#Knox's top 5
knox-jpeg · 1 year
Yknow what
Fuck it,gonna come up with a new post idea for every week. A Spotify Discover Weekly Top 5 to share the weird shit i listen to.
1. The Air-Conditioned Nightmare - Mr. Bungle. A wacky track that reminds me of the whole music style of Tally Hall and MM with a very tiny bit of LD sprinkled in there.
2. Thy Mission - The Garden & Mac DeMarco. Kept this baby on replay a few times,letting their chords and experimental ways carry me away. A Beautiful Combination of Indie and Experimental Rock
3. Love and Freedom - Keith mlevhu. A Classic from a Striking time in Zambian History. 1976 was when this Zamrock gem came out,12 years after Zambia gained independence from Britain.
4. Summer in a Small Town - Cleaners from Venus. "I'm not going mad, I'm not going mad." Perfectly sums up my feelings on this Psychedelic track,Astonishingly crafted by these English Aliens.
5. What's inside a Girl - Daughters. A very messy cover of the Cramps Classic..in a good way. The Psychobilly style is prevalent,with their Noise Rock roots creeping in there. They absolutely kill this cover,which (in my sole opinion) i find better than the original.
*Disclaimer:I am not a pro at discerning genres meticulously,but i say it as i hear it. Sorry if i got any die-hard fans upset.
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daughterofsarenrae · 3 months
At my wit's end with these fuckin rats
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 10 months
The Princess & The Playboy (Part 5)
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Summary: While meeting Dean's parents went smoothly, the reader's may be a different story. Meanwhile, Dean confides in Eric he knows a secret of his that sheds light on Eric's past actions and the boys set their plan in action...
Pairing: NFL Quarterback!Dean x Pop Star!reader
Word Count: 6,500ish
Warnings: language, family trauma/angst, kidnapping
A/N: 👀
Dean POV
I woke with a jerk, eyes flashing open as a small surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins. I sighed, closing my eyes as glimpses of a nightmare ran through my mind. I was honestly surprised at how long I’d gone without one.
I wondered if Y/N ever had that recurring dream about not being able to get to Max in time like I did with Sam. I turned in bed, scooting closer, searching for her warm body to curl up against. When my arm reached out to find her though, all I discovered were cold sheets. My eyes popped open again, the clock on her nightstand showing it was almost six in the morning.
I was due to get up in half an hour but Y/N could sleep in. Given how she’d told me just last week she was a night owl, my thoughts wandered to not so great places.
Either she was missing or she was so stressed about her parents visit she was losing sleep over it. The fact she lived in fucking Fort Knox led me to believe it was the later.
I stretched in bed before wandering over to the closet, smiling at the previously empty side. I stayed over most every night, even if the most intimate thing we did was a cuddle. We hadn’t officially said I had a drawer or anything like that but I had a space in the closet for some personal items. Mostly it was fresh underwear and socks but Y/N had hung up a few things that hadn’t belonged to me. Just things she thought it’d be “nice to have” around.
Including a dope ass robe that looked way too freaking comfy on the chilly morning. I threw it on and wrapped my arms around myself, humming as the fleece warmed my cool skin. I wasn’t exactly a robe guy and suspected this thing cost more than some people’s rent, but it did feel damn good.
I trudged through the dark house, ears perking up as I made my way towards her home gym. Piano notes filled the air and I saw light spilling through a cracked door, a soft melody breaking through the quiet.
“Endless,” breathed out Y/N, smashing her fingers against the keys, her eyes closed, face contorting like she didn’t like that sound. “Endless,” she sang softly again, moving her fingers to a lower note, her face less critical. 
I didn’t want to disturb her and tried to close the door. Unfortunately, it was enough to prick her spidey senses because next thing I knew, a hardcover notebook was smacking me in the forehead.
“Oh my god!” she gasped, covering her hands with her face as she shot up. I rubbed my temple and picked up her papers, Y/N moving my hand away before I even straightened up. “You’re bleeding.”
“I’m fine, sweetheart.” She guided me to the couch in what looked like a studio, taking off quickly and returning in less then thirty seconds with a small first aid kit. “I’m fine, I swear.”
She ignored me, dabbing a cotton ball with alcohol before lighting pressing it against the cut. I winced, Y/N frowning as she found a butterfly bandage and stuck it on. 
“I am fine,” I said again, taking hold of her cheeks, smiling sleepily before pecking a light kiss on her lips. “I promise.”
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled. I shook my head, pulling her to sit in my lap.
“I’m not. You’re kind of a badass. Plus with an arm like that I’m thinking we get you in as backup QB. If you ever got sick of singing, I got a job lined up for ya.” She didn’t smile like she usually did when I teased her though. “What’s wrong? It’s one little bump is all. No biggie.”
“I woke you up early and you need your sleep and now I’m sure you have a headache on top of that and I have my stupid parents coming in this afternoon and you’re not going to be to stay over like normal because god knows what they’ll say and I’m so behind on the next album already and-”
I put my hand over her mouth to stop her, Y/N blinking as tears welled up in her eyes. Fuck, she ripped my heart out when I saw her like that. 
“Listen, listen,” I shushed her, Y/N wearily watching me. “I am fine and I’ll tell you if I’m not. You are exhausted, honey. You have not caught up from when you were on tour for half the freaking year. I want you to go back to bed and I’ll talk to Eric, make sure your morning gets cleared. All I want you to do is get some sleep. Someone from your team can grab your parents and entertain them until tonight where I will come over to have dinner with you and then I will stay over like always. You’re not going to worry about any other shit. Promise?”
She closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around me in a deep hug. “My parents stress me out whenever they visit. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, don’t say sorry,” I said, pressing my lips to her ear. “I just want you to get some sleep. Now do you promise?”
“Promise,” she mumbled, burying her face in my neck. She sighed softly and it was only a few beats later I realized her breathing had evened out, fast asleep. My girl really was at the end of her rope. As gently as I could, I carried her out and upstairs, tucking her into bed before changing. Downstairs, I filled up my thermos with coffee and made Y/N some pancakes she could reheat for lunch later.
“Good morning,” said Eric quietly. I glanced left, his body drenched in sweat, most likely from the gym. “You’re up early a lot.”
“My day starts at eight on the dot, sometimes sooner. I get fined if I’m late,” I said, taking a mug from beside the sink and filling it up for him.
“Thank you,” he said, taking a long sip. “You guys get Tuesdays off, right?”
“Yeah but I normally work it and review game film. Gotta set a good example for the team.” I wrapped up the pancakes on a plate, putting a sticky note on top. “I turned off Y/N’s phone. She needs to catch up on sleep. I know she’s busy but please let her sleep late today and cancel any morning meetings she has. And make sure her parents stay away until this evening. She’s worried about them and I told her I’d be here when they get here.”
“Can do.” I nodded, washing up the pan and taking another sip of coffee. “Dean.”
I turned around from the sink, Eric leaned back against the counter. “Yeah?”
“I’m sorry again for how I treated you before. Y/N’s always deserved someone good. I’m glad she finally has that with you.” 
“Thank you,” I said, holding out my hand to him. Eric shook it, a quiet beat passing. “Do you think you and Sloane have a chance of working things out?”
“No,” he said, shaking his head. “I don’t even want her forgiveness. I just want her to know my reasoning and that I regret it. I just need her to know that I never thought she was weak or incapable and especially that I didn’t string her along. I always loved her. Even if I fucked it up for good.”
“I’m no relationship expert but why didn’t you go to her in the hospital?” I asked, Eric taking a seat at the island with a sigh. “Like, is there any possible reason you could tell Sloane about why you left?”
“You blamed yourself for your brother’s abduction when there logically was no reason to. For years you did.” He stared me down and nodded. “Now imagine that feeling of guilt but you know you fucked up. The intel was bad and you were distracted and imagine Sam or Y/N were taken, beat to hell, every inch of skin battered. And it was 100% your fault. Your job was to protect them and you screwed up. Would you be able to walk in that room and sit there, your mistake staring right back at you?”
“Were you abused as a kid?” Eric’s eyebrows shot up fast before his jaw clenched. 
“What the fuck kind of question is that?” he snapped. 
“Survivors often blame things out of their control on themselves because they’ve been conditioned to,” I said, raising my chin. Eric closed his eyes, rubbing his temples.
“You did a background check on me,” he mumbled.
“I didn’t use Sloane for it if it makes you feel better. No one knows except me and I plan on it staying that way. I wanted to know who the fuck you were was all.” Eric nodded, inhaling sharply. “Does Sloane know about your dad?”
“No and it doesn’t matter. I screwed up-”
“You probably ran away because you’re conditioned-”
“I’m a fucking solider, Winchester. My sack of shit father has been dead and gone for a very long time. I did not run away from Sloane because of some childhood trauma crap. I was a shitty person. Case closed.”
I stepped closer, looking down at him with a hard face. ���Y/N and I were barely adults when we got our trauma and it’s still inside us. Don’t you fucking dare try and say it had no effect because it did. It made you a protector. It also made you expect Sloane to do or say awful things to you when you did go in that room. You’re smart enough to know I’m right.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Eric grit out, shooting daggers at me. “I wasn’t there when she needed me and that’s that.”
“Do you know why Y/N let me in? Because I talked to her, because I was vulnerable. Big bad bodyguard and you’re too scared to tell the girl you love all your secrets.”
“So what? I tell her and nothing changes so what’s the fucking point? I still hurt her.” I grasped his shoulder, shaking my head at him.
“Buddy, we both love two badass strong women. You’re right, Sloane could tell you to fuck off. Or she can finally understand and maybe forgive you. A guy like you isn’t the bad guy, no matter how much you tell yourself.”
Eric lowered his head, his shoulders rising when he breathed deeply. “I can’t. I’ve never told anyone. Shit, my own sister doesn’t even know.”
“Well you can practice with me if you ever decide you do want to,” I said, patting his back. “Take care of Y/N for me today.”
He hummed, Sloane waiting out front by my SUV when I left.
“What are you doing here so early?” I asked. Sloane rubbed her eye, opening the car door.
“I was working on understanding Y/N’s security protocols,” she said, still rubbing her eye.
“At six in the morning?”
“I wake up early. Is that a crime?” she snapped, her eyes red rimmed. I glanced back at the house, Sloane glaring at me. “What?”
“You overheard me talking to him, didn’t you.” She kept my gaze, only a slight tick of her jaw giving her away. “You’re in jeans and a t-shirt today.”
“So what?”
“So maybe your outfit choice doesn’t have to be the only change you make. You could talk to him-“
Sloane held up a hand. “I am not talking about this with anyone, including you. Understand?”
“And the world thinks I’m the emotionally immature one around here,” I mumbled, sliding into the passenger seat. Sloane slammed the door shut and I winced. I could only hope the rest of the day turned around.
