#Jesse x Kix
sokadraws · 1 year
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my cuties🤲
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neeyak · 2 years
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doodles for Twitter friends
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cloneshipping7567 · 1 year
Romantic Confessions Part 15
Part 15/30
5. "I am so very in love with you."
Pairing: Jesse x Kix
Rating/WC: M/3,198 words.
Warnings: injuries, probably incorrect medical procedures, Jesse gets a lil high off pain stims lol.
Notes: This is my first time really trying to incorporate mandoa into one of my fics, and it's also my first time creating OC clones! Apologies for any similarities to anyone else's OC clones.
“No, vod, the cot on the left of that one. That one is still bloody. Careful with him!” Kix groans in annoyance, applying even more pressure to the poor shiny’s leg he’s currently stitching up. He appreciates when regular troopers try and help him and his team in the med tents, but sometimes he swears they don’t have common sense. “Put him down gently, you don’t want to hurt him, do you?”
“Sorry, sir,” the not-so-helpful trooper says bashfully. “Here, Trench, scoot back a bit…”
“Kix?” Coric asks, walking over with a a med kit. Kix looks away from the mess going on in front of him to look at his fellow medic. “I can take over, if you’re needed elsewhere.”
Kix smiles gratefully, turning his attention back to his patient.“What’s your name, trooper?” 
“D-don’t have one, yet. My batch called-” he grunts as his leg spasms, causing Kix to apply even more pressure. “Called me Four-Six, the last two d-digits of my number.” 
Kix nods, smiling in reassurance. “Alright, Four-Six. Coric here is going to take over for me, stitch you up and give you a bacta patch. Are you ready?”
Coric opens his med pack and starts applying a band above the wound to help stem the flow for the stitches, nodding at Kix. 
“Y-yeah. Thank you, sir,” he mumbles, turning his attention to Coric. 
Kix slowly pulls his hands away, allowing Coric to take over. “He still needs a pain stim, do you have one?” At Coric’s affirmative, he leaves them and walks over to the pair of troopers causing havoc in his med tent. “Trench, was it?” Kix asks, politely smacking the friend’s hands away and adjusting the trooper himself. 
Trench nods, grimacing in pain. “Y-yeah, that’s me. I got hit in the side with shrapnel from an explosion.” he points to his right side, and his friend awkwardly stands at the head of the cot. 
Kix nods and starts to carefuly remove Trench’s upper armor pieces, and hands them to his friend just so the poor kid has something to do. “And what’s your name, vod?”
“Uh…” he looks down at the armor in his hands and then back up at Kix. “Rung, sir.”
Kix hums, grabbing his scissors and turning his attention back to the patient. “Good job bringing your friend in,” he says softly. He cuts off the upper blacks, and hisses through his teeth as he takes in the wound. At least he isn’t actively bleeding out. “Yeah, it got you real good there. Lay back and try to get comfortable, I’m going to get you a pain stim and then I’m going to remove the shrapnel and slap a bacta patch on it. I don’t think you’ll need stitches, but I’ll need to see it once the foriegn bodies out, okay?”
Trench nods, gritting his teeth together in pain. “Sounds good, doc,” he gets out. 
Kix nods back and stands up again, going over to his makeshift desk in order to grab the pain stim and his tweezers and tray. He looks over the rest of his patients on the way back to Trench’s bed, making sure they’re all still stable. 
“Alright,” Kix says, sitting beside the cot once more. “I’m going to give you the pain stim, and then give you a few minutes for it to kick in. Are you ready?”
Trench nods, taking in a deep breath and holding it–maybe he’s been through this before. 
Kix doesn’t give him a count down, just jams the needle into Trench’s neck and winces in sympathy as he gasps. “There we go. Give it a couple minutes, you won’t feel a-”
“I’m really fine, sir, I promise. I don’t need to see the medics.” Kix looks up immediately, putting his tray and tweezers down on the bed near Trench’s legs. They all have the same voice; but he knows that one. He would know it from a hundred klicks away. 
“Considering you can’t stand up by yourself, I’m going to disagree with you,” a tired voice responds, instantly recognizable as Rex’s. “You were blown out of the sky, Jess. Let the medics take a look at you.”
“Was not,” Jesse argues, hobbling into view with his arm around Rex’s shoulder, who is half carrying Jesse into the med tent. “I happened to be in a gun ship which crashed due to enemy missiles. I’m perfectly fine.”
Rex rolls his eyes and makes eye contact with Kix. “How’s it going in here, Kix?”
Kix pats Trench’s good shoulder gently, and walks over to the pair. “Well, all things considered. Almost everyone has been patched up, and most everyone who came in has already been sent back to camp. How’s clean up going, sir?” Kix steps forward and throws Jesse’s other arm over his shoulder, and puts a hand on Jesse’s chest to help him balance. 
Rex adjusts his hold so he’s supporting Jesse’s back, and Jesse’s arm slides down Rex’s back until it’s resting at his side. “Mostly well. Not very many injured clones this battle, mostly just…”
Kix works his jaw, dipping his head in respect for his lost brothers. It explains why his job has been unusually calm today. The group Kix was with during the fighting was with the General and Captain Rex; naturally, less soldiers get hurt when with them. Kix himself didn’t see much more of the fighting.
“I’m really fine,” Jesse says again, once the silence has gone on just a second too long to be comfortable. “I promise. I can help with the clean up, sir.”
“Your orders are to let Kix look you over and treat any injuries you have. You can help once the CMO has cleared you for action. Am I understood, Lieutenant?” 
“Sir, yes sir!” Jesse says, straightening up out of habit and wincing in pain after he has. He sinks forward into Kix’s hold, jaw clenched tightly. Kix fights back a sigh; perfectly fine. Sure. 
Rex steps back, keeping his arms out just in case, as he lets Jesse get used to Kix’s support. “Good. Kix, let me know if you need any additional support.”
“Yes sir,” Kix agrees, and starts to lead Jesse back to an empty bed. “Coric, can you handle Trench when you’re done with Four-Six?”
“Yes sir, I’m almost done here. You take care of Lieutenant Jesse.” Coric doesn’t look up from his stitchwork, too focused. He isn’t one to joke around or tease while on duty; that’s saved for the barracks. 
“Great,” Kix says, turning to Trench. “Is that pain stim starting to kick in yet?”
Trench slowly turns his head to Kix, as if he’s two seconds behind real time. “Oh, yeah,” Trench drawls, smacking his lips. “Take-take your time. I feel…great.”
Kix snorts and nods at him and Rung, before leading Jesse all the way to the back. There’s a curtain here Kix can draw; they’ll be in relative privacy. “You got blown out of the sky?” Kix asks softly, not wanting to be overheard. 
Jesse grunts, turning his head to force a smirk in Kix’s direction. “Nah, I just happened to be in a gun ship-”
“Which was blown out of the sky,” Kix cuts him off, helping Jesse turn and sit on the cot. “Where all does it hurt? I need to know how to lay you down.”
“You know I like it on my back, baby,” Jesse says, eyes alight with mischief. Kix narrows his eyes, unamused. “Everywhere, it hurts everywhere. I do think I’m good to lay on my back, though. I think I just bruised up my left side.”
Kix hums and starts to gently manuever Jesse onto his back on the cot, ignoring his pained pants and gasps for now. “Okay. Let’s get your armor off, and I’ll look you over.”
Jesse sucks in another shaky breath, but tries to smile at Kix through his grimace. “Bet you-you would want me out of my armor-”
“Save your breath,” Kix says, rolling his eyes. “I’m going to check you for a concussion first. Look straight ahead for me?” He pulls out his flashlight and lines it up with Jesse’s eyes.
“I’d rather look at you, darling,” Jesse murmurs, but he does as he’s told and stares at the opposite wall of the tent. 
“You’re so annoying,” Kix complains, but shines his light and moves it around to check. His pupils look fine, dilating normally. No concussion, at least. “Do you remember hitting your head at all?”
“I think I hit my head when I fell for you, Kixy,” Jesse says, lulling his head to the side. “But I don’tremember hitting it in the crash.”
“I am trying to triage you,” Kix says, exasperated, and leans away from Jesse. “Can you take this seriously?”
“You always worry too much,” Jesse informs him, one side of his mouth quirking up into a cheeky smile. “I’m really fine, I just got bruised up. I was really lucky.”
“I worry because you’re stupid,” Kix says bluntly, starting to gently pull Jesse’s armor off. “And you avoid medical at all costs. You could be actively dying and you would find a way to avoid letting me take care of you.”
“I take offense to that,” Jesse mumbles, trying his best to help Kix. Kix moves down to get the lower half of Jesse’s armor off and allows him to get the upper half himself. “I like you taking care of me. Especially in the bedroom. I just don’t like medical.”
Kix gives him an unimpressed look, finishing up the lower armor and moving to help with Jesse’s chest and back plate. “I am working, Jesse. Behave.”
“If I’m good, will you give me a treat?” Jesse asks, immediately disobeying. “You know how much I love su-”
“Doesn’t matter, since you’re apparently set on being inappropriate,” Kix hisses, gently smacking Jesse on the forehead. At Jesse’s affronted look, Kix smirks and starts to peel Jesse’s uppers off. “Lean forward for me, you can hold onto my shoulders if it helps.”
Jesse carefully gets himself into an almost sitting position by grabbing onto kix’s shoulder, and while he’s obviously in pain he’s still smirking at Kix. “I think I know how to ride you by now, Kix.”
Kix barks a surprised laughed, finally getting Jesse’s shirt off and helping him lay back down. “Shut up,” he hisses, but his own amused smile gives him away. “You’re impossible. Let me look at you.”
Jesse grins, rolling a bit on his good side so Kix can see part of his back as well. “See? I’m fine. Just lots of bruising, I bet.”
Kix runs his fingers gently over Jesse’s side, frowning at the coloration. “You’re bruised to hell and back,” Kix mutters, narrowing his eyes when his fingers catch. He goes back to that spot and presses gently, causing Jesse to release a whimper through gritted teeth. “And you broke a couple ribs.”
“Kix,” Jesse whispers, sucking in a gasp and wincing as he does. “Ow.”
Kix sighs sadly, moving his hands up and looking over Jesse’s arm. “You bruised your elbow pretty bad, too.” He gently moves Jesse’s arm, bending it, and frowns when the other man lets out another pained gasp. “Sprained. I’m going to wrap it up, but bacta won’t do much for this.”
Jesse hums in acknowledgement, watching Kix’s fingers as they gently explore his injuries. “What about on my back?” he asks softly. 
Kix lets his eyes flit to Jesse’s, and gives him a soft smile. “Roll over a bit more for me. Are you sure you didn’t hurt your other side? You aren’t putting pressure on any injuries?”
Jesse shakes his head and rolls over so almost his entire front is on the cot. “No, my right side feels fine.”
Kix runs his fingers over Jesse’s back, pressing on some parts and ensuring the bruising isn’t too bad. He doesn’t want to miss any signs of internal bleeding. “You banged yourself up pretty good, Jesse,” Kix confirms, sighing sadly. 
“My hip hurts, too,” Jesse says, looking over his shoulder at Kix. “You might have to roll down my lowers.”
A part of Kix wants to narrow his eyes and call banthashit, but the medic in Kix doesn’t want to waste any time. He doesn’t say anything, just pulls Jesse’s lower blacks down and examines the area. “Did you land on it during the crash at all?”
“Kind of. I mostly just landed on my left side, which is why it’s all bruised.” Jesse shifts a bit, wincing as his arm brushes over his ribs. 
Kix runs his fingers over the bruises, sighing again. “I don’t think you have any cuts or internal bleeding. I think you just need a pain stim and rest. The ribs are going to be your biggest problem, but you’re going to be sore all over for at least a week.”
“Move your fingers a little and you could leave me a more satisfying kind of sore,” Jesse whispers, smiling and reaching down to brush their fingers together. 
Kix sighs heavily, pulling Jesse’s lowers back up and glaring at him. “Seriously, Jesse?”
Jesse only chuckles breathily, rolling over onto his back and wiggling to try and relieve as much discomfort as he can. “Worth a shot.”
Kix rolls his eyes and walks over to his desk, grabbing another pain stim. He jams it into Jesse’s neck without warning, earning a squawk of indignation for his efforts. “Let that kick in, I’m going to check on my more well behaved patients.”
Jesse pouts, his right arm wrapping around his body to rest lightly over his broken ribs. “But I’ll miss you,” he whines.
Kix shakes his head, but he can’t stop the small smile from forming on his lips. “You’ll live, I’ll only be gone a few minutes. Call if you need anything-but remember Coric is here, and he might check on you instead.”
