#Is he just a really dark tabby??
muttsandmustelidae · 1 year
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someone who knows more about cat coat colors/patterns than i do pls tell me what color this kitten is
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airocats · 1 day
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lemonofthevalley · 6 months
That poll reminded me to actually interact directly with you. Hi!!!!!
I have nothing else to say, just hello, I'm thinking of you <3
hello !!!!! :D
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have a picture of my cat ender
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marblerose-rue · 2 years
10 for the asks! :3
thank you for sending this in!! :-)
10. describe your first warriors oc
I CAN DO YOU ONE BETTER and include the art too
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OK SO the old wc website had this thing you could print out and just make a warriors character with actual stats and stuff (but it was also like. 12-13 years ago so i may be misremembering a little bit) BUT ANYWAY rainnose was my first ever wc oc. first ever
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roosterbruiser · 2 years
Bob and AdmiralsDaughter!Reader where the dagger squad finds out he's dating/engaged/married (whichever)
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐢𝐟 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 @bradshawsbitch 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱!!!
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𝐚 𝐁𝐨𝐛 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐝 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛
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"Yeah, the little white one is Pearl," you excitedly tell the Dagger Squad as you scroll through the photos of your newest foster kittens. "And the little brown tabby is Poppy!"
You're leaning over a table in the training room, grinning ear-to-ear as you show off the billion pictures you've taken of the sweet little kittens that have been consuming your life.
The squad is doing everything in their power to show interest in the photos, swallowing yawns and making over-exaggerated nodding motions when you turn to look for their approval. It isn't just that they love you and genuinely wouldn't want to seem uninterested in something so important to you, but it's also that your dad could have their heads mounted on the walls if they so much as upset you.
You're a Simpson--Cyclone's only daughter and youngest child--but you couldn't be more opposite of your father. You're a bubbly person by nature, someone who could talk to a brick wall. You're the kind of person that could ruin their favorite jeans and still somehow have a good day.
Rooster and Phoenix have their arms crossed as you scroll through the endless pictures, one blurry picture of a little kitten to the next. But they adore you--you're grinning so big that you could light up a dark room. So they keep watching, smiling and nodding.
Bob's watching from across the room very subtly. At this point, the two of you have mastered subtly. As much as he wishes he could be one of the people that crowds around you to look at kitten pictures, he knows that he wouldn't be able to help himself from getting a little too close to you. He doesn't think he'd be able to stop himself from pecking your cheek or wrapping his arm around your waist. So he doesn't go out of his way to be overly affectionate to you when he sees you around on base, which is often. He's Bob, which means he's overtly polite and overly-nice, and he treats you the same as he'd treat anyone else on base. But it's these little stolen glances that keeps him going throughout the day--just ticking the minutes until the day is over and he can go home to you and your kittens. There he can do whatever he damn well pleases with you without having to worry about prying eyes.
"Oh, and just look at this video I got of Poppy..." you laugh, scrolling quickly through your camera roll in search of a video of Poppy trying to climb the sofa.
Your heart jumps in your throat when you pass the picture. It's quick, really, just a fleeting image across your screen. But you know what it is: it's the picture you took of Bob napping with the kittens the other day. It's unmistakably Bob, too, despite his stubble and un-gelled hair. You're praying no one else saw it, praying that everyone's lost interest by now.
But you have six of some of the world's greatest Fighter Pilots around you, watching your phone with their eagle-eyes. Nothing really gets past them.
"Wait," Hangman interrupts, pointing to the phone with furrowed brows. "Go back."
The rest of the squad makes a sound of agreement and you try to stutter something back, something that resembles an excuse, but then Rooster is reaching out himself and swiping back through the photos.
The chorus of gasps that fill the room draw Bob out of his trance. He looks away from where your fingers are curled around your phone and sees that all six of his squad-mates are staring at him with their jaws slacked and their eyes wide. Except Hangman--no, he's grinning ear-to-ear. You're already looking at Bob, too, apologetically grimacing and mouthing I'm so sorry to him.
"Bob Floyd," Phoenix starts lowly, glancing down at the picture again. Her voice is stained with disbelief--how could she have missed you and Bob? She loved both of you so much and Hell, she even trusted Bob with her life. How could she have not known before?
"You sly, sly dog," Coyote says, grinning, clapping you on the shoulder.
"Simpson's daughter?" Fanboy adds, like you aren't standing right there. "Floyd, you animal!"
What the squadron doesn't know is that your father is actually quite fond of Bob--he even insists that Bob call him Beau. They've shared a couple glasses of good scotch and Simpson has even invited Bob to play golf a couple of Sunday's. Really, your relationship is only a secret from the squadron--and you feel vindicated for making that decision as you watch all of them scramble to pat Bob on the shoulder.
"Well, I'll be damned," Rooster whistles with an impressed grin, squeezing your arm. "You and Bobby Floyd."
You're blushing something fierce, watching as Bob flushes at all the sudden attention, not confident enough to stand while the boys ruffle his hair.
"Guess the cat's out of the bag," Bob finally manages to say, laughing dryly at his poorly-timed pun.
Payback grins at you.
"You're a lucky lady, aren't you?"
The truth is you are a lucky lady. You and Bob have been together for longer than any of the squadron would ever guess, carefully tip-toeing around base when you see each other to not draw attention to situation. Bob makes your coffee every morning and you adopt kittens together. You iron Bob's uniform because you used to do it for your father and you think Bob is just as important. You dance on sunlit porches and share good wine with your family on Saturday nights after big dinners. Bob's the best person you've ever met.
And Bob knows that really, he's the lucky one here. Because you're the best thing that's ever happened to the world--period. You're funny, like the kind of funny that has him laughing before the sun's even come up and he didn't think that was possible. You still get excited every time he comes home, racing to the foyer and smashing your lips against his as you chatter about your day and help him unlace his boots. You're the kind of person that will bottle-feed kittens every two hours and not so much as complain about it, not even when the feedings are at three in the morning.
The two of you are totally and completely in love--you have been for a while. But, yes, Bob's right: the cat is out of the bag now.
"I am a lucky lady," you tell Payback, locking your phone and making your way over to Bob with a sweet, sweet smile.
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here is my tag list!!
𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤, 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐮𝐲 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐊𝐨𝐟𝐢 ☺
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Just Friends: A Day at the Fair
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Bucky Barnes
Summary: You make a new friend.
It’s giving
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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“Ten bucks for a game?” Bucky curls his lip at the sign. 
You giggle around the mouthful of dissolving spun sugar. You gulp and sigh, “oh, you’re such and old man, sometimes.” 
“Ten bucks!” He exclaims again, waving a hand.  
“In my day...” You say in unison with him and he stops abruptly. He squints as you turn and walk backwards with him through the fairgrounds. “And predictable.” 
His blue eyes dull in irritation. “Maybe the world is predictable, huh? And I’m just reacting to it.” 
“Whatever you need to tell yourself,” you chime and twirls your cotton candy. “Have some, it’s yummy.” 
“I told you not to get that. It’ll give you a stomach ache.” 
“I’m an adult. I can do what I want.” You retort. “I’m gonna get a candy apple and a funnel cake and oooh, do they have those big baked pretzels?” 
“You’re going to get sick.” 
“That’s half the fun,” you smile and your heel catches on a rise in the ground, heavy rubber mats spread to hide thick wires. Bucky’s quick. So quick it makes you dizzy. He catches you and sets you right, sharply spinning you ahead. 
“You need to watch where you’re going,” he girds. 
You just laugh again, “aw, but I got you around to save me.” You put your feet right and fall back into step. “So you’re too cheap to win me that purrito stuffy, so I’ll just do it myself--” 
“I’m not cheap.” 
“Not at all,” you agree with a grin. He stops and face you. You look up at him and take another bite of spun sugar. 
“You are the worst,” he says as he digs in his pocket and twists on his heel, “fine, one purrito coming up.” 
He marches back to the shooting game and greets the man in his striped shirt. He pays for his go and picks up the rifle. He gives you a look before he raises the but to his shoulder. His posture is confident, if not bored. 
The pings come in fast succession. You don’t have a minute to count them but he stops before the rifle clicks, knowing exactly how many he’s fired. All in the centre of the bullseye. He flips the gun and hands it back to the work.  
“A purrito, whatever that is,” he demands. 
The fair employee gapes at him as he accepts the gun. He blinks then glances at the target again. His eyes rove back to Bucky and he frowns as he notices Bucky’s metal hand. 
“Dammit, I knew you looked familiar,” he grumbles and turns to take a purrito from the wall. He hands it over to Bucky who thanks him and turns to you.  
“It’s a cat... in a tortilla?” 
“Yes, a purrrrrrito,” you drag out the words. “Like a burrito but cuter.” 
He sighs, “of course.” 
“It’s so cute!” You wiggle it around gleefully, “I’m going to put it right in my room with all my others!” 
“Oh, yes, I have a whole shelf of purritos. Big, small, calico, tabby... even a lion.” 
“Wow,” he mutters. 
“We all have collections. What about your cards? Hmm?” 
“Those are priceless. They’re baseball cards from the 1936 World Series. The Yankees won.” 
“Sounds important. I don’t really watch baseball,” you say. “But see? It’s your passion. You love those cards. You even put them in plastic. That’s kinda adorable. Means you care about them. Just like my purritos!” 
“Antique baseball cards are different from stuffed taco cats.” 
“Um, a burrito is not a taco,” you argue. 
“Don’t,” he points at you. “You always do this.” 
“Do what?” 
“You have to argue and then you put on that face--” 
“What face?” You pout. 
“Ah, quit.” 
“Fine,” you harrumph and tuck your prize under your arm. You tear off a piece of cotton candy and hold it out to him, “here.” 
“I told you--” he stops himself and accepts it. He eats it and lets out an ‘mmm’. 
“See, it’s good.” 
“It’s pure sugar.” 
“I know,” you agree triumphantly. “So, you wanna go on a ride? I like that big one!” 
You point with the empty cone and he tilts his chin up. “Sure, may as well get our money’s worth.” 
“Oh, fun! It’s going to be so scary.” 
“Scary?” Bucky snickers. 
“Not all of us jump out of planes, Mr. Avenger.” 
“Or sing and dance in frills,” he rebuffs. 
You roll your eyes. Your job isn’t the best but you get decent tips at the restaurant. Besides, you don’t exactly have the qualifications to save the world. Sometimes the distance between you, in more than age, is daunting. 
