#lenormand mice
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More Lenormand card inspiration!
Also shout-out to @almakrowan for her chibi plant tutorials! It broke down plants into shapes I hadn’t thought about analyzing before. Simplifying shapes for quick pieces like these never comes easy to me, and her tutorials helped so much! Check out her work here and on her Ko-Fi if you haven already!
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comparativeoracle · 2 years
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The Mice / Los Ratones. Art by Angelica Castro, from The Ofrenda Oracle Deck.
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nocturniashifter · 1 month
𝓐dvice for your Shifting Journey | Pick a Pile
Hello, my angels! After a long time without posting any PAP, here I am. This time it will be advice for your shifting journey and I will be using Lenormand for the first time on a pap as I am new to it, so I really hope you like it! ♡
┈─★ Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only and shouldn't be taken seriously or used as a substitute for legitimate advice. It's also a general reading, so it may or may not resonate with you. ┈─★ How to choose: Close your eyes, take a deep breath and choose the image that catches your attention the most, trust your intuition.
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── .✦ PILE 1
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Cards: Moon, Mountain, Sun, Crossroad & Man ꤮ ࣪ ⏜ ꤮ 𝅄 ꤮ ࣪ ⏜ ꤮
Hello, pile one! You have already gone through several ups and downs along your journey and due to having faced difficult moments such as “failed” attempts or due to the fact that you have been trying for years, you ended up getting discouraged and some of you may have even stopped trying or felt like giving up halfway through. But, if you want to finally shift, you need to get your head up and do something about it because you will achieve it if you don't keep standing still and doing nothing.
Things may be difficult for you on your journey right now, but know that you will be able to get through this difficult period if you take the first step. The cards ask you to maintain a positive mindset because you will be successful on your journey – and when I talk about maintaining a positive mindset, it doesn't mean that you should get carried away by toxic positivity. On the contrary, throughout your journey you will encounter obstacles that may end up affecting you emotionally and the last thing you should do is repress your feelings and pretend that everything is fine as if negative emotions and feelings are going to stop you from shifting. Spoiler: that doesn't happen. So, when you come across a rock in your path that lets you down, don't repress your feelings but rather allow yourself to feel and express what you are feeling, take the time you need to process them and then let them go & continue your journey with your head held high.
At this moment, you need to decide which path you will take on your journey and you must leave behind the baggage of the past with all those things that no longer serve you, such as the limiting beliefs that you have cultivated in yourself. Stop for a moment and reflect on all the beliefs, good or bad, that you believe to be true about yourself or about shifting. Do you believe that you are capable of shifting and that you are already a master shifter: yes or no? Depending on your answer, you will already know where to start changing your mindset to one that will favor you and bear good fruit.
When you're working on your mindset/self-concept change, don't backtrack because it will only slow you down. It's like Neville Goddard said, you can't serve two masters at the same time – that is, you can't be in two states of being at the same time. Either you are or you are not. Either you are a master shifter who has shifted millions of times effortlessly or you are the person who regrets that they never managed to shift. In fact, there is absolutely nothing stopping you from shifting other than yourself and you may already be tired of hearing this, but it is the purest truth. You are your only limit.
── .✦ PILE 2
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Cards: Lily, Scythe, Rider, Stork & Mice ꤮ ࣪ ⏜ ꤮ 𝅄 ꤮ ࣪ ⏜ ꤮
Hello, pile two! You are a person who has been in the shifting community for a long time (some have been there for months and others for years) and who over time has tried many different ways of shifting such as methods, meditations, subliminals and many others. And because you've been on this journey for a long time, you've become comfortable with the way things were or are at the moment. Too comfortable. There are two cases here: the first is that you ended up having many “failed attempts” that demotivated you and you ended up conforming to the false idea that you can't shift and the second case is that you ended up falling into your comfort zone and decided not to have new experiences on your journey – that is, you just do the same thing over and over again even if they aren’t working like they used to and don’t try new things.
Regardless of your case, at this moment you are stagnant and it is time to put an end to it if you want to move forward once and for all and free yourself from this period of stagnation because it is only holding you back. You need to stop for a moment and reflect on everything you've experienced on your journey so far, so you'll be able to identify the limiting beliefs you've placed on yourself that give you the false idea that there's something stopping you from shifting. Furthermore, you will be able to identify what worked for you and what is no longer working so that you can make space for this new phase in your journey. And by doing this, you will be able to change the direction things are going and you will be able to start over towards success.
I also see that you feel envious of other shifters who have already managed to shift, whether before you who have been in the community for a long time or even those who shifted more easily than you – and I don't blame you for that, but you must understand that if they can do it, YOU CAN FUCKING DO IT TOO! What makes you different from them? What makes you so special that you are the only person in the multiverse who is incapable of shifting to the reality you want when you have always done this your entire life without even realizing it?!
You need to be kinder to yourself, take care of yourself and stop comparing your journey to other people's journeys because we are all different and what works for one person won't necessarily work for you and that's okay, you just need to do what works best for you because it's your journey so you have every right to navigate it however you want. It is necessary that you cut once and for all everything that is no longer serving you on your journey and as soon as you do, a new chapter in your journey will begin.
── .✦ PILE 3
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Cards: Bear, Stork, Tower, Mountain & Rider ꤮ ࣪ ⏜ ꤮ 𝅄 ꤮ ࣪ ⏜ ꤮
Hello, pile three! You have great power – especially because, at the end of the day, we are all the gods of our reality – and you may be tired of hearing that. But although you are aware of this, you do not actually recognize your own power. You don't really believe that you are really powerful, that you can shift realities whenever you want without anything stopping you and you don't trust your own potential, much less your abilities to change. Many of you even put your desired realities on a pedestal as if it were something unattainable or very difficult to achieve and that requires a lot of effort - but if you stop to think about it, it doesn't make any sense because there is nothing to try to achieve when you were always in your DR even before you discovered shifting.
