#Jazz is heavily traumatized
minty364 · 4 months
DPXDC Prompt #58 Part 6
Everything happened so fast that when Danny finally got to flop onto his bed at the Wayne manor he let himself sink into the covers with a heavy sigh. Everyone broke off into their own rooms to change into more comfortable clothing once they had arrived. Jazz and Danny both had rooms, they started out as guest rooms but were quickly personalized since they tended to spend a lot of time here. Danny even brought most of his models and other various precious items that he didn’t want broken accidentally by his parents (again). His and Jazz’s rooms were set up just like the other bedrooms in the manor, with an ensuite bathroom. They both had dressers, walk-in closets, queen sized beds with ornate nightside tables, and decent sized desks with windows looking out to the backyard garden. 
They were allowed to decorate it any way they chose so Jazz had her room painted a dark teal color with an extra shelf for some books she’d been studying, most being the field of Psychology. Danny meanwhile chose to paint his room a dark blue reminiscent of the night sky, complete with glow in the dark stars and some that didn’t glow, that were painted by Damian, they had all worked together to map it all out as accurately as they could. 
Danny briefly let his thoughts wander as he tried to process the day's events. Was he okay? He wasn’t even sure at the moment, he was pretty sure he was a ghost temporarily and the weirder part was the cool feeling he felt from his chest was still there. 
Danny with a change of clothes in hand went into the bathroom attached to his room. He looked at his reflection again and he looked rough, his eyes were red from crying and he looked exhausted. 
He turned away and quickly got into the shower to wash himself.
The water felt hot on his skin but he marveled at the fact that he could still feel it. These thoughts helped ground himself as he finished up with his shower and got dressed in the comfy PJ’s he grabbed.
He found himself staring at himself in the mirror again. He couldn’t help it, his ghostly appearance from earlier had scared him and his normal looking reflection he now had was comforting. 
He looked like a normal person, like he always did, his bags were now gone. Some small part of him thought maybe it was all a dream? That small part was wrong and Danny knew it deep down, but that small part still hoped.
Did he still have a pulse? He was still breathing and he was sure his heart was still pumping so he probably had one. 
Going back over to his bed he picked his phone back up and after a quick Google search on how to check and what his rate should be he held two fingers to his other hand and counted.
He ran his hands through his hair and took a shaky breath. He counted his BPM at 29 BPM while the normal rate for him was around 60. So it was now less than half what it should be. He wasn’t sure how worried he should be about that or if he should tell anyone or keep his mouth shut. He couldn’t be a meta now either. Him and Jazz had spent hours discussing what it would be like to carry the meta gene and one day get powers.
He watched his reflection from the vanity above his dresser, would he turn back into that pulseless form? 
A knock startled him out of his thoughts as he let out a small yelp. He almost didn’t register his eyes that flashed green for just a moment as he felt his heart skip a beat.
“Danny! Alfred called us down for dinner, everyone else should be down soon as well…” Jazz called from the other side of his bedroom door, her voice sounding like she was trying to keep up a sense of normalcy. 
“Right… coming!!” Danny replied, his eyes lingered on themselves for a moment before he let out a small sigh and grabbed his phone and followed Jazz down the hall.
A few moments passed as they walked side by side in silence, Jazz kept sneaking glances at him, like she couldn’t believe he was here either. She hesitated for a few minutes before speaking, “...Danny? Are you… Okay?” She spoke slowly like she was scared he’d disappear and at that moment he wanted to do just that. 
He wasn’t sure exactly what he should tell her, he felt okay but he wasn’t exactly sure. Everything felt the same but different, everything was the same as it had been before his accident but now he felt a weird dissociation with the world around him, like he wasn’t really there. He couldn’t explain that feeling to Jazz so he shrugged.
“Honestly your guess is as good as mine as we know about the same.” Danny answered with a sigh.
Jazz gave him a look that he couldn’t quite decipher, “are you sure you should be up and around then?” Her voice was quiet again like she was afraid he’d disappear. Danny couldn’t help but stop in his tracks as he thought about it.
“I mean, nothing has happened yet? I can’t really explain it.” He rubbed the back of  his neck with his hand as he looked down and refused to meet her gaze again. 
He continued walking after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence and soon they arrived in the Dining room.
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greenglowinspooks · 11 months
The way that I’m brainrotting over a DCxDP crossover with a Danny who’s a vengeful villain rn
Like, let’s just say that the GiW finally get into contact with the JL. They need help neutralizing a threat, you see, and they’re on their last limb trying to keep civilians safe.
They have video evidence! They have studies to back their claims! The JL have to help them!
Unfortunately, the JL believe them. They join a fight against Danny, and defeat him due to being far more experienced than he is. Danny is locked away and experimented on by the GiW.
That would CHANGE a person. Your heroes turning against you and seeing you as a monster, being experimented on for who knows how long, not knowing if your friends and family are safe.
Danny gets out due to a simple mistake on the GiW’s part; having Blüdhaven as part of their transport route.
Of course the trucks were attacked, they’re government property!
So now, whoever decided to raid the government transport trucks (the Penguin or something) has a ton of experimental weapons with no idea how they work, and a heavily traumatized teenager.
Danny knows how they work. Danny can be useful! They won’t throw him out if he’s useful! And so, now Danny is working for the Penguin, altering the ectoplasm weapons to make them work on humans.
It’s a good deal for both parties. Danny gets to neurotically imprint on the Penguin like a small baby animal, and the Penguin gets a brilliant mind who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.
But eventually, Danny finds out what happened to his family in his absence.
Jazz is in Arkham. Not as a psychologist, but as a “patient.” Apparently, she snapped and completely destroyed the house, leveled a few blocks of Amity Park, and conducted organized attacks on government bases (mostly GiW) for months.
Sam and Tucker helped her, eventually splitting once Jazz was captured. Sam travels to areas of extreme pollution, completely overgrowing them with her plant powers. Currently she’s in the Amazon rainforest, engaging in an ongoing feud with logging companies. Sam is winning.
Tucker faked his death, and Danny has no idea where he is. He only knows that the death wasn’t real because of a code that the three of them made together, just in case.
Ellie’s trapped in the Infinite Realms. Danny had a failsafe in place so that if she was ever cornered by the GiW, she would be sent to her haunt in the GZ. However, with the portal destroyed, she can’t come back. Danny just hopes she’s okay.
His parents are now top GiW scientists. They’re traveling the country giving speeches. They’re working on a battery powered by ectoplasm, but apparently started “having difficulties” around the same time that Danny escaped.
None of it is fair. None of it is right.
The Justice League destroyed his life, the lives of his friends, and they’re doing as good as ever. The GiW is respected, and his parents are happily working away for them.
Danny takes up some of his more experimental weapons and breaks Jazz out of Arkham. She’s a little different now, colder and more quiet, but she still loves him all the same. It’s an unimaginable comfort to him to see his sister again.
He can’t use his powers anymore. He’s so used to associating them with pain that even transforming into his ghost form is enough to take him down for hours.
However, he understands ectoplasm more than anyone else in the world. He knows how to use it in virtually everything; how it can become a weapon, how it can be used as a supplemental ingredient in poisons and nerve agents, how it can twist and distort the mind if applied correctly.
He doesn’t care what happens to him. He’s going to take down the GiW, and destroy the lives of the JL members who helped lock him away, just as they did to him.
No matter the cost.
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anonymousangstmonster · 8 months
Prompt #27
The Fentons had two children, Jazz who was one and a half, and Nate who was six months at the time. They were planning on adding a third child to the group, ‘planning’ as in ‘this is the twelfth attempt and I’m sick of them dying every time’.
They had theoretically constructed the genetics for a human-ghost hybrid, and were hoping to raise it as their son along with their other two kids. They had modeled the human genes off of their son Nathaniel, black hair, blue eyes, freckles. The difficult part was getting it to mix with the ectoplasm without dying in the incubator or coming out malformed or tearing itself to shreds on week one.
They were at take twenty six and it looked pretty promising so far, no imploding, no three extra eyes, no melting, and it was already two months into gestation!
A nerve-wracking seven months later the little supposedly-half-ghost baby boy came out of the artificial womb crying his tiny little lungs out. And he already had a name, ‘Daniel’ or ‘Danny’ for short.
The legal process of getting Danny a birth certificate and at the same time being legal property of FentonWorks as an experiment was a mess.
The Fentons loved their strange new son with all their hearts, but always kept in mind that he was an experiment, a specimen, a creature made for scientific purposes. They chipped him, planning on doing more when he got older, such as adding a failsafe to make him fall asleep in emergencies, and a brand to make sure others new who he belonged to. Though they had to wait until he was at least fourteen to do all that, ‘something something ethics something something we will come after you for human experimentation if you don’t wait something something’.
When Danny turned two the parents cut him open to see how his insides were faring(asleep and without breaking any bones of course), and again when he was six.
He got to go to school and make friends, even though the Fentons knew he would never go to college or get a job.
Nate grew up with a lab rat for a little brother, and he could never ask for more. Though as he grew to love ectobiology and Jazz grew more towards human psychology, it was looking like Nate would be the one to take over FentonWorks someday. So that’s what Jack and Maddie kept telling him, “When you take over, you’ll be in charge of what to do with Danny.”
When Danny turned ten and Nate eleven, Danny was having another vivisection(heavily drugged and this time they were going to cut out his ribs to see his heart and lungs) and Nate got to watch! Apparently his brother had a strong core, something that only ghosts with a particularly traumatizing death had, strange. The parents spoke to Nate again, “One day when you’re older, you’ll be doing this, all on your own.”
The day after Danny turned fourteen was the day his parents could forget about ethics and do whatever they wanted to permanently alter his body, and that’s what they did. It was basically a vivisection day but so much more.
Danny was kept awake and aware the entire time, and Nate helped with a lot, passing tools to his parents, drawing with a sterile marker where the incision lines were going to be, placing the rubber gag in his brothers mouth to prevent him from hurting himself.
They put a hot brand on his right shoulder blade that read:
They inked into the left of his skull and one of his right ribs ‘PROPERTY OF FENTONWORKS’. They implanted a small device right next to his heart connected to a remote that only Jack, Maddie or Nate could activate, which would inject a solution into his bloodstream that would paralyze or kill him for emergencies.
Jazz could very faintly hear her adopted brothers screams from the kitchen.
Another four years later and it’s Nate who’s leading the operation, with his parents assisting. His gloves covered in his brothers ecto-blood, speaking his observations into the recording device in his dad’s hand.
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madjosie · 2 months
Thorns and Roses | Bangchan (pt.2)
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f!reader x detective!bangchan
part one here
Note: mentions of drug and alcohol abuse, mentions of abuse, use of tobacco, detailed scenes of murder, mental illness
Words: 9k
Five days had passed. Nothing.
A pair of brown orbs eyed the tiny black purse that had been sitting on his kitchen counter for the past few days. The comfortable sofa swallowed his body, feet kicked up on the glass coffee table, as his finger hovered over the call button for the almost tenth time that day.
He was sure it was his fault. His fault for bringing her parents up. His fault for being noisy and trying to butt his nose into something that didn’t concern him. His fault for making her relive the traumatizing events.
He sighed heavily, his gaze fixed on the small purse as guilt gnawed at him. Each passing day without hearing from Adriana deepened his concern. Chris replayed their conversation over and over in his mind, wondering if he had pushed too hard, crossed an invisible line that he shouldn’t have. His intentions were to understand her better, to connect on a deeper level, but now he feared he might have driven her insane instead.
His usually warm apartment now felt eerie. The distant sound of cars outside and the soft hum of the refrigerator were the only company to his thoughts.
He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to focus on the way his body pressed into the soft cushions or the repeating sounds of car engines roaring under his window. His hand dropped the phone he was holding and, with a quick move, he dropped his feet from the coffee table. Snatching the purse and slipping on his shoes, he made his way out of the apartment and into the surprisingly warm street. His feet moved on their own. He wasn’t even fully conscious of where he was going, but he was sure he was heading in the right direction.
The moment his hand made contact with the cold, curved handle and the familiar bell signaled his presence, his mind regained consciousness.
“Good morning, welcome to Petal Paradise,” a cheerful, high-pitched voice spoke from the back room of the shop. “Just a minute, please.”
The usual jazz-like melody of her voice seemed to disappear, despite it being cheerful as always when she greeted someone. Chris waited, the scent of fresh flowers filling his nostrils. Their vibrant colors were a stark contrast to the dull ache in his chest. He looked around, taking in the arrangements of roses, lilies, and daisies that decorated the small shop. His free hand clutched the small purse while the other found its way to tap repeatedly on the wood of the front counter.
He couldn’t make out the sounds coming from the back of the workshop; the faint melody from the radio was too distracting for his racing mind. One second he focused on the soft hum of the music, and the next he was replaying snippets of their last conversation. He tried to push away the nagging thought that maybe he should just leave, that perhaps he was only making things worse by being here. He could just leave the purse on the counter and get out.
“Oh, Christopher, was it?”
The once faint voice in the distance was now much clearer as the auburn-haired girl made her appearance on the other side of the counter.
“Lila?” The tone of his voice was mixed with both surprise and relief. “What are you doing here?”
“I took a couple of shifts for Adriana. I suppose you’re looking for her?”
“Do you know where she is?”
The short girl spoke as she untied the knot of her glue-stained apron and set it aside on the counter. “She wasn’t feeling well, so she took a couple of days off. She’s probably at her apartment, lying sick in bed.”
Chris just nodded at the answer, not really knowing how to proceed with the conversation. Could it be that he had messed her up so badly that she couldn’t even bring herself to be at the shop, the shop she considered a second home? Chris’s hands gripped the bag a bit tighter, clearly catching Lila’s attention. “Is that hers?” All he did was nod to answer her.
“I can take that for her.” Her hand reached for the bag, but with a swift move, Chris’s hand moved the bag behind his back, an awkward expression plastered on his face. Lila’s lips broke into a laugh.
“Oh, okay, I get it.” She giggled.
His face was still filled with confusion as the girl in front of him laughed. He couldn’t quite understand why he did that, but the girl in front of him seemed to be piecing some things together.
“Go down the street, take a right turn, and you will see a big blue complex. Fifth floor.”
“Oh, I’m not—”
Her hands grabbed the man’s forearms, turning him to face the door he came from. “Yeah, yeah. Just go give her some company. I’m sure she’ll be more glad to see you than me.”
She gave him a gentle push toward the door as his head turned to look at her. She just sent him a wink, and with that, his face was hit with a ray of warm air. His feet moved on their own once more as he walked down the street, trying to take as slow steps as possible, trying to postpone facing his own problems—problems that could have been so easily avoided.
Wouldn’t it be weird if he just showed up at her apartment? What if he finally got that deserved slap that had been pending for the past five days? Actually, if that was the case, Lila wouldn’t have directed him to her. Well, maybe she didn’t even tell her about that night. There was something off about Lila today. She was probably just concerned for her friend.
Chris’s thoughts flew away as his steps seemed to quicken, and soon his gaze stopped at the blue apartment complex. He wished the building would just collapse before him, or maybe that the lift he entered would just stop working and trap him in for eternity. Better yet, if it just fell and turned into a crime scene.
