#I'm sorry he just has a fun mug he's fun to draw
canisalbus · 7 months
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hotpinkstars · 3 months
How about blind!reader with genshin men (you can choose) and she accidentally slipped and somehow managed to mess up genshin man’s important work and he ends up blowing up on her? Angst please and I don’t mind if you do comfort or no comfort!!
Have a great day🌚
-> blinded mistakes
synopsis -> you're blind, and you accidentally knock over a months worth of your husbands work, and it gets ruined.
warnings -> super angsty!!! brief mentions of ayato putting his hands on reader (no hitting or anything) might do a part 2 for comfort part cus i wanted to focus on the main argument w this one...
a/n -> ooooooomg i'm a sucker for these tropes i love angst so much. thx for ur request, this was sm fun to write! 💗💗
w/c -> 1.1k
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-> ayato
ayato knew you were blind, and he was as understanding of it as he possibly could be.
but in times like these, where all of this work was to be turned in for city matters by next week, he had no patience for anyone.
he had been cooped up in his office for a while at a time over the past month. these documents were incredibly important to him and how the words written on the paper could impact how festivities were held to be a much easier way for himself and the city. 
basically, his papers were pretty damn important. and you knew that.
you walked in his office one day with thoma helping you through the hallways. you didn’t want to trip, especially with a mug of tea in your hand, and you didn’t want to bring a cane with you. 
but, thoma may have made a big mistake of leaving you in ayatos care as soon as you walked through the door. because you knew ayato was in no way shape or form able to draw himself from his work at the moment.
you were not able to use your cane to feel around the room, so without knowing where the rug was, you tripped.
and the tea you held in your hands went all over his desk, soaking his documents. the ink was splotchy and obviously ruined. you weren’t able to see what happened, but by the way ayato gasped and grabbed your wrist you knew you fucked up pretty bad.
“what the hell were you thinking???” he pulls you up forcefully and pushes you down on his couch, where you started tearing up. you weren’t necessarily used to him yelling at you, for arguments, especially over such as this, were very minimal. he always found a way to come to an understanding with you, no matter what you may have ruined. 
“i’m sorry! i didn’t think thoma was just going to leave-” you were cut off by an angry voice.
“this isn’t thomas issue, y/n. it’s yours. how clueless can you be?” he brings his hands to his face, rubbing the bridge of his nose before groaning loudly. 
“i’m sorry that i can’t fucking see, ayato!” you yelled back, slamming your hands on the couch and leaning back. “is that what you wanted to hear?”
he shook his head, but you didn’t know that. he lays his hands on your thighs, squeezing them, before getting close to your face. you could smell his hair, the sakura shampoo he uses being evident. 
“i don’t want a fucking apology, y/n. if these documents are not in by friday, there is no change for inazuma. the change you’ve been awaiting, the change i’ve been awaiting, and the change everyone of the city has been awaiting. you took that away from all of them. because you decided you weren’t going to bring your cane to make sure you don’t fucking fall!” he yells to your face, making the tears spill out.
“i’m sorry! i just wanted to bring you something to drink because i was told you were overworking yourself. gosh, how bad of me for caring for my husband,” you yelled, hands shaking in both fear and rage. you knew talking back to him this way wouldn’t lead to anything good, but you tested your luck anyways.
“remove yourself from my office. i don’t care how the fuck you do it, but i demand you leave,” he said with a low, threatening tone. you knew he was enraged, and you stumbled through the door to the hallway, where ayaka was waiting to take you back to your room.
-> wriothesley
you always felt grateful for wriothesley, and the last thing you wanted to do was to upset him. he was one of the only people to look past your disability and see your heart, see your kindness and purity. 
so when you come up his office stairs very, very slowly with a cup of tea and trip on an uneven plate in the ground, ruining his documents that were incredibly important to him and the palais mermonia, especially to neuvillette, you knew you were screwed.
normally, this didn’t happen. he’d meet you down by his office door after a guard or sigewinne escorted you through the fortress, and help you walk up the stairs with the support of his arm.
he immediately slams his hands down on his table, walking over to where you were. 
you felt his presence looming over you, though unable to see it, you slowly and carefully sit up. he lifts up your chin before speaking.
“why. why would you do that,” he starts in a low tone, something similar he’d use to speaking to misbehaved criminals. “i told you not to visit me today. and what do you do? the complete fucking opposite!” 
you rub your eyes, trying to show no signs of weakness. you stand up, and he grabs your hands, making you feel the mess you made. ripped papers, bleeding ink. a month of progress is officially gone. 
“you feel what you did? that has taken me months! and it’s ruined! if i lose my job because of this-” he starts, dropping your hands as you turn around, your bottom leaning against the desk. 
“i’m sorry! i should’ve either stayed home or have a guard escort me up, i didn’t mean to ruin your progress!” you wipe more tears away, hearing him give an annoyed sigh. 
“you’re right. you shouldn’t have come at all. this would never have happened if you didn’t come. do you understand how much trouble i could be in? if you didn’t visit me at all, i wouldn’t have to go through the embarrassment of asking for new documents, and i wouldn’t have to do hundreds of papers in three damned days!” he says, obviously distressed.
“look, i’m sorry, okay?! you can tell neuvillette and all of fontaine that i was the one who ruined everything if you want to! i’m sorry about the hassle and i’m sorry for putting more stress on you! all i wanted to do was bring you a cup of tea because you left the house stressed this morning!” you yelled back, crying at this point. “if you don’t want the embarrassment, then you can embarrass me. it seems like i’ve done enough to deserve it, so do it! tell the whole world what i did wrong, and how horrible of a wife i was!”
you called a guard in to escort you out, and that was the last wriothesley had seen of you that day.
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the-whispers-of-death · 2 months
You don't have to do this, but I just need something because I've had a particularly shitty day
I've been mildly racially harassed by my coworkers so maybe a cod character comforting reader for having to deal with all that
I'm sorry you've had a shitty day. Here's Gaz comforting you because he too understands being racially harassed (there's not going to be dialogue because I'm tired).
Gaz would settle you both on the couch and wrap you in a blanket together with him, intent on taking your mind off whatever happened. He has been on the side of being stereotyped and harassed just because of the color of his skin, so he just wants to make you forget all about it.
He peppers kisses all over your face, telling you stories of the dumb things he and the rest of the 141 get up to when they're not on missions. He tells you all of Ghost's cringey dad jokes because he knows those will make you laugh (whether it's genuine or you laugh because they're just so cringey), tells you all of the ways he and Soap pranked Ghost and Price. He regales you with the story about how Price was convinced by him and Soap to prank Laswell, because she wouldn't see it coming if Price did it and he tells you her reaction to the prank.
If you're still feeling down after all of his stories, Gaz will untangle himself from you and make sure you're nicely cocooned into blanket before going to the kitchen and making your favorite drink. It can be tea, hot chocolate, or alcohol, it's just whatever will ease your mind in that moment. He gives me major "I'll hold the mug/glass while you drink" vibes so when the drink is done, he does exactly that.
If it's not too late, he'll draw you both a bubble bath so you can relax and have fun together. He loves hearing your giggles when he blows bubbles your way.
And when you two finally retire for the night, Gaz spoons you from behind and tells you that he'd be happy to tell your coworker off the next time you get racially harassed. He just wants you to be happy and he'd gladly go toe to toe with someone if it meant they'd stop bothering you. It wouldn't even have to be physical, he could do it all verbally.
You drift off to sleep with him kissing your forehead, warmth filling your veins due to his strong arms around you.
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valkyrieofsmut · 1 year
Ok, time for some self indulgent sharing...
This ends in the spot it does because I'm encouraging you all to jump in and (write/draw/whatever) what you want to happen next! You can do whatever you want, please give a -cest or snuff/dark warning if you do that, and an 18+ if you make it spicy, post it, don't post it, send it in dm- whatever, wherever you do it! Just please tag me so I can see the result!
I'm going to work on mine, but it's probably not going to be out today... Lol
Here it is, the prompt-
"hey, dere, dollface," a deep voice greeted, and (Y/n) looked up from the counter she was writing tickets on to see a rather large skeleton monster in a perfectly tailored, full three piece suit, the unlit stub of a cigar clenched between his sharp teeth, a gold one glinting from an almost unnoticeable chip. Her eyes moved up to his, finding burning red lights there, focused on her from the shadow of his fedora.
She blinked and pulled a friendly smile over her tired face. "Hi, please make yourself comfortable," she gestured to the bar stool, "what can I get for you?"
He looked her over and sat on the stool. "coffee. an' mustard."
She lifted a brow in confusion, but complied, getting him a mug and a bottle of mustard and setting them on the counter as she filled the mug with hot coffee.
He picked up the mustard, looking at it, and set it back down. "can i get a new one, doll?"
She gave him another questioning look, but ducked under the counter to get a new bottle and set it on the counter, moving the open one under the counter as she asked, "any cream or sugar? Or something to go with your mustard?"
He gave a chuckle and a smirk, reaching into his inner pocket and pulling out a cigar case to put his cigar away, and (Y/n) caught sight of a decorative insignia engraved in the shiny metal. If his suit alone hadn't screamed money and status, his cigar case definitely let her know.
"nothin' fer the coffee, but some sugar from you would be perfect."
(Y/n)'s eyes widened a bit at how forward he was being, but didn't seem too bothered by it. "Unfortunately, I'm not on the menu," she told him, gesturing to said menu, "but if you see something on there I can get you, let me know." She flashed a smile and hurried off to where a man was tapping his coffee mug on the table.
Sans sat at the counter, watching as the cute waitress moved around quickly, making sure that every customer had what they needed, what they had ordered, and that it was delivered quickly, and doing it gracefully with a smile.
She stopped back at the counter, filling the coffee mug of every man in the line, ending in front of him. She bit her lip as she poured, but it was obvious that there wasn't enough to fully fill the mug. "Sorry, it'll be just a moment while I get another pot going."
"sure," he agreed, letting her know that he wasn't troubled by it.
She turned around and started getting the coffee machine ready, pulling the filter and setting it up.
"isn't taday some special human holiday?" Sans asked.
(Y/n) turned to look at him in confusion. "Holiday?"
"somethin' about candy, 'r flowers…?"
She blinked, then looked down at her ticket pad at the date. "Oh- yeah; Valentine's day. It's for couples, impressing someone you got the hots for, having dates and stuff."
Sans gave a smirk. "den what's a gorgeous doll like you doin' 'round here?"
She huffed a laugh, waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. "Working. Someone has to."
"ya got someone waitin' fer ya at home, den?"
(Y/n) turned and looked at him before getting the coffee pot and filling his mug. "Nah," she answered jokingly. "No one would want to see me after a shift, probably be too tired to really be much fun, anyway."
She gave another smile and excused herself to go work more.
Sans pulled his pocket watch from its special spot, and checked the time. 2 pm. So his pretty little interest should be off at any moment.
This was the best timing he'd probably ever had, finding this doll just when she was about to be free to run into his arms.
He drank from the mustard bottle, ignoring the murmurs as he did.
There was a sound from the back, and a man Sans knew was the owner came out of the kitchen.
"Hey, (Y/n)," he called as she headed back to the counter.
(Y/n) gave a tired smile as she made her way up to him. "Yes, sir?"
"Cassy isn't coming in, I need you to stay late."
(Y/n) bit her lip, looking concerned. "How late?"
"Why, do you have a date?" He asked doubtfully.
"Well, no…"
"Then don't be so stingy, you should cover and let the others have their fun, especially since you're not doing anything anyway," he scolded.
"Cover- the whole shift?" She asked.
"You already said you didn't have a date, so what's the problem?" The owner demanded.
"hey, dere," Sans greeted in his low voice, and the two of them looked over to him, the owner looking surprised to see him, though Sans had no idea who could miss a huge guy like him being in the room.
"O-oh- hello, Mr. Gaster," the owner greeted back shakily. "I- I'm sorry I wasn't out here to greet you- I- I'll finish taking care of this and be right with you-"
"nah. here's what you're gonna do… cassy is yer daughter, isn't dat right?" The owner nodded nervously. "so you're tryin' ta make dis gorgeous doll stay here fer another shift so's yer own daughter can go run around? gee. i'd hate ta think you're abusin' yer power over yer employees."
The owner's eyes widened and he started trembling a bit. (Y/n) could feel his nervousness as the large skeleton seemed to start looming above them- even though he was still sitting on the stool.
