#I'm actually half woman on my moms side.
belle--ofthebrawl · 6 months
2024 resolution to write more femslash and ghoulettes.
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miniimight · 1 month
I need more dad Sukuna and mom reader fics / headcsnons, I love the way you wrote for them!!
hey anon thank you! i'm thinking about making this a series, if you guys have any ideas/requests/prompts lmk <3
PICKING UP BABY FROM SCHOOL oops, toddlers can't ride motorcyles! (dad!sukuna x mom!reader)
sukuna rolled up about twenty minutes before his daughter's school got out, deploying the kickstand of his pitch black motorcycle against the rainbow colored fencing. he pulled off his helmet, sighing deeply when he met fresh air again.
his phone buzzed against his thigh. he pulled it out of his tight cargo pocket, answering immediately when he saw your caller ID. "hey, doll."
"you got there okay?" you asked.
"and you're on the right side of the building? that's where her class comes out."
"great." you exhaled. "m'sorry i couldn't make it this time—"
"stop." he says gruffly, his phone between his shoulder and ear as he pulls off his gloves. "what are you sorry for, silly girl? you're sick and should rest."
he doesn't mind anything when it comes to his two girls, not the fifteen minute commute to her school or the half hour of waiting just to get a parking spot nice and close to the doors.
your laugh was warbled over the phone. "at least the car is air conditioned. it's been getting warmer lately."
"..." he looked down at his bike.
"ryo, baby?" you hummed.
"you did take the car, right?"
his silence was all you needed to hear. he tuned out your worried rambling about how the hell is your daughter going to get home on that thing in order to process. toddlers don't usually use motorcycles as a mode of transportation... and he should've thought of this before!
"it'd be fine if i had an extra seat." he mused, debating on how he could manage this situation without having to call you to get them.
"an extra seat?! not even an extra helmet?" you shrieked. "baby, i swear, if you're actually thinking about driving with my baby girl on that thing—"
"relax, doll," he grumbled, pushing down the traces of embarrassment burning at his ears. "the brat will be fine, s'just a couple blocks away. she can handle the wind."
the bell rang and the doors swung open, children pouring out of the hallway and buzzing around in search of their parents.
"she's out, we'll see you soon." he was about to hang up when he heard,
"i'm literally about to come get you, do NOT go anywhere."
he frowns, his eyes scouring the crowd of midgets for his kid. he didn't mean to make you so upset and worried. he just... overlooked important details sometimes. not his fault, he's trying his best :(
"y/n, you will sit your ass down in bed. when i come home, you better be laying down exactly how i left you." he warned. he heard your breath hitch. "you trust me, don't you, baby?"
"yes... unfortunately."
he nodded. "we'll be home soon."
"in one piece?"
he rolled his eyes, grumbling. "yes, woman."
"hm." you huffed and hung up.
he strolled into the compound. as soon as he saw those pretty eyes that creased happily when they landed on him, he smiled and crouched down.
she ran over to him, her backpack jostling behind her. she held up a painting she made. "daddy, look!"
"i see." he pulled her closer, holding the backpack off her back and letting her walk off it. he slung the bedazzled bratz backpack over his shoulder, lifting her up in his arms. "what is it?"
"for mama."
"oh. all your crafts seem to be for mama. still nothing for me." he complained with a drawn out sigh.
she rolled her eyes, and he swore he was looking at you for a second.
"don't roll your eyes at me, brat." he scoffed. "who the hell even taught you that?" he muttered under his breath.
sukuna finally stopped in front of his bike. her eyes lit up as her legs started to kick in excitement. she's only ever seen daddy ride off on this thing, now she gets to ride with him?
he swung his leg over the bike, ignoring the mix of distasteful and flirtatious looks thrown at him. "okay, kid." he exhaled, shrugging off his jacket and holding it up to her. "gotta put this on."
she turned up her nose. "stinky."
his jaw dropped open. "i showered before i came to wait half an hour for you, chubby brat. the hell do you think you're talking to?"
she looked at him as if it were obvious.
"you'll put this on now. give me mama's painting, i'll put it in your bag." he said gruffly yet gently slid the painting into her backpack with the utmost care.
the jacket drowned her, the sleeves near triple the length of her arms. sukuna zipped her up and put the helmet on her head.
she started to whine. "stinky." she wailed.
"hush." he hissed, slapping some shades on and holding her towards her chest firmly. with her protected as best as he could with what he had, and with the jeweled backpack strapped to his back, he began to roll out into the road.
that drive home was the longest thirty minutes of his life. he had never drove so slow before.
you were waiting by the front door, running down to meet them as your husband pulled into the driveway.
"oh my god oh my god," you ripped your baby from his arms, tossing the helmet off her head. "are you okay, baby?" you smoothed away the sweaty hair from her face, your lips pursing when you hear her sniffles.
"my poor baby. daddy's never gonna pick you up again, don't you worry." you peppered her face with kisses.
sukuna caught the helmet before it crashed to the ground, walking behind you with his hands in his pockets. he kissed your temple as he leaned over your shoulder to peer down at his daughter. "daddy didn't do so bad."
you glare at him, cradling your daughter's head against your chest. you whirl away and storm into the house.
he sighed.
after many apologetic kisses and a good amount of groveling, you let him do pick-ups and drop-offs again. though you made sure to watch him get into the car before he drove off.
© miniimight ! thanks for reading <3
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muertawrites · 2 years
Same!!! I always have this thought in my head of Wayne telling eddy’s girlfriend or Dustin or just a friend “His mothers dead. And his father is in prison for putting her in the ground.”
!!!!!!!!!!!! that dialogue!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tell the duffers they're out of a job and all it took was a fuckin sentence
i can just imagine like. eddie doesn't talk about his family or his past. just wayne. just his life after ten years old or so.
you don't ask about it. the one time you did he got uncharacteristically quiet. his face totally fell and he got really pale. like all the life just completely drained from him.
"i don't like talking about it," was all he said.
so you avoid the subject.
then one day you're chillin at the house (wayne was able to upgrade after the earthquake) when you find a family picture. they're rare, since what few photos wayne had were mostly lost when the upside down became the right side up, but you can tell this one was salvaged. it's of a younger wayne and a dark-haired woman, sitting at a table. in her arms is an infant with a stark patch of black curls.
"that's julia."
wayne startles you, the way he can always move around so quietly. he walks up next to you and lifts the photo from its place on the bookshelf, holding it so you can get a better look.
"eddie's mom."
"... what happened to her?"
wayne takes you into the kitchen and makes the two of you some coffee. he sets with the photo between the two of you on the table, silent for a while as he finds the words.
"julie was a good woman," he tells you. "had a kind heart. too kind. fell in with my bastard brother thinkin' she could fix him. all he did was beat her blind. when eddie was ten, she was gonna leave. move 'em to chicago. rob found out and wouldn't have none of it. beat her so bad she was unrecognizable. neighbors called the cops, rob was arrested, and julia died in the hospital. i thank god every day that eddie was asleep and didn't have to see none of it."
you notice that wayne's hand is shaking, so you take it to steady him. he grips you so hard your circulation threatens to stop.
"i loved julia like a sister. and she loved her little boy. he's the reason that sick son of a bitch will rot in prison for the rest of his life. went and testified in front of a whole courtroom about the abuse his father did to him. was only eleven."
both of you are weeping at this point. unbeknownst to you, eddie lingers in the hall, listening to his uncle's retelling and biting back his own tears.
"he grew up into a good man. got his mother's soul. handsome as the devil like his father without the evil behind his eyes. smart as a whip, too."
eddie clears his throat. you whirl around, swallowing thickly when you meet his eye. he smiles, the expression half-formed and broken at the edges, and joins you at the table.
"it's okay," he whispers. his voice is choked. "i'm okay."
a few weeks later he takes you to her grave. you bring flowers, and he introduces you to her as if she can actually hear him. maybe she can. the spot is so peaceful, you can almost imagine her sitting there with you, kissing your cheeks and welcoming you into her little corner of bliss.
you and eddie visit julia every year on her birthday after that. you pack a picnic, and eddie brings his guitar and you a book, and you spend the day there. he shares memories of her - how she taught him to sew, how she had the most beautiful singing voice, how her pancakes are still the best he's ever had.
it isn't too many years until you're holding a dark-haired infant of your own, propping her up in your lap as you settle into the blanket for another annual picnic. the little girl giggles as she reaches for her father, tugging locks of his mane and grasping at the guitar pick dangling from his neck (he chuckles when she puts it in her mouth).
you lean in close to the headstone and whisper, so only you and the universe can hear:
"her name is julia."
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runa-falls · 1 year
scratches and bites - 2
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Reader
Warnings: Could be a little off-canon for some characters, lots of plot, slight angst, Miguel is an helicopter mom, reader just wants some friends :(
a/n: ok. i didn't realize how much i wanted to put into this chapter so spicy stuff is coming NEXT chapter. promith. i've already written some of it. anyway, i'm glad y'all are enjoying my O'Hara content. I hope this lives up to your expectations lmfao
Summary: Miguel O'Hara is a grumpy man and you make him grumpy. You regularly go against his orders, create chaos, and invite danger. This is what you've been doing since he swept you away.
w/c: 2.2k
series masterlist | main masterlist
So being “Spider-Woman” turned out to be harder than you thought. It’s not all swinging from and shooting webs like you imagined. Apparently, there’s a spider-specific physical regimen you’re required to keep up with. Every day. 
You’re almost convinced that you’re being hazed into the spider-verse community because you are yet to see anyone else doing upside-down web squats on a 100-story building. Not to mention the life-threatening training simulations you were thrown into as soon as you arrived in Nueva York. 
“They can’t hurt you, Kid. They’re holograms.” 
“Yeah, that’s what they want you to think O’Hara, but my ass has been kicked enough to prove differently.”
“Alright, well they can’t kill you.”
Miguel has been “training” you for the last few months to become the best Spider-Woman you can be, pushing you harder than you’ve ever been pushed before. Though these days, this “training” is actually just him telling Parker to drill you in whatever he thinks will work. 
O’Hara attempted to do it himself for like three days, and it turns out he’s too impatient to take in a spider apprentice or even be in a room where you do anything but exactly what he commands. 
You should’ve expected it. 
Sure, Miguel is a naturally grumpy man, but you swear he has it out for you. He literally tenses whenever you enter the room and makes sure to barely meet your eyes when he’s forced to talk to you.
Actually, ever since you were dropped in the middle of Spider-Central, O’Hara has been ignoring you. Treating you like the plague. Always making the excuse that he’s too busy with things that are far more important than anything you’d ever have to say. As if he wasn’t the one who forced you to come with him in the first place…
It’s not fair. He was literally all you had. 
Months ago, he showed you a side of him, the one that convinced you that he actually brought you here for a reason, but now he can’t even look at you. Sure, you’re a particularly slow learner, and one that never really liked PE, but you deserve some slack. You left everything for him – for them. 
Meeting people who’ve gone through similar circumstances as you was quite interesting, to say the least. And it doesn’t stop at people either. Spider cars, dinosaurs, and cats were just the beginning. 
You’ve made a few friends. There’s Gwen, a 15 (or was it 16?) -year-old who mostly talks about her friend Miles, music, and…uh, Miles. It’s sweet how she gushes on about some guy without fully realizing how into him she is. Miles sounds great, really great, but you’ll probably never get to meet him because of the number of restrictions placed on your watch. Fucking O’Hara and his parental controls. 
Gwen is cool, she plays the drums and can do a bunch of acrobatic things that you’d never even attempt, but she’s also almost a half-decade younger than you. There’s only so much you can talk about before you start getting homesick. Of course, despite her young age, she’s still given more responsibilities and missions than you. If Miguel has one hobby, it would be undermining everything you do. 
“She’s been in the game longer than you have.” He always makes that excuse. 
And you always counter it with: “But I’m older! I can do more than just scream for help!”
“This isn’t a discussion.” That honestly might be his favorite phrase to shut you up these days. “You’ll be called on when you’re ready, Kid.” And that. 
“I am ready. And stop calling me that. I’m not a kid, I’m 20 years old!”
“Yeah, whatever.”
There’s also Peter Parker, your reluctant coach. He’s…something else. Sure, he’s your friend, but he’s more like a substitute teacher and crazy uncle type of guy. Usually, he listens to everything Miguel says, acting like a glorified babysitter, but sometimes, he’s up to bend the rules on some things.
Once he let you visit his dimension, claiming you’d need some real-life experience as a “friendly-neighborhood spider-woman”. You spent that day chasing down petty robbers and helping old ladies cross the road. Sure, it was a small field trip, but that was only the third dimension you’d traveled to at the time. 
Parker is also always trying to get you to hold his daughter whenever she comes to work claiming that “it’ll be good for your mental health, trust me.” Of course, for Parker, every day is “bring-your-kid-to-train-the-new-spider-woman-day”. And really, you don’t mind holding her, but not when you’re in the middle of sparing 5 of Doc Ocks tentacles. 
The baby is adorable, but you do worry about how she crawls up the walls. Parker doesn’t seem fazed. Actually, neither does O’Hara. 
Sometimes you wonder if O’Hara wants kids one day. He certainly handles Mayday like a pro, letting her crawl over his shoulders and paperwork. Would he possibl– No, actually, it doesn’t matter. It shouldn’t matter, because he left you. He’s not – couldn’t even be an option. – Anyway…
Parker and Mayday are nice company and the only real constants in your life, but you really just want to be a consistent part of the team. You don’t know how much longer you can spend your days doing swinging drills and spider crunches (don’t even ask). But Parker has actually been your rock these past months, to give him credit. He’s one of the few people that makes you feel like you belonged in this distorted array of spiders and dimensions.
Then there’s Hobie. 
The first time you met him you probably had literal stars in your eyes. Donned with a spiked vest and several facial piercings, he caught your attention right away. He catches everyone’s attention. Even his suit is cooler than everyone else’s with a spiked mohawk that surely gets in the way.
Unfortunately, just as you were hoping to take on the Brit as your mentor for all things spider, he was decidedly off-limits, courtesy of O’Hara. Apparently, his rebellious nature and brash energy make him a “bad influence”. 
“Seriously? You should be glad that I’m taking a bigger interest in my training.” You have your hands posted up on your hips, trying to make yourself look bigger than you actually are. Damn, O’Hara and his domineering presence!
He rolls his eyes openly, genuinely already done with the conversation. “Yeah…your ‘training,’ sure.” 
“What is that supposed to mean!” You practically whine it out.
“Don’t get distracted gatita, just do as you’re told.”
“Ok, what does that mean? I don’t speak Italian.”
“That was Spanish dumbass.”
Of course, that doesn’t stop you from hanging out with him anyway (though he’s not around as much anymore). Who knew making friends as Spider-Person would be so hard. You’d think you’d have a lot in common with everyone around you, but really, you’re all alone. Sometimes you think the spiders actually resent you deep down because you’re the only one that has never lost anything. Or had anything to lose in the first place. 
For now, you’re just moving through a sea of spiders, trying to catch a glimpse of what you’re supposed to be doing here. Trying to figure out why you were chosen over the infinite other versions of you in the multiverse.
So far you’ve been on 2 and a half missions. The half was when you were forcibly sent home and effectively grounded for a week. Apparently, talking to civilians while standing guard is prohibited, even when they’re selling dip’n’dots. What? It was a long ass mission. And it was hot! 
This one is your official third mission. It’s quite simple, in theory. Just travel to Earth-275A, infiltrate a tech lab, pick up some – worryingly volatile – equipment, and go home. Easy. 
Except, it didn’t exactly go that way. 
It’s just you, Miguel, Gwen, and Jess on this mission. You and Jess were placed on lookout duty (you on the roof and Jess on the ground with her bike), while Miguel and Gwen broke in and out of the building. It was all running smoothly, each spider occasionally muttering quietly through the radio whenever their positionings changed. Otherwise, it was silent. And frankly, a bit boring. 
You idly kicked around some pebbles that somehow found their way onto the roof of this tall ass building, sometimes smacking them against the half wall separating you from falling a thousand feet downwards. You were actually dying to get back to HQ because you briefly spotted Hobie talking to Parker and Mayday before you had to go. He’s been quite absent lately, and you want to show off some of the new moves you learned this week.
Then, there was suddenly action. 
A huge explosion surges out the right side of the building that O’Hara and Stacy were infiltrating. That mission plan was not kidding when they described the ‘volatility’ of the shit inside of those supply crates. Deep creaking and smashing objects follow the blast. You watch as the tallest building in the city starts to tilt. Shit, the explosion must’ve taken out some of the support beams.
You hear Miguel yelling your name through your earpiece, as well as heavy breathing and crumbling concrete in the background. 
“Y-yes? Copy–”
“You and Gwen collect the crate and get out of here. I already called for a portal. Jess and I will get surrounding civilians away from danger.” 
“Understood, sir.” You don’t usually call him anything like ‘sir’, but the stakes are high and complete compliance is needed at this moment. 
“Crate is located on the top floor, Stacy is already there waiting for my word.” You briefly shake yourself out, mentally preparing yourself to scale the larger building in front of you.
With a quick fwp, you attach your web to the nearly as tall building next to your target to give yourself some leverage. You jump without even giving yourself time to think about it, tugging slightly at the web, making sure to collect as much kinetic energy as possible. You release the web when you get to the highest point and spit out another web to get you to the top floor of the building. Luckily the blast took out the windows so you could easily enter the floor. 
There, Gwen stands next to a crate with several scientists and guards nicely pasted onto the walls with perfectly placed webs on each limb and over their abdomens. 
“Took you long enough.” 
“It’s been 30 seconds!”
“Relax, I’m teasing.” She shoots out a couple of webs and connects them to the crate. “Here, help me out with this.” You follow her movements, pulling at your webs slightly to get a good evaluation of its weight. Surprisingly, it moves quite easily, almost three inches from your soft tug.
“Why’re we both doing this when it weighs 100 lbs. We have super strength.”
“I dunno, Miguel just gave us the orders. There’s probably a reason. It doesn’t really matter.” You frown realizing you could’ve been down there helping O’Hara save actual lives but instead, you were ordered to assist a teenager on a one-person job. “The portal is opening in a few seconds on the roof of the building behind us.” Gwen doesn’t seem phased. “We can just swing it with us.”
“Isn’t this shit going to blow up if we move it too harshly?”
“Not when it’s in this protective crate.” She steps closer to the broken window, mentally measuring and planning out the escape route. “That explosion earlier was from an open container.” You hum, still torn over leaving Gwen to do the delivery so you can help people get out of the way faster. “You ready then?” She’s been watching you. Clearly, your thoughts are painted on your face.
You nod briefly, “Let’s go.” Together you take each side of the crate and use your other arms to swing yourselves over to the portal that magically appears. This time, that odd purring sound of the portal is completely blocked out by the chaos going on around you. Somehow the building has still only tilted a little bit since the explosion. 
As Gwen pushes the crate into the gateway, you look down at the streets, watching as Miguel and Jess work impeccably together as they save hundreds of civilians from falling debris and the inevitable demolition of the building.
Then you look back a Gwen, who’s ready to head home. Then you look down at them again. 
Then your eye catches on a red sedan sheltering a terrified family that sits under the chaos.
Gwen catches your eye. “Don’t.” 
“I have to.” 
“Would do the same.”
“--Will mur-der me.” You sigh, but quickly shoot a couple of webs downwards without looking. Gwen has her arms folded, sharing that unamused expression that Jess loves to sport. Her feet are now temporarily stuck to the floor. You’re sure she could get out of it in a second, but you can tell, she’s not going to stop you. “Don’t die.”
Right before jumping off the ledge, you send her a cheesy smirk, “Me? Never.”
Taglist: @deputy-videogamer @danaeaurelia @reuxxi
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straight from the books | masterlist
jack hughes x best friend
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It had started with her small comments from the moment they began their friendship at the age of sixteen.
The Hughes had just moved in next door, the two youngest Hughes having been sent on yet another run to the car for boxes when Jack had heard the first one.
"When I have a boyfriend, he's going to hold my hand Han. Not shy away from it like my dad does my mom."
The statement was sadder than he was sure she wanted to be heard by outside ears, but it was the first time he had heard those words.
When I have a boyfriend...
It was a week later when his mom decided fate wasn't on her children's side and that it was time for her and the neighbor she had befriended to unite their children.
He came to learn that the girl he'd heard on the phone was actually his age to the day, a fact the two bonded over while her older brother spent time with his, his younger being sat by her side as if she were his sibling instead.
