#I've been thinking about getting an instagram recently but from what i hear its not really worth it
irisinluv · 7 months
Yandere Stardew Valley- Sebastian
I've been playing some Yandere Stardew mods recently. While I love them..... I feel like they do my husband (Sebastian) wrong. The citizens of Pelican Town are telling me that they can't hang out with me because Sebstian threatened them. That they've noticed some weird behavior. That he's physically violent. I disagree with all of these for Sebby.
He's our hot programmer boyfriend who lives in his basement bedroom, and only emerges to enjoy a smoke break, or to go see his friends. Now, while again, I do enjoy playing the mods...... I think his cannon behavior sets him up to be the perfect chronically online yandere. Pelican Town isn't exactly the most connected (6 out of the 11 rivals have access to a computer), but there's still potential. Obviously they're gonners if they have a computer. Sam finds himself doxed after making a comment about the gifts you gave him this week, and poor Haley's socials are blowing up with hate comments- from her personal insta to her photography blog.
But what about the other 5? The ones who are more disconnected? Well. It's easy enough to get Shane fired from joja. A little email to Morris from "HQ" saying he either fires Shane or his own pay gets docked..... well. Suddenly, everyone's favorite alcoholic doesn't even have a job anymore. Elliott suddenly has all these taxes he hasn't paid on his little shack..... beachfront properties cost a lot, you know. The parents stop letting Penny watch their kids after some..... explicit photos get leaked. It doesn't matter that they're edited. These people don't know about Photoshop. All they know is apparently Penny's making ends meet to support her mother..... and there's a new favorite subject to gossip on between all the older women. The other rivals are equally taken care of. All you need to focus on now is how Sebastian is the only reliable option in the whole damn town.
And he knows you so well, doesn't he? You, who lived away from it all until now. You, who WAS connected to the internet. Who had their entire life detailed through Facebook updates and Instagram posts. Honestly, Sebastian thinks that maybe he DOESN'T need to leave Pelican town... looking at the life you lived before coming to the valley, he thinks its much easier to keep you safe when he can control everything that goes on. There were too many factors to your old life. Too many parties to go to, coworkers to talk to, ex-boyfriends/girlfriends worry about. No. Sebastian thinks that city life isn't fit for the two of you to start you life together.
While he enjoyed seeing the trip down memory lane of who you were before becoming the farmer, and learning more about your likes and dislikes, he much prefers this version of you. The version of you who he found bouncing on their toes outside his door, excitedly shoving a frozen tear at him. Who eventually became the only person he was genuinely excited to have come barging into his room unannounced. And the thought of moving into the farm with you was all together far too tempting. He can picture it already. He'd set up a little area to work on his bike, he'd help out around the farm for you (he saw your hands covered in scrapes and splinters one day, and you sheepishly told him your fences had started wearing down.... but fixing a fence was another first for you. So you ended up scraping yourself up a bit on the old wood. Now, Sebastain, who, while he doesn't enjoy it, grew up with a carpenter mother..... well. He's going to make sure you never have that many splinters again.) Oh and he can already imagine it. The two of you, far away from the rest of the town, from prying eyes, no one to hear what you two would get up to as he helped you relax after a long day of working the feilds.....
This fantasy would sustain him until you eventually asked him to marry you. I don't think he would rush anything. To you, and the rest of the citizens, he was just normal Sebastian. Showing up for band practice, playing pool at the bar (although he seemed to play much better when a certain farmer came to watch). He just realized that the best way to control all the factors in town would be to remain anonymous. Avoid suspicion. After all. In a small town like that, it would be all too easy to turn against him if he decided to publicly threaten someone. And how would you react if you came to drop off some fresh sashimi to your boyfriend, only to find him being dragged out of his house by Clint, with Marlon standing nearby, ready to ship him off to face justice in the adventurers guild? No. That wouldn't do. He can't add any more stress to you like that. He'd remain the puppeteer, pulling the strings of the valley.
This isn't to say Sebastian never stalks you in person or anything like that. He can't help himself. He's a night owl. He knows the villagers schedules, has since before you even came to town. So, he knows he can get away with digging in the trash to find the straw you threw away at the bar. And if someone does hear him.... well. Linus is going to be everyone's first thought. He does, however, start adopting a stricter routine as far as monitoring your house after you mention how you sell your produce.
Sebastian was rightfully horrified when you explained that Mayor Lewis comes by your farm at night to collect anything you wish to sell. How it's such a relief to be able to just chuck things in the the bin as you're rushing to bed at 1:50 in the morning, only to get up first thing and start your day again, and not have to worry about lugging all your goods to the store. Sebastian won't criticize you for the lack of sleep..... no. That's not what's worrying. What's worrying is that this old man who has a gold statue of himself and who gets it on in the bushes with his secret girlfriend (of course Sebastian knows about that) is showing up to your house sometime after 2 am. His mind flashes back to his fantasy of the two of you, completely alone on the farm.... and then is mortified as this fantasy morphs into a nightmare where he looks up from bed with you, and sees Lewis' wrinkled face peering through the window. Yea. No. Sebastain installs some hidden cameras to make sure Lewis doesn't get up to anything funny while you're defenseless, asleep, alone..... ok he might need to get a new mayor elected. The old man might just have to go. Perhaps to a home outside the town. Regardless, he makes sure Lewis stops coming by as frequently. Frustratingly, he isn't able to completely stop it, but that'll be an easy fix once the two of you are married. He'll act surprised, "wow Lewis, that's so kind of you to help out the farmer all this time. But hey, don't worry, I'll take over. I'm up late anyways, and it's the least I can do!" But Sebastian still wakes up in a cold sweat and frantically rushes to check the cameras, making sure you're OK. That Lewis really is just checking the shipping bin.
Once y'all get married, he shows a bit more of that possessive side to you. But you chalk it up to just bedroom spicy time, and honestly find his hand tightening on your waist as Elliot asks you to read his latest poem hot.
Just. Yandere Sebastian brain rot.
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tboyswagging · 11 months
Recently I have been making a kind of trans memory box of important things from my transition and as someone who lives in a fairly unsupportive environment I'm finding it really healing in a way. Like even despite it all I'm finding elements of me. I saw someone do this on Instagram a while ago so I definitely stole the idea. I'm just putting it in a random shoebox but I hope I'll look back on it one day when I'm in a better situation and further transitioned and like,, feel emotional about it. But this is what's in my memory box so far:
- my diary from 2016 which is the year I came out to everyone, it starts in May and I came out to my parents in January so I don't have their reaction but from the fact they gave me the notebook and they wrote a dedication to me which says "dear [deadname]" we can infer they are not on board (they still arent). But I've written entries about coming out to other people and talk about my life. Also I was in an abusive relationship later on in 2016 and its interesting to hear abt that bcs a lot of my memory has gone. I was in year 7 and its just crazy to think how my life has changed.
- old binder, not my very first binder bcs idk where that has gone I don't think I still have it but it's the last gc2b binder I had I've been getting spectrum since 2019 and its very stretched out bcs once I wore it for 8 consecutive days and nights (very very unadvisable). But its the longest ago binder I have so it'll have to do
- zine I was in when i was 17 that I hid from my parents bcs its Trans Themed
- my deedpoll
- letters from the GIC clinic from 2019 and 2021 (the second one telling me I have been put on the adult waiting list). I am literally nearly a year and a half on T and I still haven't got a GIC appointment it's a joke. (I started T priv but then transferred over to a nhs dr)
- First ever testosterone bottle packaging that I have stuck both my private prescription label and nhs prescription label to
I think I am gonna print out my gender dysphoria diagnosis if I ever have the opportunity (it is very funny bcs when I got diagnosed w gender dysphoria I was 3 months on T and had been identifying as trans for 7 years so i was like. Yeah no shit) and a photo of me the day I came out but I'm trying to think what other things I can put in it
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ewyband · 9 days
hi!! recently i did a q&a on instagram about SLAD. unfortunately (or fortunately?) there were too many questions to answer purely on instagram stories without spamming. here's the ones i couldn't answer on instagram, answered here!
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MERLOT, both in terms of my favourite composition and performance
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my partner and i were on a break whilst they were studying abroad ("we're only on month 1 of 4"). I just kinda word vomited my feelings. I was feeling pretty depressed at the time I wont lie.
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yes i DID!!! this EP was MADE for fun. i wrote the songs specifically to make fun songs to play live. (aside from HOLLOW DRUG)
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"And I could be displaced from my home And it could be seen on all your phones Is it real? Or is it fake? Look close, do my arms look like legs?"
probs the most lyrically dense I've been?? i'm not sure.
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first of all, thank you so much!! second, some songs i write it all in one day but others can take a week or so before i'm fully happy with how its sounding. that being said, i always end up changing something before recording (usually around a month after writing, but in the case of MERLOT, that was recorded only a week after writing).
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if i had to just name one, it'd be Nirvana. I wrote a 3000 word essay on In Utero for uni and that genuinely inspired me to make these songs. I really loved how Nirvana performed and I thought 'man, if only I had songs like that where I'd have an excuse to go crazy' other influences would include Jeff Rosenstock (my #1 fav artist) and PUP (greatest live show I've ever been to) btw, thank u sm!!
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yes,,, very much
unfortunately i havent learnt proper scream technique so all of my screams were done at the very very end of my recording sessions. i think it worked out because that meant i had a lot of pent up frustration
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i will start by saying my uni lets me hire out all of these microphones for free (if you don't count the student loan) vocals: SM7b & RE20 (only on sociopathic leech) guitar: AKG C414 matched pair (acoustic and electric) bass: my takes were originally done with an RE20, pretty sure fern just DI'd drums: Audix DP7 + SM57 (for hi-hat) + C414 for room mic's
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i'll try get this done tomorrow!
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i was in a guitar lesson at uni and we were talking about chromatics in the blues scale. my guitar teacher suggested i try to make a riff using the blues scale and particularly the chromatic part. that riff ended up being the middle 8 section of RIGHTS TO MY WRONGS. the rest of the song basically acted as a vessel to transport this breakdown middle 8 section. hopefully it doesn't come across that way !!!!!! but that was the main idea.
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it felt very natural. i'll probably continue to go this direction in my future releases.
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its mainly a reference to SOCIOPATHIC LEECH! 'i could beat you with a bat'. i just wanted something that felt visceral and angry and i feel like izzie really captured that.
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yes and no! brett romnes is a super nice guy and very fun to work with. i obviously had my own mixes so he could see what i preferred and essentially made it better. i think there ended up being 4 drafts before we reached a final master.