"see, that'd be a real shame, especially since ya just got set up wit protection." His voice was threatening, despite being even. "but, my boss an' i… we don't protect people who treat other people like garbage. so, as i was sayin'; here's what you're gonna do. you're gonna cover until ya daughter comes in, an' you're gonna let her," he nodded to (Y/n), "come wit me."
"Y-yeah- yes- sir," the owner agreed.
"Um- I- wait-" (Y/n) looked around a bit nervous, afraid of leaving with this strange man, but the owner seemed ready to sell her to the skeleton to save his own ass.
"c'mon, dollface. I got somethin' planned fer ya…"
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ask-void-official · 1 year
Happy New Years!
Oh, hi! Well, uh... ahem. As you probably know, I, er... haven't updated Ask Void since, what, before Halloween?? Awkward, I know. Deepest apologies for that.
Now, don't worry, I didn't abandon Ask Void due to any sudden distaste for my short sad skeleton scientist, nor is Void's story getting completely left in the dust; I love my small skelly boi too much for that.
No, the real reason you haven't seen anything of Void is because I realized one autumn evening as I was pacing the living room holding a mug of apple cider and contemplating sowing the seeds of destruction and chaos onto this mortal plane that I realized that an ask blog isn't exactly the medium I want to utilize to tell my Void-boi's story; an ask blog is a medium that simply far too much whimsy and slice-of-life built into it to tell the story of someone with so much plot and character development potential like my depressed Void.
Void needs something that can really convey that 'Void' feel, and something I won't feel bad for breaking away from the happy fun times 'let's mess with Void' hours to suddenly go 'Oh but wait he has trauma actually'.
I don't regret making the ask blog though, it really helped me hone my character for Void, and I absolutely adored drawing the comics and writing for him. Oh, and don't worry, Ask Void will still be here! I'll basically be archiving it and effectively putting it aside in the pantry, which you can always look in to reminisce! And of course, we'll be addressing the asks ya'll sent in during my exceedingly unannounced hiatus (Again, sorry about that)
For everybody who wanted to know what was inside the house:
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The GUAAHSTER GAENGGG set up a lovely chandelier in his house to help with the gloomy lighting! Void definitely probably appreciates it.
For that one lovely person who gave Void glasses that don't need tape:
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Ok, he really appreciates these. Thank you!
For that one person who sent that ask likely intended for when Void was in Waterfall saying he seemed rather 'down in the dumps':
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He appreciates that too; I wonder how long it's been since Void dusted off the old 'sense of humor'?
While the Ask Void universe may be set aside, there is still something that remains of it, and that would be the liminal space in between our reality and that of the Multiverse, where all of our ideas are in that incubatory stage of 'not quite there yet', and where our lovely Liminal!Void and Strawberry!Void live, as well as a reflection of myself. Their ask box isn't going anywhere, so feel free to still send asks to them if you wish; and of course, you may send asks about anything else in general that you want, from the smallest "avocado?" to the largest "What is the meaning of life?"
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So, I imagine you're wondering; what is going to happen to Void's story, then, if it won't be told in an ask blog? Well... I'm still figuring it out, but you're all overdue for a solid answer.
Me and a few friends, including but not limited to my friend @emikaat, are figuring out how it'll be told, but I'm at least 90% certain that I think I'm going to write it in a book; I was contemplating a comic for a little bit, but hoo boy, that would be so much effort and commitment. I mean, I love Void, but I don't think I'm going to turn him into a lifelong career, you know?
So I think the best way to go about it would be to write a book for it and then go through my hyperfixation-addled Void drawing cravings separately. I'll figure it out, don't you worry.
Now, I'd just like to take a moment to get sappy and sentimental and say thank you to all of you who stuck around this long for my silly little ask blog for my extra-little skeleton. I really appreciate it, and Void couldn't get as far as he has without you. If you stick around just a little longer, I'm sure we're going to get to places even more exciting! And in the meantime, have this lovely peek at what the idea making process for Void's story looks like...
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Luckily, this only shows the ominous conspiracy board and not the mess of crumpled papers, candy bars, and the exasperated artist on the floor contemplating existence
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aspenmissing · 11 months
𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝙿𝚞𝚕𝚜𝚎 (𝙿𝚝 𝟸)
"It looks like we're back in our world again," Meliodas says.
"That place weirded me out," Diane says. Elizabeth looks around before gasping at the sigh in front of her. Gulia kneeling with her fingers in her chest.
"Look it's-"
"She reached the necropolis by putting herself into a state of near-death," Y/N says. "Guess minds think alike." She mutters, shivering slightly at the feeling of doing it herself.
"Doesn't that mean she's gonna be waking up pretty soon?" Hawk asks, panicked.
"Then we better get away from here."
"I saw we kill her while the killings good," Ban says.
"You barbarian," King says. "I'll petrify her."
"And you call him a barbarian?" Y/N says, crossing her arms. "Let's just take her with us. I mean, we could use someone to get us out drinks."
"Take it easy," Meliodas says, arms crossed. "Just let me handle it, you guys." The Captain proceeds to tie the holy knight to a tree and pull out a black market from god knows where and draws on her face.
"Look at that, she finally has eyes," Y/N says, laughing. King looks at her with a slight blush.
"And done," Meliodas says, throwing the pen away. "Now, let's get out of here before anyone comes looking for her!" He says. The others begin to leave while Y/N picks up her sword and pierces it into the ground. She looks to Gulia.
"May the next time we see each other, we'll fight." She says before quickly leaving to catch up with the others.
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The group sit beside a large lake, surrounding a fire. Diane picks up a large fish that is skewered on a stick and holds it out.
"Here Captain! I boiled this just for you." Diane says with a closed eye smile. "Open up!" She brings the giant fish down to Meliodas, who is drinking a mug of ale.
"That's a little bit," Meliodas says as Diane pokes his head with the giant fish.
"Say ah~," Diane says, ignoring his question. Y/N sits on the other side of the fire with a mug of ale beside her. Her axe lays across her crossed legs as she cleans it. King then comes up beside her.
"Uhm, Y/N. Is your hand healed now?" King asks, floating beside her. She looks up at him with a smile.
"Yup!" She lifts her hand, flexing it. "It feels brand new!" She gestures to Crono. "Glad I found her when I did, or I would have had scars!" King frowns slightly.
"I'm sorry for hurting you, a-and bringing up your sin."
"There's no need to apologise." She says, standing up. She smiles widely at him. "Besides, it's fun seeing you standing up to your lieutenant. Shows that your still the harlequin that I know."  King blushes, shaking his head.
"Ahahah, King blushing because of Y/N!! Guess he is a little softy after all!" Ban laughs, obviously drunk.
"N-No I'm not! You be quiet Ban or I will petrify you again!"
"Come on, would you two just take it easy," Meliodas asks. King floats his way over to Meliodas and Elizabeth, gesturing to the two.
"Speaking of which, I haven't asked yet. So you and this girl, just what is your relationship?" King asks.
"The lover's kind~," Meliodas says, smirking while he gropes her boob.
"N-No it's not!" Elizabeth says.
"The grope and get groped kind." Meliodas continues, pulling Elizabeth's arm to push onto his chest.
"Sir Meliodas!" Elizabeth says. "Oh please, don't!"
"Or the grope and get kicked in the head by Y/N kind!" Y/N says, drinking a mug of ale from beside King.
"What she is, is the princess of the realm." Meliodas says, smiling. "Your the third one right?"
"Yes." She replies. King recoils in surprise, eyes widened.
"What! You're a princess!" He says, now on his feet. "You should have told me! If I had known I  would have made myself more presentable." King begins gritting his teeth and tensing up. Elizabeth smiles, holding out her hand.
"You don't have to" She is cut off by King suddenly poofing into his fatter version, wearing expensive-looking clothing with a ruffle around his neck and a very expensive looking jewel necklace. Ban spits out his ale, eye widened.
"Wow, you've changed your clothes," Meliodas says.
"Look closer!" Ban shouts.
"You know, it takes a great deal of mental effort to change into this form." He says, his voice deeper."
"What a pig," Hawk says, chewing on some food.
"Huh?" Ban and Y/N say at the ironic statement. King walks closer to Elizabeth and bows.
"Hello! I am King the Grizzly Sin of the Eight Deadly Sins. Glad to make your e-quaintance." He says, respectively.
"The pleasure is mine I'm sure," Elizabeth says. King then brings his head closer, making Elizabeth put her head back.
"I didn't know that you were a royal, please forgive my poor manners in here and the necropolis!" King says.
"Think nothing of it." She says, smiling at him. "Also, please don't let yourself become stressed out. Feel free to relax and just be comfortable."
"If you insist, your majesty," King says before he poofs back into his small form. He falls back exhausted onto his pillow, which floated under him before he could hit the floor. "That took a lot out of me."
"Woah, his clothes changed back," Meliodas says.
"Look closer dammit!" Ban shouts.
"I really must say, your one powerful individual truly," Elizabeth says, looking at King who is curled up in a ball with his billow and is floating back and forth. "On your own, you took down an opponent that Sir Meliodas and the others has trouble with together."
"Yeah, I guess I'm pretty powerful," King says. "But any of you could have taken down that holy knight if you just unleashed your true strength," King says. The other Sins are all sitting staring at him. "Now fess up, where are your sacred treasures."
"I lost mine," Diane says, sticking her tongue out while holding her pigtails together.
"Sold mine," Meliodas says with a cheeky smile and an OK sigh.
"Mine got stolen!" Ban says with a drunk grin.
"I've got half of mine," Y/N says, holding up her axe with a smile. King poofs into his fat form for a second and snorts with squinted eyes.
"Shame on you!" He says.
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The sky begins getting darker as the sun begins going behind the mountains. They surround King as the fire is still burning.
"The new generation? What's that?" Y/N asks.
"There's been a few failed apprentices who have found a way to gain the full powers of a holy knight in the space of only one day," King explains, leaning on his pillow in the air. "Gulia for instance. She's the latest apprentice who's grown stronger overnight. Doesn't seem right does it?"
"She was?" Meliodas asks.
"Let's back up a minute. You took the sacred treasure that was bestowed upon you by King Lioness himself." King says. Meliodas grins and rubs the back of his head. "And sold it!"
"I needed seed money for the tavern," Meliodas says. He looks to Ban.
"Yours was stolen!" Ban lays on Hawk drunk, eyes closed.
"When they threw my butt into that prison!" Ban says. King grits his teeth before looking at Diane with a soft face.
"I'm sorry I lost mine," Diane says. King sighs.
"I mean if you misplaced it then it's not your fault" He then looks to Y/N. She pouts at him and gives him puppy dog eyes.
"I've don't know where my other half is." She says, frowning. King blushes and becomes flustered.
"W-Well you've still got one half and that's better than nothing. I'm sure we'll find your other half." He lets out a nervous chuckle at her cuteness.
"You know for being the lieutenant of the Eight Deadly Sins, she can be so lieutenant... What am I thinking! Quite it me! I gotta stop blushing!!!" King is cut out from his thoughts by Hawk.
"Hey, I don't understand why your getting so upset King." He says, looking up at the Fairy King. "These guys do pretty well with what they've got."
"Sir. Pig." King says.
"Uh, Sir. Pig?"
"Now let's say that this lake represents all the magic used by one of the sins." King gestures to the said lake. "How much water could you scoop out with just your hands?"
"Hands?" Hawk says, lifting his hoof. King does the same with his hand.
"That's right. No matter how much magic there is, your pretty limited by them." He clenches his fist. "But if you have a weapon, especially a sacred treasure." He points his hand to the lake and a whirlpool begins, lifting the water out. "You could draw out incredible amounts of magic. As was seen when Y/N used recoil during the fight." In the air floats a massive and smooth ball of water.
"Sacred treasures are pretty awesome," Meliodas says, ale up to his mouth.
"That makes a lot of sense," Hawk says before grabbing Meliodas by the front of his shorts with his hooved. He begins shaking him back and forth. "Why the hell did you give yours up ham head!" Kinglets the waterfall back into the lake.
"Any case, we're gonna have to get your sacred treasures back. Assuming you're serious about saving the realm?"
"Excuse me," Elizabeth says, standing up. King looks at her. "But Sir. King, before you joined us, were you working for somebody inside the castle?"
"Hmm, more or less." He replies.
"Do you know what happened to them?" She asks. "My father and two sisters. The king and the other two princesses."
"I'm afraid not," King says. "Sorry about that."
"Oh, I see," Elizabeth says, dropping her hand back to her side. Y/N looks at her with a frown, realising just how worried she is for her family.
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Now dark the sins head into the tavern, Diane staying outside and resting against Hawk's mom to sleep.
