#I'm still mad from the fact that I still need to remind people we're not nazis
acourtofthought · 3 months
"I'm Tamlin's emissary for formal uses, but this was Andras's shift. So someone needed to fill in. It's an honor to do it." But now - now we need order, Feyre. We need rules, and rankings, and order, if we're going to stand a chance of rebuilding. So what he says goes. I am the first one the others look to - I set the example. Don't as me to risk the stability of this court by pushing back. Not right now. "No. I decided to take you myself. For that exact reason. They don't want or need your help. Your presence is a distraction and a reminder of what they went through."
"Amarantha had...camps for them. The nobles and favored faeries were allowed to dwell Under the Mountain. But if the people of a court weren't working to bring in goods and food, they were locked in camps in a network of tunnels beneath the Mountain. Thousands of them, crammed into chambers and tunnels with no light, no air. For fifty years." / "It was forbidden to speak of it. Some of them went mad, started preying on the others when Amarantha forgot to order her guards to feed them. Some formed bands that prowled the camps and did -" "They did horrible things. Right now, they're trying to remember what is is to be normal - how to live." "Things were bad, Feyre. I went in his stead, and I did my duty to the court. I went of my own free will. And we completed the Rite." "I do not belong in the Autumn Court. And I'm willing to bet I'm no longer welcome at h-the Spring Court." Home, he had almost said. "You ruined any chance I have of going back to Spring. Not to Tamlin, but to the court beyond his house. Everyone either still believes the lies you spun or they believe me complicit in your deceit." "Your mate should have known better than to kick a downed male." / "You will need Tamlin as an ally before the dust has settled. Tread carefully." "They say a beast prowls these lands now. / And though he roams these lands, he does not see or care for the neglect he passes, the lawlessness, the vulnerability." "Many of us would be wiped out entirely. Especially...Especially those of us who are weakened. And when the dust settles, there would be at least one court left vacant, it's lands bare for the taking." The argument that Lucien is pathetic for wanting to reconnect with Tamlin is laughable because it's watering down a pretty major plotline and the fact that the Spring Court was Lucien's HOME for centuries. Tamlin was Lucien's friend, he helped rescue him from his brothers and he gave him a job but this is not just about Tamlin, it's about an entire Court filled with people. Lucien felt it was an honor to guard the borders which protected the people of Spring. Lucien asked Feyre to not force him to risk the stability of the court. He asked her to put an entire people first, not Tamlin. The people who suffered for 50 years, the ones who weren't the nobles and were forced to do terrible things. He showed concern for them as they worked towards rebuilding their lives after Amarantha. Lucien performed the Rite with his abuser to help the lands of Spring. Lucien expressed sadness over not being able to return to Spring, not just to Tamlin's Court but the land beyond it. Isn't it more than likely that Lucien was trying to help pull Tamlin from his depression, not for the sake of his friendship with Tamlin but for the sake of the people of Spring who are currently without a ruler? Who have been without a true ruler since UTM? For the safety of Prythian in general considering the location of the Spring Court and how it borders Autumn and the human lands? Lucien Anti's often miss the bigger picture when it comes to Lucien's actions, focusing solely on what he did or didn't do for Feyre (despite the fact that he was willing to die for her on multiple occasions). They forget that an entire people and their safety is at stake. That Lucien often acted like a leader focused on the good of the many and not just the one.
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oldmemoria · 10 months
okay heres the fucking thing about this script controversy that some people don't seem to get.
just gonna say it blatently:
strap in babes this is gonna be a long one!
The way Miguel O'Hara is written in the leaked transcripts is blatantly racist, here's why from a Latino himself!
all wrapped up in a sweet little bow for everyone who doesn't know how to comprehend what they're reading, cheers!
er. i mean.
Miguel fans are not mad that they depicted him in a bad light and that they made it clear that he is in the wrong
Miguel has been depicted as a morally grey asshole since the early 1990s, which is when Spider-Man 2099 was initially debuted. And while yes, the movies are.... inaccurate, to say the least, it still stands.
The issue here is how he is depicted. They directly call Miguel O'Hara, a Latino man, an ANIMAL (he is directly called an animal TWICE. FUCKING TWICE.)
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[1st image id: Miguel leaps onto Vulture, Clawing his way in past the renaissance armor. he is an ANIMAL. (keep in mind ANIMAL is literally in all caps.) /end id]
[2nd image id: Miguel SLASHES at the walls of light that surround Miles. Clawing the energy field apart, an animal in the throes of bloodlust -- /end id]
I need you to really soak in the fact that he is called "AN ANIMAL" twice. I'm awful at alts and ids but I feel I must so you can read it in plain text. sorry if they suck.
Our issue is not that the writers seem to have a bias against the character. a lot of writers write characters they dont particularly like and in turn tend to write them from a foggy lense of their own perception. An example would be Kate Cary and how she didn't like Crowfeather, a character she had to write about. I'm sure some of her bias seeped through. but this is different.
writing a Latino man as a bloodthirsty animal, implied to be called a predator because they call one of the people he fights (im not sure if its miles or the vulture, im leaning towards believing the former.) his "prey", THOSE ARE ALL RACIAL STEREOTYPES. ALL OF THEM.
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[3rd image id: But Miguel can only see his prey: /end id]
There is no context to be needed here, the context is that this is miguel we're talking about and that they call him an animal. it does not matter if he is a villain or not (which he isnt, factually he fucking isnt im tired of having this conversation, fuck you). it matters that he's depicted in a racially insensitive way.
and this person brought this up pretty well actually, I didn't even think of it:
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[4th image id: Tumblr user @/404-505 saying:
i want to be so mean to them
they couldn't write miguel crossing the border and stealing a job so they wrote him crossing into another universe and stealing his own identity
they couldnt write miguel as a drug addict so they gave him spider steroids instead /end id.]
They bring up a really good point about these clear stereotypes being seemingly. . . disguised behind points that are narratively relevant? This could literally just be pure coincidence, but noting how the writers wrote him before... it isn't looking too good for them. Sorry. Not sorry.
It is clear that there is some kind of bias against miguel that led to really disgusting, racist retoric. Whether or not it was intentional or if it was a first draft or whatever, the writers, which may i remind you were white, still wrote this at some point.
it makes me question whether or not they hated him because of his "bullshit utopia", their words not mine, or because of their own racial biases.
We cannot know because miguel is the only mexican character on the cast. I know Miles is Puerto Rican, but there are differences between how they were portrayed. also Puerto Ricans and Mexicans come from competely different cultural backgrounds that share simularities but are still different dont even try i will destroy you.
Using another users words again, but:
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[5th image id: Tumblr user @/transmiguelohara says:
Don't talk to me about the Miguel parts in the script. I'm so disappointed in how the writers view him.
The difference between the way Miguel is written (antagonist, not the villain) vs Spot (the villain, whats to kill Miles' dad and everyone he knows) is soooo.....I don't know man it just screams racism in sorry. Describing Miguel as a bloodthirsty animal? Repeatedly? Treating him like he's mindless and has no motivation beyond having a hair trigger temper? It sucks man. /end id]
It also strikes me that now that we finally have a brown-skinned miguel, they write him like, well. this.
I don't really know if this is petty or not, but I want to wrap this back to the way the fandom also sees Movie Miguel.
Because TRUST ME it is not good either.
Miguel O'Hara Vs. FANDOM: Spoilers, it's been troubling since the beginning.
From the beginning (and by beginning in this case I mean since he was announced to be a character in this movie) Miguel has been continuously sexualized, beyond belief. He is repeatedly called "papi cholo" which NEED I REMIND YOU "Cholo" is a derogatory term used to call someone, usually a mexican person, a criminal or a delinquent.
FUCK YOU if you are not Latino OR hispanic and use this to describe people. from the bottom of my heart.
I'm pretty sure the majority of the people who called/ still currently call him "papi cholo" are mixing it up with "papi chulo" (white people moment.) which means something completely different but is still troubling as hell.
