#James Upton
sweet-vanilla-sims · 1 year
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1500-1599 Recap Part 41:
Simon began showing his age and Ambrose became a teenager. 
Maud and George got married. 
Elinor named her daughter Millicent. 
Maud rolled to only have one baby but got surprise twins, one of them failed their infancy roll though so I guess it evens out.  
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poorlittlegreenie13 · 3 months
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Yk the Jegulus sonnet?
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kiddbegins · 3 months
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Hey guys !!
With the changes I've made to the characters I write for and such, I'm going to reset my taglists.
Here is the link to resubmit your user. HERE pretty please do I want to make sure you guys can still see my stuff. <3
A/n: I don't write for Chicago PD anymore (Jay, Hailey, Kev) And I've also decided to close my Connor requests probably for good. I'm not sure if I'll open them back up again. I did have two requests for him that I have been trying to write but I unfortunately probably won't because of my brain.
I'm sorry if any of this is upsetting? I don't know lol but my form is very messy so I want to clean it up.
Have a good day babes.
xx Teddy
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ilovethecolorpink · 2 years
i am so deeply invested in the taylor jenkins reid literary universe because i smile every time a character from one book is mentioned in another
#reading malibu rising. probably the book ive been most excited to read in a WHILE#because i feel like i havent been INVESTED in a book in awhile#well i read far from the tree by robin benway a few weeks ago and was pretty invested in that#but ya idk i just needed something i knew would make me excited to read#something with a STORY u know#i feel like i haven’t updated yall on my reading in forever#after it i read far from the tree and loved it (Cried sooo much too)#then i read the jungle by upton sinclar and was surprised by how much i liked it and how diff it was from what i expected#oh during all this time i was listening to educated by tara westover which was just spectacular and i loved it#truly have such high praise for it like i wanna find a physical copy so i can annotate it and just be able to display it on my shelf#which the other other audiobook ive ever wanted to do the same for was know my name (one of my top books of 2021) so.. that says it all!#then i read nine perfect strangers by liane moriarty which was just fine#my least fav from the 3 ive read tho the only one to make me cry?? the end was sweet idk#idk it was slow to start and i found most of the characters annoying but not annoying enough to dislike fjjejxwkd#actually i also did laugh out loud a couple times too but STILL idk it just wasnt giving what i needed it to give#i need to stop chasing the rush from big little lies she gave me#ok and now on audio i’m reading#the five: the untold lives of the women killed by jack the ripper by hallie rubenhold#liking it so far tho sometimes i find it hard to pay attention#and ive just recently started both notes on a native son by james baldwin and malibu rising by tjr#like less than 30 pages into both 😭#my reading this summer has been very blah but im hoping to turn that around soon#mine#reading
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ofcosmicentity · 1 year
muselist. rules.
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connorshalstead · 2 years
. . · ✵
· ˚ ⋆              
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“I’ll plant a garden in the yard then. They’re growing roses on a flatbed. You should see it, I mean thousands.”
An avid One Chicago fanfic writer
“You don’t need an excuse to be sad, you’re a human being.”
- Daniel Charles
@halsteadrhodes - Main blog
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bonnieb23-blog · 9 months
“Curiosity is the purest form of insubordination.—Vladimir Nabokov Here is a collection of quotes from well-known people who describe what is happening accurately and succinctly. I could elaborate, but it seems redundant. I hope you will read each of these quotes and then pause a moment to reflect on their truth. Try to clear your mind of the fear and colorful propaganda that is beamed at you…
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cour4geous · 2 years
[   TRAINING   ]:     during  a  sparring  match,  @mythsonly​  ends  up  pinning  the  receiver  against  the  wall.
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strained  air  is  exhaled  in  an  attempt  to  remove  sweat  soaked  strands  from  her  eyeline  -  back  meeting  wall,  while  not  ideal,  gives  her  a  moment  to  bring  oxygen  back  to  overworked  lungs.  lips  slowly  form  a  lopsided  smirk  as  hands  find  rest  on  his  arms,  eyes  flitting  between  his  form  and  the  limited  space  she  has  to  make  her  next  move.  hailey  is  not  about  to  call  it  quits  yet;  it’s  not  in  her  nature.  ❛❛  not  bad,  street.  ❜❜
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marzipanandminutiae · 3 months
A Crimson Peak Timeline
(based on the art book, documents shown onscreen in the movie, and the character bios GDT wrote- where the bios don't contradict film canon. I've attempted to combine the two where contradicting elements are unavoidable.
Sometime during the reign of Charles II (1660-1685). Edward Sharpe created Baronet for services to the crown in providing clay for construction projects. Allerdale Hall built in the parish of Above Derwent, Cumberland, England.
1841. Carter Everett Cushing born the second son of six in an impoverished family that traveled the eastern US for his father's masonry business.
1863. Beatrice Alexandra Chetwynde, eldest daughter of a large, wealthy family, marries Baronet James William Sharpe. The marriage is contracted solely for the Chetwyndes' land, which adjoins the Sharpe estate.
April 1, 1865. Lucille Sharpe born.
Sometime between 1865 and ~1873. Carter marries 18-year-old socialite Eleanor Wyndham-Beckford, to the immense disapproval of her family. Though she is disowned and the couple struggles to make ends meet for years, Carter ultimately becomes a successful developer.
February 18, 1867. Thomas Sharpe born.
C. 1867-1872. The Sharpes employ a wet nurse- and later nanny -named Theresa, who would become the only adult to care about the children in their lives. She would ultimately be sacked after Beatrice caught young Lucille snuggling with her for warmth on a winter's night (on the grounds that a noble child should not be close with servants- a "crime" for which Lucille was beaten severely).
1876. 11-year-old Lucille murders her father with poison distilled from mine tailings, after he took Thomas on a hunting trip and left him in the woods to die of exposure.
Late 1876? A mining vein near Allerdale Hall collapses, killing several child mine-workers. I could have sworn I read somewhere that James foolishly dug a mining tunnel under the house shortly before his death, and that's what destabilized it, but I can't find it now.
October 9, 1877. Edith M. Cushing born, after Eleanor had suffered several miscarriages.
1878. Thomas and Lucille begin a secret sexual relationship.
Early August, 1879. Beatrice catches Lucille and Thomas together; Lucille murders her to keep their secret. The siblings try to run away together but are caught and brought back. Thomas is sent to live with an aunt and uncle in Whitehaven (who in turn send him to boarding school), while Lucille is forced into a mental institution.
