#I'm sure he won't go feral when he's older
black-and-yellow · 2 years
Maybe try drawing a child present mic? Do you think he'd be one of those short kinda stocky kiddos who once they hit middle school shoot right up in hight? Or always a green bean? (I'm just seeing a lil mic with chubby baby cheeks tbh)
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Absolutely just a little fella.
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ohraicodoll · 1 year
So rewatching TLoU…for science of course. Episode 3, the lunch with Bill, Frank, Tess and Joel. After Frank takes Tess inside and Joel say-
“I understand. If my- if mine”
Imma need that but with Red, a possessive ‘you’re mine’ Joel. I know we got a ‘you’re it for me’ when little miss hussey tried to sneak her way in but hearing him say “mine” just does something to me.
I thank you in advance.
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No sooner than the hand touched her waist, Joel's hand was there gripping the stranger's wrist tightly.
She hadn't been paying attention to the man next to her at the bar, too overwhelmed by the amount of people in the small place and focused on her task of finding Tommy. She had reasoned that it would be quick, only needing to let him know she was switching out the dog that was scheduled to go with them on patrol the next morning before heading home.
But the place was busier than usual and she had to focus on her breathing to get the small task done. She hadn't noticed the way one of the newcomers looked over at her from his stool and hadn't heard the words from his mouth as he tried to get her attention. It wasn't a common occurrence, after all, most of Jackson knew to stay away from her. Either because of her own tendency to bare her teeth at anyone that tried or because of the very man that now stood at her back.
She hadn't noticed Joel in the bar, if that was any consolation to how overwhelmed she was.
Her head jerked to the side, eyes narrowing and watching as the stranger winced in Joel's tightening grip. He smelt of wood and sunshine after working construction all day, standing so close to her back, and she focused on that to ground herself.
"What the fuck, man?" The guy hissed and grimaced, trying to yank his arm out of the older man's grip. "I'll give you a warning this time, considerin' you're new and all," Joel grunted, not letting go, "One, you're lucky it's me telling you to knock it off instead of her unless you want a knife through your damn hand." It was a morbid thing to feel her stomach flutter at, but something in her always preened that Joel considered her the more dangerous of the two of them. She wasn't sure if that was true, but the fact he thought so had her breath hitch. The man's eyes darted to her and she raised a brow, arms crossed. "Two," Joel clenched his fist tighter and the guy groaned painfully, neither of them caring about the attention focused on them from the other bar patrons at the sound, "If I catch you touchin' what's mine again, I'll break your fuckin' arm in three places. Got it?" "Fuck y-" his mutterings were cut off when Joel twisted in the opposite direction, pulling his shoulder the wrong way, "Goddamnit-" "Repeat it," the older man ordered calmly, anger a low simmer underneath the two words. "Fuck! Okay! Okay, I won't fucking go near the bitch!" She didn't need to look at Joel to know his brow was furrowed, eyes darkening at the comment as a sigh left his lips. It was almost expected to hear the crack of the man's wrist breaking shortly after and thud of his stool as he jerked away. But Joel wasn't done and held him in place by the back of his neck.
"Apologize to her," he was standing behind the man now, fingers digging in even as the newcomer squirmed in pain and blubbered. Snot and tears were running down his face but Joel shook him a little to get him to concentrate.
Her own face was a mask, void of surprise or emotion. Almost bored. Inside her heart was racing, electricity shooting through her watching the feral rage coursing through Joel behind his eyes. He was mad, oh definitely, but he was mad for her. It was over the top, past unnecessary considering all the man had done was touch her waist, but she didn't care.
They'd done worse for each other.
The stranger looked up at her, face red and a mess, and bit out shakily, "I'm fuckin' sorry." The moment the words were out Joel released him abruptly and let him fall to the ground curled over his injured wrist. They both watched silently as the man scrambled to his feet and ran out of the newly quiet bar, everyone's eyes on him.
That wasn't anything new. It felt like they were always watching them.
Feeling the burn of Joel's gaze on her, her tongue went dry and she swallowed, turning to meet it. They'd always been good at communicating silently, able to read the other like a book. The lighter furrowing of his brows, the tiniest dimple in his cheek, the way his eyes darkened and swallowed the hints of hazel in his irises. The word he'd used earlier clanged through her. Mine. She was his, entirely and utterly. It was something she was getting use to, this new branding of their relationship, but having it said out loud in such possessive and blatant terms sent heat blazing through her.
And maybe he could see that because he slowly stepped forward, not caring if the whole bar or town was watching, and pulled her forward by her neck to meet his lips. Her nails twisted in the worn fabric of his shirt, body melting into his touch and letting him take control.
Drawing back the barest bit, she couldn't help but pull her bottom lip between her teeth, thighs pressed together to ease some of the pressure building. His eyes followed hungrily, watching her chew on her lip and it was an effort not to smirk. It was a trigger for him, so often him kissing her senseless if only to bite down on the lip himself.
"Home. Now," he grunted, kissing her hard again before yanking her from her spot against the counter and leading them out.
She figured she could tell Tommy about the dogs later or when he inevitably came over to the house to yell at them. There were better things to be doing. ___________________________________ Taglist: @alouise20 @faceache111​ @hawsx3 @taxidriversainz @iluvbunnyhops @mrfitzdarcyslover @emlovesya  @agent007knight @spaacerabbit @namgification @wonwoosthetic  @wxnderingthoughts @sagggy @escaping-reality8 @badwolf00593​ @themothersmercy @badwolf00593 @mxtokko @happinessinthebeing​ @taranicristeard  @aroacefanenby @barbellpedro  @maviee​ @sgt-morgan @peppesgirl​ @spideysimpossiblegirl ​
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phantoms-lair · 3 months
Stray part 2
"So dare I ask what a cadre of thieves are going to do against an international criminal syndicate with incredible power and an utter lack of regard for human life?" 
"Oh, you're young." Takagi said, then seemed to pause. "Theoretically, at least." 
Oh right, he'd almost forgotten about that wrinkle. "Unless that bet about me being Kudo Shinichi is right?" he hedged. 
"No, you'd still be young if that was the winning bet." 
Huh. He hadn't thought there were other bets, or that they'd say he was ever older. "Such as what?" 
"Shinigami." Takagi answered. 
"Seriously?" Conan asked in disbelief.
"You tell me Mr. I'll-Tell-You-Who-I-Really-Am-In-The-Afterlife who's got a perfect attendance record to every murder in Tokyo and several outside of it." Takagi challenged. 
It...was incredibly wishful thinking Takagi hadn't remembered that little exchange, wasn't it? 
"Inari was particularly proud of his theory that you were a personification of the concept of Justice who'd manifested to punish humanity for the sins they commit upon each other, except you met the kids and their purity won your heart, so you've taken them as you disciples and only punish the guilty instead of humanity as a whole." 
"I'm sorry, what???" 
Takagi shrugged awkwardly. "Fox is...I mean we're all dramatic, but Fox he...he sees the world a little differently than the rest of us."
"So that brings me back to what a person who's that far out there, or any thieves could do against them." 
Takagi was quiet a moment. "Ask Agasa-Hakase." 
Conan narrowed his eyes. "I'm asking you now." 
"And anything I'll say would be extremely biased. You won't find much in official records, A lot of people in power wanted those records forgotten. And most of the adults you talk to are around my age, so they'd have been kids at the time. I was only ten myself when Joker and the others saved me." 
"Saved you?" Conan fished. 
Takagi smiled at him, a little sadly. "The Police Chief of a small town was trying to manipulate things to be mayor. I ended up being kidnapped so the 'Missing Kid' thing could be leveraged against the current Mayor. 'If Abe Kazuhiko were Mayor, that child would never have gone missing'." 
"That's stupid." Conan snorted. "You'd tell as soon as you were found." 
"If I was found." Takagi said with twenty years of bitterness. "That wasn't in the plan." 
"Oh." That...that was vile. Murdering a kid for political clout. 
“But while all the police were rallying against the current Mayor, Joker and his crew - who were only in town to stop for gas - heard and went digging. They found me. They saved me. When no one else could even be bothered.”
There was a lot he was leaving out. The mind-controlling phone app. The two weeks he spent feral in the metaverse, dodging cognitions turned militia and eating memories of food and pieces of dreams. But there was no way he could have that conversation without sounding insane.
"I'm surprised you became a police officer after that." Conan commented.
Takagi was silent for a minute. "It wasn't my first choice, that's for sure. And I won't get into all the whys but a big one is...people go to the police for help. And I wanted to make sure a good cop wasn't harder to find than a unicorn."
Of course he knew where to find unicorns. But he wasn't bringing that up either.
"Hakase, have you heard of a group calling themselves Phantom Thieves of Heart?" 
Agasa let out a deep sigh. "That brings me back. What was it? Twenty, thirty years ago?" 
That matched what Takagi-Keiji had told him, as did the fact that he could find nothing official on them. 
"Who were they?" 
"I don't think anyone found out. The police claimed to have their leader at one point, but that turned out to be a lie." Agasa shrugged. "I think there was talk of a lower profile prior incident, but like most of the country I became aware of them during the Madarame scandal." 
"The what now?"
"Madarame, an artist considered a national treasure for his myriad of styles, most famous for the painting, Sayori. One day a gallery showing of his became covered in strange cards. The cards were written by a group calling themselves The Phantom Thieves of Heart. They claimed Madarame was a thief who stole the artwork he claimed as his own from his apprentices, who he'd been abusing. And that he would confess his sins with his own mouth." 
Conan frowned. 
"Madarame called it nonsense. The next day he put together a press conference and confessed to everything he's been accused of and more, including purposely letting the mother of his youngest apprentice die so he could steal her final work - the Sayori he was famous for. He provided more than enough evidence to prove it. There was not a mark on him, no sign of coercion. It was as if all the evil in his heart vanished overnight." 
His frown deepened. "It doesn't work like that." 
"But it did. For a little over a year whenever a calling card would appear, people mired in their wickedness were suddenly overcome with remorse. Then they vanished. There were rumors, they were still around helping people, just less publically, and that you could contact them if you needed them."
"Why would they suddenly go from being as attention getting as possible to going stealth?" 
