#I'm over at mine right now I made breakfast for my own
minty364 · 4 months
DPXDC Prompt #58 Part 6
Everything happened so fast that when Danny finally got to flop onto his bed at the Wayne manor he let himself sink into the covers with a heavy sigh. Everyone broke off into their own rooms to change into more comfortable clothing once they had arrived. Jazz and Danny both had rooms, they started out as guest rooms but were quickly personalized since they tended to spend a lot of time here. Danny even brought most of his models and other various precious items that he didn’t want broken accidentally by his parents (again). His and Jazz’s rooms were set up just like the other bedrooms in the manor, with an ensuite bathroom. They both had dressers, walk-in closets, queen sized beds with ornate nightside tables, and decent sized desks with windows looking out to the backyard garden. 
They were allowed to decorate it any way they chose so Jazz had her room painted a dark teal color with an extra shelf for some books she’d been studying, most being the field of Psychology. Danny meanwhile chose to paint his room a dark blue reminiscent of the night sky, complete with glow in the dark stars and some that didn’t glow, that were painted by Damian, they had all worked together to map it all out as accurately as they could. 
Danny briefly let his thoughts wander as he tried to process the day's events. Was he okay? He wasn’t even sure at the moment, he was pretty sure he was a ghost temporarily and the weirder part was the cool feeling he felt from his chest was still there. 
Danny with a change of clothes in hand went into the bathroom attached to his room. He looked at his reflection again and he looked rough, his eyes were red from crying and he looked exhausted. 
He turned away and quickly got into the shower to wash himself.
The water felt hot on his skin but he marveled at the fact that he could still feel it. These thoughts helped ground himself as he finished up with his shower and got dressed in the comfy PJ’s he grabbed.
He found himself staring at himself in the mirror again. He couldn’t help it, his ghostly appearance from earlier had scared him and his normal looking reflection he now had was comforting. 
He looked like a normal person, like he always did, his bags were now gone. Some small part of him thought maybe it was all a dream? That small part was wrong and Danny knew it deep down, but that small part still hoped.
Did he still have a pulse? He was still breathing and he was sure his heart was still pumping so he probably had one. 
Going back over to his bed he picked his phone back up and after a quick Google search on how to check and what his rate should be he held two fingers to his other hand and counted.
He ran his hands through his hair and took a shaky breath. He counted his BPM at 29 BPM while the normal rate for him was around 60. So it was now less than half what it should be. He wasn’t sure how worried he should be about that or if he should tell anyone or keep his mouth shut. He couldn’t be a meta now either. Him and Jazz had spent hours discussing what it would be like to carry the meta gene and one day get powers.
He watched his reflection from the vanity above his dresser, would he turn back into that pulseless form? 
A knock startled him out of his thoughts as he let out a small yelp. He almost didn’t register his eyes that flashed green for just a moment as he felt his heart skip a beat.
“Danny! Alfred called us down for dinner, everyone else should be down soon as well…” Jazz called from the other side of his bedroom door, her voice sounding like she was trying to keep up a sense of normalcy. 
“Right… coming!!” Danny replied, his eyes lingered on themselves for a moment before he let out a small sigh and grabbed his phone and followed Jazz down the hall.
A few moments passed as they walked side by side in silence, Jazz kept sneaking glances at him, like she couldn’t believe he was here either. She hesitated for a few minutes before speaking, “...Danny? Are you… Okay?” She spoke slowly like she was scared he’d disappear and at that moment he wanted to do just that. 
He wasn’t sure exactly what he should tell her, he felt okay but he wasn’t exactly sure. Everything felt the same but different, everything was the same as it had been before his accident but now he felt a weird dissociation with the world around him, like he wasn’t really there. He couldn’t explain that feeling to Jazz so he shrugged.
“Honestly your guess is as good as mine as we know about the same.” Danny answered with a sigh.
Jazz gave him a look that he couldn’t quite decipher, “are you sure you should be up and around then?” Her voice was quiet again like she was afraid he’d disappear. Danny couldn’t help but stop in his tracks as he thought about it.
“I mean, nothing has happened yet? I can’t really explain it.” He rubbed the back of  his neck with his hand as he looked down and refused to meet her gaze again. 
He continued walking after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence and soon they arrived in the Dining room.
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surielstea · 4 months
Hangovers & tattoos
Based on this request.
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Pairing: Azriel x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader wakes up in Azriel’s bed with a mysterious tattoo that eerily matches his.
Warnings: slightly suggestive, all silly fluff though
2.4k words
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Sunlight streamed through the open curtains haphazardly, my brows twitching together as I groggily pulled myself from the depths of sleep.
I awake with a groan, rubbing at my eyes that had been sealed shut. As soon as I open them I'm met with a horrible pound to my head, my entire body aching with every movement I make. I rolled onto my stomach, stuffing my head in the cold pillows with a huff.
I had to make an effort to peel my tongue from the roof of my mouth as I settled over the fact that going back to sleep would not be an option.
I twist onto my side, staring at a winged figure with his head against my pillows, dark hair cascading over his eyes. I smile at the sight of Azriel sleeping so peacefully. Then I realize he's sleeping so peacefully, in my bed. I jolt, scrambling away from his sleeping figure and inevitably tumbling off the mattress.
I hit the ground with a hard thud, followed by my hiss of pain as the hardwood sends paralyzing shock waves throughout my entire body.
Before I can collect myself I hear an incoherent mumble that came from the Shadow Singer. I tense, bending down to avoid being caught sneaking around in my own bedroom.
"Are you alright princess?" His voice was deeper than usual, still filled with sleep. I freeze for a moment, wondering how he had managed to know it was me, even if he did see me he was still half asleep. Then I quickly void that thought and curse myself for not thinking about his shadows, the same dark tendrils that were now twining around my ankles.
"I'm fine," Is all I can manage.
"Gods, my head is pounding," He grits out and I'm unsure if I should get back up onto the bed or stay down on the ground out of his sight, where I felt much safer.
Last night... it had been a blur entirely, the only thing I can remember is Cassian handing me and Azriel our first shot of the night, followed by many, many more. I clench my eyes shut, attempting to fish anything more from the night before out but I come up blank. "We didn't uh... did we?" I murmur, the pregnant silence is heavy as he thinks over the dilemma.
"Are you sore?" He says and I roll my eyes at his arrogance.
"No," I scoff.
"Then no, we didn't," He hums.
That hadn't been good enough, so I looked down at my outfit, a sigh of relief leaving me as I realized I was still wearing the same underwear from last night.
Last night when I seemed to obtain a case of amnesia. Cassian and Azriel had invited me to go out, Mor tagged along, and then... nothing. I had no idea why Azriel was in my bed or what drunk decisions I made to get that to happen.
Slowly, I rise from the floor and rush towards my wardrobe, still dressed in the short glittery dress I had boldly picked last night.
"What are you doing?" He rubs at his eyes, staring at me as I begin to take off the straps of my dress. I froze, realizing he was still there.
This headache wasn't making our situation any better.
"Changing?" I say, looking down at my rumpled outfit.
"This is my room," He said, sitting up from the pillows, the sheets falling off of him and revealing his bare chest, toned with rippling muscle. I swallow thickly, glancing around the room that was now so obviously not mine. I nearly crumbled from embarrassment, my cheeks tinging a scarlet red.
"Right, sorry, I'll go," I sidestep towards the door and his dark brows crease.
"Wait," He calls, slipping from the warm sheets I had gotten such amazing sleep in, and follows me to the door. "I'll make you breakfast, as a thank you for... whatever took place last night," He glances back to the bed and then back to me.
"You don't have to," I shake my head, eager to get out of the ordeal entirely.
"I want to, c'mon," His hand makes contact with my lower back as he guides me from his bedroom and down the long hallway.
I had been crushing on the Shadow Singer for over a year now. It had been unbearable to watch him bring other girls to bed since simple one-night stands with no connection aside from physical, but still, I wish I had even that amount of relation with him. But now he’s got his hand on my back, about to make me breakfast just because we woke up in the same bed together. I was sure I wouldn’t be able to get over him if I tried.
I made coffee while he worked on breakfast, my head felt as if it was swelling into my skull, a painful feeling that stabbed into the most sensitive parts of my brain.
I softly groaned as I poured a heaping spoonful of sugar into my steaming cup. I left Azriel's mug unattended, knowing he preferred the bitterness of it while I simply drank it for the caffeine, wanting to get rid of the taste altogether.
A low whistle sounds from down the hall, paired with a heavy set of footsteps that were unmistakably Cassian's. "Morning you two," The male said as soon as he spotted Azriel and us silently moving through the kitchen.
"Morning," Azriel grumbles but I can't even function enough to manage a reply. Cassian's hulking figure brushes past me and toward Azriel, where he had been by the stove. "Hands off," Azriel spat, and I hadn't been watching but I could only assume Cassian was attempting to steal from the pan while Azriel swatted him away.
"Hey, I didn't know you got a new tattoo," Cassian gasps and I whirl around to look at the two males, my eyes narrowing on a sketch of ink over the Shadow Singers' fourth finger, swirling down onto the back of his palm and wrapping up his wrist. Azriel looks at it as if he's never seen it before, his brows twitching together. Cassian gasps again and we look at him with expectant expressions, waiting for him to explain.
"That's a mating ceremony tattoo," He mumbled beneath his breath. Azriel’s eyes snapped to me like he had something to confess.
"A what?" I nearly choke on my own air. Mating? If Azriel was mated already there was no way in hel I'd ever have a chance. I knew I shouldn't have waited so long for him to ask me out, knew I should’ve asked him myself and faced rejection.
"A mating tattoo, matching with your significant other, you get them during the ceremony," He explains as if we genuinely hadn’t known what a mating tattoo is.
"That's ridiculous, I think I'd remember mating with someone, I wouldn't even know where to begin to find someone like that," Azriel scoffs, eyes now avoiding me at all costs and glancing up at the ceiling, to the stove where he had been cooking.
"Well then I suppose we need to find who has the matching tattoo," Cassian hums, then dramatically gasps louder than his last two, pulling his hands from his pockets and inspecting his unmarked hands.
"Oh thank gods," Azriel sighed in relief with a heavily sarcastic tone when recognizing that Cassian's hands were bare of ink.
"Cass be serious, you'd know if it was you," I argue, rolling my eyes at his idiocracy.
"You'd be able to feel something like that," I bring up my hands to show him.
“Az would probably know himself—" I start but I quickly cut myself off when I notice a black smudge on the bottom of my ring finger.
I flip my hands around and stare at them intently. The black tattoo on my left hand embedded into my skin as if it's always been there, and now that I knew I swore it pulsed with life. I ran my finger over it, then began to frantically rub at it, wondering if it’ll come off, if this was all some sick joke. But it remained, and then all of it came crashing down on me.
Mated tattoos. Mated. Azriel and I are mated.
"You're my," I couldn't even get the word out. "My," I breathed through the word, staring down at my hand, black ink wrapping around my wrist, up the back of my palm with swirls and wisps of black until twining around my ring finger entirely. Mine was much lighter than his, more delicate, but the same pattern nonetheless.
He held his hand out towards me, palm facing mine. I tentatively met it with my own, settling my palm against his, his hand much, much larger than mine yet somehow the tattoos had matched up, each line on my skin swirling into one on his.
"Gods, how drunk were we last night?" I sigh, a line coming between my brows.
I pull my hand away from his despite the magnetic force pushing us together telling me not to. "I'm going to leave you two to it," Cassian slowly removes himself from the uncomfortable situation.
"Wait, do you remember anything?" I whirl around to face him. He looks between us, and then his eyes go wide, staring at neither of us but rather what's between us, a golden tether tying our souls, binding them beyond just connection.
"Maybe ask Mor," He rubbed at the back of his head, and I knew with the movement that his hangover had been just as horrid as mine.
"Thanks anyway Cass," I mumble and he nods before excusing himself down the hall.
I slowly turned back to my coffee which was no longer steaming.
It was an effort to even swallow, the silence between us thick with tension, filled entirely with questions that don't have answers, and answers to questions we were too afraid to ask.
"So, mates, that's pretty cool," I mumbled beneath my breath and a smile curved at his lips, attempting to suppress the grin but ultimately failing.
"This is absurd," He shakes his head with a chuckle. "Shouldn't you be taken by The Frenzy?" I wonder, glancing over to him. He swallows and I watch as his throat bobs with effort, avoiding my gaze.
"Oh, I am,"
"What do you mean?" I spin around to face him, my mug cupped in my hands as I stare at him curiously.
"I hadn't noticed it at first, it's kind of how I always feel," He confesses and my brows crease, my confusion doubling over.
"Towards you I mean, I've known we're mates for a while now," His admission nearly makes me choke on my coffee.
"You didn't— why didn't you tell me?" I stutter, placing my cup down before I drop it. He had known all this time? Hasn't he picked up on the hints I had been attempting to give him? Or had he been dragging me along in fear I'd reject the bond?
"I would've told you sooner if I knew you'd find out like this," He gestures between us, at the golden line tethering my core to his I realize. "It's unfair," He adds.
"What is?"
"You were drunk, you didn't get to choose to accept it with good conscience," He explains with a sigh, my new mate clearly in distress about the events he could've avoided if he just confessed a day earlier. "And now you can't reject it, and I feel like I somehow forced it upon you," His hands fall to his sides in defeat and my heart softens. And maybe it was the power of the mating bond that gave me the confidence to take a step forward and grab his tattooed hand with my own.
"Azriel," I start, lacing his fingers through mine. "I would never have rejected you," I confess, looking into his eyes with only truth in my gaze. He stared for a moment, taking my words for what they promised.
"But we're friends," He argued, afraid we just ruined something that was already good, and I had known the feeling well for the past few years. But now I knew he felt the same way, and there were no longer any doubts I had about us being together.
"Did you only have feelings for me because you knew we were mates?" I tilt my head, taking another brave step forward.
"I uh— no, I liked you before," He stumbled over his sentence and a smile tugged at my lips at the effect I had on him when I got closer, my chest coming to press against his and he didn't move, we stand in the middle of the kitchen, not worried about the rest of the world around us.
"Good, we're even then," I nod.
"Even?" He arches a perfect brow.
"I liked you before, too," I confess and his eyes widen only a fraction, but it was a large reaction from the stoic Spymaster nonetheless.
"So, is it okay if I kiss you?" He asked quietly as if this was a forbidden act. Two mates kissing, so simple, yet held so much meaning.
"Yes Az, it's okay if you kiss me," I consent with a soft smile and he mirrors it, tentatively leaning in as he presses his lips to mine.
Something blooms in the pit of my stomach, something that's always been sprouting there but never had the nutrients to grow. Though, as he kissed me everything had felt so complete, like a puzzle piece I had been trying to solve for years slotting into place.
He pulls back and I think to follow him but instead, I allow the separation and look up at him with a bashful smile. His eyes are glazed over with something I haven't seen before, a mix of adoration and lust. He presses his lips to mine again, this time more confidently with little hesitation as he cups my jaw in one of his hands while the other wraps around my waist, pulling me into him.
"You feel The Frenzy now?" I whisper against his lips and he nods eagerly. "It's fucking, painful," He sighs, needing me closer, so much closer. "There's only one way to fix that, hm?" I taunt and his grin turns wolfish. "You're sure Princess?" He arches a brow and I now with a willing smirk. "Please," I hum, pecking up the side of his jaw.
With that, he swooped me up into his arms and practically winnowed us back to his bedroom, making me giggle in both delight and surprise as we landed hard on the bed I woke up in this morning.
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Azriel Taglist: @coolepowersthings @lovely-giggles @quiettuba @ilovewarner45 @judig92 @tothestarsandwhateverend @je-suis-prest-rachel @call-me-a-fool @brieflyclassymortal @cherryjain17 @stqrgirlies-blog @chelsiemp @nyxbranwenn @dnfhascorruptedme
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javiscigarette · 1 year
For You, I Would
Joel Miller x f!reader
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Summary: Joel catches you doing something you definitely shouldn't be doing and teaches you you lesson (or a prequel to Push and Pull aka the first time he sends you to subspace)
Warnings: no use of y/n, let's see, PWP, established relationship, dom Joel (daddy Joel near the end) fingering, crying, subspace, degradation, cum play, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, oral (f receiving), spitting, spanking, ass play, creampies, wet, messy, filthy smut
w/c: 9k of pwp oops
a/n: Sooo there are multiple requests that have been sitting in my inbox collecting dust for months so this is long overdue. And ummm I think I was possessed or something while writing this bc Whoa!!! it's a lot. Anyway, it was fun revisiting push and pull, hope this lives up to those standards lmao
my masterlist
"Yours" you pant, hands clawing at the blankets beneath you. "Always yours" "Mhm" he hums against your neck, the vibrations sending shivers down your spine. "And that's why you like when it's too much. When I'm in charge and you have to do what I tell you, when you have to take what I give you and not complain about it. Because you like being mine"
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It happens on a late, rainy Saturday morning.
The bedroom is dark when you wake up, the rain pounding against the windowpane with a soft rumble of thunder in the distance. The spot next to you is empty but the smell of food cooking wafting upstairs and through the slightly cracked bedroom door lets you know where he is. 
You roll over to the empty side of the bed, the soft sheets still slightly warm. You bury your face into his pillow, the smell of his cologne and shampoo overriding your senses. And that's when you feel it, wetness seeping out of you down your inner thigh. You glance over to the alarm clock, which read 10:12am, 3 hours after Joel woke up with his raging hardon pressed firmly into the back of your thigh. 3 hours after he fucked you into the bed and how he made you cum around his cock twice before he unloaded inside of you, then slowly fucked his cum in as deep as he could get it. 
He got a wet rag to clean you up, but you were too sleepy and tried to actually get up and do something about the liquid slowly seeping out of you. But you kind of liked it, falling back asleep to the feeling of being full of his hot release, drops of it dribbling out of you even though you tried your best to keep it in. 
And now, your cunt is already aching at the thought of his cum still deep inside of you so much of it right where it should be. You inhale a deep breath with your face squished against the pillow, the scent of him going straight to your core and adding to the building pressure. You wish he was here; wish he would just fuck another load into you right now. But if he's making breakfast, then you can't complain. 
So, you take matters into your own hand. With a deep breath, you slip a hand between your bare thighs and press the heel of your palm to your clit, the friction immediately making you moan quietly into the pillow. You rock your hips slowly, lighting grinding against your hand before dipping your fingers into the mess leaking from your hole. You don't even think, you just do. You smear his cum on your cunt, coating it thickly and slipping two fingers into yourself with ease. It's almost embarrassing how easy you open up for them, how slick and wet you are, both from a couple hours ago and now. Your chest feels warm and tight as you slowly pump your fingers in and out of your swollen hole, letting soft moans tumble past your lips as you do so. You're so consumed in what you're doing that you don't hear the bedroom door creak open.
"What are you doing, baby?"
You gasp and yank your hand away like you've been burnt, rolling over onto your back and staring wide-eyed at him.
He's standing in the doorway, red and plaid pj pants hanging low on his hips. His arms are crossed over his bare chest, his face set in a deep frown. 
He caught you red fucking handed.
"N-nothing, I swear. I was just..." You're not sure how to finish that sentence. Your heart was already kicking in your chest from both arousal and the expectancy of Joel's next course of action. You knew you were in for it. You know you broke his rules. 
You cower under his icy glare, wishing you could just disappear into the mattress. But you can still feel a gush of slick seeping out of you, adding to the mess in between your legs. Your heart beats even faster as he silently crosses the room to the side of the bed where you're lying. He sits on the edge, one leg tucked under him so he can face you.
"Do you remember our rule?” His tone is sickeningly sweet and gentle.
 "I-I'm not allowed to touch myself unless you say."
"Mhm" he nods, his hand falling to your thigh. You can feel his grip through the comforter. "Was comin' up here to tell you breakfast is ready, and this is what I find. A bad little girl breaking the rules"
"I-I'm sorry, sir."
He's rubbing your thigh now, the soft fabric of the blanket separating his hand from your skin. "That's alright. It's okay to make mistakes."
The heaviness in your chest lightens at that, a soft smile curling on your lips. You thought you were really in for it.
"But you know what I have to do now, right?"
Your heart leaps back into your throat, a wave of nerves hitting you again, undercut with the wave of arousal causing more slick to leak out of your sore hole. You whine and squirm under the blankets, giving him the most remorseful look you can.  
"I'm sorry, sir" you whisper again, pleading with wide wet eyes. "Just wanted to feel you. Wanted more." Your voice wavers and trails off to a quiet whisper as you cast your eyes down in shame. 
Joel hums, his hand traveling further up your leg, pushing the blanket off your thigh in the process. His hand is warm and big, almost completely engulfing the flesh of your upper thigh.
"I know, baby" he murmurs, his eyes glued to where your thighs are pressed together. "Poor little thing is always so desperate to be filled, huh?"
You bite your lip and nod your head but keep your body perfectly still. You know better than to move right now after the stunt you just pulled. He moves his hand between your legs, his thumb swiping against the slick leaking out of you.
"My little slut is still all wet" he mumbles. The words make you shiver.
He wipes the pad of his thumb over your clit, causing you to gasp and jolt. He shushes you, his other hand coming to grip the underside of your thigh, slowly spreading your legs apart. A low groan, almost a growl, comes from deep in his chest at the sight of your swollen, sopping wet cunt on full display for him, his cum mixed with your sticky arousal leaking steady from your fluttering hole, dripping down, and sliding over your asshole onto the sheets below you.
"Such a sloppy little cunt" he murmurs, dragging his fingers through the mess and then pulling them away. Your eyes are glued to his movements, watching with rapt attention as he raises his hand and slips his fingers into his mouth, licking the wetness off them with a pleased hum.
"Gonna teach you a lesson, baby.” He announces after pulling his fingers from his mouth. “Gonna teach you to follow our rules.” 
"Please, sir” you plead. “I'll be good, I promise. Just...just wanna feel you."
"Oh, I know you’ll be good. And you're gonna feel me" he purrs, his fingers back on your cunt, spreading the slick around and rubbing against your clit. "Gonna fill you up, sweet girl.”
You whimper at his words, a new wave of arousal hitting you and coating his fingers. He groans and slips his middle finger into you with no resistance. 
"But first, m'gonna make you cum" 
You're shocked at his promise. He rarely lets you get off the hook this easy. He wastes no time, pumping his thick finger in and out of your cunt. You moan softly, the pleasure rippling through your stomach, your muscles tightening as he works. He wastes no time adding another finger and curls them up, rubbing at the spot that makes you see stars. Your walls flutter around him as electricity crackles down your spine and settles as white heat between your legs. You whimper as he massages your front walls, more slick and cum running down his fingers into his palm.
"Gettin' my hand all messy, baby" he mumbles.
You try to stifle a moan as you watch his fingers slide in and out of your drenched hole, the lewd wet sounds of it all fills the room and causes your cheeks to burn. It doesn't take long for him to bring you to the edge. It never does. He's had too much practice, knows your body and what buttons to press that get you there in no time.
"Close, sir. Please, I'm so close" you breathe, your hands fisted tightly in the sheets beneath you.
"Go on" Joel murmurs, his voice low and gravelly. "Cum all over my fingers, baby"
And then you're coming undone, a cry leaving your lips as your muscles clench and contract, the waves of pleasure hitting you like a ton of bricks. Joel groans, his fingers never slowing, and leans down to kiss and nip at your neck, his tongue running over the damp hallow of your throat while his other hand squeezes the flesh of your thigh.
"That's it, baby. So good for me, so good."
You're a whimpering mess, your hips rocking and chasing the high as he works you through your orgasm. You eventually start to come down, but his fingers are unrelenting. He continues to massage your front wall, his mouth attached to the base of your throat. You feel like jelly, your limbs heavy and boneless, the only thing grounding you being Joel's hot mouth sucking a dark hickey onto the side of your neck and his thick fingers buried in your cunt. 
