#I'm her biggest headache
wonder-worker · 9 months
Thomas Penn writes about 500 year old dead historical figures like they're celebrities in a gossip column
#it's funny to an extent but after a point it gets very grating#he has a wealth of information but he's far too sensationalistic and florid#and tends to choose the most unsympathetic and/or colorful interpretation of every situation and historical figure#he also has a habit of ... narrativizing history which doesn't really work for me#also his fatphobia re Edward IV was absolutely revolting#I was planning on ordering the Winter King but after looking at the synopsis and first 2 chapters that were available online - no thanks#I'm definitely not interested in reading about Henry VII supposedly being 'sinister' and 'Machiavellian' because he...ruled successfully?#because he did what kings (unfortunately) did all the time? How was he any different from the others?#also imagine calling *Henry VII* ruthless & unscrupulous when his predecessor murdered his own kid-nephews and his successor was Henry VIII#like please be serious#I had the same issue with the way he described Edward IV's reign. His descriptions were so theatrical and emphatic but#at the end of the day the things he was describing were very normal lol#or they would be normal if Penn didn't choose the most critical (and mocking tbh) perspective for every single thing#the way he described Henry VI's reign was also annoying but it thankfully had far less pagetime and was not the focus of his work#so it was comparatively more tolerable#i'm glad that he acknowledged the propaganda against Margaret tho. I didn't like how he described her but at the very least he acknowledged#that she was being slandered#also calling Warwick 'the regime's biggest headache' lmfao#and ig some of his analyses on Richard III were interesting. It helps that R3 had a very short and very dramatic reign from start to finish#so Penn's flourishing tone doesn't really feel out of place for it
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thundertide · 7 months
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After chatting it out with @yoroiis and @waltzofphoenix, I've gone and done a little updating again! <3
I've moved the 'Divergences From Canon' section from my rules to a page of their own! It's split up by character and is a little easier to read, rather than trying to summarize 4 regions' worth of info into a single paragraph and still make it make sense. It should also be fully up to date with the end of the Fontaine quest!
Please note though that the Divergences page can and will be edited regularly as things change with the muses/between myself and my partners, and as the game's plot progresses and gives us new information. All changes will be announced/listed out in an update post like this when they happen - I don't like changing things like this on my blog without making it known to partners as I do them. <3
I'm in the progress of updating the abouts for Kyros, Rosalee, and Kagota now that the main Fontaine Archon Quest is done. Rosalee gains a vision by the en of it, Kyros is is tending to family matters, and Kagota has a bigger role in things as well as a new power under her belt, and will have a post detailing this role in a few minutes, which will also be linked to in the divergences page. These updates will be completed in the coming days, as there's still a few things I need to decide on!
Some rules have been rewritten. On skimming through my rules page, I realized there are some that seem overly harsh without explaining why, and I wanted to soften the wording on them and explain why they're in place. <3
There's a new sideblog to this blog in @crystalinetide! It's a singlemuse blog for Astra Fellheart, a Fontanian woman who come from a family heavily involved in Fontaine's mining industry, and while selective like this blog, is open for interaction!
I think that's all for this update - If I missed anything I'll make mention of them later. Hope y'all are having a good day! <3
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tonyspank · 9 months
WH0 R U 2???
Summary: Tara wakes up at her attractive Professor’s home.
Warnings: 18+ smut, g!p reader (literally think r is a service top??? idk? sorry for the dom’s & subs 😭)
A/N: pt.3 will not but smutty but bloody (there are different ghostfaces who r y’all suspecting?) also the smut scene was inspired by my b-day gift @wol-fica i love u
part 1
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Tara woke up with the world's biggest headache. When she sat up in the random bed she had just awakened in, she realized she was in a completely unfamiliar room. The walls were white, with some paintings here and there, and the room was filled with a faint scent of lavender.
Tara left the bed, her head pounding with each step she took. She stumbled towards the door, trying to remember how she ended up in this strange place.
As she makes her way down the hallway, coffee begins to fill her nostrils. She follows the scent and finds herself in a cozy kitchen, where a pot of freshly brewed coffee sits on the counter. "You're awake, a voice says from behind her.
Startled, Tara turns around to see her professor, and suddenly, all of her memories rush back to her.
"Leaving already?" Frankie asks, raising an eyebrow. Tara hesitates, unsure of how to respond. She just nods, "Yeah, my... my rides here." Frankie keeps his gaze fixed on her, his expression unreadable. Tara can feel the weight of his scrutiny, making her even more uncomfortable.
"Oh damn, well, let me walk you out." Frankie offers, breaking the silence. Tara's heart races as they make their way towards the exit, unsure of what's going on. It was obvious Frankie wanted to get into her pants; he'd been following her the entire night.
You notice Tara at the exit, looking slightly flustered and uneasy. You quickly exit your car and walk to her. "You're her ride?" A brown-haired boy asks you.
"Yeah, I'm her ride," you confirm, giving the boy a curious look. The brown-haired boy gives you a skeptical look before reluctantly stepping aside, allowing you to approach Tara. As you reach her side, you offer a reassuring smile, hoping to ease her discomfort.
Tara's eyes drop to your attire, taking in your sleepwear. A wife-beater and black boxers that matched your black Nike socks. You notice this, "Sorry, I just woke up about five minutes ago."
"All good...Professor." Tara smiles. You shake your head, "Y/N is just fine. You're in my kitchen, after all. No need for formalities." Tara blushes and nods, "Right, sorry. Y/N it is then."
You chuckle softly, "No need to apologize, Tara. Can I offer you some coffee?" Tara gratefully accepts the offer, "I could definitely use a cup. Thank you, Y/N." She takes a seat at the kitchen table as you start pouring a fresh cup of coffee.
"Do you need me to drop you off?" Tara tries to take a sip of her coffee, but it's too hot, causing her to wince in pain spilling a bit on her hand. "Shit! That's hot!" Tara exclaims, quickly pulling her hand away from the cup. You rush to grab a napkin, softly grasping her hand and gently wiping away the spilled coffee.
"But, um, yeah, I'd love a ride if you don't mind," Tara mutters, ignoring the fluttering of her heart as you touch her hand. She tries to hide her blush by taking a deep breath and looking away, but the warmth of your touch lingers.
"Of course." Your phone begins ringing, interrupting the moment. You quickly apologize and grab your phone from the kitchen counter. You answer the phone without looking at the caller ID. A deep voice on the other end of the line.
"Hello, Y/N." You scratch your head, trying to place the voice. It sounds vaguely familiar, but you can't quite place it.
The voice clears its throat, and your ear is soon filled with Laura's laugh. "Haven't you watched Stab?"
"Ohhh! Yeah, I just did yesterday." You chuckle, realizing that the deep voice was an imitation of a character from the movie. "How's your mom? She doing better?"
Laura's laughter subsides as she replies, "She's slowly recovering, thanks for asking. The doctors say she should be back on her feet in a few weeks." You feel relieved to hear the positive update about Laura's mom and express your well wishes for her continued recovery.
"Anywho! I was just calling because I wanted to know how your first lecture was. Did everyone behave?"
You chuckle and respond, "Well, it was definitely an interesting experience. The students were well-behaved, and I was actually surprised by their level of engagement. It seems like they're all eager to learn and participate in class discussions."
Laura hums over the phone, "Are you sure you're talking about my students?" You laugh and say, "Seriously. They were great." Laura pauses for a moment before replying, "That's good...I have to go now, take care, Y/N."
You bid Laura farewell and promise to keep her updated on any future classroom developments. Tara speaks up when you set down your phone, "Was that Professor Crane?" You nod and say, "Yes, it was. She was just checking in on you guys."
Tara nods, taking a sip of her now slightly cooled-down coffee. "I'm going to take a shower, and I'll be back in a bit. Let me know whenever you're ready to leave."
"Wait, uh, do you know where my phone is?" Tara asks, glancing around the room. You remember plugging it up near the kitchen counter when you arrived home yesterday.
You point towards the kitchen counter and say, "I think it's over there, by the sink." Tara thanks you and heads towards the kitchen to retrieve it, but her head turns as she watches you leave the room, pulling your tank top over your head, revealing your toned back.
Blushing slightly, Tara quickly averts her gaze and focuses on finding her phone.
When Tara finally finds her phone, she realizes that she has missed several calls and messages, mostly from Sam.
But her heart truly drops when she realizes your name is at the top of her messages, remembering that she did indeed text you drunk the previous night.
Tara's mind races as she tries to recall what she said, hoping she hasn't embarrassed herself or said anything inappropriate. "You've got to be kidding me."
Tara mutters under her breath, scrolling through her messages with you. This was so embarrassing, and she couldn't believe she had let herself get so out of control.
"The hot professor whose filling in for Ms.Crane? What the fuck?" Tara's eyes widen in disbelief as she reads her own words. She had confessed her attraction to her substitute professor, not realizing how much she had revealed in her drunken state. Panic sets in as she wonders what your reaction to the message might have been.
Tara's phone dings, indicating a new message.
Mindy: Tara where the hell r u?
Mindy:  Sam is literally is losing her marbles
Tara: im about to leave in about 15 minutes
Mindy: that didn't answer my question lollll
Tara: just tell sam im on the way
Mindy: omg you're at professor y/ln's house
Tara's heart races as she reads Mindy's message. How did Mindy know she was at your house? She quickly types a response, trying to come up with something to get Mindy off her back. 
Tara: wtf? no?