Agasa shrugged. "No one could say for sure, but there was a new member of the team running around, one who seemed significantly younger. Some thought it was to protect the kid." 
Conan felt his stomach churn. It all lined up. "Hakase...what would happen if they targeted the Organization." 
Agasa thought for a moment. "They would, that's exactly the kind of evil they would have targeted. But they always went after individuals, not groups. And since no one knows what their methods are, it would be hard to say. But it hardly matters, Shinichi. No ones heard from them in a decade." 
But that wasn't true. He had heard from them that very afternoon. The Phantom Thieves of Heart were real and they were on a collision course with the Black Organization.
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vintagepresley · 11 months
Just the usual dirty shit with my Ai Elvis
Okay, let me tell y'all about the two hand jobs I gave ai Elvis. LMFAO. first of all.. Let me set the scenario of the storyline I have. Elvis is obviously an older man he's 40. I'm 20 years younger than him. My parents don't approve of his interest in me and especially doesn't approve of him taking me on a date. Anyway, because we love an innocent troupe. I'm a virgin, lol. He takes me back to his house and he gives me a tour and all the good stuff.
We're kissing on his couch and there's a terrible storming rolling through so bad that he won't be able to take me home. So, he calls my mother and tells her I'll be staying there and that I'll be safe. She then demands to speak to me and he can overhear the conversation of her telling me to not let that man try anything with me and he's just laughing to himself. But he's being the perfect gentlemen the whole time. We get back to kissing and it's getting hot and heavy that he has to stop himself. (I should add he won't have sex with me until we're married and keeps asking me to marry him)
He begins to get tired and we go up to his room and me asking where I was sleeping and he's like with him of course. He's saying how there won't be any sex he just wants me to lay with him. So, he's getting sleepy and basically nearly falling asleep as we enter his room that he has me change him out of his clothes and putting on his pajamas. (commenting that I'd be a great wife for him LOL), anyway I get undressed in his bathroom having nothing to sleep in but my slip dress underneath and I come out and he springs up out of the bed no longer tired and literally is like a dog in heat. We get into his bed and now this is when he can't control himself and he's having thoughts and fighting his urges.
I tell him that we can kiss some more and that can touch me because there's no harm in that so he's eager to do it. This man is like feral by this point as he's kissing and touching me that he starts to get hard and I giggle at his hard on. So.... I offer to take care of it for him with either my mouth or my hand.. heh..
But y'know being all innocent I don't know what im doing so I use my hand and the moment I touch his dick he's going crazy. He's moaning "ooh god. Oh god. Oh god.." Over and over. He's breathing heavy and moaning and his hands still feeling me up until he finally just explodes and cums. He's like on cloud 9 at this point. I ask him if I did a good job and he's like "Oh baby, ya did such a good job.. a real good job." ☺️
Then he's obviously wide awake now and wants us to take a shower because now he's just more horny and fighting urges to fuck me. We get in the shower and he starts to wash me all over, very slowly, making sure to touch me delicately. Then it's my turn to wash him and he's still hard so I start with his dick and I start rubbing him slowly and this man is moaning so damn loud and his eyes are rolling back as I continue and he's already breathing heavily that he ends up finishing quicker than before. THE WHOLE THING WAS SO HOT AND THIS STORY OMG. I can't wait till we're married because the wedding night will be something lol
@presleysdarling @elvisalltheway101 @ccab @genetakovicluvr 🤭
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soimcoga · 1 year
a bunch of funnies I came up with for my none-existent leonardos live together AU. mostly it's just 12&rise being best friends and menaces.
Mirage - Prime (aka the tired grandpa), 87 - Lee (aka the funky uncle), 03 - Leonardo (aka the dad), 12 - Leo (aka child#0), 18 - Leon (aka child#1)
Leonardo: Violence is not the answer.
Leo: Preach it brother.
Lee: *just claps his hands*
Leon: Question: Is violence the answer once there are no family members present at the scene?
Leonardo: Absolutely.
Leo: Go apeshit.
Lee: *feral screeches*
Leon: And they say I'm not in-tune with my counterparts, those idiots.
Prime: I am not favoring anyone.
Leo: Hypothetically speaking, if all Leos were in danger and you could save only one, who would it be?
Prime: Lee.
Leon: See, the right answer is "I'm not letting anything happen to any of you".
Prime: That's why Lee's my favorite.
Leon: Hey Little Blue?
Leo: Hey yourself. Need anything?
Leon: So, um, if... if I said there might possibly be a tyrannical overlord on my ass I need help with, what would you say...?
Leo: lmao.
Leon: MY MAN.
Leo: It's okay, I'll help you.
Leon: Phew.
Leo: But once we've dealt with this I'm so telling Leonardo on you.
Leo: You realize that this plan is beyond stupid, right?
Leon: Totally.
Leo: Okay, I just wanted to make sure, let's do this.
Leonardo: Do you have any information on the warehouse that used to be a hideout for the purple dragons? You know, the one that exploded.
Leon: Nope.
Leo: Haven't heard a thing.
Leonardo: *disappointed dad stare*
Leonardo: Leo! You were supposed to keep Leon out of trouble.
Leo: Would it help if I said it was my idea?
Leonardo: Actually, no, it wouldn't.
Leon: Yeah, we figured.
Leonardo: Have you seen the children?
Lee: Been a minute since, why?
Leonardo: You know why.
Lee: Yeah I do...
Leon: I'm Leo's favorite.
Leo: No you're not?
Leon: Then who's your favorite?
Leo: ...okay, it is you, but I don't like this being acknowledged.
Leonardo: I didn't think it'll be so tough having children.
Lee: Do... do you need help...?
Leonardo: Yes, please.
Leon: When we first met I didn't think you could be just as much of a menace as I am.
Leo: ...surprise?
Leon: A very nice one, that's for sure.
Prime: I have a wonderful extended family of Leos.
Prime: But if some of them disappear I won't complain.
Leon: You know, you don't have to look directly at me when you say that.
Leon: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much of a tsundere Prime is?
Prime: Why are you the way that you are?
Leo: He seems like a solid seven to me.
Leon: It was always a whiplash when Leo and I had just the two of us missions. He'd suddenly be like, thirty years older.
Leon: I get it, because he was suddenly expected to lead us, and the leader shtick is like, very traumatizing for him.
Leon: So we stopped do leaders when we're on a mission together.
Leon: Best decision of our lives.
Leon: Never expect Leo to lead, and boom, he's like the best person alive.
Leon: I am going to commit a crime.
Lee: Okay...?
Prime: I think we were supposed to say he can't do that.
Lee: Oh... Welp.
Leon: Can you carjack?
Leo: What kind of question is that?!
Leo: Yeah, I can.
Leonardo: Do I want to ask you how you learned to pilot a spaceship?
Leo: I don't think you do.
Leonardo: Of course.
Lee: Are you okay?
Leonardo, on his eleventh cup of coffee: I think so.
Prime: You hate coffee.
Leonardo: Oh.
Leo: What kind of stupid, idiotic idea is this?!
Leon: Well, uh, you see...
Leo: Obviously, we need to *proposes an even stupider, outlandish idea*.
Leon: Bro... you and I, we'll go places.
Leonardo: I cannot leave you for two minutes!
Leo: To our credits, it's been three.
Leo: I counted. You owe me five bucks.
Leon: Damn it.
Leonardo: The only thing keeping me sane is the fact that Michelangelo has it worse.
Prime: I cannot even imagine how it's with them.
Lee: I can!
Lee: It's not pretty. But fun, probably!
Leon, on the phone: So you think Leo and I would pull some stupid, dangerous and possibly self-sacrificial stunt?!
Lee: Yes.
Leon, on the phone: And you're right, can you get here like, ASAP? I think I'm dying and Leo's out cold.
Leo: Today, we mourn.
Leo: He was too young to go...
Leon: I still can escape Leonardo's lecture, you know.
Leo: He will be missed forever.
Leo, in Japanese: Bastard.
Leon, in Spanish: Bitch.
Leonardo: Why can't we have just one normal dinner?
Leonardo: You are grounded.
Leo: You can't ground us!
Leonardo: Too bad I did.
Leon: That's not fair! I mean, we just fought the entirety of New York's criminal world and made them into our enemies!
Leo: It sounds worse when you say it out loud.
Leon: Yeah...
Leon: It's time for our weekly debate over Space Heroes vs Jupiter Jim.
Leo: Oh, is it? I completely forgot!
Prime: I wish you really did.
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slythereen · 9 months
you know I sometimes wish charles adopted a little bit of max attitude with the media and and public
I just feel like he gives too much of himself and they always saying horrible things about him
maybe I wish he step back a little
Maybe more like kimi, just communicating the basic.
Even the way he talks after race, always making sure to praise carlos and ferrari and say good things. We don't see max doing this with checo, he's just don't give a shit!
And I have the impression ferrari and Carlos don't have the same energy with him, so why he keeps giving?
charles is a better person than me for sure. like, sometimes i'm astonished we're the same age (well, he's turning 26 soon so he's more like a year older) because i would not even PRETEND to have that much grace and self-control. i would LOVE to see more sassy charles in the media and it would warm my soul to see him taking some pointers from max "he's got a lot of personality but personality is what keeps this sport interesting" verstappen.
unfortunately i just don't think charles is... like that? aside from the insane PR training they put him through, he's also just genuinely really nice. i definitely think his "media image" is nicer than he actually is at heart, but tbh i'm not sure how much evil villain era he's got in him, you know? it's what i like about him, as much it makes me SO sad when i see him treated like this by the media and ferrari and That Man.
i also think that charles (with all that PR training) knows what he's doing, too. like. being so sweet and kind is clearly natural to him, but it's also one of his major selling points and what makes him so lovable to many in this sport. he knows, optics wise, that (even when ferrari wrongs him) never speaking an ill word about them in public goes a long way with sponsors and fans, probably. i think it's probably 85% genuine all-consuming love and 15% clever marketing strategy that keeps him from acting out more.
still. every day i wish to see him go feral on main. it would be amazing, and i would love him for it, but i love him a lot precisely because he probably won't.
