#I hate when Remus is annoyed or embarrassed by his friends in fics
mrsfrecklesmarauders · 8 months
Remus realized then that he had fallen in love with the three boys. His boys. The Marauders.
Remus loved James and his happiness. He loved the way he brought light into this world without any effort. His bright smile. The amount of love he had for others. Remus loved the way he felt special when he was with James. How he could easily forget about his problems or think he was invincible next to James. It was an honor to be his friend, to be called one of his boys. To be included into his plans and mischief.
Remus loved Peter's silent understanding. The way Peter was genuinely amazing without even realizing. He was actually funny without trying. Remus felt heard with Peter. He was a really good friend. He knew things, he noticed things, he understood. He didn't question things. He was good listening and good giving a little piece of advice. It was comforting to have him around. Remus liked his presence, his soft smile and intense blue eyes that knew it all. Remus felt warm when he hugged Peter.
And there was Sirius. The love Remus felt for Sirius was different. It included a desire not only physical but also of a certain type of closeness he wanted only with him. Remus had loved Sirius since forever. He stored that boy in his heart like a precious diamond. Sirius made him feel many things that included butterflies on his belly, adrenaline through his body, and joy to see him smile. Remus craved for his lips and his touch. But also learn all his secrets. The intimate act of knowing him more than anyone in the world. Remus wanted to belong with Sirius and Sirius to belong with him. Remus loved his charm, his sense of justice, his rebellious side. He was thrill to explore new things and get to discover new places. Sirius was the boy of his dreams, the love of his life. Remus loved him differently (romantically) but it didn't mean it was more or less intense than the way he loved the others.
Remus had learn what real friendship looked like with these boys. He had discovered what a true family looked like. Nobody had accepted him so easily, took care of him so easily and loved him so easily without wanting anything in exchange. What was he supposed to do with that? Becoming part of The Marauders had been like falling in love. Remus loved his friends more than anyone else in the world. And now that he was part of something like this, the Marauders family, he never wanted to get out. He didn't want this love to end.
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lovely-peace · 5 months
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Summary: The marauders are popular in school, sure. But that doesn't mean that they are really nice. In the end you are just living the basic high-school experience.
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Gryffindor!reader
Warnings: Low self esteem, past bullying?, This is no bully! Marauders fic!!
Part 2 Part 3
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"You four back there, pull yourselves together now or I'll break you up!"
James' laughter could be heard all the way to the front, to my ears, along with the giggling of the girls next to me.
Great. So I must have been wrong again.
Professor McGonagall was now looking at me, teachingly. "To get back on topic. You have the right idea, but it's not quite that simple. To transform a body, it is of great importance…"
"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad. You weren't that far off the mark." Lily tried to comfort me. That was easy for her to say, she would never be wrong.
And the golden git Gryffindors would never make fun of her.
"Evans, will you come here?" There stood the loverboy James, ready to have another go at her.
Lily rolled her eyes and smiled apologetically at me. "Don't take these idiots seriously, okay?"
With that, she walked in his direction, and did just that.
But I shouldn't be so hard on her because she was really trying to cheer me up, even though we're not really friends. She's clearly, well, more present than my friend Amy and me.
Amy was Gryffindor just like me, but didn't have transfiguration. She called the subject "A walking unnecessary babble".
Oh how I wish I had thought that when I chose my subjects.
I could still see Sirius grinning as James talked to Lily, Remus just stood there ashamed and Peter patted him on the shoulder.
Sirius noticed my look and whispered something to Remus, who flinched and turned away. I snorted.
Sirius' laughter was still ringing loudly in my ears, long after I had escaped to Amy's and my dorm.
"Well, I think they're really annoying. That's all." Amy pushed a plate of dinner towards me. She immediately realized something was wrong and I wasn't ready to go to dinner. I was very glad she was so good at the invisibility spell.
"Yes, but everyone likes them. Even Lily likes the four of them, even though she's always upset about them!" I groaned loudly and accepted the plate gratefully.
Amy looked at me with a smile. "Well, I don't really like them. They're entertaining, but I think they lack empathy."
"I think they're all stupid ego centers who only make themselves so important because they actually feel so bad about themselves." I took a big bite.
"And yet you can't stop talking about the four of them." Amy was grinning now. "I thought you said the other day that 'Remus isn't actually that bad and nice to talk to'?"
I almost choked at the mention of meeting the quieter boy of the group. It had been three months since we had met and talked in the library.
"That was something else. He just watches and lets the others get away with everything." I quietly turned to my food and Amy dropped the subject.
Oh, how I hated this cycle. Getting up. Eating at a house table where I know everyone and yet no one really. Subjects in which I will eventually make a mistake. Skipping meals to avoid the stares. Sleeping.
Hogwarts isn't that different from other schools. The same faces making fun of the same things. But we're all supposed to be adults soon, aren't we?
I should stop before I sound like an angsty teen.
Breakfast. New day, same course. I sat down opposite Amy and a laugh escaped my lips at one of her jokes.
But then another girl sat down next to me. Marlene McKinnon.
"Hey, you two, how are you?" she smiled, but something made me uncomfortable.
"Good, good." Amy laughed. "And you?"
"Oh, just fine." Marlene looked at my plate as if to check something. Suddenly I felt uncomfortable having a few chocolate cookies in the morning.
She turned to me. Oh no.
"Hey, this might be a bit sudden, but I'd like to know something." There was this twinkle in her eye that I didn't like at all.
I looked at Amy, who just shrugged her shoulders.
"Okay?" Very carefully. Don't make any big mistakes.
"If you had to date someone from Gryffindor, who would it be?"
I looked confusedly at Amy, who had to pull herself together not to burst out laughing.
Marlene shrugged her shoulders. "Oh, I was just a bit curious as I've never seen you in a relationship with anyone before."
I saw her eyes twitch briefly to the right. When I looked in that direction, not very inconspicuously, I saw Sirius whispering something to James. He grinned at Remus in response.
"Well, I can't really think of anyone right now, sorry Marlene."
She looked at me in surprise and wanted to say something, but Amy gasped in shock. Shocked, she clutched her chest. "After everything we've been through!" she didn't exactly say that quietly. To my dismay, quite a few heads turned towards us. Including the idiots.
"Amy-" I began, but she talked herself into her theater rage. "Hush! I don't want to hear any excuses! I thought we were something special! But no. In the end, I'm just another one of the many picks that will never be taken." She stood up. She skillfully looked away and took in the audience. "I can reassure you. I was prepared for all of this."
"Amy, it's not what you think!" I played along a little now. "I couldn't be so open about something so… Say something like that!"
Amy furrowed her brow. "Girl, no homo."
The Gryffindor table laughed and we fled the room.
Outside, we also laughed a bit, but Amy quickly composed herself.
"Did you see how he looked at you?"
I furrowed my brow. "Who?"
She rolled her eyes. "Remus, of course."
"Maybe it's because you made a big show," I said playfully, heading towards our next class.
"Hmm, but I think then he wouldn't have looked at you so longingly-"
"With red cheeks and big heart eyes!" I walked faster while she laughed.
"That's all nonsense. Marlene only asked because one of those idiots requested it."
Amy looked at me confused. "Why would they do that?"
"Oh, they were looking at us too. And yesterday they were whispering among themselves. They probably find me really funny."
Amy became very quiet after that.
The only sounds were our footsteps and voices in the distance.
"You know," Amy began quieter than usual. "It's not like it used to be. We're all slowly growing up. We're not the odd ones out anymore. I think," she took a deep breath. "That the four of them won't make fun of us, of you, anymore."
How much I wished I could believe that. But I won't be able to, even if Remus talks to me in the library or Peter asks me if I like certain creatures.
Because in the end, I gave up on that a long time ago.
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atlasdoe · 1 year
hello, i am bored. here are some unpopular opinions that may very well get me cancelled if i posted this on tiktok
do not read if you know youre going to get mad if i say something you disagree with
the over feminisation and over-aggressive characterisations of sirius and remus are so left field it makes my eye twitch. like if you wanna write them like that then fine but don't tell me that one scene of sirius wearing something nice and one scene of remus throwing harry up a wall (while he's in the middle of like a twenty year war with all of his friends dead mind you) means that they were as people are interpreting them in cannon
the fandom isn't misogynistic. you just want everyone to care about the same characters the way you do despite the fact that very little of them (especially the girls really besides lily and the black sisters) have any character/story to care about to begin with
on that same note, it is not wolfstar and jegulus' shippers job to write dorlene and marylily fics. there are over 6000 fics tagged under dorlene and over 2000 for marylily which is really impressive and a really big number for ships containing two people who don't have any connection to one another
we cannot blame every death on dumbledore. dumbledore was manipulative and not a very good person but he wasn't out here deliberately getting all the people on his side killed
this fandom is obsessed with tragedy so much that tragedy has now become repetitive and boring. i love a good sad story but what is the point in taking every single character and making them live the worst life possible. its like yall are only capable in caring for a character if they have literally the worst ending ever
the marauders weren't child soldiers. They were young but they weren't children.
on the same note just because barty, evan and peter (and any other death eater) was young does not excuse them of their actions. I'm 20 and I know that i wouldn't betray all of my friends or help torture new parents into insanity
deciding that pandora somehow had to be a part of a death eater family was the worst thing this fandom did to her character
it pisses me off when the fandom will bend over backwards to try to connect the same 12 characters to every headcannon imaginable when there are so many other characters that you could use
despite this tho i hate the whole "ravenpuff" thing. As someone who actually cares about Emmeline, Edgar, Fabian, Gideon, Amelia, Benjy, Caradoc and all of that it annoys me to no end when the only time people post about them is to shove them all into the two least cared about houses and decides that they were all friends while giving them the most uncreative name out there. if you dont care about them then dont post about them
marlene is the most overrated character in the fandom
james and marlene being childhood best friends is my least favourite headcannon
mary obliviating herself is the worst headcannon
remus lupin is a bottom
sirius black is tall
marlene being in ravenclaw > marlene being in gryffindor
this fandom really needs to remember that barty and evan were villains. if you like them then that's completely fine but stop trying to make them secretly good
i can only ship sirius with remus but i can ship remus with literally anyone (so long as they are actually his age or older. for some reason i cant ship remus with people who are over a year younger then him)
i dont think its fair to say that if you like regulus then you cant shit on snape stans but it is utterly unfair to stan barty and evan but shit on snape stans
fancasting and commenting on normal peoples tiktoks is stupid and embarrassing. we are HATED by other fandoms and is it because we are unable to stay in our lane. stop getting into other peoples buisness by commenting "REMUS LUPIN" under a Spiderman edit
james would not have stopped talking to sirius after the prank. He'd be mad at him and he'd tell him off but he wouldn't stop talking to him. If James had to pick between Sirius and anyone he's picking Sirius
on that note i think the only people who weren't talking to sirius after the prank was remus and lily. mostly because i dont think anyone other then the marauders and lily would even have known that remus was a werewolf at the time
ALSO evan, barty and regulus would not befriend remus after the prank. firstly they wouldnt care and even if they did they would be more likely to abuse the fact that they know about him being a werewolf
im sick of seeing people try to shame others for shipping wolfstar but not marylily because "theyre the same ship." theyre literally not. just because YOU hc mary and lily to have a similar dynamic as remus and sirius doesnt mean that theyre the same and doesnt mean that everyone else should think so to. Same with literally every other ship that gets compared to another based on headcannons
this is getting really long so imma leave it there
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aithusarosekiller · 3 years
Marauders era characters as the main pet name they would use for their partner and why, featuring my favourite ships:
Yes these are mainly in the context of my personal ships but it doesn’t really matter.
Remus: Love. Why? It's simple, it’s cute, it’s not overly soppy. It’s very Remus.
Why? It’s cheesy, it’s fucking annoying, it makes anyone who hears it want to hit their head off a fucking wall. (I also like the idea of them calling Remus moonbeam, that shit is cute asf)
Why? It’s very hit-or-miss, some people love it, some people hate it. Reggie hates it, that’s why he says it so often. It’s cute though and he likes it so Regulus puts up with it. 
Romance is for the weak. Acearo icon. He calls his close friends darling though and that is cute.
Agrees with Peter. Who the fuck needs romance? That shit is dumb asf. 
My Darling One and Only
Why? It’s over the top, it kind of embarrasses Cas and she loves that about it, there is literally no need for it to be that soppy but it is. Literally the definition of Marls.
Why? It makes Marls blush and it is nice and simple. It makes her think of cute little honeybees and that makes her think of Marlene. Fucking adorable.
None. Again, she is too aro for that shit. Though she’ll sometimes call a sexual partner ‘babe’ but she also calls her friends that so...
Why? I don’t know, do I need a reason?
Why? It drives Alice fucking insane. They hate it. So much. But he thinks Alice looks hot when they are angry so it’s okay.
Why? Look me in the eye and tell me that is not the most Pandora Lovegood thing ever. It’s sweet, it’s a little soppy and xey can shorten in down to sweetie if xe is using it for xer friends 
Fucking arsehole shitface Darling
Why? Well I think it is pretty obvious that he would use it in a patronising way. Just ‘darling, please come down from the roof, nobody wants to hear your little concert, okay?’ Oh and James loves it and he likes seeing Jamie happy
Why? I don’t know, it just fits. He would call everyone else ‘darling’, ‘dear’ and ‘sweetheart’ so he needed to pick something different and settled with that. I also like the idea of ‘Rosebud’ for Ev but I think that’s just my rosekiller hanahaki fic making me obsessed with that idea
Why? He just would. It’s cute. It’s simple. It’s nice to say. He’s a romantic so it fits.
Snape? With a partner? Yeah, right.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
ok so firstly I love any loops and jules fic but secondly could we have one where jules is having a really tough time (either missing loops/ picked on etc. ) and then we see loops (not coops) surprise him and is just so protective - just sibling fluff that’s it
Oh Jules, I’m sorry I did this to you. What a wonderful prompt, though! I’m always down to write sibling fluff! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove <3
TW for bullying (older kids picking on younger kids)
Contrary to popular belief, Jules didn’t brag about his brother every minute of every day. There was no point, and he wanted to be known for his own talents rather than living in Remus’ shadow for the rest of his life. Unfortunately, some people didn’t seem to understand that.
A balled of lined paper smacked into the back of his head. “Heads up, Loopy!”
Jules threw the ball back; it bounced off the end of the table and hit the ground pathetically. “Nice shot,” Aidan snorted as he passed, bumping his shoulder against Jules’ and making him stumble. Several people laughed. His face burned with embarrassment.
“Yeah, I bet your brother’s really proud of that,” Luke sneered. He was a big kid, far bigger than Jules both in height and muscle even though he was only a couple years older.
“Don’t talk about my brother,” Jules said, much quieter than intended.
Luke raised his eyebrows. “What’re you going do about it, Loopy?”
“Just shut up.”
“Who’s gonna stop me?” He leaned across the cafeteria table and Jules fought the urge to back away. “Huh? Your brother? He’s never around.”
“He’s busy.”
“He doesn’t want to be here.”
“He does,” Jules insisted, feeling his throat tighten. “He does, he just doesn’t have time—”
“He’s a celebrity, dude, no wonder he doesn’t want his tagalong brother around.”
It’s not true, Jules told himself. It’s not true. Time and time again, Remus had told him that hockey came second to family, but after months of not seeing him it was starting to feel false. “Shut up.”
Luke shifted in his seat and folded his hands. “Face it, Loopy: your brother’s not around because he’d rather spend time with his cool friends than an annoying little kid.”
“Leave me alone.” Jules’ voice cracked and Luke grinned.
“You’re gonna cry?” he asked, full of false sympathy. “Aw, poor baby.”
“It’s not true.” It was getting harder to believe the words. “He visits whenever he can.”
The lunch bell rang before Luke could retaliate; he ruffled Jules’ hair too hard to be comfortable and left, already laughing with his group of friends. What a dick, Jules thought as he swallowed down the tears.
