#It's not even that my parents have anything against animation they just for some reason have a really hard time getting immersed in it
infriga · 8 months
I convinced my mom to try the live action One Piece, because she's the type to like this style of show even though she isn't into animation and would never read manga, but I didn't think I'd be able to convince my dad because he's usually a stickler for more grounded and realistic stories (his favourite genre is war movies, his favourite movie is Saving Private Ryan, for reference). But, when I brought up with him how I figured it probably wouldn't be his thing because it was fantasy, he mentioned to me that he does enjoy some fantastical stuff if it has like an internal universe logic, like Star Wars, and the more I thought about it, the more I remembered that he also enjoys campy fun action adventure stuff that doesn't take itself too seriously like Indiana Jones or Pirates of the Carribean.
And One Piece has both that internal logic for why people can perform crazy feats (even if it isn't explained right away) which I mentioned to him (just that there is a reason why people can do crazy things in this world), as well as the campy fun action adventure thing going for it, especially in the Live Action (the fight against Morgan's base even has a major Indiana Jones vibes ngl). So I explained that to him and asked if he wanted to try it, and he agreed to watching the first episode with me to decide if he'd watch it with my mom and me.
AND HE ACTUALLY SAID IT WAS INTERESTING SO FAR!! Like, he is NOT the kinda guy to enjoy anime or manga or even western cartoons, always refuses to watch anything anime and doesn't show any interest when I talk about it (I've managed to convince him to watch a few movies like Sword of the Stranger but it's obvious that even when he's not bored or doesn't hate it, it still doesn't catch or keep his interest), and he's really picky about anything fantasy or SciFi, if it like sets off his bullshit meter too much he starts nitpicking the logic behind certain abilities, or decisions, or explanations, etc. I once tried to get him to try Gravity Falls and he wanted to stop after the first episode. He's THAT picky.
So the fact that he actually laughed several times while watching the first episode of OPLA with me, commented about Luffy's character positively several times (he seems to think Luffy is really funny which surprised me cause I thought he'd be the most entertained by Zoro but I mean I can't blame him it is Luffy after all), never cringed or criticised or said anything about how ridiculous it was, means a lot coming from him cause he's always really blunt and honest about his opinion on this sort of stuff (which is fine I don't want him to pretend to enjoy stuff when he doesn't). He actually watched the whole first episode without it losing his attention, and seemed to have fun! And he agreed to watch the rest with my mom and me!
This sort of thing is one of the reasons why I dislike when people just dismiss the idea of live action adaptations entirely. I get that people are jaded with past failures, and don't like when live action is treated like a replacement for or improvement from animation when it isn't. But it is a valid medium just as much as animation or comics or writing are, and can be used to produce some amazing things. And the fact is, there are people who have a hard time connecting with other mediums who will otherwise never engage with this media in its original forms. Live Action, when done well and done right, can reach new audiences and welcome them into the fold in ways the original formats never can.
One Piece didn't need the live action to be popular, obviously, and the live action cannot and will not replace the original, nor should it. But I love that we get to have it alongside the manga and anime. It's just more of what we love, it's the cherry on top of an already stellar multi-layered cake. It complements the original rather than taking anything away from it. And for the first time in over a decade I might be able to share One Piece with my parents, who would only ever have a chance of experiencing it and enjoying it in live action. There's just something so awesome about that for me personally. I just wish more live action adaptations would understand what the One Piece live action understood about the adaptation process, and that's how to keep the heart of the story in-tact, so more people from more fandoms could have a chance to share something they love with more people who it would otherwise not reach.
Anyway, thank you Oda and the OPLA cast and crew for doing live action right for once!
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soarrenbluejay · 2 months
Since I’ve been encouraged to actually share my funny little blorbo ideas here’s another one gang;
Danny moves to Gotham on scholarship for engineering, because the Fentons may be infamous but they’re also insanely brilliant and besides both he and Jazz are showing every sign of embarrassed child of a super genius syndrome, so while the bats are keeping a close eye on him Just In Case, duke is also thinking of introducing him to the Our Parents Are Maniacs But Anyway club maybe after the first month or so.
Gotham does not go for standard dorm living bc of his ‘condition’ and lack of wanting to constantly spook/gaslight a roommate. Besides, living with two small children is a dorm sounds like a disaster in action.
So Danny signs up as a mechanic in Crime Alley, buys himself a teeny weensy lil apartment and Makes It Work. He has been all year after showing up with a de aged Dani and Dan in Amnity after all, and that had gone,,, fine? (The entire town, observing how Danny had been getting increasingly more uncomfortable around his godfather prior to the cloning incident, then just dropped off the face of the earth for several months, the first two weeks stuck in Vlad’s basement enduring horrors and the next Too Many desperately fapping around in the Ghost Zone to get everything handled. All the clones live, all 13 of them. Bunch of them are stuck in the Ghost Zone due to constant need for ectoplasm, but eh, plenty of Zone born never leave, so. One, in the future, apprentices under a green warrior lady on Pandora’s suggestion, another is working in the Eternal Library with Ghost Writer, etc etc. so Danny eventually came back to Amnity with one small child under each arm very obviously traumatized by Somethingn with vlad and doesn’t like being alone with him,,, or touched without warning,, and immediately and passionately proclaims the kids his but struggles to explain how or why,, look some very reasonable assumptions are drawn okay. So the town does the very reasonable thing and does the midwestern equivilant of excommunicating Vlad, except it’s a lot more run him out with pitchforks vibes since he’s the Mayor. Anyway)
He is immediately loved, because while non Gothamites are usually more of a pain than they’re worth, everyone in a while someone even from out of town will just fit in so nicely it’s uncanny for everyone involved. Addams family vibes, it’s referred to as ‘making it home’, just personal hc. He is protective of all the kids playing in the parks and street girls that can totally take care of themselves on their corners but find it HILARIOUS when he just tackles a dick like a wild animal full force no warning. He can fix anything it seems, but refuses to work with weapons. Reasonable enough, people get twitchy about gangs sometimes. Danny mentions being not against Hood or anything, but he’s not going to work for him, littles to take care of and all, but had past experience with ‘Dora and that inheritance mess with her brother he was being a real prick about’ so everyone assumes it’s the equivilant of him having Done His Time and being plenty good for a life time and respects it as long as none of that petty midwestern small town hotshots bring any of that shit over here. And they don’t, because said individuals are on the other side of the mortal veil, so happy day.
See I really love deaged!Dan because he’s just a grumpy lil guy. But he’s also killed millions. He’s so protective of his loved ones, but held back by blending in and also being Smol that it comes off more bitey kitten than anything else. Dani, of course, is a terror, so she fits right in with the crowd.
And sorry gang, but a bunch of kids on their own in Gotham in a poor side of the city just isn’t going to get any attention: that’s just business as usual really. What first gets attention on Danny is not his ‘condition’ or being mistaken for a meta (which he legally probs has an argument for even without the gene bc like these bitches don’t know how metaism works anyway so) or alien (I’m 90% sure he’d be covered by the alien protection act by virtue of being half ‘not from earth’), but because Danny despite best efforts is a Weird Guy.
He grew up in what could only be described as a low level villain level and spent most of high school dealing with smack downs and spiritual invasion. He’s never really processed that any of that is not in fact Normal. Also, he’s capable of making Anything if given the insides of a toaster, blender and alarm clock, and could probably rewrite the circuits of the apartment blindfolded and improve them 1000% even if it ABSOLUTELY would not be up to code.
And sure, things slip every once in a while, bits of spectral ice here, small floating incident there, but everyone just Minds Their Buisness ya know? You really gunna mess with the guy that personally ensured that when your car got flattened by a fight with Killer Croc, you were still able to get in to work the next day by some wizardry? Really?
But Gotham is a city so cursed it’s probably in the exponents countwise, so of course there is a) a flourishing community of magic users and assorted supernatural weirdos and b) a whole lot of shit for Mega Overpowered Ghost King Danny to idly pick at day to day in order to help with his protecting other Obsession. Gotham has plenty of heroes, but by god do they need the spiritual equivilant of an electrician/priest.
Still, Danny, as a baby ancient under a facet of Kronos and KING OF THE DEAD is like, way, way out of their scope to be able to grok, so it mostly just comes off as you know, a family of banshees or something. When asked, Danny very haltingly says he was briefly dead but then revived, which neatly explains his Weird Ass aura and makes it SPECTACULARLY AWKWARD to ask further about. So everyone nods politely, and goes back to their lives after double checking no nefarious bullshit was being pulled.
Then, of course, Vlad finally tracks them down. The whole neighborhood is altered in short order because he doesn’t bother trying to hide being a Rich Bitch or how he’s sneering down his nose at people on the sidewalk. Every connects the dots when Danny paniks. Dani and Dan’s daycare are staffed with some extra, very buff set of hands within the hour. Jerry, Hood’s third in command, personally shows up to the garage Danny is working at to talk things out with him bc he knows he does t like the deal with this stuff due to past unspecified circumstances but well, they guys had already started fucking with him, you see. Stole his tires, spray painted the windows, pickpocketed him blind, and when he retreated tipped off the police to the drugs they’d planted in the glove box.
Danny might not have been born in Gotham, but he was one of them. And the Alley takes care of it own.
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flamingpudding · 7 months
I am keeping him B
A/N: Stress late night writing, while I am supposed to sleep cause I still got work tomorrow but screw my life...
It all started with the disappearance of Box Ghost, followed by Spectra. Back then, Danny didn't realize what was happening, and he still blamed himself for that. What a fine bridge of balance he was....
The next to disappear had been Elli and Danny had mobilize whatever he could to organize a search party when he lost contact. After Elli, Ember was next. Maybe by then Danny should be realized.
Dan was the next in line of disappearances. Vlad was the one making Danny aware of it. Everything Danny had mobilized in his search for Elli was extended to find Dan now, too.
Shortly after Dan, Vlad also disappeared from the face of earth. If he hadn't already be worried Danny would have been now. His events tripled, sleepless nights followed, days in which Jazz practically had to force him to sleep.
One by one all the Ghosts Danny knew disappeared. Maybe he would have realized it sooner if he had paid more attention to certain things, to the news to politics, to anything really. Maybe then Danny would be noticed the appearance of Dalv.Co and his parents invention on the black market. The sudden spike in Meta traficing following or the sudden interest in Ecto-entities.
But he hadn't...
...and that probably what was what costed him too.
Because, one day, he woke up in a dark cell, still in his Phantom transformation but with a collar around his neck. It zapped him any time he touched it or tried to let go of his ghost form. It was like a reverse of the stupid taser Vlad had. There were no mirrors or anything he could use to see himself with, but he had a feeling that collar used Fenton tech. He also realized that he was in a more eldrich kind of transformation. His hands that usually were in white gloves when in phantom form were clawed and inky black with sparks that reminded Danny of the night sky's above Amity Park. He couldn't tell if he looked anything like himself or not, but judging by his hands, probably not.
That day, when Danny woke up in that cell, he realized the reason behind the disappearances of his family and ghost rogues. Just like there was a spike in Meta trafficking, the growing interest had also developed into Ecto-Entity trafficking and worse was, they weren't even protected by law. The Anti-Ecto Acts are making it not even a real or all too big of a crime.
Months passed, and Danny learned to shut his mouth and emotions out. He thought he was even in a state disassociation, Jazz would have been proud of him for his self diagnosis, maybe. With the passing days, Danny stopped remembering who owned him and who he was forced to fight. Sometimes, his eyes came to live when he met one of his old friends in the battle rings. Tho their fights were no longer a form or bonding, it still felt nice to sometimes feel the heat of Ember's flames, the sting of Skulkers blasters or even see a box get thrown at him.
Of course, he had tried to escape or save at least one of the others before, but whoever modified his parents' inventions knew what they were doing. All his attempts were met with failure.
But then the day everything changed came. Danny didn't know how long it had been, all he knew was that a stupid clown was his current holder. The guy spouted some nonsense or wanting to see how a bat, of all animals held himself against one of the strongest ecto-entiies. Danny really wanted to refuse, yell at that fruitloop of a clown and be done with the World.
But what he didn't expect to happen that day was the shock of electricity, the ricochet of a bullet, the crack of metal... and the collar falling of his neck.