This was probably the right time to turn around and leave.
He felt beads of sweat form on his forehead as the hand that knocked on the door settled at his side while the other gripped the velvety fabric of the bag. The bag that was the reason for all of this happening. Sounds of keys jingling could be heard from the other side; the doorknob turned, and the door creaked open, revealing a pair of tired, widened eyes.
She froze at the sight of him, not even thinking of a word to say, simply stunned by the face she least expected to see at her front door. He didn’t say a word either, gaze staying fixated on her tired eyes, decorated with dark bags. He seemed to be in shock that he was there at her door, just as she seemed to be shocked that he was there.
He licked his lips, trying to shift his eyes anywhere but to hers. They jumped from the light wood door to the peephole, and then lastly to his own shoes. It was painful to see her once sparkling eyes lose all their light and be replaced by redness; it made his heart swell and pick up its pace.
As he kept his head down, she noticed the thing he was holding in his hand. She forgot all about that goddamn bag, the only memory from that night being the piercing pain she felt and the sensation of the branches hitting her as she ran. Ran away from the man who now stood before her.
Two times in one night, that voice had taken control of her. Two times in one night, she had lashed out in front of the people she felt comfortable letting her walls down with. She didn’t know where it came from, and she didn’t know what caused it, but it was far more powerful than her.
She hadn’t had the chance to apologize to Lila yet, but the girl hadn’t put pressure on her, giving her a few calls here and there to see if she needed anything. Maybe in some situations, Lila’s obliviousness and trust in Adriana came in handy. But for sure, pulling out a knife in someone’s apartment would send them over the edge and break all contact with the person—hell, maybe even call the police. Lila knew she had to give her best friend space, but the lack of confrontation made Adriana want to rip her own hair out, strand by strand.
It was eating her up inside, bit by bit; she felt like she was losing control of herself.
Adriana took a step back from the entrance of her apartment, opening the door a bit more to make way for the dark-haired man. He finally looked up at her, taking a step inside as she closed the door behind him.
“I’ll set this here for you,” his voice was awfully quiet as he spoke. One more reason to make the guilt wash over her once again.
“Chris,” her voice was just as quiet as his as she called out his name. She didn’t have a sentence made up in her mind before she decided to speak, but she knew she somehow had to break the ice. She didn’t even know what she would say even if she had one made up. It didn’t feel right to tell him about the storm in her mind. Something in her just made her feel that could lead to the possible destruction of their already weak relationship. Were they even considered friends at this point? He knew about her family, her mother, her misery, and she knew about his choices in life, his dread of them, and his confusion about where life was leading him. Knowing that much about someone would surely qualify them as a friend, right?
Both of their movements were slow, as if they were both trying not to make the other one run away. They faced each other as they stood in the middle of the small apartment. The apartment was already suffocating on it's own, but now by the presence of Chris, it felt like a coffin.
“Listen, I don’t know what came over me—” Her voice was even quieter this time, but it got cut short by the feeling of her body being pressed up against his. His arms wrapped around her smaller frame, almost like guarding her, protecting her from every single bad thing in this world. She tried to muffle out another word, but his embrace only got tighter. The feeling of his arms strongly gripping her sent an unusual sensation through her senses, making her almost forget all about the past couple of days. It was a strange sense of comfort, one she hadn’t felt in what seemed like an eternity, but also one that seemed to linger in the air every time she was in his presence. His scent made her close her eyes, taking a deep breath as she slowly rested her head against him.
It was to no use to resist the urges this time; they were much stronger than her. Her arms found their way around his waist, connecting at his lower back as her body pushed further into his embrace.
He felt like a series of fireworks exploded in him as he felt her arms wrap around him. It was like he had waited for this kind of moment ever since he sat down next to her on that emerald couch that was definitely not made for two. The voice in his head calculating all of the possibilities this irrational decision could have gone wrong quieted down by the feeling of their bodies pressed together.
He knew he wasn’t good with words, and by saying anything more he could probably reignite the fire that was slowly extinguishing itself away, but he still spoke up. “I’m sorry for bringing it up.”
The sentence made Adriana’s breath stop for a second. Such a simple series of words made a couple of wires connect in her head. She pulled back slightly, just enough to look up at him. It was a fight between her and herself again. Either she tells him the truth this time or she lets it bubble up in her system and leaves him to carry the burden of their issues alone.
“You don’t get it, Chris.”
“I got too curious about you. I knew I shouldn’t have asked so many questions, and I didn’t know you’d react like that.”
She disconnected from his embrace, their bodies still close, and their gazes stayed glued to each other.
“I’m so sorry if you felt scared of me at that moment—”
“I heard a voice.”
To her surprise, the soft look in his eyes didn’t change; they still looked at her with the same warmth. It was like they hypnotized her. He stood there quietly, waiting for her to continue.
Adriana licked her lips as her eyes darted from left to right in a second before they set themselves back on Christopher.
“It screamed at me. It screamed at me to run away from you. I—I didn’t have control over my body…” Her voice started to tremble. Chris felt a chill run down his spine. “Has that ever happened before?”
She shook her head, trying to find the right words. None of them felt good enough to explain this situation. He was sure going to storm out of the apartment, paint her as a weirdo or psychopath, hell, maybe even pull out a pair of handcuffs and arrest her then and there.
“That same night, I was at Lila’s apartment. It told me to get up and go to the kitchen. She—she found me with a knife in my hands. I couldn’t even remember getting there.”
There it was, the end of whatever this could have been.
She closed her eyes, waiting for a storm of words to escape from his mouth, or the sound of the door shutting, but, nothing.
His arms reached for her once more, embracing her into another hug. This time, she could feel how his heart beat against his chest, her quickened heartbeat slowing down to match his.
He isn’t leaving.
She let herself slip into the temptation once more, letting his hands wrap around her whole body. His hand made its way to her head, his fingers finding themselves getting lost in her hair.
Why isn’t he leaving?
He closed the frosted glass door behind him as his footsteps echoed through the halls of the department. After dropping off some case documents, his shift finally came to an end. For the past week, he had been assigned more and more cases, and to Hank’s surprise, they were all going pretty well. Changbin couldn’t help but feel so proud of his friend; he seemed to be more excited about Chris’s achievements than Chris himself, which led them to plan a celebration for tonight. Well, nothing fancy—just a club and a few drinks. Maybe Changbin was just trying to find an excuse to get drunk on a weekday and found his chance.
Chris made his way into the office area, found his desk, and let his body fall into the chair. He let out a sigh, eyeing the decorations in his little space, or rather the lack of them. It was almost the same as when he first joined the department, the only pop of color being a fake plant that his mom sent him, knowing he couldn’t keep a real one alive, and a bunch of yellow sticky notes glued to the edges of the monitor. They all had his messy handwriting on them—his failed attempts to make connections between murders that happened some time ago, and some filled with his own bored thoughts. That used to be one of the ways he passed time until he actually started getting assigned to do the job he signed up for. A smile found its way to Chris’s lips. He finally had that feeling of belonging he had searched for so long.
“Waiting for Changbin?” Hyunjin made his way to Chris’s desk, alerting the brown-haired boy. He mumbled in affirmation before his gaze shifted to something that the man before him was holding.
“Hank forgot to give you this,” Hyunjin lifted up his hand to show him a USB stick before setting it down on the desk in front of him. “He said you should look over it when you find the time.”
“What case is this for?”
Hyunjin just shrugged his shoulders, running his hand through his long hair. “No clue.”
Chris took the USB, slipping it into the pocket of his jacket as he put it on. “I’ll take a look tomorrow.”
With a silent nod, Hyunjin made his way out of the double glass doors at the entrance. He seemed to be working extra hard for quite some time now; it was hard not to notice that. The dark eye bags decorating his eyes were like a souvenir from every late shift he did. As Hyunjin was making his way out, he bumped into Changbin, giving him a pat on the shoulder and probably a goodbye before they parted ways. Changbin noticed Chris sitting at his desk and, flashing him a smile, picked up his pace to soon be pulling Chris out of his office chair.
“Someone is eager to drink today,” Chris joked as Changbin kept pulling him out of the office area, making their way out of the building.
“I think someone is not eager enough.”
The pair made their way to Chris’s car, a roar from the engine echoing through the underground garage. “I’ll drop my car off at home, then we’ll go, alright?”
The big neon sign lit up the street as a swarm of people gathered at the entrance of the local club. It was usually busy on Fridays like this, but this time the line of people queueing to get in was much longer than usual. The three friends exited the taxi, Changbin being a gentleman by opening the door for his girlfriend, while Chan tried not to make a joke about his action. Even though the two colleagues had planned to go drinking alone, Changbin couldn’t help but ask Chris to bring his girlfriend to celebrate with them as well. Chris didn’t mind, but he knew he was going to be a third wheel at some point during the night. As they queued up with the rest of the people, his phone rang.
“Is that you over there, in the black button-up?”
“Oh wait, I see you.” The man held up his hand to wave at the girl. They ended the call as she made her way over to them. She tried to be as fast as she could, but the heels she wore only gave her the possibility of ending up in a hospital because of a broken ankle, so she took her steps slow.
He couldn’t see her properly from a distance at first, but as she got closer, his mouth dropped open at the sight. The tight black dress she wore hugged her waist perfectly, showing the curves of her hips. The heels she wore defined her legs, making her almost the same height as him. He felt his throat tighten and his mind go blurry. It was like he was seeing her for the first time in his life. Well, it was the first time seeing her dolled up like this. Realizing his trailing thoughts, he shifted his eyes to her face, quickly changing his expression to flash her a friendly smile. The smile she returned almost made him drop onto the concrete below him.
“Hi, I’m Elena,” Changbin’s girlfriend didn’t waste a second to reach out her hand to greet the new girl. She flashed her a big smile as Adriana shook her hand, “Adriana.”
Elena was always cheerful and clearly longed for some female connection. She didn’t have problems meeting new people, which resulted in her having a wide circle of friends. Adriana, on the other hand, seemed a bit more reserved but returned Elena’s enthusiasm with a warm smile. “Chan didn’t tell us that he had a girlfriend.”
“She’s just a friend,” he quickly chimed in, trying not to make another one of their interactions embarrassing again. Their relationship had finally stabilized, and they could both proudly say they considered each other friends now.
After the long conversation that day, Chris, to Adriana’s surprise, stayed with her the whole afternoon. It felt weird for him not to lash out at her or label her as crazy. She didn’t think anyone would let the story of her pulling out a knife just fly over their heads and still find compassion for her. But he did; he listened to her, comforting her when needed. His only answer to all of her talking was that it was probably a reaction to something. A reaction from her past traumas perhaps. But there was one thing he was sure of: she wouldn’t hurt anyone.
It was her biggest fear. If she couldn’t remember getting into that state, it killed her inside to think she could potentially do something irrational and hurt someone. She expressed that possibility to him, but he was quick to eliminate those thoughts from her head.
One thing she feared the most out of all was that maybe he saw her as way too good, better than she actually might be.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Elena broke out in a laugh, but the atmosphere didn’t get awkward, probably because Adriana returned the laugh at her remark.
Chris couldn’t help but notice the quietness of Changbin. He looked over at the man, who only had a weird smile plastered on his face. That kind of smile was rare for Changbin; it seemed almost forced. There was no way he was mad Chris invited someone unannounced, not after he literally asked to invite his girlfriend to a plan they had agreed would be just between the two of them.
“The line is really long,” Adriana exclaimed, looking behind them to a new line of people, all dressed in short dresses and fancy flannels. “Ugh, by the time we get in, these heels are gonna kill me,” the shorter girl replied before the two shared a laugh.
“If they even let us in.”
“Right, it will for sure get packed before we get to the bouncer.”
“Also, did you like the flowers Changbin got you?”
“Which-” She took a minute to think before another smile escaped her. “Oh my god, you were the one who made it, he told me about it.”
Adriana couldn’t help but smile at the reaction from the girl. “My friend actually made the bouquet, all credit goes to her.”
As the two girls fell into small talk, Chris moved behind them to stand next to Changbin, giving him a nudge with his elbow. “What’s wrong?”
The shorter boy’s head turned to look at the taller one. He shot a quick glance at the two in front, figuring they were deep into their own conversation, then leaned in closer to Chris. “What is she doing here?”
Chris was not expecting that kind of answer. At all.
“What the hell do you mean? I invited her.” His brows furrowed, his tone becoming a bit more stern as the words left his mouth.
“Without telling me beforehand?”
Chris’s hands now found their way to his hips, his tongue tracing the inside of his mouth as he tried to compose himself and not make a scene in front of a whole group of strangers.
“You inviting Elena is fine, but me inviting someone, oh, suddenly is not okay?” Chris practically spat his words out. “It’s not about you inviting someone,” Changbin argued back.
“Then what the fuck is it?” Chris hissed out quietly, feeling his temper boil over. He knew Changbin wasn’t very fond of Adriana. It seemed he had been connecting some dots from the cases to her, but every time Chris tried to talk to him about it, he suddenly forgot everything. He didn’t tell him anything about her outbursts either, rightfully so. Adriana had told him to keep it between the two of them, and he was in no position to let her down.
“I don’t think we should be associating with her,” Changbin started, but Chris was quick to cut him off. “Listen. Whatever fantasy you’ve got going on about her in your head, she’s not like that. Don’t you trust me?”
Changbin muttered a low curse under his breath at his friend’s words, but in the end, he sighed. “Fine, whatever.”
The two girls at the front had seemingly stopped their chat and were now looking at the men behind them. They didn’t hear much of the conversation, but hearing some commotion, they couldn’t help but to try and eavesdrop. Chris and Bin shared an awkward laugh while looking at the girls, who were quick to turn back around and continue their talk.
The line seemed to get longer and longer as they made their way closer to the bouncer. Adriana tried to strike up a conversation a couple of times with Changbin, but to no avail. He mostly answered her with very short remarks, sometimes even acting like he didn’t hear her. Adriana couldn’t deny that the way he was acting was turning a few wheels inside her head, but she wasn’t going to bug her mind about it too much and potentially ruin her mood for the whole night. Giving up, she let the three of them chat while she mindlessly scrolled through her phone.
All of a sudden, she felt a hand on her lower back. In usual cases, she would probably freak at that sensation, but now she had grown quite accustomed to it. Trying to hide her smile, she kept her head looking down at her phone in an attempt to avoid looking at the man. “Yes, Chris?”
He leaned into her ear, keeping his hand gently at her lower back. “You look very pretty.”
Not bothering to hide the shy smile anymore, she finally let it out. Blood quickly rushed to her cheeks, completely blowing her cover. The scent of his cologne didn’t help her either. It was a new one, his usual scent now replaced with a mix of wood, vanilla, and tobacco. Adriana had to admit his usual scent brought her peace for some reason, it felt comforting, but now it was like she was seeing him in a whole new light. It wasn’t just the cologne; the velvety button-up he wore hugged his shoulders just right, and the few buttons left undone at his chest made her thoughts fly away to places they hadn’t been before.
“You don’t look too bad yourself.” Yeah, he didn’t look too bad. He looked ethereal.
