherwise he would go into scary uncle mode
If you weren't hurt, he would just hug you which stops you from crying lava
SCP 096 (Shy Guy)
Now what makes you and 096 a unique pairing is that you're both shy
The only difference is that you can speak but 096 kinda doesn't
But that's not a problem since you both just understood each other since day 1
I'd say 096 is that introverted uncle/cousin but he's kinda chill and sweet with you
As for containment breaches, the only difference with this tall guy is that not only will he kill anyone who sees his face, he'd also hunt down anyone who'd hurt you
096 has a newfound ability for this and the researchers were shocked when they first found out
A certain chainsaw loving doctor wanted to test it out himself but was stopped rather quickly by the other researchers
Anyways, one time you almost burnt down the foundation because 096 crept up behind you which scared you to tears
And you screamed as well which didn't help at all since you could breathe fire
Also, when you're not with 096, you'd use your levitating powers to grab lighter objects which did result in the objects falling onto your head
And this is why you need to train more, so then objects wouldn't be yeeted onto your tiny head and knock the nonexistent brain cells out of your nonexistent brain - Sorry not sorry (Ok so at least pretend to laugh)
If anyone bullied you and you didn't say a word, 096 would know and even if you tried to stop him, it wouldn't work
Unless you're in a life-threatening situation, but even then, he'd kill the guy
Dr. Simon Glass
Unlike the others on the list, you're the one who approached the doctor
Mainly because you were lost, but you were curious as well
Simon would probably be the best person to run into, other than Kondraki, but still
It's because he's a psychologist and still very much human (I mean, Kondraki's a normal human I guess, but he has those butterfly thingys)
Anyways, when he first saw you, you were in his office flying about and crying lava
Simon saw you and was shocked but attempted to calm you down and get you you sit with him for a bit, then call the others
But boy did that not work out, because this poor innocent boi was boutta get killed by your firey breath cuz he startled you too much
Bright, Kondraki and Clef just strolled in and saw the mess and even attempted to get you to chill, but this didn't work either
So poor Simon Glass had to find his way to get you to stop being so scared which obviously worked
You sat down with him and he let you doodle on a blank piece of paper
And being a good psychologist he is, he used psychological methods to get you to feel comfortable and to start talking to which you did
You were so polite he gave it to a chocolate bar, but instead of taking it off his hands, you used your telekineses to levitate it in your direction
Simon recorded what he had seen before letting the other researchers take you and offered to take you under his wing on the condition that you were you have a check-up every now and again
That wasn't much of a problem since you were so polite and chill - Usually
During containment breaches, he would make sure that you were safe first and it wasn't so difficult to deal with you since you were with him most of the time
When you're not with him, he'd be extremely worried like a mother hen and run in any direction that would take him to you
He'd be relieved to see you and if you were hurt, he'd bandage you up and try to not cry
If you've made new friends, he would be very happy about it - Unless it's a Keter or Euclid class
They'll be on his watchlist
Anyhow, Simon Glass is basically your mother and mentor
He'd teach you all the basics you'll need and help train you if he can (he'd most likely have to ask the other doctors and SCPs with some bribery)
Dr. Jack Bright
Our favourite doctor here would be that goofy uncle/dad
I feel that he'd sympathise with you since he's also an SCP (sorta) and he feels kind of trapped in the foundation
If you're lucky enough, Jack might be able to take you out for an hour for some fresh air
You'll automatically be under his wing and nobody will ever question it. Ever.
Although he may be goofy and does stupid things, he would be surprisingly protective and his fatherly instincts kick in right away since he first met you
He would allow you to use your powers to an extent and teach you how to use your power properly
You are well aware of his anomalous abilities with his neckless, so whenever Bright had to change bodies, you'd automatically know where he is (other than the obvious neckless thingy)
If there were to have a containment breach, Bright would panic but quickly become calm as that's the only way he could find you and keep you safe
When he finds you he would give you that lecture while finding any scratches on you
If you were to grow, he would give most guys the dad glare of the century and all those guys would run tf away cuz nobody messes with Bright's newfound daughter
I have high doubts that he would let anyone do tests with you when he's not there and even if he was, they would need his approval, so most of the time, you don't even need to worry much
Dr. Alto Clef
(OML Why do I keep adding new characters?! There's so much to write T_T)
Right, so when Clef found you, it was like as if his long lost (well... not so lost) memory came back to him
For some reason, you reminded him of 166 (OML I'm so lost for this SCP, like boi she had a rewrite)
So he took you in the foundation like he did with his daughter and took care of you Since he works for the foundation, he's not remotely terrified or anything, but he's curious about your abilities
And of course, you managed to use some of your abilities because of some SCPs and Bright Clef took you to meet 166 and you both showed your abilities and since 166 is older than you, she's probably trying to help you control your powers more
Which, of course, makes Clef a proud dad
If there were any containment breaches, he'd panicked but once he found you with his other daughter, he was relieved
166 made sure that you weren't hurt and if you were, you'd be bandaged up so Clef doesn't have to worry too much
Anyhow, if Clef decides to introduce you to the tiger doctors, he'd make sure Glass is the first since he's the most sensible person (but let's face it, he wouldn't admit it)
Then it'll be Iceberg, Coggs (that's his name right), Light and a couple others Bright and Kondraki would be last since they would be somewhat chaotic (mainly Bright) even though they're the fun uncle
Whenever Clef has a mission, he'd shove you to either 166 or Glass, if he's free, if not then it'll most likely be Light (and if she's also busy, then yall screwed)
And bless the guy who takes an interest in you when you become a teen cuz our messy boi would make sure that guy would suffer
Dr. Benjamin Kondraki
Ok let's face it, Kondraki would definitely be the mother hen of the dad world in the SCP Foundation
He's literally your mother, kinda like Glass but kinda not, ya know what I'm saying?
Like he'll feed your curiosity since many people around you wouldn't and you're an SCP so you're trapped in the foundation anyways
I'd say he's quite cautious and caring, obviously, but if he's out and about, he'd definitely let you go with him
Unless he's going out for a mission, then that's a definite no-no
He would let you hang out with the safer SCPs like 999 and maybe 166 if Clef is chill, but he has to let you hang out with her cuz she's the only other SCP who could help you get a grasp with your powers
Like how to not burn the bloody floor when you cry and stop breathing fire inconsistently by accident
An attempt was made when they try to train your telekineses but they'll have to wait till you're older
Since most of the time you're stuck with Kondraki, I don't think he'd be all too worried bout breaches, of course, he'd be worried about your safety, but you're there with him
If not then god knows what Kondraki would do
Like that one time, he begged Clef and Bright to look for you in which they did but then they made him do something for them in return
Let's just say, it wasn't pleasant at all, but it could be worse since Clef had a shred of sympathy left for the man and Bright just wanted chainsaws
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