Because of this, it is past time for you to start seeing yourselves as the powerful people you are and finally recognize your own power so that things can finally change once and for all. If you want things to change on your journey, YOU need to change first because you are in complete control of your journey and if you don't change, nothing will change. You need to go through a period of self-reflection, that is, set aside a moment in your day to reflect on your journey – on everything that has worked for you and what hasn't.
But most importantly, you need to change your self-concept about being a master shifter. If you assume you can't shift, you're right and the same goes if you assume you've already shifted and are a master shifter. Many shifters and manifesting people believe that when they assume a new state of being, they shift to a reality where this assumption is true. So if you assume you are a master shifter, you have just shifted into a reality where you are one and vice versa. That's how the law works, so do yourself a favor and use it for your own benefit and not to make things harder for yourself.
At this moment, things may be challenging on your journey or it will be challenging for you to change your self-concept - mainly because you will feel stuck in the old version of yourself (i.e. when you were the person who couldn't shift and are becoming one who has already shifted) while working to change your mindset but just keep persisting, that is, being the person who is already a master shifter without seeking validation in 3D because it's the 3D that needs your validation. But, regardless of what your case is, you will be able to overcome this and all your effort will be worth it in the end because you will have finally managed to achieve your goal!
© nocturniashifter – don't copy, redistribute or edit my content | dividers
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servantofthefates · 3 months
How to Find Lost Things With Lenormand
Simply ask your question, and pull three cards. 
Stables, warehouse, garage
Plant pot, coin purse, casino
Docks, airport, vehicle
House, bedroom, with a loved one
Greenhouse, hospital, pharmacy
Bathroom, bar, mental asylum
Basement, bushes, secret places
Cemetery, box, drawer
Salon, flower shop, mall
Shed, hardware store, toolbox
Broom closet, vault, brothel
Cage, roof, porch
Nursery, trinket box, with a child
Study, den, in something red
Zoo, with your boss, with an older woman
By the computer, online, in a messy area
Kitchen, pantry, with your mom
Doghouse, pet store, with a friend
Building, courthouse, police station
Garden, park, backyard
Rooftop, attic, top floor
Doorway, entryway, pathway
Trash can, compost bin, under the floorboards
Your purse, your pockets, with your lover
Office, jewelry box, with your contracts
Library, bookstore, inside a book
Mailbox, on your desk, by the printer
With you — in your person (if you are a man)
With you — in your person (if you are a woman)
Linen closet, in something white, with an older man
Outdoors, beach, theme park
Body of water, photo box, near your camera
Cash box, in the ignition, in the doorknob
Aquarium, market, bank
Buried beneath other things/underground, underwater
In the church, by your altar, a place that starts with T
So then…
Question: Where did I leave my keys?
Answer: Letter + Ring + Anchor. “Your keys are on your desk in the office, buried under some documents.”
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yermes · 3 months
What the fu k is happening? A lenormand reading👒🍈✨
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Disclaimer: please take what I say with a grain of salt and not as the gospel. I just want to share some ideas of practicing and giving advice using the medium as often as I can with school, work, and my own personal studies and practice. But I am working on sharing my notes soon so that will be exciting! Liking and sharing does a lot 🥰
Socials: TipJar | Follow me!| the Pod
July Tarot Challenge
Todays pull original guide
Pick a meme
1 2 3
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The cards
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Albatross and Mice 🎱
You know you are going through it, but look at your hot mess besties and internet babes. While these burdens rest heavy upon your shoulders they are lessen by the sweet moments of relief when you get to interact and share your anxieties with others
Tower and Mountain 📚
The institution to where you put the majority of your self worth has become an obstacle for you understanding yourself to your entirety and coming between you and happiness. Do not let your need for work/ academic validation get in the way of your self care.
Book and Bouquet 👒
The beauty of wisdom, the beauty of the known knowledge beckons you back in with a beautiful visage. When magic or the occult becomes a part of yourself and your life it never leaves. The knowledge and wisdom wares a cute visage yet its a journey. Be aware of other mundane learning opportunities as well.
Living and thriving as an academic 🫶
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satanandsoul · 1 year
What kind of beauty are you?
This is a purely Lenormand reading. The interpretations will be shorter than usual, but at the same time, they will be more straight to the point.
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<<Pile 1>>
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Your cards: The Mice, The House, The Sun
You have freckles and/or beauty marks on your face. You have a sturdy body type that screams stability. You may have natural blonde hair or have your hair dyed in lighter colours which is the most eye-catching part of your physical appearance.
<<Pile 2>>
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Your cards: The Rider, The Snake, The Heart
You have well-toned long legs. You body is slim but curvy, agile and flexible. You are extremely sexy and you make people want to fall in love with you. Gosh, I am so envious of you! 🥰
<<Pile 3>>
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Your cards: The Birds, The Garden, The Tower
You have sharp eyes and a distinctive nose. You are very attractive, good looking. You are fashionable as well. People think you are very well put together. You are taller than average as well. This pile can easily be models judging by the cards!! 🥳
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a-d-nox · 1 month
how to make a lenormand deck out of average playing cards
hi are you in to divination but on a budget? perhaps you don't want people to know that you are interested in divination? maybe you want to try lenormand but don't want to buy a specific deck to learn. or maybe the decks you are looking at aren't calling out to you... did you know that you can turn an average deck of playing cards into a lenormand deck? in fact, lenormand was originally centered around the average deck of playing cards.
here's what cards you will need and their new meanings.
