#Lachlan Greene
strathshepard · 4 months
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Victoria Beckham by Lachlan Bailey, Vogue France
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chiropteracupola · 1 year
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neil (macmartin) banging out the tunes...
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the-californicationist · 10 months
Guile & Guilt (Ch. 02)
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Soap x Reader AU
Link to AO3
The Ettrick was the best pub in town, and you could smell the spicy blend of their famous curry halfway down the block. It was close enough to Pidge’s house to walk but far enough to be a bit of a trek, and so you were trailing behind her and Hamish as you made your way out to dinner. Hamish had called up some friends, and Pidge had done the same, for a little impromptu celebration party. You were not a fan of crowds, really, but you had promised yourself (in some small secret way) that you would be the best maid of honor there ever was for your best friend. If that meant partying down at the local bar, so be it. 
After bringing you and Pidge your morning coffees, Johnny had taken his Jeep and sped off somewhere, saying he “needed to clear his head.” But, even though he promised to show up to dinner tonight, you doubted he would show. Pidge had rolled her eyes and shrugged at you, expressing her doubt as well. 
You weren’t supposed to be worried about him though. You needed to focus on the goal: Pidge having fun. Be fun. She needed you to be fun. Smile, or something, c’mon. Your internal pep talks exhausted you, and you grew frustrated with yourself. Surely you could stand to be in a crowd for just an evening?
Lachlan Black, Hamish’s man of honor and college roommate, was already at the restaurant. You could tell because his lime green Aventador was parked out front, covering both the street and the sidewalk and shining like a penny. Stepping around it as carefully as you would a coiled snake, you squeezed past the car, making sure not to even breathe too roughly on it. 
When Hamish opened the door for you, you stepped inside to find Anjali, Bekah, and Cherise already waiting for Pidge, half-circled around Lachlan and Johnny like hungry birds - waiting to be fed more sweet nothings, you assumed. The three girls were Pidge’s friends from grammar school. They had grown up with Johnny and Pidge, and they knew them well, but they were not the most reliable bunch. If there was a party, they would turn up, but if you needed a ride to the airport, better call someone else. There was a reason none of them made the cut for maid of honor. 
“Pigeon!” Johnny shouted from his end of the bar. 
He had changed clothes, and he was in a half-open, rolled-sleeve button down with a pair of black canvas pants. Casual, but he looked like he was built to party. Lachlan, on the other hand, looked like he owned the party. You didn’t know what kind of fabric his clothes were made out of - probably something to do with baby alpacas - and he was shining all over. His high (surgery-induced?) cheekbones and bright blond hair made him look like a movie star, and the girls doted on him as if he was one. He had thrown an arm around Cherise, and she seemed perfectly content to be nestled there in his expensive armpit. 
Johnny hugged Pidge and shook Hamish’s hand. He didn’t know what to do to you, so he just leaned back against the bar and shoved his hands in his pockets, smiling at you and mouthing the ghost of a “hey.” You did the same, matching that awkward energy and immediately regretting it. 
“Hey, babes,” Lachlan smiled at you in a sort of sneer, “Aren’t you that bird from…New York?”
“Florida,” you corrected, tearing your eyes away from Johnny’s and looking hard at Hamish’s friend.
“Right, well,” he took a swig of his whisky, “All the same, innit?”
Hamish shook his hand, and then, he sort of pulled him off balance a bit to speak to him closer,
“No, mate, it isn’t.”
They laughed, but you could tell that Lachlan had been temporarily cowed. 
“Good to see you again,” Cherise kissed you in the French sort of way, the imaginary cheek smooches that you were supposed to have memorized when you crossed the pond. Did you lean left first or right?
“You, too, Cherise. Glad you could come,” you tried to be as friendly as you could, but Cherise was into her own ventures and there wasn’t much that could shake her from that. She was tucked back into Lachlan’s side, trying to return herself into his missing rib. If she just squeezed in close enough, maybe…
“Can I get you a drink, from one Of Honor to the next?” Lachlan showed you his teeth again. White. Straight. Sharp.
Before you could say a word, Johnny moved in front of him and held out an outstretched hand. He gave you a full whisky cocktail, complete with an orange rind on top - something Pidge already had a copy of - and shrugged,
“Sorry, mate. You can get the next one, yeah? Here ya go, bonnie.”
The way he looked at you was meant to be dismissive, or perhaps he hadn’t meant to look at you at all. Johnny barely glanced your way, pale irises hiding under thick, dark eyelashes that then quickly fixed themselves back down at the counter. But, the look in your eyes must have called him by his name, because he found himself caught in the snare of you. His gaze met yours in a second glance and studied your skin, your cheeks, your nose, and finally your mouth, covered in sticky gloss and glitter, shining under the warm glow of the bar. 
You watched him study you, his enormous Adam’s apple bobbing along his scruffy throat as he swallowed, and his face wore a mask of heightened uncertainty and… rejection? You couldn’t tell what emotion he was trying hard not to outwardly express. It was not a swoon, that was for sure. It looked as if he was concerned. You felt the blood rush to your cheeks and you broke away from him, muttering a thanks for the drink. Staring down at your hands, suddenly feeling insecure, you became hyper-aware of everything he could have seen and had apparently found wanting. 
A soft hand grabbed you around the arm and pulled you in,
“C’mon,” Pidge said, “Let’s get a booth.”
You took a sip of your cocktail as you were dragged away by your friend, and the whisky stung you like a hornet. One of these would be enough to put you down, and Christ did you want to be put down. 
Seeing Johnny dressed like that had been enough to shake your determination, but his look of dismissal or distaste (or whatever it was) had shattered your self-esteem. To make matters worse, you couldn’t get away from him for a single second. He had given you a drink at the bar. He walked behind you as you moved deeper into the pub, and he slid around the slick pleather crescent of the booth seat, finally sandwiching you between him and his sister - the last nail in your coffin. You could smell his cologne, a musky, woodsy scent that mixed with his earthy citrus that you knew so well. You remembered the arch of his muscular shoulders as he squeezed himself into the seat, and you could almost taste his sweet breath on your tongue as he talked over you to his sister. If you were still in grade school, you thought about having to write: “I will not fuck my best friend’s brother” five hundred times on the chalkboard - or however many it took for it to sink in. How many sticks of chalk would turn to dust just to slake your forbidden thirst? 
You felt his huge thigh, warm and tight, press against your bare leg through his slacks. The thin cotton was a poor barrier, and all you could think about was the skin underneath it. Was it covered in dark coarse hair? Shaved smooth like a swimmer? Did it have black, inky tattoos or jagged scars? Sharing his heat was unimaginably difficult to deal with. Your body stirred, wondering why you were hiding your interest from him. Your traitorous heart was joyful like a bird with a juicy worm, expecting revelry and finding only cold, white-knuckled repression.
“A wee toast!” Johnny lifted his cup, smiling in that half-cocked way that he wore in all of his photos, “To Hammie and Pigeon; and whilst we thus should make our sorrows one, this happy harmony would make them none. Congratulations, sister. Slàinte mhath.”
“Slàinte mhath!” The tables’ voices rang out with proud approval. 
Pidge rolled her eyes, but she wore a sweet smile,
“Thank you, Johnny boy. That was not the toast I was expectin’ from you, you weapon.”
Johnny, who had been wearing an innocent grin, turned it into a cunning one that a wolf might wear,
“Ya mean, this one?”
