#I'm exhausted and I use these fics to cope however
Request for an Alex fic!
I've always wanted to see some heavy whump put on this character-
Maybe a sick fic?
Or just a senerio where he is hurt/exhausted/thirsty/hungry etc.
Tired • Alex DeLarge
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⚠️Content warning: Implied & mentions of t0xic relationship dynamics, ch3ating, Alex being an asshole (as always), mentions and mild descriptions of injuries, description of (consensual) s3x and cursing (yes, theres SMUT in this one). 
*These characters do not belong to me, all rights to their respective owners, this is just a piece of entertainment by and for fans. 
Summary: After one of his outings with his droogs, Alex finds himself being injured. As his long-time girlfriend you feel the urge to take care of him. 
Reader’s pronouns: She/Her 
Keys: Y/N = Your Name. Nadsat glossary. 
Author’s notes: If you want to send your own request, please check the Disclaimers & Rules post and the MASTERLIST post to see more content and which characters are available. 
This is somewhat of a continuation to this fic: “in the aftermath” or at least I wrote it with the same MC in mind! However, this time she is less submissive and has grown to be a bit more confrontational with Alex and his shit! But is not necessary to read the first one, this can be enjoyed as a standalone if you want! 
I'm not here to judge why you are consuming this type of content (I'm the one doing the writing after all) I know from personal experience that this type of content (as weird as it sounds to some of you) might be used as a coping mechanism to a similar situation some of us might've experience or are currently experiencing irl; but just in case, I want to encourage you to reach for help, so please, if you're going through a tough time or experiencing some kind of violence, here are some resources that I was able to find and might be of help, please stay safe everyone: 
List of countries and their helplines for d0m3stic abus3, s3xual as5ault and other resources. 
List of other resources for immediate help. 
List of countries and their respective helplines for su1cid3 prevention/crisis. 
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"He's been in there all week! Barely eats, barely goes out...I might knock the door down and put an end to this worry!" 
You hear Alex's mom tone through the phone slowly rising making her concerns quite apparent. 
 “I don’t think that’s necessary, I’m sure he’s fine, Ms.-”  
“Y/N dear, wouldn’t it be possible for you to come by the house this mornin’?” 
A slight pause is settled as you ponder her request. Truth be told, you haven’t talked with Alex much as of lately, the reason being you two breaking up (again) over him continuously flirting with another woman (again) and since you were already used to such behavior it wasn’t really the flirting that set you off (having Alex as your boyfriend had made you grown desensitized to many things), it was more the time and place that angered you, and though you knew you’ll get back together eventually, you had grown quite comfortable as a single woman, it was like allowing yourself a breather and would like to stay that way at least for a little bit longer... 
“I don’t think-…" 
“Please, dear...I- I noticed you and Alex haven’t talked much but maybe is time to patch things up?” 
You fall silent. The lady on the other end of the line has always been kind and warm to you even when her kid really wasn’t. Though perceptive she’s unaware about the true nature of your relationship with her son, only knowing the brighter side of the whole ordeal, it’s natural that she asks for your help, believing you to be a positive influence in Alex’s chaotic life. 
She asks; the undeniable worry dripping in her voice tugging at the heartstrings of your own weak and sensible heart, you comprehend her pain and to be quite honest...you had been worried too...after all it is hard to break old habits...  
“I’ll be there as soon as I’m finished with school” 
You announce with a heavy sigh, hoping you won’t regret it. 
“Thank you dear! I appreciate it!” 
The door to Alex’s home is right in front of you, the apartment is unusually quiet even knowing that his parents are most likely at work at this hour; you open the door with the spare key Alex gave you long ago and enter, his room it’s right down the hall of the apartment and before you knock there’s a slight hesitation as you wonder if this is really the best choice...maybe you can still turn back. 
You measure your options and become unaware of the movement in the rotary combination lock and only come back to reality as the door suddenly springs open. 
You haven’t seen his blue eyes in a couple of weeks, maybe that’s why you freeze in place as his surprised gaze meets yours, his brows narrow in confusion but soon a smirk on his face appears. 
“Well, well! Hi, hi, hi there! ‘Been a long time, innit?” 
He seemingly mocks you and visibly sizes you up with his eyes as he leans his body in the doorframe; it takes you a couple of blinks to get out of your trance and when you do you can’t help but feel angered at his smug attitude; you didn’t expect an apology, it’s been a long time since those stopped coming for every time he cheated. In fact, you don’t know what you expected...but definitely something better than this, your brows furrow and take a quick glance at him only to notice the state he’s in: bruises, most of them in the left side of his body, part of his chest on that side even seems quite swollen and some small superficial cuts on his right cheek. 
“Something wrong?” he asks dryly  
“You look like trash” the words come out of your mouth, hoping to hurt him even if just a bit, but instead he scoffs while leaning this time in your direction, his gaze looking for yours as he closes the distance. 
“My, really?” his voice drops in to a suggestive but slightly threatening tone, mocking smile never leaving him. 
The closeness of it all making you realize the man in front of you has been half naked from the beginning if only for a pair of underwear to cover him. 
As you roll your eyes and aggressively walk into his room you hope your cheeks aren’t flushed in case, he decides to tease you any further. As you enter you notice the messy state of the room which strikes you as odd since you know Alex usually tries to very careful when it comes to it but you figured he might’ve just thrown a tantrum recently. Then you see Basil sitting calmly in his usual spot by the poster of a naked woman, you immediately approach it. 
“Oh, hi there!” your baby voice coming through as you pet the top of the snake’s head. 
You hear him walk and feel him right behind you, his chin eventually touches the top of your head, his arms wrap around your body just right below your breasts and although you’re still mad you don’t make any attempts to remove him. 
“To what do I owe the pleasure of viddying* you here?” 
“Your mom called; said you wasn’t coming out of your room like some pathetic hermit. Figured it was serious if there was no record of you and the boys in the last few days”  
“Were you worried then?” 
“No” Yes, you were but won’t admit it so easily, he scoffs once more, he can see through you and as he holds you tighter, he bows his head just slightly to kiss your temple. 
“Then...why is that you’re here? More than welcomed to ignore her, are you not?” Whispers in your ear and you only try to calm the goosebumps by focusing your attention ever harder on the reptile in front of you. You hear him laugh lowly at your reaction. 
“My kisa*, you’re not being quite honest...” His declaration carries on with his mouth now traveling down your neck peppering small kisses. You hate how quick the urge of being all over him invades you, turning around quickly you reach to kiss him but as your hands rest on his chest for support he suddenly winces in pain and pushes you away. 
“bloddy cal*!” he mumbles as he tries to soothe his pain by covering the affected area with his hand, though startled by his sudden action you take the time to examine what exactly is wrong. Walking towards him you place your hand over the one he holds defensibly, subtly asking him to lower it to which he complies. 
Your hand explores the swollen side of his chest gently, it takes you a couple of minutes to realize the reason he is in pain:  
“Jesus, Alex your rib is fucking broken!” his brows furrow once more in an annoyed expression as he hears you exclaim. 
“Quite the sharp one are you, eh?” sarcasm present in his voice, maybe a bit bothered you didn’t notice it sooner. 
The thought of asking “what happened?” crosses your mind, but seeing the state the room is in, you pick up on the fact that it might be a sore topic for him and you don’t want him throwing another tantrum as he might injure himself further; instead, you scoff at him in a mildly angered expression. 
“Lay down, let’s treat it before it gets worse or Mr Deltoid finds out and questions you about it” you command and are satisfied with how quick he obeys at the mention of Mr Deltoid. 
You surprise yourself with how many times you have helped Alex with his injuries it’s almost second nature to you at this point and though you pride yourself in your impeccable first-aid abilities you can’t help but see just how sad this really must be. 
Alex lays on his bed, eyes closed and wearing a pained expression that you know comes from the sensation of cold he feels through the bandages you had applied in his chest moments before; you hold a frozen bag of peas covered with a random woman’s blouse you found lying in his bedroom and take note it is not one that belongs to you and most certainly not his mother... 
“careful” he warns as he feels the pressure shifting; out of spite you disobey him and apply more pressure, making him wince once more. 
 “Ah! What you think you’re even doin’?!?!” in anger he almost sit up, but the pain knocks him back down. 
“Asshole” you declare throwing the clothing item in his face, setting the frozen bag aside, you sit by his side as you try to calm your own frustration. Alex gets strangely quiet but doesn’t move a muscle at your sudden vent and there’s a brief silence before it breaks. 
“You don’t need to take it so seriously” he says, seemingly in an attempt to comfort you without lying telling you that “it won’t happen again”  
“...” you look at him in frustration, he looks back at you and even through his expression is serious at the beginning, a smile grows on him as he notices your gaze, probably taking pleasure in your aching in some way. 
“C’mon, my pretty kisa, are you jealous?” he lightly tugs at the fabric of your dress as a way to secure your attention. 
“You don’t know what I’m feeling” you mutter. It’s true, you’re not jealous, just tired of the same shit, yet he’s so sure of his assumption he chuckles at your denial. Holding your elbow, he guides you to lay beside him, you don’t fight his action, deep down wanting the comfort he extends. 
“Now, now, my kisa, you can’t be jealous at some starry sooka who can’t even compare” 
You sigh, already overwhelmed by his sweet-talk, you just want him to shut up. 
“Don’t” he looks at you, one eyebrow raised in confusion as you interrupt him in the middle of his speech to kiss him lightly. 
“I don’t want to hear it” you whisper as your voice seems to falter slightly by the lump in your throat.  
He smiles his ever-dashing smile, those bright electrifying blue eyes staring at you with a hint of amusement, but this time you don’t really care about it. 
He stares at your lips, holds the back of your head tightly and finally kisses you roughly, it’s hard for you to keep up with him when you feel so close to crying; none the less you continue, allowing yourself the opportunity to block everything out; right now you don’t want to think how bad he really is for you. 
He caresses your leg, his hand lifting your dress allowing him easy access to your ass which he squeezes firmly enough to hurt you just slightly and as you react by throwing your head back to allowing yourself to moan, he quickly takes the space to kiss your neck this time even leaving a trail of bite marks on it and you make a mental note to find a way to cover those later. 
You can feel his hand trying to unfasten the top part of your dress and so you help him, allowing for your exposed breasts to be tasted by him, you moan even harder when you feel him suck especially harsh on one of your nipples. 
“Shit” you curse at him, this time you decide to get back at him by sliding your hand past his underwear and taking his cock in your hand making harsh up and down motions earning you a sudden grunt from him followed by a small laugh. 
“Quite the baddiwad* are you, my kisa, eh?” He manages to let out in between all the groaning 
Your only response comes in the form of a mocking smile, one similar to the many others he had given you 
“I can be even worse” you declare, in an act of petty revenge you press lightly at his injured spot, just enough for the pain to leave him lying on his back once more as you act quickly and climb right on top of him, you make eye contact with him and can tell that he is not only surprised but curious to see where this new found side of you might lead him. You lower yourself until your entrance falls just above his length and start grinding on it. You moan along with his grunts; you can feel him trying to hold himself back from cuming right then and there by gripping your ass and thighs with so much force you can tell he’s trying to anchor himself. 
You make a slight pause as you place your own underwear aside, leaving yourself partially exposed as your dress still hangs by your waist. You lower back onto him, this time allowing him to enter you; you watch as he looks at you with that beastly gaze of him, one full of determination and lust. Wasting no time, you begin riding him, but unlike many times before, this time you only care about your pleasure. 
You can’t tell how many times you danced up and down his cock, whatever the number might be you fasten your own pace when you feel so close and finally you reach it, your head and body naturally lean forward asking for a kiss as you moan a random curse you can’t even remember now. He complies kissing you and allowing yourself a few seconds to catch your breath, but only that...seconds, as he grabs your hips and tries to replicate your movements from moments before. 
But before he can do so, you act faster; pressing once more the sore spot on his chest he is thrown back in bed by the pain and you take the chance to come down from him, stand up, quickly fix your clothes and walk towards the door without allowing him any release. 
You hear him curse at you behind your back and maybe make an attempt to grab you but instead you get the pleasure of slamming the door right in his face. As you bolt through the hallway and out of flatblock 18A where your long-time boyfriend lives, you smile to yourself.  
It might be time for a change in your life... 
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milf-lover42 · 2 years
Words/Phrases that instantly make me think about A Series of Unfortunate Events
Not an exhaustive list there are more, this is just ones that affect me emotionally.
Sugar/sugar bowl: I have genuinely wept over the fact that Esmé never gets the sugar bowl back, and have headcanoned that even after TPP she does not see it again because she gives up her search to keep Carmelita safe. I am an Esmé kinner through and through and have actually had moments where I am convinced I am holding the sugar bowl (it was a mug).
Location of:  "Location of the sugar bowl" is a phrase so often said that any time I hear just the first word I am on high alert.
Inordinate: Release word for Klaus' hypnosis, but also intrinsically tied to Georgina and I always think of her when I hear it.
Department: This and "Volunteer" are kind of obvious ASOUE signal words to most people, but “department” specifically makes me think of Georgina saying it in TCC and she looks SO good in that scene, so it's ingrained into my brain.
Mycelium: Obviously Medusiod Mycelium only ties to ASOUE, but I have a lot of personal headcanons regarding it and Esmé, so just hearing mycelium out in the world sends my brain off.
"as well": I say "Eswell" so much in my day-to-day life that this phrase makes me think of them because it sounds so similar. I used to say “as well” all the time, but have started tailoring my vocabulary to avoid saying it by choosing other similar phrases. If I do say it, I hesitate and enunciate the shit out of it to make it clear to myself.
