#Ignore me its 2 am and this popped into my head and i found it amusing
i-need-of-a-hobby · 2 years
So we all know the theory that Gravity Falls, The Owl House and Amphibia take place in the same universe right?
its a pretty well know theory (even if you don't believe it) in all three fandoms but if you don't here's the gist of it:
so basically that theory is built off easter eggs, like willows dads having a book with Hop-Pops face on it
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and references to the other shows like that entire Gravity Falls episode in Amphibia,
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that imply that they’re taking place simultaneously, with gravity falls taking place in 2012 and TOH and amphibia taking place in 2019-2020 (without the covid the lucky bastards) with Camilla reading an article about a girl returning from a frog world in the season 2 finale of TOH
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but that opens the door for a whole lot of inter-dimensional *shenanigans* and so many plot points i can and will argue reference and overlap with each other.
now theres the obvious similarities like how bills minions fit the description of beast demons from the owl house:
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(ignore the circling its not my screenshot I found it on google)
and bill himself is on one of kings posters when he tries to teach Luz about demons:
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Bill is also in the book that tells marcy about the calamity box:
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a book I believe was written by ford since the cover says its by "Dr. P" (P-ines anyone?) and has eyes that look awfully familiar, which I think are a reference to either the cores eyes, the portal doors eye from toh, or Bills eye (and the fact that this eye symbol is so similar across shows feeds the theory that they're all in the same universe)
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meaning the Bill is a semi-universal character/figure throughout the different realms
if the other realms (Bill's realm, the several Ford got trapped in, the Boiling Isles, and Amphibia) have access to each other, and Bill is as universal as he seems, he probably interacted with some citizens of those realms, and probably left a mark
now it's finally time for my personal take/add-in:
we never get an origin for the core 
or the newts relation to the core
we get an episode about Andrias's personal history and his individual relation to the core, and how he came to be the guy who manipulated and then stabbed a very vulnerable teenage girl, but it seems like the core has just been with the Leviathan lineage since at least before Andrias's dad (who's over a thousand years old since thats how old the flashback is)
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so, what am I rambling about?
well, if bill, a dream demon, made his way to amphibia, the core might have been the newts attempt to artificially replicate his powers
NOW HEAR ME OUT: on top of being incredibly powerful once he’s released in gravity falls
he also has the power to go into other peoples minds and search their memories like he does to Stan in his very introduction
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which is an awful lot like what the core tries to do, since Andrias says the core is the hive mind of a dozen of the greatest newt minds and when Darcy happens it has complete access to her memories
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not to mention how when it talks to andrias what physically appears when it talks are it’s eyes, which is what changes on dipper and Blendin (time travel dude) when bill possess them
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the amphibians (powered by the music box) were an incredibly advanced civilization capable of a lot of damage (as seen by the literal frobot army they created
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so i don't think it would be crazy to say that when they (specifically the newts) saw what a being like Bill could do, they would try to replicate it.
Obviously, the core and Bills mind-jumping powers are not the same, which is a way I'd say the Amphibians failed: instead of popping in and out of peoples minds like Bill does, the core completely takes their minds, more like a parasite.
we don't know all the parameters since we know basically nothing about the other newts in the hive mind, other than that each mind shows up as an eye on the cores "head" before and after it possesses Marcy. and speaking of the girl, she has no control or consciousness (that we know of) while under the cores control.
but we do get one and a half-ish examples of people who are very aware of the cores presence in their mind (unlike Bill) but are physically controlling their own bodies (we think) (unlike Marcy) and those two are Andrias and his dad, who both communicate with the core more like it's just a very dangerous, intrusive thought.
so.... yeah...
idk how to end this but please reblog and tell me if you think im crazy or not-
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writingmaidenwarrior · 7 months
The Cards We Got Dealt Part 2 - Sin Eaters AU
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This is for the prompt "Sunrise"
Warnings for minor sexual innuendos and mentions of sex, minor swearing
Tagging @cljordan-imperium @jezifster @noblebs
There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope. Bernhard Williams
The knowing smile from Kylantha was nothing Talindra wanted to see first in the morning. Especially not when she still tried to handle the fact that Wynthan had become extremely dutiful as leader and way too many things got complicated. Her hopes got turned into ashes and flew away with the wind in no time.
“Just ask, I am not in the mood for games today,” Talindra stopped her right away.
Much to her displeasure, Kylantha took this as invitation to pop down next to her on the table and lean over with a broad smile. Her friend clearly didn’t pick up on her emotional hangover or ignored it blissfully.
“Last times hottie is the clan leader now, huh?”
“He is. What does it matter?”
Poking the thick slice of bacon in front of her was better than hitting Kylantha, Talindra was sure. Besides them it was only her sister Leenmera and Deiwryll, who would have technically become the leader if she wanted to and was Kylantha’s partner. A snicker escaped Talindra as she thought about how it was probably the only all women cabin at the gathering that wasn’t one of the cabins for those without a partner.
“It does matter because he is the leader of the Earth Seekers who we usually have an alliance with and both our clans are the smallest ones among the eleven,” Leenmera stated matter of fact as she walked past her with a pitcher of fresh juice.
“Not you, too, Meri,” Talindra groaned.
Her sister’s snicker echoed from the walls. That was nothing Talindra wasn’t already used after the last seven years from her.
“Not my fault you become our leader. Live with the consequences, honey. Besides, if I wouldn’t know he is clearly into you, I would try my luck. He is some delicious eye candy.”
“Oh gods, please take me…”
With a thud Talindra’s head fell on the table and she folded her hands over the back of her head. She felt someone poking her side. Most likely it was Kylantha.
“Your luck, you aren’t identical twins, otherwise Meri would have a chance.”
Another groan. It was too early in the morning for all of this and most of all not enough time for her to get her head sorted out.
“You are out to kill me, just admit it.”
“I hope they don’t, I hate to take over in the end after refusing the position,” Deiwryll finally entered the kitchen.
“Thanks, at least one is on my side.”
A bit Talindra raised her head. Curious Deiwryll looked around questioning.
“What are we discussing at the moment?”
“The fact that the hottie Tal had fun with last time is now the clan leader of our usual allies.”
“I see. A union between both would pose some advantages against the other clans, indeed.”
“That’s it. I need to smash something.”
Like a hungry wolf Talindra downed her breakfast and went outside to find one of the warriors for an early morning sparring. It was still some time till the opening ceremony, and she needed to calm down before she would cause any troubles.
After she surrounded the camp by its half, she found some of the men training and took a relaxing breath. There was no need to beat the poor unfortunate souls into a pulp because her sister and her two advisers decided to team up on her.
Once they exchanged some blows here and there, she felt better, and ready to face the day. Back at the cabin Deiwryll waited for her. Her brows knitted together Talindra approached her slowly.
“What’s up?”
“I think the girls overdid it a bit.”
“Yeah, they did, even if I can’t blame them. Wynthan is an eye candy,” Talindra snickered.
With a smirk, Deiwryll reached for the pitcher and filled them some mugs with watered down juice.
“Yet, you seem opposed to the idea of a union with him.”
“I don’t know if the clan would accept a mixing with another one, even if it means more power at the gatherings. We have the weaker stance in a possible mixing.”
The gentle, knowing smile of the other made Talindra frown even more.
“You are clearly a good leader. Other might have chosen the option immediately just to be with some hot partner they already spend the nights with. Especially if you don’t seem to dislike the idea to be with him in general.”
“And that worries me. You know how many of that kind exist?”
For a moment, Talindra looked into her mug before she took a sip. The day she became the clan leader she knew the gathering would become a mine field because every leader out there would try to get her pick their sons or daughters as partner to have a standing in taking the clan. It had been like this since the dawn of time when a woman became a leader and arrived without a partner.
“You forget, my dear leader, there are also plenty of good ones out there. After each night, there is the next morning. After rain, comes the sun. One can’t be without the other. Don’t concentrate too much on the bad side, this will only turn you into a grumpy old woman who hates the world.”
After a deep breath, Talindra nodded with a small smile.
“Thanks, I needed this.”
“That’s why we advisers are here. Also, to remind you, the opening ceremony will start soon. You should get ready.”
Deiwryll ignored the dirty look Talindra threw her as she emptied her mug and got up. Nonetheless, she placed a kiss on her hair.
“I would be lost without you.”
“That’s why we are friends. One needs to keep the mind clear; one needs to do the smashing.”
“I love to do the smashing,” Talindra grinned happily and went inside.
The opening ceremony was as boring as always. It was worse now Talindra stood in its center as leader. The tunic ran tight down her body and was adorned with the same pearls as her horns. The traditional plated neck jewelry felt way too heavy but was necessary during the gathering to show her position.
An inconspicuous look around showed two other leaders had one of their children with them and the announcement the son and daughter would take over after the gathering wouldn’t surprise anyone. Her gaze stopped on Wynthan. Instead of string of beads like his mother used to wear during the ceremonies, he wore woven bands around his horns and small flowers attached to it.
He caught her gaze and smiled at her. Talindra got too aware of how the whole clothing she had to wear would put her femininity onto display. Secretively, she tried to loosen the clothing around her upper body a bit but to no avail. A sympathetic look from an older female clan leader was all she needed to know; it wasn’t only her.
Once they survived the first prayers and the big sacrifice in form of a huge ox that would get roasted in the evening, she felt a lot better.
The oldest clan leader stepped onto the middle of the gathering place and blew into a horn.
“I acknowledge two new leaders among our midst. Come forward: Talindra of the Sea Dwellers, and Wynthan of the Earth Seekers.”
Her head up high she stepped forward. Wynthan on the other side appeared as if he wanted to get swallowed by the earth. The other clan leaders raised their mugs.
“For the clans!”
As expected, the two older ones who had their adult children with them came forward and stood in the middle. First off was the leader of the Wind Chasers, who announced his daughter would be the new leader with the next change of the seasons.
The Cloud Tamers were strangely silent. Talindra knew the current leader wasn’t held under best regards among the others and there were rumors about him being a vulgar and aggressive man outside the gatherings. His son on the other hand, was an unknown player.
“I, Orthenyr of the Cloud Tamers, herby announce my son Ylvante to be the clan leader with coming harvest season. He proved himself to be one most fit for the role.”
“For the clans!” sounded the cheer once more.
Everyone expected Orthenyr to leave the place, but nothing happened. Instead, he stood still with a strange smile.
“I also herby ask for Talindra of the Sea Dwellers to become my son’s partner.”
Talindra’s mind came to a screeching halt upon hearing this. All eyes went to her to answer this. Her gaze went to Wynthan in nonverbal ask what just happened, who had an apologetic look on him. Next thing she knew, he stepped forward with a dead serious expression.
“I challenge this.”
Sounds of surprise went through the observing crowd. The smile disappeared on Orthenyr’s and Ylvante’s face and gave leeway to open anger.
“How dare you, boy?” Orthenyr barked.
“I dare as clan leader. Call me boy one more time and we sort this the traditional way.”
From how Wynthan positioned himself, Talindra couldn’t see much of him, but his voice and the twitch of his sword hand gave her enough of a clue that he was close to lose his composure.
The rite master stepped between them with skeptical glances to both.
“The ask has been challenged by the law of the clans. The fight will take place at the last day. I don’t want to see any fights until then.”
“May the gods strike me,” Wynthan spoke the traditional oath, maybe a bit too fast.
He stood firm and serious, almost as he was already ready for the fight. All eyes went to Ylvante, whose jaw was working hard.
“May the gods strike me.”
“Now be merry and enjoy the celebrations. And behave.”
The rite master threw a poignant look towards Orthenyr and Ylvante before he hushed everyone back to their camps to get ready for the evening.
Talindra threw Wynthan a dirty look as he passed her, hoping he would understand they needed to talk. She just got the same apologetic look again as he got surrounded by his advisers.
Full of anger after the incident, she barely ate and drank in the evening, waiting for the sun to fall and her time to escape. In her mind she already killed Ylvante, Orthenyr and Wynthan multiple times, but mostly the first two and always as slow and painful as possible.
To her relief, Wynthan already waited for her with a blanket spread out at the place they used the last gathering. Involuntarily she smiled as the smell of meat and honeyed wine reached her nose.
“Trying to calm me with food?”
He jumped and showed an embarrassed grin. Her anger already melted away to a huge degree upon seeing him like this.
“I know you probably wouldn’t eat until you ripped my head off.”
“Smart man. Did you got coals for a brain or what the fuck went into you?”
His head dropped on his chest with a sigh.
“Maybe a little. Orthenyr tried the same thing two years ago with one of my sisters before it became clear I am the new leader.”
Talindra rolled her eyes and pulled Wynthan in a hug.
“I also got that this was some political thing. What else?”
“I might have lost my cool upon thinking about how he would touch you.”
She licked her lips to not smile.
“Coal brain.”
“I know. I never planned any of this. I just…”
“Wanted to protect me despite me being able to fight for myself? You are a coal brain.”
“My offer still stands: You can rip my head off.”
“I still need you. Even if this was stupid beyond knowledge… Am I that important to you?”
Stretching her neck, Talindra looked up to him. The gentle smile on his face tucked on her heart in a way she almost forgot it could. He wrapped one arm around her waist and raised the other to stroke her cheek.
“You still need to ask?”
“We barely know each other.”
Wynthan chuckled as his hand moved higher. It took Talindra a lot of her self-control to ignore the warm feelings this created all over her body.
“Are you sure? We talked about so much no one else knows during those nights at the last gathering. You know more of me than anyone else.”
His hand reached the base of her horn and drew small circles around it. For a moment she was distracted by how good it felt.
“I wasn’t sure about it.”
“What about you?”
A mix of a moan and a chuckle escaped her. He was damn good in distracting her from being angry, she had to admit.
“Only the stars know more.”
“Still mad at me?”
“You have no idea. You stressed me out.”
“In this case, I need to make sure, you are relaxed, don’t I?”
This deep voice, barely above a whisper did things to her that were beyond explanation. Soft kisses were placed on her neck and collarbone. As she fell into the all the ways Wynthan made her feel cherished and good, a small voice in her head told her: He is also important to you, coal brain.
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fabien-euskadi · 1 year
You pop up in my notifs every so often often so hi hi
12, 9 (crucial information) and 2
2. Which planet is your favourite?
As I said previously, my favourite planet would - and should - be 61 Virginis e (its inhabitants call it “Astra-Baalsa”); however, technically speaking, Astra-Baalsa only exists in a saga I am working on when depression allows me to. So far, terrestrial astronomers have only found two planets orbiting 61 Virginis (in Astra-Baalsa, people call this star "Sol Deorum"), albeit there is a third hypothetical exoplanet that can be considered. So, there is no 61 Virginis e - just 61 Virginis b, c and, eventually, d.
Since this is a fictional planet, let’s talk about real celestial objects, shall we?
I know it’s a dwarf planet, but Ceres fascinates me deeply, since it is completely different from any other.  In our Solar System, it’s the only dwarf planet that it’s not a plutoid; to make things even more interesting, it is also considered an asteroid - albeit one that contains 40% of the mass of the entire Asteroid Belt.
Now, if you want me to ignore dwarf (and fictional) planets, my answer would (probably) be Mercury. Because no one would ever choose poor Mercury, the only planet in the Solar System that is smaller than not one, but two moons (Ganymede and Titan).
9. What is your favourite tea?
It changes periodically, even if there is a flavour that I absolutely abominate: ginger.
Currently, I feel in the mood for olive leaves tea, but, in two weeks, it can be something else: rosemary, nettle, lemon balm, lemon verbena or the good ol’ black tea.
But never ginger. Never.
12. Where would you like to go on your next vacation?
I was meant to go to Milan in September, but a serious family issue forced me to postpone that trip sine die. Actually, currently, all trips are hypothetical, unless they are absolutely necessary.
However, if the world was a fair place, I would love to travel to... Austria was the first country that popped into my head. Sadly, I suspect that will not be possible in the nearby future.
(thank you - and hi for you too, it's a genuine honour to have you here)
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xivanxiety · 4 months
Pain in the Ass Turned Stalker (Part 2) (Approx March 2021 - Present)
In the last episode of Pain in the Ass, I spoke about an ex RP partner of mine who basically kept me at arm's length to hide the fact that he was a massive fucking creep. I ended our RP partnership around November. I think in the blog I wrote December, but after really thinking about it, I'm pretty sure it was November. Point being, I was done and I made it clear I wished to no longer write with him. But was that actually the end of him? Of course not.
Months go by and I am feeling hopeful for my RP future. In that time I met the exact type of RPers I'd always wanted to RP with. I had cut ties with the club scene RPers, met more immersive, lore-abiding RPers, found a chill RP partner and joined his FC where I made even more friends. It was great. The RP partnership didn't last as he was experiencing burnout, but that's okay. I stayed with the FC and friend group and we are still homies to this day. Spoiler: My time in this FC did not go without its own drama, another blog entry to come.
One day, I was sitting in voice chat with one of my FC mates, we were idling and people watching in the Quicksands when I noticed a guy standing practically up my ass. It's generally considered courteous to give other players some space unless you just accidentally stopped in the wrong spot or popped in on them. But if you're parking in the Quicksands, you generally don't hover. My FC mate even made a remark about it. I had coincidentally just mentioned Tyler (my ex RP partner) briefly when I noticed the guy hovering around me. He looked identical to his ERP alt, different name though.
The next day I was hanging out with some other FC mates in the Quicksands, again, shooting the shit when I noticed the same guy lurking nearby again. Unfortunately, my two FC mates had to leave, and as soon as the second of the pair logged out the lurker immediately targeted me. Now suspecting it really was him, I ran away and headed for a more secluded part of Ul'dah. I went to DM my FC mate about it and when I looked back at my screen, he was right there again, standing obnoxiously close to me. I was faking being afk, allowing my chair symbol to sit there while I stared at the screen. Eventually, he fucked off, but not after sending me a tell. He told me he'd taken a look at my carrd and wanted to know if I wanted to write together sometime. He described his character as a silver fox paladin from the same region as my character. I ignored the tell, looked him up in player search, read his search info, and sure enough, it was definitely him. He always wrote his search info in the same format. Not to mention, the way he spoke was rather unique, and one of the biggest indicators that it was him. ie. He often wrote in incomplete sentences where he never referred to himself, like normally you'd write "I read your Carrd, and I took an interest in your character." He'd say "Read your Carrd. Took an interest in your character." There were other identifying characteristics and habits of his that I would eventually use to identify him that I won't reveal here because people have already exposed some of the ways we identified him and he's since adapted.
Anyway, I digress. I searched for his character again and saw that he was either offline or no longer on Balmung, so I booked it for the Quicksands in search of a friend. This friend was of a race that Tyler absolutely despised, and why? Because he felt this race was easy street to ERP. These guys didn't have to work for it, girls just threw themselves at this race. So if he saw me talking to a guy of this race, it would surely ruffle his feathers.
It didn't take long before he hit me up in my tells again asking if we could RP sometime and see if our characters vibe. I decided to respond, and I quote from receipts: "Hm. I dunno, tbh. It says your character is a bartender and courtesan. And while I personally do not shame people for sex work, I am going to assume you work for clubs and brothels. I do not have positive experiences with that side of the community and it has left a sour taste in my mouth. I am a higher league of RPer so to speak."
He then logged off right on the spot. And as I am relaying what just happened to my friend, another character walks up and immediately starts bombarding me with tells asking if my character could tutor their BLM. I once again check the search info, and yep, it's him again. I also noticed that with both characters, when approaching me, they would target me and then my friend and then me again. I rejected him again, informing him that my character is of a completely different class and knows jack shit about Thaumaturgy. Besides, even if she did, you can't just willy nilly teach it, it's a forbidden art due to its destructive nature. So most lore and law abiding RPers would be like "Oh hell naw." Though truthfully, I don't care. If you want to RP a BLM go for it. I just wanted to gatekeep him. My friend then decided to aid me in triggering this douchebag. They walked up, /joy at him, targeted me, and we both teleported to his house. To which, Tyler said, "Have fun with your [friend's race]. Feel free to get in touch when you want actual storyline." Bitch please. He just showed me his house before we parted ways.