Tara: ill ttyl
The next couple of months consisted of Tara staying back after every lecture to talk to you. Now, you didn't exactly mind, but it did make you wonder why she was suddenly so interested in your company. Tara wouldn't talk about her studies, rather, she would ask you about your personal life, your hobbies, and your opinions on various topics.
Or whenever you'd be leaving campus or just arriving, Tara would leave her friends, jog over to you, and strike up a conversation. It seemed like she always found a reason to be near you, whether it was wanting to walk together or simply to share a funny story. Her genuine interest in getting to know you better was both flattering and intriguing.
"That's all for today, guys." You tell the class, packing up your things. Everyone begins leaving—well, everyone except for Tara. You shuffle your papers together, double-checking that you have everything, before looking up to find Tara still standing by your desk.
"Did you watch The Hereditary?" She had mentioned the movie a few times before, and you could tell she really wanted you to watch it. You smile and reply, "Yes, I did! Scared the shit out of me."
Tara laughs, "I thought you said you liked scary movies?" You begin walking toward the door. "I do!"
"What's your favorite scary movie?" Tara asks, genuinely curious. You pause for a moment, thinking of all the horror films you've seen over the years. "Hmm, that's a tough one," you say, pondering. "Maybe Chucky."
"You're joking," Tara says, raising an eyebrow. "Chucky? The killer doll? That's more of a cheesy horror movie than a scary one." You shrug and defend your choice. "Well, it scared me when I was younger. Plus, it has that nostalgic factor for me."
Tara chuckles and shakes her head playfully, saying, "Alright, if you say so. But I'll have to introduce you to some truly terrifying films one day."
You smile, holding the door open for the shorter girl. "Sure, T." Tara ignores the fluttering in her stomach at the nickname, striking up another conversation. "You heading home?"
You nod and reply, "Yeah, I was planning on making this salmon dish I found a recipe for. The sauce is supposed to be really flavorful, and I've been craving seafood lately." Tara hums, "Sounds fun."
You pause your walk, making eye contact with your student. "Maybe you could come...?"
Tara's eyes widen with surprise, but a smile tugs at the corners of her lips. "That sounds like a plan," she says, "What time?"
You check your watch and say, "How about around 7 p.m.? That should give me enough time to prepare everything." Tara nods eagerly, "Okay." You thank her and continue walking, "See you, T."
You were more than tipsy, this might have been the most fun you've had in a while. "I feel like a bad influence." You joke to Tara, pouring her another glass of wine. Tara laughs, "You're a perfect influence. You know how to have a good time."
You shake your head, standing up. "You can sit in the living room, I'm just gonna clear the table." Tara smiles and takes a sip of her wine. "Don't worry about it, I'll help you clean up."
Tara sets down her glass, standing up and helping you gather the dirty dishes and leftover food. Everything about this feels so domestic like you two are a married couple tidying up after a dinner party.
You start washing the dishes while Tara dries them and puts them away. The conversation flows effortlessly, making the task feel less like a chore and more like a shared experience.
On the last plate, you splash some soapy water onto Tara's shirt, causing her to let out a surprised gasp. "Oops, sorry about that!" you jokingly apologize, grinning mischievously.
Tara playfully flicks some water back at you, making you let out a laugh. "Oh, it's on now!" you exclaim, grabbing a nearby dish towel and flicking it towards Tara.
Tara runs out of the kitchen, laughing and dodging the dish towel, her wet shirt clinging to her as she goes. You turn off the water and chase after her, determined to catch her. While you reach the living room, Tara takes a sharp turn, causing you to stumble for a moment.
You quickly regain your balance and continue the chase, both of you enjoying the playful pursuit.
"I give up!" Tara calls out, breathless and giggling, as she collapses onto the couch. You slow down and join her, catching your breath and collapsing beside her.
You glance at her shirt, "Do you want one of my shirts?" Tara looks down at her damp shirt and shakes her head, still catching her breath. "No, I think I'll be fine," she replies with a smile.
Your eyes fall back on Tara, her cheeks flushed and her hair slightly disheveled from the chase. You know you shouldn't be thinking about your student in this way, but it's hard to ignore the undeniable chemistry between you. And she was absolutely gorgeous.
You're caught up in your thoughts, you don't even notice how your body is subconsciously scooting closer to her, until your knees are almost touching. The air between you feels charged with tension, and you can't help but wonder if she feels it too.
A part of you wants to reach out and brush a strand of hair behind her ear, but professional boundaries hold you back.
Tara turns her head slightly, her eyes meeting yours, and for a moment, you both share a knowing smile. Fuck, why did she have to look at you like that?
The intensity of the moment lingers, making it difficult to focus on anything else. You find yourself questioning the consequences of acting on this undeniable connection.
Tara leans in, and you follow behind slowly. You don't notice what you're doing until your noses brush against each other, sending a jolt of electricity through your body.
Tara parts her lips slightly, her warm breath tickling your skin. You place a hand on her leg, closing the distance between you. Your lips meet in a passionate and electrifying kiss, leaving you breathless and craving more.
You place your hand on Tara's waist, pulling her closer to you and allowing her to straddle you. Tara can't help but respond, her hands finding their way to your hair as she pulls you in even closer.
When you pull away, your heart is racing as if you had just run a marathon. You knew what you were doing was wrong, but in that moment, it felt so right. The chemistry between you and Tara was undeniable, and the desire for each other was too strong to resist.
Your hand rises to Tara's face, your thumb tracing over her soft, plump lips. She closes her eyes, and a moan escapes her mouth. You kiss her lightly, your tongue tracing the outline of her mouth. She responds with a slow, passionate kiss, her lips trembling as you pull away.
"Please," she mumbles, grinding her hips against yours. "Fuck, T." What was this girl doing to you? Without hesitation, you capture her lips once more, this time with an electrifying fervor that leaves you both breathless. In that moment, you knew that there was no going back, you were stuck under her spell.
Your hands slither under her shirt, exploring the curves of her body, feeling the heat radiating from her skin. She moans softly, encouraging you to continue your exploration, and you do.
Skillfully, you unclasp her bra, and your fingers trace the outline of her breasts, teasing and caressing every inch of her sensitive skin. She arches her back, pressing herself closer to you, craving more of your touch.
You lift her shirt, revealing her bare chest, and your lips eagerly find their way to her exposed skin. The taste of her drives you wild, and you lose yourself in the moment, savoring every sweet and intoxicating sensation.
Your hands fly back to her waist, lifting her slightly as your lips trail to her stomach, leaving a trail of soft kisses along the way.
She lets out a soft moan, her fingers tangling in your hair as she surrenders to the pleasure coursing through her body. Tara's breath hitches when you stand up, picking her up with ease. You carry her effortlessly to the bedroom, her legs wrapped around your waist, her body pressed against yours.
One thing is, you don't make it to the bed. Tara's back is now pressed against a wall, her heart pounding in her chest. You lean in closer, capturing her lips with yours as your hands roam over her body. You couldn't get enough.
You flip Tara, pressing her against the wall with a newfound intensity. Tara gasp, her eyes rolling back in pleasure, feeling your strong grip on her hips and your lips trailing down her neck.
Your hands trail to her jeans button, fumbling to undo it as the passion between you increases. Tara's breath hitches as you slide down her pants, along with her underwear, exposing her bare skin to the cool air.
Without hesitating, you drop to your knees, eager to taste her. A loud slap is heard, followed by a gasp of surprise. Tara bites down on her lip, balling up her fist against the wall, feeling you spread her legs for better access.
You lean in closer, your tongue teasing her entrance as Tara's moans fill the room. Oh, shit. You were officially addicted to this girl. Every touch and every sound she made only fueled your obsession for her.
You couldn't get enough of the way she responded to your touch, her body arching and trembling with pleasure. Or the way she tasted, leaving a permanent mark on your tongue.
"Fuck..." Tara gasps, the side of her face flat against the wall as her hips buck against your mouth. You remove one of your hands from her ass, holding her hips steady as you continue to devour her.
Tara whines in response, reaching behind to tangle her fingers in your hair, urging you to keep going. Her moans grow louder, and her grip tightens. "I'm so close, shit..."
You intensify your movements, your tongue skillfully exploring every inch of her, pushing her closer to the edge. Tara's breath becomes ragged, you grip her with greater force, and she becomes more and more undone, on the brink of exploding in pleasure.
And just as she's about to tip over the edge, she lets out a guttural cry, her body convulsing in ecstasy.
"Y/N! Shit!"
You stand up, and Tara catches her breath, her body still trembling from the intense orgasm.
While Tara attempts to compose herself, you unbuckle your belt and slowly remove your pants and underwear, revealing your own heightened state of arousal.
Tara's eyes widen when she feels your intense desire pressing against her. You press a kiss onto her head, whispering, "I need you, Tara."
Tara turns her head, meeting you with a lustful gaze. Her lips parted slightly as she whispers, "I want you too, Y/N." You place a soft kiss on the freckled face that you've come to adore before taking yourself, rubbing against her in a slow, teasing motion.
Tara's wetness lubricates you, allowing you to slip right in with a breathful gasp. As you enter her, Tara arches her back and lets out a low moan, her body responding eagerly to your touch.
The feeling of her tightness around you heightens the nirvana, driving you both insane.
You pick up the pace, your hips meeting hers in a delicious rhythm. Each thrust sends waves of pleasure coursing through both of your bodies—a symphony of desire and passion.
Tara's arm reaches around, her nails dig into your neck while her moans grow louder and more desperate with every movement.
