#Law of Karma
manifestationworld6 · 1 month
"Believe in the power of your dreams, and watch them materialize into reality."
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svdaily · 1 year
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divine555 · 2 years
Everything in life comes so easily to me. It’s like the universe wants me to succeed in every way possible.
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crystalandbow · 2 months
Read about schizophrenia, beliefs and how to manifest, also includes a mini activity 🤍
Welcome to the very first blog🫂 & let's begin!!
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I wanted to share something different from what we all have been listening/reading about beliefs system, I thought this was a great example to share to help you guys understand how much of an influence of mind's beliefs influence our reality and that is why it's so important to make it work with us.Please use this writing as a source of motivation for manifestation, instead of trying to find faults in it.
Lets understand this using an example of a schizophrenic.
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by a range of symptoms, including hallucinations (perceiving things that aren't real), delusions (fixed false beliefs), disorganized thinking, grossly disorganized or abnormal motor behavior, and negative symptoms (such as diminished emotional expression or avolition).
For our purpose we will focus on hallucinations and delusions
Delusions are beliefs that one perceives to be true despite conflicting evidences. Eg: believing one is being targeted or harmed by others even though there is no one doing so.
Hallucinations can be visual (seeing things in the absence of it) auditory (hearing sounds and noises that are absent) olfactory (sensing smells that aren't present) gustatory (perceiving tastes in the absence of any stimuli) tactile (feeling sensations on the skin, like tingling, burning, or insects crawling, without any external cause) somatic (Sensations involving the body, such as feeling internal organs moving or being touched, despite no external interaction.)
We call them crazy, because we see otherwise but to them it's their reality. To them the thought that someone watching them is true they might even "see" them, when in actuality it is just a hallucination. They don't see things because they exist, they see it because that is what they believe in.
So what are you trying to say crystal?
To conclude we can say that when you start believing in something you start to see proof of those things in your life. So stay delulu and feed yourself positivity 🤍
what do we have to do?
Well this taught us that if we deeply believe in something we will start to see proof, even if it's not real. Just try to think of times when you believed in something and started to see results. So work on your belief system in order to manifest!!! This is also the very base of the law of assumption or fake it till you make it technique of manifestation. (For those who don't know the law of assumption it is the law where you manifest your desires by the assumption/belief that you already have it) We can use this to manifest our dream life. All you have to do is deeply believe in it, you have to repeat the same story to yourself again & again. After a point you will get used to it.
Here is a mini activity to try!
So here's what you're gonna do for a week
Firstly Set a goal! (it could be to feel pretty or feel happier or anything else but I like to believe that whenever you try a new manifestation technique aim for something small because you'll have less resistance)
Prep time (Now think of a time when you felt like that (pretty or happy or whatever you chose. If you are trying to manifest money, think about all the times you received money.Its okay to fake the mindset or create a fake story but just believe think that it actually happened)
Build a mindset (tell yourself how lucky you are & how the universe just fucking loves you so much. The universe just loves to spoil you, how easy manifestation is for you, tell yourself how you don't even need to "manifest" anything anymore because everything just flows to you naturally)
story time (this step involves you using the above 2 steps, use all those instances from stage 2 to build the mindset from stage 3 (keep telling yourself how easy it is for you to manifest)
REPEAT (actually the most important! Repeat step 4 every single minute, while eating, while drinking, while breathing, while sleeping. Stay fucking obsessed with it as if it's your crush. Keep telling yourself the same story obsessively and just believe in it for a week!!
we will do this activity together! I will post a reminder everyday for a week!
Please share your thoughts on this!
I'm not trying to promote schizophrenia or acting like a schizophrenic. please schizophrenia is a mental illness, it is NOT cool! And please seek out a mental health professional if needed!
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lains-reality · 1 year
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credit : realitywarpingg on ig
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luv-iya · 1 year
Warning ⚠️ Have your desires instantly
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The things that you see and the things that you experience are never the cause of anything. Only the thing you IMAGINE are the cause of everything.
Imagination creates reality !!!
Imagine only the desired outcome of your 'desires'. And maintain your 'imagination' & focus only and only on the outcome!
Yes! Sometimes you need to focus on the necessary 'extrenal' steps .
But "DWELL" only on the desired outcome.
Visualise from the point of view where you have received your desire !
• How do you manifest your desires?
- Trust that your desires are already fulfilled
All you've to do is think, feel and react from the "state of wish fulfilled" .
Doesn't matter what your circumstances are... doesn't matter if you are manifesting $100000000 in your bank account right now
You want something?
Tell yourself you already have it
I don't care what your situation is
I don't care what happened excetra excetra
You decide it you have it !!! Period!!!
Manifesting is natural !
You create your own rules here! If you desire it you have it !
Allow your wonderful self to unfold the things you desire about in most unexpected ways!
The only thing it costs to have your desires are to be consistent...and live in a state fulfilled .
Just a tip: if u whine about your circumstances it will remain the same so what's the use?? Instead focus on having it & circumstances will change itself!!!
