#If that had happened on a modern window I wouldn't have had any chance of fixing it
river-taxbird · 8 months
Have YOU got an old Windows PC Microsoft has told you can't run Windows 11? It's time to give it a new life!
How to install Windows 11 on unsupported PC Hardware using Rufus. You can also disable some other Windows 11 bullshit like data harvesting and needing a Microsoft account.
It has been in the news a lot lately that Windows 11 isn't allowed to be installed on PCs without certain requirements, including the TPM 2.0, a chip that was only included in PCs made in 2018 or later. This means that once Windows 10 stops receiving security updates, those PCs will not be able to (officially) run a safe, updated version of Windows anymore. This has led to an estimated 240 million PCs bound for the landfill. Thanks Microsoft! I get you don't want to be seen as the insecure one, but creating this much waste can't be the solution.
(I know nerds, Linux is a thing. I love you but we are not having that conversation. If you want to use Linux on an old PC you are already doing it and you don't need to tell me about it. People need Windows for all sorts of reasons that Linux won't cut.)
So lately I have been helping some under privileged teens get set up with PCs. Their school was giving away their old lab computers, and these kids would usually have no chance to afford even a basic computer. They had their hard drives pulled so I have been setting them up with SSDs, but the question was, what to do about the operating system? So I looked into it and I found out there IS actually a way to bypass Microsoft's system requirement and put Windows 11 on PCs as old as 2010.
You will need: Rufus: An open source ISO burning tool.
A Windows 11 ISO: Available from Microsoft.
A USB Flash Drive, at least 16GB.
A working PC to make the ISO, and a PC from 2018 or older you want to install Windows 11 on.
Here is the guide I used, but I will put it in my own words as well.
Download your Windows 11 ISO, and plug in your USB drive. It will be erased, so don't have anything valuable on it. Run Rufus, select your USB drive in the Device window, and select your Windows 11 ISO with the Select button. (There is supposed to be a feature in Rufus to download your ISO but I couldn't get it to work.?
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Choose standard windows installation, and follow the screenshot for your settings. Once you are done that, press Start, and then the magic happens. Another window pops up allowing you to remove the system requirements, the need for a microsoft account, and turn off data collecting. Just click the options you want, and press ok to write your iso to a drive.
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From there you just need to use the USB drive to install windows. I won't go into details here, but here are some resources if you don't know how to do it.
Boot your PC from a USB Drive
Install Windows 11 from USB Drive
If you had a licensed copy of Windows 10, Windows 11 will already be licensed. If you don't, then perhaps you can use some kind of... Activation Scripts for Microsoft software, that will allow you to activate them. Of course I cannot link such tools here. So there you go, now you can save a PC made from before 2018 from the landfill, and maybe give it to a deserving teen in the process. The more we can extend the lives of technology and keep it out of the trash, the better.
Additional note: This removes the requirement for having 4GB Minimum of RAM, but I think that requirement should honestly be higher. Windows 11 will be unusable slow on any system with below 8GB of RAM. 8GB is the minimum I think you should have before trying this but it still really not enough for modern use outside of light web and office work. I wouldn't recommend trying this on anything with 4GB or less. I am honestly shocked they are still selling brand new Windows 11 PCs with 4GB of ram. If you're not sure how much RAM you have, you can find out in the performance tab of Task Manager in Windows, if you click the More Details icon on the bottom right. If you don't have enough, RAM for old systems is super cheap and widely available so it would definitely be worth upgrading if you have a ram starved machine you'd like to give a new life.
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if you're not busy maybe a request with yandere claude frollo with a darling who are from the modern days and somehow got trapped into the movie/world the film takes place in.
any prns
You are my story
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warning : obsession, some angst, yandere Frollo
Info : I kinda like this idea the confussion and obsession was fun writing it have fun reading dear anon and thanks for the request
How did it happen? It was just a free day evening, an evening alone in front of her TV and the old DVD she had found. A few memories of her childhood when she had watched the movie over and over again with her grandma and grandpa. She knew every song and wanted to go to Paris herself.
But not like this, not in the Middle Ages and not in a scene she knew what it would mean. She was scared when she saw the huge old buildings, the people watching her as she came out of the alley. The clothes so different from the humans no dress, no covering under fabric.
She almost screamed when she saw that her image had changed despite her modern clothes, she was not realistic. It felt like her body yes, but when she saw that she looked like she had been painted in a puddle, she almost screamed out of confusion and fear.
It was sinful. It was fear that coursed through her body as she tried to run away from the city herasu wanted to escape the events that would make VParis burn. Get out of Paris, there must be an exit, she thought, looking around hurriedly, but there was hardly a blind spot in this city.
There were people everywhere, people who almost brought the city to a standstill, guards who patrolled and, as she herself soon learned, guards at the gate who kept her from perhaps finding an exit with their halberds raised.
,,And I'm supposed to believe you, traveler?" he asked again, the iron key still locked in his ringed hands. She knew him and had tried to explain to the judge that she didn't want anything here, that she just wanted to go back.
But unfortunately she had to realize that it was only because the story here deviated from the movie that his justice dragged on. That his curiosity and excitement flashed in his eyes as he walked around her.
She felt his gaze on her clothes, on her Jean's, which clung to her legs and on the T-shirt under which her bra was slightly visible. He hasn't changed…he's getting worse, she realized with horror as she still felt the heavy metal on her wrists as if she didn't stand a chance. But Frollo the judge had actually believed her words.
He wasn't stupid, the clothes she was wearing weren't from here, weren't from anywhere in the world, weren't from any books he'd read. Her language and the way she talked to him was "different", it wasn't like something had been changed over time.
,,I can't let you go…darling you see people would want to see you burn" he murmured looking out of the small window seeing in reflection how she was thinking. Her knowledge probably went up to a certain point, but something was different.
She didn't seem to have thought about this story here, didn't pay attention to the knowledge of time. ,,And-and what should I do, Frollo, you have to let me go, this isn't my story," she protested, wanting to reach for him but he grabbed her hand instead.
Seeing the desire flash as the chains rattled he restrained himself from attacking her it was obsession she saw. His grip was firm in a surprising way and she wanted to leave, wanted to go back to her world, to her time.
Didn't want to live in the past of a movie where she lived with an insane righteous murderer. ,,But you're my story," he said with a smile, taking hold of her chains and pulling her close, running his fingers almost cautiously over her shirt.
He saw her shudder as he traced the hem of her bra, fascinated by the clothes on her shoulders and what was underneath. Seemed completely interested in her entire appearance and something told her that she wouldn't just feel the metal on her.
That she would never get out of the city, let alone his house. That he would lock her away, study her, watch her, make her his. She would become another hidden detail of a story.
@ria-coolgirl , @aliensthegreat , @nunezs-stuff , @magmabayvi , @cedric-my-beloved
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m00nie-m00 · 1 year
Oh Sh!t
modern au!Scaramouche x gn! reader
🌷 Sypnosis - you fall in love with your best friends worst enemy
Warnings: cursing, train creeps, adult jokes, murderous intentions, time jumps
💌 this gonna be a three part story! (Maybe more idk)
1 . 2 . 3
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"He is so infuriating! I make ONE mistake and he reprimands me for it like hello?? It isn't a life threatening mistake either its like getting mad at someone for spelling a word wrong with a PENCIL" your best friend, Lumine ranted as you both prepared dinner.
"Calm down you might think your finger is a carrot and chop it" you chuckled as you prepared the stove.
"I'd like to think his fingers are carrots and chop it" she grumbled back.
You laughed at her comment and shook your head, "wow my sweetheart lumine what has gotten into you? This boy must be one pain in the ass if you of all people are out for his blood" you joked, looking back at her. She didn't seem as humorous as you at the moment.
"I know! He's just that bad! Me, im the most helpful girl in the world- and that's not exaggerating," she paused to proudly smirk. "but he oh my god the only thing im gonna help him with is burying himself 6 feet underground" she gritted her teeth, slamming the knife harder into the chopping board.
You nervously chuckled, moving towards Lumine and placing your hand on top of hers. Stopping the knife in place.
"Lumine I think i'll do the chopping"
"Okay, I'll start cooking then."
"No... i think you need to sit this one down, safety reasons"
-- <3 --
You boarded the train on the way home, unfortunately, your classes ended at the same time rush hour began. The train was packed with people, and you had to stand in the very middle of the crowd while holding on to the hanging strap.
You clutched your bag tightly to your side to avoid getting robbed, keeping a close eye on your belongings. Train rides were rarely enjoyable at this hour, and sometimes you'd wait for a less crowded train to come by so you wouldn't have to be so cautious of everything. Today though you had to get home as soon as possible, so you unfortunately didn't have a choice.
You felt a hand brush the side of your thigh, instantly freezing up you looked at the direction you felt it. There were a few people stood beside you so you couldn't pinpoint who the hand belonged to.
It could've been an accident, you thought, taking a deep breath to try and relax.
But then it happened again. This time the hand stayed by the side of your thigh a little longer. You weren't gonna take any chances so you quickly moved away, harshly bumping backs with someone as you did so.
"oh shit! i'm so sorry" you apologized, turning around to face the person you bumped into. He looked like a boy your age, wearing a stylish black outfit. He had bluish-purple hair that was styled in an interesting yet suiting haircut choice, and he had deep violet eyes that you would find beautiful if he wasn't glaring at you with them at that moment.
"there was a creep at my last spot i had to move away-" you rambled, fiddling with your fingers nervously. You furrowed your brows when he looked away from you and out the window he was stood beside.
ok well that's that I guess, you shrugged. Turning to face away when he said something that stopped you.
"hold on to the hanging strap the next stop is coming" he flatly stated, moving his hand to the side to provide space for yours.
"no it's okay-!" you said, knowing that if you held on to the strap your hands would brush. heh brushing hands with a hot guy your age doesn't sound that bad.
"I said hold on to it." he grabbed your wrist and raised your arm so your hand can grab the strap. As soon as you wrapped your fingers around it his hand let you go before instantly grabbing on to your shoulder as the train made an abrupt stop.
You yelped as your body jerked forward slightly, without his hand on your shoulder you would've crashed into him.
"you didn't give yourself time to prepare for the stop. how often do you ride a train?" he asked judgingly, pulling his hand away from your shoulder and shoving it into his pocket.
"look a lot has happened in this train in the spam of 3 minutes okay" You huffed, pressing your lips together as he laughed.
"too much for your little brain to handle?" he said, tilting his head to the side. What kind of comment was that?
You furrowed your brows, an unamused look on your face. "what's your name?" you asked. "why should i tell you?" he answered. "damn that's a stupid name" you replied sarcastically. "well, what's your name then?" he mockingly said. "better than yours" "that name is even stupider"
-- <3 --
"you met a cute guy on a train, had an actual interaction with him, physical touch too and you didn't give him your number, your actual name or like anything?!" Lumine exclaimed, shaking your shoulders aggressively as the two of you sat on your bed.
"well he didn't give me his actual name either!" you defended, "... which i guess isn't a good thing either UGH" you collapsed backwards, looking up at the ceiling. "There goes my chance in an epic collage love story"
Lumine grabbed your hands and pulled you up, you slouched limply and stared at her as she grinned. "your taking that train same time every time you go home"
"what?! but i hate rush hourrrr" you groaned, letting your back fall backwards only to be stopped by Lumine who pulled you back in place.
"okay but from what you shared it seems he's used to using the train sooo, who knows you might bump into him" she teased, giggling excitingly. Who knows what fictional love stories were brewing in her head.
You rolled your eyes, though the thought of it actually working lingered at the back of your mind. On the other hand you knew that if you wished for something to happen it never really does. So in that logic, you are never going to see him ever again.
"it's never gonna happen lumine I'm just gonna put myself in unnecessary danger" you mumbled, sighing defeatedly.
Lumine pouted before letting go of your hands and getting off your bed. "stop believing" she said as she exited your bedroom door.
your head jerked upward and your brows furrowed, like a deer caught in headlights. "what?!" you shouted at her, hoping she'd hear.
-- <3 --
You couldn't stop believing.
For the past week you've been riding the train home at that horrendous time just to try and bump into the boy again. you would look around and delusionally think some random guy with the same figure as him is him, like an idiot.
You got off the train but instead of taking the rout home you stopped by a cat cafe that newly opened. you liked cats, cats make you feel better. Drinking a nice warm drink while petting a cat sounds nice.
You entered the cafe and was greeted with a warm but colorful atmosphere and lots and lots of cat, or paw shaped decorations.
You order yourself a drink and a slice of blueberry cheesecake, sitting down on one of the tables closest to where all the cats were.
a black cat approached you meowing as she brushed herself against your leg. "hi there lovely" you smiled, bending down to pet the cat. The cat nuzzled into your touch and your smile grew even wider. Cats made your insides feel fuzzy.
You picked up the cat and placed it on your lap, stroking its fur as your other hand took a look at the tag on her collar. "it's nice to meet you berry" you cooed, scratching the back of her ear.
After a few minutes of petting berry and a few more cats while also trying to eat some cake the bell by the door chimed and you looked up to see who had entered.
beautiful deep violet eyes.
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9leaguesofmirrors · 9 months
The Stupidest Thing in the World (a Ross Gaines x Joseph Lisgoe fanfic)
I promised a wholesome Gainsgoe fic to make up for Death Of a Debt Collector, and here it is!
Ross Gaines and Joseph Lisgoe were busy men, that was just the nature of their jobs. However, there were rare moments where the entire day was their's. They didn't have to share it with another soul, other than each other
Those days seemed to melt into a place that had no time. No clocks or countdowns to the end of the day, just the pleasant sense of being
On one such day, they found themselves lying together in their bed as the evening painted the sky. There was no desire or tension in the air, just the two of them enjoying the company of the other - Lisgoe scrolling through his phone, Ross reading his new book
The peace was disturbed by him slamming the book down with a frustrated huff
"I swear, if these two keep having sex, I'll throw this thing out a window."
