#It’s ok tho cause everyday is Mother’s Day
alevolpe · 4 months
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Inner moms tea party! Say “thank you Pluto”!🫖☕️
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My mum would b thrilled that Kamala Harris is running for president, because she’s female. I like her not simply because she’s half Indian, but because she’s strong, she’s classy. She’s intelligent. She’s a mature woman - she doesn’t show off or seek attention. She shows great potential.
I also have to laugh at jd Vance’s comment.
"We are effectively run in this country via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too," Vance said.
Oh for fecks sake. He acts as though ALL mothers are automatically happy being so. Even if u became a mum through rape or had kids n realised it wasn’t as great as u thought. Or whatever. Ok, me life does suck, but it’s NOT because I don’t have kids.
He wants you to think that ONLY childless cat people have mental health issues, and that tradwife lifestyles don’t. There’s a silent oppression and delusion thought process that goes with that lifestyle. It often feels cultish, and can easily entertain abuse. No thanks. Mothers can be just as miserable as what he assumes ALL childless women are. Some childless women do wish they had kids, n that’s valid. Many of us are quite happy that we don’t. We are equally valid. Sometimes, by NOT having kids, we r saving prospective offspring from more health concerns or possible abuse. It’s actually incredibly responsible, and that energy can be better spent elsewhere that’s more productive for the individual.
In fact, if I would have had kids, it would have been worse. I was never emotionally cut out for children, and they’d bring out the worst of me temper. I know this and accept this about me. I would be the best them/make the afraid of me to love me sort. I’m also extremely sensitive to stress, and get overstimulated easily. This leads to me getting rather bitchy. I’m also sensitive to pain. Pregnancy and especially labour often cause intense pain. Kids are loud, they smell, they are full of shite, piss, n puke. Frequently. I’m not worried about ruining the figure, lol. That’s already been gone, n there r far more serious concerns to worry about.
Besides, a lot of parents think they are doing well by their kids by spoiling them. They create entitle, privileged brats who are unable to properly acclimate to society’s challenges. Struggle is a natural part of life, and these folks can’t cope as easily. They also treat others as tho they can walk all over them. These parents teach their kids that they don’t need to move aside for others, it doesn’t matter if their kids run smock n knock into you. They don’t need to apologise. You are at THEIR mercy. They can’t mouth off to u, n that’s fine. Its selfish. Its delusional. It’s vile.
Also, mental and physical health issues run thick in the family. Aside from that, I’m just barely making it meself. I have tried to keep jobs, and ptsd n anxiety (as well as other issues) have led to me quitting or being fired. I’ve applied for well paying jobs, got me degrees, n don’t even get looked at - unless it’s a scam. I don’t even have my own place. The struggle is so real, i rebt a room.
In fact, the therapist and shrink seem to think that me ptsd doesbt affect it, just bdcause to them i can live in roomd. The thing they dont realise is that its either a room, or im homeless. I dont have a choice. Thus doesnt mean that its not without issue. I have to internalise a lot, since no one either acknowkedges the issues, or dont really care. Or both. And when youre in such a position, u put urself more at risk of neing kicked out. Its a battle of ‘whats the bigger evil?’ I often battle depression over frustration in private. The internalising also leads to depression. Tbe everyday stress of cohabitation add more triggers. It literally feeks like im at war, trying to durvive every day. N wbrn a hoysemate has a paramour over, the intense lsnic attacks strike. These r quickly exhuasting.
With all that being said, being childless, and being around cats makes things slightly better. Cats are soft, delicate. They allow me to experience a temporary patience I’m unable to have with people. They make sweet sounds, they cuddle with me, they look at me with soft, sweet faces. They don’t talk back, they don’t insult or abuse you.
Nah, I’ll never regret being a childless cat lady. I’m doing society a favour.
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ronwestbreeze · 6 months
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so here’s the hate love child of tus’tey and reeds. tbh i have already created this guy but didn’t have a back story for him but looking back at him he does look somewhat like tus’tey (or lo’ak twin brother lol) i put his age between kiri and lo’ak (assuming if reeds gives birth to him right around the time neytiri gives birth to lo’ak). idk if it’s ok i kinda use your story as his back story?
here’s fun facts!
1. tus’tey first child and reeds only child. his birthday is like, the day before lo’ak’s (don’t ask me how i know it makes no since since reeds would have probably be in the second trimester when lo’ak born) and since i can’t decide on what his name is officially let’s call him lokota, cause i feel like that could pass as a navi sounding name.
2. in my back story lokota never gets to officially meet his mother since reeds according to his father, died from an attack by the other tribe when he was a newborn, and his father didn’t want to risk bringing the tribe to war with the other for killing his mate.
3. his parents have agreed on a loveless mateship just solely for duty. so tus’tey is not really that close with reeds even tho they were mates during that short time she was pregnant with their son. neytiri on the other hand is devastated she lost who she saw as a close friend.
4. for most of his young life, lokota never actually knew neytiri wasn’t his mother until spider said something about reeds (in this one i had reeds adopt spider as her son before she mated with tus’tey) he was understandably furious his father never told him about his true mother. in this picture he is around 14 when he found out about his true mother.
5. the necklace lokota is wearing is actually his mother’s necklace. she made it for him while she was pregnant with him. he of course didn’t know and figured his father made it for him. (i actually have this necklace and figured it be cute he would wear it)
6. spider has a matching necklace like his except the beads are blue, spider treasures his necklace very much as that was his last gift from his adoptive mother when he was uhhh, 4?
7. i consider lokota and spider brothers, although lokota is not happy about that and doesn’t consider him a brother. mostly mad spider has memories of his mother but he doesn’t.
8. tus’tey is actually keeping a LOT of secrets about his mate from lokota, as lokota will find out from norm (after threatening the poor guy to confess) some things like:
1. his mother is not dead like he and the whole village thought.
2. she decided to leave out of her own will, why? he is not sure and tus’tey refuses to answer why.
3. he finds out from norm that his mother actually left him a notebook with journal entries she wrote to him everyday while she was pregnant with him, mostly like life lessons for him and little tidbits about how big he was growing and stuff like that. as well as like a letter asking him for forgiveness for abandoning him. unfortunately the letter didn’t state why she did abandon him.
4. he believes it’s his father’s fault that his mother abandoned him, but tus’tey pleads with his son to not let the village know who his true mother is.
5. he will eventually go on an adventure when he’s 18 to find his mother and ask her why she left him.
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tonaken · 3 years
DILF NANAMI | Dilf December collab
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a/n: sooo this is part of the Dilf December collab hosted by @r1nf4iry (thank you for having me💖). It was supposed to be posted on the 24th but things got in the way *ehem* college and so sorry for that...
content: Nanami gives up his sorcery work because he has a little him now to look after. After years of loneliness and failed dating attempts, he meets you and you seem to catch his eye...
warnings: Nanami x fem!reader, spoilers for ch. 120, extensive back story got a bit carried away hehe😅, crack, a bit suggestive (no smut tho), Nanami being a dad and a daddy, unexpected pregnancy, co-parenting (if there is anything I missed do not hesitate to send me a message😊)
w/c: 4.6k+ oops 
this is my first time posting one of my writings on tumblr, i hope you like it✨
Part 2
Soooo let's all pretend that Nanami survived the Shibuya incident (he should've tho😭😭😭)
The near death experience sobers him up and he decides to leave the Jujutsu world and go back to office work and being a normal salaryman (he still keeps in contact with our sweet boi Yuuji💖)
After a particular long week at his new job he's invited to go out for drinks with some coworkers
So there's this coworker right….
She's a baddie (not more than us, no worries💅🏾)
She already had her eyes on Nanami for a looong time purrr cause he do be fine and he do be all min- ok sorry, I'll stop🙄😐
He's also noticed her 😒
One drink calls another and soon after the bottoms are up the clothes are off
Long story short, mr. Nanami ends up getting the girl pregnant (he was a bit more wasted than usual, the condom slipped off and the day after pill didn't work)
Talk about unlucky 😬
She decides to keep the baby and Kento is happy with that
He does ask for a paternity test, just in case, and it comes back positive (Kento YOU ARE the father 🏃🏼‍♂️💨🎥  🧓🏻🤰🏻)
Gojo definitely makes fun of him (he got to know through Yuuji)
He's always a present father from the get go, always doing his best to care for the expecting mother
I'd be lying if I said that Nanami didn't try to make things work out between him and his baby momma
He just wanted a more stable situation for his firstborn child
She didn't want him tho 😔 (now WHY would you refuse a man like NANAMI🤨)
Man's the whole package
But that's better for m- us🙄
Nine months pass, and the child is born.
Nanami is obviously present. He cuts the umbilical cord and signs the birth certificate
It's a little girl and as soon as he holds her in his arms, he's in love.
When he gives her a small kiss on the forehead, she smiles and that is why they call her Emiko (smiling child)
Nanami and Emiko's mom decide to co-parent, and since they both live in the same area in Tokyo, they alternate weeks when taking care of her
The first few years, Nanami focuses completely on his bundle of joy, so his love life is completely non existent for some time
Homeboy hasn't touched a woman since Emiko's mom he probably struggling💀, let's be honest
She is having the time of her life (hot girl everyday typa beat)
Nanami knows what she's up to, since his little girl is one hell of a chatterbox (she be snitching worse than 69, I swear 💀)
She even remembers the guys' names and tells her dad everything she overhears her mom says on the phone
It usually nothing crazy, but once Emiko saw some interesting (🌚) pics on her mom's phone
Lil girl is a tech wizard, on top of being a whole menace (just like uncle Gojo 💠👄💠🕶️🤏🏻)
The way Nanami chastised her mom was something for the books
Gave her a whole lecture and such
He just doesn't want his daughter exposed to certain things, but he is reasonable and realises it was a mistake and that mistakes happen
*Cough* Emiko *cough*🤧
Nahhhh Emiko's everything but a mistake. In her dad's eyes she's everything and more
Emiko's mom is a very good mother tho, and Nanami is very happy about that
She is not deliberately bringing home random dudes, it's just that her little one is a bit too smart
But as much as Nanami cares about his child's mother and is happy for her love life, knowing that she's got someone kinda burns 
He feels a bit lonely, especially as he ages and Emiko starts growing up
He immersed himself so much in work and raising his daughter that he forgot about himself
His parents notice this and match him up with the daughter of a family friend who recently moved to Tokyo
He reluctantly accepts, not really sure of how to gracefully get back into the dating pool
He's seen a few pictures of her, vaguely remembering her at a few dinner parties when he was younger
He decides to show the girl around Tokyo as a first date idea, stopping by some of the most scenic parts of the city
Nanami is such a considerate man, so once he gets her number, he asks if she's ok with the idea
She replies after leaving him on read for three days
Nanami doesn't think too much about it tho, and ends up still going out with her
He reasons that he also isn't the best texter, since he's so busy
Leaving someone on read for 72 hours isn't being busy baby boy🤨, but I shall not speak yet🤐
This is his first date in a long time, so he's all strapped up and prepared
He's got on his best outfit, nicely ironed and clean
His hair is impeccably styled (like it always is)
He got his car washed (even tho it was already spotless because, come on, it’s Nanami)
He even goes the extra mile and shows up with flowers
He just wants to make a good first impression and he's super nervous
But when he gets at her place and she comes out of the door, he's a bit dumbfounded 
She…. doesn't look like in the pictures???
Not in a good way tho😐 (it's rarely in a good way anyways)
He doesn't want to be superficial or rude, so he compliments her regardless
He struggles to find something, but he then settles on her jewelry  (which were objectively the best thing she had on)
He mentions the 'delicate shine' of the studded earrings, trying to sound as warm and as sincere as possible
She doesn't even hear him since she's all up in her phone
Kento tries to not pay too much mind, after all she may have not heard because of all the surrounding honking cars
Just straight disrespectful
Nami baby, she's on a date with you and she's on her PHONE??? 
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Anywho, the date goes on and Nanami is doing his best to keep her entertained, safe and comfortable
He always assures himself that she doesn't get too cold by checking in on her
He always opens doors for her, including car doors
He finds himself cracking a few lame jokes to lighten up the atmosphere
You know he's nervous when the Kento Nanami starts joking
But he's doing all of this cause this bitch is giving nothing
No conversation, no laughing, no questions
Kento is doing everything he can to get something out of her, but she limits to briefly answering the questions that come her way 
Then it's silence
Her attitude kills him inside
He feels like he's doing something wrong
Or that she's just really really really shy
Or that she doesn't like him, because he's too boring Kento nooooo😭😭😭
The last eight years of his life have been dedicated to taking care of Emiko, so he hasn't had much time to himself alone
He's disregarded romance completely, so his flirting game is a bit...rusty I still love u tho bae😘
Plus, now that he's in his mid thirties, he feels like he may have lost a bit of his youthful appeal
He's noticed how time has started catching up with him
The fine lines that cross his forehead have become a bit more pronounced and a bit of grey has started to stain his temples
He's definitely a bit too young for any significant signs of aging, but his fast-paced lifestyle has definitely taken a toll on him physically
Nanami feels discouraged by the end of the date, since his insecurities have started to get the best of him
The date ends very abruptly, with her saying goodbye and him expectantly waiting at her door with a question of the tip of the tongue
He doesn't even get to open his mouth that she shuts the door in his face
No, she probably doesn't want a second date
Nanami stays sulking after the date for a few days. He didn’t expect such a rough ending. No messages, voicemail or calls
The girl just vanished in thin air and never contacted him again
The whole ordeal takes a bigger emotional toll on him than expected, because it’s almost as if all of his insecurities had been confirmed
Even if he did his best, it was still not enough
But he doesn’t speak about his feelings to nobody, since that’s not in his personality
Someone love this man RIGHT NOW
And when his parents ask about the girl, he is always dismissive and beats around the bush on the topic
Mama Nanami understands that it didn’t go too well, so she stops insisting
In time Nanami moves on, reasoning that he has Emiko, all he truly needs
She is growing up, and she’s a true beauty. She’s smart, expressive and, surprisingly, very organized for a ten-year-old (she gets it all from her dad)
She’s just a bit lazy when it comes to brushing her teeth
Both parents try to help her pick up the habit of doing it morning and evening, but mama Emiko is a lot more lenient than Nanami 
Nanami is a lot more hard on her because his family has a history of really bad cavities, and he doesn’t want Emiko to be having multiple filled teeth before the age of 16
So when he notices a few dark spots on his daughter’s teeth, he immediately books an appointment with the dentist
At the dental studio, Emiko feels a bit tense, since she’s never liked the place, even if Kento brings her routinely for 6 month check-ups
Just seeing dr. Sakamoto enter the room gives her chills, but she withstands it all because later dad is going to reward her
Emiko, tell your daddy he can reward me too
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Moving on
Dr. Sakamoto sees the darker areas on Emiko’s teeth and confirms that if not treated, they may become cavities
Nanami shoots a warning glare towards Emiko, while she looks away, clearly embarrassed
“Nanami-kun,” Sakamoto chuckles. His former college roommate was always so stern and serious, even when the situation didn’t require anything of the sort. 
“It’s nothing major, we can solve it with a couple of sealings, and she’ll be good to go”.
Nanami visibly relaxed, and his previously furrowed brows went back to being stiff and sharp on his forehead.
“When can she get them done?” he flatly asks.
“Oh, even right now!”
Nanami glances at Emiko, looking for any signs of discomfort: he knew how much she didn’t like the dentist. Furthermore, she had never had anything done to her teeth besides some professional cleaning. He wondered if his little girl would be ok with the treatment.
“From what I see, she will need four sealings in total,” Sakamoto reasons. 
Nanami notices how Emiko tenses up and his hand instinctively finds a place on her head, gently stroking her hair.
“Will it take long?”
“It’ll take less than half an hour.” The dentist was now straightening Emiko’s chair before getting up from his. 
