#Just if they show the same colors they used to
saraswritingtipps · 12 hours
Some tips on the do’s and don’ts of adding more description to your Writing
Make your writing come alive by describing things that appeal to the senses. Instead of saying "It was a beautiful garden," you could say "The garden was filled with the scent of fresh roses, the sound of buzzing bees, and the vibrant colors of blooming flowers."
Instead of just saying what something is like, show it through your words. For instance, instead of saying "She was sad," you could describe her actions and surroundings to show her sadness: "Tears welled up in her eyes as she stared out the rain-streaked window, clutching a crumpled tissue in her hand."
Instead of using general words, get specific. Instead of saying "He drove a car," you could say "He drove a sleek, black convertible, the wind tousling his hair as he sped down the open highway."
Keep your writing interesting by mixing up short and long sentences. Don't always write in the same way. For example, "The sky was dark. The trees swayed in the wind. It felt eerie," could be improved by adding variety: "Dark clouds gathered overhead, causing the trees to sway ominously in the gusting wind, casting an eerie feeling over the landscape."
Use your descriptions to set the mood of your story. Instead of just saying "It was a scary place," describe the setting to evoke fear in your readers: "The abandoned house loomed in the moonlight, its broken windows and creaking doors whispering of unseen terrors lurking within."
Don't just drop descriptions randomly into your writing. Make sure they fit naturally into the flow of your story. Instead of stopping the action to describe something, weave it into the narrative: "As she ran through the forest, the branches clawed at her skin, leaving scratches like whispers of the dangers lurking in the shadows."
While descriptions are important, don't forget to keep your story moving forward. Don't spend too much time describing things at the expense of the action. Find a balance between describing the scene and keeping the plot moving.
Using too many adjectives can make your writing sound cluttered and overwhelming. Stick to the essentials and choose your words carefully.
Don't forget that dialogue and interactions between characters are key parts of your story. Use them to reveal personality and move the plot forward.
Don't repeat yourself. Once you've described something, trust your readers to remember it. Don't keep saying the same thing over and over again.
Sometimes, what you don't say can be just as important as what you do say. Let your readers read between the lines and draw their own conclusions.
Avoid using tired old phrases that everyone has heard before. Try to come up with fresh, original descriptions that will grab your readers' attention.
Be mindful of the pace of your story. Don't slow things down with long descriptions in the middle of an action scene. Save the detailed descriptions for quieter moments when the pace naturally slows down.
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trainsinanime · 2 days
I should be sleeping but I just figured out how they could have drastically improved the ending of season 5 with very little effort: What if the fight between Bug Noir and Hawkmoth had not taken place in the kitchen, but in Adrien's room?
Even assuming that the rest of the script stays the same, it would have given so many opportunities. Being in Adrien's space, but without him, would give all sorts of thematic implications and make us feel like his absence was a deliberate narrative choice. Destroying it over the course of their fight would be symbolically destroying his prison, and also showing how Gabriel destroys him, at the same time (bonus points for destroying the prison-bar-like windows).
Plus, you could have done so much with the lighting. The Kitchen fight just doesn't look all that good with its black and white tiles and bright white light. This is especially notable because the episode before, with the theatre production, was the prettiest ML episode ever thanks to all the creative lighting.
In Adrien's room, you have more light and shadow and colors anyway, but you could have really played with bathing the scene in an evening glow, in a thunderstorm, or turning it to night slowly. All the people fighting outside could also have seen the light effects coming from there, making the fight in the house much more connected to the outside.
I'm not saying that would have fixed all the issues I had with the finale, let alone all the issues people have had with the finale, but I think it would have been a much stronger move.
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sporesgalaxy · 7 hours
I’ve thought about it some more and I want to rephrase: the specific thing about the way Dungeon Meshi handles gender and autism that makes me bonkers is the blunt way the author states the differences between Laios and Falin’s treatment by the world. If Falin had been the one to try and carve out a space for the both of them, she would have been dismissed at best. But Laios was the one to try that, and for the crime of being a big autistic man, he was beaten for it. Many- most, even- aspects of this world and the real world favor men, when a gender or presentation is favored. Misogyny is extremely present in so many of our lives. But it is naive to pretend that there are no downsides to being seen as a man, especially one of color, or one that’s not neurotypical, or any number of things. Falin faces unique struggles as an autistic woman, usually internal, and usually to do with the social pressures placed on her to be seen as nothing but agreeable. But Laios faces unique struggles as an autistic man, like getting the shit kicked out of him or punched in the face or having people plot to kill him.
I’m super not trying to say that either has it better. Facing conflict because you are incapable of not presenting as exactly the kind of person you are isn’t inherently worse or better than being unable to present at all, trapped within yourself. But the way it’s presented in Dungeon Meshi is fascinating to me.
Ok so first of all I want you to know I GET IT. I HAVE SEEN HOW BAD IT CAN SUCK FOR AUTISTIC MEN IN A LOUD AND OPEN AND PHYSICAL WAY and how NO ONE FUCKING DOES ANYTHING ABOUT IT because Guys Are Supposed To Be Tough and You Should Just Stop Acting Weird And Having Feelings and all that bullshit!!!!!!! I watched that happen to someone very close to me over the course of My Whole Childhood. It's fucking dismal and it makes me really happy to see a character like Laios where those struggles are front and center.
BUT! I also want to point out that your wording here, altho it is not your intention to belittle Falin's suffering, makes it seem like her/typical autistic women's suffering is wholly immaterial. Which is NOT true. It's not that Falin's emotional suffering is equal to Laios' physical suffering, it's that their autism/neurodivergence makes them both vulnerable to physical AND emotional abuse, but in different ways because of gendered social dynamics.
(Quick aside: non-autistic men and women both experience physical as well as emotional abuse because of their percieved gender as well, btw. Yes, men get priveleges, but patriarchy harms them, too. You know what, this video discussing the strengths and weaknesses of The Barbie Movie actually explains it really really well. Anyways, back to the main point.)
Due to the different gendered social expectations placed on men and women, yes, men are more likely to escalate social conflict to physically fighting each other. But the same way that doesn't mean that there's NO emotionally abusive aspect to men's social punishment for being too different, the fact that women are expected to use emotionally abusive tactics to address social conflict does NOT mean that there is no physically abusive aspect to the ways that autistic women are mistreated.
The same way Laios' inability to hide his autistic traits puts him at risk for both getting the shit beaten out of him AND being lied to for purely social reasons, Falin's coping strategy of being agreeable puts her at risk for being shunned emotionally AND enduring physical harassment.
If Falin had tried to actively & forcefully carve out a place for herself and Laios in the world, dismissal is NOT the worst that could have happened to her. What Falin's childhood experience being subjected to folk rituals by her mother and rejection from the town REALLY shows us is that, if Falin was TOO unnacceptable to the people around her it would have become someone else's responsibility to "fix" or "cure" her. Her parents', or a doctor's, or a betrothed.
I'll try to find it later, but in one of the bonus comics where we learn more about the Touden sibs' relationships to their parents, one of the things we learn is that their mother tried to "treat" Falin's magical abilities using a variety of ineffective folk cures. Their mother felt pressured to do this by the townspeople's very negative response to Falin's magical abilities, which along with their father seeking advice from a Gnome, proves that the threat against Falin was not completely in Laios' head.
Falin says she saw this as quality time with her mother, but...I mean, girls with unhealthy relationships to their bodies often see childhood dieting and clothes shopping with their mothers as quality time, even if that "quality time" instilled in them a deep-seated belief that they should mistreat their bodies and view themselves as objects to be consumed. Just because Falin thinks of it as quality time now does NOT mean that there was no damage done.
In a world where her social and fiscal autonomy are already highly limited, Falin's physical autonomy is threatened by her neurodivergence, just in a more roundabout way than Laios' is.
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Just a warning, this au strays a bit close to NSFW territory in that it does talk about Sex Workers, but it does not mention or describe anything specific, mostly just discussing how they operate and some dangers they may face working in Gothem.
So, we all know that Tim would do a lot for the mission right? More than most people would. I mean, just look at Brucequest or the fact he came back after his 16th birthday or his first few months as Robin when he was basically Bruce's nanny. He also has many false life's he can slip into at the drop of a hat such as Alvin Draper or Caroline Hill. So why not add one more to those personas? A woman named Jane Doe, a sex worker who works just outside Crime Alley who everyone knows and knows everyone, but no one truly knows her nor have they ever seen her face, if she even is a woman as she uses all pronouns to get just a little more mystery added to them. Their outfit is constantly changing but also very specific, a short and highly attractive dress that doesn't look cheap and a full face mask in the style of Venetian Carnival Masks, Volto design specifically so that it covers his full face but shows striking blue eyes. Those he has colored contacts that he switches around constantly.
The reason that Tim does this is simple. Information. While Jason may be able to ask the sex workers under his protection questions, they wouldn't be as open with him as they would another sex worker. Tim can get information from them, the clients, the shop owners of the area, the homeless, anyone and everyone who is often on the street or connected to it that none of the other Bats would ever be able to get. And through his... services he gets a lot of information about up coming things thanks to a special discount everyone knows about. If you tell Jane a secret they don't already know, you get 10% off his services. Tell him 2 and you get 20%. So on and so forth, but it has to be things that Tim didn't already know and he's more than happy to hear about which rouges are hiring at the moment and when they stop hiring, after all, what easier way to predict when they are gunna do stuff than by when they get new henchmen?
A lot is known about Jane Doe, yet also nothing is known. Jane doesn't keep any of the money he makes, giving it to the other girls and often extra as well. No one knows where she keeps getting 100s of dollars to just *give* them but she does. Jane has three brothers, a sister, and a father but no mother. They don't know their names, simply knowing them as N, H, C, R, and B. Whoever they are, they're a well off family but they aren't good to Jane, bad enough that Jane feels safer on the corners of Gothem than the comfort of her home. They know from "funny" stories he tells about his family or via them asking about scars he forgets misses when he covers himself in makeup (there are so many, what have they done to you child?) And him always telling something close to the truth.
They know that N is his oldest brother and the only one who cared about him for a long time, who helped him and was the first person who ever made him feel truly happy. They also know that N took something very precious from Jane Doe without Jane's permission and shattered their trust in N. Tim never told them what was taken or that it was Robin, but in a profession like the one he shares with them, they all come to the same conclusion about what was taken and why Jane might seek comfort in this line of work.
They know that H is also his older brother and has hurt Jane often. They know that the slight scar on his neck he covers with a choker or makeup was made by H, as was the bullet scar in his leg. He laughed about that one, telling his friends how H had set down one of his guns after cleaning it, R picked it up and accidentally fired it, and it bounced twice before going clean through Tim's leg. He laughs about how mad H was at both of them and how he yelled at them to not tell B or else, using a mocking tone and laughter that only causes the others to glance at eachother in worry over their friend. Tim makes sure to reassure them that he got to the blood before it dried so it wasn't to hard to clean up. Tim may have read it as anger in Jason's voice when he said to not tell, but actually it was panic and worry about Tim's wound and how Bruce would react.
They don't know much about C, only that she managed to escape the hell hole known as Gothem and lives in another country. Sometimes she comes back for visits and Jane is always very excited when she does.
The other Sex Workers don't like R. They know that R has either threatened Jane with sharp objects or actually harmed her with them many times but has never gotten in trouble for it. Any time Tim has some left over injuries from patrol, he plays it off as either R or H getting agressive with him again and tries to calm them by saying, "oh come on. Both of them have only tried to *actually* kill me twice! It's fine guys, they won't seriously injure me." While having 5 stitches in his arm.
Jane doesn't talk about their Dad much, always getting quiet and looking away when he's brought up. They ask if B has ever hit him and Jane says, "he doesn't hit me anymore." And all of them want to kill him. They want to kill all of them (except maybe C) and bury their bodies where they'll never be found.
Of course, none of the Bats know about Tim's other nightly activities and where he gets his info from, simply shrugging and moving along. Tim is terrified of any of them accidentally finding out. But unfortunately that day could be coming soon as one of the workers goes to The Red Hood and grabs him by the jacket saying, "you're supposed to protect us right? That's what you promised us, isn't it? Saftey? Well one of the others, Jane, is in deep trouble. Their family is gunna *kill* them. Do whatever you need to do to keep Jane safe from those monsters, we'll tell you what we know, but stop them before she's just another dead body in Gothem Harbor. Do we need to pay you? We'll pay you however much it takes for you to make them pay."
