#Kate bishop hurt comfort
alohastyles-x · 1 year
Enchanted - K.B.
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There I was again tonight
Forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired, lonely place
Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy
Vanished when I saw your face
All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you
please dont be in love with someone else
please don't have somebody waiting for you
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Coming July 7th, 2023.
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olsenmyolsen · 3 months
You Got A Star!
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No Powers AU (Female Reader X Yelena Belova)
Summary: You and your roommate, Yelena Belova, invite some friends over for Mario Party; however, Yelena has no idea about your feelings for her.
Word Count: 4K
Content: Feelings, Crushes, Mario Party, Friendship, Comfort/Hurt
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Your roommate, Yelena Belova, was one of a kind.
Truly, you had never meant anyone like her. From the way she talked to how she made babies cry with one look. Or how the one thing she knew how to cook was Mac and Cheese.
You knew there would never be anyone else like her.
Which is maybe why you started to feel different around here... what began as two strangers needing a place to live slowly morphed into something else.
At least for you.
Yelena's asexual identification didn't make it impossible for her to find someone she could share a life with. It was just that you had never seen her with anyone since knowing her. So, IF Yelena were attracted to you, you would have no idea.
Regardless, your tiny crush was making itself known tonight as you waited for a few friends to come over. It was Saturday night, and after a shit week at work, you, Yelena, and your friends decided to have an impromptu game night.
"So what is it?" Yelena asked you again as you set an assortment of snacks on the hardwood coffee table. "It's called Mario Party. Each person chooses a character, and then you hit dice, play minigames, get coins, and you have to purchase stars." You looked up from the candies and savory snacks to a confused-looking blonde. "Whoever has the most wins." You said.
"Is it easy?" She asked after staring at you. You shrugged. "It can be a little challenging sometimes." Yelena hummed. "So it's not like that animal island game?" She asked with her eyes precious and wide.
A fluttering was happening in your stomach.
You cleared your throat with a smile. "No, Lena, it's not like Animal Crossing." Yelena pouted. She loved Animal Crossing no matter how much she hated Tom Crook, as she called him. Yelena opened her mouth to ask if the two of you could practice a round of this Mario Party, but a knock on the apartment door followed by its slowly opening stopped her.
"I got pizza!" Kate Bishop yelled as she entered through the small hallway. You walked past Yelena after your eyes fell to her lips without noticing. She was too busy looking at the game icon on the switch home screen. "You didn't bring Lucky?" You asked as you took the pizza boxes from your childhood friend.
Kate shook her head. "Figured it might get hectic." You nodded to her reasoning. Kate had followed you into the kitchen as you set the pizzas down. Pulling out some plates and dipping sauces.
Ranch and hot sauce for you and Yelena.
You turned around to find your friend eyeing Yelena. You looked between the two and raised an eyebrow to yourself.
"So..." You started pulling Kate's attention to you. You could see Yelena grab her special Joy-Con from the corner of your eye.
It was just the plain blue one, but she loved it.
Yelena clicked on the game as she pulled up a Let's Play on her phone of the game. You hide a laugh.
"How's your mom and her new man." Kate rolled her eyes. "He's so annoying, and he's doing things where he wants us to be like a family. It's just weird..." She shook her body as if she had a cold chill. "Plus, he has one of those old man smiles that could be threatening when all he's doing is asking for ice cream." Her voice was unhappy. She did not like this Jack guy at all.
"Y/n!" Yelena called out from the couch, making you and Kate leave the kitchen. "Yes?" You smiled and kept your voice level as you approached Yelena's side. Standing as she sat.
Yelena lifted her eyes to you before doing a double take at Kate. "Kate Bishop!? When did you get here?" Kate smiled awkwardly before licking her lips and speaking. "About five minutes ago." Yelena tilted her head. "Hmm. I did not know. You're sometimes too quiet." Kate did what she did best and chuckled lightly with a nervous laugh. "Yeah, like a mouse."
Yelena nodded before looking back at you and her phone. "Who is this?" She pointed to a Mario Party character on her tiny screen. "Oh, that's Wario." You replied. Yelena looked at you with all the seriousness in her voice. "Can I play as them?"
You nodded. "If you want."
"I want to." With one look into her eyes, you would go through hell to make sure she played as that little idiot.
"Okay, then you will." You smiled, and her face morphed into pure happiness. Like a puppy in the sun. "He reminds me of that fat short guy from that one show with the horrible people." She said as her attention moved back to the phone. You thought for a few seconds. "Are you talking about Danny Devito?!" Yelena smiled wide and bright. "Yeah, from the Sunny show!"
You couldn't help but laugh.
"That's a great character, Yelena!" Kate spoke up from behind you before not so subtly moving past you to sit next to Yelena on the couch. Her gaze was on Yelena's phone as well.
Were her cheeks pink?
"That character is like best friends with my character," Kate said, raising Yelena's eyebrows. "Really?!" You couldn't recall a time when Kate played as Walugi, but her favorite color was purple, so it probably happened at some point, and you just didn't remember.
Seconds later, a knock came to the door before YOU could explain how different Wario's dice block was from the other characters.
"Wanda! Pietro! Nice of you to join!" The twins were too busy bickering with one another to return your niceties. But Wanda did make sure to place the wine bottle in your arms.
"Y/n, did we have to knock, or could we have just let ourselves in?!" Pietro turned and looked at you with intensity. Wanda was doing the same. "Uhhh..." You looked between the siblings. "You could have just come in." You said with caution. "See!" Pietro threw his arms up while Wanda rolled her eyes. "But that's not how Mama raised us!" Wanda yelled as the two of them stormed into the kitchen.
Pietro had his nose leading him to the pizza. Wanda followed to grab glasses for the wine.
"But it's like the sitcoms you love so much. We're the friends that can come right into the apartment and join the shenanigans!"
Wanda groaned because her brother was right, and she hated it.
"Shut up!" Wanda replied before joining you in the living room, taking the wine from your hand. "Sorry. I need this NOW."
Wanda would be two and a half glasses in by the end of the night. All because of her lovely, annoying brother.
"Hey, Wanda! Hi Pietro!" Kate waved to the twins, who sent smiles and waves back. Yelena looked up and to them and gave them a nod. "Okay, so now if you land on a red monster face, you get in trouble?" Yelena asked Kate. Kate nodded and briefly explained who Boswer was.
Your eyes caught Yelena's briefly when she glanced your way. You could've sworn you saw her lip twitch upwards before she looked back to Kate.
"Here, Kate, it'll be easier to explain some of the mini-games once we're actually in the game." Kate looked up to you and your regent words sheepishly. She nodded after fumbling with her words. "Okay."
A moment later, when Kate left to grab the three of you slices of pizza, you took her spot next to Yelena. "I'll help you out if you need it." You said, which Yelena appreciated greatly but shook her head. "I shall win this game on my own!"
Your lips curled upwards with a laugh. "Oh, is that right, Lena!?" Yelena smirked and took a big sip of the wine Wanda dropped off. "Prepare to lose Y/n Y/l/n."
You took a sip of your wine as well. "We'll see Lena. We'll see."
About fifteen minutes later, You, Yelena, Kate, and Wanda were ready to start the night's first game. The disappointed look of Kate having to sit in her own chair was missed by you.
"How come there's five of us for a four-person game!" Pietro whined as you let Wanda select the level. "I asked Sam to come by, but he's busy with his test and all that." You said while waving your hand. Your friend Sam Wilson was training to become a pilot. Pietro huffed. "Fine."
"Also you fairly lost at rock papart scissors so sorry dude." You added on like rubbing salt in the wound. Wanda turned around and stuck her tongue out to her brother. Pietro angrily bit into his third slice of pizza and flipped her off.
The game was underway, and the order was set. Kate went first, followed by you and then Wanda. Yelena rolled a 3 and had to go last.
"Hey, that might be good; you can make your moves based on where other people are. Not where they might be." You said, cheering Yelena up slightly.
Kate and Wanda dominated the first few turns and minigames as you and Yelena struggled to move more than 4 per turn. You knew it was bad luck, but Yelena was about one more 1 v 3 mini-game from switching her joy-con until Kate got the first star.
"Who is that again?" Yelena asked as Toad started moving to a new spot on the map. "Toad. He's like a mushroom guy." Kate answered before you could. "Fuck! It's farther from me!" Wanda exclaimed as you turned towards the TV. Your eyes moving away from Yelena's side profile.
Toad landed seven spots in front of Yelena.
She could make it to him but she didn't have enough coins.
Luckily, when it was Yelena's turn, she rolled a five and landed on a blue space. Yet she was still short in terms of payment.
"Oh great, it's this one!" Wanda groaned. "Y/n's the be-" "Who wants to practice!?" You cut Wanda off and gave her a quiet glare; the other two people playing didn't seem to notice.
When everyone loaded into the practice mode, Wanda just gave you a confused look before forgetting about it.
Surprisingly, Yelena was just as good as you at rapidly clicking the button to send the little shy guy flying. But still, you won the practice mode. "Oh, come on, Y/n!" Yelena whined. "How did you do that?"
"What happened to winning the game on your own?" You said with your teasing voice dripping. Yelena loved that attitude and smirked. "Okay, Y/l/n, watch this." You turned towards the TV just before the mini-game started properly.
But not before you saw Kate's eyes on your blonde roommate.
"Come on!" Wanda yelled as her fingers smashed the button repeatedly. Kate groaned and held her breath as she did the same. You kept your technique unchanged, and Yelena did her best to copy you.
However, you knew from the practice round and every other game prior that you could do this with one with your eyes closed. But you had a crush on the blonde sitting next to you who cursed at her little yellow piece of shit character. Her words. So, without anyone realizing it, you stop mashing your button a few seconds before the timer ran out.
"Fuck that hurts!" Kate waved her hand around as the four shuguys began to take off.
Wanda's was the first to hit the ground. A laugh from her brother earned him a slap on the arm. Kate's followed the same destiny not long after, and to everyone's surprise, yours was the next to fail.
Wanda turned to you, shocked, but once Yelena realized she had won, Wanda put the pieces together and joined in the celebration of your defeat.
You were more than fine with it. Because now Yelena had enough coins to get her first-ever star.
She would never know it was really because of you.
"I'm taking a picture of this moment," Pietro said, making everyone laugh as Yelena hit the button to accept the Star from Toad.
"You Got A Star!" The game applauded! "I did it!" Yelena cheered and clapped to herself before you wrapped an arm around her and smiled at Pietro's dad's pose with the camera.
You thought Pietro had taken the picture when you shifted your face to take in Yelena's happiness.
Except, that was the picture that was taken.
Wanda made sure to show the one that followed where it looked like you were looking at the corner of the room.
After that, Yelena's luck turned for the better. She was on a roll. A few turns later, she earned another shiny star from a hidden block that left Kate flummoxed. "All I ever get is coins from those! Are you serious?!" Yelena laughed loudly at Kate.
Yelens then landed on Toad's space again after using a triple dice, and not even the prediction that you would win the game could stop Yelena.
Which left you, Kate, and Wanda struggling to do as much damage as possible to each other in the final turns of the first game.
"Yes!" Kate cheered when she got the last star next, making her and Yelena tied going into the Bonus Stars.
"Well, this sucks." Wanda sighed as she fell back against the couch. "There's no way I'm going to catch up!"
"What's happening?" Yelena asked no one in particular, but you still spoke up. "Bonus Stars. So once the game ends, it will still award additional stars to people. It makes it more exciting. Usually, it's like whoever landed on the most green spaces or landed on Bowser the most. Stuff like that." You explained, and you smiled when the blonde shifted her face to look at you.
However, your smile faltered a bit when you saw her eyes and the pout she wore. "So I might not win?"
"You can still win." You said with your voice soft. Yelena looked over your face as the moment became more intimate.
At least to you. You felt Wanda's gaze on you but moved your eyes to the TV.
"Yelena, look!" Kate pulled Yelena's attention away as the bonus star for the most distance traveled was being awarded.
It went to Wario.
And so did the next Bonus Star, which left Yelena jumping off the couch and into your arms when you stood up. "You did it!" You exclaimed loudly.
"I won the Mario Party!"
Your eyes shined as you looked at the way Yelena, how she couldn't control her excitement. It reminded you of the time you had won $200 on a lottery ticket, and you and Yelena went shopping. She bought a fur coat and wears it every time it hits below 45 degrees. (Fahrenheit)
You would always wanted her to be happy.
With the first round of Mario Party over, Wanda switched out with Pietro, and you did your best not to get competitive over the next game on the map in space. Yelena tried her hardest but found herself struggling. Pietro was just as fast in the game as he was in real life. Zooming from star to star, leaving you and Kate reeling.
"Y/l/n third place again!" Yelena teased as she landed herself in a solid second place behind Pietro. You went to jokingly retaliate, but Kate stole Yelena's attention and challenged her to a different Mario game.
Mario Kart.
Yelena's eyes went wide with fear before you slowly watched how they shifted.
Determined Yelena would be.
However, that would have to wait for another night as you looked at your phone, seeing how late it had gotten. Everyone agreed and helped you and the blonde clean up.
Pietro helped by eating two more slices.
"Oh hey, Y/n, before I leave, do you still have that red jacket? I wanted to borrow it for a party Lorna is throwing next week. It would fit the theme." Wanda said, shrugging her arms. You nodded and let her follow you to your bedroom.
"Here." You said, pulling the jacket off the hanger and holding your arm back. "Oh, thanks!" Wanda said as she grabbed it, and you turned around. Your eyes immediately noticed how your door had been shut.
"Wanda?" Sure, the two of you kissed when the clock struck midnight on New Year two years ago, but Wanda didn't have feelings. Did she? "Okay, spill!" Wanda said as she was closer than before—her voice above a whisper.
"You and Yelena! What's going on there?" Ah! "Did you need this?" You said, picking up the arm of the jacket. Wanda shook her head. "I saw how you were looking at her! I take it she doesn't know?" You sighed. If there was anyone, you could count on sharing your newfound crush with, it was Wanda. "No, she doesn't know." You sighed again as you sat on your bed.
"Are you gonna tell her? Tonight?" Wanda asked, joining you by your side with her arms clutching the jacket. "I don't know... I want to... But."
"But it's Yelena." You nodded to Wanda's words. "I would also just hate to ruin our friendship." Wanda could understand. "Well, sometimes the biggest risks have the best rewards." You hated her cat poster-like words of wisdom, but she wasn't necessarily wrong. "Plus." You lifted your head to Wanda's green eyes before she continued. "At the end of the day, it's Yelena. Even if she didn't reciprocate those feelings with you, you know she wouldn't want anything to change between the two of you. You're best friends. She'll always be in your life. I'm sure it might be hard if she doesn't like you like you. But-"
"But I'd want her around." You finished Wanda's sentence. Wanda nodded, put her arm around you before her hand moved, and rubbed your back. "You're a big girl. You got this."
"You had to ruin it."
Wanda laughed loudly and let you rise from the bed. Before you helped her up. You definitely needed a new box spring.
Opening the door to your bedroom, your eyes caught Yelena's as she exited a hug from Kate. Her eyes quickly moved away from you and Wanda as she confirmed her plans to practice Mario Kart for the next game night, whenever that would be.
"Got the jacket. Let's go!" Wanda yelled to her brother, who was helping out and putting the leftover pizza in foil for you. Oh, no, wait. He was grabbing some to go.
Kate noticed where your eyesight had gone and laughed at Pietro's actions before giving you a tight hug. "Tonight was so much fun, thank you!" You hugged your childhood friend just as tight. "Thanks for coming."
Kate then moved to Yelena and was awkward as she accidentally punched Yelena in the boob as she lifted her arm to hug the blonde. Again. Yelena laughed loudly as Kate blushed before they hugged. Kate left with a cloud of smoke after that.