He mused at Kento’s silent but deep display of affection. Fatherhood had softened him, he noticed. Or it simply made him bring out what he always had in his heart. 
He kept his thoughts to himself, though. Putting Nanami on the spot was not something he really intended to do, even if the temptation was there. Just for the sake of it, the cheeky part of his mind said, just to see the ever-serious Kento a bit flustered, maybe with a light blush on his austere face.
Eventually, the flashing memory of a certain Satoru Gojo that Nanami had mentioned years ago definitely stomped out the desire to tease him.
Soon enough, Dr. Sakamoto realizes that he won’t be able to finish on Emiko and get onto the next appointment
So he calls in his new dental hygienist, Y/n
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Aaaand action🎬
You walk in, a bit nervous, since your superior called you so suddenly
Today’s a special day, because you are not only confronted with your fine ass superior (yes, I imagined dr. Sakamoto as a fiiiine piece of man) but also with a really handsome stranger
Only later do you notice the little girl in the chair looking up at you with big brown eyes
You quickly put two and two together, and you find funny how the girl and the man have the same eyes, but transmit such drastically different feelings
Nanami looks over at you with suspicious curiosity
You look young to be in the medical field, and Sakamoto seems to have to leave, judging from how rushed everything he’s doing seems
Nothing promising, Kento thinks
The dentist explains to you the situation and you catch the drift, offering to help before he asks anything
He beams at you understanding and gets onto explaining everything to Nanami
He doesn't seem really ok with it…
"Excuse me?"
He heard perfectly. He just wanted to make sure. 
The fact that you were the one who was going to be dealing with Emiko didn't sit right with Nanami. A young girl like you? With no professional supervision?
"I said that Y/n-san will be working on Emiko today."
Nanami just couldn't accept it, but was too caught up in worry to notice that he was most definitely overreacting. And where was all this confidentiality between the two of you coming from?
The man's tone was starting to rub you the wrong way. You were aware of your youth, and your measure of inexperience. You were aware that this man's sceptical attitude was driven only by the love he had for his child. You were aware that it was, hopefully, nothing personal. But prejudging your skill definitely got your gears grinding.
Dr. Sakamoto, furrowed his brows in confusion, briefly glancing over at you.
"Yes, Nanami-kun. She's a perfectly able dental hygienist, the best new addition to our studio, if I do say so myself."
You appreciated how the doctor defended your skills, regardless of your age. Sakamoto had always been less of a traditionalist, always looking at anyone before him as an individual and not as an amount of years. An opposite mentality seemed to you the one of Nanami, a man apparently driven mainly by duty, logic and sobriety. 
The blonde man seemed lost in thought, pondering whether he would allow you access to his most precious child or not.
The little girl in question was eying you curiously, face slightly peeking from the side of the backrest. She was so used to Sakamoto's deep blue scrubs, that your light blue ones were a novelty.
Emiko also inspected your surgical cap, so lively and expressive compared to your attire. As she was trying to make out the odd pattern, your eyes met hers for a brief second before she hid completely behind the chair. 
When she reemerged, eyes landing on yours, you slowly waved your hand at her, trying to make her feel more at ease. The little smile you sported was shyly mirrored by her, and soon enough you were crouched next to her, carefully talking to her.
Her bashfulness hadn’t gone unnoticed by you, judging by the way her hands gripped the leather-clad edge of the seat, partially covering her face. Her voice was a garble of hushed tones, but progressively got firmer the more you conversed. Her hands slipped away from the seat, finding a place on her thighs. You silently mused at the little girl slowly showing some personality as she  got more comfortable with you. Her face became more expressive, and her mannerisms a lot less stiff. She was such a ray of sunshine when she laughed, a gap showing in her juvenile smile.
It all came crashing down when your eyes met Emiko’s father’s ones. Instantly tensing, you got back on your feet, mumbling an apology and repetitively bowing. His eyes were on you, stern and cold as ever, even if his thoughts were much less menacing. 
Your eyes quickly flit toward the intimidating man, and you tried to hide in any way possible, first opting for scanning the whole room, aside from him. And his daughter too, because who knew what the man was thinking while you entertained her? 
Turning around, you noticed how Dr. Sakamoto was nowhere to be found. Had he left? Why would he leave? The man hadn't even answe-
“I told him he could leave.”
The way you whipped your head at his voice was one for the books. Paired with the astonishedly scared expression displayed on your face, it made Nanami inwardly smile. 
The silence that followed his voice lingered for an awfully long amount of time before it got broken.
“Oh...ok,” you reply awkwardly softly. You swiftly start preparing the room for the treatment, bringing out any necessities. You could feel him standing there, solid as a tower, with his eyes analyzing any little product you grabbed from the cream drawers. 
Performance anxiety was something new to you at the workplace, since you were very confident in your capabilities, but this man was sending all of that to the grave. You found it impressive how the air sat heavy in the room even though Emiko’s graceful humming could be heard. Speaking of which…
“Emiko-chan, do you know what we are going to do today?”
The ten year-old stared at you for a bit, clearly lost in thought. You could almost see the little wheels tuning in her little head.
“No, I don’t.” She briefly turned to her dad, who was too focused on how you were mixing the resinous sealant to notice. 
“Ok, let me explain to you and dad, ok?” You looked for confirmation in the man’s gaze, but nothing was found. His expression had not changed from before, even if an unfamiliar curious glint sparkled in his eye. 
Was he waiting for you to mess up? This you didn’t know. What you knew was that the next 25 minutes were going to be spent under a microscope, every action and minuscule movement thoroughly dissected and questioned. Whether he decided to ask you these questions upfront or keep them to himself was something only time could tell. Nevertheless, you hoped for the latter possibility.
You explain to Emiko what’s going to happen, trying to include Nanami in the conversation
You look at him while talking, to silently check in on him with what you’re doing
You’ve had a few experiences with parents who were paying attention and then called after the treatment asking what you had done to their child’s teeth
Were you not thereee 🤨🤨🤨
Kento doesn’t seem like that type of parent though, since he is quietly observing you with his hawk eye
He has to admit, he is trying to make sure you don’t do anything to hurt his little girl and he is almost expecting you to fail
You just seem a bit young for this
Tired of his unresponsiveness, you cut him out, focusing on what you have to do
And damn, do you do it well 😜
He notices how you manage to work, guide your assistant and calm Emiko all at once
Emiko is such a good patient, she never complains of anything
He’s very pleased
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When you’re all done she’s sooooo relieved
You can tell by how she stops being tense
My poor baby
She jumps all giddily towards Nanami, hugging his thigh
“Are you ok?” Kento softly asks, looking down at Emiko.
“Yes, my teeth are so smooth!” she exclaims pointing at her mouth.
He glanced at you, your back facing him. You had taken off your gown and you were scribbling something down, probably what had taken place today. 
“Did it hurt,” he found himself asking, eyes lingering on you for a moment before he looked at his daughter.
His smile widened at the almost theatrical way she shook her head and at the proud look in her eye. She felt like a big girl doing big girl things. She had every right to feel that pride.
The scene was definitely heartwarming, even when you found yourself slightly taken back by Nanami smiling. He had a soft spot for his own child. Fair.
“Sorry, Nanami-san. We need your name to fill in the medical records, then I can let you leave,” you interjected, trying to sound as apologetic as possible. You didn’t know what this man thought of you, so sounding respectful was your only option. Especially if you wanted to keep such a well-paying job.
“Kento. Nanami Kento.” His voice was monotone, expressionless, but it had lost that wary edge to it. Everything had gone smoothly, so he was relaxed now, you reasoned.
And that was probably the truth, now that he was opening the first button of his dress shirt. A new sliver of skin was exposed, revealing a longer stripe of creamy pale skin that the assistant herself hadn’t missed. You had noticed how sharp the man looked, with his perfect posture and unmovable styled hair. You had noticed and deep down inside, you appreciated the view.
You invited Emiko and Nanami towards the door, ready to greet them. As much as you liked Emiko and could only wish for patients like her, her father’s presence loomed over you like a dark cloud and getting him out of the way would have only aided the situation.
Stretching your arm towards the door, you smiled at the little girl, eyes falling to her undone laces.
“Hold up, Emiko-chan, let me tie up your shoes”. You crouched down, carefully pulling and tying knots. You noticed how Nanami slowly nudged her with his hand, wordlessly trying to convey something.
“We wouldn’t want to lose your beautiful teeth, would we?” you joked, looking up at her. The friendly grin you had widened at the silent and emphatic headshake she answered you with. She broke eye contact to look over at Nanami, sharp eyes boring into glossy ones, before speaking to you.
As soon as your hands left her shoes, the little girl leaped forward, her little arms encasing your neck and her black hair caressing your cheek. All that reached your ears was a muffled ‘’thank you’ as you patted her back.
“No problem, Emiko,” you chuckled, smiling eyes locked with Nanami's.
His demeanor had changed, all of his gloomy aura being washed away by a vivacious ten-year-old. He seemed almost…embarrassed. It didn’t take long to figure out why, when the daughter of such an uptight man was crushing you, a stranger, in an embrace.
His shoulders stiffened even more, if that was possible, and his lips pressed into a tin line, eyes a bit wider. He couldn’t take it any more, how long was she hugging you for? He took pride in raising his daughter according to Japanese tradition, always polite but distant. But the ten years he had spent in educating her seemed useless, because what was this? He also thought that you wouldn’t like it, forgetting to connect the dots and noticing that you were hugging Emiko back, careless of tradition or cultural barriers, only guided by the short, but deep connection you had with the child in front of you.
“Emiko-chan, it’s enough. The doctor might not like it”.
The older man looked mortified when you looked over at him, leaning a bit down with his outstretched hand on Emiko’s head. The girl went back to her father, who audibly sighed in relief. He was still looking at you closely, now being able to give you his undivided attention. Too bad he wasn’t looking too closely at himself since he had slipped.
Doctor? He seemed to have recognized your level of skill and professionality, and the thought made you smirk at yourself. The big and mighty block of ice known as Nanami Kento was slowly melting, making him seem so innocuous at that moment.
“Do not worry, Nanami-san, your daughter gives wonderful hugs,” you reassure. His face seemed to soften, on the brink of a small smile, when Emiko decided to tug at his pants, gaining his attention.
“She smells nice!” she pouts, trying to justify herself.
You burst into a hearty laugh, Emiko following you in a fit of giggles. Nanami stood there admiri- looking at you. You seemed so in sintony with his daughter that he naturally took a liking to you.
You seemed good with kids, so natural and friendly, but professional and precise at the same time. He had always had a hard time tapping into the softer side of his personality with others, and he still struggled at times even with Emiko. 
Emiko was smarter than her peers, often having difficulty with friends and adults. You seemed to understand her, treating her like a child, without underestimating her, and it made him ask himself a few questions. Did you have smaller siblings? Did you simply like children? Was it something you had to learn?
"Do you have some?" he croaked, instantly regretting it.
The gruff, but shy tone caught you off guard, having you shooting your head up to look at Nanami.
‘Some' what? Your face unconsciously scrunched up in confusion, a brow raised above your questioning eye.
Homeboy is trying not to die
He wants the earth to swallow him up
Can't blame him tho😒
dO yOu hAvE soMe lookin ass
Weed? I don't smoke sir🙅🏾‍♀️
Money? You rich rich boy what do you want from me 🤨
Drugs? You don't seem like the type🧐
Kewchie? Welllll for that…
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I'm on my period and she's in x games mode rn so pls have patience with me
It's lowkey cute to see him flustered
He's blushing y'all
For me US
He quickly corrects himself rephrasing the question
"I meant to say, do you have any children of your own?" 
His austere and rigid personality was back, joined by that aloof lilt in his voice that had gone missing before. You inwardly frowned at the lost progress.
"No, I just really like children, sir." Halfway through the sentence, you went a bit bashful at the realization that he was somewhat interested in you. At least, enough to ask you a personal question. 
He noticed the effect it had on you, mistaking it for embarrassment or even discomfort, and he vowed to himself to not overstep any boundaries. Nor yours or his. You took care of his daughter, you were a good person, you didn’t deserve his lowkey nosy self all up in your business.
"I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to offend you," he mumbled, diligently bowing at you, and avoiding all sort of eye contact. Now it was your turn to feel horrible.
“No, no, please,” you begin, getting up on your feet. “I wasn’t offended, just taken a bit aback.”
Nanami just nods, feeling a little less guilty. He still chastises himself, though. He hates how he occasionally finds himself acting a bit silly, something that you, in that very moment, found profoundly endearing. He wasn’t some kind of monster, he was human.
You let them go, saying your last greetings and shooting a wink at Emiko. Nanami’s blush hasn’t still subsided when he voices a quiet ‘thank you’, so quiet, you almost miss it.
“See you next time!”
He never thought that you beaming at him would have inclined his heart more towards you, oddly tickling something deep within his chest. Something he had to discover. Hopefully with you.
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© 2021 tonaken
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slyther-bi · 3 years
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Wings to follow
Chapter 1
This is on Wattpad it's also on ao3
Soulmate au
Main Pairing: Evan Rosier/Severus Snape
Other pairings soon to come: Lily Evans/Regulus Black🔹Mulciber/Mary MacDonald🔹Petunia Evans/??? (I haven't decided with who yet)🔹Lucius Malfoy/Barty Crouch Jr.🔹and others
Summary: Everyone is born with a specific mark that pertains to their soulmate. The mark itself takes form into whatever creature is to be their soulmates favorite and it is to turn into their favorite color once you both touch. It was because of this that led to Severus's fascination with caterpillars, why? Because his soulmate seemed to have fallen in love with butterflies.
Severus thought it was odd to be born with a soulmate and even offer to already have a mark that unites the two upon being born. Tho he doesn't to mind it, he rather enjoyed his mark.
On his right arm was a group of butterflies flying around it. It went from his wrist and went around up to his index finger. He thought it looked rather lovely and looking at it made him smile.
With every passing day since he was born, he'd go out to the park and collect caterpillars. He wondered exactly what color his mark turn to once he found his soulmate, so he collected caterpillars inorder to watch them grow.
During one trip to the park to release a couple butterflies Severus came across a young girl. She had introduced herself as Lily, Miss Lily Evans. Her next words had caused his heart to flutter and nearly made him drop the jar he was holding.
"Are those butterflies? I love butterflies!! Can I see them?" She spoke with pure excitement. Severus couldn't help but blush or think that this girl with lively red hair and bright green eyes was perhaps his soulmate.
Severus simply nodded and handed her the jar he was holding. As Lily reached and took hold of the jar both their hands touched. Severus looked at his right hand but found that it was still a dull grayish color.
'So she isn't my soulmate' He thought and for some reason he felt happy about it. After that day he and Lily became friends. Together the pair would collect all sorts of caterpillars and watch them grow.
Soon enough Severus learned that Lily's favorite creature were rabbits. All because she had seen a movie called "Alice in wonderland" and because of it she followed any rabbit she find to wherever it went hoping to find wonderland.
"Lily were going to get lost, it's getting dark out!"
"Oh c'mon Sev, it'll be fine. I know how to get us home"
Severus let out a sight and continued to follow Lily through the trees. She had caught sight of a small rabbit and quickly went to follow it despite him telling her not to. After sometime the pair had come across an isolated area that looked like something from fairytale.
There was a giant willow tree that looked like something from a dream and a lake that was clear as day. There was several patches of flowers and mushrooms and it all felt like a dream. Especially with the moonlight shining over it all.
Lily quickly latched onto Severus's arm and jumped up and down excitedly "Can you believe it Sev!! We finally found wonderland!!!" She shouted out. Severus was shocked, he simply couldn't believe his eyes. He turned to Lily and smiled "No.." He said softly "You found wonderland" he spoke and Lily simply smiled before hugging him tightly.
