#I'll try to add more info soon
yanarizaki · 1 month
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CURRENT LOCATION: Cutie Mark Crusaders' Clubhouse, Sweet Apple Acres
As an MLP Infection AU enthusiast, I'm here to contribute my two cents where the CMC and the cake twins are alone and left to defend themselves (unfortunate accidental situation. The mane six were in Canterlot.). They find the cake twins and really, they can't leave them alone. Not when Mr. And Mrs. Cake were infected.
They're a lil' bit older in my au, about the age of teenagers but they're all still children. Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake are about 2-3 years old.
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koushirouizumi · 7 months
{Blog P.S.A} For New Followers
Where to Find Me: MY "ABOUT"+F.A.Q {READ FIRST}: Here (About) + Here (F.A.Q)! A.0.3: Hikari {Currently/Mainly creating for Digimon, Adventure-related franchise} Other Sideblogs: izzyizumi (main Digimon blog) hikari-m (official Digimon {news+art} archiving; Asks or follows may come from here, Depending) taichi-x-koushiro (Archiving for Yagami Taichi/Izumi Koushiro) IF YOU ARE A NEW FOLLOWER OR LURKER, I'd really appreciate if you can send me an Ask and introduce yourself (you do not need to expect a response from me), even a short description like name (Pennames are definitely fine!), preferred pronouns (if any) and/or what brought you to my page and what you're staying for (Especially if you were here for re-source{s} posts, I've been curious if they've been helping anyone!) The reason I am asking this is because lately there's been a huge uptick of spam blogs following with particular "patterns" to their Likes, Follows, etc. and in order to prevent from being soft-blocked by accident if you are not actively blogging, it'd be great to know in advance if you're a real person. Aside from A.0.3 the only other 'active' archives of social media that I have are my old Live-journal and Dream-width accounts, and even they're not quite in use these days. However, if you also have active LJs or DWs and actively blog, feel free to let me know too!
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It’d be very, very cool if people could also learn to read my FAQ page linked on the sidebar before sending Asks or interacting directly with either of my blogs or myself, because I’m seriously TIRED of people ignoring it and my rules for interaction.
I am a {diagnosed since childhood} Autistic, G.N.C {Gender Non-conforming} + THEY/THEM Jewish blogger. I reblog about those topics here for that reason. {Also my Ko-fi is here.}
NOTICE: I am much less active on a personal level on this blog nowadays (in the sense of making personal posts or fan-works/posting fic; I still reblog informative posts). I am slightly more active on my other socials, but most of them are private and friends-locked to older groups of mutuals. If you are curious or wanting to interact about Digimon (especially Adventures or about my favorite characters and ships for this fandom) specifically, please feel free to message me about them, but please understand I may not add or speak with anyone that I do not fully trust or know well. (It will help if most of your stances on social-justice issues align with and don’t blatantly conflict with my own. I tend to not add/follow people anywhere whose posts I cannot filter [i.e. there are many popular Western media fandoms / mega-fandoms I’m not in which I blacklist, types of fanworks I don’t personally care for that I blacklist, etc]. I do not do follow-backs so please do not follow or interact here expecting one). It will also help if you read my FAQ first and agree to it before asking.
PLEASE FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH MY FANDOMS LIST (notably more the major fandoms but) BEFORE YOU INTERACT WITH ANY POST ON THIS BLOG. If I check/quick-vet your blog and find nothing but hate{watching} posts/“Critical” posts for my fandoms (ESPECIALLY THIS ONE), unless I’ve reblogged from you first, I MAY HARDBLOCK YOU.
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starrylevi · 5 months
Levi doesn’t get how you find The Sims entertaining.
 “It’s a virtual dollhouse.” He tells you. “That’s what so great about it!” You retort. “Whatever floats your boat…” He mutters to himself. He says this but he makes sure you have all the sims 4 packs (there are A LOT of them). And when one is coming out, He’ll listen to you passionately explain the premise of the pack. “When it comes out, just let me know.” He’ll give you his credit card info so you can charge it as he doesn’t want you to spend any of your money.
“I made us in the Sims!” You excitedly sit in Levi’s lap with your laptop in hand.
“Hm?” Levi places his chin on the crook of your neck as his hands gently graze the sides of your thighs.
“The Sims!” You exclaim again. “Look, there’s you and there’s me…” Your finger points out each of your sims on the screen. “Oh, and we have a child together!” Levi’s eyes follow your finger as you point at the child sim. “Her name is Kuchel.”
You feel Levi tense up behind you for a moment. “Wait…what’s her name?”
“Kuchel.” You repeat, quieter this time. “Sorry, I can change her name if you don’t feel comfortable with it.” You add quickly.
Levi’s expression softens; he stays silent for a moment before speaking again. “...Can you make her?” He asks you quietly, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Your mom?” You turn slightly so you can see his face.
He nods to confirm.
 “Of course, I'll do my best.” You tell him with a soft smile.
You ask Levi to describe her to you, his eyes filled with fondness as he recalls her features and her personality. You spend hours on the Kuchel sim, wanting her to look and be as accurate as possible.
After a few days, you show Levi the finished product in the game as you have the Kuchel sim interact with the Levi sim. You look at Levi for a brief moment while the Sims are speaking to each other. The expression on his face is hard to read. It’s a mix of pleasant surprise, awe, and sadness.
“Is it okay, is there anything I should change?” You ask him, worried you didn’t capture her likeness as you watch him study her.
He silently shakes his head. “No…she’s perfect.” 
You tell Levi he’s more than welcome to play whenever he wants. You’re surprised when he does take you up on that offer. He picks up on the mechanics quickly and soon he has the whole family (Your sim, Levi’s sim, your daughter, and Kuchel) traveling all over the world, going on adventures, and trying new things together. At one point you suggest the Levi sim and the Kuchel sim spend some time alone together and Levi does just that, taking them to coffee and tea shops, having them take walks in the park, and going to the library. As you and Levi continue to play together, you learn more about Kuchel as some of the actions in the game trigger different memories of his mother.
Levi doesn’t say it but he’s thankful for this silly little game you introduced him to because he can now have a cup of tea with his mother, even if it’s only pretend.
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takes1 · 24 days
I'm gonna start by saying that your fics are amazing! I love the way you write and I always get immersed in them. I would like to request an Osamu x reader fic, i was thinking about a childhood friends pining for a decade!au happening while working in his Onigiri shop, you might add Suna if you want,perhaps as a love triangle and misunderstandings as in Osamu thinking that the reader like Suna. As for the smut, I'll leave that to you 👀
thank you so much for supporting!! i love getting these requests and hearing from you! it really helps. not gonna lie, this one challenged me, but i think it turned out well! hope i got this right :) thanks again for the request love
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warnings. lite!nsfw. minors DNI info. hq lite!nsfw / safe consent practices / mutual pining / some angst, some hurt, but pay-off / husband material!osamu / timeskip!osamu / childhood friends to lovers / miscommunication / r.i.p suna's unrequited feelings / misunderstandings / osamu gives great hugs / osamu is a wine snob / osamu is a little shy / 2.5k words 🤍haikyuu collection. more of my hq here more links. my ao3 / masterlist / request box is open so give me some ideas pls!
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Your heart gave an all-too familiar squeeze at the sight of an old friend.
There he was, clad in a black cap, apron, and a well-fitting shirt. His face was one of slight concentration, his mouth in a straight line, jaw flexed. A strong arm lifted the black bag he carried high into the trash in the alley with ease.
"'Samu!" His nickname was like a sigh of reassurance on your tongue.
He turned, a stern face letting up as soon as he recognized you coming towards him. He quickly discarded his gloves in the trash and made forward to meet you. It ended in a hug in the middle of the sidewalk.
Business was so slow today, he really wasn't expecting any surprises- especially not any pleasant ones.
"(Y/n)." Was a mumble against your hair, charged relief on his breath. He was lifting you off of your feet and melting into you at the same time.
Your eyes stung a little when you tucked your face into his comforting shoulder. It'd been so long since graduation, but everything was coming back to you, all at once, against your will.
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Maybe it was because you could still taste the onigiri you just finished, but those lunches he used to prepare for you kept cropping up. You weren't sure why it kept making you want to cry, though.
"I missed you!" You whispered, swallowing a sob.
He gave you a crushing squeeze in return. He certainly hadn't stopped working out since your high school days. There was a hesitation in letting each other go.
"God," His quick blinking made you feel better for getting emotional, "What are you doin' all the way out here?"
You sniffled and turned to Suna, briefly forgotten at the table, "I told you those fillings tasted familiar!"
There was an unmistakable shock in Osamu's eyes when you turned back to him, "We were just grabbing lunch. I had no idea 'Onigiri Miya' would actually mean you!"
He missed the natural beat to respond- instead of letting your declaration die, you kept up the attempt to rekindle things.
"Did you get a new number?" You asked, quieter, trying to catch his eye, so you leaned your head further between him and Suna.
He looked down at you with a much softer expression, "Hm?"
"I- texted you a couple months ago, I just assumed you got a- new number," You trailed.
It felt a bit forced and loser-esque to ask the reason why he hadn't texted you back. Two months was a while to get 'caught up' in something, after all.
If he didn't want to talk to you, he technically didn't owe you an explanation.
He blinked. It didn't cross his mind that you would've texted him-- his fingers fumbled for his phone in his pocket to show you a new iPhone.
"Yeah," He sighed, "Shit, I didn't think to tell anyone but 'Sumu..."
This time, he felt like the loser. He didn't have many people to text, nowadays. But he certainly didn't want you and Suna to know that.
Relief flashed across your face as you admitted in a light laugh, "Oh, thank god. I really thought you were ignoring me!"
"Let's all exchange numbers," You suggested.
You looked back to Suna and thought you saw some hostility in his eyes, "So we can all meet up sometime, when you're not working."
The process of getting each other's contacts was quiet and stilted. You thought better of making plans here and now, because there was an indescribable feeling that something was wrong.
Maybe the timing.
Osamu frowned at his phone after getting it back from Suna.
Maybe the place.
Suna gave a subtle sigh when Osamu put his number in.
Your text to Osamu that night garnered a response so quick that it made up for the months of uncertainty and pseudo-grieving. Your oldest friendship was not buried as deep in the ground as you had previously thought.
It ended in a suggestion you weren't expecting.
There was nowhere you both wanted to eat at, and no activities you could think of that would allow for the long conversations you both favored.
I could cook for us.
You knew better than to deny him the chance to cook, but it was clear to both of you that it felt a little too forward. A little too intimate for just two good friends.
That wasn't enough to keep you from agreeing immediately.
Certain that he didn't feel the same, you rationalized that you had nothing to worry about.
Dark red swirled slow, unending circles in your glass. You weren't one for red, but he brought out a vintage just for you tonight.
