#bill cipher being a bad bitch
i-need-of-a-hobby · 2 years
So we all know the theory that Gravity Falls, The Owl House and Amphibia take place in the same universe right?
its a pretty well know theory (even if you don't believe it) in all three fandoms but if you don't here's the gist of it:
so basically that theory is built off easter eggs, like willows dads having a book with Hop-Pops face on it
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and references to the other shows like that entire Gravity Falls episode in Amphibia,
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that imply that they’re taking place simultaneously, with gravity falls taking place in 2012 and TOH and amphibia taking place in 2019-2020 (without the covid the lucky bastards) with Camilla reading an article about a girl returning from a frog world in the season 2 finale of TOH
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but that opens the door for a whole lot of inter-dimensional *shenanigans* and so many plot points i can and will argue reference and overlap with each other.
now theres the obvious similarities like how bills minions fit the description of beast demons from the owl house:
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(ignore the circling its not my screenshot I found it on google)
and bill himself is on one of kings posters when he tries to teach Luz about demons:
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Bill is also in the book that tells marcy about the calamity box:
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a book I believe was written by ford since the cover says its by "Dr. P" (P-ines anyone?) and has eyes that look awfully familiar, which I think are a reference to either the cores eyes, the portal doors eye from toh, or Bills eye (and the fact that this eye symbol is so similar across shows feeds the theory that they're all in the same universe)
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meaning the Bill is a semi-universal character/figure throughout the different realms
if the other realms (Bill's realm, the several Ford got trapped in, the Boiling Isles, and Amphibia) have access to each other, and Bill is as universal as he seems, he probably interacted with some citizens of those realms, and probably left a mark
now it's finally time for my personal take/add-in:
we never get an origin for the core 
or the newts relation to the core
we get an episode about Andrias's personal history and his individual relation to the core, and how he came to be the guy who manipulated and then stabbed a very vulnerable teenage girl, but it seems like the core has just been with the Leviathan lineage since at least before Andrias's dad (who's over a thousand years old since thats how old the flashback is)
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so, what am I rambling about?
well, if bill, a dream demon, made his way to amphibia, the core might have been the newts attempt to artificially replicate his powers
NOW HEAR ME OUT: on top of being incredibly powerful once he’s released in gravity falls
he also has the power to go into other peoples minds and search their memories like he does to Stan in his very introduction
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which is an awful lot like what the core tries to do, since Andrias says the core is the hive mind of a dozen of the greatest newt minds and when Darcy happens it has complete access to her memories
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not to mention how when it talks to andrias what physically appears when it talks are it’s eyes, which is what changes on dipper and Blendin (time travel dude) when bill possess them
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the amphibians (powered by the music box) were an incredibly advanced civilization capable of a lot of damage (as seen by the literal frobot army they created
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so i don't think it would be crazy to say that when they (specifically the newts) saw what a being like Bill could do, they would try to replicate it.
Obviously, the core and Bills mind-jumping powers are not the same, which is a way I'd say the Amphibians failed: instead of popping in and out of peoples minds like Bill does, the core completely takes their minds, more like a parasite.
we don't know all the parameters since we know basically nothing about the other newts in the hive mind, other than that each mind shows up as an eye on the cores "head" before and after it possesses Marcy. and speaking of the girl, she has no control or consciousness (that we know of) while under the cores control.
but we do get one and a half-ish examples of people who are very aware of the cores presence in their mind (unlike Bill) but are physically controlling their own bodies (we think) (unlike Marcy) and those two are Andrias and his dad, who both communicate with the core more like it's just a very dangerous, intrusive thought.
so.... yeah...
idk how to end this but please reblog and tell me if you think im crazy or not-
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loudn0isesart · 2 months
Finally got the chance to doodle on a laptop for the first time all summer lol. So take some late night doodles!!!
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(Ocs by me and @tis0bug)
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chaifootsteps · 29 days
Bill Cipher is who Viv/Hazbin fans think Alastor is.
Bill Cipher is an actual antagonist with fucked up morals who takes over dimensions tries to murder children, among other crimes. He is charismatic but menacing, with a unique delivery and way of speaking.
Alastor is an edgelord who never does anything much worse than any other character in the show. He lost all of his charisma post-pilot, having his edges sanded down to be just another swearing, hyper Vivziepop OC.
The narrative never justifies any of Bill’s crimes, even though the recent Book of Bill did reveal something of a tragic backstory for him. However, Bill’s backstory was not to make you feel sorry for him, for you to understand, at least partially, how he became the way he is.
Alastor’s backstory hasn’t been elaborated on yet, but based on how Viv handled Stolas (and some of the rumors I’ve heard that aren’t verified about S2), Alastor’s backstory is going to waive him of any accountability by making excuses like “well his mom died and his dad was a bitch and Vox betrayed him so you should feel bad!!!” or “oh well actually the people he was eating were all evil, you know, like Sweeney Todd!!!” Which is ironic, because Viv is a huge musical theater fan and most certainly familiar with Sweeney Todd. Wonder how much she’ll rip off while ignoring what made Sweeney Todd actually good…
My final point is a nitpick, but Bill Cipher unironically has way more sex appeal than Alastor. Like I don’t see what’s attractive about Alastor, and while Bill being a literal triangle/sociopath is kinda an odd thing for a layperson to find attractive, I can understand *why* because of his personality. Alastor has no real personality or character or quirks that we haven’t seen before. He’s just Bill Cipher, Dr. Facilier, and a 2009 DeviantArt furry OC put in a blender.
I think pilot Alastor had the potential to be a villain on par with Bill Cipher, writing quality wise. As is, he's just another one of Viv's many overgrown manchildren, spouting curses and acting as a real threat to no one.
And it's true, Bill really does have more sex appeal. Just ask Ford.
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ur-local-demon1 · 1 month
Rants from a tired writer 2: "killing *insert name of irredeemable villain here* actually makes us worse than them :("
In the year of our lord 2024, there is not a single reason why I should have to keep seeing this bs without the character who said those words getting some common sense bitch slapped into them. For the last time dearest writers, no, your MC killing the irredeemable villain does not make them worse or just as bad; remember, they are irredeemable for a reason!!
The only show that did this properly (that I can think off the top of my head) is Avatar the Last Airbender, because of course they did, this show never misses. There is such beauty in Ozai being forced to kneel before the last airbender, the only one he failed to kill, as he neutralises him in a way that honours the pacifist way of life of the air nomads. Aang didn't take Ozai's bending instead of taking his life because it was "the right thing to do"; another Avatar would have but that does not make them or Aang any less of a good Avatar for it. It made sense for Aang to choose not to murder Ozai, it was the most in-character thing he ever did and a lot of us could see a conclusion like this coming from a few thousand miles away.