Tara's hand falls back against the wall as she braces herself against the overwhelming pleasure. Your own hand falls on top of hers, and for a second, Tara finds herself caught between the intensified sensations and the tender touch of your hand.
She exhales a breath of pleasure, and her eyes roll back in pleasure. You lean in to kiss her neck, and she moans in response. You move your lips down to her shoulder, leaving a trail of soft kisses along her skin. "You feel so good, T." You groan, your voice thick with please.
This time, without warning, Tara lets go, a long and loud moan escaping her lips as she arches her back in ecstasy.
She collapses against your chest, her eyes half closed, catching her breath as her body trembles with satisfaction. You hold her tightly, savoring the intimate moment shared between you both.
As you slowly untangle yourselves from the intimate embrace, Tara wraps her arms around your neck and plants a soft kiss on your lips.
You smile into it, placing a hand on the small of her back, pulling her closer. The lingering taste of her lips lingers on yours, igniting a drive for more.
Tara moves onto her knees with your help, never breaking eye contact. Her hand wraps around your pulsating shaft before she kisses the tip, her tongue swirling around it.
The sensation sends a jolt of pleasure through your body, making you moan softly. You grab Tara's hair, guiding her movements as she takes you deeper into her mouth. "That feels great, shit..." you mutter, throwing your head back.
Tara's expert tongue continues to work its wonders, teasing and exploring every inch of you.
You begin moving your hips in rhythm with Tara's movements, finding a steady and pleasurable pace.
The hallway fills with the sounds of your heavy breathing and the wet, persistent slurping of Tara's mouth. "Yeah...just like that, Tara."
Your grip on her hair tightens, urging her on as she eagerly takes you deeper, her eyes watering at the sensation. You feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge.
With a grunt, you cum hard, your body shuddering in pleasure as Tara's lips move over your shaft. She keeps sucking until you finally pull away, a satisfied smile on your face.
You feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. With a grunt, you cum hard, your body shuddering in pleasure as Tara's lips move over your shaft. She keeps sucking until you finally pull away, a satisfied smile on your face.
Tara can't help but think about how this night will shift your relationship. She wonders if this newfound intimacy will bring you closer or create complications that she didn't want to deal with. As you catch your breath, Tara's thoughts wander to the potential consequences of crossing this line.
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getosbigballsack · 3 months
#: Reader Chan gets the belt! Yakuza Gojo Drabble:**
Just the thought of Yakuza Gojo sitting on the the sofa in the main hall that had a few of his men lingering while you're on your knees before him fiddling with your fingers, trying to find the right words to say to him.
You're in trouble again. Your rude remarks towards him, that's strike number one. Hitting him in the face for no apparent reason, that's strike number two. Spending all of your allowance in an hour, that's strike number three.
You've done it all in one day. That's a new record, he thinks. He knew you were a bit of a headache, not the shy baker girl he met all those months ago now. He knew deep down that you've got a bit of temper, an attitude that he has to deal with. You're throwing tantrums when things don't go your way. He used to your temper tantrums at this point, but you've never done anything like this to anger him to that point.
You glanced up at him for a brief moment to see him rubbing the sides of his temple. He had one eye closed, and the other one was open to staring down at your empty bank account. All your allowance is gone.
You bit your lips nervously.
"Out of all the stunts you pulled today, this one, this one has got to be the biggest one yet!" He hissed at you. "Have nothing to say for yourself?"
It made no sense for you to apologise. You did it all on purpose to piss him off, but you never anticipated that he would have been this angry to the point where the veins were very visible on the side of his head and his skin turning visibly red.
"Hold your head up and answer me! Have you nothing to say for yourself?" He shouted at you, and it made you flinch.
You squeezed your eyes shut, shaking your head no. He huffed, hand fingers rubbing his temples yet again.
"Go get the belt," he tells you, and that had you looking up at him quickly, lips trembling in fear at the sound of the word belt.
"But daddy..." You tried to protest. You were expecting him to spank you, but with his hands and not with the 'special' belt, he had tucked away for you in his closet. "No, Daddy, please."
In a stern voice, he said, "I said go get the belt and come to me."
"No... please... Daddy, I'm sorry," you cry out, quickly crawling towards and clutching on the pants, but he shakes you off him. He was not about to let you get away with this one. "Please, Daddy, I'll do anything. I don't want it... please."
"The belt, now!"
You scrambled up on your feet and went for the belt in the closet and took off your panty as well, leaving your ass bare underneath the dress that you actually spent most of your allowance on.
You cried as you walked out of the closet slowly with the special belt in your hand. It's made from the most expensive leather, and your name was beautifully craved into it, too.
He held his hand out to you and you placed the belt in his hand. He took and rest it beside him, then reached his hand out for you. With tears running down your cheek, you took his hand and he guided you over his lap. He grabbed the belt and flipped up the end of the dress to see your bare ass.
"Please daddy don't," you cried out after feeling him repeatedly patting your ass with the belt.
"You should've thought about your actions first," he said before lifting his hand and connecting the belt against your ass in one hard blow.
You screamed, "I'm sorry, please!"
"Huh! You're sorry? Is that what you're supposed to be saying right now? Aren't you suppose to be thanking me for your punishment?"
"What's that?" He asked before spanking your with the belt once again.
You cried out, "Th... thank you, daddy. Thank you for the reward!"
"That's right, cry out and thank me brat."
That all he said to you before he went on with his punish and his men watched on as their boss's wife received her punishment.
Spanks after after spanks and only on your ass. And ever slap you cried out and though it hurts like a bitch, you thanked him for him because you knew you deserved it.
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coolprettyleo · 2 months
we can't be friends (wait for your love) - luke hughes
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luke hughes x reader
wc: 1.5k
tw: angst. fluff. arguing. breakup. no happy ending. not really proofread, got tired lol
your life had been going good, a little too good. you should have knew all too well that the daydream you had been in weren't going to last much longer.
luke hughes. the man who had stolen your heart and gave you the best memories a boyfriend could give a girl like you. for someone who's thought themselves to be the biggest hopeless romantic, meeting luke had been the light in your life.
you had met the younger hughes brother at a frat party. he had been running off a high after a good game and his normally reserved nature had cracked due to the adrenaline from the win, it gave him the confidence to flirt with you.
initially, you had thought he was going to be a casual hookup. you were taught the hookup culture early into your freshman year, when you thought the frat guy you slept with at your first ever party the night before was going to give you the time of day, once the cloths came on.
news flash you learnt something that day. men are sluts.
so when the star hockey player started flirting with you, you had thought it to be just another guy who wanted a hookup. you ultimately decided to live out your fourteen year old selves Wattpad dream and entertain the cute curly haired boy.
you were surprised when you opened instagram the morning after to find he had requested you and from there on out, the rest was history.
it didn't take long for you guys to become the golden couple of the university. you attended his games wearing his jersey, met each others friends and families, and most importantly fell in love with one another's nature.
everything was going perfect for the two of you, until the real world decided it wanted to slap you both across the face. hard.
luke's passion was and will always be hockey. you knew that when you met him and ultimately decided to jump into a relationship with him. you loved every part about him, including hockey; it's what made him, him.
the sport didn't come between the two of you until he moved over six hundred miles away to play it.
you knew it was coming, you've both talked about it but unfortunately talking about it and actually saying goodbye is two very different things.
you loved the curly haired boy but you were beginning to wonder if it was all even worth it anymore. it was clear long distance was not working in your favor.
it had been almost a year since he started with the devils. a year since it all went to shit. a year since this 'rough patch' as luke liked to call it started. surely a rough patch couldn't last this long?
long distance usually makes a couple or it breaks them. it seemed to be breaking the two of you.
you rarely got to see your boyfriend due to the fact he's glued to the team during the season, so it was up to you, to fly out and see him.
you hated flying. so almost every time, your stress levels shot through the roof causing the worst headache known to man kind to come across you. automatically putting you in a sour mood when landing.
"i don't understand why you're being like this, this whole thing is planned around the fact that the team wants to meet you!" luke said exaspertly as he helped her load her bags in his jeep. he talked about you so much that when jack opened his mouth about you coming to visit, the wags were quick to plan a get-together, and you had just said you weren't up for it.
"i'm sorry luke but I feel like crap. i dont want to put up a character and meet new people right now"
"then don't put up a character, be yourself. that's who I fell in lov-" he said as you rolled your eyes, wincing; seeing as it didn't help the slamming feeling in your head.
"I don't want to Luke!" you cut him off. luke took a deep breath and texted jack to let them know you guy's wouldn't be making it.
looking back at it now; it wasn't that serious. but that headache couldn't make you think straight. that had been the first fight between the two of you. you're pretty sure thats when all his friend deemed you to be the villain and told him he deserved better.
you began to believe that and you knew luke did too. you just wanted this story to die, you knew you'd be alright.
luke on the other hand was clinging to every inch of you he could get; while you clinged to your papers and pens; writing about your misery.
you loved to write so of course you were going to pour your emotions into these stories. hoping the book would understand better then Luke ever could.
you two were laying in his bed, cloths sprawled out across his bedroom floor.
you had landed in jersey last night, ready to pretend and be the picture luke painted of you.
the two of you had the best night, it had been a while since you last seen him and an even longer while since you last seen him and everything felt... right.
you should of known a storm was brewing.
you were leaning your head onto his bare chest, legs tangled between each other as you played with his curls, looking up at him. he was growing into being the most handsome man.
"im so happy your here" he said tracing down your arms.
"me too. I missed your face" you said as you leaned up and kissed his jaw as he blushed. moments like these made you want throw away all the doubts you had about the relationship.