Jesse tries to give a put on sigh, but winces at the pressure on his ribs. “I guess I won’t expose myself, then.” he grunts, rolling his eyes.
Kix doesn’t dignify the sarcasm with a response, just leaves and checks on the other vode who need his attention. Most of the troopers have fallen asleep, aided by pure physical exhaustion and the pain stims. He makes his way towards the entrance, and sees Coric is carefully pulling the shrapnel from Trench. “How’s it going here, Coric?”
“Good,” his fellow medic says without looking up. “Four-Six is all patched up, and I’m letting the bacta do its job. How’s the lieutenant?” 
“Bruised very badly, broke some ribs and sprained his elbow. Nothing to be done except to administer pain stims.” Kix looks over at Four-Six, smiling at the way he’s fallen asleep with his mouth hanging open. “Lucky, all things considered.”
“I asked the captain, and no one else in the gunship made it out.” Coric does look up at that, dropping a piece of metal into the tray. 
Kix feels his heart start to beat harder and faster, at just the idea of Jesse having died today. If the ship had exploded on impact with the ground, as they often do; or if he had been sucked out of the ship and fallen to the ground himself; if no one had searched the ship for survivors-
“Breathe, sir,” Coric says softly. “You just checked him over. He’s fine.”
Kix swallows thickly and realizes he’s holding his breath. He slowly pushes the air out through his nose, nodding once to Coric. “This was a-a hard won battle. Too many casualties.”
Coric nods in agreement. “I can handle things from here. Go get some rest, I’ll wake you up for your shift.”
Kix takes one last sweeping look around the tent, and nods at Coric again. “Thanks, vod,” he mumbles, before heading back to the curtained off section of the tent. 
Jesse sluggishly looks up at Kix, and a dopey grin spreads out across his face. “Heeeeey baby,” he greets, just a bit too loud, considering where they are. 
Kix lets out a soft laugh, closing the curtain and sitting beside the cot. “Shush, you’re being too loud.”
“Let’em hear me,” Jesse argues, reaching down and grabbing for Kix’s hand. Kix takes mercy and curls their fingers together. “They’ll just know how…how…yeah.”
Kix laughs and brings Jesse’s hand to his lips to kiss. “They’re trying to sleep, love. They need to rest too.”
“I don’t need rest. I just need you,” Jesse says, his eyes warm and full of affection. “You’re perfect.”
Kix ducks his chin and smiles, leaning on the cot. “You’re only saying that because of the pain stim.”
“Nuh uh,” Jesse argues, squeezing Kix’s hand. “I’m only saying it because-because it’s true and it should be said. You should know it.” He smiles again, using his other hand to run his fingers over Kix’s hair as far as he can reach. “You’re so pretty, Kix. You have cool hair.”
Kix snorts, scooting closer so Jesse doesn’t put any pressure on his broken ribs. “Are you feeling better?”
“Mhm,” Jesse confirms, his eyes roving over Kix’s face with such intensity it almost brings a flush to his cheeks. “You fixed me.”
Kix shakes his head fondly, resting his head on Jesse’s chest on his good side. He plays with Jesse’s fingers, keeping his hand in both of his. “Good, I’m glad you aren’t hurting as much.”
Jesse runs the fingers of his right hand gently over Kix’s hair, smiling down at him. “Oh, gods, Kix.” Kix frowns, ready to get up and force him to lay still and rest if he’s in pain. But then Jesse laughs and runs his fingers down the side of Kix’s face. “I am so very in love with you. It’s like my heart is gonna burst out of my chest just to get to you.”
Kix laughs at that, sneakily pressing two fingers to the pulse in Jesse’s wrist just to make sure his heart rate is actually normal. “Jesse…”
“I love you so much, Kix,” he whispers, his eyes starting to droop. “You’re so perfect, and you make me so happy, and all I ever wanna do is be with you. I love you.”
Kix is definitely blushing now. He leans forward and connects their lips softly, just to make him stop talking. Jesse obviously finds it hard to kiss back, but Kix doesn’t really mind. He moves their lips together, and adjusts for Jesse’s clumsy attempts to reciprocate. Jesse’s fingers curl over Kix’s hair, and he squeezes Kix’s fingers with his other hand.
Kix smiles and pulls back, rubbing their noses together gently before pulling back further. “I love you too, Jess. More than anything.”
Jesse beams at him, like Kix personally hung all the stars in the sky, and sighs happily. “Kix.”
“Go to sleep, love. I’ll be here when you wake up.” With a new pain stim, he doesn’t add. 
“Don’t let go of me,” he mumbles as his eyes fully slip closed. “Hold my hand.”
“I will,” Kix promises, kissing Jesse’s jaw before resting his head back on Jesse’s chest.
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nottonyharrison · 1 year
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Jessix, Medbay on Patreon
44 notes · View notes
brooks-skirata · 2 years
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Y son novios, y son novios
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medic-6116 · 1 year
Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: General Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CT-5597 | Jesse/CT-6116 | Kix Characters: CT-5597 | Jesse, CT-6116 | Kix Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Light Angst, Chronic Pain, Service Dogs, Modern Setting, Trans Clone Troopers, Trans CT-6116 | Kix, Good Boyfriend CT-5567 | Jesse Series: Part 3 of 501st Bingo Summary:
Kix has a pain flare-up on top of everything else; Jesse's there to help.
501st Bingo is hosted by @clonefandomevents​​ Prompt used is Hurt/Comfort
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candyfloss5000 · 2 months
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coffeeandbatboys · 5 months
The Clones reacting to you smushing their cheeks
Idk I had this idea and thought it’d be cute. Since the clones are supposed to have round cheeks, visualize live action and not animated 😂
Warnings: none, just fluff.
Fives, Wrecker, Hardcase, & Tup: Loving it so much, will lean into your hands and give you heart eyes. Maybe even press a few kisses to your hand.
Cody, Jesse, Kix, Echo, Vaughn & Mayday: Will blush profusely and look side to side for a second, before giving in and flashing you a tiny smile.
Rex, Hunter, Tech, & Fox: Not sure what to do, just give an awkward smile and internally scream because they secretly find it super cute.
Crosshair, Wolffe & Dogma: Not understanding any of it. Don’t know what you’re doing, not sure that they like it, 3/10 do not recommend.
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stellarbit · 3 months
Shifting Loyalties NSFW
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Word Count: 7.7k Pairings: The Bad Batch x fem!reader, Tech girlies you get an extra treat. Warnings: I'm not gonna lie y'all, this is smut with almost no plot. I can't list it all. I have no excuses, it's all the batch at once so that should give you an idea of what you're walking into. But no clonecest here. Barely proofread. Summary: The Bad Batch and you are supporting the 501st on a mission, where you are reunited with your old squad. The Batch get a bit jealous and Jesse fans the flame. NSFW
Fives is alive for this because, who doesn’t need more Fives and who doesn’t want to scream at canon sometimes.
“It’s obnoxious is what it is.” Crosshair spat, biting down hard enough on his toothpick to snap it in two.
The source of his irritation was the scene unfolding amongst the men of the 501st. During another last-minute mission as General Skywalker's backup, you and Echo had settled in with your former squad before it was time to turn in for the night. Gathered in a loose circle were Echo, Rex, Jesse, Fives, Kix, and you, catching up while the Batch observed from a distance.
Perched on a crate, with Fives at your side leaning on an elbow and talking your ear off, you crossed your ankles and swayed your feet lightly, clearly enjoying the conversation. When Fives' hand casually landed on your thigh, emphasizing his point, Wrecker couldn't suppress a low groan.
"What's so special about those guys, anyway?" Wrecker grumbled, tossing a hand in your direction as a loud laugh escaped you. "I bet it's not even that funny!"
Paying as little attention to the situation as possible, Tech interjected, "There's nothing 'special' about them. It’s simply a shared history." He glanced up to see Fives stand a bit taller, gesturing animatedly as he dominated the conversation. Fives leaned closer to you, his hands gripping your knees for balance.
Logically, there was nothing wrong with their behavior. As Tech understood it, such comradery was not uncommon amongst the regs. Yet seeing you at the center of it set his teeth on edge.
Kix and Jesse had picked up on the Batch’s attitude the moment you stepped off the Marauder. Rex warmed up to the 99’s but the rest of the 501st maintained their distance. That distance solidified into distaste when you left the 501st to join the Batch.
As Rex and Echo broke away on their own, Jesse sidled up to your side, opposite of Fives, with Kix at his side. While Fives pulled every laugh out of you he could, Kix noticed the scowl Tech was leveling him and subtly nudged Jesse.
“Looks like we’ve got an audience.” Kix muttered.
Jesse glanced briefly towards the four Batch members who were watching intently. "Oh, really?" Jesse scoffed, his gaze sweeping over the group before returning to you with a renewed, cocky smile. “Well, then let’s give them something to look at.”
Hopping up next to you, Jesse leaned into your space to position behind your back and hovering over your waist. “Say, Shorty?” He finally interrupted Fives’ ramblings, getting the ARC trooper to push off of you.
“Oh!” You laughed. “Back to ‘Shorty’ are we?”
Fives crossed his arms and grinned, “Well, seeing as how you are shorter than us - you’ll always be a shorty to us.” He nodded towards his brothers at your side. You rolled your eyes, but the small smile tugging at you betrayed your enjoyment
Catching this, Jesse and Fives shared a knowing look, Fives briefly glancing at Jesse's hand still poised near your side. Fives then uncrossed his arms and nodded subtly.
“As I was saying…” Jesse continued, his tone teasing. “You ever get over that little twitch of yours?”
A confused look passed over you. With a small shake of your head you asked, “What ‘twitch?’”
Without warning, Jesse’s hand snapped to your side, his fingers wiggling into your ribs, eliciting a yelp as you jumped into him. In a desperate attempt to escape his tickling, you shimmied forward, laughing through the discomfort. The sudden movement toppled you off the crate, straight into Fives’ waiting arms. Without missing a beat, he caught you with one arm cradling your ass and the other holding you by your waist.
Jesse and Kix chuckled as you shoved against Fives, your feigned anger fooling no one. Kix leaned over to Jesse, musing, "Oh, they didn't like that one bit."
“Looks like someone should go lend them some comfort.” Jesse said sarcastically, sauntering off towards the four troopers.
From their side, the Batch watched on in disgust as you sat in Fives’ arms losing yourself in laughter. He hoisted you over his shoulder, bouncing you a couple of times for show, before setting you back on your feet.
"Show off," Hunter muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes as he turned from the spectacle. He gestured to his brothers with a brisk nod. "C'mon lads, let’s head inside." Despite the order, Tech, Wrecker, and Crosshair remained firmly in place as Jesse approached, his presence igniting further irritation.
A guttural growl rumbled from Crosshair as Jesse closed in, his tone playful yet provocative. "You're not heading out so soon, are you, fellas?" He jerked a thumb back in your direction, his grin sharp. "You’re missing all the fun over here."
“Oh goody.” Crosshair angled a mean smile at him, placing a toothpick between his lips. “Tell me, are all regs as dull as you?”
Maintaining his composure, Jesse leaned in slightly, his confidence unshaken. “With her smiling like that, I can’t say I’m too worried about being dull. We always kept her smiling. In fact, most nights with us ended with her being happy.” He casually rested a hand on his hip, his smirk widening. “Guess you fellas are only good with clankers.”
Tech, standing next to Crosshair, frowned deeply, his eyes flicking between the men of the 501st and you. His voice was sharp, clinical. “What exactly are you insinuating?”
Before Jesse could reply, Wrecker pushed forward, his massive frame towering as he stepped between his brothers. His voice was deep and menacing, each word dripping with threat., “Yeah, what are you in-sin-ua-ting?”
Jesse stepped closer, meeting the challenge and smirking up at the large clone. “I’m saying, we must’ve been doing something you aren't.” His gaze briefly flickering over to where you were mingling with others, finally realizing where Jesse had strayed off to. While he could, Jesse snuck in one more jab. “Guess Echo didn’t tell you everything. We were more than a squad to her.”
The implication ripped a growl from Crosshair, but before he could escalate the situation, your warm voice broke the tension. “You wouldn’t be causing trouble now, would you, Jesse?”
Jesse turned toward you with a feigned innocence, his chuckle light. “Of course not,” he replied smoothly. “Just catching them up on the old days.” As he clapped a hand on your shoulder and gave it a playful shake, he threw in, “Speaking of which, why don’t you bunk with us tonight, Shorty? It’ll be just like old times.”
His use of your nickname in front of your squad heated your face. From the noise Crosshair made, you were going to have trouble living that down.
With a laugh, you rolled his hand off your shoulder, your tone light but firm. “Oh, I don’t think so. I actually need to get some sleep.” You poked a finger into Jesse’s chest plate playfully yet pointedly. “Which I’m sure wouldn’t happen with your lot around.”
