#ID stuff
medical-gal · 2 years
HYPER, a case report
20 something years old man of Asian descent presented with a history of 1 week of temperatures, retrosternal chest pains and just not doing that hot. COVID test was negative.
During his physical, I could tell he was sick, pale, sweaty, tachypneic and tachycardic. His pressure was normal. Meningeal signs are negative. Neuro negative. Abdomen negative. No peripheral signs of emboli or rashes. There was a bit of a weird chest sound (listed I have been doing ID for some years but for the life of me sometimes I can't tell which one it is...I just know it's not supposed to be there)) and I think I heard a heart mummer.
His labs: high white cell count, elevated CRP and procalcitonin. In the differential, neutrophils took the prize. Lactate thru the roof. Liver enzymes were elevated (transaminases).
He got a chest x-ray which was clear. Ultrasonography of the abdomen was negative.
His history was insignificant, he doesn't have any preexisting medical conditions, and he is updated on all his vaccinations. He is straight, married for a few years. He likes to play football with his friends who are all of Asian descent. They don't have kids but they have a dog. He is a teacher, he teaches English. He hasn't been to his country of origin since he was a child and nobody around him has travelled anywhere lately. He doesn't travel, he hates flying.
I admitted him and started him on co-amoxicillin with metronidazole bc all I had was tachypnoea and fevers. Tho his chest x-ray was negative, we decided to order a chest and abdomen CT scan, his ddimeres were elevated so I wanted to make sure he doesn't have a PE, which he did not. However, what the CT scan described - was 2 small abscesses peripherally liver approximately 3cm each.
Meanwhile, his blood cultures came back positive for...
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GIF by thegalaxyrailways

Klebsiella pneumoniae, the hypervirulent kind
ok. I wanted to prescribe cefta+avibactam. My boss laughed and laughed and laughed and asked from which pocket that will go so...
In the end, we did a CT navigated drainage and gave him colistin.
He did well.
But I think it's something he got from the community. At least it's what the lit says.
Do u have any experience with hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumonia infection? Drop a msg in my inbox I wanna hear all your tips and tricks!
Also, I hope all my ID folks are having the best time at ID week. I hope I will be able to go one day!
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artsybi · 4 months
heyyyyy reminder for other cane users.
don't forget that cane tips need to be replaced.
i've been using my cane for almost two years on a near daily basis and i JUST switched out the tip and
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[image IDs in alt text]
the new tip versus the old tip. i'm not sure how clear it is but, YEAH, there's like. half a millimeter of tread left on the old tip, if that
the replacement was LITERALLY 2 dollars. i bought two to justify the four dollar shipping but. TWO BUCKS.
i had noticed that i was having slipping issues on linoleum recently, but i did not realize how bad the issue had gotten until the new tips came so. PLEASE check your cane treads and if they're notably worn out PLEASE get yourself a new tip they're SO cheap and the grip i get on the new one is INSANE
please don't forget to replace your cane tips!
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autistickaitovocaloid · 3 months
Today in vc we discussed the concept of a gmod funeral so I drew my interpretation.
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thegoodbadplace · 6 months
it would appear that one of the other parts is a smoker, which would explain the sudden and unprecedented tobacco cravings.
i don't know if it explains the cough.
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alex-just-vibing · 3 months
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happy ides of march yall
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xstarvibezx · 9 months
I have seen some posts with image IDS stuff and I'm just like: "...how do y'all do that?? I can't do ID type of shit like that" , like I'm not sure if I'm gonna start doing it myself but I still wish to learn.
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sufroyo · 4 months
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they are like three peas in a pod to me ........
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page-2-ids · 10 months
i noticed you saying that you were going to add ids to your posts and i know i've done a few of your game-related labels if you wanna add them to the og post / modify them to your liking. i'll probably end up going through your whole gamegender tag so feel free to lmk if i end up missing any! -@gamegenders
Oh! Thank you so much, that’s really cool of you!
Also, sorry this took so long. I saw the notification this/yesterday morning and told myself I’d take care of it in five minutes and then I just… didn’t. Like, I didn’t forget, I guess acknowledging that I got an ask at all checked it off my mental to-do list so it just never got answered. My bad!
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bahrmp3 · 2 months
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fulloffeels · 3 months
It was time to change the endcap display, so I saw my chance and I took it
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dragondawdles · 1 year
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the beastie <3
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hyenaa-euphoria · 4 months
hide and seek
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headcanon: he is deadly afraid of sunflowers cause they stare at him sometimes jajajajaja
the other critters just tell him its impossible for flowers to glare at him but he knows its true😞
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ale-arro · 8 months
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been going a little bit insane about this sentence from Ace by Angela Chen for the past week
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I’m curious - people always seem surprised that multiple siblings are queer, as if it’s amazing the gay lightning struck twice so close together.
But human variation is down to our genes and external factors. Siblings are logically more likely to both/all be queer than not.
So a wee poll if you don’t mind!
Anyone can take part, there should be an option for anyone but please let me know in notes if I missed anyone.
For reference: queer is anyone who wouldn’t describe themselves as heterosexual or cis-gendered or allo-sexual. Anyone we would include in the queer group. And if you’re not including people by their own identification, we can have words after…
If you only have one sibling use the relevant all option.
If you have an issue with the word queer I truly don’t want to hear about it - that’s your choice, this is mine.
Reblog if you fancy! If you don’t then no worries, but if you can it would be nice to get a lot of replies!
And hey everyone, happy Pride!
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marimoog · 8 months
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he just wanted to see if he could
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stil-lindigo · 2 years
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patchwork canary.
a comic about two girls, fate, and a powerful man who felt entitled to something that wasn’t his to own.
support me on patreon (if you’d like to see more comics like this one)
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