You pass a garbage can and toss the cone. You join the line for the ride and Bucky crowds in behind you between the metal barriers. You wait your turn as you bounce on your shoes and hug your toy. 
“I’m gonna name this one Mew-chanan. After you.” 
“Mew-- oh god.” He shakes his head as he connects the dots. “You’re so cheesy.” 
“And yet you’re still hanging out with me,” you smirk. 
You get to the front of the line and the work offers to hold the purrito. You hand him over and follow another to a seat. Bucky gets in next of you. You squeak as you’re locked into the seat and your insides begin to swim. You should’ve suggested the merry-go-round but you don’t want him to think you’re that lame. 
“My stummy—stomach!” You say as the ride starts to hum.  
“I told you about eating that--” 
Before he can finish, the ride lurches into action. Slow at first, rising and rising. The higher you get, the dizzier you are. As you get to the top, you latch onto his hand. You close your eyes and let out a long breath. 
“You okay?” He asks. 
You blink and look at him. Before you can answer, the ride drops at warp speed. A scream erupts from your chest and you close your eyes. It doesn’t last long but you’re breathless as you stop at the bottom. You squeeze Bucky’s hand as you tremble. You crush his fingers, his real fingers together. 
“Hey, Dreamy, it’s over,” he shakes your hand. 
“I know, I know,” you peel your eyes open. “That was... fun.” 
He watches you, his blue eyes almost cloudy. You open your hand and his thumb taps your knuckle before he turns his palm down. You blow out as the harness lifts from your chest. 
“Come on!” You hop out of the seat. “Let’s do another.” 
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creepycranberry · 2 months
Same people, Different circumstances
Eddie Munson x mom reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, not proofread
You sat in the dark, covering your ears in search for some reprieve from the wailing. You had been crying too, for hours it had been like this.
You felt guilty for just letting her cry but you were so exhausted. She had a fever, she spat out whatever medicine you tried to give her, you had the noise machine on, you shushed and hummed until your throat was dry but nothing worked.
She wouldn’t eat or sleep or stop crying and it was becoming too much for you alone.
You didn’t understand moments like this. You had done all of this alone. You found out you were pregnant in a rest stop bathroom alone, you had gone to doctors appointments alone, sat in the bathroom puking by yourself, you set up the nursery alone, you drove yourself to the hospital and gave birth alone, every single step of the way you’ve done this completely alone.
Aside from your landlord, an old Cuban lady who spoke with a thick accent and watched Winnie while you went to work.
But she was away visiting family this week, so you were utterly and completely alone.
You hadn’t meant to call him, you meant to call your upstairs neighbor to see if they had a thermometer because yours had crapped out when you needed it most. But instead when the ringing stopped it was his voice.
“Hello?” A deep groggy voice mumbles into the phone and you hiccup the sob you had been working on keeping down so your neighbor wouldn’t be too concerned, “hello?” He asked again, much more awake this time.
“Eddie I didn’t mean- I called the wrong number, just go back to sleep I didn’t mean-“
“Is everything alright sweetheart?”
He shouldn’t be so sweet to you.
Sure you ended things on good terms but this wasn’t anything he should be worried about.
“Yeah, yeah it’s fine.”
“Why are you crying?” He asks softly and you bite your lip to keep from crying more.
“She won’t take her medicine, and she won’t stop crying and I don’t know what to do.”
“Who? Teddy?” He asks, referring to the tabby cat that was likely hiding under your bed.
“No- no. Um, Winnie, my kid. She has a fever and I don’t have a thermometer and she won’t take her medicine and I called you accidentally.”
There’s rustling over the phone and the muffled sound of a girls voice. Dammit.
“Eddie if you’re busy-“
“No, I’m fine. I’ll be over soon,” the jingling sound of his belt rings over the phone, “you need me to grab anything from the store or do you want me to just come right over or..?”
“Eddie really you don’t have to-“
“I’ll grab some take out too, be there in a minute.” And then the phone clicks off.
You go back into the nursery where a still wailing Winnie is sat up in the middle of her crib, covered in puke.
You feel guilty for stepping out to make the call and you have to work to keep yourself calm as you go to the crib to pick her up, shushing and apologizing as you head towards the bathroom.
You go through the motions of giving her a bath despite her fussing.
Your thoughts drift to your embarrassment over calling Eddie. You didn’t even know how it happened, maybe you still had him on speed dial or something?
And explaining to him that you called him over your kid who he’s never met or heard of is in your top ten most awkward moments.
But for right now you need to focus on your daughter.
You wash the puke out of her hair and the little rolls of fat on her legs and the crack of her neck and you try to softly shush her.
Just as you’re drying her off there’s a knock at the front door. You essentially swaddle her in her towel as you go to get the front door.
Eddie is standing there with take out bags in one hand and a handful of random things in the other.
“Hey.” You haven’t seen him in about a year. You both promised to keep in touch but life got in the way.
“Hi.” He smiles sweetly and moves further into the apartment. He sets down the stuff in his hands and Winnie momentarily quiets down when she notices a new presence in the room, “hi Winnie,” Eddie coos, hand moving to smooth down her wet hair, “I’m Eddie.”
“You really didn’t have to come over here, Eddie. I meant to call my neighbor but I guess I forgot to take you off of the speed dial on my landline and-“
“Don’t worry about it. I told you I’m always here to help and I meant it.” He assures you, reaching out to the baby to see if she’d rather go to him, which to your surprise she does, “hey girlie.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a thermometer. He takes her temp and grimaces.
“I know you just sounded busy.” You shrug, heading over to the laundry basket on the couch to grab a onesie for her. You pluck a diaper off of the coffee table and much to Winnie’s chagrin you take her away from Eddie to change her diaper and dress her.
“I really wasn’t.”
“I’m not sure your date would agree.” You comment, velcroing the diaper closed.
“I didn’t realize you could hear her.” He mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.
You just shrug.
“Can you just hold her for a second while I change the sheets in her crib?”
Eddie nods, reaching out for the baby who has stopped wailing but is still fairly fussy.
You busy yourself with her sheets, grabbing the extras from her drawer and taking off the soiled ones. You try and breathe and not dwell on the oddity of the situation.
When you make it back out to the living room Eddie is attempting to feed Winnie a cracker.
“She’s too small for that, Eds.” You inform him and he jumps, holding the cracker away from the baby and taking a bite for himself to hide what he was doing.
“I-I know I was just-“
“Feeding her a cracker?” You smile and he begrudgingly nods.
“She just seems hungry.” He shrugs.
“She probably is but she won’t take a bottle. I’ve been trying on and off for hours.”
You lean your head onto your hands and close your eyes.
“Well how about you eat something and I’ll see if she’ll take a bottle from me?” Eddie suggests, propping the baby on his hip and heading for the bag of takeout on the coffee table.
“Good luck with that.” You mumble, rubbing your face to wake yourself up. Eddie heads for the pantry and pulls out the baby formula and a bottle. He makes a bottle with Winnie on his hip, humming a Bowie song to her as he shakes her bottle, “since when do you know how to make a bottle?”
“Steve and his girl had a baby a couple months ago, I’ll babysit every now and then when he needs me to.” Eddie shrugs, offering the bottle to Winnie who gives him and dirty look and shoves the bottle away, “well you gotta tell me what you want, girlie.” He tells her, and then the pouting starts. Her little bottom lip juts out and she looks at him like he just cut off her teddy bears head and he panics, holding her close and begging her not to cry, “come on, Winnie, don’t cry. If you cry your mom won’t ever let me come back and then I’ll cry and cry and cr-“
He smacks his head on the cabinet he opened but forgot to close and curses.
Winnie giggles and reaches up to where he hit his head and she pats it, a little harshly. Eddie frowns at her and then lightly pats her back on the forehead.
She laughs again and you smile, relieved after not hearing the sound for an entire day.
“You little sadist.” Eddie grumbles and walks her over to the couch, bottle still in hand. This time when he offers it to her she takes it, leaning onto his arm a bit more.
Eddie looks at you with a grin that never fails to make your stomach flip and you smile back.
“Your turn.” He nods to the take out and you groan.
“You didn’t need to bring food Eddie, the fact that you came here at all is enough.” You try and convince him but he isn’t having it.
“Well I’ve gotta make sure you eat too.” He shrugs and you sigh, opening the bag to find the logo of a Chinese place y’all used to order from all the time.
You frown slightly and Eddie panics a little, “did I get your order wrong? I could have sworn-“
“No. You got it exactly right.” You assure him, a tight smile gracing you features and Eddie shakes his head in confusion, setting Winnie’s bottle on the table and burping her.
“Then what’s wrong?”
“Nothing I just- it’s weird I guess.” You shrug, opening the takeout container and a plastic fork.
“What do you mean?”
“Just us. It’s just- we haven’t spoken in a year, I have a kid you found out about an hour ago and yet the second I call you you’re here, with food you know I love, my exact order, and you’re feeding and burping my baby and-“ and it should have been like this all along.
Eddies quiet for a moment, like he heard what you almost said and is trying to figure out how to react, “I mean circumstances are different but we’re still us. This is how things were before… us. If you need me I’m here and if I had called you before this you would have been there as well.” A pause, “right?”
“Of course.”
“So how did she happen by the way?” Eddie asks, changing the subject.
“Well you see, when a man and woman meet and have a few too many drinks almost every time they’re together-“
“Okay, okay, I get the picture.” Eddie grimaces and you lightly giggle, “is he around?”
“Not really. I told him and he asked me if I wanted him there and he was really practically a stranger and I asked if he wanted to be there and he answered honestly. And I told him that was fine. I don’t expect anything from him, he sends money every now and then but other than that she’s never met him.” You explain, lightly combing the babies hair with your fingers.
“Shitbag.” Eddie mumbles.
“He knew he wouldn’t be much of a father and he was honest about it. Would rather that than he feel obligated to stick around and make her life hell.” You shrug and Eddie nods.
“So you’ve done all of this alone?” Eddie asks and you nod.
“Pretty much.”
“That is so wildly unfair.”
You raise your eyebrows, a grin growing on your lips despite yourself, “It's nice to hear someone else say it.”
Eddie nods, standing up and cradling Winnie, bouncing her in his arms and pacing in an effort to get her to sleep.
“I really hoped she was yours at first.” You confess and Eddie's eyes widen, “don’t get too freaked out, I just knew that if she was yours I wouldn’t have to do it alone. And that maybe she could have some kind of dad figure.”