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rider - 9 of hearts
clover - 6 of diamonds
ship - 10 of spades
house - king of hearts
tree - 7 of hearts
clouds - king of clubs
snake - queen of clubs
coffin - 9 of diamonds
bouquet - queen of spades
scythe - jack of diamonds
whip - jack of clubs
birds - 7 of diamonds
child - jack of spades
fox - 9 of clubs
bear - 10 of clubs
stars - 6 of hearts
stork - queen of hearts
dog - 10 of hearts
tower - 6 of spades
garden - 8 of spades
mountain - 8 of clubs
crossroads - queen of diamonds
mice - 7 of clubs
heart - jack of hearts
ring - ace of clubs
book - 10 of diamonds
letter - 7 of spades
man - ace of hearts
woman - ace of spades
lilies - king of spades
sun - ace of diamonds
moon - 8 of hearts
key - 8 of diamonds
fish - king of diamonds
anchor - nine of spades
cross - 6 of clubs
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like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic" button if you want to see a specific pac/pile next. if you'd like my input on how i read a specific card or what i like to ask my deck, lenormand combos centered on specific card, etc. feel free to use the ask button for that as well.
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© a-d-nox 2024 all rights reserved
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faerytalemagick · 7 months
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LENORMAND CARDS interpretation and meaning
Lenormand cards are a fascinating and less well-known instrument in the field of divination, where intuition and symbolism collide. These cards, which bear the name Marie Anne Lenormand after the famous French astrologer, have subtly moved through time, providing wisdom and direction to those who seek it.Unlike the Tarot, which consists of 78 cards, a traditional Lenormand deck consists of 36 cards. These cards are simple yet rich in symbolism, each carrying its unique meaning. The imagery on Lenormand cards often features everyday objects, people, or situations, making them easily accessible to readers of all levels.
When doing a Lenormand card reading, a certain number of cards are spread out in a predetermined arrangement, or "spread." These spreads act as a kind of canvas for the plot to develop. In a reading, each card offers its particular significance and combines with others. The meanings of the cards in a Lenormand reading are typically clear-cut; they stand in for things like love, wealth, travel, and more. The secret is to become familiar with the unique meanings of each card before figuring out how to combine them to create complex stories.
the 36 Lenormand cards along with their symbolism
1.Rider: A message, news, or visitor approaching. 2.Clover: Luck, chance, or a small opportunity. 3.Ship: Travel, foreign influences, or change in perspective. 4.House: Home, family, or a stable situation. 5.Tree: Health, growth, or long-term development. 6.Clouds: Confusion, uncertainty, or a problem. 7.Snake: Deception, betrayal, or a complex situation. 8.Coffin: Endings, transformation, or something coming to a close. 9.Bouquet: Beauty, happiness, or a pleasant surprise. 10.Scythe: Sudden events, danger, or a sharp decision. 11.Whip: Conflict, arguments, or repetitive actions. 12.Birds: Communication, conversations, or gossip. 13.Child: New beginnings, innocence, or something small. 14.Fox: Deception, cunning, or a tricky situation. 15.Bear: Strength, authority, or a powerful figure. 16.Stars: Hope, inspiration, or guidance from above. 17.Stork: Change, transformation, or improvement. 18.Dog: Loyalty, friendship, or a faithful companion. 19.Tower: Authority, institutions, or isolation. 20.Garden: Social events, gatherings, or public places. 21.Mountain: Challenges, obstacles, or a difficult path. 22.Crossroads: Choices, decisions, or a crossroads in life. 23.Mice: Loss, worry, or something eating away at you. 24.Heart: Love, emotions, or matters of the heart. 25.Ring: Commitment, partnerships, or a promise. 26.Book: Secrets, knowledge, or hidden information. 27.Letter: Messages, written communication, or news. 28.Man: A male person or masculine energy. 29.Woman: A female person or feminine energy. 30.Lily: Purity, peace, or sexual matters. 31.Sun: Success, happiness, or a positive outcome. 32.Moon: Intuition, dreams, or the subconscious. 33.Key: Solutions, opportunities, or unlocking something. 34.Fish: Finances, abundance, or material wealth. 35.Anchor: Stability, security, or a firm foundation. 36.Cross: Burdens, challenges, or a test of faith.
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carinasibila · 6 months
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PICK A CARD Weekly Reading (April 1-7) Watch on YouTube / Instagram / TikTok Disclaimer: Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree (linktr.ee/carinasibila) – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Decks used in this reading: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Blue Bird Lenormand* Original Kipper Cards** PILE 1 Ace of Swords, Tree*, Child** Back of the deck: VIII of Cups You’ve been working towards a goal but reaching it remains elusive, thus you’re feeling frustrated and are in danger of giving up. The cards advise you to not abandon your goal, since it remains within your reach. However, a new approach to reaching your goal is necessary, albeit not easily found – take time this week to gather thoughts and search for your new approach. PILE 2 Queen of Swords, Mice*, Bad Health** Back of the deck: The Chariot Recently, you’ve wanted to start an important personal project but you’ve been stymied by a serious lack of resources, whether it be money, time, or something altogether different. This week, you might have a crisis of faith, but the cards counsel you to stay the course. Remember your motivation for the project, and you’ll be able to keep going. PILE 3 III of Wands, Clouds*, Gift** Back of the deck: X of Cups You seem to have had a bout of good fortune recently and are understandably happy. Be aware that, this week, there’s something that might come to mar your happiness: despite your hopes, not everyone around you will share your joy. It’s important for you to hold onto your positive emotional balance for as long as possible – if necessary, avoid the people dragging it down.
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windvexer · 8 months
have you ever tried to petition a lenormand spirit like tarot spirits? I was thinking abt asking the mice to carry out something for me but idk
I haven't! Don't see why you couldn't, though. I wonder how the compound nature of Lenormand might influence such an operation.
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ladypiscesmoon · 1 year
Can I ask if armie’s reputation will get restored in some way even though he may not act anymore? And will his main accuser finally stop beg for attention? I’m tired of the constant attacks he still faces from her…
Hi, anon thanks for your question!