"That's one" he mutters against your skin.
You gasp and whine. You know exactly what he means. 
"Joel, fuck I can't-"
"Don't fuckin' lie" he growls, his teeth nipping at your collar bone. "Needed to cum so badly that you had to break the rules and touch yourself and now you're sayin' you can't handle it?" 
"Joel, please. I-"
"You'll cum as many times as I tell you to. Greedy girl, should be grateful that I'm lettin' you cum at all"
You bite down hard on your bottom lip, the familiar tension beginning to build back up in the pit of your stomach. You try to squirm out from his grasp, even though you're well aware it's against your best interest to do so, but you can't help it. It's all so overwhelming and you know it's only going to get worse, that this is just the beginning of what he has planned for you. But his free hand quickly finds your hip, pinning you to the bed. You keep squirming, but the only movement you can manage is a slight roll of your hips against his hand. 
"Stay still and take what I'm givin' you" he grunts, his hand squeezing the flesh of your hip.
"Can't" you whimper. "Can't, 's too much"
Much to your surprise, Joel immediately retracts his hand and sits up straight again. The pressure of his fingers is gone, which you thought would be a relief, but all you feel is cold and empty. He glares down at you, one eyebrow raised expectantly as the muscles flex in his jaw. 
"You want me to stop?"
"No! No, I didn't mean it like that"
"What did you mean, baby? Because I'm not a mind reader. If you need me to stop, then you know what to say, don’t you?"
"I know, I just, I mean-"
"You just what? Just want to be bad still?"
His tone makes you feel small and little, and your cheeks burn. You'd probably cry if it were any other situation, but your cunt just clenches pathetically around absolutely nothing. 
"I meant, um, I meant it's too much and I can't handle it and-and"
"And you're being punished," Joel interjects "And you need to fucking deal with it" his gaze icy and dark.
You bite your lip and nod, tears pricking behind your eyes, but you blink them away. "Yes, Sir."
He hums approving, his wet hand sliding further up your thigh, back towards your center. 
"What's the safe word?" he asks, his tone slightly gentler. Just slightly. 
"Red" you squeak out. 
"Do you wanna use it?" 
you shake your head vehemently. "No, sir." 
He chuckles darkly, his wet fingers tracing over your cunt and teasing your entrance. "Didn't think so. Such a greedy little cockslut."
He's back inside you before you can even respond, pumping his two fingers in and out. You cry out, the sudden fullness and stretch making you writhe under him as his calloused finger pads rubbing against your velvety walls in just the right way. He doesn't bother letting you adjust, just immediately curls his fingertips and pummels against your g-spot. The familiar tension is already building again, but you're so sensitive, and it feels like too much, like a burning ache deep inside of you.
"Oh, god. Oh, fuck" you choke out, voice already watery and wrecked.
"Takin' my fingers so good, baby" Joel groans, his eyes fixed on where he's working in and out of your swollen cunt. "Look so pretty stuffed full of my fingers."
Your thighs shake and your breath gets caught in your throat, and that's how Joel knows.
"That's it. Cum, baby. I wanna feel you squeeze around me again"
You open your mouth, ready to tell him again how it's too much but all that comes out is a loud moan as the tightly wound cord finally snaps. Your walls clamp down around his fingers as your incessantly roll your hips, inadvertently grinding your clit against the heel of his palm. Your hand shoots up to grab his bicep, your fingernails digging into the skin so hard that you're positive you're drawing blood. 
"There you go, baby, that’s it. That’s two." 
He's not stopping, doesn't even slow down, and the intensity is so great that a few tears slip from your eyes. He finally takes his hand off your hip, allowing you to move your lower body, and instead uses his now free hand to push the thin straps of your camisole off your shoulders, tugging it down and exposing your chest.
"Play with your tits, baby" he growls, his fingers still moving inside of you. His voice is starting to sound a little further away as the blood pumping through your veins roars in your ear. Your hands immediately find your chest, squeezing your soft mounds before tweaking your nipples.
"Oh, god" you choke out, back arching off the mattress and into your own touch. Your legs are shaking uncontrollably, and it feels like your heart is going to beat right out of your chest. The fire in your belly is burning bright again, creeping in before you can even recover from the last one. It's all too much. You feel like you're being lit on fire, the feeling in your core almost too intense. You're so overwhelmed and overstimulated yet so desperate for more all at the same time.
"Gonna cum for me again, baby?" Joel taunts, his lips curved in a devilish smirk.
You can't even respond, you can't do anything but lay there and let him work, a pathetic whining noise leaving your lips. Your hands are still on your breasts, playing with them as best you can, pinching and tugging at your nipples, your back arching off the mattress as pleasure and pain surge through you. You don't register what he's doing with his other hand until it’s pushing down on your stomach, right on top of where he’s stroking your spot with his fingers. And the tension snaps once again. 
And that's when the tears fall. 
Hot, wet drops stream freely down your cheeks as the dam breaks open. Your entire body tenses as you cum for the third time in less than 10 minutes, the overwhelming pleasure coursing through every cell in your body while you positively writhe underneath him. 
Joel notices and his fingers immediately still inside of you. Anxiety and concern replace the hunger in his eyes, his heart now pounding his chest for a completely different reason. 
"Color, baby" he says, his voice soft and gentle, doing a good job to mask the worry that's quickly consuming him. 
You blink rapidly, trying to clear your vision enough to look at him. You can't make out his features, your eyes bleary with unshed tears, and your body is so wracked with tremors that you're unable to speak, your breath catching in your throat.
You don't answer, and it terrifies him. His hand slips from your core and you whine, feeling empty and cold and sore, more slick dripping down between your cheeks. He moves to lie next you, wrapping his arms around your waist and holding you tight against his chest. 
"M'sorry, baby" Joel whispers, his voice trembling slightly as you continue to sob into his chest. His heart pounds and his hands trembling where he's holding you. It takes another minute or two for you to calm down and finally take a deep breath. 
"M'okay" you manage to mumble, your lips brushing against his skin. He pulls back at the sound of your voice so he can look at your face. His stomach twists a little at the sight of your raw, tear-stained cheeks. 
"Fuck, baby. Are you sure? I shouldn't have pushed, should've listened to you, should've--" 
"It's okay" you breathe, cutting him off. "Wasn't too much just.... just felt really good" 
Joel frowns and wipes away some of your tears with the pad of his thumb "But you were cryin' honey."
You let out a faint chuckle. "Yeah. But...but it's good. Like, so fucking good"
His face relaxes a bit, relief washing over him as he sighs. "Had me worried, baby. Thought I went too far."
"No, no, you were perfect" you murmur. "Just...didn't expect it, I guess"
Joel hums and places a sweet kiss on your forehead. 
"How do you feel now?" he asks, his thumb brushing lightly over your cheek.
"Shaky, sore. Tired."
He nods his head, his gaze dropping from yours for a moment.
"Think we should talk about this" he says after a few moments.
"We are talkin’" you giggle weakly.
"M'bein' serious" he huffs, his gaze returning to yours.
"I know" you sigh. "Talk about what?”
"What happened. That was a lot, baby. Never seen you come undone like that before"
"I told you it felt good” you remind him, snuggling a bit closer. “Better than good, actually"
"Well, I know that. But I need to know if you're okay, right?"
"Of course. You took care of me. Made sure I was alright"
"I mean, yeah, I did. But...but you’ve never cried like that, sweetheart. Scared me a little"
You stare up at him, his brown eyes full of concern but still so much of that familiar warmth. 
"I liked it" you say quietly, suddenly very aware of how close his bare chest is to your face. "Like a lot. Liked how...how in control you were. Like being used by you, liked the way it felt to be..."
"To be what, baby?"
"Overstimulated. I...I like it when it's too much."
"Jesus Christ" Joel groans, the sound vibrating in his chest and tickling your cheek. "Didn't know I had such a filthy girl in my bed."
"It's not filthy, it's...it's fun."
"Hmm, and that's the only reason?"
"Why else would I like it?"
"C'mon baby, don't play dumb. We both know why you like it"
"W-what are you talking about?"
He laughs, his chest bouncing, and rolls on top of you, his hands bracketing your face and his lips finding yours. He kisses you deeply, his tongue sliding into your mouth and tasting you, his beard scraping against the smooth skin of your cheeks.
"I think you like it because it makes you feel small." He whispers when he pulls away. "And you like being taken care of and held down and bossed around and fucked."
"Joel" you whimper, his words sending a pulse straight to your already throbbing core.
"You like being a good girl for me" he continues, ghosting his lips along your jaw and down the side of your neck, sucking and nipping as he goes. "But you love being punished, don't you? Like when I use you and take whatever I want, however I want. Ain’t that right, sweetheart?"
"Yes" you moan, your legs falling open wider as he settles his body in between them. "God, yes. Love it when you fuck me and call me names and-- and hold me down and tell me what to do."
"I know, baby. Know you're a filthy little slut who needs to be taken apart. My dirty little girl. Aren't ya?"
"Yours" you pant, hands clawing at the blankets beneath you. "Always yours"
"Mhm" he hums against your neck, the vibrations sending shivers down your spine.
"And that's why you like when it's too much. When I'm in charge and you have to do what I tell you, when you have to take what I give you and not complain about it. Because you like being mine"
His words bring back that floaty feeling, your heart starting to race in your chest again. He's right, he knows as much as you do. 
"I love it, Joel” you admit breathlessly. “Love being yours"
“I know, baby” Joel hums, his teeth nipping at the base of your throat. "And you want to keep going, don't you?"
"Please" you beg almost immediately, rolling your hips against his, your clit brushing up against the bulge in his sweatpants.
"Good girl" he growls, his hot tongue lapping at the sweat glistening on the skin of your neck. He trails wet, open-mouthed kisses from the hollow of your throat to your collarbone and down your sternum until he reaches your chest. He takes a nipple in his mouth, his teeth grazing the sensitive nub and making you gasp. He sucks and licks, the tip of his tongue swirling around stiff peak before switching to the other, the flat of his tongue laving over it.
"Love when I tease you like this too, huh honey?" he says, his hot breath fanning over your chest. "Love when I get you all worked up and touch you everywhere except the one place you want it."
"Yes, sir." you whine, threading your fingers through his hair, fingernails scratching lightly at his scalp. He hums as he rolls his tongue around your nipple one last time before pulling back and sitting up.
"Hands and knees" he says firmly, and your stomach flutters at the command as you scramble to sit up and position yourself just like he wants. 
"Such a good girl" he croons, his large hand caressing the small of your back. "So eager and ready to please"
You let out a breathy whimper, his praise making you giddy.
"You gonna do what I tell you? Be my good little girl and let me play with that tight cunt until you can't think anymore?"
"Yes, sir" you nod.
"What's the safe word?"
"And what are you going to do if you want me to stop?"
"Say red"
"Good girl."
The hand on your back slides lower, his palm cupping your ass.
"Spread your legs wider for me" he instructs, his other hand sliding up your spine and pushing your shoulder forward, encouraging you to lean down and put your face against the mattress. You do as he says, moving your knees apart and bowing your back, giving him a nice view of your ass.
"There ya go. Now, stay."
You wait in anticipation, wondering what's coming next. A few seconds later, he swats your ass cheek, not enough to necessarily hurt, but enough for it to sting a little. He rubs the reddened flesh, squeezing the cheek in his palm.
"So fuckin' pretty" he rasps. "My pretty girl."
He delivers a sharp slap to your opposite cheek, his palm connecting with the plump skin. Your cunt clenches and you moan at the delicious pain. He growls, delivering a couple more smacks, a bit harder this time, before soothing the tender flesh.
He then leans forward, pressing a soft kiss to the small of your back, his beard tickling your skin before moving lower. You feel his hot breath against your slit as his palms slide down and grab handfuls of your ass, his thumbs spreading your cheeks and exposing your cunt and asshole. 
"Jesus Christ" he hisses, his warm breath fanning over your pussy. "You're fucking soaked, baby."
Without warning, he drags his tongue through your folds, lapping at your swollen and dripping core. You let out a wet gasp, the sensation immediately rekindling the fire in your belly. 
"So goddamn sweet" Joel groans, He buries his face between your legs, his tongue and beard driving you crazy, the scratch of his stubble burning on your inner thigh. He sucks on your clit, his lips closing around the swollen nub and pulling it into his mouth, his tongue flicking expertly at the little bud. You're so oversensitive and can already feel the coil tightening again.
He flattens his tongue and licks from your clit to your aching hole over and over again. He gets higher and higher with each one until his tongue is lapping at your other hole.
"Oh, fuck" you cry out, the unexpected sensation of his tongue probing at your ass throwing you off guard. Your cunt clenches, and Joel feels it, the vibration making him hum, his beard still scraping the sensitive flesh of your inner thighs. He presses his face harder between your cheeks, his tongue swirling around your entrance before pushing in.
The sounds of your strained moan echo through the room as he fucks his tongue in and out of your tight hole. You squirm, desperate for some friction on your aching cunt, but you're unable to move, his large hands holding your hips firmly against his face. He doesn't let up, his tongue pumping in and out, fucking you and driving you absolutely crazy. He groans as you clench around him, the sound vibrating against you and making you shake. The heat is building rapidly, and your vision starts to blur.
"Gonna make you cum again, angel. Wanna see you fall apart with my tongue in this sweet little hole and my fingers in your tight little cunt"
"Please" you whine, not knowing how much more you can take.
He pulls back, but you only have a second of missing the feeling before he spits on your cunt and uses his fingers to spread it around, mixing it with the slick that's still dripping out of you. He slides a finger inside, hissing when he feels the tight heat of your pussy once again. He adds another, and quickly builds up to that devastating pace, thick fingers pumping in and out of your needy cunt.
"So fuckin' tight" he murmurs, curling his fingers and stroking your walls. "Still so fuckin' tight and wet." You squeeze your eyes closed and breathlessly pant as he scissors his fingers, stretching and opening you up. He adds a third this time, the slide slick and easy as your hole graciously takes what he gives you. His thumb presses on your clit, rubbing circles on the sensitive nub while he uses the other t=hand to grab your ass and spread you open again. He spits again this time on your asshole, just adding even more to the mess. 
"Joel" you cry, his name falling from your lips in a whisper. He's fucking your pussy with his fingers, his thumb working your clit. He doesn't respond, just leans back in and starts lapping at your asshole again. You feel the tension build again, the heat coiling deep inside your gut, the pleasure so intense and overwhelming. Your legs shake and your hips rock back and forth, your body desperate for relief.
"That's it, honey. Want to feel you cum again. Feel how tight and wet you get when I fuck this ass with my tongue and play with your messy little cunt."
Your toes curl, and your back arches, the pressure becoming unbearable. Your pussy squeezes around his thick fingers, and the coil snaps, the tension releasing and the dam breaking. Your mind goes blank, and you scream and sob, your vision turning white. You cry, convulse, and tremble, your whole body shaking as your 4th orgasm rocks through you. He fucks you through it, his fingers continuing to pump in and out of you and his tongue lapping at the slickness between your cheeks.
"Holy shit, baby" he breathes, pulling away when you finally start to come down. You feel him shift behind you, his fingers sliding out of your pulsing pussy and his body moving away from yours. You're still trembling, and your body is numb. Your head feels heavy, and your eyelids are starting to droop. You feel him moving behind you, but you're too exhausted to turn and look at him. 
But that doesn't fly with him.
"Look at me" he commands, and it takes nearly all of your remaining energy to turn your head and look at him over your shoulder. His pupils are blown, his eyes darkening and his jaw clenching. He growls low and deep in his chest, his cock lurching in his pants, and he can't wait any longer. He sits up and fumbles with his drawstring, yanking the knot loose and shoving his plaid pajama pants down his hips. You whimper when his cock springs free, finally relieved of its confines. He hisses as the cold air hits him, but quickly kicks the pants off the rest of the way.
"Can you talk to me, sweetheart?" he asks, his voice strained as he wraps a hand around his stiff length.
"Yes, Sir" you sniffle, blinking tears out of your eyes. 
"Tell me how you're feeling, baby"
"Sore, Sir. But I like it. feel...floaty"
"That's alright, baby. Just relax. Daddy's going to take care of you, okay? I'm going to use this sweet little pussy, and you're gonna lay there and take it like a good girl for me, alright?"
The name he uses causes another strong wave arousal to course through your veins before settling between thighs. The two of you rarely use it - it's usually sir for you, and he rarely calls himself that. But it’s perfect for the moment and you can't help the way your heart speeds up at the sound of it.
"Yes, daddy." you moan, loving the way your lips form around the word, the way it effortlessly slides off your tongue. "Whatever you want. Anything."
"God, you're such a sweet girl" he moans. "Such a good girl, baby. Gonna be daddy's good little slut?"
"Yes, please" you nod, desperate for him to touch you. "Wanna be a good girl."
"I know, angel. Daddy knows." He moves, hovering over you as he digs the lube out of the nightstand. "Gotta make sure you're nice and wet first" 
There’s absolutely no need for it. You’re drenched with cum and slick and spit, wetter than you’ve probably ever been. But he knows how you like it. How he likes it. Wet, hot, and so, so messy.
He sits back, and you watch him squirt some of the liquid into his palm and rub it up and down his length. It's mesmerizing, watching him stroke his cock, the thick, head disappearing and reappearing through the circle of his fingers, his shaft growing even more flushed and the veins protruding and twitching, precum beading at his slit, some of it dripping over his knuckles. You're not sure how much more teasing you can take.
"Always so fucking wet and ready for me" he murmurs, rubbing his cock up and down your dripping folds, getting himself even wetter with your juices. "Such a sweet little whore for me, hm? Sweet messy little slut, always begging to be fucked and filled up" 
You're about to say something, about to beg and tell him yes, you're ready, please, please fuck me, please, sir, when you feel his fingers dip into your pussy again. You moan as he gathers more of your slick and brings his hand to his cock, slathering himself in your juices.
"Messy little thing" he muses. He can't wait any longer. With the tip of his cock against your entrance, he grabs your hip with one hand and your shoulder with the other.
"Tell me you're mine, darlin'" he orders.
"Yours" you immediately whine through tears, arching your back and pushing your hips back. "I'm yours. All yours. Please, Joel, I can't—".
You're cut off by the pressure of his thick cock sliding into your heat. It's a tight fit, a snug squeeze, despite him opening you up on his fingers and tongue. You don’t think you’ll ever be used to his size, his sheer length and girth stretching you out until it burns, no matter how wet and ready you are. 
But he goes slow, sinking in inch by inch, allowing your walls to stretch and accommodate his size. His jaw clenches and his teeth grind together, his eyes falling shut. "That's it, sweet girl" he murmurs, slowly pushing further. "Just relax and let daddy in."
"Daddy" you whimper weakly, your cunt clenching and pulsing around him.
"Take my cock, baby. Just like that."
You're shaking and sweating, your is head spinning. The feeling of him pushing inside is like nothing you've ever felt before, even though you’ve taken him countless times. He's hot and hard, filling and stretching you to the point where you can barely breathe.
"So big" you choke out. "So full 'n sore, daddy" you cry, tears starting to stream down your face again. 
"I know, honey. I know"
He bottoms out, his hips pressing flush against the cheeks of your ass. You gasp and sob, the feeling of him being fully seated inside of you and the stretch and burn overwhelming you. He gives you a minute to adjust, waiting until your breathing returns to normal and the shaking in your limbs subsides. When he feels you relax a bit, he pulls out, slowly dragging his length out until only the tip is left, before pushing back in.
"You're bein’ so sweet, baby. Lettin’ daddy use your tight little pussy."
You don’t say anything in response, just bury face into the sheets, grabbing handfuls of the fabrics as you sob. 
He takes a deep breath and starts to move. Slowly, gently, he pulls out halfway and slides back in, his movements measured and precise. He wants to take his time, doesn't want to hurt you, but the tight squeeze of your cunt, the wetness and the heat and the slick, velvety walls clenching around him are making it difficult.
"More" you gasp. "Please, daddy, more. Need it. Need you."
And how could he deny you that? How could he not give you everything you want, everything you need? So, he sits up and slides his hands back to your hips, gripping them tightly and pulling you back onto him as he rolls his hips forward, the force and the angle making his cock slide over your g-spot. Your vision goes fuzzy, and the air leaves your lungs, and when you finally manage to gasp, his name falls from your lips.
"Fuck" he groans, the sound of his deep, raspy voice sending a rush of fresh wetness around his cock. He can't help but start thrusting into you, snapping his hips against yours, the obscene slapping noise of skin on skin filling the room. “Look at you, poor little baby cryin’ for my cock” 
He doesn’t give you a chance to respond, just reaches up and tangles his hand in your hair, his other hand holding on tight to your waist, gripping the soft skin. He yanks, his fingers threaded through your hair and pulling you up, forcing your back to arch. The new angle makes your head spin, his cock dragging against your sensitive spot and his hips grinding against your ass.
"Daddy!" you gasp. You want to tell him how good it feels, how his cock is filling you up, his size stretching you and hitting places that have never been touched. You want to tell him that you're not sure you're ever going to be able to cum again without his thick cock splitting you open. But your mind is clouded, your body overwhelmed and your tongue heavy. The most you can manage is his name, over and over, a breathless, broken, raspy mantra.
"Yeah, baby" he grunts. "Take it just like that. My good girl takes everything I give her"
And you do. 
You take and take and take and when you're not taking, you're begging. Begging for him to keep going, begging for more, begging him not to stop. And the more you beg, the faster his pace becomes, his hips stuttering against yours. And the faster he goes, the lighter you feel.
The fog that has settled in your brain is becoming thicker and heavier, and when you start to feel weightless, like you're floating, you realize you can't move. Your limbs are heavy, and all you can do is lay there, limp, useless, and completely at his mercy. Your ears start ringing faintly, and your body feels warm and tingly and the only thing keeping you tethered to reality is Joel.
"My good girl" he grunts "So fuckin' pretty. So beautiful like this. Just lettin' me use you like a goddamn little fuck toy, huh? Lettin' me fuckin' ruin you? You love it, don't you?"
You can't even respond. Can't form a sentence, can't form a single word. You're not even sure if you could make a noise. Your eyelids are fluttering, and your eyes roll back into your head, and the only thing keeping you from floating away is the pressure of Joel's hand around your waist. But soon that's not even enough to keep you grounded. Your entire body starts tingling and the ringing in your ears grows louder, and when Joel's thrusts become harder, his cock drilling into you with abandon, his balls slapping against you, and the obscene, wet noises of his cock pumping in and out of you filling the air, the tingling gets stronger, and your body begins to feel numb.
You start to slip, and with your face still turned to the side, Joel watches in awe as it happens. 
The feeling is so intense, and when Joel's other hand grips your other side, holding you in place as he fucks you, it's enough to make you spiral. Your vision goes dark, and you stop hearing the sounds of skin slapping and the dirty things coming out of his mouth and the creaking of the bed and the squeak of the mattress springs. All you can feel is his thick cock filling you, the tip brushing against your cervix with each thrust, his balls hitting your clit, the heat of his body on top of yours, the heat of his skin searing into your back. You can feel the wetness leaking out of you and the tightening coil of desire low in your belly, pleasure so intense, all consuming. You float out of your body, time and space ceasing to exist. Your mind is completely wiped, your vision black with stars dancing across your field of view. You feel weightless, free.
And then there's nothing left. No more thoughts, no more feelings. Just bliss. Peace.
Just Joel.
There is nothing except the weight of Joel's body on top of yours and the pressure of his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your waist, holding you in place while he fucks you. There's nothing else. Nothing. You can't even think anymore. Your mind is blank, empty, and the only thing that remains is the feeling of his body on top of yours, and the heat. God the heat. 
He's hot.
You're hot.
So fucking hot.
Everything is white hot and it's too much. It's too much and not enough, and it's not long before your body starts tensing, and your toes curl and the muscles in your legs clench and spasm and the pressure builds, and builds, and builds. And you don't even know what's happening, can't even process it. 
