#Lenormand card inspiration
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More Lenormand card inspiration!
Also shout-out to @almakrowan for her chibi plant tutorials! It broke down plants into shapes I hadn’t thought about analyzing before. Simplifying shapes for quick pieces like these never comes easy to me, and her tutorials helped so much! Check out her work here and on her Ko-Fi if you haven already!
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a-d-nox · 4 days
lenormand cards: key phrases and an example of a card combo (part 3)
this is just a beginners guide to the lenormand. these are key phrases that come to mind when i think of the cards - NOT how they should be directly applied. they needs to be thought about situationally - the card / when it is in specific combos can change or alter its meaning in a reading.
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ring: unity, attachment, alliance, marriage, vow, affections, commitment, engagement, agreements, promises, partnerships, mergers, valuable objects, jewelry, completion, solution, full circle, etc.
ring + cross = joint suffering, spartacus energy, feeling burdened by your commitments, relationship trials, bad karma, being "cursed", being humiliated by your partner, disappointed by your partner, etc.
book: curiosity, knowledge, education, wisdom, intelligence, hidden things, mysteries, secrecy, information, facts, data, learning, education, projects, cases, assignments, audits, research, monetary accounts, research, exams, school, esoteric studies, discoveries, breakthroughs, confidential information, books, journals, files, deck of cards, etc.
book + ring = marriage license, wedding planner, knowledge about prenuptial agreements, combined assets in a partnership, a finished project, final exam, etc.
letter: news, messages, information, notes, memos, documents, reports, written correspondence, awards, certificates, licenses, credentials, diplomas, records, permits, authorizations, warrants, liens, titles, contacts, advertisements, flyers, brochures, junk mail, invitations, announcements, cards, posters, etc
letter + book = lecture notes, hidden messages, literary analysis, awards for intellect, learning permit for driving, etc.
man: brother, lover, father, spouse, fiancé, etc.
man + letter = a guy with news, a message from a man, doctor, educated man, famous man, etc.
woman: sister, lover, mother, friend, spouse, fiancée, etc.
woman + man = siblings, twins, couple, etc.
lilies: royalty, honor, nobility, purity, innocence, knowledge, respect, wisdom, maturity, happiness, protection, pregnancy, aging, peace, slow down, etc.
lilies + woman = queen, maid of honor, a nun, baby girl, a virgin, woman teacher/professor, grandmother, mother, motherhood, etc.
sun: new beginning, life, warmth, heat, success, glory, victory, happiness, glory, desire, courage, hope, recognition, fame, power, reputation, ego, pride, high self-esteem, charisma, alluring personality, summer, beaches, positivity, optimism, masculine, etc.
sun + lilies = pure joy, contentment, joan of arc energy, being well liked and trusted, invincibility, king, patriarchy, etc.
moon: imagination, musing, passion, unconscious, feminine, maternal instincts, intuition, psyche, dreams, creativity, inspiration, innovation, honors, fame, recognition, popularity, celebrity, emotions, passions, seduction, romance, intimacy, affection, desires, fantasies, motherhood, the womb, menstruation, hormones, instincts, perception, sensitivity, awareness, mystics, mediums, psychics, etc.
moon + sun = prologue, dream life, "the warm and fuzzies", psychic power, pearl energy, charming personality, awareness of yourself and your power, etc.
key: wishes, hidden things, success, unexpected results, karmic lessons, breakthroughs, etc.
key + moon = manifestation, creative success, overnight success, karmic lover, awareness of your lesson, etc.
fish: abundance, water, fertility, spirituality, prosperity, eternity, unity, happiness, transformation, femininity, adaptability, knowledge, creativity, freedom, luck, intuition, independence, self-employment, entrepreneurship, sales, purchases, exchanges, abundance, wealth, emotions, beaches, independence, etc.
fish + key = having a lot of wishes, murky water, the unknown, things working out, a gamble paying off, etc.
anchor: stability, security, safety, immovability, trust, faith, loyalty, stubbornness, consistency, endurance, destinations, support, reliability, lifestyle, etc.
anchor + fish = stability income, stubbornness paying off, enduring beliefs, freedom to choose, supporting yourself, lifestyle that supports the self, etc.
cross: suffering, martyrdom, burdens, challenges, worries, troubles, trials, pains, hardships, concerns, hardships, obstacles, hindrances, regret, remorse, guilt, shame, humiliation, disappointment, religion, faith, belief, esotericism, psychics, mediums, empaths, etc.
cross + anchor = financially struggling, lacking faith, being in your own way, struggling with consistency, regretting your life's choices, being disappointed by where you are, faith worth relying on, being a psychic/medium, etc.
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic" button if you want to see a specific pac/pile next. if you'd like my input on how i read a specific card or what i like to ask my deck, lenormand combos centered on specific card, etc. feel free to use the ask button for that as well.
