#Irish Politician
smokygluvs · 1 year
Michael Noonan - Fine Gael
Michael Noonan, former Fine Gael finance minister. A bull of a bald man, with piercing, dark eyes.
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How comes Ireland gets so many handsome, solid, sensible politicians, whilst here in the UK we are stuck with a stream of thick (i.e. stupid), ugly, incompetent wankers?
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Wouldn't say no to that.
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Looks good with his specs on as well.
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Don't make him angry,,.
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stairnaheireann · 1 year
#OTD in 1927 – Death of Constance, Countess Markiewicz, politician, revolutionary nationalist and suffragette.
Born in London, her father was a philanthropist, Henry Gore-Booth. He was an Arctic explorer and a landlord in the west of Ireland, who was married to Georgina May Hill, of Tickhill Castle, York, England. Constance was educated at the family estate in Lissadell, Co Sligo. She was noted as a fine horsewoman who had an excellent shot. Inspired by William Butler Yeats, she became interested in Irish…
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yourdailyqueer · 5 months
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Elizabeth Kerekere
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
DOB: Born 1965
Ethnicity: Māori, Irish
Nationality: New Zealander
Occupation: Politician (Independent/Green), activist, artist
Note: In Māori language Elizabeth identifies herself as someone who is Takatāpui.
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I want to write a little bit about structural racism in the UK against Travellers, and the Labour Party's complicity with this because I think it might help explain why that letter from Diane Abbott disturbed me so much.
Romani and Irish Travellers in the UK experience discrimination all the time. They'll be barred from shops and pubs, they experience discrimination from the police, they experience racial abuse. If they are living a nomadic lifestyle, they struggle to access schools and hospitals. Educational outcomes for Romani students are the worst in England by a large margin, followed by Irish Travellers. They're also over represented in the prison population compared to the proportion of the general population they make up.
Irish Travellers are generally "white/white passing" although they are a distinct ethnic group from the settled Irish. However, not all Romani people are "white passing" and some see themselves as PoC. Both groups have fought for a long time to be recognised officially as ethnic minorities and to gain legal protections.
In 2022, the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts act was passed. This is the "bill" that was the focus of the "kill the bill" protests, and lots was written about the restrictions it placed on protestors. However, part 4 of the bill related to unauthorised encampments. Although the law does not specifically name any ethnic groups, it effectively criminalises the traditional nomadic traveller lifestyle.
It creates an offence of residing in a vehicle (this would include a caravan) on land without permission. It allows the police to seize the vehicle, even prior to the offence being committed. It allows the police to impose fines and prison sentences.
Although the bill itself does not name any particular ethnic group, much of the advice and communication around the bill does. This is because it's clearly designed to target certain groups who live a traditional nomadic lifestyle. It's designed to make them homeless, and force them into housing- essentially forced assimilation. The British have been trying to do this to Romani and Irish Travellers for centuries.
This law was passed by the Tories, but one thing people don't know is that Starmer whipped the Labour party against most sections of the bill. He allowed a free vote on Section 4- the section that specifically related to "unauthorised encampments".
Around the same time, in 2021, his party produced local election leaflets which mentioned "traveller incursions"- eventually they admitted the leaflets were racist and destroyed them. It's not the first time, and won't be the last, that Labour use racism against these groups to win points with the electorate.
In this context, Abbott is part of a system which is systematically discriminating against Romani and Irish Travellers- yes, Labour aren't the party in power, but they are a part of the system enabling this to happen.
So, I read her letter in that context. I read her minimisation of the struggles of the most marginalised ethnic groups in our society in that context (I don't want to make this "who has things worst" but it's nonetheless true). At best, she's throwing them under the bus to make a point she thinks will be popular with her supporters. At worst, she's actively affirming her own party's racist policies.
"It doesn't matter if we criminalise their way of life, because it's not "real" racism".
She is someone seen to be on the left, seen to be anti-racist, and she's effectively saying this prejudice is acceptable.
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bedforddanes75 · 28 days
thinking about hozier's "bog man fairycore aesthetic" reputation and Vomiting
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plan-3-tmars · 7 months
if you are irish, american or irish-american please sign this petition!! "genocidal joe" does not and will never represent irish beliefs, his ancestors are looking down on him with shame
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to-the-starlit-west · 3 months
i love when former british pm tony blair appears in irish documentaries, radio programmes or television shows, (usually about the gfa), because he's so smiley, well-spoken and good looking, but he's actually The Devil Incarnate. what the hell man
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agentfascinateur · 8 months
Clare Daly slaying 💚
Only in my dreams I voice things this brilliantly and have this much intellectual and emotional and moral clarity 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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wild-at-mind · 2 months
USians you will be distressed to know that in the UK far right people use Trump flags, MAGA hats and even confederate flags to signify their allegiances to each other.
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jewishbarbies · 10 months
irish people propping themselves up as paragons of morality because they have some fetishy relationship with palestine only to turn around and go full white supremacist with a hate mob based on false information and chant "irish lives matter" because they hate immigrants that aren't white is top tier irony
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misspeppermint2003 · 6 months
🇬🇧🇮🇪👨‍❤️‍👨 Rishi Sunak x Leo Varadkar fanart 👨‍❤️‍👨🇮🇪🇬🇧
I made one more political shipping fanart after several fanarts and these two men are British PM Rishi Sunak and Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar.
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Top: Coloured pencil and brush marker portrait of British PM Rishi Sunak and Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar - 28th March 2024
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Bottom: Picture of British PM Rishi Sunak and Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar handshaking at the meeting
I made this drawing and I drew Sunak and Varadkar putting their cheeks into each other while holding their hands.
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in my defense, i was like 90% sure u already knew what banana fish was and i thought u would call me out on my bs right away. i did have a moment of panic when it turned out that u didn’t so 🥺
Hahaha it’s totally fine. I’ve actually never heard of it before today but I did start watching it because of this because I was curious. I like it so far
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stairnaheireann · 11 months
#OTD in 1968 – Death of Irish language educator, Margaret Mary Pearse, in Blackrock, Co Dublin.
Margaret Mary Pearse was a Fianna Fáil politician and teacher. She helped to found St Enda’s School with her brothers Patrick and Willie. Following the executions of her brothers in the aftermath of the Easter Rising, Margaret continued to run St Enda’s until 1933. She was first elected to Dáil Éireann as a Fianna Fáil Teachta Dála (TD) for the Dublin County constituency at the 1933 general…
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yourdailyqueer · 2 years
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Nia Griffith
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
DOB: 4 December 1956
Ethnicity: White - N. Irish
Occupation: Politician (Labour)
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aiiaiiiyo · 2 years
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werewolfetone · 2 years
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Obsessed with how dramatic everything and everyone in the 18th century was
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