"Why am I in this room!" King shouts. Bans lay snoring on the bed with King floating beside him glaring with clenched fists as Hawk. Y/N lays in her hammock at the window looking over at them. Her coat and collar are off and placed on the small bench below her.
"Cause there's nowhere else to put you!" Hawk replies.
"Now you know how I feel," Y/N says before she turns over in her hammock and begins to fall asleep.
"Then I'll go outside and ruff it out there," King says. He goes to float out only for a hand to grab him and pull him to the bed.
"Snuggle up, Captain Hawk," Ban says, still sleeping. The pillow floats beside the bed as King tries to get out of Ban's hold.
"Hey, stop that!"
"Let's take a nap~"  King continues to try and get away from Ban but keeps failing.
"Operation swab, complete," Hawk says, walking out the room. Once everything settles that night, Y/N gets out of her hammock and slowly patters over to the bed where Ban is still snoring and King is asleep. She gently unwinds Ban's arm from around him and picks him up, walks back over to the hammock and places him in it. She then grabs his pillow and places it next to him, causing him to instantly hug it. She blushes slightly.
"Tch, look what you do to me. Making me blush like this." Y/N says, shaking her head. She then poofs into her wolf form and shuffles herself under her coat and lays on the bench, slowly falling back to sleep.
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The next day they arrive at a town that is built into the mountains. They all stand outside, looking at it. Y/N stands beside Meliodas, her axe strapped onto her back.
"That town there on the side of the mountain is called Vaizel," Meliodas says, looking over at it. "It's a merchant town." 
"You think it's here?" Hawk asks.
"Not too long ago one of our customers said a hammer was brought in that was so big, no one could wield it," Y/N says before looking down at Hawk. "Don't you remember?"
"So nobody could handle it?" Elizabeth asks.
"It could be Diane's," King suggests.
"Aw, with the hell of that," Ban says. "We've gotta do something about my clothes."
"Just cover your six-pack with an apron," Meliodas says.
"That's not important now!" Diane says, slamming her hands down causing everyone to fly up into the air. "Why do I have to stay and mind the bar!" She cries, kneeling on the ground.
"Look, Diane, ever since a giant went wild at their festival a few years ago they've all been banned from the town," Y/N says. "But we'll come right back as soon as we see what's up."
"It's gonna be boring!" Diane says, shaking her pigtails.
"You know, I think I'll stay behind too," Elizabeth says, looking to Meliodas.
"What?" Diane says, leaning towards Elizabeth. "Really?"
"Sure, it'll be fun to have a little girl fun for a change."
"Yeah, just us girls!" Diane says, giggling. "Y/N, you in?"
"Sorry Diane, but I've gotta keep someone in check and not steal anything," Y/N says, glaring at Ban.
"What. Come on last time I stole something, I didn't get caught."
"Yeah because I had to talk it out of them that you didn't steal anything and that It was all in his head!"
"Okay, let's hit it!" Meliodas says. Meliodas, Ban, Y/N, King and Hawk all make their way into Vaizey.
"Captain. Lieutenant." Ban says. His body is now wearing a boar hat apron, hands shoved into his pocket as he looks around. "Do we have to look through all this stuff?"
"I'm surprised you not getting the urge to steal anything," Y/N says, hands behind her head.
"You're wearing an apron," King says.
"Let's go and find an arms vendor," Meliodas says, ignoring Ban's comment.
"Looking for something, son?" An old man asks, he sits on top of a wooden post with a bottle in his hand. He looks drunk. "Or are you looking to be a part of the festival?"
"Nah, we're trying to look for a weapon," Meliodas replies. "A really big hammer. We heard there might be one at this market."
"Ah, well that's easy enough. Right there, behind that rock." The old man gestures to the giant rock. They head over there and sure enough, a giant hammer lays against the rock which left a dent.
"Look, it's Diane's Gideon!" King says, looking up at the hammer with a shocked face.
"It was here all the time," Y/N says, looking up at it with a smile. Next thing they know a crowd begins forming around a small man.
"All right!" He shouts, putting his arm up. "It's time to begin the annual Vaizel fighting festival now!" He announces which causes everyone to celebrate. "Use of weapons, strictly forbidden. Men who let their fists do the talking should hurry and sign up right away!" He shakes his hands to emphasise his point. "The winner is gonna get 100 gold coins, but that's not all. You'll also take home this giant war hammer!" He gestures to Diane's Gideon behind him.
"What a barbaric gathering," King says. He looks over to the others "Right Y/N?" He cuts himself off to see Ban, Y/N and Meliodas all huddle in a circle with smirks.
"We're gonna put out names in aren't we?" Ban asks.
"Let's see who's got what it takes," Meliodas says.
"And may the best Sin win," Y/N says, cracking her knuckles. She grabs the back of King's jacket and begins dragging him towards the small man. Ban and Meliodas walk in front of them. "Hey! Count us in!" 
"You can count me out!" King says. Y/N is suddenly grabbed by the front of her jacket by a very large man.  She's hoisted up into the air, King still dangling from her hold.
"This ain't a festival for a frail little lady. Get outta here." He says. Y/N blinks, looking down at him.
"Sorry, I don't see what the problem is." A hand lays itself on the man's arm.
"Hey, there friend." A man says, making the larger man put Y/N down. "This is a festival, okay? Just relax and let the little lady go."
"Little?" Y/N mutters.
"Huh, who do you?" The larger man lets Y/N go and points to himself. "You know that my name is Taizoo, right? I've been the winner of the festival for three years in a row." The larger man walks away from them and the other man rubs the back of his head.
"Okay then. Man, my job has gotten in the way of this every year until now." The man says, clenching his fists.  He then shoots his hands up into the air, smiling. "Yeah! My dream of fighting here is coming true at last! So, let's do this, you guys." The man turns away and begins walking off.
"I've seen him somewhere before," King says. Later they all make their way to the arena that sits onto the giant rock. The contestants step onto a raised rock platform.
"The fighting festival elimination round now begin!" The small man yells. "Fighters into the ring!" They all step up onto the platform. King hesitatingly stepped up.
"Man I wished I stayed back with Diane and the princess," King says.
"Oh come on, it's not gonna be that bad," Y/N says, wrapping her arm around King's shoulder with a smile. "You'll be fine."
"Now, let's get ready to take back Diane's sacred treasure!"
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cow-legs · 3 months
Of course it does feel a little silly to make big update posts about how im burned out and am trying to take a break from drawing right in the middle of a time where im uploading new art more relatively consistently than i have in a very long time it feels like but i guess it was still important to make the distinction, between things that i enjoy drawing and can keep doing vs things i dont enjoy doing at all and need to stop immediately, just for my own sake.
Openly telling people "yuuup i'm not going to be drawing anything other than super basic shit from now on for a long time" means that whenever i think of drawing anything post-worthy i know i will feel silly for posting it after saying that, and from there if i still decide to go through with it anyway it was probably something i actually wanted to draw and enjoyed doing while if this thought made me self conscious enough to not go through with it then it was probably something i wanted to draw only due to impulsive obligation rather than something i wanted to spend time making just for the fun of doing it so the spell gets broken. So its a functional enough system, i guess.
&now that this distinction has been made in my brain i can spend more time doing shit i actually enjoy instead of letting it get beaten out by the things i "should" be working on every time
Putting my foot down and going "no, i am not going to keep forcing myself to do detailed clean lineart on even more detailed sketches when i get much more enjoyment out of just doing really rough and simple shit instead" after i have found myself independently coming to realizations about what kinds of art just suck the life out of me over and over again and then just disregarding these realizations every single time to go back to the shit that kills me because "well this is how you normally do it" or "this technically looks nicer, in some aspects" and finally just fucking forcing myself to stop doing that is probably overall more helpful to my mental health than just forcing myself to stop drawing altogether when thats a drastic move that may or may not be the actual solution. Now i am finding and re-learning ways to create things that don't make me feel like i am a walking corpse so i think i will take the feeling of thinking i look a little silly for seemingly disregarding my big life updates over never having found these things out for myself at all any day.
I don't really know why i feel like making update posts in the first place when to be honest i dont think it really matters, people arent paying me for any of this and i stopped feeling "sorry" for "not posting enough" or such things as that a long time ago so it's not like i feel any kind of legitimate need to tell people about what my status is creative-wise. But i guess a large part of it is just that i like talking and have a lot of things to say but for various personal reasons have no desire to post 99% of these thoughts publicly so it's the like rare chance i get to actually start saying shit on any of my art accounts that is actually relevant to the subject at hand without crossing my own boundaries and saying more than i am comfortable with
It is a little weird feeling writing update posts though because i dont really know how to word them in any way that doesnt come off as a fanfic authors note going "sorry its been a whole 20 minutes since the last update i got mugged and all my money was stolen and he broke my leg also but im trying my best to write more despite this" like girl focus on the mugging not this shit. When in reality i actually dont care very much about providing Content as much as the hypothetical fanfic author i just felt the need to say something because why not and didnt know how to word it in a way that makes me not come off like that. which is how you get this i guess. anyway i already forgot what the point of this post was i guess i just wanted to say some shit. which tracks i suppose.
The moral of the story or some shit i guess is that even if you are not doing art as a job it can still end up feeling like one and killing your creative spirit like one would and you need to be able to identify when this is happening and what things you dont actually want to create even though you feel like you "should" so you can kill these practices before they kill you
or something like that
I dont really care about having a point here i wrote this at 2 am
i just like talking
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chelleztjs18 · 1 year
Hello you mrs. honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag 😌
I have been sleeping early than usual actually. I think I am just ready for the last few days to past but it feels like the week is dragging lol
Oh wow that is pretty late. I'm surprised that Emily had energy to open presents and play at that time hahaha I would have been telling her to go sleep or santa will take the presents back lol just kidding I wouldn't do that to a 2 year old.
By the way, has it snowed there yet?
That's exciting! Are you guys going to just drive to Texas or fly again?
I tried moscow mule once.. was not a big fan of it 😅 I think I only really ordered it for the little mug hahahaha 😆
Same, I think most places that I've been to that served tiramisu only uses sponge cake. Yeah, I'm planning on making that mango dessert again but with less condensed milk. I am already too sweet. Hahahaha just kidding 😂
CA does have a lot of filipino places 😭 my uncle lives there and I want to visit him next year so that he can take me to all the restaurants that have good filipino chefs. Here there's only one place I know that was open a few years ago, but I don't know if they still are after the whole covid thing 🥲 there is a lady that I found on Facebook that caters and does pick up orders for filipino food though. I ordered her food once and it was decent.
Do you guys have Indonesian snacks that you'd recommend? Since I can't find any Indonesian restaurants here, I may be able to get snacks at the small oriental store we have in Omaha.
Hm that's interesting 🤔 all your movie choices have barely any dramatic scenes. Have you always been like that, not wanting to cry because you think it shows weakness? (Sorry if that came out bad and rude, I don't mean to be rude)
I have to think about mine too because I am drawing blank for 3 movies. I can only think of one that always make me cry and that's the Phantom of the Opera - the part where they sing all I ask of you and then the ending part around where Christine kisses the phantom.
Next, name 3 movies that you could watch on repeat and never get tired of.
By the way, I made a separate account and started writing! Well I don't know if you'd consider it writing, but I posted mostly conversation stuff between r and characters (mainly Wanda).
Hello hello corn-punn!
How r u today? Aw thats no fun u sleep earlier than usual.. just kidding.
Why u cant wait for the days to past? R u that ready for new year? 😆😁 whats ur plan for new year?
Haha yeah, i let her play but then she followed whn i said it's time to bed..thank god..hahahha.
No, it hasnt been snow or anything here..im so upset right now..🙄 it's not even that cold here.. only 66.
We r driving to t3xas.. it's only 3.5 hours.
Haha i love moscow mule. It's one of my favorite cocktails. I have a set of the copper mugs n the shakers. My husband gave me. Lol. I guess i love moscow mule that much that he gave them to me.lol. my most favorite drink is apple martini and a cocktail named buttery nipple 😅 (it's baileys and butterschotch schnaps).
Haha i used to joke like that about me being too sweet already n thats why i dont need any more sugar on anything 🤣
But i agree with u, u r a sweet person so dont put too much condensed milk,okay?
Hmm right now i cant think of any snacks.. i like Beng Beng it's like snickers but more chocolaty n less caramel. I like the superman wafers.hahah. there is this sweet tea it's called teh botol but it's in a box 😅 it's my favorite. It's very famous there.
Ah i see. Yeah sometimes facebook have some information of our country food..sometimes it can be pricey though. U can google indonesian food n if u have any questiom about it, u can ask me.