First question: I pulled from the lucid dreams tarot deck and got 4 of pentacles, 7 of wands, 8 of swords. From the Kipper deck: lovers (love, closeness, loyalty), despair ( despair, grief, adversity, obstacles), poverty (harsh conditions, poverty, deprivation)
I think it will be fifty/fifty some people will always love and defend him, others will choose to believe his accusers even though he’s completely cleared of all charges. I don’t think his reputation will be fully restored, unfortunately, but enough that he can start over.
As for your second questionI pulled from my fairy tale Lenormand deck: snake (desire, sex, betrayal, deception), mice (destructive, defects, infested, theft), sun (happiness, success, victory, power), stars (hope, spirituality, dreams, progress, inspiration)
I think this was interesting, because it seems really divided in bad and good signs. She will not stop anytime soon (snake, mice) but I feel that Armie will be happy (sun, stars) regardless of her ranting.
(Alleged, for entertainment purposes)
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knightofchariot · 1 year
Lenormand meanings
German Traditional – Lenormand Meanings
01 The Rider: a message, news, something or someone incoming.
02 The Clover: good luck, small luck. An opportunity. Can indicate happiness.
03 The Ship: travel, distance, trade or commerce. Can show leaving something behind.
04 The House: home, family, property.
05 The Tree: health, deep rooted, long-standing (can be intertia or boredom), karmic (but positive).
06 The Clouds: confusion, anxiety, lack of clarity.
07 The Snake: a woman; intelligence, detour, backstabbing. Context is important.
08 The Coffin: illness or ending. (First in pair, I tend to see illness; second in pair, end).
09 The Flowers (Bouquet): gift, surprise, invitation. A very positive card.
10 The Scythe: danger, pain, sudden, severing or cutting. Can be a tool.
11 The Rod (Whip): discussion, arguments, strife. Can be a writing tool, or related to verbal communication.
12 The Birds (Owls): Meetings, a phone call, gossip, a couple. Anxiety like a flitting bird.
13 The Child: child, new beginning.
14 The Fox: wrong, deception, deceit. Crafty person. Sometimes work, where cunning is needed. Context matters, and I tend to read it depending on surrounding negative or positive cards.
15 The Bear: Man, person in authority; courage, strength, fortitude. Could represent a large income.
16 The Stars: hopes, dreams, spirituality or esotericism; positive, maybe successful; beware head in the clouds.
17 The Stork: Change, movement, birth. Usually a change for the better.
18 The Dog: A man. Friend, partner, companion. Loyalty, trustworthy.
19 The Tower: A large building. Government, authorities, school. Isolation, being alone.
20 The Park: public places, the public, meeting, party, social gatherings.
21 The Mountain: obstacles and delays; blockage. Can be a “shield” between two cards. Standing alone; remote.
22 The Crossroads (Roads, Ways): decision is needed; at a point of indecision. Multiple (usually two).
23 The Rat: loss, theft, illness. An “eating away at” someone or something.
24 The Heart: love, emotions, feelings.
25 The Ring: marriage, commitment, contract and partnership.
26 The Book: secrets, the unknown; books and written documents; education, training.
27 The Letter: written communication (letter, email, text message), newspaper, paper-like documents (such as a diploma or will). Could be news.
28 The Lord (Man): The male consultant; male significant other for a woman; important male in the querent’s life.
29 The Lady (Woman): The female consultant; female significant other for a man; important female in the querent’s life.
30 The Lily: sexuality, family, maturity, the “zen factor”; a catch-all card in German tradition.
31 The Sun: Victory, success, masculinity, energy, warmth, day time
32 The Moon: Emotion, intuition, femininity, dreams, imagination, night time, artistic talent, fame and recognition.
33 The Key: the “yes card” of the deck. Destiny, solution, success. Meant to be.
34 The Fish: money, cash flow, the financial or economic significator. Water. Drinking.
35 The Anchor: work, one’s job. Stability and security.
36 The Cross: Pain, grief, a burden. One’s “cross to bear.” The sense of destined or karmic; suffering that is inevitable or must be. Not a happy card.
French Modern – Lenormand Meanings
01 The Rider: a message, news, something incoming.
02 The Clover: good luck, an opportunity. Second chance.
03 The Ship: travel, distance, trade or commerce.
04 The House: home, family, property.
05 The Tree: health, deep rooted, karmic (but positive), spiritual.
06 The Clouds: confusion, lack of clarity.
07 The Snake: Big problems (as opposed to the Mice). Trouble that is seen, obvious or out in the open.
08 The Coffin: Ending, transformation.
09 The Flowers (Bouquet): A very positive card. Happiness, beauty.
10 The Scythe: Decisive, decisions, sudden, cutting. Can be a tool.
11 The Rod (Whip): sexuality, arguments, passion, recurring, physical activity.
12 The Birds (Owls): Verbal communication, a couple.
13 The Child: child, something small. Childlike or naive.
14 The Fox: Job, work, sneakiness.
15 The Bear: Money, food, nutrition, person in authority,  strength.
16 The Stars: hopes, dreams, directions, possible success. Being “a star” in a field of expertise.
17 The Stork: Change, movement, birth. Usually a change for the better.
18 The Dog: Friend, partner, companion. Someone known. Loyalty, trustworthy.
19 The Tower: A large building. Government, authorities, school. Isolation, being alone. Arrogance.
20 The Park: public places, the public, meeting, party, social gatherings.
21 The Mountain: Delays of a lengthy nature. Standing alone; remote.
22 The Crossroads (Roads): decision is needed; at a point of indecision or a crossroad in life. Multiples. Two or maybe more.
23 The Rat: Small problems, stress, anxiety, excitement. Industriousness. An “eating away at” someone or something.
24 The Heart: love, emotions, feelings.
25 The Ring: marriage, commitment, contract and partnership. Payments, solutions.
26 The Book: secrets, the unknown; books and written documents; education, training.
27 The Letter: written communication (letter, email, text message), newspaper, paper-like documents (such as a diploma or will).