Aqueous: I'm a chemistry major. We say aqueous a lot. However, I live in the US where the vast majority of people pronounce it AY-queous. Not me though. Esmé fucking Squalor is so entrenched in my mind that I pronounce it AH-queous every single time. I get a lot of weird looks.
Miserable: TMM... Any words that are book/episode titles are going to be signal phrases to most people, but just the word “miserable” will send my brain off thinking about Georgina for HOURS.
Darling: I mean yeah this one is obvious with the frequency that Esmé says it and the way Lucy Punch pronounces it. I think of it very strongly in an Eswell context though, and the fact Georgina hypnotized Gustav and had him call her darling while under it?? No one else says darling, I know she and Esmé had broken up briefly and it was her way of coping with that loss.
Opera: The night of the opera is a really devastating scene on the whole, but as a sugar bowl enthusiast and Esmé apologist, it hurts so much for me to think about it. There's so much complexity to Esmé and Beatrice's relationship that all comes to a head that night. And also because of a fic written by lesbian-in-leather, Insistent, which says that Georgina was waiting to propose to Esmé at a restaurant but Esmé never shows (which is a headcanon I have adopted so strongly I forget it's not actually canon and have incorporated it into my Eswell WIP), I think of Georgina sitting alone at a restaurant and weep any time the word opera is said.
Elevate: In the show when Eleanor says "elevate our readership"... yeah well any time I hear elevate my brain loops that audio for hours and it gets frustrating because then I'm stuck thinking about TEE Esmé for a while.
Penultimate: TPP is one of my favorite parts in the series, and also has some really important pieces for my Eswell WIP along with a LOT of sugar bowl and Carmelita and Esmé feels. Every time I hear penultimate I think of the scene I have written for Esmé and Carmelita making it out of the Hotel and it's rough.
Indeterminate: Can never go without thinking about the Henchperson of Indeterminate Gender. Ever. They always slay.
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𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝
𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 - 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐲
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 Mary makes themselves known. Orion becomes a reluctant host. A discovery and an argument make it apparent that something sinister is at play.
𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩(𝐬) Eventual Mary Goore x OC.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 TW for nausea and throwing up. Also TW for Mary yelling and arguing between Mary and Copia. Implications of past trauma for Mary and Copia, but not explicitly stated or described.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 2816 words.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 Happy New Year, hens!! Guess this is gonna be the first piece of writing I post this year which I'm actually pretty happy about. Bringing in the new year with a bang teehee. Also, I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has followed me and supported and enjoyed my writing this year. I know this fic isn't really everyone's sort of thing, but I'm having so much fun writing it and sharing it with you all which I think is the most important part. Here's to a great 2023 (although 2022 has really set the bar so low that it's on the floor).
𝐌𝐲 𝐊𝐨-𝐟𝐢
“If you move too quick, they’ll spot us. Need to stay still, okay?”
Orion nodded his head ever so slightly, enough for whoever was behind him to notice but not so much that the ghouls would notice. The fact that they weren’t turning around and somehow hadn’t heard or sensed something going on behind them was unsettling in and of itself. However, if his hunch was right, Orion didn’t need to worry too much about who Copia’s mismatched eyes were fixated on.
“Okay. Cool.” The hand squeezed Orion’s threat again, nails digging into their flesh. “I’m sorry for this, but I’m going to need your body for a moment. Just until we pass the ghouls.”
A flash of panic twisted in the detective’s gut. “Absolutely not. Are you insane?”
“Hey, I don’t want to do that shit either. Sadly, I don’t have much choice in the matter if I want to survive. It took all my energy trying to get your attention earlier, but I couldn’t risk being here physically and getting killed by the ghouls,” the person hissed, impatient. Exhaustion, discomfort, and desperation laced their voice, pulling at Orion’s emotions as he swallowed past the fingers firmly gripping him.
“You’re Mary? Copia’s friend?”
A hum. “That’s me. We can do proper introductions once I’m back in my body. We have approximately five and a half minutes before someone finds it and kills me.”
“Where is it? I’m assuming it’s close if you’re corporeal enough for me to be able to feel you.”
“Cope can take you there. He knows where I operate from. Once I’m back in my own body you can ask me whatever you want, I promise, but right now I need you to let me in or we’re going to struggle getting past Ifrit and Alpha.”
Orion closed their eyes and gave a single nod, holding their breath as their muscles tensed. The hands disappeared just as a wave of cold rippled through their body, starting at the top of their head and streaming down to the tips of their toes and fingers. Senses dulled slightly as the detective’s eyes fluttered open. The corridor was a little darker, sounds were softer, smells dampened. It was like their body was unsure how to cope with more than one soul occupying it, desperately attempting to split their senses equally, before everything snapped into focus and sharpened without warning. They stumbled slightly as they took a step forward, but quickly recovered and smiled weakly at Copia as they rubbed at their temple.
“Perhaps we could return to your office, Copia,” he suggested, his voice much too loud in his head. Everything, in fact, was louder now. He could hear breathing, heartbeats, gentle breezes whistling through the corridors, blood pulsing through veins, the swallowing of saliva. “I seem to be feeling rather unwell. I don’t think looking at all those bodies on a full stomach was my best idea.”
Copia rushed over immediately, wrapping an arm around their waist while to keep them steady. Orion gently rested a hand on top of the elder man’s and inhaled, regretting it immediately. The intoxicating aroma of ghoul and human blood infiltrated their mind and created a sharp stabbing sensation in their throat and abdomen. The Papa’s scent of incense, aftershave, and strawberry shampoo invaded their nose and made their mouth water.
“Come, topolino,” the man murmured as he began to lead the detective away. “I shall have one of my ghouls bring you some ginger tea and plain crackers once we get there. If you are still unwell I’ll have one of the siblings from the infirmary check you over, okie dokie?”
Orion merely nodded, already feeling drained from carrying the soul of a vampire around.
Not to be a dickhead, but we need to hurry it up. The sooner we find my body, the sooner you can be rid of me.
He didn’t give any response but did think about kicking Mary’s ass as he and Copia hobbled past the ghouls. Orion felt the fire ghouls’ focus homing in on him, Ifrit’s gaze seemingly more sympathetic than Alpha’s. The latter narrowed his eyes suspiciously but if he had any suspicions, he didn’t voice them aloud. The scents that the ghouls gave off made him want to throw up, the stench of smoke and sulphur so strong that he had to force himself not to gag.
The detective’s eyes slammed shut the moment they walked around the corner and ambled up the stone stairs to the ground floor of the abbey. It was far too bright, the light still somewhat visible even through Orion’s eyelids. New smells reached them too, the siblings of sin smelling so overwhelmingly, agonisingly delicious that their knees almost buckled. Copia cussed under his breath and tightened his grip before quickening their pace.
“My apologies, but we need to pick up speed if you don’t want to start throwing up all over the place,” he said, practically dragging the detective along with him.
Orion grunted, unable to give a more coherent response as he allowed himself to be pulled through the corridors. The sound of shoes slapping against stone ricocheted through his head, the pain in his stomach increasing as they practically ran through the corridors. He almost cried in relief once he was shoved into a room that immediately numbed his senses, dropping to his knees and gulping down flavourless air. The volume of the world around him had thankfully returned to a normal, quieter volume and all he could smell now was his own sweat. He hadn’t even realised that he’d been sweating, only now registering the clamminess of his skin and the way his clothes stuck to him.
Once they got their bearings, they opened their eyes and hummed contently at how dimly lit the room was. No sound from outside could be heard, just his own laboured breaths as he greedily inhaled the clean air.
Collapsed on the floor in front of them was a body, presumably Mary’s. He looked to be a similar height to Copia, give or take an inch, with raven-coloured hair cut short at the back and sides but left to grow longer on top to cover his tinted face. His clothes, a faded and torn t-shirt with ripped skinny jeans and multiple studded belts, clung to his body and revealed expanses of pale, blue tinted skin.
Orion, exhausted but determined, crawled closer to the body, and pressed one of his palms against Mary’s. A flood of white-hot heat flooded through his body all at once and the insatiable hunger finally vanished. However, the sensation was so sudden and unexpected that the detective began to heave up the contents of his stomach right next to the vampire. Copia’s soothing hand rubbed his lower back as he continued to wretch, acrid bile clinging to the back of his throat and tongue. Black started to creep at the edges of his vision before he lost consciousness, body unable to keep him awake any longer.
When the detective regained consciousness, it was to the sound of hushed arguing. They were tempted to pretend they were still asleep and eavesdrop, but the memory of who was in the room with them convinced them to just open their eyes and slowly sit up. Their head span and they groaned as they clasped a hand to their forehead, blinking a couple of times as they looked around. At first, they thought it was perhaps Copia’s office, but upon further inspection they realised it must have been the guest suite they’d been assigned for the length of their stay at the abbey. The walls were plain – impersonal – as was the furniture. No patterns or posters in sight.
“Ah, you scared me!” Copia exclaimed, immediately taking a seat on the edge of the mattress, and gently slapping away Orion’s hand to lay his own on his forehead. “Ah, good, your fever has gone down. I was worried for a moment that my magic didn’t work. You can never tell what will happen with possession.”
“Oi, it’s not possession if the host is willing, asshat. It’s called joint occupancy.”
Orion’s eyes flitted to where Mary was standing, leaning up against the wall near the door. They pressed their ear to the wood for a moment before moving to stand a little closer to the bed.
“I’m really sorry about that, by the way,” they said, throwing the detective a sheepish smile. “Normally the host prepares for about an hour beforehand, so the body has the chance to make accommodations for the other soul entering it. Vampire souls tend to take more of a toll on an unprepared body than human souls do, especially if it’s their first time.”
Orion waved his hand dismissively and shifted his body so that he was resting against the headboard and pillows. “It’s fine. Water under the bridge and all that. Right now, my main concern is what happened after I passed out and how you got me here without anyone noticing or asking questions. The last thing I need is people running up to me asking if I’m okay and getting in the way of the investigation because they saw me being carried through the corridors looking half-dead.”
Copia gestured over to the plain, Victorian style wardrobe opposite the bed. “Before ghouls were allowed to roam the abbey with the siblings of sin and other residents here, they had to travel using old passageways that were built into the walls. Now, they are scarcely used and most of the entrances are blocked off. I had this one reopened in case of emergencies.”
“Good thing you did,” Mary grunted. “Otherwise, I don’t think we’d have managed to bring your friend back here without the clergy getting suspicious.”
The vampire’s skin, notably, no longer looked lifeless. The colour had returned to his face, cheeks tinged pale pink instead of deathly blue, and crimson stained his lips and teeth, plush lips revealing blunt fangs as he spoke.
The detective forced themselves to their feet, wobbling for a moment and gently pushing Copia away when he tried to push them back down onto the mattress. They approached the raven-haired person before them and pointed at Mary’s mouth.
“When did you get your teeth filed down?”
Mary raised a brow at them. “Excuse me?”
“Your fangs. They’re blunt. Not even vampire younglings have fangs that blunt naturally. Did you file them down yourself, or was that somebody else’s doing?”
“Orion, I don’t think you need to know–” Copia started but was interrupted by the humourless laugh that left the vampire’s lips.
“Are you for real?” they asked, arms spread wide before they flopped back down to their sides and slapped against their jeans. “You still want to hide it? Even after everything I’ve done for you? What those bastards did to you? What they did to me in your name?”
The elder man shook his head and took a step towards Mary, who stepped back at the same time. “You know it is not that simple. I–”
“Bull fucking shit!”
Orion jolted, unprepared for Mary’s outburst.
“That’s bullshit and you know it. When are you going to stop kissing the clergy’s assess and stand up for me for once, huh?”
The elder man ran a hand through his greying hair. “You know what they would do to me if I openly went against them like that. We can’t risk it, not right now.”
Angry tears pricked the vampire’s eyes as he pointed an accusatory finger at Copia. “You mean that you won’t risk it. I always have your back, Copia. Always. I’ve never broken any of the promises I made you. Even when you became Papa, I did what you asked me to because I trust you to do what I need you to in return, but you won’t. You’ve made that perfectly clear.”
“Mare, that’s not fair.”
“No. What’s not fair is you stringing me along and making me think that I’m your friend when I’m just a steppingstone for you to get where you wanted to be in this stupid church. Even now you’re happy to cover up what they did, despite the fact that it could help prove my innocence. Do you really hate me that much that you’d lie about it in front of me without hesitating?”
The silence that met Mary’s words had Orion’s stomach twisting with nausea. Copia averted his gaze to the floor as the vampire let out another bitter chuckle and stomped over to the wardrobe. They swung open the doors and began to climb in, casting a glance over their shoulder at the detective.
“I’ll come and find you tomorrow, answer any questions you have, but I’m not staying here. Not with him.”
With that, Mary fully submerged themselves in the wardrobe and shut the doors behind them. There was a muffled scraping sound and then a thud before silence settled in the room once more and the vampire was gone. Orion released the breath he’d been holding and turned to face Copia, who had dropped back down onto the bed with his head in his gloved hands. As much as it pained him, the detective needed to carry on with the investigation and ignore what had just happened for a moment.
They reached into their satchel and pulled out the notepad, flicking through the pages until they got to the notes on each corpse’s injuries. Giving it a scan, they swiftly found what they were looking for and hummed. Feeling that they were being watched, they sat down beside Copia and handed him the pad.
“Tell me what you see,” Orion instructed, gesturing to one paragraph in particular.
The man frowned. “Writing?”
“More than that. What does it say? Read it back to me.”
Copia sighed but gave in and read aloud. “‘Puncture wounds to the neck. Little to no resistance. Clean bites, intentionally made.’ I’m sorry, topolino, but I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be seeing here.”