He made it through the rest of his classes in a daze and walked home on muscle memory. It was a cold day for April, but maybe he could blame his red-rimmed eyes on the wind. Maybe Luke is right, part of him argued. There wasn’t a lot of evidence, but it was enough to make him want to throw up.
“Hey, baby, how was your day?” his mother called when he opened the door.
That was the tipping point, the tiny pebble that shattered the cracked glass dam holding back his tears. Jules sobbed once, dropped his backpack on the floor, and ran for the safety of his bedroom. “Jules—” The slam of his door cut his father’s concern short.
He grabbed the family picture off his wall and threw it across the room—there was no glass or frame, only tape, so seeing it flutter to the ground was far less satisfying than he had hoped. Remus had him on his shoulders for the picture; they all looked so happy. Jules sat down on the other side of his bed and buried his face in his arms, letting the emotions he had been holding in for three full hours flood out.
Deep down, he knew Luke was a liar and a bully with nothing better to do than pick on younger kids. That didn’t mean his words hurt any less.
A few minutes later, there was a gentle knock on the door. “Go away!”
There was a brief pause, then another knock.
“Just—just please give me a minute, mom!”
“I’m not mom.” Jules’ heart skipped a beat. “Can I come in?”
You’ve never been around to help me before. Anger reared up in his chest. “No!”
Remus hesitated for a moment. Jules hoped he was shocked, stunned, hurt. “Okay.”
There was a rustling noise; he looked around the foot of the bed to see a shadow in the crack beneath the door. “Are you—what are you doing?”
“Sitting down.”
“Go away.”
“Mom, make him go away!”
“What did I do, Jules?” Remus sounded sad. There was none of his usual teasing in his tone. The anger twisted around in Jules and he scrubbed at the tears and snot on his face.
“When did you get here?” He knew he was being rude; his mother would have given him a pursed-lips look if he talked like that to anyone normally.
“A couple hours ago. It was supposed to be a surprise.”
“It’s a terrible surprise. Go away.”
“Not until you tell me what I did.”
Jules took a few shallow breaths before answering. “You’re never here. Never.”
“I know. I’m s—”
“I hate you,” he sobbed, bringing his knees tighter to his chest. “I hate you so much.”
There was a long stretch of silence on the other side of the door, but the shadow remained. “That’s fair,” Remus said quietly.
“No, it’s not!” Jules clambered to his feet and stomped over to the door, wrenching it open. “It’s not fair! I shouldn’t hate you, this is your job! You should—you should—”
Remus looked up at him from his crosslegged seat on the carpet. “I should what?”
“You should yell at me. Or make me open the door, or do anything that makes me angry at you.” He sniffled and hugged himself.
“When have I ever yelled at you?”
“The rat. And the water balloons. And when I stole your sticks. And when I froze your underwear.”
Remus winced slightly. “Fair point. I don’t keep yelling once you’re in the room, though, right?”
Jules deflated. “No.”
“So I’m not going to yell at you. Also, your bedroom smells weird, so I don’t want to go in there unless I have to.”
A smile tried forcing its way out and Jules covered it with his best scowl. “My room doesn’t smell weird.”
Remus sniffed the air, then shrugged. “Whatever you say.”
“Why are you here?”
“Mom said she was getting ice cream.”
Jules perked up. “Did she?”
“No.” Remus held up the car keys. “We can fix that problem, though. Go get your shoes.”
“Can I drive?’
“If you can convince dad, sure.” Remus stood up and mussed his hair; his hand was gentle, though, unlike Luke’s. It was a welcome change.
He grabbed his sneakers from under his bed and hopped down the hall as he pulled them on. “Dad, can I drive?”
His father didn’t even look up from the paper. “When Hell freezes over, buddy.”
“Lyall,” his mother scolded from the kitchen, though her eyes crinkled at the edges. “Remus, remember not to swear around your brother!”
“I won’t, I won’t,” he said, holding the door open for Jules as he shrugged his coat on.
They drove in relative silence, save for the Top Rock Hits of the Eighties cassette that they had each heard half a billion times. Remus pulled into the Dairy Queen drive-thru and rattled off Jules’ favorite without even having to ask. Somehow, that both soothed him and upset him even more. He handed the cone over carefully, stuck his blizzard in the cupholder, and started driving in the opposite direction of the house.
“Are you kidnapping me?” Jules asked, licking a stray drip of vanilla off the cone.
“I don’t think I can, seeing as we’re related.”
“You can. You don’t have custody.”
“Why do you know that?”
“Why don’t you, Mr. Fancy Degree?”
“This might surprise you, but they don’t exactly cover the intricacies of kidnapping in PT school.”
Remus made a noise of agreement around the straw of his Blizzard as they rolled to a stop at the red light. “So, are we going to talk?”
“We already are.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“Yeah, I figured.” He made a face when a chunk of Oreo got stuck the straw. “If you get that out before the next light, you can have a sip.”
Jules took it and squeezed the thin plastic. “Luke Sanders is an asshole.”
“Language.” The car stopped again and Jules showed off the unblocked straw. “Do continue, though.”
“You’ve hit every red light since we left the house. That’s got to be a curse.” He took a long sip, then handed it across the console. “You like hanging out with me, right?”
“Obviously. You’re, like, my favorite person.” Remus gave him a confused look.
“Okay, cool.” Jules felt his hands start to shake again, and he was pretty sure it wasn’t from his ice cream. Just hearing him say that made a tsunami of relief run through him. “Cool.”
“Did Luke Sanders tell you I didn’t?”
“He said a lot of stuff.”
Remus pulled into a parking lot, then took the key out and turned in his seat. “Like what?”
Jules shrugged one shoulder. “That you don’t want to be here.”
“And?” His voice had softened.
“And that it’s my fault, since I’m an annoying little tagalong.” Jules picked at the paper wrapper around his cone and didn’t look up. “He’s got a p—”
“If you say he’s got a point, all your underwear is going in the freezer.” All traces of gentleness were gone from his tone, leaving tightly-controlled fury in its place.
“Don’t—” Remus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Please don’t apologize, Jules.”
“You’re upset.”
“Yeah, because some little shit was picking on my brother and I wasn’t there to kick his ass.”
“I can handle it.”
If anything, that seemed to upset him even more. “Does this happen a lot?”
“Have you told anyone?”
He shook his head. “I don’t want to be a tattletale.”
“Jules, there’s a difference between being a tattletale and reporting a bully.” Remus tipped his chin up. “Hey, what’s going on?”
Jules’ lower lip wobbled. “I missed you. I always miss you, but he’s been really awful recently and he keeps saying the same stupid stuff over and over.”
Remus’ nose and cheeks reddened. “I missed you, too. If I could be here all the time, I would.”
“I know it’s not your fault, and I know you’re busy.” He wiped away another tear and tried to pull himself together. “But it’s not fair.”
“It’s not,” Remus agreed. “It’s not fair that I’m gone nine months out of the year, and it’s not right that people are making fun of you for it. Hang on for a second, okay?”
Jules nodded, still drying his cheeks. Remus got out of the car and jogged to the other side, then opened the passenger door and gestured for him to get out; as soon as his sneakers touched the ground, he was lifted almost a foot into the air. “I’m sorry for yelling,” he managed, burying his face in his brother’s neck.
Remus kissed the side of his head and held him close. “I’m sorry I’m not around more.”
He hooked his chin over Remus’ shoulder. “Can you promise me something?”
“Will you be here whenever you can? I know that might not be often, but just…when you can.”
He felt Remus’ chest hitch against him. “Always,” he whispered. “Always.”
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miamlfy · 4 years
A/N: Here’s a sirius fic for those who adore him. I’ve been struggling to get things written down, so I'm not a big fan of this one esp the ending but that’s okay. My next fic will be a Harry x reader which was requested so expect that within the next few days. I also got multiple requests to make Homemade Rings into a mini series, is that something ya’ll would like? Let me know. Im sorry for any mistakes in this, barely proofread. 
Pairing: Sirius Black X Fem! Reader
Summary: Hiding a relationship from an overprotective James is hard and slightly embarrassing when you and Sirius are caught by him. 
Warnings: Mentions of dying (nothing too serious) and light smut ? 
Word Count: 2,1K
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(Not my gif, credit to whoever made it) 
Hiding a relationship from James was hard. It wasn’t like you and Sirius intended to hide your relationship from your friends, you just didn’t know how they would react to your a relationship inside the marauders group. 
You became apart of the marauders in second year, you got trapped into their prank that was poorly planned and you proceeded on lecturing them on ways to make it better and be successful without getting caught.  That prank worked out well and neither of you got caught, the boys were forever grateful. 
As months went by, they kept coming to you and asking for help for new pranks. Most of the time, you would act as bait, catch the victim off guard and they boys would attack. The four marauders eventually asked you to join them and you excitedly agreed, becoming the fifth marauder. 
Once fifth year began, you couldn’t help yourself but crush on Sirius. Every girl/guy wanted him, Sirius was known to woo the ladies and some were lucky enough to gain his attention for the night. It often made you jealous, you wished you could be one of those girls who he’d flirt with and wrap his arm around. Your friendship began to crumble during the middle of fifth year, his fangirls often hating on you because they thought you two were dating. Although you wanted the dating part to be true, you couldn’t help but think that Sirius only saw you as a little sister, and nothing more. 
You began to distance yourself from him in hopes that not only the girls chasing after his would stop harassing you, but also for your feelings to go away. You felt as if it was wrong to crush on one of your best friends and you weren’t one to ruin a great friendship. 
When Sirius noticed how you started hanging out less and less with him, or with the marauders entirely, he became worried. It stressed him out to no end, thinking he did something to upset you. Thankfully Remus knew where you were that night, as you did prefect duties with him. The moment he saw you in the astronomy tower, he rushed towards you. 
“Is there something you need Sirius?” You asked, not looking up from your potions textbook. 
“How’d you know it was me?” He chuckled, you shrugged and continued to focus on your textbook. Sirius sat down next to you and took the book from your hands. 
“What’s wrong? You’ve been avoiding me and the boys,” you looked up to face him and shook your head, you knew if you opened your mouth, everything would come out. You hoped he would believe you and leave you alone, but this was Sirius and he wasn’t going to leave until he got a satisfied answer from you. 
After pestering you for what seemed like an hour, you let it all loose. You told him everything, all your feelings towards him and how you felt whenever you saw him with other girls. He quickly shut you up with a kiss, which left you in shock. 
“I feel the same.” He said, pulling away from you. 
You shook your head, “Sirius you don’t have to lie, it’s okay if you don’t fe—“ 
He shut you up again by placing another soft kiss on your lips, “I’m not lying.” 
The night, you spent wrapped around his arms and looking at all the stars. It was amazing. However, when morning came and everything set in, you started to panic, how were you going to tell James? Of course remus and Peter would be happy for you and Sirius, they most likely saw it coming. But James? Oh no. 
To say James was overprotective of you, was an understatement. James treated you like the most fragile thing he’s ever come across from. Although James was the same age as you when you first met, he treated you like his little sister. He was there for you whenever you needed someone to talk to. James also did not hesitate to hex someone whenever they were being mean to you. Often he would get detention for it, but he didn’t care, as long as you were okay and safe. 
Now if any boy ever came close to you, dear lord don’t let him see. He could be miles away and yet somehow know that one is talking to you and trying to take you on a date, or even asking for homework answers. 
James would come walking towards you and before you could give the poor bloke an answer, James would drag him away ignoring you pleas to knock it off. If it wasn’t for Lily and the need for James to constantly ask her out in front of everyone, people would think James was your boyfriend. It was extremely annoying. 
During fourth year, you were on a date with a sweet Hufflepuff boy. Somehow you managed to go without James knowing but of course, he heard Peter talking about it and how your promised to bring him back sweets from Honeydukes. James ran to where you were and told your date to leave, very rudely. 
“James, you can’t keep doing that. I’m going to end up being single for the rest of my life!” You yelled at him as he dragged you away and was now walking up to the castle. The three other marauders trailing along. 
“Good, that sounds perfect.” He replied back. You rolled your eyes, your pulled your arm away from him. 
“James, I’m being serious,” you glared at Sirius before he could say his infamous joke, “you can’t keep doing this. It’s ruining not only my love life but also my social life.” 
Now it was James who rolled his eyes, “You don’t need a love life, Y/n. No boy or girl is worthy enough for you.” 
You knew immediately that James would not approve of Sirius and you together. James loved Sirius but he also knew how Sirius treated most of the girls in Hogwarts. He would use them and toss them to the side once he finished. James didn’t want you to get the same treatment, so when he noticed Sirius giving out long stares in classes or the common room, he immediately shut him down. 
“Why are you looking at Y/n like that?” James questioned. 
“What are you on about, James? I’m just admiring her, she looks pretty today,” Sirius sighed, “You have to stop being so overprotective of her, some day someone is going fall deeply in love with her and you’re going to have to deal with it.” 
James shook his head, “Never, not until the day I die.” 
Little did James know, that two of his best friends were now dating and he suspected nothing of it. You only intended to hide from him but if you told your other friends, they would easily spill the beans. So you and Sirius decided to keep the relationship between the two of you. However, that did not last long. 
Of course Lily, being the smart girl she is, caught on and told you that she would keep her mouth shut and not tell anyone. Marlene and Dorcas were next on finding out, the two girls saw you and Sirius making out in an empty classroom. You both made them swore to secrecy. 
Remus and Peter were next, they were both exiting the library when they spotted you and Sirius leaving the kitchens hand in hand. They both stated to you that they were not going to mention anything to James. 
Six months have past since you and Sirius started dating, poor James was starting to get suspicious. He noticed Sirius sneaking away at night, but he excused that Sirius just being Sirius. He then started to notice you disappearing also or using excuses to go somewhere else. He knew he could use the map to track his dear friends, but he didn’t want to. He would only use it for emergencies. 
As another month went by, he grew more suspicious and it was driving him mad. No one else was questioning this besides him. It would confuse him more when Sirius and you would enter the common room together and see all your other friends smirking at you guys. 
He decided he would use the map to track Sirius down when he wasn’t in his bed, so a few nights later he grabbed the map and began looking. 
‘Y/n Y/l/n, Sirius Black’ the map read, James rubbed his eyes thinking they were playing a trick on him. He jumped out of bed and pulled out the invisibility cloak from his trunk. Almost tripping on Peter’s shoe, he made his journey to the Astronomy Tower. 
Sirius and you were on top of the tower, you laid your head on his chest as he played with your hair. “It’s so soft now, I’m assuming you took the hair advice I gave you?” 
You snorted, “Oh yeah totally,” you gave out a breathy sigh, “Sirius when are we going to tell James about us? Everyone else knows, he’s going to find out soon, shouldn’t we just tell him?” 
Sirius shook his head, “Like you said, he’s going to find out soon, so let him find out. Plus I do not want to tell him and get punched.” You laughed at his words and lifted your head up to kiss him. 
The kisses began as soft and innocent but then started getting more needy. Soon enough, you were now straddling his lap, gently rolling your hips. You moaned into his mouth as you felt his tongue enter your mouth, both of your tongues now fighting to gain control. Pulling away, Sirius latched onto your neck, placing sloppy kisses and no doubt marking it. You felt his trousers tighten the more you rolled your hips, your panties now damping with the wetness of your core. 
“Fuck Sirius.” You moaned out, now placing your hands on his belt trying to undo it. 
“Shh princess, don’t want anyone to hear you now.” Sirius was trying to undo the buttons of your shirt. 
Both of you immediately pulled apart when you heard very loud gags coming from behind you. You turned around to see a red faced James, looking rather distraught. The three of you not wanting to talk, stayed in awkward silence. 
Sirius was the first to speak, “James, listen buddy, this isn’t how we wanted you to fi—“ 
“Shut up.” James said coldly, looking over towards you, you dropped your head and faced the ground, “How long has this been going on?” He questioned you. 
Still facing the ground you answered, “seven months.” 
James looked like he was close to fainting, “SEVEN MONTHS?!” He shouted. You jumped, you knew it was bad to hide something from this, but you didn’t expect for him to get so angry. 