It's not until his fingers find your clit again when the orgasm hits, the first wave of pleasure crashing over you, riptides dragging you underneath. It's the strongest orgasm of your life, the strongest you've ever had, and it doesn't even end. It just keeps building and building, the waves continuing, and every time you think it's over, another wave comes crashing down on top of you, stronger than the last, the pleasure ripping through your body and leaving you trembling and twitching and writhing, tears rolling steadily down your cheeks.
"There you go, baby" Joel rasps. " Just let go. Let it take over. Cum all over daddy’s cock."
It's like his words are an instruction manual, and you have no choice but to follow his command. The second he says it, you feel the tight coil inside your belly snap, the pressure releasing and flooding your veins, a tsunami of euphoria washing over you and dragging you deeper and deeper into the ocean.
"I'm gonna fill this greedy little pussy up again, sweetheart" he growls, his thrusts becoming erratic and his rhythm faltering. "Know how much you love it when it's drippin' out of you. Know how much you love the mess, my filthy, desperate, little cockslut"
You can't hear him, the sound of his voice too fuzzy and distant. You can't speak, your body and mind still floating, the world spinning and the darkness threatening to take over, to consume you, and the only thing that grounds you is the feeling of his skin on yours.
"Gonna cum inside you. Gonna pump that pussy full, gonna fuckin’ breed you, sweetheart”
And just like that, he does. He slams his cock into you one last time, bottoming out and burying himself inside you, the tip of his cock pressed right up against your cervix, his thick cockhead kissing the opening of your womb.
"Please, daddy" It's all you can manage to get out, and even though it's quiet, and barely a whisper, it's enough to send him over the edge.
"Fuck" he rasps, his cock throbbing and pulsing, his hips twitching as his cum floods your cunt. "That's it, take it, baby. Take all of it. Let it fill you up nice and good."
He collapses on top of you, his body flush with yours, his face buried in your hair, his breathing shallow and labored. He's panting, the rise and fall of his chest and the beating of his heart the only things that keep you from falling into the darkness. You can feel his warm breath on the back of your neck, the heat of his skin against yours. He's warm and solid and he smells good, and it's comforting and safe and secure.
"Fuck" he breathes, the warmth of his exhale tickling the skin behind your ear. "Are you okay?"
His voice is quiet, concerned, and you can't even nod, let alone answer him, but when his lips find the pulse point in your neck, the light press of his soft lips sending a wave of relief through your body, the darkness receding and the fog clearing, the only thing that passes your lips is a shaky sigh.
"I got you, darlin'" he whispers, nuzzling the side of your face. "I'm here."
"Joel" you mumble, voice weak and watery. It's all you're able to get out, but it's enough.
"I know" he murmurs, his mouth finding the skin just below your ear, pressing a gentle kiss to the sensitive spot. "I know. I'm here, baby. I'm not going anywhere. Not ever. I promise."
He sits up and pulls his softened cock out, watching as his cum leaks from your stretched out pussy. He groans, sliding his hands up and down your thighs, his eyes drinking in the sight.
"Messy girl" he murmurs, swiping his fingers through the pool of wetness dripping from your cunt. "Look at all this. My cum leakin' outta your sloppy little cunt”  
You can only whimper softly, your thighs closing around his hand. He takes the hint and removes it, wet fingers smoothing over your hipbone.  
He moves to lie next you again, his hand wraps around your waist and pulls you against his body, the feeling of his bare chest pressed to yours and the soft brush of his lips on your hairline is enough to keep you tethered to reality. The two of you stay there for a while and your breathing synchs to the rhythm of his before he talks again. 
"You went somewhere, didn't you?" he murmurs. His voice is a little husky, a little raspy, and his accent is a little thicker than usual. "Somewhere far away."
"Yeah" is all you can manage to say. You're not quite sure if it's a question or a statement, and either way, you're not even sure how to explain it.
"Was it a good place?"
"Mhm" you nod, the memories of the feeling coming back to you, the way your body felt like it was floating and the way everything just disappeared and the way everything went black and how you could barely breathe. "So good, Joel"
"Yeah? You liked that?"
Another nod.
"You want that again, honey?"
"Yeah" you say quietly. "Want you to push me. Make me cry, make me feel it."
"Mmm, think I can do that again, sweetheart” Joel assures, squeezing you a bit tighter.
"And tell me I'm yours” you add softly.
"You’re mine, sweet girl. You belong to me, and only me."
"And no one else's."
"No one else's" he repeats.
"Say it."
"You're mine. And no one else's."
"Thank you."
"Anything for you, darlin’. Now let’s get you cleaned up” 
You whine in protest, not wanting to move a muscle as he rolls off the bed. But then he scoops you up into his arms, his strong arms under your knees and your back.
"What are you doing?" you giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Can't have you walkin'" he replies. "You can barely open your eyes, I ain't about to let you fall on your ass."
He's right, of course. Your legs feel weak and shaky, and the second he lets go of you, you're not sure you'd be able to stay standing. But he doesn't let go, not even when you're both in the shower and he sets you down on the bench under the warm stream. His strong hands rub soap into your skin, lathering and washing away the sweat and the stickiness, and by the time the suds have rinsed away, the water is turning cold.
"We're gonna have to fix that" he mutters.
"Fix what?"
"This shit water heater."
You hum, the vibrations buzzing against his chest. He turns the water off and reaches for a big, fluffy towel, wrapping it around you and rubbing the fabric over your skin, drying you off. You brush your teeth together, smiling at each other in the mirror, Joel wrapping an arm around you and pulling you into his side. 
"Joel?" you start after setting your toothbrush back in the cup. 
"I love you."
The smile on his face is soft and sweet and his eyes crinkle in the corners.
"I love you too, angel. Now, you stay right here, I'm gonna go strip the bed and I'll be right back, okay?"
You sit on the closed toilet seat lid, wrapped in your fluffy towel. Your eyes are heavy and droopy as you watch him out in your shared bedroom, pulling the soaked sheets off the bed and switching them for fresh ones as fast as he can. He picks out the white ones with the little blue flowers. The ones he knows are your favorite. You're exhausted and spent and satisfied, and the sight of him doing the most domestic task is almost enough to bring more tears to your eyes. You're not sure why, but the emotions are overwhelming, and you have to take a deep breath, steadying yourself.
He carries you back to bed, pulling the comforter over you and propping the pillows up behind you so you can lean back comfortably.
"Gonna go get some food, kay?" he finds the TV remote on the nightstand and hands it to you. "Here. Find something for us to watch. I'll be right back, don't you go anywhere, y'hear?"
"Yes, sir" you mumble, taking the remote and giving him a mock salute.
He shakes his head and laughs, then presses a kiss to your forehead before heading downstairs. The room is quiet when he leaves, the only sound left being the rain still steadily pounding against the window. You take it in, the quiet moment all to yourself. The smell of sex and sweat and his cologne and your body wash still lingers in the air, and you can still feel the tingling of your skin where his mouth and his hands had been, where his fingers and his teeth and his tongue had marked and claimed and branded you. You can still feel him everywhere. His breath on your skin, the ghost of his lips and his tongue. His hands gripping your hips, his fingers digging into the soft flesh, the memory of the pain making your cunt ache.
He returns before your thoughts can wander too far, a plate filled with food in his hands, and a grin taking up over half of his face. 
"Reheated your breakfast that you should've been eatin' damn near two hours ago" he teases, handing the plate over. "My special omelet. And toast."
He crawls onto the bed next to you, leaning back against the pillows and stretching his long legs out, then takes the plate back from you. He picks up a piece of the toast and holds it to your lips.
"Open" he orders.
You roll your eyes. "I can feed myself, Joel." But the second you see the look on his face, you open your mouth, letting him place the bread on your tongue.
"I know" he smirks. "But I can feed you, too."
"Thank you" you mumble around the bread, the corner of your mouth turned up.
"Anything for you, darlin'"
You eat the omelet in bites off the fork that he holds and the toast from his hand. He makes sure to place the plate carefully to catch all the crumbs too. And when the plate is empty, he sets it down on the nightstand, trading it for the tall glass of ice water with one of your favorite straws.
"Drink" he instructs. You obey and he watches you the whole time, only taking back the cup when he's satisfied with how much you take.
"That's my good girl" he purrs, reaching over to the nightstand for the bottle of your favorite lotion. "My good, good girl."
He squeezes some of the lotion into his palm, the smell of strawberries filling the air, and he starts rubbing it into your skin. He starts with your hands, massaging each finger, gently pressing down on your knuckles until they pop. He knows you hate it but he loves the noises, and the way your nose scrunches up is adorable. Then he moves to your arms, squeezing your bicep before rubbing his hands over your shoulders, down the slope of your back, and then up the front, working the cream into your neck, your collarbone, the tops of your shoulders, and then over the swell of your breasts. He massages them, kneading the tender flesh, rolling your nipples between his fingers, and when the lotion is rubbed in and your skin is soft and dewy, he leans down and wraps his lips around a nipple, sucking gently and pulling a soft gasp from your lips.
"Joel" you whimper, the feeling of his warm mouth on your sensitive skin and his rough beard scratching at your chest making your sore, aching pussy throb.
"Mmhmm, darlin'?"
"Kiss me"
He does as he’s told, his lips soft and gentle when they meet yours. It's nothing like the rough, frantic kisses from earlier, the bruising press of his lips against yours, the desperate clash of teeth. This time, it's a tender kiss, a brush of lips and a gentle caress. His lips are featherlight on yours, his breath sweet on your tongue, the taste of the peach tea he loves so much flooding your mouth, the flavor reminding you of the fading summer.
He pulls away and looks at you with the dopiest grin 
"What?" you laugh.
"Nothin'" he replies, the smile still not fading.
"No, not nothing. What is it? Why are you smiling like that?"
"Just happy, darlin. Now pick somethin’ to watch.'"
Your cheeks heat and turn red, and you can't help the small smile that stretches across your lips or the giggle that escapes when he wraps his arm around your shoulders and pulls you closer. You're nestled into his side, his arm wrapped around you and his chin resting on top of your head. You grab the remote and click through all options. Joel groans from above you when you settle on your final choice. 
"Moana? Again? That's like the third time this week." 
You just giggle and snuggle up closer to him, your cheek smushed against his warm, bare chest as the opening scene starts to play.
"I love you" you whisper, your warm breath diffusing across his skin. 
"Love you, too, baby."
You close your eyes, the warmth of his body and the steady beating of his heart, the rise and fall of his chest, the comforting feeling of being cradled against him lulling you to sleep. This is heaven, and you're sure of it.
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sometimes I wonder if there's something seriously wrong with me. Then I realize that I'm just ovulating. Thank you for reading, lemme know if you enjoyed it hehehe I love you all soo much!!
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henza-hex · 1 month
My Husband's Secret 4
Edward's POV
Leo came back from work yesterday a little aloof, he didn't talk much and spent most of the time reading something on his phone. I quickly got bored and went to sleep mad that he didn't give me any attention, and woke up even worse now that he's not on the other side of the bed.
I got out of bed and went stomping downstairs, he would hear a lot from me, don't wanna know how busy he was.
When I got to the kitchen, where I heard some noise, I couldn't help but gasp to this view:
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Sagging, cheeks almost eating his underwear, and a slobby demeanor. Leo is not usually like this, even in our intimacy, although hot, I found it weird.
While he was trying to find something on the lower shelves, he noticed me.
"Finally youre awake, bro. I'm so hungry this morning that I almost thought of making ny own breakfast." He says, as he makes himself comfortable in the chair, putting his feet on the table. "Now you can make one for me."
I was very outraged. Horny, but mad. What is this? It's like he opened my secret diary and read all my fantasies.
"I'm not your bro, baby! What are you talking about? Can't you make breakfast for yourself?" I ask.
He gets up and look me straight into the eye: "What's the point of having a roomate then?"
When he said that, I got chills. So he was playing that? I remember having a roomate way before I met Leo. He was very hot, but wasn't one straight out of those 'alpha doms' fictions, so I could only imagine... and now finally becoming true? I decided to play along.
"The point of a roomate is to keep this house balanced together!" I say as I knock his feet off the table.
He got out of character just for a second to acknowledge that I got it. That stupid smirk.
He gets up and tower over me. I can only feel his hand grabbing the back of my head, burrying me on his hairy pits. How is he so sweaty this hour in the morning?
"The balance is you beneath me, gotcha? If I cook our breakfast, you are eating it straight of my feet." He said in a dominating tone.
Ugh. The same time his pits are warm and damp, I nodded with my head in agreement, cause the stink was too much.
"Good boy. Eggs, bacon, and milk."
"But you-"
"Don't wanna hear about my intolerance, or else youre down to the pits again."
I made our breakfast while he waited scratching his balls.
"Not gonna wash it?" I asked just to tease, and recieved a smash of his hands on my face.
"Clean, haha." He mocked and started to eat. Before I could grab anything, he took my plate too, and that left me a little pissed... play or not, I had to eat.
"Hey! That was mine!" I said with some anger this time. He completely ignored me, and finished his meal by chugging the glass of milk.
He shamelessly belched, patting his belly. "Oh, you want some? Here." In a quick move, he got up and turned around, taking advantage that I was sat, and my face was on the level of his ass. Hos cheeks molded all over my face, as he rubbed it to try to pry my mouth open.
"Eat that... HNNNG-"
RIght on my mouth. It rumbled deeply by it's bassiness, and I can't even start with the taste. Terrible. I gagged and suffocated, passing out slowly, the last words I heard were: "Bon appetit, loser haha."
Leo's POV
It worked! Now quick, before he wakes up, I need to get the next character ready...
I was never a bully, but yesterday I found his old diary, and he wrote about that a lot, luckily I practiced some sports and still have some of my team's old gear... at least smells like it's not washed since high school too, good lord.
I check myself on the mirror, and those are so tight too, got so much bigger. Pretty sure he will love it.
I come back to where I left him and see that he is waking up. Think of something bully-ish...
I easily rip a monstruous belch that takes him out of this lazy state in a second. Aa he opens his eyes, I make sure this the first thing he sees:
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"Where am I?" He loosely asked.
"Where are you? In the locker room, loser. Now begin to do your job and sniff it!" I didn't give time for him to respond, I did. I sat on his face, full on his face. It kinda felt good to sense his nose finding his way into my crack, speacilly that I know he is secretely taking a big whiff of that... I could get used to this.
"Yeeah, take a big whiff of that..." I said as I felt my stomach churn wildly because of my earlier breakfast. Now was time for his real lunch.
HNNG.... FFFFFFFFFRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTT... it bubbled and rumbled so disgustingly that I felt bad for his poor face.
Me, not the bully Leo. "No, no, no, I got a lot more..." I said as I refused to give him a breath of fresh air and push another nasty one... PBPBPBPBPPBPBPBPBPBPBPBPBPBPBBBBBBBFFFFTTTT...
I lifted my ass a little just to have a look at his face and see if he is alright. Sweating, teary eyed, red from suffocating, and even though he managed to wink at me. Top tier bastard.
He was about to say something, and bully Leo took control. I descended my ass on his face again, and...
"Shouldn't have kept your mouth open, loser..." I enjoyed his feeble attempts to take me off of him, as I knew the next one was going to ne serious, I clenched my fists, closed my eyes and pushed real hard
Edward's POV
The last one felt like a punch, I'm never feeding him milk and eggs at the morning, I fear for my life. But let me ask again...
"Where am I?" I hear footsteps into the room, and he comes in... now in a suit. I'm sure he wants to kill me.
"Mr. Rogers, you failed the last exam. I'm afraid I'll have to punish you."
"P-punish me? But I can assure you I'll study harder fir the next one, please!"
"If you get the answers right, I won't inflict you any punishment."
"But if I get it wrong?" I knew the answer and of course had to ask. He slowly descends to my level, face to face, answering me with long and deep belch.
And blowing it all afterwards.
"Understood? Now let's begin." Leo turns around and points his ass to my face. "Mr. Rogers, could you answer about..."
He proceeded to ask, and the only thing I could pay attention was this:
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"Unfortunately oogling at my ass is not the right answer, mr. Rogers." He finished his sentence with a bang, farting full and real loud on my face.
Couldn't ask for a better punishment...
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scarletwinterxx · 5 months
morning with birthday boy - dad jeno scenario
Helllloooooo so i got this request for our birthday boy🥺🤍 extra fluffy for this very special day. Hope you like it!!!
omggg pls pls make a jeno dad scenario for his birthday, maybw surprising him or something ?? 🥹🥹🥹 imagine him having a son who looks exactly like him when he was a kid 😭😭
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(pics not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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You and your son woke up early to make birthday pancakes for the birthday boy. It's a tradition that started years ago when you and Jeno started dating, he knew you loved pancakes so he took you out for breakfast and surprised you with a tall stack of your favorite pancake with a pink candle on top.
Now years later, here you are in your kitchen cooking pancakes with your son, Geonu, about to surprise your husband.
Geonu, now two years old, is at that age where you can let him join the fun. You love cooking and baking so usually he'd be right beside you as your little helper.
"Mommy, owy" his term for chocolate, pointing at the bowl of chocolate chips
"Want to put the choco chips? Okay, you do it like this" you carry him up, showing how and where to sprinkle it. You let him get a handful before you do the same, a few got stuck between his fingers and he immediately taste it
"You silly boy, you only wanted to get the chocolate huh" you tickle him, eliciting giggles from your little boy. Geonu is a splitting imagine of Jeno, when he was born and Jeno's mom said he look3d exactly like Jeno when he was born. And as the years passed by Geonu's showing more resemblance with his father.
Your favorite one being their identical eye smile.
You finish cooking the pancakes, fixing a stack to surprise Jeno with. Carrying the plate in one hand and Geonu with your other.
Opening your bedroom door, you see your husband still fast asleep. His bare back towards the door, you set Geonu on the bed and he immediately crawls towards his dad. Climbing on his back and laying his head right on Jeno's head.
Jeno feels something on his cheek, something settles on his back too. After a few seconds he can feel something wet on his cheek, a tiny voice gurggling.
A smile appears on his face before he could even open his eyes. He peaks with one eye, turning to see you at the edge of the mattress with a plate of pancakes and his son giving him his morning kisses
"Good morning, happy birthday baby" you tell him. He carefully move Geonu from his back to his lap, sitting up to blow the candle
"Geonu, let's make a wish. Okay 1 2 3" the little boy blowing the candle with Jeno, you sit infront your boys watching them with smitten eyes
"Thank you, baby" he tells you, leaning over to give you a kiss
"So how does it feel to be a year older?"
"I'm only a few months older, this would be you soon" he teases you back
One of many birthdays you've celebrated together and now you have your little bundle of joy to celebrate with. There's really nothing Jeno would wish for, he already has everything he needs. He used to wonder if settling down was something he'd do, he didn't really see himself as a family man. He's fine being on his own until he met you.
Ever since then, there isn't a moment he wanted to be alone ever again. He knew he was going to spend the rest of his birthdays with you the moment you smiled so big at him at that breakfast diner a few years ago.
He finally knew what real contentment feels and it's this. Mornings with you and the little boy who is equal parts of him and you. Celebrating birthdays with a tradition the two of you made.
"Let's have breakfast downstairs, I made eggs and bacon and coffee" you tell him, getting Geonu from then standing up from the bed.
Jeno sets the plate down on the bedside table before giving you a hug by the waist. Your hand finds his hair, giving him a half hug.
"I love you so so so much" he mumbles, looking up at you
You lean down to kiss him again, after a few seconds you feel a hand separate the two of you making the two of you laugh
"Uhhhh what is this? She's mine before she was yours" Jeno tells his son, giving his tummy tickles.
"Okay okay let's go get breakfast, we have a full day ahead. You go get dressed" you tell Jeno, knowing full well what's underneath the sheets
He smirks at you, waving as you walk out the door
After a few seconds you peak your head by the door, "I love you too" you say then you walk away. Jeno smiles, his eyes disappearing as the familiar feelings envelops him again. Like he's falling inlove with you for the first time again.
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illuminiscentboba · 22 days
a special occasion : kuroo tetsurou x reader
tags: a bit of hurt to comfort? I tried
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kuroo is disappointed in you, you can see it in the crease of his brows meeting, the impatient tapping of his foot, the expectant stare following you around his apartment, the incredibly vague hints that he insists are dead giveaways.
hes trying to tell you something or more accurately he wants you to tell him whatever he's been hinting at for an hour now. you've seen the hearts around both today and the date of your anniversary on his calendar, and when a sudden alarm roused you both from your slumbers.
you cracked an eye open, catching a glimpse of what you made out to be the reminders app illuminated the screen of his phone, a huge, sleepy grin bringing warmth to his face as he greets you with a raspy happy anniversary baby to which you could only cock your head in confusion, thinking you misheard him. but frankly, you haven't.
unable to stand his expectant stares, you take a seat beside him, leaning into him but he shifts away in the opposite direction. "not so fast." he chides you, almost giving in when you asked him to have breakfast together. "no cuddles from me until you tell me."
"tell you what?" you whined, latching your arms around his waist as he struggles to pry you off him. what did he want you to recall so badly? you guys had your one year anniversary literally yesterday so what on earth could it be to make him withhold his affection. and what did he mean by happy anniversary??
once he tears your arms of him he holds you by your shoulders, scanning your face. he searches deeply for repressed grin whenever you pretend to forget things to tease him or the way you can't meet his eyes when you tell a white lie. when he's only met by the furrow of your brows as you plead for a hint it dawns on him that you actually have no idea what he's talking about.
he heaves a heavy sigh, giving you one more chance to fess up and say you've been waiting to celebrate this day too and were thinking about it as much as he was. "Baby, today is an important day for our relationship."
you look at him like he's lost it. "was that not...yesterday?" its true that was also yesterday, but, "that was yesterday but theres something else."
you pause, taking a moment to retrace your steps. kuroo liked to be sure of himself and so last year kuroo gave it all in testing the waters. he started to flirt with you outside of dumb jokes and references, hug you longer than usual and make time to come with you on errand. he thought he was playing it smart and casual but who was he kidding when he agreed to come with you to babysit your sisters kid? when you two both know he is terrible with children!
but when you started returning his energy and giving him confidence in the mutual feelings between the two of you the proposal to be his significant other was grand and sweet with a huge bouquet of flowers, a love letter and balloons surprising you that afternoon.
but apparently it wasn't about that but instead 'something else'.
"I'm sorry baby but I don't remember what it is."
"our first kiss!"
"we had our first kiss the day after the day I asked you to be mine." he jut his lip out, still sulking. oh god, how could you forget that? literally the first thing after he asked to be your partner you two were whisked away, him to his duties at his workplace and you with wedding events that went on for days, which felt like weeks to him.
you vividly recalled him driving to see you at the wedding, in a tux of his own and you excusing yourself to the bathroom so you two could have some time together and for you two to finally get the kiss he had been texting you about needing all day.
"oh my god your right!" he finally lets you hug him, leaning into your hold. "I've got to make it up to you...can I finally kiss you?" you imitate as he groans, a large palm over his face, one that he lets you slide off his face. "thank you for remembering."
of course he would, it was a really big deal for him. "happy anniversaries baby." "happy anniversaries" he mumbles into your hair and you swear you can finally hear the happiness in his voice. you can't let something like this happen every again you promise the two of you.