"papi chulo", which is slightly different in the way, just directly translates to "big daddy". Which again, Latino men being overly sexual "Latin Lovers" is ALSO A RACIAL STEREOTYPE. also its just blatant fetishization. Point blank fucking period.
Not only that but I notice a lot of art and fanfiction depicts him doing a lot of violence, or being very overbearing and demeaning, or in short terms.
a lot of people write him as physically and sexually aggressive.
fuck do you mean he growls during sex i can and will send you to space with no return.
for the millionth time
racial stereotype
halleluiah or however you spell it.
Having him say random spanish phrases you don't know the meaning or connotations of in your fanfiction is icing on the cake at this point.
fucking end me.
it isn't even only sexual depictions, since he's been shown in the movie, a lot of people seem to just see him as this guy who goes off and tries to kill children at a hairs trigger. which uh. fun fact no he fucking doesnt.
you clearly didn't watch the movie as well as you thought you did. hes just sarcastic and generally pretty level headed through the majority of his runtime, whether its implied by how characters around him act, or its just what we see on screen.
He doesn't necessarily have anger issues, the moment we see at the climax of the film is quite literally a mental break. he is not acting in a way that he usually would because he was cracking under the stress of holding the multiverse together with some scotch tape and orange glitter glue.
Also side tangent but he also has a mental break in the comics that's a little more... droopy and sad as compared to the movie, but it still happens. he has shitty mental health is what im saying. he only really lashes out angrily when hes at his wits end because that's how he grew up. he was taught to suppress his feelings and seem smaller when he was upset.
he is the result of abuse and neglect. of course he wouldn't be amazing at emotional regulation.
Which before anyone says it no, this is not an excuse for his actions. just an explaination that isn't "hes an angry animal that has it out for miles UwU" that everyone seems to have in their brain. I'm tired of you all. truly.
the sentiment that hes agressive and angry and his only emotion is anger and upsetness unless he's horny which is when he experiences all these emotions tenfold is. racist. idk how clear i have to be for people to get it through their damn skulls that the way the fandom depicts him is harmful. do i need to slap you in the face with a fish until you understand. do i need to burn your fanfiction. will you get it now that a 15 year old latino boy has to scream it in your face.
and dont even get me STARED on how inaccurately he is written
this is a more light hearted section because idk. feels like i should have it because this part is just comical, pun intended. How can you fuck up this hard guys.
I was gonna give them the benefit of the doubt because "Miguel has fresh trauma!" "He only shows up for like 10 minutes!" "insert 3rd reason!" for his drastic change in demeanor and personality, which, without context, are valid reasons for him to be a little different. trauma fucks you up man. we only see 10 minutes of him. but at this point im chalking it up to complete incompetence
it doesnt take that long to read a comic book guys. you could have done a little research, I know you can do it.
first off:
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[6th image id: Miguel's SPIDER-SENSE goes off! He races to the edge if the building and peers into an empty alley -- /end id]
Unless you didn't get the total of TWO jokes that they made in ONE scene (the vulture fight scene), Miguel doesn't have a spider sense. at all. He has elevated senses, but he doesnt have a spider sense.
I cant help but laugh! this is a rookie mistake! these are seasoned writers! They could have done at least a little research, or at least remembered that he doesnt have one, no? is it that hard? or does his lack of a spider sense only matter when you're making fun of your least favorite character? thats what I thought.
this one is less funny. not to sound like a stereotypical comic nerd but this infuriated me a little bit I'm not gonna lie.
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[8th image id: tumblr user @/darksidecorner reblogged tumblr user @/spiderxpawz with:
They definitely didn't
a screenshot of the script reads:
AN INDUSTRIAL TANGLE OF HUGE PISTONS -- the literal DARK UNDERBELLY that undergrids Miguel's bullshit Utopia.
Miles doesn't know where to go... but he doesn't need to: SOMEONE YANKS him up into the safety of an alcove.
the user then continues:
This in particular made me PISSED because they quietly canonized that Miguel is CEO of Alchemax while conveniently ignoring that he did everything in his fucking power to BETTER Neuva York. Downtown wasn't built by him. It was built by people WAY before him.
I can excuse and defend some comic deviation, but THIS? Holy FUCK /end id]
I honestly cant tell if I find this part funny or pathetic because seriously. he did not do this. why are you blaming him for something he had nothing to do with. i dont think he decided "hey i should build a city for rich people over poor people because reasons" when he was like... not even alive. Alchemax did this before he was even sentient. it had always been this way since he was born. he also actively hated this decision. because he actively hates alchemax.
but right MIGUELS bullshit Utopia yeah HE did this that EVIL LITTLE BABY i cant believe him
kill me.
In conclusion:
I. . . Don't really know, to be honest. I'm still processing all this. I am genuinely disappointed and upset because this isn't okay. It never will be, and if it takes yet another blunt essay with absolutely no filter for people to understand it then so be it. I don't care if this comes off as mean. This is something I feel qualified to talk about and I will express my disappointment and anger if I want to.
All of the posts I reference I have reblogged within the last 24 hours of making this post, they shouldn't be that hard to find, but if you want the links to them here they are:
if you want your image to be removed or for your link to be removed just ask and I'll do it. but currently im kinda bummed out and tired.
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anyaharveyii · 2 months
"you were 15, not five". same with sirius, then. we don't even know exactly what sirius told to severus for him to go down there, but sirius KNEW precisely what was down there. sirius full knew and still sent him there. don't get shit twisted. unlike severus sirius fully knew he was sending someone else to their potential death and didn't give a fuck. i'm sick of this victim blaming. severus didn't deserve that shit and sirius acted like a psychotic little freak that wasn't even sorry he risked his own friend's integrity for a joke.
(for anyone who wants to join the conversation, we're talking about the marauders and the infamous prank. the anon is team severus, and I am decidedly not).
sweetie, there's no need to post this anonymously.
I hope you reveal yourself eventually, because I genuinely love talking about this with people. I somewhat agree with you, so let's dissect.
"same with sirius, then." — too true. there's actually so many parallels between sirius and snape that I'm convinced they could've been best friends in another life. they both came from backgrounds of hatred and abuse, and as a result, they both deeply cling to and value the friendships they made early on in their lives (with james and lily respectively). finally, they both shoot to kill when they're mad. I 100% agree that sirius was wrong for what he did to remus—who is the true victim in this situation, let's be real. "we don't even know exactly what sirius told to severus for him to go down there, but sirius KNEW precisely what was down there." — so did snape, though. in the deathly hallows (ch. 33), he outright says to lily that he suspects remus is a werewolf before the prank ever happens. he only went down to the whomping willow to confirm his suspicions. also, according to remus in the prisoner of azkaban (ch. 18) snape had been following them around and trying to expose remus for even longer than just the one night. chances are, snape would've snuck down there eventually, and sirius just sped up the process (which, I agree, was still very wrong of him). "sirius full knew and still sent him there." — I think you meant 'fully' knew. and as I just said above, so did snape.
"don't get shit twisted." — I actually think I have my facts pretty straight, which is why I wish you would've had the bravery to post this not anonymously. I'm curious as to what you think I've said so far that is incorrect (especially since I do back up most of my claims with evidence directly from the books).
"unlike severus sirius fully knew he was sending someone else to their potential death and didn't give a fuck." — this is the third time you've argued this point, and it's getting slightly redundant ... but I'll bite. sending someone to their death means not giving them a choice (an example would be a monarch who orders that someone be executed). sirius was wrong for telling snape how to get into the whomping willow (prisoner of Azkaban ch. 18) but he didn't hold a gun to his head and say "you must go poke your nose where it doesn't belong, you don't have a choice." snape was old enough to make his own decisions, and he still chose to go, despite suspecting that remus was a werewolf.
"i'm sick of this victim blaming." — because of all the points I've made so far, I think it's fair to say that sirius and snape are not victims in this situation. remus is the only true victim of that prank.
"severus didn't deserve that shit and sirius acted like a psychotic little freak that wasn't even sorry he risked his own friend's integrity for a joke." — severus faced something we like to call the consequences of his own actions. if you see a sign on the road that says "STOP! CLIFF AHEAD" and you drive forward and off the cliff anyway, you have no one to blame but yourself.