Late Afternoon
“Winchester.” I blinked my eyes, noticing the conference room was mostly cleared out. Benny waited by the door as I grabbed my playbook and quickly followed after. “You alright, man?”
“Yeah. Just need to get some sleep,” I yawned, my phone buzzing in my pocket. My agent was having a field day today, fending off offers left and right from companies wanting to capitalize on my recent popularity. Thankfully Brad was a good guy and he knew what I was and wasn’t willing to endorse. 
And any mention of Y/N meant they got an automatic rejection. No questions asked. I wasn’t about to profit off the fact people knew she was my girlfriend.
My phone buzzed again and I reached into my pocket, surprised to see Eric calling. “Uh, hey. What’s up?”
“What time do you get done with work?” Eric asked. I shrugged, waving for Benny to go on ahead of me back to the locker room.
“About an hour. Why?” Eric sighed. “What’s wrong?”
“Listen.” The phone got quiet for a moment, faint footsteps in the background. But then I heard it. Heard it loud and clear.
“Liars and cheats and oh you dirty, dirty sneaks! Like I’m the stain on your perfect life making it bleak!” Y/N sang loudly through the phone, her voice raw while her fingers slammed piano keys.
The noise dissipated, Eric clearing his throat. “Good news, she wrote a song for her record this morning. Bad news, her parents showed up early on their own and they had a massive blowout. I guess they saw the cake you guys made for Max and freaked.”
“...You wouldn’t call me with this unless you were concerned, would you.” 
“Girl’s always used music to process her feelings. But she’s sort of bawling in there and I’ve promised in the past to not interfere when it comes to her parents.” I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. “She’d rip my head off and probably yours if we went in there and talked to her. She’ll either be calmer in an hour or be halfway through another song.”
“I’ll be there in forty five,” I said, heading for the locker room. “Don’t tell her.”
I could feel his hesitancy on the other end. “Did you say not to tell her you’re coming over?”
“Yeah. Let her stay in her studio. I need to talk to her parents. Alone.” Eric was silent for a beat and then another. “Tell me the truth, buddy. Does Y/N exaggerate about her folks or do they say some fucked up shit to her sometimes?”
Eric breathed heavy, a door closing, the sounds of the outdoors surrounding him. “They already don’t like you. Her mom called you a man whore and her dad flipped that she wore your jersey the other night. So I guess you got nothing to lose.”
“I don’t give a fuck if they like me. But they will change their act if they want to be part of their daughter’s life. They can’t hurt her like that everytime she sees them.”
“I knew there was a reason I liked you, kid,” said Eric, opening a car door. “I’ll pick you up at the stadium.”
“I distinctly recall you hating my guts.” Eric scoffed, a sliver of a smile on my face. “Oh, I forgot. You loved me from the start, right?”
“Don’t push it, Winchester,” he said. “Get back to work. I’ll see you in a few.”
One hour later I was bouncing my knee in the passenger seat of my truck, Eric pulling into Y/N’s driveway. If my conversation with him over the past twenty minutes was anything to go by, Y/N had been far too kind regarding her parents.
They’d blamed her for Max’s kidnapping. Said it straight to her fucking face when she was eighteen years old. She was a kid and they told her it was her fault. Seven years later they told her they wished she was the one that was dead and they were burying. Called her a brat and diva for being upset on the day of Max’s funeral. Blamed her for paparazzi invading their moment. Blamed her when she tried to talk about Max or hear stories from when they were kids, told her not to speak his name, not when she screwed up his life. The day they “buried” her brother, their relationship had been done for good. They had no problem taking her money though, playing the warm set of parents when they needed to. 
Y/N was not about to be forced to hide in her own home just to get away from people who clearly didn’t give a rats ass about her.
A strong hand gripped my shirt collar as Eric parked, my gaze shooting over my shoulder.
“Hey. I fucked up because I was too protective of Sloane. I don’t want that to happen to you,” he said. I nodded, Eric still leery. “She still loves them, Dean.”
“I know. And if she hates me for what I’m about to do, then she hates me. But her parents need a wake up call and I’ll be the bad guy. Like you said, they already hate me so no harm no foul.” 
“They’ve been by the pool,” said Eric, dropping his hand. I slid out and gave a nod to a few of the security guys in the shack I recognized. I walked around the side of the house, nerves flaring up like this was a freaking super bowl for some reason. Sure, I’d like it if Y/N’s parents were friendly and she had a good relationship. 
But she didn’t deserve their shit. I just hoped it didn’t turn into a screaming match immediately.
I inhaled slowly as I found the older couple relaxing under the umbrella on the patio. 
“Hi, I’m Dean Winchester,” I said as I approached, both their heads turning toward me. “Y/N’s boyfriend. I think the three of us need to talk.”
“Excuse me son but I don’t think we have anything to discuss aside from the fact you're not the kind of man we want dating our daughter,” said her father. I sat down in an open chair at the table, leaning forward with a smile.
“See that’s funny. You think you have a right to have any say in your daughter’s love life. Regardless of the fact the media portrays me as someone I’m not or that your daughter is thirty two years old, you think you have the right based on what? That she’s your flesh and blood? As if you gave an actual shit about her. It’s just us, no need to pretend.”
“What the fuck is your problem?” said her mom, voice on the edge of something dangerous I didn’t like. “Who the fuck are you to say that crap? Of course we love Y/N-”
“There you go being funny again,” I said, narrowing my eyes, looking between them both. “I would never blame my daughter for something that wasn’t her motherfucking fault. I wouldn’t wish her fucking dead or call her names or forbid her from speaking of her missing brother. I certainly wouldn’t snap at her for making a cake to celebrate her brother. If you two really hate Y/N that much, just stay the fuck away. I’m sure she’ll keep giving you as much money as you ask for.”
To my surprise, they didn’t get angry. Y/N’s mom simply stood and wandered off towards the pool, holding a hand over her mouth. Meanwhile, her father closed his eyes, lowering his head.
“At least you have the decency to not lie about it,” I said. “You people are fucking disgusting to come into your daughter’s life like nothing’s wrong when you’ve hurt her as much as those kidnappers did. He was her little brother. She knows she was late to pick him up. You have no idea how hard she’s working to start to feel like it was simply something out of her control.”
They were both silent, still not looking at me.
“Where the hell were you two? Why wasn’t it your responsibility? Why not the parents of Max’s friend? The police? The damn kidnappers? Why’d it fall on the shoulders of an eighteen year old girl? Because you’re weak people, that’s why. It’s why you keep blaming her. You have no idea how lucky you are she’s strong. Telling her you wished it was her in the ground? She might have followed up on that, you morons. She deserves to be able to remember Max openly. She deserves to believe he’s still out there somewhere, even if you don’t. She deserves parents better than you two. I’m only sorry I wasn’t here sooner to say it to your faces.”
I stood up and headed for the back door, her mom making a sort of hiccup sound.
“We never forgave her for not picking Max up on time,” she whispered, lowering her head. “When she gets…I get so angry at her when she wants to bring him up.”
“So much of our lives changed because she wanted to sing. Our privacy. People always offering fake tips about Max. It hurts so much and we keep blaming Y/N for that pain,” said her dad. “We know we shouldn’t but we don’t know how to stop.”
“Try some fucking therapy,” said Eric, walking around the near side of the house, my eyes darting to his. “This is your official notice. You are both banned from this property and contacting Y/N until further notice. Pack up your things and you will be escorted to your hotel.”
I stared at him wide eyed, Eric raising his chin, ignoring me. 
“Now!” he barked. Y/N’s father rose slowly, something steely about him.
“My daughter ask you to do that? Because I’m not leaving without her wanting me gone,” he said. Eric stepped closer, getting in his face.
“My job is to protect Y/N from threats and I am sick of you two coming in here every year and fucking breaking her heart. Get some damn therapy and deal with your shit or never, I mean never, fucking contact her again. You want something, you deal with me. Now get the fuck out.”
Roughly five minutes later Eric and I watched them both be driven down the driveway, my eyes still stuck on him. 
“Keep staring like that Winchester and I’ll think you have a crush,” said Eric, giving a satisfied nod when the gate closed again.
“You said you’re not supposed to interfere with her parents.” Eric shrugged, giving me a smirk.
“She wants to fire me, she can. But those assholes send her spiraling and I’m sick of standing there and watching it. Kiddo was a fucking shell for months after what happened the day of the funeral.”
“I thought I said I had it handled.” Eric spun around and headed back for the house. “Eric.”
“Just cause you can do something on your own doesn’t mean you have to,” he said, opening the door, holding it open. I slid past him into the foyer, Eric patting my shoulder. “Go take care of her. I’ll face the music later.”
“Doesn’t seem your style to hide,” I said, Eric spinning back around to head out, pausing in the doorway. 
“I have an appointment…therapy,” he said quietly. “Probably going to be a waste of time.”
“Maybe. Maybe not.” Eric shrugged. “I’ll put in a good word with the boss for you.”
“Just focus on taking care of her. I can wait,” he said, leaving and pulling the door shut. I closed my eyes and ditched my bag by the base of the stairs, walking quietly down to the studio.
I knocked once, poking my head inside, frowning as I found the room silent.
And Y/N nowhere in sight.
I flinched when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, a small body hugging me tight. “Y/N, we should-”
“The team in the shack texted I should watch the security video in the back. I heard the whole thing.” Her head burrowed between my shoulder blades, squeezing me hard. Soft, mumbled cries filled the air, my heart aching for her. Slowly, I turned in her embrace, her face hiding away in my chest when I came to face her. I gently shushed her, one arm around her back, one around her shoulders as I tucked her head under my chin.
“I’m sorry I upset you but I’m not sorry I set them straight. You don’t have to put up with people that won’t take accountability for their actions. So be mad with me and Eric but we saw how much it hurt you. We don’t regret it. The only-”
“You think I’m mad at you guys?” she whispered, raising her head, puffy, red rimmed eyes staring back. A quiet laugh slipped past her delicious lips, her head shaking as she laughed harder. “You’re such a goof, Winchester. That was…that was what they needed to hear. Thank you for saying it when I couldn’t.”
“Maybe they’ll get some help for themselves and things can get better,” I said, even if I didn’t believe they would. I’d happily be proven wrong but I wasn’t counting on it. Y/N shrugged, not seeming to have faith in the idea herself. “Can you play me something?”
“I just wrote two new ones,” she said, catching my head shake. “What’d you have in mind?”
“Nothing particular. Just want to sit and listen to you poke around if that’s alright.” She smiled, taking my hand and leading me inside. She left me at the couch and wandered to the piano bench, rolling her shoulders with a heavy inhale. 
“You like rock and grunge,” she said, tapping a key, her head cocked as she did it over and over. “Think I could pull off a few alt rock songs?”