“Yes bu James listen, we didn’t mean for it to—“ James cut Sirius off once again. 
“Run.” He said, glaring at your boyfriend.
“Run Sirius, because once I get to you it’s not going to be a pretty thing to witness. Now run.” Sirius looked over to you with wide eyes. 
“James you can’t be serious, let us explain.” You said, trying to diffuse the situation. James only shook his head and continued to glare at Sirius. 
Your boyfriend shot up from his spot when he saw James getting closer to him and gave out a nervous laugh. 
“Oh fuck!” Sirius yelled out and bolted out of the Astronomy Tower before James’ fist connected with his face. 
You chased the two boys and came to a stop when you saw James holding up Sirius by the collar. 
“Swear to me you won’t hurt her!” James yelled out, not caring who heard him. 
“I swear that I will never hurt her and may Merlin kill me if I ever do.” James let down your boyfriend, satisfied with his answer. 
“Good. Now no more snogging and doing whatever you two were doing back there. I do not want to be an uncle yet.” You blushed in embarrassment at his words. 
“Don’t worry Prongs, no children any time soon.” 
Hearing meows enter the corridor you were in, the three of you looked at each other in fear. 
“Guys not to panic but we might have to run. I left the cloak in the tower.” Once James said that, it didn’t take a second for the three of you to run back down the opposite direction and try to hide from Mrs. Norris. 
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i'm feeling god in this chili's tonight bc of your ask to petals about your husband, feeling truly emo and very very moved you are an inspiration, can you talk about your love more if you are comfortable?
Aaaah that’s sweet, thank you! There isn’t anything extraordinary to tell really, this is going to be very boring! We met in university, were friends for about a year (I was about 18 when we met) before we started dating (actually I thought he was a big headed idiot at the very start, because he wore designer stuff at the time, etc. I was right, btw, he was an idiot, I stand by it 😂!) and have been together ever since.
We were the first of our friends to get married which was a bit scary I suppose but I’m so glad we did. I think we suit each other, opposites attract etc. He’s a bit of an introvert and has a tendency to be tetchy/grumpy but he’s very kind, has a good sense of humour and always apologises and admits when he’s wrong (which is one of my absolute favourite things about him) and is very brave in real life emergencies. He kind of gives me Remus vibes? I’m ridiculously positive and optimistic most of the time but I sometimes lose my temper, or tell it like it is, I’m usually relaxed and laid back, and I think that works for us. I also always do the boring paperwork, book holidays etc which he is infinitely grateful for, and he now he does most of the cooking, which I’m infinitely grateful for in my turn. He’s also good at sewing, not joking, which I’m shit at. Who knew??
We both read a ridiculous amount and it really pisses him off how much faster I read... I love pissing him off. He’s scarily clever. The kind of person who knows obscure random facts and knows loads of the answers to University Challenge???? Ridiculous. Very attractive too, IMO? So, before we started going out, when we were “mates”, I told him I was shit at physics, as it was true, I hadn’t done it before university, and he offered to tutor me... I mean obviously I said yes? But we were just friends. Yeah. That’s all. A Nice friend who happened to have beautiful forearms and hands and biceps and went to the gym a few times a week. And had gorgeous blue eyes and cute soft, ash coloured hair and yeah. And gives you crossbars home on his bike (there was only one bike 😱😂😂😂!!! Well mine was initially stolen and then conveniently forgot to rush out and buy a replacement ....!) Anyway, he is an excellent teacher (he works in a job related to teaching now) and I genuinely learnt lots when I wasn’t ogling, ahem. And I ended up getting better marks than him in the physics exam.... 😬😂!! He was super pissed off (I mean a mix of that and super impressed. What can I say??? Poor chap!!). My friends were so embarrassing btw, kept trying to set us up, awkward af... literally walked out and left us in one of their flats (locked us in there!!) so we would “hurry up and snog”... 🤦‍♀️! We were too cringed (babies!) then we did get together eventually (like eventually, everyone face palming thank Merlin etc)... also, we did sit near each other in the library in college, but not right next to each other as I would literally get zero study done 🙄🤷‍♀️? Don’t blame me. (PS I had disgusting, mad, unruly, thick hair, ugly glasses and hardly ever bothered wearing my lenses, and wore a horrendous orange cycling helmet and despite that, and a ton of mad Italian relatives who asked too many questions and are way too pass- remarkable, he still liked me. So I knew I was onto a winner.)
Things are not always perfect. Not that this is an advice piece, but I definitely recommend talking if you’re not happy about something. Say what the problem is, how it makes you feel, what you’d like them to do differently, maybe volunteer to do something better yourself too? Don’t get grumpy and expect the other person to know what they’re doing wrong/ what’s annoying you! And always try to respect their POV even if your initial thought is “what a load of crap”, often I change my mind or at least reach a compromise after listening to his side.
And it’s not that I don’t sometimes still get the shivers looking at him, especially if he comes in wearing a tux on a special occasion. And he sometimes says “I saw this woman walking towards me and thought she looks gorgeous and then I realised it was you” 🤦‍♀️😂 (I think he needs his eyes tested). And like I said, after being with someone so long, it’s what someone described as - your heart rate no longer speeds up every time you see them, it calms down. And when you’re with them, you feel warm and secure and home. You have insider jokes that only you two get, you have quotes from films for particular situations, you call each other ridiculous names (I won’t tell you, but it’s in my fics somewhere!), you can’t imagine them not being there. Sometimes one of you just makes a facial expression and the other one knows what you’re going to say.
I hate getting up early so he always makes me tea that’s ready for when I have to get up. He hates staying up too late so if there’s stuff that needs doing late in the evening I’ll fly around and do it and he’s in awe (honestly he’s such an early bird and I’m so the opposite, he thinks getting up before 6am is completely fine!). And he’s my best friend as well as my husband? He’s very observant. I love that he notices thing, always notices if I’m wearing something new, got my hair trimmed, makes me feel good about myself. And I feel like I can completely, 100% trust him, in everything. I’m very lucky 😭❤️ it’s not perfect, definitely not, but it’s perfect for me?
I have no idea what you were interested in knowing but there you go!
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sweeethinny · 4 years
what you don't ask that I don't do, right?
@constancezin and @pianistbynight asked me to make a continuation of this fic, and well, here it is.
Thanks for interacting, it cheers me up a lot
Hope you like it
Day 11 part II: First Kiss
‘’Hey, Evans’’ James tried his best to sound normal, not wanting to appear too enthusiastic and nervous, pretending not to be waiting since he realized she had left.
‘’Hi, James’’ Lily didn’t seem like the most lively person in the world, hugging herself as if she were cold and her cheeks were a little flushed. He wondered where she was, and a part of his head imagined that maybe she had gone to meet that ravenclaw who was always flirting with her in Astronomy class. ‘’The party ended early’‘ There was no one else there but him, and Sirius would surely laugh if he knew that James had expected the redhead to know where she went from.
''Minerva discovered us'' shrugged ''I was reading'' He pointed to the book in his lap, hoping she wouldn't ask any questions since not a line had been absorbed ''Erm ... how are you?'' The green eyes didn't look so bright, but James figured it was because she looked cold. ‘’Here’’ He stood up, placing the blanket on the sofa around her icy shoulders, trying to pretend naturally
‘’Thank you .’’ She sat on the couch next to he, putting her legs together against her chest and suddenly looking small and fragile ‘‘Amelia didn’t want to be with you down here?’’
‘’Who?’’ Was it his impression or did Lily look much more bitter than she usually was? ‘’Ah. Amelia. No, she went up’’ James made a face ‘’She is ..’’ It’s not you ‘’Too much .. you know? Just like when you said that Sirius was sometimes too much ... so is she. And I already feel good enough with just him’’ He nodded, feeling a little stupid about his upset stomach and flushed cheeks. Fortunately, Lily seemed oblivious.
‘’She is beautiful’’ James snorted
‘’Trying to get me a girlfriend, Evans?’’ He joked, a little worried if she agreed, because he would never be able to take this out anymore. Not now that they were beginning to understand each other.
''No, just ... erm .. I just said'' She shrugged, blushing the color of fire that crackled in front of them, biting her cheek as she always did when embarrassed / nervous, while pulling her knees closer  "But ... um .. are you looking for a girlfriend?" James stared at the fire, a little confused by all that talk
''No. Actually, I don’t know’’ He told the truth, moving a little uncomfortably on the couch ‘’I didn’t stop to think about it too much’’
The two were silent, James afraid to ask if she was thinking about it, and if the answer was yes, who she wanted to date. He wanted to say that there was already thinking about it, and every time it was Lily who was beside him, smiling lovingly and taking his hand, not caring about his cheesy gestures of love, because James would have many.
But Lily would probably be with another boy, some smarter and less ... James. Her friends didn't like him, Hestia was the kindest, but even so she always looked a bit angry when he and she were going to patrol together, and he didn't blame them, because he would do the same thing to anyone who disturbed the peace of one of his friends.Not that he did that already thinking of annoying her, but lately he thought before doing any nonsense, and was much more mature than in the fourth / fifth year.
At least he think.
‘’You played well’’ She broke the silence ‘‘Even though I don’t understand much.’’
''Thank you'' James smiled, again nervous ''It's nice that you went to see our game ... And I can explain some things to you, if you want'' Lily looked at him finally, blinking a little confused, her eyebrows coming together as she lay down slightly head
‘’Thank you .. It would be nice. I would love to’’ He nodded, controlling himself not to smile
‘’In the next game, which is Ravenclaw against Slytherin, you can sit with all of us and we’ll explain it to you’’ Lily made a face
‘’I don’t know if your friends will like it’’ This time, James made a confused face
''Why? Sirius would love to be able to prove to Peter that he knows more about Quidditch’’ He joked, laughing softly imagining the scene ‘’They’ve been having this discussion about who knows more’’
‘’But Sirius doesn’t like me’’
''Since when? I think he prefers you to me sometimes’’ Lily arched an eyebrow, blushing as she snorted
‘’ He never looks happy when I’m around ’’ James shrugged
‘’He’s going through a bit of a shitty moment ’’ He didn’t want to go into the details of his family having sent him a very horrible and disgusting letter for finding out about the fight between him and Regulus. ‘’But he likes you’’
‘‘I didn’t know ’’ Lily looked really upset ‘’Huh .. anyway.. I need to go to sleep ’’  He shook his head
‘’Me too ’’ James stood up, and then he wanted to bang his head against the coffee table ‘‘It is late ’’
''Yes ​​... Will Quidditch classes still take place?'' He nodded, a little too hopeful for his own safety ''Ok. Good night, Potter '' Lily didn't seem so cold anymore, and James even thought he saw a little smile be born in her beautiful face
‘’Good night, Lily ’’ He accompanied her to the bottom of the stairs that led to the girls ’dorm, smiling awkwardly as he waited for her to go up.
"Without Evans today?" The redhead stopped walking, looking at him in a whole new way, getting too close and lifting her chin to look at him, her green eyes shining more than Flu, looking much more alive than minutes ago. James let himself be proud to imagine that he had done this
'' Just changing a little bit '' She laughed, lowering her face and letting her hair fall like a frame around herself, and James almost sighed when the smell entered his nostrils, trying to run his fingers through the reddish brown strands , that in that light, shone like gold.
‘’ I like it when you call me Lily ’’ She looked at him again, fixing the bangs that fell over her dark lashes
'' Good, because it's your name '' James joked, taking a snort from her and laughing at her reaction, stuffing his hands in his pockets to stop himself from messing with the threads that fell over her shoulder '' I missed you at the party today ''
''Yes? You seemed amused by Amelia ’’ He rolled his eyes, focusing on anything but her, denying it while he thought of a way to say that without implying that he had been waiting for her since he saw her leave.
‘’ I already said it wasn’t anything’’ He shrugged ‘’And yes, I felt it. Remus danced over one of the tables ’’ The redhead laughed, her green eyes bulging
''I lost it?! Shit! ’’ James nodded, laughing as he remembered his friend
‘’ It was fucking fun. You should have stayed and seen ’’
‘’ I needed to be silent ’’ He nodded, a little nervous and anxious, touching his hair and scratching the back of his neck with the sensation that ran through his body
‘’ We can break some rules to make this happen again ’’ He suggested, looking closely at the most beautiful green eyes he had ever seen in his life
‘’We? ’’ He shrugged
‘’ I’m sure it will be more fun if you’re together ’’ Lily seemed to think, before nodding and going back to silence, looking at him as if she wanted to say something very important but didn’t know how.
Was it now that she was going to break his heart, saying she was dating another?
‘’ I need to go up ’’ But Lily made no move to turn around
''Yes ... me too '' And before he could finish his sentence and wish the second good night, Lily took a step closer and kissed him, much more impulsive than he had ever seen her, seeming to taste a new dessert , still deciding if she liked it
He definitely did.
Lily had soft lips and James didn't even need much to get hooked, besides being close so her scent seemed duplicated, leaving him in the air, lost and happy about it. He could barely contain his hands, not knowing whether to leave them on her waist or her soft face, just as her thin, delicate hands were caressing his cheek.
It was so good that he wouldn't even care that they were glued together forever.
''Finally!" A round of applause came from behind them, along with whistles and cheers. James thought he was ready to curse the noisy idiots behind him.Lily looked just as angry, even if ashamed, arching an eyebrow at her friends.
‘‘ Didn’t I say Mary? ’’ Remus laughingly said ‘‘You can pass the money over here’’ The girl snorted, rolling her eyes and putting her hand inside her pocket.
‘’ Finally, Potter. I don’t know if we could take any more of you waiting for Evans until late, or making up reasons to throw parties ’’ Sirius smiled from ear to ear, looking amused by his friend’s embarrassment. Just like the other five idiots ‘‘ Now Evans .. I hate you !? Honestly woman, have you not noticed my effort to make you always alone with our Jamesy, here? How is it to hate you? Merlin, and I think you were smart! ’’
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the-sunshine-dims · 3 years
amnesia rewrite! (chapter 4)
ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 5 | ch 6 | ch 7 | ch 8 |
original fic
words: 2043
contents and warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, amnesia, kid!janus, Janus finally gets a hug himself, fluff,
Roman couldn’t help but exhale a breath as he finished up explaining the situation to Remus and Virgil, “Any questions?” 
To his relief, no one said anything, Virgil just shrugging at the question. He counted that as a small victory, especially since he was awful at explaining the answers to most questions, actually, why did he keep getting posted at the task of telling people when he was so bad at it? both Patton and Logan would be better at it than him, he was sure of it.
His train of thought came to a halt when Remus spoke up abruptly, his voice both more steady and more serious than Roman’s ever heard it “if that’s the situation then I think I need to stay away from him if J-J started sobbing when he found out the old king-y dude was all-'' he made a slicing of his neck motion along with the noise to go with it -“then I can’t imagine what his reaction would be if my thoughts voiced themselves like they usually do, while around him. So unless he actually asks for me,  which I don’t think’ll happen, I’ll just hang out in the dark side, ooh! and I can experiment with the stuff that got banned for melting the floors! I wonder what would happen if I put it in cupcakes-“ he giggled maniacally to himself at the realization no one would be there to supervise him.
Roman cut him off, “I think for the most part your right, I don’t know how much he can handle right now, and we don’t want to overwhelm him, so yeah okay, Though I’ll make sure they’ll be someone to check on you so your not completely to your own devices because I imagine Janus wouldn’t want his room smelling like chemicals and.. whatever else you use for your... art projects.” He told him, ignoring the last bit of what Remus said. Honestly Roman was kind of proud of his brother, he was a lot more caring and considerate than he let on.
he gave him a small smile before quietly going “I’m glad Janus has you as a friend, you care about him.”
Remus rolled his eyes like a petulant teenager, it wasn’t like he was doing something super amazing for Janus Afterall, he was just being a generally decent person, he knew his presence might hurt Janus currently so he wasn’t actively going to be around him for a minute and sure yeah he cared about him but he cared for the sentiment slime goop in his room too so it wasn’t that big a deal.
