#I've just been down a series of rabbit holes
tilldusk · 1 year
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It’s been awhile since I drew this guy huh?
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bleaksqueak · 8 months
How how how does this still go as hard as it goes AND WITH THAT ALBUM COVER.
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soulsxng · 10 months
Really random, but sometimes I get hardcore sucked back into the Royal Scandal series. The vibes and the stories are just A+, and so many muses get so noisy.
The only issue with that is the muses being really noisy doesn't lend itself very well to headcanons and stuff, so I'm sitting here trying to answer these Corruption questions for Creation, and the muses are in the back of my head. Doing concerning things. Being generally distracting.
Edit: Just realized that link only includes the main episode songs in their release order...which isn't the chronological order for the series. It's on the same channel if anyone wants to see the rest of the songs!
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On simplifying Akechi
My brain was ridden with these ideas people have about Akechi that piss me off a little. Mostly ones that say he is "just crazy" or "just hates Joker." There's countless metaposts countering these arguments (and they are absolutely wonderful) but I often wonder WHY simplifying Akechi down is so appealing, even to people who are fans of his character. I can't say I've never been immune to simplifications of his character either, and I feel like that's important to admit. I don't even think it's necessarily a bad thing, but I was wondering about that why question.
TW: Discussions of mental health and child abuse
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Source: A high schooler's holiday from the P5 Comic Anthology (read it here!)
I do think it's hard for all of the little things Akechi's character builds upon to be conveyed through a single playthrough. If you go in blind or don't finish his confidant, you may only get that surface level exploration of his character. Base Akechi is flashy and still gets the point across that it needs to: he's a foil to Joker and the PTs. However, by missing out on his social links and special events, you miss cultural, relationship, and personal context.
Many words have been said about the translation, particularly in the engine room, being faulty in areas. But some people still don't understand that Akechi's plan isn't to kill Shido, even when the text makes that clear. There's also this scene with Shido, which reads more as an exposition dump in a long section of the game most players will either tune out or skip. Not everything you see will always stick in your head, and Persona is a LONG game. I feel like it's easy to forget people just... forget canon sometimes. It's easier to put these details aside and say Akechi isn't affected by the system he's raised in. But the reality is, you miss what Lavenza says about Akechi's role, you miss that one exposition scene, and you miss the confidant: you believe Akechi had much more autonomy than was actually true. In conversations I've had with people IRL about Persona, 2/3 either skipped or did not finish Akechi's confidant. It isn't improbable, playtimes can range from 100-300 hours, most playthroughs take weeks. People will forget things. It isn't a maybe, it WILL happen.
When the game feeds you so much information, it's also easier to take what the characters say at face value. Doing this with Akechi will bite your ass. Those words in Rank 8 are directly expanded upon in No More What Ifs, the engine room, and 2/2. Maruki and Morgana confirm Akechi doesn't hate Joker, but you never hear Akechi say it himself. To me the game beats you over the head with this information (as the game has a tendency to do for certain situations), but I've also been in the rabbit hole for over a year now.
There's also this idea that recognizing that Akechi was set up by Yaldabaoth, his upbringing, and Shido means that all the venom is taken away from his actions. That isn't true, and Akechi holds to that in third semester. He doesn't give himself any grace for the situation he landed in, wanting to take accountability for it when it is undone without his consent. Akechi is by no means a perfect victim, and he doesn't believe that either. Recognizing that he had no choice, it was either homelessness and neglect or the plan he conjured himself only brings to light the tragedy of his situation, not whether his actions were morally incorrect. He wanted his father to be in his life, and he wanted his father to suffer. He wanted to have someone like Ren in his life, and he couldn't have someone like Ren because his plan would be jeopardized. It's a series of choices, some of which are forced upon him, some of which he chooses himself. That is an important distinction to make.
There's also this idea that Akechi is 'just crazy,' or never suffered from abuse or events that affected him long term. That he doesn't suffer from unspecified mental health conditions or trauma, and chose everything with a clear mind. When someone brings up this argument, it's usually in response to people talking about his life experiences. That somehow, the existence of trauma or a condition is an excuse for whatever he did. There's a double standard here: Akechi is someone who suffers from a condition that makes him 'plain crazy', simplifying his entire motivation and role in the story, while also removing him from the context of his mother, Shido, and his experience with the foster system. Actually interacting with these facets of his character brings to light the challenging things the story asks you to think about when it comes to Akechi: Is he a victim? Is he like the Phantom Thieves? What about his situation informed his choices? Interacting with this requires effort and an actual acknowledgement about what it means to be someone that suffers from trauma. Calling him 'plain crazy' not only is in disservice of textual analysis, but more importantly incorrect (and frankly, it falls straight into ableist tropes about mental health).
Sometimes internet debates/discourse lead to simplification, even just random headcanons may lead to simplification. That isn't always bad. There are many ways to say what I said here in fewer words. I, unfortunately, am not skilled enough to do that. But some of these simplifications lead to entirely incorrect judgements about a character, or even about mental health issues. When that happens, I wish people would learn to reflect about what that means when they interact with a piece of media. Or even with other people.
tldr: people should learn to say they just don't like things instead of coming up with excuses that make no sense. basically
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illustratedartist · 6 months
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Jervis Tetch A.K.A The MAD HATTER 🎩🫖
OK So someone sent me an ask on here and unfortunately I can't find where it disappeared to-SO I'M VERY SORRY!
This person asked if I could make a reference sheet of my Hatter and share some headcanons, if I had any. I've never really done this before, or even had many headcanons so please bare with me lol. I didn't go into too much detail, Im not really a writer so I just tried to get the main points through.
Down The Rabbit Hole:
Has paranoid schizophrenia, and often hallucinates, especially when stressed. He mostly sees characters from Alice in Wonderland, seeing the Cheshire cat or “Alice” the most.
When very stressed or feel like hes losing control of a situation, he begins to stutter horribly. His words get jumbled in his mind, and thats when he starts reciting quotes or poems from AIW relevant to the situation hes in. Before he became the Mad Hatter, and became a criminal he stuttered constantly while speaking to anyone. 
 Jervis controls people by drugging and hypnotizing them, But the strongest form of mind control he has are the masks he puts on his “Guests”. 
For goons or regular street thugs he manages to get, he mostly uses cards on them instead of wasting materials to make masks for them. Figuring It would be easier than having Batman break them and forcing him to constantly  remake the same ones over and over. 
Also its a chance to call his thugs the “Card Guards” which amuses him.
His goons don’t matter much to him, but if he assigns you a specific character, you are highly important to his “Tea Parties” and are at risk of being forced to attend indefinitely.
 For his “Tea Party” guest list, he has crafted actual masks for them to wear, in correlation to the Character he assigned to each guest. He does make sure the guests are drugged with his special tea before putting the masks on them. Wouldn’t want to risk having you manage to break free of his control during the party! Or ever.
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March Hare=Scarecrow, Dormouse= Riddler, White Rabbit= Ventriloquist, Cheshire Cat= Catwoman, The Dodo= Penguin, Mock Turtle= Mr.Freeze, Queen of Hearts= Poison Ivy, The Walrus= Bane, The Jabberwocky= Batman  
He customizes the masks so they even resemble the actual people.
His closest friends are Jonathan Crane, and Edward Nygma, his March Scare and Dorrat.
Jonathan was a psychologist so he knows how to handle Jervis, and can tolerate him for the most part. Edward on the other hand may think Jervis is a useful ally, but he's not nearly as patient with him as Jonathan is. Neither of them like being called by their "nicknames" Jervis gave them.
Jervis fell in love with the woman he had been working with, before he became a criminal, that put everything into motion. Her actual name wasn't Alice, but they both bonded over their fondness for the story, and he started to call her Alice as a fun nickname or inside joke. Though his obsession with her had already begun.
After losing it, and becoming a criminal and kidnapping "Alice" he was defeated by Batman, (Much like how it happened in BTAS). "Alice" fled Gotham after this, but Jervis doesn't know that, and is too far gone to realize that she would leave him. SO he roams the streets of Gotham looking for his beloved "Alice".
OK THAT'S IT! At least these were all I could think of. Obviously my Jervis is heavily based off the Arkham series and BTAS. But I love this little crazy guy.
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dailyadventureprompts · 11 months
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Homebrew Mechanic: Bumpercar Combat
I'm going to keep most of my reasoning behind developing this system below the cut but I think we can all agree that D&D's combat can be painfully static. I love fight scenes but after going down a combined stage combat/ videogame boss design rabbit hole I've realized that one of the primary elements is missing from D&D's combat system, namely: Movement
From a mechanical perspective, D&D combat needs movement to break up the monotony of non-spellcater characters throwing punches at eachother until one of them drops, to introduce increased risk and randomness without damage-spike abilities.
From a narrative perspective, D&D combat needs movement to introduce tension and to help put character into day to day fighting beyond just flavor text. Likewise, fights that give different opportunities for movement will feel different from one another, making them stand out in the party's mind.
So without further ado I present my fun new system, which will have your party and their enemies bouncing around the battlefield like a demolition derby:
Press the attack: If you attack a creature and your initial attack roll is higher than their constitution score, you can force them to shift 5 ft into any of the tree squares opposite from your position. You then move to occupy the space they did.  
Back to a Wall:  Walls and other substantial barriers grant attackers the benefits of flanking as if they were a threatening creature. 
Give Ground: If you are attacked in melee and the initial roll is lower than your dexterity score you may shift into any adjacent square, forcing the opponent to move into the space you previously occupied. If you are attacked at a range, you may still shift, but the attacker loses any cover bonuses they might have till the start of their next turn rather than moving. 
Tripping Hazard: If you force an opponent into a square that could be considered rough terrain ( such as if it was occupied by a chair, or down a slippery slope) the target drops prone. 
First things first I want to say that this system is largely inspired by the dynamic combat movement rules by raventear productions, which I found over on reddit. It's a great system but the more I thought about it the more I realized that introducing extra rolls into combat was adding extra bloat to combat, and so I needed to retool the system to ensure that the party weren't having to roll any more dice than they normally would. My goal with homebrew is always to add more options, not bloat.
Also, go check out@jillbearup over on youtube, her series breaking down cinematic fights was one of the main drivers behind wanting to find a homebrew system like this in the first place.
Finally, long hours spent watching @ohnoitstbskyen 's in depth bloodborne playthough got me thinking about the design of fights, and the right combination of enemies and environment can truly elevate the player(s) experience. I'm also working on my own bloodborne game which gave me a reason to finalize this system.
Now lets get on to why I wanted to build this system in the first place: D&D combat is at risk of being painfully slow and boring, as it's aged the depths to which it can be slow and/or boring have only increased. While part of that is up to the skill of players at the table, I largely chalk it up to the fact that the base system of combat isn't much changed from the days of old tabletop wargaming....characters and monsters control like army units, clashing up against one another till one side drops or some spellcaster drops an AoE ( artillery). That rigidity is fine when one person is controling a whole army of units, but I think every melee character has been in a position where they're slugging away with the same old attack while the wizards get to do cool shit.
The system sort of worked back In the early days when characters and monsters could only take a couple of hits before dropping, but as the editions progressed and everything got more complex what might have first been a quick life or death clash turned into a slugfest. Attacks of opportunity and rigid flanking rules specifically encouraged this slowdown, and 4th edition, the only attempt outside of the battemaster to really play with positioning crashed and burned mainly due to WotC's incompetence.
So how do I use this?
If you're having trouble thinking of why this system might be fun to implement, here's a few ideas:
It makes groupfights more dangerous, encouraging tactical thinking. Getting advantage reliably is the deciding factor in most d&d combats, with the tide turning in favour of whichever side has the most bodies. If combatants are shifting around with every missed hit then that advantage is more up for grabs
It puts increased focus on hazards and terrain features. Ledges, pits, pillars, walls, furniture, dungeon-clutter. Make no mistake that if you use this system and then design your combat arenas with some kind of terrain feature, it's GOING to be used. Where previously players and enemies alike had to chose between engaging with the arena for a potential benefit or doing raw damage reliably, here they'll be able to do both.
It gives non burst-damage melee characters a new way to play. Rolling a barbarian or fighter is supposed to come with a scene of empowerment which can be undercut one folks realize their super-strong orc berserker is being outclassed for damage by the shifty guy with the knife. Telling that player "Yeah, that person gets to roll more dice, but you get to bounce badguys off the walls like pinballs" is more than a consolation, it's what they signed up to do in the first place.
It adds drama to the fight. There's only so many ways a dm can describe enemies taking non-lethal sword hits that only take up a portion of their hp, and they're liable to run out of those long before the campaign is through. Part of what sells the importance of those hits and keeps players engaged between the first and the last is the feeling that they've had SOME kind of effect. Moving folks around is a middle ground between doing nothing and dropping a foe, changing the battlefield in a myriad of small ways that can build up to something meaningful.
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Common Fanons That Are Confused As Canon
Through my time of collecting lore and learning things about Thedas I've come across a couple things of fanon that leaked into lists of canon elements. Which was an interesting little thing to follow the rabbit hole of where they even originated. While making this list I did ask others for any that I might have missed or not seen because I wanted to be thorough as I could when even making this list. I haven't been in the fandom long enough to see all the things that have come up.
To be clear, I thought it was neat to see what became so pervasive in the fandom to become easily mistaken as canon or misunderstood. I'm also not discussing whether canon as it stands is "good" or judging the fanon or anything like that.
I just wanted to put it all together in a list, especially as I have had friends who were getting into the series and ask about certain things; as well as Dragon Age Summer hitting us soon and new interest in the series abound.
Mages can sense other mages The closest source I can find to this is the fact that Anders states that he can "feel the power in you". No other mage states anything similar and could likely be attributed to the fact that he is possessed. Much like how Cole can sense your magical connection as an Inquisitor. An outlier is how Keiran can sense your magic regardless of if he has the Old God soul; but he is also not confirmed to be a mage as of yet.
All Saarebas always have their lips sewn shut/horns cut off This seems to originate from da2 specifically, with the model of Ketojan having the scarring, the other saarebas missing horns, the concept art, and then boils down to BioWare being inconsistent with their lore/depictions. Most of Thedas fixates on the fact that the Qunari have saarebas with their lips sewn shut, the Seer's yarn tale denotes that tamassrans tell the story of a saarebas with their lips sewn shut, the tarot art for Saarath, and the flippant joke between Sera and Iron Bull. But, the lore specifies that it is in extreme cases or in general that it can occurs but it is not the standard. [WOT p. 103 & 128] Much like tranquility, it is used as a form of punishment - one that we know can and is abused by certain factions. We also see saarebas characters in Inquisition who do not carry either of those traits. Specifically Hissera (multiplayer), Saareth (Trespasser), Heroes of Dragon Age models, and some Qunari in da2.
All Saarebas have their tongues cut out This is seperate from the previous point due to the different source of this fanon. It seems to be an exaggeration of one particulare line from Sten. In dao, Sten will state during the Broken Circle quest that "This is why we cut the tongues from mages, in Par Vollen." He is very general with the statement, but contextually it is reasonable people took this to mean all mages. However, since dao it has been made clear that it is not a universal practice throughout the Qun.
Elves are shorter than humans This one does have a clear point of where this started, though it is never stated in lore, back in Origins elven models were universally shorter than humans. But from DA2 onward, male elves were only shorter than their human counterparts of the same sex while female elves are shorter than both human sexes. Fenris is taller than f!Hawke while both forms of Hawke are taller than Merrill. Solas, Abelas, and a m!Lavellan are taller than female human characters but all human characters are taller than female elves (except Sera who has a female human model).