“You can do whatever the hell you want to, sweetheart. Pretty sure you could throw bagpipes in a song and make it go number one.” I caught her smile as her fingers started to dance, hips starting to sway in her seat.
“Normally I come up with music before the lyrics,” she said, something rhythmic and heavy in the air. “You know people think because I’m the pop princess that’s all I listen to. Never would think Metallica inspired a good number of songs on the last album.”
“You partial to Zeppelin?” I asked, her smirk stronger, the puffiness around her eyes going down.
“Everyone loves Stairway and for good reason but I’m a Kashmir girl,” she said, my eyebrows raising. “Surprised?”
“No. Think I fell in love with you a little more is all,” I chuckled, getting up and taking a seat on the edge of the piano bench, watching her fingers move quickly, a hint of both songs coming through. “I am sorry about your parents, sweetheart. I wish things were different.”
“Me too,” she said, flurrying her fingers before abruptly pulling back. “But I won’t ever completely forgive myself for Max as long as they’re in my life. At least how they are right now. S’like Sloane said, even if you're strong, sometimes you want someone else to be strong for you.”
She bumped my shoulder, a coy smile sneaking onto her face. My hand found hers, clasping them together. “We take turns and it’ll work out how it’s supposed to.”
Her head rested on my shoulder, nodding once. “I don’t want to be sad anymore today. Do you want to go out to dinner?”
“Whatever you want, sweetheart,” I said, kissing her temple. “People will probably take pictures of us though.”
“I really don’t care anymore,” she said, squeezing my hand. “If I want to go out with my boyfriend, that’s what I’m going to do.”
“That’s my girl.”
“Eek! Y/N and Dean went out! In public!” squealed Cecilia from the kitchen island, showing her phone to Sebastian’s event planner. The woman in her mid-thirties gave the phone a passing glance, probably wishing she could plan a party for one of them instead of fucking Seb. 
He was even more of a dick whenever it got to close to him hosting one of his stupid ass parties at the house.
But the piece of shit’s desire to mingle with the rich and famous on a regular basis meant Max and I had a real shot at our plan working. I worked at the end of the island, near the open planner with a tentative guest list, my back blocking the camera.
All I had to do was slip the piece of paper from my pocket into the planner and hope the event planner added Y/N and Dean to the list without too much thought. 
Without getting caught of course.
And assume that the super detailed planner lady would just go ahead and invite two of the most popular people on the planet right now willy nilly.
That was all assuming Max didn’t get caught in his part of the plan. Or too hurt. Or dead.
Shit, we really were laying it on the line for this one.
A few moments later, we all heard the loud thud, our heads snapping towards the front of the house. I moved fast, taking the split second opportunity to place the paper in the planner. Then I was off the second Max groaned, playing the role of concerned friend. 
Sebastian knew how close we were, that we considered ourselves brothers. Even if we were both scared shitless about the consequences of breaking a rule, he knew I’d abandon my “job” duties to go to him if he was hurt. So I rushed through the front hall to where a few security guys were already surrounding a grunting Max on the floor.
“I’m fine,” grit out Max, even though we could all see the growing bruise on his cheek. Shit. He wasn’t supposed to hit his head. He tried to sit up, a few of the security guys urging him to stay down. Ironic considering they were the ones they’d kill us if we ever got caught.
“What the fuck…” said Seb, coming out of his office, staring at the scene before him.
“He fell down the stairs, boss,” said a guard, Max brushing the guy off and sitting up, wincing a bit. 
“I said I’m fine,” said Max, his movements proving that was a lie. He was hurt. Hopefully just bumps and bruises. But that was key.
If we wanted a believable story, one of us had to get fucked up in the process. And unfortunately for Max, he was beyond shitty at rock papers scissors and had to take the fall. Literally.
“He needs to rest,” I said, forcing my way into the crowd, helping Max to his feet with another wince. I didn’t wait for a response and started taking him towards our room, Seb’s tsk making us both freeze.
“Andy, make sure he’s alright and then Max should rest the remainder of the day. Sam, I trust you can complete all unfinished chores yourself?” he asked.
“Yes sir,” I said, reluctantly letting Andy take my place and help support Max. I watched them disappear down the hall, Seb turning to another guard, Frankie.
“Explain yourself.” The guard stared at Sebastian, his thick swallow heard loud and clear. Sebastian stepped closer, until his nose was jammed right against the young guard’s. “Why the fuck did you punch my house staff in the face after he fell?”
I stared at Frankie, Sebastian smirking when he saw my face. 
“His knuckles are scrapped, Sam,” he said, turning back to Sebastian. “Question is why the fuck do you think you can touch my fucking property?”
“The guy doesn’t respect me,” said Frankie, finding his voice. “Doesn’t laugh at my jokes, don’t call me sir.”
“He knows his role and abides by it. You on the other hand need a reminder,” snapped Seb. “Sam, dismissed.”
I quickly went back to the kitchen to finish my vegetable prep. On the one hand, Frankie was about to have a world of shit thrown his way which normally I’d feel bad about. On the other, I hated his guts and he’d hit Max for no damn reason so he deserved what was coming to him.
“Take a tylenol in six hours and ice that ankle,” said Andy, patting Max’s shoulder from where he looked him over. We shared a quick look before Max headed for our quarters, the event planner shaking her head.
“That’s why I always say you need a stair runner on those grand staircases, be damned the design.” 
“Yeah, I’ll get right on that,” said Andy with a role of his eyes. Cecilia eyed me up and down before looking at her phone.
“What do you think about maroon?” asked the planner to her just as I caught Seb storming across the hall to his office.
Yeah, today was not about to be Frankie’s day.
It was late when I finally finished with the chores. I was a better cook than Max so I normally handled dinner and prepping snacks and lunches. But doing all of Max’s cleaning on top of all of mine meant I was exhausted and starving for my own dinner.
“Sam.” I turned my head in the dim hallway, Sebastian sitting in his office, sipping on a glass of what I guessed was very expensive whiskey. “Come in here, please.”
I swallowed. The last time I had a late night conversation in that office, I was being branded by the poker in the fire place. God, if he was going to kill me hopefully it’d be fast.
I entered the room, pulling the door shut when he waved his hand. “Yes, sir?”
“How’s Max?” I clasped my hands behind my back, lowering my gaze. 
“I haven’t seen him yet. I’d assume he’s resting.” 
“You’re a hard worker, Sam. Always appreciated that about you. Max too,” he said, standing with his glass. He spun slowly, taking a sip. “You know what I like most about you boys though?”
Oh God. I was so dead.
“You’re loyal,” he said with a grin. “Sure, it took us a little bit to get there but you were young men. I made plenty of mistakes when I was twenty too. Now…now you boys know your place and I haven’t done a single thing to either one of you since. That’s the kind of trust I know we have. It’s loyalty. Something I seem to be lacking with some of my men.”
I raised my head, Sebastian finishing off his drink. 
“Frankie’s…no longer with the operation. That kind of boy wants my head. All he sees is how to get rid of me. And I won’t say I liked the way he looked at my daughter.”
Okay. Good news, Frankie was dead and buried out in the woods out back. Bad news, Sebastian was in one of his killing moods which normally didn’t stop at one body. Mob bosses were like that.
“It’s too bad you and Max aren’t suited for this kind of work. You’re the kind of boys I could trust to be successor,” said Seb, refilling his glass from the bottle on the desk.
“That’s very flattering of you sir,” I said, his chin raising.
“Those are my issues to deal with though. You and Max on the other hand, I can promise that even when I step down and am long gone, you’ll always have your places in this organization. You were a big investment and it’s paying off. I don’t want all that effort to go to waste,” he said, clasping my shoulder. Fuck, I could literally taste the bile pooling up from my gut.
“Thank you sir,” I said quietly, fighting back a shake when he ruffled my hair.
“If only Cecilia were a man. This kind of work doesn’t lend itself to women…although she does have enough rage inside her to handle it,” he said, walking over to his desk, my eyes widening for only a split second when I saw the planner there. “She fucking slipped that singer and Dean Winchester’s names on the guest list. Can you believe that? The balls on that kid.”
Fuck. It didn’t work. It didn’t-
“I guess it’ll make her happy though,” he sighed, cracking a smile when he looked at me. “And I wouldn’t mind meeting Dean Winchester. I bet I could get him to sign my jersey in the game room.”
“I know how much you enjoy the LA Wolves. I know your work is…stressful,” I said carefully, Seb allowing it. “Perhaps Miss Cecilia wouldn’t be the only one to get some happiness out of the guests.”
“This is why I like you, Sam. Always looking out for the big guy,” he chuckled, nodding his head. “She practically begged when I asked her about it earlier so I suppose if I get a benefit out of it too that’s a happy accident.”
I forced a smile, Seb humming to himself. 
“Alright. Go and tend to your friend. I have work to do.”
“Yes sir,” I said. I was quiet in the house as I made my way to our room, closing our door with a quiet thud. Max sat up from the twin mattress, a shiner on his eye and some bruises covering his arms and legs but otherwise in one piece. “It worked.”
“It worked?” asked Max, a smile growing on his face as I nodded. “It fucking worked!”
“Yup. Now we just got to hope they accept,” I said, kicking off my shoes. “Although…we may have a problem with Cecilia. Dickface confronted her about the names, thought she slipped them in. She covered for us. The way she looked at me in the kitchen earlier, I think she knows I did it.”
“The kid is smart and knows her dad’s in the fucking mob. Maybe she’s got a gut feeling something’s not right. Let’s just hope she keeps her mouth shut until after the party,” said Max. I tried not to worry about her right now. I think she knew enough to not say anything.
“So now we just wait for them to accept a random ass invitation to a party for a guy they’ve never heard of.” I sat down beside him, Max still all smiles.
“Have a little faith, Sammy. We made it this far. Who knows? Two weeks from now we could be free men.”
Free or dead. One way or the other, I had a feeling our stay at the Sebastian household would be coming to an end very soon.
A/N: Read Part 6 here!