This does remind me of a few fics that go over Tim's "Caroline" identity combined with the idea that Bruce was worse to Tim during his Robin years. Some fics do go into Tim having to go so far as actually having sex with people while some don't.
There are also a few fics of Tim going undercover in Crime Alley as a stripper, cocktail server, sex worker, or other when Red Hood finds out and loses his shit.
The idea of Tim using a fake identity to vent about his family issues is a really cool concept! It would allow him to see how the actions done against him were shit and not okay. He may have the mindset that his trauma is fine because it happened to him, but the separation of identities may help start that realization process. I'm also all here for the identity shenanigans of someone trying to save Jane from her family and accidentally going to one of the people who's hurt them. Lovely amounts of mixed emotions there.
This fic/AU would need to be careful to address both the trauma of Tim selling himself at such a young age as well as still treat sex workers with respect, individuality, and care. It would also be cool to see how the inner workings of the sex industry may be affected by Gotham (such as rogues, toxins, corruption, wealth disparity/poverty, etc).
But yeah! Lots to explore in this AU. I wonder if Tim, in this one, cares about pronouns or gender identity. Does he enjoy crossdressing, does he experiment with his gender identity, and does he make distinctions? I think it would be cool to indicate he's closer agender but is fine with whatever. I like to imagine, in this AU, that he simply doesn't care what gender identity he's perceived as unless that identity needs a specific gender.
Anyways, I am curious about how Red Hood reacts to his characterization by Jane. I wonder if she seems to be wary or distant from him before he finds out that's Tim. Hopefully, Jason tries not to take Jane's hesitance personally. Just because Red Hood is established as a protector doesn't mean that Jane would trust him. They may have their own reasons/experiences not to that has nothing to do with the anti-hero.
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thingsnia · 8 hours
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boss benefits — simon riley "ghost" 💀🏴‍☠️
─── ☆ attention: english is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes, just clearing the web that I let accumulate; I missed writing, diving into something to get away from life, asks are open, and I write to all the men of cod (characters by Pedro Pascal & house of the dragon <3)
─── ☆ summary: What would you do to stand out? To take on a mission you always wanted to finally have new opportunities? Would you be willing to give everything? were you willing to sleep with your Lieutenant?
─── ☆ warings📣: +18, MDNI | Allusions to an unhappy marriage, Simon is a scoundrel here, a bit dark (since you have sex to get a job) , possessiveness, size kink, creampie, unprotected sex, sexual desire, sexual tension, Simon is jealous of his boyfriend (he doesn't admit it, but competes), infidelity, oral sex (m/f), mention of procreation, infidelity, abuse of power, hierarchical relationship, position advantage, extramarital relationship, both have relationships, mentions of lust, prosmic sex, high sexual attraction, big dick (I know, I know, Simon is a big boy), Simon makes fun of the reader's boyfriend a lot, Simon lives in a loveless relationship.
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"Lieutenant?" You asked as you pushed open the door to his office, perhaps it was to ask for a new report or to explain the briefing for your newest mission.
But when you opened the door, you noticed Ghost's body leaning against the table, he was in uniform, the mask covering only his lips, his honey eyes looking at you, you couldn't help but smile softly while showing his teeth.
You can't help but see the rectangular photograph, the gold-colored frame on his desk, displaying the happy photo of him next to his wife, Lisa, Lana or Lenny, you don't even remember her name. "Do you really want that mission?" His bitter tone of voice, so drawn out and thick that it almost made you think you were negotiating with the devil himself.
The mission that you begged so much to be in your hands, you wanted, was a mission in an area that always interested you, come on, you even studied to perform such a role, but Simon said he would give you an answer, and you were grateful for himself for letting go of his laziness and coming to his office at night.
"Of course I do, Lieutenant." The way you seemed convinced you believed it would be the best for you, he couldn't help but laugh beneath the mask, a little thing like you saying you could take it all. You had fire in your eyes, and Simon wanted to taste that fire.
"Whatever you're willing to do, I say." He cleared his throat while crossing his arms over his chest, raising his body even higher. "Many other soldiers asked me for it, it's an important mission, to show your values ​​and skills. Why do you think you deserve this mission?"
"I'm the most qualified, I'm tired of kissing babies or hugging people." The last mission, after saving a pile of hostages, you ended up becoming more popular in talking in front of the cameras — you were a kind, sweet woman and the photos of you holding a baby in your arms almost made everyone call you an 'angel' of the task force. You even got a five-day vacation to spend with your boyfriend, thanks to everything you saw, to all the scary things you saw while saving them. "That's not for me, Lieutenant."
"You still haven't answered me, little thing." The harsh tone, the way he leaned in, touching your chin with the same hand that had the gold ring on it, he was flirting with you, sending all codes of professional ethics to hell, the way he leaned in, without Don't even care about the photo on the table, the photo is his wedding. "What are you willing to give me... for this job to be yours alone."
You should run, escape, warn the HR people about his strange attitudes - no strange, he was harassing you, insinuating that you should give him something to get a job, this was against all regulations, using his own power to obtain sexual favors. But you knew, the army would never send him away, would never dismiss him, he was one of the most competent agents on the military installation.
Reporting him would ruin your career, it would throw all your efforts in the trash if you told anyone about it. Closing your own eyes while looking at him, why was he insinuating this? His wife was young, pretty, and you had a boyfriend - damn, why are you creating reasons not to have sex with him? "Simon, your wife doesn't deserve this, my boyfriend, Devon, doesn't deserve this."
"Don't be silly, little girl." The little flick he gave you on the nose, laughing as he noticed you dodge, trying to get away from him, were you creating reasons? Did you want it so much that you needed to create excuses to stay away? - "Look, don't see this as cheating, sex or whatever is in your head. See it as a business transition."
He laughed, you could almost see the wrinkles forming under his eyes, you could almost feel the way he was offering to have an affair with you. "We're not going to kiss, honey, I don't want you to kiss me, love me or leave your pathetic little boyfriend."
The silence that fell, your throat was dry, you seemed disappointed to know that there wouldn't be kisses? - the entire environment was silent, I could hear your mind pounding, I could hear the doubts, the uncertainty, and even the desire to have sex with your superior. Everything was silent for a few minutes, it seemed like an eternity, all the doubts, the uncertainties, the doubts, your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at him.
"you'll never tell anyone this, right?" you should be ashamed to accept it, you should walk away — leave, not accept this damn job and simply deny it, be faithful to your boyfriend, don't cheat on another woman, don't let him cheat on his marriage with you, in a damn case.
The way he took off his mask, showing off his thin lips, his strong facial expressions, his Greek nose as he couldn't help but laugh as he walked towards the door. He looked at your body, noticing that you were probably close to going to bed when they told you that he wanted to talk to you, his attentive eyes analyzing you, your curves, the entire contour of your body. "It will be a shame to never tell anyone that I was with a woman just like you, sweet." The pet name almost made you tremble, he spoke as if he had honey between his teeth. "But I agree, we can't let others know. It would be bad for my marriage and your little boyfriend- he would finally have to learn how to fuck a real woman."
At first it was strange approaching him, your lips tilting slightly, you didn't know where to touch, you didn't know how he liked kisses or how he liked to be touched, he approached, forgetting that it was you who wouldn't kiss you, but he lied, and you were stupid to believe him. Your eyes connected to each other, slow and slow steps towards each other, as if you were reading the deepest secrets of each other's souls — reading the darkest secrets that could exist, almost creating your own rhythm, a speed of yours. two. Simon couldn't help but bite his lip, he would be lying if he said he never desired your lips.
At first the kiss was so calm, sensitive, your lips pressing against each other, in an absurd harmony they were having, he held your face while he deepened the kiss, prolonging it, asking for passage with his lips, and when you moaned into his mouth of him, pulling his hair, everything seemed to go dark, to darken, your breathing in tune, your chest rising and falling, you needed to breathe, you needed air, oxygen, you needed so many things, Simon's hoarse voice, the way he just He smiled when he noticed how confused, airy and so confused you were.
"I have one condition" you pulled away from his lips, as you tried your best to hold on to something, fuck, you always imagined the sweet com could be his lips - you always knew he was as hot as the devil himself.
He couldn't help but laugh, finding it so curious how you didn't push him away during the kiss, quite the opposite, he saw your eyes on his lips, he saw desire in you, lust, tension, so many things that were more than enough. just an arrangement, an agreement. "What's your condition, pretty."
"I want you to use a condom." It was your lifeline, of course you imagined the texture of Simon's fresh semen filling your pussy, you knew it was wrong, wishing another man would cum in you while forcing your own boyfriend to use a condom, it was so comical, the man who knew your parents couldn't cum, but Simon had the approval to do so?
"We have a little problem. I don't have a condom." He wasn't lying, tilting his gaze at you as he walked away, he didn't have condoms, since he always made his own wife take care of birth control a lot, he didn't want accidents, he didn't want an unwanted child, but with you, he didn't even At least he cared about his own regulations of only having sex when he was aware of birth control.
"I have a condom in my boyfriend's room, I can get it."
“don’t be stupid princess, do you think it fits me?” You wanted to hit him for being arrogant, he was just being self-centered by telling you that he had a huge dick, but before you could even argue that he was lying or making excuses, he took your hands in his, feeling the soft and smooth texture, so Sweet as an addictive drug, he fell into your trap.
He let you feel him, feeling the volume, but he made a point of undoing his belt, lowering the waistband of his pants, making you see his dick, the red bridge leaking, the thick outline, covered in bluish veins, you couldn't let it go and Closing his eyes, biting his lips, realizing how huge he is, Simon couldn't help but laugh when he noticed how surprised his eyes were, when he noticed that he had a huge cock. Simon knew he had a huge dick, fuck, he knew he should be proud to have all that stuff in his pants. "What's wrong, doesn't your boyfriend have a huge dick, kitten?"
You hated how cocky he seemed, how full of ego he seemed, surely getting so many compliments for having a huge dick that he probably got a big ego. "shut up. I want you to take it off before you cum."
"Yes ma'am."
And there you were again, crushing your lips against his, feeling the way your body shivered, he knew it was wrong - but he couldn't lie and say he was sorry about cheating on his wife, he didn't care, he didn't even care. The way he was devouring your neck, crushing his lips against your skin, giving bites, hickeys and even licks, loving the way it gave you goosebumps, how you squirmed in his arms. "You seem so needy, no man has ever touched you."
He was groping your body, crushing your breasts against his own hands, he could feel how round they were, even under a pile of clothes. Pulling at clothes, removing buttons and buttons, watching your skin be revealed, flesh soft and supple, he knew he shouldn't leave marks, that he shouldn't have the boldness, but he did, he marked you, bit your skin, kissed.
Simon couldn't help but moan when he felt your hands wrapped around his cock - starting to masturbate him, moving his fists around him, feeling his cock throbbing, the veins bulging, how hot it was, how luscious, fuck, he'd never had a man with such a strong reaction to simply touching. You stayed for a few minutes, teasing each other, Simon exploring your skin, discovering all the pieces, all the contours, trying to remember in his own memory what you were like, he would record this moment, because he didn't know when it would happen again.
And that would be his best secret, the image that would pass through his mind every moment he had, remembering how your body reacts to being touched, to being kissed, to being loved, he knew it was wrong to give you the role of a lover, an affair, how he hated not being able to love you with open doors, to reduce you to just that, an affair of a married man. When he saw you kneel, see you on your knees for him, he could almost cum, he could almost feel the air getting thin, you almost stopped breathing.
"how do you.. like being sucked?" He couldn't help but find it so captivating, did you want to please him? You wanted to know how he wanted you, you wanted to engrave yourself in his mind like gum.
"Just do what you do with your boyfriend, hmm?" That was a lie, he wanted it to be even better, for you to suck him with more love than you sucked your boyfriend, he wanted you to be even better with him but it was with that loser.
"If you talk about him, I'll get dressed and leave." You didn't want to remember that you were a damn traitor, that you were about to suck a man who wasn't your boyfriend, and to make matters worse, a man who was wearing a ring. When you opened your mouth, starting to suck the base of his cock — sliding your tongue along the slit, while holding his base so tightly, you loved how needy Simon seemed to feel your mouth against him.