"You and I both know there's nothing better than a good shag."
"Don't start." Ross put the book on the bedside table "Honestly, it's like you can't find a good book these days without a sex scene every 5 chapters. I mean, what is modern literature's obsession with sex and romance?"
Lisgoe put his phone down beside the pillow and watched Ross as he went on his rant, there was something inexplicably attractive about seeing his usually controlled partner go off on one about something (well, something that wasn't him), it didn't happen often but Lisgoe's eyes didn't leave him once
That feeling manifested into magnetism and he leaned forward, silencing the rant about modern society's obsession with romance with, quite ironically, a kiss to the corner of his mouth
"Was I boring you?" Ross snarked against Lisgoe's lips
"Intensely." He teased back, kissing him again "Love's a load of shite, there are loads of books, movies and songs about it."
"Well, maybe those concepts are correct."
"What about us then?" Lisgoe's tone showed no offense, rather genuine curiosity "How much of us is genuine?"
For a moment, Ross pondered this question. Of course, the way he felt about Lisgoe was true, truer than anything he'd felt for another person, but could he say that he was entirely honest about everything? Did he want to be?
"Don't bother answering," Lisgoe said "it was a dumb question. Fucking hate the "what are we" shite. Makes me feel like some drippy teenager." "I think we're more genuine than a lot of couples these days, at least we aren't afraid of hurting each other's feelings."
"Not a chance. If you're being a dickhead, I'm calling you a dickhead."
"And that sentiment is mutual."
That made them both laugh. It was quite odd, how much they managed to get away with saying and doing to each other. Any normal person would've probably left by now, or at least suggested some form of counselling. But it worked for them, because there were boundaries that they silently agreed not to cross. And it was always mutual, there was pushback from both ends. They never let it become a competition or a match against each other, what people saw as arguments were nothing more than silly games they played with each other
In short, they found each other endlessly entertaining
"We're not normal," Ross remarked "are we?"
"Nah, I'm super normal. I just have teeth in a jar and whip people with belts when they piss me off." "You know what I mean, as a couple we're not exactly normal. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if people thought we hated each other."
"I like it like that." Lisgoe shrugged, moving closer until his body was brushing against his "It means less people trying to butt into our business." His hand went straight to grip at Ross' thigh firmly as his lips pressed against the spot behind his ear, a secret erogenous zone that only they could pinpoint "I can have you to myself."
Ross wanted to push away, but... no he didn't. His whole body was buzzing gently, the feeling of Lisgoe's mouth against that spot caused his groin to tingle. Groaning softly, he turned to press their lips together
Something like an ember glowed between them, it was bright yet soft, a sort of sensual flame. There was need, there would always be need between them, but it felt less like a desire that needed to be fuelled and more of a want to be as close as they could get. To have their skin fused together so tightly that, even when they had to pull away, the other could still be felt through invisible imprints and patches of lingering warmth
"What a fucking clichè, am I right?" Teased a breathless Lisgoe "Too much reliance on sex and romance."
"Shut up."
"Your words," Lisgoe ran his hand up Ross' shirt "not mine."
Seizing the opportunity, Ross grabbed Lisgoe's wrist and dragged it towards him, pressing his lips to it to draw a puff of breath from Lisgoe's lungs
You're not the only one that knows about erogenous zones, Joseph
"I stand by my word," Ross said "people put so much pressure on that sort of thing. Like marriage, that's the stupidest thing in the world."
"Surely there are stupider things, like... I dunno, shoplifting and dickheads that stall at green lights."
"Shoplifters often steal when they have no other choice, people stall out of nervousness, marriage is nothing more than an ego boost. A cry for validation."
Lisgoe couldn't help but find Ross' indignation very funny
"Marriage is a sham, sure, but it's not the stupidest thing in the world. I mean, it's an excuse to get plastered and eat cake, that's pretty cool."
"You can do that in the comfort of your own home."
"And it means you get a ring," Lisgoe kissed the same spot behind Ross' ear, whispering against it "and I know you like it when I wear rings, don't you?"
That clouded Ross' thoughts for a few seconds as he groaned softly, but he quickly stopped himself
"Like I said, you can do all of that without the pomp and circumstance, it's pure narcissism."
"Big words from a big head." Lisgoe teased "Not that I disagree, the ceremonies have so many fucking rules. Like, why can't I wear a white suit? Because the bride will be offended? Grow the fuck up!"
"It really is the stupidest thing in the world."
They laughed it off, but their prior conversation had Lisgoe deep in thought
"Can you get married without all that shite? I mean, could someone get married at home and not a church?"
"People get married everywhere, all you need is someone to officiate."
"Why can't the couple officiate themselves? Who needs a priest with shrivelled genitals and a stick up their ass to tell them they're married? Power to the people, that's what I say."
"Joseph, you can't use anti-capitalist phrases when you're literally a debt collector."
"And why am I in business? Fucking government dickheads! But that's besides the point, why can't the couple decide they're married? Why does some random twat get to decide?"
There was silence as Ross pondered this, in the end he really didn't have much of an argument
"I guess so. Why are you even asking? This doesn't exactly seem like your type of subje-mph!"
Words died on connected lips as Lisgoe grabbed the back of Ross' head and pulled him closer. Sensing his confusion, he spoke quietly against his mouth
"Need a minute."
"Joseph, what is it?"
Lisgoe sighed, as if trying to dispell his doubts, and pressed an uncharacteristically chaste kiss to his lips
"I wanna ask you the stupidest question in the world."
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venusiancarbondioxide · 3 months
11 and 18
hi, i COMPLETELY FORGOT THIS WAS IN MY INBOX but these questions are fun, so enjoy a late answer!
link to the questions, in case anyone wants more fun answers
11. what do you consider to be romance?
a tough one right out of the gate! it's hard to define a concept that's so nebulous and dependent on context; the easiest answer is just "i know it when i see it." and that's very much the case, but the pattern in what i see as romantic is intentionality. someone deciding, "yes, i actively want to be with you and am willing to do xyz to make our relationship better/make your life easier/just to let you know that i love you," just hits me. videos of proposals have me going insane every time. i sometimes think the most romantic thing in the world would be someone cooking dinner when i've had a long day and don't want to do it. feeling is important, of course, a necessary ingredient (i wouldn't want anyone doing all of that out of obligation), but someone else's feelings can only be understood through action (i'm including speaking and writing as actions here). and someone taking clear, decisive action towards the goal of "i want to be with you?" that's what's up, especially since a lot of the modern dating scene seems very opposed to that. it's all situationships and pretending not to be invested and bullshit that i think is very anti-romance in general.
18. do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?
i definitely believe in aliens in the sense that there is life that's not human out in the universe; the universe is simply too big for that not to be the case. do i think that aliens are little green men in ufos? definitely not. whatever aliens are out there are probably a few different types of moss on a planet so far away that we can't even see it yet. and i love that moss! yay, aliens! i don't think we'll find them in my lifetime, unfortunately, but maybe i'll have a great-great-great granddaughter who finds a space moss one day. as for ghosts, i logically don't believe in them, but i am superstitious about them. there are things i wouldn't do because on the off chance that ghosts are real, it would get you so fucking haunted; for example, this video i saw of a woman who threw the ashes of her sister-in-law's dead baby out of a window because she was mad at her. on the off chance that ghosts are real, that woman is going to be followed by that baby ghost for the rest of her life, and along with that being a shitty and mean trick, who would want to risk a haunting? any kind of disrespect to grave sites, dead bodies, and that kind of thing really makes me think that a ghost is going to come out and get somebody; my first thought is always, "oh, whoever does that is so going to get haunted." i also think places where terrible things have happened are haunted, but not in the traditional ghost sense. i think the knowledge weighs on the human heart in a way that makes people act differently in haunted spots, and that causes all kinds of nonsense. i also believe that thinking there a ghosts in a certain spot makes people more liable to see things there. fun fact, i actually have a co-worker who does ghost-hunting in his off time and has a whole bunch of equipment and it's all very cool, i love hearing about his ghost adventures, but i personally am not sure it's real. i'd have to see a ghost to 100% believe, and even though i've been to a few places that are rumored to be haunted, i haven't seen shit.
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
How To Train Your Mythosaur
Graveyards and ghost towns (and other stuff you wouldn't expect to be bonding experiences but were anyway)
I'm interested in both of these so if you'd like to ramble about one or both of them, the floor is yours.
Both? Both. Both is good.
So for HTTYM—something I had a lot of fun with was the characters. Ezra, obviously, is Hiccup. But he didn't really have a parent-figure in Rebels that fit the vibe for Stoick, so I played with that a bit. Ezra is raised by the village blacksmith, Zeb. The chief of the village is actually, in fact, a chieftess—Ursa the Dauntless. And Hiccup and Stoick's character development/relationship goes to Sabine and Ursa.
In this AU, the village—Krownest—is surrounded by forests, and that's where a lot of the dragons live. Rumor has it that Ezra was found as a baby, asleep in a dragon's nest, and Zeb took him in. The village nicknamed him "Dragonson" because, yknow, he was found in the nest, and by doing that, they completely ruined any chances of him being popular or ever having friends.
Sabine is the exception.
She had An Incident in her past that made her an outcast for a long time, and she and Ezra became friends basically because nobody else wanted to be friends with them. Now, by the time the fic happens, she's started to regain her former popularity, and is having trouble balancing her need to prove herself to her mother and her old friendships that are starting to reconnect, with her friendship with Ezra, who doesn't fit in the "future chieftess" life she's supposed to have.
And the conflict only gets worse, once she realizes he's keeping secrets from her.
Big, black, dragon-sized secrets named Wolf.
Graveyards and ghost towns! This is the sequel to November blizzards, which was the first fic I ever posted. It's a Rebels Modern AU, where Sabine and Zeb are Kanan and Hera's foster kids, Chopper is the family's psycho dog, and Ezra is the kid they found in a dumpster (no, seriously.)
The sequel is about what happened after November Blizzards, how they found each other again, and how Ezra gradually got adopted into the family. I have lots of plans for it! Mostly family fluff and a bit of angst.
A snippet, perchance?
Ezra sighed, kicking his feet up on the armrest of his futon couch. He should probably go to sleep. The cool night air breezed through the screenless window, making him shiver, but at least it helped keep the smell of cigarettes out of his room. Everything was silent, and peaceful, and— “So do I need to throw hands with your evil stepsmuncle, or what?” Sabine demanded, hauling herself over the windowsill and tumbling onto his rug, and Ezra barely muffled a startled shriek. “What are you doing here?” he hissed, and then: “Stepsmuncle?” “Cinderezra and the evil stepsmuncle,” she said, brushing herself off as she stood. “What’s so confusing about that?” Ezra sighed, sitting up. “Sabine, you really need to leave.” He gave a nervous look to his closed door. He didn’t think sound would be loud enough to carry, but… “If Maul finds you here, we're gonna be in a lot of trouble.” “Because I'm your friend who cared enough to drive across town for you, or because I'm a girl who snuck into your room in the middle of the night?” “Both.”
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Please.... What the Hell?
Fair Warning: None of the following will make any sense. Had a really weird dream last night and, well, this is what happened...
It sort of opened up with this sex scene between Jensen Ackles and Elizabeth Blackmore. She was sitting on his face, completely naked, and he was going relentless on her pussy (hands on her thighs), showing no mercy whatsoever (he was also completely naked). She could hardly hardly handle the oregasm and he was destroying her.
Next scene, had Misha Collins, me, and Genevieve Cortese in this really weird car that I'm going to talk about later. Misha was driving, I was in the passenger seat, and Gen was behind me. Mish pulled up to this old looking gas station you would probably see in a 90s movie, Gen ran into the gas station to get a few things (Misha said he didn't want anything and I shook my head). Mish set up the thing to full up the gas tank and I stepped out of the car so Mish could vacuum some really nasty stuff out of the car. Gen, of course, flirts with Jared who was for some reason working the register and the leave together shortly after. By then, me and Mish were back in the car (which now was a van/SUV instead of the early 2000s sedan it was earlier). The windows were down when Jared came to my window to ask Mish about his day. To this, he said "All is fine. Thankfully, this vacuum stuff has some really good suction." Jared replies with, "Glad to hear it" and goes back inside the gas station. Mish then calls up Jensen and hits voicemail.
I was trying to write this quick so I wouldn't forget about that phone call because it was SOO IMPORTANT but it has faded from me. It was something like wanting to talk about their relationship. Mish never finished all he had to say (he looked really upset) because he saw that Danneel Harris was now sitting behind me. Gen was sitting behind her and there was a couple of young kids I don't recognize in the remaining seats (both were boys if that matters). Misha takes in a deep shaky breath, asks "So, where are we going?", puts the vehicle into gear, and pulls out. This is when I woke up and started typing ASAP, still half asleep.
Now, that car… At first, it looked like some round ended sedan (the ends were round) with both faded and peeling paint (either white, grey, or silver - I couldn't tell in the dark lighting, it was night out) that looked like it was made in the early 2000s. The interior of the car was pretty basic, I think. Old-ish sterio, built in CD player, obviously no digital screen or adjustment to hold your phone. When it transitioned into that van/SUV, from the outside, it looked like that type of white SUV you see in crime shows when they have a kidnapping case. Except it wasn't a pure white, it was starting to turn grey. On the inside, it looked more like a mini van with some digital upgrades (not like modern "smart cars" or whatever, more like when cars were just starting to have screens in them - one in the dash and one overhead in the back for the passengers). Now, the weird part was the things built into the dashboard, regardless of the look of the vehicle. There were a lot of hardwired appliances that looked straight out of an 80-90s movie (hair dryer, hand-held metal vac, ect). This part kind of freaked me out. And, of couse, Misha being Misha tested the vacuum's suction on his hand before using it.