"Bye, Y/n. Bye, Yelena!" Pietro said his goodbye first with a quick wave to you and a side hug to Yelena. Wanda turned around and hugged you before turning and doing the same to the blonde. You smiled as you walked closer to the door at the end of the apartment hallway. "Bye, guys!" You waved as you shut the door to Wanda, mouthing, "Talk to her."
With a click, the door was locked, and it was just you and Yelena. "That was a good time, Y/n!" Your cheeks wore a light pink as you moved away from the door. Following Yelena in the living room area. "I'm glad you had fun, Lena."
Yelena moved to the couch and grabbed the remote as you entered the kitchen to grab some water. Your mind racing with a way to bring up you're feelings. "I'm not tired yet. Do you want to watch a movie?" Yelena called out from the living room. "Uh, sure! Just pick whatever!" You called out with your voice jumping from your nerves.
You took longer than one would need to fill out their water bottle. Thankfully, Yelena didn't seem to notice as she swiped through hundreds of different options.
She was trying to find something specifically tailored to you.
"You like this one, no?" Yelena asked as you finally sat down. The movie was Legally Blonde, and Yelena knew you loved it, so why was she questioning it? One look and you could see her mind had been racing too.
And for some reason, that calmed your nerves just a bit. What if she felt the same way you did?
You hid a smile and scooted closer to Yelena, who tensed up slightly before pulling you in and dropping an arm around you. "Should I have made popcorn?" You asked. Yelena shook her head. "Still full."
You were, too.
As Elle Woods began to wake up on the screen, you bit your lip. Would during or after the movie be an appropriate time to talk to Yelena?
"Y/n?" Yelena's voice broke you from your thoughts as you lifted your eyes to her. Yelena was chewing on her lip. "Yeah?"
"I have something to say, and I don't know how you're going to take it." Your heart started beating faster than you ever thought possible. "Okay." You said as the movie fell into a black hole behind you. Your body lifts off Yelena to give her your entire attention.
Could this be it?
Yelena sighed before her eyes fell on you. They were gentle. "Tonight, I discovered something... and I'm unsure how to move forward."
You knew the feeling.
"Okay..." Yelena moved her leg below her and turned more towards you. "I... I-" You had never seen Yelena so nervous and flustered. Not even when she booked a trip to Paris, Texas, and not Paris, France. "Yelena." You reached for her hand and took it. "Whatever it is. I'm here for you. I can help."
Yelena knew this, yet she was anxious. "I think I might have a crush on-" "Oh wow! Okay! Tha-"
"On Kate," Yelena said with the words flying out of her. She needed to get this off her chest. She needed you to know. She didn't like this feeling inside of her as she was keeping this to herself. Plus, Kate Bishop was your childhood best friend. Yelena didn't want to make that uncomfortable for you.
"Now! I know this might be weird! But I-" Yelena stopped and quickly gathered her words—enough time for you to process what just happened and to hear your heart become shattered glass.
"There is just something about her. I'm drawn in. She's clumsy but beautiful. Funny!" Yelena laughed to herself as a fake smile finally appeared on your face. "But!" Yelena gripped your hand, and you still felt butterflies in your stomach due to the touch of her soft fingers. "If you have a problem with this or feel uncomfortable, let me know!"
Yelena was dead serious. If you told her that it would make things... unbearable she wouldn't pursue any bit of this with Kate. But you couldn't do that to her. You wouldn't put her own happiness in jeopardy. "It's okay." You said with a smile—another fake one.
You had to fake it now. You could cry later.
"Are you sure?" You nodded. "Absolutely!" You said. Yelena nodded a tad. "It's just she's your childhood friend, and I'm your best friend-"
"Yeah. You're my best friend, Yelena, so of course I want you to be happy."
You said with an enthusiasm you didn't know you could muster. But it finally convinced Yelena, who pulled you in for a hug. "Oh, thank you, Y/n Y/l/n!" She said into your neck. You closed your eyes and let the moment happen. "I love you, Y/n!" Yelena said with a loud cheeriness in her voice.
"I love you too, Yelena!" You whispered back.
By the time the next game night rolled around, Yelena and Kate were dating.
You hated Mario Kart after that.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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unholyhelbig · 2 months
any chance for a kate x reader angst?
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Title: Firecrest (Part 1/???)
Ship: Female!Reader x Kate Bishop
Wordcount: 4075
Summary: Kate Bishop and y/n have an unspoken agreement that revolves around being enemies with benefits. But when Kate's new mentor is someone Y/n is very familiar with, things become complicated.
Warnings: Mentions of sexual activities, fire, mentions of childhood abandonment, horrible grammar (I don't proofread lol), and things I'm sure I'm forgetting.
[A/n: how about enemies to lovers angst? How about Enemies to lovers with a little fake dating sprinkled in there? Let me know if this is something you all would like to see continued!]
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Your mother had the in-depth beauty of a street dog. Her features were angular, yet soft and welcoming. People were often tempted to reach and run their fingers through her fur. But she tended to gently correct. She had the perfect demeanor for a government spy. However, you had always known her as a brilliant biochemist. Alluring in her brilliance.
The soft lights of the city shaded her face in the back of the taxi. The air had warmed significantly, but the low hum of the air conditioner made you pull your suit jacket close to your breast. The maroon had felt like too much at first. But the impressed nod from the woman next to you was enough to ebb away any doubts.
Your mother popped open her compact and swiped her finger against the corner of her mouth, taking away the smudged gloss that wasn’t noticeable in comparison to her presence. There was not much you feared in this world, but her wrath. Her annoyance. Her disappointment. None of which she flashed often.
“Remember what we talked about, y/n.”
“Of course. Would you like me to repeat it?”
She snapped the compact and leveled you with amusement. Her eyebrow lifted, the start of a smile at the corner of her lip. She couldn’t be serious. You made eye contact with the taxi driver in the mirror. He showed the same amusement that your mother did, yet somehow, hers stung more.
A groan escaped you, but bled into the mantra that was drilled into you for the past two weeks. “I will be the perfect lady who is grateful for the success of Lance and his political circuit.”
“I will not start anything I can’t finish with Katherine Elizabeth Bishop, And I’m an adult perfectly capable of handling myself.”
“That wasn’t part of it.” Your mother corrected softly. Her hands were suddenly on you, smoothing down the lapel of your suit. “But It’ll do. Mostly, because we’re here.”
Eleanor Bishop often held her galas in the historic buildings of downtown Manhattan. There were small pamphlets lingering by the extensive hand-carved doors. They’d detail the rich family that had built it from the ground up. The architecture was always admittedly beautiful, and Eleanor had a subtle, expensive taste.
This venue was no different; stretching hallways and men in suits that mirrored yours in a tasteful black. Your mother never stepped ahead of you, instead holding a hand out and helping you from the back of the taxi. You’d left a generous tip, careful not to shove your hands into your pockets.
“This used to be a museum for fine arts and culture. The last I heard; the city was going to tear it down but made it a historical site. They use it for banquets now, I suppose.”
“Oh? You’ve read the informational booklet, then?”
She jabbed her elbow into your ribs and mocked a scowl. “No. I robbed it. How do you think we paid for your college tuition, kiddo?”
That was an exaggeration. You were 90% sure- maybe 75%. Bobbi Morse was a force to be reckoned with, and that was something you had learned from a young age. She’d let you sit on the counter of her lab while she worked, and you’d watch her with absolute awe.
Your mother had taught you, without fail, a variety of fighting skills. Starting with Aikido and ending with Taekwondo. She was a master at her craft, both in the field and in her lab and had worked with you since you could walk to train you in the same.
“Mm,” You hummed your response, “Which priceless painting did you take?”
“It was a vase, smart-ass.”
You pulled in a breath to retort before effectively being rendered silent by the performance hall. Eleanor Bishop had gone all out for the benefits that she backed. This was a vast space that was adorned in white sheer and glittering lights. A slideshow of the sponsored bird sanctuary flashed on the televisions scattered throughout the space.
There was a band on the stage, string instruments that you could feel in the center of your chest. The low notes shuddered through you as you took in the crowd. There were few that you actually recognized, usually hazed in expensive alcohol and lingering by the food, or some form of fresh air.
“It’s ironic that it’s about birds, right?”
She leveled you with an unimpressed look and squeezed your shoulder fondly. It didn’t take long for Lance to make his way over to the both of you. His eyes lit up and a smile spread across his freshly-shaved face. He gave you a small wave, gently exiting the conversation he was having with a congressman, a millionaire, or an architect that was just the right amount of desperate.
Lance Hunter had stolen your mothers heart when you were ten years old. You always assumed it was the accent, but the more you got to know him, the more you understood his charms. Lance had never forced things with you, had never claimed to be your father.
There were quiet moments when he’d join you on the wrap-around porch of your family home and just sit. The two of you would watch the way the sun dipped behind the horizon, sipping on syrupy cans of soft drink. Eventually, you talked to him, and he listened with diligence.
“My girls,” he said, placing a chaste kiss against your forehead before sidling up next to Bobbi. They had effortlessly matched in a deep and royal blue that contrasted the ignited red of your own suit. You were the perfect epitome of a political family.
Eleanor Bishop had given you a brief nod of the head, signifying your presence. It was a silent warning told through blackened eyes: Behave.
Her diligent attention was enough to split your family up. You preferred to linger away from the stuffy socialites. Bobbi and Lance were required to mingle. You plucked a flute of bubbling champagne from a passing tray and moved towards one of the elegant support beams decorated with what you now learned, was real foliage.
The floral scent tickled the back of your throat, so you took a generous swallow and let the alcohol warm your stomach diligently. There had to be something interesting around here, away from the rest of the party. A plague or two that would further explain the venue.
A burst of forced laughter greeted your parents as they sidled up next to Jack and Eleanor. Lance had produced some campaign buttons, which the group took without hesitation. You had to admit, he was loveable and politician-worthy.
“Look at us, we match.”
You swallowed back a groan, not bothering to look over. A small noise still escaped you, and the grumble conveyed your exact disposition towards Kate Bishop. Disgust. Annoyance. The slightest bit of attraction. She overwhelmed your senses with her crisp, winter scent.
Eventually, curiosity got the better of you and you glanced over at her. She was in red too, incredibly vibrant against her soft expanses of exposed skin. The dress had a dipping neckline, revealing the freckles that created constellations against her collarbone. She beamed with irritation. You’d never admit that she was captivating.
“I thought you were given explicit instructions to leave me be.” You said between gritted teeth.
She hummed and grasped the drink from your hand. Kate was calculated in her movements, wrapping her lips around the smudge of lipstick that you’d already created on the rim of the glass. She didn’t break eye contact, those slate orbs boring into you.
“We both know you’re the most interesting thing at these parties.”
“I’m not falling for your… charms, Kate Bishop. Your mother may have bought you out of our consequences last time. But, I have more at stake.”
She scoffed and set the now empty glass down on the nearest table. You knew damn well that Kate wasn’t absolved of accountability after your run-in a few months back. She held herself differently now, and it was a minute expression of her posture that caught your attention.
There was a small split at the corner of her lip, and a healing bruise just at her hairline. She’d attempted to use makeup to cover the abrasions, but you had a trained eye. You were your mother’s daughter. These were defensive wounds. And for just a moment, you worried that the Bishop’s had a heavier hand than you’d anticipated.
But then, Kate’s muscles flexed and her head lilted to the side, dark curls splaying over her shoulders. She had grown stronger. It wasn’t noticeable, or at least, it shouldn’t’ have been. But you knew every inch of her body and despite your forced separation, she’d grown steady of herself.
“Why should I be punished, when you’re the one who set the curtains ablaze.”
You leaned close enough to feel her body heat. To her credit, she didn’t step back. A ghost of a smirk was on her lips. You snarled your words. “And who’s fault was that?”
“I don’t see how I was supposed to know you’d get trigger happy with your powers when I went down on you.” She gave you a cocky pout. “Is that a new thing, or have you never been able to handle yourself in moments of pleasure?”
You couldn’t stop yourself from grasping at the strap on her dress, pulling her closer to you out of a burst of anger. The phantom look of confidence spread into a full-blown grin. You were exasperated, the familiar heat burning just under your skin.
It was true, you’d lost control for just a moment, with Kate Bishops head between your legs, one hand buried deep in her mess of tangled hair. As an orgasm washed over you, thighs shaking, your other hand had drifted too close to the drapes and had caught them ablaze.
Despite the both of you being adults, you were separated within an instant. Dragged embarrassingly away by your respective parental units after the fire was put out. The last you’d seen of her was reflected with the flashing red lights of a rumbling fire engine.
Kate had a devilish look in her eyes. “Harder, baby.”
It was a resolute sound that had you pulling apart as if she was a toxic entity. In your book, she was. Both hands landed in your pockets and the two of you looked sheepishly at Eleanor. She’d been keeping an eye on you, you were sure. And had made a direct line to you the second Kate had given you that salacious look.
“Good evening, Mrs. Bishop. It’s a pleasure to see you.”
Kate coughed out something that sounded like ‘Kiss ass’ and covered it up with a doe-eyed look of innocence. She may not have been afraid of her mother, but you were terrified. Bobbi had a soft hand. It commanded you like a weapon, and you were happy to do what you were told.
Your own punishment had consisted of heavier training. Both mentally and physically to perfect control that you’d had mastered years ago when you were nothing but a girl with streaks of tears dripping from your chin. The fire had been too strong then, overwhelming and horrible.
“Good evening, Miss Morse, I trust you’ve found a way to entertain yourself during the benefit that isn’t antagonizing my daughter.” Before you could answer, she turned her attention to Kate. “And you. I specifically allowed you to bring a guest in attempts to keep you away from Bobbi’s little arsonist.”
She had been under the full impression that you’d taken a zippo to the hanging drapes. It was the white-hot flames that leaked from your own fingers that had done the damage. Kate was thankfully tight-lipped about the fact, and you let the socialite think whatever she wanted. She hadn’t pressed charges.
Kate pulled her shoulders back, almost looking offended at the name you were tagged with. Almost. “Clint got stopped at the front for an autograph, mom. I’m just biding my time.”
“Bide it somewhere else. We’ve talked about this.”
Eleanor gave you a tight-lipped smile that had noticeably softened compared to the venomous expression she held for Kate. A light squeeze was delivered to your arm. It had always scared you how quick she could switch like that. Her shoulders pulled back as she wandered back over to her group.
Lance lifted his chin in your direction. Silently asking if everything was okay, and it was. His quiet reassurance brought the heat licking at your stomach to a bubbling halt. Why you cared more about Eleanors disposition towards Kate, then her acidity directed at you, was beyond something you were willing to confront.
“Who’s Clint?”
“Why? Jealous?”
“Can we have a normal conversation, please. Is it so shocking that I’d take interest in your friends?”
She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “Yes. If you must know, he’s not a friend. He’s a mentor. He’s, my partner.”
Both of your eyebrows lifted. Partner in what? It wasn’t something you would audibly voice, save you show any concern past the normal amount that you usually had for Kate. The tautness of her muscles, and the superficial injuries made that discomfort return to the pit of your stomach.
Kate was an archer. You knew such from the trophies that littered her dresser the one time you’d been privy to her room. Truth be told, you hadn’t paid much attention. You were backed against her door and her teeth were scraping against your pulse point. But the little gold figures and the child-sized bow on the wall was enough to of a giveaway.
You only knew one archer, and you knew him distantly; from photos that your mother had blacked out with a sharpie. She’d later told you that she regretted the fact because the memories of the three of you would always remain.
The taste of bile filled your throat and Kate lilted her head to the side, like a golden retriever that had heard a piercing noise. There was a surprising amount of concern in her voice. “You okay? You’re looking a little green.”
“Hm? Yeah. Totally. The champagne is just sitting weird.”
A frown had found its way onto your face, and you directed your attention back to the crowd. It seemed that Eleanor was satisfied enough with the two of you lingering in silence. You were trained to know where the exits were in any venue. Kate’s stare shockingly darted in the same pattern as your own.