Suddenly, Danny no longer felt like he was trapped in his own body, like he was just an onlooker, but at the same time, he had never felt this tired before. He stumbled forward his body losing whatever momentum he had before. It was a single arm that saved him from faceplanting.
"Fuck! That thing was actually a kid!"
"I am going to fucking murder the clown."
Danny blinked slowly as he felt his awareness sliding from him, yet he still couldn't help muttering at least something before the world would go dark. "Get in line, I really hate clowns, and he is the nightmare realm fodder."
Danny felt the arm holding him shaking, and he really wanted to close his eyes and sleep, but right before he did, in fact, black out from pure exhaustion, he heard one last thing. "I don't give a fuck, B. I like this kid so I am keeping him."
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hysteria-things · 3 months
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read part two here
read part three here
read part four here
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dom!nate x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: it feels like every day there’s a blowout between you and nate. however, something changes when all of a sudden he’s knocking at your bedroom window.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUTTY SMUT, swearing, teasing, some praise/degradation, pet names (pretty), p in v, unprotected sex (don’t be silly wrap your willy!), stomach bulge, possessiveness, cream pie, ROUGHHH
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1,172
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: this is low key toxic LMAO but it’s okay cause nate’s a cutie patootie.
thank you anon! hope you like it❤️
for some reason when i listened to this song it make me think of this fic, even though i would never picture him like this at all😭
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tap tap tap.
“you cannot be fucking serious.” you curse softly, placing your phone on the bed as you get up and head over to the window.
it’s no secret that you hate nathan doe, and he hates you too.
your parents are close with his, but nate has always been a little shit.
ever since you two were kids, he’d pick on you. you’d understand that it was friendly banter since he’s, y’know; a boy. boys do that.
but it was never like that with him.
you unlock your window and open it, staring at the boy squatting on your roof. he’s in a t-shirt and gray sweats, his hair damp from showering.
“are you kidding right now, nate?”
“can i come in?” he asks, already making his way through your window.
you roll your eyes. “i mean, you already are.”
he stands in the middle of your room with his hands in his pockets, looking around. “what do you want?” you groan.
he snaps his head toward you. “what? can an old friend not visit?”
“you hate me.”
he raises his eyebrows and glances down your body. “i didn’t see you at the game today.”
“i’d rather die than go to a lacrosse match,” you say. you guys are standing across from each other, and it’s weirdly comforting. you two would be trying to fight right now, but even if you were you’d be too tired to.
“what do you want, nate?” you repeat, this time more harshly.
“why do you always have a fucking attitude?” he snaps.
there it is.
you scoff. “stop with this nice act. i shouldn’t have even let you in.”
“yet, you did!” he says with a high voice, taking his finger and pointing upward.
“fuck you.”
“you wish.”
you squint your eyes at the boy. you should’ve pushed him off of your roof when you had the chance.
“i’d watch that mouth if i were you, y/l/n.” he now points at you. “it can get you into big trouble.”
your next two words were meant to be in your head. “make m—”
in one stride, nate pulls you in by the throat and smashes his lips on yours. you would think you’d want to pull away but no. you kiss back with hunger.
he pushes you against your bedroom door, not breaking the kiss as he lifts the bottom of your band tee to push his fingers inside your underwear.
he pulls away to make eye contact with you as he starts to rub your embarrassingly wet clit with his fingers. he smirks when he realizes this is all from him.
you fight every fiber in your body to not give him the satisfaction of giving you pleasure. not even a lip bite or a buck of the hips, even though you want to.
so. fucking. bad.
he continues to rub at a decent pace. “why so quiet now? cats got your tongue, pretty?”
“don’t call me that, asshole.” you spit back. “i hate you.”
he chuckles under his breath. “seems like it.” he mocks.
the heaving of your chest gets faster when you feel the knot start to form in the pit of your stomach. you curl your hands into fists that are on your sides when you feel wetness drip down your inner thighs. nate scans your face until he figures out what just happened. “came already? my fingers weren’t even inside you. that’s a little pathetic, don’t you think?”
“shut. up,” you say through gritted teeth.
you look down at his sweats without thinking, seeing the imprint of his boner as clear as day. he leans to your ear and takes his hands out.
“feel how hard it is, pretty?” he jolts his hips into your clothed pussy. “it’s all because of you. i can never stop thinking about you, you know that? you’re engraved in my mind and i hate you for it. i always get off to what you’ll look like wrapped around my cock.”
your bottom lip quivers from his words. you don’t know what to say; the only thing you can think about is what you need. you need him.
he starts sucking a mark into your neck while untying his pants and pulling them past his thighs.
he lifts you, your legs dangling at his sides. he moves your panties to the side and starts to enter you slowly.
you pinch your lips together when you feel him all inside of you.
he groans at the feeling. “better than i’ve imagined.”
his thrusts start small but he gradually gets faster to the point where he pulls back and slams back in. you bite back your moan.
“so stubborn,” he whispers, taking your bottom lip out from your teeth with his thumb.
one thing to keep in mind is that your parents are sleeping just across the way, but you can’t seem to hold it in any longer.
don’t do it… don’t do it… don’tdoitdon’tdoitdon’tdoit.
“oh, god, nathan!” you cry out, immediately covering your mouth.
“there she is,” he says. he somehow makes himself go deeper.
“fuck, nate. fuck!” your noises are muffled by your hand.
you look over his shoulder at the window, realizing you never closed it. even though your room is on the second floor, people can still see and hear you.
nate turns his head to see where you are looking at and smirks. he takes your hand off of your mouth.
“don’t hide your sounds. i want everybody to know who makes you feel this good.”
you whimper and look down, seeing how he fills you from the bulge in your tummy with the movement of his thrusts. your mouth drops slightly at the sight. “see how well i fill you up, pretty? see how good you take my cock?”
you whimper again and grip his shoulders, dragging your nails down his upper back. “how long has it been since you’ve been fucked this good?”
“a l-long time.” you moan in pleasure as he hits that spot inside you. “right there, right there! please don’t stop.”
“whose is it, y/n?” he starts. “whose pussy is this?”
“y-yours, nate. it’s all yours.” you cry out. “i need to cum. please let me cum for you.”
you keep blabbing out nonsense as he fucks the living daylights out of you. “gonna cum inside this sweet cunt so you know it’s mine. you’re all mine, pretty. don’t ever forget it, yeah?”
“yes. yes!” you repeat. “i’m all yours. all yours, nathan.”
he kisses you as he spills every drop inside of you. you soon after gush around his dick, legs shaking and toes curling as you do so.
he sets you down and holds you by the waist so you don’t stumble over from all of the stimulation. he holds you in a tight hug and whispers sweet nothings in your ear.
then, the light in the hallway flicks on and you hear footsteps.
“y/n!” your dad bellows. “what the fuck is going on in there?!”
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby
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genshin-scenarios · 2 months
half-god, half-mortal…?
Summary: A demigod AU! If you’ve read PJO before you might find the premise familiar, but it’s not required to understand this post! 
These are just my take on who their godly parents might be. I’m open to explore how their powers/personalities can differ for other god assignments too! So just send in an ask if ever. 
The setting is vaguely like CHB, or in other words, a camp for demigods protected from monsters.
Characters: Tighnari, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Gaming, Hu Tao, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Freminet, Cyno
If you liked this, consider checking out my other work or Wanderer fanbook, now available on my kofi!
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Tighnari, Child of Demeter. Associated gifts: summoning and manipulating plantlife, speaking to animals, having a natural immunity to toxins/poisons.
Tighnari is a token first-crush when newcomers arrive at camp. There’s something about meeting him when he’s tending to the fields, the Sun gentle on your skin as you explore the facilities on your own — Tighnari glances up at the sound of your footsteps, though you’re sure you’ve been walking so quietly, there’s no way he could’ve heard. 
At your confused expression, Tighnari explains he has more sensory awareness around agricultural sites. You aren’t too sure what that means, but his smile is pretty and it causes you to hang around and ask about the flowers. (He’s more than happy to ramble about them, to your luck.) 
On your birthday, Tighnari surprises you with a potted flower that he’s enhanced the robustness of. “That way, it won’t wilt even if you forget to water it.” You’re about to ask him when the flower bud will bloom, only for Tighnari to ask you to hold your hands over it and make a wish. Its petals unravel soon after, followed by the fluttering in your stomach as your hands brush against his fingers — Tighnari passing the gift to you.
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Diluc: Athena. Able to see/spy through an owl or serpent’s eyes (sacred animal), memorize virtually anything, weapon proficiency (knows how to use them instinctually), enhanced intelligence and reflexes.
Diluc arrived here with Kaeya years ago. After his father gave him directions to camp, Diluc’s planned route was interrupted by repeated monster attacks, and he was forced to continue the journey alone. During this time, Diluc ran into Kaeya, and they’ve been close as brothers ever since.
It’s hard not to fall a little for Diluc when you witness him in weapons training — he’s gifted with the claymore and hard-working. Sometimes after lessons, he hangs behind for hours to do more drills using other weapons, but always finds the energy to give you a soft smile when you check on him or ask if he can mentor you a little.
You also learn, eventually, that Diluc is stubborn. When he has a question on his mind, he doesn’t rest until he’s found an answer for it, resulting in the redhead passing out until the morning with scribbled notes across his desk.
Sometimes you’re tasked with waking him up, but you haven’t been very effective at this ever since you realized how long his lashes are (immediate panic, worrying he’d blink awake any moment and catch you there).
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Kaeya: Nike. Associated gifts: enhancing the chance of victory (or failure) for people, intuitive precognition of who will win in a situation, growing wings on his back temporarily (discovered later on during a battle).
Kaeya was unclaimed by his godly parent during his first two years at camp. Instead, he lived in the Hermes cabin and picked up some useful tricks and qualities from his cabin-mates.
He has a falling-out with Diluc after they return from their first quest. No one knows the reason why, but their relationship is mending, slowly. You never would’ve guessed this from your first impression of Kaeya though; charming and smooth as he asks you to make a little bet on where his coin-toss will land. You learn later that he pretty much controls the outcome of that, which means he’d let you ‘win’.
Kaeya’s happy to help you out if you’re having interpersonal troubles. He’s acquainted with practically everyone, and you realize later down the line that he’s put in a good word for you more than once. When you ask him to accompany you on your quest however, there’s something vulnerable in his eyes as he asks if you’re sure.
“I don’t have any special abilities, you know. And my connections end once you step out of the barrier—”
“...Kaeya. It’s okay. I trust you.”
He’d silently agreed after that, only asking you to promise you won’t regret it. Maybe one day you’ll find out what he’s carrying from his past.
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Albedo: Hephaestus cabin. Has the ability to manipulate technology and metal, gifted in craftsmanship and working with machines, good with their hands.
Ironically, Albedo is often mistaken as a child of Aphrodite. Rumors say he was dropped off at camp by an alchemist figure, and may not actually be a demigod as much as he was just another being who suited the Hephaestus’ cabin and gained special permission to board long ago. 
The truth remains a mystery. When you ask him about it, Albedo simply rests his cheek against his palm, asking you to make a guess.
Albedo’s choice of weapon is the sword, however he often gets distracted during practice and walks away muttering to himself about how he could add upgrades to the existing weapons at camp. There’s almost an uncanny perfection in the way he moves that adds to his elusive allure.
He created his own little corner in his cabin’s workshop, where he experiments past usual machinery into the field of alchemy. Not usual practice amongst his cabinmates, but no one complains since Albedo is equally diligent in other tasks asked of him. He sometimes invites you to go foraging with him, since he'd rather converse with a close friend than have passersby drag him for a chat. 
His undiscriminatory attitude towards those who ask him for help has made him popular around camp, although the Aphrodite kids still lament his lack of interest in socializing. 
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Gaming: Hermes. Can understand all languages, good at thievery, persuasive, charismatic, quick on his feet, athletic, can summon wings on his shoes! 
In your first week, you receive a welcome package from Gaming! He's in charge of sending items around camp since he's fast and gets along with most people, and has also been trying to start up a lion-dance group with other campgoers.
“Sure, performing by myself is fine. But can you imagine Wushou dancers hopping up into the sky? It'll take a bit of logistics, but I'm sure if we partner up with the Hecate cabin, we can figure something out!”
Gaming's saved you from a stray arrow in archery practice a few times, too — wings sprouting on his shoes as he jumps into the air. Not every Hermes child is this adept with flying, which also makes him a common target during capture the flag (lest he swoops in to steal the victory).