28 The Man: The male consultant; male significant other; a male figure.
29 The Lady (Woman): The female consultant; female significant other; a female figure.
30 The Lily: The “zen factor”. Peacefulness, age, longevity.
31 The Sun: Victory, success, masculinity, energy, warmth, day time, electricity. Ego (think Leo).
32 The Moon: Emotion, intuition, femininity, dreams, imagination, night time, artistic talent, fame and recognition. The arts. Psychism.
33 The Key: the “yes card” of the deck. Meant to be. Karmic inevitability. Positive solution.
34 The Fish: Business. Independence.
35 The Anchor: Stability and security. Something anchored, old. Suggests a solution, one that can be arrived at with perseverance.
36 The Cross: Pain, grief, a burden. Sadness and depression. One’s “cross to bear.” Often not a happy card. Religous; religion.
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maiji · 11 months
Hi Maiji! My Lenormand question: what could I do to spark some creative energy when I feel like I'm running on fumes with all my projects?
Numbers: 8, 32
Thank you for this question, I really feel this in my creative and multitasking soul! Also, I know you're familiar with this deck and its symbols already ❤️ so you may have some thoughts once you see the cards pulled, and again some of these ideas are likely not totally fresh or new. But hopefully there are some ideas that may shine today under a new light, and be helpful in some way!
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#8 was The Mice, and #32 drew the Key!
The Mice can represent things, often little things, that eat away at us, steal our resources (energy?), wear us down. Meanwhile, The Key can be a sign of something that needs our attention.
For anyone reading this, this is an example of a case (that can come up quite a bit, to be honest) where the cards drawn don't seem - at first glance - to provide a path to answers as much as they seem to be simply describing the situation or problem you already know. Which can initially be like "Wow! Amazing! Such immediate relevance!" but then the next feeling can be, "OK, that's great that it's obviously reflecting my issue/concern back at me, but what can I do about it?"
In instances like this, I personally find it helpful to remember: the reason it may seem so stunningly relevant in describing the issue at hand is because of ourselves. It's so clear to us because it's what been weighing on our mind, possibly blocking us from seeing solutions. So the next part is where it gets trickier - and funnily enough in the context of this question, calls on us to stretch our creative muscles to dig deeper. To hunt for potential insights, to try to look at things from different angles. Which, as an activity in and of itself, can sometimes be helpful just to get you going in terms of considering something else, and then to start noticing those things and those opportunities as you go throughout your day.
The Key can also represent a key. A solution, or a missing piece to unlock a puzzle. I wonder if we can look again at the symbols and associations of The Mice to find some ideas, or at least something to help us shift our perspective.
The Mice can also represent things that need to be repaired/fixed - something to be taken care of. Maybe the Key is pointing out that if these things can be addressed, that could be a solution - hopefully something more long term than a band-aid. Some other thoughts:
Mice are small but numerous, and sometimes it feels like our problems are that way too, that they keep growing and proliferating and building up.
But is that purely the domain of negative things? Could positive things not do that too?
Is creativity only something that can be done in massive sustained bouts? Is creative energy only something that exists in giant fireworks? Or can our creative sparks and moments and work also be like little mice? A little nibble here, a little nibble there. Letting all the little things build up and gnaw at what may seem like an immense pile over time, and recognizing that there's power in that too.
Maybe they'll hit a tipping point and snowball, but if not could this be workable too?
Perhaps we can look at how we are tackling our projects - not just from the tasks we are doing, but the emotional investment we are pouring into them. Can we ease the power, passion, focus? Not that this means diluting it, but spreading it out and being gentle with ourselves (as the very cute small furry creatures we can imagine ourselves to be), so that we don't burn out?
In my overview document, I note that the meaning of the Mice cards in Lenormand is rooted in a particular perspective. In Chinese culture, rats and mice are seen much more positively. There's a reason the first sign of the Chinese/Eastern zodiac is a rat/mouse! It's a clever creature that can size up the situation and untie tricky knots. Actually, as you may know, the way the rat/mouse got into first position was through a bit of offloading of work. Depending on the version of the story, the approach varies, but usually it tricks or piggybacks off of the efforts of another animal. Not saying that I'm condoning cheating or tricking other people, but I wonder if there are things you could do to "trick" yourself into being able to feel like you're making more progress, to make "work work" feel more creative or support/feed creative labour and be more fun, or assessing the work so that something you're doing could be used for/to further multiple projects.
And the ability of mice to hoard things is also seen as a positive - creating an abundance of wealth, maybe storing up an abundance of ideas that you can return to later. Or just recognizing maybe we need to save for that rainy day when it comes to our creative energy as well. If you need to rest, recognize that too.
Earlier I mentioned the Key can represent a missing piece. If we took that idea literally, and extended it to an actual puzzle - a game - is some kind of diversion in order? Our brains do a lot even when we're not actively thinking about a project. From personal experience, I've definitely had a lot of times where I just took a "vacation" - stopped working on something, let the juices percolate in my subconsciousness and the seeds sprout without me constantly working the soil... and then one day it manifests, and I'm at it again with refreshed insight, inspiration and enthusiasm.
One last thought - rereading my overview document, I notice I commented that "ancient Chinese keys are pretty utilitarian and mundane looking". It does remind me of my own feelings about how creative work can feel like a slog when you're doing it, and sometimes that is the reality that I cannot escape from. But I also reminds me I can be practical about that - after all, the key is in my own hands. If everything I turn to is becoming 100% a slog, that's probably a sign that this is not sustainable. At the very least, a good nap is probably in order, and perhaps a bigger break or a reset of some sort.
