#It was. like. a bit too soon? It'll get more and more easy on the next times.
marvelouslizzie · 7 months
Pretty Little Thing - co-written with @notafunkiller
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Summary: Your long-time crush, Bucky Barnes, is a regular at the bar where you work, and tonight, it's impossible to avoid serving him for the first time.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: +18, alcohol, oral sex (f receiving), rough sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk, pet names, no mention of y/n
Word Count: 3.8K
A/N: @notafunkiller and I merged our separate ideas into one and this is the outcome. It was so much fun to write. We hope it'll me the same while reading too.
All work is ours, please do not repost or translate without our permission.
Every like, comment, and reblog is highly appreciated. Don’t hesitate to message us. Unless it’s hate. That’s never welcome.
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You thought this night would be calm and easy, that nothing significant would happen. All that changed when Bucky Barnes set foot in the bar. It’s not his first time here by any means, but until now you successfully managed to avoid him by asking the other bartender to serve his side. This time, unfortunately, you are working alone. It’s a slow night, so there’s no way you can really avoid him.
You watch him find an empty place and sit down, and you really don’t know what to do. You can feel yourself sweating already. You are so nervous. Not because you are afraid of him or anything. He doesn’t look scary. Not to you. You are afraid to embarrass yourself in front of him, but you should be able to ask for his order and serve it without messing it up. That’s not so hard. 
Just keep it simple, you tell yourself.
“Hey, what can I get you?”
Bucky looks up from his phone straight into your eyes, and you freeze a little.
“Hello, do you... a draft beer, please.”
His answer confuses you. That’s not his usual order. 
“You sure you don’t want something stronger? We have that bourbon.” You curse yourself internally for paying attention and not being able to hold your tongue.
He raises his eyebrow surprised. “How do you know that? There is no way you served me any drinks cause I would remember you.”
He frowns as soon as he finishes speaking. Maybe you helped your colleague or maybe you were informed about what he drinks just in case he showed up. He’s still the Winter Soldier after all.
“I never served you before.” You say with a shy smile. You hope this is enough of an answer for him.
“Do I look like a bourbon man?” He asks playfully before giving you a smile that transforms his face a little, softening his features. 
“You look like you enjoy quality stuff, and between you and me, our draft beer is shitty.”
That comment makes him chuckle. You’re so distracted by his face that you don’t notice how his eyes fall straight to your breasts.
“Thanks for the tip. Normal beer then?”
“If you insist.” You smile and open the small fridge under the bar where you keep some of the beers. You quickly open it and put it right in front of him, not realizing that gesture shows off your bartender skills a little bit.
He doesn’t look away from you as he takes a big sip before placing the bottle on the table quickly.
“For how long have you been working here?”
“For the past year.” You avoid making eye contact while drying some of the freshly washed glasses.
“Oh.” He sounds kind of taken aback. “I’m surprised you never served me. I’ve been coming here for what? Seven months?”
“Eight.” You bite your bottom lip as soon as the word slips out, trying to shut yourself up so you won’t mess up even more. What were you thinking? Well, you weren't…
His eyes immediately glow, and you wonder if you fucked up for good.
“So you’ve been keeping an eye on me?” He brings the bottle to his mouth and before you can say anything, you watch him finishing it in one go.
“I just noticed you.” Of course, you kept an eye on him, but you played it down a little.
“Well, I didn’t notice you,” he says regretfully. “And I wonder how. I am pretty aware of my surroundings... especially if they are full of beautiful people like you.”
You can’t help but blush, yet you try to sound unaffected. You don’t know if you succeed or not, though.
“This place is usually so crowded and full of… people. So it’s normal.”
“Neah,” he denies immediately. “Have you been hiding or something?”
“I was just on the other side of the bar.” And you were trying to hide from him, saving yourself from this embarrassment because you knew if you talked to him you would fuck up. You were right.
“So I was on the wrong side this whole time.” He shakes his head. “Another beer, please, doll.”
“The same?” You ask while trying not to dwell on the pet name he uses.
“Yes, please. And one drink for you. Whatever you want, if you are allowed to drink, of course.”
The way he offers to buy you a drink surprises you. You feel quite nervous, but you try to maintain your calm. He’s probably just being nice, right? 
“I am allowed to drink, but that’s not necessary.”
He pouts. “I didn’t mean you need to talk to me for it, doll. There are no conditions for this drink.”
“Oh.” You didn’t even think he would take it this way. “That’s not why I said it’s not necessary. I wasn’t worried about that.”
“Okay. Whatever you want... I won’t insist.”
“It’s just… I am allowed to drink whatever I want. You don’t need to pay for it.” You try to explain so he won’t take it the wrong way.
“Alright,” he says, a little distant, as you open up another bottle of beer and put it in front of him. 
“I just didn’t want you to pay extra when I can get it for free.” You don’t know why you are explaining yourself like this. It’s normal not to accept drinks from customers.
“It’s fine, I totally understand. Thank you!” He reaches for the bottle immediately.
You take a fancy glass out of the rack and pour yourself one of the ready-to-serve cocktails that your colleague prepared, right in front of him. He doesn’t say anything as he keeps staring at your hands.
“Thanks for the drink.” You say while putting the bottle away.
“Me?” He asks surprised. “Thought this is on the bar.”
“Well, you gave me the idea, and if you really insist on spending your money so unnecessarily, who am I to stop you?”
“That’s a good attitude.” He smiles again before bringing his bottle close to your glass. “Cheers to a good Thursday in a lovely company.”
You clink your glass with a smile on your face. It seems like he finally understood your intention, so you feel relieved. 
“How does that taste?”
“Don’t let the color fool you, it tastes really strong but delicious.” You look at him for a second and notice that got his interest. “Wanna taste it?” You offer your own drink to him, and he contemplates for a few seconds before leaning in.
“Yes, I am curious.”
You hand the glass to him. Your fingers touch for a second, and you get so excited that you worry about dropping the glass. It’s like your heart is in your throat.
“Your hands are cold,” he comments casually before taking a sip right from the spot covered by your lipstick. You gasp. You have no idea if he did it on purpose, but the way he’s drinking it… your body is responding to that so much. You clear your throat, trying to calm yourself down. 
“Delicious.” He smiles, handing back your glass, and you notice a bit of lipstick in the corner of his mouth.
It creates this internal dilemma. Should you just let him know about it or act like nothing happened and let him walk around like this? The second one could cause him a lot of embarrassment, and you don’t wanna be the reason for that. That’s why you suddenly find yourself leaning closer to him, just to wipe the lipstick off. He doesn’t move an inch, not jumping like you would expect, letting you touch him. When you realize what you are doing, you suddenly feel super self-conscious. 
“You…” You gulp down. “You have… lipstick on… just here.” 
You keep rubbing your finger against the corner of his mouth. You feel his stubble and how soft his lips are, but you try not to think about it. He chuckles, covering your hand with his. It surprises you so much that you freeze for a second. Then you look into his eyes, struggling to see if you made him feel uncomfortable or not.
“So considerate of you. Thank you.”
You move your hand away from his mouth but not away from his touch. Somehow you can’t find the strength to do that. 
What he does next, though, makes you completely breathless. He brings your hand to his mouth again, but this time he presses his lips gently against your skin, smiling right after. Your eyes open with surprise, feeling completely speechless, yet you don’t move away. You don’t even realize you are smiling slightly.
“Your hands are still so cold.”
“Yeah…” You try to speak, but it feels like your words are stuck in your throat. “They are always cold.”
“We need to change that.” He places another kiss on your hand.
He’s surprisingly nervous as he leads you to the living room. Based on his confidence back in the bar, you didn’t expect him to become so shy all of a sudden.
“Do you want some coffee?”
“No.” You answer quickly. The only thing you want is to feel his lips again but you keep that thought to yourself.
“What do you want then?” 
It’s obvious in his tone and the way he looks at you he doesn’t ask you about drinks.
“You.” You can’t believe you said this out loud, but it’s the truth.
He doesn’t need another push as he comes closer, grabbing you by the chin. Your lips crash together with an almost desperate hunger. He takes the opportunity immediately, getting his tongue inside your mouth in a fervent exploration. The sensation is electrifying.
You let him explore your mouth while you focus on his taste. It’s so unique and tasty, you just can’t get enough of it. Your hands slowly move toward the back of his head, pulling him closer.
“Fuck,” he groans when he feels your touch, breaking the kiss just to move his lips to your neck. 
“Mhmm… James.” His lips feel so good against your neck. It just sends a jolt of arousal through your body.
But then he freezes, with his mouth glued to your neck. You open your eyes confused wanting to ask him what happened, and that’s when you realize what you’ve just said.
“You know who I am?” His voice is a warm whisper against your skin.
“Of course, I know who you are.” You make it sound so natural as if there’s no way you wouldn’t know who he is. “You think I go to the houses of men I don’t know?” You say playfully.
“I didn’t mean that...” He raises his head from the crook of your neck just to look you in the eye. “I didn’t mean it offensively, I just wasn’t sure. I’m just stupid, I didn’t expect it.”
“I know who you are, James Bucky Barnes.”
“Fuck,” he groans, bringing his thumb to your bottom lip. “Say it again.”
“James Bucky Barnes or just James?”
He kisses you more desperately than before, his hands finding your hips as he gently grabs them, pulling you so close that you can feel his erection. You gasp so softly, but he hears it anyway, and you settle on his hard cock so it’s right against where you want it to be.
He moans. “Let’s go to the bedroom, doll.”
“Why?” You ask innocently as if you don’t know what he means. “Isn’t your couch comfortable enough?”
For him? Sure. But for you?
“The bed is better.”
“Okay.” You sound so obedient suddenly as you wrap your legs around his torso.
He immediately lifts you up without effort, and you smile, letting him carry you toward his room. He’s a super soldier after all. He closes the door with his foot as soon as you’re inside, then he gently puts you on the bed, like he’s afraid you might break. The way he’s acting is so endearing, but you want him to let go really badly. Even the manner he starts to take off your pants is too gentle.
You let him undress you the way he wants, though. Then you move closer to him, taking his clothes off, your movements not as gentle as his. You are impatient and needy. You see him holding his breath when you reach to touch his chest, close to where his metal arm begins, so you lean in to leave a kiss right there. You don’t know if you are crossing a line, but you have to. He should know that this is not something that would bother you, on the contrary, it turns you on even more. When he doesn’t move away from you, you keep kissing around his scars and his chest. Your hand is on his shoulder, gently caressing.
 “That feels so good, doll,” he says with a sigh before he grabs your waist. “but it's time for me to eat.”
You find yourself on your back so suddenly that you don’t even have time to react. He quickly settles between your legs and you understand exactly what he meant. He lifts them enough so you can rest them on his shoulders as he gets more comfortable on his tummy. You feel a hole in your stomach immediately. You can’t believe Bucky is between your thighs, about to eat you out.
He’s taking his sweet time at first, kissing down your thighs and even smelling you before he finally brings his tongue to your entrance.
“Come on, James. Don’t tease me.” You look down just to see him smiling.
“Why not? You seem to enjoy it.”
“I would enjoy it more if you stopped teasing and started eating.”
Surprisingly, Bucky doesn’t waste more time and properly starts to fuck you with his tongue. He’s not too quick, nor too slow with his moves, and you’re shocked when he brings his fingers to your mouth. 
“Need you to make them wet for me, please.” Even while saying that, he sounded a little too polite.
“On one condition,” you say, looking directly into his eyes. “Stop acting like I am made of glass.”
“But you kinda are.”
“I am not. Believe me.”
He says nothing, making sure to lick your slit before getting his tongue inside you again, his fingers, glued to your lips. You take it as a silent agreement and you open your mouth, suck his fingers, and let him wet them. When he thinks it’s enough, he gently takes them out and brings them right to your clit. He doesn’t touch it directly at first, teasing around it until you move your hips a little, needing to feel your clit stimulated.
“Please.” The way he’s taking his sweet time is so frustrating.
He lets his hand drop and instead of feeling his fingers on your clit, you feel his tongue at the same time he gets a finger inside you. You moan loudly, finally getting what you wanted from the start.
His other hand reaches for yours when he hears you grabbing the sheet, and you immediately hold it, enjoying how his cold metal feels. When you feel the second finger and he scissors both of them inside you, you’re shocked by how close you suddenly are. You can’t help but arch your back and move your hips, needing it faster.
He reads the signals pretty quickly and lets you use his mouth while he keeps pumping his fingers. It doesn’t take long for you to gasp, moan, and start to shake because of the pleasure he’s giving you. 
“James! Shit. I’m- gonna… ahh… come.”
You moan louder than you expected, dropping your head against his sheets, possessed by a great wave of pleasure. You want to tell him not to stop anything, but you can’t. And you don’t need to as he keeps licking and fingering you while you ride your orgasm out, prolonging it as much as possible.
When it’s done, you are feeling so good yet you are hungry for more. You raise your head a little and see Bucky still between your legs, but this time his beard is covered with your slick. He looks so handsome. His blue eyes are shining and his hair is all messy. It makes you wanna kiss him and that’s exactly what you do. You reach down to him, and he meets you in the middle, kissing you the way he was just eating you out: with passion and hunger.
He’s less gentle than before as you feel his hands grabbing your breasts, but it’s still not enough. You cover his hands with yours and push him to grab them harder than before. You let out a muffled moan while kissing him.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.”
You find yourself blushing like you two aren’t having sex. To mask your reaction, you reach out to his hard cock, gently grabbing it.
“Oh god,” he groans as he instinctively squeeze your breasts harder.
“Mhmm, yes.” You lean into his touch. “Just like that.”
Bucky looks at you as if you said something shocking. Is he not used to communicating during sex?
“What? Did I do something wrong?”
“You’re surprising me for someone so delicate.”
“I told you, I am not.”
He smiles. “Do you wanna help me put on a condom then?”
“I would love to, but…” You smile. “What if I told you I am clean and on the pill?”
“Fuck, I need you.” He kisses you suddenly. “Now.”
“I am right here.” It sounds so calming. “You can take me however you want.”
You’re not only on your back in the next second, but you also have his cock lined up at your entrance.
“Jesus, doll! For a pretty little thing, you’re quite nasty.”
“I just know what I want.” And this is it.
He nods, wrapping your legs around his ass at the same time he pushes inside you. In a second, your head is thrown back while you moan loudly. The way he fills you is so delicious. It makes you feel so full but not uncomfortable.
“You’re taking me so well already.”
“Please…” You raise your hips to create more friction. “Please, move.”
He brings his mouth to your breast a little before he starts thrusting, making sure to leave a small hickey right on top of it. It hurts so good, and you moan without holding back. It is music to Bucky’s ears. He just wants to hear it again, so he does it again.
“You want it rough, don’t you?” He thrusts harder than before. “You’re so needy.”
“Yeah.” Your voice is so shaky already. “I told you already.”
“Told me what?” He teases. “I don’t remember.”
“That I am not made of glass.”
“No, you are made for me.” He brings his hand to your face to move the hair strands that cover your eyes. “For my cock.”
“In that case…” You don’t know where the sudden rush of confidence comes from. “You are made for me. To fill me up.” You move your hips again, trying to fuck yourself on him.
“Oh, god. You’re so fucking wet,” he moans. “I am, I’m gonna fill you up so much.” He kisses you suddenly, your teeth almost crashing together because of the thrusts, but you don’t care.
“Can’t wait.” You tease him. “Don’t hold back, okay?”
He says nothing, letting his head drop a little so he can suck on your neck properly. He’s definitely fucking you harder. He pulls until he’s almost completely out of you before thrusting inside you again. And again. And again. It takes your breath away. The way it makes you feel is indescribable. You lose the little remaining control you had and just turn into a moaning mess. 
“Say my name, baby. C-come on.”
“James?” You sound hesitant even if you don’t mean to because you don’t know which name he wants to hear.
“Again,” he begs, his metal arm on your leg pushing it right against his ass.
“James!” This one comes out so naturally. No questions, no hesitation. You just breathe out his name with a moan.
“God, you look so beautiful. So pretty with my cock inside you.” His thrusts get faster, and you have no idea how he can speak so well while you’re a mess.
“I’m so close,” you can barely say without taking a breath in the middle of the sentence.
“What do you want?”
“Just… harder.”
“Like this?” He asks, suddenly thrusting a little harder than before. “Or like this?”
“This! Yes! Just like this!”
“You just want it hard.” He whispers against your ear. “What a dirty girl.”
You hear him, but you can’t respond. You are too busy coming all over his cock, and it feels like you are in heaven. He continues to fuck you as the pleasure fades away, murmuring how pretty you are and how good you make him feel before he comes, too, grabbing the bedpost behind you with his metal arm. It makes a clicking sound, but you don’t care, opening your still foggy eyes just to watch him.
There’s so much come. You can already feel it dripping out of you as he keeps fucking you. You expect it to end soon, but it doesn’t. It goes on and on. The way he loses control as he comes just triggers another orgasm out of you. You would be surprised how quickly you could come again if it didn’t feel overwhelmingly good. You can’t think about anything other than him and the way he makes you feel.
His come is getting all over your thighs and ass, and the bed, as he moans. “Kakaya khoroshaya devochka.” What a good girl.
You can’t help but laugh despite not understanding a word of what he says. “Is that Russian?”
He opens his eyes, and the blue you love is almost completely grey. “Yes.” He sounds confused, too. 
“What does it mean?” Your afterglow can’t overshadow your curiosity. “If you don’t tell me, this isn’t happening again.” You try to make it obvious you aren’t serious with your playful tone. Especially not after those orgasms.
“Look at you, little and feisty, blackmailing me.” He chuckles before leaving a kiss on your lips. “I told you what a good girl you are. I didn’t realize I spoke in Russian.”
You laugh a little. “Say it again.” You give him the cutest look. “Please?”
“Ty moya khoroshaya devochka.” He repeats softly. You’re my good girl.
You don’t even realize how content you look as you keep smiling.
“Now, I can get used to that.”
“Say my name again, please.”
You love the neediness in his voice. “James?” You tilt your head a little. “Or would you prefer Bucky?”
“Fuck, it doesn’t matter.” His thumb is suddenly on your lips. “I can get used to that, too.”
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jiyascepter · 8 days
Caught You
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Pairing: Loki x F!reader
Words: 4012
Warnings/Content: SMUT; Avenger! Loki & Avenger! Y/n, Themes of dub-con, dark-ish Loki??, dom!Loki, pervy!Loki, possessive, jealous loki, use of loki's magic (in a lot of sexual stuff), restraints, bondage, biting, licking, aggressive, pissed loki, praise, slight degradation, there's a tattoo on y/n's thigh (for the plot!), other mcu characters also make an appearance, clit licking, fingering, overstimulation, p in v.
Please lmk if I missed anything! Loki is a bit of red-flaggy in this one, please keep in mind this is only a fanfiction.
Summary: When you make fun of Loki's magic, he "demonstrates" how his magic can be useful. In many, ehm..ways. What did you expect?
A/n: i moved the title in the corner so that i can keep seeing tommys's sexy face in the middle 😮‍💨 im trying to make my fics dirtier but it's not quite coming down in my works, like it's in my mind but it's not easy to express??? im trying & hopefully it'll come soon
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The cavernous, dimly-lit warehouse echoed with the sounds of clashing metal and grunts of exertion. The Avengers were locked in combat with a band of mercenaries armed with advanced weaponry.
Tony was in the air, repulsor beams lighting up the darkness, while Natasha and Clint worked in tandem, their movements precise and deadly. Thor’s hammer, Mjölnir, was a blur as it struck down the enemies with thunderous force.
In the midst of the chaos, Loki stood with an air of detached amusement, casting spells with flicks of his wrists. His magic sent mercenaries flying, created illusions to confuse their ranks, and conjured barriers to protect the teammates. But Loki's magic, powerful and unpredictable, was also a bit reckless tonight.
Maybe it was the leather suit you were wearing today.
"Loki, for the love of—watch where you're aiming!" You shouted as you narrowly avoided being hit by a stray spell meant for an enemy.
Your eyes flashed with annoyance as you shot him a glare. "Are you trying to get us all killed?"
Loki smirked, eyeing you up, not taking you seriously. "Perhaps if you were more attentive, you wouldn't find yourself in such precarious positions, darling."
You scowled and ducked under a swipe from a mercenary, retaliating with a swift punch that sent your opponent sprawling.
Ugh, you hated how he always carried that stupid smirk.
"Maybe if your magic was actually useful, we wouldn't be in precarious positions to begin with!"
Loki's eyes narrowed slightly, a spark of irritation flashing through his otherwise calm demeanor. "Is that so? I seem to recall saving you from a similar predicament just last week."
"By causing it in the first place!" You shot back, dodging another mercenary's attack and taking him down with a well-placed kick. 
Loki rolls his eyes and runs in the other direction. With a flick of his wrist, he conjured an illusion, making a group of mercenaries see each other as Avengers.
Confused, they turned on one another, giving the team a moment of respite. But the spell was too potent, and soon the illusion spread, affecting even the teammates. 
Chaos erupted as friends and foes became indistinguishable. 
"What the—" Tony exclaimed while flying over the scene. 
"Damn it, Loki!" You screamed, ducking, as Natasha took a swing at you, mistaking you for an enemy.
"Enough!" Thor bellowed, his hammer smashing into the ground to create a shockwave that knocked everyone off their feet and dispelled the illusion.
The mercenaries, now disoriented, were quickly subdued.
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The flight back home was quiet. Everyone was either tired, tending to their wounds, or just rethinking what happened back there. 
Once you landed, the rest of the Avengers stepped down the Quinjet and walked into the building to their rooms. 
"Loki, wait." Steve calls out and walks towards Loki in the lobby.
“About today—”
“Nobody died, Rogers.” Loki replies. 
"That is not an achievement," You murmur to yourself loudly on purpose for him to hear while taking a sip from your favourite grey-coloured sipper. 