Dalish are illiterate This is a little less clear to me where its origins started. Perhaps based off of medieval period history (which da isn't necessarily medieval in time period) or due to the fact that most common folk in certain regions in Thedas are illiterate and reliant on pictures over written words. But we know from the Witch Hunt dlc that the Dalish keep tomes of their history and of the ancient elven empire. They also actively translate ancient elven script for their own records. Whether this is role restrictive or not is unclear, but we do know that the Dalish are literate in both Common and semi-literate in ancient elven script.
Dalish and City Elves don't have contact This seemingly comes from a misunderstanding stemming in the city elf origins in dao where some npcs will comment on how Dalish might be myths. However, in dao, da2, dai, the comic Knight Errant, and the novel The Masked Empire, that elves from both sides do semi-regularly trade people with each other if not visit certain alienages, as well have other points of contact with each other. Pol, Zevran, Coran (Vaea's uncle), and potentially Feynriel are all city elves that join Dalish clans. Merrill and Arianni are known Dalish who join alienages.
City elves are genetic/physical differences from the Dalish elves This one I have seen around a lot, most stemming from the idea of the previous one that the elves in the city are generations apart from the Dalish, implying they have no contact with each other. Which could be true for certain alienages. But as far as lore is concerned there isn't any example of this, not even as being a point of reference for the Dalish to consider any of the aspects as to what makes them "less of an elf" in comparison to Dalish.
Elves pass on their elven traits Most seem to know this isn't canon, albeit one of the less popular canon elements; but new fans don't always know this. It is popular fanon to give half-elven children the reflective eyes, smaller stature, more angular features, straighter nose bridge, and/or pointed ears from their elven parent.
Only elves can have mixed kids with other races This seems to come from the fact that elven traits aren't passed on to their kids when mixed parentage is involved. However humans, dwarves, and vashoth can all have mixed kids from the other races. According to Patrick Weekes, this decision was made consciously to avoid very racist and harmful rhetoric. We know of many elf/human mixed kids: Alistair, Eiton, Feynriel, Gestan and Thale (residents of elven area of Halamshiral), Kieran (conditions), Michel de Chevin, Rinnala, "Sabina's Brat" (son of the elven prostitute Sabina at the Blooming Rose), Slim Couldry, Tainsley (Potentially. Is described as a 7'(2.13m) human, though he references a Dalish uncle.) While mixed dwarf children are rare simply due to dwarven fertility issues we do know of two dwarf/human kids: Keiran (conditional) and the child of Tyrdaa Bright-Axe(Avvar) and Hendir (dwarf).
Elfroot leaves get you high/is Thedosian marijuana This is another Origins era thing, due to an easter egg that made a play on the American "This is your brain on drugs" anti-drug campaign using elfroot. This was then repeated in 2015 when Patrick Weekes said that its medicinal properties were rediscovered in 4:20. [Source] Elfroot hasn't been shown to get anyone high in canon, it is the roots that are primarily used as medicinal. In World of Thedas (WoT) vol. 2 the recipe for Dalish Deep Forest Comfort says you can substitute elfroot for spinach making the leaves more vegetable in quality. That said, marijuana leaves are edible and rather nutritious. They just don't have the chemical make up to induce a high. Those lie strictly in the buds. According to Origins, elfroot does flower though.
Red lyrium is completely different and more dangerous from blue lyrium This one is all on BioWare in regards to this misconception. Because while yes, it is more dangerous than the blue lyrium, they aren't two seperate substances. More that red lyrium is a branch off. To cover the generals of the written lore of lyrium it breaks down like this: Blue lyrium in it's raw form innately toxic to just be around to all but dwarves, however it will kill a mage who gets too close in proximity. That proximity being within the same room while non-mages would have to touch the stuff. It also has a pension of self-combustion without warning or a clear cause. When it is refined down for templar use it is "safe" for non-mages to come in contact with and consume. Whether this level of refinement is the same level as what is used to make various cocktails and liqueur is unclear. But we do know that getting too close, being in same room as lyrium refined to this level, is enough to make a mage sick. Finally, we have the most refined and diluted stage of lyrium, this is used by mages to make potions, certain alchemical work, and other things. This isn't enough to kill a mage, make them sick (without extreme over use), and infact can result in positive outcomes for a mage. Red lyrium overlaps with most of that, with a couple key differences. First off is that red lyrium doesn't seem to self-combust. There is some contradiction on whether or not non-dwarves can mine it as due to game mechanics you can destroy it, but the only ones we see mining wild nodes are dwarves. But if the red lyrium is grown from a living creature it seems accessible to all races? In codices about the various types of red templars, we learn that a small vial around a templar's neck is enough to make all the mages in the area around him sick.
Character Specific
Alistair is a dog person I couldn't track any clear origins for this, it seems to be a case of overlap with the stereotype that "all Fereldan's love dogs" and a mix of building off of a line of dialogue about him being raised by the hounds and them being his family. However, he doesn't seem overly one way or the other. He mocks dog at times, talks down in not such a playful way, and at times seems to treat dog with the same attitude he does Morrigan though not as blatantly. This could be chalked up to his joking nature though.
Alistair's obsession with cheese While he does admit to an obsession to cheese, it is often cited that Alistair makes a ton of cheese jokes in dao. When in truth he only makes four through out the entire game. Given his joking nature it is up to personal interpretation of how much he actually loves cheese.
Alistair and Cullen knew each other before Origins This is more specifically that the two went to the same monastery for their templar training. There is no canon evidence for this though. That said, there is a possibility due to not knowing much of anything about how the Templar Order trains its recruits nor the amount of monasteries they have in Ferelden for training.
Alistair collects toy soldiers This seems to come from the gifts he can be given during the Feastday dlc. Canonically he is given runestones and carved statuettes of various types stone. These statuettes are described in a manner closer to effigies than toy soldiers.
Alistair's mother is not Fiona This one is a bit funny as it has multiple origins and is dependent on the player's experience with the series. From what I have gathered there seems to be one of three sources: - People who never read the Dragon Age novel The Calling - People who read The Calling after playing dao and feels like it is a retcon (though The Calling was released prior to the release of dao, same with the novel The Stolen Throne) - People who take a "chuck the baby with the bathwater" approach to the lore The funny thing about this is that the cover story in dao for Alistair's mom is based off a combo of things; the hypothetical scenario Fiona told Maric and answers she gave Maric when he asked what to tell Alistair if he asked about his mother. The hypothetical was that Fiona would not return to the Circle and would hide from the templars and pretend to be a washer woman. When Maric asked what to tell Alistair of his mother, Fiona said to tell him his mother was human as she did not want him to deal with being half elven and all the stigma that comes with that as well as to tell Alistair that she was dead.
Aveline is straight She will kiss Hawke regardless of gender and ask them if they ever considered her and them. Though it is clear she never had romantic interest in Hawke in particular. An easily missed aspect I think given the general opinion of Aveline as well as most people seeming to not choose the flirtatious option with her.
Blackwall doesn't have a sense of humor This one genuinely surprised me considering he jokes with Sera, The Iron Bull, and Solas. His banter shows as much that he does have a sense of humor and tells jokes. But it does seem pretty common of a fanon characterization for him.
Dorian paints his nails His model doesn't have painted nails in game, but it is a popular fanon. There is nail polish in Thedas though. It's mentioned in the novel Masked Empire as well as the novel Last Flight. It seems to be of Anderfles origins, but given the Last Flight is post Orlesian occupation, it could originate in Orlais.
Lady Mantillon said, tapping an elegantly lacquered fingernail on the polished wooden arm of her chair, “we will fail, or we will be killed. Neither is acceptable.” - Masked Empire, Chapter 17 p. 362 Every one of her fingers glimmered with a jeweled ring, and her nails had been freshly lacquered. - Last Flight, Chapter 13 p. 144
Lyrium can be drawn from Fenris' tattoos There is no mention of this being possible in da2 or any of the subsequent media. There isn't even mention of others being able to sense the lyrium in his tattoos or even mages getting sick around him as they sometimes will dependent on the concentrations and/or purity of lyrium.
How Fiona was cured of the taint This comes from The Calling novel, where it isn't ever clarified what actually removed the taint from Fiona. The common fanon is that it was either the mentioned brooch, or that by having Alistair. That it was by having Maric's son who has Great Dragon blood due to being of the Theirin bloodline that cured her. However, in the novel she is very clear that the mages at Weisshaupt aren't sure what cured her. She only offers one explanation that the Grey Wardens theorized and trails off before saying what the second one was.
“It’s gone,” she said flatly. “The mages at Weisshaupt weren’t sure if it was because the First Enchanter’s brooch sped things up artificially, or... at any rate, all the corruption vanished. They don’t think it’s going to come back, either. There was test after test, but they think I may be the first Grey Warden that never has to endure the Calling again.”
Hawke is stabbed by the Arishok This fanon likely came into being due to one of the moves the Arishok has where it will leave you almost dead. So a bit of canon as it is in his move set, but fanon in the idea it is something that always happens in canon.
Unable to confirm if Fanon, Canon, or a mix of both
Teagan marries Bella, the barmaid from Redcliffe This one goes back really far and is hard to tell if it is a case of mistaken identity and association, or a really buggy option for the epilogue, or isn't actually a possibility. What I can confirm is that Teagan does have a woman he can marry given certain conditions are met in dao, but it is actually Kaitlyn, the sister who's brother goes missing in Redcliffe. If you properly compensate her for her grandfather's sword she'll open up a foundry in Denerim and will marry Teagan after having known him for a few months. According to this thread, you have to get Kaitlyn to move to Denerim with her brother, make Bella the maid to Teagan and in the ending slide Teagan and Bella will get married. Though I haven't been able to confirm that this is possible. (If you have a screenshot/video of this slide and know how to trigger this please let me know) This is also not an option mentioned in the Keep, however neither is Kaitlyn's. Which isn't surprising given some of the ending slides that were not direct player choice (ex) choosing Orzammar's king) are mostly cut from canon.
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sassy-cass-16 · 4 months
trying to coherently write out my thoughts on monstrosity in the locked tomb unexpectedly led me down a rabbit hole where i've discovered that ianthe tridentarius is the most horrifically tragic literary version of a vampire in existence. more below
Ianthe is kind of a perfect vampire. She “fucking ate Babs” in order to ascend to Lyctorhood, which is a holy position in the setting of the series, but because the whole thing relies so heavily on dramatic irony, the reader is aware that Lyctorhood is a form of monstrosity in itself. while she is a Lyctor, her form becomes more monstrous (her golden skeleton arm), she becomes immortal and gains enhanced magical death-based powers from literally feeding off of a stolen soul.
And the vampires-as-consuming-horror feature blends with the series’ recurring idea that love is an act of consumption. The Unwanted Guest is a perfect microcosm of that: Ianthe is trying to convince Palamedes (and herself) that Naberius is truly and completely dead, when in reality, his soul and hers are permeable, and her act of eating his flesh—an act that her twin sister is jealous of despite the fact that Ianthe loves her too much to kill her—has, in biological fashion, made him an inseparable part of her. She has his memories. She has his opinions on duelling.
Just as meat gives the body protein, as blood continually nourishes the vampire, Naberius gave Ianthe part of himself that she will never be rid of. If Ianthe had consumed Coronabeth, she would have at least spent eternity with the person she loves most in the world. but in believing she outsmarted the system, she became its most unfortunate victim.
Corona is mortal. Corona will age and die and Ianthe will become more and more like Naberius, losing more and more of herself to him, and Corona will never know either of them as themselves again. can you imagine. can you imagine how wretched the Tridentarii must feel?
they've been a single unit since birth. their parents defied cultural naming conventions for the specific purpose of making them into a single unit. Ianthe looks like Corona's shadow and Corona looks like Ianthe if she wasn't vitamin D deficient. can you imagine the horror of watching a part of yourself slowly wither and eventually die because you loved her too much to eat her? can you imagine the horror of your own shadow becoming someone else's, so slowly that neither of you could notice until you couldn't recognize each other anymore?
Ianthe and Harrow have one thing in common and that is loving someone too much to consume them, and paying the price. Corona and Gideon have one thing in common and that is being desperate to be consumed by the person they love the most.
Ianthe is horrible and the Lyctors are horrible because John Gaius is horrible. but the series does such a good job of showcasing what is horrible to them. the horror of god is that he's just some fucking guy. the horror of ianthe is that she's a vampire who ate the wrong person. i am spiritually biting and gnawing on these books.
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bellofthemeadow · 6 months
Dawn ends the Night
Aemond Targaryen x Dayne!Reader
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Rating: M for Mature (18 + no minors allowed)
Word Count: 2.8K
Warning: All warnings on the Series Masterlist, will update if necessary (Re-iterating, no minors allowed! Thank you)
Chapter Summary: As a newly woman grown, you learn of your fate as a woman in a men's world.
Notes: Guess who's back? Back again?! I AM BACK (again)!
Hello everyone, I'm thrilled to announce that I'm back! 🎉 After a brief hiatus due to my final undergraduate semester (which I just completed this past Monday – yay!), and amidst the hustle of graduate school applications, I'm finally able to return to writing.
I'm incredibly excited to embark on a brand-new series with you all. I've recently tumbled down the HOTD rabbit hole, and my obsession with Aemond Targaryen knows no bounds! 🐉 I assure you, my other fanfictions haven't been forgotten. I'm currently working on them and, with the festive season around the corner, I look forward to dedicating more time to writing and establishing a more consistent posting schedule.
Your support means the world to me and I love you all so so much💖 Feel free to reach out if you have any special requests, ideas, or if you'd just like to chat. I'm always so happy to connect with mutuals!!! Love you all
Taglist: (None yet)
Series Masterlist
Prologue - The Ghost of Starfall
All your life, your father had assured you that you would marry into the Martel family, destined to reign over Dorne like the ancient Dayne kings of the Torentine. But these plans shifted when Quoren Martell welcomed his daughter, Aliandra, who was destined to become the future Princess of Dorne and Lady of Sunspear. And although the Dornish were much more unrestrained than their counterparts on the continent, you were quite certain that they would not accept you becoming the princess’ consort. Two women officially ruling Dorne? Even that would be a bit too radical for the love-loving Dornishmen.  
After his plans to make you the future ruling princess of Dorne fell through, your father started to envision a different future for you. You could still vividly recall nights spent perched on his knee, gazing up at the starlit sky. The cool desert breeze caressing your skin as you looked on in awe, your father's voice weaving tales of the grand life awaiting you as the Lady of Starfall. Those few precious moments, however, faded into memory with the arrival of your 13th birthday and the birth of Gerris. That misty morning marked a shift in everything when your brother came into the world screaming his little lungs out marked the end of your future as the Lady of the Dawn. As although Dorne's inheritance laws, shaped by Nymeria and the Roynar, endorsed absolute primogeniture, the stony Dornish your kin, those with deep roots in the First Men and the Andals, still favored the firstborn son. Technically, you knew you could challenge this tradition. You had the right, the means, and perhaps even the support of Qoren Martell to retain your birthright. 
Yet, as you watched your father, his eyes brimming with wonder and joy at the sight of his newborn son, a decision settled quietly within 13 years old you. And with a heavy heart but resolute spirit, you chose to step aside. You withdrew silently, without protest or fanfare, setting aside your claim for the love of your family. And as the years passed you by, you found yourself amid whispers and wishes for Gerris who was still but a babe, to inherit the revered honor of your house — the title of “Sword of the Morning," a symbol of unmatched valor and prestige among your kin, that only the braves and more chivalrous could inherit. Each mention from the courtiers was a poignant reminder of your own path, not as a son of House Dayne, but as its daughter. Not as the lady of the castle, but as its ghost, a ghost of better times, simpler times. But in quieter moments, you tried to find solace in the belief that there were other, perhaps more subtle, ways to serve and honor your family. You had read all that there was to read about rulership, about history and about philosophy and you knew that true power could manifest in a myriad of forms, not solely in the strength of arms. As you gaze upon the intricate tapestry of your family's history, you knew that your role was no less significant and that you would radiate with your own bright light. 