“No, Johnny, don’t -” Pidge tried to pull him down, reaching over you to get at his arm.
He broke through her grip as if she was a petulant child, and stood, raising his glass and his voice so that the entire pub could enjoy his toast,
“Let’s drink our drop o’ barley bree,” boisterous cheering came from the older menfolk who recognized the rhyme, “Though moon and stars should blink tae’gether, to each leal lad wi’ kilted knee…” a pause for effect prompted raucous whistles and table-pounding, “and a bonnie lass among the heather!”
Loud, jeering applause filled the cozy room, and Hammie was being shoved by his mates, blushing like a nun. Pidge cut a sharp glare at her brother, red not for shame but for fraternal rage. 
You wanted to stick up for her, being stuck between them as you were. So, you put on a wry smile and raised your eyebrows to deliver your sarcasm,
“Wow, Sergeant, didn’t realize you were such a poet.”
While he was laughing and basking in the crude attention, he now paused and swiveled his head over to you, looking at you intentionally this time, and there was no second take. He laughed a little lower, and looked ruffled that you would challenge his poetic authority. He needed to save face, so he made quite a show of clearing his throat and settled himself nice and close to you before he said,
“Perhaps the bonnie lass would like to hear another?”
You noted his tone on the callback line, and you shrugged, feigning disinterest.
“Of that quality? No, thank you,” you tried to erase all traces of interest from your voice. 
He was not to be deterred. Johnny’s face turned serious, and he delivered the next lines as earnestly and without satire, taking your request to heart,
“We are the Pilgrims, master; we shall go, always a little further. It may be beyond the last blue mountain barred with snow, across that angry or that glimmering sea…” 
When he stopped his performance, the applause and the cheering erupted again, praising him for his fancy delivery. Thinking he’d won your little challenge, he took a big sip of his own straight whisky and grinned like a cat who caught the mouse. You snuffed it out with the frigid precision only a graduate student would possess,
“White, on a throne, or guarded in a cave,” you enunciated as clearly as you could, matching his volume, and you watched as his pompous attitude was extinguished. He froze, just like a fox caught in a trap, staring at you with wonder. You continued, 
“There lives a prophet who can understand why men were born. But, surely we are brave…”
He said the last line with you, his face blank in disbelief and his voice almost a whisper,
“Who take the golden road to Samarkand.”
More cheering than before. You’d won. You borrowed his smug attitude and looked at him, sipping your drink as he did, pleased as punch. He looked wounded but blissfully happy about it. Everyone around you went back into their conversations, chittering and drinking and eating the appetizers that were waiting for you. But, Johnny kept you locked in his sights, staring back like he was seeing you again for the first time, just like when he thought you were a thief. You wondered what it was that you had stolen this time. His pride? The other bridesmaids’ admiration?
“You know Flecker?”
You nodded,
“I’m at Glasgow. Doing a bit of graduate work in poetry, actually. Shakespeare, to be specific.”
You tried to be casual about it. In truth, the “bit” of work was a mountain, and if you were being “specific”, you could talk for days and still not cover the details in full. But, normal people didn’t want to hear about that sort of thing. 
Johnny was about to say something with a wide grin on his lips, but it fell as soon as Lachlan interrupted from across the booth’s table,
“My father is an Emeritus at Glasgow. He’s hardly in residence, but he could help you get into the ARG, if I put in a good word.”
There it was again, that sharpness. You smiled genuinely, refusing to be unsettled by his intrusion and his mention of the invitation-only advanced research group, 
“I’m running my own research in the ARG now, actually. But, thank you. That’s very generous.”
Johnny was speechless for a moment, but there was something dark roiling around in him as he cut his eyes at Lachlan,
“Aye, mate. Very generous. Did you attend uni as well, or just your da?”
A cruel dig. Everyone knew that Lachlan hadn’t been accepted to his father’s own department. Johnny was dragging out the skeletons of his vast, walk-in closet, a dog with a bone. 
Lachlan Black was not one to be bullied, though, 
“I went on invitation to Oxford, actually. A full merit scholarship…”
Johnny wasn’t done playing with his food,
“Och! Of course. I've been forgetful lately. And what, uh…degree was it, then?”
Silent tension struck the table like a too-tight guitar string, ready to pop someone across the cheek. Lachlan was clearly rattled, but he recovered with ease. He took a sip of his nearly empty glass and rose as if to get a refill, reigning hellfire as he did so,
“I had already made my first million by the end of my starting year. So, I thought I’d leave the monastery to the monks, right boyo?”
Lachlan stayed standing over the table for a beat, making sure the dog he’d kicked stayed down. Johnny didn’t produce a comeback, but he was close enough to you that you could feel his body prepare itself to deliver one in a more physical format.
When Lachlan left the table, Cherise in tow, Pidge spoke across you again,
“Johnny! What’s gotten into you?”
Her brother rolled his eyes and didn’t answer. He turned his attention back to you, emboldened somehow even in defeat, 
“Another round, hen?”
He pointed to your glass, and you nodded,
“Sure, but let me get it. Pidge? Do you want another?”
“Yes! And tell them to bring two tequilas. My wee brother is driving me to drink.”
“I’ll help you carry ‘em back. C’mon, then,” Johnny held his hand out to help you out of the booth, and as you slid your fingers across his palm, he grabbed it with confidence.
He led you to the other side of the bar, as far from Lachlan as he could get, and let you place the order. You sat on the stool to wait and he stood beside you, one arm on the bar and one on the back of your chair, caging you in,
“So, Shakespeare, huh?”
“Yep,” you nodded, hesitating to elaborate. 
“You’re after his poems, I take it?” Johnny’s face looked like he was trying to piece together an impossible puzzle.
You sighed, steeling yourself for the ordeal of telling someone all about your project only for them to respond in the most milquetoast way. You told him,
“I’m trying to determine why Sonnet 145 has such an abnormal structure. Some scholars have even claimed that Shakespeare didn’t compose it. It’s the black sheep of the collection, and I am performing an analysis on its rhyme scheme and meter.”
“Do you know it by heart?” He asked, practically begging for a performance. 
“Here are your drinks, love. Tha’s twenty pound,” the barkeep stopped you from delivering your encore. 
You paid him and balanced the cups in your hand. Johnny took the majority of the burden and made his way back through the crowd with you trailing behind him.
“Ahh!” Pidge squealed with pleasure, “Shots! C’mon, babe. Show these nuggets how it’s done in America. This girl’s a real cowgirl, she is. Watch this.”
You grabbed the salt from the center of the table, shy and miffed at Pidge’s callout, and licked the meat of your thumb to wet it. You sprinkled the salt on it and reached for the lime. Then, you licked the salt, downed the shot, and sucked on the flesh of the fruit, keeping your face as straight as an arrow. Pidge clapped with joy. 
“Okay, me next.”
“That’s quite the process, cowgirl,” Hamish commented, admiring your shot-taking ritual.
You didn’t have the heart to tell her that downtown Miami didn’t have any cows, but you just smiled, folding yourself back up into hiding in the booth. The conversations left you behind and your head began to swim from the alcohol. By the time everyone was ready for their next beverage, you were done. Pidge didn’t notice. She’d moved on to champagne and spritzers. You were alone in a crowded room again, as usual. 
“Hey, you feelin’ alright, bonnie?”