People had trickled in until the floor was bustling with conversation. You let your shoulders relax in the slightest bit, swallowing back the acrid taste in your mouth. Eleanor had lost her viewpoint of you and her daughter, and you weren’t much in the mood for fighting her on pure proximity.
“There you are, god, I didn’t know this many people cared about birds.”
This time, you couldn’t stop your narrowed eyes from flashing to the intrusion. Whatever distracted Kate was enough to be deemed a savior in your book. But the voice was familiar, painfully so. It was as if your body reacted by busting out in goosebumps, chills rushing down your spine.
Now, you wanted your mother to be able to see you. You were a strong, and capable adult that knew at least six different ways to kill a person without a weapon. You’d gone on missions with your mother, with your Aunt Daisy, too. A simple man in a simpler suit should not make your knees weak.
Yet- here he was. In a charcoal black ensemble with a pocket square that was a flash of purple. It was a color you’d grown to despise. It was an eyesore, as was the man that stood at a height taller than Kate, but just a few inches.
You’d found a singular picture of him that wasn’t defaced in your mother’s nightstand. A polaroid of the three of you on the beach. The sun had turned your cheeks a flushed pink. He had you in his arms and beamed at the camera. Eyes matching the blue of the ocean.
They were the same now, the same vibrancy that you’d thought about. He looked other, worn from parenthood and the effects of time. Of course, you’d seen him on television, but Bobbi had always been quick to flick it off, only lingering during the Sokovia accords.
His mouth fell open in disbelief, but you were careful to keep your jaw stock still. You weren’t going to give Clint Barton the satisfaction of rattling you. Not here, not if he ever decided to show up when you had a family of your own. Not on your deathbed. He couldn’t invoke that from you.
Kate had learned to pick up on body language, and she had learned fast. Her stare shifted between both you, and Clint. She had the right amount of perception to keep her mouth shut, even taking half an inch step back. She was in a position to hold the two of you apart, if need be.
“Holy shit,” He breathed out, “Sparky.”
“Don’t call me Sparky.”
You were taken aback by your own ability to produce words. They were pinched and had dropped down an octave to true anger. Not the type that Kate Bishop was used to. Sure, you had aggravation directed towards her, but nothing short of teasing.
Clint took a slight step towards you, and you took a large one back, nearly bumping into the support beam wrapped with vines and vibrant flowers. Your hand reached out to grab onto it for support, but Kate’s fingers wrapped gently around your wrist. Right. Yes. That would be the safe bet.
You needed to find Bobbi.
Chances were, Clint hadn’t seen her with the growing attendance. You could slip out through the large storm doors that were a few feet behind you. At least then, you could burn scorch marks into the grass and not into this historical building.
“What is happening?” Kate said, refusing to remove her hand from your wrist. You didn’t wrench it away, either. It was a force, a grounding factor. You refused to let the fire move past your fingertips in fear that it would burn her. “Clint?”
“She uh… She’s…”
The words died in his throat. You couldn’t’ stand looking at him, pale as ice and wringing his hands nervously. He couldn’t hold still, but you were like a stone. Almost as if he would vanish the second you averted your stare.
“I’m his daughter.”
Kate’s hand did move from your wrist and to your hand, almost out of instinct. Your relationship, or lack-there-of, had never required this kind of closeness. But She was hanging on tightly, nails digging into your skin. The slight sting brought you back.
Clint croaked “How’s your mother?”
Kate winced and you felt the spring in your spine loosen. He was more nervous than you were and that gave you an advantage. “You can ask her yourself. She and Lance are mingling.”
“Lance is here?”
“Of course.”
He was running for congressman. It would damage his campaign if he hadn’t shown up. The gossip blogs that followed the lives of New Yorks Elite had picked up on the rift between you and Kate. There were a few grainy photos of the two of you standing shoulder to shoulder, wrapped in foil blankets that made you look like Baked potatoes. There was soot on her chin, and you had wiped the darkness away with your thumb. Of course, that had been the moment they caught and wrote about, and plastered all over the internet.
Clint worked his jaw and cupped the back of his neck with a tepid smile. It wavered incessantly. He was boyish in his charm and that would always be the case, no matter how old he got. You knew he had a family now. A real family that didn’t’ consist of a secret agent and their match-happy daughter.
You gave Kate a squeeze with your free hand, signaling that you were fine. The last thing you wanted to appear was weak. She seemed to get the message loud and clear, wrenching her touch away with a nervous clearing of her throat.
“I’m sorry… Can we back up for a second?”  
Clint had a dejected look in his eyes that almost made you feel a twinge of guilt. Almost. Your own ego often got in the way of things, and this was one of them. There was a flood of emotions between both of the archers, a silent pleading to hear him out.
“You and Mrs. Morse dated?”
“They were married.” You snatched another glass of campaign, this one all for yourself. You swallowed the acrid drink and let the bubbles assault your throat. “When did the divorce finalize, again?
“No, I was never really privy to the details myself.”
“We shouldn’t do this here.”
You finished off the rest of the drink, a certain amount of your defenses lower. You felt warm, but not warm enough to do something stupid. He was right. You shouldn’t do this here and if you had your way, you wouldn’t’ do it anywhere. You were perfectly content to let this man slip back into oblivion and train the Bishop heiress that you had a habit of bedding.
Clint seemed to let out a sigh of relief when you nodded in agreement. He scrutinized you both, the rush of initial shock ebbing away like a melting lake. Chunks of ice broke off and gave way to the familiarity and closeness the two of you held. It was relaxed, despite the rivalry that landed you here in the first place.
“No,” he drawled out, “No, no, no. Kate, you didn’t’.”
The tips of her ears were red enough to match your suit and the color that painted her own lips. She hid her face in her hands with a groan. But you wrapped your arm around her waist and pulled her against your side.
“Does that bother you, old man?”
It clearly did. Kate leveled you with a delicious glare that was unmatched but didn’t’ move from your hold. Was she letting you have this? You weren’t entirely sure. He was whipping his head back and fourth with enough force to break his own neck. It was making you dizzy, but giddy all the same.
Your moment of joy at his dismay was short lived. You caught the sharp scent of your mothers perfume. She’d cut through the crowd and furrowed her brow at your closeness to Kate. It took her a few moments to realize that Clint was here. To realize that he was the man that had spurred your act of rebellion in doing the exact opposite of what she’d requested at the start of the night.
Her cool eyes took him in just as yours had. Kate was still next to you, swallowing a dryness in her throat that you could nearly hear. Bobbi didn’t attempt to separate you as Eleanor had. Instead, she gave you a quiet stare. “Darling, I think it’s time we go. There’s a situation we have to attend to.”
“Of course. It’s been a pleasure.”
It hadn’t been, but you shocked yourself and Kate by leaning in and pressing a kiss just behind her ear, still blazing with blush. She froze but gave you the slightest bit of nod. Clint opened and closed his mouth like a surfaced fish, but kept quiet.
Your mother walked with a purpose, her shoulders pulled back and an elegance to her sway. You didn’t look back, keeping time with her as she weaved through the crowd and towards the lobby that was ten degrees cooler and much, much more welcoming.
“Is there actually a situation, or is this your attempt at a rescue?”
She ignored your question, stopping and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear with a soft look in her eyes that made your stomach squirm. “Are you okay, sweetie? I had no idea that he’d be here. I never would have made you come.”
“I’m fine, mom.” She didn’t seem convinced, so you added “Really.”
Eventually, Bobbi relented with a shaky sigh and cupped your cheek in a comforting manner. “Good. Okay. Good. Because we do have a situation.”
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upat4amwiththemoon · 3 months
Hawkeye 2.0
Summary: With great power comes great responsibility.
Pairing: Kate Bishop x female!reader
Warnings: injuries
Word count: 1106
a/n: the last iconic trope challenge (part 2) fic, hurt/comfort! Let’s pretend it didn’t take me ages to finish this please and thank you
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @natashamaximoff69 @scarsw1fe
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Y/N would always tell Kate her becoming the new Hawkeye didn’t bother her, except that wasn’t really the truth. She loved whatever her girlfriend loved, and if saving people was something she wants to do full time, Y/N would always have her back. However, she hated worrying about her every time she walked out of the door. And she hated seeing her hurt every time she walked back inside.
But, she knew what she signed up for, so she’d deal with it.
It’s already two in the night and Y/N is still awake, pacing Kate’s living room from one wall to the other, her hands mechanically touching them softly before she turns around.
Kate left hours ago and still hasn’t come back, not that she has fixed hours as an Avenger, but she doesn’t usually take this long, even she goes out to fight bad guys.
The news channel is on the television, her eyes glance at it every so often. It’s on mute, Y/N couldn’t bear hearing if something had gone wrong with the Avemgers’ mission, but she also doesn’t want to miss out on anything. The only sounds in the house are the clocks ticking out of sync, and Y/N’s soft footsteps.
Her head snaps towards the door with a flinch when the familiar sound of key opening the door fills the apartment.
She lets out a relieved sigh, immediately making her way to the door, practically forcing it open. “Baby.” Y/N gasps. Her relief turns into worry and care when she sees the state Kate is in. Her body is hunched over, face littered with cuts and bruises, and she is holding onto her side tightly. Still she gives her a smile.
“Hey.” Kate whispers, limping into the living room couch with Y/N’s help.
Y/N turns off the television and puts on a proper light to see the extent of the injuries. “What happened?” Her brows are furrowed and the corners of her mouth are downturned. She gets the med kit before kneeling down next to Kate, starting to take off her suit.
“I’m sorry I’m late.” Kate mumbles. Her eyes are screwed shut as Y/N moves her body around to undress her. “The mission wasn’t exactly successful.”
Y/N hums. She has to blink multiple times to push away the tears threatening to fall. She doesn’t want to cry in front of injured Kate, this moment is about helping her.
A silence falls over the two of them while Y/N patches up any opens cuts and wounds on Kate’s body. Sometimes she lets out a wince or a groan at a particularly painful wound, but otherwise she feels too tired to talk.
After twenty long minutes, Y/N sets the med kit aside, now just looking at Kate. She can see the subtle tremble of her lower lip, the way she is pressing her nails against her palms, and the tension on her face.
“It’s okay.” She whispers, setting a gentle hand on Kate’s cheek. “You don’t have to be so strong all the time.”
Quiet tears start falling down her cheeks as Kate opens her eyes to look at Y/N. She leans against her palm. “What if I’m normal cut out to do this?” Her voice wavers, cracking at the end of the sentence.
“You are.” Y/N sets both of her hands on Kate’s cheeks, her thumbs rubbing them.
“But today was so bad. I really messed up, I endangered the whole mission.”
A frown falls to Y/N’s face. She’s worried. What if Kate isn’t cut out for this? What if one day, she doesn’t come home? “You can’t be perfect on every mission.” She tries to push the thoughts away. “None of the Avengers can. They all have made mistakes, but have you ever blamed them for it?”
Kate shakes her head. “But I’m new. I have to prove my worth.”
“If you have to prove your worth by going to missions until you’ve too exhausted to even get to the bed afterwards, it’s not worth it.” Y/N’s words turn shaky as she tightens her hold on Kate just the slightest. “You’re so good at what you do. And even if I-“ she sniffles, blinking again to keep the tears at bay, “even if I sometimes hate what you do, you shouldn’t worry about impressing them. Because that’s when you get careless and get hurt. You need to focus on helping people, because that’s what you love.”
A steady stream of tears keep falling out of Kate’s eyes as she listens to Y/N words and her tone. The worry is so clear it makes her feel guilty for being the reason for it. She leans her head against Y/N’s shoulder, making the other woman wrap her arms around her tightly.
“You’ll tell me what happened tomorrow, okay? We’ll talk it through. But now you need to sleep, Kate.” Her voice is quiet. “Please, let’s go to sleep.”
Kate nods, pulling away and standing up with Y/N’s help. They walk to the bedroom slowly, and she gets lowered to the bed.
Y/N goes to the closet, getting clean pajamas for them both. She does most of the work while changing Kate into them, but she doesn’t mind, she loves helping Kate in any way she can.
“I’m sorry.” Kat whispers, looking up at Y/N. “I don’t want to make you worried.”
“No, no.” Y/N kisses her forehead and cheeks, the remaining tears wetting her lips. “It’s not your fault. I’m always going to worry about you, no matter what, because I love you. But I also want you to be happy, that’s the most important thing.”
“I’ll ask for a couple days off.”
A surge of happiness goes through Y/N’s body. “Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Kate moves to lay down under the covers, pulling Y/N down next to her. “I’ve been working hard. Too hard, I think. I want to spend more time with you.”
Y/N lays down next to Kate, carefully cuddling into her. She closes her eyes and nuzzles her face into the crook of her neck. “Thank you.”
Kate wraps her arms around Y/N. Her movements are slow, but the injuries won’t stop her from holding her girl. “You’re the most important thing to me.” She whispers. “And I will always come home to you.”
“I know.” Though the doubt still lures in the back of Y/N’s mind, she does a conscious effort to trust Kate’s words.
She’ll always come home to her.
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Icicles and Injuries
Pairing: Wandanat x Reader
Prompts: Frozen (Day 2) + No way out (Day 11)
TW: minor injury, being trapped, hypothermia, mentions of death, partial nudity (consented)
Words: 2K
Summary: Reader gets trapped and needs to be saved before she freezes to death.
For once the miss had gone well. No injuries or accidents or hidden traps. It had been a breeze. Now all that was left was to sit tight in the nearest safe house in the woods and wait for Tony to send a jet to come and collect you. ‘You’ being Wanda, Natasha, Kate and Yelena.
By late afternoon it was still light outside and snowing lightly. A white dust of flakes covered every available surface in a thin layer of pale snow.
Being in the woods it was a beautiful sight to behold, yet Natasha and Yelena having come from Russia were most winters bordered on nuclear, did not share your enthusiasm.
Wanda and Kate had spent some time in Europe before and were a little more used to it. And sure, you had seen snow many times, but it was always a point of beauty to you. It helped you relax. Soft and cold it continued to drift down from above coating the landscape below.
“Wands? Natty? Do you guys wanna come with me for a walk?” You asked popping your head into the lounge room of the cabin.
“No thanks detka. Not right now. Yelena and Kate were going to watch a movie and I think Wanda was going to start dinner soon.” Natasha said looking genuine.
“Okay.” You said feeling a little saddened by the fact nobody would be coming with.
“Make sure you take a coat. It’s cold.” Nat said over her shoulder as she positioned herself between her sister and her sister's girlfriend with a shit-eating grin. Always the older sister, you thought rolling your eyes.
You said a quick goodbye to Wanda who echoed Nat’s statement about a coat before putting one on and a pair of gloves, boots and a beanie before entering the snow scene outside the cabin.
You headed for the trail behind the house. It was marked with signs on the trees as it snowed enough around here for trails to be easily lost without proper signage.
You sighed, feeling at peace and relaxed as the snow crunched softly underfoot. Setting off down the trail it was lined with fresh snow and small animal tracks, probably squirrels or rabbits.
As you continued down the track the cabin grew smaller behind you. It was a loop and came out down by the other side of the house.
Seeing the first sign on the tree you smiled at the small red arrow which was on a wood-stained oak board nailed into the tree.
You continued down the track listening to the serene quietness and peaceful sound of snow and birdsong.
Pulling your coat around you some more it was getting colder as the evening wore on and your nose was surely frozen as small snowflakes collected on your eyelashes.
As you continued down the short trail a flicker of movement out of the corner of your eye caught your attention. A small squirrel had hopped up onto what looked like the snow-covered husk of an old tree. The little creature chittered at you and you smiled softly at the peacefulness of the moment.
But before you could even think the squirrel ran up the tree. The tree looked like it had survived many winters and was well past due to be fell in the summer. The squirrel continued up the branches which were creaking eerily already laden with snow on the branches. Then there was a sharp cracking crunch, and the tree began to fall.
