aryxchse · 3 months
can we get nsfw headcannons about our fav hispanic boy LEOOO 🙈
leo valdez nsfw headcanons (aged up)
a / n ; oh my gods YASS U CAN
warnings ; nsfw stuff again and reader is implied as female also cursing
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- alright heres our fav whiny boii
- the most needy, whiny, pouty, baby-like boy you've ever seen
- the type of boy who says the most obsessive thing that makes you get soaked
- he'd be pretty insecure on your first time because you're the first girl he's ever did it and he knows nothing
- but he's a natural believe me
- 24/7 horny
- he always walks around the house like "looking good mama," even when you're just wearing some old, burned up shirt of his
- you can make him hard with just breathing
- a few times he camed first but he actually made up for it 🤭
- he's an adrenaline guy, it's his biggest kink like- if you're someone's sister like percy or jason, he is down to quickies so bad
- if you speak another language he's a goner
- he only speaks his mother language in bed and it's so fucking hot
- he's so good with his fingers
- you can get wet just from watching him working on something
- likes deep throating you with his fingers
- you guys do angry sex a lot because he's somehow always annoyed at something
- heat 👏🏻 play 👏🏻
- he did it one time accidently but you liked it and now he's doing it in a more controled way
- also so good with his mouth
- likes doggy
- he's totally an ass guy btw
- he'd beg you if you wanted to that's how pussy drunk he is
- and he would crawl to you
- man's whipped
- he's loud
- like, asmr type of loud
- morning 👏🏻 sex 👏🏻
- you can always find him in between your legs
- he'd live there if you let him
- the guy who holds your breasts so casually while you guys chill in his bed
- loves loves loves licking you
- makes jerking off jokes way more often
- anyways he's your slave and he's down for anything you want, he'd do anything to make his princesa happy
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c28hunter · 9 months
Well... I had to draw Kris in that outfit!
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Probably not this good but well...
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strychninem1870 · 1 month
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This is just some basic info about me!
He/Him / Transman
Ohh man I'm aroace!!/sil But, yeah, won't specify just thought to share (‘-’*)
Eighteen ·
I probably wont post very often! I'm quite silly and the idea of strangers finding my goofy thoughts with such ease is a bit scary
[Oh and please- please, do not feel weary because I mentioned my struggle with socializing. I love when people see my stuff!! Don't feel hesitant or shy, engage!!! <33
You might just see some rdr2 captures from me or random snippets of my head-canons! That is, if I ever get around to posting such c:
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Red Dead Redemption I / II [special interest(?)]
[ i hardly ever acknowledge these but will engage if asked^ ]
idk slasher movies bro
EPIC: The Musical
The Walking Dead
My Little Pony
Stardew Valley
Little Nightmares
Gacha Life II ( not really since I barely even interact with that community :<
fave rdr characters!!! [ you wont believe it../sar ]
Hosea Matthews, Dutch van der Linde!! yeahhh Arthur is up on the list too! And JOHN<33 I also really really loveeee Molly i would do anything for her (〃´∀`) AND OMF LENNYYYYYYY!! my pookie baby boah hes very dear to me....
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I'm pretty OK with most things! If you're chill and don't cross boundaries, I'll reciprocate! Unless you're- y'know, the obvious troll, or a complete utter bigot, yeah, I will ignore your existence and block. But other than that, if you're respectful, I really won't mind!!^^
You can definitely ask questions about me! That, I'm very open to!!
act weird / sexual toward me, not exactly comfortable with that. Have some decency at the very least, please. :((
talk to me without tone tags, I struggle heavily with tone through text and if you even know the slightest bit about them, please do use them! If you're confused or don't want to, that's fine!! ( I put a site at the bottom that explains and showcases tone indicators btw!! )
private message!! That's a big no-no with me!!
call me by Edhem or Boris. I prefer Kieran or Stry / Sye(those two>>>), please use those to address me, thank you!!
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here's my ao3 and carrd profile, too! I haven't published on ao3 just yet, but I plan to when I've fully gotten a grip of how the site exactly works.