When you started to suck him, sliding your mouth around his entire contour - the warm, wet mouth surrounding him, as you began to slide in and out, just wrapping the glans around your mouth, you couldn't help but smile when he wrapped it around you. his hand in your hair, fuck, you could feel his wedding ring against your head.
Simon couldn't help but smile when he saw you smiling, seeing the outline of your lips against his, seeing your eyes so big as you tried to relax your throat to take him, you've never taken a huge cock, while you felt the weight of his cock against your tongue. He waited for you to be ready, as he started to move his hips, hitting the back of your throat, he could see you fighting the urge to choke, there was saliva running down your chest, you were willing to take him whole, to please him , you knew that anyone could notice that you and Simon were missing.
You move your head back and forth, breathing through your nose as you move your tongue around him, trying your best to pleasure him, you didn't care about the pain in your throat, you would probably have to drink tea the next morning, and when you heard Simon's moans, you can't help but continue, now hungrier, taking him so deep in your throat, starting to choke around him, the disheveled sounds, Simon's moans and with him he seemed so excited to see you giving a blowjob sloppy, not caring about his appearance, he looked like a slut who would get paid a lot of money, but no, you were doing it willingly, trying to please him, trying to be good to him, sucking a married man.
Fuck, Simon imagined all the perverted things he could do, he could take a picture of himself like this, but he didn't want to be such a bad man. He was close to cumming, close to emptying down your throat and even though he wanted to see you swallow him — or cumming on your face, he couldn't wait, he wanted to hear you moan for him.
He used all the strength he had, placing you on the desk, laughing when he saw the photograph fall to the floor, his wedding photo shattered, and he didn't even care, stepping on the broken frame, crushing the happy image of his wedding, separating at your legs, taking off your panties, he almost salivated at the sight of your wet pussy, at the sight of how wet you were for him, patting your clit and just laughing when you moaned.
He wanted to make fun of you, laugh a little, but he just wanted to feel your pussy around him, smell your sweet and soft scent, he leaned over, not caring about his spine curved in a bad position, as he started rubbing your clit. with a circle of his tongue — like a kitten testing the water, and when it tastes sweet, damn, he can't help but growl, opening your legs even wider, using his own weight and arms to open you up. "Fuck, I can live under your legs. That wet pussy."
He purred as he went back to sucking you, playing with your clit, drinking in all your excitement, trying his best to make you wet, patting you to see how wet you were, spreading your legs, separating your legs, putting you on top of the shoulders. Damn, all those moans you let out as he attacked your pussy, moaning as if you had never received quality oral sex, if he was your boyfriend he would never leave your legs, he would leave with you hanging on his shoulders, lifting the head just to speak politely to people.
Noticing his wet mouth, feeling your scent stuck right under his nose, as you arched over the table, feet shaking, crushing your hands against his hair, you were close to pulling his hair, messing up his hairstyle, those straw hair stuck between your fists, you were close to cumming, close to messing up everything around you, moaning loudly, squirming.
As you arched your back, rising and leaning, you wanted to close your legs, but Simon couldn't help but fight you, using his arms as a kind of screwdriver to let you open. Tapping hard on your clit while rubbing two fingers against your entrance, making you take his fingers, feeling your cum soak his fingers, feeling how you were crushing his fingers. "Fuck, Simon!"
When he lifted himself up, you couldn't help but see his forehead covered in sweat, his lips stained with your juices, he couldn't help but smile at how confused you were, how high you were from your orgasm, as he pulled you in for more. close, he needed to stick it inside you before he came, the taste of your pussy, the taste against his tongue. Fuck, he was dripping like a beast, his dick so hard and throbbing he might have blue balls if he didn't come, when you pulled him closer, wrapping your legs around his hips, you were a demon, and he should have known from that.
"don't do that to a man baby.. it makes any man greedy." Seeing your eyes, how you were kissing him, how he was crushing his body against you. He felt his cock rubbing against your wet folds, and when you pushed in, he had to bite his lips, his jaw clenched, you were so tight, so wet, so welcoming that it took everything he had not to cum on the first thrust. . "You're a glove inside, as tight as a fucking virgin."
He was rambling, talking out loud, he never felt like this, he never needed to pull his dick out to relieve it, fuck, he didn't want to cum on the first thrust, he didn't want to disappoint you, he didn't know when he would have the chance again and I wanted to enjoy every second. You couldn't help but laugh, noticing how fucked he was, how he had hurt his own lips sinking his teeth in to hold himself back, he kept fucking himself, just pushing his head in and out, moaning as he felt the obscene sounds, the smell of sex in the entire office.
When he crushed his hands around your hips, using one of his arms to keep you from struggling before he fucked you into oblivion, before he fucked you like a beast. Feeling your hands against the back of his neck as you began to move, laughing as he moved in and out of you, seeing you roll your eyes and scratch at his shoulders, scratch at his back, he can feel you shaking against him, You can feel how deep you were, your pussy was wrapping around him so tightly.
You knew you shouldn't be moaning in another man's arms, you shouldn't be letting a man without a condom enter you, fuck, you could feel the cold, golden ring against your skin, throw your head back, feeling the sounds of sex, the creaking table, the obscene sounds your pussy was making as it clenched around him. Feeling him fuck him balls deep inside you, he knew there would be so many bruises, marks that were too difficult to explain to the people who were waiting for you at home, but damn, he didn't care.
The violent rhythm that your bodies intertwined, you were both sinning, you were both getting sick, he loved feeling the texture of your skin, how your pussy clenched around him, and when he buried himself deep inside, the way your eyes rolled back, the air that was trapped in his chest and his head thrown back, his nail scratched him as if his skin was a whiteboard ready to be painted, exposed and displayed as a beautiful work of art.
The heavy breathing, the sounds, the harsh and hot noises, Simon was growling, feeling your pussy to squeeze a huge amount of you, the smell of sex, all the items on the table hitting the floor, Simon didn't care about the mess, with all the papers, the cock buried, in and out the wet and lasives sounds, while the rhythm was so slow, he wanted to hear you moan — to hear you beg for his cock, beg for the mark, for the contour of his cock against your pussy . "Fuck, keep moaning for me, I want to remember how you can be so loving."
He noticed your bright eyes, the way you bit your own lip just to make him angry, and fuck, he started moving so slow, so slow, thrusting all the way in at a deadly pace, letting your clit rub against his His abdomen, just looking down Simon thought he was going to fill you up, the simple sight of almost burying his balls inside you drives him crazy, makes him so animalistic, lost in desire, bathing in lust.
His hips rock almost naturally, the sight of your lubrication gushing against his cock, the obscene sound of your pussy and how your moans sound so loud and needy, it was almost like another impulse to slide his fingers up to your clit, he wanted you Seeing you cum for him, seeing how your eyes rolled back, how your body would tremble against his, god, he was so wild.
Simon feels his charms completely over you, the way your belly twitched, he can feel the way you hugged him even tighter with your legs, almost forbidding him to leave, creating a limitation that made him almost merge. Your body rose from the table, your spine arching, your hair spread across the table, it was like a damn overdose, better than the adrenaline of being on the field. Your eyes were so dilated, your moans were confused, altered, the orgasm made you so needy, the way you looked at Simon, almost like a succubus ready to drain every drop of semen he had.
He knows he should have used the strength of his own body to pull away, to cum on his belly and even his thighs — the guilt was already gone, he didn't even remember his wife's name, Lisa, Lenny or anything, his mind was just I could think about you, your body, your pussy that seemed made for his dick, even the shock against your cervix. "I need you, Simon-"
His eyes were heavy, his hands were squeezing your flesh so tightly, as if he was stopping you from slipping between his fingers, he was so close to filling you, the way his name rolled across your tongue, as if it were a prayer, a song that you were the only singer who gave meaning to the musician. "Fuck, I'm going to fill you up..."
The devilish smile that played on those lips, now you know how Lucifer fell as he tried to dominate and rule heaven, the distorted pleasure before your eyes, the danger, the chance to father his child - the marks of the alliance against your skin If it's so wrong why did it feel so good in your mind?
Instead of pushing him away, yelling at him, telling him he's gone crazy, it was as if he had opened a box with all his darkest desires, fathering a married man's child, destroying a home, you should be ashamed, but all he felt was pleasure, desire, knowing that he was so immersed in this that he was willing to lose everything. Giving up everything he had for years, simply to fill you up.
The way Simon's hips seemed ready to give way, he was like a machine, rough like metal hitting you over and over again, and you were made of porcelain, fragile and struggling not to break, he was hitting you over and over again against your uterus, he was insatiable, it would only stop when it spilled, when all the semen was dripping from your pussy, he didn't even care how red, swollen and baked it would be. He could only think about the feeling, fucking you again, using his own cum as lubricant, imagining how your pussy would still accept him even after he had cum.
Knowing that you weren't letting your loser boyfriend do that, but you were letting him, a man who had his wife's photo on the table, the frame that was now broken — he didn't even know where it had fallen, if he was stepping on it or anything. thing, you pussy was his only focus, your body against his. The simple thought made him come, the firm, thick jets being spurted inside you, looking at you is seeing your eyes closed, your body trembling, he filled your pussy, and instead of pushing him away, you moaned, leaving another man marks you, another man kisses you, another man tastes and delights in your body.
Simon didn't want to leave, even though he heard the sound in the hallway, knowing that at any moment someone could open the door, but he didn't care about the danger, the suspension they would both receive, or the gossip spreading through the hallways. He just smiled, your breaths mixing, you didn't move a single centimeter, you knew your legs would give way - but you still did your best to lean over and sit down, the semen running down your leg, dirtying the carpet.
He was a knight, taking your panties that he had stolen minutes ago, cleaning your pussy, just rubbing the leaked semen and smiling as he smiled. "Never handled a big dick? If you want, I can walk you to your room."
"Don't feel cocky, you looked like a drooling dog tasting pussy for the first time" He couldn't help but laugh as he leaned in, giving you a soft kiss on your lips. "Unlike you, I assume my sins"
You gave him a light push, and he just smiled. "We are two sinners, the difference is that you will convince yourself that you have not sinned, and I-" he showed you semen-stained panties. "I like to remember my sins."
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©thingsnia is the author and owner of the content, do not translate or post on another platform.
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hey-august · 1 day
This story comes to you from the May Event Week 2 results! Check out the full event here.
WC: ~600 Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, Buggy x GN!reader, established relationship, profanity, male masturbation, anal masturbation, toy masturbation, buggy uses the toy without asking (tsk tsk), pls wash your toys correctly and don't use someone else's toy without consent
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Buggy hated it at first. Hate hate hate. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was jealous. Jealous. Could you believe that? Jealous over an inanimate dick. Some phallic bullshit toy that you hid in your drawer. 
The first time he saw the offending rubbery item, he asked if you wanted him to toss it. Surely you wouldn’t need to keep this fucking thing when you could just use him as a real live dildo.
And yet.
You stopped him. You wanted to keep it. Buggy’s hand was already halfway across the room, the fake teal penis pinched between his fingers and ready to drop into the bin. But you said no. Not yet. What? Why?
The sneer on his face was plain as day. As bright as the sunlight pouring into the room. As crisp as the waves crashing outside. And you scrambled to explain. To prove that he was still more than enough.
You showed Buggy how you’d bundle the toy in a bit of fabric. Buggy hated how you touched it so gently. How you swaddled it like some baby and not a fucking dong.
You showed Buggy how you’d tuck it on the window sill. Something about warming it up, whatever the hell that meant. You said it was important, but you didn’t want to wait for it to warm up this time. You didn’t want him to wait.
You showed Buggy how you’d use the toy. How you’d go until they were tears in your eyes. How you’d beg for him. How you imagined it was him. Because you simply couldn’t bear it when he was gone. When he was away, you needed a way to fill the hole in your heart and the hole between your legs.
Buggy had watched you fuck yourself with his erection many times. This was the same. And different. You tried to use it the same way, but it was obvious the toy was no comparison for the real thing. And since he was here, Buggy was more than happy to give your body what it needed.
And after that…Buggy didn’t hate the toy so much. Not just because it brought you pleasure, but because he found his own pleasure with it.
If it made you feel better when Buggy was away, why couldn’t the opposite apply? And it did.
He’d secretly rummage through your drawer, searching for the vibrant flash of color that was picked because it reminded you of your favorite pirate clown.