Edit: I just remembered- When Mish pulled away, he threw his phone out the window (an old flip phone but not one with an extendable antenna). I asked him what he was thinking (okay, more like shouted at him for being an idiot) and demanded he go back for it. He tried to lie, saying that wasn't his phone and it was only a piece of a banana. I wasn't stupid but I saw the look of distraught on his face and decided to not push it any further.
Also, those kids I mentioned kind of looked like they were David Haydn-Jones', the oldest looking five and the other one four. Judging by their faces, chances are one is Adam Fergus' and the other one was Jeffrey Vincent Parise's. The kids kind of make sense because I ship their parents but what were they doing in that car?
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maple-the-awesome · 2 years
We'll Meet Again...I Know When || Chapter 19
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x GN Reader
Words: 2,639
Overview: Given your old-fashioned personality and obsession with all things 1940s to 1980s, it’s no wonder that most people refer to you as an ‘old soul’ who would’ve rather lived back then than in the modern era. Little do they know, you already did, but with your previous life as Hollie Stark cut short, you’ve been left with some…unfinished business, to say the least. Top of your list? Finally getting to marry your thought-to-be-lost fiancé.
Series Masterlist 🤎 Marvel Masterlist 🤎 Fandom Masterlist
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The landscape in Siberia is void of color, blanketed only in the white of snow, charcoal black of mountains, and the smoky-gray in the sky above; a perfect match to what you're currently feeling in your heart.
No one's really said anything since leaving the airport, too upset, tired, and sore for conversation, although the last two points may only apply to you. Your super soldier company hasn't seemed too out of breath, but for someone with regular human endurance, running around an airport fighting the Avengers can be quite the hassle; it doesn't help that you had been sitting on your ass in Europe for nearly two years without exercise either.
Despite all efforts to think of something else - anything to distract your mind -, your thoughts always return to the events that have unfolded today. Not daring to speak a word of it aloud, you silently fret over them and the current status of your relationship with the other Avengers. It's no doubt shattered by this point; a heartbreaking thought, really.
You had already been in hot water with them after going on the lam with 'the Winter Soldier' for so long, but you're convinced you could've lessened the damage if you had just been given time to explain. Natasha would've backed you up and Clint's a fan of redemption arcs, so you'd like to believe with their help, you could've argued your case well enough for Bucky to be given a chance...Then the UN bombing happened which is when any hope of fixing things officially swirled down the drain.
The Avengers - the entire world is convinced Bucky committed that attack and if Steve couldn't change their minds, you highly doubt a 'criminal' like yourself could've either...but should you have tried? Maybe, just maybe, it would've worked and you wouldn't have had to leave on such terrible terms.
You feel terrible for hurting your friends, but you feel especially guilty for betraying Tony. He only wanted to do the right thing which you can't blame him for. Even so, you just wish you could've gotten your nephew to understand...Maybe if you had brought up that point earlier, it would've tugged his emotions in your favor: Hollie loved Bucky, so why not try to help him as your aunt would've wanted? Would that have been too cruel to say? Possibly. For all you know, part of Tony's anger back there might've already been sourced from the knowledge that his aunt's fiancé was the one who ultimately took away his entire family from him...Yeah, it's probably a good thing you didn't bring it up then...
You can feel Bucky's eyes watching you. Although he sometimes pauses to look at Steve who's piloting in front of him, he mostly stares at you across the way, likely not realizing your knowledge of this, after all you've been staring out the window blankly yourself, not in the mood to be the one to start a conversation, so he does for once:
"What's gonna happen to your friends?"
You're not sure who he intended this question for, but Steve takes no issue answering sternly, "Whatever it is, I'll deal with it."
Bucky's attention drops to his lap pitifully, "...I don't know if I'm worth all of this, you guys..."
"You might not think so yourself, but to us, you are," if the seats were closer, you would've set a hand over his, however your forced to merely turn your head his way, hoping the emotion that shines in your eyes will offer enough sincerity to get the point across anyways, "I'd even say you're worth more if it were required. We'd do anything to protect you, James."
Steve looks back temporarily, catching your eyes with a small smile. You nod to him, confirming that you understand his unspoken words of agreement.
"You gotta understand that what happened back there was our choice. We could've gone home at any point. We could've let Tony take you without a word of protest, but we choose to stand up for you on our own accords. We weren't about to watch our friend be arrested for something he didn't do. I'm sorry, but there's nothing you could've said or done to change our minds on that - even now, you have zero chance, I'm afraid. We're in this together for the long-haul."
"'till the end of the line, Buck," Steve adds.
Bucky's lip twitches upward which is enough for the time being. You truly mean your words which you really hope he trusts. As much as it pains you to betray your friends and family, you made a choice to protect the one who you believe needs it the most. It's difficult, but lots of things about your life are.
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You're not looking forward to stepping outside. By simply gazing out the Quinjet windows, you can already tell Siberia doesn't look like much fun. There's flurries of snow in the air and winds so strong that you can hear their whistling even against the secured armor of the jet...And to think you had complained about Romania's winter! Even in summer, you can't seem to get a break from snow!
"The material of your suit is supposed to help control your body heat, so you should only have to worry about your face being exposed - not that we'll be outside for long, but I can't imagine the inside of that base being too warm either."
"Seriously?" You turn to Steve, uncrossing your arms as you now have less reason to pout, "Man, you thought of everything, didn't you?"
He chuckles, "I'm afraid I can't take credit for it. I just asked Clint to get you a suit. He's the one who thought of the specifics."
"And fast, too!" You glance back outside, "'guess I gotta add him to my 'people-I'm-in-debt-to' list."
You figured Steve would've moved on to finish getting ready, however he remains by your side instead. You don't question this until he suddenly speaks again after a quiet yet sharp inhale, "(Y/n), I...About what we might see in there -"
"- I'm not going to go all batshit crazy or anything, you have my word," you sigh, doing a scout's honor gesture for good measure, "The only thing I ask is for you to at least let me break the guy's nose, okay? I can be quick - one punch square in the face, that's it. Really, I'm making a good deal here, Rogers, all things considered. With everything he's put my James through, I should permanently -"
"- That's not...- I mean, yeah, preferably don't break his jaw before we can ask him questions - but what I meant was..." Steve trails off, making you worry once you realize he's actually being serious. Thus, you wait patiently for him to continue, even facing him fully while setting a gentle hand on his arm as a way of saying 'you can tell me anything'.
He glances at you then shakes his head tiredly, "Just...Be prepared. We don't know exactly what Zemo's planning nor can I say what we'll possibly be met with in there. What we do know is he isn't above hurting people and this place houses several winter soldiers according to Bucky. With that said, if things go south - the second they go south -, I want you to promise me you'll get back to the Quinjet where it's safe. Bucky and I can handle ourselves well enough, but I'd rather avoid any chance of you getting seriously hurt or - God forbid -killed."
Despite his solemn tone, you groan and throw your head back dramatically, "Wooow, thanks for making me feel fragile! Believe it or not, Rogers, but I actually have excellentfighting skills, thank you very much!"
"I didn't mean -"
"-I know, I know. I'm only kidding around, Steve," you roll your eyes. Your mischievous smile then takes a gentler appearance, "...I understand your concerns, and while I'm not thrilled with the idea of leaving Tweedledum and Tweedledee alone to fight a bunch of crazed super soldiers, I also don't have any plans on dying anytime soon, so if things get too hairy, fine; I'll get the heck out of there."
Steve grins, satisfied with your cooperation.
"Buuut, I'll be calling the Avengers if it gets to that point. I'd rather take my luck with them than let you die yourself," you point a finger practically to his nose, "No. Dying, you hear? I have zero interest in playing this whole 'life-tag' game with everyone for the next few centuries."
Steve chuckles, moving your finger away with the back of his hand before raising it as a scout's honor, "You have my word."
As he walks off to finally go get ready, your eyes follow him which allows you to notice Bucky standing awkwardly around the corner. He flinches under your stare, clearly not meaning to have been seen at all, not that there's any chance in hiding now...
"What's up?" You smirk, watching him hover there for a pause of breath before at last deciding to walk forward. Even then, he doesn't answer your question until you repeat it once more, this time using his name which you draw out delicately.
"Is Steve..." He stops himself short, suddenly feeling very stupid about his own question despite the way it's been itching in the back of his head for the last few hours.
"'Is Steve' what?" You urge, taking a seat on one of the nearby chairs and giving him your full attention.
Bucky shallows, refusing to look at you directly, "You know...Your fiancé...?"
You nearly choke on your spit, cheeks glowing red at such a ridiculous thought that feels somewhat akin to being asked if you're dating a brother, but apparently, Bucky doesn't see it that way.
Reaching his hand to the back of his neck, he feels the need to explain himself further before you can even attempt an answer, "It's - A while ago, you said you were engaged and that you're relationship with your fiancé is difficult or whatever, so you haven't been able to get married yet, but you still want to. Steve and you just seem really close and he was pretty upset to see you with me so I figured...I figured that maybe he's your fiancé and that's why..."
His words drag on, stumbled as he feels his own cheeks burn in embarrassment and shame. Steve's his best friend, and although their time spent back together again has been limited, it's been enough for Bucky to remember their tight bond. Steve has selflessly been there for him, risking his own friendships, reputation, and life all for his friend's sake alone. With that said, Bucky feels absolutely terrible for being jealous of him.
Again, it's not like Steve has been around for long; only a few days which you mostly spent arguing with each other. Bucky originally assumed Steve's anger to be due to the fact that you had technically lied to your friends and family, including him, regarding the whole 'personal mission' you've supposedly been on for the last two years. It wasn't until Sam made a particular comment when leaving that abandoned warehouse earlier that Bucky began to think different:
"Are you both done with your lover's quarrel then?"
Since Sam's teasing, Bucky hasn't been able to help worrying over the exact extent of your relationship with Steve, after all, once paying a little closer attention to the two of you, he has noted the existence of small smiles, lingering stares, and private conversations you've exchanged only with each other.
Steve had been pretty upset to learn you've spent two years alone with Bucky. It could've been because of your lie, but what if it's something else entirely? You've never seemed this close to anyone except for maybe Natasha, although whatever's going on between Steve and you seems more...tender and intimate in Bucky's judgment. You've been very open about your engagement to someone and if that someone's Steve, it would actually make sense as to why you've been so keen on caring for Bucky and know so many little details about his past; Steve told you everything...You've been doing it for him...
This thought hasn't sat right with Bucky since he first concluded it. A voice inside his head tried favoring denial, but with what evidence? And why is he even that upset anyways? You've loyally taken care of him for Steve's sake; that's sweet and Bucky should be happy for his best friend, definitely not jealous.
To the old soldier's surprise, you laugh which snaps him right out of his wandering thoughts. With your head in your hands, you laugh with more heart than he's seen in awhile, barely able to catch your breath in between snorts and giggles.
Confused, his face is completely burninglike a stove fire now and he instinctively looks around for Steve. What did he say that's so funny? Are you just surprised he's figured it out so quickly- or have you seen right through him, realizing not only his jealousy, but the source of it as well? He prays it isn't that...The last thing he needs is Steve and you going through all this effort to help him only for his damn emotions to push you both away.
"B-Because I'm happy for you both if it's true! Steve's a great guy and you seem happy together which you both deserve!" Bucky desperately tries to fix his mistake immediately, yet his words only make your laughter worsen with every word that he nearly cries.
"J-J-James -" You're wheezing for air, "- I'm not engaged to Steve!"
"You're...You're not?" Oh god, he sounds like a kicked puppy, poor thing!
"No, of course not!" Clearing away your tears, you finally manage to gather yourself enough to look at him, but not without some remaining chuckles, "Steve is my friend - he has been for a very long time...You're right, he's a great guy and all. I like spending time with him, but definitely not in that way. If anything, he's like a brother to me."
You observe Bucky's reaction then stand up, walking closer until you're toe-to-toe with him; far too close for comfort, "Why...? Are you jealous by chance?"
"I was just asking. I didn't want - Like I said, he seemed upset that you were with me. I was gonna offer to talk to him so that I could clear things up and tell him nothing happened between us so that he wouldn't be mad at you - that's all!"
He holds his breath, stiffening when you place a hand on his chest and lean forward. He does the opposite, leaning back slightly, but he swears he can still feel your breath fan his lips, "Good! Because you should know by now that no one holds my heart except for you."
Then just like that, you're gone, skipping off to the back of the Quinjet with another fit of laughter you fail to muffle behind your hand. It's in your absences that Bucky finally lets his breath go (along with his disappointment) before regaining some of his composter and shuffling after you.
By this time, Steve already has the ramp down in back, staring out into the fidgeted cold you'll all soon be walking through to the old HYDRA base, "What took you guys so long - Bucky, what -?"
"- Let's go," Bucky grumbles, ignoring the concerned look Steve gives him in regards to his very noticeable cherry face. This turns Steve's question to you, although he's not sure he wants the answer once spotting your smirk. Instead, he opens his mouth to complain about something else the second the image pops into his head completely unwelcomed.
"- Oh hush! We didn't do anything inappropriate, so don't go scaring yourself, Steven," you whisper in a hiss, smacking his shoulder then trekking after Bucky down the ramp of the Quinjet.
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robotslenderman · 2 years
Top 5 clan Nosferatu stuff you know/read/seen pls
Oooh, fun!
1. Nosferatu have an instinct to dig and go underground. Given the water table, I have to wonder if they have some instincts we don't know about -- did Nosferatu just dig wherever, and use trial and error and hope the water table was far beneath them? Did they have a way to sense how far down water is, so they knew exactly where to dig? Have they been just digging wherever all this time and enslaving ghouls to pump out water for as long as pumps have existed? Have they got ways of waterproofing their walls -- do they mix their vitae with dirt in some kind of mixture and paint their walls with it to keep the water out?
2. So I haven't read or seen this, but Nosferatu are probably very good at managing in places where it's completely dark.
