#I've been looking at it whole day and I'm still not over how mesmerizing her beauty is
kiseopingu · 1 year
The Catalyst
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Cathy Motsley, Prisoner turned Pirate, Former seamstress, Gifted Alchemist - by @crimson-spine​ <3 More or less exactly one year after I ordered the Jess commission, here I am again sobbing over how accurately she draws my characters.
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fuckmyskywalker · 4 months
i’ve been brewing this up for awhile.
anakin x nymph reader. very dubcon.
anakins been on a planet for awhile for a mission. on a day off he’s just taking a walk down a forest. he remembers reading tales about these forests when he was a young boy. then he spots a nymph woman. and the whole thing about nymphs is that they have no men in their species right? so anakin is calm and tried not to startle her, but the nymph comes over and starts touching him cause she’s never seen a man or the male anatomy before. this slowly leads to them making out for sure. anakin takes her back to the small cabin he’s staying at, and keeps her with them and makes love to her 🩷
18+. Smut. Nymph!Reader. Oral. Afab!reader | Fem!Reader.
This is such a beautiful, gorgeous idea I simply cannot leave it and not scream over it. I had to elaborate so much more about it, I am screaming. I skipped the cabin part because yes, mwah.
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Obi-Wan constantly told him to not get close to the river because the locals said it was unexplored and unknown territory. But Anakin never listens. The deep dense forest is alluring, and he wants to know what's inside; growing up surrounded by sand, the lush views amaze Anakin, and he finds himself exploring deeper and deeper between the trees, reaching a nearby stream that leads to a tall, majestic waterfall.
He sees you from afar, and his eyes widen. He has never seen a nymph, only listened to local tales and other stories crossing the Galaxy... but seeing one up close is mesmerizing. He takes cautious steps, he doesn't want to startle you, but he can't control his curiosity. With a racing heart, every meter he erases between you and him gives him a tingly sensation. His eyes admire the flowers resting around your head, your gracious figure as you touch the water with your fingertips and the sheer dress that leaves little to imagination.
Stepping over a branch that breaks under his weight, your eyes snap up and squint, wondering from where the noise came from. You stand up, taking a few steps back, causing Anakin to sprint forward and approach you. His abrupt movements scare you, and his heart leaps inside his chest when he sees the fear in your eyes.
"Wait!" He exclaims, stepping inside the low stream, standing across you. His deep voice catches your ear, making your hands twitch. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
You stop, looking over your shoulder as a flower falls from your hair, landing on the water. Anakin takes cautious steps, picking it up and handing it to you before the water drags it away. He recognizes it as a lotus. A beat goes by, two figures only surrounded by the nature and the crude curiosity flowing between you; two creatures that had never interacted before. You tilt your head, watching his outstretched hand and doubting. How can you know it is safe? The other nymphs had warned you about these creatures... humans, they call them. Men.
"Who are you?" You ask, and Anakin could only compare your voice to the sweet sound of the cascade and wildlife surrounding him. It's pure and it holds a raw, mystic air.
He takes another step closer, smiling softly when you don't run away. "Anakin," He replies, lifting his arm higher, offering you the pink lotus. "Anakin Skywalker."
Hesitant, you approach. At arms length, you reach for the flower and a shiver runs down his spine when your fingertips brush against his palm. Tangling it in your hair once again, you stay still. He is different. He is... unique. His strong, chiseled figures are different from your soft ones. Anakin can tell you are curious. He stays still as you join him in the small river, circling around him and admiring him. You watch his heavy clothing, layer after layer of cotton and leather, and you see the lightsaber hanging from his belt.
"A Jedi?"
"You know who I am?"
You shake your head, brushing a strand of hair away from your forehead. "I don't, but I've heard tales about your... kind. With those bright sticks."
Anakin chuckles, and you wonder if it's a sound of joy or pain. Humans can be so volatile. "It's not a bright stick, it's a lightsaber. It's heat."
"Oh..." You mumble. You have seen humans before, but never one this close. His interactions are weird, or so you think. Face to face, you mimic a gesture you have seen travelers done before. Offering your hand, Anakin smiles. Humans are so strange! Always keeping their distance and talking behind each others' backs. You speak your name, and he nods... Your name sounds straight out from a fairy tale and it's something he'll never forget. "How do you humans say?... Oh! Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too," Anakin's eyes narrow as he chuckles, shaking your hand with his flesh one. "You are... beautiful."
You giggle. Humans always think those different than them are worth of a praise. "You are weird," He laughs, and you frown at his laugh again. Letting go of his hand, you touch his face, startling him. "What's this?" Your thumb traces his scar, leaning closer to inspect it further. "Does it hurt?"
"It doesn't," He replies, melting at your touch. "It's a battle scar, you know?" You don't but you nod.
Anakin follows you to the edge of the stream, sitting over a large rock and watching your every move. From all the orders he had disobeyed from Obi-Wan... this one has to be the best. He lets you touch him, he feels the need to satiate your doubts, and there's a comforting feeling under the touch of your hand over his face, his hair and his hands. Leaning closer, you nuzzle against his neck. He even smells different. It is a strong, masculine musk. Like curated leather and sandalwood. He smells like a thousand untold battles and... danger.
"You are pretty too— in your own way," Your index finger traces the curve of his lips, and his throat goes dry. "I have never touched a human before."
His words fail him, the proximity engulfs him and he inches closer. "Yeah?" He is breathless, thoughts spinning and world shaking. Tentatively, he places a hand on your waist, guiding you closer. His body presses against yours, merging your curves and his broad figure. "Can I kiss you?"
"I don't know," Anakin confesses, breathing out. His lips touch yours and you can only compare it to the touch of a butterfly on your skin. "I just really want to kiss you."
The kiss was new, and you weren't sure what to do at first so Anakin guided you. His chapped lips were like soft rose petals, merging with your own. It didn't took long for the kiss to escalate, growing heated and heavier. His hands roamed your figure, tracing every curve and melting the silk fabric of your dress. A man's touch was foreign but welcomed, a strange sensation flowing through your veins. This touch was firm yet surprisingly gentle... but demanding. You have heard countless stories of mankind's greed, and little did you know you were about to experience it first-hand.
Lifting your dress, he brushes your thighs, igniting a new sensation. A soft gasp escapes your lips, wondering if all humans are so handsy. Anakin is struggling to stop himself, thumbs circling your inner thighs to spread them further. There's lust dripping from his body and you can sense it. Lust is a dangerous emotion, even the strongest man had fallen because of it.
Being touched by a man is different from being touched by a woman. Anakin was impatient and eager, tracing your folds with his index and middle finger. He circles your clit, eliciting a quiet moan. Is he so rushed? You don't know. Laying down on the large rock, you arch your back, enjoying his attention. Anakin is rapt in your body and sounds, cock straining against his robes.
"You are perfect," He sighs, kneeling at the edge to nestle his face between your thighs. He buries his face in your heavenly core, closing his eyes and breathing in. There is something earthly and ethereal in your scent, like fresh rain and clear water, mixed with a floral perfume that makes his soul boil. His hot breath makes you giggle as his tongue teases your soaked pussy. "You are... like a goddess."
Your hands trace your sides, touching your chest as this insatiable human ravishes you, licking and lapping at your wetness. His manly groans spur waves of desire, warm tongue sliding in and out. His blue irises fixate on you, admiring how you contort and succumb to the s sensuality hat threatens to make him lose his control.
Anakin sucks your swollen clit, groaning at the responsive mewls and sighs. Maybe it is all a dream, maybe he is laying under the waterfall after he fell and is bleeding out from hitting a rock... and if that's true, then he would die happily with this vision. His hands grip your thighs harder digging the supple flesh. Your moans grow in intensity as he sucks harder, drowned in your essence.
He had heard his name many times, screamed in battle, in briefings, being cursed and dammed... but listening to you say it, prey of the uncanny desire is surreal. Anakin's cock throbs, restless to be inside you. He knows you had never had a man claim you— and he wants to be the first one.
With your thighs closing around his head, you climax with a gorgeous moan, getting lost in the nature around you, mixing with the lullaby of the forest and engraving this memory with water and blood in his heart. Anakin's cheeks are red from pressure and need, but he doesn't stop, decided to continue teaching you the arts of pleasure, a different form of profession corrupted by humans.
He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, the leather glistening with a combination of your slick and his saliva. You are glowing, calling him like a mermaid, almost begging for him to finish the job he started.
"Is that how men pleasure their women?" You ask breathlessly, lifting your eyes, watching the butterflies and birds fly through the dense foliage. Being so connected with nature had never felt so good.
"Mostly," He chuckles, climbing back onto the rock and hovering over you. "But there's more... so much more."
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missxmav · 4 months
new beginnings - tom kazansky
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tom 'iceman' kazansky x reader
Summary: Tom finds his pregnant wife in the heart of their shared home, the sight of her simply takes his breath away. Word count: 1,120+ Warnings: fluuuufffff, SERIOUSLY FLUFFY SOFT TOM, pregnancy, afab!reader (still working on gender neutral tone as best I can), assumptions about size (I play into the plus size side of things because I am plus size, but there's no direct mention), no use of y/n (just she/her pronouns) A/N: This is only rough edited by myself, I'm so sorry for any mistakes. (Im rusty as f*ck at fic writing) I've had this fic in my back pocket for months, please enjoy all the fluff. I'm head over heels for val kilmer as a person, and I'm well aware that the gif is not from Top Gun... this is however an aged up version of Commander Kazansky (;
Tom wasn't typically a man of many words, even after Top Gun and becoming a commander... He was still on track to becoming an admiral in a couple years and his stoic ice-cold exterior has carried him far in the Navy. No, there wasn't much that could get in his way now. 
Except for her.
She melted his every icy edge. Especially now that she's 7 months pregnant with his baby. The way she waddled around the sizable estate that he purchased the year they got married. It'd been nearly 7 years since that beautiful day, but Tom and his wife decided to focus on their separate careers before committing to living with little ones under foot. He was nearing his mid-to-late 30's now and with his career excelling, his mind constantly settled on imagining what her beautiful features would be like mixed with his. 
Would they get his ice-like stare or her warm bright irises that see right through to his soul? Would they get his pin straight hair that stuck up in all the wrong places or her beautiful, textured hair that fell beautifully in every light? 
His mind would run rampant every time he looked at her, his eyes never failing to trail up and down her whole figure. He would linger on her face, taking in how absolutely mesmerizing she was in the pregnancy glow before darting down to her ever-changing belly. It was very noticeable now, and the way she braced the underside of the bump softened his stare every time. Even through the literal growing pains of making a human, she looked ethereal. He subconsciously pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. Tom was fully convinced that she could never be more beautiful than she was in this exact moment. 
With a warm but soft chuckle under his breath, he stood slowly and made his way over to her. The book she'd been perusing at the kitchen counter happened to be a cookbook he got her for Christmas in the early years of their relationship. He'd assumed she must be craving something specific by the way she quickly flipped through the pages. He placed his hands over the tops of her shoulders, giving a gentle rub to the tense muscles in her shoulder blades and leaned in to kiss her neck. The smell of her conditioner and body wash from her shower this morning is almost intoxicating. His body was warm, causing her to lean back on his chest.
"You're absolutely radiant dear," Tom stated, a smile forming across his lips. "And absolutely distracting..." He hasn't been able to take his eyes off her since she entered the kitchen adjacent to the doors of his office. He'd been trying to get through some paperwork before finding her to ask what you might want for lunch as she graced her way into the heart of their shared home.
She was one of the only women that could ever truly take his breath away, though many tried. Even in a moment like this... with his wedding band heavy on her finger and growing the fruit of his love for her in her tummy, he still had to remind himself to breathe.
His large arms made their way down her body until they gently embraced her and her bump. He supported her belly gently, the same way the two had learned in the parenting classes Tom insisted on attending once she confirmed her pregnancy. The soft hum that escaped her throat told him that she needed this. Her eyes fluttered closed as he stood there, swaying gently with her in his arms.
“Blueberry.” Was the only thing that snapped the quiet of the moment between the two of them. Her words were soft in his ears. Tom raised an eyebrow in curiosity as he leaned forward to place his chin on her shoulder. The pages of the cookbook landed on a muffin recipe that had been dog-eared and made enough times to sport the stains of baking chaos. 
Another low chuckle reverberated through his chest. “Cravings?” Tom placed another gentle kiss on her neck as he slowly released his childbearing wife to turn to the refrigerator behind him. This recipe was one he was familiar with, having made it several times over the years. He grabbed out the bowl of blueberries, buttermilk, butter and eggs while his wife gathered the remaining dry ingredients. 
A quiet melodic sound filled the kitchen as Tom watched his wife pull up the large glass bowl from the cabinet. The smile spread across his face as he recognized their wedding song falling from her lips. “I wanna know what love is…”
Tom set the cold ingredients out on the counter, crossing the kitchen swiftly to pull her back into his arms. “I want you to show me…” He whispered to her, a hum parting his lips as he twirled her around slowly in the afternoon light of their kitchen. He mirrored her radiant smile as they slowly swayed together, her baby bump separating them a little more than usual but neither of them cared. 
After enjoying the embrace of her husband, Tom’s wife pushed him away gently as she resumed making the muffins lil’ kazansky was craving so badly. The blonde commander only laughed as he kissed her hand before parting their embrace. He too busied himself making muffins again wordlessly as he reached into the bottom drawer of the oven. Grabbing out the old muffin tin, he paused to preheat the oven as he lingered there for a moment.
Tom’s hand immediately found his wife’s lower back as he brought the tin over to the island countertop, using the other to place the white liners in each cup. A devious giggle caught his attention and before he could even blink, she’d managed to touch his nose with a flour-covered hand. His steely eyes closed suddenly as she swiped at his face, unable to hide the slow grin that parted his lips as he dipped his own hand into the bowl of flour. 
He laughed as he pulled her back from the counter slightly, his flour covered hand landing gently over the top of her baby bump. The white handprint was stark on her dark dress. The gasp that escaped from the woman in his arms only made him laugh harder as she rolled her eyes and shook her head at her husband’s antics. 
"What am I going to do with you, Thomas Kazansky? ” She said exasperatedly despite a smile growing on her face.
“Love me.” He said simply, his eyes gazing deeply into hers as he pulled her in close again. “And make muffins with me forever.” She laughed, her heart full, as she accepted his proposal.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 5 months
Vante | Kim Taehyung
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Summary: You favorite faceless artist Vante has an exhibit tonight and one of his close friends takes a special interest in you. Pairing: Artist Taehyung x Art Collector reader Word count: 2.3k a/n: This was supposed to be out for Tae's birthday and I failed miserably. But it's gonna be a two parter to make up for it so keep an eye out for that! (I also have a Jin fic but again I've failed miserably on getting it out on time) I wanted to post the first part to see how it's received and I'll decide when I'll put out a part two later. p.s barely edited because I just wanted to put it out asap lol
"You know that one artist you like is having a gallery show right?" my friend asks me. "Who? Vante?" I asks, my interest now peaked. "Who else would it be? You don't really mention any other artist to me by name. You just say 'Look at this new piece I bought' or whatever, but when it come's to him it's always 'I just found a new piece by Vante and I need to get my hands on it!' or something to that extent" she finishes, taking a sip of her mimosa. 
"Didn't you already have enough to drink last night?" I ask, reminding her about how plastered she got at the benefit ball as she downs the rest of her fifth glass this morning. "Yes, but today is a new day love. What did you expect when you invited me out to brunch?" she teases, waving down one of the waiters to bring her another one.
I roll my eyes at her and continue on with my meal. "Anyways, about the gallery show, do you know where it is? I know his events tend to be exclusive so I haven't been able to get an invite before. Is it somewhere in the city?" I ask taking a sip of my drink. "Well what if I told you I already got you an invite?" she says, smiling over the rim of her glass. 
"What do you mean you already got me an invite?" I ask in astonishment. "Are you the one who's drunk or am I? Yes I got you an invite!" she laughs at my growing excitement. "I love you so much girl thank you!" I say coming around the table and hugging her semi aggressively. "Okay okay now get off of me and order another drink for yourself if you really love me. You know I hate drinking alone" she says and waves the waiter over for me before I can protest.
"So where's the show being held?" ask while we're waiting for the driver to pull the car around and instead of saying anything she hands me a luxe envelope with a wax seal and my name written across it in the most intricate font. "All the information you'll need is in there" she says and makes her way into the car leaving me mesmerized with it for a moment before she's calling after me to get in. 
"I still don't understand why you're so obsessed with him though, is it the whole faceless thing?" she asks once the car makes it way onto the street. "In part yes, that's definitely got me intrigued but his art alone speaks for itself. There's just so much life in it and-" "Yeah yeah I've heard you fan girl about him enough. I don't even know why I asked" she says resting her head against the window. "The alcohol is catching up to you isn't it?" I say amused by her cheeky response. "Shhh why are you talking so loud?" she whines making me chuckle and lean back in my seat, enjoying the now peaceful drive back to my home.