Gaming also runs a little side-business to help campers get parcels and letters out to their loved ones (this was not allowed until the camp counselor gave up and told Gaming to enforce safety measures, since demigods are as stubborn as they get.) 
He reveals that doing this helps him see a different side of people — like the Ares cabin having an unexpectedly quieter side when they pass items to him, telling Gaming to keep his mouth shut (they don't like showing the mushy side of their emotions very much.)
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Hu Tao: Hecate. Can perform magic using ancient greek or latin phrases, has telekinesis, can manipulate the Mist (magical veil which separates the Magical World from the Mortal World), and powers are stronger at night.
Hu Tao is one of the rarer Hecate children who can do necromancy and shadow-travel! Despite the serious sound of this however, she often uses these powers to play pranks. 
Once you get closer to her, you discover that her jokes to help people see the other side aren't just dark humor — a number of campers have deep-rooted respect for her for helping them gain closure by speaking to passed souls.
“A lot of campers arrive from a bad situation, after all. We demigods attract trouble. And even if camp is a safe haven, it doesn't erase what happened in the past.”
Once, she asked you for help with inventing her own spell. It was only by the end of her metaphorical rambling that you realize its purpose was to summon a ‘Boo-Tao’! 
The little ghost creature seems to like you, and often is the one to retrieve you when Hu Tao requires your presence (often with vague gestures and body language since it can't talk.)
Despite her cabinmates’ protests, Hu Tao likes to bring you to their cabin and get you to try carving runes for spells. She claims it'd be cool if non-Hecate children could have an affinity for some magic too, since they won't always be there to help with magic when things get dire. 
“Maybe a drop of my blood can activate the runes, even without my presence? …Kidding! Don’t look at me like that!”
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Alhaitham: Dionysus. He can manipulate plants (particularly grape vines), curse people, manipulate madness (cause/cure), and induce people to say what they’re thinking as if they’re drunk (wine-talk). Good acting and persuasion skills!
One can normally spot Alhaitham reading in an alcove somewhere. If you trip on a vine on your way to say hi, maybe take that as a sign that he doesn't want to be disturbed (most people don't realize it's his doing).
When faced with a difficult person however (in an argument), Alhaitham threatens to curse them or induces wine-talk, so that his opponent gets frustrated and hopefully leaves. With the amount of disputes that happen with Alhaitham, one might think he was a child of Ares instead.
“You— Are you inducing madness on me?!”
“Why would I? You’re perfectly enraged without my help. Though since this was caused by your simplicity, I'm afraid I can't cure it either.”
Who can blame you for laughing at that? Alhaitham doesn't miss your muffled cough, causing him to raise his head with a smile.
“See? Even the newcomer thinks you're ridiculous.”
Ever since, Alhaitham has unofficially considered you as a friend (a person with a sane mind). It’s kind of funny how he sometimes acts ignorant and slowly guides a conversation where he wants, leaving his previously-aggressive opponent confused. 
Only those he's close to will notice the little quirks in his expression that show he's amused by the volatile campers, though he prefers ‘to watch on the sidelines’ than be placed onstage.
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Kaveh: Iris. Associated gifts: Orb conjuring (imprisons target, defensive use), can manifest bird-like wings which lets them fly, rainbow manipulation and travel (teleports through them). They tend to be good artists and dislike fighting.
The only person you might ever see Kaveh arguing with is Alhaitham. Other than that however, Kaveh is nicknamed the ‘Light’ of the Iris cabin for both his beauty and intelligence, as he liaised with the Athena kids to design new facilities around camp. 
Many of the new cabins you see for minor gods were also planned by him, as he himself stayed in the Hermes cabin for a while and wanted to make sure every cabin had features personalized for them. His empathy means that he overworks himself often though, constantly flitting between Hephaestus and Hermes cabins to get construction done.
Children of Iris' appearances look rainbow-like when under direct sunlight. Kaveh’s no different, but you have to admit it was a shock the first time you witnessed it — you thought you were going crazy for a second, thinking he was pretty to the point of hallucinating such things!
You once asked Kaveh if you could offer a drachma to see him whenever you wanted (‘Iris message’ where you toss a drachma and pray to Iris for essentially a videocall, but magic) → he laughed and said yes, but commented that he prefers in-person meetings a lot more. That way he can conjure a rainbow against the water and see how your eyes brighten, or catch your micro-reactions during idle conversation.
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FreminetHypnos. Ability to cure/cause insomnia, induce sleep, create dream-like illusions (sight-based), travel through others’ dreams and manipulate dream contents, hypnosis, memory manipulation.
Freminet is a shy member of the Hypnos cabin who frequents the Hephaestus forges to work on new machine ideas. You first meet him while he's designing a penguin robot to station in his cabin, so that his siblings can wake up on time for meetings and meals. 
Once, you almost opened a bottle of sleeping powder that he just extracted from poppy flowers. In your defense, it was very curious and sparkly.
“Ah, please be careful with that! It's for the Aphrodite campers that’ve been suffering from insomnia lately.”
Freminet admits that he's erased the memories of some people before, particularly those who’ve seen him wandering out at night. In his defense, it was just because he kept stumbling over his words and got too embarrassed, so he'd rather they forget they saw him at all!
During a period of repeated nightmares, you asked Freminet if there was anything he could do to get rid of them. Despite how he could simply induce a pleasant dream for you, he suggests a more long-term solution — Freminet enters your dream so you can face the nightmare together, changing little things here and there so you could process the worries that manifested them in the first place.
He explains that this is better than relying on his powers too much. Speaking from previous experience… turning your dreams into a comforting realm might trap you in them, to the point of forgoing the real world in the end.
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Cyno: Nemesis. Ability to control physical and spiritual balance (incapacitating targets), summon vengeful spirits, sense opponents’ strengths and weaknesses, detect cheating, and temporarily neutralize other demigods’ powers. Enhanced strength and combat ability.
You once asked Cyno if he was able to strengthen hatred into a desire for revenge, causing people to fight in the distance — you’d only been acquaintances at the time, and you were admittedly intimidated by his intense aura (a trait of the children of Nemesis, which can startle other people and even monsters at times).
He surprised you by answering seriously, explaining that while it was possible, it'd go against his personal values. Cyno then continues to use a TCG quote to elaborate, which quickly shatters the tension as you jump in recognition of the words. “There are other TCG players in camp?!”
Cyno is usually impossible to sneak up on, nor does he lose his balance. That is, until you managed to fluster him one day by outrightly asking him on a date — and while he doesn't physically trip, there is a moment of surprise on his face that you'll never forget. It’s cute, in a different way from how he gets excited about tabletop games and cracks jokes with a goofy smile. Though he’s still the one who steadies you by the waist whenever you trip over your feet, so you suppose Cyno’s not just cute.
There's an unofficial rivalry going on between him and the Hermes kids during TCG matches, where they try every possible method to cheat just to see if Cyno can catch them. 
Ah, but the true moment that makes your heart skip is when you're fighting alongside Cyno on the battlefield, and he carves a way through the crowd of monsters with a vengeful spirit summoned at his side. Then, when you're about to get overwhelmed by enemies, he's quick to pull you out of danger and ask if you're okay. Casually slicing through the monsters with his polearm.
How can you not think he's cool by the end of that?
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ohbo-ohno · 2 months
hey hey heyyy saw this and thought of youuu
(completely sfw don't worry) but like, Imagine for one reason or another you desperately need to get married (maybe to qualify for your medieval grandpa's will) but no one wants you for whatever reason so you promptly go down to the gallows where this murderous ex Soldier was to be executed and you are just "he'll do" not aware that he comes as a package deal with his partner who didn't get caught 👀
are you. are you joking. oh my god
thinking about a woman who's got a terrible home life. i feel like either her parents want to marry her off to some guy who's like 80 or they treat her like a workhorse and are super abusive
and to her, quite literally Anything is better than the life she's stuck in. and for a woman in this time period the only real way to escape is to get married. and since no one will marry her (she's poor and everyone knows how her family is).... well there's really only one choice
she definitely proposes to soap, not ghost. the man getting dragged to the gallows is perfectly at ease - shoulders rolled back, easy smile on his lips, you would never think he's being led to his death. there's something in his over all demeanor that makes it almost easy to jump from the crowd and shout a proposal
he's excited, almost ferally so. he grabs your wrist and holds tight, doesn't let you get even a full armlength away from him. that's when you start to think maybe this was a mistake, but it's far too late now. he's also weirdly insistent about the two of you going to a very specific room in a very specific hotel (or whatever they used to be called)
you get a bit more scared every second that goes by, but you're well aware what a man expects on his wedding night - you grew up on a farm, you know how animals mate. it's scary, of course, but you know you'll have to bear it
except when you get to the room, he doesn't try and take you. you know he wants to - there's a tent in his pants that makes your face flame - and he keeps you flush against him. he sits at the table? you're in his lap. you try to go to the bathroom? he stays so close to you that you decide it's not worth the potential humiliation.
he talks your ear off the whole time - tells you how pretty you are, goes into frankly excessive detail about what he likes about every single part of you, tells you how he wants to "stuff you full", says things like "'m not so bad, kitty, know ye must be scared but i'll take care of ye, don't worry" and "just wait til he gets here, then we can get started" and no matter how much you ask who he is he refuses to tell you
he has his mouth pressed against you throat (switching between licking, biting, and talking about how he can't wait to see what's under your skirts) when the door opens, and you realize that you've truly made a mistake
the new man who walks in has to duck beneath the door frame, he's so massive. had he been the one walking to the gallows, you never, ever would have proposed. he's got to be twice the size of you, his face covered, the rest of him filthy and covered in dirt
(((if i had the energy i'd write dialogue here, but anon i am sleepy)))
soap would be soooooooo happy to present you to ghost, is literally drooling and beaming as he grabs you by the hips and hooks his chin over your shoulder, big hands stroking across your stomach and skirts as he says isn't she so pretty?
anyways. you're getting railed that night. hope you like being on the run with two criminals who have absolutely no intention of crossing over to the light side!!
(ghost fucks you first, bc soap needs to learn to be patient with his new toy, but he lets you suck his cock while he waits for his turn. when soap fucks you next, you're laying on ghost's stomach and he wipes away your pretty tears as johnny does his best to break your back. the next day johnny laughs when you're walking with a small limp, and ghost makes him apologize with his tongue <3)
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calmcoldevening · 3 months
• Thomas hewitt (dating)- So Reader knows Thomas like we were born in the same town or were neighbors something of the sorts. And we hear rumors about how the Hewitt family are murders,/cannibals. But we remind our business cause we're like, nah cause they didn't hurt me or I haven't seen anything, They're just a little quirky, We defend their family. But for some reason Luda tells us not to go in the basement, We're like okay, whatever it's not my business. Reader is like a, 'idc not my business type.' Until one day reader hears noises or something, so we get curiousand go down there. But this is where we enter the angst, Cause Thomas or someone hears movement in the basement and thinks a victim is trying to escape. So they do something to us which makes us scared of them (torture or something) and it can end with like fluff or something, Because im pretty sure reader would forgive them.
Thomas Hewitt x reader, who knew out he's a cannibal and murderer
Tw: cannibalism, murdering, blood, violence (well, it's the TCM)
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Texas was your home, you loved everything about it, from the picturesque meadows filled with yellow buttercups to the dusty city road. These beautiful orange and scarlet sunsets and golden sunrises reflected in a small lake fifteen minutes walk from your house looked like the most real picturesque paintings. It was hot and humid during the day, and cool enough at night. The air was filled with dust and dry grass. Birds were rustling in the distance.
You liked everything here, because you grew up in this place. Your parents moved to Texas before you were born, so this was the only place you'd ever seen in your life. But it was heaven for you. The city you lived in was relatively small, so everyone knew each other.
You've always been sweet and kind, perhaps even a naive child with a soul too pure for this world. Maybe that's why all the neighbors in the neighborhood loved you. The children played with you, and the kind grandmothers often treated you to sweets or pies. Your face has always been decorated with a satisfied smile and cookie crumbs.