Think about it. Electric lighting is a modern invention, so for most of history they don't have electric lights. They wouldn't have had fireplaces down there for light. They wouldn't have had windows, being underground, and no open ceilings to allow moon and starlight in. A lot of fiction with underground races has bio-luminescent mushrooms and stuff, but in reality those are extremely rare and when they do happen, the light is very dim.
They might have had candles, but historically candles were very expensive. Having multiple candles in a room would have been very impractical from an expense standpoint; if they did have the resources to use candles, chances are every Nosferatu had a personal candleholder and would use their own candle to navigate, instead of just having candles around each room. (This raises more speculation about what kind of relationship such a clan would have to fire, given Rotschreck conflicting with the need to be able to see, but I don't want to get off track.)
But it's very likely that most Warrens would have been completely and utterly pitch black. Therefore, the Nosferatu would need ways to sense their surroundings in order to navigate, or else have some compensation mechanisms. Maybe they have the same senses we do and they just used sticks and "Marco!" "Polo!" to make sure they weren't crashing into anyone. But also -- maybe Nosferatu often have whiskers or their bodies are covered in very fine hairs, and they can sense very subtle changes in air current. Maybe they can do echolocation -- Gerard Rafin's ears are described as being like a bat's, and bats use echolocation. Maybe they have some other way to "see". Given the variety of Nosferatu appearances, the most likely explanation is that each Nosferatu is unique -- some have the fine hairs, and others have the echolocation. Which would probably mean you also have some Nosferatu that are shit out of luck and are completely blind in all ways that matter when they're underground.
They probably also have something akin to Braille. They're the clan of spies, but they can't read fuck all under there, they need some way to be able to keep records and be able to read them in pitch black.
The more I think about it, the more I think it'd make sense if Nosferatu had blood magic or something, simply just so they can make glowing balls of light and stick them around the Warren. Alas.
3. There is a bloodline of Nosferatu called the Nictuku who lack the instinct to dig, and instead have a pathological need to be able to see the moon. In VTMNR, there's a Nosferatu called Dove. On the surface you might only notice she's unusual because she doesn't hang out in a Warren or seem to be involved in any kind of spy network, unlike the rest of the highly social Nosferatu, but...
At one point Lettow dictates Dove's entire lineage. If you look up the Methuselah in her lineage in the wiki, you'll see she's actually Nictuku.
And if you know that, everything else about Dove makes sense and you realise she spends the bulk of her time in places where she can easily see the moon and open sky. She's a driver, so she'd see the moon all the time on the road. But not only that -- she's Lettow Kaminsky's Seneschal/Sheriff. Lettow has an open-air Elysium. No matter which job she's doing, whether it's being a Seneschal or driving, she's got an open sky right above her.
On the other hand, I have no idea why the fuck Kyle Marquis wrote Dove's grandsire as being the complete opposite and always being underground like some kind of ugly-ass Dune worm.
4. Dove has the Vampire Mafia after her, and she almost didn't survive as a fledgling because of it.
She's noted to have a strong resemblance to an "extinct clan". She has a skull-like face; the Cappadocians have skull-like visages and were hunted near to extinction (officially extinction) by the Giovanni. AKA the Vampire Mafia. 100% chance it was these guys who wanted to fuck her up and damn Jasper Knowles must have been pretty damn powerful to get them off her back.
5. We know them as hackers, but honestly, they're probably pretty damn good engineers too.
In modern times Warrens probably have a network of pumps going 24/7 that need to be constantly maintained, like how in NYC the subway is always flooding and people don't know about it because there's a whole system of pumps taking all the water that comes in and pumping it right back out.
In all times Nosferatu have existed, they've needed to be able to dig underground through various types of rocks and dirt, but also maintain its structural integrity. They don't have to worry about dying so much, but cave-ins are probably a real pain in the ass at least, so they'd devise ways to dig that minimise risk, and also reinforce the ceilings. But it'd be pretty moist down there and wood rots -- a Warren isn't a mine, it's supposed to last centuries, if not thousands of years in some places in the world, so they probably have carpenters who are constantly, by vampire standards, maintaining ceiling beams and columns and checking for rot and decay.
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asterlizard · 9 months
UK Trip October 2023 (Part 11)
We return to London!
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As we continued to London, and passed by Abergavenny, it started to rain. Mum's friend happened to remember a song 'Abergavenny' by Marty Wilde at this point, and played it on her phone. We made some snide comments when he sang 'sunshine forever, lovely weather'.
Once we got to London, we travelled by bus to nearby Tower Bridge (ate at Pizza Express, another yum!) and went for a stroll down there. We also saw someone searching for something with a torch by the river???
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We also saw what looked like a rave party with modern music playing at the Globe Theatre (I can only imagine Shakespeare's characters in costume having a modern kind of party haha)
I held my phone like a vise when taking photos where they could fall a long height or into the water.
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Headed back home for the night (a tourist asked us what bus to take while getting a little too close for comfort (especially considering I wasn't wearing a mask at the moment))
Time change that night, so I got an extra hour of sleep. Also mum's friend made us a bowl of fruit salad every morning (thankfully not mixed together which I'm not keen on) and the fruit was so juicy and good, I tried to savour them as much as possible during my final days there 😭
The next day, we took a brief detour to see Blenda, who turned 101! (mum's friend made Welsh cakes for her because she's also Welsh) She's a cute little lady, but also has a sharp wit about her! She also was visited by a couple of her friends, also cute old ladies, one of which was from Hong Kong and brought some store bought pie cookies (chocolate banana, and honey, we tried the former which I liked, but mum and her friend didn't really care for it) Blenda wouldn't hold back from telling her first friend to (lightheartedly) go away when she was taking her time with leaving (she was packing for a trip to Japan the next day) or telling her second friend that she doesn't want any more food gifts because she has so much. She also talked about how she wouldn't be afraid to mow down the street in her wheelchair if she had her way, but she still would have to watch out for distracted youngsters on their devices. Blenda was a hoot!
After then, mum's friend had to go to a meeting with her fellow tour guides, which she claimed would be pretty long and boring, so she let us to spend some time outside. So we walked along Soho, walking up and down Drury Lane, King's Way, Aldwych, and briefly encountered the British Museum. We mostly looked at the menus of the restaurants we passed by, which looked pretty good, but alas couldn't stop at because we already ate.
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We also found this giant upside down globe. Honestly, if we stopped here first, I think it would have taken me the full 1.5-2 hours to wait for mum's friend's meeting to finish!
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When mum's friend was just about done, we went back to the building she was at and we wandered into Covent Garden, saw a witty street performer who got everyone to encourage him to swallow a long balloon (which I thought looked like a hattifattener) Also walked past a young singer nathanreeve05, heard someone sing opera on the stairs below (even though he dressed very casually) and by chance encountered and went to a Moomin shop and bought some Snufkin socks (I would have liked to have a mug, but 1: it was expensive, 2: we weren't certain how well it would have travelled)
Had tuna pasta at home for dinner, which brought me back to my early college years, which I made for my lunches
Halloween! Side note: In the UK, you let trick or treaters know you'll have sweets for them if you leave a pumpkin by your window. Meanwhile in the US, you just leave your front light on.
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Went for our morning walk, and I saw a yellow bell pepper with a face carved in it as a makeshift pumpkin xD
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'If you write a story, this is where it takes place'
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Went to the British Museum (saw some street performers doing a rendition of Ghost Town by The Specials while heading over there)
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With most of history being serious, it's nice to see proof that children have always been playing games.
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Hello old friend
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Mosaic duck!
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I admire how tiny these are, the one in the middle is a bit bigger than my thumb!
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We visit the next exhibit in the next post here: [link]
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the-busy-ghost · 2 years
Ah yes, nothing better when you’re sleep deprived than wrestling a dirty sash and case window at 1AM, three stories up. 
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levisgirll · 3 years
Hi! I love your work so much! Could you do a oneshot/hc about y/o and Levi having a crush on each other. Hange knows that and asks y/o why won't she confess to him. Y/O is insecure coz she's younger than him by 5 + years and she thinks that Levi wouldn't want her coz she thinks that he thinks she's childish (lol how many thinks). Thanks!
𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
→ Text: Hi there sweet anon! Thank you for letting me know that you love my work 🥺 that makes me happy! And this is such a cute idea♡ ♡ I hope you enjoy this and let me know what you think about it if you can! Hope you see this and sorry it took awhile :,( Also, while writing this I was inspired by this song called kiss u better by Katzù Oso and Lady (Hear Me Tonight) by Modjo 🥰 they both were stuck in my head when I got your request!
Synopsis: Y/N and Levi have known each other for quite awhile now. Levi clearly likes Y/N, but she feels hesitant to take things further with Levi since they are both at university(when he is ready for that!) but won’t cause she is quite nervous and insecure. Levi and even Hanji notices that, and with that Levi takes his chance and tries to win his lover’s heart after a party at Zeke’s place. To make her finally have trust in him to give him a chance, and to prove to her that he would be a great man to y/n! Finally to open her heart again back to love <3 so find out what happens! (I promise you, you won’t regret this c: many soft and fluff levi!)
cute fluff, university modern au, headcanon imagine ♡ —
It was obvious, to everyone in their university course, also around campus, that Levi and Y/N totally had a crush on each other.
But Y/N is hesitant, even though though she might have a feeling that Levi might like her too, with the many moments they shared together, the times they went out together after lectures to go to the café, walking her home, watching sunsets together (but, Levi is watching you instead) and talk out their struggles and feelings, always texting and calling her to just at least hear from her everyday, buying her snacks and food to make sure she ate, all the time going out with her to any events, would bend down and tie her shoes for her if he saw undone, and also going to the shopping mall with her to just be by her side when she shopped all around. 
During long trips too or taking the bus to the university, Y/N and Levi would swap seats, she wanted the window and Levi wanted to look at you instead.
Would definitely come over to your place during the days you didn’t eat or make any food, expect him to cook for you and especially clean your place! And you both would spend the evening at the balcony, watching the nightsky and if it was a bit chilly or there was a cold breeze, he would give you his jacket. “Tch, Don't want you catching a cold.”
Levi would also give her and buy her some flowers on special days such as her birthday, celebrations, and would just give you some if you ever felt sad! He wanted to see you happy all the time <3 
Everyone at first thought Y/N and Levi were a couple and Levi was just being shy about it to not mention or talk about it. But in fact, it was Y/N who didn’t try and push the relationship to the next step. As she was feeling quite reluctant about it, feeling insecure that she was younger than him by 5 years and thought Levi was just doing all of these things to her as a ‘nice act’ and being polite and respectful. But, Y/N has no idea that one of Levi’s top love language was actually ‘acts of service’!
Levi is not the kind of man who would just do all of these things just randomly to someone unless he knows them pretty well and if he over does them, then he actually loves them! He would only do these things for Y/N knowing that she would like it, and he would honestly give up his time for you, and you only.
It was a long tiring day at university, but finally it was the last lecture for the day and the end of the first Semester! Y/N got up and took her stuff, ready to leave the lecture hall when Hanji jumped from behind her, giving her a hug around her shoulder. “Y/N! We finally finished!” Hanji said in their usual happy and cheerful tone. You smiled at Hanji and patted their head, “Yup, and the semester break started.” You said as you both left, heading to the university café. 
Hanji smirked and elbowed Y/N to the side, “Soooo, I have been realizing for quite a while that you and Levi are getting at it, Huh.” Hanji said with a wink and started drinking their iced coffee drink, looking at Y/N who their cheeks started to heat up.
“W-What? It’s not what you are thinking though...” You mumbled and started to take your own drink, sipping it and looking away. “No way. You both are STILL not dating?! Why don’t you just confess to him? I can’t handle it anymore, you both are clearly in love with each other!” Hanji now started to squeal and was amazed how you and Levi were still not taking your relationship to the next step after being with him for such a long time. “Quiet down! I don’t want anyone to hear. But...I’m not sure, he might just think I am childish a-and might not want me..” You mumbled the last part and then gave out a sad sigh while looking down to your shoes, you were quite down about it whenever you thought about how you badly wanted to confess your feelings to him, but with how older he was to you, you probably just thought he was better off with someone else. You really did love him, but....does he? With the way he constantly checks up on you and asks about you, Y/N just wondered that he might just only do that cause he only worries for her only.
“Y/N! Wake up girl. Have ever you seen him treat you like this to anyone else? No!” Hanji wanted so badly to let you know that Levi did actually have a crush on you, but they promised Levi (well was threated by Levi) that they wouldn’t tell her.
You were about to question and ask about what Hanji meant when suddenly, Connie, Sasha and Mikasa came by. “Yo! Did you guys hear?” Connie said with a grin and brought a chair to join them, while Sasha and Mikasa tagged along giving you a little wave. “There is gonna be a party at Zeke’s place tonight! He invited us! I heard it’s gonna be crazy though.” 
“As long there is free food, I am in!” Sasha said with a nod, already planning what she will eat first when she first goes there. Mikasa looked at you and then asked, “Y/N, if you are going. I’ll tag along.” She said while looking at you, waiting for a response. Zeke was a popular guy at your university and course, he knew everyone and everyone seemed to like him. You were once placed in the same group project with him and he helped you out a lot, and even during exams he seemed to be friendly enough to share you his notes to you! Y/N never got the chance to have a proper chat with him though. 
But instead Hanji replied yelling out, “Oh hell Yea I am in! I never had the chance to hang out with Zeke, but I so wanna go to this party! Y/N Let’s go Please!” Hanji begged, giving you their usual puppy eyes and you sighed while getting up from your seat. “I’ll see and let you guys know.” You sighed and when you looked at your friends, all of them looked behind you and had a surprised look on their face. You went blank, and turned around slowly. Shit.
It was, Zeke. “Hey There.” Zeke said with a smirk and approached you closer, “Y/N, Yea?” 
You stood there, all shocked and surprised, how the ‘cool popular guy’ from your university is actually talking to you right now. You felt all eyes on you and your friends were all there, their eyes widen and were seeing what the hell was gonna happen.