Closing my front door behind me I walk over to my living room mindlessly and sit down on the couch all while inspecting the envelop before reaching for my letter opener as to not break the seal. Once opened I'm met with a soft beige letter again with my name written in the same font. I open it and read all of the information about it and I panic for a moment seeing that the show is tonight. "Of course she would wait until last minute to give me this" I say out loud to myself with a smile on my face, taking a deep breath and making my way over to my closet. 
Once I've found an outfit that fits the theme of pale neutral colors I start getting ready to head out. Taking one last look at myself in the mirror I give myself a bit of a pep talk before leaving. "You've been to hundreds of shows like these before. There's no need to be nervous" I say, taking a deep breath and walking out before changing my mind. 
The atmosphere is calm and quite compared to the loud colors and designs splattered on some of his paintings. The abstract faces and bodies of the people he paints a stark contrast to the people who are wandering around the gallery also donning the color pallet specified on the invite. I guess this is another way to ensure that the paintings themselves are the ones that are grabbing peoples attention rather than the attire of the various attendees.
Taking a deep breath I wander around acting as casually as I can, trying to maintain my composure and keep my excitement at bay. Seeing all of his paintings up close is a new experience that I wasn't expecting. Seeing his art online verses being surrounded by it in person feels almost like a full circle moment. He's been an artist that I've been following closely for years now so it just feel right being here. 
"Has this one caught your eye?" I hear a mans voice say from behind me, leaving me placing my hand over my heart in surprise. "My apologies, I didn't mean to frighten you" the deep baritone voice says now accompanied with owner by my side. "Oh no that's alright, I guess I just lost myself for a moment there" I say and take a glance at the man next to me. 
He looks as though he's my age or a few years older with strong masculine features but still having a few soft ones to make him even most interesting to look at leaving me at a loss for words. Not so much as being nervous but more as seeing him as being somewhat of a living piece of art that somehow found it's way over to my little part of the world. 
"You still haven't answered my question" he says playfully, turning to face me now. "I'm sorry?" I reply, embarrassed from being caught staring at him for too long. "The painting?" he questions nodding towards the piece in front of us. "Oh! Yes it's gorgeous! It's one that I haven't seen before and it just kind of pulled me in as soon as I laid eye on it" I say turning my attention back towards it.
"I love how he's steered clear of using a traditional canvas and has used glass instead. His usual pieces are usually full of color and chaos but I love how this one is almost stripped down but still has so much life and movement in it. It's almost as if you can see him painting it on the other side" I say tilting my head a bit and taking in the details a bit more. 
"You see these little bumps right here and how they're almost a bit more textured than the rest, there are a few of those spots throughout it as well" he says leaning in a bit closer to point out a corner of it so I can see it more clearly. "Would you like to know the story behind this painting?" he asks and I eagerly nod, waiting with bated breath.
"So, he had been feeling a bit restless while he had been cleaning up his studio a bit and he had been washing his brushes and so he didn't really have much of anything to paint with and he had finally figured out what he wanted to paint of this sheet of glass in front of us today. So instead of waiting patiently for his proper tools to be back into commission he took a stale baguette from his kitchen, ripped it in half and used that as his brush instead" he chuckles and I can't help but laugh right along with him, taking note of his adorable laugh and boxy smile.
"That certainly sounds like something he might do but if you don't mind me asking, how did you find that out?" I ask, interested as to what this man's relation might be to Vante.
"Oh, I guess I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Taehyung, I work closely with Vante and help out in any way that I can to make these shows run smoothly. I'm also full of fun facts about all of the pieces in here so please don't hesitate to ask me anything" he says while motioning around to the rest of the gallery. 
"Oh, I'm y/n, it's very nice to meet you!" I say and take his outstretched in greeting and he surprises me by kissing the back of my hand. "Likewise" he says with his breath still fanning against my skin. It sends a slight shiver up my spine at that, paired with the dark brown eyes of his that I find myself entranced with.
"Are you an art collector yourself?" he asks, walking with me to see all the rest of the pieces in the various exhibits. "I'm more of a beginner when it comes to collecting art and curating a collection but I do know that I always try to get my hands on any Vante piece I come across. I've been following his career for almost 6 years and I can't help but fall in love everything he creates" I gush while taking a closer look at another piece. 
"You really are a true fan of his" he replies, gazing at me with admiration while my attention is pulled to a sculpture close by. "I mean I guess you could say that" I reply, getting shy at how excited I've been. It's as though I've reverted to having a childlike wonder when brought to a candy store for the first time.
"There's no need to be embarrassed, I like seeing how passionate you are about art. It reminds me of how Vante used to be when he first started out" he says and walks over to another piece with almost a melancholy smile. "Used to be?" I question trailing after him. 
"He's been going through a bit of a slump lately and thought a show like this would bring him some sort of inspiration and motivation to continue and hopefully appreciate how far he's come" he says, glancing over at me. "Do you think it has? Is he here right now?" I ask, taking a glance around the room.
"Yes he's here and trust me, this show has done wonders for his creativity" he says smiling down at me before taking a glance around the room. I try to follow his line of sight to see if they land on anyone in particular but unfortunately he seems to catch me in the act. "You're quite the curious one now aren't you?" he chuckles, turning his attention back to me. 
"Why do you say that?" I ask, feigning innocence. "You're trying to find Vante aren't you?" he says with a knowing smile. "Can you blame me? This mystery behind who he is and even his age are driving me crazy" I laugh and he laughs right along with me. 
"Why don't you take a wild guess as to who he might be" he says and watches me as I take a gander around the gallery. "Mmmm, how about him" I ask, pointing at a man in his late 40s with a stocky build that is clearly wearing a toupee. "Very funny" he laughs and shakes his head. 
"What? I'm taking a shot in the dark here" I say trying to stop myself from laughing again. "Well how about him?" I ask pointing to a younger man that seems to be in his early 20s dressed in a more casual but clean outfit, just barely matching the dress code. "That's a good guess but no that's not him. If you ask me it looks as though he's been dragged here by his mother" he points out a middle aged woman dragging him along so he won't wander off. 
"Good point" I chuckle looking over at him as he continues to scan the gallery right along with me, never staying on one person for more than a few moments. "You probably wouldn't even tell me if I did guess right huh?" I say, seeing a devious smile flash across his face. "Nope" he says and walks over to another piece. 
"Why even suggest the guessing game if you wouldn't tell me the answer?" I ask and start checking out what he's brought us over to. "Because I liked watching you guess" he says glancing over at me and I frown at him playfully. "Hey in exchange for not telling you who Vante is, why don't I show you the pieces that didn't make it into the show?" he suggests and starts walking towards a door thats labeled 'Employees Only'. 
"Really? Are you sure this isn't against the rules or something?" I asks looking around to see if anyone is watching us, which thankfully no one is. "Of course it is. But don't worry, I'm famous for talking myself out of trouble, or into trouble depending on the situation" he says with a wink while holding the door open for me.
I take one last look around and see that again no one is paying us any mind. "After you my lady" he says and motions for me to walk in...
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yourmomni · 10 months
Arguments 3
Hey yall I was asked to finished this so I did🩵🩵 hopefully you enjoy this
Jakesim X black reader
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Jake was beat. He didn't know how to fix this situation at hand without making you more upset.
You left earlier on your way to see about Jake's meeting. You wanted to see why he took that call. And why he would rather be here rather than with you.
Once you entered the office Jake's secretary immediately greeted you with this biggest smile.
" Mrs. Sim what brings you in?" You smiled at the sweet lady. " Hello Mrs.Park I was told Jake had an important meeting today." She nodded. " Well yes but he called me and said he wanted Mr.Lee to take over on his behalf."
You smirked. Of Course he would ask heeseung to take over in case of an emergency. He was his right hand.
" Ms.park you wouldn't mind directing me to the meeting room? Would you?"
Jake was still trying to find ways to get into the house. He was hungry and tired. The couch was getting hard and uncomfortable.
He had to find a way in.
He tried climbing up the rain gutter but kept slipping due to the rain that morning, then he tried opening the windows cursing when they wouldn't budge.
He was beat.
Maybe he did work too much to the point he was pushing you away and not spending time with you. You did so much for him and the least he could have done was make you happy.
He messed up
He pulled his phone out to call you to apologize but it wouldn't turn on. He groaned sliding off the sofa " I hate today so much."
He groaned. Then an idea hit him. He gasped standing up
Why the hell didn't he think of this idea sooner. He rushed to the Gate that led to the front of your house running to the front door. He went to the door pad that showed a device with a keypad.
" I'm such an idiot." He typed in the code which was your Anniversary and the front door opened.
Jake screamed in excitement running inside and closing the door. Going straight to you and his shared room.
He threw his clothes off hopping in the shower. The hot water hitting his skin relaxed his muscles as he moaned in satisfaction.
He was definitely going to make a call to his contractor to put a shower in the guest house along with a kitchen. Just in case he got himself in another predicament.
He wrapped a towel around his waist, happy to be clean. " What do I owe the pleasure ?" He jumped, grabbing his heart leaning on the dresser.
" Oh my gosh baby you scared me." You were leaning on the door with your arms crossed wearing a white shirt with a matching black blazer and a pencil skirt. Your strappy heels that reached All the way to your calves were mesmerizing.
" I see you finally found a way in huh." He nodded " yeah after many failed attempts." He looked up at his beautiful wife.
He would do anything for her. He opened his arms motioning for a hug and she immediately fell into his arms. " I'm sorry my love. I wasn't appreciating you like I know you deserve and I've been a huge dick to you lately. You're more important to me than any job and I've decided to take a break for a little."
Her eyes widened. " What no I don't want you to stop working." He frowned his eyebrows looking down at her pushing her hair back from her face. " Then what was this whole argument about? I thought you wanted to spend more time with me."
She pouted, pulling away from him, taking off her blazer and flopping on to the bed. " I went to the office today, I noticed that I never visit you at work so I should see what you do all day." He leaned down in front of me untying my heels, taking them off.
" I went into that big meeting you told me about." He faltered a little. " oh how did it go?" I huffed. " Really good. It was exciting seeing Heeseung close a deal. I see why you work so much." He smiled, pulling the shoes off and sitting them by the bed.
" I don't want you to stop doing what you love because of me. I want you to enjoy it more though. Celebrate those exciting wins. Hesseung told me you never go out with them after a huge accomplishment. Instead you come home to me." I sat up looking down at him as he rested his head on my legs gently stroking them with his finger.
" I'm sorry for making you sleep in the guest house. And leaving you out in the rain. And breaking your Lego death star." He whipped his head at me. " You did what?" I put my finger to his lips and shush him. " Hey we'll worry about that later but just know I'm very sorry."
I gently smiled, grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it. " Let's never argue like this again." I nodded, leaning down and pecking his lips. " okay."
He stood up going to his closet. " Oh by the way I sent flowers to your mom to apologize for how I acted. Do you think she's going to like them." I shrugged unbuttoning my shirt. " Maybe throw in a fruit basket then some baseball tickets for my dad."
I heard him chuckle. " Okay noted." I unzipped my skirt taking it off as Jake emerged from the closet wearing a normal t-shirt and sweatpants. " How about we invite them over for dinner instead." He walked towards me grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him. " Okay, sounds fun, I'll get the menu together." He was staring down at my lips biting his.
" this morning were you trying to tease me?" I raised my eyebrows. " What are you talking about."
He kissed my neck. " the oversized t shirt." Kiss. " with nothing under It but panties." He was kissing my neck now
All the way to my Jaw then to my lips. " You're so pretty." I laughed in the kiss. Pushing him away
" Baby i've been out all day and I'm wet from the rain. I'm going to go take a shower." I kissed his cheek going to the bathroom leaving him there in the middle of our room.
He whined pouting at me. "Come on, you've been mad at me all day. I just want a little love." I rolled my eyes at him. " I'm only gonna be 10, maybe 20 minutes we will watching a movie when I get out.
He groaned laying on the bed. " oh and by the way I wasn't wearing underwear." I winked at him closing the bathroom.
He laughed throwing a pillow at the door laying back in the bed
" Wait, did you really break my Lego set?"
He heard you gasp and turn the shower immediately he rolled his. He'll deal with that after you get out
He could get use to being home all the time
If it meant being with you
This is for you @jaeyunlover 🩵
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yorshie · 11 months
13 for the writer's ask?
I read your tmnt work but really, any fandom you'd like to share too.
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Question 13: What are some must-read fanfics in your fandoms? Why do you admire these, and how have they impacted your works?
Question 19: How has your experience as a fanfic reader impacted your experience as a fanfic writer?
13: Oh, my goodness. Listen. I have read and fallen in love with more fics than I can shake a stick at. I've been reading for a very long time, but I will give you as best an answer as I can. Please be aware that some of these fics are NSFW, and some of them I don't know if they are still up, it's been so long since I looked for them. edit: I limited it to ten, because I could feel myself spiraling down memory lane.
If you aren't familiar with @tmnt-tychou When Leo Met Mona, you should start there, since I'm gonna assume since you're asking me you are in the TMNT fandom. - I love her work and the way she writes romances with the turtles, and I know she's impacted my writing because I have a whole fic that has one of her characters in it.
I have really enjoyed @afreakingdork 's work, TMNT fandom as well - they're one of those writers that twists things in interesting ways and withholds information, and I love how I'm always kept on my toes while reading.
Oh, Son of A- by StrivingArtist on AO3, Hobbit fandom (Fili/reader) - I love this story simply because the author took a long break in the middle, and then came back and finished it. It's completed, and the story is funny as all get out. Took that 'modern girl falls into middle earth trope' and knocked it out of the ballpark. I still cackle over it.
Eidolon by Llanval on AO3, Marvel fandom- unfinished, but poetic, the imagery and storytelling is startlingly haunting. I would go out on a limb and say the author was a fan of E.T. Hoffman.
Alabanza by brandyllyn on A03, star wars (Poe/reader) - it's just a romance that really stuck with me, and I thought it had a really interesting take on how Poe actually meets reader.
Lost Valor; Forgotten Stars by rinskiroo on AO3, star wars (Poe/ofc) - this is a fic that I still don't understand fully to this day, but I know it was drawing on lore from multiple points in star wars history. I would read it again, probably will this weekend. Really highlights the difference between the resistance and the rebellion.
Earning my Wings by warqueenfuriosa on AO3, star wars (poe/reader) - I really connected with this reader, and gosh darn this fic is just funny. and believable.
anything shootybangbang on AO3 writes. They were someone I found while deep into red dead, because we both explored the same imagery on the duality of man and beast. The way they write poetry into their stories is just mesmerizing.
We Were Only Ever Stardust by PardonMyManners on AO3, rogue one fandom - oh this one made me cry. I was really into how the RO fandom took star crossed lovers and found family and just drove a knife into everyone's heart with it
Theres a whole rogue one series by angel_deux on A03 that starts with a fic called Hard to be Soft. I found it 6 days after the movie released and read the whole thing whenever I could. Another one I'll have to reread soon.
19: Well, reading fanfic is how I became a fanfic writer, and definitely played a part in how I’ve gotten better at writing. To be very blunt, what I consumed usually found its way into my own writing. There were definitely fics that I read that made me realize what I did and did not like, and there were just as many ideas that captured my imagination as those I shunned. There were writers whose style I admired, who twisted words and withheld information in a way that caught my interest. There were characterizations I had no care for, for sure, and moments where I didn’t fully understand what the writer was trying to get across to their audience, but on a whole I always felt there was something to learn from whatever I had decided to read, and my writing responded like a puzzle picked from many different people over many different years.
I feel like this answer is maybe a bit meandering and not very precise, but please be aware I’ve been reading fanfic for almost two whole decades, across fandoms and platforms, and so I don’t remember things very vividly, but my writing is a timeline of who I was at the time.
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r-gii · 10 months
The Egg Laying of Mrs. Easter Bunny - Chapter 4
Ash Wednesday was fast approaching, the clock ticking down, and the former Mrs. Easter Bunny was coaching Buttercup on the process of Egg Laying.
"I thought you said I laid from Passover to Good Friday, Passover is still over a month away."
Mrs. Easter Bunny went red. "Sorry, I was stressed that day, I meant Ash Wednesday to Good Friday, sorry if I let on that you wouldn't have to lay as long on years where Passover is closer to Easter."
Buttercup shook her head, "I knew what you meant, I was just checking. Wanted to make sure I was really getting the full Lenten Season as promised."
"Yeah, okay, I'm sure you'll enjoy all six weeks of it," Mrs. Easter Bunny sighed.
Mrs. Easter Bunny led Buttercup into the laying room, it was decorated nicely with a soft nest in the center (basically like her bed, but for laying in. The other laying), chutes on the wall for sorting and organizing eggs, if those two words had any real difference.
"Okay, allow me to show you what you'll be doing," Mrs. Easter Bunny withdrew a fancy Easter Egg, painted with all sorts of colors, curving and swirling their way across its smooth surface. "This is an example of one of the eggs you'll be laying, most of them are about this size, but they do vary more or less every once in awhile."