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soullust · 3 months
dead poets in a somewhat cliche highschool flick 
neil perry - theater kid. popular, but in a sweet way that makes theatre seem cool. throws the most elaborate senior prank.
todd anderson - quiet guy at the back of the class, that talks only to like 3 people. he writes poetry instead of learning, and gets straight Cs. dark hoodies with the hood up, messy doodled over notebooks and textbooks. theatre boy neil brings him out of his shell a little
charlie dalton - punk/bad boy in a band that gets sent out of class at least twice a week. undiagnosed adhd, black nail polish, facial piercings, vandalized desks and lockers, wild parties every other weekend, skipping classes to smoke under the bleachers. also lowkey ferris bueller vibes 
knox overstreet - wannabe playboy. he just really wants a girlfriend, okay? actually a pretty good football player. love letters in lockers, full schedule of "tutoring". secretly a geek
steven meeks - burnt out nerd. easily influenceable. used to be used as an example for good behavior/grades but now is chronically distracted (mostly by his punk bf, let’s be honest). still gets pretty good grades and lets ppl copy and cheat off him for a price
gerard pitts - geeky plug, always either high or working on a wacky invention that blows up in his face eventually (like in those 80s movie)
richard cameron - sarcastic tutor. top 5 in every every class he's in and never lets anyone copy off him. i mean he does but he;s petty about it
chris noel - kindest and funniest lead cheerleader you’ll ever meet. plaid skirts, oversized letterman jacket, broken dresscode, abusing hall passes to gossip and loiter.
ginny danburry - confrontational theatre girl that's also somehow inhumanly shy. she will call the chemistry teacher a misoginist then be trembling and near tears trying to talk to the cute girl she has a crush on.
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jeanmoreaue · 2 months
I’m the same anon that asked you to rank the AFTG characters’s attractiveness (based on the general public’s opinion) weeks ago
Now rank them as exy players based on the general public’s opinion😈 Like if you had to guess how much a pro team would be willing to pay to have them on their team judging by how good they are. Talk about them like how people talked about Mbappe Messi Griezmann.
omg hellooooo hope you’re doing well i love ranking things and i love you so here’s a top 10 list of the players we know enough of for me to rank lol:
1. Kevin Day - i think this one is pretty obvious. he was on the olympic team at like 18. even w the hand injury
2. Jean Moreau - okay personally i think that once Jean is healthy he could be as good as if not better than Kevin. it’s telling that the Ravens only lose once Jean leaves, not even when Kevin leaves. once he’s in therapy and healed from his injuries other teams won’t even know what hit them 😤 (but i could go on about how sports stars are a mix of talent + personality and Kevin is a little more appealing to teams than Jean since he’s so media trained)
3. Andrew Minyard - maybe idk enough about sports but the fact that he blocks as many goals as he does per game and can remember stats so well has got to be super appealing to pro teams. i mean maybe him putting in such low effort should make him lower on this list, but i still think he’d be in pretty high demand
4. Riko Moriyama - i’m genuinely not putting him here out of spite lmao Kevin lost his hand bc people were saying Riko was holding Kevin back + Neil was able to successfully shut out Riko in the Foxes v Ravens championship game by playing a position he only has a couple weeks experience in.. embarrassing for Riko truly
5. Jeremy Knox - tbh i think that talent-wise there are probably better players than Jeremy, like he’s really good but not like The Best. but i think they mention that the Trojans are in pretty high demand bc of their sportsmanship and i think Jeremy’s leadership/attitude do him a lot of favors (+ Kevin wouldn’t care about him unless he was really good lol). i’m undecided on whether Jeremy will go pro though (i think he’d make a good dude narrating games or coach etc)
6. Neil Josten - I think Neil has the capacity to be higher on this list and in time would be better than Riko and behind Andrew (i think Andrew’s better than Neil lmao <3). however i do think some of the Neil drama in the press might have him here. the PR of the pro team Neil joins is gonna have their work cut out for them
7. Zane Reacher - it’s unfortunate that he’s on this list, but Jean gave his stamp of approval that he should’ve been given a perfect court number so here he is
8. Laila Dermott - again Jean’s first words to her are “you’re very good”. Jean speaks and I listen fr 🙏
9. Grayson Johnson - 😔 unfortunately i think the implication was that he was next in line behind Zane. but he will soon be rotting in hell so he will never join a pro team!
10. Matt Boyd - keeps up with Kevin Day. won a championship. Matt is slay and a good candidate
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What the modern day Poets would watch on YouTube (based on things my friends or I watch)
Meeks: has a commentary video on a topic he's never heard of on in the background at all times (usually TheRightOpinion, he likes his accent)
Todd: watches people preform slam poetry and cries (he also probably watches clips of stand-up comedy)
Charlie: watches reuploaded tiktoks on youtube shorts at 3am
Knox: mostly watches comedy podcasts, sometimes self-help videos
Neil: he loves people who review terrible movies (he's a Kurtis Connor and Danny Gonzalez fan)
Pitts: ghosts caught on camera compilations, (bizzarebub is the most common, he thinks Nuke's Top 5 fell off) he also watches them to fall asleep
Cameron: only opens youtube to play music (he refuses to pay for any streaming service)
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olivia091108 · 11 months
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Summary:Sharing a hotel with bam
Word count :1412
Pairing:bam margera x reader
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Today has tired me out so fucking much. I had to do get up at 5:30 to get to set and do the safety meeting about all the stunts that were happening and then for my first stunt I got thrown onto my back in the tidal wave and Ryan did a stunt where we were on some lubed up tarp and played tug of war and whoever lost would fall face first into horse shit.I won but Ryan ended up tackling me and covering me in it.
I had a shower on set to get rid of the smell but of course as soon as I stepped out I got razed by Johnny which doesn’t feel great. I got to watch the other stunts though and now we’re driving to California for the rest of the film
I would of gotten some sleep on the coach we hired but firstly there was a guaranteed chance that I would get pranked and secondly I want a good night sleep in the hotel. I was first off the coach once I heard tremaine announce we are here.
I ran over to him and he started to announce the roommates I didn’t really have to listen since I’m the only girl I always get a room by myself but Jeff was going down his list
“Steve o with Chris. Dave and ehren wee your with Preston ” I watched them jealously getting to go to their rooms and sleep but once I heard my name I snatched the card and went and found my room immediately collapsing on the bed.
Also having to fight with myself to get up to do my teeth. I walk over to the window and shut the curtains so I don’t have to be worried about the others then I go into the bathroom and have another shower since we’ve been travelling for 7 hours I feel icky. I do my teeth and wash my face and hang up my towel and only just realising I didn’t have my pjamas in here.
I walk back into the room naked since it was just me and it didn’t really matter to find my pjs
Y/n raced off to her room and I wait for me and Ryan’s name but I just hear his. “Dunn with Knox” I was the only one left without a room
“Jeff what about me?”
“Oh this must be yours”he gives me the space card that he had and I take it and find the room i push in the key letting the door unlock and I see one bed meaning did the first time I don’t have to share a room with anyone and can actually get a good sleep for once.
When I walk back in I see bam sitting on my bed and I see him look at me and I realise I’m butt ass naked and quickly cover myself as much as I could
BAM WTF!? he throws me the comforter and you wrap it around my naked body and try to hide my embarrassment from one of my friends seeing me with no clothes. Sure he sees me in bikinis and maybe a couple times my tits but that’s for the movie he’s not supposed to see them when the cameras aren’t rolling.
Bam just stares at me looking dumbfounded and just as confused as me. “How did you even get in here?” I ask
“Tremaine said this was my room look”he shows me his key card and it’s the exact same as mine I grab my pjs and walk back into the bathroom to change into my little short bottoms and a tank top.
I walk back out and grab vans wrist and walk barefoot to Jeff’s room and start banging on the door not caring that it was past midnight. After a minute or two he opens the door with his hair all over the place and rubbing his eyes. I probably just woke him up and a bit of guilt washes over me before remembering why I was here
“Jeff we need another room you gave us the same one and it’s only got one bed.”
“Well the first desk is closed now so I’m sorry but your gonna have to share it’s only for one night.”
“Can’t he share with anyone no offence”I say turning back to bam and he just shakes his head
“No there’s no room.” I look at bam again and see the tiredness in his eyes and think what’s the worst that could happen he’s just seen me naked what’s the big deal about sharing a bed.
“Alright fine.” He closes the door on us and grab bams hand and pull him back to our now shared room and we both walk inside and he goes to the bathroom to change and I grab my face wash and wait for him to finish.
Once he’s done he sees me holding my face wash and skin care and he lightly chuckles at it. “What is all that shit?”
“Its face wash do you not wash your face or something?”
“No just with water in the shower”
“Ew your just as bad as Dunn”
I walk in to the bathroom and start to do my nighttime skincare and in the reflection of the morris i see bam staring at me and I beckon him over and start to use my skin care on him and help him wash his face.
He did complain a bit when it went on his eyes but I did tell him to keep them closed and while I finish rubbing in his moisturiser he stared at himself in the mirror and I walk out and put my stuff into my bag.
He walks back in rubbing his face. “It’s so soft” I laugh at him being a virgin to skincare which really I shouldn’t be surprised at if he’s friends with Ryan who probably showers once a week. He gets under the covers next to me and I turn off the bedside table lamp.
We’re both laying on our backs keeping to our sides as much as we can but it’s really uncomfortable and I won’t get a good sleep like this. “Bam we’re friends what wrong with sharing a bed for one night i know that I won’t be able to sleep like this so cmon” I scoot a bit closer to him and turn on my side to face him and he wriggles around till he’s comfy and he slips his arm under my head acting as a pillow. It doesn’t take long for either of us to be asleep.
Hearing banging on the door I get woken up from probably one of the best sleeps of my life then I remember that bams here and throughout the night I ended up laying on his chest and clinging to him like a koala and his arm wrapped round my waist keeping me from moving before I can even try to get myself out of his grip I see the door opening Jeff had an extra key card clearly.
I see lance walk in holding the camera to us and the rest of the boys coming in and teasing us. Bam ends up waking up from all their noise and quickly notices what happened and unwrapped his arms from me and sat up clearing his throat with flushed cheeks which the boys just made fun of even more.
“You two overslept we still have a 3 hour ride ahead of us so quick as you can”Jeff says before ushering everyone out the room.
I swung myslef so I was hanging off the bed and reached into my bag and pulled out my clothes for today and started to take off my shorts and slip my knickers on followed by my jeans
“Sleep well?”bam asks while also getting dressed “yeah I slept really well you were like my own personal pillow”
I removed my top and look for my bra which is hidden under bams clothes and without flashing him twice on 12 hours I ask him to pass it and he blushes a bit before handing it to the half nude girl infront of him.
“What first time seeing a girl Topless bam?” I tease.
“Oh please you should know that ain’t true”
After both being dressed we rush down to the coach and get ready to endure 3hours of the boys making jokes about me and bam at lest they don’t know he saw me naked.
