#It isn't just Wolfstar and James and Peter as side characters
mrsfrecklesmarauders · 8 months
Remus realized then that he had fallen in love with the three boys. His boys. The Marauders.
Remus loved James and his happiness. He loved the way he brought light into this world without any effort. His bright smile. The amount of love he had for others. Remus loved the way he felt special when he was with James. How he could easily forget about his problems or think he was invincible next to James. It was an honor to be his friend, to be called one of his boys. To be included into his plans and mischief.
Remus loved Peter's silent understanding. The way Peter was genuinely amazing without even realizing. He was actually funny without trying. Remus felt heard with Peter. He was a really good friend. He knew things, he noticed things, he understood. He didn't question things. He was good listening and good giving a little piece of advice. It was comforting to have him around. Remus liked his presence, his soft smile and intense blue eyes that knew it all. Remus felt warm when he hugged Peter.
And there was Sirius. The love Remus felt for Sirius was different. It included a desire not only physical but also of a certain type of closeness he wanted only with him. Remus had loved Sirius since forever. He stored that boy in his heart like a precious diamond. Sirius made him feel many things that included butterflies on his belly, adrenaline through his body, and joy to see him smile. Remus craved for his lips and his touch. But also learn all his secrets. The intimate act of knowing him more than anyone in the world. Remus wanted to belong with Sirius and Sirius to belong with him. Remus loved his charm, his sense of justice, his rebellious side. He was thrill to explore new things and get to discover new places. Sirius was the boy of his dreams, the love of his life. Remus loved him differently (romantically) but it didn't mean it was more or less intense than the way he loved the others.
Remus had learn what real friendship looked like with these boys. He had discovered what a true family looked like. Nobody had accepted him so easily, took care of him so easily and loved him so easily without wanting anything in exchange. What was he supposed to do with that? Becoming part of The Marauders had been like falling in love. Remus loved his friends more than anyone else in the world. And now that he was part of something like this, the Marauders family, he never wanted to get out. He didn't want this love to end.
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Thinking about James/Remus and seriously questioning why it's not a thing cause
1) the whole sun/moon lore I was talking about earlier
2) their shipname would be somn like "moonchaser" or "sunreader" or somn
3) it fits right into the running gag that James has a thing for people being mean to him
4) imagine all the possible angst mhmm mhmm Remus pining over James, finding out he likes his best friend, finding out she likes him back, losing him again and again ooooohhhhh just
5) but they're also perfect cause all Remus ever needs is to be loved and all James knows is to love someone else
6) ok but leave the angst, focus on the fluff. The possibilities omg friends to lovers just this time (minus all the usual angst that comes in wolfstar) and they're both just dumb oblivious idiots in love and it's so cute
7) thinking about all of this now I think what you said is right, people don't ship Remus with anyone other than Sirius but I think that's cause Sirius actually doesn't have many ships left then? Cause think about it like this: Sunreader, Bartylus, Marylily, Evan and Emmeline, Panda and Xeno, where does that leave Sirius? Sure Pete is there but...
8) ooooh ok going down this pipeline, for your consideration: Peter and Sirius. Omg it would make the "Sirius put in trial instead of Peter" thing sooooo much more ansgty ohhoo my brain is reeling rn
9) ok focusing back on moonchaser. They would make such a cute couple honestly. James would read all the books Remus reads and leaves lil doodles for him to find later. He would go to all the quidditch practices he can to support his bf. And he would right poetry and stuff about how hot James is.
10) ohhh They would share glasses omggg poor Remus grows up thinking everyone has shit vision then one day he wears James's as a joke and voila the world in HD
I'm so ngl, your influence on my brain has become on the best influences it has ever had cause omg all this potential all this angst and fluff I love this new me mhmm mhmm
hsirbdij omggggg I love this sm!!! thank you for sharing your brain with me.
sunreader sounds so gorgeous. I'm going insane. I love love LOVE the name!
1) yeah are literally the sun and the moon! they are perfect!