“That makes sense. We could pretend she was mine.” He smiles and you shake your head.
“Whatever, Munson.”
“No, I’m serious. It doesn’t have to be a big thing I’m just saying that like, if you need me to take her for a weekend I could take her for a weekend. And I could help when she starts school or when she’s sick. I can teach her to ride a bike and I can scare her first boyfriend and beat his ass if he hurts her and I could teach her how to check her oil and change her tires. And when she gets caught drinking I can pretend to be disappointed and help give her a really stern talking to.”
You laugh and nod, “maybe. I’m gonna let you think about what that kind of commitment would entail first though.”
Eddie smiles and looks down at a now sleeping Winnie, “she looks just like you.” You nod, “she’s got my eyes though.” He quips and you shake your head.
“Oh whatever.”
Eddie grins and you have to try your best not to feel that familiar ache in your bones.
He goes to the nursery and leaves you in the living room by yourself with your food. After a moment you hear the sound of a noise machine and the click of a door closing and then he’s back.
“You made that look so easy.” You grumble as he sits next to you.
“I’ve just got that fatherly touch, yknow?” You laugh again and he smiles. Not a grin, not a cheeky, mischievous smile. a content, comfortable smile that warms you in a way you’ve longed for since you broke up, “how’ve you been?”
You shrug, “I’ve been. If I keep moving I don’t have to think about how I am.”
“Are you happy?” Eddie asks, moving to face you so his knee is touching yours.
“Sometimes,” you shrug, “every now and then it gets stressful but a good day is a really good day.” Eddie nods, “what about you?”
He gets really quiet, “I’m not happy.”
Your face falls and you instinctively start repeatedly smoothing his hair behind his ear in the way you know comforts him, “what’s up, hon?”
“I just don’t have much anymore I guess.” He shrugs, “I don’t have much purpose.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It is what it is. I work and I try to meet new people but I just don’t feel like it’s worth it.” He explains.
“Why not?”
He’s quiet again, mulling over whether or not to give an honest answer, “because none of them are you.”
“Don’t- don’t think too much about it, like don’t read into it too much I just- you’re fulfilling for me. You held on and you helped and you gave me this sense of purpose that I haven’t really been able to get since…”
You stay quiet and wait for him to finish what he was saying but he doesn’t.
“Do you wanna stay here tonight? I mean, just in case Winnie wakes up and would rather have you get her than me?”
Eddie just about melts. He rests his forehead on your shoulder and nods.
“Yeah. I mean, I wouldn’t want to disappoint Winnie.”
Pt 2
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acewritesfics · 8 months
The Neighbour's Cat | Tommy Shelby
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Request: from @rainydayteacups
Fic Type: Imagine
Warnings: Swearing. Fluff overload. Soft Tommy. I guess you could say pre-war Tommy but I didn’t really mention it.
Word Count: 1,564
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“Did you hear that?” Ada asks after a loud thud came from out in the backyard.   
“It might be the neighbour's cat,” Y/N replies. The grey tabby is often in her small backyard, making himself comfortable in one of her flowerpots as he slept. She no longer had flowers growing in the one he took a liking too. “He often comes into the yard.”  
She goes to pour herself another glass of the wine that Polly had swiped from the Garrison when she sees movement outside the window. Recognising the familiar hair cut she stands up from the table. "I'll be right back. I need to make sure the cat hasn't gotten into anything it shouldn't have."  
"But it's dark outside, what could it possibly get into?" Ada whines, lifting her glass to her lips.  
"You'd be surprised," Y/N mumbles and makes her way to the back door and slips outside, looking into the darkness of the night for a person sneaking around the back of her home. "Tommy?" she whispers loudly unsure if it was him, she'd seen.   
As Tommy moves in front of her, a hand clasped gently over her mouth as he holds a finger to his lips, telling her to be quiet.   
"Come with me," he speaks barely above a whisper, the hand covering her mouth moving to take her hand in his and leads her away from the back yard and into the street.  
“Tommy, I can’t just leave,” she protests but makes no real effort to break away from him and go back inside. “Where are the others?”  
“Back at the Garrison,” he informs her. “And who says we can’t sneak off to spend the night before our wedding together?” 
“It’s tradition,” she sighs knowing the women currently in her kitchen will have her head once they realize she’s disappeared.  
“Fuck tradition,” he scoffs as he slows his walk now that their getting further from the house. “Since when have we been ones to follow tradition, eh?” 
“I guess you have a point,” she smiles. 
“We’ll start our own tradition,” he announces, his voice echoing through the empty street as he walks ahead of her lighting his cigarette and turning to face her while walking backwards. “Our future generations will spend the eve of their wedding together instead of apart because we did it first.” 
Not realizing he’s about to step off the curb, he stumbles backwards causing Y/N to gasp as scrambles forward to try stop him from falling. He steadies himself before he can topple backwards. “I’m fine, love.” 
She shakes her head with a chuckle as his hands reach for her hips and pulls her closer. “So, what do you say?” 
“I say, I’m the luckiest woman in all of England, maybe even the whole world,” she smiles. “Let’s make our own traditions.” 
He smiles, kissing her, before taking her hand again and leading her further from her home. 
Arriving at Charlie’s Yard, Tommy helps her through the gate and towards the stables. Y/N looks around apprehensively, unsure if they should be there. It's been a long time since they snuck into the yard of the man who's like an uncle to the Shelby siblings. Last time they did it, they'd been caught. Charlie had almost fired Tommy from his job as punishment, but Tommy promised never to do it again. Until now.  
"Tom, are we allowed to be here?" she questions him, even though she has a feeling she already knows the answer as they walk into the makeshift stable.  
"I cleared it with Charlie," he informs her, surprising her a little. 
"But Charlie's at the Garrison with the rest of the blokes," she says, realization hitting her. "He was in on this plan of yours." 
"He tried to talk me out of it," he tells her.  
"But of course, Tommy Shelby gets his way," she teases. 
"I convinced you to marry me, didn't I?" he asks, a smug smile on his pouted lips.  
"It didn't take much convincing," she smiles.  
"We first met here," he reminds her. "You were tending to one of the horses Curly was working with." 
"Moonlight," she smiles remembering the day well.  
She came to Birmingham two years ago to visit her cousin, Curly, and look for work, having been fired from her last job for no good reason. Curly talked to Charlie about hiring her, claiming he needed a hand with the horses. Charlie hired her after Curly gave him his word about Y/N being a hard worker and almost as good with horses as he was.  
She was three days into her job when she crossed paths with Tommy. She was grooming Moonlight, a black stallion with a diamond shaped patch of white on his forehead. Moonlight just so happened to be one of the horses Tommy saved from a man who was about to put the beautiful boy down, because he was sick, and he couldn't afford to get him well again. Curly had nursed him back to health within a few weeks. Y/N had bonded with him so much that Tommy couldn't bring himself to find him a new home, instead keeping him as a gift for the woman he had fallen so quickly in love with. 
Those few weeks curly was nursing Moonlight back to health, Tommy spent pursuing Y/N, unable to get her from his mind. It took a month before she gave in to his advances and they've been together ever since. And Moonlight is now in a stable on a farm a friend owns, living his life to the fullest. Y/N is out there almost daily attending to him and taking him for rides. Tommy can't wait for the day when he can move Moonlight into their own stables, on property they owned, with as many horses as his wife wants. 
"The first time I saw you, I knew I had to have you in my life," he tells her. "You looked so beautiful, covered in dirt and grime, humming that tune as you ran a brush through Moonlight's mane. He seemed so calm and at peace that I felt it within myself."  
"Oh, Tommy," she coos softly, feeling her heart erupt with all the love she has for him. The fluttering feeling like a kaleidoscope of butterflies was inside her chest. She steps towards him, placing her hand on his face as she looks at him lovingly, her thumb stroking his well-defined cheek.  
"I've felt it ever since that moment," he says, his voice softer. "You bring peace to my chaotic life. It's one of the many reasons why I love you." 
"I love you," is all she's able to say before she pulls him in for passionate kiss, expressing all the love she has for the man who turned her life upside down in the best kind of way.  
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Y/N startles awake the next morning when a loud noise comes from outside. Placing her hand on Tommy's bare shoulder, she gently shakes him awake, hearing the rattling of gates being opened.  
"Tommy, we need to leave," she tells him barely above a whisper. 
Groaning, his eyes flutter open and connect with Y/N's eyes. He smiles and reaches behind her head to pull her in for a morning kiss. His other hand travels up her thigh, plays with the hem of his shirt she's wearing before slipping under it to grab her hip to pull her closer.  
"Enough of that you two," The sound of Charlie's voice causes them to part. "You best get out of here before they send a search party. Can't be late to your own wedding." 
He walks away before they could say anything. Standing up, Y/N quickly dresses into her clothes from the previous day as Tommy takes back his shirt and coat.  
"I'll walk you home," he tells her as they leave the stable. They thank Charlie who waves them off with a shake of his head and tells them he'll see them at the ceremony. Hurrying home, Y/N holds onto Tommy's hand tightly, bracing herself for the lecture she's about to encounter.  
Standing on her front doorstep, she turns to face Tommy with a small smile on her lips. "I'm about to get my head bitten off by your aunt and our sisters but last night is worth every second of it."  
"I agree, my love," he smiles also. "I liked that tradition far better." 
"This coming from the man that said a fuck you to traditions," she teases.  
"To traditions that aren't ours," he corrects her.  
"You better get going before Polly sees you," she chuckles and pulls him in for one more kiss before they become man and wife. "I love you." 
"I love you too," he says pulling away from her and stepping back on to the footpath. "Don't be late," he tells her. 
"I'll be the one in white just in case you can't find me," she laughs. 
"I'll always be able to find you," he smiles and turns around, starting his walk to Arthur's house.  
As soon as she opens the door and heads inside, she gulps seeing Polly standing there with her hands on her hips and an angry look on her face. "And where the hell have you been?" 
"The neighbor's cat needed to see me," she replies slipping past her to go to the bathroom. 