As Roman and Remus continued their conversation Virgil slipped out of the room silently, unnoticed. not offering a reason for leaving.
Janus walked down the corridor, fingers brushing against the walls, feeling the textures, every now and then the paint changed into a different color, he would guess it was Morality and Roman’s doing since it often went from soft light blues to vibrant reds, making only small breaks to show swirly designs in purples and dark blues. he liked to feel how the different paint changed the texture, even ever so slightly, it was kinda cool to him, and it was something to do while Roman and the others were busy-
he reeled back immediately as soon as he felt his face slam into someone, luckily it didn't hurt much as the crash was cushioned with soft fabric, regardless though embarrassment still curled up and made itself at home in the pit of his stomach as the realization of he ran into someone finally dawned on him.
After the initial shock subsided, he just started apologizing profusely “I’m sorry! I’m so so sorry!! I didn’t mean to run into you! Are you- are you okay?” He asked as he finally looked up to see who the side he ran into was,
Their face was pale and freckle-clad and.. he knew him!
He gasped excitedly as he began giddily clapping his hands “wait! Hi!! Anxiety I remember you!” He grinned, ignoring how anxiety still hadn’t spoken up, he used to be very quiet so maybe he’s just still like that, either way, he continued “actually Wait- I remember you with a different jacket.. but! I like this one. It's cool!! I like the purple patches!- oh!! Also, guess what! morality and Logic have names! Isn’t that cool?” 
Virgil shrugged and Janus took that as an invitation to continue. 
“Do you have a name too? I bet if you do it’s cool! Like Ummm… uh- what’s a cool name?” He pondered aloud, not able to think of anything besides names like thor-Bonecrusher or other stuff of that variety.
Anxiety once again shrugged and Janus accepted that well enough; maybe anxiety just didn’t have a name, so Janus didn’t push, but he did continue chattering on happily enough. 
At some point, Virgil started to continue walking, if slowly, down the hallway, to where he was trying to go originally, Janus immediately following him like an excited golden retriever puppy as he talked about.. hell knows what, Virgil couldn’t keep track. But regardless of that, honestly, Virgil didn’t think he minded Janus’s presence as much as he thought he would, he was fully willing to just avoid him when He left the conversation with Roman and Remus, not because he would accidentally harm Janus like Remus- well he might Virgil.. tended to be way to blunt but sometimes with things that annoy him, and earlier he was pretty certain Janus would only annoy him, hell, earlier all he wanted to do was avoid Janus because he knew he was still Janus and quite honestly he didn’t want to deal with Janus.
Though honestly Janus himself, while kind of annoying and overdramatic, wasn’t.. awful, like Virgil pretended he was, he inwardly sighed before just ignoring that specific train of thought, something he was actually pretty accustomed and successful at doing.  
As he got around to tuning back into what Janus was doing all he heard silence, which given any other time he may have been happy for But this silence is almost.. somber? He looked over quickly and found Janus looking at the floor as he walked, though much slower than before, hell now he was actually walking a distance behind Virgil.
He was already looking at Janus but he could only double-take as he heard a small voice go “I’m sorry…” it trailing off after a minute before continuing, obviously unsure of what it had done wrong but assuming it’d done something “I- I don’t know what I did but I’m sorry! I don’t wanna be mean I promise! If you just tell me what I did I won’t do it again I promise! I’ll be nice! I- ‘m sorry.. ’m sorry..” his voice cracked and got smaller as he wrung his hands nervously.
And Virgil could only quietly go “shit I messed up.” because he could recognize the signs as much as anyone that Janus was halfway to spiraling, and honestly, Virgil couldn’t blame him after all they were walking a very long 15 minutes because somehow the hallway went on forever, and Virgil doesn’t know 90% of what Janus said because he just stopped listening and on top of that he hadn’t even spoken a word to the kid-  and that was weird to think of him as a kid, but he was, he was an impressionable, anxious kid who desperately wanted other people to like him, and that on top of anything meant he probably thought Virgil was just ignoring him for something he didn’t even remember doing.
And he could only panic quickly as Janus’s eyes remained dead set on the floor, and he didn’t know if Janus was trying to disappear into it or if it was him trying to hide the fact his eyes were starting to get glossy with unshed tears because he wholeheartedly thought Virgil hated him- and oh fuck he really did fuck up. 
He tried to think of what Patton did to comfort him and in an act of pure panic brain, he scooped him up in a secure hug and hoped that would help. 
The result was Janus going almost limp before starting to dry hiccup as he tried to force the tears away after a moment he just confusedly went “but- but you didn’t wanna talk to me And you were ignoring me and you looked really annoyed and-“ he started wiggling from Virgil’s hold “no- wait don’t worry you don’t have to be nice to me if you don’t like me- I promise you don’t have to!” He rushed in telling him, trying to scramble so he wasn’t leaning on Virgil and Jesus this was almost as bad as when they all went to Virgil’s room with how anxious Janus was, he could practically feel the anxiety radiating off.
And he realized he really did have to actually talk to Janus, he wasn’t gonna get less anxious just by getting a hug, Virgil wasn’t Patton he didn’t have that magical ability, so he loosened his hold on Janus just enough to get Janus to stop trying to accidentally on purpose fall onto the floor before just going “I don’t dislike you,” and just those words alone made Janus go completely still, so Virgil continued “and I didn’t mean to Ignore you I just got lost in thought, though that’s definitely not an excuse, because even if I didn’t mean to I did, but the important part is i- I like you,” he told him, not confidently, because while he knew he would be lying if he said he disliked him he didn’t have enough time to sort through his emotions to confidently say he liked him.
But regardless of how uncertain Virgil sounded, Janus still looked up at him with eyes so filled with hesitance but also soft gentle hope as he shakily went “promise? No lies?”
Virgil offered a small smile, “promise, no lies.”  He repeated and Janus barreled into him in a hug, 
And As Virgil wrapped his arms around the shortest side for the second time in five minutes which has got to be some kind of record- he realized hey he was a lot better at this whole comforting thing than he thought he would be, which wasn’t really saying a lot but hey. 
After a while of just standing there, the awkwardness and strain of standing still in a random hallway motivated Janus to unwrap his arms from around Virgil and retrieve his face from his being buried in Virgil’s chest. 
And that only made it more awkward because now they were both just standing in the hallway literally just staring at each other.
So Janus, deciding he hated when stuff was awkward just went “do you know anything fun to do? I’m bored and morality and Logic and Roman are all busy.”
Virgil visibly thought to himself about options before going “are you in a movie mood or music mood? Or if you’re in none of them we might just have to kidnap Roman and see if he has ideas.”
Janus hummed before just happily going “I like music!” practically bouncing on the balls of his feet.
Virgil smiled before he got an idea, “do you like my chemical romance?” He asked and Janus seemed confused at what that was but eventually decided if Virgil liked it then Janus will like it too, so Janus just nodded in reply and just Virgil grinned.
Later Logan had to ask them to quiet down because he needed to work and couldn’t focus and he was almost certain that they were gonna damage their eardrums since he could hear the loud shouts of the lyrics coming from the speakers while in the kitchen, though, even if he failed at getting them to turn it down he was glad they were getting along, Janus was practically bouncing with how gleeful he was, even Virgil had a small smile on his face, so logan supposed even if later they had headaches from the blasting music as long as they were still happy it would be okay in the long run.
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doofbox-hero · 3 years
Long Snippet from A Possibly Abandoned WIP
My first fic I was planning on writing and posting was a cooking competition similar to the The Great British Bake Off with inspiration from a few other shows as well. It was full of OCs and I had big plans but it has since fallen far into the back seat. I like sharing snippets a lot so here is a long snippet though the last paragraph is more notes for me lol. |----| CW Food (Of course) In the lobby of the Black Spire Hotel a very tired looking Remus sits with a cellphone in hand staring at the screen with eyebrows knitted close together in both concentration and slight frustration. The frustration comes from getting far too many messages from friends, family, and people he barely considers acquaintances linking the same promo video he has been avoiding for the past few days since the official Ultimate Kitchen Witch website made it public.
While he is happy the promotion for the show has been an obvious success he absolutely hates seeing any media with his face in it at any point in time. The attention is anxiety inducing in a way that feels almost constricting and leaves him confused on how he of all people ended up here.
But the longer he sits staring at the link the more curious he is what clips they used and which of the other contestants have been featured in the promo. Sirius of course and probably Ignotus if they’re using Sirius. He taps his foot nervously as he presses the link and waits for the video to load.
The video opens with the famous Ultimate Kitchen Witch logo transitioning into existence with some white sparkles against a black background as soft violins begin to play a tune that could only be described as jaunty. This fades from top to bottom to reveal “Mad-Eye” Moody and Nymphadora Tonks standing by a tree in a beautiful field looking wistfully out towards a tent set up in the middle of the space.
“It’s almost time you know.” Moody says with a soft smile as he gives the woman next to him a quick glance.
“Time for what?” Tonks asks with a slight crook in her neck, eyes still trained on the tent.
As he turns towards Tonk his face drops losing any amusement it once held as he raises a hand to punctuate his words as he speaks. “Tonk, did you really just ask that?” She turns towards him looking confused and shrugs her shoulders.
“Yeah I guess, I did.”
“It’s less than two weeks before the Ultimate Kitchen Witch begins, a show that you and I are hosting, and you’re really just asking, ‘time for what?’”
“Hold on. Hold on. What’s happening in less than two weeks? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Moody’s eye seems to almost pop out of his head as he looks at Tonk in utter shock and then shifts to angrily glaring at her in an almost comedic way. “Tonks, you agreed to co-host the show with me. Do you even know what the Ultimate Kitchen Witch is?”
“No I don’t think I do.” Tonk says as she rubs a hand against her forehead feigning an almost obvious fake embarrassment. The man looking down at her rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh before patting her back and gently turning her towards the tent again.
“Come on. Let me run you through the basics.” With a fade from left to right the two are now walking inside of the large tent down the middle of two rows of small, wooden workstations equipped with some basic cooking utensils in polka dotted holders and a cooktop on one end. Moody and Tonks turn to step behind one of the workstations and stop once they’re both standing in a spot where they can both comfortably rest their elbows on the countertop and rest their heads in their hands looking at the camera now zooming in on their faces.
“So what is the Ultimate Kitchen Witch, Moody? Is it magical?” She asks looking his way without turning her head.
“I would say very magical, but not in the wands and shape shifting ways you’re probably thinking.” As he continues on clips from past seasons show in a montage of many memorable moments. “The Ultimate Kitchen Witch is a competitive cooking show where we put 12 up and coming chefs to the test to show us the magic they can do in the kitchen. Each week they are given a different theme and a catch they must keep in mind as they prepare for the three challenges.”
All of a sudden it cuts to Tonk and Moody by a river side and she is reeling in a big, fake carp with a neon pink fishing rod. Tonks looks up at him with an inquisitive look on her face as she asks. “What’s the catch?” He rolls his eyes at her and lightly knocks the rod out of her hand with a displeased look on his face but she just shrugs.
Remus quietly laughs and shakes his head a little at the antics which have always been pretty slapstick on the show but he had a feeling it was only going to get worse with Tonks involved.
The video cuts back to the tent where Moody is leaning against the front of a workstation now mixing what seems to be cookie dough in a bowl while Tonks watches with wide eyes following the spoon. “The catch is mostly what it sounds like. Our chefs must make dishes that fit the theme as best as possible while keeping whatever factor has been chosen in mind as the catch. My favorite example from the past was the week the theme was cookies but chefs had to make everything gluten free. Themes can vary from an ingredient, to an aesthetic, or honestly some of the most random bull I’ve ever heard.”
“So what are these challenges you spoke of earlier?” As she asks she reaches her hand slowly towards the bowl which Moody catches and taps her hand with the spoon causing her to stop. He shakes his head as he goes back to mixing the dough and before he goes on he notices Tonks lick the back of her hand then looks back to the camera with an eye roll.
“There are three challenges. The first challenge is called ‘The Personal Charm Dish’ and it gives the chefs a chance to work on recipes that really show the judges who they are as a person and chef. Winner of this challenge is usually based on who best executed the concept within the theme while still making a spellbound dish. The second challenge is the Zippy Skill Exercise which is where the competitors are given a surprise recipe missing some key details they have to use their experience and knowledge to successfully complete in a very short amount of time.
Of course the winner of this round is mostly based on whoever can actually make the damn recipe correctly but on a rare occasion someone wows the judges with something less accurate yet spectacular. Now the third and final challenge…”
When he looks over at Tonk she’s now eating chocolate chips out of a bag while nodding along in a way that makes it seem she’s only half listening. He grabs the bag out of her hands and dumps half of the chocolate chips in his bowl before putting the bag down on the counter on the opposite side of where she is standing. As he continues to stir he side-eyes her with his non-eye-patched eye and purses his lips before asking. “Were you even listening to a word I just said?”
Tonks rolls her eyes and reaches behind him to grab the bag of chocolate chips. “Yes. Yes I was. Personal Charm Dish, Zippy Skill Challenge, and the third and final challenge is?”
With a face devoid of amusement he turns his eyes back to the camera and continues. “The Truly Magical Challenge. This is where chefs have to show the judges something that ‘makes them believe in magic.’” While he says the end of the sentence a sparkle effect floats in from the left side of the screen to the right passing over his head. “The winner is based on who does the best job of amazing all of the judges with something special. Over the course of 10 weeks the judges take into consideration things like amount of wins, consistency in performance, a real wow factor, and growth over the competition in order to pick an Ultimate Kitchen Witch.”
Now the video cuts to the two looking into an open oven as Moody slides a tray of cookie dough balls in. “But Moody who are the judges?” She turns her head to look at him as she asks and he gives her a glance before looking back at the camera with a cheeky smile.
Another montage of clips play including a very no nonsense Rowena Ravenclaw cutting up an onion while she tells someone off camera why they need to immediately leave her kitchen, Helga Hufflepuff precariously carrying a tray full of dozens of different cookies looking wide eyed and scared of the possible tumble, Godric Gryffindor laughing and handling a large blow torch in way that seems very unsafe, Salazar Slytherin just looking into the camera with a pointed unpleasant look before he grabs a plate from the table in front of him and throws it across the room against a wall, and then varying black silhouettes against a pastel blue background as the words ‘Surprise Guest Judges Announced Every Monday’ roll in front of the figures.
Once the video cuts back to Moody and Tonks she is softly bouncing with a cookie in hand while he just admires the tray holding the rest. “This is so great, I’m gonna get so fat on amazing food and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop me.” The two laugh a little before a look of realization appears on her and holds up a finger to single she has something to add. “What do the chefs get if they win?”
(Moody explains[I still need to figure that out] and then prompts a montage of the contestants this season. Each one has a few clips from various sources shown before they play a short clip of them against a pastel blue background with words with their name and occupation displayed beside them. Remus is annoyed with the clips they used for him, shocked by the clips of Sirius they used, and clicks off after a few more including Sable, Edmund, Ignotus, and Hudson).
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fruitquake · 5 years
trope: fake dating. setting: high school
this is like a cringey high school version of a fic I did a while back, but I had fun writing and isn’t that what matters the most? xD
by the way, please keep in mind that i haven’t read this through since writing it so i don’t even know if it makes sense hhh sorry i’m tired
Sirius was standing by his locker when a group of girls came up to him. He didn’t think much of it, girls tended to do that.
They stood in a little cluster, whispering to each other while glancing up at Sirius every now and then. he rolled his eyes at them, putting his pile of books back into his locker before turning to the group. “Do you want anything or are you just going to stand there?” he asked.
The girls all looked intimidated, especially the one standing in the middle of the small crowd. Sirius had seen her around before. She was a year younger than him, a freshman at their school and for a while now, he’d noticed her taking a great interest in him.
The two girls standing around the girl urged her forward but she just looked down, a furious blush on her face. After a few moments, her friend sighed, looking up at Sirius. “Mary wanted to ask you something,” she said in an impatient tone.
