#Keep him safe at ALL COSTS
moonilit · 7 months
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I met Freminet for a day and a half but if anything happens to him i will kill everyone in Tyvat then myself
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wisefoxluminary · 7 months
Watching The Boys for the first time and Hughie might be my favourite character!
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
It’s not that Jason forgot, per se.
But between smuggling a toddler out of the League of Assassins, trekking halfway across the world, and finding a suitable hiding place that’s also child friendly… well, it kind of slipped his mind that he’s supposed to be… dead.
Something that comes back to bite him in the ass when he takes Dami out for some ice cream and just so happens to run into non other than Brucie-fucking-Wayne
#look I’ve found a new fave trope and it’s Brucie Wayne having to keep up his act while internally LOSING HIS SHIT#Jason isn’t very into the whole revenge thing here#his mind is 85 parts ‘keep Dami safe’ 5 parts ‘kill joker asap’ and 10 parts ‘avoid bats at any cost’#Jason doesn’t know who Damian’s father is#dealer’s choice if Jason establishes himself as Dami’s dad or older brother#his build certainly makes him look old enough#if you don’t look at his baby face lol#Jason runs into Brucie and goes straight into survival mode#Damian who is very observant for a toddler immediately clocks Brucie as THREAT based on Jason’s reaction#Brucie blue screens and desperately tries not to lose Jason in the crowd#jason is absolutely trying to lose Brucie in the crowd#while clutching Damian like his life depends on it#for all he knows it does#the visceral terror that your pseudo dad will take away your little brother/baby#Bruce who just wants to know if he’s hallucinating again: W A I T#jason who is terrified of being put in Arkham for killing people: no FUCKING WAY#hm maybe Jason plays the ‘I’m not Jason’ game again#it’s not gonna hold for long#but Bruce absolutely thinks that Damian is Jason’s bio child for a while and he’s on the WARPATH#Jason was sixteen when he died and never showed any interest in dating so literally every red flag is waving in brucie’s mind simultaneousl#or maybe Jason manages to get away and all Brucie is left with is the memory of his supposedly dead son#running away from him#and clutching a tiny kid#prompts#jason todd#batfamily#Damian wayne#batdad#brucie wayne
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plantboiart · 1 month
Kian is the heart. Rolan is the brawn. And Rand is the brains. Unfortunately none of them are really great at doing their jobs properly and that’s why the campaign could have never ended any other way
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manyfandomsonelog · 2 months
Brb crying thinking about Rabbi Milligan and Satchel via Fargo Season 4. Don’t hmu
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cameoamalthea · 9 months
The Litch is all: “Great embodiment of chaos, hear me. For ages untold I studied your ways, devoting my existence to you. I strove to be your vassal on the physical plane, to build mountains of bodies in your honor, to extinguish all life, and in my universe, this I achieved. But it gave me no satisfaction. In succeeding, I lost all purpose. I know what you mean. Why? Why must this be? ( Grunts ) Hear me, Golb. GOLB?”
And I’m like, excuse me? Studied your ways? You can’t study the ways of chaos, it’s not knowable or predictable that’s what makes it chaos. And who asked you to devote your existence to Golb or be Golb’s vassal on the physical plane? No one.
You’re assuming that Golb wanted any of this and that you could even know what Golb wants? Does Golb even know what Golb wants? Does Golb want anything. Chaos is beyond comprehension and even if Golb knows, Golb never asked you.
Golb didn’t ask for a mountain of corpses. You did that on your own. Life doesn’t need to be extinguished, it does that on its own, that’s just part of how things work. Golb never needed you to extinguish all life, you wanted that and now because you got what you want and you’re still not happy you’re here asking Golb to fix it?
What do you want Golb to do? Golb can’t make you happy with your own choices. Why is that Golb’s job?