Loki and Steve both glanced at you, with Steve carrying a hint of a smile on his face while Loki scowled and turned back to Steve.
You could tell he was not impressed. 
A win for you.
Steve clears his throat, turning serious once more. "Look, what happened today was not good. We cannot work as a team if we don't know half of your tricks."
Loki grins. "Well, that's the fun, isn't it? A surprise for everyone.”
Steve raises his eyebrows. "But it isn’t helping, Lo-"
"Helping? His magic is useless half the time."
Loki shoots an eye at you when you say that, and you could tell the God wasn't pleased.
"He's showing off in front of everyone, like the arrogant ass he is." You go on, while Loki watches you with his grave, sharp eyes.
Why wasn't he replying with his usual snarky comments today? 
Steve gives a light chuckle and pats Loki's shoulder as if feeling sorry for him, "Be careful next time, that's all I ask," and walks away through the corridor, leaving you and Loki to yourselves.
While waiting for the elevator, you silently stand in front of the doors, waiting for it to arrive.
Until you feel a hard pressure against your back.
The sensation is unmistakable—a solid, unyielding presence, warm and firm. Loki's chest. His closeness sends an involuntary shiver down your spine. You can feel the steady rise and fall of his breath and subtle heat radiating through his clothes.
You stiffen, unsure whether to move away or stay still, the elevator's arrival feeling like an eternity away.
You decide to say something to break the uncomfortable silence.
"Ego broken, Loki~?" You say his name in a sing-song voice.
"Do you enjoy testing my patience, mortal?" he says, leaning down to your ear.
"Someone has to keep you in check," you reply, your voice steady despite the proximity.
The elevator reaches your floor, and with a little chime, its doors open. You proceed to take a step forward to enter the elevator when his hand grabs hold of the back side of your neck and pulls you back to him.
"Careful," he almost whispers, his breath ghosting over your skin, "your tongue is going to get you in trouble one day."
You pause for a moment, feeling the tension thicken in the air, before you turn your head out of his hands to look at him. "Oh, I'm sorry, did I hurt the big bad trickster's feelings?" You taunt, your voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Maybe if your magic wasn't so unreliable, we wouldn't be in these messes. Or do you need Daddy Odin to give you some pointers on how to actually be useful?"
Loki's eyes flare with fury, and in no time he grabs your neck once again and strides into the elevator, pinning your head to the panels. His body pressed against yours with a force that left little room for doubt about his intensity.
His frame, tall and lean yet undeniably strong, exerting a commanding presence as he pins you against the cool metal of the elevator wall. You can feel the heat emanating from his body, a stark contrast to the chill of the metal against your cheek. 
He was so close to you, you could smell his sultry, intoxicating smell on him.
"You think my magic is useless, don’t you..." He whispers, his breath ghosting on your skin. "I’ll make sure you regret saying that."
"I don't "think", it's a fact." You try to push him back with your elbow. “Let me go, Loki.” You say it firmly. 
"Not yet, vixen." He says so, and the elevator doors shut by themselves. And with one flick of his fingers, the front chain of your tight leather suit yanked open down to the end of your belly.
Did he just–
"I’ll make sure to demonstrate how useful my magic can be." He says and looks down to notice you were not even wearing a bra underneath.
He grins at the sight, licking his lower lip. "Naughty girl." He coos in your ear while his fingers work their way to your belly. 
His fingers, though possessing a hint of coldness at first, quickly warmed against your skin as they made contact with your belly. Each touch sent a jolt of electricity through you, igniting a fire that danced just beneath the surface. 
"Let. Me. Go." You say, trying to stand your ground, but your attempts are futile. 
"Told you no, darling." He says while his fingers trailed up to your nipples, sending a shiver down your spine as goosebumps rose in their wake.
It was a sensation that left you feeling exposed and vulnerable, yet strangely exhilarated by the raw intensity of his touch. 
He slides down your suit from your shoulders, proceeding with a graze of his tongue on your skin. 
"Mmm…sweet," he murmurs, sucking on your shoulder, "unlike those words you use."
"FUCK. YOU." You reply with a gruff.
Loki chuckles darkly against your skin, his breath hot and tantalizing. "Oh, darling, you will," he murmurs, his voice dripping with seductive menace. "But not before I teach you to respect a God."
He pulls down your suit lower, his lips kissing the back of your neck, followed by melty little kisses down your bareback. Despite your discontent, you couldn’t help but feel turned on by him.
As Loki pushes down your suit to your thighs, his eyes catch sight of a small tattoo etched on the inside of your thigh. The ink reads the name of your ex-boyfriend. Loki's eyes darken with a mix of curiosity and possessiveness. 
He paused, his brows furrowing as he read the name inked there. "Well, well, well," he murmured, his voice a mix of curiosity and disdain. "So that’s what your little skirt was hinting at the meeting a few days ago..."
He traced the tattoo lightly with his finger, sending a shiver through your body.
So this bastard was always watching you?
You grit your teeth, anger and embarrassment flushing through you. "It’s none of your business, Loki."
He tightens his grip on your neck slightly—not enough to hurt, but enough to assert his dominance. "I know."
"But this mark... it irks me. An insignificant mortal claiming a part of you." He pinches your thigh, and you try to jerk away your leg but cannot. 
You squirmed against his grip, but he held you firmly, his eyes dark and intense as they bore into yours. "Let it go, Loki," you demanded, trying to maintain your composure.
He leaned closer, his lips brushing against the tattoo. "Why should I?" he whispered, his voice a dangerous purr. "Why should I let some forgotten lover's mark go unchallenged?"
He gives you a rather harsh bite on your shoulder, trailing his lips to kiss your neck, which makes you whimper, which makes him grin.
He pulls away a bit, and with the flick of his wrists, an invisible force pins your arms above your head, securing you in place against the elevator wall. You struggle briefly, but the bonds hold firm. Loki steps back, his eyes raking over your exposed form with a predatory gaze.
Before you could retort, he bent down, turning his body against the elevator and facing you from below. He kissed the tattoo with deliberate slowness, his lips soft and maddeningly sensual.
The act was both possessive and teasing, with his tongue swirling repeatedly on the same spot that was making you crazy. You gasped, the sensation overwhelming, and a part of you hated how your body responded to his touch. 
"Shh, people can still hear us, darling. Even if they cannot enter." He says placing pecks up and down your thigh, evaporating your steady facade away.
"Now, let's see what other secrets you're hiding," he murmurs, his hands sliding down to your hips. He hooks his fingers under the waistband of your panties, slowly pulling them down and exposing you completely.
You saw his eyes almost sparkle at the sight, placing a kiss on your mound, making you flinch against the metal. Where and when did your suit disappear? You didn’t know.
He leans close and starts exploring your already wet clit with his tongue. Holding your waist in his hands, he kept stealing glances up at your aroused form, watching your expressions while you gasped every time his warm tongue darted on your needy pussy.
The god had a talent for his tongue. The silver tongue. 
"Are you still with him?" He murmured, pulling away his face from your pussy, making you let out a complaining whine.
He holds up his two fingers to caress your folds. "Answer."
"N-no…" You answer, your voice quivering in pleasure.
"Then why isn’t it off?" He says this, glancing at your tattoo.
"I never…Loki-"
He pushes two fingers in. "You never what?"
You shudder as Loki's fingers push inside you, his question hanging in the air, demanding an answer. Your mind races, caught between the intense pleasure and the need to explain yourself.
"I never... had the chance," you manage to gasp, your voice barely steady. "It didn't mean anything anymore. I just...fuck-forgot about it."
Loki's eyes narrow slightly as he studies your face, his fingers moving slowly inside you, curling and stroking in a way that makes coherent thoughts nearly impossible. He doesn't seem entirely convinced.
"Forgot about it?" he repeats, his voice low and dangerous. "Or perhaps you wanted a reminder of something you couldn't let go?" 
"No…" You moan, writhing against the panel with your hands above your head, your fingers aching to dive into his hair. 
He starts to pump his fingers in and out of you with a deliberate rhythm, his thumb circling your clit with maddening precision. You squirm, your faint moans echoing the elevator.
"Good," he murmurs, his voice a seductive purr. "Because I don't share, darling. And I don't like to be reminded of what once was."
You moan, your body arching against his touch. His words send a thrill through you, and the possessiveness in his tone both intimidating and exhilarating.
"You know I can just turn you into a pretty mannequin for me so I can do whatever I want with you…but I want to feel you squirm... to mewl... like a little prey." He says watching your face while feeling your pussy start to clench around his fingers.
"Now, let's make sure you never forget who you belong to, hm?" Loki whispers, his lips brushing against your thigh as he speaks. His mouth returns to your clit, his tongue flicking and sucking with a relentless intensity that drives you wild. 
"Yeah, that’s right, just keep on making those little sounds for me." He says it with a satisfied smile curling on his lips, and he resumes his ministrations with renewed fervor. 
The combination of his fingers inside you and his mouth on your clit sends you spiralling into a mind-shattering orgasm, your body convulsing with pleasure as you cry out his name.
As the waves of ecstasy subside, Loki slowly withdraws his fingers. He stands, his eyes locking onto yours. He releases your binds away and turns you to him, and his thumb caresses your lower lip as if studying it for a second before he holds you against the wall, cupping your cheek, and kisses you almost fiercely. 
And gosh, you needed that. You needed that and more.
"Y/n, is that you?"
Both of you freeze to your seats when you hear Thor’s voice outside the elevator. 
Loki's eyes narrow in annoyance, and he quickly glances towards the elevator doors. "Shh," he murmurs against your lips, his voice barely a whisper. "We wouldn't want to get caught now, would we?"
He continues exploring your mouth, and the kisses start spreading to your neck, tongue, and teeth, making their wild appearances every once in a while. 
Until you couldn’t help it and let out a moan.
"This door is not openi- Y/n??" Thor repeats again. "Wait, let me call Stark.-" 
Your heart races when Thor calls out again because of your moan. Loki’s eyes narrow, and he pulls away. "Are you doing this on purpose? Just another one of your games so we can get caught and you can have your fun?"
He gives your pussy a little slap, and you whine a no. 
In a swift motion, he wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you tightly against him. You barely have time to register the shift before the air around you shimmers and the familiar confines of the elevator vanish, replaced by the opulent and dimly lit interior of a room unknown to you.
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The room is a stark contrast to the sterile metal of the elevator. Rich tapestries line the walls, and candles flicker, casting a warm, golden glow. A large, ornate bed dominates the space, its dark, luxurious linens inviting in a way that makes your heart race. 
Loki wastes no time. He sweeps you off your feet, carrying you to the bed with an urgency that sends a thrill through you. He lays you down gently, his gaze intense as he takes in your still-naked form. His hands trace over your skin, as if committing every inch to memory. 
The air is thick with the scent of sandalwood and something uniquely Loki—intoxicating and alluring. "Now, where were we?" He purrs, his fingers tracing a delicate line down your spine, sending shivers through your body.
You can barely catch your breath; the intensity of the moment overwhelming. "Loki, what if Thor—"
"Thor won't find us," Loki interrupts, his voice a low growl. "This is my domain. No one enters without my permission."
"Now," he whispers, his lips brushing against your ear, "let us continue our little magic demonstration." 
The silken sheets cool against your heated skin, and with Loki's hands everywhere—caressing, teasing, exploring every inch of your body—his touch both gentle and demanding, leaving you breathless and craving more. 
"So beautiful," his voice dripping with seductive menace as he conjures a binding spell that secures your wrists to the bedposts. 
You gasp, your body arching against the restraints, as Loki's mouth finds your breasts, his tongue swirling around your nipples with maddening precision. The sensations are overwhelming, and your mind is lost in a haze of pleasure and need. 
Loki's mouth moves with deliberate precision, his tongue tracing intricate patterns over your breasts. Each flick of his tongue sends jolts of pleasure through your body, making you arch and writhe against the silken sheets. The restraints on your wrists keep you firmly in place.
"Mhm," he hums, enjoying your squirms. But he wanted more.
He uses his powers to amplify his touch, making your nerve endings sing with heightened sensitivity. You gasp and moan, the intensity of his magic overwhelming your senses.
You can feel the magic pulsating through you, heightening your awareness of every touch and every kiss. His lips move from your breasts to the sensitive skin just below, his tongue flicking out to taste you. The combination of his mouth and his magic almost too much to bear.
His free hand trails down your body, leaving a path of fire in its wake. As his fingers reach your inner thighs, you feel a new surge of his magic, more potent and concentrated. It wraps around your thighs, making your muscles quiver with anticipation.
Loki conjures small, delicate tendrils of magic that wrap around your nipples, gently tugging and twisting. The sensation is unlike anything you've ever felt before—a perfect blend of pleasure and pain that leaves you gasping for breath. 
He moves lower, his mouth leaving a trail of hot, open-mouthed kisses down your belly. The tendrils of magic follow his path, amplifying every sensation, making you feel as if your skin is on fire. You can barely think or breathe; your mind consumed by the overwhelming pleasure.
As he reaches your hips, his fingers part your folds, and you feel a rush of cool air against your wetness. His mouth hovers just above your clit, his breath hot and tantalizing. 
"Tell me, darling," Loki whispers, his lips brushing against your most sensitive spot, "how does it feel to be at the mercy of a god?"
Before you can answer, his tongue flicks out, teasing your clit with delicate, precise strokes. His magic enhances every touch, making you moan and writhe against the restraints. You can feel your orgasm building, the pleasure coiling tight in your belly. 
"Loki I-" He sees your upcoming orgasm and pulls away quickly, enjoying your needy, complaining moan for him.
"Not so easy, darling."
And with another display of his magic, he completely gets rid of his clothes, his disrobed body turning you on even more, the heat of need between your legs almost unbearable.
He brings his already-hard cock near your lips. "Kiss it." and you do, the light hum of satisfaction he makes making you want to absolutely suck him out rather than just a little kiss.
"My filthy little vixen," he says, eyes blazing with hunger as he positions himself between your legs. His grip tightens on your hips, holding you in place as he teases your entrance with the tip of his cock, the sensation sending shivers of anticipation through you, "get ready for your god."
He lets out a low growl, a dark and seductive sound, before slowly pushing into you, his length stretching and filling you completely. The feeling is exquisite, with every inch of him sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
"You feel so perfect," Loki murmurs, his voice husky with desire. "Every part of you was made just for me."
He begins to move, slow and deliberate, his thrusts deep and controlled. Each motion designed to draw out the maximum pleasure to make you feel every inch of him. The binding spell keeps your wrists secured to the bedposts, preventing you from reaching out to touch him, to claw at his back as the pleasure intensifies.
Loki's eyes never leave yours, the connection between you palpable and electric. He leans down, capturing your lips in a searing kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth with the same intensity as his thrusts. You respond eagerly, your moans muffled against his lips, your body arching to meet his. 
His magic continues to amplify every sensation, making your skin hypersensitive, every touch sends sparks of pleasure through you. The tendrils of magic around your nipples tighten and twist, adding to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through your body.
"Loki," you gasp, barely able to form coherent words. "I can't... it's too much..."
He smirks, his eyes dark with lust. "You can take it, darling. You will take it. You will take everything I give you."
His pace quickens, and his thrusts become more urgent and more demanding. The bed creaks beneath you, the sound mingling with your moans and the wet, slick sounds of your bodies moving together. The pleasure builds rapidly, creating a coiling heat in your belly that threatens to consume you entirely.
Loki's hand moves between your bodies, his thumb finding your clit and rubbing in tight, precise circles. The additional stimulation pushes you closer to the edge, your body trembling with the effort to hold back your impending orgasm.
"Come for me, darling," Loki commands, his voice a low, seductive growl. "Come for your god."
His words are your undoing. With a cry, you shatter, the orgasm ripping through you with an intensity that leaves you breathless and shaking. The pleasure is overwhelming, your vision going white as wave after wave of ecstasy crashes over you.
Loki continues to thrust through your orgasm, prolonging your pleasure, his own release imminent. His movements become erratic, his grip on your hips tightening as he chases his own climax.
You can feel him throbbing inside you, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he finally lets go, his own orgasm ripping through him.
With a final, powerful thrust, he spills into you, his groan of pleasure vibrating through your body. He collapses on top of you, his weight comforting and grounding as you both catch your breath, the aftershocks of pleasure still coursing through you.
For a moment, there's only the sound of your ragged breathing, the scent of sex and sweat heavy in the air. Loki's hand comes up to gently cup your cheek, his thumb brushing away a stray tear of overwhelming pleasure. 
"Fuck, you drive me wild." He murmurs breathlessly. 
"Did you like that, darling?" Loki murmurs against your skin, his voice a seductive purr. "My magic can do so much more." 
You breathlessly chuckle while he traces patterns on your skin. His fingers caress down to your thigh, where he glances at your tattoo.
"We can’t have that." He says in a low voice and grazes his hand over your skin, and the tattoo vanishes.  Loki’s touch lingers on your thigh where the tattoo once was, his magic leaving your skin smooth and unmarked.
"And now you’re mine."
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431 notes · View notes
miiyochi · 8 months
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feat. solomon x gn!mc | barbatos x gn!mc | simeon x gn!mc contents.  reader's body is not specified! , cockwarming, pet name usage! (my love), very soft u_u, exhib for sol if you squint, sub!mc, these guys are very touchy lol genre. headcanons/drabbles, smut words. 1367 note. I'm back !! sorry for disappearing for a while, got busy yada yada. have something that's surprisingly not JUST solomonzjzjzjz enjoy<3
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solomon. 𖦹
Solomon is an asshole, plain and simple. He loves doing things that'll rile you up. He loves watching you squirm under his gaze in embarrassment. Adores it when his words and especially his actions make you so nervous. It's adorable to him. He makes a game out of it.
So it's no wonder he'd suggest something so lewd. Only something like this would come out of his perverse mind. Though, you guess you're not any better nor innocent since you agreed to it— the idea of doing something so indecent in public is thrilling.
Solomon had proposed an idea to take you to one of the more empty classrooms that only get used sometimes and are locked most of the time. Sol loves mischief. It was easy for him to sneak into these rooms without anyone noticing. You wouldn't be so nervous about it if it were that alone.
Instead, Solomon had proposed a "fun" game, have you sit on his cock while he teases you— if you can get through it without letting out any moans or whines, he'll fuck you nicely<3. You'd be lying if your insides didn't get all fluttery at the idea of Solomon pounding into you with his fingers shoved into your mouth, trying to keep you quiet; it was too much of a tempting offer to decline.
So here you are, sitting on the empty teacher's chair on Solomon's lap. His cock buried deep into you with no movement besides the occasional twitch of him inside you. Solomon's lips lightly ghosted over your skin as his cold hands traced over your body. Your shirt was unbuttoned, and your pants and underwear were discarded onto the floor.
Solomon kissed your chest, his mouth finding your nipples and lightly sucking on it while his hand played with the other. His hands massaged your inner thighs, occasionally stroking his fingers against your sex. All the while, you had to bite your lip and endure as much as possible without a single moan— it was a bit of a struggle; you couldn't exactly help but move and wiggle your hips a little against Sol, who just smiled and firmly held onto your hips to keep you straddled down. Your breathing was uneven and heavy; you kept pulling Solomon into kisses to keep yourself from making any real noise.
Solomon was getting a kick out of this. He enjoyed being so close to you and could feel all of you— how warm you were, how soft your skin was, your breath against his skin when you kissed him. God, he loved you so much it was taking everything in him to not take you right here and there. You were also testing his patience, but soon enough, it'll pay off for both of you. He leans in closer to kiss your temple before whispering,
"You're being so good for me, my love. I'll be sure to reward you, okay?"
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barbatos. 𖦹
Barbatos took pleasure in teasing you from time to time. With how much work he does daily, he forgets just how cute you look when you’re fidgeting under him.
Barbatos misses you dearly throughout the day. His only solace is knowing you’re waiting to come over to the castle in what seems to be the dead of night for the devildom. He’d come to the house of lamentation to escort you back himself, his hands never leaving the small of your back. Barbatos keeps you close. You can sense the longing and desire of him.
When you’re finally in the privacy of one of the extra bedrooms you frequent together, Barbatos offers to cuddle with you since that’s something you enjoy doing with him. Though. You had something a little different on your mind.
Hearing your idea, Barbatos simply chuckles to himself before saying,
“Oh, of course.” a pleasant smile forms on his lips, “I’ll take good care of you tonight, mc.”
Rarely does Barbatos ever find himself in such a sorry state. He was left in only his green button-up, with a few buttons undone. Barb's tie was discarded onto the floor; pants only tugged down to give enough room for you to sink onto his cock. Barbatos buried his face into the crook of your neck, leaving soft kisses as he trailed to your lips.
His hands gently caressed your bare skin. Barbatos was warm, comforting even– strange for a powerful demon such as himself. Yet, something about the care he poured into the moments he could be intimate with you was enough to overwhelm you. He’d whisper sweet words in your ear, telling you how much he missed your touch, scent, and everything about you. Your very being didn’t escape his mind once throughout his long day.
Barbatos is a man of restraint. He can easily contain his excitement, but Barbatos struggles a little in moments like these to keep himself from moving. He wants you to feel his adoration, his love, every part of him. Instead, his hands find your hips and pull you in even closer, as if trying to meld your bodies together into one being. You sigh out of pleasure when you feel him even deeper inside you.
When you press kisses all over his face, he lets you. When your hands help him out of his shirt, he lets you. When he feels you moving against him, trying to get any friction, he allows you. Barbatos can’t help the smile on his face, nor can he help that look of pure love blossoming in his eyes. Deep down, he knew sitting still like this was out of the question for you; he knew you good enough to know you’d crack eventually and silently beg for him.
Who is Barbatos to deny you? With a chaste kiss to the lips, Barbatos gently guides you onto your back, his hips finding rhythm against yours.
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Simeon 𖦹
Simeon’s nothing but a gentle lover. Every intimate moment shared with him is treated with delicacy on his part; he treats you like you’re the most precious thing he holds near and dear to his heart– which he does.