At the last minute the squirrel jumped onto a nearby branch out of harms way. Yet you stood frozen. You just had time to duck and cover as the tree crashed down onto the path. It fell in a way that had managed to avoid hitting you but had pinned your coat under its heavy trunk. Your left boot was also pinned, and you bit a cold breath of air back in shock.
The snow continued falling, however it seemed almost menacing now. If you stayed out much longer into the evening the temperatures would continue to fall, and that beautiful snow might be the thing that kills you.
You cursed yourself from forgetting your phone, not that it would have a signal, but it would be better than nothing. They may have been able to track you at least.
The sun began to dip under the tree line and the temperature began to drop faster without the sun to provide warmth.
The snow was collecting on top of the tree making the chance of escape seem slimmer and slimmer.
The snow was beginning to build up either side of you now. Blocking you inside the wooden ribs of the tree. The branches caving around you with the snow beginning to form a roof and sides.
It was cold and it no longer felt like just your nose that was frozen. Your cheeks stung with the cold, and you wiggled your fingers and toes to try and warm them up as well. Frostbite was a very real thing and one you did not want to ever have experience in.
As the sun began to cruise lower and lower in the sky it continued to get colder. The light was starting to go now as well, a dusky overcast type of light was all that was left. If this continued on for much longer you worried, they may never find you until the snow thawed, by then it would be too late.
Back in the cabin the movie was almost over. Yelena and Kate had ended up beside each other again with popcorn in their hair after flicking it at each other for the whole duration of the movie. Nat had already seen the movie and headed to the kitchen to fetch four mugs of hot chocolate to share.
As she stepped into the kitchen which smelled like heaven and smiled at Wanda.
“Wheres Y/n? Surely, she’ll want hot chocolate as well.” Natasha smiled.
“I thought she was with you?” Wanda said looking up from where she had been seasoning chicken.
“No?” Nat said frowning. “She should be back from her walk by now.”
“Oh god.” Wanda paled slightly. “She’s not still out there, is she?”
“If she is we better find her fast before it gets too dark. Cold weather like this can kill.” Natasha said. “You send Yelena and Kate to check the bedrooms before joining us in the woods. I’m going to see if i can find her. Join me when you’re done.” Nat said already slipping on a coat with a sense of urgency to her movements.
Wanda nodded her assent and went to tell Yelena and Kate.
After a little bit all three girls were out searching the woods. Wanda was focusing on finding you with her mind, but you were either asleep or close too it which worried her greatly.
Finally, she sensed you under an old looking tree covered in snow. She called the others over and focused, using her magic to move the tree off you.
When your red jacket came into sight Natasha was the first to get to you. Scooping your cold and limp form into her arms. You were breathing but also freezing cold.
“We need to warm her up. NOW!” Nat said as she began sprinting to the cabin with you in her arms.
Your cheeks had long since turned from a rosy red colour to a dusky blue as the temperature had fallen further.
Once Natasha burst through the front door she headed for the bedroom you, her and Wanda had been sharing the past few nights.
Wanda, Kate and Yelena followed close behind, nobody commenting on the water that was being tracked through the cabin. Their focus elsewhere.
Natasha gently set you down on the bed, Wanda beside her and Kate and Yelena hovering in the doorway.
“Alright.” Nat said. “Wanda i need you to help me get her out of these wet clothes they’re doing more harm than good.” She said already starting to peel off your soaked coat. “Yelena, Kate.” She began and the two stood a little straighter. “Go and run a warm bath, not too warm but just enough to not be cold.” Nat said and the two turned tail and headed for the bathroom.
Wanda was now working on taking off your snow-pants while nat continued stripping off your top half. After a minute you were left laying in just your sports bra and boxers, long past shivering.
“Now what?” Wanda asked seeming panicked.
“Now we warm her up. It works best with skin-to-skin contact. So, we need to cuddle her. Bring that blanket and put it on top. Once Yelena is done with the bath, we will kick them out.” Nat said. Pulling off her shirt and taking off her track pants. She was now stood in bike pants and a sports bra much like what she wore to training in the gym.
Wanda was one step behind as she took off her shirt in a matching outfit to Natasha’s.
You, Wanda and Natasha had been together almost three years now, so it was nothing new. But still, nat had sent Yelena and Kate away just because.
Nat climbed onto the bed beside you and began pulling a sheet over you. Wanda slipped into the bed on your other side and cuddled up close. Sucking in a sharp breath when your frigid skin came into contact with her. You made a small noise of pain and curled into her front. Your face tucked into her chest. Natasha curled up behind you, tucking you between the two of them. Wanda had one arm around your waist and the other holding the back of your head to her chest. Natasha had her arms over you and on Wanda’s bare hip and back.
After a few minutes of quiet cuddling, and the sound of your short huffy breathes, you began to stir slightly. Your eye’s blinked open before you whined and screwed them shut again.
Wanda carded a hand through your hair and shone softly to you.
“There we go. Come on. Come back to us baby-girl. You’re doing so well for us my love.” She coaxed, her hands tangling in your wet locks.
After a second the sound of the tap shutting off was heard and Yelena’s footsteps came down the hall. She peaked in and smiled at Natasha looking so domestic but bit back a comment.
“Your bath is ready sestra.” Yelena said with her heavy accent hiding her amusement.
“Alright.” Nat said as she shifted Wanda’s arms around you tightened.
“Can i carry her this time?” Wanda asked sounding almost scared to let you go. As if you may disappear.
“Sure baby. But you’ll need to give her to me before you get into the bath with her.” Nat said and she glanced back at the door where Yelena had disappeared from before getting out from under the sheets.
The process of bathing you was simple enough. The flush had come back to your cheeks as Wanda held you in her lap in the bath while Natasha ran and warm cloth over every inch of your skin slowly warming you up. After they had been satisfied you were warm enough, they towelled you off as you start to come around again. They dressed you in Nat’s warm hoodie and Wanda’s red track pants.
Wanda had you in her arms when the three of you re-entered the kitchen slash lounge room.
Yelena grinned. Having set up a nest of sorts on the floor with a ton of blankets and pillows. Kate had five cups of hot chocolate on the bench and a movie queued up.
You buried your face into Wanda’s chest as the five of you got settled into the nest. Blankets were thrown over the five of you and you settled in for the movie.
Wanda’s dinner was still cooking and right now nobody wanted to leave you by yourself let alone out of their sight.
So, you curled up in your girlfriend’s laps and listened to their hearts beat with the soundtrack of parks and recreation playing in the background.
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fierceheda · 2 months
Not Yelena being depressed in thunderbolts ☹️ (she should go visit Kate)
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axinite25 · 4 months
I know its because theres quite some time from black widow filming and hawkeye filming but its so funny in cannon that yelena in less than 24 hours decided to get bangs and change her nail colours before going to kill clint in new york
It's because she saw Kate and was like "Damn I need to wife her up" totally unaware that Kate was already like ❤️👄❤️
(Its true I was there)
((also you ever forget how freaking pookie she is? Like what do you mean this is a murderer??? 🥰))
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softgreengrass · 7 months
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Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova
Summary: Kate finds herself in a sticky situation.
Warnings: mind control, choking
Word Count: 1.2K
A/N: short and sweet and also there is no context behind this ur just dropped into the middle of the action so. enjoy
The Red Room hadn’t died. It never would, the same way HYDRA wouldn’t. There would always be survivors to scrounge through the rubble, to sprout off a new branch. This time, the scientists had survived. The ones who knew exactly how Yelena worked, who had her brain and her nerves mapped out, who had planted kill switches and failsafes deep inside of her.
Yelena grits her teeth, deadly gaze set straight onto Kate. There’s no question in Kate’s mind: she is about to die.
Yelena jumps at her, swinging a kick out at Kate’s feet. Her fists are a blur, colliding with Kate’s ribs and gut and jaw. Kate fights back, manages to land a hit here and there, but she’s outclassed. Blood fills her mouth and stains her teeth. She grasps for the trick arrowheads in her pocket, the ones she had been tinkering with all morning, and pierces one into Yelena’s shoulder.
It electrocutes her. She convulses briefly, giving Kate a chance to step back and suck in a few breaths. But then Yelena forces her arm up and yanks it out, tearing her flesh in the process. For a moment Kate is overcome with guilt.
With a growl, Yelena wraps a hand around Kate’s throat and squeezes. Her breath is hot and familiar, but her eyes are distant. Cold. Her other arm pushes her back until they reach a wall. Kate thrashes helplessly.
“Please,” Kate croaks, her vision already fading at the edges. “Lena, please, don’t-”
“Shut up!” Yelena spits, shoving Kate back and letting her head bounce off of brick.
She’s run out of oxygen. She’s run out of oxygen and now she’s seeing stars, and she’s pretty sure her rib is fractured, and Yelena is just staring into her eyes, angry. But it’s not Yelena, not really.
In last-ditch desperation, Kate pretends to pass out. It’s something she always thought about when watching movies — the bad guy always lets go when the victim passes out, so why don’t they just fake it? It’s not hard to go limp, physically. But it feels like giving up, and that goes against everything in Kate’s bones.
Yelena’s hand releases. It leaves Kate’s skin cold.
Kate collapses onto the floor and doesn’t dare open her eyes, even as she hears Yelena walk away. She forces herself to take quiet breaths, not gasp the way she desperately needs to, and screws her eyes shut to will away the look Yelena gave her. She doesn’t move.
A voice pulls her into consciousness, harsh and whispered. Kate has the most excruciating headache of her life.
“What the hell happened?” Clint asks, squatting down beside her.
She coughs.
“Jesus Christ, kid. Do you think you can stand up?”
A couple of doctors check her out, but she’s released from the hospital the same day with strict orders to rest. It’s convenient, really. Nothing to do but lay on her couch and think about her situationship nearly murdering her.
The day she gets a knock on her door, her bruises are healing. The handprint on her neck is still distinct, purplish-yellow, and her black eye is more of a maroon eye. She’s gotten bored of Survivor binges.
She flinches when she opens the door and sees Yelena. Then she feels bad for flinching.
“Hi,” Yelena says softly, frowning. “Can I come in?”
Kate’s self-preservation instinct is screaming no, clawing at the door to try to push it closed, but it loses. She swallows and steps aside.
They sit facing each other on Kate’s couch. No matter how hard she tries, she can’t look into Yelena’s eyes without seeing that cold, lethal stare. So she looks down instead.
“I’m so sorry,” Yelena breathes, her voice weak and vulnerable. “I… I didn’t want to hurt you, I would never hurt you.”
But you did, Kate catches herself thinking. She shakes her head, says scratchily, “It wasn’t you.”
Yelena glances down at Kate’s throat. Her eyes lock on to the bruise, widening immediately. “Oh god. I-I did that?”
Kate immediately wishes she had worn a scarf. “It wasn’t you.”
And then, Kate can’t believe what she sees. Yelena Belova’s eyes fill with tears. “I’m so sorry, Kate, I didn’t mean to-”
“It wasn’t you,” Kate repeats, firmly this time. Her gaze hardens. “It was them. And I’m not going to let them do that to you again.”
“I could’ve killed you,” Yelena whispers, oblivious to Kate’s words.
“You didn’t.” Probably by pure chance, but still. “Yelena, you didn’t.”
Yelena purses her lips, still refusing to let any tears fall. She’s never hated herself more.
Kate doesn’t know what to do. As much as she wants to pull Yelena into her arms, to promise to her that nothing has changed and everything is going to be okay, she can’t. Not when the thought of Yelena’s hands on her makes her skin crawl.
“How did you… come back?”
“I don’t know,” Yelena mutters. “I woke up in a SHIELD lab. I, I wanted to find you, and then Clint said that I-” her voice catches. “That I hurt you.”
Something swells in Kate’s chest. “Stop saying that.”
“I’m sorry.”
Kate closes her eyes, slumping back into the couch. Yelena uses the opportunity to wipe her eyes and swallow the lump in her throat. If someone had told her a few months ago that she would be falling apart just because she beat someone up, she would’ve slit their throat.
“Do they know what caused it?” Kate asks, keeping her eyes shut.
Yelena exhales. “Not really. A chemical of some kind. In the smoke bomb.”
“Was it just… were you going to kill anyone you saw? Or was it just me?”
Yelena wishes she knew the answer. “It couldn’t have just been you, Kate.”
She opens her eyes.
“I didn’t know you when they programmed me,” Yelena states, trying to convince herself as much as Kate. “It couldn’t just be you.”
“Okay,” Kate says softly. Suddenly, anger surges through her. Someone programmed Yelena. Someone hijacked her brain, her free will. Took away her power. She decides right then that she’ll make them pay, even if it’s the last thing she does. The rage burns through her and fogs her vision.
“Kate,” Yelena’s voice cuts through. She’s close to Kate now, searching for a hint of anything on her face. Kate’s not one to zone out. “Say something.”
She blinks and finds Yelena’s wide eyes. “Sorry.”
Yelena furrows her eyebrows. “You are thinking about something.”
“I’m not going to let them do that to you again,” Kate says sharply.
The air between them is tense. Yelena knows that’s not possible, that one person can’t protect her from the Red Room’s endless reach, but at the same time knowing that someone wants to try brings a lump back to her throat.
“If it happens again, I don’t want you near me,” Yelena rasps.
“I’m not abandoning you.”
Yelena exhales slowly. “I won’t let myself hurt you-”
“I’m not letting them do that to you again,” Kate repeats. “And you can’t stop that.”
“I’m sorry,” Yelena mumbles, almost whimpers, and Kate doesn’t care about her skin crawling anymore.
She pulls her into a crushing hug, presses herself as close to Yelena as she can, feels herself immediately calm down. Yelena closes her eyes and runs her hands across Kate’s back. They sink deeper into each other, breathe in the fact that they’re both alive and okay. It might not be that way forever.
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ageofevermore · 2 years
SUMMARY — when drift too far out to shore, kate is always there to throw you a lifeboat and bring you back in
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These days, it feels like there are oceans between you and everything you care about. You feel disconnected, isolated, like you’re drifting further and farther out to sea with any and each insignificant blow of wind. You think that you’ve been set on this course for a while now, and maybe, you were even the one who built the boat that carries you out with the tide. You’ve never felt like you had a home in your family, in your friends, on the streets you grew up on. For your entire life, you had been nothing but a ghost caught in the breeze; the weightlessness of your existence subjecting you to riptides and invisibility.
When you met Kate, you were at your lowest. The days were short and the nights were even shorter, flashes of time and days coming and going without as much significance as remembering what you’d had for dinner, or if you’d eaten at all. She was like a life raft, like sunshine breaking across the shore after thunderstorms, but the rain can only leave for so long. Eventually, the sky always opens again, and when it rains, it pours.
You hadn’t left your dorm in days, hardly even rolled out of bed more than a handful of times to pee or brush your hair. You’re sure that it's now matted and all sorts of knotted into the hair tie you stole from Kate’s bedside table the night that you left in a panic feeling like your heart was sinking to your feet with no explanation. Your classes had gone unattended, your assignments undone. Whatever had happened, whatever had been the reason, you were reverting back to the ghost lost at sea that Kate had rescued, and it broke your heart even more than feeling like you mattered to noone as much as they mattered to you.
Kate had been leaving voicemails, texting you frequently, even when you didn’t answer, even when her messages just became a red notification bubble, she’d text again. She told you about her day, about her classes, about the dining hall and how she missed your hugs. She asked if you were okay, but she never dwelled on it. She was perfect, and you felt like an asshole for just watching her messages collect and not having the energy to pick up the phone even to just let her know you loved her all the same as you did last week. You felt like she was the last thing you deserved. Her goodness, her kindness, her sweet smile and humor. How could you deserve something so good?
A sudden knock at your door scared you, though it was soft and admittedly timid. Nobody had come by in months, nobody realized just how far from shore you were, nobody spared you a second glance, nobody ever took your name home with them. You were something so temporary it almost made you fragile, like a child's favorite trinket that never left the shelf in fear of it breaking or becoming lost. You had been sat on a shelf collecting dust, the novelty of you wearing off and thin.