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© a-d-nox 2024 all rights reserved
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carinasibila · 21 days
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PICK A CARD General Reading (September 2-8)
Disclaimer: Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree (https://linktr.ee/carinasibila) – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Decks used in this reading: Kitty Kahane Tarot Blue Bird Lenormand* Original Kipper Cards** PILE 1 Knight of Cups, Scythe*, Coffin** Back of the deck: The Emperor You’ve been wanting to gain more control over your life and are about to/planning to get rid of a number of things that you feel are in the way. The cards counsel you that you should take a breather this week and reflect whether some of these things only look impractical but don’t actually distract/hinder you; you’re about to throw out stuff that would still add value to your life and thus should be kept! PILE 2 Page of Wands, Clouds*, Pathway** Back of the deck: The Lovers You’ve been trying to decide whether you should start doing something or not but are hesitating because you fear there’ll be a tough/long road ahead of you. The cards imply that, if it’s something you truly want, this week is an opportune time to take the first step – don’t focus on how long/difficult the process will be but instead on what inspires you to take on this challenge in the first place. PILE 3 Page of Pentacles, Mature Man*, Journey** Back of the deck: Queen of Cups If you’ve been feeling a bit down lately, the cards show that it would be a good idea to take some time for recreation this week. In order to choose the best type of recreational activity for your specific situation, you might want to get advice – perhaps from a book, or from someone who knows you well and is familiar with your situation and individual needs.
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yermes · 11 months
PAC: 🃏
What gifts do you add to the world?
The beauty you possess is real because you possess it. Love like you give is real because you possess it. Manifestation of man exists because of us. Yes I was inspired by a recent post I reblogged mind ya business.
Disclaimer: please take what I say with a grain of salt and not as the gospel. I just want to share some ideas of practicing and giving advice using the medium as often as I can with school, work, and my own personal studies and practice. But I am working on sharing my notes soon so that will be exciting!
Socials: TipJar | Insta
Pick a meme
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The cards
pile 1:
Book + snake 📚 🐍
What you bring to your world is your lust for knowledge and the way you can use your cunning to work the world around you. Reading and understanding is big for you, you are the bitch in the occult GC with the best and biggest occult PDF library.
Pile 2
Stork + Tower 🐦‍⬛ 🏰
The love you have and the love you bring even in the most dire situations is your gift to the world. Even if you were to do something unwise you birth new ideas from it and create a transformation from the will within you.
Pile 3:
Anchor + Fish ⚓️ 🐠
The gift you bring to the world is your ever present sense of security and mental wealth you have within you. You are always the best kind of friend. You are also wealthy in the love of your friends and the love within yourself making you grounded and stable. That love is yours
Extras: 🎲
Going on a trip and only bring lenormand w me srry girlies
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getcardedtarot · 1 year
July 2023 Monthly PAC
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Welcome back lovelies! This time I've prepared a monthly PAC reading for July. Settle in, relax, and let your intuition guide you as you choose which message you need to hear for the month ahead.
For my monthly readings, I like to go more in depth. In addition to tarot cards, I also pull Lenormand and Oracle cards. The Oracle cards I'm using for this reading are Woodland Wardens, a beautifully cozy deck.
As a disclaimer, my readings are for entertainment only. Your choices are your own.
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Pile 1: Tarot: 5 of Cups, 7 of Cups, 6 of Swords, The Magician, 8 of Pentacles, King of Pentacles. Oracle: Deer and Oak, Hawk and Thistle. Lenormand: Bouquet, Sun
I'm feeling a lot of grief and sorrow from you. You're feeling as if you have no options, or the options you do have are all bad. Fortunately I do have good news about July. You need to remember who you are and what you have at your disposal. You're a powerful manifester and the feelings you've been having are an illusion. Look up from your sorrow and see what's still around you. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off. This is a time to take stock of the good things in your life. Take a walk, get lost in nature.
I'm feeling also that you have some sort of craft. There's something you do that you've been working on or should be working on. This is the path to success for you this month. Work diligently at it, protect yourself but also have a keen eye for opportunities to use this gift. The life you desire is at your fingertips but you're letting yourself get caught up in your feelings. Remember who you are and what you're capable of.
As the month goes on you will make the journey through grief, and come out the other side. Take time to heal and nurture yourself. This will give you the energy and motivation you need to manifest the life you desire.
Pile 2: Tarot: The Hierophant, The World, Ace of Swords, The Fool, 7 of Pentacles, Wheel of Fortune. Oracle: Opossum and Peony, Frog and Lotus. Lenormand: Heart and Birds
Wow! This is going to be a big month for you! Big things are happening. I'm seeing that you've been sort of laying low, keeping your head down. I'm also seeing that you have something up your sleeve. Some project you've been working on perhaps. I'm seeing that you're very inspired and ready to start with this project, to really get things moving in a big way. You're about to come out of your shell! I'm seeing you take a leap of faith. You're nervous and excited about what this will bring. But the world is at your feet and luck is with you. Your hard work is about to pay off!
You're about to transform into a higher version of yourself. It's time to move on this project you have. Shed the skin of your old self and embrace this change, it will be fruitful. Get yourself ready and take the leap of faith!
Pile 3: Tarot: 8 of Swords, Ace of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles, 6 of Cups, 4 of Pentacles, The Star. Oracle: Marten and Foxglove, Lizard and Pitcher Plant. Lenormand: Key and Snake.
You feel trapped in your past. You're keeping it so close even though it's keeping you stagnant and preventing you from moving on. You want so badly to be free, to move on, you just feel stuck and you're not sure how to get out. There is hope for you. Do something fun and maybe silly for yourself, don't worry about what anyone thinks about it. This should be something special for you. Something you enjoyed as a child maybe.