But for you, whispers of Dawn or grand destinies were absent, their echoes replaced by a more pragmatic reality. In place of tales of great adventures beyond the narrow sea, the halls of Starfall began to fill with a different kind of anticipation. The noble houses of Blackmont, Toland, Uller, and even the Yronwood sent their envoys and heirs. This cavalcade of suitors, a stark contrast to the dreams of your future before Gerris’ birth solidified your new role within the walls of your father’s castle. It was a shift, subtle yet profound, marking both an end and a beginning. You were no longer the future ruling Lady of House Dayne; you were now a key figure in its political future. 
Duty became a familiar companion, yet melancholia was your closest confidante, a shadow that dimmed the brightest of days. This deep-seated wistfulness made entertaining suitors an arduous task and instead, you found solace gazing from the high castle walls, eyes wandering over the sandy mounds and the winding Torentine, over the stony mountains that cradled Starfall away from the continent's heart. 
There, atop those ancient walls, you would lose yourself in dreams, wrapped in the embrace of solitude. It was in these moments of quiet reflection that you yearned to be something more, something beyond the expectations set upon you. They began to call you the 'Ghost of Starfall'. An ethereal presence, haunting the corridors and ramparts, a spirit adrift in her own thoughts, her dreams unfulfilled and stretching endlessly before her. 
But to your astonishment, your father never sanctioned any betrothals. Representatives from Yronwood, Blackmont, and Uller came and went, each departing without a pledge from the enigmatic ghost of Starfall. You refrained from asking why, harboring a fear that your inquiry might prompt your father to reconsider, possibly sending you away from your beloved star-gazing haven to the austere castles of Uller or the strict Yronwood. 
After your father's latest refusal of a suitor — a young, landed knight from the Reach, his brown curls soft and eyes a mesmerizing blend of green flecked with gold — you looked at your father, filled with uncertainty. “He seemed kind father.” you softly whispered. You could imagine yourself marrying this man, with long lazy days spent gazing into his warm eyes.  In response, your father rose from his starry throne and approached you, placing a gentle kiss on your brow. "My little star deserves more than a mere knight," he said softly. "I will find you a suitor worthy of the starry heavens, my sweet love." After this declaration, suitors ceased to arrive. 
Until this morning. 
In the dim pre-dawn light, your mother gently roused you, her movements quiet in the stillness before the castle stirred to life. With tender hands, she dressed you, her fingers weaving your hair into an intricate half-up updo, the lower strands cascading in soft curls. Her touch was soothing, almost melodic, as she adorned you in a gown of white and purple samite. Its gauzy sleeves fluttered ethereally, transforming you into the very ghost of legend whispered in the halls of Starfall. 
"Is it time?" you asked, a hint of apprehension in your voice, as she fastened a necklace around your neck, its purple stone shaped like a star glimmering softly. 
In lieu of a direct answer, she pressed a kiss to your forehead, her lips whispering a silent prayer. "Come, my sweet girl," she murmured softly into your hair. "Today, you must be strong." Hand in hand, she led you towards your father’s personal solar, each step resonating into the stillness of the morning.  
As you and your mother stepped into the solar, a sense of confusion washed over you. Before you, your father and Prince Qoren Martell stood in hushed, intense discussion, surrounded by a sea of scattered papers. They were so engrossed in their conversation that they failed to notice your entrance, prompting a deliberate cough from your mother. 
"Ahem," she cleared her throat pointedly, breaking their focus. 
The two men spun around, their expressions shifting from concentration to surprise. Your mother regarded them with a mildly unimpressed gaze, her poise unshakable. 
"My lords, a touch of gallantry, if you please," she chided lightly, gesturing towards you. 
As their eyes found you, you executed a graceful curtsy, the fabric of your gown whispering against the floor. Prince Qoren's face broke into a broad smile at the sight. 
"No need for such formality, my dear," he chuckled warmly. "Look at you, outshining the stars themselves! Fortunately, you've inherited your mother's beauty and not your father's," he teased, his eyes twinkling with mirth. 
A blush crept across your cheeks at his words. "Thank you, Prince Qoren," you replied shyly, "Your flattery is most kind." 
"It's not flattery if it's the truth, my dear," Prince Qoren Martell retorted with a playful wink. A heavy silence then descended upon the room, enveloping your parents and your distinguished guest, the great prince of the lands you called home. You felt like an unwitting participant in a jest whose punchline you didn't know, the unwitting fool in an unspoken joke. Yet, no laughter broke the silence. Compelled by your uneasy curiosity, you posed the question that hung unspoken in the air. 
"The journey from Sunspear must have been arduous, my Prince. We are honored by your visit," you began, your voice steady. "May I inquire as to the urgency of your need for me this early, and why the esteemed Prince of Dorne would grace us with his presence?" 
"Your wit matches your beauty, Lady," Prince Qoren replied with a sincere smile. "I've traveled from my home to discuss a certain missive, one that concerns both your father, yourself and the future of Dorne." 
"I gather this missive must be of great import to summon me before even the servants begin their day," you ventured, a hint of steel in your voice. "It seems a matter of secrecy." 
"Indeed, my daughter," your father interjected. "We've received a proposal regarding your hand in marriage." 
"And who might this suitor be, that his proposal warrants Prince Qoren's personal involvement?" you asked, your eyebrow arching with skepticism. 
"As your father's dear friend and as someone who has always taken a keen interest in your future, my Lady, all of Dorne has its eyes on you," the prince answered, meeting your gaze. 
Your skepticism remained. "So much so that it necessitates a journey from Sunspear?" 
Your mother, sensing the rising tension, interjected softly, "Come, sit with us, my dear." As you took your seat, your father tenderly grasped your hands, planting a soft kiss upon your knuckles. "The Dragons have expressed interest in you," he revealed, his voice laced with a mixture of pride and concern. 
Your breath hitched at the mention of 'Dragons.' There was only one house in all of Westeros and beyond that was associated with the winged fire breathing beasts. Starfall knew more than anyone else the dangers of their fire and of their wrath. 
Prince Qoren clarified, "This request likely originated from Otto Hightower. Our spies from the capital suggest the Greens are maneuvering for the throne. With old Viserys nearing his end, they're placing their pieces on the cyvasse board. Hightower may be a contemptible leech, but his cunning is undeniable." He stroked his dark beard thoughtfully 
But why would Otto Hightower want me?" you asked, your voice tinged with a mix of confusion and urgency. "Dorne isn't even part of their kingdom! We've aligned with the Triarchy and have been opposing the dragons since their arrival on our shores." The plea in your voice was evident as you looked over your parents and your prince, who stood unmoving yet deep in thoughts.  
"That is precisely why Otto Hightower is interested – not just in you, but in Dorne," Qoren Martell explained gravely, looking into your eyes. "We Dornish have a history of standing against dragons. We've never bowed, broken, or bent the knee. We know how to fight them, and we know hot to kill them. Now, Hightower wants our alliance to counter Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen's claim when they make their move for the throne." 
"But is Princess Rhaenyra not the legitimate heir? By Dornish law, she should be the future queen. If we were to engage in their politics, should we not we support the Blacks?" you questioned.   
"We might have aligned with Princess Rhaenyra," Qoren admitted with a hint of regret, "if not for her union with Daemon Targaryen. Remember the Stepstones? That debacle alone shows why it's dangerous for Daemon to wield any real power. He's not just a rogue; he's a warmonger." 
Qoren paused, weighing his words carefully. "Should Rhaenyra ascend the throne, Daemon would be right there, whispering in her ear. And let us be frank, he'd relish any excuse to launch an assault on Dorne, trying to conquer what Aegon the Conqueror couldn't. Whether it's for personal glory or just to satisfy his lust for war, it's a risk we cannot afford." 
A shudder ran through you at the thought of Dorne, bloodied and broken. Determined to prevent such a fate for your people, you asked in a subdued tone, "What is expected of me?" 
"Oh, my sweet girl," your mother murmured, enveloping you in a comforting embrace. "You are not obliged to do anything. If you wish, we will send Otto Hightower away with a message to shove his seven-pointed star straight up his arse, and we will stand against Daemon Targaryen if need be." she tearfully proclaim, her face in your hair.  
"You won't be forced into anything you're not willing to embrace. As for Otto Hightower, trust isn't a luxury I afford him as my experience with this man has taught me to be wary of his machinations. He is adept at playing the long game, and his latest maneuver is quite telling. By extending this proposal to your father and deliberately excluding me, he seeks to sow seeds of discord, perhaps hoping to weaken the unity that has long been our strength.His intentions, I surmise, are to draw you into the Hightower fold through marriage. Such a union could potentially sway Dorne's allegiance in the looming conflict for the Iron Throne."  
Pausing, Qoren looked out the window, then back at you with a solemn expression. "This is not merely a question of matrimony. It is a strategic move and our response will shape the future, not just for us, but for all of Dorne." 
You furrowed your brow in contemplation. "Why would we even entertain his proposal if his intent is to divide us?" you questioned. 
Prince Qoren's expression turned shrewd, cunning playing in his dark brown eyes"Precisely because we understand his motives. By accepting his offer on our terms, we control the game. It's like holding all the key pieces in cyvasse; we dictate the moves, and we can make the dragons dance to our tune." 
Your mind whirled, grappling with the enormity of everything they were telling you.  
"Consider carefully, my little star," your father said, "This decision rests in your hands. Whatever path you choose, know that we stand with you." 
"If I agree, may I set my own terms?" you asked softly.  
"Of course, my Lady," Qoren grants. 
"Accept Otto Hightower’s offer of marriage, tell him that we will aid him in his future conflict against Daemon Targaryen and the Blacks, but it comes with a non-negotiable stipulation: Dorne's independence is sacrosanct. We shall not yield to Targaryen sovereignty. Instead, we shall stand as allies, lending our support whilst retaining our autonomy. This, of course, hinges on your approval, Prince Qoren." 
Your mother's face registered shock. "But that would mean you'd be separating from Dorne, becoming part of their realm, no longer ours." 
“If it spares Dorne from being shackled by dragons, then I am willing to pay that price," you declared, feeling a shiver trace its way down your spine. With those words, you realized all that you were giving up. No longer would you be a daughter of Dorne; gone would be the nights spent stargazing from the ramparts, where stars seemed close enough to touch. You would miss the long walks on the ancient, stony steps, each one etched from the history of your ancestors. 
Gone, too, would be the fierce embrace of the desert sun in the mornings, its rays painting the sands in hues of gold and amber. You would yearn for the sweet scent of orange blossoms, a fragrance that always seemed to hold the very essence of your homeland. Instead, you would find yourself in the capital, and it would be there, in a place far from the lands that shaped you, that you would remain until the end of your days. 
My brave girl, stronger than any man in this land. A true Nymeria reborn," your mother said, her voice tinged with pride and sorrow. 
You mustered a smile, though it tasted bitter on your lips. "Nymeria was never bartered to a man she did not know. She carved her own destiny, fiercely and freely." 
"My girl..." your mother began, but you cut her off gently. 
"It's alright, Mother. I will fulfill my role to the end," you assured her, your voice steady, but your inside twisted uncomfortably. Who were you trying to convince, her or yourself? Your mother's breath hitched at your words, she closed her eyes holding you closer as if you would become a babe again, clutching at her skirts – not nearly a woman grown, ready to be delivered into the claws of the enemy.  
"Rest assured," your father added sternly, "If the dragons dare mistreat you, we will not shy away from invoking Joffrey Dayne's legacy and we will burn their city like their cursed beasts!” 
A pause hung in the air before you finally asked, "Who is it that Otto Hightower has in mind for me to marry?" 
"The King's second son, Prince Aemond Targaryen... the one-eyed prince.” 
Next chapter
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omggggg i just reread your entire Yuri masterlist after seeing the previous ask! and i thought for a second...the way Yuri acted when yor and loid were about to kiss. how would he react if him and y/n were in a situation like that? i think he'll react like your 😭😭😭 just gulp down some wine and lean in, continuously thinking to himself that it's only to prove that they're a couple heheh
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        Wordcount: 1,100+ words
        This can be read with or without reading my Yuri Briar x Fem! Spy! Reader series: An Alliance (part 1).
        Beware! This fic DOES contain SPOILERS for the anime + manga and for the Yuri Briar x Fem! Reader series: An Alliance! Even if it's an alternate universe, there's still spoilers!
        Setting is BEFORE the reader rejoined WISE (so the reader isn't a double-agent and Yuri and reader's relationship is developing).
        The whole time Yuri and I have been at his sister's house, Yuri's been skeptical of Yor's relationship with Loid. I might have not known Yuri for long (I've known him for a day), yet I already know he's a pain in my ass. Yuri's suspicion of Yor and Loid's relationship could lead him down a rabbit-hole to where he accidentally discovers Loid's true identity as a spy, and that's not good! The peace between Ostania and Westalis is in grave jeopardy having Yuri and Loid in the same room, and it seems to be my own secret cover in jeopardy too. 
        "Yuri, if you want me and Loid to kiss so much, why don't you and (Y/N) prove you're married and kiss!" Yor exclaimed, her face red and embarrassed from her younger brother's inappropriate requests. 
        "...Huh?" Yuri voiced audibly, shocked at how this whole thing turned on him. 
        "Idiot..." I muttered to myself, resisting the urge to roll my eyes at this male's stupidity. 
        "W-what do you mean, Yor?! You want me to kiss her? In front of you?!" Yuri questioned, shocked as his face was red from all his drinking. 
        "Yes! You know, you never told me about your marriage too! That's very suspicious! If you want me and Loid to kiss, I want to see you and (Y/N) kiss!" Yor explained, a newfound determination on her face.
        Yuri looked shocked while I felt sick inside. Kissing the enemy? I know I just became a SSS agent, but isn't this way too soon for a good old case of enemies to lovers? 
        I turned my attention to Loid, noticing the shocked expression on his own face. Yeah, it would be weird seeing the girl you grew up with and watched become a spy and a woman kiss some dude you've never met in your life. I would be weirded out too if Loid kissed Yor too (since I just met her). 
        "Yor, this is a little ridiculous. They don't have to kiss." Loid spoke, trying to calmly diffuse the situation as he looked at his wife. 
        "What? I'm asking Yuri to do the same thing he's asking us!" Yor spoke, then redirected her attention back to Yuri. "You don't want to be a hypocrite, do you, Yuri?" 
        Yuri looked to be fighting an internal battle. Reject his dear sister's request and become a hypocrite and possibly make her upset, or suck it up and give his fake-wife a peck on the lips. Yuri groaned, taking the bottle of wine.
        "DAMN IT ALL!" he shouted, chugging the bottle, before slamming it back down on the table.
        "Yuri, careful! You'll break the bottle—" I was cut-off as Yuri grabbed my shoulders, forcing me to turn my body to face him fully. "H-hey! What the—?"
        "Yor said she wanted us to prove our marriage, so let's prove our marriage!" he spoke, his face burning red from how much alcohol he drank as he looked at me with a determined fire in his eyes. 
        Okay. This isn't so bad! I'm a spy—well an ex-spy—but I've kissed guys before during missions! Granted, it's never been on the lips, but maybe Yuri will pull one of those fake-out moves where you tilt your head just right to make it look like you actually kissed? Yeah! This won't be so bad!
        Yuri didn't give me any time to prepare as he quickly smashed his lips against mine, shocking me and the other couple as he kissed me. He quickly pulled away, his face more red than a rose as he looked at me, looking almost a bit surprised at his own actions. We both stared at each other, silent before I realized there was still two other people in the room.
