#If I have posted these before then uhhhhh you can have them again lmao
heilos · 11 months
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I don't think we've publicly put these out before, but since I was doing Halloween asks earlier with some of them, I figured it might be a fun treat to hand out to ya'll. These are various poses of our ghosties from different Mystery Skulls Animated videos compiled together as a style guide for our team.
Feel free to use them as reference and/or icons if you want!
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the-path-to-redemption · 10 months
Salem! - mylittlerwde
ask meme
Long Post Ahead
What are my top four favorite non-romantic relationship dynamics for them? - She and Tyrian got me in a grip, bro. They are so Bloodborne-coded, you have no idea. I also like the one she has with Watts, as little as we have, because he doesn't actually worship her, she's just a matron for his goals and she likes the developments he brings, a good evil partnership (even though she's still very much in charge). I also like the antagonistic relationship she has with Ruby, and how she taunts the poor thing about Summer. It was good, despite all of the flaws. Finally, I fuck with her and the Hound tremendously. God, what a fucking nightmare it was lmao, with how she just treats it better than her lackeys, almost motherly, until you realized that there is a person in there, there is a Silver Eyed Warrior that she captured, tormented, and disfigured in that Grimm. Man, when the horror hits like this, I almost forgot I hate the way CRWBY writes lol.
What season were they at their best and why? - O O F. I seriously cannot pick one, because wow the good moments she has just fucking comes and go without any consistency huh. Well, if I have to choose based on overall enjoyment? Probably 7 or 8, because they actually let her go full-on horror monster, and boy do we need that.
What season were they at their worst and why? - Uhhhhh, I would say...6? Because the way they wrote her backstory and how it went was wack. I love the evil bitches from the start, I do, and I was one of the people who never saw Salem as a good person even before she turned Grimm. But the narrative of Lost Fables was lame, and her complexity was nonexistent because "noooo my man died wahhh :((((" and I...I wish that by itself extended into more? Like, she was sad that what she thought was hers was taken from her, and that spiraled into a need to control the world instead of just like, destroy it for a man that she still murdered when he rightfully gtfo, I guess. Her character trope and the way it all went down are ideas that have been executed better, look no further than the character Father from Fullmetal Alchemist.
How would I rank their outfits from worst to best? - Well, seeing as how both of her outfits just reeks of Orientalism and sexism, both of them belong in the fucking trash. But if I have to rank them, the OG comes first, then her "war" outfit because....what was even there, bestie?
I'm not doing anything H*rry P*tter related, so this ain't gonna be a thing at all.
What do I think this character would be like if they were on the opposite side (good characters are bad, bad characters are good - Huh...Now that's an interesting thought. I thought she would be like Ozpin at first, but then I was leaning more towards her being a hermit trainer who watches over the world in the shadows instead of being a Headmaster, while the Headmasters themselves are either her close friends or studied under her before going into their Huntsman career. I can also see her having her own Huntsman training sect where her students have a unique style of Grimm hunting and Dust utilization due to her being a magician, but upon descending into the world they must never find her again (Baoshan Sanren from Mo Dao Zu Shi is a good example of this trope). A really low-key person.
If I suddenly had control of RWBY, what would I want to do with this character after the events of V8? - First of all, erase Vol 9-. In all seriousness? I would have her kickstart that world domination already, and keep up that level of high stake for the characters to actually deal with. Salem has become a high-level threat, and that would've made the tension not just between the main cast, but them against the world because of their actions, be more interesting. And obviously, have her just fucking blow Cinder apart already. That bitches literally did shit for you but steal the work other lackeys did for you, Salem, just kill her.
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nellie-elizabeth · 11 months
tagged by @awildwickedslip, thank you!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
magicians and roswell, new mexico primarily! Also wrote a good omens fic recently but that might be a one and done for now.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
tales from a bookshop (good omens post season 2, fairly sure I'll never write anything this popular ever again because holy shit)
Lover's Touch - Queliot fic!
Promises - Queliot fic!
Maybe This Time - Queliot fic!
Fragments - Queliot fic!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I didn't used to in my earlier fandom days but now I'm pretty consistent about it.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I once wrote a major character death fic for Queer as Folk where Justin died. Not really my style anymore. Back in my ff.net days I also wrote Merthur major character death fic, I'm just remembering.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I always try and do happily ever afters! A lot of my stories end with a sense of "and then they continue on their adventures, and life isn't always simple or easy", so in terms of the most pure, joyful ending? I guess I'll go living proof, which is the end of my episode series for Roswell, NM, which is just a "now they're married and happy forever" fic.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have before, but not as a rule. Once got called an abuse apologist & incest support (oh the horror /s) for exploring the canonical close friendship (not even a romantic relationship!) between two dudes from Shadowhunters lmao. And there's a troll in the Roswell fandom who writes hilarious and idiotic unhinged rants and I've been hit by her before, but she's got a scatter-shot approach and attacks a lot of people, so, at least I know it's nothing personal.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yep! What is meant by "what kind" here? lol. I'm pretty vanilla. Mostly m/m, but I usually don't pass over the chance for m/m/f. I actually recently wrote my very first m/f full-on sex scene ever for a little Magicians snippet, Kady/Penny lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No, I don't wrote crossovers in the sense that characters from various worlds don't meet each other in my fics. HOWEVER, two of my favorite things I've ever written have been Magicians AUs that crossed over the characters from that show with the full plot from other films. One is The Old Guard (A Comet Pulled From Orbit), and one is When Harry Met Sally (When Quentin Met Eliot).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, a few times! Used to happen a lot back with old ff.net stuff, and I recently had my good omens fic translated.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I'm co-writing a series right now! First time I've ever done it and it's a blast.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
uhhhhh don't make me choose? lmao. In terms of fandom engagement and longevity I guess Queliot at this point. But in terms of... the ships that made me discover and appreciate and explore fandom in the first place? Kirk/Spock and Brian/Justin. Classics.
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue and tone setting, I think?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plot details (I get bored and distracted mapping things out)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
tbh I usually wince when I see it in fic? I'm not a fan. It always feels a little silly. Maybe very very sparingly if there's like a singular phrase or term of endearment or something but I'd rather just indicate that someone is speaking another language rather than write it out. I feel like it can often be tokenizing if you just have one character who's bilingual and you give them little one-liners in a different language. Idk. If the author is bilingual and doing a thing, then that's awesome. But I can usually tell when someone's just using google translate for stuff lol.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Gilmore Girls!
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I'm gonna cheat and name one each for my two big fandoms. Also idk if these are my favorites but they're two I really love that aren't my most popular:
Regrets, or the Absence Thereof (Magicians)
all the roads that lead you there (Roswell)
tagging @portraitofemmy @spiders-hth-is-an-outlier @orchardsinsnow @r-dtoblack and YOU if you're reading this and want to play!
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toasty-owoasty · 1 year
hi! i'm coming for your ace attorney/homestuck aus. you cannot hide in the tags. talk about them >:3
(only if you want ofc, no pressure, just a lot of interest)
lmao well if you insist~
(also shout out to my good buddy @jayljester / @jaylillustrates for being the main person I bounced ideas off of for this back in like.. 2020/2021 you should check them out their art is phenomenal)
so as I said before, there's actually three days. in order from least to most developed they are:
-turnabout alternia
-ace legislacerators
attorneystuck is your classic "what if x characters played sburb" story. have not thought much of it past that
turnabout alternia is a theoretical case wherein normal phoenix wright (and probably some other characters idk) get translated to alternia and have to defend one of the trolls (probably karkat) in a trial. I have no other details on this but terezi is probably either the prosecutor or the weird girl. think turnabout storm but instead of horses it's Homestuck.
ace legislacerators is the most developed & my favorite of the three. the idea behind it is sort of a rewrite of the ace attorney story line but on alternia? specifically an au alternia where humans and trolls live together. the impacts of this in society include reforms such as murder being actually illegal and frowned upon due to human influences, adults staying on alternia, trolls having actual family units, jobs such as legislacerator not actually being limited to one caste, etc etc. these changes are not pretty recent, probably being first implemented around/shortly before the tgaa era.
I feel I should also mention that by no means is the caste system gone. lower castes are still widely treated like garbage, and higher castes are still treated very well
for fun, here's a list of castes for the characters as I remember them bc again I have barely thought about this au in years :p (under the read more bc this post is already long)
Phoenix: indigo blood/human hybrid, explains why he's hardy enough to be able to withstand all the stuff he does
Edgeworth: Violet blood, he fishie :)
Larry: token human. just a normal guy.
Gumshoe: olive blood. I mean his jacket is already the perfect color
Von Karma: the von karma's are all teal bloods! they also hold the idea that as teals they are "natural hatched legislacerators" (aka Manfred is hemophobic despite not even being in that high of a caste)
Godot: as Diego Armando, he was a rust blood. but when he was poisoned they ended up filling him with teal blood! so diego=burgundy, godot=teal
Apollo: Apollo is a rust! he has normal horns AND hair horns so some people think he's a gold and get scared of his supposed psionics.
Gavin: If I recall correctly, the Gavins are both purple bloods. clown Gavins teehee. (klavier is probably more into the messiahs than kristoph, but I think both of them are very low-key about it)
Trucy: I don't actually remember trucy's caste but I *think* she was a burgundy? would make sense given. events. as well as her outfit as a kid being red.
Athena: She's an actual gold with psionics :) I never drew her, but my design concept for her involved her having four eyes, one for each color of the mood matrix.
Blackquill: I don't actually remember having one for him. Uhhhhh.. Ummm. Cobalt? yeah sure cobalt. taka is his "lusus" (even though lusii aren't actually parental figures anymore in this universe, they're more like pets but still have parental instincts)
Judge: purple blood. clown judge lol.
so they're a special case. all people capable of spirit channeling or descendants of spirit channelers are a secret 13th caste... lavenders! in terms of hierarchy, lavenders would fall between violet and fuchsia (yes they are sea dwellers), but are generally unknown due to being mutants and also being a very very small caste. only some lavenders can channel spirits, just like how only some cobalts can mind control, only some burgundies have telekinesis, & only some golds have psionics. so yeah. all the feys are fish ladies :) (to explain why dahlia was able to cut ties from the feys, she simply just faked being a violet, shrimple as that)
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thatlittlemouse · 1 year
so there’s this new year’s extra where the gang and wu xie’s family all gather together that makes me very soft so I rambled about it at length
the story is longer and a bunch of stuff happens (#5 new year’s special; it takes place around 10 years later in yucun but before reboot) and the new year’s celebration itself is only around 2 chapters but it’s so cute and funny
wu xie’s parents and er shu + xiao hua and xiuxiu are all set to come over to wu xie’s place in yucun for new year’s and he’s so stressed about it
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he gets stressed about all the shopping and cooking, has a crisis about wine, fights with his neighbor about a chicken 🤭 🤭
“you’re bullying my pretty boy (xiaoge)” pangzi is so funny 😂
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wu xie transforming into a humble and filial son the moment his parents show up 🤭 🤭
rain village’s little downtown prince ahsakjs what are you on about
it’s so funny that his parents never met pangzi and xiaoge before?? and wu xie never actually mentioned them?? how does he hide literally everything about his life from his parents (actually he hints at some point that they probably noticed he’s not well, but didn’t push the topic...)