3) lmao. so true. I love the idea of remus being super sarcastic towards james and james swoons at every mean comment and tries very hard not to (he fails miserably)
4) urghhhhh not the unrequited feelings while having to be a supportive bestie trope (my beloved). I can imagine how mad it drives remus to watch them like each other, but being to scared to admit it. imagine the heartbreak when remus sees harry alias the combination of his parents
5) yesss. remus needs someone to love him even through all of his flaws, someone who isn't his parents and james who is literally the embodiment of love
6) "everyone can see it, but them" trope fr. it's them idfk
7) you make a fair point, but there are sooooooo many characters living in the marauders characters that no one ever uses. you could ship sirius with so many characters that no one ever talks abt (I'm currently working on a post with all the characters that I could find so that they're all in one place)
8) peter and sirius my loves <3 no one talks about them (me included whoops-). they have such a big angst potential that people just seem to be ignoring (once again bc most people refuse to leave the wolfstar bubble and just refuse to ship peter with anyone in general)
9) they would be the definition of tooth rotting fluff. they would make everyone sick with how sweet they are. couple goals fr
10) remus is me fr. the day I got my glasses was eye-opening lmao
glad to see that I have this kind of effect on people. I said it to you before but I'll say it again: welcome to the way more funnier side of being a multishipper hehehehe
also: I think I'm in love with you. marry pls, I'm begging 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 (/j... unless)
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wolves-and-stars · 10 days
(A list of the the best famous AU fics, including youtube, musician/band, and acting)
1. Sex Pistols by ArtificialAorta (ffnet) 86k
I love this fic, it was on my last list too, remus is the lead singer and gutarist for the punk rock band belladonna, and he meets the lead singer of the pop band maraders, sirius black, at a press tour.
The music the author mentions in the fic is so good, it really helps you get immeresed in the scene they mention the song for.
2. Stalking Sirius by remuslives23 (ao3) 36k
Journalist remus lupin finds out a secret about sirius black, the lead singer of the band marauders, and uses it as leverage to gain an interview with the ever mysterious and elusive singer.
3. Whatever Words I Say by orphan_account (ao3) 23k
Remus Lupin is hired by lily evans and her PR company to babysit sirius black, the lead singer of her husband's band, the marauders, after the latest media frenzy cause by Sirius' cavalier attitude. Remus realises maybe sirius doesn't act out because of any of the expected reasons.
4. Never Above You, Never Below by orphan_account (ao3) 5k
Sirius just wants to shop at tesco in peace when a young boy recongnises him and drags out his father, remus lupin. It would annoy sirius, except the guy is kind of cute. (Actor! Sirius, Single dad! Remus) starring baby teddy.
5. Addicted To The Magic by orphan_account (ao3) 14k
Remus runs into a stranger on the tube and gets swept up in a whirlwind romance, except he doesnt know what the starnger does or really anything about him. Maybe he'll find out at the party sirius' invites him to?
Side pairing of james and lily, but isn't boring like all the other ones, they actually have personalities other than being the boring hetero couple.
6. Forever Is a State of Mind by orphan_account (ao3) 25k
Remus lupin is runs a dance youtube channel, where he posts choreographies with his son teddy. He's also deaf and people find it hard to understand how someone who can't hear music could love to dance so much, people like rita skeeter who hires snape as a terp for a new paper article she wants to write about him. Except sanpe is the kind of terp that only signs SLS, remus runs into james, CODA, who helps him out. He also happens to introduce him to sirius black his best mate who is a MUA youtuber, with a decent amount of followers.
With a side pairing of polyamorous james/lily/regulus raising harry together. (Y'all dont understand this fic made me jump in the jegulus train way back in 2016, and ive been patiently waiting for all of you to catch up)
7. real life has no appeal by orphan_account (ao3) 7k
Sirius, james and peter have a channel where they break into places overnight, trying to escape getting caught. James starts dating lily, who happens to be remus' roomate. Remus has his own channel, less break-in, more artsy. Sirius happens to text remus. They happen to fall for each other.