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Remember my request are always open
Also I might start writing for Ryan Dunn sooner
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no-spices-just-pisces · 9 months
Foxes Gang Au part 1
The Foxes, Ravens and Trojans were rival gangs on the Palmetto territory
The Trojans came to an begrudging peace with the other two gangs as long as blood wasn’t spilled
They were the ones that wanted to do their business without being at each other’s throats, thanks to their leader Jeremy Knox, whose ever present smile had a subtle treat to it only the trained eye could notice
The Foxes and Ravens were notorious for their rivalry, no peace would ever be settled between them
The Ravens won in numbers and resources but the Foxes won in heart and ambition
Even with so little members, they fought like they had everything to lose, they were a family, pulling each other to the top
The tension between them was always well known on the streets of Palmetto
Dan Wilds, leader of thee Foxes cared about her members like her own blood, always putting their safety first over money
Riko Moriyama, leader of the Ravens, was the exact opposite, sacrificing and torturing recruits left and right for the sake of profit and his own personal satisfaction
Their bad blood only increased as Riko’s second in comand, Kevin Day left the Raven and joined the Foxes after Riko left him broken handed on the streets after a job went wrong
Still, the Ravens took offense as if the Foxes stole their property from then, and war started
The first move was when Fox member Seth Gordon was shot in the chest in the middle of the day by a Raven
The second move was when Seth’s girlfriend, Allison stabbed the Raven in the chest 17 times
Foxes were restricted from walking Palmetto’s streets alone from then on
The Trojans made their statement of neutrality known, but there were whispers stating that they would take the Foxes’s side if things went too far
No one would have thought that the factor that would settle the war between the two gangs would come in the form of a 5 feet 3 redhead with attitude problems
Nathaniel Wesninski grew up around violence, being thought from an way too early age that his he would grow up to inherit his father’s crime empire and rule over Baltimore with a hand of steel
His mother didn’t want that future for him, so she ran away with him in the middle of the night when he was 11
They had been on the run for 8 years until their father had caught up with them and took away the only person who ever cared about him
He managed to escape his father a second time, but barely
Without his mother his life didn’t look like it was going to last much longer, his father would eventually catch up to him again
Nathaniel, now under the identity of Neil Josten, ran to Palmetto, the last place he had been with his mother before they ran away, remembering the power that place held, hoping he could find someone more powerful than his father to either protect him or kill him first
His salvation came in the face of Ichirou Moriyama, who didn’t take Neil under his protection because of his heart, but in need of a mean to tighten the leash he had on his younger brother
Riko had too much power in Palmetto, being given that territory by their father, since he could never interfere in their business
Neil, being recognized by Ichirou, was sent in the heart of the gangs’ war to survey everything happening and report back
This was against everything his mother had wanted for him, but this offered him protection against his father, so it worked
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lesbian-honey-lemon · 9 months
top ten smartest characters in BH6, my ranking:
1- Hiro Hamada. Of course he’s at the top, lol. Not only did he outsmart Obake, he also came up with everyone’s hero gear, coded Baymax’s other chips besides Tadashi’s, made a working energy amplifier (that didn’t immediately explode) in like two days with only Krei’s failed prototype to go off of, and HE IS IN SFIT AT 14. Of course he’s the smartest. Also he’s made other robots completely on his own like the microbots and Mini-Mac. He also comes up with most of the battle plans for BH6, and helped cure Liv Amara alongside Karmi.
2- Obake/ Bob Aken. First off, he was also in SFIT as a teen. My headcanon was that he started attending at 16, and Karmi’s like a week younger than him (so she’s technically still the 2nd youngest person to ever go to SFIT). Also!! He was the FIRST to make an energy amplifier, with absolutely nothing to go off of. His was the first, and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if Krei’s amplifier was based off of Obake’s amplifier. Yes the amplifier exploded immediately but he was still the first. And of course, as an adult, he made a shit ton of advanced tech. He made Trina, the most advanced AI in the whole BH6-verse (even better than Baymax because she’s basically indistinguishable from a human and can make her own decisions outside of her original purpose), he made an underwater base, a bunch of other robots, and was able to follow Shimamoto’s clues to rebuild the star machine. Also he managed to play Hiro and the rest of BH6 like a damn violin and would have succeeded if it wasn’t for Globby.
3- Honey Lemon. Honey Lemon is a goddamn genius and I will die on this hill. Her chem-purse has the INDIVIDUAL ELEMENTS. So in battle, she has to legitimately think up and type in a chemical formula to make the compound to use. So she’s gotta have some MAJOR chemistry skill, an excellent memory, and wicked fast reaction time. She also found a way to cure Globby. Also let’s not forget that time she made a literal amnesia serum in like two minutes for Hiro to give to Karmi when she thought that Karmi was onto them. Also, she did uncover Lenore Shimamoto’s secret life as a scientist alongside Wasabi, and Lenore hid that shit really well.
4- Tadashi. Honestly, Tadashi and Honey Lemon are almost tied for third, but Honey Lemon’s a little smarter. He probably got into SFIT early too, cause he couldn’t have been that old. He was probably in at like 17 and died at 20. Also, he made Baymax, one of the most advanced AIs to ever exist, plus the actual robot is rlly advanced too. So just for building Baymax, he can have this spot, because of how advanced Baymax is. Although running into a burning building was kind of a dumb move.
5- Karmi. Karmi’s actually pretty gifted and you all are unnecessarily hating on this poor girl. She’s 16 and at SFIT, and while my headcanon is that she only got in a week younger than the third youngest student, she’s still the second youngest to ever go to SFIT. She also was able to observe BH6 close enough to write moves that could actually work with their gear, which allowed them to escape Momakase and save Karmi herself. Also, she’s made some epic tech. She made the patches to subdue Oreo Knox, which Di Amara later used for her own evil work. She also did that project with the electric currents in the roses, which probably has some pretty interesting uses. She also got chosen to be Di’s intern, and although she got manipulated big time, I can’t say I blame her or say she’s any less smart for literally being mutated and tortured by a woman she thought was her friend and mentor. Also, Hiro would have never gotten the nanobots to work and cure Liv Amara without Karmi’s help and insight. She also made that glove in Season 3 to beat Hardlight. In short, Karmi is way smarter than the fandom gives her credit for.
6- Gogo. Gogo’s actually quite smart and she’s come up with some interesting things. Her maglev tech is really advanced and gives her an extra edge in battle. She also was the first to catch onto the fact that Karmi had a point with her fanfic and was the first to start using Karmi’s ideas to drive up the wall to chase Momakase. She also came up with that train thing we saw her with the model of in CtC pt 1, which I assume is her midterm project. The world can always use more high-speed rail so she’s quite smart in my book for that. She also of course worked with Hiro to make that awesome bike she chased Mr Sparkles with in S2. Plus she’s in SFIT, which is a really challenging environment on its own so she’d have to be really smart to get in.
7- Wasabi. Wasabi and Gogo are like, exactly tied for 6th. They’re both on the same level of smart, but I like Gogo more so she gets 6ths (no hate to Wasabi fans, I like him too). Wasabi, of course, has his plasma blades, which are literally second to nothing but graphene. He can cut through nearly anything with his tech. He also worked with Hiro to build that space junk disposal device in S1, and helped Honey Lemon uncover the very well-guarded secrets of Lenore Shimamoto’s life as a scientist.
8- Wendy Wower. Wendy, although a minor character, has shown herself to be pretty damn smart. She wrote the thesis that Trevor Trengrove stole, which was the basis for Tadashi’s work. Without Wendy’s thesis, Tadashi would have never made Baymax. So, though she never gained the recognition she deserved for her intelligence, she’s still hella smart. Plus, she did manage to make a name for herself as a beloved educator and inspiration for kids to get into science, and that’s kind of hard to do if you’re not already really smart when it comes to science.
9- Lenore Shimamoto. Lenore Shimamoto is really smart, although her invention failed. She built the star machine, which caused the Great Catastrophe. But, she intended it to be an infinite energy device. So, like a very early interpretation of the energy amplifier. She also built a secret lab and hid all evidence of the star machine so well that it took over a hundred years to find. And honestly, if the only person who could crack your secret was literally the second smartest person in the whole show (Obake), you hid that secret pretty well. She also built and ran a whole art institute, it takes smarts to run such a big university.
10- Professor Granville. Honestly I was stuck on who to put here, but I think she deserves this spot. She’s an accomplished professor, knowledgeable about her subjects, and was obviously smart enough to mentor Hiro, Karmi, and Obake. If she wasn’t smart, they wouldn’t have latched onto her as much as they did. She also fixed Baymax that one time in S2 and went to rescue their asses all on her own, built the robot spider SFIT security system, and has some pretty good deduction skills in order to find out where Momakase was going to steal from next.
You can also put Professor Callaghan here at 10th for similar reasons, being an accomplished professor, writing many papers on robotics and inspiring Hiro’s microbots, and coming up with the plan to kill Krei. But, his plan got foiled by Hiro, and Hiro was an inexperienced superhero at this time, so it’s not like with Obake where Hiro was a seasoned superhero who had a fair shot at stopping his plans. Hiro and Obake were evenly matched. So if Inexperienced Hiro could beat Callaghan, that means Callaghan’s not quite as smart.
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honeybee-bard · 1 month
Writing Interview Tag Game
My internet is finally back! Thank you to @nyx-knox for the tag. It's a long one, so buckle the fuck up y'all.
When did you start writing?
I'm the child of two English majors and I wrote little stories in my journals as a kid, probably as young as five or six. I started writing fanfiction specifically when I was about 15 and wrote Ed Sheeran smut and putting it on tumblr, which I absolutely should not have been doing for internet safety reasons but what's done is done and tbh it was some solid writing. I then stopped writing for an entire decade due to mental health issues. I started writing my Falling Star fic in...April, probably? So between that and my WIPs, I went a decade without writing and then suddenly pumped out a couple hundred thousand words in less than six months. Go big or go home I guess!
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Honestly, not really. I'm a slut for spawn Astarion smut what can I say.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
There are none I can remember ever being compared to, but there are lots of other fic writers that I try to learn a little from each time I read their work.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I still live at home, so my writing space is at my gaming PC at the desk in my bedroom. The entire place is a huge mess and tbh it stresses me out a little but I have a lot going on right now so it is what it is. There's usually coffee and/or weed within arm's reach when I'm writing.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Something that's really surprised me in my return to creative writing is how easily inspiration has continued coming to me. Sometimes I worry that I'll lose it, but I keep having more ideas than I can get onto paper, and I've just barely begun exploring writing characters other than Astarion and Wynlana, so I think I'll have enough inspiration to continue writing for a very long time.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Smut! So much of it! And it doesn't surprise me in the slightest because I am a terrible, horny little goblin bastard.
What is your reason for writing?
I love my job (I work in early childhood education), but I realized it was at the point where it was taking over my entire life. I went on medical leave after having top surgery, and I decided to spend a lot of the time writing. Having a creative outlet has been very good for me, and the added motivation of people actually liking it has been a huge confidence boost.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
One of the first comments I got was complimenting my prose and how everything flowed and I think about it nearly every time I write. Those had been some of my biggest concerns that delayed me posting the first few chapters of the fic, so that comment really meant a lot.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I'd never really thought much about this tbh. I think a lot about how my writing will be perceived, but not so much about how I as a writer might be perceived. I care way too much about what people think of me irl so it's a nice break tbh
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I'm a stubborn bitch which means I'll keep rewriting and reworking a scene until I'm truly proud of it. There have been scenes I've had to change significantly or cut for various reasons, but not many I've scrapped entirely. I'm very persistant.