"We should head back home" He muttered. Lily nodded and the pair made their way back home. He was thankful that they hadn't gotten lost. Time came and went with Lily and Severus spending time in wonderland collecting and raising caterpillars and learning about Hogwarts.
A school made of magic, the very school his mother had gone too. When his mother first mentioned it to him, he quickly went and told Lily about it. Lily was absolutely enthralled by it, even more so when Severus made a flower bloom from his hand, and then she exploded with pure bliss when she managed to do it as well. When they both turned 11 they had both received a letter to Hogwarts.
"Do you think we'll find out soulmates there?" Lily asked as her and Severus laid down in the soft gross within their wonderland. Severus grabbed hold of her hand and squeezed it gently "I'm sure of it, besides you found wonderland you'll for sure find your soulmate" He spoke while staring up the sky.
Lily smiled at his words and giggled softly "Thanks Sev" She said between giggles. The rest of the day was spent with them talking about how their soulmate may be like. Severus hoped that whoever it was that they were as kind and carefree as Lily.
Inturn Lily hoped that her soulmate was like Severus or as Prince charmin from the princess movies. Severus had called her crazy and Lily responded by throwing mud at him which resulted in a mud war. It also resulted in them both being grounded but neither of them cared.
Severus spent the rest of that day asking his mother about her mark. Her mark was on her shoulder, it was a an octopus colored in orange. His mother told him how she found her soulmate, his father, when she and two of her close friends went off to explore all the things muggles had created.
She had accidentally bumped into Tobias at the age of 17 in a small record store. If she hadn't worn a spaghetti strap dress that day neither of them had known they were eachothers soulmates. Why? Because his mark was on the bottom left of his back, it was a hippogriff and it had turned purple.
His father was confused upon seeing his mark but he figured it meant that his soulmate was special. He was absolutely correct because after the two dates and wedded, his mother soon got pregnant with him. She then revealed to Tobias that she herself was a witch, and the first thing he did when she told him that was ask her what the bloody creature was on his back.
His mother couldn't contain her laughter as he ranted about the damn thing. How he spent most of his time in the library trying to figure out what the hell is was. She quickly answered his questions and he finally let out a sigh of relief and then said "So you said something about you being pregnant?" this caused her to laugh again.
Finally at the age of 11 both Severus and Lily had received their Hogwarts letter. Petunia hasn't received one but they had promised her they'd take loads of picture and to bring back many things for her to try. They had even promised to look for someone with a jellyfish as their soulmark. At the train station Lily and Severus said goodbye to their families both stepping onto the train.
They quickly entered an empty compartment and Lily couldn't help squeal as she threw herself onto the seat "Oh sev can you believe it!!! We're finally going to Hogwarts!!! Oh I really hoped that Petunia could have come with us, this seems unfair!! We gotta write to her everyday ok? And take loads of pictures and buy all sorts of stuff to send back to her!" Lily ranted with excitement. Severus had stopped listening to her halfway and simply smiled.
He was finally going to Hogwarts, he wondered how it would be like. Maybe he'll find his soulmate their, hopefully they won't mind his appearance especially his nose. Severus was snapped out of thoughts when Lily waved her hand in front of his face.
"Sev are you listening to me?" She asked and crossed her arms. "Both yes and no, you lost me when you said Hogwarts" He spoke which caused Lily to let out a groan before she erupted with laughter which inturn caused Severus to laugh too. The pair spent the rest of the train ride talking about what house they would be and wondered what house they're soulmate was in too.
Their conversation had attracted the attention of two boys. One had messy brown hair, brown eyes and wore glasses. While the other had black somewhat wavy hair that almost reached his shoulders and sorta black grayish eyes. Lily and Severus learned that their names were James Fleamont Potter and Sirius Black.
James had quickly sat next to Lily while Sirius took the seat next to Severus. The four of them talked about what house they may get placed in and what house they suspected their soulmate's to be in as well. James was quick to ask her for her hand after the conversation. Lily looked like she wanted to slap him instead but simply said no.
It was clear that Lily didn't take a liking to James, he figured that out when he kept talking about how great Gryffindor was and how surely she would be one and that Severus probably won't fit in but hey he'll make a good Hufflepuff or something. Lily had glared daggers at him and Severus felt that she was gonna attempt to kill him.
Sirius seemed to think the same thing what with the way he was trying to get his friend to shut up and apologize. Tho James seemed to ignore him and went about trying to get Lily to shake his hand or make some form of contact. Well James got what he wanted cause after several minutes of asking Lily grabbed his hand brought it up to her mouth and bit him as hard as she could.
This caused James to yell and well...it also caused him to pass out. Luckily they had arrived to Hogwarts. "Yeah, he'll make a great Gryffindor" Severus spoke which caused both Lily and Sirius to laugh. "I'm gonna go find an adult" Sirius said as he composed himself and quickly left. Severus and Lily nodded before turning to eachother "Do we leave him here?" He asked in confusion "Yes" was all Lily said as she dragged Severus out of the compartment and out of the train.
They pair stopped in their tracks as they came face to face with Hogwarts. "My lord Severus it looks beautiful" Lily breathed out as she stared at the school with wide eyes "Yes it is" He muttered with awe. The pair were quickly led onto a boat and were quickly joined by James and Sirius. They all stared at Hogwarts with excitement and neither of them could wait to step inside.
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urspaceprincess · 3 years
Hi my name is rex, i’m queer and use they/them pronouns and i’m 15. And i would prefer someone not over the age of 19 plz.
have like a caramel colored skin-tone (i feel like saying im black may be easier but 🤷🏽‍♀️) and im 5’3. Rn i have a purple-pink short mullet and i have pretty curly hair, im pretty chubby but i have an hourglass shape (but i have super noticeable hip dips) , i got pretty big fucking tittes (not even in a bragging way, im a fuckin k cup bro😭) and thicc thighs(thicc thighs save lives, sorry i’ll stop). I dress pretty alternative but i cant just choose one subculture tho, i wear a lot of heavy eye makeup. I could say i dress kinda “showy” but thats kinda what only fits me, but also who gives a fuck.
Honestly I don’t really have a type. Tbh most of my relationships have ended pretty badly cause they ether only wanted something sexual from me or I was “too clingy” when i just wanted basic ass affection. But the most I want is someone who is physically affectionate (like kisses, cuddles, and hugs for days) also im ok with pda to an extent like i will hug and like cuddle you but im not gonna make out with your infront of others thats weird af.
Im a libra sun, scropio moon, and gemini rising. This means that im a pretty social person and always wanna hang out with friends and just have fun, but moon in scropio makes my emotions rlly haywire and kinda boosts any sorta negative emotion, which is hard when you have chronic anxiety and major depressive disorder. Which also means i take medication for it, which i forget a lot. And because of these things i have anxiety tics, where it ranges to making noices and twitching a bit to full on hitting myself and saying random shit. But I really like making people laugh, it makes me feel helpful, but im also good at being to mother figure for people. I also like playfully bantering with people, like i love you but will full on roast you and get into fake fist-fights. I am a bit of a violent person at times but I have a punching bag and boxing gloves which help a lot. But I only get that angry when someone uses an insecurity of mine against me or is talking bad about someone i love, cause it you do that im beating your ass. I do have a bit of body insecurities mainly about my hip-dips and stomach. But because im curvy i get hit on by adults a lot and its creepy as fuck.
My hobbies include art (painting, drawing), sleeping (because i stay up mad late😭✌🏽), reading comics, Marvel and D.C superheroes, and super villains, cartoons, and anime/manga.
My favorite music genre’s are rock, alternative, emo, rap, and a little bit if indie music.
Personality: funny, sarcastic, creative, kind, inappropriate and the right times. Like im not gonna pull out a dick joke in front of your family
I don’t really have a type and im queer so i dont have a gender preference, but anyone who’s love language is physical affection cause im a clingy bitch
I have a couple ideal dates. So the first one is like an indoor picnic and a movie, an arcade date, and a stargazing date where you get take out or fast food and drive up a hill to see the stars and you like cuddle n shit.
the way i described myself was bad so here:
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I Match you with….
Katsuki Bakugo
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He has to be touching you constantly even if it’s just holding your hand or having his arm around your back
extremely protective of you( even tho he knows you can take care of yourself) he makes sure no one ever messes with you
He has a set schedule of what he does everyday so will 100% try & get you to have one
Makes a playlist for you both to share & add songs too!
likes it when it’s just the two of you but will occasionally want to go out with friends
fake arguments/insults all the time ( you both know you are joking )
definitely has you as his background on his phone but if you bring it up to him he will 100% change the subject
Compliments you whenever he can
wants you to be clingy with him because he won’t express that he wants you too be
soft boy on the inside:)
likes when you both come up with dates
loves loves loves to cook for you but won’t admit it & says that he might as well make a meal for 2:))
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sastrugie · 4 years
john entwistle biography review
ok so first: I didnt really like the biography because I thought it would focus on totally different aspects. John was a musical virtuoso and that hardly ever gets mentioned in the book. But we get exact axccounts on how much money he spent on what day and in which pub he bought which champagne. like wow thanks. The other personal stuff is basic who knowledge you can read in any other Who biography. His autobiographical bits were joy and fun! Maybe the only reason to buy the book in my opinion. He writes totally different than the author...
ANYWAYS: here my fav facts from the book that you probably didnt know before
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this is the face of a man who -when his father gave him driving lessons for his 21st birthday as a present- decided driving wasnt really his thing and he spent the money on clothes and parties instead. He never had a drivers license ever and also never desired to have one 
the hospital he was born in, was bombarded and destructed one day after his birth
as a child he was really weak and thin and had basically every disease that existed
his family was poor af
his father left the family early and held contact with his son, but soon disappeared with a new family
his stepdad, Gordon, disliked John alot and would ignore him, hated everything John did or said and he let his bad moods out on Johns mother, which caused John to be very silent and observative around the house so that there wouldnt be any trouble
he did everything to please Queenie (his mom) so that there was no fighting, according to Alison
loved drawing and playing but usually alone since he had no friends apart from their dog
he heard a trumpet solo once from a trad jazz band when he was 6 or so and decided he wanted to learn the trumpet
my fav line of the book probably: “despite his own expectations, he passed the exams to go to grammar school” like same
at school he was bullied from the older boys but soon left alone by them because he would fight back with badass comments 
he applied for the school band for the trumpet but the tallest guy in the year was chosen (he was the 2nd tallest)  which made John mad, but he discovered the french horn
soon he found a friend, mickey brown, at last and he gave him the nickname “ent”
he was so terrible in P.E that he was dismissed with other pupils to play somehwere else, they were called “the hockey misfits” and guess who was among them: Pete Townshend.
yeah as you might know they became besties because they loved music and black humour.
he found himself a gf (alison) and Pete & a school gang (like 4 ppl) and his life seemed to finally get where it should.
his worst subjects were geography and german like wow (im a german geography student lmao)
once they played in a pub and johns stepdad was there and was super angry and gave john a list with his fav pubs and told him “these are the places I never want to hear your fucking music playing”.
after walking home pete decided to switch the guitar and john wanted to become a musician more than ever
Roger found him and John kind of convinced him (it took months apparently) to get Pete into the band and then it all started
he judged the beatles because John Lennons harmonica was “out of tune” in love me do, wow ok you nerd
john started smoking with 20 and was the last one to quit his job for the band and he was against drugs at first (bc he had a “civilized” job) but then decided to give a shit, dyed his hair black, bought cigarettes, smoked dope with pete and did speed too
he wanted to step out of himself and feel good about himself and he was always a fashionnerd so he started buying and trading and selling clothes (he once was dismissed from school bc he wore the school uniform incorrectly)
with 18 or so he was still living at home, had a toy soldier collection and a pet budgie
pete and his college friends made fun of john bc he wasnt a student and still lived at home, although john could have gone to college too and he wanted to, but his stepdad again said no and he had no choice.
he was very awkward and introverted but could open up with his music 
he was really into pop art (esp pop art clothes)
was a pseudo mod bc he only liked the fancy clothes and motown music
with the who he found a purpose in his life and finally could be different than ordinary ppl
hated when people touched his hair, he literally hated it
would fuss much about his hair in general
once after a concert they were starving and the room service was alreday home so they had to look on used plates and food wagons and John found a shrimp and said: “who wants to dine with me tonight?” (idk that really made me laugh)
keith moon was john entwistles soulmate and they were the cutest, most iconic and funniest duo ever end of discussion
his amps would soon be called little manhatten bc he had so many bc he wanted to be loud
he actually went to sing at church once when he was like 24 and the band made fun of him then he stopped
in the late 60s he bought a house with alison in a normal neighbourhood and went walking the dogs on sundays and stuff
but he was a party animal and always the last to go
he was really sensitive and cried often according to Alison but only in front of certain people
he would totally step out of his way to please people
when they played at the monterey pop festival they didnt bring their own amps along and john was furious bc he said the american amps are shit and kit was like “no” and john didnt talk to him for the whole festival until their perfomance was over and they had sounded like shit to tell kit “I TOLD YOU SO” thats how extra he was
when he got money he would spend it bc he was so used to being poor that he thought it wouldnt last long and he had to enjoy it NOW
he was always calm and everyone respected him and kit told a story where he entered the room and roger was at keiths throat and and pete was screaming something and john was sitting in the corner cleaning his nails. thats who energy
liked to dance at parties
his fav drink was rémy cognac with 40% and he would drink like 1 bottle alone everyday in his later years...wow dude
he was also gentlemanTM and once paid taxis for girls from london to brighton after a party
once at a wedding the free drinks were out and John just gave the barkeeper his creditcard and said he will pay for all the drinks of the night for everyone (it wasnt his wedding)
Roger once said: “John made smartass comments that deserved a punch in the face” sounds like him yes
he didnt really care about money and always wanted to pay and never told anyone how much things had cost and brought gifts for everyone
soon that ended in a shopping addiction tho and he bought ridiculous things for ridiculous amounts of money
when the who was inactive he sank into depression :(
held the band together during who by numbers & who are you
wrote and played all the quadrophenia horn parts himself
never lost his passion for art and always drawed alot, said Alison
cried when Christopher was born aww
once he saw their manager in an art museum and how he wanted to buy a painting but couldnt afford it, so John bought it secretly and shipped it to said managers home as a gift
We all know John was a huge collector. His most treasured collection was .. wait for it: teapots.
