#Im way less involved in the community than i thought i really only care about the drawings and the suitmaking
tiercel · 10 months
If you can remember it what was like the gateway thing for you to discover furry/anthro stuff. For me it was finding costuming vids on youtube specifically clockwork creature suits in 2008 i was obsessed with those
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meowsticmarvels · 1 year
hello mcsm community. this is a repost of a long ass twitter thread i made so i apologize in advance if its formatted weird (and sort of disorganized). but heres some of my Thoughts and analysis on radar. i have much more to say than just this of course but HERE WE GO! radar insaneposting tumblr edition. long post incoming (i worked very hard on this)
- he idolizes the new order and puts them on a pedestal above himself a bit. i mean from some dialogue it's clear he doesn't have the highest opinion of himself but he treats the new order smiliarly to how they felt about the old order in thw wither storm arc
- i have mentioned this several times but the "prison radar" thing definitely comes across to me as him trying to overcompensate (and mimic those he sees as "strong" like petra and jack) sort of. like if you contextualise it with how a lot of the characters called him weak an episode prior and it definitely seemed to have an impact on him its like. yeah. especially being thrown into a situation like w/ the sunshine institute and the whole iron breathtaker thing that has Got to fuck you up. idk i jusy see a lot of people take that at face value like "oh look he's being silly" when it comes across to me as more like insecurity ig?
- hes so autism its unreal
but yeah the whole thing kinda fucks him up
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ig the only thing thay kinda bothers me is that arc doesnt feel finished. and also jesse can ENCOURAGW him to act like someone hes not??? OH AND. id like to point out this thing also involves him trying to break his own strict patterns which is p interesting to me. by this i mean the "disregard my bedtime! break whatever rules I feel like! within reason!" he seems to feel that in order to become stronf he has to be like. less caring of the rules w/e but the "within reason" line and the fact that he dislikes things being disorganized still is like. he doesnt Want to act like this. he doesnt seem to like thag but he feels iys the only way he can be strong and adapt to such a lifethreatening situation (to act like someone he clearly isnt)
another point id like to make is his relationship with Stella. it isnt really explored past this one scene in episode 2 of s2 but god there's a lot to unpack here
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"you'll never change" - has stella... always been like this?  even when radar worked under her (which HAS to be at least a year before s2 bc apparently he's been working for jesse for about a year)
 also she calls him a "quitter" which. 1. has a negative connotation meaning that she Does Not Approve of him leaving 2. implies he quit of his own accord. this isn't normal former boss/former employee interaction though something definitely happened. like theyre both Weirdly Hostile and this is never brought up again....... ehat happened.
also "he doesn't even know how to use a sword" this part stuck out to me but Considering this thing i noticed a few months ago about how the mcsm world is very. survival oriented and people who can slay powerful monsters (i.e. old order) are looked at with high respect. so basically she's calling him weak here which is. Huh. also "you don't know anything" girl what happened.... why does radar feel he has to prove himself like that...
"id be careful about counting on him for anything" what did she mean by this. did radar fuck up in some way unintentionally and it pissed stella off or something??? because something clearly happened and im very sad this is never explored further bc this is a fucking interesting plot point.
also. the last image...... this is so fucking interesting regarding radar as a character because it does actually provide context for the whole prison radar thing. like holy shit this says a lot. the first line kinda shows his insecurity already. he's aware people don't believe in him and think he's weak and a coward, but he's going to try anyway. he feels he has to prove himself kinda.. like "you'll see! i can do it watch!" and considering his behavior in this episode it shows. he's overcompensating for that fear and trying to prove that he can be enough to make a difference. especially shown by how he reacts when "Vos" tells him he's not up for the task. he's trying, it isn't enough, so he decides to mimic his heroes and pretend to be someone he isn't (which... unfortunately half the cast doesn't take seriously)
the second line proves my points more. "im not the person she thinks i am anymore" raises a lot of questions on what happened ofc but there's also the "I can be different. Braver. If that's what the situation requires... I'll do it." and guess what! he *does* do that! a combination of pressure from people telling him that he can't do it and he'd just get hurt in the process and is too weak and cowardly to really do much + the stress of the situations he's thrust into seems to sort of catalyze his decision to put on the "prison radar" persona and pretend to mimic his heroes and act strong to not only make a difference and mean something but also to survive The Horrors . but he doesn't want to do this, that isn't who he is as a person, moreso what he feels he has to do. also thinking of pne line where he says something abojt the "incredible misery in the world crushing down on you". like this is a random throwaway line?? clearly the entire situation of s2 is Getting to him but he never really gets to Express that
now ofc like i mentioned this arc is in no way perfect. it's fucking interesting but it feels unresolved and forgotten by episode 5 along with the other characters completely ignoring the fact that that isn't who he is along with jesse even praising that in some dialogue options. like the writing of this kinda confuses me because everything radar says and feels up to that point implies that it's a façade built to be what others want him to be and as a stress response but some later things kinda treat the way he acts as a Good Thing and like ???? like i get it if they wanted to do the "being more courageous" arc sure. fine. but this doesn't seem like it was simply written as that. he does Not usually act like how he does during the "prison radar" thing and its just never addressed. which fucks me up bc this is personally one of my favorite character arcs of mcsm due to how complicated and insane it is + hes one of my favorite characters ever and i relate to his issues a lot but instead thw writings kinda ????? but yeah. its always bothered me really but to be Fair mcsm was hit by a lot of budget cuts that affected the plot like dont even get me started on the scrapped assistant to the warden who sesms to be meant to be the antithesis to radar kind of... and im p sure some episodes had different writers. so yeah this sucks but it isnt gonna piss me off that bad I just wish his arc was handled a bit differently. might potentially write something or w/e about this but anyways if you read this entire thread 1. you're insane 2. we do a little trolling. follow me mcsm truthers
original tweet thread here: https://twitter.com/rival_trevor/status/1659130820999753730?s=20
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i-like-gay-books · 2 years
lately been seeing a lot of pushback against the pushback against intellectual elitism, crying anti-intellectualism, and there are a few reasons this is bothering me which i’m going to try to list here to the best of my abilities all in one sitting because otherwise i’ll forget to finish it:
1. the whole attitude against consuming “easy” media like marvel or mainstream movies or books, etc, is intellectual elitism no matter how you sugar coat it. im not saying it’s intentionally malicious, in fact i believe most people doing it are unaware they’re doing anything at all. the thing is that privilege can affect you in many different ways, and the level of media you are able to consume and have an enjoyable experience with is one of those ways.
i am very well educated in language and writing, so reading experimental stories where the syntax and turn of phrase is almost more important than the actual plot or characters is easy and even sometimes enjoyable for me. however, i have next to no media literacy when it comes to films. i can watch something more artistic or experimental, but i likely won’t understand it even close to the amount i need to in order to enjoy it. it would take a lot of effort to fully understand and even if i got to the point of understanding it the effort it took would make the experience much less enjoyable.
i hope i explained that well enough. it’s kinda hard to put into words
2. it’s ableist. full stop. i’m not even joking here i saw someone seriously type out and post something that said people are using this callout of intellectual elitism as a way to hide the fact that they’re all just “jocks who don’t play sports.” that doesnt directly relate to this point in particular i just remembered it. 
yes, less artistic or intentionally intellectual/ thought provoking pieces of art are easier to consume. speaking as someone who has not only dealt with chronic burnout myself but who is part of a generation of people living day in and day out with chronic burnout, sometimes easy media is all i can handle. by which i mean, most times. and its easier to consume again. and again. and again and again.
burnout is just one example of course, many disabilities can cause a lack of energy to devote to activities that are for leisure. and even without disabilities, humans are meant to rest. nobody wants to be thinking critically or philosophically 100% of the time.
3. communities are much larger surrounding mainstream/ easy to consume media. obviously that doesnt make it more worthwhile, but it does come with its own certain set of benefits. also you know what mainstream fandoms have a shit ton of? fan work. look at fan fiction and fan art and fan theories and tell me those people are not thinking critically and engaging meaningfully with their source material. just try to tell me. 
some people work better with more hands on, creative pursuits. my favorite subjects growing up were always math and english, because there was a way to be involved, and not just be told the answers, the story. science and history never offered me that, at least not as openly. learning styles are different, and just because we’re talking about a leisure activity here doesnt mean that fact changes or becomes irrelevant.
this is just me word dumping onto a document because i didnt want to hijack a post at 12:30 at night, but these are a few of the reasons this “anti-intellectualism” accusation has been leaving a bad taste in my mouth for the few months its been going on. feel free to add on or ignore or whatever, i dont really care. i just needed to write it down and get it out there.
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sereniv · 2 years
Hello there!! I hope your day is going well. I hope this isn’t overstepping any boundaries, and I genuinely apologize if it is, but I’m a person with Yaqui heritage really really wanting to reconnect, although I’m not entirely sure if I have a right to it. Though it was at first a family story that I took with a grain of salt, but further digging into family history shows that a LOT adds up (i.e. my ancestors are from Sonora, ended up in southern Arizona for a time, and family records I’ve tracked down online all say that almost my ancestors on my grandma’s side were Yaqui (and the ones who aren’t are still almost all recorded to have belonged to other Indigenous Mexican tribes.)
I do recognize that you’re only one person and cannot be a mouthpiece for every Yaqui, and I absolutely intend on contacting family members who may have more insight prior to actually contacting the tribe, but at the same time, I don’t want to get too invested in reconnecting if it isn’t my place to do so. Since you’re reconnected/reconnecting yourself, I thought maybe you might have some knowledge on whether or not one needs to have an direct(?) ancestor that was connected/enrolled/etc, and if this ancestor needs to go back only a certain amount of time before you kinda start to push it, as it were. Any insight you have on reconnection as a Yaqui in general would be unbelievably helpful, truly. Thank you so much in advance for your time, and please take care and stay safe out there.
Hi! thanks for reaching out :)
definitely like you said i am one person, but ill just go off of my experience, as one should do
So how i see it, and a lot of the Yaqui and rest of indian country agree, is basically claiming your heritage and tribe is less about blood and more about connecting and the community.
It can be complicated especially for those like the black slaves owned by some native tribes being able to claim their tribe (i believe they have the right to). This would be a case where there is no blood relation, but either cultural or historical relation. If they give back to the community, if they connect, if they learn the language, and everything that points to them BEING part of that tribe, than i say they are.
its not about words and titles and blood, its about being.
There are tribes that have adopted non natives and those non natives are able to claim that tribe. every situation is different.
but what i always tell people is: ignore blood, ignore everything and ask yourself why you would want to claim being native or claim being Yaqui. And how do you feel when you dont claim it? Does it feel no different either way or does it feel like youre lying to people?
I didnt grow up with our Yaqui culture (itom Hiak Lutu'uria). I grew up white. i look white. I have that white privilege and i dont deny it and i dont want it ignored bc its important for me to understand where i fit in society and different communities. and i dont want people to think im trying to pretend im not white or have that privilege. bc im not. I identify as Italian and Yaqui, White and Native, or just mixed. though i feel more comfortable saying Yaqui then native.
For me what is most important is connection and remembering people who came before me. And the fact that they assimilated. i struggled with identity growing up. Its not about claiming native, but its about giving back to the community and learning our Yaqui language (itom Hiak Nooki) and connecting with people.
I feel like an outsider and thats okay. because i am, even if the community accepts me which they do. You have to accept that you might have one foot in and one foot out but that doesnt make you less, its just a reality. you just have to figure where your place in the community is. go off of your experiences
I do what i can and i get involved when I can, and it never feels like enough. But it is. Because the alternative is not doing anything. not trying.
And when it comes to heritage, you are able to acknowledge it and give back to the community and be involved without claiming it. its hard to explain, but basically what i tell people is (especially if white) to focus on their "white" cultures first. Italian, irish, norwegian, etc.
because a lot of white people see those as a default. As "just' white. And then they see they are "part poc" and that seems like the only thing thats worth connecting.
but every culture has music and food and history and language to explore. and when you find love and pride in that, then sometimes people come to the conclusion that claiming native isnt right for them. that acknowledging it is enough.
its hard to explain the difference between claiming and simply acknowledging, but for me, claiming is work. its what reconnecting is. its actively BEING. its learning the language, history, talking with people but above all knowing that you are Yaqui. it is forefront, it is who you are, and its a feeling youll know if you have it.
otherwise theres nothing wrong with acknowledging your ancestors struggles, and being proud of your heritage and even supporting the tribe.
Im proud of being Yaqui bc of the people, the language is beautiful, the history is powerful. As i am with being Italian and the music and language and food. I have always loved being Italian even though i didnt grow up with the culture.
So before reconnecting sit down with yourself and think about what reconnecting means to you. why is it important? and is it effort youre willing to put in- not as forceful effort, but natural effort. You shouldnt be pushing yourself to reconnect, it shouldnt be a checklist or chore. it should just be something that comes naturally. like, a no brainer effort if that makes sense
In all, you are allowed to reconnect and youre allowed to just acknowledge. its up to you to figure out who you are in that regard. are you Yaqui or do you have Yaqui heritage
its ok to feel outside even when youre reconnecting. be yourself. for example, because of the history, Yaqui religion is both spiritual and catholic. i dont force myself to try and believe anything i dont already believe. because i dont need to do that.
I could go on and on but dm me if you want! im always down to talk. sorry this is so long and if i forgot anything or didnt answer something
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pridewhatpride · 3 years
do you have any gx rivalshipping hcs!! im super curious on your take of them :]
When I saw this ask my immediate reaction was thinking: "Yes, I have an excuse to talk about gx rivalshipping, YES."
So yeah. I love this ship a lot, like a whole damn lot and it's a little hard to explain why, especially when gx has so many open possibilities for romances involving Judai. By which I mean two, really, and Manjoume is not one of them (sadly for me). I am referring to Yubel and Johan, by the way, I refuse to acknowledge Asuka as a love interest.
I'll start off with a bit of fluff headcanons?
Manjoume thinks Winged Kuriboh is really cute and that its friendly and fluffy appearance screams Judai, in a way. But he will never admit it because of what that might imply for him and the Ojamas.
Manjoume is fueled by caffeine and monster, he only really starts to recognise how nice it can be to have a meal because of how much Judai enjoys his food. He tries to sit at the table with him with dumb excuses.
Judai feels a bit guilty for how his actions impacted Manjoume's life, but Manjoume generally tells him that it's fine, it's better this way, that he's never this happy, that the only reason why Judai should maybe feel bad about it is because of his tendency to get overly invested in other people's problems and getting hurt in the process. Judai responds with bear hugs.
Manjoume brags about Judai a lot, actually. "Oh you think that's cool? One time Judai managed to do a backflip, you loser." "Slifer reds suck, but they do have redeeming qualities, by which I mean one of them is actually good."
Judai likes to indulge himself in the thought that he's Manjoume's most trusted, that he's the only one who could ever be allowed to have that many incriminating pictures of him. Because Judai just loves taking candid pictures of Manjoume. He thinks he looks and and cool in every situation, so yeah. A part of him does it because he has an inexplicable fear of forgetting people and the way they look, but he just can't say why that is.
They hang out in silence a lot, but once they start talking they just never stop. You'll find them on the beach at 3 am with a smiling Manjoume listening to Judai go on about how crazy it is that you can fry food in so many different ways and how he once caught a butterfly as a kid and named it Kujaku.
They share their music a lot, so Manjoume's tastes switch from just emo to fast paced rap and the weirdly happy sounding songs about very morbid things Judai listens to (plus emo). Judai starts to enjoy a bit of angry screaming into microphones thanks to Jun. Do they sing along like idiots as they share earphones? Yes. Is Manjoume mesmerised by Judai's singing voice? Also yes.
Judai loves hiking and sometimes invites Manjoume, but because he's a lot weaker and has less stamina, they take it slow. Manjoume keeps cursing himself for being slow and dead weight, but Judai is just happy to have a companion. Admittedly, going slower makes the walks better as he has the time to enjoy the scenery properly. He never teases Jun about his lack of physical training.