During the day, Buggy would wrap it in fabric and let it soak up the sun. If he actually planned ahead, he’d have warm water ready to soak the dildo in. You were right - it made a difference. Fucking yourself with something warm is a lot better than something room-temperature. 
And knowing that you did the same made his dick twitch. Fucking himself with your toy made his toes curl. Knowing that the toy invading in his body also resided in yours brought him bliss.
Honestly, it was good. Too good. It was better than using his own dick to peg himself. 
Thinking about how you didn’t know he used your toy had him moaning and grunting like a wild animal. Screwing himself until he spilled a filthy, sticky mess.
When feeling finally returned to his legs, Buggy would take care to clean up. He was especially diligent about cleaning the toy and putting it back. It was yours, after all.
Even if he used it more than you.
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thatskynews · 7 hours
Sky Patched Calendar Ver. 0.25.5: A Guide for Sky Events
- Season of Nesting Post-Season Content
- Days of Nature
- Days of Color/Rainbow
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Season of Nesting Continues! 🪺 (April 15th - June 30th)
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Nesting Challenge Board - a permanent addition to the game, so its quests (and rewards) will remain in the game even after the Season ends.
After completing all the challenges in a tree, several props will be available to unlock: an instrument stand, a music player, and a stone figurine.
Instrument stand: Use it to set out any one instrument from your closet to play. If it’s placed in an area where other players can interact with it, they can play the instrument you set out!
Music player: Plays various pieces of music that are in the game. There are several “channels” that have their own musical themes.
Stone figurine: A decorative figure that can wear any hairstyle, hats, neck items, or capes you have in your closet. (This is a decorative item only; it will not allow players to copy and wear the same items that the stone figurine is wearing.)
Friends' Nest Preview Feature - a new feature that we’re hoping will spark inspiration for everyone: an option in your Nest menu to view other Nests. You’ll be able to “scroll” through a preview of these Nests that favors ones your friends have made while also showing Nests that other players have made too. It’s just a preview, though, so you won’t see anyone in this view, and other players won’t see anyone who might be viewing their Nest through this feature either.
Season of Nesting continues until 23:59 June 30th (all times PDT, UTC -7).
Days of Nature 🌊 (May 27 - June 16; 3 Weeks)
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Last year, Days of Nature had supported The Ocean Cleanup, through the American Friends of The Ocean Cleanup, as they work towards a 90% reduction of floating plastic in the world’s oceans by 2040.
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During the event you can find 4 event currency each day, placed in different spots around Prairie Peaks. Use these to unlock this year’s new IGC items:
Ocean Mask: 16 event currency
Ocean Blue Scarf: 40 event currency
(16 + 40 = 56 / 4 = 14 Days in order to get both items - 21 Days of the Event = 7 Days of "skip" days)
This year the event will again offer special IAPs to support charity efforts focused on real-world cleanup work in oceans and waterways.
Half of the total list price of items listed here will be donated to these efforts. The remaining amount will cover platform fees (expenses from Apple App Store, Google Play, etc) and a portion of development (operations, taxes, and post-event refunds.)
Nature Wave Pack: 19.99 USD (10.00 USD donation) - Includes 75 regular candles
Ocean Necklace: 1.99 USD (1.00 USD donation)
Nature Sonorous Seashell: 4.99 USD (2.50 USD donation) - This placeable item has a toggle to play relaxing ocean sound effects
Earth Cape: 4.99 USD (2.50 USD donation)
Ocean Cape: $14.99 USD (7.50 USD donation)
Nature Glasses Pack: 19.99 USD (10.00 USD donation) - A toggle for these sunglasses adds a bluer tint to the world around you; includes 75 regular Candles
Nature Turtle Pack: 19.99 USD (10.00 USD) - includes 75 regular Candles
Non-Charity Items / Returning Items:
New Item - Nature Wave-Touched Hair: 6.99 USD
Nature School Cape: 180 Candles
An asymmetrical cape featuring a partially transparent motif
Nature Coral Crown Accessory: 20 Hearts
Nature Turtle Cape: 14.99 USD
Days of Colors/Rainbow 🌈 (June 24 - July 7; 2 Weeks)
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This year we’re proud to once again share that we’ll be supporting the The Trevor Project, the world’s largest suicide prevention and mental health organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) young people.
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Half of the total list price of items listed here will be donated to these efforts. The remaining amount will cover platform fees (expenses from Apple App Store, Google Play, etc) and a portion of development (operations, taxes, and post-event refunds.)
Dark Rainbow Loafers: 19.99 USD (10.00 USD donation) - includes 75 regular Candles
Dark Rainbow Pack 9.99 USD (5.00 USD donation) - includes 40 regular candles
Rainbow Pack flower hair accessory: 19.99 USD (10.00 USD donation) - includes 75 regular Candles
Double Rainbow Pack flower hair accessory: 9.99 USD (5.00 USD donation) - includes 40 regular candles
As you soar around the event space, watch out for 5 rainbow-shaped event currency each day: 4 around the area, and 1 from completing the day’s color puzzle.
Non-Charity Items:
Color Glam Cut: 18 event currency
Dark Rainbow Mask: 32 event currency
(18 + 32 = 50 / 5 = 10 Days in order to get both items - 14 days of the event = 4 "skip" days)
Color Bubble Machine: 14.99 USD - The bubbles from this prop temporarily change the cape color of the closest player!
Rainbow Earring: 2.99 USD
Rainbow Headphones: 9.99 USD
Rainbow Hat: 9.99 USD
Dark Rainbow Tunic: 14.99 USD
This year’s event is also the one-year anniversary of event currency! These are used for the newest in-game currency items in an event in the current year, so items introduced for event currency last year can now be unlocked for varying amounts of regular in-game currency this year.
Returning IGC items:
Dark Rainbow Cape: 177 Candles
Rainbow Cape: 175 Candles
Rainbow Trousers: 95 Candles
Rainbow Braid Accessory: 20 Hearts
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wooahaes · 7 hours
the (not-so-subtle) doting kind
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pairing: non-idol!mark lee x fem!reader
genre: fluff. established relationship au.
warnings: food mentions. mark being a very doting bf on his gf's bday.
word count: 2.4k~ dont look at me when u compare this one to all the other bday fics
daisy's notes: what if i want him :(
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For whatever reason, your birthday wasn’t a happy day for you… So Mark resolved to treat you normally. And if “normally” involves him doting on you the way he does when you have bad days, then so be it.
He tucked stray strands of hair away from your face when he saw you begin to stir. He’d say one thing to you, just to show you that he remembered. So he leaned in, lips pressing against your own. “Good morning. Happy birthday, baby,” he said, voice still a little hoarse from sleep. “Are we still going to get breakfast?”
“Mmhm.” You drew him back in for another sleepy kiss, only to draw him closer. You snuggled in, eyes fluttering shut as you dropped your head into his shoulder. “Morning…”
He giggled. Most mornings, he’d tease you a little with some sort of “my sleepy girl,” but he settled in instead. He peppered your skin with kisses, just to hear that slightly-annoyed groan as you finally opened your eyes. His lips pressed against yours one final time before drawing back. 
“Good morning,” he said again, thumb grazing the apple of your cheek.
Despite the slight annoyance at being woken up fully now, you sat up and stifled a yawn. The moment you went to move out of bed, you felt Mark’s fingers poke into your sides. You let out a strangled grunt, playfully shoving away at his hands as he giggled. He came up behind you, pressing a long kiss against your neck before moving to search through the closet. It became obvious soon enough what he was doing, always trying to find a way to tease you to make you smile. Eventually you swatted him away from you, and he laughed that goofy laugh before getting dressed, too. He kept waiting around, watching you as you looked through your options before settling on something. Of course, it was one of the things you owned that Mark didn’t have something he could use to match with you… But he could improvise. He stood back, watching you (half-admiring, half-studying) before going into his side of your shared closet. 
When he stepped out in a patterned shirt that mainly featured the same color as the shirt you were wearing, he saw the way you gave him a little once over before going back to packing your things into a bag. “You look cute.”
Mission accomplished. Mentally, he put a little sunglasses emoji guy right next to the thought. 
After a quick breakfast out, the two of you ended up wandering around the mall for the day. He held your hand the entire time, always pointing out something cool or something he thought you’d look good in. Today was your day, which meant he couldn’t play. You wanted something? He was already getting his card out. He’d been saving specifically so that he could spoil you on your birthday, and he was intent on carrying that out.
“Don’t worry, baby,” he said with this cute smile, “I got you.” 
It always earned some sort of playful eye roll or snort as you thanked him, always drawing out the words to tease him. He was obvious, but that was fine with him. What was the point of days like birthdays and holidays if he couldn’t spoil you a little? He carried your bags for you, too, ever the gentleman. Yet he was the one who slowed down, hand holding yours tight enough to tug you back, when the two of you were outside of a toy store. He pointed out two little lion plushies right next to one another.
“Babe. Baby.” He didn’t take his eyes off of them. “It’s us.” 
You’d giggled a little over it. “Pretty sure those are two male lions, Mark.” 
He turned back to you. “What?” Then he looked at them again, fully registering the bright orange manes that both of them wore. “Right. Still… We could still find a lioness. C’mon.” He tugged you toward the entrance, only to stop. “Unless you don’t wanna—”
“We can go places you wanna go, Mark,” you said, already making your way into the store. “Let’s go find a lioness.” 
You’d been insistent on paying for and carrying that bag, and Mark let the issue drop. Gentlemanly as he was, his hand was getting a little tired carrying all your bags… and it’d be rude to turn it into an issue when it wasn’t. You did end up taking the bags from him when you stopped to get lunch, saying you would go get the table while he grabbed the food. When he asked you to pick a place, you’d just shrugged it off.
“You know what I’ll eat,” you said. “Just pick somewhere.” 
Again, he’d almost pushed back on that. Today was your day, even though you weren’t treating it like anything special. But he knew how you felt, and he bit back any disagreement. He looked around the food court, picked two places, and asked you to pick from those under the guise of him being indecisive. You hummed to yourself, genuinely considering the two options before picking, and then left him standing there as you went to snag a table for the two of you. He went off to order your food, and soon enough he was sitting across from you, listening as you rambled on about something that happened at work the other day. Eventually, you pushed the conversation onto him as you nodded along to his own stories… all while sneaking little pictures of him. He smiled for them, and eventually got you to squeeze into frame so he could snap a picture of the two of you together.
The rest of the day was scaled toward him. You would push for him to pick places to go, things to do. The bookstore the two of you frequented became one of your stops, and he saw the quiet way you bought a book he put back alongside with another bookmark for him (sometimes he lost them, but he’d always take extra care when someone gave him one) without saying a word. A few other stores, too: you’d ended up buying him a few things, insistent on carrying his bags for him with this knowing smile that told him you knew exactly what he’d been doing all day. 
Then when you were leaving, Mark saw it. The way you’d been walking a step ahead of him for a minute, talking about finding a place to sit for a few minutes before you actually went back to the car. You’d slowed to a stop outside this chocolate place the two of you had sampled forever ago, watching in the window as a tall, handsome man was making them in view of anyone passing by. The guy looked up, flashed you a smile, and then went back to his work. Mark slowly made his way over to you, watching the magic happen for himself.
“We should get a box,” he said after a moment. He looked at you, practically glowing with excitement. “We can split it, if you want?”
For a few seconds longer, you just watched the man on the other side of the glass continue to work. Then you met Mark’s gaze, genuinely smiling that same smile he fell in love with years ago, and nodded. “I’d love that.” 
The two of you went into the shop, picking out flavors for your big box of chocolates. When Mark paid this time, you didn’t push back or question or tease him. You just leaned against him, still smiling that pretty smile, and thanked him in a soft voice that felt so genuine this time around. He tucked the box into one of the bags he was carrying, pressed a kiss against your cheek, and took your hand again as you left.
By the time the two of you got home and started sorting through everything you’d bought, it was late. When Mark looked up, asking if you felt like going back out for dinner, you’d shaken your head. You had sprawled out along the couch at that point, visibly sleepy from the long day as you abandoned the work of sorting out new clothes to be washed. He just crawled over to you, pressing his lips against yours.
“You wanna go take a bath? I’ll order dinner when we get out.” He pressed another kiss against your lips. “We can watch movies,” another kiss, “and then bust into those chocolates,” and another, “and it’ll be fuckin’ great, baby.” 