"me too. i can't wait to wake up next to you everyday" he said as your blood ran cold. you were tired of tiptoeing and hiding around the fight you knew was to come.
he'd been wanting you to move to jersey since he moved, the only problem being, is that you didn't want to.
"what's wrong" he said as you moved away his heart falling too his stomach.
"remember how I told you I wanted to graduate first?" you said nervously. he knew you were going to graduate early and the excuse of school was soon going to expire.
"yeah, thats pretty soon. we need to start looking for a place, by the way-"
"luke-" you started, wanting to stop it before it got any further.
"I think it'll do good for jack and I to get space" he said jokingly as he kept rambling,
"I know you've always wanted to live in manhattan, we can get a place there, i can commute-"
"im not coming here after graduation" you said with watery eyes.
you were the villain, at least in this story.
you wanted to experience life. you were only twenty one and the idea of that part of your life ending before you even got to begin it made you want to spiral.
"im sorry?" he said looking at you like you just killed his childhood dog. he would wait for your love a million years, if thats what it took.
"luke- im sorry, but I want to experience things. i want to live this life and know every corner of it-"
"i don't understand. why can't we those things together?"
"im sorry" you said standing up, not really sure what to do anymore.
"are we breaking up" he said with a straight face. you knew he was holding back tears.
"for now, yes" she told him as he put his head down.
you weren't heartless, so you took a seat next to him as you wrapped an arm around him.
"hey, look at me luke. this isn't the end, I'll still always care about you, I want to see you succeed hughsey" you told him as he remebered the night he met you and you called him that.
luke had been doing amazing; breaking records in the NHL and living life like anyone his age should be. his life was going good.
he obviously missed you but he soon learned he was going to be alright, even though a part of him waiting for your love. your love to like him again.
the smarter part of him knew better, the story was over.
he got home from a game that had went amazing for him and set his stuff down as he opened instagram.
the very first picture being, one of you and your new boyfriend. he knew you moved on and moved to nyc. he's actually ran into you before, both of you acting like you didnt break each others heart into a million peices. acting like old friends.
the reason the picture made his heart drop was due to the fact you were holding up a ring as you looked into the eyes of another. another who wasn't Luke Hughes.
he couldn't do it. he tried, he really did. he wanted to see you succeed and live like you wanted, he just couldn't bare to see it without him in it.
he clicked on her profile as he hovered over the unfollow button. he oh so desperately wanted to pretend to be this daydream but he was reminded of the fact their story had ended. he hit the button and knew he'd be alright.
we can't be friends (wait for your love)
this was inspired by an edit I saw on tiktok, and obviously the song too lol. I can't find the edit but like yeah!
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enhagvrl · 22 days
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en- when their words upset you
a/n: the part two of all members will come out next week since I posted three posts within one week :) also i honestly have no idea how to potray the two biggest rays of sunshine in an angst fic so please don't mind this :,(
rest : pocketz fifaz 02z
 “ as if anyone would believe you.”
Since your childhood, you were the rebel kid who would always lie to her parents and friends about so many things - partying outside, hanging out with certain people et cetera. This led you to not develop many deep bonds with people. Your life was absolutely dark, until this huge and cute ray of sunshine came in and changed the whole trajectory of your being - kim sunoo. He was the one who knew that you were more than just a liar and traitor people assumed you to be. The years of mistreatment you got from people and deep down those insecurities which had always eaten you from inside seemed to disappear the moment sunoo walked into your life. Which led you to go blank hearing these words from his mouth.
“ You know I would really like to see you try and win the trust of all the people around you. Since, you had acted like such a headache in your teenage years.” he said, going back to making silly tiktoks for his fan following. 
You knew he meant it as a joke as it is very normal for the both of you to have regular banter exchanged. But maybe, this time you could not take it as a joke. You felt those ingrown doubts getting out from your gut and spreading through your body. 
“Yeah…right…I was…a headache for sure back then.” you let out slowly, taking deep breaths. Not bothering to hear his reply, you quickly got up from the floor, saying in a rushed tone -
“Don't you think the weather today is so hot? I’ll get us some mint choco. Wait here.” saying this you disappeared into the kitchen downstairs, gulping down a big glass of cold water to calm yourself. 
 “ What do you know about leading a group anyways?”
You had been chosen as the troop leader for a camping trip your class would be going to for a week. You did not have major doubts on your skills as a leader, being an elder sibling but the problem was your class - the most mischievous and notorious class in your whole batch. If they did not cause any problems today, they would surely cause double the problems tomorrow to make up for tomorrow. The whole school knew it, even the teachers, that this one class was absolutely hopeless when it came to controlling them. Which brings you to your boyfriend, Jungwon - the only person you can get some advice from regarding leading a big group. 
“And you know, there's this guy named Wooyoung and I swear he’s not even human. Like, why would you go around biting people you don’t like?! I’m so scared about what to do with him when I cannot even get into his five metre radius……” and you went on about the different troublemakers and how you think you could handle them for a week, when those words of Jungwon made you pause.
“.....what do you mean not knowing how to lead a group?” you questioned, sitting up straight from your lying position on the bed, feeling irritation creeping up on you.
“No, I mean, I get it. You’re the elder sibling of your house so you kinda have some idea when it comes to handling babies but of course you’re gonna be inexperienced when it comes to leading a big group of grown ass adults.” he said, very casually, continuing to reply to his fans on weverse.
“maybe you should pass on the duty to someone else you know. Someone more capable of being a leader and someone who will be taken seriously by the people.” 
There. The damage was done. 
“So you think I'm some sort of pushover who people don’t take seriously? Huh. I'm starting to doubt if YOU take me seriously or not. All those efforts were for nothing.” 
Saying this you grabbed your hoodie and cellphone, heading towards the door. Ignoring maeumi’s barking, you went out - jungwon’s words replaying in your head making you breathe a sigh and look up towards the trees swaying furiously in the wind, indicating it was going to rain soon. 
© enhagvrl on tumblr, 2024
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✦Incorrect C.o.D Quotes✦
(Bros I'm so sorry, I've had the biggest fucking writer's block. I'm hoping some silly lil meme posts will make up for it until I can write something substantial, I'msosorry-)
Y/N: Some of us, I don’t wanna name names, give me a headache when they speak and its- Soap: Is it me?? Y/N: No. Graves: Is it me? Y/N: …it’s not Soap- --
Price: I’m gonna make you a soup. Gaz, delirious with the flu: I don’t wanna be a soup, Captain… Price: …right, how about I give you soup instead? Gaz: That’d be nicer. Price: Right. --
Soap: What the fuck knuckles is this? Valeria: *holding her hyper femme gf in her lap* She’s my girlfriend you intolerant shit. Soap: Whoa! Pump the hate brakes Fox & friends. I’m just surprised anyone would date you. Especially Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony. Y/N, on Valeria’s lap: You know that cartoon? Soap: No comment. Ghost: No, I think you should comment more, Johnny. Soap: NO. COMMENT. Moving on! Gaz: We’re gonna circle back to that. --
Graves: I think the term you’re searching for is ‘current captain’. Ghost: The words I’m searching for, I can’t say. Because there’s a rookie *motions to Soap* present. Soap: No no, say it. I can handle it. Ghost: You sure? Soap: Absolutely, L.T. Ghost: *looks at Graves* Fucking donkey lookin’ muppet bitch. Soap: Brutal blow, sir. Well done. --
Y/N: *comes in* Hey, Gaz, how old is your captain? Gaz: What? Y/N: No not like that…it is, it is like that. How old is he? I came into base, he asked if I needed anything to eat. I said ‘eat what’? Gaz: Okay, first of all, put my plate down and stop hitting on my captain! Y/N: Don’t get mad at me! I don’t even wanna be here. Y’all the ones that want me to be here. --
NPC: Ohhh if I weren’t a lady, I’d deck you! Fem!Y/N: Oh please. Try it and I’d have you on your back so fast you’d think you’re on a date. Ghost: *spits tea* Price, covered in tea: That was so unnecessary- --
Ghost: Mmph. Y/N: Dark room, avoidant, you seem tired despite sleeping for awhile…you wanna try and get out in the sun or do you just need to be in the sadness dungeon? Ghost: *holds up two fingers* Y/N: Would you like some tea for the sadness dungeon? Ghost: …Mhm. Y/N: Tea for the sad dragon coming up! Ghost: Mmph. (Aka “thank you”) Y/N: No problem! --
Y/N: Ya know sometimes there’s times in life where you just have to sit back and go, “ya know what? I’m proud of myself.” Gaz: Is this one of those times? Y/N: No- Soap: *wheeze* --
(Shibari reference)
Price: …alright, when I said we needed to restrain him in a way that ensured he couldn’t get out. This is not- Gaz: These are not military knots. Y/N: No, they aren’t. You all suggested knots that he would know how to get out of. You told me to get rid of that possibility. So, I did. Soap: He is tied…to the ceiling. Ghost: You kinky bitch. Y/N: *shrug* Price: Where did you even learn this? Y/N: That is for me and my daddy issues to know, sir. Don’t worry about it. Just wake him up so we can start interrogating him.
