#Im not a fan of this one at *all* especially as we're catching up to the point i start figuring out better paneling
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Lan Sizhui's no good, very bad day
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heartsforseo · 2 months
Strawhats with an author member
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Summary: You're an author (you go by anon), and one day you ate a devil fruit. Now you can trap people inside your novels. (I think you BSD fans know where I'm going...) The straw hats found you and decided to invite you. (You said yes...cuz that's literally what this story is abt and cuz u were bored).
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You live on a small island somewhere in the new world. You work as an author who goes by the pen name "S".
Usually, pirates would come to your island twice a month. The townsfolk were very friendly and you sometimes stepped in when pirates crossed over the line.
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One day, you and your friend were hanging out in a small secluded alleyway. Your back was against the only entrance and you were facing your friend who was already opening the mystery novel.
"Good luck," you had said.
Your friend only nodded. Bright yellow light surrounded the both of you. When the light finally disappeared, your friend was gone, and the closed book fell to the ground. You picked it up and turned around, ready to leave the alleyway.
Your eyes locked in with a black one. A 5'11 man with a straw hat was staring right at you with mouth agape from amazement.
Your eyes widened, and you were about to open the book facing his way. But his arm suddenly stretched and took your book before you could open it.
"COOL!!! How did you do that?!" The guy wearing the straw hat asked.
"Shh, don't be too loud or the others will catch us," you walked towards the man, "they don't know about my ability. And I would like to keep it that way."
You took the book from the stranger's hand and walked away. The rubber man beside you said, "That's an awesome ability. How about you join my crew?"
You stop walking and look right into his eyes. "Crew? I don't know anything about you and would like to keep it that way."
The man only smiled back and responded, "Is information all you want? Well then, I'm Monkey D. Luffy, and I will be the king of the Pirates!" He raised both of his hands and made a fist. All this while smiling.
"King of the pirates? Don't make me laugh. Plus, I decided to live here for all my life."
"Really?? But don't you want to go on an adventure? I and my crew always go on fun adventures. You will never be bored!"
Before I could say anything back, a woman with long orange hair came up to me and Luffy.
"There you are! We're gonna leave in 2 days. Next time don't dash away and wait for us, Luffy!" The tangerine girl said.
The girl who was scolding Luffy finally noticed me and apologized. She then introduced herself and dragged Luffy by the ear. I watched the scene until they vanished into the crowd and walked off. I hope that my friend is almost done with the book.
I went to different places for inspiration. Being a mystery writer was no easy task. Especially if you only have a limited view. The sun was almost setting, and my friend was still stuck. My new story really did a poll on them.
I walked into Naty's bar and ordered a drink. Luffy's sentence rang into my head. An adventure? I wonder what it'll be like...My books had always sailed the sea, but shouldn't the author, too? No. Being a pirate is dangerous. My view may be limited, but my mind is not.
As long as I have a paper and pen, I can do anything...is what I would like to say. I took a few berries, placed them on the counter, and left the bar. Today took a sour turn.
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A/n: This was supposed to be a head cannon but I accidentally made it as a story...so uh... ALSO PLEASE REQUEST IM BORED AF :((( part 2 getting posted...tomorrow? BTW WHAT SHOULD BE THE DEVIL FRUIT NAME BE???
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Request: Wally with a Child!Reader who snuck backstage during a special live taping of Welcome Home to see him, as he is their favorite character
Oh this idea is cute!!! I like the trope of humans and puppets/cartoons coexisting (like in who framed roger rabbit) so im absolutely using that here
"Aaaand that's a wrap! Thank you all for coming to our exclusive live taping of Welcome Home! Be sure to gather up all your things before leaving through the exits on either side of the studio. Wally and his friends appreciate each and every one of you visiting their neighborhood!!"
The director's voice echoed over the intercom as the audience's applause gradually died down, with you being the last one to clap. Your hands almost hurt, but you didn't care. The smile on your face was huge
You still couldn't believe that you and your family got to actually see the entire Welcome Home cast in-person!
Especially Wally.
It's probably lame to say you liked the main character as a majority of the show's fans probably did...but it was true. You loved listening to his narrations, seeing him paint, and getting into all sorts of shenanigans with the gang.
During this live taping--which you won tickets to--he interacted with the audience a lot with his sweet eyes and warm smile, taking all of you on a journey into his world. You could see he was really happy to interact with all of you.
And that's why you were kinda sad when the curtains closed and the camera crew started packing up things, realizing it was already over. They still had a lot of work to do before they could put the episode on the usual television station Welcome Home was featured on, so they made sure every guest was out of the studio.
But fortunately, none of them noticed you sneaking down the steps and managing to find the door conveniently labelled "Backstage Access".
You knew you could get into a lot of trouble, though your family was catching up with some friends and their children. So surely they won't notice you were gone for quite a while.
You just really wanted to see Wally and personally tell him you're his biggest fan. It would make his day!
Eventually you did find him sitting by himself at the makeup booth, in front of a mirror surrounded by lights. His blue cardigan was draped over the chair, and he rolled up his sleeves before undoing the ascot around his neck. All the while, he smiled at his reflection dreamily with half-lidded eyes.
He looked a little tired, but happy nevertheless.
You would have approached him...if not for the director abruptly showing up, a stack of script papers in his hand. He seemed upset and annoyed, compared to the cheery tone he had earlier, so you just hid behind one of the large loudspeakers, eavesdropping on their conversation.
"Look, Wally. How many times do we have to go over this?" He huffed. "You need to ease up on the excessive eye contact. It's been giving a few of my cameramen the creeps."
"Oh, I'm awfully sorry, sir. But..I thought that's what people liked.." Pouting slightly, the puppet looked at him, resting his elbow on the armchair to prop his chin up. "Where else can I look if not the camera or adoring audience? I can't just stare at the ceiling, y'know."
"..well it helps to blink every once in a while. That's what we humans do so it doesn't look like we're staring into each other's souls....like you're doing right now."
"Ah...am I..? Haha.." Wally laughed uncomfortably, forcing himself to blink as he fidgeted with the ascot in his hands. He looked down at the floor. "Sorry. It's just a habit-"
"Don't make excuses, Wally. I know eye contact is essential to your character but...I'm sure you wouldn't feel comfortable if I stared at you like that all the time, right?"
"Actually that wouldn't bother me at all." He gazed at the director with a polite smile, only for it to drop as he looked furious.
"Are you being sarcastic?"
"...no? I'm only being honest, sir."
"...whatever. I have my lunch break now, so just...try to get what we discussed through your head." The director huffed, shaking his head before he turned and walked away, bumping into one of his assistants.
"You good, boss?"
"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine..it's that damn puppet. I keep reminding him about his staring problem, but it's like I'm talking to a brick wall.."
Although he could barely hear them, Wally knew that he made the director upset...again. And that turned his usual smile upside down as he looked back into the mirror.
"I don't get it...everybody loved the show..." He muttered to himself, touching up his hair, but not even seeing his own reflection could cheer him up. "So why is he so...angry at me all the time?"
You frowned slightly as you watched his shoulders slump, hating how sad he sounded. That director of his was so cruel! He didn't know what he was talking about!
Determined to help your favorite character feel better, you finally gained the confidence to say something and emerge from your hiding spot.
"What am I doing wrong?"
"I...think you're doing your best, Wally. Don't listen to him."
"Huh..?" Surprised, he looked over and saw you shyly standing beside the loudspeaker, blinking in bewilderment that you were able to sneak back here unnoticed. "Oh hello, Neighbor--! I mean..." He paused, a bashful smile on his face. "S-Sorry, it's-
"Habit? Don't worry, it's okay." You reassured, stepping closer to him as you tried your best to contain your excitement. "You can call me Neighbor..or [y/n], if you wanna."
"[Y/n]..that's a nice name." He nodded, although his gaze turned serious as his eyes flickered left and right, before he leaned down to get closer to you. "It's nice to meet you, but I'm afraid you've must've taken a wrong turn. You can't be back here."
"I know, but..I really wanted to see you! You're my favorite and..I didn't like what that mean man said to you."
"Oh..him? Don't fret, my friend." Wally softly chuckled. "That "mean man" is my director and...he's only suggesting how I can improve myself! He can be blunt sometimes, but I have to listen to him. Just like how you have to listen to your parents and teachers."
"Yeah.....but he didn't have to be so rude." You huffed, hands on your hips. "If he has a problem with your staring, it's his fault, not yours. He's just a big ol' dummy."
He was amused by your attempts to defend him so fiercely, and he couldn't help but break into an even bigger smile.
"I agree, he is a big dummy..but that's a secret between you and me." He winked, before hopping down from his chair, opening his arms up to you. "Well thank you for lifting my spirits, dear [y/n]. I wish I had something for you, but...this is all I can offer."
"That's okay! I'm happy to help!" Nodding, you eagerly hugged him, feeling how soft his plush body was. "You're...not gonna tell anyone I'm here, will you?"
"Nope. Why would I do that to my number one fan?"
All you could do was beam at his compliment.
This was truly the best day ever. Not only did you get to meet Wally face-to-face...but you also helped him feel better!
Sneaking backstage was absolutely worth it.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
02/05/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew; Rhys Cameos; Samba BTS; Samba & Rhys Goofyness; Wee John Wednesday + surprise Leslie; UK Launch; Watch Party Reminders; What We Do In The Shadows; New Watch parties: Love Birds; Articles; Fundraisers; Schadenfreude; Trends; Morale/LoveNotes/MORE RHYS CAMEOS; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika;
Jeez Louise fam today was a seriously jam packed day! Once again Im worried I'm gonna miss something because there was just so much so please feel free to let me know!
== Cast & Crew ==
The Crew section is a hefty one today, so buckle up buttercup it's gonna be a chaotic and heartwarming ride.
Okay so, yesterday we had that lovely message that was edited from our beloved captain. But then our dear friend @meowzawowaza_ over on twitter released yet another part of the video that specifically went over Rhys' frustrations with the cancellation. Now it's less positive, but as she says, it adds another layer that is helping rally the troops to keep fighting. Here's the thread with the videos. Apologies if you don't have twitter... I don't have a link outside of there at the moment. If I find one, I'll update it here.
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THEN because she's awesome, our lovely @lucyrosebutler decided to share the cameo she had gotten previously. Which he ended with, "Yeah, you be you, keep rock'n, and yeah, you be you, and do it loudly."
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Before continuing with the cast & crew...
== Kudosboard! ==
Wanna send our lovely captain, Rhys, some kudos and love after all he's given us, especially the last two days? You can do so over on kudoboard.com! Thank you @madzilla84 for making this happen! Get on over there and send our sunshine man some love!
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Alright! On to more Cast & Crew.
= Samba =
Samba, our favorite BTS buddy posted a new BTS picture + was making sure to shout out the new S2 out on BBCIplayer today!
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= Samba & Rhys =
Then because our entire cast and crew is a pile of goofballs, Rhys and Samba shared this little exchange on twitter:
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= Wee John Wednesday Monday! =
And well, then there was Wee John Wednesdays Monday! Where we not only got to see the expected three cast members: Kristian Nairn, Vico Ortiz, and Madeleine Sami, but a SURPRISE guest, Leslie Jones who crashed the Instagram live party.