Sirius looked at the blushing girl, Mary. He thought he might have a pretty good feeling about where this was going, and he really didn’t wanna have that conversation with a random freshman girl. “Sorry,” he said. “I gotta get to class-”
“Will you go to prom with me?” The girl, Mary, piped up as the blush on her face intensified.
Sirius sighed, glancing down the hallway, trying to find any excuse to get out of this situation. He didn’t want to go to prom with this girl, but he also didn’t wanna hurt her feelings. “I’m, uh, already going with someone,” he quickly lied.
Mary’s face dropped and her eyes got tearful. “Really?” she asked.
“Yeah,” Sirius muttered, looking anywhere but at the girl. “Sorry. Maybe another time.” Why on earth had he said that? He didn’t want there to be a next time!
“Well, who are you going with?” she asked, her voice trembling a little.
Shit. Sirius really hadn’t thought this through. Quickly, he let his eyes dart across the crowded school hallway. he had to figure something out quickly.
His eyes landed on a boy, standing a bit away. Sirius had seen him around before but didn’t know his name. He was tall, had nice, curly hair, and currently, he seemed to be very immersed in the book he was reading. “That guy,” he said, gesturing at the curly-haired boy. “He’s my prom date.”
All of the girls turned to look at the boy, who was too focused on his book to notice the many eyes staring at him. “Oh,” Mary muttered. “I didn’t realize you were…” she trailed off, looking away in embarrassment.
Sirius shrugged. “It’s cool,” he muttered, his mind working on overdrive to figure out what to do next. Would he have to ask the boy to prom now? For real? He sighed, getting his books before turning to the girls who for some reason were still standing around him. “Now if you’ll excuse me, ladies, I need to get to class.”
Remus was so engaged in the book he was reading, he didn’t notice the guy standing next to him until he felt a light poke at his arm. He looked up to see a guy dressed in a leather jacket and with his hair in a sloppy bun. Sirius Black. Remus didn’t know him personally, but everyone knew who Sirius Black was. The school’s troublemaker and heartthrob. Remus couldn’t for the life of him figure out what Black was doing by his locker. “Uhh… hi?”
Black smiled, leaning against the locker next to Remus’s. “Hey,” he said. “Uhm, I was wondering if you could do me a favour?”
Remus stuff the book into his locker and looked at Black, crossing his arms. “I’m not doing your homework,” he said. He’d had people come to him before, asking for him to do their homework for them. Generally, people only spoke to him when they needed something from him.
Black rolled his eyes. “I’m perfectly capable of doing my own homework,” he assured Remus. “No, I need you to pretend to be my date. For prom.”
Remus’s eyes widened and he could feel his cheeks go lightly pink. “You’re asking me to be your date?”
Chuckling, Black shook his head lightly. “I’m asking you to pretend to be my date,” he corrected him.
Remus scowled. “Well, either way, the answer’s no,” he said, turning back to his locker.
“Please? I’ll pay you!” Black did sound rather desperate.
Remus sighed, hating himself for wanting to say yes. He really needed the money. “Why do you want a fake date anyways?” he asked.
Black shrugged. “I needed an excuse to turn down some girls,” he answered.
Remus didn’t understand why Black would choose him as his fake date when he could have any girl from the school, but he wasn’t gonna question it. “How much will you pay me?” he asked.
“How much do you want?” Black asked in return, a very hopeful look on his face.
Wow, Remus thought. He really was desperate, huh?
“Alright, I’ll do it,” he said in a defeated voice. “We can work out payment later.”
Sirius grinned triumphantly. “Thank you!” he said, turning away. Although before he got very far, Remus noticed him stopping in his tracks and doubling back. “Uh, may I ask for your name?”
Remus rolled his eyes. “Wow, classy,” he muttered, suppressing a smile. “I’m Remus.”
Sirius hadn’t expected to be excited about prom, let alone nervous. But here he was, jittering with nerves as he texted Remus.
Sirius: I’ll pick you up at 7:30
Remus: wow can’t wait 
Sirius could almost hear the sarcasm through that text. He put away his phone and opened his closet, to pick out something to wear. After looking through everything he owned, he decided to just go with his favourite leather jacket and a pair of nice jeans. This wasn’t even a real date, so there was no reason to overdress.
He took the bus to Remus’s house (he’d texted him the address the day before). It would’ve been cooler to pick him up in a car. Or a limousine. But unfortunately, Sirius had none of those.
Remus’s house was small but looked rather nice on the outside. Sirius knocked, then stood back, waiting.
The door was opened after a short while. Sirius’s eyes widened at the sight of the boy. The sweaters and boring clothes Sirius had seen him wearing were replaced by a nice tuxedo.
When Remus saw Sirius, he frowned, looking down at himself. “Great,” he muttered. “I’m totally overdressed.”
Sirius smirked, unable to take his eyes off him. “I don’t mind,” he admitted, holding his arm out like a gentleman for Remus to hold on to. “Oh, and I don’t have a car, but may i escort you to the bus stop?”
Remus rolled his eyes. “Do we really have to do that?” he asked. “I mean, it’s not like those girls are lurking behind a bush, waiting for proof that we’re faking this.
Sirius let his arm fall to his side. He’d almost forgotten this wasn’t a real date. “Good point,” he said with an awkward laugh. “Anyways, we should probably go, we don’t wanna miss the bus.”
“The bus,” Remus noted. “Classy. you couldn’t have gotten us a limo or something?” he asked jokingly.
Sirius smiled and shrugged. “You’re right, I’ll do that next time,” he answered, just as jokingly. Of course, there wasn’t gonna be a next time. This was a one-time thing. Not even a favour, just something Remus did because Sirius had promised him payment.
They took the bus to their school, where people were already filing into the gym hall, stopping on their way to get prom photos. Remus refused to have pictures taken and went directly to the snack bar once they were inside.
Sirius decided to go mingle with the crowd but quickly regretted it, as he saw a bunch of girls, including Mary, making their way over to him. he turned around, joining Remus at the snack bar.
“I owe my life to whoever made this food,” Remus said through a mouthful of something.
Sirius threw a cracker up in the air and caught in with his mouth, earning an eye roll and a muttered “show off” from Remus.
An upbeat song started playing loudly. Sirius grinned, looking at Remus. “Wanna dance?” he asked.
Remus snorted, shaking his head. “No,” he said. “That wasn’t part of the deal.”
“I’ll pay you more,” Sirius said, grabbing Remus’s hand and dragging him onto the already crowded dance floor. At first, Remus just stood still, watching Sirius dance with an annoyed expression. “I should’ve stayed home,” he muttered to himself.
Sirius stopped dancing as a slow, more romantic song came on. He glanced at Remus, biting his lip. “Please, just one dance?” he requested, holding out his hand. “We gotta make it convincing.”
Remus sighed, before taking Sirius’s hand, allowing him to take lead in dancing. “This is so stupid,” he muttered.
Sirius smiled, a blush creeping up in his cheeks as he watched Remus. “Yeah,” he said, looking at their intertwined hands. “Really stupid.”
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ssadumba55 · 6 years
Intimate (Sirius Black X Fem!Reader)
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Request: Hi can you write a Sirius x reader fic where she is really loving but she doesn’t want to be clingy or annoying so she tries not to do too much but Sirius (being himself) thinks she is just not as into the relationship as he is and it’s just a huge quidproquo because I love that! Thank you so much!
 You had always been a little too clingy for comfort. To friends, family, boyfriends... It was the reason that you often could not keep a boyfriend and your friends slowly drifted away. Sometimes you felt like people only spent time with you because they knew you’d be upset if they left.
With Sirius, you’d wanted it to be different. You’d wanted him to like you, so you toned down the physical intimacy as much as possible. It seemed to work too. You still cuddled, held hands, kissed... But it was far less than you would’ve liked. Despite you thinking that the relationship was much better because of this, Sirius was worried.
“She doesn’t ever initiate contact and when I do, she flinches or hesitates as if she thinks it’s wrong. Am I reading too much into this?” Sirius asked Remus and James while the three sat in the library, trying to finish a Potions essay due the next day for Professor Slughorn.
“Probably.” Remus didn’t even look up from his page as he responded. He was tired of hearing about Sirius’ relationship problems.
James nudged his friend lightly, shaking his head. “I think she’s just protecting herself. She doesn’t want to be all up in a relationship if you’re just going to leave and snog some other chick, Padfoot.”
Remus looked up from his page to dip his quill in the ink. “Prongs has a point, Sirius. You do have a... reputation.”
Sirius scoffed at his friends. “I have no idea what either of you are talking about.” But as James and Remus snickered, turning back to focus on their own essays, he couldn’t help wondering if what his friends said had a ring of truth.
He stood,  starting to pack his parchment and quills back into his bag. “I’m going to find (Y/n), see you at dinner.” He left before either Remus or James could argue with him.
Sirius found you standing on the shore of the Great Lake, Lily Evans and Severus Snape on either side of you. The three of you were in a group for your Muggle Studies class, much to the chagrin of Sirius.
“(Y/n)!” Sirius called as he walked across the lawn, alerting the three of you to his presence.
Lily and Severus exchanged looks before patting you on the back and heading back up to the castle, leaving you alone with your boyfriend for company.
“(Y/n)...” Sirius said again as he got nearer and you raised your eyebrow, curious.
“Yes, Sirius? I thought you were studying with James and Remus in the library.” You smiled awkwardly as he approached, taking an instinctive step back. You didn’t want to be too close, just in case you were once again accused of being too clingy.
“I was. I thought.. I think we need to talk.” His right hand came up to run itself through his long black hair, a pained expression taking hold of his features. You could almost hear where this conversation was going. He was breaking up with you. Again, you’d ruined it again.
“No... We don’t. I- I understand. I’ll just head back to the castle.” You began to walk, trying to hold back the tears already threatening to fall when Sirius grabbed your wrist, clearly surprised by your reaction.
“Understand what?” He asked, keeping his grip on your wrist. You close your eyes, willing yourself not to cry.
“Understand that you’re breaking up with me.” You whispered. His concerned face lit up slightly, laughter bubbling from him before he could stop himself. You felt shame and embarrassment begin to bubble inside you. It was bad enough he was going to break up with you but he had to laugh at you too?
He shook his head. “I’m not breaking up with you, (Y/n).” He promised softly, still giggling slightly.
You pulled your wrist away from him slightly as he settled down to a more serious tone.
“No... I, (Y/n)... I wanted to ask. You’ve been really distant... I... Are you not happy in this relationship?” He asked softly.  You were surprised by the question. You hadn’t been expecting that from Sirius, at all.
“N- No. I’m.. happy. I’m invested. I just...” You broke down, and Sirius rushed to catch you, pulling you into his arms.
Everything poured out, your love for being clingy and close to people, the friends you’d lost over it, the break ups you’d had over it, your distaste for it, your wish that the relationship with Sirius would be different.
Sirius held you while you told him everything and then pulled away slightly. “(Y/n), you should’ve talked to me about this. I thought you hated me or figured I was going to leave or something. You can be intimate all you want. I promise. I’m not going anywhere.”
He held you close, rocking back and forth. He was sad that you thought you couldn’t talk to him about something so personal but he also understood where you were coming from. Sometimes you just needed to tear down the barriers.
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lovesickjily · 6 years
present: me
Summary: When Lily Evans is assigned to be a stranger's Secret Santa, she has no idea that by the end of the night, she was the gift that James Potter had wanted the entire time.
give me some love on ao3 or ffn
okay hi merry christmas!!! sorry this fic may sound a bit rushed, but i really wanted to finish this by christmas and i did it? i hope you all enjoy xxx
There were, as Lily speculated, many feelings that people felt when it came to the topic of Christmastime, a time in which everyone showed their love towards friends and family through the gifting and receiving of presents that consequently caused them to end up with so little money that would bring Santa to tears.
Feelings of mirth and joy were expected on the holiday that foresaw snow, but frustration? She didn’t expect any of that days before Christmas.
It wasn’t that Lily hated watching her bank account come to a horrible decline during this season, because the one thing that she absolutely loved more than receiving gifts was buying them. She revelled in watching the eyes of such gift recipients, especially when they lit up like a Christmas tree, and it made her money deficit well worth it.
With Mary, who was known for her embodiment of the concept ‘the more the merrier,’ it was easy to find a gift for her, whether it was one based on sentimentality or one where the price tag had been taken off of it, Mary accepted anything and everything, so long as it wasn’t unattractive in design and form. With Petunia, who was one for the traditional gifts, it wasn’t difficult to find an expensive vase from online that appealed to those who prided themselves in outdoing every single one of their neighbours. She bought an expensive watch for Petunia’s husband, because it seemed like a good gift simply because of the price. Whether he decided to sell it or keep it was honestly up to him, though she hoped very well that it wouldn’t end up rotting in one of his sock drawers.
Now, shopping for a stranger was something entirely on its own.
She’d no idea what Remus had been thinking to invite her to a party where she knew only one person and was even more confused when everyone was assigned a person at random to bring a gift to. From the conversations in the group chat that she had been added to, she could tell that everyone else knew one another well enough, if one could conclude from the jabs that ‘Prongs’ and ‘Padfoot’ continuously sent towards one another.
Eventually, that chat was put on mute, and she’d told Remus— as well as Sirius Black, who was apparently the host of the party— to inform her of any updates about the party. Asking the latter, it seemed, had turned out to be a poor decision on her part, because it seemed as if his sole intent on living was to pester her to the point that she often found her finger hovering over the ‘block contact’ button, only to stop since he unfortunately was the host. There was also the fact that clicking such a simple button was probably exactly what he wanted, and she was definitely not going to let this stranger win.
The last thing that she wanted was to show up in front of his house and be greeted with an infuriatingly cocky on his face.
On the other hand, the first thing that she wanted now at this very moment was to know what exactly to get whoever this ‘James Potter’ person wanted for a gift, but asking Constellation Boy only resulted in responses such as “He wants you for Christmas” with an absurd amount of winking faces.
If she was to browse the Internet in search of gifts to give to strangers, what if there was the chance that he was also her Secret Santa and was on that very same website?
No, she was going to put her utmost creativity into this gift, whatever it may be.
The only question was how she was going to do that.
She couldn’t exactly throw some sentimental value into it, not when there was no sentimental value to be thrown in the first place, but she didn’t want to at all give him something cheaply overdone, like an expensive bottle of perfume or wine. There were rules about gifts, and there was unanimous agreement that one should never get a person such items for Christmas— that is, unless their name was Vernon Dursley.
It was in these moments that she’d taken advantage of the annoying group chat— currently named “Jingle My Balls,” and she could bet all the toys in the world on who had decided to name it that— to scour for any valuable information that could give her an idea of what James Potter had an interest in.
Deer, it seemed.
Lots and lots and lots of deer.
She couldn’t understand his obvious fixation for deer and its venison counterparts, but she sincerely hoped that Remus wasn’t acquainted with someone who prided himself in the slaughtering of deer just for the fun of it. It could help to explain his ridiculous nickname, and she’d almost roped herself into believing that Remus Lupin was the only sane one in their friend group, only to learn that he had been named for a reason that could only be related to the act of mooning.
If she were to get James some sort of food for Christmas, it surely was not going to be of the venison sort.
Perhaps she’d bake cookies for him and call it a day, but they didn’t last forever, not unless he decided to preserve it for reasons unbeknownst to her, and she wanted to create a lasting first impression on him.
James Potter, what in the world could you want?
Could he be interested in pottery, if one could go by his last name?
Obviously, she wasn’t going to put minimal effort into his gift, and he obviously was far from a Petunia, so a ceramic vase— no matter how expensive it was— was just not going to make do. There was nothing wrong with homemade items, and she’d actually greatly prefer homemade objects over the store-bought pieces.
Hopefully, he’d love what she had planned for him.
The final obstacle remaining was that she’d never in her life taken a pottery class.
There was a difference between going all out and doing exactly what it was that this household had seemed to do when it came for Christmas decorations.
