#Jurassic World Fanfic
amelia-mariee · 7 months
Is there any kind of active Jurassic park/world fandom on here? I feel like there should be and I've seen some good fanart but im not really seeing any blogs that are kinda centered around it like with other fandoms. If that is you, please step forward, i am fixating all alone. This is like the tumblr equivalent of me sending out smoke signals here
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rxin3akamallory · 2 months
“Just being a good wing-man.”
I love the idea of Yaz helping Ben with relationship advice just as he did for her so I obvi had to draw something relating to it!
I’m writing a fic where this is based on, I doubt I’ll finish it. But any it takes place a couple days after the last episode of Chaos Theory season 1, the Nublar 5 are still stowaways aboard a DPW cargo ship. Ben is struggling with his own feels he kept hidden inside. For a certain Dino-nerd.
Yaz is the first one to learn of Ben’s admiration for Darius, and if she was honest, she knew the whole time. She didn’t think it would take this long, but she knew it.
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andreaheartscats · 2 months
imagine Ellie in jurassic park since she loves dinosaurus. oh my god.
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patchodraws · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous (Cartoon), Jurassic World: Chaos Theory (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Yasmina "Yaz" Fadoula/Sammy Gutierrez Characters: Yasmina "Yaz" Fadoula, Sammy Gutierrez (Jurassic Park) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Character Study Summary:
Her heart hammers against her chest, echoes in her ears. Hot blood pours through her veins as her body all but radiates with blissful agony. The pads of her feet, the palms she digs her nails into, her lips splitting and bleeding from the heat as sweat trickles down her cheeks to mix in with it.
She’s alive.
She’s never been more alive.
And being alive means she’s just another thing for the monsters to get.
Yaz hasn't been the same since Isla Nublar. The world hasn't been the same since the dinosaurs made it to the mainland. Life found a way, and Yaz is still trying to find her own. (aka a study of Yaz's trauma)
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sparkshock · 1 month
guys… what if I told you I was writing a fanfic for Camp Cretaceous…
which begins on episode 6-7 of season 1 but Dave and Roxie get to the lagoon earlier and unite with the kids…only they crash their car and have to join the kids on the monorail…
and everything plays out relatively the same except Dave and Roxie are there…and they all get left on the island and DAVE AND ROXIE ARE THERE…
and…bonus…the Raptor Squad from Jurassic World all survive and Ben sorta kinda “befriends” them during his time alone in the jungle…meaning we get to see Ben become a FERAL BADASS…
featuring Yasammy, Benji, a little bit of Dinostar and perchance some Dave/Roxie as well???
thoughts? 🗿
(this is all subject to change! but more than likely it won’t HEHEHE)
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sabi0229 · 2 months
Chapter 2 of I love you forever and Ben angst edit is in the works!
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ben4b4n · 2 months
should i make mood boards for jwcc……
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jurassic-girlie · 1 month
Benji Week 2024
tw for eating issues (Search 'Luckyisshe' on Ao3 for more notes)
"Smaller Than This"
Day 2 Prompt: Growth Spurt
“It’s funny,” Ben started as he set his plate down, “a few years ago I would have refused everything on this plate. Wouldn’t have touched a single thing… but now, barely even a second thought goes into it!” he continued, taking a forkful into his mouth.
“Yeah?” Kenji looked up at him, “That's really good, Ben, great actually. I’m really proud of you,”. 
The boys exchanged smiles and continued eating.
“Absolutely unrelated, but did you want to watch a movie once we’re done? No rush, of course, but that ‘Fall’ movie just came out and I wanted to watch it with you. I don’t know, maybe I could get scared and hug you to make it better?”. Kenji looked towards Ben with a hopeful expression. 
“Sorry, can’t. I’ve got to work out after this, you’re welcome to join me though,”.
“That’s every day this week so far, it’s okay to take a break,”.