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TAGGED: @chapter-in-my-old-diary - @hanawrites404 - @goblinjnr - @halsteadbrasil - @forgottenpeakywriter - @star-ggirl - @iceman-kazansky - @alexxavicry - @galactict3a - @crispynutella - @il0vebeingdelulu - @nicole-19s-world - @yeppaweshallsee
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lis-likes-fics · 2 years
Spoiled Brat
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x Reader Word Count: 4.2k words Warnings: Smut, p in v sex, cunnilingus, overstimulation, spanking, slight breeding kink, slight degradation (blink and you’ll miss it), language... A/N: I don’t know why this took me as long as it did but it’s finally here. I don’t know when I became a slut for Alfie Solomons, but I did, so enjoy this smut fic of him. Thank you.
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Alfie Solomons was working late again at the distillery, burning away the hours of the evening as they faded into the late hours of the night. Alfie Solomons was working on some random paperwork he had no interest in as he ran his hand through his beard and grumbled about something trivial under his breath. Alfie Solomons was working away at God-knows-what while you slightly overstayed your welcome—although she insisted you hadn’t, even if her husband didn’t seem to agree—at your dear friend’s home. You left promptly, despite her invitation to stay and aggravate her husband even more (just for the fun of it, really).
You scratched her tabby cat behind the ears as he purred, resting its cheek in your hand and shutting his eyes. With a quick farewell to your friend, you were off onto the darkened street of Camden Town. Your heels clicked along the damp cobblestone as you wrapped your coat around your body. The moon was hardly present, a smile in the sky that showed little light to guide your way. You didn’t need it, you’d walked down that road a million times.
You could make out a few shadows in the dark, watching eyes that considered you for a moment before quickly looking away at the realization of who it was you actually were. They’d like to keep their heads fixed on their shoulders.
When you reached the building you knew all, you were greeted by the stragglers who usually stayed late, people who would also be leaving sooner than your husband. You regarded them with a little smile, and they returned it gratuitously.
You didn’t bother knocking on the door when you arrived at Alfie’s office. You twisted the handle and turned it open, stepping right through and hanging your coat and hat on the rack by the door. He didn’t have to look up to know it was you, as you were the only one who would ever think to let yourself in so boldly without permission from the big bad Alfie Solomons who kept a gun in his drawer next to the whiskey.
“Hello, love,” you greeted him warmly.
He grunted his reply at first before finally speaking after a prolonged silence. “How are you, dove?” he muttered, his face still stuck in the paperwork on his desk .
When you didn’t respond, he finally looked up at you. You stood in front of the door, your head tilted as you looked over at him through your lashes. He took in the sight of you and leaned back in his chair, watching your lashes flutter and your smile widen with a certain mischief he was all too familiar with in you.
“Uh, oh,” he said, setting his pen down and sliding his papers to the side. “She wants something.” His lips curled underneath his mustache with a grin he’d tried to keep away in the face of your pleading eyes.
“Alfie.” Your voice was small and gentle, raised a half step as you swayed a little with your hands behind your back. Your smile was that kind of smile meant to charm unsuspecting prey before they met their demise. Alfie knew it all too well, and has fallen victim to your hypnotic antics far too many times for his rough exterior and notorious reputation to handle.
He sighed deeply, holding his arms out wide to suggest one of his constricting bear hugs. “Come ‘ere, luv,” he requested. You gladly obey, walking over to him and taking your sweet time about it. You were just going to stand in front of him, tuck yourself between his legs and look down at him as he held your waist, but as soon as you were within arm’s reach, he pulled you down onto his lap and practically cradled you.
“Right, what is it?” he asked once you were situated, watching you with plenty of interest as his hand stroked along your back. You threw your arms around his neck, giving him your best puppy dog eyes—a look you and Cyril shared and only used for no good.
Then you bit your lip, and Alfie knew you meant only trouble.
“I’ve been thinking about things,” you began, trailing one hand to his chest and tapping your fingers there. He watched you like some sailor caught under a siren’s spell.
“What kinds of things?” he asked, humming deep in his chest. The sound buzzed underneath your hand, and he gave a little grin as he suggested, “Naughty?”
You chuckled lightly, “No.”
He huffed, his smile falling. “Right, then,” he said. “I dunno if I want to hear it now.”
You stifled your chuckle, granting him a large smile and using the full force of your pleading eyes. “Please?” you whispered, leaning in closer so your faces were hardly inches apart.
You were vividly aware of his finger tapping against your thigh as he held you in his lap. He gave in to your pleading with a sigh full of feigned exasperation. “Alright, alright,” he huffed. “Put them eyes away.”
You pressed your lips to his temple, buttering him up as you leaned your head on his shoulder and sighed. Alfie sighed, too. He knew every single one of your methods, and he still fell for them every single time.
"I know we already have Cyril," you began slowly, "and I love him to death, but I was just wondering… What if we…?"
"You want another dog, is it? Done." He looked at you, flashing a smile that had you rolling your eyes. He just shrugged. "See? Wasn't that 'ard."
You raised a brow at him, "I want a cat."
He stared at you for a moment, his brows furrowed slightly as he seemed to think over that. "Alright, forgive my language, luv, yeah, but that's a right fuckin' awful idea."
You looked back at him, your pout returning with a vengeance as you pushed your lip out, your brow crinkling. "Why?" you whined.
"We don't need no pussy cat," he shook his head, his hand patting against your ass as he smirked at you. "I'm fine with the one I've got."
"Alfie," you softly reprimand, the seriosity falling short with your giggle at his slightly crude joke.
He continued to refuse, much to your dismay. "It'll scratch everything up, break shit. Plus, they fuckin' smell like shit and they're jus' fuckin' mean."
You rolled your eyes, "No, they're not! I have a friend who has a cat, and he's brilliant!"
He lolled his head back dramatically, rolling his eyes. "Oh, so you've already been brainwashed, eh?"
You jutted your bottom lip out once more. "Alfie, please?" you begged.
Again, he shook his head, his word final as he pressed his finger against your bottom lip to push it back into place. "You can suck that lip back in, luv, 'cause it's still a no."
"I can take care of it," you pushed.
"I'll have Cyril take care of it."
"Alfie!" you scolded.
He shrugged remorselessly. "Yeah, no."
You pulled a desperate card that you knew had a very low chance at success.
"Don't you love me at all?"
Not only did it not work as Alfie fell completely silent, looking back at you with a face lacking any playfulness, but now you were sure you had gotten yourself in trouble. You hid your inhibitions.
"Right," he started out slowly, lifting a finger to point at you. "This is what we are not gonna do, yeah? We are not going to do that little manipulation thing you do, eh, like you're a pretty little pup who never gets what she wants." He popped the 'P' of pup, staring you down with an intensity that nearly had you shaking.
"You know what we're gonna do?" he asked. "We're gonna behave like a good little girl," he got in your face for the last few words, "and agree that we ain't gettin' no cat."
You slump, "But…"
He shakes his head, "No buts."
You huffed, removing your hands from around his neck as you moved to stand. As soon as you were lifting off of his lap, he pulled you down again by your waist and made you face him. It was the very last card you had as you forced a tear to slip down your cheek, staring at him with the biggest eyes you could manage and allowing your frown to deepen.
The way he stared at you was almost frightening. It was incredulous, almost frustrated as he watched you exaggerate your sorrow for being told a very simple 'no'.
"Right," he began, "I want that pout and that fake little tear off your little scrunched up face right now, or I'll wipe it off myself."
A tear fell down your other cheek, and you had to turn away to hide it from him. He grabbed your face by your cheeks, squishing them together to bring your attention back to him.
"You have to the count of three, luv," he warned, displaying his hand as he readied it to begin his slow countdown. "One."
Your expression did not shift, your pout remained and your two crocodile tears dropped from your chin.
"Right, then."
He did not finish his countdown. He grabbed you roughly, manhandling you onto his lap so that you were laying across his huge thighs. You yelped in surprise as you were folded over, your bottom on display for him.
He began lifting up your dress, adjusting everything to give him a clear view of your white, silk undergarments. Then he tore those off of you so he could see your precious ass.
"Since you want to behave like some spoiled brat," he said, "we're going to treat you like one."
He gave you no warning at all before his hand was coming down rather harshly on your ass. It burned, a bright pain blossoming over your skin and staining it with a deep shade that Alfie marveled at. A surprised cry slipped out of you. He grunted.
"There we go. Let's give you something to cry about, sweetheart."
And he did. Smack after smack, he painted your skin the darkest shades of red as the pain bloomed along your ass and thighs. You bit your lip and, until he reprimanded you for it, tried to muffle your cries.
There was a sick kind of pleasure you were getting out of this, the both of you. Being bent over his lap like this, scolded for not being "a good little girl", It was a type of pain that was twisting in your gut and leaking out of your cunt.
By the time the punishment came to an end, your face was streaming with real tears as he wrapped his hand around your throat and lifted you to see your face again. "Look at me," he directed. "Have you learned your lesson yet, luv?"
You nodded quickly, propping yourself up as best you could so you could obey his simple command. "Yes," you breathed. "Yes, sir."
He examined your face, flushed and stained with tears. "Nah," he shook his head. "Nah, I don't think you have." He dipped his hand between your thighs. He wasn't even touching your pussy, but he could feel the wetness spreading along the inside of your legs, warm and soaking.
You closed your eyes, suppressing a moan as you nodded your head again to convince him. "Please."
He bit his bottom lip for a moment, a wicked grin spreading over his face as he nodded slowly. "Yeah, see?" he whispered. "Still askin' for things."
You would have scoffed or called him out for tricking you if you were so fucking frustrated right now, in need of his thick fingers to finally stop teasing your sensitive thighs and bury themselves in your waiting cunt. "I'm sorry, Alfie."
His thumb swiped over your cheek as he nodded. "I know you are, luv, but I'm not through with you yet."
Before you had time to respond to his words, he leaned forward and swiped everything off his desks. Papers flew in the air, pens shot across the room, plastic and metal miscellaneous scattered over the freshly swept floors scratched up from previous beatings and scuffings of shoes.
He tucked his arm under your body and picked you up easily, his biceps flexing and bugling out of the rolled up sleeve of his white shirt. He dropped you onto the cold wood with less sympathy than if he were not as angry with you. The coolness of the desks seeped through your dress and threatened to bring your nipples to a harder peak as you grasp at the edge of it, chest heaving with the anticipation of what he’d do. There was a stretch of silence where you heard nothing but felt the security of your dress lessen.
Alfie took a hold of your waist, clutched your sides with a tightening and loosening grip, as if he was testing out your stability, your strength. He came to a determination, choosing to flip you over onto your back with a rough shove. You moaned lightly when the table dug into across your shoulder blades and he tutted.