Now... I wanted to talk about my general view on the ship, plus headcanons I guess, but this is going to be EVEN LONGER (you are getting more than you asked for, your fault for enabling me, really). For the sake of the sanity of mobile users, I'm adding a cut so nobody has to unwillingly scroll through endless text.
On to the the juice, then. My thoughts on the ship. Manjoume and Judai are, of course, the rivals of the series and, if my thoughts on rivalry weren't clear enough, I am one of those people. It's just really romantic to me. What is very interesting about the two of them specifically is that they are polar opposites in the way the reason why they play, throughout the whole series. Hell, their views end up getting reversed completely: Manjoume goes from "if I don't win I'm gonna have a breakdown breakdown" to "losing is ok, as long as I enjoy the game and am true to myself", while Judai does the 180 from "I really just love playing cards with my friends, who cares about the outcome, it's fun" to "I have card game related trauma, nobody speak to me, games are only an excuse to assert a sort of power scale and honestly fuck that".
Manjoume is sort of the only person in the 'friend group' (he's never actually part of it, sadly, literally only Judai and Fubuki like him) to not idolise Judai, not explicitly. He clearly has an admiration for Judai from the beginning, but he is adamant on expressing it as hatred towards for being better than him. A part of me feels that a lot of his superior act is meant to try and fool himself and Jaden into thinking that he's a worthy rival, because I know for a fact that Manjoume doesn't believe that. He wants it to be true, yes.
What I am trying to get at is that Judai is probably a little confused by the fact that Manjoume doesn't drool all over him like the rest of the school does, but it soon becomes a crutch. Judai is under a lot of pressure because he is the hero who will save everyone and people like to remind him of how much they count on him. Manjoume is in it for Judai. He wants to be acknowledged by him, he wants his recognition and his attention, but he never asks for help or expects Judai to fix his problems for him. Judai is probably thankful for that.
Manjoume is also really scared of being left behind and cast aside as soon as he stops being useful and that's exactly what the writers do to him!!! hooray!, but Judai keeps insisting that he's not a bad guy, that he's fun to be around, that he's competent. Manjoume doesn't really believe all that that much, but Jaden keeps playing him despite his repeated losses and to Jun that's the equivalent of someone kissing his tears away. Manjoume only learns to accept his losses and shortcomings because Judai did it for him first.
So basically Manjoume is the only one who fully sees Judai as a person, while Judai is the only one who is really willing to look past his pretentious facade. I fully believe that Judai was relieved to learn that Manjoume was not just a perfect boy with perfect manners, by the way. They both just love to learn about every imperfection that the other has and silently thinking that they just add to the beauty of the other's character. Will they tease eachother about it? Fuck yes. Do they feel awful when the other tries to fix something about themselves because they pointed it out? Also fuck yes.
They are in a dumb competition against themselves to be better in order to earn the right to be friends with eachother, but because they are fucking dumb they never actually communicate (until they do), so for a long time it's endless pining that is definitely not gay because admittedly Judai just doesn't think that dating is a thing, while Manjoume is straight™, really straight. He has never liked a boy in his life, he's so very fucking straight, I swear.
So Manjoume is a bisexual disaster (and in my headcanon he prefers boys, actually, the Asuka incident is the biggest example of denial™ ever. He prefers Fubuki, fight me over this). The problem is that he never really considered he might be crushing on Judai, but at the same time admitting to maybe liking boys too means that there was more to wanting to stay at DA, to hanging out with Judai's crew despite their mutual dislike, to his continuous playful headlocks and ear pulling. To add onto that, there is probably a certain amount of guilt over having betrayed that bond with Judai by trying to throw away his cards and everything. Judai, on the other hand... is confused at how bothered he is by the public declarations of love, because Manjoume is his rival and rivals are supposed to focus on eachother, not on some girl, no matter how good said girl is at card games.
So maybe they are a bit gay for eachother. And maybe they just want excuses to be together as much as possible. And it's really just the vibe of highschool romance between two people who don't want to admit to caring for one another on a deeper level, but are also weirdly possessive of eachother for no apparent reason. And I think I'll stop here with my gay retelling, but really if you look at the two of them you do see that they do a lot for eachother's characters. It's kind of beautiful, really. They are the two socially inept characters who find comfort in someone being just like them and understanding them as they change and grow up.
I have a lot to say about how that changes once the transfer students come in, but I think I've bored everyone for long enough- as in nobody will read this lol. That's ok. I thank you again for the ask and for allowing me to gush about this ship that is so close to my heart. If anyone ever wants to talk about them, just. Do. Break into my house at night and I still won't mind, I just want to talk about them.
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wickedpact · 3 years
You can't just drop that "I read Forces Multiplied" bomb on us and not give a ten page written reaction.
[cracks knuckles] if u insist
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nicky cant drive hc: destroyed. rip. also i loved how andy and nile stole those sports cars and were being badass and driving off the bridge & meanwhile joe and nicky were just absolutely vibing in the van
'heres the thing about power: people who have it think they deserve it' [shot of police car] i see u greg
5 whole panels being dedicated to booker not being able to unlock his door. booker not even seeing noriko sitting RIGHT THERE in the window at first. incredible
noriko being 24/7 horny was surprising. like wow all of the stuff i saw she did out of context was 100% equally horny in context as it was out of context. love that for her
i didnt think the 'andy + slavery' thing was handled as badly as everyone made it out to be when telling me about it. tho from the way it was talked about i had kind of figured the conflict between andy and nile re: slavery would be really racially charged (esp considering nile is a black american and would obvs have Thoughts on the subject in that regard) but like,, done in a cringey 'a-white-guy-obviously-wrote-it' kind of way? but it wasnt that. i mean. it makes sense that andy would be implicit in slavery through the years
i mean, like she says, is that not what people just did to each other in the aftermath of battles for thousands of years? and i really like how its pointed out that it was what she was raised with (in the beginning when you see her put shackles on that guy after the battle) but she also accepts responsibility for it and acknowledges that it was wrong and not just 'what people did'.
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i like how from her expressions you can kind of tell baby andy knew it was off but she sets those feelings aside bc she felt angry. it explains how she felt but didnt make her out to be blameless in it. plus i mean. i dont know, the fact that andy was involved in a lot of morally shady stuff for 7000 years is not that wild for me. if you live that long youre just Going to be involved in some shit, and she didnt even have other immortals with her as positive community influences, she literally just did whatever the fuck she wanted for thousands of years
'i was worshipped as a god once' i mean, yeah no shit she wouldve been involved in some seriously fucked up stuff, gods were fucking scary back in the day
tldr it could use some polish but it wasnt that bad
tho everything people said about moose being boring was unfortunately a little true. sorry king i tried to be interested in you
joe and nicky writing verbal fanfiction about nile and moose was iconic. 'you seeing that?' 'i am definitely seeing that'
it was also extremely funny bc that was like 60% of their contribution to the whole comic, besides kidnapping copley. they came, they wrote some fanfic, they left. kings. at least in tog1 they had an excuse to be useless bc they got kidnapped
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joe just found out his old friend who he thought was dead is alive (and also probably wants to murder them) and instead of investigating with andy he stopped to help nile up. champ.
nicky shooting noriko through andy was cool. rip to the concept since it wont happen in tog2
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wanna see mr ejiofor deliver this line
on that note imo copley was. weirdly enough, more interesting in fm than in tog1. to me at least. the fact that andy let him live and he was so haunted by what had happened that he came back and sought them out despite knowing they would likely kill him for it bc he wanted to not only make up for what hed done but also to tell them what theyd done for the world was admittedly more interesting than andy just kind of drafting him to the cause and him going 'okie'
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i like how nicky was drawn in this one. in opening fire he looks like a blob man but in fm he looks more like a very nice grampa with a very good dye job
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'theres no pain like a broken heart' andy 🥺
noriko implying andy's never drowned. .. .idk about that one, she musta drowned sometime
joe and nicky came, they waxed poetic about nile's love life, they waxed poetic about grog, and then they left.
sports bras being a reason humanity is good. i mean..... okay, yeah.
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i mean. wild but you cant exactly tell her shes wrong
i liked how noriko telling andy that their purpose is to make people suffer coincides with joe and nicky finding out that they actually did good all those years
joenicky in opening fire: jail for booker jail for booker for 100 years
joenicky when copley tells them he knows where booker is: WE'LL KILL YOU WHERE IS HE
joenicky when copley comes back: if your vibes come off as even remotely rancid we Will destroy you
joenicky 2 minutes later when copley helped them find booker: he made up some ground :)))) <3 lov you j cops
theyre forgiving af
moose: how old are you?? a hundred??? a thousand???
nile [vine voice]: I M 2 7 ?
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alright andy you got me there
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joe texts like my aunt
i dont know why noriko drowning andy in that car tickled me. Bad And Naughty Andromaches Get Put In The Pear Wiggler To Atone For Their Crimes.
the drowning sequence was cool
copley trying to talk to andy while she was like o_o at him was great
ive hit the picture limit but id seen that panel where nicky goes 'forgive me' as he kills a guy out of context and it was HILARIOUSLY anticlimactic for me to discover that there was literally no context to it. nicky just apologizes to random people he kills. i thought that guy was someone he knew or something. nope its just Some Guy that nicky didnt know from adam
nile's complaint that andy was especially brutal to the guys on the boat... i mean. . , how exactly does one kill a man with an axe and not be brutal about it?
it was funny how noriko kissed andy and the only people who seemed surprised by that were nile and also andy
nicky and joe's complete non-reaction to finding out noriko is alive And Evil Now is endlesly funny. they just left her on that boat and neither cared. i get book and nile not caring but joe and nicky knew her, and they just have 0 input on the subject of what to do with her
pinstripe suit guy!
joe and nicky and booker packing up and leaving with nile
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andy blowing up at nile was A Moment tho
i dont know, i get why people didnt like the ending but its. .. . it makes more sense in the comicverse. bc the squad doesnt really. .. interact outside of jobs? i mean, think of the moon landing story in ttt. that was booker and joe and nicky doing a job and andy only showed up a for a couple minutes after it was done. or the brunch in the first issue of opening fire. the squad arent as tight in the comic, and andy often seems to do her own thing outside of work, so andy saying 'i dont want to do work anymore' and the squad being like 'alright bye then' makes more sense in this universe than the movie one
also i feel like greg was Trying to set up a thing where nile becomes the Leader of The Squad after andy dies but like. its not very well done since. . . i mean, nile hasnt spoken to booker since opening fire, (and she only knew him A Day). and shes known joe and nicky all that time, but there isnt really anything that indicates that they have any relationship at all, much less one that's grown. in all the comicverse the only time nile and nicky speak is in FM, and in that scene nicky tells nile about noriko. nile goes from someone who needs to be set aside to have background knowledge explained to her to being the Leader of the group with nothing in between. it kind of... comes out of nowhere.
on the other hand tho... i felt really bad for andy thru the whole thing. well, i always felt bad for andy, but in this one she seemed so miserable, especially since it really felt like none of the others actually.... cared about her. when noriko came back no one asked andy how she was doing (big question ik, but it wouldve showed they cared at least), nobody ever expressed any concern for her, no one even really seemed to want to be around her. in opening fire everyone was more distant than in the movie of course, but there were little moments where she would joke with joe, or nicky would try and comfort her, or stuff like that, but in FM it really felt like they just didnt really care about her. & in opening fire it felt a lot like andy's relationship with nile breathed some new life into her, but in FM it felt like all they did was argue. i get theyre not *as* close in the comics but it really felt like the only person who cared about andy at all was noriko (which was probably also how andy felt) but it just seemed to come out of nowhere. honestly i was reading and i was honestly agreeing with andy that she might just be better off if she did just die. opening fire, on the other hand, never make me feel that way
tho everyone made it sound like when the squad split up it was one of those cursed 'the found family leaves each other at the end of the journey' tropes. but guys i mean,,, this is the second installment out of three. that isnt the End. theyll come back in the third one and Dramatically Reunite to fight some baddies (probably those 'others' noriko mentioned). im guessing yitzhak fits into that too somehow.
anyways it wasnt That Bad but it made me kind of sad and the only Sweet Found Family vibes in it were when they saved booker. also they shouldve beefed up that nilemoose romance, it underwhelmed me. 6.5/10
i also ABSOLUTELY understand all of greg's comments about how you couldnt make FM directly into a movie, he always said that it had no plot and. i get it now. it really didnt have a plot sdfghjkl
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megashadowdragon · 4 years
The Legend of Korra: Makorra is better than K*rrasami!?! My honest thoughts on this debate!!!
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I’m not at all against LGBT representation; but I care a lot about how it’s written or introduced. Korrasami just did not feel natural. If anything it just felt like they were becoming better and closer friends. Whereas Makorra, I’ll admit had some problems and a break up was necessary, went through a great deal of change and growth. And they absolutely deserved another chance at love with each otherShow less I feel the same way it's like korra and asami are just like good besties or really close friends I mean yes their both independent and good but there's no spark in their love or relationship as no one even thought of that or is unexpected I always thought korra will end up with mako til the end but yeah the love triangle or mako's confusion and Kora's responsibility both get on the way but am still hoping maybe they might workout since everyone can change by timeShow less
Bro I wish there was a way we could form a makorra community to retcon the comics and make a different storyline after season 4.Korrasami just feels unnatural.Hopefully once shity Covids over someone has the brains to do it same as a lot of people have done like fan films for star wars sequels and stuff
Thank you for this, but nowadays we can't even say we don't like Korrasami or criticize how poorly it is made without being called homophobic
on the blush part and how you brought up how toph  blushed at a compliment from someone she had no romantic feelings toward I also have to point out that korra blushed at bolins compliment as well and its been shown that she had no romantic feelings for bolin ( also in b1 bryke referred to korra and mako as soulmates)
in remembrances in b4 mako got a whole speech about what korra meant to him as a person ( while in that ep asami only brought up korra the avatar ( going of course we need you youre the avatar )  and korras problem was focusing on korra the avatar not as a person asami failed in helping her she misunderstood what korra needed  (  while tenzin succeded by bringing up korra as a person and makos speech makes me think if mako was there instead of asami mako would have understood what korra needed)  which is why I dont see korra and asami scene in b4 as evidence for korrasami
it makes it clear to me bryke just threw in korrasami at the last minute they outright admitted that when they wrote the finale they had thought about how they didnt involve representation  and went to the execs to see if they can do it ) it says to me that they didnt build up to korrasami and just threw it in at the last minute and then proceeded to try and cover their asses  by pretending it was planned 
( heck in the finale when jinora said they couldnt find her the camera focused on makos face not asamis camera zooms and music swells signify importance so makos reaction  was given importance over asamis
(mako and korra  had   mutual flaws that broke them up in b2 and had overcame those flaws  and proceeded to  reconnect and support each other on good terms
this is a story in the end good writing is more important  then whether a ships representation or not   korrasami was just thrown in at the last minute it had no buildup its not good writing to make it happen while its rep making korrasami happen is just bad writing thus it shouldnt have happened ( not to mention korra going on vacation is ooc of her ) 
in my eyes if they really were concerned about rep they should have said to themselves in the next series we make we will include lgbt rep with a mc and have hints to kya being lgbt in finale or  or imply asami is bi but not having her get together with korra) 
“ reunion strongly implied that Korra wrote only the one letter, and giving Korra more direct interactions with Mako than Asami.“
ikkinthekitsune . tumblr . com/post/116230735171/im-really-tired-of-this-of-korrasami-was-subtle#notes
I'm really tired of this of Korrasami was subtle nonsense from Korrasami shippers for 2 reasons. 1 Subtle means non existent all these people have is a letter and a blush really Makorra has whole episodes like The Revelation and Beyond the Wilds, and a 11 minute segment in Remembrances. 2 Korra is not a subtle person when she wants something/someone she goes hard at the goal like in Book she was not subtle at all in regards to wanting Mako as you and many others have pointed out
The trick with being subtle is that subtle needs to exist in an environment quiet enough not to drown it.  If implications that the writers didn’t intend are louder than the ones that they did intend (as is the case of both Beyond the Wilds and Remembrances), there’s a serious problem.