A new opportunity is going to present itself soon! A job or new financial venture, perhaps. Be spontaneous and go with it! This venture will be the key to beginning to move on.
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raevenlyreads · 4 months
Meet my decks
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Top: The Nameless One Left to Right: Children of Litha, Magpie's Lenormand, Shadowscapes, Silhouettes
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The Nameless One by Xia Hunt
With bold, striking art, I love gazing into the depths of this deck to find its meanings. I also love how the Oracle cards open the deck even further for expanding readings.
From Xia's website: A new and ground-breaking fully-illustrated, 108-card, large format deck combining tarot, sigil, oracle, mythology, folklore, & visual narrative. Instead of titles, each card possesses a unique, hand-crafted sigil forged from an affirmation based on the traditional tarot card's positive aspects. This allows one the ability to utilize this deck in countless ways.
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The Children of Litha by Xia Hunt
A beautiful gilded first edition, I love reading with this deck because of its vibrant energy and diva attitude.
From Xia's website: A richly illustrated tarot deck by Alexandria Huntington featuring mythological creatures and nature based symbolism. Each of these cards has been lovingly and painstakingly hand illustrated specifically for Tarot. Each card is a product of specialized mediation, manifestation, and magick. The deck includes 80 cards, 78 are re-imaginings of the traditional Rider-Waite Tarot and the 2 additional "bonus" cards of original design: "The All" and "The Void".This brings the deck to a round 80, which in numerology is considered the number of destiny.
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Magpie's Lenormand by Rozenn
My first foray into non-tarot Oracle decks. I enjoy reading with the lenormand because a lot of the reading is in the relationship of the cards to each other, the way the simplistic symbols fit together to tell a story. As a fiction writer, its fun to read in this unique way.
From Rozenn's website: I have created a hand-painted Lenormand deck inspired by my deep love of nature and animals. Lenormand is a specific type of cartomancy, similar but different to the tarot you probably know from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. While RWS has dense symbology and mysticism, Lenormand is more personal, direct, and simplistic. It feels almost conversational, and better suited for daily life.
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Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Law
My very first tarot deck. I was drawn in by the dreamy, ethereal quality of the watercolor art, and how easy it is to wander its highly detailed scapes. Every time I read with this deck I find something new, even all these years later. A soft, gentle deck, it offers a great first step into the world of tarot.
From Stephanie's website: The Shadowscapes Tarot was one of the early projects I took on, and the first where I decided to follow my own desires and art instincts.
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Silhouettes by MASA
The famed "defective" first edition Silhouettes is vibrant, playful, and straight to the point. This is a workhorse of a deck, with fun extras like Body, Mind, and Spirit cards, and two variants on the Strength and Justice cards. The artist doesn't have much to say about this version, having iterated on it again and again in other versions, but this first edition has been my most requested deck due to its brilliant colors and simple art.
Want to commission a reading from one of these lovely decks? Check out my ko-fi page
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faerytalemagick · 7 months
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LENORMAND CARDS interpretation and meaning
Lenormand cards are a fascinating and less well-known instrument in the field of divination, where intuition and symbolism collide. These cards, which bear the name Marie Anne Lenormand after the famous French astrologer, have subtly moved through time, providing wisdom and direction to those who seek it.Unlike the Tarot, which consists of 78 cards, a traditional Lenormand deck consists of 36 cards. These cards are simple yet rich in symbolism, each carrying its unique meaning. The imagery on Lenormand cards often features everyday objects, people, or situations, making them easily accessible to readers of all levels.
When doing a Lenormand card reading, a certain number of cards are spread out in a predetermined arrangement, or "spread." These spreads act as a kind of canvas for the plot to develop. In a reading, each card offers its particular significance and combines with others. The meanings of the cards in a Lenormand reading are typically clear-cut; they stand in for things like love, wealth, travel, and more. The secret is to become familiar with the unique meanings of each card before figuring out how to combine them to create complex stories.
the 36 Lenormand cards along with their symbolism
1.Rider: A message, news, or visitor approaching. 2.Clover: Luck, chance, or a small opportunity. 3.Ship: Travel, foreign influences, or change in perspective. 4.House: Home, family, or a stable situation. 5.Tree: Health, growth, or long-term development. 6.Clouds: Confusion, uncertainty, or a problem. 7.Snake: Deception, betrayal, or a complex situation. 8.Coffin: Endings, transformation, or something coming to a close. 9.Bouquet: Beauty, happiness, or a pleasant surprise. 10.Scythe: Sudden events, danger, or a sharp decision. 11.Whip: Conflict, arguments, or repetitive actions. 12.Birds: Communication, conversations, or gossip. 13.Child: New beginnings, innocence, or something small. 14.Fox: Deception, cunning, or a tricky situation. 15.Bear: Strength, authority, or a powerful figure. 16.Stars: Hope, inspiration, or guidance from above. 17.Stork: Change, transformation, or improvement. 18.Dog: Loyalty, friendship, or a faithful companion. 19.Tower: Authority, institutions, or isolation. 20.Garden: Social events, gatherings, or public places. 21.Mountain: Challenges, obstacles, or a difficult path. 22.Crossroads: Choices, decisions, or a crossroads in life. 23.Mice: Loss, worry, or something eating away at you. 24.Heart: Love, emotions, or matters of the heart. 25.Ring: Commitment, partnerships, or a promise. 26.Book: Secrets, knowledge, or hidden information. 27.Letter: Messages, written communication, or news. 28.Man: A male person or masculine energy. 29.Woman: A female person or feminine energy. 30.Lily: Purity, peace, or sexual matters. 31.Sun: Success, happiness, or a positive outcome. 32.Moon: Intuition, dreams, or the subconscious. 33.Key: Solutions, opportunities, or unlocking something. 34.Fish: Finances, abundance, or material wealth. 35.Anchor: Stability, security, or a firm foundation. 36.Cross: Burdens, challenges, or a test of faith.