“Hey, you’re the one who’s always talking about keeping the gains! Gotta stay active in case any dinos attack, y’know?” Ben attempted to keep a playful demeanor, but Kenji remained serious.
“Listen, Ben, I know you aren’t on your treatment plan anymore, but I remember it like the back of my hand. It specifically mentioned to keep you from exercising after meals… along with the bathroom and the shower, so you can’t, you know…” Kenji trailed off.
“Exactly. I don’t have to follow the plan anymore, therefore I can do what I want Kenj. I promise I’m being careful, you don’t have to worry that pretty little head of yours so much,”.
“But Ben I am worried. I’ve been reading some articles to try and understand this better. Sometimes while in recovery people can swap one eating disorder for another, and I’m worried that’s happening to you. Be honest with me, please. Are you relapsing?”.
“Of course not! You remember how bad things got when I was actually relapsing, back in like, 2018. I’m nowhere near there, I’m just enjoying some light exercise,”.
Kenji thought about it for a moment, after all Ben’s relapse was infamous and terrifying within the CampFam. That summer, Ben had gone to work with Mae on Mantah Corp Island. Mae, to no fault of her own, was under the perception that Ben had fully recovered. In her mind he was treated after being rescued from the island and that was that. She, like everyone else, had assumed that he was fine, and he was free to do what he pleased. When Ben stopped showing up for meals she didn’t question it, she just figured that he was finding time to eat on his own. After all, they were busy managing a dinosaur island by themselves, there wasn’t time to check in every hour. 
Ben started dropping weight, slowly at first, but it progressed as time went on. Mae kicked herself for not realizing what was happening sooner, but by the time she had noticed, it was too late. By early autumn Ben was hospitalized for his eating disorder for the second time in his life. It was this event that led to the Nublar Six researching much more about eating disorders than the average person.
Remembering this, Kenji shook his head. “No. No, I love you but I know what you’re doing. You don’t have to be underweight to be relapsing, Ben, you know that. You don’t have to skip every meal to be relapsing. You don't have to skip any meals to be relapsing. Over-exercising, however, is a form of purging. Purging means a relapse. So tell me Ben, what’s going on?” Kenji tried to make eye contact, though he didn’t want Ben to see the tears welling in his eyes.
Ben sighed. “I don’t know. I just– I feel enormous. I know that’s a good thing, gaining weight and getting taller and everything, but it just feels wrong. I’ve been skinny all of my life up until now. I just feel like it’s not as bad if I can at least gain muscle instead of fat. Then it feels more like I deserve to eat…” he revealed before he thought about what he was admitting.
“Ben…” Kenji sat in heartbroken disbelief. 
“Just forget I said anythi–”
“No,” Kenji cut him off, “help me understand,”.
“Well… obviously recovery has led to a lot of growth spurts, and I love that everyone is trying to be nice, and they’re only talking about how tall I am, but the others keep making comments about how big I’ve gotten, or how much harder I am to hug. I just can’t help myself from thinking they’re talking about my weight. Every time they call me huge, I imagine them judging me for being fat, it makes me feel disgusting,”.
Kenji took a moment to collect his thoughts. He pulled Ben into a hug before speaking. “I am so, so sorry. I’ll let everyone know immediately, okay? It’s unfair to you that we didn’t even consider that. Just, please, promise me you’ll tell me if you feel this way again? If anything is even borderline triggering to you, promise me you’d let me know?” His voice wavered and tears rolled down his cheeks, but Ben didn’t mention it.
“I promise, Kenj. I promise. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner,”.
“Shush, don’t apologize,”. Kenji pulled him tighter into the hug. “I’ll let them know right now, okay?”
“Okay,”. Ben pulled out of the hug. “Hey, um… I’m gonna get seconds, do you, uh, want any?”
“Yeah, for sure,”. Kenji smiled.
As Ben refilled their plates, Kenji pulled out his phone and started typing out a message. Ben noticed he didn’t receive the notification once Kenji put his phone down, though he didn’t say anything.