A month later, he started to jot them down in his phone because "any guy that comes along is not going to know where to start if you never write anything down."
A year later? Jack realized that the idea of another guy being the one she checks against the ever-growing list made him angrier than any cross-check. She should be checking him against the list, he had decided.
Five years later, he still had not made a move on this realization, and the list that was once started as a joke was nearing an absurd amount of requirements.
"Jack, it's just impossible."
"It's not impossible, you just have a lot of requirements," Is the boy's carefully worded response, his head never turning to face me from where he stands at the pingpong table, brother Luke across from him in a battle that has managed to last half an hour.
"Having a lot of requirements is never a bad thing," the younger Hughes is the one to chime. "Isn't that what you've always told me?"
"It is, and I'm glad you've been paying attention Lu."
"How can I not when a beautiful woman offers to teach me the ways of beautiful women?" Is his cheeky response, taking just a second away from his game to wink dramatically.
It's sudden, and unexpected, that the ping pong ball hits Luke straight in the head, the sudden hit making the boy jump back, hand on his forehead as I can't help but laugh, spotting the bright red circle already forming.
"Sorry," Jack's voice calls, although rather than sounding apologetic, his voice is filed with pride, a slight smirk on his face that indicates it was less than an accident.
Luke grumbles something, face lighting a red color as he drops his paddle to the table. "Kay, it's your turn. I'm done being on the other end of this guys wrath. He's nicer to you," Are the youngers final words, taking off to hall and out of the game room.
"Do you want to play?" Jack's eyes are soft, a lot softer than when he was looking at his brother, and it brings me back to something his mom said to me over coffee the other morning.
"Oh don't be silly Kayla, Jack would hang the stars and the moon for you."
But that isn't normal for best friends is it?
But when have we ever simply acted like best friends?
"Sure, as long as you won't be too distracted by my mad game," It's banter, banter we've had since the start. But it's as I rise from the sofa where I had plopped myself earlier, simply in my swim suit from the day and an old Devils tee I stole off Jack his first year in the league, that everything about this room feels different for the first time in seven years.
Jack's response is a mumble, something I hardly hear other than "not that I" and "distracted", the indication of which launching my heart into over drive.
Why must this have been the morning that Ellen decided to mention how different Jack treats me? All through the day it has sat in the back of my head, analyzing every day since Ellen first said, "These are my sons Quinn, Jack and Luke. Your mom and I realized you and Jack have the same birthday, so we have a feeling you two will get along."
She had a smirk that day.
Sixteen year old me should have run.
"Hey, anyone in there?" Oh shit, I'm just standing here.
"Yeah, yeah, just was thinking back to breakfast with your mom," Is the reasoning I give, but his eyes are on me, and I'm finding a hard time continuing with anything closer to a lie.
His chuckle gives me hope that he'll further drop this conversation, but his head is shaking and hair swooping, "You and my mother need to spend less time together."
"Absolutely not! Ellen is my favorite Hughes and that should be well known by now," The comment one I've had to repeat through the years, now warranting a simple smile. "Let's just get this game going before I abandon you for your mother."
His brows rise, skepticism in every wrinkle of his face, "You could never, you love me too much," he's confident of this, of course he is. He is Jack Hughes after all. And I remember this as he starts our volley, bodies setting into a rhythm after years of this game.
But that doesn't change the fact I need to think of a come back.
"Well, as if you could really get rid of me if you tried." Nailed it.
"Who says I ever want to?"
I'm well aware that the ball goes zinging past me, landing somewhere on the floor nearby, but the only thing I can bring myself to care about right now is what has come out of this boys mouth.
"You never want to get rid of me?"
His eyebrows are up again, and a soft but knowing smile is lighting is lips as he leans forward against the pong table, muscles tightening in his upper arm. "I know you talked to my mom this morning."
I can't control the ways my eyes grow slightly, "I always talk to your mom."
"Kayla," Oh no, first name, "I know she pointed out how I feel about you. You don't have to pretend the conversation didn't happen. You've been weird all day."
"I haven't been weird, I've just been quiet. In my head, as some would say," I offer, not entirely admitting to anything.
Blame life on Ellen ✔️
"That's weird for you," He's sure of this as if it's written in stone. "You're a certified yapper, as you love to tell Quinn."
I can't take this. "Jack, please get where you're going. I feel like I do when your boys chirp me."
The smile is washed from his face, hands meeting his hair and running through it as he groans.
"I'm not trying to chirp you Kay, I'm trying to tell you I have feelings for you!" His voice is raised, but theres no aggression there. His eyes are sincere, more sincere than I've ever seen him.
And as a smile slowly comes to my face, his smile grows as well, larger than on his draft day as he starts to round the table.
"I need you to tell me if that's your 'I'm burning the world down' smile or your 'i adore you' smile you use on babies," Jack requests, hands hesitantly reaching for my hips, resting gently as his thumbs rub over the waist of my bottoms.
"I think we can consider this my Jack smile," I return, smiling up at the equally smiling man in front of me. "Have you never noticed? This smiles reserved for you."
"Can I keep it forever?"
"It's always been yours."
How did it take me 7 years to realize the man right in front of me checked every box?
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wheels-of-despair · 7 months
The First Lazy Thanksgiving Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: Eddie comes to stay with Evil Woman during Thanksgiving Break '85 for a lazy and turkey-filled few days... but do holiday plans ever actually turn out the way they're supposed to? Contains: Lazy plans gone awry, unscheduled visits from unwanted family, food prep, stolen moments, fast-forwarding through stressful things because it's my story and I can, cunty relatives, smokin' the reefer, a proposal, leftovers, lots of time spent with Team Evil Woman. (If you're not into the family fics, I won't hold it against you.) Words: 7.8k
Note: This one goes out to everyone who'd rather be spending today with Eddie.
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"What's your favorite Thanksgiving food?"
Eddie looks over at you without missing a note in the song he's practicing in his chair. You're lying on your side on his bed, one hand propping up your head and the other still on the book you've abandoned in favor of watching him play Other Sweetheart.
He shrugs and looks back down at his flying fingers. "All tastes the same to me."
"What." It doesn't come out as a question, because it is an outrage. You know that Wayne works so much overtime during the holidays, he doesn't even bother coming home, and that the Munsons aren't big on family meals… but has no one ever invited him over for Thanksgiving dinner? Even for a round of leftovers? Or sent him a plate?!
"We usually grab a few Thanksgiving-y TV dinners for when he gets off work." Eddie holds his guitar upright and plays a more complicated tune to downplay his explanation.
You feel guilty for leaving him alone last year. You'd only been with him for a few months, but you'd gone back to the place you'd just escaped from to spend another stuffy Thanksgiving with your family. That's what he did while you were away? Ate a tasteless TV dinner?
"No, wait," he says quickly, "Jeff's mom made him bring me a plate last year. Stuffing was the best."
You try to mask the pity on your face, but he notices. His eyes turn to steel.
"I'm not a charity case. The Munsons don't need to celebrate meaningless shit whenever The Man tells them to." This sounds a little rehearsed. He holds your gaze, but his face soon softens. "Don't go gettin' all mushy on me, woman."
"How dare you. This cold black heart does not get mushy," you insist. He raises an eyebrow. He knows better. "Unless there are pictures of really cute baby animals," you continue. "But you tell anybody that, and this'll be your last Thanksgiving, Munson." You point a finger at him in warning.
He snorts and looks back to his guitar, starting a new song.
"I was merely doing as my mother instructed," you explain, rolling onto your back and looking up at his ceiling. "Because you're coming to Lazy Thanksgiving, and she wanted to make sure we had plenty of your favorite." You pause, waiting for his curiosity to get the better of him. He stops playing. You've got him.
"…what's Lazy Thanksgiving?"
You smirk. "It's is our first Thanksgiving without all of my annoying-ass relatives, so we're doing it OUR way, all week long. Which means food we actually like, people we actually like, and pajamas all damn day. Just like we've always dreamed of. So pack your best sweats, Munson, 'cause you're staying with us 'til Wayne's off doubles."
You glance over to check for a response.
"Is that an invitation or an order?" He's fighting a smile. He's coming.
"That's up to you, babe." You bat your eyelashes at him.
He rolls his eyes, sets his guitar aside, and crosses the room to crawl on top of you. His chin rests in the valley between your breasts, and you reach up to brush his hair out of his face.
"You really want me?"
"Like right now, or over Thanksgiving break?" you tease. Before his lips can even form a pout, you continue, "'Cause the answer to both is a definite yes."
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There was only half a day of school on Tuesday, but it felt like longer than usual. You wanted to be OUT of there.
The groceries were bought, the turkey was thawing, your family was hours away, and Eddie was coming to stay for several days. It really was the Thanksgiving you'd always dreamed of. There would be no awkward catch-ups, no uncomfortable clothes, no arguments or hostility, and no weird dishes with undesirable or un-pronounceable ingredients. You couldn't wait.
You and Eddie were out of your seats and on the way to your shared locker before the final bell of the day finished ringing. You shoved all the crap you wouldn't need into the metal prison - rescuing Eddie's discarded history notebook with the intention of making him study, which earned you a whine - and slammed the door shut.
He hooked his arm around your neck and marched you through the hall and out the doors, where you took your first breath of free air.
No school for a week. Just what the doctor ordered.
You climbed into the van's passenger seat and waited for the rest of the boys to show up. On today's menu was band practice - in lieu of their usual Hideout gig, which had been called on account of the owner not wanting to scare off the home-for-the-holidays crowd with teenage metal - then breaking for family stuff 'til a special Hellfire session on Saturday. Other than that, everybody was on their own.
The boys chattered about their plans for the week until the van jerked to a stop in your driveway, and everyone piled out and headed into the garage. You went into the kitchen, to see what kind of snacks you could dig out. Nevermind that they'd just eaten lunch half an hour ago; you cannot practice metal without fuel. It's against the law. (According to Gareth, anyway, who would make a terrible lawyer.)
The look on your mother's face stopped you in your tracks.
She was holding the phone in a white-knuckle grip. Eyes narrowed. You could practically see the steam coming out of her ears.
What have you done? You quickly scan a week's worth of Hawkins High shenanigans, but can't think of any mischief that would warrant a call home for you. Your brother, either. What the fuck?
She gestures for you to close the door, and you do… definitely not thinking about stepping on the other side of it before you do so.
"Alright. See you soon," she says through gritted teeth. She stands to hang up the phone on the kitchen wall, then knocks her head against it. You're still frozen to the spot.
Finally, she removes her head from the wall and turns to you. "Get your brother in here."
You reach for the door handle, point to Gareth, and crook your finger in a 'come here' motion. He comes in, stands next to you, and waits.
"Your grandparents have decided to grace us with their presence."
You both groan.
"They'll be here by dinnertime."
"Tonight?!" you both shriek.
"It's only for a day. They want to be back home in time for the real family Thanksgiving."
"So we're upending everything we've planned to accommodate them?" You can feel the rage swirling inside you.
She closes her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose. "I've gotta make a new grocery list, if there's even anything left at the store, find the recipe for that stupid pie, make something for dinner tonight, get that turkey thawed a day early, clean, drive my car into the quarry…"
"We can handle dinner and cleaning," you say at the same time Gareth asks, "Why do you need a new grocery list?"
"Can you imagine your grandmother's face if she found out I served her a dinner roll I didn't make from scratch?"
"She'll live." You roll your eyes.
"And she doesn't, that's one less thing we have to wor…" Gareth clears his throat, and you try not to smirk.
"Go practice, it's the last fun you'll have 'til they're gone."
He turns on his heel at her suggestion and disappears into the garage.
"Where do you want me, Coach?"
"Help me with this damn grocery list."
You made a list of all the foods you thought you were leaving behind, flipped through recipe cards until you found the things your grandparents expected, and checked the cabinets to see what you already had. So long, Lazy Thanksgiving. You were a nice thought.
When the page-long list was complete, your mother set off to the grocery store. Again.
You hid all the food your grandparents would disapprove of, then dug through the freezer and found pizza rolls for the boys and a forgotten lasagna for dinner. You popped the pizza rolls in the oven and tidied the kitchen to the sounds of Corroded Coffin. Possibly the last decent music you'd hear for the next 24 hours. Your grandparents would probably call for an exorcist if they saw your tape collection.
Your head was buried in a bottom cabinet when the oven timer dinged, catching you by surprise and making you bump your head. You back out on your hands and knees and grumble, rubbing your sore spot, when you feel a burst of hot air.
"Watch it, hot stuff." Eddie grins, pulling the pan of pizza rolls from the oven with a potholder shaped like a turkey.
You stand and lean against the counter, exhausted already.
"Told the jackals they couldn't eat 'til they cleaned the garage," he grins proudly.
"Thank you." You hadn't even thought about having to clean the garage.
"You want me to stick around, or just get lost 'til the coast is clear?"
"What?" You look up in confusion.
"I mean…" he gestures to his clothes and flips the end of his hair. He's a little sweaty and his hair's a little tangled, but you don't know what he's getting at… oh.
"You think we're uninviting you?"
"I'm not exactly grandparent material." He forces out an awkward chuckle that makes your heart sink. You step forward and wrap your arms around his middle, pulling him close.
"You're not going anywhere unless you take me with you." You nuzzle your face into his chest, and he gives you a squeeze. "And I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to go anywhere unless I take Mom with me. Wait." You pull back, wide-eyed, and ask, "Can we all just hide out at your place until the old people give up and go away?"
"I wish," your mother grumbles, back from her grocery run. She drops a load of bags on the table, and the boys follow with more.
"Okay," she says, scanning the room. "Kitchen looks good. Garage looks good. Did you find something for dinner?"
"A frozen lasagna from your meal prep era."
"Okay. We have three hours to clean. Then I need you in a dress."
You groan, and Gareth snickers.
"And YOU," she turns to him, "in khakis." That wipes the grin off his face.
"Yes, ma'am?"
"You are absolutely still invited. But if you want to run and hide, we will not think less of you." He smiles. "Do you own a pair of pants without holes in them?" He nods. "Okay." And then she starts putting groceries away, and that was that.
You catch Eddie's eye, then nod to the pan of now-edible pizza rolls. He picks it up and leads the boys back outside, where they descend on it like locusts, while you tackle the mountain of groceries.
When Eddie returns with the empty pan, he addresses your mother.
"I'm gonna go drop Jeff and Grant off. Are you sure you…" he trails off nervously, hovering near the door.
"Honey." Your mom places her hands on the table, leans forward, and stares into his soul. "I want you here more than I want them here."
He chuckles. " I'll go home and grab some clothes. Do you need me to pick up anything else?"
"Nope, I think we've got everything," she answers. "But I appreciate the offer."
He nods, gives you wink, and leaves to take the nerds home.
Your family whirls through the house like cyclones, dusting and scrubbing and straightening everything in view. Eddie joins in when he returns, which makes things move even faster.
The house is deemed acceptable with an hour to spare. You pop the lasagna into the oven, take rushed showers, and change into clothing acceptable to grandparents.
"Woah," Eddie says when he steps back into your room with dripping hair and a towel around his waist, seeing you in your modest (hideous) dress.
"Shut up."
"You never wear pretty things like that for me," he teases.
"Keep it up, Munson, and you're gonna be feasting on one of these stupid fucking shoulder pads."
He cackles and throws his towel at you. You catch it, and get a delightful idea when he turns around to get dressed.
You wind up the damp towel, and when he bends over to pull his boxers on… SNAP.
He yelps, jumps a foot in the air, and grabs his ass with both hands.
You howl with laughter. Was it mean? Yes. Was it funny? Yes. Did he deserve it? Also yes.
"Look what you did to me!" he shrieks, rubbing at a red welt rising on his pale ass.
Your jaw drops.
"Oh fuck, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get you THAT bad." All traces of amusement are gone as you go to him and trace the mark.
"Guess you could always kiss it and make it better," he pouts, sticking his lip out and activating the dreaded Puppy Eyes.
You fall to your knees and plant a trail of light kisses around the raised mark on Eddie Munson's ass. When you look up, he's staring at you with wide eyes, like he hadn't really expected you to do it.
"What? Never had a girl kiss your ass before?"
You both dissolve into a fit of giggles until a knock interrupts.
"Are you decent?"
"Never," you answer together, grinning at each other.
You can hear your mother sigh through the door. You stand, and Eddie hastily continues getting dressed.
"Eddie, I need you to sleep in Gareth's room tonight. He's setting up his sleeping bag for you."
"Okay," he agrees.
"Best behavior."
"Yes, ma'am," Eddie says.
"I wasn't talking to you."
Eddie snorts.
"Yes, Mother," you call, giving him a shove. He loses his balance and falls onto your bed with a grin.
"Alright." She raps her knuckles against the door once more and walks away.
Eddie's lying back on your bed, feet on the floor and hands laced behind his head. He's in a plain white t-shirt and dark, unbuttoned jeans that reveal his plaid boxers… and just a liiittle bit of his happy trail. He smirks when he sees you looking.
"Quit dripping on my bed." You pick up his discarded towel and throw it at him, letting it hit him in the face. He sits up, unbothered, to rub his wet hair with it. At least he didn't shake it out like a dog. (Although you have seen him do that before.)
You give your room a once-over, straightening a few books and smoothing out the blankets on your bed. Eddie stuffs his things into a duffel bag and drops it on the floor of your brother's room, where he'll be sleeping tonight.
The plan had actually been for the three of you to camp out in the living room and watch movies all night, but that would have to wait. Your grandmother would probably pitch a fit about Eddie being allowed to sleep under the same roof as you. You'd love to see her face if she found out you'd slept in the same bed before.
You hear the oven timer ding again; dinner is ready. They'll be here soon. You get up to go set the table, but decide you want just one more minute alone with Eddie before the invasion. You go in for a hug and stand still in the middle of your bedroom, just enjoying the quiet.
"Should I button this?" he mumbles when you pull away, looking down at his flannel shirt and then back at you.
"Up to you. You'll look nice either way."
He bites his lip and pulls his shirt together, fingers fumbling. He gets three buttons done before realizing it's crooked. His face starts to turn red from frustration.
You put your hands on his, then move them to his sides. You calmly unbutton, and then re-button his shirt, straightening out his collar when you finish for good measure.
"Should I tuck it in?"
"Edward." You take his face in your hands. "You look perfect. Stop worrying. It's gonna be fine." You kiss the tip of his nose.
"What if they hate me?" he asks, his big brown eyes boring into your soul.
"Babe…" you begin gently, brushing his hair out of his face. "They will. But that's okay. Because I think they kinda hate me too. Smile, nod, don't mention anything fun or cool, and you'll survive. And next time I get you to myself, I will make this worth your while."
"Really?" he grins.
"Really." You lean in for a kiss… which is interrupted by the sound of a car horn honking twice. You groan. Gareth walks by your door, in his khakis and button-down, and announces: "They're heeere."
You peel yourselves apart. You straighten your stupid dress in the mirror, and Eddie rakes his fingers through his hair.
"Promise you won't stop loving me after you endure this torture?" you ask, reaching for his hand.
"Could it be any worse than the time you made me watch Grease?"
"Are you still pretending you didn't love that movie?"
"I absolutely did not," he lies.
"C'mon, stud, let's get this over with."
The reunion with your grandparents went about as expected. Thankfully, your mother took the brunt of their displeasure.
"Is this a store-bought lasagna?" "No, Mother, I made it from scratch."
"Are you seeing anyone?" "No, Dad." "That's the price of being a working girl, I suppose. Women these days think they can have it all!"
"When's the last time you had this carpet professionally cleaned?" "Last month, Mother."
And then, when your mom was properly worn down, they turned their focus to you.
"What grade are you in now, dear?" "12th." "Oh, you'll graduate this year! Where are you going to college?" "I don't know." "You really should be focusing on that. Can't have any… distractions."
And Gareth.
"I heard you're playing the drums now!" "…yeah." "Are you in a band?" "…yeah." "Well, what kind? Jazz? Symphony?" "…marching?" "That's exciting! And good exercise!"
And Eddie.
"What do your parents do, Edward?" "They're… gone." "What do you mean gone?" "Eddie lives with his uncle," your mother supplied. "He works at the power plant. He's the reason we're not eating in the dark." Your grandmother pursed her lips, but your grandfather nodded his head in approval.
Finally, after the longest dinner in the history of the world, your grandparents decided to turn in.