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Point is, if you're gonna go down that route, at least make it make sense, because, no, committing regicide on a tyrant that oppressed millions for ages does NOT make your MC as bad as them. Do you think Stanley Pines is as evil as Bill Cipher for burning him alive?
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Can we call Luz Emperor Belos 2.0 for letting him rot in the boiling rain?
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No! I heavily suggest that instead of recycling this moral dilemma every time the MC has to face the main villain, you should have them focus on rebuilding the "evil empire". Something like "okay, we need to overthrow the tyrant... Then what?" Which is something that the Owl House did really well. The Coven System was successfully abolished and long since forgotten, allowing magic to be explored freely like in the savage ages, and everyone has a role to play in the rebuilding of the isles which makes witches and demons more united than ever before. Nothing is perfect after Belos' death; some of the old Coven Heads were seen trying to go back to the old ways, Luz was pretty much left without magic for a few years and will have to wait for King to grow stronger in order to start using glyphs again, and that's fine.
If you really want your characters to explore the morals of overthrowing a tyrant and taking over, how about this: Let them wonder if they are fit to run a country or to change the system so radically, if it's fair to its people to change their lives so suddenly. I'm once again taking ATLA as an example, but in the comics, Aang and Zuko got into a fight because Zuko did not want to drive firebenders out of earthbender colonies because many people lived there their whole lives and shared both cultures, which the local earthbenders from those colonies did not mind in the slightest. TL;DR: be creative
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madaraservingcunt · 4 months
a better ending for Naruto: Shippuden than the actual ending is what if Sasuke died sacrificing himself to save the world alongside Kaguya. Sasuke's sacrifice also revives Neji, Madara, Itachi, Obito, and those nameless samurai ppl from the five kage summit arc and them sasuke haters on reddit can finally shut the fuck up and be satisfied with him dying (eh, i do not hate sasuke or anything but i'm fine with him dying because he's in the way of the great Naruto X Madara ship and I also want to make Sakura suffer because I hate her). Then after mourning Sasuke's death Naruto decides to marry Madara Uchiha, become hokage, and start actually fucking fixing the shinobi system starting with getting rid of those stupid Chūnin Selection Exams, restoring the rain village like he promised konan, and banning slavery in the hyuga clan. Sakura is a stupid bitch who is too busy being a cook at some restaurant spending the rest of her life being a miserable sad bitch who gave up being a ninja because her bad boy crush died and everyone tells her to stop whining and get back in the kitchen because i hate her. Naruto is such a giga chad alpha male hero protagonist of the Konoha village he also ends up marrying more men like Ryu from Street Fighter and Jin Kazama from Tekken who join his harem. They join Madara in giving Naruto all the love and respect after Naruto suffered so much in life. One day, Madara finds out he is pregnant with Naruto's child. Madara is a male hermaphrodite who has a vagina thanks to Indra's chakra. Naruto would be a such loving husband satisfying Madara's cravings for ramen, rubbing his massive pregnant tummy, and feeling their child kicking inside of his pregnant belly. Naruto would hold Madara's hand as Madara keeps pushing giving birth to the hokage Naruto's child. Itachi and Obito would also get harem of bitches and have lots of children, starting a large family. Itachi, Madara, and Obito fufill Sasuke's dying wish of restoring the Uchiha clan. Both Jin and Ryu also end up pregnant with Naruto's babies and give the firstborn more siblings (let's say Jin Kazama is also a male hermaphrodite who has a vagina because he has the Devil Gene). Madara and Naruto's kids would be broken as fuck think about it - rinnegan, healing factors, wood style jutsu, sharingan, Perfect Susanoo, large chakra reserves, Rasengan, shadow clone jutsu. Yes, their son would be so powerful he can beat goku, saitama, unicron, galactus, the one above all, the presence, rimuru tempest, gojo, Anos Voldigoad, bill cipher and can easily one shot all of the stupid lame boruto villains like delta or eida - truly I don't think any anime character stronger than naruto and madara's son. their kid will also not be an unlikable badly written brat asshole unlike fucking burrito and their kid will be grateful for his giga chad daddy naruto's existence. adult naruto will look more like his father minato instead of the ugly ass design he got in boruto. yes this ending would be a million times better than the abomination that is boruto and chapter 700.
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dragoncarrion · 25 days
“I just think a lot of you enjoy something in a way I don’t always enjoy it” absolute smoothbrain take. Infantilizing the shippers and puritytok pilled foolishness. Bill Cipher is getting spit-roasted by the Greedler and Dean Winchester in my fic and there’s nothing your Pearl Clutching (a sexual Steven Universe Maneuver) can ever do to stop it.
“I don’t think it’s bad I just think that-“ let me shut you up there, Chief. Assuming shippers aren’t “capable” of your Special Smart Person Unsullied Critical Analysis is nothing but hubris on your part. The gods will fuck you apart for it as they see fit.
Blessed are the shippers, for they will inherit the kinkdom of a Heaven that would kill your inner Victorian child like a flavor blasted goldfish.
People can love smut while also being capable of deeper analysis you miserable dork. And yes, emphasis on the DEEPer ANALysis.
Here’s a Real and True Rule you should follow: The Only Fic You Should Have A Problem With Is Your Own. Bitch.
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The Owl House For the Future Recap
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The gang tries to navigate the Collector’s new playground while dealing with the fallout of their fight with Belos. Spoilers below. 
Cause even the shortened season couldn’t even go without some controversy, Canadian itunes leaked the whole episode two weeks ago. Urg, anyway, like last episode we pick up from the end of King’s Tide, except from the Boiling Isles point of view. The Collector rains down stairs turning people into puppets, including Lilith and Hooty. Oh Hooty, We hardly knew thee.
Once back in the Isles, Camilia has a hard time dealing with both what is normal for the demon realm and what the Collector is doing. But I love her little mom moments with Luz. Willow is trying to be everyone’s rock but this causes her to push down her own fears about her missing Dads. Her stress manifests as planets popping up until she nearly smooshes herself with vines. Hunter summons the magic inside him and talks her down and allows her to cry. It’s so sweet. And they hold pinkies. Oh my shipping heart, let them get together!
Meanwhile at Hexside, the kids have predictably fallen into chaos. Boscha is the puppet Queen of Kikimora whose big villain plan is.. Hide in a high school and pretend to be a teenager. Luz doesn’t see her as a threat. Camilia hitting Kiki face with the bat is fantastic!  
And Boscha, whose friends were some of the only teens taken by the collector, just wants Amity back as queen bee so she could get some kind of normal. But Amity just isn't that person anymore. But she can save her friends. I do find it hilarious that Boscha just wants to be the beta bitch to Amity's queen bee. In the end she redeems herself by leading the other kids against Kikimora, which was a pretty fitting end for her.