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You can watch the whole thing on Kristian Nairn's IG Here. WHICH I highly recommend because it was an absolute blast and got so many of us pumped and ready for more. Some highlights that absolutely cannot describe the pure and wonderful chaos were:
Rocket Jousting
Leslie fucking every alien in space
Leslie wants to come to a convention
Horny pickle ball
Jenkins is on board for s3 if it happens
They see how hard we're working on SaveOFMD and they said "they deserve it" (s3) and "so do we!"
Mads just randomly runs into Taika on the beach
Gypsy made a chest binder for all Vico's outfits @edscuntyeyeshadow ty for the screenshots here on tumblr
Oh and David Fane popped in because he's a gem of a human being. Thanks @madzilla84 for catching that!
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= Leslie Jones + Convention =
PSSSST: Wanna help get Leslie to a con? Go request her on the Galaxy Con Websites! Thanks @insane_foliage on twitter for the suggestions!
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= Vico Ortiz =
Upcoming cast events! Sunday Feb 11, 4PM PST, Vico will be interviewing with the lovely Samantha Rei on Instagram Live
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= Erroll Shand =
I just, can't get over how amazing Erroll's IG Stories are, and how much he interacts with the goofy fan memes. I love this guy.
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== Uk Launch ==
So many people logged in for the UK Launch of S2!!! Thank you everyone! The data teams over at @saveofmdcrewmates are still crunching numbers to show how things went the first day, but we can definitely see #OurFlagBBC trending for a bit!
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Also Pink News was tweeting about the launch, and Wee John Wednesday!
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Great job everyone-- please keep it up if you have the spoons! Wanna watch OFMD again? You can help support the UK Launch by watching it on BBCIplayer! Once again, if you are outside the US you can get instructions on how to here on @reallygoodplants page, or from this article.
== Watch Party Reminders! ==
= What We Do In The Shadows Watch Party! =
Tuesday February 6th, 9PM GMT, 1 PM PST, 4PM EST
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Watch Party Hashtags:
== New Watch Parties! ==
FINALLYYYYY we have a Love Birds Watch Party! Feb 9th - 9 pm GMT, 4 pm EST, 1pm PST.
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Watch Party Hashtags:
So many articles today with the UK launch, including the Guardian again!
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What’s On TV This Week: 5th February – 11th February
TV Tonight: It's the Final Series of Curb Your Enthusiasm
Our Flags Means Death fans get TV licence just to watch pirate show
The Best Romantic TV Series to Get into the Valentine’s Day Spirit
8 TV Shows Were Canceled in January 2024, Including 4 From HBO
Why won’t there be a Our Flag Means Death season 3?
= Fundraiser Status =
eSIMs and Sanitary Products for Gaza by Our Flag Makes A Difference is currently at 27% of their goal. If you're looking for a good cause to donate to, these folks have been incredibly transparent about all funds.
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@One of the crew, @mcstuffiesphd is selling Jeff stickers as well as other SaveOFMD merch and donating 50% to the Our Flag Makes A Difference group for the above fundraiser.
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== SchadenFreude / Trends Time ==
Thank you @btweenhisteeth on twitter for capturing this metric! Looks like WB Discovery is still having a bit of trouble with their stocks. Wonder why that could be?
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Other fun trends that popped up today: Thank you @merryfinches catching a shot of the pile of royalty below.
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== Morale / Love Notes ==
So normally I just want to say all the things about how lovely you all are, but Rhys posted YET ANOTHER video on cameo tonight, and I feel like his voice is the sunshine we all need. The longer one up, is dedicated to LGBTQIA+ folks with some anecdotes from Rhys' childhood, and another specific to the crew for this show (it's about 3 mins 10 seconds long). Please take a few minutes to go watch them, you don't need a log in or anything for them. It's just worth it to hear our lovely captain say nice things.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
And to end the night, just some silly gifs that maybe sort of but don't quite go together for tonight. Goodnight lovelies, it was a LOOONG day today, please go get some rest. Love you.
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heartofwritiing · 1 year
Hello!!! I saw that Lovejoy was being interviewed by MTV and I was wondering if you could write something where the reader is an interviewer and interviews them and Wilbur is like flirting with them the whole time, I totally understand if you don’t write it. You’re an awesome writer by the way:))
first omg thank you for saying im an awesome writer! i really appreciate it!! 🥹 second; THIS RIGHT HERE I will try my best since I don't really know how to write flirty but I hope you like it anyways!!
*I tweaked it a little that the reader is a fan of lovejoy but thats just me self reflecting… also this is unedited and kinda rushed so please forgive me if its not good and there are any mistakes!
musicianbur x fem!reader
“We are here with lovejoy at the biggest festival in new york city!” you didn’t try to hide your excitement as you spoke so enthusiastically into the microphone and looking directly into camera.
Lovejoy was one of your favorite up-and-coming bands. Working for an independent entertainment network gave you some advantages when meeting people in the industry you admired. But doing an exclusive interview with Lovejoy, you couldn’t wrap your head around. Since you first started listening to their music, you were so enthralled by their sound and lyricism, how could you not be a fan.
“How are you guys this hot afternoon?” you giggled and held the microphone towards the person standing closest to you, Wilbur. The lead singer of the band.
You would be lying if you didn’t find him attractive at all when you were standing right next to him. You couldn’t deny the nerves in the pit of your stomach standing so close to him that your arms bushed.
Following down the line were; Ash, Mark, and Joe at the end. They all chuckled at your remark about the weather and nodded in greeting.
“We're doing good! Just got off stage and feeling great! This is- well most of us anyways- first time in new york so we're excited to be here. ” Joe answered.
You nodded and brought the microphone back over to yourself.
“I was watching your whole set, and I gotta say, you guys were incredible! I am such a huge fan of you guys! I'm kinda freaking out that I get you to interview you!”
Other interviewers would always say that in apathetic tones but Wilbur could tell from the smile that graced your lips and sparkling eyes, your words were genuine.
“thank you so much, glad to meet a fan.” Wilbur winks. You almost stutter out the next question but play it off by clearing your throat, hoping the mic didn’t catch your falter.
“I know you guys love your fans, and they love you tenfold, so I imagine getting to meet them is such a great experience so, Do you have a favorite fan interaction?"
Mark was the one who answered the question first, but Wilbur wasn't listening to his response because he could not take his eyes away from you. In addition to being polite and praising their work so graciously, he also thought you were extremely attractive. Everything from your hair framing your face to your beautiful smile seemed to pull him closer to you like a magnet.
Wilbur's eyes burned into your skin while he watched you listen to Mark intently. You could feel him staring at you and it wasn't making you uncomfortable, but it made your pulse race in excitement. glancing at Wilbur briefly, He held your gaze for a few seconds before looking away quickly as he had gotten caught. You couldn't help but the mixture of thrill and confusion that washed over you. You knew something was happening between you two, but you weren't sure what it was.
Mark finished his response, then each member had answered until you had to hold the microphone up to wilbur for his reply.
"Yeah, I love every interaction I get with fans, especially when they're so genuine and lovely,"
You do not know why your mind automatically associated that with you, maybe it was the slight tone in Wilbur’s voice that gave you the impression.
At some point during the interview, Wilbur moved closer to you. Bystanders would see him shifting his feet to debauch his nervousness, but you understood what he was doing was on purpose trying to closer to you. The nearness between you made your face flush, and your heart quicken. You weren't sure what to do with yourself as every time you leaned over to let the others speak into the mic you were unintentionally brushing against Wilbur.
Sadly, the interview had to come to an end after you asked some questions that were sure to satisfy your producer’s. With an outro and a ‘cut’ from the camera man, you had called it a wrap.
Bidding your goodbyes to the band with firm handshakes and your genuine congratulations to their success you had finished your time with them.
When you turned to walk away to help finish packing up the equipment, a voice calling your name made you turn around in surprise.
Wilbur was jogging over to you with a nervous smile and reaching a hand over to you. He seemed like he had something on his mind he wanted to tell you so it was his turn to ask you a question. You waited with bated breath.
“I was wondering if I could get your number? if not I totally get it. I think you’re really nice and would maybe like to get coffee with me sometime?” Wilbur asks, shoving his hands in his jean pockets and rocking on his feet. It was honestly so adorable how anxious he was.
You on the other hand couldn’t believe the leader singer of your favorite band was asking you out- not asking you out- it was just your number and coffee. Maybe something more if you were lucky but, you wouldn’t get your hopes up.
There was no harm in accepting his offer to take you out so you simply said;
“I would love to,” Reaching for your phone in your back pocket, you handed him the device and he typed his number into your contacts.
Once he was finished, he passed your phone back to you and grinned, like he had just won the lottery he was so happy.
“I’ll text you so I can let you know when Im free!” you say, sliding your phone back into the pocket of your jeans. Wilbur nods.
“We leave in a few days, end of the tour so we get a few days off before flying home so i have plenty of time to see you.”
“Im looking forward to it,” you say and his smile brightens somehow.
With a quick hug and ‘message you soon’, you both say your goodbyes when you get an all clear from your crew the van is ready to go.
Wilbur went back to join in with his group falling into conversation. With one final wave as you both gave each other one last look of longing, you climbed into the van being greeted by air conditioning and sat back with a sigh.
You couldn’t help the butterflies in your stomach as you drove off from the thought of the next time you would see Wilbur soot again.
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pinkanonwrites · 1 year
Coffee Break
I wasn’t joking about getting really into Hi-Fi Rush, especially Chai. <3 I haven’t found any Chai/Reader fics yet, so I wanna thank y’all for joining me as I wander into this brave new frontier! And as I said in my friend’s Hi-Fi Rush stream, “the world gave me two silly failboys with a robot arm at once and im gonna dual wield them like samurai swords”
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1,800+ Words
GN! Reader, Barista Reader, puns, pining Chai (I totally see him as the type to be so pathetic with a crush, but as soon as he knows you like him back he goes back to full cockiness)
"Alright, mission report. Just picking up a coffee, no big deal. Order something simple, yet masculine. Something that screams 'confidence.' Make some small talk, throw in a wink, end with something open to meeting again, nothing too final. 'See you next time?' No, no, way too forward. 'Catch ya later?' Ooh, now we're talking. Just the right mix of laid-back and friendly. You got this, big man. You totally got this!"
"Chai, what the hell are you doing?"
If Chai let out a very uncool yelp at Peppermint getting the jump on him like that, at least she had the decency to do it before he was within earshot of you. He wheeled around, stumbling into her and shoving her back around the building corner he was peeking around as he watched you work.
"Peppermint! Heyyy… What are, uh, what are you doin' here?"
She cocked a single, dark eyebrow in his direction. "Uhh, getting a coffee? That's what the cafe is for, isn't it?"
"Pshh, yeah, totally. Totally… Coffee."
Truth be told Chai wasn't even that big of a coffee fan. If you slapped a hot coffee and a tall can of a chilled energy drink on the table in front of him he'd definitely choose the sugary-sweet brainrush over the bitter bean water. But he wasn't lurking awkwardly around the courtyard outside the Vandelay campus cafe for coffee. He was doing it for you.
Roxanne Vandelay had always enjoyed the comfort and connections of human staff, something Kale was quick to phase out in his hostile takeover. When she stepped back into the director’s seat one of her first orders involved repopulating the island with human and robot staff alike, making sure even the smallest and most insignificant stations on Vandelay Island had everyone and everything they needed to run smoothly. Apparently, the on-campus cafe was included among those stations. Once the program that nuked the coffee machines to only run decaf was cracked the cafe once again became a hotspot for curious droids and exhausted techies chasing their much-needed fix. Chai, on the other hand, really had no need to stop by other than for an occasional morning donut. Which is when he first saw you.