I hope there was something to spark an idea. Sending you a lot of good wishes for creative energy!
Thanks for requesting a limited time free reading to celebrate the new edition of the Fortune Lenormand oracle/art deck!
Want to dive deeper?
Fortune Lenormand oracle/art deck - there's a free downloadable overview of card meanings!
humangray.com/lenormand - more info and resources/links!
(Note: these readings are being done with my old card deck from the original printing. There's not much difference with the new edition available in the link above - the biggest one is that the new edition has a custom box ooh ahh!)
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servantofthefates · 2 years
Physical Death Pairings in Tarot and Lenormand
Cartomancy is all about context. If your question is on anything other than physical death itself, then these pairings will carry different meanings.
When tarot was born in the 1400s, vaccines, antibiotics and pasteurization had not yet been invented. Diseases we now consider harmless led easily to death. It was the most literal card. So today, when asking about physical death, look at what is beside it. In these pairings, Death should always come second.
The Hermit + Death
Dying of Old Age
Justice + Death
Death by Vengeance
The Hanged Man + Death
The Devil + Death
The Tower + Death
Shocking Death
The Moon + Death
Cursed to Death
The Sun + Death
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Judgement + Death
A Deserved Death
Five of Wands + Death
Killed by Friendly Fire
Seven of Wands + Death
Honorable Death
Ten of Wands + Death
Killed by Stress
Five of Cups + Death
Dying of Loneliness
Six of Cups + Death
Dying Young
Seven of Cups + Death
Eight of Cups/Six of Swords + Death
Road Fatality
Three of Swords + Death
Dying of a Broken Heart
Seven of Swords + Death
Stabbed to Death
Nine of Swords + Death
Dying in Sleep
Ten of Swords + Death
Painful Death
Five of Pentacles + Death
Starving to Death
This system is more brutal than tarot. While Death in modern contexts means transformation, Coffin in most cases means a final ending. So when asking about physical death, look to the card beside it. In these pairings, Coffin can come first or second.
Rider + Coffin
Death by Stampede
Ship + Coffin
Dying at Sea
House + Coffin
Killed by a Loved One
Tree + Coffin
Fatal Illness
Clouds + Coffin
Snake + Coffin
Killed by a Rival
Scythe + Coffin
Stabbed to Death
Whip + Coffin
Beaten to Death
Child + Coffin
Dying Young
Bear + Coffin
Crushed to Death
Tower + Coffin
Dying of Loneliness
Mice + Coffin
Killed by Burglars
Heart + Coffin
Cardiac Arrest
Ring + Coffin
Spousal Murder
Fish + Coffin
Killed for Money
Anchor + Coffin
Cross + Coffin
Killed in the Name of Religion
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The **Lenormand Oracle** deck is quite different from tarot decks in both structure and purpose. The **Lenormand deck** consists of 36 cards, each of which has a distinct, straightforward symbol associated with it. Unlike tarot, which delves deeply into allegorical imagery, archetypes, and complex symbolism, Lenormand cards are much simpler and are typically used for practical, everyday divination. Let's break it down:
### **Structure of the Lenormand Oracle:**
The Lenormand deck has 36 cards, and each card is linked to a specific symbol. Here’s a brief look at some of the cards:
1. **1. Rider:** News, messages, someone arriving.
2. **2. Clover:** Luck, small gains, happiness.
3. **3. Ship:** Travel, commerce, adventure.
4. **4. House:** Home, family, stability.
5. **5. Tree:** Health, growth, grounding.
6. **6. Clouds:** Confusion, doubts, uncertainty.
7. **7. Snake:** Deception, complications, betrayal.
8. **8. Coffin:** Endings, transformation, illness.
9. **9. Bouquet:** Joy, beauty, invitations.
10. **10. Scythe:** Sudden cuts, decisions, danger.
11. **11. Whip:** Conflict, arguments, physical activity.
12. **12. Birds:** Communication, gossip, discussions.
13. **13. Child:** Innocence, new beginnings, playfulness.
14. **14. Fox:** Cunning, work, deceit.
15. **15. Bear:** Power, protection, authority.
16. **16. Stars:** Hope, inspiration, guidance.
17. **17. Stork:** Change, migration, improvement.
18. **18. Dog:** Loyalty, friendship, trust.
19. **19. Tower:** Isolation, institutions, authority.
20. **20. Garden:** Community, social events, public spaces.
21. **21. Mountain:** Obstacles, delays, challenges.
22. **22. Crossroads:** Choices, decisions, paths.
23. **23. Mice:** Loss, stress, worry.
24. **24. Heart:** Love, affection, emotions.
25. **25. Ring:** Contracts, commitments, relationships.
26. **26. Book:** Secrets, knowledge, learning.
27. **27. Letter:** Written communication, documents, messages.
28. **28. Man:** Masculine energy, a man in your life.
29. **29. Woman:** Feminine energy, a woman in your life.
30. **30. Lilies:** Purity, family, sexuality.
31. **31. Sun:** Success, vitality, positivity.
32. **32. Moon:** Emotions, creativity, reputation.
33. **33. Key:** Solutions, revelations, understanding.
34. **34. Fish:** Wealth, resources, abundance.
35. **35. Anchor:** Stability, perseverance, security.
36. **36. Cross:** Burdens, pain, fate, spirituality.
Each card is relatively simple and speaks to everyday life, relationships, and circumstances.
### **How Lenormand Differs from Tarot:**
1. **Symbolism and Complexity:**
- **Tarot:** Tarot is built around complex and deep symbolism. Each card can have many layers of meaning depending on context, position, and the surrounding cards. The Major Arcana deal with universal themes, and the Minor Arcana explore various aspects of daily life through suits and numbers.
- **Lenormand:** The Lenormand cards are more straightforward. Each card has a clear, concise meaning that is meant to be interpreted literally or in combination with other cards. The focus is less on abstract symbolism and more on practical, down-to-earth interpretations.