Without any palismans to eat, Belos is now falling apart. He sees the ghosts of Caleb and the other Hunters; it's about 50/50 between hallucinations and actual ghosts.
Odalia has escaped puppetification by working with the Collector and by working with, she’s basically a nanny. It is going better for her than Preston Northwest’s attempt to work for Bill Cipher. No Picasso face! I still wonder where Alador is.
Eda and Lilith are being kept safe from the Collector by King. They don't do much here but it's nice to see them.
Now to talk about the Collector. I know I'm in the minority on this, but I’m deeply disappointed that they’re going with a ‘wowowo whiddle baby who doesn’t understand the stuff they’re doing’ character. I really love the sinister build up The Collector had when they were introduced. The creepy cloak when they trapped the owl beast up to his excitement at the day of unity in Hollow’s Mind. But this feels like a very different character. I guess there are more sinister evil Collectors mentioned in the lore, and the Collector who trapped the Owl beast and the Grand Huntsman could be different Collectors. I don’t know, I just didn’t want the big bad to get Steven Universed. We still have Belos at least.  
I do feel like Luz’s Palisman was a cheat too. Oh, a snake shifter. Cool would be cool if I knew what the hell that was Luz. I did love how the palisman got hatched though. I love Luz’s little realization that she just wanted to be understood. And Luz calling her mom a secret nerd! So cute.
I continue to be impressed at the show's ability to organically fit in as much plot as it does. It helps that it was a very lean show to begin with, sneaking in plot and set up in even fillery episodes. As opposed to Steven Universe and Star vs the Forces of We Evil which loved to take many brothers with characters that don't back. Which is fine in theory but it left their finals rushed and awkward when they got cut short. I mean we still got one more episode but we don't have much left to cover. Just Collector/Titan lore (differently involving that gold guy Luz saw in the in-between), maybe some more Belos/Clawthrone history, final battle, and the resolution. There is the Bat Queen stuff but that hasn't been brought up since early season two and will most likely to kept in their back pocket in case of a revival.
Grips about the Collector aside, a wonderful part two. 3 ½ out of 4.
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Okay but about that oc poll
I answered it for Ariana, but honestly Kendra would be more accurately the 'kills people' one. Ria kills the narrative bad guys and even when she's vicious about it the betas were typically cheering. For most of the book she's in her suffering wet meow meow era so I probably should've put Pathetic Loser.
KENDRA however
She is more or less domesticated now so the audience also LOUDLY loves her, but I I think once it's fandom wide there's gonna be hella discourse about her deadass believing Genocide is Correct Actually.
(Either that or meow meow her for the hot goth mom status and Pretend They Do Not See It -cough cough-)
Drea would fit this too (Kendra's gf partner wife etc). She would be getting cancelled for the genociding but also that she is a manipulative, GIANT slut. Literally improves her identity stealing powers by fucking people (fresh dna samples baybeee). 'Sex or teeth' are the actual options she gives people because she can also get the perfect copies from molars, for all the aces and minors and non-monsterfuckers out there. And yes, this does mean she has storage of teeth from various people and creatures somewhere. Add that to the problematic list.
Cloud is another big overflirty slut but he's also a fucking PEST because he can't feel fear at all but sees everyone else's and it makes him a snarky, nihilistic, Bill Cipher-flavored asshole, so mark him for Unpleasant To Be Around.
We're gonna ignore the giant closet labeled Co-Dependency Issues behind Terios because I made him perfect without flaw and will not be accepting constructive criticism on him at this time
Damali is the perfect standard cinnamon roll new baby gay by design. Her amnesiac ass literally says 'I CAN LIKE GIRLS??????????' in the book and then proceeds to ask out the first emotionally unavailable morally gray girl that's ever been nice to her. So she's clear.
AND SABIN. My little Demi sad boy. Can't say he pulls 0 bitches because he's pulled at least 1 bitch so thoroughly that his ghost haunts her and the narrative and is slowly driving her insane. But he WAS the og suffering wet meow meow of the group before Ria, so we'll lovingly put him in the Pathetic box.
But you know who OWNS the Pathetic box?????????? Sapphire. Queen Pathetic. Queen Bad Decisions. My beautiful daughter with nothing going on in that brain to the point of violence toward herself and everyone around her. Cringefail White Knight. Sorry Ria, it's another thing she's being chosen over you for.
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civicmuses · 1 month
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anonymous asked:
How does Marsha truly feel about Rin?
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"Is my feelings on Rin all you guys care about? Like...of all the people I know...you keep asking about Rin. Rin this. Rin that. Have you considered that I am tired of talking about Rin. I don't like Rin. Not anymore. He is an asshole. Even if we're jerks to each other, he is also a jerk to my sisters and my dog. And that part about he'd stop being a jerk to me when I stop being a jerk to him? He's a fucking liar. Because he still treats me the same no matter what I do. Like when I was trying to warn him about Bill Cipher or when I was warning that angel guy to back off. But no...he just assume that I'm always out to get him and...I know that I can be a bitch a lot but I can't just change something that's been around for so long in a day. Not to mention how hypocritical he is. He can laugh at my sister for having a bad experience with furbies but he gets to be afraid of that same toy. He'd probably laugh at me if he knew about my problem with marshmallows. Or how I need to stay out of things I don't understand and yet he thinks he can put in nose in my family's business...something he doesn't understand. Or how about trying to force me towards therapy but gets upset over having 'therapy' being forced onto him. And...I feel that it's unfair that everyone around him treats him like some angel that can do no wrong meanwhile I'm always treated like that bitch who's mean to Rin for no reason. That's how I feel about Rin. Now stop asking about him."
@aonokumura (mentioned)
how does my muse feel about this person? | open & accepting
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zonerobotnik · 2 years
This is exactly what I meant with "don't start acting as if your hc is canon" IT'S NOT! Why did you even have to mention Bill Cipher and wind magic? WHY?! You are again acting as if your lore is the series canon when it's not and will never be. And saying that you are "consistent" is the biggest hypocrisy possible. You arbitrarily change things as you see fit. This is the stupid arrogance I'm talking about.