How do you feel about your own writing?
Honestly, pretty confident! I thoroughly enjoy re-reading what I've written, and all of the feedback I've gotten so far has been positive. It's been a boost to my irl mental health to have something I both enjoy and am good at outside of work, and it's nice for it to be something lower stakes than "keeping 5+ toddlers at a time from trying to kill themselves in the most creative ways possible". I love them, but it's a lot of pressure!
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
Everything I write is something I've decided I might enjoy writing, but sometimes I write something and get really excited knowing my readers are going to love it. The other day I was editing an emotional scene and couldn't wait to show my beta reader because I knew she was going to love it.
No-pressure tags (sorry if any of you have done it already and I just didn't see lol): @bardic-inspo @pinkberrytea @locallegume @marlowethebard @kimberbohwrites
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scotianostra · 7 months
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February 21st 2002 saw the all-Scots curling team won gold at the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, watched by over 5 million TV viewers in the wee small hours of the morning.
In a thrilling finish the team of Rhona Martin, backed by Fiona MacDonald, Margaret Morton, Janice Rankin and Debbie Knox, needed nerves of steel to knock out a Swiss counting stone at the climax of the final, but the skip, Rhona managed to pull it off.
Her own stone then finished up close to the centre of the rink and that was enough to seal a 4-3 triumph.
Martin had earlier fired the team into a narrow 2-1 lead at the close of the fifth end with a double after successfully taking out a Swiss counting stone.
A mistake by the Swiss during end seven increased that advantage to 3-1 before they struck back to tie the scores with singles in ends eight and nine.
And we did it all again in 2022 at the Beijing,Winter Olympics, with a dominant performance against Japan in the final. Eve Muirhead's team led from the first end of the gold medal match, and continued that form throughout to win by a score of 10-3 and top the podium.
Skip Muirhead, who won bronze in 2014, expertly controlled affairs throughout and finally has a gold medal at her fourth Olympics after returning from hip surgery.
Teammates Vicky Wright, Jen Dodds, and Hailey Duff are champions at their first attempt.
“It’s a dream come true,” Muirhead, who shed a tear on the medal podium said “That was my third semi-final, and the two I lost were hard but I bounced back and here we are. We are Olympic champions. It’s such a special moment.”
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bookaddict24-7 · 5 months
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135. Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
SILVER IN THE WOOD was a bite-sized fantasy novella with a surprisingly cozy romance that put a bit in the backseat for the main events of the book. I think Tesh did a great job of exploring past regrets and what it can be like to live with those regrets, and just how scary they can be to face when it's time.
There's also a great chunk of magic, wonder, and folklore that aids in the idea of not judging others by the way they look, or in some over-the-top situations, by the stories and rumours heard around town.
I liked that Silver gave the MC the benefit of the doubt and lowkey loved his fascination with the older man.
I think this was definitely a little surprising novella that would be a great summer read for anyone who likes to read outside while the sun is slowly setting.
136. Drown Country by Emily Tesh--⭐️⭐️⭐️
While I enjoyed DROWNED COUNTRY, I think I liked the first book more. The story still had that whimsical feel to it, and the concept of hunting the monsters was more interesting than the first book. But I think the first book did a better job of creating that strange cozy yearning between the characters.
The story is told from the POV of Silver, resulting in the other character being almost...flat? It was like he was lost in the background for a majority of the novella.
And although I enjoyed that monster hunting aspect, I think it also took away some of that cozy and woodsy feel that I originally really liked about the book. I won't even lie that I had to restart this one a couple of times because I wasn't entirely sure I was getting the full story because the tone change from the first book was so obvious.
I think the first novella on its own would be sufficient for any future readers!
137. Mindy Kim & the Big Pizza Challenge by Lyla Lee--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The MINDY KIM series never fails to disappoint.
In this cute addition, we get some pretty big events happening in Mindy's life. Not only is she doing trivia, but she's facing the trauma and reality that her family looks a little different than her classmates' families, and the child-of-immigrants worry that our parents might not be able to keep up with native-English speaking parents. Plus other pretty big life events I won't spoil in here. All I will say is that I got teary-eyed.
We also saw the bully in action again--I think there should be a future book dealing with said bully, especially since we know a lot of little readers will be able to relate.
I loved this addition and like always, Lyla Lee has created another memorable MINDY KIM novel!
138. The Girl From the Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Loved. Loved. Loved.
I loved the whole thing. The small town, the way the friends slowly began to wonder what was happening, and the level of character growth that we get to see for the MC was great. It was hard to watch her push those she cares about away from her because of her fear, but it's also incredibly relatable (especially at that age).
The artwork was beautiful and body positive, which I think makes it easier for younger readers to see themselves in the story.
Overall, this was cute and had some pretty great messages in there.
139. My Love Mix-Up!, Vol. 5 by Wataru Hinekure (writer) , Aruko (illustrator) , Jan Mitsuko Cash (Translator)--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
One of my favourite things about this volume was the beautiful level of communication. Especially where there is a scene where the MC is contemplating something horrible that happened and his boyfriend pointedly tells him that they agreed on better communication. I LOVE TO SEE IT.
Volume 5 also tackled something the characters hadn't quite faced yet: discrimination for their relationship. I DID think that before this, they were having a surprisingly easy time of it. But I did appreciate that this was finally tackled and that it was even a bit over-the-top--almost as if making up for the times it wasn't mentioned in the past. It also dealt with a huge stereotype of queerness--the fact that queer people are promiscuous. Huge side-eye.
This is probably one of my favourite volumes of the series--not just because of the dealing of a difficult topic, and the communication, but also because of the cute little bouts of jealousy and the obvious character growth and relationship growth. This was adorable and I loved every moment of it.
I am SAVOURING this series--kind of like I did with BLUE FLAG because I know I will have a bit of a hard time finding another series like this when it's done!
140. Be Careful What You Wish For by R.L. Stine--⭐️⭐️
This GOOSEBUMPS story irked me. Some of the stories grab my attention immediately and have me hooked, this one just made me feel sad (as well as annoyed.) The concept was interesting and I was curious about what would become of the MC.
The MC is bullied (because middle school is a cesspool) and she honestly has reached her breaking point. From the moment she finally snaps after a particularly bad moment of bullying, she is immediately painted as the villain--a child who has mentally reached her breaking point.
Not only is she punished for her emotional reaction to her bully, she is also punished for helping an older woman who grants her three wishes (as a favour?). On the surface, the opportunity to make wishes seems like a blessing, but the MC's inability to escape her bullies and her life, which has become woven into these horrible girls, seeps into her wish making. In the end, Stine makes her the villain because how dare this middle schooler wish for an end to her bullying?
While it was interesting to see how these wishes would morph and changed, I found it both sad and kind of crappy that the bullied girl is the one who ends up getting screwed over.
I know it's just a short little horror book, but I'm wary for kids who are bullied and they see themselves becoming the villain of a story in their attempts to free themselves, or heaven forbid, mentally be unable to cope any longer with the bullying.
141. A Court of Thorns & Roses by Sarah J. Maas--⭐️⭐️⭐️
Re-read April 2024
I think re-reading this as an audiobook helped more than when I read this back in 2017.
When I read this the first time, it literally felt like a fever dream. I went in expecting the world (because my friends had loved this book), and came out heavily disillusioned. It felt like the took forever to get to the interesting parts and I was very bored--but it still read quickly? Sorcery.
Now, the second time I've read it, I went in with zero expectations and that definitely helped. I sort of remember what to expect and I think seven years have helped me see this story a little differently. It was still a bit long-winded in getting to the interesting parts, but I did enjoy reading this and knowing some truths that are later twists in the story. I giggled when certain characters were introduced and questioned how a love could be found there--but redemption arcs, I guess.
This is an interesting re-reading experience. Will attempt re-read of book two eventually.
142. It Came From the Closet by Various--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
IT CAME FROM THE CLOSET is a total gem of an essay collection that will hook you from the very first essay, until the very last piece of work.
My friend has been wanting me to read this ever since they picked up their copy sometime last year. I hedged on following in their footsteps because essays and I have a mixed relationship. But once I started, I was so glad I finally did. While some essays were more impactful (for me) than others, I absolutely know that every single one will affect every reader differently.
One of the things I love about this collection is how it challenged me to view horror differently. As a queer person, some of the concepts introduced in IT CAME FROM THE CLOSET never even occurred to me. But having read these theories and analyses, I can definitely see it so much now.
I grew up LOVING horror films. It was a tradition for my much older sister and I to watch them every Friday night. We would rent a multitude of horror movies from Blockbuster (that were not suitable for wayyyy underage me), get some candy and popcorn, and sit and binge these films. Two of the films that have haunted me since childhood were Jaws and Candyman, which are both featured in essays here. I was a baby gay who didn't fully understand her queerness until adulthood, but having read some of these essays, a lot makes more sense now.
Since there are so many essays and many passages were highlighted by me, I will only focus on the ones that were especially impactful to me:
"Imprint" by Joe Vallese is an analysis of the film Grace. I haven't watched this film, but this essay was incredibly vulnerable and so heartbreakingly beautiful--but in a weird way, it was also hopeful? Like, in spite of the pain and the loss, Vallese still fought through to find their happy. The honesty in this essay took my breath away because while yes, many of these essays touch on personal experiences, I never thought they would reach this level of depth.
"Three Men On A Boat" by Jen Corrigan analyzes Jaws and it was so incredibly eye-opening to read this interpretation of the film that once made me so scared, I couldn't even take a bath. The undertones of queerness explored in this essay will forever have me watching the film in a different light. Also, this damn quote: "By not coming out and declaring myself, I have the clinging feeling that I'm not being queer enough" (Corrigan 97), which I connected to because even though I'm out, having not dated anyone that isn't a cis man, makes me feel like a fraud. A lot of these essays helped me in that forever internal battle of what is "queer enough".
"Long Nights in the Dark" by Richard Scott Larson is about Halloween. This essay...just wow. The heartbreaking correlation of childhood innocence and the confusing process of figuring out your identity and who you are was intense and so important. My heart broke for young Richard. It was a rough essay--not just because of the obvious, but because as children, we sometimes ask ourselves the same questions because we are young and we truly are full of this naive and traumatized curiosity. Also, what an interesting interpretation of the queerness in Halloween!
I want to give a shoutout to Joe Vallese who also edited the collection. His introduction was POWERFUL.