He then immediately started DMing me on Discord! These bits I have actual record of so I will be sharing the actual exchange:
Tyler: So here I am Tyler: Middle of a Clash match Tyler: And I get two different boops Tyler: Both from [brothel name here] members about meeting you Tyler: I've been summoned from the grave to ask one simple question Tyler: Did they hit on you? XD Me: They did not Me: Though one of them looked suspiciously identical to your character Tyler: Ah, you caught me Tyler: Dramatic Sigh Tyler: Was it Jake? XD Tyler: [someothercharacter] is my main til male viera hit the market Tyler: Gonna depend highly on lore Tyler: Sorry for trying to be lighthearted but that's not me Tyler: Only get on for Nier raids and Experts now Me: Btw I'm extremely perceptive. I saw you the other day when I was hanging out with my friend. Then I saw you again earlier when I was hanging out with some other friends Tyler: I'm just sort of shocked tbh Tyler: Do I really come across as that kind of person? You aren't the first person to accuse me either Me: I've seen some stupid shit in this game, and from you Me: I refuse to RP with people who are involved with the club scene in this game, that includes you Tyler: Lol if you need to meet the two of us together to ease your pain I will ask them to log Tyler: Idk what you think of me now but if you think I'm that kinda person well that's on you Tyler: I did have you as a sinfo for awhile not ngl that's kinda humourous XD Tyler: Anyhow get the feeling you've been holding onto some trust issues or whatever so I'll leave you given the accusations
This is where my receipt ends. I blocked him. The audacity to even lie about using my character's search info and likeness. But he was clearly gaslighting me here and trying to get under my skin.
Then in October I joined a Discord server with a friend of mine, we'll call him Zach, it belonged to a former FC mate of mine as well. Yeah, it was a club, but so far it seemed to keep itself separate from the Crystal club community. It was quite small. I mostly joined to tag along on a map run. He was friends with two other people who worked for this club, Lucy and Becky. They were close friends of his, the two of them being best friends, and their characters were also in a relationship. When I was reading the general chat in the Discord server I noticed that it was informing me that a few of the messages were being blocked. I looked at the collapsed messages and lo and behold... it's Tyler.
I immediately inform Zach that Tyler is a regular in that Discord server. He was familiar with my past regarding Tyler. He immediately demanded to know who it was. I pointed him out and... well, unfortunately, Tyler so happened to be the new addition to Lucy and Becky's thrupple. They'd opened their character's relationship and allowed Tyler's character in. Zach made sure to let the club owner know about this, along with Lucy and Becky. It wasn't long before Becky DM'd me asking if she could hear my experiences with him because she'd heard things from other people and was beginning to regret her decisions. I laid it all out for her, to which she said "I knew I should have listened to what people were saying." Meanwhile, Lucy had started coming to me as well to confide in me. She never wanted to do a thrupple with him, but she also didn't want to lose Becky. She relayed his problematic behaviors to me, such as the on-brand slut shaming and trying to force their characters into ERP. His writing had definitely gone downhill. It was atrocious. The dude was making a mockery out of the people he was writing with. Lucy's character was a lesbian, not physically attracted to men, so she never had any interest in ERPing with him. Not long after, Becky ghosted Tyler. She blocked him everywhere. Lucy didn't have the courage to straight up ghost him, so she just distanced from him as best as she could manage and hoped he'd disappear.
Around two months later, I posted my Carrd to another Discord server and in the early hours of the next morning, I received a DM from a lady named Betty. I was immediately suspicious because Betty had ticked off two of my major indicators that it was Tyler. Coincidentally I soon received a DM from Lucy in distress. She wanted to know if Tyler had ever tried to introduce me to friends of his, because he'd approached her mentioning he knew of this girl who was also into girls and wanted them to meet. I mentioned that he claimed to have recommended me to people before. She said she had RP'd with this chick a few times now, talking for about a week, and she was beginning to worry it was him as she hadn't heard a damn thing from him since. However, their writing was much better and they weren't behaving like a jackass. I asked for their Discord handle and character name. It was the same person who'd just DM'd me asking to RP. The same person with the red flags signaling it was Tyler. Lucy shared screenshots of their conversations. It was definitely him.
I'd had enough and I laid a verbal smackdown on him via his Betty account. I told Betty that I knew who he was and I knew what he was doing and from that moment on he was not allowed to contact me anywhere. Not on Discord, not in-game, or else I would report him for harassment because from this moment on, any form of contact is irrefutable harassment and stalking. I also wanted him to leave Lucy alone and if he didn't, I'd report him for that as well. I'd already reported him in-game and was told they'd keep the case open. If he contacted me in-game again, to respond to the ticket attached to the case and they'd address it.
He immediately DM'd Lucy on his other Discord account as himself and said he had no time to talk, Betty had supposedly already told him all of the details and now that he knew that Lucy associated with me, it was best they go their separate ways. He then told her to "Have fun with the drama queen," and blocked her.
Sadly this was not the end of it. As far as I know, he hasn't tried to make contact with me. If he ran into me in the game he'd try to taunt me via emotes, but wouldn't speak to me.
Since then...
I was informed that Tyler had found and started stalking Becky in another game, and had weaseled his way into RPing with her. She immediately blocked him.
I was hanging out in a group voice chat in another friend's Discord server when another chick, same race/clan as me and the owner of a brothel, started talking about some guy who was pestering her to enter an RP partnership with him. When she mentioned his name, I knew it was him. I then DM'd her letting her know that he had a past and a reputation and she should be careful with him. Of course, she didn't believe me. Instead she went to him to ask about it. Apparently he told her that he was surprised to hear such a thing coming from me. She then told me it was unwise of me to blindly DM someone who doesn't know me and spread lies about their friends. Why should she take my word over a friend? She then told me to stop letting him live in my head rent free. Okay, whatever. Ignore when a girl is trying to look out for another girl. Enjoy your stalker. It's no problem to me. I did offer to provide receipts but I wasn't that determined to convince her. Spoiler: He's no longer in her FC.
Tyler continued to target Lucy. She once again discovered him hiding away on another alt that he'd been RPing with her on. This time she put her foot down and told him to fuck off, herself.
I saw Tyler running around in-game one day and noticed he was sporting a familiar new FC tag. It was my friend's FC. I reached out to my friend with receipts, he forwarded them to his FC lead, and Tyler was soon removed from the FC.
Lucy had yet another run in with Tyler at a venue she worked at. He'd booked her and of course that didn't go well. In disguise, he sexually harassed her. She quickly figured out it was him and reported him to the venue owners and FC, which he'd recently joined. They immediately banned him. Of course he fed them lies, stating he just wanted to talk to her, claiming she'd ghosted him and he never understood why (she showed me the chat logs). But we all know that he first initially blocked her, made contact with her, she made it abundantly clear she did not want to speak with him, and blocked him.
And the most recent run-in with him was just a few months ago. He was found trying to slither his way into Lucy's personal Discord server, and unfortunately, was not caught before he'd ERP'd with some people. What exposed him? His garbage writing. An excerpt from one of the sessions was spread around and meme'd on. I got the joy of getting to read it out loud to my partner and shared it with some friends as well.
This dude is a fucking cockroach and he will never learn. I'm sure I'm rid of him, however, I'm worried it's not over for Lucy. However, I will continue to do what I can to warn people about him.
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i feel like i’m losing everything when i only just got it back.
i’m a dancer. that has been a huge part of my identity since i was seven years old. i lost that after corona virus hit, and last semester, i finally started dancing again.
it was the most amazing feeling. dance has always been an escape for me, a way of setting aside everything that was fucking up my mental health etc. has always been this source of joy even when everything else sucked.
around thanksgiving, my hips started to pop and crack. i’m hyper mobile—this isn’t unusual for me. it also wasn’t unusual when they started to ache constantly. my joints always hurt.
but then it got worse. by the start of this month, i was limping bc of how much it hurt. a week after that, i’m barely walking at all, because now my knees and back were effected. Monday, my hip dislocated. it didn’t particularly hurt, and it went right back in place on its own (i’ve always been able to pull my hips and shoulders out of place at will) but after that, it started happening out of nowhere.
today i nearly fell down the stairs twice, because my hip fell out of place and my knees buckled. i caught myself on the rail, but it fucking terrified me. i could live with not taking the stairs, but now the same thing happens when i’m just walking.
my nurse practitioner referred me to physical therapy, but they can’t see me until january, and she inly talked about the fact that i was in pain, she didn’t take the joint collapse seriously. maybe she thought i was being dramatic.
i’m making another appointment tomorrow. my therapist has suggested i ask about hyper mobile ehlers danlos syndrome. from what i’ve read…it makes sense.
and i’m fucking angry. maybe if we had found it sooner i would be dancing next year. maybe i wouldn’t be losing the one thing that brings me joy in my fucked up head if my doctors had noticed my joints all bend backwards (it was my dance teacher who pointed it out and gave me exercises to improve my strength), or that i’m in constant pain because of it, but they were too busy telling me to eat more because i’m tiny and underweight. they prescribed me meds to improve my perfectly normal appetite rather than telling me it isn’t normal to black out when i stand up (oh yeah my therapist wants me assessed for PoTS too)
actually i’m mad about the weight thing too. people think that because i’m thin (size 2 atm) it’s ok to comment on my weight. it’s happened twice in the past two days. this is why i hate the holidays. i don’t want to hear about how you wished you looked like me—not even doctors want me to look like me. they’ve asked me if i’m anorexic, put me on meds for my appetite, taken me off effective depression meds because i was losing weight, sent me to get my growth hormones tested. it isn’t fucking fun. i am terrified of seeing myself in the mirror because of it. it makes me so incredibly uncomfortable to hear people comment on it, treat it like a good thing, or tell me “it’ll catch up with you when you’re older.” it ignores all of the struggles i’ve experienced because of it, and is frankly not any of their business.
i just. i only just got dance back, and now i’m losing it.
edit: i think it’s actually that it’s actually subluxation not dislocation. idk exactly? but they certainly aren’t where they’re SUPPOSED to be,,,,,,
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Chapter 2: Burn the Hat
What a strange evening.
I stand in the shower for an eternity, feeling every muscle in my body release its tension. My lungs fill with shower steam. I lazily turn the power off, towel dry my hair and walk sleepily to my bedroom. Once my hair is dry and I’m in my silk pyjamas, I lay back and stare at the ceiling.
As soon as I close my eyes, his green eyes force their way into my vision. His milky white skin. His pink and plump bottom lip, begging to be bitten. I could not shake the image of him. It felt as though he was next to me, breathing the same air, close enough to kiss… I tossed and turned for hours.
“This is fucking ridiculous!” I say out loud, in the darkness, disappointed at myself for my new obsession with the handsome stranger. I imagine him on top of me, my body sinking into the Egyptian cotton as he bites and sucks at my collarbone, and eventually fall asleep.
“Vee? What is Vee short for? Like Vincent fucking Price? I can’t BELIEVE you let him walk you home. He knows where you LIVE now. COMPLETE horror show!” rants Larissa on speakerphone as I gradually began to lose the will to live.
I sigh heavily at her judgement. I could care less what she thinks. I consider excuses to end the call before she squeals in excitement. “Oh my god! Cute guy from the bar is calling! I gotta go!” and with a click I am alone with my thoughts.
Was it unwise to let him walk me home? I mean, he did rescue me from almost certain sexual assault. That has to count for something.
It’s a lazy Sunday. I clean my apartment, practise a bit of self care, and generally feel utterly restless. I switch on the tv for a bit of background noise.
“Tonight’s top story: two London men violently murdered. Police appeal for witnesses.”
I spin around on my heel and catch their faces, sure enough, the faces of my two attackers. “Fuck…” I whisper. My heart starts to race. He walked me home; I nearly invited a killer in. At the same time… surely, they deserved it? I didn’t see Vee use a weapon? Maybe they were drunk and choked on their own vomit? Maybe he didn’t mean to kill them? “Oh god!” it dawned on me; what if I was an accomplice?! This was bad. I needed to speak to him; to corroborate our story. How the fuck was I going to find him again? I spent an hour pacing my apartment, thinking about how to find him and talk to him. I decided I would drive back to the bar, and look for him around there. Maybe he would be looking for me too. I tried to ignore the voice in my head telling me I was insane and going to get hurt.
I put on a pair of black skinny jeans, studded Valentino heels and a simple black Bardot crop top. I needed to make a bit of an effort in case I decided to go inside any bars. I put on a Matt dark red lipstick and then popped it in my clutch purse. I grabbed my car keys and sped out of the apartment complex.
I sat in the bar car park, uncomfortably close to an array of flowers left on the ground for the two pieces of shit who tried to hurt me. I wonder if the public would be so generous if they knew the type of men they were. I tapped my steering wheel nervously, biting the inside of my lip. I sat listening to my favourite band, AFI, I allowed the screams of Davey Havok to settle me.
An hour passed, now it was 9pm. I felt utterly stupid. What were the chances of finding him, really? This was an utter waste of time. I turn the key in the ignition, when suddenly I notice a shadow in my rearview mirror. I turn the engine, and the music, off and listen. I see a man in a flat cap and… are those converse allstars? I swear Vee wore those the other night. I quietly exit my car and stealthily watch him. He chuckles, wiping what looks like blood (?!) from his lip and trudges forward. His balance is off, as though he’s been drinking far too much. Suddenly, he stops and looks up.
“You?” he laughs “Looking for trouble?” He ambles forward as I bite my lip, searching my brain for something witty to say. “Looks like I found it” I say, matter of factly. He closes the distance between us with a stride and looks down at me. His eyes that same glittery green, sparkling with curiosity and interest. His gaze drifts down to my lips and my heart starts to quicken. A smile makes his way across his lips as he tilts his head back to take all of me in. His teeth flash white in the dimly lit space. “What did we say about walking around in the dark, hmm?” he muses “Vampires!” his eyes widen and he giggles.
I breathe him in. He smells woody, with a distinct smell of whisky. I think about licking whisky from his skin before I remind myself of the task at hand. “Vee… you killed those guys” I whisper, solemnly. “Who? Oh, the pigs who tried to touch you against your will? Are you not relieved?” It was hard to argue with this logic. “I, er, well… yes, but… I’d rather not get arrested for being an accomplice to murder!”
He leans back against my car and laughs wholeheartedly. “Shh, Vee, this is not funny!” I say, exasperated, but also trying not to laugh. He is adorable when drunk. Is this the same man who killed two men the other night? He stumbles and I grab his arm to keep him upright. “Dammit, Vee, get in the car. I’m taking you home.” He giggles again “Will you protect me from vampires? Garlic doesn’t work, just so that you’re aware!” He manages to get in without injuring himself and I sit beside him. I have a killer in my car; now fucking what?
“Okay, um, where do you live?” I ask, unsure if this is a good idea. “Bloodlust Tower” he answers, unwavering. “What??” I hiss, a little scared now. “Beaufort Tower” he replies, grabbing my phone “Let me type the postcode into your route planner”. I hook my phone to the speaker and my last played song starts again. Type O Negative’s Black No.1 begins to play, and I quickly turn it down, self conscious. “You like Type O? Not just a beautiful face then!” he exclaims, turning the volume up. I blush furiously and try to maintain my composure as I set off on the 90 minute journey. “Oh, uh, yeah… I love alternative music but I’m going through a goth phase at the moment. I guess the sadder the music, the more beautiful it is… to me, at least”. I instantly regret the overshare but Vee leans in, placing a hand on my knee, “I feel the same. It’s nice that you get it” he sighs, leaning back into his seat, “Music is my safe space. Whenever things get too heavy, my guitar will always be there for me”. He looks wistful. “Oh… you play guitar?” I ask, imagining how on Earth this man could be any more attractive to me right now. “Oh, yeah, um… I used to play professionally, in a band, we toured all over the world but, uh, yeah… that’s over now” he says, solemnly. “You’ll have to play me something” I say, breaking my driving concentration to look at him and give him an earnest and encouraging smile. I’m certain it made him blush; though it’s hard to tell as he is so pale.
“So… what is Vee short for? Because I’m sure it isn’t Vampire” I laugh. “What makes you so certain?” He implores. “Oh, I don’t know, maybe just the knowledge that no good mother would name their child fucking Vampire!” he laughs heartily and I join in; the conversation flows and our connection feels so natural. “It’s, Veel-uh, spelt V-I-L-L-E. It’s, um, it’s Finnish”. So he ISN’T English, I knew it! “Wow, I’d love to visit Finland. Have you ever seen the northern lights? I can’t imagine anything more beautiful” I sigh. “I can” he whispers, I look over and we lock eyes for a moment. Oh god, is he flirting? I suddenly feel hot; I need to change the subject.
“So, um, should we talk about the dead guys?” I say, sheepishly. “Why?” mutters Ville “They’re dead”. I don’t see how he doesn’t think this is a problem. “Ville…” he takes a sharp intake of breath as his name rolls off my tongue. I pretend not to notice. “I’m scared of being arrested and thrown in prison for a crime I didn’t commit, and I… I guess I’m scared for you too.” I can feel his eyes on me. “You have nothing to fear, neither of us will be going to prison. Just trust me, okay?” I sigh “Okay, okay, I won’t bring it up again.” He smiles “Good… because I want to talk about you.” he smirks.
We talk about our tastes in music and find quite a lot of overlap. Ville loves Type O Negative, obviously, and is a total fangirl for Black Sabbath. He tells me he met my favourite band, AFI, at some award show. I half smile because I don’t believe him.
“So you grew up here?” He asks. “Yeah, not London, but in England. I wish I could say I’ve travelled lots but I really haven’t. I’d love to quit work, travel around Europe”… “Why don’t you?” he interjects. “Money” I say honestly “Can’t say I have a sugar daddy, unfortunately” I smirk. “What about your parents?” asks Ville. I pause, my heart heavy, “I, er, they died when I was six”. Stunned, he whispers “I’m so sorry”. I tuck a lock of hair behind my ear “Don’t be, I barely remember it” I smile dishonestly. “I think we’re here?” I pull into a large and long gravelled driveway; there are tall black ornate gates. Did I take a wrong turn? There is a keypad for entry. Ville leans over “Six six six” he says. “Seriously?!” I roll my eyes and type in the code, and drive right in. I pull up outside a grand stately home. It’s dark, and how I long to see it in the light. There is a small fountain out front. I imagine how beautiful this could be in the warm sun.
Ville gets out of the car and walks around the back “Oh, um, you’re really fucking welcome” I mutter before he opens my door and offers me his hand. “Very gentlemanly” I giggle, taking his hand “Thanks.” I climb out of the car and shut the door. I look up at the tall building in wonderment. “Are you coming?” Demands Ville, palm outstretched. I take his hand and follow him inside. The hallway is illuminated by a large glass chandelier. I spy a plush dark red velvet chaise longue, a matching soft rug, black candelabras. The mood is dark but romantic. “Vee is definitely for vampires” I whisper; as Ville laughs out loud. “Am I that transparent?” he asks. “I don’t know, let’s ask your gothic decor, shall we?” I smirk, teasing him. I have no idea what the fuck I am doing following a dangerous man into his remote home, but i must admit that part of me would be just fine if he murdered me on the chaise longue by candlelight.
He starts to climb the large wooden staircase, carpeted with - you guessed it - a dark red velvet runner down the middle. Ville turns back and looks at me “Come.” He demands.