They retreated to the basement, where the pull-out couch had been made for them - and was probably re-made before they got into it - and you had the upstairs to yourselves again.
Which is when the real work began for everyone else.
Leftovers were put away, dishes were washed, potatoes and carrots were peeled, ingredients were measured, and everything that could be prepped for Wednesday's pre-Thanksgiving meal was prepped. You finished around midnight. Your mother would get up in a few hours to put the turkey in the oven, but the rest of you were off the hook until breakfast.
You kissed Eddie goodnight and went to bed alone.
At nearly five in the morning, the door creaked open and someone entered your bedroom. You cracked an eye open, hoping it was Eddie coming to crawl under the covers with you and steal a snuggle before everyone else woke up. But it was your grandmother, checking to make sure you were alone in your bed. Bitch.
She crept back out, and you glared at the door for half an hour before finally going back to sleep.
The next time you woke, it was because two bodies dropped on either side of you. You kept your eyes closed.
"Wake up, Sleeping Beauty." That one's Eddie.
"Please. Have you ever tried waking her up? She's more like the dragon." Shut up, Gareth.
"Right. Good thing we've got pinned under the covers. She'd probably claw us to shreds."
"Dragon breath is probably the bigger concern right now." You can hear the smirk in Gareth's voice.
"Fuck you both," you grumble. They laugh. "What time is it?"
Eddie looks at his watch. "Almost eight."
"How long you think we can stall before they come get us and drag us into the kitchen for another thrilling conversation over breakfast?"
The three of you sigh, just before your mother peeks her head in.
"Why are you in here? Whatever, I don't care. Get dressed and come eat before she starts in on the 'young people sleeping all day' crap again." She closes the door without waiting for a response.
"Alright, you heard the lady, be gone." You try to stretch, but you don't have much room to move, being pinned beneath your own blankets and all. You lay there, defenseless, until Eddie kisses your cheek and rolls off the bed. Gareth follows.
You grumble your way into another dress you hate, fix your face, and wait in the hallway for them. No way you're going in there alone.
The three of you appear in the kitchen doorway together.
"There they are! I thought they were going to sleep all day!" It's 7:58 on a day when there's no school, you old bat.
"When I was your age, I was awake at 4:30 every morning!" Good for you, gramps.
"Why don't you grab plates and eat in the living room?" Finally, someone speaking sense. Thanks, Mom.
The three of you grab plates and start filling them with sausage, eggs, and silver dollar pancakes.
You look down at the silverware drawer while you retrieve a trio of forks, and when you look up again, your grandmother is staring at you. And then at your plate.
"Remember, dearie: A moment on the lips, forever on the hips!"
Your face flushes. Your blood boils.
"Perhaps you'd like a piece of fruit instead?"
As soon as you're able to move again, you're going to stab her.
"Mother, does this say teaspoon or tablespoon?" your mom asks, holding out a hand-written recipe on an index card. "Go," she mouths when your grandmother turns her attention to the card.
You hurry into the living room and sit on the couch with the boys, staring down at the plate in front of you, still shaking with rage.
Eddie takes the forks and rests his chin on your shoulder. Did he hear it? Oh god, you're going to burst into flames right here.
"Hate to tell you this, but uh…" his voice drops to a whisper. "Your grandma's a real bitch."
You snort. He kisses your cheek and straightens.
"I'll drink to that," Gareth raises his orange juice and takes a swig. He puts his glass down and digs into his breakfast, but you hesitate.
You glance at Eddie. He stabs a piece of his scrambled egg and lifts his fork to your mouth. "You're fucking perfect. And you need fuel to survive today. C'mon. Eat up. Can't have you snapping any little old ladies in half 'cause you're hungry."
You laugh and lean forward to take his offering, then dig into your own plate. Just a few more hours. You can do this.
You let your empty plates sit on the coffee table as you stall, not wanting to go back into the kitchen and remind your grandparents that you're here. You rest your head on Eddie's shoulder, wishing your Lazy Thanksgiving hadn't been derailed.
"What are you just sitting around for when there's work to be done?" Your head snaps up off of Eddie's shoulder when your grandfather enters the room. Busted. The three of you begrudgingly pick up your plates while he settles into an armchair.
"Boys! Tell me about the local team!" he booms.
Oh. Cool. It's just you who needs to be working. You collect the plates without a word and leave the room with mouthed "I'm sorry" to Eddie. He and Gareth look at each other in panic; like they know anything about ANY local team.
"There you are! Did you think this cranberry sauce was going to make itself?"
You think the only person invited to this dinner who actually likes cranberry sauce bought a can of it that's been pushed to the back of the cabinet, but you don't say a word as you drop your breakfast dishes in the sink and fetch the bag of cranberries.
"How long have you been seeing that boy?"
The way she says "that boy" makes you bristle.
"It was a year in September."
"Oh, he didn't waste any time, did he?" You rip open the bag with a little more force than necessary, sending a few berries flying. She tuts from her place at the table, mixing something you wouldn't be eating, as you pick them up.
You take the bag of cranberries to the sink and dump them into a bowl.
"You should be using a strainer for that," she says, after you've already stuck the bowl beneath the faucet. You clench your jaw and start digging for the fucking strainer.
"Do you really think he's the kind of boy you want to be spending so much time with? I'd be ashamed to be seen with him in public. You know, dear," she turns her attention to your mother. "Gareth's getting a little shaggy too. Aren't there any barbers in town?"
This is it. Your last Thanksgiving. You're going to spend the next one in jail. You turn slowly, but before you can face her…
"Don't you have to be at church soon?" You whip your head toward your mother in confusion. Church? You? Has her own mother officially driven her insane?
Her eyes widen and say "get with the program, dummy."
"Oh! Right!" You say cluelessly.
"The kids volunteered to help with the church's Thanksgiving dinner for the homeless," your mother explains to both your grandmother and you. "The youth group is supposed to be at church in a little bit to start cleaning and setting up tables for tomorrow."
"I can't believe I almost forgot," you say, putting the cranberries aside and drying your hands on a towel. "I better go get the boys."
"Yes, you better," your mother nods knowingly. Whatever you were planning to get her for Christmas is no longer enough.
You dart past your grandmother's narrowed eyes and enter the living room. Your grandfather is droning on about defense, and the boys' eyes have glazed over.
"Uh, sorry to interrupt," no you're not, "but we better get going soon, if we're going to get to church on time."
Both boys raise an eyebrow, and you mimic your mother's "get with the program" look.
"Church? Today? While your grandparents are in town?"
He doesn't bother to turn, so you're able to smirk at the back of his head as you remind him, "Well, Grandpa, we didn't know you were coming until the last minute, or else we would've made time for you."
He grunts, not daring to argue further about commitments to a church, and you all disappear to "get ready." AKA reconvene in your bedroom to explain how your heroic mother is allowing you to escape, grab your jackets, and flee.
Two minutes later, Eddie's van leaves your driveway, and you all heave a sigh of relief.
"Where to?" Eddie asks.
"Literally anywhere but here," you answer.
"Think anything's open?"
You run through a list of options in your head before your brother chimes in, "I'm not going out in public dressed like this."
Right. Grandparent Clothes.
"My place?"
Eddie's place.
It's chilly when you walk in. "Sorry," Eddie mumbles, turning the heat on. "Set the heat back before I left."
"It's fine," you smile, pulling him close. "Body heat is better anyway."
"Why's it so cold if I'm in Hell?" Gareth grumbles.
"Would you like to go back home and talk sports with gramps?" Silence. "That's what I thought."
Eddie grabs a stack of blankets, and you all pile onto the couch and cover up. The next several hours are spent watching re-runs of game shows and shouting at contestants on the tiny TV.
This is the kind of Thanksgiving break you'd planned on.
When it begins to approach the two o'clock dinner-time your mom had shouted at your backs as you fled, you turn off the TV and fold the blankets and Eddie turns the heat back down.
Your spirits begin to dampen again as you pull back into your driveway.
"Two hours, tops," you remind them. "They'll be outta here before we know it. Then we can get back to Lazy Thanksgiving."
"Just like the pilgrims intended," Eddie jokes. You grin.
You drag yourselves back into the house. Your grandfather looks like he's spent most of the morning napping, your grandmother looks smug, and your mother looks like she's about to snap.
Your very early Thanksgiving dinner went by without major incident. Forced conversation, food you didn't really like, and your grandma complaining that she could've made it better. Things to be expected.
The food was the same kind of food you'd always had on Thanksgiving, and exactly what you were hoping to avoid this year. The dressing with mysterious chunks in it. Greasy gravy. The controversial casserole that once caused a screaming match between your parents. The pie that two competing aunts once brought on the same year, which made them stop speaking to each other until Easter. The made-from-scratch rolls that your cousins used to mash into little balls and throw at you when the grown-ups weren't looking. The fancy dishes that only came out on special occasions; God help the fool who scraped a metal utensil across it. Police interrogations were less brutal than the year your aunt noticed a crack in her best gravy boat.
And then, the happiest part of the day: their departure. You gave them awkward hugs, wished them a safe trip, and watched them pull out of the driveway. All four people standing in the garage held their breaths until the car was out of sight, and let out a collective sigh of relief.
"Thank GOD!" your mother exclaims. You and Gareth scrub the greasy lipstick marks off your cheeks. Eddie reaches into his pocket and pulls out his pack of cigarettes.
"Gimme one," your mom insists. You haven't seen her smoke since the divorce. But seconds later, she's blowing a puff of smoke and looking more relaxed than she has in the last 24 hours.
You stand in the garage in silence, enjoying being back to a foursome, and thinking about all the leftovers you didn't want.
"Eddie?" your mother asks, slowly blowing out her smoke and gazing into the distance.
"Yeah?" he answers, stubbing out the cigarette he'd burned through at twice her speed.
"If I were to leave a crisp $20 bill on the kitchen table and go take a nap, is there any chance it could turn into something greener by the time I wake up?"
He looks at you. You look at him. All of your eyes eventually land on her.
She glances toward you and scoffs. "Children, please. I went to college in the '60s. Can you make it happen or not?"
"Uh…" he chuckles awkwardly, "Yeah?"
"You uh… you want anything specific?"
"I would like to be calm and happy for the rest of the week."
Your eyes dart between them during the strangest conversation you've ever witnessed.
"Okay," she repeats, flicking her cigarette like an expert and walking into the house.
After a moment of silence, you have to ask: "What the fuck just happened?"
"Our mother just bought weed from your boyfriend."
The three of you laugh in disbelief. This is officially the weirdest Thanksgiving ever.
"I gotta cruise by Rick's real quick, wanna ride?"
"Sure… you think he'd want a plate?"
Eddie gives you a strange look.
"We've got plenty of leftovers. And we're making the good shit tomorrow, so there'll be even more. Wayne's getting a heap too."
You're piling food onto a styrofoam plate - well, two, for reinforcement - when the phone rings. Gareth answers, rolls his eyes, and mouths "Dad."
You cover Rick's plate with aluminum foil and hand it to Eddie. "Go on, tell Rick I said hi and Happy Thanksgiving. When you get back, all of the annoying relative shit should be over."
You send him away with a peck and pick up the phone in the hallway to join the conversation with yet another relative you didn't want to talk to. How thoughtful of him, to call the day before Thanksgiving so he could spend the real holiday with his new family.
You were sitting at the kitchen table, looking through Black Friday ads from the newspaper when Eddie returned. He quietly closes the door and plops into the seat across from you.
"Rick's in love with you now."
"Oh yeah?" you grin.
In a pretty decent imitation of his reefer-loving friend, Eddie drawls, "Thanksgiving food on a Wednesday? It's like Christmas came early, man… except it's Thanksgiving. Are those real mashed potatoes? And pie too?! You tell your girl and her mama that I really appreciate this."
You try to muffle your laughter as he plops the requested bag of green on the table, exactly where the $20 had been an hour before.
"Think I should roll those for her?"
You shrug. "I just found out she smokes like an hour ago, don't ask me about her drug preferences."
He contemplates for a second, then pulls the bag toward him and reaches into his pocket for rolling papers.
"You wanna hit the mall Friday morning?" you ask, flipping the brightly colored pages. "Ought to be some decent sales."
"Mhm," he hums, tongue poking out of his mouth, trying not to break his concentration.
"Are you trying to impress my mother with your joint-rolling abilities?"
"Maybe," he grins, finishing another.
Gareth wanders in the kitchen and sits at the table hesitantly, watching Eddie work. He's smoked with you a few times - better to keep an eye on him that let him go off with people you don't trust, you figure - but he's never rolled on his own before.
"You wanna try one?" Eddie asks. Gareth looks to you nervously. He's still not entirely convinced the DEA isn't going to bust down the door every time he touches the stuff. You crook half a smile, and he gets up to sit next to Eddie.
He's more patient here than he is at school. No jocks to unsettle. No reputation to maintain. No need to rule with an iron fist. He wasn't Eddie the Freak or Eddie the DM or Eddie the third-time senior here. His guard was down, and he was just Eddie. You love all the Eddies, but this one's your favorite.
You watch him teach proper rolling techniques out of the corner of your eye while you pretend to browse ads. They'd finished almost half the bag when you hear your mother coming. Eddie slides the rolled joints into the bag and puts it back where he was supposed to.
Gareth grabs the ad on top of the stack of papers and opens it to a random page, blushing crimson when he's greeted by Sears lingerie models. Flip, flip, flip. He becomes very interested in power tools, and you and Eddie try not to make eye contact, because you know you'll laugh.
Your mother enters the kitchen with a yawn and a stretch and spots her loot.
"Well, what do you know, looks like the Cannabis Fairy paid me a visit."
You snort. Eddie tries to hide a smile.
She looks down at the bag, and then at him.
"What, you think an old lady can't roll her own joints?"
"Just trying to save you some time." He smiles and bats his eyelashes. Moron.
"Riiiight," she says, pulling on her coat and picking up the bag. She steps into the garage… and leaves the door open. You look from it to Eddie, until she pokes her head back in. "Are you coming, or are you still pretending to be good kids?"
The three of you exchange glances, rooted in place until finally you shrug and get up. The boys follow. You grab jackets and step down into the garage.
She's sitting in a lawn chair, arms crossed like she's waiting to bust you for breaking curfew… with a lit joint in her hand.
"Et tu, Gareth?" she sighs when he steps down and closes the door.
"Uh… peer pressure?"
Everyone laughs.
You and Eddie drag the battered loveseat that the previous owners abandoned closer, and drop into it. Gareth unfolds another lawn chair and sits uneasily.
And that was how you found yourself passing around illegal substances in your garage, on the eve of Thanksgiving, with your boyfriend, little brother… and your mother.
You melt into Eddie once you begin to feel the effects. You lean your head on his shoulder and wish you'd thought to bring blankets out. His hand rests on your leg, radiating warmth into your skin, and you wish you were small enough so that you could fit your whole body in his hand. He could just carry you around and keep you in his pocket and let you attack people who irritated him. They'd never know what bit them. (You. You'd be what bit them.)
"Alright, what'd we miss?" Gareth asks.
"Let's see…" your mother ponders. "I'm a terrible mother who's raising disrespectful delinquents. My marriage failed because I emasculated my perfect bread-winning husband by insisting on working outside the home. He is blameless. The new church I selected must not be much of a church, to let in such shaggy youths. My son will become a devil-worshipping drug addict. My daughter will become impregnated before she graduates because I let that boy sleep in my house. Good news though: If you get knocked up, they probably won't come down for graduation, because they'll die of shame. Oh, and my turkey was dry."
You take a moment to process all this. Where do you even start?
"Dude…" Gareth begins. "Grandma's a cunt."
After a moment of stunned silence, your mother starts to laugh. And then you all join in. Minutes later, tears are streaming down your face, and you still can't stop laughing. You're clinging to Eddie, shaking together, finally feeling warm and happy and comfortable after a day of hell.
"Oh, man," your mom finally gets out, wiping the tears from her eyes. "What do you say we go finish up their leftovers so we can start over tomorrow?"
"That is the best idea in the history of Earth," Gareth says with genuine awe. Which sets you and Eddie off again. Your mom and Gareth go inside, and you and Eddie eventually pull yourselves together and off the loveseat.
Your mom has decided not to bother with individual plates; she's thrown all the grandparent-specific leftovers onto a glass pan and stuck it in the oven to reheat. You gather around the table and wait. When it comes out, you each grab a fork and go to town.
That's one way to get rid of leftovers you don't want.
"I'm going to bed," your mother finally says, getting up with a stretch. "I cooked all day today. Tomorrow's your problem. Wake me up when dinner's ready."
"Kay," you mumble through the last mouthful of the casserole you weren't generally fond of, but tonight found pretty good.
You left the dish in the sink and retreated to the living room to finish off the night with a movie.
"Ugh," Eddie groans, leaning back into the couch and sticking out his belly. "Why did you make me eat so much?"
"Yeah, that was definitely my doing," you laugh, pulling a blanket across your lap. Gareth puts in a tape and settles into his favorite spot on the floor, wrapped up in a blanket cocoon.
"I can't even breathe," Eddie whines.
You roll your eyes, reach over, and pop the button on his jeans. He falls silent as the previews begin, but you can feel him staring at you.
"What?" you finally ask, turning your head when you can't stand it anymore.
"Will you marry me?"
"That was like the hottest thing anyone's ever done to me."
A laugh escapes you. "You are such a dweeb."
"But you love me," he grins.
"…yeah, I guess," you sigh, pretending to be defeated.
His jaw drops in mock offense.
"You two are gonna make me puke up all that old person food if you keep on," Gareth chimes in from across the room.
You laugh and snuggle into Eddie's side, pulling the blanket over both of you.
"Love you," you whisper.
"Lots and lots," you confirm, nuzzling your cheek into his shoulder.
You woke when the screen turned to static, shook the boys awake, and dragged your corpses to bed.
"Best Thanksgiving ever," Eddie mumbled when you crawled under the covers beside him.
"That was Grandparent Thanksgiving. Tomorrow is Lazy Thanksgiving. It ain't over 'til the last piece of turkey's gone."
He chuckles. "So what exactly are we doing tomorrow?"
"We'll make the food, since Mom did everything yesterday. Turkey's done, so we just need sides. It'll be easy, pretty much everything has instructions on the box. There's rolls and a pie hiding in a cooler in the garage. So we'll make food, eat food, lay in front of the TV and watch old Thanksgiving specials I recorded and whine about how much food we ate… until it's time to eat more food."
"I think Thanksgiving might be my favorite holiday."
"Mine too, now." You smile a sleepy smile, not wanting to say goodnight and go to sleep just yet. "Still wanna hit Starcourt Friday morning? Lots of stuff on sale. If we strike out, we can always go back to your place… if you don't mind being alone with me for a little while… I'm sure we could find something to do…"
"You know, Black Friday's sounding pretty good too."
You chuckle and lean in for a kiss.
"I'm so happy you're here with me," you breathe.
"I'm happy you wanted me here," he says, giving you another kiss.
"Sorry about the grandparents," you wince.
"It's alright… we'll have it at our place next year." Your heart soars at the thought of getting to be like this with him every night. "And we won't tell them where we live."
You laugh and snuggle closer. "Sounds good to me, Eds."
He sighs happily and kisses your forehead, and you both drift to sleep in a comfortable silence.
You woke up so warm and comfortable, you almost didn't want to get out of bed, even though it's nearly eleven.
But today is Lazy Thanksgiving. The Thanksgiving you've always dreamed of. No unwanted guests. No hard labor. No stuffy clothes. You turn over to look at the clock, and Eddie pounces.
"Where you think you're goin'?" he mumbles into the back of your neck, holding you in place with an arm around your waist.
"Food," you yawn.
"This is all I wanna eat." He nibbles at the back of your neck, and you shrink away from him with a laugh.
"Not on the menu today, I'm afraid."
"Hmph." He lets you go and flops onto his back. You turn to look at him. Arms crossed. Pouty. Hair a mess. Perfect.
You slide closer and sling a leg over his. You put your arm across his middle and rest your head in the crook of his neck. He doesn't budge.
"Tomorrow, however…" you whisper with a soft kiss to his neck. He finally uncrosses his arms to run a hand up your thigh.
"Tell me more."
"Hmmm…" you hum, nuzzling into him. You can feel him melt. "Nope." You nip at his neck and haul yourself out of bed. He growls, but you're already out of the room before he makes a move.
Your mom is drinking coffee and watching the parade in the living room. "You sure you've got this?" she asks.
"We got this," you confirm. "We'll wake you up when it's ready."