He was just leaving the cafe when you all but ran into him, hair a mess and an apron slung over your arm. When he nearly fumbled his donut you reached out and snatched the tissue-wrapped treat from its inevitable demise, shoving it back into his hand.
“Ah! I’m so sorry! Please have a good day!” You gave him a smile and a slight bow before dipping under his arm and into the breezeway, leaving him reeling in your wake. He felt… electrified. His fingertips where they brushed yours and the shoulder that you bumped as you scooted past tingled like he’d just touched a live wire, just struck a perfect chord. He couldn’t even string a sentence together before you were out of earshot, and you left him stumbling blearily back to Peppermint’s new office with what was certainly a wonderstruck grin upon his face.
That was the first and only time Chai ever ran into you. Every time he tried to approach the cafe from that point on he locked up like he was at his middle school talent show, sweaty, hands trembling. It drove him crazy; he could batter giant murder robots with nothing but a piecemeal guitar and a rhythm in his chest, but he couldn’t even bring himself to talk to one barista?
But today was the day. Or, it would have been the day, if Peppermint hadn’t thrown him off of his rhythm like that.
“Then why are you hanging around the corner like a freak?” She countered.
“No reason! Just… enjoying the weather! You know how it is; I’m a free spirit, Peppermint! Gotta go where the wind takes me.”
“Riiiiight. Well, not all of us can be free spirits, Chai. Some of us need to get back to work. So if you’d excuse me…”
“Waitwaitwaitwaitwait hold on a moment! Not yet!” Chai scrambled to grab Peppermint but she was already stepping around the corner, only to get the perfect view of you as you played rock-paper-scissors with the other droid behind the counter, (probably to figure out who got to go on break first.) She looked at you, then back at Chai, then back at you, then Chai again, her confused expression twisting into a mirthful smirk with each back and forth glance.
“Ohh, so that’s how it is. I get it. Never really took you for the ‘secret admirer’ type, Chai.” She gave him the smuggest grin, one extremely reminiscent of the one he gave her when he first learned about Peppermint’s little thing for Korsica.
“This isn’t how anything is, so don’t try getting all smug with me!” He waggled an accusatory finger at her from behind the corner, pink starting to creep across his cheeks. “And it’s not a ‘secret admirer thing.’ I’m just, y’know, picking my moment! Biding my time. Like a tiger.”
“Do you want to eat them or date them?...Actually, don’t answer that. I don’t wanna gag.”
“I wasn’t even gonna say anything!”
“You didn’t have to, I could see it on your face. Now c’mon, rockstar.” With a determined expression and a fistful of Chai’s signature scarf, Peppermint began hauling him towards the doors of the cafe. “It’s your lucky day, you got your own personal wingwoman to keep you from making a fool of yourself.”
“Whoa, whoa, hold on a minute! C’mon, you don’t-Peppermint!”
Before he could even protest, much less fight back, she had already dragged him around the corner and through the glass doorway and to the counter of the cafe. Only then did she relinquish his scarf, whispering over her shoulder just loud enough for only Chai to hear.
“By the way, if you run away now I’m never gonna let you live it down.”
You hadn’t been looking at the door when Peppermint dragged him in by the scruff, thank god, but you were certainly looking now. As you glanced up to the counter and caught her gaze your bored expression morphed into a friendly, familiar smile. “Hey Peppermint! Same as usual?”
“You got it. And something for wonderboy back here, on me.” She snuck a hand behind Chai and shoved him towards the counter, nearly making him fall flat on his face. As soon as your eyes met his Chai could feel his brain fire into panic mode, opening his mouth but no sound able to come out. He snapped it shut again, hoping he wasn’t as visibly red as he felt.
You blinked once, twice, before your eyes widened and flooded with recognition. “Oh my god, donut boy!”
“Uhh… what?” Peppermint asked. Only then did you seem to realize you’d actually said that aloud, hands flying to clap over your mouth as your expression twisted in horror.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry. That’s just what I call you. I mean, to my coworkers.” You rambled between your fingers, no longer able to meet Chai’s gaze in your embarrassment. “I almost ran you over that one time and I haven’t seen you here since, so I was really worried I freaked you out or something. I’m really sorry! I was in a hurry, and I didn’t even really apologize or anything, I just... What do you want to drink? It’s on me. Really.”
Chai swallowed hard, opened his mouth, and spit out the first four words that came to mind.
“What do you like?”
You looked relieved, anxiety practically melting from your stance as you smiled at him in a way that made him feel like his legs were made of jelly. “I’ve got a few favorites! What’s your name? I’ll call when it’s done.”
“It’s-It’s, uh… Chai. It’s Chai.”
“Alright! Gimme just a few minutes, okay, I’ll get everything ready for you.”
As he and Peppermint stepped off to the side of the counter, she leaned over and murmured to him.
“Coulda been worse. And your voice didn’t crack or anything. Good job rockstar.”
“I think my heart is gonna explode.” He hissed back.
“This is scarier than almost getting mauled to death by a robot werewolf?”
“Way scarier.”
Peppermint hummed, a small smile on her face. “They remembered you, though.”
You remembered him. Not only did you remember him, you wanted him to come back so you could apologize, then felt bad when you couldn’t.
“God, get that look off your face. I can practically hear the wedding bells in your head.” Peppermint elbowed him hard in the upper side, blowing away his fantasies of brushing fingertips and cupping warm drinks like dust onto the wind.
“Killjoy. I thought you were supposed to be helping me?”
“I did, and look how easy it was! You owe me big time.”
“For shoving me into a counter?”
“Drinks for Peppermint and Chai!” You interrupted their bickering with a wave and a smile, beckoning them over to the counter. “Tall Café Americano for Peppermint, and for Chai…” You pressed a tall, frothy drink dusted with cinnamon into his hand with a shy grin. “Chai Spiced Latte. Hope you like it.”
Chai couldn’t decide if he wanted to climb over the counter and propose to you there, or just keel over and instantly perish on the cafe’s stained carpet, so instead he nodded and gave you a strained “Thanks!”
“Oh! I threw in something extra too, on the house. You like donuts, so I hope you’ve got a sweet tooth.” Into his other hand you placed a little brown paper bag, the kind used for to-go treats like scones and muffins.
“Oh yeah he does. We’ll see you around, alright?” Peppermint gave you a nod and jerked a free thumb in Chai’s direction. “I’ll drag this one along next time too.”
“Looking forward to it.” You smiled, leaning over the counter to rest your chin on your hands. Peppermint almost groaned, but was able to keep the vaguely disgusted noise inside. Great, now she had two pining idiots to look after. Birds of a feather, she supposed. “I’ll see you guys around, then.”
“Yeah…” Chai drawled in a dreamy tone. “I mean, yeah! Catch ya later… alligator…?” Both he and Peppermint visibly winced but you just giggled, and if Chai could get the sound of it tattooed into his eardrums he absolutely would.
“In a while… Crocodile.~”
“...You two are disgusting.” Peppermint groaned as soon as the cafe door swung shut behind her. “Aren’t you glad you had me around to get your ass moving?... Chai? Hellooooo? Earth to Chai?”
But Chai was far beyond the call of Earth. Inside the little bag you’d handed him was a single cake pop, frosted red and decorated with a little black music note. Scrawled across the napkin tucked around it was a name and a phone number, along with a little doodle of a kitty face tucked into the corner. No, Chai was most certainly in heaven.
“We’re gonna have a spring wedding.” He sighed. “Do you think they like rock music?”
Peppermint groaned, taking a long, slow swig of her coffee. “What have I gotten myself into…?”
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cloudyzeusy · 5 months
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I Hate Silence ||
pairings: jay jo X owen knight
genre: smut
warnings: A/B/O, knot
Jay Jo was a silent character so nonchalant so it was a surprise he gets as much fans as he does. Especially when his boyfriend Owen was the exact opposite outgoing, bossy and a absoloute flirt.
That silence pissed his boyfriend off to no end. It was cute in their day to day but during sex was too annoying.
Jay always seemed to muffle his moans as if he was ashamed of people hearing him.
Owen for the sake of his Alpha's pride had to put a stop to it. He had never encountered an omega who wasn't vocal during sex but then again Jay isn't a normal omega.
"C'mon Jay follow me." Owen said gesturing to his black sleek car as they stood outside of the gates of their school.
"I can cycle I brought my bike after all." He replied.
"Omega." Owen stated raising his eyebrow daring Jay to complain and he didn't well more like he couldn't. So without much verbal fuss, except a few mumbles of words he wouldn't be brave enough to say to Owen's face, he got in.
"Here." Owen gave jay his favourite wasabi flavoured treat trying to appease him. He pouted but took it he wasn't a fan of being omega'd on at all well maybe during sex but he would die before he confessed that. "We're going to my apartment, okay?"
"Fine." Jay muttered not like he had an actual place at home with his mom.
“Come on lets go.” Owen grinned as they reached the apartment.
As they both made their way upstairs and entered their apartment Owen connected their lips together lifting Jay up by his ass carrying him to their bedroom. Their kiss was sloppy but passionate and Owen took control of it they separated for air. Leading Owen to kiss down Jay’s neck leaving hickeys making him moan out loud.
Jay got down and sat on their bed watching through hooded eyes as Owen undressed following suit they tossed their clothes onto the floor and embraced once again. They both smiled before they kissed it had been a long time since they had some alone time. Especially with how busy Jay has been with Mockingbird practice.
As they kissed Owen’s hands wandered their way to Jay’s hole which leaked slick. “Mphnf Ow-Owen what are you doing.” His hands trying to stop Owen’s in their track which as you might have guessed did nothing.
“Jay come on has it been that long you don’t you play with yourself.” Owen teased with one hand he grabbed Jay’s struggling ones and with the other he slowly began fingering Jay. Owen watched Jay’s face morph from indignation to pleasure, so he added two more fingers stretching Jay open in preparation for his cock.
“Alpha~ ple-plase stop im gonna cum ugh.” Jay whined desperately trying to move away from the probing fingers that repeatedly hit his prostate Owen just smirked pressing kisses and bites against jay’s skin.
“Let go okay can you do that for me omega~?” Owen grinned not stopping the pace he put a hand around jay’s throbbing cock jerking him off the stimulation felt too good making Jay reach his climax.
Owen reached down lining up his cock to the slick filled hole pushing in immediately envolped by wet heat. He groaned as he began thrusting in jay just felt that good. Jay just moaned and drooled as he was used as a sex toy for his Alpha’s needs. Owen marked up Jay’s neck laying his claim over him again.
Jay tried to move away needing to catch his breath as he got his voice fucked out of him but owen just brought him right back onto his dick. Owen groaned at the sight below him “You gonna cum again princess?” Owen growled locking eyes with him Jay nodded quickly.
“Ye-yes.” He stumbled over his words feeling his stomach clench as his dick leaked he came hard panting and Owen was not that far behind. As Jay felt Owen’s knot form inside him as it expanded fully he felt his cum filling him up. Owen collapsed on top of him as they waited for his knot to go down.
And if they went for another round I guess you would never know.
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No matter how many times Jay’s friends saw Jay and Owen together it was always weird to see the nonchalant Jay being pampered and teased by Owen and blushing!?.