Chris, on the other hand, tried to bite his tongue the best he could. He did notice how her lips curved upwards and how her cheeks suddenly changed color, but most importantly, he noticed how she tried to hide it all. Some form of excitement started bubbling up in the pit of his stomach from the interaction. It seemed like the most basic conversation, just two friends complimenting each other, but he couldn’t help but feel like a little high school boy talking to his crush.
Was that what it was?
Could it really be that he had developed some other feelings for her rather than just platonic love and compassion? There was no way; they didn’t even know each other for that long.
In usual settings, Chris would blame this kind of thinking on alcohol. It usually brought out the side of him that longed for physical and emotional connection, but he hadn’t even had a sip yet.
The music was very loud, and the repeated flashing of lights made their movements look like they were in slow motion. Drunk people occupied any free space to move their bodies to the rhythm, while couples found themselves on couches and probably in bathrooms. Despite the long line of people, the four of them managed to find a free spot in the VIP booth, likely thanks to Changbin’s help. It was a small, half-circular row of couches on the bottom floor of the club, accompanied by a glass table in front of each couch. By the looks of it, there were more high-end booths on the upper floors. The dance floor was only a couple of steps away, and most importantly, the bar wasn’t far either. Right after occupying their space, the two men wasted no time bringing over the first round of drinks, whiskey and coke.
“Cheers,” the short boy yelled as the sound of glass clinking could barely be heard over the music. Adriana and Chris both drank their beverages halfway, while the two lovebirds roughly set down their completely empty glasses.
“I see why you two are together,” Adriana joked, and Elena burst into laughter at the remark. Changbin seemed to smile at Adriana’s words, which, to be honest, shocked both Chris and Adriana. With a quick bolt to the bar, Changbin returned in a second with another round of the same alcohol.
“So, you two—” Elena started, taking a small sip before continuing, “How did you meet?”
“Well…” Adriana began while she slowly set her drink on the table, a mischievous smile starting to creep up on her lips. Chris’s eyes, watching her, widened at her words. He knew which of their encounters she was going to choose, and he slowly shook his head at her in defense. 
“I was walking to my shop at like 3 AM, and all of a sudden, I heard someone groan from above me.”
Chris was quick to shoot up in his defense, “I wasn’t groaning; I was wincing in pain.”
“Mhm, okay. Anyways, I looked up and saw some creepy shirtless dude on a balcony.”
“I wasn’t creepy,” Chris interjected.
“You looked creepy under that lighting, or rather because of the lack of it.”
They all cracked up in a chuckle before the other girl spoke up, “Well, in her defense, most men are creepy at night.” Changbin, at her words, shot her a pair of puppy eyes, blinking a few times as she laughed at his action, “Not you, Bin, you’re always creepy.” They all shared a laugh once again.
“No, but seriously. I had a guy from work follow me one night.” Changbin tensed up at the mention of the topic but let her continue. “I literally had to run into a convenience store and talk with the cashier for like twenty minutes for him to get lost somewhere.”
“Did you get home alright?” Adriana chimed in, clearly invested in what Elena was saying, and so was Chris. Changbin seemed like the only one well-introduced to the story. Elena nodded at Adriana’s question, “I got home fine, but I still had some problems at work.”
Chris was quick to speak up, “Please tell me that you reported him.”
“I did, but HR did nothing useful, so I changed job locations. That’s how I got here.”
Even though the topic they were discussing was quite heavy, the setting of the place they were at didn’t let the conversation get too unsettling. Elena was completely fine about sharing her story, and by the way she talked, it seemed like she had gotten over it. It was lighthearted—lighthearted to everyone but Adriana.
Help her.
The familiar ping in her head suddenly came back, although her vision didn’t get blurry this time. Instead, her eyes focused on the drinks on the glass table in front of her. She was clearly zoned out.
She could have ended up like you.
Give her justice.
There it was again. The sudden feeling of doom washed over her as the music that was once the main focus faded away. It was just her and this voice. She wouldn’t let it act out this time. She wouldn’t let it control her. They were just some thoughts anyways, right? If she was aware it was talking to her, she could discard it and maintain consciousness over her body.
Kill him like the rest.
But it was so hard, so tempting. It felt reasonable. It felt right to her at the moment.
No. How could killing anyone be right? And who was the rest?
It’s your job.
To do what? What is the job? Why was it so tempting? Why did it feel familiar?
The rose is with you.
The music was back, and the table in front of her came back into sight.
It was Chris calling her this time, “You okay?” She blinked a couple of times, trying to get used to the quick changing of the lights. Even though he was asking her a normal question, his eyes seemed to be full of something: worry.
It took her a couple of seconds to ground herself again, to be aware of her surroundings.
“Is it…?” His hand was now on her forearm, holding her strongly but not enough to hurt her. She just nodded, her eyes noticing the empty spots on the once-occupied space, “Where did they go?”
“They’re dancing. You’ve been zoned out for quite a bit.”
She took a deep breath before abruptly standing up from the maroon couch and turning to look over at Chris. She took a moment to look at him while his eyes curiously looked up at her, eyebrows raised.
“Let’s go drink.”
Half the night passed in what felt like a minute, and the pair couldn’t feel any better. The four of them clinked what was probably the twelfth or thirteenth drink of the night, maybe a little more. The droopy eyes on everyone indicated that the alcohol had done its magic, seemingly washing away all their memories from the start of the night. Hence, the four found themselves dancing together near the bar, their movements syncing with the rhythm of some remixed pop song playing from the speakers.
Changbin and Elena were in their own little world, the mix of the music and alcohol making them feel like they were the only ones in the club. Their bodies moved together, seemingly forgetting about the other two friends they came with, but in their defense, they didn’t care.
Adriana clung to the new drink she got from the bartender, while her free hand found its way to Chris’s shoulder. With a drunken smile, she leaned up to the man in front of her, inching closer to his ear. “Too much PDA in this place,” she slurred out.
“Right,” he returned the same drunken smile as their bodies swayed to the rhythm. “Finish that,” he pointed with his gaze to the new drink she was holding before chugging the rest of his glass. Hand on her waist, he held onto her as he leaned to set down the now empty drink on the counter of the bar, and she followed his action shortly after him.
Her eyebrow raised at him while he took her hand, pulling her in front of him. They pushed through the crowd of people, all moving in their own styles, some not caring about the beat and some just plainly sucking on each other’s faces with no shame. Would sober Adriana find it a bit disgusting? Probably. Did she care at this given moment? Absolutely not. The only thing she cared about was the warmth radiating from the body behind her as it guided her further into the swarm of people. The music quickly changed to another track, and the lights started to flash faster.
Her body suddenly got spun around as his hands stayed holding hers. “Don’t be shy.” He chuckled to her, his body starting to follow the new rhythm. “I should be saying that to you.”
The corners of his eyes creased as he smiled at her. They were both quick to fall into the music, letting control over their bodies go completely free. As much as Chris wanted to, he tried his best to keep a respectful distance from her, but the number of people letting their bodies loose just like them was overwhelming and obviously limited the space he could give her.
Adriana, on the other hand, did not care about a thing. The only thought in her mind was how her arms moved around her, and her body swung to the song. They both soon fell into their own world, much like the pair they came with, who were now out of sight and maybe even out of the club.
Even though he was moving at his own pace, his eyes stayed glued to the girl in front of him, watching her every move. How her dress slid up higher as her hips swung, and how her hair covered her features every now and then. He was aware the alcohol was working, and the only thing he wanted was to be closer to her. He wanted to guide her hips, brush the hair out of her face, feel her moving against him.
After a long moment of dancing, and Chris trying his best not to give in to his urges to press his body against hers, the song changed to a slower, more sensual one. Their movements slowed down, and the lights went back to making the effect of everything going in slow motion. She turned to face him fully, taking his hand and spinning herself around. They both shared a chuckle, their hands refusing to let go of each other. She found herself leaning over to his ear again, and this time, the scent of her perfume mixed with alcohol made him lose it all. “Don’t be shy,” she mocked, and at that same second, both of his hands gripped her waist tightly, making her move to the rhythm he set. In response, he sent her a cocky smile, setting his eyes on hers.
The control she barely had left over her body quickly slipped away, her focus shifting from her moves to his facial features. When the light flashed, it highlighted his lips and how they stayed curved at the ends. At that moment, he felt like the only person on earth to her. The only one who could make her feel right. The only one who could make the nagging feeling of doom leave her mind for even just a second.
She finally felt it was the right moment to let herself fall freely into feeling, to let her guard down, to trust again. After all, he was the one who had peeled the walls down without making her feel threatened.
The song continued, and their bodies inched closer and closer to each other. He was still leading the rhythm, guiding her hips with his hands. Her own hands found their way around his neck, gripping at the hem of his button-up. She shifted her gaze from the buttons left undone up to his collarbones. Noticing her eyes wandering, his Adam's apple jumped as his heart beat quickened, much like the song in the background. He feared he couldn’t hold his urges in anymore; he had already crossed one line by pulling her so close to him. But as her eyes finally settled on his lips, he finally broke under the pressure.
The atmosphere between the two thickened as he cupped her face with one hand, the other settling their movements down. Her eyes closed as he inched closer every second. Closing his eyes, he let himself fully fall into the feeling, pressing his lips onto hers. It took a couple of seconds for her to react, but soon their lips moved in sync. To both of them, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off their shoulders, like they had finally cut the tension that had been building up for so long. It was as if the alcohol they had consumed during the night wasn’t enough anymore, like they needed something stronger—like they needed each other.
The door to Christopher’s apartment shut loudly, but neither of them cared even a bit. The only important feeling to them both right now was how they embraced each other, how the heat between them started getting unbearable, and how their soft lips pressed together as if they were made for one another. She quickly tried to get out of her heels, shoving them away with her foot, not caring where they ended up. He cupped her face with his hands as she set down the black purse on a small cabinet near the front door, and in no time, her fingertips found their way to the buttons of his shirt. Their lips moved effortlessly, but the eagerness still lingered in the air. They had both waited for this moment what felt like forever, and now that it finally came, it was like someone glued them together for eternity. Adriana’s fingers slid down the hem of his button-up, passing the few open buttons and finally stopping at the buttoned one. His fingers glided against her rosy cheeks, feeling every bump and crevice in her skin as they moved down to her jaw.
For the whole way to his apartment, their hands hadn’t left each other. Either she was hooked onto his arm, or his hands held her tightly around her waist; they couldn’t bear not to feel each other’s presence. It was like the first kiss released some sort of drug, a drug that made them addicted to the taste. Her fingers finally undid the button she had been fiddling with for some time. Her hands slid on the bare skin of his chest, and his only reaction was to place one hand from her cheek to the back of her head, deepening the kiss as much as he could. That action only made her want to explore his body even more, but as soon as her hands went further, he broke the kiss. Their faces were close, breath heavy as the atmosphere in the room lay thick. His eyes still looked at her, laced with love, but hers had a different kind of spark. Her pupils were barely visible under the lack of light, but the outside street lamp lit up her face enough for him to discern what she was feeling: lust.
“Not tonight,” his sudden soft voice spoke, finally breaking the awful quietness in the apartment. It seemed like not even cars made noise outside anymore. Her eyebrows raised at his words, her body slowly starting to detach from him, but he was quick to pull her right back in by the waist. “Let’s take it slow,” his voice was still barely above a whisper, a small smile creeping up on his lips as he looked down at her. It was a sight to see. He could never have imagined she would be there in his apartment, embraced by his arms and looking up at him with those doe eyes. Maybe he needed to pinch himself to see if he was dreaming.
“And why is that?” A small smirk found its way to her lips as her arms slid around his neck. Her gaze shifted to his hair just as her fingers did, relocating the strands to her liking.
He shrugged. “It’s different this time.”
“How was it before?”
He slowly shook his head, eyes tracing every feature on her face as if he were trying to engrave it in his memory. His lips fully curved into a smile this time. “Not, not like this.” The tone he spoke with seemed quite shy, and it wasn’t hard to figure out why.
Chris did have some failed attempts at love, but deciding to focus on his career, he decided to drop it altogether. He felt like it wasn’t really his calling; the furthest he would go would be a kiss or two, and the girl would nine times out of ten completely drop him. To be honest, he rarely felt anything much for them. He figured over time he was forcing himself into it, probably to fill some kind of void he was not aware of yet, but this time it was so different. This time he actually felt something for someone, and it was quite scary. He did admit to himself he probably did chicken out a little, but it was for the better.
“Okay then,” she returned a smile before nodding, “I’ll follow your pace.”
She could have figured why he was like this. As soon as she touched him further, his body tensed up after being so relaxed for the whole night, and the little stutter he developed confirmed it all. She felt like she might have been a little too eager with everything. It had been a while since she felt this open to an act like that with someone. It was so refreshing, but it’s better not to rush into anything; who knows, maybe her traumas would resurface and ruin the moment.
“That doesn’t mean I can’t kiss you like this.” Her short trail of thoughts got cut off by him returning his hands to cup her face, pulling her in tightly to press his lips onto hers once more, this time softer and with more emotion. It was a quick, sweet kiss, but oh, did it make her legs feel like they didn’t exist anymore. She burst into a giggle as their lips parted, hitting him softly on the shoulder.
“Ow.” He pouted, rubbing the place where her hand hit him. “What was that for?” he joked, the tone still quiet. To his surprise, she didn’t answer, though. She just stood there in front of him, a dumb smile plastered on her face as her eyes never left his for even a second.
The pair found themselves on the soft couch in his apartment, their uncomfortable clothes long gone and replaced with sweatpants and plain t-shirts. His outfit looked a bit big on her, but to him, it just made her look cuter.
“Did you see anything off about Changbin tonight?” the girl asked while her fingers played with the strings of her pants.
“Not really.” He knew what she was hinting at, but he’d rather not get into that conversation right now. It didn’t feel right not telling her, but he was sure it would be worse if he did.
She hummed, nodding her head while her fingers stayed busy with the strings. An awkward silence filled the room for a while, but it was suddenly cut by a phone ringtone.
“Yours?” He quickly bolted to the counter where her purse was situated before she could even register that it was her phone ringing. With a quick move, he unzipped the familiar bag and reached to grab the ringing phone. She made her way over to him as he handed her the phone, but as he did, small purple pieces of what seemed like fabric decorated the floor beneath them.
“It’s Lila, hold on,” she said as she swiped the green button and made her way to the other side of the apartment. Chris stood looking at the ground, the color of what fell barely visible, but it turned a few wheels in his head. He kneeled down to pick up whatever he had made fall from her bag, but as his fingers twirled the pieces, he realized something. It was those rose petals again, the ones that, in a way, connected them, but the ones that existed because of her mother. She probably carried those around in memory of her, so he picked up each petal carefully and set them back in her bag.
Footsteps were heard behind him as he set the last petal down in the bag. “She called to see if I got home safely.” Her eyes fell on the last petal that took its place in her bag.
“I’m sorry, they fell out,” he said apologetically, but in return, he got a quite confused response.
“I didn’t even know those were there.”