The perfectly plated dinner in front of you didn't last long. Osamu made it so easy to like foods you swore up and down you hated; you didn't question his choices despite your usual pickiness.
There were a number of times you had to pretend not to notice him watching you eat. He was pretty obvious, because he'd raise his spoon full of food, then let it hover mid-air, and turn his whole head to watch you chew. It was as if he was waiting for you to declare it was the worst thing you'd ever tasted.
He was still working on his -most likely cold- plate minutes after you cleaned yours off. It left you to catch up to him in glasses of wine. The bottle was nearing empty and you were still on your first.
"Do you have any roommates?" You asked, glancing around a spacious apartment.
It was so still. You'd surely die of loneliness, if you were him.
He shook his head. It made sense with his preference for solitude, but it still made you sit back and sip on your wine to keep from voicing your concern.
"It's quiet," Osamu wiped his mouth with his napkin and pushed his plate forward, "I know."
Was your discomfort that obvious?
His chuckling won out over your insistence that it wasn't that bad, and you eventually were resolved back to slouching in your chair again.
"You just need some- flowers," You motioned to the center of the table, not believing in your advice in the slightest, "Or... something like that."
"To be fair, I never sit at the table."
He poured the last of the wine into his glass. You stared down at yours. He still spoke and acted stone-cold sober. You had to wonder how much he drank, with this bleak living space.
"Not a fan of Merlot?"
This was getting a little embarrassing.
This time, you gave in, "Not feeling this one as much."
His brow raised. He had a layered expression, like he was torn between two sides of himself for a split-second.
He eased up and slid his elbows on the table, wine glass looking absurdly tiny in his hand.
You admired the gentle way he held the delicate glass, how he knew just how the weight was supposed to be distributed in the webs of his fingers.
"You drink wine much?" He had that completely immersed look on his face that was always so difficult to return.
He mistook your trouble to return his gaze as discomfort, and laughed, retracting his body from the table, "I-'m sorry--,"
"No-no it's okay-!" You put your hand on his arm and scooted your chair closer to affirm that you didn't mind his proximity -that you in fact welcomed it- and rambled, "I- don't, drink wine like that. So I- wouldn't really know what's good."
His gaze sent a shiver surging through your whole body. What an intense pair of eyes. He leaned forward on his elbows, thumb rubbing his freshly shaved cheek.
"It's an expensive hobby."
You were wracking up inappropriate questions by the second. First, the lack of love in his sad apartment, then his potential alcohol issues, now his salary.
The quiet clink of his glass on the table. A heavy, warm hand stilled yours on his arm, and he caught your troubled gaze.
"But it's just a hobby," He smiled.
The apartment filled with shared laughter. You were getting read like an open book, you couldn't help but cool your face down with the back of your hand.
"I-I promise, I'm not trying to judge," You sighed and grinned at what you noticed as his slightly tipsy giggling, "I just... care about you."
Osamu took a breath to say something, but something else flickered across across his face.
His hand was starting to slip from yours.
"So, you and Suna again?"
You laughed at what you thought was a joke. He didn't return it; instead, he let go and took another big sip from his almost empty glass.
"Oh-," You realized he was mistaken, "We're not together."
"Mm!" He swallowed and laughed, "Oh- that's good."
His focus faltered with a small cough, "I mean, not good, but-,"
"That's not something I want to go back to," You saved his embarrassing admission gracefully and looked away, only thinking about that short-lived relationship in high school.
Suna was just a distraction. A temporary filler for your unbearable emptiness. You never stopped loving Osamu, even when you had everyone else fooled. In the end, Suna just made you miss your friend more, since it sparked an unspoken drift in the process. It wasn't one of your brightest moments.
The look on his face was asking for more information. A 'So... why?' was on the tip of his tongue. You saved him the breath.
"He reached out. I was free, and I wanted to make sure we were alright after things ended like that."
Osamu nodded slowly, swirling half a sip of wine in his glass with careful consideration.
"You talk about it like you never liked him," He sighed against the rim, then shot it back in a way that made you realize why he was drinking so much.
He didn't have the courage to talk to you like this without it.
Your thumb, still resting on his forearm, rubbed thoughtfully. If he was being this candid through his actions, you didn't mind coming clean about a few things.
"I didn't," You admitted in a breathy half-laugh, "It wasn't real to me."
You shut your eyes tight and seethed, "I know that sounds so cruel--,"
"Yeah," He chuckled.
"Okay- I meant it like..." Your thumb was tapping on his raised skin, "I needed a distraction. You know I was struggling. He really was sweet. I know I should've treated him better."
It was clear that there was no hero to the story. You were all flawed, to some degree. Osamu's hand returned to yours. This time, he squeezed.
"You know I don't judge you for that."
All things considered, that break-up was still fresh. It was only briefly before your graduation date.
"Hey-," He reached up to turn your head towards him. It was a bit much and left you both warm and fidgety, "You know that I know that you're a good person."
His hand fell to your forearm.
It was fleeting, but you felt an energy between you. It was different. It filled that space in your heart you'd long since carved out for him.
Fleeting must be reiterated, because it was gone in an instant as he cleared his throat and stood, collecting the dishes in one trip with skill you could only attribute to the nature of his work.
You chugged the rest of your wine with a shudder so it wouldn't go to waste and skittered after his swift movement towards the kitchen.
If there was any place in the house that didn't feel lifeless, it was the kitchen. Spacious and clean, sure, but every tool and appliance here was cared for and used often.
It distracted you to slow down.
There was a level of respect you felt was necessary for a space so important to Osamu.
He began washing the dishes.
"Please let me do something," You begged from behind him.
All you got was a stoic head shake.
You leaned on the countertop behind him, staring at his back in that clean, black shirt. Would you ever get over him?
His words and actions from tonight turned over in your head. That hug you shared yesterday afternoon made your hands slip from the counter.
It may have been the wine that inspired your resolve to actually follow through, but your motivation did have years of pent-up desire behind it.
His body stiffened at the feeling of your arms around his waist, the side of your face pressed against his warm back. He smelled like a woody, musky cologne.
"Thank you," You muttered, mostly for his kind words, but its roots extended much farther than just recent events.
The sound of the water shutting off encouraged you to loosen your grip. The doubt started settling in as he dried his hands with a hanging towel, wordless.
His hands just barely grazed yours as you retracted, heart racing at the fact that you couldn't take that back.
He turned around to face you. Your eyes were busy avoiding his, so you were taken by surprise when he leaned down to pick you up from the waist.
It was just as easy and comfortable as the first time-- his shoulders spacious enough to bury yourself in, his hold so secure you didn't have to spare any strength holding on. He could support you all day.
A breathy groan, like he was a settling house, brushed your ear and sent tingles down your spine.
He set you down, but guided your arms to stay around his neck. You looked back and forth between his eyes, no longer unsure about his feelings.
"I missed you so much."
He was a clumsy kisser, but you didn't mind.
His hands were skilled and sure. It was more than enough to make up for his hungrier, rather than soft kisses.
One kept you steady by the back of your head, the other taking up your entire shoulder to guide you backwards against the kitchen island.
He rendered you breathless quickly- you pulled away for just a moment and he took it as a good sign to lift you up onto the countertop.
No part of you questioned this intense show of affection-- it felt like a fitting release of years-long tension and unspoken feelings.
They still remained unspoken, for the most part, but it could wait.
His hips pushed hard against your own, eliciting a soft, fluttery sound against his mouth.
He ate it up, wanting another so bad that one hand grabbed at the bend in your hip and thigh to keep you against him.
Your tummy twisted in a mixture of delightful pleasure and desire, everything below your waist all giddy and jittery as his fingers squeezed your hips with a need you never knew he was harboring.
Thighs trembling with nerves, his steady grasp pushing down helped to calm and stall you. You caught your breath with your forehead pressed against his. You unhooked your legs.
"W-hat?" You swallowed, praying to God this wasn't some mistake.
His wine-flushed face answered your question with no response.
"We shouldn't...I'm not--," He bit his cheek at his own restraint, brow tight with regret at his own actions from earlier.
You nodded, a little buzzed yourself, and laughed at his concern, "I'm okay with just kissing."
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my masterlist.
requests are open!
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Commonly asked questions
How do I submit songs? Submissions are currently closed. When it opens up again, I'll post a message here stating rules and which specific info I require. If you don't supply that info along with the song, your message will be deleted.
I submitted a song when we were allowed. When will it appear? :) There's waaay over two thousand songs in my askbox. 😅 And I'm very slow at posting submitted songs because it takes an oddly more amount of time and energy than you'd think, that's why it's easier for me to go with the songs I already have. Please have a bit more patience, hopefully it'll be posted soon enough! 💖
I don't like the genres posted recently. 🤷‍♀️ I mean, you can tell me what genres there's a lack of and I'll try put more effort into adding more of them.
I don't like the poll options. 🤷‍♀️
Will there be an "Indifferent" option? No. People bitched and very rudely demanded it when the blog was new and it left a very sour taste. Also we're 250+ songs in, it's kinda meh to add it now, but I definitely understand why you want it because some songs are really hard to define if you feel anything at all about them. (also you know people would just click indifferent to see the results instead of listening to the song lol) If I were to ever add more options, it would be love/hate.
How do I vote on a song if I feel indifferent about it? Indifferent = don't like it ig. 🤷‍♀️ Remember, I'm not asking you if you LOVE!!!!!! the song, or if you want to buy it. Liking can be as good as only a "meh, it's ok / decent enough to run in the background". Disliking can be being indifferent instead of outright hating it, when it's so neutral to you that it doesn't give you any positive feelings. It is only a minute long clip that I'm asking you to form an opinion about after all; you can change your mind either way when you hear the full version. Sometimes songs have to grow on you!
How do you pick the songs used in the polls? Mostly like this:
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I have a huge mp3 hoarding archive so the submitted songs are easier for me to pick if they're already in my possession. 😅 Songs that aren't in my collection (tagged as #new to admin :D lol. sometimes i search out songs specifically for the poll that are tagged this as well) requires a bit more effort to download/listen to/edit but i have discovered a couple of great new gems so don't think i don't appreciate them!
How do I search for a specific artist/song that you've posted? All artists are tagged a day or so after the song reveal. Don't forget to use the hashtag symbol when searching or tumblr will give you all sorts of odd results!!!! (or none at all, lol) Please also remember that tumblr finds simple easy tasks extremely difficult, so only search for an artist with the easiest type of spelling, like #beyonce instead of #beyoncé. All artists and songs are added to the Complete Song List once their showdown poll is finished, for a quick search of what's been posted.