Probably summer, 1885. Thomas finishes his schooling and rescues Lucille; they return to Allerdale.
1887. The Sharpe siblings travel to London seeking investors for Thomas' venture to reopen the mines. A wealthy, terminally ill gentleman, Major Richard Upton, takes a liking to Thomas and begs Thomas to marry his disabled daughter, Pamela. At Lucille's urging- since they're running out of both options and money -Thomas agrees. The two attempt to poison Pamela to death, but Lucille ends up strangling her instead.
Sometime between October 1887 and October 1888. Eleanor Cushing dies of cholera and appears to Edith as a ghost.
Early-mid 1890s. Carter and the recently widowed Mrs. McMichael have a brief flirtation that both Edith and Eunice oppose. Though it goes nowhere, the rift between the two girls is never healed.
Late October or November 1892. Edith (age 15) becomes infatuated with a 25-year-old poet who is having marital difficulties. After convincing Carter to hire him as a tutor, all unknowing, she confesses her feelings to him. He not only takes his leave of the Cushing family, but of Buffalo itself, quickly moving away with his wife and children.
1893. The Sharpes travel to Edinbrugh, where Thomas again finds no investors but does attract the attention of a 36-year-old widow of means, Margaret McDermott. Once again, he marries her and helps Lucille poison her, though she is ultimately killed via blunt force trauma.
Summer 1893. Edith asks her best friend, Alan McMichael, to kiss her so she can write about kisses more accurately. It means nothing to her, but sparks an unrequited passion in Alan
1896. Lucille falls pregnant by Thomas. He travels with her to Italy, which he loves and she despises. There he meets a wealthy woman named Enola Sciotti, widowed and bereaved of her only child, and decides of his own accord to marry and murder her in their usual fashion. The Sharpes and Enola return to Allerdale.
1897. Lucille is delivered of a son, who may or may not be sickly. Enola tries to care for her and the child, promising she can save him. The baby either dies of natural causes or Lucille smothers him under the conviction that his cries mean something is terribly wrong with him and he can't live- this is one contradiction in the bios vs. the movie that I prefer to leave vague, since it's possible not even Lucille remembers what happened. Either way, she blames Enola and dispatches her by unknown means. Thomas patents his excavating machine.
Late summer(?) 1901. Alan returns from studying medicine in London and sets up an ophthalmology practice in Buffalo. Edith's debut novel, Figures In The Mist, is rejected for publication by Oglivie and Sons. Thomas seeks investment in the mines from Cushing and Co., unsuccessfully. Edith and the Sharpes begin a friendship. Edith sees her mother's ghost for the second time.
September 14, 1901. President William McKinley dies after being shot at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo. I include this because the fact that the movie doesn't is hilarious to me.
October 21, 1901. At the Cushings' dinner party, Carter bribes the Sharpes to leave, instructing Thomas to break Edith's heart or he'll tell her about the marriage to Pamela. A deleted scene reveals that he was on the verge of relenting and investing in the mines when he read the private investigator's report.
October 22, 1901. Lucille murders Carter at his club, then departs to return to England. Thomas and Edith become engaged.
Late October-early November 1901. Thomas and Edith are married and travel to Allerdale.
November-December 1901 (possibly into early 1902?). The rest of the movie's plot.
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guspartenza · 7 months
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art by https://www.deviantart.com/gabrielrb91
What would you think about an alternate universe with a female-Clark as Superwoman in the golden age?
Is the only main change in the classic canon together with her love interest, is not Earth-11, let's say is Eart-19...meet Clara Kent/Superwoman!
It's 1948, in Metropolis!
Up in the sky! Look! It's a bird? It's a plane? No! It's Superwoman!
Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, this amazing stranger from the planet Krypton, The Woman of Steel: Superwoman!
Empowered with X-ray vision, possessing remarkable physical strength, Superwoman fights a never-ending battle for love, truth, and justice, disguised as a mild-mannered newspaper reporter, Clara Kent!
In a world plagued by the Cold War and mistrust, can Superwoman bring peace to the world while fighting for love, truth, justice, and the American way? Can she finally find a happy life with Louis Lane, the love of her life? Can she defeat Lex Luthor and the terrible ancient evil he is about to awaken?
You can download full free illustrated fanfic in pdf here! SUPERWOMAN FROM KRYPTON-FREE ILLUSTRATED FANFIC by lordmallory on DeviantArt or here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XPh48B9_giTgDpnBXjRP-4Z4ksUU-WzR/view?usp=drive_link
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Art by https://www.deviantart.com/letoart
BORN: Krypton, a moon in a distant galaxy. Formally 28/02/1918, SMALLVILLE, KANSAS
YEAR: 1948
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art by https://www.deviantart.com/wagemagegames
-Farmgirl, born Kansas 1918. No sisters nor brothers.
-Nicest girl in the office but very unfunny.
-Disappears without reason very often.
-Lives alone in a little flat and has a golden retriever dog called Krypto.
-Daddy issues. Her father didn't let her pursue a career as ballet dancer or swimmer (he didn't want her to take advantage of her powers) and died when she was 18.
-Former nurse during the war in the Pacific Ocean and in the Philippines.
-Loves children and dogs
-Tomboyish trails. Not quite elegant.
-Music-Hall fan, Katherine Hepburn and James Stewart fan
-Favorite books: Scarlet Pimpernel adventures, Jane Austen, Upton Sinclair and Virginia Wolf, somewhat eclectic.
-Amateur writer of children's stories, with characters such as DeeDog and the Komfy Dragon.
-She greatly admires her boss, Perry Weiss. A 1940s very liberal Republican style journalist, chief editor of the Daily Planet. She despises her deputy boss Cat Grant.
-Ambiguous relationship with her other boss Louis Lane. Clara has a good friendship with Louis and hides that she is very much in love with him. At the same time, she competes a lot with Mr. Lane and is annoyed by his political ideas and his paternalism.
-Strange friendship with young millionaire Bruce Wayne, something that is very surprising for the people in the Daily Planet newsroom.
-Always good scoops but never appears in the front line and too stubborn and independent to grow fast in the newspaper.
-Progressive quaker like her fathers.
-Civil rights supporter.
-Dislikes General McArthur, dislikes even more Lex Luthor
-Loves Eleanor Roosevelt but also Governor Dewey.
-Hates guns
-Supports unions, splits ticket between Metropolis Liberal Party and the two main parties. Politicians must be kind.