"Like anyone could sleep through this thrilling display!" she says with mock-offense, gesturing to a high school marching band. You smile and return to the kitchen, hoping she enjoys her first uninterrupted parade in years.
Both boys wander into the kitchen a few minutes later, while you're pulling things from the cabinets and moving them to the table.
"Eddie, you're on stuffing. Gareth, you've got mashed potatoes."
"And what about you, Your Highness?" Gareth grumbles.
"Everything else, Prince Ass."
Eddie snorts and picks up one of the four boxes of Stove Top to read the instructions. He looks at you apprehensively.
"I have faith in you." He smirks and reads the box again.
"How many potatoes?" Gareth asks, skimming the instructions. Potato flakes from a flimsy cardboard box. If that didn't finish your grandmother off, the packets of gravy mix would.
"A buttload."
"That's not on the box."
"Then whatever the biggest batch is."
"Kay," he shrugs, reaching for the measuring cup you've left in the middle of the table.
The three of you work together in a shockingly harmonious manner. Pots on the stove, dishes in the oven, bowls in and out of the microwave, and nearly an hour later, the table is as set as it's gonna be. No serving dishes saved for special occasions; everything remains on the stove and counter, in whatever vessel it was cooked in. You were all fully capable of getting up and fixing your own plates.
And that's exactly what you did.
"Are we gonna hold hands and say what we're thankful for?" your mom teases.
"I'm thankful that Grandma and Grandpa are gone," Gareth says quickly, causing a laugh to spread around the table.
Screw it. "I'm thankful that all my favorite people are here."
"Awww," Gareth mocks, causing you and Eddie to both kick him under the table. You smirk at each other when he hisses.
"I'm thankful for the invite," Eddie smiles, making your heart soften.
"And I'm thankful for brown-and-serve rolls," your mom says, ripping hers open and slathering it with butter. "Okay, you little dorks, raise a roll."
You each pick up your roll and raise it, as instructed.
"To Lazy Thanksgiving!"
"To Lazy Thanksgiving!" you all echo, then take a bite out of your perfectly adequate rolls that took 8 minutes to prepare. (A great improvement from the traditional 4-hour ordeal.)
Lazy Thanksgiving really was the holiday you'd always dreamed of.
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navstuffs · 22 days
Friday night dinner
Pairing: Carmen Berzatto x Sydney Adamu
Summary: Carmen Berzatto has dinner with Sydney and her dad.
Trigger warnings: none, they are already dating, domesticity with syd's dad
Author's Notes: hiii! launching this one month before the show comes back and i had this idea since last year?? lol im an embarrassment. OH, i personally didnt like the alternative ending i gave this fic but left in there, you can read it if you want to :) also the name of the fic comes from a british show. anyway, enjoy your reading!
Carmy arrives at the apartment, knocking precisely three times and holding the wine bottle in his hands. No sweaty hands, which was good. Years of cooking probably stopped that side of him, at least. Deep down, he can feel the tingling sensation of nervousness and anxiety, and it just grows when it is Mr. Adamu who opens the door, cloth on his shoulder, apron on his hips. Mr. Adamu doesn't say anything as Carmy, standing there like an idiot, greets, "Good night, sir."
"Hey, come in, she's in the kitchen."
Not off to a good start, but at least Mr. Adamu had given him a slight smirk, not one that Carmy had noticed, looking down as he entered. It is his first time in their apartment after they started what he doesn't know yet how to call, two months ago. Richie explains, "going out, getting to know each other," what Fak calls "being utterly in love," and Sugar pinches his arm, stating, "If he loses Syd, I'm going to kill you."
Carmy tries to erase the thoughts in his head as he follows Mr. Adamu into the kitchen. The recognizable smell of food, Syd's food, welcomes him and slightly calms his nerves. When Carmy finally sees Syd in the middle of boiling pots and sizzling pans, he feels like he is home.
"Look who I found at our doorstep. Didn't have a choice but to let him in."
"Dad!" Syd sounds scandalized as Carmy nods. 
"Hey, I-mhm, I brought wine." He hands the wine bottle to Sydney, who thanks him. Then, Carmy stands there, hands in his pockets. "Can I help?"
Before Sydney can even reply, her dad shakes his head. "Please, like any of my guests would ever work in my kitchen. Go relax, Carmen. Syd and I will take care of this. We are almost done anyway."
Well, great. At least, while cooking, Carmy would not have to think about what to say to Mr. Adamu during dinner without sounding like a fool. Now? Carmy nods, giving another smile in their direction, before leaving the kitchen. He could sit on the sofa, but that would sound like he took more liberty than he should. Or he could hang between the space from the kitchen to the living room, looking like a piece of furniture that no one actually knew how exactly got there. You know, in case they needed help.
Carmy decides on the middle ground: the living room, but without sitting on the sofa. With one last look to Syd's back, he steps into the living room, his eyes working the space. Smooth jazz plays in the background, but it is low enough that he has to pay attention. CD’s, books, even DVD’s. Carmy feels like invading space, invading somewhere he shouldn't be yet. 
He turns his eyes to the books: some mysteries, science, and cooking—tons of cooking books. Carmy gives a small chuckle, some of which he had himself. He then turns his eyes to the pictures across the bookshelf: Syd and her dad, his arm squeezing her shoulders on probably the day of her graduation from the Culinary Institute of America. Mr. Adamu looks proud, pulling her into a half-hug as Syd smirks back at the camera.
The other picture shows an eight-year-old Sydney playing in a backyard, running after a woman he couldn't see. The next one shows the same eight-year-old Sydney with a woman who looks exactly like her, smiling at the camera. 
"My mom." 
Carmy turns to find Sydney at his side, a glass of wine in her hands. "Oh, yeah. She was a pretty woman."
"Yeah." Syd hands him the glass of wine, but Carmy doesn't drink it. She also looks nervous, not as in the day we re-opened The Bear together, but you are here now, and this is getting more real.
"Hey, you good?" Carmy asks, squeezing her arm. She takes a deep breath and nods. 
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Didn't think it would be this nerve-wrecking, and it's just, you know, my dad!"
"Wait until you meet my family," Carmy replies before he can stop himself. He realizes what he said and quickly tries to correct it. "Not, not that we would be going there. If we went there, I meant. We don't have to."
Syd looks at him, her face opening into a smile. "We shouldn't -"
"Hey, Sydney, I think the pie is almost done." Her dad calls her from the kitchen, and Sydney startles, asking for one second before leaving. Carmy follows her, glass of wine still secured in his hand. 
He watches Mr. Adamu and Sydney work for a while. They barely look at each other, but there isn't no animosity. No screaming, shouting, nothing like that. Mr. Adamu tries to explain to his daughter that he didn't know if the pie was good, and Sydney gestures that it was nothing. He goes back on finishing the salad, humming to the tune it was playing; how he could hear it, Carmy had no idea. Carmy just stands there, observing their work. What a contrast with his family.
"Oh, could you put the plates, please, Carmen?"
"On it, Sir. Where are they?" 
"Upper cabinet to my right. Forks and knives will be on the first drawer down here."
Carmen takes the task seriously, trying to impress Mr. Adamu with his ability to place the plates, forks, and knives on their dining table. But hey, you try to impress when you can, right? 
Soon, they are seated at the table. Carmen waits until Mr. Adamu is properly seated on the head of the table to sit himself, looking straight into Syd's eyes. He has a good feeling about this.
"I hope you enjoy the food, Carmen. I was responsible for the salad preparation."
"Which looks good, Sir."
Mr. Adamu doesn't correct the "Sir" but gives him a satisfied smile. Carmy then feels a slight nudge on his foot, Sydney's brown eyes smirking. She was probably having a blast, watching him all nervous and shit. But Carmy realizes he doesn't seem to mind, not this time, as he smirks at her back.
extra/alternative ending:
It is not later that night, after saying goodbye to Emmanuel, that Carmy asks Syd how well he did. Syd, who is walking him to the door, stops her hand on the door's handle.
"I don't think he hates you," she replies, face serious.
"Yeah, but, but, do you think he liked me? Like actually liked me? Because I feel like now, I shouldn't told that stupid joke Richie suggested, or I shouldn't have -" Before he can continue, Syd's lips are on his, silencing him. His hands immediately go towards her hips, pulling Syd close to him. After they break apart, Syd taps his chest, "You did great. He let you call him Emmanuel."
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z0-ne · 2 years
May I request a Goku sister reade, where the reader is Goku's half sister they both have the same father but a different mom so he doesn't know her but later on king Kai tells them they need to find her cause she will help them fight since she's strong, so shes half sayian and half another race, her race are very calm and powerful people let's call them (race name) she's really strong and smart also pretty calm :O
Thank you for the request! I'm not sure which arc you wanted this to be so I decided to make it a little earlier on in the series (Near end of SAIYAN SAGA) (and begining of NAMEK SAGA) so the reader still gets to meet goku and gohan pretty young! Hope that's okay!
Siblings (Platonic!) (Goku x Older! Sister! Reader!)
"You said what!?"
Goku suddenly yelled out, not believing the information that was being told before he would be offically wished back to earth to fight the saiyans.
"Yes, believe it or not, you have an older sister. She's incredibly strong."
King kai expected this outburst from him, and responded to it calmly with his hands folded behind his back and looking up at goku like he usually did.
Goku leaned forward and pointed to himself, wanting to make sure king kai was actually reffering to him at the time rather than someone else who just looks like him.
"Not to point out the obvious king kai but- uh- I haven't exactly had the best experiences with family, especially with older siblings."
This seemed to enrage King kai as he frantically moved his arms around in the air as he scolded goku.
"I know that! This ones different though!" Quickly gaining his composure, King Kai turned away from goku and cleared his throat before he spoke again.
"This woman will benefit you as long as she is on your side. Goku you must find her and let her know you're her sibling."
As series as Goku knew he should've taken all of this, he couldn't help but find it strange that this woman didn't go with raditz to find him and why he had to find her instead.
"Okayyy but, How is she gonna know it's me and I'm not lying to her?"
A vein in King Kai's head popped up, and goku just kept talking despite it being slightly obvious that he was over staying his welcome a little. "If anything it sounds like you just want me to walk up to her like raditz and expect her to believe me."
That yell was enough to finally get him to take a hint and quit talking. It was honestly better for them all if he just waited for his friends to wish him back.
Hopefully by then, and maybe after the fight with the Saiyans things would be cleared up for him.
-____________________________ 'Okay, let's see...(Name)...(Name)...Are you there?'
A familiar strange voice called you from the sky while you were in the middle of gardening.
Unlike your late father and step family, your planet was not only free from alien overlords, but was also left to it's peaceful ways and calm nature.
The only issue was that you weren't able to travel with your father, seven long years you had known him and he still left you to your uncaring mother who was frightened by your strength and sent you away.
You were a monster in her eyes.
It was great that you had a grandmother to care for you, and accept you despite your weird strength and odd appetite, but even she would leave sooner that you would've liked for her to.
"Oh? Hello there strange man from the sky." You went back to your gardening, this voice was one you had talked to a long time ago. A near death experience that actually encouraged you to take the more relaxed side of your bloodline rather than the Saiyan side. It was actually a good thing you did that.
It helped to clear you mind, so when you did train you also managed to exceed in areas your father possibly couldnt before he had you, and then dissapered.
"Is there news on my father?" 'I'm sorry. Unfortunately he's dead...he's been dead for years now..' After the voice told you that, you simply let out a little 'Oh' and turned back to your gardening. While it looked like you weren't effected by it, you were just ignoring how hurt you actually were.
He wasn't the best father, but while he was there he spent time with you. Trained you, and showed you slight kindness when he could manage it.
It hurt you a little to know that he was dead now.
"Well..was it at least painless?" 'I cannot say, but I can tell you that he didn't leave you alone. You have two more brothers, one evil and dead but the other is alive and well!'
This caught your attention, and caused you to glance up at the sky for a quick second.
You were a little angry before you calmed down and grew curious. He left you and made a whole new life, with new children only to die without possibly sparing you another thought.
It made you wonder if he ever cared enough to remember you after he left at all.
"Well, what does he look like? Who is he?" 'His name is goku. He's the spitting image of your father, and he will arrive in five months from now.'
You hummed before giving a verbal response and saying farewell to eachother. While you were pulling the weeds from your garden, the only thing on your mind was everything you just learned.
He was never in love with your mother, that you knew.
Still. You thought he at least grew to think of you as what you were, his daughter. Only to find out he left for years, never came back, and started a new life.
"The spitting image of my father.." You could feel yourself getting more and more upset as you mumbled and repeated those words from the man in the sly. That sadness mixed with your rage became distracting.
So distracting that you didn't realize your ki had rised, and it started to effect the enviornment around you.
Blowing things out the way, shoving some animals a few feet away from you, throwing little stones around and slightly shifting the purple grass underneath your knees.
"My father.."
"That bastard.." You randomly reached out and ripped something clean out the ground. It felt too deeply rooted to be a weed so it snapped you out of your rage.
When your vision cleared, you saw that it was not a weed, but it was on of your flowers that you had planted there and taken care of for some months.
You gasped, all your rage subsiding as a horrified look took over your face.
"No! My tulips!"
(Five Months later)
Five months. It had offically been five months since you've last heard from the man in the sky, and five months that you've been training to meet this younger brother of yours.
Maybe you might be directing your newfound resentment towards your father to the wrong person, but even if it turns out that you don't want to fight him.
It was too late to even have second thoughts about what you were doing because today was the day that he was coming around to your planet and meet you.
As you stood there, hands crossed over your stomach, shoulders relaxed, eyes lowered slightly and watching as the giant spaceship land infront of you.
Slightly burning the grass as the flames at the bottom of the ship got closer to the ground before shutting off as a whole. Then there was a door that opened, and from the corners of the ship, you saw someone with large eyes and spikey black hair.
They peaked down at you from the top of ship, and then they jumped down after yelling something inaudible due to how far away from you they were.
When he landed infront of you, and you got a good look at him you could feel yourself getting upset all over again.
He really was the spitting image of your father.
"Hey! I'm Goku! You must be my sister, right?"
He introduced himself, and pointed at you as he slowly approached.
You were cold to him and stepped back, not changing your stance but you did rise your ki slightly, and it caught him off guard.
"I am."
He paused for a moment, and you thought you had him stuck.
Only for him to extend his arms and wrap them around you, picked you up off the ground and just held you there for a bit.
"Good to meet you!"
He said as he put you down and left you a little stunned. He looked like your father, but this man acted absolutely nothing like him! Your father was a cold man. Hardly smiled, held you, hugged you, or even told you he loved and cared for you. Sometime it seemed like he cared for you, but really all you did was train under him.
"Come on! Let's go, we've gotta hurry to Namek!" "Namek? Why Namek? To destroy it?"
You asked as you followed him inside the large ship, and he turned to look at you with a confused look on his face. It made you think that you said something abnormal.
He was a sayain after all, it was in his nature as far as you knew.
"Huh? No, to save my friends! Actually, you've got a nephew there!" "A Nephew?"
You questioned as you walked around the spaceship with him, the doors closing behind you, and the lights coming on after it shut and locked. "Yeah, his name is Gohan, and he's really strong. I'm sure you'll like him!"
He smiled as he talked about his son, and went on to tell you about earth. His human wife, and all his friends. Apparently he even died once and came back.
You would question that logic later.
As he went on to talk about everything, to keep you updated on everything and everyone you'd be meeting, fighting and possibly saving with how rough Namek sounds.
"What about you? King Kai didn't tell me everything about you, so I wanna know!" You were shocked that he asked, but answered him none the less.
You told it just how Goku told his, from the start to the very end. Not every last detail, but you told him enough so he had an idea as to what you might've went through.
After you finished, he was sympathetic, and even apologized. It caught you off guard and made you look at him odd. He was frowing and his eyebrows were furrowed.
Goku wasn't rude at all, actually now that you were talking to him it seemed like your feelings of resentment, anger, and sadness completely dissapered.
He man that stood before you was absoluetly nothing like your father
You started laughing, and he looked at you as you continued to laugh. It wasn't until he asked you if something he said was funny that you finally stopped long enough to answer.
"You may look like our father, but you're nothing like him."
"Is..that a good thing?"
"It's a great thing Goku. If anything, that raditz fellow is more like our father than you." "Oh thats good! Also- Not good- was our dad evil?"
Sorry for the long wait!
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jimraisedmeup · 2 months
TICK // 18.1 - devil woman
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Rating: mature (angst, language, graphic sexual content)
Word Count: 1600
A/N: *fun, dirty, fluffy ;)
I've had nothing, but bad luck Since the day I saw the cat at my door So I came into you sweet lady Answering your mystical call
May 16, 1984 - junior year
Neither of you could sleep that night after vandalizing Higgins' house. Maybe it was the thrill of breaking the law, or maybe it was the thrill of sneaking your boyfriend into your room.
The more time that went on, the more you realized just how much you loved disobeying rules and keeping little secrets to yourself. Eddie's risky, unpredictable behavior was gradually rubbing off on you.
Regardless, you could never get enough of spending time with Eddie, talking to him for hours about random shit. 
"Didn't you tell me a while back that your parents wouldn't let you have a lock on your door?"
Eddie laid beside you, interlocking his bandaged fingers with yours. You chuckled to yourself at his question. Turning on your side to look at him, you memorized every detail of his face, even in the darkened bedroom. 
You looked at him nearly every day, and still you couldn't help it. The idea of ever forgetting this beautiful face was a rotten intrusive thought that crossed your mind, like the flashing, haunted memories of a bad dream.
Pushing away any unwelcome worries, you traced a finger over the tattoo on his bare chest.
"Yeah, they used to be like that. Before my mom left."
The brown eyed boy, half naked in your bed, lifted an eyebrow at you. "Who installed the lock?"
"I did."
"Is it that hard to imagine a woman using a screwdriver?"
Eddie snorted, running a hand down his face. "No, that's not what I meant. I don't know. I've never installed a lock before. I guess I'm just constantly impressed by you."
You didn't immediately respond to his compliment, choosing instead to stare at him quietly, blushing like an idiot at his words.
But then you were suddenly reminded of Eddie's surprise party you had planned that upcoming weekend.
"What are you doing this weekend? Saturday night?"
He pretended to think for a moment, humming to himself. "Oh, you know, the usual… I have a few cars lined up to throw some fireworks at… Hopper even said he might join me. And then I was thinking of following in my dad's footsteps and selling some drugs since I got kicked out of sch-"
"Eddie!" you hissed at him, pinching the pale skin of his ribcage. 
"Ow! Sorry! Bad joke, too soon." Eddie rolled over to face you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "I have Hellfire Club on Friday night. I'm all yours on Saturday."
You inched closer to him. "My dad is going out of town this weekend," you mumbled, reaching a hand slowly towards his boxer shorts. "You can come stay the night here again. I kind of like harboring fugitives in my bedroom."
His breath hitched as you made contact with his cock through the thin fabric. 
"I… uh," the boy stuttered, grabbing onto your waist. "I'm not exactly a fugitive. Just a criminal."
You kissed him gently at first, trying to draw him in closer, if possible. You could tell by Eddie's heavy breathing and the hardness between his legs that he enjoyed your indirect touch, your short nails just slightly skimming his most sensitive parts through the shorts.
Eddie twitched when you grabbed his length completely. His hands roamed your chest, pushing up your loose shirt. 
The feeling of his teeth on your nipples was one of your favorite things - Eddie was almost always focused on pleasure, not so much pain. But when it came to your breasts, he seemed to be an animal unhinged, biting you, leaving love marks on the undersides of them. 
You had always been a little self-conscious about your breasts, but the man in your arms now made you feel like every flaw you ever thought you had, was actually perfection in disguise.
You had to stifle the noises that threatened to leave your mouth when he bit you roughly. You pulled down his shorts, giving into your complete need for him. Eddie must have felt it, too, because he lifted his hips without hesitation to allow you to undress him.
"I don't have a condom," he mumbled against your skin, the tips of his fingers already inside of you.
"That's fine."
You crawled onto him, straddling him, purposely pressing your damp panties against his cock.
Eddie's face held a playful smile, his hands pulling at the elastic of your underwear. "Umm... are you crazy? I'm not about to risk it for the biscuit." 
You leaned forward, laying a small kiss to his jaw.
"I wasn't asking you to risk anything."
Your kisses trailed lower… past the tattoo on his chest, past the birthmark near his hip bone that you had memorized like the back of your hand.