The audio quality is too poor for my taste!! 😡 sad </3
This is just for you. 💖
Why are all the songs of such vast variating quality? ....i mean, you didn't think I've bought all the tens of thousands of songs in my music library, did you...? Pirating songs gives you variations of quality, hell even my own cd rips have variations. It's easier to get better quality files now than it was back in the days, kiddos, so yeah some songs in the archives needs to be updated with new files. I have some very ancient mp3's that are in really low sound, that i've instead downloaded newer versions of in better quality for the polls but y'all still give me shit about it because the artist have remastered the track to unrecognition or whatever so there's just no pleasing some people i guess lmao. 😂
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Do you like all the songs you've posted? No, lol. All the songs that are in my archive are songs I've at least liked enough once upon a time to save them, even if I'm not actively listening to them much anymore. Everything tagged as #new to admin :D are new songs to me that I may or may not like, regardless if they're submitted or if I've scouted them out myself only for the polls. :) Songs that I hate so much that I can't stand them are very few, and I won't waste time on adding them!
Did you change the song in the poll?? No. Maybe you clicked on the wrong one if I posted them too close together or maybe (most likely) tumblr has screwed something up for you. Some songs don't even show at times because it's tumblr being tumblr, just wait it out for a few minutes and tumblr will eventually remember to play the audio. So far there's only one song that I had to re-upload because tumblr killed the file. I can change the clip to better audio or to another part of the same song, but I never replace it to a different one once it's out there for you to vote on, I don't see the point of doing that.
Why are some polls audio files and other video files? Again: tumblr being tumblr. They won't allow some songs to be uploaded as audio, but using them in videos is ok. I hate the audio-as-video format and it requires even more effort from me so I'm not doing it on purpose. :)
I don't remember if I've heard this song before or not. If you know you've heard it, like if you're a fan or a hater or the song has been constantly played on the radio, you know it. (this is why the phrasing has been changed again in the latest polls) If you don't remember it, or just vaguely, or just a specific tiny part used in a meme/tiktok video, choose first time. The only thing that matters is the yes or no, knowing it or not is just an added fun but don't take it too seriously. :) Look at it sort of like "old fan/casual listener/hater vs new listener".
The part of the song that you posted SUCKS!!!! You should have just posted this one specific famous part for people to vote yes! "don't post the actual song in this song poll" ...................................like, no. not gonna post just the meme-bits or the drops or the whatever. Yeah i saw all the comments how you all clicked dislike on "Out of Touch" because you voted before you got to the chorus 😂 That's an honest opinion about the song lol, because a song is more than just a catchy chorus or a big drop. But yeah, sometimes one verse of a song would've maybe been better to post instead of that other verse, I'm with you on that.
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I queued this song to see what it is but it's still stated as being Anonymous for me! Reblogs, drafts and queues will only show you what's there at the time, like a screenshot. It won't update automatically. All your reblogs, drafts and queued posts from when the poll is active will only show up as Anonymous songs. Always go back to the original post to see the song reveal. If the info isn't there, then give me a day or two to update the post because most likely things are too busy irl. 💖
I voted wrong/voted before I recognized the song! Will you change my vote? No, I'm not recounting anything wth. 😅
I'm embarrassed. I like the song but I don't want others to know that I do. I promise you that nobody but you can see how you've voted. Not me or your mutuals. Only you see what you've voted on. It's ok to like bad songs, and it's ok to like good songs by bad people. Don't let others shame you for that.
How do I vote on this cover/remix that was posted instead of the original? If you feel like this version is close to the original that you like, vote yes. If you don't feel like this version does the original song justice, vote no, even if it hurts.
This song that I don't know samples another song that I do know. How do I vote? I don't consider samples being used as being the same song, so pick first time. Unlike covers/remixes, the original song that has been sampled might show up at a later time, if it hasn't already been on here before.
How does so many people not know this song!!? Everyone is not your age/not from your country and your experience is not universal. 🤷‍♀️ That being said, I too get wtf-moments sometimes because some songs really do get wacky results, so, yeah 😂
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Have you ever thought about-- Yes.
I demand you give me a rickroll!!!!!! Ask things nicely instead of demanding things from me. (This is the most common demand I've gotten, sigh. Thanks to those of you who have at least asked nicely and/or with a sense of humour!)
Please do a rickroll? It's already been posted in a bonus poll. It might show up in a "real" poll in years from now if this poll blog is still active but as of now it was added to a tumblr meme post where it was better suited.
I'm gonna ignore that submissions are closed and send you song suggestions anyway!!!! They will be deleted because they're not asked for atm. Unless you're the artist. Exceptions can be made in that case. :)
This poll blog doesn't respect my requirement to know who the artists are before I listen to their songs because of my need - that is very important that everyone else needs to acknowledge and follow - to know if a person is of a good moral standing according to my own views!! 😡 There's other poll blogs better suited for you. Not everything online has to be adjusted to fit *your* particular needs. 🤷‍♀️ (YES i've actually gotten this demand way too often. Sigh.)
Why was my reblog hidden from the notes where I spew hatred over an artist?! You are censoring me!!!! Did you mention the artist by name, or other obvious spoilers? Don't post spoilers. 🤷‍♀️
You hid this other comment I made with no spoilers!!!!! Sometimes comments show in dashboard mode but not in app mode and vice versa, or not even in the notifications. Haven't we already established that tumblr finds easy stuff extremely difficult? Also, sometimes you and I don't share an opinion of what a spoiler means. To all of you who have claimed an artist's name isn't a spoiler, yeah it's kind of a big one. As for the artist mentioning their own name or the song title in the song, you only hear that once you listen to the clip. Knowing it before even clicking to play the music is a spoiler.
Why have you turned off replies? I want to say things without reblogging!! I mean 🤷‍♀️ I'm sure you know why. Replies and anons have been turned off from the very beginning. The few times replies actually have been turned on, it's been stated as such and been very temporarily, like when we've discussed music in some post.
Turn on anon!!! I'm to shy to say thing off-anon! I mostly reply to things privately, or this blog would be nothing but q&a. Anons are off for a reason. Abuse and death threats are to be associated with the sender's account for all to see. I'm always nice to nice people so there's no need to worry about sending me questions or tagging me in things. :) 💖
I demand you to-- Pay me. :)
Shut up and take the abuse thrown at you personally because you're just a poll blog! You are aware that the poll blogs on tumblr aren't actually run by bots, right? Don't be an obnoxious twat. (and ughh yes, this too has been said to me several times. Sigh.)
I want you to add this song I want RIGHT NOW and/or i WANT these other options added now! Rich people can always break all the rules, just like irl. Just give me the $$$$ 😘
I don't like this song because I don't understand the language. Please only post English songs. Ok well, I mean, you can always learn other languages. 🤷‍♀️ Just like how I learned English.
If anyone feels targeted by these last questions without me meaning to, I'm sorry. These actually are the most common questions and comments and demands I've gotten in my askbox. Especially when the blog was new and people Demanded Their Rights to have me adjust everything to suit them. Don't feel like you can't state your thoughts in reblogs or in messages because as long as you're not being rude to me, my attitude on some answers isn't targeted at you, only at them. 💖 Remember to just have fun with the polls and hopefully you and/or your mutuals discover new music!
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gonzo-rella · 5 months
Headcanons: Charlie Dalton, Neil Perry and Todd Anderson Taking Care of Their Sick S/O
Relationship(s): Charlie Dalton x sick!gn!reader (romantic), Neil Perry x sick!gn!reader , Todd Anderson x sick!gn!reader (romantic)
Warnings: The reader has a cold so... yeah. Also, since I'm sick myself, my brain isn't really working at it's normal level so apologies for any mistakes! (Let me know if I need to add any)
(A/N: Unfortunately I'm still sick (it's only been a few days). Fortunately, I'm still motivated to write headcanons to get me through this relatively mild illness (and I'm starting to feel better)! I've got a Todd one-shot draft that I started a year ago and never got around to finishing, so here's my first offering to the Dead Poets Society fandom. I'd love to write more for it, both reader-insert and not. I'm not sure if I'll end up writing any more sick fics (I've already written hcs for Yellowjackets and Abed Nadir and Annie Edison from Community) since I should be better soon, but if you're still interested check out my fandom list and requesting info and feel free to send an ask!)
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Charlie will jokingly tell you that you’re disgusting.
If you’re not amused by that, he’ll awkwardly but sincerely apologise, his mortification thinly veiled.
He isn’t entirely sure what the hell to do to make you less sick.
(He'll have to consult his more medically knowledgeable friends for advice)
He will ask you if you want him to kiss it all better.
(And he will not hesitate to kiss you when you give him the go ahead)
Suffice it to say, he does not care all that much about getting sick himself.
(A small part of him hopes that he does get sick so you'll have to take care of him)
He will spend so much time with you, you’d think you were dying.
He will also get you anything you ask for (even if it has no clear use in making you physically better- he just wants to make you happy).
If his earlier attempt at joking doesn't work, he'll still persist in cracking jokes and making you laugh to make you feel better.
(If your laughter causes you to break out into a coughing fit, though, he will feel awful).
Neil knows exactly what to do.
He may not like his dad's dream of him becoming a doctor, but damn he has such a knack for looking after you.
He makes sure you’re drinking enough fluids and taking any medicine you need to take.
No matter how disgusting you might get, Neil is completely unfazed the whole time.
If anything, he'll find it funny and try to keep you in as high spirits as possible.
If he does mind getting sick, he certainly doesn't show it.
For example, he doesn't hesitate when kissing you on the cheek or forehead.
He loves you so much that it really won’t matter to him if you can- or do- get him sick.
He’ll regularly ask you if there’s anything that you want or need, and if you’re comfortable, and if you’re too hot or cold.
It’s evident that he cares about you getting better.
He’ll sit at your bedside and try to take your mind off of how you’re feeling.
But, he will insist that you need to rest up, so when you’re asleep or trying to fall asleep he’ll be as quiet as humanly possible to make sure he doesn’t wake you up.
If he does end up waking you, he’ll feel terrible about it.
He’s so loving and caring anyway, but especially when you’re sick.
This guy is fucking terrified.
He assumes that anything he does will only make you sicker.
A small part of him is convinced you will die under his care.
So, he begs Neil for advice, and Neil humours him so that Todd doesn’t drive himself nuts.
Todd will regularly ask you if you need something, and he’ll repeatedly offer you whatever Neil advised him about.
He’s also completely torn between his innate desire not to get himself sick, and his deep love and affection for you.
So, please don’t get upset with him if he recoils almost every time you cough and sneeze, because he does spend as much time as he possibly can at your bedside.
Speaking of which, Todd sits at your bedside like a loyal golden retriever.
He’ll hold your hand (internally panicking about your high temperature, of course) and place the occasional kiss on the back of it.
He’ll also read some of his poems, works in progress and completed, out to you, and he’ll make sure to pick plenty that are about you specifically.
Sure, he’s nervous, but you love his poetry and all he wants to do is reduce how terrible you feel.