he tried to save Keith from being arrested once and ended up being arrested too lol
wanted to write a scifi concept album but desorted the idea and gave some songs to the who (905) or Pete
was a good cook apparently
When he gave a hug HE was the one who decided when to let go sdfghjk
hated confrontation and would hire other people to tell someone bad news
he spent so much money on dumb shit like wtf
but didnt really care either
probably the master in picking up and seducing girls
he let his stepdad live in the quarwood mansion when he wasnt there but Gordon was still an asshole wtf
the contact to his real dad was really sporadic
when the who ended, it hit him really hard and he didnt know what to do besides partying and buying stuff/hording stuff
was very insecure and selfconscious in the 80s according to Maxene :(
he actually took pete breaking up the who really personal and was sad 24/7
was that kind of guy that said bad stuff about the who but when you said bad stuff he would try to kill you on spot
with cocaine he felt really confident and still like the 60s/70s rockstar he once was but he didnt understand that these times were over and he needed to move on
sometimes went into random pubs with friends and made jam sessions for the guests
he still was generous and loving until he died and tried to play with other bands but it was not the same
he really liked Kenney and hung out with him more than with his wife at some point lmao
was a total giver and people who worked at quarwood would steal money from him but when someone pointed that out he got angry with that person for even suggesting that
was a real softieee (and a huge nerd)
all his friends said that he was shy at first but once you got to know him he would come totally out of himself, was very funny, loved to tell stories, was very very loyal and would try evertyhing to make you laugh aww
all in all a glorious story with a sad ending and he did destroy himself completely, but lets remember that Pete Townshend described old John still as "wonderful, mature and elegant” so lets cling on to that :)
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thurilostiel · 4 years
Do you mind talking about your Blind Oracle? She looks very interesting and beautiful!! I really love her design!!! 🥺🙏
Ok so first of all @cringeyvanillamilk @one-leaf-grimoire @shinyshammie cuz you all seemed interested in the OC of mine. Sooo.... *looks over at like 30 pages of written text for BO’s backstory and pet guides* I’ll start with most basic things, in a short list so that you can choose whenever to read all of this or just the summary.  Also Thank you for the name suggestions, they’re really fun and I had Lilith in there as well, but for like a slightly different meaning of the name. Name used by her: ‘Oracle’[after getting her grimoire], Thana Nickname given by Nozel, as she said she wasn’t given a name upon birth: Gulisa, and later Libi Full name: Lilith Razili Graddfa'r Ddraig Title: Blind Oracle Status: Of well respected Diamond’s Kingdom noble familly DOB: 20th of April Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: [???] she might be ace, but that’s due to a trauma, still questioning Height: 164cm / ~5′4 feet Weight: 54kg / ~119 lb Eye colour: Deep forest Green -green that goes into grey’ish colour spectrum the farther from the center Hair lenght and colour: Long -while down they get past her shoulder blades, longest part goes till her waist- Dark brown with highlights [of slight reddish tones] Skin colour: Delicate carmely tan [typical Central EU skin tone] Special marks/scars: has lots of little scars on her arms and upper back, her eyes have a visible markings on the irises [will include pic later] Magic affinity/magic’s name[as the one written in the grimoire]: Light / Fallen Luster Magic type: Supportive summonings Favourites: food- fresh fruits, ice minties, a big meaty meal, mint ice cream drinks- fruit juice[apple and orange juices], water with frozen lemon/grapes and mint dos- hum melodies, take long walks with her companion[s], experiment with her eyes, making things for her pets and/or others dear to her don’ts- arguing, being descriminated, being in big crowds, having others play heroes for her [i.e. pretend there are robbers nearby and shove her inside an alley to ‘protect her’] Magic Knight Squad: She’s blind so she’s not that confident to get herself into this bussines Race: Half dragon (don’t @ me, you gave me this idea guys, you know where this came from) Personality: kind and shy pesimist, who always looks at the worst possible scenario to be prepared for anything she can think of. Known pets of hers : Emrys - an aftereffect of her father’s experiment, was with her from her 3rd birthday till May5th after her 18th birthday. Unidentified under-race of, what everyone assumed was, a wolf and fox mix, with low nobility mana levels, allowing him to use few ‘spells’ of flower magic. His favourite flower was a Pond Lily, and he loved to snack on freshly cought fishes. Died on May 5th. [need to finish his visuals, tho he’s inspired by a pet in a browser game Eldarya write down ‘Eldarya Rowtsya’ into google and this is really close to what Emrys look[ed] like] Mer - foundling Crystal Eagle of Oracle. He dropped out of a nest on top of a tree under which the girl was resting. He was a little hatchling then, not more than 2 weeks old, the smell of chocolate cookie brought him to such a brave act. Mer was too small to fly back up ot the nest, also Oracle hadn’t noticed that he’s an eagle untill about a month after he joined her on the adventure, and moved on right after giving him the rest of her cookie, making the smol birdie confused as he was never that far away form his nest and decided to stick to her. Mostly because she still got more cookies to feed him. He’s a little grumpy, but he helps her getting around on her travels. He loves chocolate cookies, corn, and ice minties. He’s getting mad really easily, while mad will refuse to eat and fly, instead will be stompin’ angrily on the ground so Oracle will hear him being mad. Meanings of names: Lilith - night monster, monster mother; also believed to be the name of first wife of Adam, a succub that brought fear to little children and pregnant ladies Razili - of Hebrew’s origins meaning ‘Lord’s secret’ Graddfa'r Ddraig - that’s just her father attempt to act human. ‘Dragon Scale’ in Welsh. Due to her mother’s pasing she wasn’t allowed to wear the noble familly name. Gulisa - Little[as in Weak] Heart [Georgian’s origins] Libi - My heart [Hebrew’s origins] Thana - Arabic name meaning ‘Death’ So the backstory goes a little like this: Lilith was taken out of her mother’s dead body about 2h after her death and put into the coffin on her mother’s chest as she was a silent one and not one of servants believed she’d still be alive. Her father was the one to react to her cries and open up the coffin to see his daughter trying to feed herself but getting nothing above few droplets of blood from now uncovered breasts. This caused her to be of a weak heart and health in general, would scratch easily, get exhausted from simple tasks... The father[a dragon and an idiot when it comes to human interactions] somewhat took care of her, not knowing what to do with babies he just stuck to giving her bottles with milk whenever she cried and if that didn’t work get a servant to change her daiper. Her real name was never used inside the castle, her father was using her [draconic version of] middle name or ‘shortenings’- he meant sweetheart but was saying weakheart, meant sweetie when saying hatchilng, you get the point- as everyone took her as a sign and incarnation of missfortune and death, thus called her Thana instead. Their explanation was that no child would be still alive while it’s own twin[brother] was born already half eaten by pests and parasites, and mother having her heart rotten due to a sickness. Last time she saw her father was around her 3rd birthday, month after that he was never seen by her, but they did met a few more times after Lilith was made blind. For years she was left to herself, only cared for in ways of giving her some food and preparing baths and clothes to wear. She wasn’t allowed to study things other than law and the ways of beautiful speach, yet she loved music. She missed her father dearly, but Emrys took up his place greatly, cuddling up to her whenever she was scared, hurt or cold. Her magic started showing around her 5th birthday and since then the elders started getting a bit suspicious. All was going normal, everyday lessons of law and how to speak in front of politicians, break for a meal, then the rest spent with Emrys on a walk around the gardens or in a library stealthy listening to the music lessons on the upper floors. Upon the day of her 15th birthday the elders took her to old ruins, where they marked her eyes with a ‘new emblem’ that was supposed to start a rebelius movement to throw the king from his throne, but after seeing Lilith crashing down with tears of blood and a new moon forming upon the sky they flew away in fear, leaving her there, unnecessarily taking away her sight from her. As the moon started forming, crimson fog hugged the dying girl, a single string of shimmering mana started leading the fog into the noble family castle. Before reaching the gates the unidentified experiment rushed into it and the fog moved back, leaving the castle alone for this day.  Emrys cuddled up to her and covered her with his own mana, focusing on her bloodshot eyes. The fog began cleansing itself, becoming shimmery, as if stardust created it. It later formed her grimoire, the book that would once be called Last Hope, as it’s light was powerful in means of healing and defending, but never there to harm, yet it’s magic was tricky and therefore never the same, no more was it to pleasantly sit back and observe the battle. There was a small peasant village near those ruins, they saw the great light and weird creatures, small circular beings surrounded by silvery feathers and hoops, and some creatures looked like those of stories of old times, the biggest shimmering creature resembled Pan, the great horror of forests. All the creatures dissapeared within a minute and peasants rushed to the ruins. Seeing the young girl in shambled yet definetly expensive clothing and tears of blood streaming down her face they called to her “Oracle! Oh great Blind Oracle! Send upon us a blessing of rain” and so her grimoire started glowing and send upon them the first spell “Moribound wish” which brought the clouds and flooded the noble castles of Diamond Kingdom for whole month. The people heard about an Oracle in old ruins and began coming to her, offering food and crops for a blessing or a prophecy. Her spell was limited, she oculdn’t use it however she wanted, and it called for rest quite often, so people became impatient, rude, envy of such power and ‘luxurious life’ of Oracle. Oracle was inside the ruins for more than 2 years, yet less than 4, she could never tell the time by herself, she always relayed on the good hearted people to tell her what time of the year it was.  Few peasants told the nobles about mysterious Oracle and the blessings she was able to perform- healing some of the elders, bringing rain and storms, and they decided to take her for their own happines. They took her from the ruins on May 5th, after a small battle that she decided to put against them, they killed Emrys as he tried to help her, and put Lilith inside the cage, forced a mask upon her face so they wouldn’t have to see the markings which some of the nobles recognised as the sign of rebelion. After half a year they got bored of her ‘miracles’ and let her go into the wild. She was somehow able to get into Clover Kingdom, her mask easily telling others that something was wrong with her.  But the little bird on her arm was an easy distraction, especialy with how many children would pile up just to be able to pet him or give him some food, so she was able to steal some food from the stands and sometimes money to survive living under the sky. One day she unfortunately tried to rob a Magic Knight Captain, of course not knowing who he was or what a Magic Knight was before that. Nozel Silva was his name, she made a note to remeber that name and upon hearing her explain why she tried to steal from him he actualy took great interest in her story. After a small series of questions which she answered truthfuly, greateful he wasn’t going to put her to jail, He made a decision to let her stay for a week in Silver Eagle HQ where she was able to create few little artifacts helpful in dungeons and unknown areas as well as develop a spell that allowed her to regain sight for a brief moment of 4 minutes. During the week he called her Gulisa, as she told she wasn’t given a name upon birth, and if she was it was long forgotten. Gulisa later turned to Libi which confused the girl, upon asking why he changed his mind he said that it may suit her better, but he’d still prefer to know her true name. Thanks to Nozel’s help she was able to gain money and buy herself a small house which the members of SE often visit after missions in which they found  new artifacts. Often times while practising her magic she’d find a dungeon and explore it with Mer. Few times while in Raquey she was stopped by some male who always asked her for a tea, and would tell her stories about folk-tale creatures, guardians of forests, oceans, skies and mountains, the devils and angels, the dragons and their homes of treasures. He presented himself by name ‘Lonan’ yet seems unsure each time he brings the name up, as if hesitating. He’d always pay for the tea and dessert and leave a package with crystals and some metal parts she’d been looking for. She still travels, but mostly around the borders of Clover and Heart Kingdoms. Searching for new artefacts that could maybe, just maybe, help her regain her sight. “The fact I’ve gotten used to being blind doesn’t mean I don’t want to see someone that I have but meet” “You have your spells don’t you?” “But they don’t allow me to see how I used to. Back then I saw people smiling, now when i use my spell you’re always frowning...” And that would be a brief summary of my OC. *Looks over at the pile of papers* Have I forgotten about something? EDIT: Forgot to add: She can’t fully see by using her spells, they allow her to see the basic outlines and few colours, they depend on her mood and levels of mana she got left, so she’s going blind 99% of time. Her mask was put onto her forcefuly and she was unable to take it down before going to Clover Kingdom. The nobles put her into the half-face mask and stiched it to her face, and she started wearing the ‘butterfly’ one after meeting with Nozel, it was first artifact she made in SE’s HQ. She knew the meaning of name Thana and that’s why she didn’t use it when she was free of elders’ will. Also I might need your opinion on this @thespiralgrimoire
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doggy-48 · 4 years
So I have a request. Ok so you have to have seen the cliche but great izu and kaachan turned into babies and reader takes care of them. But what if when they turn back to an adult, reader feels a hole in her heart because now she wants a baby. She tries to hide it but, eventually breaks down missing holding a little one. Smut or fluff doesn't matter. I need this 😏😏😏 please and thank you. ❤❤❤❤❤ love your work as always!!
I hope this fic is to your liking! Sorry if it’s not ;_;
: Sorry if there spelling mistakes or misplaced words or misused words (i’m dumb)! I really need to stop writing fics when i’m running on 3 hours of sleep..AND ALSO thank you boo
(Izuku x Fem!reader, Bakugou x Fem!reader) aged up (cuz like, i couldn’t think of a good story if they were still in u.a)
Crying, crying is what woke you out of your peaceful slumber.
“Izuku..what’s wrong..?” You sat up and turned to your boyfriends side of the bed. Izuku is a lil’ crybaby still so you wouldn’t be surprised if he was having one of his moments. But, what you didn’t expect was a baby, a baby? 
You would’ve thought a random baby somehow made it’s way into your home, but the wild hair and emerald eyes poking out of the over sized clothes let you know it was Izuku.
You have no clue how this happened, it was probably another one of those villains with weird quirks like this.
You’re not gonna lie..Izuku is adorable as a baby, but you have no clue how to take care of a baby, do you need to buy baby food? do you need to buy diapers? Your head started to hurt, it was way too early for you to start thinking.
You got up from the bed and went into a stretch, for however long this last it’s gonna take a lot of patience. You didn’t hate babies, you just weren’t good with them, every time you held them they would just cry and cry.
And you’ve seen children be little rebels all the time, you think you would go crazy if you had a child, but you always thought what you and Izuku’s baby would look like. You sighed and walked over to Izuku’s side of the bed and pulled off the over sized clothes he was wiggling in.
“Awhh.” He did look adorable, but he was loud and crying. “What am i gonna do with you?” You leaned down and wiped the tears away from his eyes, as soon as his eyes turned to you his crying died down. “Oh geez thank god, no offense but you’re crying was a little annoying babe.” You gave his nose a little boop and stood up fully and went to go fetch your phone, the U.A group chat needed to know about this. 
Maybe even Jirou will lend you a hand since she has a child with Denki. Or maybe her hands are full? Well, you will never know until she sees.
You got your phone from the charger on the nightstand and turned on your heel, walking back over to Izuku, who seemed to finally to stop crying. You turned on your phone and opened the camera app, you squatted down and turned the camera to Izuku and snapped a picture and sent it to the group chat after.
You: You guys know any age weirdo villains? cuz like, look at Izuku ;_;
Bakugou >:C: Yeah, that stupid nerd fought one not to long ago.
Well, you got the reason why this happened.
Denki: Do you even know how to take care of a child?
You: Nope! but i was gonna ask Jirou for advice
Denki: I’m here!
You: I’ll pass
Denki: >:c
A couple of hours went by, Jirou heard about the news and came by giving you diapers, baby clothes that her baby grew out of, baby food, and some other things. You thanked her for her tips and kindness.
Over time you figured out how diapers work and how to put the baby clothes on Izuku.
It’s only been a couple hours and your ears already hurt from Izuku crying every time you left the room to go do something. You ended up having to fall asleep in the room with Izuku so he wouldn’t start screaming.
You thought this was a nightmare and couldn’t wait for him to turn back. Having to stay by his side every day so he wouldn’t curse your sleep, even tho he would still cry when he wasn’t getting attention or food. You thought you wanted it all to end.
By the time Izuku turned back to normal you fell asleep for hours, you thought the nightmare was finally over. 
But, as time went on you kinda missed singing little songs to help ease Izuku to sleep, or fake crying to mock his loud level of crying, or doing the silly airplane food trick to get him to eat. All the things you thought were annoying you suddenly started missing, Yeah, Izuku was already a baby, since he always craved your affection, and he was pretty whiny.
But, everyday when you passed by the baby clothes Jirou gave you, you couldn’t help but frown and miss the little whiny baby Izuku.
You thought you were finally over it until you and Izuku thought it’d be a good time to go on a shopping run since you were running pretty low on food and snacks, You two walked hand in hand down the aisles picking all the food you needed, it was all going well until you heard a little baby crying.
You turned your head in the way of the crying, and you saw the baby and it’s mother, the mother trying to desperately calm down her baby that was wiggling about in the cart, you let out a low chuckle. It reminded of when you rocked Izuku back in fourth in your arms and sung him little songs trying to get to stop crying. Why did you miss it all the sudden? It was a nightmare, or at least that’s what you tried to convince yourself.
“Y/n? You okay?” You turned your head over to Izuku who was giving you little worried eyes. You smiled. “Yeah! I’m fine, let’s continue getting all the stuff we need.” You turned away and led him down the aisles, glancing back at the baby as you both walked down the aisle.