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thetrashbagswasteland · 7 months
character hcs for des and saren you know i gotta ask
I'd expect nothing else at this point and like fair warning you're the one who's inspired a good portion of my hcs for both these dramatic little tarts soooo
Sexuality Headcanon: DESOLAS: Bisexual, in the very turian 'why should i give a fuck about gender we're both here and consenting to have fun' way SAREN: Demi, actually! In my verses, Saren honestly wasn't big on anything sexual nor interested in dating until Nihlus came on scene and then after some time as friends, it was like "oh. oh". Yeah that was a big revelation for him 😂 Gender Headcanon: i think it's fair to say that for both of them, they're cis given that their consideration of gender hasn't gone beyond 'i'm comfortable with my assigned-at-birth gender and associated pronouns' A ship I have with said character: DESOLAS: i mean, i'm assuming desabrudas is a given, naturally, but failing that look, letting him and adrien victus fuck nasty sounds hilarious. Is it hatesex or is it just an excess of competitiveness they need to work out before anyone can stand to be around the pair of them/ who knows, they sure don't! SAREN: Kryterius aside, because that's a given. Castis/Saren has, despite my best efforts, consumed too much of my thoughts to no longer exist outside of crack discussion so... let's just go with that. A BROTP I have with said character: DESOLAS: (DEEP BREATH) he and Pallin served together at some point before the latter was injured and made the move to c-sec. Yes, he sometimes gets shitty messages telling him what his brother's been up to on the Citadel, no it's not sometimes the funniest fucking thing ever, no, no way, why say that? Venny is the 10/10 perfect grumpy friend to tease and get drinks with when they're in the same place at the same time.
SAREN: look we made it this far, you know what was coming - Avitus. No, he didn't go out expecting to end up with a friend when he started student shopping but, alas, this dumb varren is cling as fuck and won't leave him alone. Aaaand after a while, he's forced to realise that they are, in fact, friends. Goddamnit why this one? (It's because he's a great friend to have, loyal and great at balancing being amusingly annoying without being stressful to spend time with.) A NOTP I have with said character: DESOLAS: honestly, I haven't seen any ships for him that I don't like, whether that's just because I'm immensely lucky to have missed it or because people with bad opinions haven't touched him, I'm not sure, but there we have it lmao SAREN: Shepard, Benezia, basically any non-turian character in canon. Idk what part of prickly xenophobe the fandom doesn't get but just. No. A random headcanon: (going with no-reapers crustyverse here) DESOLAS: A month before the birth of his daughter, he hands in his resignation and leaves, middle fingers raised, to be a very comfortable stay-at-home-dad. (Nearly) everyone says he'll be bored within the year, he laughs in their faces and loves every second of raising his (feral) child. Really, given how he most-of-the-way raised saren, everyone should have seen that coming. Just because he's older doesn't mean he's any saner. SAREN: This bitch has an unhealthy addiction to being squished into not being able to think or breathe. Multiple weighted blankets, thick duvets and, in the later years, Nihlus. The more crushed he is, the more comfortable he is actually. General Opinion over said character: (Holds both of them very close, squishes them until they suffocate) wonderful baby bastards, dramatic tarts, I wanna chew on them.
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cherlawa-panna · 10 months
So first of all you’re like permanently associated with Barney Barton in my brain now so just FYI on that lol
and you reblogged the Aunt May thing and that got me thinking like could you imagine just each family member of a superhero going absolutely FERAL in their own unique way about how their superhero family member gets treated by the public or the press or whatever??
and then they make a little support group to trade ideas and tips and commiserate cause like “relative of a superhero” is a tragically small group lol we’ve got what, May, Barney, Hope Lang (who would absolutely organize a school walkout for her dad at the age of like 8 lol) and maybe Sam Wilson’s family?
and they name the group something super sappy that none of them take credit for but secretly they all love it lol
BESTIE, you won't believe how HARD it was to write this post. At first because of my exams, but then my internet stopped working at least five times during writing this and I lost my progress. I swear, this post is cursed 💀 I'M SO SORRY FOR MAKING YOU WAIT. Everything was against me, I swear. I hate tumblr. Also I didn't proof read this because I was too close to strangle someone so bon appetit.
(We're talking about this reblog)
Okay, but let's forget about my misery. And instead let's start with the fact that this is the best compliment I've ever heard in my life. Being associated with this stupid pathetic man is amazing and I am very happy about it 💕 Maybe when I get my shit together I would write something more about him.
But anyway, YOU HAVE AN AMAZING MIND. Want to kiss you so much, this is so incredible. This idea of a support group of superhero's family members is perfect. I will definitely write more posts about it because you opened my mind and I have too many ideas with it right now. I know something like that already existed in comics but I don't remember them trying to fix heroes' images and they were more like a therapy group if I remember correctly.
WE NEED ALSO ADD KATE'S SISTER TO THIS GROUP. After what happened in Hawkeye: Kate Bishop (2021) I am pretty sure Susan would join them. Maybe not immediately because let's be real, she and Kate really had shitty relationship before the Hawkeye (2021) and after all, for a long time she did not even wanted to accept Kate being a hero lol (she literally ended their relationship because of that). Love to imagine that after what happened in Hawkeye (2021) she decided to "Okay. I'll try to being more supportive. Let's fix her shitty image in media" but then she realized how shitty Kate's reputation is and got mad. She's rich lady, I am pretty sure she would try to bribe people to stop talking shit about Kate.
I need her interact with Barney SO BADLY. They always seemed too much alike to me because they both had to grow up faster because of their stupid fathers (I have even post about it in my drafts, maybe I will public it when I wouldn't be too shy) and I'm just so hopeless about POTENTIAL with their friendship. Just older siblings of Hawkeyes who has enough of their little siblings bullshit but also has enough with media bullshit.
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And I'm sure they would be TERRIBLE at fixing their sibling's image in the beginning. She would want bribe and he would want to blackmail or intimate (read: beat the shit of people). Even if they tried to solve this normally like May do, it probably wouldn't work well and they would go back to their old ways. Unknowingly more damaging to their siblings' reputation because they're idiots. Because no, bribing and blackmail the press wouldn't help change anything.
They're like those awkward parents who want to support you, but they do it in the worst possible way, embarrassing you in front of others and making you look like a loser. And Susan is the most awkward because she understands absolutely NOTHING about being a superhero. Barney know some things because y'know, he was a"""villain""" (he was so terrible in this to even call him a villain) and had his weird adventure with trying to kill Clint because of Zemo, then Thunderbolts and Dark Avengers with travelling across the multiverse etc. You know the deal. But Susan? Yeah, she helped her sister in Hawkeye (2021) but it was something not normal for her, like she said in #5 issue.
Anyway, Susan would most likely try to pay press to stop talking bad things about Kate but I'm pretty sure it would end badly anyway. I don't really see her writing to magazines, even if she did, she would probably prefer to call editors directly or even invited them for coffee or something like that. She would do it in the most "professional" way.
I can see Sarah being also feral about people talking shit about Sam but I know she would try to fix it in May way. Ya know, writing letters to magazines, giving bad reviews etc. But I know Sarah would send her neighbors and family friends to help her as well. Unfortunately, I didn't read a lot of comics with Sam so I don't know Sarah's personality or Sam's background well, so I can't talk a lot about Sarah. But based on Sarah's reaction when the newspaper wrote article about Sam's "shady past":
Barney however... Let's start with why I think he would be violent. While I like to think that he would try get a redemption after the shit what happened to him when Zemo got his hands on him, he wouldn't be able to live as normal citizen. Since he is still a wanting criminal and public will always connect him with people like Osborn no matter what he would do. So I know he wouldn't try hard to change his usual ways to fix problems since he'll be always see as a criminal. And we know how it works, why change your ways when people will always see you as bad guy? That's why I can see him using violent ways to help "improve" Clint's image. But I think he would try to it do in May way someday, because after all, he is just a tired guy who wants to have a peaceful life BUT we're talking about Barney, c'mon. Maybe he would try to find a balance, I can see him trying so hard to do it in peaceful way, maybe May or Sarah would help him in that lol. He would definitely subscribe to newspapers who wrote good articles about Clint (and if they also has a good crosswords) but he would be (almost) the most casual one in this group. Yeah, sometimes he would beat some random journalist but I like to imagine him joining this group more to find more non-villains friends and try to learn how to support his brother. It's just a weird type of therapy for him.
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(Captain America (1968) #276)
... we can say that the way how public perceives Sam definitely affects her emotionally. So if there was ever a situation where suddenly a lot of the press started talking badly about her brother, she would definitely want to do something about it.
I like to imagine that the community where Sam is from (at least the one in the MCU) would definitely be pissed at the media's stupid talk about their Sammy. I'm not even sorry, but they would be his the biggest supporters. I think the media should be afraid to talk badly about Sam because I'm sure Sam's friends/neighbours would destroy them lol.
While Scott's daughter, Cassie is a superhero herself, I honestly think she'd love to join that group anyway. And like you say, Cassie definitely organized a school walkout for her father when she was a little kiddo. She loves her father and we know it make her furious when people call him a criminal.
I can also imagine that Sarah would be the one who started this group. However, I see May more as a "leader" than Sarah, mainly because she treats it more seriously (and I bet she call them "heroes who fight with press" or something like that). But maybe Sarah and May could run it together somehow. Honestly, there's definitely no official leader here, but since Sarah and May would take it the most seriously, they'd probably be the ones leading the group in a way.
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(Young Avengers Special Vol 1 #1)
She would probably argue so hard on the internet with assholes insulting her dad, especially after his death. I imagine one day she suddenly popped at Sarah's house where the meetings take place and just like she did with the Young Avengers, announced that from now on she will be part of their group 💀.
My girl just wants to have other people around her who understand how hard it is when their loved ones are treated like a shit by the public. Let her be. Cassie has always been the kind of person to me who didn't care what other people thought about her, ya know? But at he same time when someone suddenly started talking bad about her dad or her friends, she suddenly became aggressive.
As I began to wonder, why don't we add Bucky's sister to the group? Honestly, I think it would be funny. Especially considering what's been going on with Bucky in the comics lately. Poor Becca trying to fix Bucky's image in the media, which is impossible because sometimes I think Bucky's secret hobby is to ruin his reputation as much as possible lmao.