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wu xie about pangzi: this is my uhhhhh, Business Associate 🧍‍♂️
we’re going to make some “local ecological products”
(nailed it)
(continuing about xiaoge) and his uhhhh brother? *smiling nervously probably*
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er shu: looking away
wu xie: looking away
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I love xiao hua. the moment he walked in he just started inspecting and criticizing everything, but after he got that done with, he put his apron on and started helping out
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I think I read another short story or something where he came over and started helping pangzi out in the kitchen
he’s so nice to his friends actually 🥺
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after all the hardships, his family and friends are all there by his side... he made it
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I think he only narrowly escaped the topic of marriage with er shu’s help lmao
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that “I’m sorry. Thank you” holds a lot of weight... it really summarizes what he wants to say in his heart, but can’t put in more words, so these will have to do
it makes me feel some kind of way that the dinner is actually like a very mundane family gathering. pangzi and xiao hua sing a song, xiuxiu wants to get out of it by handing over to xiaoge but he already left the room when no one was paying attention 🤭
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I love their friendship.... xiao hua is worried about him and asking if he’s hiding away in rain village
it almost looks like he’s in seclusion there (well with the besties), so why is wu xie staying there? is he afraid to come out?
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intermission with hei yanjing being pathetic again 😔. wu xie and xiao hua silently linking his post askjadhsd
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anyway wu xie circles back to the topic above at the very end of the extra. he thinks some things through in this story and can explain himself better at the end
he’s not hiding away, but he needs to take the time to process and heal from everything he’s been through. and this is the best place he sees where he can do that, so he needs to stay here for the time being
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oh I’m in my wu xie feelings
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anyway and then the end leads right into reboot with (presumably) sanshu’s message on the old phone! to be continued~
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moemammon · 3 years
An MC that steals clothes to the point where they have more of the boys clothes than the boys do
Big Boyf hoodies
The Demon Bros react to MC Stealing their Clothes!
You have ten seconds before you're subjected to a vibe check
Jk, Lucifer MIGHT be okay with you wearing his clothes, depending on his mood. If he's got things to do, you'd best leave his stuff alone
Otherwise, the sight of you walking around wearing that huge fur coat of his is enough to put him in a much better mood for the rest of the day. Maybe he won't beat Mammon's ass today after all? 🤔
As long as you keep his fancy coat clean, he's happy. He might even start "accidentally" leaving things out for you to get to, and his ego inflates tenfold when he sees you've found them.
He'll tease you a little bit about it, asking "Did you miss me so much that you had to wear my clothing?"
Bruh???? Where the hell did his jacket go-
He tossed it in the dryer and now it's gone! Time to destroy his room in the search-
And that's when he sees you walking around wearing it, like it's no big deal. You haven't even spotted him yet but boy is he staring
He doesn't even have a CHANCE to think about being mad at you, because you chose to wear his clothes specifically. His ego? Through the roof. Definitely considers buying you things to match what he wears.
Now everyone knows you're HIS human! He'd never let anyone else wear his stuff, after all! "You're the one that's been takin' my jacket?? Well.... I guess it's only natural that ya wanna wear the Great Mammon's clothes! S-so don't go takin' it off, ya hear?!"
The normie??? Is wearing HIS clothes??? Specifically the Ruri-chan shirt he sleeps in?????
The fact that you went out of your way to get them... He doesn't know if he's horrified or honored, but he's definitely somewhere in the middle considering the look on his face. And honestly he's so damn shocked that he thinks his heart might explode.
This is LITERALLY an epic gamer anime moment. When the male protagonist finds his lover/love interest wearing one of his oversized shirts.... m-moe...
He can't even look at you directly, so he has to do it through his camera lens. Did you really think he wouldn't fill up his entire phone's memory bank with photos of you? Think again. Maybe if he leaves some cosplay out, you might wear that too..?
"Wh-Huh? O-o-of course I knew you took my shirt! There's no way I wouldn't notice. B-But you don't have to take it off! I mean... you can keep it if you want... I have three more."
Satan doesn't know how to wear a coat properly anyway so it's no wonder you took it, to show him how it's done one sleeve wearing ass
It didn't take detective Satan very long to find out where it'd gone, because he soon spots you wearing it.
You're sitting in an armchair with his coat draped around you, clearly content and comfortable with your newly acquired clothing.
And he pauses, just outside of your line of sight so he can compose himself. He’d be lying if he said his heart didn't skip a beat when he saw it draped over you. It made him want to gather you up on his lap and keep you there forever.
Instead, once he's calmed down, he rounds the corner to question you about it. "If you were cold, why didn't you tell me? Here, let me sit next to you. Ah, you can keep the coat on. It suits you."
This is literally all he's ever wanted tbh. He's not even surprised that you want to try on his clothes, because?? They're HIS.
But he's gushing about it forever. He's so quick to snap a million photos of you and posts them to devilgram, sets it as his home and lock screen, maybe prints a couple of photos to keep-
You never hear the end of it. Whether you were trying to be covert or not, he's got you and he's never letting go.
He'll literally give you the clothes he thinks will suit you best, and gushes over the say they compliment you.
"It's like having my own doll to dress up! You don't know how happy I am to put my clothes on you~! Shall we buy matching outfits? Or maybe... you prefer that they belong to me~?"
Beel can be a little forgetful, so sometimes he misplaced his jacket. He always finds it in the end, either through his brothers or his own means, so he's completely stumped when he's looked everywhere and STILL can't find it. And he's starting to get hungry again, so now he's more interested in going to the kitchen.
Then he finds you exiting your room, rubbing the sleep of your afternoon nap from your eyes. You don't seem to notice him and just quietly wander past, wearing Beel's jacket.
He doesn't even stop you, just watching you go before he's suddenly forgetting all about his hunger pains, and more interested in quietly following you like a dog.
You both end up in the kitchen, and he's still watching over you happily while you eat some chips. Don't mind him while he uhhhhh picks you up and takes him to his room so he can hold you lmao
"MC.... did you have my jacket this entire time? I was looking for it. Oh, I'm not angry or anything, I like seeing you wear it. You should do that more often."
He realizes that you took something so fast-
Belphie may be able to sleep anywhere, but he has to be comfortable enough for it. That comfort usually comes in the form of his jacket, so when he discovers it's missing and has looked everywhere, he gets a little agitated.
Grumpy boy goes to find you to force you to take a nap with him until he feels better, and discovers that you're guilty. But his annoyance is replaced by pride when he sees how comfortable you look, napping away in his jacket.
He's not letting you keep it of course, but he's sure there's something else he can let you wear instead. Part of him is convinced you're only wearing it because it's comfortable, while the other part wonders if you're wearing it because it's his...
So he pokes your face until you wake up, and demands an answer. "You took my jacket without asking, huh? I couldn't sleep a wink because of you.....If you wanted to feel like I was with you, you should've just went to my room. Scoot over, I'm joining you."
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thatgirlonstage · 2 years
What will your next fanfic be about? Are there ones that you have on the back burner?
Lmao it's adorable you think I have this like. Neatly planned and organized that I definitely know what I'm posting next.
I have two kinky erotica one-shots that I have a good amount written for, one JJK Sukufushi pwp and one 5+1 porn-with-plot Elena of Avalor fic (...I started a rewatch and Esteban promptly broke my brain, it's. been a thing). Barring that I bang out something short on tumblr or twitter (like my most recent fic, keep the king) in like an hour, or something else doesn’t unexpectedly overtake my life, one of those will go up next.
For the back burner… oh, god, so many things.
I have three fics planned for next Mermay, two of which are short (a Critical Role M9 fic that will not take much work to finish, and would’ve been done this year if Our Flag Means Death hadn’t seized me by the throat and consumed my life, and a TAZ: Ethersea fic, which I have planned out and I’m just waiting to write out and publish closer to the month). The third is a longform Witcher geraskefer fic that I uhhhhh sort of promised would be published this past May, but then grad school and ofmd happened and it Simply Was Not Finished. But I am very much hoping to get it done for next year.
There are two BNHA fics — one dabihawks, one postcanon future fic that I was writing for Banned Together Bingo and didn't finish in time — that I have a shit ton written for but may or may not ever see the light of day due to starting them before/during the first war arc and now they’re really not canon compliant anymore, and I’d have to do a lot of work to make them a more deliberate canon divergence, and just… idk if it will ever happen. Also because, frankly, ime BNHA fandom sucks to post fic in. Your fic just gets buried in the first ten minutes and I feel like the comments to kudos ratio is particularly bad. So I’d be doing a shit ton of work just for nobody to care about it if I bothered to share it.
I do fully intend to write another TAZ: Balance fic about Lup to turn Without Mercy and Without Blame into a triptych that covers all the birds. I lost part of my drafting for that unfortunately so it's just getting up the energy to rewrite it. Also in the vein of incomplete series, I will not feel done with in the quiet of his mind until I have at least written the forest kiss and "get away"; and I would be absolutely remiss not to do an epistolary Charon/Hermes fic for The Many Layers of Life and Death. None of those things are imminent, but they've been percolating in my head long enough that I think I will eventually get to them, it's just anyone's guess when.
And then there’s the WIPs.
Both The Way You Said I Love You and Written in Sand I have substantial swathes of the rest of the fic written for. For WiS, at this point, I’m waiting until I’ve chipped away and finished the whole fic so that when I finally do come back, I can just post chapters once a week and not go on another years long hiatus. For TWYSILU I’m just blocked on part of this specific chapter and I need to get back to it whenever my brain stops hating me about it. They 10000% are not abandoned and will not be, I am just slow.
I did not. Uh. Intend to post a single chapter of If I’m Not Back Again and immediately stop, but. Life. The current plan for that one is that I’ll write more when Good Omens S2 drops.
And if you go REALLY far back in my Ao3 you’ll find The Green Hunter, which I honestly make zero promises for, that one’s on an “if inspiration strikes” basis.
The only unfinished published fic I have that definitely will not be finished is Long Lost, and even that isn’t abandoned as such — whenever I finish WiS, I want to move over to a significant rewrite of Long Lost to scratch the Voltron itch without being forced to engage with canon. But WiS is the priority.
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ellstersmash · 3 years
fic writer ao3 questionnaire thingy
tagged by @bearlytolerant and @ejunkiet for this 💙 thx buddies
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
these are all solavellan which I guess is not surprising... but to be fair, my mass effect fics just missed the cut
three (modern!au WIP that could technically be finished where I left it but needs a rewrite bc i started it before i learned how to make more thoughtful choices)
nothing on my tongue (collection of playlist-inspired <500 word vignettes that sort of work as a whole story)
awake, alive (two-shot ? about not-kissing in the rain. *smacks the roof* this bad boy can fit so much romantic and sexual tension in it)
the naughty list (a very smutty christmas fic, and another two-shot)
waking up (post-trespasser prompt fill about kissin your not-ex-boyfriend to help him see how dumb he's being)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes, I do. commenting can be intimidating when you don't know the writer, so in that case it feels disrespectful not to even acknowledge the effort. same with extensive comments. and oftentimes the commenter brings up questions or points out interesting moments that you can then have mo re of a conversation about.
honestly comments aren't about the compliments (though those are always nice to hear), they're about the connection. I wrote this, you read it. we both want to feel seen. consider my response an acknowledgement of our connection.