Wrecker's eyebrows flew up as he shot a look at Hunter, who wore a similarly stunned expression. They were just beginning to catch glimpses of your unfiltered self, and while they had suspected the men of the 501st were trying to rile them up, they never dreamt of the level of intimacy you just admitted to.
Seeing you banter so comfortably with the regs, with laughter and playful jabs, left the Batch glowering. For the first time in their lives, they were truly jealous of these regs. They were getting used to being the closest to you, the ones you leaned on during missions, and this unexpected side of you—closer with regs than them—struck a chord.
“Let’s go, lads.” Hunter ordered with a firmness that turned your head. You knew your squad was on edge with the regs, but Hunter sounded almost angry. He left without another word and his brothers trailed behind shortly after. Crosshair was the last to leave, flicking his toothpick past Jesse, barely missing his face.
Watching them retreat to the makeshift barracks adjacent to the 501st’s, you turned to Jesse, your expression one of exasperation. "What did you do?" you demanded.
Jesse put his hands up innocently, saying, “Not my fault your squad doesn’t like to share.”
Share? Weighing the worth of further questioning him against checking in with the Batch, you grumbled in frustration and pointed a warning finger at your former squadmate, “You’re just as bad.” Not allowing him to get under your skin as well you made for your barracks. 
You walked in on the Batch quietly conversing, standing around Wrecker as he sat on a bottom bunk. Out of the lot, Tech and Wrecker turned slightly to see you walking in their direction. You gave a little wave as you neared. The conversation fell silent the nearer you got, widening your nervous smile. They are not happy, you inwardly groaned
Attempting to break the tension you said in a light tone, “Can’t believe we’re actually sleeping in the barracks.” Pulling up to the corner of Wrecker’s bunk, you leaned against the post, arms crossed. “Echo will be pleasantly surprised.”
Crosshair snorted, “It fits. He’s full of surprises.” His odd response, again, pinched your brows.
Widening your eyes and raising your brows in the awkward moment, you flared your fingers out around your arms. “Well, I’ll just pick a bunk.”
You pushed off the bunk only for Wrecker to catch you by the elbow and tug you into his lap, teetering on his thigh, with a hand at the small of your back.
You twisted in your spot to smile at Wrecker, who was looking unexpectedly bashful. “What’s all this?” They boys had only recently started toeing past physical boundaries, this was a bit of a jump for them. Further trying to dissipate the tension, you rocked into Wrecker with your hip. “Scared of sleeping alone suddenly?”
Wrecker swallowed hard, his eyes darting briefly to his brothers as if seeking support or reassurance.
Maintaining a polite, albeit confused, smile you followed his line of sight.. While Tech kept his nose in his datapad, Crosshair stepped up next to Hunter, prompting the Sergeant to step forward and take a knee in front of you.
Hunter's gaze was heavy as he took a deep breath, then slowly lifted his eyes to meet yours. The intensity there caused you to catch and hold your breath, something going taut between you.
"We've been thinking," Hunter began, his voice cautious, as if testing the waters. His hand gently came to rest over your knee, his touch causing you to straighten instinctively, pressing you further into Wrecker’s lap. Until then, you had almost forgotten your position with Wrecker, but his large hand then settled more firmly around your waist.
The dual sensation of their touches sent a shiver through you, a subtle tremble that Wrecker evidently felt too, eliciting a soft, strained noise from him.
“There’s something we’d like to do for you.” Hunter smiled, his hand sliding north of your knee.
You went stock still, eyes blown wide as Hunter leaned in. You shot a look at Crosshair to find him twirling a toothpick between his fingers with a satisfied smile. Next to him, Tech caught your eyes. Where Hunter’s eyes had stilled you, Tech’s thrilled you. You were happy to be seated with Wrecker, because having Tech’s full attention made you feel weak.
“What’s that?” You asked, voice just above a whisper, as you broke away from Tech to find Hunter still watching you. You heart jumped into your throat when Hunter’s thumb smoothed over your inner thigh.
“Have you ever thought about-” Hunter paused, clearing his throat to cover up his hesitation. Slowly and calmly he started again, “Have you ever thought about spending the night with us?”
“I already-”
“Think a little harder.” Crosshair cut you off with an amused tune. Your eyes snapped to Crosshair and, somehow, the arrogance in his stance filled you in on Hunter’s meaning. Heat flared through you, flushing your face so quickly you knew even your ears were red. 
On more than one occasion you’d found release lost in the fantasy of being the center of their attention. Every time you witnessed them sans armor you had to manually breathe through professionalism.
Again you looked to Hunter, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth with a slow nod. Hunter dipped his head, hiding the way his smile widened. Barely lifting his head, he chuffed and followed up with, “Would you like to spend tonight with us?” 
You were able to swallow the whine in your throat enough to nod another affirmative. Hunter opened his mouth but was interrupted by Tech.
“That will not suffice.” Both you and Hunter looked to Tech for clarification. Tech adjusted his goggles but shook his head. “If this is something you want, you will need to agree to what we are asking verbally.” Your legs squeezed together at Tech’s stern tone.
You felt Hunter’s gaze shift back to you, but you eyes were trained on Tech. A smile, wobbly and excited, fluttered over your lips. “Yes,” Heat pooled between your legs, you squirmed in Wrecker’s lap, and you said. “I want to spend the night the night with you guys.”
Wrecker’s other hand found your side, firming his grip to hold you in place. He laughed through his nerves, “Watch it with that.”
Suddenly, you became very aware of where you were seated in his lap. Pushed back over his knee, just an inch or so from his crotch. If you twisted even the slightest you’d pressed him. With intent, you carefully turned into him to offer a smile. As Wrecker groaned against the pressure of your leg you offered a half-assed apology. 
Wrecker took one look at you and crashed his lips into yours. A moment of shock hit you before your started moving against him, melting into the feel of his tongue against yours. When Wrecker leaned you back and deepened the kiss, a little needy noise escaped you 
It was enough for Crosshair to kick Wrecker’s foot.  “Ease up.” Crosshair. Wrecker did indeed ease up, breaking the kiss and leaving you dazed and panting in his eyes.
“Sorry,” He chuckled, lifting a thumb to wipe your lips dry. “Got a lil excited there.”
All you could manage was a hum as he righted you in his lap. Hunter tilted his head back, his smile turning into a challe, “You sure wanna do this?”
You answered by sliding from Wrecker’s knee onto his, slipping your arms around his neck, and stopping just as your lips hovered over his. Lightly squeezing his thigh between yours, you said on a breath. “I’ll only say it once more. I want this.” Grinding onto him, you added. “Badly.”
Catching his lips in a slow kiss, you moved with his hands as they found your hips and pressed you harder onto his knee. With every brush of your clit against him, an ache, hot and desperate, grew in your core. The sound of shuffling armor only reached you as Hunter tapped your thigh, easing you back into reality. “Let’s get you out of those clothes.”
Eager to continue as quickly as possible, you bounced off of Hunter’s knee to make quick work of your attire. By the time you were down to your underthings they were all down to their blacks in some way. Tech’s was still zipped up, Crosshair and Hunter had theirs stripped to the waist, and Wrecker was stepping out of his. 
Just the sight of them fully dressed was enough to fluster you, finally seeing them bare made you feel downright feral. 
Wrecker stepped over to you, his already erect cock swaying with him. Your mouth went dry at his size, though it was fitting for a man of his stature. He tilted his head with a grin and gestured for the bunk behind you.
As you sat, you came face to face with his massive member before he dropped to a knee. The idea of taking him first, after not having anyone for a long time, thrilled you as much as it intimidated you. A warm body pressed against your back as a pair of long legs, still dressed in black, appeared on either side of you.
Wrecker hooked his fingers into your panties and pulled them off as Tech, in a low tone, said into your ear, “He’s going to warm you up.” 
The chill his voice sent through you hit at the same time Wrecker’s tongue slid over you. Arching into Tech, you whined as Wrecker picked up a steady pace of long flat licks that ended with covering your clit with his mouth. 
Tech wormed a hand between your bodies to discard your bra and give him access to your chest. Gloved hands cupped around your breasts, gently tracing the shape of them before rolling your nipples between his fingers.
Your entire body tensed as Tech played with your nipples. From between your legs, Wrecker chuckled as he slid his middle finger into you, “Oh, she likes that.” The ache Hunter had ignited grew as Wrecker kissed and sucked on your clit while working his finger into you.
“Is it true that you enjoy this?” Tech asked, applying more pressure as you writhed against him.
“Yes,” You barely managed to pant as you quickly reached your peak. “I do, I do, I-”
As you tightened around Wrecker’s finger, he suddenly broke away from you, leaving you empty and at the painful edge of release. “Not yet.” Wrecker left a kiss on your inner thigh as you grabbed to pull him back, only stopped by Tech holding you against him.
“Not yet.” Tech repeated sternly, again stilling you with his voice in your ear.
Wrecker stood as Tech slid out from behind you. Wrecker took his place, positioning you on top of his lap to spread your knees with his. Taking his finger, still wet with you, he traced your slit all the way to your ass. You were starting to tense at the sensation when Wrecker cooed as he slid his finger into you. “Don’t worry, I gotcha.”
Spread wide as Wrecker fingered you, Hunter could see how badly you ached to be filled. With each stroke of Wrecker’s finger, you visibly clenched. Hunter finally released the length of him when you pressed a hand over your mouth to restrain a moan.
Crosshair stepped in to pull your hand away, letting the tail end of your noises loose. “They could hear.” You whined louder than you wanted.
Crosshair held your face in his hand, angling you to face him. With a hand braced on the top bunk, Crosshair leaned down to your eye level. Sucking on a tooth, he smirked as his eyes roamed your writhing form. Meeting your gaze again he gave you a gentle shake as he practically purred, “Then let’s give them something to listen to.”
He’d distracted you enough that Hunter’s sliding into between your legs startled you. Crosshair released your face when Hunter’s cock made contact with you. You leaned forward for a glimpse of him. His swollen head slid over you until he brushed up passed your clit. Precum leaked from him and slid down to mix with your own wetness. Hunter traced you a few times before he tipped your chin up. 
Lined up with you, Hunter asked, “Ready?” Wrecker buried his finger in you as they both waited for your answer.
“Hunter, please.” You quickly whined, bracing your hand on his shoulders, truly desperate to be filled with him.
Hunter leaned in and rolled his hips into you, slowly breaching you until he was completely inside. “You feel,” Huntered groaned, “So good.” As he started pulling out, Wrecker timed his fingers with him. 
Standing within reach of you, Crosshair pulled himself free of his blacks as he watched on. Your attention only pulled away from where you and Hunter were joined when you caught sight of Crosshair stroking himself.
Your noises grew in volume as the Hunter and Wrecker filled you over and over. Only a few strokes in and your toes were already curlling. Feeling your sudden grip, Hunter fully sheathed himself in you as Wrecker left you empty.
“You good?” Hunter asked in a strained voice as he throbbed within you.
You nodded, a blissful smile flashing over you. “Really good.” 
Beneath you, Wrecker squirmed to reposition himself, even raising you out of his way as he did. You heard Wrecker spit but couldn’t tell what on. Hunter pulled you against him for support as Wrecker pressed up against your ass and slid over its entrance. You tried to whip around but Hunter held you firm. 
Pressing a kiss into your neck, Hunter mumbled, “Tell us to stop and we will.”
While Wrecker waited, throbbing against you, Hunter lightly rocked his hips, moving just enough to rub into your cervix. You watched Crosshair’s head angle to get a view of your ass, then your heaving chest, before settling back on your eyes. He continued stroking himself, smirk growing as a needy expression flooded you. 
You swallowed hard when precum spilled out of Crosshair’s cock. “Keep going.” You moaned, granting Wrecker the permission to pull you down onto him. Your body went taught when the flare of his glans pushed past your threshold. Inhaling, you whined and waited for more of Wrecker.
You only waited a second longer before you were grinding yourself over him, not only taking more of Wrecker but grinding farther onto Hunter. “That’s a good girl.” Wrecker sighed happily as he leaned back on one hand and supported your ass as you moved over him. 
The two of them had you completely filled, stretching you in a way that made you see stars. You knew you’d never be the same after feeling this. Hunter angled your hips enough that each thrust pushed into your G-spot. Each of their thrusts had you whimpering louder as you felt the ache in your core tighten.
Giving your ass cheek a firm grasp, Wrecker’s head fall back in ecstacy. It took everything in him to not move faster and push harder into you. He wanted to feel you make you come completely undone around him, break apart for him even, but he sat back and let you pleasure yourself on him.