Everyone was surprised when they found out about your friendship with the "strange boy". His name was Thomas, he was one of your neighbors down the road. You called him Tommy. His face was covered with a decent layer of bandages, which he kept awkwardly adjusting with his small hands. You always giggled with that cute gesture, but not out of malice, but in a kind way. After that, you went up to him and gently helped him cope with his little problem. You combed his hair and put his hands in order. The boy always had short-cropped nails with dirt under them and dry palms, probably from housework. But apart from his oddities and inability to talk, and he was quite an ordinary child.
Sometimes you'd find him somewhere in the backyard or in the field. He stood there, deep in thought. Next to him, you noticed a small fluffy body and a crimson puddle. Sometimes you were scared of his violence against animals, but Thomas was always in a hurry to calm you down. He caressed your cheek and explained with gestures that he had only found the animal just like that. And you always believed him out of your stupid childish naivety. Time passed, and you got closer. The Hewitt family has always been kind to you. Sometimes, they were even more attentive and caring towards you than your own parents. Even grumpy Charlie. Sometimes a man intervened in disputes if you were molested by local hooligans. He could even punch them in their pretty faces, as long as they didn't touch you, the little girl of this family. Luda has always wanted a daughter, and now you have appeared. The woman was more than happy when she found out how close you are with her son. That's why it was no secret that you and Tommy were dating. On the contrary, Luda helped Thomas in every possible way to impress you, she helped him make gifts for you and told him how to take care of the girls. Charlie just turned on his adult film cassettes, that's all his support.
You really loved each other. You were the only one who really understood and cared about Tommy, despite his appearance. You loved his long dark hair, which you often so gently washed and combed. You loved those frosty blue eyes, like two big deep lakes full of love for you. You loved his masks, and tenderly kissed every scar on Thomas's face and hands. You were perfect. Tommy's heart belonged entirely to you.
And now you're 24. Thomas was a little older, but it was never a problem. The man was still very attentive and caring.
But gradually the city emptied with the closure of the slaughterhouse. It was a big blow for most of the residents of the city, because there were no other ways to earn money here. You turned out to be one of the few who stayed. Maybe you just didn't want to leave your home. Or maybe you didn't want to leave Thomas and his family. Anyway, it wasn't easy for all of you, at least because basically there wasn't a lot of food and all that.
But after a while, surprisingly, everything got better. Not really, of course, but old Charlie started getting meat from somewhere. It wasn't as tender as some beef used to be, but it's better than nothing. Although you weren't a big fan of meat before, so you almost didn't care about it. You helped Luda in her shop at the gas station, and at home in your free time you even grew some vegetables, which also helped the Hewitt family a lot. In general, everything was more than good, and yet, the atmosphere in the house was different now.
There have always been some strange rumors around the Hewitt family, sometimes even terrible ones. And yet, you loved Tommy no matter what. The whole family was kind to you, so you had no reason to doubt them, right? Thomas has always been nice to you. You often walked on cool evenings, just holding hands. You were talking about your day, and he just listened with a smile on his lips. You were the only person he trusted and loved. The guy liked your voice, your way of talking and your laugh. Undoubtedly, in his eyes you were damn beautiful, but it seemed that he was forever looking through your appearance, into your very soul. It was so sweet. You couldn't help but fall in love with him even more.
You were in the kitchen at the Hewitt house making a pumpkin pie. Luda has always been surprised by your wonderful cooking skills, so she wasn't afraid to leave you alone. He needed to go back to the store for a while, where Hoyt had taken her. So you're left alone. Humming to yourself, you swayed your hips to the beat of your made-up song. It's good that no one was watching you now and you could do anything. Finally, you put the pie in the oven and wiped your hands on the fabric of your apron with a victorious smile. After removing all the ingredients and washing the dishes, you sat down on a chair and just began to wait. Hundreds of different thoughts flashed through your head, from this very pie to the little ring you noticed in Tommy's room. You were filled with excitement, which made you happily bite your lip. Could it be...?
Your thoughts were interrupted by some kind of thud from somewhere below. Your body instantly tensed up. It was scary to hear something like that when you were alone at home.
You slowly got up from your chair. The sound seemed to come from the basement. But you clearly remembered that Luda, and the rest of the Hewitt family, told you not to go into the basement under any circumstances. It's strange, isn't it? Of course, you always followed this strange rule, but now that you were alone at home, you were scared of what might be there. You didn't find any better options than just going down to the basement and taking a peek. You're fast, no one will notice. What can happen?
The floorboards creaked unpleasantly under your careful steps. The unpleasantly cold water has touched your ankles.
Your eyes widened in horror, and you covered your mouth in fear. There was a man sitting at the other end of the basement, although he could hardly be called such anymore. His face was disfigured, and his arm and part of his leg were missing. His whole body was covered in scarlet blood. The victim's mouth was gagged and his eyes were painfully closed. There was an old bucket lying nearby. So that's what it was... The man was chained to the wall, and there was a massive hole from a meat hook on his shoulder.
"God.." the only thing that came out of your mouth was when you slowly backed away. My mouth was dry, and an unpleasant feeling of nausea was slowly rising in my stomach. Tears welled up at the corners of her eyes.
You took one hesitant step, then another. Finally, your back hit something massive. In the blink of an eye, a huge hand was placed on your mouth, and then darkness.
Thomas's mind was racing. You've seen their secret. Are you afraid now? Of course you're afraid. The moment he found you in the basement, your body was shaking in fear and your eyes were full of horror. But it's all for the family, you have to understand. Sure, Hoyt said to kill anyone who found out about their family secret, but Thomas couldn't kill you. You were his happiness, his light in life, his beloved. Therefore, he gently picked up your unconscious body in his arms, protectively hugging it to himself. It's just a misunderstanding, isn't it? Thomas left the basement, closing the metal door behind him, and headed for his bedroom. He put you on the bed, trying to make sure that you would be comfortable. You should get some sleep, then you can understand him. It's all for the family, for you. He wanted so much to see you as his little wife, to protect you and your possible children, he wanted it so much. But now his dreams were more fragile than ever.
You woke up in a dark room. It must have been Tommy's bedroom, judging by the big bed. You slowly sat up in bed, feeling a dull ache in your head. After a couple of moments, these horrible images of a corpse in the basement popped up in your head. You instantly wanted to empty your stomach. You put your hand over your mouth, feeling hot tears on your cheeks. Your head was throbbing painfully, and nothing came out of your chest except a long-drawn-out cheekbone. You slid down the bed to the floor, pressing your back against the wall in the corner of the room. Your body was shaking in terror, and your mind was full of vile, terrifying thoughts. I wanted to scream, but it felt like your tongue had been ripped out. You covered your head with your hands, tucking your knees in. You need to get out of here, run. Away from this house, away from this city, away from these people.
Your mental reverie was interrupted by the sudden creak of the door. The dark room was slightly illuminated by warm light from the corridor, the doorway was soon blocked by a tall bulky figure. You instinctively cringed, afraid of the consequences.
Thomas's heart ached as he watched you crawl away from him in fear. As his victims. He carefully closed the door and slowly approached you. You looked like a cornered animal. Thomas didn't like that feeling. He gently grabbed your hand, pulling you onto his lap. You resisted and tried to break free, your mind was racing wildly. But he didn't stop. He took you on his lap, holding you gently against his strong chest. You struggled and cried, afraid that you would be hurt. Thomas felt like his whole world was collapsing seeing you like this. You pounded his chest with your hands, muttering some words, but he wouldn't let go, Thomas just held you closer to him, stroking your back and trying to calm you down. You were afraid of him. It was like that.. wrong.
Finally, you were exhausted, hanging limply in his arms. Your head is on his chest, and only long sobs come out of your mouth. Thomas kisses you briefly on the forehead.
"No harm.." He mutters in a rough voice. He rarely talked, but it seemed like the best option right now, "..love Y/N."
You didn't answer. Your head ached, and your mind was empty, the animal fear in your body gradually subsided, replaced by fatigue. You fell asleep in his arms. Thomas sat there with you all night, afraid that something might happen to you.
In the days that followed, he took care of you and tried in every possible way to show that he would not harm you in any way. He'd rather kill himself if he hurt you. Thomas came into the room and fed you with a spoon. At first you refused and resisted in every possible way, but gradually, because of hunger, you simply did not have the strength left. Thomas brought you something that didn't have meat in it, he knew that meat could upset you. Stewed vegetables, your pumpkin pie, some snacks. Thomas wouldn't let anyone into this room, not even his mom. He had to make sure you were going to be okay. You are his sun, his reason to live.
Over time, it seemed that you had thawed out. It wasn't like you were completely resigned to the fact that the Hewitts were murderers and cannibals. But you realized they wouldn't hurt you, Tommy wouldn't let you. He explained to you that it's for survival. In a way, you realized that this was just the only way out, and yet it was still disgusting and disgusting for you. But Thomas didn't do it because he likes it. He did it for the sake of the family, protected it and fed it. It's necessary.
After a while, you even left the room, although you no longer looked towards the basement. Gradually, everything returned to normal. You even started living at the Hewitt house, Monty made sure to bring all your stuff here. You became the second mistress of Hewitt, Tommy's wife. He finally put the ring on your finger, and you realized all his warm love for you. Luda was glad that her boy had really found his happiness. Now you were sleeping together, giving each other love. You even went down to the basement if Thomas forgot to eat. Ignoring the screams of another victim, you placed the food tray on Thomas's workbench and gently touched his shoulder. The man turned around and wrapped you in a hot kiss. You had a strange feeling when you kissed so strangely to the screams of desperate victims. But it didn't matter. At that moment, it was just you and him, your husband Tommy.
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dejwrld · 2 months
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⤷‧₊˚ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄 / a masquerade ball turns interesting when you meet business mogul naoya zenin
┊ •° ੈ ⋆° ┊ warning readers discretion is advised — female reader, black reader (with descriptors), socialite au, rich au, profanity, alcohol usage, mentions of other jujutsu kaisen characters, classism undertones, ceo/business mogul!naoya, player!naoya, teacher!reader, mdni
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WITH EACH STEP YOU TOOK INTO THE VENUE WHERE THIS MASQUERADE BALL WAS, YOU FELT YOURSELF GROW EVEN MORE NERVOUS. You were in the room with so many people that could buy anything they want with just a snap of a finger. You on the other hand were simply just an English teacher to little children whose parents strive for them to be the best. How’d you get yourself into this situation? Your best friend. 
Your best friend Shoko Ieiri was the reason you were in a beautiful silk red gown and a red mask lurking in the corners while you hid away from the others in this venue. Your dress hugged your figure perfectly in all the best places. The front of the dress is imprinted with a deep v-line cut that could cause any person's eyes to lure downward at your cleavage that was perfectly tapped so they won’t embarrassingly pop out. Your makeup look for tonight wasn’t that dramatic, settling for a more natural glam look that made people gaze at your captivating features. 
You hated to brag, but you looked amazing tonight. Perhaps, Shoko knew exactly what she was doing when she urged you to take her place at this ball. 
“But why do I have to go?” You whined as you were cutting up colored paper for your students’ activity tomorrow. Your phone was leaning against a cereal box that was on your dining room table. 
Shoko was in the break room of the hospital where she's been working twelve-hour shifts at. You could see the noticeable bags under her eyes as she was stirring possibly her third cup of coffee today. “Listen, I need to catch up on some sleep. The day of the ball is the only day I’m off for the week.” 
“But why can’t you just not go, just let the invite go to waste. It isn’t like you paid for the ticket, it was sent to you. All rich bachelors and bachelorettes were invited to this ball to mingle,” You explained. “That’s what you told me with so much excitement three weeks ago.” 
“That was before I worked so much overtime, plus my Satoru and Suguru are kinda expecting me to be a wingwoman for them that evening,” Shoko whined. “They oddly need a woman to help them get other women, so odd.” 
“I’m not the best wing woman though. I have nothing in common with your rich friends ,” You sighed as you picked up another piece of paper. 
Shoko was the daughter of two of the best surgeons in Japan. It was her destiny to continue the medical royalty lineage and by the way, she was working right now, that’s exactly what she was doing. The ball Shoko was gracefully invited to was something that happened every year. Only the most elite people got invited to it. The congressman's sons, the famous painters' daughters, the business hierarchy, and just anyone with money. 
You would stick out like a sore thumb once you part your lips to say that you were just a teacher. A teacher that lived in a small apartment complex next door to a single mom and an old lady that always was invested in your love life. 