The more children you passed in the large shopping mart the more you missed having to wake up to the devils screams (Izuku’s loud crying). You even started to miss the annoying things, like changing his diaper for the 3rd time that day, or when you were about to fall asleep he’d cry to be fed. The little things.
The more the day went on the worse your mood got, and Izuku picked up on it pretty quickly.
As soon as you guys got back to your shared home and set everything down he was fast to question you. “Are you sure you’re okay Y/n?” Izuku looked really worried at this point, worrying if you something at the store bothered you.
“N-no..” Your voice cracked, why were you so sad over seeing a couple babies at the store, you didn’t miss having baby Izuku that much, did you?
“What’s wrong? Did you not want to go to the store? Did i-” “It’s just- you..i miss you as a baby...” You looked down at the floor, tears threatening to spill.
“That’s nothing to cry about..and i thought you said you hated me being a whiny baby..” “I thought i did, but- i guess not..But! i- i know we can’t have one, you are busy and i don’t want to mess up your hero c-” Izuku cut you off with a kiss. “I’ll always make room for you Y/n, But, are you sure you want a baby?” Your eyes widened, was he serious? Don’t people need like a long talk about this?!
You nodded anyway, your head moving without you even noticing. Suddenly you were being swept off your feet, being carried bridal style to you and Izuku’s shared bedroom.  “Your wish is my command” Izuku smiled.
You were sent down on the bed, Izuku crawling on top of you and placing soft kisses on your jawline and along your neck. 
“I wouldn’t mind starting a family with you, Y/n..”
You woke up to something patting your face, hands?
When you opened you eyes you saw a baby, a baby who looked a awful like your boyfriend. Wait, why is there a baby in your bed?!
You shot up, causing the baby to fall over, but it didn’t start cry.
You inspected the baby further and after you saw no sign of Bakugou and a baby who looked a lot like him in front of you, you assumed that this was Bakugou.
You weren’t that surprised, Bakugou has got hit with a lot of weird quirks over the past years you’ve known him. And having to deal with them until they eventually wore off. 
You grunted and sat up, picking up Bakugou from his back, and sitting him up properly. “Y’know, i’m kinda glad that you turned into a baby and not like a 5 year old child because i don’t think i’d have the patience to deal with the devil’s child.”
Babies in your book were okay, wouldn’t mind having them but you always thought you wouldn’t be a good mother, and being with Bakugou, having a baby with him just means you have to pray that the baby doesn’t take his grumpy, loud, and rebellious traits. Because you have patience to deal with one Bakugou, but if he has a double of himself you’d probably go crazy.
“See, does this mean i have to buy baby stuff?” ‘That’s too much work’ you thought to yourself, today was supposed to be your lazy day with Bakugou, but instead you were greeted with..this.
You sighed and started to get up, Bakugou’s little face turning into a pout as you got up, grabbing your phone. “Stay, don’t crawl off the bed or something.”
You ended asking Mina for help since she had a child, and she was more than happy to come over and give you stuff, and take numerous pictures of Bakugou to tease him about when he turned back to normal.
She helped give tips and stayed to help for an hour before she had to leave to tend to own baby. ‘Duty calls.’ is what she said before she ran out the door.
Taking care of Bakugou wasn’t so much of a drag, since he didn’t cry that often, but he also almost never cried when you stayed near him, the biggest struggle was changing diapers and feeding him, he would always wiggle when you tried to change him and he would turn his head away any time you would hold a spoon up his mouth. You even tried the plane and train trick, didn’t work.
You didn’t even try to figure out how Bakugou turned into a baby, you quite enjoyed him being a baby, Since you probably already had an idea a villain did it. You had to much fun listening to his little giggles he made when you tickled his feet to care, it wasn’t that much tiring as you thought it would be.
You didn’t want to admit it, but when Bakugou turned back you immediately missed him being a baby, even though you didn’t do that much with him him you still enjoyed him being a baby, you tried to ignore it because you knew Bakugou didn’t have time to talk about a baby when he needed to be #1 Hero. But he obviously caught on without you realizing.
He caught on when he caught you staring at all the baby stuff Mina lent you, at first he didn’t think much of it but it started happening almost every time he saw you.
“Don’t tell you want a baby now.” Bakugou was leaning against your shared bedroom’s door frame. You jumped at his words, gripping the baby clothes in your hand tighter. “What! No..I was just- uh- going...to- thinking about when i was g-gonna give these back...yeah!” Bakugou wasn’t buying it, especially since you didn’t look sure yourself.
“Y/n don’t lie to me.” “I’m nooot. I’m being serious.” You whined. “Plus, even if i did want one, which i totally do not. You don’t have time since you have to be #1 hero remember!” Bakugou lips were in a fine line as he crossed his arms. “Who said i can’t be #1 hero and a #1 father?” “See i t-...wait what?” “You heard me.” See, now if he was joking this wasn’t funny.
“I may want to be #1 hero, but, i will always make time for your wishes, even that means it being a baby.”
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thisisgracetrying · 4 years
My fav lyrics from Folklore.
So I listened to the album pretty carefully and wrote down the lyrics that moved me. Granted this album is full of poetry and majesty verses & bridges. This is just my personal take:
The 1: "we were something don't you think so? Rosé flowing with your chosen family & it would've been sweet, if it could've been me" This song is so beautiful because it is not sad, it is not regretful, its just like a trip back memory lane, what could've been but wasn't, and being okay with that.
Cardigan: "I knew you'd haunt all of my what ifs, the smell of smoke would hang around this long 'cause I knew everything when I was young". I truly felt like I knew everything back then. 
The last great american dynasty: "Holiday House sat quietly on that beach free of women with madness, their men and bad habits & then it was bought by me"
honorable mention to: "In a feud with her neighbor she stole his dog & dyed it key lime green" what a master mind Rebekah was. I wish she was my aunt. 
Exile: "Those eyes add insult to injury".
My tears ricochet: "you had to kill me but it killed you just the same, cursing my name, wishing I'd stayed".
Mirrorball: "I've never been a natural, all I do is try, try, try. I'm still on that trapeze, I'm still trying everything to keep you looking at me" Honestly, same sis. This reminded me of those times I would completely change myself so people would like me. The constant struggle of not feeling good enough, it feels like it never ends
Seven: "And I've been meaning to tell you, I think your house is haunted, your dad is always mad and that must be why and I think you should come live with me and we can be pirates and you won't have to hide or cry in the closet"
honorable mention to: "before I learned civility I used to scream ferociously anytime I wanted". This song hits differently, I had a childhood best friend (who I still talk to from time to time) and her parents used to fight all the time and it was just very messy, bad and sad, she is okay now. I have plenty of love for her. Also my brother is always telling me that I used to be so happy, free and wild when I was very little, he's always joking saying "idk what happened to you when you got old" and I wish I had the answer lol. 
August: "To live for the hope of it all, cancel plans just in case you'd call". Girl, this song. I've been this girl, many times. The first guy I ever fell in love with, made me believe I was only good enough to be the second option, he was my James, and that stock with me for years. It took lots of self love & therapy to realize that I was worthy of a beautiful and healthy relationship. So I feel deeply for this song. 
This is me trying: "They told me all my cages were mental, so I got wasted like all my potential and my words shoot to kill when I'm mad, I have lot of regrets about that". Is this me? yes, this is grace trying. I've been working on not saying hurtful things when I'm mad, I've gotten a lot better, thank God. Words can be so sharp they can leave the deepest scars.
Illicit affairs: "Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me...". Yup, that's exactly how it feels.
Invisible strings: "Time, mystical time... cutting me open, then healing me fine". Ok so this song is basically me and my husband. We were best friends when I was 14 and he was 16. He was in love with me but I didn't have a clue, we grew apart, but then this invisible string brought us together, when I was living in Argentina & he was living in Colombia, after a few months of talking all day, everyday and long facetime nights, I came here and the rest is story, less than a year from that we got married. He's my soulmate. one single thread of gold, tied me to you"
honorable mention: "one single thread of gold, tied me to you" & "Cold was the steel of my axe to grind for the boys who broke my heart, now I send their babies presents". The growth. 
Mad woman: "I'm taking my time cause you took everything from me, watching you climb, over people like me". It makes me so ANGRY (lol) when people specially men refer to women like "oh she is SO MAD" because no one goes mad for no reason, but sure, let's turn a blind eye to that and just shame the woman. 
Epiphany: "someone's daughter, someone's mother holds your hand through plastic now". I think it's important to remember that every single doctor is someone's relative, friend and partner, we are facing a global pandemic and we need to kind to ourselves and others.
Betty: "If you kiss me will it be just like I dreamed it? will it patch your broken wings? I'm only 17, I don't know anything but I know I miss you". Betty is my favorite song off the album. I love it so much, maybe it's because it's country, maybe it is because the story is adorable (even tho I dislike James for what he did to the August girl) I find it to be sincere and relatable. We have all been Betty and sadly We have also been James, because unintentionally or not, we have all broken hearts and wish we didn't and we find ourselves begging for a 2nd chance. 
Peace: "all these people think love is for show but I would die for you in secret". This verse is just so poetic and heartfelt. I love it.
Hoax: "You knew it still hurt underneath my scars from when they pulled me apart, but what you did was just as dark". Do you feel this one? damn I swear when I first listened to this verse I was goosebumps all over my body. How cruel it is when you give your all to someone, your time, your love your secrets and they just... walk away unbothered. 
So these are my favorites. I loved this album with everything in me, its my favorite so far. This is the album I hoped @taylorswift would make one day. I love the softness, the pureness, the feelings. This album is a gift to us, and I'm forever grateful. I cant wait hear "The Lakes". 
@taylorswift @taylornation
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rosesandrorys · 4 years
✧・゚(   demeter + alexa demie + cis female  ) 𝒎𝒂𝒎𝒎𝒂 𝒎𝒊𝒂 !!  have you seen (   veronica “rory” flores ) around ? (   she ) have/has been in kaos for (   two months ). the (   twenty four year old  ) is a/an (   bartender ) from (   los angeles, united states  ). people say they can be (   hot-headed  ) but maybe that’s not too bad ‘cause they can also be (   steadfast  ). whenever i think of them, i can’t help but think of (   iced coffee at nine pm, the smell of the earth after rain, a four leafed clover poking out of a crack in the road  ).  ・゚✧  (  penned by neha, 21, est, she/her ).
hiiiii everyone first of all i am so happy to be here the main is b e a u t i f u l and gives me so much greek god inspo! i’m neha this is my bby rory!! i’m going to add my big bio/about blurb that was in my app so if you want to you can read all about her, but if you don’t have time here’s a little tldr; for you! 
rory is my LA club kid QUEEN, she basically grew up super poor but going to a school wanting to fit in with the rich popular kids, long story short she started selling club drugs n stuff to them, gained the friendship and money but once hs ended it, everything ended and she basically had to start over, only now she had the uphill battle w/ addiction to drugs/partying/bad decisions to also handle! she’s on the island bc her mom met a rich guy and he has a villa on the island he wants her to fix up, which is also doubling as a kind of ‘get clean’ retreat tho it ain’t rlly working even tho sgenuinelynunienly sometimes want to do better. she’s a hustler and has a sharp tongue, but on the inside she has a heart of gold and rlly just wants to be loved for who she is for like the first time ever <3
PLOTTING STUFF: she’s been on the island for two months now, but lil girl is all about having those connections bc she thinks its the only way she can have value (ugh poor kid) so lmk!! they could’ve met through the whole partying/drugs route, at the bar where she works at a bartender, or maybe at the hardware stores that she frequents because she’s fixing up the villa! i have more specific plot ideas but i don’t want to make this post too long so hmu or like this post for me to come to you!! 
ok, that’s my two pieces said, now here’s the longish bio section if you want to learn more in depth about her :)Tw for abuse, drug use/dealing, addiction
Rory is from LA born and raised! Her mother is a single mom and it was just them for a long time, with the rotating cast of her mother’s boyfriends. The two could just never seem to get close to financial stability and she grew up rough, never having enough money to keep up with the kids at school, then having to fend for herself once she got home because her mother worked nights.
At home, it all depended on what boyfriend out of the rotation her mother was currently seeing. The best strategy for all of them was avoidance, so Rory spent her days on the streets or at work, never really wanting to deal with the boyfriends. Throughout the years, she suffered abuse and neglect from these men, and though she tried to tell her mother, who was always just a little too busy, a little too high, or a little too blind to the effects. Besides, they needed the extra money that the various boyfriends gave. 
Despite it all, at school Rory shined. She was smart, that much was clear, and she exuded a certain aura of warmth that could make anyone, even the girls with birkin bags and ice cold hearts fall in love. Her school was a dichotomy of rich and poor, and if she worked her ass off and put in maximum effort, it seemed she could fit in with both. But she didn’t want both, didn’t want the stigma of her background to follow her everywhere. She wanted to live in the world of marble countertops and athleisure accessorized with diamonds. So, with extreme effort, she pulled herself up to the social ranks of those girls in school, always going over to their houses to study, pretending she never learned how to drive so that they wouldn’t know she couldn’t afford a car, let alone the mercedes and italian sports cars they drove to school.
But keeping up has its price, and that price began to climb as she was integrated deeper. Rory needed money for twelve dollar salads and fifty dollar spin classes, and the money from her job (which she said her mom forced her to do to learn responsibility) wasn’t cutting it. She was a scrappy kid turned into a precocious young adult and she’d been scrambling all her life, this was just another bootstraps moment. She had the connections from her neighborhood, and what did rich kids like more than drugs? The answer was nothing, and Rory made the leap easily, starting off small and gradually building up a mini drug empire in her high school. She finally had spending money, but more importantly she had friends and people who cared about her, and she wasn’t going to give that up for the world. 
Rory wasn’t dumb, she knew this couldn’t last forever, so she was also making solid plans to further herself in life. But an addictive personality ran in her veins as evidenced by her mother who was addicted to it all - drugs, boyfriends, and bad decisions. The moment it all started to go south could be pinpointed to the moment she herself started to use the drugs. Her friends were doing it after all, and she didn’t want to be a buzzkill. The drugs were an escape from her shitty life that was going nowhere, after all. They let her put on the rose-tinted glasses that she’d been denied since birth, and Rory ate it up. 
But with every ascent, comes a crash and as the lag time from the drugs started to affect her performance in everyday life, grades started to slip, dreams fell to the wayside and prospects started to vanish. By the time she finished highschool they’d say - what a fall from grace. Because she’d forgotten one very important thing. If her friends made a mistake, it could all be very easily swept under the rug and forgotten by way of their parents’ money. Rory, however, had no safety net, and at the end of highschool she was left in the lurch: same terrible grades and attendance as her friends, but no large donations to get her into prestigious schools. Or, for a fact, any schools. She’d peaked, and what followed graduation was a spiralling descent back to where she’d started. The friends she’d been so fiercely loyal to moved on to college and beyond and she was left with nothing but the endless LA party scene filled with people she didn’t care about and worse and worse decisions by the day. 
If it’d gone on for a couple more months, she’d probably have died. But the money started to dry up as her friends left, and the final blow was a drop gone wrong - high as a kite, she’d decided that handing off a major package to a much larger man in a dark alley was a good idea, and the inevitable tussle and robbing left her hurting. She was high and dry with no income and no savings. Twenty-two years old and nothing to her name. It was time for that scrappy kid to scramble once again, but that kid now had a mild drug problem and a chip on her shoulder the size of Texas. 
It wasn’t going to be easy. But one thing Rory was always good at was cultivating her connections. Though her friends had moved on, Rory’s combination of dimples, winning smile, and just enough ass kissing had created just enough opportunities with the people in their lives, and the people at the parties she frequented. She had an in to the rich, and damn if she wasn’t going to exploit it. Odd jobs here and there was her life now, just enough to keep her drug addiction alive, just enough to keep her name in the back of the minds of the wealthy. She knew this would change her life somehow, she just wasn’t quite sure how yet.And who could’ve predicted how it happened. 