Johnny’s voice seemed too quiet for a loud bar. You smiled weakly, 
“Mmm. Just drank too much, I think.”
“C’mon. I’ll get you home.”
Before you could protest, he was helping you out of the booth and onto your feet. You heard Pidge shriek,
“Johnny! What did I say?!”
“Pigeon! Is that really what you think o’ me? Gonna tuck her in, and tha’s it. I’ll be right back.”
“I swear on Christ and -”
“Yeah, yeah, and all the actual saints. I heard you, you wee dafty. I promise. Not a hair on her head, yeah?”
“You can touch all the hairs on my head, Soap,” Bekah cackled, and the table laughed with her. 
Johnny laughed too, which felt like a knife twisting in your chest for some reason. You’d forgotten all about his nickname. Everyone except Pidge used it for him. You thought it was a callsign for the military, but you’d never had to call him anything, so you didn’t remember. But, Bekah did. She called him the right name. You had failed, obviously. Put it on my tab , you thought. You screamed it in your mind, punishing yourself for your mistake: Soap, Soap, Soap…
“C’mon,” he held you by the arm, “I’m out back.”
He loaded you into his Jeep and climbed into the driver’s side, adjusting the knobs for air and music. Some early aughts alt rock was blaring too loudly, and he cut it down, apologizing under his breath. His car smelled like cigarettes and beach sand. It was cleaner than it should’ve been. You felt too hot and too cold, and you wanted to sleep, so you did. 
You woke with a jolt after the short ride had ended, and he had you in his arms, nestled close to his chest. He felt you come to and he whispered, 
“Shh, lass. We’re almost in. Gonna get you some water and a paracetamol, and you’ll be right as rain in the mornin’.”
“God,” you groaned, “Soap, I’m so sorry. I didn’t really eat anything, and I -”
“Tha’s fine, hen. You’re alright. We’ve all been there, trust.”
He deposited you on his bed, pulling off your shoes and tucking you in. Then, he was gone and back in a flash of your semi-unconscious state. He handed you the pills and the water. It was cool in your hot mouth. 
“Here, lass. Take that for me. Tha’s it. Good girl.”
You groaned, feeling sick with drunken stupor and sick with drunken desire all at the same time. 
“And, hey,” he bent his face so he was eye-level with you as you lay back down, “Call me Johnny.”
Chapter 03
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hrizantemy · 3 months
I’ve been thinking a lot about Tamlin’s family and a lot of the unnamed characters that we get descriptions and bits, but we never get names or characteristics and since I’ve been thinking about writing about Tamlin’s family I thought I would do just that.
Tamlin’s Father - Cernunnos: Associated with nature, fertility, and the wilderness, Cernunnos is a powerful and enigmatic deity often depicted with antlers.
Tamlin’s Mother - Eithne: This name means “kernel” or “grain” in Gaelic and is associated with fertility and the springtime growth of crops.
Tamlin’s Brother - Torin: Derived from the Gaelic word “tor,” meaning “hill,” Torin could represent the rugged landscapes of the Scottish countryside and its connection to the forest.
Tamlin’s Brother - Lachlan: Derived from the Gaelic word “lach,” meaning “lake,” Lachlan could symbolize the interconnectedness of the forest and its surrounding bodies of water.
I think everyone in the fandom knows that Tamlin is based off of Tam Lin who is a character from Scottish folklore. He is the hero of the ballad “Tam Lin,” which tells the story of a young man who is captured by the Queen of the Fairies, but is eventually rescued by his true love, Janet. So these names are inspired by Scottish folklore and Gaelic which refers to the language and cultural traditions of the Gaels, an ethnic group native to Scotland. So this includes elements of Gaelic culture but also draws from other cultural influences. Many Scottish folklore stories and legends have roots in Gaelic mythology and oral tradition, and Gaelic language and culture have played a significant role in shaping Scottish folklore over the centuries.
Now these characters that I’m adding are a personal headcanon on more of Tamlin’s family as I said in a previous post that I felt like he had a sister and @wingsdippedingold said that he definitely had a lot of female cousins which I agree with.
Tamlin’s Sister - Aileana: Derived from the Gaelic word for “green,” Aileana could symbolize the lushness and renewal of springtime landscapes.
Tamlin’s Cousin - Moira/Mòrag: Meaning “great” or “magnificent” in Gaelic, Moira or Mòrag could represent the awe-inspiring beauty of spring and the awakening of nature.
Tamlin’s Cousin - Elspeth: Meaning “God’s promise” in Scottish Gaelic, Elspeth could symbolize the renewal and hope associated with springtime.
Tamlin’s Cousin - Isla: Meaning “island” in Scottish Gaelic, Isla could represent the interconnectedness of land and sea in the natural world.
Tamlin’s Cousin - Lileas: This name is a Scottish variant of Lilias, derived from the Latin word for “lily.” It could symbolize purity, beauty, and the blossoming of flowers in the spring.
Now there are no names specifically opposite to Eithne, which is what I wanted for Tamlin’s aunt and Tamlin’s Mothers sister so I chose a name instead that could serve as complementary figures in Scottish folklore, representing different aspects of femininity, light, and darkness.
Tamlin’s Aunt - Catriona: A Gaelic form of Catherine, Catriona could symbolize grace, elegance, and refinement, contrasting with Eithne’s association with the wild and untamed aspects of nature.
Tamlin’s Uncle - Herne: A ghostly figure associated with the forest and hunting, Herne the Hunter is a mysterious presence in Scottish folklore.
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lachlanzeez · 2 years
being wednesdays sister and everybody falling for you pt1
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parts: [1] [2] [3] [4]
you and your sister wednesday had recently moved to a new school. A one for freaks
when you were being introduced to everybody in the courtyard you saw a lot of people looking at you instead of your sister, which weirded you out a lot.
bianca and xavier were still together in this and ajax and enid were just getting into a relationship. Rowan and kent were still single.
They couldn't stop looking at you, because you have long white hair and you looked so soft and gentle unlike wednesday.
so when xavier and bianca were walking around at night the came across you singing an old pirate song
hoist the colours
The king and his men stole the queen from her bed... and bound her in her bones
The seas be ours beyond the powers where we will we'll roam
Yo, ho, haul together Hoist the colours high Heave ho, thieves and beggars Never shall we die
Some men have died And some are alive And others sail on the sea With the keys to the cage... And the Devil to pay We lay to Fiddler's Green!
The bell has been raised From it's watery grave... Do you hear it's sepulchral tone? We are a call to all Pay heed the squall And turn your sail toward home!
Yo, ho, all together Hoist the colours high Heave ho, thieves and beggars Never shall we die!
she sounded so angelic for a dark song. Her voice sounded like honey, and they way she danced while singing was magical. Thought xavier and bianca was staring at (name) like she and bianca were the only ones in the world, but xavier didn't mind, because (name) was an exception.
rowan saw xavier and bianca walking around so he was sneaking off to the nightshades library. Since he wasn't in them anymore he wasn't allowed in there. And if anybody caught him, he would be suspended and he doesn't want to spend his break with his unloving and uncaring mother and father. Until he heard singing, he went to investigate and saw (name) singing while dancing in the middle of the moonlight
she looked magnificent dancing in her white dress, her hair flowing with every jump.
you didn't know 3 people were watching you dance and sung last night.
you went out to jericho and went to weathervanes cafe. It sounded like a sweet place so you went in.
tyler was trying to work the coffee machine but the words were in latin so he didn't know what to do. Until a nevermores student came up to him asking if he wanted help.
he had never seen anybody with white hair but it was beautiful. He felt like he could stare into those y/e/c forever.