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daisymbin · 2 months
bestfriend!vernon + epilogue
warnings: none!
pairings: vernon x afab reader
genre: best friends to lovers!!!!
a/n: I'm thinking of turning this into an ot13 series but I'm not quite sure yet....
word count: 1.8k
requests open!
check out my masterlist!
bestfriend!vernon who you met not randomly or by friends but rather, through your mother. why you ask? because your mom & vernon's mom are best friends, so naturally, their kids have to get to know each other, their kids have to be bestfriends just like themselves. naturally vernon and you just have to get married too so that both your moms can fulfill their life long dream of being sisters, as a family. 
bestfriend!vernon who is always being the one who initiates skinship when it comes to you. he finds comfort and peace in the simple things, like hugging you, holding your hands when you're both in a crowded place or when you link your arms with his and you skip happily while walking home. 
bestfriend!vernon who stays up all night with you till the sun rises when you get nightmares and can't go back to sleep. he would talk about the most random of things to try to help you get distracted from the nightmare; which he of course succeeded in doing. on nights like this, he always makes sure to tuck you in & that you're deep in sleep. only then will he turn off the night light by your bedside table and proceed to sleep on the couch; making sure not to close the door to your room completely in case you get another nightmare & need him around. he wants to be sure he can hear you & be there for you.
bestfriend!vernon who loves loves loves movies and watching them in the cinemas, he also thinks watching movies alone in the cinema is his own way of spending ‘me’ time with himself; occasionally, you would join vernon on these movie nights in the cinema, other times, you prefer watching movies in the comfort of your own home; be it your bedroom or living room. but what vernon loves more than his solo movie dates with himself is talking about the movie afterwards and discussing them with you. vernon loves that you could also see & understand the art and depth behind those movies. he loves that he doesn't feel alone in that department. 
bestfriend!vernon who starts to ask to himself if he should tell you how he feels about you when he overhears someone from your class gushing over you as he walked past their table in the cafeteria to get to you. “are you not having anything for lunch today?” you asked as you watch him set his backpack down on the side of the table with only a juice box in his hands and sits across from you. “I'm not that hungry actually… I had a heavy breakfast. you go ahead, watching you eat will make me full.” he said cheekily. he can't possibly admit to you that hearing someone else gush over you made his stomach twist and made him lose his appetite. “really? but you should still eat something! have a bite of mine!” you raised your spoon to his mouth, “aaahhhh” you said as vernon eyes the spoon in front of him and slowly opens his mouth. he doesn't think he can stomach anything right now at the thought of possibly losing you, but how could he ever say no to you when you plead him to have a bite with your doe eyes? vernon quietly accepts his fate that he will do anything for you, even if its small things like this that you don't know about.
bestfriend!vernon who visits your family in secret on a Friday afternoon when he had no classes. “I was so happy you called, we've only ever spoken on the phone these days, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!” your mother said as she rushes to pull vernon in for a hug. “where is y/n?” she asks as she pulled away from him. “she's in class right now, she doesn't get off until 430pm today,” vernon answered with ease. “I wanted to surprise her, she told me she missed your cooking so I thought I'd come by to pick up some food you made for her to have for dinner tonight instead of the usual pizza we have on Fridays.” vernon admitted as his hands scratch the back of his head out of shyness. “that's so sweet of you vernon! I'm glad she has you by her side. you guys still keep up with your pizza Friday tradition after all these years?” your mother asks as vernon recalls all the pizza Friday nights the both of you had with both your moms right here in this house where he's now standing alone. vernon then realizes how oddly easy this is, to be in your home with your mother, just the 2 of them, as if it's so natural and how its always supposed to be. like he's a part of your family too, not just a friend. “yeah, we still eat pizzas for dinner every Friday thanks to you & my mom.” vernon answers cheekily.
bestfriend!vernon who was rendered speechless when your mother asked him “so, have you told her?” he didn't need to ask what your mother meant or what she was talking about, he knew exactly what she meant. at the young age of 8 years old, vernon had asked your mother for permission for your hand in marriage; not knowing how difficult and different things and feelings actually are when you're both older. back then, everything was simple to naive vernon, if you like someone, you tell them, you kiss them, you get married & you live happily ever after! at least that's what all the barbie movies he's watched with you has taught him. “do you think your daughter feels the same for me?” he asked hesitantly, afraid of the unknown. “that's something you should ask her, not me my dear,” your mother said as she reached out for his hand in comfort. “but what I do know is that if you never try, you will never know. do you think you can live with that? not knowing? and for how long more do you think you can stay by her side as just her friend?” your mother knows all too well how you really feel about vernon. so does his mom. the two adults are simply just watching their two kids being idiots, wondering when the two of you will finally get together. 
vernon's heart feels so full & he smiles so big as he watches you down your mother's food as if you have been starved for days. “god, I really missed this so much. thank you thank you thank you I love you!” you said hurriedly as you leaned forward to kiss vernon on his forehead with your slightly greasy lips, mouth still full of food, not that vernon minded one bit. “you're the best.” you said as you sat back down to devour the food in front of you. “are you happy? are you enjoying yourself?” vernon asked as he took a sip of his apple juice, still with a big smile painted on his lips. “I'm so so happy, thank you vernon.” there your doe eyes go again, vernon feels his heart swelling up at the sight of you.
“y/n.” he said as he tried to calm his beating heart. you looked up at him in acknowledgement without verbally answering. “can I ask you something?” he asked as he picked up a tissue to wipe the side of your mouth, his face turning serious. “what is it?” you asked as you gulp down your juice. “hmm.. how do you feel about me?” your body involuntarily starts giving you hiccups as soon as your brain starts processing vernon's question. “what..what do you mean?” you asked through your hiccups. “no I mean, I just, I like you..I don't know- no no I mean I know I like you, I like you a lot no I mean I love you I just-” vernon stopped himself when he feels like mind had gone haywire, he doesn't know how to do this.
“okay..? I love you too but-” 
“no not like that. I love you as in…I want to hold your hand and i-” 
“but you already do hold my hand…well sometimes.” you say as your words deflate. 
“exactly. just sometimes. because I don't want to bother you too much with it I don't know if it irritates you or bothers you or if you're just holding my hand because I'm holding your hand and you feel like you have to.” vernon picks up the courage to look at you, trying to read your face but for the first time in his life, he can't for the life of him figure out how you're feeling right now or what you could possibly be thinking about.
“vernon what are you trying to say exactly?” you asked after what feels like an eternity of silence. 
“what I'm trying to say is…is that I want to hold your hand all the time, not just sometimes. I want to kiss you too, not just on your forehead, but also on your cheeks and maybe..on your lips too if you'd let me….okay that didn't come out the way I wanted it to but I mean I just…” vernon paused to take a deep breath before he continued, “what im trying to say is that, i love you. i'm in love with you and I want to be with you and maybe... we could end up like they do in those barbie movies we watched when we were younger. well…that is…if you like me too…?” vernon asked cautiously.
you let out a laugh that comes out sounding more like a giggle, “like you too? if i like you too? vernon, i don't know how the hell you haven't figured out how in love I am with you all these years.” only then does vernon’s body physically relaxes and lets out a sigh of relief. “does this mean you'll let me hold your hand through the entire movie later?” vernon asks as he reaches to hold your hand in his. “I'll let you hold my hand forever if you want, only if you'll let me do the same.” 
vernon doesn't think he could be any happier, or that you could be even more adorable than you already are, but he was proven wrong later that night when you fall asleep with your head on his lap drooling a little while your hand was still holding onto his tightly even in your sleep. vernon takes a picture and sends it to your mother along with the message “i told her today 🙂” his phone vibrates in his free hand with a text back from your mother reading “I always knew this day would come!” 
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clarisse0o · 1 month
Camp Wiegman-Part 33
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words : 5k
Saturday, January 9th; 9:15 AM - At Lucy's Place.
I gently hug the pillow against me, letting out a long sigh from between my lips. Negative thoughts immediately flood my mind, even though I've only just woken up. Sometimes, I wonder why I'm still alive. My life is so miserable that I doubt I'd be missed by many. I tell myself that the only thing that has saved me is my new life. I blink in this unfamiliar room, where I realize I'm alone in a large bed and a room that isn't mine. The events of last night come rushing back, reminding me where I am. I understand my earlier thoughts even better now. A muffled groan escapes my mouth as I realize that Lucy knew about my night terrors and that it’s not something new. Although she seemed calm last night, she must be upset with me for hiding things she didn't want hidden. I’ll have to face the consequences now. She must have held back last night because of my state, but I doubt it'll be the same this morning. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s waiting for me in the living room to discuss it. I check the time before forcing myself out of bed. Hiding from life by staying in bed is cowardly. That’s what my dad used to tell me when I was feeling down in Barcelona. I discreetly leave Lucy’s room and head down the hallway. Not seeing her around, I continue towards the living room. I smile when I find her standing with her back to me behind the counter. As I approach, I notice that she’s swapped her pajamas for jogging pants and a black t-shirt. When she turns around, she must be surprised to see me because she stops for a moment before finally smiling at me.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.”
“Hey,” I say timidly, blushing at the nickname.
“I didn’t expect to see you up this early.”
“I don’t sleep as long anymore…” I admit.
“That’s true,” she smiles. “I made breakfast. I hope you’re hungry.”
I relax for a moment, relieved that she doesn’t immediately bring up what happened last night.
“I’d never say no to breakfast,” I reply with a bit more confidence.
“Good. Sit down. What would you like to drink? Tea, hot chocolate? I imagine I don’t need to ask if you want coffee.”
“Hot chocolate, please.”
“Alright, I’ll make that for you. Sit down, everything’s ready.”
I nod gently and turn towards the dining table. Everything is indeed set out. It looks like she had time to prepare a real feast. I sit down, fidgeting in my chair. I’m not particularly comfortable, knowing what’s likely to be discussed soon around this table. Lucy joins me, placing my cup in front of me before sitting across from me with her own.
“Have you been up long?” I continue the conversation.
“Since seven-thirty. I couldn’t sleep, so I went for a run.”
“Oh! You’re brave…”
I distract myself by looking at the table. I don’t know where to look because there’s so much. She thought of everything. There are as many fruits as there are pastries and bread. She must have picked them up this morning. There’s also butter, jam, and even Nutella to go with it.
“Help yourself, that’s what it’s there for,” she invites.
I bite my lip and nod. I can’t bring myself to look at her, especially now that I remember we ended the night in the same bed… In her arms. Damn. Just thinking about it makes me even more uncomfortable.
“Ona,” she calls me, a touch of amusement in her voice.
I finally dare to lift my head and find her looking at me with her head tilted. I get the feeling she can read me like a book right now.
“I think it’s best we talk about it now, huh? I sense you’re going to go crazy before the end of the meal if we don’t.”
I blush, suddenly feeling really foolish. I can feel my heart racing with stress. Still, I nod to confirm what she’s saying. It’s best to talk about it now, to get it over with, even if it means she’ll chew me out properly. What surprises me is that Lucy is more relaxed than I expected. She almost seems to be teasing me. I take a deep breath before starting.
“I’m sorry for waking you up last night…”
My response makes her raise an eyebrow. It’s like she wasn’t expecting me to say that.
“Oh, so that’s all that’s bothering you?”
“Of course not,” I mumble.
“Relax. I’m not going to eat you, you know. Since when are you like this with me?”
Since I don’t want to disappoint you. That answer sticks in my throat. She doesn’t need to know that. Instead, I decide to be honest.
“I feel bad for hiding my episodes from you… Especially since it seems you already knew…”
“I did, yes. I was just waiting for you to come talk to me about it yourself,” she admits.
“Are you mad at me…?”
“A little. I think that if you hadn’t come here, who knows how long I would’ve had to wait for you to tell me.”
“I didn’t want to bother you with something so minor. You already do so much for me, and I was managing on my own until now. It frustrates me to have to turn to you every time something goes wrong with me,” I finish, averting my eyes.
My thoughts are so jumbled. I consider her a friend, but I don’t always feel like she sees me the same way. Sometimes, I feel more like her student and nothing more. It’s ridiculous because if that were the case, I wouldn’t even be here. She places her hand on mine, prompting me to look up.
“Stop thinking like that, it’s not true. I’m doing this as a friend, okay? Wiegman doesn’t ask me to solve your problems. I do it of my own free will because I care about you, and I feel the need to help.”
“It’s fine, I assure you… Everything’s okay for now.”
“Stop lying to me.”
“I’m not lying to you, it’s true. Since you came into my life, so much has gotten better! You have no idea how much you’ve helped me.”
She sighs, running a hand through her hair. She doesn’t seem to realize how deep of a hole she pulled me out of. The change is obvious.
“If what you’re saying is true, then you shouldn’t have any trouble confiding in me when you have a problem. That’s what helps you get better.”
“I do! I came to you when I didn’t know what major to choose. The same when I needed help studying.”
“I’m talking about real problems, Ona. Like your drug issue or your insomnia… See?”
“I do talk to you,” I sigh. “I told you about my problems with my mom and with Feli. You can’t deny that!”
“Maybe, but you’re always hesitant, and you often do it too late.”
“But put yourself in my shoes, damn it! You’ve never lived through what I’ve been through! It’s hard to open up when you’re not sure the person will still be there at the end!”
I freeze, realizing what I just let slip. I hate how easily she gets me to talk. I look up to see her expression soften.
“What are you talking about…?”
I sigh, running a hand through my hair. Now that I’ve started talking, she won’t let it go until she gets answers.
“How do I know we’ll stay in touch once all this is over, huh? I’m already scared you’ll drop me the day I don’t have any more problems to solve…”
“Where do you get these ideas?” she frowns. “I’d always be happy to talk to you, Ona.”
“They’re not just ideas. It’s already happening. You ignore me when I behave all week. If this keeps up, I’ll be tempted to mess up just to get your attention.”
“No, come on. I forbid you from doing that! I’m not ignoring you.”
“Yes, you are. Can you tell me how many times we’ve seen each other these past few days?”
“Ona,” she sighs. “Camp Wiegman is my job. I’m sorry if you feel like I’m ignoring you, but it’s not intentional. I have other things to worry about besides you, though I wish I could avoid them.”
“Sorry… It’s just that… Everyone I’ve ever trusted has a tendency to let me down or disappear… You’ve become the person who knows me the best, and… I really don’t want to lose you too.”
Her sympathetic smile makes me turn away. I don’t like being pitied, even though she rarely does it. A long silence follows. When I look back at her, I find her with a little playful look that makes me frown.
“This isn’t funny, I’m opening up to you here.”
“I never said it was funny. I just find it cute, that’s all,” she says with amusement.
“It’s anything but cute to be abandoned.”
“I would never abandon you, silly! Stop thinking that. If you want to spend time with me at school, nothing’s stopping you from coming to my office during your free time.”
“Of course. If I hadn’t suggested it before, it’s because I thought you preferred spending time with your friends.”
I sink into my chair, suddenly feeling deeply ashamed and foolish. I should have considered other alternatives before revealing my innermost thoughts to her. Now, she knows that she means something to me, even though I didn't necessarily want it to be that way. I feel weak and like I'm giving her the chance to hurt me.
"Hey," she pulls me out of my thoughts. "Everything's okay, alright? I'll always be here for you, no matter what. Never forget that. And if you need to come to me, don’t hesitate, okay?"
I sigh and nod. I wish I could believe it, but it's hard. She gives me a small smile that I struggle to return.
"Well... Can we talk about your nights now? I’d like to know when your first episode happened."
"The first one was the night between Wednesday and Thursday," I confess. "I'm sorry that the second one happened with you."
"Don’t apologize for that. I wanted to be informed so I could keep track of your condition. I was really disappointed to hear it from Alexia."
"You should know that I don’t like to bother people, which is why I didn’t say anything. You don’t need to keep track of this."
"Well, actually, I will be. I want to be notified during your episodes, and I will be, even if it’s not through you."
I sigh and cross my arms, showing my displeasure.
"We’ll find a solution, okay?"
"Okay..." I mumble. "Oh, and, um... Thanks again for letting me sleep with you last night."
"Was it okay for you?" she asks. "I offered it on a whim, but I forgot that you usually sleep only with Mapi or your brother."
My eyes fixate on the cup I had been fiddling with. I realize I hadn’t even had the chance to think about it for a single second, and that’s frightening. I've come to trust her blindly without realizing it. I actually care for her more than I thought. I shake my head slightly to regain my composure and clear my throat before responding.
"Uh, yeah... Everything was fine..."
"Good," she smiles gently. "It looks like you’re starting to improve, huh?"
I awkwardly return her smile and nod. She doesn’t seem to understand that this is all thanks to her.
"Well, now that we’ve talked, we’d better get ready. We have a busy schedule ahead."
I nod enthusiastically. This news delights me. I appreciate that she has planned something specifically for me. This afternoon will be a good way to clear my mind.
"I hope you’re going to show me your version of the city. I don’t want the tourist version. The monuments and all that stuff don’t interest me."
"Don’t worry about that, you can trust me. I’ll take a shower while you finish up. See you later."
She tousles my hair as she passes by to put her cup in the dishwasher, then winks at me before disappearing behind the sliding doors. The bathroom door slams shortly after. I finish my breakfast quietly, appreciating all these small gestures. Once done, I try to tidy up what I can and gather the rest so she doesn’t have to do it all. I then return to my assigned room. I open my suitcase, which has remained in place, to choose my clothes. I opt for a casual outfit with jeans and a shirt. I then make my bed and Lucy’s, thinking it’s the least I can do for her welcoming me so well into her home. It’s also the only way to show my gratitude. When I turn around to leave her room, I jump, not expecting to see her behind me. A wave of heat washes over me when my eyes fall on her body covered by nothing but a towel. Holy shit! I blush even more when I lift my eyes to meet hers. I turn my gaze away to try to hide, even though it’s probably too late for that.
"Sorry, I didn’t expect to see you here. I thought you’d be in the living room."
"Sorry. I... I had some time... I took the opportunity to... To make the beds and... And then..."
"No problem," she laughs at my embarrassment. "Can I get dressed now?"
"Y-yeah, of course. Sorry again."
I quickly leave her room, doing my best not to look at her again. I blush once more when I hear that small voice that sounds remarkably like Mapi saying, "See, I told you." It’s complete nonsense. I’m not interested in Lucy. And even if I were, it’s not meant to be. It’s a lost cause. To clear my mind, I head to the bathroom to get ready... Or maybe not. The steam Lucy left in the room reminds me of what I just saw. Once again, I think about the unhealthy ideas Mapi must be having on my behalf. What if she’s right? I shake my head vigorously at that thought. No, she’s not right, and I should probably strangle her for making me think such things. I’m not interested in Lucy, and I’m even less infatuated with her as she suggests. She’s just a friend... A friend I particularly care about. I splash water on my face to shake off this unpleasant theory. I then dry myself with a towel, which I find is already damp. I groan, imagining Lucy using it before me, and grab a new one. I then take my toiletries to brush my teeth, my hair, and finish with makeup. I’ve always kept it simple: foundation with cream, a line of eyeliner, and mascara. I pack everything up, making sure to take my bag with me as I leave.
"AAAH! What the hell!" I shout at Lucy for scaring me.
I hit her on the shoulder, intensifying her budding laughter. I regret letting Lucy Bronze into my life so much. Her laughter is the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard, and I hate myself for thinking such a thing.
"Oh come on, it was just a joke."
"You’re really mean," I pout, pretending to be upset.
"No, I’m not," she laughs. "Why are you bringing that?" she finally asks, noticing my bag.
"I was going to put it back in my suitcase."
- Why don’t you just leave it here? It’s ridiculous to have to search for it every time. Look, you can leave it here.
Before I can counter her suggestion, she takes my toiletry bag and places it on the counter next to the sink.
- See, I’m organized enough to find a place for you, she teases.
- Thanks.
- Don’t mention it, she says as she pulls out her makeup. I should be the one thanking you for making the beds and tidying up the kitchen.
- Oh, it’s nothing... It was the least I could do.
- Are you ready?
- Yes, yes, I was waiting for you. What are we starting with?
- Don’t be so curious. You’ll find out soon enough.
The frustration and impatience grow within me knowing that I’ll have to wait to find out. On top of that, she announces that we’ll be driving a lot. Long car rides don’t usually bother me, but they might today.
- Okay, I’m ready, she says as she finishes with her mascara. We can leave. Do you think you’ll be warm enough? We’ll be walking a lot and it might be windy.
- Are you telling me I need to change? I ask, looking at myself.
- Don’t you have a big sweater?
- I have one, but not very thick ones. I spend my days in a fully heated classroom, remember?
- Take off your shirt, I’ll be right back.
I grumble but follow her instructions and take off my shirt. She returns shortly with a navy blue sweater, which must be hers. I put it on over my tank top as she advises.
- Is this better?
- Perfect, she smiles. We can go now. Also, take a big scarf.
- Are you taking me to the North Pole? I tease.
- Believe me, you’ll thank me tonight.
I stick my tongue out at her, which seems to amuse her. I put on my shoes, coat, and scarf in my room, then join her in the living room. She takes the time to examine me from head to toe. It seems that my outfit satisfies her, as she finds nothing else to criticize. She then opens the front door, and we use the elevator to reach her car in the basement. Before getting in, we remove our coats and scarves and place them in the back to be more comfortable for the trip. Once done, we leave the building to the sounds of Lana Del Rey. I’m starting to enjoy this CD from hearing it so much. The basement darkness is replaced by the white snow continuing to fall from the sky. The weather here no longer surprises me. I comment on this to Lucy, who has decided to be playful today.
- Is it because you’re humming that it’s snowing? she retorts.
- It’s not likely to be your fault since you never sing.
- Is that a challenge? she raises an eyebrow.
- Maybe. I’m still trying to figure out if you’re a stuck-up girl or not.
- You think I’m stuck-up? she huffs. Well, thanks, that’s nice.
- Well, you’re always so serious at camp. It makes you wonder.
- Stop calling it a camp. It’s a school!
- And you stop dodging the subject. Besides, I’ll call it a camp if I want to, I provoke.
- I’m not dodging, she giggles. Camp Wiegman is my workplace, so it’s normal that I stay serious, right?
- Yeah, maybe too serious for my taste. Especially with the rules, I grimace. Rules are meant to be broken.
- Oh yes, sure. I respect rules so much that you’re in my car right now, she says sarcastically. Maybe I should drop you by the roadside.
- You wouldn’t dare.
- Want to try and see? she challenges with a sly smile.
- Of course, I mock. You wouldn’t be able to anyway.
It’s well known that challenging someone in jest is a risky move, but I’m sure she’d never leave me by the roadside. At least, that’s what I thought until I notice where we are. To put it mildly, nowhere. We’re far from civilization, and we haven’t been driving for long. I start to panic when she surprises me by stopping by the side of the road.
- Get out of the car.
- Seriously? I was just joking!
- Can you trust me for once in your life? she laughs. Come on, get out.
I feel completely disoriented. Still, I unbuckle my seatbelt without thinking and get out of the car as she turns off the engine. Without saying anything, she climbs over the gear shift to take my place. I have a moment of reflection before she gives me the message by tapping the driver’s seat.
- You’re letting me drive? I ask with wide eyes.
- Yeah. You better not make me regret letting you drive my baby.
A beaming smile spreads across my lips. I quickly walk around the car before she changes her mind. I settle into the driver’s seat, not knowing where to put my eyes.
- Adjust the mirrors and the seat if needed, she commands.
I move the seat forward slightly when I realize the pedals are too far. I then adjust the mirrors under Lucy’s watchful eye. I smile as I caress the steering wheel and look at the dashboard.
- Are you comfortable?
- You’re really letting me drive? Aren’t you afraid I’ll mess up?
- I just hope you still know how to drive, she laughs.
- It should be fine...
I buckle up and wait for her permission to start the car. I feel nervous under her scrutiny. It feels like I’m reliving my early driving lessons. It’s been so long since I last drove, and now I’m behind the wheel of an Audi. Lucy’s Audi, no less. When I turn the key, I stall immediately, not noticing that she had left it in gear.
- It’s off to a great start, Lucy chuckles. Are you sure you have a license? Do you even have it with you? she realizes with concern.
- Yeah, I laugh at her reaction. You can check my wallet if you want.
- Hmm, that’s exactly what I’m going to do, she says as she leans toward the back seat.
She rummages through my bag to find my wallet. She seems relieved to find my license and gives me the green light to start. I do as she asks and, fortunately for me, I don’t stall again. I then merge onto the road, making sure there’s no one around. I glance briefly at Lucy, who still has my license in her hands.