You looked up at him through hooded eyes, waiting for Alfie to make his next move as he stood over you, thinking, calculating. He nodded a little, quiet and staring. When he finally moved, his hands came up to clutch around your dress as he slipped it off your body and discarded it on the floor like trash. At least he hadn’t torn it, he liked doing that.
Layer by layer, he yanked your clothes away until you were so completely bare before him. He admired you for a moment, just staring, thinking. “Right,” he mumbled under his breath, just another grumble of a word spoken into the air. He bent down, taking your face in his strong hand and clutching, your lips scrunching into a pout. “Since you want a pussy cat so bad,” he said, his eye contact searing, “why don’t I just pay some attention to yours? That should cancel out, eh?”
He didn’t leave time for you to respond before he was finally pressing his lips to your bare chest. Your back arched into him and a stifled moan wormed its way from your throat. His kisses traveled sparingly down to your soaked cunt. He hummed, a deep sound that rumbled in his chest. A surprised yelp cut through the air when his hand came down on your folds, a loud smack accompanying the quick movement as your body jolted.
“Alfie,” you breathed.
He looked at you quickly, “Right, did I say you could fuckin’ speak, girl?” You shook your head, laying your head back on the desk a moment before meeting his gaze again. “That’s what I thought. Do yourself a favor and shut your mouth unless you’ve a pretty little moan for me. Alright?” You nodded quickly and he nodded back.
He gripped your thighs, kneading the flesh and spreading it wide. He blew some against your folds, testing your sensitivity and smiling to himself when your legs twitched. He leaned forward and pushed your chest back down when your back arched at his warm lips wrapping around your cunt. His hot tongue laved over your folds, licking up the arousal that coated your flesh and working his tongue into your hole.
You bit your lip as you moaned, eyes screwed shut as your mouth fell open. He worked you up and kept you there, making you climb higher and higher as he brought you to the cusp of pleasure. Your little mewls and moans were music to him, and you sang the most beautiful songs to him as he grunted into you. You made a mess of him with nothing but your slick arousal, riding his face as best he could when his strong arms held you down so easily.
And when you came, you did so with the broken moan of his name, gasping and clenching and arching your back off the table. But he didn't stop, even as you tangled your hands in his hair, he didn't stop. His insistent tongue continued to lick and his talented lips continued to suck.
You were reduced to a mess of tears and slick and rambling cries. You were so sensitive, the overstimulation was too much to handle as he tortured you.
He pulled back finally, granting you mercy as he watched you, face drenched, beard sticky with your cum. His kiss-swollen lips smiled as he loomed over you. "Oh, look at that," he marveled. "Now those are some fuckin' tears, right. Some big fuckin' tears."
You panted as you tried to catch your breath, ignoring the tears that tickled down the side of your face. "I'll be good," you whispered. "I promise, I'll be good."
He leaned forward and kissed your lips, you could taste yourself off him. "I'm sure you will, luv. I'm sure you will," he said. "But I am gonna give you some more, alright? Jus' in case." You whimpered pathetically, watching him descend your body one more to press his tongue against your oversensitive clit.
And you cried and moaned and promised you loved him until he finally let up and granted you pity. He kissed up your body again until he reached your lips. "There, there, sweetie," he cooed, moving hair from your face with a smile. "Alright, look at me. Beautiful, luv."
He kissed your cheek and dipped down to your ear, his voice deep and quiet and rumbling in his chest. "Now," he spoke, sending shivers down your spine, "I'm gonna fuck ya, and I want to hear your pretty little moans. How about that? Can you do that?"
You nodded quickly, anything to please him. "Yes, sir," you gasped. "Yes."
"Good," he smiled, straightening his spine again as he pulled himself out of his pants, hard and thick and red. "Right, spread your legs for me."
He set his hand on your thigh, squeezing and pushing it aside to open you up. Still breathless, you yelped as he pulled you a little closer to the edge. He licked his lips, lightly smacking his hand against the wet juncture between your thighs.
When he entered you, you gasped. Your mouth fell open and your eyes rolled to the back of your head as his cock, thick and throbbing, filled you inch by beautiful inch. "Alfie!" you moaned, reaching up to grasp his shoulders roughly.
When he was fully seated within you, he lingered there for a moment as he let out a heavy sigh. "Beautiful. So tight, luv," he breathed, eyes fluttering shut as a slight ramble fell from his lips. "That's a good girl."
After making you wait too long, he began to move again. His cock slid in and out of you in long, slow strokes as he filled you to the brim. You bit down on your bottom lip, your eyes closing as you breathed a heavy sigh.
His grip on your waist tightened as he eased himself in and out of you. A groan rumbled in his chest as he sighed. He was hardly slow or gentle as he rocked in and out of your squeezing cunt. He was paced, although his rough thrusts were not forgiving, and they left you pleading for more. You threw your head back as a stifled moan caught in your throat, and your hands shot up to wrap around his neck to hold him closer.
He pulled your arms away from him, and you whimpered pathetically when his cock slipped out of you. He grabbed you harshly, flipping you over the desk to lay on your stomach as he thrust back into you again. The new angle had completely different sensations rushing through you, and you welcomed them with desperate moans.
Alfie nudged your legs apart, spreading you wide for him as he continued to fuck you, building in speed as his rough thrusts filled you with him. The pleasure echoed off your bones just as your sounds echoed off the walls of the office. Your open mouth was unrestrained with noise of lust and passion.
The arousal was leaking down your legs, painting the insides of your thighs like a canvas, offering a generous lather of paint to the space. His cock spearing into you made the dirtiest sounds—skin on skin, wet against wet. Your mouth fell open and you let out breathless cries accompanied with their own pleasure tears.
He bent down over your back, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck as he whispered into your ear at the sound of your whimpers. “Oh, is it too much for you, eh? You can’t take it?” he mocked. You responded with another pathetic moan. “That’s jus’ too bad, innit? You’re gonna have to, treacle.”
He seemed to go rougher after that, holding you close as he fucked into you from behind. You couldn’t control the obscene sounds falling from your lips. It was a mixture of “Alfie, Alfie, Alfie!” and open-mouthed moans that tore from your throat with the rhythm of the snap of his hips.
You were getting so close, driven to insanity by the passionate rock of his cock inside you. Your pussy fluttered as you grew nearer and nearer to your release. You could tell he was going to reach his peak too, with the way his moans become just a little bit louder, his thrusts become just a little bit more erratic.
“Alfie,” you gasped. “Alfie, please. Gonna cum!”
He sniffed, a little preoccupied but completely engrossed in your pleasure. “Yeah? You gonna cum all over my cock, luv? You gonna let me cum inside of ya and fill you up with our baby?” he whispered into your ear. A higher pitched moan squeezed out of you then, and he feels you clamp down around him. “Oh, you like that, don’t you? Like the idea of being bred by me, eh?”
You spoke between gasping breaths and a quivering smile. “I’m surprised,” a breath, “you haven’t done it already–Ah!” He interrupted you with yet another rough thrust. “Husband, I’m gonna cum.”
He reached around you, his fingers finding your pussy and shifting until he reached your clit. With an expert hand, he rubbed your clit and had you seeing stars. “Smart mouth,” he commented, shaking his head with a soft tut. A knot built in your gut until you couldn’t hold it anymore as your silent moans caught in your throat. “Go on, luv. Cum for me.”
As your orgasm came crashing down on you, it was loud and hard and you felt like you might have blacked out for a couple seconds as your body was overcome with this beautiful intoxication. You screamed his name, gripping the edge of the desk and burying your face in your arms.
Alfie groaned as you clenched around his cock, squeezing harder and harder until he couldn’t hold back anymore as well. His arm wrapped around you, pulling you close to him as he seated himself as deep as he could, coming deep within your hot pussy. “Fuck,” he groaned deeply in your ear, his voice a consuming rasp that prolongs your own mind-numbing release.
By the time you were both coming down, your body was limp against the now warm wood of the desk as you laid there, trembling with the aftershocks of pleasure sparking in your muscles. Alfie let out a deep breath and pulled out of you, looking down as the mixture of cum slipped down your thigh from your sopping cunt. He groaned deeply in his throat before finally wrapping his arm around you once more to ease you up.
He sat heavily in his chair, sighing loudly as he pulled you into his lap to rest against his chest. You nuzzled your face in his neck, wrapping your loose arms around him as you caught back up to reality. You both sat in silence as he rubbed gentle circles into your back, whispering soft praises and shushing you gently.
After a beat of silence, he sighed and pursed his lips as he thought to himself. Then he gave in.
“You can get a cat,” he relented. You pulled away from the comfort of his neck, your arms still wrapped around him as your face lit up with elation. He was quick to add his condition, “But if it doesn’t behave, I’ll have Cyril eat it, yeah?”
You gave him a bright smile, one of those looks that reminded him why you were his wife. “Thank you! I love you, Alfie!” you exclaimed, holding him again as you pepper his face in excited kisses.
“Yeah, yeah,” he sighed. “I love you, too, sweetheart.”
Alfie Solomons, one of the most dangerous men in London, proudly allowed his wife to cover him in kisses. Alfie Solomons, a Jewish gang leader, preened under the attention of his lover as he held her close to him, cradling her with all the affection in his heart. Alfie Solomons, a man from Camden Town, smiled like a lovesick fool as he and his wife shared one of those “I’d give you the world” kisses before they would depart to finally go home in the late hours of the night to make love again before retiring to bed and beginning another day of business and pleasure.
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anikasheep · 10 months
You and Asmo have match wearable blankets, the shape are bunny, you bought a gray tabby cat one for Solomon cause you know if you don't buy him one he's be upset and jealous.
Your teacher is a menace who has sins of Pride and Envy at the same time and you can't really deny him so...yep.
Still, thanks to these two, now the others know you three have match wearable blankets.
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Secretly want one to match you.
You can buy him a white unicorn one and he'd say no while he wear that.
Or you buy him a dark gray wolf one and he'd use that to tease you.
"Now I am the wolf, doesn't think you'll warm me up with your warmth, lit' bunny."
He's the last one to try it, and he might only wear that when his brothers won't see him.
Beel met him once in the midnight, and Lucifer bribed him to forget that event.
If only you two in his study or room, he'd play with your bunny ears, cuddle with you on his lap.
You two made out in the blankets sometimes before wash them.
Lucifer's breath ghost around your neck and ear, the pleasure of being destroyed and put together again by his love polish your soul and your heart.