He mumbled 'good morning's' as he passed through the rows of desks and his coworkers occupying them. The burning sensation in his right hand didn’t matter at the moment; only the hope that the coffee would finally start working it's magic. The weekend had passed in what felt like a second, and the only thing he did was hang out with Adriana. All the work he said he was going to do was left undone, and all the promises to go to sleep earlier were unkept. It was his own fault, though; Adriana had cursed him out multiple times to take some time for himself and get ready for the new weekday, but Chris was a tough cookie to crack. Now that he had finally let himself free, he couldn’t bear to be apart from her. He kept himself in check to not go overboard with anything; it's not like they were official yet, but he just couldn’t keep himself from her. All of a sudden, his curiosity about her had doubled, and with that, his focus on work had lessened. Hence, as soon as Chris sat at his office table, his name was called from his boss’s office.
A curse word slipped under his breath as he took one last sip of his coffee, slid his chair back, and turned to head to the frosty glass doors that were the only thing protecting him from whatever was about to happen.
As the doors opened, Hank sat at his desk, a familiar face sitting across from him. The monitor of his computer was tilted so the other person could scan whatever was showcased on it.
“Good morning,” Chris greeted as both of the men looked up at him.
“Morning, Chris. I’m sure you have encountered Detective Lee before.”
The man stood up from his seat to reach out a hand. “We’ve seen each other around the office,” he said, flashing Chris a smile. “Lee Minho.”
“Christopher Bang.”
The two men greeted each other as Hank turned his monitor back to its place, took a handful of files, and stood up. “Let’s take this to the meeting room to discuss.”
As they exited the office and made their way to the bigger room, Chris felt like a bunch of question marks had spawned above his head and were taunting him. He knew he had forgotten to review at least one thing for work, but trying to remember what it was felt like it was going to give him a headache.
The room they entered was much bigger, with a circular table occupying most of the space. There were a few people already in place, and the screen on the wall was already turned on. They politely greeted all three as they entered the room, Hank taking his place near the computer that controlled the big projector. Chris cleared his throat as he pulled out a chair next to Changbin, nudging him in the side with his elbow.
“What is this about?” he whispered to the man next to him, but Changbin didn’t seem to be in a very good mood today. They hadn’t talked since the night at the club, a couple of texts from Chris asking if he had gotten home alright, but no response from the other.
“The USB,” Changbin replied coldly, his eyes not moving an inch from the screen projector.
“Good morning to everyone once again,” Hank started, turning everyone’s attention to him. “As you all know, we have obtained some CCTV footage that we suspect is related to the four murders that happened during December of last year. I have sent this footage to a couple of you who are more familiar with the case, so I hope you have reviewed it.” The screen changed to the files that represented all of the snippets of the footage. “I have compiled all the important parts here so we can review them together.”
The first video was showcased, nothing out of the ordinary. A dark, snow-covered street was shown, with only a couple of street lamps casting a yellow light on the ground.
“This was approximately 13 minutes after the murder took place. The CCTV footage was captured from a gas station not far from the victim’s home.”
It all seemed peaceful until a figure showed up in the corner of the screen. A woman with long hair and a puffy coat walked on the street, both of her hands occupied with holding two bags of some sort.
“We also have more footage from that night; another camera captured her.” There she was shown again, this time a bit more clearly, but her face was still not visible, only the back of her head. She walked hurriedly with her head down, the bags still in her hand. This part of the street was familiar; Chris himself lived not too far from there.
“The other footage also captured what seemed to be the same woman, ten to fifteen minutes after each of the murders took place. She was captured near the victims’ houses, seemingly walking in the opposite direction.”
“She could be living in the area, though,” the man Chris had met not long ago spoke up.
Hank nodded at the remark, turning to the computer to enter another file. “Of course, this is only a rough take, but we have also found this at all of the crime scenes.”
The slideshow of pictures made the blood running through Christopher’s veins turn cold. The sweet rose petals submerged in blood painted the white screen. The petals he himself had brought to everyone’s attention.
“We have found this at all of the crime scenes, which concludes that the murders are probably connected and calculated. A witness came forward about the woman shown in the footage, I will show you the formal report after we take a look at the rest of the footage.”
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dazai-fan-page · 2 months
i’m sorry for asking but what are all your aus? also i’m sorry you have to deal with dazai anon, they seem super annoying 😞
I am grabbing your face when I say this, never ever apologize for sending me asks unless the ask is filled w/ hate, every other ask I always want. Always.
Anyways AU list lets gooo:
Canon Adjacent AU
My main AU for writing in, where most of my headcanons are written into existence. The fics all build off each other and it follows around multiple ships and plot arcs.
Akari and Co AU
This one is very similar to the Canon Adjacent AU but it's where my fankids and most OCs live. Very different plot arcs from the CAAU, it follows Akari my skk fankid.
Saw AU
Fyodor as Jigsaw, starting with Dazai most of the main cast gets shoved in a Saw trap. Could also be called "Eve kills more than half of the Main cast AU" but that's a mouthful
Possession AU
Dazai gets possessed by a spirit who sticks him a loop of his worst memories. It then goes on to try and ruin Dazai's life as much as it can.
Influencer AU
I just. they be influencers. i write their shenanigans.
Highschool AU
I put the bsd characters into my high school bc I need something realistic for once
Real World AU
Another high school au but I have it follow canon and space it out w/ canon differences.
Cafe/Bookstore AU
Based on two stores I like, they're a second hand bookstore next to a concert cafe that features several local punk bands. I think it'll be fun to have the cast work in them.
I make the Ability users into SCP anomalies
Lab AU
If Dazai ended up at a lab w/ Chuuya
Mr & Mrs Smith Actor AU
Where I make skk play characters that fall back in love w/ each other and turns out it was less acting than they thought.
Mr & Mrs Smith AU
The characters pov this time. Bc I like that movie.
Analog Horror AU
Bsd cast in a lil horror story I write via found footage. I will not actually be filming any of it unless I suddenly get a friend group of cosplayers
Walking Dead Game AU
TWDG plot but w/ bsd cast + some changes.
Dystopian AU
Abilities are like heavily gov controlled and it follows Dazai and Chuuya (shocker ik) as they basically get hot potato-ed from traumatic event to traumatic event. Originally called my co dependency AU
Batman Crossover AU
I haven't decided if the bsd cast is going to Gotham or if the batfam is going to Yokohama but they're gonna have to work together and really this one's entirely self indulgent.
Scream AU
I write a scream movie using bsd characters *jazz hands*
Faked Death AU
Dazai and Atsushi are kidnapped by a group of my OCs and used in an ability based fighting/trafficking ring. When they're taken they fake their death so it takes longer to realize they can get them back. Most of the plot should follow Chuuya and Akutagawa grieving and then getting Dazai and Atsushi back and then comfort bc I die without comfort.
And those are just for bsd lmfao
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elizabethemerald · 1 year
A Shade Darker than Red: Part 9
Danny and Jason hovered over Jazz’s bed in her apartment while she worked on her computer. She had been looking at opening a practice as a psychologist, and with all the conversation going around about the happenings in Gotham she was investigating how expensive an office in the city would be. Not too high, all things considered and she had saved quite a bit by being a partner for a practice in her current town, and having two other roommates helped her save on rent. Maybe after she had her own practice for a while she would be able to apply to Arkham and start to actually help the people there. 
The two ghosts were busy discussing how they wanted to make Jason’s presence known to his family. Jason had said that now that his first killer was dead and he wouldn’t have to worry about his family getting hurt by him, that he wanted to meet them again, let them know that even though he was dead didn’t mean he wouldn’t still be in their lives. 
“When I came back as Red Hood, I sent a first edition book to Alfred to let him know it was me.” Jason said. 
“Hmm. Usually when I get summoned by some cult or another, I really pull out all the stops, tentacles, supernovas exploding into forming stars, multiple eyes and mouths, the whole lot.” 
“Maybe you could carve my initials into a wall with ectoplasm! Or I could haunt a few of the rival crime lords who messed with Crime Alley!”
Jazz slammed her hands down her desk causing both of the boys to freeze and stare at her. She growled and snatched a magazine from her desk drawer and rolled it up into a tight tube. With a flick of her wrist as she turned, she infused the magazine with ectoplasm. Danny and Jason watched her in confusion for a few seconds as she stood there with the magazine, clearly going through a breathing exercise. 
“Are you ok, Jazz?” Danny asked. 
He got a rolled up magazine to the face for his trouble as Jazz began smacking both boys with her magazine. She smacked them both again and again as she berated them, all the while wrestling them to keep them within easy smacking distance. 
“Just fucking talk to them! I swear to the Ancients if you don’t cut all the unnecessary dramatics and just talk to them I will put both of you in a thermos for a month! The same thermos! By all that is holy and all the undead in the Realms, just fucking talk to people!” 
She continued her tirade and assault for a few minutes more before she settled back breathing heavily. 
“Danny, you will open a portal when they are all gathered together, introduce yourself, and swear an oath not to harm them. It won’t be perfect but it should hopefully keep the paranoia of the family down for a few minutes. Jason, you will come out of the portal next and you will sit down and explain, clearly and succinctly, that you are a ghost.” 
Both boys stared at her, more than a little fear on their faces in the face of her fury. 
“I understand vigilante types are allergic to healthy communication, but I swear, if you idiots just talked to each other, half of your problems would disappear.” She stepped back and sighed, running her free hand through her hair, though she still held the magazine and gestured to the boys with it. “Do you need me as a living person to be there to help calm down any misunderstandings?” 
“Yes Jazz, that would be great.” Dannny said with a small voice. “Also thank you.” 
“I know theatrics are part of being a hero and part of being a ghost, but please, please just communicate.” She finally set her magazine down causing the ghosts to breathe out sighs of relief. “We can go over talking points and common questions about the Realms so we can explain things in the least traumatizing way. And I’ll pick up a pizza or something and bring it to help destress.” 
“Yeah that would be best. I’m not sure when they will be all together, and if we’re just going with the ‘talk like a mentally healthy person’ plan, then it will probably be best to get them all done at once.” 
“I think I know someone who will be able to help us get them all together.” Danny said thoughtfully, then when Jazz’s hand strayed toward the magazine again he quickly clarified, “In a healthy communication and living person approved way.” 
“Good. You better.” 
Some time later, Jason and Danny emerged from a portal in the air over Gotham City. Jason followed as Danny began flying around searching the alleys for whoever it was that Danny was sure could get the remainder of the Batfamily back together. 
“Uh, do you know what you’re looking for? Cause I respect you as like the King of All Ghosts or whatever, but I fear your sister way more. And I do not want to spend a month stuck in a thermos with you if this doesn’t go off perfectly.” 
“It’ll be fine. Just give me a minute to- Ah! There we go!” 
Danny was off like a shot, Jason right behind him. The two of them shot into an alley that Jason distinctly remembered Bruce coming and laying flowers in multiple times during his time as Robin. This was the alley where Bruce’s parents had been killed. He paused, unsure if he should intrude. He had always tried to give Bruce his space when he had first been alive. 
“Come on in, Jason.” The voice that called to him wasn’t Danny’s. It was older. 
He hesitantly floated into the alley to see Danny standing next to two older looking ghosts, ones he recognized from their portrait in the manor. Thomas and Martha Wayne. Thomas had been the one to wave him in, while Martha was currently hugging Danny. As soon as she saw him, Martha broke away from Danny to pull Jason into a hug as well. 
Jason didn’t know how to react at first, hugs had been few and far between for most of his life, especially after the first time he came back. Danny and Jazz were always quick with physical affection, which was nice, but this was the first hug he had received outside of those two. After freezing for a moment, he wrapped his arms around Martha and hugged her back just as tightly. 
“It’s good to finally be able to meet my grandson again.” Martha said warmly, and Thomas also gave him a wide smile. 
Jason couldn’t help but look awkward at that, he wasn’t certain that he still counted as their grandson after what had happened, so he started to pull back from them. Martha’s face fell, but she still gave him a sad looking smile. 
“I know our boy hurt you, and we are so sorry that his mission got in the way of his relationships with the kids he’d taken in. We still love you and care for you, and if you’ll have us, we’ll still be your grandparents.” 
Jason whipped his tail in agitation for a second before he relaxed and allowed Thomas and Martha to pull him back into an even tighter hug. The hug with his grandparents was warm and safe in a way he hadn’t felt in such a long time. They both pulled back at the same time as a wave of power swamped the alley. 
The power was unlike anything he had felt before, yet it still felt familiar. It wasn’t the same as when Danny used his full power as King of All Ghosts to destroy the clown’s soul, but it still felt like it could match even some of the Ancients Danny had introduced him to. Maybe not Clockwork level but still. 
At the end of the alley the ghost of a woman appeared. She was beautiful in a way Jason struggled to describe. She wore an ivory flapper dress, under a long evening coat. She had brown skin and riotous curls forming a halo around her head. She was beauty and danger and safety and�� home. She felt like home. She also felt horribly sick. Her aura almost drowned him in pain and the scent of rot. 
“Lady Gotham.” The Waynes bowed deeply to her and even Danny inclined his head to her though he did not bow. 
Jason did the only thing he could think to do at this moment. He knelt, falling to one knee in the rank alley they were in, his head bowed low. This was Lady Gotham, the city of spirit of his home. He didn’t feel worthy to be in her presence. He was just the failure Robin who had died too young and came back wrong only to die again. A gentle hand on his chin broke him from his spiraling thoughts. 
“My dear Knight.” Gotham said softly. “You don’t have to kneel before me.” 
He felt his breath catch in his throat even though he didn’t have to breathe as Gotham helped him to rise to his feet, her face filled with kindness and love. He swallowed with difficulty to try and clear his throat. 
“Am I really your knight anymore?” He asked, his voice breaking a little in the middle. 
“Oh, my dearest heart. You have been my Knight since you first put on that cape. And you will remain my Knight in my heart until this entire city has long crumbled to dust. I have watched over you since you were a babe in arms and I mourned you both times you died.” 
Jason took a shaky breath. Lady Gotham opened her arms and he went willingly into her hug. He held her tight and breathed in the smell of the city he loved. The city he was born into and had fought to keep safe. He took one last shuddering breath and stepped back, a weight removed from his shoulders to see how much the city he loved, loved him in return. 
“Will you really be able to get the rest of my family together?” Jason asked her. 
“Oh certainly. It is easy to guide my Knights to one location. However, there is something you must do for me.” 
“Anythi-” Jason stopped mid word as Danny put his hand on his shoulder. 
“You need to know what’s involved before you agree.” Danny no longer was his playful and sarcastic brother. Just like when he had faced the clown and dealt Jason’s revenge, there was a weight of responsibility and duty to the way he carried himself. This was Danny as the High King of Ghosts. “Gotham, the city and the spirit, are deeply cursed.” 
Jason wasn’t certain he could be less surprised to learn that. The air was filled with smog, the streets ran red with blood, and Gotham city was cursed. No one who had fought the crusade in the alleyways and warehouses for as long as Jason had could be surprised by that news. He kept himself from cracking a joke about the obviousness of the curse solely due to the gravitas that Danny was speaking. 
“I have fought the curses that have held sway over me for as long as I could.” Gotham said. “It is this curse that leaves the city shrouded in shadow no matter the hour or season. This curse that feeds the corruption of the power hungry, bends the mind of the cruel towards even greater cruelties, and leaves the victim broken and bleeding in the gutter.” 