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ros3ybabes · 1 month
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Updated Workouts 🎀
I have been out of the gym for so long. My schedule last semester did not allow it, but when I leave to Colorado in June, I'll be staying somewhere that has its own little gym, and next semester I'll have more access to the university gym as well. I've been doing at home workouts lately! Here's how I structure my workouts throughout the week, and some extra info about my current fitness!
🩷 Monday
Pilates Legs Youtube Workout(s)
🩷 Tuesday
Pilates Abs YouTube Workout(s)
🩷 Wednesday
Morning Yoga YouTube Workout
Pilates Legs/Pilates Glutes YouTube Workout
🩷 Thursday
Full Body Pilates YouTube Workout
🩷 Friday
Full Body Pilates YouTube Workout
🩷 Saturday
Morning Pilates YouTube Workout OR
Morning Yoga YouTube Workout
🩷 Sunday
Wake Up Yoga YouTube Workout
Yoga For Flexibility Workout
So, as you can see, I currently follow YouTube pilates workouts. I will make a list of my favorite workout youtbers on my main blog soon! I prefer low impact workouts at the moment but will switch it up a bit once I am in Colorado.
💕 Some extra stuff for my fitness:
I try to walk 5k to 10k steps a day, whether that be going outside or doing a walking workout in my bedroom
I do all of my workouts in the morning almost right after i get up in the morning. It eliminates obstacles and helps me do something active during the day
I am going to add more stretching into my routine, especially for my legs. I have pretty stiff muscles, and as someone who'd love to be able to do the spilts, I need to start stretching.
I have a foam roller, but it isn't one of the ones with the bumps on it that really helps the muscles, and I'm going to buy one as soon as possible.
I also am going to start using my massage gun on my legs because I've been so sore and again, stiff, and I think it'll be so useful to just use it on my legs at night. It might even help me sleep better.
Sleep!! I have been sleeping 6 to 8 hours a night consistently, and it's so nice. I feel like I can function so much better, and on the days I get closer to 7 hours of sleep, I feel so good when I wake up and can really get to my morning workouts.
I've switched up my diet a bit and eat healthier (in a sustainable way), and it's also helped me with my fitness too! it really makes a difference with what you put in your body! Food is fuel and food is great!
Always open to fitness and health related questions! Please don't forget I am 3 years into my nutrition and dietetics degree, as well as minoring in psyc and exercise science (also have a 2nd major in finance, but that's irrelevant to health). I also research health and fitness topics for fun. I'm not saying I'm the most credible whatsoever, but I do have some idea of what I'm talking about and am always open to questions or even advice you could give me!
til next time lovelies 🩷
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vendetta-if · 6 months
what would the cast have as their social media username?
Ooh, interesting! 🤔 I suck at coming up with social media handles/username 😂 I'll try to do for the ROs, but if you guys have any other ideas, do share in the comment section or in the reblogs 😆
@ pyro_maniac
They made theirs when they were still a teenager and I think it's fitting that they have some edgy sounding username relating to their power. Like, one day, they just saw the word pyromaniac and looked up what it meant and was like, "Yeah, sounds good enough for me, plus it sounds cool." They then stick with it because they just never bother to change or make a new account for.
@ rinaikawa
Boring but also professional and straight to the point.
@ sanvaldez_97
The classic first and last name plus year of birth, probably because the username they went for has already been taken, so they just add an underscore and their birth year.
@ sky_moore
For superheroes, there are usually two types: Those who are more open publicly (not-so-secret personal life, people know their real identity behind the mask and what they look like, and stuff) and those who are more private and try their best to completely separate their personal life from their career (if successful enough, people won't even know your real face and real name and identity).
Skylar is more of the first category; they are already the son of the Mayor anyway, so they just use their real name for their social media handle. And Skylar still actually manages their own social media and sometimes posts some random stuff from their daily life or respond to some lucky fans' comments.
The upside to that is that their fans feel really connected to them and feel like they're more down-to-earth; the downside is that it fosters parasocial relationships even faster and worse than Yvette ever did 😬
If you're wondering, Yvette is kind of the first category, but not really to the point like Skylar. People know what she looks like and her real name, but she rarely shares really personal and private info about her life on social media or TV or to her fans. I think she'll have PR people manage her official social media accounts while she keeps a secret, private accounts she uses daily to just scroll through stuff.
Oh and almost forgot, but Newton is more of the second type. Only his colleagues and some fellow superheroes kind of saw his face and probably knew his first name. But now that he's pretty much close to fully retire, he doesn't really need to be so secretive anymore since he will leave the spotlight and his superhero persona behind him soon for good and just focus on his personal life.
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WIBTA if I started putting my partner's dirty dishes on their desk after they leave them on my desk?
So, my partner and I have our computer desks in the same room. They stay up later than me and will frequently have a late night snack that produces dirty dishes. Very often, they will put the dishes on my desk if I'm already in bed so that it's out of the way while they game. The problem is that when they're done for the night, they'll frequently leave the dishes on my desk instead of taking it to the kitchen.
I don't really have a problem with them not taking the dishes to the kitchen right away because god knows I leave trash/dishes on my own desk sometimes too. I would just rather they don't leave it on my desk because then I have to move it somewhere before I use my computer, and I just end up putting it in the sink or dishwasher. I've tried asking them not to do it anymore multiple times and reminding them after they do it, and while they've gotten somewhat better they still leave dishes on my desk pretty often (it used to be every night and now it's just most nights kind of thing).
I really don't think asking them is going to do much more than it already has. We both have ADHD, but theirs is Definitely worse than mine. Very specifically their clutter blindness is a lot worse than mine, so I know the issue is that the dishes are out of sight, out of mind.
I want to start just moving the dishes to their desk so that it's back in their line of sight and they're reminded to deal with them without me verbalizing it, but I'm going back and forth about that idea. One one hand, I hate feeling like their mom and constantly reminding them to clean up after themselves. And if I don't remind them and just clean it up, then I pretty often end up doing more chores and not sitting down to relax as soon as I'd like to (i.e, oh they left some wrappers and a dirty bowl on my desk, well I'll just take it to the kitchen. Ugh, the sink is full and the dishwasher is clean. Well I'll just unload it really quick and load it again. Oh and the trash is also full so if I want to throw these wrappers away I need to take the trash out and put a new bag in. Suddenly it's 20-30 minutes later, which doesn't seem like much but it adds up when it's happening multiple times a week.) But on the flip side, I feel like this is the kind of thing that could be read as passive aggressive even though I really don't mean it that way. I'm not trying to punish them I just don't want to always be cleaning up after them when it's cutting into my already short evening relaxing time.
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suashii · 9 months
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ 𝒜 𝐹𝒪𝒪𝐿 𝐼𝒩 𝐿𝒪𝒱𝐸
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info ⭑ geto suguru x reader ノ 2.4k wc. ノ sfw ノ ex-boyfriend geto ノ band au ノ hurt/comfort ノ a wee bit angsty ノ some suggestive bits ノ reader is tipsy ノ ambiguous ending
note ⭑ hi! after writing this, i really wanna continue something with this band au geto! not sure if that means i'll be making this into a series. . . perhaps an anthology? idk! lmk if you'd be interested :3 happy reading !
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the streets of tokyo during the late hours of the day are restless—especially here in shibuya. you’d think the bustling crowds, fast pace, and your slightly tipsy state would make it difficult to recognize anyone but the universe seems keen to prove you wrong recently.
because standing at the corner of the street you’re supposed to be turning at is him—the man you haven’t seen in nearly five months and didn’t plan on seeing any time soon.
the sight of geto makes you stop–or more accurately, stumble–in your tracks. you can’t help the way your eyes widen and your mouth hangs open. it’s as if time slows for a couple of seconds in his distant presence. you can’t think straight and you aren’t sure if that’s because of him, too, or if you have the alcohol to blame for that.
regardless, when you finally regain cognitive function after what feels like an eternity, you’re able to tell yourself that you need to turn around and find another route home. unfortunately for you, the thought comes a second too late, geto spinning to face you just before you have the opportunity to turn on your heel. the brief moment of shared eye contact doesn’t stop you from trying to run for the hills, though you quietly curse yourself for getting caught in this predicament while you do so.
you hear the shout of your name from behind you, but you don’t dare come to a halt. your perseverance to escape is futile, made apparent by the newfound proximity of the familiar voice and the feel of fingers snaking around your wrist. you aren’t sure what possesses you to do so, but you quickly swing around to face the man hellbent on catching up to you. he seems just as surprised as you if the way his eyebrows shoot up is any evidence. 
“hey, wait—i come in peace.” geto raises his hands in mock surrender to show that he stands by his words.
you believe him. 
your fingers are cool as they brush against your forehead in an attempt to form a coherent sentence. there isn’t much you can think to say other than, “sorry, i just wasn’t expecting to see you.”
“i gathered as much.” geto nods, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. he knew this reunion–if it ever even happened–would be awkward, but the air between the two of you is so tense that he finds it a little hard to breathe. he clears his throat before continuing. “kind of looked like you were trying to avoid me though.”
“got me there,” you softly admit.
geto understands but he doesn’t relate. he’s been trying to get a hold of you since he landed back in japan last week and his efforts have been fruitless until now. running into you this way may have been a coincidence but geto doesn’t intend on squandering what just might be his one chance to tell you what has been nagging at his mind for the past few months. “look, i was hoping we could talk.”
the expression that paints your face upon hearing his request is apprehension. he can practically see the blinking red lights and hear the alarm bells going off in your head. and, as much as he hates to admit it, your worry makes sense. the last time he asked you to talk, he broke up with you.
“ten minutes—fifteen, max.” geto attempts to bargain. he hopes the limit on the time you have to spend with him will convince you to agree, to hear him out. it hurts, but after chewing on his cheek, he adds another condition that’ll work in your favor. “and after, if you don’t want to see me again, i’ll leave you alone for good.”
with as much effort as you’ve been putting into steering clear of geto since his return, you’d think his words would come as a comfort to you. they don’t, though. the feelings that surge within you at hearing them contradict your strict avoidance of geto up until this point. they make you confront the fact that you have wanted to see him and can’t stomach the thought of never seeing him again.
you’re taking a risk by doing so, but you nod.