“That’s why Suguru and Satoru will help you. I’m going to tell them you’re coming in to replace me.” Shoko explained. “They’ll make sure you have so much fun.” 
You let out a sigh, “I don’t know.” Your voice quivered in doubt and frankly, you hated being in spaces where you didn’t belong. You were a black woman in Japan, even with a mask covering your face—people will stare. 
“Listen, I just want you to go out and have fun. Mingle with some single people. I’m so tired of hanging out with you at some bar while you smell like animal crackers and school glue,” Shoko sipped at her coffee. “No offense.” 
You let out a snicker. The friendship between you and Shoko was unexpected. You two met at a coffee shop after picking up each other’s coffee orders and the rest was history. Even though you two were raised completely differently and practically lived two separate lives—you still were as close as possible. 
“Fine. Good thing I have a dress.” You said and soon you watch Shoko's eyebrows raise at you realizing the look she was giving you.
And here you stood in a corner with your decorative mask on, a dress that could cost more than your biweekly pay, and a glass of champagne in your hand. You remembered Shoko said that it would be obvious to find her two best friends, but you were not trying to be put into any situations as you searched for them. With how out of place you felt, you were sure the two men would find you. You finished the last bit of the champagne in your glass before placing it on the tray of a pacing server. 
“I wonder why Shoko never introduced you to us,” You heard a voice say.
You glanced up at the duo in front of you. Though their masks covered their faces, you could tell that they were attractive under them. Their demeanor as they towered over you told you everything you needed to know. One of them had white hair that was combed to perfection and his crystal blue eyes twinkled at you. While the other long black strands of hair were tugged back into a man bun and dark eyes contrasted his best friend’s quite well. 
“You already know, probably don’t want us to make a move on her,” The one with dark hair would say. 
“That’s no fun,” The white-haired man let out a sigh. 
Your eyes narrowed at them. You didn’t like the way they talked about you right in front of you. As if you were just a piece of ass for them to get. 
“But we’ll respect her wishes and be respectful as possible.” The white-haired one stepped forward and you stepped back. 
“Is this really how you two act and talk? No wonder, you’re both single and only qualified to be used for your dick and money,” You spat as you grabbed another glass of champagne from the tray of a passing server. 
“Ouch.” The dark-haired guy said.
“Yes, she’s definitely Shoko’s friend.” The white-haired man said as he joined your side and the other guy was on the other side. “That’s something Shoko would say before hanging up on us.” 
You were now sandwiched in between the both of them while the three of you scanned the room. It was a bit intoxicating. Only because both of their scents were completely different. You can tell that despite the two of them being friends that they were two completely different people. It was like a coin. Although they shared the same surface—both sides are different. That’s how it felt as you were looking between the two.
“I’m Gojo Satoru, Shoko’s hot friend,” One finally introduced himself. 
His surname sounded familiar. You were in such deep thought trying to figure out where you heard that name from before finally realizing that he was the son of one of the owners of a successful company in Japan. 
“I’m Geto Suguru. I’m not particularly from a rich family like this idiot, kinda self-made and it led me here.” 
“It’s nice to meet both of you. Shoko told me so much about you two. I’m Y/N, I don’t have a business or a rich family.” You admitted truthfully before sipping your drink. “Just a school teacher.”
“She didn’t tell us about you,” Gojo said as he eyed you.
“You guys admitted that it’s probably so you won’t make a move on me,” You said. “I’m not that easy gentlemen,” you chuckled at them. 
You watched Gojo’s lips curl into a grin before his arm draped around you as if you’ve known him for years like Shoko. “So, let’s have as much fun as possible.” 
“She said you guys need a wing woman and I’m going to be honest with you two. I suck at that.” You admitted. “So, as I was in my private driver's car, I came up with a game.” 
“This is going to be interesting,” Geto perked up like a dog waiting for a treat. He now sported the same devious grin Gojo was having. 
“We’ll all pick a person in the crowd and the goal is to get that person’s number by the end of the ball,” You said.
“Well, what’s the catch. What do we win?” Gojo asked. “There has to be a prize to it? A million yen? A car?” 
You scrunched up your face realizing once again that you were the sore thumb that stuck out so much at this ball. Geto noticed your face and chuckled, “We’ll figure this out at the end of the night when we see who wins.” 
You would smile before all of you were facing the crowd. Geto was going to choose Gojo’s target. Gojo was to choose your target. While you had to choose Geto’s target. 
Geto would scan the crowd before his eyes landed on a random brunette that was sitting at the table with another woman. He smiled before motioning to Gojo, “There’s your target. The brunette sitting near the door.” 
“Easy, looks like I’ll be telling you guys what I want as a prize tonight.” Gojo chuckles. “Now Y/N, choose for Geto.” 
Your eyes scanned the crowd as you were looking for Geto’s target. For some reason, you felt like all of these women looked the same. You noticed a woman sitting all alone as if she was bored with what was going around her. “The lady sitting all alone at that table right there. She looks like your type.” You playfully nudged Geto giving him a cheeky smile. 
“Easy, the lonely ones are always the easy ones,” Geto says.
You didn’t even notice that while you were searching for Geto’s choice for the night, Gojo was scanning the room for someone for you. The thing is even with the masks on, Gojo have been around so many of these people he could tell who was who by their hair, the way they stood, even down to their style. His blue eyes scanned the room. Nanami Kento would be too easy, just by the fifteen minutes Gojo met you, he knew Kento would be intrigued with you. Atsuya Kusabe, he’s freshly divorced—most likely here at this ball for press reasons. Hiromi Higuruma, same thing with Kento. To Gojo, you gave off the girl next door vibes. Like the lead in that cliche romantic movie A Walk to Remember. So, he knew that Kento and Hiromi would give up their numbers easily once you crack that pleasant smile of yours. His eyes then land on the horrible bleached hair asshole that he adored annoying every time they had meetings together. 
“Him,” Gojo said as he motioned to the guy talking with another dark-haired male with a scar.
Geto glared at his friend when you would turn to look in the direction of the man Gojo picked for you. 
“Easy,” You uttered with a careless shrug. “Expect to be buying snacks for my students for two months gentlemen.” You finished your drink quickly so you can pull out your small compact mirror from your clutch to do one last makeup check. “Watch and learn that money can not replace game.” You winked at them before disappearing into the crowd of people. 
You noticed the man talking to a man with black hair. The two of them seem to be the wolf among this crowd of sheep. You could tell that both of them were confident. They knew that had it all in this world. The cars, the clothes, the women, the power, and the money. You knew that women would most likely approach them, that’s what they expect. You had to do a completely different approach. You waited until a group of people wasn’t scattered around them as they were near the bar. Your target was currently talking to a woman that was desperate to cling to him. He looked like he was bothered by her, but didn’t want to say anything due to the amount of press around him. You glanced behind you and didn’t see the duo you were chatting with watching you, they most likely went to go handle their task. You let out a sigh before gracefully walking by the group of men that included your target. You swayed your hips a little harder and you were sure to hold your head higher to assert confidence. Your lip gloss-covered lips rubbed together seductively before you found a table to sit at and pretend that you needed to fix your lip gloss once more.
You peeked gracefully over your mini compact mirror and there your beautiful bold eyes met with his curious brown hues. Your lips curl into a flirtatious grin before closing the mirror and averting your gaze elsewhere. Your work here was done. You felt Geto and Gojo sluggishly plop down on the seats in defeat. 
“The lonely ones are indeed not easy, she shut me down.” Geto huffed. 
“As I got closer to the table, I realize I already slept with the girl’s friend next to her. So, I am admitting my defeat.” Gojo sighed. “Any luck on your prince charming?” 
Geto and Gojo were doing so much rambling, that they didn’t even notice the prince charming in question was walking right towards them. The duo finally caught on to who you were staring at and Gojo’s mouth gasped open. “Y/N, you didn’t even approach him.” He uttered. 
The thing is with each walk your prince charming took toward you, many people in the room's heads turned to watch. Cameras flashed trying to get the perfect shot of this mysterious man Gojo wanted you to get his number and you even could hear some murmurs from people in the room. 
“Good Evening gentlemen.” The man said. His head held up as he looked down on the two men. 
“Damn, how’d you know it was me.” Gojo joked.
“You can see that horrible white hair of yours from a mile away.” The man backfired.
Geto snickered as he was about to take a sip of his drink. 
“Says the one with the horrible dye job.” Gojo flashed the man the fakest smile. “What brings you to our table Naoya?” Gojo asked. 
He wanted Naoya to admit that a woman in this room actually piqued his interest. He’s known Naoya for years now and realizes that he would rather eat his expensive kimono he lounges around his luxury penthouse in than admit he has any form of attraction towards anyone. Gojo has witnessed the man just pick up women and throw them away after busting a nut. Gojo thought that choosing Naoya meant that Naoya would shoo the poor woman away, after all, he does that a lot until he has a couple of cups of alcohol in him and now grasping for the nearest woman to bring home. 
Gojo watched as Naoya extended his hand toward you. You glanced at Naoya’s hand before gracefully placing yours in it so he could help you up and whisk you away. You glanced behind you towards Gojo and Geto. Geto was giving you a thumbs up encouraging you to finally seal the deal to win the game. While Gojo was giving you a thumb down, he hated losing little bets like this. 
With each step, you could feel eyes on you. You no longer felt like the odd one out. All the attention was on you simply because this Naoya guy was interested in you. You had to focus though. You couldn’t let what other people thought about you a mere stranger behind a mask while you clutch onto Naoya’s hand as he led you guys to somewhere private. The two of you are now on the balcony of the well-decorated venue the ball was at it. The stars were dancing above you two in the sky and the moon was smiling down at the moment that was about to unfold. This whole scene felt like a fairytale that you would read to your students before they erupt in ‘eww’s’ after you read about the prince kissing the princess. You would lean forward on the balcony glancing up at the stars with a smile, it was quite breathing taking out here. 
“No one has caught my attention all night, but as soon as you walk by me.” Naoya stopped midsentence to gather his thoughts. His brown eyes scanned over your body taking in your beauty. “I had to make sure no one approached you.” 
You chuckled at his statement. “And if some wonderful person did approach me?” Your eyebrows are raised as you watch his words get jumbled in his throat. “You’re quite attractive and you know it, considering the number of people that surround you and whisper about you…you’re also quite important.” You explained. “You can have any woman in a mask tonight, but you’re out here with me.” You took a couple of steps forward to close the gap between you two. 
A sexual tone stinging your tongue with each other, “I’m flattered, but don’t think just because you chose to have a private conversation with me that I’m going to just bend over and give you what you want.” Your hand went to fix his tie a bit. You soon let your hand rest on his chest before slowly removing it and leaving Naoya stunned. 
You stepped back and went to leave, finally realizing the nosey people who were peeking to hear what you and Naoya were talking about, “Plus if I wanted to get to know you, I would prefer for it to be when I can get a better view of those pretty eyes and without an audience.” You gave him that pleasant smile that always had men swooning and a wink before making your exit. 
When you walked back into the hall, you could see the many people who were being nosey scatter around like bugs under a rock. The first two steps of your plan were going well. You made your presence known to Naoya. You just left him warning more, and now you just needed to get his number. When you made it back to where the ball was being held, you felt Gojo’s long arms snake around your body as he pulled you closer to his toned build. 
“Oh my god! I thought he kidnapped you or something,” He huffed as he hugged you like you were his lost child that just reconnected with him after being lost. “I was growing a bit worried.”
You pushed him off of you, “Should I? You were the one that told me to get his number and now you’re saying this.” Your arms are crossed over your chest.
“I said him because I thought he was going to shoot you down, but you got his attention. I think it’s the dress, even I can’t stop staring.” Gojo sighed as his eyes traveled down to your breast until you hit him with your clutch.
“Did you get his number?” Geto asked. 
You shook your head and you watched both of them sigh in relief. You weren’t sure if it was because of their disdain for Naoya or the fact that you could have lost the bet. Your lips parted to speak, but you felt a tap on your shoulder. When you turned around, a young woman with dark black hair was standing in front of you. Her hair was curled to perfection, even though she has danced with several gentlemen tonight, not one curl has sweated out. Even under the mask, you knew she was most likely drop-dead gorgeous. 