Your fingers interlocked.
"Good bunny. Sweet bunny. Time to reward you."
He marked you and chuckles lowly.
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You bought him a crow hooded blanket.
He's over the moon right now.
Always try to trap you in his blanket.l, it's doesn't matter if you are having a movie night, just tap a glass or water or looking for some snacks.
The greedy man just want to hold you.
Steal his blanket if you think his is more comfortable.
He's fk turned on if you only wear his blanket and spread on his bed, the jewelry and Grimms surround you.
Mammon hover over you while he trace his point finger your curves.
Picking up a coin, he kiss it before put it on your nipple.
You pant and gulp when you feel the coldness against your skin.
Mammon shushes you and licks his lips, the greedy shining in his blue eyes.
"The favorite things in my life, money and my human. Now you're in my nest, I think it's time to start party, don't ya think?"
Can you believe that? Solomon, this the greatest and powerful sorcerer in human world, would brag about his adorable apprentice gift him match wearable blankets to other demons.
Barbatos sighed and shook his head, Simeon and Diavolo laughed and low-key envy of that. Luke want to have one too so that he could wear that if you came to the HOL for sleepover night.
Definitely post the photo of you two wear the blanket and doing sth domestic.
Like you're holding a tray of tea and desserts.
Or dusting the living room, or writing some papers.
The one makes the brothers want to roast this sorcerer one is Solomon snapped the face when you're sleeping, on his lap.
One hand ruffles your hair and the thumb is rest againsr on your cheek.
It's belongs to a certain one who is obviously.
Solomon pecks your cheek when you're busy with the papers.
You huffs though it turns to be a smile.
"Need some help?"
"Yeah, I don't understand, what is it asking for?"
Solomon cages you from behind, his cheek lay on top of your head.
"The whole sentence are trying to misleading you. This part is useless, the key words is this one."
He points at a place on the paper. Your eyes follow his beautiful and slender fingers.
"...you didn't listen, do you?"
Solomon humms after your answer. The next moment, you found that you're laying on the desk, your teacher stands in front of you, your legs is spreaded wide and his fingers poke your delicate petals which between your legs.
"Ahh~ah, my adorable apprentice is really naughty, what should I do to teach them a lesson?...I have a great idea."
He winks at you before your world start to spin and heated.
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reilora-borealis · 1 year
a shadowgast headcanon
I imagine that a short while after Caleb's death, Essek, who has seen a few members of the Nein die but has never been shattered by grief like this, who has been alone for so much of his life already, realizes how much longer he will have to be alone, and it breaks him.
He will never again set foot in the tower; try as he might to recreate it, it won't be the same. He understands better than anyone that magic can stop time, heal wounds, bring people back from the dead, but it's all just temporary. It's not natural, as Caduceus keeps reminding him over and over as he bargains. It's not what he would have wanted.
Worst of all, Essek knows - in that hopeless, irrational, melodramatic, fundamentally true way that a person knows things when they're grieving - that he will never love anyone in the same way ever again.
So, in a moment of weakness, for the first time in his almost 200 years of life, Essek casts find familiar.
Of course, there were the cats that Caleb kept in their cottage, plus the strays that he fed in the back garden. There were the dogs that Beau and Yasha adopted, the menagerie of critters Jester collected over the years and foisted upon all of their friends. But Essek knows none of them will be around for long. Compared to the lifespan of a drow, most pets are like mayflies. They will all leave too, sooner or later. Everything will.
He doesn't know what to expect, as he's casting the spell. He doesn't really have a shape in mind, he's just looking for something to take the loneliness away, anything, calling blindly into the dark to see what answers back. He thinks this is foolish, this exercise. He thinks he will never heal. He thinks of Caleb.
When he completes the ritual, he opens his eyes and there before him is a cat. A familiar brown Bengal tabby cat.
And Frumpkin climbs into Essek's arms. Because someone needed this fey spirit once, long ago, someone in pain. And even though Caleb set him free, he knows that someone new needs him now.
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skuffypaw · 2 months
Opposite of canon.. Hattie please
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for this challenge
backstory + design notes below the cut
hattie is a large, black and white cat with blue eyes. she’s never quite been satisfied with her life as a kittypet. when firestar came along during firestar’s quest, she was more guarded and wasn’t exactly happy with the thought of him wandering around her twoleg nest. when he asked hattie if she has ever tried to catch birds, she agrees enthusiastically and even claims she succeeded in catching one. she confesses that she’s heard stories about firestar and wants join him. firestar eventually agrees to take hattie along with him to skyclan.
the journey and story from there are the same, but hattie gets bitten by rats during the… rat battle but thankfully she survives. firestar learns to value hattie (as a useful warrior not really as a person) and decides to take her as his apprentice under the name hazelpaw. yada yada they fix up skyclan and return to the forest. from there she sort of fades into the background but is still subject to typical clan bigotry because she used to be a kittypet, which she absorbs. she gets her warrior name too: hazeltooth. i think she’d also be a dark forest trainee because she wants to prove that she’s more than just a kittypet because she’s internalized the bigotry she faced.
about the design itself:
og hattie -> hazeltooth
long fur -> short fur
small -> big
tabby -> solid
low white spotting -> high white spotting
orange eyes -> opposite color: blue eyes
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i-smoke-chapstick · 5 months
Okay I think I’ve finally come up with a plot for that jervis story I was telling you about. This is pretty long- I’m sorry 😭
Basically could follow the same plots as the ‘come on Eileen’ story with an age gap but obv themed for Jervis’s character. For the sake of everything, since this could be already dark-ish, instead of Alice being his sister, she’s his coworker. Very similar story tied with the btas version. Anyways continuing that, let’s say reader is Jim and Barbara’s kid all the way from episode 1 when they were still in there couple era (I miss it 😔). Jim had custody over reader when Barbara was sent to Arkham but once she’s out and running the sirens club, her and Jim come to an agreement for the sake of the reader to co-parent. Reader is about 10-13 during that time and then jumping to like season 3 with jervis being introduced, reader is around 17-19 (I’m not sure if this is the realistic time jump but whatever). During the first episode with how Barbara introduces tabby to jervis, imagine that same scenario but with reader also present. Jervis realizes how much reader reminds him of the book version of Alice with their curiosity, ambition, etc. I’d like to imagine Barbara finds it cute in a way similar with that one fix you did when jervis was leaving stuff for the reader while tabby is like “Stay away from the baby 😡”.
Now when Alice gets killed, we know jervis makes him go through all these games of killing and stuff and then he has to choose the one he loves. Instead of Val, it’s reader. As much as Jervis doesn’t want to hurt his current crush, he tries to be nicer about it and shoots them where the bullet won’t damage them as bad?? Idk where else I’m goin with this lol. I’ll let you come up with whatever else you wanna do. Be creative if you’d like.
I’d say basically it follows the plot of season 3 but without Alice and reader is present.
Thank you Cupid 🙏🖤
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⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; Everything's always the same in Gotham. Hard to imagine things changing.
⋆ tags/warnings. GOTHAM!jervis x female reader. SLOW BURN!!! Not sure how many chapters this will be yet! LOTS OF PLOT SET-UP!! AGE GAP ROMANCE! (reader is Jim and Barbara's daughter) Readers got trauma. Reader's also a cynic and dissociating. She fell first, he fell harder. Writing this kind of artistically and as character studies for everyone. Jervis being an obsessive freak, per usual. Jervis and reader are soulmates, not just in his head but in real life! More about reader is revealed as the story goes on. I'm taking canon out back and beating it with a stick until it stops twitching.
⋆ tag list (tell me if you want to be removed!) @adalwolfgang @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @honestmrdual @moonlightnyx
Special thanks to @adalwolfgang for giving me the idea for this fic <3 really really excited to make this multichapter !!
♫ “Echoes of your name inside my mind / Halo, hiding my obsession.” Don't Blame Me by Taylor Swift
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You feel like your ten again, staring into space, watching the passerby's from inside a Gala. You're mother used to take you there, when you're dad wasn't available.
You sometimes miss it, even though you used to complain. You hated just sitting there, hours on end, seeing rich people dance; like there weren't people being murdered on the street two blocks down. Maybe you took after your father in that aspect. It was a curse.
Your mom used to do your hair. You remember the way she finger-twirled your curls, gasping as she looked in the mirror. Eyes wide, she always said the same thing.
"Look at you, you're gorgeous!" You'd laugh and hit her on the shoulder, young and innocent. Sometimes, you'd make a mess of her lipsticks and bronzer. You'd try on her dresses which were far too tall for your young stature.
The sound of yelling rips you away from your thoughts.
This place isn't a gala. It's a club. And you didn't get ready with your mom, you got ready in the morning, waking up alone in your dads house.
You watch the two men argue from across the bar. You're cradling a drink; unsure what to do with it. Selina had stole it for you, somehow. You didn't ask questions anymore. You'd known her since you were eleven and she was eight. You didn't really like to drink. She knew that. You don't know where she ran off too.
Mindlessly stirring your glass in your palm, you can't help but squint under the bright blue lights. This place...it's not your first choice of where you'd like to be right now. Never is.
You hear a feminine voice calling you to the front of the club, and you can already guess who it is. You haven't seen her in a little over a week, not that it matters.
You decide to down your drink anyway. Who cares.
Pushing your way through the crowds of Gothamites, you notice the stage light up. Your mother and Tabitha stand in grand dresses. Tabitha's resting, one arm on the bar, looking effectively bored out of her mind. Your mother, on the contrary, looks utterly pleased. You fight the urge to snort.
There's a man on the stage. Long hair, cat-like smile. Your eyes follow the contours of his cheek bones. He's spouting something about waking up from an animal-identity. You're frankly lost, staring into his dark eyes. They look pitch black.
Sounds of clapping arise from the back. You simply suck your teeth. Someone new comes into the club everyday with a different act. This guy certainly wasn't any different.
"A magician? Really?" Tabitha asks, interrupting your thoughts. She sounds displeased and confounded, unsure what to make of Barbara's smile.
"Hypnotist." Your mom answers, correcting her. Ah, so thats what he is. You think. Couldn't hypnotize himself to have a better act? You almost make yourself laugh. Barbara mistakes it for agreeance.
"See! I like him! Y/N likes him!" Barbara chimes, smile lighting up to be a bit more genuine at your laugh. "Like mother like daughter. Plus, the place is packed. Be happy." She waves her drink around. Tabitha still looks peeved.