Buttercup grabbed the egg, looking at it mesmerized. "Look at the size of these eggs," Buttercup squealed, "and so beautiful too, so colorful and eggy shaped" it was always good to scream in agony over something so beautiful. She looked down at herself. Newborn rabbits were fairly small, and giving birth to them still left a rabbit squealing, these eggs on the other pawpad were so much bigger. "I am in no way built in the same size or shape as a chicken to accommodate this," Buttercup observed. The pressure it would take to lay one of those when she probably wouldn't even be able to handle a small newborn rabbit, there was no way she was going to be able to take it. She moved a paw toward her back legs and tried to imagine laying on of these things. "Ooh! That is going to be so painful!" Oh how small her poor little delicate body was, there was no way this would work. It'd be so INTENSE!
Yes! Bring it on!
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and a young Blue Bird peaked in. "Excuse me missuses," she tweeted shyly, "the Nurse Maids are here."
Bambii's Mom nodded, "Send them in."
The door opened and in flew a red cardinal, self assured looking, but kind. And then from behind her - Buttercup gasped – stepped in Edwina, one of the hens from Buttercup's old farm, the same one who had mocked her about plastic eggs last year.
"Edwina!" Buttercup cried, "What are you doing here? You're... you're my Nurse Maid?"
Edwina looked at Buttercup, an even expression on her face, "I only agreed to do this because I wanted to see you squeal your little hiney off as you lay eggs for a change."
Buttercup looked at her for a second. "Well," she said finally, "I hope I don't disappoint. This is so great!"
Edwina just looked flabbergasted.
"Uh," said the blue bird in the door, "can I go now? I'm not needed anymore, right? I don't know if I want to... I don't want to be here when..."
The former Missus nodded, and the blue bird flapped out of the room as quick as her little wings could carry her.
"She's so laying eggs someday," Buttercup mussed. Birds, it was unavoidable.
Finally, Bambii came in carrying a stack of all his Easter Baskets. He put them down and looked at Buttercup. "You sure you got this?"
Buttercup nodded, and grinned at him sweetly, "Are you joking, I've been waiting my whole life for this."
Bambii nodded, "Okay, but let me know if you need anything." He picked up a few baskets and started organizing them down chutes. "I got to check on a few more things, but I'll be back as quick as I can to help you with the beginning of the process."
"Uh, not sure how you can help with this," Buttercup giggled, "but thanky."
Bambii just gave an awkward nod of acknowledgement, then went back out the door.
Once he was gone, all fell silent in the room. Bambii's mother started to gather herself to go, when after a moment of uncomfortable silence, Buttercup spoke up.
"What if I don't like it?" Buttercup asked with a sudden flash of uncertainty, "I've waited all this time to experience something like this, I've saved myself from any real pain so as not to spoil this moment, and what if I don't like it - actually hate it - and in the end, it's not worth it?"
Bambii's mom stopped at the door and turned to look at her daughter-in-law. "Well, I've literally laid billions of eggs over the years," Mrs. Easter Bunny admitted, "And I can't comprehend how anybody could experience that much pain and actually enjoy it. But I can only speak for myself, I'm not you. I can tell you, you really have no idea what your in for, but how you respond to that experience is solely up to you and you alone." Finally, she looked up at her gently, "But I hope for your sake, it's everything you hoped for. Now, I'm not going to be here during your laying, I've had more than enough to last a lifetime, but your Nurse Maids will take good care of you, okay. Well, Cardinal at least, I have no idea what's up with Edwina."
And with that, she had left. Once she was gone, Cardinal looked at Buttercup confused, "Why would you even like to be in pain?" Obviously she didn't know Buttercup all that well.
"Don't ask her these questions," Edwina said, "she's just like that. I don't think she even knows."
"No no," Buttercup said, trying to find words to explain herself, "Don't get me wrong, I don't know if it's the pain itself I like, I enjoy not enjoying it, and knowing that no male is ever going to be able to understand what that experience is actually like, and knowing that I'd be better off being a male, but I'm not, and knowing that I'll never escape being me, the one that others are lucky they're not, actually makes it all the more amusing that I'm stuck being me. The fact that I can be leveled so, that's funny." Wow, that was a real jumble of words.
The Cardinal looked at her, "I'm not sure that's exactly healthy."
"Well," Edwina admitted, "Eggs do need to be laid, we'd go extinct if they weren't. At least it's pain for a purpose." She shrunk in herself having reminded herself that she too was subject to that pain. It really wasn't pretty.
Buttercup hesitated., still not feeling satisfied with her answer. Finally, "Not to say pain isn't a great part of the process..." She closed her eyes trying to think of the best words to express herself. "It's the not being able to bear your existence, but knowing it couldn't be any other way, to know that you'd be better off if you were someone else, but then you couldn't be you if you were. It's to love to hate to be yourself, which in turn causes you love to be yourself; it's to love to hate the pain, which in turn causes you to enjoy the pain all the more. Perhaps I can't explain it any better than that, but I want to do this, I don't know why, I just do. I want to experience the pain, I want to love it, and I want to hate it, at the same time. It's just too much to comprehend."
The two Nurse Maids looked at eachother. "Okay then," Cardinal said. That was a bit much.
They stood waiting, the clock ticking down. Buttercup stepped over to the nest and felt its softness, her heart hammering in her chest. She breathed deeply, "I just hope I'm..." She hesitated, not knowing the right words.
"You just hope your strong enough?" Cardinal offered.
Buttercup shook her head, "No, I hope I'm not strong enough, that would be counterproductive for what I'm going for." She hesitated, "I just hope I'm masochistic enough. What if I think I am, but I'm really not? I'm going to be really depressed if I don't like this. If I'm not a masochist, then maybe I'm not the bunny I think I am."
"Well, you're not going to have to wait long," Cardinal said, looking at the clock. It was ticking, the last minute until Midnight.
And then the hour struck.
Buttercup gasped, a giant cramp suddenly clinched her insides.
Edwina looked at her. "You okay."
"I think..." Buttercup said, clinched over, "I think it's starting."
This was so much worse than a blister, the pressure was growing, she couldn't take the pressure off if she tried, it was going to keep going and going, pretty soon it would pop, and the excruciatingness that followed was sure to be unbearable.
And it was then that Buttercup realized, while her little bunny body's survival instincts were telling her to flee, to escape the inevitable pain that would follow, Buttercup realized this was her element, and this was going to be a moment she'd never regret. All this time she'd been waiting, wondering what it would feel like to lay an egg, and HERE IT FINALLY WAS! It wasn't just something she had just imagined happening to her, it was real, it was happening to her this very moment. Miss Buttercup was LAYING AN EGG!
And that's when the pressure exploded. She burst out screaming, the egg was too big for her little body, and now it was laying full of color in the nest behind her. "OW! OW! OWWWWWW!" She screamed, writhing in her little delicate bunny body, "IT HURTS SO MUCH!" Even Edwina was looking away at discomfort at what she'd just witnessed.
And then Buttercup felt her innards clinching for the next egg.
"Oh no, oh no..." Buttercup squeeled.
And in a moment, the second egg was laid, Buttercup was completely screaming her head off senselessly now.
She couldn't believe how real this all was. She wasn't screaming and crying out for effect, she really meant it, the desperation to remove herself from the pain undeniable.
And she loved it. She loved how no matter how much she knew it would hurt, no matter how well she had prepared herself, no matter how much she had looked forward to this moment, by the time it really happened, none of her anticipation could do anything to stop her from falling helpless into that void of agony that was consuming her. Her whole body was desperate to escape this pain, and it couldn't, and Buttercup loved that craving for relief, the desperation for escape that she knew she would not receive anytime soon. Hopefully this craving would not be met soon, because the longer the craving was unmet, the more desperate it became, and SHE JUST LOVED THIS CRAVING! Egg after egg, oh it was just too much to bear.
"THIS HURTS WORSE THAN I EVER IMAGINED!" She laughed through her screaming.
"See, I told you," Edwina said, "Egg laying hurts, do you see now that it's not just a laughing matter?"
Buttercup looked at her, tears running down her face, from pain or laughter, she could not tell. "Are you kidding?" Buttercup strained, "This is exactly the kind of stuff that's just hilarious OWWWWW! I LOVE MY BODY! OWW-HOWW!"
Never before in so much pain had she felt so much relief, she really was the rabbit she always hoped she was, Egg Laying was just the BEST! (Because it was the worst obviously)! So even though her body was screaming, her Soul had never felt more herself. She could exist peacefully now.
Edwina looked at Buttercup and blinked, obviously Buttercup was someone else entirely. "Okay," Edwina said getting down to business then, realizing it was fruitless to continue down this route of schadenfreudism "Come look at your eggs," She said picking up Buttercup's eggs and showing them to her.
Buttercup looked at them with all their many colors and her eyes lit up. "Oh my goodness, they're so beautiful. I'm laying those?"
But before she could say anymore, she gasped as she felt the next one inside her, it felt different somehow, a sharpness of a hinge as it got caught in the midst of contractions.
Suddenly, Bambii came in, he looked at Buttercup screaming out her agony and stopped. "How is she?" He asked the Nurse Maids anxiously.
Edwina looked at him, "Oh, she's doing fine. Better than she should be considering the circumstances."
"This is excruciatingly hilarious!" Buttercup gasped. "You have no idea what you're missing."
Bambii looked at her, obviously this was more her thing than his, "Uh, no thank you, I think I'll pass."
"Imagine being a boy, never having to go through this," Buttercup mussed. Bambii nodded, he couldn't imagine. Or he could imagine, whatever. He couldn't imagine being able to imagine.
And suddenly, Buttercup screamed again, and the next egg was there.
"Plastic," said Edwina, "why am I not surprised."
Buttercup struggled to rotate her body to look at the big purple egg, "Oh, my first plastic, I must see what's inside."
Bambii hoped up to his wife gently, knowing how much pain she must be in (actually, he didn't know, he knew he'd never be able to comprehend that, but he figured it was a lot), but also realizing that this was something, beyond all logical explanation, that she was rather fond of, he didn't know if he should pity her, or humor her (she'd probably want both to be honest). But he went up to her and grabbed the egg. "Okay, this one's for you."
He opened it, and inside was a... Reese's Buttercup.
Buttercup burst out laughing, she was completely delirious. She was so caught up, she didn't even realize the next egg until it came, and she was screaming all over again.
Once she quieted, Bambii slipped the Buttercup over to... wel Buttercup, "Here it's yours. I'm sure there will be plenty more where that came from." He went red, "When I say 'where that...' never mind. I mean there's more to come."
That egg was like twice the size of any of the eggs before it, and it HURT! Buttercup hunched over on all fours, squealing in her pain. She couldn't bear the pressure anymore, her itty-bitty bunny body was just not big enough for an egg of such size to pass through it, and that made it the greatest experience in her life.
"Oh, that's my bum in the air," she gasped through sweat and tears, "That is so embarrassing. I must be so funny looking. No way I'll make it to Easter like this. And by 'no way', I mean I'm totally making it."
Another scream as another egg came.
"Somehow," she choked.
As Bambii exited the room after sorting some of the eggs down the chutes, he found the shy little blue bird waiting by the door listening in.
"Will I sound like that when I lay eggs," she asked anxiously.
Bambii just shrugged, unsure of anything he ever thought of Egg Laying.
Another undignified scream erupted from behind the door, and the blue bird's face went red, she covered it with her wings. "Oh my," she said, "I'm so embarrassed with myself."
The Easter Bunny patted her on the head, "You're okay how you are," he assured her.
With that, he headed off to carry on his business, hoping his wife would be alright in her blissful state of woeful agony until he could come back.
"Oh Buttercup," he sighed to himself, "I love you so much, but if only I could understand you." Shaking his head, he hopped on.
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Part 1
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"Yeah" I nod into the phone, looking out of the window of the tour bus. I'd been all over America, but there was just one place I wanted to be, and in less than a whole day, I'd be there again. "I'll be there in the morning"
"Cool, I'll have everything ready when you get here" Bam agrees.
"Great, great. Okay, I'll talk to you then"
"Later" he says before the phone clicks.
I look up, watching Mige sit on the opposite side of the table and smile at me. The cheesy grin was enough, but when he happily intertwined his fingers on the tabletop, I narrow my eyes, knowing he's definitely up to something.
"What?" I stare.
"I'm going to hate not being able to speak to you the entire time we're there" he dramatically sighs.
"Why can't you?"
"Because you'll be a drooling puppy dog all over again, don't act like I can't see the way you cream your pants every time she's around"
"Surely you're not talking about me"
"I am. You and little miss Margera"
"Aprils a lovely woman, but she's married"
"Don't play dumb, Ville. You know I'm talking about Danni"
The very name struck a special string in my heart. I look at my hand, trying my best to hide any emotion that hits me. Bams twin sister, the vixen that ran away with my heart.
"She's off at college" I nearly whisper.
"No she isn't. Bam said she dropped out to do that CKY thing" a coy smirk dancing on his face.
"No she didn't" I stare, my heart skipping a beat.
"Oh yeah she did. Bam picked her up like three days ago, so she'll be all nice and ready to rock when you arrive"
"She's a friend"
"That you lose all dignity over" he smirks.
He's not wrong, I started thinking about her long dark hair, pale skin, those icy blue eyes...that damn smile. I find myself writing about her a lot, and I'll be the first to admit that Danni is a very beautiful girl, but I highly doubt I'd ever be her type. Even if I did have a chance, she's got this on and off thing with one of the guys from CKY, the band her brother, Jess, is in. Her little fling still doesn't stop me from devoting everything I have to her every chance I get, though. I was really hoping she wouldn't be there this time, I'm worried Bam will notice my admiration for her someday. He's bound to find out if I'm around her long. Those two are thick as thieves, being twins wasn't just in their looks either, I swear they could finish each other's very thoughts. I'd never have guessed anyone could match his energy the way she does.. The very first time I ever met her, Bam had brought her along to one of my shows, and I was instantly mesmerized. She was the first person to ever convince me to get on a skateboard, and the only girl I know that can drink as much as me. My mind starts trailing off, thinking about all of the time we've spent together during our friendship.
"Hello? Ville" Mige says, ripping me from my thoughts.
"Huh?" I stare.
"Exactly what I thought" he smiles. "Get some rest, you'll be struggling to breathe normal in a few hours"
"Right" I nod, realizing there was only about four hours before I see her.
I stand up, making my way to my bed and trying to mentally prepare myself for dealing with that beloved family of lunatics, I laugh at how I used to think Bam was crazy...then I met his sister. I lay in bed and think about all the memories I had with my favorite twins, remembering all the crazy shit they do on a regular basis. I sigh, trying to shut my brain off and get some rest, unfortunately, my brain is now infiltrated by one Danni Margera. I sigh, tossing and turning, haunted by her smile, her laugh, her touch. The three years I've spent being her friend has driven me insane, and now I'll be faced with her again, just praying that I don't accidentally let my love for her show. Maybe I'm recalling things through rose-tinted glasses, perhaps I'll get there and have entirely different emotions.
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wjforever · 2 years
Shatter me again. Chapter 1
A different reading of the entire Shatter me series. Let's relive it again.
Darkness. Something so fickle and eternal, absolute and worthless, base and sublime. This is complete emptiness and fullness, absence and meaning, finiteness and infinity, life and death. It's there and it's not there. It is near, and it is nowhere. You can feel it on your skin, it brushes the back of your head, and you can never reach it. Revelation and secrecy. Breath and vacuum.
The darkness envelops me like a shroud. I'm barely breathing. I'm breathing too frequent and too fast. My eyes are motionless. My eyes are darting from side to side. 
I'm chained to the light. The only ray of hope in this darkness. The only warmth. But this heat doesn't warm. Not today. Not now.
Silence. It's the eternal companion of darkness, destroyed by my breathing, the beating of my heart, the pounding in my ears.
Time. I lost count of it. I don't know how long I've been sitting like this. I know exactly how much. 264 days. Bound to the monitor with eyes, mind and heart.
I turn my gaze to the papers lying next to me. I read and reread them hundreds of thousands of times, as if I could find something new in them. As if this is my solace, a mantra, a nightly ritual that I repeat over and over and over again.
I look at the monitor one more time. Mesmerized, fascinated by the light that blinds me, but I can't tear myself away from it.  It's all about her. Motionless, she sits huddled in a corner. She doesn't move, and neither do I. I know absolutely everything about her, and I know nothing about her. I'm in the darkness.
Juliette Ferrars. This name. I pronounce it over and over again. I like the way it tastes on my tongue. I like the way it rolls in my mouth, gets stuck in my throat, making me choke.  She won't sleep. She sleeps so little. She seems to be constantly in a dream, in some kind of trance. And I want to be inside those dreams of hers. I'll never be able to.
I look at the papers again. Stacks of documents, certificates, resolutions. They will never be able to give me the answers to the questions I have. They will never let me inside her subconscious.