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
principles, which is just a one-shot so the whole thing is angsty, but it definitely ends even less happily than nomt...
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
probably three, but since the last chapter is technically not the ending... I think to the water (smutty dragon age OCxOC indulgence) takes it! it is also, coincidentally, some of my tightest writing.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one you've written?
i do not. i don't generally love reading or writing them tbh
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
nope, but there's always tomorrow!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i sure do, but uh what kind? the um... the quick and snappy kind where you hope to squeeze at least a little heat out of those 600 words? idfk
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i am aware of
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that i am aware of
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not that i am awa- wait, yes! i collaborated with my past self on not to keep, a shenko fake-dating one-shot that I wrote most of in 2017!! lol ok but like with other people, no.
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
well that's not a fair question to ask. how about top three: mayo, solathi, and bethistair
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish, but don't think you ever will?
i mean there's always some hope, but.. arlathan!au. 🥀rip
15. What are your writing strengths?
being concise: i try to be efficient with my word choice, and cram a lot of characterization/meaning into a handful of words
i think i hit a decent balance of description, action, dialogue, and interiority?
giving certain sentences that satisfying cadence
im good at beginnings. fuck endings tho
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
dialogue. im a lot better than i used to be, but still struggle with it
i don't understand smut and it doesn't understand me
my stamina is shit!!! which is why i write small things and that works fine but when i occasionally want to write something long (beach fic my love) i get overwhelmed and discouraged.
im just.. not that creative lmao this head is empty
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i do not do it, but all the best to ppl who do ig. hopefully someone knows how to do it well... once i read a longfic that did this sort of a lot and the translations were all in the chapter end notes on ao3 and it was such a PAIN to scroll down then find my place again
but i just don't do it bc im lazy :}
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
newsies lmao (which came out when i was 3! never been on time to a fandom in my life ✌🏻😌)
19. What's your favorite fic you've ever written?
uhhhhh well right now i am most satisfied with anybody's hands (pre-relationship mayo), but like the writing of be gentle with me (also mayo), but am most proud of nothing on my tongue. idk which would be considered my favorite.
idk who hasn't been tagged yet but @thevikingwoman, @boshtet-juggler, @kittlesandbugs, @ladymdc, and @writer-ish, if you've done this will you pls tag me in it so i can see?? and the rest of yall if you got this far and have stuff on ao3 i am BEGGING you to say i tagged you pls i do not even care if we're mutuals or not
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scraregenrecs · 3 years
Rec Roundup - May 2021
Hello friends! It’s June! (i know, i know, wtf, right?) Which means that we have a nice long list of fics from May that we know you all will love. There’s a little bit of everything. Everyone can find something they enjoy on this smorgasbord of rare ships and gen!
So, look through the list and buckle in for some AMAZING fic!
Aeration by @middyblue, Alexis & David, rated T, 4495 words
Summary: Isn’t her whole life proof that she can handle it? However shitty life gets, she puts one heel in front of the other and keeps walking, keeps going to the next adventure, the next thrill, because it’s when you stop that it catches up to you; it’s when you stop and there’s no one there that you start disappearing.
The night before she leaves Schitt's Creek, Alexis gets a text from Sebastien.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: This is a stunning fic that takes an unflinching look at the people that Alexis and David used to be, and the people they've become. I haven't read an Alexis character study that touched me quite so deeply. Check the tags!
and i’ve known you for a long time by @hullomoon, Stevie/Twyla, rated Gen, 574 words
Summary: While moving in together, Twyla discovers something from their childhood
Rec [written by samwhambam]: I love this little fic for multiple reasons! Stevie! Twyla! MOVING IN TOGETHER! REDISCOVERING SHARED MEMORIES. I love it all. Give it to me. It’s a sweet little slice of life and hullomoon killed it. Again. Per usual.
Every Night Has Its Dawn by @lilythesilly, Stevie/Ruth, rated G, 633 words
Summary: Everytime Ruth takes her to a new place, whether it’s a karaoke bar or a concert in the park or a cheesy tourist trap, or to try her favorite foods (sushi is so far a yes, the bistec Ruth made in her kitchen this afternoon is so far a yes, kimchi is so far a no) she watches Stevie with a bright smile, like she’s anticipating whatever her reaction is, good or bad.
Stevie never wants to stop chasing that smile. She’ll follow Ruth to a million different places in a million different cities if it means she gets to see that smile over and over again.
Ruth + Stevie + Karaoke
Rec [written by doingthemost]: This is so pitch perfect, I could see it easily unfolding on my screen. I love the way you instantly get to understand the dynamics of their relationship through Stevie's amusing POV. This is a must-read for anyone curious about the ship!
The Future Is This Moment by floosilver8, Jake/David, rated E, 1774 words
Summary: Mostly canon compliant, David's POV for just before the cold open of S03E01 Opening Night
Rec [written by yourbuttervoicedbeau]: I’m such a sucker for David/Jake and this is super hot! I also love the tense shift at the end there.
High and Warm by lonelygrocerystore, Stevie/Twyla, rated T, 567 words
Summary: A (very stoned) Stevie and Twyla share a moment at Mutt's barn party and Stevie has feelings.
Rec [written by samwhambam]: Give me ALL the Stevie and Twyla making out while stoned at Mutt’s barm party. It is SUCH an underrated moment in the show. They both looked fantastic and it’s time we all really appreciated it. This fic is a combination of stoned making out and queer feelings and I really enjoyed it. So much. Highly recommend it.
In her brown eyes (the ones she gave to me) by @sarahlevys, Stevie/Ruth, rated G, 600 words
Summary: "I'm dating someone. Her name is Stevie."
Her mother tsks under her breath. "Stevie, ha? Sounds like a boy's name."
A laugh escapes Ruth despite her nerves. "Well – yes. I guess so."
Ruth tells her mother about her new relationship.
Rec [written by samwhambam]: This fic gave me mom feels. 😂 I read this and was really rooting for Ruth and I was so happy that her mom was receptive to meeting Stevie. It really breathes life into a character that we got limited screen time from. It’s a nice little treat!
Let’s all be with us by [orphaned account], Stevie/Albany/Jake, rated M, 1556 words
Summary: Jake and Stevie are at Café Tropical for their weekly milkshake the night of Jocelyn's baby sprinkle. After Albany overhears Klair saying breaking news: we still fucking hate her in regards to her at The Wobbly Elm, she flees back to where they'd indulged in lunch earlier that day, meeting the two of them in the process.
Rec [written by yourbuttervoicedbeau]: The thing I love most about fanfic is when I read something that makes me consider a character in a new way — or, honestly, makes me consider them full stop, which is something I’ve never really done with Albany. But this fic fleshes her out and gives her a damn good day.
my dress on the floor by @5ambreakdown, Stevie/Twyla, rated T, 4332 words
Summary: David smiles and squeezes his hand. “You’re cute.”
Before Patrick can respond any sort of way to that, he hears the door open behind them and turns to see Stevie enter, her eyes widening and mouth opening slightly. He hears her whisper, “Oh shit,” as she takes in Twyla behind the counter.
are stevie and twyla together? will patrick ever understand fashion? did i just vomit a bunch of words onto the page and didn't double check to make sure it was coherent? all these and more just might be answered!
Rec [written by samwhambam]: This is such a fun fic!! It’s told from Patrick’s POV as he slowly starts to notice some uhhhhh things between Stevie and Twyla. I love the Stevie and Twyla of it and I love David and Patrick being the classic best friends and getting super into it. I was smiling the entire time. It’s such a good fic and I kept getting distracted while writing this review because I keep reading the fic instead lmao.
rise and spin / over and over again by @anniemurphys, Alexis/Twyla, rated T, 2384 words
Summary: The apartment is dark when Alexis gets home, curtains drawn, air heavy. She wants to give in to the darkness, to curl up in it – but she also wants to pull her wife out.
Seven moments of grief, and one moment of hope.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: Please mind the tags! That said, if this is something you're comfortable reading, you'll find a devastating, breathtaking, captivating story in so few words. This is a fic that reminds me of how powerful fandom can be, and how we can often find solace and empathy in telling stories through these characters we love.
save it from the funny tricks of time by @hullomoon, David & Moira, rated G, 1114 words
Summary: While David helps her pack up her wigs, Moira reflects on their relationship.
Rec [written by yourbuttervoicedbeau]: David and Moira’s relationship is one that always fascinates me, and the parallel between the opening of the first episode of the show and this fic is so brilliantly done.
Sweaters In the Dead of Summer by @kindofspecificstore, Heather/Rachel, rated T, 2195 words
Summary: Rachel desperately wants to bury herself in the covers and never come out again. The lights were off last night- Heather didn’t have to see the patchwork that makes up her back and shoulders, the speckling of white and pink dots in varying stages of healing scars. She doesn’t like it. She’s not proud of it. But Rachel doesn’t really know how to fix it either. It’s not embarrassing, per se, just awkward to explain.
You know that feeling when you want to pop a zit?
Like that, but all the time. Except it’s all you think about. And you can’t control it.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: Yay, more Heather/Rachel! Please mind the tags with this one, but with that out of the way, this is a touching look at their relationship (every relationship in this fic, in addition to the Heather/Rachel, is treated so well!) and the importance of being seen and cared for.
To the end of reckoning by @dinnfameron, Patrick & Ronnie, rated T, 1308 words
Summary: He should get David a coffee. He could deliver it to the motel, see how he’s doing. His arm is raised halfway to flag Twyla down when he catches himself. David doesn’t want to see him right now. He may never want to see Patrick ever again. The thought makes him sick.
“Brewer.” Patrick turns at the sound of his name. There aren’t many people in this town who call him that, and sure enough, there’s Ronnie Lee at a table near the front. He’d missed her, somehow.
“You look like shit,” she says.
Rec [written by yourbuttervoicedbeau]: I love Patrick, I love Ronnie, I love anything and everything that explores the contentious relationship between the two of them. I love post-barbecue angst. Basically I love every single thing about this.
you make everything good by @rosedavid, Alexis/Twyla, rated G, 835 words
Summary: “Stop being grumpy, it’s lame."
Twyla has to go and visit her gaggle of cousins for two weeks, and Alexis is pouty about her girlfriend leaving for so long.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: This is an adorable little slice-of-life type of fic with some fun banter and some true-to-the-show Twyla moments! It's cute and funny and exactly what I love about the ship.
Happy reading, friends!
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Do you have salted or sweetened popcorn, if any? I don’t like popcorn in general but uhhhhh I guess I’ll go with salted. Sweetened is fine too but I can only have a few fistfuls before I’m over them.
What do you think about alternate medicines? I can’t escape some aspects of it, like medicinal herbs and plants, considering where I’m from; but I don’t believe in most of it.
Peaches or Mangos? Can’t for the life of me appreciate fruits but I’ll pick mangoes just because my sushi will sometimes come with chunks of it, ha.