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instagram - @faerytalemagick
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grey-sorcery · 2 years
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Suggested Reading
Introduction to Gnosis Energetic Senses Conceptualization Vs. Visualization Basics of Warding Spiritwork: First Steps
What is Divination?
As defined by the Oxford Dictionary: “Div·i·na·tion /ˌdivəˈnāSH(ə)n/ Noun noun: divination; plural noun: divinations The practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.” This can be done through a vast variety of means. 
Beginner Tips
Hold off on devoting your time on studying divination unless you want to focus primarily on it. Divination practices are a rabbit hole of research, consumerism, artist support, and practice. Without mindfulness, it is very easy to lose sight of your other studies and/or practices. 
Experiment with divination tools and methodologies. Everyone divines differently. Spend time finding what works best for you. What catches your eye at first may not work for you as well as another tool or method. 
Interpretation is in the eye of the beholder. Hold off on doing public readings or reading services until you’ve found your eye and your voice. 
Correspondences can play a huge part in divination, not so much as building a network of connected concepts like in spellwork, but for conceptual representation. Figure out what your correspondences are.
Some divination practices are aspects of closed cultures. Be sure to research and discuss divinatory practices before trying them. Through communication, you can definitely be inspired by closed practices in your own practice, while respecting the traditions they come from.
Divination is much safer than a lot of other practices, but it is a good idea to be aware of responsible precautions.
Remain aware of diviners that use divination to proselytize or pull clients into their own personal narratives. It isn’t super common, but occurs often enough to be in the back of your mind.
Understand that divinatory practices aren’t absolute. Since it is a practice that relies on interpretation and has differing methods of use, results can vary wildly. Take readings with a grain of salt.
If you receive a suspicious or ridiculous reading, especially if it involves a deity, be sure to get a second opinion.
Sometimes, you can be too close to a situation to do readings for yourself without biased interpretations. Knowing when it is responsible to get a reading from another practitioner is important.
Don’t just read about divination, talk to practitioners. See how other people interpret their tools and what methods they use.  
There are hundreds of types of divination, a lot of them are a bit ambiguous. Try to start simple and work up to the more vague practices after you have some experience under your belt.
Superstitions and omens vary wildly based on cultural context and regionality. It is best to stay away from these methods until you have more experience. 
Many divination tools can have similar methods of interpretations, for a lot of them numerology can be very beneficial to understand. Especially in cartomancy. 
Inventing your own tool and/or divination system can be extremely beneficial. Doing so can aid in feeling more connected to your tool. On top of that you decide how readings are meant to be interpreted.
Beginner Friendly Types of Divination
Cartomancy: Tarot, Oracle, & Lenormand
Readings done with cards.
Often involves numerology
Is read in spreads, of which there are countless variations. You can even come up with your own.
Symbology, color, composition, contrast, and context can be super helpful or even necessary for interpretations. 
Often somewhat rigid in structure. Oracle decks tend to be less structured.
How you pull from your deck can have a huge effect on how well you can connect with your deck. Play around with drawing methods.
A lot of contemporary decks have booklets with meanings, but these interpretations tend to be very fluffy. Divination can and should be capable of being harsh. Many websites, such as Biddytarot are also guilty of this. Many cards can be very double edged. It’s okay to use these as references at first, but I recommend pulling away from them when you feel comfortable.
Stay away from rip-off products. Try to buy directly from the artist. 
Cleromancy: Bones, Dice, & Geomancy
Tossing or dropping objects and interpreting how they land. 
For many tools, there are boards or mats that are also used for interpretation.
Certain methods of bone tossing are aspects of closed cultures. Be sure to do thorough research and discuss methods with practitioners of closed cultures.
Cleromancy systems are the easiest to come up with your own. 
Play around with creating your own reading mats/boards. You’d be surprised at how much it can alter interpretations. 
Can be the harshest of all types of divination.
Often takes the longest to interpret as there are a lot of variables to account for. 
Dowsing: Rods & Pendulums
Swinging or swaying a tool and interpreting its movements.
The easiest to learn.
The type of divination that is most likely to be biased, as it can pick up on very subtle subconscious movements of the hands and arms.
Best for yes/no questions and location divination.
Pendulums are often used with a mat/board, but they are not necessary.
Tools are “programmed” before use. Meaning that the possible answers are all stated and decided on before a reading begins. Can be more important in spiritual methods of reading, but is a responsible practice regardless.
Can easily depend on headspace and focus.
Pendulums are often cheaply produced by corporations. Try to buy directly from artists, rather than from sites like Amazon. 
The interpretations and correspondences of numbers.
Is often used in practices like “angel numbers”, which is a whole thing. I recommend reading this article by Coin And Candle about it.
Often plays a huge role in how many divination systems are interpreted.