“Are you saying it’s not the criminals’ fault? That this curse makes them commit crimes and hurt people?” Jason said, fury bubbling up inside him. 
“No. It merely twists and grows what is already in their hearts.” Gotham said and stepped back from him. “If I were not fighting this curse every single day, with every ounce of my strength it would corrupt even the kind and the good.” 
She opened her evening coat to reveal a gaping wound in her side. Blood and ectoplasm oozed from the wound, staining her dress. He could see the white of her ribs through the gore and the wound stank of rot and decay. 
“I cannot heal from this injury without the ectoplasm of the Infinite Realms, yet the curse binds me to this city, to the very bricks and stone. I cannot leave. I need you and your siblings to break and shatter the anchors that hold this curse in place so I can return to the Realms.”
“And that will end the curse?”
“If only it were so easy.” Gotham looked truly tired at this point, and he could imagine how much she had been fighting, every moment of every day to keep the curse at bay. 
Danny took over the explanation as Gotham recovered her injury. 
“Even without the anchors, the curse will linger, and with no one to fight it would continue to worsen and spread. In a way it is like radioactive decay. It could take eons for it to fully disappear and the entire time Gotham won’t be able to heal because she’s still fighting it.” 
Jason stopped to think about what they were saying. He hadn’t been Robin for years for nothing. He could be as good a detective as any of his brothers. 
“You need a powerful ghost to take on the role of Gotham’s spirit to keep fighting the curse and helping the people while you heal.” Gotham smiled and nodded at him. Jason turned to Danny. “Can you-”
“I can’t take the position.” Danny shook his head with a frown. “I am the King of the Infinite Realms. My responsibilities to the rest of the cosmos are too great for me to focus my time and energy on one single city.” 
Jason pondered the problem for a moment longer. 
“Who else is available?” Danny gave him a knowing look, while Gotham gave him one filled with pride. “Wait, me?” 
He had a hundred reasons why he couldn’t be the one to help protect his city, but it seemed that Gotham and Danny had discussed this already and were ready for him. 
“Jason, you were born of this city, love this city, and fought every day for years for this city.” 
“You already have such strength from fighting what you called your Pit Rage. Even with the worst of corrupted ectoplasm running through your veins you still tried to protect the people within your haunt.” 
“Even as a new ghost you have power and control that is almost unheard of. You bent the entirety of the Infinite Realms to call me to your side. You learned in months what took me years to master, what most ghosts take decades to understand.” 
“You have such a close connection with the defenders of this city, you could guide them and protect them as they continued the crusade to protect the people of my city.” 
Danny stepped forward and put a hand on Jason’s shoulder, looking closely into his eyes. 
“If you take on the role of city spirit, you could stay in Gotham, rather than having to live in the Infinite Realms. You could see your family whenever you wanted to. You could protect them from stray bullets and bend the shadows around them to keep them safe. You could guide them to those who are hurting, even those who would have been missed by the keen eyes of Gotham’s Knights.” 
Jason felt overwhelmed, but he knew Danny’s words were ringing with truth. He desperately wanted to make up for his family’s blood that he had on his hands, and if he could protect them, keep them safe, it would be worth any cost, any struggle. Though there was one concern. 
“What about you and Jazz?” He didn’t want to lose his new family any more than he wanted to lose his siblings. Danny gave him a smile. 
“Jazz is moving her practice here. I can open portals to her or you whenever I want. You’re not going to get rid of us that easily.” 
Jason nodded. Then nodded again more firmly. 
“I’ll do it. Though we’re going to need help from the others if we’re going to break those anchors.”
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arceespinkgun · 3 months
Thanks for doing that Jazz post. I've only been in the fandom for about a year ands ive been a bit slow chewing through all the media. Im still trying to detangle whats canon and fanon right now(litterally thought ex-con jazz was canon in a verse from how it was explained to me). And your post definitely helped point out some of the stuff i fell for.
Ive always focused really heavily on the musical side of his character and how he has an almost constant jovial tone. I imagined that from the first time he heard music, he knew that's what he wanted to do. Then the war happened, and he wanted to be useful. He's good at what he does, but he doesn't like it. He wants to go back to music. I imagine that as soon as the wars over, hes not going to take one glance back at the military and go back to what he likes. I also feel like i think alot about how he wants people to perceive him. That hes really conscious about how emotions. Hes the moral support, good guy Jazz! The mech anyone can depend on! So he doesn't let himself feel much of those negative emotions brought on by the situation.
Didnt meant to ramble but you get my idea I hope. Thanks again
You're very welcome! I'm happy to receive this ask because people who are newer to the fandom getting mislead by fanon based on racist tropes is one of my most hated things, and I see it happen constantly. I can really relate too because I haven't been active in the fandom too long either! I didn't make that post any earlier because for a long time, I had no way of knowing if these fanon portrayals were based in something I just hadn't seen yet. This is a big reason why I think that when fans have seen a lot of the canon, they need to not mislead people and should also let people know what comes from where and what is made up. Here's another link to my post of my favorite canon media featuring Jazz, and if there's any specific thing you or anyone else is confused about I'll try to help sort out canon from fanon. How is any new fan supposed to know that Jazz has never actually called Prowl "Prowler" (also I hate that nickname so much lol) and that Jazz being from Polyhex isn't real?
Your interpretation of Jazz is a really valid one based on his canon traits! I also think a lot about how Jazz really wants to cultivate and live up to a specific image, and about how he is always supporting everyone but very rarely gets to accepts others' support. I also think it's so lazy and offensive how soooo much fanmade content has Jazz enjoy killing people and stuff because that feels like such a slight to the canon character in all continuities. Though that being said, I do also like the idea that perhaps long ago, Jazz did enjoy fighting more and didn't realize how horrible war really is, only to become traumatized and that feeding into a current sense of guilt, fear, shame, and a desire to be perceived a certain way.
This fandom/community is really big, and there are so many different series and communities, and it's really easy for echo chambers that reinforce racist ideas to form practically unchecked. Fanon is basically its own separate fandom TBH, one that's especially dangerous for new fans to end up trusting when it comes to women and/or people of color, and I think fans need to remember to be honest about this. In the discussion that's come after that first post I've made (it's been very valuable!) it's actually been a little scary to me to see how divorced many people on here are from who Jazz is, what his relationships are, or why certain tropes constantly being applied to a Black-coded hero is the fandom being racist.
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its-rat-time-babey · 2 years
I adore Spectra’s first appearance in My Brother’s Keeper. In fact I adore My Brother’s Keeper in general, as it’s my absolute favourite episode in the show.
One thing that I confidently say about the series as a whole is that it would be instantly improved if it leaned towards the more horror aspects of its concept. The show as a whole would be way better if parts of it were played for horror, and that goes DOUBLE for Spectra.
And that’s because Spectra in canon acts extremely differently compared to the other ghosts that Danny faces. Instead of being loud and flashy like the others, Spectra is a slow, creeping force.
Basically all other ghosts in the series are, just like how I described them before, pretty loud and flashy with their actions and fights. When they show up, everyone knows pretty quickly and Danny gets on the case not long after. Even villains that try to hide their ghostly attributes like Ember in her first appearance very quickly drop that facade once they’re face to face with Danny or once they get decently close to their goals.
But not Spectra. The only thing that gets Spectra to reveal herself as a ghost is being directly confronted with no other choice. Instead of being loud and flashy with her plans and actions, Spectra maintains her disguise through everything and goes about things quietly from the shadows. When she needs something loud and flashy, she has Bertrand do it for her to stay out of the spotlight.
And the results are terrifying to watch. Spectra latches onto Casper High like a parasite and we see her influence slowly creep through the school as the episode progresses. Students become more depressed as Spectra gives them the opposite of therapy and encourages negative behaviours, made even easier by her negative emotion generating presence, starting with just a few and ending with the entire student body being depressed. All while Danny struggles to figure out why because Spectra did what no other ghost even attempted to do and found a way to trick his ghost sense.
Not to mention that the final part of Spectra’s plan involved publicly killing Jazz (who from Spectra’s perspective is just some random student by the way) in front of the entire school to make everyone even more miserable.
When Spectra is defeated the school is described as “having a dark cloud over it lifted” because that sums up what Spectra is perfectly. A slowly creeping dark cloud that settles over an area and drags everything down.
My Brother’s Keeper is also perfect for Fridge Horror. Because I can point out three massive chunks of fridge horror right off the bat.
1. Spectra knows about Danny’s ghost sense and how to fool it, heavily implying that she’s been in the background for a while now stalking Danny from a distance to learn these things.
2. We very plainly see that this isn’t the first school that Spectra has visited and fed from, with multiple pictures of other schools that Spectra has worked at. There’s a 99% chance that those schools met the same fate that Spectra attempted to doom Casper High to, drained of all positive emotion with one or several student deaths before Spectra left. I say several student deaths because as Spectra states herself in the episode, one person’s spirit affects the next like dominos. The death of one student in a school full of extremely depressed and even traumatized teenagers depending on the circumstances could very easily lead to more deaths, which in turn lead to even more deaths.
3. Sidney Fucking Poindexter. It is very easy to understand the theory that he took his own life back in the 50s. He’s the ghost of a high schooler whose backstory involves constant relentless bullying with no friends or help, bullying so relentless that it became his main focus as a ghost. It’s all but directly stated that that’s the case. But stranger is the fact that a ton of his classmates also became ghosts. So many of his classmates exist in the ghost zone that an entire alternate version of Casper High exists there. So why are they here?
Because remember what I said about one student death causing several more? There’s a good chance that this isn’t the first time that Spectra came to Casper High. Sidney dying from suicide makes even more sense if Spectra was involved and a large amount of Casper High’s student body dying shortly after also has an explanation if she was there in the 50s.
I also really like My Brother’s Keeper because in my opinion, that’s the episode where Jazz’s character goes from her initial characterization as a Skeptic, Know-It-All and Perfectionist at the beginning of the series to her much better characterization as one of Danny’s best supporters and one of the best characters in general. It introduces her to ghosts for the first time for one, but it also reveals Danny’s identity as Phantom to her, and I’m obsessed with how good her reaction is from a character and meta perspective.
When Jazz learns that Danny is half-ghost, she doesn’t confront him for keeping secrets or anything like that, but instead quickly and easily accepts that Danny has his own reasons for wanting to keep his identity a secret and decides to let him come out to her when he’s ready to on his own. She also tries her best to make Danny feel comfortable with his identity around her with her “you can talk to me about anything” speech.
It’s an amazing bit of character that not only shows how much Jazz trusts, respects and just cares about Danny, but it’s also amazing out of universe because I seriously struggle to find any other character in fiction that’s acted this way when discovering someone’s secret identity, especially when that person is close to them.
Also the episode in general shows how much Jazz cares about her brother. Right off the bat at the beginning of the episode Jazz is talking to Mr Lancer about wanting to help him and Jazz mentions that she’s been worried about him ever since the accident (also giving us the lore that all the Fentons know about the accident and it wasn’t just a secret thing that only Danny, Sam and Tucker are aware of).
Also My Brother’s Keeper is absolutely RIPE with Trans Danny material. Jazz’s reaction to learning about Danny’s identity, Spectra’s quotes of “What are you? A ghost trying to fit in with humans? Or some creepy little boy with creepy little powers?” and “You're a freak! Not a ghost, not a boy! Who cares for a thing like you?”, it’s got some gems in there.
Also Trans Danny combined with Spectra’s quotes in this episode make her Danny’s only explicitly transphobic villain and that’s remarkably in character for her.
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misskittyhart · 6 months
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Contracts & Beasts
Warning: violent content ahead
The night was buzzing with the sound of the denizens of hell going about their eternities. The lights of the streets illuminated the mischief and violence happening around the city. Screams and gunfire was like a soundtrack on repeat in hell. Explosions, and yelling over territory ripe for the picking.
Hell was….hellish. It didn’t bother Kitty Hart. Life above had been far more cruel, and having to hide the wild beast under a mask was always so troublesome. In hell she found more freedom than she had ever had above dirt.
It was another night working at the Jazz Club the Black Dahlia. It had been many decades since she had passed from Earth, and woke in hell. However it seemed habits were hard to break, as she still was a jazz singer. Hell was a far cry from her beautiful New Orleans, and the 1920s seemed like a century ago. Nevertheless, Kitty made do.
She was becoming quite the little starlet at this new club. She moved frequently trying to find anywhere that she could belong. So many people she had met didn’t see eye to eye with her. It seems the manners and class of the 20s was all but lost here.
Sighing heavily the little fox demon made her way into the club. Waving lightly to the employees she passed, burying her mind in music, wanting to lose her self for the night ahead.
Before she knew it, it was time to take to the Stage. It was time to feel the hot stage lights on her skin, and feel the music swell deep with in her soul. She commanded that stage with a great sense of grace and arrogance. Pride oozing off of her as she belted her songs to the packed house. The air was hot, thick and heavy with an eager crowd.
Her sex appeal in those heavy beaded, hip hugging dressed had men clawing at the stage at her. One was way too bold and had climbed on the stage groping her. The fox did not hesitate to lash out. Leaping from the stage in a blind fury and chasing him into the crowd. The manager panicked and began to have the band play solo to distract.
Kitty tore after him like a feral beast set free from its cage. A long hunting knife in her clawed hand, large fox ears pinned back, grace and speed moved her through the onlooking crowd.
The sinner bolted into the alley way with Kitty on his heels. Her fangs bared fiercely. She rounded up on him.
“Did your mother never teach you about consent you vile worm of a man!” She spat.
The fox demon pinned him up against the wall with a fury. The sinner tussled with her trying to get away but her knife made contact. It made contact again. And again. Again. Again. A blind flurry of stabbing as a wild look of blood lust burned in her eyes. A deep seeded rage coursing through her traumatized soul. She in her life was abused and assaulted by a wicked ex husband, in an arranged marriage. She was in hell for this very reason, killing abusive men. The little vixen took deep pride and putting men like this in their place.