She doesn't move. Downtrodden, wretched, pathetic. She's not. I can feel her power, even through the distance, even through the monitor screen. Her weakness is just a shell in which she keeps herself. The real Juliette is there, hidden inside, within these fetters, these endless dreams. And I feel the need to be there. Inside her thoughts.
What's going on in that head? What is she thinking about when she raises her head, when she looks out the only small window? Restrained power. So powerful that it defies description.
Her weakness and fragility is deceptive. She is incredibly strong. She can easily and unhindered destroy you with just a touch. A wild and dangerous beast, a predator trapped, driven into a corner. Its coat has faded, but it's still deadly. It can tear you to pieces at any moment, if you just give it a chance, lower your guard. A predator will always be a predator. And I want to feel it myself. To be torn apart by this predator. I want to touch this power, feel this power. I need it.
She could destroy the whole world if she wanted to.
I look at her for hours, catching her every move, even the slightest. I try to understand her, to slip through, to seep into her mind. To unravel her by gestures, breathing, eye movements.  She's like the answer to my questions. She's the key. The answer to all the riddles. The Messiah, crucified on the cross, only to ascend in the end. To rise to greatness.
If only I understood her, if only I could get to know her more, better. Pick a lock pick for this sturdy lock. If only I could break this shell, twisted the bars and unleash the predator to the wild. Give it free rein. Give it the opportunity to show its strength, its superiority. Give it water, and food, and warmth. For those eyes to shine again, so that this power begins to flow like a stream.
She could change this world. Fix all its mistakes. Destroy and reassemble. Restart the system and start from scratch. To cure an incurable disease that has engulfed the whole world. Destroy those who feast on the remains of the animal they have killed.
She's the answer. She's the key. She's the clue.
If only it all depended on me. I'm in charge, but I'm nothing. I don't decide who of them will be free and who will not. I was not given such a right, such power. They don't trust me. No one knows, of course. They shouldn't. The power must be unconditional. Once they feel your uncertainty and everything will collapse like a house of cards from a breeze. 
She wouldn't collapse. She can't be broken even by the gusts of a hurricane that demolishes everything in its path. But I'm not her. I'm just a springboard, a tool, nothing more.
I would like to be able to simply order her to be brought to me. I can't. They're cowards. They're all cowards. They are afraid that they will not be able to cope with the beast, so they starve it, hoping that it will lose its strength. They keep her in the cold, in the dark, without the opportunity to wash properly or change clothes. No elementary basic rights and freedoms. All because they are pathetic weaklings who would be easily broken by this power.
That is why all asylums are kept under the control of the supreme authority and are completely managed exclusively by them. To get her out of there, I need to be convincing enough. I need to give them something to get what I need. To get her. Early, rare wild animals were guarded. Before they wiped out most of them, even not rare ones. Now they are kept at a distance and slowly destroyed so that nothing threatens their power. Fools. As if they really believe that true power can be contained. As if HE believes. Sooner or later, she will manifest herself and then there will be no salvation for anyone.
I'll take her. I will guard this rare exceptional specimen. I already have a clear plan of action, as always. I'm playing this game by his rules. For a while. To get something from him, you need to give him what he needs. Greater power, greater force, promises of boundless superiority. She is too dangerous, too unstable and unpredictable, they say. What nonsense. Ridiculous. But now I have to overcome one more obstacle on the way to this most valuable resource.
She continues to sit, only slightly shaking her head, her lips move, but too weakly and I can't read it. I did everything so that there were better cameras there, which would allow me to see her better. But there is still no sound here. This is overkill. It's not up for discussion.
I'll give him what he wants. Promises. Proofs. Benefit. You will not be able to restrain the beast, there is no point in keeping her in a cage in your domain when there are specially equipped facilities for this. This is said as a cover to distract attention. Because of distrust. He's afraid of losing the reins. As long as she's there, she's exclusively under his control, but once she's here, next to me… I'll convince him that we're on the same side. I'll prove that I know what I'm doing. That I'm the only one who knows how to touch this predator and not be torn apart on the spot. That I'm the only one who can control this hidden power, use it. I'm the only one who knows how to tame this wild beast. It doesn't matter what it will costs. I will use all the options, all the resources, all the opportunities, all my strength to take her to me.
Read my notes and more chapters here AO3
Buy me a coffee
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scandalsavagefanfic · 3 years
Hello! I am a huge fan of ur writing. I've loved everything I've read of yours. I've read alot of what you've posted, except for a couple of the tags that are squicky for me (so I'm very thankful you tag very thoroughly). No judgement for the squick, it's just not for me. & when I'm having a bad day, I usually just go thru ur ao3 and find something to reread. I think about Therapy's Bruce & Jason every damn day. While I obvs appreciate ur darker more "problematic" content (I really vibe with some of the themes you write about bc of my own trauma, & so it's very cathartic to read about in a fictional setting), I am truly a sucker for ur more happy content. The Happily Ever After verse also lives in my head rent free. Idk more wholesome stuff just seems more special when you write it. Anyways. I would die for you. But the point of this ask is cause I'm curious as to why you don't like Urban Legends? I'm sorry if you already talked about it here or on twitter and I missed it. I was just wondering because I really enjoy your take on things and would love to hear why you dislike it. I've been enjoying it so far personally, but I am always open to DC comics criticism.
Aw thank you so much! I'm so flattered by everything you just said. You're so sweet ❤❤❤❤❤
I haven't talked about Urban Legends here or twitter (I haven't been very active in either place lately. Just a lot going on and no energy 😔) but I'm happy to do it here.
Before I start though, I just want to add a standard disclaimer and make it clear that if you like it, there's nothing wrong with that and you don't have to let me ruin it for you lol. Like what you like.
That said, since you asked...
I said this when I was talking about it on discord, that there is a difference between hope and expectation. I always hope that a new story centered on Jason (or anyone really, but things have been especially egregious for Jay for 15 years) will be good or at least treat the character with a minimal level of respect (to be honest, the bar is super fucking low). But my expectations always temper my hope, to keep it from getting unrealistic. Because my expectations are based on experience.
The long history of Jason Todd, since even before his resurrection, has been one of retroactively trying to make him "a bad seed" in order to absolve Bruce of any responsibility in his death.
I don't even expect DC or their writers to start honoring the fact that Jason was not an angry, reckless Robin (and less of the later than Dick or Tim and definitely Damian). There plenty of ways that retcon can be folded into his history and be compelling and sympathetic. And if they're going to stick with that retcon, I'm only asking that they do it in one of those compelling and sympathetic ways because Jason was 15 when he died, heroically, in one of the most selfless acts in comics, to save a woman who literally handed him over to be brutally murdered. He was 12 when Bruce plucked him off the streets, he'd been homeless and fending for himself for at least two years. I personally think that Jason's story hits harder for him and Bruce if their original, canon relationship, of Jason as starry-eyed and eager to learn and absolutely devoted to Bruce and Bruce to Jason, is preserved. But Jason's origins does leave room for a meaningful interpretation of him as angry and frustrated at the lack of meaningful results of Bruce's methods.
And that's really where my irritation at stories like Batman: Urban Legends, Cheer and Batman The Adventure Continues has it's roots.
Every time one of these stories comes out, I think (or hope, rather) that this will be the one that remembers and respects the origins of the Jason and the Red Hood, that takes into account the changed sensibilities of comics readers in the 30 years since Jason's death and the subtle, 20 year, retroactive campaign to make him the "bad Robin". The "born bad" trope is played out and literally no one likes the message it implies. That some kids are just bad eggs and there's nothing parents or the adults around them can do. Especially when it's played as the kid's fault. If Jason's time as Robin is going to be characterized by anger, then it should be rooted in anger at the social injustices he witnessed as he grew up in an impoverished, crime-ridden, area and the horrors he faced raising himself when every day was a battle for survival. There are topical, meaningful, stories to tell with that backdrop.
But those are never the stories we get.
⚠⚠ Spoilers for Batman: Urban Legends, Cheer ⚠⚠
I'm particularly disappointed in Urban Legends because for the first issue, it looked like that was the kind of story we were going to get. I was put off by the first flashback of Jason being mesmerized by Bruce's guns, and I got that feeling in my gut that it was a bad sign. Jason depicted as impatient and overconfident and the scene with the guns is heavy-handed foreshadowing that got my spidey-sense tingling. I had a inkling then (in the first three pages) of how this story was going to play out, but it was early and I could still see many narrative paths that could lead to a satisfying story. My concerns were soothed somewhat and the little flame of my hope fanned, with the flashback of Alfred scolding Bruce, with Barbara's concern for Jason. A bit of worry returned with the way Jason ruthlessly pursued an addict who didn't appear to be a dealer and with the ending of the issue. The stuff with the addict sat wrong with me but the ending was tempered some by how despicable Tyler's dad was written. The scene was clearly set so that the reader could sympathize with Jason's decision and the scene with the addict could be brushed aside as a side-effect of comics over-the-top need for constant action, so I still held hope.
Issue 2 made me uncomfortable and it's where my hope starts to take a backseat to my expectations. I can dismiss Jason's self-deprecating internal monologue as unreliable narration, except that the flashback reinforces his thought process to explicitly show that it's not unreliable narration, and should be taken at face value. Jason faces physical abuse at the hands of his mother's drug dealer and when the flashback continues later, Jason kills the drug dealer. To be clear, this is a pre-Bruce Jason. His mom is still alive. He's like... 10. He kills this guy for shoving his head into a wall and implying Jason's mother paid for her drugs with sex. This is a scene that serves a single purpose. To show that Jason has always been prone to violence.
In the spirit of full disclosure, there is the small chance the drug dealer might not be dead. But the story obviously wants the reader to think he is, and it hasn't done anything to change that yet.
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Starlin already did this story with The Diplomat’s Son in 1988 and he did it infinitely better. AND that’s still technically canon. So now I’m supposed to believe that Jason lost his cool bad enough to kill two douche bags before his sweet 16? Like it’s totally normal for abused kids raised in poverty, who’ve led hard and heartbreaking lives to just... haul off and kill people? That’s bullshit, and when taken with the Jason in the third issue, who is little more than an idiot thug, this story is really doubling down on some fucked up stereotypes.
Which brings us to the most recent issue. I went into this installment with very low expectations. I thought this story was going to be about Jason, through this experience with Tyler, a young boy with a similar background to Jason's, coming to the realization that Bruce's way is the best way and that Bruce did his best by Jason.
That would be annoying (in no small part because it takes increasingly absurd levels of plot armor to keep Bruce's no kill rule relevant, let alone irrefutably right). But I can probably live with that, if only because maybe if Jason officially falls back into line with the Bats crusade, maybe I'll get stories that treat him with respect, stories that don't relegate him to comic relief, dumb brute, or a background body with no lines in a story about the Joker burning Gotham (like Jason would just fucking stand there quietly for that).
And that may still be where the story is going, Jason realizing Bruce is right.
But holy shit do I not have the right words to describe how fucking insulting and gross issue three is.
From start to finish--including the flashback--Jason is written as cruel and fucking stupid. Like straight up dumb.
The entire issue is Bruce explaining the fucking basics to Jason like it's his first day. And Jason flies off the fucking handle and terrorizes a doctor he knows isn't a part of making the Cheerdrops, beats the shit out of some random addicts, and finally, when he can't accomplish anything on his own because he's a dumb brute he calls Barbara for help and rushes in with no information where he's promptly incapacitated and must now wait to be rescued by Batman.
This panel is the least of the issues sins but I can’t screenshot the entire story but it’s representative of the tone for the whole issue (and retroactively tainted the prior two issues).
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This is beyond insulting. The only conclusions Jason comes to in this issue are the ones Bruce leads him to by talking to him like he can’t make the simplest connections. And like... in this story Jason can’t make the simplest connections.
This (and the Jason throughout the entirety of this issue) is a far cry from the Jason we fell in love with in Under the Red Hood, who was competent and strategic and intelligent enough to seize control of Gotham’s underworld from Black Mask (who’s no fucking slouch, he’s the first and only person to unify organized crime in Gotham) AND elude and manipulate Bruce until the time and place of his choosing.
This is a far cry from even the Red Hood and the Outlaws Jason who is competent enough to fight the League of Shadows and Ra’s al Ghul (among very dangerous and skilled others) and smart enough to create antidotes for mind control nanotech viruses.
As he should be, by the way. Jason Todd is one of the best, most comprehensively trained fighters in DC’s stable of non powered vigilantes. He’s not irrational or hot headed. He’s pragmatic, tactically minded, and patient. He’s a detective. Right now. Has been since he was 12. Bruce doesn’t have to make him one because he already is. 
Jason is not a stupid thug who uses his fists because his brain doesn’t work. And I can’t tell you how so very exhausted I am by this narrative. 
This is actually the most egregious example of Jason’s skills and intelligence being not just undermined but dismissed entirely. Even Morrison’s Jason had some degree of competency. 
The one, single redeeming factor of this story is the art. It’s beautiful. And Marcus To is a godsend he seems to be one of only a couple of artists who remember that Jason was a child when he was Robin and I’m literally only buying this book because of him. 
Anyway, I’m sorry. I didn’t want that to come out so... um... passionately lol. I’m just very very tired. My intention with this isn’t to ruin it for you, if you like it, that’s fine. 
But this issue shot this story to the top of my "Vehemently Despise” list. 1) Batman: Urban Legends (Cheer), 2) Battle for the Cowl/Morrison’s Batman and Robin, 3) Batman The Adventure Continues.
I hope the next issues somehow salvage this dumpster fire. But I’m not expecting it.
(Damnit. That sounded harsh again. To reiterate, I’m not trying to judge anyone who enjoys it, I just personally hate it and you asked me why lol 😅)
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iguana-eyanna · 3 years
5 Seconds of Summer Imagines
You sing him an old song
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Calum: You perform a song with him at a function
5sos was asked to attend a Red Nose Day event. After talking to the press on the red carpet, they were finally able to relax at their table. They started eating and enjoying each other's company with their respected plus ones, except for Calum.
"Don't worry man, the right girl is around the corner." Luke said to brighten Calum's mood. Out of nowhere, Calum hears two people arguing in the back of their table.
"What do you mean Tony can't make it? We're supposed to be on stage in ten minutes!" a voice asked frantically. Calum turned around to find where the voices came from, seeing a middle-aged man and a young woman in a black dress that had her back faced him.
"We just got a call that he had to cancel cause there was a bad accident on his way here. No one's able to replace him for the song." The young woman grunts as she crosses her arms.
"Look, I've been rehearsing for this event for the past two months and you're telling me I can't even sing? This is supposed to be my big break..." Calum's heart starts to break hearing you sound so defeated, remembering how hard it was for him starting out.
"I'm sorry kid. Unless you got a good bass guitarist on hand, I can't help you." The man said.
Calum takes a deep breath and gets up from his chair immediately to the pair. "Excuse me, I can't help to overhear that you needed a bass guitarist? Maybe I can be some sort of assistance?" he asked politely.
The man's eyes brighten as he shakes Calum's hand "Mr. Hood! Thank you so much for offering your talents for the event. This is y/n l/n, the singer for tonight's entertainment." Calum looks at you and his breath was taken away by your beauty.
The man walks away to update the announcer for your performance. "Um... Calum? We need to go to the stage right now." You said, trying to break his trance. He returns back to his senses and nods at you, following you to the stage. He quickly looks at the music and grabbed the bass provided on a guitar stand.
The announcer goes up to the podium and speaks through the microphone "May I have everyone's attention? We have a special treat for you tonight! On bass guitar, we have Calum from 5 Seconds of Summer and introducing a rising star, y/n!"
The rest of the boys turn their heads to the stage as they didn't realize their bandmate left them. Calum plays and nods his head for your cue to sing.
Never thought that you would be Standing here so close to me There's so much I feel that I should say But words can wait until some other day
The whole venue is silent as they hear your mesmerizing voice. Calum looks at you with pure fascination as he plays alongside you, slowly making his way to you as he already memorized the music.
Kiss me once, then kiss me twice Then kiss me once again It’s been a long, long time Haven't felt like this, my dear Since I can't remember when It’s been a long, long time
You'll never know how many dreams I've dreamed about you Or just how empty they all seemed without you So kiss me once, then kiss me twice Then kiss me once again It's been a long, long time
You sang the last line staring back at Calum, hearing the crowd go nuts from the most iconic performance they've witnessed. The boys meet Calum at the end of the stage, congratulating him on saving the day.
"So y/n... I was wondering if you'd like to join our table to celebrate. I would love to get to know you better too if that's alright." Calum asks like the gentleman he is.
"I'd like that, Calum." You said with a bright smile. You head over to their table while you and Calum talked the night away, enjoying each other's company and planning to meet again.
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Luke: He hears you singing in the shower
After traveling with your boyfriend on tour, you both finally arrive at your flat. You both kick off your shoes and rest for a bit at the couch, recuperating from the exhaustion.