You agreed to it all too easily. The two of you ended up snuggling in the hot water for a while, talking about whatever came to mind. By the time the two of you were cuddled up on the couch again, dressed in matching pajamas (“Because we’re cheesy like that, you know?” was what Mark said to you when he bought them forever ago), he’d decided to apparently kill you with a thousand more soft kisses. The jerk was giggling the entire time, too, squeezing you in his arms and he peppered said kisses alongside the side of your neck—right where you were tickling, he’d learned back when the two of you were first dating.
“Mark!” You’d squealed at one point, nose crinkling as he mumbled something about how cute he found you. “You can stop. I know what you were doing today.” 
“What?” He played dumb. “Appreciated you? I’m always appreciating you, baby,” he giggled, kissing the spot where your neck met your jaw. “I’m lucky to have you, y’know?”
With a sigh, you pulled away from him. Ah. Shit. You’d been planning for a serious talk, then. “I mean it,” you said, taking one of his hands within your own. “I know what you were doing. And… I think it was really sweet.”
Wait, what? His voice grew softer now, heart racing in his chest. “So you aren’t mad?”
“I…”  You trailed off, turning away. “I thought I would have been. But… I dunno. I think when you walked up to me and said something about buying that box of chocolates, it just kinda hit me that you weren’t just spoiling me today because it’s my birthday. You were doing it because you love me.” For a moment, you tried to blink back tears. “I mean… I know you love me. And I knew that on the birthdays before—but I always kinda pushed people away because I felt like I wasn’t worth it.”
“You are, though.” The words fell from his lips before he could even think twice. Maybe if he did, he would have apologized for interrupting you, but some things were just too vital to hold back. “You’ll always be worth it, y’know?”
The tears you’d been fighting finally ran down your cheeks, and you nodded. “You made me feel special,” you said. “And not just because it’s my birthday, but because you actually care.” 
Something ached deep within his chest at that. Did that mean you had people who didn’t…? Yet he left the question unsaid. How long had he been dating you, and he still didn’t know everything he thought he should? Not because you were supposed to bare your soul to him—never that. But because he was your boyfriend, he felt that he should have noticed sooner. You told him that your birthday hadn’t been a happy day for you in a long time, and he’d accepted it at face value without pushing. If you wanted to tell him, you would, and he would listen the same way you always cared and listened to his problems. The same way you did today when you pushed him to open up, to talk, to share the day with you so it wasn’t just him doting on you endlessly. 
“Hey…” He reached up, wiping your tears away. “I’m sorry I went behind your back to try and spoil you today.”
You stared at him. “Mark, it’s okay—”
He shook his head. “I should have asked you first,” he said. “But I like celebrating you. You know I was kind of a mess when we first met, but I wanted to be better for you. Chenle can tell you how bad this place used to be,” he chuckled, hoping that you would laugh or giggle or something too. “So I like getting the chance to celebrate how much I love you. You still make me wanna be a better guy, y’know?”
Sniffling, you dove forward to hide your face in his shoulder. He just laughed softly, rubbing circles onto your back as you cried. He loved you, and he knew how easily you could get emotional in vulnerable moments like this. Always diving forward and hiding your face because no matter how many times he told you it was okay, you’d be embarrassed that you were crying on him when you were supposed to be happy. 
“We can have more days out like this, if you want,” he said, hand cradling the back of your head. He drew you back, just so he could see your face, watery eyes and all. “Today just needed to be perfect because I think you’re perfect, even with all the imperfections we both know we have, we’re kinda perfect together.” He paused, wondering if he’d talked himself in a circle again before settling on something simpler: “I just think you’re really cool.”
That had finally earned a laugh out of you, so endeared to him and the way he spoke. “Yeah?”
He nodded eagerly. “Yeah!” He smiled at you. “You’re pretty sick. I love being your boyfriend, y’know?”
You just drew him in for a quick kiss after wiping your face with your sleeve. When you pulled back, you just smiled at him. “You’re pretty cool, too, y’know.” With a clumsy kiss against the side of his mouth, you finally drew back and out of his lap. “Thank you for a really fun day, by the way.” Snuggling a little closer to him, you rested your head against his shoulder. “I had fun. I always do when I’m with you, but you know what I mean.”
He just chuckled, turning his head so that he could kiss the top of yours. “Yeah, of course. Happy birthday, baby.” He snuggled in for a cozy night with you, head resting against your own. “I love you a lot. Let’s do something cool next year, alright?”
You just let out a soft chuckle, too. “Alright.” You shut your eyes. “If it’s with you… I’ll always be happy.”
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taglist: @twancingyunhao
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chaifootsteps · 23 hours
During her SVA days and after, her art was really cute especially she’s always been good with expressions and I know her color choices and over shading and thin lines have always been criticized but it makes the art pop and pretty to look at
HH pilot artstyle is very whimsical and stretchy and they used smear frames which the show desperately needed, it’s too stiff and the characters just don’t have any fluidity or bounce when they move. It’s makes action scenes very flat, that’s probably why the camera moves so damn much you’re not getting any movement for the characters to be impactful Glitch X was really something not only is viv so disconnected with the same community she got her success from but also disconnected with other indie creators and animation and only shows interest when they have the same level of success as her, like Goose. She was kissing goose’s ass so hard and acting like goose was her idol when I wouldn’t be surprised if viv cut contact with goose after HH got picked up by a24 and is know pretending to be friends since she saw how successful TADC became.
It was great seeing Tracy and goose get along glitch shouting out every indie creator anmd trying to build hype for their shows, especially Ashly and Dave just solidarity and than there’s viv, who justs so fake and performative it’s honestly embarrassing and sad because she wasn’t like that on the hunicast, she was having fun and laughing like genuinely laughing with the crew it’s hard to doubt any of it and think for a minute she would backstab all these people
I remember those days. I certainly never saw it coming, and from the sounds of it, neither did the Hunicast crew.
It's tragic, but Viv discarded her ties to that indie community, and she's lucky that these people are more professional and courteous to her than she is to them.
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mas-o-kissed · 1 day
CW: hypnotic intox, dubcon hypno, public humiliation, kidnapping)
It’s the middle of the night, and your television flickers. There’s a static haze, a soft droning. As the picture comes into focus, a jaunty, old fashioned tune plays over the title card:
with Imp
Camera slowly zooms in on a small, effeminate man, grinning at the camera. A lower third tells you that his name is Imp. The image is hazy, as if it’s an old broadcast, but you could swear he has horns and a devil’s tail. Are those fangs? What is this show?
“Good evening, Impsomniacs! It’s 3 o’clock, and you know what that means. It’s time for your favorite game show: BRAINDRAIN.”
The camera follows as Imp walks across the set.
“Now, I’ve been hosting this show for many years. It’s been so long, we don’t even remember that far back! The before times, the long long ago, it all fades into nothing, like a dark void at the center of my mind, and no matter how hard I try to remember, it’s like we’re filled with this emptiness. It’s frightening, but it’s exciting at the same time. Like, what even is hiding in that dark space? Is it better if we never find out? This guy knows what I’m talking about!”
Imp points lightheartedly at an audience member, who appears to be asleep. AUDIENCE LAUGHS.
“HA! Haha. Yes.” (Stage whisper, into his headset) “Get that guy out of here. He’s too far gone to laugh at any of my jokes.”
The audience member is swiftly carted away.
“We have a very special player on our show tonight. You might recognize him from such places as snooping around Impco at 6am, or the holding room where we keep all of our prisoner— I mean contestants.”
Curtains move aside to reveal a man chained to a podium by his neck and hands. There is a gag in his mouth. He struggles against the binding. The messy scrawl on his name card says: “POSTMAN (ALLEGEDLY)”
“Usually I’m not up so early in the morning, but today I was woken up by a terrible horn-ache, and that’s when I found contestant number one poking around the facility. What do you have to say for yourself, contestant?”
Imp removes the gag from the man’s mouth.
“I was delivering a package, you lunatic!”
“Oh? Really? And what was in this package?”
“That tie! You’re wearing it right now!”
Imp looks down at the tie around his neck.
“HA! Hahaha! Oh darling, I sure wish I believed you. But you see, we’ve already downloaded dozens of fun triggers directly into your brain. It would be such a shame to waste them. Not only that, but our audience is just aching to see what’s going to happen to you. They’re ravenous. Like dogs. Isn’t that right, folks?”
The man continues to struggle.
“Now, I think we all know the rules by now, but because I’m so nice, I’ll explain how the game is played.
I spin the wheel of post-hypnotic suggestions (we’re still coming up with a snappier name for it).
Whatever it lands on is the trigger I’ll use before I ask you a question.
Will you have to answer a complicated math problem after having your IQ reduced by 30 points? Will I make you into my puppet and then ask you to grab something just out of reach? Will it be a mysterious third thing?
You don’t know! And neither do I! That’s what makes the game so fun. Are you ready to play, Luke?”
“Let me go! M-my name’s not even Luke. It’s Daniel.”
“GREAT! Time to spin the wheel of post-hypnotic suggestions. Ooooooh!”
Imp spins the large, multicolored wheel. In each color is a different image, indicating a different trigger. As the wheel spins, Imp’s eyelids start fluttering. He watches it, half-lidded, a blank look on his face. The wheel has stopped spinning. Five seconds pass. An Imptern in a black t-shirt and headset rushes onto the stage. She snaps her fingers in front of Imp’s face.
“Bwuh.. wha..?”
She hurriedly whispers, “Sir, you know you’re not supposed to look directly at the wheel.”
“It’s my show. I can look wherever I want.”
“You were just zoning out, again!”
“You know I can’t be effected by hypnosis, doll. Now, get off the stage, I’m trying to do a show.”
She rushes off. TEPID AUDIENCE LAUGHTER. Imp gestures to the wheel, which has landed on a drawing of a bottle.
“Oh, a classic! Are you ready for the trigger, darling?”
“P-please don’t, I-I…”
“Hmm, stuttering and slurring like that. Oh dear… How much have you had to drink?”
The contestant’s eyelids flutter. He looks confused. His cheeks flush.
“Whas… happening?”
“You heard me. How much have you had to drink?”
“I’ve haven’t had… anything. I… I feel…”
The contestant giggles, clearly drunk. AUDIENCE LAUGHS.
“Uh oh, I think he’s had a bit too much.”
“I don… nunderstand. I didn’t think it wass real but I ffeel…”
“Didn’t think what was real? Hypnosis? Brainwashing? If that was true, we’d all be out of the job! HA! Ohh, you poor thing, you look like you’re going to be sick. Are you ready for your test, darling?”
“No swearing dear, we’re on LIVE TV! Considering your pitiful state, I’ll keep it simple. Your question is: If one doctor doctors another doctor, does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring doctors? Or does he doctor the doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors?
“I… wh… what?”
“I’m sorry, that’s wrong. I don’t know what the answer is, but I know that that’s definitely not it.”
“Youu asked me a trick queshtion! Ompurpose! How’m I supposed to answer something like… that…? Shit… the room wontstop spinn..ninng…”
“Easy there, tiger. It’s time for a quick commercial break, but don’t you fret. We’ll be back to seal our dear contestant’s fate after this! (BUY IMPCO PRODUCTS!)”
There’s a commercial for Impco brand hypno-goggles. You’re not sure what hypno-goggles are, or what you’re even watching. But that Imp seems so nice. And he said to buy Impco products. So maybe you should…
(Decided to break this up with the commercials since it’s long but part 2 is coming soon! When I post it I will link it here.)
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I've used a lot of purple in my work today, and some yellow, and it got me thinking about Wandee Goodday (tell me I'm obsessed with Wandee Goodday without telling me I'm obsessed with Wandee Goodday, lol)...
Purple and yellow are contrasting colors (also called complementary colors) because they are on opposite sides of the color wheel. Contrasting colors are the definition of "opposites attract" when it comes to color because they are completely different but complement each other very well. When placed next to each other (or, as in my profession, somewhere within the confines of the same canvas), it creates high impact and contrast. They pop.
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So, what does that tell me about Yak and Dee in Wandee Goodday? That their contrasts complement each other.
Dee (purple) is more mysterious and (let's be honest) a bit cold. Yak (yellow) is more clear/direct and warm.
Dee enjoys luxury. I mean, neon lights (at least the quality stuff) are expensive and we've seen how much he likes neon lights.
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Yak seems to enjoy the simpler things in life like just being around the people he likes and having fun with dressing up in different costumes.