Eyes still on Crosshair, you extended an open hand to him, urging him closer. The sniper snorted but obliged you, giving you full access to his body. Resting back on Wrecker, you let Hunter take over the rhythm as you pulled Crosshair closer. 
Swiping a thumb over Crosshair’s slit, his precum spilled over you. Crosshair ran a hand over your hair and around to your jawline. “Of course that’s not enough for you,” Crosshair mused. His cock, thick in your hand, had a small patch of silver hair at its base you brushed as you pumped your hand over him.
Each deliberate move of your hand challenged Crosshair’s composure. He clenched his jaw to hide the pleasure he felt. His resolve cracked as his eyes fluttered and he leaned in to your grasp.
The rare sight of Crosshair’s softened features made you whimper and writhe in Hunter’s hold. Your tightening grip rushed Hunter to his limit. He rested his forehead in the crook of your neck. “Mesh’la, keep doing that and I won’t last much longer.” 
Allowing himself a few shallow thrusts, Wrecker groaned, “I’m right there too.” He’d barely gotten the words out when Wrecker groaned loudly, pumping hard into you as he throbbed and lost control.
Hunter picked up his pace until he quickly pulled out and, a second later, coated you in cum. His hips kept rocking against you, rubbing over your clit and fueling the ache in your core. “Right there, right there.” You encouraged him as he kept moving over you until completely emptied himself. 
With Wrecker still throbbing inside you, paired with the sudden pressure on your clit, your orgasm hit you hard. It wracked your body until your legs quivered. Fucked into an euphoric state, you leaned towards Crosshair, still aching for pleasure. You’d never dreamt this would be a reality and you were quickly becoming greedy. 
“Easy now,” Wrecker murmured and, as gently as he could, eased out of you. Without him and Hunter, you felt emptier than ever before. 
Hunter scooted back enough to sit back on his knees, panting and pushing his hair back out of his face. He watched as Wrecker pressed a kiss to your shoulder and helped you crawl over his legs to face Crosshair.
Prying your mouth open with a thumb, Crosshair hummed down to you, “If you want a taste, you better do it quickly.” A chill ran down your spine as Crosshair pulled you by your mouth, guiding you to the tip of his cock. 
You stuck your tongue out to swirl around his head. He hissed as you eagerly took him into your mouth, bobbing over him and swiping your tongue side to side as you did. As promised, Crosshair only allowed you a small taste of him before pulling you off him.
He knelt to your eye level, crouching on the balls of his feet, to ask, “Do you want more?” 
Your brows pulled together and a lazy smile lifted your lips. “I want you, Crosshair.”
Crosshair stilled for a moment, something striking a chord in him. His eyes quickly scanned yours before he caught your lips in a fast, hurried kiss. He broke the kiss just enough to murmur against your lips, “On your knees.”
The sniper helped you to your feet and got you onto the neighboring bunk. He guided you onto your hands and knees, facing his brothers. There was no teasing nor dragging out the moment. No, Crosshair immediately lined himself up with you, leaned over to cage you in his arms, and whispered, “I’ve wanted to do this for a long time.” 
In one smooth thrust, Crosshair buried himself inside of you, immediately taking up a steady pace as he fucked you into the bunk. Crosshair draped himself over you, sneaking a hand around you and right to the apex of your thighs. 
“Incoming.” Tech chimed from across the room. 
Crosshair held you in place as the barracks door swooshed open and Echo walked in. A drop of panic hit your stomach when Echo’s sweeping look found you. Confused, horror overtook the cyborg and as he hurried over.
Nearly stumbling over Hunter, still regaining his composure on the floor, Echo ripped around to you. “Crosshair, what do you think you are doing?!”
Crosshair pushed off of you, straightening to posture over you and face Echo. Using your hips as leverage, Crosshair slowed his pace and confidently answered, “Whatever what she wants.”
Echo’s expression went stunned as he knelt in front of you. Slightly dazed, flushed, and cum covered, you tucked your face into the mattress in a rush of embarrassment. Still, you whined each time Crosshair’s hips hit yours. 
Echo reached a concerned hand out, encouraging you to lift yourself again. His eyes searched yours, but you were too far gone to do anything but reach for the man in front of you. You ran your hand as far down Echo’s torso as you could and turned to press a kiss into his palm. “Echo.” His name came out on a moan that brought heat to his cheeks. 
“Looks like there is something else she wants.” Crosshair chuckled behind you. He leaned back over you, bringing his mouth to your ear but holding Echo’s stare. “Why don’t you tell Echo what you want?”
You could barely think through Crosshair’s relentless thrusting and the rhythm of his fingers. “Echo.” His eyes slid to you to catch you kissing his hand again. “I want to taste you.” Licking the length of his hand, you wrapped your mouth around his forefinger.
Echo had been growing hard from the moment he saw your bare skin until the softness of your mouth got him instantly hard. Glancing between you, Echo kept an eye on the hand still reaching for him and slowly brought his hips to meet your touch.
As you pried off his codpiece with one hand, Echo assisted in pulling himself out of his underlayer. 
You pulled Echo by his thigh so that he overshadowed your face. Starting at his base, where his balls met his shaft, you flattened your tongue and ran it up the length of him. Reaching his tip, you steadied him with your hand. 
Echo mumbled under a grunt as you moved your mouth over him, “Oh, stars.” 
The taste of Echo narrowed your focus on him, seeking to hear his pleasure. When Crosshair heard your own muffled moans, felt them with his chest against your back, he lifted off you. He traced a finger down your spine, feeling you arch into his touch as he went.
Echo was still adjusting to the reality he’d walked into when you started working your hand in tandom with your mouth. His hand flew to your head, his fingers threading into your hair. He couldn’t help himself as he kept his hand firm and met your rhythm with his own. You slackened into him as he pushed against the back of your throat.
The way you twitched around Crosshair, pulled a moan from him. Sensing your little struggle as you tried to take more of Echo, Crosshair again reached for your clit. “Relax.” He whispered as his hand made lazy circles around you.
Sliding off of Echo you swallowed and looked up to find him watching you with wide eyes and mouth slightly open. You didn’t look away as you opened wider and took him into your mouth. With a deep breath you relaxed as best you could and pushed him to the back of your throat. Moaning around him you pressed on until you felt him squeeze down your throat.
A moan, breathless and low, finally escaped Echo and he held you fast against him. The sounds you’d worked so hard for twisted that familiar ache in your core. Your eyes watered against the pressure as his cock twitched in your throat. You tasted him spilling inside you as he came undone. 
Crosshair grunted, shuddering as you clenched down on him. Unwilling to finish before you did, Crosshair focused his touch on your clit into light, fast strokes.
You tapped Echo repeatedly until he pulled his softening cock out of you. Gasping for air your fell onto your elbows, head hanging over the side of the bunk. Face down, ass up you sounded on the verge of tears as you warbled, “Cross, I can’t. I’m gonna-”
His thrusts become long, slow, and angled right into the soft spot inside you. “Go on then.” Crosshair urged you on. “We all want to hear you.”
The low tone of his voice finished you. Your eyes rolled back and you cried out as you lost yourself in Crosshair’s hold. He continued pushing you through your release as long as he could until Crosshair had to pull out. Gripping your hips tight, he thrust one final time against you and sent ropes of his cum down your back. In the throws of his own pleasure, his groans matched yours in volume.
It took a few moments for your both to settle back into the present. Your legs were so weak that you were at Crosshair’s mercy to keep you upright. He felt you relax and sag into his him, prompting him to gently lay you to rest on your side. He brushed your hair out of your face, letting you look up at him without moving your head.
He watched you pant a second longer, swallowed and asked, “You okay?”
A little smile came to you. You coughed out an affirmative hum, and warmly croaked, “More than okay.”
Echo came around to your side, looking over you with concern. “What can we do?”
“Relax.” Hunter, already half dressed, came behind Echo and gestured casually towards another area. “Tech’s on it.” His gaze softened as he smiled down at you over Echo’s shoulder. “You really are something.”
His praise sent a wave of warmth through you, though you could only muster a pleasant hum in response, your energy still recovering.
“Tech’s gonna help you get cleaned up. That okay with you?” Hunter waved someone, presumably Tech, over. 
Taking a deep breath, you raised onto your elbow. Tech was indeed inbound carrying some supplies and still full dressed. Suddenly you felt as bare as you were. You couldn’t look away, but gave Hunter the nod he and Crosshair needed to step away.
“C’mon boys, let’s give her some privacy.”
Echo looked you over once more, nodded and followed his brothers lead.
Soon it was just you and Tech in the quiet. For most of what happened, you’d lost track of Tech. Who had, by the looks of it, had steered completely clear of the scene.
Tech settled down next to you, placing a stack of necessities beside your head—clothes, towels, all topped with a bowl of water. You pushed yourself up to a sitting position with one hand, inspecting the items he had brought. “Thank you,” you mumbled shyly, the simple kindness in his preparation bringing some softness you very much needed.
“Sit up.” Tech instructed as he brought the water closer. You followed his order, positioning yourself with your back slightly turned. Looking over your shoulder, you watched Tech dip a small towl in the water before bringing it to your shoulder.
The towel was cool against your flushed skin. Jumping you said through a chill, “That’s cold, Tech.”
“You do not want warm water for this.” Tech said matter-of-factly. “Heat will denature the proteins in the se-”
“Oh! I didn’t know that.” You said quickly, cutting him off while also doing terrible job at covering your embarassment.
Tech rotated between wiping your back and ringing out the towel. When silence again fell over you, Tech asked softly. “Are you in any pain?”
You thought for a moment, doing a mental sweep of your body, and replied, “No, I’m okay.” You squeezed your eyes shut hearing yourself stuttering your words.
Tech immediately questioned you again, “Are you having regrets?”
You flinched to turn around, but kept your back to him. “No.” You replied softly. It went quiet again as Tech did a final swipe of your back.
“Now turn around.” Tech swapped out the towel for a fresh one as you slowly turned to face him. 
Again, Tech dampened the cloth and brought it to your skin, the cool touch hitching your breath. As his hands carefully wiped your skin, he observed your slow, controlled breathing. His eyes darted to yours. 
“You are uncharacteristically silent.” Tech noted bluntly with no follow up theory as to why.
Shoving your nerves to a manageable level, you blurted out, “Why didn’t you join?”
Tech’s hand stilled, but he kept your gaze for a beat. Moving to dampen the towel, he followed it with his eyes. He shrugged, saying, “Not really my thing.”
Your stomach dropped at his simple dismissal. Under your breath you said, “Oh.” 
You kept watching Tech as he brought the towel back to your chest. When it came time to wipe your breast, Tech found your gaze again. He flattened his hand under the cloth and ran his whole hand over your breast, his thumb catching on your nipple.
A brazen surg hit you and you pushed, “So, I’m not really your thing?”
Tech pulled back slightly with his hand wiping you. Raising a brow he asked cautiously, “My thing?”
Despite slightly regretting your line of questioning, your fingers fidgeted together as you clarified, “As in, you’re not interested in being with me.”
His wariness faded as he focused back on his work, again rinsing the towel. “That… is not entirely accurate.” He lowered the towel down between your breasts to your stomach. He wore a cocky smile as he said, “Besides, something such as after care requires a more delicate touch.”
You caught his hand before he made it to your navel. “Then what would be entirely accurate?”
Tech looked up through his goggles, his lip pulling to the side as he weighed what to say next. He wanted to make sure he was indeed being entirely accurate as he confessed, “I’m not interested in being with you in the company of others.”
His insinuation caught you off guard. Sitting a little more upright, your angled your head for a better view of those brown eyes. “So… you do want me?”
Tech’s head sagged slightly as he deadpanned. “Well, of course I do.” In your surprise, you released Tech’s hand and allowed him to finish wiping you down.
Steeling yourself against the warmth following his touch, you prodded further, “What if it was just you and I?”
Missing the subtlety behind you question, Tech simply replied, “That would be different for me.”
“It’s just you and I now, Tech,” You reminded him, voice barely above a whisper.
He was mid rinse when he heard you. The thought caused him to pause only for a moment before he wrung the towel out and turned back to you. Tech didn’t move to touch you. Instead, he muttered, “I did consider that, but I was not certain such an arrangment would interest you.”
Unable to let the chance pass, you grabbed Tech’s wrist again and flat out admitting, “It very much interests me.”
His attention fell to your hold on him for a moment. Gently he pulled out of your hand, moving the cool towel between your legs. Leaning closer as the fabric met your skin, Tech asked, “Does it interest you right now?”
“Well, of course it does.” You repeated his words in an impression of him. He hadn’t anticipated the sudden playfulness in your voice, but it brought a small smile to Tech.