Lily liked to think that she fell in the former category, having decorated nearly every inch of her flat with pretty fairy lights and a giant Christmas tree in the corner of every room, and even the bathroom contained a small Christmas tree resting atop the counter. Tinsel lined the tops of the mock fireplace in their living room, and in every part of the flat, there was some Christmas decoration of some sort.
But this house— mansion?
It was on a completely different spectrum of its own.
The front lawn seemed as if it had taken everything that could be seen in the Christmas outdoor section featured at every store, and in places where snow hadn’t fallen, fake snow was used to create the illusion that the place was a magical castle in a kingdom where winter was eternal. There were, of course, a line of deer made entirely out of lights lining up the pathway, and at the very end stood a dog made of lights and a pair of antlers atop the animal.
If she had any doubts about whether or not she’d come to the right place, then these doubts were put at ease.
“This is the place,” she said to Mary, though it came out more as a question rather than anything else.
“The one and only.”
“Are you sure we aren’t— I don’t know— planning a heist? Following the plot of the Bling Ring?”
“Maybe next time,” Mary said nonchalantly, “But I don’t see why you should when you’re being offered free food here. Remember, stay safe, and please bring me a plate of whatever food they have there.”
With one last look, Mary gave her a reassuring beam as she bent down to begin her search party, as her phone had fallen off of the dashboard and slid off to who knows where. It ultimately meant that she was going to dawdle in the car for an unreasonable amount of time because she didn’t want to step out into the cold so quickly, as it was just characteristic of Mary to do stay in her comfort zone for as long as she deemed possible. It was for that reason that Lily decided to knock at the door before the frosty air could hold her captive as well.
The door thankfully opened quickly, and amidst the sweet smell of cookies and all the positivity that embodied Christmas, she caught sight of, well, reindeer. It wasn’t off-putting that it was reindeer. It was off-putting that it was reindeer. Atop each other.
She wasn’t being subjected to real-live reindeer, of course, as they were graphics that appeared on the sweater of some bloke bold enough to wear it to the party. If the sweater hadn’t had the reindeer engaged in such an illicit act, it probably could have been a lovely sweater.
They could have matched, actually, because she was wearing a sweater similar to his, the only main difference being the fact that her deer were nowhere near one another, and hers was mainly black while his was mainly blue.
She felt her eyebrows furrowing in confusion at the sight, and she blinked twice. “You must be James.”
She’d finally managed to tear her eyes away from the deer to look up at him, and she’d nearly fallen onto her knees at the fact that he was so attractive to the point that he absolutely had to know how attractive he was. It didn’t help that there was a pair of antlers atop his head, and they only served to draw attention to his messy hair, hair wild enough to make her thoughts wander off into territory that they shouldn’t have stumbled upon in the first place.
And then her gaze flickered right back to his sweater, where the reindeer seemed to be mocking her.
It was only then that he’d been able to somewhat redeem himself when he opened his mouth, and how how how could a voice be equally as attractive as his physique?
“Yeah? What gave it away?”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “You’ve got reindeer fucking on your sweater.”
He let out an embarrassed laugh, and she couldn’t help but notice the way his cheeks pinked at her observation. He let out a soft sigh. “I can’t believe the prettiest person I’ve ever seen in my life knows me as the bloke who wears sweaters with graphics of reindeer procreation. I swear I’m being forced to wear this right now.”
Her shoulders sagged in relief. “I was beginning to feel concern for you, a stranger. I still do feel concern, actually. I assume it was Sirius who put you up for that?”
He nodded grimly. “We made a bet. Signed a contract to wear it if I lose and everything.”
“I’m so sorry that he’s disgraced deer like that. No one should ever involuntarily wear clothing that display any form of animal procreation.”
Her words seemed to have some sort of a strong effect on him, and he began smiling so wide that she could make out a dimple growing on the left side of his face. He opened his mouth to respond, when a piercing voice rang through the air, as if the evil form of Father Christmas had awaken to fill all of their stockings with coal.
“Close the fucking door, you fucking—” There was, of course, only one person whose voice that could have belonged to, and her eyes met grey, comprehension growing in his eyes as he realised who she was. “Fuck. Close the door. I’ll be right back.”
“Sirius,” she said simply.
“Unfortunately,” he replied, and he looked out towards the car, “Is your friend coming in?”
Lily regarded his question with little interest and shook her head. “She’s just dropping me off.”
He nodded in acknowledgement. “You’re Lily, right?”
“Unless you were expecting the actual flower, that would be me.”
“I’d say you came to please, then. You’re just as pretty as one.”
She didn’t know what to say in response, because it wasn’t as if she was unconfident in her looks, but it was the mere fact that he’d managed to flirt with her twice in the span of a few minutes. “You can definitely do much bet—”
She was cut off by the sound of heavy footsteps once again, and Sirius returned with something green in his hand. She already knew what it was without even having to get a close look of it, if the deep sighs coming from James were of any indication.
“Padfoot, I swear if you bloody hang that over our heads—”
“That’s quite presumptuous of you to think that I’m trying to incite non-consensual kissing between strangers.”
“Then explain why you’ve got mistletoe in your hand.”
Sirius hung it over his own head. “I’m doing everyone a favour by giving all of you permission to kiss me, the one and only Sirius Black. This is a one-time offer, so I’d say you should take advantage of this opportunity.”
Lily concealed any feeling of disgust that he’d stirred up from his horrible offer, because she came to this party with absolutely no intention of kissing anybody, let alone Sirius, who she honestly thought couldn’t possibly be a horrible person and that his way of texting merely gave off strange vibes. Perhaps he wasn’t a terrible person in the sense that he was decent enough for Remus to befriend, but, as she’d already known long before, looks gave no clue of how a person was on the inside.
“Right, so where do I place this down?” she asked instead, holding up her present that she’d wrapped carefully.
“Don’t know about the box, but you could place yourself down on James’s—”
“Beneath the Christmas tree should be fine,” James had cut in, and he placed tentative fingers on her shoulders, to which she felt warmth spreading throughout her body, “Here, I’ll show you where it is.”
“It’s right there—” she began, but upon realising that he was helping to whisk her away from Sirius, who looked as if the being who he’d successfully been able to bag was Death itself— what with his pale skin and body covered head-to-toe in all black, save the small bit of his red shirt peeking out from beneath his leather jacket— she stopped herself. “Thank you.”
“It’s no problem.”
It was a problem, actually, because she thought she’d resolved every single one of her worries when she’d finally finished making his gift for him, but she’d been far too busy dwelling on making it so that he would enjoy his present that she hadn’t even stopped for a moment to consider that he might actually fall under the category of men that seemed to make her heart do backflips. And when Sirius was unsubtly running around with mistletoe in his hands, it was obvious that both her and James were to be subjected to uncomfortability, similar to the way people wanted celebrities to date one another on the basis that they were both attractive people.
She didn’t speak her thoughts, instead choosing to plaster a smile on her face, which in all honestly wasn’t at all difficult to do, not when the interior of the place was just as festive as it was outside. The tree stood taller than any tree that she could have ever put up at her flat, and it must have taken a painstaken amount of time to decorate all of it. At closer inspection, she noticed the tree had a good number of ornaments containing images of who she assumed were either James or Sirius at different stages of life making funny faces at the camera.
“Don’t judge,” he said from behind her.
“Oh, I can assure you that I’ve expected no form of normality in this household since you’ve opened the door.”
He grinned at her. “Yeah? Have my expectations been up to par, then?”
“Somewhere up there,” she allowed, “Though, I don’t think there’s too much pride you can have in how stranger perceives you, especially when it’s on the low end of the metre.”
“I take immense pride in that, for your information. I’m taking it as a good sign, since you’ve yet to pelt an ornament at me.”
“I’d say you’re going to only have good signs, then. I, contrary to popular belief, do not pelt ornaments at people.”
“I’d pelt an ornament at any idiot who would believe you more than willing to do such a thing.”
She couldn’t help the laughter bubbling from her lips at his words, and it seemed that he took great pride in getting a laugh from her, because her actions had spurred him on to smile just as widely. Somehow, he’d managed to find a way to be such a dork while still simultaneously coming off as charming.
The ring at the doorbell snapped them out of it, and he flashed her an apologetic smile. “Duty calls— rings? Dunno which word is more fitting, but I’ll have to go greet the other guests. I’ll see you later, yeah?”
“I’ll remember to not pelt any ornaments during the wait,” she smiled, and it only served to make his dimple greet her once again as he grinned.
“I knew you’d understand.”
With that, he left her to her own devices. Someone— most likely Sirius— had begun blaring Mariah Carey, the spirit of all things concerning Christmas, and if that didn’t add to the strangeness of it all, she didn’t know what did.
She placed the gift down carefully beside a red gift bag decorated with white snowflakes, and it was quite possibly the most normal sight she’d seen in the house so far— perhaps the only normal sight she’d be seeing for the night.
It was, most definitely, going to be a long night.
For a place that could have possibly housed an entire army, there weren’t as many people as Lily had thought would show up.
There were so much more than she could have expected.
She’d thought that they’d only invited their inner circle of friends if she were to judge from the small number of people in the group chat, and so it would be a complete understatement if Lily said that she thought that she’d feel completely out of place in a room where inside-jokes populated the conversations. It seemed that James, who was the owner of this house— or at least one of the owners, seeing as his parents had been away on a business trip and wouldn’t return until the week of Christmas— was just as surprised as she was by the amount of people showing up.
It seemed that somebody had decided to pass on the message that anybody who learned about the details of the party was invited, and at one point, James literally had to lock the door so as to keep people out, but when Sirius had brought up the point that people could easily climb in through the windows and over the fences, his efforts were rendered futile.
It would be an absolute miracle if the neighbours didn’t call the cops on them.
Sirius, once one got over his many bouts of inappropriate behaviour, was actually a somewhat hilarious person who, in a way, seemed to understand her. It wasn’t her fault that her eyes kept wandering over to James, who’d taken to putting a pillow right over his chest so that he could cover up the cursed image of the reindeer, because she still couldn’t fully fathom how a person could be so attractive without doing anything even remotely interesting, and it definitely wasn’t her fault that Sirius was ribbing her for it.
Sure, Sirius was the conventional type of attractive, but when someone like James was there, Sirius was merely a rock and James a diamond.
It didn’t help that everyone— save for James— was painfully aware of her staring. She felt shame welling up inside of her, because she knew all too well that there was so much more in a person than their appearance, and she herself hated when people merely saw her as nothing more than how she looked. Now, though, she was doing the exact same thing she was entirely against, only, it was with James.
She didn’t even know him that well, and as much as she’d like to say that she’d spent the majority of her time conversing with him, she knew that would be an absolute lie, as she had barely talked to him since she’d greeted him at the door. She’d caught glimpses of his personality through the texts that he sent to the group chat, and she’d be an absolute liar if she wasn’t at all intrigued by his mannerism and himself as a whole.
She wanted to learn more about him, learn about his strange fixation with deer, learn everything there was to know about him, like if he was really the type of man her parents would have liked to see her walking down the aisle with: the type of man who made her completely and utterly happy.
Sirius leaned over to her, because of course she would be the one to end up sitting beside him, even if for just a short period of time. Of course he would, yet again, pick up on her stares. “You can’t fuck if you don’t talk to each other first.”
“I’d say in some extreme cases, that would be a complete lie.”
“I’m prone to agree, but since that idiot has only had unsuccessful dates this entire year, I’m obligated to step up. You’d make his entire bloody new year.”
“Unfortunately, I don’t exist for the sole purpose of making one single person happy.”
“Of course not, but we all know how you’ve been fucking James with your eyes, so spare yourself of wasted time and sit on his lap. He wouldn’t protest.”
“I’d protest,” she replied scathingly, “And he’s talking to his line of admirers.”
‘Talking’ was a word being used loosely here, because he seemed to be the only person speaking, having gone on about a story about himself from when he was younger. It seemed that he’d been engaged in a conversation with Remus earlier, but after the first three women came from nowhere, Remus had left him alone with them, and so he’d been forced to conversate with them, unless he fancied being found in a ditch the following day. She could already sense his discomfort from just the way his smile seemed permanently glued on to his face.
“To cut the conversation short,” Sirius began, feeling no sense of empathy for his mate, “You’re holding back.”
“I didn’t come here for you to play matchmaker.”
“But little do you know,” Sirius sighed.
“What?” Sirius asked, “You’re forgiven.”
“I’ve absolutely no reason to apologise—”
“There’s always a reason to apologise. For one thing, you’re stealing me away from the other guests. Everyone needs an equal share of Sirius Black—”
She blanched. “Right, well, that’s already enough incentive to walk away from you right about now.”
“That’s the spirit,” he replied, “Repulsion is the first step to a blossoming friendship. Let me be best man, if that isn’t too much to ask.”
“You didn’t even ask.”
“You didn’t offer. I’ve got to take matters into my own hands.”
She scoffed lightly at him. “It was nice meeting you formally, Sirius.”
“Not sure if that’s sarcasm or if you’re being genuine, but either way, I’ll take it as a compliment.”
She had to hand it to him; she wasn’t sure just exactly what he was capable of, but if Sirius Black was ever handed the opportunity to take over the world, he’d turn down that chance just to find his own means of world domination.
She watched as he walked over to the group with James, said a few magical words, and the next thing that she knew, Sirius had taken the women off of James’s hands as if they were moths and he was a flame.
What she hadn’t expected, however, was to see Sirius pushing James directly towards her, and it seemed as if he was a reindeer soaring through the sky, but the metaphor suddenly seemed unsuiting when she found him crashing right into her.
Or, nearly crashing, and she could already feel how awkward it would have been if he’d fallen atop of her, what with their bodies right up against one another and his face merely centimetres away from hers.
In reality, though, Sirius’s pushing was merely a light shove, because his arms just weren’t strong enough to move somebody across the room and acted only as encouragement more than anything else.
“Hello, hi,” James said, and he sent a glare towards Sirius, “We meet again. Your reindeer are still living in solitude, I see.”
She couldn’t help the smile growing on her face. “I see yours are still going at it. Do they ever stop?”
“Right? It’s quite rude to all the guests around here. They need to find their own time and place to make love.”
She nodded. “They are domestic animals. I expected much more from them. Do you want to go somewhere more quiet? Mariah’s gotten a bit annoying after the first five rounds of All I Want For Christmas Is You.”
“Sure, as long as it’s not for the purposes of love-making. I’d like to at least take you out on a date first.”
“Then, to your room?”
“If you insist,” he joked, and she felt her lips curling upwards once again.
“Why the fixation with deer?” was the very first thing that she’d asked once they’d entered his room. She’d noticed that his devotion to Christmas only seemed to continue on behind the privacy of his door, as even the bedsheets had been changed to mimic Christmas. There was, of course, a Christmas tree in the corner of his room, and rather than the small ones that some people put, the tree was of average size. Beneath the tree were the gifts that were brought for the Secret Santa ceremony, which James had relocated in case any of the uninvited guests had decided that it would be a good idea to snatch them.
She made herself comfortable on his bed, patting the space beside her to motion for him to sit down, that she wouldn’t falsely made accusations at him if he got too close to her. He chuckled at her question. “Its antlers look like a crown, and we both know that I am the most majesty being in the world.”
She fought the urge to roll her eyes at him, because though she hadn’t known him for that long, seemed like such a him thing to say. “A real answer, please.”
“You’d laugh.”
“Only if it’s funny.”
She watched his lips rise at the corners. “I took a quiz about what my spirit animal would be, and I got a stag. That’s what made my interest stagnant, I’d say.”
She unceremoniously let out a huff of air. “You made that pun on purpose.”
“Ah, don’t tell me you don’t have an appreciation for puns.”
“I have an appreciation for the funny ones.”
“I’m actually so offended right now. I’m not funny?”
“Oh, I don’t doubt that you’re funny. Your puns are the ones that need some work.”
“It was hilarious.”
“For you perhaps, but since you base your pride on the beliefs of strangers, your opinions don’t seem to matter in this scenario.”
“Oi, my puns are the greatest, thank you very much. I think your opinion is skewed because you’ve been too distracted by the reindeer fornicating on my sweater.”