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these were my original mixing notes! i think the only thing that really got lost in translation was i added some really subtle vocal distortion at the end of HOLLOW DRUG in my original mix. in the end, i feel empowered by brett because he made it sound like what i felt it should sound like in my head (DOES THIS SENTENCE MAKE SENSE!?)
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after i wrote SOCIOPATHIC LEECH and RIGHTS TO MY WRONGS, i was like 'okay, this is the style we're going for, lets do some sort of project in this particular style' i was pretty dead set on an EP since i'd just done an album. so to answer your question, yes and no!
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i wish i could put something significant here. im sure theres some psychologist out there who could tell me that the song represents something about me. i was feeling alienated at the time, hopefully this helps? "confess your sins to the crowd, no-one can hear you when you're talking so loud" is definitely about my frustrations with song meanings though
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hi mikey!
this person was the GM for a cyberpunk TTRPG game i played in. i wanted to write a cyberpunk themed album at one point but i guess that one merlot line is the closest we'll get.
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i have semi answered this question but I WANTED TO WRITE SONGS THAT WERE FUN TO PLAY LIVE !!!!! and i think it worked out in the end
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izzydizzy13 · 3 months
ok real talk for a second
how are we avoiding AI gang?
Like, I see a lot of people quitting Instagram bc of their policy to feed art to the Meta AI, and I agree that it is not Cash Money of them to do that... but I am also not entirely sure how it changes anything, because doesn't literally *every* website populate Google? If so, doesn't Google's AI take that anyway, as well as any image AI that uses Google as a database? so most of them, from what I can tell...
Am I fundamentally misunderstanding how this works? I ask because most of the art I have seen here recently hasn't been glazed as far as I can tell visually, and while Tumblr isn't feeding images straight to AI the same way Instagram is, I am still worried for y'all. I kind of hope I AM just confused, because it would be fantastic to have places where I could upload unglazed works in their pure, unswirly form. I just thought I could Glaze my future works and upload them wherever I would usually upload, including Instagram because, well, their AI isn't any better at reading it than Dal-E as far as I'm aware. It is gonna be quite annoying though, because it takes upwards of an hour to glaze something to the Default strength, and I like uploading silly little doodles that only took like 5 minutes in and of themselves lol, so I'll have to be more picky about what I post...
Anyways, I am gonna start using Glaze on my art at the minimum, I tested it with an older work and it's not very noticeable. I'll drop the glazed piece here for anyone who has been curious about how it would affect their art visually and been too scared to try using it
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the grass looks bad because of me, that's my fault for not knowing how to draw grass. The Glaze is that swirly triangular pattern that is most noticeable in the exact middle of the image, on the shorts and leg. It is virtually invisible on the face, which is the part I care most about anyway. So, while yes it would be an annoying affect if it were something really aggressively well-rendered, I've got very few issues with it for my more cartoony art style. It's the default amount of glaze, so not the highest tier of protection possible but enough.
I didn't really care about AI theft when it was still in its infancy, I still don't think it's the end of the world or anything like that, people enjoy art for the personal connection it has with its artist, and I like to think AI will never fully replicate that... not to mention that all of these AIs are in for a legal nightmare once someone sues for copyright infringement ... but, with how high quality the images are becoming and how thoroughly integrated it is into many of our browsers and websites, I still don't wish to help it any further if at all possible.
For anyone who wants to utilize this anti-AI Glaze, here's the link to downloads for Glaze
There is a browser version as well, though it requires an invite (automatically granted to anyone who doesn't use AI via email) I haven't tried that one yet, my computer is thankfully able to run the desktop version so I've had no need to get an invite.
If this is the first you're hearing about Glaze, I should also mention that there is a thing called Nightshade on this very same website. It does a very similar thing to Glaze, except for that it also gives AI models incorrect information when fed to it that, through a bunch of technical stuff that I don't understand, actually makes the AI worse than it was before. I've decided to just use the regular Glaze since, personally, my goal isn't to screw over the devs who made the AI, even if it's something I disagree with. I just don't want my work utilized, so I will Glaze it and move on. I can't really blame anyone who uses Nightshade though, just explaining why I don't.
I was also wondering if any of y'all have a contingency plan in the case of AI developing to the point where Glaze doesn't work anymore... like are we just gonna have to delete everything from the last however long we've been glazing or what? yike
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just-my-type-x · 2 years
Night Outs and Nightclubs
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A/N: whatever i say in this imagine is purely fictional. In no way am i targeting Brad of having this type of behaviour and in no way am i projecting his behaviour in this imagine as being real in his day-to-day lifestyle. + another A/N at the end, pls read that before u start the imagine ♥️
Synopsis: y/n is also an artist and she recently has a radio interview where she has to confront the fans' rumours about her and Brad being more than friends. Her answer makes Brad reconsider their situation and take wrong decisions.
I put the headphones on my head and wait for Chris to introduce me to our listeners. I take a deep breath and say hi to everyone listening, followed by him applauding.
"Thank you, thank you", i laugh and he moves his microphone closer to his mouth
"Welcome back to BBC Radio 1, y/n, it's so good to have you back, it's been a while."
"Thank you, Chris. I know.. It's been like two years?", i ask him and we both frown, thinking about it.
"I think so, yeah. How have you been, love?"
"We're still not going to date, mate", he bursts out laughing and i smirk at the camera that's filming us
"I didn't even get friendzoned, i got matezoned. Well, this is new for me. But seriously, how have you been, what's new? I saw you were a supporting act for The Vamps on their latest tour. How did that work out for you? Since you've been in the game for almost as much as them, how was the experience of being a supportive act? ", he asks while checking his notes for any missing questions
"I've been very well, thank you, I'm very proud of my latest music video and I'm so glad it received its deserved praise haha. Secondly, i loved supporting the boys, they're great company and I've known them for a lifetime to be honest. It felt like a very refreshing time, because I had just gotten back from my tour and i stuttered a bit before agreeing to support them, but I'm glad i made the right decision.", i smile and take a sip of my coffee
"That's so nice to hear. I will say tho that I've seen a lot of comments regarding your reason for touring with them and if you don't mind, let's clear some things up for your fans, shall we?", he asks and pins me with his eyes, asking me, in a way, if i feel comfortable doing so. I agree and take another deep breath, making sure it can't be heard in my mic. "A lot of fans said that you're involved with one of The Vamps boys and that's the reason you actually went om tour with them. Also, a lot of people had pointed out that your boyfriend hasn't been in the picture for some time. Did anything happen?"
I chuckle before answering and i bite my lip. "He hasn't been in the picture because we broke up two or three months into the greatest hits tour. It was a really tough breakup because i didn't see it coming, honestly, i just woke up one day and my relationship was over."
"Was there a certain reason for the breakup?"
"Actually, yes, and it sucks because it was based on rumours. He saw a lot of comments, tweets, posts on Instagram about Brad and I and there were people shipping us, others were speculating about what we're doing, how they think we're closer as the days go by... Apparently he thought i was cheating on him with Brad and he decided to believe some rumours, rather than believing his 2 year girlfriend.",i exhale sharply when i finish talking
"You know he wasn't the right one when you see him do something dumb like this. No offence tho.", Chris chuckles and i smile. "Was there anything in particular that made things believe that?"
"Oh my Gosh, Chris, not you too.", we laugh and i take another sip of my coffee. "No, i would never date Brad. We work together way too much, we have the same management, record label, it'll be way too complicated. What people don't know it's that we wouldn't be allowed to work this much together afterwards and it would be a pity."
"There you have it folks. You heard it here first. This is BBC Radio 1 and we'll be back in 2".
We take our headphones off and take a quick break.
I enter Tristan's apartment and throw my bag on the sofa and take off my shoes. I don't live in London, so whenever i have press interviews or radios to attend to, Tristan offered to let me stay with him for those few days. We've always been really close and helped each other with anything, so I'm really glad he offered to do that. I enter the kitchen and i raise an eyebrow when i see Tristan having lunch with Brad.
"Hello there", i say surprised and walk over to hug Brad.
"Hey", he says with a cold voice, but i brush it off almost immediately
"What are you doing here?"
"I have writing sessions with Olly Murs and Mabel these 2 weeks", his attention falls back on his food and i nod, giving Tristan a questioning look. He shrugs his shoulders and takes a bite of his pasta. I murmur a quick ok and head to the fridge to get a water bottle.
"You have food in that bag, we wanted it to keep warm until you got home. Oh and we're going out tonight. Are you feeling groovy?", Tris asks as he dances around me with his pasta plate in his hands. I laugh and catch him by the waist to stop moving around.
"I don't think so, i was supposed to meet up with a friend tonight. I'll see for sure later, but I'm definitely not down for a nightclub.", i chuckle and sit at the table to eat. Brad looks at me from the other end of the table with a sad look and i frown, but he gets up and puts his dishes in the sink.
Hours go by and i end up staying at home, watching tiktoks, when a friend texts me.
F: ayy, y/n, how come you never introduced me to Brad and Tristan before?
I look confused at the text
Me: no reason, why?
F: sent you a video
F: sent you a video
F: sent you 4 photos
My eyes grow wide at the screen, as my chest tightens with a weird feeling. Brad's leaning on five different girls, talking to them so close to their faces that he might as well kiss them. Unless he, of course, did, as i scroll through the photos and i see him kissing one of the girls from the previous video.
Me: they're so drunk :))
F: wtf no, they haven't drunk anything so far. They're for real having fun:))
I leave her on read as i feel some jealousy creeping in. While we were touring, after my breakup, Brad and i did get really comfortable and maybe too friendly with each other. We had a lot of fun together and we would always hang out before the show and backstage. It went on like this for about 3 months and every day i felt closer to him. But what i said in the interview was true, there were so many factors that our relationship might have messed up. Tho our management is very chill and gives us freedom to do whatever we want, we wouldn't bd able to work together on most occasions. And i know he's aware of that too. He's also the one to say this first, how their career is now at a peak it hasn't been in a while, so they don't want that to get messed up. I'm also their friend, i can't be so selfish that I'd prefer to be with Brad and mess up with their scheduling and work days.
I toss the phone to my side and almost an hour later, i hear the keys in the lock. I check the time and it's a bit past 2AM,which is weird for any of them to be home at this hour.
I wait until the door is closed and i get out of the guest's room, only to find Brad taking off his shoes, his eyes scanning my exposed legs because of the pj shorts.
"Where's Tris?", i ask, crossing my arms at my chest
"He left with someone, he'll be back in the morning", Brad manages to offer me a half smile and i almost rolled my eyes at him, but he turned his back at me to get to his room.