The detective grabbed their pencil and underlined the second sentence. There was a moment of thought before the Papa’s head shot up and he looked at Orion.
“That would mean–”
“Yes.” Orion closed the notepad and put it back in their satchel with the pencil.
“Mary couldn’t have killed them! The bites are too clean, too neat. His fangs are too blunt to have been able to bite through with so little effort.” Copia was beginning to get excited, jumping up from the bed before he made his way over to the wardrobe. “We must tell him! Let him know!”
The man furrowed his brows, hands hovering above the doorknobs. “No?”
“No.” The detective gestured for Copia to sit back down on the bed. “Not yet.”
“But he needs to know. We have to tell him!”
“Copia.” Orion exhaled. “Mary is hurting right now. He feels like you’ve betrayed him and can’t trust you. I don’t know what’s happened between you both, but we can’t let that get in the way of the investigation. If you saunter off after him now, he’ll just get even more upset and that could affect the likelihood of him co-operating with you. Let me tell him tomorrow after he’s calmed down a little. I need you to focus on the investigation for now, okay?”
The detective glared. “No buts. If we drop the ball and get distracted, we run the risk of running out of time and Mary getting executed. Is that what you want? Didn’t think so.”
Reluctantly, Copia sat back down on the bed. “What do you need me to do?”
Orion checked the time on his phone. 12.08am. Shit. He didn’t realise how long he’d been unconscious for. “There’s not much we can do at this very moment, but tomorrow I need you to give me the rota of who’s guarding the underground levels of the abbey as well as a list of people you wanted me to interview. Then, while I’m interviewing everyone, I want you to find Mary’s residency records.”
“Eh? The residency records? Why?”
The detective looked him dead in the eyes, brown meeting green and white.
“Because, Copia, the murderer is going to strike again, and I need to find the pattern and motive before your fellow clergymen decide to bring Mary’s execution forward and kill him before I can find the truth.”
Six days until Mary’s execution.
Name Mary Goore.
Age Unknown.
Birthday March 3rd.
Pronouns He/Him, They/Them.
Gender Nonbinary.
Sexuality Unlabelled.
Height 5’8.
Eyes Green. Black when they need to feed.
Hair Black, short on the back and sides and longer on top to create a devil’s lock.
Body Thin, lanky, long limbs, skin starts to look blue and dead if he goes too long without feeding, black nails.
Magic Specialty Necromancy.
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bigbadripley · 2 years
Chapter 18 - Come Here
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Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley x Female!OC
Summary: Marc never expected to see his childhood friend Simone ever again. To Simone, Marc may as well have been dead. However, when Simone met Steven 15 years after Marc disappeared, she couldn’t help but notice how familiar he was.
⚠️ 18+!! | 3.8k Words | Third-person omniscient | Dark?fic/Angst/Smut | AU/AT |
Warnings: Heavy language, OC with religious trauma, childhood trauma, sexual trauma, mention of alcohol, smoking, death mention, unhealthy coping mechanisms, SOMEHOW there's fluff at the end. **I won’t be exhaustive with the smut warnings. Unprotected p in v in a car (we classy) Safe travels!***
A/N: I update warnings with each chapter. Only proceed if you can handle the themes included in the warnings.
Minors DNI, DL;DR, if I miss a warning, please let me know.
Chapter list
"Why can't you tell that I'm desperate? Doesn't it show in my smile? Why can't you tell that I'm bad for ya? It doesn't show in your eyes" -"Come Here" by Dominic Fike
  This day is wrong. Simone thought to herself. Everything felt off about what started as a seemingly ordinary Wednesday. It began with her coffee being weaker than usual even though she used the same three scoops of Café Bustelo as always, then her patient Corey didn't show or call, which was unlike him. 
Another unrelated but monumental occurrence that fucked up her day was the dream she had the night before. Of course, it had to be about Marc, and of course, she woke up a blubbering wreck. It was a perfect projection of what she imagined would happen if that stupid moon god kept him on his leash: 
They'd fish him out of the Illinois River.
The final wrench in her day was when she called to check in on Laura, and Maxine told her that she was pronounced brain dead. After that, it was hard to get through her already shortened workday. 
Simone stood outside of her office building with a lit cigarette in hand, reflecting on and regretting the outfit she chose to wear that morning. It was as business casual as usual: a brown leather high-waisted skirt that came right above her knees, a pumpkin orange ribbed sweater, and a long brown blazer to match the skirt. It was cute and functional, but the chilly breeze cut through her bare legs. 
She took a deep drag from the smoke and let the warmth fill her before another gust hit and reminded her to go to her car. She was done for the day and didn't need to stand outside. Before she took off to the parking lot, her phone buzzed and took her attention away. 
Unknown number: Need a ride?
She stared confused at the text for a moment, having a "the call is coming from inside the house" moment when it buzzed again, and another bubble appeared under it. 
Unknown number: On your right, Chi-town.
She turned her attention to the described direction and saw the taxi, and, as expected by the nickname used in the message, Jake was sitting in front of the wheel. 
For a moment, the unknown number perplexed her, but with the kind of connections Spector has, and the fact that he used to use the name Jake Lockley, it would be no surprise that the man has his own phone along with a job and identity. 
She didn't need a ride but didn't mind the company he offered. She flicked her cigarette away and started in that direction.
As Simone approached his taxi, Jake eyed her up and down, thinking of how breathtaking the gal looked in a skirt. 
Calves like that? She'd be a damn Amazonian if she was taller. He thought to himself. 
She got into his back seat customarily and wasted no time asking about his presence. 
"You stalkin' me now?" She asked, not holding back her accent in the slightest. Jake turned his body around to face her, 
"What gave ya that idea?" 
"You're outside my work." 
"Doll, I got eyes and ears everywhere. Ya weren't that hard to find." He explained. Simone let out a soft snort at the idea, unsure of what he meant by that. "So, where ya wanna go?" 
"Who said I even needed a ride?"
"You're in my back seat, ain't ya?" 
After the day Simone had, she felt like the taximan showing up unexpectedly was the universe trying to make up for it, offering her the option to go get some grog. 
"Take me to The Waltz, then." She requested with a shrug. 
"Ah, where we first met, how cute." Jake laughed as he started driving in that direction. The Waltz was the bar where he picked her up from the night she showed up and turned his whole world upside down. Thinking about how so much had changed since then made him crave a shot. "Can I buy you a drink when we get there?" 
"Aren't you working?"
"Hardly. Rideshare caused a slow business." 
The thought lingered on her mind, knowing it wouldn't be good for her to spend her night drinking alone. She also wasn't sure if she wanted this to go much further. Not yet, anyway. She chose to propose a test.
"Only if you can guess what I drink. Top three." Simone told him, crossing her arms.
No way he'll get all three. 
Jake didn't shy from the challenge and thought of everything he knew about the woman so far:
She's hot, educated, complex, and got bags under her eyes. He thought before providing his answer. "Straight whiskey, chilled tequila, and a good glass of wine. None of that fruity shit. I'm a rum guy, myself." 
The accuracy shook Simone's core, not catching how attentive he was before. Either that, or he used his eyes and ears as he said. "How did you get it spot-fuckin'-on?" 
"Ain't a schmuck alive who can hide a thing from me. You strike me as a sophisticated yet well-oiled machine." He explained. "Classy, but look like you ain't had a decent night's sleep in a few months. You also smoke, drink, and deal with headcases daily." 
Also look like you could do better things with that mouth, but I'll keep that to myself. 
Again, everything Jake said was true.
His next trick will probably be knowing exactly where to kiss on my neck or some shit. Simone thought to herself before brushing the idea away, feeling the image creep up on her. "Do you observe all the ladies you drive around this closely?" 
"Only when they've tied me to a chair. Believe it or not, 'doesn't happen very often." He joked. "Also, no signs of your boys spying on me through mirrors." 
The confirmation alone that Marc wouldn't lurk on them caused Simone to bite her lip involuntarily. "Lucky for me, then." She said, unprompted. Jake caught that gesture and how her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. 
I wonder if that's an invitation. He thought.
Simone couldn't quite pinpoint what it was that was pushing her over the edge. Every time Jake's grip would adjust on the wheel, it got harder to breathe. The air in the cab grew thicker with each glance he stole from the rearview mirror. 
It became increasingly difficult to swallow as her thoughts drifted from the whiskey she wanted to the weakness in her legs. How Jake sat leaned slightly back as he drove, relaxed but in complete control, radiating big dick energy, and rightfully so in her experience. 
Is this lust or anxiety? Probably both. She thought to herself as she felt a bit of moisture gather in her underarms.
Jake caught her gaze in the mirror and stayed there,
Shit, those eyes could kill me right here. He thought. The Waltz was coming up on their right, and a stronger man than him would have just made the turn, but Jake kept driving straight. 
"Whoops," He said with a hit of sarcasm. "Missed your turn." 
Simone knew he did it on purpose. She knew his game and judging by his willingness to play, he knew hers. Self-control was gone at that moment, and she could have asked him to just take her back to her place instead and left it be, but-
His hands, mouth, face, and body. Just not the man I'm pissed off at right now. 
"That's fine," She started, unbuckling her seatbelt and scooting to the middle of the spacious back seat. She brought up her left foot first and propped it on the back of the passenger seat. "You're welcome to keep driving." She finished, following it up with her other foot resting on the back of the driver's seat. A fire was ignited in her belly, and all she could think of at that moment was-
Let's see how different he really is. 
Jake tilted the rearview mirror down slightly, giving him a direct line of sight to the inside of her leather skirt and the perfect view of her painfully sheer black underwear. He brought his left finger up to the meter and turned it off without a second thought,
"I know a spot." He informed before thoughtfully reaching the same hand back and caressing her thigh the best he could. The pads of his fingers danced along the soft, delicate skin, admiring every mark and groove that had the privilege of residing on such a magnetic surface. Jake considered himself a man of culture and deeply appreciated thighs. 
Simone rolled her head on her shoulders, alleviating the stiffness in her neck that came with the situation's intensity. The cold, calloused hands she knew so well ran up and down her inner leg and teased goosebumps across her hot skin as she watched the other command the car's wheel. 
"Hope I don't make a mess of your seats." She expressed, ticking the corner of her mouth upward. There was something devious and filthy but intoxicating about this feeling she had. It was deliciously rebellious and self-destructive. 
Her mind flashed back to how upset Marc was with the idea of Jake being into her, and a part of her brain tried to make her care. The only problem was: she didn't care as much as she thought she needed to. That body in the driver's seat was irresistible to her every time. 
Jake eyed her in the mirror again, admiring the display that he feared would be a mirage if he looked away for too long. "For you, Hermosa, I'll clean this taxi myself, top to bottom." He told her. 
They continued to eye-fuck each other until the car came to a stop behind an old brick building that seemingly served no purpose anymore. It occurred to them both that they could have taken this to either of their apartments, but it seemed needless to say aloud. When the cab was parked, Jake flicked his hat off into the passenger seat, wasting no time getting out of the car and reentering to join Simone in the back. 
They kissed each other hastily and without yield like they were on a mission to close as much space between them as possible, clawing at the fabric on each other's bodies and searching for something to hold onto in the back of this taxi, stealing each other's breath. 
Simone lapped up his essence like the sweetest candy, trailing her tongue through every corner of his mouth, just as she had done many times before. They were sitting facing each other in this seat, almost awkwardly, seeming to coax each other into making a move. 
Instinctually, Simone took hold of his bottom lip between her teeth and pulled away, only letting it spring back once she could see his eyes. There was a small dribble of blood left where her teeth bit, but he didn't feel any pain in the gesture. It only drove him crazier.
Jake shifted and nearly yanked Simone into his lap, strategically riding up her skirt as her legs split wide over his thighs. The heavy making out and panting continued as she vigorously rutted her pulsating core against his hardening bulge, spilling soft moans onto his tongue. 
He gripped her ass and pushed her down more forcefully onto him as he buried his face into her neck, kissing and biting between growling filthy words in Spanish. Simone ground her clit roughly into him, feeling herself crumble with every comment. 
"That's it, doll. Tell me what you want." He whispered, bringing the language back to English. She got her hands to the sides of his face and stopped her hip movement, directing all his concentration to her eyes as she spoke.
"Dentro de mí." Simone told him, followed by her flicking the tip of her tongue on his lips, which only furthered Jake's need for her. If his dick wasn't so agonizingly hard, he could have sat and stared at her, smiling at him for as long as she allowed. He nearly did just that until she pushed her pelvis closer, reminding him why she was in his lap. 
When Simone felt Jake's hands move between their bodies, she pushed herself back slightly to give him space. She wasn't thinking about any of this or considering the repercussions or fathoming her own movements. She was on autopilot. 
The sound of a zipper and a slight shuffle of denim later, Jake nestled his palm to the small of Simone's back and used his other hand to maneuver her damp panties aside. Nobody removed their clothes. There was no time or space to think about those things. 
Jake pulled Simone back into his body as she positioned her entrance at his head, and without a hint of hesitation, he pushed his hips upward with enough force to cause a sharp sting in her abdomen. He hissed air through his teeth as he entered her cunt. He needed to feel her, and she felt fucking spectacular. 
The impact of his pelvis becoming flush with her made a loud smack and caused Simone to bellow out a harsh groan and throw her head forward, wrapping her arms around his neck and leaving balmy breaths over his skin.
"You good?" He asked, brushing her hair away from the side of her face to gauge her expression. "Don't wanna break ya." She was flushed and slack-jawed, clearly stunned from the blow. She answered with a nod and jerk of her hips, 
"I'm not porcelain." She choked out. Jake loved that answer.