Yeah,i'm always like that. I guess it's because i try to look strong in front of my sister. U know, to be a good example for her.
My sister is more expressive than i am. I would try n pretend to be strong until i break down n even that i usually choose to be alone when i have a break down. 😅
So it will hurt my pride too if i cry just because of movies.
I love phantom of the opera.. n that All I Ask Of You is one of my favorite song from that show.
3 movies i never get tired to watch..well,since im in the mood of rebel so i will give u more than 3. 😅😆
1. The Proposal
2. White Chick
3. Any modern family episodes
4. Devils Wear Prada
5. Age Of Ultron
6. Greta
7. 13 Going 30
8. How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
9. Hot Chicks
How bout u?
Next questions
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angelkhi · 3 years
Mistletoe and wine - B.B
Pairing: Dilf!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: Babysitting Bucky’s daughter at Christmas leads to some mistletoe mischief.
Warnings: SMUT (18+ Minors DNI) unprotected sex cause they’re dumb, mentions of alcohol but no one gets drunk or tipsy, foul language, oral (f receiving), slight praise I guess? Not very well proofread sorry! I think that’s all but let me know if you’ve missed anything.
a little note: Hi! Thank you all for being so patient with me over the last few months, I’m a second year uni student so I just about have time to breathe let alone write outside of my degree . Midterms ended last week, essay burnout is slowly coming to an end (thank god) and Christmas is fast approaching! I’d like to post some more festive pieces over the Christmas period if my schedule and energy levels allow for it but until then I hope you enjoy this very rushed piece!
Word count: 1.9k
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The short amount of time that he's been home, Bucky Barnes has berated you for not keeping yourself warm, and acquired early onset food poisoning from some cookies his daughter had made him. Now he stands over the stove, watching the saucepan of mulled wine come to the boil, his unbelievably wide shoulders making the space look tiny. You gawk at his back, still wrapped in the blanket he'd found you in, still shivering and it was no one's fault but your own.
A steaming mug is slid in front of you, and you instantly use it to warm your hands, ignore Bucky's borderline heartless chuckle at just how cold you are. When he had texted you that he urgently needed someone to watch his daughter whilst he dealt with an Steve sized emergency, you'd rushed out your house in nothing but a t-shirt, cardigan and tatty old joggers. When it started to get colder, you completely ignored the fact that Barnes house did have central heating, or that Bucky had told you to make yourself at home, or that it was in fact early December. Instead you decide to freeze with a tiny blanket.
So now he's stood across from you, watching with a smirk each time you shiver.
"Sorry again, about being late." Bucky sips from the piping hot mug whilst leaning against the kitchen counter, "Things took a bit longer than expected."
"It's no problem, we had fun." You smile and nod to him as he scoots around to the chair next to yours. "She was no trouble. Could barely keep her eyes open by her bedtime."
Bucky tips his head back, closes his eyes and mutters something along the lines of "murder" and "Steve fucking Rogers" under his breath, and you chuckle at his short temper. His brows crease a little, when his eyes open and he stands to reach the dangling ornament from above the two of you, your eyes widening as you realise what was hanging above your head.
"Oh god that's..."
"Mistletoe?" Bucky holds the drawing by the string you'd looped through a hole in the top, not having any real mistletoe to hand when his daughter begged you to make it one of the decorations for their house. She was such a sweet little girl that your could hardly say no, so you’d climbed onto the counter and hung it right where she’d pointed, forgetting to take it down when the cold became too much to even move.
"Fucking shit."
"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" His eyebrows are raised almost to his hairline, but you couldn't care less.
"I'm so sorry-" You wanted the ground to swallow you whole as he continued to stare you down, his height intimidating enough without the cocky smile he loved so much.
"She saw it in some movie we were watching and desperately wanted to make one. Obviously I didn't tell her what really happened if you went underneath it she's only six, so now she things it's for hugs and-"
"Sweetheart, calm down." He's standing over you now, studying the decoration, and then your face once again, cheeks rosy from your word vomit.
"So what do you do, in the event of being stuck under the mistletoe?" Bastard.
"Well... it's tradition, that if both parties are willing and able," He hums, leaning closer, a hint of the spices from the wine on his breath, "They kiss."
"You hardly seem like one to break tradition." I do? Bucky's even closer now, so close that all you have to do is tilt your head upwards and your lips would touch. His hand cradles your cheek, each breath dancing across your lips, waiting. Waiting. Your hand rests against his chest as you lean into his lips in a shy kiss, barely touching him until you slide that bit higher. Bucky kisses you slow and deep, until his hand moves from your cheek to your neck and your neck to your waist. Until he's guiding you out of your seat and into the living room.
Your stumbling backwards, mapping the barely familiar terrain, past the cluttered dining table and piles of toys until your calves hit the edge of the sofa. Bucky guides you down softly, following your lips as you sink into the peeled leather.
His clothes are torn off quickly, his broad shoulders caging you in. He fumbles with the tie on your joggers for a second, yanking them down your goose-bumped legs, eventually pulling them off and tossing them somewhere next to his crumpled Henley and jeans.
Bucky scoots down the sofa, pressing warm kisses up and down your thighs, sucking lightly on the skin of your inner thighs making you squirm beneath his lips.
"Gonna get you all warmed up sweetheart, don't you worry." Bucky's blue eyes meet yours, the usual bright twinkle replaced by a stormy grey, a promise that he would in fact keep you warm, no matter what it took. He pulls your panties to the side, spreading you open for him, blowing cool air onto your exposed pussy, dipping his head just that little bit lower making you whimper. You're quick to remember his sleeping daughter upstairs and the embarrassment that would come with waking her.
"Can you stay quiet for me?" Bucky pulls your panties down in one quick swoop, "Gonna need you to stay quiet for me whilst I eat this pretty little cunt, alright sweetheart?"
You nod eagerly, and Bucky dips his head, his tongue flicking over your sensitive clit. Your let your hand cover your mouth, not trusting yourself to stay quiet whilst he feasts on you like a starving man. Your other hand grips at the cold leather sofa as you struggle to stay pliant, body jerking upwards despite the hand Bucky had across your stomach to keep you flat beneath him.
A thick finger teases your entrance, his tongue unrelenting against your nub as he pushes in, the pads of his fingers sending small spears of pleasure through your body.  He fucks his finger into you, not letting up as he adds another, his hips grinding into the sofa as he chases your orgasm like a mad man.
His gaze is predatory when you convulse beneath him, hips pushing up into his face against your will, fucking yourself against him through the violent orgasm. Your eyes clamp shut as he pulls away from you, the mixture of orgasm induced stars and the twinkling lights on the tree sending you a little dizzy.
Bucky's back at eye level by the time you reopen your eyes, a slow kiss and a reassuring 'you alright?' setting the two of you straight. His hips grind against you, leaving you overly sensitive, your whines silenced by his mouth.
"I'll take my time with you later, can I fuck you?" Your nod is frantic, borderline desperate, but in that moment you didn't care because Bucky Barnes was begging to fuck you and your be damned if you said no.
"Use your words sweets." My god this man will be the death of me.
"Fucking yes, Bucky."
"Potty mouth," he laughs and steals a kiss from your open lips, "Good god, I need to fuck you now."
He frees himself from his boxers, painfully hard when he grips himself tightly. He runs his tip from your drenched hole and over your sensitive clit a few times before sinking into you slowly, stretching you out, the bite of pain mixing with the pleasure so beautifully.
His first few thrusts are slow giving you time to adjust to the intrusion whilst he bottoms out, sinking his full length into you, a guttural sound bubbling out of his throat. 
He pulls out to the tip, grasping your chin softly so that you can watch him, keep your eyes on his as he fucks himself into you over and over again. The twinkling festive lights bounce across his skin, the warm glow against his face so lax with pleasure mesmerising. His hand comes up to cover your mouth, resting against your lips softly silencing your whimpers.
Your legs clamp around his hips pulling him into you, locking him against you with each slow yet deep thrust, until he untangles the pair of you, pulling your legs up so that your calves rest on his shoulders comfortably.
You're so sensitive from your previous orgasm, you can't help but teeter close to the edge as he thrusts into you from a new angle, impossibly deep.
"Jesus fuck." You mutter against his hand.
"Is that who's fucking you this good? Huh?" Even balls deep in your cunt, Bucky still manages to flash his teeth his smile cocky as ever.
"No- No, fuck." You whisper.
"Who is sweetheart? Who's tearing your pretty pussy apart?" His thrusts are punctuated, so dangerously deep you're not sure if you could ever go without him again, but you can do nothing but whimper at his words.
"Say my name,"
"Bucky. Bucky Bucky Bucky." You chant it into his skin, your breath soft against the harsh movements. His hand clings to the armrest, and you pull him against you, fingertips carving little red divots into his neck, holding him close to you until the air was stiflingly thick. Until you were sharing the same breath.
"It's so much." Your voice is hoarse and quiet against his skin, eyes squeezed shut as he stimulates your body, his thick cock pulling you apart and putting you back together again all at once.
"I know, sweets I know. You can take it, my good girl."
"You gonna cum for me? Cum all over my cock whilst I fuck you good, hm?." Your eyes are brimmed with tears when he forces you to look at him once more, his words guiding you yet mocking you all at once. You nod once again, your voice too grainy to string a few syllables together.
White hot pleasure stings your skin, his pace unrelenting  as shockwaves of pleasure tear at your skin. You're unable to stop your body as it goes slack, moulding into the couch cushions whilst Bucky fucks you through another orgasm with little remorse. His kisses are soft, placed delicately on any bit of bare skin he can find, until his own hips start stuttering and his silent breaths turn into quiet pants against your lips.
He's quick to pull out and fist himself, his tip sensitive and warm against your skin as he fucks into his hand, spilling himself onto the cool flesh of your exposed stomach. He reaches across to the coffee table to grab a festive tissue and wipe up the sticky mess so he can lay flush against you once again. Bucky's breaths are quick against your puffy lips when he pulls you into a kiss, just as tender as the others if not more so.
"You did so good for me, sweetheart. You warmed up?" He asks quietly, his large palm warm against your cheek.
"A little." Your smile is wide, teasing. It's bait and Bucky takes it, hands already moving down your body, riling you up once more.
"We'll we can't be having that now, can we?" His smile is equally as wide, one hand still cradling your face, the other drawing incoherent patterns against the tender your thighs. "Gonna have to warm you up some more, you know, in the Christmas spirit and all."
If this is the Christmas spirit, then Merry Christmas indeed.
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xuxishortcake · 3 years
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John Mayer - Your body is a wonderland
¹:⁰³ ──♡──────³:³⁰
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : your boyfriend, Taeyong has been worn out due to working hard on his latest comeback & you just wanna appreciate him & tell him how much you love him <3
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 : sub!idol Dom!reader smut , angst ? some pretty cute fluff : 3, cursing , cream pie, cunninilingus, handjob , blowjob , praising
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 1.7k
hey everyone! this is my first official ff, so pardon me if there's Grammer errors, spelling mistakes, etc. I got inspired to write this while listening to "your body is a wonderland." I just love the soft, morning sex feel of the song & wanted to turn it into a ff. I'm not sure if I'll be an active poster , but I did have fun while writing this & making up stories is a hobby of mine so we'll see. feedback is very appreciated, & enjoy!! :3
♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
it was a pleasant Sunday morning & you woke up a little earlier than usual to the sound of birds chirping. You rubbed your eyes to adjust to the light streaming through the semi transparent curtains. next to you, lay your peacefully asleep boyfriend, Taeyong. {damn,} you thought, {even while sleeping he's just breathtaking to look at. God really does have favorites huh.} it made you smile to see him look so tranquil.
the night before, he came in the apartment quite fatigued since he had been out all day, practicing for his group's newest comeback.
"hey bubu," you said as you stood up from the couch you were sat at. you walked over & you hugged him. "how was everything today? any new progress?"
"mmm, everything's going along well, just a little tired because the recording session was a bit hard. I'm just glad to be back home & hugging you." he said while putting his head in the crook of your neck.
"you seem tired, baby." you reply, moving your fingers through his hair "want me to make you some tea maybe?"