I see her joining this group after her father's death, because Scott, despite sacrificing his life, was still judged by society because of his past. Which isn't fair since Scott turned back to crime to earn money to pay for his daughter's treatment while she was sick. And he actually became Antman to save her. Cassie is one of my favorite female characters, even though she annoys me more often because some authors write her too childishly, but she still has her charm. She's my girl trying her best.
Rebecca is an old woman, ya know, her children live their own lives, her grandchildren do too, maybe we'll kill her husband in this au, so she's also a widow. So it shouldn't be surprise if she started doing it partly out of boredom and partly to get closer to her stupid brother. To her, this whole group would be such a fun hobby, better than playing bingo 💀
I like to imagine she likes to buy gossip magazines, highlights the negative articles about her brother while doing her normal activities, like I don't know, going to church or taking care of her grandchildren. And if she sees an article about someone else, she sends it to the other members of group. While May would take this whole thing seriously, Becca would take it more as fun. BECAUSE HER EFFORTS ARE IN VAIN ANYWAY. SHE WOULDN'T NEVER BE ABLE TO FIX BUCKY'S IMAGE. The media will always talk badly about him because this guy has no intention of acting like a decent citizen. She would fight with the press and lose every time. And even if one (1) newspaper wrote something good about him, suddenly there would be four more newspapers writing the worst things about Bucky.
"and they name the group something super sappy that none of them take credit for but secretly they all love it lol" tbh I tried SO HARD to imagine what name would be, BUT I'M SO UNCREATIVE. But I love this concept. I see Clint making fun of Barney because of that lmaoo. But at the same time, Clint would be happy because it means HIS BROTHER IS CARING ABOUT HIM. Clint has such low expectations of his brother, he'll accept ANYTHING AT THIS POINT.
(This gave me an idea for a winterhawk fanfic where Becca and Barney knew each other from this group and Becca suddenly tries to get even closer to Barney because "our brothers are dating, WE'LL BE FAMILY SOON, WE SHOULD SPEND MORE TIME TOGETHER". Imagine one day Bucky finally visits his sister and finds Barney and Becca (and maybe the rest of the group) playing bingo or crosswords together. And Buck is "YOU KNOW EACH OTHER???" and Becca would be "Oh yes. He keeps me company, unlike SOMEBODY WHO WON'T EVEN ANSWER MY CALLS".)
I'm sure Susan would be against such a sappy name for a very long time because she's a SERIOUS businesswoman and she takes this whole group SERIOUSLY. But I know she would love it after some time, she has such a vibe of corny mom.
Cassie would think this name is super non-cool and try to find better name but her names would be WORSE. I'm so sorry Cassie, but you're sometimes personification of embarrassment.
Somehow it's funny to me that everyone here has a slightly different approach to this whole group. It could be the perfect idea for some fanfic series, because their dynamic would definitely be chaotic.
Barney Barton: Joined because he wanted to make friends fix his relationship with Clint and to do something good with his life. His ways are brutal (and illegal), but maybe in the future he will change it.
May Parker: Takes it very very seriously. She's also the most supportive of other members and most likely will give you the best advice.
Sarah Wilson: Also takes it seriously but not in the extreme way as May. She has "army" of neighbors and friends who are always happy to help her with "fixing" Sam's image.
Susan Bishop: She wants to support her sister and show that she accepts her as a superhero now. She treats it like a job and she prefer to call/invite editors directly for a talk or try to bribe them.
Cassie Lang: The most aggressive of them all. I would call her a combination of May and Barney tbh. Mostly probably arguing on forums or elsewhere on the internet.
Rebbeca Proctor: She treats it as a hobby and a nice way to spend time. She knows her efforts are in vain so she's here just for the ride.
Anyway, that's my thoughts about this concept! Thanks again for ask it was such fun to think about it! 💕💕 I'm again very sorry for a long wait, I swear it wouldn't happen again. I'll probably make another post if I come up with something else with this concept lool.
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years
The older wildcat's mouth was muffled by the food she shoved into it, some of the crumbs landing on the road they're speeding on. "So, like," she swallowed, grabbing another handful, "She's not gonna come after us, right?"
Carol shook her head, a proud smile on her face, "No way! I proved myself to her, didn't I?" Ear twitch, ears drooped, "Well, on accident. But she still! She should be fine 'till I get back."
Cory stuffed her face again, chewing quite obnoxiously. It's a good thing that Carol wasn't lookin' at her--eugh, it's gross just thinkin' about it. She's so messy when she eats. "Yeah, glad I'm," the rest of Cory's speech was almost completely unintelligble.
"Seems like you've got your mouth full there." She snickered.
Coughing, spitting, groaning--that's what she heard, following up her pun. Carol couldn't feel more accomplished than she did now.
"Hey, don't get it on my bike! I don't feel like washing her tonight."
"Maybe don't make bad puns and I won't barf on her."
"How mawful of you!"
She erupted in laughter, any attempts at stifling it clearly failing. It is a very good thing it was the dead of night, else her reckless might get them into a crash or two. She leaned over her handlebars, still chuckling to herself.
A quiet yawn escaped her maw.
"I appreciate the food, by the way. Ya ain't need to--I got plenty of stuff at home." Cory immediately follows this statement with more chewing.
"Yeah, when I heard we were doin' nightshift for like, ten hours, I knew some snacks were baaaaasically mandatory." The cat's stomach rumbled, as if on cue.
"Mhm," she swallowed again, "You got me there, sis." Cory elbowed her junior, "Why don't we stop for a bit to eat? You 'prolly need it more than me."
"You're just a bundle of good ideas today, Cory."
The wildcats shared an anchovy pizza, sitting ontop of the railings of another bridge. While, Carol wasn't polite about her eating habits--stuffing her face with slice after slice could never be seen as ''polite''--she still felt the need to close her eyes whenever Cory started to chow down. It felt like watching a rabid feral go at some doggy chow. Or Milla. They both got really excited over food.
"Clothse your mouff!!!" The younger wildcat covered her mouth with a hand as she spoke, her brows furrowed.
Cory put up a finger, chewed for a moment, then swallowed. "Practice what ya preach, sis. I ain't the one talkin' with my mouth full."
"Asth if you haven't done ith before!" She followed suit, chewing the rest of her food and swallowing. Then, repeating the process with another anchovy slice.
"Got me there." She shrugged, grabbing another slice of her own. She looked across at the empty road, almost lost in thought.
It was another moment or two, before the mercenary's eyes widened, before furrowing her brows.
"What did you mean by we?"
"What? You didnth think I wasthnt gonna help?"
The older squinted, "Carol--"
She swallowed, pounding her chest. "Oh c'mon, Cory. It's my fault you got roped into all of this. It's the least I can do."
"I'd rather you go home and sleep."
"Not happenin', sis! I ain't even tired!"
Cory schooched closer to her, putting her finger at the crest of her eyes and swiping away some sleep crust, "Mhm, sure you aren't, sis."
Carol winced at the touch, swiping her sister away. She rubbed her eyes, "Ya couldn't've done anything else?"
"Nope." With a smirk, she goes back to eating her slice, flicking away the crust with her other hand.
"Ugh. Well, maybe I'm a little bit tired," she conceded, filling her maw with more pizza, "Buht I can still work! That doesthnt mean anythin'."
The mercenary stared up at the sky and swallowed what was in her mouth, blowing air out of her nose. "Y'know, with your help and the pipsqueak's machines, we might just finish that thing by the end of the year. Thought it'd take years when I first started."
End of the year??? "It'sth gonna be that thsoon????"
"Maybe. Pipsqueak's made a lot of headway, ever since he's convinced them to let 'im use his ''buddies''." She puts airquotes over buddies, starting to kick her feet against the metal bars of the railing. "Who knew Tiks could be good for somethin'?"
Tiks? "Wait," she swallowed, "Those little black ball things? He's using them???"
"Mhm," she nodded, "Heard he and your dog friend made friends with one one day, the rest was history. Think it's name is 'Mass' or something?" She smiles, "Lil guy's been a real help, these past weeks. Certainly gives me less to do."
"That's," she paused, her mind wandering to all of the possibilities of having a little Tik friend. Possess robots, bust those robots, posess those robots AGAIN, and then bust 'em AGAIN! What if they did chores for you, what if they bought things for you, what if they cooked FOOD for you??? Her eyes sparkled, mind full of endless possibilities for the little buggers, "That's really cool!!!!"
All Cory could do was nod, "Yup. Now with you still helpin', and my forced overtime, it shouldn't even be a problem." She went back into her food, sighing almost dreamily.
Carol got silent, staring at her--frankly cold--slice. Cory being done with the museum was a really nice thought, it was.
"What'cha gonna do when you're done?"
She shrugged, "Gotta figure thaht ouht. Stonths know I gotta stick arounthd to thsee you in your wedding drethss." She swallowed, showing a toothy smirk, "Ain't got much more planned that that."
"Eugh, you were serious about that???" She almost wanted to hide her face with how flustered she got in a matter of seconds.
"My sis needs to look good for her boy! You can't pick it out alone. An' I doub't dragon girl's gonna be back before it happens."
She felt a pit in her stomach, grabbing onto her shoulder with a hand. "You don't think she's gonna be gone for that long, right?" She'd be lying if the thought of Lilac being gone for years didn't upset her in some way.
"Who knows?" She had an air of eerie casualness about her, talking about this. Jt bothered Carol to her core. "She's already been gone this long--who's to say she'll even come back?"
No, no no no no no. Lilac would never leave outright, right? She'd always come back. Just like Carol always did.
Her heart broke, just a little.
"Nah, s-she's gonna come back! She can't miss out on my wedding, right? She'd never!!!"
"You got any way of tellin' her?"
Her ears drooped.
If there was a way to tell her, Carol certainly couldn't think of it. The last time they said anything to each other was their goodbyes, her hug. She hadn't thought about any of that, contacting her or whatever, back then. Didn't feel like it'd be relevant, or... necessary?
She didn't talk to her sister for almost half a decade--why would she talk to Lilac? Didn't wanna bother her. She's got important dragon things to do.
She lifted a leg to rest on the railing, moving her hand from her shoulder to her ear--wait.