Simone set the pace by rolling her hips, and though Jake was more than happy to let her do her thing, he wanted to go deeper than she could achieve on her own. He pushed upward each time she rocked downward, causing more needy, desperate, guttural moans. To keep herself centered, she pressed her chest close to his, gripping the back of his leather bomber tighter with each pound.
She didn't seem out of place in the position, knowing her way around his body, having been here dozens of times and still feeling fucking fantastic every time. It made sense to her. It was familiar to her but different enough to feel new as she stared through half-closed eyes out of the rear window of the taxi, inebriated by how her pussy throbbed around him, and he whispers-
"You take it so fuckin' well, doll."
Jake could tell she was close to unraveling on top of him, but he knew he was much closer, and the feeling of her tightening and the whines from her lips weren't helping. He brought his hand back between them and pressed his thumb to her swollen clit, rolling it in circles and using his other hand to keep control of her hips, slamming her down on him. 
Simone felt like she was on fire, the burning ache in her gut growing more intense the more Jake crashed into her. Her throat fell dry, and she could only manage wheezing grunts. Her brain felt like it was about to shut down, focusing solely on her climax as it shot through her bloodstream like venom and made her toes curl in her Oxfords. 
The second her walls gripped him, he felt her body give in and her legs shake. All it took was one last deep thrust upward before he matched her one-for-one. 
"S-shit, hermosa." He muttered, followed by a grunt nearly cutting off his sentence as he burst inside her. Simone was breathing heavily into his ear as their chests swelled and collapsed against each other. Their heartbeats were sporadic and thumped into the others' ribcage like two drums trying to outplay each other. 
It was bliss, but only momentarily, as they came down. Once Simone had the strength to move, she shifted off Jake and sank into the seat next to him, pulling her skirt back down her legs with a huff of satisfaction and exhaustion. 
"How much do I owe you? You turned the meter off." She asked with a breathless laugh. Jake ticked an eyebrow up,
"This one's on me, don't worry about it." He answered in a tone that sounded drained. He could get used to the feeling. She smirked and bent down, digging through her bag. She found her pack of smokes and pulled the lone cigarette out with her lighter. Jake knew little about this strange woman, but he could tell she had some shit on her mind. "Seems like ya needed it." He spoke up again, referring to the impromptu car sex.
Simone shrugged, not intending to tell him her life story or why she needed the distraction, as she opened the door to step out and smoke. "You got another one of those?" Jake asked, pointing to the dart between her fingers. 
"My last one. I never smoke the whole thing, though, so we can share." She offered. He gave her a what the hell? look and got out of the car with her after zipping his pants back up. 
Simone lit up, and they passed it back and forth. She was entranced by the visual of the face she knew as Marc smoking a cigarette like it was nothing. 
Marc doesn't smoke, and neither does Steven. She thought, overanalyzing it. Her studying didn't go unnoticed by Jake. "Take a picture, Chi-town." He teased. 
She took the smoke back from him, nestled it between her lips, and took a long drag that filled her lungs and burned her throat before passing it right back and letting the cloud escape. "It's just strange to see. Your host doesn't smoke." She explained. 
"Neither do I, and by the way you seem to only take a few puffs before throwin' the thing away, neither do you," Jake said before taking his own drag. Simone still watched him thoughtfully as a plume of fog left his mouth. Their postures mirrored each other, leaning against the cab. 
He really is observant. She thought to herself before speaking up again. "I quit for the longest. Only seem to pick it back up when shit hits the fan." She said. 
A moment of silence passes between them. Not uncomfortably or awkwardly, but contently until Jake felt like he wanted to pick the attractive woman's brain. "The frantic fuck in the back seat and the smokin' lead me to believe you're tryna forget about somethin'." He spoke up. 
Simone had reached the end of the cigarette, the final puff causing her fingers to burn when holding the butt before she tossed it away with a shrug. 
"I got you pegged, hermosa," Jake said again, egging her to explain. She looked away, trying not to let her face tell him anything, but he still pushed. "C'mon, doll, you just came all over my seats, and now you wanna play coy? What's goin' on?"
A heavy exhale escaped her as it became clear that he wouldn't give up. "It's a couple of things."
"One of those things include Marc and the other guy?" 
"Steven. His name is Steven, and yeah." She started, correcting him with a bit of bite in her tone for forgetting Steven's name. Jake liked the snap, though. "They want my help with something, and I don't know if I'm qualified enough." 
"Is that somethin' me?"
"Bingo, Bronx. They don't wanna black out anymore, and I guess I'm the only person who can do something about that, but you won't level with 'em."
"Well, shit, it's not like I want that fuckin' pigeon following me around all the time, but I wanna keep the suit, and I can't have it without the bird," Jake explained as he stuck his hands in his pockets to fight the blade-like breeze. "I dunno why they'd give that up."
"Because Khonshu's a bad actor, and I think you know that too."
"I ain't no saint either."
"Well, neither's Marc, or me for that matter. Steven's probably the closest thing to one, but he's also in our boat by association." 
Another silent moment passed between them like the wind. Instinctively, Simone stepped to the side and leaned her shoulder on Jake's to find some warmth. It was a comfortable and trusting gesture that made him feel good inside. 
"What about the other thing on your mind?" He asked, cutting through the hush again. He could tell she was still holding something back, and without warning, he brought the arm she leaned on up and over her shoulders, pulling her into his side. 
The moment surprised Simone, but she loosened up the second she was close enough to breathe in the scent that had felt like home to her. The side of her face touched the old leather of his coat, and she thoughtfully brought her hands under it, wrapping her arms around his midsection and introducing her rosy fingertips to his body heat.
Jake felt her take that long deep breath of comfort against him, and his thoughts went haywire. 
Goddamn, Lockley. Catch feelin's much?
"One of my patients was pronounced brain dead today. I can't help but feel like it's my fault." She admitted, bringing the man back to Earth. He appreciated that she trusted him with that and wanted to extend the best advice he would think.
"You really a doctor if you don't blame yourself for at least one patient's death?" Jake asked rhetorically. He knew Simone wasn't that kind of doctor but imagined it applied the same. Before she responded with words, he felt her arms tighten a bit around him. She needed this. Probably needed it more than the drink or the sex.
"That's awfully wise of you." 
Jake wanted to take credit and feel like he did something there but found himself in an honest mood. "Heard it on a TV show." He told. The air immediately brightened as Simone laughed, the sound and feeling reverberating through Jake's body and making him chuckle like a contagion and swell his heart. 
It was official: he liked her. A lot. But with the complicatedness of everything, he knew it wouldn't just be a matter of them hanging out, getting to know each other, falling in love, normal couple shit. He wasn't just the fist of Khonshu. He was apparently an extension of another person now. Another person that Simone truly loved. 
"Before you get any ideas, I'm not lookin' for anythin' serious." He spoke up again with a voice that sounded doubtful. He didn't loosen his hold on her, either, not trying to make it seem like a full-on rejection. 
"Don't worry about it; I know the deal. Wondering if I should have had your wrap-up first, though." She replied with a snicker as she remembered the gathering fluid in her undergarments. 
"The other guy wear a rubber?" He asked, looking down at her to catch her expression. All she did was shake her head, telling him she trusted his body. Rightfully so, as Jake didn't sleep around, and he doubted the other two did either. "Okay then, nothin' to worry about."
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Fics Written in 2015 (2) Masterlist
part one
2,000 Light Years Away (ao3) - daisyxhead
Summary: As cliché as it sounds, Dan kind of got into punk music because of a certain wildly attractive lead singer.
A Baby Girl (ao3) - LetterJumble
Summary: The last thing Dan and Phil expected to arrive on their doorstep was a baby. A crying, abandoned baby girl, that someone left for them. But one day, that is exactly what they found. Now, they just have to figure out what in the world they are going to do.
Accidentally on Purpose Falling For You (ao3) - auroraphilealis (peachrosepetals), notanannoyingfangirl
Summary: After being set up on a blind date neither boy was prepared for, Dan and Phil come up with a plan to get back at their friends; Pretend to date, and then have the ugliest break up imaginable. The problem? They hadn’t expected to fall for each other.
Another Chance - phandesu
Summary: Dan couldn’t cope with Phil’s death. His frustration helped lead him to a time traveling guardian who can undo his past memories to save Phil or vanish Phil out of it
Because He Loved Him - placingglaciers
Summary: In which Dan is so hopelessly in love with Phil, that he tries anything to make him notice him. However, one day he manages to mess up everything and discovers something about himself that he hadn’t noticed before.
Between Us (ao3) - winteredspark
Summary: "I think I'm asexual," Dan breathes against the crook of Phil's neck, blinking back tears.
There's a pause, then -
"Nice to meet you, asexual. I'm Phil," says Phil.
Blooming Lilacs (I Don’t Care What’s in Your Hair, I Just Want to Know What’s on Your Mind) (ao3) - Emejig16
Summary: Phil knows he looks a little rough but he wants everyone, especially his roommate Dan, who is painfully shy but ultimately a giant sweetheart, to know that he genuinely is a nice person and is always going to be here for what makes him most comfortable.
Break The Laws Of Love (ao3) - Profrock
Summary: Dan just wants to go home. His day has been long and exhausting and he's tired, damnit. But then he sees a man on the tube dressed in the exact same clothes he's wearing. What will happen through a meeting a pure coincidence, and will Dan finally be able to get the happy ending he's dreamed of?
Climbing the Ladder (ao3) - kawaiikanai
Summary: Punk!Dan and Punk/TattooArtist!Phil both struggle to find themselves after past events that have shaken their trust in other people and in themselves.
Cobblestone Walls (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan just wants to finish this essay, not get stuck in a library thanks to a snow storm
Cute - cafephan
Summary: Bored of London and in need of new clothes for a movie premiere, Dan and Phil head to Manchester for an impromptu shopping trip, resulting in more than they bargained for… 
Faking It/What A Fucking Mess (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: “The LGBT panel, you idiot! It’s not some free panel anyone can walk past and deem interesting enough to be staying for like my panel: it’s invite-only, and those who are, they are actually gay!” Dan makes the mistake of “outing” him and Phil on a live show after a misunderstanding, even when there’s nothing to “out”. What a fucking mess.
Forbidden (ao3) - ohhowellno
Summary: Prince Daniel is preparing to become the king it all changes when he meets a kitchen servant named Phil. As they fall in love they realize that it may not be as easy for them to be together as they thought.
Fragments of Stardusters (ao3) - youmeanjk
Summary: In which they are boring-ass teachers with a boring-ass relationship. In which they are supposed to be history, but then it didn’t look like it.
He’s the Tear in My Heart - mairieuxes
Summary: In which Dan’s a secret agent and his last mission from last night was brought into matters in school.
High (ao3) - Icandigelvis
Summary: Just the ordinary story of Dan and Phil, except one little detail. Phil isn't human in this one. Expect biting, bickering, playlist live, blood, bad jokes and sex.
Holding Onto You - cityofphanchester
Summary: Phil wishes he knew Dan better, completely and totally, because they’ve only been friends for two years and that’s by far long enough to love Dan and be worried about him, but it’s not enough to recognize all the demons.
Home - placingglaciers
Summary: What do you get when you cross a troubled runaway with a lost photographer? A mess, that's what.
I Wanna Call You Mine (and never let you down) (ao3) rollingtide
Summary: An Ice cream Au were Phil works at an Ice cream parlour and Dan has a crush on him.
Just Another Favor - phan-panda
Summary: Phil has another favor to ask of Dan, he needs a date for his aunt’s wedding. 
Lester’s Reading Dandelion - wanabewriter
Summary: In the heart on London, there lies a bookshop owned by Phil Lester. Lester’s Books & Bagels is a thriving little place until another bookshop opens up across the street.
New Demons - botanistlester
Summary: Punk!Phil is forced to go to a church youth group where he meets Pastel!Dan. 
Of Stages and Sketchbooks - cocktailaunt
Summary: High School AU: Dan is a confident, outgoing theater kid who has a crush on the mysterious, quiet art student that likes to wear leather jackets.
On A Rainy Night (ao3) - kawaiikanai
Summary: Dan finally admits his feelings to Phil but it doesn’t quite go as planned.
Oxymoron(ic) (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan works hard, he works harder than anyone else he knows. So naturally, when he gets a particularly stressful assignment for Photography class, it never leaves his mind; besides- what kind of topic is 'contrast' anyway?
Philosophical Graphic Novels - ithinkiphan
Summary: "You're my favorite person," Phil confesses quietly, his voice slurred and closer than Dan had anticipated. They don't speak for some time, just lying there and staring at the ceiling like it's a work of art instead of a plain white mess that occasionally leaks water. Not much run through Dan's mind besides the fact that he's never wanted to kiss a person more in his life. "I've never had anyone in this apartment besides you, Phil."
Rags and Riches - phandabbydosey
Summary: Spoilt brat Philip Lester is used to having all his problems solved for him, even his problems with the law. Fed up with his attitude and behaviour, Phil’s parents refuse to buy him out of trouble and Phil soon finds himself sentenced to community service where he comes across a homeless boy with deep brown eyes who might be able to change the way Phil sees the world entirely.
Renegade (ao3) - awesomesockes
Summary: It’s World War 2. Phil, a young German soldier, is stationed in Denmark. There he meets Dan - a rebellious Danish school boy who is intent on making his job hell. But before long, they realise they have more in common than they’d have thought. How do you hide a friendship when you come from two different sides of a war?
Shut Up And Dance With Me (ao3) - milesofcountry
Summary: Dan first sees Phil when he walks into the campus coffee shop, and decides he never wants to stop seeing him.