After the coffee machine was fixed by this beautiful looking girl, i gave her a hot chocolate on the house from helping me.
i hope to see her again thought tyler while he stared at her walking out and walking to a car.
enid and ajax were walking near the lake when they saw wednesday and her sister (name) shooting arrows on the target.
they watched (name) while she was getting her gloves on, she was wearing her beautiful white archery outfit with her arrows in the bag
she looked so magical, liked she came out of a fairytale and enid and ajax were head over heels, but what they didn't know was kent was swimming in the lake and was watching them stare at (name). He felt angry that they were trying to take her away, and how bianca and xavier were trying to take her away.
he was going to do something about it.
lachlan zeez
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greeneyedsigma · 4 months
Continuing to get creative with blank slate characters from the original MW trilogy for use in a fanfic with MacMillan.
(Robert?) (Lachlan?) MacMillan
55 years old
Major General/Commander of Special Forces
Silver-streaked red hair and dark green eyes
6’3. Price compares him to a wolf. All predator. Long strong limbs and the tendency to gather his operatives like a pack.
Has been married for 30 years to his wife Maggie. They have five kids. 27-year-old twin boys (Erik and Ewan), their 25-year-old daughter (Madeline), their 23-year-old boy (Arthur) and their 10-year-old oops baby, Alex.
After Shepherd’s betrayal and death, Price hands oversight control of the 141 to MacMillan. Price trusts MacMillan, implicitly, as his former Captain. MacMillan’s happy to have 4 of his best operatives back.
MacMillan’s never been the type of officer with something to prove. He’s in charge and everyone knows it. He rarely yells. He doesn’t dish out arbitrary punishments. But everybody knows when he’s pissed off. His temper is cold, and if you’re the one to piss him off? Like being burned by ice.
Edit to add: MacMillan was/is secretly a metalhead. Occasionally you can hear him blast music if you you pass his office in the evening. His wife was the singer for a metal band when she was in her early 20s.
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sywtwfs · 8 months
Team USA for 2024 ISU Championships
World Championships
Men: Ilia Malinin, Jason Brown, Camden Pulkinen (Alt: Maxim Naumov, Andrew Torgashev, Jimmy Ma)
Women: Amber Glenn, Isabeau Levito (Alt: Ava Ziegler, Elyce Lin-Gracey, Starr Andrews)
Pairs: Emily Chan/Spencer Akira Howe, Ellie Kam/Danny O’Shea, Valentina Plazas/Maximiliano Fernandez (Alt: Chelsea Liu/Balazs Nagy, Isabelle Martins/Ryan Bedard*)
Ice Dance: Madison Chock/Evan Bates, Christina Carreira/Anthony Ponomarenko, Emily Bratti/Ian Somerville (Alt: Caroline Green/Michael Parsons, Eva Pate/Logan Bye, Emilea Zingas/Vadym Kolesnik)
Four Continents Championships (announced before Nationals)
Men: Tomoki Hiwatashi, Camden Pulkinen (WD), Andrew Torgashev (Alt: Maxim Naumov, Liam Kapeikis, Jimmy Ma)
Women: Amber Glenn (WD), Lindsay Thorngren, Ava Ziegler (Alt: Elyce Lin-Gracey, Audrey Shin, Starr Andrews)
Pairs: Ellie Kam/Danny O’Shea, Chelsea Liu/Balazs Nagy, Valentina Plazas/Maximiliano Fernandez (Alt: Isabelle Martins/Ryan Bedard, Maria Mokhova/Ivan Mokhov)
Ice Dance: Madison Chock/Evan Bates (WD), Christina Carreira/Anthony Ponomarenko, Caroline Green/Michael Parsons (Alt: Emilea Zingas/Vadym Kolesnik, Oona Brown/Gage Brown, Eva Pate/Logan Bye)
Junior World Championships
Men: Daniel Martynov, Jacob Sanchez (Alt: Beck Strommer, Taira Shinohara, Lucius Kazanecki)
Women: Josephine Lee, Sherry Zhang (Alt: Logan Higase-Chen, Sarah Everhardt, Elyce Lin-Gracey)
Pairs: Olivia Flores/Luke Wang, Naomi Williams/Lachlan Lewer, Adele Zheng/Andy Deng
Ice Dance: Leah Neset/Artem Markelov, Elliana Peal/Ethan Peal, Yahli Pedersen/Jeffrey Chen (Alt: Jenna Hauer/Benjamin Starr, Caroline Mullen/Brendan Mullen, Olivia Ilin/Dylan Cain)
*Pending TES minimums
Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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lacnunga · 4 months
Blah blah blah foth timeloop where keith keeps being reset and he's like 'ffs what do I have to do?' He tries saving Lachlan, tries saving Neil, tries keeping Allison in Scotland, tries challenging Guthrie and Greening and even the Duke of Cumberland. He gets shot, drowned, lost and starved in the Highlands. Battered and frustrated and so Tired he even, despite every fibre of his being, tries to help Prince Charlie fulfil the Jacobite cause, because he doesn't know what else he could possibly be meant to do. He is executed for treason. He wakes again with his horse thrashing wildly and the cut on his head stinging. There's nothing left to try; he will spend the rest of his existence dying ignoble deaths and waking up again on that fateful day he first met Ewen Cameron. He had already spent a cycle of his resurrection resigned and apathetic, and Ewen had not looked upon him with those fierce eyes of the man on the Morar beach. Once more, just once more, Keith would play his part in this dread theatre, just to see the same sparks of disbelief, the flaring fire in Ardroy's eyes as they clashed and came together again just to part once more. Round and round until he would bleed out in his arms once more and the pain and the effort would be worth it to see Ewen look at him as a friend. Perhaps this time, just once, he would allow himself a press of his lips and a confession from his heart before he went.
And perhaps, just this once, he would live. Anyway, is this anything?
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islandtarochips · 5 months
Call of Duty OC: Nigel “Squirrel” Harrison 🐿️
An American (And a bit of Scottish) male Sergeant who joined forces with the Samoan team. Use to be part of the Shadow Company before deciding to join with Captain Toa after the incident from Las Almas. Wanting to make up everything of what happened from the past. And now starting to make a new beginning for himself and for his new team.