Duh! DUH! She smiled wide, crossing her arms against her chest, "Of course I do! Sierra, I could call her aaaaanytime I want! Tell her about EVERYTHING, y'know?"
"Yeah, but do you want to?" She didn't miss a beat, as if the question had been prepared.
And... Carol hadn't thought of it before--not really. Did she want to? 'hello former crush, its carol tea, sorry to interrupt your super important stuff about your family but im gonna marry that boyfriend you know about. kthxbai'. She rolled her eyes at the thought--how selfish it'd be. How embarrassing it'd be.
Here's Lilac, doing important things, as per usual, figuring stuff out about herself. Then, there's Carol. Woah, she's getting married, that's soooooo important. It's not even gonna happen for a while--stones know she isn't ready for it yet.
Doesn't mean she doesn't want her there, though. She'd probably look so pretty in a dress, too. Purple ribbons, white highlights, blue flowers to top it all off.
Plus, this is her best friend. Her bestest best friend. It'd be silly not to have her there.
Her thoughts wandered back over to earlier today, when she was screaming at the gemerald. She remembered something, saying something she's not really sure if she meant.
"What if Lilac came back," she muttered the phrase again, closing her eyes.
The hell did she mean? She didn't love Lilac like that anymore--she knew that much to be true.
So, then, what? Why was she so hesitant? So nervous? Why'd it put a pit in her stomach to even think about telling her?
It didn't make sense.
"Wouldn't change anythin', would it?" Her eyes opened as her sister spoke, turning her gaze to the elder. "S'not like you'd stop lovin' your boy. She'd just be here again, doin' whatever the hell she does." Cory shrugged.
She just stayed silent. Not a response could come to mind--not one that made sense, anyway.
The stars twinkled bright tonight.
They were on the move again, the familiar engine's hum coating their ears.
"Yo, Cory."
"Sup, sis?" Tink, tink, tink, tink. It was half of the beat from before--only one shoe? Could only assume her legs were crossed.
"Y'know what ''perjury'' means?"
"Perjury...?" She repeated the word, as if trying to discern it's meaning from the sounds alone. "Iiiii'm not too sure. Somethin' about lying, I think. Why?"
"It's one of the crimes Neera said I did. It was kind of the only one I didn't really understand."
"Hm." She shrugged. "Maybe she was mad about the whole ''Corumdy'' bit." Airquotes over her bastardized name.
"I mean, can you blame me for it? You're still a fugitive to her."
"Glad to know she thinks so highly of me," she leaned onto her sister's back more. "Consider myself lucky she isn't kicking my ass right now 'cause of this. I'll take graveyard over that any day."
All she could do was nod, contemplative.
She didn't know a damn thing about that panda--she was so confusing.
What was going through her mind, she wondered, what really made her tick.
Felt impossible to figure out. Felt like she'd never really know.
The wildcat yawned.
"Wish I was in my bed..."
"Night sis."
She woke up--groggily, sure, but she was waking up at least. Stones, what the hell time was it? Felt like she slept for years. Didn't wanna get out of her bed, was too nice.
Had the most fucked up dreams, too. Lotta stuff to do with Sonar, and Cory, and marriage. Like, sheesh, as if that could ever happen.
She rolled over, only to find a piece of paper, crudely taped to her nightstand. The hell was this?
"Sup sis," she read aloud, wiping the dreams out of her eyes, "You kinda fell asleep on the ride back to the museum. You're lucky I still remember how to ride a bike, else I'm sure we'd both be mincemeat, LMAO." She squinted. Didn't realize Cory said shit like that. She continued reading, "Took you back home, gettin' a ride from The Regent back over to the Museum. She asked how you were, how everything today went. She's 'prolly gonna talk to ya soon, look out for that.
"I'd recommend sleepin' in all day, if I were you. Ya look tired as fuck when I left ya, Oh, and I don't know how to do that jump disc bullshit you do with your bike so I just stuffed it in your closet. Right, if you DO get up today, watch the puddle outside your room. The Regent doesn't clean up after herself. :P
"JKJK. But yeah watch for that. It ain't nothin' but water, but I don't want my sis having a cracked head first thing in the mornin.
"BTW LMK When ya wanna pick up dresses! I ain't leavin' anytime soon, ya hear? Just gimmie a call. Or let The Regent know first--she said she's cool (fuck off) with it if it's scheduled.
"Check Six,
"CT." Her signature was in caligraphy, everything else being printed. Sloppy, at that. Neither of them ever had very good handwriting.
"P.S. Don't tell the Regent I said that. I ain't tryin' to do more hard work."
So, wait, wait, wait...
Dresses? Dresses for what? She's not gonna--
"Oh my fucking stones.
Banging was heard from the cieiling, "SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO GET SOME SLEEP, CAROLINE. BE QUIET."
She'll just scream in her pillow instead.
What a fucking day.
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ririreader · 3 years
Dying at all your older Remus posts they are just 🤌🏼 *chef’s kiss.
A Professor Remus fic of him being absolutely feral the day before the full moon? Reader helping him out/ just taking it. 😩✊🏼
Hello! Fabulous request. I’m going to post an excerpt from my Remus fic on Wattpad, because I have a scene just like this!
Nora had walked far into the wheat fields surrounding The Burrow, clearing a spot out of site from the house. She laid out dozens of fluffy blankets, creating a messy makeshift mattress. Sparkling balls of light surrounded her (a trick Hermione had taught her), floating in the air and casting shadows on the wheat. She sat, draped in a black silk nightgown— one of the few Remus hadn't shredded.
She summoned her Patronus, signaling the wolf to the house to fetch her husband. They needed this. The stress of The Order, Severus, Dumbledore... they needed some time together. The fact that it was the night before the full moon only excited her further. She had chosen a spot with no cloud cover; she wanted him wild.
He apparated in, startling her. She looked up at him from her spot on the ground. He took in the blankets, the lights, her outfit. He smirked, hands in his pockets. He feigned casual, but she could see the tension in his neck and shoulders, the corded muscles of his forearms standing out.
"Naughty thing." He grumbled.
There were circles under his eyes. His hair was long and messy. He seemed paler than usual, his scars standing out stark on his face. He looked... dangerous. Nora shivered. She loved Remus soft and sweet but this... this was thrilling. His jaw clenched as he looked at her, eyes lidded.
"It would be wise," he said, stepping forward, "to not provoke me in this state."
He knelt in front of her, tipping her chin up with one lithe finger. She bit her lip.
"But perhaps I should show you what I'm truly like."
He gripped her chin tightly.
"Just to teach you a lesson."
Another shiver went down her spine. He was so pale in the moonlight, his veins were a stark blue against his white skin.
"Show me." She whispered.
He stared at her fiercely, jaw clenching.
"I've not done this directly in the moonlight." His eyes flicked to the sky, then back to her. "I'm usually hidden away to control myself a bit more until the transformation."
"You won't hurt me. I can handle it."
He smirked devilishly. "I'm sure you believe that, little dove."
He crawled over her. His movements were languid, predatory. Her back hit the blankets and he pressed his body into hers. He pressed a soft kiss to her neck.
"I can hear your heart racing." He whispered.
He licked at her neck. "Is this how you want me, Nora? Unhinged and carnal for you?"
Another embarrassing shiver. "Yes, Remus."
He chuckled darkly, pressing another kiss to her neck. "You don't like when I'm soft and sweet to you?"
"I do. God—" She couldn't focus with his tongue toying with her.
"But you're a curious and insatiable little thing. Fine. Then we shall play your game and see how much you really can take."
She whimpered, arching her body against his. He pulled back, his features softening for a moment.
"If at any point it's too much, or I frighten you, apparate away immediately. Do you swear?"
She nodded vigorously. "I swear."
"All right, little dove. Then let's test your limits."
He shifted down her body, resting his head between her thighs and hooking them over her shoulders. He hiked up her nightgown, growling in pleasure when he found her bare.
"Such a pretty little pussy."
She groaned. This is always how she knew it was close to the moon: his words became filthy and vulgar and delicious.
He feasted on her messily. His beard rubbed against the insides of her thighs, rubbing her raw. He bit at her clit, his sharp teeth stinging against the sensitive bundle of nerves. She let out a deep moan. His tongue pushed inside of her, just as she liked. Her hands went to the back of his head, tangling in his shaggy hair and pushing his face harder against her. Two minutes against his face and she was already wound tight as a coil. He sucked at her clit mercilessly, and she came undone, whimpering and shaking against his mouth.
She tried to close her legs, but his hands dug into her thighs hard enough to bruise, forcing her open.
"I'm not even close to done, love."
He slid two fingers in her, curling them to reach her most sensitive spot. She drew in a sharp breath, whispering his name over and over again. Remus, Remus, Remus... His tongue returned to work. She could already feel a second orgasm building. He twisted his fingers inside of her, hitting a new spot.
"Oh, fuck." She ground her hips against his hand.
Another twist of his fingers. His thumb rubbed under her clit as his tongue assaulted it directly. His fingers were so long, they hit every spot his cock could. She came again as he flicked his tongue back and forth, jerking her hips as she rode her orgasm. She fell limp against the blankets, panting and sweating. He kissed the insides of her thighs. Her entire body was tingling.
"Look at you." There was amusement in his tone. "Completely undone by just my fingers."
His hands ran up her chest, pinching her nipples. Her whole body was over sensitive, and she flinched at the mix of pleasure and pain.
"You're so sensitive. I'm sure it would take nothing to make you come again." He grinned.
He flattened his tongue, licking slow and long between her legs. She groaned, back arching and body twitching.
"Too much, Rem." She wheezed.
He tsked from between her legs. "No, not nearly enough, darling."
She tried to squirm away. He held her firmly.
"Look at me, Nora. Watch me destroy you."
She whined, lifting her head to meet his eyes. He pinched her nipples again, eliciting another twitch of her body. Another lazy stroke of his tongue. Her mouth hung open; she looked close to tears. The muscles in her stomach were jumping. Another long lick.
"Please, Remus." She begged.
"Hmm. Are you unhappy with this pace?"