I follow him and i lean on the door frame and watch from behind him how he unbuttons his shirt.
"I saw you had fun tonight", a chuckle leaves his mouth, followed by a shake of his head
"Oh yeah, wild night actually. Your friend is awesome", i swallow the heavy feeling in my throat and straighten my position in the doorframe. He turns around to face me and my eyes fall on his exposed chest and abdomen.
"You had fun with my friend?", my voice is a bit more raised
"Does that bother you? She didn't seem to be", he smirks and takes off his shirt, throwing it on the bed.
"Bradley..", i warn and get closer to him. He raises an eyebrow, waiting for me to continue. "You were on every single girl in that club, why did you have to hook up with my friend?", i throw my hands around and he smirks
"I didn't hook up only with her, don't be so dramatic", my cheeks heat up from his words
"Brad, did you really make out with those girls?"
"Are you jealous? Does it bother you? If yes, why?", Brad sits on the bed and waits for me to answer, but i just stare at him. "Good, because since you'll never date me, i have no reason to wait for you", he gets up again and walks toward his bathroom
"Wait for me? What are you talking about? And stop showing me your back when you're talking to me!", i walk in front of him and press my pointing finger on his well defined chest
"You're a smart woman, y/n, figure it out. I need to shower, please move out of the way or i will pick you up and throw you on my bed.", Brad's eyes darken at his own words and out breathing gets heavier.
"Bradley, answer me", i hold his gaze and i feel my eyes burn in the back of my head. Hr walks closer to me and i walk backwards until i hit the bathroom door with my back, his face dangerously close to mine.
"Stop saying my name like that", he almost whispers and i put my hands on his abdomen, pushing him back a few steps
"Stop being as close to me as you were with those girls"
"So you really are jealous. Why tho? You said really clearly that you'll never date me. I moved on with my life", Brad walks away from me, putting his shirt back on, since it doesn't look like he's gonna shower soon.
"Is this about my interview this morning?", i frown at him, but he stays silent, buttoning his shirt. "What would you have wanted me to say? That I'm in love with you and that i was so glad my ex broke up with me? I've gotten so many dms and comments about you and i, i saw how people see us and how nobody wants me next to you. It was a lie so i could take the attention off us for a while in 5 months. ", i take a deep breath and he scratches the back of his head. "Why couldn't you just ask me? Talk to me? You went out and made out with all those girls for what?"
"So you're saying it's my fault i screwed up", he let's his arms fall next to his body, his palms hitting his thighs
"I wasn't the one clubbing tonight", i cross my arms at my chest and we stay in silence a few moments.
"Fuck", Brad swears and takes two big steps until he reaches me and cups my face with hid hands, crushing his lips on mine, his tongue licking my bottom lip. I give him permission and his tongue touches mine with every movement and my teeth sink in his bottom lip, pulling at it gently. His hands fall on my ass, tracing the form of my ass cheeks. I take a step forward, getting closer to him, pulling at his shirt collar and keeping him close to my body. "Fuck, y/n", he moans and i push him on the bed. He falls back and holds himself up with his elbows, watching my every move. I get on top of him and i straddle his lap, his hand forming a chokehold on my neck as he pulls me to kiss him. He falls back on the bed and i lean more on him, not breaking the kiss. Brad's other hand holds my waist and the other one frees my neck, caressing my breasts with it before moving it to my waist too.
"Is this a mistake?", i break the kiss and i ask him, heavily breathing.
"I don't care", he answers, his lips back on mine.
A/N: i couldn't fit this at the beginning bc it was too much, so, I also have to apologise for something. I wrote this over yesterday when that club video went out and over today, while i was in class, and i didn't know the entire story behind what actually happened behind the scenes of that video until now. I apologise and if the story wasn't already finished and scheduled for today, i wouldn't have posted this imagine. At first i loved how it would've been a great context, but now i know more things and i really don't want it to seem disrespectful or look like I've profited off that. Again, I'm not trying to picture Brad's behaviour as being like this in reality or that his behaviour should be taken for granted.
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| percy jackson x popstar au
| au masterlist ☽
summary: the first time you and percy meet isn't the best of circumstances and opinions are formed
warnings: swearing and i think thats just about it!
a/n: *in announcer voice* hello and welcome to my first au series, percy and the popstar - help the first time i thought of that my mind went to 'the princess and the popstar' 😭 - im using gracie, masie peters and taylor swift lyrics and faceclaims because im unoriginal as shit :) so if i've used a ts lyric and she's also liked a post lets just collectively ignore that okay!! anyway its unedited but i hope you enjoy! <3 lemme know what you think!!
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percy jackson is famous.
ok thats putting it lightly, percy jackson is extremely famous. in fact he is one of the youngest million-almost-billion-aires in the world. the twenty-two year old has an incredible influence on the world. how he got famous? no one really knows.
maybe its the fact that society drops at the feet of any good-looking rich boy. or maybe he actually did work for it like the rest of the word, we'll never know.
y/n l/n is even more famous.
she's a force to be reckoned with, taking the world by storm with her music and setting the industry alight with her influence. she's got power, beauty and talent and she's not afraid to show it, the recently-turned twenty-one year old has turned the world on its head. case and point; her world tour that she's embarked on. y/n l/n switched things up and instead of starting in the u.s she's finishing here in good ol' new york!
l/n has one final show in florida and two more in boston and then we welcome her home to nyc.
why am i writing an article about y/n l/n and percy jackson i hear you ask? because the young celebrities were both spotted at a high end restaurant in florida, whether they were actually together or not remains to be discovered...
"would you put your phone down?" lia sighs, setting down an iced coffee in front of you. "you've been staring at that article all morning- its not even a credible source. its probably just some random high schooler blogging."
"i know," you huff and glare at her when she steals your phone from you. "but seriously? percy jackson? come on! i've never even met the guy."
"ooh he is yummy," lia says looking at your phone, at the photo of percy that was pasted at the top of the article. "i mean, ew yucky, he's like the ugliest person ever, i definitely don't want to bang him."
"bang him?" you laugh. "please for the love of god, never say that again."
lia just shrugs and picks up her own coffee taking a sip. "it's trueee."
sighing you lean back into your seat and look around the extravagant living room you're both currently resting in. its a few hours before you have to start getting ready for your final show here in florida and you can feel the anticipation starting to build under your skin.
"omigoshlookatthis," lia shrieks shoving your phone into your face.
"are you seriously stalking his instagram right now?" you raise your eyebrows at her.
"what? as i said he. is. hot."
your eyes flick quickly over his instagram not really seeing the appeal - sure he's good looking in a noticeable, obvious kinda way - but all he seems to post is pictures of him and how rich he is. ugh. be more creative - his insta is like every other boys. shirtless pics and vacations.
then your eyes settle on one thing in particular. "wait! you followed him?"
"shit," lia's eyes widen. "fuck this isn't going to help is it?"
"do something!" you shriek leaping off the couch. "do something! unfollow him! do something!"
"shit shit shit shit," lia cries as you both fly around the room in hysteria - you're both acting like teenage girls honestly - but at this point you don't care.
"fix it! fix it!"
"ok ok! done! i unfollowed him." lia's quiet for a moment and then she panics again. "ahhh fuck he's ONLINE!"
"noooooo! do you think he saw it?" you slap lia in the shoulder. "LIA!" hands shaking as you slump back down. "fuck. oh my god. this is going to be all over the internet."
"it'll be okay," lia comforts sitting down next to you. "it's not like you're famous or anything."
just now
yn.user followed you
those aren't usually percy's favorite words. so when he hears grover yelling this from the hotel bathroom - why the bathroom? don't ask.
"what? what?" percy yells back.
"PERCY MOTHER FUCKING JACKSON WHAT DID YOU DO?" okayyy thats is definitely not good if luke was yelling at him too.
"WHAT?" percy yells back.
luke and grover both stalk into the living room with chris and clarisse hot on their heels all supporting bewildered looks on their faces.
"do you know y/n l/n?" grover asks narrowing his eyes.
"the singer right?" percy asks confused still.
"check your insta right now," clarisse jumps in.
percy still confused as ever pulls out his phone eyebrows nearly springing off his face when he sees the notification on insta.
"wait what?"
"y/n l/n followed you for like two minutes and then unfollowed you again. its all over twitter, instagram, everything - especially after that dumb article went around," luke explains.
"it doesn't matter," percy sighs chucking his phone back onto the couch beside him.
"uh yes it does!" grover practically yells. "do you know where we're all going tonight? to her concert! this is going to feed every horny teenage girls dream." grover shoots percy an exasperated look. "my god, the rumours and theories that are gonna come out after this is insane."
"who cares what people think about us? it isn't true. besides y/n is probably one of those girls."
"those girls?" clarisse asks her eye brows raised.
"y'know, pretentious little daddy's girls who clearly have everything handed to them on a silver platter? those girls."
"whatever you say dumbass," chris chuckles.
"we're going to that concert tonight, percy," grover says turning on him. "shit is going to hit the fan because of it, but we're going. because i paid a fortune for those tickets and clarisse and i really wanna see y/n."
"whatever you say buddy, whatever you say."
☾. ⋅
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liked by oliviarodrigo, sabrinacarpenter, lia.mandel and 342, 789 others
yn.official florida!!! is one hell of a drug! thank you so much for the love and support you've shown me these past few night florida!!! you've been an amazing audience and i can't wait to come back here 🤍🩵
view all comments
user1 omg omg best night of my lifeee
user2 is that a possible song lyric i see there???
user3 omfg it could be. the three !!! at the end of both floridas??
user4 everybody wake up y/n has posted!
user7 did anyone else see her follow percy jackson and then unfollow him??? no just me?
user6 holy shit yess i saw that
user5 i smell a new ship brewing
user8 WAIT didn't he go to last night's show??
user10 why isn't he waiting for the new york concerts? he lives there right? why go allll the way to florida?
user9 mother is mothering
☾. ⋅
"i told you this would happen!" you huff to lia when she walks into your bedroom a few mornings later. "my entire comment section has been filled with people questioning about percy! i've never even met the guy!"
lia who had been assigned the role - self-assigned - the role to get you out of bed just rolls her eyes and drags the covers off you. "i know as you keep saying. but there is nothing we can do about it- short from announcing that it was a mistake. no one will even believe that anyway, so just let it go."
reluctantly you leave the comfort of your bed and slip into the clothes lia had picked out, trailing after her like a lost puppy. this usually happens between concerts, you return home and rest in your bed (with lia more often than not) not leaving it unless you need to, then lia comes parading in and announces that you're going out and since you have little fight left in you - you always agree.
ignoring the countless paparazzi as you make your way into the cafe you listen to lia as she blabs on about how she's never going to forgive you for not telling her you were adding a new song to your setlist without telling her.
you're so wrapped up in your own head you don't even see the person in front of you until you're slamming into them. and they've spilt coffee down your front.