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wollerjoseph · 3 months
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baby leaf fraser gets an empty netter tonight against the medicine hat tigers!!🫶🫶💙💛
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dutybcrne · 2 months
Thinkings thinkings of Fatui!Kaeya have been reawakened in reviewing Arle's teasers/animations
#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Whether it's Dad!Pierro or not; I do love the idea of him being left in the care of the Fatui/House of Hearth#//Tho timelines considered; he prolly would be in Pierro's personal care while Arle goes through her Traumatic Matricide Experience#//Doubt the man would want to leave him out of his sight; Khaenri'ahn/Alberich ties considered#//Or maybe he was raised/trained to fight under Signora. Or even for Columbina (her namesake's ties to Pierro's; considered)#//Tho also do LOVE the idea of Kae and Taru growin up together in the Fatui ranks and being the disastrous + shy boi duo#//Tho Kae'd prolly have less to hide/fear with them when it comes to his heritage. The strictness he'd be raised with though...#//Eh; Taru could bring him out of his shell even still jdbgfkf. If anyone can; he deffo could. His little wintry sunshine#//So maybe he'd grow into his peacock self a little more naturally; even if perhaps still out of necessity/for ease of his missions#//Less of a facade to hide his grief/missing pieces tho; more like the way Taru is charming & goofy to lower people's guards#//Still has his little habit of testing people deffo is Much worse and much more sadistic when it comes down to it#//Particularly towards fellow Fatui who disrespect him or their comrades; or just someone he ends up disliking in general#//Does 'test' new comrades; but is more willing to step in & help them if need be. Wants UTMOST trust; determination & loyalty in his men#//So will only ever take those who push to complete the mission at all costs; even themselves/willingly ask him for help when they need it#//Dislikes those who run; & LOATHES cowards who abandon comrades to save themselves; he WILL deliberately make sure they don't make it back#//Still employs his intel gathering methods as normal verse; but has preying mantis tendencies when it comes down to it nbcfjgf#//ESP if they try to take advantage of/blackmail him in some way. Or worse; those who betray him. He is meticulous & VERY ruthless abt it#//His signature is decapitation & an unmelting (Abyssal energy-laced) ice shard through the heart; around which he'd carve a stylized one#//If those informants keep being useful to him; they are safe; and treated so lovingly by him; spoiled rotten with gifts & favors aplenty#//Once they lose their usefulness...well; regrettably he cannot leave any loose ends. These become frozen as statues for him to keep#//'Precious mementos of lovers & conspirators'; he'd call them. He'd keep them in his private home in Snezhnaya#v; glacialis pavonis (fatui!kaeya)#//If he had to have a Harbinger title/name (maybe bumped up for when Scara erases himself); he'd prolly be l'Innamorato#//Fitting of his methods (is also the remaining role of Commedia dell'arte lololol). He is saccharine sweet; pretty & deadly as a belladonn#//Deffo would have tango-based motifs rather than waltz; would favor frost-laced roses. Might even leave those with his victims too#//Can you tell I listened to Rondo Across Countless Kalpas as I wrote this up jhbfjgkfhf#hc; kaeya#//I mean yeah lol. I have so many more thinkings abt this verse aaAAAA#//Am torn if I want his to use a Cryo Delusion; or have him with Cryo Vision and an Anemo Delusion. Do like that for Cryo Swirls#//Then his rage/scorn could be likened to a Blizzard. Do like that image. Deffo favors his Abyssal powers more tho; maybe THAT'd be better
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fun fact : at any given time , Pearl can could die because he has a whole ass hit after him from where he comes from .
have fun sleeping tonight with that thought in mind 😚💖
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
I know. I know that Dean killing John was never actually in the cards. But watching s1 with that idea in the back of your head? Completely different experience. The way he insists on diverting from their dad’s trail as it grows colder. The way he bites Sam’s head off whenever Sam insists they need to go after him. Little lines about Dean & John, the life they’ve had alone without Sam there, that are totally innocent but feel so much more ominous with the idea that he killed his dad. Anyway.
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tetsutits · 1 year
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talentforlying · 9 months
while i'm talking out my ass: there are definitely parallels between constantine and the shadow dog from the beast of eden arc. existing as guardian between humanity and the supernatural horrors chomping at the bit to consume it, but going down in legend as the contributor or cause of every horrific, near-world-ending event that he was actually trying to prevent because everyone heard he was there when it happened. resurrected from failure by the belief that people have in him as their protector, and simultaneously, because they give him no choice.
which could also have been a contributing factor to how willing he was to accept its blame and destroy it.
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micamicster · 1 year
I just am obsessed with any story that’s about people who love each other but cannot do justice to that love because they have a duty to something else first. That there is something else fundamental and demanding that they must choose over love every time. To be forced to choose one irreplaceable thing over another etc etc
#For Jiang Cheng that’s his responsibility to his sect and to their people#and the burnt and fragile remains of their home#who are all counting on him—an orphaned teenager—to protect and lead them#And as much as he might want to throw that all away to be by his brother’s side#or as much as he might want to help wen qing and wen ning#they can never come first. because first he has to keep his people safe. he can’t put them at risk#no matter how much he loves his brother#he’s not powerful enough yet for taking a stand to do anything other than get his sect burned to the ground a second time#and that turns into him standing in the burial mounds near tears as he tells his brother ‘I can’t protect you anymore’#Which is its own bitter irony because you know wwx is thinking that it’s not his little brother’s job to protect him)#(with no idea how much he already has)#meanwhile for wei wuxian his primary duty is to help the wens#because he protected his brother at an unspeakable cost and his brother protected the sect and they’re going to be fine without him#(who only endangers them more by being around them)#which means now Wei Wuxian’s first and most important duty#is to protect this group of people who have absolutely no one else in the world who will stand with them#So even though it breaks his heart to leave his home and family he has to do what is right#It’s why I liked wen qing so much too. she and jiang cheng understood this about each other#while i don’t think jiang cheng and wei wuxian understand this about each other at all#because jc is standing there like when did i and my sister and our clan stop being your most important#and wwx is like I have already given everything I can give to you and I can only make things worse for you. but these people?I can help them#so i have to help them#as you guys can see. im not doing well#anyway watch black sails#the untamed
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orcelito · 11 months
Brain is rotating between depressing but bittersweet post-trimax one-shot, current wip chapter of itnl, playful horny Sentido sequel one-shot, and violent bloody itnl times to be had sooner than you think
Like the barrel of a gun. Click click click click spinning round and round. Which one am I gonna land on? Only time will tell.
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When you subscribe to a spooky and macabre channel and you go onto the channel page, and the first thing you’re greeted with is a closeup picture of the eyes of someone who is your ONLY fight or flight trigger :P
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azurajay · 2 years
hunter owl house im gonna get you outta there. Im gonna get you Oute
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