Graves: We can rule the world! Ghost: *turns to leave* Graves:: *watches him pull out something of Y/N’s* Graves: WH-YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO FUCK MY WIFE Graves: GHOST. G H O S T Ghost: *leaves* --
Graves: Let me log into Twitter- WAIT, IS THAT GHOST’S DICK!?! Ghost: I fucked your wife. Graves: AGGHHHHHH- --
Medic!Y/N: Don’t torture yourself Ghost. *snips bandage* Medic!Y/N: That’s my job.~ Ghost, internally: Stayfocusedwecannot- --
Price: We’re you listening to me at all? Y/N: No I was fantasizing about beard burn. Price: Pardon? Y/N: Huh? --
Ghost: He died of natural causes. Gaz: You pushed him off the roof. Ghost: Gravity is natural. --
Y/N: Nuh Uh, no. I’m not doing it. I have self respect, and I will not stoop so low as to- Gaz: *brings out 100£.* Y/N: -oooooo*takes money* I’ll have it done in an hour. --
Soap, looking at Konig: That man is a tree. Y/N: Then I'm a fucking squirrel. Soap: On the hunt for nuts then? Y/N: Famished for them. Ghost: Why do I sit with you two...
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xxsp3llb0undxx · 11 months
The Pack Imprint
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Fem!Reader x Uley Pack {2.9k}
Requested - Unknown
Summary: Reader is Bella Swan's neighbour, having lived beside the Swan's her whole life. The once close pair, now hate each other all because of the group of shifters that reside in the rainy state of Forks, Washington.
Forks, Washington - February 19th 2005
It had been a month since Bella came back to town, she was the centre of the school gossip, everyone trying to either be her friend or get a date with her. All but one person - Y/n L/n. Bella and Y/n grew up together, they were childhood friends along side Jacob Black. But after her parents divorced and she went to live with her mom, Bella had grown distant with the young girl she once saw as a sister. Two letters a week turned into one a month, which then turned into nothing. Y/n was heartbroken, her best friend had up and left. Jacob tried to be around more often but with school on the res and his dad nagging at him to help around the house, he couldn't fit Y/n into his schedule. Which in turn, made the pair grown apart from each other as well. That was until she came back.
The last month in Forks had been hell. Everywhere Y/n went, whispers about the Swan girl being back was all she heard. Every time she would enter through the school door the chatter about her once best friend would swarm through the halls, Y/n had enough. She was sick and tired of always hearing about her, Bella this and Bella that - it was giving her a headache. Jessica and Angela had gave Y/n's seat at the lunch table away to Bella, that was until she started sitting with the Cullens. It was infuriating, she's been back a month and she's already pining after the only Cullen available, it was pathetic. Bella was like a plague coming to ruin Y/n's life all over again, but she wouldn't allow it to affect her.
When lunch came around, Y/n found an empty table near the back of the cafeteria. Jessica and Angela tried to invite her back to their table but all they were met with was Y/n's middle finger held up in front of their faces, the two girls turned and walked away but not without Jessica muttering a not so quiet 'bitch' under her breath. Y/n had enough of Jessica's shit; the sly things she'd say about everyone, how she would point out peoples insecurities and worst of all - how she victimised herself all the goddamn time. Y/n had got up out of her seat, the screech from the metal legs dragging against the floor grabbed the attention of everyone in the cafeteria. "Hey Jess?" Before the girl could respond, Y/n had grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her back - the scream she let out was loud, almost deafening the Cullens; who were on the other side of the cafeteria. "Don't you ever call me a bitch again, do you hear me? I'm sick and tired of your bullshit. You just never learn to fucking shut up." With that said, Y/n had let go of her and walked out the double doors leading into the parking lot of the school.
The Cullens had watched the whole thing unfold, Bella clinging onto Edward's arm saying she was scared. Emmett had the biggest grin on his face, he was enjoying himself too much, quiet little Y/n had turned out to be a badass and Emmett loved it. Rose had to stop her mate from joining in, a firm grip on his bicep - enough to hurt anyone that wasn't a vampire. Alice, knowing what would happen, had excused herself before the fight broke out. She wanted to see if Y/n was alright, so the pixie like vampire had decided to wait beside Y/n's car, hoping she would show up soon. But she didn't, at least not for awhile. Alice had gotten tired of waiting, she turned to leave when she heard the car door behind her shut with a soft click. Before she could do anything, the car had reversed and turned out the parking lot - heading as far away from the gates of Forks Highschool.
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March 5th 2005
It had been at least a week since the whole incident between Y/n and Jessica. No one had seen or heard off Y/n, people had started to spread rumours around saying she was expelled or she had ran away after what she had done but none of it was true, only no one would really know the truth at least not yet. Bella had rang Jacob after it had turned into two weeks of not seeing Y/n, at first the young wolf sounded unfazed, like he didn't care but in truth, it was all an act. He knew about what had happened, he heard it straight from the horses mouth the day it all occurred. Y/n had drove all the way to Jacob's house, he was in the garage when he head the screech of tires pulling up in front of his house. He had poked his head out the garage door to see who it was, not really in the mood for anyone to come rushing into his house when he was busy. The sight of a distraught Y/n had panicked the poor boy, he rushed over to her scanning her body for any signs of injury but he turned up with nothing. Y/n was on the verge of tears, he could hear her heart hammering in her chest. Jacob brought her in to his arms, the warmth radiating off of him helped calm the girl down a little though she was still shaking.
Y/n had brought Jacob up to date with what had happened, he was proud of her for finally standing up to Jessica but he was also upset that it had to get to this point for Y/n to finally step up and confront her about it. Y/n had stayed with Jacob and his dad for the last couple weeks, begging them to not send her back there. A couple weeks had then turned into a month, Jacob had started to ignore everyone and started to hang out with Sam Uley and his little pack of mutts. Y/n wasn't having it, she was sick and tired of waiting for Jacob to come home but he never did, no matter how many times Y/n had asked Billy where Jacob had disappeared to he never told her. She waited for as long as she could until it was too much, she had trekked all the way over to Sam's place; her hands clenched and face red hot with anger. She was going to get her answers one way or another.
When Y/n had made it to Sam's house, Bella just so happened to be there too. Her fiery orange truck parked in the drive. There was a indescribable feeling in the pit of Y/n's stomach, a mixture between anxiety and full blown hatred. She stomped her way over to the group, Sam was telling Bella to leave but she wasn't having any of it, like always. Paul was the first to notice Y/n, her h/l h/c whipping around with the wind. Before he could tell Sam she was here, Bella had shouted at him. "What did you do to him? He didn't want this. He just up and left without telling me anything because he's scared of you." Paul had laughed at Bella, Jacob wasn't scared of anyone and yet she still thought that. Paul was calm until Bella had gone and slapped him across the face, she clutched her hand to her chest, it was surely broken after that hit. Paul had started to shake violently, Sam had pushed Bella back telling her to back away whilst simultaneously trying to get Paul to calm down. Y/n had the dumbest idea ever, we all must admit she's not the smartest. She had slowly started to step towards Paul right as he had shifted.
Bella's screaming could be heard but that didn't bother Y/n, what did though was the huge dark silver furred wolf right in front of her. It's teeth bared, snarling at her. Though, she felt no fear. Her hand slowly reached up and gently lay upon it's muzzle. The wolf huffed, he wasn't entirely trusting the girl in front of him but he also felt no fear towards her. He looked into her e/c and everything stilled. The noise around him had calmed, all he could focus on was her. Paul felt like the centre of the earth had shifted, like he was finally where he was meant to be. Before he knew it, he had shifted back. Y/n's body flush against his own, protecting him from the eyes around them. Soon enough, a blanket had been given to him to cover up until he was able to make it back to the house and put a new set of clothes on. Paul was confused, how was he able to imprint on Y/n when he had already imprinted on Rachel, Jacob's sister?
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After the events of earlier today, Bella had told Jacob to never speak to her again and she left, just like that. Jacob was sat on the steps of Sam's porch, he just wanted to be alone but he knew that was impossible. Jacob felt a shift of weight beside him, he turned his head and saw Y/n wrapped up in one of Emily's blankets, she must've given Y/n the blanket to stay warm. Jacob threw his arm over the smaller girl, the warm his body provided her, soothed the chill that made a home in her bones. "You know, Bella doesn't deserve you Jake. You're too good for her." They both sat there in silence for awhile, the soft chime of the trees rustling in the wind settling in to the comfortable silence around them. The door to Sam's house opened, revealing the older male. "Come inside, we're having a pack meeting." The pair looked at each other before Jacob got up and walked inside, leaving Y/n to sit on her own to watch the trees dance around in the soft breeze.
Inside Sam's house, the pack was all sat around in his living room. Embry, Paul, Jared and Quil were sat on the sofa, Leah and Seth took up the two arm chairs while Sam and Jacob were stood; everyone waiting for Sam to start the meeting. "We all witnessed what happened between Paul and Y/n earlier, Paul imprinted for the second time. What we need to figure out is why that happened." All eyes were on Paul, he felt smug about having two imprintee's but it felt wrong, as if he were betraying Rachel. The meeting had gone on for the last hour, the pack had decided to try and see if they would all imprint or if it was only Paul to be lucky enough to have two imprintee's. The pack had left the house, Y/n completely unaware of what was about to happen. Jacob held his hand out to Y/n, pulling her up on her feet and leading her over to the small field where Paul had initially shifted. "I need you to be as calm as possible, okay? We need to see if what happened to Paul earlier will happen to all of us, I promise I will explain it all later." Y/n only nodded her head, giving Jacob the all clear.