What item(s) do you buy most frequently at the shop? Like the grocery? Well we always make sure to get the basics like eggs, bread, butter, etc but as for non-necessities we also will get a variety of frozen stuff that we can more easily whip up.
Have you ever played beach volleyball? I’ve tried it once or twice but have always been terrible at running on sand.
How much money is in your purse/wallet/pocket right now? Around ₱300.
Sticky toffee pudding or ice cream sundae? I have no idea what sticky toffee pudding is but pudding generally isn’t my dessert of choice, so ice cream sundae wins by default here even though I actually don’t have that often either.
What do you normally eat at a barbecue? Those aren’t a thing here.
Does thunder and lightening frighten you? Not at all, I really like them.
Do you prefer aquatic creatures or flying (water or air)? Aquatic.
What animals are only native to your continent/country? The carabao is one, then we also have the Philippine eagle (obviously).
If you add all the numbers of your zip/post code, what's the result? 10.
Does the above number have any significance to you? Nope, it doesn’t.
Look at your phone - whose the contact under the number above? Jum. Good grief I haven’t seen that girl in like 3, 4 years lmao. It’s going to be such a fucking party if we ever manage to miraculously bring our *entire* college friend group under one roof again.
Do you prefer spray on or roll on deodorant? Roll-on. I don’t think I’ve ever used a spray type, come to think of it.
Have you ever played trivial pursuit? What's your favourite category? I have! My dad got me a whole set as a kid – I never actually understood the mechanics, but I always cared more about just the trivia questions anyway. My favorite categories were history and entertainment.
What is directly to the left of you right now? Just a part of this couch that I’m currently sitting on.
Is there anything purple in the room you're in now? What is it? My shirt is purple.
Have you ever watched a naughty film/show with someone except a partner? I’ve watched a number of rated-R movies with my sister and cousins, if those count - like Love Actually, which has that subplot of the nude body doubles lol.
Do you say uh a lot when you speak? Yes but I make an active effort to lessen it because I know I don’t like it when people make excessive use of it, especially in work settings.
Did you have a habit of saying like after nearly every word awhile ago? ^ Same as above.
Would you like to go swimming with dolphins? I’d rather watch them in their natural habitat from afar, instead of directly interacting with them and actually getting into the water with them.
List 5 or more of the strangest names you've ever heard? None are coming to my 9 AM head right now but I remember watching this viral TikTok of a girl who was sharing how her name was originally going to be Rvjule(???) but then her parents had the sudden realization that it’d be weird and that people would never take her seriously with the name, so they named her Chezcries instead which...which is still pretty unique???? anyway the rest of the clip is hilarious because she goes on to say that these days people who can’t read her name properly would give up and call her Jesus Christ.
Who that you know has an odd/unusual name, if anyone? I know a Lady Ann but she goes by LA. It’s a pretty name, but it is quite unique too.
Do you prefer writing on lined or plain paper? Neither? Haha I prefer dotted. Plain is a lot of pressure and lined makes me feel like I’m in preschool or primary school again.
Did you ever do charcoal pictures in school? I don’t think we ever did explore this, no.
What's your favourite crayon in the crayon pack? I don’t really have one.
Did you like those scented pens? Which one(s) or were they overrated? As a kid, sure. But I can no longer remember the variants; all I know is that I found them entertaining.
Can you convert simple measurements (cm into mm or g into kg)? Sure. I can also do m/km -> feet and kg -> lbs easily because of all my years watching wrestling, which has always used the imperial system.
Do you prefer running, swimming or gymnastics (doing, not watching)? Gymnastics was fun because all we ever did was walk on a beam and basic cheerleading. I always had a shit figure when it came to swimming (and I always ended up going a diagonal direction when I try backstroke, LOL), and I never kept up my knack in running so my endurance weakened over the years.
What is the closest city to you called? What state/country is it in? I live right on the border of two cities, so the closest city is technically just a stone’s throw. Anyway, it’s within the same region (or as you call it, ‘state’).
Tell me a little bit about your state/country? We’re a product of Spanish, British, American, and Japanese colonization, in which we’ve had to see our indigenous culture and beliefs stripped away from us in the course of 300, 400 years, and also a religion shoved down our throats. Today we’re basically a hodgepodge of these cultures while also confusingly trying to pin down an identity that we can call our own, which has led us to be one of the most Westernized (if not the most Westernized) countries in Asia. We’ve always had a bad hand when it comes to the government but the people never learn and always go for the unqualified, and the country is also one of the most deadly in the world for media practitioners. Manila is a shit choice for a vacation so if you’re going to travel here please just make your way to our provinces because our beaches and stuff are actually really nice and FILIPINOS ARE NICE and will keep feeding you yummy food and everything is also just a lot cheaper compared to what you’d spend for in other countries.
Have you ever used a synthesizer on a computer music program? Only because I was playing with it, not because I was genuinely trying to make music.
When was the last time you bought someone a gift? I randomly got Angela an order of her favorite sashimi, maki, and milk tea because I knew she had been having a rough day. I also had been feeling a little bit lonely that time and just wanted to make someone happy.
Is the room you're in cold, hot or in the middle? It’s a bit cold since my mom turned on the aircon a while back, but it’s not freezing.
Do you do bubblebaths? What bubblebath do you put in? Rarely. Sometimes when we’re staying at a hotel with a bathtub I’ll get in a whole pamper-myself mood and get in a bubble bath, but most of the time I prefer my bathroom time to be efficient and just go straight for the shower. Do you like the name Crystabelle? I wouldn’t go for it myself but it’s also not odd-sounding at all.
Do you prefer classical music or jazz? Jazz.
Do you actually care on a personal level about Peter Andre and Katie Price? Literally have never heard of these people.
It's the kids I feel sorry for. Anyway, what's your birth month? April.
Do you have an odd habit? What is it? I like tapping our water dispenser at the side whenever I’m getting water from it.
What to you is beautiful beyond all compare? The sea/ocean.
Would you rather be mute or only have use of one leg? I’d rather not pick?
Does your mother’s name begin with an L, S, R, T or M? No, none of these letters.
Does your fathers name begin with C, A, P or R? Nope.
Do you like Salem from Sabrina the Teenage Witch (talking cat)? No, I didn’t follow that series.
What part of your body has been injured the most? Probably just my ankle from the sprain I got a few years back haha.
Without mentioning the name, describe your favourite TV Show? Blue meth.
What TV channel do you watch most often? I don’t watch TV in that sense anymore; we haven’t even had cable since 2020.
Name 4 things you like about yourself external or internal? Resilience, adventurous, generous, patient.
What do you expect from life? Take this however you like. Earning money and enjoying it.
In 5 years time what do you NOT want to be doing (worst scenario)? I just hope I’m not like penniless by then.
Are you good at being diplomatic/having tact? Sure. I always try to avoid conflicts.
Do you cut up pizza or eat it in your hands? Depends. If I’m doing something else, like typing on my laptop, I’d use utensils to cut them. If I’m just eating at the dining table I’m fine with eating with my hands.
What food's smell makes you feel physically sick? Pineapple.
5 words that describe your bedroom? BTS, fur, workplace, posters, boxes.
Would you feel worse losing weight, your phone or your purse? My *wallet since all my important cards are there.
How do you behave when anxious or nervous? I’ll sometimes get uptight and end up snapping at someone, so when I’m nervous I try to limit interacting with people. Behavior-wise, my stomach gets upset, I get restless with my posture, and my heart starts to beat faster.
Can you see cars go by from where you sit now? Sure.
Do you hate slang or do you welcome it? Some of it is fine, some of it I don’t bother with lol like ‘sus.’
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inkykeiji · 3 years
hi lovey! i hope your visit to the asylum was fun for u!! and i hope ur dabi had fun hehehe c: my job was good but soo exhausting and i just some attention from our favorite burnt toast yk??? my friend surprised me with (another) dabi t shirt and ashdndlfnrnekd i have so much of him now lol it’s an issue :,)
id love to hear about the visit though if u wanna share! obvi no pressure :)) have a good rest of ur afternoon/evening lovely ❤️
hello!!!! oh my gosh anon i'm so glad we got to see it!!! i'll go into more detail about my experience there yesterday but if you'd like to see some photos i took + a few links to photos inside and asylum history you can check out this post! <3
awww i know exactly what you mean sweetpea :(( i'm glad ur first day went well tho and it's always nice to receive a gift like that!! <333
about visiting the asylum yesterday:
honestly the vibe around it was absolutely inexplicable, i can’t even find the words to begin describing it to you. it definitely felt VERY off. it almost felt surreal, being there!!! we didn’t even attempt to get in, for a few different reasons: 1. we heard it’s absolutely full of asbestos, mold, and peeling lead paint and we didn’t have proper masks; 2. the fucking vibes were off the chart i’m telling you; and 3. it is apparently very structurally unsafe. there was so much snow we didn’t even look around for the underground tunnels, either. i’m super happy we went though!!! i know this building’s on it’s last legs and the city still doesn’t seem to know what they’re doing with it, so i wanted to see it before it’s totally gone forever!!! i'm hoping to visit it again in the summer when it's a little easier to uhhhhh poke around hehehe
thankfully, we were alone almost the entire time we were there and took our time walking around the grounds and just admiring the building. it was so quiet and almost eerily peaceful with all of the snow falling, and i think that definitely added to the feeling we both got from it. right as we were starting to leave this super sketchy dude came out of literally NOWHERE, wearing just a hoodie and a light jacket that was falling half off of him, and a full face mask. he started walking quicker when he saw us, and his movements were very erratic and jerky. he kept looking back at us like we were suspicious lmao but we had to walk the same way as him to get back to the car, and i think for a moment he was worried we were following him. anyway he disappeared into one of the alcoves at the back, then appeared again to look at us, and then went back into the alcove. dunno what he was doing but he looked fairly young so our guess is graffiti and/or drugs. it’s interesting tho because the alcove he disappeared into was the one with this hidden door that had a few different boards of plywood slapped over it AND a grate (which had been cut open). it grabbed my attention because the plywood boards were like half ripped off and there were day old footprints leading to that door, and then it almost looked like someone had been kneeling in the snow at the bottom????? very odd, but i’m assuming if he knew a way in, that was it.
it’s really sad to see such a beautiful victorian building covered in graffiti and vandalism at the back, and it’s really sad to see a piece of (very dark) history left to rot and crumble :/ i know one of the historic organizations in the city has been trying for years to save it and restore it, but the government won’t even let them inside, not even to look and see if anything can be salvaged at all. tbh that strikes me as kind of odd as well, but i'm going to take a wild guess and say the government doesn’t exactly want to preserve a building with such a horrifying past of abuse, death, and inhumane treatment methods :/ however, i heartily agree with those calling for it to be made into a museum about mental illness + mental health treatment and just how far our society has come in terms of that, especially as someone who has had multiple family members admitted to insane asylums and subject to their treatment methods, and as someone who suffers from mental illness myself. i don’t think this is history that should be covered up or forgotten about—we deserve to have our stories told and acknowledged. additionally, i don’t think using an old asylum that used to house the criminally insane for anything else (ie converted into student housing) is necessarily appealing to anyone.