8. Wizard beat by eprime
Sirius black is remus lupins biggest fan, their new roomate john finds his passion for the singer very annoying. Sirius finds his new roomate annoying, or does he?
9. The Prom Date by xivz (ao3) 48k
Remus Lupin does something very out of character, he sends a promposal video to Sirius Black, the very famous singer/actor/model who hes had a crush on for wuite some time.
Siruius Black happes to accept his request. And is determined to break the rules of their contract by relentlessly pursuing him.
10. The tell-all end-all with Sirius Black by wolvesandstars 1.5k
This one is by me, sorry about the shameless plus, i really wanted the list to have 10 in them.
Give it a try, its about how the paps speculate about sirius blacks mystery boyfriend and all the conspiracies surrounding him and his ex-best friend and ex-roomate remus lupin.
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neverenoughmarauders · 5 months
HP canon debater & canon fanfics writer
I am going to be off tumblr until October 1st! Absolutely feel free to send asks or whatever just don’t expect a reply any time soon <3
I am in my 30s, genderfluid - she/they - Scandinavian, but live in the UK, relatively new to Tumblr and a long COVIDer/POTSer!
On this blog, I am a canon-compliant Marauder fanfic writer - who likes to discuss the canon - and I am currently working on a long fic from 1971-1981 called: When we were up to no good.
More about my ambition below, but long story short - I just want a LONG fic that's not Wolfstar, that's a faithful interpretation of the canon, and which tbh isn't overly about sex or the usual fanon stuff. It's just four great friends; an 'enemies-to-lovers' love story; a war and a betrayal.
I mostly ship canon (especially Hinny, Romione, Jily) because I am boring, but I adore Prongsfoot and Sebinis, and I’m not anti most non-canon ships if they are true to their canon characterisation.
I will argue and discuss the canon with anyone who's interested. If you don't care about the canon, fine, but you and I probably won't enjoy each other's posts very much.
I don’t support JKR’s views (Read: I AM EXTREMELY ANTI HER VIEWS). I regularly question whether I should just abandon the fandom because of her (I have stayed away in the past), but then again, I discovered a lot about my own gender fluidity through the fandom, so it’s all very complicated.
I started writing When we were up to no good because I wanted to write a story where:
Sirius and James are best friends, inseparable and extremely talented
Remus and James have a solid friendship; not just Remus and Sirius
While Sirius and Peter take a bit of time to become close, Sirius ends up closer to Peter than Remus (at the latest) by the later stages of the war.
Peter is very much part of the Marauders, and there’s nothing obvious (to Sirius and James) to suggest he does a 180. Nevertheless, as readers who know what happens, we can see the small stuff that lays the foundation for the betrayal
James and Sirius are bullies! This isn’t a story trying to ignore their bad sides
Remus’ personality is affected by his lycanthropy - he has three great friends and that’s it: James, Sirius and Peter. He does not stand up to his friends (much) as he cannot afford to lose them
Lily struggles to adjust to the wizarding world given her blood status and she struggles with her friendship with Snape. She loves him so much but she’s not blind to his friends and the path he’s being led down
James and Lily have arcs that both make us understand why she disliked James so much, but also understand how the two are rather similar in their own way. The relationship, when it happens, should feel solid and lasting.
James does not go around declaring his love for Lily at every opportunity. It doesn’t fit with the canon
Not every OOTP member are in the same year as the Marauders. In my story, Marlene is 10 years older (and Molly’s best friend), Frank and Gideon are 6 years older; Alice and Fabian are 5 years older; and Dorcas is long gone from school etc.
Frank and Alice starts dating after Hogwarts (not everyone has to start dating at school)
There's lots of (hopefully canon-compliant) plot and character development. And it’s a long story! I want to make justice to their story and not rush it (but I don't want it to feel dragged out)
There is as much fun and fluff and comfort and hurt as I can get away with while feeling I can call it canon-compliant
There are plenty of Easter eggs and things we know happened in the canon, such as: Bertha Jorkins as a source of Hogwarts gossip; the Whomping Willow becoming off-limit, the newly built abandoned Hogsmeade house slowly becoming known as the Shrieking Shack, Mundungus Fletcher finding himself banned from the Hogs Head ca 1975; the 1974 World Cup and more.
