#It's been a blast writing for these two! Feels like a treat!! They both compliment each other in unexpected but welcome ways
dreammeiser · 4 months
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🪄 Dear Mad March Hare, Sweet Rose of May 🌈
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cherrysoulth · 2 years
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💕Pairing: Jimin x Female Reader 
📝Summary: A little piece of smut of a bigger plot/story.
✏️Genre/au: Smut, Canon, One night stand, hotel party
✏️Rating: 18+, explicit
📝Wordcount: 2766
⚠️chapter warnings: explicit smut
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Hii! Did you stumble a cross this work? Glad yo're here 😊 Please, let me know your thoughts once you are finished. Feedback keeps me motivated to write 😁
Note that English is not my first language, so please if you find grammar mistakes, let me know. :)
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Nothing about today’s schedule told you you were going to end up in a party at the hotel’s presidential suite as a HYBE treat, but you are definitely enjoying yourself after the day’s exhausting filming of ARMY+BTS RUN. The games had been fun but at the same time, it required some extra energy when it was time to run around or think wisely after complicated instructions.
It mostly feels like a few friends having a house party, which is welcomed, but alcohol flows freely and you blame what you see next on it. Lexus has an exchange of words with Jimin that ends with her grabbing the bottle of Jack Daniels sitting on a table nearby and storming out, not visible in her face but obviously pissed. What is alarming about it, isn’t just that reaction from someone who has no habit of drinking but how easily Jimin is on the verge of tears. 
Taehyung is quick to approach him concerned and they have a quick rushed talk where Jimin’s tears almost roll down with only Taehyung’s words containing them, then he leaves too. Jimin moves quickly away from the spot and goes to sit at the window bench where Jungkook was chilling with Taehyung two seconds ago. The maknae manages to make Jimin laugh heartily in no time and whatever was the cause of concern seems to be brushed off. 
As Seokjin serves more shots of Soju, you see Jimin move while seductively dancing to the music player to blast the bop and starts dancing in the middle of the room. The first body roll has you internally screaming but the expression on his face while doing so makes your heart skip a beat. Jimin knows what he’s doing, the smirk he shows when Hobi approaches to vibe with him, reeks of being up to no good. That’s when he turns and starts to saunter your way. Grabbing your hand he pulls you with him onto the dancefloor, biting his lip as he beckons for you to follow his lead. You aren’t as skilled as he is, obviously, but you try to follow what he’s trying to demonstrate and for some moves,  one of his hands ou non de la France et de la France presses against your lower back as the other guides your hip. He tells you how to imitate his steps and although you do try to follow his instructions, the body contact is too distracting to get it right. 
It’s Namjoon’s stare across the room that warns Jimin to put his hands away and you almost want to yell at the group leader. The spots where his pretty hands were a second ago still burn from his touch and you know it’s impossible you’ll forget about it. To your surprise, however, he invites you to get some fresh air on the balcony and puts his hand on the low of your back to guide you. He flashes a smile at you and compliments your skills but you think he’s only being nice. Then he dances his way to the rail before turning around and calling out to you. 
“I miss the house already,” he says with a pout and now you can tell he’s maybe had one too many. “We were able to see the stars there but look at this polluted sky, I can’t see a single one.” he points out. 
“Yeah, it was beautiful but we had fun today, did we not?” you tell him, showing your best smile.
“Yes, Army’s are so funny,” he says, showing his pearly whites too. “Some of the games were difficult though, but Armys played like pros. You guys have no chill…” he said, impressed. His eyes widened adorably. 
“Yeah-yeah, some can never lose, not even playing against you,” you said laughing at your own words, his giggle sounding like music in your ears. Yet when you both stop and your eyes wordlessly, there’s a sparkle in his eyes that you can’t ignore. When his expression goes from sweet to sexy in a second, you feel your balance over your heels in danger. 
“You know what I think would be cool?” he asks you and a shiver runs down your spine. “All of us playing hide-and-seek on this floor.” 
You immediately know what he means. The place is divided by different corridors into different sets of rooms. You nod enthusiastically, excited about whatever it is he has in mind. Because you know, you just know, that’s not all there is to his idea.
He leads you in after holding your gaze just long enough to give you goosebumps and make you feel flustered, thanking the shadows of the balcony for hiding it. From the way his hand rests on your hip, strategically on the waistband of your skirt, you can only guess the kind of mischief he has on his mind. You are into it, whatever it is, you are definitely into it. 
After a few laughs, he manages to get everyone’s agreement to play the game. You move to the corridor where Taehyung and Namjoon are the first ones to hunt. “Hana, dul, set, dasot, yosot…” count both men in their baritone voices, facing one of the walls with their eyes closed and Jimin quickly grabs your hand and makes you follow him as he runs. He takes the corner of the first set of rooms on the left and then turns right, slowing down at the third door of the row that does not have windows. 
Only when he opens it do you see the number twenty-thirteen above the frame. He closes the door and shushes you as he turns on the flashlight of his phone. Then he throws himself over the bed and pats his side for you to come sit down. Even in the dim light, you can tell it has the same decoration as your double room since all of them are copies of each other. But the wonderful difference in this one is that Jimin and you are alone in it.
You sit down feeling slightly shy although you’ve not only talked with him on the balcony earlier but all through the week and you have become very comfortable with each other. Still, it has never been in this kind of situation. You were mostly surrounded by the group or at least someone from the staff. Oddly enough, you had the chance to talk to him for five minutes alone while being in the SOOP, hiding behind one of the vans as you played this exact game. You both got caught that time but you hope you won’t now. There are a total of thirty-nine rooms and two common rooms with views to two different sides of the city on this floor, which means the hunters will have to look through them all one by one as they search for the people hiding in them. 
You suddenly realise that sitting there, you are making the search much easier for the hunters. You stand up, pulling Jimin’s hand and taking him to the bathroom, you guide him inside the bathtub, closing the pearl-white shower curtain around it. You know if someone enters it’s as easy as pulling it open but you still have to try. Jimin uses his kakao to communicate with you just in case you could be heard in the deathly silence that has filled the whole twentieth floor of the hotel. 
It’s as he jokes that you hear the bang of the main door opening and you both jolt, turning off your phones. You guess it is Taehyung searching when he does not turn on the lights, which makes you almost crack until he enters the bathroom and knowing where the bathtub is, turns the water on without a word. You both share a brain cell and manage to keep quiet, which is probably unexpected or the signal Taehyung needs to just turn it off and walk out of the room. 
You are soaked and you immediately panic for your phone. You try to get out of the tub to turn on the light but Jimin holds you still and covers your mouth with his hand before you even have the chance to speak. Then you hear it; Taehyung’s steps as he moves away from the bathroom door’s frame where he has been waiting for any sign of a resilient prey. Then he truly leaves the room and closes the door behind himself. However, Jimin doesn’t let you go with your mouth still covered, until you try to move away from it.
“Sorry…” he whispers in your ear as his digits slide slowly down like a caress across your chin and throat.
“It’s okay,” you whisper, trying your best to hold your sanity in place. The way your back is pressed against his chest makes your lungs scream for air and you hope the touch you feel in your rear isn’t his crotch because you are losing your mind already. But the way he clears his throat as he moves to the side, tells you it’s exactly it. 
He turns on his phone’s flashlight before he speaks, “We should get these clothes off.” he offers with a mischievous look. You are not sure if it is your drunkenness or the accentuated scent coming from his wet body but you feel light-headed. With a giggle, you pull your shirt off, throwing it unceremoniously to the floor. You know you are definitely drunk. 
Returning the giggle after staring at you with shocked eyes for a moment, he imitates the motion and you both stay there looking at each other under the dim light. But then like magnets of opposite poles, both of you move toward each other, lips meeting in a heated kiss. His hands knead your hips as he deepens the kiss and teases with his tongue at the centre of your lips; separating with an open-mouth smirk. His breath slides through the buds of your tongue as he huffs air between his teeth and tongue while he moves it from one of your fangs to the other and again closes his lips with yours. His lips are so plump it feels like nothing you have felt before, his taste flipping your buttons intoxicating you, your fingers going through his hair at the scalp, electrifying through his whole nervous system. 
His hands move from the low of your back to your buttocks, squishing them in his palms while pulling you towards him, the hardness on his lower body printing its shape against the thin fabric of your skirt. Pulling away from you,  he looks you in the eye, searching for something you can only guess is your consent and all you feel is the impulse to keep kissing him which you act on and he takes as an invitation. He walks out of the tub and pulls you to step out, then without warning he carries you and sits you on the counter next to the sink, kissing his way from your neck to your breasts. He unclasps your bra to take in a full view of them. Your pebbled nipples make his mouth water and he quickly takes them in his mouth sucking one first then the other, nibbling all around them, eliciting moans of pure pleasure before nibbling his way to your abdomen.
“I have condoms in my back pocket,” he says, stopping suddenly and raising his eyes as he allows himself to fall on his knees in front of you. “But I’m not into quickies and I can bet we really won’t have time for it,” he says before parting your legs and lightly biting the delicate skin on the inside of your knee before tilting his head to look at you sideways. “However, I do want to see you touch the sky,” he explains nibbling his way up to the edge of your skirt, drawing a circle with the tip of his tongue right where the skirt starts covering your flesh. “May I?” he asks politely. 
You feel slightly apprehensive because you’ve known him in actuality for only a short period. You might have followed him as a fan for a long time, but you remember those video compilations of him poking his tongue out and it makes you press your thighs together.  You nod, giving him an opening. He pulls you to the edge of the counter just enough for him to pull your panties down easily before putting them carelessly folded in his pocket. 
He pushes you back a little bit before lifting your skirt over your hips and looking at you, making you blush. He smirks before he retakes the spot where he marked with his mouth earlier, tracing up until his lips meet your groin and he lightly bites just right before it, making you lean your head against the mirror. Then his mouth closes the last distance to place a gentle kiss with those full lips over your nub before he starts to suck on it and your eyes close, a moan slipping out of your mouth.
He teases its sensitivity, kissing, licking, poking his tongue to flick it then surrounding the whole area with his lips to work with the moisture and wetness of his mouth, giving gentle sucks. Your eyes are already closed and your hand grips the counter and his hair. But when he hits a particular motion at just the right pace, your eyes fly open, astonished as an even louder moan escapes your open mouth. The smirk he makes against your core when your eyes meet, makes you close your eyes again, pleasuring you on a different level and making you focus solely on the work of his mouth.
The world vanishes around you as you feel him drag, circle and suck in patterns that only he seems to understand or you are too high on him to take conclusions from. You open your eyes again, still unaware of where you are the moment you feel the pressure rapidly build and him going harder against your mound.
It almost feels way too fast, your explosion, releasing all the pressure from your body against his still pleasuring mouth, reaching a high-pitched guttural moan of pleasure that resounds against the tiles of the bathroom before he tops it off with a kiss. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand before standing and offering you a smile. “Nice, huh?” he says flirtatiously, making you nod through your blurry vision. He lowers to pick up his shirt and puts it back on. “I’ll wait for you in the room,” he says before turning on the light, walking out and closing the bathroom door behind himself.
It takes you more than a minute to collect your thoughts and wash up in the shower, noticing the thick liquid drenching your slit, where you were more than ready to receive him. But you brush it off, finishing the task and drying yourself with one of the clean towels placed carefully over the radiator. It takes you a couple more minutes while searching the bathroom to realize Jimin has your undergarments and you walk out with your hands on the front of your skirt as if it didn’t cover enough, aware of your nakedness underneath. 
You find him sitting at the office desk’s chair scrolling through his phone in the pitch dark room. The light coming from it is the only thing illuminating his face since the one from the bathroom doesn’t do much to brighten up the room. “You have… my underwear,” you mutter, suddenly feeling shy about it. 
“Oh yeah.” he says pulling it out of his pocket, calmly, “didn’t feel right leaving it lying around,” he says giving it to you before grabbing your hand to kiss, as he places the piece inside your palm. 
“We should get out, apparently we are the last men standing… I don’t trust it. But we should poke our heads and see if it’s true, just in case.” he dares with a smirk.
It’s then that you put them on and follow him outside, only to come face to face with Yoongi, who frowns for a second and then shushes you silently, shooing you back from where you came; vocalising a, “Not done yet.” That's when you hear someone clear his throat behind you. You turn to see Taehyung with a mischievous look in his eye and the three of you take off running in the opposite direction with excited giggles.
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I'm restarting a schedule that I hope will be possible and will bring lots of content to this page.
I hope you enjoyed this JimIN 🤭 Let me know your thoughts. See you soon! ~
I want to thank @vintagesunnies-blog for the beta work 💜
© 2021-2022 Cherry Soulth, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind, translations, unsanctioned adaptations are not allowed.
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221bshrlocked · 1 year
Hiya Babe,
just wanted to pop in and say that I'm trying my hand at writing smut for the first time (whoop) and I'm already almost at 3k words for the lead up and my consistent rational (both to myself and to my best friend) is that a really long and lengthy smut work is both better and hotter and that your fics (thinking about the Obi-Wan ones specifically) are prime examples of this. Mine may not end up being 34k words but hey, you're a bit unhinged (in the best way possible).
SO thanks for being an inspiration and for the reminder that being unhinged is perfectly acceptable when it comes to writing smut (and any writing really).
Hope you're having an absolutely EXCELLENT day!!!
Hey dude,
First of all, let me apologize for responding to this so so late. I haven't been on here actively for a while, and when I do come on, it's to check on literally one tag before I leave again.
So, writing smut!!! This is fun. I hope it's treating you well and you're having a blast setting it up and writing the juicy stuff. I figured whatever you're writing right now is probably/definitely more than 3K which I personally find so much more fun to read (and write if I'm being honest) than shorter pieces. Believe me, I'm all about porn without plot and short fics, but it's always refreshing to sit down and make a cup of some hot drink to read a nice and lengthy story that has lots of passion.
I definitely agree with you that long and lengthy is better and hotter. Mad respect to short fics, they are sweet little posts that make your heart flutter so quickly, but my heart will always belong to really detailed and well thought out fics that manage to get you looking forward to when the good stuff starts while reeling over the intensity between the characters and how much they're yearning for each other.
And I'm happy you enjoyed the Obi-Wan fic. I wasn't sure which one you were referring to because the only two I have are long but I realized that my second one was way longer than my first because I was feeling lots of things that I could only take out into a terrifyingly lengthy story. Regarding being unhinged, well....I take that as the highest of compliments I could get lol
You're honestly too sweet for leaving this message and I really do appreciate that you took the time to write it out and send it...I am sorry for getting back to you so late!
I hope you are having an amazing time writing and posting on here, and an altogether great day/night :D
P.S. Where is the fic though because I'd like to read it 👀👀👀
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Never Have I Ever - Harry Styles (part 5)
uh ohh, part 5 baby! im quite enjoying this story so far and i have some fun things planned for it, so i hope you’ll stay with me for them! in today’s part, our fav new celeb couple takes it all the way, though i chose not to include the actual sex part, however im still treating you all with some dirty stuff so enjoy!
pairing: Harry x actress!reader
word count: 4.6k
warning: NSFW content
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New couple alert?
Harry Styles and Y/N Y/L/N have been spotted having lunch and grabbing coffee several times in the course of the past few weeks. All the outings looked casual and friendly, they gladly stopped for fans that approached them and the word has it that they’ve been getting closer to each other, though neither of them confirmed anything.
Harry Styles has been known to be single for a while now, only faint rumors swirling up sometimes, but none of them were proven to be true, the young actress is the first woman he has been linked to in a long time. Y/N Y/L/N has been focusing on her blooming career and has been single since her split from long time exboyfriend and fellow actor, Levi Hudson. The pair dated all through 2018, splitting in the beginning of 2019. Hudson has admitted their hectic schedules made it impossible to maintain their relationship while Y/N did not confirm anything.
Styles is going on his world-wide tour soon, while Y/L/N is currently between two projects. The young celebs seem to be enjoying each other’s company and fans have been quick to jump into speculations about their alleged romance, however there is no evidence as of right now.
“Thank you so much for your time, it was a pleasure to talk to you,” the young interviewer smiles at you, holding her hand out and you shake it with a warm smile.
“Thank you for having me! And I really like your shoes, by the way,” you point down at her electric blue pumps that you’ve been eyeing since the start of the interview.
“Oh, thank you! Got them from a vintage store,” she beams, a slight blush playing on her cheeks clearly a little starstruck from your compliment.
“Love those little stores.”
“Me too,” she giggles collecting her papers and notes. “Someone will contact you and your team soon about the photoshoot and I’ll email you a draft of the interview in about a week.”
“That’s perfect, thank you so much,” you nod at her grabbing your purse from the side table next to you. Grabbing your phone from the depth of it you smile to yourself upon seeing the text from Harry.
“Call me when you’re done with the interview Xx.”
You say your goodbye to everyone before heading out of the building. Lawrence is at the front waiting for you in the car and he greets you with a warm smile when you sit into the backseat. As he starts the car and heads back to your home, you call Harry, who picks it up after the second ring.
“Hey! How was the interview?” he beams brightly, his voice immediately making you smile.
“Great! This young girl did it and she had some exciting questions.”
“Sounds lovely. Can’t wait to buy a Cosmopolitan with you on the cover soon,” he says and you can hear the grin through his voice.
“Will look good in your hands for sure,” you chuckle.
“Right. So I have a question for you.”
“Go for it.”
“I’m doing this very small show at Beacon Theater this weekend, kind of a practice before the real tour begins and I was wondering if you’d be up to come. Would love to have you there.”
“When is it exactly?”
“Saturday at nine. I know it’s a short notice and I get it if you have something else going on, just wanted to ask.”
“I think I can make it work,” you smile, thinking back at what your day looks like on Saturday. “Can I bring someone?”
“Of course! Just let me know how many people so I can have the tickets sent over to you.”
“Thank you. It’s sweet of you to think about me.”
“You know I always think about you,” he murmurs and his voice sends a shiver down your spine. Crazy to think how much he can affect you with just his words, he just has a special spell on you, it seems.
“Still such a flirt, I see,” you chuckle, feeling your cheeks heating up as you hear his soft laugh on the other end of the line.
“For you, always.”
“Alright. I’ll text you about the tickets and thank you again. Can’t wait to see you perform finally.”
“It’s been due for a while now, right? Kind of promised you some tickets on Ellen, if I remember correctly.”
“You did!” you laugh thinking back at the time you met him. How funny that just one short game on a talk show led the two of you here. You have to thank Ellen though.
“Now I’m finally keeping my promise. Talk to you later then, Love. Have a great day.”
“You too, Harry.”
 You manage to convince Sydney to join you for the concert, she sounds excited when you ask if she had anything to do on Saturday. Seeing Harry perform before his tour kicks off is a thrill for her she wouldn’t pass on for anything, so she is really grateful that you thought of her as your plus one.
Harry has your passes sent over to your place on Friday and it comes with a bouquet of flowers as well as a card.
“Can’t wait to see you tomorrow. What’s your favorite song? I’ll make sure to perform it just for you. –H”
He never fails to make you feel like the only woman on the planet and you can definitely see why so many fall for him even without meeting him. The man has all the power to charm anyone with just a smile.
You put the flowers into a vase and leave them on your dining table before grabbing your phone and sending him a quick text.
“It’s Only Angel,” you simply write, hoping he’ll get it why you just wrote that. Luckily, he does.
“Straight to the setlist. Dedicated to You.”
 Finishing up the last touches to your makeup you bop your head to the song blasting through the stereo. It’s Only Angel, of course. You’ve had it on repeat all afternoon and now you can’t wait to actually see Harry perform it live.
Just as you are about to get changed, Syd arrives so you let her in with a beaming smile and when she hears the music upon walking into your place she cheers in excitement.
“Yes! This is such a jam!” she smirks, doing a little dance as you lock the door behind her.
“You look fantastic, Syd,” you tell her. The black short dress looks amazing paired with the lilac oversized blazer. Her makeup matches the same color and you are obsessed with the fishnet tights. She will surely make men wish she was into them.
“Thank you! Spent two hours figuring out what to wear, so I hope I look fantastic,” she giggles.
She helps you put together your outfit as well. Wide legged flaming red pants that make your waist look snatched, a black sheer top tucked into it with just a black bralette underneath. You already know Harry will be a fan of the skin you’re showing, you can’t wait to see his face when he finally spots you.
You quickly pack your essentials into a black Chanel purse along with stuff you need for a possible sleepover if things might take a pleasant turn, and you finish with everything just when the doorman calls up through the intercom that Lawrence has arrived.
“So, what’s the deal with you and him, if I may ask?” Syd questions in the car, not in a nosy way, more like a curious, friendly way.
“We are… getting close,” you say, tasting the word on your tongue. You haven’t labeled whatever you have going on with Harry, nor do you really know what it should be called. You’ve been trying hard to make time for each other as much as possible, making small lunch and coffee dates a regular thing. He came over to your place one evening for a movie and that’s the only time you were able to be alone with him, though nothing sexual happened. Yet. The real deal is yet to happen and if you are being honest you are running short on patience. It’s getting harder to hold yourself back and keep your hands to yourself as well when you are out with him, but you agreed to keep it lowkey out in the public.
Tonight, however, you have a feeling what you’ve been waiting for so long might actually happen and you can only hope Harry is planning the same thing. You are absolutely ready to bluntly ask if he wants to spend the night at your place.
“But you’re heading… somewhere, right?”
“I hope so,” you smile shyly.
“That’s amazing. I think you two are a match,” Syd smirks at you.
By the time you arrive to the venue the gates have been opened so people are busy getting inside, giving you the chance to walk inside through the backdoors without any fuss.
“Miss, Harry requested me to usher you to his dressing room when you arrive,” the girl at the door smiles at you with a clipboard in her hands and a headset covering her ears.
“Oh, alright,” you nod, turning to Syd. “You go ahead and get us a good place,” you tell her and she nods walking away with a wave as she heads up to the second floor that’s fully reserved for friends and family.
Following the girl down the hallway you are led to a room that has Harry’s name on it. She gently knocks on the door and a few moments later it flies open, revealing Harry in a colorful suit and a simple white button-down shirt. He looks breathtaking, hair fixed perfectly and the wide grin stretching across his lips when he sees you standing there.
“You’re here!” he breathes out, grabbing your hand and pulling inside, snatching you away from the preying eyes. Once the door clicks closed behind you, he is quick to press his lips to yours in a sweet welcoming kiss. Ever since your first official date he hasn’t passed on any chance to kiss you whenever you had the luxury of privacy to yourselves, which hasn’t happened too much, leaving you both with a growing hunger for each other every time you meet.
“Mm of course I am,” you smile against his lips before pecking them one last time and leaning back. “Looking great, Mr. Styles,” you grin, taking your time to wander your eyes down on him.
“Yeah? Like the suit?”
“Well, I love your outfit as well. M’gonna have a hard time not thinking about you on the stage.”
“Please think about me,” you breathe out with a coy smile.
“Don’t fucking say that to me, you are giving me a hard time,” he groans and you just chuckle at the tortured look on his face.
“Sorry,” you mumble, but your face doesn’t meet your words. He squeezes your waist gently, pecking your lips in a rush before he lets go of you.
“I need to go over a few things before we start, so just go ahead and join Syd. Meet me here after the show?”
“Yeah, perfect,” you nod smiling. “Good luck out there,” you wink and he grins at you with bright eyes. His hands grab onto yours before you head out, pulling you in for one last kiss before you leave.
You feel flustered and you take a few deep breaths on your way up to the gallery to find Syd who managed to get an amazing spot at the front on the left side.
They offer everyone up on the gallery some champagne before the show starts and looking around you see a few familiar faces, but no one you specifically know. You stick with Sydney who is over the moon about the show and you are kind of sharing her excitement.
When the lights go down and the music finally starts, you can’t help but join in with the screams that fill the theater.
You’ve seen videos of him performing, in One Direction and solo as well. You’ve seen pictures and you’ve heard the words about how amazing he is on stage, but none of those live up to the actual experience. The sensation that takes over you just by seeing him appear on the stage as the whole theater chants his name as one, it completely sweeps you off your feet and for a second you wonder how you could live a life without this experience.
When his voice starts to flow through the massive speakers you need to take a deep breath, a shiver runs down your spine and you chug down the rest of your champagne so you could get rid of the glass and hold onto the railing with both hands because you feel like you need to ground yourself before you shoot into the sky.
Song after song, he performs perfectly, bringing every single person in the audience to that euphoric state they’ve been probably seeking their whole life. The experience is surely one of a kind, something you’ll definitely be thinking about for a long time.
Time seems to stop, though it cruelly carries on even when you forget about it completely. The concert is nearing its end and Harry takes a breather as he places his guitar to the stand behind him. You watch his every move as he walks back to the microphone, his gaze moving up to the gallery, roaming through the people until they find you.
“This last song is dedicated… to my Only Angel,” he murmurs into the microphone as the audience erupts, blows up at once and your heart skips a beat when his eyes linger over you for a little longer before the music starts to play.
You faintly hear Syd screaming next to you, probably aware that the dedication was addressed to you, but you can’t tear your eyes off of the man on the stage.
He nails it perfectly, looking like an absolute rockstar that he truly is and for a moment you can’t believe you have his attention and interest. How can such a precious and unbelievably talented man be in your reach?
Because I deserve great things in life, you tell yourself, a little mantra you’ve gotten around to repeat every time you found yourself doubting your success and happiness.
The concert eventually ends and though no one in the room desires the end of it, Harry leaves and you are abruptly brought back to reality.
“That was… something else truly,” Syd breathes out as the two of you linger around a little longer, trying to come down from the high you just experienced.
“Yeah. He is so fucking talented it’s almost unfair,” you chuckle running a hand through your hair.
“This tour will kill thousands of people all around the world,” she muses and for a moment, reality sets in and you realize that Harry will leave for his worldwide tour very soon, leaving you behind.