(I could be wrong about this, though, considering he can, somehow, get his hands on all those costumes and props he uses to disguise himself when he goes to Dee's place. Maybe that's a very expensive hobby/kink he has, lol.)
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What's interesting about purple and yellow, in particular, is that they also have overlapping traits, and (not so) surprisingly, so do Dee and Yak.
Purple (Dee) is associated with wisdom while yellow (Yak) is associated with intelligence. But even with this overlapping trait, Dee and Yak's wisdom/intelligence is different and complementary.
Dee is a doctor and it has surely taken him a lot of studying to get to where he is now. The kind of intelligence he uses every day (because of his work) is scientific and analytical.
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Yak's intelligence is, I would say, more of an intuitive and emotional kind. He took what Taem said about people not always being able to be strong, saw it in Dee, and was able to empathize with it.
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Even though they're both wise/intelligent, they are so in their own ways.
(Yes, Dee shows empathy for his patients as well, but I feel like he lacks some of the other aspects of EI at the moment, like self-regulation, for example.)
Another interesting aspect of purple and yellow is that purple is the color on the color wheel that's closest in value to black while yellow is the color closest in value to white.
In other words, purple is the color on the color wheel that reflects the least amount of light while yellow is the color that reflects the most.
Even though black and white and purple and yellow have different qualities and symbolism, the contrast between dark and light is there in both pairs.
Black is often associated with the night while purple is associated with mystery (one of the reasons being that pure purple is so dark it was likened to the evening/night in the past). White is often associated with light while yellow is (in the West) associated with the sun. In Thailand, yellow is associated with Mondays, and Mondays are associated with the moon (the light in the night sky).
With this in mind, it could be that Yak (yellow) is coming into Dee's (purple) life to shine some light.
There was that hint (in the 3rd episode) of a car accident that (most likely) took Dee's parents' lives. Considering what we saw in that flash of his memory, he saw them dead. Whether he was in the car with them or not doesn't matter, the trauma was evidently deep either way.
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While I don't believe in other people being able (or having the responsibility) to heal your trauma (you have to work on that yourself), Yak might still be able to give Dee some light through another perspective on life. Perhaps to work less (so he'll have the time to change the lightbulbs, lol) and make more time for fun and play (like their FWB relationship).
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With the whole contrast in values between purple and yellow, combined with the reasons they're in this FWB/fake boyfriend relationship, I also feel like Dee might end up hurting Yak.
Yak seems to be the one who is mostly into this FWB/fake boyfriend relationship and it feels like that because he wants to be there (he clearly likes Dee). Dee, on the other hand, is mostly in it for his own personal gain (at first to prove that he isn't vanilla and then to show Ter and the gossipy idiots at the hospital that he’s not into Ter).
And let's not forget that he likes to win...
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And will probably do whatever it takes to win over Ter (since he admitted that winning at all costs is a bad habit he has).
The question is how much Dee will hurt Yak on the way to winning (because I'm pretty sure Dee will win the scholarship) and how far he will go before he realizes what he's doing/what he's done and what Yak actually means to him.
Eventually, though, Dee will realize his feelings because I'm sure he will see the light that Yak has brought into his life (literally and figuratively).
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Anyway, that was my rant about color. I'll shut up now...
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taringill · 24 hours
Rise girls' families - 1 part. Pink family
Семьи rise девочек - 1 часть. Семья Пинк (или семья Розовые😅)
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Quite a rich family. You can understand what excellent living conditions they have: a large house and servants are available. In principle, the ancestors of the Pink family were distinguished by their wealth and status. And despite the strict dress code, the Mona Lisa still stands out and looks less strict. That's the whole Mona Lisa. She likes to add something of her own:)
Достаточно богатая семья. Можно понять какие у них отличные условия жизни: большой дом и прислуга имеется. В принципе, предки семьи Пинк отличались своим богатством и статусом. И несмотря на строгий дресс-код, Мона Лиза всё равно выделяется и выглядит менее строго. В этом вся Мона Лиза. Она любит добавлять что-то своё:)
Initially, Mona Lisa's surname was Williams, but then I changed my mind. As you understand, the surname is Pink speaking. Like, the color of the Mona Lisa is pink, so why not give her a last name in honor of this color? Cool<3 As you know, the Mona Lisa was named after the painting of the same name by the Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci. So I decided to do something similar with Mona's brother. Adam was named after the painting "The Creation of Adam" by the Renaissance artist Michelangelo Buonarroti.
Изначально фамилия Моны Лизы была Уильямс, но потом я передумала. Как вы поняли, фамилия Пинк говорящая (Пинк - Pink - Розовый). Типо, цвет Моны Лизы розовый, поэтому почему бы не дать ей фамилию в честь этого цвета? Прикольно<3 Как вы знаете, Мона Лиза получила своё имя в честь одноимённой картины художника эпохи Возрождения Леонардо да Винчи. Поэтому я решила что-то похожее провернуть с братом Моны. Адам получил своё имя в честь картины "Сотворение Адама" от художника эпохи Возрождения Микеланджело Буонарроти.
These are the closest to the Pink family.
Это самые близкие для семьи Пинк.
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Number 1
Mona Lisa and Adam's grandma on Dad's side. She's friends with Mona's mom, they're like friends. Mona Lisa looks most like her grandma Lucy, they have the same vibe💅 Lucy is a widow, as William's dad (Mona and Adam's grandpa) died a long time ago due to heart problems. But William's father was a bad husband and father. He didn't care about his wife and son. He used physical force against them. He raised his son (Mona and Adam's father) cruelly and beat him, because he believed that this was how he would raise a real man and because he believed that children did not understand differently. William's father loved to rule and assert himself at the expense of others. He died after the wedding of Mona Lisa's parents. And since he was a piece of shit, Lucy and William didn't have any emotions. Well, he died and died. They were finally breathing. Lucy, on the other hand, loved her son, showed affection and tenderness, despite her husband's prohibitions. That's why William didn't grow up to be heartless and cruel, but a little cold. Mona's grandparents on her father's side (and on her mother's side too) had a marriage of convenience. This is not uncommon in such families + traditions that have been preserved to this day, because many just got used to it. Well, it's beneficial for wealth and status. A love match was a rarity for Mona and Adam's ancestors.
Бабушка Моны Лизы и Адама по папиной линии. Она дружит с мамой Моны, они как подруги. Мона Лиза больше всего похожа на свою бабушку Люси, у них один вайб💅 Люси вдова, так как отец Уильяма (дедушка Моны и Адама) умер уже давно из-за проблем с сердцем. Но отец Уильяма был плохим мужем и отцом. На своих жену и сына ему было плевать. Он применял физическую силу по отношению к ним. Воспитывал своего сына (отец Моны и Адама) жестоко и бил, потому что он считал, что так он воспитает настоящего мужчину и потому что он считал, что дети по другому не понимают. Отец Уильяма любил властвовать и утверждаться за счёт других. Он умер после свадьбы родителей Моны Лизы. И так как он был куском говна, Люси и Уильям не испытывали никаких эмоций. Ну, умер и умер. Они наконец-то задышали. Люси же любила своего сына, проявляла ласку и нежность, несмотря на запреты её мужа. Потому Уильям не вырос бессердечным и жестоким, но немного холодным. У бабушки и дедушки Моны по папиной линии (и по маминой линии тоже) был брак по расчёту. Это не редкость в подобных семьях + традиции, которые сохранились до сих пор, потому что многие просто привыкли. Ну, и это выгодно, для богатства и статуса. Брак по любви был редкостью для предков Моны и Адама.
As for Barbara's family (Mona and Adam's mom), everything is bad there too. Both parents were violent. Physical and psychological violence was also used. Barbara has 6 siblings. Barbara has a bad relationship with her family. She keeps in touch with her family only when there is some business or if it concerns some traditions. For example, a family holiday. But there is no family atmosphere there. It's just a tradition that needs to be followed and that's it. Naturally, Barbara's parents don't care about their grandchildren. Well, there are and there are. The main thing for them is that they married all their children in a way that was beneficial to them. There are heirs in the form of grandchildren, the family continues, the status increases (or does not decrease) and this is enough for them. So Mona and Adam don't really remember or know their grandparents on their mother's side.
Что касается семьи Барбары (мама Моны и Адама), там тоже всё плохо. Оба родителя были жестокими. Также применяли физическое и психологическое насилие. У Барбары 6 братьев и сестёр. Со своей семьёй у Барбары плохие отношения. Она поддерживает со своей семьёй связь только тогда, когда есть какие-то дела или если это касается каких-то традиций. Например, праздник семей. Но там нет семейной атмосферы. Просто традиция, которую нужно соблюдать и всё. Естественно родителям Барбары плевать на своих внуков. Ну, есть и есть. Главное для них, что они женили всех своих детей так, чтобы им было выгодно. Наследники в виде внуков есть, род продолжается, статус повышается (или не понижается) и этого достаточно для них. Так что Мона и Адам особо не помнят и не знают своих бабушку и дедушку по маминой линии.
Unfortunately, Mona and Adam's parents entered into a marriage of convenience. They had never loved each other. But William and Barbara have a normal relationship. They are just good acquaintances, no one offends anyone. And even if they don't love each other, they have one thing in common, something very important: it's love for their children. Yes, they love them very much, as normal parents should do. But because of their busy schedule, they paid little attention to the children, even though they did not want to. So, who became a kind of parents for Mona Lisa and Adam? Get to know them better.
К сожалению родители Моны и Адама заключили брак по расчёту. Они никогда не любили друг друга. Но у Уильяма и Барбары нормальные отношения. Они просто хорошие знакомые, никто никого не обижает. И пусть они не любит друг друга, но их объединяет одно, кое-что очень важное: это любовь к своим детям. Да, они их очень любят, как должны делать нормальные родители. Но из-за своей большой занятости они мало уделяли внимание детям, хоть им этого не хотелось. Так кто же для Моны и Адама как родители? Знакомьтесь.
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Number 2 and 3
Дворецкий Роберт (70 лет) и няня и горничная Мария (40 лет).
Of course, this is not all the servants. There are many of them. There is even a guard. But it is Robert and Maria who are the closest to the Pink family. As I wrote above, William's father (Mona and Adam's grandfather) was terrible and it was Robert the butler who became William's father figure, as he helped raise William from childhood. William loves and respects Robert. Robert has been serving the Pink family for many years since a young age. He taught Mona and Adam defense, basic techniques so they could stand up for themselves. In general, he's a cool man, wow👍 and it's not surprising that Lucy Pink (William's mom) has feelings for Robert. Yes, he is much lower than her status, they are different types of yokai (I don't know how to spell this word correctly, correct me if anything): he is a mammal, she is a reptile. In the families of William and Barbara, it is customary to marry someone who is about your status and of the same species. It's the only way, there's no other way, the other way is frowned upon. Lucy also adhered to this for many years, so she denied for a long time that she was in love with Robert. Lucy herself did not notice how she began to fall in love with her butler. And this is not surprising. While Lucy's husband did not put her in anything, ignored her opinion, behaved rudely towards her, Robert supported and helped her as much as possible, complimented her. He even became a father figure to Lucy's son, for which she is noble to him. Lucy and Robert have always been good friends. Robert is like a father to Mona and Adam, too.
Разумеется это не вся прислуга. Их много. Даже охрана есть. Но именно Роберт и Мария являются самыми близкими для семьи Пинк. Как я писала выше, отец Уильяма (дедушка Моны и Адама) был ужасным и именно дворецкий Роберт стал для Уильяма отцовской фигурой, так как он помогал воспитывать Уильяма с самого детства. Уильям любит и уважает Роберта. Роберт долгие годы служит семье Пинк с молодого возраста. Он обучил Мону и Адама обороне, базовым приёмам, чтобы они могли постоять за себя. Вообще он классный мужик, во👍 И неудивительно, что у Люси Пинк (мама Уильяма) есть чувства к Роберту. Да, он гораздо ниже её статуса, они разного вида йокаи (не знаю, как правильно пишется это слово, поправьте, если что): он млекопитающее, она пресмыкающееся. В семьях Уильяма и Барбары принято заключать брак с тем, кто примерно твоего статуса и одного вида. Только так, по другому нельзя, порицается. Люси тоже долгие годы придерживалась этого, поэтому долго отрицала свою влюблённость в Роберта. Люси сама не заметила, как начала влюбляться в своего дворецкого. И это неудивительно. В то время, как муж Люси не во что её не ставил, пренебрегал её мнением, вёл себя грубо по отношению к ней, Роберт же максимально поддерживал и помогал ей, делал ей комплименты. Он даже стал отцовской фигурой для сына Люси, за что она ему благородна. Люси и Роберт всегда были хорошими друзьями. Для Моны и Адама Роберт тоже как отец.