"ah shit."
"fuck sorry."
you look up and its none other than the percy jackson. well hey! you've officially met him now!
"you good?" percy asks glasses and a cap cover his face but you still recognise him - what? lia's obsessed. and you were subjected to listen about her love for him - and the tone of his voice already pissed off and bored. it's like he was concerned until the second he recognised you. rude.
he doesn't even spare you a second glance before he's flipping you off.
"excuse me?" you say pulling his hand down. "did you just flip me off?"
percy's face pulls into a smirk and you just look up at him in disgust, brush past him and say "whatever asshole." at the same time he says. "later bitch."
fucker you're both thinking.
☾. ⋅
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☾. ⋅
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TAGLIST‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅ [if you're name is white it mean i couldn't tag you] @lauptimist, @itzmeme, @mariaaaaaahhhh, @paankhaleyaar, @maybxlle, @lara20aral [if you want to be added just let me know!]
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agalanthe · 8 months
[ Version française ci-dessous ]
In keeping with tradition, here are my New Year's greetings, during which I wish you all the best ! And as always, it's an opportunity for me to talk to you about the past year and the year to come.
Like last year, I'm starting with the negative, evoking certain feelings. If you only want the good stuff, you can skip the next block of text and go to the paragraph just before the artwork of Akhiles.
2023 was not characterized by a significant presence on my part on social networks. Fewer posts because little enthusiasm, continuing on last year trend. So it didn't get any better. In fact, I find these networks increasingly harmful, their algorithms deplorable, and the behavior on them often excessive and Manichean, creating a toxic, anxiety-provoking and deleterious atmosphere when you browse them. When you see the irresponsibility of the billionaires who own them, it makes me very angry. Perhaps popular, intelligent alternatives that emphasize creativity and a form of humanism will emerge in the future, but for the time being it's all rather sluggish, and you have to settle for "that" to get a measly drop of visibility for your work. Without much conviction at the moment, given that it's derived from Meta/Facebook/Instagram, I've just recently made a timid foray into Threads, a kind of Twitter/X. If you're curious, you might want to take a look around, but don't expect much, in my opinion.
Now that my rant is over, let's move on to the positive : Moon Tales has made good progress in 2023 - or at least there hasn't been a slump - even if it's still not going fast enough for my taste. It's a long way to go, mostly in the shadows, so it's not easy to keep up the energy and motivation - on this subject, see my mood note on the 3rd design notebook. So it's been a pretty good year on that front !
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Despite my slight disaffection with social networks, I still posted a new webcomic page and a few images, often dedicated to Akhiles, towards the end of 2023 - his lineart and a video of his visual creation can be seen on Instagram or Facebook. If you haven't read it yet, you can learn more about this character in the 4th Moon Tales design notebook published on this very blog.
Speaking of design notebooks, what about the 5th ? Announced for 2023, it was not published as planned. I hope this will be the case in 2024, but it's far from sure. Although it's been written almost in its entirety for some time now, I'm still lacking the visuals I need to illustrate it in the best possible way, which would take a long time to produce and are not a priority at the moment. As a reminder, this notebook will evoke the conception of the contemporary imaginary city in which the adventures of Moon Tales will largely take place (a few other small details are available on my 2023 greetings post).
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In addition to this possible future publication, I'll continue to post an image here and there, usually Moon Tales-related, but not exclusively. I'm working on a big illustration for a tabletop rpg project that's yet to be announced. Its world has nothing to do with Moon Tales, but I think it should please a variety of people (mostly French, however) :) Perhaps you'll be hearing more (in French, too, sorry) from the project leaders soon ?
To conclude this 2024 post, I'd like this time to thank the ttrpg and videogame podcasters and videomakers (French, here again) who regularly and very pleasantly accompany me when I draw. While I don't always necessarily agree with them - but sometimes I do, of course ! - and some of the discussions can be slightly irritating, the diversity of viewpoints is interesting and often fascinating. So thanks to Ind100 Podcast, the Roliskatonic run by Damien C., the Roliste TV crew, the Role'n'Play players (special mention to the Greenberg Legacy campaign, fascinating to follow and which I'd like to play one day), various new video game media such as Origami, Sumimasen turbo and the biclassed GaGzZz, game designer and Youtuber. A mention also goes to the two heads of Cult'n'Click, a "movie tv shows" channel, who are very friendly and funny ! There are others, of course, but I view/listen to those very regularly.
Finally, a huge thank you also to the people who like, comment or sometimes write to me privately. Without you, Moon Tales would be much more complicated to make. And if one day this webcomic is released, as Pierre and I hope it will be, it will be partly thanks to you and your support. And we won't forget it :)
Happy 2024 !
[ Note : you can comment this post on my Facebook or Instagram ]
*** French version below
C'est la tradition, voici donc mes vœux pour cette nouvelle année, durant laquelle je vous souhaite le meilleur ! Et comme toujours, c'est l'occasion pour moi de vous parler de l'année passée et de celle à venir.
Comme l'année dernière, je commence par le négatif en évoquant certains ressentis. Si vous ne voulez que le positif, vous pouvez sauter le bloc de texte qui suit et reprendre au paragraphe juste avant l'illustration de Akiles.
2023 n'a pas été marquée par une présence importante de ma part sur les réseaux sociaux. Peu de posts car peu d'envie, ce qui fait suite à ce que j'évoquais l'année dernière sur ce blog à leur propos. Ça ne s'est donc pas arrangé. Au contraire, je trouve ces réseaux de plus en plus nocifs, leurs algorithmes déplorables, et les comportements sur ceux-ci souvent excessifs et manichéens, créant une atmosphère toxique, anxiogène et délétère quand on les parcourt. Quand on voit l'irresponsabilité des milliardaires qui les possèdent, cela me met très en colère. Peut-être des alternatives populaires, intelligentes et qui mettent en avant la créativité et une forme d'humanisme verront le jour dans le futur, mais pour l'instant ça rame sévère et il faut se contenter de "ça" pour que son travail ait une misérable goutte de visibilité. Sans grande conviction pour le moment vu que c'est issu de Meta/Facebook/Instagram, je viens de tenter il y a peu une incursion timide sur Threads, une espèce de Twitter/X like. Tentez éventuellement d'y faire un tour si vous êtes curieux, mais n'en attendez pas grand chose à mon avis...
Mon coup de gueule passé, venons-en au positif : Moon Tales a bien avancé en 2023 - du moins n'y a-t-il pas eu de creux -, même si cela ne va toujours pas assez vite à mon goût. C'est un très long chemin à parcourir, dans l'ombre la plupart du temps, aussi n'est-il pas aisé de garder énergie et motivation - cf. à ce propos mon billet d'humeur du 3ème carnet de conception. Ce fut donc plutôt une bonne année de ce côté là !
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Malgré ma petite désaffection des réseaux sociaux, j'y ai tout de même posté vers la fin 2023 une nouvelle page de webcomic ainsi que quelques images, souvent dédiées à Akiles - son lineart et une vidéo sur sa création visuelle sont visibles sur Instagram ou Facebook. Si vous ne l'avez pas encore lu, vous pourrez en apprendre plus sur ce personnage dans le 4ème carnet de conception de Moon Tales publié sur ce même blog.
En parlant des carnets de conception, qu'en est-il du 5ème ? Annoncé pour 2023, il n'a finalement pas été publié comme prévu. J'espère que ce sera le cas en 2024, mais c'est loin d'être certain. En effet, s'il est écrit quasi intégralement depuis quelque temps déjà, il me manque, afin de l'illustrer au mieux, des visuels longs à réaliser et qui ne sont pas prioritaires pour l'instant. Pour rappel, ce carnet évoquera la conception de la cité imaginaire contemporaine dans laquelle se dérouleront en grande partie les aventures de Moon Tales (quelques autres petits détails sont disponibles sur mon billet de voeux 2023)
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Outre cette éventuelle future publication, je continuerai à poster une image par ci par là, généralement liée à Moon Tales, mais pas que. Je travaille en effet sur une grosse illustration pour un projet de jeu de rôle qui n'est pas encore dévoilé. Son univers n'a rien à voir avec Moon Tales mais je pense qu'il devrait faire plaisir à diverses personnes :) Peut-être en saurez-vous plus de la part des porteurs du projet bientôt ?
Pour conclure ce billet 2024, j'aimerais remercier cette fois les podcasteurs et autres vidéastes jeu de rôle et jeu vidéo qui m'accompagnent régulièrement et fort agréablement lorsque je dessine. Si je ne suis pas toujours forcément d'accord avec eux - mais parfois si évidemment ! - et que certaines discussions peuvent être légèrement agaçantes, la diversité des points de vue est intéressante et souvent passionnante. Donc merci à Ind100 Podcast, la Rôliskatonic tenue par Damien C., les piliers de Rôliste TV, les joueuses et joueurs de Role'n'Play (mention spéciale à l'Héritage Greenberg, passionnant à suivre et que j'aimerais faire jouer un jour), divers nouveaux médias jeu vidéo comme Origami, Sumimasen turbo ou encore le biclassé GaGzZz, game designer et Youtubeur. Petite mention aussi pour les deux tauliers de la chaîne "séries ciné" Cult'n'Click, forts sympathiques et drôles ! Il y en a d'autres évidemment mais je visionne/écoute très régulièrement ceux-là.
Enfin, un énorme remerciement également aux gens qui likent, commentent ou m'écrivent parfois en privé. Sans vous, Moon Tales serait bien plus compliqué à réaliser. Et si un jour ce webcomic est publié comme Pierre et moi le souhaitons, ce sera en partie grâce à vous et à votre soutien. Et ça on ne l'oubliera pas :)
Happy 2024 !
[ Note : vous pouvez commenter ce billet sur mon Facebook ou Instagram ]
0 notes
papers-from-a-ghost · 2 years
The bus has always been the same since the first i entered this school, at first grade thinking it'll be a fresh start from the lonely feelings i gained from kindergarten. The door latches open to the right of me, snapping me out of this reading trance i've picked up recently.
I usually have these soon-to-be blackouts in my memories when there are no thoughts, or anything of note to take, or give, at those specific moments. Other than the fact that i'm listening to the same indie-bands on repeat with headphones i've essentially attached to the deepest inner parts of my ears. I never move anywhere or anyhow without these earbuds; except for maybe showers. of course.