You get rid of the thought, not wanting to stress over something that’s not relevant just yet and you don’t want to ruin the evening either. Fears and stress can wait a little longer.
The two of you make your way backstage, walking into a bit of a chaos as all close friends and family want to congratulate to Harry and the band as well. Standing at the side you let everyone have their time, barely even seeing Harry in the sea of people in the spacious green room. Syd keeps you company as you wait and about thirty minutes later it seems like the crowd is starting to loosen up.
Harry spots you and excuses himself immediately from his conversation with a couple, heading in your direction with the widest grin you’ve ever seen on his pretty face.
“Congrats, that was mind-blowing,” you smirk as he reaches you, a hand curling around your waist as he leans down and places a kiss to your cheek, keeping it as moderate as possible, though you both just want to jump at each other.
“Thank you, Love,” he nods, a blush tinting his cheeks from your words. “Hello Sydney, so great to see you again,” he greets the girl next to you and they share a short hug.
“Hi! Loved the show so much!” she giggles in excitement.
“Thank you for coming.”
The three of you chat for a while before Sydney says she is gonna call herself an Uber, so after saying her goodbye she leaves you alone with Harry, as much as you can be alone with a bunch of other people around.
“I wanted to ask you something,” he clears his throat as his hand finds its way back to the small of your back.
“Go for it.”
“We are gonna grab a drink at some bar, but nothing over the top and I wanted to ask if you would want to join.”
“Sounds good,” you smile, feeling a little disappointed. This is not exactly what you wanted him to ask. Luckily, he is not done with his questions.
“Also… I-If it’s cool by you, I thought that… maybe you could come over?”
“Mmm, go over and do what?” you tease him, your smile stretching wider with each passing moment.
“I have plenty of ideas, Love,” he breathes out, making you laugh. “We could drop by your place if you need anything to stay over.”
“No need. Packed a bag,” you slyly grin at him, taking him by surprise clearly, but it’s surely a pleasant one.
“Always a step ahead of me, huh?” he smirks, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
It takes some time to actually leave the venue and head off to the bar with a close group of friends of him and the band. A secluded area was already reserved for you that has its own bar, so you could enjoy the evening without worrying about preying eyes of strangers or fans. You really weren’t in the mood to keep your distance from Harry, this way at least you were able to touch each other in a more intimate way without speculations swirling up immediately.
You get to know his band and some of his friends, they are all genuinely amazing people, but you weren’t expecting anything else. You figured he only surrounds himself with people like him. His hands often find your waist and he doesn’t shy away from kissing your cheek or giving your hips a gentle squeeze, just letting you know you have his attention and he appreciates that you’re there.
It’s nearing one am when the guests start leaving and soon enough you find yourself in the back of your car with Harry, heading to his place, while you try your best to keep your hands away from him. You wouldn’t put Lawrence through the trauma of having to see or hear something he shouldn’t.
But that doesn’t stop you from kissing, something you’ve been dying to do all night. Your hand rests on his thigh while he has an arm curled around your shoulders, keeping you tight by his side, delicately brushing his nose against your hair every time your lips are not connected.
“Thank you, Lawrence. I’ll call myself a taxi in the morning, have the day off,” you tell your driver who smiles in your way thankfully while Harry grabs your and his bags from the back of the car.
“Thank you, Miss. Enjoy your night,” he nods in your way as you shut the door closed.
You try to take your duffel bag from Harry, but he insists to carry it as the two of you walk inside his house.
“Want something to drink? Water, tea or something?” he asks, setting the bags down near his giant, comfortable looking couch. Your thoughts immediately wander to a dirty field, picturing him sitting on that very couch as you kneel in front of him, pleasuring him so good that his eyes roll back…
“Yeah, water please,” you say clearing your throat. Some hydration will come handy after the drinks you chugged down at the bar.
You follow him as he shuffles into the kitchen, grabbing a glass and a bottled water from the fridge for you, pouring some into the glass before handing it to you.
“Thank you. You have a nice place for yourself,” you tell him, looking around in his home.
“Thanks. Been working on it for a while,” he chuckles softly. “Feels a bit too big for just myself though.”
You finish the water and set your eyes at him, feeling your hunger for him grow with each passing moment. Placing the empty glass to the marble counter you take a step closer to him.
“You feel lonely often?” you question in a low voice. His eyes return to you and you are happy to see the same lust in them.
“Would say so, yes,” he nods, running his tongue over his pink lips before he reaches out and grabbing you by your hips, he draws you close to him. Leaning down his lips brush against the shell of your ear, a shiver runs down your spine when you hear his whisper in it. “Hope it’ll change soon.”
At a loss of patience, you grab his face and angle it perfectly so you can kiss him hard. And by hard, you mean real hard. He stumbles back from the force, but manages to keep his balance, returning the kiss just as vehemently as he receives it, a tug of war starting between the two of you.
His hands work fast on the sheer fabric of your shirt, pulling it out from the waistband of your pants, getting rid of it eagerly as his lips wander down on your neck, collarbones and chest. He easily turns the two of you around so you are pushed against the edge of the countertop, his hips pushed against you and it’s clearer that daylight just how excited he is to have you here tonight. Your eyes flicker over to the couch again and the desire to please him with your mouth just bursts, you can’t hold yourself back anymore.
So you push him away from you, grabbing his wrist and yanking him after you, heading towards the couch. You push him down and his lustful eyes follow every move of yours as you kneel in front of him and he realizes what you are about to do. He doesn’t stop you when you work to unbutton his pants, but his hand finds your chin and he pulls you up for a swift, but passionate kiss.
Once you successfully undid his pants he lifts his hips and you spare some time and energy, pulling them down along with his underwear, leaving him only in his vintage printed t-shirt as his cock springs free. You push your thighs together just at the sight of him, the way his eyes burn down on you, how his lips part when your gazes meet and the way he sucks on his breath when your fingers dig into his thighs near his crotch as you situate yourself closer.
“I believe I owe you an orgasm, don’t I?” you ask with a cheeky smirk before wrapping your left hand around the base of his shaft, giving it a gentle squeeze, just enough to get him even more excited. A whimpered moan slips from his lips and you lean closer, giving his cock a lick from bottom to top, wrapping your lips around the head as you swirl your tongue around it.
“Fuck hell!” he breathes out, clearly enjoying himself, hands fisting the cushion next to him, but you bet they’ll be buried in your hair soon.
You’re not an expert in the field of blowjobs, but it’s been your thing to come barging right through the door and jump the easy teasing whenever you were on your knees for a man. So with your hands fixed on his beautiful face, you sink down on him, his cock gliding into your mouth right until the tip reaches the back of your throat, earning the loudest moan you’ve heard from him. Shutting your eyes closed you keep him like that for a second until the urge to gag starts to set in, so you slide him out, your saliva dripping down his erection as your eyes meet his and you can tell you shocked him with your bold first move.
“Do that one more time and I won’t last for a minute,” he warns breathing heavily and you just smirk up at him before going into action again, this time only taking a smaller portion of him, pumping the base to make up for the lack of deep throating, but it appears that he enjoys just the simple part of it equally. As you keep bobbing your head, taking as much of him as you can without gagging, his right hand flies to your hair, taking a handful of it as he gently guides your head, keeping it in the rhythm that works the best for him and you happily let him do whatever makes him feel good.
When your free hand goes to gently massage his balls your name erupts from him in the most voluptuous way you’ve heard him call out for you. As if he just cried out for God himself.
“Y/N, fuck, I won’t last long,” he warns you, but that’s all you want. You need to see him come undone under your touch, you want to be the reason his breath hitches. Picking up your pace you see him whimper some more, head falling backwards to the back of the couch. It’s a heavenly view and you wish you could take a picture of his beauty as he enjoys himself on this intimate level. You’ve never wanted to please a man more than him and just seeing him in this blissful state makes you wet through your underwear.
When his breathing starts to get uneven, chest heaving wildly, you take all of him again, his head poking the back of your throat and you push your tongue against his length as you slide him out, picking up the same pace that you kept before, both hands working hard on him.
“Fuck! I-I’m gonna cum!” he warns again and just a few seconds later, you feel the evidence of his satisfaction spurt into the back of your throat, eyes falling on you as you give him one last lick before swallowing everything that’s in your mouth.
“Holy shit,” he breathes out pulling you up, eagerly kissing you without a second thought, his hands cupping your cheeks to keep you in place. “You surely know how to kill a man, yea?” he huffs making you chuckle.
“Think you can go for a second one?” you sheepishly ask, blinking up at him from under your long lashes.
“I’ll have enough time to recover while I eat you out like you’re my last meal,” he bluntly replies, and a moan almost slips from your lips.
“Show me what you got, Styles,” you challenge him and he doesn’t need more, he easily picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he heads straight to the bedroom.
“As you wish, Angel,” he mumbles against your skin, peppering your neck and shoulder with featherlike kisses along his way until he throws you to his bed, ruthlessly tearing the remaining of your clothes off your body.
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choerypetal · 3 years
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Old pals. Bucky Barnes x Reader
In which the reader and Bucky misses each other after being appart for many months and during the current events, he has been secretly looking for her.
*Very much inspired by Episode’s 3 of TFATWS*
Enjoy! 💗
Bucky has always been the type to be cautious about his surroundings and to whoever intended to enter into his life. The constant fear of losing someone became to much of a habit for him needless to say, he was very found of you the first time Steve has ever introduced you to him. The smile you flashed at him almost hitted him, feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline he wished wanted to erase. Of course, not having to experience such emotions by the decades his cheeks turned into a shade of pink rather visible to which Sam in later events was his favorite thing just to tease the poor lovable boy.
After everything happened, everyone grew apart, first with Sharon offering you to stay with her in order to recover and of course to get your mind off things, especially since the new Captain America recently presented to the whole nation. You knew for a fact that neither Sam or Bucky was going to like it. “I wonder how they are taking the news.”
“Probably horribly,” Sharon knew the look on your face suddenly changing to quickly closing the TV. “You do realize you’ve been rewinding the same old scene over and over again, your making yourself more crazy.”
She was right, you couldn’t even remember the last time you spent without having to clue yourself in front of the TV screen. Since that day, Bucky’s face vaguely reoccured in your mind letting yourself as a distraction in hope he would come back one day.
“On earth to, Y/N.” Sharon’s voice woken you up to reality before quickly turning the TV off giving her a forced smile. “Don’t play the : I’m fine with me, tonight we have some guest and I’ll need more than my assistant to help.”
With a sigh you couldn’t really complain after all. If only there was one thing to keep you distracted from it all, it was definitely tonight’s party. At least you could stress over what to wear instead of what Bucky nor the new Captain America is up to.
Hours of preparation, Sharon decided to run for a last errands. “I suggest you get dressed right now. For my sake and yours, please Y/N.” And with that she left by giving you a quick peck on the cheek. “And brush that hair!”
Laughing softly to yourself, you were quite great full to have such a friend like hers. Heck if it wasn’t for Bucky’s and yours sake, Steve, the moment he knew what was the best, Sharon was his first instinct to keep you under her wings and that was also for the both of you sane.
Remembering the first day you ever met Bucky has always become your source of comfort. The smile he never once had shared with much people only Steve and you only showed how he was for the people he deeply cared. And deep inside, he felt every guilt for letting yourself go. Now if he could only see you again...
Hours passed and strangely Sharon’s errands felt like forever. You tried to call her only to be her voice call on the other end. All dressed, you decided to treat yourself with a little glass of wine that poorly sat there unused.
Taking your first sip you hear from afar few voices that seemed strangely familiar, with another voice with a sentence such followed. “It’s good to see you again.”
“I’m guessing someone will be more eager to see you both.” Sharon replied as the footsteps became more clearer and clearer. Frowning with confusion you tried however, to hide such little known about who might be behind the door and quickly sat down with a magazine in hand. “Y/N, Already dressed I see?”
Looking up from your current read you couldn’t really form an expression. That is when you saw the three men standing just before you. And one in particular seemed more troubled about seeing you here.
“Y/N? I thought...” Sam’s confusion was writing all over his face. Yet happy to see you but quickly cut him up.
“Dead? Guess I am not.”
Silence corrupted the room, that is when Zemo requested for a drink to Sharon whom served him right away. You smiled softly at both of the men, giving a warm hug to Sam first. “I missed ya,” He murmured in which you said the same in returned. “And grown to.”
Chuckling softly by his compliments you nudged him by the arm. On the other hand Bucky remain strangely calm. “How’s the cat?”
Sharon knew the relationship between you and him and you were great full that at least she was trying to break the discomfort between you two.
Groaning like usual Bucky rolled his eyes, “Doing great, thank you.” With not so little emotions shown his eyes remained on you. A little longer and you could feel a shade of pink appearing in your face. That is if you tried to covered it which failed by Zemo’s remark. “Are you okay, Y/N? You seemed a little flushed.”
“Shut up.” Bucky’s response caught everyone on guard including Zemo in whom he quickly of course chuckled.
Sharon gasp by looking at the time. “Shit, guest are coming soon. I recommend you all to not make a damn mess. Your also welcomed with me.” And with that everyone including Bucky decided to show a little tour before the party could even starts.
Throughout the tour, Bucky remained by your side. You could feel his soft eyes on you as if to make sure you were okay. As Sharon, Sam and Zemos were listening or admiring the place at all, Bucky leaned to whisper a few words. “You look good tonight.”
Your eyes snapped at the scene in front of you, and looked at him. That soft smile you remembered is back and all you could do was to thanked him. “Thank you... you look not so bad yourself with that new hair cut.”
Chuckling softly you looked at him with confusion. “Guess everyone was right, we’re not the greatest with words ugh? And yet everyone seemed to be saying we have a thing for one another.”
“A little to optimist much?” You teased him and he simply shook his head laughing along with you. This little interaction of course didn’t last long, Sam with a smirk called the both of you. “Come on lovers! We have a party to attend to!”
With a smile on your face you took Bucky’s hand. “Shall we?” He nods and you lead him to the party.
Lights, music being blasted and people having a blast. Bucky couldn’t remember the last time he had a dance, and by over the years he knew he had to get himself on trends but of course that failed quickly.
“Dances in my days sure did changed.” He looked at everyone and met your eyes, in which sparkles through the colored lights. Feeling almost lost into them, not wanting to let go of such beauty in front of him. Before soon being woken up to reality by your voice, he dearly missed. “Well old man, let me show you what you’re missing.”
Your bodies getting closer and closer by the sound of the music, hips moving and his hands gently gripped itself around your waist. Seeing you this happy was probably a first for him and he sure wasn’t going to destroy such happiness not only you but for his own sake.
Feeling your lips brushing on his the moment you grew slightly more closer and a sudden blush crept on both of your cheeks. “God damn I’ve missed you, Y/N.”
He couldn’t take it any more, his lips soon kissing yours in return. Corrupted with such lust and hunger that whatever was around you seemed to have faded.
Not so long after it, Sam’s voice interrupted your moment in which a Bucky looked at rather irritated. “What? I was having some unfinished business here.”
“Sorry to break it to you both, but we got some business to do.”
With a sigh Bucky with his thumb wiped his moist lips, chuckling softly by the atomic duo you leaned to whisper. “I can wait.”
Shaking his head Bucky refused to do such things. “Sorry Sam, but we will have to wait a little longer.”
“I haven’t seen Y/N in ages and I need to show who she belongs to.”
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neverminditsnamjoon · 4 years
BTS Cuddling/Showing Affection (HCs)
In honor of Yoongi’s birthday, here is my first writing project for BTS! Massive thank you to @yoongisshadow​ for being my partner in crime, editor/proofreader, and providing some of the gifs!! Go follow her if you’re not already--she’s amazing!
Genre: Tooth-rotting fluff, rated PG
Word Count: ~1800
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If he’s chilling on the couch, he likes when you put your head on his shoulder
That way he can rest his head against yours
Has definitely fallen asleep in this position (more than once)
He tends to sleep with his hands resting on his stomach
If you’re there, he’ll fold one of your hands under his, smiling serenely when you rub your fingers in circles over his tummy
If you’re laying in bed, he prefers to lay against your side, with a single arm thrown over your midsection
Will immediately wake up if you move
He enjoys other forms of cuddling as well
Like letting you rest with your head in his lap
“So you can look up and see my handsome face.”
He also loves hugs a ridiculous amount (have you seen those shoulders?? perfect for Hug!!)
Jin will find any excuse to hug you, and wraps his arms around you until he can literally feel you relax into him
Acts of service are his love language
So you best bet he’s gonna cook for you
If Jin doesn’t bring you food (and feed it to you himself) at least once a day, you get worried
You’re his go-to taste tester, and you get stupidly happy upon hearing Jin call to you from the kitchen, “Honey, come taste this for me.”
He owns a Kiss the Cook apron, and he will definitely enforce it
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Yoongi shows affection by giving you nice gifts
Sometimes it’s a coffee, made just the way you like it
Sometimes it’s a $1300 Chanel necklace
There’s no telling lol
Whether it’s a four-dollar coffee or something extravagant, the gift is always presented with a shrug and a nonchalant expression
But when you kiss him and whisper your thanks, he’s all gums
“Bad Boy” doesn’t do PDA, at all. However-
He is known to fall asleep at random, and you usually happen to be sitting next to him when he does
Taehyung has an album on his phone just for pictures of Yoongi snoozing on your shoulder, his mouth open
Tae never posts them for fear of his own life, but he’s sent you a couple
One of them is your lockscreen
When it’s just the two of you, he relaxes a little more
It’s a subtle, quiet vulnerability, but you’ve learned to pick up on it
When he gives you a gummy smile after you’ve had a bad day, you know it means “I care about you”
When he brushes his fingers across your back, you know he’s saying “I love you”
When he asks, “are you cold?”, you know it’s an invitation to curl up into his side
His arm around your shoulder is enough to feel how much he enjoys your presence
You toss and turn in the night, but Yoongi is in the exact same place when you wake
“Of course he’ll be a rock in his next life,” you think to yourself. “He already sleeps like one.”
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Bangtan’s resident Aquarius isn’t always the best at showing his emotions via physical affection
So Hobi doesn’t do any mushy-gushy affection in public
Mostly, it’s just him always trying to make you laugh
Goofy dances, dumb jokes, and silly faces. Anything to see his girl smile :’)
Every once in a while, he’ll give you a colored drawing he made, giggling a cute amount when he sees you’re excited about it
When he’s really, really tired, Hobi gets cuddly
He loves laying on his back between your legs, with his arms resting on them
If he leans his head back against your chest, he can hear the soft thrum of your heartbeat
This sound lulls him to sleep without fail, and it’s the sole reason he gets enough rest sometimes
When you come home from a rough day at work, he holds his arms open to you and squeezes you tight
For a man who’s an actual wordsmith, he can get mighty tongue-tied around you
So he puts his most intimate confessions in his raps
No one will ever hear them, but he utters them quietly to you when he thinks you’re asleep
He goes beet red one night when you open your eyes and gaze up at him with more love than you thought you could ever feel
“You wrote that for me?”
He can only sputter and chuckle nervously in response, but you kiss him and say, “I love it.”
“I love you,” is his answer, accompanied by his brilliant smile
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A very loving and sweet boyfriend, as we all can guess
Even being the leader of one of the biggest bands in the world, Joon manages to be a pillar of emotional support for you
He’s always sure to check in with you between practices and recording sessions, or when he’s away on tour
Has never forgotten a birthday or anniversary, treating you to a lovely dinner and flowers every time
He’s never afraid to show his affection for you wherever you happen to be
Sometimes it’s the weight of an arm slung over your shoulders, and a soft kiss pressed to the side of your head
The boys don’t even make fun of him for being affectionate, partly out of fear and partly out of respect because they can tell he loves you so much
When you’re out and about, it’s hand holding
One of your favorite memories is walking down the street downtown, window shopping and judging people together
You’re not sure how Joon makes hand-holding look and feel so cool, but he does
His love language is definitely words of affirmation, but he still likes getting you little gifts here and there, especially while he’s abroad
He knows better than to buy you anything breakable, for fear that it might not get to you in one piece lol
No matter what, they’re always thoughtful
Insists on being the big spoon all the time
So he can kiss the top of your head and wrap his arms around you to make you feel safe
Joon usually wakes up before you and makes breakfast, but on the rare occasion you get up first, he always comes looking for you
Just imagine a sleepy Namjoon waking up and calling out, “Baby?” when you get up before him :(
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This boy is constantly kissing you, holding your face with both hands and giggling
And he WILL pout if you’re not constantly kissing him too
Always has his arms around you, hugging you from the back with his chin resting on your shoulder
His favorite thing to do, to make you smile every time, is sweeping you along with him for a dance
Even if you’re not coordinated, he twirls you around the room, singing loudly until he sees you smile
“You’re doing great, baby!”
Jimin showers you with compliments every chance he gets
From your outfit to your hair, to your talents to your glowing personality, he’s got a smooth compliment for it
When you’re relaxing in the evenings together, and Jimin is extra snuggly, he’ll push you over onto the couch and lay on top of you
He thrives on skin-to-skin contact and doesn’t care who sees
Because Jimin is babie, and better yet, he’s YOUR baby
He can fall asleep in any position, as long as you’re snuggled up with him
Hands holding, arms around each other, whatever--it’s all good to Mochi
He prefers to be woken up by you, instead of any of the members, because he can get kisses from you with just a second of puppy dog eyes
Will shamelessly flirt with you regardless of setting, and has definitely made eyes at you while he’s on stage or interviewing
Lots of people have one or two love languages, but Park Jimin has all five
He brings you gifts after every trip, and at this point you have more stuffed animals than you can count
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Also constantly kissing your face
Highkey loves it when you play with his hair (the man is basically a golden retriever)
He’s known to nuzzle his face into your neck, especially if he’s sleepy
Physical affection (giving and receiving) is the recipe for his happiness
Arms? Around you. Hands? Holding yours. Happy Tae? Check.
Tae is especially fond of giving you his clothes and accessories
If you look a bit chilly, Taehyung will immediately take off his coat and drape it around your shoulders
He’ll take off his hat or scarf and carefully place it on you, even sometimes giving you his necklaces and earrings
Loves doing activities together, whether it be cooking, video games, or being outside
As long as you’re nearby, Taehyung is having a blast
He’s particularly enthusiastic when it comes to supporting you in your career and passions
When you burst through the door yelling that you’ve gotten a promotion, Tae is all shrieking noises and throwing shoes
If you start a new hobby, Tae has pictures of whatever it is and has definitely shown them to everyone who will look
“Isn’t she great?”
When you’re alone together, he always serenades you
No matter the music you’re jamming to, Taehyung is dancing around you and singing it to you at full volume
When he’s sleepy or feeling down, Tae’s favorite way to snuggle is the two of you laying down facing each other
That way you can run your hands through his hair and he can whisper sweet nothings to you
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Enjoys receiving affection more than giving, unless you’re completely alone
If it’s just the two of you, Koo will make grabby hands for you to come sit on his lap while he’s at his computer
He’ll pick up takeout and pat the seat next to him, asking you join him for dinner
His hands are literally always in your hair
Brushing, twirling, stroking
Sings to you ALL. THE. TIME.
Sometimes absentmindedly, but other times he’ll show you a song idea and sing it to you shyly
He laughs and blushes a little when you praise him for it
Koo loves drawing on your arms, if you’ll let him, because it reminds you of him
When you’re around others, he isn’t as lovey-dovey, but you notice a slight pout in his lips if you aren’t giving him enough attention
This can be quickly relieved by bumping your nose into his neck, or squeezing his arm gently
But the best part of Jungkook’s affection for you? The way you know he REALLY cares about you?
Homeboy actually responds to your texts.
I know, I can’t believe it either
Koo has been seen many times pulling his phone out during a break in practice and smiling to himself as he replies to your memes and check-ins
The rest of the guys clown the shit out of him for being so babie with you, but he takes it like a champ
Because you’re his girl, and he loves you so much
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userpoe · 3 years
hi!! could i pls request a poe fic with the whole “we just won a battle and you go to hug me but i flinch and you realize i’ve been hiding a huge wound and now i might not make it” trope, reader being shot by a blaster or smth? (btw i absolutely adore your writing style and take so much inspo from it)
hello, hello, this is the best trope ever! thank you for requesting it, bud, and thank you for the compliment <3 I hope you enjoy! 
tw: injuries, medbay (happy ending!) 
word count: 1.5k cos I can’t do brevity when it comes to Poe Dameron
Poe emerged from behind the cubby he’d taken shelter behind and twirled his blaster in one hand and blew the nuzzle for good measure. The good measure being you were (presumably) watching him to his left, and he liked doing what he could to make you laugh, especially in cases like this, when he could sense your anxiety rolling off you in silent but thick waves.
“Told you it’d be fine,” Poe said, putting his blaster back into his holster. The two of you had snuck into an abandoned First Order compound to get some intelligence and had been cornered by a security droid with surprisingly good aim. The corridor still smelled thickly of ozone and the walls now bore new carbon scoring marks. 
He turned to find you moving slowly out of your own hiding place, staring at the fallen droid. Poe grinned, and couldn’t resist the urge to close the gap between the two of you to give you a hug, but as he reached for you, you winced. Poe’s hands stilled and he noticed what he hadn’t before: your face shone with sweat, your lips pulled in a tight grimace, and one hand was hovering just above your abdomen. 
Poe breathed out your name just as your legs gave out beneath you. “Whoa!” He said, catching you and helping you to the ground. His own legs folded uncomfortably beneath him, but that was nothing compared to the twist in his gut and heart as he pulled your jacket and then your hand away from your shirt and he found what you’d been hiding: one of the droid’s blasts had struck home.
He sucked in a breath. It was - not great. The wound was still sparking from the blast, and there was some blood. “BB-8,” Poe called over his shoulder, unable to keep the panic out of his voice, “get the X-Wings back here now. There’s a medkit -” 
The droid beeped in response, automatically understanding Poe’s order before he even had time to finish making it, and was then rolling off at high speed back to the hanger. 