My heart sinks. “Ville, I don’t know what kind of woman you think I am but-“
“I owe you a song” his face softens as he interjects, his lips part, his eyes plead. “Okay” I say, warily. He takes my hand and leads me upstairs. There are beautiful oil paintings leading up the stair case. Night scenes, moons, woodland creatures on canvas. He is definitely a night owl, in love with all things dark, and I can’t help but find it endearing.
He reaches his large pale hands, adorned with pewter rings, in front of him and thrusts them into two tall wooden double doors. It’s so dark, I blink several times to acclimatise to the void in front of me. Ville reaches in his pocket and moves around the room, clicking his lighter. In a moment, the room is illuminated by beautiful black candlesticks. The walls are red, of course they are. Another chaise longue. A beautiful double mirrored vintage black wardrobe. In front of me is a huge four poster bed. The ornate wood is black, the sheets are what look like dark red silk. Everything about this room is elegant, but I can’t shake the air of loneliness that lingers within the walls.
“Take a seat, my darling” he purrs, and walks to the corner of the room. He removes his blazer jacket, throwing it to the ground. He’s wearing a black vest, his luscious milky skin glowing in contrast. I notice the swirling pattern of thorns down one arm; a beautiful intricate tattoo sleeve. I perch on the chaise longue, fearing that lying on his bed would send the wrong message. I’m not about to sleep with him at the drop of a hat, no matter how attractive he is. He grabs an acoustic guitar from one of several stands: he has quite the collection, and walks towards me. He stops a couple metres from me and sits down cross legged. He tunes his guitar whilst my eyes wander. I realise he’s removed the hat and he has the most beautiful darkened curls of hair. I imagine running my hands through them as his face is buried in my… Christ, I need to get a grip. All of a sudden he begins to play;
“You can't escape the wrath of my heart
Beating to your funeral song
All faith is lust for hell regained
And love dust in the hands of shame
Let me bleed you this song of my heart deformed
Lead you along this path in the dark
Where I belong until I feel your warmth
Hold me like you held on to life
When all fears came alive and entombed me
Love me like you loved the sun
Scorching the blood in my vampire heart
I'll be the thorns in every rose
You've been sent by hope
(You'll grow cold)
I am the nightmare waking you up
From the dream of a dream of love
(Just like before)
Let me weep you this poem as heaven's gates close
Paint you my soul scarred and alone
Waiting for your kiss to take me back home
Hold me like you held on to life
When all fears came alive and entombed me
Love me like you loved the sun
Scorching the blood in my vampire heart”
As he sings, I feel his pain. He closes his eyes and bares his soul. He has a deep voice when he speaks, but when he sings his range is amplified. The hairs on my neck stand on end and my skin tingles. I just want to hold him; to comfort him.
“Ville… that was…” I am breathless “that was beautiful.” He looks up and smiles wistfully at me. Spontaneously, I stand and walk over to him. I kneel in front of him and wrap my arms around him. His back is stiff and strong beneath my palms. The smell of whiskey still lingering. He does not move. My fingertips reach up to caress the curls at the back of his neck and I bury my face in his neck. “Ville… who hurt you?” My voice breaking; his body softens and his large hands make their way around my back. He nuzzles into my neck and sighs deeply. Whispering, he says “I have been lonely for so, so long. I have spent years holding on to the faintest hope that love would find me, hold me…” I tense my arms to hold him tighter and he begins to pull away. His hands grasp my shoulders lightly. He pulls away from my neck to look into my eyes. His face is a mere inch from mine. His beautiful green eyes searching mine for something. “Who ARE you?” he implores. I blush “What do you mean?” His eyes drop to my lips, “Where have you been, baby?” I stop breathing. The world stands still. His lips crash into mine.
Our lips move together as he tilts his head. I feel him run his tongue lightly between my lips, begging for entry. I open my mouth to take a small breath and his tongue claims mine. Lapping, massaging, caressing my tongue with his. His hands on my back become heavier as he pulls me toward him; removing the small gap between our bodies. My knees find themselves either side of Ville’s waist as I straddle his lap. I run my fingers through his hair, pulling, teasing. Suddenly, Ville breaks the kiss “I can’t” he pleads, looking torn.
“W-what?” I whisper, dejected. “You deserve more than this, a sober man for starters. You are far too good for me-“ I silence him with my index finger on his lips “Shh” I soothe him “You are enough; don’t try to convince me - or anyone - that you are less.” I kiss his forehead lovingly and he lets out a contented sigh. Again, he whispers “Where have you been, baby? I wanted you for so long”. He looks into my eyes with yearning. “I’ve been here, waiting for you. Only you, Ville” his bright eyes and smile light the darkness around us. “Let’s not do this on the floor” smirks Ville as he pulls me to stand and walks me to the foot of his enormous bed. My hand begins to shake in his as my anxiety makes itself known to him. Ville strokes his hand up and down my arm as comfort; “I’m not expecting anything at all. I just want you to feel comfortable”. We sit on the edge of the bed and he cups my face with his pale hands, and kisses me sweetly. I kick off my heels and shuffle up the bed. He follows suit and we lie, arms wrapped around each other, exploring our mouths with our tongues. My fingers wrapping around his curls, he giggles. “You like the hair, huh?” He asks. “Mmm” I reply “Burn the hat”; he smiles into our kiss.
I lean back to look at him. His eye lashes are longer than I realised up close. There are tiny wrinkles either side of his eyes from smiling and laughing. He has a slight stubble and soft, plump, pink lips; a bright white grin and beautiful emerald green irises. My fingers travel the thorn sleeve from his wrist to his elbow. He shivers and closes his eyes. “What?” I smile. “You” he replies “Your touch, your skin…” he signs as his eyes wander “I am demonstrating excellent self restraint right now”. He grins wickedly. “Oh?” I raise an eyebrow. “Please, baby” he sighs “I’m trying to be a gentleman”. We spend hours talking about our hopes, our dreams, touching, giggling, kissing. He promises to take me to Finland; and to play me a song every morning on his guitar. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to him, nuzzling into the back of my neck, and we fall asleep in each others arms.
I have never slept so well in my life. I roll over to find Ville on his back, still sleeping. It’s still so dark in his room but I can see a strip of white light around the black out curtains. It must be morning. I gently sneak out of bed to grab my purse and find my phone. I have a couple of hours before work, so I have a half hour or so to snuggle with Ville. I crawl into bed on all fours, trying to wake Ville with light kisses on his forehead, temples, cheeks. “Wow, you sleep like the dead” I mutter. I place my palm on his shoulder and shake him gently. “Wake up, I have work soon” I purr. I dial the sensuality up a notch and start to lick and nip at his neck. He jolts and his limbs stiffen. I trail the tip of my tongue from his neck, up and around his jawline, until I reach his bottom lip. I nip it slightly with my teeth and he grabs both of my wrists and swiftly twists himself on top of me. His eyes are not green… they are dark. He kisses me deeply, but I sense something is off. He’s silent, he’s rough… something is not right. “Ville… stop”. He grabs my jaw with his hand and forces it aside. He moves to my neck and bites down. I feel his sharp teeth and scream. He jolts back, as if woken from a dream. His eyes are light green and wide; his mouth crimson with my blood “Oh god… FUCK… I am so sorry” he loosens his grip and I scramble from the bed, grabbing my heels and my purse. I am trembling and crying and running through the darkness. HOW is his home this dark?!? I reach the front door and hear him running down the staircase. “Please! I’m sorry! Let me explain!” My legs threaten to give way underneath me as I hesitate, part of me wanting to give him a chance. My neck hurts and I place pressure on it. I move my hand in front of me and gasp at the bloody mess on my fingertips. He reaches a hand towards me and I push my hips into the door with full force. It swings open and the sunlight bears down on his arm; I watch his pallid skin sizzle and smoke in the bright light. He screams in pain and falls backward and I run to my car. I pull the door open, fling my belongings into the passenger seat and lock the doors. My adrenaline still going, I drive fast towards the large ornate gates. I type in 666 and speed away from this nightmare, a flurry of tears raining across my steering wheel and my lap. I hear myself sobbing but I persevere until I am home. I rush into my flat, lock the door and fall to the floor; I cry and cry until I am empty. I step into the bathroom and observe the damage. Two puncture wounds on my neck. Just when I am sure I have no tears left, I begin to cry again. I cleanse the wound and flinch at the sting. I bandage myself up the best that I can, lie face down on my bed, and sob until I pass out.
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opossumly-cryptic · 5 years
Doctor: Are you sexually active?
Pillow princess: lmao nope :)
36 notes · View notes
heavenlyhischier · 3 years
only when you're high - rafe cameron
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word count: 4.3k
summary: Rafe only ever talks to you when he's high, and you've eventually had enough.
warnings: angst i guess, language, mentions of drugs and alcohol, lil makeout sesh at the end
note: ik this isn't the request but i've been working on this for a while so here ya go <3 this is def not my best writing so dont judge it too harshly
3:53 a.m.
You had been dreaming about your cat taking over a world full of people with fish heads when the incessant ringing from your phone jolted you awake. You blindly flung your hand onto the nightstand, knocking over a half empty water bottle and a bottle of ibuprofen before your fingers grazed the cool screen. You picked up the device, nearly blinding yourself when you opened your eyes to see who was calling you at such an ungodly hour. Once your eyes adjusted to the screen’s brightness, the name ‘Stupid Kook’ was displayed across the top. You hesitantly swiped to answer.
“What in the flying fuck do you want,” You whisper yelled, propping your half-conscious body up with your elbow.
“Hey, baby,” He greeted, his voice dragging as if he was thinking too hard about his words. “Just wanted to hear your voice.”
You stopped breathing for a moment, not sure what you were supposed to say to his weird revelation. You had been having a weird thing with Rafe for a few months now. After many drinks, you would often finding yourself making out with him in a secluded area. Despite your random make out sessions, he had never once called you to simply hear your voice. In fact, he hadn’t even called you before. It was usually always a quick ‘wyd’ text at midnight and nothing more.
“That’s weird, you’ve never called me before,” You pointed out, “You’ve also never called me baby before, so what’s that about?”
“Mm, I don’t know. Always wanted to call you that before so why not? What are you up to, baby,” He asked, his words slurring together in a way that could only happen while under the influence.
“You’re high aren’t you,” You sighed. Of course, he was high. You should have known that from the get-go. Rafe Cameron wouldn’t have called you sober; he never even looked at you sober.
A brief silence hung over the line, Rafe’s heavy breathing being the only thing coming through the receiver. “Maybe a little. Had a rough day, so I went to see Barry and now I’m at Topper’s. Talking to you.”
You couldn’t help but let a small smile grace your features; a smile that was gone almost as soon as it came. You let your elbow fall from its position, your head falling back onto the pillow that was still warm from when you were asleep. “How sweet of you. What are you doing, anyways? Shouldn’t you be getting shitfaced and taking some innocent girl to bed?”
He let out an airy laugh before speaking. “The only one I’d like to take to bed is you, and we somehow always stop before it gets to that point. Anyways, it’s just me, Topper, and Kelce, and I started thinking about us in the back of my truck when we were outside. Before I knew what I was doing, you answered the phone.”
Your cheeks flared red as images of Rafe’s hands exploring your body flashed through your mind, the feeling of his ring on your skin igniting something inside of you. His mouth latching onto the sensitive spots of your neck as your moans filled his truck. You let your fingers ghost over your lips as if you could still feel his own on yours. More memories of him exploring your body in every way but the way you wanted him most were running through your mind. Every time you wanted to give in to him, give in to your urges, but you couldn’t.
“You know, I’ve never wanted someone as much as I want you and I hate it,” He started, his words still slow, “I hate it because you’ll never let me have you.”
“Rafe,” You groaned, running a hand over your tired face, “I don’t really feel like giving myself to someone who only talks to me when they’re drunk or high. Someone who would rather be caught dead than with a pouge.”
“You know it’s not like that, baby. It’s complicated,” He tried, and you could tell there was a hint of unfamiliar panic in his voice.
“It always is. Guess I’ll see or talk to you next time you get fucked up. Goodnight Rafe,” You whispered before hanging up on the boy, ignoring his desperate protests.
1:38 a.m.
You turned the shower water off before stepping out onto the cool tiled floor, water dripping from every part of your body. You chose to ignore the buzzing coming from your phone, moving to grab the towel hung on the back of your bathroom door. However, the buzzing started again as you were drying off your legs.
“Who the fuck,” You groaned as you wrapped the towel around your still wet body. ‘Stupid Kook’ was making a second appearance, much to your surprise. “Yes, Rafe?”
“What’s up your ass,” He laughed his infectious laugh. You could picture him throwing his head back and his glazed over eyes twinkling with amusement, something you had only seen when you found yourself admiring him from afar.
“Nothings up my ass. Just don’t know what your high ass wants this time.” You gripped your phone in your hand and started to walk back towards your room. Your parents had fallen asleep hours ago, so you had to make sure you were quiet. However, that deemed difficult in the darkest hours of the night in your already poorly lit house. You bumped your hip and stubbed your toe on just about anything that was out in the open. Once you were in your room, you hastily shut the door and flipped the light switch on.
“Hello! Hello! Hello! Where are you,” Rafe yelled, making you wince and pull the phone away from your ear.
“Jesus, dude. Calm down, I was walking back to my room,” You chastised, doing your best to hold your phone in between your ear and shoulder.
“What were you doing? I missed you,” He pouted.
You ignored the swelling you got in your heart and said, “I was leaving the bathroom. I just finished showering. What are you doing?”
You grabbed a clean pair of underwear and a shirt you had taken from JJ after you had thrown up over whatever you were wearing that night. Rafe began telling you what he was doing, which was quite literally nothing. However, he quickly dove into a spout of how you were naked and wet and how badly he wanted to see you without any clothes on. Your cheeks were burning as he went on and on about all of the sinful things he wanted to do to you. You let him ramble on a bit more as you turned the light off once you were clothed and ready for bed.
“Okay, that’s enough, Rafe,” You stopped him, pulling your blanket back so you could crawl in bed. “So, calling me two times within a week? You falling in love with me?”
It was so painfully obvious that it was a joke, but you could practically feel the tension radiating through your phone from Rafe’s end. His abrupt silence concerned you because this boy was far from silent when he was doped out.
“Maybe I am,” He finally got out, and you couldn’t detect any sarcasm in it.
“Sure you are,” You rolled your eyes, blaming exhaustion for briefly clouding your judgment, “If you were in love with me, you’d actually talk to me when you aren’t too fucked to remember your own name.”
You started picking at a loose thread on your blanket as you let your mind wander to what life would be life if you had an actual relationship with Rafe. Going to parties with him. Hanging around the Island Club with him and his friends. Him doing lines off your body before having his way with you.
“I will talk to you when I’m not high,” His voice broke you from your thoughts, “If that’s what you really want.”
“I do,” You said way too quickly, “I mean, yeah sure. That would be nice, I guess.”
“Just text me and I’ll answer.” You couldn’t stifle the yawn that escaped your lips, but you did try and hide it from Rafe. Your attempt was no good, though. “You’re tired, go to bed.”
“No, I’m fi-.”
“Goodnight, Y/N,” Rafe shouted over you, “Talk to you soon, baby.”
Rafe’s name popped up on your phone screen every few days after he had gotten drunk out of his mind or too high to do anything other than find your contact. You didn’t mind it at first, but after you had texted him during the day and those messages went unanswered, you grew hurt and annoyed. You had tried asking him why he wouldn’t respond, but he always found a way to change the subject. You wanted to ask him about it in person, but you hadn’t seen him in almost a month. You wanted to ask him why he couldn’t bother to pick up the phone when he was sober, but wasted no time in calling you as soon as he got his bump in.
One of the nights he called, you offered to have him come over because your parents were gone, but he said no. Made up some excuse about how he was staying with Topper for a while since Sarah cheated on him and he wanted to be there for his friend. You understood that, so you didn’t push him after that. Then, the next time you told him about a party everyone was going to and how you wanted to see him there. You even told him to bring the other two. That time he told you he was staying away from parties for a while, wanting to stay to himself for the most part due to the constant stress from his dad. You knew how Ward could be sometimes, so it wasn’t hard to believe him and move on from there.
You wanted to be mad to him for only acknowledging you when he was high, but you couldn’t be. You’ve always wanted to feel wanted by somebody, and he made you feel like that albeit only when he was far gone from reality. You could deal with it as long as you got to talk to him, no matter how insecure it made you. Well, you thought you could.
Your parents were gone for the night, so you opted to watch Marvel movies in the living room. You were so invested in watching Iron Man and shoving popcorn in your mouth that you didn’t feel your phone go off the first six times. Or the fifteen times after that. Not that you would have cared either way. You knew the only person it could be was the boy who never wanted you sober. The credits began rolling across the TV, so you finally decided to pick up your discarded phone. You were shocked to see Rafe had called you eight times and texted you thirteen. Overall, his texts said the same thing.
Why aren’t u answering me :(
Call me pls
I wanna talk to you baby
It was if he knew you were finally looking at your phone because his contact popped up not ten seconds later. You rolled your eyes, but reluctantly answered.
“Y/N! Where have you been,” He whined into the receiver, “I’ve been trying to call you for like two hours.”
“Watching movies,” Your words were sharp and short, not particularly wanting to talk to him right now. You’ve nearly reached your breaking point with him.
Rafe could immediately tell something was off with you by the way you sounded. “What’s wrong, baby? Are you okay?”
You took a deep breath in, setting your bowl of popcorn on the coffee table after you paused the end credit scene. You leaned forwards and planted your elbow on your knee as you held your head in annoyance.
“I’m fine, Rafe. I’m just getting fed up with you only wanting to talk to me when you’re high or drunk,” You started, “I used to be fine with it because it once every couple of weeks, but now it’s almost every day and it’s annoying. You told me to text you when you’re sober, and I did, but you never responded. I try and offer to come over to you or have you come to me, but you always have an excuse. I know you want to be there for Topper and you don’t really want to be around anyone right now, but that doesn’t mean I have to put up with it.”
“Y/N, I know, and I’m sorry. It’s just-It’s complicated. Please understand that,” He was practically begging you to listen to him.
“Rafey, are you coming back to play beer pong with us,” A female voice suddenly cut through the sudden sound of music.
Your breathing stopped and your heart felt like it was being squeezed by Rafe’s own hand. A wave of heartbreak crashed over your entire body. “‘I just don’t want to be around anyone’ huh? Thought you were just spending time with Topper for a while? You know, if you didn’t want to see me, all you had to do was say so,” You whimpered, hurt now mixing with your anger and annoyance.
“No, wait,” He tried, yelling at whoever came in the room to get out, “Y/N, please. It isn’t lik-“
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence. It is like that, Rafe. It is exactly like that. You don’t want to see me, and that is fine. I get it. Why would you ever want to be seen with someone from the Cut? It doesn’t matter, though. Don’t call me anymore. You lied to me. That is not something that I can forgive,” Your tears were too strong to hold back now, “I don’t care for liars, Rafe Cameron, and you’re the biggest one of all.”
You quickly hung up and turned off your phone, throwing it towards the end of the couch so you weren’t tempted to grab it. You grabbed the large blanket from the back of the couch, picked another movie, and let your tears fall as it played in front of you.
“Honey,” Your moms gentle voice broke through, “You fell asleep on the couch.”
You slowly opened your eyes, letting them adjust to the bright light shining through the giant window. The headache hit you like a ton of brinks, causing you to squeeze your eyes shut in pain. Your mom was hovering over you, her hand on your shoulder and her soft eyes pretending to not notice how puffy your cheeks and red your eyes are.
“I guess so,” You mumbled, pushing yourself up into a sitting position, “I’ll go lay down in my room. I’m still tired.”
She gave you an understanding nod with a caring smile and helped you off the couch. Her hand lingered on your back as if she wanted to say something to you, but she decided to leave it alone for now. You would talk to her when you were ready, if you ever were. You gave her a thumbs up when she told you her and your father would be out again most of the day.