“okay, let’s talk.”
the two of you end up at some park a little ways away from the city center—one where you can see the orangey-red leaves flutter through the air once they fall from the trees and watch the fountain in the pond shoot up water that rains back down. despite how pretty the scenery is, you can’t help but look at geto instead.
it’s been practically half a year since you last saw him. you’re sure he’s changed quite a bit since then but all you can focus on are the ways he’s stayed the same, the little parts of him that you missed while he was gone—like the dragon tattoo that snakes up his shoulder to his collarbone. seeing it floods your head with memories of when the two of you were together. mornings spent tracing the delicate lines with feathery touches, kissing up the ink and coloring the creature with love bites.
you almost flinch at the reminder. your plan wasn’t to revisit the past, at least, not those moments, but seeing the tattoo on display makes it almost impossible. it’s geto’s fault for wearing that stupid sleeveless hoodie. you drag your gaze up to meet the obsidian shards that are his eyes. “strange choice of attire for such a chilly night.”
he rubs his arm at your observation, a grin gracing his lips. “yeah, i didn’t plan on staying out for long.”
you know that you agreed to come with him, but even sitting on opposite sides of the same bench is proving to be overwhelming. so, instead of regarding his innocent statement as simply that, you view it as an out. “if you have somewhere you need to go or someone you’re supposed to meet, we can do this another time.”
“no way.” geto doesn’t let a beat of quiet pass before he speaks and shakes his head. “i finally caught you and i’m not letting you get away so easily.”
the confession stuns you to silence. there are a million thoughts bouncing off the walls of your skull right now–how this wasn’t a good idea, that you weren’t obligated to listen to what he wants to say–but the one that worms its way past the others and to the forefront is that his words are… romantic. it’s frustrating that you aren’t mad at him, especially when you’ve spent so long convincing yourself that you should be.
it seems as though the feelings you tried so hard to bury are beginning to resurface.
you clear your throat. “what was it that you wanted to talk about?”
“right,” geto starts, a hand coming up to scratch at his neck. his tongue pokes out from between his lips to poke at the metal hoops wrapped around them. they’re things he does when he’s nervous, like when he first asked you out on a date or when he’d tune his guitar while waiting to go on stage. you wonder what it is on his mind that has him so on edge. though, you aren’t sure if it’s your place to ask, to show concern like you used to, so you stay quiet.
“i guess i wanted to talk about how we left things,” he finally tells you.
you should have seen this coming, and maybe part of you–a part you were trying to ignore–did. there isn’t much more the two of you can discuss. there have been a lot of unspoken thoughts lingering on your mind since that night, ones that you never planned on letting see the light of day. you’ve gone so long sitting on your feelings; what’s the point in digging them up now?
“what more is there to talk about exactly?” you ask, crossing your arms—using them as a shield. “you broke up with me to go on tour and i told you that i understood—no hard feelings.”
geto is quiet across from you, but you can tell there’s something weighing on his mind, words on the tip of his tongue. a few moments of stillness pass before he spits it out. “i don’t think you mean that. not then and… not now.”
“what do you want me to say, suguru?” you toss your hands up in frustration. your voice has been low, controlled up until this point but rises with your question, with your growing irritation. does he want to humiliate you even more than he already has? your intention of continuing to sit on your feelings, to keep them hidden, is lost with the way words unknowingly spill past your lips. “that i was dumb for thinking that i was worth a little more effort to you? that i should have let go of you as easily as you did me?”
there’s a certain level of relief that comes with your words but they also open up a wound you’ve been trying your best to close. all the emotions you felt that night feel as raw as they did then, as though you’re reliving it all over again. 
the tears return, gathering at your lash line and threatening to fall but never rupturing the dam. the insecurity comes back, too. you can feel the ghost of a knife piercing your heart as you think about how it felt like he had chosen music over you. but who were you to ask him to reconsider—to think of you before his music, his dream?
tonight is turning out to be more than you can handle.
you’re about to stand, apologize for your outburst, and excuse yourself when geto speaks up.
“i didn’t let go of you—not really,” he quietly admits. his hand reaches up to his neck again, fingers twirling the loose hairs that happened to make it out of his bun. the action makes his words carry more truth and while you can’t bring yourself to believe him entirely, hearing them has an uncontrollable effect on you.
one of the tears you were adamant about not shedding until you were out of his sight rolls down your cheek. you quickly wipe it away with the sleeve of your shirt. “you don’t have to say that, it’s not going to make me feel any better.”
“i mean it, though, i do.” when you finally muster up the courage to meet his stare, his eyes tell you that what he said is the truth. his eyes have never lied. “i thought about you every day while i was on tour.”
the confession sends a pang to your heart. it clears up the fog of turmoil clouding your mind, although a haze of uncertainty lingers. does he mean that he missed you—the same way you’ve been hopelessly missing him?
you don’t have to aimlessly ponder, as geto continues.
“look, i asked you here because i wanted to tell you that i regret how i went about things. i thought about my choice–about you–a lot. and i realized a little too late that i owed us a chance. i was scared that we couldn’t handle long distance and that we’d both end up hurt but i never considered the possibility that it might have worked for us.”
geto unconsciously reaches for you, though when he realizes what he’s doing, he thinks better of it, letting his hand rest in his lap instead. just because he’s laying himself bare for you doesn’t mean the pain he’s caused has disappeared. besides, he still has one thing to say before you can even consider forgiving him.
his tongue glides across his lower lip, over the two silver hoops situated on either side. “i made a decision that both of us should have had a say in. i’m sorry.”
beyond the feelings of heartache and self-doubt, the thing you felt most that night was unheard—as if anything you could have thought to utter during that moment would have fallen on deaf ears. geto seems to have noticed that much, reflected on it and recognized his mistake. his apology, the acknowledgment of his fault, unchains the final weight that was tugging at your heart.  
you sniff and dab at the stray tears that have trickled down your face. “thanks for saying so. and… i forgive you.”
there’s a weight of his own that makes geto’s chest feel lighter upon hearing your words. from the minute he started rehearsing this conversation, he imagined that he’d damaged you to the point of being unworthy of your compassion, your forgiveness. this is more than he could have asked for, even if you still choose to take him up on his offer of leaving you alone for good.
“i’m glad,” geto nods, the ghost of a smile playing at his lips, though he doesn’t let the short moment of happiness overtake him. “i know that was probably a lot and if you need to take some time to decide how you want us to proceed, if at all, i understand.”
you shake your head and the corners of geto’s lips fall into a neutral line. he made a good point earlier, one that you can’t ignore if you want to prevent yourself from getting hurt the way you did before. and despite just learning about it, geto was hurting, too. if you can minimize the pain either of you have to experience, you will.
you clear your throat with hopes that your voice will come out steady. “i’d rather come to that conclusion together. since it has to do with both of us, y’know?”
geto’s shoulders slump as the tension seeps from them. “yeah. yeah, of course. whenever you’re ready.”
“we can start tonight if you have time,” you suggest, bashfully rubbing up and down your arms. it really feels like you’re starting over. before you knew his name, simply when you had a crush on the hot guy playing at the bar you were visiting for the night. “i want to hear about how your tour went.”
“okay,” geto easily agrees, the smile from earlier making its way back to his lips. it meets his eyes and the obsidian shards sparkle—with hope.
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hi there, sua here! thank you for giving this a read! if you enjoyed, please consider reblogging and/or leaving a comment! much love from me to you ❤︎
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k8-marsh · 8 months
Life Is Strange - Text-based Game :-)
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hi everyone!! i don't really know how tumblr works but i just wanted to share this python game i've been working on for a little while;
it's super simple but it's really fun to work on :D at present it's nowhere near finished-- i wanted to share it to see if you guys have any feedback or ideas on what needs to be added, thank you very much :)
the server that i like to code my life is strange games on doesn't allow other people to run them anymore for some reason </3 i am so sorry about this - if you really want to try and play it you can play 'Fork' and it should make your own version that you can run, but i think you might need an account for this (free but still a bit of a hassle) so sorry for the hindrance... i'll try to find a better platform soon! :)
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loupy-mongoose · 8 months
Happy Halloween!! ^w^
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Bug Fables.
It's my current favorite video game, and actually, you can thank it for Linden Roots existing~
I'll explain, but in order to do so I have to dive into spoilers for one of my absolute favorite plots for one of my absolute favorite characters, so I need to slap on a;
In my opinion, this game is best experienced SPOILER FREE, so if you haven't played it and want to some day, I recommend skipping my info dump below. (This info can be acquired before beating the main game though. :>)
You're okay with spoilers? Yes? Okay, carry on.
Those who are familiar with Leif's story will probably see how Bug Fables influenced the creation of Linden Roots.
A long while ago, I mentioned Randy being inspired by my favorite fictional character.
That's Leif.
Leif is a moth who is ancient.
And dead.
Loooooong before the game takes place (I can't find an exact timeframe; it's like a generation or two), Leif went with a team of bugs to explore a cave, but ended up dying in there. In that same cave, a group of scientists later experimented on cordyceps. Now, as soon as they became relevant to the story I was HOOKED.
I learned about cordyceps as a kid, and they scared the crap out of me. But it also was one of those morbidly fascinating things I'd look into once in a while. (Before anyone tells me, yes, I know that's what's in The Last of Us.)
If you don't know, IRL cordyceps basically turn bugs into zombies.
Anyway, the scientists were trying to find a way to create eternal life (what else is new lol), and did this through cordyceps. Which, as one could guess when dealing with zombie fungus, ended up going badly for the scientists.
One of the "failed" experimental fungi was thrown out, and found its way to the deceased Leif, and brought him back to life. It took on his memories, and Leif woke up without knowing what happened, until you dig into his story during the game. So the "Leif" we know in the game isn't truly Leif, but is the fungus living as him.
Now... I'm sure that sounds a bit familiar...
This idea of a character being dead-but-not struck a chord with me. It fascinated me to no end.
But there's more to it.
As one might expect, Leif has some tragedy surrounding him.
While playing the game, you can stumble upon his decedents.
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This here is Muze. With a 'z'
This is Leif's great great however-many-greats grand-daughter, who you meet in the game's present day.
When he was alive, he had a wife.
His wife was Muse. With an 's'.
We never get to see what Muse looked like, but he says in-game that Muze is a spitting image of her. Hence why Akoya is dressed as she is in my pic. She's dressed as Muse.
Now, according to the developers, Muse was pregnant when Leif went into the cave where he died.
And he didn't know.
There are several moments in the game that show Leif's potential as a father, but one in particular stood out to me.
(Note for the images; Leif refers to himself as "We/Us".)
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Oops, I forgot one. Vi finishes by shouting "I said it's not happening!"
The text in the last shot bounces/wiggles in-game, indicating playfulness or joking.
If you're familiar with Goombario and Goombella in the Paper Mario games, this dialogue is this game's version of that. You can have the main characters give flavor text on any area and most characters in the game. (And I recommend doing it often, as it adds SOOO much to the game! ^v^)
This bit takes place in the first room after Kabbu and Vi meet Leif. And at the end of the room, an event happens to change what's said for the rest of the game. Meaning, the only time you see it is RIGHT after they meet; He was getting playful with these two bugs he'd met only moments ago.