“I never saw you at one of these balls. Considering you stand out among all of us, I would have remembered a woman like you. It seems like you have everyone’s attention.” Her brown-colored eyes looked you up and down as if she was eyeing out her competition. “Are you like a professor? Perhaps one of these gentlemen is your sponsor? I know a lot of women like you get their invite in some very strange way.” 
Was she alluding that Gojo or Geto was your sugar daddies or something? Your fist clutched in annoyance at her harsh words. Soon your lips parted to explain yourself, but you felt Geto wrap his arms around your shoulder like a protective older brother. “It’s none of your business Fei. You’re just upset that she’s has your little crush's attention.”
“I’m just curious. No one just attends this ball and gets Naoya’s attention, just curious about who she is?” Fei's eyes darted to Geto and then back at you.
“It’s a masquerade ball, you don’t suppose to know whose who Fei. Now run along before I buy your brother’s company.” Gojo sneered at her.
She glares at Gojo before flipping her hair over her shoulder and walking away, being sure to bump your shoulder as she made her exit. You relaxed under Geto’s touch finally unclenching your fist. You had watched countless shows about rich people and you knew that they could get catty. However, actually experiencing it caused your skin to heat up in anger. They had the money and resources to do anything, but being a completely vile hateful person to a stranger was something they surely were good at. 
“Thank you, guys. You didn’t have to defend me, I’m capable of doing that myself.” You said to them. 
“We know, but it’s something Shoko would want us to do,” Geto said giving you a cheeky grin. 
The arm that was wrapped around your shoulder, you grabbed to look at his watch. It was time for you to leave. You specifically told the driver Shoko gave to you, to pick you up early. You had work in the morning and the fact that you didn’t even tonight to prep for it set you back. “This is me saying my goodbyes. It was so nice hanging out with you two tonight. I see why Shoko talks so much about you two.” You gave them both a hug and were then standing in front of them
“It sucks no one won the game tho—” Gojo’s words were cut off as he motioned behind you. 
You then turned around nearly bumping right into Naoya. He quickly caught you from stumbling and now it felt like it was only you two in the room. All eyes were once again on you as you could feel his hand firmly on your waist. You slowly removed it and smiled at him, until you made a last-minute decision. Ensuring that you were going to win this game just in time for you to make your cinderella exit. 
You looked through your clutch and removed your phone. You extended for the gentleman to take while giving him the most innocent look. You never bat your eyelashes so well and the smile you were giving him could make any man go weak in the knees. 
“Before I make my exit, I think I’ll need your number if I want to be able to see that charming face of yours behind the mask.” You foolishly said with a smile. 
“Here I was coming over here to court you.” Naoya collects your phone from your hand to put his phone number in and behind you, Gojo and Geto were making jokes and shocked at the same time.
“Court?” Gojo whispered to his friend with a snicker. “Oh my god, I hate him.”
Through low laughter, Geto was trying so hard to hold in. “Fuck, are we in Bridgerton?” He asked Gojo who let out a laugh that made some people look at them weirdly. 
Your phone was placed back into your hand as you glanced at his contact name. He even gave himself an emoji, the audacity. It wasn’t like you were planning to talk to the guy. You just needed to make sure that you won the game for tonight. 
“It was a pleasure to meet you tonight Mr. Zenin.” You smiled as you walked by him swaying your hips because you knew he was watching you walk away. 
You had managed to gain Naoya Zenin’s attention with a mask on, but as you left the venue the ball was being held—the gossip started. Many people wonder who the beauty in the red dress was. They were already on the phone with their pr agents asking about you. Some even were bold enough to approach Geto and Gojo asking questions that they of course declined to answer. 
It was Naoya Zenin who they feared to approach to ask about the mysterious woman he suddenly craved. He had to know who she was and that’s what he was going to do. 
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thank you for reading. the next chapter will be posted soon.
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furiousgoldfish · 3 days
This is going to sound incoherent to those who haven't been told over and over they're monsters or demons or animals as children, but I need to write it down.
It was often I would be told that I was some kind of evil creature and not a child, as a justification for abusing me, and I wouldn't have any kind of response to that, because how do you combat that? How do you respond to a parent or a family member calling you a snake and a swine and satan? I would get frozen in doubt and start to internalize, that I must be non-human, I must be evil and fundamentally wrong and demonic in some way, because I couldn't find any argument against it. After all, these people were saying it so surely, so filled with rage and righteous justice, that I was non-human, that it was not only okay but necessary to hurt me, and it's all I've ever known. And I still get flashbacks to those moments when I would be told stuff like 'you should have been strangled to death the second you were born', and I freeze. It hurts. I can't reason with hatred like that.
It's only today my brain finally found some counter arguments to it.
Was I born to a human being, or to an animal? If I had been an animal, I would have been born to an animal mother. And she wouldn't hate me like you do. Even if I was a baby snake, there would have been no need to torture me, I would have been normal and natural as a snake. But, even as a child, I had arms and legs, it was obvious I wasn't a snake.
If I as a demon, how would I be born into a family of humans? Wouldn't it be shown in the color of my eyes, or my skin, or my actions? Have I been displaying anything but normal child behaviour? How would anyone be able to tell I was a demon, if I was born to humans, acted like a normal human child, and had never done acts of irreparable evil and sadism? What made me a demon then?
If there was nothing but evil in me, why was I in so much fear and pain all the time? Is that how evil-doers feel? Why was I too scared to do even normal, mundane things that other kids fearlessly did? Why was nobody afraid of me? Why did people feel comfortable hurting me, cornering me and attacking me, if I was so dangerous and malicious?
It was painfully obvious that I was a human child from the start. Calling a human child demonic is not normal, it's not well-intentioned, it's not for the child's own good. It's cruel and vicious. And it wasn't based on anything inside of me. You saw a child you wanted to hurt repeatedly, and making the child believe they're not human was the simplest way for you to get away with it. Why did you need to hurt the child repeatedly? Even if you believed it was something else, an animal or an evil creature, why did it give you pleasure to hurt it over and over again? Why would you intentionally corner a small creature inside of your home and cause pain to it? Did it give you pleasure to see fear and tears? Did you enjoy it so much you just had to keep doing it?
All small humans are the same, they have small little limbs, they're squishy, they're sensitive, they get spooked and scared easily, they like playing brave to make themselves feel stronger. There's no reason to corner and torture one, and call them evil for that. I was the same. I was acting brave but I was small, and soft, with little limbs, easily spooked, easily brought to tears. What was in you to want to break me? What was it worth to you to do it?
You could have picked any child for it, and it wouldn't have made any difference. I was just what was in the house.
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windtowee · 9 months
Ello I’d usually make a big greeting but I’ve written this request way too much with no response so ima head straight to the request, sorry if it’s rude
Fandom: Httyd
Reader: Fem or GN idm which
Platonic ( or u could make it romantic idrc )
Summary: Reader is a new dragon rider and their dragon doesn’t like the gang or their dragons and it’s just all the riders coming up w/ ways to make reader’s dragon more comfy around them and stop attacking everyone
~ Cloudy
A/n: Don’t worry, it’s not rude, besides I prefer straight to the point anyways Gender Neutral! Rider! Reader and the dragon is a female Tw! Animal cruelty, child abandonment, mentions of violence, This is platonic
A mother’s love
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“So how exactly do we make this dragon not try to attack us?” Astrid asked as the other riders and dragons in the room except your dragon. For some strange reason your dragon didn’t like anyone except you and it didn’t like anyone near you. It might be a trust or a protective thing but it’s pretty unique, as even Toothless isn’t like that.
“I’m not sure. This dragon is quite interesting as they don’t even listen to Toothless despite him being the alpha. Y/n, do you have an idea of why it doesn’t like anyone getting near you or it?” Hiccup asked while the others looked at you for an answer.
“Well, I have a couple of ideas but I think this one is the most likely. When I was about five, I was abandoned in the woods, fortunately my dragon was there too. As you know, my dragon is older than me, old enough to be my parent and my dragon had eggs that got destroyed by hunters” You responded as the others connected the dots. They were sadden by your short story and the realization.
“So correct me if I’m wrong, your dragon sees you as their child after their eggs were crushed by hunters?” Valka asked. She personally related to your dragon due to her being taken away from Hiccup and Stock when Hiccup was a baby. She couldn’t imagine if Hiccup had died or been abandoned.
“Yes. So the protectiveness and dislike is due to motherly nature” You responded as you knew the bond between you and your dragon was deeper than most bonds between people and their dragons.
“So the dragon wants to see if we’re a threat or not? That’s pretty understandable due to how mother dragon’s are very protective of their little ones” Fishlegs said as Hiccup was deep in thought about how to get the protective dragon to not attack them.
Valka then seemed to have an idea. A mother always trusts another mother, no matter the species of the two. Valka then grabbed you hand and led you out of the meeting hall with the others following.
“Mom? What are you doing?” Hiccup asked as Snotlout mumbled something about how Valka should hold his hand.
“She’s a mother, she’ll listen to another mother” Valka responded calmly as she was still walking with her hand in yours.
Soon, you all made your way to your dragon. Your dragon was growling and was ready to attack to protect you. Valka was still holding your hand as she stopped in front of your dragon as the others stood behind her, just in case your dragon attacked.
Valka held out her hand as Hiccup did with Toothless when they first met. Valka and your dragon made eye contact and your dragon got closer while Valka didn’t move or let go of your hand.
Your dragon looked between you and Valka who still has her hand out. “Please, I know you’ve suffered. I have too.. A mother would do anything to protect her child, I know that as I would do the same for mine” Valka whispers to your dragon as your dragon widens her eyes when she finds out Valka is a mother like herself. Your dragon lets down her guard a little, it’s working and your dragon steps closer to Valka with a more peaceful look.
Your dragon looks right in Valka’s eyes as Valka does the same. Valka is seen in your dragon’s eyes as your dragon is seen in Valka’s eyes, then your dragon presses her forehead against Valka’s hand. The others looked relieved that it worked as the emotional moment was occurring between two mothers who had suffered a great deal.
It was touching, really.. Valka was right. A mother will trust another mother if it involves a child’s health, happiness, or safety.
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WIBTA if I called animal services on my parent's neighbours?
I want to begin this with saying neither me nor my parents get on with my parent's neighbours. My parents live in a rural area with about 6 acres of land. The field next door used to be just a large field however 6 years ago got brought by a middle age couple (50 and 65) and they built a house on it with the majority of the field still being used for their horses.
We never got on but for the most part just ignored each other until covid. During covid my parents started walking in the woods behind our house to get out of the house on a daily bases whereas before they would have gone travelling and walking other places. The new neighbours didn't like this. Both properties open directly onto foresty land however the easiest way to get to the main forest path is to walk along the fence that borders neighbours field. To cut a long story short there was a lot of shouting, signs and sticks blocking our way, harassment, and cameras to try and intimidate my parents not to walk behind their property. We got the police involved in the end and have a restraining order against the neighbours so they're not allowed to approach or talk to us within reason (obviously they can be in the field to tend to the horses etc)
I wanted to tell this to get the point that yeah parents and neighbours do not get on at all. Since the restraining order things have been peaceful however I did install a camera at the front of my parents property as we did have some damage that might have been neighbours but could have been anything else really. This was recommended by the police. My parents aren't good with tech so I take care of their phones/netflix and now having the camera connected to my phone so I get the alerts if someone walks by.
The neighbours recently got two puppies though they are now over a year old. They are GSP x Labs so working dogs that in my opinion would need a lot of exercise and enrichment. As I get the notifications for the camera I know what time the neighbour walks past with the dogs and it's every day down the same country road for 10 to 20 mins in the morning. To me it doesn't seem to be enough. I've also noticed since the dogs are growing up and getting stronger/not trained the neighbour seems to be struggling with them. My neighbour is 65 but not the fittest and this past week he's been taking one dog at a time for a 5 minute walk each.
Now all I have is the knowledge of the camera. They could be getting enrichment at home, let loose in the field with the horses to run but to me it just doesn't seem fair on the dogs. But since it's been peaceful for my parents I don't want to rock the boat and maybe cause the neighbours to retaliate. Even anon they probably would know who it is who called the animal services on them. But I also hate to see dogs not living their best life. I have no doubt they aren't getting mistreated and are well fed. I just don't think they are the right dogs for an middle age couple that do not leave the house except to get shopping and can barely give them a 10 minute walk. I don't even really agree with how they keep their horses either but again they're not mistreating them just keeping young horses in a field all day and not doing any training or anything at all with them. Just seems unfair.