        "Welp!" I clapped my hands, smiling as I tried to ignore my pounding heart and burning face from the aftermath of the kiss. 
        This is so embarrassing... My first kiss on the lips with whose real name I just learned today! 
        "There you have it, Yor! Me and Yuri are lovers!" I spoke, doing my best to keep my smile's corners from twitching.
        "Um... yeah... You sure proved it..." Yor spoke, still baffled at the fact Yuri actually did kiss me. 
        Yuri looked like he was about to faint, whether from the fact he kissed me or from how much alcohol he drank. I decided it would be a good time to save everyone in this room the embarrassment and potential war disaster as I placed my hand on Yuri's knee (ignoring how he tensed up under my touch), as a gave him an indirect signal of "let's leave"
        "It was wonderful meeting you, Yor and Loid! I'm sorry to cut off our time short, but Yuri and I have work in the morning and I want to make sure he gets home and ready for bed before he passes out." I excused, standing up from my seat as Yuri followed behind blankly. 
        "Y-yeah... Good seeing you too! Come visit soon!" Yor spoke, doing her best to have a smile.
        I quickly grabbed Yuri and I's coats and suitcases, dragging him out to the car as I resisted the urge to think about our kiss. 
        "What was going on through your head?" I hissed.
        "I don't know! I panicked!" Yuri slurred, his words messy from his alcohol consumption.
        "Do you have any thoughts or is it just wine bubbles fizzing up there?" I questioned, annoyed.
        "Hey, I said I panicked! I'm sorry!" Yuri pouted, his face still red.
        "Give me the keys. You'll be lucky if I decide not to drive us over a bridge." I huffed, watching as he fished in his pocket for a solid minute before handing me his car keys.
        I got him in the passenger seat and made sure he was buckled up, before getting in the driver's seat and driving away, listening to Yuri's terrible directions on how to get back home. Even though the kiss was under stupid circumstances, I do admit it was nice. His lips were strangely soft, and tasted tart and sweet (like the wine he drank). I suppose it wasn't all that bad, perhaps we'll have to prove ourselves again as a couple in the future. I might have to start training Yuri on how to fake a kiss, or maybe just reenact this again...
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        Thank you for requesting! I always love doing Yuri's requests, he's one of my favorites!
        Want more Yuri Briar content? Check out the Yuri Briar masterlist!
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oh-biwan · 2 months
[rattling cage] Do you have any Obikin fics that you've enjoyed? Your beautiful art made me slip right down the ship rabbit hole and now I need recs, any rating/theme.
-blushes, clears throat- Hi!
I like a lot of different flavors but, to keep it simple, I'll try to match my recommendations to the theme I'm cultivating on this blog so far.
First of all, I have to mention skyl_tales, they wrote some of the absolute Obikin classics and I love their work, it's very dear to me. If you haven't read anything from them yet, I strongly recommend taking a look at their works and going for anything that captures your attention!
Alright, now my conscience is clear and we can move on:
Armageddon Game by posthumous_vigor
One of my more recent obsessions. Basically, padawan Obi-Wan gets captured by Sith Anakin and then groomed to the Dark Side. What I enjoy about this one is how, even despite the unfavorable cards that Obi-Wan has been dealt, he cleverly chases down his goals... but not without twisting himself in the pursuit as well. He is an active actor in this play and ultimately it is not Anakin who Obi-Wan plays against. And by recommending this I'm recommending the whole series :).
Untouched by objectlesson
This fic has one the most predatory padawan Anakin I've ever seen. This child is just so deliciously fucked up in the head. I... I think I'll just let the author's summary speak for itself: In his darkest moments, Anakin began to think of it as his right. To control Obi-Wan’s sleeping mind, force it into a box, shut it up so he could take what he deserved. Warm skin, slack face, soft snores. And then—then—more.
pleasure, little treasure by objectlesson
A guilty pleasure of mine. And probably a very hard pill to swallow, so careful there. In this one, Vader goes back in time, kidnaps Jedi initiate Obi-Wan, and makes him his apprentice. Yes, it's very dark, a psychological horror, but this author writes with such skill and poetry that I trusted they could make me enjoy reading stuff I'd normally avoid... And I was right. The beauty in the abominable. That's why I love this author, the things they write are so refreshingly daring and so deeply fucked up on so many levels, but served in a way that makes me swallow it all up without question. (oh, I should probably mention that as of now this fic is unfinished, I seldomly pick up unfinished works, but with this one, I have no regrets :))
hold my heart more gently than you do my throat by tennessoui
This is a role reversal omegaverse AU. Master Skywalker has been captured by the Separatists, and behind the Council's back, his omega Padawan sets out to save the master in distress. It is debatable if the master in question needs the saving -noises of massacre in the background- (he did need the saving, in my opinion :)). What I really love about this fic are the horror vibes of little Padawan getting chased down the hallways of the enemy base full of dead bodies, and an unknown monster breathing down his neck, but the only thing on his mind is how to find his master and rescue him. Also, I enjoyed the final twist and how the story unfolded in the end. Satisfying. If omegaverse is your thing I definitely recommend this one.
game plan by treescape
Out of all the recommendations, I consider this to be the tame one. If all of the above made you hesitant to try, this is the one to go with. The summary: Vader keeps capturing Obi-Wan during the Wars. Obi-Wan keeps escaping. It's kind of a thing. I'm recommending this one for the banter. Some of it is just next level. Very amusing to read. Chef's kiss.
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don't come crying - a young!Raphael fic
An incredible rendition of young!Raphael by @shahs1221, here: please go check her out and give her some well-deserved adoration for it!
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A/N: I'm gonna be so honest, I have no idea how to tag this in a comprehensible way, relationship-wise. Suffice to say, the Mephisto-lovers are... probably going to appreciate this more than I wish you would, and if you too are fifty leagues down the Niche Forgotten Realms Characters™ rabbit hole, you may also be enticed by the Baalphegor inclusion. 18+, please and thank you.
Raphael blinks, attempting to reason past the howling fury within him. He has never before felt so truly attuned to his more fiendish instincts, working in concert with his mortal ones in a truly dangerous storm. He swore when he first came to this wretched plane that he would be its master one day, and he’ll be damned – well and truly – if he fails here. Or: Centuries prior to the events of the game, Raphael's return from a routine fetch quest on Mephistopheles's orders is interrupted by a summons to the throne room. His father has a lesson to impart to him, and he's going to ensure it sticks.
This is part of an ongoing story I've had in the back of my mind for several weeks now. Rather than another WIP longfic, I'll be posting additional segments from this 'verse in a series if/when I add more. If @sky-kiss has any say in it, I'm sure I will.
The only background info you really need is:
All characters are drawn from actual Forgotten Realms lore.
Raphael has recently been plucked from the Material Plane to join his father's court on Cania, in the Nine Hells.
Due to Raphael's stunted development, and an unwillingness to be shamed by his spawn's weakness, Mephistopheles has placed Raphael under the purview of his consort, Baalphegor.
Baalphegor's body is able to produce an empowering draught, too weak to hold much significance to true fiends, but sufficient to bolster Raphael's growth.
Finally, it is a pet headcanon I've incorporated into this 'verse that Baalphegor is the same individual later know as Haarlep, but you are welcome to use your own interpretation.
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Raphael stumbles through the extravagant entrance doors to Mephistar, the flesh-shearing winds of Cania grabbing after him as he ducks behind the solid, enchanted stone. He’s done his best to cover all exposed skin, but there is always some that escapes his notice, leaving him bleeding out strength he can ill afford to lose. He loathes these “errands” his father sends him on, tasks purported to test his skill, devotion, and cunning. In reality, it feels more like busywork designed to keep him weak and subservient, reminding him of his contentious existence in the hierarchy and reinforcing his dependence on his father’s dubious goodwill.
The desiccated parchment that proved the focus of this most recent quest crinkles slightly, as he shifts his gaze up, the slight sound echoing across the cavernous hall as he looks with certainty for the being he knows to be waiting for his return, just as always. But — they’re not there.
He furrows his brow, an agitated and disquieting anger growing within his gut. He strides across the marble floor on frostbitten feet he can barely feel, shoving the parchment at the lone figure of Mephistopheles’s chamberlain Barbas, standing at attention at his post, and wearing his habitual sneer as he looks down at Raphael. Raphael ignores it for now, as ever, but files the snub away with all the other insults he will one day be strong enough to return tenfold.
“Where is m—the Lady Baalphegor?” He demands imperiously. They are almost always waiting for him upon his return to bestow his reward. That is the deal, the entire reason he engages in these banal fetch quests even though they are entirely beneath his rank and status. He pushes sharply at the errant thought of the pretty fiction it makes, knowing all the while that his true choice is to bow to his father’s whims or perish. True or not, it does no good to dwell on such matters, not when he will be changing them just as soon as he can manage.
Barbas’s sneer gouges even deeper into his face, growing a biting and nearly gleeful edge as he answers Raphael, “Well, young lord, as your august presence must surely have ascertained, the Lady is certainly not here.”
Raphael can feel his face going blotchy and red, and curses his mortal heritage once again for its constant betrayals. The ice-blue crystals in the eye sockets of the chamberlain harden and glint with glee at the sight. Raphael spins on his heel, marching furiously away, the parchment crumpling further within his fist. Barbas’s mocking voice rings out behind him, “Don’t forget to report to His Grace, little lord! He insisted it be done immediately upon your return.”
Raphael almost turns again to berate him, but manages to stop himself at the last moment, lest he lose even more face from the encounter. He’ll make his report as quickly as possible, then hunt down his wayward… Baalphegor, and claim his rightful recompense. The brilliant halls of Mephistar blur around him as he storms through them, focusing only on making his way to his father’s great hall with haste.
He doesn’t wait to be announced, merely pushes firmly on the doors, both with his physical form and, in a manner only recently attained, with the lashings of his own metaphysical aspect. They creak open, the sound like distant screams even on the well-kept mechanisms, and he steps through without hesitation, words of complaint already springing to his lips, when he stops dead in his tracks.
He’s found Baalphegor.
The succubus – and they are in full succubus form in this moment – is perched indolently on his father’s lap, where he sits on his ostentatious throne. But not just perched, no — impaled, as he finds when, with stricken eyes, he watches them move their body in a smooth, undulating motion up, degree by degree, before dropping back down, brilliant hair falling around them and catching the flickering hellfire-light as it glints off their red-brown skin. Soft, melodious moans are driven from their throat with each movement, as if pushed out by the — by the member within them. Their round breasts shift with the motion, the revitalizing milk within them welling up and dripping down their chest, squandered and disregarded.
He swallows, throat dry, his eyes and chest burning in stark opposition with one another.
His father casts an apathetic glance across the hall, and his eyes alight on Raphael, a cruel smirk curling at his lips. “Ah, the returning triumphant! What have you brought me this time?” His voice is nothing but mocking, no attempt made to couch his disregard for his unwanted and unloved spawn.
Raphael blinks, attempting to reason past the howling fury within him. He has never before felt so truly attuned to his more fiendish instincts, working in concert with his mortal ones in a truly dangerous storm. Everything within him is raging at the broken contract, even as it boils with jealousy at the manhandling of something that is his, and it is only the barest dregs of his staunch self-preservation that manage to keep him from attempting something truly foolish. He swore when he first came to this wretched plane that he would be its master one day, and he’ll be damned – well and truly – if he fails here.
He holds the parchment, now looking rather worse for wear, out before him on a finely trembling hand. He searches for the words he needs in a mind nearly whited out by rage.
“I… your cult in Waterdeep sends their obeisance, y–your Grace.” He curses his tongue for its fumbling, driving home further how well his father’s ploy is working to discomfit him.
“Oh,” Mephistopheles waves a careless hand. “That collection of rabble. You will leave it with my steward.”
Raphael ducks his head a bare inch, keeping his eyes away from Baalphegor as much as he can, and turns to leave.
His father’s voice rings out after him before he has completed even half his turn, sharpening with the first warning edges of his infamous temper. “Where do you think you are going, whelp? You have not yet been dismissed.”
Raphael turns back to face him, slow and careful, as the true danger of the situation sets in. He has rarely found himself in the presence of his father when these moods strike, and never without at least the tenuous support of Baalphegor behind him. And yet… he meets their gaze now, searching, and the barest fraction desperate, but there is nothing. Their red eyes meet his without flinching, cold as Cania’s glaciers. Trickles of the subtly shimmering draught spilling from their breasts have reached down to their hips now, soaking into the thatch of hair between their legs.
He tears his eyes away and forces his attention back to the far greater threat, scrambling for an answer that will satisfy his father.
“My apologies, your Grace.” The epithet comes easier this time, its passage eased by his awareness of his own precarious position. “I misunderstood your direction, and wished only to carry out your will with utmost alacrity.”
Mephistopheles rests his chin insouciantly on his hand, elbow propped against the arm of his throne. His voice, when he speaks, is sardonic and shows no signs of the ongoing actions of the succubus on his lap. “Oh very nicely salvaged, whelp. My wishes, however, are for you to remain just where you are, and appreciate the lesson I’ve prepared for you.”
Raphael swallows, the boiling heat within him growing fiercer, rage intertwined with other, less-savory feelings.
With little warning, Mephistopheles moves his hand to entangle within Baalphegor’s tresses, pulling the succubus fiercely down onto him as he wrenches their head back against his shoulder. A tremulous cry breaks from their throat, and Raphael only barely keeps himself from starting forward at the sound.
Mephistopheles brings his free hand forward and toys with Baalphegor’s breasts, pushed forward into the air from their current position. He twists pitilessly at them, prompting yet more cries as the liquid inside spills out in greater quantities, splashing, wasted, against the smooth skin of Baalphegor’s stomach. It runs in rivulets onto the throne, and down, to collect into puddles on the floor of the grand hall.
Raphael feels his stomach turn even as his mouth, well-trained by association, waters, unhindered by every other horrible aspect of this waking nightmare.
Mephistopheles wipes his hand dismissively on Baalphegor’s hair, leaving behind silvery streaks, then draws them up by their hair and hip, beginning to move within them in earnest as he continues his reproach. Raphael wants to close his eyes, his ears, every one of his senses, but knows such an admission of weakness would be worse than his undoing.
“You’ve prevailed enough upon my largess, and I am no longer willing to indulge your weakness.” Mephistopheles sneers. “You’ve proven more fortunate than any other cambion within the Hells, but from now on you will make your own way, or fail. Such is the way of Baator.”
The fires around the hall burn fiercer in alignment with their lord as he looks down at his unloved progeny. “Should you find yourself desperate for one last taste to stay your appetites, however, you may lap it from the floor like the whelp you are, and thank me for the concession.”
Raphael feels like he is become hellfire himself, the hatred he knew within him for his progenitor stoked to dizzyingly fierce new heights. Jaw aching with the effort of withholding the flood of vitriol within him, he grits out, “My thanks for your… beneficence. I would not dream of prevailing upon it further.”
Mephistopheles snorts, dismissive, then turns his attentions back to Baalphegor, by all accounts having forgotten Raphael’s entire existence.
Raphael stands, Baalphegor’s unfeeling eyes burning into his, until he is finally – finally – dismissed. All the while, the ambitions within him, already cast in carbon, are pressurized further and further, until they are as fearsome diamond, reflecting the blood and fire around him.
He will not remain his father’s lesser for long. He will see him deposed, and make him suffer for these indignities heaped upon his person.
By Asmodeus, he swears it.