Clearly, you missed the part where I said that a lot of it was my personal lore, my headcanons, and not actual canon. And I don't "change things", I add to my lore. I have a notepad with my lore written up for me to keep track of what I've put in it. As for the Andrew and Saporians part, anyone with unbiased eyes can see that Varian was NOT abused. People heard "adult guy was in a cell with a child" and assumed the worst. As I said, Varian was a lot more uncomfortable with Eugene, Rapunzel and Lance in his lab than Andrew. His lab is, to him, his safe space, his place in the world, and to have someone in there makes him uncomfortable, unless he trusts them a lot. He was calmly working while Andrew and Clementine were in his lab with him, and when Rapunzel, Lance and Eugene were in his lab, he was watching them warily and acting nervous about them invading his privacy. This is proof that he felt safe with them and was not being abused. As for Bill Cipher, yeah, that's just MY personal lore. Obviously, it's not canon that Bill Cipher is connected to Zhan Tiri. DUH. Alex Hirsch has nothing to do with Chris Sonnenburg and would probably throw that piece of shit into the Bottomless Pit and Bill only cameos in stuff that is done by people he is friends with. And the magic? Magic is an established thing in Saporian culture, canonly, and I just built on that. The show gave us an interesting culture and didn't really tell us anything about it, so I filled in the blanks. But, hey, if you want me to write a fic where the Saporians are as bad as people claim, then I'm ready to employ the CHARACTER DEATH tag and KILL OFF MOST OF CORONA. I have an outline for that fic, and I frankly don't WANT to write it, but you seem to be a selfish little bitch that isn't happy enough with my stories and want me to write something horrifying! You call me "arrogant"? Who's the asshole that is sending me comments and Asks ON ANON accusing me of things I'm not doing? I'm just trying to enjoy writing my stories, with my established lore, and you have the choice to NOT read the stories I write FOR FREE. Get a damn life and stop harassing me over my established lore. I tried to explain everything in a calm, concise way, and you fucking call me arrogant. GO. TO. HELL. I know who you are on AO3, and I know not to trust you with anything now. Fuck you. Go write your own fucking stories and stay out of mine.
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frogsandcookies · 3 years
My Thoughts on Lego DC Batman Family Matters
-Disclaimer: I watched this on clips on YouTube so if things are out of order, oh well- 
-“Damian? Are you done with your math homework???” Bruce is actually acting like a normal dad
-DAMIAN’S SMILING AND ACTING LIKE A NORMAL KID (or as normal as you can be after everything he’s been through) BASICALLY HE’S HAPPY :D
-Oh my god he used the classic phrase of “When am I ever going to use ___ in the real world” I love it
-We get wholesome interactions between Bruce and Damian
-I half expected Damian to call Tim something along the lines of “Asshole” or “Bitch” 
-I just want to comment on how short Damian is 
-“In fact, I wanted to ask you to change my name to Dangerlad”
-Damian is acting like Dick from the Lego Batman movie (and it’s amazing)
-“Cross contamination is nothing to laugh about” As a person with celiac disease, I completely agree
-Ace’s chew toy is Superman
-“Next subject” Ah, back to avoidance
-Barbara just ignoring Dick and going straight to talking to Bruce XD
-The reason for this XD
-Catherine is awesome
-And at this point I realized why Damian sounds so familiar: He’s voiced by the same person who voices Robin on TTG
-Robin sneaking out to go meet them lol
-Barbara and Dick’s interactions XD
-“Oooh burn”
-Jason’s villain-ensue clapping
-I just noticed Dick’s hair. …I don’t know what to say
-I feel like if this wasn’t a PG movie, Jason would have said “Not shit, sherlock” when he’s talking to Damian
-ThE tRuSt FuNds (aka Dick worry about the trust funds) 
-Killer croc looks like the hulk with scales
-The way Catherine just beats Killer Croc’s sexist butt is amazing ; we Stan
-Jason’s kinda acting like a bitch ngl
-Dick and Damian interactions! :D
-Dick’s telling an old man story (ie. “Back in my day…)
-Damian just falls off a train XD
-“Something fishy’s going on for sure” A fish with TNT proceeds to be thrown at the two
-The Riddler’s voice is snakey
-Dick: *fails at telling a joke* | Damian: *disappointed sigh*
-The penguins have no eyes???? What the???
-THE TEN YEAR OLD IS DRIVING A CAR *proceeds to crash into a train*
-Jason proceeds to crawl out of the shadows in a totally not creepy way
-*sees graphling hook* Mabel Pines?
-Jason sounds a bit like Bill Cipher (voice-wise)
-“Not bad old man” -Jason to Dick
-Is that Haly’s circus???
-Gotham citizens are so neutralized to seeing the villains and bats running around that instead of running away, they just take photos lmao
-We Stan protective Dick 
-Don’t fuck with Alfred
-The license plate reads “yeahboi1”
-Billy Batson :D he sounds vaguely like Steven from SU *looks it up* HE’S VOICED BY THE SAME PERSON
-The mirroring of the movie fighting
-*Ominous bat shadow* *pan to see Bruce holding out his cape*
-“Or should I say…Jason Todd” *shocked Pikachu face reaction from everyone else* 
-How does Jason not have hat hair
-“I thought you were dead!” “You said I was dead?!”
-Obligatory Talia mention
-But they met at a train station?
-I love that Jason and Bruce met because Jason stole the wheels of the bat mobile 
-“You stole the wheels of the bat mobile? Oh dude that is so cool!” “Yeah, he was not happy” Damian and Jason friendly interaction :D
-I love the shared exasperation at Bruce
-Dramatic “he’s betrayed us. Again” from Damian who didn’t even know of Jason’s existence until several hours ago
-Two Faces’s suit is nasty looking
-“Fortune favors the bold” -Pliny the Elder right before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and now Two Face (the only reason I know the former is because of puppet history)
-The How To videos will one day take over the world
-“Truth, justice, and the destruction of Batman”
-“He’s a narcissistic jerk who has no regard for his family’s legacy or his own responsibility to Gotham” Not wrong kinda
-Damian and Barbara team up!
-Damian and Barbara falling out of the sky
-Damian being productive while the three adults fight 
-Dick: *weird rocket noises* | Barbara: “My insensitive boyfriend, everyone”
-“Listen to my gruff voice and be intimidated” 
-Two Face just eating Bruce out of the building
-Jason kinda reminds me from Michael from BMC b/c of the scene where he says “This is just like my favorite video game” as he shoots cyborg things
-Jason celebrating beating his video game and being happy and not angsty for once :D
-“…chum” “I looked up chum by the way. It means fish cut up into shark bait.” XD
-I like the parachutes
-Meetings are boring to be fair though
-Jason’s internal voice: “ya’ done fucked up Batman”
-Ace literally says “Bark”
End thoughts: So Damian’s obviously not in character too much but I like seeing him as a genuinely happy child so I don’t really care. It was also fun seeing Jason happy and the squabble between Dick and Barbara was amusing since it seems kinda accurate. I don’t know much about Catherine but she’s awesome in this movie (though she and Barbara look almost identical). Overall it was pretty good and an enjoyable experience :D Though I wish Tim, Steph, Cass, and Duke were in it. I can only imagine the heightened chaos 
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i-need-of-a-hobby · 2 years
but WAIT, THERE'S MORE (to the gravity falls - amphibia - owl house same universe theory)
if the core is a replication of Bill, like i said here, what other loose threads could be tied up in this theory? don't bother answering i already have a theory
 when sasha fights darcy in the final battle and scratches her cheek, marcy’s blood comes out green
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and we assume it’s not calamity related bc anne never mentions having blue blood and sasha’s blood and stone are- well- red
plus, at this point her connection to the stone had been severed in the first temple
so we can assume the green blood thing is a “not dying after getting impaled” development
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so it's no surprise that i’ve seen it put forward before that it was some kind of meditation andrias had her injected with after killing her so she wouldn’t stay dead, and that it has some sort of alien dna that keeps her from dying like a normal human would
now this reminds me of another green lifesaving substance....