“Didn’t think I’d go out by a droid,” you coughed and Poe shook his head vehemently, sending a few curls flying at the quick motion.
“You’re not going anywhere,” he said sternly as he yanked his scarf from around his neck in one fluid motion. He couldn’t wrap it around your wound, but he could use it to apply pressure until BB-8 returned. You hissed as he did, and Poe shot you an apologetic glance, “I gotta -”
“I know you gotta,” you said, shifting under him, one hand flying up to grasp his wrist in a light hold as he continued to press down on the injury. “Just hurts like hell.”
“Keep telling me about it,” Poe urged, trying to give you a smile, but he was sure you could feel the way his hands were shaking. Come on buddy, hurry up. “Hell, you can call me whatever you want, just keep talking, alright?”
“Sure about that, Commander? I can come up with some pretty creative insults,” you said around another cough. This time, the smile that twitched his lips was genuine. He knew that well enough; you came up with nicknames for all of your enemies or even allies you just didn’t agree with. Poe himself had been given a few, as well...out of affection, though you’d never admit to it.
“I know you can,” Poe agreed. “Why don’t you come up with a few new ones for me, pass the time ‘til BB-8 gets back with that medkit, huh?” 
But your eyes had already begun fluttering. “I’ve already...come up...with plenty for you…”
“Yeah, but I never get tired of hearing them,” Poe said, moving one hand up to cup your cheek. “Hey, c’mon, Gorgeous, stay with me.”
“Never got tired of hearing yours either,” you said, eyes softening at the corners. Poe’s lips parted in surprise, but before he got a chance to reply, there was a shrill beeping from behind him. He glanced back to find BB-8 skidding towards you both at top speed. By the time he turned back to you, you’d already gone still in his arms, your eyes shut.
* *
When you woke up, your entire body was stiff from disuse. You groaned as you blinked open bleary eyes, your mouth dry and scratchy. You wet your lips and tried to take stock of your surroundings: you were back on D’Qar, that much was obvious, and in the medbay. The cot you were lying on was firm and...not that comfortable, and judging from how cold the room was, it was the middle of the night, but someone had pulled and tucked a blanket around you.
It didn’t take long to figure out who had since he was still in the room. You turned your head and found Poe Dameron asleep on a bench by your bed, tucked in the most uncomfortable-looking sleeping position you’d ever seen. He hadn’t changed since the last time you saw him, but even in his sleep, he looked exhausted and weary as hell.
So you threw a pillow at his head.
It had perfect aim, and his reaction - which was to jerk upright and nearly fall off the bench itself at his sudden movement - was perfect. His head whipped around the room until his clouded, sleepy eyes fell on you and they softened, a smile tugging at his lips until you spoke, at which point his smile promptly disappeared: “What the hell are you doing here, Dameron?”
Poe stood up, wincing slightly at the uncomfortable ache in his legs from how he’d fallen asleep, then fixed you with a look that was somewhere between disbelief and disapproving. “You were shot. Where else would I be?”
“In your quarters? Getting a decent night's sleep?” You suggested imperiously, straightening into a sitting position. You tugged down the blanket and hoisted up the new shirt you’d been given. Major Kalonia obviously had already treated you: the only thing left of your injury was a puffy red scar. 
“Like I’d leave you.” Poe motioned at your abdomen. “You feeling any better?” 
“I feel like bullying you,” you point out with a slightly wicked smile, “so yeah, I’d say so.” Then you frowned and admitted, “Well, I could do with some water.”
Poe rolled his eyes and picked up the canteen of water Kalonia had left for exactly this purpose and proffered it to you. You accepted it with a quiet thanks. You watched him carefully as you drank, then asked, “How’d I get back here, exactly?”
“I flew you back home. BB-8 put your X-Wing on autopilot.” 
You raised an eyebrow. “Black One is a one-seater.”
“Yes it is, and you kicked me in my shins multiple times on the way back.” Poe winced. “I think I’ll be bruised for days.”
“Oh, you poor thing,” you said with a pout that made him grin, and maybe that’s why you did it in the first place. 
“Yeah, you’re definitely feeling better,” Poe said, mostly to himself, looking around the room with his hands on his hips. “Kalonia said that once you were awake if you were feeling up to it, I could take you back to your quarters.” He looked at you expectantly. “Are you -?”
You sat down the canteen as you assessed how you felt. “Yeah, I think I am.”
Poe nodded, bounced on his heels a couple of times, then - “Does it have to be your quarters?”
You raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”
Poe held his hands up in supplication, “Hear me out. My quarters are closer to the medbay, so you’d have less to walk, and -” he was clearly blanking on another excuse. You could actually see the gears turning in his head.
“Poe,” you said, so he could stop bluescreening, “do you want me to spend the night with you?”
His Adam’s apple bobbed as he answered in a quiet voice, “Yeah.”
“Why -” Poe braced his hands on the edge of the mattress to look down at you - “Because one of my best friends just got shot and I thought I’d lost them.” He moved one hand up to brush some grime off your cheek with his thumb. “I’m not really ready to let you outta my sight yet.”
Your heart twisted in your chest at his honesty. If you were in his shoes, you would be the same way, and you both knew it, even if you probably wouldn’t be as quick to admit it as he was. “Then I’ll spend the night with you,” you paused, allowing yourself to indulge in watching his face light up for a beat before you added, “but I swear if you’re as much of a blanket thief in bed as you are on squadron holo-nights…”
“You had half of it already!” Poe protested, making you laugh, but your laugh fell silent with a sucked in breath as he pressed a quick kiss to your hairline. “Guess we’ll find out, huh.”
“You better have more than one blanket, flyboy,” is all you managed to get out, before adding a quiet, “thank you for taking care of me.” 
He shrugged, “What else was I gonna do?”
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kim-chann · 4 years
       ❝   Siblings  ❞        --       Chef’s Special
            - - - | Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, Satoru Gojo
                                 Synopsis ;; being siblings with some of my favourites
                                                           ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ $ 0.00
               - - - Includes slight manga spoilers - - - 
༺ Chef Note: Another Chef’s special! This has been on my mind for quite some time. This is some just some indulgent stuff cause siblings relationships are so fun but the worst at the same time lmao. 
Also!! I’m going to reopen matchups soon once I hit only 5 left. Currently, I have 7 left to write. So if I finish two more today, they’ll reopen later today!
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༺ Chef Note: Adding a border, cause this is quite long...
〄          ⤷ Yūji Itadori | 虎杖悠仁 - - - 
       ☉ Being Yuji’s sibling is a wild game, jesus dude
       ☉ It doesn’t matter if you’re older or younger than him, he’s still as wild as ever
       ☉ Yuji is such a brat, he pulls pranks on you, blasts music in your ear when you’re sleeping, uses your stuff without permission, and overall, just plain rude...
      ☉ Just kidding!! (but he will do those stuff listed above)
      ☉ Being his sibling is the two of you guys being stupid as hell
      ☉ And siblings fights! He’ll always win whenever the two of you guys are wrestling and might accidentally hurt you, and will profusely apologise 
      ☉ Hurting you is the last thing he ever wants to do
      ☉ He’s the type of sibling to throw things at you just to get your attention instead of calling your name
      ☉ Whether it’s from a snack that he’s eating, or even a rock
      ☉ “Heyy, heyyy, I said hey!!”
      ☉ Once Yuji gets bored, he will barge into your room and bother you until he finds something better to do
      ☉ If you’re on a call with your friends, he will embarrass you. I feel like it’s always a siblings job to embarrass the hell out of each other 
      ☉ Yuji will start spilling your deepest secrets in front of your friends and tell the most embarrassing stories about you when you were younger
      ☉ Also! He always does head pats and ruffles your hair whenever he walks past you and doesn’t care if you just fixed your hair or not
      ☉ He will always ruffle it, and there’s nothing stopping him
      ☉ Yuji is also the type of sibling to accidentally break your door down
      ☉ “It was locked!!”
      ☉ “But you didn’t have to kick my door down!”
      ☉ “I didn’t mean to!”
      ☉ That’s... not even an excuse, Yuji
      ☉ Sometimes, he’ll ask for your opinion on a subject cause he trusts your words of wisdom
      ☉ “Hey, (nickname), do you think that my muscles are getting bigger?” He flexes his biceps and even invites you to touch it
     ☉ Once you say that he’s fine, and tell him the answer that he expects, he’s self esteem will boost (honestly, positive comments from siblings just feels more genuine, ya know?)
      ☉Yuji will always ask for homework help and is ass at math
      ☉ “Help meee, I don’t know how to do Geometryyyy” 
      ☉ Yuji is always whining 24/7, which he redeems to be a puppy 
      ☉ If you don’t know how to do geometry either, or forgot, then the two of you will struggle together. 
     ☉ “If I’m going down, you’re going down with me.” Yuji whines
      ☉ Can I also say that he will cook for you? (And it’s always delicious, might I add)
      ☉ Be can try to cook you anything you want, by researching recipes, then improvising to make it “tastier,” according to him
      ☉ But somehow, it always tastes better than you expected?? What kind of sorcery does he possess? cursed energy
      ☉Overall, being his sibling consists of the two of you going wild and him making fun of you
〄           ⤷ Megumi Fushiguro | 伏黒恵 - - -
       ☉ Being his sibling is him being protective of you
       ☉ Like Yuji, he doesn’t matter if you’re older than him or not, he will always protect you because “you don’t know what could happen,” Megumi says
      ☉ It’s really sweet, but sometimes, it can get pretty annoying whenever he walks you to a friends place and he makes sure that you get in the house before he leaves
      ☉ Going somewhere? “Let me come.” Leaving the house? “Where are you going?” Eating food? “Can I have some?”
      ☉ Even though it seems like he wants to protect you 24/7, he wants to be with you because honestly, he can get lonely
      ☉ Megumi didn’t really have many friends throughout his life, and since you’re always by his side, he just thinks that you’re his best friend/sibling 
      ☉ He thinks that protecting you is sibling bonds, but if you’re uncomfortable with him doing so, let him know and he will stop
      ☉ Megumi isn’t one of those mom’s who uses an app to track you down and sees whatever web browser history you go through, cause that’s honestly fucked up
      ☉ Megumi respects your boundaries and wants to make sure that you’re comfortable and safe 
      ☉ Sometimes, he’ll even wake you up in morning so you can go on walks with him and even summon his Divine Dogs to have them stretch and walk
      ☉ Since he’s a jujutsu sorcerer, you know about all the curses, grades, and schools around Japan
      ☉ Even if you’re cursed yourself and can see curses or not, Megumi will educate you about them 
      ☉ He’s really reliable on information cause I always see him as a smart boy
      ☉ Need help with homework? He’s got you covered
      ☉ Sometimes, he’ll even offer to do it for you if you’re too tired to (Which is really sweet not gonna lie)
      ☉ He’ll make you coffee in the morning and occasionally cooks for the two of you, and makes sure that you’re okay and well taken care of 
      ☉ Since the two of you didn’t have parents to look up to, he’s basically your sibling and parental figure 
      ☉ He basically raised you, per se
      ☉ Overall, he’s a great brother that just wants to see you happy and safe. Cherish him!
〄           ⤷ Norbara Kugisaki | 釘崎野薔薇 - - - 
      ☉ Nobara is a wild sister to have, oh my god
      ☉ She’s pretentious and wants to be the one that’s basically worshiped in the family
      ☉ Nobara hates you with a passion
      ☉ She’s like a spoiled sister that wants everything, and if you ask to borrow something that she has, she’ll say, “Who’re you?”
      ☉ She won’t let you borrow anything and always gets mad if you just go into her room
      ☉ “I can’t talk right now, I’m doing hot girl shit.”
      ☉ Nobara always gives you the stank eye or rolls her eyes whenever you ask her to do something, “can’t you do it yourself? I’m on my phone right now.”
      ☉ “I literally hate you, get away from me.” 
      ☉ Will only do what you say if she’s in a great mood
      ☉ She’s a sister that bullies her older or younger siblings all the time, but will stop if they start to cry, but not with her saying, “don’t be such a baby. Grow up!” 
      ☉ However, if someone is bullying you or made a snarly comment about you, she gets all defensive like she’s the one who got insulted
      ☉ “Excuse me? The hell did you just say?!”
      ☉ She’ll argue towards the person that insulted you, even complimenting you to counter the comment that was made against you
      ☉ Nobara is only allowed to bully you, nobody else!
      ☉ If necessary, she’ll even throw hands against that person to prove that you’re not what they say you are
      ☉ Don’t worry about Nobara losing. Every time she fights, she will win 
      ☉ After the fight, she’ll walk back to you with ruffled clothes and a bloody nose, and say, “If they bother you again, let me know so I can kick their ass.”
      ☉ Sometimes, Nobara spoils you (keyword: sometimes)
      ☉ She’ll buy you something that you’ve been wanting to have, like a new phone or something
      ☉ Once you thank her, she’ll be like, “Yeah, yeah, it’s nothing.”
      ☉ Nobara doesn’t hate you, despite her bullying you in every way possible, but it’s the littlest things she does for you that proves that she loves you as a sibling that she adores
      ☉ Overall, you got a bully for a sibling but makes sure that you’re actually loved 
〄           ⤷ Satoru Gojo | 五条悟- - - 
      ☉ I-- dear lord, how do I even explain this?
      ☉ It’s a bit tough being his sibling at the beginning 
      ☉ So I’m going to explain something else for a minute 
      ☉ When you were born into the Gojo clan, the family often discriminated you because you were an accidental pregnancy 
      ☉ So you were often discriminated as a child instead of getting worshiped and praised by the clan. You were practically a servant to the clan (like Mai and Maki)
      ☉ However, Gojo was always there to protect you because he was worshiped for inheriting the “six eyed,” curse 
      ☉ Gojo has been protective of you ever since you were a child and even helped you with your duties as a “servant.” 
      ☉Even if you inherited a technique or not, the family still looked down because you were not the “six eyed” curse
      ☉ Gojo wouldn’t be surprised if you hated him as a child because the family always compared you to him 
      ☉ So once Gojo was legible to attend Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical High school, he made sure to bring you with him
      ☉ It took his family a lot of arguing and convincing, but in the end, you got your bags packed up and ready to leave for the school
      ☉ If you don’t have cursed energy, and you’re younger than him, you can be trained how to defend yourself along with your brother for you not to get left out (like Maki)
      ☉You’re going to be a first year way earlier than other students, but like what Kamo said, “age doesn’t matter in Jujutsu.”
      ☉ Gojo will sometimes tease you as the two of you are students, but he’s a great mentor whenever you need help about something 
      ☉ Suguru and Shoko will also be your best friend too!
      ☉ Currently, Gojo is still a protective older brother, but goddamn he’s such a tease and a bitch at the same time
      ☉ “(Nickname)~~, what’re you doing?”
      ☉ Like every typical sibling, he can get bored and he will bother you, even if you’re busy
      ☉ If you become a teacher like him, he will randomly interrupt your class and sit down in one of the empty seat and act like nothings wrong 
      ☉ He’ll even act like a student by raising his hand and answering the question
      ☉Gojo disrupts a lot of your activities quite often just because he wants to and sometimes enters your room, stares at you for a few seconds, then leaves
      ☉ Whenever the two of you are free, he’ll invite you to go have some lunch or dinner to take a break from the school
    ☉ Expect him to order a lot of desserts too lmao
      ☉ Gojo honestly pays for anything, even your groceries, necessities, etc
      ☉ Gojo is literally rich, rich, and doesn’t care about his spendings sometimes, and will buy you anything if you ask him
      ☉ He spoils you a lot, to secretly redeem his forgiveness for how the both your parents treated you
      ☉ Overall, he’s a great brother and he’s really fun! Being his sibling is just him being himself, but extra protective 
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༺ Chef’s Note: Trying my best to clear my inbox. I have 7 matchups left, wish me luck!
223 notes · View notes
reinerispretty · 4 years
rotations. (zuko x f!reader) pt 8
hi!! thank you all so so much for reading!! i’m having so much fun writing this and i’m glad you’re enjoying it :) this is a bit of a shorter one, but i’m gonna post one more for the night!
pt 1
pt 7
pt 9
Her fire wasn’t nearly as hot as Azula’s, but it was still fire. She remembered when she was young and what her instructors had said was her advantage against Azula and Zuko: control. They both used their anger to fuel their firebending. (Y/N) used her determination.
The group had been traveling on the sky bison’s back for a few days, ever since a suspicious looking machine had started tailing them. They were all exhausted and cranky and certainly taking it out on each other. Even Sokka and (Y/N) had begun making snide remarks to each other again. But Toph and Katara were by far the worst. The two girls led very different lives. Toph was more of a loner and a free spirit, who liked to do things on her own terms. Katara enjoyed order and regularity. Their differences caused them to butt heads and the lack of sleep wasn’t doing them any favors, either. 
After Toph and Katara’s heated argument, the group had separated. Toph ran off on her own, Aang took a bag full of Appa’s fur, and Sokka, Katara, and (Y/N) flew Appa in the opposite direction. Mai and Ty Lee quickly caught up with them, but their fight was swiftly ended when Appa sent the two Fire Nation girls into the river. 
They flew to where Aang had told them he would be. As they landed, they could see their friend fighting off the blue flames that could only belong to one person.
Once they arrived, (Y/N) could feel her limbs being weighed down from exhaustion. She knew that she was far too tired to fight, but she would push through it. The people of her nation were headstrong and determined, and she would not allow Azula to bring harm to any of her friends. 
She darted toward Azula, running up the side of one of the abandoned buildings to kick her flames at her. Her fire wasn’t nearly as hot as Azula’s, but it was still fire. She remembered when she was young and what her instructors had said was her advantage against Azula and Zuko: control. They both used their anger to fuel their firebending. (Y/N) used her determination. So she led the attack on Azula with her friends following closely behind. It felt like they were different limbs from the same body; their bending techniques complimented each other so seamlessly that she felt like they were unstoppable. Azula, of course, was always one step ahead of them. 
To say that (Y/N) was surprised to see another blast of flame pass her was an understatement. She knew she hadn’t produced it. She turned quickly to see Zuko standing at her side. His hair had grown since the last time she had seen him in the North Pole. He no longer wore his signature Fire Nation ponytail. He looked different, but in a good way. 
Still, she could not completely let her defenses down around him. She brought her hand back to shoot at him, but he ran past her. It wasn’t her that he wanted to fight. It was Azula.
With the work of their team and the additional help of Iroh and Zuko, they made quick work of cornering Azula. “That’s alright,” the girl said. “A princess accepts defeat with honor.” In the next instant, Azula struck Iroh down with lightning. She heard Zuko’s muffled shout, but her ears were ringing from the crack of light. She looked back to see Iroh on the ground and when she turned around, Azula was gone. 
It felt like she was running over to him in slow motion. Azula had hit him right in the chest, over his heart. Regardless of what side they were on, Iroh was a good man. He was kind and selfless. The few times that he had visited the palace when she was there were always filled with good memories. 
“(Y/N),” he had said, on the eve of her tenth birthday. “Your destiny is not set in stone. You have the power to change the fate that has been given to you.” Looking back on it, his words were almost like a warning of what was to come. 
He seemed to be one of the few people in the Fire Nation that had an ounce of humanity within him. 
Zuko reached Iroh before before she did. She dropped to her knees and reached out to touch him, to comfort him, but Zuko wouldn’t let her. “Zuko, please,” She begged. “Let Katara help, she can heal him--” She reached out to touch Iroh, but this time Zuko shoved her away. 
“I don’t need your help!” He shouted at her. Tears streamed from his amber eyes. They had been children, the last time she had seen him cry. “Go away, all of you!” He cradled his uncle in his arms. 
Sokka helped her get to her feet. He pulled her away and toward Appa, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of Zuko. Despite how he had treated her, she longed to comfort him like she had when they were younger. To pull him into a hug and tell him that it would be alright. She felt sick. 
She didn’t speak to anyone when they began flying away. She sat at the back of Appa’s saddle, watching as the little abandoned town became smaller and smaller. She couldn’t untangle her emotions. She thought that she had taught herself to forget about Zuko. She thought she had convinced herself that he was evil and that there was no hope for people like him. So why did she feel so sad? 
And the way that he had spoken to her... Even when she had captured her, he had never sounded that way. His voice was harsh and he was so hurt and angry. He sounded like he hated her. 
So, she did as she always did when she needed comforting. She pulled her knees into herself, wrapped her arms around them, and rested her chin atop her kneecaps. 
Sokka looked back at his friend. He knew how hard this must be for her. While he had no doubt that she was as good as good could get, he didn’t expect her to just forget her friends from her old life. They were a big part of who she was. He couldn’t imagine having to fight someone he had grown up with. 
He made his way across the saddle and sat next to her, close enough so that their arms were touching. He didn’t say anything to her. He didn’t want to make her talk if she wasn’t ready to. But much to his surprise, she turned to face him. She was so sad, but her eyes were free of tears. He suspected that she was too tired to cry. 
“He’s done so many bad things.” Sokka nodded as he started rubbing her back. “Then why do I still feel like this?” 
Sokka pulled her into a hug, resting his head atop hers. “I wish I could give you an answer.” 
Tag List!
@mdgrdians , @soft4kei , @bubblebars , @pleasantfankingdom , @vintageroses1014516 , @celamoon , @fangirlanotherjust , @gliderbudgie , @haylaansmi , @jada-cleo , @boxofteenageideas , @disgruntled-gay , @lie-ana , @jasmine-the-amazing , @svsoftie , @buckysfeet , @anime-simp , @imcravingyou , @rosetheshapeshifter , @alrightberries , @izzieserra , @hstott , @random-stupid-stuffs , @jackbamexpress , @jainaixo , @thefoxskinwalker , @kryptidkova , @bigbuckyenergy , @omgwhattheeven , @ohmigooosh , @snapchatisoverrated , @inlove-maze , @harapirena , @sooske , @sweeetteaa , @selenvx , @ilovespideyyy , @saaaasib , @mochminnie
805 notes · View notes
Title: Sin In The City***
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Nalani x Lewis x Lynix Mini Series
Words: 3k {8.7k, LMAO for thinking it would be anything else} 🤣🤣
Summary: Nalani and Lynix have been friends since they first grew hips and tits. They do everything together. When Lewis tells Nalani that he’s in Vegas for the weekend and invites her to come out, she jumps at the chance, especially when Lewis says the more, the merrier to bringing Nix along. The long weekend goes from a fun time to putting the “sin” in Sin City thanks to a secret plot Nalani concocts.
Note: As you know @munteanhorewrites​ and I are HUUUUGE Lewis Tan fans. The man is just absolute deliciousness and the whole entire package. So, Ru and I got to talking about him currently being in Vegas for the long weekend, and we thought, why not treat you guys while indulging ourselves. This is going to be a four-shot miniseries where Ru and I will each write two chapters for the four-day weekend of sheer debauchery. Thank you @munteanhorewrites​ for suggesting we combine our evil powers. Mwhahahaha! 😈😈
We hope you enjoy this. As always, thank you guys so much for reading. ❤️❤️
If you enjoyed this, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. 
Chapter Legend:
-Chapter One: @royallyprincesslilly​
-Chapter Two: @munteanhorewrites​
Chapter Three: @royallyprincesslilly​
Chapter Four: @munteanhorewrites​
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
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Chapter One: Set The Stage
 “My God, everybody is gonna be in town this weekend, especially since it’s a long one,” Lynix said as she plopped onto the oversized bean bag that was in the corner of my room.
 I remembered the day we’d walked into Z Gallerie just to look around. Neither of us expected something like that to be in the high-end store. It didn’t take long to instantly fall in love with it, and thankfully the store had two left in stock. They were both the same color but completely different fabrics. Lynix preferred the fur one, but I needed the leather one in my life. That’s how it always was with us, we liked different finishes, but we had the same luxurious tastes.
 “I know. I was trying to come up with a plan. Beach, and shopping tomorrow, then spa Saturday?”
 Lynix scrunched her face. I knew she loved both, but right now, I needed her to make a damn choice. She’d always been the indecisive one, especially when it came to two things she enjoyed equally. When Nix shrugged, you knew she’d come to a decision.  
 “Eh—doesn’t matter, although I think we should shop first. I’ve wanted to get a few new suits.”
 The amount of excitement that surged through me was too much for me to contain. When I screeched, Nix’s head snapped to me. As I clapped my hands excitedly, a huge smile plastered across my face. “Yeees, then I can pick up that new brow kit that Jackie just dropped. Uugh, I am so ready for it. I have so many ideas for content.”
 By looking at Nix’s face, I could tell she was also looking forward to the day’s activities. What girl didn’t like shopping for new things such as clothes and makeup. Usually, when we went shopping, we would go early and not leave the mall until it was closing, and both of us would have so many bags that were filled with things neither of us needed.
 “So, it’s a plan, I confirmed.
 Nix nodded and continued to scroll through her phone for a few moments before she stood and walked out to get ready. Living in Miami, there were tons of pros. The weather was a major one. For the majority of the year, the weather remained calm, beautiful, and sunny. That meant that I could dress however the hell I wanted. After rummaging through my closet for the perfect thing to wear, I decided on a pair of dark denim jeans, a white scoop neck tee with two slits at the sides that carried all the way up my ribcage.
 When I sat down to beat my face, I had Saweetie blasting.
 “Can’t stop, won’t stop get guap. Ten white toes in them Troy flip flops. Manicures and pedicures I’m tip-top. When they say I’m not hot, all these lies need to stop. Cause I’m icy, wifey, haters wanna fight me.”
 Feeling the music, I stood and did my best hot gyal Meg moves. Within a few seconds, I heard Nix’s telltale “ayyyyyy.” Turning, I saw her standing in the doorway, using the doorjamb behind her as a twerk partner.