"I figured…" you dug your nails into his thighs, making him gasp. "I figured I kind of owe you after all your hard work earlier."
You winked at him, and then took him into your mouth. 
"Oh, fuck."
Crystal ball on the table Showing the future, the past Same cat with them evil eyes And I knew it was a spell she cast
After a few hours of sleep that night, you successfully flung Eddie out of your bedroom window so he could make his grand escape. 
He had arranged for Gareth and his older brother to pick him up around the corner, away from Richard Buckley's oblivious presence downstairs.
You entered the kitchen casually, grabbing a coffee mug and pouring yourself some of the hot, dark liquid. You tried to ignore the pleasure you felt from your sore breasts as they made contact with the fabric of your sweater, memories of your fun night with Eddie still clear in your mind.
Your daydreaming didn't last long, though. 
"So, I see that you brought my truck back in one piece."
You choked on your coffee, not realizing that your father was in the doorway. His arms were crossed with the daily paper tucked under them. 
"Dad! I can explain." You put down the mug, holding your hands up in front of you. "Let me explain."
He glared at you for a moment, and didn't let you continue. "What explanation do you have? That is my work truck, young lady, not some beat up car you can take for a joyride in the middle of the night."
You tried to rack your brain for an excuse, or even how your father knew you left last night at all. He was a notoriously heavy sleeper. But you didn't have to wonder for long as your dad kept talking, his face turning red with anger.
"Kate woke in the middle of the night and saw the truck pulling back in the driveway. She claims that there were three people coming back into the house. So help me God, girl, if you brought that hellion into my home…"
Shit, shit, shit.
And then the voice of your savior sounded from the stairs. 
"That was my friend… Ashley," Robin said with unexpected confidence. "Long, brown, curly hair? Yeah, her parents were fighting last night so I wanted to go pick her up."
Richard Buckley was ten times more likely to believe Robin over you. It had always been that way, stemming from you ditching church on Sundays in your freshman year and becoming permanent the day you discovered his affair. He was never one to hide the fact that Robin was his favorite daughter.
He sighed, pressing down the sparse patch of hair on the top of his shiny head.
"You should have asked me first, Robin."
"We didn't want to wake you," Robin replied simply, passing him in the doorway and making her way to the fridge for orange juice. "C'mon, sis, we're about to miss the bus."
On your way to the bus stop on the corner, you squinted through your sunglasses at the morning sun. Your younger sister strolled beside you, blue eyes amused.
"Did you and Ashley have fun last night?" she said with a grin, voice heavy with insinuation.
"Oh, yeah, she's quite a lovely girl."
She's just a devil woman With evil on her mind Beware the devil woman She's gonna get you
"Well, well. Look who it is, the lucky man of the hour," Gareth bumped fists with Eddie as he leapt into the car.
"Thanks for the ride, fellas. I couldn't stick around there much longer. Hell hath no fury like a dickhead father scorned."
Gareth's older brother, Taron, bumped fists with him too. "Don't sweat it, I have to drive this little shit to school anyways." He was a year or two older than Eddie and one of the original members of the Hellfire Club. 
Ignoring his brother's rude remark, Gareth craned his neck towards Eddie in the backseat. "So… details?"
The Munson boy's face was stone cold. "Since when do I give you any details?"
"Well, I have to live vicariously through someone until Chrissy Cunningham notices me," Gareth explained, fiddling with the dials on the radio. "Plus, your girlfriend's kinda hot."
Eddie let out a bark of genuine laughter. "Chrissy and Jason have been together since, like, kindergarten. Keep dreaming, big boy."
Then he smacked Gareth on the back of the head. "And that's for calling my girl kinda hot. When, obviously, she is really hot."
I drank the potion she offered me I found myself on the floor Then I looked in those big green eyes And I wondered what I'd came there for
(song lyrics credit: "Devin Woman" by Cliff Richard)
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ornii · 1 year
Bitterly Beautiful, Part 8
The Finale: Now Eye Am become death, Destroyer of Worlds.
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"Wait.., run that back."
(Y/n) sits on his bed, as Wednesday stood before him, it was about ten minutes after Wednesday's exotic experience.
"So, you're telling me when we kissed, which by the way, absolutely amazing, Tyler ends up killing me?"
"Flattery only gets you so far." Wednesday responds coldly.
"It got me to those black Cherry flavored lips." He shoots back, Wednesdays face, as pale as it was showed hints of red as she blushed. She looked away scoffing.
"...Stop making me blush, i have a reputation to uphold.” She says, he stood up and smiles, gently taking her hand within his, he kisses Wednesday again, who this time reciprocated it with intensity. They stop their romantic escapade and he just smiles so warmly at his lovely death blossom.
"It's okay. I'll be okay... long as I've got you." He said, Wednesday this time, gripped his hands tighter.
"I refuse to allow Crackstone to prevail, which means Tyler.." she begins.
"We have to stop him, only question is how... we can always capture him." He says, "And to do that we'll need to bait a monster." (Y/n) says.
"I'll do it. It's not often I'm out into the jaws of a monster." She responds.
Tyler walks along the dark path into the forest to an awaiting Wednesday.
"Thing gave me your note. I was surprised you wanted to see me. So, uh, is this a date?" Tyler asks hopeful, and Wednesday keeps her calm demeanor.
"It's a surprise. When I came to Nevermore, romance was the last thing on my mind. But when (Y/n) kissed me, it opened my eyes and suddenly it all made sense. (y/n) warned me about you, about Normens, but I didn't listen. Which lead to me framing Xavier for murder while the real Hyde helped me put him away."
"Wait... you don't think..."
"I don't think. I know. Kinbott probably discovered your secret during one of your sessions. So she unlocked you. Why'd you kill her? I thought Hydes were typically loyal to their masters."
"Wednesday, this is nuts."
"On Outreach Day, I told you I was visiting the old meeting house. Did Kinbott send you to spy on me? I have to hand it to you, Tyler, using the gates house as a death trap to try to kill (Y/n), the one person who could have seen through your Facade, a masterstroke of misdirection."
"Okay, stop. Do you know how insane you sound right now? I'm not a monster. A... And if you really thought that I was, why would you risk bringing me out to the woods to confront me alone?"
"Who said I was alone?" She responds, Tyler hears someone step from behind a tree and turns around to (Y/n).
"Hello Tyler." He says coldly, as Tyler looks back at Wednesday.
"Okay, I don't know what kind of sick joke you're playing, but I'm out of here."
"Actually... you're not going anywhere." Tyler turns around as (Y/n) blows magic dust into his eyes; he stumbles around and hits the ground unconscious.
"Carry his Body." Wednesday said.
"You could ask nicer." (Y/n) said annoyed.
"Carry his body.. please." She says sarcastically. He smirks and picks him up with ease.
"Anything for you my Death Trap." He says Mimicking Gomez' accent. He walks off and Wednesday folds her arms.
"As much as i absolutely despise to admit this... but Perhaps I was wrong when I said I wouldn't find someone.. I won't admit it, that is a sizable crow I do not wish to eat."
Tyler slowly comes to, inside Xavier's art room, as (Y/n) and Wednesday are side by side.
"Welcome back."
"Where the hell am I?"
"Somewhere no one can hear your screams."
"What's with the chains?"
"Don't ask stupid questions, Tyler." (Y/n) said, and Tyler begins to plead.
"Wednesday, this is crazy. I'm a normie."
"That's only half true." Wednesday shows the fencing photo of her mother, but points to a woman in the background.
"Do you recognize her? Perhaps if I hadn't been so distracted by my own mother hogging this photo, I would have noticed yours sooner. Your father fell in love and married an outcast."
"My mom was an outcast. That doesn't make me a monster."
"According to her personal medical records—"
"You stole her medical records?"
"Technically, Thing did. He took them from your garage. Your father's quite the pack rat. Her postpartum depression triggered her condition."
"My mom had severe bipolar disorder."
"We both know that's a lie." (Y/n) said, he walks over closer to Tyler.
"Your dad must be worried you'll get the same condition your mother did. Well I guess his worries were warranted." He said, he turns his attention to Wednesday who, draws a pair of tasers.
"Wednesday, what are you doing?" (Y/n) asked.
"Just some light torture. Don't worry, I won't leave a mark." She says, There's only one thing that a Hyde understands. Pain."
"Wait! No, Wednesday! Wednesday!" Tyler pleads as she tases him, (Y/n) can't look away, he can still feel it, the lighting coursing though Tyler, the stinging pain.
"Don't kill him! He's useless if he dies, he has to admit the truth, admit it!" (Y/n) yells, "You killed innocent people, tried to kill Me! Wednesday, Enid Eugene! The pain will stop when you accept what you've done." He says, his ears perk up and almost like a feral animal he jerks his head to the door.
"People are surrounding us.." he said, Wednesday stops and turns to him.
"The only way is that they tracked his phone, we have to escape, you do. I'll use my crows to—"
"You need to leave, (Y/n)." Wednesday said, and (Y/n) turns to her. "What? I can't leave you!"
"Yes you can, If you value your relationship with Me, and Enid, you will leave before you're arrested. If I cannot protect Nevermore it's up to you." She says, he sighs and grips his cane.
"Fine.." he says somberly, he slams his cane down and crows begin to fly into hatches and cracks, they surround him and somehow he disappears, using dark magic. Just then, the door bursts open to the sheriff.
"Get away from my son! Drop it. Drop it!" He yells, and Wednesday drops the tasers. Wednesday is apprehended and brought to the station as weems is inside.
"Sheriff Galpin isn't pressing kidnapping charges. Which is a miracle given the circumstances."
"Of course not. How long have you known?"
"Excuse me?"
"When I gave you that claw from the cave, did you already know?"
"Wednesday, that's enough."
"Xavier Thorpe is our Hyde. We've got evidence, thanks to you. That's why I'm giving you one pass."
"Tyler is going to turn on you too." She says Before Weems es courts her out, but Tyler catches up to her
"We... Wednesday, wait."
"Tyler! No, no, what are you doing?"
"I need to talk to her, Dad. She was my friend. We're in a police station. What's gonna happen?" He says, and Galpin, his father gives in.
"Make it quick." He says, Weems leaves as the two are alone.
"What do you want?" She asks.
To ask a question. What does it feel like?" Tyler asks
"What does what feel like?" Wednesday responds, and almost like a switch goes off in his head, his calm quiet demeanor turns cynical, cold and, murderous.
"...To lose. You know, at first, I'd wake up naked, covered in blood, no idea what happened. But over time, I started to remember everything. The sound of their screams, the panic in their eyes, and a fear so primal I could taste it. And it was delicious. You have no idea what's coming. I'll tell you so you won't have to find out, (Y/n) is going to die... and I will make sure his last few moments will be absolutely agonizing." Tyler stepped back and, oddly his demeanor changes again and he leaves.
The next morning arose, and it was the last day for Wednesday.
"The quid pro quo for Sheriff Galpin not pressing charges is your immediate expulsion from Nevermore."
"You do realize that Tyler brutally disemboweled six people, then harvested a variety of their body parts."
"Perhaps if you'd come to me with your suspicions rather than take matters into your own hands, we could've worked together."
"Because trust and cooperation have always been hallmarks of our relationship."
"I admire your ability to be your own person and trust your own instincts. But that also makes you impatient and impulsive. Your actions have put me and the school in an impossible position." M
"Tyler is the Hyde. And he has framed Xavier. He confessed everything to me!"
"I wish I could believe you."
"His mother was an outcast. She was a student here, you must remember her. She was a Hyde!"
"Yes, Francois. A lovely woman. I didn't ask what she identified as."
"Then give me more time, and I can prove they are Hydes."
"There is no more time, and there are no more deals, Wednesday. Pack your steamer trunks. We will have them shipped. And say your goodbyes. You'll be on the afternoon train today. I'm sorry Nevermore didn't work out for you, Wednesday. I'm sure your mother will be very disappointed. And so am I." Weems gives a sigh of disappointment, (Y/n) was in his room, pacing back and forth. He stopped as he gripped his cane, grinding his teeth.
"God Damnit!" He yells, wanting to punch something. "How could I be so damn gullible!" He says with more ferocity, he turns to Xavier's empty bed. He pictures Wednesday sitting there, and speaks on her behalf, she opens her mouth but no words come out, only his voice.
"You're letting your emotions overtake you again." Fake Wednesday said.
"Of course I am! Tyler kills so many people, Xavier gets blamed for it, and he gets away with it! And now you're being expelled! There's a chance I'll never see you again! The first girl I kiss she gets expelled for torture."
"What I did was to assure Nevermore has protectors, you, Enid, Bianca and others. You may not agree with my method but you are Nevermores Last hope. Take solace in that, what do you plan to do?"
(Y/n)'s breath became more animalistic, almost low growling.
"... I'm gonna kill him, I'll turn Tyler's family tree into a god damn pile of ash!" He says, the Fake Wednesday stands up and walks up behind him.
"And if Tyler stood behind that door?"
"I'd vaporize him without a second thought."
"...Good, your emotions are strong, but don't let them overpower you, you always let them overtake you. Let them fuel your body for what you have prepared." Wednesday said, and as if on queue, the door is knocked upon. (Y/n) slowly approaches; almost itching to open his eyes, he grasped the handle of the door and opens it. But it was his Surrogate Sister, Enid.
"Oh, am I interrupting?" She says, he wastes no time hugging her tightly, which catches her off guard.
"Enid you're okay! Yeah, I'm fine.." he lets her go, which she adjusts her uniform.
"Yeah, that's good to hear! Wednesday told me what happened, if Tyler is the Hyde then when it fought you at the Manor.."
"Tyler was trying to kill us to silence us, pretty obvious now, but hindsight is 20/20 I guess. But how's Wednesday? I'll go help her—"
"About.. that." Enid says as it catches the confusion of (Y/n).
"Okay, don't freak out but, Weems basically said toy can't come near Wednesday until she leaves Nevermore." Enid says, (Y/n) looks absolutely baffled by it, In sheer disbelief.
"She said it was to makes sure that you and her don't plan anything, not my words." She said and (Y/n) sighs, he looks even more distraught and Enid tries to cheer him up.
"Look, I'll relay any message you have for her." Enid says, and (Y/n) turns back to face her.
"...Any, message?" He says and Enid nods, which was a terrible mistake.
"Enid returns back to the dorm where Wednesday is packing, she decides to help any way possible.
"I can't believe I'm actually going to miss your creepy, lifeless eyes waking me up. It won't be the same without you."
"So I assume you'll be moving in with Yoko. Leaving me in the past."
"Not ever. What about you? Will you forget about me?" Enid said sadly, and Wednesday says something nice to her?
"Enid... the mark you have left on me is indelible. Anytime I grow nauseous at the sight of a rainbow or hear a pop song that makes my ears bleed, I'll think of you." which is Wednesdays version of "I'll never forget you." Which brightens Enid up a little, "Thanks. I guess."
"I always believed relying on other people to be a sign of weakness. That inevitably they would lead me to disappointment. Turns out I've been the disappointment."
"Are you kidding me? I've learned so much from you. Part of it is admittedly criminal behavior, but... most people spend their entire lives pretending to give zero effs, and you literally never had an eff to give. Any chance you've got some sort of sneaky plan to elude Weems?" Enid asks.
"No, Xavier's right. This prophecy cannot come true if I'm not here. But it kills me to leave when Tyler is still walking around free."
"If he tries anything, we have a school full of gorgons, vampires, and werewolves, ready and waiting. Especially (Y/n), We've got this, Wednesday. I promise. On a good note, I got a text from Eugene's moms. He woke up last night. Maybe Weems'll let you drop by on your way to the station." Enid says, thing Snaps his fingers and Wednesday nods at this.
"I think we're all set."
"Thing, I'm going to miss our makeup tutorials. And you better keep sending me moisturizing tips. Stay in touch, okay?" She says, Enid turns to Wednesday offering a hug. "So, we're gonna... You're right. Not hugging is kind of our thing. But..." Enid says sadly and looks a bit uncomfortable.
"What?" Wednesday says.
"Weems forbade him from seeing you in case you two had planned a escape route.."
"I see, I suppose I expected this."
"And... (Y/n) left a present.." Enid says but looks really reluctant to say what it is. Wednesday picks up on her idling.
"Enid we don't have much time, whatever horrid present (Y/n) has concocted will not phase me." Wednesday says with a lot of confidence, Enid braces And moves in, giving her the tiniest peck on the cheek, Wednesday freezes and just stares at Enid who looks a bit horrified.
"Sorry! Sorry! (Y/n) Said to do that.." Enid Looks ready to run for the hills, awaiting Wednesdays response, she takes a deep sigh and calms herself.
"You two make me want to vomit sometimes." She says, there's a knock on the door and then it opens to Weems.
"Wednesday. This time I'm personally escorting you to your train."
"...I have one final favor." Wednesday said.
Eugene has finally awoken in the hospital, sitting solemnly inside his bed, he's quickly surprised by the arrival of Wednesday.
"Eugene. Glad to see you're finally awake."
"I heard you visited all the time."
"Don't ever mention it again. Listen, I've been meaning to tell you... I shouldn't have gone to the dance. I should have been with you."
"When the dance floor calls, you gotta answer. I heard you and (Y/n) stole the whole night away! It's not your fault. It's the monster's."
"It's actually called a Hyde. It's still out there. You can't go back to Nevermore. Not even to check on your bees. And you have to listen to me this time."
"I thought hummers were supposed to stick together. That night in the woods, someone set fire to that cave."
"Yes, Dr. Kinbott."
"It's so crazy that it was her. I don't really remember any of it. I just saw someone wearing black and those boots."
"...What about her boots?" Wednesday said.
"There was an explosion of light and just for a moment, I saw that they weren't black. They were red." He says, and Wednesdays face was actually shocked. And she goes to Weems quickly. There's only one person who could do all this, and with that last bit of information all the pieces fell together.
Thornhill was in her botany class, preparing a syringe of nightshade. She turns around to begin her tests when Wednesday appears behind her.
"Wednesday! I thought you'd be halfway to New Jersey by now."
"You can drop the act, Laurel. I should have known it was you. Faking your death, securing a job at Nevermore, unlocking a Hyde. Typically, I have great admiration for well-executed revenge plots. But yours was a bit extreme, even for my high standards."
"Oh, dear. Weems was right. You do need psychiatric help. Can't throw out wild accusations without consequences."
"They may be wild... but they're true. Tyler told me everything." Tyler slowly steps out from the shadows behind Wednesday.
"Initially I incorrectly accused Kinbott of using hypnosis to unlock him. But you used a plant-derived chemical, didn't you? I know your father kept tabs on all the outcasts in town. So I assume he told you about the Galpin family secret when you were just a girl. That's why you targeted Tyler. You manipulated him by showing him what his mother truly was. What Tyler didn't realize is that truth wouldn't free him. It would enslave him to you. That was scary at first, so you used the cave and the shackles. But eventually he willingly became your servant. And when Kinbott came close to discovering the truth, you had Tyler kill her and pin it on Xavier." Wednesday explained the entire plan, Thornhill sighs and removes her glasses.
"Ugh. That's enough. Tyler, honey, make Mama happy and shut her up. Permanently."
"He's not on your side."
"Tyler will do anything for me. Remember what I told you? I showed you who you really are. What they did to your mother...The outcasts made you a monster."
"If you only hate outcasts, why is he killing normies as well?"
"They're just pawns in a bigger game. Just like you, Wednesday. Once again, you've underestimated the situation. You were never getting on that train. I sent Tyler to intercept you."
"I never made it to the station. Heard enough?" Wednesday asks Tyler, Thornhill looks a bit confused and watches as Tyler transforms into Weems.
"Your slave is probably still at the station." Wednesday said, Thornhill looks caught in a trap, a trap she cannot weasel her way out.
"Don't make this more difficult than it already is, Marilyn." Weems said sadly, Laurel, enraged snaps.
"My name is Laurel!" she jams the syringe into the neck of Weems, poisoning her. Weems collaspes, choking as the nightshade. Wednesday rushes to her side.
"Principal Weems! Principal Weems!" She says, but the poison courses though her veins, and Weems perishes.
"Nightshade poisoning. A fitting end, don't you think?" Wednesday turns to Thornhill who knocks hero it cold with a shovel. She drags Wednesday away, little does Thornhill know, Thing is watching, he runs off to find (Y/n). (Y/n) was still in his room, actually contemplating murder, he feels aggressive thumping on his window and he walks over to it, he senses a small thing moving.