I hop down the doors with one mellow pink book in my right hand, and an opposing hand attempting to balance as my left. Walking, or atleast attempting to walk, down the cracked pavements at the front of my house.
Before moving any further through the entrance, i notice the christmas tree moved out to the left of me. That's honestly pretty early, atleast as a concept for these places. I check out the delivered packages nearby if anything i got arrived, there being nothing, and find myself gravitating towards the leftover giftboxes from the tree that moved.
Its kind of sad folding out the letters attached to these boxes to confirm that these are, yet again, prop boxes to look like real gifts that've been used for the 4th year in a row. There's a part of me that wishes i was as happy as i was then in seeing gift wrap to rip and uncover, but things are different now. All of that's kinda gone, i guess that's what age does.
or maybe what the world.-
"Oh! your back!"
my dad says as he walks out from the side hallway, still in his still-blue scrub suit.
"How was school?" he asks, as if he isn't about to retreat back to his clinic before hearing anything more than a minute and half of discussion.
"Pretty ok, nothing much happened. Everyone def knew about us going to Bali though."
"They did-??"
"Yes, but it wasn't all that bad."
For context, we arrived back home yesterday. If that wasn't evident now.
"How did they know?".
To be proven guilty, i did post pictures on my instagram because it was bound to be leaked by my sisters. Then again it could've not, so i'm still guilty of this before his rationalization. "Oh! maybe they saw the tags on facebook."
...Aha ..yes that's it.
I'd say internally, later reciprocating the same words a second later.
His voice soon fades as i ascend up the stairs to my room, with the mess i left from yesterday still sitting on my bed. This mess includes a complimentary half folded comforter, a horned biking helmet in fake leather, and a coincidental cat sleeping by my pillow; their head being rested by it too.
I approach and she scrambles to put her chin above my fingers. She may be lazy, and a bit smart and smug, but atleast she's comfy. I could also find comfort in the collage i've left on my bed when we did come back from Bali, but i'd rather not lay down and feel annoyed at the stated being felt by my feet; or legs; or pray to god not my ankles (half joking).
I'm not sure what to do knowing i've picked this practice up without much of an outline or end goal, but i do get a notification from someone familiar.
Zildjian started following you!
I haven't heard that name since middle school, and honestly i vaguely remember them with a square figure and complimentary square glasses.
or was that Zen?
No, Zildjian was the dude who knew karate and was somewhere in the first few grade years.
Anyways, it is beyond odd however that they started following me now of all times, just as we were getting back to school from christmas break. I mean i'm always open to seeing old or familiar friends, especially one that i haven't really heard from yet. I'll finish that thought once i stop drifiting to a sudden nap though.
0 notes
soleilady · 2 years
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hi Storm! I've been a silent reader of your blog and enjoy your approach to things. Really appreciate your detailed and well researched answers. I wanted to get your perspective on a thing and only if you feel comfortable sharing. In his recent Q&A when JK answered that question regarding Jimin, there was talk about the difference in his tone. I understand that we can never fully gauge his thought behind it and he was being all cute and cheeky with army. I kind of felt that he tried to be subtle by later answering the same question for him and Tae ( just a silly running joke in my head that he pulled a Chandler, like in that episode where he kissed Monica at breakfast and then went on to kiss both Phoebe and Rachel to coverup) as he has never answered the same questions for members previously. Although it was all playful, if he had responded in such a way only for Jimin it had the potential of bearing more weight, if that makes sense. I'm not trying to downplaying his response for Tae by any means but this thought has stuck with me and just wanted to share. I'd love to know if you have any opinion on this and would like to share?
Lmao! Hi, my original post over those Instagram Stories is here
I liked the Chandler/Monica comparison. Lmfao that scene in friends cracked me up. Like I mentioned in the other post, it gave me similar vibes to boyfriend vs best friend claiming. They are absolutely both HIS. The tone difference was noticeable to me, but honestly, it was just cute both ways.
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It's also worth noting that I think he would have said the same thing he if he saw a comment like that about any of his hyungs too, not just Tae. (And also that tkkrs admitted to spamming him with the exact same thing after he answered the one about JM too, so he probably saw nothing but "Tae is mine" comments after that lol). But I dont think its a joke or was done as an effort to cover up the whole Jimin is mine thing, but just because they are his best friends, all the members ARE his. I don't think he is joking when he says they are his. I mean, not necessarily in a romantic way, but it's not the first time BTS have laid claim to each other over fans or placed claim that they only belong to army and army belongs only to them (Suga telling army to never get married because we belong to bts only for ex. Lol). I do think it was him engaging in cute light hearted teasing with ARMY. He doesn't actually feel the need to gatekeep, get possessive and guard Jimin (or anyone else) from ARMY. I've called my best friend "mine" before, my husband has referred to her as mine as well too.
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BTS have claimed each other as theirs before too and I don't think they are "Joking" more just teasing with ARMYs. Similar to when a fan said they were jealous JK gets to hold jinin and told him to stop and he stuck his tongue out at them in a very childish cutesy way that also highlighted his close bond with Jimin. Similar to Tae sticking his tongue out at us at getting to hear Jimins music before we do lol. More examples.... vmin....
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And Yoonmin
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I think he got spammed by messages claiming Tae and was like nah, he is mine too. And I think he would've done the same for all the members. But maknae line belong to each other, thanks. Lol and that doesn't have to mean anything romantic, and it can also be both romantic and otherwise. He was being silly with ARMY and it was super cute. The tone difference stood out to me a bit, similar in the ways that taekooks reaction to Jimins 3 step aeygo stood out to me
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It gives best friend vs boyfriend to me. Both just as important but the relationship is different. But yeah, I don't think it was done to downplay or even out his comment about Jimin. I think he just honestly claimed vmin as his, as he should. Lol they are all his, all each others 🤷🏻‍♀️🥰
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But that's just me! Thanks for the ask!
48 notes · View notes
thechekhov · 4 years
Hi Chekhov! Really enjoying your white diamond au! I had a quick art question: How do you start comissions? I've been improving my drawing skills and thinking about drawing for others after having fun in artfight, but I don't know where to start? How much to charge, how to get paid, etc. Do you have any tips? Hope you're doing well! :)
Alright, since a few people have asked, I’ve decided to put together a few things about how to get started on commissions - what you need, what you should make, and how to keep things organized. 
This will get a little long, so I’ll divide it into 4 main sections:
1) Draw Art - Getting started
2) Get Commissioned - Making a commission sheet, Advertising
3) ??? - Communicating, Setting Limits, Running the Business
4) Profit - Pricing Yourself and Getting Paid
* Disclaimer: I’m an artist, so this How-To will be illustration-focused. I’m sure many of these tips can apply to ANY types of commissions, but I will be focusing on the type I know best. If you are proficient in other types of commissions for other types of art - music commissions, photography, etc - feel free to chime in and leave a comment or make your own tutorial!
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1) Draw Art
I think this is probably the most obvious part, but it needs to be said:
Before you start making art for other people, you must first be comfortable making art in general.
I’m not saying your art has to be Disney-quality, or industry-level! Not at all. 
BUT! You must be comfortable creating what you sell. If you try to sell something you have little confidence in, you will stress yourself out and possibly end up losing time AND money.
Don’t shoot for the moon if you haven’t landed on it even once. Sell what you know you’re good at. Your commissions don’t HAVE to include full-body illustrations if you don’t know how to draw feet/solid stances. Limit yourself to what you can do.
Things you need to should probably have before starting commissions:
1. Access to art materials or a fully downloaded art program
DO NOT - Use a free tutorial version that will expire in a month and leave you without a way to draw! If you are having trouble finding a program, try free ones like MediBang Paint Pro. 
2. Free time to complete the amount of commissions you want to take.
DO NOT - Take on or offer commissions if you KNOW you’re going to be overwhelmed with school or personal life for the next 2+ months. Pace yourself, otherwise you’ll burn out, get stressed, and get discouraged.
3. A reliable way to communicate with your customers like a commissions-only email 
DO NOT - Use your friend/family/college email. It’s hard to keep track of things as it is, and creating new emails is easy and free. And keep it professional if you can! Not many people will reach out to dong-wiggles20434 to ask for a design. Ideally, your email should be close to your brand - however you want to brand yourself. Usernames are fine!)
DO NOT - Use Instagram/Twitter/Tumblr to collect commission info unless you are ready to do the organizing yourself. Some people make it work, but in my experience, if you use these SNS sites to communicate with friends and network... you’re going to be losing commission inquiries right and left and accidentally ignoring people. Email is much easier to organize and sort into folders.
4. A portfolio or at least 2-3 pieces of each type of art you’re planning to sell. 
DO NOT - Advertise commissions without having any examples of the art you plan to sell. People will find it difficult to trust you if you can’t even give them a vague idea of what sort of drawing they’ll be getting. 
Disclaimer: These are not hard ‘do not’s. If you have had a different experience, I respect that. I’m simplifying for the sake of streamlining this advice. 
2) Get Commissioned
So - you have your art, you have your art program, and you’ve got all the time in the world. That means.... that’s right! It’s time to let the world know you’re taking commissions.
One of the most common ways artists signal to their audience that they can do commissions is by creating a commissions sheet. There are MANY ways to make this - and they range from simple and doodly ones to VERY complex designs. For example, here’s mine! 
There are many ways to organize a commission sheet. At its core, a commission sheet should display the types of art you WANT to be commissioned to make. Let’s go over a few ways they can be done!
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#1.... Body Portion Dividers!
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This sheet is most common with those who want to capitalize on drawing people and characters. If you want to draw lots of characters, this is a great way to offer several tiers of pricing based on how much of their character your customers want to see. 
#2... Complexity Scale
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If you’re open to drawing many things but want to base your pricing off of how complex something is, you can split your tiers into done-ness. This type of commission is popular with those that draw characters AND animals, furries, etc.
#3....  Style and Type
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If you’re more on the design side of things, or if you have various niche art styles that you can’t quite lump together, display a variety of your skills alongside each other! It helps if all the ones you have can be organized under a common customer - like those looking to advance their own business and get logos, websites, or mascots made for them!
3) ???
You got your first commission... what happens now???
Well, ideally you have the time, tools and motivation to make things happen! Now all you have to do is... sit down and... draw.......
I’m going to say something that may be a little controversial: 
Commissions aren’t fun. 
No, no, hear me out: I have fun doing commissions! I genuinely enjoy drawing characters and coming up with designs. But even with all that said, commissions are, first and foremost: WORK
I’m not saying this to discourage you, I’m saying this to keep things realistic. When I first began commissions, I thought it would be just like any other type of drawing. I would sit down, imagine a thing, draw it... it would be fun! 