And, yeah, Korra is absolutely the wrong person to characterize with romantic subtlety.  Korra’s as subtle as a jackhammer, and it’s entirely fair for the audience to expect her to continue to be that way.
heck the blush isnt evidence for romantic attraction for korra for she blushed after asami complimented her ( when korra was feeling down) the same thing happened in spirits of competition with bolin who she clearly showed she wasnt into romantically
instead have korra with mako and talk about how much work they have to do ( possibly a hint or 2 of them getting back together 
( I have to add that in the 
and on the censorship claim
"Censorship explains why we couldn’t get a kiss and an “I love you” in the finale or blatant romantic scenes, not the utter lack of Korra-Asami interaction as a whole. They had six (to six and a half) minutes of interaction in the last season, spread out over six interactions/conversations. They’ve had nearly no on-screen interaction since “Long Live the Queen,” actually. They had the 5 second “I can come to the South Pole” convo in “Korra Alone” (which Korra refused), the single letter, their interactions in “Reunions,” and then the tea scene in “Remembrances.” After that, they don’t speak again until the last two minutes of the finale. The episode after “Remembrances” is the Korra-Mako field trip to the Spirit Wilds and Zaheer’s prison and the culmination of Korra’s recovery arc. Where was Asami? She had two lines in the whole episode, and they were both to Varrick."
and bryke only thought of korrasami at the last minute when they were making the finale and  admitted that whenhe went to  the executives to ask if they could do it  it was the finale of book 4 was already being made ( paraphrased ) he out right talked about how he thought to himself  about how they didnt include any lgbt rep and when they were making the finale he went to the executives to see if they could do it ( it was only at  the last minute that he even asked and how he worded it  combined with the nonexistent buildup ( it wasnt subtle it was nonexistent )  adds to my belief that  he only thought about korrasami being a thing at the last minute andd threw it in at the last minutes in an ooc scene   as a publicity stunt they did korrasami because it was popular
mako showed he could support korra the way she needed to be supported in the field trip episode while asami showed she couldnt in remembrances where she went you are the avatar we need you then tenzin came in and succeded to help korra by bringing up how she grew as a person
 korra thinking of korraas the avatar and centering her identity on that was her whole issue
mako was the only
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 ( it would have been better if instead of making a  last minute retcon either have it implied asami crushing on korra but not having korra reciprocate  or having kya imply she has a girlfriend  ( with korra talking with the krew  about how there is a lot of work to do  ( with possible makorra hints ) 
  asami doesnt seem to really get korra she seems to treat Korra as a lot more fragile and needy than Korra really is in a way that Korra doesn’t ever seem to appreciate.
the aspersions Bryan cast on the fandom for not accepting what amounted to a last-minute retcon have been functioning (whether intentionally or not) to shield the creators from any criticism for their own fault in the poor execution of their endgame ship, allowing them to take all of the credit for being “subversive” and none of the blame for breaking their existing narrative to do it.
bryke admitted they only asked if they could do it
when they were making the finale and they claimed  that it was brought up by a realization they didnt include any rep ( whether thats true or its just a publicity stunt doesnt matter korrasami being the first only same sex pairing in avatar series doesnt matter it being the first same sex pairing with a main protagonist  in cartoons doesnt matter . it doesnt matter that korrasami was the only same sex pairing in lok ( that without it lok would have no lgbt rep ( it would be no diffferent from atla  in that regard and good writing is more important then filling a quota ) 
 it  shouldnt have been done good writing is more important then that  throwing in a ship as a last minute retcon is just bad writing  I  would say if they were really concerned about that rather than break narrative an act of bad writing  make a side character lgbt or imply asami is bi 
(  just make it happen with main character in a next series they make it wouldnt ahve  the same impact but it would be better  then a last minute retcon with no buildup   and breaking the narrative which pointed to makorra getting backtogether ( who overcome the mutual flaws that led to the breakup ( and got along well ( neither of them would have worked with anyone in b2
given korras canonical personality  along with asamis  and how their needs  Icant imagine korrasami working (and they had to change korras canonical personality to try and get it to work )
fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/105933518980
And yet they had almost no interaction after “Long Live the Queen.“
Let’s count ‘em out, shall we?
The "I’ll watch over her as she meditates” scene in “The Ultimatum” (which, though people may look at it as romantic, is honestly horribly practical considering Mako and Bolin had their entire family that needed to be relocated and resettled at the time)
The hug in “Enter the Void” (of which Mako got one too–and who got the close-up and the music swell? It wasn’t the Korra-Asami hug)
The ‘I’m here to talk if you need me’ scene in “Venom of the Red Lotus” (which at that point could have easily been interpreted as a scene between two friends/a supportive and compassionate friend, and which was very in character for Asami as a whole)
Asami’s offer to go to the South Pole with Korra in “Korra Alone” (which Korra refused)
Korra’s single letter to Asami (which is also ambiguous; you could read it as romantic or you could read it as “who else is she gonna reply to? Her ex-boyfriend, who she’s still awkward with, or Bolin, who bless him, truly cares, but is naive and isn’t really all that serious and besides that is currently working for the woman taking what Korra views as "her job”)
Their interactions in “Reunions” (which focused equally on her reunion with Mako and the Wu drama)(four interactions, two of which were directly related to the Wu drama and the other two on Korra’s leave of absence/silence)
The tea scene in “Remembrances” (during which Asami said nothing to Korra that Tenzin didn’t echo and that Mako, Tenzin, and Bolin hadn’t said to Korra before)
The last minutes of the finale
So over the course of the 14 episodes of Book 4, we have a grand total of five interactions between Korra and Asami, only 1 of which can be nonambiguously interpreted as romantic ( ( altered by me ) the finale conversation). Meanwhile Mako and Korra get an entire episode dedicated to finishing Korra’s recovery arc and their friendship/relationship? And Mako is there to support Korra during the culmination of her recovery arc, not Asami, the person Bryke is attempting to write in a potential future romantic relationship with Korra? And Mako is the one who Bryke basically explicitly states within canon as being still deeply in love with Korra and being inspired by her (several times), while Asami never gets a word in about how she feels about Korra until those last five minutes? And Mako is the one who the “camera” focuses on when Jinora says she can’t find Korra in the finale, not Asami? And a dozen other things? Lol, seems unevenly balanced to me.
The only member of the core Krew Korra had less interaction this season with was Bolin, with whom she only got one direct conversation the entire season (“Beyond the Wilds”).
Like…say what you want, but that’s very poor relationship development. It’s poor FRIENDSHIP development too (like god, poor Bolin; he was her first friend, too). Bryke dropped the ball on interpersonal relationship development within the Krew this season. Like hell, I expected Korra to remain single and I still think there was a far bigger case for the rebuilding of the Makorra relationship at this point (as presented within canon) than there was for the building of a Korrasami relationship.
the problem with book 2 makorra wasnt that there was conflict it was the way they handled that conflict and they fixed that issue by b4  makorra wasnt a terrible relationship
korra wouldnt have worked with anyone in book 2 
arguing isnt inherently unhealthy (
I view korrasami as a last minute retcon ( they admitted they thought of korrasami around the time finale was being made an thats when they went to the executive to ask if they could do it
They admitted they didn’t approach the network until the finale was underway, they edited it in in retakes, and (I’ve heard but I can’t confirm) called the voice actresses in in secret to record their final dialogue.
before the last couple of minutes there was nothing that hinted at korrasami being more then platonic fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/105951907185
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 ikkinthekitsune . tumblr . com/post/122633714360/why-would-korrasami-not-last 
fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/112100564400
fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/105933518980
fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/106480044135/hanyojai-fantastic-nonsense-some-korrasami
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(all from “The Southern Lights”–thanks to forevergirlkorra)
During the pictured hug: “You never cease to amaze me.”
Korra: “Thanks. By the way, I’m really sorry for being a total pain. Things were really stressful and pretty confusing. It’s hard being the Avatar.”
Mako: “[Jokingly] It’s harder being the Avatar’s boyfriend. [Nudges Korra before they hug.]
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What do all of these arguments have in comment? Oh wait…Korra picking fights and trying to force Mako to “pick sides” (which side is never clear). What else do all these arguments have in common? Oh right…Mako attempting to be a supportive, loving boyfriend while attempting to do his job.
And the big one that you seem to be focusing on.
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For context, this is immediately after Mako’s found out that Korra is basically planning insurrection and hauling off sections of the United Forces (commanded by General Iroh) against the will of Raiko and Republic City. Aka, doing it her way instead of trying to understand Raiko’s point of view (and I hate him, hate him hate him hate him, but I still understand what he was doing and why he was doing it when he refused her plea for troops) and actually trying to promote peace. Korra was emotionally compromised and under incredible stress the entire season. Mako attempted to be supportive and loving and continued to do so until Korra’s actions interfered with his ability to do his job to the fullest extent and interfered with his ability to follow the law. Yes; he chose following the law over letting his girlfriend wander off with a section of the United Republic’s army. That’s not choosing Korra over his job. That’s Korra blatantly interfering with his ability to do his job truthfully and faithfully.
As Raiko said: “Your activities here are bordering on insurrection. The Avatar does not command the military of the Republic. Don’t go behind my back again.”
Korra has no right to command the Republic’s military. It’s not under her authority, and it’s not her decision. And instead of taking no for an answer, Korra thought she could just go behind Raiko’s back and wander off with them anyway. Honestly, the best thing Mako did in this situation was inform Raiko about the situation.
And the kicker: the breakup. 
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Let’s see what’s going on, yeah? Mako is trying to figure out who bombed the Southern Tribe Cultural Center, trying to do his normal job as a cop, and trying to keep his girlfriend from committing treason and insurrection because she thinks an army is the best way to solve the Water Tribe Civil War. Korra is under incredible stress, dealing with the Water Tribe Civil War, her home being invaded, her parents imprisoned or hurt, and Raiko’s apparent callousness to the whole situation. NO relationship could thrive under these conditions, even the strongest one. You are repeatedly ignoring the CONTEXT of the situation in which they broke up. Mako repeatedly tried to help and be supportive, and Korra repeatedly rebuffed him and picked fights. Though they were both to blame (for varying reasons), the fault for the disintegration of their relationship lies mainly at Korra’s feet and the feet of outside influences/events.
And alright…let’s get some things straight on the whole Makorrasami drama in the back half of Book 2.
Good, I’m glad you admit that Asami kissed him. That’s half the battle with some people. Now we get to examine Asami'smutual complicity and responsibility in the creation and mishandling of the Makorrasami drama instead of blaming it all on Mako.
So. “The Sting.” Mako, seeing that Asami’s in trouble, organizes an unofficial sting operation, culminating in a double cross that leaves Asami’s last warehouse empty. The following exchange happens:
Asami: [Defeated.] Just stop. It’s over. I give up.
Mako: Well, I’m not giving up on you.
Asami: [She kisses Mako.] Sorry, I-
Mako: Uh … It’s-it’s okay. Um … anyway … I gotta run. I’m gonna find out who did this. And I know just who to ask.
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Now, this was not technically in the wrong, as both of them are single, but it was still a dick move. Asami is well aware that Mako and Korra just broke up, and yet she seems to give no thought to the implications of getting back together with Mako, especially the implications for her friendship with Korra. Not to mention the fact that she seems to give no thought to Mako’s feelings or emotions and what he’s going through in the aftermath of the breakup. It’s honestly a bit out of character for Asami, though it’s probably explained by her own personal emotional vulnerability at the time, considering she had basically just lost everything.
Now, anyway, fast forward through Wan’s story to “The Guide.”
Asami: [To Mako.] “Sounds like you’ve had a pretty busy week.” [Puts her hand on his chest.] “Maybe you just need to relax.”
Bolin[Pensively.] “Wait a minute. Are you two— ”[Mako and Asami look back at him before he gasps and points his finger toward them.] “you’re dating again? What?”
Mako:“Dating? No!”
Asami: “That’s crazy!”
Bolin: “Korra just left a week ago!”
Mako: [Cut to aerial view.] “Guys, listen to me. Varrick is up to no good, and I have proof.”
It’s left up in the air as to whether or not they’re actually dating. Both say they aren’t, but it comes off as kind of a ‘yeah but we’re not going to admit it.’ We get one more kiss and the sort of hint of a possible date. “Remembrances” points out that the relationship was not official, and that neither him nor Asami had actually worked out whether they were dating again (when I was watching, I was trying to figure out if they were actually dating or if it was a friend with benefits relationship+emotional baggage). Bolin assumes they are (and brings up Asami as “kinda started dating” in “Harmonic Convergence”), but we never get a clear picture about what’s going on there. Anyway, immediately after this, Mako is arrested, Asami seemingly abandons him, claiming that it’s “too painful to see him in prison because it reminds her of her father.”
And then Korra comes back and we get that whole clusterfuck. Yes, Mako screwed up. Yes, it was wrong. And yes, he was called out for it and faced the consequences of his actions. Mako clearly felt guilty about doing it as soon as it happened; we see him attempt  at least twice to tell Korra about their situation during the course of the next two episodes (pre-Harmonic Convergence stuff going down), only to stop because a) he’s terrified of her reaction (rightly so considering her reaction to their first breakup and the initial situation in which he was going to tell her about it) b) he doesn’t want to hurt her even more (she did run off crying in “Peacekeepers,” and he does love her) and c) in his own words, “I guess I wanted to pretend that the breakup never happened.” C is the least acceptable reasoning for not telling, but they’re all pretty horrible excuses.
….and yet Asami never said anything. We get like what? The two shots of her looking at him in annoyance and betrayal? But she never says anything about it, either to Mako or Korra. Why not? She’s had no problem calling Mako out before in regards to their relationship (“Turning the Tides”). Why does she stay silent?
So yes, he took advantage of the situation presented to him. Yes, this was a dick move, and something that he should be called out for (and was). Was it cheating? Possibly. It could go either way. If it was, Bryke made practically no effort to show and define it as such. Mako is only responsible for the mishandling of the fallout. Let’s not forget that the consequences of him doing this was a “real” breakup with Korra in “Light in the Dark” and lingering awkwardness around Korra and Asami the first half of the third season. Not to mention the fandom’s everlasting hatred. Mako was not rewarded for his actions; far from it.
Mako’s character is centered on protecting people and being in control of his life, both of which stem from his childhood and adolescence on the streets and basically becoming a father to Bolin at the age of eight. This leads to some poor handling of his interpersonal relationships due to him a) not having had any before and b) wanting to not hurt those he cares about. As Tu said in “Remembrances,”“You know, it seems like you’re so afraid to disappoint anyone that you end up disappointing everyone.”
The other ironic thing is that you are passionately arguing against why Makorra doesn’t work, ignoring the immense growth both characters experienced in Books 3 and 4 that would make it so that they would work. People always point out “they didn’t work,” not recognizing that it was outside pressures that was the catalyst for their breakup (as far as we know, they had a happy, healthy, functioning relationship for the entire six-month gap; we don’t get to see that portion, as Book 2 starts up with the tension already brewing) and that it was their mutual immaturity, conflicting responsibilities, and an inability to apologize that led to their breakup. ALL THINGS THAT HAVE CHANGED SINCE BOOK 2. Korrasami shippers neglect and refuse to recognize the growth of Korra and Mako since Book 2 that lead to their ability to have a functioning relationship post-Book 4.
Both Korra and Mako have had independent character development over the course of Books 3 and 4 that essentially solve the issues that drove them apart in Book 2. Both learned how to juggle their own personal emotional issues with their jobs, both grew up and matured, Mako learned how to handle his interpersonal relationships with people better, Korra’s emotional arc progressed immensely and cooled her naivety and hotheadedness down quite a bit, Korra (largely) has stopped defining herself by her role as the Avatar (and thus basing her self-worth solely on that identity and her capacity to perform it), they learned how to apologize to each other when they argued (something showcased in “Reunion” and something rather lacking in their relationship during Book 2)…they basically grew up, and it did WONDERS for any relationship they might have post-Book 4, whether that relationship be platonic or romantic. However, you saying that Korra and Mako didn’t work and so can’t work ignores the immense growth both characters have experienced since their breakup that affect how they would treat their relationship and how well it would work out.