Is the easiest type of divination and correspondence to lead into appropriative and crystal-fascist new age practices and philosophies.
Spiritual, Energetic, Chaotic, & Symbolic Divination Methods
Despite not being discussed very often, there are a few different ways to practice divination. What method is used can have a huge impact on how you connect with each reading and each tool. I recommend having a tool devoted to each method, but work with one until you’re comfortable with it before moving on to the next. There are numerous combinations of tools and methods, so it can end up taking a very long time before something clicks.
Spiritual Method: Using your intuition to feel for which cards, bones, dice, directions, etc to use, pull, and/or how to interpret them. Often requires a state of gnosis.
Energetic Method: Employing energy work to connect to a client and then using energetic senses to feel for which cards, bones, dice, directions, etc to use, pull, and/or how to interpret them. Often requires a state of gnosis.
Chaotic Method: The idea that the universe’s absurdity and serendipity will cause parts of tools and interpretations that are based off of each situation at hand. In this method, bias can be a good thing while remaining self-aware.
Symbolic: Solely using images, correspondences, and context to interpret cards. Similar to the chaotic method, but without the bias.
Self-Awareness During a Reading
As stated above, it is very easy to be biased in your interpretations. For this reason, it is important to remain self-aware. There are several ways to achieve this:
Do multiple readings with the same question.
Have your reading verified by another diviner, without giving them the entire context.
Take some time to reflect on the reading to see how your current context of the situation could have influenced your interpretations.
Take your interpretations directly from the guide books.
Take some time before a reading to try and step away from the situation.
Send a picture of the reading and the question to another diviner to see how they would interpret it.
Safety Practices
There is a lot of hype and fear mongering around divination, especially with tools like ouija boards. Things like “Evil spirits can come through and attack you”, and “You can never know what you’re connecting to” are very common. While these narratives have some truth to them, they are very much hyperbole and really only apply to the spiritual method. The largest danger when it comes to divination are people who use divination to manipulate others. This is typically done by pulling people into their personal narratives; like past lives, deity communication/godphoning, and things like “magic/astrral wars/battles”. 
If you’re practicing the spiritual method I recommend cleansing the space, having wards in place, and remaining self-aware the entire time. While this gradually becomes less necessary with experience in spirit work, it is still a good idea. 
Be weary of anyone who implies that the reading is a set in stone reading/future/etc. Avoid diviners who do medical readings, unless you have seen a medical professional first, at the very least. However, due to the nature of divination please remain aware that the reading is in no way absolute and there is no reason to be fearful if the reading is negative. 
Divination is a form of advice. It can also be used for spirit communication, however it can be easy to get carried away in interpretations until more experience is gained. 
KEEP CRYSTAL BALLS COVERED. They can bend light like a magnifying glass and can start fires!
Depending on your practice, and what you’re communicating with, it can also be wise to keep mirrors covered. The idea behind this is that it prevents spiritual entities from using the mirror to enter your space. I find that warding divination tools is sufficient enough most of the time.
To read more about me, see my master post of content, employ my services, or support me on Patreon click here!
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vitaminseetarot · 1 year
🌴 The Masterlist Post That is Me 🌴
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Welcome to the VitaminSee Tarot hyperspace. 🦩
Ko-Fi Link For Donations/Tips: VitaminSeeTarot
{I will never solicit you for a reading! This Tumblr is currently my only platform, so please block and report all scammers under any other name or website, thank you! ♪(´▽`)}
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I like doing Tarot inspired by astrology, magic, vaporwave, and the elements of nature. My focus is on organic fun, hypoallergenic wellness, and nontoxic positivity.
(NOTE: 18+ Age Space [Although I don't do sex-themed readings])
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☁ Exchange Readings Are Currently - CLOSED
🌤 Free Game Readings Are Currently - CLOSED
🌤 Paid Readings Are Currently - CLOSED
Please DM me with non-game inquiries, thank you for understanding
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・:*:♪ Games: ・:*:♪
January Tarot Game - CLOSED
March Palette Game - CLOSED
July Elements Game - CLOSED
・:*:♪ Pick a Cards: ・:*:♪
I'm Back PAC: Last Summer's Lessons
PAC: Random Messages You May Need
PAC Pick a Picture: Yes or No (or maybe)
PAC: What Hobby Should You Begin Next?
Poll PAC: What Will Your Next Birthday Celebration Be Like
Lenormand PAC: Messages From the Eclipsed Sun
PAC: How Will You Experience Good Luck This Spring?
PAC: March Blessings For You
PAC: Quick Messages From Your Spirit Guides
PAC (Pick-a-Candy): February's Message For You
PAC: Your January Forecast
PAC Pick a Ride: Your Next Big Adventure
PAC Pick a Fruit: Something To Look Forward to in 2024
PAC: 11/11 Self-Care Messages
NaNoWriMo: What Character Could You Write Into Your Next Story?
PAC: Lunar Eclipse - General Messages
PAC: How Can Nature Heal You?
PAC: What Does Libra Season Have in Store For You?
Butterfly PAC: What Will Your Next Falling in Love Feel Like?
Last Quarter Moon PAC: What Are You Harvesting?
Full Blue Supermoon PAC Pick a Flower: How Are You Blooming?