But then I realized that I couldn’t just draw what I wanted - another person had an idea in mind and had asked me to do it. I stressed over getting the design correct from descriptions. I stressed over not having the right reference for the pose the commissioner wanted. I stressed over not being able to draw the leg right in the way I had promised I would do. I stressed about billing. I stressed about digital money transfers. It was difficult, and time-consuming, and I did not enjoy it. At all. 
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And a part of that is definitely on the commissioner - we, as artists, NEED to demand proper references or descriptions. We, as artists, NEED to limit the amount of changes we’re going to make at the flick of a finger. We NEED to demand clear instructions and set boundaries. That’s also super important. 
But also - don’t be discouraged if you find yourself exhausted drawing your first commission. MANY artists go through this. Adjust your rules, fix up your limits, practice putting your foot down on finicky commissioners who expect you to read their mind! It does get easier, but you have to communicate and put in the effort and act as your own manager AND your own customer service AND your own accountant. That’s what you’re looking at. 
Good limits and boundaries to set: 
Limit the amount of changes a person can ask to make. “I want blue hair.” Next email: “No wait, yeah, make it red.” Next email: “Actually I changed my mind, can I get the blue but like, lighter?” Next email: “No, not that light.” ... At some point, we have to stop. I personally allow 2-3 changes on the final stages of a commission before I start refusing or start asking for extra money.
Demand clear instructions and/or references. If something isn’t described, you have to take artistic liberty and design it, but that’s difficult! And if the customer is not happy with it but can’t tell you more? That’s not your problem - the burden of reference is on THEM. You cannot read their mind, and that’s not your fault.
Get at least half the payment up front! This is a good balance between the ‘pay before art’ and the ‘pay after art’ conundrum that will limit the amount of woes between artist and customer. (I’ll touch upon this a little more in the Profit section.)
Where possible, create good habits! Tag your emails and organize your folders. I have a tag on my emails for active and finished commissions. I also keep my emails on Unread until I have time to sit down and properly look at/reply to them.
My Commissions in the folder are also organized chronologically and I mark down which ones are paid and which ones are not.
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(I understand not everyone can do this, but if you want to give it a try, it does make things easier in the long run. Again, this advice is just what I have found personally helps.)
One last thing - I do not want to shame ANYONE for taking their time with commissions! Commissions are complex, and they take time and work. You can draw in 8 hours, but some things take research, materials, etc. Some illustrations realistically take up to half a year, or, depending on what’s involved, several years!!
THAT BEING SAID - it’s good manners to be upfront with your customers about how long you expect the commission to take. If you think you’re busy, just say that! Explain that you have a lot going on, and you will probably take (insert time period here).
And if your commissioners are worried, work out a system to keep them updated! I send my commissioners updates when I finish the lineart/flat colors/etc and I try to be clear about how long everything will take. I try to estimate with a +3-5 days buffer to give myself extra time... and recently I’ve been using it. Always say a bigger number than you think you’ll need. 
If someone wants a rushed commission... make them pay more. If ANYONE wants a commission done ‘by the end of the week’ - that’s an automatic rush-job for me because I’m juggling an irl job and several commissions at once. I WILL charge a rush fee and I won’t feel bad about it. 
If someone wants a commission within 24 hours...... Well, they better be paying you 3x your normal amount, or more. And remember - you CAN refuse! It’s perfectly reasonable to say ‘No, sorry, that sort of turnaround time is not realistic for me.’
Food For Thought - Invoicing
Many artists I’ve commissioned in the past have not used Invoicing, but I’ve recently begun to fill out invoices and file them in my Commissions folder just to keep track of things. It’s not necessary until you start getting into the Small Business side of Freelancing, but it’s not a bad idea to get into the habit early in case you might need to do it later for tax purposes. 
Here’s what my Invoice looks like, for example. 
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I’ve optimized it to help me remember who, what, and how much is involved! It also contains important info for my customers like where to send the money.
Which brings us to...
4) Profit
One of the hardest things for artists is pricing themselves. I’m not going to tell you which way is BEST - there is no BEST way, only the best way for YOU. 
One of the options available to you is pricing by the hour. It includes averaging out how long it takes you to draw a specific type of art (whatever you’re offering as a commission) and multiplying that by an hourly wage you’ve decided on.
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When you do this, I stress - do NOT price yourself below minimum wage if you can help it. When you first start out, aim for the $15/hour mark and adjust accordingly. 
Other ways to price your art:
- Per complexity: Portraits vs full body should be scaled based on how difficult you find one vs. the other. You can also easily decide on a price for a sketch and double it for lineart, triple it for full color, etc.
- Per type: Look up for industry prices for website design and logo design. They may surprise you! You don’t have to charge that much, but it helps to keep things in perspective. 
It’s okay to change your prices! Keep your commission sheet image handy so you can update the amounts as you grow. :)
Payment up front or after completion?
Some artist take full payment up front. Some only demand payment after they’ve finished and sent out the piece. I personally think these are both risky for everyone involved. 
I recommend doing at least HALF of the payment BEFORE you start the commission. Calculate your full price and ask for half before you start working on it in earnest, to make sure the person can actually pay you. Then, when they receive the full piece and are satisfied, they can complete the payment. 
I personally work in this structure:
> Someone emails me with their idea/reference
> I send back a rough draft sketch that shows the idea/pose (only takes me 10-20 minutes so not a huge loss if they ghost) and quote them a price
> They can pay the full thing upfront OR pay half
> I finish the commission and send updates when I do the lineart/colors to double check anything so they have multiple chances to spot any errors
> If the person paid only half on completion, I send them a low-res version of the finished thing, they finish up their payment and THEN I send them the full-res version plus any other filetypes/CYMK proofs, etc. 
Many of the people who commission me pay me up front even though I offer they pay half - and I’m really flattered that they trust me that much! Because of that, I feel encouraged to update them frequently and ask for their input as I work, so they have the peace of mind knowing I’m actually doing their commission. 
Great, but how do I get PAID????
There are NUMEROUS ways - these days money is relatively easy to transfer over digital means, and you have a few options. 
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Paypal is perhaps one of the oldest digital wallets and is geared towards businesses. By setting up a PayPal and connecting it to your debit card of bank account, you can tunnel a pathway from your online business directly into your hands in a matter of days. 
Paypal also offers Invoicing - you make an invoice, price it and send it to the person’s email and they can pay whatever way they need! (It also allows partial payments.)
Pros: transfers from PayPal to bank account are free, and take a couple of business days. It also has no upper limit to the amount of money you can move in/out each month. It can force refunds due to the nature of its business-oriented payment system.
Cons: Because it’s used by businesses for larger transactions, PayPal may demand a more rigorous proof of your identity. It may also take longer to set up and be harder to get used to. I’ve also heard that they can be a hassle when it comes to closing your account. 
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Venmo is another type of digital wallet that acts much like paypal, except for a few key differences - it is NOT made for businesses (so depending on whether you’re officially registered as a freelancer, you may not be able to use it). I personally don’t use venmo, so I cannot speak to its usefulness, but I know a few people that use it for casual transactions. It’s easy and quick! :) 
Keep in mind that you cannot force a refund over venmo! The transactions are final.
There’s also CashApp, GooglePay (which could load gift cards but also allows peer-to-peer transactions) and I’ve heard good things about Due, though I’ve never personally used it.
Other ways to pay: I’ve had people pay me over Patreon by upping their pledge, and I’ve had people pay me over Ko-Fi by donating a specific amount. 
Many people even use Etsy - the website specialized for independent small businesses selling art - by listing their commission sheet and offering up several ‘slots’ of commissions, which allows you to track taxes AND allows your clients to pay using whatever they feel comfortable with.
If you’re in Canada, you can even pay by emailing money directly from bank account to bank account - check whether your country offers this type of service! There’s no shortage of ways to move money in the digital world.
Just like everything else, there’s no singular ‘Best’ way. It just depends on what works for you.
I think that just about wraps it up! I can’t quite think of what else to put here - but I’m sure other artists will chime in with their own advice. :) I’m very sorry this became so long but I hope it was helpful! 
Obligatory Disclaimer: I’m not qualified to give legal or accounting counsel. Please double-check the laws in your own country/state in regards to taxation of freelancing work and do your own research. If you are underage, DEFINITELY get an adult’s permission before you start doing commissions, and have the adult help you through the process.   
. . . . . . . . . . . . 
An Extended Post on Pricing Yourself for Commissions
Dealing with Imposter Syndrome/Feeling ‘Not Good Enough’
Growing Your Audience
Advice for Starting Digital Art
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noodledesk · 2 years
hi! ive been reading your dessin newsletter and i find it so inspiring and ultimately it made me think about why do i feel the need to define myself as an artist and how lately i just have feel like an impostor because its been so long since i painted or written anything. i think i need some kind of routine to keep art as a part of my identity because i have felt a little lost lately, idk. and you see idk if i should think of art that way, as something i want to keep to myself, as smething i should perform. sorry im a mess i just been confused this days and i wonder if you got any tips around this kind of stuff. sending you all the good vibes
hi! i appreciate you sending this ask and i'm happy to hear you are reading my tiny newsletter... <3
honestly i started it because i was feeling really lost and weird and avoidant about making art (specifically drawing), so i wanted a space where i could work through and process and think about those feelings. it's also turned into a place where i can think about the other ways i like to be creative, which i didn't imagine and which i am grateful for.
that being said, the questions you're thinking about - wanting to keep art as part of your identity, what makes art part of your identity, is it something private or something to share, etc. those are all things i puzzle about too. honestly i have no real answers!
what i can do is tell you a little bit about where i am right now, if that helps...while i do really agree with what bjork says about creativity being this thing you shouldn't try to force or corner or be harsh to and to seek it out in new and imaginative places, i also believe that it's something you gotta practice. esp if there are skills you want to get better at. and i found that by making art into a habit i can keep track of every day, i can encourage myself to clock in and make something. having structure makes it easier for me to get over that hurdle of deciding to make something each day, which helps me a lot. making space to make art has ended up being important to me, even if i don't make anything i like that day. i still made something.
on identity - honestly recently i've just started to think of myself as like, a drawing enjoyer, or an art enjoyer. or just someone who keeps an art diary. not exactly an artist. i think it might be because i think a lot about semantics (unfortunately), but it helps take the pressure off. my expectations for myself as an 'art enjoyer' are way gentler than my expectations for myself as an 'artist'. it's weird, but making that part of my identity less intense makes me create more!
on performance + privacy - i used to spend a lot of time trying to make stuff on instagram and for instagram. it was messing with my head because i was always making stuff with consumption in mind. not that it's bad to have an audience in mind, but i was unable to manage that relationship without constantly thinking, would this do well on the platform? is this shareable? am i coming across as shareable? just, stuff that was making it hard for me to just focus on me and drawing, or me and writing. not what i wanted at all! and once i stopped using instagram, and spent that free time reading more, i started realizing there was a lot of mystery and imagination that comes from having privacy that really helped me form a healthier relationship with making stuff. and also helped me get better because i had more bandwidth to practice! so... it's really up to you. it can be wonderful to engage in a community of artists + art enjoyers. but you don't have to do it 24/7, and current platforms make it difficult not to do that. so i decided to opt out indefinitely.
anyway.... that's all i got for now. i hope it helps. thank u for sending a message <3
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i-need-air · 4 years
King & Queen. – Bakugou Katsuki x F!Reader.