( obviously the card below's not mine!! rightful credits to the owner that took time out of their day to put this together — i'm certain it's somewhere on the site i am just blind^ )
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that's all ty for reading this (^-^*)ノ
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charcharrealsmooth · 11 months
Summary - Stan got a cat, Richie loves the cat, he wants to take him home with him
Stan opens the door with a kitten in his arms, finding an over-enthusiastic Richie Tozier on the other side. 
“Is this Reginald?” He asks, bouncing up and down where he stood.
“Yeah,” Stan says calmly, stroking the small tabby cat who seemed to have taken an interest in Richie. Reginald leans towards Richie, sniffing his hand as he goes to pet him. 
“I’m kidnapping him,” Richie declares, extremely sure of himself in this, as he looks at the cat with pure adoration. 
“No, you’re not.”
“Yeah I am! Y’know what, we’ll have a little competition. Whoever Reginald chooses gets to keep himl.” Richie guides Stan toward the sitting room, taking a spot on the floor, sitting criss-cross as Stan joined him, kneeling. “Put the cat on the ground, Stan,” he says, uncharacteristically serious. Stan obliges. 
“C’mere Reginald!” Richie says in an annoying high pitched voice.
“This is stupid.” Stan holds out his hand for Reginald to come to him. To his dismay, his cat seemed to much prefer the obnoxious calling of Richie Tozier.
“I got him!” Reginald climbs into Richie’s lap and curls up there, Richie sticks his tongue out at Stan. “How’s it feel to have lost the affections of your own, well, what used to be, your cat?”
“You’re not keeping my cat, Richie,” Stan says sternly, rolling his eyes. 
“Uh, yes I am, I’m the chosen one!” Richie says, getting up and taking the cat as he heads to the door.
“You’re an idiot.” Stan takes Reginald back and leads Richie to the door. “You can go now.” He rolls his eyes.
“You love me really,” Richie says, as he exits, Stan rolls his eyes once more.
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ketastore · 2 years
the science team with scientist!reader
this one is sort of platonic but romance is implied from gordon's side
3rd pov, y/n used
the sound of glass breaking could be heard in the corner of the room, as gordon smashed the window glass of a vending machine into small bits with an old, rusty crowbar.
"everyone!! get the drinks!!" gordon shouted as he watched the rest of the science team run over to the broken vending machine and start sipping and slurping on the drinks like wild animals. the science team was tired from all the walking and fighting and decided to take a well deserved break in a room they found and possibly scavenge for food. that's why the vending machine is now broken.
the only one who wasnt near the vending machine was y/n, who instead decided to look around the room and hopefully find some food or other helpful stuff inside the boxes on the other side of the room. they seemed quite satisfied with the task at hand, looking around with a smile on their face while listening to an ambience of certain 3 men sipping soda loudly and gordon dying of laughter over the slurping cacophony.
oh, speaking of gordon! as soon as he finished laughing and noticed y/n not being present near the vending machine, he looked over at them and sighed. not in annoyance, but rather in a "im so hecking glad there's at least one sane person here besides myself" way. yea, for the majority of the day he had to babysit 3 men babies and benrey (who has been currently missing for a few hours now. not like gordon cares where he is though!). y/n on the other hand, seemed pretty normal, mature even, which was gordon extremely glad for cause.. he really didnt want another careless adult to look after.
gordon then quickly shook his head. no more bad thoughts!! he thought to himself as he looked over at y/n. for now, he just wanted to take a break and chill with them, as they (like previously stated) seemed like the most mature out of the bunch.
putting on a little grin, gordon walked over to y/n and raised his hand in a friendly way, ready to start a conversation!
"y/n, buddy! what's u–"
"GUYS! i found some cute stickers!!"
what the heck. there's no way. gordon's expections of y/n's maturity immediately all disappeared as he watched the supposedly "mature" adult jump around in a childlike glee, waving with a few pages of colorful stickers in their hand!! gordon face palmed in disappointment and sat down with a groan. how could even such silly items end up in black mesa? and most important, why is everyone so damn happy about it?
because as soon as y/n informed everyone about their interesting find (loudly, might i add), everyone came up to them, visibly interested in the stickers as well. "good job, dr y/n! we all knew we could count on you!" dr coomer said in a happy tone, sounding proud of the younger scientist, to which y/n replied with an even happier "thank you!"