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hardtreekoala · 11 months
The Art of Manifestation Journaling: A Guide to Attracting Your Desires
Manifestation journaling is a powerful practice that involves putting your goals, dreams, and desires onto paper with the intention of attracting them into your life. By engaging in this daily ritual, you tap into the law of attraction, allowing you to manifest your deepest aspirations and create positive changes in your life. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to start your manifestation journaling journey.
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Step 1: Set Clear Intentions Begin by clarifying your intentions. What do you truly want to manifest? Be specific and visualize your desires as if they are already happening. Write them down in the present tense to strengthen the connection between your thoughts and reality.
Step 2: Create a Sacred Space Find a quiet and comfortable place to write in your manifestation journal. Creating a sacred space helps you get into a focused and meditative state, allowing your intentions to flow freely onto the pages.
Step 3: Express Gratitude Before diving into your desires, practice gratitude. Write down the things you are grateful for in your life. This shifts your focus to the positive aspects of your current reality and opens the door for more abundance to come your way.
Step 4: Be Consistent Make manifestation journaling a daily practice. Consistency is key to rewiring your thought patterns and aligning yourself with your intentions. Set aside a specific time each day to write in your journal and stick to it.
Step 5: Use Positive Affirmations Incorporate positive affirmations into your entries. Affirmations help reprogram your subconscious mind and reinforce the belief that you can achieve your goals. Write affirmations that resonate with you and reflect your aspirations.
Step 6: Visualize and Embrace Emotions As you write about your desires, vividly visualize achieving them. Feel the emotions associated with reaching your goals. The more you can immerse yourself in the experience, the more powerful your manifestation practice becomes.
Step 7: Release Doubts and Limiting Beliefs Address any doubts or limiting beliefs that may arise during your journaling. Challenge and replace them with positive and empowering thoughts. Let go of the fear of failure and trust in the process of manifestation.
Step 8: Stay Open to Opportunities Stay open to unexpected opportunities that come your way. The universe may present new paths to help you achieve your desires. Be receptive to change and embrace the journey toward your goals.
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Manifestation journaling is a transformative tool to attract your desires and create a life filled with purpose and fulfillment. By setting clear intentions, practicing gratitude, using positive affirmations, and consistently engaging in this practice, you can harness the power of the law of attraction and manifest your dreams into reality. Embrace the process, stay open to possibilities, and watch as your manifestation journal becomes a gateway to your ideal life. Happy manifesting!
Activate your Wealth DNA and join the 1% ers now
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dumblr · 2 years
Karma said: You will fall in love with someone who doesn't love you, for not loving someone who did.
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gurinrozu · 2 years
karma never loses an address.
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manifestationworld6 · 1 month
"Embrace the present moment as the fertile ground where your dreams take root and flourish."
➡️Click Here To Manifest Money⬅️
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svdaily · 5 months
Sometimes the universe sends people your way to remind you how not to act, because tell me why a man came into my job today to fix something and said I couldn't be an electrician, it's too late? There is so much I can still do and learn and get into and be GOOD AT, and I'm only just getting started. I'm capable of literally everything. The worst thing you can Do in this life is to think you Can't.
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divine555 · 9 months
You can affirm every morning and night until 10/01
I follow through with my plans with energy and determination.
I remove all distractions hindering my growth.
I refuse to people please and choose to please myself before others.
I let go of stalling and choose to take action.
When I start a project, I follow through to completion before starting another.
I step forward with courage and confidence.
I choose to execute and push forward with my dreams and ideas.
I attract what I speak, so I only speak positively.
I respond with love, kindness, and compassion.
I allow myself to do more activities that activate my love and joy.
I amplify my emotions to manifest instantly.
I release myself from wounds and challenges I faced in the past. I cut the chords and let go and focus on the present moment.
Thinking about past problems no longer serve me. I release myself from past anger, frustration, and grudges and focus on the present moment.
I release all toxic connections, thinking, and shame. I am worthy of healthy and loving connections, and positive thinking.
I release myself from the sorrows of my past and refuse to let them consume me any longer.
I allow myself to discover parts of my self that I have yet to explore.
I choose to take action and feel assured as I do.
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crystalandbow · 4 months
New subliminal alert⚠️
Do you feel like you're being held back by procrastination, laziness, are unable to get moving, staying active and stuff or maybe you want to change your life and routine ?
We've got you!
this subliminal is made for you to improve your daily routine, become more productive, beat laziness, work smart, live a healthier life and get things done, become more effective with time management. you feel like you want to study and work. you start loving your life/routine and therefore work towards improvement,etc.
basically a pro at life✓
this subliminal is unisex and safe to listen
it doesn't matter whether you listen with or without headphones
includes mini booster
Go show some support 💓
And I'll see you in the next one;)
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༺ all the answers are within me.
༺ i am a divine being, & i am entitled to my desires.
༺ nothing can or will seperate me from my desires.
༺ i am a divine being who is divinely protected, blessed, & powerful.
༺ everything is already done - the second i desire something is the second i have it in the 4D, & it gets reflected into my 3D just as instantly.
༺ my reality is always shifting in my favour to make me happy because that’s what its suppose to do.
༺ i’m always in the state of the wish fulfilled.
༺ nothing is impossible for me.
༺ everything works in my favour because i say so, & i control all of my circumstances.
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minotaurmerkaba · 2 days
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