That’s the ambition. I’m not by any means an experienced writer and I’m learning as I go. If this is something that interests you, then cool! Absolutely engage as much or little as you’d like with the story! I love geeking out over canon and writing!
I post extracts on here quite often! You might call it self-promotion - I call it oversharing - something I do in all aspects of my life! 😂
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atlasdoe · 1 year
hello, i am bored. here are some unpopular opinions that may very well get me cancelled if i posted this on tiktok
do not read if you know youre going to get mad if i say something you disagree with
the over feminisation and over-aggressive characterisations of sirius and remus are so left field it makes my eye twitch. like if you wanna write them like that then fine but don't tell me that one scene of sirius wearing something nice and one scene of remus throwing harry up a wall (while he's in the middle of like a twenty year war with all of his friends dead mind you) means that they were as people are interpreting them in cannon
the fandom isn't misogynistic. you just want everyone to care about the same characters the way you do despite the fact that very little of them (especially the girls really besides lily and the black sisters) have any character/story to care about to begin with
on that same note, it is not wolfstar and jegulus' shippers job to write dorlene and marylily fics. there are over 6000 fics tagged under dorlene and over 2000 for marylily which is really impressive and a really big number for ships containing two people who don't have any connection to one another
we cannot blame every death on dumbledore. dumbledore was manipulative and not a very good person but he wasn't out here deliberately getting all the people on his side killed
this fandom is obsessed with tragedy so much that tragedy has now become repetitive and boring. i love a good sad story but what is the point in taking every single character and making them live the worst life possible. its like yall are only capable in caring for a character if they have literally the worst ending ever
the marauders weren't child soldiers. They were young but they weren't children.
on the same note just because barty, evan and peter (and any other death eater) was young does not excuse them of their actions. I'm 20 and I know that i wouldn't betray all of my friends or help torture new parents into insanity
deciding that pandora somehow had to be a part of a death eater family was the worst thing this fandom did to her character
it pisses me off when the fandom will bend over backwards to try to connect the same 12 characters to every headcannon imaginable when there are so many other characters that you could use
despite this tho i hate the whole "ravenpuff" thing. As someone who actually cares about Emmeline, Edgar, Fabian, Gideon, Amelia, Benjy, Caradoc and all of that it annoys me to no end when the only time people post about them is to shove them all into the two least cared about houses and decides that they were all friends while giving them the most uncreative name out there. if you dont care about them then dont post about them
marlene is the most overrated character in the fandom
james and marlene being childhood best friends is my least favourite headcannon
mary obliviating herself is the worst headcannon
remus lupin is a bottom
sirius black is tall
marlene being in ravenclaw > marlene being in gryffindor
this fandom really needs to remember that barty and evan were villains. if you like them then that's completely fine but stop trying to make them secretly good
i can only ship sirius with remus but i can ship remus with literally anyone (so long as they are actually his age or older. for some reason i cant ship remus with people who are over a year younger then him)
i dont think its fair to say that if you like regulus then you cant shit on snape stans but it is utterly unfair to stan barty and evan but shit on snape stans
fancasting and commenting on normal peoples tiktoks is stupid and embarrassing. we are HATED by other fandoms and is it because we are unable to stay in our lane. stop getting into other peoples buisness by commenting "REMUS LUPIN" under a Spiderman edit
james would not have stopped talking to sirius after the prank. He'd be mad at him and he'd tell him off but he wouldn't stop talking to him. If James had to pick between Sirius and anyone he's picking Sirius
on that note i think the only people who weren't talking to sirius after the prank was remus and lily. mostly because i dont think anyone other then the marauders and lily would even have known that remus was a werewolf at the time
ALSO evan, barty and regulus would not befriend remus after the prank. firstly they wouldnt care and even if they did they would be more likely to abuse the fact that they know about him being a werewolf
im sick of seeing people try to shame others for shipping wolfstar but not marylily because "theyre the same ship." theyre literally not. just because YOU hc mary and lily to have a similar dynamic as remus and sirius doesnt mean that theyre the same and doesnt mean that everyone else should think so to. Same with literally every other ship that gets compared to another based on headcannons
this is getting really long so imma leave it there
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acewitch-writes · 9 months
Hey! I'm actually the same as the last anon, Lol. Older shipper from the 2000s coming back and being unable to recognize the characters i loved in fics until I found your works.