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art by https://www.tumblr.com/bobbinalong
-Superpowers: Flight, Super-Strength, Super-Speed, X-Ray Vision, Heat Vision, Enhanced Vision, Super-Hearing, Super-Breath, Freeze-Breath, High Invulnerability, Super-Stamina
-Can fly to a Mach 100 speed.
-Acts as Superwoman since October 1945.
-Defeated Zod invasion in July1946.
-Initial bad relationship with Batman but now close friends and allies. Together with Flash they conform the Justice League.
-Didn't act as Superwoman during the World War II because she was afraid of her powers. After the discovery of the Holocaust and the atomic bombs she decided to step in and showed herself to the world on autumn 1945.
-Worst enemy: Lex Luthor, heir of Nikola Tesla, rocket engineer & CEO of TELCORP (Tesla-Luthor Co.)
-Deeply in love with Louis Lane, who strongly rejects the superheroine.
-She hides her supersuit and cape under her normal clothes. The material is extraordinarily thin, flexible and resistant, and very easy to wear under normal clothing. Whenever someone needs Superwoman, she just needs to find an inconspicuous place, rip her shirt, unfold her cape and fly away at full speed.
-Widely admired.
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art by https://www.deviantart.com/bluerollerball
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art by Gabriel Larragan (Ko-Fi)
The El family & Krypton
Krypton was a decadent civilization located on a moon near a large gaseous planet in the Orion belt, next to a green sun. In the past they had visited Earth and other planets expanding civilization, but their penchant for slavery, war, resource extraction and violence caused many of these projects to fail. Even in 10,500 BC the Kryptonians almost caused the terraforming of the Earth, melting the poles and destroying Atlantis and other civilizations, causing among other things the end of the Ice Age. Nearly 99% of humanity perished during that Kryptonian attack.
Over the centuries the Kryptonians lost the fuel necessary to travel across space and ended up confined to their planet, dedicated to warfare, genetic engineering-creating clones whose organs they needed to extend their lives-to pleasure and to exploiting the subsoil of their planet. The Kryptonians also established a dictatorship with a caste system based on genetic engineering and prohibited natural reproduction.
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Jor-El and Lara were a couple of scientists critical of the system and supporters of the abolition of the caste system. They also fought against genetic engineering, violent repression, and the permanent destruction of the ecosystem. After a series of terrible earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and gas outbursts, it became clear that Krypton's core was collapsing, due to the energetic drilling and magnetic energy used in Krypton's industry. The Planet was doomed but the ruling caste ignored it. Jor-El and Lara had a daughter, Kala-El in a natural way against all the rules of Krypton. Lara managed to manufacture a small ship capable of making a space jump to save her daughter from the end of Krypton. General Zod stole her design and managed to build a larger fleet of ships but Jor-El managed to sabotage them and send the fleet to the Phantom Zone, a black hole near Krypton.
Lara decided to send Kala to Earth, confident that the culture of this planet was much more hopeful and kinder, and less prone to the mistakes of Krypton than other distant inhabited planets closer to them. Jor-El preferred to send her to New Genesis, another distant inhabited planet, because there Kala would receive less radiation and develop less extraordinary abilities that would allow her to live a normal life, but eventually Lara convinced him. During her journey to Earth and her growing period under a yellow sun, Kala would develop wonderful powers and could live a long life in the service of mankind, rehabilitating Krypton's legacy.
Within hours of Kala's birth, she was placed in the small ship, accompanied by the robot guide Kelex, whose memory was imprinted with the consciousness of Jor-El and Lara, as well as nearly all of Krypton's cultural heritage. They included several Kryptonian artifacts inside, such as a nearly indestructible ceremonial female ancestral caped suit with the crest of the House of El on its chest.
The ship was launched just hours before Krypton's demise and travelled through space for thirty years...
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art by https://www.tumblr.com/bobbinalong
Joe&Martha Kent, Kansas life
Joe and Martha Kent were a Quaker farming couple whose farm was struck by the pod carrying Kala-El the 28th of February of 1918. Although owners of substantial property they were a very humble, cooperative, austere, devout, and civil rights-minded people. Martha Kent was a descendant of Kansas abolitionist guerrilla fighter John Brown. They both raised Clara very lovingly and unwilling to ask too many questions about the baby's origin. Clara was a very sickly child as her body did not adapt to the Earth. She was an affectionate and obedient girl and devoured books. The Kent family were avowed supporters of the New Deal and Joe Kent was a member of the local farmers union.
With puberty Clara developed very fast, and her superpowers began to appear. She soon began to excel in swimming and ballet, while still questioning her origins, but Joe forbade her to pursue a professional career to prevent her from taking advantage of her powers, and moreover he forbade her to use her superpowers to help others, fearful of humanity's reaction and wary of savior messiahs in the era of interwar dictators.
Clara rebelled against her father but eventually gave in, fearful of her own abilities and understanding her parents' position. During these years, Clara didn't fit in very well, but she had two best friends, Pete Ross, with whom she was secretly in love, and Lana Lang. Pete didn't know about her superpowers, but Lana did. In 1936 Joe Kent died of a heart attack, devastating her daughter. Clara was unable to go to college after her father's death and worked as a teacher and nurse's aide in Smallville. Her engagement to Pete Ross, her teenage sweetheart failed in 1939 when she revealed her powers to Pete and he panicked, although he later promised to keep the secret. In those times of sadness, Kelex, the Kryptonian robot, was activated, explaining to Clara her true origins, which filled her with confusion.
Between 1939 and 1941 Clara lived in Canada and Alaska searching for the Fortress of Solitude, a strange place Kelex was pointing, but with the outbreak of World War II she decided to enlist as a nurse in the Pacific, refusing to use her powers except to help the wounded, fearing to cause more harm than good. In late 1944, the hospital ship on which he was traveling, the USS Shuster, was torpedoed by the Japanese. Clara jumped into the water and managed to keep the ship afloat with her super strength until she managed to beach it. No one understood how miraculously the ship had stayed afloat and even levitated. The incident was kept secret. Clara got a permit to return home and she revisited Alaska where she found the Fortress of Solitude with the help of Kelex. There she was able to better understand her origins and began to train her superpowers.
After learning about the Holocaust first and the atomic bombs later, Clara decided to become Superwoman and help others with her superpowers dressed in the ceremonial Kryptonian costume of her ancestors. Her mother Martha supported her decision. She relocated to Metropolis, where in September 1945 she was hired as an assistant reporter by Major Louis Lane, who had just returned from Europe.