So, when they saw an embarrassed Jay walking into class with Owen behind them looking smug as hell they could guess what the Alpha and Omega pair did the day before. Especially when Jay came closer, and they could spot all the marks and lovebites and smell Owen all over him.
What made it stranger was to see them acting like a married couple – Jay sitting on Owen’s lap, their bickering, and they had matching lockscreens. But hey they were happy to see their cold hearted omega in love~
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kenobster · 3 months
can you explain the appeal of these ship polls to me?
genuinely asking bc i really don’t get why they happen so often or why people take them seriously. it feels like all they do is breed conflict.
what makes everyone feel so strongly about the winners, especially if it doesn’t actually represent the true popularity of the ship? (not that popularity matters bc if it’s fun then it’s fun and everyone is entitled to their feelings and opinions)
not mad or trying to be mean, i genuinely want to understand bc im bad with social cues and at reading people. what is it about them that you like? <3
so like this is actually super funny to me lol because everything you just described has been EXACTLY how I feel about sports (especially regarding American football fans in the United States). I've actually joked a couple times already about how (thanks to this poll) I finally understand what the big deal about the Superbowl is. In fact, over the last week, I've felt a kinship with overworked cashiers who use their fifteen-minute breaks to check the score throughout the day. Every time one of the previous polls taken an unexpected swerve, please picture me jumping up and down and hollering at my computer like I'm some middle-aged white dad yelling at some referee. 😆
My state has two college football teams, both with avid fanbases, and people get SO up-in-arms about it. Even after finding out I have no interest in sports, people have threatened to commit bodily harm against me if they ever catch me wearing merch of the wrong side's team. To be honest, I'm with you — I've always found that kind of attitude to be super aggressive and needlessly rude. Unfortunately.... 😖(insert my walk of shame lol) I have recently acquired an understanding of the psychology behind it....
In other words, I think your confusion is very similar to my confusion about sports. Sports fans, especially in my state, always seem like they would really consider it a dealbreaker if I wear the wrong merch or that they would really punch me in the face if I show support for the wrong team (which does happen to people at some sports games, but I think it's a minority of sports fans who would ever do that). Most of the time, if you get upset by jokes like that, the other person will drop the act and reassure you. But sports fans will never admit they're kidding. 🙄
Anyway, with that context, I think you first must untangle the phrase "people take [shipping polls] so seriously." The truth is that we're not taking it seriously, but, like sports fans, our humor and social cues are probably difficult to read. Especially for someone not "in on the joke," we might look like we're all upset and riled up. We might say things that sound serious and aggressive. But inwardly, we're actually all laughing about it. None of us really care about the results, we're just here to have a good time playfully arguing our sides.
You're probably still wondering why anyone would find enjoyment out of this, so I think it will help if you re-contextualize it into a framework more familiar... Why do people enjoy roller coasters when the purpose of a roller coaster is to trigger your body into a fight-flight response? Why do people watch horror movies or go into haunted houses when the purpose of them is to scare the shit out of people? Why do people enjoy watching or listening to true crime drama when the stories showcase the most barbaric and cruel forms of human nature? Why do people read AITA threads on Reddit, even though they often depict the wildest examples of abuse/toxicity/etc. in human relationships?
It's because all of those examples allow a person to experience stress/terror/anger/etc. in a way that is safe. Roller coasters don't actually kill you. Horror movies have a pause button. Scary things in haunted houses are the work of prop designers and actors. True crime media and AITA threads involve stories that are happening to other people, not you. Similarly, in shipping polls, I think people enjoy having a safe way to channel their feelings about fandom rivalries in a way that is mostly harmless.
Whatever the reason for our enjoyment, however, I think once you realize that none of us actually care about the results, everything else starts to click into place. But here's some answers to your other questions:
Why do we care about the results when they're never accurate? Because we never cared about the results in the first place, hahaha. We care about what's funny. We care about what makes for the juiciest drama. (I mean, think of how funny it was when that final bracket on the Best Star Wars Character poll resulted in victory for Sebulba instead of Obi-Wan! Lmao!) In short, accuracy is boring. Bribing, cheating, and begging in order to skew results is hilarious.
Why are we so mean and hostile to each other? Because we're not actually being mean and hostile to each other.* We're teasing each other. The same way as two best friends might tease each other (example from one friend to another that I literally saw this morning: "oh my god you are SUCH a nerd 😂"). That kind of teasing doesn't work if somebody cares about the subject matter (for example, that joke would NOT be okay if the aforementioned "nerd" had ANY negative feelings about that word). But in the right circumstances, this kind of teasing can feel REALLY good, REALLY fun, and even increase feelings of security within the friendship! In shipping polls, people are probably just exhibiting the communal version of this.**
Why do people care so much about the winners? I don't actually know the answer to this because this is my first time ever enjoying a ship poll, and we haven't gotten there yet. 😅Someone feel free to pitch in.
Why do they happen so often? Probably clout. Beyond that, in order to make a poll, someone has to genuinely be curious about the results. They can theorize, but they can't know what the outcome will be. Not only that, they have to remember that tumblr polls are all fun and games (or else, imagine how incredibly infuriating it would be to see people trolling). People who want accurate results don't use tumblr polls for a reason; they use official surveys instead. In this shipping poll, OP wrote a rule for each round that the results weren't meant to be taken seriously. So I think they enjoy it for the same reasons as we do. That kind of thrill can be addicting lol, and I can see why people would want to recreate it again and again.
In closing, it's been fun, but I don't think another poll like this will similarly compel me. This has just been a one-time thing that I was able to enjoy because of certain circumstances that overlapped with my interests and sense of humor. In truth, I get just as annoyed at the frequency of these polls, and I will likely need a lifelong cooldown after this one concludes. Frankly, if I'd remembered that the final round would be for a week instead of a day, I might have.... well, I might have made different decisions to say the least, lmao.
[*] This is not inclusive of antis. There is no reason to shit on one ship exclusively when there are 5+ other ships in the running. There is especially no reason to threaten the other side with an "electric chair with a built-in guillotine" if they win. That's not fun and games. That's just fucked up.
[**] Because it's a communal version and not a close friendship, it's definitely hard to gauge people's feelings about whether they're okay with being teased. A comment, to one person, might sound like teasing, but, to another, might come across as hurtful and mean. Only intimate friends can really tell the difference (and even they make mistakes). This is definitely unfortunate, but it's kind of a consequence of human behavior in general — not something specific to these kinds of polls imo.
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
Hey fan, I hope you're doing great!! I saw you're lil post about chuck's aunts, and i was wondering, do you have anymore info on them? They sound so sweet!!!
ROOOOOZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!! HEY!!!! GOD IM SO SORRY FOR NOT ANSWERING THIS SOONER!!!!!! I'm okay!!!! I hope you're doing great as well!!!! And yes I do!!!
She's the oldest of his aunts!!! And is somewhat of a helicopter aunt. She was very protective of her little nephew!!! She's the one who'd take him places when he was younger and buy him the best toys!!! She loves knitting/crocheting and painting!!! When Chucky was about 6 she made him a Viking helmet! And he refused to take it off. She'd often sit him down and paint with him as a nice bonding experience. She mainly tutored him, and helped him advance in school. He loves his aunt Lina, though her overprotectiveness became a bit annoying sometimes.
Ida (Older Twin of Ida and Julia)
Don't tell anyone but Ida was always Chuck's favorite. She was the cool aunt. She took him and Caro to amusement parks and spoiled them! Ida, adores her nephews, and will do ANYTHING for them! Fun fact she enjoys tinkering with stuff. She's into mechanics and engineering!!! So she'd build race cars for the boys! She definitely had the closest resemblance to the boys! Since wavy hair brown, light freckles, and those piercing blues! While her sisters his much lighter straight hair and darker blues.
and Julia. With Ida being the older of the two.
Julia despite being Ida's twin looks nothing alike. Unlike her brothers, Chucky, and Carolus, she and Ida aren't identical. Julia has light brown hair like her mother and darker oceanic blues. She's much more athletic than her sisters!!! She loves sports!!! Her favorite is soccer. She got the boys into it and can be slightly competitive!!! However, if anyone were to get hurt, she can be very nurturing and soft, countering her more abrasive side! She also plays (well-played she's old now...) Rugby! Just that brutal sport. And she was known for her vicious takedowns. It honestly kind of scared the twins a bit....and she's the one who CONSTANTLY BUTTED HEADS with her brothers. Especially Lukas since he was very neglectful to his sons.
BUT NOW!!! AFTER ALL THIS TIME!!! They on the older side and have picked up more relaxed hobbies. And when they see Charles they all shower him with hugs and kisses!!! Lina's the only one who doesn't smother Charles and actually gives him space, but...if he we're to not eat her cooking she will make more to spike him. Her little nephew will have PLENTY of food to eat!!!
Ida's the one who'd hug him and pull his cheek. And do a whole interview with him and catch up with his life. She'd clean his entire house like 7 times, during his visits. And every time he tells her not to and that she's a guest....she will tell him it's fine then continue to clean the house 8 more times.
Much like her sister....Julia's a cheek puller. But she's got a grip her cheek pinches hurt. And she loves messing up his hair because she can. She'd probably tell him to 1 VS 1 him in ping pong and if he were to refuse she'd call him a chicken. She's brutal. Probably where he learned it.
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emmacreatures · 1 year
Trying a way out
Back with a follow up on the last story!
Working a few days on this. Feeling a little insecure and this whole week already has been a big bumpy ride with hospital visits and getting all kinds of tests :') So huzzah.. But tonight I managed to write most down that I hope to be happy with.. Especially the last bits i'm very stoked about, but I hope you guys enjoy! Featuring Ka'amxquaritch, lyle and ter'ran in there and a bit more!
As Quaritch followed Ka'am right behind him, he had quickly noticed that Ka'am wasnt showing everything he could. The man could sense despite Ka'am was well at hiding in his surroundings and could easily move around.. He would use some type of animal, but he was walking at this rate.. making him a little suspicious.
The second Quaritch sensed something was off as he was very experienced, he slowed down his pace, as surprisingly, Ka'am was walking rather fast.. Which threw him off. "Whats the rush.." He said rather challenging, making Ka'am glare as he wasnt a fan of how the man spoke to him. Ignoring the fact the man called him out somewhat, Ka'am continued to confidently walk to a specific place, being determined as he already was a step ahead, but Quaritch sensed it.. But at this rate, couldnt exactly sense what would occur.. For Ka'am was rather mysterious to say the least, unlike something he had experienced yet.
