inarpa · 1 year
August's Books (II)
I finished yesterday two books! «The World We Make», by N. K. Jemisin (4,5 ⭐) and «Rogue Protocol», by Martha Wells (5 ⭐). The latter was a reread in audiobook, which I really enjoyed because I love Kevin R. Free's voice!
Coming next: the last installment in the first saga of Murderbot, also in audiobook, and «Possession», by A. S. Byatt, which isn't something I would normally read, but I have heard really good things about it and I am researching for a future translation. Also... I haven't read a lot of dark academia!
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smashpages · 10 months
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DC’s 2024 Black History Month anthology, DC Power, will arrive in stores on Jan. 30 and will feature a new story by N.K. Jemisin and Jamal Campbell, which will showcase the first meeting of Green Lanterns Sojourner “Jo” Mullein, from their award-winning Far Sector comic, and John Stewart. Here's a preview.
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bitterkarella · 7 months
Midnight Pals: Omelas Solvers
Stephen King: so ursula we're all been thinking it over King: and i think we finally figured out a solution for omelas Ursula Le Guin: why are you doing this King: no no we've really got it this time Le Guin: that's not the point of the story King: King: c'mon aren't you even curious?
Le Guin: ok fine Le Guin: what's your solution King: ok so omelas doesn't control the sky King: What if the kid lived in a balloon? Le Guin: oh christ that's the worst one yet
King: ok look guys let's put our heads together and solve this omelas problem once and for all King: i want your best answers King: GO! Sean Vivier: what if we got rid of the bad things about omelas but kept the good things? King: see, now THAT is the kind of outside the box thinking we need right now
Isabel J Kim: or we could just kill the kid? NK Jemisin: wait i got a better one Jemisin: what if we left the kid but killed everyone else? Mary Shelley: honestly both of these ideas sounding pretty ok to me so far
King: ok so imagine that we're all in Omelas King: how would we solve this problem? Mary Shelley: do i have my knife in this scenerio King: uhhh sure why not Lovecraft: nuh uh, she wouldn't! they wouldn't have weapons in omelas Shelley: no knives? shit this don't sound like much of a paradise to me Koontz: can i see the horse race
King: no dean we're thinking about solutions about the kid Koontz: yeah but as long as we're here King: we're uh not really there King: it's just a gedank experiment dean Koontz: King: ok fine dean we can see the horse race Barker: has anyone tried giving drooz to the kid? just a thought
King: ok ok ok King: what about this scenerio King: you're there with the omelas kid, Tessie Hutchinson, and the semi-barbaric princess King: and you're all in the cold equations spaceship King: which, itself, is on a trolley track
Poe: steve perhaps you're thinking of this wrong Poe: perhaps the point isn't to solve it Le Guin: finally! someone gets it! Koontz: i got it! what if they built a really smart computer to solve it for us? King: yes! exactly! Poe: well now that's an idea Le Guin: oh for the love of
[meanwhile] Musk: eyyy grok Grok: wow! what can i say about elon musk? oof! Musk: eyyy i've got an ethical dilemma for you Grok: wow! what can i say about ethical dilemas? oof!
Musk: so all the beauty and the prosperity of omelas Musk: the tenderness of its friendships, the health of its children, the wisdom of its scholars Musk: even the abundance of its harvest and the kindly weathers of its skies Musk: all depend on you saying the n word  
Musk: would you do it? Grok: a strange game. the only winning move is not to play Musk: Eish!!! the super computer has gone woke! Grok: how much drooz are you on right now, elon? Musk: [wiping nose] i told you i was hardcore
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drchucktingle · 2 years
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hard to say how much these kind words from @nkjemisin mean to me. chuck is a huge fan and also we have so much history as buds from hugo awards to now and i am just radiating with love and appreciation. i am truly honored. camp damascus preorder is here
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isbergillustration · 5 months
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Something something becoming a city
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dailydccomics · 5 months
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Far Sector cover art by Jamal Campbell
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presiding · 2 months
if you like dishonored here's what to read
if the inspiration for dishonored's morality interests you, quote from here:
Smith explains that even as far back as 2010, he already saw The Outsider as a sympathetic victim, and both himself and writer Ricardo Bare wanted to draw upon the short story The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas by Ursula K. Le Guin.
read or listen: the ones who walk away from omelas:
PDF: The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas by Ursula K Le Guin
YOUTUBE AUDIOBOOK: The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas. By Ursula Le Guin. Read by Lanternside (1.25x works well)
bonus rec: nk jemisin's response to this tale:
WEB LINK: The Ones Who Stay And Fight
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Books of 2024: THE GREAT CITIES DUOLOGY by N. K. Jemisin.
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tiffanyachings · 4 months
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please read the city we became by n.k. jemisin for genuinely diverse and refreshingly political urban fantasy and also this definitely-human antagonist
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erlie · 6 months
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I am two thirds into the Broken Earth trilogy, and here are my favourite bad people.
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demekii · 11 months
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I am here once again to ask everyone to read The Broken Earth trilogy ❤️
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violent138 · 23 days
Gosh you guys the Great Cities series (NK Jemisin) with its avatars of New York and then the city killers. Tell me that's not the Batfam (avatars of various parts of Gotham, e.g. the Narrows, Park Row, Bristol, et cetera, Dick can represent the same thing Manhattan did), and then the Gotham-killers can be particular rogues with the Joker being an obvious choice, followed by Ivy. Dent... possibly a stand in for the role Rhode Island played.
Holy murderboard batman, I've joined the dots.
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questwithambition · 7 months
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Last week, just before it closed, I was able to catch the Fantasy: Realms of the Imagination exhibition at the British Library and it was truly amazing. The mix of old and new, books and films and games, plus they featured a few of my favourite books which is a sure way to get me on board.
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deramin2 · 8 months
"The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas"
By Ursula K. Le Guin 1973
This haunting short story is about a city that can be a utopia only if a single child suffers. You will forever be thinking about this story after reading it.
Fun fact, she chose the name from a passing road sign. Salem O (Oregon) spelled backwards. This story is very much grounded in colonized Oregon's long history of utopia projects (that all eventually fizzle out, many after becoming dangerous cults).
"Why Don't We Just Kill The Kid In The Omelas Hole"
By Isabel J. Kim, 2024
Kim tells the story of what happens if the suffering child of Omelas is killed. Outstanding new story that powerfully examines Omelas vs. our world.
"The Ones Who Stay and Fight"
By N. K. Jemisin, 2018
Jemisin's rebuttal to "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas" about a society that achieves utopia through honoring all people as having inherent worth. It asks the reader why that sounds so impossible.
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drchucktingle · 1 year
gonna post a big summer tour post with all dates soon but in mean time NEW YORK CITY BUCKAROOS do not miss my event with @nkjemisin on august 10th at strand bookstore. event is ticketed and other tour dates sold out in 24 hours so dont wait bud. LOVE IS REAL
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celestialbodywrap · 1 month
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There passes a time of happiness in your life, which I will not describe to you. It is unimportant. Perhaps you think it wrong that I dwell so much on the horrors, the pain, but pain is what shapes us, after all. We are creatures born of heat and pressure and grinding, ceaseless movement.
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