Simeon loves caring for you afterward; he’s attentive to your needs. Sometimes, though, he’ll take a little bit more time before he’ll break away from you to get you anything you might want. Water, snacks, a bath– anything really, but first, Simeon intends to hold you close.
Any ‘warming’ done with him is purely accidental and in the spur of the moment. It almost always happens right after the act itself. Simeon pulls you closer, having you lay on top of him while his arms wrap around you.
He presses kisses to the top of your head, small I love you slipping past his lips between each kiss. You can feel him have a semi inside you; he finds it quite embarrassing, but if you move and nudge him lightly, you may be able to incite him for another round.
If it’s not after, then it’s definitely during cuddling. Though you’ll mostly initiate that. All you have to do is whisper into Simeon’s ear,
“Simeon…I want to feel you. More of you, please?” with pleading eyes that Simeon could never resist.
Simeon likes facing you when cuddling, so doing this felt much more intimate than actually fucking (lol). Once he’s inside you, he becomes so bashful at it. He smiles a lot, kissing you a bunch.
The back of your hand, each knuckle, cheek kisses that’ll trail up to your forehead and down to your lips. Kiss him back, and you’ll hear the prettiest sighs and hums from him.
Play with his hair during this, too; if you want to see him melt, you feel incredibly soft despite what you’re doing. Any moment with Simeon will have you like this, but something about being so close to him makes your head spin.
It must be the same for Simeon because he can’t help but mutter words of sentimentality.
“being able to do something like this…especially with someone like you, I..” Simeon pauses before chuckling, his hand reaching up to caress your cheek. “mc, I love you dearly. That’s all I’m trying to say.”
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thank you for reading, rbs appreciated&lt;3    m.list
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2K notes · View notes
kamiversee · 3 months
➶-͙˚ ༘✶ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙁*𝘾𝙆 𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙏
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✧.* CHAPTER 37 || The Priceless Gift
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[ { SYPNOSIS } ] ➤ A tale in which Gojo Satoru blackmails you into seducing a list of people to clear his debt. Sounds easy enough, right?
[ { CHAPTER CONTENT } ] ➤ language & more fluff.
[ { WORD COUNT } ] ➤ 5.3k
[ { PAIRINGS } ] ➤ jjk men x f!reader. gojo x f!reader. geto x f!reader. toji x f!reader. choso x f!reader. sukuna x f!reader. nanami x f!reader.
[ [ chapters mlist } ]
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——REMEMBER WHEN YOU ASKED YOURSElF if your feelings for Choso were fading? Remember how you thought for a moment you were actually falling for Gojo Satoru, the same man who blackmailed you? Yeah, maybe you were just a bit confused.
Choso's calming voice echoed through your ears and you felt like you were about to cry tears of joy. You wouldn't say you were head over heels for the man but given the fact that you just received such a heartfelt gift from Gojo and now Choso was speaking to you for the first time in about two months...
There were a lot of emotions fluttering around in your heart. You were so fucking conflicted. Even though, your decision should be easy, right? Gojo blackmailed you and Choso treated you perfectly, why are you finding difficulty in choosing who you should settle your heart on?
Why do you want them both in the first place? Is it because you know there's something about the blackmailing situation that Gojo's not telling you and that whatever it is, you know it'll change how you feel? Not to mention, you can't just ignore all of Gojo's poetic confessions.
He called you his eternity.
Meanwhile, Choso hasn't sent even so much as a text in two whole months. You can't be upset with him for it because you understood how hard it was for the man to spend time with you amid the uncertainty you brought but even so, a text every now and then would've been nice.
"Is that okay?" Choso suddenly asked, breaking you from your thoughts, "Is it possible for me to see you today?"
"U-Uhm," You swallow. Your hands were shaking so badly. When did your anxiety get this bad? All of your nerves were everywhere and your heart was throbbing. "Give me a s-second, Choso. Please?"
You hear him sigh softly, "Take as long as you need, angel."
Your eyes shot up to the ceiling as you smiled at his words yet again. After a moment of blushing you nodded, "I'll be right back." You told him.
Choso hummed, "Alright."
With that, you carefully placed the phone on mute and then rushed back to the living room. A new movie was on the TV and the trio seemed to be decently into it. Well, with the exception of Gojo who turned his head as soon as you popped around the corner.
His eyes met yours and both of you sent each other a look. Before you could get anything out, the man mouthed out his words to you, "Just go."
Your brows furrowed. How did he even know you were about to ask them if it was okay to leave? Did he set this up? You do remember Gojo mentioning that you should try talking to Choso during winter break but, he couldn't possibly be behind this, right?
He wasn't. But, Gojo wanted you to be with Choso. He puts your happiness above everything and Gojo so clearly saw the way your eyes lit up at Choso's contact popping up on your phone. The white-haired man wasn't even jealous over it either (he thinks), he was actually happy for you.
So, of course, if you come running around the corner after a few minutes of talking to Choso, it's obvious what you came to say. Given that, Gojo's look was serious and if you didn't go, he was going to force you to.
You, too frozen to move yet, simply stood there with wide eyes as you processed Gojo's mouthed words to you.
The male sighs and then stands up, humming a quiet I'll be back to both Geto and Shoko who hadn't even realized you were standing just around the corner. Gojo then walks over to you, placing a hand on your stomach softly and lightly pushing you back around the corner.
You bat your eyelashes at the tall man as he backs you all the way away from the living room, "S-Satoru, I-"
"Shut up," Gojo utters, his voice low and relaxed with you, "I don't want a single argument from you. Go to him."
You grab ahold of his wrist and he stops pushing you. "But what about-"
"What about what?" He sighs tiredly.
You swallow, "What about you?"
Gojo's heart skips a beat and he smiles, "What about me, sweetheart?"
"I can't just-,"
"First, you tell me you shouldn't be in love with me, to which I agree. Then, you'd tell me about how you missed Choso. And now, he's called you and I'm pretty sure he asked to see you so," Gojo leans down to your eye level and his gaze softens, "Where's the hesitation coming from?"
Your eyes are all glossy with stressed tears, "I don't know, Satoru. I-I'm confused."
"About what?" He chuckles a little, struggling to wrap his head around your current emotions.
"Who I want," You explain.
He shakes his head, "Don't be."
"But I-"
"I'm no good for you. You know that." Gojo emphasizes, "Please don't let me intoxicate you with my feelings. Let's not complicate this, okay?"
A frown takes over your expression. Never in a million years did you think you'd find yourself in such a predicament where you struggle to choose between one man and another.
You sucked in a deep breath and look off to the side, "Satoru..."
"Just... At least go see him." Gojo murmurs, moving his hand to your chin and turning you right back to face him, "Then, maybe make up your mind afterward, yeah?"
"Won't seeing him just make it worse?" You ask.
He scoffs, "No. The worst thing you can do right now is pick me over him."
He whispers your name, "Go see him."
You're too hardheaded to listen right now, "Satoru-"
"If you spend another minute here complaining," He shuts his eyes for only a minute, then his tone goes void of that loving emotion, "I'm telling Shoko about the list."
Your eyes widen, "You're not seriously blackmailing me again, are you??" You question in disbelief.
It's so obvious now that the man is a good actor because the way his entire mood shifted back to the one you initially dealt with when the list started is almost frightening.
"I told you, sweetheart," He stands up straight and his gaze is dark, almost cold, "I'm no good for you."
You frown and inch closer to him, placing a hand on his arm, "But... You can be."
He grits his teeth, "Stop that."
"Stop what?" You question, tipping your head to the side with this gentle look in your eyes.
"Trying to figure me out. I told you, I'm not some problem for you to solve." Gojo utters. He doesn't sound upset but he's earnest with you, "I don't want to argue with you anymore so, please, just go see him."
The two of you stare into each other's eyes for one last long moment before you give him a little nod and a quiet okay. Gojo lets out a relieved sigh and then moves his hand to the back of your head and pulls you close to him. Your eyes go wide as he does so and you can tell his short-lived cold attitude has faded away.
His lips then press into your forehead and he stays still for another long moment before pulling away. You then lift your head and your gaze up to him and he looks down at you.
His hand moves to the necklace around your neck, feeling it against his skin for a moment as he smiles, "Go on now, go be happy with him."
You wanted to argue and say you could be happy with him instead, that you could just stay right here and give in to the impending blossom of feelings in your chest for him. But, Gojo would never allow you to do so.
So, instead, you just gave in and soon parted ways with the man after one last hug and a quiet thank you for everything. Gojo then walked you out and he told you that you could come back whenever you wanted, whether it was later that night or early the next morning, he said it didn't matter-- if you wanted to come back, he'd be there to open the door for you.
With that, you and him finally separated.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
As you left the apartment, you unmuted your phone and raised it to your ear, "Hello?"
You're surprised Choso sat there the whole time but, his response was immediate, "M'still here." He mumbled.
You smile a little, "Where uh, where do you want to meet up?"
"I'm actually at my art studio right now," Choso tells you, he sounds a little tired. "I'll leave the door unlocked for you."
"Okay, I'm on my way," You say.
You can't see it but he smiles at the fact that he'll be able to lay his eyes on you again, his heart rate increasing at the thought alone, "Cya soon." Choso hums.
His voice was so mellow and relaxed and you loved hearing every second of it. After that brief conversation, the two of you got off the phone and you left the apartment complex completely, quick to get in your car and drive to the man.
The drive felt longer than ever. Each second that passed, each red light that stopped you, every street you drove by, it all felt as though it were going by in slow motion. Your heartbeat was increasing and increasing, anxiety creeping up throughout your veins and making you sweat a little.
Since when did Choso make you this damn anxious? You had to control your breathing as you drove, making sure you took the proper turns as the location of his art studio was imprinted into your brain, even though you'd only been there a few times.
You wondered what he was doing there at this time of night. It was around nine o'clock and you didn't know Choso to do anything artistic around this time. But, maybe things had changed within the two months you went without him. What if he had changed?
What if he sees you and he realizes he doesn't feel the same anymore? What if he gets tired of waiting for you to be ready? What if you were to confess to him and he turns you down? What if he fell for someone else?
Your mind wouldn't stop pushing question after question as you drove. You were beyond uneasy and you loathed that feeling. Choso was supposed to be your peace of mind. He usually is. Normally, when you think about the man, you can't help the swelling of your heart and the smile that spreads across your face.
Where are all these negative thoughts and emotions coming from?
Is this, perhaps, what he experienced? That uncertainty that Choso said he felt before he left you, is this what he meant? The process of wondering all different kinds of scenarios over and over and never being sure of what'll prove to be true and what won't?
You hope Choso didn't experience this-- this sucked.
Before you even realized it, you were parked outside of the designated address. You had to reach in your bag for some perfume and spray it on yourself just in case as if that would bring a calming to your unsettled nerves.
Then, with a deep breath, you got out of your car and headed inside. The building was rather large, filled with all kinds of rented-out spaces, and Choso was located on the fifth floor.
You took the elevator up, taking multiple deep breaths as the elevator creaked and creaked, dinging with each floor it passed up until you reached the fifth. You paced down the lengthy hallway until you got to his place and then stopped in front of the door.
Swallowing hard, you carefully placed your hand on the doorknob and twisted. Opening the door, the studio was dimly lit as you entered and at first, you couldn't see much. The studio was huge and tall, having enough room for its own second floor, which is where the light was coming from.
You were quiet with shutting the door behind you and locking it. Carefully walking through the scattered and various art supplies lying around, you traveled through the room and toward the back, making your way up the short set of stairs and soon laying eyes on Choso.
He was sitting on a couch and you think your mouth watered at the initial sight. His head was turned to the side as he looked at one of his paintings and his positioning on the couch was just...
There was this purple LED light that kept the room dimly lit and it only made the man all the more attractive. Choso was manspreading, his thighs parted so sexily as he sat shirtless in these black slightly paint-covered sweatpants. His hair was loose and his muscular arms were stretched over the back of the couch comfortably.
That was, until he saw you in his peripherals and turned his head to you. You froze in your steps as your eyes met his and you think you forgot how to speak. Choso's brain seemed to stutter as well as he blinked a few times.
You then watched him slowly shift to stand up and your feet slowly moved toward him. Both of you took a moment to process but your bodies were moving on their own and Choso was quick to rush over to you as you rushed toward him.
Your bodies clashed with each other and your arms went up over his neck whilst his larger arms went around your waist. The scent of his cologne and a hint of fresh paint entered your nose as you nuzzled into him.
Your feet left the ground for a second as Choso squeezed you and lifted you into the air, holding you as if he'd waited forever for this moment. With a fluttering heart, you chuckled in reaction to his tight grasp.
Choso carefully places you back down and his arms ease from around your waist as he instead grips onto your sides. Your arms slide down and you rest your hold on his biceps for a moment as the two of you take in each other's features for the first time since he left.
Slowly and carefully, his hands leave your sides completely, finding solace in cupping your face in his palms, "Holy shit," Choso gasps, gazing so deeply into your eyes, "I missed you so much."
You bat your eyelashes at the male, a smile printed across your features as you do so, "I missed you too Cho."
His brows tense at the softness of your voice and you notice the heavy bags under his eyes. Choso leans his face close to yours, pulling you in as he does so, "I'm sorry."
His apology perplexes you and you giggle nervously, "For what?" You ask through an uneasy smile.
"Not calling or responding to your texts," He explains, "T-That was shitty of me and I'm sorry."
You peer into his almost doe-like brown eyes and you literally watch as his pupils expand into a larger size. Shit, has his eyes always dilated to such a degree when he looked at you? Or... Is this just your first time noticing?
"No, you don't have to apologize, Cho. It's okay," You hush out to him, your eyes unknowingly glossing up. Water coated your gaze due to your heightened emotions.
From uncertainty to straight-up anxiety, everything felt like it was about to crash over you. You'd waited for so long for this very moment and you almost forgot what it was like to be with Choso. However, standing here right now allowed all those memories to rush back to you in a matter of seconds.
Those late-night rendezvous with him, the laughs, the smiles, the teasing, the joy, the fun, the mischief-- all of it. Every last memory of this man thrums throughout your mind within a single moment and you remember it all.
You remember what it felt like for your heart to skip a beat when he spoke to you, what it felt like to experience that breath of fresh air that was his presence for only a moment. You finally recalled how Choso was your freedom. He is your peace, paralleling how you are Gojo's eternity, his whole.
Choso's fingers slip up along your face, just barely making contact with your eyelids and forcing them shut so that your tears could fall freely, "I really hope these aren't because of me," He murmured, quick to wipe away the moisture as soon as they fell from your sockets.
You sniffle and your smile has yet to fade, "They're tears of joy I swear."
He smiles and you watch the corners of his eyes crinkly a little as water glosses over his eyes too, "You're that happy to see me?"
"Yeah," You whisper, your voice trembling in emotion.
The man pouts and tips his head to the side a little, "I'm so sorry, princess," Choso apologizes again, weighing his face even closer and so much so that your breaths are shared.
"You d-don't have to apologize, I understand. It's just... I dunno, one call would've been nice," Your voice is so shaky and fragile that it even affects the way he holds your face.
His touch is so light that it's almost as though it's not even there, "I couldn't..." Choso sighs. His tone is soft and shaky just like yours, "One call is all it'd take for me to end up right back in your arms as I wish to be."
You frown, "T-Then what changed today? Hm?"
His lips are almost on yours, "I couldn't take it anymore. It may have seemed like it was easy for me to create that distance between us but..." Choso swallows hard, "I couldn't go even twenty-four hours without thinking of you."
Your frown lifts to a half smile, "Yeah?"
Choso nods and the gesture is done almost needily, desperation vexed into his gaze as he simply pours his longing emotions down into you through his soft looks alone. His sights then slip down to your lips, "Can I please kiss you?"
It was as though you could feel the physical squeeze his request had on your heart. The grip was strong, dangerous, and threatening. Your heart was so loud and heavy you could feel it pounding against your ears and blood and heat rushed there and to your face.
You nod a little and then shut your eyes in sync with his, both of your lips finally pressing into each other. There's pure tranquility flooding throughout your entire being as his soft, long-since-untouched lips move against yours. A floodgate of pure and swelled emotions had burst open as his lips were met with your own.
Sure, he doesn't kiss you like how Gojo does but, that doesn't make it any less enjoyable.
Choso's lips are soft, careful against yours, and steadily moving over yours in the way he remembers you enjoying. You relish in his touch, the taste of his tongue soon settling over yours and he prises your mouth open and slides right in as if that's exactly where he belonged.
A slight hum exits your throat as you kiss him back fervently and his hands move away from your face and back down to your waist. Choso jerks your body closer and up against his own, his fingers sinking into you even through the thick layers of clothing you wore. For a moment, as you make out he shifts again and this time works your coat off your body, allowing it to fall to the floor.
You were too engrossed in his lips to care and even pushed yourself right back into him afterward. Choso smiled against your lips as you did so and then he snaked his arms around your waist and walked you backward to the couch he'd previously been sitting on.
Both of your mouths go a bit wider and your tongues swivel over one another sensually with a loud and wet slick sound. With your lips never prying from each other, Choso carefully eases back down onto the couch and you comfort yourself right on top of him.
The sound of your kissing, his hums, and your light moans filled the entirety of the art studio, the noises bouncing off the walls and hitting both of your ears-- adding to the sensuality of it all.
With a loud smack, Choso just barely pulled his mouth from yours, "Fuck," He pants and then groans out your name so lowly that it spurs chills up your spine, "I missed you so fucking much."
You grin, "Yeah?"
"Every day," Choso begins, struggling to catch his breath, "I missed you more and more every single day."
You peck his lips one more time and gaze down at him through low-lidded eyes, "I missed you too."
His touch slides down and Choso settles his hold on your hips as you comfort yourself into his lap. He's still panting and his face is flushed. Cheeks reddened, the tips of his ears smothered in blush, his lips moist from you, and his expression needy.
Choso does that thing you missed where he simply basks in the feel of you being with him, taking in your every detail like always, "You're so... so fuckin' perfect." He compliments, unable to stop the words from spilling out of his mouth, "You..." His words come out breathily, "You consume my thoughts, y'know that right?"
You smile, "Do I?"
He nods almost like a little puppy. "You do."
With a slight chuckle, you never once break the eye contact, "Y'know... I wasn't expecting to see you today so uh, I didn't get you anything." You tell him.
Choso sighs and tips his head back against the couch, still gazing up at you, "My gift is you being here right now, I couldn't ask for much more than that."
"That's so sweet," You giggle, gushing at his words to you, "But, I still wish I actually got you something."
His eyes are low on yours, barely even open as he gazes at you with those naturally sleepy eyes of his, "There's no need, baby. Trust me. You're all I wanted for Christmas."
You roll your eyes, "Okay Mariah Carey."
He flashes that sexy yet lazy smile of his, "I really didn't mean to reference her but," He shrugs, "It works. Also, I got you something."
Your eyes light up, "Really, what is it?"
"Well, technically I made you something." Choso clarifies.
The shifting of your body over his makes him suck in a sharp breath as you grow eager to know what he's got for you, "What is it? Either show or tell me already."
Choso grips your hips a little, "First off, quit' movin' so much. Secondly, it's two gifts and the first is over there," He nods his head off to the left and your sights rush in that direction.
You spot a relatively large box wrapped in pretty gift wrap with a pretty big bow on it, "Aw, Cho you didn't have to get me anything..." You say, despite being ecstatic about it as you raise yourself from his lap.
His hands slip off your body whilst you stand to your feet and then pace over to the designated box, quickly picking it up and shaking it a little as if that'll tell you what's in it. It's large and rectangular, relatively thin but still big nonetheless.
"I hope you like it," Choso hums while he sits up a little and watches you take a seat beside him.
Your hands work to tear open the gift. The item makes your eyes go wide and your jaw drop completely. To little surprise, it's a painting. But, not just any random painting. And no, it wasn't that first portrait of you he made months ago when he first met you...
Instead, it was something much more beautiful. Most of Choso's artwork consists of dark colors and thick sharp lines that mold together to form something beautiful. But this? Oh, it was almost foreign to the man's art style.
In your hands was a painting of your eyes. Within your pupils was your eye shade but when you look close enough, you spot small words made out within it in different shades. He'd used those words to express the things he sees when he makes eye contact with you while simultaneously capturing the beauty that is your eye color.
It was gorgeous.
You read so many different words; beautiful, love, perfection, amazing, smart, talented, inspiring, breathtaking, soul-touching, my epiphany, peace, euphoria, god's greatest creation, etc. The list went on and on, each word so very tiny yet easy to read if you looked closely enough. All of which was painted within your eyes.
Outside of that, the image was still stunning, capturing your lashes down to the finest ones, the texture of your skin even imprinted perfectly, and the feel of genuine emotion oozing off the artwork in your hands.
Your speech was stripped from you as you took in what you were staring at. How do you respond to such a dedicated piece of art? Your heart was pounding against your chest once more and you didn't even realize the image had brought tears to your eyes until a droplet trickled onto your hand.
"F-Fucking hell," You curse, your breath unsteady. Sniffling was heard from you as you dragged your gaze up and to Choso, "I..."
His eyes are casual on yours, as if he didn't just give you something that took him months to capture properly. "Merry Christmas," Choso uttered, nervousness hinted in his words.
Your brows tense up, "You... When..." You struggled to piece together the right thing to say as you looked back down to the item, "C-Choso, I love this."
He bites back the cheesing smile he almost flashed, "I'm glad you do."
"H-How long did this take?" You whisper, moving to wipe your joyful tears away and look back up to him.
Choso shrugs, "Few' months."
"Were you working on this before you... before you left?" You ease out in question.
"Mhm," He hums, "I'm uh, I'm not the best with words at times so, for every time I wanted to say one of those things to you but couldn't, I painted it. Then, after I left... Well, the rest of the words began to fill the shape of your irises faster than I expected." Choso explains to you.