Ka'am had sent off his thanator in secret to alert he wasnt coming back alone.. Naraya, who noticed the massive animal approach without Ka'am, made them aware of what he had planned, so they went into the direction the thanator looked at.. being trained so well that he could help him out.. "Its our Olo'eyktan. We need to go to the deeps" She said in navi' for everyone except Ter'ran followed.. Reason was, the man ended up tied up himself mentally. Ka'am didnt trust any of it, and Naraya knew Ka'am would dissapprove, so by that.. She decided Ter'ran shouldnt join them on whatever Ka'am managed to catch this time. Ontop of that.. after noticing he had let Lyle out of his robes.. She personally had put him back.. "Awe common. You're not letting me fight a woman are you?" were his final last words before Naraya showed he should've kept his mouth shut. Having been in some kind of prison at their place, in which she had the keys, she glared at Ter'ran, who she surprisingly hadnt locked up as well. That was Ka'am's decision to make. "You. Stay, and dont move" Naraya said with a low tongue, making Ter'ran glare. "You're not next In command. I am" Ter'ran said as she glared. "But I do not hide secrets from him. You'll pay for it. If you'll try and get yourself out of this with him, I'll personally put an arrow through both your chests" She said threatening before leaving.. Making Ter'ran realize he indeed did not have an army behind him.. He had his love, Lyle, but as soon as Ka'am would be back, he most likely would have to pay for his sins. "Where the hell are they going?" Lyle said as he was sitting on the ground pissed, locked in some special metal container they had made themselves from scraps. He originally thought he could break it.. But the clan knew how to work with it. "The deeps is a specific place we go to, in secret. Its far away from everything else.. Usually a luring place" Ter'ran said without much thought, making Lyle frown. "You mean like a meetup place, or 'we're catching prey' kinda place" Lyle asked pretty damn smart, not being second in command for no reason.. making Ter'ran think it over. "Can be both.." he said, making Lyle sit on his ass in the cell he was stuck. "How long will they be gone for?" Lyle kept thinking on a way to break out, especially since his ego was hurt for the fact a female threw him in the cell he was stuck in.. "Not long enough.." Ter'ran said a sigh.. Looking at the man before he'd look at their entrance, sensing he'd gotten himself in trouble already.
As Ka'am was walking to the deeps upfront, Quaritch still followed, but frowning as he kept eyes around his surroundings. He felt watched again, not nearly as bad as in the beginning when Ka'am stared at him.. But he did have the feeling he wasnt alone.. "I can sense you're not a chatty kinda guy.. But the way you're silent aint so cosy when walking through the woods" the man said a little sarcastic, keeping an eye on him for he noticed Ka'am hadnt said a word for a long while.. Feeling like the man was thinking ten steps ahead, and Quaritch wanted to be on that same level.. "Why should I be talking to a stubborn alien type navi, to lower myself to your kind?" Ka'am started speaking as he could sense his clan was around.. So was his thanator. "Getting comfortable are we now" Quaritch replied rather annoyed, hearing how he spoke to him.. "I'd watch your-" Before Quaritch could say anything, he heard and noticed several Na'vi run up to him, but the man came prepared.. Fighting back as he was about to grab his guns, which was exactly what Ka'am wanted to happen.. to seem the 'hero', he raised his hand, and made one call which made them stop. "Stop" was all he said.. Making some of his clan frown. "But.. Our mighty leader, why should we-" one of his clan members said in na'vi, but Quaritch who had his knife ready in his hand, glared at all of them for his ears twitched, listening as he knew some Na'vi. "Let him follow us, do not hurt him.. He's here to get his 'friend' back" Ka'am said with disgust.. Making Quaritch glare at all of them before they backed off. "Follow us" Ka'am said in english, making Quaritch slowly follow while keeping his eyes out.. 'thats odd.. I felt like it was a trap for me to walk into' Quaritch glared as he thoight along. 'quite a protective clan..' he kept on thinking. It made sense his clan wanted to protect his leader, but why did ka'am himself come out on the first place if his men and women could do it.. thats what he thought. While keeping an eye on everything, he just followed along.. eventually noticing more thicker jungle that he couldnt remember as much as he wanted to.
"Our great leader.. Why arent we taking him down-" "Do not question him.. Cant you learn" Naraya interupted one of the clan members who wanted to ask Ka'am why he was doing what he did.. It was disrespectful to look at it like that.. Making Ka'am rather comfortable to know Naraya knew how to train the others to even respect him more. It were small things, but thats what he appreciated.
Eventually arriving at their secret hideout, Quaritch was guarded by a few, entering the area for he watched around. It was on the inside of a massive tree.. Something of what he saw on screens before, but seeing it in person was something else. Eventually being inside, seeing the structure, which seemed far different than hometree.. He noticed some of the clan members slowly backing off for Ka'am told them to.. "So now what.." Quaritch said a little pissed for being baby sitted all the time, making Ka'am raise his head once in a direction for Quaritch to follow while Ka'am walked behind him slowly, already having made hidden hand signals to get some stronger clan members nearby..
"Colonel-" Lyle immediately called for Quaritch entered the specific room. "Thank christ.. How did you get in here. Where's the rest?" Lyle asked as he was so relieved his leader was around, making Quaritch glare a little. "You had to go out there by yourself.. And look what happened" Quaritch said pissed, making him look at the cell before he sensed Ka'am look at Quaritch again.. "I didnt know i'd be tackled by several navi.. Give this man a break will you" Lyle said with a glare back, despite he was happy to see Quaritch. "Why didnt you get tackled?" Lyle asked for Quaritch turned to Ka'am this time, but before he could say anything, Ka'am only nodded his head once to see five men out of the shadows tackle Quaritch down.. Making him hiss and growl.. "Son of a bitch-" he only said, making Ka'am stand from a distance still "You really thought I'd just let you wander around here in my territory. Not on my watch" Ka'am backstabbed Quaritch just like that for his own good, using him just a little bit for ka'am pointed that he didnt want the man to be in a cell as well just like Lyle.. No.. He wanted the man stuck to a pole, away from Lyle just to be sure.. "So it all was a damn trick huh.. make it seem i could just walk into here, you sparing me when the group arrived." Quaritch said very angry.. groaning as he was tied up very tight.. Making him save his energy by just sitting, stuck with his hands behind his back at the pole.. Yet surprisingly, seeing that Ka'am pointed at Ter'ran, to be tied up as well. "Put him in the cell.." Ka'am said as he didnt even look back at Quaritch, leaving the room for Ter'ran tried to fight his way out of it "NO- Let me explain-" Ter'ran said strong, but despite his beefy structure, there was no way 4 navi men could be stopped by him on his own..
despite Ter'ran and ka'am's past.. He did not tolerate whatever he had done before. It may lessen later on, but for now, as Ter'ran sunk through, he was tied up in a cell, next to his love, but apart.
As some silence and time had passed.. Quaritch finally caught up on remembering what Ka'am said, having focused on everything else but that. "thanks alot Wainfleet" Quaritch said rather threatening for he turned to his cell with his eyes. "care to explain what you fucked around with" the man said as Lyle got offended. "HEY DONT LOOK AT ME. YOU WANT TO BRING THIS UP NOW?! . Not my fault you have a soft spot for them-" Lyle daringly said so, making Quaritch get real angry. "You shut your mouth -" "Speak for yourself." Lyle glared.. Having a good ol' small fight before Lyle was too exhausted after a while despite his ego was immense.. Ending it up by falling asleep in his cell.. For Ter'ran abd him leaned against the same wall from each side.. Having closure in some way.. Making Quaritch attentively watch everything around him for he could easily stay up for hours on end..
Hour after hour, a new clan member would watch everyone, for they'd take turns.. Quaritch glared at each and everyone of them.. Before he realized an entire night passed.. No food, no water had been given, which made Quaritch realize this was a serious business. Being a real prisoner in a.. what seemed different clan than before.. Not part of hometree or the omatikayan.. Letting it sink in while his brain kept on going. After looking down at his watch, hoping the signal would be strong enough for the recoms to find them.. He sighed to notice the odd secret place they were at, was too much under the ground to be able to receive or give signal. Ka'am possibly thought of each thing, and Quaritch seemed to recognize the pattern quite fast. 'great..' he thought for a bit, at first not allowing him to sleep.. But eventually as several hours passed, he felt like he had to. No sunlight came through the place, so the idea of day and night was hard to feel at all... Making everyone feel weaker who wasnt used to staying so in the dark.
Slowly waking up with a groan.. noticing everyone else was still knocked out as well.. He noticed most of his weaponry had sneakily been taken off him.. Possibly when he was too exhausted to even feel anything in his deep sleep. Quaritch almost felt a little offended people had come near to him.. But for now, he had to figure a way to get out..
He sighed deeply before noticing a clan member sat up, having done his turn.. As they almost seemed annoyed they had to watch.. "Why do we have to watch the prisoners all the time.. We usually dont have to this strictly" one said to the other in na'vi, but Quaritch, who had been learning na'vi through time to be ahead of the others, picked up a thing or two. "dont ask me.. If you feel bold enough, ask the leader" the other replied in na'vi, making Quaritch narrow his eyes a bit. Not having had any food or water was starting to hurt a little, but thanks to the navi body, he was able to endure much more than a human could.. Especially in these conditions.. Just as the two navi were being quite daring in what they were speaking off, one of the two suddenly froze to notice ka'am come out of the shadows. Exhaling his green smoke, the other who now had caught up on the fact Ka'am was so close, swallowed and turned to him as well.. "Master.. I-".. Ka'am's eyes spoke sentences at times, glaring at the two. 'Big words on my ways of work. You should be thankful to be here..' his eyes said, for the two already almost begged for mercy. "No food for a week.. May that bestow your loyalty somewhere else." Ka'am said threatening, for he just degraded the two to different work.. But instead of calling a new clan member to sit and watch, he decided to sit there himself for a while.
Walking inside the room, he passed the cells, seeing Ter'ran asleep.. but leaned against the same wall that the alien laid. Raising his head first out of disgust, wanting to pull them apart despite they both were asleep.. and Ter'ran seemed to hold Lyle's hand through the cell bars.. Seeming very attached to say the least. making him glare before sitting down at a rather suitable place for himself. Deciding to not tear them apart.. Which was a surprising move.
Quaritch, who somehow was the first to sense the man's intentions, watched this rather disgusted glare when he got rid of the guards.. and watched how Ter'ran and Lyle showed signs of attachment.. He assumed he'd either wake them and demand them to sit apart, or even pull Ter'ran away, but the colonel noticed a confused , almost surprised stance from Ka'am who almost hissed at it before sitting down. "Seems you do have a bit of empathy" Quaritch decided to risk it all, speaking to Ka'am who immediately turned to Quaritch, with a deadly glare that said it all. "Do you dare to claim what my intentions are. What do you seem to assume what I intend?" The man said rather offended, Smoking some of the powerful stuff as he held it in his hand before putting it to the side, letting the intense smoke go out of his nostrills before standing up. "People must've backstabbed you often" Quaritch said with narrowed eyes, sensing the man has endured pain.. Especially for he saw the big 'glow up' of what he used to be.. Being in someway cocky and daring, he watched Ka'am approach him, as he smoothly pulled out his knife, deciding to kneel infront of the man who was still stuck at a pole, sitting. "I do not need.. Or seek for your sympathy" Ka'am said threatening, pushing the tip of his knife onto the bottom of Quaritch's face, between his neck and chin. "my brother was like that you know. Me being the oldest, hard to be noticed.. Unseen by the greater part" Quaritch said as he felt the tip of the knife now make a slight cut into his skin, pushing it more up. Quaritch almost laughed low, almost out of own disgust too, but his curiosity was too big. This man showed no mercy.. But neither did himself. "So whats your story.. What do you want" Quaritch said as he groaned from the pain of the knife lightly, but it once again did not stop him.