 “Get it!”
 She stood and rapped the next verse. “My team is trying to eat, so we grinding til’ out mental bleed. You tryna get a bag of weed? I’m tryna get a bag a week. Put it in my savings and invest in the right companies. My dream is like a child, and I’m taking all the custody.”
 That was when I joined in too. We were rapping, twerking, and acting a fool for the next minute or two. I watched Nix drop to the floor and pop her ass from left to right. Not being the one to be outdone, I bent forward and made mine clap. When I felt her drop a heavy-handed slap to my ass, I dropped and brought her with me. We laid on the floor, laughing together for a full minute.
 “You play too much. You can’t let me be great! You and your knees like Meg head ass,” I teased. She snorted loudly.
 “I got Meg’s knees, and you got her ass!”
 Nix stood and straightened the ruffles of her off the shoulder white crop top at the same time my phone rang. When I picked it up off of the wireless charging port, I screeched out.
 “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
 I showed her the phone so she could see who was calling. Her smile was broad but not as wide as yours. After three rings, you picked up the facetime call. Lewis’ gorgeous face filled the screen, and your belly fluttered. His groomed mustache chin beard decorated his face in a way that was just so pleasing to the eye. It complimented his facial structure so well. The man was too damn fine for his own good, and the worst part—he knew it.
 “Hey, handsome,” I answered in my sugary seductive voice.
 “There she is Lani, Lani. How are you, beautiful?” Lewis’s smile was soft, but it still gave way to his dimples to take center stage.
 “I’m good.”
 “That’s good. Wooo, you look good as hell,” Lewis complimented in his smooth voice. It was the voice he used when he wanted something, and the voice always got him anything he wanted. I bit my bottom lip and plopped onto my bed.
 “Did you just wake up? You look like you’re in bed still.”
 “I kind of did. I caught an early flight, and once I got in and did some training, I crashed.”
 My eyes dropped to his bare chest, and I found myself wondering if he was naked. Usually, that is how he slept. The memories flooded me, and like the wind, I was gone, lost in my lascivious thoughts.
 “Sorry, babe, what’d you say?”
 “What’re you up to?”
 “Nothing much. Was just kicking it about to do some shopping.”
 From the corner of my eyes, I saw Nix trying to get a look at him. I slanted the screen so she could see without him knowing she was there. She gave me a look to say, “excuse me.” Pressing my lips together, I tried to stifle the laugh that wanted freedom.
 “I had an idea. I’m in Vegas for the weekend. You should come through.”
 Nix’s eyes bugged.
 “Yeah. This is one of my last weekends of freedom before press, and all that starts. So, I thought, why not have some fun. You down?”
 I looked to Nix, who was now standing behind my phone with her back to my balcony's sliding door. She nodded her head excitedly while motioning for me to say something.
 “Uh—well, I don’t know, babe. This weekend? Lew, that’s like—tomorrow.”
 Nix gave you a look asking if you were crazy. I had every intention of accepting the offer, but there was no way in hell that I was going to make him think he had it like that. A girl had to have some mystery about her no matter how fine the man or how good his stroke game was.
 “I know it’s short notice but come on Lani, it’s Vegas!”
 Lewis began moving, and it gave you the answer you needed; he wasn’t naked. His black boxer briefs clung to his hips, making my fingers itch to hook in the waistband. The visual swirled, almost giving you motion sickness before his face came back into focus with all the sights of Vegas behind him. I made out a few landmarks, mainly their replica of the Eiffel Tower and the strip's blinding lights. A smile spread across your face before you rolled your eyes.
 He was so damn adorable. He actually looked surprised as if he really was surprised you’d accepted.
 “Yeah. Why not? I’m sure you can find some way to entertain me.”
 Lewis smiled, but this was no regular smile. It was one that spoke of so much. We’d been dealing with each other on and off for the last two months or so after meeting at a music event. I’d gone to cut loose and ended up catching the eye of some rapper who had a really grandiose ideal of himself. He thought I’d leave with him and turn into another notch on his bedpost, but once Lewis and I got to talking, there was no way. He was categorically more interesting.  After two or three dates, the inevitable happened, and he dispelled all negative stereotypes about Asian men.
 “I have a favor, though, babe,” I began with a sweet as honey smile.
 “Name it.”
 “I want to bring my friend.”
 Nix’s eyes again bugged; she wasn’t expecting that. As she flailed her hands around telling me to cease and desist, I ignored her.
 “A friend you say?”
 “Yep, my bestie, Lynix.”
 “Oh, thee Lynix? Say no more. The more, the merrier,” Lewis answered.
 “Yeah. I’m looking forward to finally meeting her. I’ll make the arrangements and text you the info.”
 “Okay, babe. I’ll see you soon.”
 I puckered up and blew him a kiss. Before I ended the call, I watched him lick his lips, and even more excitement filled you.
 “What the hell was that? Who said I wanted to go to Vegas and be the third wheel to your sexcation?”
 “Nix, come on. What would you do? Stay here? Call dickhead and fall back into a situation with the only benefit being mediocre dick?”
 Nix’s jaw dropped. “Wow, the call out wasn’t necessary, Lani.”
 “I don’t’ sugar coat. You’ll have more fun with me in Vegas. Plus, it’s not a sexcation.”
 They were words I didn’t even fully believe. It was just a matter of time. Nix paced the floor as she contemplated the offer. “I don’t want to be a third wheel,” she protested.
 “You won’t be. Lew is cool. It’ll be fun.”
 She didn’t look convinced, but she looked more inclined to being easy about it than continuing her protest. The moment I saw her acceptance, I sprang to my feet and hugged her.
 “It’s going to be a great weekend.”
 After a few moments of embracing, Nix was the one to speak first. “Come on! Hurry that ass up. I’m hungry!”
 She always got hangry quicker than anyone I’d ever known. After another fifteen minutes or so of primping, we left determined to catch our favorite restaurant for lunch. In Miami, everywhere anyone turned, they were met with skin, suntan lotion, muscles, and food. To some, that meant that they had to remain on point or else someone would catch them slipping, and no one wanted that. In Miami, if someone caught you slipping, you lost your man, job, or even worse your lifestyle.
 Nix and I didn’t have to worry about that. We were secure in our careers. Lynix was able to make surprisingly good money as a top food and luxury goods blogger, while I’d found my place in the fashion and makeup influencer world. Where every influencer was a copy and paste option, I worked hard to set myself apart from them. My ideas were fresh, and my content always showed that I thought outside the box. Since our bags were secured, our lifestyle was safe.
 However, when it came to men, both Nix and I liked to keep our options open. Life was meant for living. These days, a lot of men acted like they wanted to live but truly only brought headaches. Who could be bothered? That didn’t mean we were in no man’s land. Whenever the need arose to be wined and dined, we went out and entertained whoever we chose. A girl might not want headaches, but she does want to be spoiled and made to feel pretty. Lewis brought no headaches, he treated me well, and the handful of times we’d gotten it in, it showed that he had far superior bedroom manners than anyone she’s dealt with.
 At lunch, we ironed out the plan for the day now that the weekend plan had significantly changed. Bathing suits and makeup were not the only things we planned on picking up at the mall now. There was a whole new list.
 “Nix, I thought I heard you up on the phone last night. Was it Caesar?”
 Lynix rolled her eyes as she took up her burger and took a hearty bite. As she chewed, she moaned and motioned to her plate. The burger was nearly bigger than her mouth, but she made it work.
 “This is so good, Lani.”
 I leaned over the table toward the burger. She knew what I wanted and held out the burger for me to take a bite. Moaning, I relished the flavors that burst over my tastebuds. It was rare for restaurants to season their food with more than a pinch of salt and a dash of pepper, but I could taste much more than the two.  
 “You’re right. The avocado is a great addition.”
 Nix took another bite as I stirred my pasta dish before I began eating.
 “Is he bugging you to get back together again?”
 Nix rolled her eyes again, but she nodded, “You know it. I don’t get it. It’s like he thinks the third time will be the charm.”
 I loudly kissed my teeth. Men like that were annoying as hell. For starters, I didn’t think the second round was a good idea, and I sure as hell didn’t think third time was going to be the charm, but I kept that to myself this time. “What do you think?”
 “Hell no!”
 We busted out laughing at the same time, not caring how loud we were. I noticed the eyes that slid to us from nearby tables. It was clear they were curious about what was so funny.
 “I told you, you need to try something new,” I said while wiggling my eyebrows. “It’s a good thing we’re doing Vegas this weekend. I think you’ll find that something new.”
 She rolled her eyes. “Don’t make no plans for me, Lani. You always wanna play matchmaker.”
 “I didn’t have matchmaking in mind—well not in the way you think,” I gibed.
 Her jaw dropped, and I couldn’t help but laugh. Yeah, Vegas would be a damn good time all right, I thought, as we finished our meal.
 By the time we got to the mall, Lewis had texted the info for the first-class flight he’d booked for the two of us. He made sure to add the message, “Making sure two queens travel the way they deserve.” When I showed Nix, she rolled her eyes, but I could tell she was just as in awe as I was from the smile on her face.
 Take-off was eight in the morning, which meant the rest of the day would be jamb packed to ensure everything got done. We flitted from store to store and spent money like we meant it. What was supposed to be a two maybe three store stop turned into four hours of complete indulgence. With the intent to pick up something nice for Lewis, we found ourselves in Agent Provocateur.
 After trying on a few pieces, I suckered Nix into trying some things on too. She didn’t protest with this. She liked lingerie, no matter the reason.  She thought it would be just for her pleasure, but I was beginning to formulate an alternate plan, one she had no idea about, but she would—in time.
 When we were both dressed in our final selections, Nix snapped a picture of me in a yellow number and sent it to Lewis.
 MSG: Decisions, Decisions.
 In less than a minute, his response came through.
 MSG Lew: Sold! Matter fact, get it in every color.
 Two hours later, with take-out in hand, we made it home. It was late, but instead of packing and getting some rest, we decided to binge-watch the newest season of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina on Netflix. As you ate, you gossiped, laughed, and enjoyed the time together as you always did. There was a reason you’d moved in together; you genuinely liked each other and enjoyed hanging out together.
 The next day after two hours of chaos with last-minute packing, dancing, an impromptu fashion show, and taking turns doing each other’s makeup and hair, we finally were seated in first-class enjoying a glass of rosé.
 “Man, he sure knows how to charm a girl,” Nix joked.
 “You have no idea.”
 “Uh—I kinda do. You’ve literally told me everything about him,” she added.
 She was right. I had told her quite a bit about him. I’d also tried to get them to meet a few times, but each time one or both of them had other things they had to do. I wasn’t worried they wouldn’t like each other; I was sure once they spoke, they’d hit it off. I was counting on it for my plan to work.
 “So—Nix,” I began, again in my sweet as honey voice.”
 “Don’t try to use your charms on me, Lani. I know all your tricks,” she countered.
 Rolling my eyes, I pouted and decided to forge on. “What do you think of Lew?”
 “I told you, he’s cute.”
 “Yeah, but what else?”
 Nix looked at me as if she were trying to figure out my angle.
 “I don’t know him, Lani. From what I’ve seen, he seems like a cool guy, end of story.”
 It wasn’t a raving review, but I had to take it. Maybe her tune would be different after she got to see what he was about.
 “Just—know that you’re the only person I don’t mind sharing with,” I dropped before I popped my AirPods in. I could feel her eyes on me, but I pretended not to notice. I’d give her the flight to marinate on what I meant.
 After a three hour nonstop flight, we made it to baggage claim and got our belongings, then went in search of the driver that was supposed to be waiting for us as per Lewis’s text message from this morning. It didn’t take long to find him because he held up a sign with both your names on it.
 “That’s us.”
 “Great. Welcome to Vegas, I’m Drew. I’ll be your driver. Is this everything?”
 He nodded toward mine and Nix’s six total pieces of luggage. I nodded and allowed him to gather them before he walked ahead, leading us out of the busy airport. Once we made it outside, Drew ushered us into the waiting luminous pearl white Mercedes Maybach.
 “I don’t think that yellow number from Provocateur is gonna be enough,” Nix teased, making me giggle way too loudly.
 She was right though, mans was putting in all the stops. This wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, though. Lewis liked to enjoy life. He liked the finer things and didn’t see a reason not to indulge in moderation.
 The drive wasn’t obscenely long, but it was filled with quite a bit of traffic, especially considering it was just past eleven in the morning. Google said it was supposed to be a twenty-minute ride from the airport, but it turned out to be nearly thirty fives. Neither of us minded. We chatted, recorded a series of lives, and took several pictures to post to our respective socials.
 Once the car pulled up to the hotel, we walked inside, taking in every detail while I pulled out my phone. It was a beautiful hotel.
 MSG: Should I just give your name to the reception or something else?
 “No need. I gotchu.”
 I spun around, coming face to face with a dimpled and smiling Lewis.
 “Aah, babe!” Lewis came in for a hug, and once he wrapped his arms around me, I moaned. His arms felt so damn strong. He was not gimping on his workouts.  
 “How’d you know we were here?”
 “I got the alert from the driver and the company,” he responded as he kissed my cheek. He smelled so fucking good.
 “How are you, babe?”
 “Better now that you guys are here,” Lewis answered with a wide smile.
 I shook my head; the charm would be the death of me. Lewis’s eyes had already drifted to Lynix, who was standing back a few feet.
 “Finally, you two can meet. Lew, this is Lynix, my best friend in the entire world,” I declared with one hand holding Lewis’s and reaching out for Nix’s hand with my other.
 They both just stared at each other for a few moments without speaking.
 “Lynix,” Lewis began.
 “Nix,” she corrected. “The only people who call me Lynix are my parents and acquaintances.”
 Lewis smiled and nodded. “Glad to know I’m not an acquaintance.”
 Nix smirked and shrugged. “You’re a minuscule notch above it. I’d be careful, though.”
 Lewis’s laugh was loud as it echoed throughout the lobby. “Wow. Of course, she’d be just as witty as you,” he said, glancing across to me. I shrugged. I had told him we were pretty similar.
 “It’s nice to meet you,” Lewis added before I slipped his hand to hers, letting them both go.
 Both of them looked at me with a question in their eyes, but it quickly faded before they looked back to each other and shook hands.
 “Same here.”
 A few more seconds elapsed with both of them holding hands before Nix dropped his. I pinched my lips, sensing that everything was falling into place. From the look on Nix’s face, I could tell she thought he was more than cute.
 “Okay, let’s head up to the penthouse and get you two settled,” Lewis announced.
 The three of you, the bellhop, and a few other hotel guests, rode the elevator. Lewis asked questions about the flight and if everything was good with the drive over. I happily thanked him for everything he’d done thus far and took the chase to tease him with touches. The thing I loved about Lewis was he was equally as flirtatious as I was. He liked to tease as much as I did and did it with ease. Every touch I placed on his arm, chest, and cheek, he returned with his lips to my ear as he whispered to me, or his hand on my hip as he held me close, or even his words. He knew his appeal and always used it as a weapon.
 Once you made it to the penthouse level and walked inside, Lewis handled the bellhop and directed him to where the bags went while I dragged Nix to the balcony to marvel at the beauty that was Las Vegas. I looked over to Nix and bounced my hip against her.
 “See. I told you this was a good idea.”
 “Fine, this is gorgeous,” she finally admitted.
 I pulled my phone out, ready for another picture. As we posed and blew kisses to the camera, neither of us noticed Lewis approach the balcony doors. When I looked over, he wore a soft smile as he watched.
 “Babe, get in these pictures!”
 He held his hands up. “I don’t wanna barge in where I’m not wanted.”
 “Oh, you’re more than wanted, right, Nix.”
 She licked her lips and shrugged. “The more, the merrier.”
 Lewis scoffed and nodded as he came over to stand to the other side of me, leaving me in the middle. After two or three pictures, I moved him to the middle, so it was a proper sandwich.
 “That’s better. It’s more aesthetically pleasing,” I remarked. Both Nix and Lewis simply nodded.
 “Everyone say, Sin City!”
 We all shouted it as my phone did snap after snap. I liked to do the burst shots because I preferred natural-looking pictures, and out of the twenty in the burst, there was bound to be at least four that were gold. After about five minutes of posing for pictures with Lewis in the frame, he took over as the cameraman. It was over then. When you put us in front of a camera together with someone else taking the snaps, we turned into a whole different monster. It was like when the power rangers morphed together into that one super ranger.
 I turned my back to Lewis and looked over my shoulder. Nix leaned close, touching her cheek to mine while resting her hand on top of my ass. I peeped the way Lewis lowered the camera for a few seconds before he brought it back up to take the picture. When we changed poses for me to lift Nix’s leg to show off the skin of her thigh, Lewis again lowered the phone, this time I saw him lick his lips before he sucked his bottom one for a few moments. This was going swimmingly, I thought to myself.
 Lewis let us settle in while he took care of a little business, and that was when I saw he’d had my bags placed in his room. It felt good to know he was on the same page as you were about this Vegas trip. Sometimes it was hard to decipher what someone’s true thoughts and feelings were. With Lewis, sometimes it was plain as day.
 The knock at the door had me turning to see Nix leaning on the door looking around.
 “So, what’s the plan? I’m starving.”
 “You’re always hungry.”
 “Listen, don’t try to hunger shame me, just feed me,” she countered as she walked inside the room to plop down beside me.
 Handing her my phone so she could see the comment under one of the pictures I’d posted from the balcony shoot. I watched her face closely, and when I saw her jaw drop, I snorted.
 “Your followers are freaks.”
 The two of you laughed together before Nix stretched out on the bed. As if not liking the position, she brought her legs under her to sit on her shins. The shorts she wore had ridden up her thigh.
 “I mean, he said it, not me,” I defended as I got more comfortable. Not realizing how close my phone was, I accidentally pushed it off the bed.
 “I’ll get it,” Nix offered, crawling to the right side of the bed to bend over the edge to get my phone.
 With Nix’s ass high in the air, that was the moment Lewis walked in. Almost instantly, his eyebrow shot up with his eyes glued to her ass. It couldn’t have gone better even if I had planned it. He liked what he saw.
 “I got it.” She handed me the phone.
 “Hey, babe.”
 In shock, Nix yelped and turned, looking at Lewis.
 “You guys look super comfortable in here,” Lewis answered. I laid down, placing my head in Nix’s lap.
 “It’s a nice bed, hard not to be comfortable.”
 Lewis loudly cleared his throat before he spoke. “So, what do you guys want to do?”
 “This one is begging to be fed,” I said, tapping Nix’s knee.
 “Okay, let’s go. I know the perfect restaurant.”
 “Great,” Nix replied, instantly moving off the bed. “I’ll meet you guys downstairs.” With that, she was gone.
 Lewis’s eyes roamed over my body before he crossed the room to stand at the foot of the bed, looking down at me.
 “How long’s it been?”
 “You tell me,” I countered. His smile was again one of the flirt.
 “A few weeks?”
 “Just about.”
 Lewis lowered his body on top of mine, but he didn’t touch me. I opened my legs, pressing them back to the mattress, reminding him just who he was fucking with. I watched him look down my body to my pressed back legs. He scoffed before he looked back to my eyes.
 “Ready for me, huh?”
 Bringing my foot to his crotch, I felt his hardening patch. “Maybe about as ready as you are for me.”
 Quickly Lewis dropped his lips to mine and kissed me. Wasting no time, he delved his tongue into my mouth, swirling his with mine. I moaned on his lips and wrapped my legs around his back. Finally, he pressed his muscled body to mine, teasing me with every hardened plane of his frame. He was absolute perfection.
 Lewis moaned once more before he pulled away. “Didn’t you want to eat?”
 “I could definitely eat,” I said, reaching for the buttons of his pants. He groaned and took a few steps back.
 “Good things come to those who wait, beautiful.”
 Lewis nudged his head, signaling for us to go. He was going to be the death of me, I thought.
 Twenty minutes later, the three of us found ourselves at a restaurant that served a mix of breakfast and lunch options. When we sat, Nix moved to sit on my right while keeping Lewis on my left, but after a subtle rearrangement, Lewis was in the middle with both of us on either side of him.  I could tell she had questions, but she kept them to herself. I knew I’d have to clue her in soon.
 “So Nix, anything in particular you want to do while here?”
 She looked at Lewis as she finished chewing. “Not really. I’m pretty easy.”
 “Oh, really?”
 She smirked and shook her head, “When it comes to fun,” Nix clarified. Lewis smiled and nodded.
 “Lani’s told me so much about you.”
 “Oh yeah? All bad, I’m sure. Don’t believe anything she’s told you.”
 I kissed my teeth and rolled my eyes.
 “Oh, so don’t believe that you’re funny as hell, really sweet, talented, a damn good cook, and that you’re a great person?”
 Nix looked at me and melted. She was easy.
 “Awww, Lani,” she began.
 “Shut up, don’t make it weird.”
 The three of us chuckled before Nix continued. “Those you can believe, but I’m not as sweet as she says.”
 “You look pretty sweet to me,” Lewis slid in.
 The way Nix looked at him said she was speechless. When she looked at me, I smiled and gave her a look to say, “told you.” The man was walking charm.
 “Looks can be deceiving.”
 “You’re sweeter than you look,” I added, leaning to Lewis’s cheek to place a soft kiss to it. “Trust me,” I whispered into his ear.
 A few moments later, my phone went off.
 MSG Nix: What are you doing?
MSG: Nothing. What do you mean?
MSG Nix: You’re being weird.
MSG: I’m not. I promise.
MSG Nix: What are you up to?
MSG: Nothing.
 The look she gave me was one that said she didn’t believe shit out my mouth. I didn’t blame her. I was utterly up to no good.
 After some lunch, Lewis took us around to show us the sights along the strip. The three of us quickly roamed through Vegas’s version of Ripley’s Believe or Not before making it to do a little retail therapy. I roamed around the store with my arm laced through Lewis’s picking up different things. That was when I got one of my best ideas. With my arms filled with clothes, I whispered to Lewis for him to sit back and enjoy the show.
 When I came out dressed in a skin-tight dress, Lewis’s eyes roamed my body, examining the way it hugged my curves.
 “Do you like it?”
 Lewis signaled me to spin, so I did. When I looked at him again, he looked pleased.
 “The color’s nice on you. Looks good.”
 “Your turn Nix. Come on.”
 “I don’t have to come out. I’m good.”
 Rolling my eyes, I went to the door of her dressing room, opened it, and pulled her out.
 “Wow, that looks incredible on you.”
 She traced her hands over her body before she turned to look in the mirror, turning her back to Lewis.
 “Definitely, get it. Right, babe?”
 Nix didn’t turn, but I saw her looking at him through the mirror.
 “Yeah, get it,” Lewis answered before his eyes dropped back to his phone.
 That was not acceptable, I thought.
 On the second reveal, I wore a low cut white top and a pair of leather pants. Lewis had me come closer to touch on the pants. While he appreciated visuals, he appreciated the touch more.  When Nix came out, she had on a figure-hugging leather dress with a plunging neckline.
 “Wow,” Lewis exclaimed.
 Bingo, I thought. Nix turned to face him, but she looked at me. Nodding my encouragement, she looked at him.
 “Yeah? Is that a good wow?”
 “Uh—it’s, you look great,” Lewis added.
 “You can do better than that, babe,” I coaxed.
 Lewis licked his lips and slid his phone back into his pocket. “It looks good on you.”
 As I walked back into my dressing room, I heard him correct himself. “Really good.”
 I considered that a win.
 After trying on a few more items, we cashed out. Lewis being the gentleman he was offered to pay for the entire thing. Nix protested, but when she did, he insisted even more, so she conceded and accepted defeat.
When we made it to one of Vegas’s most popular attractions—the sky jump from the top of the STRAT hotel, Lewis went first and made it look like a breeze. He was so carefree about it too that it made me want to go next. Nix didn’t protest; she looked terrified.
 Once I jumped off the edge, it was the most exhilarating and terrifying feeling I’d ever felt. Everything zipped past my eyes. For a few seconds, I felt like I wasn’t attached to the rope and that I was plummeting to my death, but the minute the rope snagged and bounced me up, and down I relaxed. It was incredible. Vegas was beautiful.
 When it was Nix’s turn, she damn near freaked out. She tried several times to back out, but I wouldn’t let her. After several minutes of talking her into it and assuring her it would be the best thing ever, she approached the operator only to back away. That was when Lewis stepped in.
 “Look at me, if you really don’t want to do it, that’s cool but listen to my voice for a minute. Are you looking at me?”
 She nodded. Lewis placed his hands on his waist and held her in place.
 “The worst part is right here. Don’t think about it. You’re safe. This will be one of the things you’ll remember for the rest of your life. This is all we have in life, memories of experiences, and times we truly lived. After everything Lani’s told me about you, I’m sure you can do this.”
 Though she still looked as if she were half a heartbeat from passing out, she looked more confident. Nix nodded and turned back around. She stood there for almost a full minute before she shook her head no.
 “Would it be better if Lew did it with you?”
 Both sets of eyes landed on me. It was obvious they hadn’t thought about it.
 “He can go with her, right?”
 The three of us looked back to the operator who nodded.
 “See,” I added.
 “I don’t wanna make you. It would be weird,” Nix protested.
 “No, it wouldn’t be weird. It’s fine. Are you okay with it?”
 “Absolutely,” I assured.
 Lewis suited up again, and in less than a minute, he was ready to take another dive. As I watched the operator secure them both the harness, I had to hold the glee in to yet another situation I hadn’t planned that was working in my favor. I knew Nix, and in order for her to be at all receptive to what I was going to suggest, she had to be comfortable. When they were secured, Nix and Lewis were harnessed together fastened together at the chest. They looked like conjoined twins.
 Nix looked to me, and I gave her two thumbs up and a smile.
 “You got this bestie!” She rolled her eyes and looked like she wanted to kill me for getting her into this.