Benjamin Pincus’ Secret Support Group 
Hey guys, Ben just shared some pretty vital info with me. Basically he said when we make comments about him being “big” or “huge” it triggers him really bad. I think it’s best that from now on we avoid making any comments about his appearance (height, weight, muscle etc. ). And just keep an eye out, he might be on the verge of a relapse /:
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astyrial · 4 months
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rockin’ around a deinonychus  owen grady x gn!reader (fluff) synopsis: some dinosaurs have made their way free word count: 886 warnings: tranq guns, chase scene masterlist | requests are open
    shallow breaths leave your lips, heart beating quickly. some eerily charismatic song plays over the island speakers, your back against a shop's counter. memorabilia rests all around you in massive clumps. from dinosaur dreidels to christmas apparel, the store failed to sell some of it before the winter break. a chittering noise breaks your mind from the thoughts of winter and action figures.
  you hold a tranquilizer pistol in your right hand, forcing yourself to slow your breathing. "rockin' around the christmas tree, let the christmas spirit ring," sets off a chain reaction of noises akin to nails on a chalkboard.
  swallowing a thick ball of mucus, you shuffle over to look around the side of the counter. shirts are everywhere in the shop and chairs are knocked over right outside the door. just out of your point of view, a large claw rests along the ground. another one raised slightly in the air as air loudly expels from its nostrils. 
  "later we'll have some pumpkin pie, and we'll do some caroling!" brenda lee's voice, albeit melodic, sends you closing your eyes in anticipation.
   the deinonychus jumps on the counter, items clattering along the floor, a few pens falling onto your shoulder. it bites at the speaker that's just out of reach. her voice carries through the next lyrics while the deinonychus snaps more, sending more papers and action figures flying. taking one more deep breath, you look over again and notice that the other dinosaurs have left in search of food. 
  now's your chance, you figure, the deinonychus' focus purely on the speaker. you start crawling out of the store, wary of losing the tranq gun in your hand. however, your escape doesn't last very long when she decides to jump up and bite the speaker. she falls down quickly, brenda's voice wavering just as she finishes the chorus. 
  the deinonychus falls to the ground, the speaker sliding across the ground. you look back as it raises back to a standing position, shaking to clear its system. you scramble to your feet, feeling the faux snow under your shoes as they slide. your heart nearly beats out of your chest as you hear it chirping behind you. the urge to turn around and use your tranq gun is tempting; however, the effects on this dinosaur is unaware to you.
  "grady, where the hell are you?" you whisper under your breath, hearing the faint tunes of rockin' around the christmas tree from nearby stores.
  you shove your way into an ice cream shop that had its doors unlocked for the workers still there over the holiday break. locking the door, you watch as the deinonychus rams into the glass door, just barely cracking it. letting out a show breath, you search around the room for something that you can use to defend yourself. 
  truthfully, being a handler for the young ankylosauruses hadn't prepared you for this. while being armored and fairly strong, they weren't the quickest bunch and you never had to use an ice cream scooper to defend yourself. and now, staring out the window at the deinonychus, you're beginning to realize that maybe you need some more training.
  especially because when you look around, owen's out of sight and there's no weapons that you can see. "the back door," you whisper to yourself, assuming that none of them would be at the back of the store.
  you quickly lift up the counter door, pushing yourself to the back door. when you open it, you're immediately met with someone running past you. that someone being owen.. "grady! where are you going?"
  it comes out more hushed than you would prefer; however, you'd rather not test the deinonychus' hearing. much to your dismay, he doesn't hear you, he only keeps running to what you assume must be your aid. "owen! I'm over here!" you shout much louder, gaze flickering around to look out for any dinosaurs.
  owen stops quickly at the sound of your voice, turning around with his eyebrows furrowed. he starts running back in your direction, not noticing the deinonychus turning the corner by the gift shop. she spots him almost immediately. like all of the other ones, she starts running towards him, quicker than what either of you could accomplish. 