UNIVERSE: Modern Warfare 2/Modern Warfare 3
🐿️ Name: Nigel Harrison 🐿️ Alias(es): 
Squirrel (by Kanoa)
Squirrely (by Agnes)
Sergeant Harrison
Sergeant Squirrel
Sergeant H (By his teammates)
Shadow 0-5 (Use to be called that by Philip Graves)
🐿️ Gender: Male 🐿️ Age: 28 (MW2), 29 (MW3) 🐿️ Birthday: February 20th, 1994 🐿️ Nationality: United State America 🐿️ Place of Birth: Virginia, America 🐿️ Home: Alexandria City, Virginia 🐿️ Spoken Languages: English, Scottish (Conversational), Spanish (Learning), Samoan (Learning) 🐿️ Sexuality: Heterosexual 🐿️ Occupation:
Sergeant of the Marine Corps
Sergeant of the Shadow Company (Recent)
Sergeant of the Warriors Task Force
🐿️ Eye Color: Green 🐿️ Hair Color: Ginger 🐿️ Height: 6’0”/182 cm 🐿️ Scars: 
Wounds: None
Scars: A big cut on the palm of his hand (caused by an enemy with a knife on the boat during Dark Water mission), Small scar on his neck in front and on the corner of his lip (caused by Tiala)
🐿️ Face Claim: Jake Austin Walker
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🐿️ Color: Light Green 🐿️ Food: Haggis and Hamburger 🐿️ Drink: Sprite and Whisky 🐿️ Flower: Thistle 🐿️ Hairstyle: Short hair but do like it braided nicely (he asked Agnes to French Braided)
Warriors Task Force:
- General Alana Kalani
- Captain Kanoa Toa
- First Sergeant Tiala "Shark" Toa
- Dr. Aelan Kalani
- Sergeant Agnes “Blast” Falagi
- Tama Nikau
- Special Officer Emma Tabua
Specters/Team Charlie: ( @deeptrashwitch )
- Captain Alicia “Origin” Marchant
- Lieutenant Luke “Harlem” Michaelis
- Sergeant Jackson “Doc” Blackwell
- Sergeant Edward “Eager” Jackson
- Corporal Noah “Cobalto” Garcia
Mexican Special Forces/Los Vaqueros:
- Colonel Alejandro Vargas
- Sergeant Major Rodolfo Parra
- Special Officer Alyssa Martinez ( @alypink )
Task Force 141:
- Captain John Price
- Lieutenant Simon “Ghost” Riley
- Sergeant John “Soap” MacTavish
- Sergeant Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
- Charlotte “Jade” Le Jardin ( @sleepyconfusedpotato )
- Sergeant Major Hannah “Sparrow” Clayton ( @revnah1406 )
Para Special Forces: ( @welldonekhushi )
- Captain Arjun
- Sergeant Aditya Tripathi
- Staff Sergeant Yuvraj Chaudhary
Second Commando Regiment: ( @kaitaiga )
- Captain Lachlan Jones
- Sergeant Damien Whitlock
- Station Chief Kate Laswell
🐿️ Myers Briggs Type: ESFP Squirrel has a very playful nature. Always making pranks and jokes with his friends and the Captain. Just like he still was when he was younger.
🐿️ Sneaky: Nigel has a habit of being so sneaky. Like you could barely hear him coming in. Most of his comrades from his old team get even MORE annoyed with that. But he finds it amusing.
🐿️ Loyal: This boy is as loyal as a DOG. Always shows his support for his family and friends. 
Negative Traits:
🐿️ Wanderer: Nigel has a habit of wandering off. Whenever you’re with him and you are busy looking at one thing. 5 seconds later, he’s gone. Like POOF. So it’s better for you to keep a leash on him.
🐿️ Unpredictable: Nigel was having a hard time to focus on things. Well…he CAN but when it comes to the situations that he can't handle (mostly emotionally) then that’s a problem. And his team, even Graves, are getting annoyed by it. So he tried his best to stay focused. 🐿️ Mischievous: Everyone could see it. Nigel has his ways of being a mischievous fella. Always planning on striking his next victim. And that’s what got his team worried even MORE.
Skills and Abilities:
🐿️ Fighting Style: Hand-to-Hand Combat and kickboxing 🐿️ Weapons: AT308, M16 and MK14 🐿️ Distinct Weapon: M17 and Night Stalker Knife 🐿️ Special Skills:
Marksman: A very good sniper. Knows how to take a bullseye on his targets.
Hiding: They have put him in as a sniper for a REASON. Hiding in plain sight is his specialty if he doesn’t want his enemy KNOWS that he’s around. Not only can he hide himself. He can also hide any objects as well. Only small objects. That’s why no one can find his secret stash.
Nick Harrison (Father, Alive)
Rona Clark Harrison (Mother, Alive)
Iona Harrison (Younger Sister, Alive)
Finely (Rona’s dog, Alive)
🐿️ Nigel is the eldest son of his family and the fun one too.
🐿️ He is a BIG prankster ever since he was a KID. He loves to see his victim getting into his trap but he knows his limits if he goes too far. He doesn’t want to HURT them. Just wanna have fun with them in his pranks.
🐿️ The nickname “Squirrel” is what he got called from Kanoa (his new leader). Because of how fast he could run and how fast he reloaded his guns. And also, he always stuffed his stash somewhere for safekeeping. (Like an ACTUAL Squirrel during winter to hide their nuts)
🐿️He really likes to dance. It made him feel like he could express himself more. Even with others. Him and Agnes would always have a dance battle whenever they are out of work.
Background Story:
On February 20th, 1994, Nigel was born. In a city in Virginia. Red hair like his mother and the face of his father. A few months later after Nigel was born. His father had to go back to work as a CIA Agent. So he’s not always around. But will always be on the call whenever he’s available. For he does want to know that his son is doing okay with his wife. Nigel understands his work when he grew up a little bit older and he’s very amazed of how he did his job. So he wouldn’t mind his father not being around since he has his mother. Nigel was only 5 months old before his father left.
And while growing up. A mischievous little red ginger boy who always plots to have the BEST pranks in HISTORY. He always does. Even for a boy who was only 10-years-old in Elementary. He got in trouble for pulling a small smoke bomb in his class making the teacher think there’s a fire. His mom was in the principal office and he got an EAR FOLD from her. In 2004. 
When Nigel was already 12-years-old, his mother had given him a surprise that he’s going to have a little sibling! Which excited him so much. So he started to help out his mom as much as he could before the BIG arrival. He even told his friends and his teachers about the news. He wouldn’t even stop talking about it. Until 9 months later, his baby sibling had arrived and what’s even BETTER is that his dad was there as well. And he decided to take his leave until the mom is back on her feet again. Nigel had seen he had a baby sister. A beautiful and cute baby sister. He somehow felt SO happy to see the joyful looking baby. And he had promised that he will fight the whole world to make sure that she is safe.
During high school, he talked to his mom about his future career. He wanted to become a CIA Agent just like his dad! For he wanted to help the world against crime. His mother is a very passionate woman of helping others and hearing this from her own son. It made her feel with glee and pride. She accepted! But not his father. He’s not UPSET. He’s just…worried for his safety. Since he’s been working as an CIA Agent for a LONG time and through his experience. He doesn’t want Nigel to go through it and he does want his son to stay home to take care of his mom and little sister. Nigel understands but he wanted to do something GREAT. Helping the people. Helping the world. He really does. His mother could see that so she suggested to him that he can join the military. She threatened to talk with his father about it. Surprisingly he agreed and let Nigel join the marines.
Nigel joined the Marines at the age of 20, since he wanted to help out with his mom and his little sister first. In 2014.
He’s been in the Marines for only 3 years and is already a Lance Corporal at that time. Most of his higher officers praised his useful skills. His fast movements of taking down his opponents. Fast of changing his loads of his guns and quick enough to shoot down his enemies from near and far. His skills had gotten the attention from the Commander. The leader of the Shadow Company.
Philip Graves.
Graves had seen great potential in him and decided to recruit him into his team. Nigel was very excited for this as he quickly accepted without questioning. He was 23-years-old at that time when he joined the Shadow Company. And he’s been working with them ever since. After the incidents from Las Almas. In 2022. Nigel had decided to join the Warriors Task Force. As he wanted to make it up after what happened. He was 28-years-old when he transferred from SC to the WTF.