"I need to take a shower but I still need to unpack," you said in a tired voice. Luke got up a bit to meet you at eye level. "Don't worry babe, I'll do it. Why don't you start the water and I'll join you later?" he says in a husky voice.
You nod and go up to him so you could kiss his forehead before going to the bathroom. You begin to strip your clothes and turned on the water, letting the bathroom steam a bit before letting the water touch your skin.
You release a moan as you let the warm water soak around your body, not realizing that you cracked the bathroom door to have Luke listening to your singing
Moon River, wider than a mile I'm crossing you in style someday
Luke stopped whatever he was doing to listen to your angelic voice.
Oh, dream maker You heartbreaker Wherever you're going I'm going your way Two drifters off to see the world There's such a lot of world to see
Luke slowly walks over to the bathroom, leaning against the wall to hear you clearly.
We're after the same rainbow's end Waiting round the bend My huckleberry friend
Moon River and me
You hear Luke harmonize with you for the last lyric as you peep from the curtains to see him standing there with a smug face.
"What are you smiling at?" you chuckled as your cheeks turned bright red. Luke bites his lip, smirking. "I'm smiling at the girl who drives me crazy by her amazing voice.
You playfully roll your eyes. "Why don't I show you that there's more where that came from?" you said seductively, closing the curtains. Luke takes off his clothes like the speed of light, joining you under the hot water.
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Michael: You sing your newborn to sleep
It was 3 A.M. You heard soft cries coming out of the baby monitor near your nightstand. You gaze over Michael's figure, snoring away. He's been tiring himself out in the past weeks.
There were some complications towards the end of your pregnancy and resulted in both you and the baby being monitored at the hospital before and after delivery.
Last week, you were finally able to return home with your baby girl Ophelia. Michael took it upon himself to take care of Ophelia and at the same time, bring you to a full recovery.
You softly grunt as you get out of the bed, carefully walking to Ophelia's room. As you picked her up out of the crib, she was still fussy and you thought of other ways to calm her down.
"Ok, baby. Imma sing you a song like my mum sang to me when I was a baby. Hopefully, you'll be able to fall asleep just as I did." Softly, you start off the song.
Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true
You start to hum as you see Ophelia's eyes droop. You slowly move around her room, not wanting to settle her in her crib just yet.
"That was beautiful." you heard a tired voice at the open door. You turn around and see Michael hazily leaning on the door frame. You give him an apologetic smile. "Sorry, did I wake you up? I forgot to turn off the monitor before I left."
He returns that dashing smile and walks up to you to kneel and lean in your lap. "I didn't mind. That was the best way for me to wake up and see my girls."
He comes over, wrapping his arms around your waist as he stares at Ophelia at the crook of your neck. He looked up to you with big puppy eyes and asked in a tired voice, "Can you sing again?"
You smile at his face as both of you swayed side to side, adorning your precious daughter.
Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far
Behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why, then, oh, why can't I?
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Ashton: He hears you sing at a karaoke bar
You have introduced Ashton to your close college friends at a karaoke bar for your annual reunions. They were laughing as each shared stories long forgotten while drinking. “So Ashton, what song will you be singing?” one of your friends, Nick said as he retired from the mic.
Ashton chuckled as he wrapped his left arm around you. “I’ll be passing, but if there's a garage band… I’m in.” the whole room was filled with laughter from ash’s joke as you cuddled more into him.
A large gasp catches the ears of everyone in the room. “Y/n, you need to sing your song!!!” Your best friend Margo said out loud. Your cheeks turned red as the whole room agreed. “What do you mean?” Ashton said curiously.
Nick turned his head towards your boyfriend with dagger eyes. “Boy, you did not just tell me you never heard your girl sing!! She sang this for her first audition back in college and all the other girls were jealous she got the lead role right at the spot! Margo, you know what to do honey!” Nick snapped fiercely as Margo obliged to look up the next coming songs.
Your other friends dragged you upwards as you left a very confused boyfriend behind. You mouthed you were sorry before the piano soundtrack played and suddenly, Ashton saw you click as you started to sing.
Des yeux qui font baisser les miens
Uni rire qui se perd sur sa bouche
Voilà le portrait sans retouches
De l’homme auquel j’appartiens
Ashton’s jaw dropped to the floor as you continue to sing, looking so confident and sexy at the same time. You waltzed around the room, owning it, and sat on top of Ashton's lap, wrapping your song with a bang.
C’est lui pour moi, moi pout lui dans la vie
Il me l’a dit, l’a jure pour la vie
Alors je sens en moi
La vie en rose
You locked eyes with Ashton as he leaned for a kiss. The whole room cheered on as your cheeks turned bright pink, sensing both embarrassment and pride. After your reunion, all of you set home as you and Ashton walked home.
“How come you didn’t tell me you could sing like that?” Ashton said a bit hurt. you huffed out, giving him a shrug. “I don’t know, I just didn’t think you’d be impressed." you said quietly.
He stops dead in his tracks as he stares at you. "Babe, your friends told me you literally have been trained to do this from the age of 6. I think you're amazing!"
You shoot up quickly as a smile slowly stretches your face and you move closer to him. "You really think so?" you asked as you started to wrap your arms around his waist.
"You're so good that I'm going to ask the boys if you could sing at one of our concerts." You laugh at his joke as you stare deeply in love in his confused daze. "I wasn't kidding, babe..." He says with a slight grin, leaning over for a kiss that you shared under the street lights.
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koukamisstuff · 3 years
Ready to Love
Chapter Two - First Meeting
◇Written Content◇
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After finally reaching the gym, without as much trouble as you orginally thought you might have had. Immediately, you know you're in the right place once you can hear the screeching of shoes against the floor and the sounds of balls being hit and whistles blowing.
You suddenly think back to how you've never really seen the twins and Suna practice. You've made it to a handful of games but usually when it's over. Your sense of timing is completely off and should never be trusted but even when you missed their games you're there to greet them with cookies or cake the next day at school.
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You check your phone to see if Atsumu texted you anything after telling him you were almost there. You decide to peek in, you see a few people practicing inside but didn't find your blonde haired friend anywhere. You slowly walk in, in the hopes that you don't disrupt the guys at the opposite end of the gym tossing a volleyball back and forth.
"Can I help you?" You hear a voice from behind you say.
You turn back and see a familiar face. Standing before you is the very own Inarizaki High Volleyball Club Captain Kita-san. Seeing him up close you can't help but notice how tall he is, granted that the twins alone already tower over you, yet here was a guy who was shorter than them but still you stood just about as high as his shoulders. He was also more handsome than you realized. Kita has light gray hair with black tips, it made you want to touch his hair to see if it was as soft as it looked. It also crossed your mind wondering how his conversation went, when you remembered yours on trying to prove that your raven purple hair was natural. His eyes were also breathtaking you didn't know how or why but you were mesmerized by them... it was as if you could look at him all day.
Wait... how long have you been staring?
"Hello? I asked how could I help you." He repeated looking a little annoyed now.
Shaking your head you snap back to reality.
"Ah yes sorry... umm senpai I was just looking for Atsumu. Is he around?" You asked as you looked around the gym.
"He's at the back right now."
"Ohh I was wondering if you could call him out?" You asked kindly.
He whispered quietly, "Didn't they just tell you girls earlier to go."
"Excuse me?"
He looked back at you, "He's busy right now."
"Oh... I know but he's expecting me." You said with a softer smile.
*Sigh* Kita exhaled and it was a tone that you knew seemed irritated, "Listen don't you think you have better things to do then to chase around boys. You don't look like a third year so I'm assuming you're a second year. You know this is a time for you too focus solely on studying and thinking about your responsibilities for when you enter the adult world. And as I've said before, you fangirls need to stop coming here when it's a closed gym. Its impolite to keep popping up every day bringing food that gets left behind for the hard working staff and my team to clean up."
"Wait, wait - this is a misunderstanding. I'm a friend of Atsumu and I'm suppose to drop him this." You say holding up your bento box and also standing there confused by his sudden scolding.
"Listen if Atsumu said hello or smiled to you in the hallway it was just a way of him giving you a nice greeting, you shouldn't take it as a sign of immediate friendship. I'm sure he appreciates the thought of you bringing him food but don't you think that after the incident a few days ago you'd stop doing this. I apologize for being rude but as captain I can't allow you girls to distract this team so if you could just leave now. And as Atsumu said he doesn't want to have squealing pigs around during his practice."
He gently guided you out the door and closed it behind you. Left standing there facing a closed door, you suddenly tune into the murmurs of other students passing by making comments and guessing about what happen.
"Ohh god is she another fangirl? She must have been desperate to show off."
"Probably, thought that the incident with the volleyball club blew over and tried to stalk them again."
"Wow I've never seen Kita-san throw anyone out before."
After turning to them the look on your face, immediately shuts them up as they carry on with their business.
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"What the hell was that."
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Masterlist - Previous / Next
Side Notes
Y/N sent straight back to her class to angrily finish her lunch. When Atsumu returned to class she unintentionally ignored him the whole day.
Y/n left immediately after the bell rang and went home to stress bake.
Y/N always leaves school with either the twins or Suna. They've made it a habit that since they live in the same general direction, someone needs to always walk her home.
TAGLIST: @onelostgirl @justsomenobodygirl @luna-vitae-suae @neologyro
Taglist is still open :) and I hope you all enjoyed the second chapter!! 😊
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miss-smutty · 3 years
Forbidden - Chapter 2
Summary- Jess couldn't stop thinking about the guy she'd met in the coffee shop, he was drop dead gorgeous, mature and everything she's always wanted but how would she find him again when she didn't even know his name?
Word count- 3.1K
Pairing- Prof!Chris Hemsworth x OC
Warnings- Swearing, slight smut talk
18+ only!
Disclaimer: This is an entire work of fiction/AU and has no affiliation to real life what so ever! This is a fictional story about fictional characters who happen to share names and faces with some real people.
Posted: 13th August 2021
Taglist:- @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @jjpogueprincess @longlostinanotherworld @mostly-marvel-musings @darklydeliciousdesires @monet-belle
Chapter 1
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The only thing was, he didn't know I was only twenty and I had no way of finding him again.
If fate did bring us back together, would he mind that I was still a student? That I couldn't even drink when we went on dates? 
Who am I kidding? Of course he would mind, he could get any woman he wanted, why would he want me?
"Morning, you feeling any better?" Ellie was awake before me as usual, she spent hours getting ready in the morning and was now sat at her desk finishing her make up.
"I suppose, can't beat myself up forever can I?" I was more the get up and go kind of girl, I could never understand why she'd take hours getting ready just to go to class but I suppose you never know who you're going to bump into.
"No you can not. Not when there's literally thousands of guys here to take your pick of." 
"Psh!" I finally pull myself out of bed after thinking about the thought of possibly bumping into my hunk again I changed my mind about making myself a little more presentable.
"What d'ya mean psh?" Ellie turns to look at you, her mascara wand in her hand and only one eye made up, she looked ridiculous. How could you take her seriously looking like that? 
"I mean I'm not interested in these childish boys anymore El, I want a man." 
"Fuck me, you spoke to the guy for two minutes and already you're acting like you've lost the love of your life." Wow, that hurt a little.
"I didn't say I was talking about him although it would be nice. I just meant I'm sick of playing all these childish games and never knowing where I stand. Don't you get sick of being the one who always falls deeper? Getting messed about and then being the one who's left hurt?" I joined her at the desk, putting on a little mascara and eyeliner. "I want a man who knows what he wants and treats me better. Don't you?"
"Well shit, when you put it like that I can't argue with you. It would be nice, hey I wonder if Mr Aussie has a brother?" She waggles her eyebrows at me, making me laugh. "I gotta go babe, what class you got?" 
"My first Comms class this morning." I did not sound excited at the prospect because I really wasn't. I'd put it off in freshman and sophomore years but thought I better get it over and done with before my senior year.
"Oh really? I didn't know you'd taken that class. I heard a load of seniors talking the other day and apparently the Professor is drop dead gorgeous. I was thinking about taking it up too just to see what all the fuss was about." 
"Well that should make the class a lot more interesting, maybe it isn't going to be as bad as I thought."
"See, every cloud and all that. See you tonight, fancy the bar?" She shouts over her shoulder as she walks towards the door.
"Sounds good, see you later."
I looked over my outfit I'd already chosen for the day, just some jeans and a plain t-shirt and realised it wouldn't do. Not when there's the prospect of a hot Professor to impress. My wardrobe desperately needed an update, especially now I was focused on finding myself a man and not one of these easily pleased college boys, that were happy with anything as long as I showed a bit of leg and tits. I settled with some tight black jeans with a black, lace-rimmed, cami body suit and a cute little cream, cropped blazer to finish it off. It made me feel confident when I checked myself out in the mirror and if I do say so myself I looked smoking hot. I checked the time on my phone, realising I was going to be late I quickly ran the curling tongs through the ends of my long blonde hair before grabbing my bag and rushing out of the door.
In the hopes of catching the eye of this new professor I'd completely forgotten about the hottie from the coffee shop, which was probably a good thing, it's not like I'm ever going to see him again. I kind of wished I would though, especially when I was looking and feeling this great but hey, on to bigger and better prospects.
I thought that being late would mean I'd be stuck with a lame choice of desk in class but luckily the back row was practically empty and I could hide in the corner of the lecture theatre. I laughed to myself when I realised that practically all the girls were occupying the front desks, obviously they'd heard the rumours too.
I pushed my hair behind my ears and fumbled in my bag for my pen and notepad, when I glanced to the door and caught the eyes of a student I hadn't seen before. I couldn't deny how attractive he was, with his bright blue eyes and floppy hair, oh and that smile. Wow! He smiled brightly at me as he made his way to the back of the class, his eyes glinting, shining like diamonds as he ignored the whispers from the girls at the front. The whole row of desks were free so when he chose the desk right next to me, my stomach fluttered.
I kept my eyes on my notepad, doodling on the front cover so as to avoid that eye contact with him again. I could see a cheeky glint in his eyes and I'd learnt from experience what that meant, trouble. I wasn't ready to get myself back into a situation like that again.
My eyes shot to the front as I heard the room erupt into wolf whistles, the girls at the front giggling and whispering to each other, I rolled my eyes at them, how embarrassing. 
Then I realised what all the fuss was about and my heart almost stopped beating, thudding against my chest at an alarming rate. How is this even possible? How the fuck could he be a professor? Surely he's not old enough. Oh fuck.
I sank lower in my chair, willing the ground to just swallow me up or maybe if I got low enough I would escape his notice. No such luck, his eyes scanned the class and when they fell on mine, his face lit up with anger? No not anger. A hunger. His eyes scanned my body, falling over my hair and down to my cleavage. I felt hot under his gaze, was I blushing? Sweating? Oh god, I've never wished for class to be over so much in my life.
My professor was the guy I'd been shamelessly flirting with in the coffee shop. I don't understand how this could be real, I know I wanted to bump into him again but this is such a cruel twist of fate. I'd never even suspected him to be a professor, he was so damn thick and muscly. The clothes he wore were so stylish and he looked way too young to be a professor. He must be so embarrassed that he'd been flirting with a student, I definitely was embarrassed that I'd been flirting with a professor.
I was so panicked, I didn't have a clue what to do in this situation. Squirming in my seat, trying to look anywhere but at the Professor but I could feel his eyes on me as he prepared for the class to start. People were still whispering amongst themselves and I risked a glance in his direction, that made me bite on to my lip to stop myself from screeching. His eyes were still on me, subtly glancing up from the pile of paper he'd just taken out of his bag, his eyebrows furrowed as he studied me. He certainly didn't look embarrassed infact he looked downright feral and the thought of it made my pussy clench, so much so I had to cross my legs under the table.
"I guess you're obsessed with this new Professor too, huh?" The guy next to me leant across his desk to whisper and fuck me if I wasn't imagining it but he was Australian too. Like have we just suddenly had a huge delivery of hot Australian guys arrive at the University? This was just downright unfair, how was I meant to cope?
"No, what makes you say that?" Why did I ask that question? Like it wasn't obvious how much I was sweating and squirming in my seat. Luckily he didn't have time to answer when my eyes were drawn back to the professor as he stood at the front of the class with his hands casually in his pockets and cleared his throat to get our attention.
If I wasn't mistaken, now he looked angry, the muscles in his neck more prominent as he glared between me and the guy next to me.
Was he angry that my attention had been taken away from him and was on another guy? Or because we were talking when we should've been paying attention?
"Now I've got your attention, we're going to use our first session to get to know each other a little better. You'll be doing quite a lot of speeches so it's best if you feel comfortable with one another. I'll start by introducing myself." That sexy accent makes me sweat even more, nevermind the fact that his eyes keep finding their way back to me. "So, I'm Professor Hemsworth and I'm originally from Melbourne in Australia." His eyes meet mine again, a knowing look in them.
"G'day mate." Some idiot from the back shouted, making everyone laugh and I couldn't help but join in a little. Professor Hemsworth smiled at the joke, his eyes creasing in the corners and his smile growing wider when he looked to me and saw me giggling.