You had hope that whoever was at your door would take your silence as rejection, but you would never be that lucky. The next knock was persistent, and this time, a whimsical pattern. You huffed, untangling your limbs from the soft throw blanket you’d lived beneath for the last few days, and dragged your feet toward the door. Not bothering to smooth the frizz in your hair, you opened the door with lifeless eyes. Your heart further plummeted at the sight of Kate before you, illuminated by the yellow hallway lights, drenched from the rain and holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers and her favorite pizza.
“I know you don’t like pizza, but I also know that you probably haven’t eaten in a few days and… Well I tried to make you that pasta you like, but then Lucky needed to pee and I took him out and it started raining and I left the pot on the burner- oh god, that was your favorite pot. Uh, I brought pizza. I figured… I figured that if anything you could peel the cheese off and just eat the dough like a weirdo. Or, or if you want something else I can totally go get that!” She rambled anxiously, looking all over your face for any indication that her showing up was the wrong decision. She’d tried to give you the space you wanted, but eventually her heart won out.
For the first time in days, a smile pulled at your lips and a sound that someone resembled your laugh broke the silence you’ve kept for days. Your voice was hoarse, barely a whisper from so many days without it, but just hearing you, seeing you standing; still alive, reassured Kate. “No no, uh, pizza is perfect.” You promised, opening the door wider for her to step inside.
Kate couldn’t fix everything, but she could throw you a lifeboat and help to pull you back to shore, and she would. She always would, and you’d do just the same for her.
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whutiscolor · 3 months
Bishova one-shot
We're slaves to any semblance of touch
Summary: Yelena's stubborn at receiving help, Kate takes care of her anyway.
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archivomeow · 7 months
im sorry, kate bishop.
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characters: Kate Bishop, Yelena Belova.
description: AU where Yelena joins Kate and Clint and all three end up at his house. Yelena and Kate have a talk as Yelena patches up Kate’s wound and tried to comfort her after the loss of her mom.
includes: no romo! they are awkward, but warm up, awkward and stiff yelena lol, again no romo, purely platonic, yelena is canonically aroace remember that!
Yelena felt weird being at Barton’s home, she tried to kill the man not that long ago, how else was she supposed to feel?
It took a good moment before he convinced Yelena to join him and Kate, but eventually she just gave in, he obviously trusted her and knew a lot about her. The car ride was awkwardly silent, Kate didn’t say a word to Yelena and Clint was way too focused on the road, so they just sat in silence with Clint asking a thing or two when they stopped at red lights.
There was a limited number of rooms, so Yelena took the couch, she wasn’t even sure if she’d stay to morning, so there was no point in getting a room ready for her.
It was dark outside by now, their house was nice, Yelena liked how big it was, but it felt like a home, not like a mansion. Laura was now in the kitchen with Lila and her brothers were with Clint outside. Yelena sat on the couch awkwardly, she tried to relax, but she seemed to tense up at every noise. As the front door opened and Clint walked in with his sons Yelena’s head turned. Her face stoic as she looked at the three for a moment.
“Hey, Yelena… Do you think you can go get Kate? The food will be ready soon.” Clint said with a light smile on his face, Yelena just nodded as she got up and walked up the stairs to the guest room to get Kate.
She knocked gently on the door as she pushed it open. The air in the room was stiff, her green eyes quickly scanned her surroundings, the room was small with a king size bed in the middle, she saw some clothes thrown around and a bag on the floor, her eyes focused on Kate who was seated on the bed.
“Clint says food will be ready soon.” Yelena finally spoke up. She looked at Kate with an emotionless expression, but she saw how red Kate’s eyes were and her nose, how her breath was short and her cheeks wet.
“Um, yeah… I’ll be right down.” She nodded -as she spoke.
Yelena hesitated, she was ready to leave to room, but it felt wrong, she didn’t want to be pushy and it was definitely not her place to talk with Kate as the two barely knew each other, yet she was still standing in the door frame, not fully in the room, yet also not fully out of the room.
“Do you need something else?” Kate looked up at the blonde as she took a deep breath in, it was a poor attempt to calm her unstable breathing.
“I’m sorry about your mom.” Yelena said, her face softened slightly, as she breathed out, hoping she didn’t cross a boundary with that statement.
“Thanks…” Kate replied, her voice went even more quiet, it fucking hurt a lot, losing someone.
“Did you patch up your forehead? You’re bleeding again…” Yelena commented as her eyes focused on the oddly patched up wound on Kate’s forehead, the girl just nodded in response.
Yelena walked into the room, she closed the wooden door behind herself as she sat in front of Kate and smiled awkwardly as she stared to clean the wound.
The silence was crushing them both, Yelena was focused on the wound, but still she felt as if the silence was making this moment worse. Kate hissed in pain as Yelena touched the bare wound on her face.
“Sorry.” Yelena mumbled as she placed a fresh bandage on the spot. “All done.”
The two remained in place in silence, Kate smiled softly at the blonde.
“Thank you.”
“No problem, glad I could help.” Yelena sighed as she continued to speak. “It will get better, you know? Everyone loses somebody.” She shrugged, unsure if her words were even helpful. “It’s just like… a thing everyone goes through, if everyone if alright then you will be too.” She nodded as she spoke more confidently now.
Kate just smiled in response as her eyes teared up, it was like an instinct her arms wrapped around the blonde making her stiff up, but eventually she hugged the girl back.
“It will be okay, Kate.”
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lucky-bishova-42 · 6 months
(oneshot that takes place between chapters 16 and 17 in Malen’kiy Yastreb)
May 4th.
Most people celebrate this day by bingeing as much Star Wars content as possible.
Others go out to get supplies for margaritas and tacos for the next day.
And some, mostly the people in New York City, they take the day to parade, celebrate, and remember the time the Avengers banded together and saved the city.
But for Kate, it is a day that is filled with heaviness and sorrow.
Kate knew that this year was gonna be different. But she didn’t realize how different it would feel and she definitely didn’t realize how much harder it would hit her.
She barely felt like getting out of bed.
In fact, she didn’t.
Which is why around 10:30 she hears a knock on her door.
“Malen’kiy yastreb?” Natasha calls from the other side of the door, “can I come in?”
Kate lets out the tiniest, “yeah.”
Natasha comes into the room and softly makes her way over to the bed. She sits down on the side facing Kate and gently brushes a piece of Kate’s hair back behind her ear, trying to inconspicuously check to make sure Kate doesn’t have a fever like last time she stayed in bed so late.
“Are you okay, malyshka?” Natasha asks, momentarily relieved that she found no evidence of fever or other illness.
Kate shrugs and Natasha frowns, immediately racking her brain to try and figure out why her daughter would be so down.
Then it dawns on her as she remembers and her heart clenches.
That day, for Natasha and the rest of the team, had been victorious but also had its fair share of darkness associated with it. But it is also the day she had found this dysfunctional family.
Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she looks back down at Kate, who still has dried tear marks on her cheeks, “How can I help? Is there anything you usually do today or is there something specific you want to do? Or would you like to just have a cosy day? It’s totally up to you, dorogoy.”
Kate thinks for a moment before responding. When she does, her voice is slightly hoarse from crying earlier, “There is something that I usually do. And I usually do it by myself, but… could… could you to come with me this year?”
Kate holds Natasha hand as she leads her down to the familiar path. Once she reaches the stone, she feels Natasha give her hand a gentle squeeze.
Kate looks up at Natasha, who senses Kate’s need for some space and sends her a small comforting smile before releasing Kate’s hand and starts to wandering down the next few aisles.
Kate watches as Natasha slowly distances herself from her. Releasing a breath she didn’t realize she was holding, Kate slowly makes her way closer to the stone and takes a seat on the grass in front of it.
“Hey dad,” she starts softly, “I’m sorry I haven’t come to see you in a while… It’s been a weird couple of months. And don’t worry, I didn’t bring you any flowers because I know how much you hated them…
“I want you to know that I am not mad at you for being involved with Kingpin. Unlike some people, I know you were only doing it to build a better life for me and to protect me as best as you could. But I won’t lie, because of everything with Kingpin, this past year has been tough. I broke some ribs. There was a nasty trial. Bishop Securities has been dissolved. I was involved in a high speed chase, which was kinda scary but also really cool. Mom’s in jail. She was even more involved with Kingpin than you ever were. And she wasn’t even doing it to protect me, just to make herself richer. And, well, mom’s not even my mom anymore. She fully signed her rights away… and to be honest, I am not even mad about that.
“As crazy as everything was, I just keep remembering what you would always tell me, things always happen for a reason. And it’s true. Because of all that, I now enjoy the life I live. I have some great new friends at school, I am on track to win the archery championship in the end of May, and my home life is infinitely better than when it was just me and Eleanor…”
Kate looks up to see Natasha leaning against a tree far enough away to give Kate her privacy but close enough to keep a protective eye on her.
Kate smiles.
“And you’d be happy to know that I finally have a parent that cares for me and loves me just like you did. You would love her. She is both overprotective and understanding as well as funny and sweet. And—no big deal or anything—but she is literally an Avenger. But the best thing about her is that she loves me for who I am. She is the best thing that has came out of this whole mess. She is the reason I am still here today…
“I hope you can rest easier now knowing I am finally safe, loved, and being taken care of.”
Kate gets up, dusts her pants off, and leans closer to the stone. She kisses her hand and then rests her hand against her father’s name, “love you daddy and I miss you so much.”
Kate walks over to Natasha and throws her arms around her, tucking her head into Natasha’s chest. Natasha immediately reciprocates the embrace and holds Kate tight, dropping a kiss to her temple.
“Are you okay, malyshka?” Natasha asks, softly.
Kate nods, “Thank you for coming with me today,”slowly pulling her head back to look at Natasha with a soft smile, “love you Tasha.”
Natasha kisses Kate softly on the forehead, “I love you too malen’kiy yastreb.”
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unholyhelbig · 6 days
More firecrest pls & thank u
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Title: Firecrest (Part 5/7)
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
Summary: Kate Bishop and y/n have an unspoken agreement that revolves around being enemies with benefits. But when Kate's new mentor is someone Y/n is very familiar with, things become complicated.
Warnings: More bad parenting, Needles, shootings (guns and mention of death), discrimination, Politics (vaguely), and horrible grammar because we all know I don't proofread.
[A/n: Woo, okay, have finally gotten my bearings on a chapter count. Two more to go folks and then all of my attention will be focused on Fright Night!]
The bourbon burned uncomfortably when you swallowed it down in two gulps. The warmth swirled in your stomach and instantly went to your head. It was a dizzy feeling, one that replaced the despair that had settled in your bones. The oaky taste was appealing enough for you to tap the edge of the glass to signal for another.
The Rusty Nail was the definition of ‘dive-bar’, with its smoke-yellowed walls and torn booth seats that frothed with foam. The bartender had a stained towel over his shoulder and replaced the beer that was in front of a man at the other end of the bar, wordlessly.
A box television that had to be from at least the early 90’s was mounted on the corner of the wall. The news played through the speakers with a cracking static. There was roadwork in the majority of Brooklyn, and coat drives taking place at every middle school in the district.
What caught your hazy attention was a photo of Lance. His smile was intoxicating to the general public, and the graph that populated next to him with winning numbers confirmed this fact. He was pulling ahead astonishingly, and even through your misery, you felt a swell of pride.
“Get a load of that guy,” The bartender hissed under his breath.
“Not a fan?”
You’d heard everything under the sun about your step-father, pointedly ignoring the negative opinions in favor for the man that cooked fantastic blueberry pancakes. His campaign relied on dissolving what remained of the Sokovia accords, and removing the restrictions that were put on Inhumans.
For you, it was easy. While a deep and dark fire brewed within you, you still looked relatively normal. Of course, you went through your teenage phases of turmoil, just like everyone else. But, there were people out there who weren’t so lucky; Inhumans that were plagued with spikes covering their entire bodies, translucent skin that displayed the entirety of their innerworkings, or the rocks that engulfed you once, never falling away at all.
Still, with the small Inhuman marking on the edge of your license, it took three times as long to get through airport security, and renting an apartment hadn’t even been a possibility without your mother co-signing. The world still feared Inhumans, just as they feared the changes that came along with them.
It had been changing for years, and Lance wanted to push things just a little further. You held out hope, but immense love for the man who had helped raised you. Though, not everyone felt the same way. A good portion of citizens opposed the man with the golden smile and kind eyes because of his stance on Inhumans.
“He’s pretty don’t get me wrong. But his stance on those… freaks? Those accords are the only thing keeping our streets safe.”
“You disagree?”
You took a tentative sip of your drink. You were bone-tired and not much into political talk. It was the middle of the night, and you had just felt the adhesive of your ‘fake-dating-band-aid” get ripped from your skin. It left a stinging discomfort behind.
You shrugged “I don’t think they’re hurting anyone.”
The bartender narrowed his eyes and scoffed. He took your empty glass and didn’t offer to refill it. He probably thought you were drunk, and while you were a little tipsy at best, your position on what you were, what so many people around you hid, stayed the same. It worried you, the target that Lance had on his back because of this.
“What about that shooting?”
“The one committed by a human?
This silenced him, though he wore his frown on his sleeve. It had been so quick, blasted all over the news. A father of a teenager had walked into the pizza place where his son worked and opened fire. He’d found out earlier in the day, that his son was an Inhuman, exposed to the same chemicals you were. Three people died, including the shooter, but it was spun in a way that was unforgiveable.
You held you tongue, instead, throwing your money on the counter. You’d come here to get away from the chaos of your own mind. It had dulled the anxieties to an extent, but what was taken away was soon replaced with annoyance.
Your apartment was, of course, empty upon your return. Keys were set on the end table by the door and you flicked on the nearest light so you could avoid the furniture that you thought about moving every single day. It was lonely here. Cold in a way that went beyond a thermostat.
Sleeping was well out of the question, so you skimmed the bookshelf placed on the far side of the room and grabbed the piece of literature that was most appealing. You saw no point in keeping books that didn’t pull you in within the first hundred pages, but there was a staple few that you kept no matter what.
You’d picked up a worn copy of Pride and Prejudice. You thumbed through the pages, letting it fan the sharp sourness of old paper. The last time you’d read it, you only made it halfway through, and the makeshift bookmark that fell out landed on your lap.
You abandoned the book as quickly as you picked it up in favor for the page marker. It was an old, folded photo. As if pouring salt into the wound, it was one of the only known photos of you and Kate together. Her smile beamed at the camera, one arm around your shoulder and the other holding up the middle finger. 
The two of you were standing on the docks at rented cabin that your families shared. Usually, you didn’t run into the Bishops, but one fateful year, your leisure time had aligned. Eleanor wanted to take a nice photo. You never knew if it was for the masses, or for her own pleasure, but Kate ruined every single shot with her shit-eating grin and obscene gestures.
It had been creased right down the middle, a sloppy split in the glossed parchment. A tear had dripped from your chin and landed on the edge, your throat suddenly tight. You didn’t bother wiping them away, or picking up the discarded copy of Pride and Prejudice when it hit the carpet with an undignified thump.
You were sobbing by the time you decided to fold the photo back up. That was as far as you had gotten, really. Slumped back in a worn loveseat and letting the tears that had been building all day well-up and soak your collar. It wasn’t a pretty sight, and your chest ached fiercely.
It angered you, that all of this was about Kate Bishop, of all people.
It should be Clint that brought on the wealth of emotions. And in a way, it was. It had always been. The archer had discarded you as a young child, and you supposed you should be thankful for that. You were privileged, especially compared to the poor boy in the pizza shop. But the scars still lingered horribly.
You landed softly, and most of that had been because of Kate. The anger and distress that came with the situation was always dampened by her stormy eyes and her pension for doing good. It rebelled against the Bishop protocol and after a long while, you realized she was different. Kinder. Clumsier. More dedicated.