You place the gift down to the side and crawl across the couch to him, grabbing his face and pulling him close before crashing your lips into his. Choso laughs into your kiss, his eyes widening for a split second before he flutters them shut and kisses you back. It's heavier than the one prior as you make out with him gratefully.
Barely breaking away for air, you hush out your words to him, "Thank you."
Choso was about to say you're welcome but he was cut off by your tongue sinking into his mouth. He simply melted into your touches and aggressive kisses, adoring the feeling of it all.
His body turned a bit to get more comfortable kissing you and one of your hands slid down to his neck, feeling all of his skin tense under your touch. Choso soon breathed out your name in between your kisses, trying to gain your attention but you were so wrapped up in thanking him through the motion.
To snap you out of it, Choso suddenly takes control and you feel his teeth latch onto your bottom lip and he nibbles, pulling your skin slightly as he groans and moves a hand to your waist. His hand swipes under your shirt and he firmly squeezes your side, abruptly tickling you and making you chuckle away from the kiss.
You both part from each other with soft laughter and Choso smiles at you, "Baby, you have another gift, y'know."
You shrug, "I don't need it, that was enough. That was perfect, Choso."
"You're gonna like the second one too though," He says, playfully pouting.
Your head shakes, "Whatever it is, return it if possible, I don't need anything more."
He smirks, "It's not exactly something I can return..."
A sigh leaves you, "What is it then?"
With a little huff, Choso moves to stand up. When he does, his arms go up and he stretches a little. The man then slides over a little to stand right in front of you and you peer up at him with wide and curious eyes.
Raising a brow at the man, you remain confused, "What is it?"
Choso leans forward, placing his hands on the back of the couch and trapping your smaller frame in between his arms. "I got a new tattoo I wanted to show you but, I want you to find it."
There's no way. He didn't tattoo his dick, did he?
You chuckle and shift to sit comfortably in between his muscular arms, "Choso... How is your new tattoo gonna be a gift for me?"
"Search for it and find out," He taunts.
You nearly told him that he's just like his brother in that sense but then you mentally cursed yourself for even comparing the two in the first place. With a roll of your eyes, you start moving your hands, "Finnnee.."
Slowly, you move to his waistline where his black sweats are, carefully and sensually pulling at the drawstring as you keep your eyes up on his. Choso's gaze is down on your face the entire time, even as he feels you tug at his sweatpants.
"Am I gonna' have to take these off?" You ask suggestively.
His head tilts a little and he nods, "Mhm, take em' off me, princess."
You do your best to keep control of your hormones as his words hit your ears. Then, you carefully pull his pants down a bit, stopping when he starts talking again.
"You won't have to search too far down though," Choso adds on.
You finally break eye contact and look down, seeing the band of his boxers and having something tell you to just barely pull them down. So, you do. Revealed to you are dark-inked letters written in cursive that are almost hidden beneath the left end of his prominent and sharp v-line. You bat your eyelashes at what the letters spell out.
It's your fucking name.
"Holy shit," You curse as your eyes broaden and your head tilts to inspect it, "Choso I know this isn't my name tattooed on you..."
He chuckles and pushes himself up so that he can stand straight up, moving a hand down to the fabric of his clothing to reveal it in full without exposing his manhood, "It is," Choso hums.
You look up at him, your face completely flushed, "Why would you-"
Choso pulls his pants back up and clicks his tongue, "I already told you, princess," Once he's presentable again, he leans down to your face once more, "I'm all yours."
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GOJO SATORU ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
GETO SUGURU ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
TOJI FUSHIGURO ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙪𝙢
KAMO CHOSO ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙎𝙚𝙢𝙞-𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙪𝙢 / 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
ZEN'IN NAOYA ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙀𝙭𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
ITADORI SUKUNA ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙎𝙚𝙢𝙞-𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮???
NANAMI KENTO ☐ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙙
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skyahri · 3 months
Blind |Naruto Men X Uchiha!Reader| HC
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Characters: Kakashi Hatake, Shikamaru Nara, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, Madara Uchiha, Hashirama Senju
Summary: How they handle their partner losing their sight due to the effects of the Mangekyo Sharingan.
Warnings: Mentions of fem, but not very relevant. Mentions of war and loss of sight.
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Kakashi Hatake
He knew the day would come when the Sharingan would take your vision, but he didn't know it'd be so soon.
There were no other eyes available to you at the moment, so eternal was not an option.
Not that'd you do it anyway. It was highly against your beliefs to partake in the Uchiha nonsense that was eye swapping.
Something that drew Kakashi towards you in the first place.
You'd been preparing for this day since you first awakened your mangekyo.
You'd memorized the layout of your apartment, practiced roaming the village in a blind fold, and learned braille.
You'd been coping well, Kakashi... not so much.
He couldn't deal with the knowledge that you'd sacrificed your vision for the sake of the village.
You'd given up everything during your years as a shinobi, and this was the icing on top of the cake.
He'd watch you every day.
Watch you drag your hands across the walls of your apartment. Watch you walk a bit too far past the stall in the market. Watched you struggle to do simple things like grocery shopping.
Over time, you'd become worse and worse at eye contact, and that ate him alive.
There were no more longing looks or sneaky glances. Even your attempts to appear as if you could see were slowly declining, and it dampened his mood every time.
He felt as if he'd failed you. If only he'd been stronger, you wouldn't have had to overuse your doujutsu.
But he stayed quiet because you seemed happy. You were alive and safe and happy, and that's all he could ask for.
Shikamaru Nara
After the war, your vision had completely vanished. There were no blurry shapes or deaf perception problems because there was simply no sight.
There was no time to prepare. You hadn't planned on having to use the mangekyo so much in battle, and the price was astronomical.
He tried to help where he could, but you were being stubborn, constantly rejecting any aid he tried to provide.
"Just let me-"
"I told you I can do it myself."
"No, you can't, just let me-"
And that's when he felt the sobs rack through your body. Tears quickly fell down your face and your hands couldn't keep up.
He sighed and forced everything out of your hands.
"I can't do anything anymore."
"That's not true."
You scoffed, a bitter laugh leaving your lips.
"I can't go grocery shopping or cut fruit or put dishes away without running into everything or breaking something or,"
"Give it time. It'll get better."
"Two weeks ago, I was a shinobi. Today, I'm just a blind girl who can barely feed herself."
Shikamaru wasn't sure what to do. Strategy was easy becausebit was all factual. Feelings, though? So many variables he didn't know where to start.
He confided in Kakashi at some point, but wasn't too pleased with the advice he got it.
"Let her figure it out. She's a smart girl."
Despite thinking it was a stupid suggestion, he listened.
Slowly, over time, you'd regained your confidence and became the capable person you had previously been.
Doesn't stop Shikamaru from uncharacteristically babying you sometimes, though.
Sasuke Uchiha
He offered you his eyes, but you declined.
You weren't fond of Uchiha tradition despite being raised by it. Taking his eyes just felt like you'd be starting the new age Uchiha clan off on the wrong foot.
So you chose blindness.
It was difficult at first, but you quickly learned to get around and help yourself with little to no issue.
You'd gone from stumbling around the kitchen to making yourself breakfast within a few months.
Living with out sight wasn't too bad, and you'd grown accustomed to it. You felt like you'd made the right decision.
Until your first son was born.
It wasn't the parenting aspect that you found difficult, it was the emotional one.
When Sasuke told you your son looked just like Itachi, you knew you'd have to see for yourself.
So, you allowed Sakura to do the transplant.
Within seconds after the bandages were off and you had time to adjust to light, your sight was fully restored.
Sasuke brought in your baby, and wouldn't you know it? He looks exactly like Itachi.
The sharingan is based on strong emotions, yeah? Maybe you can base it on love in the new Era.
Naruto Uzumaki
Unlike the others, Naruto finds the whole eye transplant thing horrendous.
"What do you mean by that, huh? You freaks just trade eyes like around? That's the worst thing I've ever heard."
Although he wasn't happy with your newfound loss of sight, he wasn't one to label anything as a downside.
A setback? Sure. Negative? Never.
Hes overall very patient about it, even if in the moment he gets a little ahead of himself.
He's always forgetting that you're blind, so he'll ask you to look at things all the time.
"Hey, what's this?"
You just shrug. He may or may not bring your hand to the object to get a feel, but he mostly just gets embarrassed and drops it.
It honestly hadn't really dawned on him until he asked you to go train with him and you'd refused.
Sure, you could overtime work yourself up to be a shinobi again, but at this point in your life, that just wasn't the dream anymore.
Madara Uchiha
He thinks you're being stupid.
This world is all about power and you're choosing to be blind?
You may be his wife, but he ignores you for quite some time after you make it clear there will be no eternal in your future.
It's an easy justification for him; he doesn't mingle with the weak.
Life gets pretty lonely after he decides to completely shut you out. Yeah, he sees Hashirama and makes his round through the compound, but it's not the same.
It isn't until he sees you in the village, going about life as you had months ago, that he starts to think maybe he was too hasty.
After all, he had married you for many reasons, and a big one was how skilled you were at adapting.
That night, when he finally returns home, he decides to sleep in your marital bed, not in the guest room.
The next day, he joins you for breakfast.
He came home early from his duties for the first time in a while.
He even started speaking to you once again.
You don't say anything right away. You know how he is about changing his mind, and you aren't willing to push your luck.
Things slowly get better over the span of a few weeks, and that's when you decide it's time to question him.
"I take it you've come to terms with my decision?"
"Of course not. I still think you're a fool."
Just the answer you'd expect.
"But I have missed you dearly."
You smile at him.
Hashirama Senju
The eternal was never something either of you had considered, so when your vision eventually dulled, it was fully expected.
Times were peaceful at the moment, so he had no need to worry for your safety.
You were almost always near someone willing to lay their life down for you- himself, Tobirama (reluctantly), or Madara - so there truly was no need to stress.
He helped as much as he could while also attending to his duties as Hokage.
Unlike Naruto, he had true patience. He happily held your hand every step of the way.
It wasn't long before your life was back on track, no longer burdened by the anxiety that came with cluelessness.
While Hashirama had preferred it never come to this in the first place, he was happy that things had worked out as best as they possibly could.
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Really Good Neighbors
NSFW under the cut
CW: 18+, f!reader, embarrassment, dead batteries, mentions of falling in the shower, oral and manual stimulation (reader receiving)
It hadn’t even been a bad day. Tiring, sure. A bit tedious. It wasn’t until you dropped your keys as you were trying to unlock your door that you realize you’re on the verge of tears. You stare down at them for a beat that turns into three.
“You good?
The voice startles you. You look up and see Kyle, one of your favorite neighbors, at his own door. He must have arrived home from a deployment, but you didn’t know he was back. He always looks good, but right now he looks good-good, skin glowing and hair freshly cut, so he’s been home at least a day.
Kyle has always been really nice to you. Always helping to carry your groceries when he’s in town. Flirty, in a young and confident and kind of pushy way, but sweet, too. He’s invited you to the roof for “wine dates” so often that you actually bought some string lights to decorate. He’s never done more than buzz a kiss against your cheek, so you know it’s just good fun. You’re glad he’s back. Maybe you’ll invite him up to the roof this weekend.
The curious look on his face gets a bit concerned and you realize that you’ve missed your cue to answer.
“Oh, yeah, sorry,” you say, with a smile that doesn’t feel at all convincing. “Just… you know. A long day. Work is… yeah. You know?”
He gives you an easy grin. “Yeah, I get it. You need anything?”
“An uncomplicated orgasm, a nap, and a burger,” you say before you can stop yourself. It’s the mantra that’s gotten you through the day. As soon as it’s out of your mouth you want to die. “Oh, god, please ignore me. I’m so sorry.”
He cracks up, which you guess is not the worst reaction he could have. You dive for your keys and unlock your door as quickly as you can. You toss him a little wave before retreating into your apartment.
The first order of business is a shower, to wash off the frustration and embarrassment. Of course, you only realize you’re out of the good body wash after you’re already under the water. Which is fine until you realize that you also forgot to grab a towel. You do an awkward waddle to the laundry and grab a towel for your body, and shamefully mop up your drippings using and hand towel and your feet. At least your hair isn’t wet - a single towel will get the job done.
After toweling off and lotioning, you discover that your favorite sex toy isn’t charged, and you forgot to put batteries in the backup. The cord to the plug in is on the fritz and you haven’t had the money to replace it. So you have to dig up the third runner up. The simple bullet vibrator turns on, thank god. It’s not the best, but it'll have to do. So you retrieve another towel to lay out on the bed and get ready for an indulgent evening.
As you scroll through your favorite site to find something just right, you feel like maybe today doesn’t have to suck. In fact, as you cue up one of your favorite videos, you sigh out almost all of the tension in your body.
And then the batteries in the vibrator die.
You feel like screaming and throwing something. Unfortunately, the thing you throw is the toy, which clatters against the wall, falls behind the bed, and starts buzzing away as if to mock you. You grab a pillow and yell into it long and hard before going to fish it out from under the bed.
You try really hard not to think of the fact that you share this wall with Kyle. Hopefully he was heading out and not coming home.
A knock on your door, just as you’ve finally caught the damn thing and turned it off startles you. You spin in place for a moment, caught between the urge to answer the door, the realization that you’re still naked, and needing to wash your hand and the dusty vibrator.
You throw the vibrator in the bathroom sink and rinse your hand before grabbing the still damp towel from the rack and wrapping it around yourself. Another knock makes you put on a burst of speed and wrench the door open. “Yeah, sorry, what?”
Kyle is on the other side of the door, hand raised to knock again. Behind him, a very tall, very muscular blond man blinks down at you. He’s vaguely familiar - a friend of Kyle’s you’ve only seen in passing. You can tell he’s smirking even behind his black surgical mask.
“Just wanted to check and see if you were okay,” Kyle says, giving you an obvious once over. You're very aware that your towel is not bath-sheet sized and you’re flashing a lot of skin. “Kind of sounded like you were having a hard time, thought you might have fallen in the shower.”
“Nope!” you exclaim. When the blond’s eyes scan you from head to toe, you kind of wish you had. “All good! Thanks!”
“What place?” The huge blond man asks. He pulls his phone out of his pocket.
You answer with an ever intelligent, “What?”
“You said you want a burger earlier. What place did you want the burger from?”
You feel your face flush. “Oh, you heard that? No, it’s okay. I don’t-”
Kyle interrupts. “Hey, you’re having a real rough day. Simon and I can treat my favorite neighbor to dinner.”
“The place doesn’t deliver here,” you say, helplessly. “Really, it’s fine.”
“Didn’t ask if they deliver, love,” says the blond giant named Simon. His brown eyes are amused when they meet yours. “Just asked where.”
Your legs are quickly getting cold in the breeze from the hall. That has to be why your knees are suddenly shaky. “Lucky Chip?”
Kyle grins. “Perfect. Love that place. You like the El Chapo, right? Side of garlic aioli?”
“Why do you know that?” you ask helplessly.
Simon finishes whatever he’s doing on his phone and glides away on long legs. His back is so broad, you’re not sure how you managed not to see him if he was around earlier. Over his shoulder, he says, “Back in a tick.”
“Copy,” Kyle answers. He grins at you. “An orgasm, you said? Just the one?”
“What?” You’re saying that a lot today.
Kyle’s smile is gorgeous as he leans his shoulder against the door jam. “Simon’s getting you your burger. I’m offering you that uncomplicated orgasm.”
Maybe you did fall in the shower. Bouncing your head off of the tile is the only way you can explain your brain coming up with this scenario. “You want… to have sex?”
“I want to eat you out and finger your cunt until you’re nice and relaxed,” Kyle purrs. His grin gets wider when you blush and stammer at him. “Then, you’re taking a nap. Simon’ll be back with your burger. After that, you let us know. He definitely wants a taste, though.”
All you can manage is, “What the fuck?”
“If you’re not into it, I can leave you alone,” Kyle assures you. He leans closer and takes the hand that you’re using to brace against the door jam. He brings it up and brushes his lips against your knuckles. "Won’t mention it again. I’ll be a perfect gentleman. But we’ve been playing this flirting game for almost a year now, so I’m pretty sure you want it.”
“Of course I want to! But-! You’re… I’m not-!” You grope for words and finally settle on, “I’m really not at my best.”
“Not real fussed about that right now, babes. I’ll take you on a proper date tomorrow night if you like. For right now,” he leans in, uses your hand to draw you close. “I just want to see if you taste as good as I imagine.”
Kyle kisses like he knows what he wants. One hand cradles your chin as he guides you a few steps backward into your apartment. The hand holding yours draws your arm up over his shoulder, and then his hands are everywhere. You have just a moment to realize what’s going to happen before your towel falls. Kyle groans into your mouth. His hands are gentle but firm where they glide over your curves. And then he takes a handful of your love handles in his palm and moans.
His hand catches your chin as he stares in your eyes. “Couch or bed?”
It takes you a moment to understand. “Bed?”
“Let’s go, then,” he practically growls. He turns you with his grip on your hip and slaps your ass. You jump. And then he’s herding you down the hall. He doesn’t waste any time pushing you up against the wall to kiss, though you half expect him to. He does, however, crowd you down against the bed with kisses until you’re on your back under him, legs spread around his hips.
His body feels even better than you’d ever imagined it would under your hands. Even through his clothes, he’s muscular. You can feel the power in his triceps as he braces himself over you. Which makes sense, but you never thought you’d ever experience his strength firsthand.
He pulls away to pant against your mouth. “Can feel you starting to think. Guess I’d better distract you.”
Before you can ask “what?” for the umpteenth time, his lips are on your neck. The contrast between the gentleness of his hands against your ribcage and the sucking kisses on your neck makes you moan.
It’s been a long time since your body felt this lit up, this quickly. Just minutes ago, you’d been sure the universe was conspiring against you. Now, you’re gasping and moaning and too caught up to be embarrassed. Every time you think you’re getting more control of yourself, he surprises another sound from you.
He doesn’t spend much time on your chest. A quick kiss to each nipple, and then he’s making his way down your stomach with kisses and bites. His hands are firm and keep you from squirming away when he buries his face in your stomach for a moment.
“God, you’re gorgeous,” he says as he slides off the side of the bed and onto his knees. “Swear, the thought of you got me through this last deployment. Can’t-”
Whatever he was going to say is lost because he practically dives into you. His mouth would be too much, too fast any other time. Right now, though? It’s exactly what you need. He’s a bit too preoccupied to comment on how wet you already are, thank goodness. At the same time, his appreciative groans and the obscene sounds his mouth makes against you are so loud that your ears burn.
When he latches onto your clit and works his tongue against it, you almost levitate off the bed. Your hands grab onto both sides of his head. “Kyle!”
He pulls away just long enough to ask, “Fingers?”
All you can do is nod. His lips are back on you before your head can fall back onto the bed. He presses two fingers into you, carefully at first, then all at once when your body opens for him. He thrusts a couple of times, but switches to massaging your g-spot with immediate accuracy. You don’t even have time to think, Holy shit!, before your orgasm is rushing up on you.
You expect him to pull away completely. Instead, he eases you down from your peak with gentle kisses. He’s whispering something you can’t hear over the rushing in your ears. All you can do is pant at the ceiling.
The force of it knocks the breath out of you. You’re pretty sure you wheeze something along the lines of wait, or god, or Kyle! For his part, he keeps groaning as he rides out your writhing. His tongue doesn’t stop, his fingers just keep going until you’re frantically tapping at his hair, his hands, struggling for breath enough to ask him to let up.
He stands to smile down at you, facial hair wet with you. You realize that your eyes are having trouble focusing. “You alright, beautiful?”
A full body shiver has you clenching on the fingers that are still inside of you. Words escape you, so you hum an affirmative. And then yawn so hard your jaw cracks.
Kyle just laughs. “Oh, yeah, you need that nap.”
“Sorry,” you whisper.
“No, babes, nothing to be sorry about,” he says, gently extracting his hand from between your legs. He hushes you as you whine and lifts your legs to get you settled on the bed. Then he climbs in beside you. “There, that’s better. Just need to be taken care of tonight, huh? Had a rough week?”
Sex doesn’t always make you emotional, but now you’re blinking back tears. Your voice is wobbly when you say, “Y-eah.”
“I know babes, I know,” he says, pressing a wet kiss to your temple. “Let’s have a cuddle, and you can take a nap. I’ll wake you for dinner. Won’t have to worry about anything.”
You’re asleep before he can finish talking.
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yzashaven · 7 months
okay but needy mean dom! xiao 🫣
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꒰ —♡ fem!reader︰not too mean xiao </3 ✰ implied overstimulation ✰ degradation ✰ slight dacryphilia if you squint ✰ creampie!! ✰ biting ✰ mentions of marking ✰ tiny bit of manhandling (holding you down is all) ✰ not proofread ꒱
i actually wrote this after listening to this
୨୧. hi there ! i've written something similar to your request already but here's some more just for you xiao cock suckers <3 [other fic] + i'm sorry if this one's a bit bad :(( i just got home from practice a while ago and wanted to write something :3
꒰ general﹒taglist ꒱ @yukiitaooo @scara6 @kana-de @ciarchivez + special tag for @peakalatus
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"x-xiao!! i can't take it anymore—"
"shut up. you can and you will." the rough snapping of his hips against yours continued, despite your pleas which were accompanied by tears falling due to the overwhelming pleasure. "see how easy it is to simply succumb to the pleasure? just shut your mouth and take my cock." hearing his words made you bury your face into the pillow in front of you, hugging it tightly and muffling your moans through its softness as your tears dampen the silk sheets of it.
if it weren't for his hands gripping onto your hips, you'd definitely be laying flat on the bed right now. "my little slut, you feel so good~" xiao groans out, "such a whore. all for me?" his palm sharply makes contact with your bare ass, eliciting a lewd cry from your drooling lips. "answer." you nod swiftly, "y-yes! mmphf~ all for you!!" after hearing that, it didn't take long before he began to hold you down by the back of your neck as he began fucking you at an intense pace.
soon enough, his pace slows down but the sharpness of his thrusts never left as he began slamming into you. hard. "fuck!! i'm gonna cum—take it all." he leans down to bite on your shoulder in an attempt to silence out the whimpers slipping past his lips as he lets the feeling of ecstasy take full control of his body, desperately thrusting into you. louder moans rip through your throat as the feeling of him filling you up for the umpteenth time get mixed with the pain being given from his teeth digging into the flesh of your shoulder.
he gently lets go of you, catching his breath for a few moments before his fingers find themselves digging into your hips as he slowly starts up a new pace. "hah~ i'm gonna fuck you until i'm satisfied, and you'll be taking it with no complaints like a good girl, mmh?" he whispers huskily directly into your ear, tightening his grip even more, being sure that it'll leave bruises and obvious marks on your skin.
this is gonna be a long night...