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magniloquent-raven · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
i was tagged by @cherry-toxic and @gideongrace ty both 💕🥰💕
How many works do you have on AO3?
which is a relatively small number but sometimes im still like, holy shit i finished 15 whole fics lmao
What's your total AO3 word count?
68,299 (time to post a 701 word fic and then never post again i guess)
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
well this is about to get mildly embarrassing lmfao. ive only got harry potter & stranger things fics on my ao3 and tumblr but if you want a full list, as a teenager i posted a shitty borderlands self-insert fic on quizilla, and hiccup/jack frost fic on ff.net.
and if u count fics that never got finished or published anywhere i dabbled in teen wolf, supernatural, dragon age, star wars, left 4 dead 2, skyrim, good omens, the mcu, buffy, wynonna earp, plus like, general disney/dreamworks crossover fic. and i started writing shameless fics recently, we'll see if i actually finish any. aaaand...i think that's it?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Wait for you, Burn for You
2. Find Our Way
3. Something to Hold
4. Room for One More Troubled Soul
5. Don't Know What I'm Gonna Do (About This Feeling Inside)
all harringrove fics except #4, which is probably only on the list because it's been on ao3 the longest lol
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
oh god, i used to. i did when i was starting out, but then i just. i get self-conscious about what to actually say & leave shit to sit for too long. and suddenly ive got like 100 comments i havent replied to and i want to respond to them so bad but ive left them so long i feel weird about it now and it's a problem 😥
i want to start responding to them again, and every time i get a new one i tell myself im gonna but i never do cuz im fuckin awkward lmao
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
i......don't really do angsty endings. like, most of my fics end with smooches and/or love confessions lmao, i don't like leaving things off sad, even if it starts depressing as hell.
maybe this one? it still ends soft but without resolving the thing billy was angsting about, so.
Do you write crossovers? If so what's the craziest one you've ever written?
hahahhha.............i don't really do them anymore, but i already said i was into the whole animation movie crossover thing, so. yeah, i did lol. it was when i was in high school so of course i did one that was like, every disney character ever and they're going to school together. which really isn't that crazy a concept, but it was a lot of movies to write in so maybe that counts
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
nahh, not rly. i don't get around enough to attract anti attention lol, tho i did get one of those "👎" comments when someone was going around doing that, which lbr, is so low effort it barely counts 😂
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
yea sometimes. i do get the occasional horny idea lmao. mostly "what if touch-starved character + tenderness" or someone having lots of feelings while they're fucking. someone is usually billy lbr. i've also got a couple "what if someone got tied up and treated right" ideas but i don't think i've actually published any of those lmao
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
don't think so?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
i have not
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yea, kinda! a collab with a friend of mine for fun
What's your all time favourite ship?
i...don't know? i get emotionally invested in characters more than the relationships themselves lol. i don't even know what ship i've been invested in for a long time, most of the shit i shipped as a kid i don't give a fuck about anymore lol.
except fuffy, actually. i've always shipped buffy/faith
and if we wanna go with fandom i've actively stuck with the longest it'd be harringrove. cuz ive been here and writing shit for yall for over a year now when i usually would've cycled thru a couple fixations by now lol
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
that's a mean question lmao how dare you. i honestly don't know, i have a lot of wips and i want to finish all of them. i know i won't but there isn't one specifically that seems less likely than the others so idk
What are your writing strengths?
uhhhhh.....i mean i've been told that my characterization is good? like, ppl being able to picture the actual characters when they're reading n stuff, so that's nice. and i could write introspection forever, u don't even know man, i get in the zone. i love getting in a character's head and picking apart their emotional state
What are your writing weaknesses?
writing dialogue really trips me up because i get picky about word choice lmao. i can be writing uninterrupted for twenty minutes cuz it's all a character's inner monologue but the second they gotta speak out loud im sittin there like ok what words sound natural and how much would they be willing to say etc. etc. suddenly it's an hour later and i've written three lines of dialogue. plus i tend to edit as i go so i'm always stopping and going back and rewriting stuff instead of just finishing the damn story
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
no thoughts head empty
lmao for real tho idk? i mean there's that one trope, when someone says nice stuff in a language the other person doesn't speak because they're pining and not sure if they're allowed to say it outright, that shit's cute. im sure all the google translated dialogue has been annoyin as shit for native speakers lmfao but yeah
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
probably harry potter but i literally have no idea. i started writing fic in my early teens and that time of my life is a big fuckin blur lmao
What's your favourite fic you've written?
ngl i think my fav fic is one of the multi-chapter wips i haven't published lmao
BUT. if i gotta pick something yall have read, this one. just a lil guy. plant dad billy and domesticity. it's cute and i like it. maybe also this fic that i wrote for valentine's day. i wrote basically the whole thing in one day and i was really proud of myself lmao, and i just really like headcanoning backstory for billy & that fic is rly just about him growing up, so
tagging @rvspberryjvm @wingedbears @paperbodiesamongthestars @platypan
if yall wanna! 💕
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SO Diamond of the Day HMMMMM this episode was not was i was expecting and IT WAS SO MUCH BETTER THAN I’D IMAGINED. HEARTBREAKINGLY DEVASTATING? YES OF COURSE. BUT SO SO BEAUTIFUL. i didn’t think it was going to be almost entirely Merlin and Arthur intimately talking and holding each other and everything coming out. and i’m so so happy that that’s what it was 🥺🥺🥺 it was fully just a Merthur episode. the episode we all deserved despite the tragedy because it did fit well even if it’s heartbreaking okay? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Merlin: “you’re bleeding”
Arthur: “that’s alright i thought i was dying
Merlin’s just rambling about everything he’s done and should’ve done and Arthur’s just smiling at him dopily i cannot deal with this 🥺😭 and Merlin just breaks down crying as he tells him that he’s the sorcerer i- 🥺🥺🥺
the way they’re holding each other
Merlin said ‘i use my magic for you, Arthur. only for you’ 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 let’s be honest, Diamond of the Day Part 2 is all just 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 oh, and some more 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Arthur just fucking breaks when Merlin first does magic in front of him knowingly obviously lmao he’s just so scared and feels betrayed i-
when Gaius comes back with the herbs and Merlin’s angry at his dad Gaius for not getting the best things he could because he’s just so scared about Arthur this boy i swear- 🥺🥺 but Gaius just knows and tells him to go water the horses lmao come on Gaius you KING
it’s so lovely when Gaius is talking to Arthur about Merlin and trying to talk him round and then we get the gem: ‘there are those who say he’s the greatest sorcerer to walk the earth’... ‘Merlin?’ lmaoooo Arthur stop being a little shit for like TWO (2) SECONDS and listen to Gaius
Merlin is just distraught ‘i can’t let you die’ OH BABY. the ANGST i simply could not deal
then they come across the two saxons ‘you have to help us, we were ambushed’ ‘by who?’ ‘tHEse tWo mEN’ nice one Merlin glad to see your ability to lie has not improved since.. the poetry incident lmaooooooo i can’t with him then Merlin fucking magics them into oblivion and all Arthur can say is ‘you’ve lied to me all this time’ 🥺🥺🥺🥺 and the look he gives Merlin just broke me. THE ANGST
then in the forest at night Arthur half heartedly spits ‘why don’t you use magic’ when Merlin’s tryna light the fire oh baby Arthur’s so mad i can’t with this boy. you little arsehole Arthur Pendragon boy’s been saving your life since day one pipe down ANYWAY Merlin gives him a proper answer and says it’s just out of habit and he turns to Arthur and this boy just NODS AT MERLIN AND THE GROUND, WITH A SLIGHT HINT OF A SMILE AND RAISED EYEBROWS AS IF TO SAY ‘GO AHEAD, DO IT’ THE CHEEK OF THIS MAN he just wants to watch him do it. anyway Merlin does and says ‘it feels strange’ and all Arthur can say is ‘yeah’ yeh alright well done mate do better next time i know you’re dying babe but please
Arthur still has the same expression on his face, ever so slight smile, and says ‘i thought i knew you’ and Merlin’s looking at him like ‘wtf man what do you want me to say to that exactly??’ but actually says ‘i’m still the same person’ 🥺🥺🥺 ‘i trusted you’ 🥺🥺🥺🥺 ‘i’m sorry’ 🥺🥺 ‘i’m sorry, too’ 🥺🥺🥺 I’M SORRY TOO. ARTHUR SAID I’M SORRY TOO
then a crazy intimate moment where Merlin takes off Arthur’s boots and Arthur’s so confused as to why he’s still acting like this UHHHHH KING that’s all Merlin’s ever done he just wants to be yours take that as you will
then Merlin’s feeding him and Arthur just comes out with it. he doesn’t understand why he would act the servant when he’s a sorcerer 🥺🥺 ‘it’s my destiny’ ARTHUR IT’S HIS DESTINY I- ‘as it has been since the day we met’ and Arthur cracks a slight smile at that 🥺🥺🥺 ‘i tried to take your head off with a mace’ ‘and i stopped you, using magic’ AND LET ME TELL YOU THESE BOYS REMINISCING JUST FINISHED ME OFF ONCE AND FOR ALL WHY IS THIS SO SOFT 🥺🥺🥺 ‘you cheated’ ‘you were going to kill me’ ‘i should have’ ‘i’m glad you didn’t’ and Arthur scoffs i’ve asked you before, can you just pipe down for a sec? thanks. and Merlin’s just saying lovely things to him and Arthur’s just looking at him so intently and sweetly ‘there’ll never be another like you, Arthur’ and then Arthur’s pondering and Merlin looks away like he’s spoken out of turn and idk man getting a bit of a GAY VIBE like he’s admitting his love and shouldn’t have. idk seems kinda gay to me. idk though
the way he holds his head while he’s feeding them yes i know this is just what you do but 🥺🥺🥺🥺
at this point every time Arthur collapses i was crying because i kept thinking he was gonna die at any minute i- i’m a mess
Arthur says ‘why did you never tell me?’ king. KING. how could he??? 🥺🥺 and Arthur just looks so so sad
the way Merlin’s holding him
Merlin tells him he didn’t want to put Arthur in that position of deciding whether or not to chop his head off and Arthur replies with a smile ‘that’s what worried you?’ 🥺🥺🥺 YES KING HE’S ALWAYS THINKING ABOUT YOU. Merlin tells Arthur that he was born to serve him and that he’s proud of that and Arthur’s just looking at him like Merlin’s just given him the world 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
‘so you’re not an idiot that was another lie’ lmaooooo king stop ‘no, it’s just another part of my charm’ and Merlin turns back to him and gives him the warmest little smile 🥺🥺 and Arthur has a little smile to himself 🥺🥺🥺
then Merlin’s doing all his little magic tricks to distract the saxons and Arthur’s watching so intently. so quizzically. and says with his trademark sarcasm ‘you’ve done this before’ and Merlin just looks at him and Arthur almost doesn’t know what to say until ‘all these years Merlin, you never once sought any credit’ YEAH WE KNOW KING THAT’S WHY YOU LOVE HIM
i just love how this episode is just the progression Arthur slowly coming to terms with who Merlin is and accepting him for it which is not what i thought it was going to be but boy oh boy am i glad that it is 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Arthur’s starts ‘whatever happens...’ and is about to say something sad and Merlin just- ‘shh don’t talk’ ‘i’m the king Merlin, you can’t tell me what to do’ ‘i always have, i’m not going to change now’ ‘i don’t want you to change. i want you to always.. be you’ 🥺🥺 this episode really gave us everything and then took it all away huh? and then they’re joking and Arthur’s delirious and passes out and Merlin’s got tears in his eyes, just holding his neck to make sure he’s ok 🥺🥺🥺
and then it’s time for Morgana to die and Arthur has to watch Merlin plunge this blade into his sister because that’s who she is even if she’s gone a bit bad lmao and Merlin says ‘goodbye Morgana’ and Arthur’s just staring like he feels nothing at this point 🥺🥺🥺🥺 but then he says ‘brought peace at last’ and i just- 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i’m broken 🥺🥺
and then Arthur collapses. and they joke about Merlin’s magic not being able to save him🥺 and Merlin’s just holding him. 🥺 because that’s what Arthur asks him to do 🥺 please. and Arthur says ‘there’s something i want to say’ and i was just sobbing uncontrollably at this point. and Merlin thinks he’s going to say goodbye. but that’s not it. of course that not it Merlin. 🥺🥺 ‘everything you’ve done... i know now. for me, for camelot... for the kingdom you help me build’ AND IT’S COMING. Merlin tells him he would’ve done it without him and i think we all know that’s not true and Arthur says ‘maybe’ with a smile at him 🥺🥺🥺 AND IT’S STILL COMING ‘i want to say something i’ve never said to you before’ and I FUCKING KNEW what it was going to be ‘thank you’ and i just broke and so did Merlin and Arthur’s just smiling at him and Merlin’s shouting his name but he’s gone and 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 he whispers ‘stay with me’ but it’s too late 🥺🥺🥺 and Merlin screams for the Great Dragon.