Summary: Fluff, Baku being extra while confessing, social media shenanigans.
Word count: 1784.
It's 4 AM, I'm a mess but I needed to get this off my chest. I'm testing the waters with my writings, it's been forever since I wrote anything and I wanted to throw myself a little bit into the fandom I've been obsessed with for the past months. I do hope you enjoy it. ♥
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Bakugou Katsuki took pride in having such a large following online. Ever since the first year UA Sports Festival, both his Twitter and Instagram accounts got thousands and thousands of followers, mostly crushing over him and others just hating on him, and in both ways he loved the attention.
The Aesthetics™ he had were always on point and his Twitter was just filled with one sentence tweets, re-tweets of famous heroes, a somewhat dry, dark and/or sarcastic meme from time to time, only and only if it fit (again) his aesthetics. Sometimes he'd engage with the Bakusquad, specially Kaminari and Mina, both very active users, and [Y/N], answering to her tweets with a one word roast and little more.
After the second year UA Sports Festival though? His social media reached the 100k mark, skyrocketing into a small celebrity as he won the first place for two years in a row. But what made him reach such a large number was the way he won. Their battle for the first place was insane, such a difference compared to what he had to deal with Todoroki in the past. [Y/N] put an amazing fight, there's no doubt to that, but the woman overused her quirk and he knew her weakness, mostly since he sometimes (rarely, almost never, pft) observed her train with Icy-Hot or Deku. It was a spectacle to watch and it has even been televised for a whole week afterwards, critics applauding how promising UA's students were. And that's how it all started.
The shipping.
Images and even fucking edited music videos of their fight were everywhere. It was so obvious both of them enjoyed the fight, the little grins they shared as they attacked each other, the small comments both threw and the camera and mics everywhere picked, the look Bakugou Katsuki gave [Y/N] when she kicked his ass. Such an adoration, followed by his insane grin, ready for a challenge. The look [Y/N] gave him, as he took the first place medal with pride from Endeavor, thriving at the applauses from the public. Stars were put to shame compared to the sparks in her eyes. Oh, and the moment their orbs made contact exactly after that? The chemistry.
Bakuy/n was one of their names online, apart from variations of their hero names mixed together. The fandom was slowly picking up a name, mostly going with the first mentioned. And Katsuki? He was fucking aware of everything. Her social media was on radio silence, but this event made him think. Actually think, not half-ass an idea and just throw himself head on into it. And the conversation he overheard was just making him plot now.
Mina and [Y/N] were actually discussing this exact topic. The pink girl was thriving for it. Her Twitter account was now filled with subliminal messages about love and it made her poor friend anxious. Basically because this issue hasn't been addressed at all with Bakugou and she planned to keep it that way. Yet Mina, sweet, adorable, loving Mina was just pressing on it really badly, but thankfully she never did when both sides of Bakuy/n were in the same room/conversation.
"Isn't it like so romantic?" Mina's eyes shined, hands clapped, her gaze looking somewhere in the distance, daydreaming.
"No, it's not, it's weird..." her [h/c] haired friend answered, falling more into the couch of their living quarters, trying to hide from the world.
"It would be if it wasn't obvious you pin for each other!"
"Oh, god, please stop saying that."
"You're not denying it though!"
Laughter coming from the pinkette filled the room as the blond man decided not to interrupt and leave, small grin on his face as [Y/N]'s groans just told him what he needed to hear. She definitely did not deny the attraction and whatever chemistry they had.
Which leads to the current situation.
The girl was sitting in the cafeteria, waiting for Ochaco and Mina to come around, phone in hand as she scrolled mindlessly through Twitter, watching as her most recent tweet, the first one in ages, was getting attention. She giggled at Denki's stupidity, as he just posted a selfie of himself drenched in Diet Coke clearly in the UA bathrooms. Checking his replies she saw the boy she's been [kinda, lowkey, just a lil bit] trying to avoid for the past days.
She giggled again, entertained by her friends when her interactions just exploded. App actually crashed as she blinked while munching on some french fries dumbly.
As she tried to open her app again, both her friends landed by the table, joking about Kaminari and his never ending stupidity. Notifications popped again and again, legit confusing the girl to no end, making her ignore her two friends as they asked her what was going on, mainly because of her expression.
"The hell...?" she muttered, throwing the phone down while Twitter took its sweet, sweet time to load and open and just as she opened her mouth to answer Mina, she made eye contact with some very intense red eyes.
Clasping her mouth shut and ignoring Ochaco as she took [Y/N]'s phone to see what's going on, the girl could only focus on Bakugou, sitting a few tables away, facing her direction. She almost shivered in place under the intensity he was giving away, although his position was laid back, phone in one hand, chin in the other. And, again, gaze on her. He barely even blinked, his neutral expression giving nothing away and she knew she was blushing. Why was she a blushing mess under his gaze? Well, answer was obvious for everyone, even the whole internet now, but oh, she wished Bakugou Katsuki wasn't that sharp. Who are we kidding though?
Ochaco started to shake her out of her daze, interrupting the intense eye contact battle as she shoved her phone in her face.
"Oh. My. God." She muttered, stuttering her following words "Please, look at this, I can't believe it... Mina, check Twitter."
"If Kaminari threw Diet Coke and Mints in one of the bathroom toilets to 'experiment', I'm done with him." Mina responded but froze in place, just as [Y/N] looked away from the explosive boy. "Wait... WAIT!" her eyes almost popped out of her skull. "WHAAAAAAA–?!"
On the screen of her phone was the profile of the guy she's been crushing for... A year now? The guy that at first ignored her, then screamed at her, then beat her ass in training, then got his ass beaten by her, that scoffed at her shitty jokes, that actually chuckled at her shitty jokes, that studied with her, that smiled at her... The guy that complimented her when her quick improved. The guy that took her opinion seriously even when acting like he didn't care. The guy that stole her heart when he showed little glimpses of his complex persona only to her. The guy that fucking retweeted:
"King & Queen."
And a picture attached, them shaking hands after their battle, ready to go get prepared for the podium. Bloodied, sweaty, yet both smiling at each other.
"I can't believe this–[Y/N]–" The brunette started rambling and fangirling besides her, but... With a careful glance, she peeked under her eyelashes to look at the boy again, her heart almost stopping when noticing he was still observing, small grin on his face hidden behind his hand, perfectly angled for her to see. "There's another one!"
Everything started to make sense, as she quickly checked her notifications to see the Internet™ just going crazy over that retweet. People started mass-following her, fans and stans just living for it, tagging her username with a screenshot of the retweet and now it hyped up again with... pictures of his profile? Did he change his description? He... changed his description. While there was absolutely nothing in there, now there was one single word. King.
Her eyebrows just rose so high her forehead hurt, the 3 braincells that were still somehow functioning were catching up to what the hell was going on and now she was positive, 100%, without a doubt that she was blushing like a mad-woman, a smile forming on her lips as she hit the retweet button on the same tweet he did and instantly opening her profile to edit.
Both her friends were freaking out by her side, accusing her of being way too calm in this situation, to explain but [Y/N] knew she couldn't utter any word, or even look up at them or at him. If she did, she'd break the spell, the moment, and as she deleted her description and only wrote a single word in her profile, her smile only widened. Hearing Mina screech after seeing her retweet, the girl giggled like an idiot.
Bakugou Katsuki was loud, brash, maybe a little bit emotionally constipated, rough around the edges, incredibly smart, observing, caring, awful with words but straight to the point with actions. And he was, without a doubt, fucking extra when doing things.
As she pressed the button Save on her profile, she caught him looking at his phone, being patted on the back by Kirishima, that somehow appeared in the frame yet was so distant in her field of vision as only he mattered at the moment. Waiting his reaction patiently and waiting for the internet to start freaking out again, her chest was hurting from the drumming of her heart. Hell, she knew she looked like a disaster with a flushed face, phone gripped so hard in her hand that it could break, a group of girls forming around her, noisy yet so distant. The world going in slow motion, seeing his crimson eyes widen for a fraction of a second, hiding more of his face in the palm of his hand as he still tried to look so casual, Kirishima's "Yeaaaaaaaah!" filled her ears as he tapped his finger on the screen, destination already clear. And when he saw what he needed...
He got up, leaving his tray of food behind, shit-eating grin basically parting the sea of people forming around them both as he marched towards where she was seated, and for the third time they made eye contact. His cheeks flushed, such a boyish expression coveting his normally angry features, mischievous and happy, relieved, just... Perfect.
Everything went in slow motion for her, his march, decisive and bold, as he always was, took to an end as he got to her, just giving her a hand and a raised brow, inviting her to leave with him anywhere but there.
And she took it without hesitation.
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I've seen a lot of people talk about it being confirmed that Kate will be played by a South Asian actress and that Nikkita Chadra will play her orr that she will definitely be a WOC but others are convinced that Sai Bennett will play Kate. There's been no official annoucement so I don't know how anybody can be so sure but why are people so convinced about these two particular theories.
Like you say, we’ve had no official confirmation about anything Kate related, so everything is just speculation and because we’re all dying to know things, we latch onto the slightest morsel and make a feast of it. The problem sometimes is that what’s purely speculative and gossip is then treated as fact.
The rumour that Kate will be played by a WOC actress is almost entirely speculation, but maybe informed speculation (is that a thing?). Shondaland have a good record of casting POC actors and actresses in their productions and the Bridgerton producers have been vocal about wanting a diverse cast, which has led most people to speculate that Kate will be played by a BIPOC actress. This seemed to be confirmed when Adelaine Kane said that she had been told that the production was looking for a woman of colour. I didn’t see that video myself so I’m only going by second-hand accounts so I don’t know who told her that. I’m not accusing Adelaine of lying, but a third-hand account from an actress who has no connection to the production is not a good source of information. 