Your feet dragged as you stumbled back to your room, using the wall to keep you steady. You pushed the door open with your foot and gave your cat, who was laying on your bed as if she owned it, a stupid smile. You fell onto the bed and pulled her onto your chest as you turned your phone back on. You were scared to confront the actions from last night, but knowing Rafe, he probably wouldn’t have bothered to even send you a text about it. You were quickly proven wrong the moment your phone turned back on. The vibration from all of the texts, voicemails, and snapchats felt like it lasted for five straight minutes. Nearly all were from the boy you wanted nothing to do with. Although, you noticed a voicemail from Topper, who you forgot even had your number.
Um, hey its Topper. Look dude, I don’t know what happened, but Rafe is freaking out like a bitch right now. He keeps mumbling shit about how he fucked things up with, which I didn’t even know you two were a thing but whatever I don’t really care. He kicked everyone out of my house and has been calling and texting you for like thirty minutes straight now so please call him back, so he shuts the fuck up. If not for him, do it for my sanity before I kill him. Uh, yeah, thanks, bye.
You sighed deeply after the voicemail cut off, your heart rate increasing at the thought of Rafe being upset. If he was bad enough that Topper of all people called you, you knew it was bad. You wanted to not care because of how he made you feel, but you did. You’ve always cared about the blond boy more than you cared to admit. You finally decided to look at the messages he sent you.
Y/N pls call me back
I’m sorry its not what it looks like and I know that sounds stupid but its true
Pls talk to me. I need u to talk to me
I promise that I never wanted to hurt u ok???
I love you, Y/N. Please call me or I’m coming to your house tomorrow.
The world stopped spinning when you read the last message. You kept reading it over and over again as if you misread it the first time. Rafe had never been any kind of affectionate with you until he called you baby. Rafe Cameron was not someone known to get emotional, so you weren’t sure if you believed his words. He was a liar and would do anything to get what he wanted, so what was different now?
You heard a knock on the door followed by your moms muffled voice, but you were too focused on the situation in front of you to notice who it was. Your eyes were glued to the screen, staring at the three words you never thought anyone other than your family and friends would say to you. The world around you was fading away, your heart feeling as if it was going to beat out of your chest as tears slid down your still puffy cheeks. You weren’t going to let him do this to you. You weren’t going to let him toy with you anymore.
“Y/N,” A deep voice dragged you out of your subconscious.
Your eyes darted over to the door and saw the last person you wanted to see. Rafe was standing there, his eyes wide and blood shot and he looked like total shit. His hair was a wild mess, nothing like its usual tamed state. You met his gaze and you wished you hadn’t. One look from him and you were puddy in his hands. One look and every thought you had about never seeing him again flew out the window.
“Hey, can we talk,” He mumbled, his bright blue eyes looking everywhere but at you. “Please.”
Not trusting your words, you gave him a swift nod and gestured to the spot next to you on your bed. You leaned to the side and placed your cat on the ground, watching as she rubbed herself all over Rafe’s leg before scampering away. His walk to your bed was painfully slow, and you wanted to tell him to hurry up, but you knew that was unreasonable.
“What do you want, Rafe,” Your voice was harsh, trying to ignore the urge to reach out to him. “What do you want to talk about? How you only use me for your own pleasure? How you only ever even look at me when you’re drunk or high? How you lied to me? Wanna talk about that?”
Your anger surprised even yourself. One second you wanted to hold him in your arms and comfort him, but then the memory of how he treated you came back and flipped a switch in your brain. You don’t know how you feel and you hate it.
“I deserve every bit of your anger,” He breathed out, letting his hand fall dangerously close to your own, “But please let me explain everything to you, okay?”
“Fine,” You gave in, “Talk.”
“Yeah, thank you, okay. I really do want to talk to you when I’m not absolutely fucked, I do. I know that it doesn’t seem like that, but its true. I just, I can’t. Every time I look at you, think about you, I hear my dads voice screaming at me that I will never be good enough for anyone. I have this thought drilled into my head every day that no matter what I do, who I am, I am just never enough. To me, you’re no exception to that. In fact, you remind me even more. Wait no.”
Rafe rubbed both of his hands over his face and tugged at his hair, afraid that he’s already fucking this up. “Rafe,” You gently spoke up, turning to grab his hands from his face. “It’s fine. Keep going.”
His eyes met yours and you could see how strained he was. There were too many emotions swirling in his eyes for you to pinpoint exactly what he was feeling. “Okay, um, okay. To me, you are way too good for me, so the only time I feel comfortable talking to you is when I’m high. I’ve never had trouble talking to any girl before, but you’re more than that to me. You’re more than just some girl to me and it scares me, so I feel like I have to be, yanno, not me. When I talk to you. I want to be with you more than I have ever wanted to be with someone in my life”
Your hand was still holding his as you let his words sink in. Him revealing how his dad truly made him feel made your heart ache for him. It made you want to grab him by the face and tell him how he is more than good enough. You wanted to let him in, but you weren’t sure if you were ready for the risk that came along with it. You’re not sure if you want all the things that came with being with Rafe Cameron. He’s followed by hurt and lies, and you do feel guilty thinking that, but it’s been proven true countless times.
“Rafe, listen to me,” You began, moving so you were straddling him and holding his face in your hands. His hands immediately came to grip your hips, and you are well aware that this was a more than compromising situation. “I understand that your father is probably the worst person we both know, but that doesn’t excuse you lying to me. I don’t know if I can trust you, no matter how much I may want to.”
You watched as tears gather in his eyes, and he was doing his best to keep them at bay. He had never felt the way he feels about you before, and he’s more than aware that his reputation precedes him. He knows that he’s done nothing more than prove how untrusting he is to you, but he wouldn’t let that stop him from trying to prove to you that he means what he’s saying.
“I know that nothing I say will fix what I’ve already done. I know that, but I can show you just how much you mean to me, if you’ll let me. We can go at your pace. Do things your way. Just, please, give me another chance to prove myself to you.”
You’re searching for any detection of a lie in his eyes, in his voice, but you come up empty. You wipe away the stray tears that broke through his wall of protection. You hesitantly placed your forehead on his, and you could hear him take in a sharp breath at the connection. Your eyes fluttered closed, your nose brushing against his as you weighed all of your options.
“Did you mean what you to me? In your last text,” You whispered, too scared to open your eyes and look at him. “Do you actually love me?”
“More than you know,” His breath was hot against your chin, and he pulled you closer into him.
You decided to take a leap, dive into something that scared you more than anything. Your lips finally met his, and Rafe wasted no time in returning the feeling. Your hands fell from his cheeks and clasped each other behind his neck, while his hands stayed placed on your hips, too scared to push you too far. You deepened the passion filled kiss by pulling him closer to you and running your tongue across his bottom lip. Rafe’s lips moved in such a sensual way that you almost didn’t know how to react. It was much different from the lust filled kisses you’ve shared in the past. You started moving your hips on top of him, an action that had him gripping your hips tighter than before.
Y/N,” Rafe breathed out after he broke away from you, “If you don’t stop, I don’t know if I can control myself.”
“Then don’t.”
i have not edited this so if you see a mistake lmk. love u
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fandomlit · 3 years
neutral, chap. 2 (dream smp x reader)
series summary (in game!au) when an exiled tommy finally rebels against a manipulative dream, he finds safety in neutral territory, a place owned and guarded by you. staying in your safe haven opens up the younger one’s eyes to your way of life, while also revealing your deeper past before neutral; a past that involved a war for your love.
chapter summary tommy learns a little bit more about your relationship with dream before spending his day with ghostbur, exploring neutral territory and learning of the war that sparked its creation.
warning mentions of war, violence, and injuries
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gif cred belongs to @chillcrafting
“you have a package, y/n!” ghostbur called out just as you placed tommy’s breakfast in front of him. the ghoul’s words went completely ignored by tommy, whose gaze was solely focused on the beautiful stack of pancakes placed in front of him.
y/n smiled to herself. “you can bring it in, bur. i know who it’s from.” she shuffled syrup and butter over to tommy just as ghostbur came in with the fateful package.
tommy was already half way through scarfing down the stack of pancakes when y/n managed to open the package, ghostbur gazing over her shoulder. she took out a note set atop of the contents.
she read aloud, “y/n, i’m sorry i haven’t properly stopped by in a while. my work requires much of my undivided attention right now, which i’m sure you understand. please work your magic for me with the clothes included, and i will be sure to drop by for them and a meal soon. there are a few extra gifts included for you. i hope tommy isn’t burdening you. signed dream.”
“i’m not a burden!” tommy spoke offendedly through a mouthful of pancakes.
“you’re right, tommy,” y/n hummed, handing him a napkin to wipe some syrup off of his chin. “you’re perfect company.” tommy smiled to himself as he finished off his stack of pancakes. y/n sighed to herself, “clay really knows how to ruin a good piece of clothing..”
“so you and dream are close, y/n?” tommy grumbled, picking up his glass of milk.
she shrugged. “as close as you can be with someone you barely see.” she placed his battered clothes to the side, sighing again when she saw the rest of the contents of the box. tommy didn’t realize this, continuing with his questions.
“i remember that he respected your territory when he stepped into it,” he recalled. “he was going to kill me, but then he realized he was in neutral.”
y/n nodded. “when i made claimed this territory as neutral, i made a deal with everyone: i would mend and tailor anything you needed as long as you respected my territory as neutral.” she held up a box of diamonds and a smaller box of netherite to tommy’s view, making his mouth drop open with surprise. y/n held out another napkin to him for the milk that had sputtered out of his open mouth while ghostbur laughed into his hand. “clay is the only one who still tries to pay me.”
“with netherite?!” tommy exclaimed, letting out a surprised laugh.
y/n shrugged, seemingly not phased by the generous gift. “the nether..” she shook her head, placing the valuable materials onto the table, “is not a place i like to go. and most of this will probably be going toward dream’s armor, anyway.” she sighed, placing the gifts back into the box and laying the tattered shirts on top of them. “trust me, he’s still too kind for his own good with these sorts of materials.”
“how much netherite does that man have?” ghostbur scoffed, looking at how much was contained in the box.
“probably quadruple that amount,” y/n chuckled. “he has far too much free time.”
“and he doesn’t even spend it with you,” ghostbur sighed, shaking his head with a goofy smile.
“i know!” y/n spoke sarcastically before laughing out. she closed the box and set it under the table. “i’ll deal with that later. do you want any more pancakes, tommy?”
“no, i’m stuffed,” the teen yawned. “but thank you.”
she nodded. “well, then how about ghostbur shows you around the territory today?”
the boys perked up immediately. “really?”
“yeah,” she laughed, taking tommy’s empty plate. “you two can take the day to explore and have fun. go be a kid, kid.”
tommy excitedly looked up to his ghost friend. “fancy a game of ultimate tag?”
“you’re gonna get crushed,” ghostbur laughed before they both ran out of the house, laughing. y/n smiled.
“oh! i should make them lunch..”
“how big is this place?” tommy laughed after a few rounds of tag. they had found their way to a pond in a forested area, tommy deciding his knee needed a break after all of their running. 
“it’s bigger than you think,” ghostbur assured, making sure to keep an appropriate distance from the water as they sat along the small shore. “y/n claimed the territory before l’manberg, so there really wasn’t any need for a turf war of any sorts for what she settled.”
“how long has she lived here?” tommy questioned.
ghostbur shrugged. “almost two years, i think. she’s made quite the life for herself since.” more to himself, he muttered, “god, has it really been that long since it happened?”
“since what happened?” tommy asked, leaning closer to his friend with sparkling, curious eyes.
ghostbur sighed, “i’ll admit, i don’t remember too much.. but i know there was a fight. one of the first wars of our time, and it was all over y/n.”
“they were fighting for her?” tommy spoke with confusion. “she’s not an object.”
“very good, tommy,” ghostbur prided, patting his friend on the shoulder. “you’re right, she’s not. that’s why y/n left her original home and sought to create neutral territory; to end the fighting and create a place where peace could reign. in exchange, she’d offer her goods and services.”
“so they were fighting over her for her skills,” tommy understood. ghostbur made a face. “..or not?”
“both sides obviously wanted her skills, but i think y/n tends to neglect the fact that they were all madly in love with her,” ghostbur sighed, shaking his head.
tommy raised his eyebrows. “a crime of passion, eh?” he joked, making them both laugh out before he asked, “who was it?”
“let me think,” ghostbur sighed, tapping his chin. “i know one was dream, but the other.. i think it was-”
“boys! lunch is ready when you are!”
tommy turned back to ghostbur. “well? who?”
ghostbur shook his head. “sorry, tommy, i don’t remember that far. that’s as much as i can tell you.”
tommy couldn’t help but fel disappointed, but he knew he couldn’t blame his friend. “that’s alright, ghostbur. let’s go get lunch before y/n comes looking for us.”
after lunch and an insistent rematch of tag, ghostbur and tommy made their way to the organized garden area.
“y/n grows anything you can imagine,” ghostbur bragged as tommy marveled as the fluorescent, beautifully natural area. “she’s been to nearly every biome to complete her garden.”
“you can grow cocoa?!” tommy exclaimed when he finally spotted y/n, who was swinging an axe at a low jungle tree.
“y/n found a way,” ghostbur shrugged, guiding tommy over to her. “hey, y/n!”
“hi, boys,” she smiled, plucking off the plant she had loosened from the tree. “was lunch good? im sorry i didn’t stay and chat.”
“it was delicious,” ghostbur complimented, tommy nodding in agreement as his mind drifted back to the mouth watering coleslaw and toasted sandwiches she had prepared.
“that’s good!” she smiled, placing the cocoa plant on the ground. “you boys may want to step back.” they did as told as y/n swung her axe over her head, splitting the cocoa clean in half and revealing the delicious beans inside of it. “voila!”
ghostbur clapped politely. “thank you,” y/n laughed, dropping her axe and picking up the split plant. “would you boys like a sample?”
“sure,” tommy shrugged, stepping forward with ghostbur. he picked out a few beans before popping them into his mouth. breaking through the semi-tough shell, the delicious, dark taste flooded his taste buds and made him nearly moan, as y/n’s food often did. he and ghostbur shared a look of satisfaction before he voiced, “oh, y/n.. they’re perfect.”
“that’s good,” she laughed before nudging her bucket closer to her and scooping the seeds out into it. “how has your day around the territory been?”
“entertaining,” tommy spoke before asking, “how did you get into gardening, y/n?”
y/n gave ghostbur a knowing smile before she answered the younger boy’s question, “i was tired of eating only meat and bread. gardening was a way to expand my diet to more than just carbs and proteins. also, it’s very calming.” they followed when she hiked up her bucket and moved to the next jungle tree.
“is it?” tommy questioned.
she affirmed with a nod. “it’s nice to be able to spend a day tending to things you made. the fruits of your own harvest are the sweetest, they say.” they watched as she knocked down another cocoa plant.
“they are,” tommy nodded solemnly, his mind drifting to a sadder, more familiar place. “that’s why i miss l’manberg.”
y/n was barely surprised by the boy’s open confession. she tossed her axe down again, going to place a hand on tommy’s shoulder. “i know you do, tommy, and i know it’s rough right now. but what we’re playing here is a waiting game; we’re waiting for a safe opportunity to get you home, and in the meantime, i’ll take care of you, kid.”
tommy offered you another nod and a smile. “we?”
y/n gave him a kind grin. “im going to help you as best as i can from where i am. and i know that’s not much from me, but i know that everyone deserves a home that they love. and you can’t get there alone, kid.”
“you’re right about that,” tommy sighed before looking into her kind eyes. “thank you, y/n. your help means a lot.”
she squeezed his shoulder. “of course, tommy. you and ghostbur go explore some more; try to keep your mind on the things you can control.” she picked her axe back up.
tommy looked to the pitying ghoul beside him before looking back to y/n, a new thought fresh in his mind. “can you teach me how to cook?”
y/n grinned as she lifted her axe over her head again. “of course i can, tommy.”
tommy smiled as she cracked open the plant. he looked back to ghostbur. “wanna go for a swim?” the ghost shot him a fearful look. “im kidding! im kidding, let’s go use some pigs for target practice.” they both began to walk off, chatting and giggling before tommy turned and called, “y/n!” she looked up attentively. “what’s for dinner?”
she smiled. “i was thinking ribs!”
tommy’s mouth watered at the thought. “oh my god, i can’t wait to learn how to cook..”
tag list!! @vanhakirja @victory-is-here @inkyynki @airiour @sylum @kiritokunuwu @221bee-slytherin @bllatrixcarpnter @soullesstaco @stxrryb1tch​ comment below or message me if you would like to be added <3
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priortoallthoughts · 3 years
Don’t Mess With the Commander’s Caf
(or do, because it’s gotten you this far)
Rating: T
Word Count: 3.6k
Pairing: Commander Fox x afab!reader
Warnings: Mild swearing; gets a bit spicy at the end but nothing explicit.
Summary: What is supposed to be a night out at 79s turns into a night in the drunk tank, and the morning starts a startling new relationship with a certain Coruscant Guard Commander. All over a cup of caf.
// [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
A night out in Coruscant is never complete for you without going to the clone bar, 79s. You may pre-game somewhere else, but you always end up there, recognizable as one of their regulars. You love the atmosphere, honestly. It’s so jovial, just vode – and weren’t you surprised when you found out that clones spoke a different language with each other – coming to forget the war for a night. Living life as much as they could. You’ve picked up a few words of theirs purely because you hear them so often. Many a curse word too, which are your favorites.
And they were about to be put to good use.
You’re already buzzed and walking with a group of grey-clad troopers that had pulled you into their group when they saw you walking alone. You chat easily with them even though you never met them before. That’s the funny thing about being sociable when you’re sober – you’re even more chatty when you drink. And giggly apparently, considering you couldn’t stop laughing at the mission gone wonky they were telling you about.
When 79s came into view your smile widens. There really is nothing like the neon lights and bass you can already hear resonating from inside. Were there probably millions of places just like in on Coruscant already? Sure. But there isn’t anywhere aside from 79s you could find this kind of ambiance.
There is one downside that pisses you off like no other though.
There’s yelling coming from over by the speeder-way and when you look over, another civilian is getting in the face of a Coruscant guard member. The frown the graces your face feels wrong after laughing so much, but you can’t help it. You pause in your tracks. Usually when you see this kinda shit it deescalates fairly quickly, but this civilian is getting louder and more violent the more the (admittedly nervous acting) guard tried to calm him down.
“Hey.” A hand lands on your shoulder and you look up to see one of your group. “We can’t do anything. The punishment would be too harsh and that civvie chakaar won’t even get a slap on the wrist.”
Your frown turns into a snarl. “You can’t do anything.”
Fishing your flask out of your jacket pocket you take a swig before shoving it into the chest of the closest trooper. The steady click of your heels is the only thing you can hear over the growing volume of yelling.
“Hey! Shabuir in the stupid shirt!” Your own yell interrupts.
You have exactly one second to reconsider things before you think about all the vitriol this jackass is spewing at the guard for nothing. The sound of your fist hitting his face is the most satisfying thing you’ve heard tonight, along with the yelp he lets out when he hits the ground.
“What the kriff is your problem, bitch?!”
“You talking shit about this trooper is my problem!”
He turns towards the guard again and the trooper flinches. “I want her arrested for battery!”
You lean down to grab his collar and shake him out. “Oh, so now you want him to do his job? The one you were just belittling him for? Can’t have it both ways, chakaar!”
“Let go of me!”
You drop him so suddenly that his head cracks against the ground. He scrambles to his feet and points a finger at you. “You’ll regret this! They��re nothing but meat-droids!”
“Say that again, you little pissant. I dare you.” You go to take a step forward but he’s already running away. A hand on your shoulder again makes you look over to the one you defended.