Sorry for the long post, just been weighing on my mind.
What are these acronyms?
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2023himbotournament · 2 months
For Eu look up:
Voices in Europe for peace
For Usa look up:
US campaign for Palestinian rights
FOA (Friends of Al-Aqsa) have organized a boycott in support of palestine. Here are the key companies to boycott:
HP (Hewlett Packard)
Israeli produce
We will be ending our call to boycott
PUMA once the contract with IFA officially dissolves in 2024. Until then, we encourage you to continue boycotting PUMA products.
Please help to spread the word by sending this copypasta to as many blogs as you can and/or going to FOAs website where you can find posters to download and print out
Ok I'm not a copypasta person unless it's memes but like. Look I'm not Palestinian but I'm also a Southwest Asian and my mental health has definitely deteriorated seeing just. Everything. Especially the increase in racism and islamophobia (I'm also muslim) and seeing all the hate crimes and knowing that someone could probably shoot me in the head while I'm writing gay fanfiction in public and justify it by saying that I could've been a dangerous terrorist and therefore my entire family tree must be eradicated-
basically what I'm trying to say is that I'm hoping that making this post on the himbo tourney blog will get some eyes on this. Like. I've been feeling really powerless about this and kinda just like shriveling up and dying lately. Tbh. The world is fxcked right now. In the year of our lord 2024 /ref, here we are post undertale we are being pro-genocide how funny is that haha. It's not funny. It's. It's not. It's not funny . I can't. I've seen too many videos of children dying and crying and I just. I saw the one thing about the kid with cerebral palsy whose parents got shot right in front of them for literally no reason and then they got yelled at by soldiers and like. People literally will look at this and call these people animals?? I saw that term get thrown around a lot. It's just disgusting and like.
have people seen the bingo the literal genocide bingo. People are treating this like a joke like. Do people not realize that Southwest Asian people are like... people??? We're people you know. Like this is mainly targeting Arabs but I've seen stuff about people discriminating against the rest of us too (mainly because they can't tell the difference. Because the idea of not treating Asian cultures as interchangeable applies until you get to Southwest Asia I guess even in progressive circles everyone just says Arab for everything even here I've seen people like-). I'm Persian and I'm still scared someone will cut my life off. I'm 16. Nowruz is next week and I just want to live to it with my family. My mind is inundated wit the tears of the families that had never gotten to have their celebrations. Because of one group on one day.
one group on one day. One group on one day. it's always that. it's always that for people like us.I feel like I'm going insane. It's just 9/11 in America all over again. I wasn't even born for that. But you can just feel it all around you. And now we have the sequel, across the world. But it's used the same way. 7/23. Can't wait for the memes /s. This one thing happens therefore we can dedicate multiple months to killing all of you just making you suffer stripping your dignity you don't deserve anything and we'll make the world hate you because fxck you and then the world goes along with it because nothing good ever happens and I just want to escape from this but every time I go on tumblr it's just this and I know if I ever stop seeing this it means that the worst has happened anyway
and then people try to act like YOU'RE the bigot because you're trying to hold a country's government and military force responsible for war crimes just because the country has its branding in minority groups. How about I make this crystal clear: I don't give a flying fxck about what Israel is, it's what it's doing that matters. I'd be saying nearly the same shzt if they were PERSIAN, and that is MY ETHNICITY. I literally do not care. It doesn't matter. Because killing people is wrong and that should not be a controversial statement but I guess some people like the sound of screams in the morning. The Palestinian death toll has surpassed the 7/23 death toll. And it's still going. And not all the deaths have even been accounted for because bodies are still buried under rubble. Because they're still bombing people and they won't stop. And no one will make them stop.
like I don't give a fxck about Hamas either, I heard some of the members did genuinely say some like directly quoted antisemitic shzt and also they like condoned a racist caricature of a black woman in a magazine I think but I'm not sure about the second one (I know the magazine thing definitely happened but I'm not sure of their like involvement at all-) like. I don't need to suck there dzcks like some people do it's one group of fxcks like I don't. They're just the excuse being used for this. You're bombing the entire population of a country where the majority population is fzcking tater tots. You're attacking children. You are killing children. Paint yourself purple. Dammit. Just. Again it's 9/11 all over again but in another country.
even then like it's like. You know that trope in cartoons that shows up more often than you'd think that was in like Avatar and Korra and RWBY I think where there's like a fictional minority that is oppressed and wants rights and then active protest is represented by an evil terrorist group who attacks people and is the villains of the media and passive protest is always portrayed as good and active protest is evil and there's no nuance and also they just frame the group as just like evil spawned out of nowhere not addressing that they literally would not exist if not for the truly evil system of oppression that basically created them. Like.
You know Hamas only exists because Palestinians were already treated like shzt right? Like they were already displaced and didn't consent to the whole Israel thing and like look up Nakba it's fzcking awful like. Hamas is just a symptom of the disease and there will just be another Hamas if you try to knock it down without actually like. Doing anything about. the fact that Palestinians are oppressed. but people will just act like you can keep punching at Hamas like that'll result in anything like they're the flowers not the roots y'know-
also I'm calling it here, this entire thing is gonna definitely be used down the line by Neo-nazis I mean it kinda already is being used to justify antisemitism but like I saw the stuff of people trying to redefine antisemitism to be synonymous with antizionism and make isrseli and jewish synonymous and to basically gatekeep jewishness from anti-zionist jews (I'm not kidding I actually saw shzt like that) and it's like. Y'all they're gonna turn around in a year or two like "ohhh look at the big bad scary jews- I mean Israelis their identity is literally tied to the genocide of Palestinians they are inherently evil there is no denying it!" (Ignoring the fact that the USA and other bastards of colonization did the same shzt as Israel literally the same story history is repeating itself but we have social media brands this time-). And then like what the fxck do you do about it when the word antisemitic now means anticolonialist so no one takes it seriously anymore. What the fxck are you supposed to do about that. And when they probably made themselves right because they probably contributed to Palestinian Genocide themselves they don't care they're just using them as props in their fxcking jew hatred. But like. Yeah you are now tied to this nationality that is tied to fxcking genocide what do you do? It's like perfect to use for fearmongering around Jewish people since the shzt they used before somehow worked despite literally being pulled out of their xss istg like where the fxck did any of the bank stuff come from like. The fzck?-
im tired. I'm so tired. Both in the literal "It's past 1am" sense and the less literal "make the stop" sense.
I just don't want people to die. I just want people to be happy. I just want people to not suffer but every day it feels like it's getting worse and I just want something to change for the better and I'm scared. Why do people act like it's a bad thing to not want people to suffer? I don't understand. I just. I just don't understand. I. am I naive? For this?
does this wish make me naive?
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star-going-supernova · 6 months
May I humbly request clingy Freddy suffering from separation anxiety who is constantly on edge about losing his child 🙏
We are on a roll! Here’s tumblr generated prompt number 33! I put Gregory at twelve years old here. Poor Freddy in this one, lol.
Separation Anxiety
Back and forth, Freddy paced the length of the pizzaplex entrance, always keeping the parking lot outside the doors in sight. It was two minutes after 11 p.m., two minutes after Gregory had said he would arrive for the night. 
His wires felt itchy with mounting worry. He cycled through various cameras, all focused on side or back doors, in case Gregory had entered the building elsewhere. He would have asked his friends if they had seen him, but he did not think they would soothe his nerves, not after he spammed the group chat at eleven that Gregory had not arrived at his designated time. 
Monty had laughed at him—Freddy had been able to hear it from the foyer, loud as Monty had been in his amusement—and Chica had gently reminded him that Gregory had given him an ETA, an estimated time of arrival. Roxy had lost her patience and snapped at him to stop being such a helicopter parent and give them all a break from his incessant, and needless, paranoia. 
Gregory’s a beast of a kid! she had furiously typed, essentially a shout. You seem convinced that everything in the world is out to get him and would succeed! Give the little monster some credit, Fazbear, hell. 
So. He was not sharing his concerns in the group chat. 
He just—it was not paranoia. His fears were perfectly rational; there were many things that Gregory could encounter in his daily life that could cause him harm. And while Gregory liked his foster parents well enough, they clearly were not up to the task of taking care of him. Not when they failed to notice that Gregory snuck out several nights a week to visit the pizzaplex. 
Gregory deserved excellent care, not average care. 
(It did not matter to Freddy that his foster parents’ lapse was the only reason Gregory was able to visit outside the pizzaplex’s hours of operation.) 
He toyed with making the argument (again) that Gregory should stay here, with Freddy. Then Freddy would not have to worry about many of the potential dangers that existed beyond the front doors. Which, he would like to point out, had very effective safety measures. 
Distracted with creating a list of reasons for why Gregory should never leave Freddy’s side again, he did not notice Gregory riding up to the entrance on his bike. Nor did he notice Gregory climb off, tilt his head in amusement at the sight of Freddy pacing, then chuckle to himself before walking his bike through both sets of doors. 
“Miss me?” he teased, breaking Freddy out of his thoughts. 
Freddy snapped his head up, his worry instantly vanishing at the mere sight of the boy. As soon as Gregory had leaned his bike against the wall, Freddy was there to pull him into an inescapable hug. 
Gregory laughed against him, reaching up to hug him back. “Sorry I’m a little late. I guess the pacing is why Roxy texted me?” 
Sheepish, Freddy asked, “Ah, what did she say?” 
“Only that you’re reaching all new levels of worrywart and it’s driving her crazy.” 
“I… suppose that is not inaccurate.” 
Gregory leaned back to look up at him. “What’s got you so worried?”
Everything. Anything could take Gregory from him: Other humans. Car accidents. Potentially undiscovered deadly allergies. Dangerous animals. Illness. Injury. The list went on and on and on and on—
“I think you have a pretty skewed idea of what life for us humans is like,” Gregory said. “I swear I’m not dodging danger every second of every day.” 
It only takes once, Freddy carefully did not say. Gregory, as an orphan, would know that all too well. 
Though he did not respond, something in his expression or body language or even in the silence itself made Gregory frown. 
“I’m sorry my health and safety’s got you so freaked out,” he said earnestly, and he lifted his arms in an offer. One Freddy gladly took, scooping the boy up and holding him even closer. “Is there anything I can do to help?” 
Stay. Stay forever. Never make me let you go again. 
“Did you say Roxy texted you?” he asked instead, and it was only because he had impeccable control over his voice box that he did not sound strained. 
“Hey, yeah! She found me through my foster mom’s Facebook, I didn’t even think—let me give you my phone number, and then we can text and stuff. On nights I can’t make it, we could do a video call? Would that help?” 
“That—yes. I think it would.” Freddy saved the string of numbers to his memory and then sent a message to Roxy asking how to get his systems set up for texting outside of the pizzaplex’s internal communications system. She sent him a few laughing emojis, then mercifully passed along a mod file. 
“While you get that set up,” Gregory said knowingly, “how about we head down to your guys’ lounge? I owe Monty a beating in Mario Kart.” 
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malepresentingleg · 1 year
Bed Friend Novel vs Series
I'm not sure if it counts as spoilers since I'm not going to address anything later than where the series is at now, only provide extra background information and point out some differences for what was already aired.
I have to say that so far I prefer the series to the novel but I still thought it could be nice to share key points that are missing.
Differences from the series will be pointed out in pink,
My own interpretation in green.
Uea's background (tw abuse)
Uea's parents fought all the time when he was a kid, and took so long to divorce because they argued over who's gonna get custody over him (both wanted the other to😶). His mom lost and was "stuck" with him ever since, with no child support from his father. She remarried and they moved to his stepdad's house, tearing him away from the extended family he loved in Lampang - the place Uea mentions by the pool in the work outing in episode 4.
His mom and stepdad had a baby, and for his mom Uea was just a sore reminder of her past life and she treated him like SHIT. His stepdad was gentle and tried to defend him against her and show Uea he's "on his side". When his mom found out about his gayness she flipped, did the locking him in a completely dark bathroom several times and was generally an abusive asshole pretty much like shown in the series. Uea kept standing up to her though, at least verbally about his sexuality.