Sinnoh - ryuuraiko
Summary: In which Dan and Phil are Pokemon trainers with different styles and upbringings and somehow fate brought them together
Space Boy (ao3) - Emejig16
Summary: The year is 2900 and Dan is fed up with his seemingly boring job but all that turns around with the arrival of an intelligent specimen that he was only meant to conduct research on. From the start of their first interaction Dan knew that this life form was something truly special–a gift from the universe itself.
Talking to the Moon - adorablehowell
Summary: Dan hides away from the melancholy in his life by sitting on the balcony with the stars as his only source of happiness, but he encounters a man named Phil who likes to sing songs on his own balcony, and Dan finds the stars are not his only friends out there.
Tattoo Boy (ao3) - tahliaisnotonfire
Summary: Dan Howell couldn't have been happier than to have met that beautifully tattooed boy on the street by running away from some idiotic bullies.
Terrifying Truths And Drunken Dares (ao3) - thejigsawtimess
Summary: It's late, they're both drunk, but there's vodka and each other, and hey - you know what sounds great? Truth or frickin dare.
The Blue Sky Is Just Like The Ocean (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: What happens when a creature of the sky cross paths with a creature of the deep?
The Brown-Eyed Barista (ao3) - tahliaisnotonfire
Summary: Dan Howell worked as a barista at a small corner coffee shop where he meets an author called Phil Lester; and he's begun working on a new book.
The Sun, the Snow and Everything in Between (ao3) - Emejig16
Summary: A lot can happen in the span of one year, or a cycle of four seasons, 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes and 31,536,000 seconds. In that common amount of time Phil met Dan at bonfire night in the fall and over the course of a year, realizes he found a person he would’ve never guessed he’d found that night.
Thin walls (ao3) - vzm
Summary: Nervous Phil is nervous. Dan is not as awkward as one would expect.
The Pull (To You) (ao3) - basicallymonsters
Summary: Dan's a lonely writer who spends too much time on rooftops, and Phil's a boy who loves plants. They meet amongst ferns and under stars and feel inexplicably pulled together.
You can sleep in my bed. (ao3) - clokkerfoot
Summary: Three times Dan and Phil sleep together, and one time they really sleep together.
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rcksmith · 4 years
Invigorating — Five Hargreeves
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Request : “Hii so i was thinking about some fic/headcanons where five discover that his powers are stronger when he is with reader.”
A/N: We not tolerate any pedophilia here!!
I write about Five with their 20s. I write the same about the characters of Harry Potter.
I hope I got close to what you wanted. I thought it was better to do it in fic, but it was just out of personal preference, I hope you like it, I found it very adorable to write. Love u❤️
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️
Couple: Five Hargreeves/Fem! Reader.
Warnings: Nothing, just fluff.
— — — — —
The superhero life was a mess. Behind all the glamor of HQ’s and the romanticization of the media, there were only people trying to cope with their own lives when everything that was expected of them was nothing short of extraordinary. All the Hargreeves brothers knew this. And they carried the weight of the whole world on their backs. It was like trying to breathe with a rock pressed against your chest, purging all hope of relief.
They would never have a normal life, with normal parents or friends. They would always be chained to that sentence that came with their powers. Sometimes, late at night, some of the Hargreeves wondered how much smoother life would have been had they not been born extraordinary.
Five stopped imagining fantasies that would never come true from an early age. He viewed situations with objectivity, coolness and calculus. But life at the Hargreeves mansion was not easy and the only way for him to deal with the traumas and pressures was to push them under the rug. Then Five started to scoff when the brothers talked about having a normal life.
Who did they want to think about it? They would always be circus attractions. They would never have a normal life. So it was better to get over it, because you can't miss what you never had, and it was stupid want to live a false normal life. They would never be normal, it was the curse of the Hargreeves, and Five accepted that.
But you revoked all of his sentences. You were absolutely normal. Typical life, family, friends and routine. And when you came into the life of the Hargreeves and brought the breath of relief that everyone needed, Five felt that rock be lifted from his chest whenever you were close.
And then he knew normalcy. Five tasted the sweet taste that was enjoying a ray of sunshine, a summer breeze, a sunset, all the normal details that you inserted into his life and that now ... now he had something to miss.
During the months, your presence, for Five, was a sigh of relief amid all the claustrophobic, and he felt a certain envy when he saw how Klaus had a way with dealing with people. How he and Alisson always knew what to say, how to act, and how to captivate you to the point where you want to spend more time with them.
It was hell for Five. because you presence calmed all his nerves, your energy soothed the restless air and removed the rock that prevented him from breathing. Five realized how much he liked fresh air. And he didn't know how to make you want to be close to him too. He felt at peace when you were close. And it was an overwhelming discovery.
“Here it is.” You said, handing Five a mug of coffee, without him even asking.
That was one more thing that made you wonderful in his eyes. You two never had a long conversation, but you knew enough, and whenever you were in the kitchen, helping the Hargreeves for breakfast, you knew exactly what to give him.
Okay, to be fair, you knew exactly what to deliver to everyone. For Klaus, passion fruit juice and hangover aspirin, big and fat pancakes for Luther and Diego, Waffles for girls and strong black coffee for him. It wasn't like Five thought you were treating him in a special way.
But... whenever you gave him coffee and your midday sun smile, that was the best part of the day. And he wished, deep down in his soul, that it was special.
He nodded his head. And he drank the coffee knowing that the taste would be nothing short of excellent. Five concluded that you had a habit of turning everything you touched into gold.
“Are you going to see training today to wait for us?” Alisson asked you.
It was Friday, and Alisson, Klaus, Vayna and you had agreed to go shopping after them training. It was not new you and them to go out together, but it was new for you to watch their training. It was nothing formal, just routine, so it was easier to wait for them finishe than you to leave and return.
“If it's okay with you guys.”
The brothers agreed and Five thought it best not to show any reaction. He told himself it was because it didn't matter whether you saw a workout or not, but, deep in his soul, Five knew it was for fear that if you focused your attention on him, you would end up listening to him fast heartbeat.
But if he knew that everything would start in that training, he would have thought twice about going.
You were sitting on one of the mats in the garden, sometimes reading something on your phone while the brothers practiced the training. It should have been routine for them, as usual, but they all had difficult missions last night and felt exhausted to do their best.
Five came to know his own limits, he knew when his body was entering the last reserves and that it would no longer hold its powers. It was like a big battery that he needed to recharge to keep working. He felt the sting in his muscles, a warning that Five came to understand that signaled that his powers were going to fail.
Five was already orchestrating strategies to dodge Diego's knives when, already knowing that it wouldn't work, he tried to teleport. But the blue flash swallowed him up and when he took him behind his brother, and Five felt his muscles revitalized, the shock left him stunned.
It had never happened. But it hasn't happened again in weeks too.
Five spent days trying to understand how his powers took a turn and then retracted the same stake when he trained again. The bite always hit him in the muscles and then his powers left him in the hand. Five could no longer find the invigorating sensation that followed the hooks.
The second time his powers got stronger was when Luther was pissing him off. They had arrived from an exhausting and difficult mission, and that time you asked them to come to your apartment for dinner. Because you knew that the negativity of the mansion would not do well for a situation that had already brought out the best in the Hargreeves. Always the good person. You knew how to alleviate a situation with the smallest of gestures, and it made you look wonderful again in the eyes of Five.
After dinner, Luther was teasing Five, throwing cushions at him across the room, while everyone talked and rested in the living room. You made them feel like it was just a normal end of day. That they were just tired after work, traffic, and not because they were damn superheroes who fought a nuclear leak and terrorists. It seemed to Five that everything was easy and charming with you.
Then, when Luther threw another pillow at him, and Five felt the sting in his muscles, but tried to teleport to strike back anyway, the invigorating air ran through his muscles and the blue flash swallowed him.
Once again, Five was surprised. And suddenly, he forgot why he teleported.
His mind hummed like a propeller, trying to understand what the hell was going on. And that's when his eyes were drawn to you, like magnets.
The world was seemed to run out of breath, the atmosphere slowed and he followed every move you made until your eyes met his. It was instantaneous. A hot desert wind swept Five from head to toe, and brought the hot, overwhelming thought “It's her.” You were doing it. You were the one who left him invigorated. You removed the rock from his chest and he could breathe. His powers were reacting to you, and the realization it that stunned Five.
You smiled for him and went back to talking to Vayna, oblivious to the overwhelming discoveries that flooded Five.
The third time your presence showed that his theory was right was when you two were alone. It was Tuesday night. You were making cocktails with Klaus and laughing when he gave his verdict:
"I am happy that you are beautiful and intelligent enough to know that you must think about several other professions, because you would definitely make a terrible bartender." Klaus put aside a drink you made after making a face.
You laughed, throwing an olive at him.
“Why beauty would help me?”
“Prostitution, perhaps.”
“KLAUS!” You looked at him with amused indignation and you two laughed out loud.
“I'm going to get something good. Don't get out of here.” He stood up, taking his coat.
“Be careful!”
“I always do, baby.” He shouted at the door, leaving.
You laughed at nothing, cleaning up the mess you had made on the counter, throwing the used lemons in the trash.
That was when Five appeared. The mission mask on his face, the uniform slightly scorched.
“Hey.” You smiled as soon as you saw him, your heart beating faster. “All right?” You pointed to his clothes.
“Fire” Five say, sitting on the stools at the counter you were on and opening the bottle of vodka.
You gave him a glass, and Five thanked him silently while filling a shot and turning it all over at once. You couldn't get your attention off him. His hair was black as the background of the galaxy, his lips were red with drink, the mask adorned his eyes. God, he was beautiful and you felt that you could no longer reason consistently.
This always happened when Five was involved. He is a god of Olympus who had the power to destabilize you with just one look. Now, however, the mask delivered that he could swing you just in the presence.
In fact... that mask just made everything more mysterious and attractive. You felt something humming inside you, like a harp string that connects your heart to your belly.
“What?” Five's voice brought you out of the trance, revealing that you were looking at him for too long.
“N-nothing” You tried not to blush.
You turning around to put away the other bottles that Klaus and you had removed. But the floor was damp from the melted ice cubes you both dropped. And you was so stunned that you slipped.
As soon as the world spun and the wind hit your face, you were prepared to fall to the ground when a blue flash protected you and firm arms held you.
The breath drained, the callus increased, and Five was absolutely sure that it was you who made him stronger. You were the one who reinvigorated his powers because when he came out of that fire, the sting in his muscles hit him hard, and he knew he hadn't been able to use his powers anymore.
But when you looked up at him, and Five felt your warm skin on his hands, he knew he couldn't stay away from you anymore. He thought about doing something, his body was screaming for you, but he didn't have a chance. Your fingers touched the corner of his mask, gently contouring the left edge.
“You're Gorgeous...” Your whispered was a breath, but Five could hear.
Then he leaned over and pressed his lips to yours, because he felt he couldn't live any longer if he didn't. And when you kissed him back, his whole battery was recharged and that rock that was choking him was destroyed in millions of pieces.
As soon as you were apart enough to breathe, your fingers removed his mask and curled your fingers in his black hair. And this time, it was you who brought your lips together in the most passionate kiss.
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silentxxsoul · 3 years
5B Reaction dump (I have no witty title here I’m fucking exhausted from the last three days):
First, I have to word vomit more thoughts from my last post because I’m feeling some way about the promo.
I know from the promo that Buck and Lucy kiss and like, if it’s not a cheating storyline I’m fine with it. He’s spiraling in his own way, so I can see him reverting to sex/intimacy as a coping mechanism. Plus I think Lucy had the potential to be a fun character, and honestly with the loss of Maddie and Chimney, and Eddie moving to the new job (and considering Oliver talked about the character struggling with the change in an interview a while ago) he’s going to need a fresh ear to be a sounding board. They really could have a fun duo of being competitive and one-upping each other, and if there’s friends with benefits that lead to deeper convos and self discovery I’m all here for it.
HOWEVER I refuse to believe that Buck, with all the character growth we’ve seen, would go out for drinks with the team and make out with a coworker in the bar, with everyone around. While having a girlfriend. Clearly Hen knows something’s up by her looks in the car, so it wasn’t discreet. The character assassination for the sake of plot is always gong to be a hard no from me. Not only is it OOC, but cheating storylines are fucking awful and goes against what Buck is about. The kid didn’t even move on from Abby for MONTHS despite it being clear they were over and her telling him not to wait for her. I really, really hope BT had a breakup before this, and that this isn’t the “wrench”. There’s just so many ways to convey the spiral and self sabotage (and clearly the writers/SR read the fan fics so pick something from there, Tim) and I’m holding on to my last vestiges of hope that this isn’t a cheating arc.
Let him hit rock bottom, in fact I want that because I want him and Eddie to finally confront the compounding traumas, both individually and together. Because they’re so interwoven as friends (and my hopeless dream of Buddie) and they deserve to work through this.
Just not like that. I hated it with Hen and I still hate it now.
So, I’m suspending disbelief until the episode airs and the rest of this dumpster fire will be reaction to the actual episode.
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(I'm not fine)
Seeing them back on screen ahhhhhhh ♥♥♥
Uh, hows the dude fucking alive? I'm dead seeing that
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Bobby is so done with him and it's been two minutes lmao
Harry!!! Domestic Bathena!!! Give me all the fam scenes!!!
Bobby a gossip? Noooooo /s
He's experimenting with cooking ? ? ? WITHOUT BUCK ?? Uh oh.