"Yeah, very original. Alright, alight, settle down now." His voice is so commanding and authoritive, it's such a turn on. "So, I haven't been here for very long and I'm still getting used to how different things are here. The weather for one." He earned a couple of laughs from people. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him, he was so mesmerizing. The way his face animated as he spoke, his eyebrows raising and lips curling.
"I was going to ask you all to go easy on me but that's not going to happen is it?" He got a couple of head shakes and sympathetic looks from the girls. "No, I thought not. Well now it's my turn to torture you. I'll start alphabetically, stand up and tell everyone something about yourself." I swallowed back my fear, this is the reason I'd put off this class until now and as if it wasn't hard enough talking in front of a whole class I now had to do it in front of Professor Hemsworth too.
"Claire Abbott." Fuck. He'd started, at least my name would be one of the last ones.
"Hi I'm Claire." The tall blonde at the front stood up, twirling her hair around her finger and giggling like a child. I rolled my eyes at her and caught the Professor smirk in my direction. "I erm… I don't know what to say?" She looks up at the Professor questioningly.
"Just anything about yourself that we might find interesting, the first thing that comes to mind." He replied.
"Well I own four horses and I'm the cheer captain." I rolled my eyes again, scoffing quietly and Professor Hemsworth had to hold in a laugh as he looked in my direction.
"Talk about predictable." The guy next to me leaned over to whisper to me again.
"Totally." I laughed back at him and when I looked back at the Professor he was glaring straight at us again, his face set sternly.
"You two at the back, we'll wait for you shall we?" Professor Hemsworth said sternly, everyone turned around to look at us but I barely noticed, I was too focused on the way his stern voice made my cunt flutter when he called me out.
I didn't speak for the rest of the class, although I had the urge to, just to hear the way his voice sounded when he was angry. I couldn't concentrate on what the other students were saying, too focused on watching the way the Professor's face changed everytime he looked my way, which was pretty often, to my suprise.
"Jake Hudson." In my peripheral, I saw the guy next to me stand and when he did, Professor Hemsworth's eyes narrowed.
"Hi I'm Jake." He pushed his hands in to his pockets cooly, glancing at me as he did. "I'm also from Australia." He looked at the professor slyly, a smirk forming on his lips, laughing at the other students shouting G'day mate. "I was forced to move here but I'm glad I did because I've just met the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." The class burst into rounds of whistles and cheers as Jake sat down, smiling at me cockily. I could feel my cheeks blushing, I was flattered, he was absolutely gorgeous but hadn't I sworn of boys my own age?
Professor Hemsworth looked even more angry now as he loosened his tie a little, that black tie that draws my view down, like a arrow pointing straight to his cock. I tried to keep my eyes down on my desk, doodling in my notebook so I could avoid that hungry gaze, anxiously waiting for my turn. What the hell was I going to say?
"Jessica Watson." Shit. I stood slowly, trying to give myself more time to think, I couldn't stand everyone's eyes being on me especially the Professors and Jakes.
"Hey, I'm Jessica." I smiled nervously, tucking my hair behind my ear. "These last couple of days have been pretty eventful for me." I looked away from the chalk board so I could search Professor Hemsworth's face. "I'm living the life of a romance novels heroine and I'm excited to see what the next couple of days bring." I sat down keeping the gaze of the professor, I'd forgotten I was in a room full of people until I heard the ooh's and ahh's and my cheeks turned scarlet. The Professor's eyes glowed with heat as he watched me sit down before shaking his head and turning back to the class. Jake also caught my eye as I sat back at my desk, my cheeks still burning, he smiled at me, the kind of smile that crinkles your eyes. I felt kind of bad that he probably thought I was talking about him when in fact I was talking about our professor.
"I hope we all feel a bit more comfortable with each other now, some of you shared some pretty revealing things." He looked at me again. "Some of you, not so much." He raised his eyebrows at a group of guys. "I'll have a schedule for you all next time I see you, anybody that has any questions can see me after class, everyone else is free to leave." His eyes scanned me as he turned around to sit at his desk, I watched a couple of girls approach him predictably.
"Are you going to the party at our frat this weekend?" I had to reluctantly pull my eyes away from the Professor while Jake spoke, so he was a Alpha Kappa, not surprising really.
"Yeah, I think so. My roommate mentioned it."
"Oh good, I'll see you there then. Jessica." He smiled, standing from his seat.
"Jess." I corrected him. I hated being called Jessica, it was so formal.
"Well Jess, I'll see you around." He winked at me as he pulled his backpack on to his shoulder.
There were still a couple of girls taking up the Professor's attention and I wasn't sure yet whether I wanted to sneak past or wait to speak to him. I thought about it for a minute my fingertips drumming against my desk when the girls left and he was alone. As soon as the door closed, his gaze was on me and I could hear the silence in the room like a ringing in my ears. We stayed like that for a couple of seconds, staring at each other, no one saying a word until her cleared his throat. I blinked a couple of times, realising how stupid I must look before getting up from my seat and packing my things away.
"Did you need to talk Miss Watson?" I could hear amusement in his voice as he sat back on his desk casually, his arms folded across his chest.
"I erm…" I walked towards him, my legs feeling like jelly all of sudden and trying not to fall down the stairs. "I wanted to apologise, I had no idea you were a Professor." I said as I reached the bottom of the stairs, I didn't know what to do with myself but I was nervous about getting closer to him. He made the atmosphere feel tense, like if I was to reach out and touch him I would burn my fingers so I stood awkwardly at the bottom of the steps.
"There's no need to apologise Miss Watson, I also had no idea you were a student but I was hoping to bump into you again. Funny how things work out isn't it?" He cocked his eyebrow at me, still looking amused as he watched me squirm. When he said he'd been hoping to bump into me again it made me feel more confident, like I wasn't imagining the way he'd been looking at me for the last hour.
"I think fate can be rather cruel Professor Hemsworth." I smiled at him as I finally closed the distance between us, watching his eyes flare with hunger when I called him Professor.
"Oh really? Why is that Miss Watson?" His eyes narrowed, his Adams apple bobbing in his throat as I got close enough to touch him, I didn't though. I didn't dare break that boundary, not yet.
I smiled at him through my lashes, biting on to my lip. "I was hoping to bump into you again too, only now the thought of what could've happened will have to remain a fantasy." Wow! I was not expecting that, did I sound like a slut? Shit. I looked back up at him and caught him gulp, that hunger in his eyes shining, his pupils blown with lust, he loosened his tie even more and I caught a glimpse of his smooth chest and chickened out. The tension was way too much and I was about to do something I was going to regret, I could live with being a huge tease instead.
"I better get to my next class, we can't have anyone thinking I'm your favourite now can we?" I smiled to myself when I noticed the muscles in his jaw tense as he ground his teeth together. Turning to leave I looked back over my shoulder and his eyes were glued to my hips, watching them sway as I walked and I realised I had him exactly where I wanted him but was it worth the risk?
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wolvesandpetals · 3 years
Loki x Sylvie Post-Finale Fanfiction (Angst, Rated Teen) Part 2 of 2
Part 1 is here:
She never knew it would hurt this much when the person she loves is right in front of her, but she can't reach out and touch him; when she is still her, he is still him, but everything else has changed, like an invisible lever in an old theatre changing the scenery in the background, bringing them both to the part of the play where they are hopelessly lost.
All it took was one single moment, one single decision, and everything feels irrevocably broken now. It makes her contemplate on the true nature of relationships, how fragile they are, and how easy it is to shatter them- and her.
The smoke is slowly clearing, and all that seems to be left is a man who is doing his best to keep his distance from her, physically and emotionally.
She can tell from the way he stands with his arms crossed, or his fists clenced when his hands are by his side, that he really doesn't want to hold her hand. How can something so simple as the touch of his fingers be so vital to her existence that it feels like something has been ripped out from inside her?
She wants to reach out and touch him, but she is scared that if he pulls away outright, any hope of reconciliation that she still has left will shatter into pieces.
And she really needs this hope. It's the only thing she still has left. It's the only thing that keeps her going.
He looks like a man with a mission.
They spent quite a long time together, running from the TVA, running towards the citadel at the end of time, hoping to achieve their goal of bringing down the one behind the curtains.
But that was her mission, and he was there for her. She was the one behind the wheels, he was the one keeping the sails afloat.
Now it's different. Now he has a defined goal, a glorious purpose.
She's seeing him in a whole new light now, and not just because he has switched to Asgardian leather and metal armors.
As far as she is concerned, she is better off doing it all alone. One woman army, nobody to get in her way, nobody to screw up her plans. Nobody to blame her if it all goes to shit.
Or so it was, until two months ago, when Mobius decided to enlist her help in fixing the multiversal madness.
She has never really worked with people before, and it's weird, to say the least. She never considered herself a team player, but she is finding herself hating the idea less and less lately.
And she swears it has nothing to do with him. Not the fact that they are working together, and seeing his face first thing in the morning brings her a sense of calm that she quite can't explain. Or the fact that their rooms are next to each other and it makes her feel secure enough to finally get some rest at nights. Or that this whole arrangement has kept them on talking terms, when they had gone their own separate ways otherwise.
Nothing to do with that at all.
Humans are stupid, and the biggest evidence of this is how they decided that two extremely powerful Gods skilled at magic, enchantment, and defeating an evil extra dimensional cloud that swallows everything it touches, should be delegated to the role of research. "You're clever. You're good at reading people. You can put yourselves in the shoes of the bad guys, no offense", they said, but really, what they meant was, "We can't trust you out in the field much." She knows it, he knows it. She just doesn't know why he's complying.
That's how they find themselves researching every single day.
She likes to think he's not the only reason why she's studying in the library instead of in the comfort of her room, but that'd be a lie.
At first, he chooses to sit at a separate table. But she keeps going over to his to "get his opinion" on something in the file she's reading, and finally, he gives in. Their current arrangement consists of him sitting in the chair in front of her, to the left, prim and proper, while she hoists her feet up on the table.
He falls asleep on the desk one night, face smacked against a file, the tiniest bit of drool forming at the corner of his mouth. It would be a hilarious sight, if her heart wasn't feeling what she can only describe as longing.
They should probably talk about it, like mature adults, but neither of them know how to do that.
All she can do right now is gather the courage to run her fingers through his hair. The touch is hesitant at first, as if one wrong move would make him wake up and push her back to square one. Slowly, she relaxes, letting her fingers dance on his scalp.
He stirs in his sleep. "Please Sif. I'm sorry. Don't cut off my glorious locks, please."
Now this is a story she must hear when things are better.
If things are better.
Doctor Strange joins them very briefly, very rarely, but the tension between him and Loki is hard to miss. It's worse than the current situation with her, and that's saying something.
"You don't really like Stephen, do you?"
Something inside him seems to shift, but he masks it behind a non-chalant look immediately and just arches an eyebrow at her. "He's Stephen now, is he?"
"Well, that is his name." She shrugs. "What do you call him?"
"Strange", he spits the word out with an amount of irritation that indicates there definitely is a story there. "That is his name", he mimics.
She can't help the smirk that spreads across her lips. "What did he do to you?"
"Nothing", he lies, ignoring the horrifying flashbacks of thirty minutes of endless falling. Not a single soul must ever know a mere human got the best of him. "What can he do to me? I'm a God among those mortals. He just irks me because he is so pompous, and arrogant, and he ceaselessly uses magic to toy with others."
She pretends to think deeply. "Now where have I seen that before?"
He scoffs. "You mock me, but I am nothing like him. For one, I am not rude."
"He seems fine to me", she declares decisively.
It's the first time in months that he gives her a cheeky grin. "That's because you're rude too."
They are still just containing the threats to their world, instead of finding a way to fortify the barriers between worlds and stop the threats from coming.
"Shouldn't we have a plan to seal off the other worlds from ours?" She asks him one day.
"They are working on it." He tells her, and then with a look of worry, adds, "I hope."
There are debates on what to do at the Avengers tower and at the TVA. Nobody seems to agree on what the best course of action is, but everyone seems to be following the general instructions of Doctor Strange.
During one such meeting, a Minuteman makes the mistake of voicing out loud how she wondered if things would be better if they were running according to their old boss's plans.
Sylvie feels the guilt wash over her once more.
"No", Loki tells them all firmly. The determination in his voice takes her completely by surprise. "Evil is evil. Lesser, greater, middling, makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred." She catches him steal a glance at her direction. "We couldn't have left a dictator in charge just because it's convenient. Listen, I'm the bad guy. I've done horrible, unspeakable things. I thought humans needed to be ruled. I wanted to rule. But even I know that it's not right to take away a person's life completely. These are innocent people. You are innocent people. You have families back home, parents, children", a pause and a softening of his features, "-love. A whole past, a whole future. That man had no right to take it away from you."
His powers of persuasion are foreign to her, and it's mesmerizing to watch. Her enchantments cannot hold a candle to how he is able to just talk people into doing what he wants, thinking what he thinks, seeing what he sees.
"He who remains had a plan. One, singular plan, from one, singular man." There is absolute conviction in his voice. "It's not the only way. We'll find another way. A better way."
She has never known what it is like to have someone see you for who you are- broken and flawed, and defend you- even your well-intentioned actions that yielded different results than what you expected and hurt them in the process. She suspects it has been the same for him, a lifetime of not having anyone have his back.
The warm feeling inside her is brand new. What is the name of this? Comfort? Relief?
This will be their first time out in the field in a long time, and she feels a little sick to the stomach.
He notices. "Are you alright?"
The concern in his voice tugs at her heartstrings. She nods. She has faced way worse, she shouldn't be so nervous about this, but she is. "I've never done this before."
"We can always just kill him and blame it on the Chitauris", he suggests with a serious face.
"I heard that", Peter yells from the other room, where he is doing whatever it is that teenagers do to prepare for battle.
She shakes her head in disbelief. "I can't believe we're babysitting."
"I've done this before", he assures her, and it surprises her to picture him being entrusted with such a serious task. "The trick is to conjure up illusions that keep them distracted enough to not cry."
She laughs. "You're thinking of infants. This one is a little older."
"I'm over a thousand years old, Sylvie. They're all infants to me."
Peter joins them, mask covering his face so that he doesn't reveal his identity. "So what do I call you? Loki and Loki? That's confusing. How about Loki and Lady Loki? Or is that offensive? I'm not suggesting women are inferior, because they're absolutely not..."
"Does he come with an off switch?" She whispers in horror as Peter rambles on.
Loki grins. With one wave of his hand and a flash of green, Peter's own webbing shoots out and seals his mouth shut.
Things are fine but not fine at the same time. He's right there beside her, but not there at all. They have their banters, they have their stolen glances, but they haven't had a meaningful conversation since that first day when she got back. She's been putting it off for a long time, but she knows they really do need to have the talk.
She corners him in his room one evening while he's tinkering with a temporal collar. She takes a seat in the chair next to his bed and rests her hand on the table, leaning her head against her palm, before switching position and crossing her arms and legs. Everything about her posture screams uneasiness. If he notices- he probably does- he doesn't say anything.
"You defended me that day."
He briefly looks up from the task at hand and gives her a soft smile. "Of course."
She blinks. "I don't understand." Her hands involuntary rise up to rub her temples. "If you can justify my actions to them, then how can you still be mad at me?"
"I'm not mad at you", he says without missing a beat.
"Rubbish", her words come out angrier than she intended. This frustration is the result of the months of status quo they have had. She has to know now, one way or the other. "You're distant. You're guarded", she accuses. Then her voice breaks, as she feels a part of her break all over again with her next words. "You don't hold my hand. Why? Tell me."
He abandons the collar and focuses his full attention on her. Staring straight into her eyes, he answers her. "You know why."
"I wouldn't be asking if I did. Look, if it's because I chose the mission over you-"
"-Of course it's not that." He says decisively. Then a sad smile clouds his face. It's the same look he had when she accused him of conning her to gain the throne. "Do you think I'm the type of man who would want a woman to abandon her life-long ambitions just because she has met someone?"
She knows he isn't. But it still doesn't answer why he is so cross with her. "What is it then?"
He pauses for a moment, trying to decide whether he wants to bare his soul out to her once more or not. There are two ways he can go from here- choose to not let her in again and save himself from the hurt, or trust her again and open himself up to potential pain.
Who is he kidding? Pushing her away- keeping her away- doesn't hurt any less.
There were a thousand things that had to go wrong to bring two Lokis from two universes together. A connection like that, it doesn't just happen.
And it doesn't just go away. The pain is constant, it's a part of him, pounding like a second heart every second he has to stop himself from reaching out for her hand.
This has to come to an end.
He takes in a deep breath, bracing himself. "You didn't have to send me away, Sylvie. I wanted to stop you from making the same mistakes I did. But in the end, I didn't care what you chose. I just wanted us to do it together."
She never even imagined this could be the reason for his hurt. All these months spent thinking he hates her for her choices, and now it turns out he is hurt simply because she chose to do it alone? "I'm sorry." She says sincerely. "I just wanted you to be safe."