The pack had lined up beside each other, Paul was the first to shift. He felt all the feelings from earlier flood back, his heart pounded as he stepped closer to Y/n. She reached out to run her fingers through this fur, earning a soft grunt from the silver wolf. Next was Embry, he was scared to look up at Y/n, he felt sick to his stomach; what if he didn't imprint? Y/n took careful steps to Embry, his fur was gray with black spots; he was slightly smaller than Paul. Y/n crouched down to be eye level with the gray wolf, his eye's locked with hers and it was like his whole body was set alight. Slight tingles coursed through his bones, he felt complete. Embry nuzzled into Y/n, small giggles erupted from the girl, the sound was like wind chimes clashing together. Embry left with Paul to shift back and change back into their clothes. Quil and Jared were next, Quil's wolf had chocolate brown fur while Jared had light brown fur with black markings around his eyes. The pair had imprinted instantly, their tails wagging behind them as they accepted the affection off their imprintee. Seth had imprinted fairly easy, though he was still scared. The sandy brown furred wolf cowered at the attention of his imprint, too overwhelmed by the feelings bubbling inside him. The young wolf left as quickly as possible, wanting to shift back and put this behind him for now.
Leah imprinted soon after Seth, she finally knew what it was like to have someone meant for her. The tingling coursing through her body was welcomed, Leah stayed beside Y/n refusing to leave the girls side. She would not leave her imprint, not now - not ever. Jacob and Sam were the only ones left, they had decided to shift at the same time, afraid of being rejected. Sam was a black furred wolf, he was like a shadow while Jacob was a rusty brown colour, almost like Seth. Sam was the first to look up at Y/n, her e/c stared straight back at him. His heart was pounding in his ears, he didn't feel anything at first. He knew what it was like to imprint and yet, he felt nothing. Sam was about to give up and just walk away, until Y/n sat in front of him and ran her fingers through his fur, an electric shot went straight though him. Images flashed behind his eyes, growing old with her, having a family of their own, loving her till his very last breath. Sam now had two imprintee's, what was he going to tell Emily? The black furred wolf walked off towards the house, his ears pinned against his head.
Jacob still had his head pointed down, his eyes trained on the dirt under his paws. "Jake? Look at me, please." Her voice was soft, almost a whisper. Jacob listed his head, his pupils blew as images of them laughing together, cooking dinner together, messing around with the pack flashed before his eyes. It was like his ears were flooded with water, he knew he would do anything, be anything for her. His whole world was centred around Y/n and what their life would be like together. A blanket of warmth wrapped itself around his heart, he felt content knowing his best friend would be his forever.
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Once everyone had shifted back and back in their clothes, they had all settled in to the living room. Y/n sat on the sofa, squished between Jacob and Leah, while Seth sat in front of her on the floor; his back pressed against her legs. Paul and Jared were fighting over what to watch, while Quil and Embry made popcorn for everyone. Sam was the only one missing, he was sat in his shared bedroom with Emily. They were arguing, everyone could hear it. "Is it my fault? Them fighting, I mean." Y/n felt guilty, she didn't want to tear apart Sam's relationship, she would gladly show herself out if it wasn't for Jacob and Leah physically holding her in place. Paul was the first to say anything, he had crouched in front of the sofa, his hand linked with hers. "Hey.. it's not your fault doll face, no one could've seen this happening. You are our imprint, you are what matters the most to us, it could never be your fault, okay?" Paul kissed Y/n's knuckles, his lips ever so lightly grazing her skin. She sniffled slightly as she nodded her head. Y/n couldn't have been more happy to have the pack, she finally felt loved and included for once. The rest of the night consisted of watching random movies and eating too much junk, Y/n had passed out on Leah's shoulder after the second movie had started. She was soon followed by the rest of the pack, all spread out in the living room. Seth cuddling into Y/n's leg, Jacob flung half on Y/n while Leah was now hanging off the sofa, Paul laying beside Seth on the floor; his head on Seth's arm. Jared and Embry passed out on the arm chairs, their bodies thrown across them like they were dolls tossed to the side. Quil was the only normal one out the bunch, he was cuddled into a blanket away from everyone else, a pillow under his head as he snored.
Y/n had made a family for life, she would not give this up for anything.
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astrid-sama · 4 months
Hey there! If you're still doing requests, could I get a Camilla X chubby femreader who feels insecure about her body and Camilla shows her how much she loves her and her body. It can have as much or as little smut as you like. ^^
Hi sorry it took me so long to write this but I've had a bad headache these days, anyway I hope you like it.
Carmilla Carmine x fem reader.
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You were never an insecure person, you knew you didn't have the body of a super model but you still considered yourself pretty; one day however, during a meeting with overlord, Velvette (one of the biggest bitches in hell in your opinion) after having argued with your girlfriend she decided to insult you too (not because she had anything against you but because she wanted to make you angry even more so, Carmilla) said that Carmilla's terrible taste was very evident when looking at her girlfriend.
Because of Velvette's comment you started to become insecure about your body and your weight, you spent hours in front of the mirror thinking about all your flaws.
You tried to hide your body from Carmilla as much as possible; you had stopped wearing short skirts and tops, you had stopped sitting on Carmilla's lap, you had stopped showering with your girlfriend, and every time Carmilla wanted to make love to you you would find an excuse to leave.
After a short time Carmilla began to worry, she couldn't understand the reason for your strange behavior; overnight you had stopped having any kind of physical contact with her and you had drastically changed the way you dressed.
After spending a few days thinking about the reason for your behavior, Carmilla remembered the comment Velvette made in an attempt to irritate her and she finally understood what was bothering you."I just don't understand what you find in me"
You kept repeating it in your mind as you looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror, you couldn't understand why a beautiful, powerful woman like Carmilla would want to be with you when she could have the most beautiful sinners in hell.Your thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the bathroom door.
-Mi amor, can I come in?-
-You can go in-
You said after putting on the robe you had taken off earlier.
-Mi amor, I'm worried about your behavior, tell me what's happening-
-Are you acting like this because of Velvette's comment? Don't give weight to his words-
-But she's right-
-Mi amor...-
-Carmilla, Velvette is right and there is no denying it. I just don't understand why you choose to be with me when you could have almost anyone. I'm not a powerful overlord like Rosie and I'm not half as beautiful as the women who work for Valentino.-
-Mi amor, what you say is not true at all; for me you are the most beautiful demon of hell, more beautiful even than Lilith, you have the biggest heart of any angel in heaven, you are a wonderful mother for my daughters and... and I love you very much mi corazón. And if you'll let me, I'll show you how much I adore you-
You didn't know how to respond, Carmilla wasn't used to saying certain things. With slightly flushed cheeks and a warm feeling in your stomach you nodded.
Carmilla kissed your lips softly, picked you up and carried you to your bedroom determined to show you how much she loves you.
And she did it all night.
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hi, i first want to say that i absolutely love your writing !! i was wondering if you could write daughter of poseidon x leo valdez hc ?
⋆⭒˚.⋆ leo valdez x daughter of poseidon! reader hcs
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content: leo valdez x daughter of poseidon! reader hcs warning: language, tbh i went kinda crazy with the silly goofiness but i have no shame author's note: YOU WANT TO HEAR ABOUT MY THEORIES???? IVE BEEN WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO ASK ABOUT MY THEORIES- im so sorry for the person this request turned me into
sorry, minor possession, moving on
its not funny, i apologize
no but fr, i live for this shit
this is me core at it's finest
if you can't tell, all the long fics for leo are x daughter of poseidon bc i am obsessed with myself and i deserve it
my blog i run it how i want
okay, okay, so this man met you at your absolute worst
im sorry but your brother, the light of your life, is missing and your just supposed to be like??fine??
no, girly is going through it
nightmares, sleepless nights, grief, no more eating for her too much guilt
who knows the last time percy had a good meal? who knows the last time percy slept on a bed? who knows if percy is even alive?
you get where her mind was??
yeah, and then tweedle dee here shows up
bro is like, is that attractive young woman sad? i shall fix this with humor and charm
and he rides off into the sunset
no but okay hes hang about you and says something to make you laugh and he doesn't think anything of it, going back to what he was doing
but then later, annabeth grabs him with tears in her eyes and is like
"that's the first time she's laughed since he's been gone. we've all missed y/n, thank you for bringing her back."
bro is GUTTED
and the determined to never let you go another day without laughing for the rest of your life
i liked to imagine that he is not exactly the biggest fan of the water, being a texas boy born and raised he has no need to cool down
it's legit 110 degrees out and bro is like 'why are you whining about the heat?? i'm actually kinda chilly, could you grab me a sweater?"
so, while you surf and play in the water, he just sits on the beach and tinkers away
every time you come back and plant a salty kiss on his lips, he's got a new gift for you
you name it, he's made it.
rings? duh
necklaces? obvi
metal hair ties that don't tug hair out and also don't give you a headache?
do you even have to ask at this point??
and when leo meets percy he's all nervous bc in his mind he's like 'future brother in law. must impress.'
so he's like "your sister is super cool and hot-...wait-"
"what did you just say?" percy questions, hoping it was his amnesia making him hear things
"yeah, what did you just say? you think i'm hot?" you question, all blushy and cute
"so i did hear that correctly. cool, cool, cool. i'd start running, btw," percy cuts in, causally, producing a sword as leo ran away like a cartoon character
don't worry, they grow to love each other
their favorite pass time is to gang up on you, don't worry.
these two working together to prank your ass?? yeah, it's done for.
leo just brings out the best of the daugther of the sea and everyone can see it
and everyone's grateful to him for bringing the bubbly girl back from the deep end
DEAR GOD WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN I DESERVE IT I'VE BEEN GOOD- AASHDIUASDHEWUIRHBSD (that's the sound of me throwing up my liver btw okay gg bye bye)
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worldlxvlys · 4 months
heyy an, i miss u sm so i got a request!! what if u start a sturniolo little sister thing (c.ai doesn't feed me enough) basically the plot i wrote on c.ai is reader (she has a name on c.ai but just go with y/n ig) is about to leave to go to a party in a sort of "revealing" outfit (it's not actually that revealing the triplets are just overprotective as shit in my plot) and they notice a few she's been wearing more revealing outfits these days and they lowkey wonder why. (that's not actually what happens in my plot but i'm gatekeeping it bc it's my comfort c.ai bot) and then you can go from here i guess!! in my plot, reader is a very whiny, easily annoying and whimpery girl, ykwim? like she's so easily hurt / upset. that's one of her main traits so hope it helps the development of the fic! ilysm🫶🏻
stand out
sturniolo triplets x sister! reader
warnings: cursing, mention of shitty ex
a/n: kind of got carried away, hopefully you like it tho
ily <33
“you’re not leaving in that” chris stated for about the fifth time that night. i was starting to get annoyed.
i’ll admit that my shorts were on the shorter side, but everything was covered.