“I’m sorry, ma’am.” And he does sound sorry. “I will have to take you in tonight. I… can’t ignore you attacking someone right in front of me.”
You smile at him. “No problem, trooper. Do your job; I don’t want you getting in trouble.” You offer your wrists to him and next thing you know they’re in a pair of binders behind your back and you’re being placed in the back of a speeder.
“A night in the drunk tank should sort you out.”
The smile you give him is blinding, because not only do you know that’s not the proper booking for what you just did, at least you look cute while you’re being taken away.
When you wake up in your cell (lucky you’re the only one there) you’re beyond tired and in desperate need of some caf. You can’t function without it in the morning.
There’s a guard member who lets you out not long after you get up. You follow him like a zombie. Presumably he’s leading you out of all the twisting hallways, but you stop short when your nose picks up the distinct smell of caf.
But not just any caf. You know the smell of Death Wish anywhere.
Your favorite.
You follow your nose to a mess hall – sparsely populated but still enough that everyone stops what they’re doing to look at you as you make your way to the caf machines in the back. You’re basically falling asleep as you walk so you don’t notice. Maybe you should care, considering you’re still wearing your clubbing outfit from last night, but no, you don’t actually care.
When you get there you see two different machines. One is labeled with some cheap, generic caf name and the other is simply “Fox’s Starfighter Fuel.”
You grab a flimsi cup and fill it with the second one. No cream. No sugar.
No life, only caf.
You finally notice how deathly quite it is as you take your first sip and turn around. There’s one trooper standing in front of you, helmet tucked under his arm, and the most severe look you’ve ever seen before gracing his features. You look him over with half-lidded eyes, noticing he’s dressed differently than the others, and casually take another sip of caf.
“You must be Fox.”
“Civilians aren’t allowed in this part of the building, who let you in here?”
Still waiting for the caf to kick in, you shrug. “Spent the night in the tank. No one stopped me when I walked in.”
Fox turns to glare at everyone sitting at the tables. They all look down at their food like they weren’t obviously watching and someone starts whistling.
“You need to leave,” he says when he turns back around.
“Can I finish my caf first?” You ask, taking more sips hoping to stall.
He glowers even more. “That’s not even your caf!”
“Shame.” You chug the rest of the still mostly full cup and coughs wrack your chest when you finish. “I think I just burned my esophagus,” you rasp.
“Get out.”
“That’s completely fair.”
You toss your cup in the trash on the way out. Turning the way you were going before you got distracted, you make your way to the exit; no need to bring the wrath of Fox down on you for sticking around. You feel like, once again, you get off light and dont’t want to press your luck. The smile that graces your face as you step outside is probably a strange thing for anyone else to see considering you’re walking out of jail, but you had a good night, and the morning is shaping up to follow suit.
The next day you walk into the caf shop you normally stop at on the way to work. The barista behind the counter waves as you walk up. “Your usual, hun?”
“You know me,” you smile brightly, “but, uh, can you make it two?”
Her eyes widen. “I can’t imagine the morning you’re expecting to have!”
You laugh and wave her off. “Nothing bad. I owe someone a cup.”
“You mean someone else drinks this sludge?”
“Imagine my surprise. And it’s not that bad!”
She places two large flimsi cups in front of you. Your hands rub together nervously before you get your thoughts together. “Can I borrow your marker?”
She hands it to you with a raised eyebrow and you quickly scribble a few words on one of the cups. It isn’t a lot, and it completely gives away who you are without having to sign your name, so you hope it’s okay.
“Thanks, gotta run!” You scurry out of the door before the barista can ask anything about what you’re doing.
You aren’t even sure yourself if you were being completely honest. The Coruscant Guard building is a little out of your way from your route to work, but you leave early in the mornings anyway, so you can still make it in time even with the detour. You feel a bit nervous walking in this time. Where did all your confidence from yesterday go?
You flag down the first trooper you see that doesn’t look busy.
“Can you give this to Fox, please?” You hold out the cup for him to take.
He doesn’t.
He only stands there, and you imagine he’s making a face behind his helmet because he doesn’t say anything either.
After a few seconds of silence you lower the cup awkwardly. “Uhh, oh, sorry, am I allowed to bring caf?”
“Why are you bringing the Commander caf?” He finally asks.
You squeeze the cups so much the tops almost pops off. “Fox is a commander?”
“Commander Fox is head of the Coruscant Guard, ma’am.”
The top of your own cup does pop off this time, but nothing spills.
“The entire guard?” You squeak.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Heat is quick to crawl up your face. “Oh stars, I can’t believe I took his caf.” Your internal panic is quickly becoming external as you try not to drop either cup. You hid your face behind one in embarrassment.
“Wait.” The guard member tilts his head. “You’re the one they were talking about yesterday? The girl from the mess hall?”
There’s a few second where nothing but incomprehensible noises come out of your mouth, but you finally get out, “how many people know about that?!”
“It’s made its way around.”
“I’m gonna - kriff - go throw myself off the senate building I swear-“
You’re cut off by the sound of a chuckle and you snap your head up to see the guard member’s shoulders shaking. “So you’re not trying to poison the Commander, huh?”
“No!” You yelp, but quiet down after you see others turn to look at you. “I was just trying to repay the caf I drank! We like the same kind!”
“That’s disgusting.”
“Can you please just give this to him before I die of embarrassment? You’re killing me here!”
He laughs again and finally takes the cup from your shaking hands. “Who should I say it’s from?”
You slap a hand over your face to hide your grimace. “At this point I’d rather not tell you. I want to keep some of my dignity intact,” you mutter.
“Nobody’s dignity is intact here, ma’am.”
“Oh… joy.”
“You best be on your way then.”
He is giving you an out and you’re taking it in full.
“Have a good day,” you say as you turn, the only proof you’ve been there being one guard member and a note on a flimsi cup.
“Sorry for taking your caf yesterday.”
One week later you find yourself standing outside of the caf shop, once again with two cups in hand through no fault of your own. It makes you think that maybe another trip to the Coruscant Guard building wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Why waste a perfectly good drink after all?
You pause immediately when you step through the door, because the man you’re looking for is standing across the room talking to someone with a datapad in hand. The decision on whether to interrupt is made for you when the person he’s talking to looks over and spots you.
He waves and Fox finally looks over as well, tilting his head as he does so. You take a deep breath before walking over to them.
“Caf girl!”
You raised your eyebrow at the other trooper. “I really am known around here for that, aren’t I?” You say as you stop in front of them. You have a sneaking suspicion that he is the same one you talked to last week.
“Well you never gave me your name,” he shrugs.
Yeah, it’s him.
Your head snaps to Fox, however, when he addresses you.
“You know my name?”
“Your information was processed and put into the system when you spent the night in the tank.”
“Osik,” you mutter.
“Did you need something?” He asks.
You perk up some, and hold out the second drink in your hand. “Right, there was a mixup at the caf shop, and I got an extra drink. I thought you might like it.”
He takes it carefully, but your bare fingers still brush against his gloved ones. They tingle when you pull away, and while the heat on your palm from holding the hot cup fades, the heat in your fingertips does not. You have the sudden urge to find out what holding his hand feels like, but you push that thought down along with the blush you can feel rising. Now isn’t the time. You have to get to work. Maybe if you come by earlier next time….. would there be a next time?
“Thank you. I… appreciate the thought.” You think you hear him trip over his words, but there’s no way.
You smile brightly at him. “You’re welcome!” You check the time on your chrono. “Looks like I gotta bounce. Enjoy your caf, Commander!”
Your retreat is quick, but hells if you don’t add a little extra sway to your hips as you walk out the doors.
And scribbled on the cup now in Fox’s hand is:
“I know day old caf when I taste it. Fresh is better.”
You start to bring Fox caf every week.
“This has become part of my routine, so I hope you don’t mind.”
Every week turns into every few days.
“Your filing system is horrifying but at least your chair is comfy.”
Every few days turns into every day.
“Tell Thorn that if he sees me at 79s tonight, he can’t arrest me just so I’ll hang out with him.”
And leaving early just to see Fox is the best part of your day no matter what. You hope you’re not the only one who feels like this. That maybe as you walk to the Guard building in the morning, you’re not the only one smiling and counting down the minutes until you get to Fox’s office. He never turns you away, and he’s always there to take the extra caf from your hands if he can be. Sometimes you have to leave it on his desk if he’s not in, but you understand that his job isn’t easy by any stretch of the word.
He is in this morning, however, seeing as the door opens promptly at your knock. He sits behind his desk, a few data pads already stacked next to him and a frown marring his face. That won’t do.
“Credit for your thoughts?” You say as you set his caf down next to his helmet and lean against his desk.
Fox looks up and gives you a tired smile, unaware of how it makes your stomach flutter. “Shaping up to be a long day.”
“Giving yourself more grey hairs already?” You say, giving a pointed look to his already greying sides.
“Like I need any more,” he huffs.
“I dunno,” you reach up and run your fingers lightly through his short curls, “I think they make you look distinguished.”
He lets out a breath you didn’t know he had been holding. “At least one of us thinks so.”
“It’s okay, I can like it enough for the both of us.”
“Should I count myself lucky then?” He smirks, finally taking a sip of his caf and sighing contently into the cup.
You give him a cheeky grin. “You should.”
He looks at you then, not saying anything, and you can’t help the flush you feel crawling up your face. You swear, you had never blushed so much around anyone before you met him. You distract yourself by drinking your own caf, the liquid welcome to your suddenly dry mouth.
“I do.”
“What?” Your head snaps back up to him and he’s still looking at you, but not in a way you’ve seen before.
“I do count myself lucky.”
You look away shyly, a small smile forming at the corners of your mouth. Sure, you two have been lightly flirting with each other, or at at least you’re definitely flirting with him, but this is the most straight-forward thing he’s ever said to you.
“It’s a good thing I got myself arrested that night then, isn’t it?”
It’s uncharted territory, where this conversation is heading. The thought of what it could be sits low in your belly and causes you to let out a shakey breath.
“It’s quite the holovid to watch,” he says offhandedly.
You’re lucky you aren’t drinking your caf, otherwise you would have spit it everywhere. You turn your head so hard you think you give yourself whiplash, mouth agape, looking at him in wide-eyed mortification.
“There’s a holo of that?!” The pitch of your voice would be embarrassing if you weren’t in the middle of spontaneously combusting on the inside.
He nods empathetically, which is shit because you know for damn sure he’s not empathetic about it; he’s having too much fun with this. You know he is, with that stupid, heart-stopping smirk playing on his face.
“Our HUDs record each incident for our files to make sure everything matches up with the reports.”
“Nooooooooooooo,” you whine quietly into your hands that now cover your face. You hear him get up and move to stand in front of you, but you don’t react. Mainly because you have no idea what he’s doing, but also he’s so kriffing close you can barely handle it.
His pries your hands from your face and presses them to his desk, effectively caging you in. He’s even closer now, and you’re hyper aware of how hard your heart is pounding even though you stop breathing. It’s the last thing from threatening, but you’re still frozen.
He leans in so his mouth is right next to your ear. “You look good in that little red dress of yours,” he whispers, his voice octaves lower than before. “Especially when you’re beating the kark out of a civvie – standing up for my vod.” It sends a pleasurable shiver down your spine and straight to your ovaries.
You suck in a breath when he pulls away. This is much more than you could have expected. “You’re not giving me much incentive to not be arrested again,” you tilt your head, “now that I know you’d be watching.”
“Always watching you, cyare.”
You hum, pulling one hand away from his to run up his armor and trace lightly over his jaw. “Gonna have to try harder to get a pair of binders on me next time, then.”
“Would you run?”
“Only if you’re the one chasing me.”
You move your hand from his jaw to the back of his neck and scratch lightly, feeling more than seeing him shiver under your fingertips.
“I’d find you.”
“Oh, I’d be counting on it, Commander.”
It’s a mutual surge that leads you two to lean in, culminating in the most charged kiss you’ve ever received. You throw your other hand around his neck, holding him as close as you can, while his hands latch onto your hips, pulling you up and into his embrace. He leads you back until he’s sitting in his chair and the next thing you know you’re falling into his lap to straddle him. You break for air, and to process that yes, this is happening, before you’re kissing again. A little slower; a little deeper.
You moan quietly into his mouth, and his hands move to your ass so he can pull you even closer.
There’s a chime from your chrono and you pull away, panting.
Fox’s eyes are dark and hungry when he looks at you. “You have to go soon.”
You nod, not breaking eye contact, and not moving either.
He grins, and it looks absolutely predatory. He slides the top of your blouse down slowly, just enough for his mouth to latch on to you right above your collarbone. You let out another breathy moan, and his teeth graze your skin in response as he sucks harder. His tongue soothes the area over when he lets go, and he looks at the quickly darkening spot with what you can only assume is possessive pride.
“For you to remember,” he says huskily.
Knowing he’s just staked his claim on you stokes the fire inside you even more. You give him your own feral grin, and pull down the collar of his blacks as he stiffens. “Who am I to allow you to forget, then?”
You suck hard at the column of his throat, higher than he did on you, knowing it would still be covered. You taste the sweat that had been building up, and his skin which you can’t even describe except that it tastes like him.
He groans lowly into your ear and you shiver when you pull away. You drag your nail lightly over the dark bruise in satisfaction before pulling his collar back up.
You slide off his armored thighs slowly. He follows you to stand, and gives you one last, long, kiss.
“Until next time, cyare.”
When you leave his office, you wish you had written something more on his cup than a crudely drawn fox with a smiley face next to it. Tomorrow though, you wonder what you can get away with saying.
“Next time I’m wearing that little red dress, feel free to search me. Who knows what I could be hiding.”
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themostdivisive · 4 years
Shared, Part Three
Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4
Pairing: Sirius Black x reader, Remus Lupin x reader, James Potter x reader
Summary: You’re best friends with Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and James Potter. Your world changes when the three of them get the idea to share you as a girlfriend.
Genre: fluff, angst, smut (this part is mostly smut) 
Note: hsdgaofsokds;la i hope this turned out alright lmao I wrote it very quickly and its barely proofread 
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“Oh, hello (Y/N).” Remus sat up from his bed immediately to greet you. 
“Hi,” You said timidly. You were still shaken from the conversation that just happened with James. 
“I think (Y/N) has something to tell us.” James said. Sirius was suddenly paying full attention as he laid in his bed. Was she going to finally say yes? He thought. 
“I-” You started but were unsure of how to say it. Your mind swirled with so many different things.  “I thought about it, and, erm… well, I think I like the idea of you lot sharing me as a girlfriend.”
“Is that a yes?” Remus asked. You nodded quickly. “You’re certain?” You nodded yet again. Remus smiled an infectious smile that you couldn’t help but return.  
“So, how is this going to work exactly?” You asked. 
“Hm, I think we should show her how it’ll work.” Sirius hopped off of his bed and strolled over to you. He stood close as he reached out a hand to brush your hair back behind your shoulder. Just the motion gave you chills. Sirius lowered his voice. “Would you like us to show you, darling?” You nodded. “Let’s use our words, shall we? Tell me yes or no.” He said sternly. 
“Yes, I want you to show me.” You had an idea of what might happen next but honestly, you had zero complaints. 
“Good girl,” Said Sirius. The words made your head rush and your cheeks glow even brighter. James turned around and put a charm on the door as if he knew exactly what was about to happen. You could feel James come closer behind you as Sirius slowly undid your tie and began to unbutton your shirt. James held your hips with one hand and unzipped your skirt with the other. You stood there breathless as the boys undressed you. Soon you were standing in their dorm clad in only your bra and knickers. 
You felt a little insecure but all self doubt was extinguished when you saw the expressions on Sirius and Remus’ face. Remus began to walk over, he was seemingly enraptured in the sight of your body. With a pop, James unhooked your bra. You slid it off your shoulders and displayed your bare chest for them to see. James didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you from behind and massage your breasts. You felt him plant a few kisses on your shoulders from behind as he played with your nipples. 
Remus slowly inched down to his knees, making eye contact with you all the while. With both of his hands, he slipped your knickers down your legs and completely off of you. Something about seeing Remus look at you from below made your insides heat up. Sirius noticed you staring and lifted our chin delicately with his index finger and thumb. Your eyes locked with his. 
“Why don’t you get on your knees for us, pet.” Said Sirius. Remus stood up as you lowered yourself to your knees. 
“She’s an obedient little one, isn’t she?” James said. “I told you she would be.” He added to Sirius and Remus. 
“You proved me wrong, Jamesie. I thought she’d be a little more feisty but it seems like she’s been waiting for this.” Sirius began to unbuckle his belt. You stared up at him with doe like eyes. You watched as all of the boys unbuckled their belts to reveal their lengths. Your eyes widened at the sight of the three boys in front of you. Suddenly it made sense that many girls at Hogwarts wanted to be with the three of them. You wondered how you could possibly be able to fit any of them in your mouth. They continued to undress themselves until all four of you were in the room naked together. 
“Open your mouth, darling.” Remus said sweetly. You did as he said and opened it wide. You were ready to take in all of his cock that you could in order to please him. Remus couldn’t help but gasp when the tip of his member met your tongue. He threw his head back in ecstasy as you tried to fit his entire length into your mouth. The boys took turns using your mouth. Remus was the most gentle. He ran his hands through your hair as you sucked on him. James and Sirius were certainly more aggressive. James would grab your hair and push your head into his cock which made you gag but he seemed to like it. The unpleasantness of gagging was overridden by your intense desire to please the boys. You were hardly so submissive with any other men. While you had Sirius in your mouth, he held your head steady and slowly rocked himself in and out. He seemed to be the most daring. But somehow, you felt like they were holding back a bit. 
“Lay down, poppet” Sirius demanded “I want to taste your cunt.” He made your heart beat hard in your chest as you laid down in Sirius’ bed. As soon as you were on your back, Sirius didn't hesitate to spread open your legs. He positioned himself below you and began to lick your core. You let out a passionate moan, unable to contain your volume. As Sirius lapped up your juices, Remus planted kisses all over your body. He began to suck and bite at your nipples. 
“Mmm you like that?” James stroked his cock as he watched. “You like it when Sirius tongues your cunt, don’t you?” He said. The pleasure was building up inside you. Sirius was twirling his tongue on your clitoris with vigor. You arched your back in please and let out a wanton moan. Suddenly James grabbed your face in his hand and made you look at him. “I want an answer.” He demanded. His eyes were full of aggressive lust, it was nothing like you had never seen in him before. 
“Be good for us, darling, and tell us what you like.” Remus added. 
“I-” You stuttered, unable to form words with how fucking good it felt to be eaten out by Sirius. “I- Oh my god.” He slipped a finger inside you, making you cry out with pleasure. “I like that, please don’t stop.” You begged. 
“You look so beautiful lying here like a hot mess. I can’t wait to feel how tight you are.” said Remus in a soft low voice. 
“I can’t wait either,” Agreed James. Just before you tipped over the edge of an orgasm, Sirius lifted his head and left you quivering. You whined a bit, feeling a little disappointed that he didn’t let you come. He liked how helpless you looked in that moment, it sparked some sort of animalistic instinct of his. 
“I think you should give it to her, Prongs.” Sirius said to James as he pulled you up from the position and placed you perpendicular on the bed. Your head hanged over the edge of the bed, right at the height of Sirius’ cock. Your breathing quickened as you felt James place your legs around his shoulders and position himself at your entrance. 
“Is this alright, poppet? Jamesie is going to give you a proper shag while you suck my cock. Open up.” He said. You complied immediately. Whatever the boys said was what you were going to do. The lust made you blind to any   agency you once had and honestly, it felt freeing. The feeling of freedom was only enriched by feeling James’ thick cock slip into you. For a moment you thought it might not fit, but after slowly rocking in and out of you he found that your cunt was perfect for slamming his cock into. You didn’t have time to make a noise because Sirius was already positioning his length at your lips. You opened your mouth to let him in and fuck your throat. You gagged a few times but it only seemed to make Sirius harder and harder. Sirius’ thrusts into your mouth were getting sloppier and you could tell he was close. 