  “there’s one behind you!” you shout, pulling out your tranq gun and holding it up. 
  however, any shot that you’d hope to have, is completely blocked with the possibility of hitting owen. just before he reaches the ice cream shop, you run in, ready to shut the door behind him. seconds later he tumbles into the room, the dinosaur clawing at the door you’re trying to close.
  “owen.. i can’t hold this much longer,” you push against the door, watching as little claws peek through. 
  he joins you, pushing up against the claws between the door and the frame. suddenly, it backs off, letting you lock the door and let out a deep sigh. “where.. the hell.. were you?” you ask in between breaths, closing your eyes for a moment.
  “i was looking for you! since we separated i’ve been looking for you,” owen crosses his arms in front of chest, breathing heavily, “help is on the way.”
  you look over at him, pursing your lips, “i sometimes really hate this job, grady.”
  “yeah but you’d never leave me.”
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7-thheaven · 2 months
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Mona Megistus ☄️ & Giganotosaurus 🦖
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patchodraws · 1 month
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Jurassic World: Chaos Theory (Cartoon), Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Yasmina "Yaz" Fadoula/Sammy Gutierrez Characters: Yasmina "Yaz" Fadoula, Sammy Gutierrez (Jurassic Park) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Missing Scene, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Speculation, Season/Series 02, Established Relationship Summary:
She can still recall the ways Yaz used to recoil from the slightest noises of bushes brustling near the ranch, eyes wide as she stood stone-still in wait for something to lunge out at her. She still remembers the nights Yaz wouldn’t get herself a wink of sleep, too worried and too scared she might not wake up the next morning if something bigger and hungrier than her decided to crash through her bedroom window. She still knows how fear used to poison her, make her breaths taut and shallow ahead of torrents of terror and dreadful memories stretched beyond the reality of their danger.
But that’s all in the past, and what Sammy remembers is why she’s out here right now.
And it’s why she’s still just as alone as she’s been for over a year.
sammy feels bad about how she treated yaz, and yaz comforts her about it.
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heresthefanfiction · 1 year
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Dr. Emily Grant in her ✨Post-Dominion Era✨
@themaradwrites @wordspin-shares @untestedtheory @lizisshortforlizard @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon
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thatrockerhippychick · 3 months
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For all my Jurassic Park fans!!! I made collages for your wallpapers on your phone!!
Malcolm, Alan, and Wu
(I don’t own the pictures I used to make the collages.)
Hope you like them!!
I’m also writing a fanfic on Dr. Henry Wu!
🧬Where the Extinct Roam (A Dr. Henry Wu Fanfic)🧬
-Lovers to enemies back to lovers
-mature(bc of important topics and of course violence because of dinosaurs)
-science fiction
-clean romance
-safe for Christians to read
-A Jurassic World fanfic filled with:
-no spice/smut or cursing
-long descriptive chapters
-chapter update every week
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sabi0229 · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous (Cartoon), Jurassic World: Chaos Theory (Cartoon) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Darius Bowman/Ben Pincus, Darius Bowman & Ben Pincus Characters: Darius Bowman, Ben Pincus, Kenji Kon, Brooklynn (Jurassic Park), Sammy Gutierrez (Jurassic Park), Yasmina "Yaz" Fadoula Additional Tags: Fluff, Cuddling & Snuggling, Hugging, Darius go to sleep and let Ben finally sleep too, Ben Needs Sleep Summary:
Darius being Darius and won't sleep and Ben just wants finally sleep.
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ben4b4n · 3 months
i need jw moots rn
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cecexwrites · 4 months
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Miranda Stanley in Live to Tell
Starting over is never easy, but it wasn't meant to be this hard. After getting a job at the Jurassic Restaurant, Miranda thought she was making it work. That is until the Indominus Rex breaks free of it's pen and she finds herself running through the park trying to help rescue the patrons and get out of there alive.
tagging: @fyeahjurassicocs @themaradwrites
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