“why chris? why do you care about what i put on my body?”
his jaw clenched as he let out a heavy sigh.
catching onto the annoyance that was written all over chris’s face, matt stepped in.
“look, what you decide to wear is completely up to you, we aren’t going to tell you what you can and can’t wear.” he placed his hand on my shoulder gently.
“we’ve just noticed that your outfits have been a little more on the revealing side lately-“ i cut him off, already knowing where this conversation was heading.
“ we? so you guys talk about how i dress when i’m not here?” his mouth opened and closed like a fish as my question caught him off guard.
nick then pitched in, “look, we’re genuinely just worried about you. we want to make sure you’re safe”
“i’m fine guys, seriously. i mean, everybody wants to stand out, right?” i watched as all of their faces dropped as they began to catch on.
matt tilted his head at me, “is this about your ex?” i let out a sigh at this.
he knows me too well.
when i broke up with my ex, matt was the person i leaned on. chris and nick were there for me, of course, but matt was the person who took me for late night drives to cheer me up. so, naturally, i spoke to him the most about my feelings.
when i was dumped, my ex told me i was just like every other girl and i tried too hard to fit in. while i tried to act like his words held no affect on me, they hurt me deeply.
they rang through my head constantly, no mater what i did. but, i didn’t want to completely change just because a man decided to use my biggest insecurity against me. so, instead, i decided to switch up my style.
what i failed to realize, however, was that my brothers were able to read me like a book.
and while the change in clothing choice was cute, it wasn’t me. it was uncomfortable.
“i hate that he still has so much power over me. it’s like no matter what i do, i can always hear his comments about me in my head.” i finally spoke.
“what did he say to you?” chris asked, growing concerned.
i looked down at this, feeling tears start to prick at the corner of my eyes.
“pretty much that there was nothing special about me and that i’m boring” i shrugged my shoulders, swallowing the lump that began to form in my throat.
“well he’s just flat-out wrong” chris stated, as though it was the most obvious thing he’s ever said.
i furrowed my eyebrows as i stared at him in confusion.
“um, hello? you’re literally the most insane person i’ve ever met”
i looked at him crazily, “is that supposed to make me feel better?”
“you’re the only person i’ve ever met that goes running for fun. that is borderline psychotic” i narrowed my eyes at him. “trust me, you’re not like any other girl” he finished.
i playfully rolled my eyes at him.
“plus” matt began, “isn’t this the same dude that thought that googled why he had a headache and was fully convinced he was dying?” i couldn’t help but chuckle at that.
nick then joined in, “besides, that motherfucker talks like he’s reading from a script written by the ginny and georgia writers, i promise you’re not missing out”
this sent the three of us into laughing messes. chris reached out for something to hold onto as he started to fall and, seeing as i was standing right next to him, that happened to be me.
chris clutched onto my shoulders as he began to bring me down with him, and the four of us doubled over in laughter.
tag list: @lovingsturniolo @lustfulslxt @gwenlore @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sturnsdior @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @chrisdevora @cupidsword @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @vib3swithanuk @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @rheaakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @abbie13sworld @starsturniolo @hearts4chriss @theyluv-meee @sturns-posts @carolinalikesthings @itzdarling @chrisstopherfilmed @judespoision @sstvrnioloo @littlebookworm803 @nicksdrpepper @chrisloyalgf
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
suddenly missing the prey!couple🥺any soft hours with about-to-be-dad!koo? has the baby come yet??
It's been a while, hasn't it? :(
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"You're slowly approaching the end." Jin says, and Jungkook is instantly on alert, worrying about the worst. "Of her pregnancy, my god! Sorry, I should've worded that differently." He laughs, while Jungkook pouts, mad about the joke.
Jungkook's nerves have been stretched over the past few weeks, with every new change in you and the growing baby. You're past the normal time of a human pregnancy at this point, and now approaching the final stages of a hybrid one- multiple tests by Seokjin making sure everything's going as smooth as possible. "You're doing very well. I'm very surprised you're still up and walking around, quite honestly." The doctor praises.
"She shouldn't be.." Jungkook scowls. "But the second I look away, she's causing trouble." He complains.
"I just can't stay sitting down, Jungkook." You whine. "Neither can I sleep all day, or I'll get a headache." You explain.
"She should actually stay active." Seokjin comments. "Keep her energy up. We don't know yet how tough the delivery will be, and if she will need assistance." He sighs, putting everything back into his bag.
Jungkook knows what assistance means. In that case, you will probably have to be admitted into a more sterile environment, to deliver the child in a different way. Something he wants to avoid, if possible.
"I think she will do fine on her own, however." Jin softly reassures, making Jungkook wrap his arms around you from where he sits behind your body, his head leaning on your shoulder.
"You'll be the greatest mother this planet has ever seen." Jungkook tells you, purring loudly now as his hands feel his unborn daughter move. "And she's already excited to meet you."
"You too." You laugh. "You think she'll be fine?" You worry, and Jungkook nods.
"She's developing exactly as I suspected, considering she's basically a hybrid. Of course, we will only have certainty once she is delivered, but as of now, everything is looking just fine." He nods.
"See?" Jungkook hums. "We'll be okay." He reassures.
Not just you however, but mostly himself- his own biggest fear still brewing with every day you're living like this.
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sh1-n0bu · 1 year
I, 🦝, see a lot of people write about Venti in a way that I'm not sure I find appealing. Don't get me wrong I prefer dom reader (with anyone but Beidou she can do whatever the fuck she wants to me I don't care) but for some reason I feel like many Venti fics are kinda.... predatory.
In many of them the reader treats him unkindly in a very under-negotiated-kink-with-no-aftercare- way.
I fucking live for that shit.
I want to take a bath with him, wash his hair for him, maybe give him a scalp massage because no one can tell me braids don't get uncomfortable long term. I want to cuddle him. I mean have you seen him he's so skrunkly. And then fall asleep together like a plain boring old married couple.
Aftercare is good. Aftercare is friend. Intimacy is a scrumptious thing whether sexual or not but especially with someone who's that pretty. I mean have you seen him? I have. I am looking. I am looking intensely.
♡︎ 𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙗𝙤𝙧𝙣 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙙 ♡︎
characters: sub!venti x gn!dom!reader
warnings: overstimulation, praise, edging, fluff, feminization
notes: decided to try a headcannon format with this since my brain just can’t come up with a good sex scene lmao. i’m sorry my most loyal 🦝 anon. also dedicated to @junerixi aka the biggest venti simp that i know.
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i haven’t exactly seen any sub venti fics tbh, since i don’t follow that tag, so idk what kinds of fics are lurking there
but i’ve seen quite dark types of sub character fics at some points and oh dear, as a soft dom it just doesn’t feel right to me
for reasons i really can’t see venti being a sub. maybe a power bottom???? the gremlin in his just excludes that aura
will definitely tease you out in public
will hold eye contact with you at the bar while pulling his already short shorts upwards with a shit eating grin on his face
i can also see him liking all different kinds of lingeries
the soft satin dress ones, the two piece lace ones with stockings, the cute frilly sleeping dress ones etc etc
definitely wears his favorite satin dress with nothing underneath as a gift for you, whenever you come back from work or a long commission late and tired
put on the brightest lipstick so he can leave marks all over your face and body
likes to put on make up because he knows you likes it when it runs down his face while you absolutely fucks him silly
the type of power bottom who would push you down on the bed and ride your cock/strap until he’s satisfied
but beware he gets too into the pleasure and forgets to say thank you
so just cover the slit of his cock and tell him to keep riding you. it will get him begging in no time
“aaangh.. you’re so mean [name]~”
“p-please? please let me GYAAH! please let m-me cum! i-i’ll be.. i’ll be good nyaagh”
praise him for being a good boy for asking. call him your good boy, your precious bard, your sweet prince. he lives for those praises
as someone who used to braid her hair all the time when they were long, yes wearing braids for a long time can cause headaches
have a nice warm bath with him in your aftercare. massage his head while scrubbing soap on it
“giggle thank you windblume. feels really nice..”
might doze off during the aftercare but it’s alright. your sweet bard will get the best rest of his life in your arms with the biggest, dorky smile on his face
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elisysd · 1 year
hi! could i please request some comfort charles? like you’re sick or feeling down and he’s just the best boyfriend ever and helps you through it? thank you so much 🧡
Thank you for your request and sorry for the little delay! Hope you'll like it! Requests are open. I'm not guarantee you to be fast tho 😅
Tissues and Pit stops
You couldn’t be sick for Charles’ home Grand Prix. You just couldn’t be. You did not know how you managed to get the flu right before Monaco’s race but here you were, in bed a box of tissues next to you and medicine to help you get rid of the headache.