Alright. Since this post is already getting WAY too long, I’m going to point you here (fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/106434942870/korra-mako-interactions-vs-korra-asami), here( fantastic-nonsense . tumblr .  com/post/106208675325/littlekorrasamithings-everyone-saying-korrasami), here (fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/105951907185/whats-so-frustrating-about-all-the-complaints), here(fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/178468915315/how-mako-talks-about-korra-vs-how-asami-talks/embed), here ( fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/105945181530/queensolverson-answered-your-post) , here (fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/105843268765/i-think-its-funny-that-you-say-korrasami-is), and here (fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/106044561415/commissionergorgon-commissionergorgon) for why I think Asami and Korra got way less development. Short answer: they got less screentime, less interaction, less relationship buildup, and less depth, not to mention blatant OOCness on both their parts during the finale scene.
And just for kicks, because you brought up the blush:
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“Are you kidding me? You’re the smartest, funniest, toughest, buffest, talentedest, incrediblest girl in the world!” [Korra laughs] “You really feel that way about me?”
[The Borra ship went on to sink coldly and cruelly halfway through this episode and never resurfaced]
Now why do you think there were issues interpeting the blush as romantic (even though that’s one of the three non-ambiguous romantic scenes I actually counted in my tally up)? Gee, I wonder if it’s beacause Korra has been shown blushing at compliments others give her before (whether her feelings towards those people are romantic or platonic) and blushing in embarrassment. Not to mention the fact that Korra had been very self-conscious about herself all season. The fact is: that scene was ambiguous and could have been interpreted any number of ways. That’s the problem. You CAN see it as romantic, but it’s extremely easy not to.
And if that’s the only moment you can drag up hun, you’ve got a long way to go. I’ve been debating this all week and literally tallied up the total interaction Korra and Asami had and the total interaction Korra and Mako had in the last two seasons. Fact remains: Korra and Asami had very little on-screen interaction compared to Korra and just about everyone else, and Korra and Mako got nearly twice the interactions and nearly triple the screentime in Book 4 as Korra and Asami. You’re going to have to try way harder.
scoroseposts-deactivated2015062 asked: I think people who don’t understand why it is that some of us queer, not, whomever, have legitimate concerns with K/orrasami, is because they’re associated our concerns with the ship itself, as in the possibility of romance between Korra and Asami, or a romance between two woman. That however is simply not the case. It isn’t a possible romance between KA or the fact that it’s between two women; it’s the way it was PORTRAYED in canon that’s the issue. KA is a valid ship, that much is not and has
never been contested by the people who I’ve come across in this fandom who take issue with the way the ship was portrayed. Had things gone differently, or had there been a 5th book titled rebirth where we see more in depth how the three years changed the characters, saw Korra come to a better sense of healing and completion, and dealt with the aftermath of war WITH Kuvira in a legitimate way, and we saw KA become closer romantically, then the romance would have been supported in canon in a much
more holistic and equal way. Instead, we have back pedaling, inconsistent characterization, and a unneeded vacation that I honestly don’t know would have been beneficial for either Korra OR Asami, Korra more specifically because even though she has learned that the Avatar need not be alone, she still is the Avatar and wants to fulfil her duties to the best of her abilities. And it just isn’t in Korra’s characterization, even three years later, to walk away from a problem when she knows she can
help. Hence 99.9% of the reasons why the people who do not like the ending or the ship, take issue with it becoming canonized. Not because it became canon or because it was between KA, but BECAUSE IT WAS PORTRAYED IN A WAY THAT WAS CHARACTER INCONSISTENT AND THROWN TOGETHER IN THE LAST TWO MINUTES. Please feel free to add anything I missed in my frustrated rant. You seem to be one of the few who genuinely understands my issues with the way some of B4 played out.
I guess what I would add is this – one of the reasons the people who liked Book 1/Book 2 Korra are so staunchly against KA is that the ship itself requires undesirable changes to Korra’s characterization to operate.
The change you suggested – add a fifth Book showing how the characters were changed in greater depth – wouldn’t have changed the fact that a Korra who was portrayed as interested in such a relationship would have looked very little like the character we loved in the first two Books.  It’d make for a more consistent story, but that wouldn’t make the change of direction any less palatable (in fact, I’m much happier with things the way, actually, because at least now it’s not difficult to amputate the parts that mess up Korra’s characterization).
In other words, the issue isn’t that the writers didn’t support the ship enough (though it’s pretty clear that they didn’t) – the issue is that the writers chose two of the worst characters to throw together in the first place.  Korra can’t fill the role they tried to have her fill while still being Korra (since she’s far too open about her affection to pull off plausible deniability).  Asami isn’t the sort of character Korra can even be herself around.  They needed different characters more than better writing… and that has nothing to do with both of them being female and everything to do with who they each are as individuals.
source: ikkinthekitsune . tumblr . com/post/122083298390/i-think-people-who-dont-understand-why-it-is-that#notes
1) the breakup??? that bryke was ‘very specific about’ that they had to lean into it and kiss and walk away still clinging to each others hands?? and honestly i’ve never heard of or seen a breakup in which they kiss to end it.
2) the hugs/meaningful glances in book 3?
and what even was that look from korra to Mako after she hugged him??/
that special moment they shared?
the camera zooming in on their hug when they reunited
and when korra was leaving to go fight zaheer- that fuckn music?? what was that supposed to mean then (which brings me to my next point)
3) why did makorra have a music theme that they continued to use even after they broke up?? kataang had a music theme. zutara did not. what am I supposed to think about this??
4) What was the purpose of dedicating almost half an episode to the rocky road of Makorra in Remembrances? If it was just meant to be closure they could have made it a lot shorter and put more emphasis on Korra’s journey or on Varrick’s mover
and on that note why would they feel the need to add that mako hasn’t dated anyone since he and korra broke up??
5) What was the purpose of the Makorra field trip in book 4? Mako didn’t really need to be there technically, it could have been any one of the gazillion friends Korra has. The writers chose him to accompany Korra on one of her most important journeys. And that look he gave her as she went to meet Zaheer- ????
6) This could be put up to interpretation but the generally accepted fact that Mako’s still into her was not resolved?? like at all, they didn’t ever really talk properly about their breakup
And yet they had almost no interaction after “Long Live the Queen.“
Let’s count ‘em out, shall we?
The "I’ll watch over her as she meditates” scene in “The Ultimatum” (which, though people may look at it as romantic, is honestly horribly practical considering Mako and Bolin had their entire family that needed to be relocated and resettled at the time) The hug in “Enter the Void” (of which Mako got one too–and who got the close-up and the music swell? It wasn’t the Korra-Asami hug) The ‘I’m here to talk if you need me’ scene in “Venom of the Red Lotus” (which at that point could have easily been interpreted as a scene between two friends/a supportive and compassionate friend, and which was very in character for Asami as a whole) Asami’s offer to go to the South Pole with Korra in “Korra Alone” (which Korra refused) Korra’s single letter to Asami (which is also ambiguous; you could read it as romantic or you could read it as “who else is she gonna reply to? Her ex-boyfriend, who she’s still awkward with, or Bolin, who bless him, truly cares, but is naive and isn’t really all that serious and besides that is currently working for the woman taking what Korra views as "her job”) Their interactions in “Reunions” (which focused equally on her reunion with Mako and the Wu drama)(four interactions, two of which were directly related to the Wu drama and the other two on Korra’s leave of absence/silence) The tea scene in “Remembrances” (during which Asami said nothing to Korra that Tenzin didn’t echo and that Mako, Tenzin, and Bolin hadn’t said to Korra before) The last minutes of the finale So over the course of the 14 episodes of Book 4, we have a grand total of five interactions between Korra and Asami, only two of which can be nonambiguously interpreted as romantic (the blush in “Reunions,” which honestly I hestitate to count as nonambiguous, but I’ll give it to you, and the finale conversation). Meanwhile Mako and Korra get an entire episode dedicated to finishing Korra’s recovery arc and their friendship/relationship? And Mako is there to support Korra during the culmination of her recovery arc, not Asami, the person Bryke is attempting to write in a potential future romantic relationship with Korra? And Mako is the one who Bryke basically explicitly states within canon as being still deeply in love with Korra and being inspired by her (several times), while Asami never gets a word in about how she feels about Korra until those last five minutes? And Mako is the one who the “camera” focuses on when Jinora says she can’t find Korra in the finale, not Asami? And a dozen other things? Lol, seems unevenly balanced to me.
The only member of the core Krew Korra had less interaction this season with was Bolin, with whom she only got one direct coversation the entire season (“Beyond the Wilds”).
Like…say what you want, but that’s very poor relationship development. It’s poor FRIENDSHIP development too (like god, poor Bolin; he was her first friend, too). Bryke dropped the ball on interpersonal relationship development within the Krew this season. Like hell, I expected Korra to remain single and I still think there was a far bigger case for the rebuilding of the Makorra relationship at this point (as presented within canon) than there was for the building of a Korrasami relationship.
peteseeger . tumblr . com/post/109172869648/2-seasons-vs-12-episodes-is-such-a-bullshit
“2 seasons vs 12 episodes” is such a bullshit argument
it doesn’t matter how many episodes there were. what matters is the narrative and plot focus given to developing the relationship.
here are the book 1 episodes that i can definitely state possessed subplots or important storyline beats in building korra and mako’s romantic interest and development:
A Leaf in the Wind The Revelation The Spirit of Competition Out of the Past Skeletons in the Closet Endgame
there is no ambiguity in these examples. a layman could clearly tell from watching these episodes, without the aid of shipping goggles or a shipper’s mindset, that the writing on the wall is “korra and mako will become a couple.”
now, here are the episodes that i can definitely state possessed subplots or important story beats in building korra and a/sami’s romatic interest and development:
The Last Stand
even that i can only really count because it was confirmed outside the narrative. before bryan’s post, the fandom generally considered the final scenes to be romantically ambiguous or open-ended.
substance is everything in storytelling. hitting the beats matters more than any amount of episodes.
to quote appabend it was so subtle it was nonexistent  which is why I say korrasami was a last minute retcon
What Korra and Asami got was BARELY friendship, especially since they had a grand total of five (possibly six) on-screen interactions after “Long Live the Queen.” Pairing them up in the finale made little sense given the utter lack of romantic buildup/relationship development and the just plain lack of interaction in general.
korra blushed at bolins compliment in spirits of competition after she was feeling down and borra sunk   korra while she  felt down blushed at a compliment
mako got a speech about what korra meant to him and how he admired her  
as a person  while asami failed to help her and just went youre the avatar we need you while tenzin actually helped her by pointing out how she had grown
Fact remains: Korra and Asami had very little on-screen interaction compared to Korra and just about everyone else, and Korra and Mako got nearly twice the interactions and nearly triple the screentime in Book 4 as Korra and Asami. You’re going to have to try way harder.
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ikkinthekitsune . tumblr . com/post/122633714360/why-would-korrasami-not-last
fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/112100564400
fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/105933518980
fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/106480044135/hanyojai-fantastic-nonsense-some-korrasami
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good writing is more important then a political message
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swimfuel · 3 years
okay humanstuck thoughts under the cut
i owe a lot of this to @/rhythmic-idealist's kankri/vantasposting bc holy shit theyve got such a big brain (ill link to their individual posts when im on desktop since im using this to keep all my thoughts straight and i agree with most of what they say wholeheartedly)
general status quo stuff:
signless works in an extremely demanding career involving helping others (i'm leaning towards an attorney who works with organizations and does pro bono work), and is also extensively involved in social justice work outside of his job... he is very rarely home
he loves and cares for his children deeply and tries to express it whenever they're face to face, but the couch in his cramped and messy office has seen far too much use over the years for him to have been able to say it enough
his habits of working himself to the point of exhaustion are handily passed down to his kids btw
the kids had to grow up quickly because signless was out of the house so often and so consistently—kankri, who was already pretty high-strung, has to learn to take care of himself and karkat
they grow up near ms firuzeh maryam, who's their pseudoaunt/grandma (she took in a nine year old kavana vantas when she was about twenty), but they just call her ms rosa
they spent a lot of time in the maryam house growing up, with miss rosa's two nieces. porrim is a year older than kankri, while kanaya and karkat are the same age
kankri grows kinda sensitive to people trying to mother him since it rubs against the notion that he's the "adult of the house" and that he can take care of himself and karkat just fine
(and it also kinda underlines the fact that kankri has no idea what he's doing at the best of times)
and ironically enough, kankri becomes overbearing and naggy towards karkat in his own right, which forestalls them becoming close in any brotherly sort of way
they grow up really just... unable to communicate with one another clearly
karkat develops his ornery exterior in response to kankri's constant stream of opinions and frantic attempts at making up for the presence of a guardian in the house
i think there would actually be some really interesting parallels with rose in this au.. maybe i'm drawing from my own experiences as well but i think he'd begin to assume that every time his brother opens his mouth, he's going to criticize karkat
but instead of reacting like rose with the "making yourself more of a puzzle"/passive aggressive stuff, he gets a more defensive/hackles raised/"argue with you before you can argue with me" approach
and the thing is that they do love each other and would take a bullet for the other etc etc etc.. but they don't know how to express it because they've fallen into these shitty patterns
and it really doesn't help that kankri has grown somewhat resentful of signless over the years... that mix of resentment and fear and love gets more extreme and more polar every time signless gets injured during a political demonstration
i think kankri and signless would also be slightly closer than karkat and signless, as signless' job really only started to ramp up when karkat was less than years old and kankri was in his early double digits
kankri autistic btw its word of god (i am god)
karkat has a pet crab. its name is also karkat. he vents his frustrations to it.