"And I just wanted to be there with you till the end." He confesses. His eyes shimmer with the emotions he has kept bottled in for so long. "You go, I go."
She doesn't know what to say to that. She has never been good at articulating her feelings. Tears stream down her cheeks at the realisation that even after everything, he is still there for her.
She didn't cry even back at Lamentis when they thought they were going to die. She doesn't let anyone see her cry when she is sad or scared. That's all she has known her whole life. She's used to it by now.
This is new. These are tears of relief. Comfort.
Tentatively, she crosses over to the bed and sits by his side.
It's quiet for a few minutes. But unlike the months of tension so thick she could cut it into splices with her daggers, this is comfortable silence. The kind they had before it all went wrong.
"Did you even miss me?" He whispers.
"What kind of silly question is that? Of course I did." Her shaking hands grab his, and oh how she missed this.
He intertwines their fingers. His eyes draw closed. Bliss. That's the only word for this feeling.
He opens his eyes again and studies her. She's staring back at him, teary-eyed, but with a hopeful smile. "Really? Because you have a really unique way of showing it. You didn't even come looking for me."
"I didn't know how to face you", she tells him honestly. No tricks, no enchantment, no treachery. Not with him. "I didn't know if you even wanted to see me." Her voice grows quieter, dropping to a timbre that perfectly encapsulates her deepest fear. "I thought you hated me."
"Hate you?" He is shocked that she thinks that is even possible, specially after seeing him these last few months. "Sylvie, I'm working with the Avengers. The Avengers. Do you know how much I hate them? They are my nemesis. They're self-righteous, condescending, and so completely dull. Every second with them makes me want to rip their hearts out. Why do you think I'm here with them?"
She thinks she knows. But she needs to hear it anyway.
"It's because of you." He lays it all out on the table. All cards on deck, win or lose. "You've been running away. I have been the one who has been here, trying to hold down the fort, working to fix everything. Because that is what one does when one loves-"
Shit. The word slips out before he realises it.
Their eyes go wide in unison.
"Sylvie, I-"
"-Don't you dare take it back now." She warns him. "I-" She doesn't know how to say it either. They make such a great pair, both equally daft at saying how they feel, like they are teenagers, not Gods who have lived for centuries. "I've been running because I didn't think I could bear the burden of knowing I found you and then I lost you. I don't want to lose you. Not now, not ever."
He kisses the back of her hand, before letting it go. He cups her face, gently caressing her cheeks with his thumbs. "I don't want to lose you either."
She leans in closer, until their foreheads touch. She can feel his breath on her face, warm and soft. That is exactly how she feels inside. "You won't", she promises. "You go, I go."
(Quote on Lesser Evil from The Witcher. Thanks for reading!!)
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
-The One-
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Warnings: very very mild knifeplay, unprotected sex, oral (m. receiving), fingering, creampie, light navel play, tiny mention of blood, rituals, themes of witchcraft + demons, jealousy, sir kink, master kink, threesome, aftercare.
Felix × fem!Reader × Minho
Wc: 3k
Note: I stayed up all night writing this and was half-asleep so I apologize for any mistakes or incoherencies. Regardless, I’m quite proud of this fic hehe, and I’d love some feedback on it~
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You could barely breathe. The feeling of his cock stretching you out as you sat on his lap, combined with the heady feeling of the knife's tip pressed against your skin was driving you insane with arousal.
"Such a pretty one you are...we don't usually get customers like you."
You scrunched your eyes shut, not wanting to make eye contact with him. His smirk, his golden eyes that gleamed with confidence...it would all make you even more nervous than you already were.
"Sir...p-please don't hurt me."
"Tsk. I won't, princess. Not yet." He shifted you on his lap, causing his tip to rub up against your sweet spot. You let out a soft moan as he did so, your eyes slowly opening and drifting down to the shiny steel pressed against your torso.
"Will it...will it hurt?"
He gently dragged the knife upwards, eyes fixed on you. He wasn't applying any pressure, and the blade itself wasn't very sharp...but it still sent tingles through you.
"Not really. If you're a good girl for us, it won't. The ritual is a very short one, and doesn't have many side effects."
"Okay...wait, us?"
"Hmm? Oh, yeah. My boss. He'll be here soon, don't worry. He's a busy man. I take care of the shop when he's not here."
"Oh...so you're like, his assistant?"
"Mmhm. You could say that. He doesn't pay me, though." He mutters, expression faltering for a second. The smirk slowly returned though, as he dragged the steel gently up between your breasts, pausing.
"Why...w-why do you work here, then?"
"He's family. My older brother,to be exact."
"Yup. In fact, enjoy my leniency while you can. I can assure you, my brother is a lot more..."
He sighed, poking the tip into your skin lightly, but not enough to draw blood.
You gulped as Felix suddenly started thrusting up into you, his hips gaining a newfound vigor. You groaned, throwing your head back as he hit your sweet spot again.
You never thought you'd end up like this...A few weeks ago, you were living your life like any other college student.
When winter break came along, you'd been more than excited to get back to your hometown...the place you'd grew up in. One of the first things you did was visit the woods, searching for the tree house you'd made when you were about 10 years old.
Of course, you hadn't expected to see a cottage where your tree house had formerly been. On hindsight, it probably wasn't a good idea to knock.
You hadn't expected to see a cute boy open the door, either.
Felix, he said his name was.
The cottage wasn't a house after all...it was more of an eccentric little shop, the shelves lined with curious looking bottles and dusty books.
You'd definitely thought the man was cuckoo, especially when he started talking about witchcraft and rituals. He was undeniably hot, though...
One thing led to another and here you were a few days later, having sex with someone you barely knew. That someone also happened to talk an awful lot about demons and witchcraft. God, you were stupid to trust him.
"This ritual...what does it require, again? And there's absolutely no side effects?"
"Nope. All you want is revenge, correct? We can make that happen."
"Having sex with you is part of it, right?"
Felix laughed, taking his knife away and resting it on the table next to him. "Oh, you truly do hurt me. Here I was thinking you were having sex with me cause you wanted to." He adjusted himself in his chair, lifting you off his cock and turning you around.
He slowly eased you back down onto his length, groaning softly under his breath at your tightness.
"Look here. Intercourse with a virgin is stage one of the ritual, and semen also happens to be one of the ingredients." He said, pulling your back against his chest and lifting a finger, causing a dusty old book in the corner of the room to hover over.
You squinted at the page, the words registering itself in your brain.
"Wait...how did you know I'm a virgin?"
"It's glaringly obvious, doll."
You gritted your teeth, biting your lip as Felix let the book drop to the floor, his hands on your waist as he slowly started fucking up into you.
"Remember, you asked for this. You're the one who came here first. You gave me full consent to do this."
"I d-did."
"Mmhmm. Don't forget to tell Minho that. If he's not a corpse somewhere, that is...he usually isn't this late."
A shiver ran through you as Felix suddenly got up with you still on his cock, his fingers digging into your skin as he took you over to the window. He slid apart the heavy purple curtains with one hand.
"Ah...there he is."
You twisted your neck slightly. Eyes misty with arousal, you could barely make out the shadowy figure approaching. Felix's fingers on your chin forced you to face him again, his smile slightly unsettling.
"He's here. I'll remind you again. This was your choice."
"M-my choice..." You gulped as the door opened, the bells tinkling.
There was silence for a few minutes. Felix's form was blocking the figure in the shop. You made a sound of frustration as you craned your neck, trying to catch a glimpse of this mysterious man, despite the fear enveloping your heart.
"Hm. What do we have here? Felix, I've told you before. Don't bring your playthings into the shop."
Felix turned around, taking you to the counter and setting you on the edge of it, still inside you. The new angle finally let you make eye contact with the man.
Oh, fuck. Almost immediately, you wished you hadn't looked at him. Yes, Felix was scary and slightly unnerving...but this man's aura was a whole new shade of intimidating.
You tried your best to break eye contact, but you couldn't. His stare was mesmerizing, and you almost drooled.
A sharp thrust from Felix snapped you out of your haze.
"She isn't a plaything. She's been coming here for the past week...keeping me company. It gets lonely here when you leave on your little trips, you know."
Minho frowned as he set down the mysterious looking packages he'd been holding, leaning on the heavy oak table. His eyes fell on the open book. He lazily regarded the pages, sighing.
Despite his indifferent expression, when he spoke, his tone was menacing.
"Have you been showing this girl the texts? Felix, you know we're not supposed to fraternize with the mortals. I've let you copulate with some of them, but I've told you time and time again...magic and elements of the otherwordly realm are far too complex for their puny brains to comprehend."
Felix sighed, turning slightly to face his brother but not slowing down. He kept thrusting into you, a hand grasping your breast and fingers gliding over your nipple as he spoke.
"That's just it! This human here is different from the others. For one, once she got over her initial shock and surprise, she even started reading the rituals herself and helping me out around the shop! In fact, that's what we're doing right now, enacting the Interfectorem Inimicus Ritual. She has a silly little rival she wants to get rid of."
Minho sighed, his eyes coming up to meet yours again. You looked away meekly, making a small smirk appear on his features.
He rarely found mortals attractive...but this one right here might have to be an exception. Besides, if what Felix said was true, she was special. Maybe she wasn't even a mortal after all...
Minho needed to know if that was true. And there was only one way to find out.
He stalked over calmly, tapping Felix's shoulder.
"Give her to me."
"What?!" Felix's look of confusion mirrored yours.
"You heard me." His gaze drifted slowly to you, a finger sneaking out to trace your jawline. You unknowingly leaned into his touch, shivering at the feeling of his cold fingers.
"Hmm now, kitten...why exactly were you snooping about in the sacred texts?" His gaze was stern as he locked your eyes with his.
"I wasn't s-snooping-"
"Did Lixie here give you permission?"
"I, well...no..." You hated the way his intense stare was making you blurt out the truth, cheeks flushed. "I was just curious, that's all. So I read one of the b-books when he wasn't looking."
"Curious." Minho let go of your chin, chuckling. "Haven't you heard? Curiosity killed the cat." His eyes turned darker. "Although when it comes to this kitty, it might just be something else that leads to her demise..."
You swallowed, a fresh wave of arousal shooting through you as Minho smiled, saccharine sweet.
He glared at Felix, making him let go of you reluctantly.
"I'm going to fuck you now, kitten. Would you like that?"
You looked up at him. There was just something about him...his intensity, his demeanor...combined with his sharp beauty...he had you whiny and needy, keening in just seconds.
"Yes, Master, want you...want you so bad!" You mewled, just as Felix pulled out of you.
"Good girl."
In seconds, he gathered you in his arms, taking you over to the burgundy sofa in the corner of the room. "Now, let's do this ritual the right way, shall we? Felix, light some candles."
"Listen, brother, I really don't think this is a good idea and-"
"Do as I say."
Felix sighed, nodding as he went to gather some candles from the shelf. As he lit each one, his heart shuddered.
The two of them knew something you didn't.
Felix and Minho shared a demonic father, but had different mothers. Felix's mother happened to be human, while Minho's definitely wasn't. It was why Felix was able to have intercourse with humans without rendering them completely insane.
Minho, on the other hand...didn't possess even an ounce of humanity. He was draconian, otherworldly...
Felix glanced back, sadness taking over his features as he watched you, entranced as you stared at him.
He was worried you wouldn't last the night.
Minho leaned down, inhaling. He loved the way the human interacted to his touches, however featherlight they may be. He ran the tip of his fingers over your chin, down between your breasts. His fingers continued their descent until they reached your navel, his lust growing as he dipped his finger in, prompting a soft whimper from you. He fingered your navel gently for a few seconds, before he went even lower...finally reaching your clit.
If you were indeed human, you wouldn't be able to handle him or his cock. If you weren't, though?
The implications of it drove Minho giddy with excitement. He'd never had the pleasure of playing with someone as responsive and adorable as you were. Maybe you could even be his queen when he ascends his father's throne...
He shook his head, snapping himself out of his thoughts. First, he had to make sure of your origins. Then, he'd let himself daydream.
His fingers slowly pushed into your already dripping pussy, an appreciative groan leaving his lips as your soaking walls hugged his digits tightly.
Felix finished with the candles, his own erection growing impossibly harder as the lewd noises your pussy was making filled the room.
He turned, making his way to the sofa and glaring at his brother. He already harbored quite a bit of resentment for the older man, and this only served to deepen his hatred. Why did he have to steal away everything that was his?
Minho pulled his fingers out with a pop, sucking on his digits as he looked over at Felix. Your eyes opened halfway, registering Minho's naked form with some surprise. When did he remove his clothes? Then again, you knew the two men in the room didn't obey the same worldly rules you did.
Minho's eyes drifted down to Felix's erection, tutting under his breath.
"You know what...you can use her mouth, if you like."
Felix grumbled. It was better than nothing, but then again...He didn't want his brother to fuck you at all. Till now, you'd proven to be different from the usual human...most mortals couldn't even see their shop. However, he still felt that slight unease that came with not wanting to see you hurt. He'd only known you for a week but...deep inside, he didn't want to lose you.
Felix led his cock to your lips, eyes searching your lidded ones for discomfort. When he found none, he slid his length past your throat slowly, making you moan.
Minho's thick tip was rubbing at your folds. You could only feel the sensation of his head dragging up and down your slit...but it was more than enough for you to realize that he was bigger than everyone you'd ever had sex with.
When he finally pushed into you, you saw stars in your eyes. The pleasure was overwhelming...so sudden and potent that you screamed, Felix's eyes widening in concern as he pulled out.
"Are you okay?
"Y-yeah! For fuck's sake, it feels so gooooooood-" You choked out, clenching tightly around Minho's huge cock, his thrusts unlike anything you'd ever experienced before. It was almost satanic, the way he plunged into you repeatedly, stretching you out to your absolute limit.
Minho gritted his teeth as he gripped your waist tightly, his head thrown back in pleasure. "Fuck...ironic, but your pussy is heavenly, kitten..."
He moved you up and down his shaft, the feeling of your soft pussy opening up more and more with each stroke driving him crazed with lust. He'd never felt anything like this before.
"Felix, she's so fucking- shit....she's so fucking perfect-"
Felix frowned, sitting back as he watched. He couldn't help the envy from gripping his heart as he watched your pleasure-stricken face, your eyes rolling back in your head as Minho slid his girth deeper, hitting your sweet spot. He didn't want to stay any longer, but he couldn't help it. He really didn't want to leave you alone with his brother.
Minho drove into you faster as he felt his orgasm approaching, spurred on by the way you clenched tightly around him, clearly near your end as well.
"Kitten? 'M going to cum...going to fill your little pussy up..."
You whined, arching your back. "Can I cum, Master?"
He shook his head, growling as he rubbed your clit. "You'll cum when I tell you to."
Minho turned to the side as he kept abusing your pussy, his eyes landing on Felix...chuckling at his hand wrapped around his cock.
"Couldn't help yourself, could you?"
Felix let out a moan as he continued jerking himself off, standing up. He didn't care anymore...you looked so perfect like this, completely naked and at their mercy, mouth wide open and ready for him to use.
He came closer and shoved his cock down your throat roughly, not giving you time to adjust as he started fucking into you, his high close. You choked, caught off guard, but quickly got over it. Determined to be a good girl for them, you hollowed your cheeks and sucked on Felix's cock desperately, even as you tried to stave off your orgasm.
His length twitched in your mouth, and before you knew it, you felt warm cum spurting down your throat. Felix groaned, pulling out slowly.
"Felix, now. Get my blade and the book."
"Wait, what?"
"She's the one. I can tell. Quick. We need to get her blood at the exact time she hits her high, or I won't be able to complete my ritual."
"Wait- no! This is Y/n's ritual, the one for her rival. It's lower magic. The one you want to do...Come on, brother! You have to think before making a decision like this, you can't just make her your bride...we have to get Y/n's permission, too-"
Minho growled, his eyes flashing red as he glared at Felix. "I'm not performing a wedding ritual or anything, brother. I'm simply preserving her essence-"
Felix shook his head. His heart was thudding- he'd figured it out too, just like his brother had. You weren't mortal. You were special...and that meant Minho wanted to find out what exactly you were.
He felt sick as he thought of you getting married to his brother. No. You belonged here on Earth, with your family and your friends-
With him.
Before he could react, Minho's hand had materialized the exact knife he wanted.
Encrusted with rubies and made of demonic steel, the blade was far sharper than the one Felix had been teasing you with before.
Minho let go of your waist to grab your hand, bringing it up to his face. His hips continued their assault, making you whine and whimper.
Half the things they said were making no sense, and you were scared and yet...aroused, at the same time. You didn't know what was going on, but you wanted to listen to the man above you. You wanted to do everything he said, wanted to be his little pet...wanted to be his. Your brain felt like it was slowly getting rid of all rationality, the feeling of his cock making you whine louder.
"Kitten...I'm going to make a tiny little cut, right here on your finger. Is that okay?"