"yeah, that'd be great. I'm just gonna go lay down on the bed for a bit. " he smiled tiredly, putting his backpack & shoes next to the door.
you went into the kitchen to get a kettle onto the stove. once it started boiling, you poured it into two small mugs for the both of you, added the tea bags & stirred in some honey. you left for the bedroom & came in to see Tae curled up, fast asleep on the bed. you sighed, a bit sad & put down the cups onto the night stand next to the bed & sat down besides him. you glanced at the clock on top of the night stand, 9:55 PM. makes sense he was tired, he left pretty early in the morning. however, you wanted to talk to him at least for a little bit more since it felt like the two of you hadn't had a conversation or even really cuddled in so long for his job was keeping him very occupied. sure you both texted back & forth while you could, but it just didn't feel the same as actually being there together. it wasn't too long before his comeback would be present, but then again, he'd be busy with promotions. a bit crestfallen, you slipped out of your clothes, went to get washed & had gotten into bed.
back to the present, you were thinking of how nice it was just to be close to him & know you could finally have a day where you could both just enjoy each other's company. you knew you wanted to do some extra special caring for him. knowing how he's been so hard at work was a sign he's in need of some extra special lovin'. you felt like you hadn't been able to tell him how much you loved & appreciated him, & now, you felt like you could finally do it. you snuggled up closer to him, gently put your hand onto his face & started caressing him. Taeyong 's nose scrunched & his eyes fluttered open.
"good morning bubu. " you said, continually stroking his cheek with the tips of your fingers. "sleep well?"
taeyong smiled & stretched a bit. "yeah, I feel well rested. how about you?"
"same same. I'm just glad you don't have to go anywhere today. I've missed being able to be with you. "
"I'm sorry I fell asleep so quickly last night y/n. I just wanted to lie down since I felt so drowsy but I dozed off like an idiot & didn't get to talk to you while I had the chance. I feel so bad since I feel I've been terrible at spending time with you & actually being a boyfriend. " he looked down glumly.
"no, baby, it's fine. it's understandable since you've been going pretty hard lately, & we have all day today so : )" you assured him pressing a small kiss on his forehead.
you smiled & held his cheeks between your hands & kissed his lips ever so gently. he kissed back, & you started to kiss back a little bit harder. before you knew it, things were starting to get really heated. you had slid your tongue over his lips as an ask to come in, & he happily let you in. that cute little bubblegum tongue of his sure knew how to get you riled up, cause damn, was he a good kisser. tongues playing harmoniously while softly panting. you broke out of the deep kissing to kiss his cheek & then started to leave kisses all along his sharp jawline. you climbed on top of him & worked your way down his neck, leaving a plush trail of kisses with him sighing softly. your hands trailed down his stomach & onto his forming hard on. starting to slowly stroke his covered bulge, you now moved your lips to his nipple, giving a few light licks, giving you great joy to hear the sweet little whimpers that were coming out of his mouth. you started to work faster with your tongue & hand. you lightly dragged your tongue down his abdomen & hooked your fingers around the waistband of his boxers & pulled them off. his cock sprung up & slapped against his stomach. the tip was sore & red, glistening with precum, which made you lick your lips in anticipation. slowly, you started to stroke it,from the base & squeezing a bit once you came to the top. you began to pick up the pace, taking in your boyfriend's pretty flushed face, begging you to touch him more.
"fuck tae, your body is like a wonderland. you're so beautiful. "
he started blushing at the compliments, hand slightly against his mouth , & that just made you want to do more. you stopped stroking his length & he whined at the lack of friction, trying to buck his hips in the air. however, you had a firm grip on his left thigh & wouldn't let him. you moved further down his body, until your head was in between his thighs. you started leaving kisses & bites all along his inner thighs. reaching to his dick, you placed a quick kiss on the tip & started giving a few kitten licks.
"fuck y/n,you're such a tease. " taeyong panted out.
"I'm just trying to savor every moment of this baby ♡" you said smirking since you knew what you were doing to him.
finally, you took him whole & he groaned out loud. bobbing your head up & down, his tip sometimes reaching the back of your throat, making you moan & send out vibrations, which made him moan right back . chest heaving & eliciting pretty moans , his back was slightly arched & his hips were pushed up a bit, but you made sure he was held put. he practically melted by your hands, & it was amazing to feel you had this much power over him. you could tell he was reaching his limit, & you got off of him with a *pop*. you were about to position himself into your entrance when he grabbed your wrist.
"no....not yet. I want you to feel good too. please, sit on my face. "
"ok, I'll let you since you've been a pretty good boy." you say as you crawl up onto him. you lower yourself slowly above his face & he holds your thighs in place. he takes one long lick across your slit, savoring it as if it tastes like candy & starts eating you out like he'll never be able to do it again.
"you're so pretty, y/n" he says against you, nose deep into you.
"ah fuck, & you're so good at this tae." you say tugging onto his hair, trying tohold back moans.
the way he eats you out is unbearably good. his tongue, gliding along your vulva , up & down & making circle motions on your clit gets you feeling so high. you felt yourself coming to a reach, & taeyong could see it & started to go even faster. your thighs started to shake in the euphoric feeling & you held his hair as he continued lapping up your juices until you told him to stop. finally, you got down off of his face & positioned yourself. you lowered yourself down onto his firm cock. "ohhh" taeyong let out a deep groan, relieved he was finally getting attention on him again. you stretched your torso across to pin his hands above his head & slowly started to move, your hips going perpendicular. moving your head towards him, you went back in for more kissing. tongues entangling & beads of sweat falling down in between your foreheads. having a tight grip on both his hands, you started going at a quicker pace, drawing out more moans from tae.
"oh my god. I'm close, y/n." taeyong moaned out against your lips with his hands starting to tremble.
"ok baby. you can cum." you replied, increasing the movements of your hips & pushing your lips into a deeper kiss with his. you felt his thighs starting to quiver & his hips bucked up deeper into yours, warm cum spilling out from inside you. you both rode it out together until you started to pant. not moving anymore,you were still on him with a bit of cum dripping out of your pussy, creaminess covering his cock. you rose up & got some tissues to clean the both of you. after that, you laid down next to him. him turning to meet your face & his chest still rising.
"it doesn't matter how long we've been together, you still manage somehow to make my heart race with every breath you take." taeyong said, a bashful little smile creeping onto his face.
"well, you never fail to make me smile at your sappy commentary." you giggled, running your hands through his messy hair. "you're pretty cute too."
"I can't believe I get to date someone as angelic as you." he said, snuggling his head into your chest, arms wrapping around your waist.
"ha, you make my heart flutter, really. I'm so lucky to have you. " you cuddled him back, hands on the back of his head, gently caressing him.
"love you, y/n"
"love you too, yongie" you replied smiling, savoring the intimacy of the moment.
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agirlwhoisaphantom · 3 years
Into you- Steve Rogers x Reader
Professor!Steve Rogers
Summary: Steve Rogers has been your Professor for a while now and now that you were in person he had been sending you mixed signals.
Word Count: 1800
Warning: Blow Job, deepthroat, professor kink, um a hint of praising
Author's Note: My friends and I decided to do Marvel Professor AU and well I decided to do Steve.
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Professor Steven Rogers, it was hard to focus in class due to him being so handsome.
Having Zoom classes for the first half of your semester made it so much easier to focus on what he was teaching instead of how good-looking he was. But hearing his voice didn’t help either.
Transitioning to in-person classes, you were so nervous.
Professor Rogers was more handsome in person. His broad shoulders were amazing, his ocean blue eyes, his perfect hair and him being 6’0, wait- are you daydreaming again. No, no, focus on what is being taught.
Besides Prof Rogers being the handsome guy, he was such a fun professor to have. Everyone loved having him as a history professor. He focused more on making sure his students would have a fun time learning than having their heads stuck on a book. His classes would usually fill up within the first day of registration.
Oddly enough, whenever he would grade an assignment, there would always be a wink face written on your paper. You would look around at other students, and they would have a smiley face. You didn’t think much of it since you did amazing on your assignments most of the time.
You were a little shy to ask him why he was giving you random winks on your papers; meanwhile, he wouldn’t do it for other students. “Professor Rogers- can I ask you a quick question about something?” you tuck your hair behind your ear and look onto the ground focusing on the nice shoes he had on.
“Call me Steve. And yeah, what’s up?” he continues to wipe down the board.
Grabbing the sleeves on your shirt and start pulling them downwards, hiding your hands from him. “ I was wondering about the small notes on my paper” your voice got small, but it was loud enough for him to hear you.
Steve turns around to face you, and he notices your face was facing downwards, and your cheeks were bright red “if it makes you uncomfortable. I can stop writing them down” a worried look formed on his face as he knits his own eyebrows together. He never thought that he would make you feel uncomfortable, and if Steve did, he needed to know to stop doing it.
Your eyes slowly roamed from his shoes to his face as you lifted your head to have a clearer view of how he looked like. “no- it’s not that. I truly don’t mind. I was just wondering why you were doing it” you started swaying back in fourth. You were nervous to talk to him.
A soft chuckle escaped his mouth “are you a bit nervous, darling?” he places his hand on his waist and observes the reaction you had.
“no- not at all” you could feel your face burning. You could already imagine how red your face must be. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked. I’m heading home now. Thank you for your time, Steve.”
Before walking away, Steve grabs your arm and tries to stop you “hey, we should go to my office. I can make you a cup of tea or coffee to help you relax” You nodded in agreement.
As you two were walking to his office, he asked you a couple of questions about yourself. Such as what you did for fun outside of school? Do you have any pets? Etc. He wanted to get to know you. He knew it was completely wrong to do. But something about you caught his attention since the first day of classes.
Walking into his office, you didn't think that it'll be cosey, but it was instead of having a normal table for students to sit on. He had small bean bag chairs and a complimentary chair. His lights were dimmed and, on the walls, there were frames with pictures of the Avengers.
Steve notices you are staring at a particular one with Natasha, Banner, Tony, Thor, and Clint. He chuckles as he pours hot water into a mug "2012, to be honest, I don't quite remember what happened, but it was crazy" he starts walking towards the shelf full of boxes of different types of tea's and pull out a packet that flavored lavender with honey.
You gave him a brief smile as he hands you the mug with hot water "thank you."
He sits down on the bean bag chair and copies his motion on sitting on the one next to him. "so, as I was saying-"
"why was I drawing Winkey faces on your papers" he interrupts you. He already knew what you were going to say. He takes a big gulp since he knew that what he would say next would make him potentially lose his job. "I've liked you for a while. And I know telling you this will jeopardize my job, and I may lose my job because of it. But I needed to tell you this." He gets up and looks outside of his window, facing his back towards you. There isn't turning back. He said it already.
You were completely shocked. You weren't sure what to say or what to do. One thing you knew is that you wouldn't want to jeopardize his career nor want Steve to lose his job. You stand and start walking to where he was standing. Placing your hand on his bicep and slowly moving it, "Steve, I feel the same way about you. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this interaction."
Steve takes a big breath that not only you felt the same way towards him but that no matter what happened in the four walls, it won't go into the outside world.
He turns around to face you and places his hand on your cheek, and gently started to move his thumb against your skin. Even though you told him how you felt, there was something else that was addicting to him. He didn't know if it could have been the way you dressed or the way you were so kind-hearted, but something about you was like an addiction to him.
Steve stares at you with these soft eyes and a smile. Without a second thought, he wanted to know what your lips tasted like. He presses his lips against yours, roughly kissing you. Steve pulls away, unsure what he had done. "I'm sorry I-"
Getting on your toes and placing your hands on both sides of his face, you rapidly pull him into you slamming your lips onto yours. You both put every ounce of frustration into the lip lock, and greedily you took it. You have been craving this moment since the day you had met him.
"Darling, with that short skirt and high thigh socks. You were very distracting today," he whispered onto your lips as his hands were moving from your face towards your waist. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you in closer towards him feeling your body against his.
Humming against his lips, "I didn't mean to be Professor."
Steve's hand roams your body again, placing his hand underneath your skirt and cupping your cheek. "I don't believe you one bit. But there is a way you can make it up to me for being such a big distraction" pulls away from your embrace.
You noticed Steve’s eyes were darkened, full of lust. He leans in forwards near your ear and gives a growl, “on your knees, little one.”
Without breaking eye contact, you slowly kneel on the floor in front of him. You start to unzip his pants and slightly wiggle them, pulling his cock out. As it was right in front of you, you slightly widened your eyes in surprise. He had a thick, veiny, large penis. You place your hand around his cock, giving it a few pumps. Your thumb brushing on his swollen head caused you to lick your lips.
You proceed to pull his pants down to his thighs. His cock leaking precum. With a moan, you opened your mouth wide, holding your tongue out. Steve quietly growled underneath his breath. You flutter your eyes as you press your tongue against his tip, catching the drip of precum. “fuck, just like that,” he whispered. Your lips were pressed against the head of his cock as your hand was jerking his length. Flicking your tongue on his tip and gently kissing it.