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Alexia Putellas x Child!Reader
Summary: Mami gets hurt
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When Mami hurts herself at camp, you aren't there.
She doesn't like you coming to camp with her. She says it's because it's much too big a place for a tiny little girl like you but you overheard Abuela telling Tia Alba it's really because Mami doesn't want you anywhere near the management staff.
Either way, you're not at camp. You don't even know what's going on when Abuela wakes you from your nap and brings you to the hospital.
Mami is there though, lying on a hospital bed with her leg in a brace as she stares up at the ceiling blankly.
You shift on your feet, gnawing at your bottom lip. "Mami," You say finally, voice small and weak," You hurted yourself?"
"Si," Mami replies softly," I hurt myself."
Boldly, you take a step forward and then another and then another until you're completely detached from Abuela and are standing at the side of Mami's bed.
"But...But you get better?"
"I'll get better," Mami promises but even she doesn't sound too sure.
"So you can play with the ball and win in England?"
Tears shine in Mami's eyes as she shakes her head. "Not in England, no. But later. I'll have to miss the Euros this year."
You frown for a moment, glancing at her knee. "But you'll be better?"
"I'll be better. We just have to wait a little bit longer."
Your brow wrinkles but you nod anyway and Mami turns to pick you up.
"Alexia," Abuela says in warning, stepping forward to take you.
"Leave her!" Mami snaps as she lifts you up and onto the bed," I'm not injured enough that I can't pick up my own daughter!"
You almost flinch at her tone. Mami doesn't yell like that often and it's a bit frightening but she's got you tucked firmly into her and it doesn't seem like she'll be letting you go anytime soon.
Her fingers card through your hair.
"Are...Is...Erm...Is your knee hurted bad?"
"Mami needs to have surgery," Abuela says from the door," She's going to have it very soon. Why don't we head out to get some food while we wait?"
Mami glares at Abuela, tugging you ever closer. "She can stay here," She says firmly," Until I really have to go."
"Alexia," Abuela says," She'll aggravate your knee. Let me take her."
"I said no," Mami replies," She'll stay here with me. Why don't you step outside and call Olga?"
Abuela gives her a look but Mami holds firm in her decision.
"I'm sorry that you hurted your leg," You say after a long while of silence.
"It's okay," Mami says but her tone tells you that it's anything but," It just means that we have to take it easy for a bit, alright? It means that I get to spend a lot more time with you, huh? Won't that be nice?"
Your bottom lip wobbles. "Not if you're hurted. It's a big ouchy."
"It is a big ouchy but I'm going to have surgery, probably walk around on some crutches for a bit but it'll all be good again."
You hum in answer, still staring at her leg. "Why does Abuela need to call Miss Olga?"
"Well..." Mami moves you so you're lying on top of her, your head pillowed on her chest like when you were much littler. "Do you remember when Tia Jenni used to come around a lot? When you were a lot younger?"
You nod, careful to remain perfectly still so you don't hurt Mami's leg like Abuela said you would.
Tia Jenni used to come over a lot. She would always play with you and hang out with Mami and sometimes they would touch lips when they thought you weren't looking.
"And now Miss Olga comes round a lot instead?"
"Well, Mami and Miss Olga are seeing if we like each other like Mami and Tia Jenni used to like each other. So, I think that she should be told what's going on so she can work out if she wants to stay with me."
You frown. "Why wouldn't she want to stay with you? You're the best, Mami!"
Mami laughs slightly though it's tinged with bitterness. "I'm injured, bambi, and I won't be able to walk properly for a while. Miss Olga might decide that she can't cope with that."
"That's silly. You're the bestest even if you can't walk, Mami."
"Thank you, bambi. At least I know we're going to be good on our own."
"I'll help you!" You promise," Because you're the bestest on the pitch and you just need a little bit of rest before you can go back." You peer up at her, watching as her hand cups your chubby cheeks. "I'll walk Nala and-and I'll help you walk too...Er...And if you tell me what to do, I can make dinner!"
Mami laughs again, raining kisses on top of your head just as the doctors and Abuela - who's still on the phone - come in.
"Alright, y/n," She says softly, setting you back down on the floor," I have to go now. Maybe, while you wait, you can talk to Miss Olga on the phone? Would that be nice?"
You nod firmly. "I'll tell her how great you are!"
"You do that, bambi."
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okwrites · 1 year
Breaking 3 Writing 'Rules':
If you have ADHD or ASC or are some other flavor of neurodivergent, the 'rules' many big name authors post about how they've reached success can actually make you feel REALLY BAD because you can't always do the same thing.
Building a positive relationship with writing can make all the difference in getting you writing more.
'Write every day.' - Don't write every day, write when the mood strikes. But you can trick your brain into work mode by trying different things. Put on your shoes when it's time to write. Light a candle. Put on the same playlist every time. After a while, it'll be like a light-switch. When you light the candle, your brain will find writing easier. Just don't force it. When you try to force writing, you build up frustration and resentment if you don't get anything out. Some days just won't be writing days. That's FINE, lots of authors don't write every day (even if they say they do).
'I write 1000 words every day!' - Well, if you WANT to write and are struggling, a goal of 1000 words seems really far away. So do incremental goals. One sentence. One paragraph. 100 words. Usually by then you're in the flow of things and you can write 1000 words pretty easy. And again, celebrate every single one of those goals so you want to keep doing it. If you have to? One sentence, walk away, come back later, add another, GOOD JOB, two whole sentences!
'Sit down and block out x hours every day just for writing.' - Actually, the best way I've found to write is to tell my brain the deadline or end time is really, really soon - so I write in 20-30 minute chunks, and then walk away or take breaks and come back if I want to later. By setting that arbitrary shorter deadline, my brain can see an end and will work harder and focus more because it knows it's just for a little bit. If 20-30 minutes is too long, start with 15 minute chunks.
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alphabetboyluvr · 1 month
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pairing: rockstar!yoongi x female reader | mutual disdain - lovers (but also strangers - lovers? kinda?)
premise: in which you work for your brothers band by day and accidentally anonymously sext his bandmate on the regular by night! whoops !!
wc: 10k
for more details, pls see the master list (x)
note from holly: if you've read hush over on wattpad, then you've already seen this! sorry!! but this is everything that was on wattpad--the next upload will be 100% fresh hehe
warnings: alcohol, foul language, creepy men in bars, sexting (minimal!! very brief!), yoongi is both an asshole and a good guy, oc and yoongi are dumb!! and argumentative!! we learn a teeny tiny bit more lore for the night that never was!!
the app (x) | the band (x) | part one (x)
minors dni!!!
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GOLDEN CLOSET STUDIO Big Hit Ent, Yongsan-gu
"Back again so soon?" Jungkook grins when you traipse into his studio the next morning. 
Slumping down onto the sofa with a groan, you get comfortable like it's a second home to you. Only just gone midday, you're exhausted. You'll tell anyone who asks that you went out for a morning run, but you'll be lying through your teeth.
See, what made you tired may have given flushed cheeks, but sadly no cardio was involved. Just some pixels. Words. Another goddamn video call of a bedroom you know so damn well but have never stepped foot within. From his belly button down, you'd recognise your Damocles boys in a heartbeat. Wonder if you'd be able to tell if you saw him in the wild, fully clothed. 
You doubt it.
No, what's made you so tired isn't the things that get you up in the morning, but rather the things that keep you up all night.
Or just 'thing'.
A singular.
You're not sure you want to classify him as a person, because currently he's just pixels on a screen - but the images those pixels so often make? The dirty words that form in negative spaces just for you to see?
Yeah. You think that he's too good to be true. Can't be a real man.
"Meeting," you mumble into the cushion of the chair. "You know how many logistics are involved in taking you guys on tour? It's mad."
"Logistics?" He snorts, knowing your job has nothing to do with that side of the business.
"I'm shadowing," you reply. "Jinyu sweet-talked someone she knows in that department. Following one of the planners around for the week."
"Really tryna work your way up, huh?" Jungkook asks, before quietly musing, "Hope Jinyu'll sweet-talk me some time."
He's not wrong. About working your way up, that is. Jinyu will never sweet-talk him.
Big Hit is a great stepping stone - an industry outlier, built from the ground up - but you don't want to be in your brother's shadow for too long. 
You fear it'll look like you're complacent; as if you want an easy life that you don't have to work hard for. Get some experience, get a good reference, and get out; that's the plan. Maybe work somewhere overseas, away from the confines of your family name.
You don't entertain Jungkook's musings, instead opting to shuffle a little further into his sofa. It's leather and still smells brand new - not because it is, but because Jungkook is meticulous in his cleaning regimes. Will probably wipe it down after you leave. Is perhaps the neatest rockstar you've ever known - not that you know all that many. 
And that's exactly your issue; even if you want to get out of Seokjin's shadow, you've no idea where to turn to. Bright light saturates everything else. Here, you're hidden. Safe. Comfortable.
Well, comfortable except for one particular thorn in your side.
"Get your song sorted with Yoongi last night?" You ask, genuinely curious about it. You're also incredibly nosey, and Yoongi is a dick. What you'd like to hear is that he's annoyed and frustrated, because that's how he makes you feel. 
It's selfish to think that way. The album cycle is well and truly underway, and the boys are cramming every spare moment into perfecting it. You aren't too aware of the process, you just know that Yoongi speaks to you even less now that the stress is mounting.
They're made for the stage. Would spend all day every day performing, if it was sustainable. Don't enjoy the downtime - but you think it's because the slowness of it all interferes with their live fast, die young bullshit.
Jungkook shakes his head. "It's missing something. Can't figure out what. We're gonna leave it until after the Europe dates. Hopefully will have found some inspiration over there."
You accept his answer without a response. Know that any advice you could give would be redundant. You don't know the first thing about music production, and think it would be a waste of energy to float ideas for a song you've not even heard.
"Think Yoongi needs to rest," Jungkook muses a little mindlessly. "Was here till stupid o'clock last night."
You mumble a response, and Jungkook takes it as an indication to continue.
"Last email he sent was at like, what? Three in the morning? How his brain could've still been working, I've no idea."
"He's a night owl," you hum, as if it's a new discovery. "Works better that way. It's like you work best after a good sleep. He works best a little sleep-deprived."
"Yeah but how?!"
"I dunno. Brain science. Ask Yoongi. He probably knows. Psychology n shit."
Jungkook just rolls his eyes. He won't be asking Yoongi.
Just like he also won't be asking Yoongi if he wants to join you all for drinks later that evening. 
That job? Yeah, that's up to you.
Neither you, Jimin, nor Jungkook wanna ask Yoongi, mainly because you all know he'll just say 'no.' What's the point?
A fierce battle of rock-paper-scissors had been fought earlier that evening, and you'd been the poor sod declared as the loser.
Already half a bottle down, they're drinking in Jungkook's studio (even if Hoseok strictly forbode it the last time they got legless at work (as if his orders have ever stopped them from doing anything they wanted)) when you finally meet them again. 
They're getting a headstart on the evening's festivities.
It's nothing special. Just a chance for them all to hang out properly after the Seoul shows.
They rarely ever 'hang out', 'cause work often feels like that anyway. It's only when they take a break that they realise how much they enjoy each other's company. A few days rest from one another is always welcome - but exceed three days, and they start to get withdrawal symptoms.
"Ready to go?" You ask, but are met with curt shakes of their heads.
Jimin passes you the bottle of beer he's been nursing on. As you take a swig, he reminds you, "You've not asked Yoongi yet."
Lips pressed to the rim of the bottle, you roll your eyes. Have half a mind to backwash in retaliation, but you don't fancy bickering this early on in the night.
Shaking your head, you swallow down the froth. "He'll say no."
"Buuuuut," Jungkook sings, as if he thinks he can serenade you into asking Yoongi. "What if he says yes?"
"Well, one of you can ask!" You whine. Yoongi's studio is the last place you want to go to - especially after the messages he sent you last night, warning you about your relationship with Jungkook. "Give him your doe eyes, Kook. It'll work."
A game of rock, paper, scissors is legally binding, though. Jungkook tells you so. Says if you don't go and ask Yoongi, he'll be forced to take you to court.
"I've got Big Hit lawyers," he reminds you.
"Is this a threat?!"
"Yep. Now go ask Yoongi!"
You argue a little longer. Jimin takes two shots during that time. Jungkook interpretive dances whenever you make a compelling statement as to why you shouldn't be the one asking. You frown whenever he does the robot.
And so, mainly to get away from any more of Jungkook's bizarre hip-gyrations, you traipse down to the end of the corridor, where Yoongi's so-called Genius Lab resides.
The wait at his door is awkward. You question yourself, what you'll say, how you should stand. First impressions are everything, and if he's greeted with shitty energy, he'll give it back in return. You know him well enough to know this for a fact.
After a lifetime of waiting (27 seconds, to be exact), there's a mechanical whir of the lock coming undone.
"Hey," you offer a smile as you're greeted with his typical face of thunder. "Been sent to retrieve you. We're going out tonight. All of us."
He knows the plans. Is in the group chat. Ignored the messages for a reason.
His stare is a little frosty but not unkind. Just uninterested. "Can't."
"Can't or won't?"
You might be deluding yourself, but you think he smiles slightly when he says that.
"Ah, but you can and you will go to the ball, Cinders," you joke, giving him a small curtsy. "All work no play makes Yoongi a dull boy."
You're joking, but you believe it. He's been miserable the last few months. Keeps himself hauled up in his studio when they're not on the road, and avoids social interaction like the plague. It maddens you. How is he gonna write songs about life and the importance of living one, if he won't let himself do the same?
He's hard to read as he sighs, and pinches the bridge of his nose. Shakes his head, then opens his door a little wider. Encourages you into his space.
A candle burns on his desk, faintly vanilla in its scent, making it feel far cosier than actually is. The room is sullen; dark greys and little else. In fact, it surprises you he's gone for such a pretty cream candle. LED lights that are hidden in the walls glow a deep blue, and it's no wonder he's so miserable. There's no passion in his little pit. No life. Just him, some screens, and the whir of computer fans.
"Will you give something a listen?" He asks, quite clearly seeing you as a last resort - but when you hit rock bottom, the only direction you can go in is up. He knows you're not musical, not like Jin, but perhaps he needs the ear of a consumer, not a creator. "Been wracking my brain trying to think of what this needs. Have listened to it so many times that nothing sounds right anymore. I just- Could you?" He pauses. Looks quite uncomfortable when he adds, "Please?"
You assume the file up on the central screen is the song he's been working on with Jungkook, so you oblige. Kick your shoes off and leave them by the mat. It's been a while since you've been given the luxury of access to the Genius Lab. You used to know the code.
Things with Yoongi used to be different, though.
Not much has changed within his four dark walls since then. He's gained a new painted canvas in the corner of the room, stacked behind the existing ones. It's deep navy blue. Sort of like him, you think. The blue continues. Illuminates his work area. No wonder he never sleeps. The mood lighting is cold. Alert. Is bound to fuck with his brain.
There are more speakers than you can fathom, and switchboards you can't even begin to understand. The programs that Yoongi's running on his computers are familiar, though. You've seen them enough times to get a rough idea of the composition. Can see tabs labelled for Jin's vocals.
Yoongi turns his chair as the door clicks shut, automatic lock whirring into place. There was a time when that sound would have excited you. Not for any lewd, scandalous reason - just for the fact there used to be a time, many moons ago, when you thought Min Yoongi was the hottest man to have ever graced the earth.
And can you blame yourself?
His midnight hair gracefully frames his face, perfectly waved, dark eyes stark against his pale complexion. His skin is dewy, cheeks a little puffy from his lack of sleep and the fact all he has in his system is an iced americano and blue Powerade - yet still, his features are sharp. A white shirt hangs off his broad shoulders, dainty bracelets sitting on his pretty wrists.
Every bit the heartthrob, he's only gotten better with age - but you've grown up, too. Are wiser now. Understand that devastatingly handsome men will always inevitably devastate you, too.
It's for that reason Min Yoongi doesn't bother you in the same ways that he used to. That, and the night that never was.
As you said, devastatingly handsome men will only ever devastate you, too. He's proven that point already.
He points to his chair. "Sit."
The way he's so demanding with his tone annoys you. You shake your head. Choose to stand. "It's cool. Just play the song."
You don't mean to be so sharp. So curt. You're just thinking about how unbearable he's been recently - especially last night. He'd left you on read. Obviously wasn't happy with your response, not that you care.
"Please don't be difficult," he says softly. "Just sit so you can listen properly."
Why your stature could possibly impact your ears and their ability to listen, you'll never know - but you don't argue. As much as Yoongi's contempt for you these days annoys you, you don't want to make it any worse than it already is.
The leather of his chair is warm from his perch. Kind of nice how despite his cool demeanour, he's always a little toasty. He brings the heat of Daegu with him wherever he goes.
"I'm all ears," you tell him, and watch as he presses down on the play button.
"It's not the full song," he says over the melody of an upbeat track. "You'll know the bit I mean though. It's like, not bad, but-"
"Yoongi, shush," you smile, making sure you catch his eye as you do so. Don't want him to think you're snapping. You just wanna hear the sections he's uncertain about in context with the rest of the song.
Quiet as the track begins to echo out, there's an uncharacteristically quaint piano faintly guiding the track. You know he plays, but it's rare for it to be a focal part of the songs he creates.
You understand immediately which section Yoongi's having trouble with - not because it sounds bad, just because the drop before the final chorus doesn't hit quite right. It builds and builds but the arrival at the final chorus is underwhelming.
"Rewind it a bit," you say, wanting to hear it again. Confirm that it's the right part.
Yoongi does as you ask, leaning over you slightly, and says, "Somethings off, right?"
Nodding, you listen for a third time. "Take away the guitar," you say.
He does. It's better, but still not right.
"Maybe you've overcomplicated it?" you muse, thinking that he needs to strip it back entirely, but not wanting to offend him.
"Hmm," he hums. "You think?"
He mutes a few more layers on the track. Plays it again. It's getting there.
"Better, right?" you ask.
He nods as he stands up straight, listening to it over again. Frowns. "Still not quite there."
"I think it might benefit from some distance," you suggest. "Come out with us tonight. Get your mind off this track. Might even get some inspiration."
Shaking his head, he watches as you stand and head towards the door. He's not been out with you since the night that never was. Doesn't enjoy the prospect of risking it all after a couple of drinks inevitably turns into a couple of bottles again - of which he knows it will. If you and Jimin are together, it will be messy. Just how it goes. Throw Jungkook and Tae into the mix? Disaster waiting to happen.
"Look," you sigh. "I know it's not really your thing - but the rest of the boys are game. They all want you there. Just think about it, okay?"
He purses his lips together. Smiles, and turns to face his computer screen once more. "Thanks for your help."
And just like that, you're dismissed. Considering the way he'd messaged you about Jungkook the day before, it went pretty well, you think. Try not to dwell on the fact he couldn't be less interested even if he tried.
It's funny, 'cause as Yoongi stews in his chair, rocking ever so gently, he sighs. Shakes his head. Grumbles to himself quietly: "'they all want you there'... but do you want me there?"
The boys aren't so disappointed when you return with no Yoongi behind you. They all knew what his answer would be, and only sent you so they didn't have to deal with his rejection.
"Took your time," Jimin notes.
You shrug. Deadpan. "Yeah, sorry, got distracted. Too busy shagging him."
"No, of course not," you laugh, as if it's the funniest suggestion in the world. You sort of think it is. "Nah, he just wouldn't be convinced."
And so it comes as a surprise to everyone when Yoongi shows up at Jimin's place a couple of hours later with a bottle of whisky in hand.
"Shut the fuck up," is all he says as he walks into an absolute commotion, practically everyone in the room elated by his decision to join in. He hides his smile poorly, occasionally letting his teeth show despite his protests.
From the sofa, you catch his eye. Nod. He bunches up his face a little. Nods back - but is quickly distracted by Jimin holding up a clear shot glass filled with fuck knows what. You, too, find yourself distracted by chatter with the rest of the boys and a couple of the girls from the artist liaison team.
In the corner of the room, your phone is plugged into a charger. It's been there since you arrived. You've no need to check it - but you can never leave it too long.
You smile, butterflies kissing your tummy and making their way through your body when you eventually check it.
D4m0cl3s: got a work thing tonight, so probably won't be able to message much gonna be thinkin' about u tho don't miss me too much, clemmie x
The smile is hard to hide. You blame it on the alcohol.
Kind of like how Yoongi smiles half an hour later when he checks his own phone.
Cl3m3ntin3: been a busy bee today, sorry :( all work, no play? :( it'll make you dull, damocles boy x
But then he watches you as you laugh with Jungkook about something trivial. Reads over his messages again. Shakes his head.
Remembers you trying to convince him to join for the evening. How you'd called him Cinders. Told him that all work and no play made him dull.
His heart thuds in his chest. He swallows harshly. Pours a whisky. Swallows that, too.
Breathes a sigh of relief as he taps through a message - 'it's a play thing for work. promise i'll behave x' - and watches your phone after it's marked as 'delivered' in his chat feed.
Your phone is screen-up on the kitchen counter, just within his line of vision. It doesn't light up. Doesn't vibrate. Receives no message.