Carefully, he wiped you clean, noting the movement in your face as he found every sensitive bit. When he was satisifed with his work, Tech set all the items he brought on the floor. He sat in front of you, one leg over the side of the bunk, and adjusted his goggles as he took in the full view of you. “You are beautiful," He marveled.
You got to your knees and scooted closer. With bated breath you asked what you've wanted to for weeks, “Can I kiss you?”
Tech blinked once, then twice before responding, “Given the circumstances, that wouldn’t be unwarranted.” There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice that forced a smile from you.
Your reaction pulled a mirrored smile from Tech that had crawling into his lap. With no restraint, you moved in to kiss him. Pecking him with feverish kisses, Tech quickly relaxed into your rhythm to deepen the sensation. It seemed he'd been waiting just as long as you.
His hands slid around to your back and tugged you against him. You held Tech’s face in your hands and ran your tongue across his bottom lip. It took little coaxing for Tech to give you access to his mouth, eagerly meeting your tongue with his.
You sat intertwined, blissfully lost in the taste of each other and comfortable in each other’s hold. Tech hardened beneath you and the angle your were sat on Tech had your crotch directly against his. The realization hit you both at the same time as started moving against one another.
The friction of his blacks made the pressure between your legs that much more mind numbing. Moaning into your kiss, you retreated a fraction with Tech chasing your lips. “Get out of this.” You managed to say.
Tech straightened himself while keeping you in his lap and his mouth on yours. Without breaking away from you, he peeled out of his blacks. Only when he couldn’t budge them farther did Tech pull away. You both were desperate for air, but more desperate for each other.
Dodging Tech’s hands, you helped him the rest of the way out of the clothing and hurried back into his lap. Tech leaned back against the bed post when you were saddled on top of him. With Tech’s assistance you raised yourself over him. The natural curve of his cock allowed you to line up with him without your hands. 
You tried to lower yourself, but Tech’s hand on your ass held you in place. “May I record this?”
Without question you nodded. After he tapped the side of his goggles, he returned your nod and released his hold on you. 
As soon as he eased up you sunk onto him. The sudden fullness of him immediately brightening your smile. Tech firmed his grip on your back, pulling you and your clit against his abdomen. “I’d like you to start slow.”
You gave in to his request, supporting yourself on his shoulders as you patiently rolled your hips. He had you pressed against him in a way that constantly stimulated you, sending more warmth between your legs. When he felt what it did to you, heard his name on your tongue, he started moving beneath you, saying almost in warning, “I’m going to move faster.”
Tech was stronger than you'd imagined, effortlessly sliding you over him and thrusting into you from below. The pace at which you moved against each other, completely intertwined, quickly sent you into delirium. He pressed against you in every way, against the walls of your pussy and the ache in your clit. By the grip you had on Tech, there was no hiding your rising ecstasy.
“That-” Tech grunted out, leaning you further so you were completely against him. “Must feel good.” His tone was confident, arrogant even and it made you want to fuck him until he couldn’t speak.
Still, your new position gave Tech the leverage he needed to find your G-spot. As he grazed it, you cried out his name, encouraging him to maintain that specific angle. “Tech! Keep going right there, please.” Your encouragement ended in pleading.
Doing exactly as you asked, Tech held you in place and drilled into you. Keeping a careful, steady rhythm that in moments took you right to the edge of an orgasm and shoved you right over.
You couldn’t speak as you shook in Tech’s arms. Every inch of you quaked as a softer wave of heat spread through you. Lolling against Tech, he held you close and he rocked you both forward.
Still seated inside you, Tech rested you onto your back with your legs hooked behind him. Turning your cheek with a kiss, Tech exposed your neck. He pumped into you while he trailed kisses to your ear.
“This is the only way I’ll have you.” Tech purred into your ear. You locked your ankles and pulled Tech deeper inside you. Tech noticably throbbed and chuckled softly, “That is not going to help me last.”
You used your legs as leverage to move over him, humming, “Good, I don’t want you to.”
Tech pulled back to flash you smirk. “In that case…” He rested a elbow by your head, held you by your waist and pulled out to thrust back into you. “I’m already close. You need to tell me where you want me.”
Feeling him deep inside you made it an easy decision. You pressed him with another kiss as you said, “Inside.”
Tech rocked hard into you, thoroughly filling you as he came inside you. The two of you settled into each other, spent and panting through mutual trembling. 
“Well,” Tech took a deep breath and pushed up over you. “Let’s get cleaned up.”
After all the heat died down and you were all in fresh clothes, you laid out on your cot with an arm over your eyes. In their respective cots, Crosshair and Echo lounged on the edge of sleep while Wrecker and Hunter and Tech were quietly chatting.
Before the night ended you had one last relentless question.
Popping up on an elbow, you looked towars the still awake men. “Hunter?” You singled out the leader. Once you caught his eye you asked, “What caused all that?” The silence that fell pulled a suspicious smile from you.
With his back to you, Crosshair snorted, broadening your smile. You laughed and asked again, “What?” 
Wrecker groaned, rolling his head back. “It was the regs.”
Echo immediately perked up, twisting to exchange a look with you. “What about them?” Echo asked warily.
Hunter sighed, “Jesse told us about how they used to…” He took a deep breath and rolled his hand as he continued, “Make you happy, let’s say.”
“And Echo knew.” Wrecker grumbled.
“Wait-” You and Echo tried interjecting, but Tech cut in.
“Not to mention you said how you wouldn’t get any sleep with them.”
When the dots connected for you, you covered your mouth, hung open, with a hand but couldn’t back the laugh that bubbled out of you. 
From his cot, Echo covered his face with a groan, “Oh, no.”
Even Crosshair now sat up, exchanging confused looks with Tech, Wrecker, and Hunter.
Crosshair glanced at you and with an annoyed undertone he asked, “What?” He clearly did not like being on the outside of whatever you and Echo knew.
You shook your head and couldn’t fully answer through your laughter. “I never…”
Echo waved his prosthetic in the direction of the wall shared with the 501st. “We never did any of that. Jesse was just getting under your skin.” He groaned again, looking upwards and  begging the Force for help. Gesturing in your direction he added, “And we wouldn’t get any sleep because they’d never stop yapping.”
You took deep breaths to settle down as Crosshair started chuckling. 
“In retrospect, that is the more plausible option.” Tech said, shocked Jesse got the better of him. 
Collapsing on your bunk, you called out warmly, “For the record, I am much happier as a part of this squad.”
Crosshair got the last word in, scoffing the last of his humor away, “Better be.”
taglist: @bruh-myguy-what @baddest-batchers @psychrebel I hope specifically hope this makes you happy
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mori-does-sw · 1 month
PAIRING \ Torrent Company x GN!Reader (Rex, Fives, Echo, Kix, Hardcase, Jesse, Tup) SYNOPSIS \ How the troopers of Torrent Company act when they have a crush on you. WARNING(S) \ None AUTHOR'S NOTE \ This took me an insanely long time to finish, but here we are! Yes, the Mon Gala is a reference to the Met Gala. I am inordinately proud of it.
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Rex is awkward—awkward around you when he realizes how strong his feelings are and awkward doing anything about it. He does more fumbling than flirting in the beginning, stuck in his head and panicking about it, but he gets more comfortable over time.
Give him a break, he’s doing his best.
Despite being standoffish in his affections, Rex is a gentleman and he’ll prove it to you in a million little actions. When you’re commuting through Coruscant, he’ll always walk on the side of you closest to traffic. If there aren’t enough seats of everyone at a group gathering, he would immediately get up and give you his. The second that you admit to being cold, he’s giving you some of his spare blacks.
Speaking of letting you borrow his clothes… seeing you wearing them for the first time almost breaks his brain. He just stands there and stares at you, eyes wide and head buzzing. All he can think about is how karking gorgeous you are, and how he can get you to replace your entire wardrobe with his stuff.
Later, he tells you that you can “just keep it”, and that he has plenty of replacements. He is not subtle at all, and thus deserves all the shit he’s going to get for it.
Rex doesn’t often show up to plans that aren’t mission-critical, not unless a few members of Torrent Company drag him along. Or, if he knows that you’re going to be there.
He could be at the Mon Gala, with all the most famous and wealthy beings on Coruscant, and he’ll literally just show up and talk to you the entire time. If he can’t, if he’s trapped in a conversation that’s actually important or you’re pulled away, he’ll watch from a distance until he can make his way back.
Rex knows his priorities. With a little luck, he might just become as important to you as you are to him.
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Echo’s feelings are pretty contained, much like the trooper himself, but the way he looks at you gives it all away.
You can be doing anything and he’ll be staring at you with literal heart eyes, but he can’t help it. You’re cute. He’ll watch you go about your life, perfectly intent until the warmth in his chest spills over and forces his gaze away to sort through his thoughts.
He’s on the other side of the damn room and you’ve somehow made him go all shy.
Echo’s observant—kind of has to be, as an ARC trooper—and he’ll catalog every habit of yours down to the littlest detail. A part of him craves the intimacy of knowing everything about you, something that fuels his quiet delight at being able to suss out what you’re thinking when others can’t. 
More often than not, his insight into you catches you off guard. Convincing others that you aren’t scared out of your mind is practically a job requirement, but somehow, you can never fool Echo. Not even your bravest face can convince him that you don’t need to lean on him, tell him your frustrations, or hold hands under the table.
Usually, Echo keeps to himself, a little closed off to anyone but his closest vode. But the minute you walk into the room, his mood immediately brightens. He’s quicker to smile and laugh; it’s like all his stress melts away, and that doesn’t go unnoticed by the rest of Torrent Company.
Hardcase has sneakily captured more than a few clips of you two, edited over with so many pink filters and glitter hearts that you’re barely recognizable, and circulated them among the vode.
It doesn’t matter if Echo tries to scour them from the holonet, they become so well-known that clones from entirely different battalions will ask him about his cyare.
He's eternally grateful for the Prime’s dark complexion—you don’t even have to lift a finger to get under his skin. You fluster him too easily. He’s helpless but to forgive you, though, when you smile at him the way you do.
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Fives could care less whether other people are laughing at him or with him—he knows he’s hilarious, and that’s enough to satisfy his ego. The only person who makes him uncharacteristically self-conscious is, well, you.
Yes, Echo has (and will) tease him endlessly for this.
Whenever he’s around you, he’d feel an undeniable urge to do one thing: make you laugh. He cracks a joke and immediately peeks over to gauge your reaction. If he succeeds in making you chuckle, snort, or even just breathe a little harder out of your nose, he lights up. You’re gorgeous when you laugh, even more so when it’s because of him. He can’t help but double down on the bit until you’re too weak to breathe.
Complaining about your sides hurting only prompts him to apologize for “being too funny for you to handle”.
Fives is an incorrigible flirt on a good day, but when he’s around you it becomes 1000% worse. He’s guilty of every cheesy move in the playbook—pretending to yawn and stretch so that he can put his arm around your shoulders, asking you to “hold something” and taking your offered hand in his, or even faux-demanding that you kiss his injuries better. 
He means everything he says, but he’s very careful to make his overtures playful. Fives doesn’t want to scare you away if you don’t feel the same.
Being near to you puts him at ease, soothes an itch he didn’t even realize he had before you both met. He unconsciously seeks out contact with you all the time, pressing his knee to your under the table, bumping shoulders, playing with the fabric of your sleeves. Small things.
So, he’s touchy, and about half of the time he doesn’t even realize it. Why should he, when he’s always shared contact freely with his vode? 
Maybe he makes just one too many comments, gets a little too comfortable in your personal space, gives in to his desire to see you flustered—but when you decide to give him a taste of his own medicine, he’s toast. Smile a bit, touch him, and Fives goes from a cocky, formidable ARC trooper to a stammering cadet.
He’s kind of okay with his brain melting, though, because you’re so pleased with yourself. And although he’s hot-faced and grinning like an idiot, he’s your idiot.
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Much like Fives, Jesse is a joker—one of his favorite activities is making fun of you, and in a way that implies you’re the one who’s crushing instead of him. It’s merciless, especially when the rest of Torrent company catch on to the bit. Getting flustered only makes it worse, easier for him to tease you about “getting nervous around him”.
Watch what you say when he’s around, because anything that could be construed as innuendo will be. Ask an innocent question about if clone armor is hot to wear, and watch Jesse’s smirk grow as he says: “I think I should be asking you that, sugar.”
It’s kind of a way for him to test you, figure out how the idea of liking him affects you.
His vode discover his true feelings when he actually shares his food with you, sometimes without you even having to ask. It’s kind of mindboggling to see the same guy who threatened Kix for stealing his rations readily let you eat from his plate.