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art by LuisF47 - Hobbyist, Digital Artist | DeviantArt
On October 1, 1945, Superwoman unveiled herself to the world and caused a huge sensation. The world was changed forever. Superwoman introduced herself to the newly formed United Nations, explaining her origins and her desire to help others and to stay out of political conflicts except to protect civilians.
Clara Kent began her double life as a journalist and as Superwoman. In July 1946, she defeated the invasion of General Zod and the survivors of Krypton. She also had to face other enemies such as the Intergang - an alliance of all organized crime in Metropolis and Gotham, Atomic Skull - an ex-Nazi agent with terrifying technology, Lex Luthor who began to develop his hatred and paranoia towards the superheroine, and his creations such as Metallo.
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art by https://www.deviantart.com/xtophe
Perry Weiss, a major shareholder and editor in chief of the Daily Planet. Born in Odessa in 1886. Jewish immigrant from humble origins who became a skilled journalist and founded the Daily Planet as a tool of the liberal wing of the Metropolis Republican Party to unseat the city bosses of the time. Still a staunch liberal, he supported Roosevelt in 1932 and 1936, is an ally of Mayor LaGuardia. He won the Pulitzer Prize in the 1920s for defending the innocence of Sacco and Vanzetti. Friend and ally of Louis Lane's father. He is very demanding with his employees but is very fond of Clara. He admires and defends Superwoman despite Louis Lane's distrust. Best friend of Cat Grant.
Cat Grant, Co-chair of Perry Weiss, Pulitzer winner, closeted lesbian, and Ayn Rand Fan. Born 1901, she comes from a fine family of Metropolis Knickerbockers. She is like Louis the least liberal element of the newspaper. To protect herself she married a very old friend of her father who helped her lead a double life. For twenty years she lived with a painter named Margaret Ivy. Considered the best writer of the Daily Planet, in addition to being a journalist she has published two novels. Very elegant and popular in intellectual circles. She is tremendously authoritarian. She mistreats Clara a lot because she does not respect her authority and because of her different political ideas, but as Clara grows as a journalist and Cat Grant suspects that she is Superwoman, she will protect her and push her forward without Clara knowing it. Best friend of Perry Weiss
Jimmy Olsen and Lucy Weiss, best friends of Clara.
Jimmy is a junior urban photographer. He comes from a town in Massachusetts. He is 7 years younger than Clara. He is a party animal, friendly, generous, and somewhat naive. Yet he is a skilled photographer who has been able to capture the worst of the night and day of Metropolis. Miraculously he always gets the best pictures of Superwoman (Clara helps him a little). Very democratic and complains about working for a newspaper that is too conservative for his taste. Adores Clara whom he treats as his big sister. It doesn't even cross his mind that she is Superwoman. Jimmy thinks that Louis is a snob and a bigot.
Lucy is a senior political photographer and the only woman on photo reporting on the Daily Planet who works outside the fashion department. She is the eldest daughter of Perry Weiss. She is an intrepid photojournalist who gets overseas passes and has been to several military conflicts. A loyal friend of Clara, and a very serious and professional woman. She is suspicious of Clara's double identity but would never say anything. She is the same age as Clara and a lover of jazz and the more alternative circuits of Metropolis.
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art by https://www.deviantart.com/milkydraws8/gallery
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art by https://www.artstation.com/pabloalcalde
YEAR: 1948
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art by https://www.deviantart.com/rickcelis/gallery
-Rich family, born in 1912, first of 6 brothers.
-Caustic, cynical, ironic but somewhat kind.
-Lives in Park Avenue with his 6-year-old daughter and his rich unfaithful wife, fashion reporter Pat Lane (neé Kelly). Very unhappy marriage.
-Major rank during the war in the US army. He also worked with the OSS.
-Elegant, sportsman, plays violin.
-Teaches music lessons in an orphan house in secret.
-Not that snobbish nor Wasp, new rich family traits.
-Arkham University alumni.
-Classic music and literature lover.
-Heavy drinker.
-Does not enjoy journalism, thinking of quitting to politics or teaching literature.
-Jewish father (Lane surname is a change from Lantzman), Irish catholic mother, raised catholic and religious, but not extremely orthodox.
-His father is a self-made tycoon who started as democrat in the Tammany Hall and then switched to republican. Close ally of Mayor LaGuardia.
-Fought in the European theater during World War II.
-Conservative republican opposed to his father liberal republican views, loves McArthur, who he thinks should be the next President.
-In the past he had a good opinion of Lex Luthor. He saw him as an innovator and freedom fighter, but his opinion changed when Luthor kidnapped him to set a trap for Superwoman.
-Perry Weiss favorite reporter.
-Won the Pulitzer Prize in 1941, for his articles about the first defeat of the Intergang.
-First person to interview Superwoman.
-Very nice and paternalistic to Clara. Louis pushes Clara's career forward despite Cat Grant's opposition. He is also secretly in love with Clara. Although he rejects Superwoman and suspects she is the same person as Clara, he deludes himself and rejects these suspicions.
-Tired of New Deal Politics, anticommunist.
-"a brilliant and kind man" for most of the Daily Planet staff, a "terrible asshole" for many others like Jimmy Olsen.
-Strongly rejects Superwoman and other heroes.
-Sometimes Clara really hates him.
-Famous line "Neither reds nor capes".
-He lives a bizarre love triangle with Clara Kent and Superwoman. Although he publicly rejects the superheroine, he also desires her and he and Superwoman have had moments of passion, which Louis feels guilty about because he is married and because of his religion. On the other hand, he is in love with Clara Kent as much as he rejects the figure of Superwoman. He deludes himself about the identity of both. A bit James Stewart in Vertigo, which destabilizes and infuriates Clara.
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art by https://akiko02.carrd.co/
Lex Luthor
Rocket engineer, CEO of TELCORP and Heir of Nikola Tesla. A Brilliant scientist who defines himself as a "radical humanist"...but in the early 30s supported closely fascism to stop "imperialism" and "usury" but later changed his mind and move closer to the USSR to fight "predatory western capitalism". Publicly, he is a tycoon and scientist loyal to the United States and works closely with the government. The world's greatest philanthropist. Loving father and husband. Hates Superwoman to death and believes she spells the end of humanity. Paranoid and ruthless but convinced that he does everything for the greater good.