 Lewis chuckled before he nodded to the operator, and just like that, he jumped, taking them both over the edge. I could hear Nix’s scream the entire time. It was too funny not to laugh. There were a few moments of silence, but they didn’t last long. From the video attached to the contraption's overhead hood, I could see that her legs were now wrapped around his waist, and Lewis was securely holding her to him. His laugh was loud, as was her chastising him for laughing at her. They were already bantering like old friends. By the time the operator began pulling them back up, they were now staring at each other like not quite just friends. Maybe this would be easier than I thought, I theorized.
 We took in a few more sights before we stopped at the famous Bellagio fountains to take in the show. It was beautiful. I could tell why Vegas always mystified everyone. It was easy to become another person and get lost in the lights. Coming here, lines always became blurred. When we got back to the penthouse, the plan was to freshen up and get ready for dinner, then a club.
 After a shower, I stood in front of the window, trying to decide which dress to wear. That was when Lewis crept up behind him, wrapping his arms around my midsection.
 “There you are. Where’ve you been?”
 “I had a little meeting with my team. I’m sorry,” he whispered while kissing a trail from my shoulder up my neck until he got to my ear lobe. Moaning, I sank back onto him.
 “You smell incredible.”
 “I know.”
 Lewis’s hand slowly slid down my body until it dipped into my underwear. When I felt the soft brush of his fingers against my sex, I sharply gasped, dropping my head back onto his chest.
 “Yeah, you’ve been craving this, haven’t you?”
 I nodded; there was no point in frontin’. He began slowly, lazily circling around my clit. His touch was so damn soft. It felt as If it was barely there. Within seconds I began wriggling, hoping he got the hint to pick up the pace. Lewis chuckled, clearly enjoying how he had you.
 “What do you want, babe?”
 “You know what I want, Lew.”
 “Use your words, princess.”
 I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, but I also wanted my happy ending.
 “Make me come, daddy.”
 Lewis groaned loudly, sending the vibrations through my body. That was all it took for my body to blaze. Lewis pinched my clit then slapped it.
 “Fuck, babe.”
 “Are you wet for me, princess?”
 “So fucking wet.”
 He circled my clit again, this time giving you the amount of pressure and speed you needed. Sighing, you focused on the sensations that were coursing through you. His hands were a major turn-on for me. He looked like he used them often. Just as I was getting used to the way my body hummed from his fingers, he switched it up. When you felt him dip his middle finger inside of me, my knees buckled.
 Lewis’s strong arms held me steady as he backed us to the bed. He sat and placed me on his lap, leaving my legs wide for him. He retreated his finger only to add another digit to slip inside of me.
 “Mmm, fuck daddy.”
 “You are wet for me. You feel so fucking hot.”
 The slow way he sank and retreated his fingers inside of me only inched me closer and closer to madness. My pants echoed in the room and mingled with his deep, sultry moans. When he pulled them out to show you what a mess you’d made, he brought them to your lips.
 “Clean them off.”
 Not needing to be told twice, I lowered my lips over his fingers and sucked them clean, all the while showcasing just how deep my throat went. His moan became louder, but before you could take control of the moment, he pulled his fingers free and dipped three digits inside of you, stretching you—prepping you for his thickness.
 His movements were no longer slow. He plunged in and out of me with a speed that had your back arching and your hand wrapping around the back of his neck where your nails sunk in.
 “You sure you wanna come?”
 “Yes, who?”
 “Yes, daddy. Please make me come.”
 Lewis added a twisting and rotating motion. It felt as if there was some sort of spiraling toy inside of me, and that was when I lost my shit.
 “Yes, yes, fuck! I’m coming!”
 It must have been music to his ears because, with his other hand, he pinched my nipple, sending me over the threshold and into a soft cloud pillow of ecstasy.
 “Such a good girl!”
 Lewis pulled his fingers free, and they were absolutely soaked. He gently tossed me onto the bed, then stood before me. I watched as he licked and sucked his fingers clean before he added a sly wink before he turned and walked into the bathroom.
 Dropping my head to the bed, I groaned out, “The fuck!”
  Dinner was delicious. Lewis picked one of the five-star restaurants that had given him an open invitation to come and see what they had to offer. When he walked in, all eyes were on the three of you. No doubt every woman wondering the same thing—how could they get a piece of him. all through dinner, the three of you laughed and told stories.
 Lewis told Nix and several stories from his set life and even dropped some fun facts about some of his costars or scenes we’d seen in some of his shows. When he asked about some of the shenanigans we got into, I didn’t hesitate telling him several stories that showcased Nix and my insanity. Every story had him laughing, and Nix cringing from all the tea I was dropping.
 “I can’t believe we did half of that,” Nix remarked.
 “Oh stop, don’t act like it was some other person. Your ass is just as crazy as me. It’s one of the reasons we get along so well. Plus, I know you always have my back,” I added.
 Lewis raised his glass. “To best friends then.”
 Nix and I raised our glasses, but before anyone took a drink, I spoke up. “To best friends and new friends.”
 The two of them looked at me, shrugged, then tapped glasses.
As the liquor burned its way down my throat, I shivered and flailed my hands. “Wooo, let’s get out of here. I’m ready to dance!”
  Within five minutes, the three of us were in the back of another chauffeured car on our way to one of the hottest clubs in Vegas.
 “So, is there a Mr. Vix?”
 “If there were, I wouldn’t be here.”
 “I doubt you’re the kind of woman who would allow a man to dictate what she could or couldn’t do,” Lewis countered.
 She has a soft smile on her lips, a sign of her conceding.
 “No, there’s no Mr. Nix.”
 “Is that by choice or circumstance?”
 “I choose my circumstances so--.”
 If there was one thing, Lewis liked it was mental sparring. I could tell he was intrigued by her. It made my plan easier.
 When we walked into the club, the music's loudness and the bright neon colors set the tone for the night. It was going to be a crazy, fun few hours. After situating in one of the VIP areas and downing a few drinks, I was up dancing with Nix while Lewis watched on and bopped to the music. As the alcohol began to take effect, we got into dancing and having a good time. Soon it became who could dance the most despite the number of drinks they’d had.
 After an hour or so, I pulled Lewis up to dance with us. I was in the middle with Lewis behind me and Nix in front. She twerked her ass onto me, while I did the same to Lewis. He held his own, but I wasn’t surprised. He looked like he knew how to dance. It was yet another turn-on. Lewis nipped my neck before he playfully rammed my ass with his crotch. Turning to him, I whispered I was going to get another drink.
 “Dance with Nix.” He met my eyes with a question in his.  Before he could open his mouth, I kissed him and walked off.
 It wasn’t a complete lie. I did want to get another drink, but I also wanted him to dance with Nix. After a few moments, Lewis approached her. She was at the railing, holding on with one hand while waving the other in the air. She was lost in her own world. I knew it was partly because of the alcohol. She turned and came face to face with him. both of them awkwardly laughed before Nix cheered along with everyone around when the DJ changed the song to Despacito.
 As she sang along, they both swayed to the beat. Every so often, Lewis leaned in and whispered something to her that had her giggling. Once the chorus started, she’d spun around and began winding her hips, adding in that Latin flare that Miami was known for, and that was also embedded in her DNA.
 Lewis dropped his eyes to her ass for so long. I didn’t think he’d make a move to dance with her, but when he stepped closer and placed his hand on Nix’s waist, I jumped as if I’d seen my own child score a touchdown. Soon their bodies synced, and they were dancing to the music but at a respectful distance. Lewis grabbed her hand and spun her back around, and the two did a mix of a salsa and bachata.
 From afar, they looked like they were having a good time. They sure as hell danced well together. Toward the middle of the song, he spun Nix back around. This time her back was pressed to his chest. That was when Nix rolled her body to dip to the floor. While bringing herself back up, she poked her ass out but not far enough that she touched him. Getting closer, I thought to myself before I made my way back over.
 By the end of the night, the three of you were tripping over your feet. Once we pushed through the penthouse's doors, it was Nix who had the idea to get into the pool. She wasted no time stripping down to her underwear and jumping in. Lewis and I were not far behind her. We swam and joked around with each other like drunken fools who had no cares in the world. After about an hour of swimming and acting like children with water games like Marco Polo and catch, we were leaned against the pool's wall enjoying another drink.
 “The two of you are a lot of fun,” Lewis sighed out before he knocked back another rum shot.
 “I tried to tell you. We know how to have a good time,” I reiterated.
 “As you can see by the one who has on no bra, she’s the one who has the most fun,” Nix teased.
 “You’re welcome to join the no bra club to take part in the fun,” I countered.
 There was no missing my meaning, and from the way she looked at me, I knew she got it. Nix looked like she was thinking about it, then her eyes shifted to Lewis who was watching the exchange. She made a move as if to unhook the front of her strapless bra, but as her hands made it to the front of her body, she lowered them and cleared her throat.
 “Ehm, I’m exhausted, probably jet-lagged. I think I’m gonna go pass out.”
 “Yep.” She turned and swam to the steps of the pool before she climbed out of the water. “But by all means—you two enjoy the rest of the night.”
 Nix scooped up her dress off the floor and walked toward the sliding doors. “Oh, Lewis, thank you for the invitation this weekend.”
 “Don’t mention it.” Nix nodded, then disappeared inside.
 “Is she okay?”
 “Probably just drank too much.”
 I swam to him, took his glass, and finished it before placing it behind him. “What would you say if I didn’t trust myself to walk?”
 “Then, I’d carry you to bed.”
 Crashing my lips to his, my mouth stole his moan and made it my own. In seconds I was more than ready to be carried to bed and fucked to sleep. As if hearing my thoughts, Lewis pulled me to him and swam toward the steps. Forgetting our clothes, he walked inside, never taking his lips from mine. At the top of the steps in the hall, he pressed me to the wall giving me an idea of how much he wanted me. Scraping his back, I moaned loudly.
 “Fuck I’m so hard for you.”
 “I want you, Lew.”
 When be busted into the bedroom, he quickly dropped me back onto the bed and peeled off his boxer-briefs as I pulled off my underwear. When he pressed between your legs, you whispered to him to fuck you. Your self-control was gone, and you didn’t care if there was no foreplay. This entire day was foreplay enough.
 When Lewis thrust forward, connecting our bodies, I shrieked out and arched backward. Lewis pressed his hand to the center of my body as he rotated his hips, making my thighs hit the bed, giving him complete access to ruin you any way he saw fit.
 “Fuck, Lani!”
 His thrusts sped up and turned bruising. Each connection had your breasts swinging and your body shaking. Just when you were getting used to the pace, he set he changed the name of the game and slowed it down, making goosebumps prickle my skin. His lips found yours, and he took control of that too, the same way he was showing me owned my pussy tonight.
 “Whose pussy is this, Lani?”
 “Damn right, it’s mine!”
 As if shedding the gentleness, he kicked it up a notch with the way he plowed into me. With every dip, your body hugged him, making it next to impossible for him to retreat. With every snug squeeze, Lewis grunted loudly.
 “Fuck, right there, daddy.”
 When he pulled out and flipped me onto my belly, I knew what was coming. Within seconds, he slammed back inside of me, sending his dick so deep I saw stars. It was then I realized the blinds in the room were wide open.
 “Mm. I love how wet you are for me. Does this pussy love this dick?”
 “Yes, yes, yes!”
 Lewis grabbed the back of my neck and went to town. I could tell he was lost in his pleasure and the pursuit of his own release. It didn’t take long for your legs to shake and for you to drop onto the bed. With you splayed across the mattress, he only adjusted his angle and fed you every single thick inch he possessed. In seconds I’d come for the fourth time and gripped him as if he threatened to leave. His thrusts staggered and became sloppier and more desperate. He was close.
 “Fuck, I’m gonna come, Lani. Do you want it?”
 “Yes, daddy, give it to me.”
 After a few more thrusts, he slammed forward and shot stream after stream inside of me. Every few seconds, he grunted and tried to bury himself deeper and deeper though there was nowhere else for him to go. I was filled to the hilt. Thank god I were on birth control, you thought. That could have been the one to make him a real-life daddy.
 “Fuck, girl!”
 Lewis dropped a heavy slap to my ass before he collapsed beside me. Both of us laid there, trying to catch our breath before passing out from sheer exhaustion and satisfaction.
If anyone wants to be tagged either send a message to either @munteanhorewrites​ or me @royallyprincesslilly​ or put it in the comments.
@maxcullen @night-of-the-living-shred @chaneajoyyy @queenoftheworldisdead @shar74nett @raveviolet @dangerouslovefanfic​ @caramara3​ @sonjashuterbugjohnson​
Chapter Two will be on @munteanhorewrites page. 
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mofieroll · 4 years
You Too (Jotaro Kujo x Fem!Reader)
Inspired from my in-character interaction with @mistaeq! Dedicated to them for motivating me to write! 💛
A Post!SDC Jotaro x Reader one shot where you bond with Holly, who you call Seiko, and pamper your man Jotaro.
Trigger Warning: Mentions of Trauma
Word Count: 3k
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Two years have passed since the events of the Crusaders' trip to Egypt to save the life of Holly Kujo from being taken by her own Stand. To say that the trip was memorable is an understatement. It was too memorable. The memories of built friendships and increased attachments in just a span of fifty days were unbearable, for fate made the surviving comrades of the group pay for all the joyous moments with the pain of death and eternal separation.
It was hard. Painful. Frightening. Heartbreaking.
It was excruciatingly traumatizing, that even the boy who appeared to be unbothered and distant, the boy who put an end to the cold-blooded century old vampire's curse, couldn't deny it.
Jotaro Kujo couldn't get away from the memories of his dying friends, and so, the supposed flashbacks became inescapable nightmares.
But fortunately, that was until you came.
You met Jotaro a month after he came back from his trip. The meeting was a mere coincidence as you were a year lower than him, you personally did not and had no intentions of getting to know him. It just so happened that Holly or Seiko, his mother, came across your small shop that sold self-designed accessories made from recycled materials. You had told her you search and pick the materials —mostly trash— yourself, which certainly piqued the woman's interest and told you, “Is that right? I have a son, and don't tell him I told you this, but he loves marine animals! It seems you are both fond of nature so I'm sure you'll get along— Oh! I'm sorry dear, we haven't introduced ourselves! I'm Holly Kujo, but you can call me Seiko~”. She was a sweetheart, so you saw no harm in accepting her offer that led you to become a close acquaintance of the Kujo Family.
Much to the matchmaker's Seiko's dismay, it took a year for you and Jotaro to confess that your platonic feelings are in need of a level up. She is Jotaro's mother and your first Kujo friend, of course she'd notice if something was up between you and Jotaro that you both refused to talk about! When you finally re-introduced yourself as Jotaro's.. cough.. girlfriend, Seiko was delighted and decided to treat her second favorite couple (next to her parents Joseph and Suzie) to a nice romantic dinner! The unplanned date embarrassed Jotaro, but he endured it as it gave a good start for the new level of your relationship with him.
Until then, Jotaro became more and more protective. You found it sweet knowing that your boyfriend, former acquaintance, cares about you and shows affection in ways you quite expected for a forbearing man like him. He's not a man of words nor materialistic gifts but a man of straightforward actions— yet he remained mysterious.
Jotaro has been avoiding you since the week has started. He distanced himself yet guarded you as you walked home after class everyday. Everytime you tried to catch him, he's nowhere to be seen. You started to get frustrated, and you know you wouldn't get any explanation even if you corner him and face him alone.
Seiko called you today and asked if you could have dinner wih them, which you excitedly agreed to because you were actually on the way to the Kujo household, a paper bag —which contained your newly designed rings and necklace— in hand.
With Seiko greeting you outside their gates, you entered their traditional mansion and told her about the happenings from the previous days. Even with the mention of Jotaro's sudden actions, Seiko chatted with you nonchalantly.
“Dear, you know my boy would do things that can be a little too unexpected even for me,” Seiko stated, “But if there's one thing or two that I can assure of, is that he means no harm..” You stopped in your tracks as she faced you and tucked your hair behind your ear, smiling, “And he cares for you, [Y/N]. I think, that may be his way of showing it!” Seiko spoke with softness, hopeful that her words would reach you and get rid of any confusion that would spark a misunderstanding on her stoic son's intentions.
You smiled back at Seiko with teary eyes, touched by her comfort. You pulled out the necklace from your paper bag and showed it to her, quietly telling her that it's your gift, only to receive an enthusiastic squeal and hug before you locked the accessory around her neck.
“It looks perfect on you Seiko! I wonder if I'd be as beautiful as you when I reach your age..” You sighed and pouted at Seiko, holding the paper bag on your middle.
“Oh, you!” Seiko playfully hit you as you both giggled, “You shouldn't say such things to a middle aged woman, [Y/N]! I might believe you!” Seiko joked while you insisted that you're sincere about your compliment.
Your chat continued on until she told you to run along and check on her boy, not forgetting to tease that Jotaro misses you. You face warmed in pink, which Seiko found so cute that she had to pinch your cheeks. With her positive and welcoming presence, your determination to face Jotaro fueled.
Seiko informed you that she'll be preparing dinner. You replied, “Mhm! I'll drag Jotaro and we'll meet you here at the dining room! Is that okay?”
Meanwhile Jotaro, who hasn't come out of his room the whole day, heard you and Seiko pass by. He was sitting in the far corner of his room but the combined voices of yours and his mother's particularly blasted through his ears. He's.. happy.. that you're both safe and sound.. but— why are you here? You should be at home! Did something happen? Did someone bother you? Wait.. did you come here alone? Didn't he tell you even before that you shouldn't go out at night? What if.. what if something happened to you? What if someone showed up and.. and took you away? Took you somewhere.. he can't reach.. What if his dreams were to happen? What if—
Knock! Knock!
Jotaro's sweating face turned to look at his door as his breathing became more unsteady. His eyes widened, brows clashed, and his mouth was agape, gasping for more air. His fists were clenched and he was trembling, who's knocking? Who's trying to get him again?
Jotaro stopped breathing for a second while his body still trembled. The voice that called him held sweetness and concern in it but he was still in a dark trance. What if someone's trying to deceive him?
“Seiko called me, may I come in?”
His widened eyes calmed, turning his tormented expression into one of those longingness. His shuddering arm reached out as he subconsciously stood and walked towards his shut door. His cold hand gripped the handle.. but he didn't have the slightest strength to pull it himself. What is he doing? He can't face anyone like this, especially..
On the other side of Jotaro's door was you, with a hand that also gripped the cold handle, waiting for the right timing to enter. Your heartbeat has increased its pace, indicating your uptight feeling of facing him after not seeing him for over a week. You were nervous and a short flashback of your first meeting with Jotaro popped up in your mind. Has it really been two years?
Jotaro never directly told you of his.. episodes. But, there were times where you just happened to observe that whenever you were late on your meeting, he immediately scoops you in a hug while he trembles; or whenever you randomly visit him on weekends and you enter his room only with a knock, he abruptly charges at you with his folded fist stopping inches from your worried face. He didn't tell you about what's haunting him, not even once. Yes, you were undeniably frustrated by him avoiding you, but you love him well enough to have the willingness to act up whilst having patience.
You waited for more minutes before speaking again, “I'm gonna enter now, alright?” You assured, carefully sliding the door behind you and turning on the light switch after you entered.
Your eyes wandered after it adjusted to the lit room, locking on the form of a slouched man in the corner, sitting with a knee up that had his arm and head resting on it while his other knee was folded. You quietly sighed and walked close to him, hiding the impatience to throw yourself at him and pepper him with kisses, mumbling i missed yous. You would have done it, but that kind of affection.. goes for later.
You sat beside Jotaro and placed the paper bag on your side. You weren't too close nor too far from him, just enough to have your hand caress his messy dark hair. You loved seeing him without his hat, seeing his flawless face be shadowless. But if he took it off, the reason is either he's agitated or.. sleep. There was a time when you told him that he should take off his hat indoors and a time you tried to take it off yourself, but he completely ignored you at both and kept the hat on.
“How are you?” You asked without expecting a reply. It was to make him acknowledge your presence, and that is because you didn't know that he's been waiting for you to come in since the moment he heard your voice.
Jotaro wanted to answer. He wanted to lock you in his arms and.. say sorry. He wanted to apologize for neglecting you but— how is he going to do that without telling you too much?
“Why the f*ck did my mother call you? I don't need any help. That b*tch.”
There it is, his method of putting up a tough facade, the swearing that would prompt anybody to think that he needs no help. It worked on you once, but you're not just anybody to him now.
“Mhm. Seiko checked up on me while I was heading home from.. somewhere. She invited me for dinner,” You informed. You didn't want to tell him that you were on your way here even before Seiko called you, knowing full well that he's against you ‘roaming’ at night alone.
You continued to comb through his hair as he answered, “For real [Y/N], I'm fine. Leave. I don't need you to stay here— or.. or something.”
Your hand lowered to his upper back and started to rub circles, “Would you look at me and say that again, Kujo?” you asked in a slightly teasing tone, trying to light up the mood.
You started humming a soft melody, a melody that somehow always soothed Jotaro. The first time you hummed it was when you were cooking dinner for him and Seiko wasn't home. He got into a fight that day and he was abnormally quiet, not the usual, resulting to a tension between the two of you. You hummed the melody to ease the atmosphere, and when you were placing his plate on the table, he suddenly grabbed your wrist and muttered an apology before he told you to ‘keep doing’ what you were doing. The melody was just random, so you did your best to remember its tone and hum it whenever you both need comfort.
And this time, he was soothed again, but he isn't going to be swayed so easily even if he wants to.
“F*cking go away.” He huffs, “You're just like the annoying b*tch. Leave me alone.”
No, stay. He stated in his mind the complete opposite of what came out of his mouth. Of course you didn't leave and continued to hum and rub circles on his back. He may be one of the harshest men you've met, but you have a counter for that. Well.. you're stubborn.
He remembered what you said about heading home from.. somewhere. Where was that? “Where were you coming from?” He asked in a demanding tone.
“Doesn't matter where I was, Kujo. You're still not looking at me.” You retreated your hand from his back and crawled to sit in front of him in crossed legs before placing your hands on his large ones, “I wouldn't mind being like Seiko, although..” You squeezed the top of his hands, bowed your body and peeked at his face where your warm [E/C] eyes met his tired yet enchanting aquamarines. Your lips quirked into a small smile, “You wouldn't want your partner to be your second mother, would you?”
Jotaro looked at you blankly, not realizing how close your faces were, “You're still worrying about me too much, I'm fine. I'm.. I'm just remembering..” You straightened and held his cheeks, gently pulling up his face before standing on your knees. You shifted your hand and cupped his face, delicately looking at him to encourage him to speak.
In that moment where he's putting his toughness down, you've completely set aside the issue from the past week. The thoughts that Jotaro might've had enough of you because he thinks you're oblivious to his personal issues— all gone. Holly's words echoed through your mind. Mother truly knows best.
“Egypt.. friends dyi—” Jotaro cut his words and sighed deeply, “..all of it is hitting hard. You won't understand.”
You bit your bottom lip and nodded. He's right, you would not be able to understand, but that's temporary. It'll take more time for him but you're willing to wait, “I.. dream of you..” He swallows the lump in his throat while you wipe the sweat forming on his temple, “I dream of you dying too.”
With that, you were able to catch on more of what happened before you came in his life. People close to him died. People who he probably traveled with.. might have died right before him.. or not. And now he's being haunted, probably by the guilt or by the experience itself. You're still skeptical, but it's considerably clear now.
Your eyes that looked at your hand which wiped his bead of sweat shifted to his eyes, and you saw fear. He was frightened, not only by the past, but also by the possibility that he might lose you too.
You retreated your hands and sat on your legs as you and Jotaro continued to communicate through your eyes. Your heart was thumping fast against your chest, now of sympathy.
“Jotaro, I..”
This time, you threw yourself at him. Arms snaking around his neck, your face buried on his shoulder. You wrapped him in a tight hug as it took him time to return the affection, wrapping his arms around your back and pulling you even closer as he closed his eyes and basked his head on yours. You and Jotaro savored the hug for a while, not thinking about anything else aside being in each other's arms.
“I'm here.. and I'm telling you that I'll be here to love you longer than that delinquent head of yours expected.”
You broke the hug gently, a hand shifting to cup his cheek while you also reached for the paper bag. Jotaro opened his eyes as he felt you fix his sitting position so you could sit —with crossed legs— on his thighs, laying your back on his chest.
“See this?” You lifted the paper bag with both hands, giving Jotaro the chance to once again wrap his arms around your waist. He doesn't mind giving in to your touch as of now.
Jotaro grunted, “Inside this lovely recycled and eco-friendly paper bag are things that.. uhm.. how do I introduce it..” You slowly placed your head on his shoulder, putting the bag down between your legs. You contemplated as you stared on the wooden ceiling, “I know! The things.. consider it as our promise to each other, Kujo. Am I clear? Yep, I'm clear!”
Jotaro clicked his tounge in annoyance as you lifted your head from his shoulder when he was about to rest his head against yours. Why can't he just cuddle you without you moving too much? Can't you and him just cuddle in peace?
You shifted again, now face to face with him. You acted surprise when you saw his furrowed brow, “Oh? Kujo is annoyed with the mighty [L/N]?”
“Just get it over with, woman.” Jotaro supported your back with an arm, watching you as you struggled to hold his free hand with one of yours. You had set aside the paper bag, the things in it now hidden in your other hand.
When you finally settled with wrapping your small hand around his palm so his fingers were loose, you smiled up at him and swiftly leaned in to kiss the tip of his nose. Jotaro turned away, snorting to at least lessen his flustered state. Where is his hat now that he practically needs it?
Jotaro felt a cold thing graze his skin, along with what seems to be two fingers pushing the thing on his. He glanced and saw you inserting a ring on his pinky with a serious face. You were glaring at his hand, your smile only returning when you successfully inserted the ring.
