#In Defiance
heritageposts · 11 months
I'm reading about how Israel, in the immediate aftermath of the 1948 Nakba, deliberately replaced olive trees and other indigenous flora with European plants. This ecological disaster, which is now proudly hailed under the banner of 'making the desert bloom,' was done to 'de-Arabize' the landscape, and to cover up - often with fast-growing European pine trees -the ruins of Palestinian villages that were destroyed by Zionists forces.
And I just need everyone to read this passage from Pappé, because the symbolism of what happened to those European pine trees in the desert speaks for itself:
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The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, by Ilan Pappé (2006, p. 227-228.)
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firstfullmoon · 2 months
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Jackie Sabbagh, “Having a Great Time Being Transgender in America Lately”
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wolfythewitch · 4 months
Might mess around and draw Jesus in the hades art style, his boons would be very health based methinks
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elisaenglish · 1 year
Palimpsest By Remedy of Fire
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Unwashed of agony, one door opens, and the windows that are closed deny a different eye to see forever. This way, over, under me, you say—as kindred watch me burn...
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zan0tix · 4 months
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My fav agents of the transsexual empire 🫶😁🏳️‍⚧️
I think personally we should draw them as adults getting to fully indulge in their teen fashion aspirations. (see second image) Callies outfit was inspired by paint splotches and embroidery as if she made her outfit herself :) A true artist!
Third is my updated readings. I say "readings" because i believe theres textual evidence for these and its how i interpreted them from my read throughs. (Only jake has the autism symbol because hes the most explicitly disabled coded in text but all of them to me are neurodivergent)
The gender labels are used loosely bc i think each of them has an incredibly unique journey/relationship with their gender that cant be encapsulated in a small set of words, and i do not think any of them would actually fully use labels either.
I am just using these to simplify down my thoughts into something easily digestible LOL MY THOUGHTS ON THEM AND THEIR PARALLELS + MIRRORS + INVERSIONS ARE SUPER COMPLEX i think about them Genuinely Literally Every Day of my Life. theyd have to be saved for a different time </3 but ya alpha kids trans 4EVER howd hussie cram THIS AMOUNT of queerness into these guys.. will never know
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ash-overthinking · 2 years
Your in defiance fic is pretty cool! Reminds me of this house of crows fanfic in the TUA fandom
Thank you!! 💕
I have to admit, I've gone through a lot of TUA fic but I don't think I've read that yet- will have to look it up now!
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letitbehurt · 4 months
A Whumpee who, at the start of their captivity, challenged Whumper’s stare. Glaring openly, fists clenched around the bars of their cell, undeterred by the threat of Whumper’s approach.
That same Whumpee, weeks or months or years into their captivity, flinching when they hear Whumper’s footsteps in the corridor. Whimpering at the sound of a key fitting a lock. Curling up tighter in the farthest corner of their cell, unable to meet Whumper’s eyes.
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novlr · 1 year
How to Write Defiance: A Quick Guide for Writers
Whether they're standing against authority or resisting the status quo, the actions of defiant characters can add layers of depth to your story. Here are some quick tips on how to effectively write defiance in your characters.
Question authority and break rules
Don't easily back down from challenges
Rebellious and do the unexpected
May appear stubborn to others
Don't easily conform to norms
Value their independence and freedom
Resilient in the face of adversity
Assertive and direct
Courageous in the face of danger
Act based on their principles and beliefs
Direct and stand their ground during disagreements
Don't shy away from tough conversations
Don't let others manipulate or control them
Not afraid to express their opinions
May challenge others' viewpoints during discussions
Stand up for what they believe in
Protective of those they care about
May be argumentative or confrontational
Don't give in easily during negotiations
Can be inspiring, encouraging others to stand with them
Body language
Head high with a strong posture
Serious or determined expression
Maintain steady and direct eye contact
Use expansive, open body language
Do not shy away from physical confrontation
Cross their arms to show resistance
Move with purpose and determination
Not easily intimidated by the physical presence of others
Clench their fists when frustrated or angry
Adopt a challenging stance
Not easily swayed by popular opinion
Confident in their own abilities
Persevere no matter how tough the situation gets
Believe strongly in their cause or principles
Refuse to be victims
Unruffled by criticism or opposition
Disregard rules they don't agree with
Risk-takers who often choose difficult paths
Value transparency and honesty
Can come across as proud or arrogant
Positive story outcomes
They may succeed in overturning an unjust system
They can inspire others to stand up against injustice
They achieve their goals through sheer determination
They may help someone break free from oppression
They can contribute to a significant societal change
Negative story outcomes
Their defiance can get them into trouble
They may alienate themselves from others with their behaviour
They can face severe consequences for breaking the rules
Their relationships may suffer due to their stubbornness
They can be misunderstood and labelled as troublemakers
Helpful Synonyms
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orofeaiel · 7 months
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Red Wolf (Canis rufus)
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im-smart-i-swear · 4 months
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coming back home.