As for Maria, she used to be a nanny and worked as one from the age of 18-19. She gets along very well with children. But since Mona Lisa is 17 years old, and Adam is 21 years old, Maria is now working more as a maid. She always comforted, gave advice to the children, talked to them heart to heart. If Mona and Adam need to speak out, they turn first to Maria. Mr. and Mrs. Pink treat their employees well and with respect. But Robert and Maria became family members.
Что касается Марии, раньше она была няней и работала ею с 18-19 лет. Она очень хорошо ладит с детьми. Но так как Моне Лизе 17 лет, а Адаму вообще 21 год, то Мария сейчас больше горничная. Она всегда утешала, давала советы детям, говорила с ними по душам. Если Моне и Адаму надо высказаться, то они обращаются в первую очередь к Марии. Мистер и миссис Пинк хорошо и с уважением относятся к своим работникам. Но Роберт и Мария стали членами семьи.
Little lizard siblings :3
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As for the relationship between Mona Lisa and Adam, not everything is as good as we would like. They're a little tense, but they love each other.
Что касается отношений Моны Лизы и Адама, не всё так хорошо, как хотелось бы. Напряжённые немного, но они любят друг друга.
As I wrote before, Mona and Adam's parents were raised in strict and conservative families. And this, of course, influenced some parenting methods. Parents didn't beat their children, they bought them almost anything they wanted for good behavior, for example, but there were nuances. The father did not allow his son to show much emotion. After all, he is a boy and therefore he should not cry, he should be tough and not complain + he is the eldest among the children and the main heir, therefore he has more demands. But not everyone followed these parenting methods: Grandma Lucy, Maria and Robert. Parents, especially dad, demanded from his son and put pressure on him, because of this, Adam grew up a little withdrawn. But sooner or later, one would want to escape from this pressure. And in adolescence (from the age of 14-15) Adam began to go out a lot and spend a little less time studying to numb his pain, and he was popular with girls, but by the age of 20 he was tired of it all. But there are still some bad habits. He has been smoking since he was 17, but, to be fair, not often. As a teenager, his relationship with his sister deteriorated. It took a long time before their relationship was restored. Slowly.
P. S. Adam likes to play computer games, he learned to ride a motorcycle and he is doing great, and he knows how to ride horses.
Как я писала до этого, родители Моны и Адама воспитывались в строгих и консервативных семьях. И это, конечно, повлияло на некоторые методы воспитания. Родители не били своих детей, они покупали им почти всё, что они захотят за хорошие поведение, например, но были свои нюансы. Отец не позволял особо проявлять много эмоций своему сыну. Ведь он мальчик и поэтому он не должен плакать, надо быть жёстким и не жаловаться + он самый старший среди детей и главный наследник, поэтому с него больше требований. Но эти методы воспитания соблюдали не все: бабушка Люси, Мария и Роберт. Родители, особенно папа, требовал с сына и давил на него, из-за этого Адам вырос немного замкнутым. Но рано или поздно из этого давления захотелось бы убежать. И в подростковом возрасте (с 14-15 лет) Адам стал много гулять и чуть меньше времени уделять учёбе, чтобы заглушить свою боль, он пользовался популярностью у девчонок, но к 20 годам ему это всё надоело. Но остались, некоторые вредные привычки. Он курит с 17 лет, но, справедливости, ради не часто. В подростковом возрасте у него ухудшились отношения с сестрой. Прошло много времени, прежде чем их отношения восстановились. Потихоньку.
P. S. Адам любит играть в компьютерные игры, учился катанию на мотоцикле и у него отлично получается, и он умеет кататься на лошадях.
Let's move on to the Mona Lisa. Due to the fact that parents paid more attention to their son (I wrote about this above), they work a lot, Mona Lisa felt unnoticed. Mona Lisa is quite emotional and timid) She can play musical instruments: piano, guitar and flute. She likes to dress up in something bright, cute and make up, but not so often. She can sing and dance. And, like Adam, she likes to play computer games, but not often. Sometimes they play together.
Перейдём к Моне Лизе. Из-за того, что родители уделяли внимание чаще сыну (я об этом писала выше), они и так заняты, Мона Лиза чувствовала себя незамеченной. Мона Лиза довольна эмоциональная и пугливая) Она умеет играть на музыкальных инструментах: пианино, гитара и флейта. Она любит наряжаться во что-то яркое, милое и красится, но не так часто. Она умеет петь и танцевать. И, как и Адам, она любит играть в компьютерные игры, но не часто. Иногда они играют вместе.
You may ask (or not, Idk), if parents can't pay enough attention to children, then why did they give birth to them at all? I wrote above that Barbara and William entered into a marriage of convenience and that they have certain traditions. In the families of William and Barbara, it was customary to give birth to many children. This is a sign of wealth and it is necessary to spread your genes, so it was thought. Therefore, Barbara has many brothers and sisters, but William is the only child in the family, because his mother's health did not allow her to give birth to even more. Lucy couldn't get pregnant for a long time and after the first pregnancy she couldn't give birth anymore. Therefore, William was required to have at least three children. But despite the strict upbringing, Mona's parents went a little against the system and traditions (already progress). They refused to give birth to a third child, because they understand that two children are enough for them and they love them. They also refused the physical method of education. They were condemned a lot by their friends or Barbara's family. Due to the fact that it was customary to marry only someone who was of the same status and type with you, Mona Lisa hid her relationship with Raph for a long time. The fact that he is a turtle will not help matters, it is the yokai lizard that is needed. And the fact that he and his brothers and father are half human (mutants, not yokai) and they are friends with people (April, Casey and Casey Jr.) only made Mona Lisa's situation worse. Therefore, she has been hiding who she is communicating with for a long time. After all, Mona (Adam too) doesn't really have any friends and she didn't want to lose them. If you follow me, you know that Norimi and Mona Lisa will become best friends, but Mona became good friends with Mikey even before she met Nori.
Вы можете спросить (или нет, не знаю), если у родителей не получается уделять достаточно внимания детям, то зачем они их вообще родили? Выше я писала о том, что Барбара и Уильям заключили брак по расчёту и что у них есть определённые традиции. В семьях Уильяма и Барбары было принято рожать много детей. Это признак богатства и надо распространять свои гены, так считалось. Поэтому у Барбары много братьев и сестёр, но Уильям единственный ребёнок в семье, потому что здоровье его мамы не позволяло родить ещё больше. Люси не могла забеременеть долгое время и после первой беременности родить больше не смогла. Поэтому с Уильяма требовали минимум трое детей. Но несмотря на строгое воспитание родители Моны немного пошли против системы и традиций (уже прогресс). Они отказались рожать третьего ребёнка, так как понимают, что двоих детей им достаточно и они любят их. Также они отказались от физического метода воспитания. Их очень много осуждали их знакомые или семья Барбары. Из-за того, что было принято заключать брак только с тем, кто с тобой одного и того же статуса и вида, Мона Лиза долгое время скрывала свои отношения с Рафом. То, что он черепаха делу не поможет, нужна именно ящерица йокай. И то, что он, его братья и отец наполовину люди (мутанты, не йокаи) и они дружат с людьми (Эйприл, Кейси и Кейси младший) только усугубляло положение Моны Лизы. Поэтому она долгое время скрывала с кем она общается. Ведь у Моны (у Адама тоже) особо нет друзей и она не хотела их терять. Если вы подписаны на меня, то знаете, что Норими и Мона Лиза станут лучшими подругами, но Мона хорошо подружилась с Майки ещё до знакомства с Нори.
P. S. Phew...Fuck, I wrote a whole essay. Sorry😅 I wonder how many people will read this? Good luck😂 Damn, I've been keeping this in my head for a long time. I had to put it somewhere.
P.S. Фух...Ебать я целое сочинение написала. Простите😅 Интересно, сколько человек это прочитает? Удачи😂 Блин, я долго в голове это хранила. Надо было куда-то выложить.
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jhjluvs · 2 days
Sitting on Ricky’s lap while encouraging him saying his black hair looks really nice and all of a sudden he wants you to ride his thigh
heheh i luv this idea ty nonnie <3 posting a bit late but it’s still 520 here in the us of a (not my timezone tho 😔) so! it counts to meee :p btw this is meant to be a non idol/maybe businessman ricky (x fem!reader) au and i was picturing him from his bday live while writing this twt link (for reference)
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“so pretty, rui,” you coo from your percy on ricky’s lap, running your hand through your boyfriend’s soft, long black hair. you think he’s absolutely perfect with any hair color, particularly red and blonde, but… ricky with black hair just hits different to you. ricky blushes at your compliments and smiles goofily at you, so you take it as sufficient encouragement.
“black really suits you,” you continue with a small smile. “it brings out your eyes. looks nice with your clothes, too.” your hands slide down ricky’s chest down to his waist, slowly feeling the smooth cool fabric of his back dress shirt and the waist of his slacks. you feel a little dizzy just looking at ricky even in the comfort of your own apartment, at how handsome he is. of core, there’s more to your ricky than that. he’s so sweet and loving to you always—he’s your lovelicky, after all.
“mm, what else do you think, love?” he asks you after a beat. you put a finger in your chin and pretend to think for a few moments.
“you’re so handsome, rui,” you say back. “always. this new color looks so nice on you, baby.”
“thank you, angel.” ricky whispers the words as his cheeks redden again. you giggle at him softly, then lean in for a kiss. ricky kisses you softly, his lips melting into yours. he pulls away from you slowly though, favoring the taste of your kiss. your hand find their way to his waist again, reaching for him almost instinctively. ricky notices this and smirks to himself.
“ride my thigh, princess,” he urges you in the same soft tone from earlier. he says it so gently yet so huskily it send a shiver down your spine. you feel your cheeks growing hot, but you nod. you shift a little in ricky’s hold so your clothed core rests against one of his thighs, so close to his skin yet so far. your hips start moving slowly, a little unsure.
“like this?”
“that’s it, good girl,” ricky praises. he grabs onto your waist to steady you and help you gain more friction on your aching pussy, his grip firm but not tight. you whine at the touch but try to stay quiet, not wanting to show your desperation so early. but you keep riding ricky’s thigh, your hips steadily moving faster and grinding harder on him as the pleasure builds within you. you start whining, moaning softly into ricky’s ear while your arms stay firm on his shoulders.
“rui, m’close,” you gasp, shaking. your whole body feels abuzz with the pleasure, with the anticipation of an orgasm. you knew you would make a mess in to your panties and ricky’s dress pants, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care very much when thoughts of Ricky taking you to bed to fuck you properly invaded your mind. riding his thigh was nice and all, but having ricky inside you was always much better. your boyfriend‘s voice brought you back down to earth, though, cutting your thoughts short.
“yeah? you wanna come, princess?”
“yes, please!”
ricky smirks as he hears your noises picking up, your mounting desperation as your orgasm approaches. you sounded so pretty, so sexy for him that Ricky just har to give in. how could he deny you when you begged so sweetly?
“come for me, love,” he whispers.
you came with a cry moments later, not bothering to conceal your moans as your pussy clenched pathetically around nothing. as you came down, ricky kissed your cheeks and your forehead.
“did so well for me, (y/n),” ricky whispers, “sich a good girl.” he keeps praising you, returning your earlier compliments tenfold as you come back to him and your mind clears. you smile at ricky again and peck his cheeks before you climb off of him as gracefully as you can. he raises an eyebrow, but you stay quiet until you’re on your knees in front of him.
“Let me return the favor,” you say softly, and ricky is more than happy to let you have your way.
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https-milo · 1 day
the baker's daughter - 400 cupcakes
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WORK SYNOPSIS Y/n L/n works at a small bakery owned by her parents. One day, a pro hero in training shows up asking for 400 cupcakes.