PAC Pick a Palette: One Small Thing That Will Help You Grow
New Moon PAC: What Seed Are You Sowing?
Perseid PAC Pick a Fruit: What Blessings Are About to Shower Upon Your Life?
Aquarius Full Moon PAC - General Messages
PAC Pick a Song - What About You Currently Shines Brightest?
PAC: Yes/No/Maybe - 7 Piles
Quick General Advice for Your Situation (PAC)
PAC - Full SuperMoon - What are you attracting and releasing?
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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aezuliamah · 4 months
Hi all ! I'm Aezu (any pronouns), and i've been practicing tarot and a few other types of card divination for around 3 years.
Now, i want to practice dice readings, as well as "runes" (a custom set of casting items largely inspired by a manga).
I have 3 different sets of dice :
Publishing Goblin's Oracle dice (2nd edition),
Les Dés D'Isis, by Joyce Duval and Béatrice Pubellier (i've developped my own set of meanings for this one, it consists of 3 astrological dice with Houses, Signs and Planets, as well as 4 colored and 22 sided dice that represent the tarot Major Arcana influenced by a different element each),
Oracle Dés de Sorcière, Secret d'étoiles ( 5 6-sided dice with well-known symbols, mostly of Wicca influence)
My custom runes are inspired by the manga Alice 19th by Yuu Watase, and the rune-like system of magic it uses.
There are 48 pieces in the set, 24 Lotis ("upright" meanings) and 24 Maaram ("reversed" meanings). The manga shows all 24 Lotis, but not all Maaram, so i've completed the set myself.
I also have a set of Elder Futhark runes, but i only use it as additional stones in readings of other sets.
Feel Free to ask questions if i've been unclear or if i forgot anything ! Or if you want to know more about my methods.
I'm OPEN to doing short free readings : simply ask a question, give me a way to remember who you are if anon (emoji combination / initials / pronouns...), and choose the method you would like me to use. I will cast up to 3 dice or runes.
A few rules for readings :
No yes / no questions (the methods i use can't answer those, i will rephrase into a question that allows nuance and details if you send me one)
No medical / legal advice (or anything that would require years of study and a diploma. you know, expert advice. this includes mental health.) General advice is ok.
No "mind-reading" or "spying" on someone, and No readings on someone else's behalf ex: "how are x's exams going to go?" (if you want to know what someone is thinking or doing, ask them directly)
No relationship advice / No NSFW or 18+ / No future spouse / No twin flame /No celebrities and the like (as an AroAce person i'm poorly equipped to do those and they make me uncomfortable) General love advice is ok.
Please refrain from asking many questions in a row, i'll do 1 question per ask. Let other people have their turn.
Please be patient, i may not be able to get to all questions in a timely manner. If you think your question got eaten or forgotten, wait a week or so before reminding me or sending another.
Please be Respectful, make sure you're following the rules, basic politeness is appreciated, and don't trauma-dump in my inbox.
I reserve the right to refuse to do a reading for any reason, even not listed here. (if i'm not comfortable or just don't want to answer a particular question, or if you're being rude, i might refuse. If this happens, i'll most likely let you send another ask.)
I also speak French if anyone would prefer that... / Je parle aussi Français si quelqu'un préfère...
Shoutout to @/aesethewitch and their Free Tarot Fridays for motivating me to start offering readings ! Go check them out !
Coming soon : Tarot / Lenormand / Cartomancy / Oracle card readings.
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maiji · 11 months
Fortune Lenormand oracle/art deck - new edition + limited time free readings!
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I'm excited to announce my Fortune Lenormand oracle/art deck is available again in a new edition (the biggest change: it now has a custom box!) yay!!
To celebrate, I thought it'd be fun to offer some free readings, the kind I used to do back when I was tabling at events! I personally find the 36-card Lenormand system accessible and enjoyable for both personal and creative prompt-type purposes. These readings will use the 2-card spread, which is easy to do!
How this works
To submit a request for a free reading, send it through my ask box between now (Fri Oct 27) and Sun October 29, 2023 midnight EST.
Optional: Along with your request, include your question and two numbers of your choice from 1-36.
I'll do as many readings as I can before the end of October. 
One question per person please!
I am not taking anonymous requests and these readings will be posted publicly. So don't share anything you're not comfortable with strangers on the Internet seeing!
I reserve the right to turn down a reading for any reason (the most likely reasons are if a question is rude/tasteless/inappropriate etc. or if I get too busy and can't do all the requests I get).
Asking your question
Your question must be an open-ended one, and not a question that can be answered with "yes" or "no".
Ironically, even though this deck is called "Fortune", I use them as tools for self-reflection and creative stuff, not fortune telling. It is an opportunity to open a dialogue with your self/subconscious!
For example, instead of "Should I [go to this event, do this thing, ___" or "Am I/Is someone/something else going to ___, try something like "What should I consider if I were to ___?" "Why do I want ___?" "What am I afraid of/hopeful for with regards to ___?" "How might I approach ___?" and so on.
You can learn more about this philosophy, and also get ideas for phrasing your question, on my site - check out the section that starts with "Framing your question" and up to/including "Reading Examples".
Also, you can have fun! Ask a question for your OC or a character you're writing! Ask questions for creative prompts! "I'm stuck in a fanfic I'm writing about X, Y and Z doing [whatever they're doing] and need an idea!" "I'm designing a new character, what could I incorporate into their personality or backstory?" "I want to draw a picture of my OTP and would like a prompt for inspiration!" and so on.