"Thing?" He opens it and thing leaps in and begins to frantically tap.
"Woah woah slow down.. what's wrong?" He stops and thumps away.
"Weems? Thornhill? Where did they take her?! What do you mean you don't know?!" He stands up and runs to his window.
"IGVIND!" He yells, he steps back and soon crows come flying in. They sit at different places.
"Wednesday is missing, find her, now!" He yells, he snaps his fingers and they fly out in droves. He turns to Thing.
"Go get Enid! I'm checking the greenhouse." He said before leaving quickly, he rushes out of the room and heads to the Greenhourse. Wednesday groggily awakens from her beating, which Tyler watches her. She hangs from her cuffs from a hook.
"Kind of a déjà vu thing we got going on, huh?" He says with a smirk.
"Except I won't cry and whine like a child."
"Tyler, go wait by the boat." Laurel says, preparing the ritual. "Yes. Listen to your master and be a good little Hyde." Wednesday keeps her stern demeanor as Tyler leaves.
"I have to admit..that shape-shifting stunt with Weems almost worked. But as my father always said, "If you want to outsmart an outcast, you got to out-think 'em." You know, we have roots that go all the way back to Joseph Crackstone."
"So you come from a line of psychotic killers too."
"Joseph Crackstone was a visionary, dedicated to protecting normies from outcasts until his life was cut short by your ancestor, Goody Addams. And then, to add insult to injury, they stole his land to build that abomination of a school. But, throughout the centuries, my family has remained committed to Crackstone's mission. My brother died serving that cause. I decided to take a different approach. The supernatural." Laurel places jars of human body parts with Tesla coils at the top of them surrounding the coffin.
"Tyler's been collecting these body parts to resurrect Crackstone. The one man who nearly succeeded in eradicating the outcasts. You can't wake the dead. Believe me, I've tried."
"I believe your ancestor Goody Addams would disagree." Laurel shows the book.
"Goody's Book of Shadows. You're the one that stole the original from Pilgrim World."
"It wasn't enough for Goody to kill Crackstone. She had to curse his soul too."
"What does this have to do with me? My dear Wednesday, you are the key. Your arrival at Nevermore set the chubby wheels of my plan in motion. You see, Goody sealed Crackstone in his sarcophagus with a blood lock, as Revenge for Killing her Lover, Cianán, she views it as blood for blood. And "Only one of her direct descendants can open it. You are the key. A living descendant on the night of a blood moon. So... I bided my time, and I made you feel special until you were ready to be sacrificed." Laurel caresses Wednesdays bleeding head, only to take the blood from her and smear it on the seal and open Goodys book, she begins to speak in Latin. Soon the jars begin to light up! Electricity dancing between them. Black smoke begins to emulate from the coffin and it bursts open! Crackstone has been resurrected! The impact throws Wednesday off of the hook and she hits the ground. Using this opportunity she begins to unshackle herself. Crackstone, now a decrepit demon is greeted by Laurel..
"I am of your blood. I have summoned you to rid the world of outcasts once and for all." she says and Kisses his ring.
"My vengeance will be swift and true."
"As will mine." Wednesday prepares to fight Crackstone, but the man grabs the girl by the neck, lifting her up.
"Goody Addams. You haunt me still. You will suffer the same fate you bequeathed me. Now burn in the eternal fires of hell." he says smiling, Wednesdays legs flail, until a "Shink" is heard, she swings the foot blade (Y/n) gave her, right into the unmentionables of Crackstone who growls in pain and drops her, Wednesday stood up, but only to receive a dagger to the side by Laurel.
"Go to hell, Where you belong. Sweet dreams, Wednesday!" She says, as she watches Wednesday collapse down. The two, now satisfied with their revenge leave Wednesday to bleed to death. As she lies on a pool of her slowly cooling blood, Goody appears.
"Are you here to take me to the other side?"
"Listen, Crackstone must be stabbed through his black heart. It is the only way he will be vanquished now and forever."
"Is your spectral vision impaired? I'm dying." Wednesday said, but the doors open from the crypt, and she can only turn to see the shadow of a man approaching, goody sees it, and her eyes go wide.
"Cianán." She says, the man runs to the side of Wednesdays to see it's (Y/n) he looks absolutely panicked.
"Wednesday! It's okay! I'm here now, Cmon. Just, relax." He says, he begins to do what he can.
"When I remove the knife, be ready I'll have to use Cauterization. Just, deep breath. He begins to cast a bit of magic on his finger. He grips the blade and Wednesday takes a deep breath. He quickly pulls the blade from her side. He then places his burning finger along her abdomen to close the wound witu heat. She grabs his hand, squeezing it hard as she tries to keep the sounds of pain low, but it was a low whimper. As the wound is close. He picks her up like his bride to be. He smiles so happily.
"Thank god I found you! Thing told me what happened! Cmon we have to get you somewhere safe." He rushes out with her in tow and Wednesday begins to move.
"I can walk by myself now, thank you for saving me.." she said, he hugs her.
"I'm never gonna leave you side, you know that." He says, but their reunion was interrupted by Tyler.
"Laurel said you were dead."
"I'm feeling much better now."
"You're like a cockroach."
"Please, flattery will get you nowhere." She says, and they watches Tyler transform into the Hyde, (Y/n) steps up with his cane, ready to fight him.
"I've been waiting for this!" He charges at Tyler, who swings at him, he ducks under and leaps into his back, chocking him again witu his cane. But this time flyer predicts it and spins, hurling him into a tree. (Y/n) slowly begins to get up, but a pair of claws slam him into the tree. Tyler squeezes his neck, choking the life out of (Y/n) Wednesday rushes over to help but gets swatted away. Tyler raises his hand against, before a howl echoes and something tackles the Hyde. He drops down coughing to sense a pale werewolf, the smell lingers. He slowly backs away, wondering what evil this could be, the werewolf turns to him, seemingly happy, he sniffs the air and smells something. Full Moon Nail polish.
"Enid? You.. you did it!" He says so happy, Tyler rose to fight and (Y/n) feels Wednesday grab his arm.
"We need to get back to the school, Crackstone is going to kill everyone!"
"But, Enid—"
"Enid isn't some little girl, she can handle herself, she's really done it." Wednesday said, Enid turns to them with a reassuring bark. (Y/n) shakily sighs.
"Okay, Go get Em! And Enid.. I'm so proud of you." He says, she can't help but smile and charges to hold off Tyler. (Y/n) and Wednesday run off to stop Crackstone, who enters the main area. As students run, Laurel smiles
"I can't tell you how I've longed for this moment, what it means for my family."
"Silence, woman! Be gone, or I will cut thy tongue from thy wretched mouth!"
"...Never meet your heroes." Laurel says before leaving.
"I will expunge you abominations from this Earth!" Crackstone yells.
"Howdy, pilgrim." He turns around to see Wednesday, still alive, her heart still beating.
"How canst thy heart still beat? What demon sorcery is this?" He yells, he turns around as (Y/n) comes leaping off a floor to attack, Crackstone uses his staff to halt him in his place and then hurl him into a Pilar breaking it. It lands on his back and he struggles to get up, Wednesday now faces off against Crackstone, (Y/n) reaches for his cane and hurls it.
"Wednesday!" He yells and she catches it.
"Twist the Handle!" He yells and she does, she hears a mechanism unlock, she begins to pull and reveal its true power, a blade! A cane sword!" Wednesdays and Crackstone do battle, using her more reflexes to avoid his attacks, but with his magic she is unfortunately no match, using his staff to pin her down. (Y/n) pushes the pillar off of him and charges at Crackstone, using his strength he slams him into the ground and begins to pummel on him. Each punch having a deep impact. Before he can continue, Crackstone used his staff against to slam the blind hero into the fountain. And choke him. He leers over (Y/n).
"I will siphon the life out of you! And then goody! I'll put an end to your twisted bloodline!" He laughs, his cackling just enraged (Y/n), so much that he has no choice. And with a final visceral scream
He opens his eyes.
As if hell itself explodes, Crackstone and Wednesdays were blown away. She can only watches as flames dance around (Y/n), his shadow growing like a multiple armed demon. The flames Grow in ferocity as the blinding heat from his opening bellows though the world itself seemingly. Crackstone slowly backs away, seeing that his left arm, was completely disintegrated into ash. He can watch as (Y/n) walks from the flames, his shadow now has transformed into a monster with multiple arms. He sees (y/n) stands there and utter a chilling quote.
"Now I am become death... the destroyer of Worlds.."
(Y/n) opens his eyes as only flashes of gold bellow form it, as a wave of golden death blasts from his eyes, turning Crackstone into nothing but ash. He closes his eyes again, and he turns to look for Wednesday, who approaches him. He smiles and hugs her, and finally.. Wednesday hugs back. His smile quickly fades as he grabs her and spins, they swap places as a bullet hits his back, Wednesday watches him lurch forward. She peers past him to Laurel.
"I might not get to kill all the outcasts, but at least I'll get to kill you." She says and unloads more, (Y/n) grabs Wednesday, making sure they don't hit her, but seven rounds riddles hud back, and he collapses onto the ground. Wednesday rolls (Y/n) into his back as he chokes on his own blood. His eyes open once more, and Laurel turns to ash, he laughs before us body gives out and Wednesday grabs him.
"(Y/n)! Hold on! I'll get you to the hospital you just need to—" She winces in pain trying to pick him up, but his hand gently holds hers, as he feels his grip slowly start to, weaken, Wednesday holds her emotions together, but she slowly began to crumble as she can only see him choke on the blood filling his lungs.
"(Y/n) if you die on me I will kill you.." she didn't say it out of anger or hatred, it was fear that her vision was coming to fruition.
"... Please don't leave me." She says, and a single tear falls down her cheek, her voice was shaking, so scared.
"Heh.." he laughs, he opens his eyes, and Wednesday finally sees them, and he sees her, the power has seemingly been snapped from them, and she looks at his beautiful eyes. He smiles though the blood coated grin.
"I did say, I'd burn the world down.. just to see you... totally worth it." He says smiling, but his grin slowly fades, and so does the light in his eyes. His grip is no longer there. Wednesday was now truly ocvercome with emotion, tears fell but she didn't cry, she just stares at his body. More students began to fill the main room. Enid approaches and was in disbelief, she fell to her knees and wept. Wednesday closes her eyes and truly felt despair, before Goody kneels down next to her.
"Wednesday." She says, Wednesday turned to goody and she touched (Y/n).
"Allow me to save him, I was not able to save my Cianán, but allow me to save yours." She says, her body begins to dissipate into dust, and there's silence, besides Enids painful cries, Wednesdays places her head on his chest, and hears a single thump.
"Enid stop! He's alive! We have to get him to the hospital, now!"
One Week Later.
(Y/n)'s eyes open to a hospital room, he struggles to sit up but sees that his wounds have healed naturally. He sees the countless flowers and such for him and he sees Enid snoring on his lap. He chuckled and pets her.
"Hey, sleepyhead." He says, Enid grumbled and opens her eyes, she finally processes what's going on and hugs him so hard.
"(Y/N)!" She yells, crying. He laughs and does as well.
"It's so good to see you!" He said, she holds on for what seems to be forever before letting go. Enid wipes her mascara off.
"When I saw all that blood I was so scared and Wednesday said you were okay.. and you spend a week in here and...and.. and.." Enid was trying to speak and was too busy trying not to cry, so it just came out as a jumbled mess. He just pets her.
"Hey, calm down, but I gotta know, how did it feel the wolf out finally?"
"It felt, different, new... thanks to you. You always had my back." She says, "What are besties for? Where's Wednesday?" He asks, Enid smiles so warmly at that.
Wednesday was sitting in the dorm room on the bed, staring at the ground. She was just wearing black shorts and (Y/n)'a hoodie. Enid steps in giddy and she smiles.
"So.. how are you feeling?"
"Absolutely dreadful."
"Oh, so nothings changed... well someone wants to see you."
"Enid I don't wish to speak to anyone." Wednesday said, a person steps in and Enid sits on her bed smiling, a person kneels down to face Wednesday and her eyes look up to (Y/n).
"... you're, not a ghost are you?"
"What? Have you been seeing ghosts?" He laughs and Wednesday slowly begins to grow in anger.
"Are you.. Serious?"
"Heh... what?" He asks confused, Wednesday stands up, and begins to approach him, he slowly backs away at the same time.
"You get yourself shot, and you die, and the first thing you say to me is some stupid joke?" Wednesday said fuming, (Y/n)'a attitude shifts to absolute fear. “Does my concern for your well-being mean absolutely anything to you?” She says, her voice growing in anger, (Y/n) felt another breach in death approaching.
"I-I mean well.."
"I, hate you." Wednesday said, which hurt (Y/n).
"Wednesday I—"
"Silence, I hate how you made me feel, I hate it when you smile, I hate it when you grab my hands and make me fluster, I hate it when you make terrible jokes only to annoy and or amuse me. I hate it when you're always at my side even when I don't deserve it, I hate it when you treat me like you aren't scared of me, like I'm a normal person”
when I'm not. I hate that you care about me, when I don't deserve it.... I hate how much you love me..
"Just as much as i hate how much I... love you." Wednesday said, admitting her love. (Y/n) didn't know what to say, and she just grabbed his face and kissed him. Without any stopping his hands wrapped around her waist and pushed their lips deeper into each other, he picks her up and Carrie's her off to her bed and lies her down, crawling on top he presses his lips back into hers, and Wednesdays grips his button up and tears it off, he kissed her neck, letting Wednesday finally enjoy the reward she so desperately fought for. The slightest moan escapes from her purse lips as his hand slowly slides along her leg, further upward.
As the two, like wild animals go at it, Enid watches absolutely horrified as his jacket landed at her feet.
"Ahem, AHEM!" She says louder, the two stop and turn to face her. Their lips part and they realize Enid was still there. They quickly get off of each other and sit there.
"You two are so... cute!" She says, "Did you remember she was here?" (Y/n) whispers.
"I did, I just didn't care." She responds. A sigh comes from (Y/n). But rather complaining he spends the rest of the day with his closest Allies. But all good things must come to said end, (Y/n) woke in his bedroom and began to Yawn, he attempts to stretch but a vise like grip was on him, Wednesday. She decided to sleep over in his dorm. She hasn’t let him out of her sight since his death.
“Wednesday?” He says, she awakens, with a tiny yawn like a deadly kitten, (Y/n) attempts to hold in his urge to mush her adorable face.
“Is it Morning?” She asks.
“Yes, so… can you let me—“
“… Wednesday you’ll have to let me go eventually, I won’t get killed going to the bathroom.”
“Please?” He asks, She relents and lets him go, he smiles and gently kisses her forhead. Eventually getting dressed and entering the principals old room, The Trio stand inside the Principals office..
"I hate to admit, but I am gonna miss Principal Weems." Enid says.
"She could be a real pain." (Y/n) Said calmly.
"But she was tough. And she died for the one thing she truly loved, this school. For that, I have immense respect." Wednesday said.
"She was one of us. So...Now that classes are canceled for the semester, you have to come visit me in San Francisco." Enid says smiling.
"I can pretty much guarantee fog and drizzle every day. Your kind of weather." (Y/n) adds in.
"Sounds tempting." She says, they enter the foyer as Enid goes to get her things, and (Y/n) gives her one final gift, a phone.
"So... Welcome to the 21st century, Addams. My number's in there already." (Y/n) said, just a way for us to keep in contact. "That's a bold move. I hope you're not expecting me to call." She says.
"No, I'm just awaiting your desperate need to see your man."
"As egotistical as ever, but.. while It will he dreadful to depart, how can I assure you'll never wary?"
"Wednesday I'd never look at another girl.." (Y/n) says.
"I know...but I cannot say the same for the numerous harlots here, so I just mark my territory." Wednesday said.
".... you're not gonna like, pee on me are you?" (Y/n) asks scared, Wednesday scoffs and just grabs his tie, she yanks him into a long deep kiss in front of everyone, she lets him go as he just stands there.
"Any woman who would even dare getting their lips that close to yours not know the consequences."
"Uh.. how do you know that would work?" He asks, and he sees Wednesday, smirk?"
"I'm very perceptive." She responds, he couldn't help but smile at that.
"...I'm really gonna miss you. My little nightmare." He says.
"... I'll miss you too." She replies and leaves, as Wednesday departs, she opens her phone to find two contacts, (Y/n), and Enid. And a mysterious message, which shows pictures of her and (Y/n) talking and the words "I see you."
"My very first stalker. Maybe this forced vacation will be more interesting than I imagined. Unlike my novel, not every thread has been tied up, nor every question answered. Secrets are still lurking in the dark corners of Jericho. Were Laurel Gates and Tyler just pawns in a bigger game? Will today's stalker become tomorrow's nemesis? I know the suspense is killing you.."
"My first girlfriend, I'll admit didn't expect it to be a emotionally castrated Emo. And I gotta say I love it, Nevermore was never normal but she made it abnormal, and to think that this is only my second year! I know you're all dying to know what happens next well...
"I guess you just have to wait and.. See."
To be continued…
Until season 2 of course…
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minhosimthings · 9 months
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Vanilla Meat
Synopsis: In which your husband makes your weird pregnancy cravings.
Pairings: Husband!Minho × pregnant reader (fem duh)
Warnings: FLUFFY SHIT YEAH. Mention of throwing up, mention of food
A/N: One more drabble because I have writer's block rn. Absolutely cannot write another chapter. College is getting more work filled, so I'll try to update more often if I can! Oh btw, I took inspo from my cousin! She had really weird cravings when she was preggers and she told me some stories so this is based off of that!
Your mouth tasted so weird today. And you had no idea why. Oh wait you did have an idea. And that was the baby growing in your currently ravenous stomach. Being pregnant was harder than you thought (and your mom had told you) and now, at five and half months, your mouth started craving weird things. Thankfully you had a husband and said husband was a simp for you so he would basically make you anything you asked for, but not before giving you the biggest side eye ever.
"Kitten you ok?" Minho was leaning against your side as you bent over the toilet seat. Morning sickness had gotten worse since your fourth month even though your doctor assured you that morning sickness usually subsides by the fourth month. But then again, as I said, dear audience, you were a weird person. "Yeah I think I'm fine. I, uh, alright don't get mad but I didn't take my meds today." Minho sighed deeply at your words as he helped you get back on your feet. He knew you hated taking meds, pills especially since you didn't like the way they got stuck in your throat and you had to force it down although you enjoyed doing that with other things. Minho helped you get comfortably into bed and tucked the corners of your baby blue blanket in just like the way you like it. You smiled sweetly at him, silently appreciating your husband for doing so much for you. "Kitten please you've got to take those meds. I know you don't like them but I don't like avocado and you forced me to try them so now you're gonna have to pay me back." You pouted and furrowed your brows at his words. You tried to put on the best puppy eyes you could but you knew they wouldn't work on the sexy man standing in front off you, in a black turtleneck sweater with rolled up sleeves which made you kinda horny. Minho sighed again and cupped your face gently and said, in a tone unlike his normal one, "How about I make you something and then you take the meds?" Your eyes lit up at that as you did a tiny bounce and looked at Minho, like a child looking at the ice cream man. "Only if you take the meds though." Minho added sternly gently moving his hands to your aching legs. You thought for a moment before extending your hand out and shaking Minho's after which he placed a gentle kiss on your hand. "I'll make some japchae and order your favourite songpyeon ok?" "Actually baby?" Your voice stopped Minho as he made to get up. "Can you make me something weird?" Minho's face contorted into one of humour as he knelt down to your level and said, "Well of course your Highness. What delight would you like today?" You let out a tiny giggle and booped his nose. "I want meat." Minho was kind of taken back as he placed his hands softly on your belly and asked "That's it? Our baby is craving for dada's famous meat?" You tried to hide your mischievous smile and instead said in a playfully commanding voice, "Yes. Our baby is craving the best grilled meat in the kingdom. Oh and I would prefer if it was last night's meat please." Minho got up and kissed your forehead gently, but not before doing a tiny curtsey "Your wish is my command, Your Highness. Anything to go with the meat? Pudding perhaps?" "Can you also get me some of that vanilla ice cream Jisung left here last night?" Minho smiled and gently squeezed your hand before disappearing through the bedroom door.
