#Katya x Andrey
guinevereslancelot · 2 years
"i could fix him" "i could make him worse" i could make a plan to leave my mafia boss husband and run away with him and then accidentally kill him due to unforeseen circumstances after betraying everyone else in my life then fake my death in a boat
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I can’t stop thinking about Katya and Andrey but y’all I never really shipped them, mostly just FELT for them. I mean, this exchange???:
“Maybe if we were one person, you and I, we would be enough for the world.”
“You mean for him.”
“Is there really a difference?”
“For us? …I guess not.”
I mean…!!!
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vergilbergart · 2 years
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Love is just a history that they may prove, and when you're gone, I'll tell them my religion's you.
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schroedingers-faggot · 10 months
not to be Gonchposting 50 years late but I gotta get this off my chest
I genuinely dislike Goncharov x Andrey. Sofia x Katya is BY FAR the more interesting ship
But I think the real intrigue in relationships comes with Andrey (I mean obviously my fave's gotta be here...) and Katya. She's a constant overpowering force to him, domineering him. Maybe they wouldn't make a good ship but the dynamic is thrilling. I think it works both as a "this is really deep commentary" thing and also on the much more superficial "hehe hot woman dominating hot man" level.
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apolloamongothers · 1 year
Im not a big fan of the implied Andrey/Katya affair in the movie, but that scene where they sit together at the piano and play the main theme of the movie? That duet is so so important to show their motives, what drives them, what connects them. The deep grief. The restlessness. The bubbling anger and fear. One of my favourite scenes in the movie.
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currentlyonstandbi · 2 years
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goncharov memes for your consideration
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skylessnights · 2 years
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GONCHAROV (1973) dir. Martin Scorsese
“It funny because for many years people thought Goncharov was the main antagonist of the film, after all, he’s the one everyone’s out to get, right? But it seems people are starting to understand that in actual fact, it is time that is the main adversary in this story. There’s never enough of it and that torments a lot of characters, especially Goncharov, because he’s fighting so desperately to find his place in a world that is so keen on keeping him ostracized.”
[template by @bitchronan]
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welshaphrodite · 2 years
No, no, NO! You don’t understand! If they were going to make a movie called “Goncharov” it would have to be a modern REBOOT of the 1973 film. Then everyone would have the right to consume the media while simultaneously complaining about how “it isn’t as good as the original” or “I can’t BELIEVE that they left out the iconic part XYZ”. We get to watch the film and preserve the original. Everyone wins.
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carothehotmess · 2 years
Goncharov has fallen from the number 1 trending spot because of Wednesday, Netflix’s Addams Family spin-off. And its mostly taken over that trending spot because everyone is shipping Wednesday and Enid, two girls who are polar opposites but are forced into spending time together by external circumstances (school + parents) and become very close friends and whose relationship is sprinkled with more than a few hints of romantic tension.
Ya know what was trending for days at number 1 right before Goncharov? Warrior Nun. A show where two young women who are polar opposites meet and are forced to spend time together due to external circumstances (demons + the church) and who become very close friends and whose relationship is showered with more than some hints of romantic tension, and who eventually confess their love for one another.
So if you’re following the trajectory of this site, the priorities of its users goes:
WLW Ship -> group daydream about homoeroticism in fictional film -> WLW Ship
Further proving that this site is absolutely run by the girls, the gays, and the theys.
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destiel-news-channel · 7 months
it's the anniversary of goncharov
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[Image ID: A screenshot of Dean Winchester from the confession scene edited so he answers 'Katya loves Sofia and Goncharov loves Andrey' instead of 'Don't do this, Cas'. /End ID]
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constant-brain-fog · 2 years
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Gaslight, Gatekeep, Goncharov
The Clock Scene and the constant reminders of it throughout the movie really hit me as you can see, you cannot get the Gonch without the Clock 😌
Best Scorsese movie ever, I cry every time i watch it.
Thank you @beelzeebub you cured my artblock✨
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Fandom: Goncharov
Sample Size: 755 stories
Source: AO3
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felix-zarenium · 7 months
It’s good that the writer’s and actor’s strike ended before Goncharov’s anniversary so we get to have at least some anniversary fan fare. I would have loved to get an actual reunion interview thingy, but a remastered version is nothing to scoff at.
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Okay but can we talk about how Goncharov, a movie that came out in 1973, with a plot set in an ALTERNATE HISTORY TIMELINE, does a way better job at portraying Estern European characters, culture, and political climate than Marvel does with the whole Sokovia bullshit????
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cancerstanople · 2 years
who needs good grades when you can spend every waking moment trying to piece together a timeline for a movie that doesn't exist based on the handful of crumbs of collectively hallucinated agreed-upon lore found on tumblr dot com
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