She knew what she wanted, just as well as she knew what you needed. In moments of anger, she’d distract you with her innate ability to drive you crazy with competition. In panic, she had a softer touch that soothed you into extinguishing volatile flames.
Sleeping with her had been a bad idea. You knew if from the start, but preened at her deeper attention, at the way her hands felt against you, breath fanning warmly across your cheeks and then your chest. For her, you were a release. For you, she was everything.
You were in love, with Kate, mother fucking, Bishop.
It weighed your shoulders down, labored your breathing. But strangely, you felt no flames. The warmth that usually accompanied strong emotions such as these wasn’t there. For the first time, in a long time, you succumbed to sadness. Just sadness.
The cobalt of Kate’s dress illuminated the blue ringlets in her iris’s. They caught the light of the chandelier in the lobby. They were crystal, hanging low but secured tightly to the ceiling. Almost as tight as the dress that Kate wore.
You were clad in a tailored suit, loosely buttoned black fabric a lace corset that matched the cobalt of Kate’s cocktail dress. She’d sent you the color combination in a single word text. Blue. And you’d followed her instructions perfectly, matching her wavelength like always.
For extra measure, you put on a dainty stainless steel arrow necklace. It showed commitment, it was just short of showing your misery. Kate’s eyes canned from your toes to your own stare and you barely suppressed the shivers that came with her scrutiny.
She figured it would be better to face this on a united front and arrive together. She let out a quiet huff of indignance and folded her arm enough for you to loop your own through it. Her warmth, her comfort, no matter how scarce, was overwhelming and threatened to bring back the tears.
That wasn’t what tonight was about. Tonight was about having a united front, about being endlessly in love to make your parents uncomfortable. You weren’t quite sure what Kate was getting out of this and she wasn’t about to tell you either.
The elevator ride up was uncomfortable. She’d never been this quiet for this long before.
“No.” She clenched her jaw, voice a low whisper despite it only being the two of you and the slowly climbing lift. “For once, y/n, don’t say a word.”
Your eyes met hers in the reflective paneling and you gave her a small nod. The silence had suddenly become heavier, deeper. Your hand curled up in your jacket pocket before you diverted your gaze. The only mercy was the elevator reaching the penthouse, a muffled ‘ding’ proceeding the doors sliding open to her foyer.
The archer had pulled her shoulders back and had a soft smile on her face. There was a sadness behind her eyes that anyone else would have to dig for, but you could see it from a mile away. She was hurting as much as you were but wasn’t going to show it.
You did just the same, working the tension from your features as the scent of lamb coated your lungs and made your stomach clench. You’d always hated the dish, but it was a staple of the Bishop family chef so you powered through it every time.
She smoothed her hand over your jacket sleeve as the two of you stepped out of the elevator. It almost scared you how perfectly she fit into this role. It was the flip of a switch. You were uncomfortable with the thought of it being in your favor. You couldn’t feel the love behind her gestures, because they were just that. Gestures.
“Ready?” She asked.
“Ready.” You replied.
The mechanical whir of the elevator had attracted the attention of those who had already arrived. You’d been in Kate’s house once or twice, enough to count on only one hand. But, you knew the layout fairly well. Her apartment was open concept, and this had a million intersecting walls and corridors.
The two of you passed the dining room and entered something you could only describe as a sitting room, maybe a study with the large oak bookshelves, dusty and untouched. The walls were a Spanish moss green and the hardwood covered by an oriental rug.
Eleanor wore a blood red dress, and Jack had a matching silk pocket square. Clint was the only one that stood out among all of you. He wore a nice dress shirt that was tucked into black pants, he looked cleanly pressed and perfect for a Bishop dinner party.
He held a glass of whiskey, and Jack was pouring one more. He gave you a beaming, and wholly innocent smile, his mustache lifting at the sides. “Miss Morse! Katie!”
You felt Kate stiffen next to you at the name, her jaw clenching. Instinctively, your hand covered hers, thumb ghosting over the scarring on her knuckles. Her shoulders seemed to lower, and that breath smelled of the familiar wintergreen.
“Darling,” Eleanor moved forward and placed phantom kisses against both of Kate’s cheeks before moving to do the same with you. “Let me get a good look at you both.”
“Mom, you’ve seen us before.”
“Not like this. It’s different. Before it was just rumors, and speculation. Annoying, isn’t it? But now, we can spin this anyway we want to.”
Kate gave her mother a tight smile. “We’re not a press opportunity”
“Not so easy to say when you’ve already been all the press can talk about.” She shrugged and took the glass from Jacks hand. “You know, at first, I thought this was horrible. But people seem to like you both.”
There was something on the tip of her tongue that wanted to escape. A God Know’s why or a couldn’t be me. But she said neither and an uncomfortable silence fell over you all. Kate subconsciously tightened her fingers against your arm once more, and the pressure was nearly soothing.
Your eyes met Clint’s across the room, and you got hit with the familiar feeling of your world tilting in a nauseating way. He offered up a small smile, the only one he could muster within these last few chaotic weeks.
He waved at Kate, not enthusiastically, a neutral and awkward expression of affection. Kate let out a long breath, retracting her arm and similarly placing her hand on the small of your back. She needed a grounding technique, just as much as you did.
Eleanor sensed the tension and announced that it was time for dinner. The scent of the lamb came rolling back in crashing waves. Upon entering the dining room, you were positive that the woman hadn’t cooked this meal herself.
A linin table cloth was punctuated with candles, bathing the room in a dull yellow light. There were different platters piled with dripping meat, and steaming mashed potatoes. Glasses of red wine rested next to the salads situated on gold plating.
Fire crackled within the large stone hearth that you’d never seen lit. It seemed almost directed, sitting in front of the warm, smoldering flames. Across from you was Eleanor and Jack, Clint right in between them. Jack seemed particularly fond of the man, similarly entrapped by his accomplishments as the rest of the world.
“Everyone, dig in” Eleanor prompted “No need to be so formal.”
“Right,” Kate cleared her throat, picking up fork and chasing a cherry tomato with the prongs. “How is everyone?”
You winced at the pathetic attempt at small talk, staring down at your own wilted greens. It was a valiant effort that was promptly ignored by everyone else at the table.
“Y/n, why don’t you tell us more about yourself?” Eleanor asked.
Kate gave you a look that intimately read as you don’t have to entertain her. “You know all about Y/n. We grew up together.”
“From fifth grade onward. I remember when your mom enrolled you. You kept deliberately ripping your uniform until she agreed to pants. Same thing happened with Katherine. But now that you and my daughter are involved, I’d like to know more.”
She took a sip of her wine, and your fingers brushed over the glass base of your own glass. But you didn’t pick it up. You’d decided last night, sometime between showering off the scum of the dive-bar and propping a window in your apartment to get some fresh air, that you needed a clear head for something like this.
You cleared your throat. “Well, uh, what would you like to know?”
“Where you grew up!” Jack cut in fantastically, talking around a mouth full of vegetation, waving his fork around like a madman “Your favorite color, if you have any pets!”
Your stare flicked to Clint, but he was staring down at his untouched food. He didn’t know the answer to any of these questions and the stinging bile that threatened to push past your lips was instantly swallowed back down in favor of your dignity.
“I moved around a lot as a kid, my mom traveled for work a lot so we were never in one place for too long. Amsterdam, Delhi, Perth. The best place though, was a small desert town in Arizona. There weren’t many people there and it could get to about a hundred degrees by the time the sun was at it’s highest point. But it was peaceful, and beautiful.”
Clint was watching you carefully now. He’d been there too. It was one of the last places you’d traveled together as a family. There was a small strip of old wooden structures that reminded you of the wild west, cutting through the orange of the desert. Murals were painted against the rocky structures, writhing snakes, swallowing the sun, and fire shimmering over it’s scales.
It was captivating during the day, but even better at night. It was the clearest you had ever seen the stars. Blankets of twinkling constellations and milky ways that you’d never seen before. Your neck started to ache from staring up at it for so long, and it was Clint who had laid a blanket in the bed of his truck and laid next to you to view them.
He’d taught you about the different formations, and of course, his favorite, the Sagittarius. An archer that sacrificed his own mortality for the sake of his sons. It seemed ironic now. But then, it had made you feel like the most important girl in the world.
“A dusty old desert town over the streets of Amsterdam?” Eleanor seemed to find amusement in this, piercing a slice of carrot with the prongs of her fork. It gave a satisfying snap. “Interesting.”
“It was peaceful” You shrugged, finally giving in and taking a warm sip of wine. “The last time we were together as a family.”
“Is that right?”
Eleanor was enjoying herself too much and Kate’s hand nervously went to the charm around her own neck. You hadn’t noticed it before, trying to be respectful. Trying not to let your eyes wander during an irreparable time.
She looked best in gold and knew that from a young age. The chain was dainty, and the pendant was a whisp of a flame. It made your mouth go dry and you wondered if it was a conscious decision, just like the one you had made to grab the only necklace with an arrow.
“I remember that place.” Clint spoke up for the first time. “It was called Chloride. Weird name for a town.”
You were too transfixed on Kate’s fingers running over the curvature of the necklace to care. Her cheeks took on a red tint in the glow of the candles. She removed her hand and found yours on top of the table. It was damp, but a solid force.
“You were afraid of scorpions in your shoes and made me and your mom check and double check them before you even thought of putting them on. You usually went barefoot, which was more dangerous than just wearing the shoes.”
“Is this your idea of an olive branch?”
The words left your mouth without thinking, and they were pumped with venom. You couldn’t help it. Your stomach was already rolling unsteadily and his words, though soaked with kindness, were far from merited. Kate’s mother sat back with an almost giddy look on her face. She’d been expecting this.
Kate tightened her grip inadvertently, and you could feel the small sting of her nails carving crescents into your palm. You wholly expected her gaze to be narrowed at you, but it was transfixed on Clint. There was a hardness there that she had harbored for you earlier in the week.
You let out a strangled breath and stared down at your salad. It wasn’t worth it. None of this felt worth it. In a strange way, you were absolutely defeated, and the wilted lettuce was much more interesting than satisfying Eleanor Bishop’s sick need for chaos.
“No. of course not.” His expression betrayed a sadness that pulled uncomfortably at your chest. “Just a memory, is all.”
“Do you know what I remember?”
Kate rumbled softly, a noise that was every bit the warning to you. Let it go. She worried incessantly about the fire under your fingertips. Possibly more than yourself in moments like these. But there was no itching beneath your skin. For once, it was just a storm of sorrow. Sweat was forming on your brow and Kate’s grip shifted to your wrist, finger pressed plainly to your pulse.
“The look in your eyes when you walked away. I was just a kid, but that was the first time I ever learned about betrayal. For months, Clint, months I would sit by the window and wait for you to come back. It didn’t matter where we were, what country, what city, I would wait. I was certain that you would find us and we could be a family again.”
He clenched his knife and fork on either side of his plate, his knuckles turning a sickly type of white that nearly echoed yellow, his whisper was broken. “I’m… sorry. I understand that you need someone to blame, kid.”
“Blame?” You let out a dry laugh, standing with enough force to push the chair back with a strangled screech. “You think this is about blame? That’s a simple emotion to work through. This is about which one of you was willing to stick around when things got hard, and which one of you ran to a new family.”
The silence was deafening. Eleanor lifted her wine glass and hid her vicious smirk behind the seductive red liquid. Jack had directed his tender stare to Kate, no-doubt deciding then and there to be a good stepfather for more than a few moments at a time.
You sucked in a heavy breath before shaking your head and leaving the room. It wasn’t difficult to navigate the Bishop penthouse, with it’s dark open-concept layout. You needed air. It was much too hot in the dining room and you’d begun to sweat through your layers of clothing.
The balcony connected to the family room lacked decoration. It was a stone ledge that caught the cold drafts of high winds, drying the sweat against your skin instantly. You swallowed enough frigid air to burn your throat, but the tears refused to come. You couldn’t cry anymore.
Your head hung over the edge of the balcony, a strange dizziness washing over you as you stared down at the passing traffic, hundreds of unblinking eyes that lit up the night. You wish you had the foresight to grab the glass of wine, or something stronger from Jacks secret stash.
The temperature had dropped significantly by the time you heard the sliding glass door open. You didn’t bother turning around. Not with the subtle evergreen scent. “Tell Eleanor I’m sorry for ruining dinner.”
“Ruining?” Kate chuckled softly. Warmth engulfed you as she draped a blanket over your shoulders. You grasped the frayed edges out of habit and tugged it closely around you. “She lives for the drama of it all. She expected this, I think you’ve actually made her year.”
She leaned against the balcony, letting her hands hang over the edge. She looked ethereal in the moonlight, pale and beautiful. The tell-tale anger that had been etched into her features earlier was surrendered. You caught the glint of her bracelet and nervously brought your own hand up to the cool arrow charm that rested against your collarbone.
“It’s frustrating, isn’t it? Waiting for someone to apologize?”
The corner of your lips lifted into a smile. “Very subtle, Katie.”
“I’m giving you an opening here.”
You sighed heavily and turned just enough to get a better look at her. She always knocked the breath out of you in an almost cruel way. Her eyes held a tenderness that was unmatched. She was patient with you, just like she had always been.
“This entire time, I’ve been chasing after an apology from Clint., one that he’s too proud to give. It’s easy to be consumed by something like that, but that’s no excuse to hurt you in the process.” You swallowed heavily, trying to curb the dryness in your throat.
You couldn’t look at her. The mere sight of the curve of her jaw, the softness of her demeanor despite her deep seeded anger, would be too much. Kate effectively knocked you off your feet every single time she spared you a glance. If you were going to get this out in the open, you’d much rather stare at the traffic below.
 “Katie, I can’t begin to describe how much you mean to me. We’ve always had this unspoken rivalry and for the longest time I couldn’t figure it out. Why couldn’t we both just be good at the same things without vying against one another?”  
You let out a wounded sigh, fingers digging into the stone balcony. “I never understood why I wanted to beat you so badly, and I don’t know where along the way that changed. But I’ve realized recently that it was never about beating you. It was about making you proud.”
Her breath had caught, a subtle noise that you noticed due to proximity. Her hand was atop yours, much like it was at dinner, somehow warmer than your own. She didn’t say anything, and you didn’t lift your gaze to meet hers. Your cheeks were enflamed with blush that you could blame on the two sips of wine you had.
“Deep down, I’ve always known that I’ve been in love with you since that first kiss at archery camp. I don’t expect you to feel the same, but I was doing more damage hiding it from you than putting it out there. You have to understand, Katie, I never meant to hurt you the other day. I’m just so used to burying it down, to keeping my emotions stifled for the greater good, that I didn’t know what to say… how to say it.”
She was rendered speechless herself and you could feel your vision start to blur at the edges, the lights from lines of city traffic suddenly fuzzy. You were never a fan of heights, but the sudden sloppy confession was much more daunting than the prospect of falling thirty stories.
“Oh,” Kate rasped.
You clenched your eyes shut until you saw stars. She’d never been a girl of little words, and you felt your heart rate increase. It pounded listlessly, preparing for rejection that you knew typically followed her silence.
None of that came, however, instead was the slightest pinprick against the side of your neck. You would have figured it nothing more than a mosquito if the weather hadn’t taken an icy turn. But this was different, this alerted your senses in one fail swoop.
Your eyes snapped open and narrowed at Kate in time to register the emptying of the syringe she’d pushed past your skin. A sickly green liquid that already stung terribly as it started to pulse through your veins.
“A lovely sentiment, I’m sure.” She pouted in a mocking way, lilting her head to the side as she pulled the needle from the side of your neck. Your fingers pressed against the area to quell the foreign sensation.
You were suddenly incredibly dizzy, the pulsing of your vision matching with the frantic beating of your heart. You were losing strength quickly, clinging to the stone balcony for some type of solace. You fell all the same, collapsed at its corner with quick breaths of panic.