- Watch the road, she scolds.
- Oh, come on, I’m managing.
- Obviously, she snickers.
- Where am I going?
- Go straight and at the next intersection, turn right to do a U-turn. There shouldn’t be much traffic here. Do you think you can handle it?
- Normally.
- Hmm, hmm, she smiles. Slow down, will you?
- Are you done yet? I scoff. I feel like I’m hearing my mom when I was learning to drive.
- Hey! I’m far from being your mother, she replies, tapping my thigh.
I mock her while following her instructions. I make the U-turn without any problems, which seems to reassure her. I was lucky there were no other cars. I think she deliberately took this route to give me back the reins. She has me take the previous road to reach a more attractive road. She directs me to the right, introducing me into traffic. I’m proud of my driving, even though I sense that Lucy is not too comfortable beside me. She winces in advance at each possible mistake I might make.
- How did you learn to drive? she asks.
- My dad taught me one summer when I was fifteen. My mom never knew. The day I started driving with her, I had to pretend not to know, I giggle.
- Were you already on bad terms with her back then?
- Yeah. It was a real disaster. At my slightest mistakes, she’d yell at me, which made me mad. We never finished a trip without it ending in a fight.
- I see. Take this way.
Excitement hits me when I see we’re driving along a beach. It’s far from as beautiful as Barcelona’s, but at least there is one. Lucy reminds me to focus on the road. It’s funny how she’s so concerned about her car.
- Do you want to make a stop?
- Can we?
- I had something else planned, but it’s just nearby, so we can park and walk a bit.
- Cool! I’d like that.
I stop at the first parking lot we find and choose a spot where no other cars are around to make sure I don’t hit a mirror. I engage the handbrake and turn off the car with a big smile.
- Happy to finally drive an Audi?
- Thanks for letting me drive at all. I missed it.
I unbuckle and throw myself into her arms, catching her by surprise. She accepts my hug after getting over her initial shock. She then retrieves her keys from the dashboard before we get out. I understand why she asked me to dress warmly the moment I feel the cold air hitting me harshly. It’s even colder than in downtown. I quickly put on my coat and scarf. Lucy puts our bags in the trunk so we don’t have to carry them and lock.
- It's freezing here, I said, pulling up the zipper of my jacket all the way.
- I warned you, she laughed. Follow me. I want to show you something now that we're here.
- Do you come here often?
- Occasionally, when I want to clear my head.
- What do you want to show me?
- Don’t be impatient, princess.
I smile at the nickname she hasn't used in a while. Everyone thinks Leah is the one who started it, but Lucy called me that from my first day. We walk a bit more until she stops in front of a rock formation that is more imposing than the others. I grimace, realizing her intentions.
- Don’t tell me we’re going to climb up there?
- Yes.
Without waiting for my response, she starts climbing. I sigh and try to follow her at a certain height.
- Remember that I’m afraid of heights, right?
- Don’t be a wuss. I promise it’s worth it. Come on, give me your hand.
Since she doesn’t seem to change her mind, I take her hand and she pulls me up to her level before continuing higher. I eventually reach the top without falling. She finds a flat spot where we can sit. It wasn’t so complicated after all. I look out at the horizon thoughtfully. She was right; it was worth it. The view from up here is magnificent. The breeze whistles in my ears, but the place is so soothing that I don’t mind. To think I almost missed this spot. We can see everything from here, but no one can see us thanks to the rocks in front of us that hide us.
- This is where I come most of the time when I need to be alone.
I tear my eyes away from the sea to look at her. She gazes out admiringly. I appreciate that she’s sharing something personal with me. She promised she would this weekend, and it seems she still keeps her promises.
- Tell me about yourself. I want to get to know you better... You know, the real Lucy. Not the camp instructor.
- What do you want to know?
- I don’t know. Tell me about your family, your friends, what you like... Everything.
- Everything? she chuckles. Am I tormenting you that much?
- Totally.
A smile forms on her lips, but she still doesn’t look at me. I turn my attention back to the waves crashing on the rocks below us. I can already imagine this scene in my sketchbook. She takes a deep breath that prompts me to meet her gaze.
- Alright. One thing you can know now. Where do you want to start?
- I already know a few of your friends... So why not talk about your family? If you don’t mind, of course.
- Alright, but only if you tell me about yours in return.
I grimace but agree anyway. It’s the only way to learn things after all.
- Very well, she says, taking a deep breath. To be honest, I’ve never known my real parents.
I don’t hide my surprise. I expected many things, but certainly not this revelation.
- I was adopted at birth, she continues. My parents were clear with me as soon as I was old enough to understand. I never worried about who my real parents were. To me, I already knew them and didn’t need anyone else.
- Wow... I wasn’t expecting that, I admit.
- I know, she smiles. It didn’t stop me from living a normal life, quite the opposite.
- Are you close to them?
- Quite, yes.
- It didn’t stop you from leaving them to come here.
- It was only for studies; otherwise, I would have never left, she tells me with a small smile. I don’t really have much more to add, she chuckles, shrugging. My life can’t be as exciting as you might imagine.
- Don’t you have any siblings?
No, I’m an only child. My mother couldn’t have children, which is why they adopted me. However, I consider Jenni like a sister. We’ve known each other since childhood and grew up together.
- I see... So, you’ve never had any conflicts with your parents or anything like that?
- Not really, she giggles. They’ve always let me live my life. Well, let’s move on to you. What are you still hiding from me? she asks curiously.
- Well, I have divorced parents, a blended family... I’m now waiting for my mother to announce that she’s getting remarried.
- Do you think that will happen?
- I suppose. It would be logical, I shrug.
- And... And your father? she asks delicately.
I could have sworn she’d bring him up. It’s one of the few things she doesn’t know about my family yet. I look at her for a moment, noticing no insistence in her expression. If I wanted to, she’d let me dodge it, but that’s not the most courageous decision. I look ahead as I begin to answer her.
- There’s not much to say, I murmur.
- Sorry. You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.
- If there’s not much to say, it’s because he’s no longer here.
I spoke before my mind could torment me too much. I didn’t want to backtrack now that I was decided to tell her.
- He’s dead, Luce. He’s just dead.
A heavy silence surrounds us at this news. Saying it out loud still hurts just as much. Tears burn my eyes, but I quickly wipe them away with the back of my hand.
- H-He died on a mission when I was eighteen. He was a soldier. H-His death caused my breakdown after high school...
If I look at her now, I won’t be able to hold back the tears that threaten to fall for good. Without saying anything, she puts her arm around my shoulders to pull me closer to her. I don’t think twice about snuggling against her desperately.
- Don’t hold back. You have the right to be devastated...
These simple words release my tears. She squeezes my shoulder and kisses the top of my head.
- It must be hard, but know that you will never be alone again. I’m here now, and I don’t intend to leave you. Okay?
I nod, unable to respond any other way. My throat is too tight, and I might break into uncontrolled sobs.
- D-Do you promise? I ask with a broken voice.
- I promise.
She holds me a little tighter, giving me all the comfort I need. The words are finally out. Someone other than my family or Mapi now knows. I’ve wanted to manage to do this for a long time, and I’ve finally succeeded.
- I’m glad I met you...
- Me too, Ona.
She gives me the time I need to recover. Long minutes pass while I start to feel better and slowly straighten up.
- I think we have a plan waiting for us, don’t we? I ask with my slightly hoarse voice.
- That’s right, and it’s quite packed. Do you feel up to continuing?
- Yeah, I want to enjoy what you’ve planned for us.
- Good, she smiles. So let me suggest we start with the fairground over there, she says, pointing to the place I saw earlier.
- That sounds perfect.
And I mean it. I wanted to go there the moment I saw it, and now she’s offering it to me on a silver platter. She helps me up and down the rocks. She mocks me when I close my eyes on the way down, but it was the only way to manage it. She suggests we head back to the car to get to our next destination faster. I didn’t say no, feeling my feet freezing. It was definitely the best choice.
Saturday, January 9; 3:30 PM - Downtown Manchester.
Our late morning at the fairground was perfect. Lucy is amazing. She managed to make me forget our conversation from this morning. It’s the first time I’ve seen her as anything other than my boss. We’ve just left the restaurant we went to after having fun. She’s taken the wheel for the drive back to downtown. I was happy she let me drive her Audi at least once. It’s the only one that has trusted me so much, and I enjoyed it immensely. The little restaurant she took me to was cool. She once again paid for everything, despite my protests. I ended up abandoning the argument.
- Are you ready to walk?
- Yeah, it doesn’t bother me.
She smiles at me before we stroll through the streets. I don’t know where we’re going, but I trust her. Well, that was until she stopped in front of a dilapidated building. I remain skeptical as she pushes open the door.
- What are you doing...?
- Are you being a wuss?
She challenges me with a mischievous smile, raising her eyebrows. I hate it when she does that. She knows I can’t say no to her. She gives me a nod to go into the creepy building, and I do. She goes ahead to climb the stairs without seeming bothered by the environment.
- Are you okay? she asks, glancing at me.
- Uh-huh...
She chuckles before turning around and climbing at a faster pace. She doesn’t seem to notice that I’m already struggling to keep up.
- What are we doing in this creepy stairwell?
- Patience, you’re too curious. Remind me to ban horror movies for you if you can’t handle places like this.
- I’m not scared! I mutter.
- Have you seen your face? she giggles. You look like you’re going to have a heart attack at the slightest noise. The building is abandoned; there’s no one here.
- You can’t be sure!
- There’s no one here, I’m telling you, she laughs.
I’m relieved when we finally reach the top. She forces open a heavy metal door that eventually creaks open. I cautiously step in behind her. My eyes close as the daylight dazzles me. She props the door open with a slab she found on the ground. I realize we’re on the roof of the building. I slowly move beside her, taking in the surrounding buildings.
- Wow...
I look at Lucy, who’s smiling at me. I momentarily pause on her outstretched hand.
- I know you’re afraid of heights, but you need to see this.
I take her hand without thinking. She carefully pulls me to the edge, which is protected by a safety railing. I hold onto the railing as she positions herself behind me to let me take in the new view.
- Look down...
I take a deep breath before looking. I’m momentarily overwhelmed by vertigo, but Lucy places her hands on my shoulders to ground me. I smile, appreciating what I see. It’s breathtaking. She’s showing me Manchester from above, and it’s a real spectacle. The streets are crowded with as many pedestrians as cars. Everyone continues their lives, unaware that we’re watching them. Walking across the city is so much more effective.
- Visiting in your style, huh?
- Absolutely, she smiles. Not so bad, this haunted building, huh?
- Shut up, I chuckle. Admit it’s scary!
- It’s true I was hesitant the first time I came here, she laughs. But it’s worth it, right?
- Yes! You can’t imagine the number of drawing ideas that have come to mind since this morning with everything you’ve shown me.
- Hey! Copyright then. These are my private spots.
- Is this the first time you’ve brought someone here? I ask curiously.
- Yes and no. Let’s say someone showed me these places, and... I’m showing them to you now.
She leans over the railing beside me to see the city. She looks at me for a moment, a smile forming on her lips.
- These are my personal places that I’m sharing with you. Make sure not to divulge them.
- I won’t say a word, as long as you tell me about the person who showed you these places.
She raises an eyebrow but smiles at the seriousness of my request. It’s a chance to learn more about her.
- It was my first girlfriend... My first love, I’d say. Her name was Kiera.
- What happened...? I ask softly.
Her eyes remain fixed on the city below us. She doesn’t say anything for now. Maybe my question was a mistake. I was about to speak, but she beats me to it.
- She was the first person we met here with Jenni. Let’s say she was a bit like you... She had drug problems she was trying to overcome. I helped her through a detox.
- Oh... I understand better now why you reacted so well with me...
- Yeah, it’s thanks to her, she laughs nervously. I had helped her get out of that. Or so I thought. Everything went wrong in a day. One of her friends called me in a panic. He said she wasn’t responding and he didn’t understand what was happening. My first reaction was to grab my keys and go to her. When I arrived, I just found my girlfriend’s body... She had overdosed.
A strange feeling washes over me. She told the story without any apparent emotion. There it is, her dark memory that she had kept hidden. I try to meet her green eyes, but to no avail. Her reprimands and worries about me become so much clearer. She doesn’t want me to become like her. She’s afraid of losing me like she lost her. It’s my turn to put my arm around her shoulders. She surprises me by resting her head on my shoulder.
- Please don’t fall back into that.
- I won’t. And if I’m feeling down, I’ll talk to you about it.
She ruffles my hair before kissing my cheek. It’s the first time she’s shown such an affectionate gesture towards me.
- Alright, we’ve had enough gloom for today. Do you have any particular desires for this afternoon?
- I thought you already had a full schedule?
- I do, but I prefer to ask you first.
- We’ll stick to your plan, just because I love what you organize.
- Alright, she says, standing up. We can go to Old Trafford if you want. Otherwise, I also saw there’s a street art exhibit nearby if you’re interested.
My eyes light up at the mention of her second suggestion. Her smile is amused.
- The exhibit, I suppose?
- Obviously!
- Good. However, it doesn’t start for another hour, she tells me, checking her watch. But we can take a walk in the park first if you like.
- Good idea, so we can do both.
I’ve always loved nature anyway, and it seems she does too. We head back to the car to reach the park, as it’s too far to walk from here according to Lucy. In any case, she’s truly gone above and beyond to make me happy until the end.
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thefallennightmare · 11 months
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*gif created by me, feel free to use*
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings/Tropes: forced proximity, slight enemies to lovers, slow burn, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death, and swearing.
Summary: Reader is the merch girl for Bad Omens. It wasn't what she wanted to do with her life but when her mother got sick with Alzheimer's, reader took a job where she could to help with the costs. She thought it would be a one-time gig but the longer she was on the road with them, the harder she fell for Noah Sebastian; even if he wanted nothing to do with her. She needed a miracle to save her mom and her future.
Author Note: Hahaha i'm sorry
Tags: @ada-clarence @nonamessblog @thescarlettvvitch @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @theoneandonlykymberlee @yumikitten @blackveilomens @cherrymedicine13 @thebadchic @notmaddihealy @jay02bo @beaker1636 @jakekiszkasguitarpick @punk-pr1ncessxoxo @er3nslovergirl @iamdesolate @lma1986 @jessitpwk @themodern-daywednesday @writethrough @bngurngheart @dreams-that-are-anwsered @loeytuan98 @omens-in-reverse @loverofagoodbeard @jay02bo @niicoleleigh
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The Void.
Whatever you want to call it, that's what I felt inside as I stared at the wooden box in front of me. It was currently closed and the funeral director said they could open it whenever I was ready. How can someone ever be ready to see their love one dead but dolled up to look alive? It's gut wrenching and disturbing. They're supposed to be dead. Why would anyone want to stare at a dead body to remember them when they were alive?
Maybe I should have cremated her.
With a broken sigh, I raised my gaze away from the casket over to the funeral director who was basically running the entire funeral since I have no idea what I'm doing.
"People actually have open caskets at funerals?" I asked again.
Elaine nodded. "It's very common. Should we open it?"
As I reluctantly nodded, I turned my back to the casket just intime to see Lana walk up to me with two large bouquets of flowers in her hands. Quickly I rushed over to her and grabbed one.
"Where do you want these, dear? They're from your neighbors," Lana asked.
"Uh," I gazed around, purposely avoiding the now open casket, and nodded to the doors at the opening of the room. "Right there is probably fine.
Once we set the flowers down on the ground, I brushed my hands against the thighs of my black dress. It was a chilly October day, but it felt weird not to be dressed up to attend a funeral; especially when it's for your mother.
She died one week ago, twenty minutes before I made it to the hospital. Even with all the anger I felt towards her, it crushed me knowing I wasn't there with her when she died. I wasn't there for her much the last few weeks, too busy on the road and pinning for a life that was never supposed to be mine. Lana was there with my mom at the end, as well as someone I didn't expect to see there, holding her cold hand.
"Do you think he'll show up?" Lana asked tentatively.
The subject was still a sore wound, and she didn't know how I'd react.
My bloodshot eyes lazily tore into her. "I told him to stay away. He'd be smart if he listened."
"Have you eaten anything today, dear?" She asked, changing the subject.
Through all the pain and anguish, I was forcing inside, a small smile pulled at my lips. For the last seven days, Lana had stayed in my house with me to make sure I ate, got out of bed, and took care of myself. I told her many times that she didn't need to. I was alright on my own.
"Lana, you literally made me breakfast, and all but forced it down my throat," I reminded her.
She gently patted my cheek. "Just making sure. I could stay another night if you'd like."
I firmly shook my head. "No, you need to go back to your life after today. You've done so much for me already. I'll be fine on my own."
"Well, maybe if you weren't ignoring all of them, you could always call Mr. Seb-."
"Don't," I pointed a finger at her. "I don't want to hear his name."
There was some commotion coming from down the halls, and various voices, and when I peaked at my watch, I noticed that the service was about to begin. Plastering on a fake smile, I straightened out my dress as I prepared for the next hour of the onslaughts of condolences. I wasn't sure how many people who show up today, my mom never talked about friends before her Alzheimer's.
Lana stood next to me as I greeted person after person, accepting their condolences with a pulled-tight smile and a nod. It went on like this for a long while and when the muscles in my jaw couldn't take the pain any longer; I excused myself and walked out into the hallway. I was only alone for a few seconds until my name was called from behind by a familiar voice.
Turning on my heels, a scowl pulled at my lips as my fists clenched. How dare he show up here after I told him to stay away?
"Hi," he gave me a small smile.
"What the fuck are you doing here, James? I told you at the hospital that you're not welcome here," I forced through gritted teeth.
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I pushed through the door of the hospital room but came to a screeching halt at the sight. My mom laying still in a hospital bed with blood dried to various spots of her face and Lana standing at the foot of the bed, fear in her eyes. The monitors were blank as the tubes that were once connected to my mom lay scattered on the floor. But none of that held my attention. It was the man sitting in the chair next to the bed, my mother's lifeless hand in his.
"Who the fuck are you?" I demanded.
The man looked away from my mom and towards me. His dark hair was falling into his face so he ran a hand through it to push it back, his striking blue eyes boring into me. The sharpness of his jaw could cut the tension in the room. I sucked in a breath when a familiar sensation rang inside my mind. This man looked exactly like my real father in those pictures.
"Hi," the man stood to his feet. "You must be Y/N."
I raised a brow while crossing my arms. "Who the fuck are you?"
His eyes darted from Lana back to me. "I'm James; your brother."
Everything around me fell into hell beneath my feet as my heart stuttered in my chest. My mouth ran dry, and I had to swallow a few times to get the moisture back. Even though he looked like how our father did, I still didn't believe him.
"Bullshit," I spat. "How do I know you're not lying?"
James sighed before pulling out his wallet and handing over a frayed picture. Hesitantly I reached for it and when I realized what I was looking at, my heart shattered into a million pieces. It was of James and my mother, the day he was born. It was taken in the hospital room. On the back was written:
James Boyle. January 2, '99. My son.
"You need to leave," I said while thrusting the picture into his chest.
Tears burned in my eyes but I refused to let them spill.
James chuckled. "She's my mother. I'm not leaving her."
"She's already dead," I said.
I would have been more shocked about missing her last breath if Lana hadn't called me twenty minutes ago to say that there was a man here who decided to the plug. My mom was hooked up to a ventilator and was brain dead, as the doctors said, so he made the choice to end my mom's life. There wasn't any hope for her so I would have done the same thing. Although, it wasn't my choice to make. The doctors allowed this random man to decide when he wasn't familiar with my mother's condition.
"How the fuck did they let you decide to end her life?" I demanded to know.
"She made me her power of attorney," James said, not daring a glance my way as he stared down at our mother.
"You? Why the fuck would she let you be her power of attorney? You've been out of her life for years," I said while walking to the other side of the bed so I could glare at him.
James peered up at me with my words. "Unlike you, I've been keeping in touch with her. While you've been gone the last few weeks, I've called her every day at noon to check in on her."
I glared at Lana who simply held up her hands. "I had no idea."
"Her Alzheimers wasn't nearly as bad as you two made it seemed," James said. "She remembered me everything we talked. It was the highlight of her day when I called."
My shoulders were tense with anger and I was trying to hard not to make a scene over my mother's corpse.
"She attacked me with a bat and nearly choked out a friend of mine because she thought he was my dad," I informed him.
James scoffed. "That man wasn't your father."
"Bullshit! Jonathan raised me, unlike your piece of shit father who wanted nothing to do with me!," I bellowed.
The door to the room opened, a nurse walking inside with a pissed off expression. "Alright, there's way too many people in here. The coroner is coming to retrieve your mother and only one can be here for that."
James gave one last longing glance down at our mother. "I'll leave. I have a flight back home to Texas to catch. I'll let you handle the details of the funeral."
"Gee, thanks," I snarled. "Do me a favor, don't bother showing up."
"I'll be seeing you again; soon." James said right before walking out of the room.
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"You've done a great job with the service. It's what mom would have wanted," James said.
I scoffed while shaking my head. "Just because you would call her to check in doesn't mean you know what she wanted. I was with her every single day dealing with her Alzheimers. I was the one taking care of her, not you. You were too busy living your rich life in Texas."
I'd done my research on James Boyle and found out that he was married with three kids and ran his own investment company: a very popular one in Texas. So while I was struggling to pay out my mother's medical bills, he was spending his money on expensive and lavish things.
"It seems like you've made quite the life for you here," James muttered while smoothing down the front of his tux jacket. "You're a merch girl for some band? Good deeds, was it?
"Bad Omens," I corrected. "And I'm their social media manager."
Was. You quit when Noah compared your Only Fans to amateur porn.
James hummed in response. "Well, it must be paying well if you could provide this kind of service for mom."
No, my most recent pictures and videos on Only Fans did.
I was making a decent amount of money from there and even though I quit tour early, Matt still mailed my paycheck to me. So those two combined was enough to pay for the funeral. Even though I shouldn't have gone to these lengths for a woman who lied to me about my entire existence. Maybe that was the reason I wasn't so heartbroken about my mom because of all the lies.
But the guilt that ate away at me every night because I wasn't here was slowly becoming too much to handle alone.
Lana asked me every day how I was doing but I'd lie by saying I was fine when in fact, I was one wrong word from a breakdown.
"I should get back to it," I motioned to the room behind him where the crowd was taking thier seats.
As I walked passed James, he gripped my elbow. I hissed in pain when his fingers dug into my skin.
"Did you go over her will yet?"
I blinked at him. "What?"
He lowered his face closer to mine. "I need to know if she left me anything."
Mother fucker.
My jaw dropped when I realized this was why he showed up, and prematurely pulled the plug. He wanted whatever was left in the will to him.
"You're such a piece of shit," I seethed while trying to rip my arm out of his grasp.
He held tighter, and I cried out in pain.
"I bet bitch left everything to you," James snarled.
"She had nothing to leave! We were broke, barley affording to pay her medical bills on top of our other bills. The only thing I have left is the house but if you're that desperate to have something, take it. It's yours."
I ripped my arm away from him and rubbed my elbow to ease the pain.
As James took a step towards me, a body stepped in front of me to block me from his wrath.
"I'd suggest you take a step back."
My eyes took in the site of Folio with his hair slicked back and black suit, face tense with anger.
"I'm having a private conversation with my sister," James pointed towards me.
Folio fingers twitched, the only sign that he was surprised, but pulled me closer behind him.
"It looked rougher than that," he said.
James took a side stepped towards me which only made Folio push me into a direction of another body. Nick gave me a warm smile as he wrapped an arm around me. Feeling his warmth eased the anger for a moment and I leaned into him. I only told Folio about my mom but knew that eventually the rest of the guys would find out. I didn't expect them to show up to the funeral, though. Tour ended yesterday, and I figured they'd want to stay home to rest.
"This is none of your business."
"Whenever it involves Y/N, it is our business," Folio said. "If you're done here, I can have a worker show you out."