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More of Nigel Harrison posts
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thursdaygrl · 5 months
here's a specific muse starter call cause i'm on a roll writing today. it'll likely be a one liner + i'll peruse your wishlist tag for ideas. like and i'll come to you for who you'd like!
aurelio ferrante, 21, bisexual, he/him, simone baldasseroni fc
booker ballard, 22, straight, he/him, asa germann fc
dove velazquez, 19, bisexual, she/her, jenna ortega fc
ellis jiang, 26, bisexual, he/they, derek luh fc
finley washington, 25, bisexual, she/her, lili reinhart fc
lachlan murphy, 21, straight, he/him, josh macqueen fc
lucien olivier-moss, 24, bisexual, he/him, mason gooding fc
mariposa ‘posie’ huertas, 21, bisexual, she/her, cierra ramirez fc
mason greene, 34, straight, he/him, jake weary fc
quinn zhang, 19, bisexual, she/her, lola tung fc
river im, 24, lesbian, she/they, london thor fc
ronan paynter, 23, straight, he/him, bryn chapman parish fc
orpheus ‘sully’ sullivan, 26, bisexual, he/him, mike faist fc
warner oakes, 22, straight, he/him, christopher briney fc
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sailorgoon13 · 3 months
Isobel MacAlister
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Full Name: Isobel Greer MacAlister
Nickname: Issy, Bel
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 31 October, 1874
Heritage: Scottish
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Wand: Blackthorn, Dragon Heartstring, 11", Unyielding
Hair Color: Auburn, long with a dramatic loose waves
Eye Color: Hazel
Skin Tone: Fair, porcelain
Height: 5'8"
Body Type: Athletic and toned. Despite her athletic build, Issy retains an air of femininity and grace
Style: Prefers tailored trousers and fitted jeans over skirts or dresses, opting for comfort and functionality without sacrificing style. Her tops often include classic button-down shirts, cozy knit sweaters, and fitted t-shirts in neutral tones or subtle patterns. She may layer these pieces with structured blazers. Confident and independent spirit, blending refined elegance with laid-back charm and tomboyish flair.
Features: Intense gaze, Strong jawline with defined cheekbones, Scaring on the side of her neck and shoulder from the incident with Sebastian
Traits: Intense, Mysterious, Determined, Passionate, Complex
Likes: Exploring, Training, Music, Creatures
Dislikes: Betrayal, Dark Magic, Weakness, Ignorance
Hobbies: Quidditch, Reading, Violin
Fears: Rejection, Failure, Being left behind
Family and Friends:
Father: Gregor MacAlistar
Works for the Ministry of Magic in a high-ranking position in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
He is frequently paid under the table to look the other way and falsify reports
His actions often bring him into contact with dark wizards and unsavory characters, making Issy wary of his true intentions and creating a strained relationship between them.
Mother: Moira MacAlistar
Herbologist, specializing in poisons and toxins having a killer greenhouse
Her expertise is sought after for both healing and more nefarious purposes
This specialization adds an element of danger and mistrust for Issy
Lachlan MacAlister- Lachlan and Issy have a strained relationship, primarily due to their differing views on their father and their paths in life. While Lachlan cares deeply for Issy and wants to protect her, his authoritative and sometimes overbearing nature often pushes her away. His attempts to guide or control her are met with resistance.
Elspeth "Elsie" MacAlister- Elsie looks up to Issy, admiring her strength and independence. She aspires to be as brave and capable as her older sister. Despite the admiration, there is some tension and rivalry between the sisters. Elsie sometimes feels overshadowed by Issy’s achievements and presence.
Friends: Poppy Sweeting, Imelda Reyes, Samantha Dale, Lenora Everleigh
Special Abilities: Ancient Magic, Excels in potions, Natural Healer
Boggart: Dark Sebastian
Patronus: Fox
Polyjuice: Would look a deep emerald green color and would appear silky. The smell is something of freshly cut grass, a hint of mint, earthy herbs, and subtle bitterness of coffee. Bittersweet with herbal undertones and a spicy kick
Amortentia: Grass, Leather, Wood Smoke and Peppermint
Isobel "Issy" MacAlister arrived at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with a guarded heart. Born into a prestigious but troubled family, Issy had always struggled to reconcile her Slytherin ambitions with her desire for genuine connection. Despite her standoffish demeanor, she quickly formed a bond with Sebastian Sallow, a fellow Slytherin. Their friendship blossomed into a close relationship, and Issy found herself deeply in love with him.
However, as Sebastian became increasingly entangled in the allure of Dark Magic, their relationship took a dark turn. The person Issy once loved and trusted began to hurt her, both emotionally and physically, as he delved deeper into dangerous practices. Heartbroken and betrayed, Issy felt more isolated than ever.
During this tumultuous time, Poppy Sweeting, a kind and compassionate Hufflepuff, became a source of comfort for Issy. Poppy had long harbored feelings for Issy but never wanted to cross any boundaries, respecting Issy's relationship with Sebastian. Instead, Poppy offered a listening ear and a gentle presence, supporting Issy through her heartache with unwavering patience and empathy.
As Issy confided in Poppy and leaned on her for support, she began to see Poppy in a new light. Poppy's genuine kindness, understanding, and love for magical creatures provided a stark contrast to the darkness that had consumed her previous relationship. It was in these moments of vulnerability and connection that Issy realized her true feelings for Poppy.
Despite her rough past and initial reservations, Issy found solace and happiness in Poppy's company. Poppy's quiet strength and unwavering support helped Issy heal and opened her heart to the possibility of love again. Together, they forged a bond built on trust, understanding, and mutual respect, bringing light and joy into each other's lives.
Best Subject: Herbology
Favorite Subject: Divination
Favorite Professor: Hecat
Worst Subject: History of Magic
Least Favorite Subject: Ancient Runes
Least Favorite Professor: Binns
Student Life:
Top student, excelling particularly in Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Herbology
As a key player on the Slytherin Quidditch team, Issy’s athleticism and strategic mind make her a formidable opponent
Issy is known for her intelligence, determination, and resilience
Her natural talent as a healer is often used to help others, whether it’s tending to injuries on the Quidditch field or providing care in more serious situations
Template: @hazyange1s
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suekreandtheidiots · 6 months
Wee introduction post!
SO. Let's go.
I'm starting this blog with a little overview of the OCs who are most present in my head these days. I (more or less) recently drew a shiny line up that I still like, after all, so why not use it?
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I tried to get their heights somewhat right, give or take a few inches... I'll put their heights into the descriptions, too, though, for anyone (like me) who cares about these details. :)
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Avery Constance St. James (*April 1st 1995 in New York City, USA; 5'2 ft / 1,57 m): a small but fierce pharmacist who lost her heart to an irresistably lively Irishman in 2022 (who refused to give it back), and who now juggles being a loving mama and thriving in her usual chaos.
Daryl Louis McKenna (*February 6th 1993 in Galway, Ireland; 5'9 ft / 1,75 m): rockstar scientist (biochemistry) and former drug abusing idiot who recently got engaged to Avery - a special lady he just happened to find when he wasn't looking, and who unexpectedly found his greatest joy in fatherhood.