She laughed. “You’re ridiculous.”
“You’re laughing, which means that I am completely and utterly hilarious.”
“If you say so,” she sang, “Will you pelt an ornament at me so as to convince me otherwise?”
“Violence is never the answer. I’ve other alternatives, like begging and pleading you to please fuel my ego as it so desires.”
“I’m sure looking in the mirror gives you enough fuel to last the entire week. Month, maybe.”
“Are you calling me handsome?”
“I’m certainly not calling your puns funny.”
“I don’t know whether I should be turned on by the fact that you think I’m attractive or off because you think I’m unfunny.”
There was something in his tone that made her think that he was edging near the former option rather than the latter, and the manner in which his breaths were coming out more slowly was even more of a signal that he wanted something to happen between them just as much as she did.
“Maybe,” she started, and her fingers began moving up his thigh, inching upwards until she was cupping his chin, feeling the light stubble on his face, “We could reach a com—”
She was cut off by the sound of the door bursting open.
It was, of course, Sirius, who looked unsurprised at the sight of them on the bed together. “I’m going to assume that I interrupted you lot, but I’d say that you deserved it, because both of you were too slow to jump the other first thing when you laid eyes on each other.”
“What do you want, Padfoot?” James grumbled, and he removed a hand from her arm, which she hadn’t even noticed had been on her person.
“A lot of things, actually.” She cocked an eyebrow at him. Perhaps the eggnog that they’d served had gotten to his brain, if the alcohol that he’d dunked into the Christmas drink hadn’t done so already. “Anyway, we need to open presents. Oi, you lot. We’re opening presents, and no, that doesn’t include me.”
Sirius clapped ostentatiously to attract everyone’s attention, as if his random outburst hadn’t been heard by perhaps the entire neighbourhood. “We do not need a hearing aid for a present this Christmas,” Remus said as he walked in, and he regarded his mug of eggnog with disdain, as if it was Sirius in the form of a liquid.
It seemed that Sirius had already gathered all of the people who were involved in the ceremony, as a few other people walked in afterwards, and only Peter seemed sympathetic enough to flash them a look of apology for intruding on them.
“Never said anything about a hearing aid,” Sirius replied, “Maybe you need the hearing aid.”
“After your outbursts, I reckon we’ll all need hearing aids. Calm your arse, yeah?” James put in, and Lily felt that had the opportunity arisen, she most definitely would have paid to hear more of his lovely voice.
“He’s excited for presents,” Peter Pettigrew added, “I’m excited.”
“Don’t tell anyone, but I made sure that no one got Pete for Secret Santa,” Sirius drawled, and Lily whacked him lightly with a nearby pillow.
“That’s completely unsuitable for the occasion.”
“It’s fine, Lily,” Peter started, “He says things like that all the time. I’ve built an immunity to it.”
“You shouldn’t have to tolerate it.”
“If this helps,” James began, “I was your Secret Santa. Your present is the one with the gold wrapper, because I use only the finest materials.”
Peter scrambled up to grab the present as described, and this was more or less how it had went on, with everyone having an unspoken agreement on who could throw the most jabs at each other. Sirius was, unsurprisingly, Lily’s Secret Santa, and he’d thought it hilarious to include a gag gift in with the real gift— a pink scarf and an insanely giant framed picture of himself. It went on to show that the size of a present truly didn’t make it a good gift, and she’d have to find some open space in her closet to hang the portrait up on. It would have been quite rude of her to not put up the portrait.
Annoyingly enough, Sirius was completely and deliberately delaying her from giving her gift to James, and when the time finally came for her to give James the concrete embodiment of her hard work and effort, Sirius again was unsubtle in hiding his motives. She took her previous thoughts back. He could definitely not conquer the world, no matter how hard he tried.
“I’ve going to take a sh—”
“If you finish that last thought, I will throw you out the window,” Remus threatened.
“Remus and I will be going— actually, no, let’s all go together.”
“I am not going anywhere near the bathroom with you,” Remus interjected, looking aghast at the prospect.
“You’ve no choice—”
“I always have a choice,” Remus replied, and Lily had been looking on with such amusement that she’d been a bit surprised when he turned towards her, “I am so sorry for his behaviour.”
“I am so sorry that you’ve had to endure him for, what was it, the entirety of your life?”
“That’d be about right,” Peter cut in with a nod.
“I can’t believe you’re all ganging up on me.”
“You can’t honestly expect to intrude upon James and I for open gifts, only to unsubtly leave us alone when it’s time for James to open his present, can you?” she asked Sirius.
“That only makes it even more fun for him,” James said beside her, “And I’d rather they leave now than never.”
“You love us.”
“Yeah, yeah. Get out, and I’ll see about that.”
James, at that point, had taken to escorting them out of the room, and with one swift motion, he closed the door shut and clicked the lock in place. He walked towards the tree, picking up the very last gift that remained before seating himself right back beside her.
“You couldn’t have possibly found a way to clone yourself, have you?”
She found her cheeks growing red, and she shook her head. “Not unless I also found some way to shrink myself.”
He smiled softly at her response. “It’s only that I think that the best present I’ve gotten so far is meeting you.”
“Honestly, if you don’t think that this will be the best present you’ve ever seen in your life, I’m afraid I’ll have to cut off all contact with you. I worked too hard on this gift for it to only be second to myself.”
She watched his smile blossom into something nearly as radiant as a flower at her words, and he shook his head, looking a bit bashful. “Nothing could ever beat you.”
His hands drifted down to the bow that she’d tied on top of the box, slowly pulling it off, and she was glad to see that he was not one of those monsters that destroyed the wrapping paper in order to get to the gift faster. He did the action with some speed, though he was being awfully considerate in not tearing it either, and when he did accidentally make a small rip, he let out a small apology to the paper, as if he was hurting it.
Her heart only moved quicker at that action.
When he opened the box, pulling out the mug that she’d been putting all of her painstaking effort into creating, he let out a nearly inaudible gasp at the sight. He scrutinised every inch of it, and his face didn’t even once diverge from amazement, even when there was so clearly a mistake in the way she’d made it.
“You made this?” he said inconceivably, and she nodded, “How could anyone make something so bloody nice? Fucking— you’re so talented.”
She knew that his words were making her face turn so red that she had to be the living embodiment of the colours of Christmas now, because it was one thing for him to compliment her appearance, but it was something completely difficult when he was praising her work.
She’d made him a ceramic mug, having used so much of the patience that was a gift she could never have gotten from anyone other than her parents and the universe.
She’d done all of it herself, even going the length of digging out and cleaning her own clay in the back of her yard because it would take far too long to ship clay to her home, and on the side of the mug, she’d painted, of course, a reindeer.
He placed the mug down onto his bedside table and took her face tentatively in his. “Can I—”
He smiled widely at her, and with that, he pressed his lips to her, the taste of the eggnog he’d prepared filling her senses. There were so many things that she’d imagined to happen when he’d gotten his gift, which included— but was not limited to— him simply thanking her, or, had he turned out to be a malicious person, would have slammed all of her effort onto the ground, effectively splitting the mug into a million pieces.
She didn’t realise that she’d end up kissing him. She didn’t realise that she’d love kissing him.
There was something so tantalisingly sweet about the way he was holding on to her chin and something so utterly desirable about the manner in which he was kissing her. It wasn’t too slow or too fast, and it wasn’t even helping that her heart had taken to soaring throughout her body as if it was a shooting star, sending wonder towards every single one of its witnesses.
She’d found it too much of a coincidence that he’d end up being the person who she had to get a gift for, found it too much of a coincidence that she’d wind up being added to a group chat in which everyone but her was close with one another, and—
“Oh my goodness,” she said against his lips, and she pulled away, her eyes opening so that green could meet gold.
It was not a coincidence.
“Are you all right?” he asked her, and the way in which his glasses were skewed only added to his confusion.
She nodded. “It’s just— aren’t you peeved?”
“Peeved?” He looked more perplex. “About what?”
“We’ve so obviously been set up, and it took me this long to realise it.”
“We’ve been…” he repeated, and he blinked once, then once again. “What?”
“It’s so obvious now that Sirius set all of this up so that we could meet. Don’t you—” Her eyes widened slightly when his cheeks flared up, signifying that he knew something. He knew something. “James.”
“Right, yeah, I didn’t realise that this was a set up until after you were added to the chat, but I swear— I just thought that you were a cool person because you’re on the phone with Remus a lot. I didn’t think Sirius would take the initiative to do all of that. I— are you mad?”
Was she mad?
No, she didn’t think she was, or, at least she wasn’t mad at him.
“No,” she answered honestly, finding his rambling to be cute, “I’m not mad at all. I got to meet you, didn’t I? I think that’s enough compensation.”
“But we both agree that Sirius isn’t getting away with this.”
Her lips curled upwards. “After a few more rounds of kissing. And the sweater goes off.”
“I thought you were starting to warm up to it.”
“I could honestly never,” she laughed, but he complied anyway, pulling the cursed top off of himself. Her fingers lightly roamed over the exposed skin, and she found him kissing her once again.
There were many feelings that people felt when it came to the topic of Christmastime, but right now, all Lily could feel was joy.
There was also that small bit of wrath felt towards Sirius, but when joy was the dominant feeling, who cared what else she felt?
All she focused on was joy. Joy and joy and joy.
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tinylilemrys · 6 years
So I read your fic ‘in my cardboard walls’ and it was AMAZING so do you have a rec of the other ones you’ve written? Or a rec of your fav Merthur or Wolfstar fanfics? I’d really appreciate it!(I think a lot of your followers would too)
Hey, Anon! Thanks so much for reading, In My Cardboard Walls and for this lovely comment! ♥
That’s my only multi-chapter Merthur/Wolfstar fic, but I’ve written a few one-shots.
Note to Idiot
Arthur and Merlin are members of the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad who work different shifts and share the same office. Arthur, who works the day shift, can’t stand the rain. Merlin, who works the night shift, can’t concentrate without it.
When they both get tired of changing the weather in the magical window in their underground office, is there a more British way to settle their differences than with a few passive-aggressive memos?
First Year (prequel to Note to Idiot)
The summer Arthur turns eleven, with the memory of his father’s reaction when his sister got her Hogwarts letter still fresh in his mind, he spends almost the entire holiday in dread that he’ll get one too. However, when the inevitable happens, he gets far more than just a spot at a magic school – he gets a family. Well, that and an inconvenient acquaintanceship with a strange dark-haired kid, who Arthur definitely does NOT like. Not at all.
The routine has been the same for centuries: Arthur begins a new life in wherever they are in time, he and Merlin meet, Merlin’s memory spell lifts, Arthur’s memories eventually flood back, the idiot has a chuckle at his expense, hugs him senseless and then cries for a bit when it hits him that Arthur’s really with him again. After that they pick up from where they left off until Arthur’s life in that time ends and it all starts again in his next life.
Except this time, when Merlin’s memory spell proves too strong to be lifted simply by their meeting, Arthur is forced to win Merlin over the hard way: with small-talk and dandelions.
You Should See The Other Guy
Arthur doesn’t think it’s unreasonable to be worried when his boyfriend keeps turning up beat-up and bruised (even if Merlin is still perfectly happy and doesn’t seem that concerned about it). But when it gets the worst it’s ever been, Merlin is forced to admit something to Arthur that changes everything.
[This isn’t angsty at all, and there’s a good reason Merlin keeps showing up injured.]
Designated Driver
Arthur has Nystagmus, is legally blind and can’t drive. Gwaine is supposed to be the designated driver but after accepting drink after drink from the hot bartender who has a crush on him, he’s far too drunk to walk let alone operate a car. To make matters worse, Arthur’s left his wallet at home so he can’t even call a cab. Thankfully, his luck changes when he gets approached by a hot stranger.
The First Batch Always Flops
Merlin is used to occasionally walking into the kitchen to meet the sad and embarrassed eyes of the last person to go through Gwaine’s bed. What he’s not used to is finding them irresistibly good-looking and suddenly having the strange urge to make them pancakes to make up for Gwaine’s carelessness. Arthur seems to be a special case.
Mona Lisa’s Smile
“Merlin is the only reason he hasn’t snapped yet. Arthur’s tired and exhausted and just so so sick of art but seeing how Merlin’s face lights up when he sees one of his favourite pieces or how the tips of his adorable ears flush read as he excitedly babbles on about the brushwork and use of colour (even though he knows Arthur can’t tell if it’s good or bad one way or another) fills him with so much affection that he knows he’d happily spend the hundred or so days that he now knows it would take to see each and every piece. Arthur would do anything to keep that childlike mirth alive in his features.
The small velvet box in his pocket suddenly feels a lot more heavy and insistent.”
Nos Galan Gaeaf
Merlin knows from the heart-stopping moment that the fallen branch impales and rips his tent almost in half, that he hates, nay loathes camping and to his horror, it’s the annoyingly posh rich bloke with the top-of-the-range camping gear who comes to his rescue.
However, it soon becomes clear that there’s a reason that the two of them ended up at the camping ground next to what is rumoured to be one of the most haunted and powerful forests in Britain on the last day of October, and it’s far bigger than either of them could have ever imagined.
The Daily Grind
Sirius, a new barista, finds himself fascinated with one of the customers. When James tells him that his name is Remus Lupin and that he suffers from severe social anxiety, Sirius finds a creative way to get to know him.
James’ Next-Door Neighbour
Based on the prompt “okay buddy you’ve been serenading the wrong window for about five minutes now, time to let you know my neighbor is out of town.”
Remus is a light sleeper and any little noise at night wakes him up, which is why he’s so annoyed when someone stops their bike right outside his house one night and, to his horror, begins serenading his window. It gets worse when Remus realises that it was actually intended for his next-door-neighbour James, and worse still when Remus and the biker discover that James might have orchestrated the whole thing.
Twenty Minute Shift
Sirius knows he’s picked a bad day to visit his friend at work when, as soon as he walks in, James all but throws his work uniform at him. Things look up when the only client unfortunate enough to come in looking for a bath bomb while Sirius is on duty turns out to be pretty cute. 
I can’t think of many Wolfstar fic recs, but here are a few Merthur ones I’m obsessed with:
Merthur Fic Recs:
There Are No Gays In Football by Malu_3 (Grianne)
When a deeply-closeted Arthur Pendragon finally earns a spot in Camelot’s first XI, he’s dead set on breaking records, not one of sport’s last taboos. But life, like football, is a funny old game, and sometimes the only way up is out. Especially once he realises he’s arse over tit for the new physio.
A queer Arthurian tale of courage, love, and football.
Comments: This is my absolute favourite fic of all time from any fandom. I’ve just finished rereading it and was reminded of how absolutely amazing it is. It’s equal parts hilarious, angsty, eye-opening and hot. You’ll never be able to look at photosets of Bradley in football gear the same way again.
M-RYS by mornmeril
The year is 2355 and Arthur Pendragon is the darling of Albion’s capitol, Camelot. He’s rich, handsome and the heir to Pendragon Enterprises, the world market leader of technology.
Of course behind the facade, Arthur’s life is far from perfect. His father is a demanding man and the betrayal of his ex-girlfriend has left him with even more issues than before, while through it all he’s doing his best to take care of his mentally ill sister.
But things really start to escalate when Arthur is put in charge of launching a new series of android models, the M-RYS line, and he discovers a malfunctioning model that seems more like a human than a computer.
Things only go downhill from there.
Between struggling with his ever growing feelings for Merlin and discovering one strange thing after the other, Arthur’s world is completely upended as he and Merlin embark on a mission to discover his father’s secrets.
Comments: Oh man I will never not love a sci-fi AU based on a high fantasy series. It’s such an interesting take on the Arthur/Merlin dynamic and is full of so many twists and turns that, if you’re anything like me, you won’t be able to stop reading until it’s done.