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its-in-the-woods · 19 days
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Down the Rabbit Hole Chapter 9
Chapter one here, two here, three here, four here , five here, six here, seven here, eight here,
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating/Warning:  As always minor get out. Like why are you even here leave. Hurt/comfort, makeup sex, rough sex, unprotected sex, fluff, and more fluff. Older man younger woman, P in V, biting, marking, possesivness, slight sub/dom if you squint. Sex on a table, Cum eating,
Synopsis: Working in film as a make-up artist is hard enough, but then Walton Goggins requests you, well it's way too easy to fall down the rabbit hole.
Note: they are both single, all for fun.
I think I may have an ending now. Posts will continue to be 2-3k long. Every other day more than likely. The whole fic will be around 30k words. (Idk things may have gone off the rails and I may be currently rewriting the entire end of this series.)
The day went by relatively quickly, you were grateful that it had ended on time for a change. Sans any fires. You wanted to be home with a bottle of wine and some terrible horror movies. Maybe you’d grab something to eat on the way home. The realization that you were hungry and that the rock in your gut wasn’t so heavy was pleasant. You felt lighter, things weren’t back to normal, but the sting of anger and sadness was lessened. The need to talk to him was lingering. Not sure exactly what you wanted, maybe an apology, but no that wasn’t right. It was an accident. Or was it? You wanted it desperately for it to have been an accident. Mind lingering on Friday, the way he cares for you. The way you craved to hear this voice again. To bury your face against him. You are standing at your car, mind breaking away from your daydream. Unlocking your vehicle you open the car door to flop in when you see Trevor strolling towards you. Part of you wanted to get in and drive away, but instead, you leaned against the car hood. He deserved at least some answers you suppose. 
“So should I come over to your place?” Trevor stated his face screwed up with worry. “We can get ice cream, maybe some vodka, rope, duct tape, a shovel.”
You can’t help the smile that comes across your face, “We won’t need any of those just yet.”
Trevor crossed his arms, lips pinched in a tight line as he looked you up and down. “Oh? Did you finally hear from Mister Ghosty”
“Trevor!” You smack his shoulder, trying to come off more teasing but he looks hurt, “He forgot his phone at his place.”
Trevor’s eyes narrowed, “Oh sure." He says dragging the last word, "So how did you find that out? He isn’t supposed to be back here till tomorrow.” 
“Leonard pulled me aside at lunch. He told me that Walton had forgotten his phone and was very upset that he couldn’t get a hold of me.”
“Do you believe him?” Trevor had relaxed, but the lines around his mouth still spoke of worry. 
You shrug and it was the only real reaction you had. You didn’t have answers, maybe he had roped Leonard into his ploy, maybe he did forget his phone, maybe. There were a whole lot of maybes and not any answers. Until you could see his face you wouldn't really know. Part of you hated how much you wanted to see him. 
Trevor stomped a little hands balled up, “That is some actor bullshit right there, but he is prone to leaving his stuff around,” He took a few deep breaths, “I really hope he isn’t jerking you around, cause I do not want to go to prison.”
You sigh, “I don’t know anymore. Maybe this isn’t supposed to be. Like how am I going to cope when the show finishes? He’s going to go back to LA, or wherever.”
“Don’t give up hon,” Trevor says rubbing your arms. “I know this is hard. But I've seen how upset you are over this. You really like the guy and maybe it won’t work, but maybe it will.”
Your phone buzzes and you pull it out of your back pocket, Goggins’ name goes across the screen. Looking up at Trevor, you can see his surprise. You watch the name flash up a few times, your hand resting beside where you had put it on the car. Heart hammering against your ribs, what would be on the other side of the screen? 
“Before you open that. I am still willing to find a hole to bury him in” Trevor jokes, a small grin spreading across his face. The tension in him had lifted a bit, maybe things would be okay. 
You hit him hard enough for him to say ow. “No mention of body holes. Not yet anyway.”
Your phone is now ringing, Walton’s number popping up on the screen. You briefly wonder if you should just hang it up and leave it. It could wait till tomorrow- 
“If you don’t answer the phone, I am going to,” Trevor states his hands twitching, almost grabbing the phone from where you had sat it on the hood of the car. 
Snatching it from his grasp you pick it up and answer, “Hey Walton.” You shoo at Trevor who puts his hands up and walks away. The bastard still stayed within earshot. 
“Hey,” He says your name into the phone, “I am so sorry. I forgot my phone. I know that is a poor excuse, but I couldn’t remember your number. Smartphones are making me dumb, I remember when I could remember any number. When I see you tonight I will give you my agent's number so you can get a hold of me.”
“It’s okay,” You say turning away to give yourself space from your nosey friend. Cheeks already flushed pink listening to him ramble on about taping his phone to his hand so it never went missing again. 
“No, no it’s not okay. I just left you there, then you didn’t hear from me for almost three days. It’s the furthest thing from okay.” He sounds upset, his words muttering together as he tries to explain himself 
A small laugh escapes you, “Walton. No. Stop. Listen. Listen to me for a second, you’ve been on a wild few days. We can talk more tomorrow.”
“No. No way. You listen. I am coming over to your place. I want to make it up to you,” He says and you can hear how earnest he is, you bite and worry at your lip. 
“Walton my place. Is-” You want to yank at your hair but instead let your free handball up, “It’s just a shoe box. You don’t need to come over.” Your mind plays over his lavish space, with floor-to-ceiling windows and a view of downtown. The apartment you live in is just that, a shoe box, with leaking windows and a view of concrete walls and half-dead trees. 
“This one of the few times I am not going to accept no from you.” He states firmly, his voice and tone changing ever so slightly. You feel your breath catch in your throat. The finality of the words makes your stomach do flips. 
“Okay,” You say quietly, trying not to let on how much you liked to hear him take charge. “I should be home in twenty minutes.”
“I will be waiting.” He says in a hushed tone, his voice laced with promises that you were eager to see fulfilled. 
Your face is blazing red as you turn back to Trevor. He turns his head, hands out in a question. 
“Umm-” You try not to be excited but of course you are. “He’s going to meet me at my place. Says he wants to make it up to me.”
Trevor grins, “Oh the makeup sex is going to be amazing!”
You cover your face, and let out a small squeak, “Could you be any louder? Trevor.”
He covers his mouth, “Whoops?”
You drive home, faster than you should. But damn it all you were not going to keep him waiting. You also wanted to smack him upside the head, you had been a damn trainwreck. How had you been a trainwreck after two dates? Then again how were you also this excited? Your face still flustered, hearing him commanding you to come to him, that he wasn’t taking no for an answer. The knowing that if you had pushed it he would have relented. Your stomach flips the same way it did when you first kissed him. You were head over heels, ass over tea kettle for this man. Finally, you turn down your street and you have to calm yourself when you see his vehicle parked a few cars down. Parking your own, you turn off the car and take several breaths before grabbing your stuff and getting out. 
Walton is leaning against his car, and you hate how relaxed he always looks. He’s moving as soon as he sees you, and you're trying not to make this like some romance movie but you want to run towards him. You dump your stuff on the sidewalk and run to him. Fuck what anyone thinks right now. He comes at the same speed, two of you collide in arms and bodies. You wrap yourself around the stupid man, your stupid man. Holding him against you, you didn’t want to let him go. He held you just as close pressing your head against his chest. 
“I hate you,” You mutter into his jacket, trying to feel his warmth but there are too many layers. Hands slipped under his clothes to touch his skin. 
You can feel him grinning against your cheek, “Missed you too, sweetie.”
You pulled back and glared at him, “You forgot your phone?”
Walton bites his lip, pulling out his phone from his pocket. “I have it now?”
You groan and grab his jacket pulling him against you, “I still hate you.” You smile pressing a kiss against him. One of his hands finds your waist the other holding your face, you lean into it dragging his lip into your mouth.
“I think we should go in,” Walton mumbles leaning his forehead against yours, your heartbeat pounding against your ears.
“You want to come up?” You tease and he kisses you again. 
“Oh I want to do a lot of things,” He nips at your lip before turning back to his vehicle. You walk back down the sidewalk grabbing your purse and jacket. Walton is standing at the walkway leading to your apartment, arm full of sunflowers and a bottle of wine in hand. You walk back towards him, and you can’t help the grin on your face. 
“The flowers are beautiful,” You say and he hands them to you, taking your jacket and purse. 
“Not as beautiful as you,” He says kissing your cheek, and there you are flushed and happy. It was so easy to fall back into it, to feel how much he wanted to be near you. 
The two of you walk into the building, and you comment about there being no elevator. Walton doesn’t seem to mind, and you both walk up the three flights. His hand is placed on your lower back as you ascend. 
“How was LA?” You ask, you didn’t want to talk about LA but maybe it be enough to distract from the fact your hallway smelled of old smoke and cat pee.
“It was warm and busy. I love talking about my work. But I also like to have time to myself.” He says as you come up to your door, his eyes always following yours. 
“Yet hear you are with me.” You mumble trying not to let the doubt seep into your mind as you push the wooden door into your space.
Walton places your purse on the table, and wine on the counter. You dig out a glass jug to stick the flowers in fussying over them for a minute. You can feel him watching you, turning over your shoulder to see him leaning against your table. Fingers gripping the edges as his dark eyes follow your movements. You finish with the flowers placing them on the table beside him. He is still following you, he looks almost hungry. You stand in front of him, you want him out of that jacket. He pushes himself off the table and moves towards you, the man is all fluid grace and quickness. Hand grabbing at your hip while the other comes up to cup your face. Pulling you so you're flush against him, you feel the air leave out of your lungs. He tilts your head up to look at him. 
“All I wanted to do was be -” He squeezed your hip, “right here.” He leans in and kisses you, “with you.” 
You flush leaning back up to kiss him again. Part of you hates how easy it is, hates how much you’ve fallen for him. But it would be a cold day in hell before you stopped kissing him. The two of you stand there twisted around each other your lips pushing eagerly against each other. Tongues are tasting and feeling. You feel dizzy and lightheaded. The smell of vanilla and coffee makes you want to crawl under his skin. He breaks away kissing your forehead.
“Should I open the wine?” He asks, you don’t want wine you just want him. 
“As much as I want wine,” You say quietly leaning against him lips trailing down his neck. You can feel him shiver as you whisper. “I’d much prefer to have you.”
You pull away and his eyes have darkened, that crooked grin on his face. His hand squeezes your hips, pressing you closer to him you can feel him through his clothes. Moving your fingers grab the zipper of his jacket pulling it down, and at the same time his fingers fumble at the hem of your shirt. 
The jacket falls to the floor pretty soon after you shirt, he pulls back moving the flowers onto the counter. He turns back around and lifts you onto the table. Pulling his shirt off of him, you make grabby hands and he obliges. Your hands run over his warm body, tracing the lines of muscles of his back. He growls taking your face in his hands and kissing you so deep, his tongue diving in. The taste of smoke and coffee makes you shiver. 
“I missed you,” He whispers, legs pushing yours apart. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
You kiss along his jaw, “I wanted to slap you when I saw you.” The honest words sting as they come out, but they are there on the table now. 
Walton leans back, eyes moving across your face, “I would have deserved it.” He raises his hand to brush back stray hair from your face. “This, I don’t want this to end.” His words are so gentle, yet the last thing you want is gentleness. 
You bit your lip, regretting mentioning it. “I don’t want this to end either. I know -” You pause, “I know your life is complicated, busy, and demanding. But I want to try and make it work.”
He places a hand on either side of you, his hazel eyes looking into yours. “You want to call it what it is?”
You swallow but keep your eyes on him, a million thoughts running rampant through your head, “A relationship, dating?”
Walton breaks eye contact with you a chuckle escaping. He looks back a grin on his face, that stupid face that made your heart pound. “Yeah, a relationship. I know the kids nowadays," His dark eyes follow the way you lick your lips, "don’t like to put labels on things. But I am partial to the old-school ways.”
You grin back, “Well, I am pretty fond of your old-school ways.” You wrap your arms around his neck. FIngers ruffling at the hair on the back of his neck, you are trying your damnest to not just pull him into you. 
“Oh really now, and here I was thinking you just wanted to look at me shirtless.”
You let your eyes rove over his body, making sure he was watching you, “If you never wear a shirt again it be okay with me.”
He leans in and pushes you down onto the table, the press of his body against yours making you shiver. He’s working your pants down and like hell are you going to be the only one pantsless this time. You get his belt off, but he’s lifting your hips and sliding yours down. He leans back undoing his buttons and slipping them off his narrow hips. His cock bouncing against his lower stomach. You wiggle yourself down to the edge of the table. Reaching to pull him towards you, he’s catching your lips with his. Breath comes out in short bursts as he slides into you. 
You let out a low keen, biting at his lips as you wrap yourself around him. He slides all the way in still for a second, the stretch feels so good as if he was made to fit inside you. Pushing your hips up. “Please.” You whimper, his hands holding you against the table. 
Walton didn’t need any more incentive, one arm wrapped around your back and another pressing your head into his. Hips pumping into you, slow steady rhythm, feeling him pull in and out. Dragging at your walls, you hold on moving with him. His teeth run along your neck and down your shoulder. His lips worked over the same marks he left before, worrying the skin back into that sore red color. Nails digging into his back as his hips start moving quicker. You whimper, the pace building heat, you move your hand between both of you to rub at your aching clit. You can feel yourself clamp down around him.
“Fuck,” He growls, moving his head down to suck the top of your breast.
You do it again, rubbing at the sensitive bud, making your inside clench and squeeze. “So close,” You whimper, the speed at which he is fucking you increasing the table underneath you squeaking as you hold onto him. Part of you wondering if the thing will break with the force. Heat builds and you’re so close, you whine and he lifts you slightly changing the angle. 
“Oh fuck yes,” You cry out, the change stimulating you just right, you tilt your head back and he is on your throat. Tongue licking and teeth scratching moving right between your breast. He sucks and then bites right there. Your body convulsing as you come. He pulls out and you are trying to get him back in. But he holds you down his hand working at his swollen cock. You let out a moan as he spurts come onto your stomach, your name on his lips as he finishes, eyes rolling as he keeps going until it’s too much. The fucking hottest thing you’ve seen, watching him come unglued. 
Eyes open he smirks at you before reaching for some paper towel. You wait until he’s turned around to dip your fingers into his cum and lick it off them. It’s salt and slightly sweet, overall not too bad. 
“Jesus,” He groans nearly dropping the paper as he stumbles over to you. You grin and repeat it until it’s gone. Walton’s mouth was slightly open as he watched you clean yourself up. 
“You are gonna kill me one day,” He chuckles, coming over to give you lazy kisses.
The next couple of hours are spent naked, kissing, touching, and finding any suitable flat surface to make you both cry out. Eventually ending up in your bed, it’s a small twin but with both of you wrapped around each other it doesn’t matter. The rain has started and you can hear it taping on the old windows. 
*I can't believe we are nine chapters in *
Chapter ten
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fanaticsnail · 25 days
I have no words because I have been thinking about an Anastasia Au with one piece for so long. It's literally the perfect movie for it. This is courtesy of one of my favorite scenes from Anastasia.
Shanks: Stop fiddling with that thing. Sit up straight. Remember you're a grand duchess.
Y/N: *slouches and crosses arms* How is it that you know what grand Duchess' do or don't do?
Shanks: I make it my business to know. 😏
Y/N: Oh..😒
Shanks: Look, I'm just trying to help, alright?
Beckmann: *rolls eyes*
Y/N: Shanks, Do you really think I'm Royalty?
Shanks: You know I do
Y/N: Then stop bossing me around.
Beckman: *smirks* She certainly has a mind of her own.
Shanks: *jokingly* Yeah. I hate that in a woman.