James' gaze bounced from both of the Nicks then to me, his lips pulled into a tight line. With a shake of his head, he adjusted his suit jacket.
"If it means anything to you, I was hoping to meet under better circumstances," James spoke to me.
"Go fuck yourself, James." I spat.
Not wanting to be in his presence for a second longer, I allowed Nick to turn me away from him and steer me into the direction of the room where my mother's service was seconds away from starting. Folio followed close behind until we were right outside of the doors to the room where he pulled us to a stop.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
No, far from it.
I was holding it together during my altercation with James and was seconds away from breaking down.
Nick gently raised my arm and pushed up the sleeve of my dress to get a look at my elbow. "It doesn't look that bad. Shouldn't leave a bruise."
Without a second thought, I wrapped my arms around Nick in a hug, one he immediately returned.
"Thank you," I muttered. "For being here."
His hand rubbed at my back. "Of course, Y/N."
Leaving his embrace, I folded into Folio's. One hand wrapped around my lower back while the other smoothed the hair away from my face as I buried it into his chest. The tears still didn't fall but this comforting touch was almost enough to make me break down.
"I didn't think you would show up."
Folio pulled away to stare down at me. "Why wouldn't we?"
I shrugged. "Tour ended yesterday. You guys must be exhausted."
Nick spoke next. "We would have be here earlier but Jolly was afraid you'd kick his ass if we stopped the tour early."
"Can you blame me? She's got a strong right hook."
Spinning around, I smiled towards Jolly who held his arms open for a hug, which I gladly accepted.
"I'd never kick your ass, Jolly. You're too sweet." I joked after stepping away from his embrace.
We all chuckled as I took in the sight of the three of them, truly feeling the love and appreciation from them. They may have started out as acquaintances when I first began working for them but slowly over time, they had become good friends of mine. But if the three of them are here, does that mean?
I peered over to Folio. "Is No-."
Wiping my head around, I drank in the sight of Noah standing less than five feet away from me. His hair was falling into his eyes and the long dark jacket covered the black turtleneck he wore. Fuck, he looked so beautiful. Even with the anger I felt boiling inside of me from all the hurtful things he said to me a week ago, my heart still skipped a beat as I continued to watch him.
"I'm sorry," Noah said while stuffing his hands deep into the pockets of his pants. "For more than I can even explain right now."
Tears rolled over my cheeks and the taste of them felt bitter on my tongue. My breathing became erratic as I did my best to keep myself calm. I wanted to punch him, pushed him out of those doors away from all of this, and I wanted to tell him what a piece of shit, asshole he was. But yet, more than anything, I wanted to walk up to him and press our lips together.
I needed him so bad, not in a sexual way. I needed the comfort and care he always provided. If anyone could get me through the rest of the day, it was Noah.
"I can't do this right now. The service is about to start," I sputtered before I slipped past him into the room.
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Omg Tony would totally go to lengths to show off his marriage! In conversations with other, he'd say "my wife/spouse" or "my marriage" "my wedding" SO SO MANG TIMES. At a certain point, Rhodes would start COUTING "your score today was 17. You said "my wife" 17 times today, man... I'm texting Y/N your score"
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Pairing: Tony Stark x Wife! Reader
Warning: 18+ smut mentions, fluff!
The glittery rock that sat on your finger shone bright and proud under the morning sun as your turned in your sleep, your left hand resting pretty against the recently vacated spot on your shared bed.
While your chest gentle rose up and down as you slept, the shower turned off and out walked your new husband dripping wet with a towel wrapped around his waist. A soft sigh left your lips as you stirred a little, almost as if you were aware of his presence.
Tony Stark’s heart warmed at the sight of you. A part of him was still in disbelief that he had actually married you and now you officially were his wife. He chuckled at the word as his mind played scenes from the weekend that was by far the best couple of days of his life.
“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may finally kiss your bride.”
As Rhodey finished, Tony had wasted no time in pulling you in his arms and sealing your marriage in a kiss that you wouldn’t forget in a million years. You had married the love of your life and everybody close to you and Tony were witness to this joyous day.
Half of your reception went in stopping Tony from exaggerating how incredible you were, and giggling every time he introduced you to everyone as his wife, it would take some time getting used to however, you couldn’t be happier being Mrs. Stark.
As Tony admired your beauty, a few stray drops of water fell on your bare back from his hair; he watched the droplets make their way down the dip of your spine, tickling your skin as you stirred some more but refused to wake up.
He traced the marks he’d left last night over your body, claiming you as his, his cock twitching at the memory of your sinful moans.
He bent down to press a soft kiss between your shoulder blades, trailing his lips upwards to your neck and ear where he gently sucked on your earlobe to rouse you from your slumber.
“Good morning wifey.”
Tony had no problem admitting he was obsessed with calling you his wife or Mrs. Stark at any given chance, it was as if his heart pumped an extra amount of love every time he called you that.
He watched your eyelids flutter before opening slightly, smiling when you felt his lips caress your face and saw his fingers play with your own, toying with the wedding bands that you had exchanged less than forty eight hours ago.
“Morning husband. I thought you weren’t going to wake me up…” you murmured with a smile, voice still ladden with sleep.
“I wasn’t, but you looked so stunning, I couldn’t help myself. Plus it is what married people do.” Tony stated matter-of-factly, coaxing you to turn around and face him.
“Is that right?”
“Mmhmm.” He murmured, continuing to kiss the side of your neck, abandoning the towel and sliding inside the sheets with you, in turn waking you up fully now that his colder, wet body made contact with your warmer one.
“Then I guess you will have to sleep on the couch tonight, husband mine.”
Tony’s eyebrows shot up in surprise as he resurfaced to look at you, brushing a stray lock of hair away from your face with a love-sick expression on his handsome face.
“Well to begin with, you promised me breakfast in bed last night which I don’t see, and you’ve ruined these sheets too.”
“That’s not fair!”
“I’m sorry but it is what married people do.” You smirked before shimmying away from Tony’s arms, giggling as he chased after you.
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httpsdana · 2 years
please can u do prompt 15 with gavi
i love ur writing sm xoxo
Sunshine~Pablo Gavi
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*GIF is not mine. credits to owner*
another gavi request cause why not. All my requests are either Pablo or Pedri I'd like some changes yeah?
you can request from my prompt list
this is my master list
15-"good morning sunshine " " fuck off"
y/n wasn't exactly a morning person. If her alarm wakes her up she'd be in a grumpy mood all day. And if Pablo was the one to wake her up she would give him the silent treatment all day.
He understood her so he doesn't wake her up unless its something important. And by something important I mean a kiss before leaving for training but thats beside the point.
However, Pablo had a plan for this morning. His practice session was called off and he decided to spoil his girl a little bit. He always felt like he isn't treating her for away away a lot, so he thought that some breakfast in bed can help make up for all the time they have lost.
You wouldn't think Pablo was good in the kitchen. However, he was the good chef in the relationship. y/n usually just made some pasta which was the easier thing for her, but Pablo always made sure to try some new things for his girl (we love a boyfriend that can cook don't we)
He changed from his training kit, and put on a hoodie and some sweatpants. He then walked back to the kitchen to start the breakfast.
He made some pancakes and cut some fruits on the top with a little bit of whipped cream. He also made her some coffee, knowing its what wakes her up fully.
He slowly made his way to their shared bedroom and opened the door quietly. He placed the tray of food on the nightstand next to the bed and slowly got in bed next to y/n
She was laying with a peaceful look on her face, her hair spread across the pillow as she was laying in one of his jerseys.
He brushed some hair from her face and smiled. He leaned in and pressed a kiss on her forehead. When he saw that she didn't react he pressed a kiss on the tip of her nose.
She scrunched her nose up but never opened her eyes. Pablo knew that she was now half awake. He pressed a kiss on her left cheek and then the right cheek before he settled his lips on hers.
She finally opened her eyes and was met with a smiling Pablo. If she woke up on her own she would've smiled at him, but instead she sent him a glare making him chuckle
"good morning sunshine " he cooed making her groan
" fuck off" she flipped over and covered her face with the blanket that was covering her
"no no you're not gonna sleep again" he said removing the blanket from over her face
"fuck you Pablo" she groaned covering her eyes as she still hadn't adjusted to the light that came from the opened curtains
"you wish. I made you some breakfast. How does breakfast in bed feel mhm?" he grabbed the tray from the nighstand and made y/n sit up.
He placed the tray on her lap and smiled at her
"you made me breakfast? what's the occasion?" she asked, a small smile making its way to her face
"should there be an occasion to make my beautiful girlfriend some breakfast" he asked smiling at her happy face
"come on tell me why" she nudged his shoulder making him sigh
"okay okay I just feel like I haven't been there a lot for you and wanted to make it up to you, so I decided on some breakfast in bed with some coffee" he said watching her dive into the pancakes
"you know I don't mind you being away a lot. wait that came out wrong. I mean I understand that you have to be away and I'm glad you're doing what you love with the team you love. I knew what I was getting myself into when I started dating you and I wouldn't change my mind now" she assured him before taking a sip of her coffee
He smiled at her before grabbing her jaw between his fingers. He attached their lips into a small but meaningful kiss, tasting the coffee she had just drank
"I love you so much Pablo" she murmured against his lips
he pressed his forehead against hers and interlocked their fingers on his lap
"I love you more mi amor" he mumbled back
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tired-teacher-blog · 2 years
A lazy Sunday
Characters : Bakugo/ Fem reader
Genre : Fluff, just tooth rotting sweetness/ Suggestive themes on the verge of smut tbh/ Drabble
Please do not read if you're a minor
Masterlist|Second Masterlist
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_ "G'morning princess." his hoarse, thick voice resonated across the room, breaking the rhythmic pitter patter of the rain outside.
_ "Good morning honey." you responded softly, snuggling deeper into his broad chest and relishing the flexing muscles against your back.
You smiled delightfully when his lips latched onto your nape, kissing you lazily as his arms squeezed you between them.
_ " Shouldn't we get up?" muttering your words, you craned your neck wishing to catch a glimpse of the man holding you close, and giggling as you were met with the smooth forehead you so much adore, "cute.." was what you added before attaching your lips to the soft skin that soon crinkled due to your playful comment.
_ "Huh?! Cute?" he sounded offended, his dramatic outburst was almost comical for a moment, just for a moment, until his voice dropped again, "was I cute last night when I made you scream my name and beg for mercy? I don't mind giving you a reminder."
You could sense the smirk lacing his whispered words as two big warm hands roamed your naked body, fingers ghosting over the marks he so proudly left on your delicate skin a few hours ago.
_ "Stop it.." still in his arms, you finally turned around to face him, feigning a cute pout as you voiced your protest.
He remained quiet, his teasing smirk turned into a sweet beam that mirrored itself upon your features.
You could hear the gentle sound of the drizzle again, prompting you to stay in your beloved's hold even just for a fleeting moment.
_ "Can we?"
_ "Of course we can princess, for as long as you want."
Breakfast would have to wait or be forgotten all together, as you were in no rush to leave the warmth of your bed.
_ "I love you." you murmured faintly, lips gliding along his own.
_ "I love you more." he kissed you once, quick and gentle, and then another, and another, until your giggles filled the quiet space of your cosy apartment.
_ "I still can't believe you're actually mine." he tightened his hold around your waist and nuzzled your neck as he longingly inhaled the sweet scent emanating from you.
_ "I am yours honey, forever." you kissed those soft blond unruly locks, smiling as you fiddled with the beautiful diamond ring he had put on your finger two years ago.
The rain had stopped at last, and beams of sunlight seeped through the curtains, illuminating the room and allowing you a better view of your hubby.
_ "Do we have to get up now? Can't we just stay in bed? It's Sunday after all." he whined against your sensitive skin -right under your ear- placing soft kisses along the side of your neck as if to convince you of something you already desired.
_ "I'm spoiling you rotten aren't I? Well I guess we can stay for a bit more if you want." you rolled your eyes and shrugged your shoulders as you struggled to stifle the laughter threatening to erupt.
_ "Well in that case.." he pushed you gently on your back before hovering over you, "how about another round?"
You could feel the smooth head of his cock rubbing against your naked thigh, and you pulled him down for a deep heated kiss, moaning when two fingers slid into your wetness..
Entangled in the warmth of one another is all you've ever needed, so no matter who you meet or where you go, only each other's company is what makes you feel complete.
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silentglassbreak · 8 months
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Noah Sebastian x OFC
Here we are, folks. This is the final part to this piece of Noah & Leena’s story. I’ll write an epilogue, once I’ve made a final decision on if I want there to be a sequel or not. If you want one, let me know. Thank you for coming on this journey with me. This story brewed in my head one night, and I had to get it out. This one is fluffy, some smut, and how I wanted this story to end…for now?🖤
Warnings: Alcohol abuse, overall abuse, mild violence (ie. bar fights), smut, swearing, and altogether just a lot of fuckery. **TW: light kink content (spanking & hair pulling, dirty talk, S&M to a degree)
+It goes without saying. This is a work of fiction. My words are mine. Plagiarism is a crime.
Taglist: @flowery-mess @lma1986 @myownthoughts12
Part 11 - Just Pretend
The rain made the loveliest soft thumping sound on the ground all around the porch. My legs crossed under me, the heavy quilt covering me to keep warm against the fifty-five degree air. I held my steaming mug, the smell of the coffee’s comfortable aroma satisfying my senses. The world was so quiet here, and I couldn’t believe I had been missing this for so long.
“Leena?” I turned to glance at the front door, my dad hanging his head out. “Breakfast is ready.”
I swung my legs off of the swing, pulling the quilt off, and walked into the house. The smell of bacon and pancakes filled the air. My stomach grumbled in response. I sat down opposite my Dad at the table, grabbing the syrup bottle and pouring a healthy amount over my pancakes before tearing into them, ignoring the eggs and bacon on the side of my plate.
Dad munched his own breakfast, carving the slices from his grapefruit carefully with his spoon. "So what time is your guy supposed to get here?"
"Mm," I swallowed the bite in my mouth. "His flight gets in at 12:15. He'll probably be here about an hour later? He's got to get his rental."
"Still don't get why we don't just pick him up." Dad mumbled under his breath.
I shrugged. "Daddy, you're going to be nice to him, right?" I lowered my fork and pressed my hands together in a praying position. "Pleeeease!"
He huffed. "As long as he's nice to you."
I smiled, then. "He is."
"Better be." I narrowed my eyes at my Dad, opening my mouth to speak when my phone went off on the table next to me.
I swiped it and stood from the table.
"Hey, beautiful." Noah's voice was smooth. "I just got through TSA and to my gate. I've got about an hour until my flight leaves."
"Okay! I can't wait for you to get here."
I could hear the smile in his voice. "Me either. Hey, uh, I meant to ask you," He paused. "Your Dad, is he going to like...kill me in my sleep?"
"Uhm," I glanced over my shoulder, watching Dad slip Angel a strip of bacon under the table, and rolled my eyes. "no, no, of course not."
"You hesitated."
I sighed. "Baby," I walked out of the doorway, the screen snapping shut behind me. "he's just protective, but he's harmless." I chewed my lip. "Mostly."
"Mostly?" His voice was clearly apprehensive.
"Just don't ask him to show you the gun room."
"He has a gun room?!"
"It's going to be fine, Noah." I snickered. "Besides, he leaves tomorrow for three days. He's going on a fishing trip. So we'll be alone."
"Who fishes in February?"
I laughed loudly. "That's what you were thinking about?"
"Well, thinking of screwing you in your father's house scares me, so..."
I lowered my voice, "Oh yeah? That's wild, cause all I can think about is you bending me over the balcony railing and fucking me in the pouring rain, but, I mean, if you have questions about fishing..."
"Jesus fucking Christ, Leena!" His voice was hushed, and I cracked a wicked grin. "Not a good place to get an erection! It's hard to hide here!"
I busted out in laughter. "Sorry, babe. It's too easy."
"You just wait until I get you alone, girl."
"Yeah? I don't know, I'm not too worried." I was playing a dangerous game.
"No?" I heard him snicker. "You fucking should be."
A chill ran up my spine, and I heard the door behind me open. Angel ran past me, headed for the lawn to use the bathroom. It startled me.
"Well, we'll just see how it goes when you get here." I brought my voice back up to it's normal decibel.
"Mhm, we sure will."
"I've got to go, babe. I'm having breakfast with Dad."
"Okay, love. I'll see you soon."
"Not soon enough."
I was twirling around the kitchen, getting Dad's lunch cooking. The soup boiled in the pot while I poured in the cream, stirring in parsley and thyme. The smell of the potatoes and cheddar cheese filled my nostrils, creating an absolutely heavenly aroma.
"You didn't have to make lunch, baby. I am capable of feeding myself." Dad stood on the other side of the kitchen counter.
"I know that, but I’m nervous, and need something to do. So you're getting soup."
He nodded. "Smells good."
I smiled, "It'll be ready soon. I'm just waiting for the potatoes to soften up a little more."
He turned his head, something catching his eye. "Hey Lee?"
"Hmm?" I hummed, looking into the pot.
"I think he's here."
My head snapped up, eyes darting out the dining room window, a dark blue sedan pulling up next to my Dad's Ford F150. I broke out in a thousand-watt smile, setting the spoon in my hand down on the counter.
"Angel, come!" He had already nearly beat me to the door. I opened the latch and stepped onto the porch as the driver's door opened.
He stood out of the car, being greeted by Angel, who had already ran down the wooden steps and across the lawn. Noah crouched down, letting him put his front paws on his chest, scratching up and down his sides.
"Hey buddy!" He let Angel lick his face, smiling widely. "How you been? Good? Taking care of your mom?"
He looked up then, eyes catching me. I couldn't hide the excitement on my face. I broke out in a full sprint, nearly tripping off of the porch.
He stood, arms open, and I launched myself upon him. He wrapped me up, picking my feet off the ground. He squeezed me, his fingers digging into my sides.
"Ugh, I missed you so much." My words were muffled in his neck.
He finally set me down, and I reached my lips up to press a quick, solid kiss to his lips.
I heard a throat clearing, and turned my head to see my Dad standing on the steps, looking absolutely unamused. I felt my cheeks tinge pink, but I grabbed Noah by the hand, noticing he was now looking a little green. He really was nervous.
"Daddy?" He hopped down onto the grass to meet me halfway. Noah trailed a step behind me. "This is Noah."
I moved to the side, and my Dad brought his hand forward, Noah slipping his own in easily. "Lorne Richards. Nice to meet you." His voice was stern, testing the waters.
Noah nodded, giving his hand a firm shake. "Noah Sebastian, sir." He gave one of his absolutely mouthwatering smiles. "Thank you so much for having me."
My Dad let his hand go, and put his own in his jeans pockets.
"Leena was just making lunch. Come on in." Turning around, he trotted up the steps, Angel following him.
I could see a visible relief in Noah's posture.
"See?" He glanced down at me. "No biggie."
He smirked. "Did he say you were making lunch?"
I nodded. "Cheddar potato soup."
He raised an eyebrow. "You can cook?"
I swatted at him, laughing. "Oh shut up."
I sat on the couch, side pressed against Noah’s, the movie playing on the screen ahead of us. I heard the footsteps sliding down the hallway, and I glanced up to see Dad looking at me and pointing a finger at Noah.
“Someone’s tired.”
I raised an eyebrow and turned my attention to my now sleeping, slightly drooling boyfriend. His head was leaned against the back of the couch, his eyes closed gently, mouth very slightly ajar. I smirked.
“Yeah, he sure is.” I stood off the couch gently, following Dad into the kitchen.
He pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge and took a long pull. He peeked at his watch, and snorted.
“It’s only eight-o’clock. Kinda early isn’t it?”
I leaned against the countertop, arms folded over my chest. “Yeah, he just got back from Europe a few days ago, so I would bet he’s still jet lagged.”
Dad nodded. “He was quiet at dinner.”
I snorted. “He’s terrified of you, Daddy.”
Dad raised his brows in surprise. “He is? I wonder why.”
I hung my mouth open, amused. “Are you kidding? You’re my Dad and my sponsor. He knows how important you are to me, and how much your opinion matters.”
Dad waved me off. “I’m just a guy, Lee. No different than him.”
“Psh, yeah, okay.” Our voices were hushed. “He wants you to like him.”
Dad raised one brow now. “Is there a reason for that?”
I deadpanned. “Because he loves me? And that gets complicated when the most important person in my life doesn’t like him?”
Dad seemed to accept that, but still looked up at me through his lashes. “You ain’t gonna run off and get married or somethin’ are you?”
“Married?!” My voice came out louder than I intended, and I slapped a hand over my mouth when I realized. My eyes shot back to the living room, seeing Noah still snoozing.
Once I gathered myself, I cleared my throat. “No. No, absolutely not.”
He looked at me incredulously. “Yeah? Seem a little defensive there.” He cracked a grin, making me shake my head laughing.
“Dad, Noah and I have only been together for a few months, not including earlier in the year.”
He padded over to me, placing his hands on the tops of my shoulders. “I get that, baby.” He then lowered his head to catch my eye line. “I also know you love that boy.”
My expression was surprised. “You do?”
“Well, of course. Watching you two together, it’s like teenagers in high school.” This made me blush. “I also don’t doubt that he loves you too.”
This made me grin, like a little girl hearing her first crush actually liked her. “Really?”
“Mhm. Can tell by the way he looks at you.” He then turned his attention back to Noah, snoozing. “And also that he could be at home sleeping off that tour he just did, but instead he’s here for two weeks, facing your very scary Dad.”
He had puffed his chest, which cracked me up. “Seriously? You’re not so scary.”
He huffed out a gruff laugh. “Wait till he sees my gun room!”
Dad had said goodnight to Angel and I, reminding me he’d be gone by 4AM to meet with his fishing buddies. He was leaving food in the fridge, a whole pack of bacon specifically for Angel.
I walked over to the couch, leaning down, touching Noah’s arm and giving it a light squeeze.
He roused quickly, startled, his eyes popping open. They softened quickly, back to the sleepy squint.
“Oh, hey.” He rubbed his eyes and a hard yawn came out. “When did I pass out?”
“A little bit ago. Let’s get you to bed.”
He stood off the couch, stretching his arms. “What time is it?”
“About 8:45.”
He nodded, yawning again. “I’m sorry, I know it’s early for you.”
I took his hand, leading him toward the staircase. “It’s no biggie. You’re exhausted.”
He scoffed. “Well, it’s almost 6AM in Paris, and I haven’t slept since last night. So, maybe a little?”
We walked up the stairs and straight into my room. I had brought his duffle up earlier, and it was perched on the bed.
He grimaced. “You’re sure your Dad is okay with me sleeping in your room? I don’t want to make him uncomfortable.”
I rolled my eyes. “Oh hush. He’s fine. He’s old, not stupid.”
This made him shake his head, unzipping his bag and pulling out sweatpants and a t-shirt.
He looked at me. “Bathroom?”
I pointed him in the direction, and he left quickly. I took the moment to grab my own pajama pants and shirt out of my closet, and slipped my shirt over my head. Back turned to the doorway, I slid my jeans over my hips, standing in my bra and underwear.
I shivered in the cool air of the house, slowly pulling my hair out of the ponytail I had kept it in all day. I took a moment to scratch at my scalp, enjoying the sensation of my hair finally being free and falling loose.
I reached back and unclasped my bra, letting it fall to the floor. Reaching my hands over my head, I stretched my arms and spine, shaking the day off of me.
I whipped around, nearly jumping out of my skin. Noah stood in the doorway, hip leaning against the frame, a dark grin plastered on his face, his eyes locked on me. Instinctively, my hands reached up to cover my exposed breasts, making him intentionally frown.
“Would you knock it off!” I said playfully, chucking my shirt at him.
He caught it mid-air and just shook his head. “Sorry. If you’re going to look like that, then I’m going to ogle. My right as the boyfriend.”