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art by https://www.deviantart.com/gus-art
General Zod & Faora
Political dissidents like the El on Krypton on the other hand believed that Krypton's only salvation lay in emigrating and invading, terraforming, and exterminating other planets. They almost succeeded in a coup d'état but after their failure they and their henchmen tried to flee by space jumping their ships, Jor-El managed to sabotage the launch and send them to the Phantom Zone. Over the years they managed to escape and arrived on Earth in 1946, shortly after Clara showed herself to the world as Superwoman. They tried to exterminate all humanity, but Superwoman and the armies of Earth managed to defeat them. Their invasion caused 5,000 human casualties but could have caused complete extermination. The experience was traumatic for Clara because she had to send Zod and Faora back to the Phantom Zone where they would surely die. Zod, Faora and their henchmen had not yet developed the full powers of a yellow sun like Earth's and so several of them were killed by human bombs and missiles. Their remains were stored by Russians and Americans. Superwoman managed to expel all Kryptonian technology and weaponry into space so that humans would not use it for warfare.
A truly near-indestructible abomination.
Perhaps from Krypton's past? Perhaps created by mistake by human scientists?
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art by https://www.deviantart.com/fernando-damasio & https://www.deviantart.com/kristherion
The Toyman
Winslow Schott, former entrepreneur, and inventor of the 1920s toy business who was ruined in the Great Depression by banks and various betrayals. After a crime spree he was imprisoned in 1933 but escaped from prison recently completely crazed and ready to take revenge on the whole city using his inventions.
Brainiac "The Eternal Traveller"
An android resulting from the abhorrent merger of a famous astronaut and artificial intelligence, which was used by the first civilization of Krypton to collect information from other worlds. It is more than 100,000 years old. With the passage of time, he revealed against the Kryptonians, became evil and phobic to any form of life that he considered imperfect or inferior. It caused the destruction of many cultures. He wanders through space visiting planets and analyzing life forms. He probably has no enthusiasm for humans, much less for a descendant of the House of El.
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art by https://www.deviantart.com/dommnics
You can download full free illustrated fanfic in pdf here! SUPERWOMAN FROM KRYPTON-FREE ILLUSTRATED FANFIC by lordmallory on DeviantArt or here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XPh48B9_giTgDpnBXjRP-4Z4ksUU-WzR/view?usp=drive_link
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 1 year
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1500-1599 Recap Part 40:
Agnes had her twins Isabel and Adam. Adrian aged up and that’s when the eyes I liked changed. 
Mary got married and became an Upton. Then had her twins Judith and James. 
Evelyn had Lettice who is secretly one of my favorite sims to come from a side family. She’s so pretty. 
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brokenfuturerpg · 10 months
Hola personitas. Venimos con un aporte que nos ha costado un tiempito reunir. Es posible que algunos PB tengan 1 añito más de lo que pone, porque igual cumplieron recién. Esperamos les guste ^^
Evie Gardner (9)
Charlie Townsend (10)
Alexis & Ava McClure (10)
Everleight Souta (10)
Anniston Price (11)
Sienna Fizz (11)
Willow Morgan (11)
Blayke Busby (12)
Maya Le Clark (12)
Brooklynn Prince (13)
Kingston Foster (13)
Trinity Valenzuela (13)
River Woollard (14)
Isla Stanford (14)
Nuala Chee (14)
Shiloh Nelson (14)
Raegan Revord (15)
Sarah Dorothy Little (15)
Scarlett Estevez (15)
Cailey Fleming (16)
Indi Star (16)
Nicolette Durazzo (16)
Pressley Hosbach (16)
Priah Ferguson (16)
Havanna Winter (17)
Kristina Pimenova (17)
Mabel Chee (17)
McKenna Grace (17)
Ruby Rose Turner (17)
Dafne Keen (18)
Grace Vanderwaal (19)
Lily Chee (19)
Loreto Peralta (19)
Millie Bobby Brown (19)
Sissy Sheridan (19)
Anna CathCart (20)
Maddie Ziegler (20)
AmyBeth MnNulty (21)
Ava Michelle (21)
Billie Eilish (21)
Kaia Gerber (21)
Rowan Blanchard (21)
Sadie Sink (21)
Sophia Lillis (21)
Cara Taylor (22)
Iris Law (22)
Mackenzie Foy (22)
Meghan Roche (22)
Isabela Moner (22)
Yael Yurman (22)
Ester Expósito (23)
Kiernan Shipka (23)
Aitana Ocaña (24)
Amandla Stenberg (24)
Brec Bassinger (24)
Fran Summers (24)
Joey King (24)
Lani Baker (24)
Lily-Rose Depp (24)
Paris Berelc (24)
Sabrina Carpenter (24)
Ariel Winter (25)
Bella Thorne (25)
Elle Fanning (25)
Georgina Amorós (25)
Luna Bijl (25)
Maya Hawke (25)
Peyton List (25)
Sydney Sweeney (25)
Vittoria Ceretti (25)
Bella Hadid (26)
Camila Cabello (26)
Chloë Grace Moretz (26)
Ella Purnel (26)
Grace Elizabeth (26)
Hailee Steinfeld (26)
Jean Campbell (26)
Kylie Jenner (26)
Lana Condor (26)
Lili Reinhart (26)
Lisa Manoban (26)
Madelaine Arthur (26)
Maisie Williams (26)
Momo Hirai (26)
Odeya Rush (26)
Olivia Holt (26)
Pyper America Smith (26)
Shannon Purser (26)
Valentina Zenere (26)
Abigail Breslin (27)
Anya Taylor-Joy (27)
Courtney Eaton (27)
Dove Cameron (27)
Dua Lipa (27)
Jennie Kim (27)
Karen Méndez (27)
Katherine McNamara (27)
Kelianne Stankus (27)