Kate was suddenly crouched in front of you. She lifted your chin until you could stare into her eyes. They were cold, emotionless. “Maybe one day, you’ll be able to tell her.”
Her thumb brushed lightly over your cheek. It was so familiar, yet incredibly foreign. Your thoughts were muddled, non-existent as the heavy sensation took over. She seemed to revel in your confusion, in the pain that she’d so easily inflicted.
Kate’s disconnected stare was the last thing you saw before darkness swallowed you whole in an odd type of comfort, the world ceased to flicker, like the edges of a flame.
Tag List💕: @noturlondonboy, @slvtformaria, @pianogirl2121, @escapereality4music, @cyberbonesworld, @dark-hunter16
101 notes · View notes
upat4amwiththemoon · 2 years
🌻 Kate Bishop masterlist 🌻
Knocking on your door
During one of the most weirdest things happening to Kate, she happens to forget someone important.
Two sides 1 | 2
Where once there were three, now only are two.
Midnight's kiss
New Year's Eve party isn't a party without a kiss.
It has always been you
Loving your best friend and crushing on your mentor. What could go wrong?
A goddess 1 | 2
A mysterious girl with an assassin mother.
Taking care of injuries and flirting together.
Real life rom-com
When real life imitates a movie.
Two mama bears are better than one
Sometimes mothers' worry goes overboard.
Just once
One turns to two turns to three turns to four turns to five turns to a problem.
Panic attack
The stress is starting to get too much.
Mama Melina
Mama Melina was called after all.
Hotel room
There's only one bed.
There are so many feelings to feel.
Mission gone wrong
Which one of us was hurt again?
The sun
The moon will always love the sun from afar.
You can’t live two lives forever.
Hurts like hell
I’ve loved and I’ve loved and I’ve lost you.
Holly Jolly Christmas
Holiday chaos.
Too close for comfort
Every year, new agents arrive, and someone has to train them.
Love is the only thing one needs to have a happy life, but money is nice too.
College party
The world is full of despicable people.
Prom Night
Luckiest girl alive.
Hawkeye 2.0
With great power comes great responsibility.
283 notes · View notes
bambinella · 2 years
Family issues
A/N: Another request for @moonkowkow​ and the perfect continuation! Took me a while to finish it, but I can proudly add the next part now! Enjoy!
Summary: It’s Kate’s mother’s birthday, and when Natasha can’t accompany Kate to the prison, Yelena takes her place
Warnings: hurt/comfort and fluff
Word Count: 4128
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Yelena had originally planned for her day to be a chill day. Natasha would be returning from her mission tomorrow, and while Yelena longed for her sister’s presence, that meant that she had the apartment to herself for now. She was laying on the couch, reading one of the comics she had stolen borrowed from Kate, and that was the only thing she had planned on doing. Of course, all the plans she ever made somehow always got interrupted, and this interruption came in the form of a knock on the door. With a loud groan she got up from the couch, opening the door with a raised brow. However, when she saw Kate’s face, her expression immediately softened.
“Well well, look who comes knocking on my door,” Yelena said with a smirk, opening the door for her friend. When Kate didn’t immediately enter, the blonde raised an eyebrow again. Something was up.
“Yelena! Hi! Ehm, is Natasha home, by any chance? She came home from her mission earlier today, didn't she?” Kate asked, seeming a little more nervous than usual. Yelena shook her head with a frown.
“No, there was a delay in the mission so Natasha is returning tomorrow,” Yelena replied, and she could see the slight panic in Kate’s eyes. Now she really had to know what was going on.
“Oh…” Kate said, speechless for once. Before she could say anything else, however, Yelena had already taken a step closer to her.
“Anything I can help you with?” The blonde asked, leaning against the doorframe with her shoulder. She could easily tell that Kate wasn’t her usual self, and she would be lying if she said she wasn’t concerned. Kate looked at her for a moment, before letting out a heavy sigh.
“Well… it’s my mom’s birthday today, and while I miss her and I want to see her again, I’ve been afraid to visit her again. Those visits usually don’t go well, and I was going to ask Natasha if she wanted to come with me, because I really don’t want to go on my own, and now I’m not sure what to do,” Kate rambled in a long breath. The jealous sting Yelena had felt earlier, when Kate had asked for Natasha while she was right there, immediately disappeared as Kate did her explanation. Of course it had to do with Kate’s mother.
It had been over a year since Yelena had seen the woman, yet she still knew some details about her from last year. She also knew that Kate had been struggling a lot over the past year with the fact that she had sent her mother to jail. While Yelena didn’t per se care a year ago, Natasha had always helped Kate through her struggles, whenever she could. It was a normal reaction for Kate to ask for Natasha in this case, and maybe the perfect situation for Yelena to show Kate that she actually cared now.
“Natasha won’t make it, but I could come with you, if you want me to,” Yelena said with a shrug, trying not to show how nervous she was for Kate’s reply. Kate looked at her with surprised, wide eyes, yet Yelena had expected that kind of reaction.
“You would do that for me? You’d come with me?” Kate asked, sounding so hopeful that Yelena couldn’t help but roll her eyes, letting out a relieved breath.
“Of course I’d do that, you idiot,” She said with a chuckle, folding her arms as she looked at the brunette. “When did you plan on going?”
“I was planning on going this afternoon, but honestly, whatever works for you is fine! I just need a minute to get ready, and grab the gift I made,” Kate said with a shrug, trying to hide the obvious anxiety for seeing her mother again.
“Well how about this. You go get ready now, and we leave in ten? That way you still have most of the afternoon free, if it doesn’t go well,” Yelena suggested with a smile. She honestly had no idea what to expect, but she knew from Natasha that those visits never had a positive effect on Kate.
“Yeah… yeah sounds good. I’ll go get ready,” Kate said with a nod, flashing Yelena a nervous smile before heading towards her own room. Yelena let out a sigh and got ready too and, for her own and Kate’s mother’s sake, decided not to bring any weapons with her. 
They arrived at the prison soon after, and Kate visibly got more nervous with each passing minute. The two of them were sitting at one of the visitor’s tables in the large, empty room, waiting for the guards to get Eleanor. Kate’s leg was nervously bouncing up and down underneath the table, until Yelena grabbed it and held it down.
“Hey, I’m here okay? I won’t talk, but I’m here with you,” She said, just before the doors opened and Eleanor entered the room. Yelena could hear Kate holding her breath as she saw her mother, her hands shaking slightly when she approached their table.
“Hello Kate,” She said after sitting down, her voice rather cold, as if she wasn’t happy with the visit at all. Kate swallowed, yet decided to ignore it as she gave her mother a sad yet genuine smile.
“Happy birthday mom,” Kate said, putting the wrapped present she had brought down on the table in front of her mother. Her mother gave it a quick glance before letting out an empty chuckle.
“I’m honestly surprised you remembered. After all, since you put me in jail, that means you don’t care about me anymore. Isn’t that right, Katherine?” Eleanor sneered, and Kate looked as if she had been slapped in the face. Yelena tried not to make a surprised face at the mention of the full name. Kate had never told them her full name before, and the blonde immediately could tell why. 
“Mom, you… you know that’s not true,” Kate said, trying to keep her voice steady. Yelena knew that Kate was still feeling very guilty about putting her mother in jail. Kate had had countless talks with Natasha about it, and Yelena had overheard some of them. There was no denying that she still loved her mother. 
“Is that so? Well then tell me, Kate, how many people you know have put their mother in jail, to desperately try and fit in with those heroes you so love? Your friends, as you like to call them?” Eleanor continued, narrowing her eyes at her daughter. When Kate said nothing, she leaned back and folded her arms.
“That’s what I thought. I bet none of your old friends were selfish enough to put their own family, their own mother, through something like that. That’s not how I raised you, Katherine. But then again, you never cared to listen to me in the first place. I always knew you were reckless, Katherine, but now I know just how selfish you are,” She added. Kate’s shoulders slumped forward in defeat, and Yelena had to bite her tongue to stay quiet. If she was gonna speak her mind, she feared she’d only make it worse for her friend.
“Mom please… I didn’t come here to fight with you. I’m sorry that I had to put you in prison, but I had no other choice. You know I still love you, and I miss you. I brought you a gift, I made it myself,” She said, forcing another smile on her face as she tried to defuse the conversation. Her mother scoffed and unwrapped the box, placing the gift on the table. It was a painted clay statue of Kate and her mother standing next to each other, holding hands. It looked a little silly, but it was one of the cutest gifts Yelena had seen so far. Kate was very proud of her work, yet her mother barely gave it a glance.
“Oh, so not only do you put me in prison, but now you decide to give me a permanent reminder of who put me in prison in the first place? Is that it?” Eleanor said, and Kate looked as if she could burst into tears then and there. Yelena could tell that she was feeling utterly hopeless, and she had to bite her tongue a little bit harder this time.
“Mom, please-” Kate said, yet quickly got interrupted by her mother slamming her hand against the gift, sending it flying across the room. It shattered all over the floor, the broken, painted pieces of clay decorating the gray stone. Kate let out a strangled gasp, and Yelena could feel a white-hot rage boiling in her gut. She had already spent many hours in Kate’s room since their first comic date, and she knew exactly how many hours Kate had spent creating that little gift. To see it laying broken on the floor made her want to hurt Eleanor.
“You abandoned your real family to desperately try and fit in with another one. When are you going to learn that you’re never going to fit in with them? You don’t belong with them. You’re not a hero, Katherine, everyone knows that. I’m sure even they know that, they’re probably just letting you stay with them out of pity,” Her mother sneered, and Kate couldn’t hold back the broken sob any longer, tears rolling down her cheeks from the hurtful words. And Yelena had had enough.
“I don’t understand why you’d even want to visit this person, even if it’s her birthday,” Yelena said to Kate, immediately getting the attention from both women. Kate, while blinking rapidly, looked utterly surprised by the fact that Yelena had decided to speak up, while Eleanor gave her a dirty look.
“Excuse me, who are you?” Eleanor asked, giving Yelena a once-over as if she had only noticed her presence now. Yelena turned to the woman sitting in front of her and scoffed, looking at her with disgust.
“You really are the most spoiled brat I’ve ever met, and I’ve met a lot of people,” The blonde said bluntly, and Eleanor gasped as if she had been slapped. Anger and embarrassment formed on her face at the comment as she placed a hand on the table.
“You dare say that to me? Who do you think you are?! Do you have any idea who I am?” She asked, earning a mocking laugh from the blonde. “And an idiot too, it seems! First of all, I don’t care who you are. Second, all I need to know is that you’re a spoiled brat and a terrible mother,” Yelena continued, and she could hear a soft gasp coming from her friend. 
“Yelena, you don’t have to-” Kate started, yet immediately shut up when Yelena looked at her. The assassin could clearly see the pain in the brunette’s eyes, and it felt like a punch to her gut. Even if Kate was hurt by her mother’s words, and obviously the victim in the situation, part of her still wanted to defend her mother. It showed just how Kate had been raised to agree to whatever her mother wanted, and how manipulative Eleanor actually was. And it angered her even more.
“No Kate, I feel like I have to. Do you even know anything about Kate? What she has been up to recently? How many hours she has spent making that little gift for you? Anything at all?” Yelena continued as she looked at Eleanor, who was still looking stunned. Eleanor opened her mouth to say something, yet closed it shortly after. The blonde stared intensely at the woman in front of her, before scoffing once again.
“You don’t even care, do you? You don’t give a damn about the fact that Kate is a hero, or that she’s trying to fix the obviously broken relationship between you and her,” Yelena added, leaning backwards in her chair as she folded her arms. 
“That is simply ridiculous, of course I care-” Eleanor started, yet was interrupted by Yelena slapping her hand hard on the table. She was having none of this, and she had heard and seen enough. Just by the facial expression and the way Eleanor had reacted to the question, Yelena already knew the answer.
“The only thing you care about is yourself. It’s as simple as that. You’re wallowing in self-pity because you have been sent to jail, and obviously you’re blaming Kate for it. And you’ll do anything you can to make her feel miserable about the position and life she’s earned. Well guess what? Kate did the right thing, and it was the most difficult decision she’s ever made,” Yelena said, pausing for a moment to look at Kate. The archer’s lips were a thin line as she stared at the table, trying really hard to gain control over her emotions, her cheeks still wet from tears.
“And even now she’s making an effort to maintain a connection with you, which I honestly don’t understand, and you just reject her.” The blonde continued, pointing towards the broken present on the floor. “You reject her because she’s not the person you tried to bend her into. And that is your loss,” She concluded, standing up from her chair. Kate’s head snapped up rather wildly, looking frightened at the thought of Yelena leaving her alone, until she felt a strong hand squeeze her shoulder.
“Come on Kate, let’s get out of here. Your mother doesn’t deserve you, and you don’t need her,” Yelena said, giving her friend’s shoulder a gentle squeeze.
“Katherine Bishop, I’m not done talking to you yet. If you leave now, with her, then you can never return. Never.” Eleanor said, her voice low and her eyes cold. Kate looked her mother into the eyes for a long second, before standing up from her chair.
“Goodbye mom,” She managed to say, before turning her back towards her as she and Yelena walked towards the door, leaving a shocked Eleanor behind.
Everything that happened right after was a blur. Kate honestly couldn’t remember much of the way back to Avengers’ Tower, or how she ended up in the living room. The only things she clearly remembered were the pain she had felt in her chest, and the fact that Yelena had held her hand all the way back, leading her home. She was currently sitting on the couch and her mind was running all over the place, replaying the scene with her mom over and over in her head, until she felt a blanket being wrapped over her shoulders. Wiping her tears with one hand, she looked up and stared right at Yelena’s face. Anger and concern were still visible in her eyes as she sat down next to Kate, staring at the brunette. Yelena didn’t have the best relationship with her own mother, but Kate’s mother was on another level.
“I understand if you’re angry with me, but I had to speak my mind. I had to.” Yelena said, clenching her fists tightly at the thought of Eleanor. She never wanted to see that woman again, and she never wanted to see Kate hurt like that again. Kate blinked several times, as if confused about what Yelena was talking about, before shaking her head.
“No… no of course I’m not mad at you, Yelena… I’m actually glad you spoke up, otherwise I would’ve probably still been there,” She mumbled, sniffling her nose as she on her turn stared at the floor. The blonde bit her lower lip and shifted to look at Kate.
“You do realize that everything your mother said is bullshit, right?” Yelena asked with a raised brow. She knew Kate. She knew that her friend would take those negative words to heart, and she had to prevent that from happening.
“But what if she’s right? What if I just don’t belong here, no matter how hard I try?” Kate immediately said, looking Yelena into her eyes. The blonde could see the self-doubt, pain and more self-doubt in them, and she had a really hard time trying not to groan and roll her eyes. Where was Natasha when you needed her.
“Look… I’m not the best at this, but everything that woman told you is bullshit. Okay? She knows exactly what to say to hurt you the most, and it very clearly worked, but that doesn’t mean it’s the truth. It’s so far from the truth, actually,” Yelena said, putting a hand on Kate’s shoulder. 
“I only met Clint through some dumb luck, and he wasn’t happy with me to begin with. Maybe I just forced him, and he went along with it, but never actually wanted it?” Kate continued, and Yelena shook her head. She had to get Kate out of this negative spiral, and fast.
“Trust me, Clinton wouldn’t have picked you off the street if you weren’t worth it. You may have met him through luck, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t meant to happen,” Yelena said, attempting to make Kate smile. However, when she saw that the brunette had tears in her eyes again, it dealt the final blow to the assassin.
“But what if-” Kate stammered, before gasping in surprise as Yelena pulled her in for a hug, wrapping her arms tightly around Kate’s shoulders. 