The Raven by boywholivednotdied
Will’s antics had always been ridiculous, but when one of his dumb capers causes Merlin to inadvertently fall in love with a boy on the internet, things start getting a little complicated. Modern Day AU. Based on the movie ‘You’ve Got Mail’
Comments: It’s a modern-era royalty AU based on You’ve Got Mail - what more could you ask? It’s beautifully written with amazing characterisation, is hilarious and sweet, and low-key (read: high-key) makes me want to meet the love of my life online.
Hope this is helpful, anon! ♥
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Despite Our Differences/// Draco Malfoy x Reader
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A/N: You guys don’t even know how last minute all the Christmas stuff I’m writing is. If I get everything done it’ll be an actual miracle, okay?
Other Christmas fics:
Sirius Black   Charlie Weasley   Neville Longbottom   Newt Scamander   Harry Potter   James Potter   Remus Lupin
     Draco had expected to have a horrible Christmas. Well, it was either gonna be horrible or slightly less horrible but still not good. He’d, of course, gone with the second option. With the return of Voldemort and his parents pressure on him he’d decided his best option was telling them he like to stay at Hogwarts over the holiday and “study”. All of his friends had gone home, leaving just him and the very few other Slytherins who for some reason or another had decided to stay. 
     He had planned to just stay in his room and go to the library occasionally. It wasn’t ideal but there were worse fates. He’d just have a nice quiet Christmas, avoiding everyone he could. But that, of course, didn’t happen.
     You rubbed your eyes as you walked down the long cold corridors. You’d done all of your studying for that night and all you wanted now was something hot to drink. Maybe then you’d be able to sleep or maybe you’d have another restless night. When you arrived at the kitchen it was mostly empty so you went about your business making your hot chocolate and left quickly. 
      You were on your way back to the dorms, not particularly being careful or aware of your surroundings. There was almost no one there so you had nothing to worry about. Almost nothing that is, until you ran right into someone. You spilled your hot drink all over them and they shouted in pain. 
     “What the hell,” he said between gritted teeth. It was Draco Malfoy, who was the last person you’d expect to be seeing here right now. 
    “Malfoy?” Your voice was filled with surprise instead of the usual annoyance it had when you saw him.  
    “What out, Merlin,” he said angrily. Your head tilted to the side in confusion. 
    “Sorry about your shirt and everything but what are you doing here anyways?” He looked annoyed that you even asked. He began walking in the other direction. 
     “Not that it’s any of your business but I decided to stay here.” You followed him without even thinking about it. 
     “But where are your bodyguards, they’re literally always with you. They follow you around like puppies.” Draco didn’t reply. He kept walking until you both reached the entrance of the Slytherin common room. Draco stopped and turned around to glare at you.
     “Will you go away?” You crossed your arms and smirked at him. 
     “I probably should yeah but this is getting very interesting. Are you all alone for the holidays?” He rolled his eyes. After standing there for a minute with you giving him the same defiant look he just said the password to the common room and you both walked in. It was colder here than the rest of castle but Draco didn’t seem to notice. 
     “Will you go away already?” 
     “Not quite yet,” you replied as you followed him upstairs. 
    “This is ridiculous.” He didn’t try to stop you as you entered the room. He began unbuttoning his shirt but stopped and looked up at you. 
     “Do you mind?” You suddenly got very embarrassed. You turned your back to him so that he could get dressed. 
     “So you didn’t go home for mysterious reasons and all of your friends are gone? That’s kinda sad, Malfoy.” He didn’t reply for a while. 
     “No, it’s really not. I’m fine,” he said in a very monotone voice. 
     “No one deserves to spend Christmas alone, even arseholes like you.” 
     “That sentiment certainly cheers me up.” You turned around and he had changed shirts. 
     “Seriously.” He rolled his eyes again. 
    “I don’t get why you care and I also don’t understand what you think you’ll do to make my Christmas so much better. You don’t even like me.” 
    “You’re right but I still stand by what I said. You deserve a very merry Christmas too.”
    “Yeah thanks. Can you get out?” 
   “Fine but promise me you’ll come to breakfast tomorrow.” 
   “No.” You pouted slightly. Draco had to admit, that was pretty persuasive. “I’m serious. I’m not doing it. I’ve been fine on my own, I don’t need any help.” 
    “Malfoy,” you whined. He stood there looking slightly angry for a while.
    “If it’ll get you out of here then fine.” You smiled at him and he had to try hard to not return the favor. You left without another word.
     The next morning you waited patiently at the table hoping he’d come. You just wanted him to have a good time, that was all. It didn’t mean anything. It had been a while but you still had a huge amount of faith that he’d show up.
    You waited a few moments and then soon enough a groggy Draco walked in. He was still in his pajamas and had some very wild bed head. You smiled to internally, you knew he’d come. He sat down across from you looked almost as annoyed as he looked last night. 
    “Morning,” you greeted. He didn’t reply. You pushed a mug full of hot chocolate towards him. It was full of hot chocolate that you had made yourself. He looked in it then back up at you. “It’s good, trust me.” He looked like he didn’t exactly believe you but he took a sip anyways. His eyes lit up slightly. 
    “You like it?” He nodded. 
    “It tastes kinda like the kind my mum makes.” You smiled at him as he stared down at the mug.
    “So what are you doing today Malfoy?” He took another sip before looking up at you.
    “All day?” He could immediately see the mischievous glint in your eyes.
    “Yes and to whatever you’ve got brewing in your head: no.” He picked the mug back up and kept drinking. 
    “It’s nothing huge, just something that’s really quick.” 
    “No.” He saw you getting ready to pout. “I said no, don’t do that.” Your pout quickly changed into a smile. 
    “Why? Is it hard for you to say no to me?” You smirked at him. 
    “Would you be quiet? You know what, I better go. I’ve got to study.” He was about to stand up but you grabbed his arm. 
    “Just come outside with me for a second.” He looked like he might do it but then he suddenly shook his head. 
    “Fine.” You let go of his arm and your hand rested on the table. When he was at his full height, you saw his wand sticking out of his waistband. You grabbed it before he even knew what was going on. He stared at you in confusion. 
    “Give it back,” he said angrily. 
    “Come get it,” you said playfully. He tried to grab it but you moved right before he could touch it and he almost lost his balance. You ran to the exit of the Great Hall. Draco glared at you as you dangled his wand loosely between your fingers. He came running towards you and you immediately ran for the castle’s entrance.
    By the time, Draco was outside the Great Hall you were nowhere to be found. The only evidence of where you had been was the opened door that was letting in a small bit of snow. Draco pretended to be annoyed but inside he was actually having a lot of fun. He slowly walked down the corridor.
    When he walked out the door, he saw you standing there with your hands behind your back. He stood there, trying not to smile. 
     “Are you done now,” he asked. You nodded. He began to walk down the steps and you revealed what was in your hands. In one hand you had his wand and in the other you had a snowball. He stopped, holding his hands up in defense. 
    “If you throw that at me, I swear I will end you.” You smiled. You fake threw it at him and he dodged it which made you laugh. “How old are you five?”
    “Just come get your wand, Malfoy.” 
    “I am so serious.” There was silence between you. Draco looked between you two hands weighing his options. They weren’t looking very good. Finally, you threw the snowball and it hit him right in the chest. He looked surprised and just a bit angry. 
   “Oh....it is on.”
    It had been about half an hour now. The snow ball fight took place all across the grounds. Draco had lost sight of you but he was ready. He hadn’t expected you to do so well with only one free hand but you had held your ground. He was kinda impressed, not that he’d ever let on to that.
     “(Y/L/N), come out, come out wherever you are.” He walked slowly, trying to listen to every single sound. He heard the sound of snow crunching and turned around to see you running towards him. He didn’t have time to throw his snow balls before you were knocking him over and landing on top of him. You pushed the hair out of your face with your freezing hands. 
    “Gotcha,” you said quietly. Draco was looking down at your lips, he didn’t even notice you were talking. You were suddenly made aware that you’d never been this close to him before. When Draco realized he’d been staring at your lips he realized he’d have to do something to distract you. He flipped you over so that he was on top of you. 
     “Give me my wand.” At first you couldn’t even remember what he was talking about. You lifted your arm and he grabbed his and out of your hand. “Thanks.” He stayed where he was and your mind wandered to whether or not he’d kiss you. No, no, he hated you. He’d never.
     “We better get back inside, we don’t want to get sick.” You nodded in agreement and he helped you back up.
     The rest of the evening was spent actually studying, you told Draco he wasn’t getting rid of you that easily and so you both decided to study together. At some point the actual studying had gone out the window and you were just talking and joking in front of the fire. 
     Draco leaned back in his chair and looked over at you. Your face had a beautiful glow as you looked over at the fire. “I don’t get why you’re doing all of this.” You looked back at him. 
    “Maybe I’m just a good person.” Draco laughed slightly.
    “Yeah, maybe. But I’m not so why are you wasting your time.” Your eyes drifted back over to the fire. You shrugged. 
    “I don’t think you’re as bad are you’d like everyone to think. I think it’s easier for you to be “Big Bad Malfoy” instead of being who you really are.” You shrugged again. “Or maybe you’re actually an awful person but either way, you deserve a good Christmas. You are human after all. I don’t understand why you stayed here anyways.” 
    “I don’t want to go back to my family,” he blurted out. You looked at him but he wasn’t looking at you. “It’s too hard to be with them right now. Being by myself hurts less, you know?” You looked back at the fire. This was who Draco was, you were finally seeing the real him. Through the cracks and the fractures you were getting an actual look at him. You liked this version of him much better. You smiled. 
    “Yeah,” you replied. “I do know.”
    The next few days were full of you trying to fully immerse Draco into Christmas. It was much easier than you thought it would be and you found him getting more and more excited everyday. Excited to see you.  
    On Christmas morning, you got up earlier than you had the last few days so you could arrive in the Great Hall. You put on your clothes and rushed down. When you entered the room you saw Draco already sitting there. You smiled slightly as you walked up to him. 
    You sat down across from him and saw that he looked a bit nervous. “Merry Christmas,” you said. 
    “Merry Christmas,” he replied quickly. He had two mugs in front of him and he pushed one towards you. 
    “I tried to make it just like yours and it doesn’t taste exactly like it but it’s not bad.” You took a sip before he was even finished. No it didn’t taste like yours but you still liked it. Mostly because he had done it himself. 
    “I love it.” He smiled warmly. 
    “Good.” He paused, looking around nervously. “I got you something.” Even though you had gotten Draco something you hadn’t really expected him to get you something as well. 
    “Really? You didn’t have to.” 
    “Well, I just really wanted you to have something nice cause you’ve done a lot for me.” He handed you a small poorly wrapped present and a thin circular present that you knew could only be a record. “I wrapped it myself but you can probably tell.” You ripped off the wrapping paper to reveal a book. It was a book of Christmas stories. 
     “There’s some in there that you mentioned to me and tons more. Some poems and pictures to and it has your favourite, The Night Before Christmas.” You were about to thank him but before you could he started talking again. “Open that one now.” He slid the other present closer to you. You unwrapped it to reveal a red record. “It’s just a bunch of Christmas songs. I thought you could listen to it from time to time........and maybe I could join you.” You reached across the table, pulling him into a small hug. He hugged you back with an ounce of surprise. 
     “Thank you, it’s fantastic. Here.” Your placed your present to him on the table. He grabbed it and tore off the paper quickly. It was a photo album. He looked confused. “So I enchanted this polaroid camera to follow us across the grounds and take pictures. I thought they’d be nice memories to have and then I got the idea to get this and put the pictures inside.” He was flipping from page to page smiling vaguely. Finally, about halfway through he closed the book and looked up at you. 
   “This is....perfect.” His eyes drifted to your lips again. Was he going to do it? Come on Draco, you silently pleaded. He finally leaned forward, placing his lips on yours. You smiled against him. 
    This Christmas had actually turned out much better than Draco would’ve guessed.
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002 and lily?
@incorrecthpjo thank you ❤️❤️
Thanks to @e-of-west-glendia for the same ask!
How I feel about Lily:
I love Lily, she’s absolutely brilliant and I adore the more recent versions of Lily in the Jily fandom - she’s funny, a bit scary, a bit vulnerable, kind, emotional, sassy, intelligent, smitten, fiercely loyal like her husband, too forgiving.
I imagine her as always sticking up for the underdog. Which is why she sort of stuck with Severus for so long. She knows about his shitty childhood, she feels a bit beholden to him for introducing her to magic, she thinks she can change him, thinks he wants to change, she feels sorry for him. And let’s face it, on the surface, James Bloody Potter is the exact opposite - smug, entitled, big headed, rich, a Quidditch star - she thinks he should be better, he has no excuse for being a dipshit.
The thing is, James Potter thinks that too, and he kind of needed the push. Because he does want to be a better person, he does feel guilty about his stupid behaviours, he feels bad that due to his bullying of Snape, Lily was called a slur and was very upset. He grows up. Snape doesn’t.
I headcanon her as having some great banter with James and flirting openly with him but both of them are stupidly oblivious. The rest of the class is “for fuck’s sake can you just kiss” or “ewww gross” (pureblood bigots) or “OMG ! Nonononono!” (Snape). I am not a fan of them really hating each other viciously pre relationship.
All the people I ship romantically with Lily:
James Fleamont Potter, nobody else will do. I can get my head around a threesome with Sirius, at a push, but that’s it! James till the very end! In my mind, James is the perfect guy for her - he likes her independence, her fierce passions, her kindness, he respects her so much, he adores her, he is smitten and he makes her laugh, he makes her happy, he is her soulmate. He is the best man she has ever known. That’s canon.
I can imagine her having a crush on Remus when she figured out he was a werewolf because she thinks he’s incredibly brave, has a dry sense of humour, is attractive in an unconventional way. I think Remus felt some attraction too, but he was still in his “I’m not having relationships with any students” phase, so nothing happens. And later they laugh at the idea of it. I have read one Remus/Lily fic but it just doesn’t feel right, lol, even if I love them both?
My non-romantic OTP:
I have too many!
Girls: Mary MacDonald. I love the ones where Mary is plain speaking and embarrassing her and guessing she fancies Potter (and possibly befriending Sirius Black in the process).
Boys: I love fics which have a strong Lily/Sirius friendship and Lily/Remus friendship!! It’s hard to pick between these two!! I’m particularly into the idea of Sirius initially thinking she’s not good enough for James, but then getting to know her and realising she’s bloody fantastic and that she and James would be perfect together, and trying to set them up.
And her and Remus being all sassy and one-liner-y when talking with their respective boyfriends and the other guys being momentarily too smitten to compute and answer back!
My unpopular opinion about Lily:
I will be shot, but while I adore Lily from the classic “Alright, Evans”, I’m not mad about her character in The Life and Times” - sacrilege!!! I know, listen... I find her a little bit too grumpy, too perfectionistic, too annoying??? 😬🤷‍♀️
As well as ‘Alright Evans’, I love her character in:
properly improper by @lizardcookie
The Underground - Director's Cut by @elanev91
Reputation by @petals-to-fish
Actually, anything by these authors, and by @likeawildthing is how I imagine Lily!
And I love her as @maraudersftw @raissassampaio @araniaexumae @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world and so many other beautiful Jily writers imagine her.
We Can Be Heroes is I suppose my version of canon Lily, if you want to know how I imagine her!
One thing I wish had happened in canon with Lily:
No deaths on Halloween 1981 please!!!
Only Jily
My crossover ship:
I really don’t have one!
A headcanon fact:
I imagine her as half Irish, her mother’s an Irish Catholic and her dad’s an English Protestant. She grew up already feeling a bit like she didn’t quite fit in anywhere. Hogwarts didn’t help but she left feeling self-confident and sure about herself and how she wanted to make a difference. Cliche I know, but I headcanon her as wanting to be a Healer (and as a doc, I am extremely partial to medical Jily and anyway, I identify with Lily, marrying the guy I started dating aged 18 - sap!)
She’s incredibly skilled at dueling and is BAMF (Voldy did try to recruit her as well as James and his friends). She calls Voldemort Tom Riddle.
Mia and Monty Potter adore her and she adores them. James pretends to be annoyed about it, but is in fact so very chuffed ;)
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