You want to correct her, but the words 'like mother like daughter' make bile rise in your throat. You don't speak.
"Just a taste, ladies and gentlemen." The man purrs, pulling your attention to him. That dark stare of his never once leaves the crowd. "But now...let us venture into something more arcane."
His eyes drift to you in the crowd, and it feels like a jolt of electricity. You wonder if he feels it too. He must have, since he cocks his head, pausing in his words for a little too long. His brows furrow, until the crowd begins to murmur. It's awfully intense.
You tear your gaze away to look at your mom, wondering if she was who he was looking at instead. It would certainly make more sense, given they must've been around the same age. But as soon as your gaze leaves his, the man clears his throat, and goes right back to speaking.
"The hell was that?" Tabitha whispers to me, and my mind goes blank.
"...No clue."
We watch the rest of the act, intrigued. He makes a man stand on the back of a chair, which definitely does not obey the laws of physics whatsoever. I can see why some people might find this amusing.
Your mom does bring up a good question though.
"So you could get him to do anything you wanted?" She asks, abet too excitedly. You want to roll your eyes. When you were younger, she would've made fun of this guy with you.
The man looks between the two of us, and you squint your eyes.
"Did you have something in mind, Ms. Kean?" He asks, and her gaze darkens. You feel a little sick.
As the act finishes, the man takes one too many bows, but the crowd eats it up. That blinding blue light still bounces off his face. Something about it is...unsettling. You notice it more as he stalks towards the three of you.
"Very impressive, Mr. Tetch." Your mom compliments. Mr. Tetch, huh. Well, you finally have a name for the man. "You have quite the gift. But you didn't answer my question. Can you make people do anything you tell them to do?" She speaks, slowly. Mr. Tetch looks flattered at the praise.
He clicks his tongue. "Only things they secretly wish to do," he remarks, eyes falling on me once more. "It's surprising what people will wish for," His eye contact remains on you, voice getting quieter. "Secretly. Deep down." He repeats.
Your mother makes a sound akin to a pleased hum. Tabitha looks between the man and you, and she looks less than amused.
"True," Tabitha speaks, pushing you to the side a bit. You watch as his gaze leaves yours, and snaps up to her. There's a ghost of a scowl on both of their faces that suddenly makes you confused. "You must be a very popular man."
She takes a swig out of her drink as she says the words, a bit sarcastically. Mr. Tetch, or whatever his name is, doesn't falter in his resolve. He instead offers a polite chuckle.
"Oh, I wish. Parties like this help pave my way, so, thank you."
"And you're new to Gotham?" Your mom asks.
"Yes...just arrived from up north."
"You have a place to stay?" Tabitha asks, head cocked. You begin to feel a bit embarrassed, heat rising in your clothes. They're asking the guy way too many questions. And he's a new comer. Poor man probably doesn't know a thing.
Before the man can answer, you butt in.
"Let the man breathe." You huff, and all three of them look at you in unison. Eyes-narrowed on you, the man blinks. Barbara looks at you, surprised, and Tabitha glares daggers.
Silence surrounds the four of you, and you shiver uncomfortably.
"Just saying." You mumble. Barbara raises an eyebrow.
"You'll have to excuse her. This is my daughter, Y/N."
Jervis's face lights up in realization.
"Ah, I see." He remarks, taking your hand. Tabitha instinctively steps close, watching the way he takes it. He presses a soft kiss to your knuckles. "Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Y/N."
"Thank you," You say, softly, looking into his eyes. It really does feel like time stops. You can understand why people are hypnotized by him.
Tabitha finally steps in between you two, as Barbara watches the interaction with vague intrigue. He drops your hand with some reluctance. You don't blame him.
"I think you should get going." Tabitha says, firm. The man simply nods.
"Very well. Enjoy your night." He speaks. "Ms. Kean, Ms. Y/N." He bids one last nod of goodbye, before turning on his heel.
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the-fluff-piece · 1 year
Tropetember 11
Modern day restaurant - enemy colleagues to lovers
You work at baratie - for some reason, Sanji hates you.
But when you meet outside of the restaurant, things change
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Sanji looked like a literal popstar: handsome face, great physique. But he was your worst nightmare. He was the collegue that hated your guts.
You salted too much or too little, you weren't fast enough, he even nagged you about how you cut tomatoes for a simple salad. A real ass. He had adored you for a full two minutes before learning that Zeff had hired you to bring innovation to Baratie, pushing Sanji from his throne as the restaurants golden boy.
Every day was a fight against him. Zeff hired you because you graduated top of your class in one of the best schools for gastronomy. Learning from the best had made you confident that you could survive in this kitchen. Both regarding the work and the tough tone, but Sanji got to you.
You were just preparing fish as the hair on you neck raised - Sanji alarm.
As you cut the Filet, you heard a "tssk", already setting you off.
"This is a gourmet restaurant, not a butcher shop" He hissed.
"Oh really? Than why do you act like this was a cheap speed dating event every night, you pervert?" Your little burn earned you a chuckle from the other cooks.
In a second, Sanji was behind you, his hand on yours, grabbing the knife with your hand. In seconds, he had perfectly prepared the filet, the movements of his hands were precise and practiced.
"That's how you do it" He said and swaggered away again.
"I could have done it by myself, you stuck up jerk" you shouted behind him, gesturing with the knife.
"It's a long time until you can dance with the big boys, little girl" He answered as he vanished into the dining area, doubtlessly planning to chat up some poor woman.
Your heart was pounding hard. You would show him. Somehow.
When he first saw her, she looked like any other girl. Cute, pretty. But now, she made his skin crawl. New shooting star at the restaurant? From some fancy school? And Zeff loved her every idea. But Sanji knew her kind - only a great career in mind but no respect for food, no character. No heart. He couldn't respect her as a cook.
But she was good, if he didn't watch out, he'd stay behind. He couldn't deny that she brought exciting ideas and techniques to the table, but he didn't have to openly admit it, either. He had learned his trade the hard way, from Zeff. He would take over the restaurant one day, not her.
He had sworn to himself to never treat a lady badly, but she got to him. Little miss perfect. She was a great cook, she had a quick mouth and a drive that was hard to ignore. He loved their little shit talking duels more than he would want to admit. It was exciting him more than a new lady guest these days.
Zeff tried to keep them separate, to minimise fighting, and for a few busy hours he forgot she was there. Almost. He more than once turned around, having heard adorable little sighs - only to see that they belonged to her.
When it got late and the restaurant emptied, he went outside for a smoke. Enjoying the cool air, having a moment of silence.
"Psspss!" He heard.
Carefully, he peered into the dark alley behind the restaurant. Was that y/n? Did she feed...stray cats?
What a shift. It was a hard job, but it made you proud. Time for a break.
The night before you had seen a group of stray cats in the streets. You took the cuts from the fish and chicken, that would be thrown away, and waited in the alley.
Soon, a big, burly red tabby cat, one eyed and dirty, approached you.
"Psspss!" You held your hand out. The stray came cautiously nearer and sniffed your hand. You put a plate with the leftovers on the pavement in front of him, and after a short inspection he began to eat the scraps.
"Good little tigger!" You scratched his ear carefully. You have decided to call him tigger, like the one from winnie the pooh!
"What's that?" A harsh voice asked. It was Sanji, his chef's attire was unbuttoned and a cigarette smouldered in the corner of his mouth.
Fuck, not that guy!
He took the scene in with scrutiny, no doubt thinking how to report to Zeff that you were feeding vermin behind the restaurant.
"It's not what it looks like!" You tried to defend the situation. "It's...uhm" But you couldn't think of anything.
"You're wrong, lady!" He looked angry, intense.
"His name is Garfield!" Sanji passionately petted the cat.
"Garfield. He likes lasagna." Sanji smiled now, a relaxed, happy smile. To Die for.
"Didn't know you were into stray cats" He said, still running his hand through the cats thick fur.
"They're poor things, I can't ignore them" you said, still unsure what to think.
For a while, you Two just watch the little feline devour his dinner. He snorted and spewed like a little pig,.it made you giggle.
You hadn't expected that a posh guy like Sanji would even touch a dirty stray.
"You know, I've been feeding him, too. He has a few friends as well, but they're shy." He said, looking at you with an new softness in his eyes.
"I gotta say, didn't think you liked animals." He muttered more to himself than you.
"Of course. They need help, so I help them" it was a simple fact. You watched as garfield/ tigger finished his meal and vanished into the night again.
"Well, break is over." You collected the plate and turned to go back into the kitchen.
"Stay a little" Sanji said, his voice sounded genuinely charming, promising that he would make it worth your while.
So you stayed while he smoked.
"You know, when I was small I would cook for the Rats in my parents house" He said, making you chuckle.
"Rats?" You asked, unbelieving.
"Yeah, it's true" He winked at you, suddenly a full gentleman, "vermin in our house."
"Did they like it?" You asked, imagining him cooking little meals.
"They didn't complain" he looked sheepishly at you.
"That sounds so sweet" you said. He laughed.
"Normally, people call it disgusting" he sounded a bit sad.
"Well, I think it's cute. Rats are cute" you stated.
"They are!" He agreed.
A conversation about rat paws ensued, about their little button eyes and how intelligent they where.
When Zeff called you inside from your break, you both returned to the kitchen for cleaning the place up.
When everything was done and it was time to go home, he waited for you.
"Need a lift home?" He asked, standing in front of his car. It was old, used and bruised.
"Why not" you rounded the vehicle and sat in the passenger seat. After cleaning out a bag, empty bottles and some perfume.
"Yeah, sorry about that, didn't think I'd drive a lady home" He said, looking embarrassed.
"I'm used to it. You should see my dad's car - it's full of straw and smells like dog." You said.
"Good man!" He laughed.
The drive home was a bit awkward, you were still getting used to him being nice.
"Sanji, why are you so nice all of a sudden?" You asked.
"There we are" you said as the car pulled into youe road.
"If garfield likes you, you must be OK." He said, as if a cat could explain his sudden change in demeanor. Leaving out the part that his anger had partly been because of the sheer need to kiss her that he couldn't explain. Or his need, right now, to reach over and grab her thigh.
"That's my house" you pointed to a grey apartment building.
"I'll bring you to your door."
And that's it for today because life has a way of happening and I have no time to continue at this point, I am so sorry.