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the palisman juice 
it keeps belos/phil alive for hundreds of years, and keeps his failing corpse together as he attacks some kids (before the collector shows up)
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whether or not Phil/Belos is alive, he functionally is becoming like the TOH equivalent to a zombie, held together by the palisman juice.
Phil/Belos is an example of palisman juice/power keeping someone alive or hundreds of years, and Flapjack's sacrifice is a good example of the juice/power bringing someone back from the dead
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where am i going you ask? well, if it can save Phil/Belos and Hunter from(the brink of) death, i'm willing to bet it has the power to bring a teenage girl back to life 
so if the cross-dimensional theory is correct
marcy surviving on palisman juice, or failing that, an newt attempt to replicate it, wouldn’t be out of the question
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Don’t Go Running Off Into Danger, Even If I Do pt 4
Aight bitches, this’ll be the first chapter when the title starts to make sense. Dipper and Mabel are complete idiots and manage to get lost in the Ghost Zone trying to find Danny, who knows the place. Also, Tucker and Sam. I’m contemplating making one of them nonbinary, prolly Tucker. Yup. And Sam may or may not have she/they pronouns. I think that’s all. Enjoy my chaos.
Chapter 4
Danny did not sleep. Skulker, Ember, Johnny and Kitty decided it would be a great idea to wreck havoc. Ghosts do need order. They said that they only did it because they have no leader. Danny suspected Clockwork was behind it, but he was too tired to string together much of a coherent thought. So, goodbye sleep schedule! He’d sleep in Lancer’s class. What was one more detention? 
He greeted Sam and Tucker at the doors. The Pines Twins also showed up.  “Danny, did you get a new girlfriend while we were away?” Sam joked.  “Shutup. I’m not in the mood,” Danny grumbled. “Oh, it’s cranky pants!” Tucker laughed. They seemed to think his fucked up sleep schedule was a joke. “Don’t blame me, blame Skulker and Johnny,” “Those two usually have Kitty and Ember with them,” Sam said. She had a point. “Yeah, yeah. You know the gyst. Anyways, this is Mason and Mabel,” He gestured to the twins. “They accidentally caught me transforming. Also, we have to make a trip to the Ghost Zone,” “Call me Dipper!”  “Once again, I’m not using your stupid nickname,” “Come on Danny, don’t be a dick,” Sam laughed.  “Bold of you to assume I can be one,” Danny snorted. Tucker slung his arms over the other two.  “Only you get to make trans jokes. And maybe not in earshot of Dash,” They pointed at the quarterback. “Eh. I’m the heir to the Ghost Throne. What can he do?” “You’re the what now?” Sam and Tucker yelled in unison. “Clockwork told me yesterday. Also, they’re immune to Time Outs,” “How is that possible?” Sam was confused. Danny didn’t blame them. “We had a run in with Bill Cipher,” Mabel said confidently. “Sounds boring. Why would the guy with powers be called Bill?” “You’re just salty because you got called InvisoBill,” Tucker comforted him. “I have half a mind to reveal myself to the entire school,” “Bill was extremely dangerous,” “Danger dorito!” Mabel chimed in. “You are not helping me take this seriously. Tucker, get off,” Danny shoved Tucker off. They were elbowing him in the ribs.  “Oh come on, you know you like it. Mwah!” Tucker kissed Danny’s cheek. Danny became a tomato.  “Hey! Not in front of the entire school!” He was completely gone. He’d been dating Tucker for about a month now.  “You guys are dating?” Mabel looked heartbroken. What the fuck? “Uhh, yeah. Tucker’s into guys and I’m bi. But we’d prefer not to announce it to the entire school,” “You know what you should announce to the entire school? That you’re Danny Phantom. Only if you take the crown though,” Sam said. “I’m doing it. Jazz said it would be a good idea,” “We’ll need cover then. Dipper, Mabel, you get to guard the portal!” Sam said way too enthusiastically. “They’re new! They know nothing about it!” Danny protested. “Well, if it’s anything like Great Uncle Ford’s portal, we can handle it,” Mabel said.  “That shut down the moment he walked out Mabel,” “My parents’ Ghost Portal has been going strong for two years!” Danny said. “And caused all of the madness in Amity. Never mind half killing you,” Sam said. “That was entirely your fault,” Danny replied. “I concede to that point,” Sam accepted her fate.  “Good. Now, are you guys sure you can handle this?” Danny was skeptical. “Yup!” Mason and Mabel said. 