“Y-Yea. Um, do you need something?” Y/N said in a nervous tone, not sure what to say or do. “Yea, Come tonight to my party.” Zeke said bluntly, and you were about to question him why when Hanji suddenly held both of your shoulders and yelled out. “Yes Yes! We are all coming!”
“Great! See you all tonight, and you too...Y/N.” Zeke said in a flirty tone while he kept his eyes on you, then walked off. You just stood there, all surprised and taken aback at how quickly things escalated. “Hanji...Seriously?” You let out a sigh and decided to walk out of the café, while Mikasa, Hanji, Connie and Sasha tagged you along. All talking about what to wear and when they are going.
As you were walking with them, you got a text message. When you saw who it was, you made a big smile.
Levi: Hey, Where are you now?
Y/N: With the others, still at campus though. Something up?
Levi: No. Also, was wondering what are your plans for tonight.
You stopped walking, and stood still, and you felt your cheeks go hot. You really liked it when Levi asked you out for hang outs.
Y/N: Well, Hanji and the others are begging me to go to Zeke’s party. So going there tonight. 
Levi:....Okay, I am coming too. Don’t go in without me.
“Oh, Levi is coming too.” You said aloud to yourself but Hanji heard it and was so shocked. “Levi? You mean Levi ACKERMAN? That guy never ever goes out with any of us, especially to parties.” 
After hearing what Hanji said, you wondered and thought, maybe just maybe....he might like you? But you later shook the thought off away from your mind.
You decided in the end to go and just meet your friends and Levi in front of Zeke’s place. You started to get ready once you got back to your place as the evening was approaching wore your favourite outfit, and just get the night over with. Hopefully nothing crazy happens right? I mean you had Levi and your other friends. So surely, it will be okay.
The night approached, and you were outside Zeke’s place, his house was huge as expected from a popular university student. You suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder and you turned to see the person you loved most, Levi.
“O-Oh, Hey!!” You quickly said, quite taken aback with his sudden appearance. “Was trying to call you out but guess you didn’t hear me.” He said with a teasing tone and went to hug you gently. He noticed what you wore, and to him anything you wore always looked beautiful and pretty to his eyes, he just wanted to say it and say how great you looked but he knew he could not do that. “You good? Where is four eyes and the others.” He said trying to ignore his thought while he had a slight faint blush which you didn’t notice.
“Soon, they are coming. Lets go in though, I think Miche and some others went ahead too.” You said looking around and as you started to head in, Levi held you hand and said calmly but had a nervous tone in him. “Wait um, I don't want us to separate so c-can I hold your hand?” Levi said but then quickly looked away, cursing himself for stuttering like an idiot in front of the the girl he loves.
You felt your face burning up and you held out your hand to him, and nodded, to which he gently held your hand and you both entered inside Zeke’s place. Wondering what the other side awaits.
It was crowded, too crowded. You felt nervous but with Levi’s soft touch holding your hand tightly, you felt relieved and safe, he was there holding you tightly, making sure no one weird was behind you and he would let you walk in front of him as he put his hand on your shoulder. Levi was honestly keep his eye out for you, it was his instinct to protect you and always making sure you are comfortable and safe. Afterall, you did mean a lot to him.
“Hey! Y/N came and Woah....Levi!” Miche yelled out waving at the both of you while Nanaba was by his side smirking at you two. You quickly let go of Levi’s hand and went away from him, Levi glanced at you on his side, a bit hurt how you let your hand go, how he didn't get to feel your touch anymore.
“Tch....What is it.” Levi said in his usual annoyed tone and gave them his stoic expression because of how they interrupted, and making Y/N letting go of him. “Zeke was waiting for you guys, Come on.” Nanaba said while a grin and kept her hand around Y/N’s shoulder to guide her and Levi to where Zeke and the others are at. Apparently he gathered around certain people and you and your other friends where among them!
You saw all your friends, Jean, Mikasa, Armin, Eren, Sasha, Connie and Hanji and many others you recognize! You spotted Zeke talking to Pieck Finger, another popular girl in your university and once you both had eye contact together, he got up and waved at you. “Hey you came!” Zeke said with a happy tone and approached you, he then noticed Levi who was clearly glaring at him. “Oh. Levi.” Zeke said bluntly and looked away from him, completely ignoring Levi and gave Y/N a smirk. “Let’s begin the fun, sweetheart?” You were taken aback when he called you that, Wait..did he actually call me that?
This fucking bastard. Levi thought as he was trying to control himself not to twist the guy’s hand when he placed his hand on your shoulder.
“Okay everyone listen up! Since the first semester finished, and to celebrate. To have a little fun, I decided let’s all play Drink or Dare!” Everyone now got hyped up and gathered around, sitting in the coaches and were all excited. You had a weird gut feeling about this as you sat next to Jean while Levi followed you and leaned aganist the coach side with his arms crossed, completely not interested in what the hell Zeke is doing, but he was just here for you.
“But...If no one does the Dare I tell them, you have to drink something I made instead and nothing else.” He pointed at the big bottle that was on the table, it had a label saying Zeke’s Spinal Fluid which you found really odd for a drink to be called like that. Afterall, he was the kind of guy who would do these random things. You figured it might have been just a weird mixture of juices all together. You asked Armin to which he said that he was not even sure himself what was in the drink and would prefer to do the dares instead!
It went by turns and everyone seemed to have been doing the dares they were told to do, such as Jean getting a dare from Eren to call a random number and try to flirt with the person whoever picks up (and how he terribly failed on that, making everyone laugh like crazy). Overall, the night was going great and everyone seemed to having fun, including yourself! Although, you did not notice though that Levi, this whole time couldn’t take his eyes off you and Zeke noticed that instead. This was now Zeke’s time to ‘shine’.
“Okay. I got a dare for you. Y/N.” Zeke said with a smirk, looking directly at your eyes with his arms crossed, which made you jolt a bit, and this got everyone’s attention. Everyone was now curious what kind of dare Zeke would give you.
“Hm...” He stood there thinking and pushing his glasses a bit up, Levi started to slowly get irritated and was ready to beat this guy up anytime. He hated how he caught Zeke seductively looking at you and would sometimes add in flirty comments to you during the game, he found him extremely annoying and hated him even more.
“I dare you to kiss me.” He said bluntly with a grin, this made everyone yell out with a surprise, especially Hanji. “Oh my god! How lucky of her, Zeke is a great kisser Y/N!” Pieck said with a giggle, as soon as Zeke was gonna approach you, Levi got up and stood in front of him.
“Fuck that. I’m not gonna allow it.” Levi said with such a enraged and threatening tone while he glared at Zeke. Levi’s eyebrows frowned and his jawline was now tensed up, he was now ready to fucking kill the guy. How could he even make such a dare to Y/N? Levi clearly knew that he was trying to get on his nerves ever since he met him. 
“I mean....I asked Y/N. And if not, she needs to drink. I mean it is part of the game!” Zeke said playfully while looking at you. Y/N now felt worried, she definitely did not want her first kiss to be with Zeke! and also she definitely did not want to drink Zeke’s drink as she felt very uncomfortable about it. But, she mostly felt worried for Levi, worried if he would actually beat up the popular guy and getting in trouble of it because of her!
Y/N quickly got up and held on Levi’s arm which made him slowly control his anger a bit with Zeke. But what happened next shocked you.
Levi went to the table, picked up  Zeke’s Spinal Fluid drink and poured the whole drink on the floor. “No. Fuck you and your game anyways shit face.” Levi said in a pissed tone, his jaw still clenched and he gave Zeke such an intense eye contact which actually scared him a bit and took a step back, away from Levi. Everyone now was all shocked by what Levi did, they never saw him go this mad or angry, and the fact that it was because of this dare to Y/N was even more shocking. Most of the reason is also because Levi would never tolerate anyone who would make you feel uncomfortable or put you in a situation you didn’t like.
Levi then, just grabbed your hand and took you out of the room, and out of his place, you just held his hand tightly, looked at his back, his undercut and your eyes would widen. Feeling all the butterflies now in your stomach slowly growing, and having also getting your fuzzy feeling. You loved how Levi just did that all, for you.
You haven’t even realized, after walking out for such a long time with Levi, still holding his hand and looking at him from behind. You felt shy and even nervous to say anything, Y/N then looked around and realized they ended up in small garden park and Levi gestured you towards a bench to sit that was near the both of you.
“Hey. You okay?” Levi said, looking down at you with both of his hands in his pockets, focusing on your eyes and facial expressions for any sign of you feeling scared or uncomfortable. But found none, and instead you were calm and happy.
“Yup. Thanks Levi.” You said shyly and looked away. It was now quiet between the both of you. Levi wondered and thought to himself, why did he react like that earlier. He could have just easily walked you out with him and not say anything or even not pour the whole drink away, ruining the game and the mood. But, he didn’t care. Levi did then admit to himself that he actually felt a bit jealous when he saw how other guys tried to approach you, how they talked to you, and how you smiled at them when he barely gets to see that from you sometimes (and it was just because you were shy when it comes to your crush, Levi).
And Zeke, made it all worse and terrible for him. He hated how he just had the audacity to just flirt with you and touch you, Levi swore the next time he sees him, he will make sure to twist his arm.
He looked back at you, and then mumbled something, which got Y/N’s attention. “Hm? I didn’t quite hear that. What did you say?” You said in a curious tone and looked up at Levi, who was shyly looking away from you, and he started to slowly go red.
“I said....” Levi then mumbled it again the last few words. ‘What?!’ You thought to yourself, all confused and Levi then sigh and looked at you. Finally saying what was in his mind tonight to you. He didn’t care anymore, just being at the party tonight and all made him realize that he had to let you know how he really felt.
“Tch...I said that...I can kiss you better than that shit face.” You stood there, feeling as if your whole face burned up, and you jolted up from your seat. Not believing what he actually said. Levi then looked at you, and you could see his cheeks go red, feeling all embarrassed and flustered while scratching the back of his head. Oh my god. Was your words on repeat in your head this whole time.
Now, Levi had an internal monologue on whether what he was gonna do and say was the right or wrong thing. But it was now or never to tell Y/N whom he knew for quite a while that he was in love with her. He couldn't handle this foreign feeling he kept feeling all the time with you and every time he tried to avoid it, it kept growing. 
He then mastered all his courage and took your hand and slightly pulled it while caressing it. “I hope that it’s true...”
“What it?” You said quietly but still having your shocked expression.
“If you are feeling what I am feeling now....Please let me know that it’s real.” Now, he sounded real soft, and he was begging you to finally give him a chance, to let him know and not to ignore this feeling you both shared, it was hard for him to even explain it and say it in words to you and he hoped you got his message. “Just hear me out tonight.” Even thought he was feeling a bit overwhelmed at how you might still not accept him and this. You were shocked, and surprised because this whole time you thought Levi wouldn’t want someone like you. He wouldn’t confess unless he knew for sure you reciprocated this feeling he had, but he wanted to hear it from you.
You nodded slightly and finally looked at him, at his eyes which was now glisten and realizing his love for you is real, while his pupil size increases, looking at you.
“Y/N, I’m falling for you. And, I can’t get you out of my mind.” He now took your other hand, and pulled you a bit slower, still looking at your eyes. “I am feeling love for the first time when it comes with you...I can also tell by the look in your eyes that...you do too.” He said gently and brought his hand to softly touch your side cheek, you felt his cold fingers warming up your cheek that you still felt burning up.
“So....Please let me love you. And give me a chance?” You finally felt your heart warm up but also melt at the same time, the fuzzy feeling kept on growing and your eyes now soften, to your eyes now tearing up, letting out your emotions. You felt happy and loved. And you thought, at long last love has arrived for Y/N, one which you craved a lot, especially from Levi. You decided to open your heart up for him and it was the best decision you ever made. Levi understood your actions and gave you a big smile, not even words can describe how he was feeling too, and he then, slowly went closer and closer to your face, to your lips, and finally. Levi kissed you. A sweet kiss under the beautiful moonlight, one you won't ever forget. Is this how love feels? How a kiss feels? Apparently it was Levi’s first kiss too and even though you both weren’t sure how to do it, you both didn’t mind, cause now you both are together, having each other, and with time Love would guide you both ♥
If only this happened sooner you wondered as you both kept on kissing and trying to kiss again and again to get the hang of it. He was happily and willing to listen if you just let him know how you were feeling from the start, but the same thing could be said to him too. And, he never found you childish, and instead he found you as his girl, which he can now say proudly.
𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬: Apparently, it turned out that Zeke played out an act and everyone was part of it! It was mainly Hanji’s plan just to get Levi’s nerves and to make him or either you confess both of your feelings ASAP as everyone in your university campus was shipping you both so hard. But now, Zeke is scared shit of Levi and he would never do this again, never listening and following Hanji’s plan ever again.
wow I actually loved how this work turned out!♡ I really hope you like this anon and everyone else who read this I hope you enjoyed it too🥺 Please let me know by leaving a like, a reblog or a message! 
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yunahosk · 3 years
psychic staring effect | yan childe x reader
i wrote this when i was tired and had no idea where the story was going to go. had some trouble translating too >.<
this is sort of like a modern au but only because it involves google and a phone.
warnings: stalking, sayings like ‘someone is behind you.’
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psychic staring effect:  the psychic staring effect (sometimes called scopaesthesia) is a supposed phenomenon in which humans detect being stared at by extrasensory means.
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how to tell if you’re being watched
“This is stupid.” The words laced with annoyance come from your mouth as you glare at the typed in words sitting in Google’s search bar. A sigh of defeat releases and you lean back against the frame of the bed.
That stupid feeling. It’s like your brain is telling you you’re stupid for even thinking such things in the first place, but at the same time is the one alerting you that such things aren't normal. Waking up with an indent on the opposite side of the bed, hearing two sets of feet tap against the pavement as you walk when it should only be one, leaving the shower and seeing hearts on the steamy mirror.