i feel like the vantases exemplify both the best and worst parts of their aspects with one another as well... the strength of their bonds keeps them together and grounded, but TOO grounded. [insert Blood rant here]
the Blood rant:
i define Blood as bonds, responsibility, and the "core". if Life is the fertile soil and everything living on a planet's surface, then Blood is the gravitational core of the planet keeping everything together
i also think Blood, Heart, & Mind work in tandem to define a person just as blood serves to connect the pieces of the human body... Heart is the soul and the self, Mind is the application of one's self through active choices (agency), while Blood defines both the self and the choices one makes in greater detail [and, as an aside, Life provides the physical spark of life needed to keep the heart pumping blood]
OKAY wow that got tangential anyways
SO BASICALLY! too much Blood makes you stagnate, so for example:
kankri is split between staying home with karkat or going to college across the country and being truly unbound for the first time in years
another crisis of Blood: signless is caught between his empathy and responsibility to the whole world and his responsibility to his own children
okay so here's more status quo stuff:
the maryam and vantas kids grow up together and its hilarious because you'll see them all together and its just like (girlboss) (girlboss) (physical manlet) (emotional manlet)
the maryam girls are actually miss rosa's nieces but she took them in when they were both pretty young
the pyropes know the vantases well enough considering pyrope senior and sign have known one another from their respective legal practices for years, but they live on the other side of town
the leijons lived in town when kankri and meulin were very young, but they moved and travelled for a long time before coming back and reestablishing their roots
the captors (psii being one of sign's oldest and closest friends) move into town with the peixes family pretty early on though
the condesce is.. a horrible spouse and guardian, to put it plainly. she's very emotionally manipulative and isn't averse to smacking people around, including her own family. she moves herself and her perfect little family into town so she can properly oversee a new business venture close by
feferi is one of the best young swimmers in the country and has a pretty good shot of getting onto the olympic team.. a lot of this drive to be perfect and to be better results from the condesce's unrelenting pressure and thinly veiled resentment throughout her whole life
so yeah psii, )(ic, feferi, and sollux all live together and it's really not great for anyone involved. (meenah ran away years ago, and crashed on aranea's couch for a pretty long while—mituna moved out with latula for college before psii and the condesce got married)
it gets bad to the point of sollux staying with the maryams for two months while the adults try to sort out that absolute clusterfuck and get the divorce proceedings going (meenah finally convinces feferi to get out and come stay with her and aranea for the duration as well)
in terms of relationships i think latula and porrim were really really close in high school, and probably had some kind of unacknowledged thing going on for a while that never actually turned into anything because latula and mituna were going steady
kankri has had a crush on latula for years but never acted on it for similar reasons
meenah still carries a lot of that give no fucks attitude (it's developed moreso as a defense mechanism here) and can't understand why feferi refuses to leave the condesce with her
okay back to VANTAS MANPAIN i also think that karkat feels the weight of a lot of expectations on his shoulders as well
he feels responsible to live up to the example his dad and his brother set, even if it's to his own detriment—and kankri's oblivious rambling about his grades and his teachers and all his clubs certainly aren't helping the matter
kankri is one of those overinvolved kids taking a million AP's while simultaneously shitting on the collegeboard at every single step
hes this super overachiever anal retentive perfectionist type dude and (just as karkat preemptively criticizes others to forestall their criticisms of him only to harshly criticize himself) kankri subconsciously holds the people around him to the same expectations he holds for himself
so karkat also develops this sense of lacking which, in combination with everything else, culminates in self loathing and thinking he has to solve everyone else's problems and getting horribly mad at himself for every little mistake
GOD i have a lot more but lemme post this before i accidentally close out of the app and lose it all
more little details:
vriska's mom and terezi's mom HATE each other like HATE HATE HATE one another it's so bad
karkat wrote a ten page review of my immortal in middle school
jade is one of nepeta's best online friends
sollux can't raise one eyebrow at a time.. karkat gives him so much grief about it
the vantases eat a lot of shitty renditions of persian dishes until karkat learns to cook because literally the only person in the world with a CHANCE of getting KANKRI VANTAS to make an EDIBLE DISH is miss rosa
kanaya is really good at persian dance too but is VERY VERY embarassed to perform in front of people.. however porrim definitely is not
karkat has insomnia while kankri just stays up stupidly late for assignments that really shouldnt be taken that seriously.. but they both have the same rumination/sleep anxiety thing where your brain goes insane with horrible and depressing scenarios as you try to sleep
and more ideas that i thought were interesting but idk how to fit in the context of this au:
signless and disciple getting married pretty late in life after having been in love for years, the vantases move in with the leijons and karkat suddenly has two sisters
nepeta and karkat are both juniors at this point, meulin is probably in her third year at a local college nearby while kankri is about to start his second year at a university pretty far away
the kids in general honestly but ill figure it out
more random hcs this time with kids:
kanaya and rose get into a flame war online that gradually settles into elaborate courtship rituals
also nepeta + jade online besties
also bec can inexplicably still teleport
the first sbahj movie comes out and the next six months of dave strider junior's high school career are absolute hell
actually hc that dave senior goes by d strider professionally. the d stands for a lot of things
aradia and dave frequent a lot of the same forums but never end up really interacting
meanwhile karkat and john frequent a lot of the same forums and DEFINITELY end up interacting. this turns into grudging (at least on karkat's part) friendship after they find themselves fighting for their lives defending an objectively shitty movie together on the same thread
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amazingphilza · 4 years
i dunno if ppl on here make dsmp!ocs for themselves outside art but here’s my long list of headcannons?? idk what to call this, but assume all names have c! before it ofc :]
,, this is kinda messy & probably has a lot of plot holes but i just needed a space to write out all my thoughts LOL
also cw / ment of manipulation & ib: dsmp wiki <3
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character origin :
previous life was the l’mantree :D
allegedly planted by schlatt, we will never know who’s my canonical parent(s)
reborn as a dryad after niki burns the l’mantree
i think being a dryad would fit especially since they’re typically nymphs of oak trees :]
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appearance :
my character’s mc skin has long light brown hair & is seen wearing a flower crown with petals that are around the color of a pale violet and navy blue
clothing would consist of black shoes & a long light grey sweater that falls down to the legs and covers most of the hands which adorned with 2 black stripes on the upper arms
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lore / history :
since my past life was the l’mantree, i would’ve known the ins and outs of the history when l’manburg was still standing, up until niki burned the tree
after witnessing everything, i’d hold a grudge on niki (+ allies?) and loyal to wilbur since he’s the whole person that made a meaning of the land of l’manburg
however i’d still be on edge w any side because i could sympathize with everyone to some extent after seeing some sort of distress from everyone at some point
i think seeing both sides of the spectrum when l’manburg/manburg still stood could change my perspective of some other characters
but at the same time, not everything was completely centered in l’manburg so i wouldn’t know the whole story of everyone’s character
i’m currently writing this just after tommy has left the prison & mostly everyone is treating him differently, so i’d try to befriend him by not showing that i dont care about his past & trauma but also not being fully faithful about our friendship ahaha,,,
he seems like the type that needs someone to see through his past history but tommy would definitely disapprove of my character visiting dream at the prison (i would do it anyway :))
vowing my current life to wilbur, i would help dream escape to revive wilbur & follow along with their plans of chaos
i don’t fully support dream but he is the only way to wilbur, making me comply with dream’s decisions
“growing up” in my past life and witnessing endless conflict, it is the only thing i know and understand; chaos
but i think during the process of helping dream & wilbur i’d keep my connection with them secret, being the person to obtain all the inside information they need
i could see myself as a type of equilibrium like ranboo but in a bad way, i don’t know how to explain it
but i would try befriending ranboo since he seems like he is involved in many things and would know a lot, despite his short term memory
unfortunately i’m not sure how much his character actually knows since i haven’t been able to watch his pov that much but i’m sure there’s a lot in his memory book...
to blend in as a normal person within the rest of the characters, i’d surround myself with connor a lot
not only because he needs more lore, connor is one of the “normal” citizens of the smp so i believe being with him doesn’t bring as much attention to myself, unlike people that’s related to the egg and their noticeable features after associating themselves with the egg
he is currently only on bad terms with techno which is rly good when comparing that to other characters and their relationships with other people
connor could probably sense my real intentions eventually & tell everyone else that i’m not who i say i am but if that’s my flaw & my downfall is caused by connor, so be it! sorry dream & wilbur
i feel like for being a young dryad, i’d still fool around with dream/wilbur & help give tommy an small “advantage” to defeating the two ?
like yes i’m supposed to be on your side but where’s the fun if tommy can’t do anything to begin with?
i honestly don’t know if wilbur was revived he’d actually be his vassal but let’s assume that happens, but either way i’m with wilbur on his decisions
but ya dream seems like the type to punish me for helping tommy and send me to the afterlife to learn & become smarter like wilbur had done or smth
in the end, i just want to give tommy bits and pieces that tease him from ending all the wars and problems he has been faced with
like here’s some info about dream and wilbur but it won’t be no where close to enough
but who knows, ghostbur said ‘villains are just heroes that aren’t convinced yet’ & maybe tommy could eventually grow on me & change my ways,,
maybe me fooling around & teasing tommy with answers he’s been searching for is a way to mask that i want to be a good person
ok but imagine after knowing so much about dream/wilbur, the revive book, & the afterlife & then i switch sides,,,
surely if tommy can’t put and end to them, dream would make sure i’m gone for good instead
but also if me & connor are in good terms & he’s canonically a necromancer & can bring ppl back to life,,,,
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personality :
to all besides dream & wilbur, i’d try to act passive and friendly on the outside to get on everyone’s good side
however under the mask i am more mischievous & strive to cause more problems for everyone on the server from the inside out
in a way, i’ve taken up some of dream’s manipulative personality but still very understanding
i’d like to think of my character as a good listener,, trying to do less talking than others so i do not open up about my true self and intentions
i’ve seen rumors about schlatt & mexican dream also being revived along with wilbur & i feel like i’d have some soft spot for schlatt & pick up a few things from his own character, not sure what though
schlatt planted l’mantree theory, dad!schlatt au part 2 !! /j
because of my character’s closed off and quiet personality, i feel like i’d be pretty analytical
i would know how to slip between the cracks with some characters & notice the smallest things to make them question themselves
maybe my character is good at holding their composure, and not that susceptible to being “emotional” in a way so it’s easier to face people
like i understand when a situation is sad, etc but i can’t show emotion towards how i feel about it (i don’t know if that makes sense but ya!)
i wanna try to elaborate more,, like imagine my character before tommy visits the prison, i would be unfazed from when i found out he died to the point he’s released and we find out he’s been revived
everything is a constant blur hehe
i just can’t fully process everything i guess? i dunno if that’s helpful but yeah!
in the end though, my moral compass has been very tainted; despite wanting to show my loyalty, it can be slightly easy to sway me, making me internally feel guilty to other people
but me trying to get on everyone’s good side to impress wilbur/dream to seem useful to them would ruin me before i would even realize that i’m another “pawn”
we know damn well dream is faking it till he “makes it” but yk,,
but i’d be stuck in this kind of dilemma of not knowing what thoughts are my own or just something trickled down from wilbur or dream
there’s like maybe something that clicks in my head like “maybe i wanna think for myself for once” or smth
like who am i really?
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powers , bonuses , etc :
since dryads can technically manipulate plants in some ways, theoretically i could control the blood vines to some extent ???
i’m pretty sure dryads can communicate with plants so i could understand what the blood vines are saying as well
maybe i could get a good sense of what the egg is all about and stuff
assuming that i understood anything that was happening with the egg in the first place but anyway—
i guess similar to ranboo like how he can’t really be around water without some type of amour or something, it would make sense for me to primarily reside in a type a forest or be near one ?? who knows
seems a bit morbid in a way because of the whole history but if i can somehow easily get rid of the blood vines without it affecting me (if there is still some there) i think it would be kinda pretty to build a tree base in the middle of the l’manburg crator (iskall tease)
like it can show a sign of some rebirth, not the same government repeated once again but a new era in general
you know how you see like destruction years after it the disaster or smth happened and it gets all overgrown with plants and stuff? ya that’s what i’m going for in my head (mumbo jumbo s7 tease)
i know it’s covered in glass already but i dunno, some broken glass and a giant tree emerging from the whole thing and all the rubble seems cool
i’m not a good builder but i have the vision LMAO
omg puffy is like a sheep human hybrid im pretty sure & like there’s a specific type of dryad that are a protector of sheep & other animals?? i’m not exactly sure but that seems like an interesting element to incorporate somehow
also glatt randomly planting a oak sapling in quackity’s lore stream yes pls feed my nonexistent dsmp character lore /j
i honestly dunno how to incorporate the fact dryads can turn shapeshift into trees when trying to escape something but i read something that if a dryad stays in a tree form for too long they’ll forget who they are and stay stuck as a tree?? which like woah that’s cool & some material but at the same time what—
since everyone’s backstory is kinda a mess, mr beast parent tease bc he planted a bunch of trees /hj
i have realized wilbur saying like “the whole reason i built this nation is gone” & blowing up everything or whatever is kinda a plot hole in like ‘why would i follow wilbur if/when he’s revived when he said this?’ but i’d like to think he was the one that made some meaning of the area lmanburg was on, which includes the lmantree
like he was the one that started everything and created that sentiment of that land, and however he views it now is how i would see it now
he gave meaning to my past life and now in my current life, i feel this obligation to repay him for it
not really lore bc i think it was cc!tommy talking to cc!ranboo about his height & age when he first joined but yk it would funny to make my dsmp character than his just to slightly spite him anyway
canonically 6’4 dryad yes . /hj
also i have no idea anything about hannah and her lore but we do be flower buddies :D
also omg like this isn’t at all important but the way ranboo can pick up grass blocks will just have me at awe, i dunno seems in theme with the forest/plant stuff
and i remember reading like there was something about dryads and apples but i can’t remember but i’d give tommy a bunch of apples /hj
apples am i right chat,,,,,
i’ll just have infinite apples in my inventory, like kill me in game, not like losing lives kinda deal but just in general and boom stacks of apples
“bee i get you’re half tree but do you just poop apples out like they’re nothing??” “girls don’t poop” /j
ok but like no matter how many streams i watch i cant grasp where everything is but omg but no if i was new to the server & stuff, canonically & not, i would feel my character to be the curious kind to explore everywhere
like besides a mini tour from some other person in the server, since my character only knows things in the bounds of lmanburg, i’d go off exploring different places like pogtopia, the sewers, showchester, etc
i feel like my character would be really into history, like they would have questions about what happened to lmanburg after the last war? what was life like before wilbur? what was the whole history about the antarctic empire? i dunno but reading a bunch of books from a library seems really interesting
oh but in theory, me and tubbo are loosely related if you wanna count schlatt as my “dad” because he supposedly planted the lmantree ???
i mean could make sense but it seems like a stretch
also if my character ever got close to schlatt, i’m not sure if this is canon, but i swear one time he mentioned how the whole dsmp sever is just a game/server in a game & he’s the only one that knows that ??? but like imagine if i found that out canonically,,,,,
big existential crisis pls
and i’m not 100% sure how dryad shifting works with like going from female to tree form and stuff but if i’m able to morph into different girls on the server & act as them,,,, the about of problems that can cause in the lore omg
lemme frame niki real quick and get inside information /j
oh ya and like hey bee do you support the government then? yes but no. whatever my “fav” person is canonically (assuming this is based in the beginning of this whole hc) whatever wilbur thinks, i think. head empty. but subject to change as the dsmp storyline progresses and stuff :]
ngl i wanna throw in some like random lore that doesn’t make sense to throw people off but i can’t think of anything
not actually really lore related but my choice of stream music like how ranboo has his undertale stuff that makes everyone cry, i will have in love with a ghost
yup i like in love with a ghost sm & i’m pretty sure their music is like not dmca too which yay but yk theoretically never gonna stream on the dsmp but still a fun aspect to think of bc i love listening to music & it’s very impactful to a story & associating something to it makes it more meaningful :D
like i could imagine the chill pop lofi piano stuff fits witha few lore streams of like exploring the whole smp before my character would really go out with being this lost villain in a way?
tubbo’s gangnam style who?
like i feel like i made my character bad/evil so they could have potential to get better in the future
on one hand, i’ll end up w dream and/or wilbur for the rest of my life, which is okay but i could also switch to be with tommy or even disregard all of them and be with techno/phil or quackity & potentially schlatt even who knows
also i cant wait for more connor lore tho, like as much as i tried to make my character give him more content i wanna see how everything goes with him having connections to schlatt & stuff
anyway i would’ve made concept art for my character but i honestly don’t rly like my art currently but who knows LMAO
and lastly if u read all of this ily /p
i might update this later when there’s more lore but ya
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hibisha · 4 years
Hello, a friend of yours said you might be able to recommend some radiodust fanfics, and it can be anything im not picky
RadioDust fanfics you say? Alright *cracks knuckles* here we go.
1.) The Charismatic Cannibal’s Guide to Self Care
Rating: E
Summary: Alastor chuckled around a hand. Angel would never get over how shark-like he could look. Fangs were the norm here, but Alastor’s had a certain animal quality that fit strangely in a humanoid face. Too big and too many. And right now they were tinged with a hint of red from his choice of drink.
“So what,” he said, “would liven up the place for you, sport?”
You might assume that Angel Dust is the bad influence in every situation. You would be wrong.
The Radio Demon has plans for Hell, and plans for Angel. And they aren't pretty.
Will contain gore/cannibalism/murder and plenty of fun, bad people. Please read the tags and content warning. Plot now, smut to follow.
Personal thoughts: It only one chapter so far but I really like the premise.
2.) Their Arrangement
Rating: E
Summary: Alastor and Angel Dust have come to an agreement after Angel pushes the Radio Demon's buttons a little too far and inadvertently awakens the long forgotten urges buried under decades of bloodlust.
Personal thoughts: One of my literal favorites. Alastor and Angel’s evolving relationship from sex friends to ‘oh shit I have feelings’ *chef’s kiss*.
3.) Absolute Territory
Rating: E
Summary: Angel Dust is an absolute terror for Absolute Territory.
Alastor never knew he had a thing for stockings until Angel decides to flaunt a pair, matched with a pleated skirt and an oversized sweatshirt.
Personal thoughts: Have some good ol’ smut.