Dexter Linus St. James (*August 11th 2023, in New York City, USA): a tiny Irish-American hybrid - the son of Daryl and Avery. Named after Dexter from Dexter's Laboratory and Linus Pauling.
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Orla Deirdre O'Connell (*October 28th 1992 in Galway, Ireland; 5'9 ft / 1,75 m): an eccentric tattoo artist who appreciates the most beautiful things in life and who believes in love and classic romance like no other. Grew up with three brothers - Malachy (*1980-2006), Kieran (*1985) and her twin Declan, and thus handles life like a lady, but never without the appropriate dash of assertiveness.
Michael Theodore "Mick" O'Loughlin (*December 22nd 1992 in Aberdeen, Scotland; 6'5 ft / 1,96 m): a tall and elvenlike fella who stems from an ancient bloodline of highly fascinating individuals and who may have a supernatural streak to him. Motor mechanic in everyday life and a curious and whimsical guy overall, with soulful green eyes that effortlessly see behind the things others would not even dare to question.
Alistair Lachlan "Ali/Al" Abbott (*May 28th 1993 in Aberdeen, Scotland; 6'4 ft / 1,93 m): an eccentric weirdo, very charming and always a little clueless, with a heart of gold. A former rising football star who had to give up that particular dream to an unfortunate injury, and a surprise teenage dad who loves his friends and longs to meet the love of his life; who waits tables in a restaurant by day and woos ladies - who are willing to pay for his services - by night.
Lancelot Malcolm "Lance" Abbott (*July 27th 1988 in Aberdeen, Scotland; 5'4 ft / 1,63 m): a true force of nature, a capable internist, strong-willed and assertive (some would say stubborn) confident and outspoken, sometimes on the brink of being plain rude. An intelligent and complex person who may be a pain in the arse at times, but who knows what is right and important in life... such as suppressing some long lasting issues, ah, haha, oh well.
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Maisie Rose Boyd (*June 11th 2011 in Aberdeen, Scotland; 5'0 ft / 1,52 m): the surprise love child of teenage parents Ali Abbott and Nessa Boyd, who is growing into a sweet and caring young lady these days.
Vanessa Christine "Nessa/Ness" Boyd (*January 14th 1993 in Aberdeen, Scotland; 5'2 ft / 1,57 m): a young and smart psychology graduate who is eager to finally start her career that she had to postpone due to becoming a mother at only eighteen. Gentle and kind, but also very straightforward, never taking crap from anyone and showing bluntness in just the right moments.
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Caroline Miriam "Carrie" Anderson (*August 2nd 1987 in Aberdeen, Scotland; 5'4 ft / 1,63 m): a somewhat restless soul, always looking for something while never quite knowing what that something is. One hell of a doctor. Caring, not making any differences between people,and eager to look behind a facade... and entertaining the thought of running her own practice soon!
Dallas Ariston Gray (*October 22nd 1987 in Glasgow, Scotland; 6'4 ft / 1,93 m): a half-Greek, hunkalicious metal lord with a voice from both heaven and hell, a primary school teacher, musician and not quite your average nice guy from next door - the unhingedness may be subtle, but it's so, so there.
Fiona Annabel "Fi" Christie (*March 4th 1994 in Aberdeen, Scotland; 6'0 ft / 1,82 m): a truly delightful creature with many talents, drawing people in with her... everything. A hairdresser and make up artist, a dancer (classic ballet, jazz, as well as adult entertainment) and a gentle soul. Her optimism may make her look naive at times, but
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Jean Melissa "Melissa" Carter (*June 1st 1985 in Calgary, Canada; 6'3 ft / 1,90 m): a creative director at a local ad agency... who clicks on suspicious links in spam mails and who forgets to check whether she has enough gas before she drives distances… and strands in the middle of nowhere. May seem scatterbrained but is incredibly loveable and the apple of the eye of her wife, Donna.
Donna Yvaine Christie (*January 3rd 1985 in Aberdeen, Scotland; 5'9 ft / 1,74 m): older and slightly (read as: not so slightly) overbearing sister of Fiona. Has her heart at the right spot but is also used to success and getting what she wants, which makes her a little insensitive and even tactless at times; still often fails to understand that "not doing things her way" isn’t necessarily the same as "doing things the wrong way".
Graeme "Sully" Sullivan (*September 7th 1986 in Perth, Scotland; 5'11 ft /1,80 m): an incredibly creative person all around who has known his goal pretty early in life - making the world a brighter, more colourful place! Owner of a tattoo studio in town - "The Den Of Tallulah Banks" - which isn’t just a tattoo studio, but also a place where creatives can get together and local artists from town can exhibit their works without paying annoying fees.
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Hallie Henderson (*April 2nd 1988 in Aberdeen, Scotland; 5'7 ft / 1,70 m): a music journalist, writing for the popular UK/Ireland based magazine "Grot Spot". Interested in pretty much anything, believes in people. Very gentle and caring... and just a little bit weird. Loves life but doesn't close her eyes to the crappy aspects of it. A realistic optimist who is far from naive but maybe a bit too forgiving sometimes.
Jett Jones (*January 15th 1984, in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England; 6'2 ft / 1,87 m): Hallie's friend and fellow Grot Spot writer. A Geordie beauty who never met her real parents but couldn't care less, as the lovely Joneses raised her well. Outspoken and blunt, appears to be afraid of nothing. Never refills the office coffee pot and would most likely survive a zombie apocalypse. Treasures her heart and shares her real name with hardly anybody.
And, as a bonus...
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Craig Diarmid Abbott (*October 8th 1962 in Liverpool, England | † June 2006 in Aberdeen, Scotland; 6'4 ft / 1,92 m)
Sofia Elena Jacinta Abbott, nee Thomson (*February 11th 1956 in Mexico City, Mexico; 5'8 ft / 1,73 m)
... parents of Lance and Ali, who have their own story back in the eighties!
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wanderinglcst · 2 years
It's been close to a week since Lachlan had interacted with Paloma, he was feeling stupid for giving into something that came natural to them as humans so had gone out of his way to completely avoid her which had been hard since she was his neighbour.
Sofie was making herself a snowman outside when she spotted Paloma approaching. "He's in the shower if you're looking for dad." She shrugged. "He's been acting weird lately, do you know why?" She dusted the snow off her gloves then fixed her hat since it was sliding off her long black, curly hair. "Is it something to do with the death I keep hearing about? Dad thinks I haven't heard about it but I'm eight, I go to elementary school, I've heard." She rolled her green eyes a little, a perfect blend of Lachlan and her mother she was. Sofie turned when she heard her name being called. "I'm gonna go play with my friends, see ya tia!" Then she ran off.
Lachlan had actually been in the shower so when he heard the knock on the door, he shouted for Sofie to get it, not realising she was still out playing. After the third shout and no answer, he stepped out, grabbed a towel and headed to the door, pulling it open to see Paloma standing there. "Oh...hey." He gripped the towel around his waist a little.
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codyton · 7 months
More about the Fnaf au:
Mike does lose control of most of Afton Robotics, now known as Afton Industries. It’s run mostly by Ethan Lachlan (oc antagonist) who runs Afton Neurologics, Afton Securities, and Afton Hardware.
Cassidy and Mike have a bit of a rough relationship.
Golden Afton has brown eyes, while Golden Emily has green eyes.