A sharp breath left Steve’s lips as you were wrapping your lips around him. You were heavy sucking on the head of his cock, gently moving your tongue around his flesh as your hands were occupied with pumping the base.
Steve tried to be quiet be he couldn’t. He places his hand on your head, wrapping your hair around his fingers. He started to guide you and gently control your movements. Cupping one of his balls in your right hand, you were rolling them and squeezing them. You wanted to try something, so you remove your hand and decide to slowly take more length inside of your mouth. Gagging as the head brushed over your sensitive part of your mouth.
Moaning around him, you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. Seeing the reaction, he was having was priceless. With the effort to swallow down what was left, you tried to ignore your gag reflex. When he felt the reflex against his cock “fuck, fuck- little one, you feel so good.”
Chocking and gagging, spittle and drool leaking down your chin. As the head of his cock hit the back of your throat. You have dreamt of this day for a long time. Wondering how he would taste like.
“fuck, fuck, I’m going to cum” Steve chanted as he growled. Having a stronger grip on your hair. Tenderly yet demanding shoved his cock in further down your throat. After a couple of more pumps and head movements from up and down his cock his cum hits the back of your throat, making him want to push him off, but you wanted all of him.
Steve was above you, slowly letting go of his tight grip and massaging and running his fingers through your hair. “Next time you know, you can’t be wearing things that can be distracting, little one.”
Pulling his cock out of your mouth, he pulls up his pants and sits right next to you on the floor. He grabs the box of kleenex and helps you wipe your mouth.
Steve pulls you in to hold you into his arms “are you okay?”
Placing your head onto his chest, it felt like you were finally at peace. You briefly nodded in agreement that you were okay.
“Don’t worry, darling. One day, I’ll take you home, and I’ll pleasure you instead,” he whispers into your ear seductively.
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anordinarymuse · 3 years
hii!<3 if ur requests are open could u write a dad!cedric/husband!cedric fanfic where him and the reader wake up and have sex? then they just have a domestic cute day or something😩😩 also aftercare omg im a slut for aftercare
#currently obsessed with monet's artwork i saw his work the other day and mwah *chefs kiss* <333
Cedric Diggory x Fem!Reader
Summary : the request <3
Warnings : dom/sub roles *not explicit* (dom!cedric + sub!reader); marriage roles *not explicit* (husband!cedric + wife!reader); unprotected; unedited.
Word Count : 539
A/N : guys you can request literally any char. not that i don't like ceddy or freddy but somebody gimme a ron one. i've never written ab him or harry or even draco for some spice or ONE OF THE MARAUDERS AGHHHHH
sorry i think i've been writing ab fred and ced non-stop that i'm slowly losing it. anyways kisses to those two <3
the masterlist.
request here.
You awaken to Cedric rolling out of bed, shifting the mattress underneath you. As you stretch out your arms as you become blinded by the sunbeams coming in from the windows. Thanks to Cedric whom pulled aside curtains to let in the sun.
Not wanting to leave the comfort of your blankets, you remain laying in bed, ogling at Cedric as he easily removes his loose tee.
"What are you staring at?" Cedric jokes, moving towards you shirtless.
"Oh nothing," you giggle, hiding underneath the covers like a young girl.
"You can't hide from me," Cedric taunts, pulling away the coves. You find him right on top of you. With his half smirk, he bends down to kiss you. You feel an unexpected jolt of energy when his lips meet yours.
Everything moves quickly from that moment on. Cedric has you straddled around his waist as he pushes in, a loud moan escapes your lips as he does.
Your top and bottoms have all been thrown off, same goes for Cedric. Your head lays over his shoulder, and your hands find themselves on his shoulder's as well, gripping tightly, pressing your nails deep into your skin.
Cedric's thrusts started slow but the longer he goes on, the quicker his pace picks up. You move up against him, your body begging to release itself as you can feel it nearing. Cedric's grip had locked to the dips of your hips and he controlled when you bucked up against him.
The second you come a high-toned whimper drifts around your studio flat, and Cedric releases only a moment after you do. You shudder a little when you can feel the juices from your heat tricking down your thighs.
As Cedric pulls out, you flop down in bed, covering your body up with covers. You pant as your limbs and muscles slowly retract from their tenseness.
"Can- can I have some tea?" You're finally able to say as Cedric slips back into some briefs.
Cedric brushes his fawn colored hair before staggering to the kitchen while putting in his response,"Of course love."
When Cedric returns, he comes back with two mugs of warm tea, at the perfect temperature. He places you in his lap, massaging your shoulders, pressing the deep ends of his palm into your skin.
You giggle from the relaxing pressure. As Cedric massages your shoulders he plants little kisses over the nape and sides of you neck, making you squirm under his touch.
"What should we do today?" Cedric asks when he's finished, squeezing your hand in his.
"Lets do something fun," you suggest, sipping slowly on your tea, liking the extreme warmth if gives off.
"How about this?" Cedric asks holding up a piece of muggle mail that he'd grabbed from his nightstand. "A garden exhibit at a museum. What's a museum?
You motion him to hand you the mail and when he does, he proceeds to draw little circles on your stomach. With your back against his chest you can feel his heartbeat match with yours.
You read the mail while nuzzling your cheek in the crook of Cedric's neck, "Yeah that sounds fun," you mumble feeling the warmth from Cedric's neck circle all around you.
taglist : @marimorena06 @missryerye @agirlwholovescoffee @nicole198205 @blackpinkdolan @gabitanaka47 @psychowanarchist @siriuspvdfoot @hufflepuffflowers @thatguppienamedbae @peachykeen3502 @missryerye @kaslupin @ayla-1605 @chazzyb73 @youngblood199456 @oranee @silly-little-bl0g @bobbyjohnsonbeat @jasgreen101 @will-to-live-who @erinblack003 @bellatrixscurls @krishavania @wh0re4blaise @thegirlwhocriedlupin @mrsaliciamalfoy @wwweasleystan @modernvellichor @westantheweasleys @lolaperezb @savagelysarcasticslytherin @zaraskyla @v4l3nt1n44 @sirisuorionblack @rinbyo @xdancinggurlx @lupinsravenclaw @hogwarts-boys @inglourious-imagines @siriuslyslyslytherin
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serenityseventeen · 3 years
♪ The Last Day of Summer With You
Jun/Wen Junhui/Moon Junhui : Painting...?
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“Are you sure about this?” You asked skeptically while staring at your boyfriend who was preoccupied with setting up the stand for the blank canvas.
Jun nodded and placed the canvas on the stand. He clapped his hands together after he was done and turned halfway to you who was on his right and watched him set up the whole thing. He innocently smiled but you shook your head.
“I don't think that painting together on one beautifully blank canvas is a very good idea,” You said, crossing your arms with conviction. “If my memory is correct, the last time we tried an artistic project, it ended up with us filling out bedroom walls with sketches of cats.”
Jun giggled at that remark because he could recall that moment. Everything about that warm spring day was chaotic and it all started when Jun decided to take Mingyu's suggestion of drawing with a significant other as a romantic activity.
That day was surely romantic to Jun because it was a memory he could never forget. You laughed so much that day despite continuously uttering about how foolishly childish you and he were, drawing cats on the walls and sketching stickmen in your notebooks while acting like troublesome kids. He could tell that that day was memorable for you too. If he could get you to smile like that, he would look everywhere for a fun activity to do.
Thus, that was why Jun was always looking for new things to try with you and he would take in many of his member's suggestions. Jun enjoyed having fun, being romantic, and being with you, so everything that his friends deemed ‘romantic’ he would try them out for himself.
Just like how that chaotically beautiful drawing day started, this one also started with a member's suggestion. This time, he took in the artiste, Minghao's recommendation of painting, and bought some art supplies for it.
Since today was a day to finish the hot, summer weather, Jun had decided that you two should attempt to keep the memory of a summertime sunset written on a canvas.
Jun let out a long breath and took your hand, setting you down in front of the canvas. Jun had already prepared a palette and brushes that were kept in a small cup, their fluffy ends sticking up.
“Come on, doing things like this once in a while is fun!” Jun said, handing you a palette. “I'll take the left half of the canvas, you can have the right side. Let's see what we can come up with to describe summer, okay?”
You chuckled, knowing that the painting was going to end up adequately attractive even if it looked peculiar. You glanced at Jun while holding the palette. He was skipping through the bottles of paint to get a brush while holding a plastic palette in one of his hands. You helplessly grinned as you gazed at Jun.
The assorted and iridescent paint bottles that were lined up on the floor were neatly ultimately scattered with a gentle brush of Jun's foot as he made his way back to the stool next to you. He came back with not one brush, but the whole mug that held the brushes.
“Let's get started, shall we?” Jun asked, smiling as he set down the paintbrushes.
You watched as he squeezed paint onto his palettes and gently dabbed his chosen brush into the paint. He painted a slanted line down the middle of the canvas, causing you to laugh at how imperfect but cute it looked.
“I guess I have more space at the bottom of the canvas than you do,” You commented, bringing some orange paint onto your palette.
Jun laughed softly. “I won't even try to fix this crooked line.”
There was complete silence in the house as you and Jun started focusing on the painting. The activity was messier than both of you thought it'd be. Jun had forgotten to buy painting aprons to avoid getting paint on your clothes too, but thankfully, the two of you changed into clothes that weren't special.
It was strange to see him so focused on the painting.
Jun found it strange that you were working so hard on your side of the painting. Sometimes, he would glance at his side to catch the beauty of a concentrated you.
When you saw him looking at the corner of your eye, you would turn to him and you both would stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds before you either smiled, winked, scrunched your nose, or asked, “What?”
Jun couldn't catch when you would gaze at him though, even if your eyes were shooting out hearts, he would be too distracted by his painting that he wouldn't even notice. You found it rather cute, and, you got to gaze at his dangerously attractive side profile.
“Can you pass me the blue paint?” You asked.
Jun looked around his stool to realize that he had been hoarding all of the paints around and under his stool. His hands were a rainbow mess and his painting, well, you could just tell that he was trying hard because it looked pretty with bright and dark colors.
“Oh, sorry,” Jun replied. He got off his chair a little to reach for the blue bottle of paint, his messy hands staining the side of the bottle.
You didn't mind that the bottle was tainted because your hands too, were decorated with a variety of smudged colors. You didn't even know how some paint got on the smooth, tiled floor, though it wasn't unexpected.
As Jun took the bottle and handed it to you, his clumsiness took the best of him and he accidentally, while retreating his hand, swept the back of his painted hand against your side of the canvas. He was moving a beat too fast which caused the sudden collision.
You both froze because you saw the entire thing happen and Jun quickly realized what he had done. The canvas was a bit smudged with brown, destroying the aesthetic of the painting.
Jun looked at you, expecting death glares, but was met with a warm smile. You were laughing, amused by your boyfriend's small mistake. It must have been ridiculous to see you laughing like that because Jun couldn't hold his laughter either. Whenever you laughed, he would habitually mimick your actions even if he didn't know what was so funny.
“Why are you laughing? Aren't you upset?” Jun asked, confused by your rather bright and friendly expression. Your laughter was contagious and Jun was still frozen in place.
“Of course not!” You finally replied. You placed your brush and palette down on the floor, grinning widely out of unexplainable ecstasy. “Mistakes like that are what makes paintings like these so special!”
You cupped his face with your paint-covered hands, leaving polychromatic marks on his cheeks, and leaned in to press a long, sweet kiss on his lips. You didn't know why, but it felt like you were waiting for something like this to happen.
Jun was a bit taken aback by the sudden kiss but he quickly absorbed himself into his. His hand would have completely pushed the painting and stand down but he somehow controlled that, leaving a messy print of his hand on your side of the art piece.
His paint-filled hands left marks on your clothes as they climbed up your waist to hold you tightly.
“You're such a fool,” You commented, your thumb caressing his cheeks that were now smeared with paint from your hands. “Why do you always take in your member's ideas?”
Jun moved back a little to look into your beautiful eyes that were now reflecting the sunshine from the large living room window. “I think I'm too boring. I want you to have fun with me.”
“Thank you,” You replied. “I'll try to be a better lover and give you surprise activities that are fun like this too. It's just that you're so foolish; you don't need to ask your members for fun activities to do. I like everything you do, even if you're just playing piano, singing, practicing a funny skit, or playing games on the computer. It's all fun to me.”