“Fuck,” He hissed. “‘M gonna cum.” He said with an irresistibly hot expression of bliss that you had never seen on him before. It drove you crazy. Sirius quickly pulled out of your mouth and shot a few ropes of cum onto your bare chest. You caught your breath while he growled in satisfaction as he came. You didn’t have time to think about the mess this would all make as James pounded you harder and harder. You had to stop yourself from crying out with every thrust. 
Remus was fervently stroking himself next to you. Your moans alone were almost enough to make him finish. It looked as though he was close too. His soft whimpers got louder and louder until he too released his load on your bare chest. You barely had time to register it as you felt your own orgasm coming on. 
“Look Sirius, I think she’s gonna cum.” Remus said as he tried to catch his breath. 
“Don’t stop, Prongs. Fuck her faster.” Sirius bent down to kiss your face and neck. Your skin felt all hot. “I want to watch her cum.” James started thrusting faster. You couldn’t ignore the pressure building inside you and soon it all came rushing out like a dam. Endorphins flooded your system as you came. You didn’t think to be quiet, you cried out loudly. Your eyes rolled back a bit as you rode out the wave of your orgasm. James pulled out and released himself on your stomach. You were covered in the boys’ cum, lying helpless on the bed. Your chest heaved and your head was empty. It felt like bliss. 
Sirius cleaned up the cum on your torso with some sort of spell you hadn’t heard before and shifted you so that you were laying the right way on the bed. “I think we should have a cheeky cuddle, yeah?” James said with a smile as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. 
“I suppose she deserves as much for being such a good girl.” Sirius said with a smirk. You laid on your side facing James as Sirius spooned you. “Mooney, come give me a spoon.” Said Sirius. You could sense Remus rustling on the bed behind Sirius getting into a comfortable spoon position. 
“You two are a bunch of-” James began but was cut off by Remus. 
“Watch it or I’ll spoon you too, Jamesie.” 
Tag List: @kashishwrites   @i-am-addicted-to-tea @1975weasley @somethingchaotic @cosmoswid @emilianamason @quindolyn @persephone-reincarnated @fanic-fictation​ @switchbladefightz​ @artemis1orion​ @ftwert @nickkie1129​ @fan-written @katherinalyn @milkshakelol​ @lenanettewrites @padfootswife​ @nunchuck-daddy​ 
(for some reason some of the tags wont work? lmk if anyone knows why. im sorry if i tagged you and it didnt show up!!)
846 notes · View notes
teklarn · 3 years
𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓶𝔂 𝓫𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 - 𝓴. 𝓫𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓰𝓸𝓾 (𝓅𝓉. 𝟥)
character(s): katsuki bakugou x gn!reader (x eijirou kirishima) 
a/n: ok but like ty for all the notes on my last post??? i get so excited whenever there’s a new notification. ALSO, the best time for me to accept requests is from now to sept. 5! i’m currently on summer break, so i will have plenty of time to write from now until then. 
𝕣𝕖𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕝𝕪 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕!!
summary: bakugou x gn!reader. they have feelings for one another but have no idea how to express them, however y/n has someone pining for their attention. 
genre: angst
warnings: mutual pining, cursing, aged-up to third years, bit of a love triangle, romantic tension, one-sided pining, i gave the reader a quirk, kirishima gets jealous EHWJEH
word count: 2031
lol wow things are finally beginning to pick up heehee
please excuse any typos! i edit to the best of my abilities, but it’s easy to miss lost of things 
part 1, part 2 , part 4 
- - - 
you dabbed bakugou’s nose. he winced as you tapped it. “sorry,” you breathed out, switching the tissue in your hand for a clean wipe. 
“i’m fine, dumbass.” 
“then why’d you ask for my help?” you teased, wiping at the blood on his upper lip. 
his cheeks dusted with red, eyes averting to the side. you smiled softly, victorious in his silence. 
nighttime was settling in nicely, the sun bleeding orange into the clouds. 
“look back at me,” you said. gently, you took his bruised jaw in your fingers, adjusting his head so he was facing you. you brushed your fingers along his swelling cheekbone. purple blossomed beneath bakugou’s pale skin. “kirishima was pretty rough out there, huh?’ 
“i’m proud of the guy.” 
you smiled, tilting your head. “you? proud of someone? really?” 
he chuckled. “knock it off, dumbass.” a grin spread across his face, however it was gone when the pain hit. he winced, trying to ignore the sting his smile brought with it. 
you let out a laugh. “just relax, bakugou.” you resumed dabbing away at the excess blood on his face. there were flecks of dirt scattered over his forehead. 
he caught your wrist in one of his soft, large hands. 
your smile faded, and you swallowed, pushing down the rising emotions fluttering into your chest. “yes?” you responded to the silent question his eyes were asking. 
his grip on your wrist loosened, and he let go, letting his arm fall back to his side. 
“everything okay?” 
he didn’t break eye contact as he grunted a reply. “mhm.” 
“alright. i’ll be right back, okay?” 
“‘kay,” he said. 
you stood with a groan, knees sore from all the training you’d been doing lately. you gently shut the bathroom door behind you and rinsed the bits of dirt off the towel, scrubbing away any imperfections stuck between the fibers of the fabric. 
your cheeks were boiling with heat as the ghost of his touch on your wrist lingered. what was that? did he mean to tell you something? 
you wrung out the newly washed cloth and returned to your seat across from bakugou. 
bakugou’s eyes flickered as you began scrubbing the dirk from his forehead. 
“ah,” he gasped out. 
“you’ve gotta stop wincing, bakugou,” you teased. “you’re making me think i’m doing something wrong.” 
“you’ve gotta stop being so rough, y/n.” he took your wrists and pried them away from his face. 
you set the towel down on the table, letting it rest on a paper towel so the excess water could drain out. 
“well, i think the issue is that you haven’t let me set your nose properly.” 
bakugou squinted, unsure. “alright.” he spread his legs, leaning forwards to make your job easier. “do as you wish, y/n.” his voice dropped, eyelids lowering seductively. 
the heat returned to your cheeks, flushing out your confidence from before. instead of replying with an equally snarky comment, you took his face in your hands. “this is going to hurt.” 
“not so much if it’s you.” 
you scoffed. “are you flirting with me, katsuki bakugou?” 
his lips quirked up—just a tiny bit. “stop dreaming, y/n.” 
you ignored the comment and traced your fingers over the bridge of his nose. “on three?” 
he nodded. 
“one—” you cracked the bone into place. 
“ah, shit!” bakugou recoiled back, covering his nose with his hands. “damn brat.” 
“it would have hurt more if you knew it was coming.” you shrugged innocently. 
“at least i would have been prepared.” 
“whatever you say.” you gestured for him to come back to his previous position, and bakugou did as instructed, hands dropping from his face as your hands came back around to cup his cheeks. 
being recovery girl’s grandchild had its benefits. for example, an easy way to get into yuuei off of recommendations. while your quirk wasn’t usually one people would associate with fighting, it came with unexpected pros with how it developed. 
you’d earned the ability not only to heal but to ruin as well. using your quirk, honing it properly, you could twist someone inside out with ease, however, healing was something you were more skilled with. 
a green glow was being emitted from your palms, white orbs flowing into the air and landing on bakugou’s skin. you could tell, under his skin, the bone was fixing itself, beginning to reshape into the flat bridge. 
bakugou sniffed. 
“hold still,” you said. 
“does your healing always make your patients itchy?” 
“it’s just your body healing. stop moving.” the green light receded into your palms. 
you met bakugou’s eyes as you pulled your hands away. you were leaning closer than necessary, out of your seat, knees slightly bent. you could tell his hands were shaking just a bit as they trailed down your arms, starting from your fingertips which were still hovering around his face. 
his hands found their way to your waist. bakugou tugged you closer. barely an inch closer, but it felt like the two of you were inseparable at the moment. 
you jumped, and bakugou’s hands fell back to the sides of the seat he was in. you swallowed as kirishima popped up at the doorway. 
you wiped your palms on your shirt, nodding for kirishima to enter. “yes?” 
the redhead walked in warily, hands up and pace slow. “i hope i’m not...interrupting anything. am i?” 
you shook your head. “not at all. we were, um. we were just finishing up.” you picked up the cloth intended for wiping bakugou’s face. “do you think you could finish up by yourself?” 
he took the cloth from your hands. “yeah, sure.” he pushed himself up and was out of your room, waving his thanks. “i’ll pay you back so i don’t owe your ass, got it, y/n?” 
bakugou shut the door behind him, leaving you and kirishima alone. 
“so, what was that about?” 
your eyes flew wide. “what was what?” 
“don’t act oblivious, y/n. you two looked at each other like you hung the moon in the sky.” 
you bit your lip, hiding the smile that was brought about upon reminiscing about the recent seen. “it wasn’t anything, kirishima. don’t worry about it.”
“i’m worrying. you know bakugou.” 
“that’s something you’d say about someone with dating experience, and a bad reputation regarding it. bakugou is—” 
“just like every other guy out there? it’s the twenty-first century. there are not many decent people left out here. do you really think he’s any different?” 
“well,” you said, shaking your head, “personally, i see he’s changed.” 
“two years isn’t going to erase all the past shit he’s done.” 
“there’s a thing called forgiveness.” you quirked an eyebrow at him, tilting your head down as you began cleaning up. “plus, it wasn’t necessarily his fault. we can both agree that hero society created toxic standards for all aspiring pros.” 
kirishima clenched his fists. “he’s bad for you.” 
you tossed out a few wipes into the garbage. “sorry?” 
“he’s...not good for you.” 
“i appreciate you thinking nobody is good enough for me, but at the end of the day-” 
unknowingly, kirishima was hardening his fingertips. his nails punctured the soft skin of his palms. “i don’t mean he’s not good enough for you, but that’s another truth, too. he’s just not good for you.” 
you turned, smiling brightly. “and since when did you know what was good for me?” you laughed, eyes closed. “why are you trying to dictate my decisions-” 
when you opened your eyes, you found kirishima standing closer, brows furrowed angrily.
your expression lowered into something angry. “what’s the matter?” 
“i just...i can’t.” 
“can’t what?” 
kirishima was one to be slow to anger. he always had been. you can’t recall a time you saw him angry or pissed except for when bakugou had been kidnapped by the league of villains. 
“kirishima,” you scoffed, “are you genuinely pissed over this? what? is this because i got mad at you because i scolded you for breaking bakugou’s nose? if anything, i don’t think i was wrong for-” 
“that’s not it. that...that isn’t it, y/n.” he stepped towards you. kirishima closed the gap between you both, pressing your back against the wall, trapping you there between his arms. “that isn’t it at all, y/n.” 
you swallowed. “then what is it, kirishima?” his eyes met yours, serious and stern. 
your chest tingled. 
he brought his fingers to your chin, angling your face with ease to get a better look at you. “call me eijirou.” 
“just once. please.” 
“...what is it, eijirou?” 
the pause felt like an eternity. “it’s you, y/n.” 
“it’s...me? what about me? did i do something wrong?” 
he chuckled softly, but there was no humor in his longing smile as he stared down. “you’re so oblivious.” 
you could hear his heart beating, getting faster with every sentence he pushed out. 
“you’re so clueless, y/n. it’s kind of pissing me off.” 
“what am i doing to piss you off?” you snapped. 
he tongued the inside of his cheek. “like i said.” he flashed you an award-winning grin. “clueless.” kirishima pushed himself off the wall and left the room, the door shutting hard, but not slamming shut. 
you were left breathless, the hint of his cologne still lingering in the space before you. 
you’d avoided kirishima and bakugou for the rest of the night. 
what kirishima had wanted to say was nothing like what he said, but he knew everything would come out all wrong if he’d try to say anything. 
his mind would have jumbled all his words, and he’d look like a crazy, insane lover. 
bakugou wasn’t bad for you. not at all. you two were perfect for each other. you both had thick skin for silly rebuttals towards one another. you brought out the fun side of the blonde, and he worked you to your best. 
kirishima was just your best friend. he hated to be the one who had fallen with nothing to soften the blow that was surely coming soon. 
his ears burned nearly as red as his hair. a shudder passed down his back, the feeling of your jaw pressed between his thumb and index finger still imprinted there. 
“i can’t fucking stand to see you around him.” 
kirishima made his way to the common room, finding bakugou looking for snacks there. kirishima scoffed as his friend emerged with an apple in hand. 
it was not like he hated bakugou. not at all. he didn’t think that pining for the same girl would ruin their friendship. he was just angry that you chose him. 
kirishima respected your decisions. he wouldn’t ever try to get in the way of anything if you and bakugou made that kind of decision. he just wanted to be near you. 
perhaps he should leave the situation alone. leave you alone and just forget about how his feelings were nagging at him every day. 
he should forget how you were the first thing on his mind every morning, and the thing he thought about when he fell asleep. 
you were everywhere. should he forget that too? 
bakugou tossed his apple into the air. he clapped his friend on the back, taking a bite out. “go to sleep, idiot.” 
“don’t call me that.” 
bakugou turned, startled that kirishima wasn’t taking bakugou’s shit today. “you good?” 
“i’m fine, but i’m not an idiot.” 
bakugou’s body tightened. “alright.” 
the pair stood awkwardly for a moment before kirishima sucked in a sudden breath. “what is y/n to you?” he asked. 
bakugou raised an eyebrow. “what?” 
“they’re obviously something to you.” 
“listen, they were just helping me out. didn’t think you’d get offended from them fixing my broken ass nose.” 
“that’s not what i mean. i walked in on you two, and you were about to—” 
“i wasn’t going to do jackshit.” bakugou tossed his apple away, too angry to eat anything anymore. 
“yes. don’t lie to me.” 
“i’m not lying. where is all of this coming from?” 
kirishima huffed out a frustrated breath. he shouldered past bakugou. kirishima uttered words he hated himself for saying. “leave me alone.”
- - -
tag(s): if u want to be tagged in any continued fic of mine, pls let me know! i don’t have a taglist, but please @ me and ask to be on the taglist! thank u <33 
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piquedpequod · 2 years
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"kirill semyonovich”
Listen (Youtube). Lyrics:
1. Queer - Garbage The queerest of the queer Hide inside your head The blindest of the blind The deadest of the dead You're hungry 'cause you starve While holding back the tears Choking on your smile A fake behind the fear The queerest of the queer
2. I Don't Give A Damn - Yin-Yang Don't be so happy, I'm not your foe I just don't give a damn about anything I don't give a damn about anything, baby
3. Best Friend - Strakh Imagining the ocean I see the ocean But a shot A shot is heard The sun is always with me Get up and follow me Today the asphalt is damp You won't return home
4. Sickness - Iggy Pop Hey, little girl, you're black and blue Hey, little girl, you're six foot two I know a man who loved too hard He lost his mind, it wasn't hard Over this sickness, over this sickness Over this sickness, this sickness of love
5. You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side - Morrisey With the world's fate resting on your shoulders You're gonna need someone on your side You can't do it by yourself any longer You're gonna need someone on your side And here I am! And here I am! Well, you don't need to look so pleased
6. Prayer - Agatha Christie And why don't we get drunk? I found it, I found it This is my new way of praying To kill a neighbor, it is necessary to drink a lot Then everything is good and the heart does not hurt And the mind says what's done has passed
7. Wrong - Depeche Mode There's something wrong with me chemically Something wrong with me inherently The wrong mix In the wrong genes I reached the wrong ends By the wrong means It was the wrong plan In the wrong hands The wrong theory For the wrong man The wrong eyes On the wrong prize The wrong questions With the wrong replies
8. Mofo - U2 Mother, you left and made me someone Now I'm still a child but no one tells me no
9. #1 Crush – Garbage Violate all the love that I'm missing Throw away all the pain that I'm living You will believe in me And I can never be ignored
10. Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief - Radiohead I am here Come to me Before it's too late The one you light your fires to keep away Is crawling out upon its belly And all you have to do is say Yes...
11. Fear - Linda Enter into my house as a friend in order to betray me Eat the bread from my hands, sleep in the fire Love me like a brother to know how to kill me
12. Lunapark - Bi-2 The month split in two, as if a demon took root The door tore from its hinges, and the carousel began to swirl On the steps of the throne the crown waits for you You did not play for nothing, take it, it's yours
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binunus · 3 years
afk | yoon sanha (m)
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a/n y..oon...sanha...really do be acting up...also idk why but whenever I think of husband!sanha I can’t seem to write anything which is why I’ve been staring at this request literally for the longest time, but when I think of like just bf!sanha I get so many ideas...is it me? am I just weird?? maybe it’s bc I’m literally not in a headspace to think about marriage or commitment sksksk but uh yeah thank you for coming to my ted talk
{request: anther sanha husband smut please? 🥺 the one u wrote was so good ‘m not a creative person so the plot coulld be as you wish 😼}
→ pairing: idol bf!sanha x f!reader
→ genre: fluff, smut
→ tw: unprotected sex (conceal before you feel loves), reader riding sanha as he’s playing his game oops...and 00 line is on the other end hehe, dirty talk?? well...sanha tried okay, multiple orgasms, slight overstimulation, embarrassment
→ word count: 4k _____________________________________________
*afk → away from keyboard* for all my non-gamers :) I’m not a gamer, I just live with them...
Your POV
You were ecstatic, a little jump in your step as you neared your boyfriend’s dorm. You haven’t seen him in almost a month due to his busy schedule and comeback preparations. You were excited for him and his group, one of the perks of dating an idol member was knowing the secrets and spoilers of his plans long before they were revealed to the public. But with those perks also came the disadvantages of not being able to see your boyfriend as much as you’d like to, or even be open with your relationship in general. 
Anyway, you were excited to see him. The text messages, phone calls, and FaceTimes could only satisfy you for so long, seeing Sanha in person was a completely different story. The last time you saw him was before he dyed his hair from black to the sleek dark red that it was now. 
As soon as you received the text from your boyfriend asking if you were free to come over, you literally dropped everything that you were doing and got dressed to leave your apartment. You arrived at his dorm within thirty minutes, not wasting any precious time that you could be spending with him.
You were warmly greeted by their eldest, Myungjun’s excited tone alerting the others about your appearance. “y/n! We haven’t seen you in so long!”
You laughed and wrapped your arms around him in a hug, giggling as he lifted your body and shook you around, “I know, oppa! It’s so good to see you! You look so good! I’m excited for your album to come out.”
“Oh you cutie, stop it.” He beamed, patting your head as he set you down. “Sanha’s playing games in his room right now. If you get bored of him, just come find me and I’ll entertain you.”
“Will do oppa,” You chuckled as you bounced in the direction of Sanha’s bedroom. Your heart rapidly beating in your chest as you opened the door, revealing your 6′1 sweet boyfriend who was sitting intently on his gaming chair. You felt the oxygen knocked away from your lungs as he turned his maroon head of hair to face you. You almost had to do a double take from actually seeing his new hair color in person. Sure he’s sent you a bunch of pictures as soon as he dyed it and you’ve seen it through video calls, but wow...was this good looking man really your boyfriend?
He held his hand out to you, smiling as you approached him. He moved the mic away from his mouth before kissing the back of your hand, “Hey baby, I’m just playing a match real quick and then I’m all yours, okay?”
You nodded excitedly and leaned in to press a kiss on the cheek which wasn’t being covered by his headset. Sanha squeezed your hand affectionately before you hopped on his bed, pulling out your phone to pass the time while you waited for him to finish his match. Every now and then, you would look over to observe him and his game. You noticed that even his gaming setup has changed in the past month you haven’t seen each other, he was finally using the light-up keyboard you gifted him for your one year anniversary.