I quirked a brow, letting my hands fall to my sides. His smugness faded while I walked over to him.
“Oh yeah?” I stood only inches in front of him now, my hardened nipples brushing the front of the fabric of his shirt. “Go ahead, then.”
He stared at me, cool expression on his face. He stepped forward and pulled the door closed behind him. He was pressed against me now, fingers of his right hand trailing up my side, grazing the side of my chest. Fresh goosebumps raised on my arms, and I inhaled a hard breath.
“So fucking pretty.” His dark eyes, nearly completely blackened, searched my face. “I can’t believe I went without this for so long.”
I snorted. “Hasn’t been that long.”
His voice was deadly, baritone. “Long enough.”
His lips attacked me then, catching my mouth and pulling me toward him. I stood on my tip-toes, so he caught me off-kilter and pushed me down onto the bed, leaning over me to catch my left nipple in his mouth, his hand coming up to pinch the other.
I gasped, wrapping my fingers in his hair. My hips bucked against his stomach, searching for friction. I felt him lean down onto me, his erection pressing into my leg. A deep, guttural growl escaped him, and he stood up.
I hastily grabbed at him, but he took a step back from the bed, rubbing a hand over his face and through his hair.
I laid back on the bed, eyes blown wide. “What?” My breathing was labored. “Why’d you stop?”
“I just…can’t.”
My mouth hung open in disbelief. “What?! Why?”
“It’s disrespectful!”
I threw myself back on the bed and snarled. “No fucking way!”
He shook his head, hands out in front of him. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Just…not with your Dad in the next room.”
I sat up on my knees, grabbing the front of his shirt.
“Noah, he isn’t going to know!”
“Dads always know.”
“Oh, come on!”
He threw his head side to side. “Nope. I can’t. Not until he’s not here, at least.”
I almost teared up, rejection stabbing my chest. I crossed my arms and stood off the bed.
“Fine.” I grabbed my pajama pants, pulling them on angrily.
I ignored him, pulling my shirt over my head and stomping over to the bed.
He chuckled. “Tantrum, much?”
I sniffled, turning my head so he wouldn’t see the lonely tear running down my cheek. “Let’s just go to bed.”
My voice betrayed me, cracking at the end. He scrambled over to sit in front of me on the bed.
“Hey, hey,” He lifted his fingers to grab my face. “you don’t think that I don’t want it, do you?”
I didn’t respond, just averted my eyes.
“Oh babe.” He smiled at me, cracking my hardened exterior. “You can’t possibly believe that.”
I, again, didn’t answer.
“Look.” He grabbed my hand then, leading it to the middle of his pants, pressing my palm to his stiffened cock underneath.
My eyes widened, and I gasped.
“I want it. Badly.” He shrugged and squeezed his eyes shut, freeing my wrist. “I just don’t want to disrespect your Dad like that. Him liking me is a big deal.”
I smirked. “That big of a deal, that you’re willing to let that go down on its own?” I pointed to his crotch.
He groaned. “Unfortunately.”
I shook my head, leaning my face into his chest. “Fine.”
He circled his arms around me, rubbing a hand up and down my spine.
“But once he’s gone, your ass is mine.”
I was woken by a paw to the face, causing me to startle. I cracked my eyes open to see Angel’s honey brown eyes staring directly at me. A low whine came out of him, and my brain clicked together. He had to pee.
Noah was laying heavy next to me, facing away, a quiet snore coming with the rise and fall of his chest. I slipped myself out of bed silently, Angel making a mad dash for the staircase.
I trotted down the stairs barefoot, unlocking and popping the door open to let Angel out. I closed the door behind him and turned to the kitchen. The coffee pot was on,the carafe full with a fresh brew. I noticed the time, 6:00AM. Dad had left me fresh coffee, and I breathed a sigh of relief.
As early as I fell asleep last night, I was sure that I wasn’t getting back to sleep anytime soon. I grabbed a mug from the cupboard, glancing out of the kitchen window. I noticed Dad’s truck was gone, leaving Noah’s rental alone on the lawn.
A scratching at the door came as I began sipping my coffee, so I let Angel in. He looked at me, and I smiled.
“Go on, go keep Noah warm.” He darted up the stairs in the direction of my pointed finger.
I needed to brush my teeth, and shower. No need to wake Noah, as he still needed to sleep off the jet-lag. There was very little light in the kitchen, as the sun had yet to rise completely over the mountains.
I decided to use the downstairs shower, so I wouldn’t wake Noah. I let the warm water wake my muscles and brain, slipping my pajama pants and shirt back on, minus the underwear from the day before.
Carefully toeing up the stairs, I slipped into the room and pushed Angel to the edge of the bed. He had curled up on my side, pressed against Noah’s back. I slipped back into bed and pulled my phone off of the side table. After checking that my volume was down all the way, I opened TikTok.
Something about the algorithm was strange, since I never looked up Bad Omens content, yet it still managed to cross my For You Page whenever I was with Noah, or thinking about him, or singing one of his songs to myself.
I sat, scrolling through clip after clip of shows from the recent European tour, Noah jumping around stage. He head banged viciously, he screamed until his throat gave out, and he even threw random items at the crowd. The video of him tossing an entire bag of marshmallows played, and I laughed quietly.
After about half an hour, I felt the bed shift, and an arm curl around my midsection. I smirked, and set my phone down on the table. I felt him press his body against my back, his face burying in my neck.
“Well, good morning.” I closed my eyes at the sensation of his breath on my neck.
He inhaled, squeezing me tighter. “Did you shower?”
My hair was still damp. “Yeah, I’ve been up for about an hour.”
He mumbled into my hair. “Should’ve woken me up.”
“Nah. You needed rest.”
I felt him pressing into me harder, his dick stiff and pushing against my lower back.
“Are we alone?”
I smirked. “Mhm.”
His lips started leaving soft kisses across the back of my neck, his fingers now playing with my belly button ring over my shirt.
I tried to center my thoughts. “You want breakfast?”
His hand then gripped my hip, flipping me onto my back. I didn’t realize what had happened before he was kneeling next to me, his eyes half-open and smoldering. He was smiling, a terrifying grin.
“As a matter of fact,” His hands ripped my pants down without mercy, leaving me completely bare in front of him. “I would love some.”
He pulled my thighs open, leaned down onto his stomach, and buried his face between my legs with absolutely no warning.
My eyes burst open, my hips jumping off of the mattress. “Oh my god!”
I was so stunned, I barely registered that his hands had my legs in a death grip, fingers digging into the tops of my thighs. His tongue worked, laying flat, long strokes over my lips, lingering with very specific pressure to my clit.
My knees bent instinctively, pressing my pussy against his tongue, my hand in his hair pushing him closer to me. He obliged so graciously, latching onto my clit and sucking wildly. I squealed a harsh, raspy moan.
“Oh fuck, Noah. Oh fuck. That’s so fucking good, Jesus Christ.”
I wanted to watch him work, his dark eyes flashing up under those sinfully long lashes, but the sheer vibrations from my core made me throw my head back and squeeze my eyes shut.
Just before I thought I would die of stimulation, his hand released my legs, and pressed them upwards, bending my knees toward my chest. This pressed my pussy forward, and I felt his tongue dive inside, his head moving back and forth ever so slightly. My vision went white, and the sounds leaving my mouth were a mix of whimpering and crying.
“Noah, please, I’m going to come. Please don’t stop.” His tongue came back to my clit, attacking me so deliciously while I felt one finger penetrate me. He curled the digit, pressing into the sweet spot. I exploded, a loud scream ripping from my throat. My fingers nearly ripped the hair clean out of his head.
He didn’t let up for at least a minute, making me attempt to thrash around, held down by his too strong hands.
Once he had tormented me enough, he sat up. My legs fell back down to the mattress while my lungs fought for oxygen. I wasn’t given long to recover, as I was quickly flipped back onto my stomach.
His hands hooked under my hip bones, lifting my ass in the air, and I swore I heard the sound of a condom being ripped open. My brain was still swimming from such an intense orgasm, that I wasn’t entirely sure what was happening until he spoke to me.
His voice was deep, full of lust. “Best fucking meal I’ve ever had.”
I felt the head of his cock nudge the entrance of my pussy, and I adjusted my knees wider, lifting myself up on my hands.
He continued to press against me, not quite sliding in. I felt a hand reach up my back, fingers wrapping in the hair on the nape of my neck. I leaned back against him, wanting to feel him inside me so badly I could cry.
At that moment, his fingers tightened in my hair and pulled my head up so I was nearly standing on my knees. His voice was against my ear now.
“Don’t be so impatient, princess. I’ve been waiting for this for months. We’re doing it my way.” His voice was so deadly, my only response was a soft moan.
He didn’t let go of my hair, but did slowly begin pressing into me, and I could hear a harsh breath being sucked in.
“Fucking Christ, baby.” He slid all the way in, pressing hard against my cervix. “Missed this pussy so fucking much.”
He let go of my hair now, letting me fall forward, my face burying in the pillow.
“Hold still for me baby, want to feel you.”
I did my best, I promise I did. But he was sliding in and out so painfully slow, and my body ached for him to just go a little faster. Involuntarily, my hips pushed back against him. I closed my eyes, but opened them when I felt a hard slap come to land on my ass. I sucked in a hard breath at the sting, but felt my walls twitch. I liked that. I liked that a lot.
“I told you to be patient.” His fingers were digging into the spot that he had slapped, but in all fairness, I’m not the best listener. I rocked my hips back again, and then braced myself. The slap that came down was harder, making a bolt of lighting shoot up my spine. I shivered, enjoying the sensation of his palm on my hot skin.
“Having a hard time hearing me, baby?” His hand rubbed over my flesh, and I carefully shook my head. “No?” His hand stopped abruptly, another hard smack landing on my ass.
“Ahh, I see. You like that, don’t you?”
I didn’t respond, only pushed back into him again, mouth watering at the feeling of his cock filling me, when his hand came down again.
He chuckled, a dark, wicked laugh. “I see what you’re doing.” He let go of my ass, but instead of another slap, he pulled out entirely, leaving me whimpering in distaste.
I felt his palm rubbing over my skin, my legs spread wide, hips rocking for him. There was nothing to push back on, and I sighed.
“You poor, eager girl. Must’ve been missing me just as much.” He nudged me with his cock, then, and I held still, not wanting him to move away.
I waited there, patiently, and felt him finally press back inside me. I moaned loudly, gripping the sheets with white knuckles.
“That’s it.” His voice was oddly comforting, although he sounded so evil. “See what happens when you’re patient?”
He was now thrusting at a steady pace, and my eyes began to roll back from the coil tightening in my belly.
“God damn, look at you.” He ran a hand up my back. “So fucking needy. So fucking beautiful.”
My body shook, another hard orgasm building. “Noah, God, Noah, please.”
“What do you need baby?” His hand came down to spank me again, a sickening sound filling the room. My eyes rolled back and I hissed at the sting.
“Yes, fuck!” I screamed.
“Love being spanked, don’t you?” He slapped me again, harder.
“Mmm,” Forming words was getting harder.
Another slap. My legs started to shake.
“So good for me, baby. So fucking good.”
“Could fuck you all God damn day.”
“So fucking tight. So fucking wet.”
His breathing was becoming more erratic, his rhythm slipping. He was close.
“Fuck, Noah, I’m going to come.”
He fucked me harder, his hips barreling against me at an alarming pace. He gripped my hips for support.
“Fuck, baby. Come on my cock. Come for me, Leena.”
That was it, I was gone. My brain was bursting, my screaming wild. My fingers were digging into the mattress now, chanting his name over and over.
I felt him stiffen, his hands gripping me hard enough to bruise.
He slowed his thrusts, his body half-collapsing on my back. My knees gave out, making him fall on top of me completely. I rolled on my side, my eyes half-masked and staring at him. He was breathing heavy with his mouth open, face showing me how spent he was.
“H-Holy fuck.” Was all he could say. I waited a moment for my heart to calm down. He stared at me, an expression I couldn’t place on his face. “Are you…” He trailed off. “Are you okay?”
I smiled, then. He was worried. It was cute.
I answered him with a soft kiss on his lips.
The day had passed so easily. Noah and I had made breakfast, playing 80’s music, him singing very dramatically to all of the Bowie songs. We had taken Angel on a long walk around Dad’s property, and came back in once the rain really started coming down. Needless to say, we spent a fair amount of time on the balcony in the downpour.
We fell asleep watching The Walking Dead, starting from the first season, as Noah had never watched it.
The following morning, I awoke feeling funny. I couldn’t place the feeling, but it was almost dizzy. The sensation made me salivate, similar to when I used to drink too much, and fell asleep before emptying my stomach.
After a tall glass of water, I unfortunately did the same, everything I had eaten the night before being left in the bowl. I cursed under my breath. Being sick was not on the agenda for mine and Noah’s days alone together.
During my mad dash to the bathroom, I had to have woken Noah, as he was now knocking on the door. I had already flushed my vomit, and was brushing my teeth.
I opened the door to see him looking at me, sleep still heavy in his eyes. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
He shook his head, dismissing me. “Are you alright?”
I nodded, my lips still clammy and my color too pale. “Yeah, just not feeling great this morning.”
He walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my stomach while I scrubbed my tongue.
“Dinner, maybe? The pork might’ve been under?”
I nodded. “Probably.” I spit out the toothpaste and rinsed my mouth out. “I’ll be fine. I’ll just take it easy today.”
He gently turned me around and placed his lips to my forehead, furrowing his brow. “You’re not warm.”
I leaned into him. “Nah, it was the pork.”
The following days, I spent laying on the couch or in bed, my stomach fighting against me at the most inopportune moments. I would feel great, back to normal entirely, and then would be hit with a wave of nausea that I couldn’t escape. Once I had vomited, I would be slapped with an overwhelming fatigue that had me napping for at least an hour each time.
I could see Noah getting increasingly worried, but I continued to remind him that I was fine, it was just a stomach bug (the possibility of it being food poisoning less and less as the days went on), and that if I went a week with no improvement, then I would go to Urgent Care.
He seemed satisfied with that, but then Dad came home.
“You’ve been sick for how many days now?”
“This is the third day.” Noah spoke up from behind me where he leaned against the back of the couch. I shot a death glare in his direction, to which he just shrugged.
“Mileena, you need to go get checked out.”
I groaned. He used my full name, which meant he was being my father right now.
“I’m fine, Daddy. I feel good!”
“You’ll be throwing up soon. You always do about an hour after you eat.”
I rolled my eyes and hissed at Noah. “Not helping.”
He threw his hands up in his defense.
“He’s right, I’m driving you to town.”
I scoffed. “Hello?! I am not a child. You can’t just force me to get checked out.”
“You’re my child. I can do anything I want.”
I crossed my arms and stomped a foot, narrowing my eyes at my Dad.
“Daddy, I am nearly thirty years old. You cannot make me see a doctor if I don’t want to.”
“Oh no?” Dad grinned at me.
He then turned his attention to the man behind me.
“Hey Noah, you ever hear the story of when Leena was little and went roller skating for the first time?”
My eyes bugged out. I looked at Noah, whose brows were raised, an amused smile on his face.
“I haven’t, actually.”
My head whipped back around. “Dad! You can’t blackmail me with embarrassing stories!”
Dad laughed. “The hell I can’t! Now you get in the truck, or I will tell him about when you sat on an ant hill.”
I heard an amused giggle behind me, and I growled in frustration.
“Ugh, I hate you both!” I turned and stomped up the stairs. “Let me get my shoes on!”
It had taken ten whole minutes of arguing with Noah to get him to stay back at the house with Angel. I didn’t need him hearing that I had E. Coli, or Salmonella, or just a really bad case of the stomach flu. Him and my Dad ganging up on me had me fuming the entire thirty-minute drive down the mountain and into town, soft country music the only sound in the cab of the truck.
When we pulled up to Urgent Care, I took note of the one other car in the parking lot. With any luck, we’d be in and out quickly.
“I’ll wait here for ya.” Dad settled into his seat and turned the music up a few notches.
I rolled my eyes and hopped out of the truck, walking up to the entrance begrudgingly.
“Hi! What brings you in today?” The redheaded girl behind the counter looked no older than eighteen, and I internally sighed in annoyance.
“I’ve got some kind of stomach thing, a virus or something.” My tone made it clear I was not happy to be there.
She nodded. “Okay, sure, we can help with that. Let’s get you checked in.”
I went through the tedious process of giving her my information before sitting down in the small, plastic chairs of the waiting room. I pulled out my phone, opening my texts.
Me: You may not know this about me, but I fucking hate doctors.
Noah started typing almost immediately.
Noah: Same, but you need to get checked out.
I slumped down into the chair.
Me: Teaming up against me with my Dad is fucked. Gonna kick your ass for it when I get back.
Noah: As terrifying as that sounds, I’m sure it’s worth it.
He started typing again immediately,
Noah: I’m getting those stories out of him still.
Me: Over my dead body.
“Mileena Richards?” A female voice called to me. A short, skinny woman in scrubs called me from the door leading to the exam rooms.
I stood up and walked toward her. She smiled warmly at me, and I tried to return the gesture.
She led me to a room where she took my weight, blood pressure, and pulse ox. She then sat back and asked me to describe my symptoms.
“Well, I’ve been throwing up a lot. It seems pretty random.”
“Okay, and have you noticed it happens after anything specific? Like eating or exercise?”
I shook my head. “Maybe about an hour or so after eating? But not every time.”
She nodded. “Any cramping? Gas? Diarrhea?”
I just shook my head. “No, but right before I vomit, I get pretty lightheaded.”
She was typing into her computer. She turned her attention back to me.
“Okay, honey, and when was the first date of your last menstrual cycle?”
She pushed a small calendar toward me, and I wracked my brain. I was so bad at remembering this stuff. I flipped back a month, looking at January. What day in January?
I remembered buying tampons at Target. Where was that? Laura was with me. It was about five days before I moved. We had gone to Target for packing tape, microwave popcorn, bubble wrap, and tampons. I wasn’t due for my period for another week, but I didn’t want to be on a flight to Seattle, and it show up early while I was unprepared.
But…I never used them. My period wasn’t exact, but it came at about the end of each month. We went to the store on January 22nd. 23rd? That means my last period was just before Christmas, which I remember, because I was extra cranky when I woke up Christmas morning at Laura’s, spending the holiday with her and Will. It started on Christmas Eve…
“I, uh…” I stared at the calendar, small and tinted green with little peonies on the corner. “I think it was Christmas Eve.”
The nurse raised a brow at me over the rim of her glasses. “Any chance you could be pregnant?”
I shook my head, staring at the floor, bewildered.
“No.” She didn’t seem satisfied with that answer, her face not moving an inch. “I wasn’t sexually active much at that time.”
She pursed her lips, and pushed herself away from her desk.
“Okay, honey, follow me.”
I stood up, my brain scattered. Noah and I were always careful, so it’s just not possible.
“Alright dear,” She held a plastic cup in front of me. “I need a urine sample from you, in case we need X-rays on your abdomen, we just need to be sure.”
I nodded, accepting the cup and heading toward the bathroom she directed me to.
“Doctor will meet you back in the exam room. Just leave the cup on the tray that’s next to the sink.”
I locked the bathroom door behind me, and stared at the cup. The unnerving instinct to run out of the office and into my Dad’s truck, lying and telling him it was the stomach flu, flooded through me, making my face go numb.
My logical sense took over, and I meticulously peed in the cup, replacing the lid and scrubbing my hands in the sink.
Once I was sat back in the room, opting for the chair, rather than the paper-lined bed, I sat in silence. My phone buzzed in my sweatshirt pocket, and I lifted it with a shaking hand.
Noah: Any news?
My fingers trembled so hard that I screwed up my words and had to keep deleting and retyping.
Me: Not yet.
I didn’t lie, because there wasn’t any. I was just going absolutely insane, and the power of suggestion was making my mind play tricks on me.
I replaced my phone in my pocket and forced myself to take a deep breath. I was fine. Just sick. Nothing serious. Nothing life-changing about it.
A short rap on the door made me startle before it cracked open.
“Mileena?” A tall, older man entered the room. He wore dark green scrubs, a white coat, and a stethoscope around his neck. Very stereotypically doctor-looking.
I nodded in response.
He stepped in with a small stack of papers in his hands. “I’m Dr. Allen.” He was looking down at his documents. “I hear you haven’t been feeling well?”
I coughed to clear my throat. “Yeah, for the last few days.”
He nodded, clicking his tongue while he flipped through the forms.
“Okay, well, I’m going to do an exam, but I’m pretty sure I know why you’re feeling crappy.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
He looked up at me, a smile on his face. “Yep. Your hCG levels are pretty elevated, and you’re also very dehydrated.”
What the hell is hCG?
I shook my head. “Uhm, okay. What does that mean exactly?”
He moved to sit at the desk, handing the stack of papers to me.
“It means that you’re expecting.” His eyes were sincere, likely seeing that mine looked like they were going to pop right out of my skull.
The air rushed out of my lungs. My response came out nearly inaudible. “What?”
He sat back in his chair. “You’re pregnant.” He glanced at the computer, clicking something with his mouse. “Judging by how late your cycle is? I’d say about six weeks? Maybe a little less?”
I could feel my head spinning on my shoulders, unable to tear my eyes away from the doctor. When I didn’t speak, he continued.
“I would guess that what you’ve been experiencing is morning sickness. It is a little early, however. I still want to do a quick exam to make sure we don’t have any other issues.”
I didn’t speak. I couldn’t. The world had fallen out from under me.
The drive home was utterly silent. I had only spoken to Dad to tell him that I was fine, and we could head home. He didn’t press, but I could feel he was growing increasingly uncomfortable.
My eyes darted to him. We had pulled onto the lawn and parked already.
I didn’t answer him.
“Is it what I think it is?”
My eyes started tearing up, my lower lip trembling.
“I don’t know how this happened.” My voice was so small, I couldn’t be sure he even heard me.
“Well,” Dad huffed, adjusting in his seat. “I thought you knew this already, but, honey, when a man and a woman love each other-“
My head snapped over to my Dad, tears now rolling down my face. “Are you kidding me?!”
He sat back in his chair. “I’m sorry, just trying to lighten the mood.”
“Lighten the mood?” I scoffed. “This isn’t fucking funny!” My voice was reaching the level of a scream.
“Alright, now honey calm down.”
“Calm down?! What do you mean, ‘calm down’?!”
He lowered his eyebrows then. “Mileena Jane, I understand you’re upset, but you will not scream at me like that.”
His even, stern tone brought me back down, but my chest still heaved with sobs.
“Daddy…” I was lost for words. I was lost for thought. “What am I going to do?”
His eyes adjusted out the windshield, and I followed his gaze.
Noah stepped out of the front door, Angel heeling his left, a small smile on his face. He waved a hand at us.
“I’m not sure, baby, but you better figure it out fast.” Was all he said before opening his door to leave the truck. My hand flew over to him, grabbing his arm.
“Daddy?” He looked at me. “Please, for the love of God, don’t kill him.”
He snorted, swinging a leg out of the truck. “No promises.”
He left me alone, and I watched as he approached Noah, and clapped a hand on his shoulder politely. I couldn’t hear what he said, but he pointed at the truck, and went inside, calling Angel to him.
Noah then made his way down the porch, and across the grass. I opened my door and, slowly and shaking, hopped out.
His face fell when he saw my tears. “Hey, what’s going on?”
I wiped my face, and tried to put a calm smile on my face. “Nothing. I’m fine.”
He reached out and grabbed my hand. “Something’s up.” He glanced back at the house. “You fight with your Dad or something?”
I shook my head. “No, no. Nothing like that.”
“Okay, so what’s up? What did the doctor say?”
My stomach bottomed out, that familiar dizzy feeling hitting me.
“He said, uhm,” I swallowed hard, trying to push down the nausea. “that my exam was normal.”
He raised an eyebrow. “So they don’t know what’s wrong with you?”
I stared at him, eyes wide and wet. “They do.”