Y/N: *sticks out tongue*
Beckmann: *slyly takes out paper and gives Y/N two tally marks*
Shank Y/N
(Sidenote: I'm sorry I have written that Beckmann fic I told you about, I've been so busy. 🥲~🌈🎶)
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The way I am desperate to write this scene in particular 🥹👌.
There are a couple of things holding me back from deep diving into this concept:
Finishing Sapsorrow for Mihawk, starting Sands of Time for Sir Crocodile and Forge in Gold for the Donquixote Brothers. I have written a little bit for the latter two - but I really wanna finish the first one before I fall down the rabbit hole of a new series. Because, lets face it, this is gonna be a series.
Naming a Reader: considering the concept has a named princess in mind, I would have to give them a name to aim for. The way I'd go about it is giving them an incredibly long, titled name that they believe themselves is too obnoxious to refer to themselves that way. I don't write "y/n" or "name" or "reader" for the insert to refer to themselves as their working station title (boatswain, counsellor, chronicler) or a pet name. I dunno why, but I do. Not sure how to go about it. Might have Shanks call her "Brat" or "Bossy", and have Beckman call her "Princess" or "Ms Royalty" - I dunno, I'm open to suggestions!!
Shanks is an enigma. He's not one of the main ones I write for, mostly because of my love for his first mate. I need to really focus on his character to get a grasp on him. I feel like he's suited best for this concept, so I'll be running with him. Just gotta think real hard.
The Villain: I need Buggy to be Bartok so bad. So, so bad. But I don't want to villainize Sir Crocodile, which could make the most sense as a scheming advisor. I would have to make them an OC, and that will take a little bit of time. Smol-Snail (@since-im-already-here) might have some thoughts, huh sis? (Help me, bestie. You have the best ideas for concepts. See "WhEn aRe YoU gOnnA WriTe THe SapSoRRoW FIc")
My WIP list is expanding with an insane amount of requests being chucked in my ask box. I feel like I should close requests for now so I can get through those. It's getting a little overwhelming, truthfully.
BUT I WILL WRITE THIS! Fairytale Aus and romance are my thing, and I love them. Sappy romance, twists and turns, dialogue banter - I love it.
@since-im-already-here, @writingmysanity & @lightningstriker deserve a Shanks series, especially with a childhood favourite.
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rhoorl · 9 months
Delta Landscaping |
Chapter 4: The Pool Party
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Series Summary: In this AU, the boys of Delta Force start a new business post-Colombia. 
Series Masterlist
Rating: Explicit (18+) - This is here as a blanket rating 
Word Count: 8.8k
Chapter Summary: It’s pool party time. Once we get to the party we are going to be bouncing around to a lot of little scenes amongst various characters. Some stuff from the party hit the cutting room floor.
Chapter Warning: Allusions to cheating, co-dependent relationship. Some military/veteran talk. If something else should be added here please let me know! Also, I don’t have a beta for this, so any mistakes are all me.
A/N: At the beginning of this chapter, I provide some background on another one of the neighbors – the most in-depth I think I've gone since Lucille. I’m not trying to pass a moral judgment on this character one way or another, but I think it’s important to lay out some of her past.
Also, shoutout to @laughing-in-th3-purple-rain whose comment from Chapter 3 about Benny’s choice in swim trunks took me down a rabbit hole.  Another shoutout to @trulybetty for bouncing ideas about one of the storylines with me!
“So…that Santiago sure was giving you the fuck me eyes wasn’t he?” David chuckled as he, Ty, and Melissa made their way back to their respective houses after the watch party at Lucille’s.
“Yeah, Mel, the guy couldn’t take his eyes off you."
“Oh it's fine, just some harmless flirting,” she waved them off. “Doesn’t hurt that he’s also gorgeous and probably a really good kis-” she cut herself off as they side-eyed her.
“Ten cuidado con eso,” Ty cautioned her. “It's harmless flirting to you, but he may not see it that way…"
"Yea, girl…don't write checks your ass can't cash."
Melissa rolled her eyes as the trio stopped in front of David and Ty's house.
"Anyway," Ty cleared his throat. "With the party tomorrow, I guess we have to cancel our appointment with the event planner at the golf course. That's the third venue in a row we've canceled. You getting cold feet or somethin?”
“No, of course not,” she shook her head, nervously laughing. "We can always reschedule, right? Everyone seemed so excited to do it tomorrow so why wait…sorry for the short notice, I didn't leave you with enough time to come up with a theme.” She wanted to change the subject and change it fast. 
Melissa was no stranger to turning heads. She was one of the younger women who lived in Torrey Hills. She was fit, attractive, and had an infectious laugh and quickly bonded with David and Ty over RuPaul's Drag Race after they saw Melissa wearing an Alyssa Edwards shirt one day. The three alternated locations for their weekly watch parties, even going back and watching old seasons in between the new ones. 
They also bonded over wedding planning. David and Ty were some of the most sought-after wedding planners in the greater Tampa Bay area. And when Danny confided in them that he thought Melissa was overwhelmed with wedding planning, trying to do it all herself, they knew they had to step in and help…free of charge.
The idea of a wedding and impending marriage loomed over Melissa like a dark cloud. She loved Danny, they were high school sweethearts, but more and more she felt like her life was planned for her and not by her. For the last 12 years, all they knew was each other. They were each other's firsts and last in so many respects. First relationship. Last kiss. And when it came to sex, they had been each other's first and last in almost every respect. 
In high school, Danny was the star quarterback and Melissa was the head cheerleader, so of course they were bound to get together. When Danny suffered a torn ACL in the last game of his senior season, all hopes of a college scholarship were dashed. Devastated, he had to rethink his plans since the hopes of a prospective NFL career were no more. He reluctantly decided to follow in his father's footsteps and attend Embry-Riddle and start on the path toward being a commercial airline pilot. 
Melissa was a fantastic athlete in her own right and received a cheerleading scholarship to attend the University of Florida. Despite the distance, she and Danny wanted to make it work; everyone told them since they were high school sweethearts, and clearly soulmates, this was just the next logical step for their relationship.
They alternated making the two-hour drive on weekends to see each other. Although it was tough for Danny to attend the football games, wishing it was him on the field, he absolutely beamed seeing Melissa on the sidelines getting tossed in the air and leading the crowd in cheers.
When it came to her college experience, Melissa had a much different one than her sorority sisters. She didn't go out with the girls as much because she was either visiting Danny or he was there seeing her. It was hard for her to turn down social events. One of the reasons she decided to go to a big school like UF was to live the ultimate college experience. But, she loved Danny and the distance was hard, so she relished any opportunity to see him even if it meant they wouldn’t leave their rooms the whole time.
Fast forward a few years, and a couple of changes in majors, and Melissa graduated with a degree in health education with a minor in Spanish. After he graduated, Danny benefitted from the pilot shortage and quickly made the jump from a regional to a major airline. Moving in together after college was the next milestone on their trajectory – their families assumed marriage and babies wouldn’t be too far behind.
The next few years they moved wherever Danny's job took them, before ultimately landing in the Tampa Bay area. Danny knew he wanted to marry Melissa from the moment she agreed to go on a date with him. She was it for him. He proposed during a romantic beachside dinner in Clearwater Beach 10 years to the day he asked her out for the first time. He even organized it so their families were there as a surprise. Everyone was absolutely over the moon as the next milestone got checked off the list. 
Danny was all in on wedding planning, suggesting they attend a local wedding expo so they could start to meet with vendors. Melissa, on the other hand, was not as gung ho to get started. Most of her sorority sisters either were married already or in the midst of wedding planning, so she was no stranger to the machine that was the wedding industry.
Everyone had questions. Were they having an engagement party? Where were the bachelorette and bachelor parties going to be? Did they want a local wedding or a destination wedding? Were kids going to be invited? What colors for the bridesmaids' dresses?
Melissa's head was spinning with all of these decisions she needed to make. Everyone meant well, encouraging her to do whatever she wanted because it was her day, yet she came to the realization that this - a wedding, marriage, kids - wasn’t what she wanted. 
This epiphany tore her up inside and she hated herself for it. Danny was a good man and deserved to be with someone who worshiped him the way he worshiped her. But, at the same time, she didn’t know how to navigate life without him. He was her best friend and had been by her side through her highest highs and lowest lows.
She couldn't bring herself to call things off, she couldn’t bear to break Danny's heart. She rationalized her hesitation saying it was a phase or something she needed to work through. So, she tried to find some distraction to help put off wedding planning just a bit longer – and buying a house seemed like the perfect distraction. Their focus would be on stalking Zillow, going to open houses, and driving around looking at neighborhoods.
When they drove through Torrey Hills with their realtor, Melissa immediately fell in love with 305 Mulefall Court, a house newly on the market. She was awed by its spacious, inviting interiors and massive backyard. She could envision a life with Danny here. Things moved quickly from that point on from making an offer to closing, and before they knew it, the two of them were homeowners. 
Once they moved in, her focus immediately went to making her home perfect. She had a list of projects, which included lots of additions, including a pool, and Danny was receptive to it all. He hadn't seen her this focused and excited in a long time.
"Whatever makes you happy babe," he'd say whenever she came to him with an idea.
Every so often Danny would broach the subject of wedding planning and Melissa would find some convenient excuse as to why she couldn't focus on it. She was changing jobs, she didn't want to compete with another friend's wedding, or her sister-in-law was pregnant. She latched onto anything that could delay wedding planning more.
When construction started on their pool, the last of the big home improvement projects, Danny upped the pressure for a date. Melissa, David, and Ty went to see nearly every possible wedding venue in Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg, and Clearwater and even drove to Orlando to check out what a Disney wedding would entail. Making matters worse, their respective parents were also starting to run out of patience, blaming it on their desires to spoil their future grandchildren.
Melissa knew she was destined for a crossroads and she felt the walls closing in on her. She was turning 30 in a few months and had lost track of who she was. Danny was the only boyfriend she had ever had. He was the only sexual partner she'd ever had. And for the past 12 years, they navigated life together, their whole adulthood wrapped up in each other.
"Hey…Fish and I are at the store, what do you need us to pick up again?" Santiago stared at the wall of beers as Frankie checked out the whiskey selection.
"You know the beers we all like, but maybe add in some…uh…I don't know…hard seltzers or something." Will tried to be sly with that inclusion. The other day coming home from his run he noticed Katie had an Instacart delivery which included hard seltzers.
"Hard seltzers? The fuck?  You watching your figure?"
"Shut up. I’m just thinking we should bring…a variety. We don't know what everyone likes to drink."
"A variety…ok man. Lemme add some Sunny D and juice boxes while I'm at it." Santiago countered sarcastically.
"Fuck off, we'll see you and what I imagine is your obnoxious as-hell swimsuit soon." 
Will hung up the phone as he walked into the kitchen, shaking his head. Benny was at the kitchen table doodling in his notebook. 
"Are they on their way?" He asked without looking up, concentrating on his drawing.
"Yeah, they’re wrapping up at the store. What are you working on?"
"Oh, nothing…just had an idea I couldn't get out of my head," Benny looked up and gave a half smile. He heard his phone ding and saw it was Connor.
Connor: Guess what I did?
Benny: ?
Connor: I asked Aria if she and her parents were coming to the party.
Connor: I had Mom ask Ms. Melissa if that was cool, but turns out they were invited already lol
Benny: I mean hell yeah!
Benny: You excited?
Connor: Haha. Yea. And nervous.
Benny: I get it. I'll give ya a pep talk when you get there 😉
"What are you smiling at?"
"Oh, it's Connor," Benny waved his phone. "That girl he likes is coming to the party."
"He's a good kid. You're not trying to replace me are ya?"
Benny rolled his eyes and laughed. "Nah, man. Wherever you go, I go, you know that."
"Wait, I thought we were supposed to go look at a venue today. I leave tomorrow for a couple of weeks, Lis, what're we doing hosting a party?"
Danny was the planner. Meticulous and always wanting to have things in order. And, for the most part, Melissa was the same way. Except in recent months, he noticed she was getting more spontaneous, erratic even, randomly deciding to go off and do things with a moment's notice…including hosting the entire neighborhood at their house for a pool party.
"I know, but I was talking with D and we just don't think that place is our vibe, so like why waste everyone's time."
"Well, what is our vibe? Jesus Lis, you've seen like, what 20 places…you don't like any of them? Budget isn’t a hurdle, you know. I want you to have your dream wedding."
"I know, baby,” she walked to him, putting her arms around his waist. “I want it to be someplace special. I'll know it when I see it. I just haven't had that..feeling yet when I've gone places. But we're close, I know we are." She kissed Danny, trying to reassure him although she could practically see his patience wearing thin.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. "At this point, why don't we just go to the courthouse?"
"The what?" She pulled back to look up at him.
"Yea. It's just a piece of paper anyway. Then we can go on a trip or something…whatever you want - Lord knows I have miles for it. Take the pressure off of planning a big party," he rubbed his hands up and down her arms.
"You know both of our moms would not go for that. Heck, I'm my dad's only daughter so he will be heartbroken if he can't walk me down the aisle," she chuckled. "We'll figure it out, baby. Now, can you help and put the tables out back?"
"Lulu, need help?" Megan opened the door to Lucille’s. She had Connor bring their wagon, knowing that Lucille was going to have several different platters to haul down the street.
"Sí, por favor!" She called from the kitchen. It was no surprise that she had made a ton of food, including a flan, another one of Connor’s favorites.
The three of them got everything loaded up and started walking toward Melissa and Danny’s house, stopping abruptly when they heard a loud whistle from behind them. Turning, they saw Benny giving them a big wave with his free hand as he hauled a case of beer on his other shoulder. 
He was decked out in what, on a normal person, would look like the most obnoxious pair of swim trunks, but somehow he made look cool. They hung low on his hips and were all black, with a retro flame design in various shades of orange, red, and yellow extending up from his knees towards his crotch. His shirt choice was much more understated, a red cut-off shirt paired with a white Houston Astros baseball cap which he wore backward, of course.
Will followed, donning a pair of mostly red swim trunks with alternating stripes of white and navy blue near the waistband, and a plain gray T-shirt. Behind him was Frankie who had on solid black swim shorts with a light gray, button-down short-sleeve shirt with what looked like a crane pattern on it. He left the top several buttons of his shirt unbuttoned exposing his tanned chest. His signature baseball cap was affixed to his head and his aviators were tucked into the pocket of his shirt.
Santiago trailed behind with the shortest trunks of the bunch, showing off several inches of thigh. They were navy blue with white and baby blue tie-dyed roosters scattered across them. He paired the shorts with a baby blue tank top. Not wanting to mess up his hair, he went sans hat but did have on his Oakley sunglasses.
All the men carried various cases of alcoholic beverages. Frankie knew they should have just driven it all over, but the other three insisted on walking. 
"Wait up!" Benny called after Megan, Connor, and Lucille. 
"Hey, where's the party?" David shouted from his porch across the street as Ty wheeled their wagon full of goodies down the driveway. "You boys actually planning on going into the water?" 
"Well…yea…I mean, it's a pool party right?" Benny was confused at the lack of swim attire and towels from David and Ty. 
"David never goes into the water, he prefers to sit on a lounger and get the chisme from Lucille. Those two know everything," Ty laughed.
David and Ty bickered about their pool party behavior as they all made the relatively short trek to Melissa and Danny's.
"So, Megan…is uh…Melissa's fiancé cool?" Santiago asked as they reached the driveway.
"Oh, Danny? Yeah, he's a sweetheart, really nice guy."
"Awesome…great," Santiago said flatly, trying to avoid the confused look he could feel Frankie giving him.
"Party's here!!" David announced as the crew made their way into the backyard.