You could vaguely hear his friends through the headset, chuckling at his conversations with the esteemed ‘00 line. You found yourself grinning as Sanha furiously clicked away at the keyboard, even though your boyfriend is a famous idol, at the end of the day he was still just a regular young adult at heart who loved playing games.
You understood that this was probably one of his only ways of de-stressing as of recent, so you were pretty lenient about his gaming habits...
Until one match turned into two, which turned into three, and before you knew it, you’ve been waiting on his bed -- affection-starved -- for almost two hours. 
Your lips pursed in annoyance, huffing as you locked your phone and tossed it aside somewhere on his bed, standing to get some water. Sanha turned his head at your movement, his mouth opening a bit in shock as he watched you leave his room. At that moment, he knew your patience was running thin.
You saw Jinwoo and Bin in the kitchen, the two smiling as you joined them. You found yourself pouting as you waddled into Jinwoo’s arms which opened in a welcoming hug. With dating Sanha, you also had the opportunity of getting to know his group, gaining five older brothers who treated you like one of their own. You got babied by the five of them a lot since you were dating their baby.
You let out a sigh as you retrieved a glass of water, resting your head on Jinwoo’s shoulder as you took small sips. You’ve received more affection from the rest of Astro than you have from your own boyfriend during this whole visit so far. Bin cooed as he pinched your cheek, “Why do you look so upset?”
You rolled your eyes as you took another sip, “Sanha��s been playing his game for the past 2 hours, I don’t even know why he asked me to come over if he wasn’t at least going to talk to me.”
Jinwoo gave you a sympathetic smile, patting your head as he nodded, “You know how he is y/n. When he doesn’t have a schedule or practice, he’s practically glued to his computer chair.”
You groaned and finished the rest of your water, placing the glass in the sink before you rested your hands on your hips, “If he doesn’t stop playing after this match, I’m literally leaving.”
The two elder boys laughed, respectively patting your shoulder and rubbing your back. Bin chuckled, “You do what you have to do. You know, scold him for us too. His eyes are gonna go bad from looking at that monitor too much.”
You nodded, asking them to wish you luck as you went back into Sanha’s room. When you opened the door, you noticed his chair turned around so that his back was to the desk, the monitor on the loading screen, and Sanha on his phone. He looked up with that big puppy expression on his face when he knew he’s did something wrong. He quickly placed his phone on the desk, pulling you in towards him as soon as you were in arm’s reach. He gently squeezed your hands as you stood in between his legs, resting your weight on one foot. “I’m sorry, baby.”
You narrowed your eyes in the slightest, “And what are you sorry for?”
“For ignoring you and just playing my game...” Sanha said quietly hugging your waist. He nuzzled his face against your stomach as your hands went up to play with his hair, all annoyance fizzling away in an instant. Damn, he was too cute for you to stay mad at him. You sighed and kissed the crown of his head, “Sanha, we haven’t seen in each other in so long because of your comeback. If you want to invite me over, I sort of hope that we’re spending time together and I’m not just watching you play...is your game really that much more interesting than me?”
He shook his head against your body, his voice muffled as he immediately said no. The tiniest of smiles crept its way onto your face, endeared at how cute your boyfriend was.
And then you heard his best friend through the headset, ruining the soft mood in an instant. “Sanha load up, c’mon where are you?”
You let out a sigh, God dammit Bomin.
Sanha lifted his head to meet your eyes, he sensed your frustration again immediately. You pursed your lips, reading the conflict swimming through his pupils. You knew that he wanted to keep playing, but he didn’t wanna make you mad. And in Sanha’s perspective, he did honestly plan to spend time with you when he invited you over, but then Daehwi asked him to play a round and when he gets immersed in his game, he needs to play until he’s literally sick of it for the day. “Baby..?”
You averted your gaze for a moment in thought, an idea popping into your head. Humming, your fingers twirled a strand of his hair, “You can keep playing, baby.”
Sanha blinked at you in surprise, his eyes widening, “Really? You won’t get mad if--”
“But! I’m sitting on your lap. I haven’t gotten any cuddles from you in at least three weeks and I’m not going back to your bed without you.”
He nodded eagerly, satisfied with the win-win situation. Sanha grinned patting his lap as he spread his legs to give you room. You chuckled, maneuvering your body through the space of his chair as you got seated atop his thighs, both of you face to face. By habit, Sanha’s hands rested at your waist, smiling as he pulled you into a sweet kiss. You felt the butterflies flutter in your stomach at the action, responding instantly. Your lips formed a little pout when he pulled away, your boyfriend smiling cheekily as he nuzzled his nose against yours, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” You said before resting your head on his shoulder, leaning your body weight on his chest as a means to get as close to him as you possibly could. Sanha rubbed the skin of your waist affectionately before reaching for the headset and unmuting himself, “Bomin, I’m here.”
“Hey! What took you so long?”
“Chill, y/n’s here.” He said, glancing at you with a smile, “She can hear you by the way.”
“Yeah so watch your mouth, Bomin.” You said jokingly, turning your head briefly to speak into the microphone. Sanha grinned, pressing a kiss to your cheek as Bomin laughed through the headset. You heard Bomin -- along with Sanha’s other friends -- greet you, chuckling as your head returned to its spot on Sanha’s shoulder. 
You let your boyfriend play one match peacefully, still enjoying finally being in his embrace. You closed your eyes, taking in the comforting scent of Sanha’s detergent and let yourself relax for a short while. When he got killed during the first match, his arms immediately wrapped around your waist, squeezing your body tightly as he kissed your temple. You hummed, listening as he watched and conversed with the others who were still alive.
It was then that you noticed the slight new definition of his muscles, the gears in your brain turning as you thought about how to proceed with your plan. Although you were literally on top of him right now, the majority of Sanha’s attention span was focused on his monitor, so you knew he couldn’t sense the growing arousal in your mind. 
Early into his second match, you subtly shifted your ass around on his lap, making it seem like you were trying to readjust into a more comfortable position. At the same time, you moved your head to his other shoulder, pressing a kiss to his cheek as you did so. Your boyfriend smiled at you, still oblivious to what you were trying to do. 
And then your hands gently started rubbing at his sides, the touch featherlike as you began to press kisses in the crook of his neck. You felt Sanha tense in the slightest as he quickly pressed the mute button on his mic, “Baby...what are you doing?”
“Hm?” You asked not even bothering to lift your head, “I’m kissing you, can I not?”
The male closed his eyes as he let out a muffled groan, his body reacting immediately to your ministrations, “y/n, are you trying to make me moan into the mic while I’m playing with the guys?”
You chuckled dryly as you started to start to suck on his skin, not hard enough to leave a mark because you knew his stylists would literally kill you if you did, but enough for him to get affected. And he did. 
Sanha let out a breathy moan, subconsciously tilting his head so that you had more access.
“You ignored me for two hours baby. Since you wanna keep playing your game while I’m here, you’re gonna have to do so while I’m making you feel good. Now unmute and keep doing your thing.”
He bit his lip, narrowing his eyes at you as you moved your ass directly over his crotch, which was quickly getting hard. He was about to say something, but was cut off by Daehwi asking him where he was, Sanha cursing internally as he pressed unmute and responded. You smirked against his skin, still trailing kisses along his neck and intending to move up his jawline -- which had definitely gotten sharper since the last time you saw him.
Sanha tried his best, you could see how hard he was fighting against your temptations. Admittedly, you were a bit impressed with how well he was masking what was going on to his friends. 
But you were a brat and you wanted to see your boyfriend’s self-restraint crumble. He managed to get through one match, trying to compromise with you once the display showed the loading screen, “Fuck, baby, I’m done. I can’t play anymore.”
You smiled at him as you got off his lap, going over to lock his door. Sanha sighed in relief, getting ready to tell his friends that he was logging off for the night, until you held your finger up at him, confusion on his features. Casually, you pulled down your pants and underwear, placing them to the side as you leaned down for a kiss. Your hands reached for the waistband of his sweats, Sanha lifting up his hips to help you pull the fabric down his legs.
“You’re gonna play one more game, baby.” You whispered against his mouth, the boy sighing in frustration as you climbed back onto his lap. His cock was already hard from all your grinding, he could not believe you were teasing him like this right now. 
You were soaked, you knew that Sanha would slide right in without any resistance. You let out a sharp inhale as you lined yourself up with his cock, burying your face in his shoulder as you sat down in one go. The two of you let out a synchronized groan at the feeling, it had been too long since you last had sex. “Shit, y/n, you’re so fucking tight--I-fuck can’t we just take this to my bed?”
“No,” You said, voice shaky as you tried to calm yourself down from the initial intrusion. “This is payback for making me wait so long.”
Sanha’s hands gripped the meat of your ass, squeezing as he thrusted into you just once, “God, you do realize we’re both gonna suffer if you make me play another round.”
“You’re going to suffer more than I am,” You said devilishly as you unmuted his mic, “Sorry boys, Sanha went to the bathroom but he’s back now.”
He shot you glare, reluctantly removing his hands from your ass as he wore his headset again, “Guys, I think this is gonna be my last game, I’m getting pretty tired.”
“You know, I can’t believe y/n really just let you play with us this whole time. That’s love right there.”
“You’re a real one, y/n!”
“Sanha doesn’t deserve you, y/n!”
You laughed into the mic, sweetly responding to Sanha’s friends as you clenched your walls around his cock, watching with a lustful glint in your eyes at the contortion of pleasure on his face, his teeth harshly dug into his bottom lip to prevent any sounds from escaping.
“C’mon, start game.” Sanha said shortly, the grip on his mouse tightening as you clenched again. You stayed still for the first couple of minutes, letting Sanha adjust and play his game so that his friends wouldn’t be able to tell that something explicit was happening on his side of the screen. 
Of course all Sanha could think about right now was the way your walls just sucked him in so nicely, wanting nothing more than to pin you to his bed and fuck into you with no restraints. But he knew that you wouldn’t let him do that until he finished his match, so he tried to focus on completing this game as fast as he could. 
He felt himself freezing as you started to kiss his neck again, mentally telling himself to stay calm and not make a noise. As soon as his guard was down, you lifted your hips so that only the head of his cock was in your cunt before slamming your ass down on his lap, a loud slap sounding from the contact of your skins. Sanha lurched forward, a strangled moan fighting in his throat as you tightly clenched your walls, squeezing his cock. 
“Woah-are you okay, Sanha? What happened?”
“Y-yeah, I hit my knee against the d-desk,” He stuttered a lie, one of his hands gripping your waist as you started to slowly fuck yourself on him. It was getting harder for you to conceal your moans, burying your face in his shoulder as you tried to chase your high, this position allowing Sanha to hit so deep in your cunt.
His eyes flickered back and forth between the screen and you riding his cock, his legs subconsciously spreading as far as the chair allowed him. Sanha knew it was over for him when you lifted yourself off his chest, your eyes blown wide with lust as one of your hands fisted the bottom of his shirt, the other sneaking down to where the two of you were connected, making contact with your clit. You threw your head back at the added sensation, your mouth opening in a silent moan as you clenched your walls again.
“Sanha, where are you? Why are you standing still--”
“Fuck--AFK guys, AFK!” Sanha said hurriedly, throwing his headset off as he muted his mic. He pulled you in for a searing kiss, moving his lips fiercely against yours as you grabbed at his shoulders. “You’re fucking evil.”
“That’s what you get for not paying attention to me,” You panted against his mouth, sluggishly getting off his lap. Sanha practically kicked his gaming chair back as he towered over you, removing both of your shirts before he pushed you down on his bed. He pulled your thighs open, positioning his cock at your entrance. “Fuck, do you know how hard it was to not fuck you while I was playing?”
You whined as he moved his tip up and down your slit, tapping the head at your sensitive bud. “Now you have all my attention, baby.”
The two of you moaned loudly as he sheathed himself in your cunt, momentarily forgetting that there were five other inhabitants of his dorm. Sanha started a brutal pace from the beginning, thrusting into you with no restraints. Your hands tangled themselves in his hair as you pulled him down for a kiss, muffling your moans against his mouth.
“Mmmf, Sanha--”
He groaned, biting your bottom lip before lifting your thighs so that your legs hung from his shoulder, allowing him to penetrate even deeper in your cunt, “Shit, I missed your pussy baby. You’re fucking dripping on my sheets, God.”
His hands flew to your chest, roughly groping your breasts as he used it for leverage to fuck into you at a faster pace. The sounds in his room were obscene, the squelch of your arousal and the smack of his balls hitting your ass drowning out anything else. 
Sanha felt like he was drunk on your cunt, breathing heavily as he tried to get more sounds out of you, your moans music to his ears. He hissed as your nails clawed at his arms, a telltale sign that you were nearing your end. “S-Sanha, I-fuck!”
“Are you close, baby?” He asked authoritatively, his heart swelling as you nodded with a whine, your hands scrambling to feel every inch of his skin. You keened as he called your name, commanding you to look at him as you reached your orgasm. 
The tension in your stomach snapped when he snuck a hand down to play at your clit, rubbing it between two of his fingers as he tweaked your nipple, fucking you through your high. Your toes curled in pleasure, legs convulsing as you let out a high-pitched moan. You tried your best to maintain eye contact, but the dizzying euphoria made your lids flutter close, Sanha harshly sucking hickeys in your neck as he too, chased, his high. 
He cursed, still drawing circles on your clit as he rutted his hips into yours. You screamed as you were forced into another orgasm, your tight pulsating walls around his cock enough to push him to the edge. Sanha groaned gravelly, his nails digging into your waist as he released his load in your cunt. 
Sanha pulled out when he felt his cock fully flaccid, sitting back against his palms as he watched both of your cum leak out your entrance. Your chest heaved up and down as you tried to regain your breath, meeting his eyes from where you laid. Sanha chuckled, kissing your knee before standing to get some tissues, coming back to carefully wipe your cunt clean. 
You reached your arms out for him to lay down next to you as soon as he threw the soiled tissue away. He smiled lovingly, joining you on the bed and wrapping his arms around you in a hug. 
“Are you upset with me?” He asked cutely, pecking your nose. You grinned and buried your face in his chest, kissing the space between his collarbones. “No, you’re here with me now.”
Sanha giggled, stroking your hair as he tapped his fingers at the small of your back, “’M sorry for ignoring you, baby. I love you.”
“I love you too,” You said, humming as you closed your eyes, sleep slowly overtaking you. He tutted, removing his arms from your body as he sat up, “No! y/n, you have to pee first before you sleep.”
“But I’m tired,” You whined, reaching for him again. Sanha shook his head, gently pulling you up, “Baby, if you get a UTI, you’re gonna hate yourself. Now c’mon, peeing only takes a couple seconds.” 
You grumbled as he found one of his oversized t-shirts, dressing you before finding a pair of shorts for himself. You let out a woah as you stood, holding onto Sanha for support as your legs started to wobble. Your boyfriend chuckled smugly, squeezing your waist as you regained your balance, “You good, baby?”
“Shut up.”
The two of you glanced at his computer, which was now at the main screen of the game. “Do you think they heard, baby?”
“No way,” Sanha said, though he couldn’t deny the slight fear in the pit of his stomach if his friends really did hear you and him having sex. “I muted myself...right?”
You shrugged, not really minding before going to open the door, leading the two of you out of his room. Your face flushed, your feet stopping dead in their tracks as you came face to face with the rest of Astro, all five of them giving you and your boyfriend knowing looks as they sat dispersed around the living room.
“Ah hyungs!”
“I really hope you two used protection,” Eunwoo lectured, though you saw the smirk on his face. 
“I’m--bathroom--peeing...yeah.” You said embarrassed, scurrying off to the direction of their bathroom, yelping as your legs almost gave in.
“Woah, careful y/n,” Rocky snickered sending a wink in Sanha’s direction. The boys began teasing their youngest as soon as you closed the door to the bathroom, Sanha hiding his face in his hands, “Are you really going to do this every time y/n comes over?? It’s been more than a year!”
“No, we only do it when you two kids are loud as hell.” Bin said bluntly, slapping Myungjun’s arm in amusement. Jinwoo chuckled, lightly pointing a finger at your boyfriend, “You better have this much energy during promotions, Sanha--”
“Hyung!” ______________________________
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raineydays411 · 4 years
Oh,what am I supposed to do without you.
Loki x daughter!reader pt 2
Summary: You never knew your mother, but from the journal your Uncle Thor gave you, you knew she was a special women. You also knew that you were the splitting image of her.
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Loki’s POV
Silence. That's all he heard now. No more sweet laughter. No more soft humming as she walked through the garden. No more mumbled words of love and whispers of sweet nothings. No all her heard was silence. Silence in the chambers that once belonged to the both of them. Silence as he walked the halls of a busy palace. Full of people but he was always alone. Silence..in the nursery that has been empty for nearly sixteen years. The bright beautiful colors, dull and covered in a layer if dust. But what else is new, everything has been dull since his beloved has died. 
After he had his daughter sent away, Thor had been on more off world missions. He would leave for long periods of time and only come back to visit. Frigga would look at Loki with disappointed and pitiful eyes, that he would pointedly ignore. And while Loki managed to pull himself together and leave his room, he still had this dark depressing cloud over him. He was barely holding it together. 
He was just...dark. His mischievous ways became cruel. Harmless pranks he used to play turned into mean tricks. His dry wit became cruel taunts. And when he wasn’t tormented people he was distant. There have been several times maids have found him staring out windows or at walls just lost in thought. Thinking of the life he could have had. A happy life with his wife and a child. 
If only...
Millions of light years away in Midgard, or earth, there was you. Y/n Odinson. After being sent away by Loki, Thor had taken you to live with Heimdall wanting to keep you close and true to your asgardian roots. But with Heimdall being the literal guardian of worlds and you growing to be a rather curious child, it wasn’t really a good match. So Thor took you to the only other place he could think of.
The Avengers HQ.
At first the team wasn’t too fond of the idea. Having a kid running around a superhero base isn’t really ideal. But after a while you won them over. Everyone absolutely adored you. Tony bought you any and everything you ever wanted, Bruce was your go to for advice, Steve doted on you and played with you whenever you wanted, Natasha was your self proclaimed aunt, and Clint was your fun uncle. Hell even Bucky found himself wrapped around your little finger. Yes, you had a wonderful life indeed.
But even though you could have anything you ever wanted, you still felt like you were missing something. Your parents.
You knew you were an asgardian. Your uncle Thor made sure you stayed true to your roots and you remembered the little time you spent on the planet. But you had no idea who your parents were. Every time you asked, Thor would always manage to change the subject. Other than the Avengers, who were more like aunts and uncles, you didn’t really have parents.
Now you knew you didn’t need them. You had a whole family of people who loved you like their own. But you couldn’t help but feel like there was something missing.
It wasn’t until a few days after your sixteenth birthday that you learned the truth. 
See you always knew you were asgardian, but never knew who your parents truly were. You couldn’t remember your life in Asgard, much less your parents. Thor refused to tell you who your parents were. The most you got out of him was that you looked almost exactly like your mother and that she was the sweetest person he knew. 
So when your fingers started turning a light blue and ice started shooting out of them, it was a little surprising to say the least. It happened on your birthday. Tony decided that it would be a wonderful idea to throw you a surprise party. And usually, you wouldn’t mind it as you’re actually pretty good at socializing. But ever since you woke up, you haven’t been feeling too well. Your head has been hurting, you felt light headed, and you just felt cold. Your hands and toes felt as if you were standing in the snow for hours.
 As you were walking into the common room, the Avengers and some of your friends popped out, scaring the absolute crap out of you. Resulting in you pulling an Elsa and then passing out. And while everyone fussed over you, trying to figure out what the hell happened, Thor was planning on taking you to Asgard.