4.) Heart Between His Teeth
Rating: E
Summary: So maybe there are better things to life than being drugged and fucked so hard you can't even think for yourself.
5.) Angel Dust’s Not So Illustrious Life
Rating: T
Summary: Alastor isn’t sure why he’s become Angel’s primary target, but the more he attempts to dissuade Angel’s advances, the more fervent they seem to become.
And maybe Alastor likes that...maybe...Yet it seems there’s more to Angel than innuendos and a quick romp.
Personal thoughts: I kinda love this fic a lot where Angel and Alastor respect each other’s boundaries.
6.) Caught In His Own Web
Summary: "So when the devil wants to dance with you, you better say never. Because the dance with the devil might last you forever."
Redemption is hard when you don't want to do it. Redemption is even harder when a certain Radio Demon keeps enabling your sinful behavior.
Personal thoughts: My favourite trope, bad people being worse together.
7.) I Thought I Knew You 
Rated: M
Summary: Angel Dust can't ruin the hotel's reputation if he can't go outside. Or, at least, that's what Alastor says. Of course, it's all a ploy to torture Alastor's least favorite spider demon, but maybe he doesn't know Angel Dust as well as he thinks he does.
Personal thoughts: I really like this one especially since it feeds into my “Alastor is a dick in all AUs.”
8.) Sex, drugs and radio host
Rating: E
Summary: For some ungodly reason, Alastor decides to keep Angel safe and sound - meaning no sex, prostitution and certainly no drugs. Of course, this wild idea is met with more than a little resistance. But... no one ever cared if Angel was safe. And sometimes, all he would like is a hug. Sex sure is nice, but he is more than willing to explore the possibilities.
The trouble is, it doesn't seem like Alastor is offering anything specific. Keeping things strange and vague is not helping, especially when a new guest catches Alastor's attention.
Personal thoughts: Its cute and theres feelings involved is all I’m saying.
9.) Gentleman's Wager 
Rating: None
Summary: Sick of listening to Angel Dust's crass and vulgar language, Alastor makes a bet with him. If Angel Dust can remain absolutely silent for one whole week, he'll give in and kiss him.
10.) Triggered 
Rating: None
Summary: Angel Dust had never really thought too much about the static hum surrounding Alastor wherever he went... until now anyway.
Personal thoughts: It's a very good fic about ANgel dealing with PTSD. Def check it out.
11.) Dinner and Drinks 
Rating: None
Summary: Alastor and Angel Dust can barely tolerate each other and Charlie seeks to fix that.
Personal thoughts: Again, a slow development of Angel and Alastor’s relationship.
12.) You Do Something to Me 
Rating: T
Summary: Alastor's radio signals go both ways, and for the past few decades he's tuned into the most beautiful voice. What a surprise to find the source in the Happy Hotel right under his nose.
A relationship that grows through music.
Personal thoughts: AGAIN, PLEASE READ THIS IT IS CUTE HECK AND WILL CLEAR YOUR SKIN. Also, its part 2: No One Knows Anything But Us 
13.) 1932
Rating: M
Summary: The 1930s are the for perfect time to nurture any up-and-coming radio host or serial killer alike. Alastor is no exception.
Set in New Orleans in 1932, Alastor is living his best life. Broadcaster by day and home chef by night, he's learned that Jumbalaya is best served with a side of human liver and a still beating heart. That is until he brings the wrong meal to his table, a member of the Italian mafia, and ends up biting off more than he can chew.
With his latest meal escaping the table and his identity running the risk of being found out, Alastor faces his biggest hunt yet. The streets of New Orleans are his forest and this time, it's his head on the platter.
AKA Alastor screws up and now has to fix his mess in Dixieland while balancing his day job, cannibalistic hunger, and learn how to be a decent human being for once along the way. Should be fun.
Personal thoughts: I absolutely adore this fic. Please give it a shot.
14.) Contracts and Deals Series
Rating: E
Summary: Angel Dust, Hell's number one porn actor.
Alastor, Hell's most renowned overlord.
The two cross paths.
Angel makes a deal with Alastor to get out of his contract with Valentino. One thing leads to another.
Personal thoughts: It’s a good series that eventually gets really fluffy.
15.) Good Management
Rating: M
Summary: Alastor thought he had Angel Dust filed away into his niche box in the Hotel. He was wrong. But he's a good enough manager to fix his responsibilities.
Personal thoughts: Its AngeliaDark. You know it’s good.
16.) Anything for you
Rating: M
Summary: Valentino faces the consequences of hurting someone that Alastor deeply favors
i.e. Val fucking dies
Personal thoughts: Any fic where Val dies is a good fic.
17.) Predator and Prey
Rating: M
Summary: Every couple of years, Angel Dust goes through a change that makes him a lot less tolerable to be around, for many more reasons than one. The staff of the Hotel are about to learn that the hard way, none more so than Alastor.
Personal thoughts: Okay so, slight dubcon, would recommend checking the tags before going into it. Though I love how it tackles on the story of Alastor being a deer which is technically a prey animal and Angel being the predator for once. Absolutely love it.
18.) Good Tidings 
Rating: T
Summary: A Christmas party in Hell isn't the big selling point for the Happy Hotel (For Hazbins), but Charlie feels that the holiday season is just what her friends need to open up to and help one another.
So what better way to do it than with a Secret Santa?
When Angel Dust draws none other than his crush, the Radio Demon, he knows he has one shot to not eff it up.
Personal thoughts: Really fluffy, a good read. Highly recommend it.
19.) Vanilla Bean
Rating: T
Summary: Alastor decides to try his hand at pet names and inadvertently offends Angel Dust. Rated T for swearing and there's suggestive content if you close one eye, tilt your head, and squint.
Personal thoughts: Okay so i loved this one because of how badly these two handle communication.
20.) For Auld Lang Syne, My Dear
Rating: M
Summary: Alastor's solitude is interrupted by Angel Dust who has just escaped a rough client and the two spend the last moments of 2019 together.
Personal thoughts: Love love love this. I just love Angel and Alastor dancing together okay.
21.) I Like It Better When I'm With You 
 Rating: M
Summary: Angel deals with feelings. Alastor deals with feelings. Just a whole lot of pining.
Personal thoughts: Summary says it all.
22.) Technical Difficulties
Rating: M
Summary: The hotel is running relatively well. Relationships between Alastor and the rest of the staff are budding surprisingly smoothly. And then the rainfall starts up, threatening all of it.
Alastor's out of tune.
Personal thoughts: I love how this is written. Slowburn but worth it.
23.) Lurking in the Shadows 
Rated M
Summary: 5 instances where a curious and head-over-heels shadow follows Angel Dust around and 1 time where Angel decides to follow it instead.
Personal thoughts: It’s very cute how Alastor’s shadow pines after Angel.
24.) Crossroads
Rating: M
Summary: A mafioso’s and a murderous radio star’s paths collide in New Orleans in the winter of 1933.
25.) Needle Through a Bug
Rating: E
Summary: Angel wakes up in a hospital after a party. His doctor is very strange, worryingly so. Still, he can't help but be intrigued.
Personal thoughts: Doctor AU. Alastor is insane. I love it because Alastor manages to be as creepy as possible while saving lives.
26.) My Roommate's a Demonic Deer 
 Rating: M
Summary: Don't you hate it when you "accidentally" summon a demon to fix a problem within your home, only to find out that they don't do that, so now you're stuck with a cannibalistic demon that constantly tracks blood onto the floor, brings other unholy beings into your apartment, and makes amazing jambalaya? It's amazing insanity!
Personal thoughts: Lmao I love demon summoning gone wrong so this was really an amazing read. Angel being a true himbo is always the best.
27.) Human Hazbin Roommates AU series
Rating: E, M
Summary: A series of porny RadioDust one-shots depicting modern human AU roommate life.
Glimpses into the human lives of insufferable roommates.
(AKA This was supposed to be a practice at writing present tense smut and it devolved into sex and feelings)
Personal thoughts: Dive in for the smut, come out with the feels.
28: Darker Side of Hell series
Rating: E
Summary: Follow Charlie and later Alastor as part of my Story for the Hazbin hotel... It ain't pretty, so enjoy!
Personal thoughts: Not everyone’s cup of tea so i suggest reading the tags but I really love this series a lot. Angel being awkward and in love is the best shit ever. Its an amazing series.
29.) Scorched, Uninhabited, Rejected
Rating: M
Summary: When Hell suddenly loses all working functions, and angels start dropping from their overhead perches to attack the underworlds population, Charlie has no idea what to do before she's suddenly face to face with a Archangel. Though something, clearly, isn't right about the air the angel assures her to keep those who are dear tucked tightly by her side as the disaster struggles to fix itself.
But nothing is as it seems, Overlords' powers are dwindling and even her own is becoming strained as she struggles to protect her beloved hotel and friends from the Exterminators outside.
Personal thoughts: *vibrates* Can’t say much without spoilers so I’m just gonna beg ya all to read this.
30.) The Thin Line
Rating: None
Summary: Studies say it takes fifty hours of interaction before you consider someone a casual friend and two hundred to be a close friend. Alastor and Angel Dust manage to skip right past close friends to something more without either even noticing they've crossed the line.
31.) La Vie En Rose
Rating: G
Summary: Alastor learns that Angel is afraid of thunderstorms, and Angel in turn learns about the Radio Demon.
32.) falling 
Rating: M
Summary: "You're hot as fuck, be my boyfriend."
That was perhaps the worst thing he could've possibly said from that standpoint.
A college setting where Angel gets suddenly awful at flirting when it comes to the face of his crush, a cute library assistant that goes by Alastor.
Personal thoughts: COLLEGE AU COLLEGE AU. 
33.) Old Habits Die Hard
Rating: G
Summary: Angel decides to bring back a little habit of his after having a rough time.
Personal thoughts: Hella soft, please read.
34.) Handwritten 
Rating: None
Summary: Alastor imagines Angel must be lonely in heaven, he writes to keep him company.
 A series of letters addressed to Angel.
Personal thoughts: Hi, do you like crying into your pillow at 2 AM? You do? The look no further, this is the fic for you! Now, with extra heart wrenching feels!
35.) Relapse and Recovery
Rating: T
Summary: Going clean was never going to be easy, but easy was something Angel Dust never expected going into this anyway. At least he has a good support system to help him along the way.
Personal thoughts: I just really like AngeliaDark’s fics okay.
36.) Catalyst
Rating: T
Summary: All couples have their downfalls, and an event that should have been celebrated only drives Alastor and Angel Dust apart.
Personal thoughts: Love love love this. It’s very well written, reads easy and you’ll feel fluffy for days.
37.) Dinner Date: A RadioDust Tale
Rating: E
Summary: Angel Dust finally finds a way to get Alastor to agree to a 'date'. After all, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
Sometimes literally.
Personal thoughts: One of my favourite stories about RadioDust.
38.) This One's Dedicated to [static interruption]
Rating: M
Summary: A couple of years since the hotel's opening, the residents have settled down into a fairly tolerable routine. Recently, some of them have begun experiencing peculiar symptoms which become more noticeable as time passes. To his dismay, the Radio Demon finds that he is not immune.
A chance encounter with Angel Dust propels the two demons together as they attempt to answer what's behind the unusual phenomena, while rediscovering all the things they thought dead and buried along the way.
Personal thoughts: Slowburn but definitely worth it. I love the story and how it’s progressing with a certain mystery surrounding the whole plot.
Also slight self plug I guess:
39.) 14 ways to say “I Love You”
Rating: T
Summary: Just a collection of small drabbles I’m writing on based on single word prompts.
Please check it out if you’re a fan of odd AUs.
Wowee, that’s a lot. I’m gonna call it a night and say that’s all for today. I hope you enjoy these! 
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wisteria-lodge · 4 years
a burnt / exploded badger primary + badger secondary model
Hi! Ive been looking at this amazing sorting concept for a while now, but every time i try to sort myself i get stuck. I think im either a burnt snake primary that models lion or a burnt lion primary that models snake, but im unsure about which one. 
All right, let’s see what you’ve got.
I was pretty involved in a student club and took up bartending duty, which i really liked because it was a place to have casual social interaction with people without going to the trouble of figuring out how to be friends (which i am Bad at since i can remember, ive like 3 friends and i try to talk to them monthly but more feels exhausting). But a side effect of being a bartender is that drunk people share their entire life story and trauma with you which i quite enjoy once in a while, its quite flattering if people trust you enough to talk to you about personal things and its interesting to learn more about how they work as a person.
So you’re telling me you have a Badger secondary, or at least a Badger secondary model. And three good friends who you check in with monthly doesn’t sound like such a bad set up? If that’s what you want/need, you’re good in my book. But there’s definitely some kind of angst surrounding “making friends” which seems like an outside influence. I’m keeping an eye on that as I read.
 But if it happens a lot when you sleep way less than you should it quickly becomes exhausting. 
Okay. Lack of self-care. Particularly of the “overworked” variety. That is something that Badger primaries usually really struggle with. You might want to take a look at Exploded Badger Primary, honestly.
I once had a breakdown over that i knew too many suffering people and that i couldnt help them all.
This is either the breakdown of a Badger primary, or a really really really Badger-flavored Lion. (and probably we’re still talking Badger).
I sometimes got angry at people who dumped all their trauma and fears on me but didn't once asked me about how I was feeling, or if they did and I answered with "bad" they quickly changed the subject. 
Oh. Problems with boundaries. That’s one of the traits that Badger primaries and secondaries tend to share. 
Not sure if that one is more about me having Bad Friends or me seeing friendship as a transactional thing 
This makes me think that your Badger secondary might be a model
I know seeing friendship as transactional is a Bad Immoral thing and I'm trying not to see it as such.
It’s interesting that you frame this in such right/wrong, Lion-y language. But this idea “viewing friendships as being a means to an end is fundamentally immoral” - that’s much more of a Badger primary thing than a Lion primary thing.
but these friendships were imbalanced which did not feel fair to me.
If Lions value authenticity and Snakes value freedom, Badgers value fairness. (I’m still trying to figure out that *one* thing Birds value.)
Another thing is that i never cared much for family. I was raised with a "friends are temporary, family is forever" mindset, which I did not quite vibe with. I hung out with my sisters all the time, but I'm not sure if that was out of choice or out of necessity, if other people just didnt Get me the same way they did or if I thought so and therefore didnt try to make other friends. 
You’ve got a slightly insular, very Snake primary family culture - but you yourself don’t seem to have a single Snake bone in your entire body.
It's probably me acting out against my parents way after puberty (where I did not act out, since I knew acting out was what the Wrong kind of people did and I was Better than that). 
Here’s that moralistic language again. This instinct “to not act out” really does seem like it’s coming from you and not your parents. And I this idea of “the wrong kind of people” is really Badger. Badger primaries are so interested in community, which makes them especially likely to categorize like that. 
after i moved out that I joined the student association, to show that friends did exist and being in large groups of non family people could be a good thing.
‘After I moved out I joined a large community, to show my Snake primary family that this is a legitimate way to exist.’ Badger.
In family gatherings, me and my sisters were always seen as "the kids" and people never treated us as full conversation partners. (Its getting better, but we've been Full Grown Adults for a while now and are all living by ourselves now, that should have happened way sooner). I never minded that much tho, I was fine by playing with my baby cousins and participating in the performative steps of small talk until visits were over.
I’m thinking that this badger secondary is definitely an unhealthy model. 
Then there are my thoughts about the question "what would you do if you realized everything you thought and believed was wrong". A while ago, there was a huge argument in my friend group from the student association and it fell apart. At the same time, a situation happened in my family which caused me to not exactly break completely with them, since I am trying to fix it out of a sense of obligation, but it almost happened. 
Oh my, a stressed out Badger. This is a situation that would hit a Badger primary really, really, really hard.
This started me believing that a large group of people which are yours, or a goal/cause you chose for yourself, is wrong because people will let you down and abandon you. 
This is so Burnt Badger. 
people will abandon you if your actions are wrong enough, or try to force you to change your decisions if they disagree with them enough
Just a guess, but I think you’ve been dealing with some Lion primaries. This is the kind of thing that a really intense Lion would do.
people will abandon you as soon as you are not longer useful to them, and dont want to play the desired role they expect you to anymore. 