You let go of his hand and was about to wear the other ring yourself when he grabbed your wrist, snatched the ring and easily inserted the accessory on your pinky, all of it with only one hand as his other arm was still supporting you.
You were taken aback, ready to question him when he pulled you into a bridal position and locked your upper body with his arms within a second. You chuckled instead of saying a thing, wrapping your arms around his torso.
“Keen for a cuddle, huh, Kujo?”
“Good grief. You're one brave woman to challenge me.”
As you and Jotaro became ignorant to your surroundings, a flash of a camera resided from the slightly opened door, the sound being followed by a muffled kyaaah! which, with no doubt, came from the adorably giddy mother of the impatient man in your arms.
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purplesauris · 4 years
The Way the Pendulum Swings
Yes, I am back again with more writing, no, i cannot control myself. My fantastic friend @frostedbasilisk and I got talking, and I was inspired by Buffskier. (yes, i will continue using the name. Look at their beautiful rendition of Jaskier from a scene of the fic here!
Read on AO3 here!
“I think we need help.” Geralt says, leaning over and offering a hand to hoist Jaskier up. His doublet is now covered in dirt on the back and Jaskier’s pride is wounded, but Jaskier grins sheepishly all the same. 
“I told you, I’m uselessly lead footed.” Jaskier dusts himself off as best he can and fixes his hair, turning so that Geralt can dust him off the rest of the way. “If you can’t teach me dear, who possibly could?”
“Vesemir trained me.” He points out, and Jaskier raises both eyebrows in shock, tilting his head and hmmming. 
“You want to go up north, so that Vesemir can train me?”
“It’s only a few weeks early.” Jaskier pins him with a look that could wither the largest tree, and Geralt has to fight to keep from withering too. Jaskier’s expression lightens quickly, eyes softening, and he goes up on his tiptoes to press a kiss to the tip of Geralt’s nose. 
“Fine. But if he can’t train me, I suppose it’s a lost cause, hmm? Then my big brute of a witcher will have to protect me.” Jaskier’s voice is fond, and though the word should sting, he wields it like such a compliment that Geralt feels himself relaxing. Jaskier likes his brutishness, and has said so many times. “Shall we set out in the morning then?”
Their trip up through the mountain is much more pleasant this time- the breeze is just barely beginning to hold the frigid notes of winter, and animals are plentiful along the path. They can take their time, too, in no rush to beat the snows or be the last ones there, so Jaskier can truly admire their surroundings. He spends just as much time singing as he usually does, but now it’s waxing poetics about the way the grass sways in the wind and the mountain air plays with flower petals. It’s meaningless and frilly, but Geralt likes to hear Jaskier like this- wondering at the world around him and seeing the beauty in everything. Not that he’ll tell him such, though if he hums along when Jaskier’s a few steps ahead, no one can blame him.
Geralt has to end up climbing the side of the keep and slipping over when they get up to the massive gates. Vesemir isn’t expecting anyone for at least another month, so the gates are firmly shut and Geralt has to open it for them. Jaskier leads Roach inside and meets Geralt at the stables, helping in taking off all the packs and brushing her down. He leaves that mostly to Geralt in actuality, and feeds Roach a couple of apples from their pack as a treat. 
“You’ll make her fat.” Geralt scolds, but Jaskier just laughs and kisses her soft nose. 
“She works too hard not to get an apple from me.” Roach butts her head against Jaskier’s chest in agreement, and he looks at Geralt to say see? Geralt shakes his head, but he spends an extra bit of time brushing her down and getting her comfortable. Jaskier murmurs quietly to her, telling her what a good horse she is for putting up with Geralt for so long and smiling when he hears Geralt scoff quietly. 
“Geralt, Jaskier.” Jaskier jumps at the sudden arrival of a new voice, and Geralt merely glances over at his adopted father. “You’re early.”
“Geralt’s idea, I’m afraid.” Vesemir chuckles, as if that he already knew that well enough. “He says, and I quote, that I am “woefully unprepared to fight off even the weakest of foes”, and thus, my only hope is you.”
“That’s all he said?” Jaskier grins at Vesemir, snickering when Geralt grumbles and stoops to grab their bags from the hay. “Well, I have to agree. I suppose I could put you through accelerated training.”
“Then consider me your dedicated pupil.” Jaskier bows low at the waist, blue eyes bright when he straightens up. Vesemir smiles at that, a fleeting glimpse under the usual stern exterior, and Jaskier takes it as a win.
No one expected Jaskier to take to training quite the way that he did. Much like a fish to water, actually. Jaskier still woke early to tend to the livestock, as had been his job the last three winters he’d managed to come up to Kaer Morhen, and still managed to make enough food to feed the witchers and leave them wanting for nothing. But when he wasn’t embroiled in other chores, he was outside, under the watchful eyes of Vesemir. Vesemir had sent Geralt off to tend to the monsters in the forests while they trained, and when Jaskier had asked why, Vesemir had just said that Geralt was a mother hen. 
They’d started off with basic fighting, and Jaskier’s progress went significantly faster than it ever had with Geralt. He seemed a natural at it; graceful and light on his feet in a way that many witchers struggled with even today, body already strong from years on the Path. Vesemir wasn’t sure where the problem was in teaching Jaskier- he was attentive and driven to continue until Vesemir had to tell him to stop. By the end of Jaskier’s first month, Vesemir watched and paced the length of the wall as Jaskier hopped and danced around the huge pendulum swinging in the wind. The first time Jaskier had hauled himself up onto the poletops Geralt had nearly called the whole thing off, protests on his lips. He’d remembered his own training as a child, much younger than Jaskier, and had decided to trust him, and trust in Vesemir. 
Jaskier thought that the pendulum was fun. Geralt had never thought balancing on the tops of poles and dodging a large, spiky pendulum was fun, but Jaskier laughed and jested with Vesemir the whole time, catching himself when he stumbled and swearing like Lambert when a spike slammed sideways into his thigh. After the pendulums, Jaskier would be sent to run the walls in true witcher school fashion, and by the time dinner came around Jaskier was all but dead on his feet. Still, he got up day after day, boasting of the newest bruises that had formed in the night as if they were a badge of valor. 
“You hide it.” Jaskier stumbles atop the poles, righting his footing as Vesemir lets out a careful- and watches him a bit closer.
“Hide what, dear teacher of mine?” Vesemir raps a wooden sword against one of the poles, making it shake under foot, but Jaskier merely hops to another pole and brandishes his sword. 
“Your fighting prowess.” Jaskier stops then, dropping gracefully into a balanced crouch so he can hear Vesemir over the roaring of the wind. Vesemir allows him a moment to talk, since he started it, and watches the way Jaskier adjusts to keep the wind from blowing him off the poles. “You were already trained, weren’t you?”
“I’m a noble, Vesemir. There isn’t much that I wasn’t trained in. My father thought it important that I learn, in the worry I be called to war.”
“You’re a noble.” Vesemir points out in refute to that, and Jaskier laughs. No noble has ever been called to war anymore than they’ve been called to shovel pig shit. “It’s served you well now, though.”
“I suppose it has.” Jaskier agrees, standing once again. Vesemir uses a weak blast of aard to get the pendulum going again, and Jaskier twirls around the obstacle, feet hardly touching one pole before he vaults for the next.
“When the other boys get here, let’s put that to the test.” Jaskier doesn't say anything, but he’s grinning, and he pushes himself just a bit harder. 
“Since when the fuck have you been first?” Geralt grunts as Lambert claps him on the back, nudging the younger man with his shoulder. “No Jaskier this year?”
“He’s here.” Geralt turns back to the dummy he’s restuffing, pointedly not looking toward Jaskier on the far side of the grounds. “With Vesemir.”
“What, talking about boring old history in the library again?”
Geralt smirks at that, tilting his head back toward the pendulums and turning to catch Lambert’s reaction. Lambert looks over, eyes widening, and he breathes out a holy shit. “You let Vesemir sink his claws in?”
“He asked.”
“He asked? Bullshit.” Lambert goes jogging over, and after a minute Geralt follows, sure that trouble is brewing. Lambert gets to Vesemir first, and the old witcher doesn’t even bother to look at the newest arrival. 
“He’s training.” Is all he says, as if that’s ever been enough to settle Lambert. 
“Like hell he is, Jaskier, what the fuck are you doing?”
“Exactly what Vesemir said!” The bard calls back, swaying between not one, but two pendulums now. Vesemir had added the second only upon Jaskier’s insistence. Geralt can smell the worry emanating off of Lambert, and he reaches out to grab at the man’s shoulder but finds him already moving. He reaches a hand, trying to catch Jaskier by the ankle and pull him down, but Jaskier hops away with ease and gives him a dirty look. Lambert grabs for him again, but again Jaskier skips away, glancing down and waiting for his next move. The pendulums move with almost the same sway, and Jaskier doesn’t even have to look to anticipate their moves. “Helping?”
“No, you little shit. You’re on the edge of a cliff and I’m not going to be the one cleaning your carcass up. Get down.” 
“Make me.” Lambert growls, lunging and following Jaskier along the wall as Jaskier dodges and leaps away just shy of Lambert’s reach. Somewhere in the time of them having come over to witness Lambert chasing after Jaskier like a kitten with a toy Eskel has arrived, and he slings an arm over Geralt’s shoulder as he approaches. 
“He’s better than you were.” Eskel remarks, watching curiously.
“Shut up.” He’s done remarkably well though, Geralt has to admit. Just seeing that Jaskier is able to dodge Lambert has his heart settling a bit. He can at least be trusted to run if danger shows up. Geralt’s heart doesn’t get a chance to rest much as Lambert finally catches Jaskier’s ankle, yanking him forward. Jaskier’s leg goes out from under him, and Geralt watches in slow motion as Jaskier tips backwards, out toward open air. Vesemir leaps forward, reaching, but Jaskier goes plunging over the edge, and Geralt’s heart stops completely. 
“FUCK. FUCK, I killed the bard-” Lambert goes to hoist himself up so he can peer over, but stops himself short when he hears something. A pained grunt, and a swear colorful enough to curdle milk.
“No, you didn’t, but I’d appreciate it you didn’t attempt to do so again.” Jaskier’s voice comes from the other side of the wall at the same time that he swings himself up and rests on one knee. His arms are shaking and Geralt can smell blood- he’s pulling Jaskier down and hugging him tight before anyone else can move. “Geralt, I’m fine.” 
His voice is muffled against Geralt’s shoulder, and Geralt shudders before pulling back to look for the blood. Jaskier’s palm is torn up by the rough grit of the wood, and Geralt counts at least six splinters that will have to be pulled out. He’s alive though, and that’s enough for him at the moment. “Still like the pendulums?”
“What’s not to like, love?” His tone is light, but his scent is bitter with fear and his voice shakes a little at the end. Geralt presses his lips together, trying not to frown and failing to do so. Jaskier does laugh then, quietly, and he tugs his hand from Geralt’s to turn to Lambert. He holds his bloody palm out, raising a brow. “Kiss it better?”
“Kiss my ass.” Lambert bites out, scowling and leading the bard inside to clean out his hand. Eskel eyes the pendulums still swinging in the wind, and looks toward Geralt. 
“Once, for old times sake?” Geralt shakes his head, but joins Eskel all the same to duck and weave around the pendulums and each other. Vesemir corrects their form, though he hardly needs to, and Geralt only gets down once the pendulums settle and it’s near impossible to move around them. He hops down, landing lightly, and hears soft clapping. Jaskier’s one hand is wrapped tight in a bandage, but he seems put back together again, and Lambert is hanging a step behind his shoulder. 
“Now imagine how much better I’d be with witcher reflexes. No one would ever catch me!” Jaskier casts a sly glance toward Lambert, lips tugging up into a smile. “This one almost didn’t. Beginner’s luck.”
“Who’re you calling a beginner?”
“Not used to sweeping men off their feet, hmm?” Lambert’s cheeks go pink as he scoffs, waving a hand. He opens his mouth to say something, but Vesemir interrupts, nodding his head.
“Heal quickly. We’re going to test your training.” Geralt frowns, wondering how much he could have actually done in a month, but Jaskier’s eyes are eager.
“Yes sir.” 
“We’re sparring today. Each day, one of you will fight him, to see how he reacts.” Jaskier is standing next to Vesemir as he announces the plan, excitement written all over his face. “Lambert will go first.”
“Really? You want to start with me?”
“Scared? I promise I’ll go easy.” Jaskier quips, rolling his sleeves up and taking a couple steps into the large sparring circle they've marked in the dirt. Lambert growls softly and strips out of his armor, leaving it in the dirt. 
“Don’t bother, this’ll be over before you know it.” Jaskier walks in a slow circle, watching Lambert and humming softly. 
“Are you sure?”
“False bravado makes you look like an ass.” Jaskier nods his head as if he agrees, rolling his shoulders and matching Lambert’s pace. 
They spiral in the ring, slowly coming closer. It seems like neither of them want to strike first, until Jaskier steps forward and swings. The blow is weak, shaky, and Lambert bats his hand away easily. He punches the bard with a swift hit to his stomach, scoffing. Jaskier oofs, bending over, and Lambert comes in closer, aiming another hit meant to incapacitate him. Jaskier’s gone and behind Lambert before the man finishes his swing, bouncing light on his toes. Lambert whirls, using the momentum to punch forward, but Jaskier slips past him, slamming a fist into the underside of the man’s upper arm and dancing away. Lambert grunts, fingers tingling unpleasantly, and advances forward. Geralt watches in fascination as they play cat and mouse, Lambert chasing and chasing as Jaskier whirls and skips away, staying just out of reach. Lambert is faster, manages to keep up easily, but the only blows he manages to land are glancing and Jaskier seems to handle the pain with ease.
“He’s fast.” Eskel murmurs, eyes flitting between the two opponents and lingering longer on Jaskier. Lambert snarls, red faced after another blow hits dead air, and his pupils contract as he watches, waiting. Jaskier stops too, panting and using the moment to catch his breath. Geralt sees the moment that Lambert decides what he’s going to do- his heel digs into the dirt and he launches forward, roaring and tackling Jaskier. The hold is one he doesn’t think that Jaskier will get out of, especially not with an enraged Lambert, but Jaskier grabs onto the back of his shirt and brings his leg up, knee slamming into Lambert’s side twice in quick succession. Lambert’s rib snaps with a dull crack on the second hit, and he howls as the two go rolling in the dirt. A broken rib has never stopped him before, never stopped any of them, but he’s distracted and Jaskier uses the momentum of their roll to fling himself up and off. He scrambles from his knees to his feet, arms coming up and taking the brunt of the blow Lambert aimed for his head. Geralt can see the purple bruises already forming along Jaskier’s arms.
“We should stop this.” Geralt breathes, knowing that if they don’t, Lambert is going to do something he’ll regret later. Still, Jaskier hasn’t left the ring and neither of them have yielded. Lambert’s eyes have gone wild, and Geralt’s heart picks up at the sight. Even he will admit he doesn’t want to go up against Lambert like this unless he absolutely has to, and he’s even more impressed and slightly aroused that Jaskier is holding his own. Lambert gets in close and delivers a vicious right hook, and Jaskier ducks down into a low crouch. Geralt’s eyes track the movement, and he sees Jaskier’s thighs flex and his head tuck to the side as he springs up from his crouch, ramming his shoulder up into Lambert’s tender ribs. Lambert goes stumbling back, hissing, and Jaskier follows him, using one hand on the witcher’s chest to shove an already wobbling Lambert from the ring. 
“Match.” Vesemir says, glancing down at his son who is currently laying in the dirt, hand pressed to his side as he pants. Jaskier pads over and crouches next to him, tilting his head and probing at his side. Lambert smacks his hands away, and Jaskier grimaces. 
“Sorry Lambert. Did it break fully?”
“Just a fracture. Only thing broken is my pride.” 
“I tried to warn you.” Jaskier teases, pulling a vial from his pocket and handing it over. “Thought you’d need this.”
“Cocky son of a bitch-” Lambert takes the Swallow and downs it in one go, laying still so the potion can do its work. Lambert lays his head back in the dirt again, and Jaskier settles by his side to wait. “Thanks.”
“Thank you.” Jaskier says in return, grinning when Lambert shoves him. 
“I can’t wait to see Eskel beat your ass.”
Jaskier looks up at the aforementioned witcher, still smiling. “I can’t wait either.”
Eskel refuses to fight him until his bruises are healed, citing unfair advantages if his opponent is wounded already. No one begrudges him this, and Jaskier takes the time to train a bit more in swordplay. They meet back in the ring a week after Lambert’s fight, Jaskier bouncing on his heels and grinning all the while. Eskel is the mirror opposite; he stands calmly on the other side of the ring, watching with amusement as Jaskier looks at Vesemir to signal the start of their fight. Vesemir waves them both into the ring, nodding. “Begin.” 
Just as before, they begin circling, slowly moving toward one another. This time, Jaskier doesn’t hesitate. He goes on the offensive immediately, throwing quick jabs that hit with loud thuds against Eskel’s forearms. He absorbs the blows and continues his slow pacing, letting Jaskier come to him. It’s smart, after having seen the way that Jaskier was content to let his partner slip into a rage before doing any substantial damage. Eskel hardly gives anything back, but he’s wearing Jaskier out and he knows it. Jaskier backs off when he can’t break through Eskel’s guard, panting and hands trembling lightly. His knuckles are already bruised horribly, and Geralt frowns. Jaskier has wasted all his energy trying to break through Eskel’s guard- Eskel only has to deliver a single blow to Jaskier’s abdomen to send him flying, and he skids along the ground, stopping just inside the circle. Jaskier curls into a ball, wheezing, and Geralt strains to make sure that he didn’t hear a rib snap or something pop. 
“Get up, bard.” Eskel’s voice is soft, and he allows Jaskier room, time to get up. Jaskier rises to his knees, gasping, and then he stumbles to his feet, raising his hands and swaying. “Yield?”
Jaskier shakes his head and Eskel sighs, padding forward. He doesn’t want to knock Jaskier out or blow him from the ring, but Jaskier is stubborn, dodging to the side when Eskel tries to push him out of the ring. Eskel follows after him, patiently corralling him to the other side of the ring. Jaskier is still stumbling, blinking rapidly as if the sun bothers him, and Eskel seems to take pity on him. He sweeps a leg out, intending to take him out once and for all, but Jaskier leaps up and over. Eskel grabs at him, knowing where he’ll land, but Jaskier is waiting for it, and he grabs Eskel's hand. He spins on his heel, dragging Eskel’s arm with him and pivoting when Eskel tries to break his hold. Jaskier presses a thumb viciously into the meat of Eskel’s thumb, making the bone grind as he finally gets Eskel’s arm behind him and wrenches upwards. 
Eskel is the one to gasp in pain now, and Jaskier uses his leverage to press him to his knees in the dirt, bending over until Eskel’s face is nearly on the ground and his shoulder shrieks in protest. Geralt feels his blood heat at the sight of Jaskier holding a witcher down with a very well done pin, and his nostrils flare when he smells a spike of arousal from Eskel in the ring. That… doesn’t bother him as much as it should. Jaskier’s voice is raspy as he pants raggedly, pupils wide. “Yield.”
Eskel tries to wiggle his way out, but Jaskier pulls his arm a bit tighter, digs his thumb in harder, and Eskel gasps again. “Yield, I yield.” 
The words stun Geralt, and he looks at Lambert in astonishment as Jaskier lets Eskel go. “Match.” Vesemir calls, pride warming his words. Jaskier nods, smiling, and then promptly turns, takes a few steps away, and vomits into the grass. Geralt hurries to his side immediately while Lambert goes to help Eskel up, rubbing at Jaskier’s back and murmuring softly. The smell of bile hits his nose, sharp and raw, and he grimaces as Jaskier dry heaves, tears dripping down his cheeks. Geralt looks closely at what Jaskier throws up, looking for any blood, but finds nothing but their breakfast from this morning. Good. Nothing seems to have been damaged internally, at least not that he can tell yet, and Jaskier straightens up slowly, wiping at his mouth and burping.
“Ugh, that’s disgusting.”
“Are you alright?” Jaskier nods, giving Geralt a soft smile. Eskel comes over now, holding out a waterskin and allowing Jaskier to rinse his mouth out. Eskel also urges the bard to drink a bit, and rubs the back of his head sheepishly. 
“Didn’t mean to hit you that hard, Jask.”
“No, it was a good swing. Almost had me there for a minute. Am I going to get a medal?”
“For what?” Geralt says, voice tinged with amusement and worry and everything else in between. 
“Well, beating two witchers at hand to hand combat, of course.” 
“You still have one more to go. Beat the White Wolf, and then we’ll talk.” Lambert peers around Eskel, wrinkling his nose at the smell of vomit and pointedly not looking Jaskier’s way again. Jaskier locks eyes with Geralt, winking, and Geralt regrets agreeing to the sparring now more than ever. 
It takes Jaskier a full week to recover from Eskel's well placed punch, and he spends every minute of it working or training. His stomach recovers fine, much to Eskel's (and Geralt's) relief, and Jaskier seems supremely pleased that he was able to even survive such a hit. The weather has gotten colder now as winter fully grasps the valley, and snow falls lightly as they convene outside for Jaskier’s final test. 
“Something different today. Swords.” Vesemir waves toward the wooden training swords and Jaskier grimaces. Lambert though, is grinning. If there’s one thing that Geralt is known for, that Jaskier sings of constantly, it’s his swordsmanship. 
“Really? I don’t think-” 
“He’s already proven his hand to hand. I want to see his sword skills.” Jaskier doesn't object, taking a sword when Geralt holds it out to him. Geralt looks like he's swallowed something sour as he rolls his wrist and dips into a slight crouched stance. Jaskier mirrors the stance but doesn't seem nearly as comfortable. 
"You don't have to." Geralt says softly as they walk a slow circle around each other. 
"I do." Jaskier replies, nodding his head. "Let's get this over with, love."
Geralt feels his heart constrict- he doesn't want to risk hurting Jaskier, doesn't think he could stomach it, but Jaskier isn’t going to back down. He starts out easy, blows that Jaskier can parry or block without being terribly inconvenienced. He can imagine the sad, frustrated look on Jaskier’s face when he loses, and Geralt’s heart breaks for him already. Geralt is half in his thoughts when Jaskier swings, blade sailing for his side. He moves to block, but Jaskier’s arm twitches and he moves trajectory, smacking Geralt hard on the arm with the flat of his blade. Geralt’s skin stings, and his eyes narrow minutely. His nostrils flair- he’d expected Jaskier to smell like rotting fruit- anxious and resigned, but he doesn’t. He smells of citrus, sharp and bright. Excited.
Geralt lets himself go a bit harder, moves faster and with more of that impossible dancer's grace. None of the witcher’s fought quite like he did, with spinning, overly dramatic moves that were just as effective in disemboweling someone. He expects Jaskier to fall behind, expects to feel his blade strike some soft part of Jaskier’s body, but Jaskier… doesn’t. He grins, laughs, and moves through Geralt’s moves as if they were his own. He mirrors them as effortlessly as Geralt attempts to hit him, and Geralt isn’t sure what to think of this. Jaskier’s spins and hops around him, drops low into near splits that has Geralt wincing in pain at the thought. No wonder he liked the pendulum- they’re the perfect way to avoid an enemy, and he spent ample time on them. 
“Stop dancing with each other and fight!” Lambert calls, and that breaks Jaskier’s concentration. He glances over, away from Geralt, and Geralt lunges forward. His blade is a hair's breadth away from Jaskier’s head, a move that will knock him out if Geralt’s lucky when Jaskier bends backwards. He doesn’t stop just out of reach- he bends fully over, spine creating an elegant arch as his hands plant in the dirt and he flips backwards. The toe of his boot catches Geralt’s wrist, jarring his fingers, and the blade goes flying as Jaskier completes his hand stand and drops, chest to the ground. The world around Geralt tilts sharply as the heel of a boot smashes into the backs of his knees, and he goes down onto his back, wheezing and failing to suck in a breath. 
He hears the shuffle of feet in the dirt as Jaskier steps forward, rolling his wrist and twirling the blade the way that Geralt has done a thousand times. He presses the dull wooden tip against the soft skin under Geralt’s jaw and digs in lightly, tipping his chin up. His eyes are dark, dangerous, and Geralt feels heat pool in his stomach. He shouldn’t be getting aroused at this, at being beaten, but Jaskier is spectacular, wreathed in light with snow in his hair and cheeks red from exertion. 
“Yield, love?”
“Yield.” Geralt breathes out, raising his hands in a placating gesture. A smirk plays across Jaskier’s lips, and Geralt wants nothing more than to kiss him until neither of them can breathe. Jaskier tosses the sword in the dirt and offers Geralt a hand as he leans up. Geralt thinks for a moment about yanking Jaskier down and pinning him into the dirt, but Jaskier draws in a sharp breath and narrows his eyes. 
“Don’t even think about it.” Geralt schools his expression into one of faint annoyance, for having lost of course, and not because he’s predictable enough that Jaskier knows what he was planning. Geralt scoops Jaskier’s discarded blade up as he gets to his feet, and hears Lambert begin to laugh. 
“We have got to be the worst witchers- a fuckin bard beat all of us!” Lambert laughs harder, doubling over and slapping his thigh. 
“Vesemir must be quite the teacher.” Eskel says in agreement, eyes sparkling with amusement as he nods toward Jaskier. Jaskier reaches to brush some dirt off of his pants, smiling and glancing over at Vesemir. Vesemir nods, sharing a small, private look, and Jaskier straightens up.
“I uh, may have misled you lot about my apparent lack of skills.” That shuts Lambert up, and he stands up, frowning hard. Jaskier laughs nervously, shuffles his feet in the dirt, and hurries to explain. “While I am nowhere near your skills as witchers, I ah, was trained as a child. Extensively, I might add, in the art of war.”