After persuading the team ( specifically Bucky and Tony), you found yourself behind Thor as he was greeted by a man who looks a lot like Idris Elba. 
“Heimdall!!” Thor boomed embracing the man “It’s wonderful to see you again my friend.” 
“Thor, its been too long!” Heimdall says with a smile,” Does the all father know about our dear visitor?” He says, golden eyes looking into yours. Your face grows hot under his gaze as you smile at him shyly. His face softens at the sight of you.
“Y/n, welcome home” He says with a nod of his head. Your eyes widen as you distinctly remember not telling him your name. Thor and Heimdall chuckle at the look of surprise on your face
“Moonlight, Heimdall was the first person to take care of you before the Avengers” Thor said chuckling. 
“Oh, then its lovely to see you again” You say, not really knowing what to say.
Heimdall smiles and whispers to Thor, “ Does your brother know about this?” 
Thor winces, “No...” 
Heimdall stares at him for a bit before rolling his eyes. “My dear” He says to you,”You’re uncle is a buffoon.” You giggle at his words. Not understanding the severity of your presence.
“Come Y/n, lets get you settled in.” Thor says and you say goodbye to Heimdall, walking across the rainbow bridge in awe.
As you walk through the streets of Asgard, you noticed people staring at you. They whispered to each other as you passed by. You thought it was because Thor was home, but you had a weird feeling. 
“Hey, uncle Thor?” you whisper
“Yes darling?”
“Why are they staring at me?”
“Oh...uh. ....cause you’re dressed in midgardian garments. when we get to the castle we’ll get you something to wear” Thor says nervously. You squint at his excuse. “Okayy” you say weirded out by his behavior.
Finally reaching the palace, you look around in awe. It looked like something out of a fantasy book. Thor lead you through the halls when a beautiful woman sped towards the two of you. 
“Thor!” she said wrapping him in a hug.”welcome home my son”
“Mother” Thor says hugging her back,”I have missed you”
“Oh this is Frigga” you think to yourself. You feel a slight pang of jealousy, seeing Thor be embraced by his mother. But you push that thought aside when they break apart and Thor beckons you over. 
“Mother...this is Y/n.” He says slowly. Frigga freezes at your name. 
“Y/n?” She whispers, looking at you with wide eyes. She steps closer you you and puts her hands on your face and stares into your eyes.
“Oh, I’d know those eyes anywhere.” She says. “ Oh darling”
She pulls you into a loving embrace, startling you. “I haven’t seen you since you were but a babe.” she holds you at arms length. “Oh you...you look just like..” She stops herself, shaking her head and wipes away tears. “Look at me, crying all over you” 
You smile,”It’s okay, its lovely to meet you.” 
Frigga laughs,” Yes, I am so happy you are here. Come, let me show you where you can rest.” As she leads you out of the room, she turns to Thor and says, “Thor, don’t forget to mention our guest to your brother.” And with that she wraps her arm around your shoulders and leads you to a guest room, asking about your life and interest. 
You answer, blissfully unware or the dread running through Thor's body at the thought of confronting his brother.
Loki's POV
Thor slowly walked to the chambers, regretting every choice he  has made till now. He knew there were two way Loki would handle the news. He’d either go ballistic or completely disappear for however long Y/n was there. 
For his sake and hers, he'd prefer that latter option.
Finally reaching his room, Thor stood in front of the door. He was trying to figure out how to tell Loki his long lost daughter that he disowned was in the palace. Oh and she doesn’t know who her parents are. And that him and his team of superheroes have been raising her.....and that she has ice powers. 
Loki, sat in his room reading noticed shadows under his door. Rolling his eyes, he thought it was the maids again. They always hesitated to knock on his door. 
“What do you want?” Loki says in a monotone voice, opening the door only to his his brother standing their with a sheepish look on his face.”Thor.. you’re home.”
“Brother! How lovely to see you” Thor said loudly. “ I just came to ...uh..came to..”
Loki looked at him in irritation and confusion. “Came to what?” 
“Came to invite you to dinner!” Thor said grinning nervously
“What? no flowers?” Loki deadpanned 
“Oh hush brother” Thor said. “I have been away for so long, and I would be overjoyed if you came to my welcome home dinner.” 
“If I agree, will you leave me be?” Loki said. finally irritated with his brothers presence. 
“Yes!” Thor said. “ Wonderful...”
Loki looked at him weirdly again and nodded, but before he closed the door Thor started talking.
“Brother, tell me, how have you been?” He asked
“Wonderful, now do you mi-“ “Be honest.”
Loki glares at his brothers words and stays silent for a while. Then he sighs and steps aside, letting Thor in his room.
“I don’t know.” He finally says, looking down at the floor.
“You..don’t know?” Thor repeats, not understanding the response.
“Yes. At first I was devastated, I was angry. But now...now I feel empty. Like there’s something in my life that I’m missing.” Loki sighs again, looking out the window. “Every time I look, there she is. Sometimes she’s reading in the garden. Sometimes she’s helping the maids. And sometimes...” Loki stops himself, tears forming in his eyes.
“Sometimes..?” Thor prompts gently as he slowly walks to the bookshelf, leaning against it.
“Sometimes I see her staring at me. Disappointed.” Loki finally says, his back turned to Thor as he lets his tears fall freely.
“Loki..I am certain she understand.” Thor says, “ would she be upset? Probably.” Loki tenses at his, his brothers words sting at his heart. “But, she knew you. I think she’d prefer her child to be well loved.”
Loki nodded, still not facing Thor. And because of that, he didn’t notice Thor swipe a particular journal and replace it with another book.
“Well” Thor said suddenly,” I should be off, I promised mother I’d help show our guest around.”
“Our guest?” Loki said making a face at the thought of socializing.
“ Oh yes.” Thor said walking out of the room, “ a princess of some sort, I believe”
Loki rolls his eyes, he knew if royalty was visiting, he’d be forced to dress up and make stale conversation.
Meanwhile, Thor walked down the halls, with a beautiful leather journal, that belonged to a certain girls mother. And a plan in mind.
Taglist: @mika-dannielle @brightsunanddarkmidnight2-0
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attllhak · 3 years
Adoption AU - Wild and Warriors: The Epic Quest For Taco Bell at 3 am
@tortilla-of-courage so you mentioned you’d be interested in my Adoption AU one-shots, and now that things have calmed down in my house a bit I figured I’d post the first one-shot I wrote; the one about Wild and Warriors going for a Taco Bell run. Theoretically, I was going to do a one-shot for each grouping of boys, as an introduction, but I don’t think that’s happening anymore. Either way, here’s the first thing I wrote!
(And, anyone else who would like to be tagged if/when I post more for this AU, let me know here and I’ll make a list or something)
“anyone know any good substitutes for love and personal fulfilment?”
Warriors sent the tweet without much thought. He didn’t actually care about an answer, he just felt like venting about his most recent break up in a vague way, and thought he was being funny. He could already see Legend rolling his eyes.
His phone dinged a few times, one reply from Twilight, asking why he was up so late (which he’d responded to with the same inquiry, which had Twilight going silent), one from Legend mocking him, one from Hyrule trying to actually help. He was surprised how many of his brothers were up at this hour.
He dropped the phone on his bed, rubbing his eyes. He wasn’t actually all that tired, probably a consequence of having all afternoon classes and a habit of leaving his work to the last minute. Eh, the first year was supposed to be mostly parties anyways. (Not that Time would ever find out he said that.)
His phone dinged again and he groaned, eying the clock and the small bottle of melatonin next to it. 2:43 am. He should sleep. He didn’t have anything tomorrow, he finished his last final earlier that afternoon, though, so a few more minutes couldn’t hurt.
He picked up the phone and woke it up again. He blinked a few times at the new reply.
“crunchwrap supreme from taco bell”
He ignored Twilight yelling at Wild for being up, as apparently Wild did have a final tomorrow still. Not that Wild was paying any more attention.
He snorted, hitting the like button on Wild’s tweet and clicking off his phone. He reached up to stretch, yawning as he did. He eyed the melatonin bottle again. Technically, he didn’t need the supplements to sleep, but with how messed up his sleep schedule was, they did help him knock out when he planned on sleeping at a reasonable hour. This wasn’t a reasonable hour, but sleepiness hadn’t set in yet either.
Before he could decide, his phone lit up with a text notification. He tilted his head back and pointed his phone down to look at instead of dropping his arms.
Gordon Ramsey 2:44 am
lets go
Warriors blinked once. Then again. He unlocked his phone to type back.
what?????? go where?????
A second passed when he got a reply.
taco bell
for your substitute for love
since you got dumped and need something
oops was that too soon
Warriors blinked at the screen again. Wild lived twenty minutes away from the university Warriors was attending, and the nearest Taco Bell was no closer. Plus, Time had revoked Wild’s driving privileges after he crashed his bike into the barn and broke both and his arm. There was no way Wild was getting to the university, much less a fast food joint. Especially at this hour.
and how do you plan to do that? You aren’t allowed to drive yet Mr. Broken Arm
you have a care
That was a very good point.
you are suggesting that I drive 20mins outside of town to pick you up, drive another 20mins back into town, then drive around downtown until we find an open taco bell, at 3am on a school night before you have a final?
There was a few seconds pause, just long enough for Warriors to consider that he’d given up on it.
we wont be driving all over town
i googled it and found one
its like 10mins form your collage
Warriors considered that.
twilight won’t be happy
only if he finds out
Wild made a very good point.
how do you plan to get out of the house without him noticing?
i have a window war
The response was so immediate, and he was probably sleep deprived enough, that he burst out laughing when it sent.
He clicked his phone shut and shoved it in his pocket, grabbing a jacket and his scarf on the way out of his room. He was struggling to shrug them both on at once when he realized his roommate was still up too. There was a tense staredown as their eyes met and they both froze.
Volga broke the standoff by closing his book. “And where are you going at this hour?”
Warriors considered that. “My brother bribed me with food to break him out of the house,”
“At,” he glanced at his watch, “two forty-nine am?”
The silence was tense.
Volga sighed and opened his book again. “Don’t crash and die, I’d hate to have to get a new roommate when I’ve finally gotten used to you,”
“Don’t burn the dorm down while I’m gone,” Warriors joked back, finally getting the fabric to work with him.
“It happened once, and it’s not like you’re any better at cooking!”
“I don’t set what I make on fire, and then freak out and throw it when blowing out that fire doesn’t work,” he grabbed his keys from the dish by the door and waved behind him.
“It happened once, Link!”
“And it’s why we order out now,” he grinned, ducking out the door. “See you later, Volg, be back in an hour or so,”
He could hear Volga’s angry shout through the door, so hurried down the stairs to the ground level as quickly as he could, before Volga woke their neighbor again.
He was still giggling when he got to the parking lot. Volga was just too easy to rile up.
The cool night air woke him up a little more so, and he took a deep breath as he located his car. A hand-me-down vehicle, he inherited it from Time when he was old enough to drive. Mostly this was so he could stop asking everyone else for their cars when he wanted to go somewhere. A little elbow grease however, and no one could tell it was at least 20 years old and not fresh off the lot. He made sure none of his brothers were allowed to drive it, especially after Wild got his bike stuck in a tree, or Legend crashed into a lake, or Twilight picked up drag racing, or Wild got his bike stuck on the roof, or Hyrule lost his car, or Four rolled his truck, or Wild and the barn literally last week. A lot of the crashes in the family came from Wild going ‘oh yeah? Watch this!’ now that he thought about it. It was a miracle he still had the same bike.
The twenty minute drive to the farm was pretty boring, nothing of note really happening.
He turned off his headlights as he pulled into the drive, not wanting to wake anyone, especially Time, up. He shot off a quick text to Wild when he parked.
A window opened and Legend’s head poked out to glare at him. His phone dinged.
Royal Pain 3:12 am
what are you doing here?
He glared back at Legend and typed out a response.
taco bell run
Legend glanced down, presumably at his phone, then back up a Warriors with an incredulous expression.
at 3am????
and if so why are you /here/????
Warriors pointedly looked around the house where Wild emerged from the bushes. Said brother grinned and popped open the passenger door to climb in.
“Hey,” he grinned. His hair was a mess, with at least two visible sticks stuck in it, and he was still in his sleep clothes. Despite this, he seemed fine.
“Legend has us made,” Warriors nodded to their brother, who was still glaring with his head out the window.
Royal Pain 3:15 am
twilight won’t be happy about this
Warriors frowned, trying to shield his phone from Wild as he typed back.
twilight won’t know
Warriors did not like the look in Legend’s eyes as he got the next text.
unless i tell him
Warriors glared up at his brother, working his jaw.
what do you want?
He hated the pleased grin Legend shot him.
the most expensive thing on the menu on your dime
Warriors shoved his phone away with a growl, flipping off the overly smug Legend as he put the car in gear. “Asshole,” he muttered.
“What was that about?” Wild asked.
“We’re buying him food too now,” Warriors growled, flicking back on his headlights.
“Oh, cool,” Wild leaned back into the seat and pulled out his phone. “So the Taco Bell we’re going to only has the drive thru open, and it’s just off main street,”
Warriors nodded, focussing on the road and not that Wild had found the aux cord.
About thirty minutes later, as Wild finally turned down the music to provide directions, he snapped and turned to Warriors mid direction. “Do you want to sign my cast?”
Warriors blinked. “Maybe when we stop, I’m not crashing to sign your cast right now.”
Wild nodded, and pointed across Warriors at the street they had to go down.
They pulled into the drive thru and ordered, then had to wait for the very expensive thing Legend wanted. Warriors turned to Wild as the car idled.
“Do you have a marker?”
Wild blinked at him, then brightened up and offered out a sharpie and his right arm. The cast, under the signatures and well wishes of their family and all of Wild’s friends, was painted in very poorly drawn flames. Warriors raised an eyebrow as he searched for a clear spot to sign.
“Hyrule painted it for me,” Wild explained with a grin.
“Ah,” Warriors hummed as he finally tracked down an empty space by Wild’s elbow.
He scrawled out his name, not much room for anything else, and then handed the capped sharpie back to Wild while he twisted around to accept the food from the drive thru worker.
He shot off a text to Legend to let him know they had his food, alongside an upset emoji. Legend sent him a devil face emoji back. Wild dug through the bag for his food, sharpie stuck in his hair alongside the twigs, which seemed to be multiplying.
Warriors rolled his eyes and pulled back onto the road.
At some point, Wild pulled the wrap out and handed it to Warriors, who ate one handed as he drove. Wild was right about one thing, the wrap did taste very good.
He pulled into the drive of the farmhouse, headlights off, just as he finished off the wrap. He phone dinged the second he put the car in park.
Royal Pain 3:58 am
where’s my food bitch
Warriors looked up to the window where Legend was leaning out and glaring at him.
Wild laughed at the surly look on Legend’s face, climbing out and taking the bag with him. “I’ll feed him,” he promised, grinning. “Thanks for the trip, War!”
“No problem,” Warriors grinned back. “Just make sure you get to bed once you’re inside, so Twi doesn’t suspect in the morning,”
Wild gave him a thumbs up. He shut the door a little too hard, making Warriors wince, and bounced up to throw the bag up to Legend. Legend caught it the second time, when Wild opted to use his not broken arm to toss it, and disappeared inside again. Warriors’ phone dinged again a few seconds later.
Royal Pain 4:00 am
thanks pretty boy
your secret is safe with me
for now
Warriors rolled his eyes and sent him a thumbs up back, then pulled out of the drive again to head back to campus. He was actually starting to feel tired now, so he figured he’d get home and just crash. It’d be like, 4:30 in the morning by then, and he was pretty sure Volga would be asleep. And if he wasn’t, they had a rule that after 4 am until 7 they were allowed to ignore each other, so it’d be fine.
Volga was asleep when Warriors snuck in, passed out in a chair with the book on his chest. Warriors took the sight in, then sighed.
He dropped his keys in the dish, then pulled off his jacket and scarf to hang in his room. He grabbed a bookmark off his shelf and wandered back out to pull the book off of Volga’s chest and set it down so the spine wouldn’t crease. He left Volga like that, however. He didn’t want the books to get damaged, but if Volga was dumb enough to fall asleep in the common room without a blanket, then he deserved what he woke up with.
He was very lucky that Warriors was too tired to find a sharpie.
He fell asleep before remembering to take off his shoes.
The next morning, so about noon, he was woken by Volga pounding on the door to put his phone on silent.
His phone buzzed on the desk next to him and he pulled it off and up to his head, hitting answer before looking at the contact.
“Hullo?” He slurred, still half asleep.
“Twilight knows,” Legend greeted him.
“What?” Warriors sat up, groaning as his back complained from sleeping on his stomach all night. It took a second for his brain to catch up.
“Twilight knows,” Legend repeated. “Hyrule sold you out, unintentionally, and I can hear him selling you both out to Time,”
Warriors blanched as the words registered. “Oh shit,” he threw himself out of bed, hissing as he realized he slept fully dressed, and scrambled for the things he’d need in order to flee. “How long?”
“Twenty minutes if you get lucky and Wind pulls through, less if not,”
Warriors cursed under his breath as he changed his shirt and tried to make it look like he hadn’t been sleeping in what he was wearing. “Thanks for the heads up, I’d say I owe you but,”
“You’d rather not owe me,”
“Look, if you get caught and cave, I go down too. This is self-preservation. Don’t cave and we’re even.”
“Got it, I won’t,”
“You better not,” Legend hissed. “Good luck,”
“Thanks,” Warriors nodded, even though Legend couldn’t see him.
He tossed the phone on his dresser as the line went dead and he went about trying to comb through his hair so he looked presentable.
A hard knock on his door came a few seconds later.
“I put my phone on vibrate, Volga!” He shouted through the door. “You can drop it now!”
Warriors paused, then opened the door. Lana, Impa and Artemis waited on the other side, Volga glaring at them and hovering behind them.
Warriors blinked dumbly at them. “Uh, hi?”
“Hi Link! Good morning!” Lana grinned and waved at him.
“It’s noon,” Impa reminded the group, eying Warriors up and down.
“Oh, right,” Lana nodded, then went back to grinning at him. “Good noon, Link!”
He snorted and shook his head to clear it. “Good noon to you too, Lana. Can I ask what you’re all doing here?”
“We were hoping you’d join us for something,” Artemis smiled at him, also looking him over, trying to find whatever Impa had picked up on. “We’re going on a small road trip since all our finals are over, and we were planning on hitting a few different cities over the week,”
“Mhm,” Lana nodded quickly. “We’re leaving today, and are taking no calls until we get back, and we’re camping in the car, which is why we’re using my van, and we were hoping you’d come with us,”
“I’m in,”
The three girls blinked at him. Maybe he answered too fast, but taking no calls, meaning no contact with his family, for a week gave them time to move past this, and he really didn’t want to deal with a lecture from Time. His friends just offered him asylum, whether they knew it or not.
Impa narrowed her eyes. “What happened with your family?” She asked, already onto him.
“Nothing that’s my fault,” he responded, ducking back into his room. “What should I bring with?”
Lana listed off what they figured they’d take and he pulled out a suitcase, nodding along as he started packing. He fired off a text to the group chat as he grabbed his jacket, tossed over one arm, and wrapped his scarf around his neck.
World’s Best Captain 11:39 am
Leaving on a road trip with some friends. Be back in a week, but I can’t take calls until I’m back. Don’t kill each other!
He put his phone on silent and slipped it into his pocket.
He might have a hellish text backlog when he got back, but it’d be better than the lecture from Time. And besides, he got to spend a week with the best girls he knew.
As far as he was concerned, everything worked out win-win for him.
Wild was right, the crunchwrap supreme from Taco Bell did work wonders in supplying love and personal fulfilment, even if not in the way he meant it.
He made a note to get Wild something as thanks while they were out. Maybe some crash pads. Goddesses knew that his brother needed them.
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