 Oh no. We’ve got some more Exploded Badger right here. ‘My worth is my usefulness’ 
I only started to think about "who am I?" And "what do I want?" At university, where I made a few decisions (which I do not regret a bit) which made me sleep way less than I should which caused me to stop reflecting and thinking about myself, and then the Incident happened. 
There’s an aspect of both the Badger primary and the Badger secondary which functions like a mirror. It’s so powerful, but if you’re not careful you can lose yourself. It sounds like you’re on the right track though, it really does. 
after which I spent all my time and energy trying to Fix it, and now that I realize that I can't I am so far away from who I am as a person that the easiest way to exist is to shape myself in whatever form is desired. 
That’s the Badger secondary (or the badger secondary model) talking. I’m a Badger secondary, and I modeled Badger primary for a long time. I’ve spent so much time trying to Fix It. But you can’t. You can’t fix other people. They have to fix themselves. 
But I'm not sure if the code switching I do is who I am that has revealed itself by me having nothing left, or a coping mechanism I picked up to stop people from getting disappointed by me while figuring out who I really am. 
That settles it. You definitely have a badger secondary model. And there’s something else is under there. 
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seedleaflesssapling · 3 years
Ver 2.0? Turning Point?
I can't really identify to which point in my life that i started to doubt myself but im pretty sure that it was because of UP. Damn, that school, my uni. It do really have the ability to make you feel small; i was in a disadvantaged side when i entered it, you know. I was acquainted, no we did not really talked one-on-one, but i heard when we did introductions - Pisay, UP High, science comprehensive schools, Xavier University, who wouldn't be intimidated by that when you came from Col. Ruperto Abellon National School (who would know where that is? I was lucky enough for a teacher recognized it and my classmates be like 'ahhhhhh,' .....really?! I dont even know where xavier is, it just sounds cool). Another thing is that, i wasn't a stem shs graduate - a leverage(?) or excuse (?) that i always use for them to know that i am at disadvantaged side here, not their competitor, probably a NOBODY. They, being stem graduates, have capstone projects you never thought that they have at that age, but i would hear them saying that it was publish in this journal (whatever, idk the journals lmao, i dont even understand their studies 2nd lmao, but that was some smart shit you know, a shit that makes me feel pathetic for being too proud of my what? Correlational study from inconsistent surveys?!!! Wtf, wtf, wtf). But it was a very good peer pressure you know, i kinda turned it that way. Being left behind, being on the rock bottom, i have no other place to go but up. It wasn't the goal, like making or taking the top spot, i just need to survive.
Inevitably, the exams came. I had hard time adjusting chem but math was kind to me. Who would have thought that i would get two 1.0 at my math subjects for the first semester, the sem that i thought i would barely pass. I was even a CS for that sem. Who would have thought? Our first chemical engineering subject that involves computations was on the list the next semester and the first exam, out of 100 i got something like 20ish. WTF. THAT WAS MY FIRST FAILED EXAM. but no, never did cry but tears were flooding inside. So apparently, i have to focus more on this subject and i did. Some were still failing, but i raised my average up. We also had physics, my first ever physics. I really love physics that time or that sir rommel is just a very good professor. I got the highest score on our second LE, everybody else did fail. Small victories. Not that they lose, but i just won. But i heard one time they were talking about me re: passing the physics exam and even getting a high score. They were uhm.. a guy i really look up to cause his good, the other was a girl that idk but i think she didn't like me back then. They were friends but eventually the girl transferred uni because who cares why. i heard the guy saying something like sin.o gid na si franklin nga taas iya score man, maybe even worse than that, i still look up to the guy even until now. But wtf. I really took it in that time, like i wanted to cry but did not. With all that, i got a fair grade at physics. I still got 1.0 at maths that sem and even maintained being on the CS list. S M I L E. BECAUSE WE HAVE A MIDYEAR CLASS. VERY EXHAUSTING FOR SOMEONE WHO DONT WANT ANYTHING BUT JUST ADJUST, SURVIVE, AND FIND MEANING OF BEING A UP STUDENT. It was just one subject and it was math, but i got 2.0?!!! I have no excuse to that, i am very grateful for the family who accommodated me. After midyear class, i did got sick, it sucks, really sucks. I wanted to file an LOA for the next academic year, it is the only thing i can think of for me to go back on track (i haven't said that my parents pushed me to graduate with latin honor and i wanted to also for my resume to look good because everything else in me is effed up). I really wanted to pause and be free for a while but i also wanted to graduate on time (mostly because i want to give the bitches who dared to have expectations be put on my shoulders not the satisfaction, but the audacity to tell them 'i aint did it for ya') so i asked mama. THANK GOD, SHE DID SAY NA KUNG ANO LANG KAYA MO, AMO LANG DA IH 😭😭🤧🤧 so i enrolled, but went to school late, haven't attended the school opening but all is good. I did kind of reset, just enough for me to face school again.
Second year, it was fucked. I did really love coding on octave and doing sheets at ms excel though. On that year, we have formed the che 103 bagsak group. Together with two of my classmates on 103 and math 55, we became buddies after failing che 103 on the first LE, another 30 over 100 exam hahahahaha. We made bawi just enough for us to pass the subject hahahahahuhu. I have thermodynamics sub, i barely pass. Thank G na wala ko nag removal. If ever i did, i am so sure that i wont make it. My GWA for that sem was not enough for me to be a CS. Who cares? I still did, actually but mama was never been too pushy since then, even since after midyear, after getting that 2.0 grade from the only subject i am good at. Btw, my math 55 for first sem, second year, was 1.25. Not a 1.0 but still, it's good. Second semester that year was when pandemic hit so there's nothing much to tell. I was, sorry but i was really, glad to be away from school for a while, not until for a while became forever. Virtual university set-up was very hard. With too much from taking in whatever i see and hear on my surroundings, even just at home, everything is difficult. It is very hard to find motivation and discipline in studying when i was surrounded with people who do nothing. Even to this point i am writing, everyday is like a battle, but is mostly an internal one. Self vs self, a war no one knows who will win. So the confidence, the tower of knowledge i did build, exponentially went down. I did really well when i was in grade 10, i did my best that time and it can be seen at the achievements i had that year. Being consistently on top 1 the whole year, placing second on division MMC (even getting the highest score on the written elimination round for the whole cluster), doing well sa physics under maam andico, placings on cluster journalism competitions - it was like a record best, best record (?) Whatever. But it wasn't enough you know, i eventually came fourth like wtf. I had read from somewhere Newton saying like the two years when he did write the three laws of motion and the calculus stuff were the two best years of his life, and it kept me thinking that what if mine already passed? That it was when i was in high school?
But, back when i was in school, every time that i was belittling myself or even at random times that i would feel nervous for nothing, my classmates and close friends would say na:
Uno mo man ang Math, uno mo na na (it was a one or two time thing, what if chamba lang to???)
Ikaw man highest sa first le sa thermo (it was really an absolutely one time thing, i barely passed that sub)
Alam ka man sa physics (i was just invested on physics and maybe nachambahan lang na ang ginpractice ko solve kay parallel sa exam ni sir)
Alam ka, d ka lang confident (OKAY???!)
I was ignoring those shit cause who cares if i did really good that time. Yeah, it felt good but it wasn't fulfilling. Satisfied but not happy. But with recent events, i think i would be changing. This post will be a written contract that i will push to be better, to start trusting myself, and build that confidence glow behind me; to believe that i am bright and i can hack it, whatever it may be.
For coherence, i would itemize na lang all of the events that brought me to epiphany lol
It was Friday, 17 Sep, when Dean, in our plant design subject, gave an activity for us - to come up with solutions that would address problems he presented. 1 off grid island community (either you address the water, electricity, and phone reception/signal problem under a 100k budget) and 2 vinegar packaging with a 500 mL volume and should cost less than the cost of vinegar. The due's on Monday, 20 Sep. The challenge is that you should come up with an idea that is not the same with those who already turned in their proposed solutions. I haven't turned in mine until Sunday afternoon. We are 23 in class, hence there should be 23 proposed solutions for each problem. However, only 20 or 21 turned in their solutions and as a student who decided to do it three days after the sheet was given, i was at the second to the last of the entries hahaha. I have limited choice since a lot have been proposed. And ngl, i did entered my idea for the first problem at Sunday evening and for the second problem it was on the afternoon of the next day. Those were basic solutions cause who am I? Am just your basic guy.
Tuesday, 21 Sep (#NeverForget #NeverAgain), class again for plant design (PD). Dean discussed stuffs which im ngl, i did not listen because im bored (not until he said 'we'll have a 5-min break and we'll have a quiz after that' like wtf, how will we do our quiz???!). After the short break, I did study cause i panicked as hell, he presented the prospects of the course, that we will be divided in groups and that the leaders were chosen based on the solutions they turned in the activity previously given. So there's no quiz, i was calm the whole time after that until my name was called. Like wtf??! Your basic guy will be a leader???! Hello!!! So i chat people, asked them if it was a good thing (course it was!!!? So dumb right?!). And then, i asked another leader and she agreed to my argument that we should only be divided into six instead of seven as what dean has decided. So i chatted dean (pic below). I just accepted the role half-heartedly.
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As leaders, we should be hiring people for our team and we should make pubs. I dont have a canva account to help me do pubs. I made mine at MS ppt HAHAHAHAHAHA but im good so its cute. We were assigned with projects and i get to have the 4-member team. The vacant roles were project maven and liaison officer for a 3-member team. In my pubs, i included scrummaster as position to be filled, cause who am i to lead?! So yeah, that's it. I did the pubs Wednesday and I submitted my resume Thursday (third to the last hahahaha but my resume's cute hahaha).
Thursday. So i had this invite by a classmate to join the Shell event long time ago. He was reaching out for someone to ask Dean for his approval because Dean did not replied to the email he sent. So, i volunteered. I really want this competition cause this will be my first and maybe last competition as a UP student. So i DMed dean and blah blah blah he asked for selection process. I relayed the message and apologize to them for being me because i was thinking that it was me who made him come up with the decision of having the team be selected. Like, wtf i was just asking for his approval. Getting kicked out of the team was not my intention. Those whom i chatted that night were telling me that it wasn't my fault blah blah blah. So i half-heartedly agreed to them.
Friday came, yesterday, the interview. I am very anxious for someone who will be the one asking the applicants lmao. I already have been interviewed before for college applications and somehow remember the feeling, nerve wracking, whatever. To calm my nerves, i listed questions which i never got to ask properly btw, but at least i have concrete ideas on what to ask. The first interviewee was my very closed friend and so we just laugh and laugh and laugh HAHAHAHAHA. IDK if dean saw it but who cares. And the next and next and next. 3:30 passed by fast and guess what??? YOUR BASIC GUY HAS THE MOST NUMBER OF APPLICANTS TO THE POINT THAT DEAN CUT MY LIST. IT WAS EXHAUSTING BUT VERY FLATTERING. I FEEL SO HONORED. i really thought and very scared at the thought that no one will apply to me but wtf, just wtf. Ranking my applicants was damn hard. 1 i have a dream team but one was cut by dean; 2 this could make my friends mad; 3 this will be the group for the whole year; 4 i am really exhausted. But still, i submitted the list. I was hoping for the people i chose to choose me back. Only two out of three did, i am forever grateful.
Still on Friday, the classmate who invited me to the Shell thing and Dean had a zoom call and discussed about the competition. That classmate told dean what i told him the other day that i might be the reason for the decision of having the selection process done. He told me this through a voice memo, katamad daw magtype. A voice message that i played over and over again. Dean actually find me interesting (?), Invested (?) Idk exactly but the classmate told me na 'may nakikita daw talaga sya sayo. Na grabe ka ka-practical as a person like yung ideas mo daw sa plant design napakasimple lang pero napaka practical to the point daw na madami nag apply sayo kanina. And then, you need more confidence lang daw talaga' so ig, you basic guy is a practical guy now. It's just flattering.
Now, whatever happens, i must meet those expectations right? This could be a lousy motivation but what is if there's none? I dont know why im writing this. I just thought i should get my thoughts out. Ver 2.0? Turning point? Let's just do good 😌
PS I put this on my bio on FB, guess im getting more public, and if you happened to read this because you saw the link on my bio, send me a message about you thoughts.
PPS if your initials are JTZC, these have been my week and i miss you even though you're not interested in me anymore, you are hard to forget
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ranvwoop · 3 years
Hi :DDD. Thank u for asking,,,, I have many thoughts. I am sorry in advance. This is one of those things I will put under a readmore because I am into rambling. IT GOT A LOT LONGER THAN ANTICIPATED IM SORRY. Like. a lot. It was 4 pages in google docs because i dont trust tumblr to save my drafts
Okay a lot of my Ranboo thoughts are about the syndicate / boreal trio / peerpressure duo. But you’re probably aware I am a Them enthusiast first and both a dsmp enjoyer and person second. Because. I really like the syndicate. I also don’t have too too many thoughts on the more recent lore past the experiments. Once the in character monologues stopped, so did my brain. I communicate through monologue to monologue communication.
American Healthcare is actually gonna be the main reason why this is so long bc it works Very Much for like three different reasons. One sorta niche and abstracter reason is a stream that was basically never elaborated on back in March, either the day after or very close to the peerpressure Egg confrontation stream. The egg called him a coward (for some reason my brain can Only come up with the “stop saying i look like chicken little. he’s dumb, and a coward, and i am NOT a coward” vine), and he is not a coward, so he decided to make an action plan to bring the server together by acting as a mediator for all parties and try to make sure that everyone is happy, because he’s the only one that can see all sides, or something. This was where he said the big happy family™ line but other than Ranboo Become Dream?? analysis nothing else really happened and everything went along as normal.
(I also always held a little bit of suspicion on this stream actually and thought it might be the influence of the egg, because it says it can give one whatever they want, and ranboo wants to make everyone happy and this was a totally foolproof way of doing that. Sort of in a similar way that BBH is convinced that his plan will totally make Skeppy happy. But also Ranboo is just like that, but this felt a little more on the nose than usual and he did fall into the egg and made his decisions after being egged on by it, buT WE’LL NEVER KNOW, WILL WE?
… also I really wanted to see more egg conflict at the time. Peerpressure rlly got involved in the egg plot for cameos at the banquet and nothing else. I do not blame anyone and respect the ccs for all of their attempts to weave plots together but also. also…. we.. we coulda had so much…)
That was a little off topic from the point, but… he really just thinks he can save the sick… he can see that everyone on the server is unwell and is wrong but, y’know, look inwardly, the unwell is coming from inside the house. And an inherent problem of the way that the server runs. And if this is still lowkey in effect or not (idk man a) ranboo has monologued a lot I simply chose a one off from march to grow emotionally attached to and b) i think that my brain has shut off once ranboo stopped solo lore streams), it would probably go the way that most choosing to change the system from the inside goes. Which is the point of the song and stuff! He will inevitably decide what’s too far, whether he will either admit it’s a choice or just feel that it’s what he has to do. The, uh, dealing with the devil, to be polite.
in conclusion (but we are not close to done here i’m holding you for a bit longer), i think a lot about that stream and i think that shows what he wants to be, at the very least, and continuing down that path would definitely go into being far more trouble than just a noble goal of wanting to help people, from negotiating with corruption (The lobbyists, the Congressmen and lies bit) and that the server can’t really be brought together and saved like that (When things are more and more this way / Sometimes it's like they'd rather die)
THE LESS. vwoop why have you written an unnecessarily long post about one stream in your playlist character analysis reason is both more literal and piece by piece and also Syndicate, My Beloved, you know the drill. We are going line by line because I have a lot of feelings about American Healthcare, apparently.