“Ha! So the old man isn’t responsible for that?”
“Well, he certainly helped reawaken old skills.” Geralt stares at Jaskier, confusion on his face and lips pressed together in a tight line. 
“But… Every time I tried to-” Jaskier clears his throat, blushing, and takes Geralt’s hand in his.
“Ulterior motives, love.” Lambert scoffs in disgust, Eskel laughing quietly.
“Show me that move, the one you used to disarm Geralt.” Lambert insists that night while they’re eating dinner, golden-amber eyes shining.
“Inside? Fine.” Jaskier sighs dramatically, standing up from the table and moving a few steps away. He folds himself back, fingers splaying against the stony ground, and lifts himself up onto his hands, tilting his body and lowering himself down until his chest is parallel to the floor. He pauses there a moment, then swings his legs around in a sharp burst of speed, knocking over one of the chairs and grunting at the pain in his shins. He’s folded oddly now, still holding all his weight up and off the ground, and he slowly unfolds himself, shaking out his hands as he hops to his feet. “Good enough?”
“Holy fuck.” Lambert gapes, thoroughly impressed. Geralt doesn’t say anything, but he has to agree with Lambert’s amazement. He hadn’t been able to see the whole move, being the target, but it’s rather impressive, and highlights all of the lovely muscles in Jaskier’s arms.  Lambert leans over to whisper at Geralt, eyes tracking Jaskier as he picks up the fallen chair and collapses into it, grinning when Eskel says something to him. “You lucky son of a bitch.”
Geralt feels his chest rumble, and distantly hears himself growl, but his eyes are on Jaskier and the exposed column of his neck. Geralt blinks, shaking his head, and tries his best not to seem like a luststricken fool. Jaskier’s eyes aren’t on Geralt, and he can’t possibly have heard the noise Geralt made, but he tilts his head, the muscles in his neck shifting as he slouches in the chair, legs spreading just a bit. Geralt growls louder at that, and Lambert rolls his eyes, smacking Geralt lightly on the shoulder. Geralt jolts, swallows hard and tears his gaze from Jaskier. “Jask, come here. I want to know how you fought like that.”
Jaskier rises to his feet obediently, plopping back into his old seat near Geralt. “Like what?”
“Like me.” It’s been bugging him since they came inside, and he wants to know. He didn’t do that with Eskel or Lambert- he’d used what advantages he had, but he hadn’t bothered trying to emulate them. 
“I watch you. A lot. And… Working on the pendulums, it gave me a better sense of your footwork- the way you move. From there, it was about putting the pieces together to create-”
“A dance.” Geralt’s eyes meet Jaskier’s and Jaskier nods, beaming. 
“Just so. I didn’t need to be able to actually best you in combat, I just had to survive long enough to disarm you.” 
Lambert looks between them, then glances at Eskel, pretending to throw up and rolling his eyes. Geralt sees him mouth the word ‘saps’ and he reaches out to flick Lambert’s ear. He hisses, swatting Geralt away and glaring. He’s still covering his ear from further onslaught when he looks expectantly at Jaskier, as if to say what about us?
“Hmmm. As for you two, I couldn’t spend nearly as much time watching, so I used what I knew. You, my spitfire, are easy to piss off and keep that way. It makes you easy to read.” Jaskier winks at Lambert even as he scowls, but he won’t argue. It’s pretty accurate and he knows it. Jaskier’s attention turns to Eskel, who’s waiting quietly to hear his weakness. “You, my gentle giant, are harder. You’re much more patient, and I can’t rile you for the life of me. But, I can use that gentleness against you.”
Eskel hums, considering this, but he also finds no fault in Jaskier’s thinking. He didn’t want to hurt Jaskier, especially not in front of Geralt, and that had made him easy prey. “Okay, now I have a question about you.”
“My favorite subject.” Jaskier grins, waving for Eskel to go on.
“How did you become so flexible?”
“Ah, yes, everyone always seems to ask me that.” Jaskier muses, tapping a finger on his chin and smirking when Geralt nudges for him to go on instead of dragging out the silence. “I traveled with a carnival troupe when I graduated from the academy. I played the music to accompany their shows, and learned much from the acrobats in the family. One of them, a very pretty elf, was particularly interested in using it combatively. It’s served me well, thus far.”
“Very well.” Lambert’s grin is saucy, and Eskel groans as Jaskier laughs. Geralt sits there, throat dry and cheeks blazing red. He sees Jaskier glance over out of the corner of his eye, and he tenses up to keep from reacting as Jaskier’s hand slides up his thigh suggestively. Geralt swallows hard, and Jaskier sighs at the same time he begins to draw patterns over the fabric of Geralt’s pants. 
“Well, now that I am an honorary witcher through ancient rites, I am going to sleep. No one dare wake me.” Jaskier’s voice is threatening, but he’s smiling and chuckles when Lambert mutters honorary witcher my ass. Jaskier glances over at Geralt, hand falling away as he stands to leave. He stoops to kiss Geralt lightly, humming against his lips. “Coming up soon?”
“Mhm.” Jaskier heads up to bed alone, and Geralt only manages to stay with his brothers for another few minutes before following Jaskier up to bed. Lambert whistles at him as he leaves, and Geralt’s cheeks are red as he climbs the stairs up to their room. 
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soliverse · 4 years
baby don’t like it - q.kn
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pairing: royal au duke!kun x princess!reader ft my best girl, Irene of Red Velvet
genre: angst, much muuuch stronger than the last one
warnings: mentions of violence, cheating, cussing, alcohol consumption (again, nothing too explicit, just giving you a bit of a heads up.
word count: 3171
“Keep the change, ya filthy animal.” - Home Alone (weird choice, I know)
“Baby, whether rain or shine, naughty or nice. I'm by your side.” - Ariana Grande (Not Just On Christmas)
ps: did I just write another angst for another Christmas special?
Yes. Yes, I did.
Baby Don’t Like It is a part of my Walking in a Winter Wonderland Collab with @suh-insane​ and @neocitybynight​. Once again, this is one of my first collabs and I am thankful for the approachable anons that let me join this event.
You can check the Walking In A Winter Wonderland event and the works of my fellow NCT writers over here!
networks: @nctcreations​ @kdiarynet @kpopscape
You’ve always hated them.
You’ve hated how your father treated your mother. You’ve hated how you’re treated all your life just because you’re not born as a man. You've always hated how they controlled every single decision in your life. You've hated how you're forced to marry someone you don't love for "the sake of our people".
But out of all the men that you hated; it was the one right in front of you.
As your assistants helped you get dressed, your husband was just sitting there on his phone, looking all nice and fine and smiling from ear to ear. He looked divine, suit garbed in black and red, making him look almost ethereal. Strands of his dark hair falls into his forehead, framing his perfect face even more. At the same time, he decided to wear his circular glasses, something that he did if he didn’t want to use his contact lenses.
Overall, his outfit made him look like one of those princes from those fairytale books that you had as a kid.
You can't help but roll your eyes, but you can't say whether it's from your assistants eyeing Kun or that he just HAD to be there to see you get dressed. After hours of getting ready, they placed a heavy tiara on your head as a finishing touch.
You stood up from your seat and twirled, making sure that everything looked perfect. You walked towards Kun and did a little wave to get his attention away from his phone. It didn’t work, so you walked closer to the couch and tapped his leg. This time, he shot up a look in your direction, still smiling.
“Oh hey. You good to go?”
You nodded as an answer. The two of you then made your way into your car, him being the driver. The car ride was eerily quiet. None can be heard except for other vehicles passing by and funky Christmas songs blasting from people outside. Well, there isn’t that much to talk about. You’ve spent every hour with each other that you feel like there’s more to share.
This is probably the reason why he suggested the event in the first place. Social events aren't really your thing, but at least it’s better than to stay at home and celebrate Christmas in silence. Or worse, spend it at your parents' mansion.
“Hey baby, cheer up a little.”
He was the first one to break the silence.
“Thank you for coming with me to the event. It means a lot to me.”
His voice was soft, just like it had always been whenever he’s talking to you. He moves closer from the other side of the and took your hand, squeezing it tightly. You never said anything. You just smiled at him in return, not really knowing what to say. It stayed that way until you reached the venue.
It was already a bit late at night and the whole city glistened from the twinkling lights that adorned it. The snow slowly falling down made your entrance to the party even more magical.
The car door has opened and cameras started flashing left and right. Dozens of paparazzi surrounded the area while the guards tried their best to keep them out. Kun made a point to wave to everyone, a move that everyone loved. You tried to force a smile as he wrapped his arms around your hips, feeling the silky fabric of the dress that you’re wearing.
Everyone greeted him, of course. His cheery self was acknowledged by everyone around him. Meanwhile, you just politely bowed at everyone else, forcing an awkward smile whenever someone tried to make interactions. They were probably bummed up that YOU had to go with, though. After all, Kun was the life of the party. The darling of the crowd. The Diana to your Charles.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome our honorable guests for tonight. The main benefactor of Little Angels’ Children Hospital and the people behind this lovely event, Duke Kun and Her Highness Princess Y/N of the Northernshore.”
The crowd applauded as you made your way into the grand halls and took your place in the seat designated for the both you. It was a table that was isolated from everyone else, so the two of you are just stuck together. Sitting there was uncomfortable to say the least. You knew he wanted to mingle with people, but being the introvert that you are, he can’t leave you alone.
The program proceeded as usual. The children from the hospital sang some carols which touched everyone’s hearts. One of the cute little girls gave you a small figurine that she made. You gave her a warm hug before letting her join the other children on the stage. Kun, on the other hand, was trying his best to focus on the gala.
“Is something wrong?”
“No. Not at all.” He chuckled awkwardly, sneaking peeking on his phone from time to time. You didn’t pay him that much attention and shifted your focus back to the kids. The host announced that dinner will be served soon and the program will resume right after. You felt the need to go to the bathroom and so you tugged on his jacket to get his attention. Some Christmas carol was playing overhead and so he leaned down to hear what you had to say.
“Excuse me for a second. I need to powder my nose.”
You shyly whispered in his ear. He again flashes a sweet smile before nodding. Other people are so standing up from their seats, taking this opportunity to mingle with other people while dinner is being prepared. The guards offered to go with you but you declined and insisted that they stayed with Kun. From far away, you can see a bunch of people enthusiastically going to his direction. You just sighed as you walked across the crowd of people with your head down.
As you’ve finally reached the bathroom, the first thing you did was lock the stall and breathe. You rested your head at the door for a few seconds before finally doing your business. You’ve heard some people entered the bathroom. Your ears perked up to listen at their conversation. To your relief, none of them talked about you. They didn’t take long inside, probably just touched up, and left the bathroom.
Making sure that no one is inside, you opened the door and proceeded to look at yourself in the mirror. You weren’t that bad. Your red silky dress complimented your body and skin well. There are strands of your hair cascading from your messy bun, but that just added to your look. You look fine. It’s just that in everything that you say and do, everything pales in comparison to your husband. Opening the sink, you washed your hands and tried to snap out of Grinch mode. After all, it’s almost Christmas. You should be having fun.
After leaving the bathroom, this time with a much jollier attitude, you saw Kun sitting in the same table. This time, he was with a woman. A woman that you knew pretty well.
Minji used to be your bestfriend during highschool. She was the only one kind enough to talk to you and actually get to know you as a person. Unfortunately, things changed just as soon as you reached college. Kun was a junior at that time and he became the guide that toured the freshmen throughout the university. Minji has been whipped ever since and Kun returned the favor.
Her family aren’t a part of the royals, which meant they can’t be together. A fact that had always pained you whenever you think about it. A part of you still felt guilty upon breaking the former couple apart. You never had the guts to faced Minji and so you made your way towards the open bar. Maybe some drinks will help you clear your head.
Trying to hide from other people and the guards, you picked a seat just right at the farthest corner of the open bar. You sat at one of the counters and ordered whatever drink that can get you drunk the fastest. You downed the drink fast, not even minding the harsh taste that it leaves as soon as it hits your tastebuds.
A voice suddenly interrupted your drinking session. You tried to hide your face to avoid being recognized, but the woman still sat down right next to you.
“A princess shouldn’t be drinking like that.”
“Excuse me?”
You finally turned around, casually flashing a playful smile at you. Your eyes grew wider at the sudden realization of who she is.
“Irene! It’s been ages!”
You almost spilled your drink to the floor as you stood up to hug one of your old college pals.
“It’s been forever, and yet you still act like a royal novice.”
The lass never changed. She was still her snobby self, a trait that you used to hate before you came to realize that that’s just her quirk.
The two of you are almost squealing before finally letting go of each other. You sat back down excitedly before pouring yourself another drink.
“Okay. Why are you here?”
“Remember Suho? The doctor? Well, he’s thinking doing business with the hospital. He’s making it some sort of an extension.”
"I still couldn’t believe that you got married." You said while chuckling. The old Irene had always had this intimidating aura to her that no boy ever dared to talk to her. It’s something that the two of you had in common.
"I could say the same about you."
Irene snickered as she motioned the bartender to bring more drinks for the two of you.  She casually grabbed her wine glass, being the classy lady that she is, and took a bit of a sip at her sparkling champagne, eyeing you shadily like there’s something she’s trying to tell you.
“I see that your husband is having fun without you.”
You just sighed as a response.
“Royals are for royals, Y/N. Minji isn’t born with a title.That is not your fault. Keep your head high for fuck’s sake. You’re THE Princess.”
You raised an eyebrow at her, preparing to talk her down to filth. However, her phone lit up from a phone call that she's receiving.
"I'm gonna have to leave you for a sec. It's Suhyun's babysitter."
She gave an apologetic smile before grabbing her purse from the counter and finishing the last of her drink.
"I’ll be back in a moment.”
She tossed a wink at your direction before you’re left alone in the bar once again. You started drinking once again when you felt a tap on your shoulder. Thinking it was Irene, you turned around and was about to talk smack to her. Instead, it was your husband. He grabbed you by your wrist and took you to an empty storage room nearby.
“The guards have been looking for you everywhere.”
His voice was low, but you can tell that he’s incredibly pissed.
"I just needed a drink to lighten myself up. Figured you need some time to hang out with your colleagues without your boring wife tagging along."
“You’re glad that I found you first. What would the media say if they saw the princess drinking like she’s in a college frat party?”
You just rolled your eyes at him and tried to free your hand from his tightening grip.
“I want to go home.”
“You are not going home in the middle of the event!”
You scoffed.
“Yes, I can. I’m the Princess. Just tell them I feel sick or something.”
You finally managed to escape his grasp and you walked out of the storage room by yourself and walked back into the. Sure enough, you used your acting lessons to feign an illness. The guards took charge immediately and escorted you back to the car. It caused a bit of a scene, so it didn’t take long before Irene found you. She whispered something in your ear and you just nodded.
“Change of plans boys. I’m going to we’re going to the hospital.”
Kun felt a sudden surge of pain running through his body. His vision was blurry, pupil still adjusting to the light blaring through his face. Despite this, he can definitely see one thing. It was a silhouette of a woman.
"Ugh… Who are you?"
Moans and groans escaped his busted lips, the taste of metal fills his mouth. Not only was his mouth filled with his own blood, he was struggling to talk because of the dryness in his throat. He tried to move but his body felt sore. His arms and feet were tied up to this chair, making it impossible for him to get up.
The last thing that he remembered is that he is on a car ride somewhere, until his own guards pointed their guns at him.
The woman just laughed as a response. She walked towards him, dragging something heavy behind her. The screeching sound coming from the friction of the floor and metal stings in his ear.
Suddenly, he felt a hand run up to his shoulder into his neck making all of the hair in his body stand up. He had never felt more scared in his life. He felt her face lean over and whispered something to his ear.
"You know very well who I am Kun."
The woman laughed once again. It sounded darker and more maniacal than earlier.
"I'm glad you remembered you my name after all these years. However, I'm afraid I’d have to cut this reunion short."
Just as she stood up, another silhouette appeared from the dark. The tapping of the back of her heels filled echoed across the hospital room, completely stealing your attention from Irene.
This time, he's certain about who it is.
"When you said that you'll make my problems disappear, this isn't what I had in mind."
You took the coat off of your body, letting in fall to the floor. He was about to beg you to release him, but he noticed something.
You had that dangerous look in you. Your blank cold stare even scarier than Irene's. The typical shy demeanor was dropped and instead replaced by those of predator. Someone that wants to eat him alive and make him disappear in the face of the Earth.
"I had a little fun with him already, if you don't mind.”
Irene walked towards your direction, smiling from ear to ear seeing her old friend back like this.
“I’m afraid I have to leave you here darling. Suhyun and her father is probably looking for mommy right now. Call me when you need me.” She gave you a delicate peck on your cheek before walking away from the room.
Now, the two of you are left alone. Silence once again peeks in as the two of you just stared at each other. Even up until now, that never changed.
This time, you’re the first one to speak up.
“You’re probably wondering why you’re in this situation.”
You took one of the seats and dragged it just a few meters in front of him. You sat down, leaned back while your arms and legs are crossed.
“I know about the affair between you and Minji.”
“Baby, please. It’s nothing...”
He used his sweet voice again, but to you it sounded more like teeth-rotting sugar. That sickly sweet taste that made you want to gag.
“Oh, stop the bullshit. I know about ALL of the affairs.”
You finally stood up from your seat and held your right hand up in the air.
“Let’s see. There’s Rosie, Jessica, Heather…” You spouted more names, taking down a finger every time you mentioned one. Kun is now looking even more uncomfortable. This time, it was his turn to look down, hiding the guilt-ridden expression of his face. Your finger touched his chin, tipping his face up in your direction.
“Wanna know how I knew?”
You poked your tongue in your cheeks and rolled your eyes before giving him one hard slap on his cheek.
“It’s because of those damn glasses! I can see every lewd picture that they send you, asshole!”
You look down at his direction and you saw tears running down from his face. He was trying his best not to sob because his own mouth betrayed him.
“What, baby? you don’t like being slapped in the face? Isn’t that what you wanted Minji to do to you whenever you’re fucking at the manor when I’m at business trips?”
The last sentence made you choke on your words. The combination of seeing Kun crying and the recollection of memories made you a bit soft. Your legs shook, making you kneel down on the ground and sob like a little girl when someone had taken her toys away from her.
“Why did it have to be Minji?”
“I-I’m sorry Y/N. Please… Let me fix this.”
You wiped you tears away just as you dropped this bombshell.
“Why did it have to be her? My first love?”
Picking yourself from the floor, you went back to where your discarded coat is. You wiped your tears out with the sleeves of the coat while you rummaged through its pockets.
“I can’t stand it. Even when you married me, she ‘s still stupidly in love with you.”
“W-wait… What do you mean?”
“Minji used to be my pretty little angel. You just had to turn her into your slutty mistress, don’t you?”
You felt something hard on your right pocket. It was the gun that Irene left you earlier at the party. Right beside it was your phone, blowing up with notifications of people greeting you a Merry Christmas as the clock just turned 12:00 a few minutes ago.
“It’s a sad thing that this will be our last Christmas together.”
You said once again, finally calmed down from the tears that you have just shed a few moments ago. Kun was now shouting at his seat, finally aware of what you’re about to do.
“You are not gonna get away with this!”
“Oh. But I will…”
You smirked at him once again.
“If I killed you right now, Irene and his men would take care of your body and discard it without anyone noticing. They do it all the time. If people suspect that I did something to you, I can just say that I went to the hospital to get treated. They have logs and cameras over here to back up my claims.”
You cocked the gun in your hands and started pointing it to his temples.
“..And as for you baby, text records show that you’re about to run away with Minji tonight. All of your other secrets will be exposed and people will finally see what you really are…”
You took a deep breathe before mustering up the courage to pull the trigger.
“Merry Christmas baby. I’m sure they’d appreciate charity events in hell.”
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Written In The Stars XCVI (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I will use PoA gifs until I run out of them. Which will be never. Look at Harry and tell me this wasn’t his best look. Tell me he isn’t beautiful I dare you -Danny
Words: 3,295 
Series’ Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
Listen to: Can’t Help Falling In Love -by Elvis 
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Chapter Thirty-One: Daydreams.
"Just go through it again, Harry," said Hermione after they sent Sirius' letter the next morning. "What did Mr Crouch actually say?"
"I've told you, he wasn't making much sense, he said he wanted to warn Dumbledore about something. He definitely mentioned Bertha Jorkins, and he seemed to think she was dead. He kept saying stuff was his fault... He mentioned his son."
"Well, that was his fault–"
"He was out of his mind," Harry shook his head. "Half the time he seemed to think his wife and son were still alive, and he kept talking to Percy about work and giving him instructions."
"And... remind me what he said about You-Know-Who?" Ron shivered lightly.
"I've told you... He said he's getting stronger."
"But he was out of his mind like you said, so half of it was probably just raving..." Ron shrugged, trying to make it like it was no big deal.
"He was sanest when he was trying to talk about Voldemort. He was having real trouble stringing two words together, but that was when he seemed to know where he was and know what he wanted to do. He just kept saying he had to see Dumbledore." Harry replied with certainty.
"I just don't understand how he got here," Mel frowned. "It sounds almost as if he was fighting against the Imperio curse, remember? Most of us were just a blabbering mess when trying to come out of it..."
"If Snape hadn't held me up," Harry said in a terrible mood, looking at the owls flying above them, "we might've got there in time. 'The headmaster is busy, Potter... what's this rubbish, Potter?' Why couldn't he have just got out of the way?"
Mel reached out for his hand in silence and held it as a way of comfort. Harry squeezed back lightly, his eyes still fixed somewhere else.
"Maybe he didn't want you to get there! Maybe — hang on — how fast d'you reckon he could've gotten down to the forest? D'you reckon he could've beaten you and Dumbledore there?" Ron offered.
"Not unless he can turn himself into a bat or something."
"Wouldn't put it past him," Ron muttered.
"Still, why would he attack Krum and not Karkaroff?" Mel inquired. "If you mean to point to the discussions they had days prior, why attacking a student when he could've been directly attacked without anyone noticing?"
"We need to see Professor Moody. We need to find out whether he found Mr Crouch." Hermione sentenced.
"If he had the Marauder's Map on him, it would've been easy."
"Unless Crouch was already outside the grounds, because it only shows up to the boundaries, doesn't —"
"Shh!" said Hermione stopped them.
"— that's blackmail, that is, we could get into a lot of trouble for that —" A voice said from outside the door.
"— we've tried being polite; it's time to play dirty, like him. He wouldn't like the Ministry of Magic knowing what he did —"
"I'm telling you if you put that in writing, it's blackmail!"
"Yeah, and you won't be complaining if we get a nice fat payoff, will you?"
Fred and George froze at the sight of them.
"What're you doing here?"
"Sending a letter."
"What, at this time?"
"Fine —" Fred smiled, but it didn't look at all like his usual grin. "We won't ask you what you're doing if you don't ask us... Well, don't let us hold you up."
"Who're you blackmailing?" Ron said.
"Don't be stupid, I was only joking," George said quickly.
"Didn't sound like that," Her friend frowned.
"I've told you before, Ron, keep your nose out if you like it the shape it is. Can't see why you would, but —"
"It's my business if you're blackmailing someone. George's right, you could end up in serious trouble for that."
"Told you, I was joking. You're starting to sound a bit like our dear older brother, you are, Ron. Carry on like this and you'll be made a prefect," George walked past them and took an owl, expertly attaching their letter to its claw.
"No, I won't!"
George carried the owl and sent it off through a window.
"Well, stop telling people what to do then. See you later."
"You don't think they know something about all this, do you?" Hermione asked once they were gone. "About Crouch and everything?"
"No, if it was something that serious, they'd tell someone. They'd tell Dumbledore. You wouldn't be able to find out what they're doing now, could you?" Harry asked her.
"Don't think so," Mel sighed. "Been quiet lately, won't even tell me what they're up to like before..."
"What's the matter?" Hermione asked Ron, noticing his expression.
"Well... I dunno if they would. They're... they're obsessed with making money lately, I noticed it when I was hanging around with them — when — you know —"
"We weren't talking. Yeah, but blackmail..."
"It's this joke shop idea they've got. I thought they were only saying it to annoy Mum, but they really mean it, they want to start one. They've only got a year left at Hogwarts, they keep going on about how it's time to think about their future, and Dad can't help them, and they need gold to get started."
"Yes, but... they wouldn't do anything against the law to get gold?" Hermione added with doubt.
"Wouldn't they? I dunno... they don't exactly mind breaking rules, do they?" Ron then turned to her.
"Well, not exactly, but this would be thousand times more different..."
"This is the law," Hermione added. "This isn't some silly school rule... They'll get a lot more than detention for blackmail! Ron... maybe you'd better tell Percy..."
"Are you mad? Tell Percy? He'd probably do a Crouch and turn them in... Come on, let's get some breakfast."
"D'you think it's too early to go and see Professor Moody?" Hermione asked them.
"Yes, he'd probably blast us through the door if we wake him at the crack of dawn; he'll think we're trying to attack him while he's asleep. Let's give it till break," Harry sighed.
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Harry was lazily playing with her hair as she laid her head on the desk. She watched him twirl the brown locks around his fingers and letting them slip, he looked focused on the task, his eyes falling from time to time as he kept his head prompted on one hand.
She thought of her conversation with Erick the day before and her heart ached at the idea of this extremely clever and quiet boy not having anyone treating him in the way Harry treated her. Most of all she felt incredibly thankful, overjoyed at the thought of being able to call Harry her boyfriend. If that's what they were.
She tried to say it to herself when she was alone. It sounded a tad fake, after all these years being nothing but a friend, as weird as it sounded, it also caused her great joy, and she could see herself getting used to the word eventually. A month? A year..? Maybe once they were on their seventh year the word wasn't going to be needed, they would just be, and everyone would know.