I guess teenwolf and twilight really changed the general perception of werewolves in the younger fandom. Bc it was portrayed as a chronic illness, accompanied by chronic pain and side effects, not a personality in POA. As much as I am not a fan of the way Remus is portrayed in canon from HBP and on, I can see a grieving man under social pressure making horrible choices (and being written poorly). How did we get from a person who described himself as following James and Sirius and being unable to rule them in as a prefect, not as brilliant as them and just happy they were his friends, to alpha-boss-masc dude??? I loved my chronicly-ill, people pleaser and self-hating Remus. I don't recognize that generic oc who is discriminated against for having superpowers.
Same for Sirius. He is a stereotypical bad boy, motorcycle and leather jacket included. He was described as tall and large sooooo many times. He's textbook anti-authoritarian, especially considering that the motorcycle is illegal muggle tech and that he's literally run away from his abusive wizard-supremist family. He's described as brilliant by McGonagall even when she thinks he is a is a mass murderer. He's so self-assured that he held his sense of self for 12 years in Azkaban and broke out to save Harry from Peter. He's not perfect, but he isn't stupid, or simpring, or that manic pixie dream boy.
I missed wolfstar that showed that the broken bits they had matched, that they knew each other's ugly bits, and cared for each other anyway. Hell, even the parts where they suspected each other and didn't trust each other. Reading your writings helped me find that back, and I'm so grateful for it. Wolfstar was my first ship as a little baby shipper when POA came out.
Hi Anon! Thank you for coming back, you are SPOT ON. I have dedicated my blog to spreading the gospel of Canon Remus so that he may someday return to us (and hopefully he'll bring Canon Sirius back with him!)
It's always a relief to hear that I'm not the only one that feels this way. The Marauders fandom felt very lonely when I thought I was alone in my distaste for Fanon Remus.
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annabellelupin · 1 year
thoughts I've had while re reading poa as a marauders fan, part one (chapters 1 - 4)
(id just like to point out this is my first time reading the books since middle school and first time I've read the books since I became a marauders fan in 2020)
chapter 1
- ok so ye the Weasleys are really poor, but if they're "extremely poor" you'd figure they'd use their money for something other than a vacation
-I forgot sweet little hedwig existed djdjdjdkdjd
-someone please eat the rat
-let the future cat have him pleaseeeee
-why did I start to dislike hermione so much again??? maybe it's just movie hermione I hate and I can't remember the differences between the two
chapter 2
-why are most of the antagonistic characters portrayed as fat and why is the fact that dudley is obese brought up so many fucking times like that seems pretty fat phobic of you Rowling
- when actually reading and thinking about the Harry potter books and movies I imagine the actor that played sirius and not the fanart marauders sirius I'm more used to, and apparently his hair is depicted as elbow length in the books not shoulder length WE WERE ROBBED. could have had long haired sirius with a bun in ootp
- also I swear marauders Era Sirius and golden trio era Sirius (so canon and fanon sirius) are two completely different people in my mind
- also forgot "muggle" news talked about sirius
-just finished the chapter and seriously he is so sassy (guess that's what you get when you're Sirius and marlenes godson, and James and Lily's actual son)
- also I really fucking hate how much mental abuse is glazed over here like????