Kelly Berglund (27)
Kendall Jenner (27)
Lydia Graham (27)
María Pedraza (27)
Sarah Gilman (27)
Sophie Turner (27)
Birgit Kos (28)
Danna Paola (28)
Georgia Hirst (28)
Gigi Hadid (28)
Jisoo Kim (28)
Melanie Martinez (28)
Natalia Dyer (28)
Nicola Peltz (28)
Haley Lu Richardson (28)
Halsey (28)
Liana Liberato (28)
Tiera Skovbye (28)
Adele Exarchopoulos (29)
AnnaSophia Robb (29)
Barbara Palvin (29)
Camila Mendes (29)
Claudia Salas (29)
Cleo Massey (29)
Dakota Fanning (29)
Emilija Baranac (29)
India Eisley (29)
Julia Garner (29)
Letitia Wright (29)
Luma Grothe (29)
Madelaine Petsch (29)
Meghan Trainor (29)
Mina El Hammani (29)
Ritu Arya (29)
Saoirse Ronan (29)
Taissa Farmiga (29)
Alycia Debnam-Carey (30)
Ariana Grande (30)
Charlotte McKinney (30)
Debby Ryan (30)
Elizabeth Gillies (30)
Irina Isasia (30)
Linnea Berthelsen (30)
Miley Cyrus (30)
Naomi Scott (30)
Sofia Carson (30)
Cara Delevigne (31)
Demi Lovato (31)
Gaia Weiss (31)
Grace Phipps (31)
Josefin Asplund (31)
Karlie Kloss (31)
Kate Upton (31)
Kaya Scodelario (31)
Lali Espósito (31)
Madeline Brewer (31)
Mimi Doblas (31)
Selena Gomez (31)
Shailene Woodley (31)
Vanessa Morgan (31)
Emma Roberts (32)
Jasmine Tookes (32)
Kiko Mizuhara (32)
Malese Jow (32)
Sarah Hyland (32)
Willa Holland (32)
Ashley Benson (33)
Brie Larson (33)
Daveigh Chase (33)
Emma Watson (33)
Indiana Evans (33)
Jane Levy (33)
Jennifer Lawrence (33)
Jordan Claire Robbins (33)
Kristen Stewart (33)
Leven Rambin (33)
Margot Robbie (33)
Sophie Cookson (33)
Taylor Swift (33)
Blanca Suárez (34)
Candice Swanepoel (34)
Cariba Heine (34)
Coco Rocha (34)
Emma Greenwell (34)
Emma Stone (34)
Emmy Raver-Lampman (34)
Elizabeth Olsen (34)
Janel Parrish (34)
Kat Graham (34)
Lily Collins (34)
Lily James (34)
Lucy Hale (34)
Nathalie Emmanuel (34)
Nina Dobrev (34)
Melissa Benoist (34)
Phoebe Tonkin (34)
Riley Keough (34)
Úrsula Corberó (34)
Vanessa Hudgens (34)
Zoë Kravitz (34)
Adele (35)
Ana de Armas (35)
Blake Lively (35)
Claire Holt (35)
Gemma Ward (35)
Jessie J (35)
Karen Gillan (35)
Rihanna (35)
Tania Raymonde (35)
Vanessa Kirby (35)
Alba Flores (36)
Candice Accola (36)
Chiara Ferragni (36)
Ellen Page (36)
Emilia Clarke (36)
Holland Roden (36)
Lyndsy Fonseca (36)
Rose Leslie (36)
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (36)
Shay Mitchell (36)
Shelley Hennig (36)
Alexandra Daddario (37)
Amanda Seyfried (37)
Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey (37)
Camila Sodi (37)
Ilfenesh Hadera (37)
Irina Shayk (37)
Jameela Jamil (37)
Lady Gaga (37)
Lily Aldridge (37)
Leighton Meester (37)
Megan Fox (37)
Nathalie Kelley (37)
Pom Klementieff (37)
Ruby Rose (37)
Troian Bellisario (37)
Anna Kendrick (38)
Arden Cho (38)
Crystal Reed (38)
Diana Hoyos (38)
Doutzen Kroes (38)
Gal Gadot (38)
Isabel Lucas (38)
Jena Malone (38)
Katy Perry (38)
Keira Knightley (38)
Lana del Rey (38)
Laura Haddock (38)
Maggie Civantos (38)
Rooney Mara (38)
Scarlett Johansson (38)
Ashley Madekwe (39)
Gina Rodriguez (39)
Martha Higareda (39)
Olivia Wilde (39)
Paty Cantú (39)
Rachel Taylor (39)
Tessa Thompson (39)
Torrey DeVitto (39)
Alyssa Sutherland (40)
Anne Hathaway (40)
Emily Blunt (40)
Esther Acebo (40)
Gemma Chan (40)
Golshifteh Farahani (40)
Jamie Chung (40)
Katie McGrath (40)
Mila Kunis (40)
Miranda Kerr (40)
Nicky Minaj (40)
Alexis Bledel (41)
Anna Paquin (41)
Beyoncé (41)
Cobie Smulders (41)
Elisabeth Moss (41)
Hayley Atwell (41)
Kirsten Dunst (41)
Lauren Cohan (41)
Melissa Fumero (41)
Natalie Dormer (41)
Priyanka Chopra (41)
Bryce Dallas Howard (42)
Carrie Coon (42)
Genevieve Cortese (42)
Jenna Dewan (42)
Natalie Portman (42)
Stephanie Beatriz (42)
Hannah Simone (43)
Kristen Bell (43)
Rebel Wilson (43)
Sophia Myles (43)
Zooey Deschanel (43)
Bianca Lawson (44)
Claire Danes (44)
Evangeline Lilly (44)
Felicia Day (44)
Jennifer Morrison (44)
Jodi Lyn O’Keefe (44)
Maggie Q (44)
Rachel McAdams (44)
Rose Byrne (44)
Chelsea Peretti (45)
Cindy Sampson (45)
Danai Gurira (45)
Ginnifer Goodwin (45)
Katheryn Winnick (45)
Michelle Rodriguez (45)
Zoe Saldana (45)
Carice Van Houten (46)
Emily Deschanel (46)
Liv Tyler (46)
Lynn Collins (46)
Naomie Harris (46)
Shakira (46)
Elsa Pataky (47)
Isla Fisher (47)
Kate Winslet (47)
Marion Cotillard (47)
Milla Jovovich (47)
Paz Vega (47)
Reese Witherspoon (47)
Angelina Jolie (48)
Charlize Theron (48)
Christina Hendrix (48)
Drew Barrymore (48)
Eva Longoria (48)
Amy Adams (49)
Aishwarya Rai (49)
Elizabeth Banks (49)
Eva Mendes (49)
Lena Headey (49)
Penélope Cruz (49)
Victoria Beckham (49)
Gwyneth Paltrow (50)
Kristen Wiig (50)
Li Bingbing (50)
Vera Farmiga (50)
Najwa Nimri (50)
Sofía Vergara (51)
Winona Ryder (51)
Cara Buono (52)
Jennifer Connelly (52)
Melissa McCarthy (53)
Naomi Campbell (53)
Uma Thurman (53)
Queen Latifah (53)
Cate Blanchett (54)
Jennifer Aniston (54)
Jennifer Lopez (54)
Lucy Liu (54)
Naomi Watts (54)
Julia Roberts (55)
Lauren Graham (56)
Nicole Kidman (56)
Salma Hayek (56)
Pamela Anderson (56)
Helena Bonham Carter (57)
Robin Wright (57)
Sandra Bullock (59)
Demi Moore (60)
Marcia Cross (61)
Julianne Moore (62)
Jamie Lee Curtis (64)
Michelle Pfeiffer (65)
Sharon Stone (65)
Geena Davis (67)
Sigourney Weaver (73)
Jessica Lange (74)
Meryl Streep (74)
Susan Sarandon (76)
Diane Keaton (77)
Hellen Mirren (77)
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samantha-chicago · 2 months
Who I Write For
These are all the characters I write for. Please keep this in mind when requesting anything.