"Thank fuck," he mumbles, the sinking feeling in his chest lifting as he grabs a fresh whisky.
He quickly walks away from the scene of a crime that never was. Sort of like the night that never was. Is so pleased, in fact, that he's happy to sit beside you on the sofa as Jungkook sets up a drinking game with Jin.
Silly, really, how a few drinks seem to make him forget the concept of 'do not disturb' mode.
"Hey," you smile and he comes to sit down. "Glad you made it."
"Me too," he nods, lips thin, chin dimpling as a shy smile graces his face. He's a little whisky tipsy. Doesn't feel the need to keep such a strict distance from you, now.
"To a good night," you raise your glass to him, and he reciprocates. Clinks them together.
"To a good night."
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STAIRWAY BAR Itaewon-ro, Yongsan-Gu
♪ // You First (Re: Remi Wolf)- Paramore
"You're never gonna be this young and this hot again," Jimin slurs after a few too many lemon drops. It's his third time making this point, because it's the third time you've shooed away a guy trying to make a move on you.
They've all been perfectly fine. Nice enough guys, you're sure, but you aren't interested in random hookups. The night really isn't about that. All you want to do is let your hair down with the boys you've known for most of your life.
As Jimin whines about the fact no one is ready to move onto a club yet, bored of the bar, part of you considers the novel idea that one of the men in your rejection pile could have been your Damocles boy. A funny thing to think about, really. He did say he was busy tonight. Said it was for work, but everyone knows how rowdy work dinners can get after the boss leaves.
He could be here. Could have his tail between his legs. Could be looking at you right now, without a clue.
The reality of that wouldn't please you, for it would mean he's out there searching for other women.
While he'd be well within his right to, you selfishly find that that you don't want him to. In fact, all you wanna do is send him a message. Let him know you're thinking of him. That you wish you were at home right now, alone in your sheets with nothing but an internet connection and that damn app to keep you company.
You're with friends, though. Can't open the app without fear of endless ridicule - and not to mention the fact your brother is with you. Not worth it.
As you come to join them, a fresh drink in your hand, you're easily distracted. Are brought back to reality by your favourite people. Neon lights on the ceiling, and relics of time spent in the bar pinned to the walls. Photobooth pictures, foreign currency. Life is embedded into the seams of this place, and it's reassuring, in a way. Makes your dependency on your Damocles boy a lot less intense. You can forget him. Live life. Neglect to check your phone.
"Objection!" Jungkook chimes, following you and Jimin to the corner booth of the bar where the rest of your friends sit. "Older women are, like, so hot. So damn hot. Damn." And then he's thinking to himself. Brows furrowed, pouty lips whistling out a hearty sigh as he shakes his head. Thinks about Jinyu. A couple of the older women at the record company. About Jimin's mother. Laughs. Nods. "Yeah, older women are where it's at."
Both of you look at him with an air of confusion, and yet neither of you question it.
"What did I miss?" Jin beams when he rejoins you, as a member of the bar staff follows him with a bottle of Ciroc resting in an ice bucket. Another staff member will soon bring you cans of drink to use as mixers, but you know damn well these boys will be shotting it down straight.
The bottle won't be on the house, but you know Jin will have charged it back to the company. Will get a bollocking from Hoseok the next time he's in the office. Doesn't care, cause he knows the band makes the record company more money than anyone else on the roster at the moment. The way he sees it, it's their money anyway.
"Jungkook's just declared his love for older ladies," Taehyung deadpans from the sofa opposite yours. "Nothing new."
"Better older than younger," Jin asserts, playfully pushing against your forehead as he walks past you and back to his seat.
As much as you're your own person, you're still his little sister, and the rest of his unruly group of friends will do well to remember that.
Jungkook snorts. Throws a smirk in your direction. "I can make exceptions."
"And I can get away with murder, Kook," Jin assures him - and he's probably right. As much as they like to play into the rock and roll lifestyle, they've got power. Fame. Something that hides them just as much as it projects them. "Don't even think about it."
There's laughter and chatter amongst everyone at such a declaration, but you can't help but wonder if a certain pair of eyes glanced your way upon hearing that.
It's not like Yoongi doesn't know Jin harbours such feelings. Told you the exact same thing, once: that Jin'd murder Jungkook if anything ever happened between the pair of you.
But you also remember what came next.
Even if it's never been spoken about since, you know that remembers, too. The way he refused to reply to your last text is testament to it.
See, he's been avoiding you since long before you got your little job with the company. Would turn down plans if you were in attendance. Declined invites to dinner, and bailed on drinks. Once you started working in such close proximity, it was harder to keep his distance, and so he built up walls.
They're steep, and they're topped with barbed wire. Impenetrable, or so it would seem.
Climbing has never been a strong point of yours, and scaling walls doesn't feel like a pastime you'd enjoy very much, so Yoongi's safe distance from you is kept. He's feline, in that way; how he'll stalk up trees and sit in amongst the branches, peering down at you. Out of reach, holding all the cards.
Flicking your eyes across to him, you find him embroiled in conversation with Namjoon. He's laughing, which admittedly does make you smile. It's been so long since you've been afforded the luxury of witnessing such a thing.
But you're torn from your thoughts by a sudden, sharp tug on your wrist, and don't even realise Jimin is dragging you out of your seat until you're already stumbling behind him. With a shrill yelp and soft giggle, you let him pull you to the stairs that lead up from the basement bar to the earthly realm above.
"C'mon," Jimin calls behind himself, as if you have any choice in the matter. He's got a death grip on you. You're coming along whether you like it or not. "The rest of them are being boring. I wanna dance."
"Maybe I was enjoying being boring!" You argue just for the sake of it, tapping at your pockets to make sure you've still got your phone with you. Not for any particular reason. Just to be safe. Totally not because you fear losing your only contact with your virtual lover. Nothing like that at all.
"Tough," Jimin asserts, not caring where you both end up just as long as there is a dancefloor and a dark corner.
It isn't for any sinister reason, but just because he isn't looking to be the life and soul of the party. His face isn't recognised in the same way that the other boys are, but it doesn't matter. He attracts attention regardless. Goes with the territory of having a face like his. Irresistible to men and women alike. You're yet to meet anyone who doesn't think he's the most beautiful man alive - though Jin certainly does take issue with such a title being awarded to anyone else but him.
But just like Jin, there's a magnetism about Jimin. Moths to a flame, the rest of the boys follow suit and head up towards the street. The entire area code is a cluster of bars and hole-in-the-wall food joints. It's made for this time of the night, when the clouds are shielding the eyes of the moon from all sorts of sin, just a few stray stars guiding the way.
Light pollution bleeds upwards and out. Even if you know the stars are there, you can't see them - and it's not like you get the chance to check either way, for Jimin's already pulling you down the stairs to another basement bar.
This one is larger - two stories. Quieter on the first floor, it's the second level where he wants to be.
A planner in both professional and personal life, even though he seems erratic and all out of order, Jimin has everything under control. Knows the managers of most (if not all) of the bars on this street. Called a favour in this afternoon for one of the downstairs booths, just adjacent to the dancefloor, to be roped off & reserved. Knew that some of the boys would, in his mind, be 'boring', but still wanted everyone together. It's the best of both worlds. He can dance, and they can talk, or whatever they wanna do.
♪ // Desert Eagle - Silica Gel
Min Yoongi doesn't dance. He drinks. He observes. He watches the debauchery unfold from a safe distance, much like he does with you. Sometimes - not always - he thinks. Ponders. Wonders if maybe he's wasting his time by not indulging in the same way other people do. If he's missing out. Considers perhaps his friends are right to revel in such mindless frivolities.
He doesn't debate his choices often, but as he gets comfortable in this new place, he can't help it. Thinks word must have gotten out about their planned attendance, 'cause he notices far more eyes on them than normal. Far more women vying for their attention. Men, too. Whether it be sex or status, their intrigue is always fuelled by something.
The rest of the boys revel in it.
Yoongi doesn't care for it - but there's a reputation to uphold. A brand image that being spotted in clubs and getting up to no good only helps. Seals them as the real deal. Gets them out of the bracket of 'posers' or manufactured, not that it really fuckin' matters.
There are two girls to each of them. Supply and demand. There aren't enough of The Scouts to go around, but people will share. Will take all they can get. Sharp eyeliner, pretty hair, the girls all have their wits about them, and it's potentially the worst part of it all - they're making the conscious, informed choice to lower themselves to a standard well beneath their worth.
The club stinks of sticky liquor and smoke, but beneath the veil they're all wearing the same perfume. Whatever's currently being marketed as 'irresistible' to men. Was vanilla a few years ago. Yoongi is certain it's something muskier now, but isn't sure what. Makes no difference to him.
There's only one perfume he knows he really likes, and has trained himself to despise it by association.
It's a shame that he hasn't trained himself to stop looking in your direction whenever he thinks of you. Is part of the reason he doesn't like drinking around you. Makes such stupid mistakes. His malevolent mask fails to hide him. The facade slips.
Tongue resting in the corner of his mouth, he doesn't realise he's staring. Eyes dark as they watch you with Jimin, Yoongi wonders if you've always had that tattoo just above your elbow. It's small, and dainty. Hard to make out from where he is, but when your arms are in the air, he's fixated on it. Thinks it must be new.
But then your arms drop to rest on Jimin's shoulders, and he's reminded of what you look like when you're all hot and bothered. Reminded of that night. The one that never was. Haunted by the rivulet of sweat that had trickled down your skin in a sauna that neither of you had any business being inside; just you and him in a silent descent into sin, and the smirk on your lips as his eyes had followed the droplet down your body.
His attention is yanked from you when an ice cube lands in his lap. Glacing across to the direction it came from as he pushes it to the floor, Yoongi scowls at Jungkook. "The fuck was that for?"
"Remember the rules," Jungkook smirks. "Look, but don't touch."
"Wasn't fuckin' looking," Yoongi sneers, completely ignorant of the women vying for his attention. "Was just thinking Jimin needs to to sober up. Man's a state. And unlike you, I wouldn't touch her if humanity depended on it."
"I'm a man of the people," Jungkook teases. "If repopulating the earth was my duty, I'd do it. Can't believe you wouldn't."
"She's got where she is today through sheer nepotism and audacity alone," Yoongi counters. "Doesn't have the kinda genes you'd wanna repopulate the earth with."
"Foul," Taehyung laughs. He's the only one of the boys without women hanging off him. Is stern and authoritative in his rejection of their advances; not yet married but wears a ring around his finger to let them know he's deadly serious. Landed himself in hot water a few months back after photos of him talking to a girl outside a bar - no matter how innocently - circulated online. A bad angle and misrepresentation of events had almost decimated the one thing he cares about more than the band: his relationship. Refuses to ever let it happen again. "Absolutely foul, Yoongi. You know you don't mean that."
"He just needs to get laid," Jungkook chimes in. "Has been celibate for so long he's forgotten how good sex is. Used to be a time he'd fuck anything willing with a pulse-"
It's not untrue. He was reckless in his youth - but aren't we all?
"Yeah, and then I grew up, Kook," Yoongi says with little to no emotion, getting to his feet. Taps his pocket to check for his phone, and then taps the other for his wallet. All there. "Should try it."
When Yoongi looks back up to the crowd, you're gone. He rolls his eyes. Shakes his head. Is almost mentally berating you, as if you've done something wrong - but you haven't, and he damn well knows it.
Perhaps that's the most frustrating part of it all: everything falls back on him. The awkwardness. The cold shoulders. The night that never was. If he would have just made more sensible choices back then, things could be easier now.
It's not that things are hard, as such - just that they aren't how they used to be. Rose-tinted glasses, and all that.
Over by the bar, there's a haze around you: clouded judgement, misted intentions.
The smallest things put a smile on your face, thanks to the alcohol in your veins. Could be the song that's already been played three times coming on yet again. Could be witnessing some random guy get pied by every single girl he approaches. Could be the way your vodka orange takes like juice. Anything and everything feels light. Airy. Breezy.
"What's so funny?" Some guy asks, leaning in a little closer to you - and just like that, your mood is soured. You're not here to make friends, but rather spend time with your pre-existing ones, and judging by the look on his face, he's hoping for a little more than friendship.
"Oh, nothing," you smile politely, crossing your arms over your chest as you angle your body away from his. Hope that he'll get the message.
He does. Just doesn't like it very much.
"No need to be a bitch," he sneers under his breath just loud enough for you to hear.
Normally, you'd leave it. Let him have his little tantrum. Be a big baby.
But you were in such a good mood, and you're annoyed that he's ruined it.
Wanna ruin his, too.
Snapping back to face him, you're about to launch into a tirade, but you come face-to-face with a chest that looks far too good in a simple T-shirt and find yourself faltering, instead.
Yoongi looks down at you, eyes dark, scowl ever-present. Says nothing. Just nods. You think he's asking if you're okay - so you nod back. Won't get into a debate over the fact you were perfectly fine, and have no issue asserting your boundaries with strangers.
Shoulders broad, the guy who had been bothering you is entirely eclipsed by Yoongi.
Glancing across to the bar staff, Yoongi nods. "Hibiki." Glances down at you. Checks the colour of your glass. It's obscured by the bar lights, but he knows it isn't dark enough to be coke, and remembers your order from before things got complicated. Figures some things haven't changed. Looks back towards the server. "Vodka Orange." Passes over his card. Says nothing to you. Just keeps his eyes on yours.
There's a subtle blush dusting his cheeks. The heat, you think. It's unnoticeable for the most part, but sometimes the lights hit him just right, and you're reminded of how warm he can be. How inviting.
He's always been impressive. Taller in sheer presence than he is in stature. Even back in high school, his nature was domineering. Respected. Lips gently parted, you're unable to move. Suddenly, nothing is funny anymore. It's heavy. Thick. Suffocating. You're deaf to the bass of the music that thumps through your body. Ignorant of the people moving around you.
But then Yoongi's being offered his card back, and Jimin bounds on into you like a lost puppy finally finding its owner.
"For me?!" Jimin exclaims as the drinks are slid across the bar, passing the vodka orange to you and picking up Yoongi's whisky for himself.
Shaking yourself from the shackles of Yoongi's stare, you look down. Realign your mind. Glance back over and nod a silent thank you - but then you turn and leave the drink by the bar. Head for the bathrooms. Refuse to look back, so utterly perplexed by what on earth just happened.
In a frank, factual recount of the events, Yoongi just stood beside you and ordered a drink.
In your hysterical, deluded mind, Yoongi just stood beside you and opened the skies; let a flood of water torrent down. Drowned everyone in the process save for you - except you're the one gasping now as you stare yourself out in the bathroom mirror.
Phone still on don't disturb, you pull it from your pocket and check just in case he's thinking of you.
Not Yoongi, no. You push him out of your mind. Think of your Damocles boy. He's the one you wished had joined you at the bar. The one you've been yearning for all night.
And sure enough, he has been thinking of you, too.
D4m0cl3s: there are some weirdos out and about tonight, clem keep yourself safe for me, okay?
It's strange, how guilt needlessly creeps in so silently that you don't even realise it's there until an invisible hand is over your mouth. You're suffocating again, or so it would seem. Drowning, maybe. Perhaps Yoongi wasn't saving you at all; he was dragging you down instead.
You wish you were at home. Wish you weren't so drunk. Wish you could think straight. Wish your balance was a little better - but it's not, and as you try and think of a response that goes beyond 'i miss you' or a 'you should be here', you stumble a little. Lose your footing. Grab onto the sink to stop yourself from falling over entirely, only to send your phone crashing to the floor.
"Fuck," you curse, scrambling down to get it, only to be greeted with a fracture splintering right over the top of your front camera. Pulling up the app, it's very quickly clear that the camera absolutely ruined - but for the most part, your screen is okay. "Fuck."
You think it's a sign: go home.
Even if you're drunk, and you're in the business to make some bad decisions, you know that your Damocles boy is right. There are some weirdos about tonight, and as fucked up as it all seems, 'safe' feels a lot like a message thread with a man you've never met.
Instead of replying to him, you open up your thread with Jimin. Let him know you're going home. Make your way up the stairs and out of the bar without looking back. It's rare for you to cry when you drink, but it kind of feels like you will now, and for no good reason. Just had a little too much, that's all.
The light around fades from the invasive red of the club into the murky blue hues of the streets.
And yet, there's a lovely little red flag waiting by the top of the stairs, unaware of your decision to head home, too.
"You leaving already?" You chirp in surprise upon realising who it is.
The sound of your voice, and the fact it's addressing him, seems to take Yoongi by surprise when he turns to face you.
"I, uh," he pauses. Looks down. Seems to be a little flustered. You wonder what's going inside that head of his, but when his eyes meet yours again, you decide you're better off not knowing. "Can't be home too late. I'm sorta seeing someone. Gotta get back for them."
"Oh," you say quietly.
I'm seeing someone.
It's not like it matters, it's just that you never expected to hear him say those words. He's married to his music. Always has been. Spends his nights in the studio, not sleeping next to someone else.
Or perhaps he doesn't anymore. Just goes to show how little you know of his life these days.
"That's nice," you chirp, swallowing down your surprise. "Yeah. That's really nice, actually. I'm pleased for you."
In a way, it makes sense. Perhaps his strangeness lately has been less to do with you and more to do with himself and the fact he genuinely doesn't care about the past anymore. Thoughts of the night that never was are genuinely reserved for your brain, and your brain alone. Have no place in his. His warning about Jungkook was due to lessons learned by him.
"And you?" He asks, noticing the slight discomfort in your tone. He wouldn't normally entertain such frivolous conversations with you, but he's only human. Alcohol still gets him a little loose-lipped, too. "What's new in your love life?"
You laugh, now. Good fuckin' question. Genuinely don't know how to describe your Damocles boy, or if you even want to.
"Nothing new."
"No," you smile in such a way that Yoongi knows you're not telling the whole truth - but who is he to pry?
"Well," he says, then coughs to clear his throat. Look out to the street ahead of you both. It's full of drunk revellers, and you're certain at least half of them will have The Scouts in their playlists. Yoongi's position in the band means he's never front and centre, so no one notices him like this. If they do, they're being incredibly discreet about it. "I'm sure you'll meet someone soon."
"Maybe," you shrug, knocking your shoulder against his arm. "Be easier if you didn't stand in front of every guy who shows an interest in me."
"It was one guy," he laughs, knowing not to take you too seriously. "And you know he was a creep. Was just standing in for your brother."
"Yeah," you nod, not caring to counter him, or to remind him how fucked up it is to refer to himself like that. Folding your arms over your chest, you're regretting the lack of a coat. Had left it back at pre-drinks, because a little bit of liquor and you suddenly think you're a child of the sun. "You're right. Thanks for that."
"No worries," Yoongi shrugs. Is about to offer you his jacket, when a taxi rolls up. "This yours?"
"Yeah," you nod, recognising the number plate from the taxi you'd ordered via an app when you'd been in the bathroom. "Want a lift?"
He shakes his head. "Gotta head to the studio first."
"Yoongi, you're drunk," you laugh. "What did I tell you about all work?"
"Yeah, yeah, dull boy," he laughs too - but it's not you he's thinking of as he recites it. It's the girl he's heading home for that enters his mind, and how she'd said something similar. Shaking his head, he's confused at how easily thoughts of her intertwine with how easy it can be to joke with you. Puts it down to the alcohol. His head's a mess. "Inspiration doesn't wait. Let Jimin or someone know when you're home."
"Get in the cab," you insist at his need to be difficult. "I'll route it past the studio. Inspiration doesn't wait," you imitate a little childishly, which does get him smiling. "Better to get to it quickly, no?"
He looks around. Looks a little uncomfortable. You don't take it personally. He looks like this a lot of the time around you. Even before it all got weird.
Eventually, he sighs. Relents.
"Route it to yours," he says. "I'll carry on to the studio."
"Studio is closer," you tell him, knocking your head to the side, pulling open the door. "C'mon. The driver will leave if you don't hurry up."
"And Jin'll kill me if you get stolen," he reminds you, as if that would be likely to happen. Even if the taxi driver was a creep, there are cameras everywhere in places like this. You're as safe as can be. "You first. Non-negotiable."
"You're a tough bargainer," you hum with narrowed eyes. He is at least here, and not walking in the cold. Would have to cross the river to get to the studio, and the thought of any of them drunkenly walking along it alone scares you. "Fine. But you better not get stolen, either. Twitter would have a meltdown- no, Twitter would kill me if you get stolen."
"Shut up," he laughs. Knows The Scouts have a fanbase that could scare even political leaders into submission, if they really wanted to. "They don't even know who you are."
But Yoongi is forgetting who your brother is. Forgetting that there's a good reason why Jungkook has 'look but don't touch' etched into his brain. Forgetting that there are Twitter accounts dedicated to posting updates from your socials, just for a glimpse of The Scouts.
And as you let silence simmer into the taxi, not caring to keep up a conversation, you're none the wiser that those exact fan accounts are currently screaming into the void.
The Yoongi-dedicated update accounts, too.
In fact, the entire app is on fire - and it's not gonna be an easy one to put out.
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D4m0cl3s: you still out, clem?
Cl3m3ntin3: why? miss me?
D4m0cl3s: never
Cl3m3ntin3: hmmm well in that case, yes i am x
D4m0cl3s: i think you're lying you answered far too quickly
Cl3m3ntin3: i think you should just admit that you miss me and u just caught me at a good time :/
D4m0cl3s: but i don't? and ur nose must be soooooo big pinocchio
Cl3m3ntin3: yeah you do you've missed me sooooo much tonight, havent you? bet you've been all mopey just thinking about me aaaaaaall night me & my proportionally sized nose x
D4m0cl3s: dunno what you mean
Cl3m3ntin3: well, are you home?
D4m0cl3s: almost
Cl3m3ntin3: not even home yet and already texting me... but you don't miss me? you're lucky you've got such a nice cock i wouldn't let your lies slide so easily if you didn't
D4m0cl3s: so you're only with me for my cock?