He’d be so happy if you shared your food with him, too. Even more so if you bring him things that aren’t rations. The closest he’s ever come to straight-up confessing his love for you is when you got a box of Mandalorian uj cake for him because he’d never tried it.
However, playful, joking Jesse can become a no-nonsense bodyguard at the drop of a hat. He has a protective streak a mile long, something that drives him to shield his brothers from allies and enemies alike, and more recently, you. 
Jesse is intimidating as haran, built like a tank and covered with tattoos, and it’s made so much worse when someone’s targeting you. He’s not afraid to get in people’s faces about it, either, over two hundred pounds of ARC fueled by rage and spite. A little “chat” is all they need to get them to apologize to you—though, in Jesse’s expert opinion, they don’t deserve your forgiveness.
All of his bravado melts when you quietly thank him for defending you. That’s his job, sugar, and don’t you forget it.
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Between carrying out his duty to the Republic and ensuring his idiot vode don’t keel over and die, Kix neither has the time nor the energy to be throwing himself at his crush. Even without his job running him ragged, he wouldn’t be the type—no matter how intense his feelings are.
Rather, Kix courts you. From a distance.
While Kix may not have much in terms of credits, he’ll do everything in his power to make your life a little easier; By virtue of his authority and near-legendary status amongst the troops, he has a lot of influence on his side. And if that doesn’t work, well… there’s many reasons why you don’t piss off a medic.
Little acts of service are it for him. Before you even get to the refractory, he’s set aside your favorite “flavor” of ration bar to ensure they don’t run out. If you complain about being tired, you’ll find an extra cup of caff—or a sedative—sitting innocently on your desk. 
Struggling with the mountain of stuff you’re carrying? Kix is hauling whatever items are in reach into his arms before you even ask for help. About to miss the turbolift? He’ll hold the door for you and glare at his vode if they complain too much.
Need a hand to hold during a procedure? Don’t worry honey, he’s got you.
Kix loves that you treat his time with respect, but sometimes getting you all to himself is a high-stakes negotiation. You’ll bicker back and forth, him insisting that no, you’re not intruding on him or his brothers, and you trying to reassure him that he isn’t obligated to hang out with you if he’s too tired or doesn’t want to be around natborns. He knows he isn’t, but you’re oblivious to how much he wants to.
Kix would get so slick about stealing you away. When he has the opportunity, he’ll casually strike up a conversation about field medicine and- oh, you don’t remember that training session? Well, he has a blank space on his schedule today and he’s more than happy to slot you in for a little extra help.
He’d be (quietly) over the moon if you decided to slip into his office and chat with him while he tears through paperwork or runs labs. While he fantasizes about hopes to take you out on a proper date someday, he’s content to bottle up your laughter as he complains about di’kute vode, hoarding the memory for the darkest moments of the war.
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Congratulations! With Hardcase crushing on you, you’ve snagged a two-in-one deal: A personal hype man and an overexcited puppy.
In Hardcase’s eyes you’re superior at everything you do, period. He insists that you’re the best at your job any chance he gets, even going so far as to volunteer your name whenever some mission needs your kind of expertise—annoying, but it’s hard to stay mad at him for long.
Your competence is really attractive to him, and sometimes he forgets you’re not together and lets a few comments slip. Hardcase doesn’t even realize what he’s said after the fact, oblivious to the fact that your face feels like it’s been dipped in lava when he admires “how kriffing good you are at that” and how “hot” it is.
He praises you so much for doing the most mundane things, it’s like a compulsion for him. You could be helping tape him up after a battle and he’s making little observations about how perfect your wrapping is and how gentle you are with him.
Kix overhears this and tells him that he’d better go to you for wound dressing than the medbay, if you’re so much better at it. He just might, if that means he could get you to touch him again.
Hardcase loves your attention, and occasionally that translates into him being intentionally annoying. He’ll pop up all the time when he’s off duty, making himself at home in your office or at your side and bothering you to your wit’s end. He’ll hide your stylus and make you chase him around to get it, or he’ll call you acting as if he has something important to tell you and then manage to keep you on the line for an hour.
The second it seems like you’re getting upset at him, however, he cuts the crap immediately. If you’re not having fun, he’s not having fun, and he wants to make that abundantly clear to you in case… just in case it turns out you’re interested in him the same way he’s interested in you.
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Tup might not be as confident as Kix, or as widely renowned as Rex, or as charismatic as Fives and Echo… and that knowledge can weigh heavily on him. Thinking that, compared to his brothers, he doesn’t have much to offer you is part of why he hesitates to act on his feelings.
Take these thoughts with a mountain of salt—Tup excels at something else, and that’s being an absolute sweetheart. His patience is near-infinite when it comes to you. He’s always happy to explain something (however many times you need) and is the first to lend you a hand if you’re struggling.
Just don’t read too much into his full-body flinches whenever your fingers brush his, the way his words stumble when you get too close.
Being a standard, rank-and-file trooper makes it all the more difficult for him to even imagine catching your eye, but ironically, his status gives him unique opportunities. Doing grunt work around the ship means that you often cross paths, affording him the chance to say hello or strike up a passing conversation. If he’s lucky, he gets the chance to be beside you throughout his shift.
It’s useless to try and thank him for any of his help, he’ll just duck his head and insist that he’s more than happy to give you a hand. Your praise, however, has him sporting a smug little grin for the rest of the day,
The man melts under your hands like butter. You can convince him to do anything if you ask nicely enough, and on more than one occasion he’s left. He regrets it only when you’re half in his lap and doodling on his bare arm, too focused to notice his increasingly flustered demeanor even as you scold him for fidgeting. 
Privately, you worry that people are going to use Tup as a doormat—but if you mention it to the rest of Torrent, their hysterical laughter will shut you up fast. 
Don’t blame them too much, though. The last time Fives mimicked a whip cracking sound within Tup’s hearing range, he was applying bacta for weeks.
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merlincmgirl · 11 months
Your Boys To The Rescue
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Summary: You've somehow managed to get trapped in the refresher and it's up to your boys in the Torrent Company to come get you out.
Author's Note: So this is my first clone fic, and the first fic I've written in ages! I was heavily inspired by the tiktok (link below). Please be kind, I hope that I was able to capture everyone right. Can be seen as pre-relationship or platonic reader x torrent company.
Characters: Rex, Kix, Jesse, Fives, Hardcase, Tup, Dogma
Word count: 2020
You were mortified. Absolutely mortified. Hearing the voices on the other side of the door, arguing between themselves was not making you feel any better. You desperately wanted to disappear but there was no chance of that, not while the kriffing refresher door was stuck.
It was just your luck you decided to shower in the refresher attached to your office. The work you had been doing was still piled high on your desk, and you thought a nice warm shower would be just the thing to relax you and prepare you for the unending amount of flimsi you had to go through. It had been going so well until you realised that you had left your clean uniform in your office and went to go get it, only a towel wrapped around you. A simple, honest mistake that was now costing you because the door was jammed. It refused to open, no matter how many times you had tried.
That had been when Captain Rex had knocked on your office door, wishing to talk to you about some report that you had sent over to him. Your desperation to get out of the refresher outweighed your pride as you banged loudly on the metal door, begging him to help you out and find a way to open the door. He had tried everything to open the door by himself, but after trying everything he could, he had to call in reinforcements.
Now, you were leaning against the counter, towel covering your modesty as Torrent Company tried to either break down the door (Hardcase had swiftly received a slap off someone for that suggestion); or slice the mechanics/electrics of the door to at least slide it open to get you out of there. That suggestion was greatly preferred.
“Mesh’la, how you doing in there?” Rex called through the door. He sounded quite close to it and you shuffled forward so that he could hear you better over the small curses of his men and the sound of tools.
“I’m fine Captain, just… bit cold in here” you admitted, rubbing up and down your arms to try and bring some warmth into them. It had been about half an hour since you got out of the shower, and the cool metal of the room was not helping you at all.
“We’ll warm you up as soon as you as we get you out of here” Hardcase assured, followed swiftly by a cry of pain.
“What?! It was a joke! Lighten up a little Dogma!” Hardcase complained, not sounding a bit sorry about what he said. You couldn’t help but let out a small snicker, used to the clone’s brand of humour.
“Knock it off you two. How are we in getting this door open?” Rex rebuked, bringing them back on task.
“It’s not looking good. Looks like it might be a manual override” you heard Jesse admit quietly. Groaning at your misfortune, you began to pace up and down, as much as you could anyway in the tiny refresher. “Don’t worry, cyare, we’ll get you out of there soon” Jesse promised, not wanting to upset you even more.
“Boys, perhaps we should get a service droid in to fix it?” you suggested, leaning your head against the metal door. It was soothing and brought you out of your head a little.
“We’ve got this, cyar’ika! They teach us slicing in ARC training” Fives bragged, making his brothers groan and tell him to shut up.
“If that was the case, Rex would have been able to get me out. This rate, I’m going to have to give my briefings through the door dressed in a towel!” you complained, unable to help the little pout that pulled at your lips. It was the least you deserved, especially as you had a morning briefing with the Admiral and Generals.
“At least you’d look hot, cyar’ika!” Fives flirted with you, making you smile.
“Not helping Fives!” you chuckled, going back to pacing again.
There was a large creak before lots of cursing and cries of pain. “What happened?” you demanded, rushing to the door and trying to pry it open with your bare hands.
“These di’kuts pulled the wrong circuits and got shocked for their troubles!” a grumbled voice came from further away in your office. You knew that voice, even if it was the same as his millions’ of brothers. Kix was here. Rex must have called him when he had went to get the others.
“Your bedside manner needs work vod!” Jesse complained, shaking his head and going back to the door along with Fives and Hardcase.
“Rex! You called Kix? But I’m fine. I’m not hurt at all!” you argued with the Captain. Now there was even more people to witness your shame and embarrassment.
“Just a precaution, Mesh’la. You can’t be too careful” Rex answered, and you could already imagine the smirk on his face at that. You didn’t like to be checked over by the medics, especially if there were clones who were also injured. You would rather put them in front of you.
“Hey, I think we’ve got it. Stand away from the door ma’am” Tup soft voice warned you. It warmed your inside at how caring these boys was to you.
“Thanks Tup, but there’s not much room in here if it falls in” you informed him, standing as far back as you can.
“Oh wait a minute! I think that’s it!” Fives muttered, voice rising in excitement. By the force you hoped that they had finally got it.
“There’s a piece right there!” Hardcase pointed out, tinkling with the tools in his hand.
“You see that piece right there?” Dogma asked, leaning over his brothers’ shoulders to poke at it. Kix pulled him back before he could get sparked.
“Yeah, yeah, I see it. Hold on” Jesse grunted, trying to move around Hardcase to be able to fix it in place.
“Just hold it right there, no. Not there, di’kut, where I’m pointing! Tup keep the torch still!” Fives grumbled, as his brothers were not helping him at all. You sighed, it had been like this for half an hour, all of them sniping and snapping at each other.
“No, you have to pull it up to the side” Hardcase argued instead.
“I am keeping it still!” Tup added.
“Someone just get General Skywalker! I’m sure he’d be able to fix it in no time!” you begged, desperate to get out of the kriffing refresher and into bed to catch a few hours of sleep before you had to go back to work.
“Men!” Rex’s sharp voice cut through their argument. “Don’t worry mesh’la, I promise they’re nearly done. Just a few more minutes” Rex soothed, hearing how frazzled you were becoming with the situation.
Sighing heavily, you waited for the door to open. You loved these idiots, but god did you feel like killing them right now. They could have their arguments later, but all you wanted was to get out. You didn’t want to be stuck in a refresher all your life. There was plans on the horizon for your future, not dying in the refresher because of the kriffing door!
There was a loud twang and your heart leapt into your throat as you hoped it was the mechanism for the door. But still nothing happened. It kept stubbornly in it’s jam.
“I wouldn’t drive it in though” Dogma frowned, shaking his head at his brothers’ rough work with the delicate pieces of machinery.
“Shut up Dogma!” Jesse huffed back.
“He almost had it then!” Hardcase assured his brother, as the wire in front of them shifted back to where it wasn’t meant to be.
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Don’t push it!”
“AHH FIVES! I said DON’T push it!” Jesse cried, as he almost had it again but it slipped through his fingers as Fives moved his screwdriver slightly.
“Well I thought you meant push it!” Fives complained, and you couldn’t help but laugh, burying your head into your hands. The vode always made you laugh, even in the direst of situations.
There was some rattling and without any resistance, the doors pulled apart, revealing the group of men by the door. Hardcase, Jesse, Fives and Dogma was squashed around the panel housing the controls. Tup standing behind them, torch in hand. Rex and Kix was standing in the doorway, both of them looking you over.