Then at some point when he was a teenager his stepdad woke him up Like That (like in the series) and his mom didn't believe him of course. Since then his stepdad didn't hide behind subtly anymore and kept harassing him. Whenever his mom locked him, it would be even worse now because his stepdad kept trying to pick the lock to get him, which would have been even worse for Uea. Understandable why he's traumatized AF.
At the birthday the reason he left was not because of his stepdad, but because his mom only wanted him to come so she can ask for more money.
Currently he's 27, a graphic designer at that company for 3 years. People keep hitting on him because he's so pretty, but he's very annoyed by it. He hates when people hit on him through Jade (aka middleman), he hates players and flirts.
He had several boyfriends in the past and they all ended up cheating assholes basically.
The most tragic part of his life though is that he LOVES animals but is super allergic to their fur.
King and Uea
They first met 8-9 years before the series, Uea just ended a relationship and was at a bar. King hit on him a little but then Uea saw him hit on someone else and hated him for being "a player". A couple of years later he met him again when Jade introduced them. King and Jade are childhood friends from kindergarten, Jade was Uea's uni roommate so he was civil. Then he was very mad to discover when he started working that King works there too, and they had a kinda hateful relationship since, but it was very one-sided from Uea.
The first night they slept together they were both drunk, King just slightly less so, and he took Uea in a taxi to his house because he didn't know where Uea lives. He put him in bed, and Uea was too drunk to explain about the dark so he just begged King not to leave him and King "couldn't help it".
I think so far it's the only part I preferred in the book, because in the series King was driving and a lot less drunk and more aware of what was happening.
Later - King apologized for taking advantage of Uea like this (and really made a point of not doing anything with him at the work outing when Uea was drunk as we saw in episode 5).
Something I hated in the novel but loved in the series was the morning after, when King talks about how much of a gentleman he was and that he deserves a reward. In the series Uea replied wonderfully saying this should be standard, while in the novel he basically said King missed his chance when he didn't go for it the night before.
In general, King is more pushy and demanding in the novel, more playing into the trope of the big top who can't help himself.
He left a hickey on Uea which he was mad about and did a half-assed apology at first.
Unlike the series when King catches himself and remembers Uea doesn't like something, in the novel when King kisses Uea on the cheek again after Uea stopped him a while before, Uea was the one who had to say "I told you not to do this." and King was very nonchalant about forgetting about that too. Which, to be fair isn't the worst. It's not like King knows exactly what it means for Uea and that it's a big deal, but still pretty shitty.
Another thing that was much better in the series imo was the scene at the end of episode 5 when the lights went out. In the Novel they were going to go to bed and Uea tried to turn out the bedside light only to find out it's needed changing. He was going to go get a new bulb to change but King whined and stopped him from going and made him just stay and go to bed with him. Eventually Uea relaxed into his arms.
Uea keeps referring to him as a "sex addict" which I tie more with Uea's sense of shame about his sexuality.
Pretty early on in their FWB relationship Uea actually told King about his mom's abuse and the reason he's scared of the dark, but they didn't discuss it other than that.
Also at this point - they both like each other, they're both in love with each other basically, and they ARE pretty aware of each other's feelings. The issue is that Uea doesn't believe King can change and doesn't want to enter a relationship with him when King "is and always will be a player". (And he's a complete clown because they basically are in a relationship at this points sdfss).
King, too, is aware of his own feelings but is unsure if he can really commit. Verbally though he keeps trying to convince Uea he can.
I already mentioned he's King's childhood friend and Uea's uni bestie. He has a way bigger role in the book, and a whole romance of his own that by this point of the series should have concluded if it followed his character's story like the book.
He's exactly the annoying bl "helpless wife" trope and doesn't have much personality other than that. His love interest would have come and left the company by this point so I have no idea what their plan is for the Middleman Love. I know the book's events of that novel happen at the same time as the Bed Friend novel but I have not and will not read it so I don't know much more. For some reason they give some of the roles his love interest had to Gun, who doesn't have such a big role in the book.
I will say Jade is a good friend to Uea, and he really wanted him and King to get along since they're his two besties. When they started to be nicer to each other he almost cried.
Random bits
It really bothered me they went to get a blood test a week after their one-night stand when in the novel it was 3 weeks (the proper amount to wait before doing an HIV test). Also in the novel it was actually discussed it's for HIV (which... other STDs exist yknow), Uea gets tested regularly and also always uses a condom. King says he does too, but they didn't use one That Night because he was too drunk, for which he apologized.
Also, one time King talked Uea into having sex in the bathroom in the morning before work, Uea put his foot down about using a condom "No condom, no sex". They ended up late for work and Uea was pissed.
When they made plans to watch the football match they didn't do the fake phone call, the series really pulled through with that one : ')
Also, they watched the game alone at home, not in a bar with lots of other people (and it was Liverpool vs Arsenal).
There's probably definitely more, but this is what I remember off the top of my head, and my ask box is opened for more specific clarifications :)
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sigynsilica · 9 months
Conservatives be like "tHey'Re tRyiNg tO dEcOnStrUcT tHe fAmiLy uNiT"
Yes. Exactly. That is exactly my goal in life.
Then they be like "wElL yOu mUsT wAnT tHe wOrLd tO bE fUlL oF siNgLe pAreNtS"
You think it's LESS family I want? You have it backwards. It's MORE.
Let me explain.
One of the most integral parts of humanity is community. Humans are pack animals. We do better in groups, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Everything humans have accomplished, they did via teamwork.
This is a leading reason why I'm a socialist, because Capitalism is, by definition, the advancement of the individual over the collective. That's a concept that goes against human nature. Capitalism gives credit to one person for what a team of people did, and allows that one person to decide for themself what portions of the benefits of creating something goes to who. This despite the fact that the creation would not and could not be possible without the whole team of people. Even if one person creates one thing, they could not do it without materials harvested or tools invented or concepts thought of by someone else. Somewhere down the line, someone was pushing the buttons.
It's a very isolationist way of thinking, to claim that a CEO deserves more money for producing a product than the assembly line workers who actually made the thing.
This mindset has then been projected onto basically every single aspect of American life. (I can't speak for other countries because I've never been anywhere else)
People are their own human, and that means they can't ask for help. Collaboration is a myth, and the credit for anything really only goes to the head of the endeavor.
Enter the nuclear family.
One mom, one dad, and an assortment of children. The mom stays home and raises the kiddos and cleans the house and makes sure everyone has clean underwear and also finds time for sanity somewhere, while the dad works his butt off at a crappy corporate hellhole of a job. Add in some fundamental Christianity, because America Is A Christian Nation apparently, and you have pressure to homeschool. This only further enforces the isolation, the individual, the Doing Everything By Yourself as the only way to go.
This is why so many conservatives and fundamentalists like the Duggars so much. Think of it! Twenty homeschooled fundamentalist Baptist children, all raised to believe in God, while the dad does Politics and Mission Stuff at the church and the mom homeschools All of them.
And of course you have friends, right? But woe upon thee if your house isn't spick-and-span or the children are being disruptive when they come over. They can't see your mess. They can't see your imperfections. Nobody actually goes to their neighbors to ask for a cup of sugar. You should buy your own sugar. Jeez.
In this mindset and mentality, if your children are "unruly", that reflects badly on you as a parent. Your children are seen as an extension of yourself, and if you don't have everything in your life put together, you're getting judged by randos in the grocery store, now. If both parents need to work, just send your kid to the local daycare. What's that? You can't afford daycare? Hire a babysitter. What's that? You can't afford a babysitter? Hm. More judgement. Get the kid's granny to watch them or something.
So here's the facts. The more adults a child has in their life who show them support and are a safe environment for the child, the more the child will be likely to succeed in their adult life.
And by that definition, yes. I want to destroy the family unit. I want it gone.
The notion that if the two people who were directly responsible for the child's existence can't adequately provide for their child, that's it's a moral failing on their part? That's bullshit. I want it gone. If you need help raising a child, so does everyone else, and it should be socially okay to reach out to a trusted member of your community for help. It should also be socially okay for someone who you trust to want to care for a child with no financial compensation. Children are delightful.
Taking care of a child is hard work. Someone has to be on call 100% of the time for at least the first ten years of that kid's life.
Of course, in making the decision to have children, a parent should consider their capability of caring for the kid. But it shouldn't be their capability of caring for a kid ALONE. No one should have to raise a child alone.
Every parent should have a full support system to fall back on. Every person, let alone parent, should have a community of people who would be willing to help care for other people in their community, especially vulnerable people in that community, like children.
This is what I mean when I say I do want to destroy the family unit. I don't want any child to have to grow up in an environment where the only people who feel responsible for their safety are their parents.
Of course parents are responsible for a kid's safety, more than any other people on the planet, because the parents were the ones who chose to bring the kid into the world.
But they are not the only ones. They should not be alone. There should be no more talk of "well, your parents ought to teach you how to behave," because children learn from everything and everyone around them. You can't stop that. Not even if you try.
The thing is, parents should not, and cannot be the ultimate authority on life for their kids. My parents tried, while simultaneously insisting they weren't perfect, but if you grow up thinking only two people who are Biblically one person are the only ones who are right about things, you're going to have a lot of unlearning to do, no matter who those people are.
Humans, all of us, have a responsibility to look out for each other. Community is our greatest strength, and it's founded on the principle of all of us in a community having each other's backs.
So no more Two Heterosexual People being an island and a solitary beacon of what a family is supposed to be. A family is a community, and we all look out for each other. We all make sure we're safe and we have what we need to live. And we all teach each other things about how the world is.
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hey can i get those five species of cockroaches listed. i was gonna leave it at that but it seems you are a cockroach main so a top 5 list might be more interesting if possible
Omg thanks for asking me about roaches 🥺 and sorry for taking that long to answer your ask but I just couldn't throw a list without at least giving some information about those wonderful little creatures that are cockroaches! I absolutely love roaches, they are so smart, so interesting, so adorable (their eyes shaped like beans!!!).
5- American Cockroach (Periplaneta americana)
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Of course, our iconic roach, maybe the first one that come into your mind when someone says "cockroach", is on the list.
American Cockroaches have one of the greatest capacity of adaptability in the entire animal kingdom (even if we wrongly think they can survive a nuclear explosion). For example, cockroaches loves sugar! But noticing that a lot of traps against them are made with sugar, they are changing their diet to eat less to not at all sweet food, to the point females will refuse to mate with a male who is often eating sugar. This is not specific to this species but I still wanted to tell (because that's pretty interesting).
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Another amazing thing I wanted to talk about is how cockroaches manage to defend themselves against predators like the emerald wasps. They turn around and hit it with their rear paws, just like on the video ↓
4/ ember wood cockroach (Ectobius vittiventris)
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This one is in my top 5 for emotional reasons 🥺. There are plenty of them in my garden so I can observe them and interact better with them than any other species of cockroaches. I played with one of them once.
Have you ever see a cockroach pooping? Because I do. One of this bad boi pooped on me once. I had a wood roach resting on my arm when suddenly it started walking around. When it stoped it bended its body and I was like "woah! Cockroaches can sit!?" Until I noticed a black dot....
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3/ question mark cockroach (Therea Olegrandjeani)
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Ok I'll be honest with you. I don't really have anything to say about them other than are very pretty...
But did you know the dots on its back only appear after the last moult? The juveniles are all dark brown before becoming adults.
2/ Madagascar hissing cockroach (Gromphadorhina portentosa)
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They are call like that because of the hissing sound they make to frighten predators since they are a wingless species.
The females of this species carry their ootheca (sort of bag with eggs in it some female cockroaches and mantis carry at the end of their abdomen) internally, making the eggs hatching inside the mother (this is called ovoviviparity). The nymphs stay close to their parents for protection and to be fed.
1/ Emerald Cockroach (Corydidarum magnifica)
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Of course, the emerald cockroach would be the first on list! Look at them, they are beautiful! You can easily recognise the male from the female since he is the one who got wings. One thing I love about cockroaches is when the males and females look drastically different from each other.
Just like the hissing roach, this species too have its nymphs formed inside the mother for 4 to 6 months. Once born, they will hide under their mother to be fed and protected. Then, the nymphs will explore their environment while staying close to their parents, most of the time they will hide under the mother but it's not rare to see them hiding under males.
(The video is in french but you can just read the pinned comment which have an English citation about what's happening)
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