You had not said anything to Charles. You did not want him to worry, he did not need that. You were not proud to admit it, but you lied to your boyfriend when he asked you if you would come to the paddock for qualifying. You pretended to have some work to catch up on, but you still would be keeping an eye on the TV and cheering him on from the window. On the other hand, you did not manage to find a good excuse to miss his race. That’s why today you would keep things slow. Bed rest, soup, and medicine and hopefully, you were praying for it, on Sunday you would be fine for the race.
But what you did not plan was for Charles to show up upset at your door after the qualifying session. Ferrari had, once again, found a new way to mess with his home Grand Prix. When you opened the door to let him in, completely caught off guard by his presence, he immediately noticed that something was wrong.
Your flat was a mess which was unusual. You were always so put together, so organised. The opposite to Charles. So, seeing cluttery everywhere and abandoned dirty plates in the sink of the kitchen surprised him to say the least.
“Babe… are you okay?” he asked carefully while looking around.
“Me? Perfectly fine. Never been this good.” You tried to persuade him while trying to suppress a sneeze. “I should ask you the question, I heard about the penalty.”
“Yeah… well it is what it is. I can’t do anything about it. I’ll try to have a good race tomorrow, but I don’t expect anything from it. I just needed to see you and hold you.”
He made a move to take you in his arms, but you skilfully avoided him, pretending to pick up something that was laying on the floor.
“I’m not sure it’s a good idea… you must have so many things to do. Like meetings and people to talk to. I don’t want to stay in your way. And you must be tired. You should sleep it’s important.”
“Y/N are you sure you okay, you are acting weird.” He was starting to worry.
“What do you mean? I’m…me. My usual self.”
“No, you’re not. What are you hiding? Why is your flat a mess?”
“I told you; I caught up with some important paperwork and I just did not have time to clean.”
“I know my girlfriend and I know there is no way she would let her flat be this messy.”
His eyes scanned a room trying to find a clue that could explain his girlfriend’s strange behaviour. And then his gaze landed on the sofa where a used tissue and a stuffed animal he knew well from giving it to you on your first anniversary as a couple were lying around. As he approached, he noticed a heating bottle and a thermometer under a cushion. He did not need more to understand the matter.
“How long have you been sick?” he asked.
“It started this morning… I woke up with fever. That’s why I did not want to see you today… I don’t want you to get whatever I caught. I would feel bad.” You confessed.
“Baby, you will always be one of my biggest priorities. I want you to tell me these kinds of things.”
“I did not want you to worry…”  
Without a word he took care of the stuff that was laying around in the living room before washing the dishes. When the flat looked cleaner, he took a blanket from your bedroom as well as your computer and installed them on the sofa and coffee table. He then went into the bathroom to prepare you a hot bath with some lavender in it to help you relax. Without asking for anything in return, he took care of you, washing your hair with your favourite shampoo and massaging your shoulders and back that were aching from the fever.
He then helped you get comfortable and once back in the living room he wrapped you in a big and fluffy blanket before making you both some chamomile tea. He pressed you against his chest while setting up your favourite movie, his hand tracing patterns on your skin and his lips absent-mindedly resting on the top of your head.
“Charles, I appreciate what you did, really but you should not be here. What if you got sick?”
“Then we will be sick together and honestly I don’t mind it.”
And indeed, a few days later, Charles was stuck in bed with the same flu that you had a few days prior. And just like him, you spent the day taking care of him. After all, you both did promise to one another to always stick around when things would get rough. You were each other’s rock, there in the good as well as in the bad moments. Forever and always.
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joesalw · 2 months
guys i'm literally so grossed out by her like my hatred for her was already there but this album is giving me a headache. I haven’t listened to/read anything from the 2am version but from what I've already heard, it's giving me the biggest ICK of the century! i feel so so so so so fucking stupid for defending this woman for 6-7 years and wasting my time so much when i could've literally done so many other useful things. she even ruined all of the past albums for meeeksjsks. reputation was my first ts album and i can't ever listen to it in the same way everrr in my life and ik i sound very bothered and am giving an imposter fan but istg i have never regreted something this HARD in my life. She even ruined lover, folklore(my once favourite song cardigan bye) evermore, midnights and literally everything. To think back I resent it so much and i want to slap my younger self for ever being invested into this swiftie lore. And I also hate that i'm still running a blog hating on her which means she's still on my mind like sksjsksksk this is bizzare. I'm suddenly questioning everything! This needs to end. I might go on a break, or delete this account or be sane and only talk about joe from now on. Oh goodness this is hilarious! Am I the only one or are you guys having the same resentment too?
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pablitogavii · 10 months
Hii it’s me! I was wondering if you could right a one shot where the reader gives her boyfriend(Pablo) silent treatment.
It really means a lot to me if you can write this.
(Your biggest supporter and fan<33)
Before the story, what the hell was that game against Getafe!? 🤡
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Pablo was on the plane back to Barcelona and you knew he was angry and frustrated especially after the lost penalty chance.
Pablo did have a temper but for a reason because he hated injustice and always wants to prove something wrong when he can. Unfortunately, that usually end with him getting a yellow card just like during today's match.
Luckily, the flight was only 1hr long so he was almost home. He texted you when he got to his car and you smiled still very excited to see your boy and hopefully make him feel better.
"Amor.." Pablo walked in and you heard him sound like her was out of breath which made you walk up to him with a worried face.
"Hola mi campeon..give me a besito!" you walk up to him going on your tip toes and kissing his lips while resting on his chest. He winced and you pulled away looking up at him with furrowed eyebrows.
"Que pasa cariño??" you say and he takes off his shirt showing you gauze on his chest which made your eyes widen and gently touch his wound. On the screen it didn't seem like he got this seriously hurt.
"Díos! Does it hurt you a lot cariño??" you ask and he takes your hand away while shaking his head walking towards the living room and plopping himself on the couch.
You went to your bag to grab some pain medication and a glass of cold water bringing it to him. You sat down besides him seeing that he was clearly in no mood but all you cared about is that he wasn't in pain.
"You should take the pill cariño..it'll help you" you say brushing his hair with your fingers gently and he just closed his eyes shaking his head 'no' per usual acting stubborn.
"Do it for my love cariño??" you move closer laying your head on his shoulder and he sighed taking it from the table clearly more annoyed.
"You're giving me a headache so now I need it!" he growled and you felt sad but decided to ignore it knowing that this was only because of the bad first game of the season. He does the same when you're moody on your period so it's fair.
"Do you want me to massage your head cariño?" you ask kindly but he kept avoiding your eyes searching his pockets for his phone.
"Can you just leave me alone?" he said and your face fell wishing there was something you could do to help him knowing that he doesn't actually want to be alone..you know him that much.
"What can I do Pablito?" you ask kissing his cheek and his jaw which was now clenching in anger.
"You're so annoying!" he growled immediately realizing what he said when he saw you sad face looking at him and your eyes filling with tears even though you didn't let them fall. He felt horrible..even worse than before..and when he tried to pull you closer you got up and left to the bedroom.
"Mierda Pablo! Eres un cabrón!" he said to himself while picking up his weight and walking to the bedroom where you were laying with a book in your hands.
"Amor.." he laid besides you but your eyes didn't move from the page you were trying to read for the past ten minutes but couldn't concentrate. He was so mean to you and you only tried to help!
"Lo siento muchisimo..por favor amor" he reached your your hand but you pulled away flipping the page pretending like you read it when the truth was you weren't even concentrating on the book.
"It was such an annoying game..they were hitting us non stop..and then we didn't get that penalty..but none of that matters! I shouldn't take my frustration out on you...I'm so sorry babygirl" he moved closer laying on your pillow with his lips leaving small kisses on your shoulder.
"You were only trying to help me..and I was such a cabrón. I am the annoying one..not you..por favor..just look at me" he said pouting and you sighed turning your face to the side to see him genuine regret.
"I didn't even tell you how beautiful you are when I got home..or how much I love you princesa" his hand was tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear while your cheeks were blushing. You were still silent though wanting him to know his behavior was unacceptable.
"Te amo muchisimo..please talk to me again" he moved even closer testing to see if you move away not wanting to invade your space. When you stayed still, he smiled starting to leave little kisses on your neck which made you relax in his arms.
Pablo was laying on your chest with his face nuzzled into your neck when you finally decided to stop torturing him and talk again.
"You were a cabrón..." you whisper and Pablo's head shot up as the smile grew on his face that you talked again. He didn't care what you said..and he wanted was to hear your voice again.
"I'm only your cabrón tho.." Pablo smirked and you raised your eyebrows expecting a proper apology and not jokes about his past behavior.
"I am really sorry amorcito..just give me some love please?" he said and you smiled now nodding your head and moving closer to lay on his chest away from his wound.
"I'm sorry about the penalty cariño.." you say softly caressing his wound while Pablo was relaxing and enjoying your touch now completely forgetting about the stupid game.
"Mm we'll get them next time princesa..just keep loving me?" he said looking down at you and you blushed nodding your head and moving a little to leave small kisses on his wounds.
"Sempre!" you smile looking up and him and he brings you close kissing your lips lovingly before kissing your forehead. You then cuddled up to each other enjoying a sweet night rest <3
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