he tells him there’s nothing that can be done. and Merlin thinks he’s failed but dragon boy tells him that’s not the case 🥺🥺 because he’s built everything that he was supposed to with Arthur 🥺🥺🥺 ‘i can’t lose him, he’s my friend’ oh
‘Arthur is not just a king... he is the once and future king’ i-
and then Arthur’s in the boat and Merlin touches his forehead and he just breaks down crying and if i remember correctly Merlin, Arthur told you no man is worth your tears 🥺🥺🥺 and he just keeps touching him because it’s the last chance he’ll ever get. and he sets the boat off and he breaks down crying again. baby, me too
now, i don’t know if he was meant to light it up and couldn’t bring himself to??? but that’s what i’m thinking currently
OKAY I AM DONE. yes this was a post to help with the trauma. yes it’s long. i am currently dead. i’ll keep you updated lmao
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agentmika · 4 years
@alwaysanoriginal thank u sm for the tag Char!!! And it’s technically after midnight so Ik it’s not ur bday anymore but happy bday again <3 sorry I took like 2 weeks to get to this lmao
RULES: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
(^ clearly I do not follow the rules because oh my God I am not tagging 20 people but I copy and pasted the rules anyway)
^^keeping what Char said however I have no shame and absolutely will tag 20 people. Don’t feel like you have to do it tho! 
Name/Nickname: Cherish, I generally don’t go by nicknames but I have had friends call me Cheroosh, Cherie, and once upon a time this douchebag in middle school tried to be way too chummy and said “cherbear.” Unfortunately I actually think this is cute but he was annoying so if anyone wants to reclaim that for me be my guest <3
Gender: female, she/her
Star sign: Taurus (I don’t follow astrology stuff but I am happy w/ this in a vague sense)
Height: 5′8″ / 172.72 cm
Time: right now?? 12:18 AM baybeee
Birthday: April 26th! It is fast approaching and I shall be 21
Favorite bands: this will be hard and far from a comprehensive list. Muse. Saint Motel. FOB. AJR. Florence and the Machine. Green Day. The Hot Sardines. Queen. The Regrettes. Uhh, this feels like a unique thing to mention here so I also still like and listen to some songs by Chameleon Circuit, a band that made music inspired by Doctor Who. 
Favorite solo artists: seconding what I said before but here we go: MIKA, Lizzo, Mitski, Hozier, Janelle Monáe, Watsky, uh Daft Punk is technically a duo but they’re not a band and I gotta mention them
Song stuck in my head: I’ll give you two. At the time of being tagged it was "Runs in the Family” by Amanda Palmer because of this amv and currently it is “What the Hell,” by Avril Lavigne because of this one
Last movie: Space Sweepers with my friend Cindy :))) It’s space found family and has a really cool universal translator thing b/c sci-fi that has sooo many languages in the film including Nigerian Pidgin!!!
Last show: in full? Wandavision. in part? I watched the first episode of the new pacrim anime :/
When did I create this blog: 2014...yes I’ll admit it I was once superwholock. 
What I post: whatever I want catered to an audience of me 😌 currently that consists of predominantly SPN renaissance posting, some more recent occasional personal sharing, the old guard, writing and poetry I like, memes, etc 
Last thing googled: not counting the cm thing so “was this song used in a movie” (trying to find if there was a site for that sort of thing)
Other blogs: I have some saved URLs but honestly I don’t have the energy to maintain multiple blogs. it’s all on main baybee!
Do I get asks: rarely but sometimes! ty to those who sent me desticule asks yesterday  <3 Ily 
Why I chose my url: as I admitted before I joined in superwholock era (tho admittedly I began spn after starting my blog im pretty sure) and I couldn’t decide upon a URL that mashed together all the things I cared about so that-one-fandom-chick was born because it was an umbrella thing
Following: uhhhhh...1695....I’ve been meaning to go through and clear this out b/c some are def defunct and I followed a bunch of new ones in the aforementioned spn renaissance
Followers: 788. I’m a relatively small blog in my corner of the internet I think? Plus tbh  like 200 of these have been since Nov 5th lmao when I turned full spn blog
Average hours of sleep: according to my Fitbit, currently 7h 8min. would prefer 8+
Lucky number: big fan of the first few multiples of 7, in particular 7, 14, and 21. I like 64 quite a bit, and thanks to my sister, also 11
Instruments: :/// I wish. I have a keyboard and took like a month of lessons as a child and have tried and failed to teach myself at least 3x. It taunts me. I will try again one day. For now I can kinda play Charlie Brown theme one hand at a time, still memorized from early childhood. 
What am I wearing: My comfy pair of pants that look like a bowling alley floor, fuzzy socks, a periodic table pun t-shirt, and a purple Comfy aka this thing for the uninitiated
Dream trip: keeping the diff versions from Char: 1. also a road trip with friends across America (preferably with a playlist including Fragments of Time - Daft Punk) 2. One of my childhood history obsessions was Pompeii. I would like to see it. 3. Literally almost anywhere outside of the US. I have not left it except for a few trips to Canada since I’m right at the border. 
Favorite food: I have very simple tastes. I love my mom’s holiday baked mac & chz w/ bacon <3
Nationality: American
Favorite song: no ♥️ (also keeping this from Char lmao) One that I always love the vibe of tho is So it Goes by Hi-Lo Jack
Last book read: :(((( this makes me sad b/c I read a lot but I’m actually in a reading drought rn b/c I got stuck on a book and I’m a completionist. Technically still reading The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin, but soon to begin a book club with Neuromancer by William Gibson 
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: Star Trek PLEASE. One where magic is real, maybe the Graceling universe? Gimme a special ability and heterochromia. Tbh I haven’t thought about this much but I want space and magic so whatever gives me that. Since I’m very into superheroes and the prior statement I will also say maybe Marvel. 
Favorite color: Yellow 💛
If you actually read this all, hi ily <3 say hi :) this was an excellent way to stay up much later than I should’ve! 
andddddd taglist at the end: @fan-art-ic, @hirschco, @davidfosterwallaceandgromit, @autisticandroids, @princesshamlet, @shitun0t, @crisp-breeze, @hotgirlcastiel, @omniscientoranges, @cor-aeterna, @actually-a-hobbit, @galaxybrian, @char-arts-occasionally, @sobsicles, @spriteofwinter, @ohsweetflips, @stevebeyonce, @casthyelle, @internetcrimes, @tinyneverthelessfierce
again: this is voluntaryyyyy <3
16 notes · View notes
kg2hub · 4 years
so let’s talk about the kindergarten amino. 
there are issues we need to address like grown ups, which some certain people refuse to do.
i’m not gonna lie, i avoided getting amino for the longest time because i am aware of how much of a festering cesspool of toxicity it is there. it’s terrifying, how shitty people can be on there honestly. the community?  garbage. absolute garbage, and despite not having an account there i personally know my friends have been affected by the utter bullshit that goes on in there.
sure, i know many of the wonderful creators there, good friends who mean the world to me, and amazing talented mutuals of mine spanning multiple social media platforms who are on the amino as well. good people exist. but so do the bad ones, and it seems on amino specifically, the bad people are more prevalent there.
it’s kind of really stupid, how much of a horrible place that app is, and yet the kindergarten communities i’ve personally witnessed on tumblr, discord, instagram-- are so much kinder, supportive and not at all what a certain mod team describes. 
how curious! it’s almost as if the behaviour you allow freely in a community breeds likeminded people in that community! :) mindblowing, isn’t it?
on that topic. the kindergarten amino mods. 
according to the oxford dictionary1, a moderator is defined as being 1. a person whose job is to help people or groups who disagree to reach an agreement ;  4. ​a person who is responsible for preventing offensive material from being published on a website. 
notice how none of these definitions say anything about uhhhhh “talking like a simp” lmao? 
like what they said to a friend of mine who asked why she didn’t get the mod position she applied for and when she asked what was “wrong” with the way she spoke to people when they answered her, case in point:
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under the cut, here are the requirements for how a kga mod is supposedly obligated to speak to people, straight from the mod team themselves (and how the above and below are incredibly unfitting for someone supposedly in a moderator’s position):
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the above images are the message that came before the first screenshot from the convo from my friend shown above the cut. now, let me point out the issues with this list. the 1st definition of “moderator” portrays a mod as helping two parties reach an agreement with one another after an argument. the 4th definition of “moderator” is someone who is responsible for preventing offensive material from being published on a website (in this case, app)
“talk casual” is not applicable to these definitions. this has little to no relation to how a mod may mediate a situation, but there are a few conceivable pros and cons.
pros: both parties in an argument may find them easier to talk to, and might understand each other’s points better when explained in terms that come off as relaxed and not like a serious adult wagging their finger at a child. 
cons: the exact opposite might happen due to the fact they will sound less professional and may be taken less seriously, and there is no guaranteed way the two parties in question will interpret the mod’s efforts in either a good or bad way. 
in conclusion, speaking casually to someone as a mod is not important nor does it affect how the actual act of moderation occurs. “speak respectfully” is the phrase you’re looking for, kga mods. it doesn’t matter how formal or casual you are, as long as you’re not straight up being a dick to anyone.