Cl3m3ntin3: i'm not with you
D4m0cl3s: ouch noted
Cl3m3ntin3: you're the one who refuses to have me, remember?
D4m0cl3s: you know it's not like that, clem
Cl3m3ntin3: i know, babe i'm just fucking with you figuratively (sadly) i'm with friends though - i'll let you know when i'm alone, alright?
D4m0cl3s: don't worry about me enjoy your night trouble message me in the morning, yeah?
Cl3m3ntin3: if this is a ploy to make me message you first, it wont work
D4m0cl3s: finei 'll message you
Cl3m3ntin3: keen
D4m0cl3s: you love it
Cl3m3ntin3: suuuure i do
D4m0cl3s: stay safe, babe drink water before bed
Cl3m3ntin3: you wanna drink some clementine juice before bed?
D4m0cl3s: i dont think they make clementine juice and no you know the rules sleep off the alcohol first then send me pictures of that gorgeous cunt in the morning, yeah?
Cl3m3ntin3: and what will i get in return?
D4m0cl3s: the video i've just taken of myself stroking my big hard cock just for you
Cl3m3ntin3: fuck send it now? pls x
D4m0cl3s: keen and no x
Cl3m3ntin3: c'monnnn :(
D4m0cl3s: in the morning, baby just know that i'm a little drunk but so fuckin' hard
Cl3m3ntin3: no whiskey dick? i'm impressed
D4m0cl3s: i'm thinking about you nothing will ever stop me from getting hard when im thinking about you
Cl3m3ntin3: watcha thinkin about? gimmie specifics x i wanna touch myself
D4m0cl3s: that pretty cunt of yours how fuckin' wet you get god i wanna fuck you nice and slow NO FUCK STOP TEMPTING ME YOU SIREN
Cl3m3ntin3: 🙁
D4m0cl3s: in the morning
Cl3m3ntin3: you promise?
D4m0cl3s: i promise, baby go spend time with your friends message me if you need anything
Cl3m3ntin3: your dick?
D4m0cl3s: anything other than that you'll get it in the morning, clemmie promise x
D4m0cl3s is offline
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GENIUS LAB Big Hit Ent, Yongsan-gu
"All good?" Yoongi hums as the door to his studio clicks shut. 
He'd left the door on the latch so you could get back in when you went to the bathroom. Could have just given you the code, but he didn't want you to think he'd be making a habit of this. It's a limited-time offer. Not one that can be redeemed whenever you like. It's now, and now only.
"Yeah, yeah," you nod, pulling on the back of the spare desk chair Yoongi had rolled up beside his. You don't look at him, just at the screens as you tell a little white lie. "Just let Jimin know I was okay."
Yoongi grunts some sort of agreement, but doesn't vocalise a response as such.
It's not like a complete subversion of the truth. A text has been sent to your group chat. The one with just Jungkook and Jimin. No one else needs to know your business, as far as you're concerned.
It's just that a few more texts have been sent to your Damocles boy—but that's none of Yoongi's business. You're sure he wouldn't care to know.
You're also sure he's regretting the request for help bestowed upon you on the ride back. He'd mentioned the song he was going to work on, and you'd offered to lend an ear again. 
It's not an unheard-of thing. There are a couple of tracks on the last album that have been tweaked as a result of your ear, including their biggest single. You're not listed in the credits, but you never asked to be. Was just helping out a friend—even if said friend then decided to become an asshole when they started making a name for themselves.
You're tipsy, and so is Yoongi. It's easier to forget how fraught things have become when you're like this. You wouldn't be here right now if you hadn't had a few too many drinks. 
You also probably wouldn't be trending all over twitter, but you're still blissfully unaware of this.
"Same track as before, right?" You ask, kicking your shoes off to get a little more comfortable on the chair.
Again, words fail Yoongi. You're forced to decipher his small noises, 'cause it's all he tends to offer you. It's not like it's a uniquely you issue—the boys have learned to speak in Yoongi-code, too. 
"Okay, play it from the start," you tell him. "Show me what we're working with."
There's a cautious nature to the way Yoongi works. So preoccupied with creating perfection, he hates letting people hear his work before it's reached his self-imposed arbitrary standards. There's only a very small circle who gets the privilege of seeing how his brain works.
Despite his ever-present disdain for you, it seems like you're one of the lucky few. He'll never acknowledge this. Never admit that he favours your opinions, because he genuinely doesn't think he does.
You're frank with him. Will tell him how it is. Don't sugarcoat it. Aren't seeking his approval, so don't care to lick his ass just to keep him happy—not that he ever wants you to lick his ass. Could think of nothing worse. Not because he isn't into it, but because the thought of being with you repulses him in a way he can't quite describe. Even thinking about it makes him shudder.
But maybe that's the issue. Maybe the shudder is indicative of something else entirely.
"Yoongi?" You ask, drawing him from his thoughts. The song has finished, but he doesn't even really recall listening to it at all.
"Hm?" He hums. "Sorry, what were you saying?"
"The lyrics," you say. "What's the song about? 'Cause at the moment, musically, it sounds like a heartbreak song and love song all at the same time, and I think that's what's confusing about it. It can't decide what it wants to be."
Yoongi frowns.
"It's not really either," he supposes.
In the dim lighting of his studio, Yoongi is at his very best. Focused, he's shrewd in his astute calculations. Can put together different sounds and construct melodies you wouldn't even be able to dream of. For all of his issues, there is one undeniable truth: the man is a musical genius.
It's why this is all so perplexing to him. He hates not knowing how to make things right. This is his job. It's what he excels at—and yet he's failing.
"Well, what's it about?" You softly ask, turning to look at him. "Do you have the lyrics?"
Guard clearly up, the way Yoongi looks at you is puzzling. Whatever he's written isn't something that he wants to share.
"What?" you laugh, trying to not make a big deal of things. You know how quickly he closes up, and can already sense it happening. "You told me you're seeing someone, remember? God forbid you accidentally expose the fact you're a human being with real feelings."
You half think he might smile.
He doesn't.
Instead, he reaches across his desk for a small black notebook. A little weathered, it's clearly seen a lot of thoughts in the past. The leather of the cover is tarnished, and there's a faded sticker from some instrument brand wrapping around the spine.
"Just don't ask any fuckin' questions," he grumbles.
Rolling your eyes, you gladly accept the book. Tuck your thumb between the pages where a natural divide occurs. It's testament to how long Yoongi has spent agonising over the same words.
His handwriting never changes much. Always messy. Always hard to decipher.
Or at least, it's hard for other people. You've never found it to be too taxing.
What's curious this time are the little doodles on the page. Blossoms and small fruits.
"Cherries?" You ask, chirping with a little curiosity. It's hard to work out exactly what they are, but cherries seem like the most likely thing.
Yoongi just grunts.
Getting anything from him is like getting blood from a stone.
"How the fuck do you have a functioning relationship?" You mutter, casting your eyes back down to his words. The way he refuses to converse with you is infuriating.
"I said no questions," he curtly reminds you.
The way you roll your eyes this time is far less kind. Tossing the book back down on the desk, you reach for your shoes and get to your feet without a word.
"Where are you going?"
"Home," you tell him, as your hand reaches for the door handle. "You asked me for help, Yoongi—but I can't do jack shit if you won't let me."
"Yeah, well, I didn't ask for critique on my relationship, did I?" He snaps back. Feels his skin get all hot. Clammy. Relationship. That's not how he'd define what he's got going on. He doesn't know why he did call it that. Doesn't know why he didn't just ignore you, when you're clearly trying to wind him up.
"You're impossible," you tell him, patience thin. The alcohol made it easier to be friendly with him, but it also makes it easier to fight, too.
"And you're unbearable!"
"Me?!" You say with such offense it almost surprises Yoongi. Turning around to fully face him, you let go of the the door handle. Let it whisper shut, the lock softly clicking into place. You're willingly trapped in the confines of his studio. Could just leave. Instead, you choose to fight. "Oh, you have some fucking nerve—"
"I thought you were going?" He cuts you off, responding to your change in position by getting to his feet too. He's not one for confrontation, but there's something about you that just gets under his skin. Makes him wanna fight right back. "So why don't you just fuckin' go?"
"I am," you assure him. You should have known that this would end in disaster. "But maybe if you channelled some of this pent-up frustration into your music, maybe you'd actually get somewhere."
"I don't need you telling me how to do my job," he sneers. "If you hadn't noticed, I'm doing perfectly fine without your unsolicited advice."
Unbelievable. Was he not the one who asked for your help? Repeatedly?
"Holy shit," you scornfully laugh. "Listen to yourself, you deluded prick! You asked—"
"Yeah, well if you didn't insist on sticking your big fuckin' Pinnochio nose into everything—"
"My big nose?! Oh, you are such an asshole."
"You're no fuckin' daisy, either," he snaps. Doesn't even really know why he's being so rude. Just knows he doesn't want to back down. Doesn't wanna let you win. "Just do us all a favour and quit before the tour. No one wants you there."
It's never been a secret that Yoongi harbours contempt for the way in which you got your jobs, but you know damn well that you've proven your worth. If it was anyone else saying these words, you'd probably be offended.
Instead, you just shake your head. Laugh. Walk a little closer just to piss him off. Encroach upon his personal space.
"Tell me, Yoongi," you say quietly, picking off a little dust from his shirt just to see how he reacts. To your surprise, he lets you. Just looks down at you. Watches to see what you'll do next. Eyes flicking up to his, the air between you is frightfully thin. "If I quit, how would you explain it to Jin? Hmm? Would you tell him the way you speak to me?"
"I've got nothing to hide," Yoongi replies just as quietly. There's an intimacy to be found somewhere hidden between your mutual disdain and heated anger. The kind of coldness that can only come from someone you once knew to be warm. "He knows you're a piece of work."
This does make you laugh. "Nothing to hide, huh?"
"Nothing," he says. His jaw is tense, and his eyes are even more so. "Nothing happened that night."
"Yoongi, I didn't even mention that night," you remind him with a smirk, pleased at your ability to get under his skin. 
That night has lingered with you both: the scent of damp cedar wood and the sensation of sweltering heat against your clammy skin. It's not the kind of thing you forget, even if you never speak of it. Not with Jimin, not with Jungkook, and especially not with Yoongi.
"Just get out of my studio," he growls, eyes centred on yours. He's unwavering in the way that he stares you out; unashamed and uncompromising.
"Gladly," you say as you pull away from him.
You're not gonna beg him to be cordial with you. This atmosphere is a product of his own creation, and as miserable as it is, he's gonna have to be the one to fix it. Both as stubborn as one another, you know damn well it's gonna stay like for a while.
The door slams shut. No amount of soundproofing can obscure the way Yoongi curses into the void left by you.
But right on time, as you reach the door that leads out onto the street, your phone vibrates in your pocket. It's a little longer than the vibration of your other apps, so you know exactly what it is. Who it is. Solace is found in the form of notifications from him. Satisfaction, too.
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D4m0cl3s: fuck it i need you, now, clem
D4m0cl3s added new media to the chat!
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end of part two
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beatrixstonehill2 · 7 months
Alice confidently took the pad her father handed her. "Go on, you're due for a new upgrade, sweetie."
"Again already?" You could hear her getting tired of constant enhancements. "These options are all so gigantic!"
"I know, pumpkin, your insurance switched to that new company, remember I texted you? They focus on more experimental surgeries."
"Daddy, my boobs are going to pop if you put these things in me! Look at these things, they're bigger than beach balls. 'Rupture Max Saline Expanders, designed with thrill in mind. Treat your wife or daughter or best employee to our biggest implant yet, designed to look as heavy and round and fake as possible, telling everyone who sees them that the special girl in your life doesn't have breasts, she has luxury play-things to maximize male pleasure. Rupture Max Implants are easy to replace and designed to burst at the height of pleasure and pressure, whether during bondage or just a stern groping, your special someone will know any time, anywhere, her new gifts might burst, whether from being a bit too close on a crowded subway, or being crammed into a busy elevator. You'll get to see her sweat, knowing her new play things are as massive as they are fragile."
"Well, er.... that could be fun, right?"
"Daddy, I'm a yoga instructor, I have to lie on my chest constantly."
"Oh well, it sounds like it'll just be an exciting quirk of your new tits. Like I told you, these upgrade programs are the cheapest way for girls to afford big breasts. I think it's mostly been a plus, don't you?"
Alice rolled her eyes. "I was a B-Cup, and just wanted to go to a full D. Not I'm a LL."
"And soon you'll be a SS-Cup or bigger! What's the harm? Massive breasts suit you."
"You think so, Daddy? I do kind of like the attention, even if getting groped in public constantly does get old.... You really think I'll look good with these? I'm kind of nervous about them bursting."
Her dad took the tablet, scrolling down. "Oh, look, this is what happens when they burst."
He handed her the tablet back, showing a video of a gorgeous young blonde with the giant Rupture Max implants in. She smiled big, putting up two peace signs as a couple muscular guys with baseball bats gave her tits a few good whacks. A loud popping sound happening, and her left breast went from big and full and round, to saggy, drooping to her knee, full of saline. She spun, smiling, flaunting her saggy udder, placing her hands on her hips, pouting at the men with the bats. They took the hint and gave her other implant a couple more whacks. It burst, drooping like her other breast. She jumped up and down, causing them to swing and smack together, looking like a pair of extremely saggy natural breasts.
Alice's eyes widened. She blushed, scrolling back up. "You, um, wouldn't mind if I selected the biggest option, right daddy?"
"Not at all, pumpkin."
"Replacements are free..... I think we're going to have a lot of fun together with these.... if you don't mind popping your daughter's boobs in public for fun."
"Sounds like the best gift a dad could ask for."
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l3viat8an · 1 year
nsfw content MDNI (repost)
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Anon have you been looking at my search history? Jkjk but moving on- CW: demon hentai mentioned obviously ,Levi jacks off over your laptop and you catch him at the end-
"Alright, I'll check it out and see if I can fix it." Levi agrees and you give him your laptop! "Thanks Levi, you're the best! I'Il come pick it up around 8!" "Wha?-" but you're already out his bedroom door and gone-
You only asked Levi to check your computer for bugs, it's been a bit glitchy the last few days and you didn't want to buy a new one yet.
He's methodical, backing up your hard drive and taking special care to back up your games, he turns it off and back on first and goes to the browser scrolling through to see if you'd accidentally clicked on a virus.
That would be an easy fix for him! He sees a few sites he uses for school work, a few cheat sites, mumbling to himself periodically, little "Huh"'s when he come across a google search "Do demons need to sleep?' and Would demons randomly eat a human?' "Really, MC.…."
He scrolls even further down, and comes across a porn site and gasps out loud……then he remembers "Well…MC is human………and humans have needs…..." Levi sits there just staring at your computer screen for a few minutes, before he clicks the link reasoning that "Porn sites always have bugs....I’m just checking....”
The sound that came out of Levi's mouth when he saw the "tentacle demon fucks cute little human full~ NOW IN HD!!!!' hentai he'd watched a thousand times pop up was definitely embarrassing- what's even more embarrassing is the way his cock are hard as soon as the video starts-
Levi's mind is going a thousand places at once-
Did you know what he liked????, no, not possible! Maybe……..just maybe……you're into it too……...just the thought make his cock twitch in his sweatpants, you~ the person he has the biggest crush on secretly being just as much of a fucking pervert as him?!?!?
"Fuck…” his hands move automatically, pulling his pants down and rubbing over his tip, working his pre-cum over his cock and thinking "I really am fucking disgusting.” I mean yea, getting off to the fact you like the same things he does- “S-shit, MC....you have no clue what you do to me." his minds move on from his self degrading thought and to thoughts of you…... would you let him fuck you like the human in the video? Sure it's animated so the real thing would be different..,but with you~
With you, he's sure it'll be even better~!!
But would you whine 'n moan really loud? Would you be quiet? would you beg him to cum inside you? Would you- his own hand disturbs his thoughts as he speeds up his movements and starts jerking even harder~ So lost in his fantasy he starts begging out loud, "Please~ please, MC, wanna cum..., cum with you!! In you!! Just please let me cum!!" and he does…..all over his hand, just as the demon on the screen cums inside the human…..
Levi sits there panting for a few minutes and trying to collect his thoughts…he just jacked off over your computer.…………and a glance at his clock tells him, you'd be coming back for it anytime now and “Shit, shit! This is bad!!" Levi starts panicking, cock still out and porn still playing. (Obviously one round isn’t enough for the animated demon-) and…and now his bedroom door is opening?????
You and Levi are both frozen; you just inside the door staring at your computer, and the porn still playing- and Levi cock still out as he tries to die or incinerate himself on the spot- your mind seems to catch up first and you speak "At least invite me next time if you're going to jack off over my laptop!” "Huh?! w-w-wait!!-I-I- can explain!!!!?”
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Commonly asked questions
How do I submit songs? Submissions are currently closed. When it opens up again, I'll post a message here stating rules and which specific info I require. If you don't supply that info along with the song, your message will be deleted.
I submitted a song when we were allowed. When will it appear? :) There's waaay over two thousand songs in my askbox. 😅 And I'm very slow at posting submitted songs because it takes an oddly more amount of time and energy than you'd think, that's why it's easier for me to go with the songs I already have. Please have a bit more patience, hopefully it'll be posted soon enough! 💖
I don't like the genres posted recently. 🤷‍♀️ I mean, you can tell me what genres there's a lack of and I'll try put more effort into adding more of them.
I don't like the poll options. 🤷‍♀️
Will there be an "Indifferent" option? No. People bitched and very rudely demanded it when the blog was new and it left a very sour taste. Also we're 250+ songs in, it's kinda meh to add it now, but I definitely understand why you want it because some songs are really hard to define if you feel anything at all about them. (also you know people would just click indifferent to see the results instead of listening to the song lol) If I were to ever add more options, it would be love/hate.
How do I vote on a song if I feel indifferent about it? Indifferent = don't like it ig. 🤷‍♀️ Remember, I'm not asking you if you LOVE!!!!!! the song, or if you want to buy it. Liking can be as good as only a "meh, it's ok / decent enough to run in the background". Disliking can be being indifferent instead of outright hating it, when it's so neutral to you that it doesn't give you any positive feelings. It is only a minute long clip that I'm asking you to form an opinion about after all; you can change your mind either way when you hear the full version. Sometimes songs have to grow on you!
How do you pick the songs used in the polls? Mostly like this:
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I have a huge mp3 hoarding archive so the submitted songs are easier for me to pick if they're already in my possession. 😅 Songs that aren't in my collection (tagged as #new to admin :D lol. sometimes i search out songs specifically for the poll that are tagged this as well) requires a bit more effort to download/listen to/edit but i have discovered a couple of great new gems so don't think i don't appreciate them!
How do I search for a specific artist/song that you've posted? All artists are tagged a day or so after the song reveal. Don't forget to use the hashtag symbol when searching or tumblr will give you all sorts of odd results!!!! (or none at all, lol) Please also remember that tumblr finds simple easy tasks extremely difficult, so only search for an artist with the easiest type of spelling, like #beyonce instead of #beyoncé. All artists and songs are added to the Complete Song List once their showdown poll is finished, for a quick search of what's been posted.
The audio quality is too poor for my taste!! 😡 sad </3
This is just for you. 💖
Why are all the songs of such vast variating quality? ....i mean, you didn't think I've bought all the tens of thousands of songs in my music library, did you...? Pirating songs gives you variations of quality, hell even my own cd rips have variations. It's easier to get better quality files now than it was back in the days, kiddos, so yeah some songs in the archives needs to be updated with new files. I have some very ancient mp3's that are in really low sound, that i've instead downloaded newer versions of in better quality for the polls but y'all still give me shit about it because the artist have remastered the track to unrecognition or whatever so there's just no pleasing some people i guess lmao. 😂
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Do you like all the songs you've posted? No, lol. All the songs that are in my archive are songs I've at least liked enough once upon a time to save them, even if I'm not actively listening to them much anymore. Everything tagged as #new to admin :D are new songs to me that I may or may not like, regardless if they're submitted or if I've scouted them out myself only for the polls. :) Songs that I hate so much that I can't stand them are very few, and I won't waste time on adding them!
Did you change the song in the poll?? No. Maybe you clicked on the wrong one if I posted them too close together or maybe (most likely) tumblr has screwed something up for you. Some songs don't even show at times because it's tumblr being tumblr, just wait it out for a few minutes and tumblr will eventually remember to play the audio. So far there's only one song that I had to re-upload because tumblr killed the file. I can change the clip to better audio or to another part of the same song, but I never replace it to a different one once it's out there for you to vote on, I don't see the point of doing that.
Why are some polls audio files and other video files? Again: tumblr being tumblr. They won't allow some songs to be uploaded as audio, but using them in videos is ok. I hate the audio-as-video format and it requires even more effort from me so I'm not doing it on purpose. :)
I don't remember if I've heard this song before or not. If you know you've heard it, like if you're a fan or a hater or the song has been constantly played on the radio, you know it. (this is why the phrasing has been changed again in the latest polls) If you don't remember it, or just vaguely, or just a specific tiny part used in a meme/tiktok video, choose first time. The only thing that matters is the yes or no, knowing it or not is just an added fun but don't take it too seriously. :) Look at it sort of like "old fan/casual listener/hater vs new listener".
The part of the song that you posted SUCKS!!!! You should have just posted this one specific famous part for people to vote yes! "don't post the actual song in this song poll" ...................................like, no. not gonna post just the meme-bits or the drops or the whatever. Yeah i saw all the comments how you all clicked dislike on "Out of Touch" because you voted before you got to the chorus 😂 That's an honest opinion about the song lol, because a song is more than just a catchy chorus or a big drop. But yeah, sometimes one verse of a song would've maybe been better to post instead of that other verse, I'm with you on that.