"What made you be shaped like this in a span of 16 years. Do you want to be feared. Seen.. Respected?" Quaritch asked as he gave hints he remembered the man 100% at this rate.. Which threw Ka'am off slightly.. He too felt the tension of that specific detail. "i'd watch your tongue. You think I'd spare you, just because you've seen me once. Why should you make a difference" Ka'am said, speaking more than he'd ever done in the time he's been in this way of behaving.. Meanwhile, Ka'am decided to push the knife even higher up, making Quaritch look up at the man while he left a deeper cut that kept ongoing. "What about your group huh.. I have the feeling respect is what you most desire. They dont serve you the way you'd want do they" Quaritch said as he groaned feeling that dagger stick more and more into his skin. "They fear me. Just like you should, but no one has deserved my respect just yet." Ka'am suddenly said, making a point that Quaritch really was playing with fire.. But the man, sensed something else "Not one.." Quaritch only said, looking at the man with a raised head himself despite the dagger helped.. just as Quaritch said so, Ka'am pulled the knife away.. In a firm movement, while he knew exactly what the man referred to.. The moment Quaritch had let Ka'am go all those years ago, had made Ka'am so curious to the humans. Ontop of that, he did only respect the one man that he hadnt even spoken with, with words. Just eyes.. Even having guarded the area around the old shack and what seemed to have been the man's skeleton.. for no one but himself was allowed to be near it. It was a natural reaction of Ka'am.. And only realized now this specific man so happened to have made an impact on him.
Out of frustration, Ka'am glared before stabbing the wooden pole Quaritch was stuck at, right above his head.. Before silence hit and glared at the colonel.. "Why." Ka'am eventually said, having let go of the knife while it was an inch away from Quaritch's head.. before their eyes just met again. "Why what" Quaritch decided to play the tricky game, while trying to figure out this mysterious man in full detail, having such a close encounter. For Ka'am had a deep silent eye contact with the colonel, he soon realized, despire Quaritch might've had a head start on this.. Like an advantage on the fact he had saved Ka'am.. He noticed the man couldnt even explain himself why he did it, making Ka'am raise his head as he stood up.. Just trying to think on this..
Quaritch in the meantime had picked up that his.. Previous self, inside of the deep woods was protected like sacred grounds, by someone who so happened to stand infront of him. Both of them had preferences and ways they couldnt explain, but of course it was somehow attached to one another.. More deep than one wanted to admit. Quaritch watched Ka'am think.. see what he could do with it, for he himself did too. 'I know you've already given me your respect.. Why else would you defend a place as sacred ground that so happened to be my deathbed.' Quaritch as he looked powerful, thinkinh wisely. "You can gain my respect.. If your approach would be a bit different than what you're attempting right now" Quaritch decided to once again take all risks.. Seeing Ka'am took a while before he turned to him, just knowing his rather complicated mind was swirling around. "It would come a long way, if I wouldnt be stuck here as well" Quaritch said, trying to find a way out of this, but as his defense mechanism was screaming 'get the hell out of this the second you can'.. His curiosity seemed to be bigger, making him doubt himself that if he would get out of this.. Would he leave. Would be attack Ka'am.. Or instead go a different route that he normally wouldnt do as a marine, who was usually chained to his routines.. His orders.
'You think I'm a fool..' Ka'am thought as he watched the man, but now, it seemed the man was almost able to read him. 'No..' Quaritch eyes just said back.. Making Ka'am look up and down at the man's entire eyes and body.. Contemplating what to do.. Especiallt since this somehow hit him very personally.. and hated the fact somehow that there were two others in the same room who could potentially listen.. Quaritch caught up on that.. Noticing how Ka'am for a bit glared at the cells.. "You can chain me up all you want somewhere else.. If that would mean we could continue our conversation, and see where we can meet in the middle." Quaritch said a little as bluff, and see where he could get himself.. For Ka'am watched the cells more before glaring back at Quaritch, who alqays seemed to be.. almost fond of watching those deadly eyes.. After a few minutes of standing, Ka'am narrowed his eyes before pulling the dagger out of the wood that was still above Quaritch' head.. Before he cut open the robes that were holding Quaritch to the pole.. 'If you dare to run away, I will not hesitate to kill you' Ka'am glared with his eyes, seeing Quaritch exhale out of relief for his wrists and arms that had been stuck behind his back for so long.. Before slowly standing up.. Noticing Ka'am eyes who gave the warning, before he even noticed himself and ka'am happened to be on the same height... What more of a match would you think would be possible. 'move.' Ka'am said in a gesture, watching Quaritch walk infront of him now as the man said where to go.. Keeping a continous eye on him.. Before Quaritch seemed to be guarded to a different room.. It seemed personal of Ka'am, but he didnt say a word yet. All he could possibly guess it by, was the scent of that powerful smoke he has seen him take. As bad as it was for some, Quaritch himself used to smoke often.. And somehow this very intriguing and possible dangerous stuff for most seemed to have attracted his curiosity even more. most navi wouldnt be able to take it, or had to get used to it for a while.. But Quaritch, by the scent alone was drawn by it. Especially the mix of Ka'am's scent and the smoke, it was the first thing in a long while that kept lingering...
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xinnabon · 2 years
so like, im in the car and i thought of a really, really stupid like a whole universe of crack and yet its super weird and i'm composing it rn have fun reading oh and also, calling all itto fans for this because im up for some crack amd ive been thinking about it two straight days and i cant get it off my mind. (especially ones who like to tease their s/o a whole lot this crack might be specifically for you.)
you know how you tease itto a lot and mostly flirt about it. pretty sure he flirts back and if you really keep it up, it's a battle of the multiple flirts laid onto each other.
he flirts there, you flirt there, taking back with him again, comebacks with you. a whole set of chaos and tons of blushing. he'd like to keep you entertained for a while until you're out of silly and flirtatious lines to keep the situation running.
when he's almost out, i'm sure he panicks and cracks up and sort of start boasting of how cool he is to change the subject, i'm sure you won't let that happen. counting on you.
he'd love to see and await on that one expression that will stay stunned on your face for hours once he gets your weak point to make you all flustered. but no, plottwist comes.
"oh no." he's all out. he has nothing left. it's game over. oh, but wait... he's holding onto you  on the waist?
he sits on the bedside and now you look down seeing a smug smile. just what is he planning.
"come closer." and boy that sure caught you off. leaning in closer, his scent awaits you on an alluring catch, he knows how handsome he is.
you look forward with him, your eyes and his about to fall seemingly like in a bliss of kisses.
but no he spits on your face and goes cackling
anyways insert yourself in bad blood by taylor swift music video on time stamp: 3:06, while the house u two lived in is on fire. purposely that is.
a/n: i got back home and its currently 2am and i wanted to post this vv quick before i eat a snack or so and god i really was stupid for the time being I KNOW but i dont rlly care about the banner or whatsoever added or whatever aesthetics you want me to becausr this is crack we're talking about. no one cares. good night nerds.
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 year
(ouma anon) OH sorey im coming back cuz i got to suggest Social Climb by IDK HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME for Kokichi
it's just the vibe on the way he makess the killing game so grandure a bit, all fancy but the lyrics are like:
[Come break some hearts now, tear them out / Filing for amusements with the crowd / Oh, but be advised, participation is required /Doing things not typically allowed]
[Feels like we're having a good time / It's true, a wonderfully good time]
[Different defections, cut the lines / Leagues of social climbers all about / Oh, but be advised, no restitution comes tonight / 'Less we lay unconscious in the ground]
[But if the lights don't stop me / No one's got control of what I do / 'Cause it's a good time]
OH AND The Lions Den by McCafferty for Shuichi
i think you mentioned how you wanted more songs to show the raw emotion? well this one definitely has it
[She says / This is just a bad dream, / Everybody wake up soon / We'll tie our red balloons to my car roof / Friction in your head, friction in mine / I still remember his eyes on mine]
[So let me break, / For the love of God, let me break / Let me slip to the bottom of this hill / Let my body fall into the pit / Into the lion's den with you / It's the lion's den where you will live / It's the lion's den where you will die / It's the lion's den you wrote your name to /And it's the lion's den where you will cry]
Another for Shuichi Scotland by McCafferty, i love him so much, he screams his songs
[What kinda God lets children die? / They probably went in her room / They probably thought she's asleep / What kinda God lets children die? / They probably thought that she stayed the same / But she's not the same, no, no, not the same girl / Bodies will wonder, and eyes will ponder / I need to know, will I make it? / I need to know, will I make it?]
Who Are You, Really? by Mikky Ekko for the whole of v3 tbh?? or more of Tsumugi taunting everybody else
[Who, who are you really? / And where are you going? / I have nothing left to prove / 'Cause I have nothing left to lose / See me bare my teeth for you / Who, who are you?]
Mother Mother - Arms Tonite for Kokichi bc the vibe of the chorus is him😭
[And hey, you, don't you think it's kinda cute / That I (I) died (died) right inside your arms tonight? / That I'm fine even after I have died? / Because it was in your arms I died]
AJR - Finale for Shuichi
i love this song so much and it like describes him post game
[Don't you go, we need you here / You brighten up, this shitty year / Well, congratulations on your bit of success /We can't wait to see what you do next] < THE KILLING GAME FANS WHEN V3 ENDS
[They wanted heaven from me, I gave 'em hell / Now they want something bigger, I'm overwhelmed / And if you're just as hopeless, I wish you well / We can't wait to see what you do next] <SHUICHI ABT THE AUDIENCE
[Can you wait a sec? / Let me catch my breath, let me catch my / I can't remember how I got here / Can you wait a sec? / Let me catch my breath, let me catch my /I can't remember how I got here, got here] SOBS WAVES HANDS
Thank you for giving me the lyrics too because I can totally miss where people associate songs with characters and these are FANTASTIC
Finale by AJR for Shuichi especially is making me lose my mind. I LOVE post game stuff that tackles the meta aspects of v3's ending and this is awesome
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ssamie · 3 years
off limits.
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·˚ ༘⌗ someone had caught langa's attention, and reki being the supportive friend that he is, decided to help langa score a date with them, all without knowing they were joe's precious little sibling.
·˚ ༘⌗ hasegawa langa x gn!reader
·˚ ༘⌗ warnings: langa's shitty flirting, fluff, im using ASH as ur name in S lol sorry if u hate it, long-ish ig
gen masterlist.       sk8 masterlist.
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"yeah! go ASH!" "damn! they're so cool!"  "ASH! come take a picture with us!"
you simply grinned and waved to the crowd as they repeatedly chanted your name and cheered you on. you had just won a beef against your very own brother kojiro, or better known as JOE, and everyone was going crazy.
"well then, i win so you know what to do, right JOE?" you smirked tauntingly as your brother sighed in exasperation "yeah, yeah" he rolled his eyes "im doing laundry for this month as we previously agreed upon" he said
you snickered and waved him goodbye before rushing off to MIYA. you and him were fairly close friends since you were both candidates for japan's national team and often meet up outside of 'S'
"woah.." langa said with a gasp as his eyes followed your form. reki raised a brow in confusion as he followed langa's line of sight.
"langa? whats wrong?" reki asked. "ASH.." langa responded. his eyes were glimmering with amazement and adoration as a bright and sparkly aura surrounded him.
"oh, them?" reki hummed "they're really cool, huh? their tricks were really amazing" he said
langa simply sent you one last glance before reluctantly averting his attention towards reki. "reki! i think.. i think i like ASH" langa admitted with a blush
"eh?! like, like like them? or-" langa cut him off with a frantic nod, making reki scream out in surprise
"eh?! that's awesome! go talk to them then!" reki exclaimed as he tried to push langa towards your direction. "no! i can't!" langa panicked as he tried to plant himself in his spot
"yeah you can!" reki laughed "just go for it!" langa shook his head in distress and tried to run away, although reki caught him by his collar just in time.