Also, the convos with May and Josh and Linda my heart ahhhhh
They're feeding us with this montage, even though we are watching the slow spiral I'm loving it. L O V I N G
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Chris roasting Eddie marks my first bingo box and it's been five minutes lmao
"You need to move on, I have." My fucking soul. Oh my god, my soul hurts.
Even though I know what's coming next this sequence is giving me mad anxiety. I'm talking acid reflux and all. On the bright side I'm glad they're going back to the action rescues.
ooh, Eddie going into combat mode I'm digging this. You could literally see the flip switch in him, going from exhausted to 'in the zone'.
It's almost like a Buck v Eddie argument over who lives and who dies based on Eddies parents and the kids. Just spit balling here...
Yea, hella reckless yikes. She legit could have got them killed before he was even in the bed of the pickup.
You know, I didn't anticipate this Josh convo. Like, you weren't that upset by Claudette being an absolute bitch to May and doing the same thing?? Wtf dude.
Buck keeps checking her out, so I think I'm safe in my cheating arc assumption. Barf.
Eddie, bby don't withdraw
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this is stuff straight out of fanfic but I'm still losing it :( Eddie needs a hug
I feel for Hen so much yall I can't wait for Maddie and Chim get back.
Babes I'm not ready to move on
I'm living for the Bathena scenes tho
See, I see him trying to back out and can't figure out how we got from A to B.
Yep. Fucking hate it.
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Literally dozens of other options and instead we went here.
I guess the ride home with Hen makes sense because he's gonna need hella guidance here. She's going to tell him to come clean, he's going to keep it a secret. It's all gonna blow up terribly.
(also we probs know the reason for the MW twitter fiasco...)
Wait Hen, no. You were supposed to be the voice of reason!!! DID YOU LEARN NOTHING?!
Honesty is the best policy, then cut to Eddie hiding his issues. Babes your tired, go to bed.
High key glad for the Chris convo though omgggggg
Oh its for sure the hoarder fella.
He's got the baggy eyes more prominently, but look at that hair
Wait he wants back, so Bobby's going to mandate therapy and boom breakdown era
This is really going to parallel the Lawsuit era huh
Ohhh fuck dude EDDIE NO
Taylor, I'm gonna throw up for him
Not the ILY before the 'intentionally hurt'. JFC dude she's really going to half ass move in, Maddie shows up in S3 and he leaves for the breakdown and then TK finds out the truth. Christ alive this is bad.
Bruh you can't even say love without tripping over it.
I hope you enjoy working with the chick you locked lips with Buck, it's going to be hella awkward.
Hen's face is MY face. What a cluster fuck.
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oswildin · 5 years
What’s My Name? ~ Dhawan!Master x F!Reader
Summary: You had a best friend, who you thought you knew everything about... Turns out you didn’t know him at all... Let alone expect him to be your friends oldest enemy.
Warnings: Possible spoilers.
There’s now a PART TWO: https://oswildin.tumblr.com/post/190148897825/unlucky-in-love-dhawanmaster-x-freader-part-2
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“Where are you going now?”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, turning round to see her friend giving her a knowing look. It had been a few months since she’d started travelling with the Doctor and the fam. She loved every second of it, but she wasn’t going to let it take over her life completely. She still had to work, keep her flat, and have a social life outside of fighting aliens in space.
“Out. Is that ok?” She retorted, seeing her friend stood with folded arms before her.
“Again? You only just got back.” Her friend, Mason, raised an eyebrow.
(Y/N) had met Mason through a mutual friend on a night out. Since then they were inseparable. Well, until she started travelling with the Doctor. She had to admit she was beginning to go AWOL on her friend. She felt guilty.
“I know- but- It’s really important. Like, really really important.” She tried to explain herself, but couldn’t give too much away. He’d think she was mad if she told him the truth.
“But I came round to spend time with you!” Mason insisted, standing from his seated position on her sofa. Oh no, he was giving her the puppy dog eyes. She hated when he used them.
“I’m sorry-“ She looked at her friend sadly before her phone started to buzz. “I promise, when I get back, we will play any board game of your choosing. As long as it isn’t operation cause by god you are awful at that game.” She laughed. “It’s almost like you want to kill the patient.”
“Maybe I do.” He teased, his eyes going dark for a second before smiling. She lightly hit him on the arm before her phone once again buzzed. She answered it.
“Yes! I’m on my way!” She ended the call, sighing to herself. “I’ll see you later ok? Let yourself out!” And with that, she left her friend alone in her flat, as she ran out the door, running to where the Doctor had told her to meet.
Hours later, (Y/N) finally had arrived home. She was exhausted, and quite frankly was ready for bed. She didn’t know how the Doctor could keep up with the adventures and not need rest. She knew Yaz, Ryan and Graham felt the same as her.
“You’re back late.”
(Y/N) jumped, her hand landing on her heart as she swore to herself.
“Jesus Mason.” She switched on the light, revealing her friend sitting in the dark on her sofa as she raised an eyebrow.
“What are you doing here? And why are you in the dark?” She asked confused, folding her arms.
“Just thought I’d make sure you got home safely.” She rolled her eyes at his antics.
“It’s 1am.” She looked at the clock. “Shouldn’t you be sleeping. Don’t you have work tomorrow?” She countered, sitting beside him on the sofa, sprawling out as she closed her eyes for a moment.
“You look exhausted.” He commented.
“Geez, thanks.” She laughed lightly. “You do know how to make a girl feel beautiful.” She joked, as he stared at her, trying to analyse her. “I just went out with a few mates that’s all.”
“Really? So what is that on your wrist?” He nodded to the device on her left wrist as she swore under her breath. She had forgot about the perception filter device the Doctor had given her and the others on their adventure.
“Oh it’s er, the new Apple Watch.” She shrugged, pulling her jacket sleeve down to cover it. Mason shook his head at her answer, knowing he wasn’t going to get anything else.
“Thought you should know, I’m going away for a bit.” He told her as she looked saddened by his words. “Going to travel to Australia. Spend some time out there. Got a mate out there. She’s coming to visit.” She couldn’t help but feel her heart sink at the ‘she’ in his sentence, but she soon recovered as she plastered on a fake smile.
“A she huh?” She teased, nudging him. “I’ve never heard of her.”
“We go way back.” He seemed to reminisce. “Grew up together. We’ve drifted over the last few years. Thought I’d get back in touch.” He wore a slight smirk as he spoke.
“Well... considering you’re going away for a bit, let’s say for old times sakes we play some Operation.” She reaches beside her sofa to grab the game.
“I thought you said I wasn’t allowed to play it anymore.” He inquired, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah well... gonna miss you annoying me with your deliberate losing.” She smiled, setting up the game.
(Y/N) felt herself wanting to tell her friend how she felt. But she couldn’t. Not with her hectic life, she couldn’t drag him into it. Nor could she possibly ruin their friendship. So instead she stayed silent, playing board games with her friend until stupid o clock in the morning.
It had been a few months since Mason had left to go away. (Y/N) missed him massively, and found herself travelling more with the Doctor to cope with the quietness of her social life. The Doctor knew about Mason, she could tell how much he meant to (Y/N). She still had texts from her friend every now again, but not much contact since, which worried her. She thought they were drifting.
On their next adventure, Yaz, (Y/N) and Ryan were going undercover as journalists, to interview Daniel Barton head of VOR, as he seemed to be prime suspect in their latest situation. However, it didn’t just stop at them questioning him, oh no, they just had to break into his office to get as much information as possible from his computer. From nearly getting caught, they ended up in an even worse situation, confronted with the aliens who wanted to take over the planet.
The trio stood in front of the creature as it reached out, grabbing (Y/N) in the process, as the glow intensified, causing the girl to disappear before her friends eyes.
“Bring her back!” Yaz ordered the alien, which of course took no notice, beginning to also reach out for her. Ryan grabbed his friend, dragging her out of the office with him as he got on the phone with the Doctor.
(Y/N) found herself alone. She looked around as she was surrounded by what appeared to be large wires. Lights ran up the wires as she called out for anyone. She felt her heart rate increase as tears welled up in her eyes. Where was she? Was she dead? Was she inside some sort of giant computer? So many questions ran through her mind... but as quickly as she arrived, she had left, transporting elsewhere.
“(Y/N)! Turn the power off in there.” She heard a familiar voice as she opened her eyes, which she hadn’t realised she’d kept shut. “(Y/N)! How are you even here?” Her eyes focused as she saw the Doctor with her hands against the glass container. Her eyes scanned the room as she spotted her other friend, Graham, and a face she didn’t expect to see.
The container lifted as she was free, the Doctor instantly hugging her friend who still seemed terrified. Not much scared her, but the thought of being all alone in such a dark, empty space scared her to the core.
She looked over the Doctor’s shoulder seeing Mason, looking somewhat concerned before he held his finger to his lips.
A moment later, the Doctor was back at trying to work out the aliens plan, whilst Mason lead her over to a chair to sit down.
“What are you doing here?” (Y/N) quietly asked, sending him a confused stare. He sighed.
“Alright, shows over.” He sat opposite her. “I work for MI6.” He said bluntly causing (Y/N) to blink in shock. “I have done for a while now.”
“How- Why didn’t you tell me?!” She lightly whacked him on the arm, causing Graham to send a glance their way.
“Because I can’t talk about it! Being an agent kind of means being secretive.” He whispered, as he smirked. “Also you weren’t exactly telling me the truth about where you were running off to either.” She rolled her eyes, knowing he was right.
“Is Mason your actual name?” She inquired, swallowing the lump in her throat. He sent her a sad smile, which gave her the answer she already knew. “Yeah, I guessed not.” She laughed lightly. “I have so many questions.”
“I bet you do.” He stood up. “But we need to focus on the job at hand. Stopping whatever those creatures are.”
Whilst the pair were talking, the Doctor went to pick up Ryan and Yaz, as Graham and Mason, or O, should (Y/N) call him, had a chat. (Y/N) stood looking at all the paper work that was laying around, shaking her head in surprise at how much her friend actually knew about alien life. Small world. She thought.
“We need to pay Barton a visit.” The Doctor declared.
“Good thing he's having a party, then. We got invites.” Ryan grinned, looking proud of himself.
“Yes! Nice work, you three. Got invites for us all, have you? I'm sure I can hack a guest list.” The Doctor beamed, turning to O.
“What do you reckon, O? Fancy a trip in the box?” She nodded to the TARDIS as he began to grin.
“I really, really would.” He sounded like a happy child as (Y/N) smiles fondly at her friend.
“Be my guest.”
O walked in, taking in the TARDIS interior as (Y/N) watched from outside with everyone else.
“Shut up!” He mumbled to himself as he reappeared at the door. “Ridiculous.” He looked confused as (Y/N) laughed.
“Yeah well, get used to ridiculous.” She commented, walking towards the TARDIS. “Cause that’s the word I was use to sum up over 80% of the adventures we have.”
“Oi!” The Doctor retorted as the others smiled upon entering the ship.
They all decided they needed to change into clothing more appropriate. If they were going to crash a party, may as well look good whilst doing it.
(Y/N) decided on a deep purple velvet tux, pairing it with black heels as she put on a dark purple lipstick to correlate with her outfit. She had to admit, she hadn’t dressed up in a while. She’d never had the time or the energy to do so since travelling with the Doctor. As she exited the wardrobe, she headed back to the console, seeing everyone in their tuxedos. Her eyes landed on Mas- O, as she felt her heart skip a beat. Damn, he looked good. She’d never seen him dressed up before. O made his way over to (Y/N) after he spotted her reappear.
“You look... lovely.” He complimented quietly, not wanting the others to know they knew each other. “Never seen you dressed up like this before.”
“Not exactly had the chance over the last few months. Been a bit busy.” She commented. “Also I could say the same for you.” She smirked. “Suits you, this whole James Bond look.” She teased as he bashfully smiled.
“Right!” The Doctor exclaimed. “Let’s go crash this party!” She beamed as she pulled the lever.
The six headed into the mansion, as (Y/N) stared in awe of the size of the place.
“Barton has all this, and yet he’s still wanting the universe?” She muttered under her breath.
“Sometimes it’s never enough.” O replied, as they all split off to look for Barton, whilst of course getting distracted.
O and (Y/N) found themselves at one of the many gaming tables.
“It’s like they knew we were coming.” (Y/N) laughed. “Games are our thing.” She picked up the dice, shaking them in her hand before throwing them down the table. Everyone made noises around her as she cheered for herself, causing O to stare at her.
“Did we win?” She asked, confused by everyone staring at her weirdly.
“No.” O smirked, appreciating her enthusiasm.
“Didn't know what I was doing anyway.” She shrugged. “Im used to playing Operation.” She retorted as he smiled.
“You know what they say - lucky at dice, unlucky in love.” He commented as she raised an eyebrow. Her heart skipping a beat once more as they looked each other in the eye, (Y/N) being very conscious of how close their faces were.
“Do they really say that?” She said quietly, almost breathless.
“No.” He replied, causing her to shake her head at his antics.
“Well, I guess we should try another game then!” She exclaimed, pushing herself away from the table as O watched her admiringly.
The gang quickly ran out of the mansion as they heard Barton was getting away. They saw him enter a black car as the Doctor shook her head in defiance.
“Oh no you don’t.” She ran towards the bikes that were outside the front of the mansion. (Y/N)‘s eyes widened.
“You’re not serious, Doctor!” She shook her head running after her friend.
“Deadly serious.” She hopped on, putting on a helmet as the others followed suit.
“This is crazy.” (Y/N) shook her head, jumping on one of the motorcycles, O sitting behind her.
“Have you ever driven one of these before?” He asked, placing his helmet on.
“Would it make you feel better if I lied and said yes?” (Y/N) remarked.