I feel the need to remind you that at the end of the day, these are all fictional characters and fictional scenarios. by saying things like how you're "sick of this victim blaming" and "severus didn't deserve that shit", I can tell that you deeply empathise with severus snape's character.
truly (this part isn't sarcastic), if you (the anonymous poster) feel like life has made you a victim or a punching bag—which is the only rational reason I can think of for why you would have all this anger—then I hope you recieve the empathy and the therapy you need. you seem like someone who has been very hurt and lashes out at the world in response, so I'm sorry for whatever you've been through (if you've been through anything).
if you're just really passionate about fictional characters and the harry potter series in general, great! I am too. so come out of hiding (aka stop being a coward), and we can fangirl over it together :)
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utilitycaster · 1 year
This campaign does have wizards aplenty, from our allies and guests (let's hope someone can fix Ryn; wonder how Vasselheim is treating Prism) to the antagonistic figure of the millennium himself, Ludinus Da'leth. And Halas is, of course, still in his gem. I have briefly touched on them, in fact, when they converged upon Tishtan to fuck around and find out. But this isn't about them.
Whose world is at stake here? Who is being shaken at their very foundation? Who is out here kicking ass, taking names, making pacts, and killing birds? And so it's my dubious and self-inflicted honor to present:
The Cleric and Paladin Breakdown Tracker
Episode 69
The rules, for those not familiar with the shifting set of guidelines I frequently employed: this is a non-exhaustive list (that means that if I don't have anything funny to say about an NPC we haven't seen in 20 episodes do not ask me where they are. they haven't been seen in 20 episodes). Spinoffs into sorcerer, druid, or other territory may occur as the plot demands, but for the time being we're sticking with the god squad.
Weva Vudol: Matt described her genesis as a person who abides by the Andrew W. K. creed; she does what she likes and she likes what she does. While adherents of the Raven Queen are probably having a rough time of it, no resurrection does mean Speak with Dead is probably having a real moment right now, and honestly she's weird enough to possibly dig the vibes of Jrusar at the moment. 4/10.
Deanna Leimert: It's been a few days but I suspect things are still highly tense between her and Sunny D, and going to God City Central probably doesn't give her much time to relax and regroup. Also I have to imagine Vasselheim is going to be MAD WEIRD about an aeormaton and a wizard. 7/10. Holding it together but I bet any stitches of her knitting right now are impossibly tight (if that's how knitting works idk I'm a crocheter myself)
FRIDA: Speaking of, here's the aeormaton themself! They were feeling bad upon separating from FCG. They needn't have worried (see below) but they don't know that, and yeah I think the vibes in Vasselheim for them are going to be iffy already and the fact that the city is (highly understandably given their history) going into lockdown, probably a bit on edge! Hopefully Bells Hells remembers to ask Keyleth to give them a message or something. 7/10. (She's not on here but I like to think that Prism is THRIVING despite having frowned-upon magic. I think she's having a GREAT time, and I hope she joins the Slayer's Take, I think it would be good for her.)
Unnamed Duskmaven Cleric in Jrusar: I do not know why the Duskmaven clerics dress like Sofina Honoramongthievesvillain, but they do. Anyway rather like Weva Vudol, while things are bad I think that the Raven Queen's clerics tend to have a sort of implacable calm about them (see also Lieve'tel, who is not on this list). 4/10.
Teven Klask: Too hot to be bothered. A little confused by the edicts of Asmodeus re: the truce though. Just like a Betrayer to not explain the situation. 3/10.
Yu Suffiad: I love when people think Yu was some kind of genius of strategy because not only did they get figured out by a tiny unhinged werewolf gnome man, they, far more crucially, bargained away the artifact needed to power the Malleus Key until after the solstice. Literally their entire mission was "hey we need this object before the solstice, to be used in a machine on the solstice, for the solstice" and they were like yeah I'll get it in a month, sounds fair, and then the people they let get away destroyed the machine that was supposed to use it. Anyway with that in mind I'm assuming their dumb ass got shoved into a mirror by Zathuda, whom I would like to see again, because the return of the Silt Verses has reminded me that menace in a Scottish accent is always a fun time. 9/10.
FCG: You know, bit of a rollercoaster for them! He's had some good Commune answers and some less so Divination answers; he can't get drunk; the Staff of Dark Odyssey did NOT play nice; Dancer's still understandably afraid of him; Shithead has finally been lay to rest. I think it's going to be straight down the middle for a while, honestly; such is the nature of adventuring. 5/10.
Pike Trickfoot: Zero idea of her mood right now actually, like I assume Sarenrae has been freaking out but that's the extent of it, so she's here more because either she is blissfully unaware that Delilah was below detectable levels when Laudna came back, in which case like 4/10, or she has been harboring a dark secret in which case more like 8/10.
Caduceus Clay: I have to imagine the Wildmother has made her concerns clear. Also, Molaesmyr was, when last we left it, sort of on fire, which can't be like, great for him. Time to see if 7 years have improved upon his coping mechanisms. 7/10.
Fjord: Improbably, a wildcard. Given that Jester's probably freaking out, pushed into a position of stability and calm; given that the gods are definitely freaking out, the Empire is wilding out, and also that I would be shocked if Caleb and Beau didn't let the others in the Nein know that if they don't hear from them for a while, pushed in a position of running around waving his hands like Kermit. 6/10 but specifically taken as an average of 3/10 and 9/10.
Vax'ildan: technically I don't know if he still counts like a paladin but doing so for reasons of comedy. Anyway, not sure what you can give a bowling ball full of screams but an 11/10.
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bokettochild · 5 months
what do u think about Ravio x Legend. like. are they separate people?
Canon wise, they are counterparts. I don't see them as the same- just as Link and Shadow Link aren't the same- but more like a reflection, one that isn't exactly the same, but much similar. I don't really ship them because of this. It's not the same to me as, say, shipping the colors, who are a split (but singular) soul, or even like shipping Link with his shadow, since that's also sort of a facet of himself, or at least is often depicted as the embodiment of his darker self and thoughts (TP manga). Ravio is an alternate reality version of Link, from a world where enough is different that they're very dissimilar, but the fact that they're still counterparts does make my brain stall.
Now, I don't consider it linkcest, but it's more like.... the fact of their being counterparts still makes me balk a little and wonder how much difference there really is. This is one of my main reasons, personally, why I don't ship it. Because while it's not directly selfcest, it does border close to it, enough so that some people might see it that way (as we in the fandom are seeing recently), and selfcest is something I wouldn't touch with a 93 and a half foot pole! So, while I'm not about to trash those who write/draw/enjoy it just because it gives me pause, I do avoid creating it myself.
That all said, I do know why you're asking. I know there's a post going around recently where the author labels this ship as 'disgusting', and I'd like to use this opportunity to remind y'all that, as long as no one's hurting real people, everyone's entitled to their own opinions. We're allowed to say basically anything on our blogs (as proved by the bots T-T), and if we have an opinion, it's not fair for others to start getting mad at us for having our own thoughts on topics/fandoms we enjoy.
If you disagree, just walk away. That's what I do when I see takes I consider "incorrect" on my favorite stories/characters/worlds. There's no need to start drama, I just note to myself that maybe I shouldn't talk with that person on that topic going forwards, and move on.
No one's obligated to keep their thoughts to themselves on their own blog. Our blogs exist so we can express ourselves! They are our safe spaces, and we shouldn't be judged for expressing ourselves within them.
We're all entitled to our own takes on a situation, that's how fandom works! <3
(And Anon, sorry if I come off as aggressive! I'm not mad at you at all and not blaming you for anything, I just feel like this is something we all need to remember right now! I do hope you have the best day!)