2. **Number of Cards:**
- **Tarot:** A standard tarot deck has 78 cards, split into Major Arcana (22 cards) and Minor Arcana (56 cards, divided into four suits).
- **Lenormand:** A Lenormand deck has only 36 cards, each with a specific symbol and meaning. There are no suits or division into Major and Minor Arcana.
3. **Reading Style:**
- **Tarot:** Tarot readings can be deep and introspective, often used to explore spiritual, psychological, or philosophical questions. Tarot spreads can vary greatly in size and complexity, from one-card pulls to elaborate 10+ card spreads.
- **Lenormand:** Lenormand readings are usually more straightforward and predictive. Lenormand cards are often read in combinations, with common spreads being the **3-card spread**, **9-card spread**, or the **Grand Tableau** (which uses all 36 cards). Lenormand is great for answering specific questions about everyday life, such as relationships, career, or daily events, and tends to give direct advice or insights.
4. **Purpose:**
- **Tarot:** Tarot is often used for spiritual guidance, personal growth, and exploring deeper psychological questions. The cards are rich with metaphor and allow for broad, interpretive readings.
- **Lenormand:** Lenormand is more concerned with concrete, practical answers and everyday situations. It is often described as more of a fortune-telling tool than a tool for self-reflection. It's excellent for getting quick, clear answers to specific questions.
### **Comparison to Other Oracle Decks:**
- **Oracle decks** are generally freeform and vary widely in structure and theme. They don’t follow a strict system like tarot or Lenormand. An oracle deck could have any number of cards, from 30 to 100+, and its theme could range from angels to animals to inspirational messages.
- **Lenormand** is more structured than most oracle decks because it has a fixed number of cards with established meanings. It is not as abstract as many oracle decks, which often encourage the reader to interpret the cards in a more personal or intuitive way.
### **Conclusion:**
The **Lenormand Oracle** is a distinct system of divination that prioritizes practical, clear, and concise answers to everyday questions. It differs from tarot in its simplicity, focus on literal meanings, and emphasis on predictive readings. Unlike other oracle decks, Lenormand has a fixed set of cards and meanings, providing a more consistent and structured approach to divination.
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The **Grand Tableau** is one of the most comprehensive and complex spreads used in **Lenormand** card reading. It uses all 36 cards from the deck and provides a broad, detailed overview of various aspects of a person's life. Here’s a breakdown of when to use the **Grand Tableau** and how it works:
### When to Use the Grand Tableau:
- **Major Life Questions**: It’s best used for comprehensive readings where you want a big picture of your life or need insights into multiple areas (love, career, finances, family, etc.).
- **Long-Term Forecasting**: This spread can offer insight over a longer period of time (months or even years), depending on the reader’s intention.
- **Detailed Inquiries**: If you want to explore multiple aspects of a situation in detail, the Grand Tableau can provide layers of meaning through its many interconnections.
- **General Readings**: Sometimes, readers use this layout to give a full general overview without a specific question in mind, just to see what might come up in different areas of life.
### Structure of the Grand Tableau:
- The cards are laid out in a **4x9 grid** (four rows of nine cards) or a **8x4+4 grid** (four rows of eight cards plus four cards at the bottom). Each position holds significance, and different houses or areas of life are mapped out across the spread.
### Reading the Grand Tableau:
Here are some of the key features and concepts used in interpreting the Grand Tableau:
#### 1. **Houses**:
- Each card in the tableau falls into a specific **house**, which corresponds to one of the 36 Lenormand cards. For example, the first card's house is the **Rider** (House 1), the second card's house is the **Clover** (House 2), and so on through all 36 cards.
- The card that lands in each house provides insight into the area of life represented by that house. For instance, if the **Heart** card lands in the **House of Clover**, it might suggest that a love relationship will bring luck or be fleeting.
#### 2. **Significator Cards**:
- **Querent Card**: This is usually represented by either the **Man** or **Woman** card, depending on the querent's gender or personal preference. The position of this card in the tableau will indicate where the querent currently stands in life.
- **Key Areas**: You’ll also look for the **House of the Heart** for love, the **House of the Fish** for finances, and so on. The card that lands in these houses will provide insights into that particular area.
#### 3. **Mirroring and Knighting**:
- **Mirroring**: Cards in a tableau can be read in relation to one another, even if they are far apart. For example, cards directly opposite each other or at the same distance from the querent card can be “mirrored,” offering more insight.
- **Knighting**: This technique is borrowed from chess, where a card can influence another based on a “knight’s move” (two squares over and one up or down).
#### 4. **Proximity**:
- The closer a card is to the significator (the querent card), the more immediate or important the matter is. Cards farther away indicate either something in the distant future or less influence on the querent’s life.
### Interpretation by Rows and Columns:
- **Rows**: Often seen as representing different aspects of life or phases of time. The top row might symbolize the mind and thoughts, while lower rows could symbolize emotions or grounding forces.
- **Columns**: Sometimes read as timelines, with the leftmost column representing the past and the rightmost column representing the future.
### Example Positions and Their Significance:
Here are a few examples of key positions in the **Grand Tableau**:
1. **Rider's House (House 1)**: News, communication, travel. Any card that lands here will influence the way news or new events are coming into the querent's life.
2. **Clover's House (House 2)**: Luck, opportunities. The card that lands here shows where luck or opportunity lies.
3. **Fish's House (House 34)**: Finances, material wealth. The card here can indicate something about money, business, or prosperity.
4. **Heart's House (House 24)**: Love, relationships. The card in this house will reveal more about the querent's love life or personal relationships.
### Recap:
The **Grand Tableau** gives a holistic view, and its complexity allows for deep, nuanced readings. Each card in this spread interacts with the other cards based on proximity, position in a house, and patterns like mirroring and knighting.