It was mundane, a job making drinks at a classy party, one of those ones where the host barely shows up, where the adults sip their martinis and the kids do blow in the bathrooms. The party wasn’t anything remarkable, but what followed was. She was getting picked up by her mother, and the host of the party, a middle aged salt and pepper type man recognized her mother. They had gone to school together or something, Rory was exhausted and didn’t really care, but apparently her mother turned on the same charm inherent in Rory, and the next Friday had lined up a date.
Things progressed extremely quickly from there on out, with lavish dinners and getaway weekends for the two lovebirds. It was astonishing to watch, and the whispers of ‘gold-digger’ from the country club ladies couldn’t even come close to puncturing Rory’s mom’s thick skin. Both women had been to hell and back after all, had worked all their lives for pennies, and finally something serendipitous had happened. All the toxic exs were dropped within the first six months, the crappy two bedroom within a year, and after a year and a half marriage and a kid on the way - though nobody could quite say which one came first. It was a strike of lightning, transforming the tiny flores family immediately. Call it fate or fortune, but Rory was finally back in that world that she’d strived to be in.
This time, when the spiral came it was well supported and well recognized by Rory’s new step-father. He’d already been through the gambit of raising rich kids, two who were now nearing their thirties, and he could see the signs instantly. Bloodshot eyes, partying all night, sniffles and gaunt features. Rory was getting pulled in again, and fast, but this time there was finally someone looking out for her. She couldn’t escape the lure of the partying and the drugs alone, and this marriage had essentially busted it wide open for her, kicking away any barriers that had been there before. They couldn’t control her, really. She’d been scrambling so long that cutting off the money didn’t matter, she had her connections and her grit that had gotten her this far. 
What Rory needed was an out, a way to escape the vicious cycle addiction had pulled her into and her step-father had just the thing: a house on a tiny island in Greece,  a fixer upper that needed some love. Of course, he could easily drop a few thousand down and have it renovated much quicker, but he knew Rory had lost her purpose, so he offered it to her on a silver platter.Pride almost kept her in LA. The thinly veiled excuse to get her out wasn’t fooling anyone, but the last straw came when her step father asked her a very simple question: “What’s left for you here?”. For her whole life, LA had only given her pain, hardship, and drugs. Now, the latter was the only thing left. So, she took the deal, and the girl who had never left LA booked a ticket for the other side of the world.
Now, Rory has been on the island for five months. It’s not exactly rehab, but the drug usage has diminished bit by bit, She’s starting to find her footing and become part of the community. She still has that chip on her shoulder, but putting her energy into building something feels good. She’s never built anything in her life, and the house with its extensive gardens needs a lot of work so it’s keeping her extremely busy. When she first got there, the first thing she did was immediately pick up a job as a local bartender because she hates being dependent on her step-father’s money, for fear of him taking it away (trust issues much). The LA dust and glitter is slowly clearing from her eyes, and she’s discovering a much kinder and greener world.
Rory is super charismatic and thus far has been turning on her charm in order to further things in life. She doesn’t have to do this anymore, so her genuine warmness is starting to shine through more. She’s been stung by basically all the relationships in her life, so she holds real companionship extremely close, loyal to the end and extremely passionate and protective. 
Bitch has trust issues and a bit of an edge though, so getting to that deep companionship is really hard.She’s also a rough kid, had to claw and fight her way through her life, so she’s definitely a little rough around the edges. She doesn’t open up quickly, and she has a quick temper that acts as a learned defense mechanism. She definitely has a nasty streak when it comes to defense mechanisms, and can be quick with her wrath.
Years on drugs leading up to this quieter life have made Rory a bit antsy, and though she still does some drugs she’s transitioning to chasing an adrenaline high - her addictive personality is always going to be her fatal flaw.
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fulldiarywords · 5 years
Worth the Thought
The dull, thudding dread in your stomach had started around half past three when your phone started buzzing - the monthly reminder from the cycle tracker app that your period should be starting any minute. 
It hadn’t. Yet. 
You swiped ignore on the notification and flipped the phone over on your desk, hoping that if you just concentrated on the spreadsheet in front of you, you’d be able to ignore the creeping anxiety about the fact that Auntie Flo usually arrived on time like clockwork.  Maybe it was just a day or two late.
But you couldn’t shake off the thought that maybe it wasn’t. And the computer screen was getting blurrier and blurrier by the minute and the sound of the clock on the wall opposite your chair was ticking louder and louder.  Your fingers felt like lead everytime you added a new sum to the column you were currently adding up. 
After about thirty minutes of a half hearted attempt of continuing the work day, you clicked the log out button on the desktop screen. 
“Hey, Claire?”, you asked, peering over the divider at your coworker. 
“Yeah??” She didn’t look up from her computer screen.
“I’m not feeling too well all the sudden. Gonna head out a bit early, I think.”
She stopped typing and met your gaze - “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.  Go ahead, doll. We’ll sort out these figures tomorrow.” 
You nodded your head in appreciation and gathered your things, cramming them into the oversized striped tote that George had given you a few Christmases ago. He reasoned that you loved stripes so it made sense that you should have something striped to carry around everyday - he seemed to always be insufferably cute in his logic of gift giving.  
The phone was the last thing you picked up - a new message notification from George seemed to be screaming out from the bright screen. 
So glad that you’ll be there tonight. 
“Shit.” You muttered it under your breath and hitched the bag on your shoulder. 
Geebs, I’m not feeling too well. Not sure if I can make it. 
It had taken him a while to gather the courage to ask you to accompany him to what he called “work functions”. You weren’t promoting anything, he had explained, so you didn’t need to be subjected to the endless barrage of flashbulbs and oddly boring questions from journalists. He would understand if you wanted to stay at home and keep everything private. But you didn’t mind. George always came to every office party or dinner, even the annual Christmas do that Claire tended to get too drunk at and cry to him about her apparently never ending singledom. Besides, you loved the way George swelled up with pride when he spoke about his experience working on a film - how much he loved creating something new. 
What’s up? 
Nothing serious. Just don’t feel too hot. Heading home early rn. 
I can ring Donna and see if I can get out of this thing. 
Don’t. Isn’t it a BAFTA party? 
Yea. That doesn’t matter tho. Been to enough at this point, tbh. 
Don’t be silly. I’m fine. Prob ate something bit odd at lunch. 
You sure, Piglet? 
You couldn’t help but give a small smile at his nickname for you. George claimed that when you got anxious, your voice got higher and you couldn’t stop saying “oh no” just like the Winnie the Pooh character. Also, there was his claim that when you laughed hard enough, you’d make soft snorting sounds instead of laughs. It was one of the cutest things about you, according to George. At least it was better than the nickname he ended up with. Allegedly - according to what you could remember - it started after one night where you had drank too much white wine for your own good and couldn’t find George inside the bar. You’d found him outside in the smoking section, chatting with a burly lighting grip in a Man City beanie.  Desperate to leave, you pawed at George’s shoulder, whining - “Geeeebs, I wanna gooo home now. Geeebs, lessssgo. Hooome. Goo.”   Man City had smirked and nodded at your swaying frame. “Geebs, looks like your girl needs a bit of help.” 
Yeah. I’m honestly just tired and wanna rest. Go! Have fun! Tell me all about it when you’re back! 
Ok. Ok. Ok. Party is at Groucho’s. Want me to pick up some ramen from that place in Soho that you like? 
Nah. Thank you tho :) 
What about Boots? Need me to grab anything?
Gonna stop omw home. 
Brilliant. Rest up, Pigs. Xx
Love you too, Geebs. X
By the time you’d heard the front door lock click open, the dread from earlier had turned into a tight panic that had threaded itself tightly into your chest.  If you just focussed on tidying up the flat, you wouldn’t have to think about what all the tests said. There weren’t thin pink lines in the suds of the washing up. 
“Hi, darling.” His voice sounded soft - as if he spoke any louder, he might cause your mysterious ailment to get worse. 
You didn’t turn around from the kitchen sink. Instead you squirted more Fairy liquid on an already saturated sponge. 
“Hi. How was the party?” 
“Just alright. Usual crowd. Usual questions. Managed to see Sam for a bit. He says hello, by the way. I convinced Donna to let me ditch early though.” 
You squinted, the mug in your hand slippery from the soap. “Really? You should have stayed!” 
George shrugged his coat off his shoulders, laying it over the back of the couch. He walked towards the kitchen, holding a brown paper bag. 
“I couldn’t possibly leave my poorly little piglet home alone any longer.” 
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him place the bag on the island counter. Tonkostu. That ramen place in Soho you liked.  He was making it even harder to tell him what you needed to say. 
“Besides, we’ve both been busy and you know, I just wanted to be home instead of trying to come up with some clever line for who knows what”, he continued, unbuttoning his suit jacket. 
There wasn’t any way the mug in your hand could get cleaner. You sighed, placing it on the drying rack and turned to face George. He smiled as he met your eyes.
“How are you feeling?”
“I’m still just fine. Knackered.” 
“You’re being awfully vague about what’s going on. Did something happen at work?” 
Biting the inside of your lip, you turned back to the sink. It would be easier to have this conversation without having to actually look at him. George in a suit was a particular weakness of yours and he’d been loaned a new double breasted one for the BAFTA party. Your mind was already all over the place. 
“Well….” He replied as he pulled a water glass out of the cupboard next to you, nudging you a bit to let him get to the faucet to fill it up. You relented and turned off the water after he was done. 
“Maybe you should look over there.” You said, gesturing towards the brown bag. 
“You had a takeaway issue?” He laughed, leaning against the counter edge as he took a sip. 
You sighed and adjusted the messy bun on top of your head. “No. The other thing on the counter.” 
As he walked the short distance to see what was there, it felt like your heart was going to drop out of your chest. You hadn’t planned to have this conversation. At least not tonight.
“Wait. Are these what I think they are?” His brow had furrowed as he picked up the group of white plastic sticks. 
You didn’t answer.
“Pigs? Are...you...you know?” His voice seemed to be getting a little higher. A little faster. He set the test back down, unbuttoning his sleeves and rolling them up.  
“Am I what?”
George turned to you, his blue eyes wide with surprise - “Pregnant!” 
The silence in the two seconds that it took you to answer was suffocating, weighing itself down on your shoulders.
“Apparently so”, you flatly responded. 
“Fucking hell.” 
“You can say that again.” 
The joy in his voice made the nervousness you felt sting more - “You’re gonna have a baby. We’re gonna have a baby!” 
He took two wide steps towards you, his arms reaching for your waist. You sidestepped away from his embrace. You’d wanted to hear George say this, watch him slowly realise what was happening as he read the test for so long. Longer than you could remember. But for some reason, this felt all wrong. This wasn’t supposed to happen just yet. There were so many things you wanted to do before this. Career advancements to be made, trips to be had, awards to be won, plans to dream up. 
“Hold on. Let’s talk about this for a minute.”
“What’s there to talk about this? This is..I think...probably...no.. the best thing that’s ever happened.” 
Exasperated, you grabbed the dish towel and twisted it around your hand. “I think we should really think about this. I mean. It’s a big step and we only just started thinking about getting married.” 
“We’ve been together for five years. We’re still going to get married but it looks like we might be changing up the timeline of life events, though. I thought you were on the pill...” 
“I was. I am. But I forgot my birth control that weekend last month
He had leaned back over to the island and picked up one of the pregnancy tests, examining it more closely. 
It would be easier if you didn’t say it straight to his face. You turned back towards the window over the sink, the red lights of the London skyline blinking silently back at you. 
“Maybe I don’t want to have this baby yet.”
There was a hitch in his voice - you didn’t need to see him to know that his face had fallen.
“What do you mean you don’t want to have this baby?”
“I’m not ready. At least I feel like I’m not ready.” The words felt like bombs dropping. 
“You’re not bloody ready? Are you mental? You’re going to be the most amazing mother to walk this earth.” He ran his hand through his hair, his face tightened in confusion. 
“I mean. I dunno. I just hadn’t really felt like I was at the point where I could take care of another life.” 
George moved closer to you, ignoring the sound of you turning the sink faucet. “You’re so ready.”
“Oh”, you responded dryly, “Did you have a conversation with my mind to get that information?”
“Ok. No. You’re right. I didn’t. But I know you. And I love you. And I know that you’re gonna be fine. You’re gonna be grand.” 
Picking up a sauce pot, you resumed the washing up. You were stuck in now, but maybe the Fairy liquid could smooth over how awful this talk was going to get, you thought. 
“You’re not getting it. I don’t want this. Not yet.”
George gingerly laid his hand on your shoulder. “Wait. What are you trying to say?” His voice faltered. 
“I don’t know! I don’t know what I want!” 
“I thought you wanted children...” 
“I do! Just..not right now.” Your throat felt like it was clamping up as your voice rose. “We haven’t planned for this shit at all.” 
“Well. Yeah. We'll sort it out though.” 
You slammed the saucepot down in the sink. “No. You’re not listening. How are we going to fit a literal child into our lives? We live in a tiny fucking one bedroom flat. You’re about to leave to go to Australia for 3 months. Do we even have enough money to have a kid?”
He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and looked away. “I’ll drop the damn film. You know we’re financially sound.” 
You wished that you’d turned on more lights when you got home. The half lit kitchen wasn’t helping the dark mood at all. 
“Ok. Well maybe this isn’t a we situation then. There are things besides those.  I have a promotion at work I want. A career. I want to move up the ladder. I know as an actor you can get that. It’s like getting bloody famous or something.” 
He rolled his eyes. “Alright. Let’s not get petty.” 
The sink groaned a sharp metallic click as the water suddenly stopped. 
“This fucking stupid sink! George. You were supposed to fix it!” 
He nudged you out of the way and quickly shut the faucet off. 
“Pigs. Let’s not get into the sink right now.”
You threw the towel onto the counter, staring at the strawberry print. “Ok fine then. Maybe I don’t want to be like your mum and give everything up to raise this child.” 
George snapped his head towards you, his voice low and harsh. He only spoke like that when he was truly angry. 
“Don’t you dare bring my mother into this.”
“Why? You know she gave up her costumes for you and your sister.  And now she’s a fucking nursery teacher.” 
“She had a choice. You have a choice.” The sound of his hand hitting the counter reverberated around the two of you. 
“Well. Maybe my choice is that I’m not going to keep it.” 
“That’s not your choice!” 
Shocked and open mouthed, you grabbed one of the tests. The plastic felt like it could cut into your palm, you were gripping it so tightly. 
“Are you.. Are you fucking seriously fucking telling me I don’t have a choice?” You waved your closed fist in front of him, his eyes following the white stick. “I cannot believe...you arsehole.” 
He held his hands up in surrender. You didn’t stop. 
“You of all fucking people would tell me that what I want to do with my goddamn body isn’t my choice.” 
“That’s not what I meant….” 
“What did you mean then? That you had the final say in what happened to your child in my body, huh?” 
“No.” He grabbed your wrist to stop you from waving the test at him. 
“Let go of my fucking arm.”
“You need to calm down. That’s not what I meant” 
You jerked your arm free and threw the stick at his feet. “Don’t fucking tell me to calm down. I’m going upstairs. I swear to god, if you follow me.” 
Even forty five minutes in the bath felt like it wasn’t enough to make you feel better. You loved the clawfoot bathtub - it might have been your favourite thing in the cramped apartment you and George shared. 
The doorknob turned and you slid back under the water, scrunching your eyes and letting your nose stay slightly above waterline; hoping that if you stayed like that long enough, he would eventually just leave. 
“Hey” His voice sounded sad even muffled by the water. 
You didn’t respond. 
“I know that you can hear me. And I want to tell you that I’m sorry...I...shouldn’t have said that.” 
You opened one eye to his fuzzy form slouched above you.