He furrowed his brow. “And?”
I shrugged, not knowing what the fuck to say.
“Noah, do you…” I closed my eyes, building the nerve. “do you remember the night of the concert? The last one I went to? The night we got back together?”
I had worked it through in my head. The night he sang to me on stage, and kissed me in the green room.
We had gone back to his house, and it’s obvious what happened there. We didn’t have a condom, and I told him I’d go to the drug store the next day for the magic pill. The problem is, when I woke up the next morning, in his bed, Laura had called frantic. Angel had thrown up four times the night before and wouldn’t eat or drink anything. Noah and I rushed him to the vet, learning he had eaten some plants in Laura’s backyard. He needed to be kept overnight, and we almost had to reschedule our flight to Seattle. I got distracted. I forgot.
I watched the gears in his head turn, his face growing increasingly bewildered.
“I remember we…” He trailed off before he raised an eyebrow. “You took the pill…”
I shook my head. “I forgot. Angel was sick.”
He raised his eyebrows, his eyes growing wide as saucers.
“Oh my God, you’re right.” For as surprised as he was, his voice was so even.
“Noah, I’m so sorry. I forgot.” I swallowed again, my stomach threatening to spill all over the both of us. “I’m pregnant.”
Noah had been sitting on the porch since I told him, swaying slowly back and forth while the rain fell around the house. Dad suggested I give him space, give him time to wrap his head around it.
I was trembling, sitting at the dining room table and obsessively munching on pistachios. Dad had already gone to bed, exhausted from his trip and still chewing on the news himself.
It had been five hours. Five hours since I told him the news, and there he sat, unmoving. I was crawling out of my skin, the fear and anxiety slowly turning into anger. He needed time to wrap his head around it?! I was the one growing a fucking fetus inside me! I was nauseas, dizzy, fatigued, and so fucking scared. But he got to take space?
Fuck that.
I stomped away from the table, bursting through the screen door. I walked over to the swing, standing directly in his line of vision.
“Hey!” He looked up at me, face void of emotion. “Look, I get this is a lot, alright? So if you want to bail, that’s fine. I don’t expect you to want to deal with this.”
His face was now twisted, confused.
“If you’re going to leave, however, leave now. I can’t sit in there and wait for you to get up the nerve to tell me you’re not sticking around!”
I was crying again, hot angry tears.
His voice was quiet. “What?”
I crossed my arms. “What do you mean, ‘what’? You can’t ruin your career over this, Noah. The band is just starting to get huge.”
He shook his head at me, standing to his feet. “You think I’m thinking about the band? About my career?” His words were angry, making me shrink slightly.
“I mean, yeah! How could you not? You’ve been out here for hours!”
He blinked rapidly, completely in disbelief.
“You’re fucking joking, right?” It was a half-yell, but it was enough to make me take a step back.
“I’m not out here worried about my fucking band, Leena. I’m thinking about what kind of father I’m going to be!” He gestured between us. “What kind of parents we can be to that baby!” He pointed at my stomach.
I was confused now. “What?”
He rolled his eyes, turning and pinching the bridge of his nose. “We’re alcoholics, Leena! I’m less than six months sober!” He coughed then, a choked sound. “I don’t know if I’d be any good as a father.”
He sat back down, and my entire mood shifted. He was concerned about being a good Dad? Did that mean he wanted this? He wasn’t worried about his job? His music? His reputation?
“Noah,” I sat next to him, but still at least a foot away. “you don’t have to worry about that.”
He looked at me then, a look of concern on his face. I gave him the wrong idea.
“I just mean that,” I shrugged, frustrated. “you’re an amazing person, Noah. Your addiction doesn’t change that.”
He leaned back on the swing, leaning his face up to look at the ceiling. “That’s your opinion, Leena. I’ve done horrible things.”
I nodded. “We all have.”
I grabbed his hand then, his face turning to look at me. I gave him a small smile.
“Do you want to do this?”
He sighed, waiting a few moments to answer. My heart pounded in my ears.
“I really do. I’m so fucking scared, but,” He squeezed my hand in his. “I can’t help feeling really fucking excited.”
He cracked a grin, and I returned it. “Me too.”
“Leena, I know this isn’t how this was supposed to happen. And I’m so sorry that I put you in this position.”
My tears came back, then. “No, I’m sorry. I was supposed to get the Plan B. I forgot.”
I hung my head, ashamed.
“Uhm, excuse me?” I looked back up at him. “I was the one who didn’t insist we use protection. And I also forgot to get you the pill.” He lifted my face with his chin. “We both did this.”
I nodded, leaning my head on his shoulder.
“So.” He sighed out, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
I leaned into him. “Yeah.”
“Well, we’ve got to move in together.”
I opened my mouth to protest, but the thought of going through a pregnancy, and all the fun that was sure to entail crossed my mind. Doing that alone felt miserable. I also thought about the morning sex I got from Noah the other day, and smiled.
“Well, I did rent my house out…”
He huffed triumphantly. “Then that’s settled.”
I smirked. “You still going to want me when I’m all fat and moody?”
He chuckled, pulling me in closer. “You won’t be fat, you’ll be pregnant.” I could hear the smile in his voice. “With my baby.”
I groaned. “Oh no, you don’t have like, a breed kink, do you?”
This made him laugh loudly. “No, not really. It’s just my masculine instinct to be more attracted to you while you’re carrying my child.”
I rolled my eyes. “Okay, Mr. Neanderthal.”
We both laughed, but quickly became quiet again. The sound of the woods and rain around us filling the space.
“I love you, Mileena.”
I tucked my face into his side, nuzzling against him.
“I love you too, Noah.”
“You promise?”
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! This story was a journey, and I can say I’ve honestly come to really love these characters. Cant decide if I want to continue their story or not, so let me know if you do. If you’ve followed it, I appreciate you! Till next time, my loves. 🖤
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This Is Kinda Nice Too (2)
So I know I have requests to be working on - and I am - every request I currently have has a plan sketched out for it, I just need time to get them all written up.
In the meantime, however, I couldn't get this little idea to continue a previous request out of my head, so here it is. Part three may or may not make its way into being.
Can be read alone, but best read as as the follow up to the below (also if these inserted links look odd I'm sorry but it's the only way I know how atm)
You’re not a morning person at the best of times, and a night on a lumpy, creaky camp bed certainly hasn’t changed that.  You studiously ignore Janine’s chirpy ‘good morning’, making a mental note to apologise later once you’ve been properly caffeinated.
Speaking of which, there seems to be a distinct lack of a fire going and so currently no boiling water to make the dream of a cup of tea into reality.  Not bothering to ask for help or wait for anyone else, you move as quickly as you ever do in the morning to set a new fire going. 
You’re making decent progress when a gentle hand lands on your shoulder and a steaming cup of tea is brought into your line of vision.  The rumours really were true when they said Barb was a Saint.
“There’s an electrical outlet in the little cabin I’m in,” she smiled, settling herself on one of the camp chairs closest to the fire, hands cradled round her own cup of coffee.  “I called ahead to check and packed a little travel kettle.”
“If you weren’t already married I’d be proposing right now,” you tell her as you take your first sip of tea.  It’s perfect.  It’s too perfect.  It’s your exact morning tea precisely how you take it.  Barbara Howard has never made you a cup of tea in your life.  You frown as you lower your cup, meeting Barb’s knowing smile.
“Melissa made it,” she offers by way of an explanation. 
You’re not quite sure what to think about that, but it makes you smile.  A few moments later the mysterious red head herself appears out of Barb’s tiny cabin, her own mug of coffee in hand.  The Kindergarten teacher had the only ‘cabin’, after trying to get out of the trip saying she was too old for camping.  Cabin was perhaps a strong word for the small wooden hut, but it did at least boast running water and electricity.  The smaller wooden camping pods laid out around it weren’t quite so luxurious, but they were at least wind and watertight.    
“I hate to say it, but I think I might be too old to sleep on a camp bed,” groans Melissa as she stretches. 
You chuckle.  “I don’t think anyone is young enough to get a decent night’s sleep on those beds if yours is anything like mine.”
“Ava, this is not breakfast,” Melissa says flatly as she looks dubiously at the small packet she has been handed by the Principal.
“Of course it is,” the younger woman snaps back.  “It says ‘breakfast bar’ right there on the front.  Besides, gotta have portable snacks so we can get our scavenger hunt on!”
This gets a collective groan from the group.  Ava ignores this and proceeds to fetch a folder. 
“Okay, now everyone come get a sheet and take a pencil. The pencils have numbers on them that’ll tell y’all who you’re paired up with.  Now remember, it’s not just about collecting all the items on the list, it’s about getting to the end point in the quickest time.”
You end up with Barb and Jacob.  Could be better, could be worse, you figure.  You look over to see Janine with a look of genuine worry on her features as she looks from her numbered pencil to Melissa, who’s eyebrows are hiked impressively high on her forehead.  There might be one less member of your little Abbott family around the campfire tonight if her murderous expression is anything to go by. 
Barb, ever the peacekeeper moves forward.  You expect her to offer to swap with Janine, so what she says next comes as a surprise.
“Oh Janine, I was hoping you’d end up in my little group.  I thought it would give us time to talk.  We haven’t had a chance of late with school being so busy,” says Barb.  She moves to take your pencil from your hand.  “You wouldn’t mind swapping, would you?”
“Course not,” you say, because really, what else are you meant to say?  You move to stand next to Melissa, who is now shooting an odd look on Barb’s direction.  “I can swap with Barb if you want?”
“What?  No!” she quickly reassures you.  “I was just wondering if she’d actually lost her mind volunteering to take those two.”
“Oh come on, they’re not that bad,” you reply, admittedly rather half-heartedly. 
“You really wanna swap with Barb?” she asks, eyebrow raised.
“Hell no!” comes your immediately reply.  “I definitely got the better deal one this one.”
“There’s a shortcut coming up.”
Melissa frowns, looking at the map Ava had provided.  She turned it to and fro, not sure where you were seeing any shortcut.
“It’s not on Ava’s map,” you add, coming to stand next to her.  You point to where the marked path takes a long, meandering loop.  “It’s just here.  It leaves the path and cuts out that big loop.  It’s a bit steeper, but-“
“You saying I’m too old to take the short cut?”
Your eyes go wide at her words and you immediately start to back track.  “That’s not what I said!  I said it was a little steeper, that was all!”
She chuckles.  “I was just messin’ with ya, kid.  So, this shortcut takes some time off, huh?”
“Should do,” you nod.  “I only know it’s there because when I first came here it was after seeing pictures on Instagram of the view from the top.  There were hints about making the hike quicker in the comments.”
“You think it gives us a shot at beating Ava?” Melissa smirks.  The Principal had practically dragged Gregory off at a run at the start of the scavenger hunt.
“It just might,” you grin right back. 
“Then I say lets go.”
“What?  What happened, are you okay?” you ask, quickly turning around to inspect the red head.
She waves off your concern with a hand.  “I forgot about the list of crap we’re meant to find.”
“Oh that?  Don’t worry about that.  I found half the things we needed before we even left camp this morning.”  You take the list out of your pocket.  “We just need a feather, a Y shaped twig and a heart shaped rock.”
Melissa shakes her head, looking at you with a fond smile.  “You got this all under control, huh?”
You hope the blush that creeps up your cheeks can be passed off as the exertion of your hike.  You’re helpless under her soft gaze.  “Didn’t think you’d let me live it down if we came last.”
Her smile turns positively wicked.  “You know me well,” she says as she starts the uphill climb once more, treating you to a rather glorious view of her rear.  You’re quick to chastise yourself for your blatant staring and fall into step behind her. 
“Oh, wow.”
You look up at the softly uttered words to see that Melissa has reached the viewpoint ahead of you.  She has a soft smile tugging at the edges of her lips as she takes in the view.  You remember feeling the same sense of wonder the first time you saw the landscape falling away before you.  Like you were on top of the world. 
Abandoning your search for a heart shape stone, you force your legs to take the final few steps to bring you level with the red head.  You take a moment to breathe, looking over the expanse of green below you before turning to look at the other woman.  Her cheeks are flushed from the effort of the hike, her hair in windswept waves around her face.  She looks beautiful.  She always does, to you. 
She turns to look at you and you immediately duck your head, aware you’ve been blatantly caught staring.  That’s when you see it, right in front of your boot.  A heart shaped stone.  Bending to pick it up, you hold it out to her.  “Looks like we ticked off our list.”
“And made it to the top first,” she grins smugly.  She proceeds to open the small rucksack she had been toting, shaking out a picnic blanket before producing a bottle of wine.  “A little drink to celebrate?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so relaxed.”
You open your eyes, turning your head to look up to where she sits next to you on the blanket.  “I tend to be more relaxed when I’m away from things…people,” you finally reply.
“I’m not people?” she asks, her tone more curious than accusatory.
You pull yourself up until you’re sitting next to her, your knees drawn up to your chest as you look out over the view.  It’s easier to talk when you’re not looking at her.  “You’re different.”  You get nervous around Melissa, yes, but it’s not the same anxiety you feel around others.  “You don’t make me feel self-conscious about being me.”
“You know something, kid?” she breathes.  “I think that’s one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me.”
You feel an arm slip around your shoulders, pulling you into her side.  This is why you fell in love with her, you realise.  This acceptance of your quirks, your anxieties and your oddities without question.  You’ve never even had to explain them to her.  She just gets you. 
You’re not quite sure you can recall when it started, her understanding, you falling for her, but there is one night that stands out in your mind.  Ava had organised staff drinks.  It was a bar you’d never been too and it was busy and loud.  It had taken having a quiet word with yourself to even make it in the door.  Standing barely two steps inside, you had scanned the room, looking for a friendly face, your anxiety rising when you couldn’t find one.  It was stupid, you knew, to think that anyone thought you looked out of place for simply taking a moment to stand and search for your friends, but you couldn’t shake the feeling. 
It was then that you heard a familiar voice and saw Melissa cutting through the crowd towards you.  Her hand found your own, and she offered you a smile before leading you through the busy room to where your Abbott family were gathered.  It had been a good night, but as usual, you had struggled to find a way to leave.  You knew you were an adult who could leave whenever they wanted, but somehow, you always seem to end up the last to leave out of some misplaced notion of it being more polite than leaving before the night was over. 
Melissa had given you an out, seeing you were flagging and offering you a lift with her and Barb.  She was forever giving you an out, it felt like.  And yet she never made it feel like a burden.  You shift until you can lean your head on her shoulder, in almost a reverse of the night before. 
“How the hell you beat us?”
You both jump at the sound of Ava’s voice behind you, turning to face her.
“We practically speed walked!” she shouts, dumping a bag beside you clearly containing the contents of the scavenger hunt list.  “Ya’ll must have cheated!”
“How?” Melisa questions.  “We all left at the same time.  You saw us.  If I remember rightly, you practically took off like a sprinter out the blocks!”
Gregory appears behind Ava, looking slightly winded.  He looks just as surprised to see you as she had.  “How the?”
“Skills,” smirks Melissa.  “Some of us just have them.”
You jerk awake at the creek of the door of your little hut, squinting in the dark. 
“It’s just me,” comes the hiss of a whisper.  
“Scooch over.”
“To where?” you grumble, acquiescing all the same, and moving as far to the edge of the small camp bed as you can without falling off.  The frame squeaks in protest as the red head joins you on the too small bed.  You huff as she manhandles you into a comfortable position, her arm around your waist and her head on your shoulder. 
“First you call me old, now you call me fat!” she chuckles as she shimmies in an attempt to get more comfortable.
“Did not!” is all you can manage.  “You know I wouldn’t.”  You feel her smile against your neck.  Yes, the line has definitely been crossed.  By both of you.  Baby steps to many, it may seem, but giant leaps for awkward lesbian-kind. 
“I know I’m just teasing,” she says quietly. 
You hum in reply.  “One of your many skills.”
“You like it.”
“I like you,” you say quietly, too sleepy to worry too much about your words.
As your eyes drift closed, you feel her lips smile against your skin.  “I like you too.  This is kinda nice, too.”
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starry-nights12 · 9 months
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One Word Prompt (Jinx Diary)
It was supposed to be a really nice night.
Ekko had visited me in my room. We lay on my bed, my head on his chest, and he wrapped his strong arm around my waist.
We held hands and talked about everything and nothing. We pretended the crystals hanging from my ceiling were stars.
I winded up the music box and we listened to that. The circular lightbulb spun around and reflected on the colorful crystals inside like a little dance.
I love it so much.
It's the first gift Ekko gave to me as his friend.
He assured me that we could be happy. We can make more pleasant memories together moving forward.
It's precious to me. It's my own treasure from a kind, loving, and caring man. If there was any doubt that I had a crush on him, that morning would prove it. ♡
I listened to his steady breathing and his heartbeat as he eventually fell asleep.
It always stared at me and I stared back.
The stuffed bunny is nailed above my desk next to my small memorial for my brothers and Dads.
It watched me grow up when she
I shouldn't think about her.
I wasn't able to sleep last night.
Even when I'm cuddling with Ekko, I couldn't get comfortable. I was thinking about her when I shouldn't be. I tried not to but it's hard sometimes. I didn't want to.
So, I focused my attention on Ekko. I stayed up and watched him all night.
He looked so peaceful sleeping and I didn't want to wake him. I thought about how beautiful his personality was and how that made him more attractive.
I thought about how he wasn't a liar. He would never turn his back on me or betray me like she did.
The sunrised and its light peaked through the curtain.
The soft sunlight outlined his body and made his rich, dark brown skin almost glowed. His silver loc cuffs glinted prettily around white dreads.
He's stunning. Breathtakingly beautiful. There's no one else to compare him to. I can stare at him forever and ever. ♡
He opened his warm brown eyes at me and my smile was instant. "Mornin', Sleeping Beauty."
He smiled back at me softly. "Morning, pretty girl," he mumbled all sleepily.
It was a slow and lazy kiss but my heart fluttered and I felt sparks igniting like fireworks on my lips.
I felt warm and soft all over. He was mine and I was his. ♡
Adina and the others are making breakfast today. I told him I'd be down in a minute.
I was content.
I was loved unconditionally.
I was happy with the secret, little life I made.
At times like this, I wonder what Vi was up to.
It was a stupid thing to do.
She's cuddling with that demon while they smile and giggle as they plot my demise. How they're excited to throw me in Stillwater and the different ways I'll be murdered.
I can't even enjoy my morning with Little Man. Even when they're not here they RUIN EVERYTHING!
How can Caitlyn be more important than me? I'm her SISTER. Or at least I WAS until she made her final choice.
It could have been the three of us. Me, Vi, and Ekko. We could have all been happy and together instead of drifting apart.
She used to love me. I wished she still did but she made her choice.
But I killed our family and ruined all our lives. She's disgusted with me.
I miss her.
Miss Sis?
What's to miss???
There's nothing to reminisce except her fist turning me into this while she lives her life in bliss.
I needed her and she punched me.
I'm NEVER good enough for her. I'LL NEVER BE. She's DEAD to me.
Mylo was right.
She cares about that Enforcer more than me.  I KNOW IT.
I DON'T!!!
My Ekko is perfect. He's an angel.♡
He stayed. For now
He's all I have left.
He promised to always love me.
He's not like her.
He's all I need and wanted.
I love you, Ekko.
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saphscorner · 8 months
You asked for drabble requests, could we perhaps get some ranchers or gridoc 👉👈
hey hey hey! thanks for the request! honestly i'm so biased here, so i went with ranchers fluff (and had a lot of fun with it)! open to writing gridoc another time though! enjoy, anon :)
word count: 861 words pairing(s): tango/jimmy warnings: none general tags & vibes: fluff and i think technically canon compliant??
Tango couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a day with no plans. Most days he had at least something to do, but there he was on a Wednesday morning, lying wide awake at seven in the morning, gazing aimlessly up at the ceiling. 
His fiance Jimmy was still asleep beside him, one arm draped lazily over Tango’s waist. Ever since season nine of Hermitcraft ended, Tango had moved back in with Jimmy in their own private world. It seemed like a nice way to spend the break between seasons, but without any overarching projects to keep him occupied, some days left him feeling at a loss. 
Tango glanced back over when he felt Jimmy start to stir beside him, yawning as he rolled his head against the pillow in a half-hearted attempt to fall back asleep. He smiled, shifting his hand to softly rub Jimmy’s shoulder. 
“Morning, Jimmy.” 
Tango was met with another yawn in response, and Jimmy finally blinked open his eyes. He hummed tiredly, a smile pulling at the corners of his lips as his gaze landed on Tango. “You’re up early.” 
“Am I?” Tango asked. 
Jimmy rubbed his eyes with one hand. “Or maybe you just slept late yesterday.” 
“Yeah, guess my sleep schedule is still pretty messed up,” Tango admitted. 
With another yawn, Jimmy finally conceded to get up, his hand sliding off Tango’s waist to prop himself up against his elbows.
“Are we doing anything today?” Tango asked, hopeful that Jimmy might have something in mind.
“Not that I can think of. Was thinking we could just hang out here today unless you have something you need to do,” Jimmy suggested.
“I have nothing, no. Wouldn’t mind something to keep busy though.” 
“I feel like you’re always ‘keeping busy’,” Jimmy said. He pushed himself up fully so he could shuffle closer to Tango. Sitting on his knees, he reached one hand into Tango’s hair to finger-comb his bedhead back into place.
Tango couldn’t help but smile at the gesture, letting his eyes fall shut. “I’m not used to slowing down. I was so busy all the time for months, and I don’t really know what to do with myself now. It’s not that I don’t know how to relax–” 
“Except you clearly don’t know how to relax,” Jimmy finished for him. 
“That’s not true!” Tango blinked his eyes back open as the hand in his hair stilled, and found himself face to face with Jimmy who gazed at him expectantly. He stole a quick kiss off Jimmy’s lips. “This feels relaxing.”
Jimmy cracked a smile, resuming fixing Tango’s hair. “It is, you’re right, but can you at least admit you have a hard time with it? Even yesterday you spent hours down in the mines just mining for coal. We’ve got like, what, eight stacks of it now?”
“What, do you want more? I mean that could be my project today,” with a grin, he made a move to get up, but Jimmy promptly grabbed his shoulders to hold him firmly in place. 
“Stop!” Jimmy laughed. “We don’t need more!” 
Tango laughed, letting himself relax against the headboard as he raised his hands in front of his chest in a surrender. “Okay, okay!” 
Jimmy’s hands finally slid off Tango’s shoulders in favor of taking his hands. He raised them to his lips to lay soft kisses over his knuckles. “Look, I’m just saying, what’s wrong with really just taking a break? Here. With me. We’ll do something tomorrow if you really want to, but you can’t just be on the move all the time.” 
“I know, that’s how you get burnt out, right?” 
“Exactly,” said Jimmy. “Why don’t we just make a day of this?” He gestured vaguely between himself and Tango, relaxed in bed as they were. “I’ll make you coffee and breakfast, and we can just stay here for a while.” 
The soft, genuine smile on Jimmy’s expression could soften Tango in a heartbeat. Face to face as they were, Tango realized how much he’d missed Jimmy. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that there was never a better time to do nothing than in these weeks of being with his fiance. It was a rare time of his life with no projects, no deadlines, only the two of them in a remote ranch. Jimmy would eventually go back to Empires, Tango would eventually go back to Hermitcraft. These quiet moments alone were rare, so maybe he didn’t need a way to just fill the time; he could just be with Jimmy for a while. 
Tango let out a soft exhale, turning his hands in Jimmy’s so their palms were pressed flush and held his hands. “...I can’t say no to that.” 
Jimmy smiled, leaning in to kiss him. “I’ll make sure it’s a good day,” he assured Tango, before stealing another kiss. “By the end of it, you’ll be a professional at relaxing!”
As Tango kissed back, he couldn’t help but think that Jimmy might be right. After all, if this was what it felt like to slow down, it was something he could surely get used to.
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