Despite the source, I think there’s a very good chance this rumour/speculation is right. 
Why people believe that Kate will be South Asian specifically appears to come from a casting call on the website of the Bridgeton casting director. The call was for two South Asian actresses in their twenties, and as the ages kind of match Kate and Edwina, people ran with the idea it’s for Bridgerton. Even though it’s unlikely that the casting for two such important roles would be done by open casting call, that they were probably already well into the casting process by then, the website clearly stated that Bridgerton casting was closed and they are actively casting for other productions. But you know the saying,  A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its shoes on. Not that I’m accusing anybody of lying, but it was purely speculation and people got excited about it, especially as a lot of people are hoping for Asian representation in season two. Then Deadline reported the rumour. Now I don’t know their sources, and they obviously know more than me about these things, but I honestly think that deadline’s source in this case was fan speculation.
Again, it might be true, but the source for this rumour is very weak.
The rumour that Nikkita Chadha is playing Kate kind of baffles me, because it’s been spread by book fans ever since the first trailer was released. Any book fan should know that her very presence in season one is proof that she isn’t playing Kate. It’s persisting because of the rumours about the SE Asian Kate and because she’s posted recent pictures from the rehearsal space that fans have matched up to rehearsal spaces used for season one. The most likely explanation is that she will be back as a background artist for season two. Sean Murphy, the choreographer for the series, uses a lot of the same dancers.  Nikkita is a trained dancer and has more credits as a dancer than as an actress. If production is starting soon the dancers are probably in rehearsal and it’s likely that Nikkita, and other extras who appeared in season one, will be back for season two. 
Very outside chance this rumour is true but highly unlikely and based entirely on fan speculation.
The other name that is strongly linked to the role by fans is Sai Bennett. She’s been a favourite fancast for Kate for a long time, possibly even predating the series being announced. A lot of fans are really invested in her being Kate and sometimes when people want things to true, they start seeing proof where there isn’t really proof. Sai is friendly with some of the cast and they follow each other on Instagram and she sometimes comments on their pictures. There was quite a few people who were convinced that she has been cast during season one so when she didn’t show up in the first season, they changed the theory as conspiracy theorists and tinhatters tend to do. I’m not ruling out Sai as Kate. If the production is looking at actresses of any ethnicity for Kate, I think Sai probably has a decent chance. She is an experienced actress but not a household name (which is probably what they’re looking for, based on the original cast members). If I was casting for a series and book fans were adamant about a particular actress for a role, I’d have a look to see why. 
It’s entirely possible that fans could manifest this one coming true, but my gut feeling is that Kate will be played by a WOC. (Though that’s me thinking something is true because I really want it to be true.)
TL/DR: We haven’t even got confirmation that Kate will be in Season Two so anybody who says anything definite about who is playing Kate is most likely talking through their arse. Everything is speculation and rumour; it’s fun to speculate but take everything you hear with a grain of salt until we get official confirmation.
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rhyslikesart · 4 years
Blog info:
Hey so because I'm quite new to actually posting some of my own content to this account and I've started to see a good few new faces popping up recently in my notifications, I thought I'd just make this so ya can get to know me a bit better and the kinda stuff I'll be posting etc.
Even though I've been on tumblr since I was way too young to be using tumblr, I'm very new to using this app for stuff other than reblogging content that I like so if I'm taking a while to reply to stuff then I'm sorry, I'm just trying to figure stuff out 😅
General info-
Name- I go by rhys as both a nickname and because it makes me feel more comfortable as its gender neutral but I still go by georgia on the most part as it's still my name and I dont mind it too much. So feel free to call me either but I'd prefer rhys :)
Pronouns- any of them work for me so just use whatever. I'd say if you are stuck then just go for they/them
Age- 18 at the time of writing this
Star sign- I'm a sagittarius :)
Sexuality- I'd consider myself somewhere in the bisexuality/ pansexuality field of things. I think I identify more with pan
Hogwarts house- I'm a slytherin. Before I took the pottermore test I thought I was a ravenclaw
Where am I from- i live in the UK in southwest devon and it's really great because I have a really nice mix of the seaside and the countryside/ moorland so I'm super grateful for that. Also I myself am not dutch but my stepdad is and so I have a lot of dutch family and I tend to go to holland quite often.
martial arts: I compete in taekwondo and I also do kickboxing
art: I do art as both a hobby and for my school work
I'm currently starting to learn french and its v fun
I love reading which I feel was kind of expected seems as I'm on tumblr and I have an academia themed account so yeah,,
Im a bartender in a seaside cocktail bar
School -
I'm an A level student and I'm going to be doing a third year because I chose to drop a subject in my 1st year so that I could take art in my second and third year.
A level subjects - I'm doing art, sports and biology although I'm tragically failing biology because of all the time off that we have had 😓
GCSE subjects- apart from the core subjects I also did triple science, spanish, art, history and religious studies. My school didnt give me much of a choice and made me chose a humanities, a language, triple science and religious studies because I was getting high grades so that was very not cool of them. My favourites were art and English literature
Uni- I'm hoping to study fine art at uni but I'll wait and see what happens cause I tend to change my mind on that kinda stuff a lot :)
Content/ stuff I'll probably be posting about
Greek mythology
Classic art
Renaissance art
Pre- raphaelite art
The song of Achilles and Homer's iliad
Gothic literature
Occasional stuff about my ocs
Books I'm reading
Artist research
Pages from my sketchbooks
Spotify playlists
Might see the occasional content from games I play such as dragon age and assasins creed
Dark academia
Light academia from time to time
Grey academia
Classic academia
Art academia
Dark cottagecore
Seaside cottagecore
Why am I using this blog?
Motivation to keep up with school work
To meet people with similar interests as me
To get inspiration for my art
To share my art
Share content that I enjoy
Because Twitter feels too public
To interact with content that I like
Other stuff
My other social media accounts
Instagram- @ rhyslikesart @ georgia.tkd @ georgiastans
Pinterest- @ rhyslikesart
Spotify- @ georgiastans
Tiktok- @ rhyslikesanime
Ocs you might hear about from time to time
(Pretty much all of them I have made with my best friend and girlfriend allie)
Made for my main story with allie. Fantasy, elf type of vibe
Neiryn (my main oc)
Made for a fun modern witch rp (with allie)
Rowan Irvine
My viking shield maiden and Christian lesbians
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itsbaditsgood · 3 years
ok ajsdhkjdlmlsak I just!! do not want to ruin anyone's experience of it bc I know a lot of people seem to love it jsdkjks to kiri I've been like IT'S SO COOL HOW ARE U FEELING and right now I'm just like WHAT IS GOING ON WHY DO I FEEL TERRIBLE ABT THIS
I like the production from like a technical standpoint I think it was really cool (not as good as Ashe's album but that is high standards!!), even tho it leaves a weird hearing aftertaste (I immediately fell into all of my comfort albums right after I'd finished n I stilll don't know whyyyy), her voice is wonderful and I like the tone BUT. i heard she's been talking abt how she's like "bringing back pop punk" but she is Not? there were like. three... songs.? four? that were upbeat and about two (I think brutal and good 4 u) that sounded anything like actual pop punk (and the rest are........sad? breakup songs?)
like compare: Grace Vanderwaal and her two recent songs (punk rock, not pop punk, but similar to brutal like really vaguely) or Louis Tomlinson and Kill My Mind/Miss You (pop punk, good 4 u passes the vibe check of british pop punk sjdkjsjlsdk). brutal is swag but like why aren't there more brutal songs!!! that one was good even though the lyrics are uh,,,, jshdksdkj anyway. her voice is lowkey made for the genre though I am not in the corner of the genre with those kinds of voices
ok though u know what the thing is, Olivia said she's bringing back pop punk but the thing about pop-punk is that it's messy and proper instruments and actually having fun and messing around with the instruments and being loud and absolutely not ignorable, because it's punk. brutal does bring that to the table but it's like one song, swear words are not really punk (they are just making me go damn it olivia let my kid sister listen to your music sjdkjsd the dichotomy of being 17 and also a disney star? in 2021?). the aesthetic is not flower filled grocery stores and butterflies and pop and aesthetic things djdskdls??? like!! I think maybe that's why I'm like, this is Wrong, to just throw some pop punk songs in alongside like nine breakup songs? and yet have those songs be kind of like the strongest points in the album aside from drivers license and hope ur ok. at this point it has been like three hours of me trying to articulate and now I have brutal stuck in my head and I want more brutal-type and less drivers license-type. she could just say she's just being Olivia and not have put a label on it genre-wise tho? that would have been neat I would have expected less and it encompasses more of the album itself
can u tell. I am very sad and I just want actual new pop punk/punk rock music if there's no proper amazing songwriting happening sjhfkjdsdslk that is my beloved little corner of music and I was like noooo!!!! Olivia!!!! but I did cry at hope ur ok so like.
i would like to know how she still made an 11-song album drag I do not think I've ever seen someone do that before djskdsl all of the ballads are just the same help
OKAY THAT WAS SO LONG I HAVE DELETED THAT PARAGRAPH I SWEAR. JUST. THE BALLADS ARE NOT COHESIVE. The songwriting isn't solid enough to stand on its own and don't have clear imagery and storytelling (like Taylor Swift?? or uh Lorde both of whom she says she takes after) to distinguish themselves and I suspect she has been learning poetry from instagram and stuff please start reading good books and learn how to not word vomit (we are in the same boat tho it sucks) ms rodrigo. neither are the melodies/little instrumental riffs/hooks (which are nonexistent sjhdsjksd let the brain hang onto something!!! deja vu and good 4 u have them though they're not ballads, but like the melodies??? think heather by conan gray. it has that hook, and there aren't strong hooks throughout the album I don't think), and she also could have just done the EP??? I think it'd have been smarter for a debut specifically because it's easier to make a good EP than a good album (like listen, Dodie and Ashe didn't release albums until now, it's not like a dumb thing to do to cover up flaws, it's letting yourself grow into making big bodies of work) and she could make a stronger album later with more experience like, she didn't need to "prove herself"? *meme voice* sometimes... playing it safe is better. especially when u are seventeen and like. super in the spotlight gosh she's probably gonna get a bunch of critical thingies idk what they're called. the album I think probably jams but also it's so much of an average teen 2021 album idk. I think she'll grow into it though so maybe it'll get better with time!
anyway this is long I am so sorry June. like 80% of this is me going ok but where's the pop punk was I lied to sfdgfhjk
many thoughts happened huh
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