It's a spread often used by advanced practitioners due to its layered and multifaceted nature, but it’s excellent for thorough, in-depth readings about life as a whole.
In the **Grand Tableau** of a **Lenormand** deck, which involves laying out all 36 cards in a specific spread, each position has a distinct meaning. Here’s a breakdown of what each position typically represents:
### Layout of the Grand Tableau
- **The Grand Tableau** is usually arranged in a rectangular or square grid. A common layout is a 9x4 grid, with the remaining card often placed separately or used as a “significator” (a card representing the querent).
### Positions in the Grand Tableau
1. **Significator**:
- **Position**: Often placed outside the main grid or as the first card in the layout.
- **Meaning**: Represents the querent or the central theme of the reading.
2. **First Row (1-9)**:
- **Positions 1-3**: Typically represent the past or background influences.
- **Positions 4-6**: Reflect the present situation or current influences.
- **Positions 7-9**: Show the immediate future or upcoming influences.
3. **Second Row (10-18)**:
- **Positions 10-12**: These cards can provide additional details about the current situation or present challenges.
- **Positions 13-15**: Often reveal more about the querent’s environment or the external factors influencing the situation.
- **Positions 16-18**: May offer insights into potential outcomes or significant events.
4. **Third Row (19-27)**:
- **Positions 19-21**: Can give further context or background information related to the question or situation.
- **Positions 22-24**: Focus on relationships, influences from others, or social aspects.
- **Positions 25-27**: Provide additional details about future possibilities or upcoming developments.
5. **Fourth Row (28-36)**:
- **Positions 28-30**: Offer insights into personal or inner concerns of the querent.
- **Positions 31-33**: Reflect broader, longer-term influences or important factors that may come into play.
- **Positions 34-36**: Often give final insights into potential outcomes, resolutions, or advice.
### General Interpretative Tips
- **Card Positioning**: The interpretation of each card is influenced by its position within the grid and its surrounding cards. Consider the card’s meaning in relation to its neighbors.
- **Card Combinations**: Pay attention to combinations of cards that appear together, as these can provide nuanced insights beyond the individual card meanings.
- **Overall Layout**: Look at the overall pattern and layout of the cards to understand how they interact with each other and what broader themes or messages emerge.
### Summary
The Grand Tableau’s 36 positions each offer unique insights into different aspects of a question or situation. By interpreting each position in the context of the surrounding cards, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the querent’s situation and the influences affecting it.
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In the **Grand Tableau** of a **Lenormand** deck, which involves laying out all 36 cards in a specific spread, each position has a distinct meaning. Here’s a breakdown of what each position typically represents:
### Layout of the Grand Tableau
- **The Grand Tableau** is usually arranged in a rectangular or square grid. A common layout is a 9x4 grid, with the remaining card often placed separately or used as a “significator” (a card representing the querent).
### Positions in the Grand Tableau
1. **Significator**:
- **Position**: Often placed outside the main grid or as the first card in the layout.
- **Meaning**: Represents the querent or the central theme of the reading.
2. **First Row (1-9)**:
- **Positions 1-3**: Typically represent the past or background influences.
- **Positions 4-6**: Reflect the present situation or current influences.
- **Positions 7-9**: Show the immediate future or upcoming influences.
3. **Second Row (10-18)**:
- **Positions 10-12**: These cards can provide additional details about the current situation or present challenges.
- **Positions 13-15**: Often reveal more about the querent’s environment or the external factors influencing the situation.
- **Positions 16-18**: May offer insights into potential outcomes or significant events.
4. **Third Row (19-27)**:
- **Positions 19-21**: Can give further context or background information related to the question or situation.
- **Positions 22-24**: Focus on relationships, influences from others, or social aspects.
- **Positions 25-27**: Provide additional details about future possibilities or upcoming developments.
5. **Fourth Row (28-36)**:
- **Positions 28-30**: Offer insights into personal or inner concerns of the querent.
- **Positions 31-33**: Reflect broader, longer-term influences or important factors that may come into play.
- **Positions 34-36**: Often give final insights into potential outcomes, resolutions, or advice.
### General Interpretative Tips
- **Card Positioning**: The interpretation of each card is influenced by its position within the grid and its surrounding cards. Consider the card’s meaning in relation to its neighbors.
- **Card Combinations**: Pay attention to combinations of cards that appear together, as these can provide nuanced insights beyond the individual card meanings.
- **Overall Layout**: Look at the overall pattern and layout of the cards to understand how they interact with each other and what broader themes or messages emerge.
### Summary
The Grand Tableau’s 36 positions each offer unique insights into different aspects of a question or situation. By interpreting each position in the context of the surrounding cards, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the querent’s situation and the influences affecting it.
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satanandsoul · 1 year
What is the talent that makes you shine?
This will be a purely Lenormand reading. The interpretations will be shorter than usual. But at the same time, they are more straight to the point.
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<<Pile 1>>
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Your cards: Rider, Moon, Birds
Your talent is that you remain a relatively healthy, stable emotional balance when people talk about you. It seems that you are quite famous in your social circle, either at school, at work, in your neighbourhood or on internet. Normally, it drives people crazy when others talk about them. But you don't. You don't let what others say get to you. Good for you!!
<<Pile 2>>
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Your cards: Mice, Crossroads, Tree
Your talent is that even in anxious situations, where everyone is panicking, you can still make good decisions that are beneficial to situations. You are able to work under pressure and stress. A lot of other people will crumble under pressure, but not you. Amazing!!!
<<Pile 3>>
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Your cards: Bouquet, Ship, Ring
Your talent is that you are diplomatic with people from various background. Especially foreigners. It can be that you are interested in cultures other than your own or you study a lot about them. You have the ability to establish long-term friendly relationships with foreigners. This is an exceptional talent indeed!!
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