“Ooh!” you squeaked out, clutching onto your towel tighter.
Rex, realising that him and his men was getting a good look at you in your towel, quickly snapped out of his heated gaze and turned to address the men. “Eyes front and centre soldiers!” he barked out, making them snap to attention and face forward.
“Er… Captain… I’m still front and centre” you mumbled, heat rushing to your cheeks as Fives winked at you.
“Oh… right… sorry Mesh’la. Avert your eyes!” Rex ordered, voice wavering slightly. If you didn’t know any better, you could have sworn that the Captain’s cheeks were becoming a little redder.
“Hey, cyar’ika, how are you feeling? Any shaking? Signs of hypothermia?” Kix asked, jumping straight into his medic role as he came over to scan you.
“How come he gets to look?” Hardcase complained, making you blush even more.
“Because I’m a medic, and a professional! You might want to look that up, vod!” Kix retorted, before turning back to you. “Anyway, are you experiencing any symptoms of dizziness, nausea?” Kix questioned, running an eye over you as you shivered slightly.
“I’m fine. Just a bit dizzy and tired… and hungry” you admitted, rubbing the back of your neck abashedly.
“Hmm, we should get you sitting down and something to help warm you up” Kix nodded, turning to his commanding officer. Rex nodded, instructing Tup to go and get you something warm from the mess hall.
“Thank you guys, I don’t know what I would do without you” you bid the troopers behind Kix. Tup nodded swiftly and hurried out the room, the back of his neck colouring.
“Come sit down” Rex encouraged, hand coming over to your elbow to help guide you into your office and onto the couch that you had smuggled in with the men’s help last time that you were planet-side.
Rex and Kix helped you to sit down, Kix busying with making sure that you were okay and not hiding anything. “Honestly Kix, I’d tell you if I weren’t doing good. I’m just a bit cold, that’s all. I promise, nothing to worry about” you assured, not noticing the towel fall open on your thigh.
Rex coughed, making his men spin around, mumbling apologies and excuses not to look your way. “I think that’s enough gawking for one night. You’re dismissed” Rex stated, crossing his arms and standing in front of you, trying to block you from sight.
“Wait! Before you go, you’ll have to let me know how I can repay you for this” you called after them, resting your hand on Rex’s back to help push him gently to one side so you could see your rescuers.
“You can buy us a drink at 79’s if you really want” Jesse suggested, making you beam. That was an easy thing for you to do to repay them for their kindness and help.
“Done!” you agreed, before you remembered a conversation with General Kenobi last time you were on shore leave with the 212th. “Wait! I thought you got drinks free at 79s!” you frowned, as they were nearly out the door.
“Oh the beer we do. The cocktails… well that’s all on you now cyare” Fives teased, before pushing Dogma and Jesse out the door in front of him.
You gaped after their retreating forms. What had you just gotten yourself into?
“I hope you have a lot of money, ad’ika” Kix shook his head, finishing his checks on you and pulling the scanner down.
“Because they’re going to bleed you dry, Mesh’la” Rex chuckled wryly, amused at your surprised at being played by his men.
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sokadraws · 1 year
u know guys I've been thinking for a long time and...
when Jesse falls in love with Kix he definitely can NOT tell him about it (I mean just come up and tell him), he thinks it'll look funny. like--
'man, u know, I love you'
'you forgot to take medicine'
and it was a real nightmare for him. how would YOU tell this? omg it's just like torture. but the greater torture is to love and not know if you are loved. and then he came up with an idea. (very bad idea btw)
he got into big fight with another clone in a bar. big enough to go to the med bay after that. to go to Kix.
he will bandage his wounds, stick bacta plasters, will be there until pain is gone. looks like a perfect moment to tell him, doesn’t it?
but Jesse is silent. Kix asks if everything is okay. Jesse replies that he's just tired and Kix puts him to sleep right in the hospital bed. now he has to get back to work.
'good night', - Jesse says.
Kix laughs.
'I love you too, di'kut', – he whispers as he leaves.
and Jesse heard it.
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kyasarinkishinuma · 1 year
Hugging the clones for comfort headcanons: The 501st
(With a hint of gray and orange ;) )
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Captain Rex
The first time you hug him, he doesn't know what's happening, so it's like hugging a plank 💀
However once you explain to him what you're doing he relaxes into it and starts hugging you back, albeitly hesitantly.
It'll take a couple tries for him to get comfortable with it, but he's holding     you gently and providing you with the comfort you need before you know it!
Once he's used to it, whenever you come and hug him without a word he'll stop everything he's doing to hold you until you feel better.
He's a big fan of forehead kisses, it makes him feel tall :')
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This man is a cuddle bug, once you're hugged him you're done for.
Fives is down for hugs anytime, anywhere. He's not really afraid of PDA, whether it's romantic or platonic. He wants to be able to help in whichever way he can, so bad jokes usually come with the hug.
He's so touch-deprived please hold him it makes him so happy
Once he's comfortable enough he'll start initiating the hugs, he likes to sneak up on you from behind and surprise you with a sneak hug >:D
He's quite a cuddle bug during movies on a couch beneath a blanket with a bowl of popcorn, movie nights are definitely the best with this guy!
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Echo can be a bit shy, so the first time you hug him his face is definitely     lighting up like fireworks!
After you pull back he'll just stare in disbelief and ask you, what was that? Once you explain it to him however he calms down and understands a lot better.
Echo is the kind of guy who will guide you through things if you're in need of comfort. He'll pat your back and talk to you gently, asking you if you're    all right. He's the best person to go to if you need to calm down.
Even if he gets used to it Echo blushes a bit everytime you hug him, not being used to this kind of touch. It's actually pretty cute :')
With time he'll relax into the hug and hold you gently in his arms, against his chest so you can feel safe and comforted. He'll lean his chin on top of  your head sometimes, wrapping you in his body.
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Jesse is one of the guys who's coolest with the whole 'hug out of nowhere' thing, freezing at first before he just quirks a brow and chuckles at you.
He'll joke at first to wave off his surprise, but then get more serious and hold you gently as he asks you if you're all right.
Jesse is a pretty good listener, so he can offer an ear for you or just stand  there and hug in silence if that's what you need. He's also always got a     joke up his sleeve should you need it.
You can honestly walk up to Jesse anytime for a hug, he'll always be happy to hug it out, even in front of his brothers. Although he may brag about it to them
He's a big fan of holding you in his lap as he hugs you against his chest.
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We all know Hardcase can never sit still, but when you hug him? Not one movement from him. It's like a puppy standing at attention after seeing a squirrel.
He'll fumble with his words a bit as he tries to comprehend what's happening, but if you're able to soothe him or ask him to just hold you for a minute he'll go quiet and hug you as long as he needs.
If you hug him too long he'll start fidgetting because of his hyperactivity,     which is always a good way to get a laugh out of you. If you call him out     about it he'll become flustered and frustrated that he can't keep still.
Hardcase's hugs are warm and tight. He's surprisingly okay with touch, and his hugs are some of the most satisfying you can get.
The best way to get him to stop fidgetting around is to surprise him with a  kiss on the cheek ;)
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As a medic, Kix has the care and well-being of others at heart. So if you come to him for a hug seeking comfort, even if he's not familiar with these... methods, he'll be happy to oblige.
Kix is someone you can come back to for hugs whenever you need them. He'll hold you silently as you calm down before asking you what happened.
His patience shows in his hug, as he'll hold you gently and won't pull you  back until you do or ask him to. There's no rush in his movements, and he commits his full attention to you as long as you need.
At the end of the hug, Kix will give you things like meds or sweets, whatever you need to be feel better.
After some time your hugs grow off him and he starts asking you for them as well! It helps with the stress from his job as a medic. He loves it when    you hide your face in his shoulder and he can tuck a hand behind your head and stroke your hair.
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Along with Rex, Tup is definitely one of the more awkward clones from the 501st with hugs. He'll just freeze and stand there as you hug him, heart     pounding in his chest.
He'll definitely need explanations to understand what happened, but once he does he's surprisingly kind and understanding about it. Although he's a bit awkward with the gesture, he'll never deny you and will pat your back    until you calm down.
Tup is the kind of guy who'll stick around with you after the hug to make sure you're all right. He's quite caring in that quiet way of his, his eyes     holding worry even when you reassure him you're fine.
Tup is more than happy to go to a coffee shop or park with you afterwards! Although he may not say it out loud he enjoys spending time with you outside a military context and in these moments he'll open up to you a bit more.
He secretly loves it when you lean his head on his shoulder :')
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Commander Cody
Being a commander, Cody has experience with people dealing with stress and even breakdowns, so he's not exactly a stranger to comforting people.
Even if he is initially taken off-guard by your hug, he'll ease into it a lot     faster than you might expect and return the hug. "All right, all right. Easy there..."
He's calm and patient the entire time, easing you with soft words of     encouragement and holding you gently. He won't rush you, pulling back only once you've calmed down.
He'll sit down with you and talk once you're feeling better if you'd like. He's one of the most sympathetic and understanding clones in the lot when it     comes to this things, and there's no truly no shame to be felt about your     moment of vulnerability around Cody.
If hugging becomes a regular thing, you'll quickly notice he has a knack for securing his arms around your waists and hips ;)
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Commander Wolffe
Wolffe may seem difficult to approach and like the last person who would return a hug, but... Well. You're in for one hell of a surprise.
He'll grumble about it at first, but it doesn't take long before he wraps an     arms around you and holds you against his side, glaring at your     surroundings protectively (which effectively scares most living beings in     the proximity away).
Although he may come off as grumpy about it, Wolffe does ask if you're doing okay and will demand you come back to him if something ever happens. He's pretty protective like that!
It doesn't take you long to realize that the grumbling is actually all a     cover-up to hide the fact that Wolffe is a huge cuddle bug.
When it's just the two of you off-duty he can't keep his hands off you and wraps around you like a cocoon. If you poke at him too much about it he'll just grumble and hide his face in your hair :')
Hope you guys enjoyed! Let me know which headcanon was your favourite 💖
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awkward-tension-art · 2 months
Misc. Clones x Twi'lek!Reader
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I’ve had this idea in my head for a while, so….enjoy?
Cw: Twi’lek stereotyping, Speciesism, reader is a twi’lek, gender neutral pronouns, reader is falsely accused in the last set
Minors DNI (even though theres no smut)
501st Legion:
“Hey tail-head! Why not come here and give me a dance?” 
You paused in what you were doing, turning to stare at the one who said such a thing. 
He was wearing white armor, and clearly a shiny. 
Ex-fucking-cuse me? 
Rex is going to step between you and the shiny, helmet off and clearly pissed.
“Care to repeat that, trooper?”
His glare is steady. He’s not going to raise his voice or shout but by GOD if looks could kill. 
The shiny is going to start tripping over his words to apologize but Rex isn’t having any of it 
“You see that gunship over there? You’re scrubbing the entirety of it with your toothbrush. Now get moving.”
He isn’t having ANY of that shit in his legion. 
Speciesism? Not in his fucking house. 
After the shiny is hauling ass, he’s going to check on you. 
“I’m sorry, cyare. I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again.” 
Rex isn’t a fool. He’s traveled all around the galaxy. He's worked with General Secura. He’s well aware of the stereotypes surrounding your people. 
He won’t tell you, but whenever someone says any sort of twi-lek slur within earshot, he’s making them run laps around the Resolute. 
He’s going to be speechless for a solid second. 
Someone??? Just said that??? To his mesh’la?
Oh fuck no.
Fives is going to get in the shiny’s face and just growl, “You have some balls, rookie.” 
This is an ARC trooper who is not above breaking some rules. 
One of those rules is putting a shiny in their place
Fives is going to push them back hard enough to make them stumble, “Say it again and I'll throw you out of an airlock.”
Once the shiny had gotten the message and rushed away, Fives will drape an arm around you
He’ll peck your cheek, “They shouldn’t bother you again, mesh’la.”
Fives finds you to be incredible, but he knows that there will be individuals who have opinions on you just because of the stereotypes surrounding twi-leks. 
He’ll definitely get in the face of anyone who gives you a hard time.
After sometime, it becomes pretty well known that Fives’ S/O isn’t to be messed with.
The medic is less confrontational.
He also knows you can handle yourself, but he’ll cast a glance your way to see if your alright
If you're ignoring the shiny and moving on, he will too.
But if you look uncomfortable/upset that’s when he’ll say something
“Just ignore them,” He tries his best with comfort, but he knows you shouldn’t HAVE to ignore such words.
If the shiny says something else to you, that's when he’ll confront them.
“If you don’t walk away, I just might forget to give you painkillers when you get shot in the next battle.”