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I queued this song to see what it is but it's still stated as being Anonymous for me! Reblogs, drafts and queues will only show you what's there at the time, like a screenshot. It won't update automatically. All your reblogs, drafts and queued posts from when the poll is active will only show up as Anonymous songs. Always go back to the original post to see the song reveal. If the info isn't there, then give me a day or two to update the post because most likely things are too busy irl. 💖
I voted wrong/voted before I recognized the song! Will you change my vote? No, I'm not recounting anything wth. 😅
I'm embarrassed. I like the song but I don't want others to know that I do. I promise you that nobody but you can see how you've voted. Not me or your mutuals. Only you see what you've voted on. It's ok to like bad songs, and it's ok to like good songs by bad people. Don't let others shame you for that.
How do I vote on this cover/remix that was posted instead of the original? If you feel like this version is close to the original that you like, vote yes. If you don't feel like this version does the original song justice, vote no, even if it hurts.
This song that I don't know samples another song that I do know. How do I vote? I don't consider samples being used as being the same song, so pick first time. Unlike covers/remixes, the original song that has been sampled might show up at a later time, if it hasn't already been on here before.
How does so many people not know this song!!? Everyone is not your age/not from your country and your experience is not universal. 🤷‍♀️ That being said, I too get wtf-moments sometimes because some songs really do get wacky results, so, yeah 😂
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Have you ever thought about-- Yes.
I demand you give me a rickroll!!!!!! Ask things nicely instead of demanding things from me. (This is the most common demand I've gotten, sigh. Thanks to those of you who have at least asked nicely and/or with a sense of humour!)
Please do a rickroll? It's already been posted in a bonus poll. It might show up in a "real" poll in years from now if this poll blog is still active but as of now it was added to a tumblr meme post where it was better suited.
I'm gonna ignore that submissions are closed and send you song suggestions anyway!!!! They will be deleted because they're not asked for atm. Unless you're the artist. Exceptions can be made in that case. :)
This poll blog doesn't respect my requirement to know who the artists are before I listen to their songs because of my need - that is very important that everyone else needs to acknowledge and follow - to know if a person is of a good moral standing according to my own views!! 😡 There's other poll blogs better suited for you. Not everything online has to be adjusted to fit *your* particular needs. 🤷‍♀️ (YES i've actually gotten this demand way too often. Sigh.)
Why was my reblog hidden from the notes where I spew hatred over an artist?! You are censoring me!!!! Did you mention the artist by name, or other obvious spoilers? Don't post spoilers. 🤷‍♀️
You hid this other comment I made with no spoilers!!!!! Sometimes comments show in dashboard mode but not in app mode and vice versa, or not even in the notifications. Haven't we already established that tumblr finds easy stuff extremely difficult? Also, sometimes you and I don't share an opinion of what a spoiler means. To all of you who have claimed an artist's name isn't a spoiler, yeah it's kind of a big one. As for the artist mentioning their own name or the song title in the song, you only hear that once you listen to the clip. Knowing it before even clicking to play the music is a spoiler.
Why have you turned off replies? I want to say things without reblogging!! I mean 🤷‍♀️ I'm sure you know why. Replies and anons have been turned off from the very beginning. The few times replies actually have been turned on, it's been stated as such and been very temporarily, like when we've discussed music in some post.
Turn on anon!!! I'm to shy to say thing off-anon! I mostly reply to things privately, or this blog would be nothing but q&a. Anons are off for a reason. Abuse and death threats are to be associated with the sender's account for all to see. I'm always nice to nice people so there's no need to worry about sending me questions or tagging me in things. :) 💖
I demand you to-- Pay me. :)
Shut up and take the abuse thrown at you personally because you're just a poll blog! You are aware that the poll blogs on tumblr aren't actually run by bots, right? Don't be an obnoxious twat. (and ughh yes, this too has been said to me several times. Sigh.)
I want you to add this song I want RIGHT NOW and/or i WANT these other options added now! Rich people can always break all the rules, just like irl. Just give me the $$$$ 😘
I don't like this song because I don't understand the language. Please only post English songs. Ok well, I mean, you can always learn other languages. 🤷‍♀️ Just like how I learned English.
If anyone feels targeted by these last questions without me meaning to, I'm sorry. These actually are the most common questions and comments and demands I've gotten in my askbox. Especially when the blog was new and people Demanded Their Rights to have me adjust everything to suit them. Don't feel like you can't state your thoughts in reblogs or in messages because as long as you're not being rude to me, my attitude on some answers isn't targeted at you, only at them. 💖 Remember to just have fun with the polls and hopefully you and/or your mutuals discover new music!
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mhathotfic · 21 days
Based on this post it was really fun to explore the concepts in this one
If you liked it please consider leaving a small tip through my cash app I'm trying to save up for nail tech classes and every little bit helps
Warnings: non-con/dub-con, reader is bullied briefly at the beginning, oral(female receiving), afab reader with she/her pronouns, vaginal fingering and penetration, omegaverse
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x reader
“H-hey! Stop!” (Yn) yelled, knowing her pleas would fall on uncaring ears as the pack of girls shoved into someone’s room.
“Oh stop crying! We’ll let you out soon, probably”
She could practically hear the dismissive shrug and cruel smirk the leader of that little click likely gave.
“I guess that depends on how long Bakugou’s workout takes, you know how Alphas are! It'll probably only be an hour, maybe two? Hope he believes you when you tell him you weren't trying to steal from him!” they laughed, jamming the door shut and leaving (Yn) alone with nothing but her thoughts in the seemingly empty, strong-smelling room.
What did she do to deserve this? Whatever it was it couldn’t possibly warrant anything like this!
She was just a simple Omega, just trying to get a good education so she could get a good job, what did she do wrong to earn such scornful treatment?
Why di—
“The hell are you doing here?”
A heavy, labored, and husky voice sounded from behind her. She froze, her own voice trapped in her throat as she turned towards it to find the Alpha in question rising from his bed. His face flushed and hard to read as he observed her.
He knows her, well sort of? She's in a few of his classes. Always sticking to the corners of the room hoping no one noticed her, but he had.
He took note of every detail, head to toe, from the way her hair fell and complimented her face to the way she walked with a little sway in her hips.
He had wanted to talk to her at least once before his rut had started, but he never got the chance, and now that choice had been taken from them both.
“I uh, I don't know? I got s-shoved in here a-and.…” she stammered and rambled, getting his attention again.
But he couldn't focus on her words though. Her strawberries and cream scent was too sweet and distracting for him to ignore. In a desperate attempt to stave off his growing lust for the oblivious Omega, he tried to subtly palm himself quietly but he groaned at the contact making her jump.
He sounded pained, and her Omega instincts kicked in and brought her to his side quickly to see what was wrong and if she could help.
It was the biggest mistake she could have made. As soon as she was near, she could smell the scent of a frantic, rutting Alpha. It quickly became apparent the type of danger she was in quickly, but not as quick as Bakugou was.
He, in a matter of seconds, had torn through her clothes. Too far gone to ask any more questions or explain himself, too out of it to even notice her fearful begging for him to reconsider his actions.
All he could hear was that pleading tone and god was it easy to imagine that pretty voice begging him to breed her. A pretty little sound that made his knot twitch and ache. God, he needs to breed her.
He has to, needs to so badly, he couldn't stop himself when she smelled so danm good. He was going to breed her, but first, he had to make sure she was ready for him.
He shuddered at the thought, pinning her hips to his bed before laving his tongue over her sex, trying to put a taste to the sugary scent. This was the pussy he’d own. The one his Omega was in possession of. His, all his and he’ll make sure she knows it.
It didn’t matter that he’d never introduced himself properly to her, there’s plenty of time to know his mate better after this.
She tried to get him to stop. Squirming in his grip and tugging at his hair in a futile attempt to get him away from her, as she whimpered “Please, don’t”.
Only to be interrupted by a growl and a finger pushed into her already sopping wet cunt.
In his lust-altered state, her actions seemed like she was just impatient. Her plea was easily written off as her trying to beg him not to be a tease.
“Fucking god, you’re so damn wet, you want it bad don’t you?” he groans adding a second finger, and it must have sounded like some sort of sick taunt to her. His fingers thrusting and rubbing against her inner walls, unwanted and unwavering, but pleasurable in a way that felt like the deepest betrayal.
Her body was welcoming his actions and he seemed to be enjoying his perverse power over her. His lips pressed against her clit, kissing it before sucking and licking on the sensitive little bundle of nerves.
Pushing her closer to the edge of ecstasy. Closers to the cliff’s edge that she didn’t think she’d survive if she fell from it. It’d leave her broken, useless, and unable to fight his advances, but could she fight this anyway?
He seemed to have no problem overpowering her, seemed unbothered by her begging and feeble attempts to tug him off of her.
Should she just accept her fate? Should she just let herself fall apart and be his toy for the time being?
Her body felt hot and the little bit of internal thread he’s been toying with tangled, knotted, and pulled tighter and tighter until it snapped with a sobbing cry and blanking mind.
She clung tightly to him, not bothering to fight him when he kissed her and lined his thick cock with her entrance. Too far gone to even think about fighting this.
“P-please, at least be gentle with me, I um… I’ve never—”
“You’re still a virgin?” he cut her off, the gravity of their situation finally settling in his mind and he would have backed off. Apologizing profusely for how he behaved, how he let himself be taken by his rut.
She was probably waiting until she was more established to find herself a mate, and in a moment of selfish desperation he almost ruined her. He really did want to back off and let her go but…
“I— d-don’t you want me?”
But her instincts had kicked in and his hesitation must have read as rejection because she looked hurt.
Why did it hurt? She hadn’t wanted this, she didn’t want this!
But it hurts, it hurts so bad, tears started to prick up at her lashes.
Her body was going into heat because of him, and now he doesn’t want her?!
She was being rejected! She was being refused as an Omega and it hurts so much! Why would he be so cruel?
In reality, he doesn’t know what he was meant to do, he was no good at this.
No good at consoling words or gentleness, but he was good at expressing himself through his actions.
So he silenced her with one smooth roll of his hips, sinking into her until he was buried to the hilt.
Forcing back his growl and letting out a deep rumble of a purr in an attempt to assure her she would be safe sharing this first with him. He was determined to stay in control of his body through this, to touch her the way she wanted him to.
He was determined to force himself to be gentle, to slow his thrusts and take his time with her and…
Oh fuck.
He swallowed thickly, his pace quickening slightly. He didn’t know if he could keep this gentle facade for her if she wouldn’t even put up a fight against him. She’s being too accepting, too cute for him not to ruin thoroughly.
“I-it feels good! Feels— aha!”
Fuck it.
He took up the ruthless pace he was much more accustomed to and moved a hand to play roughly with her clit and a growl slipped out passed his lips. He couldn’t hold back after all, no, it was more like he just wouldn’t anymore.
He was allowing himself to get drunk off her whimpers and moans, taking pleasure from her blank and dazed expression as she practically crumbled under him.
“Are you, fuckin’ hell, you going to cum already?” He breathed against her ear, groaning at the resulting shiver that wreaked her body.
“You’re clenching around me so tightly, you wanted me to fuck you senseless like this, huh? Wanted to cum my knot, didn’t you?”. He grunted and she couldn’t find the words to respond.
She hadn’t wanted this at first, but now? She didn’t want to want this, but her legs wrapped themselves around his waist, and her nails clawed into his back of their own accord, her mouth ran without hesitation or thought.
“Please! Want it so bad! I want your knot Alpha!”.
She cried out and was silenced with a kiss and the overwhelming sensation of being pushed past the edge and stuck in that blissful free fall as he knotted her.
They stayed tied for what felt like hours before he could safely pull out. In truth it was only minutes, but the conversation they needed to have afterward made the wait unbearable.
Only for it to be as simple as explaining how she ended up trapped in with him, and a promise that he’ll never stop working to earn her forgiveness for this. Because no, it doesn’t matter how this happened or ended, he still did something awful to her and he won’t forgive himself until he’s made sure she’s living a happy fulfilling life with him.
The first step is tearing the heads off her soon-to-be former bullies.
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azulock · 7 months
Hi, could you write nsfw headcanons for Kaiser and Ness?
I most certainly can, nonnie!!! Tho, Ness gonna get some slander cause he's the second (out of three) character I have beef with for shits and giggles. Can't help it, I gotta bully that Yandere generator motherfucker. There'll be more Kaiser later, cause I got a fem reader specific request so, soon enough that's out.
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Michael Kaiser
⟳ The emperor himself, talks big game, and he can back it up, but I'm sure if he feels safe enough to display it, he's actually a switch. He likes being a dom and he sure is a one most of the time, won't ever sub if he's just having a one night stand. But sometimes, if he's in a relationship, and if he's too tired or stressed from his work, he'd probably like to sub. He won't bring this up and might resist if you try to, but give him time and he'll warm up to the idea.
⟳ As a sub he's needy and whiny far more than bratty, but he sure can be a brat at times, especially if you try to make him beg. Likes to be pampered and praised, you can get him to do anything with the right words - tho, stay away from any demeaning kink, that will just shut him down.
⟳ As a dom he is a major tease, likes to see you beg for what you want, big on making you use your words to ask him for anything. And just like with himself, he won't be big on demeaning or humiliating you tho, even if he uses a mean pet name, it'll be as praise or just teasing.
⟳ The bastard loves the sight of his own image so he's big on fucking in front of mirrors. If you are shy he likes it even more cause he gets to tease you. Also if he's on a place that's too far high to be visible, or that has those tinted windows that you can see from the outside, he loves fucking against the window.
⟳ Dirty talking in German, so much dirty talking in German, even if you don't understand it. He makes that angry ass language sound sexy. He really just refuses to speak in any other language during sex, so if you don't speak it, that's one way to learn I guess.
⟳ Big on body worship and praise kink, both for him and for his partner. He's the best thing on god's green earth so he only wants the best for himself too, that I cludes his partner. But he's gonna do that while calling you somewhat demeaning pet names and teasing you all the way, it's not gonna come easy.
⟳ Likes to tie you up and have you at his mercy, he gets a kick out of seeing you all vulnerable for him. Will edge you while you're tied up and make you beg him for what you want. He'll have you drooling and whimpering with your hands behind your back while blindfolded and still tell you to use your words. Will also tease you for drooling on his pillow.
⟳ Loves getting his hair pulled and receiving marks, like scratches and hickeys. Tho, he likes leaving you marked too, bruises from where he grabs and manhandled you, hickeys and bite marks all over your body too. The bastard doesn't want marks anywhere too visible on himself but he sure will leave some visible ones on you.
⟳ Handsome man, handsome dick, no wonder he starts the day looking at himself naked in the mirror. That cock is long, but not too thick, just enough to feel good. It's pretty veiny, with a pronounced curve upwards. As for hair, he keeps himself trimmed low rather than shaved clean.
Alexis Ness
⟳ Mr Yandere simulator is a switch, but you don't wanna see what he's like as a dom, better keep him as a sub. He'll pretty much let you do anything to him if he's subbing, he'll be a big mess, whimpering, begging, crying, letting you humiliate him to hell and back. Now, as a dom, he can be a bit scary, controlling, prone to just try and take what he wants without much regard to anything else. Yeah, better to keep him as a sub.
⟳ He's so very vocal, and at times loud. He has no shame for making noises, be it moans, grunts, cries or whimpers. Will beg you for anything if he has to and praise you for anything and nothing at all. You could gag him to try and shut him up, but he'd be just grunting and groaning under the gag.
⟳ Best way to shut him up is to put that mouth to some good use. And he sure loves it, has something of an oral fixation, likes sucking your fingers, your toes, anything really. For this reason he likes giving oral more than receiving it too. You could make him suck you until he ran out of air and he would thank you for that.
⟳ Actually likes getting humiliated, gets off to it easy. For him it's only natural, after all you are so perfect and he is nothing compared, you can say the most demeaning things and he's just going to agree. You can step on him while you do it too, he likes that. Might cum on his pants from all that actually, which will probably only lead to more humiliation and keep the cycle going.
⟳ You can tie him up, gag him, put him on a leash and walk him on all fours, he'll like all of those. Just don't put a blindfold on him tho, he wants to see you, he needs to see you, the blindfold makes him kind of angry. Also don't ignore him for too long, a little is ok, but if you keep that up for long he can get pissed off.
⟳ Loooves getting marked, he's yours after all, you can bite him, give him hickeys, scratch him, he really likes it. But he will do the very same, regardless of what you say, you are his after all, so why hide it? Expect a lot of bites from him, and for him to want to cum over your body as well as inside you, especially on your face.
⟳ If you let him dom, he's gonna very much lean into free use, cause he wants you all the time. Tho, as a sub he'll just shamelessly beg to fuck you at any point you two can be alone. He fucks like a desperate man, doesn't take very long to cum but can go again pretty fast and go for multiple rounds, so not really an issue.
⟳ I've written about this on another post so I won't stay too long on this, but if you can get pregnant, oh boy he sure has a breeding kink. Like actually wants to knock you up kind of kink. If you can't get pregnant, well that's lucky for you, but he'll still be obsessed with cumming inside you.
⟳ Ness is a bit above average, but not by much, and not very thick. He's kind veiny too, not too much but has some thick veins. He also likes to keep clean shaven, he thinks it looks nicer that way.
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simplyreveries · 4 months
I noticed that you opened the requests. I wanted to ask related to staff (separated) with mc/yuu who had daddy issues in their world and who sees them as a father figure
i love this sm,,,, TY<3
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dire crowley
he is…. interesting- he does mean well but he just does a poor job executing that sometimes. he was never expecting to feel such a sense of protectiveness and being overly doting to you. it started when he couldn't help but feel pity for your own situation and watching you adjust to this world is tough.
you’ll find him randomly popping up out of nowhere in school and he’ll ask how you’re doing. a way as a check up on how you’re handling this world and school life so far, he’d tell you if you ask him. as soon as you ask him about home… "oh! is someone is calling me?" and just literally disappears.
In this case, I feel like his reluctance to figure out a way to bring you home stems from the fact that he really does care for you and doesn't want to lose that. so, let's just say, it'll take him awhile to figure that out. crowley seems to be trying to convince you how amazing, twisted wonderland really is! you could thrive and live so happily here! (minus the overblots… terrifying magic… creatures and more) he tells you how great it is for you already have a home, a whole dorm for yourself, as he’d say: “for i am so gracious!” that he’s done such a generous thing for you.
the first time you tried to give him a hug as thanks for something he was completely confused and didn't know how to react. he laughed and gave you the awkward pat on the back but once again, he means well i promise.
divus crewel
you have blatant favoritism from him… he seems a little less strict with you and if a student asks he’ll deny and tell them he doesn't do that or that he has to be since you’re not even from this world. he wouldn't expect you to know how to do certain things after all.
but still, ace and grim could groan because they got in trouble for forgetting homework or assignments but if you did he’d sigh and be like “bring it in tomorrow” and they are always so UPSET. it's also rare to get some compliments from him, but he seems to point out something well you did and give you a little “good improvement” and such. It's so obvious how he seems to care for you.
divus is literally the epitome of judgment when it comes to anyone having eyes for you or you tell him about even liking someone yourself… he is too protective and feels like any boy at this school is undeserving of you. he sees any attempt during class of one of them flirting or anything as them simply bothering you. If you mention someone like floyd he’d give you the most concerned look and be like “oh… him, how troublesome”. he doesn't really say what he thinks, unless you really ask for his opinion. he more so listens to you talk and he does genuinely try to give you some advice, even if it's a bit blunt.
mozus trein
now despite his strict and sternness, he can be a very calming person to be around and talk to. he will be pretty quiet, but he can become someone you just find if you need to talk as he listens and grades assignments, doing some work. if you really need to take your mind of certain worries and stresses, like finding a way back to your world- he'll offer you some tea and maybe even offer to play a game of chess with you (as he does with divus sometimes!)
trein is a father himself, he was very close to his daughters- so it actually is quite easy for him out of all of the staff members to develop a familial like relationship with. he enjoys having that feeling of looking after someone again and being someone, you could look up to in that sense. he would eventually notice that you do see him in such a way, he wouldn't say it, but it does warm his heart.
he'll let you play and pet lucius, it's just part of your special privileges. surprisingly, the cat likes you and always tries rubbing against you. since trein trusts you though, you will be given the duty to buy lucius cat toys from sams shop with money he gives you, he says its "in compensation" haha.
if you happen to be causing trouble with grim or some student in class, he'll scold you. but through it, he will remind and tell you he knows you're a good kid and doesn't want other bothersome students tarnishing your potential.
ashton vargas
oh poor you if you dread fitness or sports because he's always booming so loud, excited and pumped to get you involved more. even if you don't want to do something with others, he loves initiating one on one games with you and challenging you. he will not go easy though and laughs proudly whenever he wins. he'll still pat you on the back and tell you "nice job, kid!" or something of that sort. he's very supportive even if hes overly competitive at times.
sometimes you do have to hear his tangents on how he became so fit and strong... especially his "advice" on how great it is to consume raw eggs... this guy . he tries telling you it'd benefit you.
lowkey makes a big deal if you got hurt and needed to go to the infirmary. he always tries to keep a special eye on you in case and tries his absolute best to make sure you're alright. even after getting help, you needed from the nurse, still!!
he tends to keep a watchful eye on you... he would much prefer and even offer, saying you'd be perfect to be working beside him at his shop. he wouldn't want you resorting or going somewhere like the mostro lounge really. but other than that, he is a very carefree guy who you could easily find yourself talking to about problems or issues you're having. his attitude and approach to things can be a good help.
also, if you're in general in need of something from his store, because you're extra special to him he'll sometimes just give you heavily discounted or even be like take it, ("it wasn't selling anyways"). hehe. he cares. especially when it comes to like snacks or food he'll have, he'll claim it's your "employee benefits!" if you're working there.
sam is pretty much in the loop with anything interesting happening at school or things he may have overheard from students. you can easily get gossip out of him, just saying. but sometimes that just turns him into trying to discreetly warn you about certain students at nrc.
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