He came back a few minutes (read : hours, since you were an inpatient and hungry pregnant woman) with a blue porcelain plate and your favourite pink bowl, which you expected was filled with ice cream. You pulled out your tiny bed table and settled it on the bedsheets as Minho put the delicious meat down along with the ice cream and to your disappointment, your packet of pills. You decided, however not to pull a face, and instead thanked your husband for bringing food to you. "Your welcome Jagiya. But you need to take the pills alright? Otherwise you can't see Doongie for a whole week." You let out a dramatic gasp at his words at his words and gave him a flying kiss, which he gratefully took. You took some of the slightly charred meat and picked up your ice cream spoon as Minho watched with curiosity, his cat like eyes wide open to form those cute star filled ones no one could resist. You then, to the horror of your husband, scooped some of the ice cream, put it on your piece of meat and then proceeded to put the entire thing in your mouth as Minho watched on very disgusted. He let out a very heavy sigh and said "Kitten, I know you're pregnant and I know all of your weird all cravings. And they've been normal usually like fish with mayo but kitten really? Vanilla ice cream with meat?" You looked Minho's cute frame and jut out your bottom lip to form a pout. "Just try It once Min. You'll like this I promise." Minho sighed again and said, "If I try it, because you've peaked my interest now, what will I get in return?" You thought for a moment and said "You can name our baby." Minho's eyes, now lit up with determination and excitement as he teased you, "Really kitten? Are you stooping that low for me to try your cravings?" You merely shrugged your shoulders and prepared another bite of the vanilla Meat for Minho as he took a deep breath and leaned forward, as if he was ready for combat. You gently pushed the meat into Minho's mouth and waited for his reaction, which, quite possibly, was the most adorable thing you have ever seen in your life. His closed eyes slowly opened and widened to form two big globes and mouth stayed closed. You couldn't decipher the expression on his face, but you knew it was the same expression he did whenever he ate pudding. "It's that good huh?" You questioned him. He was quick to shake his head. "That was the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten in my life, well except for Jisungie's cooking. Im gonna go wash up, while you eat the rest of your definetly not edible food." You threw him a sarcastic smile as he got up and went downstairs. You happily ate the rest of your food, with the nice thought in your head that Minho was definitely going to make this for you again. You didn't have the heart to tell him the next morning, that you heard him call Jisung in the dead of the night with the words, "Dude you gotta try meat with vanilla ice cream."
"Hon how are you eating that?" Minho was laying on his pillow, watching you eat Oreos with pieces of raw fish. You shrugged your shoulders and continued eating. "I mean it's what your twins are craving." "Alright then." You slightly smirked and turned your head towards Minho as he turned his head with the speed of lighting to face you. "WE'RE HAVING TWINS?"
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verdemoun · 29 days
there will be a detailed post about dutch van der linde in timewarp in the next 24 hours watch this space but before then The Ex's of Dutch Van Der Linde is an absolute posse
the main trio is annabelle, susan grimshaw and molly o'shea. molly catches up with the girlies more than any other members of VDLs. side tangent i know in my soul grimshaw and molly made up like grimshaw thought she was protecting the gang. molly would be hurt grimshaw actually believed she talked. she was just saying it to get a rise out of dutch. grimshaw would recognize the effect dutch has on the people that love him and be very apologetic for being blinded by the idea of molly talking and putting the gang at risk, and not doing more to help her as she mentally declined in 1899. they made up they're friends shut up let me dream
the first time molly went over for a formal exes of dutch meeting kieran was also there and the sheer panic poor molly felt please please do not tell me dutch slept with the o'driscoll!! he cheated on me with the o'driscoll!!!?! (she doesn't love dutch but she damn well will have another reason to hate him if she's adding cheating to the list)
he didn't!! he was hanging out with annabelle before the meeting. 1. she lowkey forgot he was there because he's so quiet 2. she's holding him hostage in an effort to get hosea to come. they all damned well know 3. it's a surprise tool that'll help us later
it starts off as just a nice wine dinner talking about girlie things bitching about work, modern era life but by the second bottle of wine someone has to break the ice 'remember how fucking annoying it was when dutch put on the gramophone' 'jesus christ yes i still fucking twitch hearing opera' and then it is all out war they are holding the roast of dutch van der linde
it is very stereotypical like they're making fun of how he preens like the pits of fashion they're saying he was bad in bed and things he did that gave them universal ick they're making fun of mangy tobacco pipe breath when he kissed them and all the red flags in hindsight like the gaslighting and the whole time they are still pouring more wine and smoking and getting more and more animated
finally, with the biggest shit-eating grin on her face, annabelle goes up to kieran who's just been sitting there playing on his tablet having a few drinks and zaza and casually asks 'hey kipper what do you think of dutch'
and fellas let me tell you when he's drunk enough to be chatty kieran duffy has Opinions. he will talk so much shit and the girls are just sprawled on the couch drinking wine listening to kieran duffy pace around calling out shit like 'why is dutch such a creep around women has he ever dated a woman older than 25 also what the Hell is his deal with pretending he's a moral superiority 'dutch is a teacher uwu' fucking horseshit half the gang was only so devoted to him because they didn't know anything else and he deliberately picks out people he can mold people to follow his ideals at least colm had the decency not to pretend he cared about people i wanna punch his god damn face so BAD and his moustache is stupid'
the girls are just sitting there snapping their fingers go off kieran he was there for entertainment value the whole time. annabelle just adores him if she could steal one of bessie's boys it would be kieran they have such a special bond as fellow victims of o'driscoll torture. she is his timewarp mom
they put on REAL music out of spite and by real music i mean they are drunk dancing and shout-singing along to 'vampire'. by the time hosea gets there the energy is just so contagious he does join in the 'fuck our ex dutch van der linde' party while bessie is stealing the leftovers. kieran has somehow managed to fall asleep on the couch and bessie quietly sits beside him and has herself a sneaky glass of whisky while the girls + her husband have moved from alternative pop 'i hate my ex' to country 'i'm going to fucking murder my ex'
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tanoraqui · 1 year
I COMPLETELY FORGOT A VERY IMPORTANT PART OF CROWNLESS (the Young Aragorn show that lives in my, and apparently many of your, hearts): Each season opens with the framing device of middle-aged Sam Gamgee sitting by the fire in Bag End, telling his kids stories about the King. If you don’t have a (historical inaccuracy-excusing) narrative frame in a Middle Earth story, wtf are you even doing?
Also, the theme song in my mind is "All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter" by Clamavi de Profundis, but I'm open to some other group doing their own arrangement of the poem.
so, key elements of season 3 (s1 and 2 here):
A couple times in s2, including notably in the season finale?, Rohirrim were involved…so at the very end of that season, King Thengel invited Aragorn to come serve in his court/armed forces. That’s right, it’s time for UNMITIGATED HORSE GIRL!ARAGORN HOURS!
(confession: I could be persuaded to combine s2 and s3, with some elements of s3 going into s4)
(and clarification: Aragorn isn't deliberately using a false name, but he's also not presenting himself as anything more than a random northern Dúnedain ranger, son of nobody in particular.)
The show starts to shift in this season: in addition to/in place of some monster of the week episodes, we get political drama of the week, and more ongoing plotlines. Also, I realized it’s as much ‘location of the week’ as ‘monster of the week’—that continues, centered around Rohan (which means we’ll retread some locations from s2)
First trip to Minas Tirith, on some diplomatic excursion!
fun canon LotR info: Thengel, Theoden's father, was a total Gondor stan - he lived there from his teens until he had to come home to take up the crown, he married a woman from Lossarnach, as King of Rohan he spoke Sindarin and Westernesse and not Rohirric...
so I'm gonna say that teenage Theoden is kind of resentful of that? He was born in Lossarnach, came to Rohan at age 5...but Rohan is his home and he loves it, and he wonders if his father is too enamored of Gondor to be the best king of Rohan. He's skeptical of Thengel recruiting this random Ranger to be a captain of the Riders. On the flip side, Aragorn is SO COOL, and superb with horses. and Theoden wants to be him when he grows up. It's hard, being a teenager and a prince, with 4 sisters. It's hard and nobody understands
Sauruman is there for an episode, being genuinely helpful but his vibes are faintly rancid. He's about to start building up Isengard as an armed power. If the season finale involves something like a proper battle again, he might pitch in.
Halbarad and Dúnawen might actually stay in Ithilien? Or they come along to Rohan but they just join the Riders without getting involved in court stuff at all. Aragorn is going to start doing more things on his own. They presumably have their own B/C-plot character arcs btw, I just don't know what
Roddis definitely stayed behind in Ithilien/Gondor. New in the cast, however, not from quite the start but maybe like ep7/22, or the midseason onward? Is a perfectly normal human woman with dark hair and grey eyes...
Arwen. It's Arwen.
Aragorn: Why are you here? Arwen: I am the daughter of Elrond Half-Elven. My grandparents include the Evening Star, White-Winged Elwing, and Galadriel, student of Melian who on separate occasions told both Fëanor and Eonwë to fuck off. Everyone who met her agrees that I look just like my great-great-grandmother Lúthien Tinúviel. The distant echo of the Doom of the Exiles runs in my veins, as do the Songs of Lúthien and the Light of a Silmaril. I know the weight of Fate when it settles on my shoulders like a mantle, as it did when you called me 'Tinúviel' beneath Imladris's twilit trees—but the Choice of the Peredhel remains mine and mine alone. So I have come, Elessar, Isildur's heir, to see if I actually like you. Arwen: Curiosity. Aragorn: [vividly remembering how in s1 his mom said, "She's way out of your league" and Elrond said, "You won't get married until you're king." (Aragorn: "...married to your daughter?" Elrond: "To anyone. Period.")] Aragorn: Cool. Curiosity is cool. I'm gonna be so normal about this.
(Spoilers: he was not entirely normal about this.)
(Spoilers: they super do like each other, though)
Idk what the backup rangers are doing overall, but I do want Aragorn and Dúnawen to still have some sort of romantic Thing in s2, maybe off and on again, as Aragorn thought Arwen wasn't interested and was trying not to just be moping about it... Then Arwen arrives and Aragorn is So Conflicted for like 1 episode, before Dúnawen comes to him like, "Aragorn, I love you as a friend and comrade-in-arms and I love you as my chieftain and king-to-be, and I could probably love you as a wife if we really tried...but you clearly have not just a crush but some sort of Destiny thing with Lady Arwen, so I'm going to go back to Ithilien for a bit, maybe get drunk and laid with a handsome barmaid, and get over you. While I'm gone, you should try, like, talking to her."
A thing that Aragorn and Arwen...do bond over, but more it's there to demonstrate their compatibility to the audience, is: ...So, we (the writers/producers) don't have the rights to The Silmarillion, right, just The Lord of the Rings and its Appendices, and The Hobbit. These do periodically namedrop people, however, with dashes of elaboration mostly in the Appendices...and Aragorn is established from the start to be a bit of a history nerd, because that's what happens when you're raised by Elrond...so periodically, Aragorn and his friends will be in a Situation and Aragorn will whisper, like, "This is just like when [Fëanor/Túrin/Tar-Minastir/etc...]—" and Halbarad or Dúnawen hisses, "Does that actually help us right now?" and Aragorn will say, "Sure!" and start doing something that Silmarillion nerds can recognize is inspired by whatever the person in question did in a similar situation (note: sometimes Aragorn deliberately does the opposite of what the historical figure did, and it works much better.) The writers very carefully do not explicitly reference anything not explicitly in the permitted texts. If they need/get to elaborate on a historical figure, they'll toe a careful line of Silmarillion canon and blatantly made-up things.
That happened more in s1, when the show needed to make good with the old fans, but also in s2. Aragorn remains the only one referencing this stuff. Then in s3, he and Arwen are...let's say captured by bandits, and Arwen murmurs in his ear, "I have an idea. You know in the Lay of Lúthien..." Aragorn's eyes widen. "Beren and Lúthien or Beren and Finrod?" Arwen: "Finrod." Aragorn nods, and they proceed to bullshit their way out of being captive with flawless teamwork and yes-and-ing (and maybe fight a wolf on their way out, just to be thorough).
No idea what this season finale is. Like I said, you could probably weave parts of most of this season into s2 and s4? But that would ruin the "a different significant geographical area every season" thing we've got going on.
[s4 here!]
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donotpush · 1 year
Big and full
CW: feeding/stuffing kink, gaining (mention of weight gain), pregnancy, slightly NSFW-ish content but most of it just fluff :). 
Hi! This is a comission I did for a dear friend of mine (hi Vera c:) and she allowed me to publish here. As you can see, it's not my usual content (actually, it's something I'm not to familiar with lol) but I hope you can enjoy it!
Alissa stared at herself in the mirror, and the woman standing in front of her was a total stranger.
Her fingers brushed over the fabric of her shirt, caressing her bump before her fingers slowly started to undo the buttons one by one. 
She knew that her body, her whole self, would change. And she was almost ready to take it in as a blessing, a moment to appreciate changing and her new body as it came.
It was a miracle, after all; she was growing not one but two new lives inside her. It was something to be more than proud of, and of course, she had to put on some weight!
But as the months went by, and as her pregnancy went on, her wife’s cooking skills also gathered a new level of greatness. Leah became a wonderful cook.
Not only did she take care of the house, and being a stay-at-home mom-to-be, Leah found time to perfect her cooking skills.
It started with less takeout and more homemade food, and then the homemade food became elaborate fancy plates worthy of a restaurant. 
Oh, and dessert almost every night? It was almost as if Leah was doing it purposefully at this point.
That explained why the reflection she saw was completely different from the Alissa she knew six months ago. 
Her thighs had become soft and giggly, bigger than before and growing along with her stomach, not only huge because of the two lives growing inside but with an additional warm and soft thickness from eating way too much.
Her toned arms now hide under a layer of fat, strong as always but now gentle and squishy; she put weight on everywhere, she was heavy, and she learned to love that feeling of being full. 
Her breasts, now huge, engorged with milk, were full. And she loved it. Her stomach was full of life and full of delicious food. 
Being full, that's what she loved the most. 
Her hands found their way to her own back, crawling up her skin to unclasp her bra, freeing her aching chest for once. 
Her breasts hang low, heavy in front of her, just like her belly.
Sometimes it was hard to see such a different person, and it was a continuous battle of hating-loving the new Alissa. 
But the pleasure of feeling full always won. 
Her mouth started watering as she wondered what her wife was cooking. Hopefully, something sweet. The babies were craving it.
“God…” she mumbled to herself, turning to the side to examine her image in the mirror.
Her ass and belly, covered in freshly red stretch marks, had never been so huge. To Leah, it all was alluring, but Alissa was starting to doubt it.
Her train of thought was interrupted when a pair of hands gripped her hips gently, squeezing softly before they traveled further up to her breasts. Looking down, one hand started to knead her breasts, massaging the tender area softly as the other hand rubbed over the curve of her abdomen. 
She looked at the mirror again to watch as her wife worked her magic, her eyes falling shut as pleasure started spreading through her body.
"What?" Leah mumbled, staring at the half-naked reflection in the mirror "What's wrong?"
The redhead just shook her head, trying to smile and failing miserably. She took one last look at her reflection before fixing her eyes on her wife's. 
"I've put on too much weight lately, huh?" Alissa asked rhetorically. “Maybe I should quit all that stuff you make, babe. It's getting..." her hands moved to the underside of her belly, "...well…bigger."
Leah smiled shyly, nodding slightly, and her hands moved from Alissa's breasts down to her belly before cupping the bump lovingly. 
"Well, what did you expect with two healthy babies in here?"
Leah's tone told Alissa that she wasn't in for any kind of argument. 
"You know that's not what I mean," she insisted "I should start eating more healthily... that means no dessert."
Leah's hands slid off her belly, making her feel cold for a second, and she wrapped her arms around Alissa before pouting. 
"But...but... you're eating for three now!" she exclaimed, before taking a deep breath, "...and you're the hottest woman I know. Especially now. Like right now."
Alissa snorted in amusement, rolling her eyes. "You're unbelievable," she murmured, pulling her wife into a kiss, their closeness only interrupted by the redhead’s gravid belly between them. 
A small moan escaped her lips when Leah pressed her body against hers, and Alissa wasn’t sure if it was because her libido was doing unreal things lately, or because the sudden smell of black forest cake seeped inside the bedroom and invaded her nostrils.
“I’m serious, babe…” Alissa whined.
“I’m serious too! All this,” Leah interrupted, her hands softly gripping all over Alissa's body, her fingers playing with her stomach. "Is nothing but proof of how incredible you are. What a beautiful thing you've become!" The words were sweet, but the tone was full of desire. "And I love it, all of it" the last word seemed to float in space for a while. "All of it."
Alissa couldn't help but smile.
“So?” Leah mumbled, “You have no idea what a delicious dessert I made. You seriously gonna stand me up like that?”
Humming, Alissa stared at her wife through the mirror, before her eyes narrowed in thought. A small smile formed on her lips as she turned around, leaning in to press a buzzing kiss against Leah’s bare shoulder.
“I could divorce you for this” Leah breathed, enjoying the touch. “It’s a deal breaker for me, y’know?”
“Yeah?” the redhead chuckled, taking Leah’s hands in hers, moving them for her ass to rest on her belly. One of the babies kicked. “Alright, but only because your kids are demanding it.”
Leah jumped a bit in her place, pulling away from her wife with a grin. Alissa thought she could eat all the little silly cakes needed if that meant making Leah happy.
Leah rushed out of the door, and Alissa waddled towards her bed to grab the discarded shirt and pull it again, buttoning only the necessary buttons so it didn’t hang open. 
“M’lady," Leah pulled the chair back, allowing her wife to sit down before pressing a small kiss against her neck. “Good. Great. Glad to serve you tonight.”
The plate slid in front of her, and Alissa's mouth almost watered. 
Not only did it smell good, but it also looked amazing, and since her wife’s hands were magic, she couldn’t wait to taste it in her mouth.
She reached to grab a fork, but Leah’s hand won the race and got ahead, taking the fork first. With a questioning look, Alissa bit the tip of her tongue. 
“Allow me to…” Kneeling next to her, Leah took a piece of the cake “...here.”
“I’m not…a baby” crossing her arms over her gravid belly, Alissa raised an eyebrow, tilting her chin up and looking down at her wife. “Totally can eat it myself. Are you seriously gonna do this, hun?”
“I’m not babying you,” Leah argued softly, resting her chin against Alissa’s arm. “I just want to pamper my wife. Completely spoil you.”
Alissa hesitated for a single second before her stomach grumbled when the smell of whipped cream and chocolate started teasing her indignantly.
“Fine” the redhead nodded, her eyes following the fork full of cake in the air. “Alright.”
Leah giggled as she moved the fork in the air, taking it to Alissa's parted lips with annoying slowness for the redhead, and as soon as it touched her tongue, she let out a loud groan.
Leah’s eyebrow raised expectantly as she pulled away a bit, staring carefully at every expression that crossed her wife’s face. The redhead's eyes were closed, eyebrows furrowed as she chewed, and Alissa tilted her head back slightly as she relished the food.
It was delicious.
“Li, baby,” the redhead moaned, opening her eyes to stare at Leah. “This is not great, it’s amazing. So good…!
The chocolate, the perfectly achieved texture of the cake, the whipped cream that now covered the corners of her lips, everything was a perfect combination and it tasted like heaven. This woman knew how to do these things.
Leah’s hand traveled to her belly, lifting her shirt a bit to caress the underside of it before they moved to rest on her soft thigh. With a reassuring squeeze, she leaned in to rest her ear against her wife’s huge stomach.
The twins moved inside, making the redhead groan and Leah chuckle. Alissa’s tummy grumbled, protesting for more, and Leah moved to put another piece of cake on the fork. 
Alissa took another bite, Leah’s hand rubbing softly all over her belly, sending Alissa into relaxation under the soothing touch.
Bite after bite, the huge piece of cake that Leah had set down on the pristine white plate was gone, leaving behind only a chocolate-covered mess. 
Alissa spread her legs wider, trying to accommodate her bloated belly a bit better; if it wasn’t hard enough, whenever she ate the already huge stomach that rested in front of her bloated even more. 
And she would be lying if she said that she didn’t find a certain guilty pleasure in the feeling of being so full; of her babies, of sweet, delicious food. 
That’s the part that made it so hard to put the fork down, every bite and flavor seemed to be the best she ever had, and being so full, so bloated, with a loving wife willing to give her all the belly rubs that she needed afterwards. It was hard.
Alissa tilted her head to face Leah, who was licking the rest of the cake from the fork, and raised her eyebrows as she bit her lip. “...still have a bit of room, y’know?”