I'm sure it can just be seen as sarcasm, but having found this dialogue after learning about Leif missing out on raising a child, I saw it as a clue that he would've been a great dad. And it shattered me. ;w;
Randy and Akoya are wish-fulfillment. They're my version of Leif and Muse. They're my way of giving Leif and Muse what I'm sad they missed out on, while also keeping some of the angst, lol. Thankfully, they've evolved into their own separate characters that I feel I can be proud of, but Leif's story and tragedy still has a deep, well-protected place in my heart.
Anyway, thanks for checking out my ramble. I accept no blame for any potential spoiler you might've seen against your will. XD
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skiller0dani · 1 year
The Morning After (NHoG Short) | Ominis Gaunt
M A S T E R L I S T Other Masterlist Harry Potter Masterlist
smut | slytherin!reader requests info w.c | 2.3k summary | You have a soft morning with Ominis after the traumatic events of last night.
I wasn't ready to leave The Noble House of Gaunt (NHoG) behind yet lol this is just a short thing. I might write more blurbs but I really doubt it. This is the final piece I wanted to add, enjoy! I have some ideas for Sebastian & Ominis I'll be working on soon.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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The first thing Ominis felt the next morning was pain. It was quickly succeeded by joy, happiness, and a flurry of butterflies swarming in his stomach. But the pain remained nonetheless. His entire upper torso was so sore it felt hard to breathe, and every muscle felt as though it had been put through a meat grinder. He nearly forgot what this pain felt like- nearly. He had endured it during his childhood more times than he could count. He had endured the horrible ache that lasted the week preceding the curse, and he was determined not to sully the wonderful night the two of you had by making you worry. Lest of all feel guilty for something that was never your fault in the first place.
The second thing Ominis felt when he woke up was you, snuggled against his bare chest. Your cheek was pressed against his collarbone, and his arm was curled around your torso. He felt your bare skin beneath his fingertips, felt all your soft dips and curves. You were enough to make him smile through the residual pain. Your hand was resting on his chest, and he felt so at ease to have you here in his arms first thing in the morning. He wished you two could wake up like this every morning. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head and breathed in your scent, like lilacs growing in a strawberry field. Ominis had no idea what time it was, there were thankfully no classes today so there was no rush. The Great Hall was likely serving breakfast, and he wanted to make sure you ate something.
He carefully sat up, smiling when he hears you whine softly, your hands reaching for him to protest him standing. He reaches for his clothes, which is a bit of a task as they got strewn about the Undercroft the night before. He groans softly as a sharp pain runs down his back, unfortunately the sound stirs you awake.
"Ominis? Are you okay?" You mumble, your voice still thick with sleep. He gave you the best 'I feel fine and not like every inch of my body is bruised' smile he could muster.
"Of course my love, just going to get you breakfast." He says sweetly, and you smile widely. You pull yourself to sit up in bed, goosebumps appearing on your skin as you pull the blankets around your naked body. You eye him suspiciously as you watch him slowly put on his clothes, wincing when he has to lift his arms or bend over. You swing your feet over the side of the bed and make an attempt to stand, which doesn't go well due to the wobble in your legs and the deep ache from between them.
"-shit." You curse, stumbling against the bedframe. Ominis is quick to reach in your direction, his arms encircling your body once he locates you. You lean against him, nuzzling your nose against his like you always do and you try to ignore the worry on his face.
"Are you alright, my heart? Did I hurt you last night?" He frets, helping you sit back on the bed. His hands smooth up your bare thighs before one reaches up to gently brush through your hair. You lean up to kiss him, its short and sweet but it stops him from nervously rambling.
"No darling you didn't. I just feel a little sore is all." You explain, and he cradles the back of your head as he presses his lips against your forehead. The gesture is sweet and romantic and it makes you fall in love with him all over again.
"Let me get you something to eat, you stay here and don't you even think of putting any clothes on." Ominis teases, and your cheeks color. You lean back against the headboard, pulling the blankets and enveloping your body in warmth. Ominis pulls out his wand and smiles, heading towards the entrance to the Undercroft.
"I love you!" You call after him, and it makes him smile.
"I love you more, be back soon sweetheart." He calls back, hearing your beautiful laughter before the gate closes behind him.
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Normally Sebastian sat with either you or Ominis at breakfast, but seeing as neither of you are here he had no choice but to sit with Imelda. She would make much better company if she didn't ask so many personal questions.
"You sure you don't have a thing for Y/N?"
"Because I thought at first that you might, especially during 5th Year."
"We're just friends Imelda, she's definitely in love with Ominis." Sebastian sighs, trying his hardest to tune her out.
"But if she wasn't in love with Ominis..."
"I still wouldn't have a thing for her. Can you stop please?" He asks, his tone getting snippy. Imelda grinned, resting her chin in her palm. She picked at her oatmeal, with you gone she felt nearly as bored as Sebastian. Which is why she kept pestering the poor boy with questions she already knew the answers to. She knew he didn't like you, of course she did. She was only asking to irritate him.
"Why? Is this a sore subject?" Imelda teased, laughing behind her palm when Sebastian throws her a glare.
"Like when she beat all your fastest times? Shall we talk about that instead?" Sebastian fired back, playful grin on his face.
"Okay, not funny Sallow."
"Why? Is this a sore subject?" Sebastian says casually, but there's still a teasing glint in his eyes.
"I swear if you-"
"Now that is unbecoming behavior at the table, Imelda." Ominis scolds, feeling as Imelda shakes the entire table trying to punch Sebastian.
"Ominis!" Sebastian says happily, smiling up at him. Ominis doesn't sit, he smooths out a bandana he brought with him on the table. With a wave of his wand, tarts, biscuits, and some fruit all float neatly into the bandana. He reaches down to tie the top, and lifts his neat little package before turning.
"Woah hold on, where are you going?" Sebastian asks, scrambling to catch Ominis before he walks away.
"Nowhere." Ominis says dismissively, Sebastian eyes the food in Ominis's hands suspiciously- and the fact that you're nowhere to be seen.
"Where's Y/N?"
"Nowhere." Ominis says his cheeks steadily flushing, and Sebastian smiles wickedly. He's beginning to figure out what's going on here.
"Ominis you sly dog!" He laughs, and Ominis huffs in annoyance. Though his ears have begun to turn red.
"Poor thing can't walk can she? Ominis I never knew you had it in you..." Sebastian continued his teasing and the only reason Ominis hasn't slapped him is because it's only Sebastian. If some other guy were to speak of you in that way, he'd be on his way to Nurse Blainey by now. Sebastian is harmless, Ominis knows he doesn't mean any disrespect, and won't tell anybody.
"Though I suppose it wasn't you that had anything in-"
"Sebastian." Ominis's voice was low, a gentle warning that Sebastian is about to push the teasing too far. Sebastian raises his hands in surrender with a chuckle, following Ominis to the Undercroft. Once they reach it, Ominis pauses.
"You can't come in."
"Why not?" Sebastian is playfully smiling, though he knows Ominis can't see that.
"Because Y/N is indecent." Ominis states firmly, sure to block the entrance to the Undercroft with his body.
"Oh is she? Prove it." The teasing tone hasn't wavered, Sebastian is likely going to be teasing Ominis about this for weeks. Ominis reaches towards Sebastian's direction and punches him, not caring where he hits. His fist lands square in the middle of Sebastian's chest, pushing him backwards lightly.
"I'm kidding!" He laughs, and Ominis has nothing but an irritated look in his face. Ominis turns back to the Undercroft with a huff, though he doesn't move to open the entrance.
"Go away." He says, and Sebastian laughs again before Ominis can hear his footsteps on the marble flooring.
"Go!" Ominis snaps, and he hears Sebastian laugh from behind him again.
"How on Earth do you know when I'm faking?" He says, actually walking away this time. Ominis doesn't bother giving him a reply as he enters the Undercroft.
"My love? I've brought breakfast." Ominis calls out and he can hear your squeal of excitement, probably because you've already sniffed out something he brought for you.
"Strawberry tarts?" You're overjoyed once he unwraps breakfast, and he can't fight the smile that appears on his face. You immediately grab one, taking a big bite as Ominis sheds his robes. He sits back against the headboard next to you, reaching for a banana.
"I missed you, what took so long?" You whined, scooching closer to him to feel the warmth coming from his body. Why do men emit heat like furnaces? You're always cold, and he's always warm.
"Sebastian was being a pest." He says, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.
"What did he do now?" You ask, though there is a smile on your face. You're so happy Ominis is spending time with Sebastian, even if he complains about him afterwards.
"Um, nothing." Ominis evades your question with a blush dusting across his cheeks. You look at him curiously.
"He figured it out." Is all Ominis says eventually. He looks a little embarrassed.
"Figured what out?" You ask, though you're fairly certain you already know.
"What we got up to...last night." Ominis says softly, and if you didn't know better you'd say Ominis looked shy. You smiled fondly at him, he's the cutest person you've ever seen.
"You're right. He is a pest." You agree, coaxing a chuckle out of Ominis. You wait a few moments before you swing a leg over Ominis's lap, straddling him. Your arms circle around his shoulders, pressing your forehead against his.
"You're far too clothed." You mumble softly and Ominis smiles at you.
"Are we not leaving the Undercroft soon?" He teases with a loving smile.
"Eventually, but there are a few things I want to try first..." You say softly, and Ominis is already fumbling with the buttons of his sweater. You stop him with a gentle hand, you're practically aching and you don't feel like waiting.
"Trust me?" You ask him, as if you even need to ask.
"Always." He replies firmly, clenching his jaw when he feels one of your hands traveling south. You've begun to rock against him, and he can hear the soft whines leaving your lips.
"You took too long Ominis...I've been craving you." You whisper softly, and Ominis feels a shudder go down his spine. Now that you two have crossed this threshold he knows now you'll never go back. He's turned into a beast.
"I would have sent Sebastian away sooner had I known you were needing to be taken care of sweetheart." Ominis whispers back, his lips brushing against yours. He feels the wet, warm heat of your cunt grinding against his cock through his pants. He feels blood surging south, and you moan when you feel him getting hot and hard underneath you. You reach down to undo his belt clasp, leaving is displaced enough to work the button of his trousers open. You reach into his pants, your fingers encircling his shaft as you take him out and jerk him a few times. Ominis groans softly, feeling your thumb swipe over his head. His hands have cupped your cheeks to pull your lips against his.
You lean up on your knees, positioning yourself over him before you carefully lower yourself until his tip is nudging against your entrance. You continue to lower yourself, sighing in relief as his cock breaches your folds and slides into you. You continue traveling downwards until you're sitting on his lap, your pelvis flush against his and his cock stretching you open. You're gasping into each others mouths as you raise, only to carefully sink back down on him again. Ominis's hands reach up to explore your bare skin, his hands massaging your breasts as you sweetly bounce on his lap. He swears he's in heaven, nothing on Earth or beyond could be better than this.