Harry laid his head fall on the desk softly, and he locked eyes with her in comforting silence. She felt her stomach flutter with anticipation, knowing full well that they were at the back of the classroom so they could be the first to leave and search for Moody. She moved slowly so neither Ron nor Hermione could feel it, and it only increased her need to get closer. Harry knew what she was trying to do and without a second thought lifted his face merely an inch from the table so he could close the distance.
The kiss felt like it lasted an eternity. She held her breath, Mel didn't know kissing felt like this, that a simple act could give so much happiness. She felt him smile against her lips and they parted seconds later, both equally flushed and with matching looks of utter fancy.
The bell rang and they quickly abandoned the classroom. That'd been the first kiss they had shared in public (not counting the awful incident with Erick) and for a second, she questioned herself: Exactly how bad would it be to just do it again, this time making sure their friends could see them. One kiss and they wouldn't have to hide anymore, was it that bad..?
"There he is!" Harry pulled her along to catch up with Moody, bringing her back from her daydreams. "Professor Moody?"
"Hello, Potter," Moody looked at a couple of first-years walking by before adding, "Come in here."
He took them to his empty classroom and closed the door behind them.
"Did you find him?" Harry asked abruptly. "Mr Crouch?"
"Did you use the map?"
"Of course! Took a leaf out of your book, Potter. Summoned it from my office into the forest. He wasn't anywhere on there."
"So he did Disapparate?" said Ron.
"You can't Disapparate on the grounds, Ron!" Hermione groaned in exasperation. "There are other ways he could have disappeared, aren't there, Professor?"
"You're another one who might think about a career as an Auror," Moody told her. "Mind works the right way, Granger." Hermione blushed at his compliment.
"Well, he wasn't invisible," said Harry. "The map shows invisible people. He must've left the grounds, then."
"But under his own steam?" Hermione continued, "or because someone made him?"
"Yeah, someone could've — could've pulled him onto a broom and flown off with him, couldn't they?" said Ron anxiously.
"We can't rule out kidnap," growled Moody.
"So," said Ron, "d'you reckon he's somewhere in Hogsmeade?"
"Could be anywhere," said Moody, shaking his head. "Only thing we know for sure is that he's not here."
"This might be a bit darker, but..." Mel moved uncomfortably on her place. "What if something inside the forest killed him? The map doesn't show people if they're dead. They told us that last year, remember?" She was careful not to mention any names. "What if his body is still in the forest?"
Moody's eyes flashed in a way it made her wince, she didn't know what that look meant, but it didn't look exactly friendly.
"Now, Dumbledore's told me you four fancy yourselves as investigators, but there's nothing you can do for Crouch. The Ministry'll be looking for him now, Dumbledore's notified them. Potter, you just keep your mind on the third task." Then he addressed Mel directly, leaning back on his chair. "And you, Miss Dumbledore, I assure you we know exactly what to do next."
"What?" Harry's brow lifted, spotting what Moody meant. "Oh yeah..."
"Should be right up your street, this one," Moody continued, his mood finally lifting. "From what Dumbledore's said, you've managed to get through stuff like this plenty of times. Broke your way through a series of obstacles guarding the Sorcerer's Stone in your first year, didn't you?"
"We helped," Ron said quickly. "Me and Hermione... and Mel as well."
"Well," Moody grinned. "Help him practice for this one, and I'll be very surprised if he doesn't win. In the meantime... constant vigilance, Potter. Constant vigilance. You two," He looked at Hermione and Ron, "you stick close to Potter, all right? I'm keeping an eye on things, but all the same... you can never have too many eyes out. And Miss Dumbledore," He smiled. "Use that brain of yours and healthy ears, listen carefully to the people around, see if you can catch something of importance."
Mel nodded silently, feeling uneasy and strangely unable to forget the way Moody's eyes had shifted after her comment.
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Sirius sent their owl back the next morning.
Hermione read through the Prophet to confirm nothing about Crouch was mentioned, and then the four of them read the letter:
Harry — what do you think you are playing at, walking off into the forest with Viktor Krum? I want you to swear, by return owl, that you are not going to go walking with anyone else at night. There is somebody highly dangerous at Hogwarts. It is clear to me that they wanted to stop Crouch from seeing Dumbledore and you were probably feet away from them in the dark. You could have been killed.
Your name didn't get into the Goblet of Fire by accident. If someone's trying to attack you, they're on their last chance. Stay close to Ron, Mel, and Hermione, do not leave Gryffindor Tower after hours and arm yourself for the third task. Practice Stunning and Disarming. A few hexes wouldn't go amiss either. There's nothing you can do about Crouch. Keep your head down and look after yourself. I'm waiting for your letter giving me your word you won't stray out-of-bounds again.
"Who's he, to lecture me about being out-of-bounds?" Harry folded the letter angrily and put it away. "After all the stuff he did at school!"
"He's worried about you! Just like Moody and Hagrid! So listen to them!"
"No one's tried to attack me all year! No one's done anything to me at all —"
"Except put your name in the Goblet of Fire, and they must've done that for a reason, Harry. Snuffles is right. Maybe they've been biding their time. Maybe this is the task they're going to get you."
"Not if I can help it," Mel replied seriously. "I'll be there next time."
"Look," Harry said impatiently. Their usual arguments drastically dropped after their relationship improvement, but could still blow up in times of stress like this one. "Let's say Sirius is right, and someone Stunned Krum to kidnap Crouch. Well, they would've been in the trees near us, wouldn't they? But they waited till I was out of the way until they acted, didn't they? So it doesn't look like I'm their target, does it?"
"They couldn't have made it look like an accident if they'd murdered you in the forest!" said Hermione. "But if you die during a task —
"They didn't care about attacking Krum, did they?" said Harry. "Why didn't they just polish me off at the same time? They could've made it look like Krum and I had a duel or something."
"Because it wouldn't have made sense!" Mel replied sharply. "A fourteen-year-old simply does not have the power to kill another person, Moody told us this. I doubt Krum has it as well, even if his Headmaster has been teaching him some dirty tricks. It would've been messy and not everyone would've believed it. They're waiting for the right time when it can look like it wasn't planned."
"Look Harry, I don't understand it either," said Hermione. "I just know there are a lot of odd things going on, and I don't like it... Moody's right — Sirius is right, Mel is right — you've got to get in training for the third task, straight away. And you make sure you write back to Sirius and promise him you're not going to go sneaking off alone again."
"Harry James Potter," Mel concluded in a voice that sounded too much like her mother's. "We're not doing this because we think you're stupid. We're doing it cause it gives you time to learn. If you want to face whatever is out there right now then do it, but you'll die in a second. Now, if you want to face it and live, then you listen."
Harry glared at her.
"Fine," He finally grumbled. "I'll do it."
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"My dears," Professor Trelawney started, "we have almost finished our work on planetary divination. Today, however, will be an excellent opportunity to examine the effects of Mars, for he is placed most interestingly at the present time. If you will all look this way, I will dim the lights..."
"I wish she would dim the fire," Mel grumbled, looking at the fireplace with deep loathing. "I'm dying here!"
Once the lights were out Professor Trelawney showed them a miniature model of the solar system. As their teacher started to speak, she felt Harry's body leaning closer to her and when she looked down the boy, slowly falling asleep. Deciding that there was no risk on letting him take a nap, her eyes wandered around, falling on one of the curtains where a pretty insect was making its way up through the fabric.
She found it familiar, but she couldn't quite place from where. The mere thought was silly, an insect was an obvious thing to find familiar, they were all over the school grounds! However, this one had something, she just couldn't place exactly what... Harry groaned in his sleep, Mel barely paid him attention as she ran a hand through his hair to quiet him down so Trelawney wouldn't notice. It seemed to work for a while.
What a bunch of rubbish really, divination wasn't at all what she used to imagine when she was younger, thinking that she could read her future in the stars and guess what steps to take. Nothing was ever that simple.
Wouldn't it be great, though? To be able to read the sky like the centaurs, perhaps there was a way, she just needed to do more research...
What a blessing it was to have the opportunity Dumbledore was giving her, she could satiate all of her doubts and -Harry whined again, this time a bit louder- be wiser than before. She vowed there and then to learn to be patient and to know when the right time for everything was. After all, life wasn't that complicated–
Harry screamed, causing her to almost fall of her chair.
The boy squirmed in pain until he fell flat on the ground, pressing one hand on his forehead. Mel felt all the blood in her body run cold.
"Harry!" She took a deep breath and focused all her energy into her words. "Wake up!"
Harry opened his eyes at once. She felt the rest of the class standing behind her, his eyes were tearing up.
"You all right?" Ron said from her right.
"Of course he isn't!" Professor Trelawney was beyond excited. "What was it, Potter? A premonition? An apparition? What did you see?"
"Nothing," Harry sat up abruptly. Shaking and affected, he looked around as if looking for something.
"Give him space!" Mel pushed a few legs back. "He can't breathe properly if you're all ogling at him!"
"You were clutching your scar!" Professor Trelawney insisted. "You were rolling on the floor, clutching your scar! Come now, Potter, I have experience in these matters!"
Harry looked up at her, then at Mel. "I need to go to the hospital wing, I think," He said slowly. "Bad headache."
"My dear, you were undoubtedly stimulated by the extraordinary clairvoyant vibrations of my room! If you leave now, you may lose the opportunity to see further than you have ever —"
"Didn't you hear?" Mel asked harshly as she helped him stand up. "He's probably heat stroked thanks to the way you keep us all locked up here!"
"I don't want to see anything except a headache cure," Harry agreed.
"I'll go with you, can't risk you passing out in the middle of a hall..." She replied, picking up her thing as well as his.
"See you later," Harry told Ron quietly as both of them walked out.
"Glasses," Mel said once they were out of earshot. "What the hell did you see?"
"Hang on," He looked over his shoulder and gave her a sombre look. "Wait until we are in Dumbledore's office."
"It's your scar?"
Harry just stared at her, but it was all the confirmation she needed.
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Next Chapter —>
@dee123ksha​ @vampiregirl1797 @siriuslysirius1107 @stardusthigh @mikariell95 @vernon-dursley @thesuitelifeofafangirl @tomshollandz @kylosleftbuttcheek @reverse-hxlland @bloodorangemoonlight @omiwashere​ @t-rexs-world
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bearseokie · 4 years
Working Other Occupations | GOT7
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got7 m.list | navi.
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Mark: Gas Station Clerk;
knows everyone because his store is so busy
the store has two checkout lines, but his is always the longest
knows the best brands in the stores, constantly recommends them
gets frozen yogurt every day, collects his spoons
never leaves the slushie machine alone, his tongue is always red or blue
hates cleaning the bathrooms
prefers the night shift over the morning shift
blasts music
begs people that buy cigarettes to try quitting by chewing gum
steals energy drinks
pays for people's items when they don't have enough to cover it
smiles at everyone for no reason
found a stray cat behind the store, named it and deemed it the gas station kitty
stands at the counter, refuses to sit down
raps to songs playing while he restocks
runs around the counter to open the door for elders
challenges himself to see how long he can stand in the freezer
befriends the cook that makes hot food so he gets free meals
pumps gas for his friends and elders so he knows they get taken care of
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Jaebeom: Mechanic;
works on vehicles part time
gets stuck somewhere almost every day. once it was his hand in the exhaust pipe. once his entire body got stuck between the bottom of a truck and the creeper. it was a funny call for help.
wears a black jumpsuit and boots every day, loves that his name is embroidered onto his uniform.
blasts alternative music in the shop
thinks his job is like math
all of his co-workers are buff dudes with tattoos, and he admits he looks out of place
long hair that gets caught in Everything
sits on the creeper and rides it around when he's too lazy to stand up
is actually really good at his job, and has never had a complaint
women stop by to request that "he must look at their car because the check engine is on" but it's just a glitch, he gets their number anyways
always offers to buy food for his co-workers when they've been working long hours
always is on coffee duty
keeps a jar of lollipops for the client’s kids
got pranked by his co-workers once, hopes it never happens again
they asked him to get into a car to check if the steering wheel was even, then they lifted the car. he was in the air, stuck for almost an hour while they worked on it because "it would be a waste of time to bring it back down to let him out", he still appreciates them though
knows a lot of the rich people in the area specifically because he works on their cars
loves working on Ferraris and Lamborghinis
got to drive both to test run them, he was in love
is always covered in grease and oil, smells like them too
rough hands
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Jackson: Workout Trainer;
always wears black tank tops
goes into the gym to do his own workout before his client shows up
brings extra water
gets way too excited when his client wants to do another workout
has a personal connection to all of his clients
will treat them to meals and give gifts to support their hard work
all of his fits match
wears insoles for extra support and asks his clients to get them too so they won't be as sore
is naturally loud but is quiet when he works out / when he is watching over a client
real bike rides & hikes
always makes clients start off with the basics, the smallest weights, shorter movements even if they are familiar with the workout / equipment
wears sweat bands like they're actual accessories
messes around from time to time by "running" on the gazelle, skipping on the treadmill, swings from the pull-up bars
acts like he's done more than everyone else when they aren't paying attention
pretends he can't lift a heavy weight when his client tells him they don't know if they can, so they feel inspired to try and be better than him
the best spotter
gets angry at other people in the gym when they are checking out / flirting with his clients, tries to explain that they are focused
protein shakes that smell okay and taste awful but he considers them a necessity
headbands like he's in an 80's workout video
always bouncy and excited, even when he's tired
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Jinyoung: Dental Receptionist;
holds his index finger up at people when he's in the middle of something
types very fast
will hang up on you if you're rude to him
is friends with all of the dentist's in the building, and constantly chats with them even if people are waiting for their appointment
dentist still hasn't come back? they're talking to jinyoung
has a jar of mints on his desk, never offers them to anyone
is only nice to kids
bought new toys for the kid's waiting room because the old ones were boring, now none of them make noise but are enough to busy them
will purposely shred important papers just to give people a hard time
hates his desk chair
plays generic stock music in the office
goes through pens like crazy
hates check-in calls to remind people of their appointments, so he doesn't even do them most of the time and just hopes for the best
no insurance? sucks for you now you have a bill in your name
staples aggressively
plays solitare
makes the waiting room freezing while he's perfectly fine
gets up in the middle of someone checking in to walk around doing nothing until he feels like coming back
shows no emotion unless he hears a kid laughing
waves goodbye instead of telling people to have a good day / evening
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Youngjae: Librarian;
shushes people that shush others
sneaks up behind people when they are focused
laughs way too loud and bothers everyone
the scanners hate him so much that they will glitch and shut down the entire computer
wears plaid pants and comfy tees, pushed back hair and glasses, never wears his contacts to work
brings his own lunch / snacks but still buys things from the staff room's vending machine
plays music in his earbuds when restocking and reorganizing
puts his own name down for newly released dvds so he gets to watch them first
carries a backpack of random stuff for when he gets bored
doesn't actually like books that much
accidentally sings at full volume to the music in his ears
buys stickers to give to the kids when they check out their books
runs up and down the aisles when no one else is around
recommends the same four books to everyone
writes in his notebook for half of his shift
when the kids get lost from their parents, he holds their hand and lets them hang out with him at his counter while he calls over the intercom
thinks there should be a bigger music section
wears a watch but still stares at the wall clock
bad sleep schedule so he's always dozing off
loves decorating the library with themes
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Bambam: Retail Employee;
very sassy
wears brands even his own store doesn't sell
is actually the nicest person ever to work in retail
fingertip length organized racks
perfectly folds Everything because he believes presentation is one of the most important features of anything
will change a mannequin while people are shopping if he hates the fit enough
rants about how more people should thrift clothing instead of buying new things every time because it's better for the environment to recycle and benefits & supports local thrift stores
holds up clothes when people are checking out and compliments their taste
actually enjoys comfy clothing over designer, but will never admit it
takes a whole shift just to choose one pair of shoes to put on display
loves when kids ask his opinion on what they should get
spends his breaks looking over the jewelry section
steals candles
hates when people mess up the t-shirt section because he always has to fix it
electric shopping cart races
always has his long sleeve uniform shirts rolled up to his elbow
has knowledge of the best makeup brands in the store
severe hatred for the low-quality tees with weird quotes on them
loves all of the jeans with rips in them and always recommends them to customers
can make the floors so shiny he sees his own reflection in it
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Yugyeom: Roller-Rink Employee;
part time dj, part time employee
puts on his favorite beats and skates around until he has to switch songs
kids try to climb him because he's so tall
has multiple pairs of skates for different days of the week
skates backwards
big shirts and ripped jeans
usually the leader of kid's birthday parties
held one of the parties and became the special guest because all of the girls loved him so much, they made him their prince for the day
loves watching people hold on to the walkers because it's funny
teaches old people how to skate safely by holding onto the edge of the rink
has to make the girls that flock around his booth find another activity to do
aggressively competitive lazer tag player, always gets his vest on first so he gets a head start
drinks monsters like it's water
doesn't buy the food they make inside, just steals it
hates being on rollerskate duty, always has to clean them and restock them properly because the high school kids place them in random spots
dyes his hair a different color every month
thinks the blacklight is the coolest feature of the entire rink
has so many high scores on the old arcade machines that kids cry trying to beat him, he buys them candy so they stop being upset
decorates the dj booth with neon colors
once got stuck putting his arm into the claw machine trying to get a toy that he wanted for himself
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teddy-bear-surprise · 3 years
Chapter 9: Exit
|| Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 Part 1 || Chapter 7 Part 2 || Chapter 8 || Almost The End || Chapter 9 ||
The past three and a half weeks had dragged Spencer through all seven levels of hell and back. All remainders of his sense of identity had been stripped away and then stuck back together with dollar-store duct tape. Even with his eidetic memory, superior cognitive skills, and years of extensive psychological training, Spencer had been susceptible to all of Ophelia’s tricks. Every single vision, thought, and emotion that entered Spencer’s conscious mind was hand-crafted and transplanted deep within his mind by Ophelia. He was stuck in a prison that he would never escape, but that was only half the story.
Ophelia was undoubtedly a bright person, though it seemed wrong to pay someone so nefarious such a compliment, and she had devised a detailed and thorough plan. That very plan was what led to Spencer’s downfall. Nothing could stop her once she had her eye set on a goal, and sinking her talons into Spencer’s mind was no different.
Many scientists liked to say that when a person is exposed to high levels of anxiety for prolonged periods of time, their brains will translate every ordinary experience into a moment of desperation. Every moment becomes life or death. Black and white. Winning or losing. And that was all Spencer could see.
Even if he did not explicitly feel his anxiety in that moment, Ophelia’s methods left him exposed to every one of her schemes. He was unaware of his extensive obedience, not complying intentionally, but with an iron fist of fear wrapped around his heart. But each time he acted in Ophelia’s favor, the fist loosened.
As the days rolled by, slowly at first, Spencer began to feel more and more drawn towards her. His fearful heart palpitations shifted into anxious flutters. When he saw Ophelia now, rather than sensing dread in his gut, he felt a kaleidoscope of butterflies in his stomach. It wasn’t shocking that three extensive weeks with an attractive captor led to Spencer’s strong case of Stockholm Syndrome. It happened all the time, and while Ophelia hadn’t planned for it, it proved to be useful.
For the first week, Ophelia would repeat the same routine every day, only modifying the temperature of the interrogation room to add a little kick to her “game”. And every day, Spencer would look at her with the same scared and confused look on his face. Ophelia, obviously, would just ignore it. Every day she would let him get a bit closer to her, making him feel like there was progress being made, that she trusted him, only to trick him and treat him like scum the next day. She tore down the very structure of his understanding of trust. Eyes wide open with fear, Spencer would learn to be wary of every movement that Ophelia made. He slept lightly, listening for the sounds of her footsteps and mentally preparing himself when they did approach him. Though as much as he tried, he was never really prepared for what followed.
Then the next week came along, and suddenly Spencer was spending every waking moment alone. He sat in solitude, hearing nothing more than the sound of his own breath and fabric crinkling whenever he moved. The closest thing to human contact he got during those days was Ophelia pushing a small tray of food into his room at breakfast, lunch, and dinner and then him pushing the tray back out to her after he had eaten. That was probably the longest week of Spencer’s life. Every day that passed by felt like months, and with no windows or clocks, the only way of keeping time was by counting how many seconds had passed between meals. On the longest day, he had counted eleven thousand nine hundred and twenty-five seconds. For each second that he counted, he made a dot on the wall behind him with a marker that Ophelia had given him, and by the end of the week, his wall had turned a whole shade darker.
During the last week, the third one, Ophelia did the complete opposite. She kept Spencer by her side every second of the day, providing him with the desperately needed attention that he craved. She would order him around, playing into his desire for purpose and fulfillment. Each morning, Ophelia would make him write reports for her. She started it as a way to gauge just how much Spencer would be willing to share with her. Unsurprisingly, the emotionally and mentally unstable Dr. Reid had lost the ability to filter his thoughts. The world-class genius labored away for hours, spilling every secret the FBI had shared with him. He told Ophelia all about her mother, he told her about Hotch’s family, he told her about his lowest moments: losing Maeve and letting Cat slip through his hands. In the afternoons, she would send the mentally exhausted man to do meaningless housework. He scrubbed the floors on his hands and knees until his shoulders grew sore, he replaced lightbulbs until his wrists could no longer twist, and he washed dishes until his hands turned pink and pruned. Reid thought nothing of the work and even appreciated the opportunity to rest his aching mind. Their nights, however, were spent together, truly together. Not the kind of together where Ophelia sat on the couch watching Spencer work, but the type where they were no more than a foot apart at any given time. He relished the praise that Ophelia showered him with. She made him feel an unparalleled sense of pride for sharing his secrets. By the end of the week, Spencer had proven himself to be so trustworthy (or brainwashed) that Ophelia felt comfortable falling asleep next to him on the couch.
Somehow, an institution dedicated to delving deep into the minds of America’s most notorious killers had made a fatal mistake. They failed to look into the minds of their own men, letting the team’s brains and hearts fall through the cracks. The BAU’s useless mandatory therapy proved to be nothing but a bandaid over a gaping wound. Because despite all of his intense FBI training, Spencer had already suffered so much trauma that he became the BAU’s weakest link.
Three Days Until New Year’s
A pair of heavy boots crunched loudly against the rocky, sandy walkway, contrasting the eerie silence that preceded it. The boots were attached to a mysteriously hooded figure that walked with confident strides. It was late at night, or maybe early in the morning– no one could say for sure. Only one thing was certain: chaos would soon have the upper hand.
The black boots continued until they reached Ophelia’s window. Peering in, the hooded figure saw Ophelia lazily draped over the couch, accompanied by a dreaming Dr. Reid beside her. An old television set illuminated their motionless figures and let out quiet dialogue as the movie dragged on. Both were in a deep, deep state of sleep, unaware of the scene that was unraveling beyond their dreamscape. The Unsub abandoned the window, tiptoeing towards the garage. The garage door panel, despite being chosen by a “genius”, took only a minute to hijack. The latch clicked open and the door slowly lifted. It buzzed quietly but steadily, and the hooded head turned towards the window every few seconds to check for any signs of Ophelia or Spencer waking up. They never did. With the garage door open, it would be smooth sailing from now on.
The Unsub quickly slid their backpack onto the empty garage’s floor, opening it slowly. The contents of the bag were highly volatile and the Unsub did not want to be anywhere near when that volatile substance lost its stability. Halfway through unzipping, the zipper got stuck, causing the backpack to jolt violently. The Unsub’s breath hitched and their mouth dried up as beads of sweat trailed down their neck and forehead.
Beginning again, slower this time, they moved the zipper smoothly. Once the bag was successfully opened, the Unsub calmed by a degree. They grabbed the flat, red blocks that lay within, careful to avoid tangling the wires attached to the blocks. These carefully packed and handled blocks were those infamous “plastic explosives” that they always showed in movies. They were highly destructive, yet much too easy to buy– considering you had the right contacts, of course. The Unsub stuck the explosives all along Ophelia’s garage walls, making sure to target the home’s main structure by using a wall scanner. They exited the garage and closed it manually to avoid the whir of the garage door motor. With still a handful of explosives left in their possession, the Unsub moved to the side of the house farthest from Ophelia and Spencer, easily boosting the damage without committing full-on murder.
From afar, the Unsub exiting Ophelia’s backyard just looked like an ordinary citizen going for a calming moonlight stroll. But their fast, decisive steps were far from calm and this citizen was in no way ordinary. They walked rapidly for two long minutes and by the time those two minutes had passed, Unsub was far out of the neighborhood’s sight. The Unsub grabbed the remote detonator from their pocket, entering the passcode and pressing the bright red button. A blast shook the ground with fierce intensity and a shiver ran up the Unsub’s spine as they felt the air’s temperature increase by the slightest degree. They turned around to marvel at the brightly lit sky above Ophelia’s house, basking in the sound of chaos engulfing the few residents of Park Ridge Drive.
Inside the rapidly heating home, Ophelia and Spencer felt adrenaline flowing freely through their bloodstreams. Panic permeated their bodies and all rational thought had been abandoned. But even as they felt the fire nearing and the smoke filling their lungs, they didn’t move. They couldn’t move. Just like two mice trapped in a never-ending maze, there was no way out and the Unsub had made sure of it. They sat in desperation, wondering if the past three weeks had all been for nothing.
About ten minutes from the house, the Unsub approached their car, opening the door as a gust of wind flew by. Their hood fell down, revealing short blonde locks and a familiar face. They perched the hood back onto their head. They could hear the sirens approaching and drove away quickly, even passing a police car a few miles later. But alas, the Unsub was already far, far gone by the time first-responders arrived at the scene.
Author’s Note: I decided to leave this chapter a bit vague at the end so I could pick it up again if I ever feel better, but still have just enough closure to let the story "stop"... I'd love to hear any theories or guesses as to what the ending means (it's kinda obvious lol). I'm also so sorry it's not better, but this was the best I could do considering the circumstances.
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