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littlesislovesyou · 20 days
Oh no I know the reason you kept them to yourself and I'd love for you to keep it that way. It is more special <3 but it also is comforting to know that only you and me know what's in my head. And maybe people who follow you get to see like the 1 percent I leak out in the asks you actually answer from me LOL idk I feel more confident knowing you'll have me as your dirty little secret as you are mine. 🤭🔪
But I would love that thought so much 💞 I'll gladly help you with angles you can't on your own while resisting my primal urges screaming in both of my heads as my eyes can't get enough of you in every shot and angle. And I'd love to be the hand wrapped around your throat in pictures or perhaps the one holding the knife...driving everyone else crazy and making them wish they were me in that moment <3333 then when we're done making content I'm gonna make you cry and scream my name to the roof and the poor neighbors outside as I breed and fuck you til you can't walk~ Unleashing all of my desires on you once the job well done is over...
Fuckkkkk in that sense you have so much control over me. I'm just a pawn in your game of chess that yearns for and can't stop thinking about you. But you can have me anytime you want and turn me into something more. Promoting me further so I can have you all to myself. But I'd always be wrapped around your little finger and I'd never forget you even if I wanted to try...every relationship or sexual encounter just reminds me that I want you. Need youuu 🥵 no one would ever compare <3333
I think you described us both in simple words
"I could fix her but honestly whatever the fuck is wrong with her is way hotter" 😭 but tysmmmm,your reassurance means alot and it's that kindness that leads to brief moments of feeling like I can be vulnerable with you and you won't snap. Won't get mad. You'll just listen and even if you don't understand completely you'd be there and it's enough for me to cry tbh lmaoooo
But yes let's be fucked up, depraved and nasty together~ No one else needs to know or have what we do~ Together 😈💕
Honestly it's the fact that you said that. That you love this and can handle what I have to give that makes me feel like I don't have to hold back. Like I can both hug you and do unspeakably filthy things to you and you'd thank me for it even as I apologize 💕💕
I'm happy you like them so much though thank you. And yes I found your blog and went through the 5 stages of grief of whether or not I should fall into this depraved hole and accept I am into way darker shit than I realized and eventually reached acceptance and stayed. Your responses, personality and concepts really sold me on staying though.
I still can't reblog from here though. You really are my dirty little secret that I can't let people know about but I'll promise to make up for that these asks and attention.
So yes I stalked you for a whole month while debating myself. Like a conflicted being being tempted by the taboo and then the fates decided and I too. Should stay and perhaps have you all for myself 🖤 but sharing you with your followers because hey I'm not evil. The amount of horny older men you've tempted on here...you've gotta take responsibility yk? But something tells me you'd like that...being loaned out and shared by your owner and used like a desperate slut, a needy fuckpet tempting married men from their wives and siblings to fuck their lil sis...have you no shame? But then again...I suppose when I'm with you. I don't have any shame either for liking and getting off to what we do... 😈🖤
Hehe 🫶☺️ I also keep them bc I don’t want anyone else seeing all the nasty and depraved disgustingly hot things you’d like to do to me<333 my eyes only;’) you’re my little secret🖤 you could probably tell me your dirtiest fantasy and it would probably make me wet I won’t even lie<333
Agh yes💕 you would do such great camera work for sure<3 making sure everything looks good, and when your hand wraps around my throat for the picture you’ll be who I’m staring up at🖤🖤🖤 something tells me we’d always be on each other like two animals<3 all the time and I love it🖤🫶 you take after my own kinky heart<3
And ahhh so true;’) also I’m really glad you felt comfortable enough to explore a new side to yourself I won’t even lie some of the things I post I wasn’t into before I made the blog, some of them kinda just developed for me, ahh sorry I don’t wanna ramble but yeah so never feel bad for that🖤 I’m really glad you stayed to enjoy my filthy posts<3
And also how did u like perfectly describe me bc literally I cannot really ever make anyone feel bad about themselves that’s just not in me, I also don’t know why I would get mad at you for being vulnerable, like ever, I’m really glad you feel like you can be!🥺💕
I’d love to just explore your most fucked up fantasies with you;’) 🖤🖤🖤
And agh hey don’t worry about it, I understand honestly🖤🖤 I don’t mind being your secret at all 🫣
And ahhh that’s so hottt hh<3 you’re gonna make me melt 💕 are you my owner in this case?;’) because that’s the only way I’m going to enjoy it~
Having you keep me as your slutty personal pet, would you share me?;’) take photos for me and help me decide which ones to post, which ones you like best<333 ahh
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onboardsorasora · 11 months
Hello again👋, I'm here to poke you for some more enchanted Daniel Au. All good if you're not feeling it. Just thought I'd ask because seeing him so happy this weekend has got me craving Enchanted Daniel.
A little chaotic but we're here!! Thank you thank you for the ideas! I think I'm gonna be starting the next part today maybe 😅😅 (this got soo long, but it wanted to do it's own thing!)
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Part 1 | Part 9
Part 10
Daniel watched from his little cat nest as Max went through his last minute travel checks. He was agitated as he grabbed his spare charger that he keeps in the living room and he almost slammed the door to the coat closet where he kept his travel playstation set up.
Max was on his way to the factory. He needed to go speak with his boss and team about the upcoming season. Jimmy told Daniel that Max wasn’t happy about having to leave him alone in Monaco. But Daniel understood, he couldn’t travel yet– Michelle was still working on the passport– and this would be his first time in Max’s home alone.
Well not completely alone, Jimmy and Sassy were with him.
Daniel had already made extensive promises to charge his phone, Sassy also promised to remind him to keep it on. He also promised Max that he wouldn’t go anywhere by himself either. In fact, Lando was supposed to be coming over to stay with him for a little.
Max pulled his suitcase into the living room, his face in a stony pout. He truly didn’t want to go but he couldn’t get out of it. There was a knock on the door and Daniel got up with Jimmy in hand and Sassy trailing behind. They opened it and Lando came barrelling in wearing a huge orange hoodie and carrying his own bright suitcase.
He hugged Daniel and then Max and beelined to scoop up Sassy who fought for a little before seemingly accepting her fate, if Daniel’s laugh was anything to go by.
“Are you all packed, Maxy?” Daniel asked, throwing a tattooed arm around Max’s tense shoulders. Max sighed and nodded.
“Don’t worry Max!” Lando chirped with a grin, “we’ll be fine. Plus Alex and Lily are free as well.”
“Ooh! We could go see them?!” Daniel got excited, the prospect of seeing their friends doing a lot to temper the edge of Max leaving. He was sad Max was going but he understood. This wasn’t that new to him. Being able to see people and have fun during the absence was new, though. 
Max left grumpily after lots of hugs and kitty cuddles, and promises of texting and facetimes. Lando watched it all gleefully but said nothing. He was texting Charles however.
They ended up at Alex’s shortly after Max confirmed he was taxiing on the runway and Daniel was very happy to be surrounded by all the animals who were trying to make him feel better. He missed Max already, which was silly of him, but he did. 
“– oh no, we’re staying in tonight. Max would kill me I think.” Daniel tuned into the conversation going on around him to hear Lando’s laughing statement.
“Why?” Daniel looked at the other three humans with wide curious eyes. 
“Well there’s a party tonight at Sass’– it's a night club and yes Max named Sassy after it” Alex and Lily laughed, always finding it hilarious that Max chose night clubs to name his cats.
“Can we go?” Daniel loved a party, they were always so much fun.
“I don’t think Max would like that?” Lando hedged.
“Why would it matter?” Daniel tilted his head questioning. He looked down to the cats who were offering their own two cents. “No, I’m not too young MooMoo. My birthday is coming up! I’ll be 23!”
Lando and Alex looked at each other briefly, well that answered a lingering question. Maybe they should have the cats interrogate him more often.
“Why would Max be mad?” Daniel asked Lando again.
“I don’t think he'll be happy about me taking you to a club while he’s gone.” Lando shrugged and Lily realized immediately that that had been the wrong thing to say. The way how Daniel’s face fell into what could only be described as crestfallen.
“Oh.” Daniel’s shoulders sagged and his entire demeanor became fragile. Lando’s eyes widened in horror– what did he do wrong???