the first one next to y/n was tommy, who seemed the most curious about the stickers , "ooh i love stickers, show me!", he bend down to y/n's height and looked over their shoulder at the stickers, gasping at the cute designs and colors, "the star ones look so cute!". reacting immediately, y/n grinned and looked up at the tall man next to them. they then procceeded to carefully take one of the star stickers and stick it on tommy's right cheek. "tada! now you look very handsome!" y/n said happily, grinning even more after seeing tommy smile widely. he seemed very happy to be called handsome!
the little interaction of the two seemed to attract the rest of the science team, aswell! coomer along with bubby quickly squeezed themselves between y/n and tommy, both demanding y/n to give them some stickers too, to which the young scientist agreed to with a quick nod. "of course!! there's a lot of them for everyone!!"
the room was quickly filled with laughs and giggles as the scientists shared cute stickers between eachother, all of them enjoying the silly, yet fun activity!! soon all of them were covered with stickers; tommy's face was the most covered - with 2 star stickers on his cheeks, 1 heart sticker on his chin and 1 rainbow sticker above his left eyebrow - the 2 older scientists were decorated in a similar manner, except that bubby refused to take any girly stickers (although he didnt seem against putting a kuromi sticker on his chest pocket, to match with coomer's my melody one), y/n themselves picked primarly heart and flower stickers of various colors, decorating both their face and their lab coat with them. needless to say, they all looked very cool and stylish!
unfortunately, not everyone seemed to share the same opinion.. this all looked so silly in gordon's eyes! why yes, he has been sitting there this whole time, watching everyone have fun and exchange stickers! at first, he was quite annoyed at how bizzare it all seemed, playing around like little kids while they were locked up in a huge building with monsters everywhere..
the science team looked so happy though- despite often feeling frustrated because of them, gordon still cared a lot about them. they were his buddies after all! he enjoyed spending time with them, and needless to say, he even slowly started to feel a desire to join the fun. gordon felt his grumpy mood slowly getting better as he looked back at the rest of his team, grinning at the sight of benrey casually chatting with y/n.
wait wha- when did benrey get in here??? his grin quickly fell. noticing the security guard who seemed to appear out of nowhere, gordon immediately sprung to his feet and stomped towards benrey, who stood right next to y/n, asking them for a few fruit stickers to decorate his helmet with. gosh, gordon couldnt stand this guy. "what are YOU doing he-!!" "oh hey bro. hey man. whats up, bro. you- you doing good?" benrey cut him off with his monotone voice before gordon could finish his sentence, not even bothering to look at the taller man with a ponytail as he rather admired his helmet him and y/n just finished decorating. "havent seen you in a while." benrey added with a smirk on his face, most likely intending to piss off gordon even more; which worked because upon hearing that, gordon could feel his temper rise tremendously fast.
sensing the negative atmosphere around, y/n panicked a bit. they didnt want anyone to start a fight, especially not when everyone seemed to be in such a good mood until now! so, without thinking, the young scientist took a random sticker and quickly put it on gordon's left cheek, hoping for it to work as a distraction to cool down gordon.
this of course, surprised gordon as he went completely silent and stumbled back a bit, not expecting such an interaction. y/n looked at him with a sheepish, yet cute smile, letting out a laugh to releave the awkward situation they just got themselves into. lol what a silly clown. for a while, the two just stared at eachother, not sure what to say or do, until y/n finally let go of gordon's face and laughed yet again, this time with much more confidence. y/n just noticed that the sticker they just put gordon's face was the same one they already had on their face, what a coincidence! "cool, now we're matching!"
gordon was totally speechless, unsure what to say or do. he was left confused after the whole sticker thing but he was very certain about two things he just realized; y/n's laugh was the most beautiful thing in the world and he really wanted to hear it again. for now, he just continued to fondly stare at the the smilling, sticker-covered scientist in front of him.
unfortunately, the fuzzy, yet pleasant silence was soon broken by bubby punching a microwave he found in the room and then throwing it on the ground, causing a small explosion-
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nextstopparis · 1 year
i tried my hardest bestie here you go i feel a bit undeserving of the ur majesty thing now though i hope u like it😫😫
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Love at first Duel
Eddiexfem, EddiexOC This is my first fanfic in a while. Nothing too hardcore in this one, just the first meeting of my oc Lily and her lover Eddie Munson. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Eddie and Steve sat at the trailer, doing what they normally do and rambling on about music and whose music taste is cooler. Steve chuckled softly, shaking his head, "Nah Nah. Iron Maiden sounds like like like, sounds like the dude is dying!" "Says the man who's in love with Madonna." Eddie said with a smile.