The backyard was almost as big as Will and Benny’s. It was a little sparse, with just a few palm trees, but it had lush green grass and a large sparkling pool. The lanai was expansive with a full outdoor kitchen and a table that could easily seat eight comfortably. Loungers and chairs were scattered throughout for seating.
Danny was just finishing setting up the last of the foldout tables as Melissa walked outside with a plastic tablecloth to cover it.
"Oh hey! Welcome!" She gave a dazzling smile to everyone, pleased that the four new additions to the neighborhood all came with their swim trunks on.
She had a black, sheer cover-up on over her blue and white tie-dyed bikini, a more revealing swimsuit than her usual pool party attire.
“Ok hot momma, I see you!” David whistled as he saw her, bringing her in for a big bear hug.
When David finally put her down, her eyes immediately connected with Santiago, who tilted his head down to peer from over his sunglasses. He didn’t hide the up and down he gave Melissa, leaving her a bit flustered at the attention. She walked over to Lucille who was helping Connor and Frankie unload the contents of her wagon onto one of the tables.
"Lulu, esto es demasiado…you didn't have to make all of this!"
"¡Ay, basta! You know I can't help myself when there’s a party," she winked. 
"Oh babe, here meet the guys," Melissa called Danny over. "This is Will and Benny, they moved into 319. And these are their friends Frankie and Santiago."
"Hey guys, nice to meet you," he shook all of their hands. "You guys are fixing that house up really nicely, it looks awesome."
"Well, it couldn't look any worse," Will joked.
Once they started talking, Danny and Frankie immediately hit it off once they realized their aviation connection.
"Do…do you need help with anything?" Santiago asked Melissa as Frankie and Danny started to nerd out about engines on their walk over to the grill.
"Uh…yeah. Actually, I have a cooler I need to bring around from the garage."
"Lead the way," he opened his arms for her to pass, trying to discreetly check her out as she walked by him. 
Frankie quickly side-eyed where his best friend was going, trying to not make it too apparent as Danny continued on his rant about the impending pilot strike.
Melissa could practically feel Santiago’s eyes on her as she walked toward the front of her house. She put a little extra sway in her hips, not hating the attention but knowing she was playing with fire.
Danny loved Melissa and tried to show her as often as he could, but his work schedule had definitely put a damper on their sex life. Gone were the days of ripping each other's clothes off at a moment's notice and having passionate sex everywhere and anywhere they could. With Danny away for work as often as he was, they'd had more phone sex than actual sex over the last couple of months and she was going a little stir-crazy. A handsome stranger certainly didn't help things either.
"Here it is, think you can handle it?" She turned to face Santiago. She resolved that she wouldn’t do anything other than flirt with him. 
"Oh, I think I'd be able to manage just fine." He winked.
For his part, Santiago was conflicted too. He was never one to shy away from a beautiful woman flirting with him, but he drew the line if they were taken. He had been there, done that, and didn’t want to go down that painful road again. But he also couldn’t deny that there was something there when he looked at Melissa. 
He didn’t want to say anything to the guys, especially Frankie, because he knew what their reactions would be. They’d tell him that he was just attracted to her because she was the young, hot thing on the block and remind him that she was very much unavailable. 
"That's uh…a nice suit you have there," he nodded towards her. "Looks like we both like tie-dye," he chuckled.
The two stayed with their eyes locked on each other, trying to read the other’s face for what felt like minutes before they heard someone clear their throat.
"Oh hey, sorry we're late!" 
They turned to see Olivia, with Diana on one hip and a baby bag slung on the other shoulder. Her husband, Chris, and their sons CJ and Max were right behind followed by Katie who was helping the family with their bags.
"It feels like we have to pack the whole house even when we just come down the street," Olivia laughed, oblivious to the awkward tension between Santiago and Melissa.
"Aw don't even worry, everyone just got here! Come, they're out back!" Melissa waved toward the backyard.
Santiago introduced himself to Chris, who helped him bring the cooler along with a couple more fold-out chairs to the back.
Frankie spotted Santiago as he came back with a man carrying a cooler and some more chairs. Seeing Olivia and her kids, he figured it was her husband. He also clocked how Santiago's eyes lingered on Melissa, who was walking in front of him.
"Hey babe, where are the burgers?" Danny yelled out to Melissa.
"They're inside, here I'll help you."
"I'll be right back," he told Frankie.
As Danny and Melissa headed inside, Santiago stopped to get a beer before walking over towards Frankie. He could feel the side eye Frankie was giving him.
Frankie lifted his hands up in protest. "I haven't even said anything."
"Yeah, but you're giving me that look."
"She's engaged, hermano. Besides, isn't she a little young, even for you? Ow-" 
Santiago slapped Frankie in his chest. "I'm not that much older. And besides, I'm just…flirting with her. Nothing else."
"Ha, yea ok, Pope," Frankie took a swig of his beer, shaking his head.
Frankie knew his friend had a knack for fixating on the most unavailable women. He never understood why Santiago did this, he was arguably the biggest flirt of the bunch and a good-looking guy, so he could, and did, get any woman he wanted. But yet, it was as if he thrived on the drama, on the secrecy of it all.
“Don’t act all high and mighty, you were right there with me too.” Santiago snapped back.
“Yeah, but I wasn’t the one who caught feelings…that was you, remember?”
Santiago rolled his eyes and walked over to Lucille, who was arranging a plate of food for herself.
After more neighbors trickled in, the party really started getting going. David and Ty were in charge of the playlist, rolling their eyes whenever Olivia glared at them for playing a song that wasn't child-appropriate.
"There's literally a summer barbecue playlist on Spotify, just pick that one!" She went over to them in a huff.
"Ok, momma bear. No more Cardi B noted!" David teased.
"Boys no running!" Olivia called after her sons as she dipped a carrot in some ranch.
"Are they twins?" 
She heard a low voice, turning to see it was Frankie next to her.
"Yes, unfortunately," she sighed and then smiled. "They're great, just a lot of fucking energy."
"Ha, I can see that. And how old are you?" He bent down smiling at Diana, who was still attached to her mom's hip. 
"Oh, this is Diana, she's nine months, 10 months in two weeks!"
"Well, she's beautiful," he rubbed the little girl's cheek with his thumb, which elicited a small smile, barely visible from behind her pacifier. Her eyes were fixated on Frankie.
"Ooo she likes you, she doesn't smile for just anyone." 
Frankie smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.
"Do you have any kids?"
"Ah, n-no. My sister has two, so uncle mode is where I'm at these days," he chuckled.
“Ah, well maybe someday…”
“Maybe…I’m getting a little old…” he rubbed the back of his neck. “But, I like kids, so I dunno, we’ll see.”
“I mean, I can give you one of mine if you want,” she teased, trying to lighten the mood after she unintentionally struck a nerve.
"Havin' fun?" Benny walked up to Megan, as she loitered around the coolers, observing her son who was pacing near the back of the yard by some bushes.
"Huh, oh yeah," she looked over at Benny, giving him a smile. "Hey, do you know what's bothering him? He's seemed on edge since we got here."
"Uh…yea…at least I think so. I think he's waiting for a girl to show up."
"Aw, is it Aria?" She looked over to Benny who nodded. "Ah, I knew it! I swear that boy has had a crush on her since middle school…has he…told you anything? Does he like her?"
"Yeah he likes her, he's just too scared to ask her out."
"My sweet baby, of course, he is…did he…talk to you about it? I've tried but I'm mom you know…"
"He mentioned it, I just listened. Tried to give some advice. I was a teenage boy at one point, ya know," he chuckled.
"Well, you have one on me there. I can't believe I'm at this stage now, where he likes girls," she shook her head.
"Want me to go talk with him? I told him I'd give him a pep talk if he wanted."
Megan's heart was about to burst at how sweet Benny was being toward her son. She felt a pang in her chest that Jacob wasn't here to see how much their son had grown up.
"I'd like that," she smiled.
Benny squeezed her shoulder, before bending down to the cooler to grab a soda and a beer and head toward Connor.
"Where's your girl?" He asked as he offered the boy the can and cracked open his beer.
"She's not my girl…and I don't know…" He tried but couldn't cover his disappointment, wondering why she hadn't shown up yet.
Benny put his arm around his shoulder, "She'll show up, the party just started man. Maybe she wants to make an entrance,” he winked. “ C'mon, let’s go kick Will’s ass in cornhole," he smirked.
Megan wiped away a tear as she observed her son and Benny, thankful for the little family she had created and fostered in this neighborhood.
"Ooo hard seltzers, yes!" Katie pumped her fist as she opened the cooler to see her drink of choice nestled right on top.
"Which flavor’s your favorite?" Will appeared behind her with a smirk, pleased with himself that his plan to surprise Katie with her favorite beverage worked.
"Oh, hey…um, black cherry," she held the can up to show him. "Ty hates that flavor so we usually end up doing a swap whenever one of us buys a case since I'm not a huge fan of the grapefruit one. It works out for both of us," she chuckled. "You, ah, gonna go swim?" She motioned over to the pool, whose only inhabitants so far were Olivia’s twins and her husband. As Will turned to look, Katie gave him a quick up and down, trying not to salivate at the thought of him shirtless.
“Yeah, it’s so hot out, I’ll probably go in. How about you? Did you bring your suit?” He was thankful his sunglasses were able to hide his eyes as he checked her out.
“Sure did!” She lifted up her tank top just enough to show off her one-piece, which had cutouts along her hips.
The glimpse of her suit, and bare skin, caused Will to choke a bit on his beer. “N-nice, well, we’ll have to get in soon.” He smiled, annoyed at himself for being so awkward. 
Katie was amused that a guy who looked like a male model would be nervous talking to a woman, and with her no less. It definitely was a bit of an ego boost and gave her the courage to continue the conversation to try and learn a little bit about Will. After all, the only thing she really knew was that he was a hot, seemingly nice guy with equally attractive friends.
"So, tell me about yourself, Will."
"Well, what d'you wanna know?" He asked as he leaned onto a table, getting a little bit closer.
“So, you casually build fences with your friends and know how to do a bunch of other house stuff. You work in construction or something?"
“Ha, well, when it comes to the house stuff, Benny and I would be kicked out of the family if we weren't handy," he laughed. "Our grandfather was a contractor…had his own business. When he passed, our uncle took over since he and his family already lived in Austin. When I was in high school, I spent my summers there working for him, with my cousins. When Benny was old enough he came too."
"Ooo a family business, then?"
"Yeah, my cousin actually took it over a couple of years ago. He's been helping me with questions I've had for the house, so I can't claim to have done it all myself," he smirked.
"Well, you're still the one who did the work. It looks great…so, what do you do? When you're not calling your cousin for construction advice?"
"Ha. Well, I used to be in the military. Actually me and the guys. It was like…damn, almost 20 years…felt like a lifetime,” a quick wave of sadness flashed across his face. His mind was flooded with memories of all of the horrific things he had seen and done over the years, the most recent memory being the death of their leader Tom. “But…we all got out and retired. We…uh…saved well and have taken some time to just live as civilians,” he rubbed the back of his neck.
“So, were you guys some like badass G.I. Joe’s?”
“Ha, something like that,” he tried to play it off. “We were part of a special unit called Delta Force.”
“What kind of stuff do you do as part of this special unit…if you don’t mind me asking?”
“It’s not that I don’t mind, it’s just I can’t really tell you a lot … it’s … uh …classified,” he scratched his head, bringing one arm to rest on the back of his neck. “We traveled all over, did a bunch of different things...”
Will and the boys had long since agreed that they would never talk about any of the details around their missions to anyone…especially Colombia. Tom’s wife and daughters didn’t even know the true reason why he was in South America. He knew Katie meant well and was just trying to make conversation, but this was a prime example of why he didn’t like talking about himself.
Katie sensed his unease, chastising herself that she made him uncomfortable. She should have known better than to start asking a bunch of questions without knowing him. Her own brothers never really wanted to talk about their time in the service. She hoped she didn't just trigger some bad memories for him.
“So uh, what do you do now then?”
“I try to do stuff for veterans. There's some speaking engagements I do from time to time, but I mostly volunteer at the VA. We have this uh…service, where we basically are like their Uber to doctor’s appointments. But I don’t just do that, I’ll drive them wherever they need to go, even if it's to the CVS to get some M&Ms,” he chuckled.
“That’s nice, I bet you meet some interesting people,” she gave an encouraging smile.
“Yea. I mean, some of them don’t really like to talk much, which is fine. But for those who do, I’m there to listen. A lot of times they don’t have anyone who can relate to them as veterans or gives a shit or wants to hear what they have to say, especially the older ones. So I am just an unbiased ear for them…I’ve met some cool people. Some of the old timers have some crazy stories.”
Katie was a bit thrown off by this thoughtful and considerate side to Will, it was so unexpected. He seemed like this quiet, hard ass, but there was a depth to him that piqued her curiosity.
“So, you’re patient and a good listener, quite the winning combo,” she teased, moving to sit against the edge of the table inches from Will.
“I’ve been told I listen and follow directions quite well,” his eyebrow twitched as he looked her up and down, now a bit more obviously, before clearing his throat. “So, now it’s my turn to uh…listen. Tell me about you.”
“Me? Oh, it’s not a very interesting story.”
“I’m sure that’s not the case.” He moved even closer as both of them sat perched at the edge of the table, their arms slightly touching.
“Well, let's see…I'm originally from Chicago. I moved here a few months ago. I work from home which has been pretty sweet. I get to rock sweatpants most days,” she laughed.
“What made you move to Florida?”
Katie hesitated but ultimately gave her rote answer whenever anyone asked what brought her down to Florida from the Midwest. “Well…I…I moved down here for the weather, couldn’t take another blizzard, ya know” She kept her gaze forward as she took another swig from her drink.
"You move down here alone?"
"Uh, yeah."
"For the weather?" He furrowed his brows, knowing there was more to the story.
Katie turned her face slightly to face Will, trying to put on a poker face.
"The weather was a reason."
"But not the only one?"
"Were you an interrogator in this military unit?" She countered.
"Shit, sorry. I didn't mean to pry…" He shook his head, annoyed at himself for pushing.
"It's ok. I don't like to just dump my whole life story on someone. The weather thing’s usually enough…most people who ask that question don't really care, it's just for conversation."
"Well, I'm not most people."
Katie gulped down another sip of her drink, the can almost empty. 
"I'm divorced." She blurted out.
Will continued looking at her, waiting for her to elaborate, but it seemed she was waiting to gauge his reaction.
"Oh okay."
"That's it?" She furrowed her brows.
"Whaddya mean?"
"You don't want the sad backstory with all the gory details?" 
"Not if you don't feel comfortable sharing it."
They sat in silence for a little bit. Will didn't mind awkward silences, hell there were some veterans he drove who had only spoken five words to him in months. But Katie, on the other hand, was not the same. She always felt the need to ramble and fill any silence.
"My husband…ex-husband…he left me. Just up and left one day.” Her nose wrinkled.
"That's shitty, I'm sorry."
"Yea…It was for his ex,” she huffed. “I shoulda known, honestly. He was never really over her. She was always kind of like a dark cloud over our relationship…'The one that got away,'” she made air quotes. “Honestly, from her perspective, it was probably the most romantic shit…the love of her life coming to his senses and getting her back. Problem is nobody ever sees it from the other side of the story.” She emptied the can and reached into the cooler for another one.
Will stayed silent, unsure how to react – he wanted to give her the space to share whatever she felt comfortable sharing.
“Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to unload that all on you,” she shook her head, bringing her hand to her forehead.
“Hey, hey…it’s ok,” Will put his hand on her back, lightly rubbing circles with his thumb. “I’m a good listener, remember?” He winked.
The corners of Katie’s mouth curled up. Will was a good listener. Megan was the only person who knew the details of her divorce, all of the red flags ignored, and the scars left behind.