- it happens every summer and he's forced to return to his abusers like wtf
- this is why I don't like Dumbledore very much
chapter 3
-forgot padfoot wasn't like an actual dog sized dog
-lowkey forgot about padfoot in general ngl
-bro harry are your really throwing precious and innocent Neville under the bus rn come on dude seriously
-ok like when they mention Sirius I can't help to think of the dramatic, gay, Remus obsessed Sirius from all of the wolfstar text posts I've read
-also the fact they have to clarify what a gun is in the wizard news is wow
-same with Ron not knowing how to use a phone
-no wonder these people keep having Wizarding wars and unstable teachers at their schools
- love how this 13 year old kid is panicking over the possibility of going to wizard prison for breaking one rule
-also side note the more I read the more I feel like Daniel Radcliffe portrayed him super well
- hedwig supremacy
- "ur the literal wizard president" "yea but I'm not ur guardian dumbass I can't sign ur permission slip what in hell is this"
- why is reading stans parts so fucking hard
chapter 4
- ah Florean Fortescue the one genuinely nice adult in these books (isn't he like Alice's dad or something?) I just remembered her last name is actually more or less a headcanon uhhh that's fun
- the Irish quidditch team are actually mentioned along with the quidditch world cup even Harry's checkin out the firebolt
- coincidence that Dean and Seamus are mentioned at the same time? I think not
- seriously jkr why do you keep giving kids abusive gaurdians and acting like it's nothing (talking about Neville and his grandmother)
- "...Ron looking incredibly freckly, Hermione very brown..." (pg 55 in my book). when first reading this part years ago I registered it as Hermione was black/poc and not that she was just tan from the sun lmao
- I swear crookshanks was James' old cat and that's why he hated peter
- also Percy wow this why you don't befriend stray rats man
- the things this rat has seen go on in Percy's and Oliver's dorm room....
- still probably not as bad sharing a dorm with Remus and Sirius tho
- I love the twins sense of humor
- but guys stop messing with my precious baby Percy he's just- an autistic overachiever doing his best guys
- ..."he lost everything..." Yes Sirius did in fact lose almost everything Arthur but not bc what you think happened dude
- "he's safe with Dumbledore-" yea fucking right /sar
- "stationniong soul sucking demons around a school is such a good idea hehehehe" /sar
- literally there's no fucking way McGonagall thought Sirius did it- literally fucking refuse to believe that she did
going to start another post for chapter 5 bc oh boy it's going to be long
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myarmsaretoolong · 6 months
20 questions (for fanfic writers)
cheers for the tag @sarah-sandwich <3
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
mcu but mostly just irondad, though i stopped writing that for a bit when a small (large) marauders obsession hit so now i write both depending on the fic im working on. also taken a side step into parkner recently
4. top five fics by kudos:
A Different Future - peter snaps one-shot
Futures are Made to be Broken - more in depth follow up to peter snaps one shot
The Best Day of Harley's Life (and the worst of Peter's) - classic field trip fic only harley is like the tourguide and makes it his mission to ruin peter's day. not actually parkner but for sure the beginning of my growing love for harley
Not my First Time - part of webpril challenge one-shot, tony and peter are stuck under a building, conversation ensue
Where Do You Think You're Going - urrrmmmm good question. its a whumptober one-shot so peter must get beat up. pretty sure its by quentin beck and his drones, lets assume tony finds him and saves the day (its less than 2000 words i could read it and find out but im lazy)
5. do you respond to comments?
i do my best!
6. what is the fic your wrote with the angstiest ending?
ermmm *checks notes* Is This It? springs to mind first. you know the deleted scene of tony snapping and seeing morgan? well in this one he sees peter, only peter is a good few years older and has sorted his life out a bit. its sad obvi, but also kind of happy? the end lines are sad sad though :( so either that or 01/11/81 (if you're a marauders fan you already know that date) which basically very closely follows remus throughout the entire day after james and lily are killed etc. its very angsty all the way through, mary is a sweetheart, and at the end he's left all alone...
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most tbh. im going to say Past, Present, Yet to Come because that's my baby. (peter is the ghost of christmas present, tony is scrooge, only its like the ryan reynolds film spirited, very good)
8. do you get hate on fics?
nope! (and please dont :) )
9. do you write smut?