My own little cat needs to go to the vet and I hope it turns out OK 😔
@yeeeeezly @waitingmydemons @stariski @livwritesfics @violetmatcha
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clovenhoofedjester · 5 months
jellicle lineups; part 4/4
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grizabella | 🌃 🥀 🍂
i really wanted to mix revival and older replica for this one. the thigh-high boots, sparkly, tasseled dress, and generally the wig are all revival inspired, but the curly fur stays and the makeup is old because i really do like the very dramatic, gothic grizabella looks. her coat is also heavily 2019 inspired with the length and stripey purple fabric
i also was not sure how i wanted to do her hair other than it covering one eye (SHOUTOUT TO THE FANART I SAW WHICH HAD THAT. I CANNOT REMEMBER THE URL) esp the color so i did a gradient of light grey to dark brown, which i REALLY liked ! it also helped me decide that shed be chocolate smoke instead of a tabby
idk. ijust like her
i very much want to emphasize the "proud" and "indomitable" of her character in my portrayal of her; think betty buckley. i think shed be 61 in human years.
jennyanydots | ⏰ 🧶 👠
HER DESIGN... is very similar to her replica one because.... i really like it. very heavy emphasis in how her makeup is sometimes done with the HUGE lower lashes and squiggles. she also gets a cute little pink nose and blue eyeshadow
very 2019 inspired also. the hat, tasseled jumpsuit and bejeweled tap shoes stay ...... but i did want to give her the vest and collar from 2019. i just like that. shes also fat because yes
she remains sweet and nice yes. but i think warsaw was onto something when they made her Like That. shed be 56 in human years
jellylorum | 🎨 💐 👒
i ORIGINALLY drew her design a month and a half ago with the headcanon that shes gus' caretaker but bro. that jellylorum & asparagus jr. & gus family angst potential was too great. so i redid her as looking closer to gus. :3
idk why but i decided to go with a 1940s inspired formal look for her.... i quite like the hat and think it helps her to stand out, so i'm comfortable in that decision. her fur design is also mostly replica inspired. enjoy her neapolitan ice cream makeup too
she also gets a pink nose and her collar from the 2019 version. idk why the collars went so hard in that movie
i LOVE one of her 3 words being practical... yes, she is THE practical cat. i think shed be 59 in human years
bustopher jones | 🌹 🤍 🍛
VERY replica inspired.... with notes of other productions. opera populaire had full glasses bustopher which i liked. an older makeup look also had stripes which i also thought looked nice (and makes him look more related to mistoffelees) ! there are also multiple bustopher designs that have the moustache and beard 2 for 1 dealio..... and decided to incorporate that as well
he also gets the fishbone hanky crevat thing and a fishbone brooch. i almost made his rose white but i liked the contrast of the red. enough that i decided to give him lipstick too . and youd best believe that he has a giant fucking pipe that he smokes out of
i love the idea of him being the older generations' tugger in his time. i believe it. i think hed be like 55 in human years
skimbleshanks | 🚂 🎆 ⏳
I COULDNT RESIST BASING HIM OF THE MOVVIEEEEEE im not sorry that was peak skimble. the whistle and chains, the MATCHING conductor hat and pants, the moustache, the tap shoes..... truly, it was too good. my only regret was that i couldnt show the suspenders in this design because i wanted to keep the vest
i did keep the makeup/fur pattern very similar to his replica design though. idk. its just good. emphasis on the brown in his tail, the brown of his clothes, and the bell
anyone else get handsome gay silver fox vibes from him? anyway [being rushed out the door] i think hed be 56 in human years
asparagus jr. | 🧷 🎲 ⛲
lets go babey asparagus jr. inclusion ! i Really struggled with the clothes because i wanted to include the weird yarn poncho but didnt want to make him look hippyish (hippies are cool it just wasnt the vibe i was going for).... so it is reincarnated as this strange tassel-y scarf shawl thing. idk
he also gets a collar similar to jellylorum's because i like the idea of them living in the same house :^3. his makeup is also pretty different from how it appeared in the 98 version because i wasnt really feeling it. i like stripes. so stripes he shall get
hes also wearing a corset thing. idk what my propensity for designing men with a slightly feminine touch says about me (IM A FEMININE QUEER MAN)
not much notes on his personality other than i think he really looks up to his father (enough that he took on his more dignified name). hed be 57 in human years
gus | 📖 🌌 🔭
MUH OLD MAN... i love him. very much based on a bunch of different replica designs for him. he gets a beard and sideburns because i think i really do love the costumes w facial hair, and i think it just fits. he also gets glasses
he gets the coat and handkerchief (now a scarf) that typically hides the growltiger costume... which has a crisp formal outfit underneath. maybe he takes the coat off during his number to signify having moments of clarity and humor during his song
i do think in my interpretation hes well enough to joke around during his number and play the rumpus cat but like. damn you can tell this cat is old. hed be like 93 in human years
old deuteronomy | 🌕 🍮 ⭐
i have fully abandoned replica deut. say hello to haute couture resplendent transgender old deuteronomy. fit with a gigantic white coat, velvet dress, and gigantic fluffy hat. and yes, she did have 99 wives
she also gets the pendant that she was drawn with in the concept art for the 2d animated movie.... what was up w/ that....
ANYWAY YEAH UH. shes very different from the replica deut and other nonrep deuts mostly thanks to judi dench, with her saying that her version of deut was a transgender woman, and her complaining about not looking regal enough in the movie. here you go girly. the nose freckles/dots from some replica makeup get to stay though
she gets a lot of design notes from her children. the grey from munkustrap, macavitys white eyelashes, eye and mouth makeup, and tuggers cheek heart. shes also a light grey to kind of reflect her appearance in 2019
not much to add here other than i love her. i think she would be 88 in human years
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reallypleasanttree · 4 months
I need a one shot of Obani x Misturi! I want to see the struggles of them as parents! Probably add Planned Pregnancy and Angst/Fluff!
Do you even do requests? I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you! I just really need it!😞
No worries! I’m open to hearing requests, but it depends on the individual prompt. I actually have a WIP related to this prompt I'll share. It's mostly modern domestic fluff. ☺️ Hopefully, it fits the vibe you want. Please enjoy!
The morning light cast shadows over his wife’s face. Her eyes were shut, lost in a dream. He ran his hand over her long hair, making her sigh. His eyes traveled from her face to her swollen stomach. He loved seeing her pregnant. It was the first dream she had told him when they became friends telling one another their hopes for the future. She wanted a large family with three kids at least. At the time, he had been under the impression they were only friends despite his growing feelings for her. She was someone who deserved the world and then more. 
He had little to offer her. His family was filthy. Full of criminals, murderers, thieves, and occult members, sacrificing their newborns for rituals. Their goddess was a snake woman. From paintings she was half snake with a human torso and face. Her golden eyes haunted his childhood dreams. Two golden eyes shimmering in the darkness, her tail dragging across the wood floor. 
He would have been a sacrifice if he didn’t have one golden eye just as their goddess was depicted. They revered him and decided to wait to sacrifice him to their deity. When he was seven years old the cult was discovered and his family was taken into custody. He on the other side was put into foster care. 
Mitsuri rolled over and bent her legs up. Obanai turned with her and wrapped one arm around her. His hand rested over her stomach. Her skin was smooth from all the creams and lotions she used to help prevent stretch marks. It still stunned him thinking they would be holding a baby in four months. The upcoming scan would reveal if they were having a boy or girl. He did not care what gender they were. He only wanted them to be healthy in body and mind. Their baby would have a loving mother and a father who would try his best. 
For whatever reason Mitsuri picked him. He held her a moment longer before sitting up. He went down to the kitchen with two cats trailing after him. A pair of red tabby brothers Mitsuri named Matcha and Chai. He still confused them despite living with them for three years now. Obanai grabbed their food and poured it into bowls. He set them down on the mat and cats raced over. 
He started breakfast. Pancakes were always in demand. The first time Mitsuri stayed over she started chanting pancakes when he asked her what she wanted for breakfast. He had no idea then that it would become a tradition. Every Saturday morning he would cut up fruit, mix the batter, and deliver them to her while she was still in bed. 
Once he had two plates piled high he set them on a serving tray. Syrup, fruit, butter, chocolate chips, and everything in between. Mitsuri’s appetite had always been large. He had been worried before they found out she was pregnant. Her appetite became nonexistent for a week. He thought it was the flu since he had it the week before. They took her to the doctor when she couldn’t hold anything down when she did eat. 
The doctor was the first to mention the possibility of pregnancy. He and Mitsuri looked at each other and he facepalmed. Why hadn’t they thought of it? A blood test confirmed it and she was given medication to help with her morning sickness. They had been trying for a month. He never expected it would happen so quickly. 
Obanai sighed and picked up the serving tray. He walked back into their bedroom and set the tray down on Mitsuri’s nightstand. Sitting down on the side of the bed, he gently rubbed her shoulder. 
“I know you’re awake, Mitsuri,” he said. Her sense of smell heightened with her pregnancy and there was no way she would miss the smell of vanilla and fresh pancakes. Mitsuri smiled and opened her eyes. He leaned down to kiss her forehead before grabbing the tray to place over her. She sat up with her back resting against three pillows to prop herself up. 
“It smells so good,” she said, picking up silverware and cutting into the pile of pancakes. Obanai grabbed a strawberry to eat. He glanced at the foot of the bed and saw her wiggling her feet under the blankets in her own version of a happy dance as she ate. 
“Hey, so I was thinking about baby names. What do you think about Sora?” she asked. 
“No, I knew a kid in high school named Sora and he was insufferable,” Obanai answered, shaking his head. Mitsuri pouted. 
“You’ve said that about every name I suggested, so what names have you come up with?” Mitsuri asked. 
“Hikari for a girl. Riku for a boy,” he answered immediately. Mitsuri took a second to register the information. 
“Those were my grandparents’ names,” she whispered. Her bottom lip trembled. They passed away in the past three years and Mitsuri felt their loss deeply. 
“They were the first ones to welcome me into your family. I want to honor them,” Obanai explained. Her green eyes blinked rapidly, trying to prevent herself from crying. “If you don’t like the idea-”
“No, I love it,” Mitsuri interrupted him. She tried to reach for a tissue, but if she turned then her belly would tip over the serving tray. Obanai grabbed a tissue and handed it to his wife. She dabbed her eyes. Obanai ate another strawberry and rubbed her leg in quiet comfort.
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