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kerryweaverlesbian · 1 month
Post-canon post-reunion post-reuinion-sex. Dean takes Cas out in the Impala for a drive for the first time since he got back a year after he was taken. Before Dean starts the engine he hesitates and gets a little shy and defensively says "don't laugh at me, okay? I need them." and he pulls a pair of plastic framed glasses out of his jacket front pocket and puts them on.
Cas does not stop staring at him, which Dean can only handle up to the first stop light. There's an heated blush on his face when he barks:
"Quit the surveillance Big Brother. Something wrong with my face?"
"You've aged."
"It's a compliment. Your resourcefulness and resilience have allowed you to live past the time you were intended to by fate."
"You need to go back to charm school, Thermopolis. 'You've aged' is never a friggin compliment."
"It is. You've aged, and you're taking care of yourself."
There's a touch, light, to the side of Dean's face, tracing gently up under the gap of his glasses to caress his crows feet.
"Cas!" Dean complains, "I'm driving!" But he doesn't push his hand away.
"You're growing," Cas continues, sliding a long finger over Dean's eyebag, "You've lived." He taps the leg of Dean's glasses as he withdraws, adding, "You have defied God."
Dean tries very hard to follow the logic, feeling his face screw up as he does, but he's got nothing. "Huh?"
"Chuck's design for humans was faulty, amateur. There was much he did not account for. In creating the means to live, and live well, with the body you have been given, humanity has proven its superiority to God himself."
Dean scoffs, feeling a little shy again, "It's just glasses, Cas."
"The product of thousands of years of innovation. The work of thousands of people across millenia." Cas pauses for a moment, then asks, a touch breathless, "Can I tell you what I like to imagine?"
"Uh, sure?"
"I like to imagine, when I think of the work of other humans across all of time, that they were doing it all in service of you."
Considering this, Dean lets a Jeep turn onto the road in front of him. "Is it like a sex thing?"
"It's not a sex thing. It is the placement of my desire for you over the will of thousands. My love supercedes their true intentions, their ambitions, their circumstances. I am reappropriating their care to act as a vessel for the depth of my feelings for you."
"Hm. Sounds like a sex thing."
"It is not a sex thing."
"Okay, tell me this, then," Dean says, turning to face Cas at the next red light, "Do you or do you not want me to wear the glasses next time I suck you off?"
"...yes, I do want that."
"I rest my case. And hey - just a tip, from one flirt to another. Next time you want to bring up your hot librarian fantasy, or whatever, don't start by calling the other person old."
"It's not a librarian fantasy, it's a you fantasy."
"Yeah, yeah. Not like I haven't got you-fantasies of my own. How about this: I'll wear just the glasses if you wear just the trench coat."
"I think I could be persuaded," Cas says, and he's smiling, and Dean's smiling, and when he catches a glimpse of his own smile-lines in the rear-view mirror magnified through his glasses, he thinks maybe he gets it. They made it. They're alive. There's proof of it.
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blistering-typhoons · 11 days
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this is incredibly niche, but why is this bit out of context very much giving 'confrontation between old lovers in a historical romance'
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ikiprian · 7 months
yeah yeah, jason todd’s dip in the ecto-lazarus pit changed something in him irrevocably, enough that he feels a resonance with fellow living-dead danny we’ve all been there
but you know who else has been killed and was revived by the lazarus pit? another member of the batfamily, a fellow hero, world class fighter, stubbornly believes in second chances and redemption? cassandra motherfuckin’ cain
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begaycommittreason · 8 months
watching percy try to call his father sir only to have poseidon call bullshit immediately, after having spent the entire show actively refusing to be respectful to any deity shape or form is so funny to me like no poseidon, obedience does not come naturally to your son
he made a personal enemy out of both gods of war and read the literal king of olympus to filth on his daddy issues causing all three of them to individually try and kill him, all on his first quest like come on now 😭
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sealbatross · 9 months
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friend got me into AC and ohno i'm broken and healed
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whump-galaxy · 30 days
The team is captured and lined up in front of their captors. The most defiant among them, of course, cannot keep their mouth shut. They mock, taunt, and jeer till one captor has had enough.
They grab the whumpee by the throat, asking if they really want to die like this. The whumpee bares their teeth with a defiant smile.
And spits directly in the captor’s face.
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