It's been awhile since you visited the Northland Bank, a trip that was only meant to help your friend ask for a loan and to give you reason to leave the house. However, the trip only cemented your commitment to staying home. After that trip, you swear you can see a figure always lurking behind you, though when the chance comes to get a glance at the mystery, the culprit reveals itself to be, well no one.
You feel like an idiot even thinking such things in first place, its obvious: nothing is there. Nothing at all. But it’s a feeling you can’t shake off. Unexplainable things are happening, finding a large bag of mora on your kitchen counter doesn’t just happen, though when searching for the culprit there is nothing but your own shadow behind you only helping to convince you that you’re slowly going insane.
It’s been like this for months. Something you can’t simply shake off. 
Though, whether you should convince yourself it’s all a hallucination or that the gut feeling inside you is true, that's a decision for when the time comes. Instead, you choose to set it aside for the night in an attempt to get some much needed rest after a long day.
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It’s a reoccurring dream. One that seems to end so fast yet when you wake up hours later it proves to be the contrast.
In the dream you find yourself standing in a bathroom, staring at the loading search screen on the phone below you. A feeling of panic is in your body but you’ve never found what the cause of such a feeling was. Someone is behind you, you know it. But the most you’ve ever seen of him is a single red earring. That’s the only glimpse you can ever get of the mystery man, for when you turn your head to identify the person you find the scenario ending just as fast as it started. 
Your eyes open in the same place you were before: the comfort of your own bed.
 A sigh comes from your mouth as you roll over, smothering a pillow over your head with a groan. “Dammit!” You yell into the pillow, quickly removing it and throwing it to the side. You lay still, staring at the ceiling above you before reaching your hand out to grasp your phone.
Curiosity always gets the best of you. And it’s evident as you quickly type away at the screen.
who are the people in our dreams
Our mind is not inventing faces – in our dreams, we see real faces of real people that we have seen during our life but may not know or remember.
You’ve lived in Liyue your whole life, never traveled out of the land and practically know everyone in Liyue Harbor like the back of your hand. But, you can’t pinpoint a red earring. You swear you’ve seen it before but no one comes to mind.
“Someone you may not know.” You mutter to yourself, perking an eyebrow at the screen.
That is the most logical explanation, but even something about that irks you. Why would someone so irrelevant like a stranger, be so present in your dreams?
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You had met him a few weeks ago. He had claimed to be a toy seller from Sneznhaya, an unusual occupation for a man carrying around a bow and arrow, however you put no question towards it.  A kind man he was, always doing lavish things for you, helping you with hard commissions, and letting you ramble upon him. And that's just what you were doing as you find yourself rambling onto him right now. 
“Look, it just feels like someone's been watching me, even on the way here I swear I could just feel it,” You state to your friend, Tartaglia, leaning against the counter as he prepares snacks “a-and I swear someone is watching me but whenever I turn there's no one there!” 
“You’re probably just imagining things, I’m sure you’re just stressed with everything going on.” He hummed, glancing up from the food he was preparing to raise an eyebrow at your current predicament.
“But that doesn’t explain hearts on the bathroom mirror! Or even a bag of mora on my counter!” You ramble in distress, resting you chin on your hand.
“Maybe your secret admirer is a ghost?” He laughs.
“Tartaglia!” You groan, glancing up with a glare.
“Ok, ok! It’s probably just left from when your niece visited. You’re fine! As for the mora, well maybe you just misplaced it?” He smiles, turning around to grab a bowl.
Your breath tightens at his words. When did Tartaglia get word you had a niece? You've known each other for only a few weeks at most. You last saw her some months ago.
He turns around at the sudden silence, his blue eyes narrowing with a playful smile as he regards your body language intently, holding his gaze for almost too long. Quickly pulling yourself together you force out a laugh.
“A-ahaha! You’re probably right, I do misplace things easily!” You laugh, trying to play it off. He stayed silent in response, simply staring at you as if he was trying to analyze something.
“Indeed.” He stated, turning around once again to continue his previous task.
“Your house is really nice, you must make a good living to get a home with a view of the shore.” You smiled, trying to ease the tension in the room. Leaning off the counter you make your way across the room towards the large window that displayed the ocean before you. 
“It’s worth the view, I’d say.” He chuckled, glancing from the kitchen to your figure across the room. You smile, glancing down at the window sill decorated with small trinkets.
“You didn’t tell me you collected starconches.” You chuckled, trying to keep the conversation as if nothing happened seconds ago.
“I need to take you down to the beach sometime soon, it’s beautiful this time of season to collect shells.” Tartaglia hummed. As you analyzed the row of seashells your eyes made contact with a familiar red gem.
Your eyes widened, staring down at the earring. The earring in your dreams.
“Definitely! Hey, um I have to go to the bathroom, what direction is it?” You turned around, reaching for the phone in your pocket. He paused, turning around with a smile and staring at you, his gaze lasting a tad too long for normal and humming.
“Just around the corner!” He smiled, and you followed just that.
There's a familiar feeling to the one you've grown used to these past months. Knowing your being watched. Feeling the gaze of eyes on your figure from afar.
And as you walk away from Tartaglia you feel just that.
Your eyebrows furrow as you enter the small room, your breathing becoming more rapid by the minute, as you desperately seek answers to the question that has been weighing on your mind ever since seeing the red gem. Pulling out your phone you tap your thumbs rapidly against the screen.
can dreams predict our future
Waiting for the results load, your breathing accelerates, panic setting in. Letting your hand touch the granite on the counter, you pause. Realization hits you as you realize you have experienced this feeling in your dreams. 
The panic in your dream. 
Reaching for your phone with shaking hands, you pick up the device now with text present. As you scan the top result, your breath quickens as you do a double take of the words before you.
Precognitive dreams, in simple terms, are any dreams that give you information about the future you wouldn't otherwise have.
You can feel it.
You can feel the stare.
Someone’s behind you.
The weight change on your shoulder becomes evident as you feel hot breath hitting your neck. When you slowly raise your head to look in the mirror you find yourself frozen in fear.
Red hair and blue eyes stare back at you as a red gem dangles from his ear, his chin rests on your shoulder, glancing down at your phone.
“How cute, you've been dreaming of me?”
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mercurysstars · 3 years
The Shadow Thief (part 4)
Summary: what happens when Peter has to work with the girl he hates to possibly save the world.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: swearing
A/n: I apologize for the late chapter! :)
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"What the fuck." Peter said wide-eyed.
Peter quickly parked the car and unbutton his seatbelt. He opened the door and stepped out in front of the car. The Avengers compound was destroyed, all of the windows were busted through, the doors were broken and even a few walls were missing.
Peter felt as though his stomach was twisted into 10 knots. It was like some sort of sick joke. Could they really be gone? They were the earth's mightiest heroes, right? He clenched his fist, Peter felt tears weld up in his eyes but he never let them fall.
Y/n got out of the car and walked next to him. When she approached him, he didn't say a word, he just stood there and stared. After a few moments of silence, Y/n gave him a little nudge "Let's see if we can find anything inside."
Peter didn't say anything to acknowledge her but he followed her. Y/n stepped through the broken glass door. The electricity was cut so the elevator didn't work. She found the stairs so she began to climb.
The first floor they enter was the laboratories. They were all a wreck, it looked like they all had been scavenged through. Desks were flipped, papers were scattered, glass was everywhere.
Y/n looked over to Peter. His face was blank void of any emotions but she sensed he was still stuck in a state of shock. They needed to leave. She figured by now that who it was attacked them earlier had found where they were and sending another load of soldiers.
"Peter, where is the Avengers weaponry?" She asked. He didn't say anything or point anywhere. Y/n cursed him and herself.
Not knowing what else to do Y/n began to search through the lab to see if she could find anything that could help them. Y/n noticed a random bookshelf along the wall. What were the chances that could be a secret door?
Y/n walked over to the shelf. With all of her knowledge from cliché movies, Y/n began to pull on random books. Every time one didn't work she would throw it backward.
Finally, Y/n pulled on a book about ants. She heard a noise and the bookshelf moved backward. She mentally high-fived herself. Y/n looked over to Peter "Stay there." She told him. She figured he probably wouldn't have moved anyway.
Y/n walked down a flight of stairs and pushed open another door. When she opened the door her jaw nearly fell slack. It was a lab but 100x nicer. It felt like something out of a movie.
There were huge screens and holograms. There were long desks with pieces of different robots on them. Y/n figured this is where Tony and Bruce did their work.
There was a big cabinet labeled spider-boy. She tried to open the cabinet but it was locked. She tried again but ultimately failed. Y/n grabbed one of the screwdrivers off of the table and stuck it in the lock. She balled up her fist at the end and hit her palm against her fist. The lock gave Y/n a shock "Fuck."
The cabinet swung open revealing tons of different equipment. There was a bag at the bottom that Y/n assumed was Peters. She grabbed the bag and began to shove everything that could fit. She grabbed web fluid, web-shooters and she might have even grabbed one of his suits.
Y/n zipped up the bag a knife caught her eye on the other side of the room. She walked over to the knife. It was black with a few gold lines running through the middle. Y/n picked up then knife and a screen popped up.
A video began to play with a shaken up Tony Stark "Anyone who watches this SOS. You are in danger meet—."
The video paused and a voice interrupted "Vehicle approaching. Click to watch surveillance footage."
Y/n clicked on the button a video popped up of several SUVs pulling onto the road leading to the compound. Y/n was confused. Why would this pop-up? She looked at the corner for the date. The footage was live. She swore she felt her heart leap out of her chest.
Y/n tucked the knife in her pocket and booked it up the stairs. Peter was still where she left him and she ran over to him. "We need to go." He stared at the wall
"Peter we need to go like right now." He still didn't make a move.
Y/n decided to say fuck it and take matters into her own hand. If he didn't want to move she would make him. Y/n took a deep breath and slapped Peter as hard as she could. "Get it together."
Peter's hand flew to his cheek and he glared at her "Ow! That hurt." Peter shrieked.
"Good. We need to leave. They already found us again."
"Tony told me about a few safe houses just in case something ever did happen."
"Good enough for me." Y/n took the bag off her bag and shoved it into Peter's hands. What was he good for if not super strength.
They ran down the stairs, sometimes skipping two or three at a time. They ran through the door and to the car. Right as they got 10 feet within the car it exploded and caused them to fly backward.
"Son of a bitch." Y/n exclaimed. Her ears were ringing from the loud noise.
"That was our only ride out." Peter groaned. He was sure they were going to die. He figured he had a good enough run. He was surprised he lasted this long anyway.
"Maybe not."
Peter followed Y/n's line of sight to a motorcycle "Are you crazy?" There was no way in hell he was getting on that. He rather take his chances with the SWAT team.
Y/n gave Peter a look. One that over the few times he's meet her he's grown to know almost too well. She was going to do something risky, stupid, but not necessarily unnecessary.
Y/n gave Peter a wave before she broke into a full sprint toward the bike. She was going to get herself killed. Peter clenched his fists before running after her.
Shots began flying toward them and Y/n hopped on the bike. Peter got on the bag, she quickly started the bike and pulled off before he got the chance to argue.
After 30 minutes of riding in a random direction into the woods, Y/n pulled over. Peter unwrapped his arms from around her waist and got off the bike.
Peter walked over to a tree, bent over, and threw up. Y/n grimaced and quickly looked away. He may be strong but his stomach surely isn't. Of course, she didn't say that she figured he was occupied enough for the moment.
When Peter was done he walked over to Y/n and threw his hands up in the air "What in the actual fuck. You could've gotten us killed."
Y/n had to suppress the urge to laugh. She noticed whenever Peter got mad his face scrunched up and got red. "I just saved your ass. You surely could have stayed back there and tango with the death squad."
"Jesus Y/n. Do you even know how to drive a motorcycle?" Peter shouted.
"Well actually no." He had gotten her there "My fight or flight had kicked in and that's good enough for me." She put her hands on her hips.
Peter let out a long sigh. She was crazy. Actually fucking batshit crazy. "We need to get to a safe house, and figure out a plan."
Well isn't he just a bright one? "Well, Mr. Parker be my guest." She pointed to the bike "Unless you're too scared." She challenged.
"I'm not scared." Okay so maybe he was a little scared but he wasn't going to tell Y/n that. He walked over to the motorcycle and swung his leg around. It was just like riding a Bike. Right?
Y/n swung her leg around the back of the bike and sat behind Peter. She wrapped her arms around his waist "How Are We going to get there? Does your Spidey sense show you the path to follow?" She teased.
"It doesn't work like that." He grumbled as he pulled off.
They drove for what felt like hours. Y/n was pretty sure she dozen off a few times from the lack of scenery. Her arms were starting to ache and her but were starting to get sore from driving on the gravel road.
Finally, they pulled in front of a big cabin. It was huge, it looked like a place someone would go to get away for a weekend. The cabin was surrounded by trees and behind it was a lake.
Peter turned off the bike and they both got off. They walk up the stairs to the porch. Peter punched in a few numbers. There was a camera above the door. Peter walked through the door. A voice came through a speaker "Welcome, Peter Parker."
When Y/n tried to walk through the door the voice came through again "Unauthorized personal."
Y/n looked over to Peter. He had a clueless look on his face and he shrugged. Not knowing what else to do Y/n looked at the camera "Y/n Y/l/n."
"Access granted. Welcome, Y/n Y/l/n."
Y/n walked through the door "I wasn't sure that it would work." Peter laughed.
Y/n looked at Peter and narrowed her eyes "We came all the way out here when you weren't even sure if I could get into the damn safe house."
"I took a calculated risk." Peter crossed his arms.
"Oh so when you take a chance it's a calculated risk but when I do it's stupid and reckless."
"Before I take a risk I weigh all my options but when you do it's always spontaneous and mindless."
"Well, my spontaneous decisions saved your ass more times than I can count."