Decide what your question is before you make your request and don't forget what it is!
Seems obvious, but I'm reiterating this because you don't have to tell me your question when you make your request.
If you do tell me your question, it may help me give you more specific suggestions for how you can interpret the cards. If you're asking a creative prompt question, having details means I can suggest more relevant ideas for you to use as jumping off points.
If you don't tell me your question, please write it down somewhere or do something so that you don't forget it by the time I get around to your reading.
Obviously this is an honour system thing, but it doesn't really matter because if you sneak-change your answer, the only person it really affects (and potentially confuses) is yourself, haha.
If you wish to reveal what your question was afterwards, feel free to do so on the reading post!
Readings completed so far!
delphina2k: Creative prompt-type reading regarding Sydney from the webcomic Sombulus
lucylyall: Personal reading on changing habits/automatic ways of thinking
and-his-hands-were-24-crows: mystery reading!
blue-moonlight-sirens: Personal reading on what is coming in general
rootandbranchcomic: Personal reading on surviving a huge change
rawwrr04-blog: mystery reading!
crabbng: Creative prompt-type reading regarding Hana from the webcomic Kings of Sorts
supreme-sauteer: Personal reading on what's stopping me from putting myself out there
ancient-trees: Personal reading on sparking creative energy
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Line art for a gallery competition! The theme was "Southwest".
I pulled from my Lenormand deck for inspiration and got "house" as the card.
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a-d-nox · 9 months
yuletide gift game [ status: closed ]
the receipt
the review log
hello, my friends/followers! we are nearly done with the year - why not celebrate one of the most magical times of the year, so here i am hosting another ask game. i truly appreciate each and everyone of you - i hope all are having a lovely holiday season! i also appreciate everyone who has purchased a reading from me this year and thus paying for my green glyphs collection (so let's use them some more this game) AND all my presents for others this season!
please follow the rules (listed below) to participate →
i. you must be following me.
ii. reblog or like this post.
iii. only one ask per account! secondary asks regarding the game will be deleted.
iv. send the emoji that corresponds with the deck you want and your initials.
v. ask your question - look at reading types for limitations. THE LIMITS THAT APPLY ACROSS ALL READING TYPES: no legal, no pregnancy, and no illness.
vi. let me know what you look forward to seeing or hope to see on my blog next year, what you yourself are excited for next year, what you are hoping to receive as a gift this holiday season, OR what you are excited to give someone else this holiday season!
vii. asks that are missing the above requirements will receive a response of "game request denied".
viii. please be patient! i'm working full time, so i don't have a lot of time to sit down and do back to back readings (you can dm me and ask if yours ask sent or where you are in my queue - but please don't spam me as it won't make the process go faster, it will actually slow me down because i am answering you instead of answering asks). i will leave the game open until the end of yule (january 1, 2024) or until i reach 50 asks!
ix. feedback is greatly appreciated, but not required - it's always good to know if my intuition and interpretation of the cards was accurate (especially since i these are still relatively new decks and i am not sure if they vibe with me yet).
game options →
wryd web. ask me about any of your orbs or a section you don't understand (either on a personal web or compatibility web) BUT not the full web (limit 3 orbs - so you can do the karmic tail, your romance chain, your money chain, a chakra (the physics, the energy, and the emotions), etc.). BIRTHDATE IS REQUIRED IN ASK OR TO BE PROVIDED IN A DM.
runes. good for warning words or words of inspiration, past/present/future, advice, or general vibe checks.
lenormand. functions similarly to tarot - can be questioned like tarot EXCEPT NO "yes or no" questions. open interpretations given the line of cards - i will give you the meanings (so you can also see some answers or phases i may not think of because it is open to interpretation - you are the expert of your situation) and what i believe is the answer.
animal spirit. could be used to tell you what your present animal spirit is, the animal in your way and what animal energy you need to encompass to overcome them, and/or the animal you were / animal you are / animal you could become. NO "yes or no" questions.
oracle. great for advice! NO "yes or no" questions.
tarot. no explanation needed - everyone knows how tarot works. for yes or no questions, i generally pull three cards and do majority rule with explanation (i.e., "yes because...", "no, but...", etc.").
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aedisveneris · 2 years
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SELF-LOVE READINGS   pick a card affirmations + advice on self love
messages to uplift and empower you topped off with advice on what next step to take toward self-love. tarot, lenormand, and oracle cards used. 
whenever you’re ready your message is under the cut…
DISCLAIMER This work is done for the love of Tarot and is intended only for those open to it. It is in no way intended to be professional advice. Please consume this, and all general online readings, responsibly.
DECKS Oracle of the Roses Borderless Coleman-Smith Tarot of the Divine by Yoshi Yoshitani Fyodor Pavlov Tarot Disney’s Alice in Wonderland Tarot Botanical Inspirations Oracle Hilda’s Lenormand
Thanks for being here! 
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You have a gift. A superpower that lets your spirit persevere through any obstacle. You wield undying light. It’s time for you to wield it responsibly and intentionally. Very real circumstances might have forced you to keep that light to yourself. Allow yourself to share it now. Allow yourself to be shared. 