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ncrcissism · 1 year
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄: mad dog brewery
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Sitting outside with Monty, Lachlan had a serious expression on as he attentively examined a folder whose voluminous number of papers took up most of the table.
As usual, his dog attracted the attention of people passing by on the sidewalk. Most stopping for a picture or to pet him "He is famous on instagram" the man explained briefly to the person sitting next to him, closing the folder, green eyes focusing on the figure for the first time.
"At some point, he will beg for a piece of whatever you're eating. Please don't feed him, or he will never leave you alone." stated, nodding "My tip is to avoid eye contact with him"
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kaitaiga · 1 year
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CoD MW OC: Captain Lachlan Jones
G'day everyone! Today I can *finally* introduce you to my second oc, Lachlan! This post will serve as his profile and what not so I hope you like him and look forward to seeing more of him soon! (ᵔᴥᵔ)
*click for better quality!
Edit: also, just realised I forgot his sidearm. Gave him the mags but no gun to go with it HAHA 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’ll add it in soon.
Profile under the cut!
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Name: Lachlan Jones
Nickname(s): Lachie/Lockie, Jonsie, Cap, Boss, old fuck.
Birthday: 1982, aged 40 (2022) in Perth, WA.
Nationality: Australian
Face Claim: Henry Cavill
Height: 194cm
Weight: 96kg
Occupation: 2nd Commando Regiment, B Squadron.
Rank: Captain
Call Signs: Bravo 0-6
Family: Talullah Jones (wife), two children – two daughters, Ava (13) and Mia (8).
Appearance: Brown hair, green eyes, chevron moustache + stubble, thin scar across the left eye that splits into two all the way down to collar bone, large rose tattoo on right side of neck.
Accessories: AMCU Operator cap with Aus patch, Oakley Batwolf sunglasses worn backwards on his head.
Personality and Traits
Look overall once you’ve got to know him a bit and have a few chats, he’s a pretty chill guy, easy-going. Loves a bit of chat or whinge every now and then over a few drinks. You wouldn’t know this at first though since he looks so done with everything and everyone in conjunction with his gruff voice constantly sighing or telling people to go fuck themselves.
In reality, if you catch him at a time when he’s not busy, he’ll be happy enough to have a chat with you (as long as you don’t get on his nerves), same applies for everyone else in the unit. Just for fun, I see him as a guy who likes listening to drama even though he says otherwise - “I don’t have time to care about stuff like that” as he recalls the info the next day.
Though don’t get me wrong, he can lash out quite easily thanks to his developing anger issues after being in the military for so many years as well as family issues I suppose…but he tries his best to control it and is seeking help over it, for the sake of himself and being a good role-model to others and his children.
Speaking of his unit, he can be an absolute hardass on them, putting them through the worse of the worse scenarios so that they’re prepared for anything as well as being an outstanding solider on the field. He just wants them to have the best chance of survival out on field, and all while being one of the oldest members in the unit, shares his many years of experience with them. In short: when training or on operations, he shows little to no mercy on his men, will yell and scream at them to get on top of their shit, and if they don’t, suffer consequences later.
With that being said, he just cares a lot for them like they’re his own, especially the more time they’ve taken to grow and work together. He will check in on them and see how they’re doing like mentally since he knows how taxing this job is on the mind. Sometimes when they’re back in Australia, he’ll take some of them out on trips (like fishing or like driving to a nice Airbnb somewhere) or to grab food.
Lachlan was born in Perth, WA to his father (who was an ex-SASR solider) and his mother who was a primary school teacher. His upbringing was pretty standard, not much to comment on, went through school pretty smoothly and was in the Aus Army Cadets in high school.
The start of his military career started when he was young. His father was still in the SASR for majority of his childhood and so when he wasn’t on deployment, he would take Lachlan to base a lot, showing him the various equipment, medals and even letting him have a go on the range once he was old enough. After hearing stories from his father and seeing all his achievements, he really was influenced by him to sign up once he was old enough to.
He enlisted at 17/18 (2000), into the Aus. Army where he served as an infantryman for a couple of years before going for commando selection, approximately at age 22 (2004). His father wanted him to go for SASR selection instead to follow his own footsteps, but Lachlan decided that the commandos were more his style.
Sometime during the mid years of him joining the commandos, Lachlan marries his wife and has two children whom he loves dearly. Few years later, they do separate on good terms due to the both of them not being able to sacrifice time for one another, along with Lachlan’s long departures and just the entirety of his line of work in general. He was paranoid about something happening to his family just because of their ties with him. When on leave, they all do meet as much as they can, especially his children who he’ll take care of. In short, he loves his children so very much and does hope to rekindle things with his ex-wife once he leaves 2CDO.
Current Events – Modern Warfare
Just like Damien, he spends most of their time out in the Middle East – Urzikstan – following orders dished out from the Ministry of Defence, unless specifically called upon by Price.
2009: Lachlan joins Lieutenant Price alongside other SAS members to raid a Russian chemical lab whilst also saving Farah and her brother, Hadir.
2019: Seen in Piccadilly and Clean House alongside Damien, Gaz, and Price. Returns to Urzikstan with Damien.
2022: Violence and Timing: help rescue Kate Laswell from AQ fighters.
Sometime in the future: Lachlan states he’s getting a little old for the full-time commando job. He plans to retire from 2CDO and transition into 1CDO (reserve commandos), where he will primarily work in the West Australian Police Tactical Response Group (WAPOL TRG), focusing on domestic counterterrorism.
Involvement with 141
As previously stated, he doesn’t particularly work alongside TF141 very often UNLESS Price specifically asks for his and/or his team’s aid. He’s met some of the members before with Damien, but very rarely do they work together with the full task force.
The two actually go waaaaay back! They’ve been good friends for years, ever since they met at an exchange exercise between 2CDO and SAS when they were both just sergeants. I think they admire each other in the sense that they both hate following certain rules/orders that go against their own morals, so they’re both willing to go against them. They’ve worked together in many operations over the years, either side by side or across the globe, and have earned each other’s trust. In general, they do have similar personalities, but Lachlan is a bit more hot-headed.
In their downtime though, they love bantering. Particularly poking fun at each other’s hats…
 Lachlan has also gotten to know Gaz pretty decently too since he’s always by Price’s side in recent years. He and Price are always talking about Damien and Kyle like proud fathers ;’)
Another interesting note to add is Lachlan’s relationship with Simon Riley, rather than Ghost. There was a line in MWII suggesting Price knew Simon before he became Ghost, so taking reference from this, Lachlan has definitely met him before and has worked with him/trained him.
He could see that Simon was different from the rest of the SAS members in the sense that he was more quiet and observant, but above all, incredibly skilled in a multitude of things. He really took a liking to him – often calling him ‘kid’.
I don’t know Ghost’s lore in the reboot/if it’s the same as the OGs, however, you could imagine when Lachlan met up with Simon after a while he was taken aback by his new identity as Ghost. Of course, he was naturally inclined to ask why Simon had suddenly just changed, but he stopped himself when he looked at his overall demeanour. He knew something had bad happened but ultimately decided it was up to Ghost if he wanted to share.
Again, I don’t know how much Price knows about Ghost’s past but if he does, then Lachlan would too sometime later, either through Price dropping subtle queues or Ghost just outright telling him.
That’s all for now! This post may or may not be updated over time (bc I am incredibly indecisive, and things change over time) so keep a look out 👁️👁️
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