"but i don't know what to say! they might find me weird!" langa exclaimed. reki hummed before nodding in agreement. "yeah, you're right. then you'll never get a chance if that happens"
langa paled as a look of dread and fear had dawned upon his features. reki immediately took notice and frantically patted his back to calm him down. "no, no! it's fine! you just gotta practice what to say first so you don't mess it up when you finally talk to them!" reki said
langa nodded with determination. "you're right, reki" he said. "so you'll help me right?" he sent reki an expectant look, making the latter gulp.
"ofcourse!" reki exclaimed "with my help, you'll score a date with them in no time!"
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"um-hey, uh how's it-"
"no!! wrong wrong wrong!!" reki exclaimed as he shook his head in disappointment "we've gone over this! we've practiced for a week straight!" he sighed out in exasperation
they were currently at a convenience store parking lot, practicing langa's lines and flirting skills for when he finally musters up the courage to approach you.
"just be cool! be natural! you're too stiff" reki said as he lightly punched langa in the chest. "it's too hard" langa sighed dejectedly "i can't do it"
reki frowned and slapped langa's back, making him yelp. "you can do this! miya said they're really nice so you don't have anything to worry about" reki said in reassurance
"yeah, i guess" langa said with a pout "but im just-"
he yelped as he suddenly collided with another person, his foot had been caught up in his board, causing him to slip and for the other to stumble.
"ah, im so sorry!" you said as you frantically grasped his wrist just before he could fall to the ground. thankfully, you were able to balance yourself and catch him in the process.
"wait-" reki's eyes widened "you're.. ASH?!" you then grinned and set him a wave "hey! you're reki right? miya mentioned you a few times now" you said
"but you probably shouldn't address me as that when we're outside. it's against the rules you know?" you mused with a kind smile "just call me y/n"
"i-i uhm.. you-" langa stammered out. "hm?" you hummed in confusion as you turned around to face a red-faced langa, who seems to be in the brink of combustion at the moment. you followed his eyes down to your hand, which was still holding his wrist, and immediately let go. "oh, sorry dude! you're the rookie right?" you cooed out with a grin
"nice to meet you. i've seen you skate before, you're really good" you complimented him with a suave smirk
"..." langa didn't respond and simply looked at you with sparkling eyes and a blank expression, making reki face-palm in the background
"uh, you alright, langa?" you asked with a chuckle "you look real red right now" you grinned and jokingly elbowed him "it's not cause you like me or anything right?" you teased
"NO!" langa exclaimed. both you and reki blinked in shock while langa simply shook his head with a shaky smile "i mean-no i do! but not like that! but i don't don't like you-"
he suddenly cleared his throat upon receiving a silent signal from reki, making you smile in amusement. "so uh- what's an eye candy like you doin in a place like this?" he asked in a 'flirtatious' tone, though it only came out awkwardly and forced due to his aloof and blunt nature.
you chuckled and shrugged nonchalantly "not much. just shopping" you replied as you showed them the grocery bags filled with ingredients for kojiro's restaurant. "why? wanna take me elsewhere?" you teased
you laughed and lightly nudged him with your hip. " 'm just messing with you! you're too serious, loosen up will you?" you chuckled. "r-right!" langa laughed nervously as he silently marveled at you and your angelic laughter. "seriously," you grinned "you don't have to be so nervous. i don't bite you know?"
"well, unless you want me to" you grinned cheekily as a his face exploded into a bright shade of red. "oh.. is that so.." he stammered out
langa had once again fallen into silence as he settled for ogling at your side profile with his eyes sparkling with adoration. reki sweat dropped and nervously chimed in as to not make things awkward.
"so, y/n-san" reki said with a nervous smile "you're a really cool skater! and you also remind me of someone i know" he said
"oh well then you're probably talking about my brother. i heard you often hang with him in and outside of S" you said
"your brother?" reki and langa mumbled out in confusion. you nodded "yeah it's-" you were cut off by the ringing of your phone, making you shoot the two boys an apologetic smile and a wave goodbye.
"sorry guys, i gotta go. but maybe next time we can hang!" you said as you start to skate away. but just before you could get too far, you stop in your tracks and shoot langa a wink.
"catch you later, snow~" you cooed before finally disappearing from their sight, leaving behind a flustered langa and a surprised reki.
langa blinked one last time before dramatically falling down onto the floor like a melted puddle, his face bright red and a hazy smile grazing his lips.
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"geez, you really need to keep your shit together." reki sighed "y/n was clearly flirting with you and you didn't even make a move." he said
langa frowned and nodded, "yeah, i guess i was just nervous. and it's a little awkward too.." he said. reki deadpanned and slapped him by his nape "dumbass! it's only awkward cus you make it like that!" he exclaimed
langa winced and shuffled away from reki "ouch! yeah, yeah, i'll do better next time.." he muttered with a pout.
they stopped as they arrived at kojiro's restaurant, they were there to meet up with the others for a friendly hangout. "hey guys!!" reki greeted them with a grin
"oh, the slime is here." miya said as he continued to play on his phone, not even looking up once. "oi! im no slime!" reki whined as he tackled miya in a hug, much to the latter's annoyance.
"hm? what's wrong, langa?" kaoru asked with a hum as he took notice of langa, who seemed more out of it that usual.
"oh, langa's thinking of ways on how to flirt with this person he likes!" reki exclaimed with a cheeky grin as he teased his friend. "a crush?" kaoru mused
"you're too young for that" joe said with a laugh "but if you need help, then im definitely the right person to go to" he followed up with a smirk
kaoru simply bonked him in the head with his fan and sighed. "you are definitely the worst person to come to." he said
joe gritted his teeth and glared at his pink haired friend, before huffing and facing langa once more. "so, who exactly is this crush of yours?" he cooed
langa blushed and sheepishly turned his head away, "its no one.." he muttered.
"it's ASH." miya chimed in with a smug grin "aka y/n. those two slimes have been asking me about them for the past week. it's honestly sad." he snickered.
kaoru and kojiro's face paled while langa simply turned into a blushing mess.
"wait-" kaoru gulped "y/n.. y/n as in kojiro's-"
"nii-san!" your voice emitted from the kitchen "i finished putting the groceries in the back room" you said
you walked into the room, untying the apron around your waist as you make your way towards your brother.
only then did you notice all their eyes trained on you, especially langa, who looked like his eyes were about to pop off with how much he'd widened them.
"umm.." you mumbled out sheepishly "is everything alright?" you asked
kojiro slowly walked up to langa with a dark look in his eyes, much to langa's horror. "oi, rookie." kojiro called out, his tone laced with malice
langa yelped and immediately shielded himself behind reki "i can explain.." langa muttered with a nervous smile
"explain what?" kojiro scowled. his muscular arms pulled you towards him, much to your confusion, and held you protectively against his chest.
"that you're flirting around with my baby sibling!!?!" kojiro exclaimed
"NO!" langa denied "well uh- kind of.. but i only did it once and-reki! help me!" he gave reki a look of helplessness.
reki gulped as kojiro's glare had averted towards him. "ah, joe! it's just that-langa here thought y/n-san was very alluring, right?" he mused, to which langa nodded along.
"so uh-we asked miya some things about her.. but miya never told us they was your sibling!!" he exclaimed
miya simply gave them a cat-like grin, smiling and giggling to himself as he innocently looks around the place.
"that doesn't excuse your actions, you punks!" kojiro bonked them both in the head
"let me get this straight.. y/n is off limits. got that?" he glared at langa "no flirting, no dating, no boyfriends."
you scowled and wiggled yourself free from his hold. "what the hell are you talking about?" you crossed your arms over your chest as you look at your brother expectantly.
"wha- y/n you're too young!" kojiro shrieked "im not a kid, you know?" you sweat drop
"you're younger than me, which means you're a kid. so no boyfriends." kojiro huffed "kaoru help me out here!!" he said
kaoru simply sipped on his drink and sighed. "i personally don't have any problems if y/n chooses to date." he says in a calm tone
but it soon changed into a look of malice as he looms over langa's shoulder. "but if you hurt them, i will surely be teaching you a lesson." he muttered in a low tone "alright?"
langa yelped and nodded. "right!" he exclaimed
you sighed and bonked both kaoru and kojiro in the head, pushing them away despite their protests, and approached langa.
"don't mind them." you said "they're just overprotective. most of it were empty threats anyways!" you laughed
langa gulped as he looked at the two over your shoulder with dread. "im pretty sure those threats weren't empty..." he muttered
you laughed and took his hand, flipping it over to reveal his wrist. you then took a pen from your pocket and wrote your number down onto his skin.
"i gotta go, but when you have time, give me a call okay?" you cooed with a smirk
langa watched with sparkling eyes as you gave him a flirty wink before taking your board and walking out of the restaurant.
"bye~" you cooed with a wave before skating away
"i- what?! did my baby sibling just give some guy their number?!" kojiro shrieked in horror
"you act like you don't do the same thing in a daily basis" reki sweat dropped
reki then turned to langa, who was still staring at the digits on his wrist with a blushing face. "so, are you gonna call them?" reki mused
"like hell you will!!" kojiro scowled
"i will!" langa exclaimed with a determined look
"oi! didn't you hear me?!" kojiro snarled "don't call them! they're off limits! oi, listen to me!!" he groaned in aggravation
"joe, im gonna ask them to be my s/o!" langa said with a straight face as he stared at joe with a hopeful glint in his eyes
"im doing it anyway!"
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clavis-baby · 3 years
Songs that You would listen to After a Breakup with The Brothers
I’m so sorry I was listening to reckless and it made me feel something (also I’ve never dated anyone sooo shhh)
Also I tried to add at least 3/4 to every brother but I realized they all had a Olivia Rodrigo song so sorry about that also I tried not cross over the same songs 😅
Also Spotify Playlist!!!