“No.” O looked at her in fear.
“Then no I have never ridden a bike before.” She twisted the handle, the bike starting to volt forward. O tightened his grip on her waist, causing her heart rate to increase. She didn’t know if it was because she was scared to die, or because of the closeness the two were sharing.
The six followed the black car, before gunshots started being heard ahead. (Y/N) yelled as one bounced off her bike.
“Oh my god! We’re gonna die!” (Y/N) shouted, whilst Graham yelled in front.
“Is this always what it’s like with the Doctor?!” O shouted, holding on tight still to (Y/N).
“Believe it or not. This is one of the quiet days!” (Y/N) yelled in response, trying her hardest not to crash or get hit by a bullet.
They all managed to arrive at Barton’s destination without any injuries, surprisingly. As they all quickly jumped off of their bikes; running after the plane that was about to take off.
“Oh come on!” (Y/N) sighed, trying to keep up. “Stupid heels.” She quickly kicked them off, running barefoot after the others. O was a little behind as she saw he was struggling. “Mason come on!” She called behind, forgetting all about the fact he was an agent for the moment. She held out her hand as he grabbed it, sprinting as fast as they could towards the back of the plane. The others were cheering them on as they finally made it, O being pulled up first as he turned as helped (Y/N) up too.
“Sorry. I've never been good at sprinting.” O commented as he tried to catch his breath as they headed into the seating area of the plane.
“Never been good at sprinting?” The Doctor asked, face full of confusion.
“I was the last one in every race at school.” He continued as the Doctor shook her head.
“No, no, no. I read your file. You were a champion sprinter.” She replied as (Y/N) looked between the two before O’s face turned dark.
“Mmm.” He mumbled. “Got me. Well done.” He said lowly, causing everyone to look confused. He stared at the Doctor with dark eyes as (Y/N) suddenly felt frightened by her friends gaze.
“What's going on, Doc?” Graham asked, sitting in one of the seats.
“I don't know.” She responded truthfully, as (Y/N) started to get a sickening feeling to her stomach.
“You'd best take a look out of the window.” O told them as everyone glanced out the right side, seeing his house flying outside the window.
“How's your house out there?” Ryan asked, looking back and forth between the window and O.
“Bit Wicked Witch of the West, but you get the gist. Maybe.” He had his back to the gang as he furrowed his brows. “Maybe not.” Everyone looked on confused, as he turned back towards them all, sparing a glance at (Y/N) as she looked frightened. “Oh, come on, Doctor, catch up. You can do it.”
“Ohh!” The Doctor seemed to have a realisation as her expression turned to pure shock.
“That's... that's my name, and that is why I chose it.” O laughed. “So satisfying.” He clapped his hands together. “Doctor, I did say look for the spymaster. Or should I say spy... Master?” (Y/N) couldn’t describe it he suddenly looked menacing. It sent a chill down her spine. “Hi.” He waved to the Doctor as she shook her head.
“You can't be.”
“Oh, I can be. I very much am.” He walked towards her.
“So what's going on, then? He's not really O?” Ryan asked, brows furrowed, finding it hard to follow.
“I'm her best enemy.” He chuckled lightly as he smiled at them all. “Call me Master.“ He looked over to (Y/N) who looked hurt. Betrayed. Confused. “Not O. Not Mason.” The Doctor looked at (Y/N) as she gasped slightly at the admission. “Master.”
“You were Mason.” The Doctor looked at (Y/N).
“So you... You tricked me?! Twice?!” (Y/N) exclaimed, hurt in her voice as tears welled in her eyes. The Master laughed manically, clapping his hands.
“I know! Isn’t it brilliant!” He laughed madly, causing (Y/N) to recoil.
“Why?” The Doctor questioned.
“To get close to you, of course.” He said casually. “Thought that was obvious.” He smirked. “And it was so easy.” He smiled. “She didn’t suspect a thing! Don’t know if it’s stupid or just... endearing how trust worthy she is.” (Y/N) felt like time slowed down, like her world was crashing down around her.
“Leave her alone!” Ryan exclaimed, as the Master laughed lightly.
“And what are you gonna do? Huh? Cause I control everything.” He breathed out dramatically after his sentence.
“Why?” (Y/N) finally spoke again. “Why me?”
“Cause it’s a game... and you like those, don’t you?” He gave her an almost soft look. “Humans. So simple. So easy to please.” She let a tear fall. “But it’s not over yet!” He shook his head. “Oh no!” He clapped his hands together before revealing Barton was no longer in the cockpit. “Cause you have roughly 50 seconds before you all die.” He paused. “But let’s play a game, shall we?” The Doctor tried to figure out what to do, her mind racing as the others seemed to begin to panic. (Y/N) stared up at the man she once called her friend, the man she adored deeply, the man she had grown to love.
“If you can answer this right, you get to survive.” He looked down at (Y/N). “What’s my name?”
(Y/N) paused, looking at the others in confusion, before glancing at the Doctor.
“No help from the others! You can’t call a friend!” He exclaimed as she jumped, looking back at him.
“What’s my name?”
(Y/N) blinked as she looked away from the man, looking down at her hands in her lap.
“I can’t hear you.”
“Master.” She said louder as the others felt their panic rising.
“Is that your final answer?”
“Yes!” (Y/N) exclaimed. “Just stop this! Let me and my friends go.” He smiled bitterly at her.
“I never said I’d let them go.” He furrowed his brows as she felt her heart drop. He grabbed her arm, pulling her up with him.
“One last thing Doctor! Before you die!” He got close to her face, the cabin blowing up as the plane began to crash. “Everything you think you know, is a lie.”
He stood back up, pulling (Y/N) which him as he went towards the back of the plane, watching as the chaos unfolded. He laughed as he teleported off the plane with (Y/N) as she tried to shout for the Doctor.
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prxttypxrker · 5 years
our endgame [T.S]
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fandom: Marvel
pairing: Tony Stark x OC (father-daughter)
word count: 2,607
summary: after five years of pent up guilt and and helping each other cope with the loss of those who didn’t survive the snap, the two girls find themselves in a sudden situation they hoped for, but never really believed would come to play
tag list: @nerdypisces160
A/N: I don’t want to put too much happening in these chapters because I don’t want this to be or feel rushed so they will be relatively short. Also, the events will not 100% be based on endgame because this fic idea is actually based off of an rp I had with a very good friend on discord that I felt would be amazing as an actual story. So as future reference for everyone that reads this—NOT 100% BASED ON ENDGAME. THERE WILL BE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MOVIE EVENTS AND FIC EVENTS
pre endgame
She was exhausted, that much could be said. Day in and day out for the last half decade, her friend would visit just to find that she wasn't in the house, but out in the backyard exerting too much energy. It was only a miracle that those who were left never saw her doing what she did every morning, afternoon and night. The activity was so prolonged Tala was sure her best friend got little to no sleep. That day they both discovered the other was still on Earth, she'd seen the never-ending result of visiting Tony Stark and the toll it had. The search for how to get their friends and family back never left either of their minds, but at the same time it was too difficult to figure out on their own. Even if they discovered a way to save everybody, it was two against the universe—an odd that was never going to be in their favor.
Tala marched through the tall grass that led to the fenced in yard, immediately coming to view with the many targets and practice dummies. Any size, shape and form of a sword—all covered in either a dark glow or blue sparks—laid in a pile against one side of the fence. She bent over and tried to pick one up, only to have black electricity nearly shock her if she hadn't moved back in time. She sighed and stood up, facing her friend. “Kirsy.” There wasn't a response as the brunette continued to make various hand movements to strike the objects in front of her. “Kirsy. Mind taking a break for a bit?”
Said girl let out a rough breath, the light and dark fading away from everything they engulfed as she set her arms down by her sides. She straightened up and turned to face the only person she'd really had any form of contact with since then. “If I take a break then however much time I spend on it is less time to get stronger.”
Tala rolled her eyes, walking toward a bench covered by the shade of the trees from next door. She patted the spot beside her, waiting until the slightly older of the two gave in and sat in the empty space. “You've been doing this almost every day for five years. You can't stay cooped up in this townhouse blasting everything in the backyard and then replacing them for the next day. You've used it up too much.”
Kirsy chuckled humorlessly, making her friend frown. “I'm not like you, Tala. I can't live knowing that all of them just... aren't.”
“What's the point of surviving being wiped away if you won't do just that? You've been working your ass off non-stop for months on end. You're definitely stronger, so now you just need to take a real break.”
“But Peter and the others-”
“They can wait until we have an actual plan. We can't go who the hell knows where with powers blazing.”
Silence. It filled the open air and hung in the small atmosphere of the pair's own little hero club. Kirsy knew she was right—it was obvious. All that time spent draining herself and her powers each night was starting to take a physical and mental toll on her. What the founder of Stark Industries said himself rang in her head every second of each moment she was still breathing, and instead of using it to rationalize she used it as a fuel to keep going. To her, each and every minute she spent doing anything but training was a pointless minute that everyone who didn’t make it were trapped somewhere. There was really nothing that interested her after the events of the Snap. Whatever career she wanted to get a jump on during high school was long forgotten. Any goals written on her bucket list had no reason in being done anymore. She didn’t even feel like learning anything, but the impeccable loss of half of the universe was something that also kept her needing as much knowledge as possible. It didn’t really feel like there was much of a purpose for the pair of young adults, or at least not for her. It still didn’t feel right to try and have a good life while so many people were gone.
As the girls sat in this familiar and comfortable quiet, a somber look settled on Kirsy’s face.
Flashes of her encounter with Tony slowly transitioned into a recurring dream she’d been having at least once a week for the past few years. A dream that plagued her mind from day to night, never ceasing to rewind and play all over again whenever she stopped to take a breath or get those minimal hours of sleep. It wasn’t that he was in the wrong. She learned soon after she left his home that day that he wasn’t. It was the fact that he was right. If the people who protected Earth for years weren’t able to get everyone back—if the iron legend himself was trapped in a limited oxygenic ship for days and nearly died—then there was nothing he could’ve done for her. Even if she showed him what she could do and he said yes, the others were still living their own lives as best they could during this time of loss, grief and moving forward. It was obvious there was no plan of action or hints to lead them somewhere, but she didn’t want to stop trying. No matter how much Tala scolded her or how weak she became in other aspects while she became stronger within her powers, it just didn’t matter if they couldn’t be brought back. And she had to do it. She had to get everyone back home.
Kirsy cleared her throat, gaining the other girl's attention. “I guess you might be right.” Tala raised an eyebrow, not saying anything in order to let her friend continue speaking. “I need to let myself relax. It’s been five years and there have been no signs of...”
She trailed off at the sight of a shining object in the sky. It wasn’t easy to make out what it was, but it was easy to see that it seemed to be hurtling toward them at a speed no human or all heroes could ever muster. Tala followed her friend’s gaze and her eyes widened. “What is that?”
“I don’t know..” A flash of colors made it familiar to her, though no chance could be taken. She didn’t know who or what was left behind after the Snap, and she wasn’t going to take any risks or chances even after all this time since then. “Do you remember how to shape your shield?”
Tala scoffed, “I may not have run myself ragged but I know how to use my powers.” Without explanation, she closed her eyes and took a breath, the brown of her irises now a purple hue. Purple light engulfed her hands and she began to make a shape with her hands, drawing together a force field that would only grow around the back yard and themselves, leaving an open circle at the top. Once the almost transparent shield was up, electricity surged and sparked at Kirsy’s fingertips. She brought them closer together and tied the live wires, creating an arrow that she was able to shoot into the sky. There was a slight pull when the arrow attached itself, and a jolt went off in her system, and she held onto the rope it created before pulling it down to the ground. In mere seconds the object landed with a loud thud, crashing into some of the targets that were still up. The two let the products of their abilities disappear, both pairs of hands still glowing with the colors of their magistry as they approached the formerly unidentified object. As the smoke from the crash began to clear up there was the familial shine of red and gold. When a cough resonated from within the metal shell, their eyes widened.
All that could be said then was, “Oh, shit.”
“What did we do?!”
“We?! I’m not the one with the shock-y hands!” Tala exclaimed, quickly going to remove the dirt and target dummy remains from atop the man in the suit.
two and a half hours later
“I am so sorry, Mr. Stark. If I knew it was you I definitely wouldn’t have done that.”
“That’s the sixth apology you’ve given me in the past two hours.” Tony told her, a ghost of a smile on his face. “I suspect you don’t usually go around hurtling flying people towards you with electricity coming out of your hands.” The man stated, an ironic tone lying underneath his words.
“Nope—just you.” Tala replied with a grin, not at all letting herself fan girl over the super genius and instead choosing to joke around.
Kirsy glanced between her friend and former chance of saving her other friends. It was weird watching this unfold before her. Approaching him that long ago was completely different than him flying toward her only to end up getting some circuits messed up by two young adults. This time wasn’t a search and beg mission. This time he came to her, and nothing in her occupied space of mind could muster up a reason.
“Mr. Stark..” she started, gaining the attention once more, “why are you here?” She looked up at him. “I mean I came to you five years ago asking for information, which I got, and help that you said you couldn’t give me. We haven’t been in contact since then.”
Tony gazed at her, setting down the coffee the girls made because they felt bad about the incident. He could see the desperation, as well as the fact she practically reeked of it the moment he was fully aware of his surroundings again. He had no clue how strong or weak she was when they had their first encounter, but it sounded like she didn’t let up since then. The force she had in those few seconds of her and her friend defending themselves was something he never thought he would come across; at least not in the form of a 20 year old short circuiting his most recently upgraded iron armor with electric currents that shot out from her fingers. And the other girl? That shield she conjured was definitely something he had never seen before.