“Whoa whoa!” Lando rushed forward with his hands up and flapping in anxiety. There was a problem and he was immediately out of his depth.
“Daniel, what do you mean?” It was Lily that settled into the kitten pile.
“I just– I thought Max was good. Jimmy and Sassy said so.” Daniel whispered, he seemed on the verge of tears.
“He is!” Lando all but cried. This wasn’t good at all.
“Why would you think he’s not good?” Lily again, god bless her.
“Because he’s just like my ex. I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere if he was away.” Daniel slowly petted Stan who nudged his small head into his palm. “He didn’t like animals. But Max likes animals?” Daniel sounded more confused than sad and that was something they could work with.
“Was your last ex controlling?” Lily asked quietly and Daniel smiled sadly at her. 
“He didn’t like when I sang.”
“Max loves it when you sing!” Lando chimed in again, wanting to do anything to prove that Max was good.
“He didn’t like it when I did anything without him either.” Daniel looked over at Lando, waiting for him to disprove. It was Alex that came to Max’s rescue.
“It's not that Max wouldn’t want you to go…it's more that he’d like to come with us. He was sad when he learned about the party because he knew he wouldn’t be here.”
Daniel looked from Alex to Lando before looking down at the cats, Stan and Frooky were very vocal.
“So he won’t be mad if we go?” Daniel asked again, wanting them to confirm plainly.
“No, he won’t be mad. You can probably even call him when he lands?” Alex suggested and Daniel shrugged.
“Do you have anything to wear? We could go shopping.” Lily suggested, smiling widely when Daniel looked over at her.
Later after they’ve shopped and bought way too many things. Lando asked if they should cover his tattoos and Daniel agreed so they didn’t bring too much attention to themselves. Sophie told him that not many people were magically adept and Daniel knew that meant that they might be mean. 
Daniel chose an outfit of skinny jeans with rips at the knees and a shirt with long sleeves and a large 3 on the back– it was his favourite number. When everyone was ready, and after lots of goodbye scritches to the cats and dogs– they went to Sass.
They found Charles easily in the VIP section and Daniel spent majority of the time on the dancefloor in the crush of bodies. His grin was infectious while he threw his hands in the air and danced without abandon. The drinks at Sass were delicious and he’d had many offers from people wanting to buy him more. They were all so nice!!
He was staggering back to their booth when he felt his phone ringing. It was Max!
“Maxy hi!” Daniel’s grin was happy and wide when he answered the video call. His face might be too close to the screen but he couldn’t really judge the distance right now.
“Daniel! You look like you’re having a good time” 
Daniel swayed where he stood, both to the music and because he couldn’t hold himself still. He needed to dance. The pretty drinks told him to dance. “Maxy Maxy Maxy!” Daniel sang into the phone, and Max watched him bemusedly, if a bit worried.
“Daniel, where is Lando?”
Daniel shrugged, he didn’t know. He hadn’t seen Lando, Charles, Alex or Lily in a while. The dance floor was large.
“How many drinks have you had?”
“People here are sooo nice, Maxy.” Daniel wasn’t sure what Max said, it was so loud but the music felt good!
Even through the shitty connection, Max could see that Daniel was drunk. But none of his friends were around and he was stuck in Keynes. 
“Maxy, I’m gonna go dance again ok? I Miss you a lot!!” And Daniel hung up, fluttering into the mass of bodies once again. Max watched as the call ended in his hand, his stomach churned with worry even as his heart leaped a little at Daniel’s drunken confession.
Part 11
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
The whole bookmarks conversation reminds me of the authors of massive crossover fic With Pearl And Ruby Glowing, who have been known to lash out at anyone and everyone who criticize them, even if you did it in a private server where it was never intended to get back to them, even if you only mildly disliked one chapter, even if you were a massive fan but wished they'd used intersexism instead of going "what's the word for this? interphobia?" and then deleting all comments stating "it's intersexism". Mention them on a locked Dreamwidth entry that duckduckgo search results will show them part of? They're going to contact you and they're going to be furious.
Sometimes, not everyone is going to love your work. You cannot try to ban them from expressing that opinion in private to others. Yes, even if you're "famous" author who has a whole TV Tropes page for your work. You are within your rights to not want to be insulted to your face outright in vitriolic ways unrelated to your work, such as people who slam them for being queer writers. But not wanting that being a relatable, reasonable thing to feel does not mean that everyone has to say your work is good even in private, that people who comment on the fact that there's been more blonde black people than Arab people in your work even though you say you care about representation are haters who shouldn't be allowed to speak, or that if you ask what a word is and get told what the word is then that's hate that needs to be deleted and just for that we're going to screen all comments you meanies.
I've gotten some really nasty intersexist, antisemitic and outright violent comments on my work in the past. I delete the garbage and report the comments that threaten physical violence against me. The result is that people who like my work feel like they can approach me and say hi and chat in my comments or to others. Meanwhile, despite having a ton of hits, almost no one comments on With Pearl and Ruby Glowing and hardly any discussion of it off of AO3 because no one is in the mood to be yelled at for answering a question the author asked or for saying you didn't think a particular chapter was as well done as the others. When even "I loved the first 150 chapters except for number 44, I didn't get that completely" can be met with backlash, the readers start going, "I'll just not say anything and hopefully they won't get mad at me", a fandom dynamic that has resulted in less and less hits and less and less engagement as the story has gone along.
The best thing to do about angry bookmarks is to ignore it. People hate being treated as if they don't matter, thus it is your best possible revenge, because long after you've forgotten their annoying bookmark, you live rent-free in their head. Snapping back at even the lightest of criticism does not make for a fun experience for the reader. It makes me glad I didn't recommend the fic to anyone or comment and it likely to make me stop reading.
One of my fandoms is stubbornly refusing to move to AO3 and is still posting on FFN, for reasons I don't know and cannot explain. The result is that hate comments are still common. The standard response is to just ignore it. I feel much better about talking to those authors because I don't have to walk on eggshells around them in order to make sure I don't make them mad at me. As a result, I am much more likely to recommend their fic to others, because I don't have to worry I'm putting someone in the line of fire by doing so.
TL;DR can we all please learn some sense of proportion and that negative comments aren't worth burning the world to the ground over? Because in the process of burning things to the ground, you burn a good chunk of your audience in the process.
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Hello lovely?
No pressure busy girl, but did you have a small idea as to when we might be getting a new AFS chapter?
I miss them x
Hope you're taking care of yourself and are staying healthy!
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Literally 10 seconds before I opened this ask I was laying in bed thinking "son of a bitch I seriously need to get back to AFS soon I hope my Joel Miller smokescreen is working and nobody has noticed a missing mass of beskar metal."
IN MY (poor) DEFENSE, Din Djarin is being a real pain in my ass as of late lolol. It's like he's mad at me for doing so much with Joel Miller and now he's throwing a tantrum because his voice will not flow. Which is a bummer for multiple reasons one of which being, I feel like he's the voice I do best of the Pedro gang? I have these characters that once I start writing for them magic happens in my brain like Tony Stark, Dean Winchester, Daryl Dixon, Bucky Barnes (there is a trend amongst those characters and a psychological reason I'm so good at writing for them therapy is too expensive for me so we're gonna blatantly ignore that) and Din Djarin made it to the hall of fame! So, the fact that I'm now having such difficulty with getting him on paper frustrates me.
Honestly, I might just have to chain myself to a table and break my 'no forcing the writing' rule in hopes that it kick starts something. I'm in a coffee shop all day today so wish me luck.
But, thank you so much for the well wishes! You, and all the people in my inbox asking about our favorite Mandalorian, mean so much to me and I honestly need the constant reminder that people are still waiting for AFS. In two weeks, I start my descent into hell working in the hospital instead of the office and it's going to wreck my ass I just know it so I'm gonna try and get AFS out before then!!