This also comes back to that everyone on the server is doing Really Badly, all of the time, but mostly his time in L’Manburg. For one, he is pretty complacent in everything and doesn’t really accomplish much in terms of actual change, so like Well people die every day / I wouldn't have it any other way / I just think they should feel good while they are alive. An example of this is Exiled Tommy — who I’d also metaphorically put as the dead man just for funsies, since Tommy’s whole exile thing was one of the first things Ranboo experienced on the server—as he did try to be friends with Tommy and keep him company with his letters, but he still has no power over the actual issue at hand. Just trying to make it a bit more bearable. Similarly is Techno, while Ranboo still participated in the butcher army that was trying to kill him, he helped in the meantime until he “died”.
And then it’s the Realization that participating in the system doesn’t really help much, and the subsequent Everything. It could be getting mad at the whole government system and that he didn’t mean to contribute to the harm, or how he fought with Fundy using hs ideology but not in the way that Ranboo thought. It could also be standing up to his hallucination Dream, in that he doesn’t try this hard to be a good person just to be accused of helping with all of the things that he may or may not have helped with. (That is… a discussion for not right now, I don’t know.) And I think this sort of area is also where it’s like they’d rather die is also relevant, cause Doomsday. Nobody could just set aside their governments and just get along, though Ranboo had his own solution to fighting and things.
And then he joins the Syndicate! And the lyrics of the song are directly Government Bad, because government bad. Canon anarchist, has done things that he’s not proud of as a part of the government. The lines it was the government / … It got louder over the years / Until all that I could hear was flies and all.
But honestly I think in the Syndicate he’s still trying to “save the sick”! Because the Syndicate don’t All fit eye to eye either. He’s the token pacifist, and a vote against violence whenever it comes down to it. Not all anarchists are violent but Techno and Phil will probably react strongly when provoked, due to All the past events, and I live in a world where their trauma and issues get talked about as much as everyone else’s. Since everything is decided by vote it’d probably be split between them and Ranboo + Niki, who is in her healing/no longer resorting to murder arc. He’ll help them negotiate and then everything will Be Okay, ideally.
(Also I just like the idea of Ranboo believing that he is helping the people he’s living with because canonically cc!Ranboo has said he just really cares about his family and the syndicate are included in his family shut up but they also just believe they’re helping him and yes it’s self indulgent. I care them. Particularly Endduo, actually, or whatever they're called, I am not bold enough to think Ranboo looks at Techno and thinks I Can Fix Him, but. Philza Minecraft will one day talk about his feelings. One day.)
There’s also radioduo and beeduo as of recent— really I’m just saying I think that Ranboo constantly has a Need To Help People, believes he can do it, and it will come back to hurt him in the end (except for the Syndicate because I’m in denial. The Syndicate can’t fall out if they never stream together :) ).
The Only House That’s Not on Fire Yet !! I like this one. This is also blatantly there cause Syndicate. They are the only faction that is not actively falling apart, and this could absolutely be because they never stream together. But I do not care. However we are also going to go through this one piece by piece because we’re nearing 1500 words here and I might as well embarrass myself more. I am writing an incredibly informal essay about Ranboo My _Beloved (i assume his middle name is My, and he’s just one of those people who write his full full name) and this is the third page. If you’re still reading this, I’m sorry. Here we go.
There are lines that just seem like an unwell but recovering person, and I like to sort of think that way about Ranboo in the arctic during the down time. “I feel knotted up today / But in a most exquisite way” and “I feel strangely regular / But honestly I prefer it to / The usual bizarre” are just! He’s just hanging out. He’s doing good. There is the acknowledgement that he’s usually not doing well, and all of the episodes that he’s had in the past, and it’s probably strange to be doing well in the midst of everything, and there’s probably something impending, but now? He’s doing good!
The verses directly after both of those ones are about uncertainty and trust and such, and I feel like that’s not necessarily about just One relationship but all of them. Will cause problems as long as he has an accomplice. He is not confident but he trusts and loves people.
“This suit doesn’t fit me / I made it conterfeitly” I just like to think about Ranboo in his fancy suit, but it’s just a little wrong because he actually has no idea what he’s doing. I also like to think about Ranboo in a cape to fit in with boreal trio and later the syndicate, and emerald duo had matchy blue outfits from the Antarctic Empire… and trying to fit in with them…. or maybe They make him something.. You know. Much to think about.
“Killing me with déjà vu” I think is like. A little less fun, because despite how well things are going, the enderwalk is still not resolved and he had even less answers when I started thinking “this is a ranboo song”. Just as it relates to having a strange sense of reality and stuff, which goes into specifics of enderwalk headcanons, which would make this far longer. Even though I’ve framed it as a negative, there is also the more positive note of “Oh! I just thought of how to change all the hate / Into love with the old switcheroo / Dancing in my déjà vu / You'll be dancing too” which I’d rather explain broken up but I feel like as it’s a full verse it should be together. The first part is connected to my general thoughts of him explained earlier tbh, he’s trying Very Hard to make everyone happy and fix things. And adding the second part to it is just like! He is trying to make sense of everything, and it’s not so scary as time goes by. Since the experiments where he’s been (questionably) trying to be more comfortable and get more answers.
This was very long. I am sorry. I am ending it here and probably not going to do much formatting to make it readable because it is very late o’clock and also this is four pages and 2000 words I am so sorry. But if you read this far then. Uhhh thank. ^v^.
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I haven't seen a therapist since highschool (I am about to finish my junior year of college) save for a single meeting about a year ago. I have been struggling a lot with my mental health throughout college, and my friends have recommended that I see the therapist I saw in highschool again, but I get overly worried about her knowing I'm not doing as well as she thought I was or her thinking I'm insane. I know it's her job but since I haven't had an appointment since highschool there have been a lot of changes and Im embarrassed and scared to talk to her about it. She is also the only therapist I will have access to though. How do I get around this
Hey there,
I am so sorry that you have been struggling again with your mental health.
I want you to know though that this isn’t something to be embarrassed of ashamed about. Many people along their recovery journey with their mental health will go through many ups and downs. This means you will go through some days that are better than others and that you may go through periods of time where you are really struggling and so need some extra help and support. And like you mentioned, it is a therapist’s job to help support someone through their tough times, regardless of how well that person has been going in the past of doing therapy last.
College is such a hard thing to get through, it’s completely different from high school with a lot more stress and pressure involved and especially when it comes to class work and the level of study that is required. There are also many changes that you will notice about high school and in particular in regards to college too. With college, you are having to be more independent when it comes to study and you will also find that doing the extra study and work is up to you and you will not have teachers telling you off when you don’t have something completed by a due date, this alone is stressful enough!
Due to this, it’s no wonder than you are struggling again with your mental health, and again this if through no fault of your own. Sometimes these things just happen (the ups and downs in recovery) and there is no clear cut answer as to why.
So please don’t feel bad about needing that extra help and support right now. I assure you that your therapist won’t judge you on this. In actual fact she will probably be really proud of you for acknowledging that things are pretty bad for you right now and that you have decided to get some help now rather than continue to struggle alone and consequently things getting worse.
Some people find writing can be a really helpful way to communicate with their therapist about how they are really feeling so perhaps you could try this. So writing about how you are feeling bad and somewhat feeling ashamed about needing help again after going so well and hoping that she doesn’t think anything less of you or think that you are insane, which I assure you that you’re not!
I really hope that this has helped a bit and please do let us know if we can help to support you in any other way!
I’m thinking of you and hope that you’re doing OK!
Take care,
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(was originally an ask, then i rambled a crapload, so if u wanna skip through, just go to the bolded questions)
i am new to the fandom & just found your blog, just wanted to say DAMN its so detailed and everything, i cant wait to read it all! also i was so relieved to find that the fandom is still alive <3
side note im just rambling here, i binged sherlock all really quick and everything is like a blur (idk if im in a state of shock or something, but i do know i was super invested at s1 ep 2, then i finished s4 at 4am one day and i had to read me some johnlock fics to comfort myself and i really dont know how i feel about anything yet just that well, johnlock and i cried during sherlocks fake death even tho i already accidentally read spoilers, and i also cried when they just went to hang out at bars together and hhh and during sherlocks best man speech and sherlocks goodbye to john (…maybe goodbye should be plural)…also i was v mad at eurus and s4 was a hell of a rollercoaster gd), so just wondering, how many times have you watched sherlock? how was the experience each time? (can be about any season or eps or anything, also any snacks u liked to eat while watching or anything of that sort? just curious and thought that might be fun to answer)(apologies if you answered this already i tried to look for it but i got a bit overwhelmed)
btw u are amazing ^^ (also nice timer even tho it makes me sad) and MAD RESPECT for answering so many asks and like SO DETAILED-LY? (i cant grammar) and god ur metas and stuff?? absolutely fantabulous. im legit crying im so glad i found your blog. i know how much work asks take (and like i procrastinate on them for so long…mm months old esp for fic rec lists bc i know those take WORK) so like again, SO MUCH RESPECT thank you for all your hard work!! you are absolutely fantastic and awesome :D please make sure you take care of yourself too <3
ALSO you have a great profile picture + background pic (forgive me i have half a braincell (actually lets make it .7437 gave myself a tiny upgrade even tho i didnt do anything) i forgot what its called…background thing?? idk) i love them!!
if u read through all that tysm, if not thank u anyways for being so amazing, i have a habit of rambling so pls bear with me ^^
(also would it be possible to make this anon? if not feel free to delete this line ^^)
(Submitted by Anonymous)
Hi Lovely!!
Always can make something Anon if y’all ask <3
First of all, SORRY for how long it took me to get back to you with this one. I’m a giant heap of trash and I’m surprised people still come here LOL
Secondly, WELCOME TO THE FANDOM! We love having y’all here, and I’m honoured that you enjoy my blog and content! Also will comment on your praise on my meta here: THANK YOU. I’m very proud of my meta, and especially the SHEER AMOUNT of it I have produced still boggles me mind. Y’all remember when I was creative and thoughtful??? LOL S4 dragged me hard hahah. I still try to write S4 meta, just not as much as I used to. I like speculating, I truly do, but I have so little free time these days because of the nature of my full time job, so I tend to just... do nothing LOL. I find Fic Reccing really relaxing when you have nearly 800 bookmarks. I’m worried I’m becoming stale though. Oh well. I’m just trying to leave my mark here. <3
Thirdly, HAHHAH Thank you for your compliment about my replies to my asks; I genuinely wish I could get more asks finished every day, but I tend to ramble, as you can see, and I just... don’t finish them in a timely manner. Honestly, it’s a relief when I don’t know something because I can then get the community involved to help me out AND I also get new fic recs that way too LOL. I also draft a TONNE of asks and when I do that, I tend to just keep adding MORE and MORE and MORE so I have to post them, LOL. 
And finally: My fave episode is TAB; it was the episode I studied the closest and my analysis of the trailer is my “claim to fame”. I just love it to bits. It’s the episode I’ve watched the most. S3 is my fave season, and it’s the SEASON I’ve watched the most, no less than 30 or 40 times. Season 2, then 1. I have only seen S4 like 5 times in full total, and horribly enough, TFP is the most-watched episode: I watched the Leak, the airdate, and I went and saw it in the theatres because I already bought the ticket before it aired so I just... didn’t care. And then at least 3 more times in Watchalongs. So yeah :| I still haven’t watched the BluRay I bought, but I hated having an incomplete set so I bought it when it went on sale fore 10 bucks LOL.
But yeah, S1 and 2 I watched together, and I LOVED the show. I joined fandom the summer before S3 aired, and S3 is when I REALLY got into the fandom. I’ve been pretty much here since then, about 7 years I think now. When I saw S4, it was incredulity and disappointment with it. That’s really it. I’m still a fence sitter these days about the series as a whole, but I’m leaning more and more to “no S5 for at least 3 more years” kinda thing. Just... everyone involved seems so disinterested in the show these days, minus Mofftiss to keep pushing the Sherlock™ Brand to make money.
ANYWAY. Thanks for writing to me!! This was such a joy to read when I first got it, and I just... have been really overwhelmed the past few weeks that I just have only been sticking to shorter asks. But I had some free time tonight when I’m answering this, so THANK YOU. 
I hope you’re still around, and I hope you still enjoy your time here! Don’t hesitate to ask me anything else!! <3 <3
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sukirichi · 3 years
Okay, I chose to make the fonts smaller because I feel like my asks are taking so much space 😅
I'm glad that you finally moved to a warmer room! And thank you for understanding, i don't think you are scary but just the idea of talking to creators in this site directly is just intimidating? In a way it feels like I am also talking to a celebrity? Idk. 😅 Ohhh i'd definitely join your server if ever you make one and idc a lot about the name.
And omg? You are asian? OMG you're writing is so freaking good that I thought you're a native speaker. If it's okay to ask, what country are you from? I'd probably lose my mind if we're from the same country agdhffllglg.
Anyway, I just read a fic with that premise, I sent it with my other recs last time and it's called Expecting by j0succ. You can find it in the tags if you'll search and in ao3 too. Yeah, I feel like he'd be very possessive and protective but imagine if it's unrequited at first and he simply hates you and then suddenly, you're pregnant with a child and a son no less? I can see him slowly just melting at the idea that you're going to give him an heir and probably someone who'll further cement his place as the next Zenin head. And I also hate having kids but if it's Naoya (or Toji), I'd be willing 🤤.
Ohhhhhhh!!!!! Fratboy senpai Sukuna's going to be v toxic for sure! Maybe you are a freshie or a transferee who just wanted to socialize in their frat party and you just caught his eye? And he's the resident fuckboy in the uni and he's tired of all these old students and he just wants some new blood to corrupt? But ugh, another college au I'd like to read is bestfriend's brother?
OH MY GOD, i am sorry if this is very long!!!! I decided that I might send the other recs through google docs instead because I don't want to annoy your other followers because my asks are taking too much space in the dash. But it's also very tempting to just come out of anon and dm you because you're so nice 🥺. I'll send them soon, I think maybe within this week? I'll be having my paper defense on Wednesday so I'll be busy. 🌸
FLOWER ANON! AH YEAP BUT I CANT STAY IN THE WARM PLACES FOR TOO LONG CUZ I HAVE LOW HEAT TOLERANCE AND I WILL PASS OUT IF I DO 😭 Oh I see, I understand that bb! I cannot speak for others but as a content creator, I do not mind at all if people talk to me! I just take long to reply but I hope that doesn’t make people think that I hate them or somth 😭 Oh yea, we’re setting the server up rn, I think we’ll be adding people soon but uhhh I would need you to dm me if you wanna join because it’s invite only, only if you’re okay with it tho! No pressure at all!
Well I’m half-Asian! I’m also European so yea lol, but my asian mother mostly runs the household so I would say we applied more Asian cultures than our European counterpart. And aaa so sorry, I don’t tell people where I’m from 🥺 I MEAN, IM FROM THE ZEN’IN ESTATE LMAO. LMAOOO I ACTUALLY DONT SPEAK MY MOM’S ASIAN LANGUAGES VERY WELL I am quite a disappointment since I studied 6 languages in language school but I can’t really communicate well with her mother tongue. My first language is actually English!
And UGH YESSS NAOYA GOING SOFT AND MELTING ONCE HE REALIZES YOU’RE CARRYING HIS CHILD AND HE GROWS PROTECTIVE AND EVEN CARING 😫😫😫 PLEASE WE GON BE CARRYING THEIR WHOLE LINEAGES AH 😫😫😫 omg thats such a good idea too! Like you’re the “fresh meat” and Fratboy! Sukuna is sooo interested in you like you are such a curious, innocent person and he just wants to show you around 😏 CORRUPTION KINK IS MASSIVE WITH THIS ONE. BEST FRIENDS BROTHER!!! Sukuna as reader’s besties older brother and her bestie is like UGH my brother is the worst dont get involved with him and reader is like “no worries, i have no interest in frat boys” but then they meet Sukuna and they go like UHM 👁👄👁
And awww bb don’t apologize, its really okay! I’m the one you’re talking to and not my followers, they can unfollow if they're annoyed by this 😛 awww bb whatever you want, I would be cool for it! Your comfort comes first! My DM’s are open though I take forever to reply tho 🥺 Oh okay okay, good luck on your defense paper bb, I wish you the best of luck! Remember to drink water and take plenty of breaks! Lots of love bubs 😘😘💕💕💕
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