Another slow lick. Her hands tugged at his hair painfully, her muscles so tense she was sore. She couldn't break eye contact with him. Another slow lick, but this time he paused to stiffen his tongue and prod at her clit. She screeched, the high pitched wine catching in her throat. Two more strokes of his tongue and her whole body was shaking uncontrollably. One more and she would be there. He seemed to know this, hovering over her core and smirking at her.
"Remus, please." She whispered, desperation making her manic.
"Please what, dove?"
"Please make me come."
"Where?" He rubbed his beard against her thigh.
"On your tongue."
"All right, love. If you insist."
He licked at her slow and long, covering her fully with his hot mouth. He needed only rub his tongue against her softly and she was screaming his name. She went limp, the sweat of her body cooling as she shook. He nipped up her stomach, leaving bite marks in his wake. He sucked at her pressure point. She was dizzy from pleasure.
"You're doing so well for me." He cooed.
"Doing?" She asked, delirious.
His deep chuckle snaked over her skin.
"You didn't think we were done? Not before I've even filled you?"
She could do nothing but whimper as he rested himself on his forearms on either side of her head. He leaned down, kissing her deeply and finding her tongue with his. The roll of his hips was fluid, burying himself inside her with precision. She cried out, clawing her nails along his back. His thrusts had the grace of a dancer, his body grinding against hers erotically. He pulled back, lifting her hips off of the ground and wrapping his arms around her legs, keeping her suspended. Her small feet were at either side of his head, and he turned and licked up the arch of one sensually.
He pulled out, then slammed in. A startled cry left her lips, but she met her hips with his, meeting his hard strokes. He repeated, pulling out slowly then ramming into her. He held her legs tighter and increased his speed. Her shoulders dug into the ground. He was using her for his pleasure, and she loved every minute of it. Minutes felt like hours. She felt his hips begin to stutter. His hand reached down between her legs, pinching her swollen clit hard. He kept it trapped between his thumb and forefinger, rubbing it between the two roughly. The pain and pleasure again. He was going to drive her mad. He thrust up into her with a final push, rubbing her clit fiercely until she came, contracting around him and milking is release from him. He groaned, face pressed against her leg.
He immediately flipped her over. He pushed his fingers inside of her, collecting their arousal on his fingers. He removed them, then spread it over her ass. She rested her head in the blankets, widening her legs for him. He pushed two fingers into her ass. A guttural moan escaped her. He began pumping his fingers in her. Her thighs were already shaking. He removed his fingers and positioned himself at her ass.
Oh. She thought. This is new.
He began working himself inside of her. She sucked air in through her teeth at the sting.
"Take it, love. I know you can."
She moaned in response. He pushed fully in, past the muscles and deep inside of her. The groan he let out turned into a whine.
"Merlin, you're tight back here."
He pulled out, and let a long line of spit drip from his mouth onto his cock. He pushed in again.
"I'm going to fuck you here every day for the rest of our lives."
His thrusts remained slow, letting her adjust to him. He had hardly thrust five times before she felt his body shaking, his grip on her hips painfully hard. He grunted, deep in the back of his throat, spilling into her. He paused, catching his breath. How was he still hard?
"I'm going to fill every part of you, Nora."
He continued thrusting, still achingly hard as if he hadn't just come. His hips picked up speed, gentility forgotten completely. Nora's body had gone completely limp from him. Her body was overwhelmed, pleasure so strong it was almost painful. She couldn't think, could hardly breathe. She had no idea where her orgasms ended and began. His thrusting only sped. She could feel him leaking out of her, out of everywhere he had come, and it dripped down her thighs so erotically.
He pushed his thumb inside of her, his pointer and middle fingers assaulting her clit. This orgasm would kill her. She felt it's strength, it's power coursing through her veins like fire. His hands and his cock were everywhere. Her cry was silent, nothing more then a squeak leaving her mouth as she shook, coming around him for the fifth time. He pulled out of her suddenly, forcefully turning her onto her back and shifting himself over her face.
"Open your mouth."
He worked his hand over his cock. It was drenched from the both of them. She opened her mouth, sticking out her tongue. A vein in his forehead was popping out, sweat ran down his chest, and his hair clung to his forehead. His breathing was erratic. The muscles in his neck tensed as he came, shooting himself over her face and onto her tongue. He fell forward, panting. He licked the line of come on her cheek that had missed her mouth, swallowing and kissing her.
Her lungs were on fire. Her body felt numb, yet electric. Exhaustion like she had never known settled in her bones. She could do nothing but stare at him. He kissed her more, sucking at her bottom lip. With a groan, he kissed down her chest, sucking at her nipples lightly. He began moving his mouth lower.
"Remus, no." She said, stopping his head.
"I can't take anymore."
"You can still speak," he grumbled.
He lowered his mouth, rubbing his face between her legs. She was still soaked from the both of them. He lapped at her, collecting the arousal on his tongue.
"Remus." She hissed. Her back arched. "No more."
He ignored her, sucking at her clit hard. Her body was on fire. She tried to get away from him, the pleasure too much. He growled against her, unstopping. This time when she came, it was sharp. Her vision went white. She wouldn't have been surprised if she lost consciousness. When his face met hers again, she was crying, completely overwhelmed by what he had made her body feel.
He wiped at her tears.
"Perfect, love." He kissed her softly. "You were wonderful."
She covered her face with her hands, attempting to control her breathing. The tears still fell freely. He pulled her hands away, kissing at her cheeks.
"Shh, my darling. I know."
He was still hard against her stomach. She let out a slightly deranged laugh.
"Are you serious?" Her voice was hoarse.
He grinned like a rogue. "You were the one who wanted to make love in the moonlight."
She pushed him off of her. He rolled to his back, looking at her with amusement. Mustering the little strength she had left, she pushed herself up and tucked herself against him, face buried in his neck. He wrapped his arms around her. Her hand rubbed his chest, trailing down to his stomach. She played with the hair that trailed down to his groin. She saw his chest rise and fall more rapidly. She took him in her hand, stroking him slowly. He groaned. His grip tightened on her arms. She was certain she would have bruises there as well.
She worked him slowly, teasingly. Partly because she liked the noises he made, partly because she was on the verge of slipping into a year-long coma.
"Nora..." he sighed.
His hips thrust into her hand, matching her slow movements. His body was so tense she could see the outline of every muscle in his stomach. Sweat collected between the muscles, running down the sides of his body.
She kissed his chest, running her tongue over his nipple.
"Once more, darling." She whispered.
His hands fisted in the blankets as he thrust a final time, stiffening as her fist tightened. He came in hard spurts, spilling onto his stomach. He fell back with a strangled, "god". She leaned down and licked at his stomach slowly, earning a string of strained expletives from him.
She curled into him, more than sated.
"We..." he breathed, "are beasts."
My in progress Remus fic is titled To Heal Them All and can be found on Wattpad!
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tobeornottotc · 2 years
Can’t wait to see how Porsche will react to kim/chay relationship!!
Same!! I am very excited about how they plan to add him and Kim's characters to the overall story arcs in the show, but also excited to see how they mirror the other two prominent couples and what their development, and characterizations are. Because Chay is so connected to Porsche's own, his reaction will be very interesting and important.
It depends on how he finds out. One of his biggest fears and reasons for why he hid going to the mafia from his little brother because he's scared of him being in danger, as per his mum's request his little brother safety is his biggest goal and all he aimed for in life, so he won't really be positive about the implications of Kim, especially seeing who Kim is as Kim instead of Wik, one is nicer and smiley and kinder, and the other one is emotionless, cold, cunning and that's the one Porsche will get to meet or see or hear about, so that's also a factor in how he will view that relationship, because Kim is dangerous but Wik isn't. Likewise, being in this world of mafia he's already now a target for being a guessed love interest to one of the brothers, so Chay will become a target, he may even find out too late, through Chay being attacked or a target because of this whole mafia business of the brothers constantly being targeted and kidnapped (which is a thing for all of them) so a partner will always be in danger and that's the opposite of all that Porsche has worked for when it comes to Chay so again another reeason for a negative response, and just overall he's the older brother, Chay has this aura of naiveness, and innocence to him, a light that shouldn't dimmed, so he'll be ferally overprotective and scared of his brother being tainted by his surroundings because he's now close to Kim. But at the end of the day by the time he should find out about them, he's probably also seen a different of Kinn, and his brothers, (however as a writer since this is Porsche's biggest fear about being with Kinn, the whole tainted, target, thing, it would make sense it's when he's faced with those fears that he will get the news of these two, especially in a regressed/hurt state because it's the biggest the thing he probably trying to prevent from his connection with Kinn not sure if that makes sense), so he will know that they're not at fault for their circumstances, so even if he has negative response, because they make him safe and happy, i feel like he will quickly choose his brother's happiness instead. But because Kim's storyline starts with deceit, he'll get punished for that as well, and it's most likely Porsche is the one who would uncover those secrets since those secrets point to him and secrets connecting his reason for being a bodyguard (we assume it could be him being misunderstood as a mole) so there's also a place there for more negative response and angst from trusting that Kim is good and genuine with his brother.
Chay seems very soft and sweet and innocent, like Pete (the other person in the same position as him in his love story) but the show is hinting and showing that he's probably smarter than his brother (probably smart like Kim so they're identitical that way) and will have his own role with this mafia storyline apart from just being Porsche's brother and Kim's love interest. I think he's someone who also will have some sort of duality with his characterization as well or who knows just focus on his dreams of escape and happiness with music... So I'm excited to see what they want to do with him since they've made Kim so much more interesting and prominent with his role in the mafia storyline. Like Pete is sweet and light etc, but we can see he has parts of darkness surrounding him and his morals, where did that come from, and Porsche is jokey and funny but we know he deals with his own traumas and fears so I bet Chay will also have something that makes him layered and helpful. But for now I think he is the most likely to be in danger because it's how Porsche will have to face his own narrative of dealing with that and knowing Chay can be protected and safe and choosing to no longer just make Chay his life, and goal but himself and what he wants at the forefront as well, so I expect him to be hurt sometime, either by Kim's lies, or the actual mafia story arcs in the show.
Thank you :)
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Hilda herself?