[good news, I got two things done this weekend and TCOY was a big one!! The other was an additional 20k words on my original work which is less exciting since it definitely took away from Din Djarin time but it did make me happy😌]
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marinsawakening · 10 months
I saw a post that reminded me of this which is why I'm talking about this out of the blue but whenever I see the 'do canonically male characters you headcanon as trans girls count as female characters' debate pops up I remember this one event from the Voltron fandom where an f/f ship week banned genderbending and people lost their SHIT about it, SPECIFICALLY because the mods were like 'we want people to actually focus on the female characters and not submit already popular m/m ships but genderbent'.
This was years ago obviously so standard 'my memory may be fuzzy' disclaimer, but while I believe part of the reasons the mods banned genderbending was bc they believed it to be transphobic (which you could actually argue against and is a stance I don't agree with), and ppl were using that as leverage to argue, but that's not what ppl were actually angry about. Also, I believe the event was run by antis, who had a 'no age gap ships' rule in place, and people were mad about that, but like. The only f/f ships at the time with even kind of an age gap were ones involving Pidge, (which, again, for the record, I never personally gave much of a shit about), and yeah I do believe those were banned and ppl were pissy about that, but most of the ppl arguing with the ship restrictions were doing so in combination with the genderbending restriction, bc what they were mad about wasn't actually about a major female character being banned from the f/f ship week for Ship Discourse Reasons.
What they were angry about was specifically being told their genderbent m/m ships didn't count because they did not, in fact, contain female characters. Arguments were made that, because it was genderbent, it was now f/f and should be allowed in the f/f ship week. The mods went no, those are still canon male characters and popular m/m ships, and we're trying to run a week about the female characters and f/f ships because they don't get enough attention. The mods were fending accusatory and argumentative asks for ages and told people to create their own f/f ship week if they didn't like how theirs was run, which. People did.
A counter f/f ship week was organized but with less restrictions, specifically the restriction on genderbending was lifted. Now, I never followed Ship Week B, because I don't care about shipping and I was there to see more attention given to the female characters, which allowing genderbent m/m content seemed pretty anathema to. But I did check in on it out of curiosity, and to no-one's surprise, Ship Week B contained very large amounts of mostly genderbent sheith, with some shiro/lance and lance/keith thrown in. Like, I'm sure there was also actual f/f content (I remember there being some Pidge/Allura specifically), but I remember very little of it.
And as I alluded to in the large Nuance Disclaimer paragraph: yes this was the Voltron fandom, yes the Disk Horse was involved and made everything far more explosive than it probably would've been otherwise, and also, if the mods hadn't explicitly put the genderbending restriction in the rules list they probably would've gotten maybe a few genderbent m/m submissions tops. It's pretty obvious that a large motivation for Ship Week B was spite, and as someone whose username is literally spitecentral on AO3, I can confirm there is no stronger motivation for fan content than spite. I don't actually think that genderbent m/m is such a major problem in f/f spaces that it needs to be explicitly banned to avoid having it overrun ship weeks.
But even taking all that into account, this whole thing was completely fucking bonkers. Regardless of your opinions on the mods' opinions on genderbending and the Disk Horse, asking ppl not to submit genderbent m/m content on account of it not containing canon female characters is completely reasonable, and the fact that people got mad enough about it to create a whole seperate f/f ship week SPECIFICALLY to allow genderbent m/m content is insane. All the f/f ship week asked was for people to pay attention to female characters for once, and people threw a fucking tantrum about it and not only point-blank refused, but created more content for the male characters out of spite.
So yeah that was kind of a formative fandom experience to me that taught me:
People will take any excuse possible to avoid paying attention to female characters.
People will make literally anything, up to and including female character-centric fandom events, about men.
And that's what I think about any time I see people get offended when others point out that headcanoning a canon male character as a trans girl isn't the same as engaging with female characters.
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spoofymcgee · 7 months
aaaaaaaa s10 of doctor who my beloved
i am six episodes in and
good fucking lord
look, is it a little heavy handed, a little less subtle than i might like, a little bit jumpscary? yes
is it also incredible and delightful and hijink-y and fun and silly and very very serious on the occasion? also yes
yes, bill's crush becomes a puddle who tries to kidnap her, but look, it's a story about momentary connections to people and letting them go when you're ready to move on and also spaceship oil lesbians
yes, there are emoji murder robots, but let's talk about how humanity sometimes expects everything to serve it and how they react when something goes wrong with that, and how fear begets cruelty where it isn't due and also how from an outside perspective grief is the most horrible thing in the world
yes, there is a giant fish in the thames and it's 1814, but look, we're here to examine how much the doctor loves showing people time and space and remind him why he does what he does and what grief feels like and why sometimes moving on too fast is bad
yes, bill and her new roommates have a serious roach problem, not to mention the walls eating people, but focus for a second on learning to let go of the past instead of keeping it frozen, on letting the people you care about make their own choices instead of deciding what's best for them
yes, capitalist air zombie space suit people, but let's have a conversation about how the bottom like of capitalism is human life developing a price, is selling people every last thing they need to live and how you can always do something with your life, even when it seems like everyone else controls it
(also, let's talk about how much the doctor loves his companions, about what he's willing to sacrifice to keep them safe, about how he always has to be the one who's okay, about how he does tell bill a joke before he goes)
yes, it's all a dream (do hate that trope) and there is madness inducing term paper that makes people realize they're in a simulation, but what about the fact that the point is that it doesn't matter, because even if it is you can still do something, about virtue without hope without witness without reward, about the doctor calling bill at the end and not saying 'i know how this ends, i know how this always ends, and you won't let me leave you behind and i need you there but be happy first, please, take that step because you might not have another one and i'm so, so sorry, and i want you to be happy for as long as you can'
this show
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zahri-melitor · 10 months
Okay I have opened March Solicits. Reactions as I go (and I'm feeling salty today):-
Chip I am trusting you to land this ZEA storyline. Also Zur!Tim is when? I am still hotly anticipating the possible fallout from that.
If Harley is back on Suicide Squad is she leaving Birds of Prey? Please?
(Also hot take but I think we're past the need for Harley to be on Suicide Squad. Part of me perked up at Black Alice and Clock King on SS, but eurgh. Harley)
Is there anything more eye-rollingly boring than "Bruce Wayne origin story" at this point?
Batman & Robin continues to look fine
I'm reminded I need to find time to sit down and start Ram V's 'Tec run.
"What's wrong with Nightwing" (I cover my mouth and laugh) anyway this looks very Tom Taylor levels of stakes.
I woke up to the Barbara discourse so I was already spoiled on this, but... sigh. Kelly Thompson not understanding the need for BoP to have someone in the troubleshooter/research role is hmmm a flaw. I am giving the team some leeway still though, as I DO think they're doing good Dinah content.
Outsiders: ...you know I actually have no clue what DC has done with Nocturna since the 2011 reboot apart from the fact she's apparently back. She's Kate's ex? (who isn't at this point??)
I'm again reminded that putting Poison Ivy on my longlist to read is probably a thing to do.
Red Hood: The Hill - "in their civilian lives, seeds of jealousy begin to drive a wedge between Jason and one of his oldest friends". Now don't get me wrong, actually developing Jason having his own cohort is something that is so necessary, but...it's intensely funny to me to see a book pretending Jason has a civilian life and longstanding friends. Go on.
World's Finest: look, I trust this team but you know what I don't need in my life? "the first meeting of Joker and Lex"
...oh damn, PG don't do this to me, that story concept looks halfway okay? Though it would still be funnier to hear about the team of Kara and Karen, ACTUALLY.
The Flash: you know what? I'm still enjoying Si Spurrier on this. Jai and Max sounds like an AMAZING team up actually.