You nodded desperately, and Minho smiled at you in approval.
You finally let go, the pleasure washing over you in a tidal wave as you shook, convulsing with electricity as Minho drove the blade into the tip of your finger just enough to let out a few drops of blood.
Felix reluctantly conjured up an empty potion vial, capturing the drop with ease.
Minho lifted your finger to his mouth, sucking on the digit and running his tongue over the wound repeatedly. The metallic taste of your blood was the final push he needed to cum, thrusting deeper as he spilled himself into you.
When he let go of your finger, all the pain had disappeared. You noticed your finger was healed...the skin just as clean and soft as it was before.
You whined as he pulled out, conjuring another vial to gather some of your mixed fluids that was leaking out from between your thighs. He yawned as he handed it to Felix, who corked it with a frown on his face, setting it next to the vial with your blood in it. He knew what Minho wanted to do...he wanted to perform a ritual with the vials, wanted to make sure you were the one for him. It wasn't a wedding ritual by any means...but it was a pre-requisite, and the thought saddened Felix. Maybe his feelings for you were deeper than he'd thought.
Slowly, Minho gathered you into his arms, patting your hair gently and kissing your forehead.
"You were a good kitten, Y/n. How are you feeling?"
"I'm f-feeling okay..."
Minho made a face of delight at Felix. "She can still talk and formulate sentences!" He mouthed, prompting a half-hearted smile from his brother.
"D'you want to cuddle?"
You pouted. "Mmhmm! But..I want Lix to come cuddle too."
Felix looked up at that, his eyes widening.
You still wanted him?
Minho met his eyes, giving him a small smile. "Sure, baby. Lix can come cuddle as well."
You grinned, looking over at Felix and making grabby hands. Giggling, the boy quickly dropped onto the couch, wrapping his arms around your torso and humming in content.
"You know..I don't mind sharing her." Minho whispered, his fingers still stroking your hair. "Really?" Felix asked, looking down at you.
"If she wants to be shared, that is."
"I don't mind!" You chirped. "Life is boring here, anyway. Where did you guys say you lived again?"
The two men shared a look.
Minho sighed as he stroked your hair. "I can't wait to introduce you to our dad."
"Your dad?"
"Yep! Don't worry, he's nice. And I think he'd like you."
You frowned slowly as you remembered something Felix had told you. Snippets of their conversation flashed through your brain as your stomach filled with something akin to dread and anticipation.
"Who did you say your dad was, again?"
"Oh, what? Ah, that doesn't really matter. He's just the king of the Underworld."
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eunoiaflow3r · 4 years
when worlds collide - h.p. x gn!avenger!reader
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a/n: bahahahahaha no one reads harry x reader lmaoo you don’t have to tell me - i know. but still, i thought this was a cute idea and i went with it. hope you enjoy :)
not edited.
also: timelines don’t match up bc i don’t want to do the math so harry is like 20 - 21 and your like 19 - 20 in 2020. Civil War and everything on didn’t happen. Fred didn’t die.
gn = gender neutral
warning(s): “language!” - captain america.
word count: 3.1k
request(ed): no.
summary: stephen sends y/n to a strange new place with...wizards?
Never doubt Stephen Strange. That's something that pretty much everyone has accepted. Never second guess the wizard man. Usually you'd agree. Usually you'd just let the man babble about whatever he needed to and then go about your day.
Not now.
The fuckery.
Now you were here (wherever here was) after some flashes of orange and a "be careful." Did he even do the spell right? Is this really where you were supposed to be?
It was dark, and dirty and you just wanted to go home and not talk to anyone so you turned yourself invisible.
You were born with your powers - you think. You were adopted so you wouldn't know where your powers came from. All you know is that one day your parents couldn't find you, even though you were right there. Instead of thinking you were some kind of alien and throwing you out to labs, they helped you control it the best you could.
It was difficult at first, all things considered, but you got through. You discovered you had another power as well. Force fields. Those came in handy during the battles. (You helped where you could), and Tony Stark took you in afterwards as his own. He helped you create your suit, and your name, and discover more about your powers, he was basically a dad to you.
Your parents were a little hesitant letting you join the Avengers, but once they realized this is what you were meant to do, and you had people just like you protecting you, they couldn't keep you from that. They just couldn't.
So here you were, invisible, in some dark and creepy alley. There were doors either side of you, so you got out of the way considering they could open and smack you in the face at any given moment. You heard loud voices and laughing and cheering from both ends of the alley so you walked towards the one in front of you.
The voices were so loud and echoey that you really couldn't focus on anything else. Maybe that's why you didn't hear a boy behind you trip and fall into you from behind.
"I'm so sorry." he said helping you up.
You turned around to help him, he got awfully dirty, and searched for his glasses that fell off his face.
Once standing, he took out a stick, waved it over him, and all of a sudden the dirt and gravel was gone.
"How did you do that?" You were no stranger to magic, but this was something you've never seen before. And why would he do it in front of you? For all he knew, you were an unknowing human.
"What?" He asked eyebrows furrowed together, accent strong.
"With the stick."
He chuckled shoving the stick back in his cloak.
"The stick." He smiled and looked you up and down. "It's a wand. You must not be from around here."
"Yeah, what tipped you off?" You noticed the lightning bolt scar on his head. You wondered how he got it.
"The accent, the clothes, the inability to recognize a simple wand, the ability to be here, not recognizing me, and wait - where is your cloak?"
"You were just invisible a moment earlier but I don't see your cloak anywhere."
"I don't have one. I can make myself invisible without a piece of fabric or your fancy stick." You say sarcastically. Were you flirting?
"Handy." He grins. "The name's Harry Potter."
He holds his hand out for you to shake. "Y/N L/N."
He asks you if you want to talk somewhere besides a dark dirty alley. You agreed. It took some convincing though to let him use his stick to clean the clothes you had on, but to change your outfit to something less, standout-ish.
When you felt the witch hat on your head you immediately snatched it off your head and glared at him.
He just laughed.
Once out of the alley, you breathed in the now clean air, and was mesmerized. People were bustling in and out of small shops, animals were flying and chirping around their owners, children were running around with their friends and siblings, and people were waving sticks, or wands, just like Harry used.
"C'mon, this way." He smiled at your awestruck face. It reminded him of when he first arrived with Hagrid all those years ago.
He brought you inside a coffee shop, and sat you at a booth near the window knowing you'd probably want to still look outside at the new scenes.
After ordering, and a few moments of silence as you looked around, you decided to ask some questions.
"Where am I?"
"We're in Diagon Alley. It's like an outside mall."
"I mean like, planet? I guess?"
"Well, more specifically London. Diagon Alley."
"London?! I'm in London?!"
"You've never been? To Earth? Or London?"
You rolled your eyes silently cursing Strange. "I'm from Earth. The United States, actually. I just wish he'd put me on a fucking plane or something instead of making it seem like I was going to Mars."
"He?" Harry was very curious.
You looked into his green eyes, your mind wandering. The guy in front of you was very attractive. His dark hair complimented his eyes, and his glasses made him even more attractive.
"You guys are wizards right?"
"Really? What gave you that impression?" He asks sarcastically. "The sticks, the pointy hats, or the big bowl with green liquid sitting outside?”
You rolled your eyes. "Very funny. It's not my fault you live into the stereotype of brewing potions in your cauldrons -"
"Oh well I can only assume you're one of those Avengers from the States, yeah?" He grins. "You guys are all over the news."
"Yes, sure -"
"And don't one of you wear capes and another shoot lasers or lightning or whatnot? Sounds very stereotypical to me."
You laugh as the waitress brings over your drinks and muffins. You thank her. "No, well yes, that's Strange and Thor, but that's besides the point -"
"Well of course it's strange." He grins and winks and you over his mug. He was purposely annoying you and found great joy in it.
"Anyway," you sigh getting back to the point. "Do you guys have a Wizard here, like a powerful, trusting, all-knowing kind of guy?"
His eyes dropped slowly and his smile dimmed for a moment before slowly widening once again.
"Had. His name was Dumbledore."
"Our guy is Stephen Strange. Or Dr. Strange. He sent me here, and I'm not sure why."
"Hmmm." He hums setting down his mug. "Are the states in danger? Were you sent here on a secret quest that would put you through tough trials that would risk your life but would ultimately save everyone you've ever loved so you just have to do it?"
You were in a silent shock. "Uhm. No, not that I'm aware of, no."
"Well then perhaps your Wizard Strange is playing matchmaker."
"Well you were sent here weren't you?" You nod. "Arrived outside the exact place where I was and I just happened to bump into you? Sounds like a set-up to me."
"Or a coincidence."
"I'd like to think it was fate that I bump into the most attractive person I've ever seen and they don't know who I am and won't judge me 'cause of my past." He took a bite of his muffin.
"Should I be worried?"
"I guess you'll have to figure that out yourself." He winks.
You decide to eat your muffin as well. It was a comfortable silence until you looked out of the window and noticed a guy crouching down behind a cauldron...with a camera.
"Why is there a man outside taking pictures of you?"
His eyes widened. "Oh shit." He whispered. "Here." He took out a baseball cap and put it over your head, hiding your face from the camera.
He gets out of his seat quickly pulling you along with him to the back of the shop but before you could say anything he had his wand pulled out.
Next thing you saw was a couch and living room.
"Wow." You panted. "What a way to bring a girl home."
"I apologise Y/N, I block them out so much I forget they're even there and now they've seen you, and have a story and -"
"Wait, wait, wait, are you wanted for murder or something?"
Harry walks over to his bookshelf and pulls out a rather large book. After opening up on the table, he waved his wand over it and beckons you over to read it.
'Boy who lived.'
'Golden boy defeats Voldemort'
'winner of Triwizard tournament'
And there was so much more… 'Harry Potter' in bold just strewn across the pages. His whole life story.
Your eyes widen at everything. "So both and neither. War hero. How come I've never heard of you? Or any of this?"
He smiles at the pages fondly, running his fingers across the letters and reminiscing on his times at Hogwarts.
"Unlike you Avengers, we like to keep our business private and quiet. We don't like prying eyes."
You scoff. "Not our fault we have alien invasions every year."
Harry agreed and for the rest of the night you sat on his couch talking and sometimes arguing, over every little thing. It felt like you two had known each other forever.
You're not sure when, but you fell asleep there and woke with your head on his chest and his arm wrapped around your waist. You're not sure how the two of you ended up this way, and you realized you were practically strangers, but you didn't want to move. You just wanted to tangle your fingers through his dark hair.
But you didn't. Instead you stared at his closed eyes, and focused on his long, dark, eyelashes that fluttered a little from time to time. You thought about how you could get used to this. Waking up with his arm wrapped around you.
You told him last night that if he was actually a serial killer, and wanted to kill you that you had a whole team of people who would rip him limb from limb. He had no doubts and looked actually scared of your threat.
You thought about what it'd be like to live here among people like you.
Stomach grumbling, you decided to get up and see if he had anything you could make for him. It's the least you could do. His face turned when you left his arms, but you quickly pulled the blanket over him so he would be able to sleep a little longer.
You found his bathroom, and washed your face. In your backpack was a toothbrush and some toothpaste so you brushed your teeth, fixed your hair, and got dressed.
By the time you got out of the bathroom, you noticed Harry was still sleeping so you went into the kitchen and tried to find anything remotely close to breakfast foods. By the look of his inventory, you could tell he was very good at cooking but hadn’t been to the store in a while. He did have some eggs and toast though so you decided to make that.
In the middle of it, you got a phone call from Strange.
“Harry Potter.” he says.
“What?” you were so confused as to how Stephen knew ANYTHING.
“You’re in his place, we've been tracking you.”
“So I guess we should probably have a talk about privacy? I don’t know, it just seems like something we should discuss you know? Cause usually people can respect that - especially people who just DUMP you here in the first place -“
“Calm down that’s what the mission was. While you were sleeping, we searched the place with a camera we put on you and he’s not who we thought he was. You completed the mission L/N. Great job.”
“Is he a danger?”
“Not necessarily. Just making sure your fine is all.”
“What -?”
He hung up.
Why wouldn’t Strange tell you his intentions? Why would he let you stay here if he thought Harry might have been a bad guy? Why would he risk that?
Right as you hung up Harry Potter walked into the kitchen with his lenses in between his shirt - he was cleaning his glasses.
His dark hair hung over his eyes but his eyebrows were raised.
“You made breakfast?”
“It was the least I could do. I didn’t mean to fall asleep but thank you for letting me stay.”
He smiled and put his glasses back on. In doing so his gray shirt lifted and you could see his abs. You turned away a blushed.
“It was no big deal. Thank you for making breakfast, love. You didn’t have to.”
You didn’t say anything and instead placed both of your finished plates on the dining room table. He followed you and sat down immediately digging in.
“These are the best eggs i’ve ever eaten Y/N thank you.”
You smiled in response but then frowned remembering your conversation with Strange. You should probably tell Harry.
“So,” you cleared your throat. “You were wrong.”
He gave you a look that meant “about?”
“Dr. Strange - the wizard I work with - he likes to check out potential threats and make sure that ya’know - the earth stays safe and everything. Je can kind of see the future and its propabilities. He did the same thing with Thor and his brother Loki.”
“Okay, go on.”
You cringed. “And so he called me and told me that he sent me here so he could see you? I don’t know I guess he saw you as a threat and wanted to make sure you weren’t.”
You looked at Harry but his face was clear of any and every emotion. He just continued to eat his eggs. It was silent.
You ate a bit at your eggs too until he spoke up which made you look up.
“I can’t say I’m very surprised honestly. With everything you guys manage to fuck up there I’d wanna know if someone else was about to create shit problems too.”
You sighed with relief. He wasn’t mad.
“I’m sorry really Harry, I didn’t even know.”
“No yeah it’s fine. I get it. I still think he sent you specifically for a reason though. There’s just no way we aren’t soul mates or something.”
“Oh shut up Potter.”
He smiled. “I’ve been thinking.”
“Gee your head must hurt.”
He squints at you jokingly. “You should let me take you out. I can show you around today. Y’know, so you can see what wizards are like.”
“Is this a date?”
His face flushes red and he looks down at his plate. “Yeah, yeah it’s a date.”
And a date it was.
“What the fuck is wrong with you Harry! Again?!” You practically screamed. Harry called it aparation but you call it hell. You let it go the first time but damn. He barely even warned you, just took your hand, held it tight, pulled you close, and waved his wand.
It was teleportation. Something you’ve never ever done before.
“Fucking hell Potter I’m going to murder you.”
“And Strange was worried about your safety? This is like your 4th time threatening to end my life and besides, it wasn’t even that bad.”
You rolled your eyes.
Throughout the day Harry showed you all sorts of things you’d never ever seen before. This consisted of every flavor jelly beans (and by every flavor they really meant every flavor), a chocolate frog, and never ending bubble gum. And that was just on the candy side.
He took you inside this joke shop ran by two of his friends from his old school he called hogwarts. They were twins that went by the names of Fred and George. The only twins you had ever met was Wanda and Pietro but telling the story of Pietro’s death seemed to sour Harry’s mood but excite the twins. The fact that he sacrificed himself for a little boy made him a hero in their eyes. They begged you to tell them more stories.
By the end of the day you went back to Harry’s place and you were exhausted. You can’t believe all that you’ve seen and eaten. How was this stuff even possible? How was it all hidden? You were amazed.
Harry was glad to see you had a good day and glad that he had met you. When you got back, he told you that you could stay another night...and perhaps in the bed instead of the couch. He hadn’t meant it in a dirty way but that didn’t stop you from laughing until tears came out of your eyes. He was so awkward at times. Once he had to ask if it was okay to take your hand while you were in the street and it was so cute how he couldn’t really find the words even for something as simple as hand holding.
You both were laying in his bed facing the other.
“I had a lot of fun today. I feel like i’ve known you forever.”
He grinned from ear to ear and was glad that you couldn’t see him. He would have been beyond embarrassed if you’d seen how unmistakably happy that made him.
“I had fun with you Y/N. You’re great company.”
You were silent for a moment.
And another.
“Can I kiss you?”
You were scared of his response and your heart was practically beating out of your chest. What if he was just being friendly? What if he just wanted to be friends? You would have made a huge fool of yourself. You were going to turn away embarrassed until his hand came up to your face and slipped onto your cheek. He was so warm. His lips pressed against yours for a moment and then he pulled away.
After a moment he reconnected and moved his lips against yours slowly. Your hand went to the back of his neck and toyed with his hair. He groaned into your mouth. You smiled and scooted even closer to him. All you could hear was the sound of your breathing and kissing. You didn’t want to pull away but you had to.
“Harry.” you said practically breathless.
“Yeah.” he was breathless too.
“I want to show you my world. You should come see New York.”
“Yeah? You wanna show me those alien invasions and robot attacks?”
You laughed and snuggled into Harry. He wrapped his arm around you and kissed your neck.
“I’d love to see it.”
@romance-geek @gooseyhouse
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