Chapter 1 - 400 Cupcakes
masterlist / next chapter
The bell above the door rang, alerting me someone was entering the bakery. "Hello! Good afternoon, how may I help you?" I ask. The man who entered had split hair, one side was white and the other was red. His eyes were different too. On his right he had a dark grey eye, and on his left was an ice blue. The left side of his face was scarred around his eye and down his cheek. Another thing I notice is his U.A. uniform. I quirk an eyebrow at this, knowing the uniform was always a sure sign of a quirk-user.
"Good afternoon. I have a question, it's very sudden," the boy said.
"Shoot!" I said with a smile. The boy tilts his head, not getting my words. "Oh uh, ask away..?" The boy nods.
"How fast can you make 400 cupcakes?"
I choke on my spit, "S-sorry?"
"400 cupcakes, how much and how long?"
"I uh, would have to ask my parents," I answer. "They should be in the back, I'll go get them."
The boy nods and I leave the cash register to the kitchen where my mom is baking and my dad decorating pastries. I knock on the wooden doorframe before entering. "There's a boy up front asking for 400 cupcakes," I explain.
"Sweetie, what did we say about believing scams?" Mom sighed.
"Hey! That was one time!" I pout. "But I think this one is serious, he's wearing a U.A. uniform. You know how the people from that school are."
"Quirk havers? Probably thought he was being kind going to a quirkless business," Dad grumbled. Mom looked at him with empathy. The three of us were judged harshly for our lack of quirks, we weren't 'ideal' in the current society. That angered my father.
"I'll go see what he wants, you stay here, F/N," Mom sweetly said. She rubbed his shoulder soothingly and walked out of the kitchen with me.
"Hi, my daughter tells me you're interested in 400 cupcakes?" My mom greeted him.
"Yes, that's correct. How much would that be and how long would that take?" The boy replied.
"Well, it'll run you almost 82 thousand yen..." Mom hesitantly said, knowing the price would scare most people off.
"Doesn't matter. I just need them in time for the U.A. School Festival," The boy said.
"Oh so you're rich-rich," I mumble to myself. The boy must've heard as he looked at me confused. My mom lightly hit my arm. I roll my eyes playfully.
"Well... that's two weeks away. We should have enough time!" Mom answered. "We do a half payment upfront and you pay us the rest once you collect the cupcakes."
"I can pay it all at once, it's no trouble," the boy said. He pulled out a black credit card. I looked at my mom and she shared my same thought "money, money, money".
"Right, that'll be... 81,700 yen," my mom said. She entered the price in the register and turned the card reader to face the customer.
Silently, he put the card in and used the PIN number. The satisfying ding of the payment going through made the workers at the shop elated. "Right! Thank you. If you could leave your name and number, my daughter will contact you for information regarding what you want." Mom explained. She offered over a pen and a notepad.
"Sure," the boy said. He grabbed the pen and paper and wrote his information on it.
"Thank you again... Todoroki," Mom said, her eyes widened when she read his last name. He nodded and walked out. Mom turned to face me, she had a mischievous smile on her face. I knew what she was up to.
"My daughter will contact you," I mocked. "REALLY MOM?!" My face flushed with color as I covered my face in embarrassment.
"Just trying to set my baby up!" Mom teased. "But you really should message him, we kind of need to know what to make."
"I can't believe he paid up front like that..." I said amazed.
"Right?! Didn't ask for proof or previous works... paid just like that."
"Why'd you look surprised at his name?"
"Todoroki is the last name of the number 1 pro hero."
"All.. Might..?" I was never really caught up on heroes. The prospect never interested me. Being a hero was a dream I could never chase. All because of the extra joint in my pinky toe.
"No. All Might retired. Endeavor!"
"Oh cool," I reply. Mom rolls her eyes. I stick out my tongue and pull out my phone. I put Todoroki's number from the paper into my contacts.
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I showed Mom the messages. "Music-related, huh?" "I think it's kinda cool," I defended. She hummmed. "I'll work something up with your dad. Why don't you head upstairs?" She offered. "I can help you know!" I groan. "I know you can. But you also have a bunch of homework," Mom countered. "What's the point? I mean, I'm probably just going to end up working here for the rest of my life." "I don't want that for you, hun. This was mine and your father's dream, it doesn't have to be yours too." I sigh, "Fine. Goodnight, Mom. I love you." "I love you too."
I walk upstairs to the living area my parents and I reside. I open my bedroom door and flop onto my bed. I didn't bother doing my homework, instead I just stared at the ceiling. I thought back to the customer. He wasn't bad-looking at all. I hope I get to see him again. Well I mean I will, but maybe (and hopefully) not in the context of buying cupcakes at my parents' bakery.
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
Thank you so much for reading <3
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carionto · 2 days
Not "Party Hard" Enough...
As the Galactic cruise ship "Vinogradova" exits hyper space, the wealthy guests congregate at their viewing stations for the scheduled milling about in fancy dress and secretly getting wasted while some tour guide recites Galactipedia about whatever planet they're orbiting now.
"Here we have the illustrious Nestrall'anwa II, a most unique ocean world due to it's near perfect stillness. Eons ago a cataclysmic event destroyed it's only moon, creating a temporary ring around the planet, which we can see in this holographic recreation."
A massive array of projectors from the cruise ship emanate around the planet itself, creating a literal holographic debris ring. A most spectacular sight indeed.
"The tectonic activity is unusual as well, the plates are all moving in roughly the same directions, a sort of secondary spin cycle if you think about it. The planet spins around its axis, and the crust rotates around the mantle. Though this will become more chaotic in about six million years when one of the smaller plates will catch up and start creating underwater mountains. It is estimated that one day this planet will be incredibly mountainous and likely be able to support life."
Suddenly, the ship was being hailed by a signal coming from the water planet. After the automated system verified it is a valid source, Human no less, they opened the channel. Instantly, they were greeting by loud and obnoxious Human music, Rock'n'Roll it is called.
"Sup dudes! We saw that light show you guys put up earlier, could you do it again? That shit was sweeeeeet! Surf up!" The audio message was followed by a strange single hand gesture emoticon with the first, second and fifth appendages extended, and the third and fourth bent inwards.
Upon complying with the Human's request, the crew decided to go into manual mode and check what the fuck was going on here.
Apparently, the Humans had set up a series of floating platforms on the planet, using typical resort and amusement design patters. The Humans were mostly engaged with consuming various colorful liquids, undulating in strange patterns on a colorful floor with a mirror ball drone floating overhead, and many more were on colorful boards of some kind. Standing upright and trying to keep balance. On waves.
There's three moons now.
Um, Humans?
"Sup brah! Yeah we brought the moons over. This place looked dope, we were hoping for the perfect surf world, but it was so boring when we got here a few months back. But then my bro remembered he worked on one of those space experimental projects or whatever, but after running out of funding, they had some spare moons just lying around Jupiter. So we figured, 'Hey, nobody is using these, this planet needs some juice, win-win.' Amirite!
And, um, did the Coalition approve of the moving of celestial bodies into neutral systems, per the Jimothy Law?
"Pshaw, nah bruh. Paperwork is for the computers, we're meant for the thrill, dude or dudete or dudit. Dudethem? Dudio! Dudorama... wait, is it Deuteronomy? Dudada!"
The Human continued to count variations of the term for the next several minutes, perhaps inebriated by some kind of mind altering substance, though it can be hard to tell with some Humans.
The captain of the ship decided that it's beyond his pay and they're just gonna continue the tour. Some of the Human tourists and even a couple of heavily intoxicated others did decide to cut their trip short and visit this newly tidally active world with it's Human introduced activities. Surfs up!
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nottapossum · 2 days
Does that age regression journal Charlie made for everyone actually exist? Because that sounds really helpful honestly. If it’s something you made up for the fix, would you consider posting how to make one irl?
It sadly does not exist. I made it up for a sander sides fic years ago...then never posted it 😅
So I recycled it for this fic because I loved the idea so much. (I still may post that fic someday but it'll be a bit.)
I will absolutely show you how to make one!
To demonstrate, I will use 💜's Jurnal because she's the only one who has a regression journal, lol. She was very nice in letting me use it.
(💜: It's got Patton's emblem on it 🥰)
(For context, we have DID/Osdd and 💜 is one of our headmates that regresses).
(I hope to make more for our other littles, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet.)
(📖: This notebook was actually a gift because it came in a set of baby Yoda notebooks, and our mom didn't want this one, 💜 loved it because she loves Patton on sander sides. And if you don't know what sander sides is, you should 100% binge it. It's on YouTube. Was made by the "story time" vine guy.)
(Anyway we used sticker paper and just printed it out for the notebook. I think it looks pretty cool.)
📝Step 1 is to find a nice notebook and decorate it in a way that makes you happy! (If you decide to use a notebook)
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Now, I did this with a pen and some colored pencils ✏️ it's not fancy and it doesn't, need to be either.
If you'd rather type this all up on a computer and put it in a binder, that works too.
However you want to do this is perfect! You can use crayons, pencils, just keep it digitally. Whatever makes you the happiest ✨️
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Intro page:
Age range: (💜 wrote 2-5)
Caregiver: (Name of caregiver) (if you don't have one, just don't add this question or you can write "myself" independence!)
Favorites 💕
Favorite color: (💜Wrote Purple)
Favorite show/movie: (💜Sander sides)
Favorite animal: (💜Wrote later, Butterflies and Cats)
Comfort 🧸
Comfort show/Movie: (💜Wrote Sander sides and bluey)
📝Show that helps calm you down or just provides some comfort. This can be different than your favorites or the same.
Comfort book:
📝What book makes you feel comfort? You can also write a fanfic if you want, 💜 did once I added this question to her journal. She may actually need a whole page of her comfort fics. Most are sander sides, and some are Loki, Hamilton, Brooklyn 99, exc. (Mostly SS fics by @childishfluff aka @logical-little-lies here on Tumblr. And @dannyisdone and freepoetrynightmare @agerestorybits onA03, they're great! Check them out! They made us want to start writing fics of our own)
Comfort food/drink (💜Milk, Angel milk)
Comfort idem: (💜Paci, Kitty stuffie, Jasper (a racoon stuffie) )
Add any other questions you want!
📝You can add any other info that might be important for a caregiver to remember or other stuff you want to share just for fun.
Okay now what you actually asked for:
The page in the fic...
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Daily checkup 🌻
-Name/Date: (We don't often date things, but it would definitely be important for some)
-I am _ years old today (💜Wrote 5)
📝Just write your little age or ??? If you don't know.
-Today I: (Action, explain your day) (💜Wrote: played with kitties)
📝Explain your day, and probably give yourself more space than I put. Oops.
-I want my caregiver to know: (💜Wrote: I ❤️ U)
📝Great way to tell your cg something that is hard to say outloud. Or just something for fun. If you have no caregiver, feel free to replace this with: "I am feeling: ___ today because:"
You can add any negative emotions to process them.
- I feel _ about today (Good, Bad, Normal) because (give an explanation)
(💜Wrote: Good, because I got to be small)
📝looking at the day and processing any negative feelings or looking back at a happy day, you can smile about later!
-Tomorrow/Next time I want to: (What you hope to do next time you regress) (💜Wrote: Play with dolls)
📝Note for next time if there was something you didn't get to do that you wanted.
-Something bad about the day: (💜Wrote: Feel icky)
-Something good about the day: (💜Wrote: Got to small)
📝Looking at the positives and negatives of the day. It's okay if you can't find something.
If you can't think of something positive, you can write: "I can look forward to better days."
Then, at the bottom, I put a box that asks if the little finished answering the questions.
You can put any sticker or add a check mark ✅️ We just happen to find a yes sticker.
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And here is a page of fun recipes for us to remember. 💜 loves to try new kinds of milk.
(Ignore the bad spelling lol)
Some of these I found here and some are on reddit. Just look up "Age regression milk recipes" and they should show up.
📖: There are a lot of really great journal prompts here on Tumblr that you can use as well. I didn't get any of these from tumblr, but I plan on expanding the journal evenentually and may use some I find on here.
Let me know if you guys would be interested in me posting any expansions we make for the journal. I plan on doing it for the fic, so I may post about it anyways.
If you guys decide to use this and post about it on your own blog, plz tag me! I'd love to see it!
Even if it's just a digital one or just a tumblr post. I'd love to see.
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@todayimfour @ask-dusty-boy @trophyxtissues2 @abby5577 @im-not-paying-my-taxes @attagirljessy @thatsthat24 @legeufygeuber100 @stormy-is-hyperfixated
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