“It's okay,” Jun said, knocking on the side of your head playfully. “I want us to do a variety of things together because it's fun and memorable. I don't care whether or not we do these things as long as we do something, even if it's just staying at home. I wouldn't do things like this if I didn't have you.”
You both let go of each other with a smile. You stared at Jun's hand engraved on your painting. Jun noticed it too and was about to apologize but before he could, you quickly submerged your palm in your colorful painting palette.
You smile lovingly at him before pressing your hand against his side of the painting.
© serenityseventeen
a/n: this one was almost 1.5k words and yes, I know, the picture has barely any relevance to the story overall. I tried very hard to find a newer photo of him with paint but had no luck; I just remember them playing with paint during Pretty U(?) or predebut. Anyway, I love Silent Boarding Gate with my whole heart so I used that photo instead. + What does summer look like to you?
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contreparry · 2 years
Happy Friday! Would love to see your "favorite ship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them" from the Soft Headcanons prompts!
Oh no, it's going to be a fenders roommates writing day, I'm afraid! Sorry, everybody, I've been struck by inspiration! So here it is for @dadrunkwriting!
"It's strange to read Varric's books now that I know him," Anders remarked. "I mean, it has been strange for a while, obviously, because I've known him for years, but I just thought I'd-"
"Comment on it? Yes. It's strange to read his books after working on them as well," Fenris remarked. "Look, plates. We need new plates, yes?"
Walking around the Kirkwall Arts and Crafts Faire was an interesting second date. Official second date. Ever since they made the cautious jump (side-step? shuffle?) from fuck-buddies to casually dating to actual dating, Fenris insisted that they begin doing the things couples do. Namely, he wanted to go on dates. Not that that was a bad thing! Anders rather liked the chance to go out, to do something, to see Fenris outside of the apartment or with their friends. It was nice. It was... it was fun! Fenris picked their first date, a visit to a local bookshop. Talking about that date led to talking about books, childhood favorites, lines that haunted them for years, favorite authors, books they despised... it was a rich topic for them both, so when Anders selected the art fair as a second date, he knew exactly how to draw Fenris into a lively conversation. But that got derailed quickly as soon as Fenris caught sight of the items for sale.
"Don't think we can afford a full set of- ah. Well," Anders trailed off as he looked at the plates Fenris was pointing to. The pottery display was manned by two qunari women, one who was scrolling through her phone while the other was wrapping up a plate in tissue paper. Fenris was pointing at a beautiful green platter on the end of the table. There was a pattern scratched into the border of the platter, something delicate and swirling and- Anders leaned closer, then wheezed as he realized that there were dainty dicks hidden in the pattern. And every pot, mug, dish, the salt and pepper shakers- cocks, vaginas, breasts of all shapes and sizes- stunningly crafted, absolutely perfect, and-
"I'm getting a mug," Anders declared. "Do you want the platter?" Fenris was getting the platter. It was the exact shade of his eyes, it was perfect and he clearly loved it.
"When is your birthday?" Fenris asked.
"Eh, 5th of Solace," Anders said.
"Pick a mug. Act surprised when you unwrap it," Fenris ordered as he walked up to the stall. Anders grinned, and as Fenris looked over the mugs on display he walked up and curled his arm around Fenris' waist.
"You're the sweetest," Anders cooed, and he pressed his mouth against Fenris' cheek.
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Playing with your hair
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I sat on the sofa flicking though the channels on the tv, the blanket around me tightly, our cat cosmos sat on the other half of the sofa, I picked up my big polar bear mug having the last few sweet drops of my cup of tea. The warm log burner flickering at my feet, the sky darkening outside. I wanted another cup but I glanced to the clock on the wall above the dinning table, Thomas will be home soon so I won't bother to make another cup Thomas will want a coffee or a tea when he gets home and he'll likely be home soon he was only going on a photoshoot today. 
I heard the sounds of his motorbike revving down the street, Cosmos jumped off the sofa and headed towards his usual perk on the windowsill looking out to the driveway watching for then Thomas' bike would return to the drive way, I heard the noise much longer and it suddenly stopped I smiled holding my mug closer as I heard the door open and cosmos started meowing "Y/n?" He called 
"Hi Thomas" I called back "Coffee?" 
"Ohh you are an angel" He smiled "Yes please"
"Coming right up" I smiled getting up and going to the kitchen while he got all his gear off in the hall "How was the shoot?" I asked 
"Alright, got some nice shots and such." he shrugs "How was your day angel?"
"I watched a whole game of thrones season"
"Awww, we both had a good day" 
"Yeah we did, Cosmos is still pissed at you by the way"
"You where the one that made me take him"
"Yes because I'm here all day and you go places, so if he's mad at you it's easier to deal with then him being mad at me"
"I know, I'm sorry cosmos. Mummy made me take you to the vet. I didn't want to mummy made me do it"
"Nope he's still pissed at you" I giggled 
"Just mad I'm the one who took him"
"And because you have what he doesn't"
"That's a good point" He says leaning on the kitchen door and I had a little bit of a heart attack "what?"
"What... what has happened to your hair?"
"Ohh they curled it for the shoot"
"Is it okay? or do you want me to go wash my hair and put it back to normal?"
"No, I like it. You look cute" I smiled giving his cheek a kiss and handing him his coffee 
"Aww thank you angel" He smiled giving my lips a little kiss "what do i look like?"
"Like a pixie"
".... thanks?"
"I like pixies" 
"You are so mean to me sometimes" he sighed heading back to the living room with his coffee
"What! I like pixies!" I smiled 
"That doesn't mean you should call your boyfriend one" He sighed
"Would you rather I called you sexy?" I giggled following him and cuddling him from behind 
"I would" he smirked "Id rather you call me sexy all the time?"
"You are sexy all the time"
"Aww thank you angel, so do you like my hair?"
"Very much," I smiled tugging them along to the staircase and up to our bedroom, he smirked excitedly as I pushed him in our bed and then went around to my side and climbed in "movie time" I giggled
"Ooh... I thought we where gonna, have fun?"
"Maybe later' I smiled
"Alright angel, movie time" he smiled tucking the covers around us both and getting cosy cuddled up together as we picked a movie out on netflix, I smiled nuzzling into Thomas' chest as usual he smiled holding me close to him often giving my head kisses. I moved my hand up to his neck which didn't even attract his attention and as I did I moved my hand to gently play with the little locks on the edge of his hair, playing with the spring of his curls giggling all the while, "what are you up to?" He laughs noticing my giggles
"Playing with your hair"
He shot me a questionable look before he sighed and moved to lay on his back but still see the tv, with his head in my lap "go nuts"
"Yay! Thank you Thomas" I giggled sitting and winding my fingers around his curls, gently playing with his hair as we watched the movie cosmos wondered in and sat on the window sill a while later, until Thomas spoke up
"Oww" he complained as I had clearly moved to hard or something
"Sorry Thomas"
"Am I to take it you like my hair like this?"
"It's fun, and new"
"Is it now? Maybe... It's my turn for a little fun" he smirked giving my thighs some kisses
"Oh? What sort of fun?"
"You'll find out angel" he smirked moving to kneel infront of me giving my lips a gentle kiss, I happily kissed back my hands instantly migrating back to playing with his hair as we passionately kissed, he pulled back and bit his lip a little before moving the covers away from me, he knelt down and yanked me down the bed so my head was on the pillow making me giggle like crazy as he now sat between my legs he smirked at me as he began pressing kisses up my legs I giggled Innocently the higher he got till he moved my dress and began kissing my panties "this sort of fun what you want?" He asked
"Yes please"
"Alright angel" he winked pulling my panties off my legs with his teeth he pushed my thighs apart and moved close he attacked my clit with kisses and licks, making sure to kiss every inch that he could of me, he focused his attention in my clit, licking, kissing and sucking, as he pushed his two long fingers inside me gently and slowly finger fucking me in time with his kisses I gasped and groaned feeling the bubbles of pleasure it caused me, holding his hair and twisting my fingers around the curls like a 80's movie girl would around a phone cord playing with his hair all the time he kissed me, often tugging on it when I wanted him to go faster or slower, I knew I was getting close and so did he so he became more mercilous I tugged his hair often to make him slow but he ignored me, I tightened my thighs around his head and pulled his hair hard as I hit my orgasum, he smirked against me and let me ride it out before he sat up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand "happy angel?"
"Very happy" I smirked grabbing his shirt and flipping us over so he laid on the bed he smirked immediately picking up in what I was doing to him, I undid his jeans and Agressively pulled them off his legs along with his boxers revealing his hard six inch cock, his hand went to the draw but I stopped him "not tonight" I smiled making him look very excited, as I moved over him and slowly slipped down till he was as deep inside me as possible
"Ughh fuck angel!" He groans twitching and grinding as he got settled "you hardly ever let me go raw, somebody must really like my hair" he smirked trying to kiss me but I pushed him back resting my hand on his stomach and bouncing moving my hips so he moved from just the very tip to his base over and over he held my neck pulling my head to rest on his, the other on my butt. I went quickly already feeling how close he was "fuck angel! I love when you ride me y/n!" He groans lost in his own world a little I smirked and pulled his head to nuzzle with my breasts which me was very happy to do so, and it let me play around with his hair some more until he moved up hard and grabbed my hips finishing as deep inside me as possible slightly leaving a hiki in my breasts where he didn't wanna moan "... I love you angel"
"Love you too Thomas" I giggled letting him pull out and we both collapsed on our own sides of the bed just as we did I heard a pop up on the tv netflix was asking if we where still watching
"Ohh fuck off netflix we were busy" he smirked turning the tv off "so? I take it you like when I curl my hair then?"
"Very much" i giggled nuzzling into his chest
"Good, because it takes an hour and a curling iron"
"..... Well that can fuck off." I said back
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tamakissimp · 3 years
headcanon- secret santa
summary: they’re their crush’s secret Santa
characters: Izuku, Shoto, Iida, Shinso, Dabi
warnings: cursing
request: @awkwardteengirl505​ hey hun! sorry to be a pain but can you do a secret Santa part 2 please? with the rest of the gang like izu, sho,dabi ect. also hope your having a fabulous day :D
a/n: thank you! I hope you have a good day too! and yes, I was already kinda planning on doing these headcanons for more characters so thank you for requesting!🥰
𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 𝟞𝟡𝟡
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Izuku bits his tongue to keep his giggles down. He didn't even need to fully read your name, he could recognize your handwriting anywhere. Heat flushes through his cheeks as his mind goes wild with ideas for potential gifts.
"Who'd you get 'Zuki?" you suddenly ask. His heart skips a beat at the nickname. He quickly stuffs the piece of paper into his pocket and looks in your eyes. A mistake, on his part, since he immediately looks down to the ground after.
"No one!" he says a little too quickly. You hold your hands up in the air and take a step away from him. Izuku curses at himself for his response. "I mean, i-it's a secret! A t-total secret s-so I can't t-tell you.".
You nod at his words before flashing him a smile. "Okay, okay. Then I'm not telling you either,' you say as you shoot him a wink. You turn away from him when Ochako taps on your shoulder. She happily shows you her note before you show her yours.
Izuku stars at your interaction with your mutual friend. A small smile tugs on his lips as he sees how happy you get. You whisper in Ochaka's ear so that none of the others can hear you. God, he needs to make this gift perfect.
☆◦ 。\|/。◦☆
Izuku unwraps his gift with shaky fingers. He carefully pulls the black ribbon off the box before moving into the green wrapping paper. Out from under the paper, a box appears. Simple doodles decorate the sides. He recognizes some of them. They're the same doodles you always draw on your notes.
The drawings range from hearts to flowers to little face. A blush washes through his cheeks. He quickly lifts the lid of the box. A sweater lays waiting for him. He quickly grabs it out the box. He runs the soft material between his fingers.
Izuku looks up at you. A goofy smile is plastered on your lips. Yep, that makes it official. This sweater is the only thing he is going to wear for the next week.
"T-Thank you so much!" he says as he gives you a little bow. You nudge his side while shaking your head.
"Stop with those formalities," you say before pulling him in for a hug. Izuku remains frozen as you hug him. He memorizes the feeling of your body presses against his. He bites his tongue to stop a whine from spilling out as you pull away.
"Now, I think it's your turn if I'm correct," Shoto says. You nod at the half-and-half boy as you reach towards the gift bag with your name on it. It's small, smaller than the others.
Izuku's body runs cold as he watches you unpack his gift. Insecurity clouds his brain. Compared to your gift, his is trash. Maybe he shouldn't have taken Iida's advice.
A gasp leaves your lift as you read over the words written on the slip of paper stuffed in the gift bag. "A...date?" you ask before looking over at Izuku. His cheeks as he looks over at his 'gift'.