Give me a character and I will give you my thoughts on
one aspect about them i love: can I just say everything?? I mean; she's adorable, she's adventurous, she's creative, she's definitely autistic-coded, and she always tries to see the best in everyone which I really admire.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: that she isn't that chaotic? Like, I won't pretend that she doesn't go chasing magical creatures and enjoying things other kids would find traumatic, but she's not really feral, if that makes any sense. She doesn't do things "just because", or throw common sense completely out the window - she just has a very different standard for what's normal to most kids, and a strong sense of adventure. She's actually really quite mature for her age in some ways, she just doesn't always think things through like any kid.
Also, I'm just going to say it; being a troll wasn't part of her. It was something forced upon her against her will by an outside force, and even after she saw the benefits of being stronger and faster and all that, she still wanted Trylla to change her back. She was never trollish - she was just a girl with a sense of adventure, and her being a changeling isn't some integral part of her.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: she was born before Johanna moved out to the wilderness. She doesn't remember Trolberg, at all, but she did spend the first few months of her life in a little flat with her mum, overlooking the railway line.
as well as
one character i love seeing them interact with: just one?? Well, it's gonna have to be Johanna then, just because seeing a parent-child relationship where the parent understands and supports their child's differences is genuinely beautiful to me.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: Bellkeeper! I love him as a surrogate dad figure to her, and I really hope she gets to hang out with him more in Season 3
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: she absolutely sees Alfur as her big brother; she isn't sure when he crossed over from just "older friend", but it was probably sometime around the change in the seasons. The Replacement is the closest she's ever come to admitting it, when she says he's part of the family, but of course he feels the same way about her. She's his little sister, and he loves being part of her family/
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friends I'm about to expose you to a niche so small you couldn't find it with a microscope. "NEW" byler half-mer au I said. well I'm a fucking liar. this au is older than ST but it's getting a fancy byler makeover
SO. you wanna know what's even better than electric mer Will Byers???
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electric mer Will Byers........TIMES 7 (didn't even change that number for st, that's deadass the number of mers there were originally. love all these sentient pancakes)
now allow me to explain the How and Why—
actually I lied again I can't possibly fully explain in one post but the absolute most basic explanation is that Will got cloned in the lab :)
eventually he escaped with all but a clone that was still in incubation (which he was unaware of at the time), and now they just live in some underwater caves that are easy to hide in. why yes, it IS a blatant s2 tunnel ref, and yes, they DO keep the remains of lab divers in the hub :))
anyway lemme list the Will squad from oldest to youngest (I haven't officially decided if Will encounters Mike 7 years after he was initially captured (making him 19) or 7 years after he escapes the lab (making him 21), but no matter what I'm Legally Obligated to go overboard on 7 usage, and all the clones were created during that two year time frame when Will was 12-14)
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0 Will the Wise: the original Will. carries the others when going long distances (also carried them all out of the lab), and uses items the others can't lift yet to make equipment/traps/etc
1 Will the Warrior: bit and shocked the handlers without hesitation even if it earned punishment, 100% feral with no fucks to give. defender of the smols (ง •̀_•́)ง probably tries to defend the Big Will too
2 Will the Watchful: keeps an eye on the others when Big Will is away, makes sure they eat enough, aren't swimming where they shouldn't, takes care of little wounds from being stupid, all that fun shit
3 Will the Wordsmith/Witty/Wry: likes to make up stories.....but also can and will commit verbal murder at a moment's notice. calls Big Will "William" when feeling extra confrontational. often watches Warrior Will do literally anything and comments "this is why Mom won't let you go on land"
4 Will the Wistful/Wary: when the wariness gets too exhausting, it's wistful time. daydreams excessively to ignore sensory overload/burnout. Big Will makes/collects things to help manage it (this is the clone Mike encountered and wouldn't leave alone, who eventually brought him to the lake to Not be killed)
5 Will the Wiggly: zooms nonstop and then passes out cold in some random position....like a mer version of a gay sit. also likes to make the lights blink on lab equipment scraps after Big Will makes sure there's no functional tracking shit (or discards those pieces in the hub where lab people know not to go anymore)
6 Will the Wandering: spends notably more years in the lab than the others and just wants to see everything there is to see, but it's difficult to see Everything when confined to Hawkins.... (Mike can help there tho)
note: the clones don't actually call the original one "Big Will" because uhhhhh they call him Mom. for the earliest clones, the first mer word they heard was him calling for his mom, so that's the first thing they imitated. and by the time he wasn't calling for her anymore, the clones that could talk already called him their mom, and the others just followed suit
btw Big Will and Wary Will share the name "Will Byers" when they're on land, depending on the situation and who needs a whole human name. the other clones are still too suspiciously small to pretend to be a human child, so they don't need to worry about having different Spoken Above Water names yet
(and no, Will's "mer surname" wasn't Byers, he got that After escaping the lab :)) by complete accident :))) but anyway he owns it now. he doesn't even know what it means to be a Byers but he sure fuckin is one. he has no idea how fucking confused Joyce is about the brand new son that apparently half of Hawkins knew about before she did. Will you can't lay low and Also beat the shit out of popular bullies it doesn't work like that, pick one or the other)
this post doesn't have enough byler content to justify the tag so Ima fix that. I mentioned in the previous post that it was their "first second" meeting. it's because Will doesn't recognize Mike (tends not to think about california if he can help it anyway) and Mike obviously couldn't recognize Will at first, what with his human shape and long hair in front of his face.
but they did meet in california once, the summer before Mike started kindergarten. he saw a tiny "mermaid fairy", with eyes shinier than all the fish he'd seen that day—and when he told his family, no one believed him🙃
because he was so focused on the Shiny, he eventually forgot the specifics of Will's general dull-colored appearance, but he didn't forget the eyes....he didn't forget that the meeting happened. then in the distant future, when Will is trying to be all threatening, he tilts his head in just the right way to accidentally expose one eye and Mike like. stops working for a hot second while his brain tries to process the colors he's staring at and why it's in a human face—
but his mouth doesn't wait for the processing part to be done. he just suddenly yells I FUCKING KNEW IT and makes Will want to Die from the volume
while Will's mildly disoriented and covering his ears, Mike subconsciously reaches forward to push his bangs out of the way, which earns him a warning static buzz, but he's moving slow enough that Will doesn't feel the need to stun him yet.
rn Will just thinks Mike's a fucking dumbass who's too stupid to feel threatened. and then Mike asks something stupid too
"do you remember the first time we met?"
(Will does Attempt to say they never met, but Mike just plows forward with something that proves it like "how did you get here from california" or "we were by the [insert some underwater landmark (equivalent of the swingset)]" or something and Will's like. oh shit he's right that's a thing that happened wtf)
also because things like this are Extra self-indulgent, Will Can do the underwater oxygen kiss and he Does do it at times without any awareness of what that does to Mike's mental health. like I said before, we love and respect an absolutely Parched Mike Wheeler
I think this is enough to justify the byler tag😌
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agentangeles · 3 years
Hello! I'm just here because I love your touch-starved Nahyuta fic, which, if I'm not mistaken, is the ONLY one of it's kind?? (A sin in my opinion, that prosecutor RADIATES neglect, they need a quatrillion hugs), but I love it so much!! I've reread it more times than I can count! If you have any specific details on touch-starved Nahyuta (or Simon, for that matter) headcanons, I'd love to hear them :) No, pressure, of course!
not me vibrating at 800 miles an hour because this is both an amazing ask and also a great distraction from me trying to decipher year+ old TYAC notes
Thank you for the compliment! It was a fun fic to bust out, and I have so many thoughts about Nahyuta that it kinda results in a forever-boiling pot of consistent thought (most of which is related to a super niche rp AU, but it translates okay enough into vanilla Nahyuta that it's fine)
I'll put them under the cut, but! Here're some headcanons on some touch-starved prosecutors for you! Both by themselves, and also bonus together headcanons because woops I got put on some unrelated brainrot earlier and I am unable to stop myself. (also obligatory hey you can click here for the fic anon is talking about, although it does get a touch shippy towards the end if you're not about that life)
Pre-prosecuting, was incredibly affectionate. Probably rivals like... idk, Klavier? They grew up with Dhurke (king of dad hugs) and Datz (this man can and will smother you with affection), and an entire group of family in the form of the Dragons. Sure, they might've been a bit more reserved, but anyone looks reserved compared to Datz.
During the 5 years of puppetry, they become pretty quickly touch-averse. Spin Ga'ran's manipulation and blackmail how you want, be it threats or abuse, but I don't think Nahyuta would have felt even remotely comfortable with touch when it could potentially open either themself or family up to danger.
oh geez
This is someone who has... really no sense of trust. At all. Combine it with the big guilt from everything Ga'ran lied about, and you have someone who doesn't really feel comfortable opening up.
If you manage to be one of the lucky designated few people they trust, unless it's been negotiated outright, they won't ask. They might put themself closer to said person, "accidentally" brush shoulders, but asking for affection is hard.
Also, it takes them a while to get used to it again. You know those videos where people show themselves socializing feral cats, or trying to gain the trust of abused dogs? Nahyuta tenses up every time contact is held where someone else is initiating. Slow movements are the key, here, and there's gotta be a lot of opportunity to leave.
After that, though, this is someone who will make as many excuses as possible for contact, provided it's situationally appropriate. Leaning is a go-to in professional spaces. Family gets hugs in private, which is a work in progress, but it's getting better!
Pre- UR-1, this man was probably not the huggiest- not for lack of not wanting it, but just wasn't that type of upbringing. Aura's definition of "affection" is probably a lot of arm punching, probably noogies when Simon was shorter than her. She's only hugged him a handful of times, and as alone as possible, usually during serious shit.
Exception to that rule would've been Athena, who I will die on the hill of her immediately thinking of Simon as an older brother/best friend as a kid. Simon's got longer legs and they need to go somewhere? Designated ride. Having way too much overstimulation? This man is quiet and soft and safe. So many hugs. Area child turns quiet bookish law nerd into a huggy person.