Sleeping in Lancer’s class was a one way ticket to detention. But what did that matter? At lunch, he ran up to the stage in the caf and transformed in front of the entire school.  “FENTON IS PHANTOM?” “HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!?” “I’VE BEEN CRUSHING ON NERD BOY?” Ah, Paulina.  “Anywho, now that you’re all done panicking, yeah, it’s true. Tell whoever the fuck you want. I’m tired of lies and secrets. Also, I’m trans!” He flew off. He had to deal with a ghost. Val caught up with him before long.  “Are you a complete idiot?!” “Yup. But hey, who gives a fuck. Wes might get a kick out of it,” “You’re going to get yourself killed!” “Been there done that Val,” “Why?!” “Turns out I’m the heir to the Ghost Throne. Who the fuck is gonna mess with the all powerful Ghost King?” “You aren’t yet!” “I will be by the time school is over. Clockwork told me he’d help me out if I needed it,” The GAV came up under him.  “DANIEL FENTON! GET DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!” His mom yelled. “Nah, I’m good. You know, I’m surprised you didn’t notice your own son DIED,” “Danny, don’t be like that,”  “Don’t be like what Dad? Don’t be dead? Don’t protect Amity from ghosts? Oh! I’ll do you one better, don’t panic when you scream that you’ll rip me apart molecule by molecule? Now if you don’t mind, I didn’t sleep last night and the Box Ghost is back,” He rushed into the fight before they could see the tears.  “Danny!” He heard his mother howl in anguish.  “Hey bub. Fought you yesterday. I’m seriously not in the mood for a fight, so get in the fucking thermos!” He held out the thermos.  “BEWARE!” “SHUT UP!” He yelled and became invisible.  “Danny, we know you’re there,” Mom said.  “SO?! You know, I kinda hoped you would notice, but only Wes was smart enough to notice. I spent two years hiding. Now, I’ve got a Crown of Fire I need to take,” He sped off. There wasn’t gonna be more hiding.  “Wait, like Pariah Dark? Danny, that will corrupt your mind!” “Like being a half ghost has done? Oh, and just FYI, Vlad is half ghost too. Remember Plasmius? Vlad. Have fun!” He sped off for real this time.  “Vladdie’s a ghost?” Dad looked baffled. Danny sped past the school and grabbed the group.  “Was that really the best way to go about that?” Sam said. “You’re going to be all over the news!” Tucker screamed. “Meh. I was already. At least I’m not public enemy one anymore!” He dropped the Twins and sped into the portal. Sam and Tucker had put on the Fenton Phones already.  “Wes is having a field day,” Sam panted.  “Figured he would. Let’s go in,” They walked into Pariah’s Keep.“CLOCKWORK!” “Ah, I see you made the desicion to come,”  “Yup. Does there need to be a ceremony or something? Cause I just announced my identity to the entire school,” “Like a fucking dumbass,” Tucker muttered. “Bold of you to assume I could be anything but,” “Sorry Tuck, Danny’s right,”  “Yay! I can be right for once! Take that Jazz!” “About your dumbassery,” Tucker groaned. “Semantics. Let’s do this,” “You just need to place the crown atop your head, then place the ring on your hand. Right hand, ring finger,” “Does it have to be just like that?” “Bad things happen if you do it any other way,”  “Okay,” He sighed and did as told. He shivered as the crown became ice and a black billowing cape came off his shoulders. “Weird,” “Dude, you’re the Ghost King!” Tucker screamed.  “Ahh! Advanced hearing! Where’d that come from?” Danny covered his ears.  “When you become king, all of your existing abilities become amplified and you gain new ones,” “Oh yay. More powers to master,”  “Okay, this is great and all, but what does he do now?” Sam said.  “My ears,” Danny cried.  “Sorry,” She whispered.  “Your eyesight will also be advanced. You won’t notice it much here, but in the human world, it will become obvious,” “And painful to adjust to,” Danny muttered.  “Brrr. Danny, it’s freezing,” Tucker shivered.  “If I was bad at controlling that before, you think I can now?”  “Sorry dude. Let’s head back,” “I need to tell the people my first rule real quick,” “What’s that?” “Don’t wreak havoc in the human world. They can still go, but don’t do anything that endangers the humans,” “Huh. Good plan,” Sam shivered. “You sure you can’t control that?” “I’m doing what I normally do to fix it times 10!” “So it could be colder?” Tucker shivered. “Go home and get jackets,” Danny sighed. He pointed and a portal opened. “The fuck?!”  “Congrats dude, you can make portals!” Tucker clapped. “At least we won’t have to use the Fenton one anymore,” Sam shivered into her shirt. Danny concentrated and made portals directly into their houses. He grinned. 
Dipper and Mabel heard footsteps coming into the basement and had no place to hide, so they jumped into the portal. The place was terrifying.  “Mabel, this is freaky,” Dipper shivered. It was oddly cold.  “You think Grunkle Ford felt this way when he travelled through dimensions?” “Not that he told me,” They both shivered. A strange vehicle came rushing past.  “Was it always this cold in here Mads?” Jack Fenton said.  “Not that I remember,” She shivered. The temperature fluctuated randomly.  “He’s in here somewhere!” Jack exclaimed and sped off.  “That’s Danny’s parents! We gotta find him!” They followed the strange machine. 
Sam and Tucker took five minutes to get jackets. He’d managed to grab Jazz in the mean time.  “Hoodie. I’m not wearing the stupid jumpsuit with this cape,”  “Since when do you have a fashion sense?” Sam laughed. “Since never. I just like the hoodie more,” He pulled the hood up. The temperature went up. “Hey! That’s neat,” It went down again. “Heh,” “Don’t get excited until you figure this out better,” Tucker groaned.  “Deal,” He laughed nervously. “Okay, how do I get them all to come here? I’m not the greatest at this,” “Just yell announcement. That usually makes them teleport directly here,” Clockwork said. Danny obliged. His voice was really loud.  “I guess that’s another one to add to the list,” He chuckled. All the ghosts in the Zone teleported to his feet. They grumbled. “Uh, hi guys. I’m not very good at this royalty thing, so I’m only gonna really give you one new rule. I’ll get rid of all the stupid rules later. Just, uh, don’t wreak havoc in the human world. Don’t endanger humans. Like, you can still go, but avoid being dangerous,”  “King Phantom, are you sure that’s the best plan? You are going to enforce rules that protect us from the humans too, aren’t you?” Dora’s voice rang through. “Oh shit. The whole guys in white incident a while back. Yeah, I’ll come up with something,” He rubbed his temples. “Also, can I get some help learning how to make it less freezing all the time?” “Of course Great One. The people of the Far Frozen would love to help,” Frostbite said. “Thanks Frostbite?” He grinned. At least until he saw the Spectre Speeder pull up. Fuck.  “Look at all these ghosts! I’ve gotta catch a few!” His dad yelled. The ghosts looked terrified.  “Hey! You aren’t going to do that! HOW DARE YOU?!” Danny sped down to the Speeder. “Danny, I can’t believe you aren’t trying to capture these ghosts for science!” Jack said. The world became very, very cold.  “These are sentient people that you just decided to barge in on! You’re always like this! And it’s my job to protect them just as much as I protected you! GET OUT OF THE ZONE NOW!” He screamed.  “Danny, calm down. We just want to help you,” “No you don’t. I won’t let you endanger ghosts for ‘science’. It’s cruel and wrong. Would you do that to a human?” “Of course not. But ghosts aren’t sentient. Their emotions aren’t real. Just displays put on to convince you that they have them,”  “HOW. DARE. YOU! You have no right to barge in here and threaten these people. Some of them may have harmed you, but the way you act like they’re nothing, like they aren’t standing here right now, is horrible. This is Frostbite,” He grabbed Frostbite. “ He leads a stable society in the Far Frozen. He’s never left the Ghost Zone and never once harmed me. You know what the first thing he did when he met me? He gave me a hug. And you would torture him just for being a ghost. You think you know everything, but you know NOTHING! LEAVE NOW!” “Danny, is this really how you feel?” Maddie looked sad.  “Get. Out. I’m destroying the portal on your way out. If I EVER find you back here, I will not hesitate to cause harm,” “The crown’s already begun to corrupt you!” Jack protested.  “No, my views haven’t changed. You hurt ghosts. You hurt me! I’m trying my hardest all the time all you care about is your beliefs,”  “They’re true!” “No, most of them aren’t. You don’t even bother talking to a ghost. Ghost have feelings, feel pain, have a society. Maybe it’s different than what you’re used to, but that doesn’t invalidate it,” Danny sighed again. “Just leave,” He turned around and flew back up to the chunk of land.  “Danny...” “DIDN’T HEAR ME?! LEAVE!” He whipped around and yelled. 