The door flung open as Dustin and Lucas ran in, looking frantic. "Guys! Skull rock has been taken over by a bully" Eddie looked to them then to Steve, his fingers running through his hair as he stood up. "And you need your big bro to beat him up?" Steve looked between the two "Uh. No no. B-Bros. Both of us." They exchanged glares, Eddie smiling at him before looking at the two dorks he called friends. "Show the way, oh brave knights." Dustin glared at the comment as Eddie patted his shoulder.
For Eddie, The forest sounded magical. As they walked to skull rock, the sound of Metallica filled the air, He looked around, a soft smile on his face. "Well, this bully has a good taste in music…" Dustin smacked him in the stomach, receiving a small hiss as Eddie glared at him. "She's a bully"
Sure enough, Sitting in the "eye" of skull rock was a woman. "HEY BULLY! WE BROUGHT OUR BROTHERS" Lucas looked at Dustin, that look of 'Really?'. Dustin shrugged "What?"
The woman turned and hopped down, you can say it was love at first sight for Eddie. His eyes lingered on the shorter pale skinned woman as she stood there. Long black hair teased with black lips to match, Causing Eddie's heart to beat faster. He looked over her, starting at her tight black tube top, a snug leather miniskirt that fit perfectly with her fishnets, and scuffed combat boots that were obviously a bit too big. The black cape over her shoulders only added to her mysterious looks.
"Oh look. The dorks brought their protectors." Eddie looked at her, a twinkle in his eyes, then at the two kids. "You're scared of her?" "She yelled at us" Lucas noted. Dustin nodded in agreement. She growled at the two "You called me weird. A freak." Eddie shook his head, snapping out of the trance she put him in, He knew what it was like to be called a freak, and the kids should know better. "Guys you should know not to do that." "Look at her!"
Eddie started to speak up as she scoffed. "Never mind foul children. If your protectors want a fight, they shall have it." the woman hopped onto the nearest log, picking up two sticks. "Who is your champion?" Eddie smiled, Knowing how this worked he patted Steve on the chest, giving him a cocky look. "I got this Harrington." He walked forwards and bowed, a devilish grin on his face. "I will be the champion for these buttheads." The woman laughed, it could have been evil to anyone else, but Eddie just smiled brighter.
"And who are you to be fighting me? The Mistress of Darkness, The queen of this skull palace!" She slammed her stick on the ground like a staff. "I am Eddie The Brave, and I will slay you and take the palace back from your evil hands" She threw the second stick at him, untying her cape and dropping it on the ground, showing off some pretty sick tattoos. He caught the stick and watched her. "May I ask the name of the Maiden before I slay her?" He smirked, winking slightly as she laughed.
"Lily.." She smiled brightly and then cleared her throat "Lillian! The Mistress of the Da- whatever you know the spiel just fight me" This got a laugh out of Munson. She used this moment to lunge at him, Eddie blocked the blow with his stick, jumping back. "Ah. A man who knows how to fight, That's rare." She smirked, spinning the stick in her hands. "Rare?" He looked at her, Confused. "Aren't most knights men?" "Not in my kingdom. Women are the knights here, They are more powerful than the male counterparts" She lunged at him again as he rolled out of the way, barely missing the large stick she had.
He got up, Leaves and sticks in his hair as she laughed. "What? Somethin' in my hair?" He brushed it off as he smiled at her, receiving a small laugh in response. This time he lunged at her, taking her by surprise as she fell victim to a light smack against her waist, dropping to a knee with a dramatic "UUGH!" Her head dropping.
Eddie stood there, smiling in victory as he looked at his group of idiots who clapped as he bowed. "Well, Seems this bully has been defeated." "LOOK OUT!" Dustin called out, Eddie turned quickly to get leaves in his face and a smack to the back of the leg, causing him to fall on his back. Lily laughed loudly as she put her foot on Eddie's chest. He stared up at her, looking at the beauty. Honestly he could live perfectly happy just laying here. "Seems Eddie the Brave has been slain. SKULL ROCK IS MINE!" She raised her stick in the air as Dustin and Lucas shook their heads. Dustin let out a loud "NOOOOO!" As he collapsed to his knees, shaking a fist at the sky. Steve on the other hand really .. didn't care, staring at them all.