Coupon good for one date
Fuck. He should have thought of something else. Why would you want to go on a date with him? Facing rejection in front of his friends will be the worse thing to ever happen to him-
"I thought you'd never ask," you say. Wait, what? Izuku's head whips up to look at you. That same goofy smile from earlier is displayed on his lips. His heart fills up with the heat.
"Really-" he says. You cut him off but moving forwards, cupping his face and planting your lips on his. Izuku stiffens for a second before melting into the kiss. It's brief, but it's all he could ever wish for.
You pull away only to be welcomed from various comments and wolf whistles from your friends.
"I thought you two would never confess," Shoto says. You finally look away from Izuku to stare at the 'coupon' once again. Izuku laughs a little as Iida gives him a couple of reassuring pats on his back. O God, is he thankful that he's your secret Santa.
𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 𝟞𝟜𝟘
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Christmas is new to him. His parents were to busy abusing raising their kids to bother with holidays. All he knew about Christmas comes from the few Hallmark movies he saw. So when Izuku told him that the whole, so-called, Deku-squad were going to do secret Santa it took a lot of explaining. You took the role of guiding Shoto through it.
"Just, grab a note," you say as you point to the bowl sitting in front is Shoto. He nods before reaching into the bowl and grabbing a note. He looks at you again. "Open it up! See who you got.".
Shoto folds the note open. His eyes widen as he sees your name scribbled on the note. He quickly folds it closed again. "And?" you ask. "Why'd you get?".
"It's a secret, isn't it?" Shoto says. You laugh at him. You expected Iida to stick to the rules, not Shoto.
"That's true," you say. "It's a bummer though. I got Izuku.".
Shoto nods at that. Some part of him is disappointed that you aren't his secret Santa. He would even dare to say that he's jealous of Izuku. Though he pushes those thoughts back down quickly. He has no reason to be jealous, right?
☆◦ 。\|/。◦☆
'Y-Y/n, it's your t-turn!" Izuku says. You smile at him and grab the bag with your name on it. Izuku's attention is immediately turned back on the various amounts of Allmight merchandise you got him.
You look over your group of friends before looking back at the gift bag. You quickly grab every gift out of the bag. From the looks, if it, your secret Santa went above the budget. Way above the budget.
A simple chain necklace, a new Christmas sweater, a gift card for your favourite store. You quickly realized who your secret Santa was. Only one person had enough money to pull this off. You were certain when you pulled a new phone case out of the gift bag. It has a photo of you and Shoto printed on the back off it.
Once all the gifts are stalled out around you, you turn to your friend. "Shoto, you shouldn't have," you say before pulling him in a for a hug.
Shoto awkwardly wraps his arms around your shoulders. A smile tugs on his lips as he feels you nuzzle into his neck. You pull away again to glance at the gifts.
"I can't accept all of these," you say. Shoto quickly shakes his head.
"From my understanding, secret Santa's were supposed to give each other gifts, correct?" Shoto asks. You nod at his words. "Then please, do accept them.".
You sigh. You could see that there was a meaning behind every gift. A shirt that Shoto already owned, so that you match now. A teddy bear, that is similar to one he once won for you at a fare. A box of chocolates from the brand you both enjoy.
You nod before mentioning towards Iida to grab his gift. He happily reaches towards the pile laying in front of you all.
"I'll accept them if..." you say. "If you let me pay you back. Let me take you out for food tonight.".
Shoto's cheeks flush at the idea of you two going to a restaurant. Could this be? Maybe...
"Are you asking me out on a date?" he asks. A nervous smile spreads over your lips.
"If I am, would you say yes?" you ask. Shoto nods. You happily smile before giving his arm a light squeeze. Shoto's eyes widen at the action but he can't deny the butterflies swarming up because of it.
"Then consider it a date!" you say. Shoto nods before looking away from you and towards Iida, who's now unpacking his gifts. God, never had he guessed that Christmas could be this much fun.
𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 𝟞𝟝𝟙
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Secret Santa was just another opportunity for Iida to prove that he was a class president. He made it his personal mission to get his secret Santa the best gifts money could get.
He is busy hyping himself up as he reaches into the bowl to grab a note. He unfolds it. Y/n. Fuck. Ass. Shit. Fucking fuck. Panic washes through his body.
"Iida!" you say. The panic that was building up in him melts the moment he hears your voice. He turns towards you with a smile on his lips. You run over to him with a goofy smile on your lips.
Once you reach him, you tap him a couple of times on his arm. "Do you want to go gift shopping with me? Please?" you ask. He can't say no to you. Not when you give him those big, puppy-dog eyes paired with that goofy grin.
Iida quickly nods. "Yes! Of course," he says. "I'll take you shopping. That's what a good friend does!".
"Great! How about tomorrow at four?" you ask. Iida nods. You smile at him one last time before running off to talk to god knows who. Iida remains in his spot, relishing the warmth flowing through his heart. He is thankful that his mind is still clouded by a loving fog. If not, he would be freaking out on how he's going to hide that fact that he's your secret Santa.
☆◦ 。\|/。◦☆
Iida's normally calm composure is now failing on him. To him, it feels like you're unpacking your gift at an agonizingly slow pace. While in reality, you're tearing through the baby blue wrapping paper at rapid speed.
His fists clench and unclench as he tries to keep his nerves at bay. When you have finally thorn away all the wrapping paper, a smile spreads over your lips.
You proudly hold your gift in your hands. A little basket filled with snacks, a new mug and a book from your favourite author. Along with a letter situated in a pretty green envelope.
"This is so sweet!" you say. With that, Iida's body relaxes. A cocky smile spreads over his lips. "Who's my secret Santa?".
With that, Iida lifts his hand. You carefully place the basket on the ground beside you before crawling over to Iida and pulling him into a hug. "Thank you," you whisper into his shoulder.
Iida's smile grows at your hug. His nerves are on fire and his senses are tingling. His happily wraps his arms around you. You pull away from him - way too quickly for Iida - and look him in the eyes.
"What's in the envelope?" you asks. Iida's cheeks grow red at the question.
"Um-N-Nothing!" he quickly says. "Just open it when you're by yourself, okay?". You nod at him before crawling back to your original space, wondering what could be in that envelope.
You clutch the small basket to your chest as you take quick steps towards your dorm. You pull the door open and rapidly throw it shut behind you. You gently place the basket onto your bed before gabbing the envelope out of it.
The light green colour suprised you. Blue would have suited Iida better but it's pretty none the less. You quickly open it before snatching the letter out of it. You gently fold it open before reading it.
You're way too excited to read the whole thing. You opt for scanning the text quickly instead. I trust you. Well, that's good. Trust is essential in friendship. I hope you won't treat me differently. Wait, what? I like you.
Oh, crap. Meet me tonight at my dorm have feelings for me as well. If not, we'll pretend I never confessed.
You throw the letter down onto your bed and run over to Iida's dorm. If Aizawa would have seen how fast you ran, he would have been proud.
𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 𝟟𝟘𝟠
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To say that he was surprised when you invited him for secret Santa, was an understatement. Most of the school feared him, though you never did. You opened him with wide arms and showed him what it's like to be treated like a normal person.
Shinso ignores the hateful glares thrown his way. The only thing he's paying attention to is the way you pull him towards the bowl that Kirishima is holding.
"Y/n!" the redhead says. You greet him as well. "Oh, you brought Shinso.". For a moment, a prepares himself for another hateful comment thrown his way. "You're in general studies, right?". Oh, that wasn't so bad.
Shinso nods at Kirishima. A smile spreads over the redhead's lips. "Cool! I heard that your quirk is super manly!"
Shinso looks over at you with confused eyes. "Hell yeah," you say before reaching into the bowl and grabbing a note. "Hitoshi's quirk is badass.".
A smile spreads over Shinso's lips before grabs a note as well. "You're unbreakable, right?" he asks. Kirishima proudly smiles at him while humming in agreement. "That's...cool,".
"And manly," you add. Kirishima chuckles at you before excusing himself to continue handing out notes. You turn back towards Shinso.
"Let's see who we got!" you say. Shinso nods before folding his note open. Y/n. Thank fucking god. He would have died is he had someone else, let alone a big-mouthed little shit like Bakugou.
He looks over to you. The moment you've read the name on the note, you quickly close it again. A bright smile falls on your lips as stupid giggles follow suit.
"Did you get me?" Shinso asks. He means it teasingly but you take it seriously. Your eyes grow wide.
"How did you know?" you ask. Shinso chuckles to himself before wrapping an arm around your shoulder and leading the two of you towards the couch standing in the common room.
"Only I could make you giggle like a fucking idiot," he adds. You shake your head as you snuggle into his hold. Fuck, was he glad he pulled your note.
☆◦ 。\|/。◦☆
The whole afternoon has gone by surprisingly well. So far, Bakugou has only blown two holes in the whole, Denki has only short-circuited ones and Iida has only given five lectures. No one has said anything hurtful to Shinso. The 1-A class have started to warm up to the general studies student. Shinso would even dare to say that he was having a good time. Though, sipping hot chocolate while laughing his ass off with you could make any activity 'good'.
"Come on, idiot. You're next," Bakugou groans out. He has his arms folded over his chest, doing his best to put on a 'tough guy' facade. Though, his attempts fail since the pastel orange cap that Kirishima gifted him is still planted firmly on his head. The knitted yarn along with the fluffy pomp-pomp sitting on top of it makes Bakugou look more like an angry toddler than a threat.
With a smile, you grab your gift bag. You look over at Shinso before opening the bag up. He's lazily leaning against the couch while taking slow sips of his hot chocolate.
The jet-black gift bag reveals a white scarf. Sloopy stitches and small holes quickly give away the fact that it's homemade. The creamy white colour reminds you of only one person.
You look over to Shinso to see him already smirk at you. You quickly wrap the scarf around your neck. The soft wool feels amazing against your skin.
"Did you make this, 'Toshi?" you ask. Shinso slowly nods. You run your fingers over the fabric again. "Thank you. Really, thank you.".
Shinso's heart flutters at the sight of you. Your excitement travels over to him and he can't stop a goofy smile from pulling on his lips.
"Shitty hair, you're next!" Bakugou calls as he points at Shinso.
He shakes his head as he grabs his own gift bag. "My hair is not shitty, it's cool," he says before grabbing his gift out of the bag.
"Meh, it's actually kinda shitty," you interject while rubbing the scarf against your cheek. Shinso shakes his head at you. God, you're a dork. But you're his dork.
𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 𝟜𝟛𝟟
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The only reason he agreed to do this was to stop Toga from bugging him. That and the chance that he could get to be your secret Santa. Or better yet, get you to be his.
While flirting was normally his forte, all his skills when out the window when it came to you. He stumbles of his words and his hands start shaking. He feels like a highschool boy all over again. Maybe he could use this as a way to get you to go out with him.
"Bacon bits, come on and pick one," Shigaraki calls. Dabi grumbles at the nickname.
"Not my name, crusty," he says before sticking his hand into Mr Compress' hat. Please be Y/n. Just this once, let the universe work in his favour. He pulls the note out of the hat. He folds it open. Y/n.
Dabi thanks any god that might be up there. For once, luck is on his side. Dabi's eyes shoot over to you. You're talking with a giddy Toga. She's hanging on your arm and discussing potential gifts with you.
You look over at him. He winks at you and you quickly look back at Toga, too flustered to look at Dabi again. He chuckles to himself before walking over a dark corner of the bar try to look 'cool' and 'mysterious'. No one can know that he's secretly thinking if a romantic present to give you.
☆◦ 。\|/。◦☆
"Y/n-chan! Open your gift!" Toga whines out. You shake your head at her as you carefully tear the wrapping paper away. It's clearly cheap. Knowing your friends, most likely stolen, though you don't mind. You smile as you see your gift.
A small teddy bear with dark purple patches to match Dabi's scars. You quickly look over at him. "So you can cuddle it. I know you want the real thing," he says while gesturing to his body. "But this is the closest you'll get.".
You smile brightly at him as you wrap your arms around the plushy. Dabi's heart does summersaults at the sight of you, though he does his best to hide that.
"So I'll never get to snuggle with you?" you ask with a fake pout. Dabi rolls his eyes at you.
"If you wanted to get into my bed you could have just said so, baby," he says. You look away from him again as you mention for Toga to open her gift.
Dabi smirks as he continues to watch you cradle the plushie. Some part of him grows envious of the inanimate object. Maybe, he'll offer to cuddle you tonight. Maybe.
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