enough for you - Olivia Rodrigo
Okay so first Olivia track honestly I know we all cried to her whole album don’t deny it but essentially I felt that with the lyrics I wore makeup when we dated“'Cause I thought you'd like me more If I looked like the other prom queens” and “Tried so hard to be everything that you liked” I feel like Lucifer would expect that his lover to be perfect honestly this song really would work well with both of Satan and Lucifer so deciding between them was pretty hard but the pushing point for me to put this with Lucifer was the lyric “But I don't think anything could ever be enough”
Without me - Halsey
(Ugh I love Halsey so much and her baby soon!!!) Anyway!! For Lucifer I really think that his pride would’ve gotten in the way of all of his relationships he’s ever had but “Feeling so high but too far away to hold me You know I'm the one who put you up there Name in the sky Does it ever get lonely?” Just screams Lucifer and how the chorus keeps on saying “I said I'd catch you if you fall” ahh perfect (could also work for Asmo)
I knew you were trouble - Taylor Swift
Won’t lie but embarrassed that I choose this song but it works for Lucifer sooo whatever but the chorus really is a fairly good start I feel like anyone who has a brain (even tho MC really doesn’t) dating Lucifer wouldn’t be particularly 100% safe but whatever he’s most people’s favorites again I used to love this song but don’t anymore so when I looked up songs about break ups (yes I did that) and Trouble came up I relistened and with these lyrics I had to include it No apologies “He'll never see you cry Pretends he doesn't know That he's the reason why”
Let Me down Slowly - Alec Benjamin
Now if this was a cheating thing and he did cheat this would be like the absolute BEST SONG!! But tbh this is a pretty good song for any breakup I feel like…OH WELL! :) the first lyric FIRST LYRIC “This night is cold in the kingdom” I felt represented his pride idk how to explain but idk T-T I can explain the rest tho >~< “I once was a man with dignity and grace Now I'm slippin' through the cracks of your cold embrace” once again pride but with “Could you find a way to let me down slowly? A little sympathy, I hope you can show me” I really hc that almost with all the boys but especially with Lucifer they just would not care about cheating after they maybe got a rush would leave you instantly once that “rush” is/was gone
(I’m a sucker for him im sorry I put all the most emotional songs with him)
Reckless - Madison Beer
This was the song that inspired this whole post!! (Sadly, it made me feel things) But this song really could be used for Belphie and maybe a hint of Asmo but Mammon was the first person I thought about when listening to this song so it’s mammon. Mammon I just feel like behind all the tunsdere act he really promises us so much like obviously the protection but Reckless just show us within the lyrics “I still have the letter you wrote When you told me that I was the only girl You'd ever want in your life” and even this lyric with his whole first man thing and even him asking us to come to him for protection “You might love her now, but you loved me first Said you'd never hurt me, but here we are” it just is so good 😭
Love me or leave me - little mix
So if you even skim through these Mammon songs and know about my posts I love him so much so even though what I said in Lucifers part about them not caring about cheating and stuff I feel like Mammon might care just because of how much he promises things also I read a lot of fanfics with what I just said “And you're turning away like you hate me Do you hate me? Do you hate me? Oh” tbh because of this lyric I did think for a moment to use this song for Satan but Uhhh this is really emotional song and I love my bby “Do you remember when you loved me once What happened? What happened? And you'd hold me here just because” LOVE ME OR LEAVE ME HERE!!!
Be Alright - Dean Lewis
This song I feel like was a bit more for me sooo yeah also remember what I said about how I hc that almost with all the boys that they just would not care about cheating after they maybe got a rush with you they would leave you instantly once that “rush” is/was gone wel I sort of want to believe mammon wouldn’t and his greed gets in the way (who am I kidding I’m just making excuses for my baby) but I’m going to continue on what I just said because Umm well I can do uh “You start to tremble and your voice begins to break You say the cigarettes on the counter weren't your friend's They were my mate's”
(I couldn’t find anymore songs that I felt that would fit him 😭)
Ex best friend - Machine gun Kelly
When I was writing this originally there was going to be like 4 parts of all the characters but then once I realized how many songs and I couldn’t think of any for others and how I wanted to add an explanation I gave up on that but originally it was going to also be cheating songs, fall outs, then just aftermaths of breakup songs which to be honest this song really could fit with the after math and cheating songs I feel like Asmo and his SO are more likely a not able to quit each other sort of thing “We're both drunk on the elevator When I kissed you for the first time in New York City, uh” and even near the end of the first season the only little part we sort of get from character development from Asmo when we was drunk explains what he was sort of saying “I swear to God, I never fall in love Then you showed up, and I can't get enough of it I swear to God, I never fall in love I never fall in love, but I can't get enough of it First off, I'm not sorry I won't apologize to nobody You play like I'm invisible Girl, don't act like you ain't saw me” personally I do think that inside Asmo might be insecure and a bit sensitive on the inside but I could be wrong
When the party’s over - Billie Eilish
Wow I have the lyrics up and I just realized this 3 minute song has barley lyrics but the song still fits Asmo so.
traitor - Olivia Rodrio
Even tho that all these songs were on cheating I tend to hc that Asmo isn’t a huge fan of solo partnership because of the title avatar of lust so I feel like in maybe the beginning of a relationship he would promise to you that he would be there for you but would maybe end up not staying true to his words I forgot who but someone else explained why they don’t believe that Asmo wouldn’t be able to go with out having a Polly relationship
I’ve had this in my drafts for so long and wanted to post this but at this point I’ve just can’t add anymore so this is my lazy part
Boys like you - Anna Clendening
Again I’m lazy rn but I wanted Satans part to show just pure madness and anger but also as time progress just sadness for Satans pure side also anything that had to do with books or a story I added for u know Satan loving books
I’m not mad - Halsey
Moral of the story - Ashe
Blue - Madison Beer
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heliophilial · 3 years
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒖𝒔 . (a tbz 3rd year anniversary special)
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genre :angst ,fluff (more of brotherhood)
group and member involved :the boyz ,all members are involved !
between :the whole group and thebs hello cuties <3
warnings :u may or may not cry but i cried typing this so gluck ig HWUJDF
word count :844 (i didn’t count my notes to thebs and the boys in)
brief description :when all seems dull ,when times are grey ,it is only when we are together that the world gains its colour .theres no one else like you ,no one else like us ,theres really nothing like us .
playlist :literally just nothing like us by justin bieber like a 1 hr loop or smth ,depends on how long u take to read this
before you continue to read also please note that ‘we’ refers to thebs here !!
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quiet .peaceful .light snores of the members filled the dorm .the room filled with nothing but darkness .black shade hovering over the members faces .they had just wrapped up a little celebration in the living room with cakes and party poppers to celebrate their 3rd year together not long ago .shortly after wrapping up the party ,they had fallen asleep on the couch ,all lying on one another comfortably .
sangyeon slowly blinked his eyes open .he rubbed his eyes and slowly unwrapped eric's hands from his waist and placed chanhee's legs that were on his lap onto the space of the sofa that he had previously occupied .careful to not wake the members up .
he looked at the members' sleeping forms and smiled ,glad that they were finally able to catch some rest after their packed schedules .he walked to the kitchen to fetch himself a glass of water and at the corner of his eyes ,he spotted a glimmering light .he placed his glass down and approached the light that was so very alluring for some reason .
there on the shelf of where all their awards have been placed on ,laid a book with its contents blinding his eyes with its bright light .he inspected the book for a while before proceeding to open it with caution .
inside the book ,there were sketches of the key moments the members have shared together such as their debut stage ,their first ever music show award as well as their first ever full length album promos .as he flipped to the first page that displayed their first moment together ,there were harsh winds blowing past him and a force from the book pulled him towards the page and right into it .
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he looked at the 12 boys on stage ,introducing themselves for the first time to the whole wide world .and he looked at them with pride and honour in his eyes ,the boys' who had no idea what being idols would be like for themselves ,clueless of what the future had in store for them .he looked at them from the bottom of the stage and sucked in a breath ,"wow we've really grown a lot ."he thought .
after they had introduced themselves as a group and individually ,the sight in front of him suddenly pauses and his attention gets diverted to the door to his right .
he walked into the room .
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he gets transported to the very first time they cried together ,over the pain ,over the stress ,over the tiredness of it all .
he looked at the 12 boys shedding tears of pain .he swallowed the lump in his throat ,the feelings of helplessness ,confusion ,fear coming washing over him once again as he sees the very moment they broke down .
tears flows down his face ,and that my friends are tears of the caretaker ,the leader ,the person whom the members depend on ,lee sangyeon .
as heavy as the weight he carried ,the tears poured like a fierce and powerful waterfall .
and then the door right next to him yet again invites him to step into yet another memory .
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he steps onto the stage of road to kingdom ,and as he looks ahead the ending poses of all their road to kingdom stages are there right in front of him .all the members still and not moving ,just statures .
he walks down the long stretch ,as he looks at the legacy they left behind ,the power and strength ,the confidence from these stages that the members have gained progressively with each stage .
as he finally reaches the other end of the stage ,the screen opens up to when they had their 'the stealer'promotions .where they had their wins .
his smile grew wider and wider as he walked through all the performances they have done for the stealer and all the trophies they have gotten from the era .
and finally he reached another door .a door with a question mark on it .
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he opens the door ,to pitch black .
darkness ,just darkness .and the fear in sangyeon grew ,"what does this darkness mean ?what is it gonna be for us ?"
suddenly , the door creaks open to reveal the members one by one .
sangyeon looks up at them and suddenly the fear stops ,hes no longer afraid as he looks into their eyes .
they ran to him and extended their hands out to him .
he proceeds to embrace all the members into a big tight group hug .drops of colour starts to paint the room ,slowly forming a picture showing the many stages they have performed ,every milestone theyve achieved ,the concerts ,every moment with their fans ,every moment together ,every vlives .everything starts out when theyre together .
we opened the door carefully ,proceeding to join our hands together and form a circle surrounding the boys .as we cried tears of joy and pride ,we hugged each other as well and this is when we knew
"theres nothing like us ,theres nothing like you and me ,together through the storm ."
for thebs
thank you for being one of the most caring ,loving ,welcoming and inclusive fandoms ever .to all the thebs all around thw world ,thank you for supporting them and giving them love as well .i love yall <3 lets protect them at all costs ♡
for my beloved boys
hello my loves ❤ik its 12 am in korea already but i still just wanna type this for you !so there's really a lot of things i want to say to you ,im sure many of us have already said whatever im about to say but i will still say it to remind you or to let you know that ,yes ,you do make me feel that way ,you do make me feel those kinds of feelings .
i dont know how ,like no nothing at all can show how grateful i am towards you .i cant tell you how many times there were this year when i just got beaten up (mentally)to the point that i couldnt even have the energy to stand back up and continue life normally .but whenever these times come ,ik i just know even though youre not here physically ,i know you want me to stop crying ,i know you would want me to stop hurting myself and i know you would stay with me even when my walls come crashing down onto me .you made me feel the greatest kind of happiness possible ,i never knew that this feeling was even possible to feel until i met you .
there was never a moment when i regretted stanning you ,supporting you and giving you all my heart and soul ,my energy ,everything .i just want you to know that you are so special ,so wonderful ,so incredibly talented ,so hardworking ,so beautiful ,just the most amazing bunch of people ever .ive never seen people so passionate ,so ready to help ,so genuinely loving and caring towards the people who love them .
i know its hard to be an idol ,and i know that its especially hard to even speak your mind ,speak what you wanna say without having the media chase you down .but i just wanna let you know that we are and will be by your sides forever .no matter what happens ,im sure ,very sure u know that u can run right back into our arms like how uve always welcome us back into urs .u are the people who made me feel the most bizarre feelings ,beyond happiness ,beyond joy ,beyond euphoria ,beyond all the feelings ive ever felt in my whole 16 years of living .
we are so proud of you of how far youve come ,how much youve accomplished .im so so proud ,so so happy to be able to call myself a fan of yours ,a theb ,someone who so dearly supports you .and i really hope you know that .i would wish for there to never be an end to this .for all i know ,im in this shit for life ,forever ,till the end .
im just so happy because of you ,i feel joy ,i see the light in life ,the reasons to live ,so much more prominent to me now because of you .there will come one day ,when we can finally see each other face to face and i can finally shout out to you ,my words of gratitude ,my words of thanks and my words filled with love and affection for you and just see your faces .but till then ,please take good good care of urselves ,rest well and eat well okay !we're always here ,remember !❤
its really been a rocky and crazy ride these 3 years ,you my friend ,are indeed the best character i can ever invite into my story 💜i hope youre sleeping tight ,i love you so much more than words can ever describe .with that ,happy 3 years to my favourites ,my loves ,my bbs ,my shining lights ,my everything ,happy 3 years to the boyz ❤💜💙💛 - berinne
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