10. craziest crossover:
well ive only ever written one and it was mcu/glee and there's a reason i never finished it (nor am linking it [insert skull emoji])
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that ive noticed
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope! im a solitary kinda guy
14. all time favourite ship?
what a question... wolfstar is a classic, ineffable husbands are precious to me, doctor/rose is nostalgic... i can't pick favourites
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
besides all of them? all of them.
no but really there are so many and i have this problem of thinking of idea -> getting excited -> writing beginning -> not knowing where to take it -> get excited by new idea -> repeat. im working on it though and do genuinely plan to finish them all
16. what are your writing strengths?
yknow i honestly think my general writing is at a pretty good level. defo room for improvement but there always it, int there? id say that's a general strength, but specifically i think im goooood at making things angsty. and i love doing it so win win
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
well... finishing anything. plotting out full stories is a big problem. (though ive recently started a notebook for random ideas for fics and its helping) um... tbh i can struggle with everything from time to time. i think getting characters voices right can be hard cos i often find people saying things they would never say and having to go back and and put them straight. er,,, action can be next to impossible if The Vision isn't there.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i dont have many. if its a language i cant read i just skim past and sometimes read an end note translation but if there's too much im just going to go with the flow
19. first fandom you wrote in?
20. favourite fic you've written?
again, Past, Present, Yet to Come is my babygirl. love him to pieces. can i say fics ive not finished yet? because parkner hunger games au and marauders doccy who are fire and one day will see the light of day (and get names)
tagging @winter-turtle @helloliriels erm ive forgotten everyone who has ever existed... @ anyone who i followed in the boopening who writes and @ anyone who just wants to (no pressure at all obvi)
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sophsicle · 2 years
One reason I’ve never shipped Sirius and Remus together is because I don’t understand how you can love someone and yet believe FOR THIRTEEN YEARS that they are a mass murderer who caused the death of one best friend and killed the other. Like? What? I get that it could be argued the same for Sirius and the others thinking Remus is the spy, but I think that is more understandable considering the fact that the war was at its worst then and everyone was super paranoid and suspicious of even themselves. I also really think that they would’ve realized they were wrong given time. But Remus spent thirteen years post war still believing Sirius was the traitor and he never even bothered to see him in Azkaban or ask for his side of the story. That’s not love. James never would’ve done that to Sirius. So, yeah, Remus can have Tonks. Wolfstar makes no sense.
Hello lovely! To be honest, Wolfstar or no Wolfstar, Remus thinking Sirius betrayed James makes no sense to me and mostly I think it's just JKR writing relationships poorly for the sake of covering up plot holes. But that's a slight digression. Wolfstar, as a ship that isn't canon, automatically requires some adjustments to be made to how we interpret the story in order to make it make sense. Canonically we are lead to believe that Remus fully buys into the idea that Sirius betrayed James and Lily and killed Peter. However, I personally think that Remus is incredibly isolated and vulnerable when the first war ends. He doesn't seem to have any family, he's just lost all his friends, and he's a werewolf. I think everyone around him believes that Sirius is guilty and Remus has very little power to convince them otherwise. I also think he has just a sliver of doubt caused by the war, about how trustworthy Sirius is. And I think there are people, aka Dumbledore, whose plans are served by keeping Sirius away from Harry, and who know all of Remus's vulnerabilities and are able to manipulate and gaslight him. And the more time that passes, the harder it is for Remus to believe himself over everyone else. The way that I interpret the story, Remus never really believes that Sirius did it. But he's not strong enough at the end of the first war to fight back against all the forces telling him he's wrong. That reading, for me, fits into canon pretty well while still allowing for Remus to be in love with Sirius. Do I think it is what JKR intended? No. But Wolfstar isn't what she intended so arguing about the original intent of the text seems kinda pointless to me. If we cared about the intent of the text there would be no fanfiction (also I could not give less shits about what JKR wanted). That being said, you totally don't have to ship Wolfstar, that is fully a personal preference, but I think there are lots of ways to interpret this story and these characters to make them work if you want them to :)
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