You begin to moan louder, the sound becoming desperate and hoarse as you slide down on his cock again. This angle is delicious, it reaches even deeper places that you didn't know could be reached. Ominis's hands have found your hips, helping to control the pace. He is, as you're discovering, a bit of a control freak. He likes to have a say in how fast you're going, and you wouldn't have it any other way. Ominis reaches forward to thumb at your clit, causing you to cry out as your nails bite into his shoulders.
"C-Can't come inside you." Ominis gasps, and you whine in annoyance.
"No my love please, please I love feeling you come inside-" You protest, bouncing on his cock faster now. You're close to release, and so is he. But he won't risk getting you pregnant, at least not until he can properly provide for you and the baby. Besides, the two of you are way too young for that right now. Ominis's arms curl around your body, flipping you over after ensuring the mattress is beneath you. He sweetly thrusts into you, leaning over you on his forearms. He's still fully clothed, and you're stark naked. The image shouldn't turn you on as much as it does.
"Please-" Your plea is so carnal, so desperate that Ominis almost complies. But luckily his rational thinking is breaking through the haze of lust clouding your judgement. He thrusts harder, groaning as he feels you clench around him as you come. Your back arches and you cry out his name, your cum drenching his cock. Ominis thrusts a few more times and just as that band snaps, he forces himself to pull out, coming in white ropes across your stomach. You groan in annoyance, you know why he did it, but the feeling of being full of his cum is euphoric. His body is trembling as he lays down next to you, and you can see how badly he hurts.
"Are you okay?" You ask, taking his hand. He smiles and presses a kiss to the back of your hand.
"Never better."
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TAGLIST: @abbiesxox @nekee-lilac02 @atomictrashcollectorme @idcabouttumbl @thevintagevictorian
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lil--nuggett · 4 months
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Hey guys, so if you know Baldur's Gate 3 this is an AU for that with Hardenshipping but it's really fucked up. I will explain why it's fucked up below the cut.
Maxie is a High Half-Elf Warlock (his patron is Groudon), and Archie's a Human Fighter <3
Also I just realized this is the first time you have seen me draw Archie seriously lmao my bad guys I'll try to draw him again soon
I took a ton of inspiration for various things for these designs, including Guile for Archie's armor bc I love Guile sm!!
(More info and our dumb AU lore under here - No BG3 Spoilers I promise <3)
I'm going to tell you this now... this gets really fucking crazy and honest to god I know I'm going to have a hard time explaining this. It WILL be quite long and I WILL be yapping.
This AU is really just something we did on impulse and it's really fun to mess around with, so I'm hoping you all will enjoy the concept as well :)
I'll try to explain it simply as I can. I thank you in advance to all who sit here and read this ily sm if you read it all <3333
Anyways, okay so imagine how one could do a bg3 AU for these two fuckers...
And throw it right out the window because you'll never guess how me and my friend have done it.
The Backstory:
This all started when my friend decided to play BG3 for the first time, and he jokingly said to me "Should I make Maxie our main character??" and I replied "I you want, but I won't force you" and thus BG3 Maxie was created, and his misadventures began.
Now your probably wondering (if you've played the game) what about the guardian?? Who did we make the guardian?? Well, we made Archie the guardian. However, I did not know just how wild this idea would get within the next few days.
So, eventually we realized how crazy the BG3 lore actually is (it's a like fucking DnD campaign idk how we didn't realize this beforehand), and so, we jokingly started our own "AU Lore" that ties in with the BG3 Lore.
If you really want to know, I have an entire note in my notes app dedicated to keeping track of what happens. It is very long.
The Parasite:
Now, if you've played the game or know anything about it, you know about the Mindflayer parasites. Well, one fateful day, me and my friend joked that the Parasite in Maxie's head was this little freak who looks like Archie.
The two have no correlation other than looks, its completely coincidence and it's not a mimic situation. The Parasite "Archie" does nothing but talk nonsense to Maxie all the time, and initially the bit was that he only talked about Fortnite. All because I made the joke that the dream realm in game looked like a fortnite update. By now, that bit has fallen off (thank god), replaced by just general nonsense and lies.
Also he fucking looks like this:
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Weird little freak. This is just one of his talk sprites I have, this is just his neutral expression.
So basically it's:
- Maxie was supposed to be on a Geology research trip, but instead he got dragged into the Parasite issue with the rest of the companions. He really just wants to get home to Archie.
I am the one who handles everything for Maxie in this AU, I do his voice, I handle his lore, etc.
- Parasite Archie is this 1 foot tall, neco arc-esque version of Archie that sits on Maxie's shoulder and tells him nonsensical things. He also says Maxie's name wrong, he says Maxie's full first name and pronounces it as "Maximilliam" instead of the "N" at the end. For Maxie it's like handling a toddler but the toddler fights back, doesn't shut up, and threatens your life. He also has a ton of his own lore that my friend continously adds on to, so I can make another post with just the parasite's part of things.
My friend handles everything with the Parasite himself, comes up with the lore, does the voice, etc. I simply keep track of it.
- The "dream visitor" version of Archie is not real either. It's linked to the Parasite in ways that if I get into it, I will spoil a good chunk of the game. Sorry. Just know you can consider this and Parasite Archie kind of as one in the same almost.
- The REAL Archie is still at home, completely unaware of what's happening, while Maxie is fighting for his life. He does miss him, though, and hopes he gets home soon. He and Maxie are only boyfriends, they haven't gotten married yet. (They also haven't been through their rivalry yet, as this all takes place before that happens.)
Sorry for the convoluted yap sesh, I just have more art planned for this stupid AU and- God I cannot possibly just post this shit with no context. Like, I'd have to explain it eventually so I might as well do it now beforehand yk 😭😭
I might do separate posts with our HCs and some silly conversations that have happened between Parasite Archie and Maxie if you guys would want that :)
Also, I do have all of the sessions from where my friend plays the game recorded and I'll be sure to post some clips of what Parasite Archie sounds like eventually, possibly with snippets of my shitty Maxie voice in there as well. You'll get to see the talk sprites in action with that, too.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
02/26/24 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast&Crew;WeeJohnWondays; New Calendar; Watch Party Reminders; Uk Billboard; Trends; Fan Spotlight; Love Notes; DailyDarby/Tonight'sTaika
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Wee John Wonday! =
No guests today! Just the wonderful Kristian Nairn himself! So I didn't get time to write up a synopsis, so I'll give you a few highlights I thought you might like!
Next Wee John Wonday will feature: Ruibo Qian and Anapela Polataivao!
Calypso's Birthday Airing Episode, the guests will be: Con O'Neill and Gypsy Taylor!
GOT questions!
== New Calendar ==
Weekly Calendar! Tomorrow is #TomatoTuesday!
#TomatoTuesday is a day to rave about OFMD's rave ratings on Rotten Tomatoes to different streamers! Please add your own review if you haven't already! Rotten Tomatoes Review Tutorial.
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= People of Earth S2 =
People of Earth S2 continues tomorrow Feb 27 at 9 pm GMT / 4pm EST / 3pm CST / 1pm PST. Need access? Reach out to @iamadequate1!
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= Uncle Season 2 Watch Party! =
Wed 28th + Thurs 29th GMT - 8pm / ET - 3pm / PST - 12 pm Streaming on I-player! Outside the UK? Follow this VPN tutorial to learn more.
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= Joe Lycett Watch Party =
According to the new weekly calendar you can join @lcwebsxoxo for Joe Lycett Watch Party at 10 pm GMT on twitter! #YoureATreasure
== UK Billboard ==
As many of you have heard, the Save OFMD Crew has been working on getting a billboard going in the UK.
"Our goal is to help achieve pick-up for Our Flag Means Death. To do it, we need the show (and the campaign) to continue garnering attention through sustained interest, viewership and fandom growth, and we need to prove to other streamers that picking up the show is a good financial investment."
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Since there's so much information, I'm just going to give you some links that you can peruse at your leisure:
Save OFMD Crewmates Billboard Post on Tumblr
Transparency Policy
London Billboard FAQ
SaveOFMD Crew Contact Info
If you'd like to donate to the billboard/truck/subway effort (it's not required) please visit: Save OFMD Ko-Fi
I mentioned in another post-- if you don't feel comfortable reaching out to SaveOFMD Crew directly, and want to chat/forward feedback anonymously, I'm more than happy to do that on your behalf, just shoot me an anon ask. However, I will probably not get to them tonight because it's already very late, sorry! I'll forward them on first thing in the morning for me.
== Trends ==
Sure looks like #OurFlagBBC is still going pretty strong! Great job friends!
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Collages =
Almost at the end of the month of February -- and the Feburary LOVE #OurFlagMeansDeath Collage Fest! from our fabulous crew-mate @WanderingNomad on Twitter! So close to being caught up on the rest of the month!
Day 26: Season 2 Costumes!
Day 10: Ewan Bremner!
Day 11: Joel Fry
Day 12: Ruibo Qian
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Wanna be featured in the fan spotlight? Send me a message! We're trying to make sure our creative crewmates are getting a chance to strut their stuff! I've been reaching out to several folks so hopefully we'll have lots more soon!
== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies. Tonight, I was gonna write a bunch of stuff but then I found this video of Rhys sending some love and encouragement, and I felt like it was needed more than anything else. I haven't gotten permission to share the full video on here yet, so if I do I'll get it posted. For now, @lividturkeys posted an uplifting section that I think we all need to hear tonight.
"Keep the laughter coming...We stick together and keep bringing love and joy to this planet, it needs it more than ever...Keep laughing, Love you"
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Okay so I'm running out of time, so tonight will be pics not gifs, sorry all. One of these days I'll finish catching up earlier in the day (ha!)
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PS: I have no idea why but my 5 year old finds Taika and Rhys HILARIOUS. Like, laugh his ass off roll on the floor laughing when he sees Taika talking and Rhys making silly movements.
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50calmadeuce · 19 days
Ch. 25 Home Between the Holidays
Warning: Mention of miscarriage. Some chapters have sex.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
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You and Jake returned to your home in Wisconsin early on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. True to his nature, Jake insisted on handling all the heavy lifting himself, ensuring you remained comfortable. While he brought in your luggage, you strolled into the kitchen.
Your cell phone buzzed, and you saw that it was Dr. Colson calling. You answered with a casual, "Hey, Jason."
"Y/N, I was just calling to follow up on the Wyoming study," Jason said, diving straight into business.
You let out a sigh, feeling the weight of the conversation. You still hadn't broached the subject with Jake, and you knew how he'd react. Heading towards the office for some privacy, you replied, "I reviewed what you sent, and you're right. It doesn't add up. But, Jason, I can't go to Wyoming right now. Jake's home, and I need to talk to him about it."
Jason's voice was sympathetic. "I understand, Y/N. Family comes first. Just keep me posted on when you can make it out there. We need to get to the bottom of this."