“You’re absolutely right. It is your choice about what you want to do. And I need to support you. But I need you to talk to me about it first. It’s still going to have an impact on me. On us. But that doesn’t mean it will change anything about us. Or how I feel about you. How much I love you.” 
The water sloshed quietly as you slid yourself up the back of the tub. He didn’t notice that you were listening fully. 
“And you are going to be, whenever you want to be, the most amazing mother. You’re so kind and you love so deeply. You’re so fiercely protective that nothing will harm our child. I can’t wait to see that. I can’t wait..” 
“Geebs, it’s not an interview”, you said, laughing quietly at the way he tended to ramble when saying something he felt was important. 
He looked down at you, surprised. 
“There you are!” 
You smoothed your hair back, relishing the cool air of the tiled bathroom. 
“Thank you”, you responded quietly. 
“I needed to say it. What I said was wrong”, he sighed, perching himself on the edge of the tub, his back to you. 
“I’m so scared.”
“I’m scared too.” 
You looked up at him, slightly astounded that your take on everything the hard way George had responded. He gently drew a line back and forth on the water’s surface - “In fact. I’m bloody terrified.” 
He concentrated on the line, avoiding your gaze. “Well, what if something goes wrong? What if...you know..we...loseit. Or it hates us? Or it doesn’t learn anything we try and teach it? What if I’m not a good father? Or god forbid, it’s an Arsenal supporter?” 
You pulled yourself up further, bringing your knees to your chest and laughed. “Geebs, what football team our child supports is the least of your worries.” 
“Are you ready?”  Bathwater rippled outwards from his arm as he placed his large hand softly against your stomach. 
You paused and took his other hand in yours, water streaming into the crisp blue of his shirt - “Yes. I think I am. It took this bath and a good long cry. But...I dunno. Feels right. I’m still worried though.” 
“You’re going to be an amazing mum.” 
“I know,” you said, smiling cheekily. “You’ll be a better father though.” 
“Oh..c’mon now.” 
You blushed and pulled your mouth tightly into a smile - “You know, I actually decided I wanted to have your children after our sixth date.” 
He pursed his mouth, trying to remember the exact memory.
“Wait...are you talking about the time we went to that karaoke bar in Shoreditch with Anna and that lot and I sang that Heart song?” 
“Are you telling me that my show stopping rendition of Barracuda made you figure that out? Wow...it must have been really sexy then..”
“Oh fuck off!” You said, splashing his thigh. 
“Hey! Watch the trousers! This is Dior! I’ve got to give it back next week!” He feigned horror at the mark growing on his leg. 
The two of you sat silently for a few minutes, content with the immense agreement you had made. George lazily rubbed his thumb on the back of your hand as you leaned back against the embrace of the curved tub.
“Yes,” you murmured. 
“When did it happen? It couldn’t have been that long ago...do you think it was after Daisy’s housewarming when we were too pissed to make it to the bedroom and we fucked on the kitchen floor?” 
You didn’t respond, chuckling quietly instead. 
“Or...was it the other night. You know. When the new Attenborough series about Antarctica got a bit tedious..” 
“Geebs, it doesn’t really matter. It’s happening regardless.”
“Yes. Quite right. It probably would be pretty disturbing to learn that you were conceived to the soundtrack of a squawking flock of Emperor penguins. Anyways..Regardless...We should probably think about moving soon. I’ve actually been thinking about looking in Barnes for a while now. I want to raise our children there. In a proper house. It’s a bit more expensive than when I was a kid..but I think we can manage...I’ll speak with mum...see what she can find out..
“Yes, Pigs?” 
“We’ve just decided to have the bloody kid. I’m too tired to figure out where we’re going to put it right now.” 
“Oh. Of course.” He jumped up, reaching for a towel off the rack. “Let’s go to bed. I’m exhausted too.” 
You gently lifted yourself out of the water and stepped into the open towel, wrapping it around yourself - “Go get ready. I’ll be there in a bit.” 
He came back five minutes later, changed out of his suit and into his favourite pair of pyjama bottoms; printed with sock monkeys and so threadbare, they needed to go in the bin but you couldn’t break the news to him. You dragged a comb through your wet hair as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. His bare chest was cool against your bath warmed skin. 
“Darling?”, he murmured, resting his chin on the crook of your neck. “Can I tell you something?”
“I’d almost forgotten how great your tits look when you’re in the bath.”  His eyes met yours in the mirror. 
You rolled your eyes. “Well get ready then. They’re only going to get bigger these next nine months.”
His face lit up - “This pregnancy is going to be the best thing that ever happened to me.” 
You quickly turned and tapped him on the stomach with your brush, laughing. 
“You pervert.”
“Ow! That hurt!” 
And you wish that you’d known then, in all that doubt and worry, that in nine months and a few weeks time, you’d open your eyes in a sterile room full of blinding light to see George holding a squirming bundle of pale pink in his long arms. So small in his hands. The tears wouldn’t stop and you won’t be sure if it’s the pain of the feeling of your hips broken, body split in two or the waves of joy that kept washing over you again and again, the elation almost drowning your heart. He would lean down, a small cry emerging from the bundle. “Look, Pigs. Look at her. I’m sorry they gave her to me first..hold her.” And the words wouldn’t be able to form as you moved your mouth into a yes. The bundle on your chest while George, his eyes tearful as he delicately placed his thumb on your daughter’s rosebud lips. She would blink, her eyes the same sea blue as her father’s as he brushed her cheek. And he would look to you, a vastness of love you’d never seen. “She’s so perfect...you’re perfect. You’re so bloody perfect.” His kisses against your crying eyes. On your lips. And all the blood, the doctor’s commands, the panic, the nausea, the doubt. All that doubt and worry would be worth it all. 
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1. On a scale of 1 "Occasionally forced to bathe" to 10 "instagram model with tons of skin care sponsors", how clean are they?
R=5, she would take baths but not everyday.
2. What are their food preferences?
R=Meat and bugs that taste like meat.
3. What's something that annoys them, for seemingly no reason?
R=People eating loudly and leaves inside the house.
4. What is their reaction to being asked for money by a homeless person?
R=She feels nervous and doesn’t know what to do, she would probably be thinking "I wanted to buy this new dating sim game but it would be rude to tell them no, I'm sassy but not bad, right???", and when someone else is paying them, they leave like nothing happened.
5. Do they get lost easily? What do they do if they are lost?
R=From 1 “never” to 10 “always”, I think 3.5? If they get lost, they think "Ok, what was the last thing I saw?", she rarely ask someone for directions.
6. In a tense situation, what would stop them from doing what they know is right?
R=Something that makes them looks like they are doing something wrong.
7. Which ones would they become stressed out if they had to take care of them? A child, a dog, a houseplant, or a rock
R=She can handle a houseplant and a rock, but not a dog or child, and the dog would be the most difficult, you know, some people make dog hamburgers, she tasted it, and she would have great taste memory, so it would be difficult for her to not eat it.
8. If they had to take the SAT tommorow, how much would they study? And how well would they do?
R=They would study a lot, but not too much
they would probably go okay with a 7 or 8
9. What's something that would cause them to do something extremely cruel?
R=If it's something she is sure she will enjoy, she can't control herself from doing it, she won't regret, and no one would judge (because no one would probably know)
10. On a scale of 1 "a justified nervous breakdown" to 10 "conquer the entire Galaxy", how would they respond to being abducted by aliens?
11. What song is definitely going to get them onto the dance floor?
R=She can dance most songs, but the type of songs she would want to dance more is the type of songs that sound sassy and like "move it, girl!", like this one >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jrUibTfAVI
12. What's something they do that they think is completely normal, but really isn't?
R=Collecting old dolls, and baking but not eating the pastries
13. Under what circumstances would they appear naked in public?
R="God damnit, I don't find the dress I wanna wear tod- wait, I'm a spider, I only wear dresses to look cool"
and then she goes out because, well, animals don't wear clothes
14. What thing did their parents so that they don't fully understand why?
R=They didn't abandon her like most spiders do
15. How often do they zone out?
R=At least once a week (probably in weekend), thinking what it would be like to do different things, she tries to avoid it playing dating sims and life simulators.
16. How strong is their impulse control?
R=Very strong
17. How do they sabotage themself? 
R=She dreams everyday about having a partner, but she is not good at having romantic relationships
(Indra: *happy insane wasp noises*)
18. What's the trashiest thing in their wardrobe? 
R= A dress that her mother made for her, her mother is good at sewing, but bad with fashion, but she can’t trash it, so she just keep it, she rarely wears it, and the times she wore it, was only when she is only with her and her family
19.  How dehydrated are they usually? 
R=Not very much, she used to not drink water at all, then she meet a cousin/friend that's a spider that lives in the water, and since then, she drink water everyday because
1- To look good in front of them
2- Her friend/cousin teached her the good things about drinking water
20. What do they smell like? 
R=When she doesn’t care about her appearence that day, she kind of smells like seasalt and flowers, but just a little bit, when she cares, they smell REALLY strong to cinnamon.
even tho she is sassy and you would think she would like buff and popular guys, she secretly plays dating sims and always flirts with most unpopular, nerd (and maybe undesirable), because she is curious about what could happen, because most of the time, these characters never had friends and they seems surprised that a sassy girl flirts with them.
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unsohlved · 5 years
Tumblr media
yee yee !!! me ?? being habitually late as usual ??? ppl everywhere r shocked !!!  but hi i’m baby i’m nineteen and yr resident mark lee stan, yr fave irl usagi tsukino & i only wear socks that have cute designs or characters on them bc being cute & obnoxious is all i’ve got going 4 me !!! let me introduce u to my babyboy who’s addicted 2 crime shows and drinking icees 24/7 !!! he’s so smart but so DUMB he can solve complicated equations in mere minutes but if u flirt w/ him he’ll die on the spot dhfhs ps plot w/ me pls u can hit me up on d*scord @ hentai lovers anonymous #8965 i’ll send u barely coherent hcs @ 3am & for a limited time only i’ll send u dog pics !!! 
triggers: uhhh bad jokes, a  deadbeat dad, a terminally ill mother, substance abuse
- ̗̀ ❛ muse 8, jeon jungkook, he/him. ❜ ̖́- did you hear about the monaco trip? it’s legendary at ucla. maddox “max” seo is going, i’m so jealous. their instagram makes it seem like they’re pretty ingenious and they’re all about crime shows & spiked cherry icees. can you believe they’re only twenty-one and they’re going on a free trip to monaco for the summer? hopefully they don’t let their audacious side show too much on the trip. ( baby, she/her, mst)
ok so basically growing up he’s only ever known his mother. his dad had skipped camp shortly after max was born only to make a very brief, drunk cameo at max’s 7th birthday party which only made max hate him more fjdhgj 
having a single mom was cool in a lot of ways !!! for example whenever they cld afford to go to theme parks they didn’t have to worry abt who had to sit with who & she let max stay up reading or playing animal crossing after he’d finished his schoolwork 
its hard parenting solo so he was always a little bit of a wild child hhg but w/ a cause !!! once a girl in his class got pushed by two boys and he kicked their asses !!! and his mom was like ..... im glad u respect women but pls i cant afford 2 bail u out of jail when u grow up 
he’s been getting in fights w/ others since he cld walk lbr hell even CRAWL
but it was also difficult in a lot of ways too. he often wore thrifted clothes or hand me downs that were barely hanging on by a thread. his mom was always busy at work and she was so exhausted by the time she came home that it physically pained max
but she always made time for him. she was so ??? selfless ??? she’d drop everything to watch his science fairs and she was always front row at his spelling bees. she never let money stop max from pursuing his hobbies. when max wanted to join baseball in middle school she worked extra shifts to pay for his equipment. 
his freshman year of high school his mom started to get rlly sick but like jhhfgsh they were a low income family w/ not so great insurance so she put it off until she absolutely couldn’t anymore and she was diagnosed with leukemia 
it was an emotional and financial strain for the both of them. he started working as well as continuing his studies. hospital bills are outrageous & the healthcare system doesn’t rlly care abt poor families u know 
before the trip the doctors announced that his mother’s leukemia was terminal and that she likely only had a year tops left. so max almost turned down coming on the trip altogether but his mom insisted and asked him to go and take pictures and call her every day so she could live vicariously through him
and she pinky promised she’d hold on until he made it back home. she probably won’t. but he can’t afford to lose her bc thats his emotional support parent the only person whos loved him even tho hes temperamental & a smartass 
he juggled school, work, parties, &  taking care of his mom.
he’s going for something in psychobiology or forensic pathology but he !!! can’t decide !!!
if u call him maddox his eye wil l start twitching jfdghkdgjh his dad is the one who named him so he Hates his full name. 
super intelligent ??? but only abt very niche things like if u wanna talk abt pyschobiology or the applications of imaginary numbers in everyday life he’s all in if its abt common sense tho ??? max has left the chat 
started experimenting w/ substances shortly after his mom was diagnosed 2 help him cope 
always drinking spiked cherry & coke icees ??? everyones always like wtf where do u even get that 
facetimes w/ his mom every single day & is always asking the other to take pics of him so he can send them to her 
hasn’t told anyone abt his mom because he Hates being pitied ??? like after all ,,, he’s not the one w/ leukemia 
he has crushes on anyone thats either too nice or too mean to him fhsdhgkshg he never dated when he was younger so he’s like ???? u looked at me for 5 seconds we r in love 
vvv hardworking !!!! but also !!!! goofs around sm u start wondering if he is smart for Real 
cries when he talks abt how much he loves his mom 
ok lstn ,,,, he Rarely sleeps he’s always keeping himself busy bc if he’s busy then he doesn’t have to deal with how guilty he feels abt leaving his mom behind
so he’s spending this whole trip: Barely Sober
when hes drunk he recites the opening scene for law & order svu and hums the intro very off-key over and over 
swears he has 36746 unsolved cases Solved
has a crush on every single anime girl ever hkshkhgk
got into ucla on an academic scholarship but he’s still drowning in debt so he sells iLLeGaL substances 4 cash 
he’s on the baseball team & in lacrosse on top of being in 467364 clubs which is why hes BUff but also tired
this is all ive got i made this up on a whim gdfjagjh
tldr: he hates his dad & his name, loves his very sick mother, is chaotic but somehow smart & he falls in love like five times a day but he’s a libra what did u Expect 
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gayfurever · 6 years
Important¡! (Long, I know)
As some of you may have guessed, the other day I posted a pic of some PeekABU's .
Now this wasn't done for no reason. I think there's something y'all need to know
for years. Years
I've been hiding something. A part of me. Something y'all never knew, but I think should. I've been experimenting lately with the DL lifestyle.
But why is this important, Sky? You may ask.
Because I'm tired of hiding. Hiding hurts me. I've been hiding my true self for 7 years. 7.
Now don't get me wrong, I know ABDL's in general kind of have a bad name. But I want to change that. I want to stop hiding. It all started when I was about 10, I was having a problem with bed wetting. And so my mom (and I, due to embarrassment) were tired of cleaning up my sheets and bedding. She had suggested I wear goodnites, "they're like diapers but more big boyish, just for bed". I reluctantly agreed. And since night numero uno, I knew something was up. I liked it. I didn't want to take it off. I was very comfortable, and felt like I was my inner self. Like a security blanket you could say. My mother (after a couple weeks) was tired of buying goodnites and I don't blame her to be honest.
After we stopped buying them I was alright, and forgot about it for a very long while. [Keep in mind I was only 10 at the time] And so after about a couple months, I remembered my cousin was wearing tab-style diapers (for his actual incontinence) and curiosity got the best of me. One night when he went to bed I snuck in and grabbed one. Tena ones I believe. I put it on and there I was, back in that all-safe mindspace (which later I learned is called little space). I couldn't get enough, and every night he went to bed I would get another. And let me tell you, when I went to bed all padded up I slept like a fucking baby. Like nothing I've ever been able experience until lately. Ever since that day, I've been on and off with diapers.