Anyway, read this essay collection. It was incredible and eye-opening--especially if you're a lover of horror films!
143. As You Walk On By by Julian Winters--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
AS YOU WALK ON BY is one of those books that you need to cook before it gets into the meat of the story. It took a hot second to get to the scene that inspired the BREAKFAST CLUB comparison, but when it did, I was hooked.
Although, I really liked the MC, he had so much growing to do. I think it was incredibly understandable, however, that he had to grow into the person he was going to be by the end of the book. It's hard to face some of the truths in your life. It's hard to let go of the safety net that is that old childhood best friend, even if they say a few homophobic or sexist things--because they are all you know and if you have them it means you're not alone. It's hard to find your identity when, for so long, it was intertwined with this person who you so blindly loved. And while it's okay to have the good memories with that person, they don't erase that need to let go when you've outgrown each other.
I thought the parental relationship in this book was SO IMPORTANT. Some parents get so hung up on making sure their kids don't follow in their footsteps without thinking that sometimes those are the very steps they want to follow. I liked the father and son relationship because it was imperfect, but full of so much heart. It also showcased the importance of letting your children thrive and listening to them rather than just steamrolling past them with all of your personality-killing expectations. Although, I can sort of understand this when the context of race is brought into the picture.
The romance was cute and honestly, I loved it. I saw it coming from a mile away, but I'm just happy that the MC got to experience it during the wildness of his adventures in the book. I LOVED the Bi-rep. There was so much representation and it was done so well! I loved all of it!
AS YOU WALK ON BY was a great reading experience full of complex relationships--both new and old--and realistic character growth because old habits are very hard to break.
144. Ask for Andrea by Noelle W. Ihli--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Just wow.
I completely understand the hype behind ASK FOR ANDREA. This book was eerie, creepy, uncomfortable, terrifying, and heartbreaking. I'm not normally a thriller reader, but this book had me ENTHRALLED. I couldn't look away.
ASK FOR ANDREA also made me think of the real life murder victim and if they are haunting their respective killers, just waiting for them to be caught.
I think the scariest and saddest thing about this book is the complete randomness of it all and the despair one feels while watching him try again and again to kill once more.
Incredibly emotional, unique, and addicting, ASK FOR ANDREA is a must-read for any thriller fans!
145. The Iron King by Julie Kagawa--⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
When I tell you that I have had the boxset of this series on my shelves for over 10 years, I'm not being facetious. This series has haunted me through my 20s and straight into my 30s. I don't know why I never picked them up, because THE IRON KING was a pretty fun read!
I love the idea of this girl, who is actually very special, is bullied and she has to prove to everyone that she's more than just the ordinary human girl. These are some of my favourite storylines because I love a good underdog who's not actually an underdog.
Also, this had a lot more romance than I was expecting. I didn't read the synopsis, so I didn't know what I was getting myself into, but I didn't realize there would be a love interest. Granted, it makes sense and I'm glad there was one (and a well-written one at that). But this was written in the early 2010s, so I should have known better. The enemies to friends to potential lovers trope was adorable in this one--although, I was sort of rooting for a different love interest.
Overall, this was fun! There was always something happening and the action scenes were pretty awesome. That ending scene was super badass and it was completely worth the build up.
I'd recommend this if you're looking for another fey book to read. I think because it's older, it's underrated. But if you're a fan of Holly Black, I think you're going to love this one.
147. Dungeons & Drama by Kristy Boyce--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
My friend reading this finally convinced me to try it out and I'm so glad I did!
DUNGEONS AND DRAMA is such a cute contemporary read that it'll leave you feeling giddy by the end. I may have messaged my friend asking her why I was feeling so giddy over these two fictional characters.
Okay, so this book has the typical fake dating trope, but of course it'll probably lead to more because how could they not when these two have such great chemistry between them? But beyond their relationship, I loved the friendships that the MC gained from this "grounding". That and the new appreciation she gained for her dad.
My biggest complaint is the mom in this book and how there is a lowkey undertone of parental alienation towards the dad. He's made to be the villain (initially) because of his love for his store and how (according to the mom) the store was more important than his marriage. I found that while the MC does gain her own opinion about her dad, the mom kind of gets off easy from this initial alienation. That and the fact that she both treats her working at her dad's place as a "punishment" and that she lowkey underplays how important theatre is to her daughter. I get that she did something wrong and should definitely be grounded, but jeopardizing your kid's passion and talent to teach a lesson is a very risky punishment.
But all of that being said, I DID enjoy the conflict resolution and how everything came out in the end. This was adorable and despite the few parental things that gave me the ick, this story was adorable and quick and so, so fun. Especially watching them fall for each other.
If you're looking for the perfect summer read that will have you hooked until the end, DUNGEONS AND DRAMA is the book for you!
Have you read any of these? What were your thoughts?
Happy reading!
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crippling-pages · 2 months
the grandest game review part two; chapters 25-59
*Note: bullets may not be in order of the chapters*
okay so they finished the ball and now their in groups/teams
Odette ships them. Odette ships them. ODETTE SHIPS THEM SAY IT WITH ME!
Knox and Brady, childhood friends... or more?/j
nah but Knox calling Gigi these nicknames is kinda adorable man ToT
Speaking of nicknames "Savvy" SAVROHAN>>>>>>>
not Savannah responding by calling him British- tbh its funny but sav sweetheart your social awkwardness and lack of knowledge on how to interact with people (especially cute boys) is showing..
rohan calling sav love will also be on top <3
HERE'S THE TRAUMA let it happen plz
he got her out of a panic attack mHMmMHH
Brady protecting Gigi from Knox ToT its so sweet
omg i bet she reminds him of calla
ngl i feel like they're might be a tiny minor love triangle between them?? probably not cuz Knox is 26 but like they're something between the three romantic ot not
lmao imagine Slate just coming in, picking up his girl Gigi and walking out
i really want that actually
"He was the best and worst man in all times"
yeah she's Alice.
gray just needs to realize the reason he wants to kiss her to bad and then lyra needs to realize she's in love with him and all will be good<3
okay but the backstory of calla and brady and knox... im gonna cry
they better find calla
Of course Xander would add pie in the puzzle. This is Xander we're talking about<3
guys i'm actually obsessed with reading about my fav characters doing t or d and this time its wtih ROHAN AND SAVANNAH
wait... rohan's parents put him in the ocean when he was 5?? and couldnt swim?? thats a literal child... omg what.
he's brushing her hair<3 without all the weird and emotionally traumatic feelings in the air it would've been cute
i love how he asks multiply times if she wants to do a different dare. gotta love a man who respects you<3
ngl sav in braids will always have my heart, but short hair savannah isnt that bad either..
GAH these emotions ajhbgvftcdrctfvg
Rohan gets Savannah. He understands what she's feeling. Points to Rohan.
honestly the truth or dare thing with savannah and rohan is keeping on hooked tbh. for a while i read the book but i read it really slowly... tbh savrohan is keeping me going (and rohan in general tbh)
anyways have a lovely day<3
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teeful-corner · 1 year
So, ever since I found @jigsaw173's post about Piston Peak Air Attack's crash board, my friend (@house-of-past-lives) have been trying to deep dive into the Lore of PPAA before 2014; most of the information we have found has been compiled due to the help of the reblogs of jigsaw's post as well as our own reading of the board in close up shots. Please take all this information with a grain of salt, as we do believe while there is some Planes lore in the news paper pieces on the crash board, a lot of them might have just been recycled. We took what we could read, interrupted it and tried puzzling pieces together; some information could be wrong, and some are of head cannons we have given the characters, though this is what we have gathered!
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ The General Information Piston Peak Air Attack
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: ̗̀➛ From what we have gathered, the PPAA crew has been running for a few decades, most likely having begun between the 1950's or the 1960's. We are leaning more towards the mid-early 60's, as the marks (as I'm taking from @penname-artist's post) could possibly tally the amount of years since X's members death. We're taking it this way as we doubt it would signify the number of fires a member fought; due to a close up shot of Nick's picture showing he had much more subtle markings compared to those that are more clearly seen around the board. They're also etched in possibly increments of 5 years, with the movie taking place in 2014, and Nick having died when was 36 and the CHoPs show having finished airing in 1983 (when he had crashed then died.) Thus why there are only 6 marks by Nick, instead of the many scratches that cluster around other photos.
: ̗̀➛ Furthermore, this can be more of an animation bug, but earlier in the movie two different planes can be seen in the middle spots of the board; the two Martin Mars planes being replaced with different models. We believe this is more of an animation error than anything, though this could suggest that there is more members of PPAA that have died yet are not on the wall; as well could suggest that there is either a second board or photos are rotated periodically, as we also see an orlon plane on the final cut of 'Dipper's First Day'. Why this would occur, we aren't sure, thus we claim it's more of an animation error more than anything. Yet it's a worthy thing to point out.
: ̗̀➛ From the members we do see, and the names we have gathered from the papers (those excluding titles such as Senator or authors) and some head-cannon names we believe that we have some idea of who the members are. Top Left: Austin (Newspaper) Bottom Left: Syd (Newspaper) Middle: Martin (Newspaper) Top Right: Knox (HC) None of these names might be correctly or slotted correctly with their member (though we have a high suspicion that Martin's is due to his model). So please take them with a grain of salt, read the articles yourself and make your own judgement! This is just what we have assigned based on article position, article reference to models, and anything else we could possibly gather.
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ Austin
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: ̗̀➛ (factual information) Austin would have approximately died in 1988, have crashed in a large forest fire inside of Piston Peak; we believe he would be around 30-49 years old in cannon when he died. He would also be the second largest member of PPAA aside from Martin. : ̗̀➛ (head cannon information) Austin would be the PPAA's second resident giant, having come after and been trained by Martin; he would have stayed in Martin's hanger while in training, soon taking it over not even 3 months after he was certified due to Martin's crash. Austin and Martin would have stayed in a 'second story' of the PPAA's dedicated for larger planes; the 'second story' was piece of mountain that was flattened just above and behind the PPAA for bigger planes. They had larger hangers and runways to accommodate them. Yet, when the PPAA grew smaller due to crashes around the 70's and 80's, paired with budget cuts, and other factors the 'second story' became overgrown and was used as scrap metal for repairs on the main PPAA area. Austin would have been much like Bobby from Cars, and a little bit of Martin (having been trained by him and such); He is much more serious than Martin was during a forest fire, but he was even more goofier out of the sky. He most likely put the old smokejumpers up to the craziest things to bother the new mechanic (Maru) and Patch; shenanigans that would have ranged from putting tools in jell-o, setting off a fire extinguisher, or hiding parts.