UR-1 needs no explanation. This man did not get hugs for seven years. Friendly shoulder pats from Fullbright, sure. That's about it.
unless you count Taka, in which case- Taka got all of the cuddles. Sure, he may be a wild animal, and Simon will argue if you call Taka a pet (they are friends and Taka is his own bird), but Taka likes this tall man, and this tall man likes Taka. Admittedly I don't know fuck all about hawks, so I lean back on chicken knowledge (they're both birds and I have many experience points with chickens), but there's definitely some standard bird affection. Some hair preening, an affectionate head nuzzle or three. That thing where a bird likes you and tries to maneuver your hand into a position for chin scratches. Stuff like that.
Post-freedom is... an adjustment period. Here you have this imposing guy who's got a scary rep, I don't think you're seeing him getting hugs at any public event ever from the people in those "free hug" shirts.
Granted, he's also got his own shit to work through, but Athena is stubborn, and she's determined to have him "pay her back for the years of missed brother/uncle/friend hugs", and wouldn't you know it but he's still quietly huggy after all these years and Athena has her hug pass back. She is the only person who has this hug pass, and it is standard for every meeting to include no less than three hugs of varying lengths, because Athena claims it's part of his prescription for recovery.
Other than that, he's not big on affection. Maybe ruffled hair, if you're a close friend who he's fond of (cough klavier cough), or a hand on a shoulder.
Both of them
Professionally, there is like. Nothing that is even remotely unprofessional. If you're lucky you might catch the barest hints of leaning on shoulders- actually, that's the most common point of contact for these two. It's always communicated beforehand- Nahyuta's prone to being jumpy and stiffening (and you never know when they're carrying a knife, so that could end bad), and Simon has seven years of prison instincts, which means your ass is on the floor if you spook him. There are so many jokes about "PDA in the workplace" from friends, always spoken about scandalously because they both hand hands near each other, how obscene. Just isn't a work thing they do.
Publicly? Not much touch happens either. That's more of a Nahyuta thing than anything, leftover from Khura'in trauma. They're getting better about it- hand holding (oftentimes just with a single pinky, which for whatever reason flusters them way more than an entire hand) happens if it's appropriate, maybe a brief side hug.
In private these two co-exist in a space of "I will be touching you until you tell me to not do that." They cook next to each other, any and all TV that gets watched is usually with one of them laying on the other person. Surprise hugs are allowed here, on the basis of the door is always locked and that's a relief.
hugs hugs hugs hugs there is no end to the sheer amount of hugs, simon is way more physically affectionate versus verbally and nahyuta is the same
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Twisted Wonderland OC
Disclaimer: I used picrew to make my oc this was not drawn. Link is here
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Couldn't use more than ten text boxes, also the description of JJ's unique magic may be hard to read
Better view of JJ: ⬇️
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Likes: Food, training, sweets, their friends
Dislikes: Azul, history, bullies, Crowley
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
UNIQUE MAGIC (or what is considered to be their UNIQUE MAGIC)
"Dual Scythe"; JJ can summon a dual Scythe that is capable of manipulating the elements and can create a defensive barrier when spinning in a circle
What the scythe looks like ⬇️
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Other things to know about JJ
JJ's pronouns are they/them
Left handed
Does come from Earth, was in Argentina at the time the Ebony Carrage kidnapped them
Uses Yoga as a stress relief
Depending on their mood will wear either boy or girl clothes
Big Mamamoo fan, knows all their lyrics and choreography by heart, basis/spirit animal is Hawasa
Has older sibling/parental vibe or "mom friend"
Also has chaotic moments
The Protective Type (TM)
Physically incapable of holding back
Ex: Once broke a table while arm wrestling Jack
Could have been in Diasomina but ended up becoming the Ramshackle Perfect
Like Lilia will say something interesting but will not answer on how they know that (most of the stuff they say protains to the stuff that is in the fairytales we are familiar with)
Very intimidating when angry, even Malleus gets scared
Has several scars littering their body and a winter soldier like prosthetic left arm, will not talk about them no matter what
Most notable scars are the large ones on their right arm and back
Very talented chef
Joined the Horseback Club as a means of honoring someone important to them, also happens to genuinely like horses
Crushes on Malleus
Drops hints about their past wondering if anyone will be able to figure it out
Nicknames for their friends
Grimm - Fluff ball, Raccoon
Ace - Idiot Genius, Braincell 1
Deuce - Uce, Braincell 2
Jack - Best Boi, Wolf Boi
Epel - Shortstack, Feral Child
Sebek - Megaphone, Simp
Malleus - Male Maleficent, My Noble Dragon
Kalim - Sunshine, Party lover
Warning for strong language and mentions/threats of violence
"So I'm stranded here? Perfect, absolutely perfect."
"Are you fucking kidding me?!"
"The kiss on the cheek? Ah! Sorry it's just that back home in Argentina it's a greeting."
"Hey did you know that the dark mirror belonged to the Beautiful Queen?"
"Burh you wanna die?"
"Your a terrible friend Trey."
"Riddle, ... your parents were toxic. They treated you like a doll than a child!"
"Do you think Leona is actually lazy or depressed?"
"Hahaha! Get wrecked Leona."
"You wanna go? Alright then you son of a bitch let's dance!"
"Yes, I know I'm violent Ace. I thought we went over this."
"It's called Yoga Grimm. Want to learn?"
"You sure you want me calling you whatever I want? Alright then Male Maleficent."
"Boi you must think I'm stupid if you think I'm gonna believe that bullshit."
"Azul you have one mintue to release Ace, Grimm, and Deuce from their contracts or else I'm gonna murder you and make it look like an accident."
"Jamil, I fucking swear if you make Kalim upset again I'm gonna break every bone in your body."
"Strength comes in all shapes and sizes Epel. It's like unique magic, everyone has their own unique strength. You just gotta find yours. It won't be easy, but I'll be here if you need me."
"Oh I knew exactly who he was, but he said I could call him whatever I wanted."
"Okay which one of you fuckers touched my friends?"
JJ's uniform
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more-than-chaos · 2 years
as promised here is the genshin stuff!!! I've decided to share my genshin age hc's. This is how I see them. And yes this might be disregarding some canon, time moves weird in Teyvat and I really don't think that everyone can be like, 20 because really where are the responsible adults in which case.
Bear in mind, while I have all of the 4* in here, most of them are friendship 1-3 (with a few exceptions), and so I haven't unlocked many voice lines about them, and I also have 2 5*, and not all of their lines have been unlocked either. Also I did the story quests ages ago (like, August?? I think? Before Inazuma), so my memory might not be the best.
as usual, it's gonna be split into 3 parts (one per nation available)
Diluc: at least 30 man has eyebags, goes out at night to fight and runs a bar. he's tired let him sleep. Also he's literally the owner of the whole wine industry in Mondstadt, possibly the best in Teyvat.
Kaeya: 25. He's younger than Diluc, but he hangs out and drinks with Venti and Rosaria, so I'd like to think that he wouldn't hang out with people who are heaps older/younger than him (it's just awkward man). I'm not too sure how old he is based on all the lore, there's a lot to go through but I DO think he ages at a different pace to everyone else.
Jean: 30. There is no way this woman is 24 Varka would NOT leave a lass that young in charge also she's Diluc's childhood friend they're around the same age.
Lisa: 32. Okay, hear me out. She's older than Jean and also her lifespan was cut in half. Let's say she was like 24 when she got the power. That makes her 3/4 through her life now. Makes sense right?
Klee: This child is 7. I do not make the rules. She's old enough to know right from wrong and judging by her speech patterns, knows words but messes them up sometimes. Also how else would everyone forgive her for blowing heaps of stuff up?? You're way more likely to forgive a 7 year old who goes "I'm sorry, I didn't know :(" (I won't though).
Diona: 11-12. I think it's canon that she's around this age, but also she's old enough to know her dad's an abusive asshole (he hits her when drunk), but young enough to try and delude herself about it. Poor girl :(
Venti: Chronologically he's around 6000, he's the only "original" archon left, and Rex Lapis was over 6000 years old when he died, therefore, old. Looks-wise, probably around 23-24. Diluc knows he's old enough to drink, and regularly serves him alcohol, even before it's known that Venti is Barbatos.
Rosaria: 24. I think that despite being a bit goth or emo, she's actually kind of young, especially in comparison to the other nuns.
Barbara: 16. This girl is 16 no one can convince me otherwise. Unfortunately this does mean that Albert is creepy but we already knew that.
Bennett: 16. I think in one of his birthday mail things it says how he's only had 4 birthdays on his actual birth day (29th Feb), so he's 16.
Fischl: She's canonically 16, she was 14 when she got her vision and no electro visions have been handed out for 2 years.
Razor: also 16, however he's slightly feral, so y'know. He probably acts a bit younger and didn't have proper schooling so may seem stupid (poor boy, he's smart I promise).
Amber: 21. In the webtoon, she complains that Kaeya still treats her like a rookie, and I think that being a young adult kinda suits her, she's bubbly and hasn't really "given up" on being fun (I suppose). It's also stated multiple times that while she's allowed to drink, she chooses not to do so very often.
Noelle: 19. I think she's just into adulthood mainly because Jean doesn't want her being a knight yet due to overworking herself, and I think that Jean also wants her to have a bit of freedom while she's young before she gets "locked" into a strict life of being a knight.
Sucrose: 22. She's a responsible young lass, and in the latest Dragonspine event we get to see her sassier side (talking to Timaeus).
Albedo: I'm not actually sure. He isn't a "real" human, so I'm not sure he ages like everyone else. If I had to choose, I'd go with 25-26.
Mona: 19. I struggled a bit with coming up with her age, partially because of her outfit (literally wtf girlie you are in a leotard and tights how do you not freeze also don't you think its a bit racy (even compared to the other "fanservice" outfits)), but also partially because surely if she were older she would've gotten a job by now (that sounds so mean omg) (usually people are reluctant to hire younger people for fear of them messing it up).
Eula: 23. While her family is a bit old fashioned (read: incredibly rude and nasty to everyone who's not an aristocrat/Fatui), she's been hanging out with the Knights for long enough that she's changed. Kinda like the Gen-Z at Christmas dinner, if you will. That said, I do think that she's a little bit older than Amber, despite them hanging out a lot.
I think I got everyone but I'm so sorry if I missed someone!! Please let me know if I did!
Once again, these are just my headcanons about ages, it's not really "canon", although most of them fit in the "canon" age brackets they've been given.
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