“Huh? I thought you were trying to quit all this…” Smirking, Leah stood up, taking the plate with her.
The redhead watched as her wife put another piece of cake on the plate before bringing it to the table. Without another word, Leah was once again almost stuffing her face with cake. And Alissa had no complaints.
By the moment she finished the second round, Alissa’s face was flustered, messy and blushed. She felt like a kid as she licked her fingers clean, Leah’s thumb brushing over the corner of her lips to clean a whipped cream stain. 
With a sigh, Alissa looked down at her gravid belly, now resting heavy and full on her thighs between her open legs. She had to pull the chair back to get more room for her belly, but it felt so good to be so full.
When Leah’s hand started rubbing all over the tense, bloated orb, Alissa moaned and leaned her head back, her whole body relaxing as her stomach was pampered. 
She took a deep breath, and when she exhaled, pop. 
The lonely button that shamelessly tried to cover her belly popped, revealing her stomach and her engorged breasts.
“Hmh…” Alissa moaned, biting her lips as she pushed her hips forward, not caring about anything else but the feeling of her lover’s hand. 
Amazed, Leah stared in awe and lust at her wife. The babies moved under her touch, getting another moan from her mom’s lips, and Leah just could smirk thinking about her next recipe. 
“What a perfect view” Leah whispered against her skin, her hand massaging the hard belly. "And you know the best part?"
Alissa lifted her gaze, watching how her wife slowly lowered herself onto her knees and gently ran her fingers across the swollen stomach, and she knew the answer. The best part was that she had yet to get even bigger.
"We still have so much time to satisfy all your cravings" Leah hummed, her hand coming to rest on the curve of her stomach where the twins were kicking, their gazes locked together, both of them smirking at each other. "Get you big. Big and full, hun."
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littlemelaninfics · 2 years
Can you write something with Chris Evans on Thanksgiving and the reader is his best friend and is into him. You can decide if fluff or smut. 🥰
And sorry for my English. It is Not my native Language 🙈🤗
Wanting You
a/n: This is more fluffy-angsty. I really hope that's okay. Happy Thanksgiving, all!
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"So you're gonna tell him?"
"What? I don't know. I highly doubt it, Scott."
"Why not? A mini road trip through the country to my mom's house for a holiday party couldn't be more perfect!"
"This is your brother we're talking about. The Chris Evans. Take all that celebrity shit away and he's still a guy who's not in my league. Or more I'm not in his."
"But you don't knowww that, Y/n."
"Has he said something or something? Is that why you're pushing this so hard?"
"He hasn't said anything, Love. But if I know Chris, he doesn't have to."
"Ugh! You are no help. What kind of infomant are you?"
"A pro bono one."
"I hate you."
"I love you too. Just hurry up and get here!"
"I will! He's on his way."
"Okay. See you when you get here. Tell him!"
"Bye Scott!"
You were putting the last finishing touches on your makeup when your phone started to vibrate,
"Happy Thanksgiving, Fucker!"
"Happy Thanksgiving, you jackwagon! Are you here?"
"Rounding the corner now."
"Perfect. See you in a sec," you hung up the phone and went to grab your light brown coat. When you opened the door to your apartment, Chris pulled up a second later. He got out of the car and your heart skipped a beat.
He was wearing a dark sweater and dark jeans with his hair perfectly set. His Rolex was on perfect display and the Raybans sat flawlessly on the bridge of his nose. What got you though was the chain around his neck that swayed with every step. Chris Evans never let it be forgotten that he is that bitch.
Chris rounded to the passenger side of the car and opened the door for you,
"Hey! Happy Thanksgiving!"
"Happy Thanksgiving, Kid," he said bringing you in for a hug.
Kid. The nickname you dreaded because a man like that doesn't want someone with 'kid' attatched to their name. He wants a woman and that's what you are. You two get in the car and drive off to his mom's house.
"So what have you been up to. Give me the deets. The 411."
"Ew, Chris don't say that haha!"
"Whaat? I'm hip."
"Hip people don't say 'hip'."
"Seriously. How ya been, Y/n?" He asked turning to you for half a second,
"Honestly, stressed. I just had midterms and now I have to study for finals. On top of that they raised my rent. It's only $100, but still. When you don't have it..." you said shaking your head.
"Why didn't you tell me you were having money problems?"
"Because it's not your problem, Chris."
"But it can be."
Did he just? Wait, have to be sure,
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, you've been there for me in my darkest hours. Whether it's prepping for a new role or being a better agent than my actual agent. You know me better than anyone and I hate that I can't be there for you. Or wasn't allowed to be there. Just don't hold out on me."
"Damn, Evans. I might actually take you up on that."
He chuckled and squeezed your left knee. The friendly act sent chills down your spine and your blood run cold. It's been so long since you felt like this for someone because he was right, you did know him better than anyone. There's no denying the way you two flow in sync so effortlessly.
You and Chris continued to catch up and honestly gossip a bit until you reached his moms,
"Y/n! Hi! Welcome! Come on in!"
"Hey Lisa! Thank you!"
"How are you, Sweetheart? It's been so long," she said helping you remove your coat.
"Too long! And I've been okay!"
You take a couple more steps in and walk to the left where the family was. The living room was filled with scents of amazing Thanksgiving food and decor. Turkey, macaroni and cheese, and so many sides that you were sure to be eating leftovers for a week. It made your belly rumble in hunger, but you knew Lisa most likely needed help. Your favorite smell, however, was the apple cinnamon candle Lisa had been lighting since you met her.
After mingling with his family, you walked into the kitchen and Chris stayed to finish catching up in the living room. You couldn't help but smile when you heard him do his "monster voice" and the shrieks and giggles of the kids that were there.
You, Carly and Lisa were all laughing, drinking and cooking when Chris came in just to bug. Lisa slapped his hand away from taking one of the cookies and he gave massive bear hugs all around. He tickled Carly but let his arm linger on your shoulder for longer than normal. When you looked up at him, all he did was smile and wink at you before victoriously sntaching a cookie and running off to watch Football.
Carly and Lisa went to entertain while you agreed to stay and watch the food. You heard the doorbell ring while you were away and a slight uproar of excitement. Scott was laughing fakely when he came into the kitchen a few minutes later,
"What? What happened?"
"Don't freak out, but Lucy is here."
"Chris' ex girlfriend! The one he was with and only broke up with because he was moving to LA!"
"She's here!?"
"Yes! I had no idea my mom invited her. I would've given you a heads up," he said placing a hand on your back. He went back to the living room festivities and left you to hang your head low. How would compete with a ex who is only an ex because of location difficulties? You were pulled from your thoughts at the sound of Chris' imfamous laugh. You peek your head from the kitchen and see them buddied up together on the couch.
You instantly took the bottle of wine and refilled your glass. This was going to be a long night.
More and more of his family started pouring in and you'd be lying if you said you didn't stick out like a sore thumb, but the level of comfort you had around these people was unmatched.
It was finally time for dinner when the whole family gathered around the table. Grace was said, the children were served and you took a seat next to Chris and Lisa.
You had two more glasses of wine during your meal before going and grabbing the other plate of rolls for the table and taking your plate to the sink. When you returned, Lucy had mirgrated to your seat and Chris was whispering in her ear. You had stopped in just enough time for no one else to see you stare them down. It wasn't until he whispered something and smirked that you rolled your eyes.
You sat next to Scott on the opposite side of the table and now it was his turn to squeeze your leg in comfort. You took in the time to soak her in up close. Her wavy brown hair and piercing deep blue eyes was exactly what you thought of when you heard of a Chris Evans ex girlfriend. She was taller than you thought and looked very well put together. Like she had her shit on lock.
You continued to drink, trying to ignore the lovebirds kee-keeing right across from you when Lisa pipped up,
"So Lucy, what is new with you? You look good."
"Oh thank you, Lisa. I've been great! Working and selling house after house-"
"And apparently looking good doing it," Chris whispered to her. She giggled while slapping his arm and turning back to his mom. You rolled your eyes hard and took another sip. Chris peeked it and furrowed his brow before tuning back into Lucy.
Everyone moved to the living room for dessert and those two carried on. Scott and the wine were your best friends that night since yours was preoccupied. You know it was stupid to feel jealous because Chris didn't even know you liked him so how is that fair?
When you saw him place a kiss to her cheek, you lost it. Mind you, it was probably the alcohol but still an outburst ensued,
“Chris!” you shouted as you stood. All eyes were suddenly on you, “will you help me with something real quick?” He nodded and rubbed her thigh while mouthing he’ll be back. When he stood, she grabbed his arm and pulled him down to whisper in his ear.
All you heard him say was “Naughty, naughty” is a sing song voice,
“Today, Chris.” He gave you a “What the Fuck” look when you two walked off from the crowd,
"What is your problem?"
"Nothing. You can just canoodle with I Love Lucy later," you said turning to walk off.
"Hey. Stop," he said following you to the next room, "What's your deal with Lucy? You've been giving her dirty looks all night."
"Believe me when I say I haven't," you rolled you eyes once more.
"There! There are those fucking eyes. Look I know you're drunk, but that doesn't give you the right-"
"Fuck you, I'm drunk! I'm fine, Chris. Everything is fine! I'm fine, Lucy is fine, you're fine. We're all fine!"
"Kid, what is going on with you?"
"Ugh! I'm not a fucking kid! I pay taxes, I pay rent and I give a killer blowjob!" Chris' eyebrows went up, "What don't you see in me? I've been right here. I know all your shit and I handle some of it myself. What more could you want?!"
The words were just slurring out at this point with no end in sight.
"Y/n, let's not do this here, okay? You're drunk and you're just saying things." He started to walk away and was almost fully in the living room. You of course chased after him,
"Why are you disregarding my feelings?"
'What feelings?!"
"For you! My feeling for you!"
"Chris?" Lisa said.
The two of you looked at each other before realizing you were back in front of everyone.
"Is everything okay, Chris?"
“Ha ha ha. She’s fiiiine. I think someone is a bit of a lightweight.” Scott tried to cover the awkwardness, "Why don't I take her to lie down." He quickly pushed past Chris and ushered you to the den. He sat with you while you nursed your water for a little bit until you were okay to be alone.
You had been by yourself for about 5 minutes when Chris walked in with his hands in his pockets. You groaned and reached out your hands wanting him to come join you on the couch. Chris gave you a little laugh watching your arms stick out in a childlike manner for him. He lifted the blanket covering your legs to join you on the couch. He put your legs in his lap and tapped on them gently,
"You know I love you, right?"
"Just not in love with me..." you said quietly.
Chris took both your hands in his and brought them to his lips, looking deep in your eyes. His arm wrapped around you shoulder pulling you into his side. Chris pressed a kiss to the side of your forehead and lingered his lips on the soft skin,
"It's just not our time, Kid. I've thought about it. For years I've thought about you, but I can't just thrust you into my other life which happens to be the biggest one. It's not fair to you and I'll be dammed if I lose you, Y/n. I love you."
All you could do was nod and wipe a falling tear,
"I love you too," you whispered out. He leaned in more and you sat up to meet him for a hug.
"Awww is everything okay now?" Scott asked, entering the room with his mouth full of thirds.
"Absolutely perfect," Chris said sending you a smile and a wink.
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notsunnyowo · 1 year
Your Name
Bakugou Katsuki x Female Reader (part 3)
(part 2)
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"(Y/n)? Are you all right? ~ You've been staring at your dinner like it's wronged you?" Mrs. (L/n) commented, looking at her spaced out daughter with a worried look. "Did something happen at school dear?"
The girl glanced up at her mother, her lips pursed into a tight frown. (M/n) knew her daughter well, and seeing her child like that immediately set off her alert. Something was bothering her baby, and she wasn't going to just sit around and do nothing whilst her only child suffered.
"You know you can tell me anything, right dear?" She spoke up, taking the girl's hand in her own and giving it a gentle squeeze.
Letting out a heavy sigh (Y/n) finally spoke up. "I've just been.. thinking.." She began. "About my mark, and about dad.."
Upon the mention of her husband, (M/n) stiffened. Ever since what happened to her father, it had always been a sensitive subject to talk about. And this only made her worry about her child more.
"What made you think of that sweetheart?" The woman asked in a comforting manner, trying her best to remain calm for the sake of her daughter.
"Well.." (Y/n) began with a heavy tone. "I met Bakugou today.."
At the mention of his name, (L/n)'s mother raised a brow. Under normal circumestances she would've been thrilled to find out that her daughter had finally met her potential soulmate. But seeing the girl's distraught state was telling her that perhaps there was something more to it. Something she had a feeling she wouldn't be too happy about.
"He's in my class." Began (Y/n), tossing the piece of sushi from one side of her plate to the other. The girl had a distant look on her face while doing so, as if she was lost in deep thought. "I actually ran into him before class even started, but I didn't yet know it was him."
"Well what are you all-so gloomy about then dear? For all we know there's a good chance that boy's your soulmate? Shouldn't you be a bit happier that you've finally met him?" Her mother asked, pausing for a moment. "That is, if you even want him to be your soulmate?"
"It's not that- It's just.." By now the grip she had on her chopsticks was much tighter than before. If she were to apply even a bit more pressure they could break in half. "I'm affraid.. ~ Because of what happened to dad."
Her eyes were focused on the meal on her plate as she continued. "I mean- I don't even know if he's my soulmate or not?"
She paused before, glancing up at her mother. "When I first talked to him he was so rude.. And, not just with me! ~ He was like that with everyone for the entire school day!"
"He treated everyone like we were all some sort of extras in his twisted film. ~ Hell, even actual extras get better treatment than how he treated us!"
A deafening silence filled the room as the girl quieted down. Both mother and daughter stood there in utter silence. One due to not knowing what to say and the other as a means of calming down.
(Y/n) was the one to cut the silence. "I don't know how to feel.. What if he's not my soulmate? What if he's my enemy? What if-"
"(Y/n)." Her mother interjected, placing a comforting hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Even if that boy isn't your soulmate, it doesn't mean that the past will repeat itself."
The girl glanced up at her mother, her eyes meeting the woman's own and almost immediately the girl could feel the calming effects her mother's gentle nature had on her.
"You're strong girl (Y/n), don't you ever forget that. Just because he might not be your soulmate doesn't mean you should be afraid. You're more than capable of taking care of yourself now."
At those words, the girl smiled softly and wrapped her arms around her mother, embracing her in a big hug. With her face buried in the crock of her mother's neck, she said. "Thanks mom.. I don't know what I'd do without you."
(M/n) lightly ruffled her daughter's hair as she sighed softly. "Me too kiddo. Me too."
"Katsuki! I told you to take out the trash, damn it!" A feminine, yet rough voice yelled.
Followed an equally rough, but masculine tone. "And I fuckin' told you I've got shit to do!"
"Well whatever you've "gotta do" can wait a second! Stop being so damn lazy and take out the trash, you brat!"
"Fuckin- Fine! I'll take out your stupid trash!" Bakugou growled as he begrudgingly got up from his desk and headed down towards the kitchen. Entering the room he took the garbage bag out of the trashcan and proceeded to take it outside, before finally throwing it into the much larger garbage can.
Once his chore was done, the blonde returned back to the house and entered the kitchen where his mother was once more. Katsuki was being far more quiet than usual and his mother was quick to notice the sudden change in behaivour her son was showing.
"What crawled up your ass and died?" She asked, turning her attention away from the dirty dishes in the sink to look at her scowling son.
"Is that the best way you could've asked?" He scoffed, before rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.
It was painfully obvious that both mother and son shared a handful of similarities. Be it from their appearance to their personalities, it was as if young Bakugou was a copied and pasted version of his mother. With a few minor tweaks and changes of course.
So it should come as no surprise that they conversed with one another in a rather... Unusual manner..
"Will you just spit it out already? I've got work to do, y'know?" Even though Mrs. Bakugou came off as someone who didn't care for her child, that was far off from the truth. In actuality, you could see that she was just like any other mother. That is, if you looked hard enough.
And just like every mother out there she cared and worried about her child's well-being, even if Mitsuki made it almost impossible to notice.
"Met her today." Katsuki stated, his tone was as monotone as it could possibly be, void of any and all emotion and practically impossible to read.
"(L/n)?" His bewildered mother asked, her eyes locked onto her son's unmoving figure.
With a slight smile on her face, Mistuki began. "Well? What's she like?"
At that question, the blonde simply shrugged his shoulders. "Clumsy." He answered. "Damn girl ran into me this morning. ~ But at least she doesn't seem that weak. Could make for a decent enemy."
"Or a good soulmate." She asked added. "Why do you keep going on about this whole enemy thing? You should be hoping that girl's your soulmate otherwise you're as good as single forever."
"Tch. How many times do I have to tell you? I don't fucking need a shitty soulmate! I'm fine on my own and I don't want some stupid-ass soulmate holding me down."
The woman let out a defeated sigh upon hearing his harsh words. "Listen, Katsuki. You can't stick to this whole "I don't need no one" crap. I know it may seem like it but believe me. Having someone by your side is better than being alone. Together you are stronger than when you are apart."
She paused, looking down at her wrist. "I couldn't be luckier to have met your father. I too thought that I would be better off alone but he changed that." She said smiling softly. "Changed me."
"So, I guess what I'm trying to say is.. Give her a chance. ~ And for the love of god don't fuck things up if she does end up being your soulmate."
With yet another eye roll, Bakugou looked away. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever."
Tch.. As if I'd ever stoop so low.
That's the thing about people. They think they know everything, but the reality is far from it. And this only makes it seem like they barely know anything.
Just when you think you've got someone figured out, you find out things you never knew about that person. Things you would've never believed if you hadn't seen with your own eyes.
And the most important part about it?
That person who you thought you knew could, well in fact, turn out to be you.
Fresh air always helped relax a person, and Bakugou was no exception to that rule. He, for one, relished in the comfort and tranquility the outdoors brought him. If you'd let him walk around nature he wouldn't stop until getting absolutely exhausted.
However that wasn't the only reason he went out on such walks. The ashen blonde often found himself out and about whenever he felt the need to think, or when he simply had a lot on his mind.
Such was the predicament he found himself in today.
After the talk with his mother, the boy felt the need to go and get some fresh air. And so, he did.
He couldn't recall for how long he had been walking, but judging from his surroundings, he'd have to guess that it had been around 10 minutes.
He was no longer near his house and had come across the park he used to play in when he was younger. Just looking around filled him with all the memories he made in there.
Allowing his legs to lead the way, the crimson eyed boy found himself arriving at a far too familiar fence.
A soft smirk tugged his lips as he looked at the barbed wire gate. Taking a look around to see if anyone was watching, he opened the gate and walked beyond the fence, stepping foot deeper into memory lane.
The surrounding nature brought a sense of calmness with it. Leading the boy further in.
It took him another ten minutes till he arrived at a familiar sight. It was the tree bridge from all those years back. But now, almost completely unrecognizable. It was rotting and broken in half. Only to be expected from a tree that old.
As he stared at the damaged log, his mind trailed off to that faithful day.
The first time he saw her name.
Raising his left hand the blonde looked down at it. His ruby eyes focusing on the words neatly written on it.
"(L/n) (Y/n)"
His words were heavy, yet her name rolled off his tongue with such ease.
"Tch.. You better be a worthy opponent." He spoke, his eyes still focused on his hand.
Bakugou would be lying if he said that he didn't feel an odd sensation in his wrist the moment he first heard her name. It was a rather peculiar feeling if you ask him. Something like goosebumps on the skin where the name was written.
It wasn't anything too extraordinary, just a light tingly sensation. Strong enough, however, to get his attention.
The odd thing was that he had never felt such an emotion before. So you could only imagine what it could've made him feel.
Confused, was one way to put it. He didn't know what was happening, nor why it was even happening in the first place. But one thing was for sure. Not knowing the cause was seriously pissing him off.
He wasn't one to particularly 'like' being left in the dark and not understanding things. And this whole feeling was only raising more questions than answering.
"What's so special about you, huh?" He asked, referring to the girl whose name was written on his hand. "I don't fucking need a specific name to know who my enemy is. So why the fuck is this even a thing?"
"How come you're so sure it's your enemy and not your soulmate?"
His mother's words rang in his mind.
"For all we know it could be either."
Kicking a pebble and causing it to fall into the small river below, Katsuki clicked his tongue. "Yeah, right." He shoved his hands into his pockets and began walking once more, although this time, heading back home.
"As if a mere extra like her could be my soulmate."
(part 4)
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