Starter for
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laiosynth · 7 months
MK1 Whiplash AU
yeah, i'll think of anything, won't i....
anyways yes i'm talking about the whiplash with jk simmons. the jazz movie. the parallels between andrew / fletcher and reiko / shao was too much for my brain to handle.
to be truthful, the thought that led to this AU was "reiko would be a fucking incredible jazz drummer i feel it in my soul" and then i thought about whiplash and then i exploded.
so uh. more under the cut?
so to outline this AU:
reiko was orphaned at like 8/9. the foster system is kinda fucked, and he lashes out constantly at the foster parents who try to help him, scared and alone and traumatized from seeing his parents' death. he gets placed in a halfway house for 'behavioral issues' and it just so happens that this halfway house has an old drumkit in the basement. it's somewhat rudimentary, but it has everything you might need.
reiko, with no other option, sits at the thing one night and picks up a pair of sticks laying around. and from then on, that's his outlet. he relies... heavily on it. it's every waking moment that he's not in school or sleeping or eating. he's at the drumset, practicing. playing over the songs in the vinyl collection, playing over the songs in his ipod. every bit of music he can get his hands on, he's playing over it, mimicking what the drummers he can hear do.
the vinyls in the basement are all old jazz. a wide arrangement of it, from blues to latin to bossa nova to new orleans parade, but it's all jazz. that's what he grow up with, on, that's his formative influence. buddy rich, jo jones, art blakely, tony williams-- the drummers on these old vinyls are his heroes.
by the time he's in high school, his 'behavioral issues' have toned down massively-- he is largely fine. as long as you don't separate him from the drumset. he hasn't moved from the halfway house-- protested STRONGLY at being separated from both his drumset and the vinyls. by protested strongly i mean he nearly attacked some people over it.
when he's in high school, he joins the jazz band freshman year. he's in it every year until graduation.
this story starts, though, when a guest clinician-- dr shao kohn-- shows up to work with the band in reiko's sophomore year.
dr kohn teaches at the local community college, but is highly regarded across the country. he's professor of jazz studies and director of the highly prestigious auditioned jazz ensemble at this community college.
upon seeing the INCREDIBLE talent and potential of reiko during that clinic at the high school, shao invites reiko to come join the jazz ensemble at the college. he's young, but if he can make time in his schedule for it next school year, he'd get the chance to really challenge and prove himself.
reiko does. and starting 1st of august that year, he's giving his early mornings and late evenings to rehearsals with this ensemble and individual lessons with dr kohn. he's giving everything he fucking has to this band, and it shows. he's improving at rates he never had before, he's better than most college players doing this for a career.
and shao keeps pushing for more. and reiko keeps striving to fucking give. more, more, better, better.
to be truthful, he would probably be failing all his classes if it weren't for raiden, the only kid other than maybe kung lao who'll put up with him at school. raiden tutors him in the subjects he's falling behind in (all of them really) so he doesn't get held back or something.
all the while, shao pushes reiko for more, better. he's never satisfied, and that is not acceptable in reiko's eyes. he's never had someone he wanted to impress before, an adult he actually cares for the opinion of. and fuck, does he find he cares. he cares a lot. he's trying so hard to meet expectations, he's falling apart at the seams.
i don't know how i'd want this whole thing to end, but. i hate shao and i like happy endings so. shrug.
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spymeister · 5 months
» Headcanon / Fighting | Defense
Cornering him is the worst thing you could do. Jazz knows how to fight "properly." He's sparred with Ironhide, with Optimus, with Elita, and various other professionals when it comes to certain fighting styles. However, backing him into a corner means you're going to have to fight his way. That means dealing the maximum amount of damage to you in ways that are decidedly not "fair."
Once he hit earth, he absolutely looked up the different ways humans defended themselves. Different styles of martial arts immediately garnered his attention, but the most fascinating to him was Capoeira. On a few of his missions down to South America- he happily looked up a few masters there willing to teach him and added it to his already deadly repertoire.
Jazz has retractable claws on his servos and pedes. Most of the time, these are utilized for climbing or prying (depending what the job is at the time.) However, when they're utilized for fighting- tensor cables in his hands and ankles braid themselves to make them harder to snap and tear. It means once he gets claws hooked in you, nothing short of removing your own plating is going to get rid of him. This is doubly so if he chooses to engage his mag-locks along with that.
He prefers to fight guerilla style, with dash-and-duck attacks that leave the enemy bleeding and weakened to allow him to get closer with minimal damage. A good animal analog would be something like a weasel or stoat. He can work/hunt in packs- but he's a loner most of the time when it comes to this.
His preferred weapons tend to be: his amplification system for sonic waves, his dual vibroblades, and of course his claws and dentae. He is versed in the use of plasma and acid firearms, but doesn't prefer them as he thinks others rely too heavily on said weaponry. His fighting style tends to be up-close-and-personal.
Jazz is highly damn territorial. This doesn't mean just physical spaces, but also the people IN those spaces. If he has claimed something as his (in this case, the Autobot faction)- then any sort of attack on something of his is seen as personal and grounds for retaliation. He'll also defend said territory/items to the death if need be. While he doesn't have any inbuilt sense of loyalty programming, he DOES have a high kinship drive when it comes to that. It's why making friends with him is a damned good idea if you can.
Jazz can use the same series of weapons for both attack and defense, though defense allows him to steal other mechanism's tech and adapt it for his own use. The aforementioned sonic amplification system was a direct bit of thievery from Soundwave's sonic cannon and utilized and bolstered by his own frame to be stronger and more directed.
Jazz does not tease or taunt during defense. Instead, he's almost coldly quiet, utterly focused on keeping him and his safe. He's ruthless, with a tendency to plant a series of traps to stall invasion if he's able- and at that point, he really doesn't care if the enemy is injured or dead. Just as long as his people are safe.
Inbuilt social programming that is passed along from kindled mechanism to kindled mechanism allows him to make social/emotional ties easy. It also allows him to be severely traumatized if those ties are betrayed, and in turn- puts said betrayer into a rank of retribution/hate. It's nearly impossible to pull yourself from that determination once placed there. This programming also allows him to add people that are not cladekin or framekin. It's literally how he's added people like Optimus, Ratchet, the Twins, Bluestreak and the like to his "family" and "clade."
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
Thank you for recommending more amazing blogs!
I'll be sure to check them out!
and oh my god I know right the costumes?
and listen,okay,they aren't even a little accurate for any kind of time period they are supposedly represting but on top of all that they are also so boring and bland?
Like okay for peasants sure,they have better things to do that worry about fashion but this is royalty come on!
Especially if it is supposed to be a statement!
Don't get me started on wigs,the one that offends the most other than the entire Velarayion family is Daemon's!
Like look what they did to my boy?
Matt Smith is a very attractive man with very unique features and from what I saw short hair suits him best.
And yeah I know he has long hair in the books but if you can some many liberties with everything else surely it wouldn't bee asking too much right?
I think I love him when returns from the stepstones the best other than the ugly ass crown.
that hairstyle suits him.keep that.
Aemond's actor has a face that is suited for the long wig keep that
Heleana is actually invisible most of the time so I don't mind the wig
I guess we can forgive the Aegon one too,looks a little too fake sometimes tho,the man is pretty so he looks good anyway I guess
while on subject of hair and wigs, Rhaenyra's when I read the book I kinda imagined Lucretia from the Borgias or something?The elaborate hairstyles and all?
Meanwhile what is up with Rhaenys,didn't she have darker hair in the books?
I swear to God these writers put everyone in the wig and made absolutely everyone not distinctive so that whole Rhaenyra has bastards more obvious.
Kinda reminds me of that whole Cersei and her kids debacle when hair was used as distinctive trait because apparently all of Robert's bastards had dark hair and that therefore mean she is cheating and like?
Ok I know she is but that is most flimsy excuse for some cucking someone ever?
Like did Robert have a Lannister bastard somewhere?How do you know that Lannister genes just aren't stronger huh?
But yeah feudal society and all that jazz.
But seriously when I saw that they cast mostly black actors as Velarayion's I was kinda confused?
I don't particularly care either way but like they weren't in the books were they?
Kinda felt to me like they were leaning really hard into that Rhaenyra's kids are bastards obviously because look they are all white as hell or something?
Like I hope it's not something like that but that casting makes no sense and of course everyone was amazing in the miniscule roles they had but if this is supposed to be some sort of representation for anyone,they really dropped the ball?
They seemed to be kinda portray as greedy and bitter or just not important at all?
Rhaenys is old and bitter and overall a moron in Aegon's coronation scene, doesn't seem to have any connection to any of her family despite growing up with them?
Corlys just seems to be there to be disseagred by Viserys and Otto both for being too greedy.
Laenor is just a witless gay love interest.
Laena is crazy and delusional and completely unimportant and apparently content being Daemon's doormat despite having the biggest fuck off dragon there?
I saw people saying her death was epic?it was stupid,what it was,was stupid.
Traumatic for her kids and Daemon, horrifying for herself and it manages to make everyone in that keep look like an absolute moron how exactly did that heavily pregnant woman manage to escape all of you?
Like it comes off as surface level cool her and Rhaenys both but then you consider it and it's actually a dumb,like remember the time Daenerys burned all the food vagons or whatever in season 6/7?
This is worse.
And that's this whole family,Baela and Rhaena don't even have a character other than to show that Daemon sucks as a dad despite the fact Laena would have kicked his ass for it and aslo why would he a terrible father?I don't understand this take?
And of course the one scene that involves the Velarayion's is when Daemon the crazy white guy inbred supremacist went and killed the innocent completely in the right random brother of Corlys that spoke the truth about Rhaenyra and her kids despite the fact that every normal ruler would have them killed too,all so the mainstream audience can yell afoul about racism and white privilege and crazy Targaryens and Daemon the psycho?They literally recreated Ned's execution here but with racial implication,with Daemon being Joffrey and the executioner here and this is somehow respectful and we'll handled to anyone?
Not saying that black actors can't be villians or be killed by white villians but I am just saying that an obvious social justice racial implication was tried here.
Everyone here comes across as one dimensional and bland expect Daemon and they keep giving the Greens more and more poor baby traits but it clashes so badly with their established characters that it gives a whiplash?
Like I am not sure if I should be concerned or not,I go to ao3 and Aemond is one of the most popular characters,tho this is usually common when a character is unbelievably bland,blank and boring and a conventionaly attractive actor plays them,so what does that say about this character?
People rewrite him to suit their needs I guess.
No but seriously,they gave the Green characters sad backstories but no character to speak off and agency,not to mention on top of all that because they changed so much characters come across as idiots.
Especially with all this fantasy bullshit too.
Heleana sees the future, doesn't do shit with it other exposition because they established it so poorly that they need to remind you somehow that this story ended in a bloody dynastic dispute.
Because really what does Rhaenyra and Aegon have with each other?They haven't spoken to each other once!
Why is Aegon convinced that Rhaenyra is good for the throne when he's been raised by anti black team and doesn't know her personally?
Why doesn't she want the throne is he that aware and concerned about his short comings and yet he doesn't absolutely anything to change it and the people in the Green team just apparently love miserable people who apparently the entire world is against that refuse to shit for themselves and expect pity from you?
Seriously the coronation is a out to happen and this guy is in a brothel?Okay that should tell us he doesn't respect the position,terrible spoiled,privileged etc but no apparently that was him trying to not get crowned or something?
Seriously the plot is trying really hard to make you sympathize with him but like okay of he was supposed the spoiled privileged son of the king and he doesn't want the throne and yet he is still here enjoying privileges?Is he insane or an idiot?is everyone here just insane?
Mf ffss you have a whole ass dragon you could have been in Naath by now!
Done,no conflict, expect maybe if they put Aemond or something but neither he or Aegon are the rightful rulers here.
I wouldn't trust this guy with a bowl of cereal much less the kingdom?
This is supposed be the guy that dismissed Otto and put Aemond the psycho as his hand?
But this again has been put here so the green team could look innocent in comparison because look Aegon didn't want the throne and mean Rhaenyra started all this
Listen being complacent and not doing anything is just as bad as doing something.
There was plenty of time for this guy to dip but no because the actual character isn't like this.
Aemond is a straight up psycho.They legit gave him psycho killer he was bullied as a kid backstory.And that apparently justified everything else.The fuck?
This idiot that openly talks about treason on someone's funeral and openly admits that he would steals his brother's wife and that he deserves the crown because he is obviously so much better than his weak incompetent brother?like anyone who likes this character,I am not judging I am just saying you made a bold choice.he comes across as a parody of what the writers think they wrote Daemon as and Daemon is still better because grrm didn't give Aemond depth at all and you can just see who's the better writer
And then this fucker is arguing about rights and the rightful heir and calling people whores and bastards, don't these people realize how insane they come off across?you are defending this maniac killing someone who in his standards is collateral damage because he has better blood or because your mother and father are actually married?insanity.try and justify this to anyone who isn't a crazy blood supremacist
Like the show itself stated that Rhaenyra tried and failed which means uncomfortable lay back and think of England already with a gay person but wouldn't that also means that Leanor is probably just infertile considering bit obviously isn't Rhaenyra
But obviously Rhaenyra is at fault for everything and Daemon too probably
Not to mention Aemond and his siblings are all half breeds too so even by his own crazy blood supremacy logic this doesn't work but he is a man so of course he is better and they call him a feminist
Man was blind and deluded when he had both eyes now he's just insane too girl bye
Honestly for heaven's sake if this was a murder mystery Aemond is that one idiot who bragged about how much he hates the victim and that he learned this really cool slashing trick with his new cool sword.idiot.
Why isn't Aegon afraid of him or something?He bullied him with the others too or does Aemond just see people who aren't family as okay to belittle and trample? Isn't this something they usually accuse of Daemon too?Also Alicent is shown being okay with this too.You may cuff him about at home as much as you want but outside we are united.Or something.
Also not a fan of this whole dragons don't listen to their riders thing either,like bye.Iy just so happens that the one time the dragon goes crazy is the one horrible act that Aemond pulled on his own volition?
I can't even blame the dragon here,you chased the child with it what was Vhagar supposed to do here?
Alicent is a straight up delusional doormat too.Under the impression that if she married Rhaenyra's father they could still somehow be friends,wanting Rhaenyra to respect the rules and be as miserable as she is because she lacks a spine and the show wants me to believe that they are still somehow friends?
And the show frames Alicent as helping her and being sad as if she is in the right here too!!
At least Aegon and Alicent both parallel the absolute lack of spine here that's something. Ah but Otto forced them both and yet they accepted.
And the show tells me Otto is a good father and wants the best for the kingdom or something and Daemon is insane ahah sure Jan.
Alicent know what the fuck she was doing what exactly prevented her from asking Viserys how Rhaenyra is on their nightly talks?She could have went to Rhaenyra too!
It is a miracle that no one saw any of it and ruined someone's reputation and made a scandal.
Viserys annoys so much too.How does someone compare your brother,your heir,to like the worst person in your whole family tree and you just go yeah but he's still my blood so I am stuck with him.
Imagine your siblings being compared to like Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer and you not decking whoever just told you that shit right there.Especially as the king.
Meanwhile the one time Corlys says anything even slightly iffy about Viserys,Daemon immediately cuts that out.
Like seriously Viserys how does Otto know this much about your daughter and brother,he is spying this is a red flag what normal monarch just waves this off?
Sword prophecy is stupid too.
And Daemon murdering his wife just didn't happen full stop,there is a difference between adapting and cheery picking to suit your biased needs.
Tldr;the show is wildly inconsistent,thank God for the cast and the brand because otherwise?doom.
Damn, this was much.
I like Matt Smith in every wig except for the ones starting from episode 8. the short one was my favorite, with the episode 3 one my second favorite.
Childhood Helaena's wig w/o braids was atrocious.
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"while on subject of hair and wigs, Rhaenyra's when I read the book I kinda imagined Lucretia from the Borgias or something?The elaborate hairstyles and all?"
I imagined Rhaenyra's hair to mostly be loose before marriage and both loose, up, and in updos after marriage. Lucrezia from the Borgias is a great reference, loved her hairstyles. Her style in general, female aristocratic Italian Renaissance style in general really. Yes, Rhaenyra would be decked out like her.