“try to make negatives sound neutral” is, in other words, deliberately wording a situation to avoid taking one specific side of an argument. --the issue with this, is that there are some situations that are rooted in facts, and you cannot change a negative fact to “make it sound neutral” because it exists in reality as a negative fact no matter what you think or how you try to convince yourself otherwise. there are cases where one person is wrong and one person is right, and that is the end of that. there are cases where it doesn’t matter what the user’s intent behind their actions were; well-meaning or not, if they did something wrong, they did something wrong. tell them what they did wrong, issue a warning, let them apologize and move on if they won’t do it again. if they’re a repeat offender, take the appropriate actions for the situation and deal with it responsibly as the person in the authoritative position. end of story.
there are differences between petty arguments (eg. who is the “best” character), and serious matters that should be dealt in a serious way (eg. art theft, rape jokes, bullying). nothing in this world is completely black and white, but there is a clear difference between what will harm a person, and what will not; what is good for the sake of a community, and what isn’t. and frankly, if you think you can dispute that and take a neutral side on urgent issues anyway, you are incredibly mistaken. 
this can be a tactic used for de-escalation, absolutely, and for making sure you aren’t inserting your personal opinions into the argument by looking at it from an objective point of view. but it is not fit for every situation, and the fact that it’s listed as “one of the ways a mod is supposed to talk to people” puts it in a checklist for the “standard” of how they should speak, which therefore implies that a mod needs to “try” to use it in every situation possible. instead of, you know, judging the situation and reacting accordingly rather than going a roundabout way that doesn’t go straight to solving the actual issue between users. i would count that specific point as bad wording on their part, but my point for all of this still stands regardless.
“be patient” does play an important part of handling arguments between two people, i will agree with that. it’s advisable to be the calm, rational one when dealing with two people whose emotions are influencing them to only see their side and no one else’s. that’s only assuming the situation isn’t as serious as other ones may be, however, and that there are multiple sides to the argument at all. 
of course this isn’t the case for other things that are much worse, and if we recall the 4th definition of a moderator in modern, internet-associated terms, it is the mod’s duty to prevent offensive, harmful material from being posted on a website. not everything can be solved with patience and talking things out when someone is breaking the rules. a moderator also needs to be able to put their foot down when needed, and take action especially in the case that the mod isn’t actually being listened to.
as a person being confronted by a mod, it’s easy to say you agree and won’t do it again but you’ll just do it again anyway. which is why punishment, repercussions, consequences (banning, reporting, etc) are put in place to prevent these things from happening. relying only on talking things out cannot and will not stop people from doing what they want, if they don’t listen and have no desire to change for the better.
“try to make your users comfortable while talking to you” is not applicable in every situation either. of course it’s important to ensure you are respected as a mod, and that you are respectful towards other people as well. it’s nice to have a friendly disposition when talking to people, so they aren’t intimidated or scared of you, or think you’re stuck up or unlikable or mean and whatever else. 
but in the end, it doesn’t really matter what everyone thinks of you, whether you’re a mod or not. not everyone will like you at any given point, ever. that’s just a fact of life. what matters as a mod, is doing your job properly. the way others see you is a factor in it, sure, but as a mod you will always inherently be someone who some others are a little jumpy when talking to you. but most people also don’t have any reason to be uncomfortable if they aren’t doing anything wrong in the first place. if they’re hurting people and being toxic, it doesn’t matter how comfortable they are when talking to you.
in addition, it’s possible to be amicable while also being firm and direct about moderation work. and it is also possible to separate how you speak in a friendly conversation with someone, compared to speaking to someone who has seriously messed up and broken the rules. 
“smiley face trademarked” this straight up has nothing to do with being a mod. it’s just a typing quirk. it’s not important to what makes someone a mod. it also is typically used for passive aggressiveness so. if the kga staff wants to come off to their community that way, i am not fishing out the one (1) radioactive shoe in the sewers that is the kindergarten amino. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“de-escalate situations or try to stay calm” does fit exactly with what i was talking about earlier. this is the 1st definition of moderators, and essentially is part of their job. i legitimately don’t have objections to this, that haven’t already been said, because it is a mod’s job to keep the peace between the people in an online community.
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this message came after the list they provided, before the screenshot of my friend asking if her not sugarcoating things was the issue. for context, she had challenged their authority before this instance, and critiqued the way the mods would usually handle situations. in that, they don’t actually handle the situation and would opt for “being a simp” rather than solving the issue. (keeping this in mind, it’s hard not to suspect they rejected her because of past hostility against her for speaking her mind before this.)
it’s not hard to change the way you speak according to the situation. you don’t talk to the principal (or your boss if you’re older), the same way you would talk to your best friend, or the way you would talk to a sibling, and you don’t speak to a stranger on the street, or significant other in any of those ways too. 
it doesn’t matter how she spoke when she critiqued the mods. the way she spoke for that occasion was appropriate for the topic, and does not in any way correlate or give any indication to how she would speak to a general person if she was in a mod position.
it doesn’t matter about how “relatable” you are as a mod either. that has nothing to do with moderation and does not make you do your job any better or any less than someone who “isn’t relatable” whatever the fuck that means. 
a teacher can be relatable all they want, but they can and will get booted from their job if they’re, y’know, not actually doing their job; aka teaching. a teacher can teach without being engaging in any way for the students at all, and that arguably isn’t good either, but the difference is, as much as the students may not like it, that’s not a requirement for their job, hence why a teacher would not get fired for being boring but still getting information through to their students, but a teacher would get fired for not teaching no matter how fun, relatable, or friendly they are. 
the power a mod has is supposed to be used to moderate, while “being relatable” is not needed, even though it can be beneficial, to actually do your job properly.
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ah yes, this screenshot again. urban dictionary’s 1st definition of “simp” is:  Someone who will say anything to please someone, particularly a girl, in the hopes that they will be in good favor with that person.
and that really speaks for itself why simps are unfit to be in a moderator position. essentially, they are suck ups. fakes. they will, by this definition, say anything to win the good graces of other people, to win approval, and make people like them. --and as i mentioned before, this is not the job of a mod in any way, shape or form.
it is not beneficial for a mod to suck up to someone who is breaking the rules and hurting others. it doesn’t matter what the community’s opinion is of how likable a mod is; the mod is the person in a position of power, and it is their job to make sure no one is breaking the rules or posting anything harmful to others or to the community. that has nothing to do with popularity contests.
and, this shows how these mods handle situations if they “talk like a simp” to the perpetrators. it’s a substantial reason why this mod team doesn’t actually get their work done if this is the way they speak to people. to talk in this manner means they are not really telling the perpetrators what they’re doing wrong and trying to get them to stop, but are rather encouraging and enabling them to keep doing terrible things because of the fact that “it will please them, and that person will think good of the mods”
--another point i should talk about, is the “we have to be kind and try to understand” part of what they said. 
according to one of my friends, some people in the kga mod team are over 18?? i don’t know if this is true, and i don’t really care. but if it is, maybe fucking act like it lmao. if you really are adults-- even some young teenagers already know this-- but you should already know it is completely possible to be kind and polite to someone while disagreeing with them and telling them they are wrong and what they did is wrong. 
it’s word choice. there is a deliberate difference between choosing to type “wow you’re so stupid, don’t you know you’re not allowed to post this? delete it, dipshit” and “hey there! this post doesn’t fit the posting guidelines, so please take this down. thanks!” 
there’s also a neat little thing where a person can understand why a person did something and the reasons why they think something is right, looking at an opinion that is not their own and the contexts for why other people may think that way-- but still realize that it’s fundamentally wrong and they shouldn’t do that anyway! it’s called critical thinking. it comes with the experience of growing up, which, doesn’t necessarily correlate to how old a person is. 
so even if the mods are adults, they have no excuse for not being able to connect saying things in a kind way while also being firm about moderating and doing their job without being a doormat. 
we, as adults, are supposed to be the responsible ones when dealing with minors, and mods are the designated responsible ones over every member of an online community by proxy. by now, you should have learned these things. but i will acknowledge that not all people may be mentally capable of thinking and speaking this way as easily as others. and that’s fine and dandy and doesn’t make them a bad person-- but that also means they should not be mods in the first place if they can’t deal with things objectively but respectfully and kind at the same time.
--kinda funny how that screenshot under the simp screenshot practically agrees with that notion, huh!
( plus the fact those under 13 are not allowed to use amino in the first fucking place, yet they allow a fucking 12 year old to join without doing anything about it?? children should not be on that app until they’re old enough. it’s detrimental to them and everyone around them, and unsafe for them especially. i’m pretty sure more than two people are aware of this incident, and the fact the mods did nothing about it? pure incompetence. )
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^ she put it pretty well in her own words too.
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and now onto this bullshit. i, on the other hand do not personally know these people on the kga mod team, but i do not care for their opinions on me considering i don’t know them and do not care for the amino community-- nor do i have the obligation to suspend my belief on whether they truly are lovely people or not. 
they allowed my friends to get hurt, everything i’ve seen from them is incompetence, and frankly, the simp one especially made me actively lose braincells trying to comprehend that any human on this planet thinks that is a legitimate, reasonable response to anyone in any situation. if it was a joke, it is their fault for putting a poorly placed joke in the middle of a serious conversation. if it wasn’t a joke, i really cannot fathom how anyone believes that is an intelligent or beneficial way to talk to people while moderating.
anyway. that response of theirs? that passive aggressive “don’t say thank you when you hate us :)” while disregarding literally everything else my friend said is incredibly childish on the mod’s part. i have legitimate trouble believing anyone but a child is typing these arguments, and i’m not saying this to be mean, but i seriously cannot imagine with every single one of my synapses, that an adult would make such a halfassed “argument” like that.
on the other hand, twitter drama exists. so. perhaps i can believe there are adults who can’t communicate properly.
either way, their true age has no relation to the immature behaviour they show throughout this conversation. child or not, adult or not, they are still being unreasonable and immature and the bottom line is that these people really shouldn’t be mods.
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“the next message probably isn’t me so like don’t blame kga staff” that really does not sound like anything but an excuse to say whatever you want without actually owning up to your actions. 
a friend when i was 11 would say shitty things to me and then say “omg i’m soooo sorry that wasn’t me, my cousin used my computer!!” and that sounds just like that imo. 
i will give the benefit of the doubt for this one assuming multiple mods are using that account(?) but the “don’t blame kga staff” makes zero sense, like my friend says. if someone from your mod team says something, it means you all either agree with it (especially considering it seems you only let people like yourself and not anyone with varied opinions become mods) or you would have to retract the statement as a team and own up to what your actual opinions are. you can have individual opinions as individual mods, but i’m pretty sure that if you say things as the kga staff as a whole, it must be assumed those opinions are at least shared with most if not all members.
there are problems involving the kga staff. of course the entire kga staff will be blamed, no matter who the individual was, for causing problems in the first place.
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“abrasive and downright impulsive” buddy, you and your little mod posse have had these issues spanning several months, according to my friends. there’s nothing impulsive about poking the hornet’s nest repeatedly and then getting surprised when you get stung. or in this case, called out with the truth. because the truth isn’t “abrasive”, it’s just real. 
consider: you’re being spoken to this way because you won’t listen to literally any other way whenever your inadequacies of being mods has been brought up in the past lmao. being nice obviously hasn’t worked (oh the irony). what else do you expect to happen?