Sam, Tucker and Jazz followed him into the castle. He stared at Pariah’s sarcophagus.  “Danny, I know that was difficult, but you were right to do it,” Jazz put her hands on his shoulders. He must’ve been freezing.  “They really don’t listen. I have no clue what I’m doing, but I do know that the ghosts have a right to my protection,” He heard screaming. “You know what’s weird? If I close my eyes tight enough, I can see all over the Zone. And I think the Twins got lost in here,” “Let’s go get them,” 
The Fentons came rushing past again. They didn’t seem to have Danny though.  “I can’t believe he’s protecting ghosts!” Maddie sobbed. “He’s gonna destroy our life’s work!” “I know,” All of a sudden, Danny appeared before them.  “Hey guys. Get lost?” He smiled. The crown floating above his head serving as a daunting reminder.  “Yeah, we were trying to find you to warn you about your parents,” “I dealt with them,” The temperature fluctuated again. “Sorry, my hands are cold. But you need to get home,” He opened a portal and they flew threw it. He teleported away. 
He went down to the basement and destroyed the portal. His parents looked mortified.  “Finally. I won’t be constantly reminded how I died,” He sighed. Maddie and Jack said nothing. “Humph,” He teleported away and made a portal back to the Zone.
Aight. That do be a chapter bitches. I’ll make a tag for it now. Just the acrynom, but meh.
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chelblue · 4 years
10 characters for 10 people
i got tagged by @ninjago-but-mainly-jay​!! no particular order bc favorites are hard enough already 
1. Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
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I love him so much guys like seriously i love him. He was the most interesting character to me in sdr2 and i just. think abt him a lot. he’s fun and a little unpredictable and best of all, in that sweet moral grey territory! also he’s great meme fodder
2. Roxy Lalonde (Homestuck)
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Roxy is a huge comfort character !! and she’s the only thing about homestuck that matters anymore. sorry guys homestuck is cancelled there is only roxy. not to be one of those people but roxy Was the best person out of her friend group and she just worked So Hard to keep that group from falling apart and she’s, in general, very strong! i love and respect her. 
3. Wheatley (Portal 2)
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this man is the reason i am constantly having to restrain myself from replaying portal 2 for the millionth time (among other reasons). he is so unbelievably funny to me in every way shape and form and i just adore him. he PERFECTED the moron character type. hes just so fucking stupid!!!!! how brave!!!!!! also i think him being a twist villain is hilarious and innovative. anyway PLAY PORTAL 2
4. Mettaton (Undertale)
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its about the DRAMA. about the ENTERTAINMENT VALUE. and most important. its about YOU, DARLING! hes so extra and that’s his best trait. hes the funniest character in undertale character to me, too. and, honestly, i just lose it over characters with that much ego and drama. deadass i have replayed undertale 2-3 times JUST to fight him again.
5. (Nyo) America (Hetalia)
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I’m counting them as one bc its my list and i get to say so. theyre just!! very positive!! and very stupid!! and i think that’s very cool. also its about the Nostalgia.
6. Alex Kralie (Marble Hornets)
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now That’s what i call versatility! im limiting myself to one mh character for this list, and it was tough, but in the end alex won out because he does So Much. he’s easily The Funniest character in the series, easily the most quoted, but at the same time probably the most intimidating. also he has some killer monologues and god knows i lose it over a good monologue. i also think that his character remains interesting, even upon closer inspection. you can feel bad for him while also not liking him as a person and i think that’s neat. 
7. Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
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its basic bitch hours babey!!! he’s evil and he’s having the time of his life being so. i like the way he talks, the aesthetic, the complete lack of emotion driven motivation. he’s just good fun! 
8. Gundham Tanaka (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
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this man made me CRY. REAL TEARS. i love him. he has THE BEST quotes, in that they are absolutely nonsensical and appeal so much to my affinity for drama.  he doesnt drop that whole “supreme overlord of ice” thing ever. NEVER. not even when the killing game gets intense. what a legend!! also did i mention he has four hamsters living in his scarf? who he loves and cares for even when he’s mean to pretty much everyone else? @ gundham i love you <3
9.  Mercy (Overwatch)
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i like a lot of characters in overwatch, perhaps more than her, but also i have 110 hours on her and legally she has to be the one i pick. i do like her a lot though!! she’s positive, mostly, until she’s sick of that and she decides to bitch. very relatable. also shes really pretty.
10. Aziraphale (Good Omens)
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a complex relationship with those in power? an affinity for old clothes? an obnoxious vocabulary? talk about reliability! i like aziraphale’s character development a whole lot bc i feel like its something i personally cant recall seeing a lot of. also!! hes just such an aesthetic. please make az fell and co a real store i wanna go :(
and thats the list! im not going to tag anyone bc i dont wanna bother anyone, sorry!
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Stop Blaming the Victim - Mabel Pines Edition
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So, I came across this guy’s 20 minute bitch fest video essay about how Mabel Pines is not only a terrible character, but apparently more villainous than Bill Cipher. I gave the video a chance, because sometimes these video essays bring up good points (like a lot of the post-Voltron video essays rightfully demanding justice for Kuron, Allura, Lotor, and Lance). Not sure why I bothered with this one, though - the guy took multiple scenes out of context to serve as “evidence,” penalized Mabel for crimes that other characters had committed, and then had the balls to request that folks send his video to Alex Hirsch so Senpai would notice him!
There were a lot of arguments in his video that I want to analyze in greater detail (Mabel being responsible for Robbie & Wendy’s “toxic, abusive” relationship, the Love Potion controversy, who’s really responsible for Weirdmageddon, etc.), but today I wanted to talk about the argument that really pissed me off.
If Mabel hadn’t coerced Dipper into breaking up with Gideon for her, Gideon wouldn’t have gone mad & tried to destroy the Pines Family and steal the Mystery Shack.
Where do I even begin?
First of all, Gideon had ambitions to steal the Mystery Shack, find the other Journal, and take over Gravity Falls long before he met Mabel. Their breakup may have made his vendetta a bit more personal, but he would’ve gone forward with his schemes even if Mabel had agreed to marry him.
Second, Mabel had tried to make it clear to Gideon on multiple occasions that she wasn’t comfortable with the idea of dating him. She kept saying she just wanted to be friends, but he steamrolled over her concerns with over-the-Top invitations to dates.