Speed Force as a title is confusing me in that it's not only a mini, it's a mini that's actually keeping abreast of continuity around it for the characters involved. What is this? post-Crisis? (Keep this energy up)
I'm sorry, Wonder Woman is looking worse and worse. That cover makes me HUGELY uncomfortable. (the flag actually even more than the sword)
Sinister Sons remains looking SO BAD
I acknowledge that Amazons Attack is a bad rerun of a bad event, but also Mary Marvel is in it and I love Mary soooooooo (even though I know it makes other people mad)
The Green Arrow situation has been heavily canvassed, but my personal complaint is, in a slow meandering storyline to start with, we are at issue...10? and we finally get 4 women all at once? Why is Mia arriving with this group? Why are they all together? Why are any of them talking to Waller, particularly current Waller, let alone working for her? Why issue 10/12? (sings the 'devaluing women in Green Arrow again? Is it Tuesday?' song)
The old JSAers minis final issues - yeah that looks fine
CREEPER IN SHAZAM??? What??? The Creeper in a wacky hijinks book? This could be very fun but wow is that a tonal dissonance.
Blue Beetle *whispers* I'd actually be cool with Ted retiring from active hero work again. It's a good look on him.
Ape-ril - BANANA SCENTED COVER????? I feel this has gone underappreciated
I am, actually, excited for the Barda DCInk book. Though I wonder how much of the Furies backstory is going to get softened for it.
I still can't believe they're reprinting Dixon Nightwing AGAIN, in a 1024 page trade paperback. Why not collect Grayson? Why not finish out the Robin and BOP Dixon collections instead? WHY AS A PAPERBACK BRICK with all the downsides of both TPBs and Omnis and none of the benefits of either format?
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Rules: post 10 of your favourite comfort movies then tag 10 people.
Thank you for the tag @its-all-ineffable 💖
The Holiday. Hot people Christmassy romcom, what's not to like? What Jack Black does with his character!! Beautiful!! And do I need to say more than Kate Winslet? Also single dad Jude Law in glasses!! Cameron Diaz rocking out to The Killers!! And driving a Mini down a country road and nearly getting wiped out by a lorry. So accurate it's *chefs kisses* Favourite scenes include: Arthur's moment to shine, Miles and Iris in Blockbuster and the tent scene with the kids with an honourable mention for Mr Napkinhead 😂 It's my go-to movie whenever I'm sad because it's just so stupidly funny and adorable.
How The Grinch Stole Christmas. Jim Carrey. That's all I have to say. Honestly, I've seen this film a million times. I can quote it by heart and do so regularly much to my mums annoyance. The schedule scene is very me anytime I'm invited anywhere 😂 some favourite quotes "Am I just eating because I'm bored" "Hate, hate, hate. Hate, hate, hate. Double hate. LOATHE ENTIRELY!" "We're gonna die! I'm going to throw up, and then I'm gonna die!" "The insolence! The audacity! The unmitigated gall!" "Nice kid... bad judge of character" (absolutely me with my niblings) It's just the perfect remedy whenever I'm ill.
The Muppets Christmas Carol. I love all the adaptations but this one is my favourite. Me and my mum snuggle up every Christmas Eve and sing along. It reminds me of the magic of childhood Christmases and soothes something deep in my soul.
The Old Guard. This is the only adrenaliney one cos I have anxiety and I need chill shit if I watch a film but Joe & Nicky are my perfect Immortal Husbands and the tiny details of their relationship are all-encompassing and easily distract from all the murder and kidnap 😂
Mary Poppins. Do I need to say more than Julie Andrews? Dick Van Dyke. The outfits. The songs. Suffragettes. Tea parties on the ceiling. Dancing penguins. The merry-go-round horses. When I was a kid my mum used to foster so our house was always full of kids who needed someone to love them, make them feel safe and bring them some joy. That's probably why Poppins is one of my comfort characters, my mum was her.
Alice In Wonderland. Any of the adaptations. They're all brilliant. I do love the 1951 animation though mainly bc I adore the dormouse scene but becoming BFFs with a load of weird and wonderful creatures in a dreamstate is just *chefs kisses* Any scene with The Mad Hatter in any of the adaptations is my favourite but I am a sucker for the clean cup move down scene.
Sherlock Gnomes. I also love any Sherlock adaption but this one's just hysterical. Watson is just done™️. Sherlock and Juliet's squirrel disguise when sneaking through the park kills me every time. Moriarty as a pastry mascot and the fact he has dumb gargoyles as his assistants. Perfection really. Honestly, this film is just so fucking stupid you can't possibly feel sad when you watch it.
Monsters, Inc. bc it might've been like twenty years but I still want a Sully hug!! Also the pure beautiful hilarious chaos that is this film cracks me up. "Mike Wazowski", "Always watching" and "Put that thing back where it came from or so help me" are just killer lines. I absolutely adore The Abominable Snowman too he's just too sweet.
The Addams Family. Any of the films. All of the films. Gomez and Morticia are ultimate couple goals. They adore each other. Support their kids unconditionally. So kind and generous it often gets them in trouble. They're just perfect.
Red, White And Royal Blue. Last but not least, only because it's the newest. This film was amazing!! I adored the book and although the film is different I love that it's basically a 'what if' fanfic of itself. It was genuinely lovely to be able to watch a queer story and be able to relax with it!! Don't get me wrong I love how profound queer films can be but they either have me gripped in anxiety waiting for the shoe to drop or have me reaching for a comedian to brush away the deep-seated sadness. I felt so safe and yeah they have their ups and downs like every couple but I think I'd have felt the same safety with those characters even if I hadn't read the book first. 5* 10/10 highly recommend. Will be watching this on repeat for the foreseeable future.
Absolutely no pressure tags @mickalaem @flowercrowngods @auroraplume @estrellami-1 @i-less-than-three-you @mentallyundone @hbyrde36 @penny00dreadful @adhdsummer @writingfanficsfan 💖
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lavalamp-juice · 11 months
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Just got back from the theater, watched it with @that-coolllama and my mom :D 
This is all over the place but I'll try to keep it concise.
Let me start off things by saying I didn't have the biggest expectations from this movie. After watching it definitely exceeded my expectations and I highly recommend it! 
[ But TL;DR Plot Characters, and Comedy were awesome.  Couple of Scenes could have added stuff and  been a bit better. 8.5/10 ] 
Okay actual Review and Spoilers after the cut 👇
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Things I liked!:
-I really liked the scene where Carol and Monica were attracted to the light like moths. That was really cool ,they just couldn't stop themselves from getting closer and touching it, human nature.
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-Goose was so cute in the beginning!  SHE HAD BABIES which was fun. 27 I think. That scene that the kittens were eating all the ppl, hilarious.
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-Kamala's family was a nice touch and were supportive, but didn't get in the way. Which was great :D Their duologue was natural.
-The beginning with Kamala's drawings was so fun!
-THE SINGING PLANET AND THE FACT THAT SHES MARRIED AND HER DRESSS AHHHHHHHH CAPTAIN MARVEL IS A PRINCESS?? is this based off something in the Comics? I need to see that. That world is cool and super creative. The universe is vast! Costume And Dance coordinators  worked real hard you can tell! 
-FIGHT SCENES UGH THE FIGHT SCENES. They were really good and well coordinated. I thought it would  be confusing but it wasn't :O. Especially after the training montage 💪
-The 3 Marvel Gals had awesome chemistry! All the dialogue felt so natural between them.
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-Monica's Mom dying during the Blip is heartbreaking. Also seeing the background of the hospital in CHAOS was super interesting. I'm glad it is shown that  the Blip had an effect on  people's lives and not just. "a thing that happened oh well". Kinda reminds me of in Multiverese of Madness that guy tells Dr.Stange that his cat and brother died while he was blipped.
-The Skrull history is so heartbreaking. The Skrull REALLY can't catch a break huh :/ but it does create good world building & is interesting.
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Who this could include off the top of my head- 
The ones with stars are the ones who are already in the MCU
⭐ Iron Heart
⭐Shuri Black Panther 
✨Miles Morales (context- yt vid explaining prowler in MCU yt vid of Miles in the MCU
⭐ Hulk's Son
Squirrel Girl (okay she's in a commercial with Nick Fury, BUT THAT DONT COUNT 🐿️🐿️🐿️)
⭐ Peter Parker is still pretty young so he's included
⭐ America
⭐ Casey Lang
⭐ That lame girl from Secret Invasion 
Moon Girl! And she has history with the Kree so yee
The Girl and Boy Vision (tho I don't think that would work in the MCU but who knows. Wanda is obviously alive and idk Visons could have backups or smth like that)
-The way the Kree Leader Villain just... disintegrated was crazy. Speaking of her, she was a pretty alright antagonist. I wouldn't go as far as to say that she was a villain since she was doing all this for a pretty good reason. Not that what she was doing was right, but from her perspective I understood where she was coming from.