"Can you stop swearing for like 2 seconds?"
"Oh, I'm sorry Peter. Does my fucking swearing bother you?" Y/n seethed.
"I can't with you." Peter sighed pinching the bridge of his nose "I'm going to take a shower there should be some clothes for you in one of the rooms." He walked upstairs and out of view.
Y/n let out a long breath of air. Peter was such a stick in the mud. "Can you stop swearing?" She whispered to herself in a mock voice. God, he really did manage to get on her nerves.
Y/n finally took a chance to look around the cabin. If she could even call it that. It was nicer inside than it looked to be outside. It's looked like a normal modern house with the exception it had the Stark touch.
Y/n walked upstairs and entered one of the random rooms. It had a queen bed and a nightstand. The closet was huge and full of different clothes and shoes. She found a pair of open-fingered gloves. If she had to guess she'd say this was the scarlet witch's room.
Y/n suddenly felt dirty and decide that she needed to take a shower. She grabbed a pair of shorts and a shirt she thought could maybe fit. She walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower, she hoped Peter didn't use all of the hot water.
She peeled off her clothes and stepped into the shower. She lets the warm water run down her back. It did wonders for her sore muscles. She quickly scrubbed the rest of her body and turned off the shower.
Y/n dried off and got dressed. She stepped back into the room. She saw Wanda's bed. It looked more comfortable than it did before. It was basically calling her name. Y/n decided to say fuck it and hop in the bed. She decided whoever was trying to kill them could wait for tomorrow.
Part 5
@fandom-strumpet • @ginger-swag-rapunzel • @libraries-and-coffee
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Quietly Jaded
Pairing: Omega!Peter/Alpha!Kingpin -- Omega!Peter\Avengers.
Summary: Peter Parker is an Omega masquerading as a Beta. A story of student loans, Avengers wanting Spiderman, Avengers wanting Peter Parker for his Omega status, and Peter just done with them. He doesn't need them - he already has an Alpha. Not the best Alpha but... Well... Fuck.
Tags: Major AU, ABO world, Heats/Ruts, Drug Abuse, Dark Personalities, College Peter, Dubious Consent, more added later.
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Part 1
Peter hadn't always been the silent type. It grew on him with time. Losing friends, losing family, it was just easier to not talk than to talk - besides school there wasn't much to talk about.
Not like he could discuss being Spiderman?
With college dreams came college debt and even with grants and scholarships, student loans kept a roof over his head and food in his stomach.
Legally no one had to know his gender. He didn't act like most Omegas or Alphas so many people presumed he was a beta which wasn't a bother.
Betas were a safe median.
If Peter Parker was a Beta then so was Spiderman. 
Hero's or vigilante's of justice weren't titles Omegas carried. Not that they were incapable but mostly the world was a shitty place and he was safer as a Beta than Omega.
No worries of being snatched.
No worries of his degree somehow being mishandled.
No worries of being treated like a damsel in need of a minder. Modern America, as progressive as any first world country, was still archaic in nature to a Omegas ability to cope outside of a Pack or Alphas knot.
It started as a curiosity or so that's how Peter saw it as. The Avengers paying attention to him was... Unneeded but the geek in him was intrigued.
First was Tony Stark aka Iron Man who appeared from nowhere one cool Autumn evening. It was a quiet night, the witching hour, a time where nothing really happened in the never quiet city. Sitting on a swing made from his webs he was eating a sandwich from his favorite bodega. The grandmother of seven never took no for an answer after he had saved her life and that of her children several times over the years and had even knitted him a scarf once.
Peter still had that scarf.
Mask pulled up to sit along the ridge of his nose he had sat staring out into the world with a gargoyle above him for company. 
"You're softer than I pegged you for."
His senses didn't tingle and that alone kept him there, hanging like a booger from an impossibly high building, and taking a much deserved bite from his sandwich. A cuban torta with extra adobo. 
"So. Kid. Got a name?"
Peter chewed and ignored the floating man whose stare went from curious to frustrated.
"It's rude to not speak when spoken to."
Shoving the last of his food into his mouth Peter wiped the crumbs from his chin, pulled down his mask, and with a thumbs up, ripped an end of his webbed swing.
Plummeting like a bowling ball down... Down... And with a well-aimed (practiced) web swung himself away from sight. Iron Man wouldn't find him, not when Peter knew of a well hidden niche that he could slip into and not be seen or leave a heat signature.
Something that Iron Man was trying to do and Peter was grateful for his sensitive ears. 
Next was Captain America. Decked out in his uniform and shield. It was a pretty wicked shield and one that Peter had caught before it could hit the cyborg that was destroying a nameless street of the city. 
Spiderman ignored the shouts of 'traitor' and the arrows that followed him but Peter was more than a flexible arachnid. He was quite familiar with this street. It was the street that housed a shit ton of kids.
Kids that had loved it when he opened the fire hydrants or handed out frozen pops because Peter loved kids.
Not because he was an Omega.
Hell no.
He just loved kids. Kids loved him and thought he was cool.
Using the shield to block the occasional laser blast - because of course lasers - Peter lead the cyborg away. His webs helped to drag the thing and keep it from swinging wildly but Peter was more than bendy, more than, web's, he was strength and endurance. 
While the others had stopped trying to kill him - yes those were kill shots - Peter managed to drag the hefty piece of machinery away. Feet digging into the concrete, one hand fisting a bundle of his webs as the other held close to a shield that left his hand tingly. 
From the sewers a mass of crab like machines took the Avengers attention and as he finally reached an open area of an eight lane street Peter didn't panic when the cyborg finally broke free. The webbing shredding and as he fell from the slack Peter turned and tucked himself behind the shield in time for a powerful beam to hit the Vibranium and drag him backwards from the force.
Even in the face of death he thought it was cool. So cool. 
This wasn't his first time facing a cyborg. A giant imitation of a man decked out in weaponry with a human brain attached in its center. Cyborgs bled green and their eyes were yellow pinpoints of awareness. 
Cool but creepy. 
Very creepy. 
With one hand he sent out a web, latched onto a bus and swung it towards the cyborg that put all its attention to the massive vehicle, using each arm to fire laser beams - still so cool - missing Captain America's shield that hit where the brain sat.
Right side, 8 inches from the center, shield at a 70° angle.
A stream of green blood - plasm - and brain matter coated the streets. The shield hit the ground at a roll and lodged into the side of a brick building. A hair's breadth away from the man who had aimed arrows at his head.
Peter was sad that he missed. Not that he couldn't have killed the man but Spiderman had an image to keep up and he was sure kids were peaking through blinds. 
If Hawkeye stared at the shield with wide-eyed 'what the fuck', Peter accepted that as payment.
Had Peter been... Well... Nicer... He would have thrown himself back into the fray helping the Avengers finish iff the crab robots except Peter wasn't that nice and he wasn't that forgiving.
Padding to the twitching machinery Peter took a moment to web himself a mat on the ground and take apart the cyborg. He was quick, knowing exactly what he wanted and where to find it, bundling it in his own web Peter pulled up the edges and folded the edges together and without a backwards glance he left. 
Fuck the Avengers.
As Spiderman Peter had the nasty habit in bumping into random heros with hero size complexes and it got to the point where he just waved at the several who tried to stalk him. 
They weren't as stealthy as they thought they were.
As Peter Parker there was no Avengers just debt and homework. The two worlds very rarely collided. Peter Parker was a nobody... Well... He was on the Deans List and top 12% of the university when it cam to grades even if his attendance was far from stellar. 
Thankfully he had made a friend with a doctor who wrote really nice perfectly excusable doctor notes. 
He had done the math. It would be a 2.8% chance he would catch the eyes of anyone Hero related. Nothing he did as a regular schmoe would catch anyone's attention. 
Of course he never fraction in his own Parker Luck. 
Fuck his Parker Luck and Fuck his inability to think properly after a near 27 hours of no sleep and a lab all to himself. At 1am he had the building to himself and the key card to prove it! 
At 1 am and still wide-eyed with a brain that wouldn't shut off, Peter shouldn't have been allowed near anything that contained chemicals besides H2O. Instead he had 2 walls dedicated to his scribbles with a rainbow of color - thank you crayola - a pyramid of Styrofoam microwaveable ramen and a teetering tower of hot pocket boxes, and a keurig. 
He had an unlimited - well half a box left - of hot chocolate to tide him over and a bag of mini marshmallows to keep the shakes away as he worked on his thesis. Technically his thesis was typed, edited, and awaiting a last read through BUT he was stuck. 
He was so close to creating the perfect drug that he was vibrating with a desperate energy as his friends - the machines scattered around the room - worked to show him if his calculations were correct or he had to start again. 
Staring at the board Peter needed to distract himself from the whirring and beeping. Headphones in place he jump started his bluetooth and filled the silence with his google playlist set to play his thumbs up.
As it was so late and he was alone in the building Peter didn't think singing along to his playlist would be a big deal. Being an Omega he had few quirks that were... Questionable. 
Omega's were notorious for their allurement beyond their scent. Many were artists, creators of music, rhythm, designers, they were architects, chefs, Omegas were once considered Sirens and Muses of the God's... While Peter could sketch and recite the periodic table backwards and forwards he could sing.
There was something about his voice that could draw attention or put someone to sleep if he so wished. A lullaby sung softly and with his will alone he could hush a colicky baby in minutes much to the relief of the parents he had babysit for. 
Peter blamed Toni Braxton. 
Peter blamed the open windows to the lab.
Peter blamed the chaos that happened less than a mile away from the University and the Hulk that somehow broke away from the group and all but bulldozed himself to the lonely building off set from the rest of the school. 
Peter blamed... Well... He blamed Tony Stark for being a nosy douche of a man and tuning into the voice singing a very heartfelt rendition of un-break my heart. 
Outside the lab Tony watches as the Hulk shifts back to being just Bruce and the man is swaying, "Omega." 
Tony's gaze swivel down to where Bruce is laid out on the ground, dazed. "What?" Had he heard the man right.
"Hulk..." It was difficult to speak so soon after a change but Bruce managed one more word, "Omega." And it didn't take much to put two and two together and Tony moved until he was hovering by the only window lit out of the building.
Hair a mess, clothes askew, ass perched on the a desk, sat a young man staring at a dry erase board and hands moved with each dip and rise. The boy was moving, a dry eraser in one hand and a purple marker in another as he wrote a different scribble. 
Tony was smart, brilliant even, but even if he squinted he couldn't make out what was written. There was numbers with familiar sequences but even JARVIS who had scanned the room was at a lost and suggested the scribbles were a code.
Quiet filled the room and he took that moment to shush his team and soon another song had the younger man humming, head nodding to a beat.
"Send away for a priceless gift One not subtle, one not on the list Send away for a perfect world One not simply, so absurd In these times of doing what you're told
Keep these feelings, no one knows
What ever happened to the young man's heart? Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart..."
Maybe he was just tired but Peter didn't feel the eyes watching him. There was no warning from his spider senses just a quiet madness as he darted through the room. The keurig churning out hot chocolates and fueling the madness of no sleep and rainbow scribbles.
A.M. comes with bright lights and failure.
It was tempting to swipe the board clean but Peter was passed out under the only desk that would block out the sun with his lumpy backpack as a pillow.
It's an awkward way to sleep but Peter isn't picky. He's slept in worse conditions, even upside down once, and he had a 48 hour hold on that particular lab. 
The click of the door unlocking doesn't wake him. The tap of heeled leather Oxford shoes doesn't wake him as said shoes stroll through the room until they pause right where he was sleeping. 
Eye's hidden by sunglasses worth more than all the textbooks he was sleeping on, Peter didn't notice the frown on the man's face or the flurry of texts the man was sending before he crouched and woke Peter with a gentle nudge.
What did wake Peter was his alarm on his phone. A far too loud alarm that startled him enough he jerked awake, banging an elbow and his head on the desk. Swearing a storm, mind addled by sleep, Peter fumbled for his phone and dropped it.
Blinking at the pair of dress shoes, Peter held his breadth as he looked up... And up... Into familiar brown eyes. "Who the fuck are you?"
An eyebrow arched, "Everyone knows who I am."
No. Spiderman knew Tony Stark. Peter Parker could care less. "Are you lost?" 
"Nope." The man rocked on his heels, eyes gazing around. "Came to see you. Interesting finding someone like you here of all places."
Peter frowned, "I'm not squatting. I wouldn't be the first person catching a nap trying create something big."
"Big hu?" His hands slipped into his slack pockets, "the hot pockets are shit for your metabolism by the way."
"They're cheap and I'm broke. I'm guessing you wouldn't understand the concept of broke." Peter tried to lay back down and cover his eyes with his arm, legs folded. 
"Yet with no full-time job you somehow have managed to chip away at your student loans. I'm impressed."
A warning buzz settles over him and Peter keeps himself as nonchalant as he can unwilling to give the Alpha the show of panic that he felt. "This is a school of side hustles. Take your pick and leave."
A moment passes in quiet but Tony doesn't leave. Why would he? "Quite rude." The man murmurs, "Is that anyway to..."
"Leave before I call security." Peter interrupts, "You're a strange old man alone in a room with a sleeping student, only perverts stay where they're not wanted."
"Pervert? Pervert!"
"Yes. Pervert." Arm dropping away Peter made a point to glare into the yellowish hue of the glasses. "I've asked you to leave and you refuse. You are not my professor or the janitor. This is my lab and either you picked the lock or bribed someone and I'll be sure to tell the Dean that a creepy old man was allowed into his building to harass a student."
"Actually this is my lab. I own this building." Tony expected some form of recognition instead he got snark. 
"Did you piss on the wall or write your name on it like a petulant child?"
It's not often that Tony finds himself without words but his lips part in surprise before. He lets out a whoosh of air shakes his head. "For an Omega you're a mouthy little thing."