That tends to shut the shinies up. Afterall, pissing off the medic is a bad idea
Once you're alone, Kix will put a comforting hand on your shoulder. 
While he hates the twi’lek stereotype, he knows he can’t really say anything to make it go away. This is most likely a constant background noise in your life, and that won’t magically disappear in a day.
Though, he will go to Rex and tell him what happened. Kix can’t change the whole galaxy but he can at least make the 501st more welcoming
He thinks it's a joke at first, maybe some playful ribbing. 
Afterall, he does the same with his own brothers. 
But one look at your face and he’s snapped into gear.
“Good one, brother!” The ARC trooper will put his arm over the shiny’s shoulder, “I got a  better one.”
Jesse will lean in close, “If you say something like that again, I’ll personally make you swallow your own teeth, got it?”
He says this with a smile. 
At first the shiny thinks HE’S joking, but then Jesse’s grip gets tighter, and his smile is gone.
“I mean it.”
Once the shiny is gone, he’s going to kiss you.
He’s another one who will go to Rex. This isn’t something your lover wants you to deal with, especially from his own brothers. 
He expects better from them. Even if they're a shiny
If it happens again, that's when Jesse makes good on his threats.
He’s an ARC trooper. He didn’t get the rank by looking pretty.
He also gets a reputation of being protective, so the next batch of shinies that join the 501st already know to be respectful.
Clone Force 99
“Hey, tail-head, why don’t you and I go somewhere and you can show me some of those twi’lek dances up close?”
You sighed, looking back to see a bounty hunter of some sort with a disgusting grin on their face. 
Omega was next to you, brow furrowed, “Tail-head? Why’d they call you that?”
“Oh shut it.” is his first response.
If the bounty hunter opens their mouth again, Hunter's second response is to throw a punch.
This is the man that brought his fists to a food fight. His first reaction will be to silence the bounty hunter, his second is to shut their mouth in a physical way. 
Yea, he’s not above assault. 
Once the stranger is on the ground, that’s when Hunter speaks again
“Think twice before you say something stupid next time.” 
He’s going to give you a concerned look and put a hand on your shoulder
“You ok, Cyare?” 
He’s also aware of the stereotype surrounding twi-leks, and he won’t let anyone give you a hard time. 
He kneels next to Omega and essentially teaches her what stereotypes are
He emphasizes that they’re wrong, and she shouldn’t ever assume things based on stereotypes
Anyone who says ‘tail-head’ in his vicinity they’re losing teeth.
He’s aware violence isn’t going to change opinions, but he isn’t going to stand for anyone throwing slurs at you
Hunter cares for you so much, he just wants you to feel comfortable and safe.
He doesn’t think those vile words are being thrown at you at first. He’ll look to you for confirmation.
When it finally clicks, he stands between you and the stranger. He doesn’t even need to say anything, just glares down at them.
After the bounty hunter gets the hint, Wrecker will turn to you and Omega.
“You can’t say that again, ok ‘mega? That’s a bad insult to twi’leks.”
He doesn’t freak out or draw attention to what Omega parrotted. He’s well aware she’s a kid and doesn't entirely know better.
Wrecker may be a bit dense at times, but he’s not stupid.
He knows exactly what the stranger was getting at saying such things to you.
“Good thing they’re gone, right mesh’la?” He’ll ask, holding your face.
He puts an arm around you and the three of you head back to the ship.
He likes to act as your protector. He knows you can handle yourself, but he just likes to feel like he's protecting you. Afterall you’re precious to him.
His heart breaks if you tell him this has happened before.
He is UNHAPPY that this is something you deal with.
He knows the twi’lek stereotype exists, it’s just…different when it's you.
Honesty, he’ll take this to heart and step-in if he sees something like this happen to another twi’lek.
He’s not going to be a bystander anymore. And Omega definitely learns from his example.
“Well, that is entirely unnecessary.” 
He won’t pick a fight. He thinks it’s best to ignore instigators. 
He also knows that arguing or snapping at the bounty hunter may make things worse
He’ll grab your hand and lead you and Omega away
If the stranger follows, he’ll turn a corner, put you and omega behind him and set his blaster on stun
Once the bounty hunter turns the corner, Tech will shoot them.
“There.” He says, putting his blaster away, “Shouldn’t bother us anymore.”
Once you three are back at the ship, he’ll kiss your forehead before speaking to Omega
“Tail-head is a slur to twi’lek individuals. It’s supposed to insult someone's lekku. You must never say it again.”
Tech is very much aware of both the stereotypes and their origin.
If someone gives you a hard time or throws more insults at you, he’s not going to stand for it.
He has very little patience for ignorance.
Barely stops himself from throwing hands instantly.
“You want to say that again?” He’s going to get in the bounty hunter's face very quickly, “Say it again. I dare you.”
Echo is a damn ARC trooper. He can make the stranger eat their words.
But, he’ll hold back, for your sake. 
If the bounty hunter doesn’t back down, he casts a glance at you.
Give the greenlight? It's a fight.
You want to move on and forget this happened? He backs down.
He’ll return to your side and just start grumbling, “Ignorant asshole…if they open their mouth again, I swear…”
 He gets really upset about this. And he knows it wasn’t the first time nor will it be the last time this happens to you. 
When you're not within earshot, he’ll explain to Omega why ‘tail-head’ is not something to be repeated. 
Echo is patient with her. She’s just a child.
But like Tech, he had no patience for ignorance from anyone else.
Will snap at anyone who says ‘tail-head’ or other twi’lek insults within earshot.
While everyone has some form of restraint, Crosshair does not.
It’s an immediate brawl.
His patience is a negative 2 when it comes to this type of stuff.
The bounty hunter hadn’t even blinked before Crosshair knocked them down.
He’s pretty silent, returning to your side and putting an arm around you.
He’ll look at Omega and just say a simple, “Don’t say that again.”
Pretty blunt to be honest.
Crosshair is protective. More so than even Wrecker.
His mind is already running, analyzing your surroundings and seeing who else may make snide remarks.
Afterall, if one person was able to say something like that, how many more are there?
He’ll ask how often this happens.
Depending on your answer he’s either slightly annoyed or pissed.
No one should be giving you a hard time simply because you're twi’lek.
Once back at the ship, he’s going to keep a hand or arm on you in any way possible.
He loves you, and he doesn’t want you to ever feel ashamed or bad for being twi’lek.
212th Battalion:
“Hey, I didn’t know the 212th got its own personal dancer,” The shiny slid next to you, “What do you say? Wanna give the boys and I a moral booster?”
You blinked, eyes wide. That was an entirely new one…
After Ryloth, he thought his men would behave better than that. So he’s genuinely caught off guard.
“You have 2 seconds to take back what you said, rookie.” He snaps, glaring.
After a stumbling apology is given to you, Cody continues with his death stare, “I expect better from you. You will treat them and every other alien species with respect. Do I make myself clear?”
Very much not happy about this.
If one shiny said something like that to you, who else stereotypes twi’leks?
It’s not just about you, Cody really expects much better from the 212th.
If one person acts like a moron, it reflects badly on the 212th, General Kenobi and the GAR.
They are soldiers of the Republic in a very diverse galaxy. 
However, he’ll turn his attention back to you and grab your hand.
“I’ll make sure that never happens again, I promise.” 
He’s incredibly sweet about it.
Instant shame.
This is how he used to sound!?
“Hey!” He’ll snap at the shiny, “Show some damn respect.”
In a way, he’s trying to compensate for his ignorance earlier in the war.
Before Ryloth, he used to throw around ‘tail-head’ all the time. Something he looks back at in shame.
It was Numa, and now you that made him realize how much of a bastard he used to be.
If the shiny persists, Boil will get up in his face, “Back off. Now.”
If something like this happens again, Boil will go to Cody.
Like the commander, Boil also expects better from the 212th
But also, he wants you to feel comfortable among his brothers.
“I’m sorry,” He won’t exactly look at you. He knows the shiny’s behavior isn’t his fault, but he can’t help but feel shame and embarrassment anyway.
A bit later, he’ll hold your hand and just admit, “I used to be like him. Ignorant and self-centered…I’m sorry.”
Boil loves you so dearly. He just wanted to be honest.
He respects however you react
Another one who feels shame.
Yea he didn’t throw around ‘tail-head’ or see twi’leks as lesser, but he stood by while others did.
After Ryloth and Numa, he doesn’t stand by anymore.
“Oh shut up!” He’ll snap, “Go throw yourself out of an airlock.”
Waxer is a learner. He’s learned more about your people. Your history. Your culture. 
He's also learned the stereotypes. Where they've come from.
So, he knows what the shiny is getting at by speaking to you.
this guy painted Numa on his helmet. He’s definitely not going to let anyone disrespect you in any way shape or form because of your species.
He won’t get physical, but he will threaten. 
Once the shiny is gone, he’ll put a hand on your cheek, “I’m sorry. I’ll knock some sense into him later, I promise.”
Coruscant Guard
Your Coruscant Guard lover was walking you home when someone grabbed your shoulder and turned you around. 
“Guard! Arrest this twi’lek thief! I know they stole my credits straight out of my pocket!” The pantoran woman yelled right in your face.
When you argued, she just yelled louder, “All twi’leks are conniving thieves! Give me back my credits!”
Of course you didn’t steal anything, but this pantoran seemed convinced that you did. All because you were twi’lek.
The headache was immediate.
“Ma’am, I assure you they haven't gone anywhere near you.”
He wants to defend you more staunchly, but he’s the commander of the CG.
There’s only so much he can do without risking reprimand.
If the pantoran persists, he’ll get rougher, but remain professional.
“Ma’am if you don’t walk away, I will arrest you for wasting Coruscant Guard resources.”
The best he can do, frankly.
This isn’t the first time he’s seen an innocent twi’lek be accused of a crime.
It happens more than he’d wish to admit.
Honestly, he hates it, but there's protocol in place and he's obligated to follow.
But he knows you're innocent. You were beside him the entire time.
Plus, he loves you. He’s not going to search you.
If she keeps giving you a hard time, Fox will step forward, “Last chance, I will throw you in a cell for the night if you don’t keep walking.”
Usually that works.
He’ll keep you close until you're safely home. He won’t talk about it if you don’t.
Though, he does end up telling the guard to be more mindful of random accusations against twi’leks.
“Oh here we go…”
He’s…not taking this woman seriously at all.
“I have seen no such thing. Please make a report to the police.” He’ll just deadpan before walking away.
Petty crime such as a pickpocket is 1-800-not-his-job.
He’ll drape an arm over your shoulder and pull you closer to him.
Like Fox, he’s seen people blame twi’leks solely based on stereotypes
And his response is always the same, “Either show me solid evidence or take it to the police.”
If you say this isn’t the first time, Thorn kinda squeezes your shoulder.
“Don’t worry, love.” He’ll whisper, “the boys and I won’t let anyone accuse you of anything.”
He makes good on the promise. If anyone tries to give you a hard time for being twi’lek, there's usually a Coruscant Guard that steps in.
A partner to one of the Guard is well taken care of.
He’s going to look at the woman, then look at you, then look at Grizzer. 
He whistles once, and Grizzer licks your hand.
Grizzer just likes you, this isn’t any sort of actual search.
“They don’t have your credits. Move along or go to a police droid.” 
Since the massiff didn’t ‘find’ anything, the pantoran woman leaves you alone.
“Happen often?” Hound is going to ask you quietly when the two of you start walking again.
When you nod, he doesn’t respond. 
Like the rest of the guard, he knows your people often get falsely accused of crimes.
Having a massiff with a good sense of smell makes it quick and easy to find out if they actually committed the alleged crime.
More often than not, the falsely accused is innocent.
But he knows he can’t be with you all the time. You have your own jobs to do.
One minor fear of his is you getting accused and then thrown into a cell.
All because you are twi’lek
He knows his brothers won’t do such a thing, but police droids aren’t so flexible or understanding.
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nottonyharrison · 1 year
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Full version on Patreon
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
Clone Soulmate AU Series
A Masterlist of all my fics for my Soulmate AU series. All of them contain smut so minors vanish.
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Blessed Silence - Tech x reader
Monochrome - Imperial!Crosshair x medic reader
Jaig Eyes - Rex x medic reader
Carry Me Home - Cody x reader
Danger - Wrecker x reader
00:00 (Zero O'Clock) - Hunter x reader
Cabur - Wolffe x reader
Grey - Jesse x reader
Healing Touch - Kix x reader
Lost Time - Gregor x reader
The Soldier and The Spy - Fives x reader
See You In My Sleep - Howzer x reader
Dream of You - Echo x reader
The Thing About Soulmates
On Soulmate Rejection
A Little More On Rejection
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