Some could argue this was a bit of retribution for all of Mabel’s unrequited crushes, that she’s getting a taste of her own obsessive medicine. But while Mabel can go a little too far trying to impress a guy, she’ll also respect their autonomy if they can’t or don’t want to be in a relationship with her. She COULD have kept harassing the “Yes, Definitely, Absolutely” boy in the first episode after he presumably ignored her letter, but she didn’t. She COULD have made plans to leave Gravity Falls to track down Mermando’s manatee betrothed & take her out with a propeller boat, but she didn’t. While on the subject of Mermando, if he had told Mabel in “The Deep End” that he already had a girlfriend instead of telling her he was a merman, she would’ve been heartbroken, BUT she would also have respectfully ended her romantic advances. Gideon didn’t respect Mabel’s autonomy - he wanted her, and nothing she could say would change his mind.
Third, Mabel didn’t ask for Dipper’s help with dealing with Gideon. Sure, she confided in her twin brother how uncomfortable she was with Gideon’s affections and how she wanted to end the relationship without completely breaking Gideon’s heart, but she didn’t expect Dipper to make her problem go away. Dipper volunteered to break up with Gideon for her when he saw how upset Mabel was thinking everyone just expected her to stay with Gideon forever, no matter how SHE felt about the situation.
Should Mabel have broken up with Gideon herself? Yes, definitely, absolutely. But we cannot forget that Mabel, Dipper, and Gideon are kids. And, fun fact, kids don’t always know what the right thing to do is in any given situation. Hell, even ADULTS can make bad decisions when it comes to relationships. But Mabel realized, on her own, that she needed to break up with Gideon herself instead of using Dipper as her messenger.
“But what about Wendy?” I hear you say. “Didn’t SHE have to tell Mabel to break with Gideon?” No, Wendy never got that far in their conversation. Sure, Mabel asked Wendy for advice about guys, but Wendy got caught up rattling of the names of her ex boyfriends while Mabel put her feelings about the Gideon situation into words.
Getting back to Gideon’s actions, though, I believe he would’ve snapped no matter who ultimately told him to break it off with Mabel. If Mabel had done it herself, Gideon may have put on the same happy front he adopted when Dipper told him to leave Mabel alone, then gone back home to plot his revenge like before. Maybe he would’ve used the mind control spell to make Mabel his perfect mate. Or he could’ve found a memory potion or love potion to trick Mabel into thinking she was in love with him. Or, like we saw in the show, Gideon could’ve just threatened to kill Dipper if Mabel refused to go out with him.
We’ll never know for certain what Gideon would’ve done if Mabel had broken up with him herself. But what I know without a shadow of a doubt is Mabel was NOT responsible for any of Gideon’s actions.
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artmageddonunicorn · 6 years
hey, i usually don’t join the deciphering part of the fandom either because i think i’m not clever enough or i’m just late, but i started spotting these through the book and i got really excited! so here are the codes i could i find and the translation
Copyright page: "d id qgrp'v zrun lv qhyhu grqh / vr khuh'v vrph wdohv mxvw iru ixq / brx zdqwhg pruh? / brx jrw zlvk! / grq'w vwuhvv-lw'v rqob fdqrq-lvk" (caesar: a fandom's work is never done / so here's some tales just for fun / you wanted more? / you got wish!/don't stress-it's only canon-ish)
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Shmebulock's evidence board: "djh / sdudgra? / wlph / wudyho / frqqhflwrq?" (caesar: age / paradox? / time / travel / connection?)
(in bill's symbol substitution cipher) "wendy's mom: in another dimension?"
(in bill's symbol substitution cipher) "dip clones plot revenge?"
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Table of contents page: "LVRMO-BOM-JVOSTCID" (i couldn’t figure what this one is about rip. help)
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When Pacifica enters the attic: (in bill's symbol substitution cipher) "to find"
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Mr. What's-His-Face journal page: (in bill's symbol substitution cipher) "he always has an ace up his sleeve and a face up his sleeve", "li kh / jhwv pb / idfh, vwdqohb / kdv d vsduh" (caesar: if he gets my face stanley has a spare)
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At the paranormal black market first view: (in bill's symbol substitution cipher) on the bridge: "trembley wuz here"; on the barrel in front of dipper: "where's your axolotl now?", on the SOTBE cart's roof: "join our remembers club"
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The Crawlspace journal page: (in bill's symbol substitution cipher) "puts the bizarre in the bazaar", "freak's delivery service"
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When Dipper and Pacifica are found: (in bill's symbol substitution cipher) “while u read this i picked ur pocket"
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Pacifica joking with the cyclops: (in bill's symbol substitution cipher) "do not sell to blendin"
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Dipper and Pacifica being chased: (in bill's symbol substitution cipher) "for a good time call shmebulock"
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Spy Vs. Spy reference page: .- ... .--. .. -.. . .-. (binary: ASPIDER)
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"Everyone dies" comic page: (in bill's symbol substitution cipher) "bill lives"
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"Weirdmageddon: The Afterweirdness" page: (in bill's symbol substitution cipher) "extra secrets big and little / if you want to crack the riddle"
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Space bus plates: (in bill's symbol substitution cipher) "i didn't(?) vote for bill", "the axolotl is my copilot"
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Inside space bus: (in bill's symbol substitution cipher)  "these quarks don't run"
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On the boxes in the bus: (in bill's symbol substitution cipher) "search"
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Jersey Devil magazine page: (in bill's symbol substitution cipher) "it came from a strange rip and landed in the pine barrens"
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Entering the Freak Show tent: (in bill's symbol substitution cipher) "the web"
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Secret cave: (in bill's symbol substitution cipher) "h. g. wells sucks eggs - blendin"
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but again i’m not a clever men.
i couldn’t figure out what is the code on the table, and i see the bigger message contained here is “to find extra secrets big and little if you want to crack the riddle search the web” but i don’t know what to do from here. there’s the message in binary “a spider” too, i thought “the web” could be the internet but maybe it’s some cobweb (or maybe it’s just a joke i don’t get, like a SPY-der)? yeah, feel free to add to this post
but oh shit:
- the Society of the Blind Eye still exists
- something happened to Wendy’s mom. there’s a mystery tub named Mrs. Corduroy, i remember it was confirmed somewhere “wendy’s mom isn’t between us” but that could mean she’s in another dimension? somehow. what happened to her, what did she do/saw?
- blendin got in trouble at the black market
- “BILL LIVES” o h  s h i t  I INVOKE THE ANCIENT POWER THAT I MAY RETURN bill is a bad bitch you cant kill him i like the theories that bill lives inside stan’s mind
- blendin still has beef with h. g. wells (”not h.g. wells approved”) the message “for a good time call shmebulock” could be important too or shmebulock is offering an interesting kind of service (eyes emoji). it reminded me of when people had to call a number during the cipher hunt, but i don’t know what to do with this too. and regarding the end of the whole comic, “shmebulock” gotta be a key to a vigenère cipher
gravity falls is real and it will never die
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