The quiet is met with Peter blinking and Tony waiting. If Peter was smart he would have immediately denied any accusation or stood in righteous anger... Instead the younger man laughed. "That..." Peter folded his hands on his stomach and grinned, "is quite a compliment thank you." Tony frowned and Peter batted his eyelashes. "I'm pretty enough to pass for an Omega has to be the nicest thing anyone has said to me this semester."
"Just this semester?" Tony couldn't help but ask.
The quiet stretched far longer than was comfortable and Tony sighed, "I have a proposition for you."
His carefully constructed speech and patience flew out the window as he was interrupted, "No?"
"No." Peter repeated, slowly. "N. O." He spelled out just in case.
"No? You can't tell me no."
"I can, I did, and I don't care." Peter frowned before he unfolded himself and crawled out from under the desk and brushed the dust off his wrinkled two-day old clothes, "Alphas who can't accept a no and argue over the word are a danger to society." Tony wasn't sure how someone that wasn't eye level could make him feel small.
"Do you know who I am?" The kid arched a brow, took a step back, and eyes him from the tips of his shoes to his perfectly coiffed hair. 
"Yes." Tony preened, "You're a misogynistic ass hole who thinks you can walk into my lab unannounced and get away with harassing a student and bringing up genders as if the position of my scent glands justifies your casual dismissal of my constitutional rights. You can't belittle or coerce me into agreeing to anything you have to say based on your purse strings or that you imply ownership on a building that was built from multiple donations. If I was an Omega I have every right to kick you in the nuts and get away with scratching your eyes out."
Tony's lips pressed into a firm irritated line.
"Seeing as I'm not I'll just settle for telling you to get the fuck out of my lab or I will scream murder. I'm a beta on beta kinda guy, so keep your paws off my no-no spots."
It was unexpected, Tony twitched as Peter's hands touched him - shoved him really - right out the door. Tony would never admit to sputtering or tripping over his own feet as he was pushed out the lab and the door firmly locked behind him. 
Confused and slightly embarrassed he adjusted his blazer and nonchalantly walked away. I'm a beta on beta kinda guy... the words are like oil and water, his skin tingles where the younger man's hand roamed, the heat that made that primal part of his brain rear up and whisper Omega.
Spiderman was an escape. 
There was times when he could swing away his worries with dizzying feats of near deaths, the adrenaline rush doing more for him than any drug on the market. 
There was times, like that morning, when he would climb to the highest point, tuck himself into a corner, and hide. He was a millennial with a safe space and it was the safest space to exist in N.Y. 
Just him and the pigeons. 
Times like this he wondered how far he could fall without instinct there to make him survive and carry on another day? 
Curling in on himself he hugged his knees tight to himself and let the tears fall. It wasn't often that he cried but when he did it was usually quiet and when he was alone. No one could see him weak, no one could see him break, no one could... A trumpet broke his depressive silence. An unexpected noise at an impossible height except it was a drone. 
The four propellers were whisper quiet and a white flag waved in the wind.
"Fuck." Summed it up.
A 3d hologram appeared and it was the image of Princes Leia kept him sitting, curious, vs jumping off the ledge. "Hello itsy bittsy spider."
Peter narrowed his eye's and flicked out a web, the drone was quick to swerve.
"You're cordially invited to attend a gathering..." Diving off the building was a better option than listening to Tony Stark invite him to a Tea Party as if they were friends. You don't forgive people who tried to kill you.
Especially if they didn't apologise.
Especially if they stalked you.
Since being bitten by a radioactive spider like some weird comic book character, Peter had gone through physical and mental changes. Presenting as an Omega had come later, in fact his first spike of heat happened during a particular difficult battle with none other than Kingpin himself.
It had been a gory fight with Peter having to plow through layers of underlings from normal everyday thugs to enhanced goons that were blood thirsty to get the bounty Kingpin had put on his head.
It was a hefty bounty too.
Just enough where Peter contemplated killing himself off for profit. Kingpin had been his usual boastful self and holding a weapon that was more sci-fi than the usual glock.
They had stood in a penthouse that had made him hyper aware he was dripping blood on the cream-colored carpet and the beautiful statues were judging him. 
Kingpin had a spiel like all super villains and Peter had listened as his mind raked over how he would survive this encounter when the A.C. kicked on. Cool filtered air pushed from the vents, Peter had shivered as it passed over his heated flesh that peaked from the patches of bare skin, it had taken moments for that devilish curl of the Kingpin's lips to unfurl and something else come forth.
Kingpin was a force of human nature. Built by weights and sheer spite. He was aggression, darkness, he was the devil amongst demons, he was a pendulum that swung between the dark side of the underworld and the light side of a family man. 
Most importantly. 
Kingpin was an Alpha. 
An Alpha tied to a Beta and a son.
Dark blue eyes shifted, bleeding red before the massive bulk of a man lifted the gun and fired a single shot. The sizzle of the blast prickled the side of his face as the beam shot over his shoulder and the thump of a body falling told him that his spider senses were off. 
Peter had studied many things but Omegean Biology wasn't one of them. He knew the fundamentals like many but the liquid fire that pooled at the base of his spine and slithered its way up left him standing rigid and an ache between his legs had him hissing.
Peter didn't remember closing his eyes, he didn't hear Kingpin move, his senses were so out-of-order he flinched when a large hand settled atop his head. "Shhh." Peter felt himself tugged into Kingpins girth, it had made him tremble and a whine had escaped him.
Later. Much later. Peter would learn that the man who was intent on killing him had cuddled him on an impossibly massive bed, the Alpha crooning, hands that could bend steel caressed him like a lover would, and for three days helped him through his first heat.
"Call me Wilson. Wilson Fisk."
Awareness had come in doses. The feel of soft cotton against his bare skin, the slick between his thighs, the ache somewhere deep and personal, classical music played in the background drowning the hitch in his chest, relief had been a burst of gratitude as shaky fingers touched the familiar texture of his torn mask.
The stretchy fabric cover his nose an encircled his cheeks and curved along his brow, seemingly glued to his skin. Hair, ears, lips, and chin were as exposed as the rest of him.
Before Peter could sit up a hand came from no where and settled on his chest, thumb and finger digging into his collarbone as he was pushed back into the mattress.
A mess. 
Kingpin was a solid presence he hadn't noticed until that moment. Hard naked lines with impossibly wide shoulders and solid smooth skin with not a hint of hair except for two perfectly sculpted eyebrows that furrowed in contemplation. "Where do we go from here Spiderman?" 
It had been when that hand slipped and encircled his throat did Peter feel his body involuntarily move. Legs splaying openly and back arching as a familiar haze of arousal overwhelmed the need to run.
Wilson was an exceptional lover. His first Alpha, his first Knot, Peter never expected to be the Mistress of his arche nemesis, he didn't expect to have heats that were bursts of short frequent intervals, he didn't expect the open invitation to spend it with the Alpha, and he didn't expect the absolute possessiveness of Wilson or just how much control an Alpha like Wilson had over an Omega like Peter. 
"Save the world but you will not interfere with my organization and you will be my most prized possession."
It was a story twisted by biology, twisted by the illogical logic of an emotion one could say was love if you squint, and the reason Spiderman dressed as a different character jumped from the side lines and into traffic, using his strength to flip a car that was chasing the Kingpin. 
It rankled something deep that the urge to protect made him feel like a villain and the mocking laughter of Kingpin getting away hit him hard. 
Fighting The Avengers to keep the Alpha alive had never been part of the plan, watching the chase from a random store front window, hearing the helicopters, it was a spur of the moment decision to steal a face bandana with a skull smile and a pair of polarized wide swimming goggles.
Running fast and hard he didn't use his webs and instead focused on his natural talent and that primal urge to protect the knot-head responsible to keep him blissed out for his next upcoming heat.
Toe to toe with Captain America and the Winter Soldier was... Thrilling. As Spiderman there was an awareness of maintaining his cool but as a stranger with a cheap mask and flannel shirt Peter could catch the Winter shoulders Vibranium arm and force the man to the ground before kicking Captain America's shield and tossing the pompous soldier away like a rag doll.
Peter's body moves on auto pilot as he flips backwards and moves with grace and fluidity as a mess of weaponry aim for him. Between Iron Man's blasts, Hawkeyes arrows, Black Widows bullets, Peter feels like he's dancing on the edge of death and it leaves him feeling hot and aroused. 
Slipping beneath an abandoned truck he sticks his hand on the underside and with hard pushes against the asphalt he uses the truck to plow through what traffic is left and holding his breadth Peter pushed up with his leg and the truck flipped, the roof smashing on the ground and catching sparks.
Letting out a whoop, his flannel shirt wafting in the air he grinned behind the mask as he surfed for a stretch of time before coming to a halt and with Iron Man trailing him Peter ran.
Through the city.
Forcing the Avengers to chase him and not Kingpin.
More later...
*Part 2*
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jpat82 · 5 years
101 Ways To Kill Bucky Barnes
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The Unraveling
    You woke the next morning and smiled to yourself. Events of the night before filtering in through your head, how apologetic Bucky had been for Tony as he dropped you off. You sat up in bed, tucking one leg under the other and sighed heavily as you stared at the blank white wall before you. Fun and games were going to have to end.
    A text had come through shortly after you had entered the apartment, it was from the men that had ordered the hit on Barnes. They knew that you had been out a couple times with the former assassin and they had made it very clear that you needed to finish the job that they had paid you to do. There was no way of getting out of this, you had to kill him and soon.
    Standing you walked to your closet and got yourself ready for the day. You grabbed your hang gun and the silencer that sat on the dresser. Slowly you passed by your window as you wandered toward the living room. Stopping dead in your tracks, gun below the window, you saw someone looking up at your window from across the street.
     Casually the sandy haired man leaned against the neighboring building. His arms were crossed over his chest and he didn't even try to hide the fact he was watching your window. Squinting your eyes you recalled seeing his picture when you had looked up known associates of Bucky's. This had to be Clint Barton, another assassin, one that had worked for shield. Just your luck.
     After finishing getting ready, and leaving the gun behind, you left your apartment. Once street level you opted to walk to a nearby coffee shop just on the off chance that you were wrong. Sure enough as you had started down the street, Clint pushed himself off the building and crossed the street so he was on your side.
     He tailed behind you about ten feet away, aggravation slowly started to seap up. Sure, that's what assassins do, they follow, learn an individual. But damn it, this was starting to piss you off. You understood, he was probably acting on Tony's behalf, looking out for people in his tower. And yeah, it was smart because of what you had been hired to do. That didn't mean though it didn't piss you off.
    You entered the coffee shop, Clint stopped outside and sat down at one of the wire tables. He continued to casually watch his surroundings. You ordered two coffees and waited watching him while they brewed the caffeinated beverages.
     He had on a black jacket, and his hands were loosely clasped behind his head. His dark sunglasses prevented you from seeing what he was actually looking at out in the street. Everything about his demeanor was loose and comfortable and if you had been anybody else, it would of looked like any other guy just relaxing and enjoying the morning but you knew better. The barista called your name and you grabbed both coffees and headed for the door.
      "Good morning." You stated in a semi pleasant tone setting the coffee in front of Clint. He didn't budge, just continued to look out across the street.
     "Good morning." He replied.
     "Why are you following me?" You asked, still staring down at him.
     "Me?" He asked, finally turning his head upwards toward you as he pointed at his chest. "I'm just taking a stroll through the city." 
      "Sure, then why were staring at my apartment?" You questioned, crossing one arm in front of your chest while you held your coffee in the other hand.
       "Oh, the architecture is pretty awesome, thought maybe I could get Tony to change up the tower so it didn't look so.. modern and boring." He quipped back.
     "I'm guessing Tony put you up to this?"
     "Nope, I don't listen to him." He smirked.
     Natasha crossed the street towards the lot with ransacked cars, the building dead center didn't look any better. But after doing soon research into your history she had been following up on anybody that had had contact with you. It didn't matter how minimal, you didn't seem to really know anyone in the city so she had resorted to places you either frequented or places of big purchases. Like your car.
    She walked into the shop, music blared over the speakers on the work table. A car was raised up and another had the front end completely crumpled in. She by passed both them without a second glance going straight toward the open office door. A man with his black wavy hair that was pulled back dressed in bright colors, stared at the computer before him completely unaware of the woman that had entered. She knocked on the metal door, grabbing his attention.
    He spun around, Natasha watched as his eyes widened and his jaw dropped.
    "Morning Fernando, long time no see." She said as her lips pulled back to a coy smile. She crossed her arms as she raised an eyebrow at him.
    "Oh, shit." He stated.
     "Tony, give it a rest. What is it about y/n that you don't like?" Bucky asked, as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He really didn’t want to confront Tony this morning but after the way he acted last night Bucky couldn’t just put it off.
    "Look, I'm not saying that I don't like her, I just don't know her." Tony replied with a shrug.
    "And so you're having Clint follow her?" Bucky snapped, he slammed his palm on the kitchen counter glaring at the man in front of him.
    "No, I didn't ask him to do that. If I had he wouldn't be doing it." Tony quipped back.
“You didn’t.” Bucky exclaimed as he closed his eyes, that left only one option.
“Didn’t what?”
“Please tell me you didn’t get Nat involved.” Bucky asked taking a deep breath as he opened his eyes and looked across the kitchen at Tony.
“Me? Get Natasha to do something?” He asked.
“Don’t even Tony, I know you. All you’d have to do is breathe about watching someone and she’d jump at the opportunity to get out and tail them.” Bucky snapped, shaking his head as he tried to calm himself down.
“I’m going to level with you Elsa, there have many.. accidents lately that have had you at the center of them. From a mysterious sniper, a car hitting you, a knife being snapped into your mechanical arm pit. Something isn’t adding up, and unfortunately your new gal is the only new thing happening.” Tony replied, ticking each item off with his fingers.
“Doesn’t mean it’s her.” Bucky grumbled and walked away, back to his room as Tony’s words sank deeper and deeper into his head.
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