"Of course," you replied, grateful for his understanding. "I'll talk to Jake tonight and let you know as soon as possible."
After ending the call, you took a deep breath, resting your head in your hands, you were lost in thought when you heard Jake's voice.
"Darlin', you alright?"
Startled, you lifted your head and turned to see Jake standing in the doorway of the office, concern etched on his face.
You managed a small smile, trying to mask your inner turmoil. "Yeah, I'm fine," you replied, hoping he wouldn't see through the facade.
Jake stepped into the room, his concern deepening as he approached you. "You sure? You seem a bit off."
You hesitated, debating whether to confide in him about the Wyoming study. But you knew you couldn't keep it from him any longer. Taking a deep breath, you decided to be honest. "Actually, Jake, there's something we need to talk about." You slowly walked over to him. "Before Thanksgiving, Jason asked if I would travel to Wyoming," you began, meeting Jake's gaze. "Apparently, Stryker's info isn't making any sense. Even the information he sent me isn't adding up."
Jake listened quietly as you spoke, his expression becoming more serious with each word. When you finished, he remained silent for a moment, processing the information.
Finally, he spoke, his voice calm but firm. "You know how I feel about Stryker," Jake said with a hint of frustration.
"I do," you replied softly.
He walked over to you, his hands gently finding their place on your slightly swollen tummy. "And you know how I feel about the pregnancy."
You placed your hand on his, the connection between you grounding and reassuring. The two of you locked eyes, sharing an unspoken understanding. "I do." Feeling the weight of his words, you took a deep breath, the reality of the situation settling in. Despite the challenges and uncertainties, you found solace in the unwavering support and love you shared with Jake.
"I just want to protect you and our baby," Jake said, his voice filled with emotion.
"I know, Jake," you replied, your voice gentle yet resolute. "And I appreciate that more than you'll ever know, but I still have a job to do."
"A job you said you didn't want, that's why you took the one here," Jake stated, his tone tinged with a mixture of concern and apprehension.
You nodded, acknowledging his concern. "I know, Jake. But this isn't about what I want anymore. It's about doing what's necessary to ensure our family's future, especially with the baby on the way."
Jake sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I just don't want you putting yourself in danger, especially now."
"I'll be careful, Jake. And I won't do anything without talking to you first," you assured him, your voice soft but determined. "But right now, we need to figure out what's going on with Stryker and the Wyoming study."
Jake looked at you, his expression softening as he realized the weight of your words. "Alright," he said finally, a hint of resignation in his voice. "But I'm going with."
You looked at him, incredulous. "Seriously?"
He met your gaze with a firm nod. "Seriously."
"I'll call Jason and let him know then," you said, determination in your voice.
"And Chuck is coming too," Jake added, confirming the decision.
"Okay," you replied, a bit surprised by the sudden addition but trusting Jake's judgment. "I'll let him know."
With the decision made, you felt a sense of relief wash over you.
"I'll call work and talk with them to see when we can leave," you said, already heading over to the desk.
"I'll finish bringing in the luggage," Jake offered.
"Just leave it in the mudroom," you instructed, already dialing John Andrysiak's number.
Jake nodded and exited the room, leaving you to make your call. As he left, Chuck entered the kitchen.
"Lieutenant. Welcome home. I have to say, I was shocked when Doc texted me that you were home," Chuck greeted, his surprise evident in his tone.
Jake looked at Chuck with a serious expression. "Chuck, what do you know about this Doctor Stryker?"
Chuck's surprise was evident as he considered the question. "I'm not a fan of his, that's for sure. Why do you ask?"
"Y/N has to go to Wyoming to fix something he screwed up," Jake explained, his frustration evident. "I want you to go with us."
Chuck nodded without hesitation. "Of course. I'll make sure everything is taken care of before we leave," Chuck assured.
"I'd appreciate it," Jake said, acknowledging Chuck's words, just as you walked out of the hallway from the office.
"It's all set. We leave Wednesday," you announced, glancing at Chuck. "Did he tell you?"
Chuck nodded. "Yes, Ma'am. I'll make sure everything is squared away by then."
"Thank you, Chuck," you replied gratefully, then turned back to Jake. "I'm going to go check on some emails."
"That's fine, darlin'. I'll take care of things here," Jake assured you with a reassuring smile.
You turned back around and headed towards the office.
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You sat at your desk, your eyes fixed on the numbers displayed on the computer screen. You were trying to decipher what Stryker had done differently compared to the first time you went to Wyoming. While you understood that circumstances could change, the magnitude of the discrepancies suggested something more was at play. It was clear to you that there was more to this situation than initially met the eye.
There was a gentle knock on the door and you looked up and saw Jake.
"You looked so lost in thought that I didn't want to startle you," Jake said softly as he walked into the room.
You smiled warmly at him. "I don't think there's ever been a time when you've startled me, Jake. Surprised me, yes. Startled, no."
He approached you, his concern evident in his eyes. "Darlin', why don't you come eat dinner and get some rest? It's been a long day."
"You're right," you admitted, realizing just how exhausted you felt after the day's events. "Dinner and rest sound perfect." You slowly stood up, neatly organizing the papers into a pile and shutting down your computer.
Jake couldn't help but notice the weariness etched on your face. "Y/N, don't you think you're overdoing things?" he asked, his concern evident in his tone.
You paused, considering Jake's words. His concern was always genuine, and you appreciated his attentiveness to your well-being.
"I might be," you admitted with a soft sigh, feeling the weight of the day's responsibilities settling on your shoulders. "But this is my life, Jake. Just like being a fighter pilot is yours, this is mine," you explained, a hint of frustration in your voice. You wobbled slightly, feeling the strain of the day, and Jake rushed to your side.
"How about you go and take a bath, and I'll bring dinner to you?" Jake suggested gently, his concern evident in his voice. "Y/N, I know this is your life, and I still struggle with it, but you're wearing yourself out."
You paused, considering Jake's suggestion. His caring tone softened your frustration, and you realized he was right—you were pushing yourself too hard. Taking a deep breath, you nodded in agreement.
"Okay," you conceded, giving Jake a grateful smile. "A bath sounds heavenly right now."
Jake's concern melted into a gentle smile of his own. "I'll get everything ready for you," he promised, guiding you towards the bathroom with a supportive arm around your waist.
In the bathroom, Jake started running the bathwater as you began to undress, feeling the warmth of the steam from the water already soothing your tired muscles. You reached for a hair clip, quickly securing your hair into a loose bun to keep it from getting wet.
As you settled into the warm water, you let out a contented sigh, feeling the tension slowly melting away. The soothing aroma of lavender filled the air, calming your mind and easing your tired muscles. It was like stepping into a sanctuary, a moment of tranquility amidst the chaos of your day.
Jake kissed your forehead tenderly, his gesture filled with love and care, before quietly leaving you to relax and unwind in the comforting warmth of the bath.
With each passing minute, you could feel yourself unwinding, the weight of responsibility lifting from your shoulders. Jake's thoughtful gesture brought a sense of comfort and relief, reminding you that you didn't have to face life's challenges alone.
As you soaked in the bath, your thoughts began to wander, despite your earlier hesitations about Jake re-entering your life after four years. You couldn't help but imagine what it might have been like if you had chosen a different path, if you had quit your job and embraced the life of a Navy pilot's wife.
You imagined a life where you and Jake navigated the challenges of military life together, supporting each other through deployments and homecomings, sharing the joys and sorrows of a life intertwined with the Navy. You envisioned quiet moments at home, curled up together on the couch, sharing stories and dreams as the world outside seemed to fade away. Would you have had more than one child by now?
But alongside those idyllic visions, doubts and uncertainties lingered. Would you have been content living in the shadow of Jake's career, sacrificing your own aspirations for the sake of his? Would you have felt fulfilled without the sense of purpose and accomplishment that came from your work?
As the water began to cool, you found yourself torn between the familiarity of the life you had built for yourself and the allure of the possibilities that might have been. But amidst the swirling currents of doubt and longing, one thing remained clear: whatever path you had chosen, Jake would always be an integral part of your life, a constant source of love and support, guiding you through the twists and turns of fate. You loved him and he loved you even without each other for four years.
You sighed as you thought about your husband's handsome face and your hand gently touched your stomach. Would this child be more like you, more like Jake or a mix of the both of you?
As the water began to cool, you found yourself torn between the familiarity of the life you had built for yourself and the allure of the possibilities that might have been. But amidst the swirling currents of doubt and longing, one thing remained clear: whatever path you had chosen, Jake would always be an integral part of your life, a constant source of love and support, guiding you through the twists and turns of fate.
After a while, Jake gently knocked on the bathroom door, his voice warm and reassuring. "Dinner's ready, darlin'. Whenever you're ready to come out. Just come to the bedroom."
"Okay," you replied softly as you reached for the drain, allowing the water to begin its slow descent.
Carefully, you stepped out of the bathtub, the cool air enveloping your skin as you grabbed a plush towel and began to dry yourself off, feeling the tension slowly dissipating with each gentle stroke.
The softness of the towel against your skin was soothing, and you relished the simple comfort it offered as you dried yourself off. With each stroke, you felt the tension of the day melting away, leaving behind a sense of calm and relaxation.
As you wrapped the towel around yourself and stepped out of the bathroom, you were greeted by the familiar warmth of your bedroom. The soft glow of lamplight cast a gentle ambiance, inviting you to unwind and let go of the stresses of the day.
You walked over to your dresser, selecting a pair of comfortable lounge pants and a tank top. Just as you were about to dress, Jake walked in, closing the door behind him. He paused, his gaze fixed on you, clad only in a towel.
Slowly, he approached you, his steps measured. Coming up from behind, he enveloped you in his arms, gently placing his hands on your swollen tummy, a gesture filled with tenderness and warmth.
He kissed the back of your neck, his breath warm against your skin. "You are so beautiful," he whispered softly.
You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to be enveloped by his touch. The towel slipped to the floor, forgotten, as Jake's hands gently cradled your swollen belly, the moment filled with tenderness and love.
You turned towards him, your eyes meeting briefly before your lips touched in a gentle, loving kiss.
The kiss was tender and reassuring, a moment of connection that reaffirmed the bond between you. As your lips parted, you felt a sense of calm and comfort wash over you, knowing that despite the challenges and uncertainties, you had each other to lean on.
Jake's hand gently cupped your cheek, his thumb softly caressing your skin. "I love you, Y/N," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity and warmth.
"I love you too, Jake," you replied, your voice equally soft but firm with conviction.
He pulled you close, wrapping his arms around you in a protective embrace.
Tags: @buckysteveloki-me @bellyliveslife @tgmreader @callsign-barbell @86laura11 @dizzybee03 @kmc1989 @guacam011y @nerdgirljen @hookslove1592 @dempy @djs8891
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