First, it was ABU Spaces. My first real diaper purchase ever ($60 tho). I hid them so extensively because I didn't want mom or dad to find out. I loved my "goods" (as I'll refer to them from here on out) and I slept like a child every night. Still, I didn't ever want to wear in public because I knew if anyone saw I would most likely be pointed and laughed at.
Then we come to more recently; I purchased Crinklz Aquanauts and those were excellent as well! Only problem? the only time I could ever order goods is when Mom and Pops were out of town. Which was almost never so every time they left I took the opportunity. this is the first time I ever began to experiment wearing in public. And by that I mean cover the pamp with two pairs of underwear, and wear my really baggy hoodie over top. And after the first real success, and no pointing or laughter, I decided to give it another go. I wore to work, that was also a success. Next up, school. Another success (but I may have a slight advantage, because I go to a mechanic school so I have a big mechanic's coveralls). After all these successes I was thinking about becoming 24/7. But at the same time, I don't like that idea because I would run out of pamps pretty quickly.
One night, I couldn't sleep and I was experiencing my first full mental breakdown. I was tired of hiding, it was finally coming back to haunt me. The next morning my mom asked me what was wrong, why I look all red and puffy. I basically addressed it like this: "hey Mom do you remember that show called my strange addictions? Yeah well there's something I've been hiding for a little bit that I think I need to tell you because it hurts that I haven't, remember that episode where there was an adult baby? Lately I've been getting into that a little bit but not really baby like, more of the diaper side" and to my complete surprise, she said "oh ok honey, no need to worry about that. Everyone has they're little thing. Why is it that you do this, may I ask?" And that's when I told her "but because it makes me feel safe, secure. It's not like I'm going to make it super obvious or anything, it just puts me at ease and it's easy to get away with" and she just accepted it. Gave me a big hug and told me everything was OK and there was nothing wrong with me. "Just don't tell your dad, or make it obvious enough he notices". I wouldn't. God help me if he did 😂
I've really been wanting to make a sideblog
Because lately I've been taking a lot of pictures
They really help with my self-confidence, and I feel better about myself everyday
Plus I have the cutest pamps you've ever seen
Only problem is, I need a good blog name. I don't know how those other tumblr's do it, this is a whole new world for me to venture into. And if you're up for it, if you're up for the ride, lend me tips n tricks on how you do it. I would like a good blog name, bc it took me a while to come up with gayfurever 😂
If you disagree with my lifestyle, or think it's wrong or gross, I don't blame you. Because every now and then I question myself 😂😂 but if you are not having it, simply do not follow my new blog. Because gayfurever is never going to contain any pictures of me or the things that I like. Just what you're used to
If you read all the way through that, I love you. I'm sorry it's super long and I know you didn't ask for a life story but I just really needed to get that off my chest. Thank you again, for being so kind and understanding and loyal, gayfurever wouldn't be possible with you guys. ❤️ ~Sky
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seojvns · 6 years
everything you didn’t care to know about seojun yoon. 
Tumblr media
basic statistics.
full name: seojun yoon. 
nickname: jun, junnie, seo. 
how'd they get it?: they’re just... variations of his name...
age: twenty one. 
date of birth: april 27th. 
zodiac: taurus. 
gender: male. 
sexual orientation: pansexual. 
when did they realize this?: around the age he started being interested in people. it’s never been something he’s struggled with, it’s jus how things were/are. 
nationality: american.
hometown: daejeon, south korea.
current residence: cortland, wisconsin.
occupation: freelance photographer. 
for how long?: umm, probably since high school?? he started out doing it for free, to build his resume, and over time he began building it into something he could actually make money from. not much, but !! getting paid for doing something he loves?? really couldn’t ask for more than that. 
do they like his/her job?: obvs!!! does he wish he could have a lot more clients?? ya, but he’s patient and he’s got the time. 
salary: mm, depends on the job but probably anywhere from $150-250/job. 
any significant ancestors?: ummmm, no. 
grandparents (describe relationship): he was really close to his grandmother, on his mom’s side, who passed away a few years ago. he’s close to his grandfather from that side too, but he’s a bit old fashioned in his views and sometimes conversations are... not really something he can take much from. but he likes his company, and overall they have a good relationship. his grandparents on his father’s side both died before he really got a chance to even know them. 
aunts/uncles (describe relationship): there’s definitely a distance. when he was younger, he’d see more of them, and his cousins too, but as he grew up... it became less of a tradition his parents and his aunts/uncles bothered to keep up with. he sees them at family gatherings, usually around holidays, but that’s about it. 
parents (describe relationship): there’s a lot of distance between him and his parents. his father’s always been distant, even at a young age he wasn’t very invested in seojun. but he’d buy him things, assuming that was a decent enough way to show his ‘love,’ but it only made seojun resentful of the money he tried to use in an attempt to get out of actually caring or showing interest. his mother, on the other hand, cared. but only when he was young. from the time he was adopted, at age five, until about eleven. after that she became more disinterested in him. she also started nitpicking him a lot?? like no snacks, finding a poem and critiquing it, etc. support wasn’t something he was given, which is why he’s become such a desperate lil people pleaser. 
are they still together?: yes, yep. 
what is the character's family life like: it was really lonely growing up, cause even if everyone was home they’d all be off doing their own things. usually seojun was in his room writing, or out exploring and taking photos. he probably would’ve found his way to his hobbies regardless, but their neglect definitely encouraged him to explore them in a way he might not have done much sooner. 
what does their family love most about them?: hmm, probably his manners. he’s a good boy and he’d never embarrass them or anything when they drag him to events or parties, so, yeah! 
hate?: they see him as too shy, and lacking of a personality, but really that’s just because they’ve kind of made him feel like he should just keep quiet and do what he’s told :/ and that’s exactly what he does. 
does the family have a specific set of values?: his parents are very much the type of people who want everything to look perfect on the outside, and not care much about how they actually are on the inside. 
what would their family be described like by another person?: reserved, well put together, successful. 
have they ever had any pets?: he did! he had a dog, a samoyed, which he got from his parents for his seventh birthday. his name was ghost,, original, i know!
what happened to them?: he died a few years ago :/ it was a rly rough time for jun, who basically had him throughout his entire childhood. 
are they a virgin?: umm, nope. 
how did they lose it?: i’m embarrassed just thinkin abt it. 
have they ever cheated on a partner?: never would he ever!!! 
has a partner ever cheated on them?: probably. 
how did they react?: better question - did he ever find out? doubtful. 
who was their first crush?: hard to say :/ he gets a new crush everyday :/ 
are they in any kind of romantic relationship?: no!! 
how serious/relaxed is it?: hmph. 
describe the relationship with their current partner: this is... pointless... 
how did they meet?: why ask so many questions based on the POTENTIAL of him bein in a relationship... 
who made the first move?: prob not seojun in any situation ... he’s not very bold 
how does your character truly feel about their partner?: this.... is so redundant... 
when did they realize this?: thank u, next! 
who is your characters closest friend?: minnie uwu 
how did they meet?: umm they’ve been bffs for as long as seojun can remember okay!!! so how they met is just one of those things he doesn’t... rly remember bc it feels like he’s known her his WHOLE entire life, u know?? 
why do they get along so well?: because they’re both cute and soft and they just vibe together well ok,, why question these things?? there’s been so many late nights up talking about anything n everything, so many heartbreaks that she’s been there for, so many adventures they’ve had n have yet to have... she’s his other half!!! <333 
describe relationship with any other significant friends: adrian’s one of the most important ppl to him ?? like ever?? cause he’s jun’s best friend but also a lot more than that. even though they can’t seem to get things right, he’s always gonna have feels for adrian. kian......... gross where do i even begin!!!! seojun would literally die for kian. he’s more than his roomie ok seojun’s so disgustingly attached that no matter what kian did he’d never leave his side lmao #dedicated. jiwon is who seojun would be if he could choose his life sjfsfks she’s jus so,, uwu perfect n everything he aspires to be. he LUVS her even tho she can lowkey be a lil scary?? not in like a way that he’s legit scared but like... she can be intimidating a lil bit. rt if u agree
favorite foods: sushi, korean fried chicken, fries. 
least favorite food: black licorice, celery. 
favorite colors: pale yellow and light pink. 
least favorite color: whatever the fuck u call the color blue that tumblr chose for the new bg color fksdjfs
music: pop, r&b. 
literature: mysteries!! 
smell: honeysuckles, bonfires, fresh bread. 
feeling: affection uwu
season: autumn. 
pets: dogs, but... he loves cats too :/ 
place: hmm, he’s really drawn to the woods?? like when he was younger he’d go into the woods with his camera and a book and just spend all fucking day out there. there’s something really peaceful about it ?? and there’s just so much to experience... the woods jus make him soft, k?? 
favorite sport(s): huh
possession this character values most: his camera!!!!!!!! his journals filled with poems about everyone he knows. 
why is it so important to them?: um, his camera is p obvious?? his poetry filled journals, well, that’s p obvious too. he doesn’t want to forget how he felt in the moments where he was inspired to write whatever he wrote. 
physical characteristics.
height: 5′8′‘. 
weight: 130 lbs. 
body build: slim. 
eye color: brown. 
glasses or contact lenses?: contact lenses, but sometimes he’ll wear his glasses when he’s feelin’ lazy. 
hair color: naturally it’s black, but he prob keeps it either light pink or blond.  
scent: tbh idk what to answer for this, describing someone’s natural scent... hard. 
voice: he’s got a soft voice :/ 
mannerisms: says ‘um’ and ‘uh’ too much, whining about nothing, watching anything/everything with subtitles, turns the tab on a soda can sideways. 
style: comfy clothing mostly?? like loose fitting tops and form fitting bottoms. 
how do they walk?: like a fucking model tbh??? 
what are their nervous tics: he’s blushing 99% of the time tbh,, nose scrunches, averting his gaze 
usual body posture: umm, i’d say he’s got p good posture?? idk,,
preferred clothing.
underwear: boxer briefs babey!
shirts: loose!! t-shirts, flannels, hoodies. anything oversized. 
pants: usually black jeans, like, 9 times out of 10. 
skirts: nah. 
jackets: more oversized shit. 
shoes: prob jus black boots? 
accessories: earrings, rings, make up. make up isn’t an accessory rly but i dunno where else to put that so yayuh that’s a thing. 
formal wear: umm he’s a classic black suit kinda guy, prob w a bowtie, idk. 
sleeping wear: t-shirts and boxer briefs,, do ppl ... actually have real pajamas? like in real life? 
swimming wear: swim trunks ig?? weird question but ok. 
intellectual/mental/personality attributes and attitudes.
did they go to school?: ya, duh. 
where?: west bridge!!! 
what did they learn?: he’s studying photography :-)
what were their grades like?: uh, they’re alright... could be better... he wants to do better but his focus is usually just... anywhere but where it should be. so he procrastinates, and turns in things late a lot, and still is trying to do better. 
native language: korean. 
do they know any other languages?: english. 
how smart are they?: not... very... both book smart and street smart. 
what is their strengths?: creativity, generosity, compassion. 
weaknesses?: time management, insecurity, awareness. 
character's short-term goals in life: don’t go to jail, pass all classes. 
character's long-term goals in life: have a lil photography studio and live happily ever after uwu
how does your character see themselves?: umm, he’s self aware enough to know that he’s kind of sheepish?? he feels like he’s probably awkward in,, so many situations, rip, but he tries his best to not be too weird skfjs 
how does your character believe they are perceived by others?: as a soft boy who wants to be everyone’s friend?? hopefully?? 
how self-confident is your character?: UM LOL NOT AT ALL
what makes their self-confidence waver?: everything,, he just never feels like he’s good enough?? prob because of his mom’s nitpicking, his parents’ lack of interest generally, and the fact that he just has a low self esteem overall. 
what would embarrass your character the most?: being put on the spot about anything, having too much attention, falling for someone who doesn’t like him. 
how does your character feel about love: he!! loves love!!! he rly thinks that there’s someone out there for everyone... maybe not in a ~soulmates~ sense, but he thinks that companionship is a big part of happiness.
about crime: he doesn’t commit crimes... often... but if he does it’s because he can be talked into almost anything. 
people of a different sexuality?: loves everyone, thanks. 
different nationality/race?: loves everyone, thanks. 
how does your character show affection/love?: listening to them n remembering things they’re told, hand holding, doing literally anything they ask. 
how does your character handle grief? not well. especially in the case of manon, which has left him with a terrible sleeping pattern and the heavy feeling of guilt. 
what are they like when they cry?: prob like really dramatic,, like cry a lot while curled up in his bed under the covers kinda cry. 
what can make them cry?: betrayal, loss, anxiousness, stress. 
how does your character handle physical pain?: not well, he probably whines a lot and pouts even more. 
emotional pain?: even worse. he’s so forgiving that even if someone hurt him emotionally, he’d forgive them, but he’d probably be lowkey sad (but in a self blame kind of way) about it for awhile.
is your character typically a leader or a follower?: big time follower. 
what kind of energy level does your character typically display?: soft, upbeat, 
describe their sense of humor: prob either lame or softly sarcastic. 
hobbies: takin pics, writing poems, making playlists for people that’ll never hear them, watching shows instead of studying. 
talents: ...takin pics, writing poems, making playlists for people that’ll never hear them...
extremely unskilled at: focusing! and sports. 
if any, what musical instruments can they play?: piano :-) 
emotional characteristics.
how does the character relate to others?: through soft interactions and deep conversations. he’s pretty honest and open, so if someone asks him something, or even just talks to him, chances are he’s being as open with them as he would be with his close friends. 
how does the character deal with anger?: not well, but when he’s angry, he’s usually more upset than angry? and he wants to resolve things as quickly as possible, otherwise he’s stressed abt it until it’s fixed. 
with sadness?: listens to sad music and cries in the shower. drama queen. 
with conflict?: he’s always the first to apologize. 
with change?: he’s actually pretty adaptable for the most part?? but if it were like a major change, maybe not as good. 
with loss?: ummm, could be better!! probably gets a lil distant when he’s dealing with a loss. 
what does your character want out of life?: happiness :/ 
what would your character like to change in his/her life?: the whole manon thing JFKLSF
what motivates your character?: his future, or at least the ideal future he has in mind for himself. 
what frightens your character?: the fact that they could get caught for covering up a murder perhaps??? terrifying. 
are they afraid of the dark?: ...yes, but he acts like he isn’t cause he’s embarrassed. 
death?: not really?? like he doesn’t WANT to die or anything, but he’s not afraid of death.
what makes your character happy?: listening to good music, giving people things that make him think of them, the photo editing process. 
sad?: being alone, the fact that his parents never care to check up on him, films where the main couple doesn’t end up together.
angry?: people being rude to his friends, being lied to, unnecessarily passive aggressive people. 
aroused?: neck kisses, being called baby, someone who’s rly direct and just kind of... does what they want skjfsl 
annoyed?: people who speak over other people.
guilty?: covering up a potential murder, turning things in late, lying. 
is your character judgmental of others?: no. even if he doesn’t agree with their opinions/things they do he still tries to refrain from judgment. 
is your character generous or stingy?: generous af. 
is your character generally polite or rude?: polite!! angel boy. 
optimistic or pessimistic?: optimistic. 
introvert or extrovert?: lil bit of both?? 
daredevil or cautious?: cautious. 
logical or emotional?: emotional lmao. 
disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: he thinks he’s methodical and neat but he’s actually disorderly and messy. 
would they rather be working or relaxing?: working, even though he thinks he’d rather be chillin he’s kind of terrible at doing nothing. 
how do they feel about animals?: um... he loves them?? he’s the kind of person that’d accidentally let a raccoon in his house and let it stay. 
what is their best quality?: his sincerity. 
what is their biggest flaw?: how trusting he is. 
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