"Meanwhile what is up with Rhaenys,didn't she have darker hair in the books?"
Yes, she inherited black/dark brown hair from her Baratheon mother, Jocelyn. The daughter of Alyssa Velaryon (Jaehaerys I's mother) and Rogar Baratheon. As she gets older, Rhaenys gets white strips in her dark hair.
"Kinda reminds me of that whole Cersei and her kids debacle when hair was used as distinctive trait because apparently all of Robert's bastards had dark hair and that therefore mean she is cheating and like?"
This is in canon as well, that all of Cersei's kids are blond, which later inspires Ned to look through the Baratheon family notes. He finds out that Baratheons, even when having bastards with Lannisters, have dark-haired scions. So in the case of the Baratheons, the probability that the kid of a Baratheon and any other house will turn out to have dark hair is very high. High enough that it's justifiably expected.
"But seriously when I saw that they cast mostly black actors as Velarayion's I was kinda confused? I don't particularly care either way but like they weren't in the books were they? Kinda felt to me like they were leaning really hard into that Rhaenyra's kids are bastards obviously because look they are all white as hell or something? Like I hope it's not something like that but that casting makes no sense and of course everyone was amazing in the miniscule roles they had but if this is supposed to be some sort of representation for anyone,they really dropped the ball?"
In the original lore, no the Velaryons had pale skin. I conclude so because Westerosi makes it a point to note that the person they are looking at is dark-skinned (Daella's, Saera, and Cersei's reactions to Summer Islanders), and all the descriptions we have of Corlys, any Velaryon, and Laena and Laenor never describe skin color. Europeans and white people and their fictional analouges tend to not mention skin color in anything written about people when their skin is as pale as theirs.
A problem with making it a point of "making it obvious that they are bastards" through skin color and race is that in the original lore, the boys' dark hair could have been argued in-world as coming from Laenor through Rhaenys and that Baratheon dark-hair gene. (I don't believe these boys came from Laenor because that guy was very unwilling to have sex with a woman and barely spent time with Rhaenyra before their sons were threatened).
There was some sort of tension with how one can detect adultery, adultery, and parentage in the character's environment. Once you realized this one element of the hair is enough to throw these blood purist aristocrats who wish to usurp Rhaenyra to take advantage of her socially-demonized sexual activities for their own political goals. Once again, they had no way of telling the parentage, and to bring up that the boys might have inherited Rhaenys' hair would throw off doubters not for "truth's" sake (at least about parentage), but to protect those boys and Rhaenyra from ridiculous blood purism, misogyny, and greed. It's meant to signal to the audience this game of thrones/royals, that such things as what parentage and fidelity mean is really just too slippery and unreal themselves, subject to human will and cleverness.
However, the show making the Velaryons black primarily bc the writers and producers saw these actors as useful to just show how those boys are bastards reinforces the blood purity. We're just superficially using race and colorism to reinforce how Rhaenyra slept with someone outside of marriage and that's all, folks. She's more open to condemnation instead of us looking critically at the game being played. Why is it so important to make it "obvious", what point are the writer and producers making here? Why should we care that it's "obvious"? If you read the original lore well and consider who these people are, if you have even basic critical thinking skills, it's clear that these aren't Laenor's kids.
That was never the issue. The issue was that Rhaenyra's castigated and humiliated for finding sexual autonomy, safety, and intimacy when she was forced to marry a gay man for her father and Corlys' political goals and had to have kids or risk losing her position as heir and future Queen--since no one wants either a barren woman nor a ruler who can't produce heirs.
This story is about how a woman was destroyed, not how she was worth destroying!
The other thing is that it is disparaging to the black actors and Velaryons. The actors are basically used primarily as tools to criticize and demean one white women's adultery. It doesn't take their acting chops into consideration, and their race, rather than being about representation in fantasy media, is the primary casting requirement simply to again highlight other white actors and their character's conflicts.
Again, this is if that was the producer's primary reason for casting black people to play just the Velaryons. But there is heavy misogynoir, espe with Laena Velaryon dying a gruesome death that realistically no one would want or seek unless they were severely mentally unstable. And yes, in canon, she dies surrounded by family, including Rhaenyra. She tried to go to Vhagar, but to fly one last time with her, not to get flamed out of existence. Laena's death was unnecessarily more brutal than it was. There is also a known link to the practice of self-immolation being gendered, as some cultures have widows burn themselves after their husbands die, which implies that she has no purpose without him alive.
Also, it's not fair we didn't get to see her claim/ride Vhagar independently and thus be a dragonrider apart from any shared scene with Daemon. finally, we don't see how she processed being arranged to marry what looked like a 50-yr old man at 12.
"They [the Velaryons] seemed to be kinda portray as greedy and bitter or just not important at all? Rhaenys is old and bitter and overall a moron in Aegon's coronation scene, doesn't seem to have any connection to any of her family despite growing up with them?Corlys just seems to be there to be disseagred by Viserys and Otto both for being too greedy. Laenor is just a witless gay love interest. Laena is crazy and delusional and completely unimportant and apparently content being Daemon's doormat despite having the biggest fuck off dragon there?"
Corlys in the book was very eager to have a Velaryon marry into the Targ house to have grandkids/great-grandkids who are Velaryon for the prestige and influence. That was just accurate. As for Otto and Viserys's reactions to Corlys, I saw those scenes of them dismissing Corlys as negative on their part, not Corlys. I was on Corlys' side. continuously pushing him off regarding other stuff, like the St But they could have shown the Velaryons in their environment, amongst themselves, and how they interact, their dynamic as a family apart from the Targs. Corlys didn't need to be this simple guy that maester's notes couldn't expound on due to time difference and distance. Also, lack of care or imagination on the part of the writers.
Laenor was never a love interest precisely because he was gay. And he already had a lover in Joffrey. He filled a role that both acknowledged in their agreement, and for his show! witlessness, yes it's annoying considering that in the canon he stayed with her more often once their son Luke and the tensions got higher b/t Alicent and Rhaenyra:
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I already talked about Laena.
"Like the show itself stated that Rhaenyra tried and failed which means uncomfortable lay back and think of England already with a gay person but wouldn't that also means that Leanor is probably just infertile considering bit obviously isn't Rhaenyra"
I don't think Laenor was infertile so much as he really couldn't bring himself to stay and commit to the sex repeatedly to inseminate Rhaenyra. I imagine they tried twice or three times and that's all Laenor could handle. And it's actually not a predictable or controlled thing, insemination. Sometimes it takes 5 tries for conception, sometimes once.
"And of course the one scene that involves the Velarayion's is when Daemon the crazy white guy inbred supremacist went and killed the innocent completely in the right random brother of Corlys that spoke the truth about Rhaenyra and her kids despite the fact that every normal ruler would have them killed too,all so the mainstream audience can yell afoul about racism and white privilege and crazy Targaryens and Daemon the psycho? They literally recreated Ned's execution here but with racial implication,with Daemon being Joffrey and the executioner here and this is somehow respectful and we'll handled to anyone?"
Never heard of this thought. I think the audience is just upset that a black man got got by a white man, but considering how the Velaryons are not black in canon and this is about a class dispute rather than a racial one, I think people should throw this idea out. Daemon kills Vaemond in the book, and by Rhaenyra's express order, too. It wasn't a race thing.
"This idiot [Aemond] that openly talks about treason on someone's funeral and openly admits that he would steals his brother's wife and that he deserves the crown because he is obviously so much better than his weak incompetent brother?like anyone who likes this character,I am not judging I am just saying you made a bold choice.he comes across as a parody of what the writers think they wrote Daemon as and Daemon is still better because grrm didn't give Aemond depth at all and you can just see who's the better writer"
Aemond wasn't saying he would "steal" Aegon's soon-to-be sister-wife, quite the opposite. He meant that if Alicent allowed it and if it was useful for their Ussurp-Rhaenyra cause (doing his "duty"), then he's gladly legally married Helaena. To castigate Aegon for not being willing. Aemond is very unserious, though, for putting it out there that he'd love to be the king over Aegon and not keeping that shit to himself, both in book or show.
"Also not a fan of this whole dragons don't listen to their riders thing either,like bye.Iy just so happens that the one time the dragon goes crazy is the one horrible act that Aemond pulled on his own volition? I can't even blame the dragon here,you chased the child with it what was Vhagar supposed to do here?"
"Viserys annoys so much too. How does someone compare your brother,your heir,to like the worst person in your whole family tree and you just go yeah but he's still my blood so I am stuck with him. Imagine your siblings being compared to like Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer and you not decking whoever just told you that shit right there. Especially as the king. Meanwhile the one time Corlys says anything even slightly iffy about Viserys,Daemon immediately cuts that out. Like seriously Viserys how does Otto know this much about your daughter and brother, he is spying this is a red flag what normal monarch just waves this off?"
This made me laugh. Yes, there is a discrepancy, huh, bt how Viserys regards his brother and vice versa?
Viserys seems to want to over-placate and make the more powerful/least under his control (or so he thinks) person be willing to do his bidding after the example of the conciliatory Jaehaerys I. Problem is that Viserys' position and circumstances are different enough from Jaehaerys' that he needed to apply his might more.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
Weekly Roundup: Prompts
kohaku and shiki feeding/stuffing, can be as fluffy or dark as op would like
Fate/Stay Night
Rin and Luvia are brainwashed into thinking they are identical Twin sisters.
The Boys are having a bbq and kintoki is making the extra effort to make mandricardo feel included and comfortable. What kintoki doesn't realise is that he's getting a little too touchy-feely with mandy, who now has to juggle his social anxiety with his growing desire to fuck this gorgeous hunk of a himbo
After some time, Kriemhild has accepted that her adopted son Schmidt has started dating and invites them over for family dinner. What she didn't expect is for him to show up with two people, both of whom seem to be bad influences on her son (Sieg×AstolfoxJeanne trouphle but honestly it can be anyone)
Smut, Oh no! Asclepius is sick! And the only cure is....nurse Nightingale pegging him into the nearest hospital mattress? Who wrote this prescription!
I hear a lot of "Barghest and Gawain" and more than some "Lancelot and Melusine", but I rarely ever hear about Tristan and Baoban Sith interacting. Show us Tristan and Baoban Sith hanging out! (I imagine Tristan would be like a big brother to Baoban Sith but I leave it to the prompt filler to elaborate on their relationship)
Post-canon. Mash finds phh Morgan still hidden within Britain. How does it go?
Au where Tonelico's plan did succeed and Uther became a righteous king who guided humans and fairies into a better future. Specifically, au where Mash has to deal with the fact that this happy ending means that her own world will never come to be, all the people she's ever loved will never be born, her own world is gone, and it's all by her own hand.
Two characters of your choice gets bodyswapped. Guda, who is completely face blind, takes an embarassing amount of time to realize it.
The Mori siblings should be allowed to eat a guy
Qin Shi Huang being both disgusted by and pining after Trimnau, due to her being made of mercury.
Melusine and the other dragon servant fight for who get to put guda in their treasure horde with the outcome be them all moving in with guda.
Ritsuka gets to live a normal human life after saving humanity and totally rocks it, they get some therapy, get to be happy with someone they love, all that good jazz
Saver/Ruler!Fujimaru Ritsuka see Berserker!Fujimaru Ritsuka and envy their berserker self
Fujimaru couple deal with their own kid that they can't longer recognized. Post ending. (or Ritsuka do their best to prove that they could back to their normal life and their damn repress trauma)
Smut, Tonelico the savior, girl who's fucked around quite a lot in her life, is perfectly prepared to have sex with Mash. What she is not prepared for is that Mash genuinely cares for Tonelico's pleasure & comfort and love is dripping out of her every words even to her muddled fairy eyes. Cue Tonelico benig taken aback and overwhelmed by something she hasn't felt directed at her in centuries. Ideally this would be super kinky bdsm sex because I think the contrast of "this girl is tying me up and whipping me while also being super in love with me" would be interesting but if vanilla's your game go the fuck for it man.
Izou, rebuffed yet again by Ryouma and mostly Oryou, goes out drinking. In the morning he finds himself snuggled up with Hijikata and Tatsuki. Very confused.
I know the Anastasia we have in Chaldea is different than the one in LB1. But I still think it'd be nice for her to visit Kadoc pre-awakening and talk to him for a lil
Sakura Matou, a girl who, let's say "had a bad experience with bugs", meets Oberon Vortigern, a man who 1. uses bugs a lot, and 2. seems rather protective of heavily traumatized girls. How does that pan out? (I'm leaving this as open-ended as possible so the prompt filler can go wild)
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ao3feed-drstrange · 3 months
Ghostling - An AU
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/jNTW4Gb by GingerNobody Well I hyperfixated on "Ghost in NYC" for three days straight and pulled this out of my ass. This is heavily based on that but chock full of my own headcanons. PLEASE go read the original by ASharksReadingGlasses it is so good and they deserve all the love. ----- When Danny Fenton collapsed in Wade Wilson's - at the time on patrol as Deadpool - arms on July 6th, 2024 at 9:47 PM, no one knew what he was signing up for. Let alone the (now disbanded) Avengers themselves, along with the other vigilantes posted in the areas surrounding Queens. Danny is an engima to all of them, but with (admittedly) time they all grew very protective of their ghostling. And likewise Danny grew protective over them. Words: 337, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M, Other Characters: Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton's Parents, Jazz Fenton, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Clockwork (Danny Phantom), Vlad Masters, Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Matt Murdock, Wanda Maximoff, Bruce Banner Relationships: Danny Fenton & Peter Parker, Danny Fenton & Wade Wilson, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Danny Fenton & Tucker Foley & Sam Manson, Clockwork & Danny Fenton, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, There are so many more I'm just lazy lol, Danny Fenton & Vlad Masters Additional Tags: Ghost King Danny Fenton, Just gotta get that outta the way he IS the ghost king, Tutelary Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton Needs A Hug, Trans Danny Fenton, Hurt Danny Fenton, mostly - Freeform, Danny Fenton-centric, Switches a lot, Protective Danny Fenton, Protective Peter Parker, Protective Wade Wilson, Protective Tony Stark, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Child Abuse, lots of legal shit, Wade Wilson Breaking the Fourth Wall, Wade Wilson Needs A Hug, Insecure Wade Wilson, Wade Wilson is a Little Shit, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Being a Little Shit, Post-literally everything I guess?????, Vlad Masters Redemption, bc why tf not???, Danny Fenton's Freckles Are Constellations, Danny Fenton Does Not Age, That causes a LOT of problems lol, I can do so many things with Tutelary Danny Fenton you don't even KNOW what's coming, and that's the fun part >:), Daredevil actually being a fucking PARENTAL FIGURE HELLO??????, We stan gentle hulk in hulk form chat, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Fluff and Angst, Heavy Angst, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Blood and Gore, Nightmares, lots of them - Freeform, I mean a lot of angst, everyone is protective read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/jNTW4Gb
0 notes
callsigndragon · 2 years
My Love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First of all, I hope your knee gets better soon! Or seeing how late I am to write I hope it is already okay and well!! On the topic of being late... I am so sorry for not writing to you in so long!!! I was down with very high fever for a few days (I even managed to collapse 3 times out of dehydration, so well done me.... I'm okay now) and it took me a while to get caught up with all the incredible amazingness that you wrote and with all the things that happened, so sorry again, for being late! 💗💗💗 xxx
Secondly! Congratulations on 1.4k followers!!!! You absolutely deserve it and more!!! You work so much and at such an incredible level, honestly I am in awe of you Darling!!! Well done!!!