“if everyone despised us and we put no effort into getting a little liked from the community [...]” you said “simp” behaviour was required for all mods. there’s a huge fucking difference between “too nice to mod properly or tell people what they’re doing wrong”, and being well liked and respected while still being competent. again, being liked by everyone is not what makes someone The Best Mod(tm). doesn’t matter if you don’t actually do your job.
“the problems aren’t with the entire staff. so I don’t see the need to blame everyone” this is exactly like saying “this cancer tumor isn’t affecting all of your body so i don’t see the need to remove it before it gets worse”
“the reason we need this more lighthearted [...] and those involved in the problem” again. it is entirely possible to be kind to someone while also dealing with problems in a responsible manner.
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yep. as she said, the kga staff is the first one to throw insults at her, not the other way around. and it is incredibly hypocritical of them to talk that way. not very simp-like when you’re directly being called out on the shit you’re doing wrong, huh :) 
and you heard it here folks; the kga staff doesn’t care about the opinions and critical feedback of it’s own members! “a bad opinion based on next to nothing” you mean the stuff you sweep under the rug and the shit she’s personally witnessed the whole time she’s been on that amino?
sure, that first mod is not specifically responsible for what the second one said. but you’re both still mods, and whole idea of being a mod is being responsible for others in the first place. and that responsibility includes amongst yourselves. if you don’t know how to police your fellow mods (and on the case if it happened, speak up if another mod is being corrupt), can you really expect anyone to believe you can moderate other people if you don’t know how to check yourselves first?
“you’ve never been a mod. you can’t judge how we do our jobs” that is a shitty argument and always has been since the dawn of time. 99.99% of people have never and will never be president or work in parliament. that doesn’t stop them from criticizing how the government runs things. the majority of an audience have never worked on a movie set before. that doesn’t stop them from saying whether they thought the movie was absolute shit. they don’t have to know how much “hard work” is put into being a mod to judge you. what matters is the outcome, they see the outcome, and will judge you because the outcome directly affects them. 
and in both of the above situations, the feedback from the outsiders are incredibly vital and influence the way the government, or the movie directors, make their next move. because if the next move they make is complete nonsensical garbage to everyone else? they’re ruined. they have to listen to everyone else or their reputation, and trust everyone else has for them, will suffer. it’s the exact same thing in an online community where its members create the content, and this is just the way humans function. she, and i, and many others of us who agree with her absolutely can judge the way you do your jobs, and at the same time you have the option of not listening. but that option isn’t always the best option for the sake of the community. these are what people who are actually fit to be mods have to decide, whether they actually want to listen to the people they’re governing, or if they’d rather avoid facing the many, many issues in their community and admitting the fact they fucked up. i’m pretty sure we all know what the kga staff is gonna pick.
you people really shouldn’t have become mods if you’re so sensitive to criticism and can’t handle confrontation. i’m pretty sure the critique you’ve been given was never a personal attack on you as people, but the point of it was, and is, to make you better mods. something which you don’t seem to care about doing.
i’m almost done here.
i have a whole bunch of disclaimers in the event whoever-the-fuck decides to argue with me on all of this. because goddammit i am a tired adult and i don’t give a shit about “mean anons” who are gonna attempt to out-logic my logic because by the end of this post, i will be done here. i will laugh as i delete your asks, on the assumption anyone will actually bother trying to fight me after everything i said. i don’t feel i’ve wasted my time with this post, but i will not waste my time arguing further with some random person on the internet. 
i’m 1000% aware that being a mod for this amino is not a serious thing. i don’t care. i know it’s not a job job where you’re getting paid to actually do shit so you don’t really have to do anything at all. which is probably why the amino community sucks so bad. i’m just saying, being in that mod position still means you’re fucking responsible for when people get hurt in your community, and when people post inappropriate shit. it may not matter to you, and it may not matter in your life in the long run, but those experiences matter to someone. and it will always be, in part, your fault because your mod team was responsible for it at the time. if you don’t care? i don’t care that you don’t care. it won’t change the fact you let people get hurt and have no regrets about it. which is even worse. 
yes, i wrote all of this out. i typed out this longass fucking essay for a few hours of my life despite that these people are likely never going to read this, or care, or take into consideration anything i said because they clearly can’t handle criticism-- because of the sheer amount of salt i have for these children, these adults, these people who can’t fucking do their jobs right. i haven’t wasted my time typing this, and i don’t care if other people see it that way because i don’t. and unlike some people, i’m not so insecure in myself that i care so much about what other people think. i wanted to do this. i’m happy with this decision. i don’t care that this isn’t a “real issue” or that “i could have done better things with my time” or “wow i’m a loser with no life” sure, thanks. honestly this was a better use of my time than staring at youtube all day. so. what i care about is that real people are affected by the things this excuse for a mod team has been pulling for way too long.
yes, i talked about how it’s easy to be kind while being firm. no, i am not being kind but the difference is that i am fully aware of it because i am making the choice to not put up with this bs. yes i’m some adult on the internet getting riled up that these people are trashy af. because some of the people i do care about are involved. your point?
and if you’re one of those mods on the kga and will not read all of this? i don’t care for your short attention span. mine’s the size of a goldfish’s too, dw. you read it and don’t care about what i have to say? great! here’s an uno reverse card. i do not know the mods or have any desire to know them based on what i do know of them. if they are willing to actually be reasonable, i may change my mind. until then, this criticism still stands.
no, i do not use amino other than the salt account i made today just to see firsthand what things go on there in the first place. i don’t care what happens to that account and have zero plans on posting on it. other than maybe a salt post, maybe. a specific phrase that really stuck as i was browsing was the community being described by one of the mods as an “emo daycare”. like i said way earlier in this post, the behaviour you freely allow is what breeds likeminded people in a community. that means: it’s your own fault that your community consists of mostly horrible, toxic people. if you actually did your work as mods, you wouldn’t have that issue with the people in the first place :) 
it is the kindergarten fandom, but that doesn’t mean you all have to act like a bunch of kindergarteners. everything they said about the fandom is completely wrong if you actually look in the right places and, y’know, stop keeping your head in radioactive sand like a fucking ostrich while refusing to look at everything else around you. i am personally friends with so many talented individuals for this fandom, and in my experience this fandom has done nothing but good for me and my overall creativity.
no, of course i’m not above criticism either. unlike some people i am rather open to it and am aware it is important and something everyone needs to deal with in their own lives including me. i just don’t care for petty squabbling. i do have better things to do after this post, after all. i’ve said everything i needed to say, and @ whatever else the people who may disagree think of this? c’est la vie. so. yeah. i’m done here, that was me being pissed off by the sheer lack of braincells i’ve witnessed tonight, gonna draw now, bye.
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eightfinity · 3 years
Check in tag!
I was tagged by @cheolgyu ty dreamy, I love tag games !! ☺️💖
Why did you choose your url?
so this wasnt my original url I used to be wonboowoo cause I ulted seungkwan (boo) and wonwoo (won woo) but then I started to ult minghao so I added him in to get xuboowoo. I actually only ult minghao in svt now I think but I’ve had the url so long and I still love the other two so I’m not going to change it haha
Any side blogs? If you have them: name them and why you have them.
so not on THIS blog. my last blog before I had to remake had two storage blogs for creations that are still accessible @wonboowoosvt for my gifs and @wonboowoomood for when I made moodboards (maybe I’ll start again?) but since they’re not connected to this blog anymore I can’t update them anymore they’re dead :((
How long you’ve been on tumblr?
uhhhh so 2018 for kpop blogs but like I’ve been on and off using tumblr since like 2012 (personal blogs and sad attempts at aesthetic and manic street preachers fan blogs)
Do you have a queue tag?
I used to use “mind your p’s and queues” but everything sits in queue so I just don’t feel like there’s a point to add a queue tag anymore
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
the biggest part is I wanted to learn how to make and then share gifs within the svt fandom but I also wanted a place to interact with fans peacefully because the only other place I had been doing so was amino apps and people are SIGNIFICANTLY younger than me there for the majority and I had been made fun of for my age and liking kpop before there, tumblr is much more peaceful and friendly (and fck twitter that place is a cesspool I don’t partake in much fandom stuff there)
Why did you choose your icon?
I was trying out themes that let me put pics in the sidebar and I wanted a really cool minghao picture but I ended up picking a layout where the picture is much smaller and when I saw that I was like ooo cool that could be my icon, I wanted a hao icon of some sort
Why did you choose your header?
I don’t have a header here rn but I’m probs going to go back to the header I used on the last blog with a pic of seungkwan and minghao from ideal cut that someone kindly made for me (when I put it up they’ll be linked in my bio for credit, check them out !!)
What’s your post with the most notes?
so since again, this is a remade blog, I’m going to use the post from my original blog that has 3k jun.exe has stopped working
How many mutuals do you have?
if I counted right I have 31 mutuals :))
How many followers do you have?
so my original blog had 2.1k but rn since I’ve remade its 85 😔
How many people do you follow?
right now only 70 blogs, I’m deff looking for more to follow
Have you ever made a shitpost?
probably? idk what qualifies as a shit post
How often do you use tumblr each day?
a lot, I’m on consistently through the day cause I use it and make gifs between work calls since I work from home, I’m trying not to spend as much time on it at night so I can get irl things done and break away from the computer for a bit
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
none that I know the names of, I’ve argued with anons over voting and streaming culture (and will fight anyone on how stupid it is) and I argued with someone cause I said “I’m not a dreamie but this is so not cool” when I saw that video of renjun stuck in the rain without a car to get into waay back (that was debunked I think?) cause they didn’t like that I pointed out I wasn’t in the fandom (my point was that anyone can recognize the situation was messed up and I actually do like some nct dream songs so its not like I hate them)
How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
ehhhhhh I kinda hate them? BUT I’ve used tumblr on and off for a looooooong time and seen SO MANY really stupid ones. I guess some political ones are good but idk, I know the intent is to spread info but I don’t see tumblr as an effective platform for that personally
Do you like tag games?
YES !!I really enjoy tag games, they’re usually really fun ways to get to know the other ppl on the platform
Do you like ask games?
ALSO YES !! but I never get asks when I post them waaah
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
uhhhhh I’m gonna say kevin and dreamy lmao y’all make so much content and I know one of your follower counts so I deff would call you tumblr famous (thank you for all you’re creations you guys always make incredible things !!)
Do I have a crush on a mutual?
nope. first dont know anyone my age here who is also male. second I have a boyfriend. third I just care for everyone in a very very platonic friend way no romantic crushes here :))
uhhhhh so many ppl are tagged already sooooo hmmmmm I’m not checking who and I’ll mix it up so I’ll just tag @middle-of-a-wonshua-sandwich @bookwan @heonyz @jeonghanmoon @adorablehoshi @minghaon @kyeomblr @shuaway aaaaaaaaaaaaaand @jung-subins and @seungssik gotta get some victon mutuals in here lol
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