#Impact Wrenches
Impact Wrench
Get the power and precision you need with Impact Wrenches from our extensive range. Whether you're working on cars, construction, plumbing or any other project, we've got the perfect tool for the job. With its versatility and strength, an impact wrench can save time and effort, while also ensuring a secure and efficient fastening job. For More Follow The Link:- https://fes-uae.com/
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roomba-mangga · 1 month
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Curry pt. i // Curry pt. ii
yeah alright okay. fine. cool. alright. yeah
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gunstellations · 1 year
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An architect's grief
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cynopoe · 5 months
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The stars are not wanted now, put out every one.
/not ship art/
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dougielombax · 2 months
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I have made another meme.
(Even Tyneen is baffled!)
(Seriously go and watch Monkey Wrench on YouTube, it’s REALLY good!)
Feel free to reblog it if you wish.
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flan-tasma · 10 months
Fallo técnico (Freminet x GN!Reader)
💖~ I found this and I couldn't help but imagine a kiss.
Warning: Nope now💖 | Google Translate sponsors me (it's a lie) If I made any mistakes in the english translation, I would be happy to read your comments! | Content in spanish and english
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Freminet tiene la costumbre de tener puesto su casco cuando se ha sentido muy estresado, pueden estar dando un paseo y de repente giras a verlo y él ya tiene su casco y puede que no tenga la mente aquí exactamente, pero siempre puedes tocar su casco de una manera específica y él ya sabe que eres tú, entonces la pantalla se enfoca en ti y eres todo en lo que se concentra.
Si le das un beso con el casco puesto puedes ver la pantalla pasar por todas las luces que puede, teniendo fallas y pasando de la felicidad a la tristeza de manera exageradamente rápida, pareciera que la computadora de su cerebro dejó de funcionar y trata de cerrar una ventana emergente mientras otras miles se abren llenando su cabeza y haciéndolo explotar hasta el punto en que debe alejarse porque el calor de su casco lo sofoca.
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Freminet has the habit of having his helmet on when he's been feeling really stressed, you both might be out for a walk and suddenly you turn to look at him and he already has his helmet on and his mind may not be exactly here, but you can always touch his helmet in a specific way and he already knows it's you, so the screen focuses on you and you're all he focuses on.
If you kiss him with the helmet on you can see the screen go through all the lights it can, having glitches and going from happiness to sadness in an exaggeratedly fast way, it seems that the computer in his brain stopped working and is trying to close a pop-up window as thousands of others open up, filling your head and making you explode to the point where he have to move away because the heat from his helmet suffocates him.
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thedaily-beer · 12 days
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Industrial Arts Impact Wrench Hazy Triple IPA (Picked up at Circle Liquor in Somers Point, NJ). A 4 of 4. As you'd expect, this is just bursting with tropical fruit and orange citrus and varied other hop notes in the nose. The body is incredibly well balanced despite it being 10% -- there's a lot of juicy sweetness but also some grain notes behind it, and a firm bitterness alongside the booze towards the finish.
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lanternlightss · 3 months
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today i am going to be so self indulgent. so. (gently pushes my current favorite things together)
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angeart · 2 months
Ribbon gaaaaang, found family, I love them, I love them so much (and yes I'm VERY worried about how this arc ends, I know they have to go to the summer home place, I know they're alone again by rescue arc, I am living in the fluff and denial while I can!)
This makes the Mr Beak thing all the more precious of Kane awww
+1 with the other anon to wanting to know about the whole mating mark dispute, ofc yes I wanna know more too but also yes indulge in the barn building, Grian gets to build :o
YAY YOU LOVE THEM i am so happy 🥰
the context makes kane's hesitance with presenting grian with mr beak so much more precious yes!! he's learned so much and really wants to do things right. and often times when it comes to grian, he looks up to scar for guidance! with this and other things too. sometimes he just bases things on how scar acts around grian. like noting to avoid the wings, you know?
(until he gets smacked with them and it stuns him /pos :3c)
i posted the talk about mating bites! the building ramble might be small but it's gonna have to wait for now. (grian gets to build!!!) (i also have the rp of kane getting that ribbon though 👀)
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catscidr · 3 months
I'm sorry for the strange question, but... Do you think Zandik was circumcised? Well, it's like an Arab tradition....I think he escaped from the operation... Well, he's a heretic.
i had to think about this for a Solid ten minutes to come up with something of substance so hear me out nonnie
since his parents have shunned him since birth, wouldn’t it also make sense for them to exclude him from cultural traditions too? we have little to no information about how his family life was aside from….. implications… that come with being named “heretic” (and also that he was driven away by his village butthatsbesidesthepoint) soooo he would realistically be the opposite of his peers because he just doesn’t Fit In
or if u don’t like the angst: he isn’t circumcised because his parents didn’t want to subject a doctor to seeing their heretic child’s weewee to snip snip
but let me throw a question back at u and everyone else reading
dottore is a big n powerful guy right. he made like twenty four different segments of himself. he gave himself the ability to outlive every normal human in teyvat. he canonically modified his body to be Peak Performance.
so do u think he circumcised himself
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insectgf · 10 months
what would fit more: rhinedottir coming from a family line of alchemist and having no other choice but to become one herself or her family is low class and she fought tooth and nail to become the royal alchemist
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kokomona · 29 days
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lil-xiao-200bc · 1 year
i was already coming to appreciate childe’s character role in the game and his devious charms when they gave us MORE CONTENT so we got to see him sharply order a group of men to not interrupt him as he gushes with the traveler about what he’s been up to like a long distance relationship
hoyoverse pushing the chilumi boat and i am aboard the ship
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figsbass · 1 year
if i could bottle any feeling in the world it would be everything i felt between the last minutes of bahumia into the transition to one big bed
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totallynotasimp67 · 1 year
Any one got any fic recommendations, something non nsfw, x reader smut makes me kinda in uncomfortable, and gn pronouns/references for these characters:
Wrench - watch dogs 2
Soap, Ghost, König - Modern Warfare 2
Julian - The Arcana
Zhongli - Genshin Impact
Garrus - Mass Effect
Zorro - One Piece
707, Zen - Mystic Messenger
Shane, Harvey, Sebastian - Stardew Valley
Anything would be lovely, headcanons, drabbles, short fics, long fics, the only specifications, as said above, no nsfw/smut and gender neutral pronouns/references please, I would be very grateful
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cult-of-the-eye · 5 months
I had such a cute little discussion with my family today about impactful song lyrics so I'm gonna tell you mine. The lyrics I think about the most are "sometimes, sometimes bones are wrong" from the song Betrayed By Bones by Hellogoodbye. Although the song is explicitly about a romantic relationship, I interpret the lyric more as an allegory for refusing to let things like your biology, your genetics, your upbringing or anything out of your control determine your choices for you. I love the idea that there may be something innate and unchangeable about you that's steering you to a pathway that no longer fits and both acknowledging that it doesn't fit and striving to change despite all those factors going against you. On those days where I want to let my brain keep me in bed, I think about this line and how in the end, myself is the only thing I have control over.
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