Thirdly. "No Rest for The Fallen is cancelled and I will erase the posts later" - I am so, so, so incredibly sorry to hear this!!! It was one of the best fics out there and the idea was so fresh and exciting. But I totally understand your decision, it is just so heartbreaking that you had to make this decision. Lots of love to you Dear 💗💗💗
Also... this is gonna be a long message, for which I apologise.
Okay! Without further ado:
Cuddles is amazing!!! Thank you so much for writing it, I am completely melted by it!!! This: - "“You could use a nap. I’ll stay here until you wake up.” He promises, his fingertips drawing circles over the free skin of your arm." - is so soft!!!! I love it!!! 💗💗💗
I will catch up with Desperate Times, Desperate Measures as soon as possible, it looks amazing from the moodboard and the premise is impeccable!
Tasting the Ashes Chapter 28 is incredible!!!
""Babe, breathe. You're heavily pregnant, and I don't want you to be stressed." Jake pleads, trying to make Red sit down. But it’s useless." - got to love how Jake went from "my wife will handle this" to "wifey, please don't hadle this, it's not good for the baby", hahaha love this, love how attentive and worried he is 💗
"“Give me a name, I’ll find them.”" - Jazz is a literal superhero, love her 💗
"“Wait… her father is Richard Attwater?”" - and the plot thickens so much!!! Ah all the drama and difficulties that come at them!!! Love it! So excited to see how they'll get over this!!!
""If you finish that sentence I will put you to bed myself."", ""This is getting too kinky for me."" - hahaha, not Jake traumatizing everyone with his taking care of his wife, hahaha
"Red sighs again, entering the room and sitting on the bed. "Yeah, but just because Flynn isn't real."" - I love how you write their banter, and how Red never lets Jake get too confident. You crafted their dynamics so well!!!
"Jake turns off the light and gets in bed with Red, kissing her belly and whispering lovely words to his baby girl before cuddling with the love of his life and falling asleep." - the domesticity!!!! My heart!!! Love them!
"Together." - yesss!!!! I love that they all can rely on each other and their Family being so strong when they are working together!!! Love it!!! 💗💗💗
Baking date with Javy headcanons are so incredibly sweet, you melted me again with them!!! And the Dad!Bob and The Floyds headcanons are also just heartmeltingly cute and so on point!!! So are the Sleeping with Bradley headcanons, just so on point and so beautiful!!! And I absolutely love the Camila Garcia headcanons!!! Love that Mickey is a grandma's boy, it suits him so well!!! 💗💗💗
Tasting the Ashes A broken man is just so heartbreaking and heartmelting at the same time!!! It makes my heart feel so full, my goodness!!!
"He’s a father now. And he has to take care of three people who depend on him. Here comes yet another responsibility that he’s not ready for." - poor Bradley feeling unprepared. I can relate so much!! Even though I have never had twins, or any kids... But you captured his feeling of unreadiness so well!!!
"“I think you’re the one who needs something. Want to talk?”" - I love that Hen just knows he needs to talk, their connection is beautiful!!!
"Now is his turn to finally confess his deepest secret." - yesss!!! Sharing secrets at appropriate times!!! It is so great that both Hen and Rooster feel safe enough to do so 💗
"“Talk to me, Rooster.”" - this sentence has a special place in my heart, love that it is used regularly with Bradley 💗
"“We protect the people we love, birdy. My mother taught me that.” He explains, looking over the crib, smiling when he notices Carole stir in her sleep, as if she had understood that they were talking about her namesake." - awwww, every reference to Carole is so sweet!!! The connection between her and baby Carole is so sweet too!! 💗 And I love the way you make both Bradley and Goose reveal small bits and pieces about her! You manage to do it in such an organic and natural way, it never feels forced or like an exposition! You are so talented!!!! And it is also so lovely to see that both Bradshaw men feel so comfortable with Hen that they share information about Carole, arguably one of the most important woman in their lives... Ah, just absolutely beautiful!!!! 💗💗💗
"“You had babies with a broken man, Hen.” Bradley closes his eyes, ready for the hundred questions that will surely follow in the next ten seconds. But they don’t come. You don’t say a thing.", "“I had babies with a scarred man, Bradley. That doesn’t mean that you’re broken.” You place your hand on his cheek, moving his face so he’s looking at you. “Look at me, please.”" - poor Bradley!!!! Thinking of himself as broken and having that burden on his shoulders!!! But I love the way you have Hen disputing this idea immediately and reacting totally differently to how Brad expects! Again, their dynamics is so beautiful!!! 💗💗💗
""I'm sure you're aware that I was taken as a prisoner by the enemy in Afghanistan." You nod, and he follows his story. “I won’t get into many details, because I don’t want you to have those images in your mind, but… I need to get this off my chest, I haven’t even told my dad.”" - awww, I love that Rooster is sharing so much with Hen, it really deepens their relationship and I love the way you write them 💗
"“It was the only place where I felt safe. Up in the air, alone in my aircraft… Nobody could touch me.” He admits, and looks at you. “I still dream about those days. And sometimes, when I close my eyes, I fear that when I open them, I’m back in those tunnels.”" - my heart!!!! 😭💗 Poor, poor Bradley!!!
"“If I’m not broken, why does nobody love me?”" - my goodness!!! My heart!!! Again, just poor Bradley thinking he is not loved!!! When he is loved by so many!!! Awww!!! 😭💗
"“Then people are dumb. What a pussy you have to be to get scared by some scarred skin.” You scoff, being mad that somebody could reject someone as precious and wonderful as Bradley Bradshaw." - yes, Hen!!! I love that she is so ready to make Bradley believe that he is loveable and that it is not his fault if some people are too scared to get to know him and get close to him. Incredible writing my Love!!! 💗
"“Bradley… Once my c-section is healed, want to go out on a date?”", "“So… are you giving us a chance?” He asks, more enthusiastically than ever.", "But he knows that those are going to be the longest six weeks of his life." - yes, yes, yes, yes!!!! Love that Bradley is like "what's a few more weeks?" but internally he is crying about his blue balls.... 😂💗 I love the way you got them to this point where finally they are both ready to give their relationship an actual shot and stop running from their feelings that are clearly there! Beautiful, incredible, amazing, heartwarming, wholesome, magnificent writing my Beloved!!!! 💗💗💗💗
And all of your WIPs sound so fantastic! Cannot wait to read them!!! 💗💗💗
The Crimson Roses and Broken Crowns (Seeing Red Season 2) character mood boards are stunning!!! And they got me so excited for the series!!! Amazing!!! 💗💗💗
Hold my hand also looks incredible, cannot wait to see how it will go!
Tasting the Ashes Chapter 30 is so exiting! I love thta Nat was the one proposing!!! And that Javy cried, hahaha, love them both! And that Nat tries to convince Javy not to say anything to the others yet, haha, so sweet! 💗
Tasting the Ashes Chapter 31 is also so heartmelting! I love that they are working through the problem together. Poor Jinx being plagued by anxiety attacks and Fanboy having to deal with the guilt of being the cause of them... But you depict their relationship beautifully!!! And I love to see them grow together in their love!!! 💗
Tasting the Ashes Chapter 32 is so cute! Amelia and Sam are just relationship goals! Love them so much! 💗 "Himbrother" is also an incredible revelaton, I am in awe!! 😂💗
Tasting the Ashes Chapter 33 is so good!!! I love the ⭐FAM⭐ chat!!! Everyone being funny and lovely and just planning their everydays together 💗💗💗 Just love it! And Jake asking Jinx the gender of the day is so lovely!!!! The details!!! The domesticity!!!! And all the babies!!! Love them!!!! 💗💗💗
Tasting the Ashes Chapter 34 is also just awwww, love my Top Girls!!! And Jinx finally deciding to go and tell Mickey the feelings! So exciting!!! 💗💗💗 Love all the girls being so supportive!!! 💗💗💗
And Tasting the Ashes Chapter 35, my loves 💗 Love the moments between Red and Jake, they are always so sweet! Red telling Jake not to drink much is also just so funny to me. Love it! 💗💗💗
My lovely Darling, I love your writing still so much, you are absolutely amazing and incredible and unique and beautiful!!! Thank you so much for continuously sharing your unbelievable talent with us!!! 💗💗💗💗
So much love and so many hugs to you!!! 💗💗💗💗💗
(Your fiancée italics anon 💚)
MY LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE YOU'RE BACK 😭😭😭😭😭 I misssed you a lot :(
First of all, I hope your knee gets better soon! Or seeing how late I am to write I hope it is already okay and well!! On the topic of being late... I am so sorry for not writing to you in so long!!! I was down with very high fever for a few days (I even managed to collapse 3 times out of dehydration, so well done me.... I'm okay now) and it took me a while to get caught up with all the incredible amazingness that you wrote and with all the things that happened, so sorry again, for being late! 💗💗💗 xxx
hONEY ARE YOU OKAY???? omg please take care of yourself and don't be sorry for being late, my work is gonna be here always! don't worry about it.
Secondly! Congratulations on 1.4k followers!!!! You absolutely deserve it and more!!! You work so much and at such an incredible level, honestly I am in awe of you Darling!!! Well done!!!
Thank you so much my love! It means a lot to me to achieve such a milestone!
Thirdly. "No Rest for The Fallen is cancelled and I will erase the posts later" - I am so, so, so incredibly sorry to hear this!!! It was one of the best fics out there and the idea was so fresh and exciting. But I totally understand your decision, it is just so heartbreaking that you had to make this decision. Lots of love to you Dear 💗💗💗
This... i keep thinking about it and i can't let it go. I might finish it and just share it with the people who want to read it. I just loved that idea so much, i want to finish it. For me.
"Red sighs again, entering the room and sitting on the bed. "Yeah, but just because Flynn isn't real."" - I love how you write their banter, and how Red never lets Jake get too confident. You crafted their dynamics so well!!!
listen- i love them to pieces but Red wouldn't be red without a bit of tease hahahah. (Also, in case you don't know, in Hold my hand, i'm planning to use Red as an OC and watching them fall in love is so amazing jkshdsfkdsds)
"“We protect the people we love, birdy. My mother taught me that.” He explains, looking over the crib, smiling when he notices Carole stir in her sleep, as if she had understood that they were talking about her namesake." - awwww, every reference to Carole is so sweet!!! The connection between her and baby Carole is so sweet too!! 💗 And I love the way you make both Bradley and Goose reveal small bits and pieces about her! You manage to do it in such an organic and natural way, it never feels forced or like an exposition! You are so talented!!!! And it is also so lovely to see that both Bradshaw men feel so comfortable with Hen that they share information about Carole, arguably one of the most important woman in their lives... Ah, just absolutely beautiful!!!! 💗💗💗
As someone who has lost an important woman in my life recently, I realized that once they're gone, you don't just ramble about them whenever you have the chance. It comes in small pieces, something triggers a memory and you share it with the person in front of you. So yeah, i wanted to show how much Carole means to them, and how they keep her in their minds, but they just can't share all the details about her
Thank you for all your comments love, and I missed you a lot! Hope you're feeling better 💚💚💚💚💚
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iamacolor · 2 years
when you study philology (polish, german, scandinavian, english... whatever you pick), you focus mostly on literature and linguistics but also theater, film, art, music... i truly had all sorts of classes, including history and philosophy as well. basically everything important to understand not only literature and language but also culture of the country. and yeah, you also answered your own question about latin haha 😂 but the sentence is actually from the 13th century 😉 not that it's important lol. btw my year in uni was the first one who didn't have to take old church slavonic... truly a blessing because historical grammar was already hard and imo it counted as a foreign language... proto-slavic is nothing like modern polish 🥲
yeah, jewish people lived everywhere. from big towns to small villages. i always try to read and learn as much as i can, even about the most traumatic parts of their history here, and it always makes me feel like there's a big hole here which will never be filled.
oh i do like paris, it's a lovely place, so full of art and history 😍 i hope i can go at least one more time and experience it all again. that reminds me i went to a small shop with turkish pastries with my friend and the owner didn't know the word poland in english but he really wanted to know where we're from (he was super nice) and we tried everything, including explaining that it's where chopin was from but it obviously didn't help 🤣 luckily a younger guy came and explained it to him in turkish lmao. and another time i was standing in a line for something and some old guy approached me and started talking a bit in polish (he heard me talk on the phone), said he worked on ships and lived there for a bit so he still remembered some of the language 😂 so yeah, i met some nice people...just not "native" parisians 😬
we do study some history of music in schools but my passion comes from my mom who loves classical music and opera! i basically grew up on it. of course, i am not an expert or anything, just an enjoyer, but i listen to it a lot, go to many, many concerts and just love it dearly. and yes, film music can be classical music, of course :) as for chopin...i can't pick a fave, it really depends on my mood. my mom's ringtone is the so-called revolutionary etude 😊 if you want you, can try listening to ingolf wunder's chopin (he's my fave classical pianist) and if you like jazz, definitely check out leszek możdżer's impressions on chopin! but please don't feel obligated or anything, these are just my little recs 😳
oh and as for jp2, he actually saved the entire world. just so you know 🙂🙃🙂🙃
that genuinely sounds sooo interesting and fulfilling to study! also can't believe wikipedia lied to me like that about the date 😤 old-church slavonic does not sound fun lol
a huge part of the country's people and history is gone with them... even though they built this country as well and are part. I read last year a fantasy novel titled sinning silver and its main character is jewish and I think the author is polish-lithuanian-american so it's heavily influenced by the history of jewish people in the region
I'm glad you had a good time here (and also that I'm not the only one who didn't know where chopin was from 😂) there are so many nice things to do and see (and eat!!)
it's so cool that your mother shared her passion with you and that now it's also yours, that's a lovely thing to have in common 😊 my parents didn't listen to a lot when I was growing up and for some reason the only type of classical music that I can remember them listening to (although I know they listened to a bit more than just that lol) are some stabat maters because my father had a compilation cd or something like that lol but my grandmother loves it so I did go to an open air violin recital with her once (I don't know if you've heard of the menton music festival but it's her region and the setting of the concert is gorgeous, I love this town) and she once offered me a subscription for a program of operas being broadcasted in cinemas it was really cool! I've came back home this weekend for my birthday so I listened to some ingolf under (I picked the chopin recital album) and it was perfect to listen to as I watched the landscape go by my window on the train, but I do like jazz so I'm looking forward to your other rec!
also another fun info : we had my birthday lunch today (even if it's tomorrow) because it was more practical and so we got to also have a little celebration for my brother's girlfriend's birthday, anyway I love most cakes and her fave is what we call a tropézienne (named after the town, St tropez, where it was created) so that's what my mother made and by researching a recipe she learned that it was created by a polish pastry maker who came to france after ww2 and adapted a recipe from his grandmother to the south of france so after a week of chatting about poland and france I've had a french-polish cake for my birthday 🥰
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