“Shut up, you idiot. You belong here with all of us, with Natasha, with me, and that’s final,” Yelena mumbled with a blush. Kate hesitated for a second, before returning the embrace just as tightly, burying her face into Yelena’s shoulder. Yelena felt Kate’s shoulders shake slightly as she let out her remaining sobs, gently rubbing one hand on the brunette’s back. Hugging Kate was… not as bad as she had always thought it would be. It was comforting. Kate kept hugging her for a while, until finally pulling free from her friend.
“Thank you Yelena… I… I really needed that,” She said, wiping her eyes with a small smile on her face. Yelena could tell she was still sad, but she was also doing a little better, so it counted as a victory. Right?
“You’re welcome,” The blonde said with a smile, and she meant it. She hated seeing Kate in pain like that, and that meant Kate had actually become a close friend to her. The brunette let out a deep breath as her shoulders slumped forward.
“She actually meant it. I mean, I’m pretty sure she meant every word she said, but she meant it when she said that I can never see her again, not after today. I don’t think she’ll consider me her daughter anymore,” Kate said, still struggling to accept that fact.
“And I meant what I said. She doesn’t deserve you as a daughter, she proved that today. And you don’t need her in your life, Kate,” Yelena said, reaching out to gently squeeze her friend’s arm. Kate let out another breath yet nodded. 
“Maybe you’re right… I don’t think I’d ever be good enough after sending her to jail, even though I kept trying. So I guess there’s no point in trying, at least not for now,” She said with a sigh. The blonde nodded with a smile, gently patting her hand on Kate’s shoulder.
“There you go. And of course I’m right, I give genius advice after all,” She said with a smirk, and Kate couldn’t help but smile at that. She felt as if a weight had fallen off her shoulders, and relief started to wash over her.
“Natasha was right after all, you really are wise,” Kate said with a chuckle, earning an eye-roll from her friend. It took her all her willpower not to smack Kate in the face with a pillow, since she wanted to be gentle with her for now.
“I do have my moments, yes,” Yelena grinned, gently shoving the brunette’s shoulder. “Is there anything else I can do? Or do you want to be left alone for now?” She added. Kate shook her head and suddenly got a blush on her face, tugging at her own fingers.
“Ehm… well, there’s one thing I can think of,” She mumbled, causing Yelena to frown slightly.
“What is it?” She asked, unsure what her friend wanted to ask. She usually could read Kate pretty well, yet she had no idea what she was getting at right now.
“Can… can you do the thing?” Kate asked, and Yelena couldn’t hide the massive mischievous grin forming on her face. Of course. She immediately knew what Kate meant, yet decided to play dumb for now.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Kate. What do you mean? What thing~?” Yelena asked with a grin, earning a groan from her friend. She loved bullying Kate like this, it fueled her evil side.
“Yelena! Don’t make me say it out loud! It’s embarrassing!” Kate whined while gently punching Yelena’s arm with one hand, earning a loud laugh from the blonde.
“Oh alright, come here you,” She chuckled, suddenly reaching forward to grab Kate’s sides, starting to gently squeeze up and down while dragging her closer. The brunette often asked for tickles, especially when she was feeling down, and it was, in Yelena’s humble opinion, the cutest thing ever. Kate yelped and let out a surprised laugh, immediately rolling onto her side as she curled in on herself, her back pressed against Yelena’s thigh. 
“Aahahahahaha! Yelenaahahahahaha!” Kate giggled loudly, wrapping her own arms around her sides in an attempt to protect them. Yelena chuckled and shook her head, easily avoiding her friend’s arms. 
“I’ve tickled you a million times already, and you STILL get embarrassed about asking for it? Come on now,” Yelena teased, reaching her hands down to claw at the part of Kate’s belly she could reach. The brunette barked out a laugh, both from the tickles and the teasing, and grabbed Yelena’s wrists. However, due to her giggles, she was nowhere near strong enough to pry her hands away.
“Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhuhup!” Kate cried out, giggling even faster as she tried to curl up even further. Yelena, of course, was right, and she loved calling Kate out for it. She could also tell that Kate was actively trying not to roll away from her. It was so cute.
“Can’t even say the word, now can you? Kate Bishop, you’re so silly,” Yelena giggled, grinning widely as Kate’s ears turned red from blushing so hard. Deciding to use her favorite trick, she gently scratched her nails against the back of Kate’s ribs and underarms. When said brunette rolled onto her back with a squeal of laughter, Yelena immediately snuck both hands under Kate’s shirt to tickle her bare, exposed stomach. 
“NOHHOHOHOHO! NOHO WAHAHAHAHAIT!” Kate shrieked, arching her back while rolling side to side, sending a pillow flying as she kicked her legs wildly.
“Where do you think you’re going? No no, you’re staying right here,” The blonde teased, suddenly pulling a surprised Kate onto her lap, pinning her shoulders down with one hand while the other continued scratching her bare stomach. She gently yet quickly clawed her nails around Kate’s bellybutton, knowing exactly how ridiculously ticklish that little area was. The brunette howled with laughter and slapped against the arm holding her down, yet gave up the fight after a while. She placed an arm over her face as her loud laughter filled the room, with Yelena switching between tickling her stomach, sides and ribs until she was a hysterical mess.
“Had enough?” She asked with a smile, ceasing her tickle attack as soon as Kate nodded to gently pat her stomach instead.
“Y-yeheheah… ohohoho mahahahan… thahahanks…” Kate giggled, shifting slightly so her head was resting on Yelena’s lap. She placed the arm that had covered her face to her side, revealing her bright red cheeks as she caught her breath.
“Ha, flushy cheeks,” Yelena teased, poking one of her cheeks with her finger. Kate playfully glared at her for a second, before suddenly grinning widely. She was about to declare war.
“Squishy cheeks,” She shot back, before rolling off of the couch to bolt out of the living room. Yelena stared at her with an open mouth, before jumping up to run after her.
“Kate Bishop, get back here right now!” She yelled, grinning widely when Kate squealed in anticipation when looking back over her shoulder. She loved a good chase.
“Never! You’ll never catch me alive!” The brunette cried out, giggles filling the building as she tried to escape to safety. Kate wouldn’t be able to reach her room before Yelena would catch her, and Yelena knew that Kate knew that.
Definitely a victory, Yelena thought with a smile.
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the-widow-sisters · 1 year
Would you do Carol and Yelena “Stop looking down your nose at me like that.”?
A/N: Gosh, this one is probably not at all what you were expecting when you sent this prompt 🤣🤣🤣 Idk, sometimes the ideas get the better of me 🤦‍♀️😂
And dang, I just keep writing these long ones 😂 Oh, well. I enjoyed it a ton 🤣💗
I hope y'all enjoy!
Please do send in more requests for a friendship pair via my prompt list here!
Word Count: 1.8k+
   “Stop looking down your nose at me like that,” Yelena grumbled, and Carol huffed, raising an eyebrow as she looked down at the shorter girl.
   At the moment, they were both currently jammed in one of those large boxes that magicians used. Kate and Clint had decided to do a magic act this time, and they were rehearsing for the annual talent show. Unfortunately for Yelena and Carol, they had just so happened to wind up as their lucky test subjects.
   In the box, they were currently almost chest-to-chest. Or rather face-to-chest with Yelena leaning back against the box as hard as she could to avoid it. Carol was just standing there. She was trying to keep out of Yelena’s space a little to try to be respectful, but she was by no means gluing herself to the side of the box to escape from her necessarily.
   “How? I’m literally taller than you,” Carol mused incredulously, and Yelena narrowed her eyes.
   “Yeah, but you don’t have to make it so obvious, though,” Yelena informed her, purposefully speaking just the smallest bit louder so that she could drown out the sound of Kate’s over-the-top showman voice and Clint’s significantly less enthusiastic one that bordered on a monotone.
   “How do I not? It’s literally a physical thing that I can’t help,” Carol answered with a huff, and Yelena scoffed.
   “I don’t know. Shrink?” Yelena suggested, and Carol almost snorted.
   “What? Like an old person?” Carol questioned, somewhat disbelieving as she went along with Yelena’s strange manner of teasing her.
   The thing about Yelena was that one had to discern when she was genuinely griping and when she was just playing around. As it was, she was genuinely unhappy about being shoved in a small, cramped, uncomfortable box, but she was only kidding with Carol about the height thing.
   “Shouldn’t be hard for you. You are an old person,” Yelena grumbled, wistfully looking in the direction of the door to the box.
   “Hmph. Savor that momentary victory, short-stack,” Carol calmly answered, allowing Yelena this one win. However, it was only because this was one point for the shorter girl in a whole sea of points for Carol herself.
   “This is far from winning. Do you think I wanted to be stuck in this shoebox with you?” Yelena complained, and Carol sighed.
   “Well, would you rather it be me and have a tiny bit of wiggle room or Banner and you’re leaking out the cracks of this box as we speak, little blonde hairs and squishy ooze running out?” Carol questioned, and Yelena narrowed her eyes instantly, pointing a finger in Carol’s face.
   “Don’t even go there,” Yelena warned, trying to keep Carol from going on the track of talking about her nickname. Carol grinned winningly, the expression far too close to a smirk to be genuine.
   “Why not?”
   “I’ll punch you in the gut,” Yelena threatened, and Carol nodded her head, moving her arms to the side to give Yelena a clear shot at her.
   “Give it a try. I can break your hand without even laying a finger on you,” Carol cockily joked, purposefully stiffening her abdominal muscles and combining super strength to make them harder. Yelena already knew precisely what Carol meant by that statement, and she did not even bother asking or testing it out to see if it was what she thought.
   Yelena rolled her eyes, looking away as her eyes glinted in the small bits of light that was shining through the cracks of the box.
   After a few awkward moments of silence, Carol realized that Kate had said the magic words, but there was nothing happening. Carol furrowed her brow, leaning forward a bit to try to peek out of the cracks to see what was happening, and Yelena instantly recoiled, pressing herself flush against the box.
   “Watch out!”
   “What— Oh. Sorry,” Carol apologized, moving back as she realized that Yelena was getting a bit cramped in there with Carol’s chest moving closer to her face. Yelena shot her a glare.
   “Keep a leash on those hooters!” Yelena yelped, and Carol raised an eyebrow.
   “Someone’s been studying their slang,” Carol commented, slightly snarky.
   “Guys?!” Kate’s voice suddenly called, and they both stopped, listening to what Kate would say. Carol was sure she could hear Clint chuckling, and to her worry, it sounded far too wicked.
   “What do you want?! Do your acrabadadoo,” Yelena complained.
   “Abra-cadabra?” Carol questioned, squinting a little, and Yelena waved her hand dismissively at her.
   “That, too!”
   “Wow…. I take back the compliment on the slang,” Carol deadpanned, and Yelena shoved her lightly. Carol just laughed heartily, trying to quiet down as she realized that Kate was talking again just outside the door to the box.
   “I think the key to the box disappeared!” Kate told them, laughing somewhat nervously as she broke the news to the both of them. Yelena’s eyes went wide in utter horror, and Carol instantly found herself feeling a little less than overly thrilled.
   “Kate Bishop, you better make it reappear or when I get out of here, you will disappear!” Yelena yelled.
   “Don’t panic! It’s okay! I think I left it over here in my bag. Let me just go look really fast,” Kate announced before everything went quiet for a moment. Carol took in a deep breath before sighing heavily, already having a good idea of what Kate was going to answer with in just a moment.
   Kate was back after a moment, and she hesitantly spoke up.
   “It wasn’t in my bag…”
   “Kate Bishop!!!”
   “I know! I don’t know what happened to it! I just had it! Maybe my magic really did work… Maybe I have powers or something,” Kate trailed off, and Clint’s definitive sigh could be heard from not too far away.
   “You know what? I suddenly have the powers of a fortune teller! And you know what I see? I see my mother’s farm and very hungry pigs in your future!” Yelena threatened, and Kate laughed nervously.
   “Look, I’ll just fix the whole problem and blow off the door,” Carol spoke up, starting to light up her fist to smack the door, but Kate must have seen the light through the door because she was instantly freaking out.
   “No, no, no!!! That’s my magic box! Don’t break it!” Kate begged, and Carol reluctantly let her fist lose its glow. Yelena was looking increasingly agitated, and Carol could not help but wonder what was wrong with her.
   “Look, I’ll be back! Just… You guys don’t move! Me and Clint are going to go find it! Don’t go anywhere!” Kate cried, and there was a silence for a moment.
   “Kate Bishop?” Yelena questioned, and Kate was silent for a moment, seemingly realizing the error in her statement.
   “Yes?” Kate tentatively asked, and Yelena tapped on the door.
   “Come a little closer,” Yelena beckoned as she leaned toward the door. Carol could hear Kate putting her ear to the door.
   Yelena took in a breath before letting loose.
   “WE LITERALLY CAN’T LEAVE!!!” Yelena screamed, and Kate jumped away from the door.
   “We’ll be back!” Kate cried, hurrying away with Clint in tow.
   There was silence for a long moment.
   That is, until Yelena suddenly spoke up.
   “Okay, look, we need to reposition,” Yelena insisted finally, and while Carol was not sure why Yelena was suddenly so determined to do this, she figured it was not too bad of an idea.
   “Okay,” Carol effortlessly agreed. Yelena grabbed her arms, trying to get her to go in the direction that she wanted her to.
   “Move, move, move,” Yelena insisted, pushing at her as they moved around. Carol somewhat awkwardly tried to maneuver so that she did not run into Yelena too much.
   Before long, they were both moved so that they were somehow on the floor of the box, their legs raised up as they sat with their butts near one other and their legs framing either side of one another. They looped their legs around so that their feet were planted on the floor of the box, and they leaned against the walls of the box somewhat uncomfortably.
   Now that they were both seated, Carol took the time to look at Yelena for a moment the best she could in the darkness.
   To her surprise, Yelena seemed almost like she was unravelling. Her breaths were shaking just a little as she efforted to keep them calm and deep, and Carol could not help but notice that she seemed to be looking around the box a lot.
   “What’s wrong, Yelena?” Carol questioned, her voice soft as she tried to keep from upsetting her. Yelena looked at her quickly, her eyes snapping to lock with Carol’s the best she could considering the lack of light.
   Yelena was quiet for a moment, seemingly debating how to answer or whether she would tell the truth, and she finally let out a breath.
   “I’m claustrophobic,” Yelena finally admitted, and Carol looked at her carefully, her chest squeezing for her friend.
   “What can I do?” Carol questioned, knowing that she was limited in what she could actually do without blowing the box apart, but if that was what it took, she would do it. She hated to do it to Kate, but she would just go and buy Kate a new one. Yelena was on the verge of something, and she knew that Kate would understand if she had to break the box.
   “A little light?” Yelena questioned, her voice remarkably calm.
   “You sure? It’ll get hot in here. I can break the box if you need me to,” Carol offered, tilting her head in the direction of the door.
   “No… Kate likes her box,” Yelena simply stated, and Carol was surprised at the fact that Yelena so highly respected something that Kate wanted. She supposed that Yelena was far more fond of Kate than she let on for her to go through her own fears just to keep from breaking Kate’s box.
   Carol looked at her for a moment before letting her body glow. Instantly, the box around them lit up. Yelena looked around them, taking in the light before looking at the ethereal glow surrounding Carol.
   She seemed to be calming significantly as Carol shed a little light on the situation, and Yelena finally looked at Carol gratefully.
   “Thank you,” Yelena expressed gently, and Carol smiled softly, nodding to her. There was a short beat of silence, and Carol finally mustered the words to speak to her.
   “Anything for my little buddy,” Carol risked a small joke, and Yelena narrowed her eyes, kicking Carol in the side firmly but not with the intent to injure.
   Carol was already tensed up waiting for the hit, so she just laughed as Yelena tried to land it. Yelena had not aimed on hurting her, and she knew Carol was going to stop her, so she just rolled her eyes, trying to pretend to be unimpressed.
   However, Carol caught that undeniable smile tugging at Yelena’s lips, and she let herself close her eyes, a contentedness settling within her.
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