Lilly smiled and backed off, Extending a hand to help Eddie up. "Good fight, Ser. Perhaps we can duel again sometime." She smiled brightly, a smile that Eddie now is addicted to. Her smile sent shivers down his spine, it was bright and cheery for such a dark-looking being. "Perhaps I'll win next time." He smirked at her, looking down at the smiling face of the new owner of Skull rock. Who now was just as in love with him, as he was with her.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Again. First time ive written fan fic in years and my first eddie one. I definitely want to write more using Lily. shes my bean and ill even try to find some sort of picture to show what she looks like because I cant art worth shit.
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electricpurrs · 11 months
i thought the "AND THE CROWD GOES HOME" style jokes were very funny but unfortunately my autistic ass has now become obsessed with just spamming these emojis on everything i say for dramatic effect to an obnoxious level LOOK AT THESE GUYS ☝️‼️💯💪☝️💥‼️🔥💯💪‼️💯☝️☝️☝️☝️
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kazzikkiii · 2 months
having bpd is actual hell on earth cause no one tries to fucking understand you and they write you off as being difficult and too much and they leave and we’re left with this fucking personality disorder that consumes my entire fucking existence and they act like its THEIR inconvenience that IM ill.
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hinamie · 26 days
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round 2 of prelim designs for @philosophiums n my lovechild of an au
first year trio
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so now there are cousins. alright
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suntails · 2 months
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toot toot!
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sbeana · 1 year
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the pool scene
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collophora · 1 month
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Do yourself a favor and go read the entire fanfic work of @fanfoolishness
(In order: Under sun and shade, Blind Side, and Breathless (patching up is one of my fav too, I just had no cool sketch idea for it)
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skunkes · 1 year
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adding to my collection, need more
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sugarcoatednightshade · 7 months
thinking about how Humans Are Space Orcs stories always talk about how indestructible humans are, our endurance, our ability to withstand common poisons, etc. and thats all well and good, its really fun to read, but it gets repetitive after a while because we aren't all like that.
And that got me thinking about why this trope is so common in the first place, and the conclusion I came to is actually kind of obvious if you think about it. Not everyone is allowed to go into space. This is true now, with the number of physical restrictions placed on astronauts (including height limits), but I imagine it's just as strict in some imaginary future where humans are first coming into contact with alien species. Because in that case there will definitely be military personnel alongside any possible diplomatic parties.
And I imagine that all interactions aliens have ever had up until this point have been with trained personnel. Even basic military troops conform to this standard, to some degree. So aliens meet us and they're shocked and horrified to discover that we have no obvious weaknesses, we're all either crazy smart or crazy strong (still always a little crazy, academia and war will do that to you), and not only that but we like, literally all the same height so there's no way to tell any of us apart.
And Humans Are Death Worlders stories spread throughout the galaxy. Years or decades or centuries of interspecies suspicion and hostilities preventing any alien from setting foot/claw/limb/appendage/etc. on Earth until slowly more beings are allowed to come through. And not just diplomats who keep to government buildings, but tourists. Exchange students. Temporary visitors granted permission to go wherever they please, so they go out in search of 'real terran culture' and what do they find?
Humans with innate heart defects that prevent them from drinking caffeine. Humans with chronic pain and chronic fatigue who lack the boundless endurance humans are supposedly famous for. Humans too tall or too short or too fat to be allowed into space. Humans who are so scared of the world they need to take pills just to function. Humans with IBS who can't stand spicy foods, capsaicin really is poison to them. Lactose intolerance and celiac disease, my god all the autoimmune disorders out there, humans who struggle to function because their own bodies fight them. Humans who bruise easily and take too long to heal. Humans who sustained one too many concussions and now struggle to talk and read and write. Humans who've had strokes. Humans who were born unable to talk or hear or speak, and humans who through some accident lost that ability later.
Aliens visit Earth, and do you know what they find? Humanity, in all its wholeness.
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