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Things I didn't like/could have used touch up: 
-The Special Effects were actual great and I didn't see any problem with it! except the scene where Monica and Kamala are falling in the sky. Other than that they were good throughout!
-Carol - "I caused a Civil War, the decay of a planet,  and the Skrull their Home"
Monica- " It's okay, we're family" 
LIKE GIRL NO IT IS NOT. okay actually I forgot why the AI was bad so maybe it was worth it but still ;-; 
-Out of all the sacrifices that one was a bitttt anti climactic. I think maybe the scene just suffered from being too short. Kamala and Carol should have been shown to react more. Still, was a pretty good sacrifice </3
-Definitely could have been longer. my brother mentioned how the ending kinda feels like a much of cut scenes just Frankenstein-ed together. And yeah and does kinda feel that way.
-Some things I would have loved to see- 
Another scene of Goose and her kittens would have been nice.
On the singing planet Carol was like " we need new clothes" and the Prince is like "k" and they just show up with new clothes? Like we didn't see them react to it or anything -_-. C'mon Kamala loving her boots would be such an easy comic book callback.
Kamala calling Bruno and Nakia. Like they were not mentioned once! T_T KAMALA YOU CAN'T FORGET WHERE U CAME FROM.
This may be that I haven't seen ALL the MCU stuff but where did the Skull go? If they have a home now are there Skull on Earth. WHY WASN'T ANYTHING FROM SECRET INVASION MENTIONED.
-That X-Men End Scene. .... uh ... very interesting to say the least. I have not consumed ANY X-Men content but like to have them in a different timeline than the main MCU is a lil lame, but go off. Idk I'd like to hear the thoughts of anyone who has seen X-Men content.
Overall, I think the comedy, characters, & world building all fit perfectly. 
A 8.5/10 movie for me. Can't wait to rewatch it!!!!!
:D Thanks for reading! <3
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i actually love being trans.
this is kind of a weird thought process but i was watching this video from noahfinnce
and in it he talks about the notion of shame around coming out and being branded as trans, and this is just my opinion, and my experiences.
but i really do just love being trans, and being queer.
like i have also struggled with being branded as "the" trans guy and "that" gay group, at my old school. but honestly after 1. moving schools to a mixed gender school and 2. moving away from my old friends and finding people that are like, yeah you're queer, and we love you for that, but that's not the only thing about you.
but now i don't really mind it. i know i'm trans and i know i'm very deeply queer. and a big thing is that i know that my complications with gender and pronouns and presenting is directly linked to my neurodivergency and other mental health issues, and i know that if i was born amab or intersex that i would still be very deeply trans and have a very queer relationship with my gender.
and stuff that i create is also very linked with my queerness. my writing and my filmmaking is very queer, and while it isn't a focal point, the focal point is the fact that i know i have those skills and i am making art, art that just so happens to be queer in terms of content.
and the way i present, i wouldn't say that it is "art", but i do put a lot of effort into how i present, and i think a lot about the details of how i present, in terms of outfits and makeup. i do present very "femininely", sometimes cause just in my head it is very funny, but also cause it makes me feel good about myself, and the days that i feel the best about myself are when i look at myself in the mirror and i just think i look queer.
and with that i do think that signaling can be very important. like when i had just come out and i felt like absolute shit, it was so important to me to see other queer people, whether in physical spaces or online spaces. just seeing like a pride flag or doc martens with rainbow laces or pronoun pins made my day about two years ago.
but now i am kind of just constantly in queer spaces, and i think i've grown so much in terms of my relationship with myself and my confidence and my queerness. a year ago i probably would've cried if someone queer called me a fag, or if someone was "too casual" in terms of their identity. but now i'm in a deeply queerplatonic relationship with my two closest friends, in the way that we kiss and cuddle all the time, and we are okay making jokes about having mad gay sex.
and i have genuinely never been happier.
i've been at my current school for a year and i love it. it's an art school and it's such a good place for queer and neurodivergent kids, and the community there is fucking fantastic. i got so worried about going into the male bathrooms when i had to get changed, but i was really worried for just no reason, and when this cis guy who just looks like he'll be the one to bully trans kids just walks in, doesn't even blink, and just starts talking to me about a film project we're working on.
and another thing is i have started getting better seriously, in terms of mental health, i started on anxiety meds and antidepressants a few months ago and it's helped so much. old friends used to worry me about becoming medicated for something that at that point of my life i was still in denial about having, but i genuinely feel great.
but on the flip side i do still have dysphoria, and i still worry that i'm "faking" being trans. i can't look at my chest, i still have to have showers staring at the ceiling. and i always worry about having my period again, cause i've been on hormone blockers for 2 years now, and i'm just switching my medications now. but two things that have helped me with dysphoria and that imposter syndrome have been that i need to remind myself that what ever i feel is mine, no one else can dictate what's going on with me, and the second thing is that i shouldn't have to live up to anyone's expectations of what a man is, or what a trans guy is, or what medical treatment i should be getting.
and i've had so many issues with feeling fat and that seeming like i'm not "masc" enough, or having issues with exercising and just feeling like shit cause people perceive me in that way. but genuinely, fuck them, fuck anyone who thinks that. i'm not at a stage where i'm completely okay with my body and myself, but i am at a stage where i know that it is mine to be okay with, and my gender to decide and my presentation to design.
anyway, this was a kind of long rant, but i just love being queer, and i love being trans, and while i obviously don't want to be known as "that" trans guy in any context, my relationship with my gender and my sexuality will always be a part of who i am and i love that.
(also i hope this comes across, but this is absolutely not a hate thing on noah, i love his content and i love his music, it's just he has a different perspective on gender and identity and that got me thinking about all this stuff)
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theoogtree · 4 months
i think one of my best talents is that
i'm not going to let this battle be dictated by facts i'm rich i've got fat stacks and super pacs we all know what went down in that 2008 election you're a decent politician with a winning complexion you're all barack and no bite been no change and we're all still hoping that you'll shut your mouth but like guantanamo bay they're both open you're from the windy city where you're looking pretty but come january you'll be left evicted and with no job raw rhymes stronger than my jawline when i spit a phrase knocking you harder than front doors in my old mission days you see this silver spoon this dug mass out of debt took you four years to drop unemployment down below 8% you feel that barry you're old news everyone's having doubts and your rhymes are as weak as this economy that you've done nothing about call me a vicious businessman cuz romney's stealing this race i'll go bain capital on your donkey ass restructure your face
they say your father was a great man you must be what's left need to stop hating on gays let them teach you how to dress you got the mama jeans and a mr fantastic face so rich and white it's like i'm running against a cheesecake republicans need a puppet and you fit got their hands so far up your rear call you mitt i'm the head of state you're like a head of cabbage bout to get smacked by my stimulus package haha you're a bad man with no chance you can't even touch me i got four more years two terms and the white house just trust me i hope you saved your best rhymes for the second half because right now i'm 47% through kicking your ass
whatever that 47% thing got you real mad what did it remind you how many decent parents you had
look i respect all religions but it might get hrazy if the white house has a first second and a third lady
ha don't bring up wives man what are you doing you got hitched to the female version of patrick ewing
let me be clear don't get it twisted we'll see how pretty your face is after my fist is kissed it
you're a stuttering communist
oh yeah well you're a loser
you're a loser
nuh uh
by the power invested in me by this giant bald bird the president shall not be the shiniest of two turds you i want to like you don't talk about change just do it i fought for it was on my brain until a bullet went through it and you money bags you're a pancake you'r foot 're flip floppity it's a country not a company you can play like monopoly i will properly reach across the aisle and bitch slap you as equals of the people by the people for the people eagle
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