The next best step for you to take on your self-love journey is to get out of the way of your own happiness. Learn what it means to preserve your concern for the real stressors in your life and not the fantastical ones. Joy is present and available to you: give it the chance to bloom. 
For all the details head over to the full reading on YouTube
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Rain, shine, in pain, or fine you can always be counted on to show up. The way you can separate your responsibilities from other facets of your life is a gift. Whether you’re aware of it or not, your talent for compartmentalization generates actual benefits for you. 
Your advice is to hone this talent by evolving it. Allow a new day to dawn by stepping into new ways of doing things. To be perfectly clear: you ARE NOT being advised to let go of your talent to prioritize your responsibilities, but to begin the work of understanding when it’s necessary and when it’s time to put it down. Self-love for you isn’t just rest and relaxation, it’s FUN. Learn to prioritize that too. 
Get all the details at the full reading on YouTube
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All the work you’ve been doing to lay your past to rest is SEEN and RECOGNIZED. The fruit of your labor: the go-ahead to start making moves toward what you want. 
What Self-Love needs from you is self-mastery. Don’t go crazy now that you’re being told to make moves. The moves MUST be intentional, in alignment with all the work you’ve been doing. Otherwise all your hard work will be undone. If it applies: choose yourself, do NOT go back to them. 
Find the full reading over on YouTube
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carinasibila · 6 months
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PICK A CARD Weekly Reading (April 8-14) Watch on YouTube / Instagram / TikTok Disclaimer: Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree (linktr.ee/carinasibila) – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Decks used in this reading: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Blue Bird Lenormand* Original Kipper Cards** PILE 1 The Empress, Fox*, Message** Back of the deck: The Lovers This week, there’s a need for you to be more productive than usual. If this resonates, the cards show that it’s important for you to be careful about the way you think about yourself. Pay special attention to being kind to yourself, keep yourself well-motivated during the week, and don’t leave any room for self-deprecation – this might be the difference between success and failure. PILE 2 VII of Cups, Child*, Main Male** Back of the deck: Temperance Recently, you’ve adapted a more tranquil lifestyle. However, the increase in passivity that comes with this lifestyle has led you to procrastinate on certain tasks that need your attention. For this week, the cards ask you to spend time with a trusted person who’s good at taking the initiative to help you find the inspiration to become more proactive without falling back into hecticness. PILE 3 Knight of Swords, Clouds*, Imprisonment** Back of the deck: The Hierophant This week, a situation may come up that will cause you to feel pressured to conform to certain demands/circumstances. By giving in to this pressure, you’d run the risk of becoming listless and even feeling stifled in your life. Therefore, the cards encourage you to take heart and fight for yourself and what matters in this situation.
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page-2-ids · 1 year
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[ID 1: A flag with nine vertical stripes; the first and last are twice the width of the others. The colors are darker at the first, third, seventh, and last stripes, and lighter moving away from them. The colors are, from left to right, black, soft indigo, maroon, violet, soft gold, violet, maroon, soft indigo, and black. END ID]
[ID 2: A flag with nine vertical stripes; the first, middle, and last are twice the width of the others. The colors are darker at the first, third, seventh, and last stripes, and lighter moving away from them. The colors are, from left to right, black, soft indigo, maroon, violet, soft gold, violet, maroon, soft indigo, and black. END ID]
Occultarius: A sub-umbrella of Dystrofare for genders related to power, occultism, magic, evil, darkness, non-mental illness caused paranoia, backstabbing, theatrics, abuse of power, etc.
Common themes, connections, and experiences in Occultarius genders include:
- Magic being used for evil, by people in power, for general nefarious reasons, and to keep bad people in power
- Glowing eyes looking out from darkness, the feeling of being watched
- Rituals, spells, magic, curses, hexes, astrology, chanting, general occult stuff
- Backstabbing, worry, paranoia, betrayal
- Velvet curtains, other velvet things, dramatic settings
- Crystals, crystal balls, tarot cards, Lenormand cards, zodiac cards
- Nighttime, darkness, shadows
- Jewelry, gems, jewels, gold, silver
- Riches, money, fame, power, notoriety, abundance, decadence
- Candles, candle circles, candles mysteriously going out
- Sparks, fire
- Blood, blood stains, daggers
- Fighting, arguing, conflict, violence
- Red, orange, yellow
- Purple, indigo, violet
- Dark colors, black, shades of grey
however, Cultaris don’t have to be related to any of these things. Due to this term being inspired by my associations with the songs The Hardest Part is the Night and Shout at the Devil, Occultarius genders do fall under the Bonjender and Cruegender umbrellas, as well as the Dystrofare umbrella, though they don’t have to actually be related to Bon Jovi, Motley Crue, or any of their music or fall under any other umbrellas, unless the coiner wishes.
The colors are inspired by my associations with the vibe of this term
This was for the twenty-ninth day of my coining event! Prompt: Shout At the Devil (Motley Crue) // The Hardest Part Is The Night (Bon Jovi)
Other information, like the related -in-nature term, quality, etc. are under the cut
No suggested pronouns
Taris - Occultarius equivalent of girl/boy
Occul - Occultarius equivalent of man/woman
Cultari - An Occultarius gender
Occultarity - Occultarius gender quality (adjective is Occultarine)
CULIN - Occultarius/Occultarine in nature
-tarius- || -cultarius - Optional Occultarius affixes
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