“Well, thank you. And to answer your question from earlier, no the weather wasn’t the only reason. He kept the house, which is a joke if you ask me, I was the one who actually gave a shit about that house…” she took a swig of her beer.
“How so?”
“Our house was my little project, I had a Pinterest board for pretty much every room and every occasion,” she laughed. “And Seb, my ex, he thought I was being too much, too extra about it. But it was a lot of fun for me, the creative stuff you know.” She looked over at Will who nodded. 
“Is that what you’re trying to do with your house now?”
“Ha yea…”
“I was serious when I said I, er, we would be happy to help you … not saying you can’t do it yourself or anything. Just let me know. I can come over sometime to see what you have in mind, you can show me a Pinterest board or two,” he bumped his arm against hers, which elicited a small smile from Katie. “That way I can tell you if it’s somethin’ we could take care of. May be able to help you save some money too so you don’t have to hire someone,” he chuckled.
“Really? Yeah, that would be awesome. So…Mondays tend to be a little lighter for me, so would you want to come tomorrow? Is that too soon? You're probably doing your VA stuf-”
“Sure!” he interrupted. “I mean, yeah, tomorrow’s great. What time?”
“Really? Uh…I usually take lunch around noon…would that work?”
“Yea. I…uh…I can bring over lunch. If you want.”
“Hold on a second. You’re coming over to help me and you’re bringing food? I feel like that’s too good to be true,” she winked.
“Well, let’s see what kind of uh, projects you have in mind first,” he laughed. "Here, gimme your number so I can give you a heads up when I'm on my way," he handed her his phone.
Katie smiled to herself and she typed in her number.
"Nice, here let me text you so you have my number…it's a…plan, it's a plan," he smiled.
“Hey! I was looking for you,” Benny bounded over with Connor on his tail. “Hey, Katie! I was going to ask Will if he wanted to take Connor and me on in some cornhole, but do you want to join too? It’s probably more fair for it to be two on two anyway,” he chuckled.
“You mean bags? Uh…sure, let’s do it. Sorry in advance Will, you may have been better off alone,” she laughed as she walked towards the cornhole set.
“I doubt that…” Will whispered to himself.
"Oye jefa," David squeezed Lucille's shoulder as he sat down and brought her a rum and Coke. "Extra limes, just how you like it."
"Thanks, mijito. Are you having fun?"
"Yeah, although I will be having even more when the boys decide to go into the pool," he winked as Lucille rolled her eyes and laughed at him. "So, have any good chisme for me?"
"I saw Ethan at Publix earlier today and he told me that another house is going up for sale on the block."
"Ooo, which one?" David scooted his chair closer. He didn't know how she did it, but Lucille always had the best gossip on the block. 
"Melissa's neighbors, 306."
"Oh, aren't those the snowbirds?"
"Yes, apparently their son and his wife are having triplets, can you believe that? So they are going to stay up in New York to help with all of the babies."
"Woof, three babies?" David shuddered. "Ugh, I hope that we don't have some rental company come in and scoop up that house."
"I said the same thing to Ethan. He figured someone would want to scoop up that house pretty fast once it goes on the market, not like Benny and Will's house," she laughed. 
"D'you think he'll give you a heads up on who the buyers may end up being…when we get to that point?"
"Oh yes, as long as I make him some empanadas I think we can find out whatever," she giggled.
"Speaking of, I need another one. Quieres algo?" 
"No, mijito, I'm good."
"Ari!" CJ and Max said in unison, jumping out of the pool and running over to give Aria a hug once she, her little, sister, and parents made their way into the backyard.
"Boys! I said no running! Also, give Ari some space ok? She's here to have fun, not watch you two," Olivia winked.
She hired Aria last summer to help her watch the boys once she got too pregnant to do much of anything. The boys loved her and she had been a big help over the last year as Olivia transitioned to life with three kids.
Benny and Connor had their backs to the party, so they didn't see Aria and her family walk in. But once he heard the commotion of the twins, Connor tensed up.
"Showtime, bud!" Benny slapped the back of his shoulder. "Hey, Katie, Will, I think Connor and I are gonna take you both out of your misery. Let's get some refills on drinks?"
As they turned around, Connor saw Aria taking off her coverup. The twins were begging her to get in the pool to play with them. 
"C'mon, Ari let's play sharks and minnows!" CJ jumped up and down.
"Yea, c'mon let's gooooo," Max whined.
"I'm coming, gimme a sec. Do you two have sunscreen on?"
"We don't need sunscreen, a kid at school said we have more melly men so we don't need it," CJ said confidently.
"It's melanin, and that's not true. We need to wear sunscreen too, c'mere." She grabbed the spray bottle of sunscreen from her bag and doused the boys and her little sister with it before using it on herself.
She spotted Connor and gave him a nervous wave. She recognized the guy with him in the hat, he was the same guy who complimented her dog. The two were making their way across the yard toward the pool.
"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Davis," Connor smiled and waved at Aria's parents. "Have you all met Benny, he lives in 319?"
"Oh, so you're the one making that house look beautiful," Mrs. Davis winked.
"Yes ma'am, well it's my brother Will and I. We moved in not too long ago."
Benny stayed talking to Mr. and Mrs. Davis as Connor made his way to the pool, which brought a little smirk to Benny's face.
"Hey, Aria!"
"Hey, Connor!" She went in for a sideways hug, which caught Connor off guard. He could feel his face getting hot and his mouth went dry.
"Connor, are you going to play with us?" One of the twins said, he honestly wasn't sure which one because his brain was short-circuiting.
"Yea, wanna play? I'm going to need help trying to chase these two," Aria giggled.
Connor couldn't find words, but as if he telepathically knew, Benny was there to save him.
"What're we playing?" He said with the biggest smile on his face, wrapping his arm around Connor.
"Mr. Benny, d'you wanna play sharks and minnows with us?" Max asked, tugging on Benny's shirt.
"Hmmm…let me think about that," he bent down to get on Max and CJ's level. "We gotta set some ground rules if I'm gonna play, ok?" The boys eagerly nodded. "Ok cool. So I'm gonna be a shark and you two are minnows. Aria, you're a shark. Connor you're a minnow. And see that guy over there in the red shorts?" He pointed towards Will whose head was thrown back in laughter as he talked with Katie and Megan. "We're gonna all need to work together to get him, ok? He's a special kind of shark."
The twins were already halfway to the pool before Benny could finish. 
"Will, c'mon we gotta catch some minnows, and I'm not talking about you Fish!" Benny laughed as he took off his shirt, flip-flops, and hat, and threw them down on a lounger.
He saw Connor hesitate, knowing the boy was self-conscious to take his shirt off. It didn't help he was standing next to all six foot three of Benny who had a toned stomach and a defined upper body. 
"C'mon kid, she's into you, I can tell." 
Once Connor got his shirt off, Benny lifted him up and threw him in the pool. He followed by doing a cannonball, which made all of the kids laugh. 
By this point, the rest of the party was focused on the pool. Will and Katie headed over, getting down to their swimsuits and getting in. Will was immediately tackled by CJ and Max.
"Hey! What'd I do?" He laughed as he hoisted each of the boys out of the water to throw them, which elicited lots of laughs from both.
"Mr. Benny said you're a special kind of shark, so we had to work together to get you!" Max panted as he caught his breath from all of the excitement.
"Did he now? Well, did you know he and I are brothers? So if I'm a special kind of shark, that means Mr. Benny over there is one too!" Will winked over at Katie who was smiling at the interaction.
"Hey, Mr. Benny! You didn't tell us you guys were brothers!"
"Yeah, that means you're a special kind of shark too!"
"Oop, you caught me!" Benny flashed another brilliant smile as he started swimming away.
"We're chasing Benny? Sign me up!" Santiago jumped in and tackled Benny, followed closely by Frankie.
The four men ended up chasing after the boys, although Will spent most of the time near Katie, pretending to try and catch her a few times too.
"Got ya!" Connor had been play chasing after Aria and finally caught her, wrapping his arms around her from behind. They both froze, Aria turning her head toward Connor and they both smiled.
One of the twins splashed the pair as they were frantically trying to get away from Benny and Will who were in wild pursuit. 
"Again, can we just acknowledge the fact that we are seeing this all for free?" David laughed as he, Ty, Lucille, and Melissa watched the antics of the poolgoers from a table.
“Are you losing your mind now that Frankie’s hat fell off?” Ty teased.
With all of the splashing and playfighting, both Benny and Frankie had lost their hats. Frankie’s curls stuck to his neck as Benny’s bangs kept getting into his eyes. 
“Baby, that’s not the only thing making me lose my mind!”
“Ay, dios mio!” Lucille shook her head laughing at them.
“Oh come on, Lulu, you can’t tell me you’re not enjoying the view too, right?” Melissa asked as she kept her eyes on the pool. Santiago was in the midst of hoisting one of the twins up and throwing him - his biceps flexing and the water dripping down his chest as he jumped out of the water.
“It’s definitely not the worst way to spend an afternoon,” she winked, giving a sly smile.
“Katie seems to be having fun with Will, right Meg?” Ty asked.
“Yeah…best believe I am getting all of those details later,” Megan replied, noting how close Will had stayed to Katie the whole time, the two were now laughing in a corner, talking as the rest of the guys splashed with the kids.
"Ok everyone, food's ready!" Danny called out.
Megan smiled as she saw Connor and Aria sitting together on a lounger wrapped up in towels, laughing and talking.
Benny came up and handed her a beer.
"So, that's your doing?"
"Nah, that's all him. I just gave him a push, well, I guess it was more of a toss," he winked.
"He really liked hanging out with you guys yesterday, by the way. Couldn't stop talking about it," she chuckled as she took a swig of her beer. "He mentioned something about you both working out together?"
"Y-yea, we talked about it yesterday while driving. Would you be cool with that? I think it may help his confidence a little."
"I think that would be really nice Benny, thank you. But don't let him take up too much of your time, I'm sure you have a girlfriend or something, right?"
"Ah, no. I'm not dating right now," he moved his bangs out of his eyes, realizing he needed to go find his hat.
"I may have some friends if you’re interested," she laughed.
"Ha, no, I appreciate it. I'm uh…taking some time for me. I'm not really looking for anything right now."
"You know, I feel I wanna make some type of liar liar pants of fire kinda joke," she motioned to his swim trunks. "But that feels too on the nose," she laughed.
"Hey! I like these trunks, I usually get a lot of compliments about them," he smiled. 
The party continued well into the early part of the evening. After the raucous game of sharks and minnows followed by a big meal, the twins were starting to lose steam, so Olivia and her family left. 
Aria and her family were next to leave, she went over and gave Connor a hug goodbye. He watched her walk away before turning back to see Benny smirking at him. 
Connor walked over to Benny and the older man gave him a side hug and messed with his hair.
"Proud of you, bud."
"Ha, thanks. I had a good time. I think we might hang out soon."
"Hell yeah!" He gave the boy a high five.
"Well, I guess we're going to head out," Lucille said as the rest of the neighbors got their things together. "Thank you so much for hosting us all mija it was beautiful as always over here."
"Thank you, Lulu," Melissa gave the woman a kiss on the cheek. 
Melissa and Danny gave hugs and handshakes to everyone. When it was her turn to say goodbye to Santiago they both hesitated on whether to go in for a hug or a handshake, but he committed and went for the hug. Whereas normally he would reach for the waist, resting his hand on the upper part of a woman's ass, he decided to hug her around her shoulders. For her part, Melissa put her hands on Santiago's midback, feeling the cords of his muscles tense.
"Have a good night," he said softly as she smiled at him 
Frankie gave Lucille his arm to make the walk back to her house as Santiago wheeled the wagon. David and Ty chatted with Megan, Connor, and Benny, as Will and Katie lagged behind.
David and Ty said their goodbyes, followed by Connor and Megan. Lucille asked if Frankie and Santiago could help unload her wagon. Knowing that it probably meant they would get leftovers to take home, the two men eagerly agreed. That left Benny, Will, and Katie. 
Benny looked at his brother, knowing very well that he was trying to put the moves on Katie.
"Ah, shoot!" he smacked himself in the forehead. "I forgot, Tommy called me earlier, let me go call him back, see ya Katie!" He gave his brother a wink over Katie's shoulder as he hugged her goodbye.
"So…and then there were two, huh?' Katie laughed.
"Ha, yeah. I'm…uh, looking forward to lunch tomorrow," he smiled. "Hey, speaking of, what do you want me to pick up?"
"Oh, I'm not picky. Surprise me. Whatever's your favorite. Just as long as there's no pickles."
"Got it, extra pickles," he winked as they both let out a nervous laugh. "Just kidding, I just so happen to love pickles, so if you ever get them I'll gladly take them off your plate."
"Well, aren't you my hero!" She teased.
"Here, let me walk you home."
"Will, it's like three doors down," she smirked.
"I know, but it's late and I just want to know you made it safe."
"Ok, Boy Scout let's go."
The trip to Katie's house was short, but Will didn't mind. 
"Well, this is me. I had fun today."
"Yeah, I did too," he smiled, keeping her gaze for a beat before she reached into her bag for her keys.
"I'll ah see you tomorrow, then?"
They both looked at each other for another moment before Katie went in for a hug, which Will reciprocated.
"Good night, Will."
"Good night, Katie. See you tomorrow."
She closed the door and Will turned on his heel to head back home. He didn't realize that a smile hadn't left his face the whole walk back.
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
A/N: I know this was a longer chapter, so thank you if you made it this far! Our little soap opera continues to unfold. 
What didn't make the cut? I had an additional scene with Santiago and Melissa along with one with Danny and Frankie, but decided we could cover what happened in conversations later on.
Let me know if you want to be on the tag list moving forward!! Apologies if I accidentally left you off, I added it all manually and may have missed someone … just let me know!
@goodwithcheese / @gemmahale / @trulybetty / @patti7dc / @periodtsparadox / @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin / @maggiemayhemnj / @mysterious-moonstruck-musings / @avastrasposts / @meveispunk / @chaoticfestninja / @beholdbebravethings / @casa-boiardi / @katw474 / @linzels-blog / @laughing-in-th3-purple-rain / @primosworld / @lynnchun / @anoverwhelmingdin /@lilmizmoz / @pedrit0-pascalit0 / @titlee78 / @noisynightmarepoetry / @inept-the-magnificent / @perennialdoll247 / @for-a-longlongtime / @readingiskeepingmegoing / @harriedandharrassed / @musings-of-a-rose / @anavatazes / @sherala007 / @midnightraain
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triptychgrip · 1 month
Viktor Nikiforov, genderfluidity, and the gendered conventions of Russian language
I've always headcanon-ed that Viktor identifies as genderfluid, and playing around with this concept has been one of my favorite parts of my post-canon, married Viktuuri series, "Gold's On The Inside, Elevated My Feet", which you can read here if you'd like to immerse yourself in a very long (currently 191K) WIP/larger series. I'm currently working on a multichapter story (probably will be anywhere from 1-3 chapters) that focuses on his decision to come out publicly, and it's made me think about the inherently gendered way that Russian language works.
One thing that I like to have fun with in my writing is deliberately having Yuuri and Viktor say 'fuck that' to grammar conventions in Russian and just use whatever pet names/endearments they want, regardless of if they are 'male' or 'female' gendered. As an aside, I find it convenient that 'zolotsye' (meaning 'my gold') is gender-neutral. It's sent me down a rabbit hole of research around what options are available to genderfluid folks who speak/use Russian. As one might guess, they are limited :(
Anyways, just wanted to post this to ask if folks have any favorite Viktor/gender non-conformity stories they can recommend? I would love to see more of it in the fandom (hence, my excitement to post my work when it's done).
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