All requests will be written in a female POV Many Thanks
Chicago P.D.
Adam Ruzek Jay Halstead Kevin Atwater Dante Torres Hailey Upton Kim Burgess Greg 'Mouse' Gerwtiz Hank Voight (Not Romantically)
Chicago Fire
Kelly Severide Joe Cruz Matthew Casey Blake Gallo Stella Kidd Randall 'Mouch' McHolland (Not Romantically) Sam Carver Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek Christopher Herrmann (Not Romantically) Wallace Boden (Not Romantically) Sylvie Brett Violet Mikami Leslie Shay
Chicago Med
Connor Rhodes William Halstead
911 Lone Star / 911
Evan Buckley Eddie Diaz TK Strand Carlos Reyes
Christina 'Chris' Alonso James 'Jim' Street Victor Tan Dominique Luca Daniel 'Hondo' Harroldson Decon 'Dec' Kay (Not Romantically)
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myhauntedsalem · 6 months
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Hamilton Hall
Salem, Massachusetts
For over two hundred years Hamilton Hall on Salem’s scenic Chestnut Street has served as a gathering place for the community. The building dates to 1805, when Samuel McIntire was commissioned to design a meeting place for Salem’s Federalist Party. It was named to honor Federalist Party leader Alexander Hamilton.
As the 19th century progressed, the Hall became an ideal place for dance studios due to Samuel McIntire’s signature spring floors. Lorenzo Papanti, a master dance instructor from Boston regularly held classes at Hamilton Hall, attended by the children of Salem’s elite. The dance classes later gave way to grand debutante presentations and balls. In the 20th century, local instructors Henry O. Upton and Harriet James continued the tradition of providing lessons at the Hall, which lasted into the 1970s.
One of the Hall’s oldest traditions and its largest fundraiser is the annual Christmas Week Dance, which can be traced back to the 1880s. Money is also raised for the Hall through a lecture series sponsored by the Ladies Committee. The series has been in place for seventy years and features a variety of speakers, discussing domestic and foreign affairs.
In 1970, Hamilton Hall was designated as a National Historic Landmark and today is regularly rented for banquets, weddings and, as its original intention, a meeting place.
There have been claims of seeing an apparition of a male on the stairwell, then just disappear. Visitors have claimed to have felt unusual cold spots throughout the house.
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“Ruki-kun you know about books more than me! I was wondering if you could recommend me some, I’ve read the most of the selections like adam shakespeare, 50 shades of grey and more. I’ll give you my blood in return for the favor.”
Ruki: Shakespeare and E. L. James are your best examples?
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Ruki, pinching the bridge of his nose: Here, Livestock.
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Ruki: I'll give you a couple to borrow, do take good care of them; Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, and William Golding's Lord of the Flies. They are far more thought-provoking.
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torreshalstead · 3 months
On a crowded street in 1944 - Chapter 11
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Summary - The four walls of Upton’s General Store were all Hailey knew although she longed to see what else life had to offer. When a handsome soldier walks through the door, she thinks he might just be the answer to the life she wants to have. But it was 1944 and the country was at war. Would fate smile on her or would her heart be another casualty of the war?
Chapters - 11/15
Notes - we are back to our regularly scheduled Saturday chapters, thank you for the support on this story ❤️ AO3 Link
December 1944
It had been two months since she had last received a letter from Jay, and the feeling that it was just a delay with the postal service had been replaced with a far less pleasant thought.
Hailey could only think of one reason why Jay wouldn’t be writing to her.
But she also thought she would feel it in her heart if something terrible had happened to him, and although the pain of missing him still persisted, it wasn’t joined by something more horrid.
It didn’t stop Hailey from scouring the list of the missing and dead that graced the back pages of the paper every day. She diligently went through each one, checking for a Halstead. She knew him as Jay but was aware it might be a nickname. He could be a James or a John Junior or any name beginning with a J for all she knew. But still, no Halstead’s appeared in her search so she let herself continue to hope.
Maybe his letter had just gotten lost. Because he would write if he could. And she knew he would, because she knew him. She loved him. And he loved her.
Oscar still turned up once a week to take her to the tea shop where he still ordered her a tea. He had never asked if she would have preferred anything else and she didn’t correct him. For Hailey it was just another example of how poorly they were suited to each other. Jay would have asked her.
Still, their time together was pleasant with only mild discussions of the wedding. It was too far off to plan anything so any time he brought it up, she managed to dismiss it without him raising too much of a fuss.
Unfortunately the same could not be said for her father who had taken out a half page advert in the newspaper announcing the upcoming union between the Upton’s and the Farrell’s. He had written the notice himself which would explain why it read as more of a business transaction than an excited father writing about his daughter’s wedding. But Hailey supposed that’s exactly what it was. It was a business transaction. His excitement was only for himself.
Hailey still hadn’t got any more specific details regarding who had promised who what but she knew her father well enough to see behind his smile. From the small amount of information she had gleaned from his loud voice and their apartment's thin walls, she believed it was that Upton General Store was looking to become the sole supplier of Farrell products - very popular leather working tools. It was a good deal and if Hailey’s own happiness hadn’t been thrown in as a bargaining chip, she might have been proud of her father for arranging such a deal.
But as it happened, every time he smiled, it made her stomach turn just a little.
Christmas was just around the corner but with the empty hope that Jay might have been home by Christmas a distant memory, Hailey wasn’t looking forward to the occasion. As with most things, they would decorate the store much more lavishly than their own apartment - all part of the act, and then come Christmas morning she would spend hours slaving away with her mother to prepare the lunch, minus the meat centrepiece this year, and her father would gulp it down without so much as a thank you or an offer to clean the dishes after.