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ Syd
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: ̗̀➛ (factual information) Syd would have approximately died in 1990, most likely having died when he was around 30-40 years old; give or take some pull. Due to CHoPs ending in 1983, give or take a few years, Syd would have been one of the people to train Blade (if he was trained as PPAA, if so the first person who would have trained him would have possibly been Knox (who would have also certified him)). If not he would have been working along side Blade (who is canonically around 60 years old) for a few years before he crashed. There is also another possibility of Blade having trained Syd, though I don't believe that's likely. : ̗̀➛ (head cannon information) We believe that Syd would have been like Nick, not exactly like him but someone that Nick would have great enjoyment in being around (i.e. if they knew each other they would tussle in the ground together and playfight, almost like siblings). Blade most likely saw that part of Nick in Syd and kept his distance away from the helicopter for a few years. Knox, being the possible chief at this time, would have most likely tried and get Syd and Blade to communicate more to strength the team's cooperation; leading Blade to subsequently become friends with Syd, no matter how much he disliked it at times. We also believe that Knox and Syd might be brothers, due to their similar builds and color pallets; though that's also more up for interpretation. If so, that would mean Syd would have taken over as chief after Knox crashed. He would have also possibly tried to train Blade on how to be a good chief while he was alive, giving a few pointers here and there but nothing too big that would signal he was stepping down. That was until the fire, with Syd's last message through the radio, "It's all yours now, Blade." They had brought him back to the base, yet it had been too late. Blade never officially got training from Syd and felt as though his old wounds from Nick reopened and paired with that of Syd's death; he had to take the position of Chief anyways, being the oldest member of PPAA (aside from Maru, who had followed him here.) Right after Syd's death, Cam Spinner would have most likely started to begin budget cuts for PPAA.
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ Martin Mars
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: ̗̀➛ (factual information) Martin would have approximately died in 1977, having died when he was around 20-40, seeming to look on the younger side of the other Members present on the board; despite his older model. I believe in cannon that Martin would have been the resident giant before Austin and had actually been the one to train Austin on how to preform his job; being the only other plane with a 44ft wing span that resided in PPAA. I believe he had also been the one to train Dipper, having been present on the cover of 'Dipper's First Day' before he didn't make the final cut (in the final cut, Dipper is trained by a orion plane.) Martin may have also been a traveling PPAA member, as seen on the chart below his photo frame (with another picture of him on there). He seemed to be charted to go from Piston Peak to Quebec, as well as 2 other places in East Canada; though he had only made it to Quebec and most likely had crashed while fighting that fire. : ̗̀➛ (head cannon information) Martin, much like Austin, would have stayed in the (now) overgrown and scrapped portion of the PPAA 'second section'; having been one of the first planes who would need such accommodations due to the narrow lanes and hangers. He would have trained Austin before his crash and was sort of like a gentle giant to everyone else. We believe Martin would have been a lot like Strip from Cars 1/3, yet a little more headstrong and steady forward. He knows why he is doing something before it's being done and will do it correctly the first time; yet, in the same time, he knows how to have a fun time. He would have been the guy shouting how they should do bonfires and enjoying the days in which no fires sparked.
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ  Knox
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: ̗̀➛ (factual information) While Knox is not his real name, we do believe he died around 1988 when he was around 40-50; being one of the more long-term members of PPAA. It's my personal guess, due to him and Martin sharing articles near each other, they had either died in the same fire or fires related to each other. He also is the son/grandson of a former PPAA member (I cannot remember for the life of me off the top of my head, but it is mentioned.) : ̗̀➛ (head cannon information) Knox would have most likely been the 'leader/chief' of PPAA during Blade's first years of training (and before he came to PPAA.) From what we see from his photos, we believe Knox would have been much like older Blade yet had much more of a knack for his position. Due to his other picture (with seemingly some sort of quote from Knox) Knox would have most likely been trained for his position from possibly his father/grandfather who worked for PPAA and was the current chief during his training; as such why he was much more equipped for the position than Blade (Blade could have been trained by a possible combination of Knox and Syd.) We also believe that Knox and Syd might be brothers, due to their similar builds and color pallets; though that's also more up for interpretation. If so, that would mean Syd would have taken over as chief after Knox crashed.
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This is all the information that my friend and I have slowly compelled about the four planes on the crash board (along with a few head cannons for how they would have been during their life in the cannon planes universe (we have slight different Interpretations in our version of Planes where no one dies)) Please feel free to do what you want with this post and the information we had gathered up; this was all for fun and out own pure curiosity on who these planes might be! The information might not be cannon and some of it might. Either way, thank you for reading and I hope you found this enjoyable. Also thank you to the following people for helping! @house-of-past-lives (co-author; helped form this whole piece) @jigsaw173 (the poster of the original blog about PPAA's crash wall) @penname-artist (for coming up with the tally theory)
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©this work belongs to teeful-corner.ᐟ please do not plagiarize, copy, or steal this work; like, relogs, and saves are appreciated :D
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overallsonfrogs · 8 months
I’m not on twitter so can someone ask @korakos what Jeremy Knox’s top 5 on spotify wrapped were for 2023
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olivia091108 · 11 months
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Drunken haze
Summary:you and Steve o on a night out
Word count: 1342
Pairing:Steve o x reader
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The whole of the jackass crew was out celebrating the wrap of jackass the movie at a bar even tho we’re all so fucking tired. I wore a black mini skirt and a crop top which makes my boobs look tit-tastic and wearing some black boots suck look so sexy.
We all got here about 11:30 and got straight into shots before Chris dares me to do a suicide shot and he will buy me my next 5 drinks and that was a done deal even though it hurt like a Bitch all of them cheered me on though and I did try to convince Preston to do it with me but he pussied out
Bams walked in carrying a skateboard he must’ve stolen from someone outside and I quickly grabbed my drink off the bar before bam skated across knocking loads of peoples drinks off.
I was dying of laughter clinging onto Ryan so I don’t fall when a biker started to chase bam around the bar cos he knocked his drink and wasn’t paying even though we all know bam has the money.
I don’t know what happened but bam walked back in through the front door and had a huge smile on his face he probably messed with the guy and did something horrible like usual.
The bar was still thriving which made it even harder for us to get served with the rest of the crowed shouting at the bar tenders to make their drinks. So we lifter wee man over and he grabbed a few bottles from behind the bar and passed them over quickly and we scurried to the back of the bar and I challenged Johnny to a bet
Who’ve can get darf out first chooses the losers punishment
“Dave come do shots!” I get Dave to do 4 shots with me bffs Knox drags him away and it goes back and forth and to be honest I thought darf would be here by now.
I head to the bathroom and as soon as I come out I see darf running about and sweating in peoples faces once he spots me he picks me up and drops me onto ehren and we just watch darf mess about.
“Darf I dare you to snort the salt”Steve o says already making a big line
This goes on for a good hour at least until he started to pick up the chairs and dash it across the bar probably hitting people and he had to be escorted out and Preston left with him saying that he needs to get up early. BORE
Let’s do some body shots bam shouts and they all get very excited to do it all hoping to do it with me.
Y/n since your the only lovely lady here were drawing tooth picks whoever gets shortest does it.
I slowly see each of their faces drop once they pick their stick until ryan happily shouts that he had the shortest.
Mom the table y/n Ryan tells me I can hear the excitement in his voice
Actually Dunn I was thinking that I do the body shot off you.
Alright but be warned I haven’t showed in a couple days.
I lick his neck and put some salt on put the lime in his mouth and then begin. I slowly lick off the salt making the group oooh and drink the shot no hands and take the kind out his mouth by kissing him a bit wich I hope he enjoyed.
The night carried on like this till 3:45 when everyone was getting tired and wanted to leave
Cmon guys one more hour
Nah it’s late I’m gonna pass out soon
I ahve press in the morning Jeff would kill me if I’m too hungover
Sorry y/n next time
With all of them leaving I knew who I could count on to stay. I grab Steve o’s hand and get on my knees and start begging him to stay
Steve o please you know how much fun we have don’t be boring just another hour.
“Yeah dude.” I jump up and fling myself onto him and he spins em round before we say bye and head back into the bar.
We drink a lot more and still ahve as much fun without them. With Steve o anything could be fun even doing bills he would do something to make me laugh.
We were the last two inside and they have been asking us to leave but we don’t want to just yet steve o even tried to but the bar so we could stay longer.
I climbed onto the bar and pretended to be a stripper on the counter but when the a manger came out and started to shout at us and call the police I grabbed some tequila and grabbed onto Steve o’s shoulder and he helped me jump down and we ran out of their even with my heals I could outrun him.
“Omg Steve I’m so hungry are you hungry?”
“I’m fucking starving”
“Let’s go and get a kebab”
We are walking down the street and both devouring the dinner kebab when Steve o makes me laugh so much and I put my hand out to grab onto the pole but miss it by a mile and I just feel my body collide with the floor.
It doesn’t even hurt i just start laughing and hear Steve o begin to aswell until he’s crouching holding his stomach. Once our laughter has died down i see that Steve o dropped the rest of the kebab and I roughly push him.
“M’ tired”
“Samesies my place isn’t far but help me take this stupid boots off please” I bat my eyes at him and he helps me take them off and we both start waking with my boots in my left hand and I try to dodge all the broken glass
It took us twice as long as it should’ve because we were winging to eatchother and he kept putting his whole body weight on me and I thought he fell asleep then and there.
We get to my apartment building and get into the elavator and one of the other men on my floor was in there he looks like he’s going to work. Steve o stands behind him and starts to copy him wich makes us both laugh before receiving a dirty look from him and the rest of the ride up we both laugh while shushing the other.
I fumble with the key and slip it into the lock and swing the door open “stevie cmon your gonna get cold” I grab his hand and pull him up from the floor which I’m sure he would’ve slept on
I keep ahold of his hand and keep a firm grip once his eyes latch onto the sofa and continue to pull him towards my room. We both flop down onto the top of the covers and I start trying to remove my uncomfortable party clothes. Once I slide off my skirt and top I’m left in just my thong and I move over to Steve o and help him get out of his clothes but he’s not moving so it’s a lot harder than I thought.
Stevie please just sit up for literally one second I’m tryna help. He does and I raise his arms and take off his shirt revealing his hot torso I then drag his jeans down leaving him in just his boxers.
“Thanks babe” I love when steve o calls me that even though he calls everyone that I feel special when he says it to me. I slide under the covers and steve o follows suite and he’s just as quick to push himself right up against me and wrap his arms round me and lay his head on my chest using my boobs as pillows and he starts to grope them whispering things to himself and soon we are both asleep when the sun starts to come up.
I love nights out with Steve o
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Omg this is actually horrendous they barley even fancied eatchother and that maybe I’ll redo it or just fix it when I have the time
Speaking of I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a week I’ve had so much home work and I’ll try and post more often (I literally only have 19 followers don’t thing anyone noticed lol)
Requests always open 😁
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