After the sneak attack he received earlier that day, he took time to think back to when Kirsy marched herself into his life that day, only to drag herself back out when he couldn’t help her. He was racked with guilt every day since seeing the look on her face when she left, and when the others approached him that morning reconciling with her was one of the first things on his mind.
He cleared his throat noticing the gap of silence between the three of them, and set down the mug in his hand. He leaned back against the chair, shoving his hands in the pockets of the hoodie he wore underneath the suit. “Some... friends came to me today. Asked for some assistance in creating a sequence that would allow us to go back and get the stones.” The girls’ eyes widened, but neither moved to interrupt the stay-at-home scientist. “I didn’t want to help them at first. I was able to build a life past what happened; I couldn’t jeopardize that again. But memories made me figure that I at least had to try. I did it, and I know I told you I couldn’t help,” He kept a steady look on Kirsy, watching the realization form an expression on her face, “but now I can.”
“So you’re asking for our help?” Tala raised an eyebrow, the anticipation eating away at her on the inside while hope and suspicion shared the stage on the outside.
Tony cast his orbs her way as he stood from his spot, now looking down at the two girls. “I guess I am. So what do you say, kid—you ready to go save your friend?”
“And the universe.”
“Yeah, that too.”
The pair of best friends shared a glance of what could only be a flurry of excitement, anxiety, hope and the readiness that was questions seconds ago. She couldn’t believe this was actually happening to them. She spent half a decade wallowing in self pity and staring at photographs pinned against her wall and mirror, missing those she lost more and more every day. Her dad, her aunt and cousin, her friends, her coworkers, her crush. Everyone but Tala was out of her life for good. Well, she thought it was for good. And even though that seemed to be the case a shred of her never lost sight of the theory on what happened and the possibility that she could have done something back then if given the chance she lost months ago. Now that chance was standing in her half dining room, staring down at her and her lifelong friend and not only offering help her way but also asking for her help in return. It felt like her daydream was coming to life and her nightmares could finally cease to exist, and it was already starting to feel like a weight being lifted off of her shoulders.
With a grin in place of the earlier neutral formation, Kirsy nodded her head firmly. “We’re ready, sir.”
A ghost of a smile twitched at the ends of the man’s lips. “Good, then let’s go.”
Tala’s head snapped toward his figure when he started to walk to the front of the complex. “Wait wait wait. We’re leaving now?”
He turned to look at her with a shrug, raising a brow at her question. “Does that sound like a smart question to you?” The Filipino narrowed her eyes at him. “Look—I have a super soldier, an expert assassin, a thunder god, a green giant with glasses, a girl with proton blasts for hands, and a blue space cyborg sitting around in my old tower. Do you think I want to go waltzing in there without an entourage?”
Tala rolled her eyes and a chuckle resonated from the Dominican girl’s throat. The bickering pair looked over to see her already grabbing keys from a side table by the front door. “As dumbstruck as I am right now, I’m not wasting time in taking this opportunity. So let’s get in the car and go.” No one protested while she marched her way out the door, not bothering to lock the door when everyone was outside because how many people were even left in this city for her to lock her house for safety.
A double beep sounded from the vehicle and she opened the driver door. Tony groaned when he realized he would be sitting in the backseat like the third person of any group hangout, but also not complaining to being able to have a driver for the day like he used to. As he was about to let himself into the car Kirsy announced his name and he shot her a questioning glance. “I may not be making you fly to your old house, but if you call me your entourage one more time I’m going to shock you on purpose this time.”
“Testy.” He muttered, giving her a sarcastic look before getting in. Yet he couldn’t help but still see a part of him in her, and his motive of having her on the team for this grew a bit more.
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septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
that fic with jackie and henrik gave me so many feeeeeels ;~; I somehow feel like jackie wouldn't care too much for his own safety after he hurt henrik so badly, and when he does get injured, he wouldn't want to face henrik unless he completed his mission. and I can't stop thinking about someone bringing him into henrik's hospital, unconscious and bleeding, and henrik feeling angry and guilty. (can you tell I'm a whump fan lmao)
Ooooh, boooy, you asked for this by sending me such a great whumpy scenario…
JSE Fanfiction - In Time Of Need (Part 3: Discord #2)
Summary: Jackieboy returns, but he’s not in any condition to make amends with the doctor he hurt so badly. Schneep has to save his life first. 
Schneep thought about him as soon as he pried his eyes open each day.There was a tangible emptiness when he stumbled out of bed, shrugged on hiscoat and made his way down the hall toward the lab, only to find that Jackie wasn’twaiting for him outside the locked door.
It wasn’t right. His throat always felt dry and tight when he rememberedthe terrible things he had said…the terrible things Jackie had said to him inreturn. Each morning, they made him pause with his hand on the handle, his keyin the lock, leaning his head against the doorframe and trying to remember howbreathing worked.
“I don’t haveluxury of running away! I have to watch Jack breathe through machines…”
“I know you,Henrik; you stay because you feel guilty!”
His hand shook, sweat causing his fingers to slip against the smoothmetal doorknob. He knew. He knew it was true, but that didn’t mean hearing thewords from Jackie of all people had hurt any less.
He should never have let him leave. He should have begged with him tostay; he had heard the shock and the regret in the hero’s voice as soon as he’drealized all of the hurtful things he’d said. If Schneep had asked him, he would have stayed just to make up forwounding him so badly. Instead, Schneep had told him to leave. He hadn’t beenable to stomach looking at him, muchless try to go about his day with him.
If Schneep hadn’t raised a fuss about him leaving in the first place,Jackie never would have said those things. He would have gotten a hug before heleft instead of a pathetic touch of the hand. He should have supported hisfriend. Jackie was trying to cope in the best way he knew. Search for Anti. Itwas his answer to everything. Schneep should have understood that.
Guilt burning bitterly against the back of his eyes, he did his best tocollect himself, slipping into the lab. As soon as he laid eyes on Jack,however, the tears took full shape, blurring his view until he hastily scrubbedthe back of his sleeve over his face and crossed the room.
“G—Good morning, Jack,” he whispered, laying a hand over his creator’s.He could almost imagine that Jack’s fingers twitched underneath his own, but heknew they hadn’t. For a long minute he simply stared at him, taking in his palefeatures. His cheeks were getting scruffier day by day. Schneep would need toshave him soon. Such a simple task, but he didn’t want to think about it. Hecleared his throat, lifting his voice a little more to fill the deep void ofsilence.
“I haven’t even had my coffee yet. You know I need that caffeine, but Itend to you first. Not very many people get Dr. Schneeple’s pre-coffeetreatment…You are special. You get spoiled,” he rambled softly as he changedthe IV bags. “I wonder if I were to put coffee in these IVs, if you would openthose eyes. You cannot resist good coffee. Or…heh. Banana milk. You wouldsurely wake up for that, wouldn’t you?” His voice broke as he attempted a weaklaugh and his faint smile faded. “…My Jack. You are something. You do like toplay with our little brains, don’t you? But this…th-this is…more than that. Iplayed with yours a-and I…I did it wrong.”
“You were theone who put Jack in this coma in the first place by failing him—like you alwaysdo!”
“I wish…none of this had happened. I wish I had never even touched you.If I hadn’t, you—you would be awake now. You could have done it yourself. Youwere stronger on your own, Jack…you…you never needed me.”
As soon as he said it, he couldn’t stand to look at Jack anymore,whirling around and making a beeline for the door. He knew Jack wouldn’t bealone for too long; Chase would be coming to watch over him within the hour,which gave him the excuse to escape.
Somehow, facing Jack wasn’t even as difficult as facing his coworkersevery day. They were making more and more comments about how haggard andexhausted he looked, but they couldn’t complain about his work. Schneep madesure that his work didn’t suffer because of his family. All he could do wasinternalize, internalize, internalize until he got in the taxi and could cry itout on the way home. The taxi driver had learned by now not to ask anyquestions.
Until then, however, he had to stay collected. The patients passed backand forth before his eyes, all blending together, none of them too extraordinaryor memorable. They weren’t who he was thinking of, but he forced himself totreat them nonetheless. They were important. He had to do his best for them,just as he would for his family.
“Are you okay, mister?” the little girl sitting on his examination tablequestioned cautiously as he fit her cast on her arm. It was pretty sad when hispatients noticed how grim he was.
“Don’t you worry,” he assured her with a weak smile. “Dr. Schneeplesteinjust hasn’t had his coffee today. I will be just fine.” Lies, lies, lies, lies. Everything was a lie.
The little girl didn’t look convinced, but she didn’t get a chance tokeep prying further; both she and Schneep were distracted by the small swarm ofdoctors making a commotion on the other side of the hall.
“…Male, mid to late twenties, medium build, multiple contusions and lacerations—He’staken a blow to the head—”
“Sir? Sir, can you hear me? Can you tell me who you are?”
“We all know who he is, Rena;this is Jackieboy Man!”
No. No.
Schneep’s heart surged up into his throat just as the pit of his stomachplunged, tools falling through his hands with a shattering clang as he boltedacross the hall with reckless abandon, shoving past the other startledphysicians and latching onto the edge of the gurney with clammy hands.
“Jackieboy?” he gasped out, his breath quickening in a race with hisheart and his stumbling skips to keep up as he was dragged down the hall. Themore his eyes widened, the more he could see the subtle difference between thered in Jackie’s suit and the bloodstains. There were too many. “Jackie, Jackie,what have you done?”
The hero shifted slightly at the sound of his name, prying half-lidded eyesopen to wander toward the lights overhead, though it wasn’t as much of a reliefas it should have been. Even with the shimmering rings of silver light aroundhis pupils, indicating he’d used his powers recently, his gaze was too glazed,too dilated, Schneep agonized. Sticky, half-dried blood was crusted over histemple, on his hood, in his hair—he had to have a concussion.
“I don’t—where is he? I’m not down yet, I’m not…lemme back…” the olderEgo murmured blearily, his hands twitching as if he were about to try pushinghimself upright. Schneep promptly snatched the closer one, squeezing ithelplessly.
“Stay still, stay! You’re in hospital, you’re hurt; you have to stay sowe can help you!” he implored, to which Jackieboy’s brows furrowed in minglingpain and confusion.
“H’spital…?” He tried to shake his head, hissing through his teeth as he earneda spike of pain for his troubles. “No-o-o,” he whined, letting his head fallback and blinking heavily. “No…no, not here…”
“Get…get me outta here, I don’t want—H’nrik’s gonna kill me if he sees…Ifhe…sees…”
Fairly quivering with unspoken disbelief and a faint twinge of anger,Schneep clutched his hand all the tighter. “You’re not going anywhere! You’re goingto be okay; just stay with me.” He spoke too late. After his friend’s nextflickering blink, his eyes fell closed and didn’t reopen. “Jackie! No! Jackie, openyour eyes…Jackie! Stay with me here!”
“Schneeplestein, you need to step back,” one of the other doctors began,grabbing at his shoulder. “He needs to be—”
“No, shut up!” Schneep half-sobbed, half-screeched, wrenching out fromhis reach. “I’m going to save him!”Though it went against everything in him, he pried his grip away fromJackieboy’s limp fingers and ducked around the gurney so he could wildly pointthem in the direction of his preferred operating booth.
Though he performed the surgery (accepting very little help from thenurses along the way, never thinking to thank them where they did assist), Schneep wasn’t there to seeJackieboy transferred to a room. As soon as he was stabilized and Schneep couldbe certain that his lung wouldn’t collapse again, he promptly excused himselfto the nearest supply room, dumped several packages of gauze out of theirassigned bin and retched into it.
Nothing substantial came up, given that he hadn’t eaten anything todayand he’d only taken a few moments between patients for water, but he couldn’tstop. He wasn’t even sure why! He hadsucceeded. He had saved Jackie’s life; he was safe, so why did he still feel so chilled, so terrified?
It wasn’t that he wondered what could have happened if he hadn’t savedhim; he knew exactly what would have happened. A pneumothorax led to low bloodpressure, low blood pressure led to shock, and shock led to…He was all too wellaware of the “what ifs” and over the years he’d become a master of pushing themaway. Why was this different?
The nauseating sensation didn’t abate as he pushed the bin aside andstumbled back into the hall, waving vaguely in acknowledgement as one of thenurses read his mind and called Jackie’s room number out to him. When he foundthe proper door, he didn’t hesitate to go in, but as soon as he shouldered thedoor closed behind him and looked up, his breath hitched and he instinctivelyrecoiled, the door handle digging into his lower back as he pressed against it.
Jackie. It didn’t look anything like him; he was stripped of his mask andhis jumpsuit, leaving nothing but a bare, colorless face and a medical gown andbandages and blankets around his waist and an IV lead and a nasal cannula andhe—he was still unconscious.
The fear became realization, the realization became dread, and the worldswerved out from under him. As soon as he hit the floor, the doctor curled intohimself, tucking his face between his knees and clutching his hands close tohis aching chest. This wasn’t Jack. This was Jackie, which only made it worse, because Schneep had put him there. Deep down, he knew thathe was to blame.
If you hadn’tfought with him, he wouldn’t have been distracted! You know he was thinking of you instead of how recklessly he was fighting! Youput him here, just like Jack! Just like J̡a̷ck. You failed the b̀o͜th of them.
It seemed his taxi driver wasn’t going to be seeing his tears today; theywere already spilling over and he was helpless to stop them. His only instinctwas to stifle the sobs by snatching at the hem of his coat and burying his facein it until he was near-suffocating.
A mere four feet away, unnoticed by the distraught younger Ego, his herostirred.
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