The one relief was that the store would be closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day, giving her just a little reprieve and she might even get a chance to venture out without having Oscar on her arm. Just a little taste of the freedom she would be giving up soon.
Still, she hoped that Christmas would bring her one thing - a letter from her love.
January 1945
Her Christmas wish didn’t come true.
It had been three months since her last letter from Jay and she was now worried.
Everyday she diligently checked the lists in the papers and still no Halstead was listed, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t missing in action or, heaven forbid, had been taken prisoner. She knew nothing and somehow the not knowing made everything worse.
She pasted on a fake smile every day, served the customers in the store, completed her chores and listened to her mother get excited about her wedding. And then she would cry herself to sleep, the edges of Jay’s previous letters becoming worn and tattered from her continuous reading. Not that she needed to read them anymore, she knew every one off by heart. But she could imagine him holding the letters and touching them was as close as she could get to touching him.
She had debated trying to get in contact with someone in Jay’s family in case they had received news, but the only family she knew was his brother who was also at the front. There was no one else from what Jay had told her. So even if the worst did happen, she would have to wait for his name to be printed alongside the names of all the other poor souls who had laid down their lives for the good of their country. She didn’t know if there was a delay between when the news was received or when it got printed.
She knew nothing apart from that Jay hadn’t written and her heart was aching.
February 1945
February brought Valentine’s Day and still no news of Jay. Oscar bought her flowers, roses, not her favourite but he hadn’t asked and she hadn’t told him. Still, they brightened up her bedroom but not her mood.
Her mother had noticed her change in demeanour, her usually bubbly personality had been replaced by something far more meloncoly. She didn’t bring it up but Hailey noticed the small things she did for her to try and brighten her mood. She would slide extra portions onto her plate when she cooked her favourite food, she managed to get some sample fragrances that she suggested Hailey could wear on her next date, she offered to curl her hair for her. She appreciated them but still, her heart was pining and the longer it went between his letters, the more she believed the worst had happened.
He had been killed.
He had been taken prisoner.
He wasn’t coming back to her.
What she also knew but refused to fully consider was what Jay not coming back to her would mean for her. She would be bound to marry Oscar. A man she didn’t love.
March 1945
Hailey’s hope was dwindling away. She was holding tightly onto a thought that was looking less and less possible, her fingers blistered and bleeding from holding the thread so tightly. There was still no news. She started hoping when she checked the list of young men’s names in the newspaper that she would see his, then at least she could get closure.
She knew she’d never love again, that her heart belonged to him even if he was no longer walking this earth, but the not knowing was worse. Her mind spiralled through all of the possibilities, each one worse than the previous and never giving her a moment's rest.
Oscar had started to notice her shift in mood, how could he not, but she appreciated him not commenting on it. On their dates he would let her sit in silence, not attempting to fill the air with inane comments that she didn’t care about. If he ever guessed what was truly going on behind her sky blue eyes, he never said anything.
The ring on her finger still felt foreign but it was still a way out, she wouldn’t be beholden to her father after she was wed. Well, not completely anyway.
She tried as much as she could to focus on the positives but they were few and far between. She still cried herself to sleep most nights, having to splash cold water on her face and her red eyes before going down to the store in the morning to prevent any questions being asked. She couldn’t cope if she was made to voice aloud what was working through her mind.
April 1945
There was nothing.
The words that she had from Jay were all she was ever going to have.
They said the war would be ending soon, that the boys would be home before the end of the summer.
If that news had come months ago it would have made Hailey happier than she ever would have thought. But not now.
The end of the war was the deadline for her chance. When the end of the war came, she would be held to her word, to the promise she had given Oscar when she had accepted his ring and tested his patience.
She would be his wife.
And Jay would be nothing more than a memory, a part of her that would always remain but could never continue to be.
She thought about throwing out his letters, where reading them had originally brought her joy, they now only brought her pain. They were full of promises that would never be kept, of dreams that could never come true, of a life that Hailey was destined to never live.
But she couldn’t bear to part from them, they were the only piece of Jay that she had left. And if the worst had happened to both him and his brother, she may be the only person to keep their memory alive. The only person who would visit the graves that may or may not hold their bodies, to mourn at the monuments that would be erected with their names carved into it, the only person who knew the good person that he had been.
May 1945
Her nightmares had started to get worse, Jay would be walking towards her, a smile plastered on his face as he climbed down off the boat, the Stars and Stripes flying high above him. Just as he was getting to her, his arms wide to pull her into him, a blush of red would start to spread across his chest, staining his pristine uniform scarlet. His face would whiten, becoming sunken and ghost like, his handsomeness long gone and replaced with something else. Before she could get to him, to help stem the bleeding, he would drop down in front of her into a lifeless heap in the ground.
She would then wake up, her breathing heavy and her skin damp from sweat.
She started trying to keep herself awake at night so the haunting images of Jay wouldn’t fill her mind. But no matter how she tried, when she would succumb to sleep, the beautiful vivid images of their life together she had previously imagined were replaced with something far more hideous.
June 1945
The sun had started to come out but Hailey’s smile had yet to make a reappearance.
What did she have to smile about?
The countdown to the end of the war was on, the excitement in the air was palpable. But the countdown to her was far less enjoyable.
She wished she could be excited, wished the prospect of the white dress and a promise of forever love brought her an ounce of joy. But it was starting to feel more like a prison sentence that she herself had signed her name to. Her positive attitude and hope had vanished and been replaced by a morbid person she wished she had never met.
She wasn’t proud of who she was becoming but there was only one way to fix a broken heart, and hers would never be whole again.
July 1945
The war was over.
The banners and flags were flying high, the pictures splashed all over the newspapers. People were rejoicing in the street, knowing that their men and boys would be home soon, at least those who had survived the atrocities.
The street parties were planned. The parades for the returning soldiers, both to honour the fallen and celebrate those who had returned.
But for Hailey. It meant that her timeline had run out. She was to marry Oscar.
The war had ended, but Jay wasn’t coming home.
She would never be Mrs Halstead. She would never be his wife. She’d never have his children and share his life. The dream was just that. A dream.
She was to marry Oscar and now there was no delaying it.
When everyone else was celebrating and cheering together in the street, Hailey cried herself to sleep, the sobs ripping through her body in anguish as she clutched her copy of Agatha Christie to her chest, remembering the promise a young boy had given her.
A promise she knew he would have kept if he could.
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